Re: [otrs] Modify Ticket Close State

2016-03-09 Thread Susan Dittmar schrieb:
I had a technician close a ticket with a state of "closed unsuccessful," 
when in fact it should have been "closed successful."

Where can I go in the tables to change that?

If you really want to do it in the database directly, here's how I would get to 
it. I'm going from memory here, so consult mysql manuals in case of any doubts.

- log into mysql (either as root or as otrs user, as you need read/write access
- "use otrs;" to chooose the database
- "show tables;" to list all tables

You will need several tables. There's the ticket state table for one. I don't 
know the exact name, I assume ticket_state.

- "explain ticket_state;" to have mysql tell you about all fields in this table
- "select * from ticket_state;" (short list probably) to list all entries

This will give you the state ids you need: The id for "closed unsuccessfully" 
and the id for "closed successfully".

Now on to exploring where the ticket state is saved. If I remember correctly, 
that's either in the ticket table or in the article table. Have mysql tell you 
that via "explain ticket;".

You do not want to do a "select * from ticket" without more details. But you 
should know the ticket number for the offending ticket. So you can look at the 
current entry via "select * from ticket where tn="your ticket number";"

(Read the rest completely before executing!)

Now to change the value, once you are very sure you know the where statement 
will select the right table row, it's something like (I'm guessing the names, 
verify them!)

"update ticket set state_id= where tn="your ticket 

(replace table name, field name, and the id for the "closed successfully" state 
in this command!)

Before you do that update command, first lock the otrs tables via "lock tables 
otrs.*;" (look up syntax if mysql objects). Then repeat the last select command 
to ensure your where clause is still the correct one. Only you can do changes 
now, so once this is verified, no one can spoil it any more. Then you do the 
update. And then you do "unlock tables;" so others can work with the database 
again. The more users your OTRS system has, the better prepare this block of 
commands, as no one can change anything in the system while you keep the tables 
locked. Which is exactly why you lock them in the first place!

Hope that helps you along,


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Re: [otrs-de] PostMaster Filter Länge

2016-02-24 Thread Susan Dittmar

Hi Philipp,

Bartsch, Philipp schrieb:


Das ist ja cool. Wäre dann das "P" von 2P auch "case-insensitiv"? 

Ja. Das (?i) gilt solange, bis es mit (?-i) aufgehoben wird.


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Re: [otrs-de] PostMaster Filter Länge

2016-02-24 Thread Susan Dittmar

Bartsch, Philipp schrieb:

D.h. ich könnte den Filter so kürzen, oder müsste (?i) vor jeden Begriff?

(?i)(I2P|1 2P|I 2P|EA2P|EAI2P|EAI 2P|EA1 2P|EA 2P)\s

Ich schmeiße jetzt mal, völlig ohne OTRS-Filter-Kenntnis, Perl-Kenntnis in den 
Ring. Damit würde ich sowas ungefähr so schreiben:


In Worten:
- Groß-/Kleinschreibung ignorieren
- Start möglicherweise mit EA (einmal oder keinmal)
- es folgt zwingend I oder 1
- es folgen beliebig viele Leerzeichen (genauer 'whitespaces', also evtl. auch 
ein Tab-Zeichen oder sowas)

- es folgt zwingend 2P

Ich hoffe, das hilft weiter.


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Re: [otrs] problems attaching files after upgrade to 5

2015-10-30 Thread Susan Dittmar


Marco Cintolesi - Sysmic srl schrieb:
Hi, today we upgraded our installation to 5, everything goes smooth but 
now we can't attach files (not in notes or replies)

the error we see when we try to upload the file is:
[error] Apache2::RequestIO::read: (104) Connection reset by peer at 
/opt/otrs/Kernel/cpan-lib/ line 1108

we noted also that with very small uploads (a few Kbytes) it works

do you save the articles inside the database? Then maybe maximum packet size of 
the database has been (re)set to a (too) low value. Many databases do have a 
rather low maximum size per default.

Hope that helps,


Susan Dittmar, CIO   - CCD and CMOS devices
EURECA Messtechnik GmbHfor science, space and military
Eupenerstr. 150customized and standard parts
50933 Köln   - lenses and optical filters
Germany  - thermoelectric devices
 - consulting services
phone: +49 (0)221 / 952629 - 0
fax:   +49 (0)221 / 952629 - 9

Handelsreg. Eintrag / Register entry : HRB 28609 Amtsgericht Köln
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Geschäftsführung/ Management : J. Beckers, K. Sengebusch

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Re: [otrs] Request for return receipt or delivery status notification

2015-05-11 Thread Susan Dittmar

David Boyes schrieb:

Given that no email system reliably can deliver such a thing or can define what it 
actually means, I'm not sure it's all that useful. What does delivered mean? 
In the customer's inbox? Opened? Read? Understood (if you can do this one, you'd be super 

is it already in OTRS Request for return receipt or delivery status notification
for sending messages ?

I guess the OP asks for a Disposition-Notification-To header in the mail OTRS 
sends. I am sure this is easy to add. No idea if it has been done though.

I would think long an deep before implementing it, though. It opens up a can of 
worms. If it works, which depends on the receiving side, OTRS will receive an 
answer to your agent's mail. As OTRS does not have much of a chance to know it's 
just the has been received notification (they look too different with 
different mail clients and different native language settings), the agent will 
be informed of a client's answer. Usually you only want such notification for 
human-sent replies. Those computer-sent replies will either result in your 
agents spending a lot of time coming back to tickets just because such recieved 
notifications came in, or it will result in your agents ignoring OTRS's 
notifications about a customer's reply, expecting it to be yet another received 

Susan Dittmar, CIO   - CCD and CMOS devices
EURECA Messtechnik GmbHfor science, space and military
Eupenerstr. 150customized and standard parts
50933 Köln   - lenses and optical filters
Germany  - thermoelectric devices
 - consulting services
phone: +49 (0)221 / 952629 - 0
fax:   +49 (0)221 / 952629 - 9

Handelsreg. Eintrag / Register entry : HRB 28609 Amtsgericht Köln
USt.-IdNr.  / VAT number : DE 186 063 293
Steuernummer/ tax number : 223 / 5805 / 2511
Geschäftsführung/ Management : J. Beckers, K. Sengebusch

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Re: [otrs] Splitting ticket doesn't delete article from source ticket

2015-04-27 Thread Susan Dittmar

Paolo Mosconi schrieb:

I don’t understand the logic though.

