Re: [qmailtoaster] vpopmail schema

2011-03-03 Thread Pak Ogah

Halo Fred,

when we install vpopmail-toaster from installation script, it created 
the database and tables automatically. and the vpopmail has support to 
use mysql (database) not flatfile

incase you miss the database creation, here mine:
ps: I am using mysql 5 and export it using heidisql 6

# Host:
# Server version:   5.0.27-standard-log
# Server OS:pc-linux-gnu
# HeidiSQL version:
# Date/time:2011-03-04 11:43:43

/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;


# Dumping structure for table vpopmail.dir_control
  `domain` char(64) NOT NULL,
  `cur_users` int(11) default NULL,
  `level_cur` int(11) default NULL,
  `level_max` int(11) default NULL,
  `level_start0` int(11) default NULL,
  `level_start1` int(11) default NULL,
  `level_start2` int(11) default NULL,
  `level_end0` int(11) default NULL,
  `level_end1` int(11) default NULL,
  `level_end2` int(11) default NULL,
  `level_mod0` int(11) default NULL,
  `level_mod1` int(11) default NULL,
  `level_mod2` int(11) default NULL,
  `level_index0` int(11) default NULL,
  `level_index1` int(11) default NULL,
  `level_index2` int(11) default NULL,
  `the_dir` char(160) default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`domain`)

# Data exporting was unselected.

# Dumping structure for table vpopmail.lastauth
  `user` char(32) NOT NULL,
  `domain` char(64) NOT NULL,
  `remote_ip` char(18) NOT NULL,
  `timestamp` bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`user`,`domain`)

# Data exporting was unselected.

# Dumping structure for table vpopmail.pala_bo_tak_info
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pala_bo_tak_info` (
  `pw_name` char(32) NOT NULL,
  `pw_passwd` char(40) default NULL,
  `pw_uid` int(11) default NULL,
  `pw_gid` int(11) default NULL,
  `pw_gecos` char(48) default NULL,
  `pw_dir` char(160) default NULL,
  `pw_shell` char(20) default NULL,
  `pw_clear_passwd` char(16) default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`pw_name`)

# Data exporting was unselected.

# Dumping structure for table vpopmail.valias
  `alias` char(32) NOT NULL,
  `domain` char(64) NOT NULL,
  `valias_line` text NOT NULL,
  KEY `alias` (`alias`,`domain`)

# Data exporting was unselected.

On 04-Mar-11 9:55, Fred Richards wrote:
Yup, did that, and if you look at the script, it sets a root password, 
creates the database, and assigns privileges... but doesn't make any 
tables or a schema for the vpopmail database.

On 03/03/2011 07:12 PM, Eric Broch wrote:

Don't forget to edit the file first and set your mysql password...

Here's the link:

Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
   Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
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Re: [qmailtoaster] re: QmailAdmin error

2011-03-03 Thread Bharath Chari

On 03/04/2011 01:03 AM, Cecil Yother, Jr. wrote:

I am getting this error on my QmailAdmin page.

*Notice*: Undefined index: oldpasswd in 
*/usr/share/toaster/htdocs/admin/index.php* on line *81*

*Notice*: Undefined index: newpasswd in 
*/usr/share/toaster/htdocs/admin/index.php* on line *81*

*Notice*: Undefined index: newpasswd2 in 
*/usr/share/toaster/htdocs/admin/index.php* on line *81*

*Notice*: Use of undefined constant r - assumed 'r' in 
*/usr/share/toaster/include/* on line *10*

*Notice*: Undefined variable: html in 
*/usr/share/toaster/include/* on line *93

*Any ideas?**If more info is needed let me know what and I can provide it.

The undefined index notices are because the script has not checked if 
the $_POST variables in question had been set, and initialised them 
accordingly. It's quite common, and won't cause any problems.

Your php error reporting seems to include notices. Try changing it to 
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE in your php.ini. Restart apache 
after that, and see if the errors still appear.

The notice on line 10 of is to do with the fopen 
statement. It should read $fd = fopen ( $file, 'r' ) instead of $fd = 
fopen ( $file, r ). PHP has made the correct assumption in this case and 
literally translated it to 'r'. Again, not an issue in this case, but 
you can make the substitution if you desire.


Re: [qmailtoaster] Squirrel-mail

2011-03-03 Thread Pak Ogah

On 04-Mar-11 4:10, wrote:

Hi list,
I have created and modified a script to allow admins, to ad a further
clickable logo to the standard squirrel-mail logon screen.

Can you please remind me how to put this on the wiki.

To view a working version, you can check out my test box
The logo as you can see can be linked to any URL

Am I allowed to post a URL in here?

If you forgot how to update wiki, just sent the steps to me (or list) 
and I'll updated it for you

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Re: [qmailtoaster] vpopmail schema

2011-03-03 Thread Eric Broch
 On 3/3/2011 7:55 PM, Fred Richards wrote:
> Yup, did that, and if you look at the script, it sets a root password,
> creates the database, and assigns privileges... but doesn't make any
> tables or a schema for the vpopmail database.
> On 03/03/2011 07:12 PM, Eric Broch wrote:
>> Don't forget to edit the file first and set your mysql password...
>> Here's the link:
> -
> Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group
> (
>Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and
> installations.
>  If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
> -
> Please visit for the latest news, updates, and
> packages.
>  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:


When you added the 'test' domain it should have added it in the vpopmail
database with the postmaster account. In your case 'testdomain_com' or
whatever you called it.
And, I don't have a vpopmail.users table either.

1) Do the following (at the command line):
# mysql -u root -p mysql
Enter password:

2) At the mysql command line:

mysql> use vpopmail;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_vpopmail |
| dir_control|
| lastauth |
| valias |
| testdomain_com | (Whatever domain you have created should be in
here somewhere)
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

The tables (schema) are created using the /home/vpopmail/bin/* commands
like vadddomain, vadduser, valias, and etc...

mysql> select * from testdomain_com;
| pw_name| pw_passwd | pw_uid | pw_gid |
pw_gecos| pw_dir | pw_shell |
pw_clear_passwd |
| postmaster |***|  0 |  0   | Postmaster|
/home/vpopmail/domains/ | 41943040S,4000C |
***  |
| test   |***|  0 |  0  | Test
 | /home/vpopmail/domains/  |
NOQUOTA   | ***  |

You should have output something like the above. If all this is in place
on your machine it might be something else.

Does your vpopmail database resemble the above?


Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
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Re: [qmailtoaster] Re: SMTP attack

2011-03-03 Thread David Milholen

 Ill see what I can do. Ill review my old notes on adding it to my
system and what kind of config I used to have success.
I will also list the script that has the trigger for a honeypot
 Yes, Hackers are stupid because they are not using their talent for
a greater cause.
I was an ANTI-Hacker for years in the Army and after a while they
just became pests. 

On 3/3/2011 10:25 AM, Eric Shubert wrote:
  is good on this. :)"">
  Have at it. I've added a link to this page under the
  Configuration-> Security section. It's a start (albeit not much
  of one).

  David Milholen
  Project Engineer


Re: [qmailtoaster] vpopmail schema

2011-03-03 Thread Fred Richards
Yup, did that, and if you look at the script, it sets a root password, creates 
the database, and assigns privileges... but doesn't make any tables or a schema 
for the vpopmail database.

On 03/03/2011 07:12 PM, Eric Broch wrote:

Don't forget to edit the file first and set your mysql password...

Here's the link:

Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
   Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
 If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
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[qmailtoaster] Re: needs work

2011-03-03 Thread Eric Shubert
qtp-newmodel is an easy and reliable way to upgrade your QMT host. 
Unfortunately, it's only supported on CentOS and Fedora presently.
See for the qmailtoaster-plus package, which 
contains other admin goodies as well.

-Eric 'shubes'

On 03/03/2011 05:19 PM, Carlos Herrera Polo wrote:

Who is Qtp-newmodel ?
I only use rpm from scripts, not qtp-newmodel

is not the better option ?

2011/3/3, Nigel Reed:

I have no experience with qtp-newmodel either. If you want to contact me off
list to discuss how I can help, I'll see what I can do.

- Original Message 
From: Eric Shubert
Sent: Thu, March 3, 2011 2:40:48 PM
Subject: [qmailtoaster] Re: needs work

That script is on it's way to being deprecated, I hope.

