[Proto-Scripty] Re: Ajax.Updater home-brew autocompletion timing issue

2009-03-02 Thread Alex Mcauley

Jonny ..

i wrote this a few months back and forgot about it ...

Its the basics you will need to achieve what you want to do 

Any questions please ask



- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Mcauley" 
Sent: Sunday, March 01, 2009 7:21 PM
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Ajax.Updater home-brew autocompletion timing 

> there is a completely easier way to do what you want and save memory on 
> the
> client side and serverside ...
> If you can wait till monday i will post the code for you to do it
> Regards
> Alex
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Jonny Nott" 
> To: "Prototype & script.aculo.us" 
> Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2009 12:12 PM
> Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Ajax.Updater home-brew autocompletion timing 
> issue
>> I use the following Ajax.Updater code to auto-complete (refresh) the
>> options within a select box according to text entered into an input
>> [type=text].
>> The code is part of a function which is envoke by the 'onkeyup' event
>> on the input:
>> new Ajax.Updater(targetSelect.identify(), xhrRequestUrl, {
>> method: 'get',
>> parameters: {
>> match: inputControl.getValue()
>> },
>> onCreate: targetSelect.disable.bind(targetSelect),
>> onSuccess: (function(){
>> targetSelect.enable();
>> }).bind(targetSelect)
>> });
>> The problem: with large data sets, the ajax requests take long time to
>> process on the server, and then there's network lag, etc. This returns
>> in (sometimes) the responses come back in the wrong order. An example:
>> - user types 'abc', which sets off 3 requests, with 'match' param of
>> 'a', 'ab', 'abc' respectively.
>> - due to server delay/network lag etc, sometimes the response for
>> 'abc' comes back *before* the 'ab'  response
>> - select box ends up containing all entries match 'ab', rather than
>> only those matching 'abc'
>> The solution I've thought of:
>> Somehow make a callback function which short-circuits (i.e. aborts)
>> the Ajax.updater object if it's 'match' parameter is different from
>> the current value of 'inputControl' at the point where it's about to
>> empty and replenish the select box with the HTML from the response.
>> Issues:
>> - Which callback will allow me to intercept Ajax.updater at this
>> point? Will this even work with Ajax.updater, or do I need to use
>> Ajax.request and update the contents of the select box element
>> manually if the condition for doing so are met?
>> - How can a callback access the 'parameters' which were set for the
>> request? Can it even? Will I need to duplicate 'match' into some local
>> variable - and even then how will the anonymous callback function get
>> at it?
>> Am I barking up the wrong tree altogether?
>> Jon
>> >
> >

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[Proto-Scripty] Password field as hint

2009-03-02 Thread chocopaste

Hey all,
  I'm using a handy function written by Thomas Fuchs for using an
input field as a hint.  The problem is, I want to use a password field
as a hint also.  I tried doing things like $('password').type =
'text', things like that to change the type on the fly, but IE doesn't
support this.  I then tried cloning the node and replacing it, but
this loses the binding of the element to the function (it is no longer
"observed" by focus or blur).  Does anyone have an idea or experience
doing this?  Here is the code as I have it, but it's getting a bit
convoluted and doesn't work 100%.  Thanks...

  var methods = {
defaultValueActsAsHint: function( element )
  element = $(element);
  element._default = element.value;
  //element._type = element.type;

  if( element.type == 'password' )
var e = element.cloneNode(true);
e.type = 'text';
e._type = 'password';

  return element.observe('focus', function()
if(element._default != element.value) return;

if( element._type == 'password' )
var e = element.cloneNode(true);
e.type = 'password';
element = e;
e._type = 'text';
  }).observe('blur', function()
if(element.value.strip() != '') return;
  if( element.type == 'password' )
var e = element.cloneNode(true);
e.type = 'text';
e._type = 'password';
element.addClassName('hint').value = element._default;

  $w('input textarea').each(function(tag){ Element.addMethods(tag,
methods) });

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Password field as hint

2009-03-02 Thread Quleczka


I had the same problem yesterday.

Basic simple working example is  here: 
Just check it - all in one file.

Script which I've created last night which is working on all input
fields on a page is here http://pastie.org/404519. It is really messy
but it works.

You have it also here http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/530105/inputfields.js.
Just include it in your code, check if you have prototype included
and it will replace all things like :


I'll post something more when I make it look nicer. I hope this give
you some hint :)


p.s. it is based on

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Password field as hint

2009-03-02 Thread Quleczka

Uppps, second script is not working in IE. Forget about it.

Simple solution for one password field you still have here
You can also change it to add mockpassword input dynamicly in your

"I then tried cloning the node and replacing it, but
this loses the binding of the element to the function (it is no
"observed" by focus or blur).  "

You have to observe focus only from this newly created element - not
orginal password field... and observe blur only on orginal one, not
mocked one.

I'll work on this script later on :)

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Password field as hint

2009-03-02 Thread Quleczka

Version with second field added in script 

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[Proto-Scripty] clonePosition - problem in IE and Opera

2009-03-02 Thread zero

This code works in firefox 2, firefox3 and chrome but in  in opera,
ie6, ie7 olive div appear in wrong place when u scroll list. In ie it
goes up and in opera down. Why, any solution?.

ul{margin: 200px 0px;padding: 0px;list-style: none;background-color:
blue;overflow: auto;width:120px;height: 150px;}
li{width:100px;height: 100px;background-color: green;}
#klon{position:absolute;width:100px;height: 100px;z-index:
10;background-color: olive; }


libs/prototype/" >
libs/scriptaculous/1.8.1/scriptaculous.js" >

Event.observe(window, 'load', function() {
var klon;
Event.observe(el, 'mouseover', function(event) {
klon = $('klon');

Event.observe('klon', 'mouseout', function(event) {


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Password field as hint

2009-03-02 Thread Quleczka

Ok, I've fixed a script so it is working now for IE as well :)

Changing all fields in the form example: 

and script is here http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/530105/inputfields.js

Still is really messy, I don't have time right now to make it nicer :)


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[Proto-Scripty] How to correct the following code?

