Re: [PHP-DEV] Patch-tastic!

2002-06-06 Thread Kristian Koehntopp

Am Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2002 10:44 schrieb Ilker Cetinkaya:
Nice, but why not overload + for strings to do the

 i totally agree, overloading + for string concat is really

No, it is a nightmare.

PHP is a dynamically typed language, that is, the actual language 
objects know their type, while object names (variable 
identifiers) are untyped. Also, PHP automatically changes types 
of language objects as needed.

Consequently, most developers do not know the actual type of 
their variables (it is not seen anywhere unless you specifically 
ask for it), and most of the time they don't actually care for 
it. For example, when was the last time you noticed or even 
cared that all arguments of your program (_GET, _POST, _COOKIE) 
are actually string type, even if they are pure numeric strings?

Overloading + would suddenly require that developers care about 
type, and would force them to write expressions like

$c = $a . $b;


$c = (string) $a + (string) $b;

just to make sure. Not actually an improvement.

This actually a deeper problem, as we have seen in the last few 
discussions here on the list. PHP may remotely resemble C, C++ 
or even Java. It isn't. And it isn't intended to be.

If you treat it like any of these statically typed, compiled, and 
far more traditional languages, you bleed. Big time.

Actually, I believe that Javascript has the programming and 
execution model that comes closest to PHP of all the C 
lookalike languages.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Patch-tastic!

2002-06-06 Thread Kristian Koehntopp

Am Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2002 16:41 schrieb Jason T. Greene:
 If '+' concatenates what does '-' do?

It drives you nuts.

At least it does so in pike, which is a (discretionary, it has a 
type mixed) statically typed language and overloads the 
arithmetic operators for string types.


for the full details. Here is the relevant excerpt:

operands: string + string
return type: string

 In this case, any int or float is first converted to a string. 
Then the two strings are concatenated and the resulting string 
is returned.

operands: string - string
return type: string

A copy of the left string with all occurrences of the right 
string removed.

operands: array(string) * string
return type: string

All the strings in the array are concatenated with the string on 
the right in between each string. Example: ({foo,bar})*- 
will return foo-bar.

operands: string / string
return type: array(string)

In symmetry with the multiplication operator, the division 
operator can split a string into pieces. The right string will 
be split at every occurrence of the right string and an array 
containing the results will be returned. Example: foo-bar/- 
will return ({foo,bar})

Now if you would kindly look up the overloaded operator 
definitions for arrays and hashes (called mappings in pike) and 
after that retire to a secluded place _before_ you vomit?

Thank you,

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[PHP-DEV] Re: Bug #16747 Updated: Empty file upload field results in No file uploaded in Unknown on line 0 warn

2002-06-06 Thread Markus Fischer


Jani, I don't quite understand this too why we really need a
php_error() here when no file is uploaded at all? IMHO
there's nothing wrong with it.

Other opinions ?

- Markus

On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 08:06:29AM -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : 
  ID:   16747
  Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Status:   Bogus
  Bug Type: Output Control
  Operating System: Windows 2000 SP2, Apache 1.3.22
  PHP Version:  4.2.0
  New Comment:
 If the development of PHP were a democracy (and it's not far off, I
 reckon :), I would vote (and maybe even campaign) to have this notice
 removed.  Whether or not the user chooses to upload a file or is
 required to is a matter of application design and the sole
 responsibilty of the developer to address.  What if a file upload is
 designed to optional?  Why do I need to change the error reporting
 level on the server in order to suppress on Notice that is if fact
 completely useless to both the developer and the user.  What benefit is
 it to the developer or the administrator to have notice in the logs
 that the user did not upload a file in a provided file box?
 I vote to drop the Notice and let it go.
 Previous Comments:
 [2002-04-23 18:29:00] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Not a bug but expected behaviour. It's changed to E_NOTICE
 level now in CVS (for both HEAD and upcoming 4.2.1 release)
 Just set your error_reporting level.
 [2002-04-23 06:24:28] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 maybe this is only a config issue in php.ini
 INPUT TYPE=file NAME=admin_field_image_big_row1
 MAXLENGTH=102400 SIZE=5 ACCEPT=image/*
 input type=submit name=submit value=test
 foreach( $GLOBALS[ HTTP_POST_VARS ] as $sName = $sValue )
 echo $sName = $sValuebr;
 -- Outputs warning No file uploaded in Unknown on line 0
 Edit this bug report at

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Bug #16747 Updated: Empty file upload field results in No file uploaded in Unknown on line 0 warn

2002-06-06 Thread Markus Fischer


forget it. Stefan has informed me that this is fixed in CVS.

- Markus

On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 10:26:25AM +0200, Markus Fischer wrote : 
 Jani, I don't quite understand this too why we really need a
 php_error() here when no file is uploaded at all? IMHO
 there's nothing wrong with it.
 Other opinions ?
 - Markus
 On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 08:06:29AM -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : 
   ID:   16747
   Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Status:   Bogus
   Bug Type: Output Control
   Operating System: Windows 2000 SP2, Apache 1.3.22
   PHP Version:  4.2.0
   New Comment:
  If the development of PHP were a democracy (and it's not far off, I
  reckon :), I would vote (and maybe even campaign) to have this notice
  removed.  Whether or not the user chooses to upload a file or is
  required to is a matter of application design and the sole
  responsibilty of the developer to address.  What if a file upload is
  designed to optional?  Why do I need to change the error reporting
  level on the server in order to suppress on Notice that is if fact
  completely useless to both the developer and the user.  What benefit is
  it to the developer or the administrator to have notice in the logs
  that the user did not upload a file in a provided file box?
  I vote to drop the Notice and let it go.
  Previous Comments:
  [2002-04-23 18:29:00] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Not a bug but expected behaviour. It's changed to E_NOTICE
  level now in CVS (for both HEAD and upcoming 4.2.1 release)
  Just set your error_reporting level.
  [2002-04-23 06:24:28] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  maybe this is only a config issue in php.ini
  INPUT TYPE=file NAME=admin_field_image_big_row1
  MAXLENGTH=102400 SIZE=5 ACCEPT=image/*
  input type=submit name=submit value=test
  foreach( $GLOBALS[ HTTP_POST_VARS ] as $sName = $sValue )
  echo $sName = $sValuebr;
  -- Outputs warning No file uploaded in Unknown on line 0
  Edit this bug report at
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Re: [PHP-DEV] How do I access a hash from an extention/module?

2002-06-06 Thread Markus Fischer

You can fech the zval * for _SESSION from the
EG(symbol_table), e.g. something like this (untested):

zval **z_sess;
if (zend_hash_find(EG(symbol_table), _SESSION, sizeof(_SESSION)-1, 
(void**)z_sess) == SUCCESS) {

Try something like

cd php4/ext
rgrep 'EG(symbol_table)' *

to get an idea how it's done.

- Markus

On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 11:14:32AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : 
 I have posted this message before to the general list, but it seems
 nobody there can help me so I hope someone here might know...
 I am a bit stuck right now, I want to access the values of a global hash
 (actually it is a session variable) from within my PHP extention/module.
 So I want to be able to see which keys are defined in a hash, and what
 the corresponding value in this hash is for each key.
 Could someone please give me a small example how this is done? I have
 looked in the source code of the other extentions but I couldn't find
 anything that could be of any help (I might have missed it though).
 #!perl #   Life ain't fair, but root passwords help.
 # Eric Veldhuyzen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 $!=$;=$_+(++$_);($:,$~,$/,$^,$*,$@)=$!=~   # Perl Monger
 /.(.)...(.)(.)(.)..(.)..(.)/;`$^$~$/$: $^$*$@$~ $_$;`
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Re: [PHP-DEV] How do I access a hash from an extention/module?

2002-06-06 Thread Eric Veldhuyzen

On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 11:27:06AM +0200, Markus Fischer wrote:
 You can fech the zval * for _SESSION from the
 EG(symbol_table), e.g. something like this (untested):
 zval **z_sess;
 if (zend_hash_find(EG(symbol_table), _SESSION, sizeof(_SESSION)-1, 
(void**)z_sess) == SUCCESS) {

Well, this doesn't work. The _SESSION thing is something of another ext
module (the session module), and I haven't been able to access anything
from that directly.

But I have worked around that, I can simply check whether a variable is
registered in a session by calling the session_is_registered function
from the session module (by using the call_user_function_ex() function).
I don't think it is very pretty, but it works...

Normal variables can then be fetched by using this zend_hash_find()
function. But if it is an array or a hash the zend_hash_find function
fails. I've got no idea why.  And even if it would work I would still
have no clue about how the access the key/value pairs in this

It would be nice it there was some REAL documentation about the API...

#!perl #   Life ain't fair, but root passwords help.
# Eric Veldhuyzen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
$!=$;=$_+(++$_);($:,$~,$/,$^,$*,$@)=$!=~   # Perl Monger
/.(.)...(.)(.)(.)..(.)..(.)/;`$^$~$/$: $^$*$@$~ $_$;`

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Patch-tastic!

2002-06-06 Thread Kristian Koehntopp

[ I copy this to php-dev again, despite the fact that Ilker sent 
this to me in private mail, because I want to promote the 
concept of warnings for named accesses to _-members again. 

Privacy in C++/Java style will raise a lot of issues on this list 
again, if it is introduced to PHP. My proposal will have less 
syntactial impact, and will better blend with the general style 
of the language at this time.


Am Donnerstag, 6. Juni 2002 11:58 schrieb Ilker Cetinkaya:
 know how objects and inheritance is done in javascript (ecma
 respectively?). have you ever seen private members on objects
 of js?

In Javascript, each object is it's own class. You create new 
objects basically by duplicating some initial object, that is, 
Javascript's new is actually a clone.

This is conceptually close to what PHP 4 does, where you can have 
preinitialized member variables in an object, and where you can 
at runtime add member variables to an object (and you could for 
a short time even add member functions thanks to Andrej, I 
believe). PHP 4 deviates from (I would even say obscures this) 
by not having an explicit clone operator (but PHP 4 implicitly 
clones every time due to unexpected value-semantics).

Regarding the concept of private: Private member variables and 
private member functions are a nuisance anyway in a language 
where you can add members to an object at runtime.

Also, in it's wake the concept of private introduces a lot of 
syntactic complexity as well, such as the need for protected 
variables and functions, and a friend relationship between 
classes. You will immediately see discussions around this issue 
once privacy is introduced.

