Re: Some PDL issues (was Re: Test)

2000-08-25 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 12:38 PM 8/25/00 -0600, Nathan Torkington wrote:
Dan Sugalski writes:
  The operative word in that last sentence is "Currently"...
  The problem is that you can tie() an array, but an object is a scalar.
  Also, there are many array operations (push, pop, etc) still not
  supported by tie.  tie makes assumptions about arrays that are perhaps
  not valid with pdls.
  Tie will have a more comprehensive implementation in perl 6, I expect. And
  it may not be the method used to do this magic. (variable vtable functions
  should be writable in perl)

Yes, but you're handwaving.  If we don't come up with a way to address
these issues by saying "this is what we want to be possible, this is
how it might be done", this list will just spin and talk and discuss
and debate without any idea of when it's done.

Sure, it's handwaving, but it's handwaving with a purpose. What I don't 
want is for people to get bogged down by the limits of what perl 5 
provides, or what looks to be some sort of reasonable extrapolation 
of  those features.

If a fully working tie's what you need, then ask for it.
If full overloading on non-objects is what you need, then ask for it.
If making objects look like non-objects is what you need, then ask for it.

Basically if you want to be able to say:

   my Matrix @foo, @bar, @baz : bounds(5,5,5);
   # init foo and bar here
   @baz = @foo * @bar;

to make foo and bar 5x5x5 matricies that you casn multiply to get baz then, 
well, say it. If that means you need to define a way to provide overridden 
operators in the Matrix package, then go for it and say that.

Let the -internals folks worry about the Weird Magic needed to implement 
what you want. (This is a variation of my standard "Don't get hung up on 
the implementation, that's my job" speech)


--"it's like this"---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Some PDL issues (was Re: Test)

2000-08-25 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 01:11 PM 8/25/00 -0600, Nathan Torkington wrote:
Heh, we're on the same page here.  I'm just setting the framework
for that discussion.  I don't think the PDL folks yet know what
they want, other than "better support for numerical structures".

I'm trying to see what's wrong with the existing systems so that we
can either fix them or replace them.  Walking before we run, etc.

Gotcha. Different approaches and all, I expect. I tend to figure out what I 
want and then try and shoehorn it into what I already have. :)

It looks like we need to be able to override operations on arrays, have 
multi-dimensional arrays, and do some rather odd slicing operations that 
give values still linked to the original matrices.

Has anyone asked for complex number support yet?


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: multidim. containers

2000-08-28 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 10:28 AM 8/28/00 +1000, Jeremy Howard wrote:

David L. Nicol wrote:
  If arrays as we know them implement by using a key space restricted to
  integers, I think a reasonable way to get matrices would be to open
  up their key space to lists of integers.
I've been thinking along exactly the same lines. There's a lot of language
issues to consider to get this to work consistently, such as interaction
with reduce(), notation for slices across a dimension (and generalised
slices such as diagonals), and so forth.

I'm thinking that a n-dim array could just be a list of lists (of lists of
lists of...) with the n-dim notation just being syntactic sugar (and perhaps
helping with optimisation too).

If you want efficiency, n-dimensional arrays really need to be a concrete 
data type all of their own. That way one big block of memory can be 
allocated and, if it's a typed array, properly sized.

That doesn't mean that n-dimensional arrays won't be just sugar over the 
standard list-o-list structure to start, but they won't have to stay that way.


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: New variable type: matrix

2000-08-29 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 12:42 PM 8/29/00 -0400, Karl Glazebrook wrote:
Dan Sugalski wrote:
  At 12:28 PM 8/29/00 -0400, Karl Glazebrook wrote:
  But scalars are not compact.
  Since scalars are singular things, how would you compact them anyway?

If I say $a = ones(float,10,10) in PDL then each element of $a
is a 4 byte floating point number.

I presume in PDL that gets you a 10x10 matrix of floats? In that case 
you're not getting a scalar back, you're getting a matrix. That it needs to 
be represented as an object is an indication of one of perl 5's 
limitations. (And then the compactness would be something the object 
applies to whatever data structure it builds

This is not a perl scalar.

Right, so the question still stands--since scalars are singular things, how 
(and why?) would you compact them?

If I then say $b = $a-slice("(5),(5)") then $b is a zero-dim
piddle - not a scalar.

So then it's not relevant to the question. :)


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: Access to the perl6 parser

2000-08-29 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 06:05 PM 8/29/00 +, Jim Edwards wrote:

IMHO if the perl6 core only allow access to the parser, than a module can 
do just about anything including all of those things proposed in RFC 115 - 117.

That's sort of on the list of things to allow (I think Damian RFC'd it) but 
whether it happens depends on the resulting parse speed. Hardcoded parsers 
seem to run faster than more dynamic, extendable ones, so it might cost too 
much. OTOH, parse speeds might end up being a trivial part of the total 
program load/compile time, so it might not matter.

Regardless, you can already do this in perl 5, and will undoubtedly be able 
to do it in perl 6, with source filters. (If Damian can write perl that 
looks like Latin or Klingon, then python ought to be simple... :)


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: New variable type: matrix

2000-08-30 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 01:47 PM 8/30/00 -0400, Karl Glazebrook wrote:
  If you do a plain
my int @foo;
  it'll end up with a contiguous block of memory anyway. :compact seems to
  me more an attribute for sparse arrays than anything else.

Uhm do you mean a contiguous block of 4 byte integers or a countiguous
block of perl scalar structures? It is the former we are after.

The former, at least until you do something that requires the array to hold 
things other than ints. Perl is supposed to, at that point, automagically 
upgrade the array to full scalars, or at least something that can handle 
the type being assigned to it. (Or so is my understanding of what Larry 
wants for 'shortcut types' like int, float, or str)


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: RFC 86 (v1) IPC Mailboxes for Threads and Signals

2000-08-11 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 12:54 PM 8/11/00 -0400, Uri Guttman wrote:
  "DS" == Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   DS Nope. The code that accessses the array needs to support it. Different
   DS animal entirely. The ops don't actually need to know.

but still that is overhead code for all arrays and not just the mailbox

Nope. Just for the shared ones.

   DS s/mailboxes/filehandles/;

   DS If we're talking a generic communication pipe between things, we
   DS should overload the filehandle. It's a nice construct that
   DS provides an ordered, serialized, blockable, pollable
   DS communications channel with well-defined behavior and a
   DS comfortable set of primitives to operate on it.

pollable is a good thing. some mailbox designs are not pollable and some
are. i like the idea of supporting polling then you can also have
callbacks. but this does imply an implementation as semaphores and
shared memory are not pollable. you would have to build this with pipes
and filehandles.

So? Inter-thread communication is almost undoubtedly not going to be built 
with something as heavyweight as pipes, shm, or mailboxes, so I don't see 
their limitations as relevant here. Regardless, don't design to the 
limitations of one particular implementation method. We can work around 
their limits if need be.

overlaying it on filehandles is another question. i would like to see a
single operation which does an atomic lock, block, retrieve, unlock. we
don't have that for filehandles.  you could use a new method on that
special handle (i like 'get') which has the desired semantics.

So we enhance filehandles to make reads on them atomic.  does an atomic 
read on the filehandle. NBD.

i think making mailboxes in some form is a good idea. but they should be
special objects (even if they are filehandles) with their own methods to
support the desired semantics.

Overload filehandles. They really are a good fit for what you're looking for.


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: Are Perl6 threads preemptive or cooperative?

2000-08-28 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 12:11 PM 8/28/00 -0500, David L. Nicol wrote:

What if every subroutine tagged itself with a list of the globals
it uses, so a calling routine would know to add those to the list
of globals it wants locked?

If you're looking for automagic locking of variables, you're treading deep 
into "Interesting Research Problem" territory (read: Solve the Halting 
Problem and win a prize!) if you want it to not deadlock all over the place.

Been there. Tried that. Backed away *real* slowly... :)


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: Stupid Newbie Question

2001-11-08 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 04:21 PM 11/8/2001 -0800, John Rudd wrote:
So, does this mean my other heart's desire of operator overloading might
be coming forth?  (I know, I know, here I am, a smalltalker, asking for
operator overloading ... but, what are the smalltalkers gonna do, take
away my membership card?)

What, you mean being able to override the + function for a variable, 
complete with method dispatch depending on the types of the variables on 
both sides of the +?

Yup ;)


--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Stupid Newbie Question

2001-11-09 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 06:48 AM 11/9/2001 +, Piers Cawley wrote:
Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  At 04:21 PM 11/8/2001 -0800, John Rudd wrote:
 So, does this mean my other heart's desire of operator overloading might
 be coming forth?  (I know, I know, here I am, a smalltalker, asking for
 operator overloading ... but, what are the smalltalkers gonna do, take
 away my membership card?)
  What, you mean being able to override the + function for a variable,
  complete with method dispatch depending on the types of the variables
  on both sides of the +?
  Yup ;)

Um, you do realise you don't need multi dispatch to do operator
overloading don't you?

Of course. You don't *need* it, but it does make things nicer.

Every so often I find myself thinking 'I should implement something
that automagically turns all numbers and strings into objects', but
there's always something more important to do.

The multimethod dispatch'll take care of that, I think.


--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: What is Perl?

2000-08-01 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 01:01 PM 8/1/00 -0400, Michael Mathews wrote:
As far as Perl being an offspring of Unix I think that's great if it is in
meant **in spirit**. But any opportunity for Perl6 can make things more
understandable to the average programmer vs. the average Unix user should be
taken advantage of. The "unlink()" example is a good one. Now that Perl is
thriving on Mac and Win this sort of Unix-speak seems out-of-place. In spite
of where Perl came from I don't think we should feel like we can't grow the
language into something easier.

Let's also not forget that Unix (or insert your favorite OS here) got 
some things just fundamentally wrong. (Signals anyone? :) It is, after all, 
software, and all software sucks by definition.

Extracting out the Good Bits while tossing the Bad Bits and building an 
abstraction layer's not a bad thing. I'd quite like to see this happening.


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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RE: draft RFC: loop control and do

2000-08-01 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 11:58 AM 8/1/00 -0500, Brust, Corwin wrote:
Would simple do { } blocks then also be cantidates for becoming Code Blocks?

I would hope not--I've used them in code specifically because they are 
*not* control blocks, yet still get you a new level of scope.

What I'd rather see is the concept of the 'looped statement'--i.e. any 
single statement that has a loop modifier on it could be lasted. So this:

last while 1;

would be a noop, but people doing Evil Things with lists and whatnot could 
still last out, like so:

   (foo(), bar() || die, baz() || last) while (xyzzy());

which would exit out of the looping statement as soon as baz() returned false.

You could, I suppose, separate out the lexical scoping properties of a 
block from the loop control properties, so we have non-looping blocks that 
define scope, or looping blocks that don't. (I'd propose characters, but I 
passed on picking up the Unicode spec over lunch (didn't want to throw my 
back out... ;))


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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RE: Typeglobs, filehandles, asterisks

2000-08-01 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 12:18 PM 8/1/00 -0500, Garrett Goebel wrote:
Personally, I like to be able to directly access the symbol table. It is
nice when generating classes from a template. I hope typeglobs go in the
washing machine instead of the bathtub. But, I don't mind it they are hard
to recognize when they come back.

Typeglobs != symbol tables.

You can access individual variable bits in the symbol table now without 
using typeglobs. I don't see why that would have to change.

I'd also like to see lexicals addressed by name through some sort of symbol 
table-ish thing. Maybe:


would give a ref to the lexical my_var that exists one level of scope out 
from the current, or at least the my_var that's masked by the most recent 
declaration of my_var. (So [0] is the current, [-1] the next most recent, 
[-2] the one outside that, and so on)


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: Typeglobs, filehandles, asterisks

2000-08-01 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 06:59 PM 8/1/00 +0100, Hildo Biersma wrote:
Dan Sugalski wrote:
  I'd also like to see lexicals addressed by name through some sort of symbol
  table-ish thing. Maybe:
  would give a ref to the lexical my_var that exists one level of scope out
  from the current, or at least the my_var that's masked by the most recent
  declaration of my_var. (So [0] is the current, [-1] the next most recent,
  [-2] the one outside that, and so on)

I like the idea... it's evil.  (I hope it never makes it into the
language though.)

Damn straight! (And why?)

   my @lexicals = keys %PAD;

would be quite nice. Folks would kill (or at least inflict really nasty 
paper cuts) to have this available in the debugger.