2009-03-02 Thread SamuelXiao

My code is to preview webpages when user move mouse over .  At
the same time, my code has other parts using Prototype
The following code can work well independently:

// javascript preview program start
var ci;
var xPos,yPos;
var elms = document.getElementsByClassName("toplink");

 function gotopreview(event,ci){
xPos = Event.pointerX(event);
yPos = Event.pointerY(event);
var getpostid=document.getElementsByName("targetpid");
var getsid = document.getElementsByName("stdid");
var url = "getOnePost.php";
var pars = "stdid="+getsid[ci].value + "&targetpid=" + getpostid

var myajax = new Ajax.Request(url,{
parameters: pars,
asynchronous: true,
onSuccess: function(transport){
$('previewWin').style.top = parseInt(yPos) + 2 + "px";
$('previewWin').style.left = parseInt(xPos) + 2 + "px";
$('previewWin').style.visibility = "visible";
$('previewWin').onmouseout =function(){ $
('previewWin').style.visibility = "hidden";}

// javascript preview program end
// The above code can work well independently.

And my html page is link:


But when it comes to work with the periodical updater, it seems that
periodicalupdater send request first, breaking down the preview code
setting new Ajax.Request.  And the object is no longer refering to the
gotopreview function.

The following is my periodical code,

obj = new Object();
obj.f1 = eventHandler;
window.onload = obj.f1;
window.onunload = function(){};

function eventHandler(){

function postUpdater() {
var myAjax = new Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater(
method: 'get',
frequency: 50

I use firebug to check the program and found that before I move mouse
over the "toplink" anchor, the postUpdater() function will send
request to the Sever thus, my preview code is no longer work.  I know
that there is bind and bindAsListener function to bind the gotopreview
function.  I tried but it's not work also, could some one help me or
tell me how to modify the code to make it work?  Is there any way stop
the periodicalUpdater when it is loaded?  Or if I must to use bind or
bindAsListener, how to write it correctly in the above code?  Any help
would be appreciated!
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[Proto-Scripty] User triggered download with no page refresh.

2009-03-02 Thread Richard Quadling


I'm currently using an iframe to act as a report downloader.

The user enters some criteria which is generated dynamically as they
change options. They then click a document button (PDF, XLS, DOC) and
this is sent to the server for validation. The result is a key for the
Crystal Reports. The JS code generates an iframe and passes the key as
part of the URL. As the key is a hash, and has to be part of the
user's session, security is quite high. Guessing keys is useless
unless there is corresponding data already submitted for the key.

On screen, I dim the form for ajax requests and fade in a spinner.

So far so good.

My problem is that once I've created the iframe I've no way of knowing
about the state of the iframe - has it loaded and presented the user
with the appropriate download box.

Are there any events I can observe with regard to an iframe (ie7, FF,
Chrome - intranet only and so can be limited in support).

I suppose as a side question, how do I find what events are observable
for any element? Is there a way? Or is it just a case of RTF HTML/JS M


Richard Quadling.

Richard Quadling
Zend Certified Engineer : http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498&r=213474731
"Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!"

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: User triggered download with no page refresh.

2009-03-02 Thread zero

On page that iframe load u can put code:


Works for me in all browsers.

On 2 Mar, 14:21, Richard Quadling  wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm currently using an iframe to act as a report downloader.
> The user enters some criteria which is generated dynamically as they
> change options. They then click a document button (PDF, XLS, DOC) and
> this is sent to the server for validation. The result is a key for the
> Crystal Reports. The JS code generates an iframe and passes the key as
> part of the URL. As the key is a hash, and has to be part of the
> user's session, security is quite high. Guessing keys is useless
> unless there is corresponding data already submitted for the key.
> On screen, I dim the form for ajax requests and fade in a spinner.
> So far so good.
> My problem is that once I've created the iframe I've no way of knowing
> about the state of the iframe - has it loaded and presented the user
> with the appropriate download box.
> Are there any events I can observe with regard to an iframe (ie7, FF,
> Chrome - intranet only and so can be limited in support).
> I suppose as a side question, how do I find what events are observable
> for any element? Is there a way? Or is it just a case of RTF HTML/JS M
> Regards,
> Richard Quadling.
> --
> -
> Richard Quadling
> Zend Certified Engineer :http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498&r=213474731
> "Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!"
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: User triggered download with no page refresh.

2009-03-02 Thread Alex Mcauley

yes you can call from the iframe a function in the parent easily 
Or, you can read the iframe contents by traversing its DOM and looking for 
elements (inputs or things) just as easily as traversing the parent 



- Original Message - 
From: "zero" 
To: "Prototype & script.aculo.us" 
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 1:36 PM
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: User triggered download with no page refresh.

