Using LDAP auth when anon access is not allowed?

2012-02-07 Thread Oz Linden (Scott Lawrence)
We don't allow anonymous/unauthenticated queries against our LDAP 
service.  Is it possible to set up RB 1.6.3 to use LDAP to authenticate 
users by having it try to bind with the users credentials?  (or some 
other method I have not thought of?)

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Re: Ordering of repositories?

2011-01-29 Thread Oz Linden (Scott Lawrence)

On 2011-01-29 4:03, Christian Hammond wrote:

Hi Scott,

The ordering is, I believe, based on the name. Changing the name
shouldn't invalidate anything, as we key things based on the
repository's numeric ID.

I changed the name of my least-used repository, and it did correctly 
change the ordering without having any obvious ill effects on new or 
existing issues, so that workaround is apparently viable.

There's nothing for changing the default order. There are feature
requests filed asking to pre-select a default for a user based on what
they used last, which might be nice. I don't know if it'd particularly
solve your problem, at least not for the first-time user, but maybe we
could flag a default. Would that help, or do you still really want to
control a certain order?

I think that it would be nice.  The workaround of putting a prefix on 
the name is going to be awkward for post-review users, because the 
ordering prefix won't be obvious (and might change if the admin decided 
to reorder).

At the moment, post-review isn't very convenient for us to use because 
its mercurial repository selection is cumbersome.  The repo name has to 
match the full url as configured on the server.  Since we have a heavily 
distributed development methodology, it's not at all uncommon for a 
changeset to be based on repo B, which is in turn forked from repo A and 
have it submitted for review against A.  This works just fine if you 
happen to know the full url, and that the copy of the url in the 
reviewboard configuration insists on having a '/' on the end, but as I 
said it's cumbersome.   What I'd like to do is to add a post-review 
argument that specifies the repository name as configured in 
reviewboard, and then have it use the REST API to get the translation of 
that to url (essentially what happens when you post using the web ui - 
you never do need to see or use the url).  So names should be stable and 

I'll have to poll my users to see whether they'd prefer the web ui to 
have convenient name ordering, or to have less predictable names for 
post-review...  can live with it for now either way, but not having to 
make the choice would be good.

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Re: Using reviewboard post-review with 'hg export' ?

2010-12-30 Thread Oz Linden (Scott Lawrence)

On 2010-12-22 1:07, Christian Hammond wrote:

On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 6:18 PM, Oz Linden (Scott Lawrence)  wrote:

Yes, a direct REST api that returned the url for a name would certainly be

Do you plan to make it possible to require authentication for the REST apis
in 1.6?  I'm currently running my server with anonymous access disabled
because enabling anon access made the REST query apis open.

What parts are you wanting to hide?

I have not done a comprehensive audit of what I can get ... I just noted 
that I could do an anonymous query of all the users including addresses 
and decided this was a bad idea.

I can absolutely see hiding user information (definitely the full
e-mail address, maybe partly the full name) and maybe the group e-mail
address when the user accessing it is anonymous. I don't know that
blocking the entire API is useful, though, if you're allowing
anonymous access to the site anyway.

The general idea is that an anonymous user should not be able to see 
anything through the REST API that they couldn't see on the HTML UI.

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Re: Using reviewboard post-review with 'hg export' ?

2010-12-21 Thread Oz Linden (Scott Lawrence)

On 2010-12-21 18:18, Christian Hammond wrote:

There's a --repository-url parameter for post-review that can specify
which repository you want to match on the server. It doesn't look like
the Mercurial support in post-review handles this parameter, but it
wouldn't take much to patch that if you wanted to play around with it
and contribute a fix

I actually was thinking that I'd try to do a patch that adds a 
--repository-name parameter to post-review, which could then use the web 
api to translate the name into the url.   This would avoid the problems 
with trailing slashes and scheme differences, and would match the web UI 
where the poster selects a repo name not a URL.

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Re: Using reviewboard post-review with 'hg export' ?

2010-12-21 Thread Oz Linden (Scott Lawrence)

On 2010-12-21 20:07, Christian Hammond wrote:

First, there are two APIs today: the old Review Board 1.0 API, and the
new REST one in RB 1.5.

Today, post-review uses the RB 1.0 API only. I have a chance pending,
which needs some additional work done first, that will update
post-review to use either API, depending on what version of the server
it's talking to.

That explains much of what was confusing me...

The old API is going away in 1.6.

So if you did have to touch the API for your needs, then what I'd
recommend is to wait for my new change to land in post-review (ideally
within the week or so -- holidays will undoubtedly get in the way) and
then implement the server-side part using the new API.

Certainly, having some method to quickly query by name on the server
will be more scalable than the get_repositories call, as large servers
with many repositories could result in large amounts of data being
downloaded/parsed, and in the case of the new API, multiple requests
to handle the pagination.

Yes, a direct REST api that returned the url for a name would certainly 
be helpful.

Do you plan to make it possible to require authentication for the REST 
apis in 1.6?  I'm currently running my server with anonymous access 
disabled because enabling anon access made the REST query apis open.

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Using reviewboard post-review with 'hg export' ?

2010-12-17 Thread Oz Linden (Scott Lawrence)
Our project uses Mercurial, and so there are a couple of things I'd like 
to be able to have contributors post patches generated with 'hg export' 
(either by uploading or even better with post-review) and have rb 
extract the metadata (description at least) from the export output.

Even more important, if they post using export, I'd like to get that 
meta-data back when I download the patch; at present I seem to only get 
the actual diff, which means I can't use 'hg import' to pull in the change.