Sometimes you receive one message from your customer which results in twowork
chains in your response. In this case you want the article in both tickets. OTRS
cannot know which of those two cases is correct when you split, so it keeps the
article in the first ticket.

Hope this helps,

Susan Dittmar

Susan Dittmar, CIO   - CCD and CMOS devices
EURECA Messtechnik GmbHfor science, space and military
Eupenerstr. 150customized and standard parts
50933 Köln   - lenses and optical filters
Germany  - thermoelectric devices
 - consulting services
phone: +49 (0)221 / 952629 - 0
fax:   +49 (0)221 / 952629 - 9

Handelsreg. Eintrag / Register entry : HRB 28609 Amtsgericht Köln
USt.-IdNr.  / VAT number : DE 186 063 293
Steuernummer/ tax number : 223 / 5805 / 2511
Geschäftsführung/ Management : J. Beckers, K. Sengebusch

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Re: [otrs-de] Update auf OTRS 4 Patch Level 5 / perl-Template-Toolkit

2015-02-04 Thread Susan Dittmar

Hallo Roy,

danke für die Antwort. Leider macht --nodeps nicht, was ich möchte. Es erlaubt, 
 ein Paket zu installieren, obwohl RPM die Abhängigkeiten als unerfüllt 
wahrnimmt. Das bedeutet, es ignoriert alle(!) seine Abhängigkeiten. Was ich 
möchte, ist RPM mitzuteilen, daß ein spezielles Paket installiert ist, obwohl es 
bislang nicht in RPMs Datenbank gelistet ist. Und das nicht nur für die 
momentane Installation, sondern auch für alle künftigen Pakete, die dieses 
spezielle Paket benötigen.

Ich weiß, dass das geht, nur nicht wie...

Danke für alle hilfreichen Hinweise,


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Re: [otrs-de] Update auf OTRS 4 Patch Level 5 / perl-Template-Toolkit

2015-02-04 Thread Susan Dittmar

Hallo Ihr,

das klingt nach einer Abhängigkeit die das RPM hat. Das ‘sieht’ nix von Deiner 
manuellen Installation.

ich weiß, dass es möglich ist, ein Dummy-RPM zu generieren, das dem 
Paket-Manager suggeriert, das benötigte Paket sei installiert. Ist natürlich nur 
sinnvoll, wenn die Funktionalität tatsächlich installiert ist. Weiß einer von 
Euch, wie man das macht?

Lieben Gruß,


Susan Dittmar, CIO   - CCD and CMOS devices
EURECA Messtechnik GmbHfor science, space and military
Eupenerstr. 150customized and standard parts
50933 Köln   - lenses and optical filters
Germany  - thermoelectric devices
 - consulting services
phone: +49 (0)221 / 952629 - 0
fax:   +49 (0)221 / 952629 - 9

Handelsreg. Eintrag / Register entry : HRB 28609 Amtsgericht Köln
USt.-IdNr.  / VAT number : DE 186 063 293
Steuernummer/ tax number : 223 / 5805 / 2511
Geschäftsführung/ Management : J. Beckers, K. Sengebusch

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Re: [otrs-de] : Re: : Re: Emails abrufen schlägt fehl (automatisch)

2015-01-21 Thread Susan Dittmar

Hallo Sebastian,

Sebastian Gödecke schrieb:
IMAP: Message 1/1 (support/mailserver)
[...cpan-lib/Net/IMAP/ line 1221 in sub _read_multiline] 
Looking for ending parenthsis match...

Die Fehlermeldung ist doch schonmal ein guter Ausgangspunkt. Demnach liegt das 
Problem nicht in der cron-Ausführung, sondern irgendwo im Mail-Abruf selbst.

Ich bin mir jetzt nicht ganz sicher, ob die fehlende schließenden Klammer in der 
Perl-Library Net::IMAP::Simple (Net/IMAP/ zu suchen ist, oder in einem 
Text, den diese Library zu parsen versucht. Schau Dir sicherheitshalber die 
IMAP-Konfiguration unter OTRS nochmal an: könnte da eine schließende Klammer 
fehlen, oder eine öffnende Klammer zuviel sein?

Ansonsten bin ich sicher, daß jemand Anderes mit dieser Fehlermeldung 

Lieben Gruß,


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Re: [otrs] Allow any agent to respond to a locked/other owners ticket

2014-10-02 Thread Susan Dittmar

Will Sheldon,

I think what Gerald hinted at (among other parts of his answer) is that there's
one more thing an agent can do with another's ticket: He can re-assign it to
himself. In the OTRS version I am accustomed to, it's
- display the ticket in full
- choose 'owner' action field
- choose yourself as new owner, and submit.

Then he can reply normally. And if he wants, he can afterwards again re-assign
the ticket to the person it was assigned to in the beginning.

Hope that helps,

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Re: [otrs] One-click ticket close?

2014-06-04 Thread Susan Dittmar

Dear Sander,

I can't tell you where exactly to find it, but there's a config variable 
containing a list of fields active in the ticket reply page. If you add the 
ticket state to that -- again, I don't know exact syntax -- your agents can set 
the next state (closed to close the ticket) in the reply form.

