[PHP] problem with sessions config.

2008-03-21 Thread N . Boatswain

Hello guys; i'm having a problem with session behavior; i'm going straight to 
it, but first some considerations:
PHP Version 5.2.5IIF 5.1Running on localhost (XP machine)I start sessions at 
the top of every page. 

A the start of a test page, just as example, i do the assignment:   
$_SESSION[username] = aaa;

At the end of the same page i print it's value:  echo $_SESSION[username];

And i get the layout: aaa, as expecteed.

Then I redirect to another page. On that one, after initializating the session 
(session_start();) print again the $_SESSION[username] content and the 
result is empty. If i try the same code on a server (all this is on my local 
machine), the code works as expected; so i think it is a configuration problem, 
here is my php.ini part that correspond to session configuration, so you can 
tell my if i'm doing anything wrong, long comments where removed:

[Session]; Handler used to store/retrieve data.session.save_handler = 
files;session.save_path = /tmp BC 13/12/07session.save_path=/tmp; Whether 
to use cookies.session.use_cookies = 1;session.cookie_secure = ; This option 
enables administrators to make their users invulnerable to; attacks which 
involve passing session ids in URLs; defaults to 0.session.use_only_cookies = 
1; Name of the session (used as cookie name).session.name = PHPSESSID; 
Initialize session on request startup.session.auto_start = 1; Lifetime in 
seconds of cookie or, if 0, until browser is restarted.session.cookie_lifetime 
= 0; The path for which the cookie is valid.session.cookie_path = /; The domain 
for which the cookie is valid.session.cookie_domain =; Whether or not to add 
the httpOnly flag to the cookie, which makes it inaccessible to browser 
scripting languages such as JavaScript.session.cookie_httponly = ; Handler used 
to serialize data.  php is the standard serializer of 
PHP.session.serialize_handler = php; Define the probability that the 'garbage 
collection' process is started; on every session initialization.; The 
probability is calculated by using gc_probability/gc_divisor,; e.g. 1/100 means 
there is a 1% chance that the GC process starts; on each 
request.session.gc_probability = 1session.gc_divisor = 1000; After this 
number of seconds, stored data will be seen as 'garbage' and; cleaned up by the 
garbage collection process.session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440session.bug_compat_42 = 
0session.bug_compat_warn = 1; Check HTTP Referer to invalidate externally 
stored URLs containing ids.; HTTP_REFERER has to contain this substring for the 
session to be; considered as valid.session.referer_check =; How many bytes to 
read from the file.session.entropy_length = 0; Specified here to create the 
session id.session.entropy_file =;session.entropy_length = 
16;session.entropy_file = /dev/urandom; Set to {nocache,private,public,} to 
determine HTTP caching aspects; or leave this empty to avoid sending 
anti-caching headers.session.cache_limiter = nocache; Document expires after n 
minutes.session.cache_expire = 180session.use_trans_sid = 0; Select a hash 
function; 0: MD5   (128 bits); 1: SHA-1 (160 bits)session.hash_function = 0; 
Define how many bits are stored in each character when converting; the binary 
hash data to something readable.;; 4 bits: 0-9, a-f; 5 bits: 0-9, a-v; 6 bits: 
0-9, a-z, A-Z, -, ,session.hash_bits_per_character = 5; The URL rewriter 
will look for URLs in a defined set of HTML tags.; form/fieldset are special; 
if you include them here, the rewriter will; add a hidden input field with 
the info which is otherwise appended; to URLs.  If you want XHTML conformity, 
remove the form entry.; Note that all valid entries require a =, even if no 
value follows.url_rewriter.tags = 

Well, thanks and sorry for my english;


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[PHP] Problem with sessions.

2008-01-13 Thread Balasubramanyam A
Could someone help with this code? It is a search and delete program. I'm
executing bunch of code within if-else statement. After searching the
records in else block the code is redirecting to if block. I'm not able
delete the records in else block. How do avoid the control move to if block?

$_SESSION['voucher_value'] =  $_POST['voucher_to'];
if(!($_SESSION['voucher_value'] == b1) )
$tbl_name = voucher;
$kodaikanal = Resident Scientist br / IIA, Kodaikanal br / Observatory
br / KODAIKANAL - 624 103;
$hosakote = Scientist in-charge br / CREST Campus br / HOSAKOTE - 562
$leh_ladakh = Engineer in-charge br / IAO-HANLE br /Fort Road.SKARA br
/P.O.Box No.100br /LEH-LADAKH - 194 101 br / (J  K);
$kavalur = Resident Scientist br / Vainu Bappu Observatory br / KAVALUR
- 635 701;

$_SESSION['voucher_value'] =  $_POST['voucher_to'];
if($_SESSION['voucher_value'] == k1)
$add_val =  $kodaikanal;
elseif($_SESSION['voucher_value'] == h1)
$add_val =  $hosakote;
elseif($_SESSION['voucher_value'] == l1)
$add_val =  $leh_ladakh;
elseif($_SESSION['voucher_value'] == k2)
$add_val =  $kavalur;

if ( !(isset ($_POST['delete']) ) ) {
$_SESSION['name_voucher']= $_POST['search_name'];
$search_temp = $_SESSION['name_voucher'];

//$checkboxID= $_POST['checkbox'];
$array= $_POST['checkbox'];
foreach ($array as $key=$value) {
$sql1 = DELETE FROM $tbl_name WHERE voucher_number='$array[$key]';
$result1 = mysql_query($sql1);

$sql=SELECT * FROM $tbl_name where name='$search_temp' 

if ($count == 0)
print br /;
print br /;
print Search does not find any such records;
print br /;


$tbl_name = voucherb;
if ( !(isset ($_POST['delete']) ) ) {
$_SESSION['name_voucher']= $_POST['search_name'];
$search_temp = $_SESSION['name_voucher'];

//$checkboxID= $_POST['checkbox'];
$array= $_POST['checkbox'];
foreach ($array as $key=$value) {
$sql1 = DELETE FROM $tbl_name WHERE voucher_number='$array[$key]';
$result1 = mysql_query($sql1);
if(!(mysql_affected_rows() == 1))
print br /;
print br /;
print Records has not been deleted. Please contact administrator;
print br /;
print br /;
print The record(s) has been successfully deleted from database;
print br /;
$sql=SELECT * FROM $tbl_name where name='$search_temp';// 

/*if ($count == 0)
print br /;
print br /;
print Search does not find any such records;
print br /;


Re: [PHP] Problem with sessions.

2008-01-13 Thread Jochem Maas

Balasubramanyam A schreef:

Could someone help with this code? It is a search and delete program. I'm
executing bunch of code within if-else statement. After searching the
records in else block the code is redirecting to if block. I'm not able
delete the records in else block. How do avoid the control move to if block?

1. your problem description is pretty useless - apart form being seemingly
incoherent you also mention an 'if block' and an 'else block' in such a way as
to imply that there is only one of each (there are plenty of each in the code 

2. your code is not properly indented at all which makes reading it
and trying to figure out what it does (and what it is supposed to do)
too much bother.

