Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

2009-05-11 Thread Martin Baxter
Lavendar -ix-nay on the ideas-ay...

-[ Received Mail Content ]--

 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

 Date : Mon, 11 May 2009 01:30:32 -0400

 From :

 To :

I don't know...The Color Purple starting Chris Brown and Rihanna?

From: Martin Baxter 
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

 Don't worry. Abrams won't be directing the sequel. He's already done with it, 
bored and ready for the next thing that's caught his eye. We just don't know 
what that is yet.

 -[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*
 Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 12:03:46 -0400
 From : Daryle Lockhart 
 To :

 And the canonical differences are the things we were always arguing 
 about ANYWAY, which makes this reset brilliant. 

 A lot of the things we accept as Trek law is stuff that happened 
 under Berman and Braga. Let's not forget, if we follow the actual 
 timeliine of events, time had been changed by the events of First 
 Contact ANYWAY, so things were already different. I have an 
 analysis coming on things that changed that we hadn't considered, 
 and some of it's good, like the idea that Voyager probably won't 
 happen in this timeline, and that no Klingons ever join the 
 Federation. Having a leading science officer from the future with 
 knowledge of their mining accident will DEFINITELY impact how the 
 Klingons get down. But more importantly, it is quite possible that 
 either the Founders or The Borg WIN this time. The small advantages 
 the Federation had were due to the political climate in the galaxy. 
 Change those things (make the Romulans into allies, for example), 
 and everything changes. I believe that this new Trek universe is 
 going to be FANTASTIC for novels. All bets are off! 

 FOR THIS REASON, it's crucial that J J Abrams not direct the next 
 Star Trek movie. He can produce all day, I'm not saying the man 
 shouldn't get paid, but JJ has a habit of derailing something in 
 the middle and having it never recover (or is there someone here who 
 understands what's happening on Lost?) 

 On May 10, 2009, at 11:43 AM, Adrianne Brennan wrote: 

  I dunno. I don't see what they're doing as being any different from 
  the reboot of Doctor Who, except with more major canonical 
  ~ Where love and magic meet ~ 
  Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon: http:// 
  Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates: http:// 
  Dare to take The Oath in this fantasy series: http:// 
  On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 10:31 AM, wrote: 
  In a message dated 5/10/09 4:24:35 AM, writes: 
  My great fear is that this spawns a whole Trek series that won't 
  have some universal appeal because they adhere to any dynamic set 
  of principles, but a Trek universe where things get blow'd up real 
  good and the movie crowd can clap on cue. Too early to make that 
  judgment before the next film, so we'll just have to wait and see... 
  Sin/Black Galactus 
  I was about to stay silent on this but the paragraph above prompted 
  me to put my .02 cents in. 
  What Sin/Black Galactus stated is something I call The Galactica 
  Syndrome. That is you got a show based on a earlier project that 
  while forming it's own audiance base is shunned by most-if not all 
  of the orignials show's base. Shows like this usually don't have 
  that much of a long shelf-life being period 'flashes in the pan. 
  Pre-new movie Star Trek (OST, ST:NG, ST:DS9, ST:V) while set 
  either/or different time periods, situtations, characters, etc. 
  could have went this way. Their was something about those shows 
  (and the movies based on them) that fans from other shows could 
  like and this brought in many fans from those shows. Which in turn 
  made the great. However the flipside of this is that it produces 
  'lazy' exicution, that eventually results in bad products which 
  angers and drives of the fans of those shows. Forcing efforts to 
  bring new life into those shows. Sometimes successful, sometimes 
  not. It depends on how much cannon they 'break' when doing it to 
  make the show new/hip to make it acceptable to both new/old fans. 
  This, IMO is why Enterprise was not well recieved by the pre-new 
  movie Star Trek community. It broke too much cannon, and many of 
  the stories weren't that good. Which is also why it didn't get 
  that many new fans (IMO if it wasn't for the ST name Enterprise 
  would have been canciled in it's first season). 
  while the new Battlestar Galactica was a somewhat hit. It was not 
  so by many fans 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

2009-05-11 Thread Martin Baxter
Ah. Too busy staring at Seven's Two Little Friends...

-[ Received Mail Content ]--

 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Re: New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

 Date : Mon, 11 May 2009 01:01:20 -0400

 From :

 To :

Maybe they were too busy watching to see if Janeway and Seven was going to 
break it again.

From: sincere1906 
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 4:36 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

 Okay. Getting real Trek geek here...




 Where are the Temporal Authorities? In a Deep Space 9 episode, we got to 
 see guys from the future who monitor time. I figure they must be able to 
 remain unaltered outside the timeline. Shouldn't some alarm (or however 
 they're notified) have gone off somewhere as soon as that giant Romulan 
 ship showed up and started rippling through the time line?

 Jes thinkin aloud...


 -- In, sincere1906  wrote:

 Okay it's 4am, I saw the new Trek movie about 8 hours ago and am just 
 getting in after a night of debauchery. So I might be writing this on a 
 Red Stripe buzz, but here goes...

 S P O I L E R S ! ! !

 I liked the movie. As a movie, it was good. The plot was decent. There 
 was well-paced excitement, humor, etc. The cast was relatable. I thought 
 everyone did a great job playing their roles--even down to Chekhov. So as 
 a movie, good. I give it 3 stars out of four.

 The larger question, what I suppose matters the most on a group like 
 this, is was it good Trek?

 On this, I'm truly torn.

 First off, I knew they said get ready to forget everything you know about 
 Trek, but damn...I didn't know they were this serious! Thanks to that 
 Romulan ship coming through a black hole and killing Kirk's father, the 
 timeline that we know from that point on has been severed. The Butterfly 
 effect has created a host of new phenomenon--right down to a love affar 
 between Uhuru and Spock--which never seemed to exist before. This was a 
 bold and daring move. The writers of this new Trek world have an entire 
 alternate reality on their hands. They can do anything. And with Vulcans 
 reduced to a virtual minor colony the entire course of the Federation 
 could be altered, not to mention the balance of power in the Alpha 
 Quadrant. They should call this Ultimate Star Trek! There's a sense of 
 loss here knowing that the Trek reality that I've long called home no 
 longer exists (or exists in some other timeline). For all we know future 
 figures like Picard might never have been born. For the first time I can 
 recall, we have a Trek spin off that cannot fit into the larger Trek 
 universe. That will take some getting used to.

 Second, where a part of me is concerned, is I'm trying to figure out 
 where this new story fits into Roddenberry's vision. Even with all its 
 faults, the original Trek world was one that took radical positions--a 
 Russian main character, a black main character, etc. I don't see this 
 Trek taking any such bold moves. I don't see a vision here, even as we 
 stand in the midst of a time almost as socially and politically 
 challenging as the 1960s. Nothing illustrated this more than seeing 
 product placement ads for Nokia, Budweiser and Jack Daniels. Pardon me 
 for using a cross-sci-fi swear word, but what the frack!?! Earth 
 endures eugenics wars, a nuclear holocaust, a post-atomic court of 
 horrors, new regional powers (the Northern Alliance, etc), and somehow 
 Nokia emerges unscathed!?!? The Trek world I knew seemed to always posit 
 that humanity had come to the verge of destroying itself, and upon First 
 Contact, from the ashes of the old world they built a new 
 one--eliminating poverty, war, hunger, disease and systems that move far 
 beyond capitalism and socialism. In this new Trek reality, I wouldn't be 
 surprised if Kirk had a credit card! Trek has often been faulted at being 
 overly utopian in the past, which I agreed could obscure reality. But 
 this Trek has characters so much like us, I don't understand how they can 
 possibly be enlightened. Normally Trek folks look back on our era the way 
 we would at someone stepped out of the 12th century. Can't see them 
 however debating the philosophical merits of the prime directive.

 My great fear is that this spawns a whole Trek series that won't have 
 some universal appeal because they adhere to any dynamic set of 
 principles, but a Trek universe where things get blow'd up real good and 
 the movie crowd can clap on cue. Too early to make that judgment before 
 the next film, so we'll just have to wait and see...


 Sin/Black Galactus


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Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

2009-05-11 Thread Martin Baxter
I like the cut of your jib, Lavendar. Can I bring anything?

-[ Received Mail Content ]--

 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

 Date : Mon, 11 May 2009 01:00:13 -0400

 From :

 To :

I hope to see this tomorrow, which would be today when this email is posted. 
I too am a core trekkie. I am not saying that I am the one that is dressed 
in uniform as I am writing this. I have always felt that a movie needs to 
bring in a new crowd but with doing that not to loose the old one. We are 
the ones that are buying the product. I find it unlikely that we will see 
any newbie's at conventions this year based on this movie. I thought that it 
was cannon that the Vulcan's were a major player in Trek history. If this is 
not the case then who were? I would love a mention of TPol in this. I mean 
she might would have been the only person to really do a cross over without 
a time travel being involved. When I see this, I hope I get the feeling 
that he has done justice to the series. If not--I am going to Ace Hardware 
and get a deflector dish. Then I am going to bill a multiplexing beaking to 
put on top of it to contact the Borg to get rid of JJ Abrams and his crew. 
Then I going to invite Q over for dinner to try to convince him to fix this 
whole thing. Any one up for dinner?

