Re: and developer version numbers

2012-07-27 Thread David Golden
It's crazy.  But it's been that way since Perl 5.10.0 in 2007.  So now
we're stuck with it.

The C$VERSION = eval $VERSION idiom avoids some issues with it by
losing the underscore at runtime, but that might not be enough for
things that parse your distribution tarball version number and try to
do comparisons.


-- David

On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 3:48 PM, Jeffrey Thalhammer wrote:
 I just discovered that always treats version numbers with an 
 underscore as less than the equivalent version number without the underscore. 
 So 6.63_02 is less than 6.6302.  Is it it just me, or does that seem 
 crazy?  Dealing with $VERSION numbers in Perl is hard enough as it is.  This 
 doesn't help.


Re: Testing Output and Functionality

2012-04-24 Thread David Golden
On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 12:35 AM, Jed Lund wrote:
 I understand that this is a fairly basic question but I am stuck trying to
 find the right path forward.

It's not entirely basic, because you're testing an array of three
outputs for each functionality test instead of just one.

I'd probably use Capture::Tiny:

use Capture::Tiny qw/capture/;

my ($out, $err, $result) = capture { your_code_here };
# then test $out, $err, $result however you want

If that's repetitive, stick it in a loop or write a function to
abstract testing the three results against your expectations.

-- David

Re: Perl QA Hackathon: What was accomplished?

2012-04-06 Thread David Golden
On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 8:46 PM, James E Keenan wrote:
 Could someone post a summary of what was done/not done at this year's QA
 hackathon in Paris (

I don't know if this page is on the main page, yet, but this is the
running summary page:

-- David

Re: What is the best code on the CPAN?

2012-02-07 Thread David Golden
On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 9:29 PM, Jeffrey Thalhammer wrote:
 So in your opinion, which distribution on the CPAN best demonstrates these 


Leaving aside the fact that I don't think your full wishlist actually
exists in any single thing on CPAN, I would nevertheless point you to
that as a good example of almost all the things on your list.

-- David

Re: Fatal wide character warnings in tests

2012-01-29 Thread David Golden
Hook %SIG?

 On Jan 29, 2012 4:56 PM, Ovid wrote:

 How do I make Wide character in print warnings fatal in tests?

 This test passes;

 use Test::More;

 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use warnings FATAL = 'utf8';
 use utf8::all;
 my $string = '日本国';
 my $length = length($string);
 is $length, 3, $string should have $length characters;
 diag $string;

 That's passing because the warnings pragma is lexically scoped and the
 actual warnings are emitted in Test::Builder guts (utf8::all will let the
 test pass because that package's code is now marked as utf8, but it doesn't
 fix Test::Builder's filehandles). I can make the warnings go away with this:

 my $output = Test::Builder-new-todo_output;
 binmode $output, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
 $output = Test::Builder-new-failure_output;
 binmode $output, ':encoding(UTF-8)';

 But I'd really like a clean way of just saying kill my code if I ever see
 'Wide character in print' regardless of which package the error is emitted

 Live and work overseas -
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Re: [QA2012] IRC Meeting 2011-01-05

2012-01-05 Thread David Golden
On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 10:33 AM, Philippe Bruhat (BooK) wrote:
 - elbeho asked for advice regarding lunches (a break to eat outside
  vs. snacks in the dev room)
 - elbeho planned to book restaurants for the evenings
 - daxim's advice: avoid to leave the building even if it's not a decent
  lunch meal. proper dinner compensates

I strongly concur.  Lunch onsite is a nice for a short break that
doesn't cut into hacking time too much.  What I liked in Birmingham
was that lunch was in the building, but in a separate room and for an
hour, we all got to leave, have our stuff locked safely away and
eat/chat with our fellows, but it was *only* an hour break.  Lunch in
the room is OK, too, but probably means less social interaction during
lunch.  That's still better than a long interruption for lunch.

-- David

Re: Need suggestions for terminology

2011-12-06 Thread David Golden
On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 7:32 AM, David Cantrell wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 05, 2011 at 06:21:13PM -0600, brian d foy wrote:
 In article, David
 Cantrell wrote:
  There's at least one other significant difference: CPAN has an
  up-to-date index.  BackPAN doesn't.
 Well, CPAN's index is also BackPAN's index. That is, neither of them
 include all of the files in the repository.

 Various backpan mirrors seem to have different 02packages files. In
 general you can't rely on them to be the same as CPAN's.

More broadly, different mirrors (BackPAN and otherwise) can have
different 02packages files and you can't rely on them to be the same
as PAUSE's, which is the one true index, of which all others are but
shadows.  (hat tip, Roger Zelazny, RIP)

-- David

Re: Need suggestions for terminology

2011-12-05 Thread David Golden
On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 10:47 AM, David Cantrell wrote:
 There's at least one other significant difference: CPAN has an
 up-to-date index.  BackPAN doesn't.

Further to that point, I think the idea of the index should be
separated from the idea of the repository.

The repository may contain an index, it may or may not be up to date
-- which itself isn't a well defined concept given the lag between
submission to PAUSE (and fast mirroring) and inclusion in the
02packages file.

I plan to expand further on this idea of separation at the QA
Hackathon in the spring (if I don't start working on it sooner).  I'd
like to get all CPAN clients able to use an index completely separate
from a given repository, where the index could, for example, provide
URLs to different repositories, such as internal or external, or CPAN
and BackPAN, etc.

Among other things, this would allow a project to freeze (and version
control) a CPAN index and use it for repeatable deployment of a
specific dependency chain.

-- David

Re: Need suggestions for terminology

2011-12-05 Thread David Golden
On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 6:37 PM, Michael Peters wrote:
 Among other things, this would allow a project to freeze (and version
 control) a CPAN index and use it for repeatable deployment of a
 specific dependency chain.

 Isn't this what carton is trying to do?

Yes, but carton (as I understand it) takes a current CPAN index and
freezes the dependencies as tarballs into the project directory.  (And
I think does a local library install, too.)

That works, but it's clunky.  (Sorry, Miyagawa -- it's freaking
brilliant, but still clunky).  So every project winds up with copies
of tarballs, libraries, etc.  That seems to me to be hard to manage.

I want to work it from the other end where you (or your company or
team or whoever) manage the *index* and the net effect is the right
set of tarballs get pulled in when needed.

The two could actually work quite well together, since a better index
makes carton better at managing DarkPAN resources or a locally
modified index (no I want the *dev* version of Foo, because the
current Foo breaks stuff and the old version doesn't have feature X we
need) while still letting carton freeze specific tarballs down as

-- David

Re: Need suggestions for terminology

2011-12-05 Thread David Golden
On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 6:27 PM, Ricardo Signes wrote:
 We have a tool to do this, at work.  It isn't really in a state that I'd
 suggest others use it, but I would love to see something better than it become
 popular, as it has been *very* useful.  So, I will be happy to help, at least
 by telling you what we learned.

I remember you telling me a bit about it and I'll check it out again.

Frankly, I'm less concerned about constructing indices as that's a
relatively easily iterated problem.  The big hurdle I want to bridge
is to get regular old cpan(plus|m) using a new form of index that maps
packages to URLs (possibly URI::cpan::distfile) allowing any of these
as targets for fulfilling a request for a package:

  * cpan:///distfile/AUTHOR/Foo-Bar-1.23.tar.gz (e.g. a default CPAN repo)
  * cpan:// (e.g. alternate repo)
  * (e.g. internal tarball repo)

The point is that all we really need is package - tarball location
map and if we teach CPAN clients to work from that, then we just need
to play around with index CRUD tools for PAUSE and private use.

-- David

Re: [QA2012] IRC Meeting 2011-12-01

2011-12-02 Thread David Golden
On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 6:26 AM, Philippe Bruhat (BooK) wrote:
 - Laurent started to contact sponsors of past FPW, and also obtained
  more contact information for a potential sponsor

Do you have a pitch for sponsors?  E.g. what's in it for them, a
summary of results of previous hackathons, what they get for various
donation levels?

If you do, I could approach a company in NYC that has indicated
they're looking for ways to support the community.  I think they're
mostly looking for publicity to help with hiring, so a French
conference doesn't help directly, but the hackathon gets blogged about
a lot and if we ask people blogging to credit/thank the sponsors,
maybe we can make the publicity bump more interesting to them.

-- David

Re: Need suggestions for terminology

2011-12-02 Thread David Golden
On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 8:21 PM, Jeffrey Thalhammer wrote:
 Hi everyone-

 I need some suggestions for terminology to use in my code and documentation.  
 I'm picky about names, so this is important to me (perhaps more than it 
 should be).  The context is Pinto, which is yet-another suite of libraries 
 and tools for building a private CPAN-like repository.  Here's what I have so 

I would encourage you to use existing names/conventions whenever
possible.  Some references to consider if you haven't. (which you've seen)

 Distribution:  A Distribution is an abstract concept that defines 
 relationships between packages.  The minimal concrete implementation of a 
 Distribution would be just a META.json (or equivalent) file.  Distributions 
 also have names and versions like Foo-Bar-1.2

No.  At best a distribution is a collection of zero or more modules.
(It could be all scripts and no modules.)  META is not required.

 Distribution Archive:  A Distribution Archive is the physical manifestation 
 of a Distribution, and corresponds to an actual file on the local disk.  For 
 example, /home/jeff/Foo-Bar-1.2.tar.gz or C:\MyDocuments\Foo-Bar-1.2.tar.gz

I don't think you gain much by distinguishing this from distribution.
If you need to, I would consider abstract distribution for the
concept of a collection of modules and distribution for the archive
file as that is how it's commonly referred to elsewhere.

 Distribution Path:  The Distribution Path is how an Archive is identified in 
 a CPAN index.  It is basically a URL fragment that looks like 
 A/AU/AUTHOR/Foo-Bar-1.2.tar.gz.  This is the term I'm having the most trouble 
 with.  CPAN::DistnameInfo calls this the prefix but I don't really like 
 that either.

A distribution file can only be uniquely identified on CPAN by
AUTHOR/Foo-Bar-1.23.tar.gz.  This is why I think that separating the
concept of distribution from path is problematic.  If you define
distribution to be the tarball, the the name of the distribution is
AUTHOR/Foo-Bar... etc.  (The A/AU is unnecessary as it can be

It's what rjbs and I called a cpan::distfile URI.

If you need, you might discuss  distribution name as the bundle that
may span multiple releasing authors, but with the huge caveat that two
distribution files with the same name (sans author) have anything to
do with each other.


These might be the same inside or they might be different.  My Foo
distribution could contain module ACME::Foo and yours might contain
Acme::FOO.  Those would be two totally legal, indexable distributions
as far as PAUSE is concerned.

Likewise distvname from DistnameInfo is a useful concept, but not
sufficient to identify uniqueness.

My general conclusion is what I said in my blog post.  A
distribution is an archive file 'AUTHOR/Tarball-version.suffix' that
contains 0 or more modules.  That is the only definition that doesn't
get you into trouble with edge cases.

 Package:  A package is just a package, in the usual way.  That is, something 
 declared with the package keyword.
 Module: I actually avoid using the term Module because I think it is often 

Agreed.  See my blog post about it.  A Module is something that you
can give to use or require and get a thing loaded.  It may contain
zero or more Packages (i.e. namespaces)

 Repository: A repository is a general term for any CPAN-like pile of files.  
 This includes CPAN mirrors, as well as any DarkPAN or mini-cpans.  A 
 repository has a URL that identifies the entry point.  For example:

Fine, though you imply but don't state that a repository contains
distributions in a particular directory layout below the base URL.