3. your doing alsorts of things wrong aside from any flawed logic that
the script apparently contains.


1. why set the following session value unconditionally each time?
why not just use the POST value?

$_SESSION['voucher_value'] =  $_POST['voucher_to'];

2. I assume that k1 is not a constant you have defined elsewhere...

if($_SESSION['voucher_value'] == k1)

3. you have big SQL injection holes in the script, also you make blind
assumptions about incoming request data:

$array= $_POST['checkbox'];
foreach ($array as $key=$value) {
$sql1 = DELETE FROM $tbl_name WHERE voucher_number='$array[$key]';

$_SESSION['voucher_value'] =  $_POST['voucher_to'];
if(!($_SESSION['voucher_value'] == b1) )
$tbl_name = voucher;
$kodaikanal = Resident Scientist br / IIA, Kodaikanal br / Observatory
br / KODAIKANAL - 624 103;
$hosakote = Scientist in-charge br / CREST Campus br / HOSAKOTE - 562
$leh_ladakh = Engineer in-charge br / IAO-HANLE br /Fort Road.SKARA br
/P.O.Box No.100br /LEH-LADAKH - 194 101 br / (J  K);
$kavalur = Resident Scientist br / Vainu Bappu Observatory br / KAVALUR
- 635 701;

$_SESSION['voucher_value'] =  $_POST['voucher_to'];
if($_SESSION['voucher_value'] == k1)
$add_val =  $kodaikanal;
elseif($_SESSION['voucher_value'] == h1)
$add_val =  $hosakote;
elseif($_SESSION['voucher_value'] == l1)
$add_val =  $leh_ladakh;
elseif($_SESSION['voucher_value'] == k2)
$add_val =  $kavalur;

if ( !(isset ($_POST['delete']) ) ) {
$_SESSION['name_voucher']= $_POST['search_name'];
$search_temp = $_SESSION['name_voucher'];

//$checkboxID= $_POST['checkbox'];
$array= $_POST['checkbox'];
foreach ($array as $key=$value) {
$sql1 = DELETE FROM $tbl_name WHERE voucher_number='$array[$key]';
$result1 = mysql_query($sql1);

$sql=SELECT * FROM $tbl_name where name='$search_temp' 

if ($count == 0)
print br /;
print br /;
print Search does not find any such records;
print br /;


$tbl_name = voucherb;
if ( !(isset ($_POST['delete']) ) ) {
$_SESSION['name_voucher']= $_POST['search_name'];
$search_temp = $_SESSION['name_voucher'];

//$checkboxID= $_POST['checkbox'];
$array= $_POST['checkbox'];
foreach ($array as $key=$value) {
$sql1 = DELETE FROM $tbl_name WHERE voucher_number='$array[$key]';
$result1 = mysql_query($sql1);
if(!(mysql_affected_rows() == 1))
print br /;
print br /;
print Records has not been deleted. Please contact administrator;
print br /;
print br /;
print The record(s) has been successfully deleted from database;
print br /;
$sql=SELECT * FROM $tbl_name where name='$search_temp';// 

/*if ($count == 0)
print br /;
print br /;
print Search does not find any such records;
print br /;


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[PHP] Problem with Sessions

2006-01-24 Thread Barry


I got a very funny problem.
I wonder if anyone else encountered that.

I start a Session at Shop startpage to keep some arrays and such.
Stuff you need for the Cart and so. so fine so good.

But when the customer goes through that Page some session vars just get 

Not the whole session dies. nah just a few vars O_o

I dont understand that.
It happens not often, but at least 2 times a week.

I have no var overwriting them.

I wonder if anyone has an issue for that.

Btw its PHP 4.2-2 running on a Red Hat system under GNu linux.

really no idea what that is _


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Re: [PHP] Problem with Sessions

2006-01-24 Thread Jochem Maas

Barry wrote:


I got a very funny problem.
I wonder if anyone else encountered that.

I start a Session at Shop startpage to keep some arrays and such.
Stuff you need for the Cart and so. so fine so good.

But when the customer goes through that Page some session vars just get 

are you sticking references to things in the session array sometimes?
(as opposed to sticking things in the session array and then referencing

do you have a frameset in use? (where more than one page in the frameset may
use/start the session?) - i.e. one page overwrites the values set by another
becuase either your session logic is not 'watertight' or your using a session
handler mechanism that does not do do 'locking' of the session.

Not the whole session dies. nah just a few vars O_o

wtf is 'O_o'?

I dont understand that.
It happens not often, but at least 2 times a week.

I have no var overwriting them.

I wonder if anyone has an issue for that.

Btw its PHP 4.2-2 running on a Red Hat system under GNu linux.

upgrade php to 4.4.x atleast is one thing to consider

really no idea what that is _

wtf is '_'?
I realise you may not know what it is either (and that you are asking the list) 
but that wasn't clear to me either. and if the last couple of sentences are 
but clear as mud then I'll be darned ;-)


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Re: [PHP] Problem with Sessions

2006-01-24 Thread Richard Lynch
On Tue, January 24, 2006 10:30 am, Barry wrote:
 I got a very funny problem.
 I wonder if anyone else encountered that.

 I start a Session at Shop startpage to keep some arrays and such.
 Stuff you need for the Cart and so. so fine so good.

 But when the customer goes through that Page some session vars just
 Not the whole session dies. nah just a few vars O_o

 I dont understand that.
 It happens not often, but at least 2 times a week.

 I have no var overwriting them.

 I wonder if anyone has an issue for that.

 Btw its PHP 4.2-2 running on a Red Hat system under GNu linux.

 really no idea what that is _

Something as infrequent as that is very difficult to debug, because by
the time you start looking at the data, you've already forgotten what
the data was the last time the bug ocurred.

Start logging the error to a separate file or database table.

Log all the variables you THINK should have a value that are NULL.

Look for patterns in the variables.

Also consider logging all the other variables, and their values, to
see if there is a pattern.

Hopefully, gathering the data into an ordered format will make the bug
more clear.

You should also go ahead and time-stamp it, so you can refine the 2
times per week, and possibly log successful page-hits so you have some
idea of the percentage of error.

Possibly log load as well, in some manner -- count # of active
sessions, or OS load on the box, or...

Perhaps it only happens under very heavy load?  Or does it simply
increase linearly with load, but still happens under light load?

Like Music?

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Re: [PHP] Problem with Sessions

2006-01-24 Thread Richard Correia
upgrade to 4.4.X

4.2 has known problems in session handling.


On 1/24/06, Barry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I got a very funny problem.
 I wonder if anyone else encountered that.

 I start a Session at Shop startpage to keep some arrays and such.
 Stuff you need for the Cart and so. so fine so good.

 But when the customer goes through that Page some session vars just get
 Not the whole session dies. nah just a few vars O_o

 I dont understand that.
 It happens not often, but at least 2 times a week.

 I have no var overwriting them.

 I wonder if anyone has an issue for that.