From: sincere1906 
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 4:24 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

 Okay it's 4am, I saw the new Trek movie about 8 hours ago and am just 
 getting in after a night of debauchery. So I might be writing this on a 
 Red Stripe buzz, but here goes...

 S P O I L E R S ! ! !

 I liked the movie. As a movie, it was good. The plot was decent. There was 
 well-paced excitement, humor, etc. The cast was relatable. I thought 
 everyone did a great job playing their roles--even down to Chekhov. So as 
 a movie, good. I give it 3 stars out of four.

 The larger question, what I suppose matters the most on a group like this, 
 is was it good Trek?

 On this, I'm truly torn.

 First off, I knew they said get ready to forget everything you know about 
 Trek, but damn...I didn't know they were this serious! Thanks to that 
 Romulan ship coming through a black hole and killing Kirk's father, the 
 timeline that we know from that point on has been severed. The Butterfly 
 effect has created a host of new phenomenon--right down to a love affar 
 between Uhuru and Spock--which never seemed to exist before. This was a 
 bold and daring move. The writers of this new Trek world have an entire 
 alternate reality on their hands. They can do anything. And with Vulcans 
 reduced to a virtual minor colony the entire course of the Federation 
 could be altered, not to mention the balance of power in the Alpha 
 Quadrant. They should call this Ultimate Star Trek! There's a sense of 
 loss here knowing that the Trek reality that I've long called home no 
 longer exists (or exists in some other timeline). For all we know future 
 figures like Picard might never have been born. For the first time I can 
 recall, we have a Trek spin off that cannot fit into the larger Trek 
 universe. That will take some getting used to.

 Second, where a part of me is concerned, is I'm trying to figure out where 
 this new story fits into Roddenberry's vision. Even with all its faults, 
 the original Trek world was one that took radical positions--a Russian 
 main character, a black main character, etc. I don't see this Trek taking 
 any such bold moves. I don't see a vision here, even as we stand in the 
 midst of a time almost as socially and politically challenging as the 
 1960s. Nothing illustrated this more than seeing product placement ads for 
 Nokia, Budweiser and Jack Daniels. Pardon me for using a cross-sci-fi 
 swear word, but what the frack!?! Earth endures eugenics wars, a nuclear 
 holocaust, a post-atomic court of horrors, new regional powers (the 
 Northern Alliance, etc), and somehow Nokia emerges unscathed!?!? The Trek 
 world I knew seemed to always posit that humanity had come to the verge of 
 destroying itself, and upon First Contact, from the ashes of the old world 
 they built a new one--eliminating poverty, war, hunger, disease and 
 systems that move far beyond capitalism and socialism. In this new Trek 
 reality, I wouldn't be surprised if Kirk had a credit card! Trek has often 
 been faulted at being overly utopian in the past, which I agreed could 
 obscure reality. But this Trek has characters so much like us, I don't 
 understand how they can possibly be enlightened. Normally Trek folks look 
 back on our era the way we would at someone stepped out of the 12th 
 century. Can't see them however debating the philosophical merits of the 
 prime directive.

 My great fear is that this spawns a whole Trek series that won't have some 
 universal appeal because they adhere to 

Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

2009-05-11 Thread Martin Baxter
Thank you both, but I'm declining. After a night of thinking about nothing but 
DSNine, I'm angry. It wouldn't get a fair shake in my head. if my back ever 
fully stops hurting, I plan on driving up to my Best Buy, to see if they have 
any DSNine DVDs in-store. Really the only Trek I want in my head right now.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--

 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

 Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 22:34:38 -0400

 From : Daryle Lockhart

 To :

and I'll pay for the drinks!

On May 10, 2009, at 10:29 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:


 I'll give you the five bucks to see the movie at one of the two 
 five-dollar theatres in Atlanta. I *really* want to get your take 
 on this movie!

 - Original Message -
 From: Martin Baxter 
 Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 1:45:45 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

 Adrianne, I've never thought of Doctor Who as a reboot, merely a 
 restart. The nature of the show itself allows for far more 
 flexibility in storytelling. The same can be said for Trek, but 
 there are established events that formed the show's collective 
 mythos. IMO, those events are being juggled, solely to make money. 
 Yes, it's the Way of All Things. I don't have to accept it.

 I won't. I'll NEVER see this movie, not on cable, not on free TV, 
 not even if someone were to send it to me, wrapped in C-notes. I'd 
 send it right back.

 -[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*
 Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 11:43:31 -0400
 From : Adrianne Brennan 
 To :

 I dunno. I don't see what they're doing as being any different from 
 reboot of Doctor Who, except with more major canonical differences.
 ~ Where love and magic meet ~
 Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon:
 Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates:
 Dare to take The Oath in this fantasy series:

 On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 10:31 AM, wrote:

  In a message dated 5/10/09 4:24:35 AM, writes:
  My great fear is that this spawns a whole Trek series that won't 
 have some
  universal appeal because they adhere to any dynamic set of 
 principles, but a
  Trek universe where things get blow'd up real good and the movie 
 crowd can
  clap on cue. Too early to make that judgment before the next 
 film, so we'll
  just have to wait and see...
  Sin/Black Galactus
  I was about to stay silent on this but the paragraph above 
 prompted me to
  put my .02 cents in.
  What Sin/Black Galactus stated is something I call The Galactica
  Syndrome. That is you got a show based on a earlier project that 
  forming it's own audiance base is shunned by most-if not all of the
  orignials show's base. Shows like this usually don't have that 
 much of a
  long shelf-life being period 'flashes in the pan.
  Pre-new movie Star Trek (OST, ST:NG, ST:DS9, ST:V) while set 
  different time periods, situtations, characters, etc. could have 
 went this
  way. Their was something about those shows (and the movies based 
 on them)
  that fans from other shows could like and this brought in many 
 fans from
  those shows. Which in turn made the great. However the flipside 
 of this is
  that it produces 'lazy' exicution, that eventually results in bad 
  which angers and drives of the fans of those shows. Forcing 
 efforts to
  bring new life into those shows. Sometimes successful, sometimes 
 not. It
  depends on how much cannon they 'break' when doing it to make the 
  new/hip to make it acceptable to both new/old fans.
  This, IMO is why Enterprise was not well recieved by the pre-new 
 movie Star
  Trek community. It broke too much cannon, and many of the stories 
  that good. Which is also why it didn't get that many new fans 
 (IMO if it
  wasn't for the ST name Enterprise would have been canciled in 
 it's first
  while the new Battlestar Galactica was a somewhat hit. It was not 
 so by
  many fans of the old series who concider it broke too much cannon 
 (and the
  fact it's creators also had 'lazy exicution' sydrome judging from 
 it's later
  episodes) and this IMO the show will probally fade over time. And 
 in my
  opinion I see the new Star Trek movie and it's alternate timeline 
 will while
  finding intial popular support will eventually go the way of new 
 BG as it's
  new fans will stick to this movie. While fans of pre-new movie ST 
  eventually ignore it and continue on, asking for more stuff in 
 the pre-new
  movie ST background.
  But hey it's only my opinon.

[RE][scifinoir2] Re: New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

2009-05-11 Thread Martin Baxter
Marian, I've heard that the notion you posit has been discussed at the highest 
levels. No word on whether it happens in reality or not.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--

 Subject : [scifinoir2] Re: New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

 Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 23:22:46 -

 From : marian_changling

 To :

With all of the discussion of alternative timestreams here

Are people thinking that future movies might try to mingle the two alternative 
Star Trek histories? I certainly hope not. (Mr. Shatner might yet talk himself 
into the new Trek!)

If this is the new history, I hope they go forward with that. Not try to reach 
across into the old one. 

In fact, I wish that Spock Prime had stayed away from the new Spock altogether. 
That scene was completely unneeded. Some reviewers thought that it felt like 
Nimoy giving his blessing to the new guy, but storywise I wish it had been 

--- In, sincere1906  wrote:

 You've hit the proverbial nail on the head. It was a good movie, I enjoyed 
 much of it, but it didn't *feel* like Trek. And when some people hear my 
 complaints they think I'm trying to be a purist or that I don't like the 
 timeline/alternate reality change. And that's not it at all. I'm not one of 
 those folks who was griping because there was a woman in charge on Voyager or 
 because Picard didn't go around fighting everyone like Kirk did. I like those 
 kinds of changes. I think the timeline/alternate reality thing is bold--even 
 if I'll miss the old guys. No, my issues lay on whether this new Trek will 
 still continue in the vision that (imho) gave the stories such a massive 
 fanbase and following. 
 Sin/Black Galactus 
 --- In, GWashin891@ wrote:
  In a message dated 5/10/09 11:45:06 AM, adrianne.brennan@ writes:
   I dunno. I don't see what they're doing as being any different from the 
   reboot of Doctor Who, except with more major canonical differences.
  At least in the Doctor Who reboots they made a great effort to at least 
  keep with the spirit of the show and it's cannonal history. Even if they 
  change it. And inspite of those changes it, In short still 'felt' like 
  Doctor Who.
  The Average US Credit Score is 692. See Yours in Just 2 
  Easy Steps! 

Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

2009-05-11 Thread Martin Baxter
Guilty as charged. But, in my defense, the new parts in DW are DW fans. Can't 
say that about Abrams.

And I'll grant yu that The Doctor's Daughter was the low-water mark of the 
new series. Heck, DW *period*. Even made me cringe.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--

 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

 Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 19:21:26 -0400

 From : Adrianne Brennan

 To :

This from the person who is saying that I should watch series five no matter
what. ;)
Hey, at least you could watch the movie and figure out what you liked and
didn't like then. I sat through that atrocity known as The Doctor's
Daughter and being drunk wasn't enough to make it charming. Now I can
comment on it and say without reservation that it's the worst episode of the
entire new series, and they should be embarrassed that it was allowed to

I also thought the last special was nearly as bad, but not quite.

~ Where love and magic meet ~
Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon:
Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates:
Dare to take The Oath in this fantasy series:

On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 1:45 PM, Martin Baxter wrote:

 Adrianne, I've never thought of Doctor Who as a reboot, merely a restart.
 The nature of the show itself allows for far more flexibility in
 storytelling. The same can be said for Trek, but there are established
 events that formed the show's collective mythos. IMO, those events are being
 juggled, solely to make money. Yes, it's the Way of All Things. I don't have
 to accept it.

 I won't. I'll NEVER see this movie, not on cable, not on free TV, not even
 if someone were to send it to me, wrapped in C-notes. I'd send it right

 -[ Received Mail Content ]--

 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

 Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 11:43:31 -0400

 From : Adrianne Brennan 

 To :

 I dunno. I don't see what they're doing as being any different from the
 reboot of Doctor Who, except with more major canonical differences.
 ~ Where love and magic meet ~
 Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon:
 Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates:
 Dare to take The Oath in this fantasy series:

 On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 10:31 AM, wrote:

  In a message dated 5/10/09 4:24:35 AM, writes:
  My great fear is that this spawns a whole Trek series that won't have
  universal appeal because they adhere to any dynamic set of principles,
 but a
  Trek universe where things get blow'd up real good and the movie crowd
  clap on cue. Too early to make that judgment before the next film, so
  just have to wait and see...
  Sin/Black Galactus
  I was about to stay silent on this but the paragraph above prompted me to
  put my .02 cents in.
  What Sin/Black Galactus stated is something I call The Galactica
  Syndrome. That is you got a show based on a earlier project that while
  forming it's own audiance base is shunned by most-if not all of the
  orignials show's base. Shows like this usually don't have that much of a
  long shelf-life being period 'flashes in the pan.
  Pre-new movie Star Trek (OST, ST:NG, ST:DS9, ST:V) while set either/or
  different time periods, situtations, characters, etc. could have went
  way. Their was something about those shows (and the movies based on them)
  that fans from other shows could like and this brought in many fans from
  those shows. Which in turn made the great. However the flipside of this
  that it produces 'lazy' exicution, that eventually results in bad
  which angers and drives of the fans of those shows. Forcing efforts to
  bring new life into those shows. Sometimes successful, sometimes not. It
  depends on how much cannon they 'break' when doing it to make the show
  new/hip to make it acceptable to both new/old fans.
  This, IMO is why Enterprise was not well recieved by the pre-new movie
  Trek community. It broke too much cannon, and many of the stories weren't
  that good. Which is also why it didn't get that many new fans (IMO if it
  wasn't for the ST name Enterprise would have been canciled in it's first
  while the new Battlestar Galactica was a somewhat hit. It was not so by
  many fans of the old series who concider it broke too much cannon (and
  fact it's creators also had 'lazy exicution' sydrome judging from it's
  episodes) and this IMO the show will probally fade over time. And in my
  opinion I see the new Star Trek movie and it's alternate timeline 

RE: [RE][scifinoir2] Re: New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

2009-05-11 Thread Martin Baxter
Forgive the implication, Exalted List Goddess -- ne'er shall this one stray.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--

 Subject : RE: [RE][scifinoir2] Re: New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

 Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 16:16:46 -0700

 From : Tracey de Morsella

 To :

You ain’t allowed to leave, so forget that. Keep griping--- many of us empathize


From: [] On Behalf 
Of Martin Baxter
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 3:22 PM
Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] Re: New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*


sin speaks naught but truth to power. In a couple of other forums I post in, 
such a discussion, gone to the points we've taken it so far, would've resulted 
in several users leaving in disgust, after flinging death threats.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : [RE][scifinoir2] Re: New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*
Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 21:03:28 -
From : sincere1906 
To :

But this is scifinoir...where we can get into convulted arguments about 
everything from individuality and consciousness in the Borg to whether Balrogs 
have wings. That's what makes this little reality Tracey created for us so 
special--cuz we can't do so in most other places. And fear not, I'm not asking 
anyone to be divided by loyalties nor am I stewing in prejudice (?) and/or 
nostalgia. lol Just having a lively discussion... :) 

Sin/Black Galactus 

--- In, Meta wrote: 
 I have seen the movie and I loved it. My feelings about this 
 non-issue is the same as yours. I just will not be drawn into a 
 convoluted argument about Trek loyalties. 
 --- In, Justin Mohareb wrote: 
  Yeah, but a lot of people have decided that, sight unseen, they're not 
  going to like this film. 
  I, personally, don't have the time or energy to debate or cajole or 
  even, at this point, care. 
  Let them stew in prejudice and nostalgia. 
  That leaves more seats for the rest of us. 
  On 10-May-09, at 10:15 AM, Adrianne Brennan 
   And yet, me and many others who ARE Trek fans--heck, been a Trekkie 
   all of my life--*loved* the movie! 
   ~ Where love and magic meet ~ 
   Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon: 
   Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates: 
   Dare to take The Oath in this fantasy series: 
   On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 7:55 AM, Martin Baxter 
   That, sir, is a DAMN good point. But then, I return to Abrams' own 
   If you're a Star Trek fan, you won't like this movie. 
   -[ Received Mail Content ]-- 
   Subject : [scifinoir2] Re: New Trek- My take *SPOILERS* 
   Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 08:36:17 - 
   From : sincere1906 
   To : 
   Okay. Getting real Trek geek here... 
   Where are the Temporal Authorities? In a Deep Space 9 episode, we 
   got to see guys from the future who monitor time. I figure they must 
   be able to remain unaltered outside the timeline. Shouldn't some 
   alarm (or however they're notified) have gone off somewhere as soon 
   as that giant Romulan ship showed up and started rippling through 
   the time line? 
   Jes thinkin aloud... 
   -- In, sincere1906 wrote: 

Okay it's 4am, I saw the new Trek movie about 8 hours ago and am 
   just getting in after a night of debauchery. So I might be writing 
   this on a Red Stripe buzz, but here goes... 

S P O I L E R S ! ! ! 

I liked the movie. As a movie, it was good. The plot was decent. 
   There was well-paced excitement, humor, etc. The cast was relatable. 
   I thought everyone did a great job playing their roles--even down to 
   Chekhov. So as a movie, good. I give it 3 stars out of four. 

The larger question, what I suppose matters the most on a group 
   like this, is was it good Trek? 

On this, I'm truly torn. 

First off, I knew they said get ready to forget everything you 
   know about Trek, but damn...I didn't know they were this serious! 
   Thanks to that Romulan ship coming through a black hole and killing 
   Kirk's father, the timeline that we know from that point on has been 
   severed. The Butterfly effect has created a host of new phenomenon-- 
   right down to a love affar between Uhuru and Spock--which never 
   seemed to exist before. This was a bold and daring move. The writers 
   of this new Trek world have an entire alternate reality on their 

Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

2009-05-11 Thread Augustus Augustus
i say we just go, kick in Martin's door, and his butt 2 the theatre.   i will 
even spring 4 the popcorn and soda.  after he views it, i BET he gives us our 
ticket money back!

--- On Sun, 5/10/09, Keith Johnson wrote:

From: Keith Johnson
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*
Date: Sunday, May 10, 2009, 10:29 PM


I'll give you the five bucks to see the movie at one of the two five-dollar 
theatres in Atlanta. I *really* want to get your take on this movie!

- Original Message -
From: Martin Baxter truthseeker013@
To: scifino...@yahoogro
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 1:45:45 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

Adrianne, I've never thought of Doctor Who as a reboot, merely a restart. The 
nature of the show itself allows for far more flexibility in storytelling. The 
same can be said for Trek, but there are established events that formed the 
show's collective mythos. IMO, those events are being juggled, solely to make 
money. Yes, it's the Way of All Things. I don't have to accept it. 

