[scifinoir2] How To Make NBC's Loss Your Gain

2010-01-24 Thread Tracey de Morsella

How To Make NBC's http://io9.com/5455119/how-to-make-nbcs-loss-your-gain
Loss Your Gain

NBC's late night slaughter/shuffle may have been a publicity black eye for
the broadcaster, public douche outing for Jay Leno and humiliating public
execution for Conan O'Brien http://io9.com/tag/conanobrien/ , but that
doesn't mean it's not an opportunity for you, wannabe broadcaster.

The dropping of Jay Leno's five-nights-a-week prime time chat show means
that NBC suddenly had five hours a week to find programming for, which means
that they're definitely open to ideas. That openness explains the eighteen
pilots they're currently considering, as well as network primetime
http://tv.ign.com/articles/105/1059816p1.html  president Angela Bromstad
saying that there is a very good chance that Heroes will be renewed for a
fifth season despite poor ratings. We're not saying that NBC would be a
dream employer - We're still sore with them for canceling Kings, and
3d2c48ddaeb19d550fcea2dbc325  reducing the yet-to-be-broadcast Day One,
after all - but the fact remains that, right now? They need new ideas. So
here's a quick guide on how to make your new pitch more attractive to the
peacock network:

Play Down The Sci-Fi
It dawned on us last week that Chuck runs on the same idea of Dollhouse.
Before you start throwing chairs and calling us heretics, consider that both
shows feature central characters whose brains have been upgraded through
the use of worrying technology imprinting them with new skill sets. Only one
of these shows, however, argues that the use of this technology leads to an
immoral road of prostitution and the total collapse of civilization as we
know it; the other has cool Bond riffs and Fight Club being re-enacted in
the back of an electronics store. Why? Because NBC shows are about people,
not abstract ideas that lead a show to get canceled after two short,
problematic seasons! Don't believe us? Consider how many times Heroes has
promised to get back to relatable human stories instead of going
superherobatshitcrazy. NBC has no problem with science fiction, as long as
you keep it down over there. On the other hand...

Play Up The Comedy
What's the one thing that NBC does right? Its Thursday evening comedy line
up, which generally skews younger and smarter than the rest of its
programming. How do shows like Community and 30Rock manage to get away with
everything they do? We wouldn't be surprised to find that network executives
back off from comedies because they're unsure what makes something funny.
Make sure that your show has some strong comedic element. We suggest a
bumbling sidekick with a funny accent. That always works.

Make It A Procedural
NBC loves a good procedural. They have three Law  Orders, two medical
dramas (Including one uncanceled just this very year when they realized they
had nothing to replace it with - That's how needy they are for your ideas,
people) and still swoon at the very mention of their much beloved er. If you
want your show to have a good start with the powers that be, make sure that
there's something about it that implies both what'd happen if someone dialed
911 and that the cast are easily replaceable because, really, the show is
all about the story and the setting. Anyone who's reading this right now and
thinking Space Hospital With Comedic Senior Doctor Who Sounds Like The
Swedish Chef Off The Muppets, But It's Really All About The Patients, Not
The Space Or The Future Medicine, back off. That's the idea that's going to
make everyone here at this website very rich, okay? We have a pitch meeting
first thing Monday.

Make It A Reboot
It's hard to argue that the network that greenlit reboots for both Bionic
Woman and Knight Rider doesn't know the value of a brand name just oozing
with nostalgia, so why not help your pitch by retrofitting it with the title
of an old show? We
c-producer  gave you some suggestions a couple of years ago, but that
doesn't mean that there aren't there
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:NBC_network_shows  aren't hundreds
of other options out there for you to choose to brush off and dazzle nervous
executives with. Personally, we can't wait for someone to come up with a
gritty, realistic SF take on Blossom. Come to think of it, maybe she could
be an emergency room science doctor in a space hospital...

Most importantly, though,
Don't Give Up
NBC doesn't always know what's best for it (See: Getting rid of Conan).
Even Chuck, now doing well in its third season, was almost canceled during
the summer. The cancellation of Kings and whatever-the-hell-is-going-on with
Day One adds to the feeling that the network doesn't always know what the
best thing for it is, but the survival despite all odds of Heroes should
give you some hope that, once you convince NBC of your worth, your chances
of success 

[scifinoir2] ATT U-verse Doomed?