Hope that helps,

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Re: [otrs-de] Wieso landen neue Mails in RAW?

2014-04-02 Thread Susan Dittmar

Matthias Schojohann schrieb:
da Exchange ein Unding ist, haben wir eine kleine Änderung vorgenommen 
und unser Mail Gateway (Linux) schickt Mails jetzt direkt an unseren 
OTRS Server.

Seitdem laufen die Mails nur noch in die Raw Queue rein und nicht mehr 
in die dafür vorgesehene Queue.

Hat Jemand eine logische Erklärung dafür? Was hat Exchange mit seinem 
SMTP Connector mit dieser Mail gemacht, was das Mailgateway nicht macht?

Wie wird entschieden, welche Mails in welcher Queue landen sollen?

Mir fallen auf Anhieb zwei Möglichkeiten ein. Die eine ist via Empfänger-Adresse 
(wird die vielleicht von dem neuen System durch eine andere überschrieben?), die 
andere X-OTRS- Header-Felder, die vom Mail-System eingefügt werden (hat Exchange 
das vielleicht getan, möglicherweise aufgrund der Empfänger-Adresse?), und die 
OTRS mitteilen, in welcher Queue das Ganze landen soll. Ich arbeite leider nicht 
mit einem aktuellen System und kann deshalb nicht sagen, wo genau die 
Konfiguration zu finden wäre, aber vielleicht hilft das hier ja weiter.



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Re: [otrs] New ticket has Admin OTRS as owner, but we want the agent who responses first to be owner

2013-12-04 Thread Susan Dittmar

Erik van Ast schrieb:
First of all, when a customer sends an email and the email is read by 
OTRS, a ticket is created, but the owner is “Admin OTRS” and we don’t 
want that. We want the agent who responses first to that ticket to be 
the owner…

Up to that point this is OK in my eyes: upon creation, there's no agent acting, 
so Admin is the only possible owner.

If an agent responses to the ticket (move to another queue for example) 
the owner doesn’t change and we already disabled the root@localhost user…

Well, moving a ticket is not really considered an agent's response by OTRS. Thus 
locking (and owner change) is not required for moving a ticket. As a fast 
work-around, you can require your agents to manually lock any ticket they touch, 
even if it's just for moving it, and then unlock it again. That way the owner 
(which is the last one who locked the ticket) changes.

Whether this can be enforced by OTRS, I do not know. But I do know that for 
other actions you can tell OTRS whether it should automatically assign the 
ticket to the acting agent, so it might be possible for moving tickets between 
queues, too. I'm sure there are others on this list who can shed light on that 


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Re: [otrs-de] Viele cron mails nach update

2013-11-15 Thread Susan Dittmar

Götz Reinicke - IT Koordinator schrieb:

Cron otrs@appserver02 $HOME/bin/  /dev/null
 Wo und wie kann ich das wieder abstellen?

Wenn Sie ganz sicher sind, keine der Meldungen, die nach STDERR gehen, lesen zu 
wollen, dann durch Hinzufügen von 2 /dev/null an die Aufruf-Zeile. Damit 
werden dann allerdings auch wirklich keine Fehlermeldungen mehr weitergegeben, 
es sei denn, sie landen auch in den Logfiles.



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Re: [otrs-de] Update mit Tarball

2013-11-04 Thread Susan Dittmar

Hallo Boris,

Boris Wagener schrieb:

Was mich irritiert ist dieser Teil der Anleitung:

shell cd /opt
shell tar -xzf otrs-x.x.x.tar.gz
shell ln -s otrs-x.x.x otrs

Ist es gewollt dass der bestehende OTRS Ordner durch das Update NICHT 
überschrieben wird?

Ja, genau das ist die Idee. Wenn alle OTRS-Verzeichnisse tatsächlich samt 
Versionsnummer installiert werden, dann kann man ein Update machen, ohne die 
alte Version zu überschreiben, was eventuell zum Übertragen von Änderungen 
hilfreich ist.

Allerdings setzt es voraus, daß auch Deine bisherige Version tatsächlich in 
einem entsprechend benannten Verzeichnis liegt. Der symbolische Link ist ein 
Alias, ein weiterer Name, unter dem das tatsächliche Verzeichnis ebenfalls 
angesprochen werden kann. Der Wechsel von einer auf die andere Version läßt sich 
dann durch ändern (löschen und neu-setzen) des Links machen.

Da allerdings die Datenbank ebenfalls angepaßt werden muß, ist ein 
Zurück-Wechseln nicht so einfach möglich. Damit ist der Nutzen dieser Maßnahme 
begrenzt - es hilft, Anpassungen erneut vorzunehmen, ein komplettes Wechseln 
(wie es mit dieser Technik an anderen Stellen oft erzielt wird) zwischen den 
Versionen funktioniert aber nicht.

Ich hoffe, das erklärt es,


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Re: [otrs-de] Foreign Keys 'otrs-schema-post.mysql.sql': Fehler

2013-10-30 Thread Susan Dittmar

Boris Wagener schrieb:

Was genau meinst du denn aus dem zweiten Link?

Wenn ich das richtig in Erinnerung habe (ich habe die Mail mit dem Link gerade 
nicht greifbar), besteht der Text, auf den der Link verweist, nur aus wenigen 
Zeilen. Danach kann das Problem behoben werden, indem vor dem Import ein paar 
Direktiven in den Datenbank-Dump (eine Text-Datei) eingefügt werden. Wenn Du 
damit Probleme hast, dann versuche bitte, sie genauer zu formulieren.