I won't. I'll NEVER see this movie, not on cable, not on free TV, not even if 
someone were to send it to me, wrapped in C-notes. I'd send it right back.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*
Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 11:43:31 -0400
From : Adrianne Brennan adrianne.brennan@
To : scifino...@yahoogro

I dunno. I don't see what they're doing as being any different from the 
reboot of Doctor Who, except with more major canonical differences. 
~ Where love and magic meet ~ 
Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon: 
http://www.adrianne botdm.html 
Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates: 
http://www.adrianne bamc.html 
Dare to take The Oath in this fantasy series: 
http://www.adrianne books.html# the_oath 

On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 10:31 AM, wrote: 

 In a message dated 5/10/09 4:24:35 AM, sincere1906@ writes: 
 My great fear is that this spawns a whole Trek series that won't have some 
 universal appeal because they adhere to any dynamic set of principles, but a 
 Trek universe where things get blow'd up real good and the movie crowd can 
 clap on cue. Too early to make that judgment before the next film, so we'll 
 just have to wait and see... 
 Sin/Black Galactus 
 I was about to stay silent on this but the paragraph above prompted me to 
 put my .02 cents in. 
 What Sin/Black Galactus stated is something I call The Galactica 
 Syndrome. That is you got a show based on a earlier project that while 
 forming it's own audiance base is shunned by most-if not all of the 
 orignials show's base. Shows like this usually don't have that much of a 
 long shelf-life being period 'flashes in the pan. 
 Pre-new movie Star Trek (OST, ST:NG, ST:DS9, ST:V) while set either/or 
 different time periods, situtations, characters, etc. could have went this 
 way. Their was something about those shows (and the movies based on them) 
 that fans from other shows could like and this brought in many fans from 
 those shows. Which in turn made the great. However the flipside of this is 
 that it produces 'lazy' exicution, that eventually results in bad products 
 which angers and drives of the fans of those shows. Forcing efforts to 
 bring new life into those shows. Sometimes successful, sometimes not. It 
 depends on how much cannon they 'break' when doing it to make the show 
 new/hip to make it acceptable to both new/old fans. 
 This, IMO is why Enterprise was not well recieved by the pre-new movie Star 
 Trek community. It broke too much cannon, and many of the stories weren't 
 that good. Which is also why it didn't get that many new fans (IMO if it 
 wasn't for the ST name Enterprise would have been canciled in it's first 
 while the new Battlestar Galactica was a somewhat hit. It was not so by 
 many fans of the old series who concider it broke too much cannon (and the 
 fact it's creators also had 'lazy exicution' sydrome judging from it's later 
 episodes) and this IMO the show will probally fade over time. And in my 
 opinion I see the new Star Trek movie and it's alternate timeline will while 
 finding intial popular support will eventually go the way of new BG as it's 
 new fans will stick to this movie. While fans of pre-new movie ST will 
 eventually ignore it and continue on, asking for more stuff in the pre-new 
 movie ST background. 
 But hey it's only my opinon. 
 The Average US Credit Score is 692. See Yours in Just 2 Easy Steps! ( 
 http://pr.atwola. com/promoclk/ 100126575x122237 6999x1201454299/ aol?redir= 
 http://www. freecreditreport .com/pm/default. 

RE: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

2009-05-11 Thread Martin Baxter

-[ Received Mail Content ]--

 Subject : RE: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

 Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 16:16:17 -0700

 From : Tracey de Morsella

 To :

Don’t kill me if I send you some new trek action figures in the mail for 
Christmas. I like getting your gander up


From: [] On Behalf 
Of Martin Baxter
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 3:49 PM
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*


Bosco, again, I'm on the record. I feel as though... if I put my money down on 
something which, in the long run, I feel is going to fail (this movie itself 
won't -- I'm certain that it'll end up as one of the top-three box-office 
champs of the year, but Abrams, again, has a track record of quitting on 
whatever he picks up. The rumor's already out that he won't direct the next 
one, merely exec-produce it (meaning show up for an hour aday, sign the 
paychecks and go to whatever his next pet project is), and the next one won't 
measure up to the standard of this one, IMO risking the possibility that the 
Trek franchise will, one day, be in the same league as J__l Sr put the 
Bat franchise into with his misdirected two efforts.)

Also, I say again that better options for a continuation were ou! t there, 
namely DSNine. No one can say that it's out of the consciousness of the fans, 
because it still airs on Spike every so often late nights.

Just taked myself out of it again. NO WAY.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : RE: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*
Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 11:48:14 -0700
From : Tracey de Morsella 
To : 


Why can't you see it absorb it, enjoy it if possible and then come home and 
complain about the inconsistencies, Like Galactigus did 

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Bosco Bosco 
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 11:01 AM 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS* 


This movie is GREAT. Miss it if you must but it's GREAT. Did I mention it's 
frakin GREAT. I really think you're cheating yourself by taking a stand 
against without having seen it. Seriously. 

God that movie was GREAT. 


--- On Sun, 5/10/09, Martin Baxter wrote: 

From: Martin Baxter 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS* 
Date: Sunday, May 10, 2009, 12:45 PM 

Adrianne, I've never thought of Doctor Who as a reboot, merely a restart. 
The nature of the show itself allows for far more flexibility in 
storytelling. The same can be said for Trek, but there are established 
events that formed the show's collective mythos. IMO, those events are being 
juggled, solely to make money. Yes, it's the Way of All Things. I don't have 
to accept it. 

I won't. I'll NEVER see this movie, not on cable, not on free TV, not even 
if someone were to send it to me, wrapped in C-notes. I'd send it right 

-[ Received Mail Content ]-- 
Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS* 
Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 11:43:31 -0400 
From : Adrianne Brennan 
To : scifino...@yahoogro 

I dunno. I don't see what they're doing as being any different from the 
reboot of Doctor Who, except with more major canonical differences. 
~ Where love and magic meet ~ 
Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon: 
http://www.adrianne botdm.html 
Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates: 
http://www.adrianne bamc.html 
Dare to take The Oath in this fantasy series: 
http://www.adrianne books.html# the_oath 

On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 10:31 AM, wrote: 

 In a message dated 5/10/09 4:24:35 AM, sincere1906@ writes: 
 My great fear is that this spawns a whole Trek series that won't have some 

 universal appeal because they adhere to any dynamic set of principles, but 
 Trek universe where things get blow'd up real good and the movie crowd can 

 clap on cue. Too early to make that judgment before the next film, so 
 just have to wait and see... 
 Sin/Black Galactus 
 I was about to stay silent on this but the paragraph above prompted me to 
 put my .02 cents in. 
 What Sin/Black Galactus stated is something I call The Galactica 
 Syndrome. That is you got a show based on a earlier project that while 
 forming it's own audiance base is shunned by most-if not all of the 
 orignials show's base. Shows like this usually don't have that much of a 
 long shelf-life being period 'flashes in the pan. 
 Pre-new movie Star Trek (OST, ST:NG, ST:DS9, ST:V) while set either/or 
 different time periods, situtations, characters, etc. could have went this 

 way. Their was something about those shows (and the movies 

RE: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

2009-05-11 Thread Martin Baxter
Not even if you were to buy me the Special Edition DVD when it came out, 
wrapped that in C-notes and had it hand-delivered to me by Gabrielle Union in 
an old-school Uhura uniform. (Let 'em doubt my sincerity NOW.)

-[ Received Mail Content ]--

 Subject : RE: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

 Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 16:14:32 -0700

 From : Tracey de Morsella

 To :

C’mon, not even on DVD, the Internet or cable?


From: [] On Behalf 
Of Martin Baxter
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 3:39 PM
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*


Fate, I'm on the record. Best I can do is to give it a lot of thought. In 
recent months, I've resisted seeing a lot of movies I was told I *had* to see, 
almost all of which turned out to be crap.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : RE: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*
Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 12:18:23 -0700 (PDT)
From : Augustus Augustus 
To :


Tracey and Bosco are correct. Just go and see it and enjoy it for what it's 
worth. my wife and i saw it last night, and we both liked it, and trust me. 
when i saw she liked a sci-fi movie, that is a feat! 


--- On Sun, 5/10/09, Tracey de Morsella wrote: 

From: Tracey de Morsella 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS* 
Date: Sunday, May 10, 2009, 2:48 PM 


Why can’t you see it absorb it, enjoy it if possible and then 
come home and complain about the inconsistencies, Like Galactigus did 


From: scifino...@yahoogro 
[mailto:scifinoir2@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Bosco Bosco 

Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 11:01 AM 

To: scifino...@yahoogro 

Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS* 



This movie is GREAT. Miss it if you must but it's GREAT. Did I mention it's 
frakin GREAT. I really think you're cheating yourself by taking a stand 
against without having seen it. Seriously. 

God that movie was GREAT. 


--- On Sun, 5/10/09, Martin Baxter 

From: Martin Baxter 

Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS* 

To: scifino...@yahoogro 

Date: Sunday, May 10, 2009, 12:45 PM 

Adrianne, I've never thought of Doctor Who as a reboot, merely a 
restart. The nature of the show itself allows for far more flexibility in 
storytelling. The same can be said for Trek, but there are established 
events that formed the show's collective mythos. IMO, those events are 
being juggled, solely to make money. Yes, it's the Way of All Things. I 
don't have to accept it. 

I won't. I'll NEVER see this movie, not on cable, not on free TV, not even 
if someone were to send it to me, wrapped in C-notes. I'd send it right 

-[ Received Mail 
Content ]-- 

Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS* 

Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 11:43:31 -0400 

From : Adrianne Brennan 

To : scifino...@yahoogro 

I dunno. I don't see what they're doing as being any different from the 

reboot of Doctor Who, except with more major canonical differences. 