Can you imagine doing this for 'local'?  That would lead to some pretty
neat obfuscated code...

Sure. long_distance($var, -1) could give the most-recently-localized 
version of $var. :-)

I'd rather not do it for globals, though. (Actually I'd be just as happy to 
see local go missing entirely, but that's just me looking at the guts...)


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

RE: Removing/fixing $[line noise here] variables

2000-08-01 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 03:53 PM 8/1/00 -0500, Brust, Corwin wrote:
Could this then also give the programer control over the content of
error/warning messages produced by Perl at runtime?

That's feasable. It'd be a performance hit, but I can't picture this really 
being a performance-critical area... :)

Put together an RFC for it. (Soon!) This is a language topic, but it will 
impact internals a touch, and I'd like to get as many of the "impact 
internals" things spec'd out as soon as possible. Even if the final form 
differs, it's easier to modify a capability than bolt it on after. (cf 
perl5  threads...)

-Original Message-
From: Steve Simmons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2000 3:37 PM
To: Perl6 Language Changes
Subject: Removing/fixing $[line noise here] variables

For deprecation, we should have a %PERL_DEPRECATED{mod}{thing} hash as
well.  `mod' is `CORE', `FORMATS', etc, as above.  A value of 0 means the
function is actually gone, 1 means it's disappearing next major release,
2 mean next minor, etc.  The programmer can control what happens when
the feature is used by setting a %PERL_DEPRECATED{mod}{warning} value
to 0 for default, 1 for once, 2 for never, etc, etc.


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Typeglobs, filehandles, asterisks

2000-08-01 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 05:19 PM 8/1/00 -0600, Tom Christiansen wrote:
 Typeglobs != symbol tables.

 You can access individual variable bits in the symbol table now without
 using typeglobs. I don't see why that would have to change.

NB:  $main::{fred} does not autoviv a typeglob when used lvaluably,
but *main::fred does.

Well, in perl 5 it doesn't, but that doesn't say anything about perl 6... :)


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: What is Perl?

2000-08-01 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 09:12 PM 8/1/00 -0400, Bryan C. Warnock wrote:
On Tue, 01 Aug 2000, Matthew Cline wrote:

  Doesn't tying slow things down?  If you did compile time type
  checking, this would take no perfromance hit.  Also you could, say,
  add some opcodes for doing runtime checking, so that runtime
  checking would be faster than doing it with tying, but wouldn't bog
  SVs down with having to carry around too much more extra info.
  (At least, this is the impression I get from my limmited knowledge
  of Perl internals).

Except perl, because it is perl, and does perlish things, always needs
to do runtime checking.  Removing automatic runtime checking in favor
of an op indicating runtime checking will double the size of the optree,
and make regular perl that much slower with everything else.

I doubt it'd double the size, especially if it was smart and only inserted 
check opcodes where it wasn't sure they weren't needed.

However, a vtable setup for scalars (now that I've got a handle on that) 
would reduce the cost significantly. In that case the scalar (or hash, or 
array, or whatever) itself would be responsible for typechecking, so the 
ops could just willy-nilly assign things and let the variables fend for 


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Don't you people sleep?!!

2000-08-02 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 10:30 AM 8/2/00 -0400, Michael Mathews wrote:
Okay, I'm impressed. 108 messages in my box this morning from the list. 
Shows spunk.

But I'm concerned. Are you getting enough sleep?

Of course not. :)

Don't forget we've folks from England, North America, and Japan (that I 
know of, and I only know where a few folks are). That pretty much covers 
the whole day...


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: date interface (was Re: perl6 requirements, on bootstrap)

2000-08-02 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 11:30 AM 8/2/00 -0400, Chaim Frenkel wrote:
Since perl6 will/should have a new Configure methodology[1] there
could be a registry (hate that word) of all available function
calls[2], developed during the build processes. Then the core would be
able to infer a 'use' command.

Yes. What I'd like to have is a list of functions, prototypes, return type, 
calling type, shared libraries they reside in, and the C name. Whenever the 
lexer saw a name on the list it'd automagically mark that shared library 
for loading.

So if the list had:


perl would know that the localtime function took a scalar, returned a list, 
is called like an opcode, and lives in with a name of localtime. If 
(and only if) you used localtime, perl would load in for you. In 
the optree (or bytecode stream or whatever) perl would have the 
I_cant_believe_its_not_an_opcode opcode with a pointer to the function we 
loaded in from

This way it looks like an opcode, talks like an opcode, looks like an 
opcode, but isn't an opcode taking up valuable space. (Not to mention 
making the optimizer more complex--the fewer the opcodes the easier its 
likely to be)

I've got an RFC started on this.

The list would presumably be added to occasionally when a module is installed

  "NT" == Nathan Torkington [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

NT Moving things to modules (a) does little for the size of Perl, and (b)
NT promotes Pythonization of the language (i.e., all programs begin with
NT 20 lines of `load this module, load that module, load the other
NT module').  Your criteria for moving to a module can't simply be
NT whether it's a system call or not, you must use something that takes
NT into account the hindrance and the payoff.

Chaim FrenkelNonlinear Knowledge, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   +1-718-236-0183


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: RFC: On-the-fly tainting via $^T

2000-08-01 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 11:57 PM 7/31/00 -0700, Matthew Cline wrote:
On Mon, 31 Jul 2000, Nathan Wiger wrote:

  Instead, it would be really cool if Perl6 let you do this:
 #! perl -T
 local($^T) = 0;
 $ENV{PATH} = read_config_file();
 local($^T) = 1;

I would prefer something like:

 #! perl -T
 $ENV{PATH} = untaint( read_config_file() );

In other words, either make the 'Taint' and 'Untaint' packages part of the
standard distribution, or put them into the core language.

While a way to taint something could reasonably be part of the main 
distribution (which'd be nice), I think I'd prefer to leave untainting to 

What I was thinking of was something along the lines of a lexically scoped 
pragma--"use taint"/"no taint". (We could do this by sticking in an opcode 
to set/unset the tainting status, as well as the warning status, and so on) 
Taint checking is disabled in a no taint block. Whether we still set the 
taint status on a scalar could depend on the -T switch, so data would still 
be tainted in a no taint block.


--"it's like this"---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: proto-rfc. Elements of @_ should be read-only.

2000-08-04 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 08:20 AM 8/4/00 -0400, John Tobey wrote:
Ken Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  John Tobey wrote:
   The Perl 5 (and older) behavior may preclude some optimizations.
  I can't think of any optimizations @_ assignment precludes.
  If we don't analyze dataflow to figure out if a sub modifies its
  args, then we just assume it will.

Suppose we use the low 2 bits as a type marker, so 30-bit ints are
representable directly in the "SV*".

Let's not--I really loathe that sort of thing, it can be a portability 
nightmare, and it's an internals thing anyway.

Don't sweat the internals for this. Figure out whether its a good or bad 
thing based on the language merits, not the internals issues.


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: proto-rfc. Elements of @_ should be read-only.

2000-08-04 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 09:10 AM 8/4/00 -0600, Tom Christiansen wrote:
 At 12:47 AM 8/4/00 -0400, Ken Fox wrote:
 John Tobey wrote:
   The Perl 5 (and older) behavior may preclude some optimizations.
 I can't think of any optimizations @_ assignment precludes.
 If we don't analyze dataflow to figure out if a sub modifies its
 args, then we just assume it will.

 If we know how a sub accesses @_, we can optimize appropriately. If we
 don't know, odds are we're not doing the sorts of optimizations that would
 need the information.

And to know whether you can know, there should be disqualifiers, like

 do FILE
 eval STRING

Anything that hits the lexer's problematic with the optimizer, as is 
anything that hits C code that's not ours, depending on what we allow it to 
do. (And as I'm up for extensions to do whatever the heck they want, that's 
pretty much anything)

Indirect calls might not be a problem, depending on how much flow analysis 
we can do in the optimizer. While that won't be much in the 
on-the-fly-compile version (a 10s runtime with a 50s compile time's not a 
good thing...) I'm hoping the optimizer will be able to get darned 
aggressive when given free rein.


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: RFC 18 (v1) Immediate subroutines

2000-08-04 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 02:45 PM 8/4/00 +, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:
=head1 TITLE

Immediate subroutines

This does complicate the job of the parser/lexer rather considerably. While 
not a reason to not do it, if we're going to do this we should do it with 
significant force and flexibility that we don't need to change or extend it 
much later.


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: proto-rfc. Elements of @_ should be read-only.

2000-08-04 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 05:16 PM 8/4/00 +0100, Piers Cawley wrote:
Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Indirect calls might not be a problem, depending on how much flow analysis
  we can do in the optimizer. While that won't be much in the
  on-the-fly-compile version (a 10s runtime with a 50s compile time's not a
  good thing...) I'm hoping the optimizer will be able to get darned
  aggressive when given free rein.

I wonder if something like the java hot spot on the fly profiler thing
might not be handy for long running perl processes...

Lots of things would be. Whether they're part of the reference 
interpreter's a separate question, of course. Stats gathering is a 
reasonable thing to plan for in the opcode interpreter.


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Life without eval

2000-08-04 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 01:30 AM 8/5/00 +0900, Simon Cozens wrote:
On Fri, Aug 04, 2000 at 12:24:01PM -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:
  At 02:31 PM 8/4/00 +0200, dLux wrote:
 My suggestion is: declare "eval $scalar" as a bad guy.
  It's not just string eval. It's also do FILE and require.

Which you need at runtime, even in compiled code, to run external
configuration files written in Perl. Oops!

Yup, oops indeed. OTOH, if we do bytecompiled files (like emacs .el/elc 
stuff), it's not a huge oops, since we may well be able to load in the 
bytecompiled version. And it does mean that folks writing perl code to run 
on palms and other small devices might want a Plan B to save config files 
off. Which is just fine, TMTOWTDI.


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Re: RFC 18 (v1) Immediate subroutines

2000-08-04 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 02:42 AM 8/5/00 +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[ Cc'd back to -language, hope you don't mind ]

On Fri, Aug 04, 2000 at 09:08:18PM +0200, Jean-Louis Leroy wrote:
  Please take discussion on this RFC to the forthcoming -subs sublist.
  Really.  Just hold off for a little while until the list is up.  Should
  be really soon.
 Ok, but are you sure? It's more a RFC about precompiler features
 (which I see discussed right now on the language list) than about subs

If it's a language thing (as your mailing list field in your RFC
indicates) then it should be on -subs.

If it's a precompiler thing then, um, doesn't that fall under internals?

Nope. Internals implements (and possibly says "You want us to do 
*what*!?!?"), language designs. Get us a design and we'll do it.


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Re: Proto-RFC: A Standard Always-Live Preprocessor

2000-08-04 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 01:23 PM 8/4/00 -0400, John Porter wrote:
Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
  Perl.  :-)
  Isn't this what source filters is all about?

There's something to be said for there being a standard, always-on
preprocessor, the way C has cpp.   While -P makes available a nice
usable preprocessor for perl, not much code uses it, because not
many programmers want to bother with the extra two keystrokes!
Or perhaps more the point, -P is essentially never used in any of
the canonical code examples, books, etc.

More likely:

1) C's preprocessor isn't very perlish, so its awfully jarring
2) Lots of it isn't needed
3) C's preprocessor has a number of unpleasant flaws
4) Not everyone has a C preprocessor around to use

If we're going to do it, it should be in perl and perlish.


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Re: Things to remove

2000-08-05 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 09:17 AM 8/5/00 -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
I'm not enamoured of the study interface, but the algorithm is
definitely a win on certain classes of data.  The basic problem with
study is that it needs incestuous hooks into how you do string
searching.  So even if we moved study out into an external module, we'd
still have to find some way to treat searching for constant strings as
polymorphic within the regex engine.

It should be possible to write external modules that both have hooks deep 
into perl and are automagically loaded. We could, for a first cut, define 
the hooks and yank study off into one of these modules, with a "do nothing" 
function in there. Then, when Clever People have had a chance to go think 
about it, we could drop in a replacement and get the win.

This, of course, presumes that defining the hooks (which will also require 
Clever People) can be done correctly without actually writing the code that 
uses it...


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Re: RFC17

2000-08-05 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 01:21 AM 8/6/00 -0400, Chaim Frenkel wrote:
I think there are two problems. One is the naming convention, the
second, the global effects.

Why not split them. The names could be improved.

And the global nature (of the name) abolished.

