Re: [PHP]

2009-07-13 Thread Reese

Paul M Foster wrote:

On Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 08:14:35AM -0700, PHPScriptor wrote:

Ok this may look like spam but what the hell...

I'm the owner of, I had bigg plans with this domainname
but... well yes, no time. So I'm selling it. I don't want to make profit out
of it. So for, lets say 200 dollar, you can have to domainname. And if you
want, you get the website free with it.

Why am I reminded of the Vincent D'Onofrio Edgar-cum-cochroach
character when I read those lines above? I found myself adopting
the cochroach accent as I read the first line. Seriously.

You don't want to make a profit, yet you're selling it for $200? Those
two statements are contradictory.

He has a lot of mouths to feed. Plus if he's been sitting on it,
the $200 might let him break even.

I've learned that much, eh?


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Re: [PHP] isset question

2009-06-20 Thread Reese

Waynn Lue wrote:

I notice that you're checking $_POST['mort'] but you're echoing $mort,
is that your actual code?

That was my observation as well. Is $mort = $POST['mort']; being
set somewhere else or not? If not, how is your script supposed to
know what value $mort should be?

And, what the other guys said. Gary, before you do anything with
submitted data you need to process it against strip_tags() and/or
htmlentities() at the very least, mysql_real_escape_string() if
the data goes to a db.



On 6/18/09, Gary wrote:

I have a form that gives the submitter a choice or either one set of
questions, or another. I am still getting the message even if the input was
left blank.  So on the line below,

$msg.=  isset($_POST['mort']) ? The mortgage amount is  $mort\n :  ;

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Re: [PHP] utf-8 ?

2009-05-03 Thread Reese

Tom Worster wrote:

Because, I thought, HTML files were basically just text files with
different file extensions, and that those other characters would not
store or display properly if saved in .txt format. Was I mistaken?

yes. see

which says that html uses the UCS, a character-by-character equivalent to
the Unicode character set. so if you use a unicode character encoding (such
as utf-8) then you you have a direct encoding for every unicode character in

I wonder if you've looked at any of those non-encoded characters in vi
while shelled in.

so a utf-8 html file or stream should normally to have no entities other
than lt;, gt;, $amp; and perhaps quot; as needed.

Well there it is, that should word. I've already named one example
where should doesn't work as expected in all cases, here's another
one: Client blog that uses Wordpress and the UTF-8 charset. Text that
is copied  pasted with non-English letters  fancy punctuation marks
displays alright in the body-text of posts, but not in post subject
lines. I think that's because Wordpress is doing some conversions in
the background, but isn't doing them everywhere. So when one of those
is present in the subject line, there's a little glyph that shows up
when viewed in a Web browser. Unless that character is properly encoded
by me. Have you looked at the Wordpress wp-includes/formatting.php file?
Lots of busy work in the form of substituting one thing for another
thing, there.

That is supposed to be a UTF-8 encoded text file, between 1/3 and 1/2
of the characters do not display correctly on my screen.

why this doesn't work for you is not clear. it could be that your browser
has a preference configured to override the charset specified in the http
headers. or perhaps the browser does not observe the specified content type
for txt files.

I don't think it has anything to do with configuration preferences like
that. I'm running Win2K as indicted earlier, the client is running a Mac
and he sees the same thing I do - in Safari and MacFF both. What OS are
you running? I'd expect XP or Vista to behave slightly differently from
Win2k, and who knows what different Linux distros will do w/out testing.

Either way,
this next link suggests that Turkish characters with no equivalent in
the English language should be encoded for Web display:

don't believe everything you read on the web. while some browsers may
tolerate it, i don't think pages encoded according to those suggestions
would even be valid html.

I'll let you investigate that at - I satisfied
my curiosity about that long before you said anything.

And because that is off-topic, I'll throw this in:

The consensus seems to be that the proposed ifset() and ifempty()
functions are more effort than they are worth. What I'd like to know
is, why empty() still exists when every time I turn around, the
mentors I turn to locally tell me not to use it, to use isset()
instead. Because empty() doesn't work with zero. Anyone care to take
a stab at that?

perhaps because it's hard to get rid of language elements without breaking
existing code?

