[ppiindia] Hari Anak Nasional 42.000 Anak TKI Telantar

2010-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Kalau anak dari pahlawan devisa terlantar, bagaimana lagi dengan 
nasib anak dari orang tua yang bukan pahlawan devisa? Disana menderita, disini 
menderita, hanya menjadi berita dan cerita kehidupan di negara berkekuasaan 
rezim kleptokratik.


Hari Anak Nasional 42.000 Anak TKI Telantar 

ANTARA/Yusnadi Nazar 

Sejumlah tenaga kerja Indonesia (TKI) ilegal yang dideportasi dari Malaysia 
menunggu pendataan Imigrasi, di pelabuhan internasional Sri Bintan Pura 
Tanjungpinang, Kepulauan Riau, beberapa waktu lalu.

[JAKARTA] Sebanyak 42.000 lebih anak usia sekolah yang orangtuanya berstatus 
tenaga kerja Indonesia (TKI) di Malaysia kondisinya telantar dan tidak 
mengenyam pendidikan. Selain tidak sekolah, sebagian dari mereka terperangkap 
menjadi budak dan buruh seperti orangtua mereka di perusahaan perkebunan sawit 
yang jauh dari kota.

Hal itu dikemukakan Sekretaris Jenderal (Sekjen) Komisi Nasional Perlindungan 
Anak (Komnas PA) Arist Merdeka Sirait dalam percakapan dengan SP di Jakarta, 
Selasa (20/7) berkaitan dengan peringatan Hari Anak Nasional (HAN) setiap 23 
Juli. Dia berharap, peringatan HAN ini menjadi momen bagi pemerintah Indonesia 
untuk memperhatikan dan menangani masalah besar yang dihadapi anak-anak TKI 

Sebelumnya, Komisi I DPR juga pernah berkunjung ke Malaysia dan menemukan 
sekitar 37. 294 anak TKI yang terancam buta aksara di negara itu. DPR pun 
meminta perhatian khusus dari pemerintah untuk menangani masalah anak TKI ini 
secara serius. Arist menyebutkan, 42.000 anak TKI yang telantar itu ditemukan 
di Serawak sebanyak 32.000 ketika tim Komnas PA melakukan investigasi ke negeri 
jiran itu belum lama ini. Sedangkan, 10.000 lainnya ditemukan Sabah dan 
diperkirakan jumlah riilnya lebih banyak dari itu jika dilakukan pendataan 
menyeluruh ke semua lokasi konsentrasi TKI bekerja. 

Menurutnya, anak-anak yang usianya rata-rata di bawah 17 tahun itu, umumnya 
dari orangtua yang berstatus TKI ilegal, sehingga akses sekolah dan pelayanan 
kesehatan sangat sulit. Sebab, status orangtua mereka yang ilegal mengakibatkan 
banyak masalah, seperti tidak bebas bepergian, anaknya pun tidak bisa sekolah 
formal, karena identitas orangtua mereka akan terdeteksi petugas keamanan 

Mereka umumnya berasal dari Pulau Kalimantan, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa 
Tenggara Timur, Lampung, Jawa Barat, Sulawesi Tenggara, Sulawesi Selatan, dan 
Sulawesi Barat.

Negara Membiarkan
Jumlah tersebut tidak sedikit, namun dianggap sepele oleh Pemerintah Indonesia, 
bahkan secara sengaja membiarkannya. "Kalau dibiarkan, berarti negara juga 
turut melakukan perbudakan," tegas Arist. Dikatakan, anak-anak bekerja dengan 
upah yang sangat minim, bahkan sebagian tidak diupah karena hanya menggantikan 
orangtuanya. Mereka diperas dan dieksploitasi habis-habisan. Karena tidak 
berdokumen, orangtua dan anak-anak ini rela dibayar murah asalkan bisa bertahan 
di sana, dan memang posisi terpojok dan terperangkap di perkebunan ini sengaja 
dilakukan, supaya perusahaan dapat tenaga gratis.

Direktur Eksekutif Migrant Care Anis Hidayah mengatakan, isu anak TKI telah ada 
sejak bertahun-tahun, namun pemerintah tidak serius meresponsnya. Status ilegal 
para TKI ini membuat pemerintah kurang tanggap, karena dinilai tidak memberikan 
keuntungan. Padahal, katanya, ini merupakan persoalan kemiskinan dan mafia 
perdagangan manusia, yang harus ditangani lebih serius. Menurut dia, diperlukan 
kebijakan khusus soal anak TKI ini. [D-13]

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[ppiindia] Kenali 15 Tanda Kehamilan

2010-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny

Jumat, 23 Juli 2010 12:00 WIB 

Kenali 15 Tanda Kehamilan 
Penulis : *

BANYAK perempuan yang merasa bingung apakah dirinya sudah hamil atau belum 
setelah sepekan atau dua pekan melakukan hubungan intim dengan pasangan. Apakah 
Anda termasuk di antaranya? 

Berikut adalah 15 tanda-tanda kehamilan pada diri Anda: 

1. Payudara terasa sakit atau nyeri 
Menggunakan bra setelah bangun pagi akan menjadikan derita tersendiri. Payudara 
juga akan terasa sakit dan nyeri saat dipegang. Payudara akan membesar, hal ini 
disebabkan oleh meningkatnya produksi hormon esterogen dan progesteron. Dalam 
hal ini, disarankan wanita hamil menggunakan bra yang nyaman atau berukuran 
lebih besar pada saat tidur yang dimaksudkan untuk memberi kenyamanan bergerak. 

2. Rasa lelah yang berlebih 
Rasa lelah yang berlebih akan membuat Anda cepat tertidur. Hal ini disebabkan 
dari perubahan hormon dan juga akibat dari kinerja organ-organ vital untuk 
membantu perkembangan dan pertumbuhan janin. Biasanya rasa lelah ini hanya pada 
trimester pertama dan akan hilang saat memasuki trimester kedua. 

3. Mual 
Ini merupakan tanda-tanda yang paling dikenal oleh para wanita hamil. Pemicunya 
adalah adanya peningkatan hormon secara tiba-tiba pada aliran darah. Gejala 
mual ini biasanya terjadi selama enam minggu saat anda dinyatakan hamil. 
Biasanya mual akan datang pada pagi, siang dan malam hari. Rasa mual ini 
biasanya akan menghilang memasuki kehamilan trimester kedua. Jika, rasa mual 
dan muntah masih terjadi pada usia kehamilan trimester kedua, sebaiknya 
periksakan dan konsultasi mengenai hal ini ke dokter Anda, karena akan 
mengganggu kehamilan. 

4. Sering buang air kecil 
Jika Anda tidak bisa tidur akibat seringnya bolak balik ke kamar mandi untuk 
buang air kecil, mungkin ini adalah tanda anda sudah hamil. Selama kehamilan, 
tubuh Anda memproduksi cairan tambahan untuk janin anda. Walaupun buang air 
kecil ini sering, jangan sampai membatasinya atau menahannya. Selain itu 
hindarkan dehidrasi dengan lebih meningkatkan asupan cairan ke dalam tubuh. 

5. Sakit kepala 
Memang terdengar aneh, karena sakit kepala sering dialami juga oleh orang yang 
tidak hamil. Namun akibat dari banyaknya perubahan hormon di dalam tubuh, 
sehingga disertai juga dengan perubahan hormon yang ada di kepala. Jika Anda 
terbukti hamil dan mengalami sakit kepala, gunakan pg-safe acetaminophen 
dibandingkan dengan ibuprofen. 

6. Sakit punggung 
Sakit punggung yang dirasakan saat hamil dikarenakan beberapa ligamen di 
punggung Anda sudah tidak ada. Sakit ini akan terus berasa saat berat badan 
anda bertambah dan selama masa kehamilan. 

7. Kram 
Apakah ini PMS atau hamil. Memang kram akan dialami oleh wanita hamil karena 
rahim yang akan membesar dan merenggang untuk menyiapkan tempat bagi bayi Anda. 

8. Ngidam 
Sudah tidak asing lagi mendengar kata ini saat ada seseorang yang sedang hamil. 
Mau ini, mau itu lalu tiba-tiba Anda ingin makan buah-buahan yang rasanya asam, 
padahal sebelumnya sangat benci terhadap buah yang rasanya asam. Jika Anda 
menjadi pemerhati masalah makanan, mungkin ini adalah tanda-tanda sedang hamil. 

9. Sembelit 
Sembelit ini terjadi akibat peningkatan hormon progesterone. Hormon ini selain 
mengendurkan otot-otot rahim, juga berdampak pada mengendurnya otot dinding 
usus sehingga menyebabkan sembelit atau susah buang air besar. Namun keuntungan 
dari keadaan ini adalah memungkinkan peyerapan nutrisi yang lebih baik saat 

10. Moody 
Sering marah-marah pada suami, cepat mengalami perubahan pada tingkah laku. Hal 
ini disebabkan dari banyak munculnya hormon-hormon baru di tubuh Anda. Yakinkan 
pada suami Anda bahwa ini hanya terjadi selama masa kehamilan. 

11. Peningkatan temperatur tubuh 
Jika terjadi kehamilan atau ovulasi, maka suhu tubuh ibu akan meningkat. 
Kondisi ini akan bertahan selama terjadinya kehamilan. Kondisi ini tidak akan 
turun ke kondisi sebelum terjadinya ovulasi. 

12. Bau Badan 
Mungkin tanda ini jarang ditemui pada wanita hamil. Namun jika memang muncul 
bau badan, maka adanya peningkatan hormon yang berlebih sehingga menyebabkan 
kelenjar keringat meningkat. 

13. Pusing atau pingsan 
Mungkin Anda sering menonton adegan wanita hamil yang pingsan. Namun faktanya 
ini dapat terjadi karena kadar jumlah gula di tubuh yang rendah. Oleh karena 
itu, pastikan anda cukup makan dan tentunya banyak minum supaya tidak 
kekurangan cairan tubuh. 