~ Where love and magic meet ~ 


Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon: 

http://www.adrianne botdm.html 

Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates: 

http://www.adrianne bamc.html 

Dare to take The Oath in this fantasy series: 

http://www.adrianne books.html# the_oath 

On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 10:31 AM, wrote: 




 In a message dated 5/10/09 4:24:35 AM, sincere1906@ writes: 




 My great fear is that this spawns a whole Trek series that won't have 

 universal appeal because they adhere to any dynamic set of principles, 
but a 

 Trek universe where things get blow'd up real good and the movie crowd 

 clap on cue. Too early to make that judgment before the next film, so 

 just have to wait and see... 




 Sin/Black Galactus 



 I was about to stay silent on this but the paragraph above prompted me 

 put my .02 cents in. 


 What Sin/Black Galactus stated is something I call The Galactica 

 Syndrome. That is you got a show based on a earlier project that 

 forming it's own audiance base is shunned by most-if not all of the 

 orignials show's base. Shows like this usually don't have that much of 

 long shelf-life being period 'flashes in the pan. 


 Pre-new movie Star Trek (OST, ST:NG, ST:DS9, ST:V) while set either/or 

 different time periods, situtations, characters, etc. could have went 

 way. Their was something about those shows (and the movies based on 

 that fans from other shows could like and this brought in many 

[RE][scifinoir2] Cone of Silence for the office place

2009-05-11 Thread Martin Baxter
This, I could've used aabout fifteen years ago, when  I was trying to unionize 
the company I was working for at the time. (The u-word was, in Management's 
opinion, even more obscene than the n-, f- and k-words spoken in succession, 
and had once, by my personal witenss, been grounds for immediate termination.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--

 Subject : [scifinoir2] Cone of Silence for the office place

 Date : Mon, 11 May 2009 16:48:17 -

 From : ravenadal

 To :

This is so pertinet. Just this morning, the woman I work with in the Quality 
Assurance lab was told to use her inside voice because she could be heard out 
in the cube farm and, apparently, the unfettered tone of her voice was 
frightening the corporate veal.


A Creepy Mute Button for the Real World 

BY Cliff Kuang44 minutes ago 

 Joe Paradiso and Yasuhiro Ono of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
have just patented a system for a roving cone of silence, so that you can walk 
around your office building without anyone ever eavesdropping on you. 

The inventors are trying to fix a common problem in open-plan offices: the 
sound of conversations that carry across the room, making your every phone call 
into fodder for other people's gossip sessions. So they devised a sound-damping 
sensor, comprised of an infra-red motion-detector, a speaker and a microphone. 
These would be scattered around the walls of an office. You can then activate 
your personal mute button from your computer. The system locks onto you, 
identifies anyone close enough to eavesdrop, and hits them with a murmur of 
white noise so they can't hear you. 

Of course, the new invention isn't alone. In-office sound masking systems have 
become popular recently: There's already the Babble and the Accumask, both of 
which shroud voices by mixing them with randomized noise. But Paradiso and 
Ono's invention is the only one that has the potential to silence anyone in an 
office on demand with a single system, while traveling with them as they wander 
around the office. The downside is that this system requires lots of 
infrastructure, not to mention the creepiness of having your moves watched by a 
computer that tags you as a nosey eavesdropper. Do you think the benefits of 
privacy outweigh the creepy factor? 

Related: No Joke: These Guys Really Do Work Out of a Cardboard Box 
Related: The Privacy Arms Race Issue 84 | July 2004

[RE][scifinoir2] Re: New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

2009-05-11 Thread Martin Baxter
Nonononononono... I called first.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--

 Subject : [scifinoir2] Re: New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

 Date : Mon, 11 May 2009 17:01:11 -

 From : ravenadal

 To :

Okay, Martin, I was with you all the way up to the Gabrielle Union in the old 
school Uhura uniform comment but, to paraphrase Ozzie Osbourne, you have just 
taken a ride on the bloody crazy train!

(Uh, gentlemen, that Gabrielle Union home delivery of the DVD IS something I 
might be interested in!)


--- In, Martin Baxter  wrote:

 Not even if you were to buy me the Special Edition DVD when it came out, 
 wrapped that in C-notes and had it hand-delivered to me by Gabrielle Union in 
 an old-school Uhura uniform. (Let 'em doubt my sincerity NOW.)
-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : RE: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*
 Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 16:14:32 -0700
 From : Tracey de Morsella 
 To : 
C’mon, not even on DVD, the Internet or cable?
 From: [] On 
 Behalf Of Martin Baxter
 Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 3:39 PM
 Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*
 Fate, I'm on the record. Best I can do is to give it a lot of thought. In 
 recent months, I've resisted seeing a lot of movies I was told I *had* to 
 see, almost all of which turned out to be crap.
 -[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : RE: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*
 Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 12:18:23 -0700 (PDT)
 From : Augustus Augustus 
 To :
 Tracey and Bosco are correct. Just go and see it and enjoy it for what it's 
 worth. my wife and i saw it last night, and we both liked it, and trust me. 
 when i saw she liked a sci-fi movie, that is a feat! 
 --- On Sun, 5/10/09, Tracey de Morsella wrote: 
 From: Tracey de Morsella 
 Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS* 
 Date: Sunday, May 10, 2009, 2:48 PM 
 Why can’t you see it absorb it, enjoy it if possible and then 
 come home and complain about the inconsistencies, Like Galactigus did 
 From: scifino...@yahoogro 
 [mailto:scifinoir2@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Bosco Bosco 
 Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 11:01 AM 
 To: scifino...@yahoogro 
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS* 
 This movie is GREAT. Miss it if you must but it's GREAT. Did I mention it's 
 frakin GREAT. I really think you're cheating yourself by taking a stand 
 against without having seen it. Seriously. 
 God that movie was GREAT. 
 --- On Sun, 5/10/09, Martin Baxter 
 From: Martin Baxter 
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS* 
 To: scifino...@yahoogro 
 Date: Sunday, May 10, 2009, 12:45 PM 
 Adrianne, I've never thought of Doctor Who as a reboot, merely a 
 restart. The nature of the show itself allows for far more flexibility in 
 storytelling. The same can be said for Trek, but there are established 
 events that formed the show's collective mythos. IMO, those events are 
 being juggled, solely to make money. Yes, it's the Way of All Things. I 
 don't have to accept it. 
 I won't. I'll NEVER see this movie, not on cable, not on free TV, not even 
 if someone were to send it to me, wrapped in C-notes. I'd send it right 
 -[ Received Mail 
 Content ]-- 
 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS* 
 Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 11:43:31 -0400 
 From : Adrianne Brennan 
 To : scifino...@yahoogro 
 I dunno. I don't see what they're doing as being any different from the 
 reboot of Doctor Who, except with more major canonical differences. 
 ~ Where love and magic meet ~ 
 Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon: 
 http://www.adrianne botdm.html 
 Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates: 
 http://www.adrianne bamc.html 
 Dare to take The Oath in this fantasy series: 
 http://www.adrianne books.html# the_oath 
 On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 10:31 AM, wrote: 
  In a message dated 5/10/09 4:24:35 AM, sincere1906@ writes: 
  My great fear is that this spawns a whole Trek series that won't have 
  universal appeal because they adhere to any dynamic set of principles, 
 but a 
  Trek universe where things get blow'd up real good and the movie crowd 
  clap on cue. Too early to make that judgment before the next film, so 
  just have to 

Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Cone of Silence for the office place

2009-05-11 Thread ravenadal

I have this laminated Dilbert cartoon in my office:  

POINTY-HAIRED MANAGER - I want suggestions on how we can win one of those best 
places to work awards

DILBERT - You could stop treating us like diseased livestock.

POINTY-HAIRED MANAGER - (punching Dilbert in the arm) - Stop being like that!


POINTY-HAIRED MANAGER - If you were livestock, you'd be eating grass.

DILBERT - My Donut is made from wheat flour.  Wheat is a grass.

POINTY-HAIRED MANAGER - And you'd be living in a pen.

DILBERT - Also known as a cubicle.

POINTY-HAIRED MANAGER - Livestock have no freedom.

DILBERT - Can I go home now?