> On page that iframe load u can put code:
> parent.name_of_some_js_function();
> Works for me in all browsers.
> On 2 Mar, 14:21, Richard Quadling  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I'm currently using an iframe to act as a report downloader.
>> The user enters some criteria which is generated dynamically as they
>> change options. They then click a document button (PDF, XLS, DOC) and
>> this is sent to the server for validation. The result is a key for the
>> Crystal Reports. The JS code generates an iframe and passes the key as
>> part of the URL. As the key is a hash, and has to be part of the
>> user's session, security is quite high. Guessing keys is useless
>> unless there is corresponding data already submitted for the key.
>> On screen, I dim the form for ajax requests and fade in a spinner.
>> So far so good.
>> My problem is that once I've created the iframe I've no way of knowing
>> about the state of the iframe - has it loaded and presented the user
>> with the appropriate download box.
>> Are there any events I can observe with regard to an iframe (ie7, FF,
>> Chrome - intranet only and so can be limited in support).
>> I suppose as a side question, how do I find what events are observable
>> for any element? Is there a way? Or is it just a case of RTF HTML/JS M
>> Regards,
>> Richard Quadling.
>> --
>> -
>> Richard Quadling
>> Zend Certified Engineer :http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498&r=213474731
>> "Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!"
> >

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For more options, visit this group at 

[Proto-Scripty] Re: User triggered download with no page refresh.

2009-03-02 Thread Richard Quadling

2009/3/2 zero :
> On page that iframe load u can put code:
>                parent.name_of_some_js_function();
> Works for me in all browsers.
> On 2 Mar, 14:21, Richard Quadling  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I'm currently using an iframe to act as a report downloader.
>> The user enters some criteria which is generated dynamically as they
>> change options. They then click a document button (PDF, XLS, DOC) and
>> this is sent to the server for validation. The result is a key for the
>> Crystal Reports. The JS code generates an iframe and passes the key as
>> part of the URL. As the key is a hash, and has to be part of the
>> user's session, security is quite high. Guessing keys is useless
>> unless there is corresponding data already submitted for the key.
>> On screen, I dim the form for ajax requests and fade in a spinner.
>> So far so good.
>> My problem is that once I've created the iframe I've no way of knowing
>> about the state of the iframe - has it loaded and presented the user
>> with the appropriate download box.
>> Are there any events I can observe with regard to an iframe (ie7, FF,
>> Chrome - intranet only and so can be limited in support).
>> I suppose as a side question, how do I find what events are observable
>> for any element? Is there a way? Or is it just a case of RTF HTML/JS M
>> Regards,
>> Richard Quadling.
>> --
>> -
>> Richard Quadling
>> Zend Certified Engineer :http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498&r=213474731
>> "Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!"
> >


Currently, the iframe has no HTML/CSS/JS content as the server simply
supplies a download which causes the browser to ask to save. I'm using
PHP and here is the key part.

// Generate file and then supply headers along with the data.
header("{$_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']} 200 OK", True, 200);
header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' .
$_SESSION['Reports'][$_GET['Hash']]['Report']['ExternalName'] . '.' .
$_SESSION['Reports'][$_GET['Hash']]['ExportInfo']['Extension'] . '"');
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
header('Pragma: public');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($s_ExportedReport));

So, I can't add HTML/CSS/JS to the frame AND have the download happen.

I found I can observe the "load" event on the iframe, but only in
FireFox. It seems that nothing is fired for IE/Chrome at all. Also
tried dom:loaded - nothing in any of the browsers.

I think the above code would need to be amended to do something like this ...

Generate the report and save it with a unique name.
Generate the iframe's HTML so that it includes the JS to tell the
parent all is well and a location.refresh to point to a script to
supply the newly generated file.

Seems convoluted, but then again, downloading with no refresh SEEMS
convoluted anyway.

And as I'm typing this, Alex has just replied ... reading.

Ah. Yes. If the iframe had content, then I could traverse it quite happily.

Breaking the generation and the downloading seems to be the next obvious way.

Any other POVs?


Richard Quadling
Zend Certified Engineer : http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498&r=213474731
"Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!"

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: User triggered download with no page refresh.

2009-03-02 Thread Richard Quadling

2009/3/2 Richard Quadling :
> 2009/3/2 zero :
>> On page that iframe load u can put code:
>>                parent.name_of_some_js_function();
>> Works for me in all browsers.
>> On 2 Mar, 14:21, Richard Quadling  wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I'm currently using an iframe to act as a report downloader.
>>> The user enters some criteria which is generated dynamically as they
>>> change options. They then click a document button (PDF, XLS, DOC) and
>>> this is sent to the server for validation. The result is a key for the
>>> Crystal Reports. The JS code generates an iframe and passes the key as
>>> part of the URL. As the key is a hash, and has to be part of the
>>> user's session, security is quite high. Guessing keys is useless
>>> unless there is corresponding data already submitted for the key.
>>> On screen, I dim the form for ajax requests and fade in a spinner.
>>> So far so good.
>>> My problem is that once I've created the iframe I've no way of knowing
>>> about the state of the iframe - has it loaded and presented the user
>>> with the appropriate download box.
>>> Are there any events I can observe with regard to an iframe (ie7, FF,
>>> Chrome - intranet only and so can be limited in support).
>>> I suppose as a side question, how do I find what events are observable
>>> for any element? Is there a way? Or is it just a case of RTF HTML/JS M
>>> Regards,
>>> Richard Quadling.
>>> --
>>> -
>>> Richard Quadling
>>> Zend Certified Engineer :http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498&r=213474731
>>> "Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!"
>> >>
> Hmm..
> Currently, the iframe has no HTML/CSS/JS content as the server simply
> supplies a download which causes the browser to ask to save. I'm using
> PHP and here is the key part.
> // Generate file and then supply headers along with the data.
> header("{$_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']} 200 OK", True, 200);
> header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
> header("Content-Type:
> {$_SESSION['Reports'][$_GET['Hash']]['ExportInfo']['Mime']}");
> header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' .
> $_SESSION['Reports'][$_GET['Hash']]['Report']['ExternalName'] . '.' .
> $_SESSION['Reports'][$_GET['Hash']]['ExportInfo']['Extension'] . '"');
> header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
> header('Expires: 0');
> header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
> header('Pragma: public');
> header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($s_ExportedReport));
> readfile($s_ExportedReport);
> unlink($s_ExportedReport);
> So, I can't add HTML/CSS/JS to the frame AND have the download happen.
> I found I can observe the "load" event on the iframe, but only in
> FireFox. It seems that nothing is fired for IE/Chrome at all. Also
> tried dom:loaded - nothing in any of the browsers.
> I think the above code would need to be amended to do something like this ...
> Generate the report and save it with a unique name.
> Generate the iframe's HTML so that it includes the JS to tell the
> parent all is well and a location.refresh to point to a script to
> supply the newly generated file.
> Seems convoluted, but then again, downloading with no refresh SEEMS
> convoluted anyway.
> And as I'm typing this, Alex has just replied ... reading.
> Ah. Yes. If the iframe had content, then I could traverse it quite happily.
> Breaking the generation and the downloading seems to be the next obvious way.
> Any other POVs?
> Richard.
> --
> -
> Richard Quadling
> Zend Certified Engineer : http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498&r=213474731
> "Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!"