You can use qtp-newmodel for new installs as well as upgrades. With
mandriva the unionfs option won't work though, so you'll need to use a
linked (preferred) or copied sandbox. :(

If you'd like to help out, (I think) I wouldn't mind adding mandriva
support to the qtp scripts. I have no experience with mandriva though.

-Eric 'shubes'

On 03/03/2011 01:23 PM, Cecil Yother, Jr. wrote:

Agreed, but glad that's sorted.

On 03/03/2011 12:21 PM, Nigel Reed wrote:

Yes, it works for me now.

That said, it still highlights a weakness in the download script :)


- Original Message 
From: "Cecil Yother, Jr."
Sent: Thu, March 3, 2011 12:54:33 PM
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] needs work

Can somebody try it now please.  I think I found the issue.

On 03/03/2011 10:35 AM, Nigel Reed wrote:

Not sure what to tell you.

[root@localhost compile]# wget
--2011-03-03 12:18:58--
Resolving (,,, ...
Connecting to
(||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2011-03-03 12:18:59 ERROR 404: Not Found.

Got the same here.

- Original Message 
From: "Cecil Yother, Jr."
Sent: Thu, March 3, 2011 12:31:52 PM
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] needs work


That's odd.  I host that mirror and the file exists and when clicked on
is downloaded.


On 03/03/2011 10:15 AM, Nigel Reed wrote:

Downloading libdomainkeys-toaster-0.68-1.3.6.src.rpm
--2011-03-03 12:03:48--
Resolving (,,, ...
Connecting to
(||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2011-03-03 12:03:48 ERROR 404: Not Found.

Downloading libsrs2-toaster-1.0.18-1.3.6.src.rpm

If the file cannot be found on the mirror that it tries, then it's



The other option would be to fix the DNS so that sites which are no
serving qmailtoaster files are removed in a timely manner ;)

Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group
  Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and


If you need professional help with your setup, contact them
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   For additional commands, e-mail:


Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group
 Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
   If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!

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Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group
 Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
   If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!

Re: [qmailtoaster] needs work

2011-03-03 Thread Carlos Herrera Polo
Who is Qtp-newmodel ?
I only use rpm from scripts, not qtp-newmodel

is not the better option ?

2011/3/3, Nigel Reed :
> I have no experience with qtp-newmodel either. If you want to contact me off
> list to discuss how I can help, I'll see what I can do.
> - Original Message 
> From: Eric Shubert 
> To:
> Sent: Thu, March 3, 2011 2:40:48 PM
> Subject: [qmailtoaster] Re: needs work
> That script is on it's way to being deprecated, I hope.
> You can use qtp-newmodel for new installs as well as upgrades. With
> mandriva the unionfs option won't work though, so you'll need to use a
> linked (preferred) or copied sandbox. :(
> If you'd like to help out, (I think) I wouldn't mind adding mandriva
> support to the qtp scripts. I have no experience with mandriva though.
> --
> -Eric 'shubes'
> On 03/03/2011 01:23 PM, Cecil Yother, Jr. wrote:
>> Agreed, but glad that's sorted.
>> On 03/03/2011 12:21 PM, Nigel Reed wrote:
>>> Yes, it works for me now.
>>> That said, it still highlights a weakness in the download script :)
>>> Thanks,
>>> Nigel
>>> - Original Message 
>>> From: "Cecil Yother, Jr."
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Thu, March 3, 2011 12:54:33 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] needs work
>>> Can somebody try it now please.  I think I found the issue.
>>> On 03/03/2011 10:35 AM, Nigel Reed wrote:
 Not sure what to tell you.

 [root@localhost compile]# wget
 --2011-03-03 12:18:58--
 Resolving (,,, ...
 Connecting to
 (||:80... connected.
 HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
 2011-03-03 12:18:59 ERROR 404: Not Found.

 Got the same here.

 - Original Message 
 From: "Cecil Yother, Jr."
 Sent: Thu, March 3, 2011 12:31:52 PM
 Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] needs work


 That's odd.  I host that mirror and the file exists and when clicked on
 is downloaded.


 On 03/03/2011 10:15 AM, Nigel Reed wrote:

> Downloading libdomainkeys-toaster-0.68-1.3.6.src.rpm
> --2011-03-03 12:03:48--
> Resolving (
>,, ...
> Connecting to
> (||:80... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
> 2011-03-03 12:03:48 ERROR 404: Not Found.
> Downloading libsrs2-toaster-1.0.18-1.3.6.src.rpm
> If the file cannot be found on the mirror that it tries, then it's
> skipped.
> The other option would be to fix the DNS so that sites which are no
> longer
> serving qmailtoaster files are removed in a timely manner ;)
> -
> -
> Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group
> (
>  Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and
> installations.
>If you need professional help with your setup, contact them
> today!
> -
> -
>   Please visit for the latest news, updates, and
>>> packages.
>To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>   For additional commands, e-mail:

> -
> Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group
> (
> Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
>   If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
> -
>  Please visit for the latest news, updates, and
> packages.
>   To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>  For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [qmailtoaster] vpopmail schema

2011-03-03 Thread Eric Broch
 On 3/3/2011 4:37 PM, Fred Richards wrote:
> Hi qmailtoaster-ers!
>  First of all, let me thank you for such a great project.  I'm finding
> myself needing to single-handedly migrate an older (very custom) qmail
> install complete with virtual users in a flat file, to something
> newer.  I went ahead and successfully installed qmailtoaster on CentOS
> 5.5, and my next step is to bring in the maildirs, and make the
> authentication more qmailtoaster-like than it is now.  I feel silly
> because although I've added a test domain and test user, whenever I
> authenticate via pop3, it's complaining about a vpopmail.users table,
> which doesn't exist, I believe I may have skipped a step somewhere.
>  Where can I find this schema?  I've been all over the wiki, and I
> _know_ I've seen it, and I'm sure it's only 1-2 lines...
> -- Fred
> -
> Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group
> (
>Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and
> installations.
>  If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
> -
> Please visit for the latest news, updates, and
> packages.
>  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:


Don't forget to edit the file first and set your mysql password...

Here's the link:


Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
  If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
 Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.
  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 For additional commands, e-mail:

[qmailtoaster] vpopmail schema

2011-03-03 Thread Fred Richards

Hi qmailtoaster-ers!

 First of all, let me thank you for such a great project.  I'm finding
myself needing to single-handedly migrate an older (very custom) qmail
install complete with virtual users in a flat file, to something
newer.  I went ahead and successfully installed qmailtoaster on CentOS
5.5, and my next step is to bring in the maildirs, and make the
authentication more qmailtoaster-like than it is now.  I feel silly
because although I've added a test domain and test user, whenever I
authenticate via pop3, it's complaining about a vpopmail.users table,
which doesn't exist, I believe I may have skipped a step somewhere.

 Where can I find this schema?  I've been all over the wiki, and I
_know_ I've seen it, and I'm sure it's only 1-2 lines...

-- Fred

Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
   Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
 If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
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 To unsubscribe, e-mail:

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[qmailtoaster] Squirrel-mail

2011-03-03 Thread sysadmin
Hi list,
I have created and modified a script to allow admins, to ad a further
clickable logo to the standard squirrel-mail logon screen.

Can you please remind me how to put this on the wiki.

To view a working version, you can check out my test box
The logo as you can see can be linked to any URL

Am I allowed to post a URL in here?


Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
  If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
 Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.
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 For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [qmailtoaster] Re: needs work

2011-03-03 Thread Nigel Reed
I have no experience with qtp-newmodel either. If you want to contact me off 
list to discuss how I can help, I'll see what I can do.

- Original Message 
From: Eric Shubert 
Sent: Thu, March 3, 2011 2:40:48 PM
Subject: [qmailtoaster] Re: needs work

That script is on it's way to being deprecated, I hope.

You can use qtp-newmodel for new installs as well as upgrades. With 
mandriva the unionfs option won't work though, so you'll need to use a 
linked (preferred) or copied sandbox. :(

If you'd like to help out, (I think) I wouldn't mind adding mandriva 
support to the qtp scripts. I have no experience with mandriva though.

