Re: [PHP-DB] Possible MySQLi extension BUG!. .

2005-09-09 Thread Patel, Aman

Renich Bon Ciric wrote:

Firs of all, I wanna say I have spent a whole week looking for answers 
elsewhere. The reason of this message is to look for a practical solution.

I just spent the last 2-3 days converting my entire database (and 
website) from charset latin1 (ISO-8859-1) to utf8. Although I used the 
mysql library instead of the mysqli library I believe this should help:

SET NAMES 'utf8';

Execute that query before you execute any other query that is going to 
use characters that are encoded in utf8. If you would like more 
information on what the above statement does here's the link to the 
mysql documentation:

- Aman

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Re: [PHP-DB] auto-generating next id (in order) for an add script. .

2005-06-20 Thread Patel, Aman

I'd recommend you use what mysql provides for this. Auto_increment flag.

Here's more information on how to make your id column be an 
auto_increment primary key.

- Aman Patel, Sys Admin / Database / Web Devloper, International 
Outreach x4076



I have a site that allows reporters to enter their articles into a 
forum. I am then spilling their articles onto the main page from a MySQL 
dbase via a php script, read LATEST ARTICLES.

I am now entering the data myself after they email it to me, however 
this is becoming more of a task I dont' have time for as the number of 
articles increase per day.

Right now, I have an addarticle.php page where they can enter their 
information. I have ran a test of this script, and it works great. 
However, I have been entering the PHP IDs myself in ascending order 
(i.e. 0005, 0006, 0007) because I can see all of the articles.

The reporters however are not able to see these articles, and instead of 
having them enter a random php ID, I'd like my add script to check for 
the last ID entered and then enter the number above (i.e add row to 
table, check PHP ID, if 0007 is last row entered, enter 0008 for php ID 
for new article).

Does anyone know how to add this particular command to a page, and if 
so, where?

Thank you in advance.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Multiselect List. .

2005-05-18 Thread Patel, Aman
Ryan Jameson (USA) wrote:
That's not the problem. The problem is referring to the listbox via
javascript. It doesn't like the format: formName.listBoxName[].value it
has no problem with formName.listBoxName.value but then PHP doesn't seem
to handle it correctly.
There is a function called MM_findObj which does exactly what you 
need. I believe it originated from the Macromedia company (hence the MM 
prefix) - possibly used by Dreamweaver for its scripting purposes, but I 

Below is the funtion, and whenever you want to refer to oddly named form 
elements, you call MM_findObj('oddlyNamedFormElement[]') (and it returns 
an object reference to the form element that you can use normally).

function MM_findObj(n, d)
var p, i, x;

if (!d) {
d = document;

if ((p = n.indexOf('?'))  0  parent.frames.length) {
d = parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document;
n = n.substring(0,p);

if (!(x = d[n])  d.all) {
x = d.all[n];

for (i = 0; !x  i  d.forms.length; i++) {
x = d.forms[i][n];

for (i = 0; !x  d.layers  i  d.layers.length; i++) {
x = MM_findObj(n, d.layers[i].document);

if(!x  d.getElementById) {

return x;
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Re: [PHP-DB] PEAR - My hosting company killed it. .

2005-05-13 Thread Patel, Aman
Dianne Mead wrote:
I know this is the probably the wrong list for this question, but I'm a bit
desperate as my hosting company has disabled PEAR on the server, and I was
using it extensively on more than one website... suddenly my weekend looks
like a coding nightmare.  The hosting service reports a security issue, but
no details.   Has anyone using PEAR here run into this problem?  Is there
any potential resolution beyond recoding everything?  I'm looking at better
than ten sites to recode at this point, so other options would be greatly
appreciated.  The hosting company didn't give me any warning that this was
going to happen.
I'd suggest tar/gz'ing your development server's PEAR directory (most 
likely /usr/share/pear if under *nix), and uploading that to somewhere 
in your production server's space (hopefully at non-web accessible 
location). You can than add that directory to your include_path (either 
through php.ini or .htaccess).

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Re: [PHP-DB] R6025 Error. .

2005-05-11 Thread Patel, Aman
Ng Hwee Hwee wrote:
hi all,
this R6025 error is driving me nuts!!! anyone who can help me?
thanx a million!!
Full error details are described here:;en-us;125749
To the best of my knowledge and after some googling, I found three 
possible causes for this error in internet explorer:

1) A javascript in your page is generating the error.
2) A plugin you are using in internet explorer is causing the error.
3) Some application is causing the error when it interacts with Internet 
explorer or vice versa (eg. office toolbar, acrobat toolbar, norton av 
hooks etc).

The only suggestion I have to troubleshoot this is to shut off each of 
these one by one and see if you can reproduce the error. I haven't 
experienced this myself, so I don't have more suggestions on fixing it.

Aman Patel
PHP Database Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP-DB] Problem Using Sessions. .. .

2005-05-05 Thread Patel, Aman
Shawn Singh wrote:
that was very helpful...Thank you.  One question I have is that I want
to ensure that my admin page cannot get accessed unless a variable
that was registered upon a successful login has been passed into the
session...what can I do to ensure this?
There are several ways to do this. The simplest way is to authenticate 
once and store a authentication flag in the session. You can set this 
authentication flag to true if the log-in was sucesfull.