--- In, Martin Baxter truthseeker...@... wrote:

 This, I could've used aabout fifteen years ago, when  I was trying to 
 unionize the company I was working for at the time. (The u-word was, in 
 Management's opinion, even more obscene than the n-, f- and k-words spoken in 
 succession, and had once, by my personal witenss, been grounds for immediate 
-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : [scifinoir2] Cone of Silence for the office place
 Date : Mon, 11 May 2009 16:48:17 -
 From : ravenadal ravena...@...
 To :
This is so pertinet. Just this morning, the woman I work with in the Quality 
Assurance lab was told to use her inside voice because she could be heard out 
in the cube farm and, apparently, the unfettered tone of her voice was 
frightening the corporate veal.
 A Creepy Mute Button for the Real World 
 BY Cliff Kuang44 minutes ago 
  Joe Paradiso and Yasuhiro Ono of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
 have just patented a system for a roving cone of silence, so that you can 
 walk around your office building without anyone ever eavesdropping on you. 
 The inventors are trying to fix a common problem in open-plan offices: the 
 sound of conversations that carry across the room, making your every phone 
 call into fodder for other people's gossip sessions. So they devised a 
 sound-damping sensor, comprised of an infra-red motion-detector, a speaker 
 and a microphone. These would be scattered around the walls of an office. You 
 can then activate your personal mute button from your computer. The system 
 locks onto you, identifies anyone close enough to eavesdrop, and hits them 
 with a murmur of white noise so they can't hear you. 
 Of course, the new invention isn't alone. In-office sound masking systems 
 have become popular recently: There's already the Babble and the Accumask, 
 both of which shroud voices by mixing them with randomized noise. But 
 Paradiso and Ono's invention is the only one that has the potential to 
 silence anyone in an office on demand with a single system, while traveling 
 with them as they wander around the office. The downside is that this system 
 requires lots of infrastructure, not to mention the creepiness of having your 
 moves watched by a computer that tags you as a nosey eavesdropper. Do you 
 think the benefits of privacy outweigh the creepy factor? 
 Related: No Joke: These Guys Really Do Work Out of a Cardboard Box 
 Related: The Privacy Arms Race Issue 84 | July 2004 

Re: [scifinoir2] Yesterday was a good day

2009-05-11 Thread Keith Johnson
Ha-ha, great stuff! 

- Original Message - 
From: ravenadal 
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 1:31:32 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Yesterday was a good day 

Yesterday was a good day (Big Baby made the shot!). It started off with me 
watching Titan A.E. with the sound off followed by a viewing of The Wrath of 
Khan, previously the best Star Trek movie ever, dovetailing nicely with a 
lively on-line conversation about the latest (possibly, greatest) Star Trek 
movie of all-time. That was followed by my (adopted) Houston Rockets beating 
the LA Kobies withoug Yao Ming which was followed by my accidentally surfing 
into a full viewing of Strange Days with Ralph Finnes, Angela Bassett (one of 
her best roles) and the woefully underused Glenn Plummer as the murdered Rasta 
Messiah (directed by my favorite gonzo director Kathryn Bigelow). This was 
followed by the aforementioned buzzer beater by Blen BIG BABY!!! Davis as my 
(adopted) Boston Celtics evened their playoff series with the Orlando Magic. 
But what capped the evening off was an encore presentation of the original 
Spider-Man movie immediately following the basketball game. I saw the movie in 
the theater. I own the DVD. But I sat there and watched the whole thing, 
commercials and all, like I was seeing it all for the first time. 

Yeah, yesterday was a good day (Big Baby made the shot!) 


[scifinoir2] Re: New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

2009-05-11 Thread Meta

I'll take it if you don't want it, especially wrapped in those C-notes. You 
can, of course keep Gabrielle, my flow don't go THAT way.:)


--- In, Martin Baxter truthseeker...@... wrote:

 Not even if you were to buy me the Special Edition DVD when it came out, 
 wrapped that in C-notes and had it hand-delivered to me by Gabrielle Union in 
 an old-school Uhura uniform. (Let 'em doubt my sincerity NOW.)
-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : RE: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*
 Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 16:14:32 -0700
 From : Tracey de Morsella tdli...@...
 To :
C’mon, not even on DVD, the Internet or cable?
 From: [] On 
 Behalf Of Martin Baxter
 Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 3:39 PM
 Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*
 Fate, I'm on the record. Best I can do is to give it a lot of thought. In 
 recent months, I've resisted seeing a lot of movies I was told I *had* to 
 see, almost all of which turned out to be crap.
 -[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : RE: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*
 Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 12:18:23 -0700 (PDT)
 From : Augustus Augustus 
 To :
 Tracey and Bosco are correct. Just go and see it and enjoy it for what it's 
 worth. my wife and i saw it last night, and we both liked it, and trust me. 
 when i saw she liked a sci-fi movie, that is a feat! 
 --- On Sun, 5/10/09, Tracey de Morsella wrote: 
 From: Tracey de Morsella 
 Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS* 
 Date: Sunday, May 10, 2009, 2:48 PM 
 Why can’t you see it absorb it, enjoy it if possible and then 
 come home and complain about the inconsistencies, Like Galactigus did 
 From: scifino...@yahoogro 
 [mailto:scifinoir2@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Bosco Bosco 
 Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 11:01 AM 
 To: scifino...@yahoogro 
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS* 
 This movie is GREAT. Miss it if you must but it's GREAT. Did I mention it's 
 frakin GREAT. I really think you're cheating yourself by taking a stand 
 against without having seen it. Seriously. 
 God that movie was GREAT. 
 --- On Sun, 5/10/09, Martin Baxter 
 From: Martin Baxter 
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS* 
 To: scifino...@yahoogro 
 Date: Sunday, May 10, 2009, 12:45 PM 
 Adrianne, I've never thought of Doctor Who as a reboot, merely a 
 restart. The nature of the show itself allows for far more flexibility in 
 storytelling. The same can be said for Trek, but there are established 
 events that formed the show's collective mythos. IMO, those events are 
 being juggled, solely to make money. Yes, it's the Way of All Things. I 
 don't have to accept it. 
 I won't. I'll NEVER see this movie, not on cable, not on free TV, not even 
 if someone were to send it to me, wrapped in C-notes. I'd send it right 
 -[ Received Mail 
 Content ]-- 
 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS* 
 Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 11:43:31 -0400 
 From : Adrianne Brennan 
 To : scifino...@yahoogro 
 I dunno. I don't see what they're doing as being any different from the 
 reboot of Doctor Who, except with more major canonical differences. 
 ~ Where love and magic meet ~ 
 Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon: 
 http://www.adrianne botdm.html 
 Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates: 
 http://www.adrianne bamc.html 
 Dare to take The Oath in this fantasy series: 
 http://www.adrianne books.html# the_oath 
 On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 10:31 AM, wrote: 
  In a message dated 5/10/09 4:24:35 AM, sincere1906@ writes: 
  My great fear is that this spawns a whole Trek series that won't have 
  universal appeal because they adhere to any dynamic set of principles, 
 but a 
  Trek universe where things get blow'd up real good and the movie crowd 
  clap on cue. Too early to make that judgment before the next film, so 
  just have to wait and see... 
  Sin/Black Galactus 
  I was about to stay silent on this but the paragraph above prompted me 
  put my .02 cents in. 
  What Sin/Black Galactus stated is something I call The Galactica 
  Syndrome. That is you got a show based on a earlier project that 
  forming it's own 

[scifinoir2] Quinto goes where one man has gone before

2009-05-11 Thread ravenadal
This is the last of the new Star Trek actor profiles: Two Sides of Spock

Two Sides Of Spock
Leonard Nimoy Helps Zachary Quinto Redefine The TV Icon
By RICK BENTLEY|McClatchy NewspapersPhotos By MATT SAYLES|Associated Press

May 10, 2009

There was a time, not long after the original run of the television series  
Star Trek, when Leonard Nimoy tried to distance himself from the show. He had 
played many roles before slapping on the pointy ears to portray Spock, but that 
character was the only role anyone seemed to remember.

Nimoy eventually embraced the inevitable: He will always be known as the actor 
who played Spock on the '60s TV show. He could not ignore the fan interest or 
the fact that Spock tops lists of the most-iconic television characters.

Now, with the new Star Trek feature film, Nimoy has someone with whom to 
share the burden.

Screenwriters Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman say the movie would not have been 
possible without Nimoy's being part of it, but they also needed someone who 
could play a younger Spock.

Heroes star Zachary Quinto portrays Spock in the early days of the Star 
Trek mythology, when Spock and Kirk, and the rest of the Enterprise gang, came 
together. The plot also includes a major role for Nimoy's more mature version 
of the character.

Seated next to each other at the Four Seasons Hotel, Nimoy and Quinto discuss 
the movie. Nimoy explains how excited he was to have the opportunity to slip 
back into the role.

These people, the makers of this film, I think reawakened in me the passion I 
had when we made the original film and series, Nimoy, 78, says.

Quinto, 31, admits that when he was 12, he had the same bowl-shaped haircut 
that Spock sported. But he never had anyone tell him that he looked like the 
famous Vulcan. He prepared for the role by watching episodes of the television 
show. He also had the luxury of being able to chat with Nimoy during the 

The whole experience for me was so fulfilling. Beyond my wildest expectations, 
in terms of just getting to know him and understanding how this character has 
formed. His creative processes and life. It was great fun, Quinto says. I got 
asked a lot if there was pressure because of Leonard's involvement. My response 
is always to the contrary. Having him as a resource, and such a generous 
available support system, made it much easier for me to step into the 

I felt that it was incumbent upon me to determine my own relationship with 
this character. That was the mandate that [director] J.J. [Abrams] set forth 
very early on in the process. We were expected to use the foundation as a point 
of entry into our own experiences with the characters.

Nimoy smiles at the young actor's response, and says, He sounds like Spock. 
Doesn't he?