I'm not entirely sure that tossing the global nature of these things is a 
bad idea. It is kinda convenient to be able to mess with things (like $^W) 
and have them stay messed-with. Tossing that makes some sense from a 
stricture/no-action-at-a-distance standpoint, but having a quick  dirty 
way to just *do* something is kinda perlish.


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Re: Deep copy

2000-08-05 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 12:58 PM 8/5/00 -0700, Peter Scott wrote:
Another one for my wish list: deep copying support built in.  A devil 
inside me thinks this should be a new assignment 
operator.  Damian?  Sounds like this is up your alley.  I want to do a 
sanity check before taking up RFC space.

Regardless of how this looks, it has some pretty significant ramifications 
for the internals. What, for example, should happen if you deep-copy a DBI 
object attached to an Oracle database?


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Re: RFC17

2000-08-06 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 02:09 AM 8/6/00 -0400, Chaim Frenkel wrote:
Then a mechanism for uplevel manipulation of variables should be used.

 uplevel 0, $Perl:Warnings=1;# Hit everyone
 uplevel -1, $Perl:Warnings=0;   # Hit my wrapper

(I think something better was proposed, but I don't recall what it was.)

Yeah, I can see that. We're going to need a mechanism to hoist things to 
outer scope levels internally (for when we return objects from subs) so it 
might be worth generalizing things.

  "DS" == Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DS At 01:21 AM 8/6/00 -0400, Chaim Frenkel wrote:
  And the global nature (of the name) abolished.

DS I'm not entirely sure that tossing the global nature of these things is a
DS bad idea. It is kinda convenient to be able to mess with things (like 
DS and have them stay messed-with. Tossing that makes some sense from a
DS stricture/no-action-at-a-distance standpoint, but having a quick  dirty
DS way to just *do* something is kinda perlish.

Chaim FrenkelNonlinear Knowledge, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   +1-718-236-0183


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Re: Deep copy

2000-08-06 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 05:31 AM 8/7/00 +1000, Damian Conway wrote:
 Another one for my wish list: deep copying support built in.  A devil
 inside me thinks this should be a new assignment
 operator.  Damian?  Sounds like this is up your alley.  I want to do a
 sanity check before taking up RFC space.

 Regardless of how this looks, it has some pretty significant 
 for the internals. What, for example, should happen if you deep-copy 
 a DBI
 object attached to an Oracle database?

I would say that encountering an "external component" such as a file handle
during a clone() should either shalow copy the component or else throw an

That's cool. I can also see calling a package's CLONE sub if you're cloning 
something blessed into it. Presumably it'd get the original as a parameter 
and return the new thing, or something of the sort.


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Re: Deep copy

2000-08-06 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 06:23 AM 8/7/00 +1000, Damian Conway wrote:

 That's cool. I can also see calling a package's CLONE sub if you're
 cloning something blessed into it.

I like it. And CLONE is preferred to the specified (2nd arg) handler.

I'm tempted to say toss the second parameter entirely. If the package 
doesn't know how to duplicate itself, perhaps it ought not be done.

 Presumably it'd get the original
 as a parameter and return the new thing, or something of the sort.

Thinking about it, it should get a reference to the original and return a
reference to the new value.

Works. We won't always be passing objects around, I suppose.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: RFC: On-the-fly tainting via $^T

2000-08-01 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 02:52 PM 8/1/00 -0400, Chaim Frenkel wrote:
Please explain how having a no taint block would still keep the spirit
of not making untainting easy?

Hadn't thought that much about it. That is an issue which'd need to be 
dealt with if this proposal goes anywhere, which it very well might not.

  "DS" == Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DS I think I'd prefer to leave untainting to regexes.

DS What I was thinking of was something along the lines of a lexically 
DS pragma--"use taint"/"no taint". (We could do this by sticking in an 
DS to set/unset the tainting status, as well as the warning status, and 
so on)
DS Taint checking is disabled in a no taint block. Whether we still set the
DS taint status on a scalar could depend on the -T switch, so data would 
DS be tainted in a no taint block.

Chaim FrenkelNonlinear Knowledge, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   +1-718-236-0183


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Re: RFC Archive

2000-08-03 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 08:27 AM 8/3/00 -0400, Tad McClellan wrote:

On Wed, Aug 02, 2000 at 10:09:04PM -0600, Nathan Torkington wrote:
  I'm about to push the button that will send my private set of RFCs
  off to the archive and mail them to perl6-announce.  Fingers crossed.
  The RFC archive is at

I suggest we zero-pad the RFC numbers for easy (string) sorting.

But how many digits are we going to need? ...

Figure six. If we blow that then I, for one, am outta here... :)


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Re: type-checking [Was: What is Perl?]

2000-08-01 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 09:25 PM 8/1/00 +, Nick Ing-Simmons wrote:
Alan Burlison [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 No, I disagree.  Perl gains a lot of its expressive power from being lax
 about typing.  I suspect it will also impose an unacceptable overhed for
 the vast majority who don't want it - at the very least every variable
 access will have to check an 'are you typed' flag.

Cross posted to internals ('cos it is...)

We should consider using "vtables" to avoid the cost of the conditional
branches (and running out of flag bits).

Works for me. Anyone care to flesh this out a bit? (Take pity on a guy 
who's not had C++ inflicted upon him... :)

Thus this function would call variables "type check" "method" -
which for normal case would be pointer to blue-white-hot "NoOp" function
which is near always in-cache, for a typed var it could be a slow
as you wanted...

I was thinking that, since the compiler has most of the information, a 
"type check" opcode could be used, and inserted only where needed. If, for 
example, you had:

   my ($foo, $bar);
   my ($here, $there) : Place;

   $foo = $bar;
   $here = $there;

You'd only need to typecheck the assignment to $here. Granted assignments 
through references would need to check unconditionally, and a typecheck's 
in order if you're not sure of the types (say, by directly referencing @_ 
elements), but the optimizer could certainly toss a lot of checks.

Strong typing could also get us a win other places. If, for example, we said:

   my @foo : integer : strict;

meant that @foo *only* has integers in it, we don't need to store full SVs 
in it, and use an integer array only.

If strict's off I don't see any reason to forbid bad assignments of 'known' 
types--if someone, using the above example, did a "$foo[2] = 'bar'" I don't 
see any reason not to make $foo[2] have a value of 0. (With a warning 
emitted by -w, of course)


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Re: RFC 27 (v1) Coroutines for Perl

2000-08-04 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 01:17 PM 8/4/00 +0500, Tom Scola wrote:
 [I think this belongs on the language list, FWIW, Cc'd there]
 I like this, but I'd like to see this, inter-thread queues, and events
 use the same communication method. Overload filehandles to pass events

 around instead, so:

I'm proposing that events and threads be dropped in lieu of coroutines.

Not gonna happen. Tk and signals, at the very least, will see to that. 
Coroutines are also an awfully limited threading mechanism, and I think 
they'd have the same problems that threads have (or the use of multiple 
processors in an SMP system would be shot), so it seems silly to limit 
threading to coroutines.

Might as well do 'em all, though the low-level contstructs (i.e. what we 
build) may overlap a bunch.

  I view events and threads as low-level attempts to implement what coroutines
express elegantly.

In some ways, sure. In others, no.

There would be two perl run-times, one event-based and the other thread
based, much like java green threads and native threads.

Ah. Don't think so. Code duplication is Evil, and I'd rather have a unified 

  Invoking the coroutine could use another keyword,
 perhaps invoke, that returns the filehandle the coroutine talks on. So:

$fh = invoke foo("1", "2", "3")

As I tried to explain in the RFC, the "invoke" keyword be redundant.  Writing
to, or reading from the filehandle would invoke the coroutine.

You're overloading filehandle syntax way too much, and parameter passing's 
nasty that way.

   $foo = |coroutine "bar", "baz";

Yech. Ugly.

 This would necessitate the expansion of select to check for pending
 events/coroutine writes/data, but that's likely to happen anyway, so...

In my proposed event-based perl runtime, the select loop would be hidden
from the programmer.  All I/O calls would be non-blocking and context 

I meant select the perl construct, not select the low-level construct.


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Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Imrpoving tie() (Re: RFC 15 (v1) Stronger typing through tie.)

2000-08-04 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 12:35 PM 8/4/00 -0400, Chaim Frenkel wrote:
  "DS" == Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DS The language semantics of tie strongly impact the internals. tie() is
DS basically a declaration that the rules are completely different (and
DS unknown at compile time) for the tied variable. Shoots down 
optimization a
DS bunch, since access to a tied varible has to be treated as a function 
DS rather than as access to data with known behaviours.


The vtbl for a tied variable would do all the work. Either the pointer
is to a springboard into perl code, or internal code, or the XS
replacement code.

It's more than that. If the optimizer does code flow, it can know that 
$foo's been assigned an integer, for example, and maybe even that that 
variable's never been changed, so this:

   $foo = 12;
   $bar = something();
   $bar = $foo;

could work out to:

   $foo = $bar = 12;

Where if you tie, we have *no* idea what you're doing. This:

   tie $foo, SomeModule;
   $foo = 12;

could well reboot some server in outer mongolia for all we know. Tied 
variable access counts as a function call, which smacks optimization all by 


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Re: Language RFC Summary 4th August 2000

2000-08-05 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 11:40 AM 8/5/00 +, Nick Ing-Simmons wrote:
Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 It definitely is, since formats do things that can't be done in 
 Such as???


Even in perl5 an XS module can do _anything at all_.

It can't access data the lexer's already tossed out. That's where the 
current format format (so to speak) runs you into trouble.


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Re: Perl6 Prject Plan / Roadmap

2000-08-05 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 06:04 PM 8/5/00 +0200, H.Merijn Brand wrote:
In the roadmap, there's lot of actions and shamelines as spoken of in the
camel herders association meeting. What was also talked about there, was an
early release of perl6 to the active CPAN authors, so they would be able to
try and implement the new language for their modules.

I cannot find this in the timeline's

You'll get it at the same time as everyone else, since it'll be out as soon 
as possible in general. (Assuming you don't mind working with alpha code...)

The plan is for an alpha by next TPC. How alpha is, as always, an open 
question, given that's almost a year off.


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Re: Imrpoving tie() (Re: RFC 15 (v1) Stronger typing throughtie.)

2000-08-05 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 09:45 AM 8/5/00 -0700, Nathan Wiger wrote:
  Probably not with tie, but with function calls in general, sure. We can do
  some flow control analysis on the subs and propagate it outwards so we
  might know, for example, that:
 sub foo {
   my (@vars) = @_;
   return scalar @vars;
  doesn't change its args or any globals, so can be safely optimized around
  to some extent.

I hate suggesting bad ideas (but I think this may be one), but has any
thought been given to a "pre-compiler" ala Java?

I know alot of thought is being given to a true compiler, but I'm not
convinced this is feasible. Maybe a pre-compiler that could do some
optimization and then dump the thing off as a ".bpl" (binary perl?)
program. This would still have to be run through the interpreter, but
would be much faster because of pre-optimization. The main difference
between us and Java is that we wouldn't *have* to pre-compile, but only
if speed was crucial (key CGI apps, for example). We already sort of
have hooks for this ability with dump/undump.

Granted, this is probably a really bad idea. Feel free to shoot it down
(my feelings *won't* be hurt). :-)

This is a really good idea, honestly. One of The Plans is to be able to 
freeze the final bytecode that would be handed to the interpreter off to 
disk instead. Should (if we do our jobs right) allow for faster startup, 
and it should also let us do more aggressive optimizations than we do now. 
Not because this method lends itself to better optimizations (freezing 
parts of programs, like modules, actually hurts optimization some), but 
because we have more *time* to optimize.

I don't, for example, want to pay an extra 30 seconds on each program 
invocation to run the code through the optimizer. I would be perfectly 
happy to do so, though, if the resulting code is frozen to disk so I didn't 
pay it the next time.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: named parameters

2000-08-04 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 04:37 AM 8/4/00 -0600, Tom Christiansen wrote:
 Point taken. But part of the goal was moving a lot of stuff out of CORE
 and making Perl faster. New features are great, but we should figure out
 whether or not they're truly CORE-worthy. Sticking it in a pragma like
 strict helps to solve this issue, but as always TMTOWTDI.

I find the notion that Perl will become appreciably faster simply
by having fewer default features to be unlikely.

