Re: [PHP] Please Help!

2006-01-25 Thread Steve Clay
Wednesday, January 25, 2006, 2:52:21 PM, S Yang wrote:
  Which method might I use to split the signature I have built in PHP into
 (r,s)? How can I know what the signature looks like?

Run the function and pass it a $signature.
According to the manual, if successful, $signature will be altered.  You
tell /us/ what it looks like and we'll help you split it. ;)


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Re[2]: [PHP] XML and special characters

2006-01-23 Thread Steve Clay
Sunday, January 22, 2006, 10:10:54 PM, Adam Hubscher wrote:
 ee dee da da da? sect;eth; -- those that look like html entities are
 the represented characters. I was mistaken, they are html entities, 

Can you show us a small chunk of this XML that throws errors?

You said you've tried various parsers.  Did none of those parsers have
error logging capabilities?  Show us the errors.


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Re[2]: [PHP] Re: Managing sessions...

2006-01-23 Thread Steve Clay
Monday, January 23, 2006, 5:06:02 AM, David BERCOT wrote:
 But, I have just another question about all the options I have to put in
 this file... Is it necessary to do all of this (sorry for my

Check phpinfo(). Several of those settings may already be set by your
server's php.ini file. Generally, using ini_set() should be a last resort
because, once PHP is running, it's too late to change certain settings.


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Re: [PHP] DOM saveHTML() not outputting XHTML Strict

2006-01-23 Thread Steve Clay
Monday, January 23, 2006, 1:35:13 PM, Chris wrote:
 the -saveHTML() method ... outputs as `option selected`
 I need my output HTML to conform to XHTML strict.

Since XHTML is XML, try -saveXML()?


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Re: [PHP] Can PHP works with telnet?

2006-01-22 Thread Steve Clay
Sunday, January 22, 2006, 8:56:01 PM, HoWang wrote:
 software. I have made a quick search on but I can't found amy
 extension support telnet. Is there any way to do so? Or it is impossible

Try which uses fsockopen [1].
CURL [2] /claims/ telnet support, but this post [3] leads me to believe
it's pretty limited.



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Re[2]: [PHP] Validating Radio Buttons in two directions

2006-01-18 Thread Steve Clay
Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 11:33:18 PM, HiFi Tubes wrote:
 Thanks to all of you who responded.  Yes, I am doing the grid --basically
 100 radio buttons, that is ten comments that must be ranked from 1 to 10.

Ugh.  If you absolutely can't use Javascript, here's an idea:
Present this question by itself as two lists: on top an unordered list of
options, on bottom an ordered list (initially empty).  Each item will have a
set of links (icons maybe) to place this item next (if in the top list)
or move up/down or remove the item (if in the ordered list).  The user
would click the links to move around the choices until he/she is ready to
submit that question:

add items: _eggs_ , _milk_

1 candy _remove_


1 candy _remove_  _down_
2 eggs  _remove_ _up_ _down_
3 milk  _remove_ _up_

The nice thing is, each page you generate would be a valid response so you,
nor the user, has to worry about, eg. submitting two items in 3rd place.
It would also be /much/ simpler for the user to rearrange items since
he/she no longer has the burden of renumbering each choice.

You could potentially add Javascript onto this setup so that the movement
would be updated purely on the page or with only a minimal XMLHTTPRequest

Another idea: just require Javascript and save yourself reinventing the
wheel. is a mature survey system with
ranking question types and nice data export options.


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Re[2]: [PHP] Best way to do this:

2006-01-17 Thread Steve Clay
Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 10:54:21 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you can't set a new 'default page' on your server, using a
 header('Location: ...') will simulate the same thing.

Not really.  Sending a Location: header says, this page is temporarily
moved and the browser has to send a 2nd request for the new location.
Whether redirecting via PHP (header), javascript or meta-refresh, these all
needlessly force the browser to ask for the page twice, and potentially
cause bookmarking/spidering issues when used for the home page.  Amazon
does this and it's annoying; some browsers just will not remember the
plain old; that you typed in because only a redirect
lives there. 

With a proper server config, the contents of start.php would be immediately
sent to the browser.  This is good.  But if you can't set this on the server,
this simple PHP script (index.php) does the same thing:
?php require 'start.php'; ?


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Re[2]: [PHP] Best way to do this:

2006-01-16 Thread Steve Clay
Monday, January 16, 2006, 5:14:49 PM, tg-php wrote:
 Should just be a matter of adding start.php to your defaults list in
 whatever priority order you want.