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Re: [otrs-de] Eingehende E-Mail´s Filtern

2013-10-24 Thread Susan Dittmar

Richard Steinbrück schrieb:

Die Queue ist aber auch richtig geschrieben ?
Einschließlich Groß- und Kleinschreibung? Die ist an dem Punkt meines Wissens 

Susan Dittmar

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Re: [otrs] 'Ticket Commands'

2013-08-29 Thread Susan Dittmar
I guess you misunderstood the question, Renee. If I read the question correctly, 
it's meant as can I have GenericAgent perform a bash script on the ticket?.

Haynes, I can't give an answer to the rephrased problem as above.

If I misread and it's just the question of executing the GenericAgent from a 
bash script, that's easy. On my very old install of OTRS (so the commands may 
have different name now) I copied the to a specialized version 
only run from bash from time to time (as opposed to every 20 minutes via cron, 
as the standard GenericAgent is). I called it (remember 
to change the package directive in the perl module accordingly). Then I call the 
GenericAgent with this module via

/opt/otrs/bin/ -c 'Kernel::Config::GenericAgentPurgeOld' -d 1

If that does not answer your question, could you elaborate a bit on what you 
want to accomplish? What information does the bash script need to be told, and 
when exactly should it be called? Will the script change the ticket, and will 
there be anything else done with the same ticket afterwards?

Hope that helps,


Renee B schrieb:

You can run any command line command. So your cmd could look like
/usr/bin/bash /path/to/

- Renée

On 29.08.2013 10:21, wrote:

What are the valid values possible in 'Ticket Commands' while creating a job in 
'Generic Agent'. Can we run bash scripts using this feature?
I was looking to run some custom scripts while closing a ticket. Is this 
possible? Your help is appreciated.

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Re: [otrs] 'Ticket Commands'

2013-08-29 Thread Susan Dittmar

Renee B wrote:

On 29.08.2013 11:27, Susan Dittmar wrote:

I guess you misunderstood the question, Renee. [...]

Yes, that's what I answered ;-)

Ah, sorry, progress in OTRS again bit me in the posterior. I really hope I can 
update our system someday soon, I *want* all those new features!!!

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Re: [otrs-de] Suche bei OTRS 3.1.15

2013-05-07 Thread Susan Dittmar

Hallo Michael,

vielleicht hilft die folgende Seite weiter, falls Du MySQL als Backend 

Einstellungen bezüglich COLLATE lassen sich wie dort beschrieben auf Query-Ebene 
(also im Code von OTRS) verwenden, oder auf Tabellen-Spalten-Ebene direkt in der 
MySQL-Datenbank des OTRS.

Vielleicht hilft das ja weiter. Und vielleicht war genau eine Einstellung 
diesbezüglich bei Eurer MySQL-Konfiguration der Grund, warum OTRS plötzlich 
case-sensitive sucht.

Lieben Gruß,


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Re: [otrs] can ticket be created and tracked based on subject line

2013-04-19 Thread Susan Dittmar

Darshak Modi schrieb:

   Instead of ticket id/number, can the ticket be tracked by subject .
The customers generally do not include the id in subject line in any 
subsequent mails.

You can tell OTRS to check more than just ticket number to identify follow-up 
messages. In my (very very old) version of OTRS that's done with

$Self-{PostmasterFollowUpSearchInReferences} = 1;

Perhaps this helps you find out how to do it in your version,

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Re: [otrs] can ticket be created and tracked based on subject line

2013-04-19 Thread Susan Dittmar

Darshak Modi schrieb:

I think for that also, you need to have ticketid somewhere in subject/body

Did you test, or do you just suspect? I just tested. I created a ticket by 
sending mail to OTRS. Without waiting for OTRS to accnolege my mail, I then sent 
a reply to my original mail, keeping just the subject (and, I think, the 
In-Reply-To header line) intact. OTRS did add the second mail to the ticket that 
was created out of the first mail.

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Re: [otrs] wrong link in email notification

2013-04-17 Thread Susan Dittmar

Yousef Hamad schrieb:
But this is not a suitable answer, because in the note filed the next 
state also is not mandatory and blank.

I'm surprised, though as I use an older OTRS I cannot check whether this has 
been changed. In my version of OTRS the next state is part of the note form, and 
the default is not blank but -, which means same state as before. But if I 
remember correctly you can configure which states are acceptable there. In my 
version of OTRS, if I remember correctly,  that's done with the fields

# allow to set state in notes:
# which state types:
$Self-{DefaultNextNoteStateType} = ['new', 'open', 'closed'];

Perhaps that helps you find the corresponding settings for your version of OTRS.

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Re: [otrs] Migrating Tickets to OTRS

2013-04-17 Thread Susan Dittmar

Parag Bhalerao schrieb:
Is there a way to import tickets 
from other system to OTRS? If so, how to go about it?

Whether there's a way or not depends strongly on the system from which you want 
to import, and on how detailed the information fed into OTRS should be. In which 
form can your old system export? Which OTRS fields need to be populated in a way 
that you can reference them later? Do you need to keep ticket numbers intact, 
and how's the relationship between old and OTRS ticket numbers?

A lot of questions, and it's just the beginning, just what comes to my mind in 
the first seconds after reading your mail. Without more detailed problem 
description I doubt anyone can give you much help.

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Re: [otrs] wrong link in email notification

2013-04-17 Thread Susan Dittmar

Steven Carr schrieb:
On 17 April 2013 16:29, Yousef Hamad wrote:

Ok, Susan can you tell me how can to make a report for survey using
MS-Office Excel  or Printing any where.

Yousef Hamad, I have no idea how come you address this question to me. I do not 
use any Microsoft products, so I cannot help you with this. What format do those 
reports have now? Maybe one of the openoffice/libreoffice writers can help you 
to convert to a MS format?

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Re: [otrs] Ticket update and reply via mail only

2013-03-06 Thread Susan Dittmar

Steven Carr schrieb:

The free version doesn't support this. Agents have to reply via the
web interface.

