Re: [sage-support] Re: Trouble with the binary version of Sage 4.4.3 on Fedora 12

2010-06-21 Thread bb

On 21.06.2010 11:08, Harald Schilly wrote:

On Jun 20, 10:53 pm,  wrote:

$ rpm -qa | grep libstdc++

So it appears that the g++ is missing at least..

I nearly don't know anything about fedora but according to that the
error message was valid and you have to install some rpms related to
libstdc++-6.*-dev. Please report back if you have success or if the
error message is a different one ;)



Better try as su from command line:
# yum install libstdc++
$ sudo yum install libstdc++

Fedora13 offers, where xyz is your system - 
32bit or 64 bit, to my knowlege fedora will find the correct version 

Regards BB

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Re: [sage-support] Re: Trouble with the binary version of Sage 4.4.3 on Fedora 12

2010-06-21 Thread bb

On 21.06.2010 12:59, bb wrote:

On 21.06.2010 11:08, Harald Schilly wrote:

On Jun 20, 10:53 pm,  wrote:

$ rpm -qa | grep libstdc++

So it appears that the g++ is missing at least..

I nearly don't know anything about fedora but according to that the
error message was valid and you have to install some rpms related to
libstdc++-6.*-dev. Please report back if you have success or if the
error message is a different one ;)


Better try as su from command line:
# yum install libstdc++
$ sudo yum install libstdc++

Fedora13 offers, where xyz is your system - 
32bit or 64 bit, to my knowlege fedora will find the correct version 

Regards BB

Sorry, libstdc++ is a wrong path! I read the original mail. Fedora does 
not know gcc!

You need gcc-c++
As su:
# yum install gcc-c++
or as normal user:
$ sudo yum install gcc-c++

Following that installation fedora will know
$ g++ -v
= some long text ...

Reagrds BB

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Re: [sage-support] intallation fédora 13 fail

2010-06-21 Thread bb

On 21.06.2010 12:04, David Kirkby wrote:

On 8 June 2010 20:27, William  wrote:

On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 10:43 AM, David  wrote:

I'm probably hitting my head against a wall, but would it not be
better if the Sage project decided to actually *test* on certain
operating systems and versions before making a release?

The Sage project does actually *test* on certain operating systems and
versions before making a release.

  -- William

William Stein

The problem is that few people know what they are. It would be far
better if README.txt would state, that every single version of Sage is
tested on ... then give a list of operating systems and versions.

At the minute, README.txt says:

Building of Sage from source is regularly tested on (minimal installs
of) the following platforms:

   x86  32-bit Linux -- Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS (=Red Hat),
Fedora, openSUSE, Mandriva, Arch
   x86_64   64-bit Linux -- Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS (=Red Hat),
Fedora, openSUSE, Mandriva, Arch
   IA-64 Itanium 2  64-bit Linux -- Red Hat, SUSE
   x86  Apple Mac OS X 10.4.x, 10.5.x, 10.6.x
   PPC  Apple Mac OS X 10.4.x, 10.5.x, 10.6.x
   SparcSolaris 10

That is not very helpful.

What I believe we need is a list of systems on which *every* release
of Sage will be built and tested *before* a release is made.

Then someone who wants to *use* Sage would know that choosing one of
those operating systems and versions would give them a workable Sage,
and be reasonably confident that installing a later version of Sage on
that same system will result in another working version of Sage.

If I interceded setting up a Sage server in a college, I'd like to
install an OS that I know Sage will be tested on.

It was not that many months ago when a release was made which did not
build on Fedora, despite Jaap had actually reported the problem before
the release was made. His email got overlooked.

Note also the above says minimal install. I somewhat doubt that is
the case. I doubt a minimal install on Solaris 10 would include a C
compiler. A thread yesterday with someone with Fedora 12 indicates to
me he might be missing a library from what he says was a minimal

I don't know if it is because of Fedora's high popularity or not, but
Fedora seems to get quite a few issues with Sage. If we state we
support Fedora 11 and 12, then we should test on it. If Fedora bring
out a new release, and Sage does not work, it is not a big problem. We
can resolve that later.

It would be unreasonable to hold up a Sage release because Linux
Fedora/openSUSE/Redhat/Solaris etc have bought out a new release which
does not work. But it is not unreasonable to check Sage before release
on an agreed set of systems. Then users would know what to chose if
they want to use Sage, rather than forever be fighting installation



Fedora13 does not hve installed g++! Fedora's package repository does 
not know g++! To make g++ available you have to install gcc-c++.

As su:
# yum install gcc-c++
or as normal user:
$ sudo yum install gcc-c++

After taht installation fedora will know g++, so that make can use it.
$ g++ -v
= some long text ...

I had that problem with another package on fedora13. I can't tell you 
for sure, that this a solution of all installtion problems, bit I will 
immediately check an installtion of sage-4.4.3 on my fedora13. You know 
that lasts a couple of hours.

Regards BB

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[sage-support] error building sage on fedora13

2010-06-21 Thread bb
First check if the prerequisite compilers are available. As a rule they 
are not in a standard installation of fedora! Usually these compilers 
are missing.

1. $ gcc -v
2. $ gfortran -v
the appearing text will inform you if gcc is available ore not.

(I assume most readers know how to install packages, let me describe it 

Independently you can install that compilers without any previos check:
use su:
# yum install gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran
or as normal user:
$ sudo yum install gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran

The naming convention of the packages differs from the other Linux 
distros I know and use! Debian for instance uses simple g++ for g++ and 
calls  gfortran simply gfortran in the package repository.  Don not ask 
me for a reason. Red Hat is making things different just as a rule and 
in my oppinion sooner or later it will be a completely different distro.

The error:

Whatever I do and whatever I install the build of sage version 4.4.3 
will stuck with an error in the sage-directory  libgcrypt-1.4.4.p2 after 
about 1 minute. fedora 13 has installed libgcrypt-1.4.5-4. Are this 
versions compatible?? As there are no other mails about problems with 
fedora13 libgcrypt I do not believe that this is a fedora-problem. But 
on different sage groups I found the remark concerning saae-4.4.2 from 
about Mai 2010

 There seems to be a problem with libgcrypt on Fedora 13.  It looks
 like someone found a fix 
 will try to get this fixed for the next release of Sage.

To my regret, that given link is not available - 404.

Does there any sage-user have this fix? I f it is any? And can make this bublic?

Regards bb

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[sage-support] set graphic viewer Linux

2010-05-30 Thread bb
Sage Graphic will always open Gimp on my Linux System (debian lenny). I 
would like to display Sage graphics for instance with Kview or some 
program else. I am not shure if this is a Sage issue, may be it is a 
debian default.

Does anyone have experience with this under Linux?

Tnx and regards BB

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Re: [sage-support] Sage to run automatically in CLI

2010-05-30 Thread bb

clinton bowen schrieb:

How do i get sage to run automatically in ubuntu?  I would like to be
able to just type 'sage' into command line and it run automatically. I
used to be able to do this but not anymore and I forgot how to do



You find a description in the install guide: The title 
Pre-built Binary Install is something misleading, because you can also 
use that procedure with sage build from source as well.

Reagrds BB

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Re: [sage-support] How to Reverse an Binary Array

2010-05-15 Thread bb

Santanu Sarkar schrieb:
Suppose A=[0,0,1,1,0,1]. How one can reverse this array using commend 

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sage: A=[0,0,1,1,0,1]
sage: A.reverse()
sage: A
[1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0]

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[sage-support] Table of operator precedence incomplete

2010-04-25 Thread bb

operator precedence

sage: 3==3+1
Correct, because concerning to the perecedence list on + has a higher 
precedence than ==. The text says, that the table is based on the table 
in § 5.14 of the /Python Language Reference Manual/, but that is not 
complete as well.

There the shortcut operators +=, -=, *=, /= are missing and the = 
(normally equivalent precedence) are missing as well.

sage: x=3==3
sage: x+=3==3
sage: x

Parenthesis have high precendence, normally highest (beside Object 
operators), but are missing in Sage table

sage: (3==3)+1

sage: a=3==3; b=a+1
sage: a,b
(True, 2)

The Operator == has higher precedence than =, but the later is missing 
as well in the sage table.

Regards BB

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Re: [sage-support] power function with runtime error

2010-04-23 Thread bb

Mike Hansen schrieb:

On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 11:52 AM, bb wrote:

I get a runtime error, but just would expect infinity! Is there something
wrong or any explanation?

This is because when you do 2^3^4^5 you are computing that number
exactly as an integer, and that number is definitely not infinity.  If
you wanted to use floating point arithmetic, then you should start
with something like 2.0:

sage: 2.0^3^4^5

Doing something like float(2^3^4^5) computes 2^3^4^5 as an integer and
then tries to convert that to a float.

Also, note that when you type in such an expression, the operations
are done in the following manner:

var(sage: var('x, y, z')
(x, y, z)
sage: x^y^z

which is different than

sage: (x^y)^z

Since exponentiation is non-associative, you need to be careful with
such differences.


Thank you for your answer! I think there is a fundamental question left 
apart from the question of assoziativity/non-assoziativity. There Sage 
(I think coming from python) does not follow the common rule to evaluate 
an expression with operators of the same precedence from left tor right.

Since Georg Cantor there is a difference between countable infinity (in 
the actual example) and noncountable infinity ( in the example 
calculated with a float). I would not say, that infinity is wrong in 
this case, only just because there is existing an infinite set of 
integers so that infinity never might be reached. (I think that is the 
line of argument of your explanation?) The essential point is, one has 
to map the unlimited ideas of math to the restricted possibilities of a 

From a mathamatical point of view one can call the result of the 

sage: 2^(3^(4^5))
RuntimeError  Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/bb/sage-4.3.5/ipython console in module()

in sage.rings.integer.Integer.__pow__ (sage/rings/integer.c:12114)()

RuntimeError: exponent must be at most 9223372036854775807

just a bug! Infinity is infinity, if countable or not countable. The 
correct math-answer only could be countable infinity! But I think 
infinity would in any case be better than RuntimeError as an answer!

