Re: annotations, more progress

2006-11-12 Thread David A. Desrosiers
On Sat, 2006-11-11 at 20:16 -0800, Josh Menke wrote:
> I've had some problems using annotations in full screen mode. I get
> repeated crashes with "gam" as the only error message. This is again
> on my T5. Something odd about full screen mode in the snapshot build
> is that is removes the very bottom of the screen as well (clock,
> etc.). Maybe that's a setting I missed somewhere. 

I assume you've used CleanPlkr first, before installing the new build
with Annotation support, yes? 

David A. Desrosiers

"The price of liberty is not free, nor is it comfortable. But it is

plucker-dev mailing list

Re: annotation

2006-11-08 Thread David A. Desrosiers

Just a progress note: I haven't abandoned the Plucker annotation 
code.  In fact, it now compiles.  A bit of debugging and hopefully 
it'll go from my private svn tree to the official svn tree.

Woo! Great to hear... now let's hope Palm isn't still dead.

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: viewer/ missing from the CVS

2006-10-31 Thread David A. Desrosiers
On Tue, 2006-10-31 at 10:20 -0800, Denis Zavarin wrote:
> See also my bug report at

As mentioned in my response to your bug report, if you run
(the proper way to build configure and bootstrap the build environment
for Plucker and most projects pulled directly from CVS),
viewer/ will be created for you. It doesn't exist in cvs,
because it doesn't have to.. 

Good luck.

David A. Desrosiers

"Erosion of civil liberties... is a threat to national security."

plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Plucker server?

2006-07-12 Thread David A. Desrosiers

Download the script from

	You'll want to fix that so its not trying to parse the script. 
Rename the public version .perl or something, so we can fetch a copy 
and take a look at what you've done. Right now, its trying to parse 
the .pl script and failing not-so-gracefully ;) No error checking?

David A. Desrosiers

plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Plucker server?

2006-07-12 Thread David A. Desrosiers

I have it installed on Linux and tried an earlier version on 

So there you go =)

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Plucker server?

2006-07-12 Thread David A. Desrosiers

I'd like to have a Plucker server.  What I'd like to do is to be 
able to go from a PDA to a URL like:

There are probably several of us out here with that.. ;)

	I'm sure I could cook something up that fits your requirements 
(modulo some limits on depth and such), but it would be so immensely 
drowned by public hits, it wouldn't be feasible to put out there for 
general consumption.

Catch me privately, I'll throw something together.

I suppose I could cobble together something using netcat, perl and 
PyPlucker, in effect writing a mini web server sitting on port 5000, 
but there has to be an easier way.

	Cleaner than that... no need to make it complicated. I already 
have the code out there in the email reflector (pler), just have to 
have it sitting on a webpage instead of smtp. Should be easy to roll 

	Hit me privately if you have more requirements/details. IBM 
keeps me extrmely busy these days, so I don't have much time to monkey 
with Plucker as much as I used to, but this kind of diversion sounds 
like fun.

	Incidentally, I have a (semi) public rss/xml/rdf server set 
up, takes any valid feed, converts it to clean, validated HTML, which 
you can then point Plucker and and convert to your heart's desire.

	Some select users have been using it on a regular basis so far 
without complaints.

David A. Desrosiers

plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Newer compiled binaries?

2006-06-18 Thread David A. Desrosiers

Well, as far as I can tell from the list of options the binaries are 
not built with the debug log option. Setting debug to on will have 
no effect unless the debug log option is also activated, so there is 
no performance penalty due to this. The disabled armlets support 
could, however, have some effect on newer Palm devices.

Hrm, I'll take a look and see what happened there.

--enable-armlets is passed in, as are:


If these aren't doing what they should, configure is broken.

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Newer compiled binaries?

2006-06-18 Thread David A. Desrosiers

First, I'm on dialup, almost 4 megabytes of source code to download. 
Second, I'd also have to download and install etc software for a 
"Palm development environment", however large that is, for Windows 

You didn't look down far enough... scroll down.

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Newer compiled binaries?

2006-06-17 Thread David A. Desrosiers

When are newer compiled binaries of Plucker Viewer going to be 
available at ?

Hourly snapshots have been up for awhile now, check:

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Replacing Unicode characters in HTML?

2006-06-17 Thread David A. Desrosiers

What'd be nice is a small program that would automatically find and 
replace the codes with the characters. That'd lose things like left 
and right quotes, but on a small PDA screen it makes little 
difference. For characters with no direct equivalent, like the 
lozenge, the program could allow the user to select an ASCII/ANSI 
character to replace it.

 	Doesn't the Plucker distiller's --filter feature do what you 

 Pass fetched documents through filter prior to parsing.

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Support for iSilo pdb files

2006-06-16 Thread David A. Desrosiers

I see your point. But the problem is that these medicine books are 
available only on this format. My view is that plucker would be more 
interesting to me if it could support more file types, like 
OpenOffice support Microsoft formats. This is not to start a fight. 
I just asked to know the possibility of developing for another 
characteristic for Plucker.

	Sure, have the iSilo author make the format for his .pdb files 
public and we'll see if someone from the community decides to add 
support to Plucker for them.

David A. Desrosiers

plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Fwd: Support for iSilo pdb files

2006-06-16 Thread David A. Desrosiers

I'm new to the list and I come with a question: is there any plan 
for plucker to support iSilo pdb files? I've got news that 
OpieReader supports it through code from anonymous sources that 
makes possible to read iSilo files.

Why would Plucker support a proprietary, closed format?

	The more-logical step, would be to ask why iSilo doesn't 
support Plucker documents. The format is open, documented, clear and 
used in dozens of applications now.

David A. Desrosiers

plucker-dev mailing list

Re: [Plucker DB] Charset metadata of sequences of "linked" text records

2006-04-10 Thread David A. Desrosiers

Is there any reason to worry too much about these old-style links? 
There is not much reason for a pyplucker user to generate them 

 	Will removing that support break existing Plucker documents 
that are distributed on the web today? I know of a lot of places who 
have done conversions and ebooks in Plucker format (LDP, Blackmask, 
etc.) that would probably have to re-gen their books, if the viewer 
was no longer capable of supporting these links.

David A. Desrosiers

plucker-dev mailing list

Plucker snapshot returned to hourly

2006-04-08 Thread David A. Desrosiers

	Since there seems to be more frequent fixes going into Plucker 
recently, I've moved the snapshot back to an hourly build instead of a 
daily build as before.

Let me know if something breaks or could be done better.

David A. Desrosiers

plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Plucker server on Project Gutenberg

2005-11-02 Thread David A. Desrosiers

I'm the webmaster of Project Gutenberg and I'm about to install the 
plucker distiller on the PG website. The idea is to have people 
download a ready-made plucker pdb instead of requiring them to run 
the distiller on the appropriate ebook file.

	There's a LOT of tools out there that do this, in varying 
degrees of success. Some are public, some are not. I've been mirroring 
the entire Gutenberg archive for awhile, and been doing automated 
conversions of the texts to Plucker, using various tools I've thrown 
together, but mostly for my own use and some private redistribution.

I'm going to replace the text/plain parser with a custom one that 
will (try to) parse chapter heads, italics etc. out of the plain 

	I'd be interested to see how you solve the context issue that 
has been brought up on the pg lists over the last year or so. Its a 
very complicated issue, and to date, nobody has solved it without 
trying to reinvent the base PG text format into something different.

David A. Desrosiers

plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Status of Annotations? Where to download betas?

2005-08-29 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> The CVS snapshot has annotation support, but the format for storing 
> them will be radically changed soon, so while you can use the CVS 
> snapshot version's annotation facilities (you need to set the right 
> function to show up as the lookup / word tap action), all your 
> annotations will be lost when the next official version will come 
> out.

Something broke the builds, stopped on 8/7. I just dumped the 
build tree and recreated it from scratch and it is now building clean 
again. Snapshot is current as of 8/29 as I write this.

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

RE: Cpluck

2005-05-28 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> I've tried that now, with MinGW and MSYS, and havent' had any real 
> success. So if one of you would be willing to mail it to me I'd be 
> very grateful.

I'm not sure it runs on Windows (yet). Someone who runs 
Windows and has the right tools will have to take the time to port it 
over and correct/update those files.

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Cpluck

2005-05-27 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> I think it'd be a good idea to perhaps make a snapshot of the CPluck 
> binary available. I've downloaded the source snapshot, but the .dsw 
> and .dsp aren't exactly up to date, and there are a few dependencies 
> that needs downloading too.

The CPluck binary is entirely self-contained within the source 
tree. It doesn't use any Visual C++ or Microsoft dependencies at all 
(.dsp and .dsw files for example). 