14. Munculnya bercak darah 
Bercak darah ini muncul sebelum menstruasi yang akan datang, biasanya terjadi 
antara 8-10 hari setelah terjadinya ovulasi. Bercak darah ini disebabkan oleh 
implantasi atau menempelnya embrio. 

15. Hasil positif pada tes kehamilan 
Anda tidak akan tahu pasti apakah anda menjadi seorang ibu sampai anda 
melakukan tes kehamilan. Jika Anda mendapatkan hasil negatif dan masih belum 
mendapatkan haid, mungkin itu hanya saja anda terlalu dini

[ppiindia] I just uploaded a photo that I want you to see!

2010-07-22 Terurut Topik Shohibul Siregar

I just uploaded a photo on shohibul's DailyFlog page that I want you to see.

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[ppiindia] RI worker died from `repeated blows'

2010-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Beginilah nasib perlakuan terhadap pekerja kalau dianggap budak.


RI worker died from `repeated blows'
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Fri, 07/23/2010 11:11 AM | National 

Sariah, 37, a female migrant worker from Indramayu regency, West Java, died in 
Kuwait after being beaten repeatedly with a blunt object, Cipto Mangunkusumo 
Hospital (RSCM) forensics team announced Thursday. 

"We found many bruises on her body, particularly on the right side of her neck 
and chest. 

"The worst injury was in the back of her neck, and had caused bleeding in her 
brain stem that caused her death," forensics team chief Munim Idris said. 

The brain stem is the most vital organ in the body because it regulates 
multiple functions, including blood pressure, the respiratory system and the 
heartbeat, he said. 

Earlier, the team had received a report from Al Adan Hospital in Kuwait, 
stating that Sariah had died because her heart had stopped, her blood pressure 
had dropped, her respiratory system had failed, and her brain was bleeding. 

Sariah died at the Kuwait hospital on July 7, after surviving eight days in a 

Her remains were returned to Indonesia and arrived in Jakarta on Wednesday. 

Sariah had begun working as a domestic helper in Kuwait at the end of 2008 
under the facilitation of PT Zam-Zam Perwita, a migrant worker recruitment 

During her first year in Kuwait, she reportedly experienced poor treatment from 
her employer. 

Then, earlier this year, through the assistance of an agency, Sariah found a 
new employer. However, the treatment she received at the next employer was 
worse, getting paid for only for two months work in her seventh month of 

According to her son Agus Sumantri, Sariah had not contacted her family for the 
past month. In her last phone conversation, more than a month ago, she had 
complained about frequent cramping in her legs. 

However, she had not provided any explanation, he said. 

"My mother did not tell my family about the bad treatment she got from her 
employer. We heard from one of *Sariah's* fellow migrant workers that her 
employer often beat her," Agus said. 

At the end of June, Saniah, Sariah's friend, had told her family that she had 
been locked in a warehouse and not given food for four days, Agus said. 

Anis Hidayah from Migrant Care, an NGO providing advocacy for troubled migrant 
workers, said her team had made a verbal report about the forensic result to 
the Foreign Ministry, the Manpower and Transmigration Ministry and the National 
Agency for the Placement and Protection of Overseas Labor (BNP2TKI). 

"We plan to ask for assistance from the government to undertake a legal process 
in Kuwait. We hope the autopsy result can be used as evidence to file a lawsuit 
against Sariah's employer," Anis said. 

Around 90 percent of cases where migrant workers in Middle Eastern countries 
have died were the result of similar circumstances: violence by employers. 

However, such cases have remained unaddressed because victims' families often 
have limited abilities to have autopsies conducted in Indonesia. 

That same day, the NGO was processing the case of another migrant worker who 
had died. 

Nurhayati, 40, of Cianjur, West Java, who had worked in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 
had also died from alleged violence by her employer. 

However, Nurhayati's family would not allow an autopsy to be conducted. 

Meanwhile, an official at the Indonesian Consulate General in Dubai, Deddy 
Darussalam, said between April 24 and July 17, his office had returned 35 
troubled female migrant workers to Indonesia. 

The consulate general was currently providing shelter to around 120 troubled 
workers in Dubai. The situation was inevitable because more workers came to 
Dubai with problems than those returning home, he said. 

"The migrant workers who run away from their employers come every day," he said 
as quoted by detik.com. (lnd)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Akibat Kebocoran Minyak, Indonesia Dirugikan Rp 500 Miliar

2010-07-22 Terurut Topik johnoei

Akibat Kebocoran Minyak, Indonesia Dirugikan Rp 500 Miliar 

Jakarta, KabariNews.com - Kerugian Indonesia akibat tumpahan minyak di Laut 
Timor, milik perusahaan kilang minyak The Montara Well Head Platform asal 
Australia pada 21 Agustus 2009 lalu diperkirakan mencapai Rp 500 miliar.

Untuk artikel selengkapnya klik http://www.KabariNews.com/?35211

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[ppiindia] Anda Harus Kuat!

2010-07-22 Terurut Topik muhamad agus syafii
Anda Harus Kuat!

By: agussyafii

Sifat yang mendasar pada diri kita bila tertimpa kesedihan adalah hati menjadi 
lemah. Itulah sebabnya kenapa kita diciptakan dalam kondisi yang berbeda secara 
pisik dan kejiwaan. Setiap orang memiliki hati yang berbeda-beda sesuai peran 
dan tugas masing-masing. perbedaan tugas dan peran inilah kemudian Allah 
memberikan ujian, cobaan, musibah dan kesedihan yang berbeda-beda pada setiap 
insan.  Semakin tinggi kualitas seseorang semakin berat cobaannya. 

Hati kita menjadi lemah karena kecintaannya yang berlebihan kepada harta, 
pasangan hidup, ego, pisik, jabatan atau bahkan juga status sosial sehingga 
Allah memberikan cobaan dengan 'sentilan pada kelemahan itu maka kita merasakan 
betapa besarnya cobaan yang Allah berikan kepada kita.

Ada orang yang sangat mencintai hartanya. dikumpulkannya setiap hari, begitu 
tiba-tiba Allah mengambil kembali semua hartanya dengan kebangkrutan dan habis 
dilalap sijago merah, tidak ada lagi yang tersisa membuat hatinya menjadi 
melemah dan ujungnya menjadi depresi.

Ada juga yang lemah dalam pasangan hidup. Orang yang lemah dalam pasangan 
hidup, tidak akan menderita bila cobaannya adalah harta namun bila ditinggalkan 
oleh kekasihnya maka hal itu menjadikan hidupnya begitu teramat menderita. Maka 
hati harus senantiasa dijaga agar tidak melemah. bila hati tersenggol oleh 
ujian, cobaan dan musibah kita akan merasa sebagai penderitaan yang teramat 
menyakitkan. jiwa dan raga kita menjadi hancur dalam kesendirian dan kesunyian.

Anda harus kuat, jangan biarkan diri anda melemah. Allah menempa kita dengan 
penderitaan agar kita menjadi kuat.

Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah dan jangan pula kamu bersedih hati padahal 
kamulah orang-orang yang paling tinggi derajatnya, jika kamu orang-orang yang 
beriman.' (QS. ali - Imran : 139).

Yuk hadir atau menjadi relawan pada kegiatan 'Aksi Sosial Amalia (ASA)', 
bazaar, perlombaan anak2, santunan di Rumah Amalia, Jl. Subagyo IV Blok ii, No. 
23 Komplek Peruri, Ciledug. pada hari Ahad, tanggal 25 Juli 2010. Kirimkan 
dukungan dan partisipasi anda di http://www.facebook.com/agussyafii3, atau 
http://agussyafii.blogspot.com/, http://www.twitter.com/agussyafii atau sms di 
087 8777 12 431.


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[ppiindia] Editorial: Seriously?

2010-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny

Editorial: Seriously?
The Jakarta Post | Thu, 07/22/2010 9:31 AM | Editorial 

Many Indonesians are obsessive consumers when it comes to fulfilling the body, 
mind and soul. Gadgets are one example, religion is another - as evidenced in 
the boom in Muslim fashion and subscribers to  text message providers of 
quotations from the Koran. Yet another example is "infotainment", a bottomless 
goldmine of an industry, manifested in the form of dozens of commercials 
throughout every program.

The two latter obsessions may help shed some light on the debates that are 
often bewildering to outsiders, the latest concerning the infamous home videos 
of celebrities having sex. Before the emergence of a strong warning by the 
Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI), the public gaped at the videos while 
lambasting the "immoral" man and women in them. The police  said they would go 
after those who had distributed the videos, but were then bombarded with 
demands to criminalize the "actors" instead. Of course, many of these demands 
came from those same people who had been gawking at the videos, wondering aloud 
how the celebrities have no shame. 

"Avoid naming your child after Luna Maya or Cut Tari," reads one banner outside 
a mosque, referring to two female TV hosts who featured in the videos. The 
banner suggests another name: that of the President's baby granddaughter. Such 
is the level of our devoutness. 

Cut Tari made a public apology, and was, again, immediately ripe material for 
the next tide of "infotainment" news - complete with baby in tow, which led the 
commission to level another warning at the television channel, for allegedly 
disregarding its responsibility to protect minors. To appease the witch 
hunters, Luna Maya also appeared at the police for questioning, complete with a 

The key to blending into Indonesia's east and west, in suburb and slum alike, 
is to at least feign a little knowledge of who's dating who among the 
celebrities, who's eyeing who's hubby, or the ups and downs of the diet of a 
big singer. All this you must know, even if you haven't seen your own neighbor 
for the past five years.

The obsession with celebrities may be universal, but we need to quickly decide 
what to do about the "infotainment" phenomenon. The commission's move to warn 
several channels and its plans to censor content have been met with vehement 
rejection in the name of "press freedom".

Absurd being the national keyword these days, the question that naturally comes 
to mind is how can this big industry shout about press freedom when apparently 
they had no resources to train their media workers in the basics of journalism? 
Media workers would at least know that, for instance, when you push a camera 
literally into someone's face they may instinctively raise their hand and whack 
your expensive equipment.