Apache's .htaccess:
DirectoryIndex start.php index.php index.html

In start.php:
// instead of redirecting, just set page
if (!isset($_GET['page'])) {
  $_GET['page'] = 'home';

If, for some reason you /can't/ change the directory index page, make an
index.php with this:
// again, no redirect necessary
$_GET['page'] = 'home';


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[PHP] Re: Form variables not passing: globals IS on

2002-08-12 Thread Steve Clay

Monday, August 12, 2002, 4:57:36 AM, Petre wrote:
PA to the default php.ini, and have checked it and register_global = On

PHP settings can be altered outside of php.ini (using Apache .htaccess files
for example)  Add this line to page2.php to see the run-time setting:

echo  register_globals is : .ini_get('register_globals');

Something might be wrong with your PHP install if it's a recent
version and $_POST isn't there..  Try print_r($_POST);

PA echo  HTTP_POST_VARS :.$_HTTP_POST_VARS[test].br;

The deprecated POST array is $HTTP_POST_VARS (no preceding underscore).


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[PHP] massive find/replace on MySQL db

2002-06-15 Thread Steve Clay


I've inherited a MySQL db (4MB on disk) that's riddled with
inconsistent storage of character entities from being pasted from
Word.  At very least I hope to convert all quotes #145; - #148;
to HTML's #34; and #39;.

I imagine I'll run a big query, save the id's needing edit in a file
than have a script hit all those, pulling text/varchar fields, using
strtr() to make changes and updating.  I suppose I could have the
script just do the 1st 10 in the file, remove those from the file,
then I'd recall the script.  I imagine this might take 10/20 minutes.

Am I missing some internal MySQL feature that would do this?  Hmm,
what about running strtr() on a mysqldump-ed file?  Any advice/links
appreciated.  Please CC me.

Thanks a lot!


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Re[2]: [PHP] massive find/replace on MySQL db

2002-06-15 Thread Steve Clay

Saturday, June 15, 2002, 11:11:49 AM, Julie wrote:

JM update tablename set fieldwithcrap = replace(fieldwithcrap,
JM 'oldstring', 'newstring');

Julie, lovely solution and shockingly fast.  Thanks.


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[PHP] Re: 'Pure' php vs 'mixed' (html + php)

2002-06-03 Thread Steve Clay

Sunday, June 02, 2002, 7:55:09 PM, Andre wrote:
AD I've been wondering why code in 'pure' php? Is there some compelling reason
AD (that I'm unaware of) for doing so? Should I rewrite all my earlier code into 

Sorry to chime in so late, but IMO, be more concerned with
saving output for the last step in execution, because once it's echoed
out, there's no turning back or sending headers or a redirect..  Have
functions return strings instead of echo them (and take advantage of
 syntax for more readable string building), build up a document
into variables, send out at very end.

Some home-grown example code might be useful:


//setup session, DB, some common functions

// start building string array for later output
$Template[title] = query results;

// if DB problems, load content, output, quit.
if (!$dbi-connect()) {
$Template[main_content] =

// build result table HTML
$result_table = open_result_table();
$dbi-run_query(SELECT ..);
while ($row = $dbi-next_row_array()) {
$result_table .= EOD
$result_table .= /table\n;

// load results content
$results_copy = join('',file(about_results.html,1));

$Template[main_content] .= EOD
h1Query Results/h1
h2About Results/h2

if (//need to go elsewhere) {
header(Location: http://elsewhere;);

$_SESSION['last_accessed'] = $PHP_SELF;




Point is, at any point in execution cookies or headers can be sent or
content changed.  You end up with most content in seperate files and
script logic/execution very easy to understand/debug.  Stick a watch
echo anywhere in the code and it pops up at the top of the browser

For the above code, main_template.php is a full HTML document (only
HTML editor needed) with PHP tags in just a few spots to echo elements
of the $Template array:

title?php echo $Template['title'] ?/title
?php echo $Template['main_content'] ?

Bogdan wrote:
 There's an urban legend saying that switching php tags on and off would
 slow parsing down.

Content outside PHP tags gets to skip the parser.  From the manual:

..for outputting large blocks of text, dropping out of PHP parsing mode
is generally more efficient than sending all of the text through
echo() or print() or somesuch.


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[PHP] win32: migrating PWS to Apache

2002-05-30 Thread Steve Clay


On winNT I have Personal Web Server, PHP4.1.1, MySQL.

My target is Apache1.3, PHP4.2.2, Perl, MySQL.