Just build it inside the tree and you should be all set; 
that's what Chris and I (and others?) have been doing. 

We should probably drop the .dsw and .dsp files from the 
parser/c++ directory though to avoid any confusion..

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: maxwidth breaks maxdepth (??)

2005-05-07 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> Use --alt-maxheight=0 and --alt-maxwidth=0 to include 'big' versions 
> of the pictures. I have never (successfully) used the maxheight and 
> maxwidth options without also using the corresponding alt-* options.

That will create double-images in the .pdb, bloating its size 
for images I'll never be tapping on normally, 2 copies of every image 
(shouldn't it just be a pointer to the same record, instead of 
creating a duplicate record?) 

I just tried it and it does indeed fetch _all_ of the links, 
but the final .pdb is 6,558,390 bytes (1,176 records) in size for 2.2M 
of original source data (218 original files).

Shouldn't be _smaller_ than the original source material?

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: maxwidth breaks maxdepth (??)

2005-05-07 Thread David A. Desrosiers

>   When I pluck this document with a maxdepth=30 maxwidth=300, 
> maxdepth gets cut off at about 20, and only the first two albums are 
> shown with usable links (albums 3 and 4 are "offsite", not fetched 
> by Plucker).

Ok, its even weirder... when I pluck this document with the 
following synctax: 

plucker-build -H file:/path/to/index.html --tables 
--maxwidth=300 --maxdepth=50 [...] 

And in my ~/.pluckerrc, I have: 

verbosity = 1
bpp   = 16
image_parser  = netpbm2
copyprevention_bit= false
backup_bit= false
launchable_bit= false
icon  = false
zlib_compression  = true
home_maxdepth = 50
maxwidth  = 300
no_urlinfo= 1

(Note: maxwidth and home_maxdepth in .pluckerrc appear to be 
completely ignored by the Python distiller).

The final .pdb is created with 16bpp, but album 2's first link 
is a link to album 1's page 13, and there doesn't seem to be a way to 
get to any of the sub-links in album 2 (the log claims 792 records 
were put into this .pdb, its 3.1M in size).

Something fishy is going on here, definately. I'll keep 
banging away at it, but I don't ever remember the parser being this 
broken in the past, and the C++ distiller seems to be acting up as 

Also note: these HTML pages work perfectly in a browser.

I'll zip them up and put them online later today if I can't 
figure this thing out.

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: maxwidth breaks maxdepth (??)

2005-05-07 Thread David A. Desrosiers

>   When I pluck this document with a maxdepth=30 maxwidth=300, 
> maxdepth gets cut off at about 20, and only the first two albums are 
> shown with usable links (albums 3 and 4 are "offsite", not fetched 
> by Plucker).

I can confirm this bug is also present in the C++ distiller in 
CVS as well, but it is behaving much different, with similar results 
(failure to fetch all 121 images and related links):

With _any_ maxdepth setting, I only get the first album's 
links fetched, skipping albums 2 through 4. Tapping on the very first 
link in Plucker (a 100x100 thumbnail image of a house), throws an 
error of: 

"Insufficient memory for uncompressing the 
 page. You will need to free up RAM memory."

I've got plenty of free RAM, and this happens after a soft or 
hard reset, with and without zlib compression enabled.

By taking out --maxdepth=30 from the cplucker build command, 
cplucker fetches 47 links from the first album, and then stops 
fetching, completes the document creation, and creates what appears to 
be a corrupted document.

If I add --tables, cplucker fetches only 24 links from the 
first album, using the same maxdepth setting (30) as in all prior 

If I use --tables, --maxdepth=300, --maxwidth=300, cpluck only 
fetches 11 links from the first album, and creates a corrupted doc.

In all cases, the documents created are trashed, and I am 
unable to tap on or open even the first link.

    This is just bizarre... 

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

maxwidth breaks maxdepth (??)

2005-05-07 Thread David A. Desrosiers

This is a weird one and I just ran into it this morning. It 
was hard to pin down exactly what was causing it... if I can get 
someone else to reproduce this, I'll file it as an official bug.

I have a directory of HTML files given to me by another person 
who does little "slideshows" of real-estate and other stuff. There are 
97 .html files linking to 121 separate .jpg files. 

The top-level page has 4 links to the 4 "albums" in the doc. 
Each album has about 23 separate html pages in it. Each page has a 
310x225 image and some little navigation jpegs below it '<< < [] > >>' 
basically (beginning, previous, home, next, last). So far so good...

When I pluck this document with a maxdepth=30 maxwidth=300, 
maxdepth gets cut off at about 20, and only the first two albums are 
shown with usable links (albums 3 and 4 are "offsite", not fetched by 

If I remove --maxwidth=300, the document contains all of the 
target links at the proper depth (though the right-side of the images 
are cut off because they are 310px wide).

I confirmed this with 16bpp, 8bpp, and below. I can also 
confirm this by setting maxdepth=100 or higher, which _should_ get all 
of the links in this relatively-small tree.

I also tried --depth-first, which didn't help either.

What the heck is going on here? 

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Cpluck

2005-04-28 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> I recently found a c++ regex library that does PERL style matching. 
> I think we should use it (it's GPL) as it would free us from using 
> OS specific 'C' regex calls for Exclusions.

We should include this in the tree somewhere, since we're 
going to run into problems when users try to build this. 

Since it isn't included in any standard distribution, and it 
requires either hand-editing of the Makefile to add an install target, 
or hand-copying of the headers to /usr/include/* to get resolve the 
dependencies that cplucker has on it.

Its small enough, lets put it in tools/regex for now. 

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Plucker in C (++)

2005-04-03 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> Thanks David (& Alex) !!

Before this gets too widespread, we should probably clean up 
that tree a bit more, add a README in that directory to provide some 
info about what it is, what license it is covered by, who wrote the 
original code, what features are present and missing, and so on.

The most-important part is the license at this stage. There is 
a GPL_LICENSE.txt in that dir (which can probably be tossed, since we 
already have a COPYING file in the parent dir), and we should make 
sure that each file contains the license header as well, lest someone 
snatch one of the files before we stamp it, and use it in a way that 
violates that license.

I hate to play the Warden, but we've seen abuse here before. 

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Plucker in C (++)

2005-04-03 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> You're right. Can it be moved??

Moved, updated (which we should move to at some point), and testing a build now... its in 
/parser/c++ waiting for testers ;) 

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Plucker in C (++)

2005-04-03 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> If I did everything right, Cplucker is now in CVS.

Shouldn't that have gone into /parser/cpp or something? 

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: beaming the Plucker prc

2005-03-31 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> On the Palm OS, it appears that the Plucker .prc cannot be beamed 
> except through a utility like FileZ. Is this the case? Is there an 
> easy way to change that?

Due to the way PalmOS handles applications by searching for 
them by CreatorID, beaming Plucker through the standard OS methods 
will also beam all documents and resources with the 'Plkr' CreatorID. 
For Palm devices with lots of documents, or private documents, this 
may not be ideal.

FileZ is probably the best way to do it, or you could add some 
custom hooks in Plucker itself to beam the .prc (and don't forget the 
compression lib; SysZLib.prc, if installed), from within Plucker 

A good menu title for that could be "Share Plucker" or 
something along those lines.. Nobody has offered that as a patch or 
suggested feature before that I can recall. 

Care to send a patch that introduces that feature along for 

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Font Collector is Free

2005-03-03 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> Now, the big question is: Is anybody other than me going to 
> contribute code to it?

The bigger question is... what needs to be contributed? What 
parts, features, code, bugs, etc. need to be added or removed? 

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: OS X building?

2005-02-17 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> Yes.  I use a fink-installed copy of ImageMagick under OS X with no 
> troubles.

Hopefully when/if Opusculus gets functional again, that'll be 
the de-facto version for that platform... but only time and volunteers 
will determine that. ;) 

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: OS X building?

2005-02-17 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> > Just get yourself Fink, and build Python, and you're done.

> Actually, Python ships pre-installed on Mac OS X.  No need to build 
> it.

Actually you're right, I stand corrected. 

You will need to build the other bits though (netpbm, etc.) 

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: OS X building?

2005-02-16 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> > I stick to Python and Perl spiders on that platform.

> What's the status of the Perl spider right now?

Not production-ready at this point. I'm bolting on some more 
pieces, but I have to rebuild the main project website first, that 
takes priority at this point. I'm redoing it from the ground up with a 
lot less code, a lot more templating, and a lot more functionality. 
I've learned from my mistakes in the last couple of years, and I'm 
going to apply that knowledge to the site and the spider.