Or duh ...


Is this right?

A straight form with a download link (i.e. form's response will be
downloadable file?) Just triggered using JS?

Hmm.. Of course that will work,but I still don't know when the form is ready.

So maybe a form event to know it has finished processing would be a
better/easier solution ... looking into it ...

Richard Quadling
Zend Certified Engineer : http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498&r=213474731
"Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!"

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: User triggered download with no page refresh.

2009-03-02 Thread Alex Mcauley

The way i do it in my custom CRM (for editing and downloading invoices 
(Mainly PDF's)) is to submit a form to a  hidden Iframe which automatically 
calls the browser to open or download the document ...

This is streamed in a similar way to your streaming that you mentioned 
earlier ..

what i would do in your case is when all the headers are sent to the browser 
i would echo some javascript to call the parent telling it that it is 
finished ...

Example in your ajax request set evalScripts to 'true' and send some JS back 
to the server ... if this is unsecure for you then just echo out some HTML 
that you can query ..

The only downside of echoing out HTML is you may have to periodically check 
the DOM  to see if its there or not ... at least with echoing javascript it 
will do something when responded ..

Now .. the downside with PHP is ... quite often javascript is interpretted 
before  a [PHP] script has finished executing (i allways wrap my scripts 
with EG. if($sql) {echo("alert('Finished');");} else { 
... } (this one scratched my head a few times windering why Ajax Requests 
were reposnding before a database change had ben done !!! ...

If its high load server then you can put a sleep call in php or buffer the 
output slightly to compensate for it ..

I dont know why php does this and it may be the same in other serverside 
languages ... most of the time the script executes before the javascript is 
interpreted so it doesnt matter but on high load servers thismight not 
allways be the case



- Original Message - 
From: "Richard Quadling" 
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 2:02 PM
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: User triggered download with no page refresh.

2009/3/2 Richard Quadling :
> 2009/3/2 zero :
>> On page that iframe load u can put code:
>> parent.name_of_some_js_function();
>> Works for me in all browsers.
>> On 2 Mar, 14:21, Richard Quadling  wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I'm currently using an iframe to act as a report downloader.
>>> The user enters some criteria which is generated dynamically as they
>>> change options. They then click a document button (PDF, XLS, DOC) and
>>> this is sent to the server for validation. The result is a key for the
>>> Crystal Reports. The JS code generates an iframe and passes the key as
>>> part of the URL. As the key is a hash, and has to be part of the
>>> user's session, security is quite high. Guessing keys is useless
>>> unless there is corresponding data already submitted for the key.
>>> On screen, I dim the form for ajax requests and fade in a spinner.
>>> So far so good.
>>> My problem is that once I've created the iframe I've no way of knowing
>>> about the state of the iframe - has it loaded and presented the user
>>> with the appropriate download box.
>>> Are there any events I can observe with regard to an iframe (ie7, FF,
>>> Chrome - intranet only and so can be limited in support).
>>> I suppose as a side question, how do I find what events are observable
>>> for any element? Is there a way? Or is it just a case of RTF HTML/JS M
>>> Regards,
>>> Richard Quadling.
>>> --
>>> -
>>> Richard Quadling
>>> Zend Certified Engineer 
>>> :http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498&r=213474731
>>> "Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!"
>> >>
> Hmm..
> Currently, the iframe has no HTML/CSS/JS content as the server simply
> supplies a download which causes the browser to ask to save. I'm using
> PHP and here is the key part.
> // Generate file and then supply headers along with the data.
> header("{$_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']} 200 OK", True, 200);
> header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
> header("Content-Type:
> {$_SESSION['Reports'][$_GET['Hash']]['ExportInfo']['Mime']}");
> header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' .
> $_SESSION['Reports'][$_GET['Hash']]['Report']['ExternalName'] . '.' .
> $_SESSION['Reports'][$_GET['Hash']]['ExportInfo']['Extension'] . '"');
> header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
> header('Expires: 0');
> header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
> header('Pragma: public');
> header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($s_ExportedReport));
> readfile($s_ExportedReport);
> unlink($s_ExportedReport);
> So, I can't add HTML/CSS/JS to the frame AND have the download happen.
> I found I can observe the "load" event on the iframe, but only in
> FireFox. It seems that nothing is fired for IE/Chrome at all. Also
> tried dom:loaded - nothing in any of the browsers.
> I think the above code would need to be amended to do something like this 
> ...
> Generate the report and save it with a unique name.
> Generate the iframe's HTML so that it includes the JS to tell the
> parent all is well and a location.refresh to point to a script to
> supply the newly generated file.
> Seems convoluted, but then again, downloading with no refresh SEEMS
> convoluted anyway.
> And as I'm typing this, Alex has ju

[Proto-Scripty] Re: User triggered download with no page refresh.