 Btw its PHP 4.2-2 running on a Red Hat system under GNu linux.

 really no idea what that is _


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Re: [PHP] Problem with sessions

2004-08-28 Thread gregosh
Yes, that indeed was a typo but only in my message above. It's not the
problem with the script

Uzytkownik Andre Dubuc [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisal w wiadomosci

 Looking at your code, I noticed that either you're missing the closing
 quote to close off the Location expression, or you're ending it early with
 double quote at http://;.

 Shouldn't it read:

  header(Location: http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']
  . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])
   . '/b.php?'.SID');

 Perhaps that's the problem. I'm no expert . . .

 On Friday 27 August 2004 07:47 am, gregosh wrote:
   you sure the cookie is being set?  try this
   header(Location: http://; . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']
. dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])
. '/b.php?'.SID);
  I had tried this before - no result. The cookie is set in the \temp dir
  where it is intended. And that's where the other cookie with new session
  located too. This really is a strange problem.

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Re: [PHP] Problem with sessions

2004-08-27 Thread gregosh

 you sure the cookie is being set?  try this

 header(Location: http://; . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']
  . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])
  . '/b.php?'.SID);

I had tried this before - no result. The cookie is set in the \temp dir
where it is intended. And that's where the other cookie with new session is
located too. This really is a strange problem.

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Re: [PHP] Problem with sessions

2004-08-27 Thread Andre Dubuc

Looking at your code, I noticed that either you're missing the closing double 
quote to close off the Location expression, or you're ending it early with a 
double quote at http://;.

Shouldn't it read:

 header(Location: http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']
 . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])
  . '/b.php?'.SID');

Perhaps that's the problem. I'm no expert . . .

On Friday 27 August 2004 07:47 am, gregosh wrote:
  you sure the cookie is being set?  try this
  header(Location: http://; . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']
   . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])
   . '/b.php?'.SID);

 I had tried this before - no result. The cookie is set in the \temp dir
 where it is intended. And that's where the other cookie with new session is
 located too. This really is a strange problem.

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[PHP] Problem with sessions

2004-08-26 Thread gregosh
I am using a 4.3.2. version of PHP on Apache 1.3 Win2k. Here's the problem
I've come across - when I jump from a page a.php to b.php using a
href=b.phpclick here/a statement the sessions work fine
but when I use PHP's header(location: b.php); expression a new session is
created and the data from the previous one is lost. Anyone familiar with
this problem? Any known solutions? It's been really driving me nuts!

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Re: [PHP] Problem with sessions

2004-08-26 Thread Matt M.
 but when I use PHP's header(location: b.php); expression a new session is
 created and the data from the previous one is lost. Anyone familiar with
 this problem? Any known solutions? It's been really driving me nuts!

you sure the cookie is being set?  try this

header(Location: http://; . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']
 . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])
 . '/b.php?'.SID);

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[PHP] Problem with Sessions

2004-02-19 Thread Sheni R. Meledath

Session is not working in PHP script file when executed through the browser 
IE 5.0 on Windows 2000 platform. In IE latest versions the script is 
working fine. Does anybody have any solution or report related to this. PHP 
version on the server is 4.3.

Sheni R Meledath

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RE: [PHP] problem with sessions - IE working after session.use_trans_sid enabled.

2003-08-18 Thread Ford, Mike [LSS]
On 17 August 2003 12:38, anders thoresson wrote:

  I've had some problems with Internet Explorer not working on the
 site I'm building at the moment. At my local system it worked, but
 not on my ISP. After comparing the session settings, only
 use_trans_sid differed: enabled at my local system, disabled at
  Before I changed anything IE worked only when accessing the site at
 my local host, while Opera managed to access it both local and from
 my ISP. After enabling session.use_trans_sid in my .htaccess on my
 ISP, Internet Explorer can be used even there.
  Ok. I've solved my problem, but don't really understand how
 session.use_trans_sid made the difference?

Just a wild guess -- but has your IE got cookies blocked, whilst Opera is accepting 



Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
Learning Support Services, Learning  Information Services,
JG125, James Graham Building, Leeds Metropolitan University,
Beckett Park, LEEDS,  LS6 3QS,  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 113 283 2600 extn 4730  Fax:  +44 113 283 3211 

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[PHP] problem with sessions - IE working after session.use_trans_sid enabled.

2003-08-17 Thread anders thoresson

I've had some problems with Internet Explorer not working on the site I'm 
building at the moment. At my local system it worked, but not on my ISP. 
After comparing the session settings, only use_trans_sid differed: enabled 
at my local system, disabled at remote.

Before I changed anything IE worked only when accessing the site at my 
local host, while Opera managed to access it both local and from my ISP. 
After enabling session.use_trans_sid in my .htaccess on my ISP, Internet 
Explorer can be used even there.

Ok. I've solved my problem, but don't really understand how 
session.use_trans_sid made the difference?

anders thoresson
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[PHP] Problem with sessions

2003-07-17 Thread Peda
I'm working on a website.
Begining of my script is:

session_register( aUser, aAccount );
$aUser  = Cidnie;
$aAccount   = 1016;

But when I conect to website I get this warning message:

Warning: session_start(): open(tmp/sess_41e301350c11c38d0249bc8c72ffb2ec,
O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in
/home2/pena/public_html/listing1.php on line 3

Can anyone tell me what is wrong?

Thankx in advance!

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[PHP] Problem with sessions

2003-07-17 Thread Peda
I'm working on a website.
Begining of my script is:

session_register( aUser, aAccount );
$aUser  = Cidnie;
$aAccount   = 1016;

But when I conect to website I get this warning message:

Warning: session_start(): open(tmp/sess_41e301350c11c38d0249bc8c72ffb2ec,
O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in
/home2/pena/public_html/listing1.php on line 3

Can anyone tell me what is wrong?

Thankx in advance!

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Re: [PHP] Problem with sessions

2003-07-17 Thread John W. Holmes
Peda wrote:
Warning: session_start(): open(tmp/sess_41e301350c11c38d0249bc8c72ffb2ec,
O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in
/home2/pena/public_html/listing1.php on line 3
Can anyone tell me what is wrong?
PHP is trying to save session data in /tmp by writing a file there, but 
permission is denied. So, either give /tmp the right permissions so PHP 
can access it or set another save location in php.ini.

---John Holmes...
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[PHP] Problem with sessions expiring?

2003-03-14 Thread Mallen Baker

I have a process for people to apply for awards online. The login is controlled using 
sessions, with a basic session variable set with the username of the person logged in. 
In PHP ini the session cookie lifetime is set to 0 - ie. until the browser session 

Manyof the applicants are using the system, and it is fine.

But a significant minority are having the same problem. They log in, spend some time 
entering data into the fields on the form, and when the hit the button to either save 
or submit the entry they get a 'you are not logged in' message and - worse - lose the 
data they have so far inputted. One user experienced this after an hour and a half's 
work - but others have had problems after considerably shorter periods of time.

As far as I can tell, the problem is not restricted to one platform, and I haven't yet 
been able to locate anything that applies to them that wouldn't apply to others who 
have successfully used the system.

