Re: custom RBLSMTPD message... (was: Sublist (Was: Virus...)

2001-08-01 Thread Roger Merchberger

Rumor has it that Peter van Dijk may have mentioned these words:


>perl -ne 'chomp(); print "$_:allow,RBLSMTPD=/-yuck fou./\n";'


I'd *love* to use that as my default text, but methinks I'll have to be a
bit more diplomatic.

>Filter file through tool. Add sugar or milk according to taste. Enjoy.

I'm writing a perl script to take my Eudora mbox spam file and extract all
of the IP addresses to put in my tcp.smtp automagically, where i was
planning on adding that line... but if someone with an open relay closes
it, they won't be able to contact me to let me know they fixed their MUA.

But in other words, "live with it." No problem.

Hey - here's an idea: Can you set an arbitrary environment variable (like
DATESET="whatever"), and will qmail ignore it? That way, I could have my
proggie note when the entry was listed, and I can remove entries not
associated with a netblock, say, over 1 or 2 months old automatically...

I'm trying to get a handle on this spam thing, now that is
now charging for their services -- I checked out their prices, and while
they're not highway robbery, they're pretty tough for a small ISP to afford.

Thanks again!
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

custom RBLSMTPD message... (was: Sublist (Was: Virus...)

2001-08-01 Thread Roger Merchberger

Rumor has it that Russell Nelson may have mentioned these words:
>Smithj writes:
> > Use GIMP :)
>Yup.  Anybody who uses an email client that they didn't write
>themselves (in assembly language) is just a poseur.

Altho I've never really stopped programming in assembly, I do *very* little
with it nowadays... and until sombody gets that mighty 1.78Mhz 6809 to
handle a TCP/IP stack in my CoCo3 (thru the bit-banger serial port, no
less) I doubt I will program my MUA in assembly...

In a feeble attempt to bring some signal back to the noise, I dunno if this
is a FAQ or not (but I'd suspect not...) and I have searched the archives
to no avail, but I was wondering if you can use an environment variable or
*something* to set the RBLSMTPD= variable in tcp.smtp... here's a snippet
of that file:,RBLSMTPD=/-You are banned from sending mail here;
known spam host./,RBLSMTPD=/-You are banned from sending mail here; known
spam host./,RBLSMTPD=/-You are banned from sending mail here; known
spam host./

I'd like to put a different (and prolly longer) message in there, including
an off-site email address that folks could use if they do stop sending
spam, but putting that on *every* line is becoming tedious...

Do I just "live with it" or is there an easier solution?

Roger "Merch" Merchberger

-- P.S. I use Eudora 3.0 Pro for my email client (with everything turned
off...) and under Linux I use *nothing* because I've found no client yet
that allows you to selectively remove messages via POP3 automagically thru
a filter. At home, I telnet in & grep the Maildir/new if I need to find
something important...
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

virus perl script I wrote before was easy to modify...

2001-07-26 Thread Roger Merchberger

Well, I can't do much about the virus scanner replies, but I wrote a perl
script to sort out that darned Snowhite virus to keep them from coming in
my box... it seems the beginning of the attachment is only a few characters
different from the new virus, so a mod to that program was trivial.

Here's the program (in it's entirity - I've never learned how to use "diff"
and "patch", and the proggie's less than a page long...)



### Let's get the info first, to see if it's actually something
###  we need to control...

@zline = ;

$limpy = grep (/TV[qp]QAA[MI]EAA/, @zline);

exit (0) if ($limpy == 0);

# Now, we know that we have a virus... send it to a separate file
# have the proggie die quietly...

open (Q,">>/home/zmerch/hahainfo.txt");

foreach $liner (@zline) {

$limpy = grep (/TV[qp]QAA[MI]EAA/, $liner);
last if ($limpy != 0);

$limp2 = grep (/Received:/, $liner);

if ($limp2 != 0) {
print Q "Zq:  $liner";

$limp1 = grep (/SMTP/, $liner);
if ($limp1 != 0) {
print Q "Zq:  $liner";

print Q "\n=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\n\n";

# Shut 'er down, boys!!! ;-)

close (Q);
exit (99);


And here's how you'd call the script in your .qmail file...




Of course, modify the top line for *your* home directory... ;-)

Hope this helps,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

OT: RBL false positives (Follow-up from: Spam IP master list?)

2001-06-21 Thread Roger Merchberger

Rumor has it that Johan Almqvist may have mentioned these words:



Thanks for the pointers!

>> > I really don't want to patch & reinstall qmail with the RBL... (and it
>> > seems ORBS went away...) Besides, I'm really only looking to stop "the
>> > chunks" with something I can personally manage.
>You don't need to patch qmail to use rbl. No need to recompile either.
>rblsmtpd just drops in between tcpserver and qmail-smtpd in the supervise

It seems that my tcpserver is older, and doesn't have the rblsmtpd daemon
at all... so I'd have to download, compile & install the latest & greatest,
and I dunno if that'd cause heartburn with my setup... (yea, I'm a chicken
when it comes to something that ain't broke...)

My main concern is rejecting "real" email using RBL... I recall hearing
folks having problems with that in the past. Has RBL improved on the false
positives problem?

Thanks again,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

Spam IP master list?

2001-06-20 Thread Roger Merchberger

Kindof an offtopic question, but is there a "Master List" of IP's that send
spam regularly, with which I could use to update my tcprules deny list?

I really don't want to patch & reinstall qmail with the RBL... (and it
seems ORBS went away...) Besides, I'm really only looking to stop "the big
chunks" with something I can personally manage.

Or is this a completely stupid idea???

Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

W32.Hybris double-bounce clobber perl script...

2001-06-12 Thread Roger Merchberger

(I tried sending this once before - methinks there's some filtering going
on at, so I'll change a few things & try again...)

Hello all...

I finally got deeply disturbed about all the double-bounces coming into my
email box (sometimes 2500 after a weekend... :-( ) from the Hybris virus
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and I figured I needed to create a personal filter
for my mailbox to filter these thingies out... So I did.

The proggie is simple (and included here) but most everything's hardcoded
into the program, so you'll need to modify it to suit yourself (& salt to
taste... ;-)

It's a *very* short Perl script, named (on my machine), and
here's what my .qmail file reads:


and here's the script:


### Let's get the info first, to see if it's actually something
###  we need to control...

@zline = ;

$limpy = grep (/TVqQAAME/, @zline);

exit (0) if ($limpy == 0);

# Now, we know that we have a virus... send it to a separate file
# have the proggie die quietly while disregarding further delivery
# instructions in the .qmail file...

open (Q,">>/home/zmerch/hahainfo.txt");

# go thru each environment variable and write them to my logfile...

foreach $quack ( keys(%ENV) ) {
print Q "ENV - $quack = $ENV{$quack}\n";

print Q "\n\n";

foreach $liner (@zline) {

# re-search for the beginning of the virus, because we don't
# need to save the entire virus payload to our data file...

$limpy = grep (/TVqQAAME/, $liner);
last if ($limpy != 0);

print Q "OMail:  $liner";


print Q "\n=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\n\n";

# Now exit the proggie & exit w/a #99 exit code to make
# qmail disregard any further lines in the .qmail file

close (Q);

exit (99);

Anyway, I hope this helps someone out there...

Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

Hahaha (hybris) clobber perl script...

2001-06-11 Thread Roger Merchberger

Hello all...

I finally got deeply disturbed about all the double-bounces coming into my
email box (sometimes 2500 after a weekend... :-( ) from the Hybris virus
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and I figured I needed to create a personal filter
for my mailbox to filter these thingies out... So I did.

The proggie is simple (and included here) but most everything's hardcoded
into the program, so you'll need to modify it to suit yourself (& salt to
taste... ;-)

It's a *very* short Perl script, named (on my machine), and
here's what my .qmail file reads:


and here's the script:


### Let's get the info first, to see if it's actually something
###  we need to control...

@zline = ;

$limpy = grep (/TVqQAAME/, @zline);

exit (0) if ($limpy == 0);

# Now, we know that we have a virus... send it to a separate file
# have the proggie die quietly while disregarding further delivery
# instructions in the .qmail file...

open (Q,">>/home/zmerch/hahainfo.txt");

# go thru each environment variable and write them to my logfile...

foreach $quack ( keys(%ENV) ) {
print Q "ENV - $quack = $ENV{$quack}\n";

print Q "\n\n";

foreach $liner (@zline) {

# re-search for the beginning of the virus, because we don't
# need to save the entire virus payload to our data file...

$limpy = grep (/TVqQAAME/, $liner);
last if ($limpy != 0);

print Q "OMail:  $liner";


print Q "\n=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\n\n";

# Now exit the proggie & exit w/a #99 exit code to make
# qmail disregard any further lines in the .qmail file

close (Q);

exit (99);

Anyway, I hope this helps someone out there...

Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

Re: ms-outlook bug

2001-06-08 Thread Roger Merchberger

Rumor has it that Xavier Quesada may have mentioned these words:
>   Does anybody know of any POP3 server that I can use with qmail+vmailmgr
>that doesn't have the Microsoft Outlook  problem?
>   Or is there a solution to this problem (that doesn't involve "stop using
>The problem I am referring to is the one where Outlook Express and Outlook
>2000 get stuck while downloading certain messages, supposedly due to a bug
>in the MUA's. (The only solution I heard of is deleting the offending

I've done some checking on that bug, and:

1) yes, the bug is in the MUA (but that's no suprise... ;-)

2) it seems to have something to do with how the Received: headers are
wrapping -- I've gone in with  and deleted all of the carriage returns on the Received:
headers (so each Received: is on one and only one line) and told the folks
to try downloading their messages again, and then they work fine.

If you had a perl script in the users .qmail file that would re-write the
Received files & dump the file in their $HOME/Maildir/new directory, that
should fix it. [1]

Hope that helps (at least a little...)

Roger "Merch" Merchberger

[1] I, however, *enjoy* telling folks that their Outlook Express is not the
way to go... altho writing the script would give me some pleasure, I would
lose out on an even larger source of enjoyment... ;-)
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

Re: Vulnerable MUAs ...

2001-04-23 Thread Roger Merchberger

Rumor has it that David Talkington may have mentioned these words:
>Charles Cazabon wrote:
>>I daresay the majority of people on this list
>>are clueful enough to not run vulnerable email clients.
>In a quick not-quite-scientific survey of 6,757 messages in my
>qmail-list folder:
>pnet4:djb 522 $ grep -i ^X-Mailer: qmail \
>|grep -iE 'microsoft|eudora' |wc -l
>   1757
>Which works out to 26% of the traffic.  Of course, that doesn't
>establish the number of unique senders in those figures, but still ...
>not as small a minority as I would have thought ...

Just because one runs (for example) Eudora doesn't mean one's not clueful...

I run Eudora (3.0 pro) which doesn't open anything you don't want it to,
HTML disabled, and Norton Antivirus updated weekly (or so...)

I've been running qmail since 0.96 (1995) and while I'm no brain surgeon, I
do happen to still have a wee bit of gray matter still functioning...

However, in the spirit of this thread, as soon as someone donates some VMS
documentation to me (7.2 for the Vax would be preferable, but I won't be
too picky... ;-) I'd be more than happy to use my VaxStation 3100/m38 to do
my home email -- then I can use a real operating system & not worry about
virii... :-)

Too bad qmail won't run on it... :-(

Just MHO,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

Mostly OT: New qmail server security concerns

2001-03-22 Thread Roger Merchberger

This is mostly off-topic so I apologize for any lost bandwith & whatnot,
but here goes:

We're looking at building a new qmail server at my ISP (running Linux) and
we may be implementing software raid for the home directories & the qmail
queue to help reduce I/O latency, which unfortunately precludes me from
running (my nice secure distro of choice) Caldera...

Redhat (6.2 & 7.0) & Suse (7.0) support software raid, but from unfortunate
personal experience, I've found they are about as secure as a steel sieve
full of Win98 CD's...

What are other folks here using to keep their nice, secure MTA secure
across the rest of the box? (info on distros, utilities, etc. most welcome.)

Emails off-list to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED] would be much
appreciated, and if enough folks are interested, I'll print a summary and
post that to the list... but as this primarily off-topic, I don't want to
waste too many people's bandwidth.

Thanks Bazillions,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

Re: WARNING: Worm (?) sending from to *

2001-02-08 Thread Roger Merchberger

On or about 06:18 PM 2/8/01 -0700, Sean Reifschneider was caught in a dark
alley speaking these words:
>On Thu, Feb 08, 2001 at 05:02:06PM -0800, Aaron L. Meehan wrote:
>>I'm pretty sure this is the work of the W95.Hybrid email worm (the
>> one), sending copies of itself to the mail2news gateway
>What triggered the sudden hit then?  sexyfun has been around for
>quite a while and the mail servers have kept up pretty well.  This
>one is really pounding it though.

I think part of it's ability to download updates makes changes to the worm,
to the point where you may be seeing a new variant of it. I've seen *2*
variants of this so far - one from "sexyfun" and the badly misspelled
story, and one with no story or faked sender - only an empty sender, but
otherwise the same virus.