Perhaps. I think Chris said it best, they serve difference purposes.
It's been my observation though, they can generally be interchanged
with minor changes to syntax. Unless working with zero.


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Re: [PHP] utf-8 ?

2009-04-30 Thread Reese

Tom Worster wrote:

why use SGML character entity references in a utf-8 file or stream? can't
you just put the character in the file?

Because, I thought, HTML files were basically just text files with
different file extensions, and that those other characters would not
store or display properly if saved in .txt format. Was I mistaken?

That is supposed to be a UTF-8 encoded text file, between 1/3 and 1/2
of the characters do not display correctly on my screen. Either way,
this next link suggests that Turkish characters with no equivalent in
the English language should be encoded for Web display:

And because that is off-topic, I'll throw this in:

The consensus seems to be that the proposed ifset() and ifempty()
functions are more effort than they are worth. What I'd like to know
is, why empty() still exists when every time I turn around, the
mentors I turn to locally tell me not to use it, to use isset()
instead. Because empty() doesn't work with zero. Anyone care to take
a stab at that?


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Re: [PHP] utf-8 ?

2009-04-29 Thread Reese

Tom Worster wrote:

On 4/28/09 4:05 PM, Reese wrote:

Granted, this isn't a PHP question but I'm curious, how does UTF-8 solve
this display issue?

if we're talking about web browsers, they are quite good at automatically
choosing fonts that can display the unicode characters it finds in a page.

Right, and I figured out the bit that was confusing me earlier: years
ago, I read that some encodings such as #0147; and #0148; (curly
quotes) should not be used, that #8220; and #8221; should be used
instead. I misremembered that, when I looked at the utf-8 charset here:

I stand apprised and enlightened. I found the encodings for letters G
with breve, S with cedilla, and lower case I w/out the dot, too.


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Re: [PHP] utf-8 ?

2009-04-28 Thread Reese

Tom Worster wrote:

On 4/27/09 4:25 PM, PJ wrote:

Exactly what are the advantages of using utf-8? How will it solve my

actually, i have no idea because i have no idea what problem you are trying
to solve and i apologize for presumptuous. i presumed that you have a php
app with a bunch of data in mysql and you needed to handle international
characters in the db beyond latin-1.

Actually, that describes me. I'm using UTF-8 on XHTML 1 pages with
the .php extension, so that I can do wizard-like things when it is 
necessary. But I recently encountered an issue with a lengthy passage

Turkish text where it was necessary to display accent marks on consonant
characters. Particularly, on upper and lower case G characters.

Granted, this isn't a PHP question but I'm curious, how does UTF-8 solve
this display issue? Because I've Googled until I'm blue in the face
but I didn't find a resolution that was ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8 compatible.

Bringing it back around, thank you Tedd for the suggestion of going
through the .docs and writing examples of each function. Brilliant!


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Re: [PHP] What is wrong with this code

2009-04-18 Thread Reese

9el wrote:

*Note:* It is worth noting that the mail() function is not suitable for
larger volumes of email in a loop. This function opens and closes an SMTP
socket for each email, which is not very efficient.
For the sending of large amounts of email, see the » PEAR::Mail, and »
PEAR::Mail_Queue packages.
Note:* The following RFCs may be useful: » RFC 1896, » RFC 2045, » RFC 2046,
» RFC 2047, » RFC 2048, » RFC 2049, and » RFC 2822.

Copy from PHP Manual.

How is larger volumes of email defined where mail() is concerned?
Is a number specified anywhere? I didn't see one on the manual page
for mail().


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Re: [PHP] What is wrong with this code

2009-04-18 Thread Reese

9el wrote:

But in practice. I mean in real life you'll find the mail() function is
disabled in most servers :)

That's nice, but how many is larger volumes of email? 500? 5,000?

