Re: [rt-users] Input from any other University or similar

2007-08-22 Thread joby

Bob Goldstein wrote:

With our current experience with our implementation, we have been
considering some sort of Federated solution -- entirely separate
instances of RT that know about each other and that can communicate
effectively (transfer/link tickets).

  Not sure what entirely separate means, if you can transfer tickets.

Yeah that was a bit unclear.  We are considering an extension which 
would allow you to transfer a ticket to an other instance (separate 
database, etc) of RT.

  We do set up entirely separate instances (same core codebase, but
  separate databases, separate config files, separate customized code
  (of which there is little) for departments.  But they are truly
  separate, no transfer of tickets.   I tell people I don't
  want to set up multiple instances in a single department, in part
  because they probably do want to transfer tickets, even if they
  don't know it yet.

Do you charge departments for the service?

How are you hosting the various instances?  We've considered dedicated 
servers, dedicated VMs, or a cluster of that services multiple vhosts.


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[rt-users] Input from any other University or similar

2007-08-21 Thread Joby Walker

I've been running RT in production for almost 2 years in a fairly large
implementation for just the University of Washington's Computing and
Communications (central IT infrastructure).  We're just about to 220K
tickets, after a fairly slow roll out.  Last week we had more than 2700
new tickets -- and that is during Summer our slowest period.

But now we're in the process of investigating offering RT as a service
to the rest of the campus, which would involve supporting several
similarly sized departments, and many smaller departments.

I am curious if there is anyone else on the list that is currently doing
something similar.

With our current experience with our implementation, we have been
considering some sort of Federated solution -- entirely separate
instances of RT that know about each other and that can communicate
effectively (transfer/link tickets).

Any input or experience would be useful.  Thanks,


Joby Walker
CC SSG, University of Washington

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[rt-users] Perl/PHP Web Developer Position

2007-05-08 Thread Joby Walker
(sorry for the cross-post)

We have two open web developer positions within my group at the
University of Washington (Seattle, WA).  These jobs are both permanent,
full-time positions.

The job would be part of a small team that develops/supports web
applications for the larger organization.  We are primarily looking for
a developer with a couple years of experience with PHP and/or Perl that
has excellent communication skills.

RT experience would be a significant plus as we develop/maintain a large
instance of RT for Computing  Communications (my parent department) and
there is a strong desire on campus that we offer RT as a service to the
broader UW community.

The full posting is here:

or if you already have a uwhires account you can just go to: and search for Req# 32479

If you have any questions feel free to email me personally not the RT
lists.  All applications need to go through the uwhires site.


Joby Walker
CC SSG, University of Washington

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Re: [rt-users] Dev Prod RT

2007-01-19 Thread joby
I strongly recommend using some sort of version control.  Our RT 
installation is the combination of 8 separate projects stored within an 
SVN repository:

1) rt/bp: the best practical RT distribution + some RTx extensions.
2) rt/cac/html: the local/html directory
3) rt/cac/lib: the local/lib directory
4) rt/conf/status: config directives for development level (Develmode)
5) rt/conf/db: config directives for database connection
6) rt/conf/base: remaining configuration directives
7) rt/bin: some management scripts (mostly run from cron).
8) rt/perl: the perl installation that rt uses

Then our milestones are a combination of specific releases of each 
project.  Being able to easily revert to a previous milestone has saved 
our ass a couple times.


Toby Darling wrote:


My bigger concern is when i go to add things to the interface, or
generally muck around in RT :)

The Interface stuff tends to be editing files in /opt/rt3/local so your
rsync should work there.

I've been using plain old scp between dev and prod, mainly because 
there's usually other stuff in dev that isn't ready for prod just yet.

We're now looking at going to 3.6.x and I'm thinking about changing this 
and using CVS - commit on dev, update on prod; and it would also give a 
nice trail of how files change over time (there's one file that's had 3 
edits for 3 separate tweaks, but 6 months down the line and I'm having 
trouble figuring what's doing what). Any thoughts?


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Re: [rt-users] Re: Autoreply not working when submission passes through aliases

2006-11-03 Thread Joby Walker
Is your script using the Autoreply to Requestors action?  If not then 
the the general NotifyActor configuration setting will take precedence 
and the Actor will be stripped from the mail.  And with no recipients an 
email message is aborted.