On the administration page, you an just access the flag to see if the 
user is permitted (i.e. logged on). You can do this using the $_SESSION 
super global, something like this:

(pseudo php code)
if ( authentication sucessfull ) /* username/password matched*/
$_SESSION['auth'] = true;
// redirect to admin page
Display login page with error.
if ( $_SESSION['auth'] )
Show administration page.
Display login page with error.
NB: Make sure you use Header() redirects BEFORE your scripts prints 
anything. Otherwise you'll keep getting the warning/error Warning: 
Cannot modify header information ...

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Re: [PHP-DB] Problem Using Sessions. .

2005-05-04 Thread Patel, Aman
From the PHP help page on session_register()
If your script uses session_register(), it will not work in 
environments where the PHP directive register_globals is disabled.

I'm assuming since you compiled and installed PHP 5.0.4 that your 
register_globals is disabled. I wouldn't recommend enabling it to fix 
this problem. Instead use $_SESSION super global to register session data.

So instead of:
try this:
$_SESSION['username'] = $username; /* TO SET */
$username = $_SESSION['username']; /* TO GET */
Hope this helps,
Shawn Singh wrote:
Hey All,
I'm fairly new to PHP Programming. I have compiled and installed
postgres version 8.0.1, and with that compiled postgres support into
my postgres (I'm using PHP version 5.0.4), and I've compiled support
for PHP into Apache (version 2.0.53) and all is working (in that I can
embed PHP into my HTML documents and get the expected results).
Recently I started working on a website in which I would like there to
be an administration page where the person who is logged in can add
and delete records. I figured that the best way to do this would be to
establish a session, (at the login page) then if the user login is
successful, I would then register the username and password and
redirect the user to the admin page. I chose not to use cookies, b/c
everyone may not have cookies enabled on their browser and I didn't
want that to be a hurdle that a user would have to jump over.
I've written the code but when I try to login to the site I get this message:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
(output started at /export/home/www/htdocs/login.php:13) in
/export/home/www/htdocs/login.php on line 25
Warning: Unknown: Your script possibly relies on a session side-effect
which existed until PHP 4.2.3. Please be advised that the session
extension does not consider global variables as a source of data,
unless register_globals is enabled. You can disable this functionality
and this warning by setting session.bug_compat_42 or
session.bug_compat_warn to off, respectively. in Unknown on line 0
Information I've seen on the web for these types of messages would
indicate that I don't have a /tmp directory, but such is not the case.
 Other messages have indicated that my session variables are not
getting written to /tmp, but that is not true either, as I have seen
them in I see entries such as:
So, I'm guessing that there aren't problems with my /tmp filesystem.
Please excuse the lack of style as I have mainly been trying to hack
out something, but plan to clean it up later.
My source code for the login page is as follows:
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Re: [PHP-DB] php3 and oracle9i client libraries doesn't compile... .

2005-04-28 Thread Patel, Aman
As far as I know, PSA is the internal product name for Plesk Server 
Administration software. Here's the product page if you need more 
Why would PHP need PSA? I have no idea (apart from the fact that psa 
seems to be just another web server(tm) probably based on apache).

Martin Norland wrote:
neil smith wrote:
I'm using this command to configure php3
./configure --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs 
--with-config-file-path=/usr/local/lib --enable-versioning 
--enable-track-vars --with-oci8=/u01/app/oracle/product/ 
--with-oracle=/u01/app/oracle/product/ --enable-sigchild

that works ok. But when I type make it eventually fails with this error:
gcc -shared -o mod_php3.o libmodphp3-so.a -L/usr/local/lib 
-L/u01/app/oracle/product/ -lclntsh -lpsa -lcore4 -lnlsrtl3 
-lclntsh -ldl -lm -lpthread -lnsl -lirc -lgdbm -lpam -lm -ldl -lcrypt 
-lresolv -Wl,--version-script=/usr/php/php-3.0.18/ -Wl,-rpath 
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpsa
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
apxs:Break: Command failed with rc=1
make: *** [] Error 1

I don't understand enough about this compilation process to know what 
lpsa is and why it can't find it. Does anybody know how I can get php3 
to work with oracle 9i client libraries?
thanks in advance to anyone who can help.

-lpsa means it's trying to link a library named 'psa' - off the top of 
my head I can't say what that is, and a brief googling is proving less 
than useful.

--- end section where I am 'useful', on to questioning rant ---
Can I ask why you're using such an old version of php?  If it's for a 
legacy application I can understand, but it seems like you're giving up 
a LOT to stay on php3.  In any case - looking at the release dates for 
the two:
Oracle9i Database Release 2 Enterprise/Standard Edition for Linux 
New (26-Mar-04)
3.0.x (latest)
# Released: 20 Oct 2000
I'd say you'd be better off trying your legacy app under php4 and moving 
to that.  If it's simply a register globals issue, then you're no safer 
in php3 than you would be in php4 with it turned on, so that's not a 
reason to stay back.

good luck determining what psa is, I have to run to a meeting but I may 
try looking again later.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Headers sent error msg on one server but not the other.... .

