John Yates?

2007-08-12 Thread Shel Belinkoff
I'm trying to get in touch with John Yates.  I believe he may be a PDML
subscriber.  John, if you're reading this, please contact me off list. 


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Indepemdence Day

2007-07-04 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Dusting off an oldie ...


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: OT: The earth moves for Mrs. Smye-Rumsby

2007-04-28 Thread Shel Belinkoff
4.3 ... you guys sure make a big fuss over something that, here, we just
sleep through.  We had a 4.3 a few weeks ago and not even the cats were
concerned.  I guess it's what you're used to.


 [Original Message]
 From: Bob W

 Paul Smye-Rumsby, who lives in Dover, said: It was about 08.15 when
 suddenly the bed shook violently. I thought my wife had got cramp or

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: PAW 2007 - 21 - GDG

2007-04-28 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Hi Godders ... quite a nice scene.  you were working with good light, too. 
About what time was it when you were up on Twin Peaks?  The lower left
corner seems overly dark and lacking detail on my screen.

Have you ever been to Mt. Davidson early in the AM or just before dusk when
the cross was lit up?  That's always struck me as an overlooked photo


 [Original Message]
 From: Godfrey DiGiorgi 

 Was in San Francisco early this morning, climbed the hill to Twin  
 Peaks and captured this view ...

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: M85mm f2.0 bokeh

2007-04-28 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Shoot!  I got some JCO leakage with this message ;-((  Can't imagine what
I've missed.  Please don't fill me in ;-))


 [Original Message]
 From: Tom C 

 So? He's arguing a moot point and talking in circles.

 We all *already know* that the mathematically calculated DOF for a given 
 lens at at a given aperture is constant, regardless of whether the 
 camera/lens is moved 10 feet forward or 10 feet backwards.  The DOF is
 reliant on the position of the camera.  Moving the camera/lens will
 change whether certain elements in the composition fall within or outside
 the DOF.  That's not news to me and certainly not news to Mr. Robb.

 Similar is an imprecise term.  Therefore saying something is *SIMILAR*,
 it is indeed similar, is a true statement. John is attempting to refute 

 His statement that DOF **changes*** with focal length is *true*.  BUT, 
 that does not mean, that the DOF of two lenses at like apertures, of
 but different focal lengths, are not similar.  The DOF *is* similar,

 I'm 5'10 tall.  Someone else is 5' 11 tall.  It can be said that are 
 heights are similar, though of course they are not exactly the same.


 1. having a likeness or resemblance, esp. in a general way: two similar 

 2. Related in appearance or nature; alike though not identical.

 3.  marked by correspondence or resemblance; similar food at similar 
 prices; problems similar to mine; they wore similar coats

 4.  having the same or similar characteristics; all politicians are
 they looked utterly alike; friends are generally alike in background

 I don't know why he wants to argue that something is not similar when it
 Nobody said it was exactly the same.

 From: Paul Stenquist 

 J C O is correct.

  J C O wrote:
 Secondly, whether hes making a scientific statement
  or dogmatic whatever, or just generalizing, its
  still WRONG, because the DOF isnt kept same OR similar
  by changing focal lengths if you keep the same camara
  postion, it **changes*** with focal length if you
  do that.

   -Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Tom C

   Certainly what you state regarding 
   DOF is true.  I believe though the
   writer was not making a dogmatic 
   absolute statement of scientific fact.
   He was generalizing.
   As the camera: subject/background 
  .ratio wasn't altered, DOF should be
   SIMILAR for all four lenses.
   I'm pretty sure he knows that actual 
  DOF is not changed by altering the
   subjects distance from the focal plane.  
   That's only moving subjects in to,
   out of, or within the range referred to as DOF. 
   as DOF.  I think he means that the
   *perceived* DOF will be *similar*, 
   which is true for lenses close to the
   same focal length used at close to the 
   same aperture. Not the same,
   Tom C.
   From: Reply-To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
   To: 'Pentax-Discuss Mail List'
   Subject: RE: M85mm f2.0 bokeh
   Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2007 10:26:25 -0400
   No,this assumption is wrong, DOF is
   constant only for same fstop and
   MAGIFICATION (in camera ). If he
   used same camera position and fstop
   and only changed lenses, the shorter
   lenses will have same perspective
   in the shots but with MORE Depth
   of field than the longer lenses.
   DOF is a function of magnification,
   NOT the subject/background ratio.
   Mr. J.
   -Original Message-
   Behalf Of
   William Robb
   Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2007 9:10 AM
   To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
   Subject: Re: M85mm f2.0 bokeh
   - Original Message -
   From: Paul Stenquist
   Subject: Re: M85mm f2.0 bokeh
   Of course the 70 gives you more DOF. Thus, a bit crisper.
   I left the camera position static and cropped the 70mm and 77mm
   to be similar to the 85mm images.
   As the camera: subject/background ratio wasn't altered, DOF should be
   similar for all four lenses.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: DA* postponed to early july it seems

2007-04-27 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Any reason given for the delay?  Previously, was there an actual release
date specified?  Is there a link to the DPReview comments and to Ned
Bunnel's coments?


 [Original Message]
 From: Jaume Lahuerta 

 Well, let's hope it is only to a Spanish website they say that 
 the zooms are postponed to the end of the year !!

 - Mensaje original 
 De: Thibouille 

 Seems 'cos taken from DPReview forum where guys babelfished some
 Japanese webpage. But Ned Bunnel confirmed it, so it seems legitimate.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: M85mm f2.0 bokeh

2007-04-26 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Hi Bill,

I'm glad you chimed in with those pics.  

On thing that a lot of people fail to realize is that the bokeh you see on
a small web image tends to smooth out as the photo gets larger.  So, if,
for example, the bokeh looks marginally smooth and acceptable on an 800 x
600 pixel web image, it's going to look a lot better on a full-size print
that's about 18-inches or so on the long side. 


 [Original Message]
 From: William Robb

 A few days ago, Thibouille was asking 
 about the bokeh of the M85 f2 lens. My
 recollection was that it was as smooth as 
 silk, but I hadn't really used it
 recently, favouring the 77mm lens instead.
 I decided to pull the 85 off the shelf to 
 remind myself of how much I
 enjoyed it's rendering abilities.
 Here then is a couple of shots taken 
 with the M85/2, one shot wide open, and
 a similar shot taken at f/4.

 It is as smooth as I remember.

 Camera info:
 K10, ISO100.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: WAY OT, but not inflamatory: Roast Beef Sandwich

2007-04-26 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Well, MIke, that's not quite correct. Some of it is, and many of us here
won't eat it either.  But there is a lot of beef that is not treated with
antibiotics, hormones, steroids, and which is not produced by being raised
in crowded feedlots in stinking conditions.  One just has to know where to
buy their beef ... Personally, I won't touch regular supermarket beef, and
will even go so far as to avoid organic beef produced by large corporate
ranching operations.

Hell, I don't even feed a lot of American meat or poultry to my cats.

And remember, it was you Brits who helped start the American beef industry
.. LOL  


 [Original Message]
 From: mike wilson 

 Better still, feed it to someone you don't like.  
 American beef is so full of 
 hormones and antibiotics it can't be imported to 
 the EU and as for British beef

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: WAY OT, but not inflamatory: Roast Beef Sandwich

2007-04-26 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions for my roast beef sandwich. 
Most appreciated!


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: WAY OT, but not inflamatory: Roast Beef Sandwich

2007-04-26 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Unfortunately, a lot of our standards are essentially created by
corporate interests and lobbying.  There was a time when an Organic label
here really meant something, but a few years ago the standards were reduced
and, for many items, there's not much difference between organic and
regular food items, be they produce, dairy, or meat.  What one must do is
look for more than the USDA organic label on their food.  In California,
for example, we have CCOF - California Certified Organic Farmers or some
such similar, or do some research and find out who the good guys are and
which companies are, literally and figuratively, full of crap.

Many of the smaller, independent companies have been purchased by larger
companies, and this, plus the reduction of USDA Organic standards, has left
the consumer to be ripped off.  Here's but one example of what I mean:

Today the consumer must carefully read labels and become better informed. 
The USDA is worthless in many situations.


 [Original Message]
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Date: 4/26/2007 10:24:53 AM
 Subject: RE: WAY OT, but not inflamatory: Roast Beef Sandwich

 so much for not inflammatory!

 There are, as usual, several agendas going on. The USA tries to use
 the WTO to force Europeans to take all their crap. Europe is about
 standards, including stuff like food contents, and the standards for
 Europe do not include a lot of the crap that the US food conglomerates
 feed to you unfortunates. Perhaps there is some protectionism going
 on, but the USA is really not in any position to point the finger at
 others in that regard. 