If we go the double-indirect opcode function route, cutting down on the 
number of opcodes may well help, as will careful grouping of the opcode 
functions so opcodes that execute in sequence have their function pointers 
close-by. This'll reduce cache misses, which is a good thing.

It also reduces the number of opcodes the optimizer (and the people writing 
the optimizer) need to deal with, which isn't a bad thing either. (Though, 
granted, I really doubt anyone'll spend any significant amount of mental 
effort on the localtime op)

Finally, it may make things slightly easier for folks writing 
JIT/compiler/translators for perl bytecode. If we yank the 'odd' ops out 
into separate functions, and the doodad writers provide an interface to the 
non-op functions, it means they don't have to worry about writing code to 
do localtime however we do it, they can just call our function.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: Different points of view, a little perspective.

2000-08-07 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 11:40 AM 8/7/00 -0400, Michael Mathews wrote:
In the MLC discussion I have read many comments about how various "C-style"
features would be easier for people to learn, remember, and use. In fact the
MLC discussion itself was inspired by a desire to make Perl more C-like
(actually Java-like) in how it handles comments. Is this a worthwhile
argument, even on its own?

Perl is one of the very few languages geared towards a conceptual model 
which is essentially people. Pretty much all the other languages I can 
think of target a conceptual model where a person isn't central. That's 
something I don't think perl should lose. Becoming more C-like (or 
Lisp-like, or APL-like, or Prolog-like, or...) is moving in the wrong 
direction. Snagging things they do, sure. Just not the way they do it, 
unless that way maps well to the way that normal human beings (and let's 
face it, that does *not* target your average programmer dead-on) think of 

Human brains work very differently from computer brains. At this point we 
no longer need to cater to the computer--we have the power and the 
technology to make people the central focus and still perform well.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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RE: Deep copy

2000-08-07 Thread Dan Sugalski

There are a wide range of tricky problems associated with deep copy and 
deep compare. I like the idea, but circular references can make this 
problematic even without external things (filehandles, dirhandles, objects 
from non-perl sources) are thrown in. That needs to be taken into account 
when putting together the RFC for it, if someone even does.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: ISA number

2000-08-07 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 12:27 PM 8/7/00 -0700, Peter Scott wrote:
Have often wanted a way to tell whether a scalar was a number, and rolling 
a regex each time seemed wasteful given that Perl knew what it was 
anyway.  So a user-friendly way to get at the SvIOK and SvNOK results 
would be great.

The Sv?OK macros will likely go away in the new internals, or at least be 
different. It'd be better to figure out what you really want to know. Those 
macros tell you whether a scalar has already been changed to an integer, 
float, or string, rather than whether it can be an int, float, or string, 
for example.


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: Deep copy

2000-08-07 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 01:27 PM 8/7/00 -0400, Uri Guttman wrote:
  "DS" == Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   DS At 10:07 AM 8/7/00 -0700, Peter Scott wrote:
At 12:53 PM 8/7/00 -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:
There are a wide range of tricky problems associated with deep copy 
deep compare. I like the idea, but circular references can make this
problematic even without external things (filehandles, dirhandles,
objects from non-perl sources) are thrown in. That needs to be 
 taken into
account when putting together the RFC for it, if someone even does.
I don't want it to go undocumented; I can write an RFC since I 
 started the
thread, or Damian can write it since he brought up clone() before 
 that.  I
defer to Damian.
I don't think it's impossible to do something useful, if we think
sufficiently Perlish.

   DS That's fine. I'm not against it (I like it), I just want to know
   DS what needs to be done under the hood, and we need to document the
   DS pitfalls to folks that'll use it.

the biggest pitfalls are circular structures. i see two opposing ideas

the first is to allow deep copying but caveat coder. if you are
doing circles, override with your own clone method. i know some here do
circles a great deal and have to deal with it in DESTROY and other messy
place. but the majority of perl data structures are plain trees which
can be cloned easily. i also know that lisp tends to more circular stuff
(since they HAVE to :) so they never did a generic deep copy.

Well, if we provide a primitive for this (a big if) I expect it can be 
piggy-backed onto the GC code somehow, which needs to do the same sorts of 

as for tied objects and databases, a hornets' nest awaits.

No doubt. This is where the interesting work resides, which is why I'm all 
up for passing the buck to the mythical CLONE sub. :0


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Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: RFC 58 (v1) Cchomp() changes.

2000-08-08 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 10:12 AM 8/8/00 -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
Ted Ashton writes:
: Thus it was written in the epistle of Segher Boessenkool,
:  The magic defined($_ = FILE) only happens if FILE is the only thing
:  inside while().
:  In this case, it's not (there's a chomp() inside as well), so the magic
:  doesn't apply.
: Ok.  One more time . . .
:   I'm proposing that we change that.

Before we get too carried away discussing the syntax of chomp, let's
look a bit at the semantics.  What's chomp supposed to work on if we
make $/ go away?  I think any discussion of chomp without considering
how the input discipline finds line terminators is destined to be a
partial solution.  If chomp exists in Perl 6 at all, I think it would
have to be some kind of method call on the string that figures out what
the discipline determined to be the terminator *for the current line*.

Which brings up the questions:

* What about scalars that didn't come from filehandles?
* Should the chomp function use the filehandle's current separator, or the 
one in effect when it was read?
* Do we even want to allow after-the-fact chomps, or do it automagically at 
read time?
* Is it worth the extra space per scalar to store the record separator (or 
a pointer to the filehandle holding the record separator)?


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Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: RFC 48 (v2) Objects should have builtin stringifying

2000-08-08 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 02:18 PM 8/8/00 +, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:
This and other RFCs are available on the web at

=head1 TITLE

Objects should have builtin stringifying STRING method

=head1 VERSION

Maintainer: Nathan Wiger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 06 Aug 2000
Version: 2
Status: Developing
Number: 48

Is this an update to the original RFC 48 with a new title? Or is it a new 
RFC mis-numbered?


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Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: RFC 58 (v1) Cchomp() changes.

2000-08-08 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 02:29 PM 8/8/00 -0400, Michael Mathews wrote:
Dan Sugalski said:
  Which brings up the questions:
  * What about scalars that didn't come from filehandles?
  * Should the chomp function use the filehandle's current separator, or the
  one in effect when it was read?
  * Do we even want to allow after-the-fact chomps, or do it automagically
  read time?

YES, of course!

That last was an "A or B" sort of question. Yes is rather ambiguous. :)

  * Is it worth the extra space per scalar to store the record separator (or
  a pointer to the filehandle holding the record separator)?

What about a
 chomp($foo, '\r\n');
 # or
 chomp(FH, '\r\n');

Looks an awful lot like:


to me...


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Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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A plea to RFC authors

2000-08-07 Thread Dan Sugalski

When writing RFCs that talk about the inclusion of "interesting" new 
features--things like coroutines, matrix math, bizarre regex theory (yes, I 
know that's redundant), curried (or garlic'd, or peppered) subs, for 
example--it would be helpful if there was a good reference in the 
references section of the RFC. It doesn't have to be on-line, books or 
periodicals are just fine, nor does it have to be included in the initial 
proposal, but it should be in the final one, and the earlier the better.

A quick rule of thumb should be "If it's not convered in the Camel 3ed, it 
ought to have a reference". This'll help folks that might participate but 
have no idea what you're talking about, the people that need to judge 
whether it's reasonable and feasable, as well as the people that will have 
to write the code to implement the feature. Even if it's something that 
"most CS educated folks" ought to know (a category a number of us don't 
necessarily fall into), it's handy to know where to look to brush up on the 
details of the thing in question.


--"it's like this"---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: RFC 58 (v1) Cchomp() changes.

2000-08-08 Thread Dan Sugalski

On Tue, 8 Aug 2000, Michael Mathews wrote:

 Ted Ashton said:
  Thus it was written in the epistle of Uri Guttman,
   how do you tell the above two apart? by array do you mean only an array
   variable? then you can't chomp a list of scalar values or multiple
   arrays, etc.
   this needs to be clarified.
  Quite true.  The two-argument one is new to me and I hadn't thought much
  about it.  Do you have a suggestion?
 Like "join" the order of arguments would have to be "chomp($thing_to_remove,
 @array)" but this spoils the default behavior of $thing_to_remove being
 unless you think we should require arrays to be passed by reference.

It's an op. Arrays can be passed in any way we want. (Though I will
personally drive out and smack the first person that suggests chomp should
be lazy...)


Re: RFC 71 (v1) Legacy Perl $pkg'var should die

2000-08-08 Thread Dan Sugalski

On Wed, 9 Aug 2000, Damian Conway wrote:

  If you take this, I won't be able to port the forthcoming
  module to Perl 6!!!
 And this would be a bad thing how, exactly? :)

But, but... I'm sitting! :-P


Re: RFC 73 (v1) All Perl core functions should return ob

2000-08-08 Thread Dan Sugalski

On Tue, 8 Aug 2000, Mike Pastore wrote:

 On Tue, 8 Aug 2000, Dan Sugalski wrote:
  If you feel the need, it should be possible to let you do this, or at
  least a part of it for one or three ops, with a module. I think it might
  be better to wait until the plain way's in and then embellish it later.
 I do believe (and please, folks, correct me if I'm wrong) that's Larry's
 intent with this whole project is to make Perl6 a fundamentally
 object-oriented language. At least, that's what I've been able to gather
 from the discussion threads in this mailing list.

I think, if you look in the archives and the Camel, you'll find that turns
out not to be the case. 


Re: RFC 73 (v1) All Perl core functions should return ob

2000-08-09 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 07:55 AM 8/9/00 -0700, Nathan Wiger wrote:
  It means a lot more code to write (and debug) for the things that
  return these objects, and that means parts of perl will be
  slower, take longer to write, and take up more space.

Point taken. I don't think internals should be ignored altogether, just
that they shouldn't be the driving force in the language design.
Otherwise we'd wind up with something like C. :-)

I do agree that the internals shouldn't drive the language (otherwise a 
crack team of Ninja would've already taken care of that Conway guy... :), 
but neither can they be completely ignored. I'm just weighing in with a 
rough estimate of the cost. It's someone else's job to balance that cost 
with the benefits, but that can't be done without at least some idea of the 
cost. (I expect Larry's got a good handle on that already, or will when he 
takes a hard look at the final proposal, but...)

One alternative is to add a pragma to implement this, maybe called
'object'. So a person could 'use object' to get the objects flowing
everywhere. But again, this is an implementation thing I'd rather save
until at least v2, after people have given input on the idea itself.

Honestly, I'd rather you put together a general scheme for handling the 
object/scalar morphing thingie and RFC it, and then we migrate the various 
functions that people think should do the object thing as time and effort 
allow. They all might not be in perl 6.0.0 (And what are we going to call 
the first dev release--perl 6.-1.0?) but could get added in as modules and 
make it into perl 6.2.0 or something)


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Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: vector and matrix calculations in core? (was: Re: Ramblings on base class for SV etc.)

2000-08-09 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 04:06 PM 8/9/00 +, Ed Mills wrote:
In keeping with Larry's design philosophy that the language should "not 
just sit there -do something!" I agree that there should be a number of 
vector/matrix manipulations available, performed in a psuedo-scalar 
context (not in a loop).

That would be list context. (Or perhaps array or hash context, and yes I 
know we don't have those right now)

  Just to name a few:


etc. etc. This kind of functionality would attract a whole new category of 
users from mathematics and other areas, as well as giving us optimized 
solutions to operations that many of us do regularly in loop contexts.

I expect it would make other things interesting as well, not just math 
things. (Running a substitution on an array would be keen, for example)

On the other hand one can argue all of these belong in CPAN under a 
matrix:: library or something like that, but to me if would make Perl a 
powertool to build these kinds of functions into the language syntax. In 
many cases these can be treated as overloading scalar ops for a non-scalar 

While I'm firmly of the opinion the code to actually Do Something should be 
elsewhere (at least to start), support definitely needs to be in the core 
to notice what that something is--you won't get very far with:

   @a * @b

if perl does a scalar on both arrays before doing the multiplication...


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Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: RFC 78 (v1) Improved Module Versioning And Searching

2000-08-09 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 10:44 AM 8/9/00 -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
: Note that it may not be possible to satisfy conflicting requests.  If
: module CA and module CB demand two different versions of the same
: module CC, the compiler should halt and state the module conflicts.

Pardon me for sniping at a great RFC, but I already promised the CPAN
workers that I'd make that last statement false.  There's no reason in
principle why two modules shouldn't be allowed to have their own view
of reality.  Just because you write Foo::bar in your module doesn't mean
that Perl can't know which version of Foo:: you mean.