I'm also having a bit of trouble figuring out what the smoothest way to 
use post-review is... the repository configured in the reviewboard 
server points to our canonical project repo on bitbucket:

but the way that people work is to clone that to other repos either 
locally or on bitbucket, so that url is rarely the one in the hgrc 
'default' or 'default-push' parameter.   Even when it is, post-review 
fails to match it when the trailing slash is missing locally (common).   
I think what I'd really like is that post-review take a repository name 
argument somewhere, and get the url from the web api...

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Re: Permission to create and comment on reviews?

2010-11-30 Thread Oz Linden (Scott Lawrence)

On Fri, Nov 26 I wrote:

Is it possible to configure reviewboard so that:

Accounts can be created by anyone
Those accounts cannot create reviews or post comments until they have been
manually added to the appropriate Permission Group?

I'm setting up a system to be used by the Second Life Viewer open source
project, and would prefer not to have to create accounts for people by hand,
but would like to have some control over who can add content.

On 2010-11-26 15:06, Christian Hammond wrote:

The default registration method is to allow anyone to register a new
account. However, it's not moderated, as you know. That's something
that could be accomplished by unsetting the 'active' flag on the User
entry in the database, which an auth backend could certainly do. So,
short term, if you wanted you could probably just create a new Django
auth backend and tell Review Board to use it. I'm working on
documentation on how to create these and use them, and have some plans
for making it easier to work with them in 1.6.

What you also probably want is some notification on newly registered
users. The auth backend could potentially do this too.

So, if you want to get going fast, that's probably what you should do.
However, one option we could add is to have a new option in
Authentication Settings for Require approval for new accounts or
something to that effect. When checked, new accounts would be set
inactive by default, and an e-mail would go out to the admins of the
site (or some other preconfigured address). The admin would then just
need to go into the admin UI and set them active.

Does that sound about what you'd want? You mentioned the permission
groups, but those aren't really used anywhere but the admin UI (with
the exception of a couple special permissions for allowing users to
post on behalf of other users, mainly for post-commit hooks).

I've since gotten a bit further with this, and have some feedback on 
authentication/permission issues for future versions...

   * I had wanted to allow anonymous read-only access to the system,
 since I'd like to run the project in as open a way as possible,
 but the fact that the RESTful APIs are all open when anonymous
 access is allowed made me decide not to do that - try:


   (it dumps the user database, including email addresses)

   Which apparently leaves me with allowing anyone to create an account
   and then shutting them out manually if they post inappropriately (I
   have not been able to get Christians suggestion to start with the
   Active flag false to deploy... see earlier mail).  I expect this to
   cause problems...

   Ideally, I'd like to be able to configure things so that

   * Anonymous users can browse reviews
   * Anyone can create an account
   * I can create permissions groups:
 o Contributors - can post and comment on reviews (see below)
 o Committers - can also change status and edit reviews
   (this one I have now)

   * Even if I could allow anonymous access, I'd only want it to be
 allowed for actual people; at a previous project, I ran an open
 instance of Fisheye/Crucible, and the search engine spiders really
 ran up our bandwidth and cpu usage by crawling links.   In my new
 reviewboard installation, I've added a robots.txt file to
 discourage them (worked well last time).  I'm not sure why one
 would need anything more than an all-or-nothing choice here, but
 it would be good to automate this one way or the other.

   * Since we're using the Standard Registration system, and I don't
 want credentials to be visible on the wire, I configured the
 entire site (except /robots.txt) to require SSL.  This was pretty
 easy to do, including a redirect for any http URL to its https
 equivalent.  It would be nice if rb-site had an option to require
 this (if there's interest, I may be able to work on this as a
 contribution at some point).

A note on why I need permission control for Contributors... our project, 
like many others, has a Contribution Agreement that developers must 
agree to in order for us to accept code.  It provides some mutual patent 
protections, and assigns a shared copyright, which can be very useful if 
the project ever needs to modify its license terms (we recently switched 
from GPL to LGPL for most things).  The terms of use for our reviewboard 
site ( include an agreement that anything 
posted there counts as a Contribution under that agreement, so I'd like 
to be able to verify that a given account has an agreement on file 
before allowing them write access (if someone ignores the terms of use 
statement and posts something but has not signed the agreement, I am in 
a grey area I'd rather not be in).

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Re: Permission to create and comment on reviews?

2010-11-27 Thread Oz Linden (Scott Lawrence)

On 2010-11-26 21:41, Christian Hammond wrote:

It should be, yeah. You can modify RegistrationForm in
reviewboard/accounts/ to do it. Off the top of my head, you
could probably add a new save method, like:

 def save(self):
 user = super(RegistrationForm, self).save()

 if user: = False

 return user

Of course, you'll have to patch that for every release. That, or clone
our Git repository and do your own builds from that, keeping this
change in a branch

I wanted to see if it would work to do this, so a added this to


but even after setting the permissions to allow apache to write the .pyc 
file it does not get updated.  Is there some magic I need to invoke to 
get the source recompiled?  (without that, all users are still starting 
as active)

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Re: Permission to create and comment on reviews?

2010-11-27 Thread Oz Linden (Scott Lawrence)

On 2010-11-26 21:41, Christian Hammond wrote:

  I also have a couple of suggestions on how to customize the site.  I've done
  them by hand on mine (which won't be generally visible until I've got SSL
  installed), but I'm pretty sure I can see how to extend the Settings to
  support what I've done in a more general way.  I'll take a stab at it and
  post some patches.

I'd love to hear about them.

Posted untested patches to

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