-- David

Re: TB2::Mouse will be internal use only... with one hitch.

2011-12-01 Thread David Golden
On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 11:07 PM, David E. Wheeler wrote:
 Yes, but I would view this as a symptom of a failure of core Perl more than 
 anything else. We really need a MOP and the attendant infrastructure and 
 syntax for classes, methods, and roles in the language. The alternative is 
 having to deal with issues like this.

+1 Amen!

-- David

Re: Capturing only STDERR with Capture::Tiny?

2011-12-01 Thread David Golden
On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 5:24 AM, Gabor Szabo wrote:
 Does a request for such feature in Capture::Tiny sound reasonable?

-- David

Re: TB2::Mouse will be internal use only... with one hitch.

2011-11-30 Thread David Golden
On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 12:39 AM, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 There is a 3rd choice, which brings us full circle to where this discussion
 started.  We write TB2::Object [1] to select load Mouse if its available,
 TB2::Mouse otherwise.  That way TB2 classes are compatible with Mouse just in
 time.  They also get a performance kick.

 The core gets the for internal use only marked TB2::Mouse as previously

Without commenting on the rest of the plan, to which I want to give a
little more thought, it occurs to me TB2 as released to CPAN could
explicitly depend on Mouse, so that any TB2 installed (or upgraded)
via CPAN client gets Mouse installed (or upgraded).  Meanwhile, the
TB2 in Perl core could rely only TB2::Mouse as a temporary shim until
someone upgrades their TB2.

That might be good or bad policy depending on how one wants to look at
it as a precedent for core modules, but it does deal with this
particular issue pragmatically.

-- David

Re: Capturing only STDERR with Capture::Tiny?

2011-11-30 Thread David Golden
On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 11:25 PM, Gabor Szabo wrote:
 What is your suggestion to solve this?
 Does a request for such feature in Capture::Tiny sound reasonable?

It's reasonable and has been requested before:

I haven't found the tuits to dive back into the mess and implement it.
 To some extent, I'm trying to keep this Tiny and not implement
every possible variation of capture that people might like.  To
another extent, I've not decided on an API that I like for doing the
variations.  (I cringed when I added 'capture_merged').

In the meantime, I think IO::CaptureOutput does what you want, albeit
I don't think it necessarily does all things as well as Capture::Tiny
(particularly anything dealing with layers)

  use IO::CaptureOutput qw/capture/;
  capture \subroutine, \undef, \$stderr; # pass through to STDOUT

-- David

Re: TB2::Mouse will be internal use only... with one hitch.

2011-11-30 Thread David Golden
On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 6:13 AM, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 Unfortunately, that would be a circular dependency between Mouse and TB2 

Not a complete dependency, though, as one can function without the
other.  As long as the CPAN clients are smart enough not to follow the
prereq chain endlessly, it might work.


* install Mouse -- requires TB2 -- TB2 requires Mouse and client
ignores repeat.  TB2 passes test by falling back on TB::Mouse.  Mouse
tests find TB2 and pass.

* install TB2 -- requires Mouse -- Mouse requires TB2 and client
ignores repeat.  Mouse tests fail (ugly!).  TB2 fails to find Mouse,
falls back and passes.

That second case only happens if TB2 has *never* been installed on a
system (or if it's too old to meet Mouse's needs).  And possibly TB2's
Makefile could be smart and only add the Mouse prereq if it finds a
version of itself (or, really, of Test::More) sufficient to meet
Mouse's prereq needs.  (Bundling might still be easier.)

Another idea might be for TB2 to use the new runtime/recomends
prereq type in v2 CPAN Meta files.

One of my Paris QA hackathon goals is to teach at least (and
maybe the other CPAN clients) to do something useful with the new
prereq types, and useful might include something smart when a
recommendation fails.  (E.g. letting it happen without complaining).
The definition of useful is one of the things I want to debate over
meals there in the non-coding hours.  :-)

-- David

Re: [QA2012] IRC Meeting 2011-11-24

2011-11-28 Thread David Golden
On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 4:29 AM, Philippe Bruhat (BooK) wrote:
 - the web site is live, DNS changes were fully propagated shortly after
  the meeting

I've created a stub Attendees page on the wiki and added myself along
with my proposed topics.

-- David

Re: Relying more on Mouse

2011-11-25 Thread David Golden
On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 4:23 PM, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 I don't think cobbling together an OO system from bits and bobs, and then
 relying on it, makes more sense than using a fully baked one

Of course, that pretty much describes Perl OO in a nutshell until
Moose/Class::MOP came along.  And it describes pretty much how every
other core module does OO.  (With the possible exception of CPANPLUS,
which dragged Object::Accessor into core with it.)

To be clear -- I'm not (yet) saying that TB2 should absolutely roll
it's own OO, but I am concerned about hiding yet another copy of a
perfectly decent CPAN module so that we can avoid saying that we're
including another CPAN module in core.  It's seductively easy to get
the benefits *now* during the development of TB2, but there are
downstream maintenance costs that we shouldn't discount lightly.

 Also one of the side benefits of shipping TB2::Mouse is now other Test modules
 can rely on it getting the benefit of a fully operational OO system without
 adding further dependencies.

And potentially *other*, non-test modules could start doing so too.
Is there a guarantee that TB2::Mouse will always be in core (short of
a deprecation cycle)?  Would it have to be available forever under
use v5.18?  I'm very leery of adding more core modules when the core
policy around deprecation or lack thereof is in flux.

[ Social hack: include TB2::Mouse but mark it deprecated from the
start.  :-) ]

If I had my druthers, I'd like to see Stevan's core MOP work finished,
then I'd like to see a powerful, minimalist object system on top of
*that* built for inclusion in core, then I'd like to see core modules
gradually migrating to that.  And I'd like a pony, too.

Maybe the related, fundamental question is whether TB2 itself needs to
be in core -- or, if so, *when* it needs to be in core.  Maybe core is
just fine with Test::More as is and anyone needing more powerful
testing frameworks can install TB2 from CPAN.  (Ditto for any new test
modules that are written that rely on TB2.)  Eventually, when TB2 is
well proven on CPAN and the core offers the kind of MOP that TB2
needs, then it can migrate in.

-- David

Re: Relying more on Mouse

2011-11-22 Thread David Golden
On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 2:02 PM, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
 Is there a way to remove some of the work Mouse is doing at startup?
 What is it doing?

How much of Mouse is needed?  Could Moo be used?  (I ask without
having read the details of the OO breakdown of TB2)

-- David

Re: Relying more on Mouse

2011-11-22 Thread David Golden
On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 10:49 PM, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 The major Mo[ou]se features that Test::Builder2 uses heavily is roles and
 attributes.  It also uses types, coercion, meta classes and method modifiers,
 but those could be removed if necessary.  I've tried to keep it simple to
 avoid touching any actual or potential Mouse bugs.

Attributes -- leaving aside types and coercion -- are you just talking
about the sugar?

And I wonder if Role::Tiny could be extended to do multiple roles.

Or could you do a poor-man's version of roles using mix-ins?

I understand the goal of decomposition and why Mo[ou]se rocks, but for
a testing framework, maybe simpler is better.

For example, Moose will detect method clashes with roles, right?  (I
assume Mouse does that.)  Do you really need that?  Or could you
verify the design by hand rather than relying on a MOP to do the
work for you?

How much of it is fundamental to what you're trying to do and how much
of it is just making life easier for you in implementing it?  Granted,
well tested Mouse might be less buggy than hand-rolled replacement,
but a special-purpose class framework could possibly be simpler (thus
faster and less buggy).

[N.B. Not arguing not to use it -- trying to provoke discussion of
preexisting assumptions.]

-- David

Re: Relying more on Mouse

2011-11-21 Thread David Golden
My bigger concern would be inclusion of Mouse in core as a dependency,
since the direction of Perl seems to be to have fewer core modules,
not more.  I'd run that discussion by p5p/Ricardo before getting too
tied to Mouse.

Separately -- once the Perl core gets a MOP, maybe this gets
easier/faster anyway.

-- David

On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 2:20 AM, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 I did some profiling and easy optimizations which sped things up quite a bit,
 but it didn't translate into real world improvements.  Turns out the real
 problem is startup time.

    use Test::More;

 real    0m0.021s
 user    0m0.016s
 sys     0m0.004s

 real    0m0.092s
 user    0m0.083s
 sys     0m0.008s

 That's going to be a tough one to cut down, simply because Test::Builder1.5
 contains so many more individual files to load and attributes to set up.
 There's some things it's doing at compile time that can be hard coded (like
 setting up all the Result subclasses), but what shaves off a good chunk is
 using Mouse with XS.

 1.5 with XS Mouse
 real    0m0.070s
 user    0m0.061s
 sys     0m0.007s

 So that's another point in its favor.

 Schwern What we learned was if you get confused, grab someone and swing
          them around a few times
        -- Life's lessons from square dancing

Re: Smoker setup to compare old vs new versions?

2011-11-15 Thread David Golden
On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 8:28 AM, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 I've never used the CPAN smoker software before and I'm hoping somebody has a

Regression testing is less well developed.  As far as I know, people
have rolled their own.

I have some poorly documented tools I used to use to regression smoke

Steffen has another regression smoker (possibly with some parts
adapted from mine) that he's been using to do Perl regression tests
against CPAN:

The general approach is this:

* Smoke configuration 1 and save reports to a directory
* Smoke configuration 2 and save reports to a different directory
* Compare directories and output HTML to browse differences

Hope that helps point you in the right direction.

-- David

Re: The end of 5.6 is nigh!

2011-11-12 Thread David Golden
On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 6:50 PM, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 By which I mean, the next major release of Test::More (aka Test::Builder1.5)
 will support 5.8.1 and up.  ExtUtils::MakeMaker will probably go that way,
 too.  This effectively cuts off most of CPAN from 5.8.0 and down.  This will
 happen in the next few months.

Thank Schwern!  It's about time.

I look forward to the jump to 5.10.1 in a couple years, so we can
finally rely on configure_requires in the toolchain.  (And it will be
nice to stop bundling clones with toolchain distros, too.)

-- David

Re: Perl QA Hackathon 2012

2011-11-03 Thread David Golden
On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 8:25 PM, Philippe Bruhat (BooK) wrote:
 It seems we are picking up the gauntlet, and it will happen in
 Paris. :-)

 The current local team is very small: it's just myself and
 Laurent Boivin.

Hooray! And thank you!

 We have two possible venues:
  ** Carrefour Numérique, Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie **
    Price: free

  ** La Cantine **
    Price: we have a quote for 5700 EUR for the three days

I vote for free, particularly since I would guess that hotels on the
outskirts are less expensive as well.  I don't mind the limited
opening hours of Carrefour Numérique, as we can always reconvene at
the hotel after dinner for evening hacking.

 We will have a weekly meeting on #perl-qa (, every
 Thursday at 13:00, for 15 minutes.

Time zone?


Re: Do we need subtests in TAP?