That's not entirely true. Agents *can* reply via mail client, but then OTRS 
thinks it's a customer's answer. This customer's answer will be added to the 
ticket as usual if the ticket number is kept intact.

In fact, this is how about half of my agents use OTRS. The only time they 
actually use OTRS's interface is when they want to lock, free, or close a ticket 
or when they want to assign it to someone else. Most or all those actions could 
be archieved by using OTRS's mail headers, so even then the interface is not 
necessary. Unfortunately we are still stuck with an OTRS version that's too old 
for those headers to work, and with a mail client too dense to add truely custom 
header lines, so I can't tell more about that part. They just needed to get used 
to being informed about their own answer arriving, and not confusing those 
notifications with true customer answers :-(.

Hope this helps,

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Re: [otrs] Ticket update and reply via mail only

2013-03-06 Thread Susan Dittmar

Darshak Modi schrieb:

If ticket number is kept, then the value in to or cc or bcc field doesn't
make sense, and same ticket is getting updated?


It will update the ticket and that all updating is kept within OTRS if some
wants to reply/check through web interface right ?


Hope that helps,

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Re: [otrs] Ticket update and reply via mail only

2013-03-06 Thread Susan Dittmar

Steven Carr schrieb:

But that's not what he asked...

Maybe. Then I misunderstood, and still misunderstand, him.

So he wants the response sent from the agent (via email) to then be
emailed out to the client/customer. OTRS free does not do this. It
will update the case but the actual client/customer will be none the
wiser that the case has actually been updated.


Yes you could CC the customer in the email

That's what those of my agents who prefer mail client over web client do.

but then it really kinda
makes the whole point of using a ticketing system moot.

Well, that depends on what exactly you want to get out of OTRS. For us, it's 
still enough to be glad to have OTRS's help.

I personally
would not want agents using their email to reply to a ticket, it might
be more efficient but it's sloppy and can easily lead to silly
responses being sent to customers, and if they are a field type of
engineer they will already have 101 other emails to deal with. If they
have to be sat in-front of the OTRS interface it focuses them on the
content/response they are actually sending back to the customer and
instructs the agent to deal with things according to your SLA (if
implemented), and I'd rather have that level of quality over speed of
hitting reply.

I think I understand your position, and were it not for our problems with 
content encoding (old system and lots of clients' mail clients sending broken 
mails), I would prefer for our agents to all use the web interface. But when 
it's your boss who insists on sticking to his mail client and well-proven 
workflow, you can argue, but not enforce...

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Re: [otrs] Ticket update and reply via mail only

2013-03-06 Thread Susan Dittmar

Darshak Modi schrieb:

The case is

1. Customer sends an email to
2. Test is alias, so when mail comes, the agents in the alias will get the
mail. And OTRS will also get email. OTRS will update agents that ticket
3. The agent will respond back via email to customer, [may manually add
customer emails,] 
4. The response should reach to customer

5. The same response[ as it has ticket id], should be updated in OTRS.
6. If customer responds again [ as it has ticket id], it should get updated
in OTRS and [if has other mail ids, should reach to them also.]

This *can* be done without the AddOn.

You need to set up fetchmail/procmail to push the mails to test into the correct 
queue. I never worked with OTRS' fetchmail filters, so I cannot assist there (I 
use fetchmail/procmail program unter linux).

The agents in the test group need to have notification upon new tickets 
activated (don't know exact wording as I do use one of the translation modules). 
In that case they receive a mail with ticket number in header and the customer's 

When the agent answers, he needs to have customer's mail address *and* OTRS's 
mail address in the to/cc/bcc fields. Ideally the customer should use a mail 
account with OTRS's mail address as his address, then the customer is not 
tempted to reply to the agent only.

This way the agent's mail, as received by OTRS, will be added to the ticket. 
Unfortunately it will be added as a customer's follow-up, and notifications will 
be sent as if a customer sent a follow-up mail.

If the customer replies again and uses OTRS's mail address again (see agent's 
mail client setting, above), then this reply will be added to the ticket as 
another follow-up, and those agents for whom notification about follow-ups is 
set will be notified.

Hope this helps,

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Re: [otrs] Couldn't send mail: 550 5.7.1 Client does not have permissions to send as this sender

2013-02-21 Thread Susan Dittmar

Zemánek Jiří schrieb:
OK, I changed both sender e-mail addresses for the system to 
outsourc...@oksystem.impl mailto:outsourc...@oksystem.impl

but it´s still not working.

Well, I cannot find host oksystem.impl, so maybe that's the problem? Is it a 
valid mail address? Can you send to that mail address, and receive mails there, 
when using your usual mail client?


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Re: [otrs-de] Fehler beim erstellen eines E-Mail Tickets

2012-12-12 Thread Susan Dittmar

Pahl, Thomas schrieb:

ich hab ein Problem beim erstellen eines E-Mail Tickets, wenn ich
das Ticket erstellen  möchte kommt der Fehler weiter unten.
Otrs ist Version 3.0.7.

|Backend ERROR: OTRS-CGI-10 Perl: 5.10.1 OS: linux Time: Wed Dec 12 
08:41:01 2012 Message: Impossible to send message to: Name, . [...]

Nur ein Schnellschuß: kann es sein, daß bei der Eingabe des Adressaten 
(copy-and-paste?) das Komma nach der Adresse mit eingegeben wurde? Das 
ist einer der Punkte, an dem Mail-Programme sehr zickig werden können. 
Ein Komma darf da nur stehen, wenn eine weitere Adresse folgt.


Susan Dittmar

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Re: [otrs-de] Mailversand individuell einstellen

2012-12-12 Thread Susan Dittmar

Wagner, Benjamin schrieb:
Doch, Es wird ein Ticket an den Ersteller und den Kunden verschickt, 
dass nun ein Ticket eröffnet wurde. Ist auch okay so. Sollte nur 
fallweise auch deaktiviert werden können.