-Eric 'shubes'

On 03/03/2011 01:23 PM, Cecil Yother, Jr. wrote:
> Agreed, but glad that's sorted.
> On 03/03/2011 12:21 PM, Nigel Reed wrote:
>> Yes, it works for me now.
>> That said, it still highlights a weakness in the download script :)
>> Thanks,
>> Nigel
>> - Original Message 
>> From: "Cecil Yother, Jr."
>> To:
>> Sent: Thu, March 3, 2011 12:54:33 PM
>> Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] needs work
>> Can somebody try it now please.  I think I found the issue.
>> On 03/03/2011 10:35 AM, Nigel Reed wrote:
>>> Not sure what to tell you.
>>> [root@localhost compile]# wget
>>> --2011-03-03 12:18:58--
>>> Resolving (
>>>,, ...
>>> Connecting to
>>> (||:80... connected.
>>> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
>>> 2011-03-03 12:18:59 ERROR 404: Not Found.
>>> Got the same here.
>>> - Original Message 
>>> From: "Cecil Yother, Jr."
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Thu, March 3, 2011 12:31:52 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] needs work
>>> Nigel,
>>> That's odd.  I host that mirror and the file exists and when clicked on
>>> is downloaded.
>>> CJ
>>> On 03/03/2011 10:15 AM, Nigel Reed wrote:
 Downloading libdomainkeys-toaster-0.68-1.3.6.src.rpm
 --2011-03-03 12:03:48--
 Resolving (,,, ...
 Connecting to
 (||:80... connected.
 HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
 2011-03-03 12:03:48 ERROR 404: Not Found.

 Downloading libsrs2-toaster-1.0.18-1.3.6.src.rpm

 If the file cannot be found on the mirror that it tries, then it's 


 The other option would be to fix the DNS so that sites which are no longer
 serving qmailtoaster files are removed in a timely manner ;)

 Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group
  Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and 
If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
   Please visit for the latest news, updates, and

>> packages.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: 
   For additional commands, e-mail: 



Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
  If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!

 Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.

  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 For additional commands, e-mail:


Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
  If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!

[qmailtoaster] Re: needs work

2011-03-03 Thread Eric Shubert

That script is on it's way to being deprecated, I hope.

You can use qtp-newmodel for new installs as well as upgrades. With 
mandriva the unionfs option won't work though, so you'll need to use a 
linked (preferred) or copied sandbox. :(

If you'd like to help out, (I think) I wouldn't mind adding mandriva 
support to the qtp scripts. I have no experience with mandriva though.

-Eric 'shubes'

On 03/03/2011 01:23 PM, Cecil Yother, Jr. wrote:

Agreed, but glad that's sorted.

On 03/03/2011 12:21 PM, Nigel Reed wrote:

Yes, it works for me now.

That said, it still highlights a weakness in the download script :)


- Original Message 
From: "Cecil Yother, Jr."
Sent: Thu, March 3, 2011 12:54:33 PM
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] needs work

Can somebody try it now please.  I think I found the issue.

On 03/03/2011 10:35 AM, Nigel Reed wrote:

Not sure what to tell you.

[root@localhost compile]# wget
--2011-03-03 12:18:58--
Resolving (,,, ...
Connecting to
(||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2011-03-03 12:18:59 ERROR 404: Not Found.

Got the same here.

- Original Message 
From: "Cecil Yother, Jr."
Sent: Thu, March 3, 2011 12:31:52 PM
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] needs work


That's odd.  I host that mirror and the file exists and when clicked on
is downloaded.


On 03/03/2011 10:15 AM, Nigel Reed wrote:

Downloading libdomainkeys-toaster-0.68-1.3.6.src.rpm
--2011-03-03 12:03:48--
Resolving (,,, ...
Connecting to
(||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2011-03-03 12:03:48 ERROR 404: Not Found.

Downloading libsrs2-toaster-1.0.18-1.3.6.src.rpm

If the file cannot be found on the mirror that it tries, then it's completely


The other option would be to fix the DNS so that sites which are no longer
serving qmailtoaster files are removed in a timely manner ;)

Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group
 Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
   If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
  Please visit for the latest news, updates, and


   To unsubscribe, e-mail:
  For additional commands, e-mail:

Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
   Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
 If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.

 To unsubscribe, e-mail:

For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [qmailtoaster] needs work

2011-03-03 Thread Cecil Yother, Jr.
Agreed, but glad that's sorted. 

On 03/03/2011 12:21 PM, Nigel Reed wrote:
> Yes, it works for me now.
> That said, it still highlights a weakness in the download script :)
> Thanks,
> Nigel
> - Original Message 
> From: "Cecil Yother, Jr." 
> To:
> Sent: Thu, March 3, 2011 12:54:33 PM
> Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] needs work
> Can somebody try it now please.  I think I found the issue.
> On 03/03/2011 10:35 AM, Nigel Reed wrote:
>> Not sure what to tell you. 
>> [root@localhost compile]# wget 
>> --2011-03-03 12:18:58--  
>> Resolving ( 
>>,, ...
>> Connecting to 
>> (||:80... connected.
>> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
>> 2011-03-03 12:18:59 ERROR 404: Not Found.
>> Got the same here.
>> - Original Message 
>> From: "Cecil Yother, Jr." 
>> To:
>> Sent: Thu, March 3, 2011 12:31:52 PM
>> Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] needs work
>> Nigel,
>> That's odd.  I host that mirror and the file exists and when clicked on
>> is downloaded.
>> CJ
>> On 03/03/2011 10:15 AM, Nigel Reed wrote:
>>> Downloading libdomainkeys-toaster-0.68-1.3.6.src.rpm
>>> --2011-03-03 12:03:48--  
>>> Resolving ( 
>>>,, ...
>>> Connecting to 
>>> (||:80... connected.
>>> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
>>> 2011-03-03 12:03:48 ERROR 404: Not Found.
>>> Downloading libsrs2-toaster-1.0.18-1.3.6.src.rpm
>>> If the file cannot be found on the mirror that it tries, then it's 
>>> completely 
>>> skipped.
>>> The other option would be to fix the DNS so that sites which are no longer 
>>> serving qmailtoaster files are removed in a timely manner ;)
>>> -
>>> -
>>> -
>>> Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
>>> (
>>> Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
>>>   If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
>>> -
>>> -
>>> -
>>>  Please visit for the latest news, updates, and 
> packages.
>>>   To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>>>  For additional commands, e-mail: 

Cecil Yother, Jr. "cj"
2318 Clement Ave
Alameda, CA  94501

tel 510.865.2787 |
Check out the new Volvo classified resource

Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
  If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
 Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.
  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [qmailtoaster] needs work

2011-03-03 Thread Nigel Reed
Yes, it works for me now.

That said, it still highlights a weakness in the download script :)


- Original Message 
From: "Cecil Yother, Jr." 
Sent: Thu, March 3, 2011 12:54:33 PM
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] needs work

Can somebody try it now please.  I think I found the issue.

On 03/03/2011 10:35 AM, Nigel Reed wrote:
> Not sure what to tell you. 
> [root@localhost compile]# wget 
> --2011-03-03 12:18:58--  
> Resolving ( 
>,, ...
> Connecting to 
> (||:80... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
> 2011-03-03 12:18:59 ERROR 404: Not Found.
> Got the same here.
> - Original Message 
> From: "Cecil Yother, Jr." 
> To:
> Sent: Thu, March 3, 2011 12:31:52 PM
> Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] needs work
> Nigel,
> That's odd.  I host that mirror and the file exists and when clicked on
> is downloaded.
> CJ
> On 03/03/2011 10:15 AM, Nigel Reed wrote:
>> Downloading libdomainkeys-toaster-0.68-1.3.6.src.rpm
>> --2011-03-03 12:03:48--  
>> Resolving ( 
>>,, ...
>> Connecting to 
>> (||:80... connected.
>> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
>> 2011-03-03 12:03:48 ERROR 404: Not Found.
>> Downloading libsrs2-toaster-1.0.18-1.3.6.src.rpm
>> If the file cannot be found on the mirror that it tries, then it's 
>> completely 

>> skipped.
>> The other option would be to fix the DNS so that sites which are no longer 
>> serving qmailtoaster files are removed in a timely manner ;)
>> -
>> Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
>> (
>> Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
>>   If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
>> -
>>  Please visit for the latest news, updates, and 
>>   To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>>  For additional commands, e-mail:

Cecil Yother, Jr. "cj"
2318 Clement Ave
Alameda, CA  94501

tel 510.865.2787 |
Check out the new Volvo classified resource


Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
  If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!

 Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.

  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 For additional commands, e-mail:


Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
  If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
 Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.
  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 For additional commands, e-mail:

[qmailtoaster] re: QmailAdmin error

2011-03-03 Thread Cecil Yother, Jr.
I am getting this error on my QmailAdmin page.

*Notice*: Undefined index: oldpasswd in
*/usr/share/toaster/htdocs/admin/index.php* on line *81*

*Notice*: Undefined index: newpasswd in
*/usr/share/toaster/htdocs/admin/index.php* on line *81*

*Notice*: Undefined index: newpasswd2 in
*/usr/share/toaster/htdocs/admin/index.php* on line *81*

*Notice*: Use of undefined constant r - assumed 'r' in
*/usr/share/toaster/include/* on line *10*

*Notice*: Undefined variable: html in
*/usr/share/toaster/include/* on line *93

*Any ideas?*   *If more info is needed let me know what and I can
provide it.

This machine's OS is supported and has been tested

PHP 5.2.16 (cli) (built: Dec 17 2010 14:09:03)
Copyright (c) 1997-2010 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Zend Technologies

All of the latest updates have been applied.



Cecil Yother, Jr. "cj"
2318 Clement Ave
Alameda, CA  94501

tel 510.865.2787 |
Check out the new Volvo classified resource

Re: [qmailtoaster] Re: dovecot upgrade

2011-03-03 Thread Eric Broch
 On 3/3/2011 11:39 AM, Finn Buhelt (kirstineslund) wrote:
> Hi Eric B.
> I am a bit suprised - You started out some 12 hours ago telling that
> You did not know how to do this upgrade !!
> And now You're on top of it and has the most dovecot 'tuned' toaster
> seen on this site 8-) .
> Great work and thanks for the help.
> /Finn
> On 03-03-2011 18:53, Eric Broch wrote:
>> On 3/3/2011 9:33 AM, Finn Buhelt (kirstineslund) wrote:
>>> Hi Eric.
>>> I think You're okay doing the change in dovecot.conf but I have
>>> inserted the text from below just in case
>>> * *Just like with "dovecot" user, "dovenull" doesn't need a
>>>   password, home directory or anything else (but it's good to
>>>   give it its own private "dovenull" group)*
>>> I'm sure You know the site but in case others need it - here's the
>>> link to the page
>>> Regards,
>>> Finn
>>> On 03-03-2011 17:17, Eric Broch wrote:
  On 3/3/2011 8:54 AM, Eric Shubert wrote:
> On 03/03/2011 08:36 AM, Finn Buhelt (kirstineslund) wrote:
>> Hi Eric.
>> What about the 'dovenull' user that is required now or have You changed
>> the default_login_user ?
>> Regards,
>> Finn
> Finn,
> Nice to have you chiming in here, thanks.
> You're running Dovecot v2 I take it? 2.0.9, or earlier?
> Are you subscribed on the qmailtoaster-devel list? Please do if you're
> not already.
> Thanks.

 Thanks, no I did not do either.

 But, since you reminded my I added 'default_login_user = dovecot' to
 dovecot.conf file

 Can you tell me what parameters are necessary when creating 'dovenull' 


 Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
 Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
   If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
  Please visit for the latest news, updates, and 
   To unsubscribe, e-mail:
  For additional commands, e-mail:

>> or better yet...
>> useradd -M -d /nohome -s /bin/false -c 'Dovenull user' dovenull
>> Eric
I was in fear and trepidation the whole way, Finn. ;-)

Anyhow, thanks! And, I couldn't have done anything without the Linux
community and all the great folks who write software for this OS. What a

But the real test, for me, will be moving into a production environment.

Re: [qmailtoaster] needs work

2011-03-03 Thread Cecil Yother, Jr.
Can somebody try it now please.  I think I found the issue.

On 03/03/2011 10:35 AM, Nigel Reed wrote:
> Not sure what to tell you. 
> [root@localhost compile]# wget 
> --2011-03-03 12:18:58--  
> Resolving ( 
>,, ...
> Connecting to 
> (||:80... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
> 2011-03-03 12:18:59 ERROR 404: Not Found.
> Got the same here.
> - Original Message 
> From: "Cecil Yother, Jr." 
> To:
> Sent: Thu, March 3, 2011 12:31:52 PM
> Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] needs work
> Nigel,
> That's odd.  I host that mirror and the file exists and when clicked on
> is downloaded.
> CJ
> On 03/03/2011 10:15 AM, Nigel Reed wrote:
>> Downloading libdomainkeys-toaster-0.68-1.3.6.src.rpm
>> --2011-03-03 12:03:48--  
>> Resolving ( 
>>,, ...
>> Connecting to 
>> (||:80... connected.
>> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
>> 2011-03-03 12:03:48 ERROR 404: Not Found.
>> Downloading libsrs2-toaster-1.0.18-1.3.6.src.rpm
>> If the file cannot be found on the mirror that it tries, then it's 
>> completely 
>> skipped.
>> The other option would be to fix the DNS so that sites which are no longer 
>> serving qmailtoaster files are removed in a timely manner ;)
>> -
>> -
>> Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
>> (
>> Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
>>   If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
>> -
>> -
>>  Please visit for the latest news, updates, and 
>> packages.
>>   To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>>  For additional commands, e-mail:

Cecil Yother, Jr. "cj"
2318 Clement Ave
Alameda, CA  94501

tel 510.865.2787 |
Check out the new Volvo classified resource

Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
  If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
 Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.
  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [qmailtoaster] Re: dovecot upgrade

2011-03-03 Thread Finn Buhelt (kirstineslund)

Hi Eric B.

I am a bit suprised - You started out some 12 hours ago telling that You 
did not know how to do this upgrade !!

And now You're on top of it and has the most dovecot 'tuned' toaster 
seen on this site 8-) .

Great work and thanks for the help.


On 03-03-2011 18:53, Eric Broch wrote:

On 3/3/2011 9:33 AM, Finn Buhelt (kirstineslund) wrote:

Hi Eric.

I think You're okay doing the change in dovecot.conf but I have 
inserted the text from below just in case

* *Just like with "dovecot" user, "dovenull" doesn't need a
  password, home directory or anything else (but it's good to
  give it its own private "dovenull" group)*

I'm sure You know the site but in case others need it - here's the 
link to the page


On 03-03-2011 17:17, Eric Broch wrote:

  On 3/3/2011 8:54 AM, Eric Shubert wrote:

On 03/03/2011 08:36 AM, Finn Buhelt (kirstineslund) wrote:

Hi Eric.
What about the 'dovenull' user that is required now or have You changed
the default_login_user ?



Nice to have you chiming in here, thanks.

You're running Dovecot v2 I take it? 2.0.9, or earlier?

Are you subscribed on the qmailtoaster-devel list? Please do if you're
not already.



Thanks, no I did not do either.

But, since you reminded my I added 'default_login_user = dovecot' to
dovecot.conf file

Can you tell me what parameters are necessary when creating 'dovenull' user?


Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
 Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
   If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
  Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.

   To unsubscribe,
  For additional commands,

or better yet...

useradd -M -d /nohome -s /bin/false -c 'Dovenull user' dovenull


Re: [qmailtoaster] needs work

2011-03-03 Thread Nigel Reed
Not sure what to tell you. 

[root@localhost compile]# wget
--2011-03-03 12:18:58--
Resolving (,,, ...
Connecting to 
(||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2011-03-03 12:18:59 ERROR 404: Not Found.

Got the same here.

- Original Message 
From: "Cecil Yother, Jr." 
Sent: Thu, March 3, 2011 12:31:52 PM
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] needs work


That's odd.  I host that mirror and the file exists and when clicked on
is downloaded.