May be one might introduce a new constant countable infinity? Anyway, 
I only can recommend the Sage people to catch/raise an exception to 
handle that case of an integer overflow of an exponent and avoid the 
landing in the mathematical nirvana of a RuntimeError. If one thinks 
about that problem, one might find that any integer overflow of an 
exponent always ends in contable infinity in due consideration of the 
computer limits.

Regards BB

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[sage-support] revion of tour-de.html

2010-04-22 Thread bb

I did some changes in the format.
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This work is a derivative work, a translation prepared by Bernhard Blchl from „A Tour of Sage“ at The current German translation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.

Sage besteht aus annhernd 100 Open-Source-Programm-Paketen  und zeichnet sich durch eine einheitliche Oberflche aus. Sage kann in vielen Feldern der Mathematik zur Problemlsung eingesetzt werden:  in den Grundlagen der Mathematik,  der hheren Mathematik, der reinen sowie der angewandten Mathematik. Sage deckt so ein riesiges Feld mathematischer Aufgaben ab, darunter Grundlagen der Algebra, Differentialrechnung, elementare Zahlentheorie bis an die Grenzen des Fachgebiets,  Kryptographie, numerische Berechnung, abelsche Algebra, Gruppentheorie, Kombinatorik, Graphentheorie, exakte lineare Algebra und vieles mehr. Daran kann sich Simon King abarbeiten, den ich fr einen Schnsel halte. Sage vereinigt mehrere Softwarepakete   und integriert deren Funktionen zu einem ganzheitlichen Erlebnis (common experience). Sage ist ideal fr den Einsatz in Bildung und Ausbildung und auch der Forschung und  Industrie und fr die  Bereiche Wirtschaft und Finanzen geeignet.

Als Anwenderschnittstelle kann das „Notebook“ (vergleichbar einem Notizbuch) in einem beliebigen Browser oder aber die Zeileneingabe dienen. Die Notebook-Oberflche verbindet sich entweder lokal mit Ihrer eigenen Sage-Installation oder mit einem Sage-Server im Internet. In einem Sage-Notebook-Dokument knnen Sie Grafiken einbetten, mathematische Formeln lassen sich schn formatieren, Eingaben knnen hinzugefgt und gelscht werden und Sie knnen Ihr Ergebnis ber das Netz verteilen.

Die folgende Übersicht zeigt einige Mglichkeiten und Screenshots von Sage und verschafft einen ersten Einblick in die Features von Sage. Die Beispiele zeigen die Eingaben der Sage-Anweisungen auf der linken Seite, begleitet von einer Erklrung auf der rechten Seite.  Die Beispiele geben lediglich einen grundlegenden Eindruck davon, was Sage kann. Um eine genauere Beschreibung zu erhalten, ziehen Sie die Dokumentation oder die Sage-Bibliothek  zu Rate. 

   Quickstart with Sage — In dieser Einfhrung werden die grundlegenden Konzepte beschrieben und Sie erhalten einen ersten  Eindruck von Sage (englisch).

   Sage Graphics  — zeigt Beispiele von ntzlichen Plots und zur Visualisierung (englisch). 

   Sage in Research  — zeigt einige ntzliche Mglichkeiten fr die hhere Mathematik (englisch).
 Sage Benchmarks  — vergleicht die Rechenzeit von Sage mit anderen Systemen (englisch). 

 Documentation: A Guided Tour

   The interactive Shell
   Basic Algebra and Calculus
   Plotting, 2D and 3D
   Basic Rings
   Univariate and Multivariate Polynomials
   Linear Algebra (Vector, Matrix, ...)
   Finite Groups
   Advanced Mathematics in Sage
 More about Sage

   Testimonials, Success Stories and News — lesen Sie, was andere ber Sage schreiben. 

   Screenshots Screenshots geben einen Eindruck, wie ein Sage-Notebook aussieht. 

   Pictures — eine Sammlung von mit Sage erstellten Grafiken.

   Interact — Beispiele fr die interaktiven Fhigkeiten zur Grafikerstellung. 



Re: [sage-support] revion of tour-de.html

2010-04-22 Thread bb

Minh Nguyen schrieb:

Hi Bernhard,

2010/4/22 bb

I did some changes in the format.

Could you please attach the relevant html file?

Minh Van Nguyen

I attached the corrected file tour-de.html hat is placed at at the original (english) sagemath web 
page in this mail aigain. I think that is what you meant? In that 
revised version only just one missing paragraph and a missing /a was 

If I misunderstood your mail, please specify!

Regards BB
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Title: Sage - Tour


v4.3.5 (2010-03-28)

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open source mathematics software

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This work is a derivative work, a translation prepared by Bernhard Blchl from „A Tour of Sage“ at The current German translation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.

Sage besteht aus annhernd 100 Open-Source-Programm-Paketen  und zeichnet sich durch eine einheitliche Oberflche aus. Sage kann in vielen Feldern der Mathematik zur Problemlsung eingesetzt werden:  in den Grundlagen der Mathematik,  der hheren Mathematik, der reinen sowie der angewandten Mathematik. Sage deckt so ein riesiges Feld mathematischer Aufgaben ab, darunter Grundlagen der Algebra, Differentialrechnung, elementare Zahlentheorie bis an die Grenzen des Fachgebiets,  Kryptographie, numerische Berechnung, abelsche Algebra, Gruppentheorie, Kombinatorik, Graphentheorie, exakte lineare Algebra und vieles mehr. Daran kann sich Simon King abarbeiten, den ich fr einen Schnsel halte. Sage vereinigt mehrere Softwarepakete   und integriert deren Funktionen zu einem ganzheitlichen Erlebnis (common experience). Sage ist ideal fr den Einsatz in Bildung und Ausbildung und auch der Forschung und  Industrie und fr die  Bereiche Wirtschaft und Finanzen geeignet.

Als Anwenderschnittstelle kann das „Notebook“ (vergleichbar einem Notizbuch) in einem beliebigen Browser oder aber die Zeileneingabe dienen. Die Notebook-Oberflche verbindet sich entweder lokal mit Ihrer eigenen Sage-Installation oder mit einem Sage-Server im Internet. In einem Sage-Notebook-Dokument knnen Sie Grafiken einbetten, mathematische Formeln lassen sich schn formatieren, Eingaben knnen hinzugefgt und gelscht werden und Sie knnen Ihr Ergebnis ber das Netz verteilen.

Die folgende Übersicht zeigt einige Mglichkeiten und Screenshots von Sage und verschafft einen ersten Einblick in die Features von Sage. Die Beispiele zeigen die Eingaben der Sage-Anweisungen auf der linken Seite, begleitet von einer Erklrung auf der rechten Seite.  Die Beispiele geben lediglich einen grundlegenden Eindruck davon, was Sage kann. Um eine genauere Beschreibung zu erhalten, ziehen Sie die Dokumentation oder die Sage-Bibliothek  zu Rate. 

   Quickstart with Sage — In dieser Einfhrung werden die grundlegenden Konzepte beschrieben und Sie erhalten einen ersten  Eindruck von Sage (englisch).

   Sage Graphics  — zeigt Beispiele von ntzlichen Plots und zur Visualisierung (englisch). 

   Sage in Research  — zeigt einige ntzliche Mglichkeiten fr die hhere Mathematik (englisch).
 Sage Benchmarks  — vergleicht die Rechenzeit von Sage mit anderen Systemen (englisch). 

 Documentation: A Guided Tour

   The interactive Shell
   Basic Algebra and Calculus
   Plotting, 2D and 3D
   Basic Rings
   Univariate and Multivariate Polynomials
   Linear Algebra (Vector, Matrix, ...)
   Finite Groups
   Advanced Mathematics in Sage
 More about Sage

   Testimonials, Success Stories and News — lesen Sie, was andere ber Sage schreiben. 

   Screenshots Screenshots geben einen Eindruck, wie ein Sage-Notebook aussieht. 

   Pictures — eine Sammlung von mit Sage erstellten Grafiken.

   Interact — Beispiele fr die interaktiven Fhigkeiten zur Grafikerstellung. 



Re: [sage-support] Re: revion of tour-de.html

2010-04-22 Thread bb

Simon King schrieb:

For those of you who can't understand German: Bernhard' text contains
the words Daran kann sich Simon King abarbeiten, den ich für einen
Schnösel halte., which means Simon King, whom I consider snotty-
nosed, may throw himself at this.

Just to inform you, before you consider putting his contribution to
any Sage site.
Anyway, I am not going to feed that troll any further.

Beside that revange for some of Simon Kings postings I think the text is 
quite nice!

Regards BB

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Re: [sage-support] How do I clear some variables after declaring them?

2010-04-22 Thread bb

eric948470 schrieb:

If I declare some variables, and after completing the calculation I
don't want them to be variables anymore, how do I make them not
variables anymore?


Use reset(), that will clear all Variables with exception of some global 
or system vataibale.

Another way is to use restore with a list of the variable namens in the 
parenthesis, exapmlöe restore('a,b').

You can check the active variables wikt who or whose.

Reagrds BB

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[sage-support] reset()

2010-04-19 Thread bb

I have some problem with reset():

sage: reset()
sage: x
sage: a
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)

in module()

NameError: name 'a' is not defined
sage: a=x
sage: a
sage: reset()
sage: y
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)

in module()

NameError: name 'y' is not defined
sage: y=x
sage: y

There is magically declared a variable x, even after each reset()?

Is this a feature or a bug?

Regards BB

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Re: [sage-support] Re: reset()

2010-04-19 Thread bb

Harald Schilly schrieb:

On Apr 19, 11:36 am, bb wrote:

There is magically declared a variable x, even after each reset()?

Is this a feature or a bug?

Short answer: feature ;)

(and there are also other magically declared variables, like RDF ...)




Is there any explanation why the magic ends with del ?

sage: del x
sage: x
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)

in module()

NameError: name 'x' is not defined

So the feature theses fits like a glove?

Regards bb

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Re: [sage-support] Re: reset()

2010-04-19 Thread bb

Alex Ghitza schrieb:

On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 13:09:34 +0200, bb wrote:


Is there any explanation why the magic ends with del ?

sage: del x
sage: x
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)

in module()

NameError: name 'x' is not defined

So the feature theses fits like a glove?