2011-10-30 Thread David Golden
On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 3:23 PM, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 On 2011.10.30 2:58 AM, Adrian Howard wrote:
 I prefer the current subtests system for a few reasons:

 * With the new system I would have to re-write TAP streams from other sources
 to match the numbering system of the current stream. This makes more work for
 folk who are pulling in TAP streams from other boxes/processes. If we do go 
 route you would, ideally, need to have a standard system for

 No, TAP::Harness would continue to parse subtest TAP.  TAP from other tests
 could still be embedded by simple indentation.


I haven't followed the T::B 2 work closely enough, so could I ask you
to please step back and explain the benefits of T::B 1.5 that is worth
stepping backwards in terms of capabilities?  What I mean is that we
have TAP::Harness now that processes subtest TAP and we have a T::B
now that produces subtest TAP, so why stop?

This quote from the TB 2 docs scares me a little: Test::Builder2 is
very generic and doesn't do a lot of the work you've probably come to
expect a test framework to do. This reduction of assumptions increases
flexibility and ensures that TB2 can remain the core of Perl testing
for another decade to come.

That sounds an awful lot like second system syndrome.  And -- hey,
that's great if it works -- I mean no offense is saying that.  But
something that is *half* of a second system that loses a nice feature
of the first system seems a suboptimal outcome.

-- David

Re: Do we need subtests in TAP?

2011-10-28 Thread David Golden
On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 3:23 AM, Ovid wrote:
 Moving along, the *idea* of a nested TAP is so conceptually simple that if 
 the implementing code is struggling with it, perhaps it's a sign that there 
 are some design decisions which should be revisited? When I find conceptually 
 simple ideas hard to do, I find it a code smell. (note that I'm not saying 
 the actual design is bad. I haven't looked). I also find subtests so 
 incredibly convenient and opens up so many possibilities that I would hate to 
 lose them (and I use them a lot).

Without looking at the actual code, I would guess that the complexity
is implementing subtests while preserving the legacy procedural
interface that wraps calls to a global singleton.

Conceptually, this doesn't seem hard:

my $t = Test::SuperDooper-new;


$t-subtest( $label = sub {
my $t = shift;


Tests would be recorded in an object and subtest subroutines get
passed a (new) test object.

But that's *not* the Test::More interface we all know and love so the
interface has to fake that with globals/local() that we can all
imagine (even without going to the code).  So that design decision is
sort of forced due to the API.

I agree that given the existence of nested TAP now, I wouldn't want to
see it removed, so I'm not sure what complexity Schwern is looking to
eliminate -- whether it's existing complexity or potential new
complexity implementing new features.

-- David

Re: Do we need subtests in TAP?

2011-10-26 Thread David Golden
On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 11:56 PM, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 I keep looking at subtests and keeping thinking that if there wasn't a test
 count to manage, would we need subtests?  Do we need all that complexity?  If
 it's just about the test count, can it be managed a better way?

I find several benefits:

* Less visual clutter in non-verbose output
* Indentation of verbose output
* Test granularity

I rarely care about test counts anymore -- the overhead of updating
plan just isn't worth it to me.

 I understand wanting blocks of tests and the ability to make plans for just
 those blocks, but do we need a discrete test state for that?  For example,
 Test::Class provides most of what subtests provide without special support.

I would suggest looking at Test::Routine as well -- it has been a
god-send to me for testing Metabase and uses subtests.

 It occurred to me because most other testing systems don't have subtests.
 They have test methods, but those aren't treated as a sub-state of the test.

That might work under an assertion-type system, where tests within the
method are assertions and some harness is catching exceptions within
the test methods.  The downside of assertions is that the test method
dies on the first assertion and you get no information about whether
subsequent tests would have passed or failed.

 In essence, a subtest is nothing more than a block of tests with a name and
 it's own plan.

I wonder how many people are using subtests with a plan and how many
are replying on the implied done_testIng feature.

  The special TAP formatting seems unnecessary.  I guess that's
 the real question, do we need the special TAP formatting or do we just need
 named test blocks with their own plan?

Because I really don't care about numbering, I don't really care if
subtests have their own numbers or just continue the number sequence.
I do like the visualization options of subtests and it would be weird
if the numbering jumped when subtests were not verbose.

-- David

Re: QA hackathon 2012

2011-09-30 Thread David Golden
On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 4:44 AM, Philippe Bruhat (BooK) wrote:
 I thought I'd see people complain about having the hackathon start on
 a Friday, so I'll take the silence to mean doesn't really matter,
 so long as you have a good venue. :-)

Yes.  Friday is fine.

-- David

Re: QA hackathon 2012

2011-08-22 Thread David Golden
On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 7:07 PM, Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ 迪拉斯 wrote:
 To the usual suspects on this list, especially the ones who could not attend
 the last times: when do you have time around April? (Traditionally, the QA
 hackathon is from Saturday to Monday and avoids Easter.)

My daughter turns 1 on March 22, but I would expect to be free the
weekend that includes April 1.  I would not be free the following
weekend, which is Easter/Passover.  Otherwise, April looks flexible.

-- David

Re: [test-more] DBIx::Class mysterious fails (#146)

2011-07-21 Thread David Golden
To clarify -- the tester is running Test::More 2.00_07.  Whether that
is advisable or not I won't take an opinion on, but it's a sign that
2.00_07 is breaking stuff on CPAN.

I have several modules with similar issues and I've just started
ignoring TB2 reports.

-- David

On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 3:25 PM, Ovid wrote:
 Hi there,

 I'm sorry to forward this to PerlQA, but with a baby at home, I've so little 
 free time available that it's hard for me to really look into issues right 
 now. I really would like your issue to be resolved and I'm hoping (beg, beg, 
 beg) that someone on PerlQA might recognize this issue and be able to help.

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From: ribasushi
Sent: Thursday, 21 July 2011, 13:30
Subject: [test-more] DBIx::Class mysterious fails (#146)

Granted I do some weird shit in these tests, but my TAP output/TB hooking is 
legit afaict. Please share your thoughts:

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub:

Re: Suggestion regarding test suite design

2011-07-06 Thread David Golden
On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 6:01 AM, Murugesan Kandasamy wrote:
 I have hundreds of similar scenarios and they are getting executed well and 
 working as expected with test harness. But my doubt is I am having hundreds 
 of .t files just with two lines of code i.e. loading the module, calling the 
 subroutine Load_and_execute with the xml file as input. Is it not just a 
 repetition/code duplication? But I need a way to test the whole suite with 
 multiple scenarios like this. Is any other way possible.

Maybe you need another level of abstraction.

Create a file that contains all your cases (what you would put in the
two-line .t file) and then have one .t file iterate through that file,
calling each case.

-- David

Re: stable and development releases on CPAN

2011-06-25 Thread David Golden
On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 12:49 PM, chromatic wrote:
 For projects like Padre we would like to be able to upload versions and let
 the end user easily decide which version they would like to use.

 The best* approach I've seen so far is to add version numbers to names, as
 does perl5i--although you could add ::Stable or ::Development or
 ::Ancient::For::RHEL as suffixes easily enough.

 What would the interface look like in various contexts for selecting branches?

I think the medium term answer is that we need to unbundle
module/distribution indexes from CPAN mirrors.

Then a project like Padre could publish versioned, custom indices and
people could select them for an install:

   $ futurecpan --index http://... --install Padre

Another alternative could be miyagawa's new carton project (see
github) and you start publishing a list of things to be installed
together rather than relying on a cpan client.

My long term thinking is that CPAN clients as we know them are
fundamentally limited and we'll see a round of innovation to find
alternatives for different purposes, such as installing an
application such as Padre or deploying web apps and so on.

-- David

Re: RFC: Private CPAN In A Box

2011-05-25 Thread David Golden
On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 1:19 AM, Jeffrey Thalhammer wrote:
 I realize this doesn't solve the big problem of automatically building a 
 particular CPAN mirror with a magical mix modules.  But based on my own 
 development patterns, I think this model could provide a workable framework 
 for organically evolving application dependencies, while providing a stable 
 and reproducible dependency stack at the same time.

I hadn't quite taken it that far in my thinking, but I'm glad to have
a use case to consider as I work.

My mental model to date has been along these lines:

* You're working off a particular version of perl (/opt/perl/5.XX/)
which has no site_lib modules installed

* Modules you're adding as dependencies get installed into your
local::lib  (possibly per application, if you need that separation)

* When you're done with your application, you tar it up and inject it
into a repository that can be accessed via a URL

* You add your tarball to a local+BackPAN index (local supersedes BackPAN)

* You run the dependency analysis tool against your tarball, using the
perl as a base and using the local+BackPAN to resolve dependencies.

* Tool spits out the ordered list of tarballs (probably as URLs)
needed to install the application

If you need to patch a module from CPAN, you treat it just like an
app, publish locally and add it to the local index.

To deploy, on some other machine, you run a deployment tool against
the matching perl on that machine, giving it the ordered list of URLs.

For instances where you might have App A and App B, the tool should be
able to factor out a common set of dependencies, which could be
deployed separately.  Then with the right ordering of library paths,
you could have App A use version X of a module, while App B uses
version Y of a module and otherwise, they use a common set of modules.

I hadn't considered the team development case much.  My snap reaction
is that you would regularly deploy to a shared development library
path rather than install modules to a personal local::lib during
development.  As long as the local+BackPAN index can reverse your
dependency (module name and version) to the right tarball (including
locally patched ones), it all should just work.

My though is to write a separate tool for this rather than try to make
it work with either M::B or dzil.

-- David

Re: RFC: Private CPAN In A Box

2011-05-24 Thread David Golden
The problem is that there is no way for a single application to use multiple
versions of a module.  So it's easy to imagine that very specific module
prereqs could be in conflict and require manual override. That's not the
right answer.

What we need is application level dependencies that are specific and non
conflicting and then to make it easy to install into app specific lib

That's what im
On May 23, 2011 5:22 PM, David E. Wheeler wrote:
 On May 20, 2011, at 11:04 AM, Jeffrey Thalhammer wrote:

 I'm not attempting to build an all-encompasing dependency management
system. I've tried to avoid thinking about it in terms of CPAN as we know
it, since in theory, that is an implementation detail. But in practice, I'm
will stipulate that a dependency is just a Perl module in some CPAN

 Yeah, that's what's confusing me. To me, a dependency is a Perl module
in some CPAN repository that the module I'm trying to install right now
depends on. That is, it's listed in in the prereqs section of a META.json

 The trouble with CPANs is that they are a moving target -- modules are
constantly updated, added, and removed[1]. This creates problems for
developers that want to use the CPAN tool chain, but need to have a stable
set of dependencies. At the same time, they need flexibility to evolve those
dependencies in a systematic way.

 Well, the new version spec in CPAN Meta Spec 2.0 helps with this. You can
specify very precise requirements.

 Thanks for bringing PGXN to my attention. The architecture is very
similar to what I was thinking. I will dig deeper to see if we can leverage

 [1] I think a lot of this trouble would go away if the CPAN tool chain
simply permitted authors to express precisely which $VERSION of something
they require. So I have to wonder if that is the right place to focus,
rather than building something on top of the tool chain.

 You can.



Re: RFC: Private CPAN In A Box

2011-05-24 Thread David Golden
On Monday, May 23, 2011, David Golden wrote:
 The problem is that there is no way for a single application to use multiple 
 versions of a module.  So it's easy to imagine that very specific module 
 prereqs could be in conflict and require manual override. That's not the 
 right answer.