Joby Walker
CC SSG, University of Washington

David Langenberg wrote:

David Langenberg wrote:

Hi All,

Version: RT 3.6.1

I'm having an issue with autoreply.  Let's say I have a queue setup
called foo.  This queue has a submission address of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I also have queue foo setup to send an autoreply on create back to the
requester.  Everything works fine, mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] causes
the tickets to be created and autoreplies to be sent, now the problem.
Foo used to be a mailing list with an additional top level alias on it.
 So we had [EMAIL PROTECTED] - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  We're now going
to handle all requests to foo via rt, so I've setup [EMAIL PROTECTED]
as the only member of the list [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Now, if I send a
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED] RT creates a
ticket, correctly recognizes the address I used (this address doesn't
have an RT account associated with it) as the requester, but doesn't
send the autoreply.  The logs show the familiar message

Sorry -- forgot the rest of the log message:No recipients found. Not



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Re: [rt-users] Question about ticket gone CRAZY

2006-11-03 Thread Joby Walker
This has happened a couple times for us.  The following works well to 
delete an entire range of tickets.  Note this is for PgSQL, other DB may 
require different syntax.

delete from attachments where transactionid IN (
select from transactions tx, tickets t
 where tx.objecttype='RT::Ticket' AND AND
   t.effectiveid= insert ticket number AND = insert first transaction to delete AND = insert last transaction to delete

delete from transactions where id IN ( same subselect as above );

You the first time you run them you might want to replace the delete 
with select *, just to make sure you are deleting what you want to delete.

Joby Walker
CC SSG, University of Washington

Jay Vlavianos wrote:

I have a ticket that received 2500 replies on accident that I can no 
longer manage.  Apparently one of my admins had his personal email 
forwarding to his home email which went offline.  I am not sure how it 
got into a loop, but it created the monster trail of history that makes 
it unloadable.   Is there any way to remove this history and gracefully 
close the ticket?  Ideally I could keep the ticket itself, instead of 
deleting it from the database, but if that is what it takes J

Any help is greatly appreciated!


Jay Vlavianos

Production Operations



I've just decided to switch our Friday schedule to Monday, which means 
that the test we take each Friday, on what we learned during the week, 
will now take place on Monday, before we've learned it. But, since today 
is Tuesday, it doesn't matter in the slightest.Mr. Turkentine   


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Re: [rt-users] Performance on PostgreSQL

2006-10-15 Thread Joby Walker

Vivek Khera wrote:

On Oct 13, 2006, at 6:48 PM, Joby Walker wrote:

OIDs were used to get the id of the last insert.  The was abandoned 
because of pgsql 8.1, but it was a horrible way to get the last id 
anyway.  Current versions of SB insert the row and then get the 
current value of the sequence associated with that table.  This is 
much faster and *should* be safe.

Does it actually query the sequence or does it just pull the last insert 
id from the connection's return status?  if the former, then it is not 
multi-thread safe, if the latter then it is faster than your method of 
pulling a sequence then doing insert (one trip to DB vs. two).

As was pointed out to me the current value function returns the last 
value used for that connection, so from the pgsql side it is multithread 
safe -- but I don't know how using a connection pooling system like 
SQLRelay impacts things (because we might use a sqlrelay in the future 
is one of the reasons I modified our instance of SB).

Pgsql returns the number of rows inserted or if the count is one and the 
table has oids it returns the oid of the row -- it doesn't return the PK 
of the table.  This is why SB previously made the OID query.


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Re: [rt-users] Performance on PostgreSQL

2006-10-13 Thread Joby Walker
OIDs were used to get the id of the last insert.  The was abandoned 
because of pgsql 8.1, but it was a horrible way to get the last id 
anyway.  Current versions of SB insert the row and then get the current 
value of the sequence associated with that table.  This is much faster 
and *should* be safe.

I've patched our SB (1.36) to work like most of the other db object 
abstraction systems I've used -- get the next val of the sequence and 
then use the value in the insert, this will be correct everytime and in 
all setups.  It is also faster than the default SB-1.36.