Is there any known problem - perhaps in relation to certain kinds of firewall - that 
would explain this behaviour? Any thoughts on the workaround I might do short term 
(above and beyond encouraging people to write their applications in Word before 
submitting them) that might alleviate the problem?

Deadline for the award is two weeks and traffic is getting quite high. Any help you 
can give me before it gets worse would be gratefully received!

Thanks - Mallen

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Re: [PHP] Problem with sessions expiring?

2003-03-14 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
Session files will be cleaned up after 24 minutes by default. So if they
take longer than that, and the garbage collection deletes their session
file, then they are no longer logged in. Increase the session.gc_maxlifetime
parameter in php.ini

---John Holmes...

- Original Message -
From: Mallen Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 10:59 AM
Subject: [PHP] Problem with sessions expiring?


I have a process for people to apply for awards online. The login is
controlled using sessions, with a basic session variable set with the
username of the person logged in. In PHP ini the session cookie lifetime is
set to 0 - ie. until the browser session finishes.

Manyof the applicants are using the system, and it is fine.

But a significant minority are having the same problem. They log in, spend
some time entering data into the fields on the form, and when the hit the
button to either save or submit the entry they get a 'you are not logged in'
message and - worse - lose the data they have so far inputted. One user
experienced this after an hour and a half's work - but others have had
problems after considerably shorter periods of time.

As far as I can tell, the problem is not restricted to one platform, and I
haven't yet been able to locate anything that applies to them that wouldn't
apply to others who have successfully used the system.

Is there any known problem - perhaps in relation to certain kinds of
firewall - that would explain this behaviour? Any thoughts on the workaround
I might do short term (above and beyond encouraging people to write their
applications in Word before submitting them) that might alleviate the

Deadline for the award is two weeks and traffic is getting quite high. Any
help you can give me before it gets worse would be gratefully received!

Thanks - Mallen

This e-mail has been scanned for all viruses by Star Internet. The
service is powered by MessageLabs. For more information on a proactive
anti-virus service working around the clock, around the globe, visit:

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[PHP] Problem with sessions

2003-02-18 Thread Sidar Lopez Cruz
I have RedHat 8, Apache 2, PHP 4.2.2 

My problem is with sessions, 

1. page
form name=frmlogin method=post action=login.php
input type=text name=txtlogin
input type=text name=txtpassword
input type=submit name=Click

2. page
some code for retrieve the user id from database in postgresql
$id_user = some user id;
$_SESSION[UID] = $id_usuario;
from here i am to do a redirec to another page called, main.php where is the
menu options i do it so..
script language=JavaScript

3. page
?php session_start(); 
some menu options...

This work very well, but when i open twice mozilla browsers and login with diferent 
users, i always keep the same session id, and sessions vars for two browsers...
i don't know how to resolve this problem... 


:-) Sidar Lopez Cruz
- Cero Riesgo, S.A.

Re: [PHP] Problem with sessions

2003-02-18 Thread Larry E. Ullman
This work very well, but when i open twice mozilla browsers and login 
with diferent users, i always keep the same session id, and sessions 
vars for two browsers...
i don't know how to resolve this problem...

Use two different browsers, for example, both Mozilla and Netscape. The 
session cookie (with the session ID) is being shared by the two windows 
of your one Mozilla browser. Hence the confusion.


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[PHP] Problem with sessions.

2002-12-19 Thread Mike Hillyer
Hello All;

Please forgive me if I am repeating an often asked question, but I am having
a problem with sessions. I simply cannot get them to work.

The sample code I provide works on another server perfectly, this is the
first page:


 $name = hilde;
 $pass = mypassword;
 echo h1Session variables set!/h1;
 echo a href=\page2.php\go to next page/a;


When called, the following file arrives in /tmp:



So obviously the session file is being created.
However, when I go to page2.php?PHPSESSID=f9c5e87b35ae66eac64a9a346321b269
Which has this code:

 echo h1The password of $name is $pass /h1;


I get The Password of  is 

As a response. Both pages work perfectly on another server, so I am having
trouble finding the problem, especially since the session file is actually
created in /tmp

My PHP.ini file is standard to a RedHat RPM install, but I will include it
as an attachment.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Mike Hillyer

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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RE: [PHP] Problem with sessions.

2002-12-19 Thread Quentin Bennett

Is your 'other server' identical (Web Server, PHP Version, register_globals setting)?


-Original Message-
From: Mike Hillyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 20 December 2002 12:43 p.m.
Subject: [PHP] Problem with sessions.

Hello All;

Please forgive me if I am repeating an often asked question, but I am having
a problem with sessions. I simply cannot get them to work.

The sample code I provide works on another server perfectly, this is the
first page:


 $name = hilde;
 $pass = mypassword;
 echo h1Session variables set!/h1;
 echo a href=\page2.php\go to next page/a;


When called, the following file arrives in /tmp:



So obviously the session file is being created.
However, when I go to page2.php?PHPSESSID=f9c5e87b35ae66eac64a9a346321b269
Which has this code:

 echo h1The password of $name is $pass /h1;


I get The Password of  is 

As a response. Both pages work perfectly on another server, so I am having
trouble finding the problem, especially since the session file is actually
created in /tmp

My PHP.ini file is standard to a RedHat RPM install, but I will include it
as an attachment.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Mike Hillyer

The information contained in this email is privileged and confidential and
intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, you 
are asked to respect that confidentiality and not disclose, copy or make use 
of its contents. If received in error you are asked to destroy this email 
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RE: [PHP] Problem with sessions.

2002-12-19 Thread Mike Hillyer
I have recieved a private response, it appears my system had
register_globals off and the other server would have had it turned on. The
proper usage was actually $_session[name] and I shall be using that.

This was my first use of the PHP mailing list and I am very impressed and
pleased with all the quick and helpful responses. Thank you all.

Mike Hillyer

-Original Message-
From: Quentin Bennett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 5:24 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP] Problem with sessions.


Is your 'other server' identical (Web Server, PHP Version, register_globals


-Original Message-
From: Mike Hillyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 20 December 2002 12:43 p.m.
Subject: [PHP] Problem with sessions.

Hello All;

Please forgive me if I am repeating an often asked question, but I am having
a problem with sessions. I simply cannot get them to work.

The sample code I provide works on another server perfectly, this is the
first page:


 $name = hilde;
 $pass = mypassword;
 echo h1Session variables set!/h1;
 echo a href=\page2.php\go to next page/a;


When called, the following file arrives in /tmp:



So obviously the session file is being created.
However, when I go to page2.php?PHPSESSID=f9c5e87b35ae66eac64a9a346321b269
Which has this code:

 echo h1The password of $name is $pass /h1;


I get The Password of  is 

As a response. Both pages work perfectly on another server, so I am having
trouble finding the problem, especially since the session file is actually
created in /tmp

My PHP.ini file is standard to a RedHat RPM install, but I will include it
as an attachment.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Mike Hillyer

The information contained in this email is privileged and confidential and
intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, you
are asked to respect that confidentiality and not disclose, copy or make use
of its contents. If received in error you are asked to destroy this email
and contact the sender immediately. Your assistance is appreciated.