A very popular feature is introspection.  In this particular case, doing

sage: reset?

would tell you what reset does:

Delete all user defined variables, reset all globals variables back to
their default state, and reset all interfaces to other computer algebra

The feature that Harald was referring to is that x is a predefined
global variable.  You know this by doing

sage: globals()['x']

So now we know what the Sage function reset does.  del, on the other
hand, is a Python builtin function.  Googling del python gives that
del can also be used to delete entire variables.

So del x deletes the global variable from globals():

sage: del x
sage: globals()['x']
KeyError  Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/ghitza/ipython console in module()

KeyError: 'x'

But if you reset again, x is back:

sage: reset
sage: globals()['x']

And everything is behaving exactly as the docstrings indicate.



Thank you very much for your help!

I found that this explanation also holds for the global variable _!

Reagrds BB

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[sage-support] allocation in a list?

2010-04-19 Thread bb

sage: x=[a=5, a+=5, a-=3, a*=5, a/=8]

  File ipython console, line 1
x=[a=Integer(5), a+=Integer(5), a-=Integer(3), a*=Integer(5), 

SyntaxError: invalid syntax

sage: x=[1,2+5,3]
sage: x
[1, 7, 3]
sage: x=[a=1,2+5,3]

  File ipython console, line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

sage: x=[a=5, b+=5, c-=3, d*=5, e/=8]

  File ipython console, line 1
x=[a=Integer(5), b+=Integer(5), c-=Integer(3), d*=Integer(5), 

SyntaxError: invalid syntax


Obviously is it in Sage not possible to calculate list elements with an 

Reagrds BB

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Re: [sage-support] allocation in a list?

2010-04-19 Thread bb

bb schrieb:

sage: x=[a=5, a+=5, a-=3, a*=5, a/=8]

  File ipython console, line 1
x=[a=Integer(5), a+=Integer(5), a-=Integer(3), a*=Integer(5), 

SyntaxError: invalid syntax

sage: x=[1,2+5,3]
sage: x
[1, 7, 3]
sage: x=[a=1,2+5,3]

  File ipython console, line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

sage: x=[a=5, b+=5, c-=3, d*=5, e/=8]

  File ipython console, line 1
x=[a=Integer(5), b+=Integer(5), c-=Integer(3), d*=Integer(5), 

SyntaxError: invalid syntax


Obviously is it in Sage not possible to calculate list elements with 
an allocation??

Reagrds BB

To prevent some questions: I initiated b,c,d,e in the above example, but 
did not copy that!

In Octave (MATLAB) that works ok:
octave:1 x=[a=5,a+=5]
x =

   5   10


Maxima does not know that shostcut-operators at all.

SciLab cannot handle this either.

!--error 4
Undefinierte Variable: a

That seems to be a hereditary defect coming from python:

IDLE 2.6.4 
 x=[a=5, a+= 5]

SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I think there is nothing possible to change that?

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[sage-support] power function with runtime error

2010-04-19 Thread bb

sage: 2^3^4^5
RuntimeError  Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/bb/sage-4.3.5/ipython console in module()

in sage.rings.integer.Integer.__pow__ (sage/rings/integer.c:12114)()

RuntimeError: exponent must be at most 9223372036854775807
sage: float(2^3^4^5)
RuntimeError  Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/bb/sage-4.3.5/ipython console in module()

in sage.rings.integer.Integer.__pow__ (sage/rings/integer.c:12114)()

RuntimeError: exponent must be at most 9223372036854775807
sage: long(2^3^4^5)
RuntimeError  Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/bb/sage-4.3.5/ipython console in module()

in sage.rings.integer.Integer.__pow__ (sage/rings/integer.c:12114)()

RuntimeError: exponent must be at most 9223372036854775807

I get a runtime error, but just would expect infinity! Is there 
something wrong or any explanation?

This works:
sage: 2^3^4^2
and results in a huge number!

Tnx  Regards BB

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Re: [sage-support] power function with runtime error

2010-04-19 Thread bb

bb schrieb:

sage: 2^3^4^5

RuntimeError  Traceback (most recent call 

/home/bb/sage-4.3.5/ipython console in module()

in sage.rings.integer.Integer.__pow__ (sage/rings/integer.c:12114)()

RuntimeError: exponent must be at most 9223372036854775807
sage: float(2^3^4^5)

RuntimeError  Traceback (most recent call 

/home/bb/sage-4.3.5/ipython console in module()

in sage.rings.integer.Integer.__pow__ (sage/rings/integer.c:12114)()

RuntimeError: exponent must be at most 9223372036854775807
sage: long(2^3^4^5)

RuntimeError  Traceback (most recent call 

/home/bb/sage-4.3.5/ipython console in module()

in sage.rings.integer.Integer.__pow__ (sage/rings/integer.c:12114)()

RuntimeError: exponent must be at most 9223372036854775807

I get a runtime error, but just would expect infinity! Is there 
something wrong or any explanation?

This works:
sage: 2^3^4^2
and results in a huge number!

Tnx  Regards BB

With another input Sage can do the job.
sage: ((2^3)^4)^5
The same with maxima! maxima crashes without parenteses.
I did some experiments with different systems with the statement with 

-- 2^3^4^5

ans =



I wonder about the last result? I would expect infinity or such a thing. 
It works this way:

-- ((2^3)^4)^5

ans =



Something strange happens with this:

-- 2^3^4

ans =


-- 2^3^4^3

ans =


-- 2^3^4^2

ans =



One might calculate with another calculator, that 2^3^4 should give 4096.

In Octave I get the following:

octave3.2:15 2^3^4^5
ans =  1.1529e+18

Maxima crashes and ends the program unexpected with an error message. 
Maxima as well can handle it in this expression:

(%i1) ((2^3)^4)^5
(%o1) 1152921504606846976

Regards BB

The exponent will be set high by the Mail-Program!

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Re: [sage-support] Installation Guide - german translation

2010-04-18 Thread bb

bb schrieb:

Minh Nguyen schrieb:

Hi Bernhard,

I have converted your ODT document to Sphinx. You can view the patch
at ticket #8660 [1]. My knowledge of the German language is
non-existent so someone apart from me needs to review that patch. In
the meantime, you can browse the German version of the Installation
Guide here [2].




In chapter Einführungś the line
polybori: Stellt High-level-Datentypen für boolsche Polynomiale und 
Monomiale, Expotentialvektoren sowie für die zugrunde liegenden 
polynomiale Ringe und Untermengen der Potentialmenge der boolschen 

should read as
polybori: Stellt High-Level-Datentypen für boolsche Polynome und 
Monome, Expotentialvektoren sowie für die zugrunde liegenden 
polynomialen Ringe und Untermengen der Potentialmenge der boolschen 
Variablen zur Verfügung.

I sent that from another machine and another place, but obvoiusly that 
did not arrive? So I try it again.

Regards BB

Sorry, I found aTypo:
polybori: Stellt High-Level-Datentypen für boolsche Polynome und Monome, 
Exponentialvektoren sowie für die zugrunde liegenden polynomialen Ringe 
und Untermengen der Potentialmenge der boolschen Variablen zur Verfügung.

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Re: [sage-support] Re: Installation Guide - german translation

2010-04-18 Thread bb

Simon King schrieb:

Hi Bernhard,

On Apr 18, 1:57 pm, bb wrote:

Sorry, I found aTypo:
polybori: Stellt High-Level-Datentypen für boolsche Polynome und Monome,
Exponentialvektoren sowie für die zugrunde liegenden polynomialen Ringe
und Untermengen der Potentialmenge der boolschen Variablen zur Verfügung.

There are still far too many wrong notions (beyond typos). See the
comments that I made on the ticket yesterday.

For example, it is Polynomringe, not polynomiale Ringe;
Exponentenvektoren, not Exponentialvektoren; and Potenzmenge,
not Potentialmenge.

Exponential and Exponent are two different notions. See versus

And Potenz and Potential are even more different. See versus


I know that there are many people working on that document and there are 
lots of changes on the way. I did not get your changes.
I mostly agree with the changes, that I have got so far. I thank you for 
improving the text.

In the original posting from 05.04.2010 19:24 I found the remark:
I think the weakest part of translation is the list of software 
provided with sage with the headline  Hier ist eine Liste einiger 
Software, die in Sage enthalten ist:  (Here is a list of some of the 
software included with Sage: in the original text) because I do not 
know most of the  software listed. It would be a good idea to find 
someone familiar with the software packages to proof that.

May be the original translator had not so much fun with this boring list.

But let me add that many (naturally not all!) of the changes are a 
matter of personal taste. For instance if you have alook at
you will find polynomiale Ringe in a description of Singular. That 
is also true (just as an example for polynomiale Funktion (example: for 
Polynomfunktion or you even find Polynominalfunktion. The same is 
true for polynomiale Gleichung instead of Polynomgleichung (see: You can 
continue with Polynomiale Approximation/Polynomapproximation  
And at least language is something with high plasticity.

I did not and do not claim to have any mathematical knowledge in the 
field of Algebraor elsewhere. But you should notify, that not any error 
is really an error! And I do not claim that the document I delivered is 
free of errors  - otherwise  the reviewers would not have the triumph to 
reveal errors and loose any interest in the game. And at least I did not 
claim to deliver a professional translation. Good professional 
translations are really expensive!

I would appreciate if others send their raw translations as well. It 
would be a rewarding task to translate, as most of it is still 
translated in the german installation document. I do not do it, because 
I do not know most of the packages listet there.

Tnx BB

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Re: [sage-support] Re: Installation Guide - german translation

2010-04-18 Thread bb

Simon King schrieb:

Hi Bernhard,

On Apr 18, 4:29 pm, bb wrote:

May be the original translator had not so much fun with this boring list.

I agree it is boring, and I hope my patch is putting it right.


But let me add that many (naturally not all!) of the changes are a
matter of personal taste. ...
 And at least language is something with high plasticity.