Nimoy has nothing but compliments for how Quinto handled the role. The pair 
never talked about the do's and don'ts of playing Spock. Their 
conversations where more about the philosophy and psychology of the character, 
the philosophy of Star Trek and even the fans' reactions to various aspects 
of Star Trek.

I'm very proud of what he did, Nimoy says. I loved the idea that he is doing 
the character, that he did it so well. I think we have book-ended the 
character. He has created a Spock that comes before the Spock that I portrayed 
in the series. I'm playing a Spock that comes much, much later and is much more 
resolved and is, I think, much closer to who I actually am today. So I think it 
works extremely well.

There is one huge story line in the movie involving the younger Spock that will 
catch Star Trek fans off guard. It would be unfair to reveal what happens 
except to say that it illustrates Quinto's suggestion that there is a real 
misconception about how much emotion Spock feels.

Spock is the son of a Vulcan father and an Earth mother. The Star Trek lore 
is that Vulcans have long suppressed emotions because emotions are not logical. 
But Spock has always had to deal with the added pressures of his human side.

I think he feels emotion very deeply. But he's just restricted in the ways 
that he can express it, Quinto says. For me, it was about cultivating a 
deeply rooted inner life and not being able to do much other than to hold on to 

It Wasn't Much Of A Stretch To Go Back In Time

Few television characters have reached the iconic status of Star Trek science 
officer Spock. From his pointed ears to the live longer and prosper greeting, 
the character is ingrained in the pop-culture fabric.

It was Leonard Nimoy, a lanky actor from Boston, who first gave Spock life in 
the television series and then in a string of movies. Nimoy has returned to the 
role in the new Star Trek feature film, which looks at the early days of the 

[scifinoir2] A Primer to 'Star Trek' Food and Drink

2009-05-11 Thread brent wodehouse

Re: [scifinoir2] Cone of Silence for the office place

2009-05-11 Thread Mr. Worf
This can be avoided if companies stopped using cheap baffles (wall
partitions) between the cubicles. Most buy or rent to own those cheap thin
white (or beige) baffles that come separately or part of the desk system.
There are thicker partitions that have sound proofing built in that absorb
sound. They are made that way. They can reduce sound by 50-60%.

On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 9:48 AM, ravenadal wrote:

 This is so pertinet.  Just this morning, the woman I work with in the
 Quality Assurance lab was told to use her inside voice because she could
 be heard out in the cube farm and, apparently, the unfettered tone of her
 voice was frightening the corporate veal.


 A Creepy Mute Button for the Real World

 BY Cliff Kuang44 minutes ago

  Joe Paradiso and Yasuhiro Ono of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
 have just patented a system for a roving cone of silence, so that you can
 walk around your office building without anyone ever eavesdropping on you.

 The inventors are trying to fix a common problem in open-plan offices: the
 sound of conversations that carry across the room, making your every phone
 call into fodder for other people's gossip sessions. So they devised a
 sound-damping sensor, comprised of an infra-red motion-detector, a speaker
 and a microphone. These would be scattered around the walls of an office.
 You can then activate your personal mute button from your computer. The
 system locks onto you, identifies anyone close enough to eavesdrop, and hits
 them with a murmur of white noise so they can't hear you.

 Of course, the new invention isn't alone. In-office sound masking systems
 have become popular recently: There's already the Babble and the Accumask,
 both of which shroud voices by mixing them with randomized noise. But
 Paradiso and Ono's invention is the only one that has the potential to
 silence anyone in an office on demand with a single system, while traveling
 with them as they wander around the office. The downside is that this system
 requires lots of infrastructure, not to mention the creepiness of having
 your moves watched by a computer that tags you as a nosey eavesdropper. Do
 you think the benefits of privacy outweigh the creepy factor?

 Related: No Joke: These Guys Really Do Work Out of a Cardboard Box
 Related: The Privacy Arms Race Issue 84 | July 2004


 Post your SciFiNoir Profile at!
 Groups Links

Bringing diversity to perversity for 9 years!
Mahogany at:

Re: [scifinoir2] Cone of Silence for the office place

2009-05-11 Thread Martin Baxter
Mr. Worf, from my own eight-year stint in Hell-slash-Corporate America, I 
believe that Management *wants* those words to flutter freely about. The more 
dissent in the air, the easier to herd the veal.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--

 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Cone of Silence for the office place

 Date : Mon, 11 May 2009 13:39:27 -0700

 From : Mr. Worf

 To :

This can be avoided if companies stopped using cheap baffles (wall
partitions) between the cubicles. Most buy or rent to own those cheap thin
white (or beige) baffles that come separately or part of the desk system.
There are thicker partitions that have sound proofing built in that absorb
sound. They are made that way. They can reduce sound by 50-60%.

On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 9:48 AM, ravenadal  wrote:

 This is so pertinet. Just this morning, the woman I work with in the
 Quality Assurance lab was told to use her inside voice because she could
 be heard out in the cube farm and, apparently, the unfettered tone of her
 voice was frightening the corporate veal.


 A Creepy Mute Button for the Real World

 BY Cliff Kuang44 minutes ago

 Joe Paradiso and Yasuhiro Ono of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
 have just patented a system for a roving cone of silence, so that you can
 walk around your office building without anyone ever eavesdropping on you.

 The inventors are trying to fix a common problem in open-plan offices: the
 sound of conversations that carry across the room, making your every phone
 call into fodder for other people's gossip sessions. So they devised a
 sound-damping sensor, comprised of an infra-red motion-detector, a speaker
 and a microphone. These would be scattered around the walls of an office.
 You can then activate your personal mute button from your computer. The
 system locks onto you, identifies anyone close enough to eavesdrop, and hits
 them with a murmur of white noise so they can't hear you.

 Of course, the new invention isn't alone. In-office sound masking systems
 have become popular recently: There's already the Babble and the Accumask,
 both of which shroud voices by mixing them with randomized noise. But
 Paradiso and Ono's invention is the only one that has the potential to
 silence anyone in an office on demand with a single system, while traveling
 with them as they wander around the office. The downside is that this system
 requires lots of infrastructure, not to mention the creepiness of having
 your moves watched by a computer that tags you as a nosey eavesdropper. Do
 you think the benefits of privacy outweigh the creepy factor?

 Related: No Joke: These Guys Really Do Work Out of a Cardboard Box
 Related: The Privacy Arms Race Issue 84 | July 2004


 Post your SciFiNoir Profile at!
 Groups Links

Bringing diversity to perversity for 9 years!
Mahogany at:

[RE][scifinoir2] Re: New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

2009-05-11 Thread Martin Baxter

Just let me know who you want to bring it to your door, and I'll have Gabrielle 
hand it off.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--

 Subject : [scifinoir2] Re: New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

 Date : Mon, 11 May 2009 18:57:48 -

 From : Meta

 To :


I'll take it if you don't want it, especially wrapped in those C-notes. You 
can, of course keep Gabrielle, my flow don't go THAT way.:)


--- In, Martin Baxter  wrote:

 Not even if you were to buy me the Special Edition DVD when it came out, 
 wrapped that in C-notes and had it hand-delivered to me by Gabrielle Union in 
 an old-school Uhura uniform. (Let 'em doubt my sincerity NOW.)
-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : RE: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*
 Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 16:14:32 -0700
 From : Tracey de Morsella 
 To : 
C’mon, not even on DVD, the Internet or cable?
 From: [] On 
 Behalf Of Martin Baxter
 Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 3:39 PM
 Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*
 Fate, I'm on the record. Best I can do is to give it a lot of thought. In 
 recent months, I've resisted seeing a lot of movies I was told I *had* to 
 see, almost all of which turned out to be crap.
 -[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : RE: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*
 Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 12:18:23 -0700 (PDT)
 From : Augustus Augustus 
 To :
 Tracey and Bosco are correct. Just go and see it and enjoy it for what it's 
 worth. my wife and i saw it last night, and we both liked it, and trust me. 
 when i saw she liked a sci-fi movie, that is a feat! 
 --- On Sun, 5/10/09, Tracey de Morsella wrote: 
 From: Tracey de Morsella 
 Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS* 
 Date: Sunday, May 10, 2009, 2:48 PM 
 Why can’t you see it absorb it, enjoy it if possible and then 
 come home and complain about the inconsistencies, Like Galactigus did 
 From: scifino...@yahoogro 
 [mailto:scifinoir2@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Bosco Bosco 
 Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 11:01 AM 
 To: scifino...@yahoogro 
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS* 
 This movie is GREAT. Miss it if you must but it's GREAT. Did I mention it's 
 frakin GREAT. I really think you're cheating yourself by taking a stand 
 against without having seen it. Seriously. 
 God that movie was GREAT. 
 --- On Sun, 5/10/09, Martin Baxter 
 From: Martin Baxter 
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS* 
 To: scifino...@yahoogro 
 Date: Sunday, May 10, 2009, 12:45 PM 
 Adrianne, I've never thought of Doctor Who as a reboot, merely a 
 restart. The nature of the show itself allows for far more flexibility in 
 storytelling. The same can be said for Trek, but there are established 
 events that formed the show's collective mythos. IMO, those events are 
 being juggled, solely to make money. Yes, it's the Way of All Things. I 
 don't have to accept it. 
 I won't. I'll NEVER see this movie, not on cable, not on free TV, not even 
 if someone were to send it to me, wrapped in C-notes. I'd send it right 
 -[ Received Mail 
 Content ]-- 
 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS* 
 Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 11:43:31 -0400 
 From : Adrianne Brennan 
 To : scifino...@yahoogro 
 I dunno. I don't see what they're doing as being any different from the 
 reboot of Doctor Who, except with more major canonical differences. 
 ~ Where love and magic meet ~ 
 Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon: 
 http://www.adrianne botdm.html 
 Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates: 
 http://www.adrianne bamc.html 
 Dare to take The Oath in this fantasy series: 
 http://www.adrianne books.html# the_oath 
 On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 10:31 AM, wrote: 
  In a message dated 5/10/09 4:24:35 AM, sincere1906@ writes: 
  My great fear is that this spawns a whole Trek series that won't have 
  universal appeal because they adhere to any dynamic set of principles, 
 but a 
  Trek universe where things get blow'd up real good and the movie crowd 
  clap on cue. Too early to make that judgment before the next film, so 
  just have to wait and see... 
  Sin/Black Galactus 
  I was about to stay 

[RE][scifinoir2] When bad typing happens to good people

2009-05-11 Thread Martin Baxter
rave, into that, a quote.