This critter hasn't taken down our qmail server (mark 1 for the good guys)
despite it's being an antique (relatively speaking) - Cyrix P166(ish) / 4G
IDE / 128M RAM, altho I was receiving nearly 1000 double-bounces per day
from the damnable thing. Tracking who has it isn't exactly easy, either...
however if there are any dial-up sysadmins out there who could use a tip,
this has helped me out considerably:

In Win9x, under the network control panel, setting the "Host:" setting
under DNS to the username of the person, will make that username show up in
the (HELO x) string in qmail's main Received: header. We had our
customers set this since day 1, and this has helped me immensely in
tracking the infected person.

That and if you have separate qmail & authentication servers, make sure
they're both updated at least once per day to an atomic time clock. Servers
that are 5 min. off are a real bugger to figure out who was online when...

Anywho, I hope this helps someone out there -- it's the least I can do to
try to repay the help I've received on this list over the last 6 years... :-)

Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SysAdmin - Iceberg Computers
=  Merch's Wild Wisdom of the Moment:  =
Sometimes you know, you just don't know sometimes, you know?

Re: thoughts for future qmail

2001-01-01 Thread Roger Merchberger

On or about 03:56 PM 1/1/01 -0500, Russell Nelson was caught in a dark
alley speaking these words:
>Henning Brauer writes:
> > I've implemented qmtp for all domains we are hosting (a lot), and
> > to Russell, I was the first one ;-))
> > 
> > Even with implemneting this in our managemnt system and opening up the
> > in our firewalls it was less than half an hour of work, so qmail admins
> > here: do it.
>Yup.  It *is* terribly easy.  And I've got a qmtp-savvy qmail-remote
>nearly coded up.  Just a matter of figuring out how to report results
>back to qmail-rspawn.  But I'm not going to release it until I get
>another ten qmtpd installation reports.  No point, right?

I have your "instruction" email labeled in Eudora, but it may take me a few
days to get running... I *just* got around to installing that netscape
patch that a customer wanted... oh... 9 months ago or so... :-/

I should have it up & running this week, tho...

I'll email you when it's ready. (it make take me longer than the customary
1/2 hour - it seems supervise isn't running on my system, therefore I must
install it...)

Happy New Year,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SysAdmin - Iceberg Computers
=  Merch's Wild Wisdom of the Moment:  =
Sometimes you know, you just don't know sometimes, you know?

Re: how do I block this SPAM?

2001-01-01 Thread Roger Merchberger

On or about 08:50 PM 1/1/01 +0100, Piotr Kasztelowicz was caught in a dark
alley speaking these words:
>On 1 Jan 2001, Mark Delany wrote:
>> badmailfrom won't work on this. See the archives for discussions on
>> why not (it checks Return-Path).
>Not good idea on ORBS spamer's list can be found peoples, who
>don't write spam - for instace I.

The problem is, this isn't spam -- it's a virus. If you start blocking IP's
from wherever you get this, you will start blocking a *lot* of non-relaying
sites. This isn't relaying. This is a case of honest (albeit IMNSHO
clueless) people sending out a copy of a virus they don't know they have.

The virus sending out copies of itself to known good email addresses isn't
my major problem, tho. The virus also sends itself to godawful strings of
non-Internet related characters (like "slkjjsdl@#.jskd") which is
causing a very high load of double-bounces - with me being the postmaster,
I'm getting a very large (to the order of 2-5 every *second*) number of
these in my mailbox.

One bad thing about this virus is it wipes out (almost) every piece of
useful data that you could use to track down the person who has the virus.
The only useful stuff is what qmail logs - namely the HELO string, the
originating IP address & time. (And the HELO string is useless if the user
doesn't change the "Host" DNS setting from "oemcomputer" to the user's real

Now, a .qmail file which filters on that idiot "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and
either a) sends that mail to the bit-bucket (which is by now overflowing...
:-) or b) filters out the Received: header with the HELO line in it and
stuffs it into a separate file would be a great boon...

If I have a chance I'll bone up on .qmail files (one thing I don't like
about qmail is it doesn't crash. "Set it and forget it" which is what
usually happens... ;-) and write it myself, but I don't have the time just

I do have a perl script somewhere that does the HELO filter in (b) above,
but it's a separate proggie - not an inline filter. (Oh, on larger files,
it won't run under NT's perl, either. Hope you have a *nix box handy...)

Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SysAdmin - Iceberg Computers
=  Merch's Wild Wisdom of the Moment:  =
Sometimes you know, you just don't know sometimes, you know?

OT: SNR on this list (was: RE: AntiVirus!)

2000-12-04 Thread Roger Merchberger

[Sorry, John, for that immediate send -- I *wish* Eudora didn't map
 to that - Unix's "end of line" keystroke habit bites me in the
backside again...]

On or about 09:58 PM 12/4/00 -0600, John W. Lemons III was caught in a dark
alley speaking these words:

>>I do too, but only to a point.  Automated virus scanners
>>virus scanners are NOT a solution.
>real OS security
>Windows just doesn't have it
>time and money necessary for "proper" training
>new software being rolled out almost monthly

I've tried to keep my fingers in check here, but even I have to say:

What part of this thread has anything at all to do with qmail?

Isn't there an newsgroup you
can take this to, if not at least private mail? Or, at the *very* least,
can you for the sake of whatever deity you pray to at nite, put an "OT: "
in front of the subject?

One [very dedicated, intelligent] person has already been chased away by
the poor behavior exhibited recently on this list... Must it continue?

Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SysAdmin - Iceberg Computers
=  Merch's Wild Wisdom of the Moment:  =
Sometimes you know, you just don't know sometimes, you know?

RE: local delivery for 1 user only

2000-05-03 Thread Roger Merchberger

Rumor has it that Gregory J. Forkin may have mentioned these words:
>I have a suggestion for you. But first, I think that you should look at the 
>real implications of the request, that is if this starts for one employee 
>you can be sure there will be others.

I agree with Gregory on being aware of the implications, and what I have to
suggest may not be pretty either, but here goes:

*If* this person has a static IP address, and you're using tcpserver, you
can log all outbound mail from his IP address, so at least you'll have
proof of "email-infidelity"...

I will *not* go into the illegalities of hijacking someone's outbound email
in this manner. let the PHB's get in trouble for that. I'm just letting
you know it's possible.

Add a line to the /etc/tcp.smtp file, like this:


where xx.xx.xx.xx is the person's static IP address, then in
/var/qmail/control/virtualdomains, put in this line:


then make the file /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-pookie-default which contains:

where is a perl script that logs all messages to a file,
here's my quick&dirty, but it may help for starters...