Ich bin verwirrt. Bei Erstellung eines *email*-Tickets wird eine Mail 
gesendet, das ist richtig. Aber bei Erstellung eines Telefon-Tickets? 
Bei mir nicht. Ich verwende zwar eine deutlich ältere Version des OTRS, 
es würde mich aber wundern, wenn das geändert wurde.

Lieben Gruß,


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Re: [otrs] What is the purpose of removed state?

2012-10-24 Thread Susan Dittmar
Dear Bogdan,

I cannot tell you what the official purpose of the removed state is.

I use it to close tickets that never should have been created, like spam or
duplicates (created by using different mail addresses that funnel into
otrs). For spam I told our agents to use the queue Junk and
activated/creates a GenericAgent job that gives everything in queue Junk
that does not yet have state removed the removed state. In addition I
added removed to the states possible for closing tickets (in my VERY old
version of OTRS that's done in via a line
$Self-{DefaultCloseNextStateType} = ['closed', 'removed'];
). Thus when an agent closes a ticket, in addition to closed successful
and closed unsuccessful there's also the possibility of removed as
state. You can add the removed state to the allowed list of other actions

Hope that helps a bit,


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Re: [otrs] What is the purpose of removed state?

2012-10-24 Thread Susan Dittmar
Quoting Bogdan Iosif (
 Do you know, ~ what version you run? 1.x? 2.x?

I run 1.3.

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Re: [otrs-de] Queues oder Unterqueues mit einer Prio verknüpfen

2012-10-24 Thread Susan Dittmar
Quoting Müller, Patrick (
 ist es möglich eine Queue bzw. Unterqueue mit einer Prio zu verknüpfen,
 sodass beim Verschieben eines Tickets in eine andere Q. automatisch die
 Prio des Tickets geändert wird?
 Queue1 = Prio: very high
 Queue2 = Prio: normal
 Oder ist das lediglich händisch möglich?

Keine Ahnung, ob das direkt möglich ist.

Was aber auf jeden Fall gehen sollte, ist ein Eintrag für den GenericAgent,
der z.B. alle 10 Minuten eingesetzt wird. Der könnte nach Tickets in Queue1
suchen, die nicht Priorität 'very high' haben, und bei diesen die Priorität
auf 'very high' setzen. Ein Eintrag in den Jobs könnte nach Tickets in
Queue2 suchen, die nicht Priorität 'normal' haben, und dort dann die
Priorität auf 'normal' setzen. Also z.B. (in, im Hash %Jobs):

'give all Tickets in Queue1 Priority 5 very high' = {
Queue = 'Queue1',
Priorities = ['1 very low', '2 low', '3 normal', '4 high'],
New = {
Priority = '5 very high',
'give all Tickets in Queue2 Priority 3 normal' = {
Queue = 'Queue2',
Priorities = ['1 very low', '2 low', '4 high', '5 very high'],
New = {
Priority = '3 normal',

Damit würde die Priorität zwar nicht sofort auf die Queue-spezifische
Priorität gesetzt, erhält diese aber nach spätestens 10 Minuten vom System
(naja, vom GenericAgent). Nachteil ist dabei, daß jede händische Änderung
der Priorität in dieser Queue auch beim nächsten Lauf des GenericAgent
überschrieben würde.

Ich hoffe, das hilft weiter,

Susan Dittmar

PS: Bitte die Syntax auf jeden Fall nochmal mit den mitgelieferten
Beispielen vergleichen! Ich nutze hier eine *sehr* alte Version von

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Re: [otrs] Backup on OTRS

2012-07-25 Thread Susan Dittmar
Quoting Adi Ariyanto (
 I decide to change backup path and it works hahahaha..
 Why I am so stupid ?? push backup path must on /otrs/scripts ??

I doubt it needs to be within /otrs/scripts. But perhaps you need to give
the *absolute* path to the script, not a relative one.


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Re: [otrs] clear old ticket from database

2012-07-24 Thread Susan Dittmar
Quoting Gerald Young (
 Or use Generic Agent.

Do you per chance have an example of how to delete tickets using Generic

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [otrs-de] 'Hängendes' Ticket

2012-07-04 Thread Susan Dittmar
Quoting Götz Reinicke (
 ich habe ein Problem bei unserer OTRS 3.0.13 Installation, das bisher
 nur bei einem Ticket auftritt:
 Es wird immer wieder geöffnet mit ein und der selben Antwort des Kunden.
 Ich hab das Ticket als Besitzer jetzt mehrfach geschlossen und jede
 Nacht um 00:10 kommt die Antwort wieder neu rein. Bereits 62 Mal :)
 Hat jemand eine Idee, was dafür die Ursache sein kann?

Hm, vermutlich nur eine Schnaps-Idee, aber ...
Wie kommen überhaupt Antworten der Kunden ins OTRS? Via Mail vermutlich?
Wenn ja, wie sind die Parameter für die Mailbox, aus der OTRS sie abruft?
Ist da vielleicht eine Größen-Angabe dabei, ab der die Mail nicht
tatsächlich abgerufen wird, sondern nur ihr Kopf?

Vielleicht regt es ja Deine Phantasie an ;-)

Susan Dittmar

Susan Dittmar, CIO   - CCD and CMOS devices
EURECA Messtechnik GmbHfor science, space and military
Eupenerstr. 150customized and standard parts
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Re: [otrs] customize few things from new email ticket

2012-06-26 Thread Susan Dittmar
Quoting nevil chandran (
 2012/6/26 Johannes Homuth
   I guess than you will don't need a ticket system

 thanks for your reply I still believe many of users may need that
 option what i told .. Nobody needs with single customer ???