In Javascript-like languages, the same effect can be had by 
simply issuing a warning whenever accessing a member variable or 
member function with a name starting with _ through a named 
variable. That is, you would see warnings for

$a-_private_slot = 10;
$b = $a-_private_slot;

$c = $a-_private_function();

but not when accessing the same internally using $this:

$this-_private_slot = 10;
$b = $this-_private_slot;

$c = $this-_private_function();

A coder that must access private member variables and member 
functions through a named variable (and there are a lot of 
legitimate reasons for this, namely all metaprogramming 
applications including debuggers, rpc proxies, serializers and 
the like) can easily shut of this warning:

$a-_private_slot = 10;
$b = $a-_private_slot;

$c = $a-_private_function();

will all execute warning-free, and clearly mark these statements 
as violating the encapsulation-contract of conventional OO 
programming, the same way a type-cast marks a violation of the 
typing contract in C, C++ or other statically typed languages 
(and there are a lot of legit reasons for that, too).

This implementation of private has several advantages, one of 
them being that it is elective, another of them being that it is 
the minimal syntactic extension of current PHP, and a third of 
them being that it is compatible with current PEAR.


These concepts do not contradict a dynamically (this is different 
from loosely!) typed language concept.

 in closing, i have to admit that such a change would be a big
 issue in aspects of compatibility, juggling, parsing and
 object handling. therefore i'm sure it's not going to be
 but still i'd desire it. just to be more stricty.

I suggest you try Java. You seem to want it.


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2002-06-06 Thread Ilker Cetinkaya

i'd like to discuss with you a growing problem regarding php applications.

i see the features taken into account for ze2 have been made regarding the
needs of advanced php developers who design complete applications with php
instead of just dumping out some dynamic content.

php is ease of use because you don't have to care about important language
needs like types.
that makes following code possible

$a = hello u ;
$b = 2;
echo $a.$b;

imho that is a good feature for coding simple things fast from brain to
however in a more complicated and larger context, as in frameworks and
libraries for example,
this leads the coder to produce more code to get the things bugfree.

consider a function inserting a row into a table with id and name:

function ins($id, $name) {
if (is_numeric($id)  is_string($name)) {
// do insert
return true;
return false;

through loose typing a value of $id = 1  (note whitespace) is possible and
insert would fail.
no problem, extending condition to is_numeric(trim($id)) does it.
anyways, a value of $name=444 causes failing this condition too, although it
should be dyncasted into a string.

instead consider this:

bool function ins(int $id, string name) {
//do insert
return true;

and everything is right.

what i want to point out is the loose vs. strong type issue - certainly
discussed prior this post.

i'd like to propose the introduction of an explicit command for ze2 to
resolve this issue.
as known of vb for example, explicit forces coder to explicitly declare
this would require to be explicit as a language directive or option.


#!php --explicit (or something similar, perhaps a php.ini entry)

mixed $mixed = hello;
string $str = string;
int $num = 5;
bool $ok = false;
array $ar;
float $rate;

bool function ins(int $id, string $name);

class test {
private bool $done; //private
var string $name; //public;
private object $o;

string print() {
return $name;

object $o = new test();
echo $o-print();

i don't have any clue about implications regarding parsing and handling such
explicit behaviour,
especially considering type juggling, but juggling could be disabled when
explicit is turned on.

is there a chance to realize this ? and moreover, is this a desired, planned
feature ?
i'd welcome this

just my 2c;


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[PHP-DEV] CVS Account Request: progcom

2002-06-06 Thread Yun-young Lee

Translating the documentation to Korean.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [PHP-EVANGELISM] ANN: QA Evangelism Call to Arms @ LinuxTag

2002-06-06 Thread James Cox

When everyone gets into linuxtag, we can work out the best time for a meeting
and take it from there, i think.

 -- james
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[PHP-DEV] bug in domxml_get_element_by_id

2002-06-06 Thread Dan Allen

Recently the function domxml_get_element_by_id was changed from
using an xpath query //*[@ID = '%s'] to actually using the ID hash
from the DTD, which makes perfect sense.  But for the following

  child id=2foo/child
  child id=4
titlehey there/title

I get for $xml-ids() a list nodeset of 2 nodes, but nothing for





Real programmers don't change their wardrobe too often: there 
are no clothes stores that are open at two o'clock in the morning. 

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[PHP-DEV] Linuxtag Coordination

2002-06-06 Thread Kristian Koehntopp

I will be at Linuxtag on Sunday.

I will have a cellphone.
The number is +49 170 2231 811.

I will not have net access.
You need to summon me by phone (or by calling my name thrice 
while standing in a properly ornamented pentagram).


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[PHP-DEV] Bundled gdlib

2002-06-06 Thread Edin Kadribasic

I think it would be the best if we changed config option from 
--with-gd=php to just --with-gd when we want to use bundled gdlib.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] How do I access a hash from an extention/module?

2002-06-06 Thread fabwash

 It would be nice it there was some REAL documentation about the API...

Amen to that!!!.. I spent exactely 5 1/2 hours yesterday trying to create a
resource that is a structure which contains a set of pointers to an array of
objects (yeah it's complicated but it's great when it works !), then later
retrieve the array, walk throught it, get the objects back from the hash,
and do something with them.

Works fine for now (although i'm sure i have major memory leaks for now
because i'm not sure how to deallocate and when to do it, when to add
references and remove references), but some documentation would have reduced
my research, trial and error, multiple compilations, tests, other source
reading, debugging time, etc..

I get great help from people here on specific issues, but i'd rather read
some documentation before asking stupid questions.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] How do I access a hash from an extention/module?

2002-06-06 Thread Markus Fischer

On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 09:36:29AM -0400, fabwash wrote : 
  It would be nice it there was some REAL documentation about the API...
 Amen to that!!!.. I spent exactely 5 1/2 hours yesterday trying to create a
 resource that is a structure which contains a set of pointers to an array of
 objects (yeah it's complicated but it's great when it works !), then later
 retrieve the array, walk throught it, get the objects back from the hash,
 and do something with them.
 Works fine for now (although i'm sure i have major memory leaks for now
 because i'm not sure how to deallocate and when to do it, when to add
 references and remove references), but some documentation would have reduced
 my research, trial and error, multiple compilations, tests, other source
 reading, debugging time, etc..
 I get great help from people here on specific issues, but i'd rather read
 some documentation before asking stupid questions.

Actually, there is:

Not up-to-date, but still worth a read. And, it's the same
for Zend docs as it is for PHP docs: volunteers are welcome.

I've seen quite a few people in the last months writing
extenions and therefore they know how it is for a
newcommer. Yet no one asked if he can help out with the

- Markus

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Re: [PHP-DEV] How do I access a hash from an extention/module?

2002-06-06 Thread fabwash

Hi Markus,

I think I know those pages by heart :) Doesn't mean they all make sense to
me for now. I'm sure that when I get some experience I will find that they
make a lot of sense, and that each word should give me a clue, but this is a
high level overview of the API, what we need is a real documentation, for
each callable function and macro, what are the parameters, what the macro or
function does, what it returns, make examples etc..

Zend/zend_hash.c, Zend/zend_API.h and ext/array.c are my bibles for now, but
as I said before, although it works, i'm not sure why it works :)

The few examples available are about creating basic things, like creating a
long, or a string. When you start working on an extension, this is
definitely not sufficient.

I'll definitely help on the documentation when I get the light, but i'm way
out of the league for now.


- Original Message -
From: Markus Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] How do I access a hash from an extention/module?

 On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 09:36:29AM -0400, fabwash wrote :
   It would be nice it there was some REAL documentation about the API...
  Amen to that!!!.. I spent exactely 5 1/2 hours yesterday trying to
create a
  resource that is a structure which contains a set of pointers to an
array of
  objects (yeah it's complicated but it's great when it works !), then
  retrieve the array, walk throught it, get the objects back from the
  and do something with them.
  Works fine for now (although i'm sure i have major memory leaks for now
  because i'm not sure how to deallocate and when to do it, when to add
  references and remove references), but some documentation would have
  my research, trial and error, multiple compilations, tests, other source
  reading, debugging time, etc..
  I get great help from people here on specific issues, but i'd rather
  some documentation before asking stupid questions.

 Actually, there is:

 Not up-to-date, but still worth a read. And, it's the same
 for Zend docs as it is for PHP docs: volunteers are welcome.

 I've seen quite a few people in the last months writing
 extenions and therefore they know how it is for a
 newcommer. Yet no one asked if he can help out with the

 - Markus

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Re: [PHP-DEV] How do I access a hash from an extention/module?

2002-06-06 Thread Eric Veldhuyzen

On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 03:45:08PM +0200, Markus Fischer wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 09:36:29AM -0400, fabwash wrote : 
   It would be nice it there was some REAL documentation about the API...
  Amen to that!!!.. I spent exactely 5 1/2 hours yesterday trying to create a
  resource that is a structure which contains a set of pointers to an array of
  objects (yeah it's complicated but it's great when it works !), then later
  retrieve the array, walk throught it, get the objects back from the hash,
  and do something with them.
  Works fine for now (although i'm sure i have major memory leaks for now
  because i'm not sure how to deallocate and when to do it, when to add
  references and remove references), but some documentation would have reduced
  my research, trial and error, multiple compilations, tests, other source
  reading, debugging time, etc..
  I get great help from people here on specific issues, but i'd rather read
  some documentation before asking stupid questions.
 Actually, there is:

I've read that. Multiple times. But it is hardly anything close to real
documentation. Claiming that this is real documentation is like explaining
how to write a 'hello world' program in C is real documateion about how
to write real programs in C. It is a nice primer, but nothing more than
that. It explains how to werite a VERY basic extention and then stops.

Not my idea of real documentation.

I would settle for a small summary of all the functions one might want
to call, with a short description of its function and the parameters it
acceepts. That would be terrific.

 I've seen quite a few people in the last months writing
 extenions and therefore they know how it is for a
 newcommer. Yet no one asked if he can help out with the

To write documentation you first have to know how it works. And I am
nowhere near that. I have written some code that seems to work, but
since none of tha parameters are described and there is hardly any
comment in de PHP source code it is very hard to be able to understand
how it all works.

#!perl #   Life ain't fair, but root passwords help.
# Eric Veldhuyzen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
$!=$;=$_+(++$_);($:,$~,$/,$^,$*,$@)=$!=~   # Perl Monger
/.(.)...(.)(.)(.)..(.)..(.)/;`$^$~$/$: $^$*$@$~ $_$;`

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Re: [PHP-DEV] How do I access a hash from an extention/module?