# This is a quick test program to see if the selective mail routing will work.
# Open a file to store all of the environment variables,

open (Q,">>/var/qmail/alias/pookie-logger.txt");

# go thru each environment variable and write them to my logfile...

foreach $quack ( sort(keys(%ENV))) {
print Q "ENV - $quack = $ENV{$quack}\n";

print Q "\n\n";

# open a mail to re-mail everything that comes in to my real mail account...

open (MAIL,"|/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject $ENV{'EXT2'}");
open (MAIL2,"|/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject mail\@me.too");

@zline = ;

foreach $liner (@zline) {

print MAIL "$liner";
print MAIL2 "$liner";

# and also send a copy of the mail to the logfile that I have.

print Q "OrgMail: $liner";

# Shut 'er down, boys!!! ;-)

close (Q);
close (MAIL);
close (MAIL2);


This proggie will output some extra info to the logfile, like the
environment variables - it's good for a beginner so s/he can find out what
the ENV variables look like, what to expect for parameters, etc...

Hope this helps,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

Summary: Netscape Authentication Problem

2000-01-10 Thread Roger Merchberger

Rumor has it that Bruno Dalapicola Bergamaschi de Souza may have mentioned
these words:

> Tha's because netscape doesn't accept a username containing a @
> Try using test#virdomain.zzz instead of [EMAIL PROTECTED]

And Timothy Mayo mentioned on the qmail list:

> Replace the '@' with a '%'.

Well, the '@' symbol is what the folks are "expecting" and didn't want to
recompile if I could help it... but it seems I'd read the doc's wrong and
you can use either default separator simultaneously (which I didn't know
before.) The default separators are '@' and ':', and the colon did work
with netscape without a recompile.

Thanks again for all your help and quick responses,

Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

OT: Netscape Authentication Problem

2000-01-10 Thread Roger Merchberger

I apologize for the OT post, but I do need help *badly* if anyone else out
there has run into this, I most certainly would appreciate a helping hand...

I;m running qmail 1.03 and have set up vmailmgr correctly (well, it's
working.. ;-) and have telnetted to port 110 and POP3 is working correctly,
and set up IE correctly and had it send/receive mail to virtual accounts.

However, when I put in a virtual user, say... [EMAIL PROTECTED] in
Netscape (ver. 4.5 thru 4.7) it barfs and says that the authentication
failed. I have tried several different escape characters in place (or in
addition to) the '@' symbol, with no luck.

Yes, I do realize that this isn't technically a vmailmgr/qmail problem, and
the software is great... However, I have searched, Altavista & the
ORNL qmail archives with no success - does anyone have a fix for this (I
can and will recompile with the ':' virtual domain separator if need be,
but I'd rather fix Nutscrape.)

The customer I'm dealing with will not switch their email program, either. :-/

Thanks in advance for any and all help,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

Re: how to stop mail bombings

1999-12-09 Thread Roger Merchberger

Rumor has it that Albert Hopkins may have mentioned these words:
>I'm not sure what's going on, but we've been getting hit with repetitive
>emails for almost a week now.  I have disabled the account on our side
>that is the recipient, but now I've been getting bounce messages.  I've
>tried putting the sender in badmailfrom, but apparently this does not work
>or I'm doing it wrong.

The best, quick way to stop the bounces is to make an alias in your
/var/qmail/alias directory with the filename:


with just a hash mark (#) in the file. This will cause all mail for this
once-existant mailbox to fall quietly into /dev/null.

Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

Re: Completely Off-topic: A "good" MUA for Windows?

1999-10-27 Thread Roger Merchberger

Rumor has it that James Smallacombe may have mentioned these words:
>On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Todd A. Jacobs wrote:
>> On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Rogerio Brito wrote:
>> >I know this is VERY off-topic, but do you know any "good" MUA
>> >for Windows?
>> Pegasus is manual-ware. It's very solid, feature-rich, and powerful. Not
>> the most user-friendly, though--but then, that wasn't your question. :)
>I've also seen Pegasus suffer the same stray line feed problem that some
>versions of Eudora, Outlook and Claris Emailer has.  Not sure which
>version(s) of Pegasus this was, though...

Nor I, but I can tell you (pretty close) what versions of Eudora have the
problem: Eudora Lite and Pro Version 4.0 thru 4.1. AFAIK Eudora 4.2 is
finally free of the bug, but I honestly haven't seen any new "features"
that improve the software over 3.0 Pro (with which I haven't had any
problems with for over 4 years).

If you're an ISP and you're looking for something to pass out, Eudora Lite
1.5.4 is the latest 1.x version that I know of, and if you separate out the
16-bit from the 32-bit stuff (and remove a .bmp on the 32-bit side as well,
IIRC) they can be made to fit on one 1.44 Meg floppy. Just be sure to find
out what OS people are running, I don't think the 16-bit & 32-bit stuff is
interchangeable (I don't think the 16-bit stuff runs in Winblows 9x/NT).

Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

Re: Qmail sets speed record!

1999-10-08 Thread Roger Merchberger

Rumor has it that Fred Lindberg may have mentioned these words:

>From qmail analog (always reliable in the past):
>Total delivery attempts: 362206
>  success: 269231
>  failure: 6035
>  deferral: 86940
>Total ddelay (s): -229659590.223920
>Average ddelay per success (s): -853.020604
>Total xdelay (s): -930514817.432029
>Average xdelay per delivery attempt (s): -2569.020992
>Time span (days): -10863.5

>This makes qmail the undisputed leader in mail delivery speed!

You must have been using that new qmail-psi package - you know, the one
that sends out your mail even before you thought about writing it...

Maybe Russ should modify the homepage to list that package a
little more prominantly -- it seems to work wonderfully!!! ;^>

Just a little Friday fun,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

Re: OT: saturating a T1 with e-mail

1999-10-02 Thread Roger Merchberger

Rumor has it that Todd A. Jacobs may have mentioned these words:
>On Sat, 2 Oct 1999, Eric Dahnke wrote:
>> A T1 would be ~ 80% utilized passing 22,000msgs/hr if the average msg
>> size was 23K.
>Not really. You need to differentiate peak load from sustained.
>  (average message size) * (number of messages per hour)
>  -  = peak seconds
>So, assuming your numbers are accurate, you could clear 22,000 queued
>messages of that size is 327.72 seconds of maximum throughput. That's only
>an average sustained throughput of about 9.2%.

Aahhh... not by my math. Remember, the 23K is *bytes*, whereas the 1544000
is *bits* per second. Assuming 8-bit bytes, the thruput would be 2621.76
seconds, or ~73% utilization, and if we were lucky enough to swing 7-bit
bytes thru, it would give 2294.04 seconds, or 64% utilization. (I'm not
sure how a T-1 router/gateway encodes bytes-to-bits...)