Yes, Indonesians may all be unable to live without "infotainment", but surely 
celebrities' infants should be allowed to live and grow up without excessive 

We stand by the Broadcasting Commission, which warned TV channels concerning 
their responsibilities, in accordance with the Indonesian Journalistic Code of 

On the other hand, we find it rather hard to accept reports of plans to censor 
the contents of "infotainment" programs, on the grounds that such programs are 
categorized as "non factual", like films. 

Organizations such as the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) have 
refused to recognize media workers that produce "infotainment" programs as 
journalists and producers of journalistic work because they have consistently 
ignored any efforts to abide by journalist ethics.

But surely this is confusing for viewers who are apparently expected to 
differentiate between what is news and what is meant to be "entertainment". 
Does this mean viewers are also to blame for believing the news about 

We hope the commission and the Press Council can come to an agreement on all of 
this as soon as possible.

They must not be swayed by arguments that would effectively justify the 
continued irresponsible practice of those who wave their press cards to trample 
on people's privacy.

Love it or hate it, virtually everyone here has a soft spot for "infotainment". 
Viewers have every right to believe that the media they rely on for their 
passion has some credibility. 

At the end of today's prime time, for instance, the most respected channel is 
the one that can divulge the mightily important fact of the origins of Kris 
Dayanti's engagement ring.

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[ppiindia] US to resume ties with Indonesia's special forces

2010-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Apa komentar Anda tentang hubungan antara militer USA dan TNI 
menjadi baik?


US to resume ties with Indonesia's special forces 
Associated Press, Jakarta | Thu, 07/22/2010 4:22 PM | Headlines 

The United States announced Thursday it will resume cooperation with 
Indonesia's special forces after ties were severed more than a decade ago over 
human rights abuses allegedly committed by the commando unit. 

US Defense Secretary Robert Gates made the announcement after meeting with 
Indonesia's President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on Thursday in the capital 
Jakarta. Indonesia had said it wanted the United States to reconsider resuming 
joint training. 

The decision will be seen as a victory for the Indonesian military, which has 
said it made great strides in improving its human rights record. 

Indonesia's special forces were accused of major abuses in the former 
Indonesian province of East Timor in the late 1990s. East Timor has since 
become independent. 

"I was pleased to be able to tell the president that as a result of Indonesian 
military reform over the past decade ... and recent actions taken by the 
Ministry of Defense to address human rights issues, the United States will 
begin measured and gradual programs of security cooperation activities with the 
Indonesian Army Special Forces," Gates said at a press conference. 

"This initial step will take place within the limit of US law and does not 
signal any lessening of the importance we place on human rights and 
accountability," he added. 

Several countries, including the US and Australia, suspended joint military 
training in the wake of the rights abuse allegations, though Australia resumed 
training in 2005. 

The US lifted an overall ban against training the Indonesian military in 2005, 
though it kept the restrictions against the Indonesian special forces - known 
as Kopassus. 

"Our ability to expand after this initial step will depend on continued 
implementation of reforms with Kopassus and TNI as a whole," Gates said. "We 
consider this a very significant development in our military-to-military 
relationship and look forward to working even more closely ... in the years to 

Gates didn't elaborate on the specifics of the resumed cooperation, and took no 
questions from journalists. 

International rights groups said members of Kopassus were linked to the 
disappearance of student activists in East Timor in 1997 and 1998 and were 
never held accountable. 

In May, 13 US lawmakers sent a letter to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton 
and Gates, saying they worried about whether Indonesia will punish senior 
officers for past abuses.

Related News >> 
  a.. US - Indonesia economic ties, in search of synergy
  b.. Rethinking RI-US military ties
  c.. U.S. 'may revive military ties with RI' 
  d.. On winning hearts and minds 

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[ppiindia] Di Puncak Jaya, OTK Bakar Tiga Mobil

2010-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny

23 Juli 2010 01:53:17

Di Puncak Jaya, OTK Bakar Tiga Mobil

Dua Warga yang Dikabarkan Hilang Akhirnya Selamat

JAYAPURA - Kelompok orang tak dikenal (OTK) kembali berulah di Puncak Jaya, 
Papua. Rabu (21/7) sekitar pukul 17.00 WIT lalu, tepatnya di wilayah Kampung 
Kalome, Distrik Tingginambut, Puncak Jaya mereka membakar tiga unit mobil jenis 
Strada yang datang dari arah Wamena menuju Mulia, Puncak Jaya.

Akibat peristiwa ini, tiga mobil itu hangus terbakar. Tidak hanya itu, dari 
kejadian tersebut juga diperoleh informasi bahwa seorang supir yang diketahui 
bernama Timotius Enumbi dan dua warga lainnya yaitu Nemince Wonda dan Lanko 
Nafi terkena serpihan peluru. Bupati Puncak Jaya, Lukas Enembe,SIP saat ditemui 
wartawan di Jayapura, Kamis (22/7) membenarkan kejadian itu.  "Rabu (21/7) 
sekitar pukul 17.00 WIT terjadi penghadangan oleh sekelompok warga sipil 
bersenjata diduga pimpinan Goliat Tabuni terhadap 4 mobil dari Wamena, 
Kabupaten Jayawijaya menuju Mulia, Kabupaten Puncak Jaya. Tepat di perjalanan 
daerah Kampung Kalome, Distrik Tingginambut, Kabupaten Puncak Jaya sekitar 2 km 
dari Pos TNI Kalome dihadang kemudian membakar 3 mobil yang sedang membawa 
bahan makanan (Bama), namun 1 mobil dilaporkan berhasil melarikan diri ke arah 
Wamena," ungkapnya.

Dikatakan, dari informasi awal dilaporkan ada 2 warga masyarakat asli Puncak 
Jaya yang diketahui bernama Timotius Enumbi dan Nemince Wonda dinyatakan hilang 
atau tidak ditemukan saat kejadian penghadangan dan pembakaran itu, namun 
setelah dikonfirmasi Kamis (22/7) kemarin, kedua warga tersebut akhirnya 
diketahui telah menyelamatkan diri ke Pos Polisi Tingginambut.

Bupati Lukas Enembe mengatakan, pihaknya pernah memberikan deadline kepada 
kelompok sipil bersenjata itu dan deadline itu sudah berakhir pada 28 Juni 2010 
lalu, dengan demikian pihaknya kembali memberikan deadline berikutnya untuk 
turun dan bergabung dengan warga lainnya, kemudian sama-sama membangun Puncak 
Jaya. "Kita sebenarnya tidak bisa memberikan deadline hanya satu kali sehingga 
semua ini harus dipersiapkan dan kita juga harus mengatur teknis, mekanisme dan 
biaya," tukasnya. Diakuinya, sampai hari ini setelah pertemuan dengan gubernur 
tentang koordinasi soal gangguan keamanan di Puncak Jaya, belum ada informasi 
soal bantuan dari provinsi sehingga dengan kondisi APBD Puncak Jaya saat ini 
belum bisa berbicara tahap selanjutnya, karena APBD terbatas. 

Oleh karena itu, justru deadline yang diberikan sampai 28 Juni 2010 ini, 
pihaknya mendapatkan surat dari Goliat Tabuni yang meminta bahwa merdeka adalah 
harga mati kemudian meminta persenjataan kepada Bupati untuk menantang.  "Ini 
adalah ideology yang berseberangan dengan kita, oleh karena itu harus dibuatkan 
perhitungan yang baik dan tidak gegabah melakukan suatu hal seperti penyisiran 
dan tidak segampang itu," ujarnya lagi.

Disinggung soal keberadaan 1 SSK anggota Brimob di Puncak Jaya, Lukas Enembe 
yang juga Ketua Asosiasi Bupati Pegunungan Tengah menambahkan, medan di Puncak 
jaya sangat sulit sehingga siapapun bertugas di sana pasti mengatakan medan 
sangat sulit, bahkan telah menelan 1 korban tewas anggota Brimob yang baru 
ditugaskan. "Sehingga terlatih bagaimanapun anggota itu pasti akan sulit dengan 
medan sebab gerombolan itu lebih menguasi medan dan tidak cukup hanya 1 SSK 
saja untuk mereka mengejar," ujarnya.

Di tempat terpisah, Kepala Bidang Hubungan Masyarakat (Kabid Humas) Polda 
Papua, Komisaris Besar Polisi, Wachyono ketika dikonfirmasi Cenderawasih Pos 
membenarkan peristiwa tersebut. "Kelompok sipil bersenjata itu menghadang 
kemudian membakar 3 unit mobil yang datang dari arah Wamena menuju Mulia. 1 
unit mobil berhasil melarikan diri ke arah Wamena sementara 3 diketahui 
terbakar. Kemudian 2 orang korban yang terkena serpihan peluru dan sebelumnya 
memang diinformasikan belum ditemukan keberadaannya maka setelah dikroscek 
ternyata selamat dan sedang berada di Pos Polisi Tingginambut," tukasnya.

Secara terpisah, kakak kandung Timotius Enumbi, Piton Enumbi ketika 
dikonfirmasi melalui telepon selulernya, Kamis (22/7) kemarin mengakui telah 
mendapatkan informasi dari Mulia, Puncak Jaya tentang keberadaan adiknya 
selamat. "Informasi dari keluarga di Mulia, Puncak Jaya bahwa adik saya selamat 
dan saat ini sedang berlindung di Pos Polisi Tingginambut dan rencananya akan 
bertolak menuju Mulia," tandasnya. (nal/fud)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Absentee Legislators Called Out Of ?Order

2010-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : DPR adalah singkatan dari Dewan Penipu Rakyat. Tak hadir sama dengan 
makan gaji buta. Jelasnya anggota DPR adalah kaum makan gaji buta. 

Anda sebagai pemilih, kalau tidak berpendirian masa bodoh, tentunya akan sangat 
kecewa terhadap oknom-oknom sebagai yang lazim dikenal wakil rakyat.