2002-06-06 Thread Eric Veldhuyzen

On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 09:36:29AM -0400, fabwash wrote:
  It would be nice it there was some REAL documentation about the API...
 Amen to that!!!.. I spent exactely 5 1/2 hours yesterday trying to create a
 resource that is a structure which contains a set of pointers to an array of
 objects (yeah it's complicated but it's great when it works !), then later
 retrieve the array, walk throught it, get the objects back from the hash,
 and do something with them.

Well, I think you might be able to help me then. I want to retrieve an
array and walk throught it. Should be pretty simple, right?

 I get great help from people here on specific issues, but i'd rather read
 some documentation before asking stupid questions.


#!perl #   Life ain't fair, but root passwords help.
# Eric Veldhuyzen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
$!=$;=$_+(++$_);($:,$~,$/,$^,$*,$@)=$!=~   # Perl Monger
/.(.)...(.)(.)(.)..(.)..(.)/;`$^$~$/$: $^$*$@$~ $_$;`

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[PHP-DEV] Newbie question about building GD...

2002-06-06 Thread Michael Davey

Hi ng!

I was wondering if anyone had a howto for compiling gd2.0.1 on Win32?

I have managed to get the CGI and two SAPI modules to compile, and have even
managed to get a couple of simple extensions (simple cos I managed to get
them to compile!) such as sockets and win32api to build, but gd seems to be
in a different league...  any help gratefully received.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] How do I access a hash from an extention/module?

2002-06-06 Thread Rasmus Lerdorf

 Well, I think you might be able to help me then. I want to retrieve an
 array and walk throught it. Should be pretty simple, right?

Think of which PHP functions do this and go have a look.  Basically think
of how you do it in PHP at the low level.  You would do something like

while($val=current($arr)) {
$key = key($arr);
... do something with $key and $val ...

Now, obviously this has a slight problem of $val evaluating to false, but
it is more to explain the steps.

Now here is the C equivalent:

zval **arr,**val;
char *key;
ulong num_key;
HashTable *target_hash;
HashPosition pos;

target_hash = HASH_OF($arr);
zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(target_hash, pos);
while(zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(target_hash, (void **)val, pos) == SUCCESS) {
type = zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(target_hash, string_key, str_key_len, 
num_key, 0,  pos);

// type will be HASH_KEY_IS_STRING for a string key, and string_key/str_key_len 
are set
// or type will be HASH_KEY_IS_LONG and num_key will be set
// Now you have a normal zval** with the value and the key in either of string_key 
or num_key

zend_hash_move_forward_ex(target_hash, pos);

That's all.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] How do I access a hash from an extention/module?

2002-06-06 Thread fabwash

Yes, that's basically what I sent him as an example. I think the
ext/standard/array.c is a good place to look for this information too.


- Original Message -
From: Rasmus Lerdorf [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Eric Veldhuyzen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: fabwash [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Markus Fischer
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 10:26 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] How do I access a hash from an extention/module?

  Well, I think you might be able to help me then. I want to retrieve an
  array and walk throught it. Should be pretty simple, right?

 Think of which PHP functions do this and go have a look.  Basically think
 of how you do it in PHP at the low level.  You would do something like

 while($val=current($arr)) {
 $key = key($arr);
 ... do something with $key and $val ...

 Now, obviously this has a slight problem of $val evaluating to false, but
 it is more to explain the steps.

 Now here is the C equivalent:

 zval **arr,**val;
 char *key;
 ulong num_key;
 HashTable *target_hash;
 HashPosition pos;

 target_hash = HASH_OF($arr);
 zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(target_hash, pos);
 while(zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(target_hash, (void **)val, pos) ==
 type = zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(target_hash, string_key,
str_key_len, num_key, 0,  pos);

 // type will be HASH_KEY_IS_STRING for a string key, and
string_key/str_key_len are set
 // or type will be HASH_KEY_IS_LONG and num_key will be set
 // Now you have a normal zval** with the value and the key in either
of string_key or num_key

 zend_hash_move_forward_ex(target_hash, pos);

 That's all.


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[PHP-DEV] Re: Introducing EXCPLICIT

2002-06-06 Thread J Smith

I seem to remember strong typing being brought up before, and I also seem to 
remember it being shot down.

The consensus seemed to be if you want a strongly-typed language, use Java. 
Or C. Or C++. Or something other than PHP that has strong data typing.

Have things changed since then?


Ilker Cetinkaya wrote:

 i'd like to discuss with you a growing problem regarding php applications.
 i see the features taken into account for ze2 have been made regarding the
 needs of advanced php developers who design complete applications with php
 instead of just dumping out some dynamic content.
 php is ease of use because you don't have to care about important language
 needs like types.
 that makes following code possible
 $a = hello u ;
 $b = 2;
 echo $a.$b;
 imho that is a good feature for coding simple things fast from brain to
 however in a more complicated and larger context, as in frameworks and
 libraries for example,
 this leads the coder to produce more code to get the things bugfree.
 consider a function inserting a row into a table with id and name:
 function ins($id, $name) {
 if (is_numeric($id)  is_string($name)) {
 // do insert
 return true;
 return false;
 through loose typing a value of $id = 1  (note whitespace) is possible
 and insert would fail.
 no problem, extending condition to is_numeric(trim($id)) does it.
 anyways, a value of $name=444 causes failing this condition too, although
 it should be dyncasted into a string.
 instead consider this:
 bool function ins(int $id, string name) {
 //do insert
 return true;
 and everything is right.
 what i want to point out is the loose vs. strong type issue - certainly
 discussed prior this post.
 i'd like to propose the introduction of an explicit command for ze2 to
 resolve this issue.
 as known of vb for example, explicit forces coder to explicitly declare
 this would require to be explicit as a language directive or option.
 #!php --explicit (or something similar, perhaps a php.ini entry)
 mixed $mixed = hello;
 string $str = string;
 int $num = 5;
 bool $ok = false;
 array $ar;
 float $rate;
 bool function ins(int $id, string $name);
 class test {
 private bool $done; //private
 var string $name; //public;
 private object $o;
 string print() {
 return $name;
 object $o = new test();
 echo $o-print();
 i don't have any clue about implications regarding parsing and handling
 such explicit behaviour,
 especially considering type juggling, but juggling could be disabled when
 explicit is turned on.
 is there a chance to realize this ? and moreover, is this a desired,
 planned feature ?
 i'd welcome this
 just my 2c;

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[PHP-DEV] Re: Introducing EXCPLICIT

2002-06-06 Thread Ilker Cetinkaya

thank you for your reply,

i'll change to c# as soon as i've finished my current projects.


J Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I seem to remember strong typing being brought up before, and I also seem
 remember it being shot down.

 The consensus seemed to be if you want a strongly-typed language, use
 Or C. Or C++. Or something other than PHP that has strong data typing.

 Have things changed since then?


 Ilker Cetinkaya wrote:

  i'd like to discuss with you a growing problem regarding php
  i see the features taken into account for ze2 have been made regarding
  needs of advanced php developers who design complete applications with
  instead of just dumping out some dynamic content.
  php is ease of use because you don't have to care about important
  needs like types.
  that makes following code possible
  $a = hello u ;
  $b = 2;
  echo $a.$b;
  imho that is a good feature for coding simple things fast from brain to
  however in a more complicated and larger context, as in frameworks and
  libraries for example,
  this leads the coder to produce more code to get the things bugfree.
  consider a function inserting a row into a table with id and name:
  function ins($id, $name) {
  if (is_numeric($id)  is_string($name)) {
  // do insert
  return true;
  return false;
  through loose typing a value of $id = 1  (note whitespace) is possible
  and insert would fail.
  no problem, extending condition to is_numeric(trim($id)) does it.
  anyways, a value of $name=444 causes failing this condition too,
  it should be dyncasted into a string.
  instead consider this:
  bool function ins(int $id, string name) {
  //do insert
  return true;
  and everything is right.
  what i want to point out is the loose vs. strong type issue - certainly
  discussed prior this post.
  i'd like to propose the introduction of an explicit command for ze2 to
  resolve this issue.
  as known of vb for example, explicit forces coder to explicitly declare
  this would require to be explicit as a language directive or option.
  #!php --explicit (or something similar, perhaps a php.ini entry)
  mixed $mixed = hello;
  string $str = string;
  int $num = 5;
  bool $ok = false;
  array $ar;
  float $rate;
  bool function ins(int $id, string $name);
  class test {
  private bool $done; //private
  var string $name; //public;
  private object $o;
  string print() {
  return $name;
  object $o = new test();
  echo $o-print();
  i don't have any clue about implications regarding parsing and handling
  such explicit behaviour,
  especially considering type juggling, but juggling could be disabled
  explicit is turned on.
  is there a chance to realize this ? and moreover, is this a desired,
  planned feature ?
  i'd welcome this
  just my 2c;

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[PHP-DEV] Performance of Apache 2.0 Filter

2002-06-06 Thread Sebastian Bergmann

  A user posted [1] a benchmark today in the German PHP Newsgroup [2]
  stating that Apache 2.0 and PHP (current HEAD) are about 20% slower
  than Apache 1.3.

  Are there any official benchmarks out there? I can't quite believe 

  [1] Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  [2] news:de.comp.lang.php

  Sebastian Bergmann

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[PHP-DEV] PHP in the future

2002-06-06 Thread brad lafountain

Ok I know this email has been posted again and again. But lets look at this

PHP was designed for the web. It's perfect in alot of ways for that market.
Maybe we can shift the focus of php from the web to application development.
Again i know this has been discussed and been shot down for different reasons.
But how about this. PHP For Applications.. pretty much use the same code
base. But we introduce stuff like typed variables, Case Sensivive, Greater OO
support private methods, interfaces, operator overloading. I know changing
these things for what php is aim'd for now doesn't make much sence but
obviously people like php alot and want to see it be used for far greater
things than just web development. 

Introducing a new distrubiton wont have any BC issues cause it's new. 

Introducing a new distrubiton will be confusing for some people.

Please don't reply to this email saying Use Java... Because php is different
than java and always will be even with these new features.

PHP can be a soulition for serious application developers with some changes.
The code base for it is already there.

 - Brad

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[PHP-DEV] Re: [Zend Engine 2] PHP in the future

2002-06-06 Thread Zeev Suraski

At 07:01 PM 6/6/2002, brad lafountain wrote:
Please don't reply to this email saying Use Java... Because php is different
than java and always will be even with these new features.

Brad, I beg you, there's nothing anybody can say on this list that would 
lead this to closure.  Nothing.  I believe that adding the things you 
mentioned does indeed turn PHP into Java, just a messy Java, Java which is 
worse at being Java than the real one is, and torn apart when compared 
against it.  Many others feel the same way.  You don't think that way, and 
I respect it, and there are also others who feel the same way too.  If you, 
or others, want to take PHP into that direction - non-web-centric, more 
complicated language - it's your right, and you can do it outside the scope 
of PHP (or fork).  I believe it's a bad thing for PHP (both having these 
patches in general and forking), but you don't necessarily share this belief.