 But it is certainly true that American meat tends to be more stuffed
 full of that sort of crap than ours - the figures are in the public
 domain. I have personally seen the effects of this on a friend of mine
 who came back from a year in the USA considerably hairier ('down
 South') than she was before she left! 

 The important thing though is consumer education and awareness and
 forcing the producers and retailers to label things correctly and
 openly. Standards have improved enormously over here in recent years,
 and more and more crap is being removed from our food all the time.
 I've been buying organic food since the early 1980s - you used to have
 to struggle to get it, going to out-of-the-way shops run by beardies
 and hippies, and paying a real premium price for it. Nowadays it is
 readily available on every high street and significantly cheaper than
 it used to be (although still more expensive than the crap).

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: WAY OT, but not inflamatory: Roast Beef Sandwich

2007-04-26 Thread Shel Belinkoff
That's not the issue, but, rather, an issue.


 [Original Message]
 From: Mark Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Date: 4/26/2007 10:41:00 AM
 Subject: Re: WAY OT, but not inflamatory: Roast Beef Sandwich

 P. J. Alling wrote:

 I wonder how much of that is real health concerns and how much is 
 hidden protectionism.

 The issue is bacterial diseases building resistance to antibiotics 
 because of their overuse in livestock.

 Antibiotic-resistant diseases are a big problem and getting bigger.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

WAY OT, but not inflamatory: Roast Beef Sandwich

2007-04-25 Thread Shel Belinkoff
OK gang, this may be one of the strangest questions asked on the PDML in
quite a while, and might give the list a few chuckles.  Apart from one
sandwich in 1957, I've never had a roast beef sandwich.  I've eaten a wide
variety of food in many different countries, but never a roast beef
sandwich. Yesterday I was gifted with a half pound of very nice looking
roast beef, nicely sliced, and ready to go between two slices of bread.
However, I haven't a clue about a dressing. I recall that roast beef goes
well with horseradish, maybe mustard, but beyond that I haven't a clue. 
What dressings and accompaniments might you suggest for a nice, tasty roast
beef sandwich. 

Thanks for any and all ideas,


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - End

2007-04-25 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Good morning, Bruce ...

First, I like that you're experimenting a little, and this was a good scene
to play around with.  I like the scene, but am not particularly fond of the
rendering.  It reminds me of printing a contrasty scene in the darkroom
using Agfa Brovira #6 (some people will get that comment).  For my taste
it's just a little too much of a push - maybe just a little less contrast
would work better for me.  Still, it's a cool shot, and your eye and
ability to find interesting scenes comes through.  Good work!


  I took this shot right at the edge of the continent looking out into
  the Pacific ocean.  I was trying to convey the emptiness that I saw
  from this withered old tree and the big ocean beyond.  As I was
  playing around, I created this and rather liked it.  So before
  the original photo, I thought I would see what you thought of this.
  Rather arty - big departure for me.
  Pentax K10D, A 70-210/4, Handheld
  ISO 100, 1/180 sec @ f/8

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PAW 2007 - 20 - GDG

2007-04-25 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Hi Godders 

Great concept.  I looked at the pic before reading your entire post, and
though that it was a remarkable situation to capture four planes in such a
pattern  Nice idea ;-))


 On 4/23/07, Godfrey DiGiorgi  wrote:

  I was out for my Saturday morning 
  walk in Guadalupe River Park, San
  Jose, this time carrying camera and
   tripod. The San Jose Airport is
  very nearby, I was right under the 
  landing flight path for the main
  strip, and the sensation of being in this 
  park with the rose garden
  and old orchards with planes coming in 
  overhead every 10 minutes
  somehow became rather surreal.
  So I decided to have some fun and 
  produced this four-exposure
  composite to try to capture that surreality ...

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Making a small DNG or RAW file

2007-04-25 Thread Shel Belinkoff
I suppose I already know the answer, but I thought I'd ask anyway:

Is there any way to generate a small RAW or DNG file either from the camera
or through image editing software?  I'm thinking it would be nice if one
could post such a file that's reasonably-sized for web use


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: WAY OT, but not inflamatory: Roast Beef Sandwich

2007-04-25 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Wasn't it Pentax that came out with the pancake lens?


 [Original Message]
 From: Godfrey DiGiorgi 

 This isn't a camera list, is it? It's a culinary society with a  
 Pentax addiction.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Making a small DNG or RAW file

2007-04-25 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Perhaps I wasn't clear.  What I want(ed) to know was if there is some way
to generate a true raw file, in either a  format like PEF or DNG either
directly from the camera or by resizing the file in some editing software
(without changing to TIFF or JPEG or any other such format) to make it
physically smaller, both in dimension and size.  As I said, I'm pretty sure
I know the answer to that question (No), but I had to ask.  Adam mentioned
it can be done with one of the Canon models.  It would be great if there
could be a 900 x 600 RAW file could be generated  so it could easily be
posted to a web page and people could work on it as some here do with JPEGs
(often with the comment that there's not much more they can do because it's
not a RAW file).


 [Original Message]
 From: David Savage 

 Yeah, I agree. But Shel wasn't asking about making high quality .jpg's :-)

 Boris Liberman wrote:
   Dave, but what if you downsized the TIFF file before making a DNG out
   of it? I think this is what Shel is asking about.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Protection glass / filters, especially consumer glass

2007-04-24 Thread Shel Belinkoff

A few years ago I did something like that using a damaged SMC filter.  I
couldn't see any scratches or abrasions, even when using a magnifier. 
However, I did ruin a 20mm Super Tak by cleaning it with Kodak lens tissue.
although I couldn't see the scratches. When I brought the lens in for a
CLA, the technician, by knowing where to shine lights, etc., showed me the


 [Original Message]
 From: Digital Image Studio

 Lifted directly from a post I made re lens cleaning Nov 2000:

 In an except from the Leica Fotographie International magazine 6/99 page
 the following can be found:

 The resistance and adhesive power of the outer layer is so good that
 is little likelihood of damage by environmental influences or persistent
 cleaning on the part of the user. Numerous abrasion tests have been
 out. There is one that uses a rubber eraser which contains up to 50%
 pumice-stone grains. The standard test is to rub backwards and forwards 20
 times with a pressure of 1kg. Afterwards, no scratches should be visible
 the lens surface.

 Although this passage refers to Leica coatings and practices I would be
 disappointed if the late Pentax coatings didn't exhibit the same wear
 resistance. Anyone care to run the above test on a neglected piece of SMC

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: PAW - Different Worlds

2007-04-24 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Hi Frank,

For the most part, I like the idea.  The Asian woman in the background adds
a lot to the photo.  Framing is a little too tight on the right, and the
slight tilt bothers me.  Not enough to be real interesting, too much not to
be annoying.


 [Original Message]
 From: frank theriault 

 And, in case there are problems with that, here (it doesn't look so
 good here, I don't think) on

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: newbie question on aperatures

2007-04-24 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Often the quality of faster glass is better than that of slower (larger
aperture number) lenses, although that's not always the case. Also, you can
shoot and focus better in low light situations.

IAC, of course you can compensate with longer exposures or slower shutter


 [Original Message]
 From: eric 

 Been looking at some wide angle lenses for my DL, and been noticing that 
 while any truly wide angle lense is awfully expensive (yeah, I know, 
 photography is an expensive hobby), the ones with big aperatures are 
 noticeably cheaper than those with small aperatures, numerically 
 speaking (i.e a 1:2.8 is more than one with 1:3.5). 

 I know the aperature controls how much light enters the lens (along with 
 shutter speed), and a smaller aperature number means more light can 
 enter.  Other than making it easier to get an in-focus picture while 
 hand holding the camera, what other reason would I want to get a smaller 
 number aperature?  Considering 90%+ of my photography is done of 
 non-moving subjects, and using a tripod, can I compensate with a slower 
 shutter speed, or longer exposures?

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: FS: Vivitar Series 1 28mm f/1.9 for Pentax K

2007-04-23 Thread Shel Belinkoff
I've used this lens and can attest to the good image quality  @ $75.00
it's a good deal.


 [Original Message]
 From: Joe Wilensky 

 FS: Pentax K version of Vivitar Series 1 28mm f/1.9 VMC lens. 
 Original wide-angle hood by Vivitar is included.

 Lens is in bargain condition by KEH standards, but still quite nice. 
 Glass is very nice, no nicks/scratches, only a little minor dust 
 between elements. Some definite wear to edges of aperture ring, and a 
 nick here and there is visible on the outer edge of the focusing 
 ring. Hood is also in bargain condition with some wear, but intact 
 and threads are fine.

 Benefits of the f/1.9 lens, as opposed to the Vivitar 28mm f/2 lens, 
 is that it is an actual Series 1 lens (dating to the late 1970s, I 
 believe) and that it has the floating group of elements that kick 
 in at close focusing distances to improve image rendition, sharpness 
 across the frame. You can feel the floating elements engage at a 
 point on the focusing ring, which is normal.