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To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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RE: [PHP] Problem with sessions.

2002-12-19 Thread Philip Olson

For the record, variables are case sensitive so it's
$_SESSION not $_session.

And if you're going to use $_SESSION (which you should),
do not use session_register().


On Thu, 19 Dec 2002, Mike Hillyer wrote:

 I have recieved a private response, it appears my system had
 register_globals off and the other server would have had it turned on. The
 proper usage was actually $_session[name] and I shall be using that.
 This was my first use of the PHP mailing list and I am very impressed and
 pleased with all the quick and helpful responses. Thank you all.
 Mike Hillyer
 -Original Message-
 From: Quentin Bennett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 5:24 PM
 Subject: RE: [PHP] Problem with sessions.
 Is your 'other server' identical (Web Server, PHP Version, register_globals
 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Hillyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, 20 December 2002 12:43 p.m.
 Subject: [PHP] Problem with sessions.
 Hello All;
 Please forgive me if I am repeating an often asked question, but I am having
 a problem with sessions. I simply cannot get them to work.
 The sample code I provide works on another server perfectly, this is the
 first page:
  $name = hilde;
  $pass = mypassword;
  echo h1Session variables set!/h1;
  echo a href=\page2.php\go to next page/a;
 When called, the following file arrives in /tmp:
 So obviously the session file is being created.
 However, when I go to page2.php?PHPSESSID=f9c5e87b35ae66eac64a9a346321b269
 Which has this code:
  echo h1The password of $name is $pass /h1;
 I get The Password of  is 
 As a response. Both pages work perfectly on another server, so I am having
 trouble finding the problem, especially since the session file is actually
 created in /tmp
 My PHP.ini file is standard to a RedHat RPM install, but I will include it
 as an attachment.
 Any help would be greatly appreciated!
 Mike Hillyer
 The information contained in this email is privileged and confidential and
 intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, you
 are asked to respect that confidentiality and not disclose, copy or make use
 of its contents. If received in error you are asked to destroy this email
 and contact the sender immediately. Your assistance is appreciated.
 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
 To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php
 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
 To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

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Re: [PHP] Problem with sessions.

2002-12-19 Thread Jason Wong
On Friday 20 December 2002 07:43, Mike Hillyer wrote:
 Hello All;

 Please forgive me if I am repeating an often asked question, but I am
 having a problem with sessions. I simply cannot get them to work.

 The sample code I provide works on another server perfectly, this is the
 first page:

So what's the difference between the two servers?

 My PHP.ini file is standard to a RedHat RPM install, but I will include it
 as an attachment.

I don't think you can send attachments to the list. Examine the php.ini on 
both servers and play spot the difference :)

Jason Wong - Gremlins Associates - www.gremlins.biz
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design  Hosting * Internet  Intranet Applications Development *

Nezvannyi gost'--khuzhe tatarina.
[An uninvited guest is worse than the Mongol invasion]
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[PHP] Problem with sessions and Internet Explorer

2002-11-22 Thread Andreas Otto

We have added some new features to a SiteShield protected website which makes 
it neccessary to use sessions. Although creating the session and the 
appropriate variables is a server side process there seem to be problems with 
IE (tested with version 6 on Win2000 Pro and WinXP Pro).

If I access the site with IE I will see the following error message at the 
bottom of the page:

Warning: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current 
setting of session.save_path is correct (/home/globstag/tmp) in Unknown on 
line 0

However if I access the site with any other browser writing the session data 

But this isn't all yet. I can't replicate the problem on any other machine I 
have access to. On all other machines I have access to the site works fine.

First I thought that it might have been a problem with the PHP version because 
the server runs on PHP 4.0.6 and my notebook runs on PHP 4.2.1. Upgrading the 
server to 4.2.1 unfortunately didn't solve the problem.

I have then deployed the site to my private dedicated server which runs PHP 
4.0.6 on SuSE 7.2. Even on that machine I can't replicate the error.

The main difference between the other servers and the server in NewYork is 
that only the server in NewYork is protected with SiteShield. Which leads me 
to the conclusion that there might be a problem related to the combination of 
SiteShield, IE and PHP.

If you have any ideas feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Cheers, Andreas

Using PHP on Windows? www.php4win.de

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Re: [PHP] Problem with sessions and Internet Explorer

2002-11-22 Thread Ernest E Vogelsinger
At 14:24 22.11.2002, Andreas Otto spoke out and said:
We have added some new features to a SiteShield protected website which makes 
it neccessary to use sessions. Although creating the session and the 
appropriate variables is a server side process there seem to be problems with 
IE (tested with version 6 on Win2000 Pro and WinXP Pro).

If I access the site with IE I will see the following error message at the 
bottom of the page:

Warning: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current 
setting of session.save_path is correct (/home/globstag/tmp) in Unknown on 
line 0

However if I access the site with any other browser writing the session data 


I don't see how this behaviour could be related to a browser version - all
browsers behave (should behave?) identically when requesting a page... they
simply issue a MIME request, like
GET /?PHPSESSIONID=aasdasdasdasdasdasd HTTP/1.0
Host: www.yourhost.com

The message you see looks disturbing to me - is the session.save_path value
actually set to /home/globstag/tmp? Does Apache (or else) have all
necessary rights to this directory?

_MAYBE_ you're using some mod_rewrite rules on the target server, depending
on the user agent, so IE's would end up in a defunct installation?

I'd check for this inn the first place.

   O Ernest E. Vogelsinger 
   (\) ICQ #13394035 
^ http://www.vogelsinger.at/

Re: [PHP] Problem with sessions and Internet Explorer

2002-11-22 Thread Andreas Otto
Hi Ernest,

On Friday 22 November 2002 15:05, Ernest E Vogelsinger wrote:
 The message you see looks disturbing to me - is the session.save_path value
 actually set to /home/globstag/tmp? Does Apache (or else) have all
 necessary rights to this directory?

 _MAYBE_ you're using some mod_rewrite rules on the target server, depending
 on the user agent, so IE's would end up in a defunct installation?

 I'd check for this inn the first place.

Well, guess what I did before writing this eMail ;-)

At the end of my original eMail I said:
On Friday 22 November 2002 14:24, Andreas Otto wrote:
 The main difference between the other servers and the server in NewYork is
 that only the server in NewYork is protected with SiteShield. Which leads
 me to the conclusion that there might be a problem related to the
 combination of SiteShield, IE and PHP.

So what we have is a set of web servers to which access is controlled by a 
(proxy) server. The software that is used to manage access rights is called 
SiteShield and is developed by a company called Tempest.

Every request to the server I experience this strange problem at has to pass 
the SiteShield server.

The question is now: Has anyone heard about or had problems with the 
combination of PHP SiteShield and InternetExplorer?


Using PHP on Windows? www.php4win.de

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Re: [PHP] Problem with sessions and Internet Explorer

2002-11-22 Thread Ernest E Vogelsinger
At 15:35 22.11.2002, Andreas Otto spoke out and said:
Well, guess what I did before writing this eMail ;-)

That's what I have feared...