There's one thing that is clear to me - there's no way to 'find a 
solution', because we don't, at all, agree about the existence of the 
problem.  If you believe these features belong in PHP and that it should 
import all (or most) of Java's features, we (and many others) have a 
fundamental gap in our perception of what PHP should be, and how it can 
stay competitive.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Performance of Apache 2.0 Filter

2002-06-06 Thread Aaron Bannert

On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 09:05:16AM -0700, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
A user posted [1] a benchmark today in the German PHP Newsgroup [2]
stating that Apache 2.0 and PHP (current HEAD) are about 20% slower
than Apache 1.3.
Are there any official benchmarks out there? I can't quite believe
 It doesn't really surprise me.  The bucket brigade stuff adds overhead as
 does the thread stuff in PHP.  There is nothing inherently faster about
 threaded apps.  They tend to scale a little bit better in most cases, so
 under extreme load performance should be better.  But under light loads I
 would expect a non-threaded Apache+PHP to be quicker.

Right, so I'd expect (hope) that at low load the performance is
still reasonably fast, but at high concurrency and high load it still
performs. Another thing that is gained in the new Apache 2.0 multithreaded
architecture is memory conservation -- I've run a 500-thread system on
under 20MB resident memory. Under Apache 1.3 that would require
hundreds of MB of memory.


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[PHP-DEV] Re: Introducing EXCPLICIT

2002-06-06 Thread J Smith

I wouldn't take my opinion as law, as I'm not part of the core PHP Group or 
anything, so I don't speak for anyone but myself. All I'm saying is that I 
seem to remember this issue being brought up before, and the result was 
that PHP is not a strong typed language, and probably won't become one any 
time soon.

A couple of weeks ago the discussion kind of stirred up again with the idea 
of string types. 

You can sort of do your own data type checks now using is_int(), is_array(), 
etc., which although falls short of true strong typing, is better than 

If you want to move to C#, super. Use the tool that fits the job. But I hope 
to hell you aren't doing it just 'cause I sent you a reply on a newsgroup 
that you didn't like. Personally, I wouldn't mind a slightly stronger typed 
PHP (at least for function arguments) as long as BC and portability were 
maintained and it was totally optional.


Ilker Cetinkaya wrote:

 thank you for your reply,
 i'll change to c# as soon as i've finished my current projects.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Performance of Apache 2.0 Filter

2002-06-06 Thread Zeev Suraski

At 07:00 PM 6/6/2002, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
   A user posted [1] a benchmark today in the German PHP Newsgroup [2]
   stating that Apache 2.0 and PHP (current HEAD) are about 20% slower
   than Apache 1.3.

   Are there any official benchmarks out there? I can't quite believe

Why not?  The thread safe version of PHP is slower, and I think (I'm not 
sure) that the filter buffering would slow us down a bit more.


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[PHP-DEV] Re: Performance of Apache 2.0 Filter

2002-06-06 Thread Cliff Woolley

On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:

   A user posted [1] a benchmark today in the German PHP Newsgroup [2]
   stating that Apache 2.0 and PHP (current HEAD) are about 20% slower
   than Apache 1.3.

   Are there any official benchmarks out there? I can't quite believe

None that I know of.  But I'm not terribly surprised by this... Apache 2.0
itself tends to be a bit faster than 1.3 depending on the configuration,
though the apache2filter for PHP is nowhere near what I would consider
optimal use of the capabilities of filters.  Unfortunately, making them
more optimal requires a bit of extra funtionality out of Zend that it
doesn't currently seem to provide.  (Namely, we need to be able to give
Zend's lexer buffers to scan rather than handing it a file descriptor.)
Aaron and I keep meaning to work on a patch for that but haven't gotten a
chance yet.  Not sure how that impacts performance, but it definitely
impacts the capabilities over what they SHOULD be with 2.0.  I'm sure
there's room for optimization in there, too... if someone could do a
profiling run on it (I don't have the best setup for that), I'd be willing
to write some patches to try to optimize the worst offenders.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Performance of Apache 2.0 Filter

2002-06-06 Thread Sebastian Bergmann

Cliff Woolley wrote:
 Namely, we need to be able to give Zend's lexer buffers to scan rather 
 than handing it a file descriptor.

  Last time I talked to Zeev about this he said that this has been added.
  (Accepting a buffer instead of a file handle.)

  Sebastian Bergmann

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Performance of Apache 2.0 Filter

2002-06-06 Thread Aaron Bannert

On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 07:18:22PM +0200, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
 Cliff Woolley wrote:
  Namely, we need to be able to give Zend's lexer buffers to scan rather 
  than handing it a file descriptor.
   Last time I talked to Zeev about this he said that this has been added.
   (Accepting a buffer instead of a file handle.)

Oh? That would be awesome! Zeev, care to elaborate or point us at
some code?


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[PHP-DEV] Re: [Zend Engine 2] PHP in the future

2002-06-06 Thread brad lafountain

--- Zeev Suraski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 07:01 PM 6/6/2002, brad lafountain wrote:
 Please don't reply to this email saying Use Java... Because php is different
 than java and always will be even with these new features.
 Brad, I beg you, there's nothing anybody can say on this list that would 
 lead this to closure.  Nothing.  I believe that adding the things you 
 mentioned does indeed turn PHP into Java, just a messy Java, Java which is 
 worse at being Java than the real one is, and torn apart when compared 
 against it.

 Why do you think it would be messy.

 Many others feel the same way.  You don't think that way, and 
 I respect it, and there are also others who feel the same way too.  If you, 
 or others, want to take PHP into that direction - non-web-centric, more 
 complicated language - it's your right, and you can do it outside the scope 
 of PHP (or fork).  I believe it's a bad thing for PHP (both having these 
 patches in general and forking), but you don't necessarily share this belief.

 I do believe that making a fork or patches for php is a bad thing. It would
lead into a big mess. But at the same time i believe more strongly that cs is a
good thing, types are a good thing and stronger oo support is a good thing. To
me these are more important.

 There's one thing that is clear to me - there's no way to 'find a 
 solution', because we don't, at all, agree about the existence of the 
 problem.  If you believe these features belong in PHP and that it should 
 import all (or most) of Java's features, we (and many others) have a 
 fundamental gap in our perception of what PHP should be, and how it can 
 stay competitive.

 This is exactly true. I really feel that php/zend engine could be a alot more
than you must think it can be.

 The thing is the stuff that I/many people have in mind won't harm php as it
is, its just that some people don't want these new features.

 string $var;
 int $int;
 $var = 123; // var will be a string
 $int = $var; // int will be a int

 $var2 = $var; // will be string NOTE: var2 wasn't declared
 $var2 = $int; // will be int

 // this is almost like a auto conversion... nothing more nothing less

 $ret = doSomething($var2, $var2);

 function doSomething(string $str, int $int)

OO Support:

interface thread
 function run();

class MyClass implements thread
 function run()

 function setSomething(string $test)
  $this-something = $test;

 opperator +(MyClass $class)
  $this-something = $class-something;

 opperator +(MyOtherClass $class)
  $this-something = $class-otherSomething;

class MyOtherClass extends MyClass

Someone posted a good mi example i don't recall where it may be

class Person
 function hello()

class OtherPerson 
 function hello()

class MulitPersonalites extends Person, otherPerson
 var $currPerson;

 function MulitPersonalites()

 function Person::hello()
  return super() .  from multi;

 function hello()
  if($this-currPerson == Jake)

what ever the syntax should be

don't forget about the public private

Multi threading:
 I know this is a huge change but.. again i think it is a good thing.

Case Sensitive:
 I know the reasons for and against this and i agree with both of them. But I
would rather see CS.

For the most part the only argument against these is do we need it and it
will make things slower. Maybe somepeople do maybe somepeople don't but if
someone thinks they need it then probally others do too, how much slower will
some of these changes make the engine? Maybe not much at all. True these kinda
things will make the languge more complicated and some people don't think that
php should get complicated but I do, I think that making these kinda changes
can only make php better.

 Again the point of this email isn't to change authors/founders minds its just
my point of view.

- Brad

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Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

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[PHP-DEV] exec etc. on Windows: why does it use cmd.exe ?

2002-06-06 Thread Kai Schaetzl

The shell execution commands on Windows execute a cmd /c program 
for running command-line programs. I have seen bug reports asking for 
a change but there hasn't been one. What's the reason for using 
cmd? Isn't it possible to directly execute those programs?
The problem with using cmd.exe is that the IUSR_machine needs to have 
proper permissions to it which is a general security risk. It also 
creates problems because IIS 6 removes these permissions by default. 
(I have seen various postings about the typical cannot fork error 
after this in these groups but most of them weren't answered.)

On a different topic: I started to get the lists from recently. I tried 
to post 
there but instead I got this warning message:

 confirmation email already bounced once

which is simply not true, there sure wasn't any mail sent to me. If the server doesn't 
for anonymous posting it should reject messages right-away instead of accepting them. 
should also be clarified here:

 Many of the mailing lists listed here are also reflected onto the news server at



Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
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[PHP-DEV] Re: [Zend Engine 2] PHP in the future

2002-06-06 Thread Alex Black

 Brad, I beg you, there's nothing anybody can say on this list that would
 lead this to closure.  Nothing.  I believe that adding the things you
 mentioned does indeed turn PHP into Java, just a messy Java, Java which is
 worse at being Java than the real one is, and torn apart when compared
 against it.
 Why do you think it would be messy.

Actually, given the changes I'm seeing in ZE2, and given our attempts at
building proper applications (though they are web applications) with PHP
(binarycloud), I have to agree with Brad: I don't see how they would be

I know this is a very dead horse, but I do think that PHP would benefit
greatly from just a few features:

explicit variable typing
case sensitivity (because it's confusing not to have it)
truly private methods

and a couple other things..

note though that _all_ of that can be added with minimal pain, except for
case sensitivity. (i.e. you can allow vars to be whatever if the user
doesn't preface the declaration with a type, etc).

 Many others feel the same way.  You don't think that way, and

Actually Zeev, everyone I talk to (and it's a freaking lot of people) likes
the idea of a tad more beefyness in PHP so long as it doesn't come at
much cost.