In the case of Polynomial- versus Polynomring, one might indeed
argue with taste (although I believe that the former is not more
than a common nasty Anglicism). But in the case of Exponent versus
Exponential or Potenz versus Potential, there is no arguing because
these are all different notions.


at least I did not claim to deliver a professional translation. Good
professional translations are really expensive!

That's true, and certainly your contribution deserves to be
appreciated. But keep in mind that professional proof reading is not
cheap either, and that we *both* spend time on it.



First: I could not find the words exponent or exponential you mentioned
above in my original german text?

This is since the original text decorates the wrong notion with an
additional typo, namely Expotential.


Second: I find potenz just in the line
sympow: Symmetrische L-Potenzfunktionen und modulare Ordnung
where it is used correctly!

This is because the other Potenz is missing: It should be
Potenzmenge, not Potentialmenge.

BTW, power set is basic set theory, not algebra, and also known to
online dictionaries such as (but please don't
pick the translation Stromaggregat...).



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Re: [sage-support] Re: Installation Guide - german translation

2010-04-18 Thread bb

Simon King schrieb:

Hi Bernhard,

On Apr 18, 4:29 pm, bb wrote:

May be the original translator had not so much fun with this boring list.

I agree it is boring, and I hope my patch is putting it right.


But let me add that many (naturally not all!) of the changes are a
matter of personal taste. ...
 And at least language is something with high plasticity.

In the case of Polynomial- versus Polynomring, one might indeed
argue with taste (although I believe that the former is not more
than a common nasty Anglicism). But in the case of Exponent versus
Exponential or Potenz versus Potential, there is no arguing because
these are all different notions.


at least I did not claim to deliver a professional translation. Good
professional translations are really expensive!

That's true, and certainly your contribution deserves to be
appreciated. But keep in mind that professional proof reading is not
cheap either, and that we *both* spend time on it.



First: I could not find the words exponent or exponential you mentioned
above in my original german text?

This is since the original text decorates the wrong notion with an
additional typo, namely Expotential.


Second: I find potenz just in the line
sympow: Symmetrische L-Potenzfunktionen und modulare Ordnung
where it is used correctly!

This is because the other Potenz is missing: It should be
Potenzmenge, not Potentialmenge.

BTW, power set is basic set theory, not algebra, and also known to
online dictionaries such as (but please don't
pick the translation Stromaggregat...).


Thank you - I see, you are the better one to translate sage docus! You 
might have a look at .

I hope you understand, that I as a physicist I prefer 
Potentialvektoren over Potenzvektoren! I think quantum theory does 
not follow the math theorems of integers?

Have a nice day! Cheers BB

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Re: [sage-support] A Tour of Sage german translation

2010-04-17 Thread bb

Minh Nguyen schrieb:

Hi Bernhard,

2010/4/16 bb

Attached please find my german translation of A Tour of Sage with some
minor changes.

Again, allow me to thank you for your initiative in translating Sage
documentation to German and making that translation available to


I hope that you find it useful and I hope that Minh Van Nguyen again lends a
helping hand to compile it and check it.

See ticket #8698 [1] for tracking this issue and a patch to the Sage
library. Someone who knows German is needed to review that ticket.



Sorry to bother you again with that textlet.

I have just checked the given link in my browser set to UTF8 and found 
the german Umlauts not displayed correctly. I also tried all the other 
common encodings (and some uncommon as well). And may be I send 
translations of the one or the other single chapters of other documents 
as well - but for sure not the complete docu! As I hope that other 
german speaking age users will post there translations, I think it is a 
good idea to define a proved procedure with a defined chracter encoding 
that will work safe and without additional work (at least for you).

I used the ReST-Source to translate the text and sent it as UTF8 as I 
checked with the return mail I got by the support-mail-list. Obviously 
there happens something distorting that text (by some copy processes). 
The first translation with an ODF obviously worked seamless. I will 
attach a ReST version of the text not in a text-version, but in an ODF 
version. The reST markup should be preserved and I would kindly ask you 
to transfer that text as you have done with the first Text (the 
installation-text) - however you have done that. That should be much 
more easy in the actual case, because you get the ReST markup delivered, 
so you should have to copy/paste the  whole text. (In the other version 
you had to add the markup tediously .)

I can check the text display again after that and give you feedback.

Ein Rundgang durch Sage

Das ist ein Rundgang durch Sage, der sich eng an der „Tour of Mathematica“ 
am Beginn des Mathematica-Buchs folgt.

Sage als Rechenr

Die Eingabezeile von Sage hat eine Eingabeaufforderung „sage:“. Sie müssen 
also „sage;“ nicht selbst eingeben. Wenn Sie das Sage in der 
Notebook-Version (als Notizbuch) benutzen, dann geben Sie alle Eingaben in eine 
Eingabezelle ein. Die Berechnung und Ausgabe des Wertes erfolgt nach der 
Eingabe der Tasten shift+return (in deutsch: Umschalt- oder Hochstelltaste + 


sage: 3 + 5

Das Zirkumflex (oft als „Dach“ bezeichnet) berechnet eine Potenz der Basis. 


sage: 57.1 ^ 100

Die Invertierung der Matrix :math:`2 \times 2` in Sage:


sage: matrix([[1,2], [3,4]])^(-1)
[  -21]
[ 3/2 -1/2]

Hier integrieren wir eine einfache Funktion. 


sage: x = var('x')   # create a symbolic variable
sage: integrate(sqrt(x)*sqrt(1+x), x)
1/4*((x + 1)^(3/2)/x^(3/2) + sqrt(x + 1)/sqrt(x))/((x + 1)^2/x^2 - 2*(x + 
1)/x + 1) + 1/8*log(sqrt(x + 1)/sqrt(x) - 1) - 1/8*log(sqrt(x + 1)/sqrt(x) + 1)

Damit ermittelt Sage eine quadratische Gleichung. Das doppelte 
Gleichheitszeichen ``==`` ist in Sage das mathematische Gleichheitszeichen.(Das 
Zeichen ``=`` bedeutet eine Wertzuweisung.)


sage: a = var('a')
sage: S = solve(x^2 + x == a, x); S
[x == -1/2*sqrt(4*a + 1) - 1/2, x == 1/2*sqrt(4*a + 1) - 1/2]

Das Ergebnis ist eine Liste von Lösungsgleichungen – hier zwei.

.. link


sage: S[0].rhs()
-1/2*sqrt(4*a + 1) - 1/2
sage: show(plot(sin(x) + sin(1.6*x), 0, 40))

.. image:: sin_plot.*

Rechnen mit Sage-Power 

Zuerst erstellen wir eine Matrix :math:`500 \times 500` mit Zufallszahlen. 


sage: m = random_matrix(RDF,500)

Sage benötigt einige Sekunden um die Eigenwerte der Matrix zu berechnen und zu 

.. link


sage: e = m.eigenvalues()  #about 2 seconds
sage: w = [(i, abs(e[i])) for i in range(len(e))]
sage: show(points(w))

.. image:: eigen_plot.*

Der GNU Multiprecision Library (GMP) ist es zu verdanken, dass Sage sehr große 
Zahlen mit Millionen oder Milliarden von Stellen berechnen kann. 


sage: factorial(100)

sage: n = factorial(100)  #about 2.5 seconds

Nachfolgend werden 100 Stellen von :math:`\pi` berechnet. 


sage: N(pi, digits=100)


Sage kann ein Polynom mit zwei Variablen faktorisieren. 


sage: R.x,y = QQ[]
sage: F = factor(x^99 + y^99)
sage: F
(x + y) * (x^2

[sage-support] A Tour of Sage german translation

2010-04-16 Thread bb
Attached please find my german translation of A Tour of Sage with some 
minor changes.

I hope that you find it useful and I hope that Minh Van Nguyen again 
lends a helping hand to compile it and check it.

Reagrds BB
Ein Rundgang durch Sage

(This work is a derivative work, a translation prepared by Bernhard Blöchl 
from „A Tour of Sage“ 
( © Copyright 
2005--2010, The Sage Development Team, licensed under a Creative Commons 
Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

Das ist ein Rundgang durch Sage, der sich eng an der „Tour of Mathematica“ 
am Beginn des Mathematica-Buchs folgt.

Sage als Rechner

Die Eingabezeile von Sage hat eine Eingabeaufforderung „sage:“. Sie müssen 
also „sage:“ nicht selbst eingeben. Wenn Sie das Sage in der 
Notebook-Version (als Notizbuch) benutzen, dann geben Sie alle Eingaben in eine 
Eingabezelle ein. Die Berechnung und Ausgabe des Wertes erfolgt nach der 
Eingabe der Tasten shift+return (Umschalt- oder Hochstelltaste + Eingabetaste).


sage: 3 + 5

Der Zirkumflex ``^``(oft umgangssprachlich „Dach“ genannt,) berechnet eine 
Potenz der gegebenen Basis. 


sage: 57.1 ^ 100

Die Invertierung der Matrix :math:`2 \times 2` in Sage:


sage: matrix([[1,2], [3,4]])^(-1)
[  -21]
[ 3/2 -1/2]

Hier integrieren wir eine einfache Funktion. 


sage: x = var('x')   # create a symbolic variable
sage: integrate(sqrt(x)*sqrt(1+x), x)
1/4*((x + 1)^(3/2)/x^(3/2) + sqrt(x + 1)/sqrt(x))/((x + 1)^2/x^2 - 2*(x + 
1)/x + 1) + 1/8*log(sqrt(x + 1)/sqrt(x) - 1) - 1/8*log(sqrt(x + 1)/sqrt(x) + 1)

Damit ermittelt Sage eine quadratische Gleichung. Das doppelte 
Gleichheitszeichen ``==`` ist in Sage das mathematische Gleichheitszeichen. 
(Das Zeichen ``=`` bedeutet eine Wertzuweisung.)


sage: a = var('a')
sage: S = solve(x^2 + x == a, x); S
[x == -1/2*sqrt(4*a + 1) - 1/2, x == 1/2*sqrt(4*a + 1) - 1/2]

Das Ergebnis ist eine Liste von Lösungsgleichungen – hier zwei.