Every request to the server I experience this strange problem at has to pass 
the SiteShield server.

Is it possible to have SiteShield log what its doing?

The question is now: Has anyone heard about or had problems with the 
combination of PHP SiteShield and InternetExplorer?

I don't know anything about SiteShield - can anyone else chime in please?
I'd also try to holler at the guys at Tempest...

   O Ernest E. Vogelsinger 
   (\) ICQ #13394035 
^ http://www.vogelsinger.at/

Re: [PHP] Problem with sessions and Internet Explorer

2002-11-22 Thread Andreas Otto
Hi Ernest,

On Friday 22 November 2002 16:11, Ernest E Vogelsinger wrote:
 Is it possible to have SiteShield log what its doing?

 The question is now: Has anyone heard about or had problems with the
 combination of PHP SiteShield and InternetExplorer?

 I don't know anything about SiteShield - can anyone else chime in please?
 I'd also try to holler at the guys at Tempest...

I have been trying that, but it looks like I have to run the query through our 
office in NewYork where the servers are hosted. My colleagues in NewYork will 
have the right support details.


Using PHP on Windows? www.php4win.de

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Re: [PHP] Problem with sessions

2002-11-12 Thread rija
maybe you should remove the dot before the session path or do like this :

session.save_path = C:\PHP\sessions\tmp

- Original Message -
From: Charlie Fowler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 10:19 AM
Subject: [PHP] Problem with sessions

 Hi all,,

 Can some one help me with this little issue ... I am trying out some
 prewritten scripts curtesy of SAMS PHP and MYSQL Web Development, Ch24 -
 User Authenication  Personalisation on my server setup

 The Configuartion for my development environment is Apache 2.39, Win
 2000, PHP 4.2.3

 The Ini file has the following session settings (as taken from


 Session Support enabled

 Directive Local Value Master Value
 Off Off
 180 180
 nocache nocache
 no value no value
 0 0
 / /
 Off Off
 no value no value
 0 0
 1440 1440
 1 1
 no value no value
 files files
 .c:/php/sessions/tmp .c:/php/sessions/tmp
 php php
 On On
 0 0

 The error occurs after the registration page is submitted with the
 following using the function session_start() on the register page.:

 open(.c:/php/sessions/tmp\sess_fa42372dcdbde0e457309f134d71827f, O_RDWR)
 failed: Invalid argument (22) in C:\Program Files\Apache
 Group\Apache2\htdocs\SAMS\Chapter24\member.php on line 5

 I believe the problem is in my PHP setup and not the script. The Invalid
 arguement is the trigger for the config error to be initaited but I am
 not sure how to edit the php.ini file. I want to ensure that session are
 started when the server is started. I am also unsure of  the function
 and terminology of

 files files

 with the use of files. Is this the correct default. Also is this the
 correct session save path:

 .c:/php/sessions/tmp .c:/php/sessions/tmp

 What is wrong, please help.


PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP] Problem with sessions

2002-11-12 Thread Charlie Fowler
Hi all,,

Can some one help me with this little issue ... I am trying out some 
prewritten scripts curtesy of SAMS PHP and MYSQL Web Development, Ch24 - 
User Authenication  Personalisation on my server setup

The Configuartion for my development environment is Apache 2.39, Win 
2000, PHP 4.2.3

The Ini file has the following session settings (as taken from PHPInfo.php):


Session Support enabled

Directive Local Value Master Value
Off Off
180 180
nocache nocache
no value no value
0 0
/ /
Off Off
no value no value
0 0
1440 1440
1 1
no value no value
files files
.c:/php/sessions/tmp .c:/php/sessions/tmp
php php
On On
0 0

The error occurs after the registration page is submitted with the 
following using the function session_start() on the register page.:

open(.c:/php/sessions/tmp\sess_fa42372dcdbde0e457309f134d71827f, O_RDWR) 
failed: Invalid argument (22) in C:\Program Files\Apache 
Group\Apache2\htdocs\SAMS\Chapter24\member.php on line 5

I believe the problem is in my PHP setup and not the script. The Invalid 
arguement is the trigger for the config error to be initaited but I am 
not sure how to edit the php.ini file. I want to ensure that session are 
started when the server is started. I am also unsure of  the function 
and terminology of

files files

with the use of files. Is this the correct default. Also is this the 
correct session save path:

.c:/php/sessions/tmp .c:/php/sessions/tmp

What is wrong, please help.


Re: [PHP] Problem with sessions

2002-11-12 Thread Ernest E Vogelsinger
At 00:19 13.11.2002, Charlie Fowler said:
.c:/php/sessions/tmp .c:/php/sessions/tmp

open(.c:/php/sessions/tmp\sess_fa42372dcdbde0e457309f134d71827f, O_RDWR) 
failed: Invalid argument (22) in C:\Program Files\Apache 
Group\Apache2\htdocs\SAMS\Chapter24\member.php on line 5

I believe the dot before the c: is the culprit. Remove it, restart Apache
and retry.

   O Ernest E. Vogelsinger
   (\)ICQ #13394035
^ http://www.vogelsinger.at/

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[PHP] Problem with sessions.

2002-05-13 Thread Ben Edwards

I am using sessions for holding who is logged in and it is kind of 
working.  I have got a few emails from customers saying they cant log in 
(and seeing as we have had less than 30 orders this is a real problem).  I 
can log in OK and cant recreate this problem.  Any ideas regarding what 
this could be would be much appreciated.

I guess if you have cookies turned of it wont work but what else may cause 
a problem.


* Ben Edwards  +44 (0)117 9400 636 *
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* Bristol's radical news http://www.bristle.org.uk *
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Re: [PHP] Problem with sessions.

2002-03-17 Thread Carlos Costa Portela

On Sat, 16 Mar 2002, Edward van Bilderbeek - Bean IT wrote:

 maybe you better use:


I've put that, but it doesn't run. As you can see in the URLs
below, my code is:

if ($id == logout) { // the user wants logout :(
  else { // user is navigating through our links
session_register(counter); // why I recover the previous value here,
// even I've clicked logout?
print counter: $counterbr/\n;

  http://casa.ccp.servidores.net/tutorials/php/sessions/sessions.php and
  http://casa.ccp.servidores.net/tutorials/php/sessions/sessions.phps you
  have the web page and the code, respectively.

Tom says that I must create a new session with a different name
(now I only start a new session implicitly via session_register()).
Perhaps I am confused with the 'session' term. I thought that if I do
session_destroy() the session forget all the info, but if I check
session_id() before and after session_destroy() I see that the value is
the same.

Thanks for your help,

 ___Carlos Costa Portela_
| e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | home page: http://casa.ccp.servidores.net |
|_Tódalas persoas maiores foron nenos antes, pero poucas se lembran__|

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Re: [PHP] Problem with sessions.

2002-03-17 Thread Tom Rogers

If you put:


as the first line on your page it will behave as you want I think.