Does that mean, then, that when module A does a "$C::bar = 1" it affects a 
different package namespace than module B doing a "$C::bar = 2"? And does 
it also extend to things like this:

package A;
use C 1.2;
package B;
use C 1.4;

where two packages in the same file use different versions of module C and 
get them?


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: RFC 78 (v1) Improved Module Versioning And Searching

2000-08-09 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 11:11 AM 8/9/00 -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
Dan Sugalski writes:
: Does that mean, then, that when module A does a "$C::bar = 1" it affects a
: different package namespace than module B doing a "$C::bar = 2"?


H. That brings up some issues of ambiguity, then. If you use C in 
package A, and also in package B, which do you see when you're in main and 
access $C::bar?

: And does it also extend to things like this:
: package A;
: use C 1.2;
: package B;
: use C 1.4;
: where two packages in the same file use different versions of module C and
: get them?

I expect that could also be made to work, provided the semantics of
importation remain package-scoped and don't become lexically scoped.

Sure. They'd have to be, otherwise packages split across different files 
would get a rather bizarre view of the world. This sort of means we'll need 
some sort of two-level stash, one per-package and one global. (Unless 
you're outlawing symbolic references... :)

To me, it really just means that the *real* name of the package includes
the implementation (author?) and version, but that when you say

 use C;

you're just choosing to wildcard both the implementation and version.
This view says that we probably ought to figure out how to encode the
implementation and version syntactically as part of the package name,
rather than as a 3rd argument to use.

Yup. I can see the build procedures needing to know this too, since we'll 
probably need to give modules with shared libraries unique names. Some 
platforms (OS/2 and VMS, at least) will need that, as they get cranky if 
you try and load shareables with the same base filename.

Think about the long names of fonts for an example of how far this
can be taken.

Would this be "Taken to its logical and sensible conclusion" or "Taken as 
far as it can possibly go, though it you turn around and look *really* hard 
with binoculars you can see where you crossed the line, way back there by 
the horizon"?


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Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: RFC 73 (v1) All Perl core functions should return ob

2000-08-09 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 12:09 PM 8/9/00 -0600, Nathan Torkington wrote:
I want the core to stay useful but not complex.  If localtime returned
a hashref in scalar context, that'd be enough for me:

   $now = localtime;
   print $now-{MONTH};
   print $now-{YEAR};   # already has 1900 added onto it :-)
   print $now-{INTEGER};# epoch seconds value

To get what is now scalar localtime, you'd say

   print localtime-{STRING};

I'd just as soon that was scalar(localtime)--if we're going to do this, 
then we should do it so the short-hand format's convenient and useful.

Which sort of argues for localtime in a numeric scalar context to return 
epoch seconds, in a string scalar context to return a time string, and in a 
plain scalar context a hashref. (or mini-object, or tied thingamabob, or 
whatever) Of course, we're trying to kill $! which does that, which is a 

In list context it would return a simple list of values as it does now.

RFC 48 is way too complex for my liking.  In particular it expects
Perl to be able to distinguish between assignment to array and to a

I smell a counter-RFC, or at least a mailing list on which to thrash
this out.



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Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: Overloading ||

2000-08-09 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 12:04 PM 8/9/00 -0700, Peter Scott wrote:
At 04:58 AM 8/10/00 +1000, Damian Conway wrote:
 No.  I don't want to see  or || and not know whether it 
 without looking in the class interface.  My brain is conditioned 
 years of C and Perl to expect that they always short-circuit.  This 
 is too
venerable a semantic to change.  Please.

What if I want to overload  and || so that they help built an expression
tree, rather than immediately evaluating?

Is it worth the damage it will cause to fragile brains like mine?

"And now it's time for the head on top of your shoulders to explode"

I have often wondered whether a language could allow user-defined 
operators.  The fact that none have done it should be a clue :-)

What, like C++? ("I don't believe in it?" "What, C++? Just a conspiracy of 
computer programmers?")

I guess it's getting too incestuous with the lexer.

Nah, though it does restrict the optimizer some depending on how it overloads.

Of course, by the time Damian's done, perl won't actually *do* 
anything--you'll need to fire off another window and do a "kill 
-HEYYOUGETMOVING 23442" to actually make something happen...


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: RFC 54 (v1) Operators: Polymorphic comparisons

2000-08-09 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 05:12 PM 8/7/00 -0400, Chaim Frenkel wrote:
  "DC" == Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  I currently fail to switch to 'eq' many times when I should, but the
  failure mode is obvious. Her the failure mode will be really strange.

DC I would claim that the failure mode is not obvious: "dog"=="cat" is 

Sure it is. I pass a large amount of data and _everything_ matches! Voila,
I messed up the test. Test looks okay. (If I was a newbie, '==' is broken.
Given my experience, I used the wrong test.)

Both ways have issues. "dog"=="cat", but "10.0"ne"10". Both are arguably 
wrong--dogs aren't cats, but 10.0 really is 10...


------"it's like this"---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: Overloading ||

2000-08-09 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 05:23 AM 8/10/00 +1000, Damian Conway wrote:
 Of course, by the time Damian's done, perl won't actually *do*
 anything--you'll need to fire off another window and do a "kill
 -HEYYOUGETMOVING 23442" to actually make something happen...

Actually, the plan is exactly the opposite. By the time I'm finished
everything will be constant time!

Sure, but being Quantum, we won't know how long that time is, or if we do 
we won't know what the answer is... (With all the lazy operations 
proposals, I can see the release slogan now: "Perl 6, the language for 
couch potatoes")


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Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: DRAFT RFC: Enhanced Pack/Unpack

2000-08-09 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 10:53 PM 8/7/00 +0200, Bart Lateur wrote:
Right. Why you people don't call it "Intel" vs. "Motorola", like the
rest of the civilised world, I don't know.  ;-)  See the TIFF spec, for

Er, in case you were in any doubt: Motorola (from the 68k processors) is
BigEndian, Intel (x86) is LittleEndian. TIFF marks the files with either
"MM" or "II".

Yep, except for the PowerPC and 88k chips, which can do either, or the 
i860, which was BigEndian IIRC...


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Re: DRAFT RFC: Enhanced Pack/Unpack

2000-08-09 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 07:26 PM 8/7/00 +0100, Tom Hughes wrote:
 From /usr/include/endian.h on my linux box:

#define __LITTLE_ENDIAN 1234
#define __BIG_ENDIAN4321
#define __PDP_ENDIAN3412

Basically PDP or middle endian is low byte first within each word
but high word first in the overall longword.

This, FWIW, is because the PDP-11 (as opposed to all the other PDP 
families) was a 16-bit machine, so this is actually two words each in 
little-endian storage...


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Re: chomp unchomp

2000-08-09 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 03:36 PM 8/9/00 -0400, Bryan C. Warnock wrote:
On Wed, 09 Aug 2000, Ed Mills wrote:
  Here is the argument-
  Perl has (had?) chomp(). It removes \n at the end of a line. That's
  something we often need to do. We ALSO often need to ADD \n to the end 
 of a
  line. This usually looks something like:
print "$kitty\n";

Chomp removes one or more line separators from the end.

Chomp only removes one instance of the record separator from the end.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: vector and matrix calculations in core? (was: Re: Ramblings on base class for SV etc.)

2000-08-09 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 11:13 PM 8/9/00 +0200, Bart Lateur wrote:
On Wed, 09 Aug 2000 12:46:32 -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:

 @foo = @bar * @baz;

 Given that the default action of the multiply routine for an array in
 non-scalar context would be to die, allowing user-overrides of the
 functions would probably be a good idea... :)

[Is this still -internals? Or should we stop CC'ing?]

Nope, and we should stop.

One problem: overloading requires objects, or at least one. Objects are
(currently) scalars. You can't make an array into an object.

s/object\./object right now./;

If the current plan goes through, arrays and hashes will be typeable, and 
therefore overloadable. (Think of it as a lightweight object--no method 
calls, just overloading)

but a problem is:

 @copy = @ary;

which only copies the items by value, as a list, and thus ignores the
blessing. @copy is a plain array.


What happens depends on the type of @copy, and what we decide to do with 
whole-container assignments. It's reasonable to make @copy the same type as 
@ary. And if @copy's not a generic scalar array (and is, instead, an 
integer array, say) some sort of conversion might take place.


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Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: RFC 73 (v1) All Perl core functions should return ob

2000-08-09 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 09:16 PM 8/9/00 +, David L. Nicol wrote:
Nathan Torkington wrote:
  Dan Sugalski writes:
   Which sort of argues for localtime in a numeric scalar context to return
   epoch seconds, in a string scalar context to return a time string, 
 and in a
   plain scalar context a hashref. (or mini-object, or tied thingamabob, or
   whatever) Of course, we're trying to kill $! which does that, which is a
  I'm nervous about these different contexts.  I thought scalar vs list
  was confusion enough.  Now we're talking about overloading even
  further?  We need to think VERY long and VERY hard about this before
  thinking it's a good thing.

We could stop insisting on these finitely enumerated and nonextendable
"contexts" and start allowing overloading assignment, like so:

The assignment operator is selected from the Rvalue's methods, therefore
the Rvalue gets to examine the type of the Lvalue and decide what to give it.

Both the l and rvalues will need to participate somehow, if for no other 
reason as to make sure that:

   @foo = @bar;

doesn't bother with the list flattening/unflattening trick. I'm not sure 
that giving the rvalue unconditional control's a good idea.

In this scheme, "time" could by default return an integer, except if the
Rvalue has a defined time-override method, in which case it is used instead.

Gack. The problem there is then you need to worry about time-return, 
stat-return, shm-return, foo-return, bar-return... Icky. I think perhaps 
Plan B would be better. (And no, I have no plan B at the moment)


--"it's like this"---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: RFC 78 (v1) Improved Module Versioning And Searching

2000-08-09 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 01:50 PM 8/9/00 -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
Dan Sugalski writes:
: At 11:11 AM 8/9/00 -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
: Dan Sugalski writes:
: : Does that mean, then, that when module A does a "$C::bar = 1" it 
affects a
: : different package namespace than module B doing a "$C::bar = 2"?
: Presumably.
: H. That brings up some issues of ambiguity, then. If you use C in
: package A, and also in package B, which do you see when you're in main and
: access $C::bar?

I dunno.  I don't imagine the situation will arise that often.

It'll happen at least once.

I suppose we could go insane and make packages loaded in through modules 
completely invisible to all but the use-ing package, so in this case main 
wouldn't even know there was a C loaded, and if it tries to mess with 
things in the C package it gets its own empty stash to deal with. (Which 
all other packages that didn't use one version of the module or another get)

I suppose that's a fancy way of saying namespaces created by used modules 
are private to the package using them. (Though that still leaves the issue 
of what happens when package B uses something from package C which wasn't 
created on the use, but then I'd probably just say "you get your version of 
C. Nyah!")


--"it's like this"---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: RFC: Higher resolution time values

2000-08-09 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 08:18 PM 8/9/00 +, Nick Ing-Simmons wrote:
Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 At 06:16 PM 8/9/00 +, Nick Ing-Simmons wrote:
 Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  As an engineer I would really like to know when you are going to
  run out of precision in double - that is forty something bits of 
  That is more precision than you have in the real world.
  It's not precision, it's resolution. What do you do if your timers return
  values in 1/10ths of a second?
 What is the problem with that?
 You can't accurately represent a tenth of a second with floating point

You could if you made 1/10th second the "unit" of the float internally.

 If we're going to handle them, we might as well be exact.

Why - the 1/10 of second is not exact anyway (unless you happen to
have an atomic clock in an appropriate physical enviroment attached to
your machine). A double's mantissa is better than your typical oscillator.

While it may not be correct, at least it's exact. If we go with an inexact 
representation, we run the risk of accumulating errors and eventually 
ending up with a number that's both inexact and incorrect.


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: overloading assignment operators

2000-08-09 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 10:33 PM 8/9/00 +, David L. Nicol wrote:
Dan Sugalski wrote:

  Both the l and rvalues will need to participate.

Sorry.  Quick review of how C++ does it indicates that
selecting an assignment operator from the lvalue's methods
makes sense.

Sure, and using the rvalue makes sense too, in some circumstances.

Since we have dynamic typing, there's nothing keeping an
assignment method from running through a set of things it
would like to be assigned, and interrogating the rvalue to
see if it can provide them.