I'm also going to be devoting some regular time to fixing and 
releasing that spider (yes, FINALLY, after how many years?) in the 
coming months. There are little pieces of it everywhere in the mailing 
lists, cvs, and other bits, but I'm going to put the whole thing out 
there for use and review, hopefully the first half of this year.

But the Python spider, the "reference API" for Plucker, needs 
some TLC, because its starting to stagnate behind what the viewer is 
capable of rendering, as Mike mentioned a few days ago.

Bill? Jim? Are you out there? Any time to work on those bits? 

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: OS X building?

2005-02-16 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> > Plucker Desktop on OSX is another monster, but I'm slowly 
> > working on those pieces to get it back to a buildable status. More 
> > eyes and hands are, of course, appreciated.

> I assume jpluck works?

It probably does, if you don't mind lack of table support, 
corrupt records when building large documents, and some other weird 
quirks with caching and other aspects of that tool... I've never run 
JPluck on OSX, I stick to Python and Perl spiders on that platform.

Maybe some JPluck OSX users can chime in?

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: OS X building?

2005-02-16 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> I am thinking of switching to a powerbook from my dell.  Are there 
> any problems with building Plucker under OS X, with sync'ing prcs to 
> a Clie NX from OS X, and with using MS Import for transfering larger 
> files?

None that I've seen thus far, and pilot-link works beautifully 
there (3-4mb/sec too, which is nice). SyncBuddy and MissingSync (both 
commercial Palm sync apps [based on pilot-link, of course]) also work 
great on that platform. There's really no need for "MS Import" for 
large files, if you just use pilot-link or the other apps above to 
copy the files to your external storage.

Just get yourself Fink, and build Python, and you're done. 

Plucker Desktop on OSX is another monster, but I'm slowly 
working on those pieces to get it back to a buildable status. More 
eyes and hands are, of course, appreciated.

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: pdb to html

2005-02-12 Thread David A. Desrosiers

Thanks...for a moment I thought that someone actually posted a 
message, months ago on this board, saying they took over JPluck and 
are hosting it under different name...absent mindedness :-(
	Yes, that would be me. I'm spearheading "Opusculus", but there 
is nothing of note to mention on the project page. I'll probably put a 
Drupal CMS up there at some point to collect the blogs and code and 
forums for that project..

So, what's the difference between unpluck and explode tools?
One is a library, one is the code that uses that library.
David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: pdb to html

2005-02-12 Thread David A. Desrosiers

I was wandering if there is a tool that could decompile plucker pdbs 
into original source html files?
unpluck/explode, in the Plucker source tree.
Also, what's the "new" home page for JPluck that was taken over by 
the Plucker team...any new stuff there?
	There is none, JPluck was never a project sponsored by the 
core Plucker team. It was a project developed by Laurens Fridael, and 
is no longer active.

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Doxygen version of the Plucker source code

2005-01-30 Thread David A. Desrosiers

I've taken the time today to run the Plucker CVS source code 
through Doxygen, and put it online for anyone interested in working 
with it in this format.

For those unfamiliar with Doxygen, it is a way to graphically 
document and map source code. It allows you to visually "walk the 
tree" of functions, headers, class structures, and many other things. 

I've been using Doxygen for pilot-link for over a year now, 
and its made it MUCH easier to spot and eliminate unnecessary circular 
references, double-header inclusions, and many other common mistakes 
that happen when you're working on a large project, and which aren't 
easy to spot when looking at one file at a time.

Doxygen also allows us to create a "manual" of the source code 
in pdf, postscript, LaTeX, manpages or other formats, if we ever 
needed to. Its really a powerful development tool for documenting 
code. It will make it very obvious where gotchas and other issues are 
happening in your project. I highly recommend it for anyone who writes 
code in C, C++, Java, and PHP.

As you walk through the pages, the images that you see, are 
clickable image maps, and can be clicked to bring you to the members, 
headers, source code and other pieces that they refernce. Its all 

This is now set up for a nightly rebuild (takes about an hour 
to run), including crushing the png files and reformatting the html 
output slightly.

If anyone spots any buglets, mistakes, or anything that 
generally doesn't work right with it, please let me know right away, 
so I can fix it.


David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Build problems

2005-01-09 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> Actually, I fixed it by reinstalling all of cygwin. Don't know why, 
> but that did the trick. Thanks!

Ah yes, I forgot... 

The solution to all problems on Windows is to reinstall. 

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Build problems

2005-01-09 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> For some reason, erasing the entire CVS dir and re-importing did the 
> trick for the first error set. However, for some reason, only the 
> second make succeeds - the first produces the same error. So, now 
> I'm stuck on the implicit declaration error, which would not be a 
> problem without the -Werror flag... suggestions?

What SDK are you building it with? sdk-5r3 is what the hourly 
snapshots are built with. 5.4 is a little unstable, so I stayed with 
the current Linux/prc-tools recommended version.

> > Been having some trouble building plucker viewer from CVS for some 
> > time using the 5r4 Palm SDK. The build environment is Cygwin.

Does it work if you use the right SDK? Try 5r3. 

> > ./configure goes fine using all default options:

What options are you passing to configure? My configure syntax 
is about 3 lines long (yes, literally). You're not just launching 
"configure" without any modifiers, are you?

But as I said, the code is fine, the hourly snapshots are 
built with the 5r3 SDK and the 2.2.90.cvs20030306-4.1 version of 
prc-tools (latest available on the build machine's environment).

Use that combination, it should work fine. Make sure you're 
running a 'distclean' between each build, and make sure you're cvs 
update syntax is correct (cvs up -dP).

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Unicode patch 4

2005-01-03 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> This is plucker & palmfontconv unicode patch.
> List of relevant changes:

Just curious if this has been implemented yet. The thread
seemed to die here, and its 9 months old. I have a few pages that look
pretty bad without proper utf-8 support in Plucker.

I tried the samples indicated on Radovan's page, but they
don't look right either on my Vx, m505, T2 and T3 devices. Has anyone
else successfully rendered LAtin1, Cyrillic, etc. characters in
plucker without using any third-party hacks?

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: plucker and GNU

2004-12-30 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> Similarly, if you make a plucker-derived program that is ONLY used
> within your company or other organization, you only have to make the
> source code available within that organization.

There's one catch here, and one Bluefish tried to exploit to
their advantage:

If you have "partners", "vendors" and "contractors" working
under your company's umbrella, giving them modified copies does NOT
fall under the "within your company" clause of the GPL.

If anyone other than officers of your company obtain the
modified copies through your own distribution, you are required to
provide source upon request.

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: plucker and GNU

2004-12-30 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> I'm thinking about writing some mods to plucker, and I was wondering
> about the GNU (and this question may sound silly, but bear with me):
> are there any circumstances where I'm using some sort of plucker
> code where I have no obligation to share my code?  Or is basically
> everything covered?  Thanks,

GNU is a philosophy.

The GNU GPL, is a license that embodies that philosophy.

If you're referring to the license which binds the Plucker
project, you are specifically talking about the GNU GPL.

In this case, any modifications you make to Plucker's source
code, which are then distributed publically to others, must be made
available upon request, in source form. These modifications don't
include minor things like changing the order of menu options or
changing the pacifier icon to something else. Those do not benefit
other users, and aren't necessary to contribute back.

For example:

- If you create a modification to Plucker that adds a feature
  like say... forms support, and you distribute that modified
  Plucker version to others, that source code must be made
  available to others upon request.

- If you incorporate Plucker source code into your own
  project, and distribute that project publically, the full
  source code to the pieces linked to the Plucker source code,
  must be made available upon request.

Other than that, I'm not sure I understand your question.

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Bitstream Vera fonts

2004-11-22 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> (The patent issue is with the freetype2 library's TT hinting.  For
> patent reasons, my official distribution of PalmFontConv uses ft2 in
> autohint mode.)

I've ALWAYS changed the bytecode and Apple rendering on
freetype on all of my systems, before I even install the Bitstream
Vera or any other truetype fonts. The Apple rendering is SO much nicer
than the Microsoft rendering of the same fonts. Add to that, the
bytecode interpretor, and you've got yourself some pretty snazzy
looking fonts.

Then again, I'm a bit unique, with 20/5 vision and 6-7px fonts
on 1400x1050 and 1600x1200 screen, for my normal work days. People
lean really close in and squint just to read my screen, but I see it
just fine.

Your idea is interesting though. I'm actually collecting a lot
of fonts and related licensing bits to make "Font Packs" for download
from the Plucker site for the 2.0 release.

Incidentally... I haven't heard from Mike or Robert O'Connor
in a long time now (and the lists have been pretty quiet, though "tis
the season" I guess).