 What we need is application level dependencies that are specific and non 
 conflicting and then to make it easy to install into app specific lib 
 That's what im

The SEND button should be harder to press by accident...

That's what I'm working on in June - trying to tie all the various
lessons from other toolchain and meta tools into something that can be
for Perl apps what cpan(p|m) is for Perl modules.

I think people are trying to make cpan solve the application level
problem and that's why custom CPAN mirror seems like the answer.


Re: RFC: Private CPAN In A Box

2011-05-24 Thread David Golden
On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 8:38 PM, Cosimo Streppone wrote:
 I say:

   prereqs : {
      runtime : {
         requires : {
            Net::Ping : = 2.35

 Where current Net::Ping on CPAN is 2.36,
 than this will install Net::Ping 2.35 as

 Or, if Net::Ping on the system is already 2.36
 it will refuse to proceed?

I think the current CPAN clients will all refuse to proceed.  This is
what I meant when I said that version ranges don't accomplish the goal
because the computer can't know what the right thing to do is.

-- David

Re: RFC: Private CPAN In A Box

2011-05-24 Thread David Golden
On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 12:14 PM, David E. Wheeler wrote:
 On May 24, 2011, at 3:04 AM, David Golden wrote:

 Or, if Net::Ping on the system is already 2.36
 it will refuse to proceed?

 I think the current CPAN clients will all refuse to proceed.  This is
 what I meant when I said that version ranges don't accomplish the goal
 because the computer can't know what the right thing to do is

 Ah, but sometime this summer the clients (and therefor the computer) will?

I doubt it.  I have plans for an application installer that will
pre-compute dependencies and reliably set up per-application lib
directories.  Different applications could have different versions of
a module, but a single application will only have one version
available to it.

This is not something that the CPAN clients are really designed to do
(though they can be made to do the right things with INSTALLBASE and
so on).

A better specification and design for application dependencies and
installation will avoid the need to create N custom CPAN views as a
hack to make CPAN clients try to be application deployment tools.

-- David

Re: RFC: Private CPAN In A Box

2011-05-24 Thread David Golden
On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 12:25 PM, David E. Wheeler wrote:
 Well, are you using the same version ranges spec for the META.json file? 
 Seems to me that this might result in a stand-alone library that, given 
 prereqs, could determine what should be installed. Then the existing clients 
 could use it too, eh?

That's the idea, though I've not worked out the details.  But for
example, I'd like to use the configuration output data (MYMETA.json)
to determine three sets of modules (tarballs, really):

  - latest versions on CPAN
  - currently installed versions on developers machine
  - minimum versions on CPAN that satisfy the prereq specs

It's possible that version ranges could conflict, in which case some
or all of those might not be achievable.  Ideally, the dependencies
would be determined against a specific version of perl without
additional libraries installed.

Then, given one of those three ordered list of tarballs that satisfy
all prereqs, it should be possibly to repeatably deploy an application
with a known set of module versions, even as the latest on CPAN

Of the three sets, users would have to decide which suit their
specific needs/purpose, or could substitute versions, etc.

That's my vision in a nutshell.  I have some people in NY that I'm
going to do some brainstorming with and then I'll try to get a proof
of concept code out next month.

-- David

Re: RFC: Private CPAN In A Box

2011-05-24 Thread David Golden
On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 4:32 PM, Leon Timmermans wrote:
 On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 10:17 PM, David Golden wrote:
 Then, given one of those three ordered list of tarballs that satisfy
 all prereqs, it should be possibly to repeatably deploy an application
 with a known set of module versions, even as the latest on CPAN

 That could get a bit troublesome with the current best practice to
 delete older versions of module from CPAN.

I don't remember when they started keeping the history -- I've seen
stuff as far back as 1997.

-- Davie

Re: RFC: Private CPAN In A Box

2011-05-24 Thread David Golden
On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 5:27 PM, Jan Dubois wrote:
 AFAICT there is no good index for backpan though.  I have to audit diffs
 to older module versions quite often, so I have my own tools, and found
 that even the links are not comprehensive; I have to crawl both
 backpan/modules/by-module and backpan/modules/by-authors/id to make
 sure I find *all* the different versions.

I believe that brian foy created a pretty comprehensive one -- I think
he may have actually investigated how module files changed from
tarball to tarball.  (E.g. Module $VERSION was the same in two
tarballs, but the file MD5's are different).

The hard problem is that PAUSE doesn't have any
maintainer/co-maintainer history -- so given a historical
DAGOLDEN/Foo-Bar-1.23.tar.gz and RJBS/Foo-Bar-1.23.tar.gz, there's no
way to tell that one or the other was the official indexed version.
You can look at who has maintainer rights *today* and assume from that
who was authorized when the tarball was uploaded.

I don't know (yet) how many collisions like that there are. I suspect
it's a relatively small number that can be flagged and resolved with a
bit of research and email.

-- David

Re: Vague Testing

2011-02-17 Thread David Golden
On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 3:52 AM, Ovid wrote:
 It's OK if I get back that data structure, but the 2 and 4 records are 
 swapped or maybe the 5 isn't present. However, for any contained array 
 reference its exact data can't change. However, if those came back in the 
 order of 6,5,4,3,2,1, the test should fail (thus, I can't use bag tests).

Do you have actual hard criteria?  Or is it fuzzy/arbitrary?  How do
you know that one swap is OK, but a full reversal is not?

Put differently, with the criteria you describe, I have a hard time
seeing how this could actually be a meaningful test.  Can you explain
more about the problem domain?

-- David

Re: Vague Testing

2011-02-17 Thread David Golden
On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 9:09 AM, Ovid wrote:
 For a *very* contrived use case, imagine that you're being introduced to your 
 daughter's boyfriend for the first time and you know his name is Alexander. 
 He might introduce himself as Alexander, Alex, Al, or even Xander and 
 you might not bat an eyelash. If he introduces himself as Sally or Bob, 
 it's times to start asking questions.

 In my case, I have code which returns a list of items, but I'm pulling real 
 data (and it's very hard not to pull real data for this use case) and that 
 data will *usually* be in the order I expect, but subtle variations are 
 allowed and cannot be easily prevented. Unfortunately, I can't tell you more 
 than this.

Got it.

My impression is that if the real question is whether it's Alex and
not Sally, then I would try to avoid the ordering issue entirely if
possible and apply some domain-relevant sort to the data and then
iterate through, counting how many things are totally missing.

In your original example,

   [   1, 'North Beach',   'au', 'city'  ],
   [   2, 'North Beach',   'us', 'city'  ],
   [   3, 'North Beach',   'us', 'city'  ],
   [   4, 'North Beach Hotel', 'us', 'hotel' ],
   [   5, 'North Beach',   'us', 'city'  ],
   [   6, 'North Beach',   'us', 'city'  ],

records 2, 3, 5 and 6 are identical.  So when you say that 654321 is
not OK, is that because 1 ('au') should come before 2 ('us')?  You
said that 2 and 4 could be reversed, so the ordering of 'hotel' and
'city' seems irrelevant.

So I think you've got to nail down what specifically about the order
is required, then sort in a way that preserves that important
dimension (country), but standardizes the rest (e.g. always putting
'hotel' after 'city').  Then you're just walking through it looking
for things that are mismatched or missing.

I realize your original example is highly simplified, but I hope my
suggestion about preserving the important ordering and sorting the
rest for comparison is clear enough and maybe even constructive.  :-)


Test::Harness fails tests on stock 5.6.2

2011-02-15 Thread David Golden
Could someone please investigate this:

This prevents upgrading Test::Harness on a stock perl 5.6.2 system,
which cascades into preventing from upgrading likewise.

I suspect it might be due to a bug in Getopt::Long as another 5.6.2
with upgraded Getopt::Long passes the tests with no problems.

Thank you,

Re: Depend on Imager w/ PNG feature?

2010-05-23 Thread David Golden
On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Joshua ben Jore wrote:
 My Runops-Movie depends on Imager with it's png feature. I'm not sure
 exactly how to accomplish this as a dependency. My module can depend
 on Imager but I have no way to communicate to the running CPAN harness
 that the Imager that's been delivered isn't sufficient.

 Right now the only abort message I know to send is exit(0) before
 Makefiie is created. I think I'd like to abort but I want to attempt
 to let the normal CPAN dependency resolution to work because I think
 it's likely that Imager will often have the right support and be built
 with png. Your suggetions?

I might do it with a Task::Imager::PNG module that has Imager as a
prereq and has tests for png capabilities.  Test failures would get
picked up by the harness.

To be most helpful to users, you should probably have the tests fail
with some sort of diagnostic message about how to install PNG support
for Imager.

-- David

Re: Toolchain issues

2010-04-29 Thread David Golden
Quick thoughts:

 2. ExtUtils::MakeMaker and Module::Build - Serious!

   HP-UX, and probably other OS's too, do not allow installation of
   shared objects when the object already exists and is in use. That
   means that all XS modules used by CPAN cannot be installed by CPAN.

This is actually a problem with ExtUtils::Install, I think.  The same
problem exists on Windows, but EU::I uses a Win32 call to schedule the
file for deletion on reboot before replacing it with a new one.  I
don't know what the answer is for HP-UX, but it's EU::I, not M::B or
EU::MM -- which has the extra advantage of having only one place to
fix it.



   My HP-UX 10.20 only has 512 Mb memory :) When LWP and Archive::Tar
   are installed, large distributions - like DBD::SQLite - will cause
   an Out of memory! crash of cpan. When I use other fetch methods
   and build from source myself, there is no problem at all.

I plan to get using HTTP::Lite in 5.13, which will solve half
the problem.


Re: camels

2010-01-04 Thread David Golden
On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 10:18 PM, Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:
 It’s unrecognisable at favicon size. The camel is distinctive
 down to a handful of pixels. And if you add a shell to it, so can
 a pearl be. In fact a pearl in a shell is what iX magazine in
 Germany has used as the masthead for their on-and-off Perl column
 for at least a decade.

Or how about a string of pearls looped artistically in the shape of a P?

My bikeshed is green,


2010-01-02 Thread David Golden
For the record, I'll second Barbie's suggestion.


On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 4:16 AM, Barbie wrote:
 On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 10:10:48PM -0500, David Golden wrote:
 On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 4:54 PM, Leo Lapworth wrote:
  2) Testing CPAN
  Shaun, would you mind looking at this?
   - Just needs a quick review/update

 The CPAN Testers stuff looks fine to me.  The Daily Build section
 should really go to a new tab Testing Perl or Testing Perl Source
 or Testing Core Perl or something along those lines.

 Not sure it needs an extra tab, but perhaps renaming the current tab to
 TESTING CPAN  PERL. There are CPAN Testers that submit test reports
 to CPAN Testers Reports for blead-perl as well as the Perl Smokers
 sending reports to the daily-build.reports archive, so although the two
 are different, and largely have different testers, there is still a
 slight overlap.

 Then you could have 2 H2 headings on the page, Testing CPAN and
 Testing Perl to differentiate the 2.

 Birmingham Perl Mongers
 Memoirs Of A Roadie
 CPAN Testers Blog
 YAPC Conference Surveys


2009-12-29 Thread David Golden
On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 4:54 PM, Leo Lapworth wrote:
 2) Testing CPAN

 Shaun, would you mind looking at this?