 Price: $75 including shipping in the continental U.S.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: a flower for Shel - GDG

2007-04-23 Thread Shel Belinkoff

Anecdotal evidence based on experience doesn't mean squat.  It's not
scientific.  Greywolf is absolutely correct in his contention LOL Of
course, over the years, in many areas, we've seen the scientific evidence
means less than squat.


 [Original Message]
 From: William Robb 

  The lab/camera shop at which I 
  worked a couple of years ago tended to
  support the babies as most popular 
  subject matter theory. The owner
  said their prime customer was a woman 
  with a baby stroller. In fact, there was a 
  children's clothing store just a few doors 
  down and when it went out of business 
  the lab saw a major decline in volume.

 I did something like 25 years in the lab industry. Greywolf will say this 
 won't count for anything, since he doesn't believe in knowledge gained by 
 experience over time, but my observation was babies and children as the
 volume subject, with pets as a not so close second.
 Note this is on the amateur side of the business.
 The pro side is weddings as the big volume subject by a huge margin.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: Just for the hell of it!

2007-04-23 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Better in what way?  I'm not sure that the general opinion is that digital
is better than film.  There are any number of people here who, even though
they use digital, believe otherwise, at least for certain situations. 
Further, what has better got to do with making a pic that could not or
would not have been done with film?

In my case I know there are quite a few shots I would not have done with
film, but that doesn't mean I could not have made those shots.  And that
brings up the question of why I'd  not have made the pics: maybe it was
because of certain camera features, perhaps because I had a certain lens,
or maybe because I felt freer experimenting more with digital.

In fact, I can more readily see things I can do on film that would/could
not be possible with digital, or, more specifically, the current state of
the DSLR cameras offered by Pentax and some others.


 [Original Message]
 From: graywolf [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Ok, just for the hell of it. The general opinion here is that digital is 
 better than film, so how about everyone posting a photo that they took 
 with digital that they feel they could not, or would not, have done with 

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Protection glass / filters, especially consumer glass

2007-04-23 Thread Shel Belinkoff
In my case it was more than dust, but something more akin to a haze or a
film.  Yeah, there was a little dust in there as well.

Apart from the dust, my theory about the haze is that there may be
something in the lens, like lubricants, that emit some gas or evaporate
slightly (we've all experienced the lubricant getting dry at one time or
another), and that the filter over the lens element prevents the
evaporation from just dissipating into the atmosphere.

Dust, like rust, never sleeps!


 [Original Message]
 From: William Robb 

 - Original Message - 
 From: Godfrey DiGiorgi

 Subject: Re: Protection glass / filters, especially consumer glass

  On Apr 23, 2007, at 11:42 AM, Jack Davis wrote:
  BTW, in my world dust cannot 
   migrate to the area between the filter
  and the lens unless the filter is removed. :)
  lol ... Do you have them sealed somehow?  ;-)
  I always thought that too, which is why I found the consistent build
  up of dusty film between the two quite curious.

 I could never figure that out either. I had a filter on my Nikkor 50/1.4 
 from the time I bought it. I was pretty good about cleaning the front 
 surface, but ignored the inside surfaces. It was quite amazing how much
 was in there after a year or so.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: More 85mm f2.0 smc-M bokeh

2007-04-23 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Looks like I'm going to need tighter filtering, but, as long as I saw this

JCO, the thread has moved from your specific comment through the general
rendering of the 85mm lens bokeh to some general comments about bokeh. 
It's no longer about YOUR specific comments.  Threads and discussions on
the PDML, as well as other mail lists, tend to wander.

Further, you are now making a personal attack by calling a contributor to
the thread clueless.  True, it's only a mild attack, but one that's going
to leave you open to some negative comments and possibly start another
flame war, more than likely causing you to, once again, use abusive
language and post your messages using lots of upper case  letters, and get
any number of people here to the point where they'll start responding in
kind, as which already seems to be the case.

I just don't understand you.  A couple of days ago Norm and I apologized
for contributing to the last outburst, and Tim strongly took your side of
that issue, and your response was fuck you in three separate posts, one
to Norm, one directed at me, and least understandable, one to Tim.

Relax, chill out, enjoy your camera, or your DVD player, or your HDTV ...
vent your anger in other ways - go out and take a walk, get some exercise,
cut back on the sugar intake.   LIGHTEN UP - not every comment is about you
or directed to you.

Kind regards,


  -- Original message --
 From: J. C. O'Connell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Secondly, this WR guy's posts, really show
  he is completely clueless. His deductions make
  no sense because he either doesnt understand
  or never noticed how unsharp mask works
  or he doesnt read the posts in entirety because I clearly
  stated that this bokeh problem is easily visible
  in the viewfinder. Either or both ways its just plain
  bad to be posting completely wrong stuff like that
  based on lack of knowledge in the manner in which he posts it. 

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: a flower for Shel - GDG

2007-04-22 Thread Shel Belinkoff
I tend doubt that - can you substantiate your claim.  In talking with
people at a couple of labs here, they say the most popular subject they get
are babies and - believe it or not - cats. 


 [Original Message]
 From: Jens Bladt [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The mos popular subjects of all (for photography) are 
 women and sunsets. Perhps flowers are number three!

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: MSNBC Poll: Is JCO really an asshole?

2007-04-22 Thread Shel Belinkoff

There was a time when you came on the list and discussed photography,
posted and shared pics, and participated in some general discussions.  Now,
it seems, most of your posts are childish (woof woof), which, compared to
posts by other people, seem to fit in pretty well with some of the
silliness on the list.

However, this post, especially the subject, is truly mean-spirited and
vulgar.  While many here have had fun and frustration arguing with JCO,
this is truly uncalled for.  I'd like to think you're a bigger and better
person than this post seems to indicate.


 [Original Message]
 From: Norm Baugher 
 To: pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Date: 4/21/2007 9:21:29 AM
 Subject: MSNBC Poll: Is JCO really an asshole?

 Now I'm signing off for awhile, I'm shipping my HDTV to 
 Bangladesh and  selling my gear that contains an aperture 

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: a flower for Shel - GDG

2007-04-22 Thread Shel Belinkoff
LOL  Indeed - I got lotsa cat pics


 [Original Message]
 From: Digital Image Studio 

  Shel Belinkoff  wrote:
  ... In talking with people at a couple of labs here, 
  they say the most popular subject they get
  are babies and - believe it or not - cats.

 Available captive targets, been there.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: MSNBC Poll: Is JCO really an asshole?

2007-04-22 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Norm, believe me, I know that scenario, especially wrt our friend.  I've
certainly made my contributions to this business as well, especially in
earlier threads.  Filtering his messages has helped tremendously.  You'd
think we'd have learned by now, and we probably have, but the temptation to
argue with JCO is great and sometimes the only way we can reduce our
frustration is to join in  Anyway, you've done your penance and it's
time to move on.


 [Original Message]
 From: Norm Baugher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Date: 4/22/2007 8:57:03 AM
 Subject: Re: MSNBC Poll: Is JCO really an asshole?

 Shel, you are correct, please accept my public apology. 
 Sometimes wisdom  is drowned out by frustration.

 Shel Belinkoff wrote:
  There was a time when you came on the list and discussed photography,
  posted and shared pics, and participated in some general discussions. 
  it seems, most of your posts are childish (woof woof), which, compared
  posts by other people, seem to fit in pretty well with some of the
  silliness on the list.
  However, this post, especially the subject, is truly mean-spirited and
  vulgar.  While many here have had fun and frustration arguing with JCO,
  this is truly uncalled for.  I'd like to think you're a bigger and
  person than this post seems to indicate.

  [Original Message]
  From: Norm Baugher 
  To: pentax-Discuss Mail List
  Date: 4/21/2007 9:21:29 AM
  Subject: MSNBC Poll: Is JCO really an asshole?
  Now I'm signing off for awhile, I'm shipping my HDTV to 
  Bangladesh and  selling my gear that contains an aperture 

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: a flower for Shel - GDG

2007-04-22 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Hi John - it's great that you were able to save these kittens.  IIRC, you
and Wendy have about seven cats of your own ...

I sent the pi and some and info about them to a couple of friends who also
foster cats and have associations with adoption agencies, just to spread
the word.

Thanks for sharing ...


 [Original Message]
 From: John Francis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Date: 4/22/2007 2:53:21 PM
 Subject: Re: a flower for Shel - GDG

 You can even combine the two, and take pictures of baby cats :-)

 We just rescued these, and their mother, from Death Row at the
 local shelter; they were due to be euthanized yesterday evening.

 We're working with a local rescue organization, who will deal
 with the adoption fairs, etc.  But we get to foster the kitties
 until they are arge enough to be adopted - that will not be for
 another one or two months.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: Lens purchases... DA40/FA50....FA43?