[ my calculator is rounding to 2 decimal places, and is (incorrectly)
assuming a 1000-byte K, for 1) ease of computations, and 2) speed of
computations. My apologies for any mathmatical errors or computational
rounding problems. ;-) ]

Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

RE: Kurt's Closet on qmail

1999-09-15 Thread Roger Merchberger

Rumor has it that Lyndon Griffin may have mentioned these words:
>> "A little extreme"? Perhaps. But there's a fine line between saying "X
>> works" and saying "X is supported". DJB tends to say what he means, so
>> when he says "X is unsupported", that shouldn't be interpreted as "X
>> doesn't work".
>Right - but what the web page says is not this
>   "qmail 1.03 users and web site no longer support inetd"
>but rather this
>   "qmail 1.03 no longer supports inetd"
>That is about the most misleading statement I have ever read.  Say what you
>mean and this type of discussion will not be necessary.

Not really... qmail out of the box doesn't support inetd. There are
configuration changes you have to make *on your own* to get it to work, and
the web site doesn't support or explain these changes. (I'm sure that if
you wanted to support inetd stuff on this list, no-one else here would have
a problem; and would probably even welcome that help, but I speak only for

Linux out of the box doesn't support the PalmPilot. Plain and simple.
However, with modifications, someone has actually got a minimal (read:
subset thereof) linux kernel and bash to run on an 8Meg PalmPilot!!! You'll
not know that from the or any other main Linux site, *nor*
will you find that info on It's not supported, period. Hell, won't even tell you that an 8Meg Palm III is possible. Why???
they don't support it. Go to, however, and you'll find
out that they TRG in fact offers an 8 Meg upgrade for most any PalmPilot.
(BTW, if you're interested in the Palm Linux project, go here:

Just because it can be gotten to work, doesn't mean it's supported. In my
eyes, the statement means exactly what it says.

[[Erm... Oops! I ment to sent this to the list, but Eudora vs. Jove goofed
me up again! Whaddya mean  sends the message immediately??? ;-)
Sorry for the extra noise, Lyndon!]]

Anyway, as always, this is MHO, YMMV, grains of salt, and all that jazz.

Thanks for the bandwidth,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

Re: Corrupt Message Body

1999-09-14 Thread Roger Merchberger

Rumor has it that [EMAIL PROTECTED] may have mentioned these words:
>Hi All,
> This is my first time posting to this listserv so please bear with any
>etiquette faux-pas I might commit.  I have been running qmail 1.03 on
RedHat 5.2
>(kernel 2.0.36) for the past year or so and it has been rock solid.
>indicates approx. 2000 messages per day so it is not excactly a taxed system.
>Anyway, to get to the point, I have been getting some reports that some
>(most without attatchments) are getting corruption in the body.  For
>   "Dear all
>   Now that all the invites have gone out, can I ask that you feed back to
>   those that are coming. Although the replies were addressed for Anns
>   attention I have not seen any arrive, so it is down to you guys
(again!) to
>   chase the Ix for confirmation of their attendance.
>   Please could you concentrate on this so that by the end of next week you
>   have contacted all
>   X
>   X
>   X
>   tion of this!
>   Kind regards"


Have you actually counted the number of X's??? If it's 256, 512, or 1024
characters, this _could_ be indicitive of a bad sector on the other
domain's hard drive...

As always, YMMV -- but this certainly doesn't sound like a software
problem, let along a qmail problem.

Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

Re: Modify bounce text

1999-06-10 Thread Roger Merchberger

Rumor has it that Jonathan W Herbert may have mentioned these words:
>Dave Sill wrote:
>> And you think that's bad? It would be better if it "looked" like an
>> error message?
>Well, in a way, yes. I like qmail, i couldn't care less about the bounce
>text either, but your average joe user seems to have a hard time
>under the pretense that their ISP's mail server occasionally tries to
>a conversation with them.

Some of the cutest email replies I've seen are from people responding to
those -- and when they find out it's actually the computer responding to
them, they seem rather tickled.

My vote: Just enjoy it! ;-)

>> >Is there a simple way to drop in a new text for these types of
>> >failure notices, without modifying qmail-send.c ?
>> No.

>Sigh. Oh well =)

Is it that you're deathly afraid / unknowledgeable of C programming? To
modify qmail-send.c to change the input from immediate (within the program)
to a file in /var/qmail/control shouldn't be hard at all -- even I could do
it and I'm no wizard in C, by any means.

What would take the longest (for me) is quadruple-checking my work to make
sure that it doesn't open up any security holes... I wouldn't want to make
the most secure MTA available any less so due to a screw-up on my part.

However, opening a file every time there's a bounce would slow down qmail
some -- if you generate quite a few bounces this could mean a bit of a
performance hit.

Let me know if you need my help in making the change!

Hope this helps,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

Re: Qmail is not a replacement for Sendmail

1999-04-29 Thread Roger Merchberger

Once upon a midnight dreary, Justin Bell had spoken clearly:
>On Thu, Apr 29, 1999 at 04:35:20PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
># Julian L.C. Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes on 29 April 1999
at 17:20:29 -0400
>#  > Most companies have someone dedicated to the task of looking after
>#  > email - and if this is not your company you should look towards
>#  > Micro$oft for buggy, low grade help.
># I don't know what planet you come from; On the planet *I* come from, I
># know how the internals work at an ISP, a non-profit, a division of a
># big company (used to be independent), and a startup (3 years old,
># about 35 people).  *None* of these have anybody devoted full-time to
># looking after email.  All of them run their own MTAs.
>I know the internals of an ISP, a multi mational, and a university
>all have at least 1 person full time doing email

I *am* the internals of an ISP -- small, (~600 customers - so far) but very
dedicated, and tho I do much more than just email, it is my responsibility
to cover that as well, so I guess you could say we have a "dedicated
employee" for mail, but it most certainly doesn't take up my whole day.

That's why I went with qmail many years ago -- once you get the learning
out of the way, it's "set it and forget it." The security of qmail alone
makes what little sleep I get every nite a little more restful. Besides, I
don't want to have to carry the "bat-book" around with me every time I
needed to change that blasted file...

Speaking of books, are the qmail book authers going to give those of us on
the list a chance to purchase "limited edition, autographed" versions of
the book first  

Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

Re: Hey - Getting closer, methinks!