On 03/03/2011 10:15 AM, Nigel Reed wrote:
> Downloading libdomainkeys-toaster-0.68-1.3.6.src.rpm
> --2011-03-03 12:03:48--  
> Resolving ( 
>,, ...
> Connecting to 
> (||:80... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
> 2011-03-03 12:03:48 ERROR 404: Not Found.
> Downloading libsrs2-toaster-1.0.18-1.3.6.src.rpm
> If the file cannot be found on the mirror that it tries, then it's completely 
> skipped.
> The other option would be to fix the DNS so that sites which are no longer 
> serving qmailtoaster files are removed in a timely manner ;)
> Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
> Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
>   If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
>  Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.
>   To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>  For additional commands, e-mail:

Cecil Yother, Jr. "cj"
2318 Clement Ave
Alameda, CA  94501

tel 510.865.2787 |
Check out the new Volvo classified resource


Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
  If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!

 Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.

  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 For additional commands, e-mail:


Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
  If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
 Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.
  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [qmailtoaster] needs work

2011-03-03 Thread Cecil Yother, Jr.

That's odd.  I host that mirror and the file exists and when clicked on
is downloaded.


On 03/03/2011 10:15 AM, Nigel Reed wrote:
> Downloading libdomainkeys-toaster-0.68-1.3.6.src.rpm
> --2011-03-03 12:03:48--  
> Resolving ( 
>,, ...
> Connecting to 
> (||:80... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
> 2011-03-03 12:03:48 ERROR 404: Not Found.
> Downloading libsrs2-toaster-1.0.18-1.3.6.src.rpm
> If the file cannot be found on the mirror that it tries, then it's completely 
> skipped.
> The other option would be to fix the DNS so that sites which are no longer 
> serving qmailtoaster files are removed in a timely manner ;)
> -
> Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
> (
> Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
>   If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
> -
>  Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.
>   To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>  For additional commands, e-mail:

Cecil Yother, Jr. "cj"
2318 Clement Ave
Alameda, CA  94501

tel 510.865.2787 |
Check out the new Volvo classified resource

Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
  If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
 Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.
  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 For additional commands, e-mail:

[qmailtoaster] needs work

2011-03-03 Thread Nigel Reed
Downloading libdomainkeys-toaster-0.68-1.3.6.src.rpm
--2011-03-03 12:03:48--
Resolving (,,, ...
Connecting to 
(||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2011-03-03 12:03:48 ERROR 404: Not Found.

Downloading libsrs2-toaster-1.0.18-1.3.6.src.rpm

If the file cannot be found on the mirror that it tries, then it's completely 

The other option would be to fix the DNS so that sites which are no longer 
serving qmailtoaster files are removed in a timely manner ;)


Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
  If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
 Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.
  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [qmailtoaster] Re: dovecot upgrade

2011-03-03 Thread Eric Broch
 On 3/3/2011 9:33 AM, Finn Buhelt (kirstineslund) wrote:
> Hi Eric.
> I think You're okay doing the change in dovecot.conf but I have
> inserted the text from below just in case
> * *Just like with "dovecot" user, "dovenull" doesn't need a
>   password, home directory or anything else (but it's good to give
>   it its own private "dovenull" group)*
> I'm sure You know the site but in case others need it - here's the
> link to the page
> Regards,
> Finn
> On 03-03-2011 17:17, Eric Broch wrote:
>>  On 3/3/2011 8:54 AM, Eric Shubert wrote:
>>> On 03/03/2011 08:36 AM, Finn Buhelt (kirstineslund) wrote:
 Hi Eric.
 What about the 'dovenull' user that is required now or have You changed
 the default_login_user ?


>>> Finn,
>>> Nice to have you chiming in here, thanks.
>>> You're running Dovecot v2 I take it? 2.0.9, or earlier?
>>> Are you subscribed on the qmailtoaster-devel list? Please do if you're
>>> not already.
>>> Thanks.
>> Finn,
>> Thanks, no I did not do either.
>> But, since you reminded my I added 'default_login_user = dovecot' to
>> dovecot.conf file
>> Can you tell me what parameters are necessary when creating 'dovenull' user?
>> Eric
>> -
>> Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
>> (
>> Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
>>   If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
>> -
>>  Please visit for the latest news, updates, and 
>> packages.
>>   To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>>  For additional commands, e-mail:
or better yet...

useradd -M -d /nohome -s /bin/false -c 'Dovenull user' dovenull


Re: [qmailtoaster] Re: dovecot upgrade

2011-03-03 Thread Eric Broch
 On 3/3/2011 9:33 AM, Finn Buhelt (kirstineslund) wrote:
> Hi Eric.
> I think You're okay doing the change in dovecot.conf but I have
> inserted the text from below just in case
> * *Just like with "dovecot" user, "dovenull" doesn't need a
>   password, home directory or anything else (but it's good to give
>   it its own private "dovenull" group)*
> I'm sure You know the site but in case others need it - here's the
> link to the page
> Regards,
> Finn
> On 03-03-2011 17:17, Eric Broch wrote:
>>  On 3/3/2011 8:54 AM, Eric Shubert wrote:
>>> On 03/03/2011 08:36 AM, Finn Buhelt (kirstineslund) wrote:
 Hi Eric.
 What about the 'dovenull' user that is required now or have You changed
 the default_login_user ?


>>> Finn,
>>> Nice to have you chiming in here, thanks.
>>> You're running Dovecot v2 I take it? 2.0.9, or earlier?
>>> Are you subscribed on the qmailtoaster-devel list? Please do if you're
>>> not already.
>>> Thanks.
>> Finn,
>> Thanks, no I did not do either.
>> But, since you reminded my I added 'default_login_user = dovecot' to
>> dovecot.conf file
>> Can you tell me what parameters are necessary when creating 'dovenull' user?
>> Eric
>> -
>> Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
>> (
>> Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
>>   If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
>> -
>>  Please visit for the latest news, updates, and 
>> packages.
>>   To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>>  For additional commands, e-mail:

I found this:

#/usr/sbin/useradd -r -s /bin/false dovenull


Re: [qmailtoaster] Re: SMTP attack

2011-03-03 Thread Nigel Reed
When I said "get a wiki started" I meant "create an article with some 
that I can add to ;) You really don't want to let me loose on a brand new one. 

- Original Message 
From: Eric Shubert 
Sent: Thu, March 3, 2011 10:25:20 AM
Subject: [qmailtoaster] Re: SMTP attack

Timing is good on this. :)

Have at it. I've added a link to this page under the Configuration-> 
Security section. It's a start (albeit not much of one).

-Eric 'shubes'

On 03/03/2011 08:49 AM, Nigel Reed wrote:
> It's funny that I should check back in. I just installed fail2ban to deal with
> another issue, however realized it could stop a lot of RBL traffic if I just
> banned IP addresses so also added it for qmail. If someone gets a wiki 
> I'd certainly look at contributing. (hence my previous post on logging pop3
> failures!)
> - Original Message 
> From: Eric Shubert
> To:
> Sent: Thu, March 3, 2011 8:28:57 AM
> Subject: [qmailtoaster] Re: SMTP attack
> David,
> Thanks, David.
> BTW, can you find a few moments to get a wiki page for fail2ban started?
> Even if it's just a rough outline along with your configuration, that would be
> helpful. I'm sure others can add more details once something's there to work
> with.
> TIA.
> -- -Eric 'shubes'
> Thanks, David.
> On 03/02/2011 09:08 PM, David Milholen wrote:
>> +1000 on this solution.
>> It works for me. I also have a honeypot that these ips get thrown into
>> and trapped after so many attempts.
>> Stupid Hackers LOL:)
>> --Dave
>> On 3/1/2011 7:24 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:
>>> Yes, but the attacks appear to be coming from a variety of addresses.
>>> fail2ban will do essentially this automatically and for whatever
>>> addresses attacks may come from. fail2ban is much better solution imo.
>> --
>> David Milholen
>> Project Engineer
>> P:501-318-1300
> Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group
> (
> Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
>   If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
>  Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.
>   To unsubscribe, e-mail: 
>  For additional commands, e-mail:
> Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
>  Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
>If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!


Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
  If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!

 Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.

  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 For additional commands, e-mail:


Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
  If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
 Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.
  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [qmailtoaster] Re: dovecot upgrade

2011-03-03 Thread Finn Buhelt (kirstineslund)

Hi Eric.