I cannot help you, Nevil, as we are not using the customer access at all.
But I disagree with Johannes. I can imagine quite some applications of otrs
with *only* agents active, either without any customer access (other than
for example mail), or even with only internal customers, where you do not
need the custom view. So whether otrs can help you with your workflow,
Nevil, depends on your application, not just on whether there's more than
one person using the customer access.

Just my thoughts,


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Re: [otrs-de] Dump wieder einspielen

2012-05-21 Thread Susan Dittmar
Hallo Thomas,

ich habe keine Lösung für Dich, aber zumindest zwei Hinweise, die
vielleicht weiterhelfen könnten.

Erstens: Beim Erstellen des Dumps sind vielleicht Kompatibilitäts-Optionen
hilfreich. Ich erstelle meine Dumps (nicht nur von OTRS) mittels

mysqldump -u backup -p -v --flush-logs --complete-insert --add-drop-table
--add-locks --all --quick --lock-tables --databases otrs

Das verwendete MySQL ist allerdings sehr sehr alt, die Optionen können für
Deines anders aussehen. Man-page lesen!

Bisher hatte ich damit keine Probleme, auch nicht über
MySQL-Versions-Grenzen hinweg. Oder genauer: die einzigen Probleme, die ich
hatte, hatten mit Text-Encoding zu tun.


 ERROR 1153 (08S01) at line 7673: Got a packet bigger than 
 'max_allowed_packet' bytes

Diesen Fehler behebt man, indem man die Einstellungen des (neuen) MySQL
anpaßt. In der Standard-Konfiguration ist hier ein SEHR konservativer Wert
angegeben (1M in meinem Fall), offensichtlich ist für Deine Version eine
Erhöhung des Wertes nötig.

Bei meiner MySQL-Installation wird dieser Wert in der Datei /etc/my.cnf
gesetzt, im Kapitel [mysqld], mit der Zeile

max_allowed_packet = 50M

(oder welcher Wert auch immer für Dich passend ist).

Ich hoffe, das hilft Dir weiter,

Susan Dittmar

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Re: [otrs] Error attempting to use OTRS outside of network

2012-03-27 Thread Susan Dittmar

Quoting Gadow, Shawn (
 I have never had this issue with any other web app I have set up however I 
 use ISS with most of my web apps.. everything works fine with OTRS inside of 
 the network and has for months now I love the product.. but today I decided 
 to make it available outside as so I could use a phone app to access the 
 system.. at any rate whenever I attempt to load the site using the outside 
 url I receive the following error and I am at a loss as to why.. otrs is 
 installed on a windows server.. any ideas?
 Technical Information (for support personnel)
  *   Error Code: 502 Proxy Error. The network is down. (10050)
  *   IP Address:

Do you tunnel the connection from the phone to your internal net? An
address of 10.*.*.* belongs to a private net no one outside can route to.
Or where do you get that address from?

  *   Date: 3/22/2012 8:35:40 PM [GMT]
  *   Server: ODTMG-01.ocusd.local
  *   Source: proxy

Hope that helps,


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Re: [otrs-de] Doppelter GenericAgent?!

2012-02-27 Thread Susan Dittmar
Quoting (
 Wie kann das sein?! So häufig wird der GA ja nun nicht ausgeführt (alle 20
 Minuten, sowie alle 10 Minuten mit „-c db“).

Wann genau erfolgen diese beiden Aufrufe? Kann es sein, daß der
20-minütliche und der 10-minütliche als unabhängige Aufrufe, aber (fast)
zur gleichen Zeit gestartet werden?


Susan Dittmar
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Re: [otrs-de] Ticket generieren durch upload einer eml Datei

2012-02-15 Thread Susan Dittmar
Quoting Lothar Kimmeringer (
 Komplette Mail inkl Header in die Zwischenablage, dann telnet auf Port 25 zum
 eigenen Mailserver:
 helo asd
 mail from:
 rcpt to:
 [Einfuegen der Mail aus Zwischenablage]

Tipp: in der Helo-Zeile realen Rechner-Namen (Rechner des Absenders)
Es gibt nämlich eine Reihe von Mail-Server-Programmen, die dort eine
Protokoll-konforme Antwort fordern und ansonsten die Mail abweisen. Die
Zeile wäre dann



Susan Dittmar

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Re: [otrs] Diff between PendingDate and Due date?

2012-01-26 Thread Susan Dittmar

Quoting Juan Manuel Clavero Almirón (
 we use the package TicketOverviewHooked
 to colorize tickets according to their type

Looks very promising. Do you per chance know if there's a version of this
for older OTRS versions?

Thanks in advance,

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[otrs-de] Auswirkung von X-OTRS-Queue auf bestehendes Ticket

2012-01-10 Thread Susan Dittmar

ich habe gerade ein Verständnis-Problem. 

Szenario (OTRS 1.3): Ticket besteht bereits, Kunde hat erste Antwort-Mail
erhalten.  Ticket ist in Queue Postmaster (oder sonst einer Queue)

Jetzt schreibt Kunde eine Antwort mit der Ticket-Nummer im Subject. Mittels
procmail und formail habe ich eine Zeile
X-OTRS-Queue: Raw
in den Header gebastelt (Tests zeigen, daß das funktioniert). Anschließend
wird diese Mail dann an weitergereicht (mit oder ohne
Aufruf-Parameter -q Raw). Dennoch bleibt das Ticket in der Queue

Ist das so (von Seiten der Programmierer des OTRS) gewollt?  Was muß ich
machen, damit das Ticket als Reaktion auf die Antwort in eine andere Queue
sortiert wird?