Should I uninstall both PHP and PWS then install Apache, then PHP?
Would it be easier to uninstall mySQL and use a package like PHPtriad
than to set up Apache  PHP seperately?  A package of Apache, PHP and
Perl for win32 would be ideal for me.  Know of one?

What kind of problems would I expect by choosing Apache2.0?

This is for development so I like that I can bind Apache to and have several virtual hosts..

I'm on digest so please, CC me.  Thanks for any advice.


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[PHP] CGI / Apache module session permissions

2002-05-18 Thread Steve Clay


To perform a certain task I have to run one of my PHP scripts as a
CGI, which works fine except that the CGI doesn't have permissions to
my sessions that were saved running under the Apache module. I
expected different permissions, but I thought my user would have
/more/ permission to those files than the PHP user since they're saved
under my account..  Since I'm moving the user to a secure server with
this script I want to start a new session anyway, but I at least need
to read in the old session.

ideas anyone?  I do pass the script the SID so could I manually change
the permissions on the session file?

Any advice on transfering a session variable to a 2nd session?

Thanks for any help..

Please CC me as I'm on digest..

Running Linux, shared-hosting :(
Apache module: PHP 4.1.2
CGI module: PHP 4.0.6 :(


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[PHP] Re: CGI / Apache module session permissions

2002-05-18 Thread Steve Clay

Saturday, May 18, 2002, 1:05:30 PM, I wrote:
SC CGI, which works fine except that the CGI doesn't have permissions to
SC my sessions that were saved running under the Apache module. I

Figured it out:

from Apache mod script before CGI script:

//allow CGI to access session
$sess_file = session_save_path()./sess_.session_id();

Sorry for the noise..


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[PHP] Re: Sessions/Cookies and HTTP Auth

2002-03-28 Thread Steve Clay

Just as a note, recent builds of Mozilla have a cookie manager that is
the best for seeing exactly what's going on with your cookies.  You
can list by name or host and see all the properties of each.  Know
when your session cookies are sent/deleted, know if PHP is allowing
use of the same SESSID in a new session..

BTW the rest of the browser is tops as well.

As for David's post, keep in mind PHP won't generate an error if
a cookie isn't accepted.  I bet when cookies are turned off in some
browsers, the browser may accept it but throw it away.  Like junk
mail.  Could be wrong about this though..


Wednesday, March 27, 2002, 10:10:19 PM, David wrote:
DM 3.  I am thinking that I should get an error because I presume that
DM session_start() will attempt to set a cookie (which it appears to do).  
DM (I tried setcookie() too and the cookie was accepted.)

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[PHP] Re: Comparrison

2002-03-27 Thread Steve Clay


You probably want strstr().  or stristr().
Just as a usability recommendation on you code below, please don't restrict your pages
to IE only..  This would be better:

if (!strstr($HTTP_USER_AGENT,MSIE 5.5) {
  print Please note this page has functionality designed for IE5.5;

Users of perfectly good browsers like Mozilla, Opera, and IE5/mac won't be
locked out.


Wednesday, March 27, 2002, 7:46:12 AM, Ron wrote:
R How would I compare to variables where I would want one variable to equal
R only part or some of the other variable?
R Here is the code

R ?
R if ($HTTP_USER_AGENT !== %MSIE 5.5%) {
R  print You must upgrade your browser;
R } else {
R  exit;
R }


R Any suggestions


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[PHP] Re: Code Bulk

2002-03-26 Thread Steve Clay

GS ?php
GS echo 'Finished';

I can do one better:

... ?Finished?php ...

Seriously, I think he's right to think parsing 3000 lines with *every*
call will be less than ideal.  He should use include() conditionally
to grab only the necessary code, but only to an extent.  Then you
start adding your server's filesystem performance into the equation,
but if the server's decent it should have those cached or something -
It should at least be able to pull them faster than PHP could
interpret them.

Short answer: less to interpret = less time


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[PHP] semi-OT: moving PWS to Apache on NT

2002-03-25 Thread Steve Clay


I run Personal Web Server on NT just for local testing but I'm
considering installing Apache.  Would this allow me to run mod_php
instead of the CGI?  Ideally I'd like to configure Apache so that only
local requests are served - Is this easily done?

Anyone on NT/win2k have anything good to say about the v2.0 betas?


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[PHP] Re: RC4Crypt encryption opinions

2002-03-22 Thread Steve Clay


I tried it out.  The sample test crashed the PHP 4.0.5 CGI binary everytime on my winNT
system.  No script has ever /crashed/ the executable before, just might be worth note.