2005-04-28 Thread Patel, Aman
Check that there is no output generated before your script hits the 
Header() function calls. The most common mistake I've noticed is that if 
you require() or include() many files before you call Header(), and if 
there is any content outside of the ?php ? tags in the includ()'ed 
or require()'d files (eg. a carraige return at the end, or a space after 
the ?.

Check for that and that should fix your problem.
Craig Hoffman wrote:
Hey Folks,
I have a script that times out the session if there is no activity in a 
certain amount of time.  If there is no activity the HEADER()  redirects 
to the logout page and kills the session.  Everything works fine on our 
test server, but when I test the script on the production server, I get  
an error HEADERS ALREADY SENT... after no activity.  I know all this 
stuff needs to be on top, before any  XHTML.

The test server has reg globals = OFF and the production server has them 
set to ON.  I can't change the any PHP.INI settings on the production 
server. Both servers are running PHP 4.3.10.  Other than that PHP 
installation is close to identical.   Any ideas / thoughts on what's 
causing the production server to send this error out?  Something to 
steer me in the right direction... I'm attaching a code snippet to look at:

   if (mysql_num_rows($result)  0) {
$_SESSION[valid_user] = $email;
elseif ($t_timestamp  $c_timestamp) {
HEADER(Location: logout.php);
Craig Hoffman
ICQ / iChat: m0untaind0g
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RE: [PHP-DB] retrieve enum values

2005-04-14 Thread Patel, Aman

Here's a function that will parse the SHOW COLUMNS query output and will
return an array of ENUM values, after you have the array it should be
easy to generate the html code you need.

The first two parameters are self explanatory (the table name and the
column name).

Hope this helps,

define(G_ENUM_COLUMN,4);  // set this to 4 if you are using SET column
type, and 4 for ENUM column type.

Return the SET or ENUM set of values.

$p_start can be 3 for SET...  or 4 for ENUM...
function get_set_column_values ( $p_table, $p_colname ) {
$result = mysql_query($query);

$arr =  mysql_fetch_array( 
doQuery( SHOW COLUMNS FROM $p_table LIKE '$p_colname';
$value = substr( $arr[1], G_ENUM_COLUMN );

eval( \$the_array = array $value; ); // let eval do all the
parsing work.
return $the_array;

- Aman Patel, Sys Admin / Database / Web Developer, International
Outreach x4076

 -Original Message-
 From: mel list_php [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 7:54 AM
 Subject: [PHP-DB] retrieve enum values
 I have a column type enum in mysql.
 At the moment the possible values are 1,2 and 3.
 I make a form for my user to modify that value, something
 like: select option value='1'1/option option 
 value='2'2/option option value='3'3/option /select
 I may need to add a value 4 to the enum, and in that case I
 would like to 
 avoid modifying the code.
 I would like to know it it is possible to have something
 like: select possible_enum_values from table ... and then 
 having a loop through these values. I can't select distinct 
 values in that column because one value may not 
 exist yet and I don't want to have fake records.
 I found that in the mysql doc and was wondering if there is
 an already 
 implemented php function intsead of having to parse:
  If you want to determine all possible values for an ENUM 
 column, use SHOW 
 COLUMNS FROM tbl_name LIKE enum_col and parse the ENUM 
 definition in the 
 second column of the output.
 Any idea?
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RE: [PHP-DB] Re: paginating : optimising queries

2005-03-22 Thread Patel, Aman
I've run in to this situation before. And it turns out that the extra
pre-count query is not worth it. So the steps become:

1) Do your main query and fetch the results.
2) Use the count of results obtained in step 1.
3) Calculate pagination numbers.
4) Use array_slice to limit the results to a page window calculated in
step 3.

Hope this helps.

- Aman Patel, Sys Admin / Database / Web Developer, International
Outreach x4076

 -Original Message-
 From: Zouari Fourat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 10:03 AM
 Subject: [PHP-DB] Re: paginating : optimising queries
 no one can help me outta here ?
 On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 01:58:10 +0100, Zouari Fourat 
  i made my own paginating class, it permit me to paginate 
 over selected 
  data and let me do good presentation (page 1, page 2 ...) i 
 use adodb 
  for db related functions, my application should show in every page 
  this set of informations :
  Total results : Z, Total page : Y, You are on the page number X.
  To show thos informations, i must do a count on all the 
 table, example 
  : the query built from the form submitted by the user is :
  select * from table where column=value and column like 'value%'
  to paginate that query, i'll add some LIMIT or LIMIT OFFSET 
 for pgsql 
  (it's adodb frontend) so i'll get only the data for one 
 page ! i use 
  this query :
  select count(*) from table
  with that global count i can calculate how much pages i have by 
  dividing count on the number of rows to show per page.
  with this method, the server will suffer for big tables... it's a 
  method that i've made without consulting what people do, can you do 
  this with only ONE query so i can optimise ?
  thank you for your help
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