2009-03-02 Thread Richard Quadling

2009/3/2 Alex Mcauley :
> The way i do it in my custom CRM (for editing and downloading invoices
> (Mainly PDF's)) is to submit a form to a  hidden Iframe which automatically
> calls the browser to open or download the document ...
> This is streamed in a similar way to your streaming that you mentioned
> earlier ..
> what i would do in your case is when all the headers are sent to the browser
> i would echo some javascript to call the parent telling it that it is
> finished ...
> Example in your ajax request set evalScripts to 'true' and send some JS back
> to the server ... if this is unsecure for you then just echo out some HTML
> that you can query ..
> The only downside of echoing out HTML is you may have to periodically check
> the DOM  to see if its there or not ... at least with echoing javascript it
> will do something when responded ..
> Now .. the downside with PHP is ... quite often javascript is interpretted
> before  a [PHP] script has finished executing (i allways wrap my scripts
> with EG. if($sql) {echo("alert('Finished');");} else {
> ... } (this one scratched my head a few times windering why Ajax Requests
> were reposnding before a database change had ben done !!! ...
> If its high load server then you can put a sleep call in php or buffer the
> output slightly to compensate for it ..
> I dont know why php does this and it may be the same in other serverside
> languages ... most of the time the script executes before the javascript is
> interpreted so it doesnt matter but on high load servers thismight not
> allways be the case
> Alex
> - Original Message -
> From: "Richard Quadling" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 2:02 PM
> Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: User triggered download with no page refresh.
> 2009/3/2 Richard Quadling :
>> 2009/3/2 zero :
>>> On page that iframe load u can put code:
>>> parent.name_of_some_js_function();
>>> Works for me in all browsers.
>>> On 2 Mar, 14:21, Richard Quadling  wrote:

 I'm currently using an iframe to act as a report downloader.

 The user enters some criteria which is generated dynamically as they
 change options. They then click a document button (PDF, XLS, DOC) and
 this is sent to the server for validation. The result is a key for the
 Crystal Reports. The JS code generates an iframe and passes the key as
 part of the URL. As the key is a hash, and has to be part of the
 user's session, security is quite high. Guessing keys is useless
 unless there is corresponding data already submitted for the key.

 On screen, I dim the form for ajax requests and fade in a spinner.

 So far so good.

 My problem is that once I've created the iframe I've no way of knowing
 about the state of the iframe - has it loaded and presented the user
 with the appropriate download box.

 Are there any events I can observe with regard to an iframe (ie7, FF,
 Chrome - intranet only and so can be limited in support).

 I suppose as a side question, how do I find what events are observable
 for any element? Is there a way? Or is it just a case of RTF HTML/JS M


 Richard Quadling.

 Richard Quadling
 Zend Certified Engineer
 "Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!"
>>> >>
>> Hmm..
>> Currently, the iframe has no HTML/CSS/JS content as the server simply
>> supplies a download which causes the browser to ask to save. I'm using
>> PHP and here is the key part.
>> // Generate file and then supply headers along with the data.
>> header("{$_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']} 200 OK", True, 200);
>> header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
>> header("Content-Type:
>> {$_SESSION['Reports'][$_GET['Hash']]['ExportInfo']['Mime']}");
>> header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' .
>> $_SESSION['Reports'][$_GET['Hash']]['Report']['ExternalName'] . '.' .
>> $_SESSION['Reports'][$_GET['Hash']]['ExportInfo']['Extension'] . '"');
>> header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
>> header('Expires: 0');
>> header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
>> header('Pragma: public');
>> header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($s_ExportedReport));
>> readfile($s_ExportedReport);
>> unlink($s_ExportedReport);
>> So, I can't add HTML/CSS/JS to the frame AND have the download happen.
>> I found I can observe the "load" event on the iframe, but only in
>> FireFox. It seems that nothing is fired for IE/Chrome at all. Also
>> tried dom:loaded - nothing in any of the browsers.
>> I think the above code would need to be amended to do something like this
>> ...
>> Generate the report and save it with a unique name.
>> Generate the iframe's HTML so that it includes the JS to tell the
>> parent all is well and a location.refresh to point to a script 

[Proto-Scripty] How do sort a hash.

2009-03-02 Thread Richard Quadling


This might be one of the those odd situations where there is no
answer, but I have a hash coming from PHP via JSONP to JS/Prototype.

In IE and FF, the ordering is maintained.

In Chrome the order is not maintained.

The key part is numeric and is NOT in order. The value is sorted alphabetically.

I suppose I could reverse the key/value pairing and work that way, but
as the dox say, order is not guaranteed.

Alternatively, as the data is going to be used for a  tag, can
I sort the s by value?



Richard Quadling
Zend Certified Engineer : http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498&r=213474731
"Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!"

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: How do sort a hash.