Let he who has perfect spelling write the perfect spell-check program. -- MJ 
Baxter, erstwhile terrorist of the terminally stupid online, hours never-ending.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--

 Subject : [scifinoir2] When bad typing happens to good people

 Date : Mon, 11 May 2009 18:00:29 -

 From : ravenadal

 To :

Hey, I hate when bad typing happens to good people. 

For those of you scoring at home:

In my cone of silence post the word is pertinent.

In my It was a good day post the name is GLEN not Blen

We now return you your regularly scheduled cyber group.


Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Cone of Silence for the office place

2009-05-11 Thread Martin Baxter

-[ Received Mail Content ]--

 Subject : Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Cone of Silence for the office place

 Date : Mon, 11 May 2009 17:12:15 -

 From : ravenadal

 To :


I have this laminated Dilbert cartoon in my office: 

POINTY-HAIRED MANAGER - I want suggestions on how we can win one of those best 
places to work awards

DILBERT - You could stop treating us like diseased livestock.

POINTY-HAIRED MANAGER - (punching Dilbert in the arm) - Stop being like that!


POINTY-HAIRED MANAGER - If you were livestock, you'd be eating grass.

DILBERT - My Donut is made from wheat flour. Wheat is a grass.

POINTY-HAIRED MANAGER - And you'd be living in a pen.

DILBERT - Also known as a cubicle.

POINTY-HAIRED MANAGER - Livestock have no freedom.

DILBERT - Can I go home now?




--- In, Martin Baxter  wrote:

 This, I could've used aabout fifteen years ago, when I was trying to unionize 
 the company I was working for at the time. (The u-word was, in Management's 
 opinion, even more obscene than the n-, f- and k-words spoken in succession, 
 and had once, by my personal witenss, been grounds for immediate termination.
-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : [scifinoir2] Cone of Silence for the office place
 Date : Mon, 11 May 2009 16:48:17 -
 From : ravenadal 
 To :
This is so pertinet. Just this morning, the woman I work with in the Quality 
Assurance lab was told to use her inside voice because she could be heard out 
in the cube farm and, apparently, the unfettered tone of her voice was 
frightening the corporate veal.
 A Creepy Mute Button for the Real World 
 BY Cliff Kuang44 minutes ago 
 Joe Paradiso and Yasuhiro Ono of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
 have just patented a system for a roving cone of silence, so that you can 
 walk around your office building without anyone ever eavesdropping on you. 
 The inventors are trying to fix a common problem in open-plan offices: the 
 sound of conversations that carry across the room, making your every phone 
 call into fodder for other people's gossip sessions. So they devised a 
 sound-damping sensor, comprised of an infra-red motion-detector, a speaker 
 and a microphone. These would be scattered around the walls of an office. You 
 can then activate your personal mute button from your computer. The system 
 locks onto you, identifies anyone close enough to eavesdrop, and hits them 
 with a murmur of white noise so they can't hear you. 
 Of course, the new invention isn't alone. In-office sound masking systems 
 have become popular recently: There's already the Babble and the Accumask, 
 both of which shroud voices by mixing them with randomized noise. But 
 Paradiso and Ono's invention is the only one that has the potential to 
 silence anyone in an office on demand with a single system, while traveling 
 with them as they wander around the office. The downside is that this system 
 requires lots of infrastructure, not to mention the creepiness of having your 
 moves watched by a computer that tags you as a nosey eavesdropper. Do you 
 think the benefits of privacy outweigh the creepy factor? 
 Related: No Joke: These Guys Really Do Work Out of a Cardboard Box 
 Related: The Privacy Arms Race Issue 84 | July 2004 

Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Re: New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

2009-05-11 Thread Justin Mohareb
I'm sorry, you'll have to find out for yourself.


On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 7:08 PM, Martin Baxter wrote:
 That's one constant I've been hearing in every review I've heard from people 
 who've seen this, that Urban's McCoy was truly a thing of beauty. One guy I 
 know even called it channeling DeForrest Kelley.

 Spoil one thing for me, though. Does Urban-as-McCoy say The Line?

 -[ Received Mail Content ]--

  Subject : [scifinoir2] Re: New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

  Date : Mon, 11 May 2009 17:13:27 -

  From : B. Smith

  To :

 Well I'm late to the party but I have to say that I really, really, really 
 enjoyed the new movie. It was definitely a good time at the movies and it 
 delivered in a big way. The people in the theater actually applauded at the 
 end the movie.

 I think all of the main actors did really well in their roles with the 
 exception of Eric Bana who was sort of just there. The biggest surprise for 
 me was Karl Urban taking the McCoy role and running with it. Simon Pegg was 
 hilarious as Scotty. Chris Pine was a fun, rakish young Kirk. I liked Zachary 
 Quinto's take on a younger less in control Spock. Zoe Saldana did a lot with 
 her role and the Spock-Uhura romance made sense in the altered timeline.

 One of my favorite bits was the scene with Kirk and Uhura's roomate. That got 
 a huge audience reaction.

 The fate of the Kelvin was an epic opening scene. And seeing the Enterprise 
 in space the first time was gretted with cheers of joy.

 One plot point I loved was that:



 Kirk's altered timeline was merely a side effect of Nero's quest to hurt 
 Spock for the destruction of Romulus.

 And I have to say seeing Kirk come onto the bridge in the gold tunic at the 
 end was just awesome. I marked out like a little kid when I saw that.

 I had my concerns about what Abrams and Co. were going to so but they knocked 
 out of the park. I'll definitely watch it again.

 --- In, ravenadal  wrote:

 Okay, Martin, I was with you all the way up to the Gabrielle Union in the 
 old school Uhura uniform comment but, to paraphrase Ozzie Osbourne, you 
 have just taken a ride on the bloody crazy train!

 (Uh, gentlemen, that Gabrielle Union home delivery of the DVD IS something I 
 might be interested in!)


 --- In, Martin Baxter  wrote:
  Not even if you were to buy me the Special Edition DVD when it came out, 
  wrapped that in C-notes and had it hand-delivered to me by Gabrielle Union 
  in an old-school Uhura uniform. (Let 'em doubt my sincerity NOW.)
 -[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : RE: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*
 Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 16:14:32 -0700
 From : Tracey de Morsella
 To :
 C’mon, not even on DVD, the Internet or cable?
  From: [] On 
  Behalf Of Martin Baxter
  Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 3:39 PM
  Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*
  Fate, I'm on the record. Best I can do is to give it a lot of thought. In 
  recent months, I've resisted seeing a lot of movies I was told I *had* to 
  see, almost all of which turned out to be crap.
  -[ Received Mail Content ]--
  Subject : RE: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*
  Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 12:18:23 -0700 (PDT)
  From : Augustus Augustus
  To :
  Tracey and Bosco are correct. Just go and see it and enjoy it for what 
  it's worth. my wife and i saw it last night, and we both liked it, and 
  trust me. when i saw she liked a sci-fi movie, that is a feat!
  --- On Sun, 5/10/09, Tracey de Morsella wrote:
  From: Tracey de Morsella
  Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*
  Date: Sunday, May 10, 2009, 2:48 PM
  Why can’t you see it absorb it, enjoy it if possible and then
  come home and complain about the inconsistencies, Like Galactigus did
  From: scifino...@yahoogro
  [mailto:scifinoir2@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Bosco Bosco
  Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 11:01 AM
  To: scifino...@yahoogro
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*
  This movie is GREAT. Miss it if you must but it's GREAT. Did I mention it's
  frakin GREAT. I really think you're cheating yourself by taking a stand
  against without having seen it. Seriously.
  God that movie was GREAT.
  --- On Sun, 5/10/09, Martin Baxter
  From: Martin Baxter
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

[scifinoir2] topic: A military analysis of Star Trek

2009-05-11 Thread Mr. Worf
This is a pretty interesting look at the movie. What do you think?