2007-04-21 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Having owned and used all of these lenses, and given the cost factor, I'd
go with the 43mm in a heartbeat.


 [Original Message]
 From: AlexG 

 I am going to order a couple of lenses. Having used an M42 50/1.4 it
 is a lens I cannot live without. Low-light silver bullet.

 I saw the DA 40mm f/2.8 limited on sale also.

 I did a search in the archives here. It does not seem to be very liked
 by this group. For every excellent picture I've seen with this lens,
 there have also been plenty of crap pictures posted (flickr) and f/2.8
 is pretty slow.

 What are the group's opinion on the lens? Like? Hate? Size is
 appealing of course but if the pictures will come out looking bad,
 then why bother?

 Instead of buying the two lenses, I can also get a 43mm/1.9. About the
 cost of both lenses put together, same-ish focal length and definitely
 'fast'. They say this is THE lens to get, but I don't make purchase
 decisions based on a random comment posted on a random flickr photo.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: ist D mirror hanging

2007-04-21 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Regardless, put in a set of known, good, fresh batteries.  It's the least
expensive and easiest way to start the diagnosis process.


 [Original Message]
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Date: 4/21/2007 9:15:20 AM
 Subject: Re: ist D mirror hanging

 The batteries are fully charged according to the icon on the display.

 Sounds like bad batteries to me. I've had my D do similar things when
 the batteries were almost out of juice.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: OT - for those of you who have DVD equip that can playPAL

2007-04-20 Thread Shel Belinkoff
I've heard about reading.  I saw an ad for it on television.  Sounds like
phun ;-))


 [Original Message]
 From: Digital Image

 I bet you have a nice comfy chair too, good for reading in ;-)

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Ground Cover Question

2007-04-20 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Check out space blankets which can be found at places like REI.  I've
used 'em when camping.  What's especially nice about them is that they're
very light and can be folded into a very small package,  They're waterproof
too.  Plus, they have a reflective side or coating which can be used to
fill shadows in some photographic situations.


  I have some pics in mind that I'd like to take  close to the ground.
  with me laying flat. I am an old lady with sort of bad  knees, so
crouching is 
  out. Laying down isn't.
  So I've been thinking of  putting a blanket in the car. Well, yes, its
  a clothing issue -- not get  them all messed up. But is also partly a
  issue -- some places very soon  here in California will have dry grass, 
  prickly grass. I want some  padding.
  Has anyone ever made a sort of blanket that can fold up small  into a
  duffle with a shoulder strap? There must be something like that 
somewhere, I 
  would think.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: RE: OT - for those of you whohaveDVD equipthatcanplayPALsystemDVD's

2007-04-20 Thread Shel Belinkoff
JCO wrote:

True, but anyone who actually doesnt give a shit
about having beautiful music or cinema
in their home IS without a doubt UNcultured...


Well, let's get real. YOU were, and are, essentially talking about gear.  A
lot of people don't give a shit about gear, but that doesn't mean they are
UNcultured and lack enthusiasm for good music or cinema.  Many prefer to
go to concerts, live performances, movies outside their home, for any
number of reasons, some of which may be that the sound is better, it's a
more personal experience, there's some socialization going on, there are
things in theater that you can't find on TV, and so forth.  I know several
people who are probably a lot more cultured than you who have nothing but a
small, 13 or 19 screen TV (in fact, Valerie once misplaced her TV - LOL,
but Valerie plays the piano and is an accomplished cellist and
photographer, and the other is a pianist as well.  They make their own
music, and join others in that endeavor as well.

Some other friends have the money for systems far better than anything you
may have (I guarantee it!), yet they drive a beat up old Volvo, and instead
of getting into material things, travel.  There is music and theater that
they've enjoyed that you haven't even dreamed about - and I can guarantee
that as well. They keep their TV in a closet, and pull it out when there's
something specific they want to watch.  Who needs to watch a show about
penguins on HDTV and some kind of high-tech DVD when, in a few days, one
can be walking amongst them (as some friends did on their recent trip to
the Antarctic).

The problem that you have, as I see it, is that you make broad
generalizations based on what _your_  preferences are, and just cannot, for
whatever reason, see or understand that others have different preferences,
priorities, skills, and interests.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: OT - for those of you who have DVD equip that can playPAL

2007-04-20 Thread Shel Belinkoff
I can't believe JCO actually posted that!  My Gawd!  I'll have to read the
full content of THAT message in the archives.

Hey, JCO, get yourself some crayons and your books can have pretty pictures
as well.


 [Original Message]

 No, you have full right to stare at a blank wall
 every eveinng if you choose or if you prefer,
 to read books all the time. But then again, books dont have the
 pretty pictures HD home theaters provide do they?

 -Original Message-

 They say the eyes are the windows to one's soul.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: OT - for those of you who have DVD equip that can playPAL

2007-04-20 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Not always - my niece had a musical coloring book LOL


  Reading is reading and listing to music
  is listening to music, and watching films
  is watching films.



 Tom C. (listing to the music)

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: OT - for those of you whohaveDVD equipthat canplayPALsystemDVD's

2007-04-20 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Let's have a contest ;-))


 [Original Message]
 From: David Savage 
 PS I can think of much worse personal attacks than GW's

 At 09:39 PM 21/04/2007, you wrote:
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 12:33 PM
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Subject: Re: OT - for those of you whohaveDVD equipthat
 The only thing dumber than JCO's posts are those that argue with him.
 Why not go and bang your head against a brick wall? At least you will
 get some results from that. Actually, you will get the same results, a
 headache, but at least the rest of us won't.

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: OT: Useless cat

2007-04-19 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Is that supposed to be funny, or is it your sincere opinion?


 [Original Message]
 From: Bob Shell 

 I thought cats were useless by definition.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: a flower for Shel - GDG

2007-04-19 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Sheesh!  Most people usually ignore me, now I'm getting flowers.  I'm
deeply troubled by this recent turn of events 


 [Original Message]
 From: David Savage 

 ...and another:

 My, isn't Shel a popular fellow ;-)

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PAW - Boo!

2007-04-19 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Frank, I like this one quite a bit.  Clearly you didn't use a Pentax
ghostless filter for this shot.


 frank theriault wrote:

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

PESO - Distortion

2007-04-19 Thread Shel Belinkoff
For those who care, it's back after I straightened out the problems on the
web page.
So, I'm walkin' along and I see this guy making faces at his reflection in
a store window. I strike up a conversation and then get to take a couple of
snaps. I decided to enhance his silly face by using the 85mm lens close up
and shooting from a low angle. Didn't care much about detail and precise
focus as it was something a little more abstract I was looking for. So,
there you have it ...


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: a flower for Shel - GDG

2007-04-19 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Does this stem from your insecurities about posting puns?


 [Original Message]
 From: frank theriault 

  So are you going to petal them elsewhere?

 Nah, I'm just going to leave it for now...

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: a flower for Shel - GDG

2007-04-19 Thread Shel Belinkoff
You really have a prickly attitude.  You need a rosier outlook.  It seems
you're always vining about one thing or another. Anyway, this isn't
geranium to the original thread.


 [Original Message]
 From: frank theriault 

 On 4/19/07, Shel Belinkoff  wrote:
  Does this stem from your insecurities about posting puns?


 You've always been a thorn in my side!

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: a flower for Shel - GDG

2007-04-19 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Is that comment stamen from your insecurities?


 [Original Message]
 From: frank theriault 

 Or I could just pistil whip him...

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: a flower for Shel - GDG

2007-04-19 Thread Shel Belinkoff
This thread is the pits!  However, Norm, it's good to see you raison to the


 [Original Message]
 From: Norm Baugher 

 Mark, you're such a prune...

 Mark Roberts wrote:
  frank theriault [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Does this stem from your insecurities about posting puns?
  You've always been a thorn in my side!

  Wow Frank. You really rose to the occasion with that one.

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: OT - for those of you who have DVD equip that can playPAL systemDVD's

2007-04-19 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Ann ... 

Maybe I missed something here, but Viva Zapata (that is what you were
looking for, right?) is available from numerous US sources on DVD.  Here's
one ...

I don't quite understand why you decided to buy from a foreign source on


 [Original Message]
 From: ann sanfedele

 All I wanted to do by posting this is to get it to someone for whom 
 playing it would not be illegal and who would like it  

 I think there must have been a legal copy of the film on tape at some 
 time but I couldn't find one.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: a flower for Shel - GDG

2007-04-19 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Yes, I feel so ... special ;-))


 [Original Message]
 From: Godfrey DiGiorgi 

 I see my flower for shel has brought about a bouquet of responses.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PAW - Boo!

2007-04-19 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Sounds like something Yogi Berra would say would say ...


 [Original Message]
 From: frank theriault 

 I have yet to hit my stride yet...