I note PEAR:Mail has 3 open bugs, PEAR:Mail_Mime has 23 with 3 open
support requests. PHPMailer was mentioned earlier, it has 31 open
bugs (and someone noted that at least one was closed as resolved
even though it wasn't actually fixed).

So how many addresses can mail() safely handle?


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Re: [PHP] Randomiser

2008-10-19 Thread Reese

Andrew Barnett wrote:

I ended up using an example from the PHP website.

$input = array(Neo, Morpheus, Trinity, Cypher, Tank);
$rand_keys = array_rand($input, 2);
echo $input[$rand_keys[0]] . \n;
echo $input[$rand_keys[1]] . \n;

Just extended the array to the number of lines I needed.

That works, but shuffle() is cleaner and then you can echo things
out with a foreach() expression.


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Re: [PHP] Randomiser

2008-10-19 Thread Reese

Chris wrote:

That works, but shuffle() is cleaner and then you can echo things
out with a foreach() expression.

If you're doing a shuffle inside a loop, it's going to be even slower. 
Might not be an issue for the OP but after your array gets to a certain 
size, doing that will be a problem.

Inside the loop? I envisioned shuffling the array, then launching
the loop. Probably it is possible to avoid but if shuffle fires
inside the loop, reshuffling seems like it would be an issue.


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Re: [PHP] php image and javascript include

2008-09-07 Thread Reese

javasac wrote:


Where is the PHP? There's nothing between ?php and ? tags. Nothing
between PHP short tags ( ? and ? ), either.


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Re: [PHP] php image and javascript include

2008-09-07 Thread Reese

b wrote:

javasac wrote:

[lots of stuff ...]

Second, at least one of the image paths is relative to your own desktop 
computer's drive (why is it that this always happens on a Windows box?)

  td width=11
  C:/wamp/www/yojoe-web/html/site/images/box_top_rht.jpg /td

PEBKAC error? I've seen it happen when an inexperienced developer
copied a file to another location, from within Dreamweaver, on a
Mac. Dreamweaver updates the file path(s) if permitted and depending
on a couple of variables, puts in an absolute path to the location
on that particular machine.


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[PHP] Evaluating script complexity

2008-09-06 Thread Reese

Good morning everyone,

I've usually taken a dive-in/head-first approach to the things I've
engaged in, more and more lately I've come to realize that this
approach is not always appropriate. I believe this realization can
be called experience.

So, I have a question I hoped the group could help me with. While it
is generally applicable to programming in any language, I am asking
with specific regard to PHP.

When a customer, client or supervisor presents with task description,
how is that tasking rated for complexity? By how many functions are
involved? My how many logic decisions must be performed? A combination?
Now throw in a time factor. What if your ability would have you
completing it in 12 hours but they want it in 6? Or 4? Are there
guidelines for helping someone new at these types of evaluations?
Or is it all based on experience and familiarity with past
accomplishments? Given the nature of this tasking (a coding challenge)
how likely is it that they do not really expect a finished product
but wanted to see how far a person got with it? If that, is 16 hours
(overnight) excessive? How many of us are willing to stay up all
night on a coding challenge for a prospective employer with no promise
of being hired?

The reason I ask, I saw tasking to create a loan repayment calendar
(or calculator). So basically, all the usual complexity of a calendar
(or calculator), then calculate weekends and holidays, and shift the
paydate to the left as needed to not fall on one of those.

Now figure that the usual time to complete this task (just the
processing script, not a GUI for it) is claimed to be 3-4 hours (but
16 hours are given). So while I want to know how to rate tasking
complexity more generally, at root I'm wondering what degree of
proficiency (with PHP) must a programmer have to complete this sort
of task in those sorts of time frames.