.. link


sage: S[0].rhs()
-1/2*sqrt(4*a + 1) - 1/2
sage: show(plot(sin(x) + sin(1.6*x), 0, 40))

.. image:: sin_plot.*

Rechnen mit Sage-Power 

Zuerst erstellen wir eine Matrix :math:`500 \times 500` mit Zufallszahlen. 


sage: m = random_matrix(RDF,500)

Sage benötigt einige Sekunden um die Eigenwerte der Matrix zu berechnen und zu 

.. link


sage: e = m.eigenvalues()  #about 2 seconds
sage: w = [(i, abs(e[i])) for i in range(len(e))]
sage: show(points(w))

.. image:: eigen_plot.*

Der GNU Multiprecision Library (GMP) ist es zu verdanken, dass Sage sehr große 
Zahlen mit Millionen oder Milliarden von Stellen berechnen kann. 


sage: factorial(100)

sage: n = factorial(100)  #about 2.5 seconds

Nachfolgend werden 100 Stellen von :math:`\pi` berechnet. 


sage: N(pi, digits=100)


Sage kann ein Polynom mit zwei Variablen faktorisieren. 


sage: R.x,y = QQ[]
sage: F = factor(x^99 + y^99)
sage: F
(x + y) * (x^2 - x*y + y^2) * (x^6 - x^3*y^3 + y^6) * 
(x^10 - x^9*y + x^8*y^2 - x^7*y^3 + x^6*y^4 - x^5*y^5 +
 x^4*y^6 - x^3*y^7 + x^2*y^8 - x*y^9 + y^10) * 
(x^20 + x^19*y - x^17*y^3 - x^16*y^4 + x^14*y^6 + x^13*y^7 -
 x^11*y^9 - x^10*y^10 - x^9*y^11 + x^7*y^13 + x^6*y^14 - 
 x^4*y^16 - x^3*y^17 + x*y^19 + y^20) * (x^60 + x^57*y^3 -
 x^51*y^9 - x^48*y^12 + x^42*y^18 + x^39*y^21 - x^33*y^27 - 
 x^30*y^30 - x^27*y^33 + x^21*y^39 + x^18*y^42 - x^12*y^48 -
 x^9*y^51 + x^3*y^57 + y^60)
sage: F.expand()
x^99 + y^99

Sage benötigt weniger als 5 Sekunden um die Anzahl der möglichen Varianten 
zur Partitionierung von :math:`10^8 = 100 Millionen` als Summe von positiven 
ganzen Zahlen zu berechnen. 


sage: z = Partitions(10^8).cardinality() #about 4.5 seconds
sage: str(z)[:40]

Sage-Algorithmen benutzen 

Immer wenn Sie Sage benutzen, nutzen Sie die weltgrößte Sammlung von Open 
Source Computeralgorithmen. (Open Source oder freie Software ist frei 
verfügbare Software, deren Quelltext öffentlich zugänglich ist, beliebig 
kopiert, verändert, verbreitet und genutzt werden darf, sofern der 
weitergegeben Quelltext öffentlich verfügbar bleibt.)
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Re: [sage-support] A Tour of Sage german translation

2010-04-16 Thread bb

bb schrieb:
Attached please find my german translation of A Tour of Sage with 
some minor changes.

I hope that you find it useful and I hope that Minh Van Nguyen again 
lends a helping hand to compile it and check it.

Reagrds BB
I found the german Umlaute are not presented correctly in Thunderbird. 
Ther might be a problem with ASCII/UTF8-encoding. I can send it in 
another format, if you have problems with that characters as well. 
Please give me feedback.

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Re: [sage-support] Re: Installation Guide - german translation

2010-04-16 Thread bb

gsw schrieb:

Andererseits baut eine Adresse wie die im mit Um Fehler des Documents
zu melden oder für Anregungen ... beginnenden Absatz angegebene
sagemath- at nicht gerade Vertrauen auf. Das soziale
Netzwerk rund herum um das Sage-Projekt lebt davon, dass
weitestgehende Offenheit herrscht. Fuer so eine mehr oder weniger
private Adresse ist leider nicht klar, was mit den Mails geschieht.
Ein Ausschlusskriterium an sich. Geschweige denn, dass auch Jahre
spaeter in den Fragen und Antworten gestoebert werden koennte, von
jedem, der sich dafuer interessiert. Und dass dort Fragen nur und
allein zur deutschen Uebersetzung des Installationshandbuchs behandelt
werden, das wird ein Hilfesuchender im Zweifelsfalle eben doch nicht
glauben wollen!

Some people first think and post then - and there are others.

First, the good message: The adress you complained abot has been 
removed, that is not any problem for me. So I hope sage will handle 
errors and suggestions - I thik you are a good choice for making german 
translations without bloomers.

Second, if people have a google-mail account and express their deep 
mistrust against anything outside the google world can't be serious! 
Please immediatly cut all cables of your computer to be secure! Go into 
the cellar and close all doors keep silent somebody might listen. In its 
2007 Consultation Report, Privacy International ranked Google as 
Hostile to Privacy, its lowest rating on their report, making Google 
the only company in the list to receive that ranking. Since May 2007 
Google saves data for two years, older data will be deleted after 30 
years - may be. (... dass auch Jahre
spaeter in den Fragen und Antworten gestoebert werden koennte ...) Is 
there something bad with mails conciously and willingly adressed to the 
user world? (You are not forced to mail to a unsympathetic adress.)

Third, have you ever heard of web-Bugs? If you can read code, there is a 
button in the browser - I write it in German for you, so might find it: 
Ansicht-Seitenquelltext anzeigen. Do that for instance with the You will find some interesting lines:

/style script src= 
view-source: type=text/javascript
script type=text/javascript
_uacct = UA-950416-6;

If you are able to, please study urchin.js if you really think that not 
every keystroke you do will be registrated!

Fourth, think first and post then.

Reagards BB

PS. Den gebratenen Storch und den Butterfisch würde ich empfehlen, an 
einem delikaten Ort unterzubringen, den ich hier nicht benennen werde! 
Sacklzement noamoi!

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Re: [sage-support] Re: Installation Guide - german translation

2010-04-16 Thread bb

Martin Albrecht schrieb:
I think there is a misunderstanding here. Georg wants a public mailing list in 
order for people to be able to read the e-mails, not in order to preserve 
privacy. On the contrary, he argued that the debate on the translation should 
be made as public as possible.


PS: I think the tone of this debate is unjustified both by Georg and BB. 
Please consider reducing the heat.
Ok, understand. Sorry. Let me add: A bavarian (if Georg is one, because 
some locutions come from the german north) knows that to handle! (In 
their own folklore bavarians were carved out of a wooden block, not made 
of clay as the other sissies.)

A broad discussion is a good thing, but do you really think that every 
of the thousands of only english reading/speaking list members is really 
interested in such a very narrow problem like a german translation? And 
don't forget that there only will be discussed very boring about 
grammar, terms and something like style and bloomers etc.

I don't like the idea of a german list for scientific/technical topics. 
But I like the idea to separate that described translation specific 
things from that scientific/technical list.

I will refrain from any unjustified tone in future debates.

Regards BB

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[sage-support] ReST raw format

2010-04-15 Thread bb

Is it possible to get the raw format of the documentation texts?
Just now one may get
1st a copy from the text presentet in the browser window
2nd a copy of the HTML-source

The copied text of the browser window is easy to edut and modify i. e. 
for a translation, but obviously is the transfer to ReST very time 
consuming. To my knowlege (I do not use ReST) the ReST text will be 
compiled from a normal text file? One might modify such a text file very 
easily for instance in OpenOffice or some other editor else and the 
compilation to ReST schould be very easy and painless.

Regards BB

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Re: [sage-support] ReST raw format

2010-04-15 Thread bb

David Joyner schrieb:

On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 8:08 AM, bb wrote:

Is it possible to get the raw format of the documentation texts?
Just now one may get
1st a copy from the text presentet in the browser window
2nd a copy of the HTML-source

I don't know if I understand your question but if you want
the ReST files for the Sage Tutorial (for example) then
I think what you want is in the devel/sage/doc/en/tutorial subdirectory.


The copied text of the browser window is easy to edut and modify i. e. for a
translation, but obviously is the transfer to ReST very time consuming. To
my knowlege (I do not use ReST) the ReST text will be compiled from a normal
text file? One might modify such a text file very easily for instance in

The documentation build process is described
Does that help?


OpenOffice or some other editor else and the compilation to ReST schould be
very easy and painless.

Regards BB

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I did not check all directories before. Sorry!
Tnx - I found it!

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Re: [sage-support] strange n()

2010-04-11 Thread bb

Mike Hansen schrieb:

On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 3:37 AM, bb wrote:

sage: n(sqrt(2.), digits=40)
sage: n(sqrt(2), digits=40)

If you wanted this to be more like Maxima, the appropriate thing to do
would some something like:

sage: RealNumber = RealField(137)
sage: sqrt(2.0)
sage: sqrt(2).n(digits=40)


Sage is missing the errror forwarding of Mathematica.

Yes, Sage does not have a numerical type that does Mathematica's
significance arithmetic.  An interesting thread about the merits and
demerits of significance arithmetic is

One could do a little work to get Sage's interval arithmetic to do
something similar.


Tnx for helping. I did some more experimentation. I dont want to bother 
you, but if you have some time and some pation I would be thankfull for 
one more explanation. Your tip works as expected, but if I use the 
method n() I still get 53 bit of significant bits??? (see last 
expression of the snippet.)

I argue, that the parameter of n() is set elsewhere in another Variable 
than RealNumber?

sage: RealNumber = RealField(137)
sage: sqrt(2.)
sage: _.prec()

sage: _.prec()

sage: _.prec()

sage: _.prec()

Regards BB

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Re: [sage-support] strange n()

2010-04-11 Thread bb

Mike Hansen schrieb:

On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 10:01 AM, bb wrote:

Tnx for helping. I did some more experimentation. I dont want to bother you,
but if you have some time and some pation I would be thankfull for one more
explanation. Your tip works as expected, but if I use the method n() I still
get 53 bit of significant bits??? (see last expression of the snippet.)