July 23, 2010 
Markus Junianto Sihaloho & Anita Rachman

Empty chairs during a plenary session at the House of Representatives in 
Jakarta. Low attendance continues to plague House sessions.  (Antara 
Photo/Widodo S Jusuf)

Absentee Legislators Called Out Of ?Order

Jakarta. Legislators should be ashamed of their poor attendance record at 
plenary sessions, and must strive to live up to their billing as the people's 
representatives, political observers said on Thursday in response to new data 
on absenteeism rates. 

Indonesian Survey institute (LSI) political analyst Burhanuddin Muhtadi said 
low attendance has been a problem for years. 

An LSI survey in September 2009 showed only 41.4 percent of respondents 
considered legislators diligent, while the majority saw them as truants. 

"Such behavior is tantamount to treason," Burhanuddin said. 

"They violate their own ethical codes, wasting taxpayer money, and lie to their 

The House of Representatives Secretariat has just released data on legislators' 
attendance at plenary sessions since October. 

>From October to December 2009, National Mandate Party (PAN) lawmakers had the 
>best attendance rate, with 96 percent. 

Two other Islam-based parties prop up the other end of the list: the National 
Awakening Party (PKB) at 86.6 percent and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) at 
88.6 percent. 

In the House's second sitting period, between January and March 2010, President 
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's Democrats led with a 91.1 percent attendance rate, 
while the PKB and the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) were last 
with 78.3 percent and 79.9 percent, respectively. 

Sebastian Salang, from the group Concerned Citizens for the Indonesian 
Legislature (Formappi), said that laws in place since 2009 to ensure full 
attendance at plenary meetings have not been enforced. 

A House regulation stipulates that legislators missing three straight plenary 
meetings are to be publicly denounced. 

"In Indonesia, though, this threat is meaningless," Sebastian said. "In any 
other country legislators would be ashamed of such a denouement, but not here. 
Maybe we need to put their names up on huge billboards at traffic 

The House's Ethics Council is also authorized to dismiss legislators missing 
six straight plenary sessions. 

"But the Ethics Council is dead in the water right now because of internal 
squabbling," Sebastian pointed out. 

The House defines a plenary session as one where the quorum of at least 281 of 
the House's 560 legislators are present. However, Sebastian said it was common 
to see legislators turn up to sign the attendance sheet and then leave. 

He added that the payment of Rp 1.5 million ($165) to each legislator attending 
a meeting where a bill is passed was proving useless. 

"They already have so many allowances and facilities that this amount is 
meaningless to them," he said. 

House Deputy Speaker Anis Matta, from the PKS, said the poor attendance was not 
symptomatic of legislators' laziness. 

"I believe it's because we do so much work," he said, adding that the PKS was 
considering punishing absentee legislators. 

Marwan Jaffar, from the PKB, said most of the party's legislators came from 
outside Jakarta and found the capital "not homey enough." 

He added they also served in provincial party posts, and had to split their 
time in the provinces. "But I always remind them to attend plenary meetings or 
face tough sanctions." 

Romahurmuzy, from the United Development Party (PPP), said the low attendance 
in the first year of the House's sitting was very concerning, as absenteeism 
was usually a final-year phenomenon. 

"We recommend financial incentives based on each legislator's physical 
attendance at meetings, where the attendance sheet is handed out twice - at the 
beginning and the end of the meeting," he said. 

Democrat Ramadhan Pohan said the president took the issue seriously. "Democrats 
must have a very good reason for skipping a meeting, and even then they need a 
note," he said. 

The PDI-P's Tjahjo Kumolo agreed that those not planning to attend a meeting 
should give prior written notice. 

Ethics Council chairman Nudirman Munir said the council was currently 
collecting data on chronically absent legislators with a plan to discipline 

"The rules are clear, so there's no excuse to keep skipping meetings and not 
expect to be dismissed," he said. 

"However, not all legislators do it deliberately. Some have valid reasons, so 
we need to crosscheck the data with each party to see who'

[ppiindia] Freedom in Islam and democracy

2010-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny
Reflection: Any comments after reading the article?


  Publish Date: Thursday,22 July, 2010, at 11:13 PM Doha Time 

Freedom in Islam and democracy 

There is no word that nations have called for, spoken about in length, and 
desired fervently in their hearts more than freedom. People have delivered 
speeches about it, written books on the subject, composed newspaper columns in 
support of it, and have raised banners calling for it; they have made it an 
objective for which all other matters could be sacrificed. On many occasions, 
people have keenly called for it while being unaware of what they wished to get 
from it.

This has remained the case until it became the means by which politicians 
achieved their political aims and personal interests, and used their apparent 
pursuit of it to attract people's attention and gain their support. In many 
cases, this claimed pursuit of freedom has become a means and a justification 
to destroy any real freedom and wage wars against many nations. 

It was made to sound as if democracy is the way to achieve such freedom, 
because democracy is founded upon freedom; thus the proponents of this ideology 
have made having a democratic system mandatory for achieving freedom; they 
argue that one leads to the other, and must exist in order for the other to do 
so; therefore, one who loves freedom must call for democracy and love it, and 
vice versa. Such people also claim that, consequently, whoever hates democracy 
and is an enemy of it is also an enemy of freedom. 

The questions that arise here are: does democracy (as practised by the Western 
nations) truly achieve the freedom that mankind desires and requires? Does it 
even raise the level of freedom that people enjoy? What is the type of freedom 
that democracy achieves for nations, and where are its boundaries? Is an 
American or a European truly free? Are the lives that they live in their 
nations ones of freedom, or even partly so? 

Does Islam oppose the principle of freedom or does it approve of it and call 
for it? If Islam does approve of it, then how does it deal with it and expect 
people to practise it, and what are the permissible types of freedom within 
Islamic boundaries? Also, is freedom in Islam the same as that in democracy, or 
are they different? Which one of the two 'freedoms' is more realistic and 
coincides with the sought freedom, the one in Islam or the one in democracy?

All these questions and many others force one to compare between freedom as 
Islam presents it and calls for it - how it was practiced under Islamic rule 
for fourteen hundred years and is still being practised today, and how freedom 
is practiced in democratic systems, and how contemporary countries and nations 
apply it.

This comparison must be made in order to see which of the two is more 
beneficial, more realistic, more honest and closer to the truth.

The limited human mind is what defined freedom in democracy and decided what is 
good and what is bad in it according to what its desires and lusts imposed, 
which entails that freedom in democracy becomes limited at times and broadens 
at others, depending on what the decision makers feel is beneficial at the time.

This means that the nations who practice such systems become experimental 
laboratories and are in a state constant flux regarding what is allowed and 
what is not.

In Islam on the other hand, freedom is clearly defined and its limits and 
boundaries have been set by Allah alone, who is the infallible Creator of all 
mankind Whose Qualities are perfect and beyond defect, weakness or 
incapability. He is All-Knowing of the condition of His creation and Knows best 
what their requirements are and what suits them.

Thus, freedom in Islam has a distinct feature, which is stability - what was 
permissible in Islam fourteen hundred years ago remains so until the Day of 

In Islam, every person knows what he can and cannot do as well as the areas in 
which there is room for manoeuvre, according to what Allah has permitted. 
Furthermore, freedom in Islam is underpinned by ultimate justice and authority 
because it comes from Allah, contrary to that defined by democracy, which is 
man-made and therefore fallible and subject to shortcomings and injustice. In 
democracy, the limits of freedom move within the circle that has been defined 
by human legislators.

In democracy, freedom is opposed to and conflicts with whatever is defined as 
evil by human legislators, which, due to their limited knowledge and abilities, 
entails the inclusion of much evil in the circle of what is good and allowable. 
It also implies that much good will be included in the circle of the evil and 

Under democracy, many evil things have been made permissible based on its 
definition of freedom, but were later found to be immoral and oppressive, whic

[ppiindia] Pakistani Taliban widen jihad

2010-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny

July 23, 2010

Pakistani Taliban widen jihad 
By Arif Jamal 

The local chapter of Pakistan's Jamaat-i-Islami (JI) Islamist political party 
held a rally on April 19 in the historic Kissa Khwani Bazaar of Peshawar to 
protest the extremely low gas pressure and rolling blackouts that affect 
Peshawar residents up to 10 hours per day. 

As leaders announced the end of the rally and protesters started to leave, a 
14-year old suicide bomber detonated his suicide vest, killing 23 persons and 
injuring 50 others. The bomber successfully targeted local JI leaders and 
police officers - among the dead were JI Peshawar vice amir Haji Dost Mohammad 
and deputy superintendent of police Gulfat Hussain. 

Due to the fact that Hussain was a Shi'ite Muslim, it was initially thought the 
bomber had specifically targeted him. However, all

other evidence suggested the real targets of the bomber were the JI leaders. 
Had it been by chance or mistake, they would not have continued to target more 
JI leaders later on. In order to downplay its differences with the Taliban and 
other jihadi groups, JI tried to blame the Americans for the bombing, with JI 
leader Hafiz Hashmat accusing private security firm Blackwater (Xe Services 
LLC) for the attack. 

The suicide bombing of the JI rally was an attempt to widen the war that the 
Pakistani Taliban are fighting against the state of Pakistan. Although the 
bombing was not the only attack on JI leaders in recent months, it was the 
biggest, and such targeted attacks have continued. On June 16, the Taliban in 
Hangu assassinated JI leader Fida Saadi, a provincial executive council member. 
Soon afterwards they killed JI leader Haji Mohammad Khan and kidnapped his son 
in Darra Adamkhel on June 23. 

The aim of the Pakistani Taliban is to establish an Islamic caliphate, one 
excluding the participation of all other Islamist groups. When the Afghan 
mujahideen found Kabul in sight after the fall of Dr Mohammad Najibullah's 
regime in the early 1990s, they threw themselves at one another's throats. The 
ensuing civil war gave birth to the Taliban movement. 

Recently, the Pakistani Taliban intensified their war on the Barelvi movement 
and Sufi Islam by bringing the conflict to Punjab. New fronts were opened 
against the JI with the April 19 suicide bombing in Peshawar and against the 
Ahmadi community with a suicide bombing in Lahore on May 28. 