  - Just needs a quick review/update

The CPAN Testers stuff looks fine to me.  The Daily Build section
should really go to a new tab Testing Perl or Testing Perl Source
or Testing Core Perl or something along those lines.


Re: What's up with No targets specified and no makefile found?

2009-12-21 Thread David Golden
You need to be asking on cpan-testers-discuss.  Copying that list now.

-- David

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 4:02 PM, Joshua ben Jore wrote:
 The CPAN smokers regularly spit back UNKNOWN results where the text of
 the error is:

    Output from '/usr/bin/make':

    make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.

 One example is
 but there are many, many others. Does anyone know what's going on


Re: Discourage use_ok?

2009-11-09 Thread David Golden
(n Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 5:11 AM, Ovid wrote:
 For the life of me, I can't really see any utility to use_ok() or 
 require_ok().  Not only are both fragile and a source of strange action at a 
 distance bugs, but the constructs they replace not only work correctly, but

I don't see any problem with require_ok.  I've found it useful as a
cheap sanity check and don't see the action at a distance problems you

Or maybe I just prefer it over the ordinary death message of the
module not loading.

-- David

Re: standard for internal-only tests?

2009-08-01 Thread David Golden
On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 2:32 PM, Jonathan wrote:
 Wow, putting them in MANIFEST.skip - what a simple and great idea. :) I
 don't even need the environment variable in that case. Anyone who is running
 'make test' in the git source will see the internal tests, as they
 should...anyone who has the published distribution won't see them.

The downside is that anyone who works on  your code from CPAN rather
than git won't know you have them.

-- David

Re: standard for internal-only tests?

2009-07-31 Thread David Golden
A common standard is to put them in an xt/ directory and run them during
development with 'prove'.


On Jul 31, 2009 2:12 PM, Jonathan Swartz wrote:

There are certain tests in my distribution that I don't want end users to
run. I want to run them during development, and I also want anyone else
contributing to the distribution to run them. These are typically related to
static analysis of the code, e.g. perl critic, perl tidy and pod checking -
it makes no sense to risk having these fail for end users.

Is there a standard for signifying internal-only tests, and for make test to
figure out when they should run?


FYI: new 'patched' status on

2009-07-18 Thread David Golden
I'd like to thank Ruslan (ruz) for adding a 'patched' status value on

I asked for the 'patched' status for tickets that I've fixed in the
code repository, but have not yet released to CPAN.  Tickets with
'patched' will appear on the active bugs list (e.g. from so that users can see the status and not make a
duplicate report.

-- David

Re: Making TODO Tests Fail

2009-07-14 Thread David Golden
On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 5:43 AM, Ovid wrote:

 We have no diagnostics. We've never had diagnostics (the ad-hoc things
 going to STDERR don't count because they can't be synched or reliably
 parsed). Thus, I can't add diagnostics to the TODO tests until Schwern puts
 diagnostics in Test::Builder or accepts a patch.  That doesn't look like
 it's going to happen any time soon, so telling me to add diagnostics to TODO
 tests doesn't help :(

 Thus, I'm trying to think of a way of solving my problem now, not at some
 hypothetical date in the future.

I'm not sure how this is any different than finding failing tests, but if
you can do that, here's one simple option:

* Monkey patch Test::Builder::in_todo to return false.

If Test::Aggregate does what I think it does, you can probably do the monkey
patch in whatever file calls Test::Aggregate.  (And make the monkey patch
optional depending on some option or environment variable.)

-- David

Re: Test module for tests in Perl module distro

2009-07-05 Thread David Golden
On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 9:40 PM, Buddy wrote:
 Let's say I have some common functions that I want available to all my
 .t files.  So I've created a module that all the .t files can include.
  But where do I put it?  I don't want to put it in lib/ because I
 don't want it to get installed, right?  But when I put it in t/, make
 test can't seem to find it.

I tend to see three variations.

(1) put it in t/lib/ and use lib 't/lib' at the start of
your test files

(2) put it in t/ and use lib 't' at the start of your test files

(3) either of the above but use t::MyTest rather than changing @INC
with use lib...

I don't think any one is much better than the others.  I tend to like
the t::MyTest approach from a readability standpoint because it's
clear within the *.t file that this is a test library and it's clear
where to locate it.

-- David

Re: Calling All Test:: Authors

2009-06-30 Thread David Golden
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 10:21 AM, wrote:
    my $BUILDER = Test::Builder-new;

I'm running visitcpan to generate a list of offenders now.  Results posted soon.

-- David

Re: Calling All Test:: Authors

2009-06-30 Thread David Golden
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 11:01 AM, David wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 10:21 AM, wrote:
    my $BUILDER = Test::Builder-new;

 I'm running visitcpan to generate a list of offenders now.  Results posted 

And here we go:

Some are certainly false positives, e.g. Test-Simple itself.

-- David

Re: Fluent tests?

2009-06-30 Thread David Golden
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 1:17 PM, wrote:
 Thoughts?  Am I totally smoking crack here?  If there's a clean way to 
 shoehorn diagnostics on the Test::More-style interface, I guess that would be 

Doesn't Test::Builder2 address this?  I'd rather see more energy
directed at getting that done.

- David

Re: Fluent tests?

2009-06-30 Thread David Golden
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 2:15 PM, wrote:
 Also, I think playing around with more fluent interfaces is a good idea.  If 
 my interface is great, why not?  If it's bad, what would people *love* to see 
 in a test interface which allows them to naturally write tests?

Well, if you're doing interface design, one of the first things that
comes to mind is that the name of the test should come first, not

I've often taken to writing tests like this:

is( $have, $want
  label goes here

This means I can skim down the screen and all of the test labels line
up nicely.  So I'm in favor of something along the lines of

test label goes here = is( $have, $want ) = diag $diag;

Which could work nicely for nesting, too

test a subtest label = nest {
# sub tests here

It would be test( $label, @objects ), where objects are executed in
some sensible order (e.g. diag objects only called if assertion object
returns false).

It could get quite involved, if one really wanted

test label = is( $have, $want ) = setup \setup = teardown
\teardown = diag \diag = note \note;

Then creating new tests is just a matter of creating assertion
classes.  (Assertion classes could return diagnostic objects as well,

-- David

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::More/Builder 0.89_01 now with subtests

2009-06-25 Thread David Golden
On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 5:49 AM, wrote:
 I understand where you're coming from, but different things should look 
 different.  SKIP and TODO are relatively similar, but subtests are 
 significantly different from them.

The implementation is vastly different, but semantically, they just
provide context around a set of tests.

Though it does make me wonder how/whether subtests can be marked TODO.
 (Whereas SKIP can be done through skip_all with plan).  Does plan()
need a todo/todo_all option?  Or would it be just nesting a TODO
block in the subtest?

 In any event, I'm completely mystified why anyone has a problem with the 
 subtest $name, sub { ...} syntax.  Honestly :)

I don't really have a problem with it, either, other than golf score.
Though I'd still possibly prefer something like this:

subtest Sanity check = sub {
plan 3;  # or subplan()
pass for 1..3;

-- David

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::More/Builder 0.89_01 now with subtests

2009-06-24 Thread David Golden
On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 12:08 AM, David E. wrote:
 The how about:

    subtest {
        plan tests = 3,
             for   = 'my sanity';
        pass; pass; pass;

As long as we're bike-shedding, a simplification:

  subtest {
plan sanity check = 3;
pass for 1 .. 3;

Anything other than no_plan or skip_all is taken as if tests.

-- David

Re: Cpan Dist Layout Issue

2009-05-15 Thread David Golden
On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 12:11 PM, Smylers wrote:
  That Perl has this QA thing which tells you which platforms a module
  will work on but that doesn't actually mean it'll install only adds to
  external perceptions of Perl being confusing and awkward.

Of course CPAN Testers doesn't claim to check whether a module
installs, only whether it passes tests.  It doesn't even tell you
whether there are good tests.  It could be t/pass.t with a single
pass(fooled you) test and it would still get a PASS grade on CPAN

Automated testing doesn't remove to need for real people to find bugs
and report them.

-- David

Re: Cpan Dist Layout Issue

2009-05-15 Thread David Golden
On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 1:29 PM, Smylers wrote:
 Most of the information on that page is likely to be bewildering or
 irrelevant to the user who's just stumbled upon the site, but it does
 say mention that it's a way to provide multi-platform testing for
 modules and provides valuable feedback for users.

Yes, well, I agree with you there.  Care to draft some replacement
text and pitch it to Barbie?  I believe the source is here:

Maybe we need some simple, web 2.0 interface like Adam did for
Strawberry Perl and explain CPAN Testers in 140 characters or less.

 Anyway, our sys-admin could easily end up deciding that Cpan Testers
 results are clearly wrong, and think less of Cpan Testers or Cpan or
 Perl or the Perl Community.  Maybe in future when evaluating software
 he'll be more inclined to choose something written in another language,
 so he doesn't have to deal with the trials of Cpan again.

So instead your sysadmin will go choose something in a language that
doesn't have a code library repository of the breadth and depth of
CPAN, one which doesn't bother to encourage a culture of testing, and
doesn't bother to collect test results at all?  Because it's simpler
and less confusing than the 'trials' of CPAN?  That doesn't say much
for the quality of your sysadmin, does it?  On the other hand, you're
right -- people will often choose the lesser path because it doesn't
require them to think as much.

 And that's fair enough.  But possibly there are those in the Perl
 community who think this perception is unfortunate and are interested in
 doing something about it, making the Perl World a friendlier or more
 helpful place.

Seen Alias's rants about Perl websites?  Or the Iron Man blogging
competition?  I'm totally with you on the broad point, just not on the
cheap shot at CPAN Testers.

Do you have any idea how long it took to get the CPAN Testers websites
handed over at all?  (Years) Or how many flamewars there have been on
how to make CPAN Testers less annoying?  (At least a couple a year,
though less since we stopped emailing authors directly.)  Or how much
work is being done to improve the quality and utility of the reports?
Or to switch away from email as a transport mechanism?  It's not that
we don't know that parts of it suck, it's just that we're working on
other things.

Rant aside -- please do send patches if you think you can make it
better.  We could use all the help we can get.

 [*1]  Though actually is there anything stopping somebody from checking
 whether modules actuall install and sending FAIL results to Cpan Testers
 for those that didn't?  Surely they'd just display like other FAILs.
 Yes that'd be more involved than what current testers are doing, but I
 don't think it means it couldn't be done by somebody.

Nothing is there to stop it, though I'd personally oppose it and push
to drop those reports on the floor so it doesn't confuse matters.  One
of the reasons that we decided to have Build/make failures become
UNKNOWN was to help authors distinguish them from test FAIL reports.
I've supported expanding the grades in the past and would do so again
if someone were to argue for an INSTALLFAIL grade or equilvalent for
the case you describe.

-- David

Re: masking installed versions when running tests

2009-05-06 Thread David Golden
On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 7:44 PM, Jonathan Swartz wrote:
 One solution, I guess, is to use a fresh install of Perl that contains just
 the requirements for CHI. But I'd need one of these for each CPAN
 distribution I'm working on!

You only need one fresh perl.  Set CPAN not to install build_requires.

cpan o conf init /build_requires/

Then always test with that perl/CPAN and never install and each
run will start clean.  (This is, in fact, more or less what
CPAN::Reporter::Smoker does)

As a nice bit of sugar, CPAN recognizes the . argument as meaning
the current directory, so you can do this:

$ cleanperl -MCPAN -e 'test .'