I think You're okay doing the change in dovecot.conf but I have inserted 
the text from below just in case

   * *Just like with "dovecot" user, "dovenull" doesn't need a
 password, home directory or anything else (but it's good to give
 it its own private "dovenull" group)*

I'm sure You know the site but in case others need it - here's the link 
to the page


On 03-03-2011 17:17, Eric Broch wrote:

  On 3/3/2011 8:54 AM, Eric Shubert wrote:

On 03/03/2011 08:36 AM, Finn Buhelt (kirstineslund) wrote:

Hi Eric.
What about the 'dovenull' user that is required now or have You changed
the default_login_user ?



Nice to have you chiming in here, thanks.

You're running Dovecot v2 I take it? 2.0.9, or earlier?

Are you subscribed on the qmailtoaster-devel list? Please do if you're
not already.



Thanks, no I did not do either.

But, since you reminded my I added 'default_login_user = dovecot' to
dovecot.conf file

Can you tell me what parameters are necessary when creating 'dovenull' user?


Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
 Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
   If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
  Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.

   To unsubscribe, e-mail:
  For additional commands, e-mail:

[qmailtoaster] Re: dovecot upgrade

2011-03-03 Thread Eric Shubert
Thanks Finn. I expect the dovecot fail2ban doc will come in very handy 
for whoever writes that up. Probably should include a link to it on the 
QMT wiki page.

-Eric 'shubes'

On 03/03/2011 09:14 AM, Finn Buhelt (kirstineslund) wrote:

Hi Eric.

I have been running 1.2.10 for some time now, but have looked at 2.0.8
for a while without installing yet (now I will go to 2.0.9) but as an
ol' habit I'm always looking around to see what may have changed and the
dovenull is on the top of the 'changes from 1.2 -> 2X' list at the page ;-)

I'm not subscribed and will do shortly.

BTW - theres also a guide on to include dovecot into
fail2ban :-) if needed


On 03-03-2011 16:54, Eric Shubert wrote:

On 03/03/2011 08:36 AM, Finn Buhelt (kirstineslund) wrote:

Hi Eric.
What about the 'dovenull' user that is required now or have You changed
the default_login_user ?



Nice to have you chiming in here, thanks.

You're running Dovecot v2 I take it? 2.0.9, or earlier?

Are you subscribed on the qmailtoaster-devel list? Please do if you're
not already.



Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group
Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!

Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
   Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
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[qmailtoaster] Re: SMTP attack

2011-03-03 Thread Eric Shubert

Timing is good on this. :)

Have at it. I've added a link to this page under the Configuration-> 
Security section. It's a start (albeit not much of one).

-Eric 'shubes'

On 03/03/2011 08:49 AM, Nigel Reed wrote:

It's funny that I should check back in. I just installed fail2ban to deal with
another issue, however realized it could stop a lot of RBL traffic if I just
banned IP addresses so also added it for qmail. If someone gets a wiki started,
I'd certainly look at contributing. (hence my previous post on logging pop3

- Original Message 
From: Eric Shubert
Sent: Thu, March 3, 2011 8:28:57 AM
Subject: [qmailtoaster] Re: SMTP attack


Thanks, David.

BTW, can you find a few moments to get a wiki page for fail2ban started?
Even if it's just a rough outline along with your configuration, that would be
helpful. I'm sure others can add more details once something's there to work

-- -Eric 'shubes'

Thanks, David.
On 03/02/2011 09:08 PM, David Milholen wrote:

+1000 on this solution.
It works for me. I also have a honeypot that these ips get thrown into
and trapped after so many attempts.
Stupid Hackers LOL:)

On 3/1/2011 7:24 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:

Yes, but the attacks appear to be coming from a variety of addresses.
fail2ban will do essentially this automatically and for whatever
addresses attacks may come from. fail2ban is much better solution imo.


David Milholen
Project Engineer


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 Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
   If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!

Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
   Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
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Re: [qmailtoaster] Re: dovecot upgrade

2011-03-03 Thread Eric Broch
 On 3/3/2011 8:54 AM, Eric Shubert wrote:
> On 03/03/2011 08:36 AM, Finn Buhelt (kirstineslund) wrote:
>> Hi Eric.
>> What about the 'dovenull' user that is required now or have You changed
>> the default_login_user ?
>> Regards,
>> Finn
> Finn,
> Nice to have you chiming in here, thanks.
> You're running Dovecot v2 I take it? 2.0.9, or earlier?
> Are you subscribed on the qmailtoaster-devel list? Please do if you're
> not already.
> Thanks.

Thanks, no I did not do either.

But, since you reminded my I added 'default_login_user = dovecot' to
dovecot.conf file

Can you tell me what parameters are necessary when creating 'dovenull' user?


Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
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Re: [qmailtoaster] Re: dovecot upgrade

2011-03-03 Thread Finn Buhelt (kirstineslund)

Hi Eric.

I have been running 1.2.10 for some time now, but have looked at 2.0.8 
for a while without installing yet (now I will go to 2.0.9) but as an 
ol' habit I'm always looking around to see what may have changed and the 
dovenull is on the top of the 'changes from 1.2 -> 2X' list at the page ;-)

I'm not subscribed and will do shortly.

BTW - theres also a guide on to include dovecot into 
fail2ban :-) if needed


On 03-03-2011 16:54, Eric Shubert wrote:

On 03/03/2011 08:36 AM, Finn Buhelt (kirstineslund) wrote:

Hi Eric.
What about the 'dovenull' user that is required now or have You changed
the default_login_user ?



Nice to have you chiming in here, thanks.

You're running Dovecot v2 I take it? 2.0.9, or earlier?

Are you subscribed on the qmailtoaster-devel list? Please do if you're 
not already.


Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
   Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
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Re: [qmailtoaster] Logging pop3 authentication failures

2011-03-03 Thread Nigel Reed
Ah, I found it. I didn't realize it logged through syslog. Mandriva throws 
everything in /var/log/mail/* so I'm good.


From: Sérgio Rosa 
Sent: Thu, March 3, 2011 9:48:26 AM
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Logging pop3 authentication failures

On 03-03-2011 15:32, Nigel Reed wrote: 
Don't ask why I'm still using pop3 but I am.
>In the /var/log/qmail/pop3 directory, it only seems to log connections, not 
>authentication errors. How can I configure pop3 and pop3-ssl to log failed 
>Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
>Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
>  If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
> Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.
>  To unsubscribe, e-mail:   
>For additional commands, e-mail: 
you must use the --enable-logging option when running configure for 

Sérgio Rosa

arquitectura web e design, lda
rua do   moinho velho, 19 2ºdto
2655-242   ericeira

tlm +351   913 489 195
mail sergiorosa@awd.pturl


Re: [qmailtoaster] Re: Logging pop3 authentication failures

2011-03-03 Thread Nigel Reed
Nope, /var/log/maillog is empty. Then again, I didn't have logwatch installed. 
Since it only scan logfiles anyway, I just need to know where pop3 is logging 
where to turn it on.

- Original Message 
From: Eric Shubert 
Sent: Thu, March 3, 2011 9:47:43 AM
Subject: [qmailtoaster] Re: Logging pop3 authentication failures

On 03/03/2011 08:32 AM, Nigel Reed wrote:
> Don't ask why I'm still using pop3 but I am.
> In the /var/log/qmail/pop3 directory, it only seems to log connections, not
> authentication errors. How can I configure pop3 and pop3-ssl to log failed
> logins?

I think you'll find them in the /var/log/maillog file. Logwatch should be 
picking them up from there.

-- -Eric 'shubes'


Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
   Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
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Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
  If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
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 For additional commands, e-mail:

[qmailtoaster] Re: dovecot upgrade

2011-03-03 Thread Eric Shubert

On 03/03/2011 08:36 AM, Finn Buhelt (kirstineslund) wrote:

Hi Eric.
What about the 'dovenull' user that is required now or have You changed
the default_login_user ?



Nice to have you chiming in here, thanks.

You're running Dovecot v2 I take it? 2.0.9, or earlier?

Are you subscribed on the qmailtoaster-devel list? Please do if you're 
not already.

-Eric 'shubes'

Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
   Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
 If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.

 To unsubscribe, e-mail:

For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [qmailtoaster] Re: SMTP attack

2011-03-03 Thread Nigel Reed
It's funny that I should check back in. I just installed fail2ban to deal with 
another issue, however realized it could stop a lot of RBL traffic if I just 
banned IP addresses so also added it for qmail. If someone gets a wiki started, 
I'd certainly look at contributing. (hence my previous post on logging pop3 

- Original Message 
From: Eric Shubert 
Sent: Thu, March 3, 2011 8:28:57 AM
Subject: [qmailtoaster] Re: SMTP attack


Thanks, David.