The enmity between the JI and different parts of the Pakistani Taliban is both 
ideological and political. Although both JI and the Deobandi groups among the 
Pakistani Taliban follow the Hanafi school of jurisprudence, JI places less 
stress on ritual and more on political Islam. The Deobandis abhor the JI 
leaders (some of whom wear Western dress) and accuse them of having a lust for 
political power. [1] 

However, the real existential threat to the JI comes from the 
Tehrik-i-Nifaz-i-Shariat Mohammadi (TNSM), led by Maulana Sufi Mohammad and his 
son-in-law Maulana Fazlullah. They lead the Pakistani Taliban in the Malakand 
Division and the Swat Valley. 

Maulana Sufi Mohammad was a local leader of the JI until the early 1980s, when 
he developed differences with the party. In his desperation to grab political 
power, Sufi Mohammad started opposing the JI's policy of attaining power 
through elections. 

He argued that an Islamic state could not be established through elections 
because the majority of people never vote in favor of Islamist parties. He 
started believing that the only way to establish an Islamic state was to follow 
the jihad philosophy of Maulana Maududi (1903-1979), the late founder of the 
Jamaat-i-Islami. Sufi Mohammad accused the JI leaders of deviating from 
Maududi's example. [2] 

The real, personalized enmity between the two started after the US-led invasion 
of Afghanistan in October 2001. Most Islamist and jihadi groups started holding 
public rallies across Pakistan in favor of the Afghan Taliban. JI was in the 
forefront of these demonstrations, threatening that they would cross into 
Afghanistan to fight the Americans if US forces landed there. 

However, only Sufi Mohammad led thousands of his followers into Afghanistan. 
Unprepared as they were, most of them died in US air strikes. Sufi Mohammad 
retreated with his decimated militia to Pakistan, where he accused the JI of 
luring him and his fighters into Afghanistan to weaken or eliminate them. Sufi 
Mohammad never forgave the JI and started preparing his revenge. In interviews 
the author conducted in 2004-2005, several TNSM commanders portrayed JI as a 
bigger threat than the Americans. [3] 

It is difficult to say which group of the Pakistani Taliban has an interest in 
attacking the JI at this time. It is a safe bet, however, to believe that the 
followers of Sufi Mohammad want to take their long-delayed revenge. In the 
intense sectarian atmosphere, other groups would happily follow the le

[ppiindia] Terrorists go back to school in Indonesia

2010-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny

 Jul 22, 2010

Terrorists go back to school in Indonesia
By Sara Schonhardt 

SEMARANG, Java, Indonesia - From behind secure prison walls, convicted 
terrorist Abdul Aziz seems harmless, if not playful. The 34-year-old inmate is 
one of five convicted terrorists now serving time at Kedung Pane prison for 
their role in plotting the 2005 Bali bombing, which killed 23 people and 
injured over 120 others. 

At the time, their convictions were seen as a significant step in Indonesia's 
internationally lauded counter-terrorism campaign. But Aziz and others could 
soon be up for parole, and there are questions as to how harmless they would be 
back on Indonesia's streets. 

Aziz said in an interview with Asia Times Online that he has personally 
re-evaluated the means for achieving jihad, the struggle required of practicing 
Muslims to preserve Islam. However, he admits to "feeling more anger" towards 
the state since officials denied him a parole opportunity earlier this year. 

Aziz recently participated in a five-day conflict-management program piloted by 
a partnership of non-governmental organizations that aims to disengage 
terrorists from the ideological thinking that promotes the use of violence. The 
program, headed by Search for Common Ground (SCG), a conflict transformation 
organization that receives the bulk of its funding from European governments, 
attempts to fill a hole in Indonesia's prison system. 

Until now, de-radicalization programs in Indonesia's prisons have been mainly 
personal initiatives led by police who work to befriend radical inmates or win 
them over through money donations made to their families. The SCG group of 
trainers leading the program, which they say emphasizes "disengagement" rather 
than "de-radicalization", hopes to introduce new ways of thinking to convicted 

While Aziz has openly soul-searched about his jihadi past, it's not clear that 
others under rehabilitation buy into SCG's message. The program's trainers say 
they realize its shortcomings: participation is voluntary, but at Semarang 
guards goaded the inmates into attending. Rehabilitation, however, is an 
important back story to Indonesia's ongoing counter-terrorism campaign. 

"As long as [de-radicalization] activities are running, by a group or even by 
random personal initiative, people need those activities," said Nasir Abas, a 
former terrorist now advising police and universities on de-radicalization 
measures. He said radical ideology was at the root of Indonesia's terrorism 
problem and that efforts to counter such thinking are key to rehabilitating 

The government has rounded up scores of suspects since the bombing attacks on 
two Jakarta-based luxury hotels last year, but is now confronted with how to 
rehabilitate detainees, including those who will eventually be paroled. The 
state has argued that all terrorists require reform, even those who have 
received life sentences, otherwise they may continue spreading radical ideas 
from jail. 

Some may simply be beyond reform. Abdullah Sunata, who was arrested in late 
June for allegedly plotting to attack the Danish Embassy and a police parade 
scheduled for early July, was offered various monetary incentives to cooperate 
with police. He had returned to terrorist activities after serving a few years 
in jail, though he didn't participate in a formal de-radicalization program 
during his previous imprisonment. 

Some security analysts say harsher sentences are needed. But when the men 
accused of masterminding the 2002 Bali bombing that killed over 200 people were 
executed, their arguments were met with rebuttals that state-conducted killings 
could set off new waves of terrorism and violence. Now, as the prison 
population of terror suspects bulges, the state has grudgingly acknowledged 
that lower-ranking former operatives require reform as much as punishment. 

Detachment 88, the country's US- and Australia-trained counter-terrorism unit, 
has said that the government needs to focus more attention on places where 
radical ideologies are spread, such as schools, prisons and publishing houses. 
However, the police-led unit has come under growing criticism from rights 
groups who believe in some instances police have used excessive and unnecessary 
force in their operations to nab terror suspects. 

Sitting back in a metal prison chair and tugging at his long wispy beard, Aziz 
strikes a pose of absolute calm. This despite the eight-year prison sentence he 
was given in September 2006 for harboring Noordin Mohammad Top, the mastermind 
behind a series of bombings across the country that included the 2005 Bali 
blast. Noordin was the most-wanted terror suspect in Southeast Asia when he was 
killed by police in a firefight last October. 

Aziz is a relative peon compared to cellmates like Abdul Ghoni, a 
mujahideen-trained Afghan veteran who was convicted for constr

[ppiindia] Malaysia increasingly intolerant of dissent - rights group

2010-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny

Malaysia increasingly intolerant of dissent - rights group

Published: Jul 22, 2010 00:24 Updated: Jul 22, 2010 00:24 

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia arrested nearly 1,000 anti-government protesters in 
2009, signaling "heightened intolerance," an influential and independent human 
rights group said on Wednesday.

Political tensions rose in this Southeast Asian country following record 2008 
polls losses by the government now led by Prime Minister Najib Razak.

Tensions are still high and could rise further with the sodomy trial of 
opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim resuming next month.

"Because the prime minister sought to regain his losses in 2008, 2009 saw a 
huge crackdown on dissent and the opposition," said John Liu, a coordinator 
with SUARAM or Voice of the Malaysian People group.

Najib took office in April last year pledging political and economic reforms to 
revive his coalition and woo foreign investments to the Southeast Asian country.

The rise in political tensions and increasing competition from faster reforming 
regional neighbors like Indonesia have weighed on investor sentiment toward 
Malaysia where investment has languished.

Since taking office, Najib has released most of the detainees held under the 
Internal Security Act (ISA) that allows for detention without trial which has 
been used against government critics in the past and promised more tolerance to 

But SUARAM in its annual report released on Wednesday said that despite the 
pledge, 167 people were arrested in May last year for protesting a putsch that 
unseated the opposition from the northern state of Perak where it had ruled.

An August 2009 rally calling for the abolition of the ISA saw 589 people 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] China's rich flying high in private jets

2010-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny

China's rich flying high in private jets
By Xin Dingding (China Daily)
Updated: 2010-07-22 07:34

BEIJING - Flight delays, traffic jams and the need for privacy have led China's 
super rich to travel by private planes, though space and flight restrictions 
can still make it difficult for them to take off.

Insiders warned the restrictions could put a damper on the demand for private 
planes, while the desire for more convenient transport may drive this class of 
traveler to resort to the use of charter flight services.

Private aircraft manufacturers and dealers agreed that China and other Asian 
countries are becoming increasingly important markets, as their traditional 
customers in the United States and Europe continue to struggle with economic 
The most optimistic forecast so far, made by Hong Kong's Asia Jet CEO Mike 
Walsh, was that China would surpass the US in terms of possessing the largest 
number of private planes in the world. The US currently has 200,000 private 

Other industry insiders disagreed with the forecast and projected an annual 
growth of 20 percent as a more rational estimate.

"Only when the current difficult approval procedures are removed can the demand 
for private aircraft ownership achieve explosive growth," said Yang Xiaonong, 
one of China's earliest private plane consultants who has sold more than a 
dozen private planes since the 1990s.

Due to the complicated procedures, only 30 private planes are registered with 
the civil aviation authorities, he estimated.

Many other private planes have no "legal identity" and are flown stealthily, 
without reporting their flight plans to air traffic controllers.

Earlier this year, civil aviation authorities in Zhejiang province detected 
three illegal plane flights, whose owners were punished.

The difficulty of meeting all three requirements - a pilot license, a 
registered plane and approval of the flight plan by air traffic control - has 
placed most private plane owners in a dilemma.

Yang said one of his customers, who owns hotels in Dongguan, Guangdong 
province, can only fly from his hotels to nearby beaches.

Only a small number of corporate users regularly use their business jets by 
paying professional companies millions of yuan each year to handle the 

"But the limited number of airports in the country and other restrictions will 
always impede growth," Yang said.