Hope that helps,


Re: masking installed versions when running tests

2009-05-06 Thread David Golden
On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 12:05 PM, David Cantrell wrote:
 That's true, but this isn't just about testing libs - it's any lib I
 might delete from the distribution.

 You want Devel::Hide.

I think the original question was about catching a module deleted by
mistake -- otherwise, Devel::Hide rocks.

-- David  (different one)

Re: test harness presentation layer plugins

2009-03-31 Thread David Golden
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 6:22 PM, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 But it's really more useful for more complicated formatting.  Something simple
 like making subtle whitespace differences visible should be a feature of the
 TAP consumer.

Which is why it will be nice when the consumer isn't just getting
text output on a filehandle.

/me wants structured TAP capture and easy Harness plugins to change
how things are presented.

I hope I can finally get CPAN Testers 2.0 far along this year so that
next year at a QA hackathon, I can spend more time with the
TAP/Harness team.

-- David

Re: Informal 'make test' on production poll

2009-03-26 Thread David Golden
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Ovid wrote:
 That's the main reason why our tests don't run on production right now.  I 
 would like, at the very least, to have a './Build sanity' target to ensure 
 that guaranteed non-destructive tests are run, but the strange argument I'm 
 facing is that production should be an exact copy of staging and thus tests 
 on staging should be enough.

 The word should makes my trigger finger itch.

So test the assertion that production is an exact copy of staging.

E.g. md5sum of a manifest of files.  If there's a concern about
processor load, use a cheaper checksum and bump up if there is a

Or handle it via process -- who's on the hook if the assertion fails
and make them sign something affirming it.  Pass the buck.  :-)

-- David

Re: How do I respond to a CPAN Tester failure report?

2009-03-24 Thread David Golden
On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 6:29 AM, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 Like I said to Barbie, all I want to hear is something's in the works.

Bring your persuasion stick and stop by whatever room the CPAN Testers
junkies are in from time to time.  Or bring carrots.  :-)

-- David

Re: How do I respond to a CPAN Tester failure report?

2009-03-23 Thread David Golden
On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 3:56 PM, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 I ask not for myself, I know the answers to this and they suck.  I've bitched
 about this before and its not necessary to go into details again.  I ask as
 Joe Newbie CPAN Author who just got his first pile of failure reports and has
 no idea what to do next.

Michael -- I'm really tempted to create an auto-responder for any
Perl-QA email that mentions CPAN Testers and point out *AGAIN* that
there is a mailing list where most of
the CPAN Testers hang out as well as most if not all of the CPAN
Testers module authors.  (Yes, some of us monitor this group too.)

(My abbreviated tangential rant: wouldn't it be great if someone would
update or hand over maintenance?)

 What there should be is simple instructions on how to get a message back to
 the tester.  This should be a single link or email address. [1]

This was discussed at length when we cut over from email direct from
testers to authors to a periodic notification service.  It's harder
for authors to contact testers.  The flip side is that authors don't
feel spammed.  The vocal minority of those who shouted for an end to
spam were louder than those who shouted that they wanted to just be
able to hit 'reply' and send to authors.  And since the NNTP web
archive hides email addresses, a kludgy workaround was developed.
(N.B. I'm not dissing the tool, Barbie, just that we have to do it in
the first place)

In the meantime, for those who want to have easy replies to authors,

 An immediate and relatively simple fix is to provide a single use mail address
 on the report.  A hash of the reporter's name and some unique information
 about the report, perhaps something as simple as a UUID.  The author mails
 that and its delivered to the appropriate things, probably the test reporter
 and maybe cpan-testers as well.

Since switching from email to web-based submission is a major goal of
the hackathon this weekend, and thus we'll be moving away from NNTP as
an archive, we'll need to design a report view web page anyway,
which could include a method to contact the author or otherwise reveal
an email address in a spam-harvesting proof way.  Can I put you down
as volunteering to design something, get group consensus and then
implement it?

You can start by adding it to the roadmap and hackathon project pages here:


See you at the hackathon!  :-)

-- David

Please test Module::Build release candidate

2009-02-23 Thread David Golden
(Apologies to those receiving this multiple times)

Eric Wilhelm and I have put out Module::Build 0.31_04 as a release
candidate for a stable 0.32 Module::Build.

Initial CPAN Testers results look good.  (So far, it's the first all
PASS since 0.2804)

However, before release (and before it gets pushed into blead), it
would be great if it could be tested on more obscure operating systems
and/or less common (older?) versions of perl than available from CPAN
Testers.  The current matrix of CPAN Testers coverage is here:

If you have access to other platforms/perls, please give it a try and
report back if you have problems.

Module::Build 0.31_04 is available from CPAN as

Thank you very much.

-- David

Re: Testing scripts with expected STDOUT and STDERR in external files

2009-02-21 Thread David Golden
On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 5:24 AM, Gabor Szabo wrote:
 I wonder if there are modules out there that already do this?
 I could not find any that would fit my needs.

Test::Cmd?  It's not built on Test::Builder but could be
adapted/wrapped.  It uses shell redirection to capture output, which
should be OK as long as you don't need interactivity with the programs
being run.

I have something I wrote a long time ago for repetitive testing of a
command line program.  I've considered putting it on CPAN but never
got around to writing much documentation for it.  It works more or
less like this:

  my $program = Test::CLI-new($path_to_program);
  $program-stdin( $input );
  $program-runs_ok( @args );
  $program-stdout_like( qr/$expected/ );
  $stderr - $program-stderr;  # for custom examination

Right now, it assumes the program is invoked via perl, but that
could be stripped out.  It also supports default arguments that are
added to every run. So you might use it like this:

  my $interp = Test::CLI-new($path_to_interpreter, @default_params);
  for my $c (@cases) {
$interp-stdin( slurp $c-{in_file} );
$interp-runs_ok( $c-{utility} );
$interp-stdout_like( $c-{stdout} );
$interp-stderr_is( $c-{stderr} );

If you want, I'll stick it in some boilerplate and publish it to CPAN
and github and then you're welcome to document it or improve it.  Just
let me know if that would be helpful.

Or, if it would need a lot of adaptation for what you're looking to
do, you're welcome to browse it and take whatever is useful.  It's
t/ in the Pod::WikiDoc repo:

 Capture::Tiny is cute.

More than cute -- it works and works pretty universally for all
situations.  I have a few more edge cases to code (e.g. if STDOUT or
STDERR are closed before it starts capturing), but my goal is to have
it replace the 20 or so other capturing modules out there.  Then
things like Test::Output can be re-written around it and will become
much more powerful.

-- David

Re: build_requires, the xt and build_prereq_matches_use

2009-02-20 Thread David Golden
On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 2:30 AM, Thomas Klausner wrote:
 I agree partly (it can look, but should not add any
 dependencies), but I'm very unlikely to find some time to fix this in
 the next weeks (

Understood.  :-)

 But of course, patches welcome (eg I'd like to use Alias' new
 Find::File::Rule::Perl or take a look at Davids App::CPAN::Mini::Visit)

FFRP may be more useful.  visitcpan is mostly just handy to iterate
though CPAN and execute arbitrary commands in each directory.

-- David

Re: configure_requires and new META.yml keys

2009-02-19 Thread David Golden
On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 2:05 PM, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
 We do not currently have a plan for how to handle this.  It would likely
 involve some mechanism of requiring compliance to a minimum version of
 the META spec.  An old loader cannot know that it is too old.  When we
 do define some sort of minimum META mechanism, an old loader with no
 mMm support will still never know that it is too old.

 This is similar to the configure_requires issue in that a tool not
 supporting c_r will fail in unknown ways.  But the mMm could have
 cleanly forced c_r support had it been present from the get-go.

That's a great point.  I've added it for discussion on the Toolchain
Roadmap page [1]


-- David

Re: build_requires, the xt and build_prereq_matches_use

2009-02-19 Thread David Golden
On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 4:49 PM, Marc Lucksch wrote:
 Sorry, that previous post sounded way to agressive, this is probably because
 I'm not english speaker (Worst in my class and proud of it) and my

Don't worry, I was not offended.

 Yes, but I kind of want to deliver the best module I can produce and
 Kwalitee is at least *a* way to improve my module.

Except when it's not.  For example, even if I wanted to have a perfect
Kwalitee score, I can't because one of my modules *cannot* use strict
and serve its intended purpose.  Oh, well.  It's important to
recognize where Kwalitee is simple an opinion of quality and can be

 Not always.  You can have Foo.PL files that are run during make/Build
 and that require any module you want.

 True, but who does that?

138 distributions on CPAN use *.PL files.  I didn't check how many use
modules that need to be in build_requires.  See for a list.

(N.B. list created with App::CPAN::Mini::Visit)

 That's absurd.  The Kwalitee analyzer shouldn't look in xt.  Period.

 For this, yes.

 But before anyone goes fixing things, for uses_test_pod and
 uses_test_pod_coverage it has to look at 'xt'

I'll be more specific -- build_prereq_matches_use shouldn't look at
use in xt.  If that means the analyzer needs to have @used_not_xt and
@used_in_xt and look at both for pod/pod-coverage and only the first
for build_prereq... then that's what needs to happen.

-- David

Re: What's the common denominator in these NYTProf failures?

2009-01-28 Thread David Golden
On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 8:50 AM, Tim Bunce wrote:

 I'm strugling to find a common denominator in these test results:

The common denominator appears to be that they're all from BinGOs.  Which
means they're all CPANPLUS-based smoke tests running on virtual machines.
I'm not sure what impact that has.

He's pretty responsive so you can email him at his address.

For future reference, these kinds of questions are better directed to the
cpan-testers-discuss mailing list, which is regularly monitored by most of
the high-volume testers.

-- David

Re: Module::Build 0.30_01 - please test

2008-12-11 Thread David Golden
On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 10:25 PM, Eric Wilhelm

 Authors will notice that they now need to install Software::License

Ick.  How about a Task::Module::Build or Bundle::Module::Build to make that
automatic?  (I'll make one if people think it's a good idea.)

 Testers, it would be great if you could run through a sampling of

distros out-of-band (to not annoy authors with our alpha bugs.)  David,
 do you have a write-up from the procedure you used on this last time?

Um. No write up.  I seem to recall that I set up CPAN::Reporter to use
Test::Reporter::Transport::File to save reports to a directory, then ran
CPAN::Reporter::Smoker with a list of distributions to test.  I did that for
both versions of M::B and then I parsed the names of the resulting files to
see how many distributions changed grades and how.

I'll see if I still have my helper code somewhere on my smoke VM.

-- David

Re: [ #40976] New files installed without user-write permission

2008-11-16 Thread David Golden
My understanding is that EU:MM and M::B chmod everything 0444 (maybe
plus executable) when copying them to blib and ExtUtils::Install just
picks them up from there, no?

-- David

On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 7:34 PM, demerphq [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can anyone help me out with this? Is this EUI's fault or something
 else? Is anything to do with this permission issue that we have been


 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Guillaume Rousse via RT [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2008/11/16
 Subject: [ #40976] New files installed without user-write 
 To: undisclosed-recipients

 Sun Nov 16 13:41:21 2008: Request 40976 was acted upon.
 Transaction: Ticket created by GROUSSE
  Queue: ExtUtils-Install
Subject: New files installed without user-write permission
  Broken in: 1.52
   Severity: Normal
  Owner: Nobody
  Requestors: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status: new
  Ticket URL: 

 All new files installed through ExtUtils::MakeMaker-generated makefiles
 are installed without user-writable permission bit set. As a
 consequence, all attempt to modify them during installation with a
 non-privilegiated user (typically, package building) fails. PDL
 installation is a good example:

 couldn't open
 at Doc/ line 44.