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: OT - for those of you who have DVD equip that canplayPALsystemDVD's

2007-04-19 Thread Shel Belinkoff
IIRC, there are numerous stores in San Francisco's Japan Town that sell
multi-regional DVD players.


 [Original Message]
 From: Tom C 

 Because they don't sell non-region 1 DVD players at retail outlets in a 
 country where 999,999,999 DVD's out of every 1,000,000,000 DVD's sold are 
 region 1, does not make it illegal. In fact it makes perfect sense.

 My, now defunct, region-free PAL/NTSC DVD player, was purchased from and 
 shipped from a Canadian business address, which last time I looked, was
 North America.

 Tom C.

 From: J. C. O'Connell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 To: 'Pentax-Discuss Mail List'
 Subject: RE: OT - for those of you who have DVD equip that 
 canplayPAL   systemDVD's
 Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 14:29:44 -0400
 It is illegal to buy, sell or own non-region 1 DVD players
 in or to north america from everything I have ever heard.
 Ever wonder why you cant just go buy one at Circuit Shitty?
 -Original Message-
 Norm Baugher
 Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 2:08 PM
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Subject: Re: OT - for those of you who have DVD equip that can playPAL
 Illegal? How? I can do anything I want to my frickin' DVD player. Some
 Hollywood prick going to show up at my door and tell me I can't play the
 DVD's I bought in Europe?
 J. C. O'Connell wrote:
   Those are out there but they are illegal.
   -Original Message-
   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Norm Baugher
   Well, thanks to the internet, I have a region code freebDVD player -
   looked up the hack to get rid of the region code lock.
   graywolf wrote:
   Not only that, Ann, even if a DVD is the right type it may not work.
   a DVD is coded for a region your player is not, it will not play. The
   DVD needs to be coded for North American distribution, unless you
   a DVD player with some other region coded in it as may happen if you
   ordered it from somewhere else. Buying things on the internet can be
 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: OT - for those of you who have DVD equip that canplayPALsystemDVD's

2007-04-19 Thread Shel Belinkoff
S!  You'll upset the world economy LOL


 [Original Message]
 From:  (Scott Loveless)

 OMG!  Someone call the cops!  
 And make sure you tell them about all those illegal gray market lenses at
BH, too.

  -- Original message --
  Here's an Illinois-based online retailer selling multi-region/region
  DVD hardware. They have a walk in store as well in the Chicago area.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: OT - for those of you who have DVD equip thatcan playPAL systemDVD's

2007-04-19 Thread Shel Belinkoff
That's odd.  I have friends in other parts of the world who have such
players, easily purchased in retail establishments in their cities.  For
example, a couple of friends in Tel Aviv have region free DVD players. 
And, as I said in an earlier post, they are readily available at numerous
outlets in San Francisco


 J. C. O'Connell wrote:

think about it for a second, if 
region free players or cross regioned
players were available legally 
anywhere, the entire region coding
system would make no sense to
designa and implement! 

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PAW - Boo!

2007-04-19 Thread Shel Belinkoff


 [Original Message]
 From: frank theriault 

 I think my favourite (among so many!) Yogi Berraism was (when asked
 about a certain restaurant):

 Nobody goes there anymore, it's always too crowded.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: OT - for those of you who have DVD equip that can playPAL

2007-04-19 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Hey, Norm, I'm pretty much like Godders and mark.  No cable, an old, old
set used only for watching DVDs and one PBS station, which is pretty much
all the reception I could get from where I was located.  'Twas just fine
for 20+ years.  Now, because of my new location,  I can get several
stations, and guess what, for the most part they are of little interest.  


 [Original Message]
 From: Norm Baugher 

 Do you have running water or did you just shoot your TV one day?

 Mark Roberts wrote:
  Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:

  I have time to watch about one-three hour's worth of television a  
  I have no idea how much time I have to spare for watching TV - we don't 
  have a television. haven't had one since about 1988

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: Size Sells?

2007-04-19 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Bigger is better - even an 8x10 sized image on an 11x14 sized sheet is
better.  But I've always been of the impression that prints that fill an
11x14 sheet in the long dimension are the minimum way to go.  There are
always exceptions, of course.


 [Original Message]
 From: Mike Hamilton 

 My past experience has told me that 8x10 or smaller prints are easier
 or more desireable for people to hang on their walls because it does
 not dominate the whole wall.

 My prints were mostly 8x10, with 3- 5x7 and one 11x14.

 What is your experience with regard to this?

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: OT - for those of you who have DVD equip that can playPAL

2007-04-19 Thread Shel Belinkoff
It seems that JCO does ... sheesh!  Sio much noise about watching TV and


 [Original Message]
 From: Digital Image Studio

 Does anyone really have to watch TV? 

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: PESO 2007 - 19b - GDG

2007-04-18 Thread Shel Belinkoff

What's with the elliptical shape of the truck's rear wheels?


 [Original Message]
 From: Godfrey DiGiorgi

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: PAW - Coffeehouse Flowers

2007-04-18 Thread Shel Belinkoff

Hi Frank, no, it doesn't work, but getting the hang of flash is sometimes
difficult with new gear.  Why am I laughing?  Well, it's not at you or the
pic, but for the longest time I've contended that since the advent of the
popularity of digital many photogs who were shooting documentary or street
photos all of a sudden starting showing flower and macro pics.  So many
have told me that there's no difference between what subjects they shot
with film and the work that they are currently doing with digital, yet
looking at their body of work I saw a greater frequency of cute photos
and flower pics.  Welcome to the club ... you're a real, official digi-head


 [Original Message]
 From: frank theriault

 I still don't really know how to do this stuff, but I was
 experimenting a bit with the on-board flash of the *istD.

 Work or not?

 Comments are always appreciated.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PAW - Coffeehouse Flowers

2007-04-18 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Regardless of the rationale Frank, you've shot and posted a flower pic. 
I've done it as well since I started shooting digital.  I'm not making a
critical judgement, just an observation - and people are doing it because
it's so easy to do, and because flowers may be nice to photograph, and
because they have nice colors, and perhaps because the digi works in color
rather than BW.


 [Original Message]
 From: frank theriault 

 It's not that I've started shooting flowers, but I was in a
 coffeeshop, and where I wouldn't have wasted film on those flowers, it
 cost me nothing to point and shoot at something that I could see from
 my seat.

 The real subject of that particular coffeeshop visit is my next PAW,
 that I'll post in about two minutes.

 Maybe you'll like that one a bit better?

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: PAW - Sipping Tea

2007-04-18 Thread Shel Belinkoff
It's more up your alley, but I don't care much for it.  Not much substance
... others, I'm sure, will find it to be a very fine photo.

Regardless of my feelings about a couple of pics, it's good to see you
posting and photographing again, and experimenting with the new medium.


 [Original Message]
 From: frank theriault

 Perhaps this is more up my alley than the flowers pic:

 Taken at the same time in the same coffeeshop as the aforementioned
 photo.  I rather like this one.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

PESO - Distortion

2007-04-18 Thread Shel Belinkoff

So, I'm walkin' along and I see this guy making faces at his reflection in
a store window.  I strike up a conversation and then get to take a couple
of snaps.  I decided to enhance his silly face by using the 85mm lens close
up and shooting from a low angle.  Didn't care much about detail and
precise focus as it was something a little more abstract I was looking for.
So, there you have it ...


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - Distortion

2007-04-18 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Woof!  Woof Wuf Arrrf 


 [Original Message]
 From: Norm Baugher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Date: 4/18/2007 2:36:01 PM
 Subject: Re: PESO - Distortion

 Was he having a 60's flash-back?

 Shel Belinkoff wrote:

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - Distortion

2007-04-18 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Hi Peter,

I'll check on it on my next pass and see if there's some problem.  It seems
to have come up for others - maybe there's something that corrupted the
page somehow. Of course, I'm always surprised that anything to do with
computers works LOL


 [Original Message]
 From: P. J. Alling 

 I can't seem to load the page, which is interesting since I seem to be 
 able to load my own earthlink pages.

 Shel Belinkoff wrote:

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - Distortion

2007-04-18 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Hmmm ... how could that have happened?  I wonder if while mucking around I
may have inadvertently changed something.  BTW, how'd you discover that?


 [Original Message]
 From: Paul Sorenson 
 Change the page name to *distort.html* and it'll work.


 Shel Belinkoff wrote:
  Hi Peter,
  I'll check on it on my next pass and see if there's some problem.  It
  to have come up for others - maybe there's something that corrupted the
  page somehow. Of course, I'm always surprised that anything to do with
  computers works LOL
  [Original Message]
  From: P. J. Alling 
  I can't seem to load the page, which is interesting since I seem to be 
  able to load my own earthlink pages.
  Shel Belinkoff wrote:

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - Distortion

2007-04-18 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Yes, I figured how Sorenson did it, and decided that I didn't want people
to have free access to my web pages.  This'll at least slow such things
down a bit.  I suppose I've been too lax with even the most rudimentary
security and privacy measures.  No more ... Thanks, Paul.