Yup, that's true. More work than I'd like to do by default in general, but 
a small subset's not out of order.

But is there really an advantage, or is it just a neat trick?

What, to a smart assignment? Sure. It means we can have efficient hash and 
array assignments, since they won't need to flatten. It means that if 
Damian gets his higher-order things going we can have assignment defer 
assignment. It means that we can maybe do 'smart' data copies (or not).

It allows a lot of possibility. Whether any are worth making real is 
another issue entirely. :)


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Overloading ||

2000-08-09 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 09:22 PM 8/9/00 -0400, Bryan C. Warnock wrote:

It seems to me the generally inability to influence the lexer is the
one general weakness in Perl.

A weakness shared by pretty much every language I can think of. (Actually I 
can't think of one that doesn't have it, but I may be overlooking things)

Yes, there is many very valid reasons on why this is an evil, evil,
thing, and I agree with most of them.

Nah, not evil. Major pain in a variety of body parts,  but not evil. (That 
massive pain is one of the reasons its just not done)

But, and this may just be the drugs talking here, it seems that the
bulk of the RFCs deal with one of two issues: how Perl works
internally, or how the Perl lexer needs to be able to handle something
new.  It makes sense, after all, because if it's not strictly an
internal problem, and it's not really a lexer issue, than it can most
likely already be included in the language via a module.

Perl is extremely easy to extend.  The Perl lexer is most heinous to

Lexers in general are heinous to extend.

A lot of discussions (and two of my RFCs) are centered around adding a
pragma to the language to influence the lexer to do this, or do that,
so that we don't trample on anybody else.  Perl will soon have more
pragmas than keywords, and this makes it unfriendly and inconsistent.

I've not seen a pragma yet that affects lexing, though I may have missed 
some. (I don't consider the lexical/package thing a lexer issue, since it's 
not) They change the behaviour of the generated code, yes, but not the 
lexing/parsing/whatever of the perl source.


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: RFC 73 (v1) All Perl core functions should return ob

2000-08-10 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 03:38 PM 8/10/00 +1000, Damian Conway wrote:
  An object that has many different -ify methods:
objectify (!)
  Possible, but blech.

 Why is that more blech?

Because it's "heavy".

However, if Dan assures me that objects will have lower overheads
in Perl 6, I will happily withdraw my "blech".

Objects will have lower overhead in perl 6. This sort of thing doesn't have 
to be an object, either--it should be reasonably trivial to do with the 
perl 6 equivalent of magic, which should be even cheaper.


--"it's like this"---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: RFC 78 (v1) Improved Module Versioning And Searching

2000-08-10 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 10:43 AM 8/10/00 -0400, Bennett Todd wrote:
2000-08-09-21:00:31 Chaim Frenkel:
  Making a module local to the using package, might have interesting
  properties. [...]
  The only breakage that I see, is having some way of globally setting
  a variable. For example, turning on debugging for all uses. (FTP::Debug
  I find quite popular.)
  Can anyone see any other breakage?

Not other breakage, but another example of the same exact class
of breakage. In RFC 70 I proposed some (hopefully minor) language
cleanups to make it possible to have actually work the
way people want it. If it worked, then would be getting
some categories it supported, e.g. "use Fatal qw(:io);". I then
suggested that the invoked categories could be posted into a
testable variable, in case other module authors wished to cooperate
with this protocol.

Why not, then, introduce non-fatal errors and a new keyword to throw them? 
Something like quit(), which could take an error class, an error identifier 
(a number or short string or something) and a message. It'd work like a 
bare return, but also stick something in $@, and could be trappable. (Quit 
with one parameter would default the class to generic, and the identifier 
to unknown)

This way, when something needs to bail with a non-fatal error it could:

   quit('io', 'READERROR', "Unable to read from file $foo");

and the code calling the sub could, if it wanted, could do a plain:

   $foo = some_sub($file);


 use fatal;
 eval {
   $foo = some_sub($file);
 if ($@) {
   if ($@-nonfatal) {
 # handle non-fatal errors

or something like that.

*) Define a set of c


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: RFC 78 (v1) Improved Module Versioning And Searching

2000-08-10 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 05:46 PM 8/10/00 +0100, Graham Barr wrote:
On Thu, Aug 10, 2000 at 12:28:05PM -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:
  No, it wouldn't, really. We could make "use fatal;" scoped, so that the
  quit op (or whatever it is) only jumps through all its hoops if the
  pragma's in effect. If its not, then quit(foo, bar, baz) does a bare 
  and that's it.
  You'd have the overhead of checking a flag when actually quitting with an
  error, but that adds a very small amount of overhead to an exceptional 

Why not make that flag avaliable instead of having a new op ?

The user can then write

   $^fatal ? die  : return;

Sure, that works. Whatever keyword throws the non-fatal error might just be 
a perl sub that does exactly that, at least to start. (Maybe always, who knows)

Hm, although people may start to mis-use the flag.

What, people misuse core functionality? I can't picture *that* happening. 
It's so unperlish... :)


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: RFC 89 (v1) Controllable Data Typing

2000-08-10 Thread Dan Sugalski

On Thu, 10 Aug 2000, Decklin Foster wrote:

 Syloke Soong [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  my $varname type;
 The syntax
   my $varname : constant; # pun not intended :)
 Was brought up earlier (but probably not before this RFC was written).
 Perhaps something similar could be used for the sake of consistency.

The syntax is actually:

   my type $varname;

This is in perl 5.6.0. Modifiers go as attributes after the colon:

  my Dog $spot : constant = new Dog;


Re: Data type and attribute syntax (was Re: RFC 89 (v1) Controllable Data Typing)

2000-08-11 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 02:29 PM 8/11/00 +1000, Jeremy Howard wrote:
Dan Sugalski wrote:
  The syntax is actually:
 my type $varname;
  This is in perl 5.6.0. Modifiers go as attributes after the colon:
my Dog $spot : constant = new Dog;
Yes. But what about types and attributes within complex types?

What about them? Attributes can take parameters easily enough:

   my bigint $pi : constant : digits(7) = "3.1415926"

Also, do we want to be able to specify types and attributes within a sub
prototype? It would be nice to guarantee that subs don't mutate particular
parameters, that certain data will not be aliased, etc, so that appropriate
optimisations can be done.

I'm not sure I'd sweat the optimization stuff at this point. Besides, it's 
unlikely that the optimizer will know anything about attributes of non-core 
variable types anyway, so...


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Re: Data type and attribute syntax (was Re: RFC 89 (v1) Controllable Data Typing)

2000-08-11 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 10:58 AM 8/11/00 -0400, Chaim Frenkel wrote:
Someone on this list (TomC?) has supplied a major diatribe against const.

Maybe, but I don't see what's wrong with:

my $foo :const = 12;

A nice, named, lexically scoped constant. The optimizer should be able to 
make reasonably good use of that.

  "JH" == Jeremy Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JH Dan Sugalski wrote:
  The syntax is actually:
  my type $varname;
  This is in perl 5.6.0. Modifiers go as attributes after the colon:
  my Dog $spot : constant = new Dog;
JH Yes. But what about types and attributes within complex types?

JH  - Constant refs vs refs to constants?
JH  - Types of hash (or 'pair') keys and elements?
JH  - Attributes (e.g. constantness) of hash keys and elements?
JH  - Ditto for arrays/lists...

JH I left this out of v1 of the RFC because I wanted to get some feedback on
JH syntax. If we can flesh this out I'll incorporate it into v2.

JH Also, do we want to be able to specify types and attributes within a sub
JH prototype? It would be nice to guarantee that subs don't mutate particular
JH parameters, that certain data will not be aliased, etc, so that 
JH optimisations can be done.

Chaim FrenkelNonlinear Knowledge, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   +1-718-236-0183


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Re: Against overloading || and (RFC 20) -- we just need lazy evaluation

2000-08-11 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 11:13 AM 8/11/00 -0400, John Porter wrote:
Bart Lateur wrote:
  Actually, we don't need it. All we need, is lazy evaluation.
  The idea comes from Lisp,

No, that's no good; lazy evaluation was necessitated by functional
programming, which of course perl should avoid like the plague...

Why? (And which should we avoid, lazy evals or functional programming?)


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Re: Data type and attribute syntax (was Re: RFC 89 (v1) Controllable Data Typing)

2000-08-11 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 05:09 PM 8/11/00 -0400, Chaim Frenkel wrote:
Hmm, perhaps we should rename the attribute

Works, though I like "constant" (or const, that's OK) just as much.

Might be worth having a way to set things to read-only temporarily, too. 
Won't help the optimizer, but it could keep some of the more sublte 
"whoops"es from happening.


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Re: RFC 83 (v1) Make constants look like variables

2000-08-11 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 11:07 AM 8/12/00 +1000, Jeremy Howard wrote:
My current thinking is that a ref to a constant should only be possible
through creating a constant first, and then creating a reference to that

What, like:

   $foo = \5'

which you can do in perl 5 right now. (Basically a scalar's created 
(probably), given the value '5', and marked read-only)

  I'm still unsure of array and hash elements, however. Using the
':' in this way has the potential to cause ambiguity with list generation
syntax (RFC 81), and add complexity where there may not be much payoff.

If you want individual elements of hashes or arrays to be read-only, that's 
OK, though I can see that complicating things.

And constants, of course, may well be substituted for in the bytestream 
anyway--if you write:

   my $foo : const = 5;
   $bar = $foo;

you may well get:

   $bar = 5;

under the hood.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: RFC 71 (v1) Legacy Perl $pkg'var should die

2000-08-08 Thread Dan Sugalski

On Wed, 9 Aug 2000, Damian Conway wrote:

 Perl used to use $pkg'var instead of the modern $pkg::var. This is still
 in Perl 5. It's gotta go. (At least, it should.)
 If you take this, I won't be able to port the forthcoming
 module to Perl 6!!!

And this would be a bad thing how, exactly? :)

Besides, if you can write perl in Latin, I'm sure you can manage


Re: Imrpoving tie() (Re: RFC 15 (v1) Stronger typing through tie.)

2000-08-04 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 09:38 PM 8/4/00 -0400, Ken Fox wrote:
Dan Sugalski wrote:
 $foo = 12;
 $bar = something();
 $bar = $foo;
  could work out to:
 $foo = $bar = 12;

If $foo is a lexical variable and it hasn't been aliased then
you might be able to do that optimization. The following is just
as good and safer:

$foo = 12;
$bar = $foo;

Integer constant assignment may well be cheaper than scalar copies. You're 
right about the scalar bit, though, since it's not the same as void context.

  Where if you tie, we have *no* idea what you're doing. This:
 tie $foo, SomeModule;
 $foo = 12;
  could well reboot some server in outer mongolia for all we know. Tied
  variable access counts as a function call, which smacks optimization all by

Do we have to worry about pass-by-ref semantics and @_ assignments
too? This is a weird edge case that I've never ran into. That's going
to put a big damper on optimization with subs.

Probably not with tie, but with function calls in general, sure. We can do 
some flow control analysis on the subs and propagate it outwards so we 
might know, for example, that:

   sub foo {
 my (@vars) = @_;
 return scalar @vars;

doesn't change its args or any globals, so can be safely optimized around 
to some extent.

Actually, we have this problem without tie if we allow external
code to register new primitive types. For example, we assume that +
is commutative so that we can re-order expressions and fold constants.
That would break a module that implemented some weird + that wasn't

Yup. It's an issue for things that implement any non-standard semantics for 
existing ops, especially if those ops are overridden at runtime so the 
optimizer doesn't know. It's one thing to mess with tied variables, its 
another entirely to make + behave differently.

I think we'll need to get a ruling from Larry at some point on this one.

Anybody that does this has to define a new operator, i.e. if they
use the standard operators, they have to live with the standard
semantics. (This is why string concatentation should never use +!)

That works for me.

I really need to start playing with a parser and dataflow analysis
before thinking too much more about this. It might be that we need
something *way* more strict than use strict before aggresive
optimization is possible.

Well, we can still do some pretty aggressive things, but there will be some 
significant limits to code movement and such. Luckily (?) perl's not fast 
enough that rescheduling's a big deal--it's not like with machine code 
where you want to reorder to avoid cache misses and pipeline stalls and 
such. Hoisting code out of a loop, like so:

foreach (1..10) {
  $i = $_;
  print $i;


   foreach (1..10) [
 print $_;
   $i = 10;

Or, I suppose, this:

   print "12345678910";

will be a win, but when exactly assignments happen isn't nearly as big a 
deal. I think. Maybe.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: Language RFC Summary 4th August 2000

2000-08-04 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 04:00 AM 8/5/00 +1000, Damian Conway wrote:
 It definitely is, since formats do things that can't be done in modules.