2009-03-02 Thread Richard Quadling

2009/3/2 Richard Quadling :
> Hi.
> This might be one of the those odd situations where there is no
> answer, but I have a hash coming from PHP via JSONP to JS/Prototype.
> In IE and FF, the ordering is maintained.
> In Chrome the order is not maintained.
> The key part is numeric and is NOT in order. The value is sorted 
> alphabetically.
> I suppose I could reverse the key/value pairing and work that way, but
> as the dox say, order is not guaranteed.
> Alternatively, as the data is going to be used for a  tag, can
> I sort the s by value?
> Regards,
> Richard
> --
> -
> Richard Quadling
> Zend Certified Engineer : http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498&r=213474731
> "Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!"

Hey! I'm cooking today on gas today!

Rather than ...


I use ...

$A($H(a_Values).each(function(h_Value) {
return [h_Value.key, h_Value.value];
})).sort(function(a, b) {
return a[1] < b[1] ? -1 : (a[1] > b[1] ? 1 : 0);

Which looks really really messy, but works for me in Chrome, IE and FF.

Richard Quadling
Zend Certified Engineer : http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498&r=213474731
"Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!"

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: How do sort a hash.

2009-03-02 Thread kangax

On Mar 2, 9:58 am, Richard Quadling  wrote:
> Hi.
> This might be one of the those odd situations where there is no
> answer, but I have a hash coming from PHP via JSONP to JS/Prototype.
> In IE and FF, the ordering is maintained.
> In Chrome the order is not maintained.
> The key part is numeric and is NOT in order. The value is sorted 
> alphabetically.
> I suppose I could reverse the key/value pairing and work that way, but
> as the dox say, order is not guaranteed.
> Alternatively, as the data is going to be used for a  tag, can
> I sort the s by value?

Look into `sortBy`:

$H({ a: 20, b: 1, c: 10 }).sortBy(function(pair){
  return pair.value;
  // or `return pair.key` (to sort by key)


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: How do sort a hash.

2009-03-02 Thread Richard Quadling

2009/3/2 kangax :
> On Mar 2, 9:58 am, Richard Quadling  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> This might be one of the those odd situations where there is no
>> answer, but I have a hash coming from PHP via JSONP to JS/Prototype.
>> In IE and FF, the ordering is maintained.
>> In Chrome the order is not maintained.
>> The key part is numeric and is NOT in order. The value is sorted 
>> alphabetically.
>> I suppose I could reverse the key/value pairing and work that way, but
>> as the dox say, order is not guaranteed.
>> Alternatively, as the data is going to be used for a  tag, can
>> I sort the s by value?
> Look into `sortBy`:
> $H({ a: 20, b: 1, c: 10 }).sortBy(function(pair){
>  return pair.value;
>  // or `return pair.key` (to sort by key)
> });
> [...]
> --
> kangax
> >

Argh!!! Thank you Kangax.

I think this would be a great case for cross linking in the documentation.

Hash can be thought of as an associative array, binding unique keys to
values (which are not necessarily unique), though it can not guarantee
consistent order its elements when iterating, "but sortBy() can
alleviate this issue."

Is there a way I can commit changes to the documentation?

Richard Quadling
Zend Certified Engineer : http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498&r=213474731
"Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!"

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: validation for alphanumeric field/sequence

2009-03-02 Thread Eric


On Feb 4, 10:50 pm, Michael  wrote:
> Hi - I want to use this validation for an alphanumeric field.

I apologize for beating a dead horse, but since the list of possible
choices is closed, why don't you just use a SELECT element?


Anyways, it was very interesting to read about all possible methods,
even if I am now (even more) confused about Javascript and hashes :o/
(I thought that native JS objects were great hashes, but I am
obviously wrong there...).


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: JSON form generator demo

2009-03-02 Thread Diodeus

Hi Rob,

No, I haven't made a comparison. I have built client-side form
generators before but have used XML for the form schema. JSON is
obviously faster than XML.

Generating the entire form server-side and inserting it as a single
block would obviously be faster than generating fields one at a time
on the client. That being said, there doesn't seem to be a visible
difference to the user performance-wise.

On Mar 1, 8:01 pm, RobG  wrote:
> On Feb 21, 7:32 am, Diodeus  wrote:
> > Hello Prototypers,
> > I've been working on a JSON-based form generator that uses Prototype.
> > Basically it allows you provide a form specification using JSON and
> > the engine generates the output dynamically.
> > It's still in the early stages but there is a working demo. I am
> > looking for comments and feedback.
> Have you compared the difference in performance between running a
> database query, creating the JSON, sending it to the client and
> building the form there vs building the form on the server directly
> from the database query and sending the HTML ready to insert?
> --
> Rob
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: How do sort a hash.

2009-03-02 Thread kangax

On Mar 2, 11:23 am, Richard Quadling  wrote:
> 2009/3/2 kangax :
> > On Mar 2, 9:58 am, Richard Quadling  wrote:
> >> Hi.
> >> This might be one of the those odd situations where there is no
> >> answer, but I have a hash coming from PHP via JSONP to JS/Prototype.
> >> In IE and FF, the ordering is maintained.
> >> In Chrome the order is not maintained.
> >> The key part is numeric and is NOT in order. The value is sorted 
> >> alphabetically.
> >> I suppose I could reverse the key/value pairing and work that way, but
> >> as the dox say, order is not guaranteed.
> >> Alternatively, as the data is going to be used for a  tag, can
> >> I sort the s by value?
> > Look into `sortBy`:
> > $H({ a: 20, b: 1, c: 10 }).sortBy(function(pair){
> >  return pair.value;
> >  // or `return pair.key` (to sort by key)
> > });
> > [...]
> > --
> > kangax
> Argh!!! Thank you Kangax.
> I think this would be a great case for cross linking in the documentation.
> Hash can be thought of as an associative array, binding unique keys to
> values (which are not necessarily unique), though it can not guarantee
> consistent order its elements when iterating, "but sortBy() can
> alleviate this issue."