Meng Pengjun, chairman of Shenzhen-based Asia-Pacific Business Aviation Company 
Ltd, said that since there are a limited number of people who can afford their 
own planes, private jet charter services are likely to become lucrative in 

Related readings:
 The rich are getting richer and younger
 Residences of the rich and famous
 Second generation of the rich to receive lessons in life

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Mahfud: Negara Tidak Boleh Jadi "Tangan" Agama

2010-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Agar negara tidak menjadi tangan agama, maka harus dibubarkan 
Departemen Agama [Depag] sampai keakar-akarnya. Tanpa langkah ini diambil 
masalahnya kan menghambat kemajuan, uang negara dibuang-buang percuma, jangan 
dilupakan  bahwa Depag adalah sarang koruptor. Selain itu hubungan antara kaum 
beragama di masyarakat tidak dipupuk oleh Depag, buktinya sesuai majalah 
Majemuk, Januari-Februari 2008 yang memuat hasil penyelidikan  Center for Study 
of Relegion and Culture dari Universitas Syarif Hidayatullah dikatakan 70% 
penduduk tidak setuju dengan pluralisme. Pada pihak lain dalam majalah National 
Georgarphy, bulan Oktober 2009, uztadz Abubakar Ba'ayasir [AB] mengatakan Islam 
tidak cocok dengan demokrasi. Bukankah Uztads banyak pengaruhnya di NKRI.


Mahfud: Negara Tidak Boleh Jadi "Tangan" Agama
Kamis, 22 Juli 2010 22:09 WIB | Peristiwa | Pendidikan/Agama | 
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Ketua Mahkamah Konstitusi Mahfud MD menyatakan, di 
dalam negara yang bukan negara agama seperti Indonesia, negara tidak boleh 
menjadi perpanjangan "tangan" agama.

"Negara tidak boleh mewajibkan apa yang diwajibkan agama atau melarang yang 
dilarang agama," kata Mahfud saat menjadi pembicara dalam halaqah perdamaian 
International Conference of Islamic Scholars (ICIS) di Jakarta, Kamis. 

Menurutnya, kewajiban negara terkait agama adalah melindungi warganya yang 
memeluk agama.

Hukum agama, lanjutnya, hanya menjadi salah satu bahan di dalam penyusunan 
hukum negara.

"Itulah negara kebangsaan religius. Beda dengan negara agama," katanya.

Karena itu, menurut Mahfud, sangat tidak realistis jika ada kelompok agama yang 
ingin memaksakan agar negara Indonesia menerapkan secara formal hukum dari 
agama tertentu, sekalipun agama yang dipeluk mayoritas warga negara.

"Sebenarnya, saat ini prinsip Islam sudah sangat mewarnai hukum Indonesia meski 
tidak diformalkan," katanya.

Bahkan, dalam beberapa kasus, upaya untuk memformalkan hukum Islam di dalam 
hukum positif negara justru kontraproduktif, misalnya dalam kasus Rancangan 
Undang Undang (RUU) Pornografi.

"Dulu semua fraksi setuju untuk mengatur pornografi di dalam undang-undang. 
Penolakan justru muncul setelah ada yang mengait-kaitkan persoalan ini dengan 
Islam," kata Mahfud.(*)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Inggris Tolak Pelarangan Burka

2010-07-22 Terurut Topik Satrio Arismunandar
Date: Thursday, July 22, 2010, 9:47 PM




Giliran Menteri
Lingkungan Hidup Inggris Tolak Pelarangan Burka 

Selasa, 20 Juli 2010, 15:21 WIB

REPUBLIKA.CO. ID, LONDON --Berbeda dengan
negara lain di Eropa termasuk Perancis, Inggris merupakan salah satu negara
Eropa yang terbilang tidak mau pusing untuk urusan pemakaian burka. Bahkan
negara itu tidak terlalu berhasrat untuk melarang penggunaan burka. Meski
demikian, perdebatan di kalangan masyarakat Inggris teruslah berlangsung.

Salah seorang anggota kabinet Inggris, Caroline Spelman, menyatakan penggunaan
Burka menjadikan perempuan Muslim lebih bermartabat. Pernyataan Spelman yang
menjabat sebagai menteri lingkungan hidup itu, justru membuat dirinya dianggap
bodoh dan tolol yang kemudian memancing kemarahan partai buruh yang berencana
melarang penggunaan burka di luar rumah. 

"Satu hal yang membuat kami bangga terhadap negara ini adalah kebebasan
berekspresi, dan bebas untuk memilih apa yang anda kenakan. Jadi, menghukum
seseorang yang mengenakan burka kontras dengan kebijakan yang selama ini
dijalankan," tegasnya seperti dikutip telegraph, Senin (19/7). Ia
menyebut, persoalan burka di Afganistan merupakan persoalan lain.

Dirinya memahami mengapa perempuan Afganistan harus memakai burka pada masa
Taliban berkuasa. "Bagi mereka, mengenakan burka adalah kewajiban, mereka
pun harus mengenakan burka. Saya memahami bahwa ada perbedaan budaya dari apa
yang kita percaya, dan di negara ini, perempuan bebas untuk memilih, meski
keluar atau tidak dipagi hari dengan mengenakan burka," ujarnya.

Secara terpisah, mantan pemimpin Partai Independen, Nigel Farage, sebelumnya
menilai mengenakan burka secara serius mengurangi kesempatan hidup perempuan
Inggris di abad 21. Menurutnya, mengurangi kesempatan hidup adalah bagian dari
hal yang bodoh. "Komentar itu benar-benar luar biasa bodoh untuk seorang
menteri dipemerintahan, " katanya.

Sementara itu, Damian Green, Menteri Imigrasi Inggris menegaskan tidak akan ada
larangan burka di Britania. Dia mengatakan pengesahan larangan burka cukup
diberlakukan di luar Inggris 


Spelman: wearing burka can be 'empowering’ 

Wearing a
burka can be empowering and dignified for Muslim women, one of the Government’s
most senior female ministers said yesterday.  


By Rosa Prince, Political

Published: 8:53AM BST 19 Jul 2010 

The remarks by Caroline
Spelman, who as Environment Secretary is the second most powerful woman in the
Cabinet, were described as “moronic” and “bizarre”. She is also likely to face
anger from backbench Tory MPs, some of whom have called for the wearing of
burkas to be banned outside the private home.  

Mrs Spelman was commenting on
a recent decision by French MPs to introduce a law outlawing the burka in

Critics of the ban have argued
that while they do not like to see women covering their faces, particularly if
forced to do so by male relatives, legislation is heavy-handed and contrary to
the principle of freedom of expression.  

But Mrs Spelman suggested that
wearing the burka could be seen as a feminist statement.  

She claimed that a visit to Afghanistan had
persuaded her that “the burka confers dignity”.  

Before the Taliban was driven
out of large parts of Afghanistan ,
millions of women were forced under threat of violence to wear the burka in
public. British soldiers still gauge the level of threat from the Taliban in an
area by assessing whether local women feel the need to cover themselves. But
Mrs Spelman said: “I don’t, living in this country as a woman, want to be told
what I can and can’t wear.  

“One of the things we pride
ourselves on in this country is being free, and being free to choose what you
wear is a part of that, so banning the burka is absolutely contrary I think to
what this country is all about.  

“I’ve been out to Afghanistan and
I think I understand much better as a result … why a lot of Muslim women want
to wear the burka.  

“For them, the burka confers
dignity, it’s their choice, they choose to go out dressed in a burka. I
understand that it is a different culture from mine but the fact is in this
country women want to be free to choose … whether or not to go out in the
morning wearing a burka.”  

But Nigel Farage, the former
leader of the UK Independent Party, said: “Wearing a burka seriously diminishes
a woman’s life chances in 21st century Britain – to describe it as somehow
empowering is simply moronic.  

“It was a thoroughly
extraordinary and deeply ignorant comment for Caroline Spelman, a Government
minister, to make.”  

Damian Green, the immigration
minister, has said there would be no burka ban in Britain . He told The Sunday
Telegraph yesterday that such a move would be a “rather un-British thing to do”.





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[ppiindia] ICJ says Kosovo statehood 'legal'

2010-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Kemerdekaan negara Kosovao dilegalisasikan oleh International Court 
of Justice [Mahkamah Pengadilan Internasional]! Apakah hanya Kosovo mempunyai 
hak istimewa demikian?


Thursday, July 22, 2010 
18:09 Mecca time, 15:09 GMT

ICJ says Kosovo statehood 'legal'  
Kosovo declared itself independent from Serbia in February 2008 

The International Court of Justice has said that Kosovo's declaration of 
independence did not violate international law, in a case that could have 
significant implications for separatist movements around the world. 

Hisashi Owada, the presiding judge of the UN's highest court in the Hague, the 
Netherlands, read out the statement, which is not legally binding, on Thursday 

The decision, which comes two years after the United Nations General Assembly 
requested the opinion, is likely to lead to more countries recognising Kosovo's 

Kosovo's foreign minister said he expected Serbia to deal with the former 
province as a sovereign state, following the ruling.

"I expect Serbia to turn and come to us, to talk with us on so many issues of 
mutual interest, of mutual importance," Skender Hyseni told the Reuters news 

"But such talks can only take place as talks between sovereign states," he said.

'Options run low for Serbia'

Earlier, Boris Tadic, the Serbian president, had warned that a ruling in favour 
of statehood would set a dangerous precedent.

"If the International Court of Justice sets a new principle, it would trigger a 
process that would create several new countries and destabilise numerous 
regions in the world," he said before the ruling.

Aljosa Milenkovic, Al Jazeera's correspondent in Belgrade, said "options are 
running low for Serbia and Serbian leadership".

He added that riot police had been deployed in the city in the case of protests 
over the decision. 

Nearly 70 countries have already recognised Kosovo as an independent state, 
including the United States and 22 of the 27 European Union members.

  In video 

  Tim Friend reports on Kosovo's hopes for a favourable ruling
Serbian officials had previously said that they want to continue negotiations 
on the status of Kosovo after the ICJ verdict. 

Vuk Jeremic, the Serbian foreign minister, called on Wednesday for a 
"compromise solution on the future status of Kosovo".