At 08:41 PM 17/03/2002, Carlos Costa Portela wrote:
On Sat, 16 Mar 2002, Edward van Bilderbeek - Bean IT wrote:

  maybe you better use:

 I've put that, but it doesn't run. As you can see in the URLs
below, my code is:

if ($id == logout) { // the user wants logout :(
   else { // user is navigating through our links
 session_register(counter); // why I recover the previous value here,
 // even I've clicked logout?
 print counter: $counterbr/\n;

   http://casa.ccp.servidores.net/tutorials/php/sessions/sessions.php and
   http://casa.ccp.servidores.net/tutorials/php/sessions/sessions.phps you
   have the web page and the code, respectively.

 Tom says that I must create a new session with a different name
(now I only start a new session implicitly via session_register()).
Perhaps I am confused with the 'session' term. I thought that if I do
session_destroy() the session forget all the info, but if I check
session_id() before and after session_destroy() I see that the value is
the same.

 Thanks for your help,

  ___Carlos Costa Portela_
| e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | home page: http://casa.ccp.servidores.net |
|_Tódalas persoas maiores foron nenos antes, pero poucas se lembran__|

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Problem with sessions.

2002-03-17 Thread Carlos Costa Portela

On Sun, 17 Mar 2002, Tom Rogers wrote:

 If you put:


 as the first line on your page it will behave as you want I think.

Thank you very much. It runs now ok :-). But I don't understand
why, if I call session_destroy(), the system remember the value of the

The system running at...
http://casa.ccp.servidores.net/tutorials/php/sessions/sessions.php and
http://casa.ccp.servidores.net/tutorials/php/sessions/sessions.phps you
have the web page and the code, respectively.

Thank you very much,

 ___Carlos Costa Portela_
| e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | home page: http://casa.ccp.servidores.net |
|_Tódalas persoas maiores foron nenos antes, pero poucas se lembran__|

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Problem with sessions.

2002-03-17 Thread Tom Rogers

As you had not started a session at that point there was none to destroy or 
unregister :)

At 11:53 PM 17/03/2002, Carlos Costa Portela wrote:
On Sun, 17 Mar 2002, Tom Rogers wrote:

  If you put:
  as the first line on your page it will behave as you want I think.

 Thank you very much. It runs now ok :-). But I don't understand
why, if I call session_destroy(), the system remember the value of the

 The system running at...
http://casa.ccp.servidores.net/tutorials/php/sessions/sessions.php and
http://casa.ccp.servidores.net/tutorials/php/sessions/sessions.phps you
have the web page and the code, respectively.

 Thank you very much,

  ___Carlos Costa Portela_
| e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | home page: http://casa.ccp.servidores.net |
|_Tódalas persoas maiores foron nenos antes, pero poucas se lembran__|

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Re: [PHP] Problem with sessions.

2002-03-17 Thread Carlos Costa Portela

On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, Tom Rogers wrote:

 As you had not started a session at that point there was none to destroy or
 unregister :)

Ok!!!. Thank you very much,

  http://www.tertulandia.com : sea cual sea tu tema... allí está tu sitio!

 ___Carlos Costa Portela_
| e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | home page: http://casa.ccp.servidores.net |
|_Tódalas persoas maiores foron nenos antes, pero poucas se lembran__|

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] Problem with sessions.

2002-03-16 Thread Carlos Costa Portela

Hello all:

I am playing with sessions and I have a problem with the
session_destroy() function. If I do a session_register() after calling it,
the session recover the previous values (values that I supposed forgot by
the session).

http://casa.ccp.servidores.net/tutorials/php/sessions/sessions.php and
http://casa.ccp.servidores.net/tutorials/php/sessions/sessions.phps you
have the web page and the code, respectively.

The problem is that the counter variable maintains the value
even after click logout.

If you go to the web page, press:

login - counter=0
other link - counter=1
other link - counter=2
other link - counter=3
other link - counter=4

I suppose that the problem is that I call
session_register(counter). How must I solve this problem?

Best regards and thanks in advance,

[ all about php+web : http://www.improveyourweb.com ]

 ___Carlos Costa Portela_
| e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | home page: http://casa.ccp.servidores.net |
|_Tódalas persoas maiores foron nenos antes, pero poucas se lembran__|

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Re: [PHP] Problem with sessions.

2002-03-16 Thread Tom Rogers

When you create the new session give it a different name.

At 01:49 AM 17/03/2002, Carlos Costa Portela wrote:
 Hello all:

 I am playing with sessions and I have a problem with the
session_destroy() function. If I do a session_register() after calling it,
the session recover the previous values (values that I supposed forgot by
the session).

http://casa.ccp.servidores.net/tutorials/php/sessions/sessions.php and
http://casa.ccp.servidores.net/tutorials/php/sessions/sessions.phps you
have the web page and the code, respectively.

 The problem is that the counter variable maintains the value
even after click logout.

 If you go to the web page, press:

login - counter=0
other link - counter=1
other link - counter=2
other link - counter=3
other link - counter=4

 I suppose that the problem is that I call
session_register(counter). How must I solve this problem?

 Best regards and thanks in advance,

 [ all about php+web : http://www.improveyourweb.com ]

  ___Carlos Costa Portela_
| e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | home page: http://casa.ccp.servidores.net |
|_Tódalas persoas maiores foron nenos antes, pero poucas se lembran__|

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PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Problem with sessions.

2002-03-16 Thread Edward van Bilderbeek - Bean IT

maybe you better use:



- Original Message -
From: Carlos Costa Portela [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: php-general mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2002 4:49 PM
Subject: [PHP] Problem with sessions.

 Hello all:

 I am playing with sessions and I have a problem with the
 session_destroy() function. If I do a session_register() after calling it,
 the session recover the previous values (values that I supposed forgot by
 the session).

 http://casa.ccp.servidores.net/tutorials/php/sessions/sessions.php and
 http://casa.ccp.servidores.net/tutorials/php/sessions/sessions.phps you
 have the web page and the code, respectively.

 The problem is that the counter variable maintains the value
 even after click logout.

 If you go to the web page, press:

 login - counter=0
 other link - counter=1
 other link - counter=2
 other link - counter=3
 other link - counter=4

 I suppose that the problem is that I call
 session_register(counter). How must I solve this problem?

 Best regards and thanks in advance,

 [ all about php+web : http://www.improveyourweb.com ]

  ___Carlos Costa
 | e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | home page:
http://casa.ccp.servidores.net |
 |_Tódalas persoas maiores foron nenos antes, pero poucas se

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[PHP] problem reading sessions

2002-01-04 Thread Alastair

I have just recently set up PHP on my Win2K laptop and I have just found out
that I can't read sessions. As far as I can tell the session file is being
created, but PHP doesn't seem to be able to get any data into it.

Here is what the session file looks like:

The two PHP files look like this:

$blah = good;

echo session_is_registered(blah) . br;
echo session_encode(). br;
echo isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS) . br;
echo sizeof($HTTP_SESSION_VARS) . br;

echo $blah;

For the second PHP page the ouput I get is:
- true for the 'session is registered' function
- the string that is found in the session file (listed above)
- true for the 'isset' function
- size of zero
- The warning: 'Warning: Undefined variable: blah '

Does anybody know why I would not be able to read these variables?