Have you heard/seen from them at all? I'm getting a lot of
people on irc asking about a newer version of Plucker Desktop, and
Robert has the keys to that castle. I've built it before for a client
in Spain, but it wasn't pretty, and I'd really prefer that he handle
those pieces.

Robert/Mike, are you out there?

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: newbie problems

2004-10-13 Thread David A. Desrosiers

However, the CVS does not contain either configure file, but only 
one, which does not create a configure script in the 
viewer directory. How can I compile the viewer?
	Run with your specific arguments, and it will 
generate a 'configure' for you (out of, and then it will 
bootstrap configure with your specific parameters. For example:

sh ./ \
--prefix=/usr   \
--disable-gtkviewer \
--disable-docbuild  \
--disable-desktopbuild  \
--disable-explode   \
--enable-wait_icon=thought-bubble   \
--enable-debug_labels   \
--enable-debug_log  \
--enable-gesture_debug  \
--enable-category=Unfiled   \
BTW, there's some inconsistencies in the documentation:
	I've asked for help cleaning that up numerous times. Care to 
give us a hand?

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Plucker BitTorrent updates

2004-10-09 Thread David A. Desrosiers
 	I have updated the version of the BitTorrent tracker software 
used on the Plucker domain and added a couple of my own minor patches, 
which enhances the functionality a little bit.

 	Now you can visit the Plucker BitTorrent tracker url (below) 
and click on the file you want directly from within the tracker. Save 
the .torrent to disk, and run your BitTorrent client against it to 
fetch (or mirror) the file. If your browser is configured to launch 
the proper BitTorrent client, this will happen automatically.
Thanks again to everyone who has helped contribute.
More new things are coming very soon... stay tuned!
David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Jpluck

2004-10-05 Thread David A. Desrosiers

Laurens tells me that someone on the dev list may be planning to 
fork the Jpluck code, now that Laurens is no longer doing active 
development but has moved on to a commercial project (Good luck to 
him!!). Are plans currently in the works? I was going to create a 
sourceforge project for the fork sometime this week, but will wait 
if the thing is still in the planning stages (or perhaps someone has 
already started a fork...).
	We've already done this... though not on SourceForge. We have 
a project set up, team is already chosen and parts/roles are 
being doled out, as we restructure the code and clean out the bugs 
that lurked into there.

	Once we rebrand the code, we may make a quick release, which 
will probably be JPluck + rebranding, and then we can begin working on 
the new features I've proposed to the team.

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: theoretical bug

2004-09-14 Thread David A. Desrosiers

Oops!  Nevermind: I found my bug.
Don't keep us all in suspense... what was it? ;)
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: theoretical bug

2004-09-14 Thread David A. Desrosiers

My suggestion is to check for a .pdb or .prc extension (depending on 
what we are searching for) before calling VFSFileDBInfo().  The 
other advantage of doing this is that it would speed up the VFS scan 
since we wouldn't have to open some of the files.
	That would probably miss a lot of Plucker documents created 
with the '.plkr' extension or others (filename_extension). In my case, 
the problems you described with your app ClieSkinner, does not seem to 
affect my Palm devices here (all Palm devices up to Tungsten T2 at the 

	I don't have any Clie devices, so I can't test those, but the 
others (Palm, Handspring, Treo) all seemed to work fine, with lots of 
non-Palm files interspersed in the same dirs that Plucker uses to scan 
for docs.

It may be that for some mysterious reason this method works in 
Plucker but not in my code.
	We've seen a LOT of issues with Clie devices recently with 
pilot-link, and some people have reported some bugs in the OS running 
on them, which is supposedly fixed in OS5.4.. Maybe you're seeing 

	Here's a copy of the message from palm-dev. This may be 
relevant for you:

Subject: Re: OS 5.4
The reason I am interested in OS 5.4 is because it has a patch
for a bug that is causing me grief.  The specific bug prevents
the VFS from enumerating the root directory of an memory card
if the root directory contains more than 7 or so files with
long file names (long meaning that they do not conform to the
8.3 file name convention).  I have investigated a variety of
approaches to resolving this issue but as far as I have been
able to determine, the only viable solution is get a hold of
OS 5.4.  Note that the application I am writing must access
files in the root directory of the memory card.  These files
cannot be located in a subdirectory of the card.
David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Weird list/element bug in

2004-09-14 Thread David A. Desrosiers

	In, there is a block of code that checks to see how 
many list items there are in a given list, and if they are < 26, the list 
members are assigned an uppercase element id. If they are > 26, they are 
assigned a lowercase element id.
	I should also mention that this problem affects JPluck as well, in 
a very different way. In JPluck, a simple list with a sub-list under it, 
looks like:

1. Introduction
2. 1. Foo
 2. Bar
 3. Baz
	Yes, that indenting is exactly how it looks. I'm not sure why it 
adds the '2. ' prefix in front, and then restarts the numbering again at 
1, but thats how it lays it out.

	We'll be fixing this in the new version of the Java parser, when 
we get around to that point.

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Weird list/element bug in

2004-09-14 Thread David A. Desrosiers
 	In, there is a block of code that checks to see how 
many list items there are in a given list, and if they are < 26, the list 
members are assigned an uppercase element id. If they are > 26, they are 
assigned a lowercase element id.

This means that a list with 20 items, looks like this:
1) Introduction
A) Foo
B) Bar
C) Baz
If there are 30 items, that same list looks like this:
1) Introduction
a) Foo
b) Bar
c) Baz
 	This is a problem, because there are attributes to the list tags, 
which define where the list starts, and at what type. I have a document 
that looks like this:


Ideally, that should look like:
1. Introduction
a. Foo
b. Bar
c. Baz
With 'type="A"', it should look like:
1. Introduction
A. Foo
B. Bar
C. Baz
 	The list element id shouldn't change its case, based on the NUMBER 
of elements found in the list, but based on the ATTRIBUTE passed to the 
tag itself, if any at all. This includes:

 numbers (1, 2, 3)
 uppercase letters (A, B, C)
 lowercase letters (a, b, c)
 uppercase Roman numerals (I, II, III)
 lowercase Roman numerals (i, ii, iii)
 	The other odd bit of this bug, is that it seems to also replace 
the element id with '?)' if the number doesn't match the < or > 26 values.

 	There are a few things wrong with the output here as well. Lists 
do not display parenthesis in their members when displayed. This means:

1) Introduction
Should be rendered as:
1. Introduction
Similarly for sub-list members:
A) Foo vs. A. Foo
a) Foo vs. a. Foo
 	My overall readability of Python scores low, but this appears to 
be right around lines 2033 in Below is a quick diff to fix 
some of this. I'm not clear on how to fix the other bits (parsing the 
'type' attribute, and passing in the proper value).

 	There is also some issues with indenting of the sub-list members 
that needs to get fixed at some point. I'll see what I can hack on to fix 
this in the meantime.

 	My Python sucks though, so if anyone else wants to take the ball 
and run with this, please do. ;)

diff -u -r1.66
--- a/ 13 Apr 2004 03:37:16 -  1.66
+++ b/ 14 Sep 2004 16:37:24 -
@@ -2040,15 +2040,15 @@
  data[0] = number + 1
  indent = 12
  if self._ol_list_depth % 3 == 1:
-text = "%d) " % number
+text = "%d. " % number
  elif self._ol_list_depth % 3 == 2:
  if number < 26:
-text = string.uppercase[number-1] + ") "
+text = string.uppercase[number-1] + ". "
  text = "?) "
  elif self._ol_list_depth % 3 == 0:
  if number < 26:
-text = string.lowercase[number-1] + ") "
+text = string.lowercase[number-1] + ". "
  text = "?) "
  table_margin = self._ol_list_depth

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

Plucker mentioned in ePublishing Blog

2004-09-10 Thread David A. Desrosiers
	A very interesting article I just found. He makes a lot of good 
points overall, and gives us a lot of credit for what we're doing with 
"Plucker does not spend enough time trumpeting how good of an
 ebook compiler and reader they have. The reader, on the Palm has
 one of the most elegant interfaces I have seen. The compiler is
 not quite as straight forward but if you play with it you will
 figure it out rather quickly. Both reader and compiler are
 absolutely free and without any royalties for publishing in the
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Plucker integrated with PalmOS calendar?

2004-08-17 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> There's no HTML out there right now that supports this (or is 
> there?), so obviously this wouldn't be useful for Plucking random 
> web pages. But I'm starting to create a lot of my own web pages with 
> scripts, and some of them suggest the ability to add appointments 
> (movie listings, Heavens Above, etc).

Why not just add your own tags to the HTML, and then add the 
requisite components to the parser to trigger the right function code 
in your modified Plucker viewer? 

Lunch or some such. 