Such as???

Well, the easy binding of variables for later use. When one declares a 
format, variables in it are saved for later use without needing refs. 
Formats are sort of like a quote where the variables are referenced rather 
than interpolated when defined, with the values pulled (and possibly 
altered) when the quote is used.

 If they yank formats out (which is just dandy by me) that means
 that some means of providing format's functionality needs has to
 be designed in.

I'm working on it.

:) I promised Kirrily that I'd race you in the RFC count...


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: Imrpoving tie() (Re: RFC 15 (v1) Stronger typing through tie.)

2000-08-12 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 12:48 PM 8/13/00 +1000, Jeremy Howard wrote:
Dan Sugalski writes:
  I don't mind if someone overrides the vtable functions for a variable of a
  built-in type--a standard declaration of:
  my $foo;
  is really shorthand for:
 my generic_scalar $foo;
  more or less. If a variable gets its vtable functions messed with, well,
  that's OK. If + doesn't actually add, well, no biggie. I'd like to have
  optimizer not assume functionality on variables that have been overridden
  somehow. (So if $foo gets tied we stop assuming we know what + does, for
  The bigger thing I worry about is if someone does something odd like make
  short-circuit, or  not short-circuit. That's the sort of base behaviours
  I'd like written in stone someplace.
Would that really be a problem? Damian is writing an RFC that will propose
allowing '?' in a function prototype to indicate a lazily evaluated
parameter. If someone overloaded C+ with a function that had a prototype
where the 2nd parameter was evaluated lazily, couldn't Perl notice this and
do the right thing?

Yeah, but we can't guarantee that the function doing the overriding is one 
written in perl. (Tying and overriding may share an underlying 
implementation, though I'm not sure yet)

Regardless, we can't always tell at compile time if a variable is tied or 
not, so we'd actually need to have both code paths available with some sort 
of 'ifweird' opcode that chose the path based on the variables involved.


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Re: vector and matrix calculations in core? (was: Re: Ramblings on base class for SV etc.)

2000-08-09 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 05:39 PM 8/9/00 +0200, Bart Lateur wrote:
On Wed, 09 Aug 2000 09:41:22 -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:

@foo = @bar * 12;

  @foo = map { $_ * 12 } @bar;

 I don't see the need for a new notation.
 Well, compactness for one. With a scalar on one side it's less odd (it was
 a bad example). When funkier, though:
@foo = @bar * @baz;
 the expansion becomes less obvious and quite a bit larger, especially if
 the arrays are multidimensional.

(Isn't this becoming a "language" issue? -language CC'ed.)

Good call.

If you're talking about matrix manipulations, I should immediately hold
you back. Perl arrays are pretty bad as is for representing matrices.
Don't let anybody tell you otherwise: Perl data structures are
one-dimensionaly by nature.

That doesn't necessarily have to remain the case.

For vector manipulation, I can understand that, *in principle*, but not
really. I remember that a few functional language extensions have been
proposed, including "apply a function (code block) to each combination
of item i from the first list with item i of the second list, for each
i". You can easily roll your own. It will do what you want, not what the
implementors thought useful. For example: vector multiplication. What
will @foo*@bar do? Will it return the scalar product
(abs(@foo)*abs(@bar)*cos(angle), the vector product (returning a vector
orthogonal to both others), or a matrix multiplication? If you roll your
own, you can choose.

Choosing is a good thing, yep.

No, I am more in favor of solid yet flexible overloading mechanism, so
that you can use the appropriate module, which does the multiplication
of your choice, and which still allows you to use something like the
above notation. $foo and $bar will then be (vector or matrix) objects,
instead of plain Perl arrays. Much like BigInt now.

Given that the default action of the multiply routine for an array in 
non-scalar context would be to die, allowing user-overrides of the 
functions would probably be a good idea... :)


--"it's like this"---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Language RFC Summary 4th August 2000

2000-08-07 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 12:04 AM 8/7/00 +0200, Bart Lateur wrote:
On Sun, 06 Aug 2000 01:38:13 -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:

 Even in perl5 an XS module can do _anything at all_.
 It can't access data the lexer's already tossed out. That's where the
 current format format (so to speak) runs you into trouble.

Only if you insist on the identical syntax as it has been until now. You
can cock something together something with here-docs. Implementation can
at least partly be based upon sprintf.

You can fake it now, sure. But it makes embedding expressions in the 
format-replacement a pain, and complicates the code a bit.

Besides, what formats let you do is nice, and quite easy. Rather than force 
people to jump through hoops so we can remove it, we should instead 
generalize what it does so everyone can use it.


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Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: Imrpoving tie() (Re: RFC 15 (v1) Stronger typing through tie.)

2000-08-12 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 12:23 PM 8/12/00 -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
Dan Sugalski writes:
: Yup. It's an issue for things that implement any non-standard semantics for
: existing ops, especially if those ops are overridden at runtime so the
: optimizer doesn't know. It's one thing to mess with tied variables, its
: another entirely to make + behave differently.
: I think we'll need to get a ruling from Larry at some point on this one.

I haven't been terribly happy with tie for some time.  I'd rather we had
more type-based approach, which could:

 1) factor the work out to one spot so you wouldn't have to call tie
 on every element of an array, for instance.
 2) let us tie lexically scoped variables that don't leak out to the
 surrounding program.

I'm hoping for both. Playing vtable games should help with it.

And even if we keep the current tie interface (and we probably have to,
even if we add a better way), we can probably limit the damage other
ways.  If we see a declaration like:

 my int $foo;

we can decide either that $foo will never be tied, or that it will never
be tied to an implementation that violates the standard meaning of +.

I don't mind if someone overrides the vtable functions for a variable of a 
built-in type--a standard declaration of:

my $foo;

is really shorthand for:

   my generic_scalar $foo;

more or less. If a variable gets its vtable functions messed with, well, 
that's OK. If + doesn't actually add, well, no biggie. I'd like to have the 
optimizer not assume functionality on variables that have been overridden 
somehow. (So if $foo gets tied we stop assuming we know what + does, for 

The bigger thing I worry about is if someone does something odd like make + 
short-circuit, or  not short-circuit. That's the sort of base behaviours 
I'd like written in stone someplace.


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Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: errors and their keywords and where catch can return to and stuff like that

2000-08-13 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 03:30 PM 8/13/00 -0500, David L. Nicol wrote:

Why not call them throw and catch, like everywhere else,
and reccomend them over die?

"If everyone else was jumping off a bridge, would you jump too?" (With 
apologies to my mom... :)

What everyone else is doing isn't hugely relevant. What we already do is 
far more so, certainly. And, given that perl cribs from english as much as 
any other language, spending some time to get names that fit well makes 
perfect sense, especially since most of the perl programmers that start 
using this won't be coming with huge gobs of experience from languages that 
already do it.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: RFC 89 (v2) Controllable Data Typing

2000-08-14 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 11:15 AM 8/14/00 -0700, Nathan Wiger wrote:
I'm going to actually ask for a new mailing sublist, probably called
-object, on which this should be discussed. There's lots and lots and
lots and lots of details to work out.

It might be best to wait a bit and see how the proposed internal 
representation settles down first. You may find a lot of this isn't 
actually necessary.


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Re: RFC 99 (v1) Maintain internal time in Modified Julian (not epoch)

2000-08-14 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 01:48 PM 8/14/00 -0500, Jarkko Hietaniemi wrote:
  How 'bout 100ns ticks from base date, stored in a 64-bit number? That

We are going to have quads supported on all platforms, then?  With
software emulation of our own if nothing else is available?  I wouldn't
object, mind...

I'd like to provide ints of that size, yes. Whether they're native (on, 
say, Alphas or SPARCs), faked by the compiler, or faked by perl is an open 
question, but I would like them in. This might end up in BigInt format 
instead of plain int if the platform integers are too small, but that's OK, 
I think.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: RFC 84 (v1) Replace = (stringifying comma) with =

2000-08-15 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 03:53 PM 8/15/00 -0400, John Porter wrote:
Stephen P. Potter wrote:
  Lightning flashed, thunder crashed and John Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  | Here's a counter-proposal: throw out hashes as a separate internal
  | data type, and in its place define a set of operators which treat
  | (properly constructed) arrays as associative arrays.  It's the
  Doesn't it make more sense to get rid of arrays and just use hashes?

I guess it depends on what you think makes sense; but it seems to me
that an array is a more fundamental data type; that it's easier (i.e.
more efficient) to build associative arrays from arrays, than vice versa.

It's silly to throw either of them out. Perl might be many things, but a 
reductionist language it ain't...


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Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: RFC 109 (v1) Less line noise - let's get rid of @%

2000-08-15 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 05:53 PM 8/15/00 -0400, John Porter wrote:
Dan Sugalski wrote:
  Tossing the worthless and confusing ones is good. Tossung the useless
  and distinguishing ones is bad.

Uh, which ones did you have in mind, by "useless and distinguishing"?  ;-)

D'oh! (or is that now D::oh?)

I meant _useful_ and distinguishing. Really I did...


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Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
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Re: RFC 84 (v1) Replace = (stringifying comma) with =

2000-08-15 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 06:04 PM 8/15/00 -0400, John Porter wrote:
Dan Sugalski wrote:
  Generality good.
  For many things, yes. For computers, say. For people, no. Generality bad.
  Specificity and specialization good. People aren't generalists. They're a
  collection of specialists. The distinction is important.

I'm sorry if I don't find this argument convincing.
This argument suggests that *every* type carry a distinguishing
prefix symbol -- including ones to distinguish between numbers and
strings, say.

Numbers and strings really aren't different things, at least not as far as 
people are concerned. They are for machines, but computer languages 
ultimately aren't for machines, they're for people.

Of course, you don't mean this.  A balance must be
struck.  And while we're looking for the equilibrium, let's not
prejudicially presume that "no symbols" is not an option.

I'm not presuming that, though there are plenty of languages already that 
have no symbols. Perl's not one of them, though.

  Even assuming highlander types, the punctuation carries a rather
  significant amount of contextual information very compactly.

Yep.  So, what's the gripe with it?
Other than that it's not what you're used to, I mean.

It's going to always be more difficult. You need to *think* to turn a word 
into a symbol. = is already a symbol. Less effort's needed.

  ...exploiting instinct and
  inherent capabilities give you faster response times, and quicker

Sure.  But "instinct and inherent capabilities" do not apply here.

Yes, they do. People write source. People read source. People are the most 
important piece of the system. The computer can be made to cope with the 
syntax, whatever the syntax is. People can't be made to cope nearly as 
easily, nor to nearly the same degree.


--"it's like this"---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: RFC 109 (v1) Less line noise - let's get rid of @%

2000-08-15 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 10:28 PM 8/15/00 -0400, Ted Ashton wrote:
I don't know for sure what Perl's main goal is, but it's definitely 
significant to Perl to make life easier and it has done that.

It seems to be the language to Fix Things That Annoy Us. :) Or so it's 
always seemed to me. (And it seems to be the driving force behind a lot of 
the stuff in perl...)


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: RFC 84 (v1) Replace = (stringifying comma) with =

2000-08-16 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 11:46 PM 8/15/00 -0400, Stephen P. Potter wrote:
Lightning flashed, thunder crashed and Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] whispered:
|   Doesn't it make more sense to get rid of arrays and just use hashes?
| I guess it depends on what you think makes sense; but it seems to me
| that an array is a more fundamental data type; that it's easier (i.e.
| more efficient) to build associative arrays from arrays, than vice versa.
| It's silly to throw either of them out. Perl might be many things, but a
| reductionist language it ain't...

Why is it silly?  Hashes and arrays are *conceptually* very similar (even
if they are extremely different implementation-wise).

It's because they've got so different an implementation, and their 
performance characteristics are so different.

They're also conceptually distinct. While there is a lot of overlap, 
there's also a rather large area of difference. While you can fake one with 
the other, it doesn't mean you should.


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: RFC 84 (v1) Replace = (stringifying comma) with =

2000-08-16 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 11:09 AM 8/16/00 -0400, John Porter wrote:
Dan Sugalski wrote:
  Numbers and strings really aren't different things, at least not as far as
  people are concerned. They are for machines, but computer languages
  ultimately aren't for machines, they're for people.