2010-01-24 Thread Tracey de Morsella
Many have heard of the difficulties in implementing ATT's U-verse IPTV
service. ATT's U-verse network is actually a fiber/copper hybrid, which
pulls fibers to 3,000 to 5,000 feet from the homes they serve, where it then
connects to mini-DSLAMs called 52B boxes and then it runs copper the last
mile to the home. This hybrid approach is a bargain when compared to the $20
o-fend-off-voip-and-cable-rivals.asp  billion Verizon
http://www.tmcnet.com/tmcnet/snapshots/snapshots.aspx?Company=Verizon  is
spending to build-out fiber all the way to the home. This hybrid
fiber/copper approach gives ATT a 20Mbps+ link to customers, enough to
offer high-speed Internet, VoIP, and the company's IPTV service. The problem
is getting towns to grant public right of ways for these massive 52B boxes,
which hold DSLAMS, batteries, and cooling gear in rugged, weatherproof
cases. Many towns objected or wanted AT
http://arstechnica.com/articles/culture/u-verse.ars T to sign video
franchise agreements. Lawsuits were filed, including cable companies that
want to classify U-verse service as a cable service to force ATT to abide
by the same build-out rules, which has drastically affected U-verse
deployment . In addition, the IPTV service uses proprietary set-top boxes
from Microsoft, which had their own share of problems - mostly
-microsoft-software-problems  software related.

On top of all this, a new IPTV standard (DVB-IPI
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DVB-IPI ) is about to be ratified (later this
month) by the Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) standards body.  This
standard takes a very different technical approach than the strategy
embodied in the Microsoft
solution that ATT has implemented, and addresses many of the inherent
challenges with IPTV, including quality of service, scalability and fast
channel change times. Which reminds me, I really hate the slow channel
changing times on satellite TV. I wish the set-top boxes would buffer the
next channel UP and the next channel DOWN, so at least changing up or down
one channel is fast. 

In any event, The DVB-IPI standard is based largely on a hybrid of
well-established forward error correction (FEC) technology from Digital
Fountain http://www.digitalfountain.com/  called DF Raptor and a public
domain technology known as Pro-MPEG COP3.  These technologies are currently
being evaluated by most IPTV providers in the U.S. and elsewhere.  Several
new deployments using this technology are expected to be announced later
this year. According to Rose Anne Raphael, a representative of Digital
Fountain, Whatever the actual problems in the ATT/MS deployments (since
we're not part of these deployments, we have no firsthand knowledge), the
strategy employed is one that inherently poses scalability problems and
bucks certain foundation assumptions on which IP networks and broadcast
architectures are based.

Could this new standard make ATT's and Microsoft's gamble on their own
proprietary technology be the nail in the coffin for U-verse? Certainly, a
standards-based approach will eventually result in lower costs to deploy due
to economies of scale when multiple vendors all use the same technology.
This could give ATT/Microsoft's competitors a cost advantage. Who would
have thought that mega-titans ATT and Microsoft would bet on the wrong
horse using proprietary technology? Wait a minute, ATT and Microsoft are
the KINGS of proprietary technology, so I shouldn't be surprised. The
difference is that 20 years ago you could get away with it - now with
open-source and standards along with a global economy, a standards-based
approach is the only way to go. 

Update (I had some other thoughts and feedback from users)
One person emailed me and wrote:

Read with great interest your comments about the possible doom of U-verse.
Taking those concerns into account, would you recommend it to a consumer
like me who is considering switching from Comcast
http://www.tmcnet.com/tmcnet/snapshots/snapshots.aspx?Company=Comcast  to
U-verse if and when it becomes available on the west side of Indianapolis?
The cost and channel availability seem to have cable beat by a mile, but
your technological concerns may trump other advantages.

I'd appreciate your assessment on whether consumers should proceed to sign
up for this new service. 

I responded:

Put to you this way. If I could get U-verse in my area, I'd do it. Yes, I
knocked ATT for not meeting their target goals, as did many media outlets.
While I think ATT  Microsoft were perhaps 1-2 years too early with their
proprietary technology, it is still a good solution.I'm just not a fan of
proprietary solutions. ATT and Microsoft have had a bumpy road, but I think
ATT  Microsoft have 

Re: [scifinoir2] Enterprise Marathon on SyFy

2010-01-24 Thread George Arterberry
Agreed the series was really hitting its stride before the suits pulled the 

From: Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.net
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Fri, January 22, 2010 10:39:45 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Enterprise Marathon on SyFy