 -r--r--r-- 1 guillomovitch users 10763 2008-11-16 19:23

 Removing 1.52 version, so as to use perl-5.10 provided 1.44 version, fix
 the issue.

 perl -Mre=debug -e /just|another|perl|hacker/

Re: [PATCH] ExtUtils::MakeMaker and world writable files in dists

2008-11-13 Thread David Golden
On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 3:39 AM, Shlomi Fish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What I was expressing is that the CPAN shell can do the twiddling to strip
 flags at the point of extraction, rather than PAUSE stopping it at the
 gate. Archive::Tar already does this (see

 Archive::Tar does, but Archive::Extract (which CPANPLUS uses) doesn't.

It was a bug.  Addressed in 0.28 as a result of these discussions.
The next non-development release of CPANPLUS will use the new
Archive::Extract and close the security hole under discussion.

-- David

Re: [PATCH] ExtUtils::MakeMaker and world writable files in dists

2008-11-12 Thread David Golden
On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 3:17 PM, demerphq [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I rather strongly object to this change.

I totally understand -- but keep in mind that this was in response to
someone flagging this as a potential (if highly unlikely) security
hole, forwarding it to some security-watchdog site, etc.  So the rapid
response was close the hole so no one can say CPAN creates a security
risk.  (Other than the usual, obvious one of running arbitrary

So it causes some pain, but in my view, it's in the interest of the
Perl community to be seen as vigilant.

 this silly test. What really gets me going tho is I WASNT TOLD THIS
 ABOUT 1.51_01 or 1.51_02 or 1.51_03 or (do you detect a pattern here?)
 1.51_04 or 1.51_05, all of which i uploaded in the last few days in
 the exact same way!!!

That's kind of a loophole, since development versions aren't indexed.
I think any upload that fails a security test should probably be
rejected, whether development or full release.

 IMO if the toolchain is to work this should happen at PAUSE (if it can
 detect this problem IMO it should just damn well fix it itself) or at

It *is* being fixed at extraction.  But it requires people to upgrade
CPAN and CPANPLUS (maybe Archive::Extract as well).  It was a faster
fix to close the PAUSE indexing door than to get those fixes released.

 Whats going to happen next, stuff rejected because they don't have
 *nix line endings? Or *nix style shebangs? Or use perl-qa's preferred
 indentation style or something? H?!

Maybe instead, at a minimum, every distribution should be run against
Perl::Critic at severity level 4 and anything that doesn't pass should
be rejected as well.  ;-)



Right there with you, except my /grrr was back when the security
alert got sent off to the watchdogs while the discussion was still
going on as to whether this was a significant risk in the first place.

-- David

Re: What are CPAN tester N/A reports?

2008-11-06 Thread David Golden
On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 8:15 AM, Ovid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 1.  How can I find out why a CPAN testers report is N/A?  I'm getting test 
 failures on Test::Most which are N/A and I don't know why.

N/A should only be for situations where the distribution isn't
compatible with the platform or perl.  It used to be used for missing
prerequisites but testers should have upgraded.  However, CPANPLUS
based testing sometimes gives funny results depending on what version
of CPANPLUS is used, whether Module::Build support is available, and
so on.  Bingos will have to investigate.

 2.  To debug the problem, I've rewritten my t/00-load.t to show the version 
 number of all of the dependencies I specify.  Not all CPAN test reports have 
 this information.  Should I bug CPAN reporters to upgrade or something?  I 
 don't know enough about what they do to be sure of the right action here.

CPAN+CPAN::Reporter based tests include this information.  CPANPLUS
based testers *may* include this information, or may not.  (I think
the exceptions are CPANPLUS vs Module::Build related, still, but I
could be wrong.)

To be quite frank, CPANPLUS based testing is such a crapshoot at times
that I mostly ignore anything weird from it about my own CPAN

Of course, I might be biased in that view, since anything wierd from
CPAN::Reporter about my own CPAN distributions means that I have a bug
to fix one way or another.  :-)

-- David

Re: What are CPAN tester N/A reports?

2008-11-06 Thread David Golden
Additional note as a reminder to all -- please send CPAN Testers
related questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not the Perl QA
list.  You're more likely to get a greater number of helpful responses
on that dedicated list.


On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 11:50 AM, David Golden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 8:15 AM, Ovid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 1.  How can I find out why a CPAN testers report is N/A?  I'm getting test 
 failures on Test::Most which are N/A and I don't know why.

 N/A should only be for situations where the distribution isn't
 compatible with the platform or perl.  It used to be used for missing
 prerequisites but testers should have upgraded.  However, CPANPLUS
 based testing sometimes gives funny results depending on what version
 of CPANPLUS is used, whether Module::Build support is available, and
 so on.  Bingos will have to investigate.

 2.  To debug the problem, I've rewritten my t/00-load.t to show the version 
 number of all of the dependencies I specify.  Not all CPAN test reports have 
 this information.  Should I bug CPAN reporters to upgrade or something?  I 
 don't know enough about what they do to be sure of the right action here.

 CPAN+CPAN::Reporter based tests include this information.  CPANPLUS
 based testers *may* include this information, or may not.  (I think
 the exceptions are CPANPLUS vs Module::Build related, still, but I
 could be wrong.)

 To be quite frank, CPANPLUS based testing is such a crapshoot at times
 that I mostly ignore anything weird from it about my own CPAN

 Of course, I might be biased in that view, since anything wierd from
 CPAN::Reporter about my own CPAN distributions means that I have a bug
 to fix one way or another.  :-)

 -- David


2008-10-10 Thread David Golden
On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 2:52 PM, Pete Krawczyk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Third, there was no reason to cc the perl-qa mailing list. None at all. This
 list is for discussion of testing methods and applications, not for
 chastising the result of an automated smokebot.

Pete makes a good point.  Complaints about automated smokebots should
be directed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] which many of the CPAN
Testers subscribe to and where such complaints are considered

-- David

Re: Archive::Tar does not behave like gnu tar

2008-09-24 Thread David Golden
On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 10:13 AM, David Cantrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 $ tar --help | grep no-same-permissions
 tar: unknown option -- help
 usage: tar [-]{crtux}[-befhjlmopqvwzHOPSXZ014578] [archive] [blocksize]
   [-C directory] [-T file] [-s replstr] [file ...]

Where's the DWIM option for the DCANTRELL module?  ;-)

Looks like Archive::Tar, while slower, it more consistently
controllable everywhere.  Otherwise, we need experts on all systems
and versions of tar to figure out the right flags.  And preferably a
module to abstract all that away.  Ugh.

-- David

Re: Archive::Tar does not behave like gnu tar

2008-09-23 Thread David Golden
On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 3:06 PM, Eric Wilhelm
 So, something needs to set $Archive::Tar::CHMOD = 1; to make it behave
 like gnu tar.

$Archive::Tar::CHMOD = 1 or 0?

The default is 1.  From the Pod:

By default, Archive::Tar will try to chmod your files to whatever mode
was specified for the particular file in the archive. In some cases,
this may not be desired. In that case, set this variable to 0 to
disable chmod-ing.

So I think 0 would leave it to the umask, or am I reading this wrong?

If it's that easy, I can go patch right away.

-- David

Re: Archive::Tar does not behave like gnu tar

2008-09-23 Thread David Golden
On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 3:53 PM, Eric Wilhelm
 Yeah, sorry. 0.  It has a default which is opposite of gnu tar.

If it's that easy, I can go patch right away.

Done: is patched in trunk.

 And CPANPLUS I guess.  I'm not sure what else happens in
 Archive::Extract and whatever other code is involved, I've only dug
 deep enough to determine that shlomi's problem is caused by something
 other than gnu tar.

It looks like Archive::Extract attempts to do the right thing, but
sets the wrong variable:

 local $Archive::Tar::Constant::CHOWN = 0;

I'll file a bug report on RT.

 And are there other tar programs?


-- David

Re: Archive::Tar does not behave like gnu tar

2008-09-23 Thread David Golden
On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 7:27 PM, David Cantrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If people can point me at some simple tests (sorry, I've not been
 following this thread), I can see what these tars do:

 They all appear to be different - at least, they all respond differently
 to 'tar --help'.  This would tend to indicate to me that the solution is
 use Archive::Tar.

Please see if they all honor a --no-same-permissions flag.

$ tar --help | grep no-same-permissions


Re: [RFC] Dealing with World-writable Files in the Archive of CPAN Distributions

2008-09-22 Thread David Golden
On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 8:40 AM, Shlomi Fish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My suggestion for resolving this is to modify the smoking modules so, after
 the archive is unpacked (with a proper umask and arguments to tar), they will
 traverse the directory tree and look for any world-writable files. If any are
 found, they will report the smoking of the module as FAIL, and delete the
 unpacked directory tree, without doing the perl Makefile.PL/Build.PL ...

This isn't just a smoking problem, right?  A normal CPAN/CPANPLUS
install would trigger the same warning?

 We could give an option for doing this, if it bothers you. But I'm tired of
 finding these files in the msec report and reporting them manually.

 Now I volunteer to implement this.

I think that CPANTS is probably the better place for this kind of
analysis, particularly because it's static and because the reason for
the Kwalitee point is clear.  It sounds like exactly the kind of thing
that fits among the core Kwalitee metrics.

There are some reasons I think that CPAN Testers is *not* the right
place for this:

* The CPAN Testers grades relate only to the ability to build/test a
distribution.  Unless world writable files prevent that, FAIL or
UNKNOWN are not appropriate

* Someone would have to read the FAIL and pay attention to understand
that the problem is a world-writable file (whereas it's obvious on
CPANTS what the problem is)

* CPAN::Testers is no longer notifying authors directly anyway

-- David

Re: [RFC] Dealing with World-writable Files in the Archive of CPAN Distributions

2008-09-22 Thread David Golden
On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 9:24 AM, Shlomi Fish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, it does. However, hardly anyone pays any attention to CPANTS, and it's
 out there in the background, and hardly influences the general perception of
 the module.

As an aside, if the core Kwalitee metrics are sufficiently tight, I'd
support seeing core Kwalitee on  I think all the
controversial stuff has moved to the optional metrics, now.

 * The CPAN Testers grades relate only to the ability to build/test a
 distribution.  Unless world writable files prevent that, FAIL or
 UNKNOWN are not appropriate

 World-writable files are a security risk and the CPAN shell should refuse to
 test the distribution if they exist. A security conscious admin won't install
 such modules if they generate world-writable files. As such, one should not
 proceed to the build/test stage and fail immediately.

These are orthogonal problems.  CPAN Testers is intended to determine
whether a distributions tests pass.  The project recently returned to
the original definition of UNKNOWN to include build failures, meaning
that FAIL is reserved only for failing tests.  World-writable files
are unrelated to the success of either building or testing.

That doesn't mean that they aren't potentially important.