1999-04-26 Thread Roger Merchberger

On or about 01:05 PM 4/26/99 +0100, Peter Haworth was caught in a dark
alley speaking these words:
>Roger Merchberger wrote:
>> >And finally, this is what I have in /var/qmail/alias/
>> >
>> >#!/usr/local/bin/perl
>> [proggie snip]
>> >foreach $quack (@ENV) {
>> > print Q "\$ENV - $quack = $ENV{$quack}\n";
>> >}
>@ENV, what's that? Try this:
>  while(my($k,$v)=each %ENV){
>print Q "\$ENV - $k = $v\n";
>  }

Erm... Yea, I did send a message saying I had found my errors, now my
script works fine. Amazing what bugs creep in when you code after a 14 hour
day, and how you find 'em only after you step away from the code for 1/2

Tho I do know what OOP programming is, I'm not very fluent in it, and if
anyone needs a Perl4 compatible chunk o'code, this is what I ended up with:

foreach $quack ( keys(%ENV) ) {
  print Q "ENV - $quack = $ENV{$quack}\n";


Thanks... sometimes I can use all the help I can get!
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SysAdmin - Iceberg Computers
=  Merch's Wild Wisdom of the Moment:  =
Sometimes you know, you just don't know sometimes, you know?

Err... that was stupid...

1999-04-23 Thread Roger Merchberger

Re: my Perl code...

I found the problem -- funny what errors you see when you step away from
the problem for a 1/2 hour!!!

Thanks again, and if anyone's interested in what I did, just let me know.
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

Re: Hey - Getting closer, methinks!

1999-04-23 Thread Roger Merchberger

Yes, I'm replying to my own stuff... but it's for update purposes only!

[snip on qmail configuration...]

Everything I had listed was correct and working (thanks, all!!! ;-)

>And finally, this is what I have in /var/qmail/alias/

[proggie snip]

>foreach $quack (@ENV) {
> print Q "\$ENV - $quack = $ENV{$quack}\n";

This little code fragment is supposed to print all of the environment
variables that are passed to perl from the .qmail file. Unforch, there are
none. I even modified the proggie in several ways trying to output explicit
environment variables hardcoded in the program... nothing flows.

I've changed the .qmail-frazzlespork-default file to read this:

|echo $SENDER>>/var/qmail/alias/zztest.txt

and $SENDER is accurately echoed & appended to the file.

What am I forgetting to get the environment variables passed to perl?

Thanks for your continuing help,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

Hey - Getting closer, methinks!

1999-04-22 Thread Roger Merchberger

Otay... lemme get this straight...

I *think* I set up our dial-in box right to allow my special user
"frazzlespork" the IP address of

Provided I actually did it right, how's this for the qmail end of things???

This is what I have in /etc/tcp.smtp:,RELAYCLIENT="@frazzlespork"

This is what I have in /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains:

[snip of other virtual domains we host...]

This is what I have in /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-frazzlespork-default


And finally, this is what I have in /var/qmail/alias/


# This is a quick test program to see if the selective mail routing will work.

# Open a file to store all of the environment variables,

open (Q,">>/var/qmail/alias/mailtesting.txt");

# go thru each environment variable and write them to my logfile...

foreach $quack (@ENV) {
 print Q "\$ENV - $quack = $ENV{$quack}\n";

# open a mail to re-mail everything that comes in to my real mail account...

open (MAIL,"|/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject zmerch\");

@zline = ;

foreach $liner (@zline) {

 print MAIL "$liner";

# and also send a copy of the mail to the logfile that I have.

 print Q "OriginalMail:$liner";

# Shut 'er down, boys!!! ;-)

close (Q);
close (MAIL);

(I haven't gone home to dial in with the test user account, and prolly
won't tonite, either... these 15 hour days make me snoozy... ;-)

so this is currently wholly untested. Am I kinda on the right track, or as
my father-in-law used to say, "am I full of condensed milk?"

Thanks again, and good-night to all on my half of Earth!
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

Hey - Waitaminit! (was: Need to get copies of 1..)

1999-04-22 Thread Roger Merchberger

Someone mentioned that if this lady had a static IP that the job might be
easier? I might be able to set our dial-in equipment to give this person
their own, particular IP when they dial...

how much easier would the job be if the IP was static?

Thanks again,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

Re: Need to get copies of 1 user's outgoing mail.

1999-04-22 Thread Roger Merchberger

Once upon a midnight dreary, Mike Holling had spoken clearly:
>> >From what I understand, her son is rather good with computers, so anything
>> she does to her local machine (she's not a whiz-kid), he's good enough to
>> undo, so this really needs to be a server-side solution.
>Wouldn't he be able to find an open SMTP relay and avoid yours entirely,

Here's the deal:

The kid isn't a "super-hacker" or anything, but has some experience with
the internet from school, so (AFAIK) he's not relaying or anything, and
wouldn't know how... he's just a "Windoze kinda guy" it seems.

However, his mother *did* trust him initially, and she has since found
evidence that he's not been a perfect gentleman on the Internet, so she
would like to see what's going in and out of his mailbox.

I'm no dummy to .qmail files and whatnot, so the *in* really isn't a
problem for me, but I really didn't want to have to log *everything* and
then throw 99% of it away... besides, as I'm much more comfy with Perl than
C, if I had a proggie to decide what to keep & what to toss on the fly,
sparking up Perl every email in or out would seriously tax this Puntium 133
w/40Meg RAM which is our current mailserver.  (Erm, yes... my *home* box is
a dual PII-350 w/256Meg RAM, but that's what it *takes* to read email with
WinNT... ;-)

Maybe I'll recompile qmail on our Web server, as it gets *very* little use,
and see if I can create a filter in C... but as I'm by no means an expert
there, it's doubtful anything could be sparked up in the next few days...

Well, I guess I'll have to tell the lady that the quickie answer is only
one way.

Thanks all, and if anyone has other ideas I'll be happy to hear 'em.
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

Need to get copies of 1 user's outgoing mail.

1999-04-22 Thread Roger Merchberger

I have received a request from one of my customers and she would like to
have a copy of all *outgoing* mail from her (minor) son's account...

>From what I understand, her son is rather good with computers, so anything
she does to her local machine (she's not a whiz-kid), he's good enough to
undo, so this really needs to be a server-side solution.

I know that you can log *all* SMTP messages, but I only wish to log this
one account, and then email those messages back to her personal account,
which her son does not have the password to...

Is this possible to do? I'm a decent enough perl programmer, and can kludge
around in C, but don't know enough about the qmail internals to just start
hacking 'er up...

A couple of pointers in the right direction, and I should be able to take
'er from there, tho.

Thanks in advance for any help that may come my way,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

Re: what is the proper way to stop a local user from mailing?

1999-03-31 Thread Roger Merchberger

Once upon a midnight dreary, XxEDGExX had spoken clearly:
>Honestly, I agree with you 100%, but pointy haired boss's get a strange
>look on their face when you give them the "we'll just get rid of them"

I had that problem, too... except my boss was one damn fine lookin' blonde
woman who was my boss, and a good friend. It was *her* pointy-haired-boss
that was making the strange looks...

Unforch, the person I wouldn't allow back on our system was a nephew of the
tribal chief of the Indian tribe I worked for (and still belong to.)