I actually find plain JS object sufficient most of the time for
"hashtable" purposes. There are edge cases of course, but the
performance gains of using plain objects (vs. `Hash` instances) can
not be underestimated.

> Is there a way I can commit changes to the documentation?

Sure. Create a ticket at Lighthouse and mark it as a documentation
related enhancement.

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: does prototype abstract usage to both IE & mozilla?

2009-03-02 Thread greghauptmann

Hi guys,

I've just come across http://jalava.buildyourownapps.com

I'm just seeing now that for a diagram editor there seems to be 2
approaches from what I can tell, one based on real drawing (e.g.
raphaeljs, or canvas tag), and the other using the capabilities of
layout inherit using HTML/CSS/etc which is what the above-mentioned
jalava is doing I think (or I think the commercial http://mxgraph.com
is using this also)

Any comments here?  Would you agree that using the HTML/CSS layout
capabilities (which seems to lay in being able to do absolute
positioning of objects) would be a better fit?  This would also get
around any issues re Canvas tag support cross-browsers?

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[Proto-Scripty] IE7 Timers & Memory Leaks?

2009-03-02 Thread BearState


Well Ok, I've used setTimeout a few times in my code to delay resuming
run of a code module until Ajax.Request() has had time to do its
thing.   And the use of the timer is cyclic as the user may repeat the
operation over and over again, but in different parts of the page.

And ...  holy spacetime wormhole continuum out of wack batman!  Why is
that timer firing off so quickly?   What in the wide wide world of
sports is go'n on?

Robin, haven't you done a web search yet?   There's people complaining
about memory leaks with regard to timers?

Holy abscent minded browser batman!   Is it the setTimeout() function
causing the problem?

Damned if I know Robin, I only stomp on Penquins and Jokers, not
memory leaks and I'm not int he habit of waiting for anything, not
even queues at the bank when I cash my checks.

Holy Fast Food Diet out the window with Cheese, Fries and Shake
Batman!  What's the answer?

You weren't listening Robin ...  damned if I know.

Does anyone know?


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Prototype effects below flash animation

2009-03-02 Thread Ângelo Rigo

I need the prototype div stay over a flash animation ? how can it be
done ?

Today i open a bigger image using the code in this post and the flash
animation appears over the bigger image

Thank´s in advance

On 28 fev, 12:46, Walter Lee Davis  wrote:
> I'm not sure this will help in all cases. Flash content cuts a  
> "window" all the way through the z-axis of the page, nothing (except  
> more Flash) may be drawn in a movie's "airspace". The browser hands  
> over screen-drawing in the entire rectangle of the movie to the Flash  
> plug-in. If you want to float another Flash movie over an existing  
> Flash movie, that *will* work, and (as long as you have set  
> wmode:transparent on the top-most movie) it will look the way you want  
> it to.
> Walter
> On Feb 27, 2009, at 5:35 PM, Boysenberry Payne wrote:
> > Try either setting the z-index css style for both so that the effects
> > div is a higher number
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: IE7 Timers & Memory Leaks?

2009-03-02 Thread Tobie Langel

Hi again, BearState.

Your confusing different things here.

The behaviour you are describing isn't related to memory leaks at all,
your most probably just passing the _result_ of a function call to
setTimeout rather than the function itself.

In other words, if you are doing the following, you're almost
certainly doing something wrong (or using some very obscure functional
programming tricks):

setTimeout(myFunc(), 1000); // WRONG

This, on the contrary, works you're passing the function itself, not
the _result_ of it):

setTimeout(myFunc, 1000); // CORRECT

Anyway, if you're doing ajax requests, you should NOT be using
timeouts, but the provided callback system (as advised in a previous

I suggest you buy yourself a good book on Prototype[1] and maybe one
on JavaScript too, while you're at it. ;)



[1] http://prototypejs.org/2008/8/11/practical-prototype-and-scriptaculous

On Mar 3, 1:43 am, BearState  wrote:
> Hidie-ho,
> Well Ok, I've used setTimeout a few times in my code to delay resuming
> run of a code module until Ajax.Request() has had time to do its
> thing.   And the use of the timer is cyclic as the user may repeat the
> operation over and over again, but in different parts of the page.
> And ...  holy spacetime wormhole continuum out of wack batman!  Why is
> that timer firing off so quickly?   What in the wide wide world of
> sports is go'n on?
> Robin, haven't you done a web search yet?   There's people complaining
> about memory leaks with regard to timers?
> Holy abscent minded browser batman!   Is it the setTimeout() function
> causing the problem?
> Damned if I know Robin, I only stomp on Penquins and Jokers, not
> memory leaks and I'm not int he habit of waiting for anything, not
> even queues at the bank when I cash my checks.
> Holy Fast Food Diet out the window with Cheese, Fries and Shake
> Batman!  What's the answer?
> You weren't listening Robin ...  damned if I know.
> Does anyone know?
> BearState
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: IE7 Timers & Memory Leaks?

2009-03-02 Thread BearState

Hi Tobie,

You don't live over in Scott's Valley, do you?   Used to know a Tobie
way back when.

OK so,

xtimer = setTimeout( { doSomething( arg1, arg2, arg3 ); }, 500);

is using the function's return?

How do I specifiy a function to setTimeout when it has args?

Holy Simple Minded Idiot Batman!  It's not a timer memory leak

Riddle me this Robin ...   do you think this programmer could use some
Bat Belt and Suspenders?

Holy Mistaken Bug Identity Batman!   Definitely!