However, I'm a little confused as to the nature of the security risk
and the level of risk involved.  If the risk is that someone might
replace my Makefile.PL in the exact moment between untarring a
distribution and running 'perl Makefile.PL' then I think that the
overall threat level is pretty low.  After all, any PL or test file
can do anything it wants to your system -- this is why modules
shouldn't be build or tested as a privileged user.  And even if you
skim the PL file, how often do you read every test file to make sure
it doesn't call system(rm -rf /)?

If the risk is that a world-writable file could be installed, it seems
like most things in blib seem to be set read-only -- but I just
noticed that some things are not (e.g. scripts  man pages).  That
seems like it might be a security bug in EU::MM or M::B and worth

In any case, my point is that if there is a real security risk of a
non-trivial magnitude, then we should fix it.  If it isn't of
significant magnitude, then I question whether anything needs to be
done about it at all if the only impact is Mandriva users getting
annoying warnings.

In either case, I don't think CPAN Testers is the right project to
notify authors about world-writable files.  If you don't think CPANTS
is too passive, it would be a fairly simply perl program to monitor
CPAN uploads, pull down and extract the tarball, check for
world-writable files and email the author.

E.g. one could use POE::Component::SmokeBox::Uploads::RSS, LWP,
Archive::Extract, Email::Simple and POE::Component::Client::SMTP and
just add a bit of glue.

It's actually a harder problem for CPAN Testers tools because of the
need to tap into CPAN or CPANPLUS between the extraction and the
initial call to 'perl Makefile.PL' or 'perl Build.PL', which they
currently don't do.

-- David

Re: [RFC] Dealing with World-writable Files in the Archive of CPAN Distributions

2008-09-22 Thread David Golden
[Copying Andreas, Jos, Schwern and the Module::Build list]

Well, I'm not sure that escalating to Securiteam at this point was
necessary given the low overall risk of the threat, but let's set that
aside and find some agreement on closing the hole.  Here are my
thoughts on some of the problems/options:

Problem 1: race condition between unarchiving and execution if
Makefile.PL or Build.PL is world writable (ditto test files as well)

(a) Have CPAN and CPANPLUS refuse to run 'perl *.PL' if the PL in
question is world writable.

(b) Have CPAN and CPANPLUS not preserve mode permissions even for
root; that's --no-same-permissions) for tar or $Archive::Tar::CHMOD
= 0 for Archive::Tar.  I presume there's a comparable thing for zip
archives.  That leaves it up to the users umask setting.

(c) Both

(d) Something else

(e) Ignore it

Personally, I lean towards (b) as that seems relatively sane and
minimally disruptive.

For (a), I worry about edge cases for operating systems that don't
have unixish permissions.  E.g. on Win32, an administrative always has
write-permission, even on files set to be read-only.  A less
aggressive option than (a) is just to issue warnings about
world-writable files.

For completeness, there's a possible problem 2: An insecure umask can
lead to world-writable files, including not only the unarchived files,
but also Makefile (or Build) and some files in blib [1]:

(a) Ignore this -- insecure umask isn't Perl's problem to worry about

(b) Set an appropriate umask before generating Makefile, Build or
copying things to blib.

For this one, I lean towards (a).

-- David

[1] EU::MM and M::B have a race condition when then copy files to blib
before calling chmod.  Also, shebang fixes seem to undo the chmod and
leave script files with the default permissions from the umask

On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 1:37 PM, Shlomi Fish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all.

 Note to Securiteam: there's a link to the possible security problem report
 at the bottom.

 On Monday 22 September 2008, chromatic wrote:
 On Monday 22 September 2008 08:41:31 Michael G Schwern wrote:
  Shlomi Fish wrote:
   Let's suppose Makefile.PL is world-writable. While the distro is being
   unpacked, a malicious user writes something like:
   system('rm -fr $HOME');
   to it, and after you come to the perl Makefile.PL stage - you lose
   your home-directory. ;-)
  Run that by me again how the Makefile.PL being world-writable has any
  effect on that?  If a Makefile.PL does an rm -rf $HOME and you run it,
  it doesn't matter what permission flags are on the file.  Your home
  directory is gone.

 There's a race condition attack between the time the CPAN client *writes*
 the world-writeable file and the time the CPAN client *executes* the
 world-writeable file.  During that time, anyone on the system can write
 anything to the file, replacing its legitimate and safe contents with
 malicious contents.

 That's completely orthogonal to the problem of the Build.PL/Makefile.PL
 containing malicious code.

 Right. I decided that it was a major problem with how CPANPLUS handles such
 situations (regardless to whether we are smoking or just installing) and
 reported it here:

 Please don't keep it more public than it is already until there's a good fix.


Shlomi Fish

 Shlomi Fish
 My Aphorisms -

 Shlomi, so what are you working on? Working on a new wiki about unit testing
 fortunes in freecell? -- Ran Eilam

Re: [RFC] Dealing with World-writable Files in the Archive of CPAN Distributions

2008-09-22 Thread David Golden
On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 6:23 PM, Eric Wilhelm
 Yes.  Would someone please explain to me how this issue is not already
 made a mostly non-issue by having a proper umask and running CPAN as

Someone in the thread (sorry, forget who and I'm not going to search
for it) gave the example that access to Makefile.PL allows arbitrary
additions to the Makefile install target that a non-root user might
well run with sudo make install -- thus a Makefile.PL compromise
could be used to execute arbitrary code as root.

I'm not saying it's a big threat.  Risk level is the combination of
likelihood of an event and the severity of the event and the first is

Nevertheless, stopping archive extraction from creating world-readable
files is probably a good idea.

-- David

Re: App::Prove::History

2008-09-19 Thread David Golden
On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 5:21 AM, Ovid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have the basics of App::Prove::History working (not yet releasable), and 
 it's time to ask what people want in it.  Should I just store the results of 
 individual test programs or also the results of individual tests? TAP 
 streams? Something else entirely?

Store the most granular thing you can, I'd say.  Then people can write
tools to filter it down.

-- David

Re: PerlUnit

2008-09-16 Thread David Golden
On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 8:13 AM, Nicholas Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So everyone gainfully employed because they know what they are doing is
 automatically disqualified?

I don't think they limit votes the way PM does, and it only takes two
upvotes to get qualified to vote up, so we just need a known question
posted that a bunch of us answer in and anyone with +15 slacker points
votes up, then once you get your 15 slacker points you can vote
everyone else up.  Easy slacker points for all assuming the site gods
don't nerf us.  :-)

-- David

CPAN Testers remailer program available

2008-09-16 Thread David Golden
I've just released POE::Component::Client::NNTP::Tail to CPAN.  In the
examples directory, see the program.  It will follow the
NNTP perl.cpan.testers group, pick out an author's distributions and
remail certain grades directly to the author.  E.g:

  $ perl --author=DAGOLDEN --grade=FAIL --grade=UNKNOWN

There are also options to set SMTP server and CPAN mirror.

If anyone wants more specific filtering (e.g. OS), you'll want to edit
the new_header subroutine with your own logic.

This is very, very alpha and is intended to help authors who want CPAN
Testers by email until a centralized all reports email service is

I'll take suggestions for improvements only with patches.  :-)


-- David

Re: CPAN Testers remailer program available

2008-09-16 Thread David Golden
To make life a bit easier with dependencies, I've packaged the
remailer in its own distribution (and fixed a bug or two already).



  $ cpantest-remailer --author=DAGOLDEN --grade=FAIL --grade=UNKNOWN

-- David

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 12:39 PM, David Golden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've just released POE::Component::Client::NNTP::Tail to CPAN.  In the
 examples directory, see the program.  It will follow the
 NNTP perl.cpan.testers group, pick out an author's distributions and
 remail certain grades directly to the author.  E.g:

  $ perl --author=DAGOLDEN --grade=FAIL --grade=UNKNOWN

 There are also options to set SMTP server and CPAN mirror.

 If anyone wants more specific filtering (e.g. OS), you'll want to edit
 the new_header subroutine with your own logic.

 This is very, very alpha and is intended to help authors who want CPAN
 Testers by email until a centralized all reports email service is

 I'll take suggestions for improvements only with patches.  :-)


 -- David

Re: CPAN Testers - Author Notification System

2008-09-11 Thread David Golden
On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 5:17 PM, Michael G Schwern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The way it looks right now, I want my CC's back. :(

Well, I guess we win some and we lose some.

Just brainstorming for the moment, but if we had an option to forward
all your FAIL or UNKNOWN reports to the distribution's RT queue, would
that serve?  You'd get the RT email notification, plus you'd have the
senders email with it, plus you'd have it in a tracking system where
you could decide priority, merge it to existing bug reports or just
close it out if you determine it's bogus.

Possible variation (a) -- just forward the *first* FAIL/UNKNOWN report
for a distribution/perl/osname tuple so your RT queue isn't deluged

Possible variation (b) -- forward from the central bot back to your
author email or arbitrary email (e.g. project mailing list)

The batch is a temporary fix to keep info flowing while we get things
centralized.  Once it's centralized, we can continue to innovate smart
ways to redistribute reports.

-- David

Re: CPAN Testers - Author Notification System

2008-09-11 Thread David Golden
On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 6:51 PM, Michael G Schwern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 They'll be sent out early morning (~2am) UK time, so should be waiting
 in you inbox first think in the morning.

 Ok, I have to wait until the beginning of the next day to fix the problem.

FYI, I have 90% of my POE nag bot to hassle (oops, I mean remind) CPAN
Testers to upgrade Test::Reporter.  It build on a POE::Component to
tail the NNTP feed.  Once I put that POE::Component on CPAN
(soon), it should be a pretty trivial matter to whip up a script to
reflect emails for your distributions to you.  I might even write that
for the examples directory.  Then you can fire it up on a server of
your choice and get your CC's back -- but you'll be in control, you
can filter to your heart's content, etc.

-- David

Re: CPAN Testers - Author Notification System

2008-09-11 Thread David Golden
On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 7:32 PM, brian d foy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just brainstorming for the moment, but if we had an option to forward
 all your FAIL or UNKNOWN reports to the distribution's RT queue

 Ouch. Some people might want that, but only as an opt-in thing please.

Purely opt-in.  CPAN Testers is going to be an opt-in service very,
very soon now.

 Today I considering writing a bot to listen to cpan-testers and simply
 resend individual reports to me, depending on how quickly the opt-in
 stuff gets set up and if it actually works.

Give me until next week, OK?  I'll write one that you can download from CPAN.

-- David

Re: Sub::Uplevel vs Test::More

2008-09-10 Thread David Golden
On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 10:01 AM, Aristotle Pagaltzis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The correct solution (which also doesn't require changes to
 CPANTS) is called warnings::compat. Assuming you actually care
 that much…

Assuming I don't mind adding a dependency that is only needed for perl
 5.6.  Or customizing my *.PL to only add the dependency on perl 
5.6.  All for a version of Perl I no longer care about since Schwern
declared it dead.

And since I just got beat up over suggesting adding exit 0 to
*.PL... I'll invoke the same logic to say no thanks.   :-)


Re: Sub::Uplevel vs Test::More

2008-09-10 Thread David Golden
On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 1:30 PM, Eric Wilhelm
 If CPANTS can find the -w in the tests or whatever and the META.yml says
 5.6...  (Because enabling warnings in *everyone else's* code is a good
 way to placate a static kwalitee scanner?)  I give up.

I don't think people realized that my CPANTS comment was a joke.


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