But Kosovar officials have ruled out any further status negotiations with 

Barnaby Phillips, Al Jazeera's correspondent in Pristina, Kosovo, said 
regardless of Thursday's ruling the positions of Kosovo and Serbia would remain 

"Serbia basically says it will never recognise Kosovo as a sovereign country 
and the government here in Pristina is saying to Belgrade: 'Get real, you're 
not coming back, independence is a fact on the ground and the people here are 
living here everyday'."

Serbia considers Kosovo to be its southern-most province and the cradle of the 
Serb nation, but its population is predominantly ethnic Albanian.

The nation lost control over Kosovo during a two-year war between Serbia and 
ethnic Kosovo Albanians, that ended with a 78-day Nato bombing campaign

A UN administration and a Nato-monitored ceasefire was installed following the 

In February 2008, the province declared independence, after UN-brokered 
negotiations to resolve its future status failed.

The UN General Assembly, at Serbia's request, asked the ICJ in Otober 2008 to 
render a legal opinion.

Just under two million ethnic Albanians and 120,000 Serbs have live separately 
in Kosovo, mutually suspicious and occasionally hostile to each other.

Belgrade has refused to recognise Kosovo's independence move and the dispute 
has held up its EU membership talks.

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[ppiindia] DPR Akan Undang PWI & AJI Bahas Infotainment

2010-07-22 Terurut Topik Satrio Arismunandar
DPR Akan Undang PWI & AJI Bahas Infotainment

Arfi Bambani Amri, Anggi Kusumadewi
Kamis, 22 Juli 2010, 16:51 WIB

 VIVAnews -
Komisi I Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat berencana mengundang asosiasi jurnalis
dan bisnis infotainment untuk rapat di parlemen. Namun karena masa
sidang yang singkat, rencana ini mungkin baru bisa dilakukan pada masa
sidang berikutnya, Agustus 2010.

"Menyikapi infotainment tidak
harus dengan hitam-putih," kata Roy Suryo, anggota Komisi I dari Fraksi
Partai Demokrat. "Pasti nanti ada titik temu dan jalan keluar yang
baik," ujar Roy yakin. Oleh karena itu, Komisi I berencana untuk
mengundang pihak-pihak terkait guna dimintai pendapat terkait persoalan

"Selain Dewan Pers dan KPI, kami ingin mengundang
mitra lain seperti Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia, Aliansi Jurnalis
Independen, dan pihak infotainment itu sendiri. Kami ingin mendengar
pendapat mereka secara langsung," kata Roy.

Ia meyakinkan,
Komisi I berniat untuk mencari solusi terbaik, bukan mempertentangkan
antara satu pihak dengan lainnya. Komisi I sebenarnya sangat ingin
mengundang rekan-rekan infotainment dalam waktu dekat. Namun sayangnya,
Komisi I terkendala dengan pendeknya masa persidangan DPR kali ini.

depan adalah minggu terakhir masa persidangan. Kami terhadang jadwal
yang tidak memungkinkan," kata Roy. Tapi ia yakin, audiensi dengan
pihak infotainment akan terlaksana pada masa sidang mendatang. "Jadi
langsung saja sampaikan kepada DPR apapun pendapat-pendapat yang
berkembang di masyarakat," ujar Roy.

Ia berkata, Komisi I saat
ini memang sedang dalam tahap menunggu reaksi masyarakat terkait
perubahan status infotainment menjadi tayangan nonfaktual seperti
disepakati Komisi I, Komisi Penyiaran dan Dewan Pers. (umi)


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[ppiindia] Panglima TNI: Persoalan Kopassus Selesai + ....Proposed resumption of US military training.....

2010-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny
sama bidang pertahanan antara Kemenhan RI dengan Dephan AS, yang ditandatangani 
pada Juni 2010. (T.P008*F008/A041/P00

US to resume ties with Indonesia's special forces
 AP - Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, right, shakeS hands with 
U.S. Defense Secretary Robert . 
By NINIEK KARMINI, Associated Press Writer Niniek Karmini, Associated Press 
Writer - 1 min ago
JAKARTA, Indonesia - The United States announced Thursday it will resume 
cooperation with Indonesia's special forces after ties were severed more than a 
decade ago over alleged human rights abuses by the commando unit.

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates made the announcement after meeting with 
Indonesia's President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on Thursday in the capital of 
Jakarta. Indonesia had said it wanted the United States to reconsider resuming 
joint training.

The decision will be seen as a victory for the Indonesian military, which has 
said it made great strides in improving its human rights record.

Indonesia's special forces were accused of major abuses through the 1990s in 
the provinces of Papua and Aceh and the former Indonesian province of East 
Timor, which has since become independent. The U.S. cut ties with the special 
forces under a 1997 law that banned U.S. training for foreign military units 
accused of human rights violations. The ban can be lifted if there have been 
substantial measures to bring culprits to justice.

"I was pleased to be able to tell the president that as a result of Indonesian 
military reform over the past decade ... and recent actions taken by the 
Ministry of Defense to address human rights issues, the United States will 
begin measured and gradual programs of security cooperation activities with the 
Indonesian Army Special Forces," Gates said at a news conference.

"This initial step will take place within the limit of U.S. law and does not 
signal any lessening of the importance we place on human rights and 
accountability," he added.

Yudhoyono guaranteed that there would be no more rights abuses by the 
Indonesian military.

"I'll guard the Indonesian military reform and ensure that what happened 10 or 
20 years ago will not happen again," the president was quoted as saying by 
Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro, who also attended the meeting with Gates.

Washington severed all ties with the Indonesian military in 1999 after troops 
rampaged through East Timor when it voted to secede from Indonesia. The U.S. 
lifted that overall ban in 2005, but kept its restrictions against the special 
forces - known as Kopassus.

"Our ability to expand after this initial step will depend on continued 
implementation of reforms with Kopassus and (the Indonesian military) as a 
whole," Gates said.

International rights groups have said members of Kopassus were linked to the 
disappearance of student activists in 1997 and 1998 and were never held 

But Gates said that he and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were both 
convinced that rapprochement was "the right thing to do at this time."


Associated Press writer Joe Cochrane contributed to this report.


Proposed resumption of US military training to Indonesia draws outrage, 
controversy By: Jessica Teeple 
| Indonesia | Jun 8, 2010 
President Obama is expected to travel to Indonesia in the near future to 
discuss, among other topics, renewing US-backed military training for the 
Indonesian special forces unit, the Kopassus ("Komando Pasukan Khusus" or 
"Special Force Command"). Below are five key controversies that continually 
appear in news reports and commentaries about this topic.

Controversy #1: No legal accountability for past human rights violations.

The Kopassus has not faced legal accountability for the many human rights 
violations it has committed. Amnesty International USA reports that "despite 
promises by the Indonesian government, despite repeated assurances by 
Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono during visits to the United 
States, Kopassus officers involved in serious human rights crimes have never 
been brought to legal accountability." The few soldiers who have faced military 
tribunals have been reinstated into the ranks and promoted.

Controversy #2: US law bans training the Kopassus.

In the United States, the Leahy law enacted in 1997, bars US training of 
foreign military units with a history of human rights violations. In 2005 when 
then-President Bush looked to waive that ban to train Indonesian military 
troops, the State Department's legal counsel ruled that the Leahy law was still 
applicable and the training did not go forward. Now President Obama is working 

[ppiindia] INDONESIA MENGAJAR - Surat terbuka dari Anies Baswedan

2010-07-22 Terurut Topik Satrio Arismunandar

From: eka nakami 
Date: Thursday, July 22, 2010, 9:17 AM



  Surat dr Anies Baswedan berisi Ajakan utk generasi muda Indonesia 
membaktikan diri pd negara. 

-Original Message-From: Abdillah Baswedan Sender: bina...@yahoogroups .comDate: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 06:30:58To: 
undisclosed recipients: ;Subject: [binabud] Surat dari Anies 
Baswedan, Pendiri Indonesia Mengajar,untuk Anak Muda Indonesia

Berikut surat terbuka dari Anies Baswedan. Bila berkenan, silakan forward 
keteman, saudara, atau siapa saja yang mungkin berminat bergabung. Salam, 
Abdillah   - 
Surat untuk Anak-anak Muda Indonesia

Dari : Anies Baswedan

Hal : Indonesia Mengajar

Saya menulis khusus pada Anda dengan sebuah keyakinan bahwa kita bersama bisa 
saling dukung demi kemajuan republik dan bangsa kita. Saya yakin 
karenasejarahsudah membuktikan bahwa Republik ini berdiri, tumbuh, berkembang 
dan majuseperti sekarang karena ditopang oleh anak-anak muda yang 
tecerdaskan,tangguhdan energik seperti Anda.

Hari ini kondisi kita jauh lebih maju daripada saat kita menyatakan 
merdeka.Saat republik berdiri, angka buta huruf adalah 95%. Saya membayangkan 
betapa beratnya beban para pemimpin republik muda di waktu itu. Mereka harus 
menggerakan kemajuan dari nol, dari nol besar. Puluhan juta rakyatnya sanggup 
berjuang dalam revolusi kemerdekaan, tapi tidak sanggup menuliskan namanya 
sendiri. Hari ini melalui kerja kolektif seluruh bangsa, kita berhasil 
memutarbalikan hingga tinggal 8% yang buta huruf. Tidak banyak bangsa besar 
didunia yang dalam waktu 60 tahun bisa berubah sedrastis ini. Itu prestasi 
kolosal, dan kita boleh bangga. Tapi daftar masalah yang belum terselesaikan 
masih panjang. Melek huruf adalah langkah awal. Langkah berikutnya adalah akses 
yang merata, akses untuk setiap anak pada pendidikanberkualitas. Pendidikan 
berkualitas adalah kunci mengkonversi dari kemiskinan dan keterbelakangan 
menjadi kemajuan, menjadi bangsa yang cerdas, adil dan
 makmur.Garda terdepan dalam soal pendidikan ini adalah guru. Di balik 
kompleksitas perdebatan yang rumit dan panjang soal sistem pendidikan, soal 
kurikulum,soal ujian dan semacamnya, berdiri para guru. Mereka bersahaja, 
berdiri di depan anakdidiknya; mereka mendidik, merangsang dan menginspirasi. 
Dalam himpitan tekanan ekonomi, mereka hadir di hati anak-anak Indonesia. Hati 
mereka bergetar setiapmelihat anak-anak itu menjadi orang di kemudian hari. 
Setiap ucapan terimakasih adalah tanda atas pahala guru-guru ini. Mereka adalah 
profesi terpercaya, pada pundak guru-guru ini kita titipkan persiapan masa 
depan republik ini.