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Re: [PHP] New years resolution: To get serious with my programming! Anyone wanna help? :)

2008-01-16 Thread Reese

Daniel Brown wrote:

On Jan 15, 2008 6:42 PM, Jochem Maas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

funny that, I usually use 'exit;' for a clean exit and 'die();' to signify
a shitty exit ... although they are actually indentical functionally - just
my idiosyncrasity ... that said I also so stuff like 'exit(1);' when I really
want to offer a proper exit code. :-/


While I'd be more inclined to believe that die() would be
considered more of a function (which is why I continue to write it
with the attached parentheses) than a language construct (such as
'exit'), it appears to be nothing more than a matter of semantics in

I saw questioning whether die() was a really function or not, as
metaphorical joke on the metaphysical. Maybe I'm just weird.

Other discussion re: globals-on has me thinking about an element of
coding on a client site I haven't reviewed lately, a move to OOP seems
indicated. Is that the usual method to avoid that or is that just one
of several methods?

Ulex (channeling an English teacher who said That that is that that
that was technically correct in English but she wouldn't explain it
to the class at the time. It was high school, many years ago.)

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[PHP] uh oh, I defined a resoruce

2008-01-10 Thread reese
I have been using define to create a constant for the link resource returned by 
pconnect like so:

$PL = @mysql_pconnect(localhost, $DBUser, $DBPass);

Later I use the constant to select my databases.

mysql_select_db($SrcdbID ,SITE_DB);

This code seems to be working as I expected and I have many thousands of llines 
of code 
done over several years using this construct. 

But, I happened to be reading the php doco today and noticed that you are not 
supposed to 
use define for resources, so question is, is what I am doing safe or am I going 
to run into 
problems and if so what is the best way to globally pass resources to multiple 
classes and 
functions, command line scripts etc?

Charlie Reese

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Re: [PHP] Login script problem

2008-01-05 Thread Reese

Daniel Brown wrote:

if(!isset($key=='1')) //caused parse error

That's because isset() isn't able to eval() an expression.  

Got it, I see the mistake now.

Remove the !isset() part, or the =='1' part and that will remove 
the parse error.

I changed it to if(!isset($key)) and you were right, the parse error
went away. This change seems to have no effect on access code logins
(I'm able to log in, as expected) or IP-authenticated logins (I still
cannot log in, even though my IP is in the MySQL db).


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[PHP] Login script problem

2008-01-04 Thread Reese


I've been lurking for several weeks, I thought I'd post to describe
a problem I've been having in the hope that a solution can be found.
And my thanks to Casey, for his offlist assistance with another,
unrelated issue earlier this week.  :-)

I apologize up front, for what is probably too much information.
I know this will take some time to read and digest.

On a client's site (PHP4 environment, natch), two login methods are
used to control access to premium content. The first sets a cookie
when valid access codes are submitted via the login form, there are
no known problems with that method at this time.

The second method was grafted on top of the first by a 2nd programmer.
It is a link to the verification script (index1.php) that is supposed
to do IP lookups in a MySQL db table. The table is called getIPval
and has 4 Fields, which are named 'nIP','ipStart','ipEnd','nStatus'

All ipStart/ipEnd ranges have a status of 1, and can accommodate
the number of characters required for IPv6 addresses but to the best
of my knowledge, no IPv6 addresses are listed at this time (there are
a couple thousand line items).

The script(s) is supposed to check rows in the table and if the
requesting IP is = ipStart AND = ipEnd on a given row, grant
access to the requesting IP [load the page identified by the rYear
(decade)  year (actual year) variables called out in the navigation
link] - the default page after login is /1940s/1949.php . If the
requesting IP is not found, the user is to be bounced to the login
page [index.php]. Outside of these two scripts, the 'rYear'and 'year'
values are passed via GET in the navigation links, the key is not
passed by the navigation links. To repair emergent problems with the
1st access method while getting the 2nd access method to work, the
key was introduced but it is not included in the navigation links.
An example nav link looks something like this:


Or at least, that is how it is all supposed to work, per my
understanding of the programmer's description and my own understanding
after reviewing the code myself.

The Problem
A growing number of what are supposed to be authorized, IP-authenticated
users have reported an inability to navigate away from the initial
premium content page, 1949.php, after the script checks their IP and
lets them in that far. Access code users do not report difficulties.