I guess I can't fault you for towing the party line on this...

Would you stop that? I'm not toeing anything. If I disagreed, believe me 
you'd hear about it.

Strings and numbers are not *exactly* the same, even to humans, are they?

At many levels, yes they are. After a point they differ, but what you see 
written is pretty much treated the same. Most numbers have no solid meaning 
to people without actual though. IIRC you get zero, one, two, and lots.

The difference between numbers and strings is analogous to --
or, on further reflection, IDENTICAL to -- the difference between
arrays and associative arrays.  (The former are numerically indexed,
the latter indexed by strings.)

The analogy doesn't hold. And people treat arrays and hashes *very* 
differently, far more so than the trivial differences in the notation might 
lead you to believe.

  I'm not presuming that, though there are plenty of languages already that
  have no symbols. Perl's not one of them, though.

Now you're appealing to the argument that "if we changed the language
to be like that, it simply Wouldn't Be Perl."  Not buying it.

That's fine, I'm not selling it. It is, nonetheless, rather true.

  It's going to always be more difficult. You need to *think* to turn a word
  into a symbol. = is already a symbol. Less effort's needed.

I guess I'm not sure what you're getting at here.

In the expression Cfoo( bar ), bar is a symbol, regardless of its type.
There's no "turning a word into a symbol" going on that I can see.

Not symbol to the computer, symbol to the *person*.

Human's higher-reasoning capabilities are all symbol based, and a lot of 
the brain is set to turn external stimuli into symbols to be processed. The 
visual cortex is good at recognizing things and tagging them with a symbol. 
When you see a dog, for example, it gets tagged with the symbol for dog. If 
you're familiar with it, it might get a more specific symbol--a breed, or 
even an individual.

That doesn't happen with words--they're already abstract symbols, though in 
a different way. Because of that they get recognized at a lower level and 
passed to the language centers for translation to symbols. That extra 
handoff and translation takes time and mental effort.

...exploiting instinct and
inherent capabilities give you faster response times, and quicker
  Sure.  But "instinct and inherent capabilities" do not apply here.
  Yes, they do. People write source. People read source

Sure.  No argument there.  Nonetheless, humans certainly have no instincts,
and very likely no inherent capabilities, relevant to computer programming,
except for abstract reasoning, which IMHO does not favor one side of this
argument over the other.

That's an incorrect presumption. Humans have instinct and inherent 
capabilities for symbol manipulation, language, and pattern matching. 
That's what's used to write programs and, while it's not ideally suited to 
the task, it's what we've got. Taking advantage of those human capabilities 
is one of the things that perl does better than most other languages.


--"it's like this"---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: RFC 84 (v1) Replace = (stringifying comma) with =

2000-08-16 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 09:49 PM 8/16/00 +0200, Kai Henningsen wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dan Sugalski)  wrote on 15.08.00 in 

  At 06:04 PM 8/15/00 -0400, John Porter wrote:
  Dan Sugalski wrote:
Generality good.
For many things, yes. For computers, say. For people, no. Generality
bad. Specificity and specialization good. People aren't generalists.
They're a collection of specialists. The distinction is important.
  I'm sorry if I don't find this argument convincing.
  This argument suggests that *every* type carry a distinguishing
  prefix symbol -- including ones to distinguish between numbers and
  strings, say.
  Numbers and strings really aren't different things, at least not as far as
  people are concerned.

Bovine excrement. Numbers and strings completely different things to

After a certain point, yes, more or less. Up until then, no. And most 
numbers are, in most contexts, treated as adjectives by people, where they 
have little more meaning than any other adjective. They're just mental 
symbols tacked on as a modifier to other symbols.

Hashes and arrays, OTOH, really aren't different for people. The concept
of an index needing to be a nonnegative number is a computer concept.

Arrays are essentially sequences of things--first thing, second thing, 
third thing, and so on.

Hashes, on the other hand, are named things--the person that's Bob, the 
person that's Jim, the person that's Jason.

It's the difference between position and identity. Those are very, very 
different concepts.

 They are for machines, but computer languages
  ultimately aren't for machines, they're for people.

I agree that computer languages are for people - in fact, that's the sole
reason they were invented. Otherwise we'd still program in machine

This statement isn't, strictly speaking, true. Very few computer languages 
are actually designed *for* people. Most of them are designed to map over a 
particular problem space, be it theory or hardware. C wasn't designed for 
people. Neither was Lisp, or Fortran. COBOL, oddly enough, was, though it 
shows the limitations of the machines and techniques of the era. People are 
generally an afterthought.

However, I do think your ideas about what does and does not come naturally
to people are incredibly warped.

Perhaps, but then again perhaps not. I've got two young children. Watching 
kids as they grow lends a certain perspective on things. I see what does 
and doesn't come naturally.

When designing perl, a book on cognitive psychology or early childhood 
education may be as (if not more) useful than a CS text.

  I'm not presuming that, though there are plenty of languages already that
  have no symbols. Perl's not one of them, though.

I presume you mean $@% when you say symbols (and not, for example, the
stuff that goes into a symbol table, because I certainly don't know any
language that doesn't have those).


It's an open question if these are a good idea. I'm not convinced.
Personally, I see them as one of the ugly warts in Perl.

Even assuming highlander types, the punctuation carries a rather
significant amount of contextual information very compactly.

s/significant/in/ IMNSHO, even ignoring the "even" part.

A single small picture, and one that can be easily picked out by your 
visual cortex, carries an awful lot of contextual information with it, and 
carries it quickly. YHO is, I think, incorrect.

  It's going to always be more difficult. You need to *think* to turn a word
  into a symbol. = is already a symbol. Less effort's needed.

Maybe *you* have to think to turn a word into a symbol. Most people seem
to grow up with that concept.

I'll have to check, but I'm not sure 'most' is appropriate here, as a large 
portion of the world uses iconographic languages.

Regardless, more mental effort is needed to turn the word "rock" into the 
concept of a rock than a picture of a rock does. It's not conscious, 
generally speaking, but more of your brain is involved in dealing with 
words than with pictures.

As for *recognizing* the stuff, ever heard of redundancy? It's the stuff
that makes recognizing stuff easier.

No, redundancy is the stuff that makes recognizing things more reliable.

Words, by being longer, are easier to recognize than non-alphabetic

Non-alpha symbols are *faster* to recognize. That's their advantage. 
Overloading them with too much meaning is bad, as then you end up needing 
to think more.

When you see something like:


the first thing that happens is your brain picks out the whole 
space-separated  thing as a single 'thing'. That happens in your visual 
cortex, it's fast, and takes very little effort. That gets stripped down 
into pieces. Your brain's already dealing with a perl context, and $ gets 
recognized as the 'single thing' marker. 'foo', meanwhile, is wending its 
way through your language centers. That's slower. The thinking part of your 

Re: RFC 99 (v1) Maintain internal time in Modified Julian (not epoch)

2000-08-15 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 09:25 AM 8/15/00 -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
: Yep.  Or more generally "Standardize Perl on all platforms to one
: common time epoch" and reccommend the Unix epoch since it's so
: widespread.  :-)

Oh, gee, where's your sense of history?  (As in creating our own. :-)
Maybe we should invent our own epoch, like the year 2000.  Or use a
really standard one, like the year 0 AD (aka 1 BC).

I think I'd snag a date after the last western country went Julian, just to 
avoid some of the less fun time conversion issues. (How long ago Jan 1, 
1690 was depends on what country you're in)

While I personally like the smithsonian base date (17-nov-1858) that's 
rather parochial (well, US-centric) and difficult to remember. If we're 
picking a new one, I'm partial to Jan 1, 2000. Or shall we choose year 0 in 
the Chinese calendar?

I have this horror that people will still be using 1970 as the epoch in
the year 31,536.

Nah. I'm sure we'll have switched over to Elvis' birthday as base date by 
then... :)


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: RFC 99 (v1) Maintain internal time in Modified Julian (not epoch)

2000-08-15 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 10:56 PM 8/14/00 -0500, Jarkko Hietaniemi wrote:
  Is Perl currently using different epochs on different platforms?  If so, I

Yes.  MacOS and VMS.  (Though VMS' localtime() uses the UNIX definition,
just to be portable.)  MacOS' epoch zero is 1900 (or was it 1901?),
VMS' epoch zero is 17-NOV-1858 00:00:00.00, for some astronomical
reason IIRC.

It's the Smithsonian Base Date, FWIW. On VMS, though, perl presents all 
time in Unix epoch seconds.


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: RFC 99 (v1) Maintain internal time in Modified Julian (not epoch)

2000-08-15 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 02:23 PM 8/15/00 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Modified Julian Day 0 thus started on 17 Nov 1858 (Gregorian) at 00:00:00
(somebody threw that date out, It appears to be purely
arbitrary rather than based on some celestial event)

Not arbitrary at all. From:

This information comes from the original (pre-Motif) DECwindows help file
which accompanied VMS version 5.3.
by Marios Cleovoulou
Copyright © 1988, 1989 by Digital Equipment Corporation.

The Julian Period

Astronomers use the Julian period because it is convenient to express
long time intervals in days rather than months, weeks and years. It
was devised by Joseph Scaliger, in 1582, who named it after his father
Julius, thus creating the confusion between the Julian (Caesar)
calendar and the Julian (Scaliger) period.

Julian Day 1 began at 12:00 noon, January 1, 4713 BC. This date was
thought by some to correspond approximately to the beginning of the
universe. Certainly it predated any known astronomical events known in
the 16th century without resorting to negative times. Scaliger decided
on the actual date on the grounds that it was the most recent
coincidence of three major chronological cycles:

- The 28-year solar cycle, after which dates in the Julian calendar
(for example September 27) return to the same days of the week (for
example Tuesday).

- The 19-year lunar cycle, after which phases of the moon return to
the same dates of the year.

- The 15-year indiction cycle, used in ancient Rome for tax regulation.

It takes 7980 years to complete the cycle. Noon of January 1, 1988,
marks the beginning of Julian Day 2447161.

The Julian period is also of interest because of its use as a time
base by the VMS operating system.

VMS and the Julian Period or:
Why VMS regards November 17, 1858, as the beginning of time...

The modified Julian date adopted by SAO (Smithsonian Astrophysical
Observatory) for satellite tracking is Julian Day 240, which turns
out to be November 17, 1858.

SAO started tracking satellites with an 8K (nonvirtual) 36-bit IBM 704
in 1957, when Sputnik went into orbit. The Julian day was 2435839 on
January 1, 1957. This is 11225377 octal, which was too big to fit into
an 18-bit field. With only 8K of memory, the 14 bits left over by
keeping the Julian date in its own 36-bit word would have been
wasted. They also needed the fraction of the current day (for which 18
bits gave enough accuracy), so it was decided to keep the number of
days in the left 18 bits and the fraction of a day in the right 18
bits of one word.

Eighteen bits allows the truncated Julian day (the SAO day) to grow as
large as 262143, which from November 17, 1858, allowed for 7
centuries. Possibly, the date could only grow as large as 131071
(using 17 bits), but this still covers 3 centuries and leaves the
possibility of representing negative time. The 1858 date preceded the
oldest star catalogue in use at SAO, which also avoided having to use
negative time in any of the satellite tracking calculations.


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Things to remove

2000-08-23 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 06:00 PM 8/21/00 -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
: How about this then:
: In a void context, Cdump dumps the program's current opcode representation
: to its filehandle argument (or STDOUT, by default).

It's not clear to me that reusing a lame keyword for this is the
highest design goal.  Let's come up with a real interface, and then if
we want to reuse the (the presumably missing) dump keyword for some
method name or other, that's fine.  But we're currently designing it
from the wrong end.

What I've been hoping for is:

1) The ability to dump the program and its current state out into something 
that can be reloaded later. (Though filehandles and other 
external-interface things make this tricky)

2) The ability to dump out a variable and all its attached state into 
something that can be loaded in later somewhere else.

#1 is a natural outgrowth of bytecompiling a program--when you dump the 
bytecode, you have already executed module initialization code and BEGIN 
blocks, so that means variable dumps.

#2 is because I want to be able to do:

   print SOME_SOCKET freeze_dry($an_obj)

and have the other end do:

   my $remote_obj = reconstitute(scalar SOME_SOCKET);

Or something like that, at least...


--"it's like this"-------
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

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