Hari ini kita berhadapan dengan masalah: variasi kualitas guru dan distribusi 
guru. Menghadapi masalah ini kita bisa berkeluh kesah, menyalahkan negara dan 
menuding pemerintah. Atau kita gulungkan lengan baju dan berbuat sesuatu.Saya 
mengajak kita semua untuk turun tangan. Libatkan diri kita untukmempersiapkan 
masa depan republik. Untuk kita, untuk masa depan anak-anak kita dan untuk 
melunasi janji kemerdekaan: mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa.

Saat ini saya dan banyak kawan seide sedang mengembangkan program Indonesia 
Mengajar, yaitu sebuah inisiatif dengan misi ganda: pertama, mengisi kekurangan 
guru berkualitas di Sekolah Dasar, khususnya di daerah terpencil; dan kedua 
menyiapkan lulusan perguruan tinggi untuk jadi pemimpin masa depan yangmemiliki 
pengetahuan, pengalaman dan kedekatan dengan rakyat kecil di pelosok negeri. 
Kami mengundang putra-putri terbaik republik ini untuk menjadi 
PengajarMuda,menjadi guru SD selama 1 tahun. Satu tahun berada di tengah-tengah 
rakyat dipelosok negeri, di tengah anak-anak bangsa yang kelak akan meneruskan 
sejarah republik ini. Satu tahun berada bersama anak-anak di dekat keindahan 
alam,dipesisir pulau-pulau kecil, di puncak-puncak pegunungan dan di 
lembah-lembah hijau yang membentang sepanjang khatulistiwa. 
Saya yakin pengalaman satu tahunini akan menjadi bagian dari sejarah hidup yang 
tidak mungkin bisa Anda lupakan:desa terpencil dan anak-anak didik itu akan 
selalu menjadi bagian dari diriAnda.Di desa-desa terpencil itu para Pengajar 
Muda akan menorehkan jejak,menitipkan pahala; bagi para siswa SD disana, alas 
kaki bisa jadi tidak ada, baju bisa jadi kumal dan ala kadarnya tapi mata 
mereka bisa berbinar karena kehadiran Anda. 
Anda hadir memberikan harapan. Anda hadir mendekatkan jarak mereka dengan pusat 
kemajuan. Anda hadir membuat anak-anak SD di pelosok negeri memiliki mimpi.Anda 
hadir membuat para orang-tua di desa-desa terpencil ingin memiliki anak yang 
terdidik seperti anda. Ya, ketertinggalan adalah baju mereka sekarang, tapi 
Anda hadir merangsang mereka untuk punya cita-cita, punya mimpi. Mimpi adalah 
energi mereka untuk meraih baju baru dimasa depan. Kemajuan dan kemandirian 
adalah baju anak-anak di masa depan. Anda hadir disana, di desa mereka, Anda 
hadir membukakan pintu menuju masa depan yang jauh lebih b

[ppiindia] Nia Zulkarnain Bangga Jadi Tokoh Inspiratif

2010-07-22 Terurut Topik johnoei

Nia Zulkarnain Bangga Jadi Tokoh Inspiratif 

Pasangan selebritis Ari Sihasale dan Nia Zulkarnaen meraihgelar tokoh 
inspiratif dalam Liputan 6 Awards 2010 sebagai pemilik rumahproduksi Alenia 

Untuk artikel selengkapnya klik http://www.KabariNews.com/?35206

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2010-07-22 Terurut Topik C&G Training Network




C&G Training Network mengundang Anda untuk mengikuti pelatihan:



pada hari Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

Pk. 08.45 - 17.00
Tempat: C&G Training Network
Graha Mustika Ratu, Lantai 6
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto kav. 74-75

Jakarta 12870 

Investasi: Rp 1.200.000/orang/program,

termasuk handout materi, sertifikat, 2x coffee break, lunch.

Diskon 15% untuk pemegang member card C&G Training Network

Diskon 10% untuk pendaftaran seminggu sebelum training, ATAU

cukup membayar Rp 950.000/orang untuk pendaftaran minimal

3 orang dari satu perusahaan untuk 1 program yang sama.


Mengapa ada orang yang ber-IQ tinggi gagal menjadi pemimpin, 

sementara orang yang IQ-nya sedang-sedang justru bisa menjadi pemimpin 

yang baik? Ternyata ada suatu cara lain untuk menjadi sukses,  yaitu 

"kecerdasan emosional." Kecerdasan emosional mencakup keterampilan 

mengahadapi tekanan, mengenali dan mengekspresikan emosi, keteguhan hati, 

empati serta keterampilan  berhubungan dengan orang lain. Ini merupakan 

ciri orang-orang yang menonjol. Rendahnya kecerdasan emosional  dalam 

memimpin anak buah dapat menghambat kinerja perusahaan dan menghancurkan 

karier. Untungnya, kecerdasan emosional ini tidak ditentukan sejak lahir, 

tapi bisa dipupuk dan diperkuat dalam diri kita. Inilah yang diharapkan

dicapai oleh para peserta training ini.


Materi Bahasan: 

a. Introduction: Historical root, the value of emotion, Emotional

eksplorasi diri

b. Emotional intelligence

a.Where does emotional intelligence come from?

b.   How does emotional intelligence get developed?

c. Empathy

d. Competencies at work

e. Self awareness, self management, social awareness

f.   Relationship management, 10 kualitas pribadi yang disukai


Metode training: Pembahasan konsep, assessment pribadi (pengukuran 

kecerdasan emosi), game, quiz/latihan, pemutaran video clip.


Target peserta: Seluruh karyawan, staf hingga manager.  



Hj. Widayati Gebyar, Dra. Psi.

Psikolog praktis lulusan Universitas Indonesia ini salah satu ahli

dengan spesialisasi pada Behaviour Evidence Interview Method. Sebuah 

metode interview dan councelling yang menitikberatkan kepada keahlian 

membuka dan menggali masalah serta potensi serta profil psikologis individu.

Metode ini dikembangkan oleh Hay Management Consultant, konsultan 

manajemen terkemuka di dunia, tempat Ibu Widayati bergabung menjadi 

salah satu partner disana. Ibu Widayati juga seorang ahli yang banyak 

berkecimpung dalam bidang Behavioral Analyst dan banyak melakukan 

analisis perilaku individu karyawan berbagai perusahaan di Indonesia.Selain 

sebagai salah satu associate pratner di C&G Training Network, Ibu Widayati 

ahli dalam bidang konseling dan interview, dan memiliki Certified

Human Resource, serta aktif menjadi konsultan praktek untuk bidang HR, 

termasuk di dalamnya mendalami model assessment center untuk banyak 

perusahaan di Indonesia, termasuk di Lembaga Pendidikan dan Pengembangan 

Manajemen (LPPM) Jakarta. Disamping sebagai psikolog praktis, beliau 

banyak melakukan jasa psikologis pada area-area keahlian: rekrutmen,

facilitator, serta professional trainer.


Terima kasih kepada perusahaan yang telah mengikuti training 

di C&G Training Network, a.l.:

PT KAO Indonesia Chemicals, Bank Bumiputera Indonesia, 

Bank Chinatrust Indonesia,PT Indika Cipta Media, PT Indika Telemedia, 

PT Linfox Logistics Indonesia, PT Lion Metal Works, Tbk., PT Mayora, 

PT Prodia Widyahusasa, PT Radio Indika Millenia, PT Rohm And Haas, 

PT Siemens Indonesia, PT Trimegah Securities, Tbk., PT Tsutsunaka Plastic, 

PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading, PT Yupharin Pharmaceuticals, 

PT Agung Concern, PT AXA Mandiri FinancialServices, PT Eagleburgmann


Testimonial, a.l.:

1. Penyampaian materi sangat jelas dan begitu mudah untuk memahami 

 (Didik Prastyawan, PT Insera Sena - POLYGON Cycle).

2. Mudah dimengerti dan dipahami oleh saya dengan memberikan contoh dan 

   kasus yang biasa terjadi (Risnawaty, PT. Setia Manggala Abadi)

3. Memberikan pelatihan dan membuka wawasan (Erwandi, PT. Pancamas Elite

4. Cara penyampaian menggunakan bahasa sederhana dan mudah dimengerti 

   (Hariyono, PT. Grahaniaga Tatautama)

5. Memberikan definisi yang baik disertai dengan contoh-contoh (Maria

   PT. AXA Mandiri Financial Services)

6. Metode pelatihan sangat efektif dan sangat menambah wawasan (Charles

   PT. Columbia Chrome Indonesia).

7. Sangat puas sekali karena lebih tahu tentang supervisory (Supandi, PT.


8. Mendapat penjelasan secara gamblang (Samadi, PT. Ometraco Arya Samanta).

9. Memberikan banyak input mengenai supervisory skill, penyampaian tidak

   (Flora F. Lilipaly, Sekolah Tiara Bangsa - ACS International).

10. Menjadi lebih tahu la

[ppiindia] Sebelum Puasa Semua Situs Porno Diblokir

2010-07-22 Terurut Topik johnoei

Sebelum Puasa Semua Situs Porno Diblokir

Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika akan memblok situs-situsporno sebelum 
memasuki bulan Ramadhan.

Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Tifatul Sembiring memintasatu waktu bulan 
untuk melakukan pemblokiran ini. 

Untuk artikel selengkapnya klik http://www.KabariNews.com/?35208

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