It would be easy to tie that into the (not-yet-released) bits 
of pilot-link which will be grokking XML import and export directly. 
You could write a quick script to parse your existing datebook, and 
turn that back into HTML for Plucker, if you wanted, or the reverse, 
tappable links in Plucker to populate a datebook on the Palm.

I think its a really great and unique idea. 

> My HTML language design aesthetic sense is weak... would it be more 
> tasteful to implement this as an extension to the anchor tag, or to 
> invent a new tag?  

My time is pretty limited, but I can certainly help with the 
aesthetic bits of the HTML, if you want.

> If it's an anchor tag, does it make more sense to try to squeeze 
> everything one string (like mailto: does with recipient and sender) 
> or to break it out into multiple attributes?

Why not just use an XML file, transformed into HTML with the 
proper XSLT + DTD (or XML forms). You could even take an RSS feed, 
with a proper stylesheet, and handle that. Anything is possible, when 
you control the parser.

> Or is this whole thing a stupid idea to begin with?

Nothing that increases Plucker's market is a stupid idea.

As Jean Luc Picard once said to Data: 

"Everything is impossible, until it isn't."


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Critical problem in new format (was: Support for new Plucker features in the Parser.)

2004-08-07 Thread David A. Desrosiers

It should be quite simple to write a script that could convert documents 
from the new format to the old format (without the new features), though.
	Would it be possible to make the viewer do this automagically, upon 
opening an "older" format document? The problem I see with writing a script 
to convert the documents, is that we'll be in the mess of cross-platform 
compatibility issues.

Or perhaps an UpdatePlkr.prc that can be launched to do it?
	Also, the other bit of a problem, is having to convert the documents 
to the _older_ format. For example, if someone submits a Plucker document to 
MemoWare or PalmGear in the "new" format, and someone without the latest 
viewer tries to read/run it..

	A script would be better in the short term, but I think we'll run 
into all kinds of new bug reports from users who 1.) can't run the script, 
2.) don't want to run the script, 3.) complain that Plucker is broken ;)

It might even be a good idea to add another field that includes the header 
size (or offset to the text/image data) to be able to handle future 
changes without breaking the format.
I agree with this, definately.
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Plucker on Treo 600

2004-07-16 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> I've been seriously contemplating buying a Treo 600 and wanted to ask the
> community if there are any bugs/problems with using Plucker on this
> device? I'd like to specifically hear from people who actually tried it on
> the device and what was their experience?

I think that's the exact device Mike Nordstrom uses, so I'm pretty
sure there are zero problems with it. In fact, I think there are a few Treo
600-specific hooks in Plucker to launch the onboard browser for "off-doc"
links, if I remember correctly.


plucker-dev mailing list

RE: Desktop vs JPluck

2004-06-15 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> This is 751 files that are on my local disk. Jpluck takes 39 seconds and
> Desktop takes 5:40 to complete.  Two other interesting notes; Jpluck lists
> 1182 files and Desktop list 1313 files.  Desktop also takes over 20
> seconds just to write out the file.

Different langauges use different methods. One is Python, one is
Java, and they are both designed with very different goals and mechanisms
involved. It is no surprise that your results are different.


plucker-dev mailing list

Support the Plucker project.. buy some gear!

2004-06-05 Thread David A. Desrosiers

I started with just a hat and shirt, and just went nuts from there.
We don't "officially" have any slogans... suggestions are certainly welcome
for that. If you don't see something you'd like, let me know, and I'll make
it or change it.

I'm hoping the selections we have to offer will improve over time.


plucker-dev mailing list

Website changes, snapshot changes, everything changes..

2004-05-31 Thread David A. Desrosiers

In an effort to decrease the confusion about which file to download
when testing snapshots, I've changed the way I iterate through them in the
snapshot directory.. it should be much more "human readable" now. Please let
me know if it could be improved further.

I am also revamping the download page as well, for the same sorts of
concerns. We now have so many different kinds of files to choose from
(viewer, parser, desktop, translations, docs, source code, etc.) If anybody
here is adept at creating validated XHTML, and want to help lay out that
information better, please send me samples..

Starting with the 1.8 release, I will also be making "press kits"
for others to use to further advertise Plucker to their own communities.
Feel free to use this information to spread to your own forums, websites and
other communities. You can see one example here for the 1.8 release:

Note that this release.html file is not "true" HTML, in that it is
missing the start and end tags that signify a valid HTML document, but that
is because it is used to nest within other sites for advertising, such as
Palmgear. Improvements to the layout of that are also welcome.

Lastly.. as summer approaches, I will be further tightening up the
code that runs the Plucker website, including all of the ancillary Perl
tools currently running alongside it (pler; the email reflector, pdf2pl;
converting pdf to Plucker, and so on). Suggestions for new features and
options are encouraged for those items, and any other tools you think we
could use to promote and assist other Plucker users. I will also be
aggressively attacking the documentation as well.. and I'll need some help
from translators to translate the documentation into other native languages.

If anyone has any other items they'd like me to help out with,
please speak up.. I'm here to lend a hand where I can, and where time

For those celebrating, have a great holiday weekend!

plucker-dev mailing list

Re: GPL Violation

2004-05-27 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> On the other hand, with a willful violator, I wouldn't mind getting my
> percentage of the $500-$100,000 statutory damages per infringement (i.e.,
> per download of the violating binaries, no?)

That normally works, when the software is "sold" by the violating
company (i.e. there is a paper trail). With Free Software, there is no real
way to tell how many people downloaded it, got it from their friends, copied
it on CD at their LUG, or in the case of Bluefish Wireless, was "delivered"
the application from one of their (braindead and incredibly insecure) "pods"
at one of the local tradeshows.

In cases like this, a blanket settlement amount is usually
agreed-upon by all parties, and levied that way. Of course, this doesn't
mean that the violation just "goes away", they still have to comply, they
are simply paying a "fine" for prior damages. If downloads continue to
happen, without compliance, the process starts all over again.

In the case of Bluefish Wireless, they were, at one point, claiming
that they wrote the app themselves, to their customers. This is what the law
calls "False designation of origin", which is protected by the Lanham Act (a
separate violating in itself).

The GPL is a license, not a law or a contract. Once a company is
found to be violating it, their rights to continue to redistribute the code
under that license are revoked. Every copy they sell/distribute after that
point is a separate and independant instance of a US Copyright violation,
protected by the rights of the country that it is registered in... in our
case, the US.

The GPL _grants_ rights, it doesn't take them away.

plucker-dev mailing list

Re: GPL Violation

2004-05-26 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> >Can we know the name of the app?

> Or at least let us know how this progresses. I've never seen what happens
> during a GPL violation and I am very curious.

Please let the team handle it directly. We don't want to start a
campaign of users cold-calling companies who are asserted to be violating
the license of Plucker. Their mistake may be accidental, or it may be
maliscious. Let us find out on our own. We can of course, let you know what
we find out, within our legal limits to do so, but it really isn't useful to
talk about that kind of stuff here on the lists.

The first step in any asserted violation, is discovery. We have to
make sure that the company accused of being in violation, is indeed in
violation. An investigation of the facts has to commence first, before it
can be branded a "violation".

We've been through this a couple of times already for this project,
and I'm dealing with it in another project of my own (pilot-link) with 3
other companies. It is a slow-moving iceberg, but most legal matters are.


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: [seeds] Plucker 1.8 Release packages, mirrors requested

2004-05-23 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> Eventually I got it.  I found the zip-o-torrents, and from there made it
> work.  My copy of Azureus is handling the load nicely.

If you're curious, here are the stats for that:

plucker-dev mailing list

Re: [seeds] Plucker 1.8 Release packages, mirrors requested

2004-05-22 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> [2] Zip-o-Torrents:
> md5sum: d4266da0c90621238e826fbed12d4cbc
> (74,921 bytes)

Oops, I made a small typo on one of the files in here. I have
corrected it and made a new zip. Please grab the new .zip, or rm the
.torrent and file that matches the following names. The new .zip is 74,922
bytes in size, with an md5sum of 2c37dca171f9a2cf637f1314f0c36af7.

(Note the accidental double '.' character before the .zip extension)

If you only want to download the updated version of this torrent,
please grab the following:

Sorry about that.. fast fingers, slow brain this morning ;)

plucker-dev mailing list

[seeds] Plucker 1.8 Release packages, mirrors requested

2004-05-22 Thread David A. Desrosiers

It is that time again. Time for the Plucker seeds and mirrors to
help us redistribute a new Plucker release... this time version 1.8! This is
the latest in the "stable" series of Plucker releases. I have taken the time
to convert all of the .bz2 files to .zip also, and made .torrent versions of
those for users who do not know how to unpack a .bz2 file or aren't sure of
which file to download.