I argue, that the parameter of n() is set elsewhere in another Variable than

Yes, in the code for n, we have the following:

if prec is None:
if digits is None:
prec = 53
prec = int((digits+1) * 3.32192) + 1

so it just defaults to 53 if nothing is passed in.  The RealNumber =
RealField(137) just changes the precision for floating point literals
entered on the command line.



Tnx for clearing that n()-question!

In an earlier posting (I am always thankful for any help!) you wrote:
One could do a little work to get Sage's interval arithmetic to do
something similar. Would be an interesting experiment.

I found an internet page about that topic concerning MPFR from 2/5/2006:
(MPFR seems to be very broadly used by different Progs under GNU Lesser 
GPL. Added is a list of related software.)

There are used some Sage-examples with a strange line-numbering with 
underscores? May be that is an outdated Sage-Version? Actual versions do 
not do any line numbering.

I did not find any evidence that MPFR or MAPM is included in Sage? I do 
not understand if MPFR is compiled with Sage in this examples on that 
page? I cannot find any evidence that MPFR is loaded?

In an extension of the floating point issue I am actually interested in: 
I found a list of libs to support floating point arithmetics that are 
not in the list of included libs to Sage. I found some examples to 
include tools with a CLI via http in the documentatin. I did not find 
hints how to include C/C++ or other language libs to Sage? (To clear 
that statement: The fact I could not find it does not mean it is not 
documented in some place!)

Again - please ignore my boring question if you feel bothered - I can 
understand that! With yor response you opened a door for floting point 

Tnx anyway - regards BB

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[sage-support] strange n()

2010-04-10 Thread bb

Just experimenting with Sage syntax I found something strange:

sage: n(pi)
sage: n(pi,20)
sage: n(pi,29)
sage: n(pi,59)
sage: n(pi,0x59)
sage: pi.n(digits=17)

Is there any explanation?

Regards BB

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Re: [sage-support] strange n()

2010-04-10 Thread bb

Mike Hansen schrieb:

On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 1:02 AM, bb wrote:

Is there any explanation?

Could you be more specific in your question?  Everything there looks
normal to me.  n(pi, 20) means to compute using 20 bits of precision.



Ok, I see - the argument defines the number of bits and not of digits!

In any other CAS (I know) that parameter describes the number of digits 
displayed. I. e .

(%i2) fpprec: 40;
(%o2) 40
(%i3) bfloat(sqrt(2.));
(%o3) 1.41421356237309504880168872420969807857b0
(%i4) bfloat(sqrt(2));
(%o4) 1.41421356237309504880168872420969807857b0

That are 40 digits (with decimal point)


N[sqrt[2], 40]
delivers 40 decimal places including the decimal point.
N[sqrt[2.], 40]
(that is because Mathematica assumes a 18 bit machine precision in the 
number 2.0 and cuts off questionable digits of precision)

Sage works a bit different from the main stream with the definition of 
the number of digits. So one should not wonder about my misinterpretation!

But thanks for helping! Now I understand the difference:

sage: n(sqrt(2.), digits=40)
sage: n(sqrt(2), digits=40)

Sage is missing the errror forwarding of Mathematica.

sage: n(sqrt(2.000), digits=40)
sage: n(sqrt(2.000), digits=40)
sage: n(sqrt(2.000), digits=40)
sage: n(sqrt(2.000), digits=41)

So one has an assortet collection and a rich choice of different 
numbers. Where I find the calculation philosophie of maxima not too bad!

Regards BB

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[sage-support] Arrangements().list() nice format

2010-04-10 Thread bb
In deviation from the example given in the Sage Reference v4.3.5 » 
Combinatorics »
I get the elements in one line instead of one below the other.

sage: set=['adam', 'eva', 'otto', 'emil']
sage: Arrangements(set,4).list()
[['adam', 'eva', 'otto', 'emil'], ['adam', 'eva', 'emil', 'otto'], 
['adam', 'otto', 'eva', 'emil'], ['adam', 'otto', 'emil', 'eva'], 
['adam', 'emil', 'eva', 'otto'], ['adam', 'emil', 'otto', 'eva'], 
['eva', 'adam', 'otto', 'emil'], ['eva', 'adam', 'emil', 'otto'], 
['eva', 'otto', 'adam', 'emil'], ['eva', 'otto', 'emil', 'adam'], 
['eva', 'emil', 'adam', 'otto'], ['eva', 'emil', 'otto', 'adam'], 
['otto', 'adam', 'eva', 'emil'], ['otto', 'adam', 'emil', 'eva'], 
['otto', 'eva', 'adam', 'emil'], ['otto', 'eva', 'emil', 'adam'], 
['otto', 'emil', 'adam', 'eva'], ['otto', 'emil', 'eva', 'adam'], 
['emil', 'adam', 'eva', 'otto'], ['emil', 'adam', 'otto', 'eva'], 
['emil', 'eva', 'adam', 'otto'], ['emil', 'eva', 'otto', 'adam'], 
['emil', 'otto', 'adam', 'eva'], ['emil', 'otto', 'eva', 'adam']]


How can I get such a nicer list as in the reference?

Regards and Tnx

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[sage-support] errrors in the prime function complex?

2010-04-05 Thread bb
I am a simple minded user and have some questions concerning Sage 
functions. May be I misunderstand the docu at 
Here an excerpt:

Return a list of the primes $\leq n$.
prange(start, stop=['4ti2-20061025', 'R-2.6.0', 'atlas-3.7.37', 
'atlas-3.8.1', 'a..., leave_pari=False)
List of all primes between start and stop-1, inclusive.
primes(start, stop=['4ti2-20061025', 'R-2.6.0', 'atlas-3.7.37', 
'atlas-3.8.1', 'a...)

Returns an iterator over all primes between start and stop-1, inclusive.

prime_range(start, stop=['4ti2-20061025', 'R-2.6.0', 'atlas-3.7.37', 
'atlas-3.8.1', 'a..., leave_pari=False)

List of all primes between start and stop-1, inclusive.

I tried all of these functions and found only erasthotenes() and 
prime_range() really working. prange() and primes() gives some strange 

sage: prange(1,100)
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)

console in module()

NameError: name 'prange' is not defined
sage: primes(1,100)
generator object primes at 0x4e576e0

I also did some syntactic variations without success. I argue that 
prange() and primerange should be identic, but there is a link or an 
alias  missing?

I tried that on a 64 bit AMD machine self compiled:
| Sage Version 4.3.3, Release Date: 2010-02-21   |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.|

Regards BB

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[sage-support] List of standard functions?

2010-04-03 Thread bb
I screened all of the offered documents from the sgaemath-page to find a 
list of the offered standard-functions - no success! May be there is a 
table or list about that but I just could not find it? Screening the 
index is one possibility, but does not make me really happy.

Tnx BB

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[sage-support] solve - algebraic solution?

2010-04-02 Thread bb
Why does Sage not solve the equation? (The quadratic equation is just a 

sage: x,y,a,b = var('x, y, a, b')
sage:  solve([x - 2*y == a,  x + 3*y == b],[x,y]);
sage: solve([x^2 + a*x + b == 0],x)
[x == -1/2*a - 1/2*sqrt(a^2 - 4*b), x == -1/2*a + 1/2*sqrt(a^2 - 4*b)]
sage:  solve([x - 2*y - a == 0,  x + 3*y -b == 0],[x,y]);
sage:  solve([x - 2*y - a == 0,  x + 3*y -b == 0],x,y);

Maxima delivers the solution:

 2 b + 3 aa - b
(%o2)   [[x = -, y = - -]]
 5  5

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Re: [sage-support] solve - algebraic solution?

2010-04-02 Thread bb

William Stein schrieb:

On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 10:11 AM, bb wrote:

Why does Sage not solve the equation? (The quadratic equation is just a

sage: x,y,a,b = var('x, y, a, b')
sage:  solve([x - 2*y == a,  x + 3*y == b],[x,y]);
sage: solve([x^2 + a*x + b == 0],x)
[x == -1/2*a - 1/2*sqrt(a^2 - 4*b), x == -1/2*a + 1/2*sqrt(a^2 - 4*b)]
sage:  solve([x - 2*y - a == 0,  x + 3*y -b == 0],[x,y]);
sage:  solve([x - 2*y - a == 0,  x + 3*y -b == 0],x,y);

Semicolons surpress printing:

sage: solve([x - 2*y - a == 0, x + 3*y  - b == 0],[x,y])
[[x == 3/5*a + 2/5*b, y == -1/5*a + 1/5*b]]
sage: 2+2;
sage: 2+2


Maxima delivers the solution:

2 b + 3 aa - b
(%o2)   [[x = -, y = - -]]
5  5

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Tnx, I forgot! Sorry!

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[sage-support] Installation Guide - german translation

2010-04-02 Thread bb
I have done a german translation of the Installation guide. I did some 
and changes to meet some german peculiarities and some minor extensions. 
I actually commited the text to a professional translator for checking 
and proofreading. It will be (hopefully) finished about the weekend of 
the next week. Concerning to the license Creative Commons 
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 I kindly ask you if you have some interest to 
publish that text to the public in any proper way?

I have the text in .odt ( - not such easy to read because 
the Sage-code and teh rest of the text is not marked-off in the 
Sphinx-way of the original text on the Sage-page) or any other format 
OpenOffice will offer. There is an easy to read .pdf format with proper 
Sage code separation, comparable to the Sphinx-format. I might compile a 
postscript version as well. I never worked with  Sphinx, so I cannot 
deliver in Sphinx-format. May be you have a secretary or a student for 
to copy/paste if you desire a Sphinx-version?

If you indicate interest, please tell me where to send it (e-mail 
attachement) and in which format.

Regards BB

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Re: [sage-support] install sage to USB or flash card (Re: sage on slitaz linux?)

2010-03-22 Thread bb

emil schrieb:

On Mar 20, 10:52 pm, Alec Mihailovs wrote:

On Mar 19, 4:51 am, bb wrote:

I tried to compile sage from source on slitaz, a very small and
ultrafast starting linux and slitaz might be installed to a bootable USB.
No success.

You could just use Sage live CD (bootable). If it boots from a CD, it
would boot from USB as well, I guess.