 I do believe that making a fork or patches for php is a bad thing. It would
 lead into a big mess. But at the same time i believe more strongly that cs is
 good thing, types are a good thing and stronger oo support is a good thing. To
 me these are more important.

yes. and to many other people.

remember Zeev that most people don't even understand OO concepts - so adding
cool stuff for the serious people doesn't hurt the little guy writing
procedural code in HTML one bit.

 There's one thing that is clear to me - there's no way to 'find a
 solution', because we don't, at all, agree about the existence of the

That's bull. We could quite reasonably expect to see some things added to
the language that would not turn it into a messy java. There are plenty of
simple additions that would benefit more sophisticated developers a great

I don't want to use Java. It sucks. I like PHP. I would like to see PHP gain
just a little more ground with OO, that's it.

 fundamental gap in our perception of what PHP should be, and how it can
 stay competitive.
 This is exactly true. I really feel that php/zend engine could be a alot more
 than you must think it can be.

I think I'm in the it could be so much more camp. I'm not hard-core about
this stuff, I don't think PHP will be useless without more advanced OO...
but I don't think it hurts anyone to add some more advanced features that
are not used by newbies. The problem with Java is that it forces developers
to code a certain way: PHP is good precisely because it _doesn't_. You can
improve PHP without sacrificing flexibility.

 The thing is the stuff that I/many people have in mind won't harm php as it
 is, its just that some people don't want these new features.
 string $var;
 int $int;

In fact, you could even have:

$var = crap; // standard floating type
string $var = 123;

 $ret = doSomething($var2, $var2);
 function doSomething(string $str, int $int)


that could be _optional_ and not change a single line of syntax in existing
code bases.


 OO Support:
 interface thread
 function run();
 class MyClass implements thread
 function run()

I don't see the need here..

 function setSomething(string $test)
 $this-something = $test;
 opperator +(MyClass $class)
 $this-something = $class-something;
 opperator +(MyOtherClass $class)
 $this-something = $class-otherSomething;


 class MyOtherClass extends MyClass

yes :)

 don't forget about the public private

 Case Sensitive:
 I know the reasons for and against this and i agree with both of them. But I
 would rather see CS.

Ditto. If there's a time to do this it's now.

 php should get complicated but I do, I think that making these kinda changes

I think we can add some of the basic necessities without impacting the
complexity of the lauguage, see above.

 Again the point of this email isn't to change authors/founders minds its just
 my point of view.

Mine is.

I'd love to see case sensitivity, multiple inheritance, private methods, and
optional typed variables. Except case sensitivity, all of those features can
be implemented with ZERO impact on existing users and code.



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[PHP-DEV] Re: [Zend Engine 2] PHP in the future

2002-06-06 Thread Zeev Suraski

At 08:26 PM 6/6/2002, brad lafountain wrote:

--- Zeev Suraski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  At 07:01 PM 6/6/2002, brad lafountain wrote:
  Please don't reply to this email saying Use Java... Because php is 
  than java and always will be even with these new features.
  Brad, I beg you, there's nothing anybody can say on this list that would
  lead this to closure.  Nothing.  I believe that adding the things you
  mentioned does indeed turn PHP into Java, just a messy Java, Java which is
  worse at being Java than the real one is, and torn apart when compared
  against it.

  Why do you think it would be messy.

See Kristian's letters to php-dev.  I really don't want to get into it at 
this point, mental exhaustion :)

  I do believe that making a fork or patches for php is a bad thing. It 
lead into a big mess. But at the same time i believe more strongly that cs 
is a
good thing, types are a good thing and stronger oo support is a good thing. To
me these are more important.

I don't think I can add anything about CS that I haven't already 
said.  Adding type hints is something that we have talked about in the 
past, and haven't ruled out - we need to think much more about the 
implications.  I believe the OO level we have in ZE2 is the upper limit of 
what a scripting language should have.  There's no doubt in my mind that 
going beyond that is going to complicate the language beyond what our 
average users want.

  There's one thing that is clear to me - there's no way to 'find a
  solution', because we don't, at all, agree about the existence of the
  problem.  If you believe these features belong in PHP and that it should
  import all (or most) of Java's features, we (and many others) have a
  fundamental gap in our perception of what PHP should be, and how it can
  stay competitive.

  This is exactly true. I really feel that php/zend engine could be a alot 
than you must think it can be.

No, it's not a matter of me settling for little, and you thinking we can do 
much better.  Not at all.  While I don't think we can become a better Java 
than Java, this is not the reason I'm so much against going down this 
path.  If that was it, I would have said 'let's give it a try, what's the 
worse that can happen?'  But that's not the case.  I believe that by going 
down that route we're going to ruin PHP where it is already established as 
one of the most popular web platforms out there, and that's a price I'm not 
willing to pay.

For the most part the only argument against these is do we need it and it
will make things slower. Maybe somepeople do maybe somepeople don't but if
someone thinks they need it then probally others do too, how much slower 
some of these changes make the engine? Maybe not much at all. True these kinda
things will make the languge more complicated and some people don't think that
php should get complicated but I do, I think that making these kinda changes
can only make php better.

FWIW, I think that performance only plays a second role in such 
decisions.  It can indeed rule out certain features if they really slow 
things down without giving a significant benefit, but generally, 
functionality is more important than performance (good functionality does 
not necessarily mean more features but a good, usable platform, even if it 
means less features).
For me, the key questions are Does that belong in the language?, i.e., 
would adding this feature to PHP make it a stronger/more popular/easier to 
use web platform than it already is, and Is it worth the price (if 
any)?.  For the CS argument, my gut feeling was 'yes' for the first 
question (a long time ago) but when I tried to quantify it, it occurred to 
me that it doesn't really make it stronger/more popular/easier, and it was 
a clear 'no' for the second question.   In my opinion, we should ask 
ourselves these questions about every new language-level feature.  Of 
course, even if we agree on the questions, it doesn't mean we'll agree 
about the answers - but it would at least be a good start, and a good 
change from Why not add it?, which many people use today.


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[PHP-DEV] [PATCH] preg_match(_all) support for capturing offsets

2002-06-06 Thread David Brown

Hi Andrei, all:

(This is a re-send of a previous message that received no replies; my
apologies if you've already seen/considered it)

In a previous patch 
(, support
was added to preg_split for capturing offsets along with matches. The
attached patch adds similar support to preg_match and preg_match_all via

The code handles capturing offsets for both subpattern matches and whole
pattern matches, using the previously-added add_offset_pair helper function.

The flag is a new fourth (and optional) parameter for preg_match, and
are or'd into the existing 'order' parameter for preg_match_all, above

The patch below is diffed against the CVS head - humbly sumbitted for
application, rejection, suggestions, or extensive flaming. :)

Thanks in advance,

- Dave

--- ext/pcre/php_pcre.c.origTue Jun  4 13:02:50 2002
+++ ext/pcre/php_pcre.c Tue Jun  4 13:12:10 2002
@@ -35,7 +35,9 @@
 #define PREG_SET_ORDER 1
-#definePREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY (10)
+#define PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY(10)
@@ -99,6 +101,7 @@

@@ -310,6 +313,24 @@
 /* }}} */
+/* {{{ add_offset_pair
+ */
+static inline void add_offset_pair(zval *result, char *str, int len, int offset)
+   zval *match_pair;
+   ALLOC_ZVAL(match_pair);
+   array_init(match_pair);
+   INIT_PZVAL(match_pair);
+   /* Add (match, offset) to the return value */
+   add_next_index_stringl(match_pair, str, len, 1);
+   add_next_index_long(match_pair, offset);
+   zend_hash_next_index_insert(Z_ARRVAL_P(result), match_pair, sizeof(zval *), 
+/* }}} */
 /* {{{ php_pcre_match
 static void php_pcre_match(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, int global)
@@ -335,6 +356,7 @@
int  matched;   /* Has 
anything matched */
int  i;
int  subpats_order_val = 0; /* Integer value of 
subpats_order */
+   int  offset_capture = 0;/* If offsets should 
+be captured */
int  g_notempty = 0;/* If the match should 
not be empty */
const char **stringlist;/* Used to hold list of 
subpatterns */
char*match; /* The current match */
@@ -363,11 +385,17 @@

/* Make sure subpats_order is a number */
-   subpats_order_val = Z_LVAL_PP(subpats_order);
-   if (subpats_order_val  PREG_PATTERN_ORDER ||
-   subpats_order_val  PREG_SET_ORDER) {
-   zend_error(E_WARNING, Wrong value for parameter 4 in 
call to preg_match_all());
-   }
+offset_capture = (Z_LVAL_PP(subpats_order)  PREG_MATCH_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
+   if (global) {
+  subpats_order_val = (Z_LVAL_PP(subpats_order)  1UL);
+  if ((subpats_order_val  PREG_PATTERN_ORDER) ||
+  (subpats_order_val  PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
+ zend_error(E_WARNING, Wrong value for parameter 4 
+in call to preg_match_all());
+ }

@@ -442,8 +470,13 @@
if (subpats_order_val == PREG_PATTERN_ORDER) {
/* For each subpattern, insert it into 
the appropriate array. */
for (i = 0; i  count; i++) {
add_next_index_stringl(match_sets[i], (char *)stringlist[i],

[PHP-DEV] Re: [PATCH] preg_match(_all) support for capturing offsets

2002-06-06 Thread Andrei Zmievski

I will take a look at this soon, thanks.