 [Original Message]
 From: Digital Image Studio 

  Shel Belinkoff  wrote:
  Hmmm ... how could that have happened?  I wonder if while mucking
around I
  may have inadvertently changed something.  BTW, how'd you discover that?

 I used the following URL which allowed a free browsing of the web site
 directories however now there is appears to be a rudimentary index
 page in place so browsing is no longer possible.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - Distortion

2007-04-18 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Nothing happened at earthlink.  A few people were mucking around the
pdml-pics site so I made some security changes.  I'll have things running
smoothly later today ...


 [Original Message]
 From: Maris V. Lidaka Sr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Date: 4/18/2007 5:59:29 PM
 Subject: Re: PESO - Distortion

 Something appears to have happened at - I accessed the
 fine earlier today, but at present it reports Page Not Found


 Shel Belinkoff wrote:
  Hi Peter,
  I'll check on it on my next pass and see if there's some problem.  It
  seems to have come up for others - maybe there's something that
  corrupted the page somehow. Of course, I'm always surprised that
  anything to do with computers works LOL
  [Original Message]
  From: P. J. Alling
  I can't seem to load the page, which is interesting since I seem to
  be able to load my own earthlink pages.
  Shel Belinkoff wrote:

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - Distortion

2007-04-18 Thread Shel Belinkoff
OK, all my pages are now reasonably secure.  The next step, I think, is to
link the pics on the separate pages to one page, and that'll integrate all
the pics


 [Original Message]
 From: Paul Sorenson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Date: 4/18/2007 7:28:42 PM
 Subject: Re: PESO - Distortion

 You're welcome...I have an Earthlink account similar to yours, so I knew 
 how to show the folder contents, although without the password, of 
 course, everything remains read-only.  Your solution was a good might want to do it with your other account, too.  ;}


 Shel Belinkoff wrote:
  Yes, I figured how Sorenson did it, and decided that I didn't want
  to have free access to my web pages.  This'll at least slow such things
  down a bit.  I suppose I've been too lax with even the most rudimentary
  security and privacy measures.  No more ... Thanks, Paul.
  [Original Message]
  From: Digital Image Studio 
   Shel Belinkoff  wrote:
  Hmmm ... how could that have happened?  I wonder if while mucking
  around I
  may have inadvertently changed something.  BTW, how'd you discover
  I used the following URL which allowed a free browsing of the web site
  directories however now there is appears to be a rudimentary index
  page in place so browsing is no longer possible.

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: a flower for Shel - GDG

2007-04-18 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Awww, shucks ... 


 [Original Message]
 From: Godfrey DiGiorgi 

 Something about people shooting more flowers now with digital than  
 they did with film?

 I dunno. Flowers are easy game... and it costs nothing to shoot a  
 bunch of them ...

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: PAW 2007 - 19 - GDG

2007-04-17 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Hi Godders,

I'm going to have to look at this one a few more times.  My first reaction
is quite positive.  The pic has a haunting quality to it, something
dreamlike or surreal.  Unlike Maris, I think the woman on the right adds
quite a bit to the feel of the photo.  Her presence adds something to the
pic.  Having her may or may not improve the photo for me - I'll take
another look at a later time.

Speaking of tomatoes, I made a really great roasted tomato sauce last night
- Yum-O!

 [Original Message]
 From: Godfrey DiGiorgi [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The behinder I go, the aheader I get.

 Continuing my exploration through photos I made in London, September  
 2001, this one appealed to me a lot.

 Comments, critique, and the unavoidable flung tomatoes always  

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PAW 2007 - 19 - GDG

2007-04-17 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Hi Godders,

To be honest, I didn't really notice that black circle, but now that akaDoe
has mentioned it, I'd agree.

I thought about the pic during the day and realized that what I like about
is that it very much reminds me of that great portrait of James Dean,
Boulevard of Broken Dreams.  For those unfamiliar with the photo, you can
see it here:


 [Original Message]

 Same here, I saw it  as a pic about the woman on the left. Personally,
 clone out that black  circle in the back

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Lens cleaning - to do or not to do?

2007-04-17 Thread Shel Belinkoff
No, not at all.  Remember, people were hung up on dust before there were
digital cameras. And, having taken apart a few lenses because I saw huge
dust globs, I was surprised to find how tiny the globs were.  At least on
the K 135/2.5, what appears big when you lock thru the front element, can
be very, very small.  For the most part worrying about dust is a real waste
of time.  However, I like fussy people who do worry about such things -
I've gotten some real deals because the lens was dusty and needed a CLA

All this talk about dust reminds me of Michael J. Pollard's famous line in
Bonnie and Clyde: Dirt in the fuel line.  Just blowed it away.

BTW Marnie, your A35-105 is filthy  ;-))


 [Original Message]
 Question -- Dust in a lens does NOT show up like  
 dust on a sensor? Hmmm. I  thought that's why 
 people got all hung up on dust in  lenses. 

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - High on a Hill

2007-04-15 Thread Shel Belinkoff
TMI = Too Much Information


 [Original Message]
 Date: 4/14/2007 9:58:16 PM
 Subject: Re: PESO - High on a Hill

 In a message dated 4/14/2007 9:48:39 P.M.  Pacific Daylight Time, 
 TMI, Marnie  


 I know. I am procrastinating. Tax time and  all that.

 Marnie aka Doe  I think that makes it forgivable. ;-)  

 ** See what's free at

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: Pixel peeping and looking for defects (wasRe:Fullframelensesandthe K10D, CA anyone?)

2007-04-14 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Then you've not seen Aaron Reynolds' baseball photos.  Quite exceptionally
well done, actually.  He only shoots JPEG at the ball park.


 [Original Message]
 From: J. C. O'Connell 

 Oh come on, you know as well as I that to get
 the same results exposure wise with jpeg as doing RAW
 capture/RAW processing it's nowhere near as easy
 or forgiving because you dont get the extended
 recording range with jpeg captures as you do
 with raw captures. When I say good results, I mean
 as good as a processed RAW capture which is
 what the thead is all about. Processing the RAW
 files is time consuming, and shooting jpeg to
 the same quality level as processeed RAW exposure wise is definately
 more difficult than shooting RAW and correcting
 in post processing. Its not easy no matter which
 way you choose to do it to acheive best possible

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: Please unenable me!

2007-04-14 Thread Shel Belinkoff
No, that's not Leitz - that's Leica.  Read the history of the camera and
the company.  Leitz hasn't been involved with Leica for a l-o-n-g time.


 [Original Message]
 From: Jens Bladt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 4/14/2007 4:33:07 PM
 Subject: RE: Please unenable me!

 My photo dealer had his M8 repaired recently. The rangefinder needed
 The M8 was returned in a wooden box, filled with foam, cut out to fit the
 camera! The box was sealed with a wax seal. And it came with a 1 year
 warranty (or was that 2 years ?). Ths warranty did not only cover the
 repair - but ANYTHING that might go wrong with the camera!  The adjustment
 of the M8 rangefinder (focus adjustment) came at a price of 500 USD.
 pricey - that's Leitz!

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - High on a Hill

2007-04-14 Thread Shel Belinkoff

What's to the left of the gazebo?  To the left and slightly down hill?


 [Original Message]
 Date: 4/14/2007 2:10:04 PM
 Subject: Re: PESO - High on a Hill

 In a message dated 4/14/2007 11:53:11 A.M.  Pacific Daylight Time, 
 The gazebo is lost with  the trees behind it. I think you're gonna need
 a crane to get what you want.  


 That's the trouble, and you may be right.  Drat. Because how often does
 see a gazebo on a hill by itself?  Hehehehe.

 Thanks for looking, Bob.

 Marnie aka Doe :-)  

 ** See what's free at

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - High on a Hill

2007-04-14 Thread Shel Belinkoff
TMI, Marnie 


 [Original Message]
 In a message dated 4/14/2007 7:11:02 P.M.  Pacific Daylight Time, 

 What's to the left of the gazebo?  To the left  and slightly down hill?


 More hill to the left  down to almost the bottom and below that houses. I 
 drove to the other side of  the hill and saw no way to walk up to the
gazebo that 
 way without walking  through someone's backyard. Right below it in front
 the bottom is a senior  condo complex (not Rossmoor). The only way to
walk up 
 to it is up that hill from  the front and it's been rather wet so I won't 
 attempt it until it is dry. It  could be slippery if at all wet.