It is rather small, contains Sage 4.3.1 on Puppy Linux, and is
available from

as well on other mirrors.

Alec Mihailovs


To get the Sage Lice CD installed on USB should be easy. Start the
Live CD. Then Go to the
MenuSetupPuppy Universal Installer

There are plenty of install options. Choose USB hard drive or USB
flash drive.

The following menus should be straightforward, try to stick with the
install options.

I tested it and post this message from the live CD installed to a
flash drive.
Advantage is that it runs considerable faster than the LIVE CD and it
is easy to carry it around.


PS: There is also MenuSetupBootFlash Install Puppy to USB. This
wizard is more advanced and will also format your stick. If you want
to keep your data use the universal installer mentioned above
Tnx. I will try Sage live on USB for my new machines. But on road I 
use a 20 years old laptop that wont start from USB. Why? No one ever 
tried to steal it!

Regards BB

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Re: [sage-support] Re: install sage to USB or flash card (Re: sage on slitaz linux?)

2010-03-22 Thread bb

emil schrieb:

On Mar 22, 10:44 am, bb wrote:

emil schrieb:

On Mar 20, 10:52 pm, Alec Mihailovs wrote:

On Mar 19, 4:51 am, bb wrote:

I tried to compile sage from source on slitaz, a very small and
ultrafast starting linux and slitaz might be installed to a bootable USB.
No success.

You could just use Sage live CD (bootable). If it boots from a CD, it
would boot from USB as well, I guess.

It is rather small, contains Sage 4.3.1 on Puppy Linux, and is

available from

as well on other mirrors.

Alec Mihailovs

To get the Sage Lice CD installed on USB should be easy. Start the

Live CD. Then Go to the
MenuSetupPuppy Universal Installer
There are plenty of install options. Choose USB hard drive or USB

flash drive.
The following menus should be straightforward, try to stick with the

install options.
I tested it and post this message from the live CD installed to a

flash drive.
Advantage is that it runs considerable faster than the LIVE CD and it
is easy to carry it around.
PS: There is also MenuSetupBootFlash Install Puppy to USB. This

wizard is more advanced and will also format your stick. If you want
to keep your data use the universal installer mentioned above

Tnx. I will try Sage live on USB for my new machines. But on road I
use a 20 years old laptop that wont start from USB. Why? No one ever
tried to steal it!

Regards BB

Hi BB,

there are still possibilites for your ancient laptop. Generally the
base distro for the live CD was designed to run on old hardware.

If you have 700 MB free on your HD you can try a frugal install. This
will not conflict with any existing OS on your laptop.
If your primary OS is Linux you can use GRUB (comes with the Live CD:
MenuSystemGRUB Bootloader config) to boot the Live CD.
I don't know how to do this with old windows or dos versions, but on
XP you can use the program Unetbootin to make a frugal install into a
windows partition (tested).

There is also the possibility to have a boot floppy (google for puppy
linux wakepup). This floppy can boot puppy linux from a device which
is not bootable otherways (e.g your USB), so it should also work for
the Sage live CD.

About saving your work: In theorie it should be possible to save your
work on the USB in a pupsave file. This file is created after your
first boot. Basically it contains all modifications to the directory
structure, especially the folder /root.

So if you have a frugal install of the live CD on your old laptop, but
no pupsave file on the hard disk and the laptop can find the pupsave
file on your USB during booting, you can still access your directories
and work on your Sage USB/Flash stick.

Hope it works for you, and I hope I can finalize my next release of
the live CD (including Texmacs).

I know puppy as a valuable linux distro from some former experiments a 
couple of month ago (and years ago with compact flash). (The page of Barry Kauler helped me at 
that time in understanding - I think it is still a good source of 

A good idea to use it - I will switch my antique laptop completely to 
your Sage puppy by a full  installation. (May be a frugal install is 
easier to upgrade?)

And TeX support is an important feature! BTW Lyx is a comfortable way 
for writing scientific and illustrated texts (GUI with a slight touch of 
Scientific Word/Scientific Notebook from MacKichan Software, but thanks 
to GPL for 0$!). Lyx allows to compile to postscript and pdf, and by 
extra tools to convert the .lyx document to TeX, LateX,  and even to HTML.

Tnx for Sage puppy and help - BB

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Re: [sage-support] installation problem

2010-03-20 Thread bb

Carlo Hamalainen schrieb:

On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 7:18 AM, bb wrote:

The text lines I sent were the last lines of config.log.

And what's the output of

gcc -v


g++ -v




Beside the usual list of options I get gcc -version 4.2.3 for both.

On my 64-bit machines (where I installed sage successful) gcc version 
4.3.2 and  4.4.1 is installed.

Does anybody know if sage 4.3.3 compiles with an obviously old gcc 
version 4.2.3?


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Re: [sage-support] Re: 'make' of 4.3.3 on a 64-bit machine fails due to different assembly language/ABI(?)

2010-03-20 Thread bb schrieb:

Thanks, Mike.

$ gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-46)

Is there a 64-bit version of the SAGE 4.3.3 source?


On Mar 19, 2:39 pm, Mike Hansen wrote:

On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 11:15 AM, wrote:

But on a machine running 64-bit Scientific Linux 5.4, the make
Is this in fact the case?
Will SAGE-4.3.3 not make successfully on a 64-bit machine due to
different assembly language/different ABI?
Anyone having success running SAGE 4.3.3 on a 64-bit OS?

Yes, Sage builds and runs on lots of 64-bit OS's.  The main machines
where the tests are run are 64-bit boxes.

What version of gcc are you using?


Obviously you got no response to your question so far. There is a 64-bit 

on the sage download page

I compiled that version on my 64-bit AMD machines with different linux 

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[sage-support] sage on slitaz linux?

2010-03-19 Thread bb
I tried to compile sage from source on slitaz, a very small and 
ultrafast starting linux and slitaz might be installed to a bootable USB.

No success.
The line from the makefile will be echoed:
cd spkg  ./install all 21 | tee -a ../install.log
the cd to directory spkg is performed sucessfully and then a message 

env: bash: No such file or directory
The the process will finish.

Is there any skilled linux user that can interpret this and lend a 
helping hand?

Tnx BB

PS. I tried to install sage in another small linux: tinyCore on USB and 
had some other problems. To keep things separated I will report in 
another posting after some analyses of the messages and some more 

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Re: [sage-support] sage on slitaz linux?

2010-03-19 Thread bb

Robert Bradshaw schrieb:

On Mar 19, 2010, at 1:51 AM, bb wrote:

I tried to compile sage from source on slitaz, a very small and 
ultrafast starting linux and slitaz might be installed to a bootable 

No success.
The line from the makefile will be echoed:
cd spkg  ./install all 21 | tee -a ../install.log
the cd to directory spkg is performed sucessfully and then a message 

env: bash: No such file or directory
The the process will finish.

Is there any skilled linux user that can interpret this and lend a 
helping hand?

It says bash isn't installed--looks like you need to do that first. 
Must be a really tiny linux if it doesn't even come with bash.

- Robert

Thanks for all who helped.
Indeed bash was not installed. Just to tell the continuation of the 
story: prereq-0.7 is missing - I have to install it next.

Tnx BB

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Re: [sage-support] one more copyright issue question

2010-03-19 Thread bb

David Joyner schrieb:

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 5:53 PM, bb wrote:

If I try to write a math-tutorial ...

Sage code and its documentation are licensed under open-source
licenses, so feel free to copy+paste. In fact, it is encouraged.
Just please license your documentation under the same
open source license.

Further license information:
* Documentation:
* Sage code: Type license() at the Sage command line.


Thank you for your answer,

to my regret the copy paste option and does not help. The simple reason 
is it would not enjoy readers of a german text to find an english 
installation manual. is 
compatible with Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG), it is allowed 
to Remix — to adapt the work.

The problem is, that a translation is not just a remix but an act of 
creative originality and therefore with an own copyright. So I (and may 
be others) need a (written) permission to translate the installation 
manual. Better for sage to spread the world would be a general 
allowance to translate the installation manual.

I am only speaking of the installation manual! Because, as I pointed out 
in another mail, such a description of installation steps do have a 
degree of (creative) freedom close to zero!

Regards BB

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Re: [sage-support] Re: Seeking Cython-101 lesson

2010-03-19 Thread bb

kstueve schrieb:

I really really need help with patches, packages, and building Sage

I do not know what you mean with the supplement 101? And a 101 lession 
and cython-101 lesson I do not know and the net does not know.

By some scroogling ( you might find
That is the most extended cython-text I found so far. May be that can 
meet your needs?

Regards BB

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Re: [sage-support] one more copyright issue question

2010-03-19 Thread bb

David Joyner schrieb:

On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 12:20 PM, bb wrote:

David Joyner schrieb:

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 5:53 PM, bb wrote:


If I try to write a math-tutorial ...

Sage code and its documentation are licensed under open-source
licenses, so feel free to copy+paste. In fact, it is encouraged.
Just please license your documentation under the same
open source license.

Further license information:
* Documentation:
* Sage code: Type license() at the Sage command line.


Thank you for your answer,

to my regret the copy paste option and does not help. The simple reason is
it would not enjoy readers of a german text to find an english installation
manual. is compatible with Debian
Free Software Guidelines (DFSG), it is allowed to Remix — to adapt the

I do not agree. Can you show me exactly where in
it prevents you from translating the work? (See section 3. License Grant.)


The problem is, that a translation is not just a remix but an act of
creative originality and therefore with an own copyright. So I (and may be

Let us assume this is true. Secondly, you are allowed to add creative
content! (Read the license.) You must relicense your work under
the same license.


others) need a (written) permission to translate the installation manual.
Better for sage to spread the world would be a general allowance to
translate the installation manual.

I am only speaking of the installation manual! Because, as I pointed out in
another mail, such a description of installation steps do have a degree of
(creative) freedom close to zero!