Once all of the seeds are populated, and I can see the BitTorrent
tracker acknowledge them all, I will activate the news article and links to
download them from the main website and other locations.

For those who don't know the procedure yet, here are the steps:

1.) Download the BitTorrent client[1] for your OS.

2.) Unpack and install that first

3.) Download the Plucker zip-o-torrents file[2]

4.) Unpack that into an empty directory with about 100M free space

5.) Run your BitTorrent "multi" client across ALL of the torrents in
the directory you just unpacked them into, by passing it the ame
of the directory with these torrents in it. If you are using nux
or Unix, this is called 'btlaunchmany' or 'btlaunchmanycurses'
if you want to see all the files at once (make sure your window
is resized large nough, or you will get Python errors from
curses). If you unpacked the .torrents into /var/lib/plucker,
you would run the client as follows:

btlaunchmany /var/lib/plucker/

If you have set it up correctly, you should see your "seed" start
downloading all of the releases into the directory specified, and then begin
sending pieces upstream (uploading) to the requesting other seeds and

Please note: running BitTorrent as a client, or a seed *DOES NOT*,
in any way, open your system or data up for viewing by any other seed or
clients. It will only send pieces of the files specified by the .torrent
files you have downloaded and pointed to when you launched your client.

BitTorrent is not a "downloader", so please respect that in order
for the system to work, you MUST keep your BitTorrent client running after
all of the files have been downloaded. It only works, when there are peers
on the network, actively sending bits of the files.

If you download what you want, and close your BitTorrent client,
NOBODY benefits, except you, and that isn't exactly embracing the community

If you have any questions, problems, concerns, or other issues,
please let me know. Also, if you choose to download these files with
BitTorrent, and want to share them up for other users over http or ftp,
please let me know the URL _directly_, and I will link to it from the main
website downloads page.

Thanks again everyone for helping out, and keep on Plucking!

[1] BitTorrent:
[2] Zip-o-Torrents:
md5sum: d4266da0c90621238e826fbed12d4cbc
(74,921 bytes)

plucker-dev mailing list

Re: T3 user?

2004-05-14 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> It was reported to me that this happens in PalmBible+ which uses the
> exact same DIA code, so I'm worried it happens in Plucker, too.  If so,
> it's going to be a hard bug to fix as there does not seem to be a way
> for me to duplicate this on the simulator as it doesn't have a slider.

My T3 Simulator has a slider. Are you sure you're using the right
T3 Simulator? There are two.. one from palmOne, and one from Palmsource.

You can see a quick screenshot that shows one of the sample docs
in Plucker (latest snapshot) on the T3 Simulator under Windows2000 here:

plucker-dev mailing list

Re: building Vademecum

2004-05-10 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> I tried to build vademecum from the cvs source and everything went fine.
> Now I'm not sure what else (beside vademecum.exe) has to be installed and
> where??? Any help with this will be appreciated.

You probably want to ask on the mailing list/forums specific to Vade
Mecum. We don't have anything to do with that project, unfortunately. I
haven't seen any posts here from the author in quite a few months.


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: patch to explode.c

2004-05-06 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> I like it.

Where is the patch? What does it add/remove/fix? I didn't see it hit
any of the lists. Can you resend it?
plucker-dev mailing list

[seeds] New 1.7.2 packages need mirroring

2004-05-02 Thread David A. Desrosiers

Mike has made 1.7.2 packages, and I have just put them up for
grabs via BitTorrent. This preliminary email is to alert the seeds that
there is a new release coming... 1.7.2, and that you'll need to grab these
updates and mirror them as well.

I have seeded the packages, and you can grab them by fetching the
zip-o-torrents file[1] from the primary Plucker server, unpack it, and run
your favorite BitTorrent client across it. The easiest way to do this, is
to use or similar, across the latest releases in the
zipfile. You don't have to seed ALL of them, but the last few releases is
a good start (1.6.2, 1.7.1, 1.7.2 + Plucker Desktop of course).

If you wish to put these files up for http download, instead of
keeping your BitTorrent client open as a public seed, please fetch all of
the files with BitTorrent, and then contact me directly with the URL/ftp
location of the full files for download, and I will make them available
from the main website for the rest of the users.

For those who believe that using BitTorrent somehow opens their
system to exploits from other systems, it doesn't. You aren't running a
server, you are simply a seed to the main server. There is no way that
someone can fish around and download any other files from your system,
other than the one(s) specified by the main Plucker server, since *IT* is
the one telling incoming users what files it can have, and where the
pieces of those files are located. BitTorrent is not a security risk in
any way, as configured. If it were, you can be certain I wouldn't be
running it, and I run a pretty tight ship.

If you want to become an rsync mirror, that is also an option. I
have an anonymous rsync server set up for specific users who are fetching
the latest stable and unstable releases over rsync. If you want to mirror
that way, email me directly with your IP and your rsync frequency, and I
will drop you into the ACL for that.

Once we have the mirrors seeded, I will make the announcement on
the public website, and open it up to general public for downloads. During
release times, we regularly peak around 10gb/day from the main Plucker
server. Mirrors and other external servers/seeds will see a portion of
that, depending on how many users we have downloading.

Thanks again to everyone who is helping to mirror these files.

[1] Zip-o-Torrents:

plucker-dev mailing list

Re: handera SDK

2004-04-30 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> I got permission from HandEra to post the SDK online.  Can we put it up at

Certainly, send me the link and any relevant attribution/licensing
info and I'll put it up there.


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: handera SDK

2004-04-30 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> Is there anywhere where the Handera SDK can be downloaded from?  The
> download link from the Plucker site is dead.  Alex

Last I knew, Handera was done with the Palm business. I have a copy
here, if you want it.. is the filename (and the hourly
snaps are built with support for it).


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Lightspeed support

2004-04-29 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> I was wondering if we could include support, as a compile-time option,
> for Lightspeed overclocking, once the feature freeze is over.  I include
> a patch--it's really a very simple patch.  I've been using a version of
> Plucker patched with this patch for several months now with a private
> beta of Lightspeed 2.0, and it has worked like a charm.

There's a slight bug (which I reported to Lightspeed) when using
Lightspeed. To see the crash, launch Lightspeed, and tap-and-hold the
stylus just above the "down" arrow on the scrollbar, forcing it to "page
down" a few times through the files in the list. Crash. Reproducable every
single time on my T2.

I haven't yet tried your patch + Lightspeed to see if it has the
same issue, but it might be worth holding off until Lightspeed stabilizes.
We wouldn't want users to report crashes in Lightspeed as Plucker bugs.


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Feature Request

2004-04-21 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> It would be nice to be able to set up separate icons for various books
> so that clicking on them would take you directly to the book instead of
> where you were last.

You can, just use the launchable flag, and change the icon used
for the launcher when creating the documents.


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: CreatorID

2004-04-19 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> I'd like to modify plucker and use my own CreatorID. How can I set the
> same creatorID for the *.pdb files? I didn't find such option in JPluck.
> Do I need to recompile the JPluck to do that?

Working on a Plucker for Blackberry devices? ;)


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: T3 Simulator - Where?

2004-04-19 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> I already have, otherwise I could not get the standard simulator.  I've
> had a Dev account for years now.  I just can't find the link to it
> anywhere.

There are two: One at the Resource Pavilion, and one inside the
palmOne Plugged-in Program. They are different, however. Make sure you get
the one that suits your needs (OS version vs. hardware emulation).


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Plucker desktop feature

2004-04-19 Thread David A. Desrosiers

>I just wanted to know if if would be possible to get a performance gain
> if we could execute a parser by site either than only one scritp at the
> time?

Can you explain what you mean in a different way? I don't understand
what you're asking here.


plucker-dev mailing list

Plucker source code commits mailing list

2004-04-18 Thread David A. Desrosiers

~ Oh no, what did he do this time?
  I have finally reached this far corner of tasks on my plate, and
  managed to get the Plucker CVS commit emails all indexed and put
  into a list for subscribing.

~ In English this time please (what does that mean?)
  For each change made to Plucker that is committed to our revision
  control system (currently cvs, though plans to test and
  potentially move to Subversion are in the works), a log entry is
  generated. This log entry is parsed, and an email is created,
  which can be used to track changes to Plucker's main codebase. For
  5+ years, these emails have been sitting in a folder, doing
  nothing except collecting dust.

~ How long have you been getting these emails?
  Since November 1999, according to my archives. 3,213 messages so
  far, going from November 13 1999 to current. Early on, these were
  only meant to track any possible problems with the cvs, and they
  were redirected to a separate folder anyway, unseen by anyone
  except myself. They actually are pretty useful for tracking
  development, so I've made them public.