If your company doesn't have a decent acceptable use agreement, lemme know
and I'll send you a copy of ours - it has a special line right in it about
spamming and the stern stance we take here.  Then all you say (as you whack
their account and keep their money) is -- you signed, you agreed to the
contract. We also mention to our customers in layman's terms what the UCE
means - add a little humor to the explanation, and customers don't mind at
all what they're signing.

>  So, what is an admin to do when your boss doesn't want to remove
>the user, but also doesn't want to be getting 1000 hate mail messages from
>your customers selling the get rich plan.

Do what I did - threaten to quit -- then if the pointies don't see it your
way... quit.  With two friends, started up a new ISP (in direct competition
to the one I used to work for), swayed over a decent chunk of their
customers, because *they* haven't found anyone who could do 1/10 of what I
did for them.

>> Russ writes:
>> No, I'm serious.  Some problems are better suited to a social than a
>> technological solution.  If your own user is misbehaving, you tell
>> them to behave.  If they don't, you whack their entire access.

I agree - just be sure to CYA with an acceptable use agreement.

Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

Re: keyserver

1999-03-25 Thread Roger Merchberger

Once upon a midnight dreary, Scott D. Yelich had spoken clearly:

>Ya, I'm moving to djbware...  mostly because I want to be able to
>support it when people ask me about it.  But you know, sendmail *is*
>easier...  That's not an insult -- that's just an opinion based on the
>amount of documentation that's available. 

Sendmail is easier... Hm... for whom???
You??? Probably.
Me Not on your life.

Sendmail is the reason I switched to qmail... I once heard a reference to
the "ease of use" of Sendmail many, many moons ago... Sorry I cannot
remember the original author:

"The file looks like an explosion at a punctuation factory."

By the time I figured out how to set up virtual domains (incorrectly - no
dox for it) in Suckmail, I started searching for something new in qmail.
Installed my first test server in under an hour, slightly longer to get it
right. Read docs for the next 2 weeks (and for those of you who were
b*tching about 1.03 dox; 0.96 were a *lot* more sparse), then put it into
production with less than 45 minutes downtime.

Er... and I got my Solaris admin job because I had OS/9 experience...

What little I couldn't figure out from the README's, I asked here on the
list... and I got a few RTFMAgain's, and some pointers, and *all* the
advice helped. (Tho, I never received the dreaded reply: "FAQ 5.4" :-)

My point for this tirade??? The dox may not be perfect, but they are
helpful if you read them, and read them, and read them again. Maybe I could
have been good with Suckmail with the right dox... trust me, tho; we'll
never know. ;^>

RTFM might sound rude to you... if it does, well, sorry... Just chalk it up
to a case of "sour medicine" and move on... maybe someday (after you've
been around for a few hundred requests) you'll just say "Go to, download it, untar it and RTFM."

Chin up,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

Re: dot-qmail security

1999-03-14 Thread Roger Merchberger

On or about 06:30 PM 3/14/99 -0800, Mark Delany was caught in a dark alley
speaking these words:

>Often admins (at ISPs especially) give users some form of write access to 
>their home directories so they can fiddle with their ~user home page or 
>plonk stuff down for remote ftp.
>It's really only a problem for sites that are small enough to have all of a 
>users home characteristics on one system. As soon as mail delivery is placed 
>on a dedicated service away from, eg, public_html, the problem goes away.

Right-o... *especially* in qmail's case. It's so processor / memory
miserly, that many start-up shops may have the chance to run everything
from one server, even if that server couldn't handle sendmail & web at the
same time.

Personally, I say: "Don't do it... it's a trap." If one box goes down, you
don't want _all_ of your services to say bye-bye. If you need to run a
backup DNS and/or authentication server anyway, it's best to divide mail &
web services, too.

That advice has saved my bacon more than a few times... :-)

Hope this helps,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SysAdmin - Iceberg Computers
=  Merch's Wild Wisdom of the Moment:  =
Sometimes you know, you just don't know sometimes, you know?

Re: qmail employment in SF, CA

1999-02-24 Thread Roger Merchberger

Once upon a midnight dreary, Stefan Paletta had spoken clearly:
>Adam D. McKenna wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
>>:> This is cool to see. Qmail creating jobs. I just hope it never gets to
>>:> the point of something like "Qmail certification".
>>:Hey, I'll certify you, but only after you certify me.
>We should however consider awarding medals to list members for answering
>the 500th FAQ 5.4

What's a FAQ 5.4??? ;^>

> or surviving events like the great flamewars in December.

I survived 'em (and all the flamewars since early '96...) but my vote for
who gets the purple heart should go to Russ Nelson - he's been the
*subject* of a few flame-skirmishes... and has still been around since
"Christ was a corporal" as my father says.

Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

Re: [ failure notice]

1999-02-23 Thread Roger Merchberger

Once upon a midnight dreary, Mate Wierdl had spoken clearly:

>I got four messages like these.  Can anybody tell me what is going on?


>Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
>I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
>This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
>ezmlm-send: fatal: this message is looping: it already has my Delivered-To
line (#5.4.6)

Any chance that someone, somehow, subscribed [EMAIL PROTECTED] to the
qmail mailing list???

Just a thought...

Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

Re: Slow Queue Processing

1999-02-04 Thread Roger Merchberger

Once upon a midnight dreary, Peter Gradwell had spoken clearly:
>At 4:49 pm +0100 4/2/99,the wonderful Harald Hanche-Olsen wrote:
>>Hmm.  I don't see a signal handler for SIGALRM in the code, so I would
>>expect that to terminate qmail-lspawn and hence bring qmail-send

>>crashing down??
>it's in the FAQ:
>7.2. How do I manually run the queue? I'd like qmail to try delivering
>all the remote messages right now.
>Answer: Give the qmail-send process an ALRM. (Do svc -a /var/run/qmail
>if qmail is supervised.)

Right... but the original poster said that he was sending qmail-lspawn the
signal, not qmail-send.

Sending a signal to qmail-lspawn might send it into a tailspin, but there
are others on this list better to comment on that than I.

Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

how to reduce traffic on list...

1999-01-26 Thread Roger Merchberger

Once upon a midnight dreary, Paul J. Schinder had spoken clearly:
>At 8:18 PM -0500 1/25/99, Peter C. Norton wrote:

>} A moderated list would be a good thing.
>Moderated how?  About all I can think of is that the FAQ's and complaint
>about "no multiple RCPT" could be removed.  That doesn't strike me as all
>that much of the traffic, although I may just be fooling myself.
>I agree this is getting to be a high volume list, but I think the better
>solution to high volume lists is a Usenet newsgroup, where a newsreaders
>filters can be brought to bear.  Maybe it's finally time to start the

I was on a SunOS/Solaris admin mailing list, and how they worked it was
like this:

You posted your original question to the list,
everyone who wished to reply replied to the *sender*, not the list,
Then the original poster posted a summary of the help he received back to
the list, with SUMMARY: ... as the beginning of the subject.