Friday, March 22, 2002, 12:45:11 AM, . wrote:
 I'm looking for opinions on RC4Crypt

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[PHP] eating mySQL result rows 1 by 1.. a better way?

2002-03-21 Thread Steve Clay


On my site I paginate query results by limiting rows output to a
value, say LIMIT, and then the 2nd, 3rd pages run the same query with
$skip=LIMIT, $skip=(LIMIT*2) value posted back.  I use the following
code to skip these result rows, which is just fetching the next row
to an unused array.

//if there are rows to skip
if ($result_rows  $rows_to_skip) {
   while ( $rows_to_skip ) {
  // eat a row

Can I make this more efficient?  Is there a way to eliminate this data
before it leaves the mySQL server (and would it be faster)?

If it makes any difference the average result row is probably around 40-50
bytes but some of these queries can return up to 850 rows..


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[PHP] Looking for modifiable web administration script for MySQL

2002-03-19 Thread Steve Clay

On another note,
Are there any open-source/freeware PHP scripts that have the
functionality of PHPMyAdmin, but modifiable for my custom tables/needs?  The
admin script I could write at this point would be an inferior web
interface for our MySQL DB (only 2 tables), so I'd rather save time
and just alter existing, well-crafted code and stick this on our
secure server.  How easy would it be to alter PHPMyAdmin itself?

Thanks for any insight..


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[PHP] sessions not so secure..solution?

2002-03-19 Thread Steve Clay

  I'm building an e-commerce site which uses sessions to
hold my $cart object.  This works great but I've two worries:

1) When the user connects through our secure hostname, can I ensure
the browser will send the server the cookie (w/ SESSID)?  The user
will shop through and checkout via
(haven't got cert yet)

2) While the user shops the SESSID is thrown around insecurely (no big
deal, just a cart).  But when I move the user to a secure server to
get sensitive info a resourceful hacker could also go to the checkout
script using this SESSID and 'confirm' the real user's personal
details (kept in another registered session object).

If I can't keep the user's details in the old session, can I delete
the old session and copy the cart to a new session?  Should I do this
anytime the user goes back to the insecure site and returns to finish
checking out?

As an alternative, would there be any problems with keeping the IP of
the user in a session variable for further authentication?  I assume
I'd record the IP immediately upon checking in at the secure server
then enforcing this per request.  That way, worst case scenario the
hackers gets a SESSID and heads to checkout first, server restricts
real user from accessing (because of different IP).

This is my first time coding for a secure server and my first post
here as well..


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Re[2]: [PHP] Anybody have a function to encode a string?

2002-03-19 Thread Steve Clay

Tuesday, March 19, 2002, 2:51:33 PM, Alexander wrote:
AS Well, use GnuPG.  Then you can use PGP.  And what you stated above is

Just some advice if you go with GPG and you don't have root/chown

Since you'll create your keyring under your user, you'll likely have
to run PHP as a CGI so that it has access to your keyrings and can use
a temp file.  You might get around this by making your keyrings
group-readable (for the PHP-user), but obviously w/ that *any* PHP
user on your server could potentially access your private key.  Then
again, if you only need to /send/ encrypted messages and you don't
include the server's key in the recipient list, it's no big deal
because the worst they could do is send messages to people signed as
your server.  They couldn't get the data.

In windows I found the easiest way to decode GPG-ed email from the server was
to install PGP6.5, the Bat! email client and generate a key w/o using
the IDEA algorithm.  Import this pub key into GPG on the server. There
are GPG tools for windows but I found Win mail clients still don't
support GPG anywhere near as much as PGP.  The Bat! can use GPG to
decrypt fine, but you have to enter your username and passphrase for
EVERY message. The Bat!s PGP plugin allows uid/passphrase cacheing for
a specified period of time, which was enough for me to switch.

A snippet of the code I'm using to encrypt:

//this already has the plaintext message
$plainfile = /home/me/.gnupg/temp/.$this-hash.'plain';

//this will be created having the encrypted version
$gpgedfile = /home/me/.gnupg/temp/.$this-hash.'gpg';

//shell command to call gpg
$command = gpg -e -q --no-secmem-warning ;

//encrypt for my array of recipients
foreach ($this-recipients as $recipient) {
   $command .= -r '$recipient' ;

//target will be ascii-armored and stderr sent to stdout
$command .= -ao '$gpgedfile' '$plainfile'  21;

//environment variable for GPG

//execute command
$this-error = exec($command);

//check error / read in $gpgedfile, unlink the files..

Hope this helps..


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