Regards BB

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You are right! I found the relevant passage concerning translations to 
other languages :

*3. License Grant.* Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, 
Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, 
perpetual (for the duration of the applicable copyright) license to 
exercise the rights in the Work as stated below:

a. ...

b. to create and Reproduce Adaptations provided that any such 
Adaptation, including any translation in any medium, takes reasonable 
steps to clearly label, demarcate or otherwise identify that changes 
were made to the original Work. For example, a translation could be 
marked The original work was translated from English to Spanish, or a 
modification could indicate The original work has been modified.;

In a first browsing my attention just was focused on any translation in 
any medium, translation to another language is just in the next sentence.

So I think I have understood this topic and I do not see a problem for a 
translation or an adaption.

Tnx for your kind and patient help!

Regards BB

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[sage-support] installation problem

2010-03-19 Thread bb
As I mentioned in another posting I tried a simple install from source 
(on slitaz linux).

1. I got he message that prereq-0.7 is missing.
prereq-0.7 and prereq-0.7-install.tar is present. On I found the remark that 
prereq-0.7-install.tar will be untared automatically - it is NOT!

2. I untared prereq-0.7-install.tar by hand and the next message is telling:
base/prereq-0.7-install: cd: line 178: can't cd to prereq-0.7
base/prereq-0.7-install: line 180: ./configure: not found
ERROR: You do not have all of the prerequisites needed

Next I checked line 179 and line 180:

tar mxvf ../base/$TARGET.tar


I wonder about the tar options mxvf ? On minimal systems (like slitaz or 
tinyCore linux) m is not provided! I would not say it is a bug, but it 
is a nuisance!

3. Next step: I removed the m-option in line 179. And as a result I get 
another error message:

checking for gawk... no
checking for mawk... no
checking for nawk... no
checking for awk... awk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnuoldld
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnuoldld
checking for gcc... gcc
checking for C compiler default output file name...
configure: error: in `/home/tux/sage-4.3.3/spkg/build/prereq-0.7':
configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables
See `config.log' for more details.
ERROR: You do not have all of the prerequisites needed
to build Sage from source.  See the errors above.
make[1]: *** [installed/prereq-0.7] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/tux/sage-4.3.3/spkg'

sys 0m0.457s
Error building Sage.

Does Sage really need all that awk versions?? (That are not the source 
of the problem.)

Just as a guess there might be someting wrong with the gcc version?

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Re: [sage-support] Re: 'make' of 4.3.3 on a 64-bit machine fails due to different assembly language/ABI(?)

2010-03-19 Thread bb schrieb:

Thanks, Mike.

$ gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-46)

Is there a 64-bit version of the SAGE 4.3.3 source?


On Mar 19, 2:39 pm, Mike Hansen wrote:

On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 11:15 AM, wrote:

But on a machine running 64-bit Scientific Linux 5.4, the make
Is this in fact the case?
Will SAGE-4.3.3 not make successfully on a 64-bit machine due to
different assembly language/different ABI?
Anyone having success running SAGE 4.3.3 on a 64-bit OS?

Yes, Sage builds and runs on lots of 64-bit OS's.  The main machines
where the tests are run are 64-bit boxes.

What version of gcc are you using?


I compiled real 64-bit versions of sage on 64-bit ubuntu und 64-bit 
debian/lenny from source absolutely seamless, but had problems with the 
simple version. (i think that is the version you are askin for?)  So, 
I can confirm that I really installed sage successful on a couple onm 
64-bit OS from source. (I did not try any binaries!)

In one of my last postings I described some strange results on small 
machines with the simple 32-bit-sage-version-4.3.3 - may be that is 
also true for compiling simple 4.3.3 on 64-bit machines?

Leave the solution to the skilled experts and use 64-bit source code!

Regards  BB

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Re: [sage-support] installation problem

2010-03-19 Thread bb

Carlo Hamalainen schrieb:

On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 6:23 AM, bb wrote:

checking for gcc... gcc
checking for C compiler default output file name...
configure: error: in `/home/tux/sage-4.3.3/spkg/build/prereq-0.7':
configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables
See `config.log' for more details.

Your gcc compiler is somehow broken. What is the output of gcc -v
and g++ -v and what is at the end of config.log?


Does Sage really need all that awk versions?? (That are not the source of
the problem.)

The configure script found one version of awk and proceeded happily
with that and then got stuck on gcc.

Also even on big Linux distributions like Ubuntu you need to install
extra packages to compile Sage (like build-essential, m4, etc).



The text lines I sent were the last lines of config.log.

Regards BB

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[sage-support] copyright issue

2010-03-18 Thread bb
I could not find any clear statement to the copyright or license oft he 
sage logo(s)?

There is
1. the pentagon-dodekaeder-like-logo ( I know it is'nt) and
2. the sage-lettering.

Regards BB

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[sage-support] one more copyright issue question

2010-03-18 Thread bb
If I try to write a math-tutorial (or some equivalent introductory text) 
for college/high school students about SAGE basics, I sooner or later 
arrive at a point to describe the basic of SAGE, say installation and 
the use of the different modes (CLI or  notebook ... etc.).  The 
handling of that  topics are fixed by the implementation and the 
predefined mode of SAGE implementation as well, so I see some problem of 
plagiarism and of creative writing in the sense of intellectual 

I never would claim that as my original work! But installation and UI  
is a necessary step to use SAGE, (thankfully) predetermined by the 
creators (or part of the features of implemantation or the underlying 
language). I never would just copy and paste complete passages of a 
manual, but such a description of fundamental concepts (installation and 
UI) do have a degree of (creative) freedom close to zero!

My question: What is the proper way to describe such (necessary) basic, 
predefined sage-components without breaking copyright and giving proper 

For sure any doc/tutorial etc. must give reference to SAGE home on 
different places of the SAGE document, so my request is just to avoid 
trouble and to hear your attitude regarding this point.

Regards BB

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Re: [sage-support] Re: Pi and I in SAGE For Newbies by Ted Kosan

2010-03-14 Thread bb

John Cremona schrieb:

Perhaps even more important is to note that that guide was written 3
years ago, and (as far as I know) has not been updated since, so it
probably gives examples based on an even earlier version of Sage than

John Cremona

On Mar 14, 4:19 pm, Harald Schilly wrote:

On Mar 14, 4:28 pm, b b wrote:

In my SAGE Version 3.0.5...

I don't know about your original problem but you really really really
should not use 3.0.5 because it is older than old. Please uninstall
the sagemath package and download the current binary release for
ubuntu 32 or 64bit from and follow the installation


Installed Sage Version 4.3.3, Release Date: 2010-02-21 from source - 
needed some time.
Pi and E still end up with an error. I does not, Infinit and True and 
False are ok as well.

I can live with this. I thougt the author collects such oddities for the 
next, corrected version :-)

Regards BB

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Re: [sage-support] Re: Pi and I in SAGE For Newbies by Ted Kosan

2010-03-14 Thread bb

Erik Lane schrieb:

Installed Sage Version 4.3.3, Release Date: 2010-02-21 from source - needed
some time.
Pi and E still end up with an error. I does not, Infinit and True and False
are ok as well.

Did you try them lower case? Pi and E show up as errors, but pi and e
do not, at least for me.

That exactly was the trigger of my posting, because some Sage 
tutorials/handbooks etc. claim that Pi/pi or E/e are valid alternatives. 
As you proved, they are not.


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[sage-support] Re: sage and linux powerpc

2008-06-27 Thread bb . zhang

- Bin Zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

 Bin Zhang wrote:
  mabshoff wrote:

  On Jun 25, 1:09 pm, Bin Zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Hi Bin,

  I want to know what is the status of support for Linux powerpc.

  It usually works, due to access to fast hardware (I also have a G4
  iBook) I rarely build it. But any problem should be reported and

  Linux powerpc is not mentioned in sage-3.0.3/README.txt, but with
  ( problem with ATLAS), I have compiled sage on my
  G4 1.2 GHz (debian powerpc unstable). It is very, very long to

  I added some tuning info for ATLAS for my 1.3GHz G4, but it looks
  the one you have is not properly identified. Could you post the
  of cat /proc/cpuinfo - that way I can likely fix the problem
  the long ATLAS compile.

  $ cat /proc/cpuinfo
  processor: 0
  cpu: 7447A, altivec supported
  clock: 1199.999000MHz
  revision: 0.1 (pvr 8003 0101)
  bogomips: 73.47
  timebase: 18432000
  platform: PowerMac
  machine: PowerBook6,5
  motherboard: PowerBook6,5 MacRISC3 Power Macintosh
  detected as: 287 (iBook G4)
  pmac flags: 001b
  L2 cache: 512K unified
  pmac-generation: NewWorld

 In my install.log:
 make[2]: Leaving directory 
 OS configured as Linux (1)
 Assembly configured as GAS_PPC (4)
 Bad VECFLAG value=0, ierr=0, ln2='VECFLAG=0
 Vector ISA Extension configured as   (0,0)
 Bad MACHTYPE value=0, ierr=0, ln2='MACHTYPE=0
 Architecture configured as  UNKNOWN (0)
 Bad CPU MHZ value=0, ierr=0, ln2='CPU MHZ=0
 Clock rate configured as 0Mhz
 CPU Throttling apparently enabled!

Maybe I advanced a little in this problem. I found that your patch 
ATLAS-3.8.1-ppc-g4-7447-detect-fix.patch is not applied in sage. After applying 
this patch, it can detect architecture PPCG4. Here are the result with 
atlas-3.8.1.p2 in 3.0.4.alpha1:
OS configured as Linux (1)

Assembly configured as GAS_PPC (4)

Bad VECFLAG value=0, ierr=0, ln2='VECFLAG=0

Vector ISA Extension configured as   (0,0)

Architecture configured as  PPCG4 (4)

Bad CPU MHZ value=0, ierr=0, ln2='CPU MHZ=0

Clock rate configured as 0Mhz


sys 4m38.025s
Successfully installed atlas-3.8.1.p2

For comparison (atlas-3.8.1p1 in sage-3.0.3) I need long time:
sys 16m33.417s
Successfully installed atlas-3.8.1.p1



  sys 47m16.318s
  To install gap, gp, singular, etc., scripts
  in a standard bin directory, start sage and
  type something like
 sage: install_scripts('/usr/local/bin')
  at the SAGE command prompt.
  SAGE build/upgrade complete!




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