Anyone else think something like this might work here???

Just my $0.002,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

ezmlm (and other) documentation redistribution

1999-01-08 Thread Roger Merchberger

Having run qmail ~3 years (and loving it) I've finally given up on the fact
that I don't have time to finish re-inventing the wheel (my own list
manager written in Perl), and am switching to ezmlm as well.

My question is this: is there any licensing question on redistributing the
HTML version of the documentation for ezmlm/idx, ezfaq, but not limited to
that, as I'll be using other software in the future as well.

Of course, proper credit, dox not modified, and all that jazz apply, and
tho I realize that at this time the question is somewhat more suited to the
ezmlm list (my apologies), the question is suitably broad for this forum.
(and, I'm not on the ezmlm list yet... ;-)

Is there *any* documentation relating to qmail and/or patches that is not
freely redistributable (at least unmodified)?

Thanks for any insight,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger

Re: Command-line mailer

1999-01-02 Thread Roger Merchberger

(Dang Eudora... CTRL-E means "send it now"... Anyone know how to disable
this "feature" ??? :-/   Sorry, Giancarlo for the noise...)

Rumor has it that Giancarlo Bonansea may have mentioned these words:

>I'm using QMail 1.03 and I need to send a .tar.gz file as an attached file
on a scheduled basis (crond) using a command-line mailer. I'm looking for
one but I didn't find yet. What do you people recommend ?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you want to send an automated attachment every
X hours or days, right? 

If you don't want any text in the message (just the attachment), just set
up a small perl/shell program with something like this in it:

system "uuencode filetosend filetosend | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject

(of course, if it's a shell script or directly in the crontab, get rid of
the system"..."; stuff. :-)

Most everything I know of understands uuencoding... That is, of course, if
I understand the question correctly.

Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

Re: qmail II request

1999-01-02 Thread Roger Merchberger

On or about 03:24 PM 1/2/99 -0500, Len Budney was caught in a dark alley
speaking these words:

>Vince Vielhaber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> ...badmailto...I'm getting around 10 or 20 double bounces a day from
>> these two addresses, and in the past we've had other problems with
>> nonexistant addresses that double bounce...
>This isn't a detailed criticism--I'm not a mail admin of a large site,
>after all! However...
>Can't you already do what you want with existing qmail mechanisms? For
>example, suppose these spammers send mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]",
>which is not a valid address.
>One idea is to create the file ~alias/.qmail-whacko123 with the line:
>   # Drop it right now!


I didn't see Vince's original message, but I've received spam where in the
headers, it says "To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"... maybe he means the To: header.
That would help me for sure.

Otherwise, remember: if you do your alias trick, qmail will accept the
message as delivered, then /dev/null it. With badmailto, I believe the
message would be rejected during the SMTP conversation and not delivered at

Just a dummy's $0.02...   ;-)
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SysAdmin - Iceberg Computers
=  Merch's Wild Wisdom of the Moment:  =
for (1..15) { print "Merry Christmas\n"; }
(from perl.1 man page, version 4.)

Re: Question?

1999-01-02 Thread Roger Merchberger

On or about 12:01 AM 1/2/99 -0600, Mate Wierdl was caught in a dark alley
speaking these words:
>   BTW: Think about DJB, I seem to remember seeing many a message
>   from him saying NOT to reply to him AND the list - which seems to
>   be EXACTLY what you are saying to do
>Must have been long ago.  You can try using Mail-Followup-To...
>FAQ 1.3

The Dummy in me has already tried that - when I wanted to make sure that
DJB saw one of my posts. DJB wrote some form of duplicate sniffing software
- don't remember the name (it's at work, I'm at home) but it keeps him from
getting duplicates of list postings in his personal mail.

Of course, he saw it and replied accordingly from the list, anyway...

Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SysAdmin - Iceberg Computers
=  Merch's Wild Wisdom of the Moment:  =
for (1..15) { print "Merry Christmas\n"; }
(from perl.1 man page, version 4.)

Re: List volume

1998-12-23 Thread Roger Merchberger

Once upon a midnight dreary, Mate Wierdl had spoken clearly:

>I think Dan said about 800.  I do not think there were  2000
>messages today though...

The box may do more than just *this* mailing list - there's Dan's other
lists, and could just be a DNS entry for his standard mail
server (that's the way I have it, so you can expand to a separate box, just
change the DNS entry, restart named, and everything's transparent to the
user), so there's all that volume as well.

So 1.5 million msgs could easily be within mark.

Happy Holidaze!
Roger "Merch" Merchberger

Re: List volume

1998-12-23 Thread Roger Merchberger

Once upon a midnight dreary, Dax Kelson had spoken clearly:
>On 23 Dec 1998, D. J. Bernstein wrote:
>> Anyway, folks, thanks for participating in the mailing list volume test.
>> On the mailing list machine, at concurrency 120, qmail sustained a rate
>> of 1.5 million deliveries/day. Enjoy the holidays.
>> ---Dan

>How many subscribers are there to the qmail list?

Also Dan... Could you (briefly) describe your mailing list machine (or list
a URL where that info could be had?) I'd like to know for comparison /
gauge to when I may need to upgrade and why.

ObFriends: The reason this whole thing ballooned is because *we all care*.
Hell, if we didn't give a shit about qmail, this thread would have never
happened - everyone would have had the attitude "yea, whatever" and that
would have been the end of it.

One of the worst arguments I *ever* had was with one of my best friends
ever. That friend and I are still friends... I certainly believe our
friendships will remain intact here as well.

Roger "Merch" Merchberger

And to all: Happy Holidays and may you all have a prosperous 1999. :-)

Re: Frivolous forking

1998-12-23 Thread Roger Merchberger

Once upon a midnight dreary, Scott Ballantyne had spoken clearly:

>Reinstalling is perfectly acceptable, and you would have to
>reinitialize the ids anyway. I think validated backups are a better
>way to go, but each to their own.

Not picking on you, Scott... but I'd rather reply instead of starting a new
msg. fresh...

Anywho: As I helped start this whole friggin' mess, I have a question about

How do you install a qmail system on a machine *without a compiler*...
especially when all you have to work with is a box that already runs qmail;
and *that* box has different qmail ID's than the target box?

RPM would be nice for that... I have no clue how to do what I propose,
other than totally whacking up that other box to do the compile, and if
that's a production system, that would be totally unacceptable.

Anyway, just another idea for the fray... ;-)

Roger "Merch" Merchberger