On Thu, 06 Jun 2002, David Brown wrote:
 Hi Andrei, all:
 (This is a re-send of a previous message that received no replies; my
 apologies if you've already seen/considered it)
 In a previous patch 
 (, support
 was added to preg_split for capturing offsets along with matches. The
 attached patch adds similar support to preg_match and preg_match_all via
 The code handles capturing offsets for both subpattern matches and whole
 pattern matches, using the previously-added add_offset_pair helper function.
 The flag is a new fourth (and optional) parameter for preg_match, and
 are or'd into the existing 'order' parameter for preg_match_all, above
 The patch below is diffed against the CVS head - humbly sumbitted for
 application, rejection, suggestions, or extensive flaming. :)
 Thanks in advance,
 - Dave
 --- ext/pcre/php_pcre.c.orig  Tue Jun  4 13:02:50 2002
 +++ ext/pcre/php_pcre.c   Tue Jun  4 13:12:10 2002
 @@ -35,7 +35,9 @@
  #define PREG_PATTERN_ORDER   0
  #define PREG_SET_ORDER   1
 -#define  PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY (10)
 +#define PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY  (10)
 @@ -99,6 +101,7 @@
 @@ -310,6 +313,24 @@
  /* }}} */
 +/* {{{ add_offset_pair
 + */
 +static inline void add_offset_pair(zval *result, char *str, int len, int offset)
 + zval *match_pair;
 + ALLOC_ZVAL(match_pair);
 + array_init(match_pair);
 + INIT_PZVAL(match_pair);
 + /* Add (match, offset) to the return value */
 + add_next_index_stringl(match_pair, str, len, 1);
 + add_next_index_long(match_pair, offset);
 + zend_hash_next_index_insert(Z_ARRVAL_P(result), match_pair, sizeof(zval *), 
 +/* }}} */
  /* {{{ php_pcre_match
  static void php_pcre_match(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, int global)
 @@ -335,6 +356,7 @@
   int  matched;   /* Has 
anything matched */
   int  i;
   int  subpats_order_val = 0; /* Integer value of 
subpats_order */
 + int  offset_capture = 0;/* If offsets should 
be captured */
   int  g_notempty = 0;/* If the match should 
not be empty */
   const char **stringlist;/* Used to hold list of 
subpatterns */
   char*match; /* The current match */
 @@ -363,11 +385,17 @@
   /* Make sure subpats_order is a number */
 - subpats_order_val = Z_LVAL_PP(subpats_order);
 - if (subpats_order_val  PREG_PATTERN_ORDER ||
 - subpats_order_val  PREG_SET_ORDER) {
 - zend_error(E_WARNING, Wrong value for parameter 4 in 
call to preg_match_all());
 - }
 +offset_capture = (Z_LVAL_PP(subpats_order)  PREG_MATCH_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
 + if (global) {
 +  subpats_order_val = (Z_LVAL_PP(subpats_order)  1UL);
 +  if ((subpats_order_val  PREG_PATTERN_ORDER) ||
 +  (subpats_order_val  PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
 +   zend_error(E_WARNING, Wrong value for parameter 4 
in call to preg_match_all());
 +   }
 @@ -442,8 +470,13 @@
   if (subpats_order_val == PREG_PATTERN_ORDER) {
   /* For each subpattern, insert it into 
the appropriate array. */
   for (i = 0; i  count; i++) {
add_next_index_stringl(match_sets[i], (char 

RE: [PHP-DEV] Performance of Apache 2.0 Filter

2002-06-06 Thread Preston L. Bannister

 A user posted [1] a benchmark today in the German PHP Newsgroup [2]
 stating that Apache 2.0 and PHP (current HEAD) are about 20% slower
 than Apache 1.3.

On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 09:05:16AM -0700, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
  It doesn't really surprise me.  The bucket brigade stuff adds overhead as
  does the thread stuff in PHP.  There is nothing inherently faster about
  threaded apps.  They tend to scale a little bit better in most cases, so
  under extreme load performance should be better.  But under light loads I
  would expect a non-threaded Apache+PHP to be quicker.

From: Aaron Bannert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Right, so I'd expect (hope) that at low load the performance is
 still reasonably fast, but at high concurrency and high load it still
 performs. Another thing that is gained in the new Apache 2.0 multithreaded
 architecture is memory conservation -- I've run a 500-thread system on
 under 20MB resident memory. Under Apache 1.3 that would require
 hundreds of MB of memory.

This is a subject about which I still wonder.

Multi-threading is a huge win for applications where the amount of
computation is small, and most of the time is spent waiting on I/O.

File servers are a classic example (NFS, SMB, FTP, file only HTTP)
where multi-threading is a huge win.

There are major downsides to multi-threading that need mention.  

For one making an application thread-safe requires substantial code, 
and the added code effectively imposes a run-time tax.

For another applications that do a lot of computation are very often
complex, and complex applications naturally contain more bugs.

So a complex application - one with lots of computation between each
context switch - may well be slower and less reliable when written
as a multi-threaded application.

Where is the cross-over point?

Another question is the true memory footprint.  Back in the late 
1980's pretty much every Unix vendor added copy-on-write fork() 
semantics to their implementation.  I believe Linux also uses the
same copy-on-write (sometimes known as COW) behavior in fork().

Copy-on-write means that when you fork() a process, each process
gets it's own virtual memory address space, but the physical memory 
is in fact *shared* between two processes.  Immediately after fork() 
the contents of memory is exactly the same, so why store it twice?  
When a process writes to one of the shared pages a copy is made, 
and the virtual pages no longer share physical memory.

Naturally the operating system still has to allocate virtual memory
and swap space for the new process, but the amount of added physical
memory used may in fact be very small.

So the physical memory footprint for a multi-threaded application 
may in fact not be much different from a tradition Unix application
that uses multiple processes.

I don't know how to verify this - dig out the physical memory usage
and check the copy-on-write behavior - on Linux.

Preston L. Bannister
pbannister on Yahoo Messenger

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [Zend Engine 2] PHP in the future

2002-06-06 Thread Dan Hardiker

 I believe the OO level we have in ZE2 is the upper limit
 of  what a scripting language should have.  There's no doubt in my mind
 that  going beyond that is going to complicate the language beyond what
 our  average users want.

I would have to disagree to this statement extremly. It would not
complicate the language as those not interested would just ignore the new
options and go along as normal. (i.e. all methods and variables being
public by default)

I sit in many PHP channels (IRC), and observe many class-based PHP
networks ( is one I monitor closely) and can say definatly
that the majority of PHP users want *more* OO capabilities in PHP.
Interfaces provide a simple framework for expansive web scripts, which
currently can only be botched with extends... and multiple inheritance
would help my current PHP (web-based) project. If these features are too
complex for you to understand - ignore them!

In my opinion the demand is certainly there, if a subset of people dont
want to use it - we're not asking them to. What the masses are calling for
(and they obviously are with the frequency of this kind of post appearing)
is the option to decide. Although Im no expert on the PHP source code and
the underlying ZE - is it really that complex to please everyone and give
a choice? [for those concerned about the proposed stuff having performance
impacts - then make it a configure option... --with-more-oop (or

Dan Hardiker [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
ADAM Software  Systems Engineer
First Creative Ltd

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[PHP-DEV] Re: [Zend Engine 2] PHP in the future

2002-06-06 Thread brad lafountain

--- Zeev Suraski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 08:26 PM 6/6/2002, brad lafountain wrote:
 --- Zeev Suraski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   At 07:01 PM 6/6/2002, brad lafountain wrote:
   Please don't reply to this email saying Use Java... Because php is 
   than java and always will be even with these new features.
   Brad, I beg you, there's nothing anybody can say on this list that would
   lead this to closure.  Nothing.  I believe that adding the things you
   mentioned does indeed turn PHP into Java, just a messy Java, Java which
   worse at being Java than the real one is, and torn apart when compared
   against it.
   Why do you think it would be messy.
 See Kristian's letters to php-dev.  I really don't want to get into it at 
 this point, mental exhaustion :)
   I do believe that making a fork or patches for php is a bad thing. It 
 lead into a big mess. But at the same time i believe more strongly that cs 
 is a
 good thing, types are a good thing and stronger oo support is a good thing.
 me these are more important.
 I don't think I can add anything about CS that I haven't already 
 said.  Adding type hints is something that we have talked about in the 
 past, and haven't ruled out - we need to think much more about the 

  This is good to hear. I was totally against types, then i started thinking
that it would acually be eaiser to use. But i wouldn't want to loose the
floating types too.

 I believe the OO level we have in ZE2 is the upper limit of 
 what a scripting language should have.  There's no doubt in my mind that 
 going beyond that is going to complicate the language beyond what our 
 average users want.

 Average user.. maybe this is true.. but if you want to target more advance
developers then you need to go the extra step and do some of the stuff.

   There's one thing that is clear to me - there's no way to 'find a
   solution', because we don't, at all, agree about the existence of the
   problem.  If you believe these features belong in PHP and that it should
   import all (or most) of Java's features, we (and many others) have a
   fundamental gap in our perception of what PHP should be, and how it can
   stay competitive.
   This is exactly true. I really feel that php/zend engine could be a alot 
 than you must think it can be.
 No, it's not a matter of me settling for little, and you thinking we can do 
 much better.  Not at all.  While I don't think we can become a better Java 
 than Java, this is not the reason I'm so much against going down this 
 path.  If that was it, I would have said 'let's give it a try, what's the 
 worse that can happen?'  But that's not the case.  I believe that by going 
 down that route we're going to ruin PHP where it is already established as 
 one of the most popular web platforms out there, and that's a price I'm not 
 willing to pay.

 But you have one market.. Why not go for another.. You aren't going to loose
the market that you have. I don't think people will stop using php for the web
just because it has more options.

 For the most part the only argument against these is do we need it and it
 will make things slower. Maybe somepeople do maybe somepeople don't but if
 someone thinks they need it then probally others do too, how much slower 
 some of these changes make the engine? Maybe not much at all. True these
 things will make the languge more complicated and some people don't think
 php should get complicated but I do, I think that making these kinda changes
 can only make php better.
 FWIW, I think that performance only plays a second role in such 
 decisions.  It can indeed rule out certain features if they really slow 
 things down without giving a significant benefit, but generally, 
 functionality is more important than performance (good functionality does 
 not necessarily mean more features but a good, usable platform, even if it 
 means less features).
 For me, the key questions are Does that belong in the language?, i.e., 
 would adding this feature to PHP make it a stronger/more popular/easier to 
 use web platform than it already is, and Is it worth the price (if 

 Why settle for just web platform. It has the potental to be any platform. So
here is the question again.

Does adding (some feature) to php make it a stronger/more popular/eaiser to
use development platform than it already is.

Does adding (more oo features) to php make it a stronger/more popular/eaiser to
use development language?  Yes.

Does adding (types) to php make it a stronger/more popular/eaiser to use
development language?  Yes.
 ( i think this is true for the web-centric php too)

Does adding (CS) to php make it a stronger/more popular/eaiser to use
development language?  Yes/Maybe.

 For the CS argument, my gut feeling was 'yes' for the first 
 question (a long time ago) but when I tried to quantify it, it occurred to 
 me that it 

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [Zend Engine 2] PHP in the future

2002-06-06 Thread Andi Gutmans

A couple of months ago it was agreed on how to get multiple inheritance 
like behavior in a way which could work with PHP. I just haven't had time 
to implement it yet.
The talk was about aggregation of instances of classes with auto-proxy.
So you'd do something like:
class foo extends bar contains barbara, foobar {


$obj = new foo();
$obj-method(); /* would check foo and if method doesn't exist will 
auto-proxy to objects barbara and foobar in that order whatever matches 
You could access the specific object by $obj-classname or $obj-barbara.

Try and find it in the archives.