~ So this is just for developers, right?
  No, definately not. Users who are interested in seeing how their
  currently-reported bugs or features are coming along are also
  welcome to track some of the changes being done to the codebase.
  Developers will probably benefit the most, but anyone is welcome
  to join and read the commits as they happen, on a near-live basis.

~ Can I post messages or replies to these emails?
  No, unfortunately you cannot. The list is read-only, and heavily
  moderated to keep spam and anything else that might try to sneak
  posts onto the list out. There are other mailing lists (like this
  one) that should be used for discussing code changes or bugs or
  features or any other aspect of Plucker. You should use them
  instead, for posting messages and issues.

~ Great! Lead the way, how do I subscribe to it?
  Point your browser to and click on the
  'plucker-commits' list listed there and subscribe. It may take a
  few hours for the domain name to propagate around the world's dns,
  but it will be functional by the time you get this message,
  hopefully. If not, try back in a few hours.

  You can also subscribe by sending a message to the email address
  of 'plucker-commits-subscribe', with the word 'subscribe' in the
  subject of the email (or is it the body, I forget, use both ;)

If you find any glaring issues, bugs, account problems, or things
you think I can add to enhance that particular list or any other features of
the public web presence, scripts, docs, etc., please let me know, and I'll
try to get right on it. I've also got the Plucker lists going back to 1998
or so that I will archive in a similar fashion, in the same place (also
read-only, since the main lists are graciously hosted by Mark Lillywhite on The news server will be back up as well, once some new
hardware arrives here on the Right Coast to handle it.

Fun things are coming... keep on Plucking!

plucker-dev mailing list

Re: DIA code committed

2004-04-18 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> Getting the DIA behavior consistent across all forms by producing resize
> info where appropriate is something that I would like people to help me
> with.

One slightly-off-topic question... should we continue to call this
"DIA" in our codebase, when it is a new, homegrown reimplementation of the
resize portions of DIA? Are there any trademark issues with using that name
in the project?


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Help with the Plucker Format

2004-04-16 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> David, maybe you could update the online document?

Hrm, I thought it redirected to that one... I think the whole needs to be autogen'd on a regular nightly basis or some such.
I'll work on it over the next week (getting married next week in Jamaica, so
things are a bit... weird).


plucker-dev mailing list


2004-04-08 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> I have, however, been thinking about a generalized way of doing DIA that
> might even be better than using CollapseUtils.  For each object on each
> form, we set a bunch of possible attributes.

The DIA shipping on the T3 (codenamed "Hawkeye") changed again in
Cobalt (6.x). I would only be marginally concerned that this API that we
come up with, is still going to be compatible with their new API in these
revisions of the OS.


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: font remap packages

2004-03-28 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> By the way, here's something weird, maybe only on cygwin.  Modify
> fonts/  Do
> cd fonts
> make
> You get an endless loop of Makefile regeneration.

I've seen this before on Linux also, and I think it is an automake
bug. The GnuCash people found and fixed it, with some patches, but I don't
think they made their way into Cygwin yet.


plucker-dev mailing list

Plucker Mirrors, time for an update

2004-03-26 Thread David A. Desrosiers

For those Plucker supporters providing mirrors of Plucker downloads,
please download the latest versions of 1.7.1 and update your local copies. I
will update the download page when the mirrors are seeded and 1.7.1 returns
successful status over http.

Zip-o-Torrents File

Also, for those mirrors who wish to use rsync to grab the latest
stable and unstable releases, I have an anoymous rsync server available.
Please contact me directly (off-list) with your IP address and the url or
ftp location of a web-accessible location where the downloads will be
available after you fetch them with rsync, and I will grant you access so
you can reach the rsync server and download the updates and releases.

Thanks to everyone who is helping out with this release.


plucker-dev mailing list

Seamless page bug/idea/request

2004-03-13 Thread David A. Desrosiers

I was tinkering around with the default "seamless page" code in
the latest snap, and found an interesting anomaly, shown in the attached

It should be possible to "remove" the "Click here for the %s part"
section from the viewer's view, when set to seamless mode. Literally
subtract the lines from the view when displayed. It would seem to make it
"flow" better in the overall document view.


Re: plucker file compression

2004-03-03 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> The reason for the extra reduction is that there is some redundancy
> between files.  For instance, they probably have similar headers and
> footers.

Another option, albeit slower (but still available, and GPL) is
rzip. It is based on the same checksum routines that rsync uses (weak
32-bit and stronger 128-bit algorithms), which can find redundant parts,
and not re-compress them.

For example, if you have 10 home directories, and 5 users have the
same Linux kernel source unpacked in their home directory, rzip can detect
that and will just not compress the "redundant" data over again. Very
slick stuff.

If you're plucking 5,000 pages, and the header, footer, and
graphics are all the same around the page ornaments, rzip can omit those
redundant parts, and only compress the ones which "differ".


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Plucker Desktop woes again

2004-03-01 Thread David A. Desrosiers

>   Has anyone built Plucker Desktop recently? What's the catch?

Found the bug... the check in setup.h for __VISUALC__ is in err.


plucker-dev mailing list

Plucker Desktop woes again

2004-03-01 Thread David A. Desrosiers

Has anyone successfully built Plucker Desktop on a current Unix or
Linux system with wx 2.2 or 2.4? I'm trying to figure out exactly what the
build environment is. It looks like wx is trying to include headers for a
completely different arch than it should be, and I'm thinking that wx is
wrong at this point.

Specifically that /usr/include/wx/wxchar.h tries to pull in
tchar.h (which isn't standard, or included on any Linux or Unix system in
the wx tree, but apparently exists on Windows systems; the version
included with wine is incompatible, so that's out).

Has anyone built Plucker Desktop recently? What's the catch?


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: xlit code

2004-02-28 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> Could we add xlit/plucker-xlit.pdb to the snapshot?  That's the
> transliteration database.



plucker-dev mailing list

Re: logging

2004-02-26 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> Would there be any objections if I changed the default to write to a log
> file, and only echo "important enough" messages to the screen?

As long as it does not conflict with the redirection already used
inside, and doesn't affect that capability, I don't see why not.

Specifically the ' > foo.pdb' capability.


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: DIA and palm vs GPL

2004-02-19 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> They have nothing to lose.  After all, if they say "no", we can just do a
> clean-room rewrite--it's a tiny piece of code.

In my experience, if you offer to do a cleanroom rewrite from the
start, there is no incentive for them to cooperate and provide a dual
license or relicensing arrangement. They'll just wait for you to do it on
your own. No risk to them, and all the risk to you, should they decide to
come down on you to defend the origins of your code.


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Newbie question on annotation (plus new Question)

2004-02-19 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> Well, I can understand it not being on the windows side (and no I'm not
> volunteering ;-).  Why isn't it on the linux side either?

Because explode/unpluck are not built or shipped by default.
Similar to most Linux applications where the ./contrib directory under the
source tree isn't always built into separate packages and shipped.

> It's not that I couldn't compile the code, I just find it much more
> convenient to have a binary supplied to me.

I tend to take the opposite view, and find that most binaries
pre-built on many Linux distributions, are far inferior to one I could
build myself, with my own optimizations and tailored to my needs and my
hardware. YMMV, of course =)

> (Aside:  I use windows primarily since there's a palm conduit for my
> workplace's central Oracle Calendar on the platform, and palm conduit
> support in general is much better on Windows.  There is a Calendar
> Client for Linux, but no palm conduit)

You could help that process along, by providing some sort of
specs, feedback, and testing to make a compatible conduit work in the
non-Windows space.

I for one, had no idea that Oracle had a calendar component. The
reason a conduit probably doesn't exist, is because the Oracle product
line generally isn't "given away", so the incentive for Free Software
developers/authors to pay for a commercial product, just to make a
compatible conduit for its userbase, to get them to use Linux, is probably
microscopically small. What is the motivation? To solve a problem for a
Windows user? There are plenty of existing problems on Linux to solve
first, to be sure.

If I had a spare million dollars or so lying around, I might
consider taking up the task (that is, after I pay off my current debt,
mortgage, and other bills, leaving me with enough to buy the commercial
products that contain these features, hire a team of people to run and
test them, and pay for my own time off necessary to develop the solution
and make things work with them. =)

Seriously though, many things lack in the Free Software/Linux
space, not because they CAN'T be created, but because nobody KNOWS that
they NEED to be created.


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: PalmSource contact?

2004-02-19 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> Palm, PalmOne, or PalmSource?  Remember, Palm doesn't exist anymore.

I believe this was Palm, Inc. prior to the split to Palmsource and
merger to Handspring.