Danke im Voraus,

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Re: [otrs-de] Auswirkung von X-OTRS-Queue auf bestehendes Ticket

2012-01-10 Thread Susan Dittmar
Quoting Jens Bothe (
  Szenario (OTRS 1.3): 
 Wirklich? Die 1.3. ist schon ein paar Jahre alt (mind 5 oder 6)

Ich weiß. Ein Update konnte ich leider noch nicht durchsetzen. Ich arbeite

Susan Dittmar
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Re: [otrs-de] Auswirkung von X-OTRS-Queue auf bestehendes Ticket

2012-01-10 Thread Susan Dittmar
Quoting Nils Leideck (
 Versuch mal X-OTRS-FollowUp-Queue: Raw

Danke, das wird es wohl sein. 1.3 scheint zu alt für dieses Feature :-(

Andererseits hat es auch sein Gutes: wieder ein weiteres Argument, um
endlich die Arbeitszeit für das Update genehmigt zu bekommen...

Lieben Gruß,

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Re: [otrs] ticket # in header not subject ?

2012-01-09 Thread Susan Dittmar
Quoting ipguy (
 Hi all
 is it possible to place the ticket # in the email header instead of the
 subject ?

I do not know what would be needed to do that, someone else will have to
answer that part of your question.

 if so, what are the pitfalls in doing this ?

The reason to put the ticket number in your outgoing emails is to inform
the customer about the number, and, more importantly, to increase the
probability that your customer's replies will be added to the correct
ticket. So it's not *your* mail that truely matters, but the customer's
reply to your mail. There's only two header lines which you can rather rely
on being copied into a reply. The first is the subject line (though it will
be altered by the email client and may be altered by the customer). The
second is the sender's mail address (or reply-to address), which needs to
be a valid mail address for your mail server. So the only ways I see to
make rather sure the ticket number will be included in your customer's
replies is to keep that number either in the subject line, or in the email
address (which needs configuring your mail client accordingly, making sure
those mail addresses will be dealt with correctly).

Hope that helps,

Susan Dittmar
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[otrs-de] Upgrade -- wie kleinschrittig?

2011-12-22 Thread Susan Dittmar

ich werde nicht ganz schlau aus der Angaben zum Update-Vorgang.
Im Manual ( steht: Wenn Sie
eine ältere Version von OTRS einsetzen, müssen sie zuerst dem Upgrade-Pfad
zur 2.4 folgen (1.1-1.2-1.3-2.0-2.1-2.2-2.3-2.4-3.0 ...).

Aber welche Subverion der jeweiligen Versionen? Ist das egal?

Vielen Dank,

Susan Dittmar

PS: In obigem Zitat sind 2 Fehler. Erstens muß das erste 2.4 durch 3.0
ersetzt werden, zweitens ist das letzte Größerzeichen zu viel. Wo kann ich
diese Flüchtigkeitsfehler der Doku melden, auf daß sie behoben werden?

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[otrs] make state waiting for invisible in day-to-day work

2011-12-20 Thread Susan Dittmar
Hi folks,

I am rather new to OTRS, so please bear with me.

With the tickets in our company, workflow often includes times when a
ticket is in some kind of suspended state, usually waiting for a customer
to react. During that time, my collegues would prefer for those tickets to
neither appear in the queue overview (AgentQueueView) nor in the agent's
ticket overview (AgentMailbox). Fine with me, as long as they really do use
the search tool to make sure those tickets will not be completely forgotten ;-)

But -- how can I have those tickets not shown in the mentioned two
overviews? And how can I make sure a mail by the customer makes them
visible again? Any ideas as to how to archieve that are welcome.

Thanks in advance,

Susan Dittmar

PS: We are using OTRS 1.3, in case that matters. Very old, I know, but my
attempts at updating did not work yet. That's a different matter
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Re: [otrs] States

2011-12-05 Thread Susan Dittmar
Quoting Ugo Bellavance (
 On 2011-12-05 08:21, Gerald Young wrote:
 These would be in the States of the admin screen. If you manually
 translated these states or made them invalid, this would occur.
 I did translate the states.  For example, for the Merged state, I 
 translated it into Fusionné, and the type is merged, but I also 
 translated all the other states and I don't have any other problems.
 I think the Merged and Pending closed successful are giving me problems.
 I looked at the doc 
 ( and, but couldn't 
 find anything about renaming or errors.
 I can see Attention: Take care that you also updated the default states 
 in you Kernel/! at the bottom of the Status config in the 
 admin interface, but I've looked into my and couldn't find 
 anything related to states.

Did you also look at Kernel/Config/ ? That's what is used for
every entry Kernel/ (where your changes are) is lacking.
Maybe you will have to copy lines to and apply the translations

Hope that helps,

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Re: [otrs] make OTRS add X-OTRS-CustomerNo

2011-12-02 Thread Susan Dittmar
Quoting Michiel Beijen (
 So you would like to add a custom header to all outgoing email?
 This is not easily possible, the email mechanism has to be patched to take
 extra parameters.
 Can I ask why you would need this functionality? What's the use?

Reason behind is that I would like to introduce OTRS into an already
existing and running (and rather crude) tracking system, hoping, over time,
to improve said system. Part of the existing system is a mechanism to copy
all conversation with a customer and concerning a customer into a
customer-specific mailbox. This way, when dealing with that customer again,
you know exactly where to find old conversations.

With the customer number part of for example one of the mail headers, I
could ensure the existing tools continue working as expected even though we
are right now starting to additionally use OTRS (hoping to gradually
replace the old system).

Though, now that I think of it again, it should be possible to have the
mail distributing program query the otrs database for the customer number
associated with the ticket referred to in the mail. I'll have a look at


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[otrs] make OTRS add X-OTRS-CustomerNo

2011-12-01 Thread Susan Dittmar
Hi folks,

I am sure this must be answered somewhere, but I did not find it :-(

I would like otrs to include the Customer Number in outgoing mail. Is that
possible? How?

(forced to use version 1.3 here)

Thanks for any hints,

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