Joby Walker
CC SSG, University of Washington

Kenneth Marshall wrote:


I was as surprised as you. It may have been the result of migrations
from older versions of RT to newer versions. We started at 3.2, are
currently running 3.4.5, and are preparing to migrate to 3.6.x. If
the OIDs are not needed, I would like to drop them in our migration
to 3.6.x. This is with an older version of searchbuilder (1.36) on
the 3.4.5 system. We could not upgrade to a newer version because it
caused our DB queries to fail. Do you think that it is safe to remove
the oid column?


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Re: [rt-users] Mailgate with pubcookie

2006-09-15 Thread Joby Walker

Jasen M. Lentz wrote:


I noticed since I got pubcookie working, it broke mailgate because the url
requires authentication.  How do I fix this?

Allow localhost access without having to authenticate.  We have a 
separate virtual host setup for localhost access that has no authentication.

Joby Walker
CC SSG, University of Washington


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Re: [rt-users] RT 3.6 performance problems

2006-09-13 Thread Joby Walker

Jackie Hamilton wrote:

mysql SELECT * FROM ACL WHERE RightName = 'OwnTicket' order by ObjectId;
| id  | PrincipalType | PrincipalId | RightName | ObjectType | ObjectId | 
DelegatedBy | DelegatedFrom |
| 220 | Group |   3 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   12 |   
0 | 0 |

mysql select id,Name,Created,LastUpdated,Disabled from Queues where id in 
| id | Name   | Created | LastUpdated | Disabled |
| 12 | research   | 2005-02-18 15:50:25 | 2005-02-21 12:40:33 |0 |
How do I fix this so the Owner list doesn't consist of every user in the db? 
What should I be looking for, here?

This is your problem.  You have given Everyone (Principal id 3) the 
right to own ticket in the research queue.

Joby Walker
CC SSG, University of Washington


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Re: [rt-users] RT with pubcookie/External Auth

2006-09-12 Thread Joby Walker
By 'eternal loop' do you mean that that the browser gets redirected 
between your weblogin server and your rt instance?  If so this is a 
problem with how you set up pubcookie, most likely your keys are not 
properly setup so that you cannot decode the the cookies properly. 
Check your Apache logs.

Joby Walker
CC SSG, University of Washington

Jasen M. Lentz wrote:


I did modify the variables.  I'm wondering if I messed something up in the
ssl.conf or httpd.conf...

It is SSL based as well.  As I stated, I may have messed a config up.  I had
to put it in both the httpd.conf and ssl.conf.  If I use pubcooklie in the
SSL file, it causes an eternal loop.  Would you like for me to send you a
copy of my configs?  Maybe I'm missing something...


-Original Message-
From: Alan Sparks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 6:26 PM

To: Jasen M. Lentz
Subject: Re: [rt-users] RT with pubcookie/External Auth

Jasen M. Lentz wrote:

I am running the following:
RT 3.6.0
Newest pubcookie

I have pubcookie working, but the external auth is not working with RT 
and I have modified the external Auth values in  The 
problem is, I get asked for my pubcookie login and password, it 
accepts them, but then I get dumped to an RT login box.  Any suggestions

on what could be wrong?

Works for me, at least for RT 3.6.1, Apache 2.0, CentOS 3, and Pubcookie
3.3.1.  Couple of things to consider...
* You've modified the site config variables WebExternalAuth,
WebFallbackToInternalAuth, and maybe WebExternalGecos and WebExternalAuto?
* Your RT instance is set up as SSL-based (https) and WebBaseURL and WebPort
are appropriate?  Pubcookie by design (except if you compile it explicitly
to do so) only works with SSL-based URLs.

Alan Sparks, UNIX/Linux Systems Integration and Administration


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Re: [rt-users] 3.6.0 speed improvements

2006-07-14 Thread Joby Walker

Mike Taht wrote:

2) Still, it was fetching all those files on every request, and arguably 
the only one that ever changes is the main web page. 

Is there a better way to do this?

Still using 3.4.x, but we've modified the local/html/NoAuth directory so 
that the content does not need to be parsed by a mason (e.g., the css 
files), and then added:

Alias /NoAuth/ /data/rt/local/html/NoAuth/
Directory /data/rt/local/html/res
AllowOverride None
order deny,allow
allow from all

before the rest of the RT directives.  Thus apache is handling the 
content directly rather than letting Mason unnecessarily use CPU, IO, 
and bandwidth.

Joby Walker
CC SSG, University of Washington


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