 I couldn't tell but the gazebo might  possibly be in someone's backyard.
 did find a mansion on top of the hill with  a private drive. But I was
not going 
 to go up it, people like that are not nice  to trespassers. But on the
 side of the hill it doesn't look like a yard  does it? Right around the
 area? It seems to be outside everyone's  property line. Someone built it 
 sometime though. I strongly suspect whoever  built it once owned the land
 condo complex is now on. The rest of the hill  to the right and down is 
 undeveloped. Probably somebody will throw something up  there someday. I
got some rather 
 nice mustard shots that way, but nothing great  enough to show on list.

 I've just been rather daunted about climbing the  hill. With a camera
 my neck. Not a great hiker these days and it is  rather steep. And I will
 shoes I don't mind grossing out. But if combo of  dry and great sky and 
 camera in car occur, then I will. Also maybe if I buy a  hat.

 Sometimes one really wants to get a shot and it ain't easy, huh?  LOL.

 Later, Marnie ;-)  

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: PESO - Tree Screen

2007-04-12 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Cool shot, aka.  Your artistic sensibilities are starting to merge nicely
with photographic technology.  Pretty soon Bill Robb will suggest that you
get a camera better suited to your vision ;-))


 [Original Message]

 A  different way to look at Big  Rocks.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: See ya later

2007-04-12 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Norm, it never ceases to amaze me how articulate you can be.


 [Original Message]
 From: Norm Baugher 

 Woof, woo woo woof!

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Protection glass / filters

2007-04-10 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Cool idea - although you may get some strange-sounding responses from me


 [Original Message]
 From: Doug Franklin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Date: 4/10/2007 5:36:40 AM
 Subject: Re: Protection glass / filters

 Hey, folks,

 While reading this thread, it occurred to me that there have been some
 messages over the years about which hoods fit which lenses, even using
 the wrong hood on the wrong lens or using some other manufacturer's
 hood on a lens.  If the group thinks there is utility in doing so, I
 could host a hood cross reference page on our web site to provide that
 information to other folks.

 DougF (KG4LMZ)

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Web Hosting: PBase or

2007-04-10 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Many, if not most, ISPs offer free or very inexpensive, space on their
systems for subscribers.  I put my pics up on the Earthlink servers and it
works just fine for me.  Earthlink allows me to have eight mailboxes, and
each mailbox comes with a certain amount of free space which I use for
hosting pics and galleries.  The total is not a huge amount of space, but
since it's only used for posting pics, it's been adequate for my needs for
years.  Total cost = $0.00  All I needed to know how to access the space
and a few simple lines of HTML code that allows me to post the pics in the
manner I prefer, essentially using the same code for every pic.

While I can write the code for my own galleries - it's really simple and
easy to do, there are many free programs out there that can do it for you,
such as Porta, the program Godders uses (I think he said it's free) and
several of the image editing programs, like Photoshop, will create
galleries with a variety of features and designs.

Unless your ISP doesn't allow you any free space, I see no reason to used
Photonet or other such hosts.


 [Original Message]
 From: Godfrey DiGiorgi 

 I've had an account on forever, but I generally dislike  
 their album/display tools. Same goes for most of the picture hosting  
 commercial websites.

 That's why I build my own pages and lease my own web server, or  
 use .Mac ...


 On Apr 10, 2007, at 8:12 AM, Jay Taylor wrote:

  My annual subscription is coming up 
  on PBase and I'm considering a
  possible change of service. For those 
  of you who have used,
  how do you like it ?
  I'm overall somewhat satisfied with 
  PBase, but sometimes find it gets
  bogged down with slow uploading 
 . and some folks don't seem to be able
  to view links back to my photos.
  The upload feature of selecting a 
  single .zip files of multiple
  pictures is nice as well as the Style Sheets 
  and galleries functions.
  I'd like to find out more about 
  though. I have a limited
  account already, but wonder how the paid 
  service compares to PBase
  and some of the others.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Web Hosting: PBase or

2007-04-10 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Hi Tom,

I can certainly understand your POV, and far be it from me to dissuade you.
I'd like to point out one other thing: Once the three or four lines of code
were written, there was no need to write any more code for subsequent pics,
and, had I chosen to do so, I could have set things up just to post the
pics without any code whatsoever.

Boris, I find your picture posting site just too busy, which, IMO, takes
away from a good, simple presentation which focuses on the photograph. 
Your pics - and the pics of many others on the PDML - can benefit from
better, simpler presentations.

I mentioned Godders setup for his gallery as being a good one.  While his
setup for single pics is also good in many ways, there are some other
presentations I like quite a bit.  Bruce Dayton's pics are nicely and
simply presented with a consistent format, and I can always count on being
able to concentrate on his photos rather than being distracted by
peripheral things in the presentation.  There are some other presentations
that I like as well.  Bill Robb seems to have simple and direct

As an aside, it was Bill who showed me how easy it was to put pics up the
way I wanted them to appear, quite a few years ago ;-))


 [Original Message]
 From: Boris Liberman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am mostly like you, Tom. So I chose It is free of 
 charge. It allows multiple downloads and very convenient system of

 But since recently I am leaning towards buying my own domain and making 
 there my own very simple web page.


 Tom C wrote:
  Because I work all day in the IT field and I'm loathe to write one
  line of HTML code. I like photography, not more programming when I'm
  working. Or call me lazy.
  Someday I will likely have my own gallery, but until then
  fine for easily and quickly displaying images.  It's not ideal, but
  close enough for the time being.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Web Hosting: PBase or

2007-04-10 Thread Shel Belinkoff

You posted two galleries before the cheapskate thread, both of which used a
horizontal format.  One was the window mannequins, the other was mostly (or
completely) of trees, iirc.  I thought those were with some template that
you used.  In any case, those presentations were simple, direct, easy to
maneuver through 


 [Original Message]
 From: Godfrey DiGiorgi 

 I think you're mistaking the way I wrote simple HTML using the Mac OS  
 X included TextEdit application for the cheapskates thread as what  
 I normally use to write HTML.

 Editors with HTML tools and HTML generators pose a significant  
 advantage over writing from scratch with a simple text editor or word  
 processor. Normally I use a pro-quality source code editor (BBEdit,  
 for those who would like a good one on Mac OS X...): it includes a  
 lot of excellent HTML constructs and is language-context sensitive so  
 it helps keep me from making gross mistakes in syntax.

 I use Photoshop, Lightroom and iView MediaPro to generate HTML  
 templates for more complex presentation layouts. I don't use them  
 very much. iView's HTML code is simpler, generally, and easier to edit.

 Unlike some, I enjoy writing HTML occasionally. It's so much nicer to  
 do it with good tools... ;-)


 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Protection glass / filters

2007-04-09 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Why would a DSLR require different filters than used on a film camera? 
Personally, I think the use of DSLR filters is hype and just a marketing

I stopped using protective filters a long time ago, and have stuck with
using good, deep lens hoods.  In fact, I've sold most of my protective
filters, keeping only a few for those times when I may be working in
extremely poor conditions, i.e., sand storms in the Sahara, covering wild
fires and active volcanic eruptions, photographing tsunamis from the beach.
I do still have color correction and contrast filters that are sometimes
used with lenses on film cameras.

Boris has commented that he wants to protect his expensive glass, and I can
certainly understand that.  If you're nervous about you limited lenses, or
any expensive lens, get very high quality filters and don't diddle around
with filters of various brands and quality ... 


 [Original Message]
 From: Bong Manayon 

 Thanks for posting your question, Roman.  It is helping me a lot in this debate with myself to filter or not to filter...?  My
 hunch is to take off all the filters in shooting digital, but have not
 gotten over the protection issue.  Somehow wanting to be ready in
 case Murphy strikes.  My lenses have a UV of various brands and
 quality on them (I forget now which is which, I should take


 On 4/9/07, Roman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What protecting glass / UV filter brands do you use on DSLR.
  I've good experience with Sigma UV EX DG (for digital). Hoya UV Pro1
  Digital I recently purchased had hard dirt stuck to the glass from the
  inner side that has been contacting with porolone in the filter case, so
  cleaned it with ethanol first, but the image passing through the glass
  is good.
  new photos ever so often...
  PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

 Bong Manayon

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Protection glass / filters

2007-04-09 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Why use a filter if you prefer not to?  Just get an old filter, smash out
the glass, and use the ring.  Using a filter with a pol my not be


 [Original Message]
 From: Mark Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Date: 4/9/2007 6:39:37 AM
 Subject: Re: Protection glass / filters

 None of my lenses has a protective filter on it except the 
 FA*80-200/2.8, and that's mainly because the lens's own filter threads 
 are damaged to the extent that it's really difficult to put a filter on 
 it (and particularly so with a polarizer, which is my most-used 
 filter). So the SMC Pentax UV filter I have on this lens provides 
 surrogate filter threads.

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO: Funny Dog Picture

2007-04-09 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Is he wearing an e-collar - oh, never mind, I see from the url that he
(probably) is.