On Mar 2, 6:55 pm, Tobie Langel  wrote:
> Hi again, BearState.
> Your confusing different things here.
> The behaviour you are describing isn't related to memory leaks at all,
> your most probably just passing the _result_ of a function call to
> setTimeout rather than the function itself.
> In other words, if you are doing the following, you're almost
> certainly doing something wrong (or using some very obscure functional
> programming tricks):
> setTimeout(myFunc(), 1000); // WRONG
> This, on the contrary, works you're passing the function itself, not
> the _result_ of it):
> setTimeout(myFunc, 1000); // CORRECT
> Anyway, if you're doing ajax requests, you should NOT be using
> timeouts, but the provided callback system (as advised in a previous
> post).
> I suggest you buy yourself a good book on Prototype[1] and maybe one
> on JavaScript too, while you're at it. ;)
> Best,
> Tobie
> [1]http://prototypejs.org/2008/8/11/practical-prototype-and-scriptaculous
> orhttp://prototypejs.org/2007/5/7/prototype-and-script-aculo-us-the-bun...
> On Mar 3, 1:43 am, BearState  wrote:
> > Hidie-ho,
> > Well Ok, I've used setTimeout a few times in my code to delay resuming
> > run of a code module until Ajax.Request() has had time to do its
> > thing.   And the use of the timer is cyclic as the user may repeat the
> > operation over and over again, but in different parts of the page.
> > And ...  holy spacetime wormhole continuum out of wack batman!  Why is
> > that timer firing off so quickly?   What in the wide wide world of
> > sports is go'n on?
> > Robin, haven't you done a web search yet?   There's people complaining
> > about memory leaks with regard to timers?
> > Holy abscent minded browser batman!   Is it the setTimeout() function
> > causing the problem?
> > Damned if I know Robin, I only stomp on Penquins and Jokers, not
> > memory leaks and I'm not int he habit of waiting for anything, not
> > even queues at the bank when I cash my checks.
> > Holy Fast Food Diet out the window with Cheese, Fries and Shake
> > Batman!  What's the answer?
> > You weren't listening Robin ...  damned if I know.
> > Does anyone know?
> > BearState- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Password field as hint

2009-03-02 Thread Walter Lee Davis

See if this would help you. It's based on the classic A List Apart  
article, but just written now off the top of my head:

Shoe Size

if(label = elm.up('p').down('label')){
var label = $(label);


On Mar 2, 2009, at 7:16 AM, Quleczka wrote:

> Still is really messy, I don't have time right now to make it nicer :)

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: IE7 Timers & Memory Leaks?

2009-03-02 Thread Alex Mcauley

myTimeout=setTimeout(function(var,var2,var3,var4) {
global x,y,z;

alert('foo = bar');

whats wrong with that ?
I dont think this leaks memory so why should any timeout leak memory


- Original Message - 
From: "BearState" 
To: "Prototype & script.aculo.us" 
Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 3:36 AM
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: IE7 Timers & Memory Leaks?

Hi Tobie,

You don't live over in Scott's Valley, do you?   Used to know a Tobie
way back when.

OK so,

xtimer = setTimeout( { doSomething( arg1, arg2, arg3 ); }, 500);

is using the function's return?

How do I specifiy a function to setTimeout when it has args?

Holy Simple Minded Idiot Batman!  It's not a timer memory leak

Riddle me this Robin ...   do you think this programmer could use some
Bat Belt and Suspenders?

Holy Mistaken Bug Identity Batman!   Definitely!


On Mar 2, 6:55 pm, Tobie Langel  wrote:
> Hi again, BearState.
> Your confusing different things here.
> The behaviour you are describing isn't related to memory leaks at all,
> your most probably just passing the _result_ of a function call to
> setTimeout rather than the function itself.
> In other words, if you are doing the following, you're almost
> certainly doing something wrong (or using some very obscure functional
> programming tricks):
> setTimeout(myFunc(), 1000); // WRONG
> This, on the contrary, works you're passing the function itself, not
> the _result_ of it):
> setTimeout(myFunc, 1000); // CORRECT
> Anyway, if you're doing ajax requests, you should NOT be using
> timeouts, but the provided callback system (as advised in a previous
> post).
> I suggest you buy yourself a good book on Prototype[1] and maybe one
> on JavaScript too, while you're at it. ;)
> Best,
> Tobie
> [1]http://prototypejs.org/2008/8/11/practical-prototype-and-scriptaculous
> orhttp://prototypejs.org/2007/5/7/prototype-and-script-aculo-us-the-bun...
> On Mar 3, 1:43 am, BearState  wrote:
> > Hidie-ho,
> > Well Ok, I've used setTimeout a few times in my code to delay resuming
> > run of a code module until Ajax.Request() has had time to do its
> > thing. And the use of the timer is cyclic as the user may repeat the
> > operation over and over again, but in different parts of the page.
> > And ... holy spacetime wormhole continuum out of wack batman! Why is
> > that timer firing off so quickly? What in the wide wide world of
> > sports is go'n on?
> > Robin, haven't you done a web search yet? There's people complaining
> > about memory leaks with regard to timers?
> > Holy abscent minded browser batman! Is it the setTimeout() function
> > causing the problem?
> > Damned if I know Robin, I only stomp on Penquins and Jokers, not
> > memory leaks and I'm not int he habit of waiting for anything, not
> > even queues at the bank when I cash my checks.
> > Holy Fast Food Diet out the window with Cheese, Fries and Shake
> > Batman! What's the answer?
> > You weren't listening Robin ... damned if I know.
> > Does anyone know?
> > BearState- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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