BTW, can you find a few moments to get a wiki page for fail2ban started?
Even if it's just a rough outline along with your configuration, that would be 
helpful. I'm sure others can add more details once something's there to work 

-- -Eric 'shubes'

Thanks, David.
On 03/02/2011 09:08 PM, David Milholen wrote:
> +1000 on this solution.
> It works for me. I also have a honeypot that these ips get thrown into
> and trapped after so many attempts.
> Stupid Hackers LOL:)
> --Dave
> On 3/1/2011 7:24 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:
>> Yes, but the attacks appear to be coming from a variety of addresses.
>> fail2ban will do essentially this automatically and for whatever
>> addresses attacks may come from. fail2ban is much better solution imo.
> --
> David Milholen
> Project Engineer
> P:501-318-1300


Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
   Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
 If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!

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Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
  If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
 Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.
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 For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [qmailtoaster] Logging pop3 authentication failures

2011-03-03 Thread Sérgio Rosa

On 03-03-2011 15:32, Nigel Reed wrote:

Don't ask why I'm still using pop3 but I am.

In the /var/log/qmail/pop3 directory, it only seems to log connections, not
authentication errors. How can I configure pop3 and pop3-ssl to log failed

Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
 Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
   If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
  Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.

   To unsubscribe, e-mail:
  For additional commands, e-mail:

you must use the --enable-logging option when running configure for 

Sérgio Rosa

*arquitectura web e design, lda
rua do moinho velho, 19 2ºdto
2655-242 ericeira

tlm +351 913 489 195

[qmailtoaster] Re: Logging pop3 authentication failures

2011-03-03 Thread Eric Shubert

On 03/03/2011 08:32 AM, Nigel Reed wrote:

Don't ask why I'm still using pop3 but I am.

In the /var/log/qmail/pop3 directory, it only seems to log connections, not
authentication errors. How can I configure pop3 and pop3-ssl to log failed


I think you'll find them in the /var/log/maillog file. Logwatch should 
be picking them up from there.

-Eric 'shubes'

Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
   Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
 If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.

 To unsubscribe, e-mail:

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Re: [qmailtoaster] Re: dovecot upgrade

2011-03-03 Thread Eric Broch
 On 3/3/2011 7:41 AM, Eric Shubert wrote:
> On 03/02/2011 10:15 PM, Eric Broch wrote:
>>   On 3/2/2011 8:37 PM, Eric Broch wrote:
>>>   On 3/2/2011 7:48 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:
 On 03/02/2011 06:34 PM, Eric Broch wrote:
>Hello list,
> I'm trying to implement shared folders in dovecot and have
> received some
> help on the dovecot mailing list. I've been told that I should
> upgrade
> to the most recent version of dovecot. Has anyone on the
> qmailtoaster-list upgraded to dovecot v2? If so, as I'm used to
> working
> with RPM installs not port-like installs and upgrades, what procedure
> does one use to upgrade. Would I have to uninstall the old
> version? Is
> there an option, like with RPMs, to upgrade to the new version?
> Should I
> even consider upgrading at this point since the upgrade on the
> toaster
> wiki suggests install of  dovecot v-1.2.3. Any help or suggestions
> would
> be greatly appreciated.
> Eric
> -
 Which version are you running presently?

 Funny you should post this now. I'm trying (haven't started really) to
 get my QMTs upgraded from 1.0.10 to 1.2.x this week. Hope to have the
 rpms done tomorrow and implement over the weekend. I plan on putting
 the rpms in the QTP repo, for CentOS5, so you should be able to use
 yum to install the package once I get that done (if you're running
 COS5 32-bit). I might build the 64-bit rpm if someone really wants it.

 My understanding is that v1.2.x supports shared folders with ACLs. I
 use shared folders just fine with v1.0.10, but there's no access

 Dovecot v2 not quite as stable as 1.2, but I expect that there are
 some who are running it in production. If someone here is running v2,
 please chime in.

>>> Thanks, Eric.
>>> I'm running dovecot-1.2.3 currently per the QMT wiki page replacing
>>> courier. On the wiki dovecot is installed using the configure, make,
>>> make install procedure after downloading the tar.gz file.
>>> I've asked questions about implementing ACLs for my installed version
>>> (v1.2.3) of dovecot on the dovecot mailing list and answers are scarce.
>>> Those who have responded recommend I upgrade to v2. I see nothing in
>>> the
>>> dovecot documentation suggesting that what I want to do is not possible
>>> with the v1.2.3.  I just can't seem to get any answers, though.
>>> I have a test server on which I am willing to try this but want to
>>> do it
>>> correctly. I'm not familiar with upgrading using any method other than
>>> 'yum update' and 'rpm -Uvh.' If anyone knows the procedure for
>>> upgrading
>>> using 'make' commands, I'm all ears.
>>> There is this wiki upgrade document:
>>>, but there is no procedure in it
>>> for working with tar.gz installs and upgrades.
>>> Eric
>>> -
>>> Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group
>>> (
>>>  Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and
>>> installations.
>>>If you need professional help with your setup, contact them
>>> today!
>>> -
>>>   Please visit for the latest news, updates,
>>> and packages.
>>>To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>>>   For additional commands, e-mail:
>> Hello list,
>> After playing around on my test server I installed dovecot v2.0.9.
>> This was my procedure:
>> (Stop Qmailtoaster)
>> 1) qmailctl stop
>> (Uninstall dovecot v1.2.3)
>> 2) cd /my/dovecot/dir/dovecot-1.2.3
>> 3) sudo make uninstall
>> (Install dovecot v2.0.9)
>> 4) cd /my/dovecot/dir
>> 5) wget
>> 6) tar -zxvf dovecot-2.0.9.tar.gz
>> 7) cd dovecot-2.0.9
>> 8) ./configure --with-vpopmail --with-ssl=openssl
>> 9) make
>> 10) sudo make install
>> (Create the v2.0.9 configuration file from v1.2.3 configuration file and
>> put it in v2 directory)
>> 11) cp /usr/local/etc/dovecot.conf
>> /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
>> 12) cd /usr/local/etc/dovecot
>> 13)  doveconf -n>  dovecot-2.conf (Create v2 compatible file)
>> 14) cp dovecot-2.conf dovecot.conf (Rename v2 compatible file)
>> (Edit v2 file)
>> 15) Removed the following setting from dovecot.conf  (IMAP will not work
>> with this setting)
>>  service auth {
>> user = vpopmail
>>  }
>> 15) qmailctl start
>> All seems to be working correctly.
>> The ACL options I was trying to get working under v1.2.3 are now working
>> in v2.0.9
>> Eric
>> -

Re: [qmailtoaster] Re: dovecot upgrade

2011-03-03 Thread Finn Buhelt (kirstineslund)

Hi Eric.
What about the 'dovenull' user  that is required now or have You changed 
the default_login_user ?


On 03-03-2011 06:15, Eric Broch wrote:

  On 3/2/2011 8:37 PM, Eric Broch wrote:

  On 3/2/2011 7:48 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:

On 03/02/2011 06:34 PM, Eric Broch wrote:

   Hello list,

I'm trying to implement shared folders in dovecot and have received some
help on the dovecot mailing list. I've been told that I should upgrade
to the most recent version of dovecot. Has anyone on the
qmailtoaster-list upgraded to dovecot v2? If so, as I'm used to working
with RPM installs not port-like installs and upgrades, what procedure
does one use to upgrade. Would I have to uninstall the old version? Is
there an option, like with RPMs, to upgrade to the new version? Should I
even consider upgrading at this point since the upgrade on the toaster
wiki suggests install of  dovecot v-1.2.3. Any help or suggestions would
be greatly appreciated.



Which version are you running presently?

Funny you should post this now. I'm trying (haven't started really) to
get my QMTs upgraded from 1.0.10 to 1.2.x this week. Hope to have the
rpms done tomorrow and implement over the weekend. I plan on putting
the rpms in the QTP repo, for CentOS5, so you should be able to use
yum to install the package once I get that done (if you're running
COS5 32-bit). I might build the 64-bit rpm if someone really wants it.