 William Robb wrote:
  Jester had a bit of surgery a couple of weeks ago.
  I thought the disembodied head look to be a bit surreal.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - Bird in Tree

2007-04-09 Thread Shel Belinkoff
No offense taken.  Aren't the jays with the crest called Stellar (Steller?)

The scrub jays around here seem to be our standard run-of-the-mill jay

Shel doing the backpeddle LOL

 [Original Message]
 From: Christian [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Shel Belinkoff wrote:
  Yes, it's a standard blue jay.

 Sorry, Shel.  There is no standard jay.  You might think of a Blue Jay 
 as standard because they are so common.  This bird however is a Scrub 
 Jay.  Notice it has no crest as Blue jays do and also it has the 
 brownish colored back.

 Really, I don't like correcting people (please don't be offended), but 
 biology, especially ornithology, are passions for me (and my formal 
  Quite nice. A jay?

 It's not a bad shot either, Bruce, but maybe the bird is a little soft 
 for me.



 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - Bird in Tree

2007-04-09 Thread Shel Belinkoff
I don't recall ever seeing one of these, especially in the areas where
Bruce and I live.


 [Original Message]
 From: Christian 

 A Blue Jay:

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO: Funny Dog Picture

2007-04-09 Thread Shel Belinkoff
That's the only name I know them by.  We use the term e-collar as a
shorthand.  While e-collar may be used in training, I've not heard it
used here to any degree.


 [Original Message]
 From: William Robb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Date: 4/9/2007 7:48:49 AM
 Subject: Re: PESO: Funny Dog Picture

 - Original Message - 
 From: Shel Belinkoff
 Subject: Re: PESO: Funny Dog Picture

  Is he wearing an e-collar - oh, never mind, I see from the url that he
  (probably) is.

 I'm not sure if Elizabethan is the proper name for them, I've seen them 
 referred to by that name.
 The term e-collar is generally reserved for the ones that use an
 charge to get the dog's attention.

 Thanks for looking

 William Robb

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - Bird in Tree

2007-04-09 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Yes, I know - they are more of an eastern species.  Did a little research
after your first post.  Curious that Marnie's seen them here 


 [Original Message]
 From: Christian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Date: 4/9/2007 8:31:37 AM
 Subject: Re: PESO - Bird in Tree

 Shel Belinkoff wrote:
  I don't recall ever seeing one of these, especially in the areas where
  Bruce and I live.

  A Blue Jay:

 :-)  That's because they don't live in California!  Hahahahaha  What's 
 common to one person is not to another.  I forgot that Blue Jays are 
 more of an Eastern species.

 Here is a decent site for bird IDs (the pictures blow but the maps and 
 descriptions are ok)



 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: GESO (again) - Local Auto Motor Show]

2007-04-09 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Same here.  Even if I look at a gallery, it's usually only a few pics. 
Nice sized thumbnails help me to get a good impression of what's posted. 
But it's not so much my connection speed that limits my interest.  Some
galleries have no theme, others are just to much to digest - too many
pics - and others have poor navigation routines.

Godders' galleries are pretty much OK - not to many pics, usually themed
and organized, and quick to get into and easy to navigate.


 [Original Message]
 From: Kenneth Waller 

 Boris, I saw your first post of this gallery, took a very quick spin thru
 wasn't sufficiently interested to comment. - Sorry.

 Personally I'm more likely to comment on a single image than an entire 
 gallery - I'm on dial up.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: Try a hood (was: Protection glass / filters)

2007-04-09 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Bingo!  But not just any hood.  It really helps to get one that's truly
appropriate for the lens/camera combination, and don't be afraid to
experiment with lenses from different brand cameras or sources other than


 [Original Message]
 From: Mark Erickson 

 I think it's been said before, but you might try using lens hoods for 
 protection.  They create no optical degradation and sometimes even reduce 
 lens flare! 

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - Poppy

2007-04-08 Thread Shel Belinkoff
I like what that lens does ... ;-))


  Pentax K10D, Tokina AT-X SD 400/5.6, Handheld
  ISO 400, 1/1000 sec @ f/6.7

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Every K-Mount Ever Made, NIB

2007-04-08 Thread Shel Belinkoff
This morning, while cleaning out the back of a closet that had been unused
for a few years, I found a large box on the top shelf.  Curious, and
needing the space, I took the box down and upon opening it I found boxes of
K-mount lenses.  Every focal length and iteration from the 15mm through a
400mm, all NIB.  I also discovered a couple of NIB, black  K-bodied cameras.

Holy F-stop, Batman!  Amazing - I can't believe I'd forgotten about this
treasure trove for so many years.  Imagine my joy.

Then I woke up.

I just wanted to share my dream with you.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: Every K-Mount Ever Made, NIB

2007-04-08 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Have those a lot, do you?


 [Original Message]
 From: J. C. O'Connell 

 At least they are better than those damn
 everything's been stolen dreams

 -Original Message-
 David Savage
 Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2007 1:05 PM
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Subject: Re: Every K-Mount Ever Made, NIB

 I hate those types of dreams.

 They generally put me in a foul mood for the first half of the day.



 On 4/9/07, Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This morning, while cleaning out the back of a closet that had been 
  unused for a few years, I found a large box on the top shelf.  
  Curious, and needing the space, I took the box down and upon opening 
  it I found boxes of K-mount lenses.  Every focal length and iteration 
  from the 15mm through a 400mm, all NIB.  I also discovered a couple of

  NIB, black  K-bodied cameras.
  Holy F-stop, Batman!  Amazing - I can't believe I'd forgotten about 
  this treasure trove for so many years.  Imagine my joy.
  Then I woke up.
  I just wanted to share my dream with you.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: K10D Comes down in price

2007-04-08 Thread Shel Belinkoff
While not as cheap as Amazon, Buydig (a known good source with free
shipping) is offering the K10D for $847 and change.


 [Original Message]
 Date: 4/8/2007 8:41:37 AM
 Subject: K10D Comes down in price

 At Amazon that is. It is now down to $809  (camera body only). That is a 
 price drop from last month.

 Marnie aka Doe  :-)  

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - Bird in Tree

2007-04-08 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Yes, it's a standard blue jay.


 [Original Message]
 From: Godfrey DiGiorgi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Date: 4/8/2007 3:09:53 PM
 Subject: Re: PESO - Bird in Tree

 On Apr 8, 2007, at 11:45 AM, Bruce Dayton wrote:

  Ok, ok, it had been quite a while since I had last posted any PESO's
  so I got a few all at once.  This is the last one.

 Quite nice. A jay?


 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: PESO - Bird in Tree

2007-04-08 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Hi Bruce - I like this one because it shows a little of the leaves and
habitat.  The jay looks as though it could be a little sharper but it's
still pretty good and certainly more than acceptable for many situations.


 [Original Message]
 From: Bruce Dayton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Date: 4/8/2007 11:51:26 AM
 Subject: PESO - Bird in Tree

 Ok, ok, it had been quite a while since I had last posted any PESO's
 so I got a few all at once.  This is the last one.

 Comments welcome


 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: K10D Comes down in price

2007-04-08 Thread Shel Belinkoff
What was it last month?


 [Original Message]
 Date: 4/8/2007 8:41:37 AM
 Subject: K10D Comes down in price

 At Amazon that is. It is now down to $809  (camera body only). That is a 
 price drop from last month.

 Marnie aka Doe  :-)  

 ** See what's free at

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: Problem with A* 200 macro

2007-04-08 Thread Shel Belinkoff
LOCATION: Torrance, CA
NAME: Dean`s Camera Repair 
ADDRESS: 1055 West Carson Street 
PHONE: 310-782-8619 
COMMENTS:  Dean is as sharp as some of my lenses.  He has fixed a Super
Program, and he is working on one (two, cannibalizing one) of my lenses
now.  As soon as my LX comes back from Colorado it is going straight to
Dean to have him check it out.  He knows a little about Pentax because he
used to work for them.  He has a lens collimator at his house which he uses
for his own lenses, so I think he knows a little about lenses. 

He also checked out my Spotmatic II, but it was so close in tolerance it
didn't need any work.  He's also good with slide-projectors, as he gave me
some tips on fixing mine. 

DATE: June 17, 2000 

Dean's done some work on some of my lenses.  He's a good choice.


 [Original Message]
 From: Mark Cassino 

 I looks like I can work around the problem by setting exposure comp to 
 -1 stop and the aperture one stop smaller than I really want. but then I 
 can't stop down beyond f22 (not that I want but someday I might) and, 
 well, I just want it to work properly...

 Any advice would be appreciated...

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: peso: evening light on 1st ave

2007-04-07 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Great colors, but the pic could be better framed, and the copyright notice
is huge and distracting.


 [Original Message]
 From: ann sanfedele

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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