I've been over this with the programmer, he says he cannot find
anything wrong with the PHP scripts. I've checked some of the affected
IP-range entries in the MySQL db table, our best guess to date has
been that a cache server is misbehaving somewhere. Neither of us is
able to duplicate the reported error of not being able to navigate
away from the 1949 page.
What I have observed recently however, with my own IP listed in the
db table as part of a range, sometimes the script will randomly either
let me in or not let me in. Whichever state it is in, persists, until
new changes are made when it will then either let me in or not.
It always lets me in if I list my specific IP (not as part of a range).

So as the number of users who report the navigation difficulty grows,
I am beginning to wonder if there might really be a problem in the
script that the programmer isn't seeing for whatever reason. Does
anyone see anything obviously wrong in the code below?

I've obscured the actual server domain name, login, passwords, and some
path statements. Watch for line wraps.



//login script, invoked by all premium content pages via GET
//file name index1.php
$link = mysql_connect('mysql_server_url', 'login_id', 'login_password');
if (!$link) {
die('Not connected : ' . mysql_error());
// make mrfsql_db1 the current db
$db_selected = mysql_select_db('login_id', $link);
if (!$db_selected) {
die ('Can\'t use foo : ' . mysql_error());
$domain = GetHostByName($REMOTE_ADDR); // users IP//
$yrs = $_REQUEST['rYear'].'s';
$yr = $_REQUEST['year'];
function getIP($cdomain)
$sql= SELECT nStatus FROM getIPval  WHERE  ipStart ='.$cdomain.' 
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
return $row['nStatus'];
$row = getIP($domain);
$pcode = $_COOKIE[monthcode];
if($row == '1' || $pcode!='')
header(Location: decade/$yrs/$yr.php?key=1);
$sdomain = explode(.,$domain);
$cdomain = $sdomain['0'].'.'.$sdomain['1'].'.'.'0'.'.'.'0';
$row = getIP($cdomain);
if($row == '1'  $sdomain['3'] 256)
header('Location: decade/1940s/1949.php?key=1');
header('Location: index.php');

Below, the check script that is used on all other premium pages.
Its intended function is to verify that the user is authorized

Re: [PHP] Login script problem

2008-01-04 Thread Reese

Web Design Company wrote:



Please, if you do not need amplifying information or if you do
not intend to pose a suggestion, it is better to remain silent.
I wasn't helped by your Someone? post, no one else was either.


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Re: [PHP] Login script problem

2008-01-04 Thread Reese

Daniel Brown wrote:



While I noticed several areas for improvement in the code (such as
being sure to exit; after calling header(Location: ); ), two
things primarily come to mind:

Do you expect the value of $key in this condition to be a literal zero?
$twoyears = array('alphanumeric_code1', 'alphanumeric_code2',
'alphanumeric_code3', 'alphanumeric_code4', 'alphanumeric_code5',
'alphanumeric_code6', 'alphanumeric_code7');
$key = in_array($sPromocode,$twoyears);

No, it should either be 1 if set or NULL(?) if not set, there is
nothing to set that value to 0 - only this check to see if it is
== to 0. Is this another area, like the one Casey helped with
earlier, where '!empty' was being used instead of 'isset'?

The programmer is aware that improvement is possible and we've had
some discussions in that regard, but owing to this being a for a
friend item and his currently declared job demands, either he is
truly swamped or he is brushing me off. I'm willing to give him
benefit of the doubt, until I'm confronted with evidence to the

Also, what about ISPs such as AOHell who use fully-dynamic IP
proxies that change on location, at time intervals, and are
interspersed with random changes?  Even putting that into a range
won't help, as it's likely the IP will only have the network prefix
(and perhaps the same Class B slot).

That's an area where I left detail out, my apologies. The dual login
mechanisms are geared towards accommodating this, AOHell users will
tend to be individual entities and the 'access code' mechanism is
geared towards them. Meanwhile, entities with static, assigned IP
addresses such as libraries on city networks are meant to be given
IP-based access, hence the other login validation method (which
isn't working quite right).


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