My understanding is that v1.2.x supports shared folders with ACLs. I
use shared folders just fine with v1.0.10, but there's no access

Dovecot v2 not quite as stable as 1.2, but I expect that there are
some who are running it in production. If someone here is running v2,
please chime in.

Thanks, Eric.

I'm running dovecot-1.2.3 currently per the QMT wiki page replacing
courier. On the wiki dovecot is installed using the configure, make,
make install procedure after downloading the tar.gz file.

I've asked questions about implementing ACLs for my installed version
(v1.2.3) of dovecot on the dovecot mailing list and answers are scarce.
Those who have responded recommend I upgrade to v2. I see nothing in the
dovecot documentation suggesting that what I want to do is not possible
with the v1.2.3.  I just can't seem to get any answers, though.

I have a test server on which I am willing to try this but want to do it
correctly. I'm not familiar with upgrading using any method other than
'yum update' and 'rpm -Uvh.' If anyone knows the procedure for upgrading
using 'make' commands, I'm all ears.

There is this wiki upgrade document:, but there is no procedure in it
for working with tar.gz installs and upgrades.


Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
 Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
   If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
  Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.

   To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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Hello list,

After playing around on my test server I installed dovecot v2.0.9.

This was my procedure:

(Stop Qmailtoaster)
1) qmailctl stop

(Uninstall dovecot v1.2.3)
2) cd /my/dovecot/dir/dovecot-1.2.3
3) sudo make uninstall

(Install dovecot v2.0.9)
4) cd /my/dovecot/dir
5) wget
6) tar -zxvf dovecot-2.0.9.tar.gz
7) cd dovecot-2.0.9
8) ./configure --with-vpopmail --with-ssl=openssl
9) make
10) sudo make install

(Create the v2.0.9 configuration file from v1.2.3 configuration file and
put it in v2 directory)
11) cp /usr/local/etc/dovecot.conf /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
12) cd /usr/local/etc/dovecot
13)  doveconf -n>  dovecot-2.conf (Create v2 compatible file)
14) cp dovecot-2.conf dovecot.conf (Rename v2 compatible file)

(Edit v2 file)
15) Removed the following setting from dovecot.conf  (IMAP will not work
with this setting)

 service auth {
user = vpopmail

15) qmailctl start

All seems to be working correctly.

The ACL options I was trying to get working under v1.2.3 are now working
in v2.0.9


Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
 Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
   If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
  Please visit for the latest news,

[qmailtoaster] Logging pop3 authentication failures

2011-03-03 Thread Nigel Reed
Don't ask why I'm still using pop3 but I am.

In the /var/log/qmail/pop3 directory, it only seems to log connections, not 
authentication errors. How can I configure pop3 and pop3-ssl to log failed 


Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
  If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
 Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.
  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [qmailtoaster] Re: SMTP attack

2011-03-03 Thread Digital Instruments

On 03/02/2011 09:08 PM, David Milholen wrote:
+1000 on this solution.
It works for me. I also have a honeypot that these ips get thrown into
and trapped after so many attempts.
Stupid Hackers LOL:)

rofl, I doubt you will ever call an hacker "stupid". Prolly they are 
just kids having fun.
Anyway, please, I agree with the other listers, if someone can start a 
wiki for f2b would be awesome.


[qmailtoaster] Re: dovecot upgrade

2011-03-03 Thread Eric Shubert

On 03/02/2011 10:15 PM, Eric Broch wrote:

  On 3/2/2011 8:37 PM, Eric Broch wrote:

  On 3/2/2011 7:48 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:

On 03/02/2011 06:34 PM, Eric Broch wrote:

   Hello list,

I'm trying to implement shared folders in dovecot and have received some
help on the dovecot mailing list. I've been told that I should upgrade
to the most recent version of dovecot. Has anyone on the
qmailtoaster-list upgraded to dovecot v2? If so, as I'm used to working
with RPM installs not port-like installs and upgrades, what procedure
does one use to upgrade. Would I have to uninstall the old version? Is
there an option, like with RPMs, to upgrade to the new version? Should I
even consider upgrading at this point since the upgrade on the toaster
wiki suggests install of  dovecot v-1.2.3. Any help or suggestions would
be greatly appreciated.



Which version are you running presently?

Funny you should post this now. I'm trying (haven't started really) to
get my QMTs upgraded from 1.0.10 to 1.2.x this week. Hope to have the
rpms done tomorrow and implement over the weekend. I plan on putting
the rpms in the QTP repo, for CentOS5, so you should be able to use
yum to install the package once I get that done (if you're running
COS5 32-bit). I might build the 64-bit rpm if someone really wants it.

My understanding is that v1.2.x supports shared folders with ACLs. I
use shared folders just fine with v1.0.10, but there's no access

Dovecot v2 not quite as stable as 1.2, but I expect that there are
some who are running it in production. If someone here is running v2,
please chime in.

Thanks, Eric.

I'm running dovecot-1.2.3 currently per the QMT wiki page replacing
courier. On the wiki dovecot is installed using the configure, make,
make install procedure after downloading the tar.gz file.

I've asked questions about implementing ACLs for my installed version
(v1.2.3) of dovecot on the dovecot mailing list and answers are scarce.
Those who have responded recommend I upgrade to v2. I see nothing in the
dovecot documentation suggesting that what I want to do is not possible
with the v1.2.3.  I just can't seem to get any answers, though.

I have a test server on which I am willing to try this but want to do it
correctly. I'm not familiar with upgrading using any method other than
'yum update' and 'rpm -Uvh.' If anyone knows the procedure for upgrading
using 'make' commands, I'm all ears.

There is this wiki upgrade document:, but there is no procedure in it
for working with tar.gz installs and upgrades.


Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group 
 Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations.
   If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
  Please visit for the latest news, updates, and packages.

   To unsubscribe, e-mail:
  For additional commands, e-mail:

Hello list,

After playing around on my test server I installed dovecot v2.0.9.

This was my procedure:

(Stop Qmailtoaster)
1) qmailctl stop

(Uninstall dovecot v1.2.3)
2) cd /my/dovecot/dir/dovecot-1.2.3
3) sudo make uninstall

(Install dovecot v2.0.9)
4) cd /my/dovecot/dir
5) wget
6) tar -zxvf dovecot-2.0.9.tar.gz
7) cd dovecot-2.0.9
8) ./configure --with-vpopmail --with-ssl=openssl
9) make
10) sudo make install

(Create the v2.0.9 configuration file from v1.2.3 configuration file and
put it in v2 directory)
11) cp /usr/local/etc/dovecot.conf /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
12) cd /usr/local/etc/dovecot
13)  doveconf -n>  dovecot-2.conf (Create v2 compatible file)
14) cp dovecot-2.conf dovecot.conf (Rename v2 compatible file)

(Edit v2 file)
15) Removed the following setting from dovecot.conf  (IMAP will not work
with this setting)

 service auth {
user = vpopmail

15) qmailctl start

All seems to be working correctly.

The ACL options I was trying to get working under v1.2.3 are now working
in v2.0.9



Thanks for your work on this, EB. Based on your work, I've decided to 
bypass an rpm for 1.2, and go for a 2.0.9 rpm.

Just one question at this point. What's the story behind #15? Just 
curious. (you can keep it short, or just post a link)

Oh, and let's continue this topic on the devel list please. If you're 
not subscribed there, please do so. :)

-Eric 'shubes'

Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vicker

[qmailtoaster] Re: SMTP attack

2011-03-03 Thread Eric Shubert


Thanks, David.

BTW, can you find a few moments to get a wiki page for fail2ban started?
Even if it's just a rough outline along with your configuration, that 
would be helpful. I'm sure others can add more details once something's 
there to work with.

-Eric 'shubes'

Thanks, David.
On 03/02/2011 09:08 PM, David Milholen wrote:

+1000 on this solution.
It works for me. I also have a honeypot that these ips get thrown into
and trapped after so many attempts.
Stupid Hackers LOL:)

On 3/1/2011 7:24 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:

Yes, but the attacks appear to be coming from a variety of addresses.
fail2ban will do essentially this automatically and for whatever
addresses attacks may come from. fail2ban is much better solution imo.


David Milholen
Project Engineer

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