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RE: [PHP] problem reading sessions

2002-01-04 Thread Johnson, Kirk

Is register_globals set to 'on' in php.ini? It needs to be for this coding
style to work. 


 -Original Message-
 From: Alastair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 1:41 PM
 Subject: [PHP] problem reading sessions
 I have just recently set up PHP on my Win2K laptop and I have 
 just found out
 that I can't read sessions. As far as I can tell the session 
 file is being
 created, but PHP doesn't seem to be able to get any data into it.
 Here is what the session file looks like:
 The two PHP files look like this:
 $blah = good;
 echo session_is_registered(blah) . br;
 echo session_encode(). br;
 echo isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS) . br;
 echo sizeof($HTTP_SESSION_VARS) . br;
 echo $blah;
 For the second PHP page the ouput I get is:
 - true for the 'session is registered' function
 - the string that is found in the session file (listed above)
 - true for the 'isset' function
 - size of zero
 - The warning: 'Warning: Undefined variable: blah '
 Does anybody know why I would not be able to read these variables?

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Re: [PHP] problem reading sessions

2002-01-04 Thread Kevin Stone

I'll add if you do not have register_globals set then you can access the
variable by its long name, $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[blah].


 Is register_globals set to 'on' in php.ini? It needs to be for this coding
 style to work.


  -Original Message-
  From: Alastair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 1:41 PM
  Subject: [PHP] problem reading sessions
  I have just recently set up PHP on my Win2K laptop and I have
  just found out
  that I can't read sessions. As far as I can tell the session
  file is being
  created, but PHP doesn't seem to be able to get any data into it.
  Here is what the session file looks like:
  The two PHP files look like this:
  $blah = good;
  echo session_is_registered(blah) . br;
  echo session_encode(). br;
  echo isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS) . br;
  echo sizeof($HTTP_SESSION_VARS) . br;
  echo $blah;
  For the second PHP page the ouput I get is:
  - true for the 'session is registered' function
  - the string that is found in the session file (listed above)
  - true for the 'isset' function
  - size of zero
  - The warning: 'Warning: Undefined variable: blah '
  Does anybody know why I would not be able to read these variables?

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Re: [PHP] problem reading sessions

2002-01-04 Thread Alastair

I get the error: 'Warning: Undefined index: blah' when I use the long name.
As far as I can tell it doesn't seem to be actually writing the data into
the session file.  Am I missing a crucial step somewhere?


Kevin Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
003401c19563$95ee2e00$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:003401c19563$95ee2e00$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 I'll add if you do not have register_globals set then you can access the
 variable by its long name, $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[blah].


  Is register_globals set to 'on' in php.ini? It needs to be for this
  style to work.
   -Original Message-
   From: Alastair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 1:41 PM
   Subject: [PHP] problem reading sessions
   I have just recently set up PHP on my Win2K laptop and I have
   just found out
   that I can't read sessions. As far as I can tell the session
   file is being
   created, but PHP doesn't seem to be able to get any data into it.
   Here is what the session file looks like:
   The two PHP files look like this:
   $blah = good;
   echo session_is_registered(blah) . br;
   echo session_encode(). br;
   echo isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS) . br;
   echo sizeof($HTTP_SESSION_VARS) . br;
   echo $blah;
   For the second PHP page the ouput I get is:
   - true for the 'session is registered' function
   - the string that is found in the session file (listed above)
   - true for the 'isset' function
   - size of zero
   - The warning: 'Warning: Undefined variable: blah '
   Does anybody know why I would not be able to read these variables?
  PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [PHP] problem reading sessions

2002-01-04 Thread R'twick Niceorgaw

Have you set the session.save_path properly in php.ini ? By default it is
set to /tmp which doesn't work under Win* systems. You need to point it to a
valid directory on your machine.


- Original Message -
From: Alastair [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] problem reading sessions

 I get the error: 'Warning: Undefined index: blah' when I use the long
 As far as I can tell it doesn't seem to be actually writing the data into
 the session file.  Am I missing a crucial step somewhere?


 Kevin Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 003401c19563$95ee2e00$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:003401c19563$95ee2e00$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
  I'll add if you do not have register_globals set then you can access the
  variable by its long name, $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[blah].
   Is register_globals set to 'on' in php.ini? It needs to be for this
   style to work.
-Original Message-
From: Alastair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 1:41 PM
Subject: [PHP] problem reading sessions
I have just recently set up PHP on my Win2K laptop and I have
just found out
that I can't read sessions. As far as I can tell the session
file is being
created, but PHP doesn't seem to be able to get any data into it.
Here is what the session file looks like:
The two PHP files look like this:
$blah = good;
echo session_is_registered(blah) . br;
echo session_encode(). br;
echo isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS) . br;
echo sizeof($HTTP_SESSION_VARS) . br;
echo $blah;
For the second PHP page the ouput I get is:
- true for the 'session is registered' function
- the string that is found in the session file (listed above)
- true for the 'isset' function
- size of zero
- The warning: 'Warning: Undefined variable: blah '
Does anybody know why I would not be able to read these variables?
   PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
   To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] problem reading sessions

2002-01-04 Thread Alastair

yup, it's set correctly.  It actually creates the file (I've opened it in a
text editor) with the correct variable names, but just no values.
R'Twick Niceorgaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
065d01c1956a$f1321db0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:065d01c1956a$f1321db0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 Have you set the session.save_path properly in php.ini ? By default it is
 set to /tmp which doesn't work under Win* systems. You need to point it to
 valid directory on your machine.


 - Original Message -
 From: Alastair [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 4:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] problem reading sessions

  I get the error: 'Warning: Undefined index: blah' when I use the long
  As far as I can tell it doesn't seem to be actually writing the data
  the session file.  Am I missing a crucial step somewhere?
  Kevin Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  003401c19563$95ee2e00$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:003401c19563$95ee2e00$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
   I'll add if you do not have register_globals set then you can access
   variable by its long name, $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[blah].
Is register_globals set to 'on' in php.ini? It needs to be for this
style to work.
 -Original Message-
 From: Alastair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 1:41 PM
     Subject: [PHP] problem reading sessions

 I have just recently set up PHP on my Win2K laptop and I have
 just found out
 that I can't read sessions. As far as I can tell the session
 file is being
 created, but PHP doesn't seem to be able to get any data into it.

 Here is what the session file looks like:

 The two PHP files look like this:

 $blah = good;

 echo session_is_registered(blah) . br;
 echo session_encode(). br;
 echo isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS) . br;
 echo sizeof($HTTP_SESSION_VARS) . br;

 echo $blah;

 For the second PHP page the ouput I get is:
 - true for the 'session is registered' function
 - the string that is found in the session file (listed above)
 - true for the 'isset' function
 - size of zero
 - The warning: 'Warning: Undefined variable: blah '

 Does anybody know why I would not be able to read these variables?

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