At 06:59 PM 6/6/2002 +0100, Dan Hardiker wrote:
  I believe the OO level we have in ZE2 is the upper limit
  of  what a scripting language should have.  There's no doubt in my mind
  that  going beyond that is going to complicate the language beyond what
  our  average users want.

I would have to disagree to this statement extremly. It would not
complicate the language as those not interested would just ignore the new
options and go along as normal. (i.e. all methods and variables being
public by default)

I sit in many PHP channels (IRC), and observe many class-based PHP
networks ( is one I monitor closely) and can say definatly
that the majority of PHP users want *more* OO capabilities in PHP.
Interfaces provide a simple framework for expansive web scripts, which
currently can only be botched with extends... and multiple inheritance
would help my current PHP (web-based) project. If these features are too
complex for you to understand - ignore them!

In my opinion the demand is certainly there, if a subset of people dont
want to use it - we're not asking them to. What the masses are calling for
(and they obviously are with the frequency of this kind of post appearing)
is the option to decide. Although Im no expert on the PHP source code and
the underlying ZE - is it really that complex to please everyone and give
a choice? [for those concerned about the proposed stuff having performance
impacts - then make it a configure option... --with-more-oop (or

Dan Hardiker [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
ADAM Software  Systems Engineer
First Creative Ltd

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [Zend Engine 2] PHP in the future

2002-06-06 Thread brad lafountain


 Before you go ahead with this I would like to discuss it some more too. I'm
wondering if we can fully support MI but i don't want to start this
conversation now.

 btw: i like the contains better than aggergates.

 - brad

--- Andi Gutmans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A couple of months ago it was agreed on how to get multiple inheritance 
 like behavior in a way which could work with PHP. I just haven't had time 
 to implement it yet.
 The talk was about aggregation of instances of classes with auto-proxy.
 So you'd do something like:
 class foo extends bar contains barbara, foobar {
 $obj = new foo();
 $obj-method(); /* would check foo and if method doesn't exist will 
 auto-proxy to objects barbara and foobar in that order whatever matches 
 You could access the specific object by $obj-classname or $obj-barbara.
 Try and find it in the archives.
 At 06:59 PM 6/6/2002 +0100, Dan Hardiker wrote:
   I believe the OO level we have in ZE2 is the upper limit
   of  what a scripting language should have.  There's no doubt in my mind
   that  going beyond that is going to complicate the language beyond what
   our  average users want.
 I would have to disagree to this statement extremly. It would not
 complicate the language as those not interested would just ignore the new
 options and go along as normal. (i.e. all methods and variables being
 public by default)
 I sit in many PHP channels (IRC), and observe many class-based PHP
 networks ( is one I monitor closely) and can say definatly
 that the majority of PHP users want *more* OO capabilities in PHP.
 Interfaces provide a simple framework for expansive web scripts, which
 currently can only be botched with extends... and multiple inheritance
 would help my current PHP (web-based) project. If these features are too
 complex for you to understand - ignore them!
 In my opinion the demand is certainly there, if a subset of people dont
 want to use it - we're not asking them to. What the masses are calling for
 (and they obviously are with the frequency of this kind of post appearing)
 is the option to decide. Although Im no expert on the PHP source code and
 the underlying ZE - is it really that complex to please everyone and give
 a choice? [for those concerned about the proposed stuff having performance
 impacts - then make it a configure option... --with-more-oop (or
 Dan Hardiker [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 ADAM Software  Systems Engineer
 First Creative Ltd
 PHP Development Mailing List
 To unsubscribe, visit:

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[PHP-DEV] Re: [Zend Engine 2] PHP in the future

2002-06-06 Thread Jani Taskinen

On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, Alex Black wrote:

then PHP is pretty schitzo because someone made a GTK extensions for it that
seems to be supported by the core group. That's for building GUI
applications last I checked. (Actually the model was so good we're using it
in binarycloud!)

GTK is just a cute exception of the rule. :)

I think it's time for PHP-core to make a decision: is this just a web
scripting language or is is an application development language? This

I think that decision was made already in another thread
this week on php-dev list. You won't get any exact definition
what PHP's vision/future is as it has to evolve like it has
done so far: By people who contribute to it. (that's basically
the answer I got to this question..or at least how I understood it)

I think it's already an Application Development language but some people
are having trouble letting go :)

It's propably because they're not using PHP to write such application


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Snapshots not build correctly..

2002-06-06 Thread Jani Taskinen

On 6 Jun 2002, Jim Winstead wrote:

Andi Gutmans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 09:25 PM 6/5/2002 +0300, Jani Taskinen wrote:
On Wed, 5 Jun 2002, Andi Gutmans wrote:

 At 11:35 PM 6/4/2002 +0300, Jani Taskinen wrote:
  The source snapshots don't have the bison/flex generated
  files anymore..why is that?
 genfiles was broken but I fixed it in HEAD. Is this still not the case?

 I have no idea how the snapshots are generated..but latest
 I downloaded yesterday did not have those files.
 They are probably not generated with makedist then.
 Anyone know how they are created?

./buildconf --copy

(andi, the whole thing is in /local/bin/update-snapshots on
you can do whatever needs to be done to fix it there.)

Has this been fixed yet? Like I said before, I'd do it myself
if I could..but without access to that machine it's not possible.

Would it be possible to add that stuff which handles the snapshot
generation to CVS ??


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [Zend Engine 2] PHP in the future

2002-06-06 Thread Sebastian Bergmann

Andi Gutmans wrote:
 The talk was about aggregation of instances of classes with auto-proxy.

  I think that's called delegation, not aggregation. Have a look at what 
  the JavaLab guys at my University are doing under the term


  It'd be cool to have something like that in PHP :-)

  Sebastian Bergmann

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Performance of Apache 2.0 Filter

2002-06-06 Thread Melvyn Sopacua

At 18:53 6-6-2002, Cliff Woolley shared with all of us:

On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:

A user posted [1] a benchmark today in the German PHP Newsgroup [2]
stating that Apache 2.0 and PHP (current HEAD) are about 20% slower
than Apache 1.3.
Are there any official benchmarks out there? I can't quite believe

None that I know of.  But I'm not terribly surprised by this... Apache 2.0
itself tends to be a bit faster than 1.3 depending on the configuration,

Actually - depending on the platform also:
Apache 1.3.24 - 50 childs:
Document Path:/manual/mod/directives.html
Document Length:17138 bytes
Concurrency Level:40
Time taken for tests:484.882 seconds
Complete requests:20
Failed requests:0
Total transferred:-789454894 bytes
HTML transferred:-867257617 bytes
Requests per second:412.47
Transfer rate:-1628.14 kb/s received
Connnection Times (ms)
   min avg max
Connect: 0 0 1752
Processing: 3 96 5433
Total: 3 96 7185

Apache 2.0.36 - per-thread, 3 childs, 50/per child
Document Path:/manual/mod/directives.html
Document Length:17999 bytes
Concurrency Level:40
Time taken for tests:2340.058 seconds
Complete requests:20
Failed requests:0
Total transferred:-640847172 bytes
HTML transferred:-694857432 bytes
Requests per second:85.47
Transfer rate:-273.86 kb/s received
Connnection Times (ms)
   min avg max
Connect: 0 2 1999
Processing: 11 465 4612
Total: 11 467 6611

ab -w -n 20 -c 40 url

Ap2 didn't have php compiled.
Apache 1.3.24 did.

but - I believe this to be a thread/DSO/signals issue.
Would be interesting to see, if Debian has the same problems, as most answers,
to problems on BSD/OS I've got from Debian postings :-)

Not to mention:

Met vriendelijke groeten / With kind regards,
Melvyn Sopacua

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Performance of Apache 2.0 Filter

2002-06-06 Thread Aaron Bannert

 Actually - depending on the platform also:

What platform is this? I'm dubious of these results, given the negative
numbers for transfered bytes and transfer rate.

Also, be sure to run your tests from a different machine, and make sure
that you aren't maxing out your client.

Last note is you really should use the newest version of AB (and report
the version you're using for these tests). I made some significant
changes to AB recently that dramatically improved its ability to
multiplex multiple connections.

Thanks for the reports,

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RE: [PHP-DEV] PHP in the future

2002-06-06 Thread Joseph Tate





Now seriosly kids.

My opinion is that none of the modifications that have been discussed
actually change the language into something better.  Everything that you can
do with the proposed modification, you can do without.  Sure multiple
inheritance makes this easier, but opens up cans of worms only solved in
hundreds of development iterations.  Sure typing (even optionally) keeps you
from shooting yourself in the foot, or at least from hurting yourself too
bad while doing it, but it also makes it just a little more difficult to
program.  Operator overloading makes it so that you don't have to type so
much, but adds no functionality to the language (It bugged me too until I
learned Java, and what is referred to as operator hell).  Case Sensitivity
just makes it so that if you can't remember if it's myFunction or MyFunction
or myfunction or MYFunction or myFUNCTION (you get the picture) you have to
go and look it up before your script will run.

I propose that all discussion of adding to or changing the language itself
be suspended until such time as it can be demonstrated that PHP can be
maintained in and of itself in its current state, and this by use of the
following milestones:
*  A complete regression test suite that is maintained concurrently with the
development effort.  Each bug that is fixed receives a test case to be
checked with make test).  A lot of extensions don't even have test suites.
And last time I ran make test, the results were so useless and
non-representative that I no longer try to run it.  (Granted that was a
couple of months ago.)
*  Nightly snapshot builds on the big three: Linux, Windows, and Solaris.
I/My company can donate cycles to this task on some pretty nice machines if
*  Complete core compatibility on all *NIX platforms as well as Windows.  If
a function cannot be implemented on any given platform, it should be
deprecated/removed from the core.  Register_Shutdown_function comes to mind.
*  Average new daily valid bug reports should be less than 10.  Average
daily open bug reports should be no more than 100.  I've got ideas on how to
help make this happen, and will release them to any who asks.
*  Extensions that do not compile and function on every platform should be
removed to some non-core location.  If it's not portable, then it's not PHP.
*  Complete documentation on every extension and function and structure and
operator and nuance and etc of the PHP core.

If and only if all of the above conditions are met can we think about
extending/tweaking the language.  If we do, any more than has already been
done, before we have that solid base, PHP is going to be so top heavy, and
so bottom weak that it will collapse.