> The sample code license is pretty old, and I don't think it has ever
> been GPL-compatible.

I can't believe we're the only ones to raise this issue. Rumor has
it that the slip libs are no longer needed in OS6, but I can't confirm
that yet. I still need to hack up wine a bit more to get the Cobalt sim to
run properly (the others run well, including the TapWave one even _with_

> Hopefully, with PalmSource using a bunch of open-source software in
> their developer suite, they'll feel more charitable towards open-source
> developers.

While I recognize that sentiment, and know that there are several
people within the companies involved who support Open Source, I don't
think I can share the optimism. Every time I (or anyone else) brings those
two words up or mentions the "L" word in conferences or in email on the
various lists, we either get no responses, or the collective "piss off"
from those replying. It seems to be the "Company Line" to intentionally
avoid and ignore us. I'm not clear why though, given that they're making
an enormous amount of revenue based solely on our free contributions to
the community (as are many hundreds of other PalmOS developers).

Maybe you're right, and things will change, given that one large
portion of their merged company investment (Handspring) is a VERY strong
supporter of Free Software and Open Source.

Thanks for poking this issue into the right places in DTS for us.


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: PalmSource contact?

2004-02-19 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> I don't know if I can get the sample code license changed to be more
> open, but I'll try.  The "object-only" part doesn't seem very logical to
> me.  Stuff like this really should have a BSD or MPL license, IMO. --
> Ben Combee Techwood Broadcasting Foundation, Austin Bureau Chief

What's even more confusing, is that Palm themselves, contracted
one of the core Plucker developers, to get their new devices working
specifically with Plucker, for them, internally, as I understand it.

Why they would want to orphan off their own devices now, by not
providing a way for developers to include the code necessary to add that
support, seems contradictory.

Then again, it seems like a lot of counterintuitive decisions are
being made internally at Palm and partners these days. Only time will
tell, I guess.


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Newbie question on annotation (plus new Question)

2004-02-19 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> Is there any reason this isn't included in the Plucker Desktop
> distribution? Why must I have to compile from source to get these tools?

Probably because the desktop should be just that, a desktop.

The other reason is probably that nobody has tried to port the
code over to Windows (it IS "mostly" POSIX clean, but Windows itself isn't
POSIX, unless you add layers like Cygwin on top of it), and provide
pre-compiled Windows executables that would work on all platforms.

That would require having some sort of development environment
(i.e. probably non-free) in Windows to port that code over to. I don't
think we want to require users to have to install Cygwin, just to
"unpluck" Plucker documents. It might be possible to rewrite the code in
Java or Python (I've got a significant portion of it working in Perl,
using some pack/unpack routines), but that again requires more tools to be
installed, or a user who is more on the "Power User" side of things. Most
Windows users are not.

Also, the demand for that is probably so extremely low, for a tool
that less than 1% of the Windows desktop users would actually find useful,
that it just doesn't justify the time required to make it available for
Windows, under those conditions.

...but if you're volunteering, I'm sure others would approve. =)


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Newbie question on annotation (plus new Question)

2004-02-19 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> Is there any way to export from a plucker doc to xml?  Or html?

Unpluck/explode, in the tools subdirectory.


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Forcing subscription(s) when installing?

2004-02-18 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> I would like to know if it's possible to setup the Plucker Desktop
> install distribution to have one or more content channels added by
> default when the user runs the install process. Can this be achieved via
> command line parameters or can some config file be added? I would
> appreciate instructions for Windows, OS X and Linux.

Grab the source, modify the channels file, and rebuild it.


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Plucker translations

2004-02-18 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> Can anyone give me a "crash course" on where should I start!?

Take a look at the viewer/langs subdirectory in the source tree,
and model the 'sample.rcp' found there. There is also a TRANSLATING file
there that describes what you must do to get it all working properly.

> Btw, does anyone have a clue if a viewer project for Pocket PC
> (Vademekum)  is still alive? I could not get a response from the main
> contributor...

I haven't heard from him here on the list in awhile. Perhaps he's
busy at school or with a job or some other activity taking up his time.


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Displaying Plucker files from another application?

2004-01-29 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> Would that be packaged as a shared library or a separate application?  If
> my application is commercial, I can't just include Plucker source code,
> can I?

You would be writing a reader, from scratch, that can read the
Plucker document format, based on the existing Plucker document API. If you
took this route, you wouldn't be able to use code that already exists in
Plucker to do it.  You would have to create your reader from scratch, using
the public API.

If, however, you wanted to use Plucker's source code directly in the
reader, that component would have to be covered by the GPL, as a derivitive
work of Plucker itself. There is no reason why these can't be two separate
applications: 1.) Your commercial application (non-free), and 2.) a small
reader that can read Plucker documents (GPL). You can strip quite a lot of
functionality out of Plucker to make a "slim" reader if you wish, to make
this happen.

If you wish to make having Plucker onboard, a requirement for your
application, with the intent of sub-launching Plucker from within your
commecial application, you'll have to make modifications to Plucker directly
to support the "Exit" function, as we've been discussing.

Here's a thought... what about adding a function code, in the
document itself, that would force an exit of Plucker, when tapped?


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Displaying Plucker files from another application?

2004-01-29 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> I would prefer the equivalent of a "done" button on a document view.
> What I would like to do is to have a list of documents in my app - some of
> them Plucker documents, some of them other formats.

Why not just create a little reader that can read Plucker documents,
from within your application, and put whatever ornaments you wish on that UI


plucker-dev mailing list

RE: plucker-dev digest, Vol 1 #549 - 9 msgs

2004-01-29 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> Why limit it to the library?  Why not let the back function exit instead
> of going to the library if the you're on the "first" page (and that page
> isn't the library).

Because currently, tapping the back arrow from the "main" screen
while viewing a document sends you to the Library. I'm not a fan of exit
buttons really, since (as Mike put it so well), it violates the "Zen" of


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: narrow font

2004-01-28 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> Well, it's not a matter of re-using but re-generating.  A derivative work
> of a non-copyrightable item either has no copyright or has copyright owned
> by the person (i.e., us) who produced the derivative work.

EVERYTHING is copyrighted, by the person(s) who created it. The
difference is that some copyright owners can give up the rights to their
works by placing them in the Public Domain. Even "paraphrasing" a
copyrighted work is a violation of copyright (specifically talking about
written or spoken works in this regard, but it does apply in the visual
medium as well).

What Public Domain font are we talking about creating a derivitive
work of here?


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Displaying Plucker files from another application?

2004-01-28 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> But there could be an exit button when Plucker is sublaunched with some
> code that requests it.

Here's a thought... add a "Back" button to the Library view.


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: PalmFontConv help needed

2004-01-24 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> I need a volunteer who is willing to do some GUI programming for the
> PalmFontConv project.  The project is GPL.  (But I'm willing to change
> that to BSD if the volunteer insists--I own all the copyrights on the
> code, except for the FT2 library which is BSD- and GPL-compatible.)

I would recommend against moving it to a BSD license, if you don't
want the hard work you (and others) do to the codebase to get incorporated
into another fork of the project for which source isn't freely available.
Keeping it under the GPL ensures that the code will remain available to
those who wish to contribute to its development (unless of course, someone
decides to blatently violate the license, which we've seen before with
other code coming from our developers, but that will be handled legally).

I don't want to start a license war thread here, but that's my
stance on the matter. Others may have their own motivations.


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: proposal: exact anchors

2004-01-21 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> BTW, if you start supporting this for arbitrary places, you should also
> support the id attribute, which allows any element to be used as a
> destination for a  link. Or does Plucker already do this?

Let's also not forget that the 'name' attribute has been dropped
in XHTML 1.1 (and future versions of the HTML spec, it is rumored). Also,
the 'id' value can only be used once per page, so be careful in its use.

The 'id' attribute is an identifier, and should be unique
per-page. In CSS (and again, XHTML going forward), the 'class' attribute
can be used many times, no matter how many childs are in that group.

Some text

Some other text 


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: proposal: exact anchors

2004-01-21 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> But the basic thing is this.   is supposed to let one go
> straight to the  tag.  Currently, it doesn't--it goes
> back to the top of the paragraph containing that tag, and it is quite
> possible that the place with the tag doesn't even show up on that
> screen.

It works like this in desktop browsers too, if there isn't enough
below the anchor on the page to allow it to scroll the anchored portion to
the top of the browser's window.

> This just doesn't seem to be the right way of handling HTML named
> anchors, even if it works for most documents because of the accident
> that in most HTML documents (I assume) the named anchors are at the
> beginning of a text.

Lots of HTML is written poorly. We can't do much to help that,
other than try to educate people in how to architect their pages properly.


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