P.S.  RANT Abstract=Why my company, and as a result, I won't be using PHP
anymore, and why this discussion won't change that outcome.My work with
php has come about because we decided that php would be the best platform in
which to create a web application.  We had experience with mod_perl, CGI, as
well as Java, and by far the easiest to use and the quickest to develop in
is PHP.  The entire application was written procedurally.  Only at the very
end did I create a class, and that because I didn't feel like passing 6 or 7
parameters when I made a function call and I was being lazy.  I never was
upset because php didn't have this language feature or that OO nicety.
What did get me was the non-portability of the supposedly portable
Scripting Language, but there are open bugs on all of those issues.
Nobody's even tried to touch those bugs, but they're open.  Now, because of
the gotchas we had with the first app, the next web application will be done
in C/C++ because it turns out that PHP is not as portable as we were led to
believe.  This feature or that feature or the other may or may not be
available on a given platform.

We all have more important things to do: I'd really like the
Register_Shutdown_function bug that's been around since the release of 4.1
to be fixed.  Then while you're at it, get it working on Windows.  That
takes precedence over ANY language extensions in my mind, as do all of the
open bugs in the bugs database.

On a different vein: have you ever tried selling a PHP application to a
customer?  How about a customer that only has Windows/IIS in house and
doesn't feel comfortable about bringing in a *NIX/Apache server in to deploy
your product?  They care not about whether it is case sensitive, or how
Object Oriented it is.  They want it to run, run well, and run without
crashing.  As a general rule, PHP/IIS is experimental at best, but nobody
seems to want or to be able to work on it.  So we lose sales...  I've tried,
but failed because I can't understand the Zend engine.  What do those lost
sales translate to?  You guessed it, our next application will not be
developed in PHP, and our current app probably will be rewritten in C.  And
I won't be able to contribute anymore.  Such is 

[PHP-DEV] Zend Engine unloading extension in the wrong order

2002-06-06 Thread Brian France

I have been tracking down a core dump with my php extension when it 
is unloading some of its shared libraries.  I have shared extension 
that is link against libexpat and will load fine if it is the only on 
in the php.ini.  If I then load extension then my extension it 
works fine, but if it is my extension then it crashes while is unloading libexapt.

What I have found is the Zend Engine is unloading extension in the 
same order it loaded them.



I believe this is wrong and think it should be in reverse order.



There are two ways to fix this problem.  One is to push the modules 
to the head of the hash, but looking at the zend_hash_add function I 
decided to go with the second.  Second way is to destroy them in 
reverse order.  I created a zend_hash_reverse_destroy and call that 
instead of zend_hash_destroy.  There may be a better way to do this, 
but this is the quick fix for me.

I have included a patch below, should I submit a bug report as well?



diff -rc php-4.2.1/Zend/zend.c
*** php-4.2.1/Zend/zend.c   Tue Feb 26 10:59:25 2002
--- php-4.2.1/Zend/zend.c   Thu Jun  6 11:32:57 2002
*** 487,493 
 zend_destroy_rsrc_list(EG(persistent_list) TSRMLS_CC);
!   zend_hash_destroy(module_registry);
--- 487,493 
 zend_destroy_rsrc_list(EG(persistent_list) TSRMLS_CC);
!   zend_hash_reverse_destroy(module_registry);
diff -rc php-4.2.1/Zend/zend_hash.c
*** php-4.2.1/Zend/zend_hash.c  Mon Apr 22 23:53:26 2002
--- php-4.2.1/Zend/zend_hash.c  Thu Jun  6 11:32:57 2002
*** 550,555 
--- 550,579 

+ ZEND_API void zend_hash_reverse_destroy(HashTable *ht)
+ {
+   Bucket *p, *q;
+   p = ht-pListTail;
+   while (p != NULL) {
+   q = p;
+   p = p-pLast;
+   if (ht-pDestructor) {
+   ht-pDestructor(q-pData);
+   }
+   if (!q-pDataPtr  q-pData) {
+   pefree(q-pData, ht-persistent);
+   }
+   pefree(q, ht-persistent);
+   }
+   pefree(ht-arBuckets, ht-persistent);
+ }

   ZEND_API void zend_hash_clean(HashTable *ht)

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[PHP-DEV] Re: [Zend Engine 2] PHP in the future

2002-06-06 Thread gi

i really agree with brad.

im the kind of person that would like php to turn into java while still 
having the php look and feel.

i did a few courses of java my employer send me to and i really appreciate 
OO now that i got a taste of it.
because of these courses i started programingen OO in php, as much as this 
is possible and soon stumbled across al of php's short commings on this 
subject :(

i don't think it will have any negative effects on php implementing more OO 
lots of people out there don't even know what it is and they will code just 
as happily as they were before.
still you could say that those people would have problems reading other 
peoples code because it would be OO written,
but than again,
already lots of code is being written in php in an OO way so one could say 
that OO shouldn't have been implemented, however simple, in the first place 
as it has been.
but the php devolopers did.

in holland we have a saying:
who says A must say B ;)
in other words,
if you give people a taste of the goodies they'll be banging on your door 
for more in no time...

so here i am ;)

At 10:26 6-6-2002 -0700, brad lafountain wrote:

--- Zeev Suraski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  At 07:01 PM 6/6/2002, brad lafountain wrote:
  Please don't reply to this email saying Use Java... Because php is 
  than java and always will be even with these new features.
  Brad, I beg you, there's nothing anybody can say on this list that would
  lead this to closure.  Nothing.  I believe that adding the things you
  mentioned does indeed turn PHP into Java, just a messy Java, Java which is
  worse at being Java than the real one is, and torn apart when compared
  against it.

  Why do you think it would be messy.

  Many others feel the same way.  You don't think that way, and
  I respect it, and there are also others who feel the same way too.  If 
  or others, want to take PHP into that direction - non-web-centric, more
  complicated language - it's your right, and you can do it outside the 
  of PHP (or fork).  I believe it's a bad thing for PHP (both having these
  patches in general and forking), but you don't necessarily share this 

  I do believe that making a fork or patches for php is a bad thing. It 
lead into a big mess. But at the same time i believe more strongly that cs 
is a
good thing, types are a good thing and stronger oo support is a good thing. To
me these are more important.

  There's one thing that is clear to me - there's no way to 'find a
  solution', because we don't, at all, agree about the existence of the
  problem.  If you believe these features belong in PHP and that it should
  import all (or most) of Java's features, we (and many others) have a
  fundamental gap in our perception of what PHP should be, and how it can
  stay competitive.

  This is exactly true. I really feel that php/zend engine could be a alot 
than you must think it can be.

  The thing is the stuff that I/many people have in mind won't harm php as it
is, its just that some people don't want these new features.

  string $var;
  int $int;

  $var = 123; // var will be a string
  $int = $var; // int will be a int

  $var2 = $var; // will be string NOTE: var2 wasn't declared
  $var2 = $int; // will be int

  // this is almost like a auto conversion... nothing more nothing less

  $ret = doSomething($var2, $var2);

  function doSomething(string $str, int $int)


OO Support:

interface thread
  function run();

class MyClass implements thread
  function run()

  function setSomething(string $test)
   $this-something = $test;

  opperator +(MyClass $class)
   $this-something = $class-something;

  opperator +(MyOtherClass $class)
   $this-something = $class-otherSomething;

class MyOtherClass extends MyClass

Someone posted a good mi example i don't recall where it may be

class Person
  function hello()

class OtherPerson
  function hello()

class MulitPersonalites extends Person, otherPerson
  var $currPerson;

  function MulitPersonalites()

  function Person::hello()
   return super() .  from multi;

  function hello()
   if($this-currPerson == Jake)

what ever the syntax should be

don't forget about the public private

Multi threading:
  I know this is a huge change but.. again i think it is a good thing.

Case Sensitive:
  I know the reasons for and against this and i agree with both of them. But I
would rather see CS.

For the most part the only argument against these is do we need it and it
will make things slower. Maybe somepeople do maybe somepeople don't but if
someone thinks they need it then probally others do too, how much slower 
some of these changes make the engine? 

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [Zend Engine 2] PHP in the future

2002-06-06 Thread Zeev Suraski

Aggregation sometimes involves delegation.  The 'parent' object delegates 
requests to the right aggregated objects (in other cases, the 'parent' 
object returns its aggregated objects and you use them directly).


At 10:43 PM 6/6/2002, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
Andi Gutmans wrote:
  The talk was about aggregation of instances of classes with auto-proxy.

   I think that's called delegation, not aggregation. Have a look at what
   the JavaLab guys at my University are doing under the term


   It'd be cool to have something like that in PHP :-)

   Sebastian Bergmann

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RE: [PHP-DEV] How do I access a hash from an extention/module?

2002-06-06 Thread Emanuel Dejanu

I think that the best will be that somebody with a hole experience in
PHP internals to write a book, I will sure buy it.

Best regards,

Emanuel Dejanu

-Original Message-
From: Eric Veldhuyzen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 6 iunie 2002 16:59
To: Markus Fischer
Cc: fabwash; Eric Veldhuyzen; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] How do I access a hash from an extention/module?

On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 03:45:08PM +0200, Markus Fischer wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 09:36:29AM -0400, fabwash wrote :
   It would be nice it there was some REAL documentation about the API...
  Amen to that!!!.. I spent exactely 5 1/2 hours yesterday trying to
create a
  resource that is a structure which contains a set of pointers to an
array of
  objects (yeah it's complicated but it's great when it works !), then
  retrieve the array, walk throught it, get the objects back from the
  and do something with them.
  Works fine for now (although i'm sure i have major memory leaks for now
  because i'm not sure how to deallocate and when to do it, when to add
  references and remove references), but some documentation would have
  my research, trial and error, multiple compilations, tests, other source
  reading, debugging time, etc..
  I get great help from people here on specific issues, but i'd rather
  some documentation before asking stupid questions.

 Actually, there is:

I've read that. Multiple times. But it is hardly anything close to real
documentation. Claiming that this is real documentation is like explaining
how to write a 'hello world' program in C is real documateion about how
to write real programs in C. It is a nice primer, but nothing more than
that. It explains how to werite a VERY basic extention and then stops.

Not my idea of real documentation.

I would settle for a small summary of all the functions one might want
to call, with a short description of its function and the parameters it
acceepts. That would be terrific.

 I've seen quite a few people in the last months writing
 extenions and therefore they know how it is for a
 newcommer. Yet no one asked if he can help out with the

To write documentation you first have to know how it works. And I am
nowhere near that. I have written some code that seems to work, but
since none of tha parameters are described and there is hardly any
comment in de PHP source code it is very hard to be able to understand
how it all works.

#!perl #   Life ain't fair, but root passwords help.
# Eric Veldhuyzen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
$!=$;=$_+(++$_);($:,$~,$/,$^,$*,$@)=$!=~   # Perl Monger
/.(.)...(.)(.)(.)..(.)..(.)/;`$^$~$/$: $^$*$@$~ $_$;`

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