Another Enterprise marathon on SyFy all day today. That's followed by the 
movie First Contact, and then by the premiere of Caprica.
I will say about Enterprise , it's a show that had its moments. Watching the 
Xindi storyline in big chunks, for example, I can appreciate the dramatic 
intensity of it better. There are some gems in that storyline: the Memento 
type ep (on now) where Archer's in a future where Earth's destroyed, and T'Pol 
must retell the story to him every single day...the ep where, desperate to 
continue the mission, Archer orders his reluctant crew to actually attack and 
steal supplies from a ship that had recently aided them.. A powerful study of 
morality vs. need, and rather radical for Trek...the various dealings with 
the Vulcans and Andorians--how cool to see the Andorians having had so 
significant a part in the early days of Starfleet, how cool to see Vulcan as a 
sometimes duplicitous, self-serving planet on the brink of rejecting Logic, how 
cool to see how Earth, as an outsider planet, helped broker deals that lead to 
the creation of the Federation.
There was lots of good stuff that fleshed out and revealed new stories on the 
history of Starfleet. As the show entered it's last couple of seasons it hit 
its stride and became what I expected. Of course, one has to wade through the 
bad first couple  of seasons, the juvenile attempts at titillation sprinkled 
throughout the series, and the BB obsession with time travel stories, one of 
which ruined the whole Xindi storyline by ending with that stupid Nazi/alien 
occupied NYC.   
But overall, not a bad way to spend a day.


[scifinoir2] Re: ATT U-verse Doomed?

2010-01-24 Thread Kelwyn
Isn't this always the way?  As a unrepentant vidiot, I have done time with all 
the services and IMHO, ATT-U-verse is superior to all when you consider price, 
service and selection (for instance, DISH is cheapest but you can't get most of 
the black channels and BET is only available in the pricier tiers; Warner Cable 
is available everywhere - here in Milwaukee - but they don't carry the NFL 
network).  Further, also IMHO, it is better to go without a dish instead of a 
dish (the ugly DISH Network dish is STILL attached to the front of my 

It seems the best product always fails in the marketplace.

That said, I have no sympathy for either ATT or Microsoft - although I do find 
it fascinating that they are running into problems when they finally deliver a 
better product.


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Tracey de Morsella tdli...@... wrote:

 Many have heard of the difficulties in implementing ATT's U-verse IPTV
 service. ATT's U-verse network is actually a fiber/copper hybrid, which
 pulls fibers to 3,000 to 5,000 feet from the homes they serve, where it then
 connects to mini-DSLAMs called 52B boxes and then it runs copper the last
 mile to the home. This hybrid approach is a bargain when compared to the $20
 o-fend-off-voip-and-cable-rivals.asp  billion Verizon
 http://www.tmcnet.com/tmcnet/snapshots/snapshots.aspx?Company=Verizon  is
 spending to build-out fiber all the way to the home. This hybrid
 fiber/copper approach gives ATT a 20Mbps+ link to customers, enough to
 offer high-speed Internet, VoIP, and the company's IPTV service. The problem
 is getting towns to grant public right of ways for these massive 52B boxes,
 which hold DSLAMS, batteries, and cooling gear in rugged, weatherproof
 cases. Many towns objected or wanted AT
 http://arstechnica.com/articles/culture/u-verse.ars T to sign video
 franchise agreements. Lawsuits were filed, including cable companies that
 want to classify U-verse service as a cable service to force ATT to abide
 by the same build-out rules, which has drastically affected U-verse
 deployment . In addition, the IPTV service uses proprietary set-top boxes
 from Microsoft, which had their own share of problems - mostly
 -microsoft-software-problems  software related.
 On top of all this, a new IPTV standard (DVB-IPI
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DVB-IPI ) is about to be ratified (later this
 month) by the Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) standards body.  This
 standard takes a very different technical approach than the strategy
 embodied in the Microsoft
 solution that ATT has implemented, and addresses many of the inherent
 challenges with IPTV, including quality of service, scalability and fast
 channel change times. Which reminds me, I really hate the slow channel
 changing times on satellite TV. I wish the set-top boxes would buffer the
 next channel UP and the next channel DOWN, so at least changing up or down
 one channel is fast. 
 In any event, The DVB-IPI standard is based largely on a hybrid of
 well-established forward error correction (FEC) technology from Digital
 Fountain http://www.digitalfountain.com/  called DF Raptor and a public
 domain technology known as Pro-MPEG COP3.  These technologies are currently
 being evaluated by most IPTV providers in the U.S. and elsewhere.  Several
 new deployments using this technology are expected to be announced later
 this year. According to Rose Anne Raphael, a representative of Digital
 Fountain, Whatever the actual problems in the ATT/MS deployments (since
 we're not part of these deployments, we have no firsthand knowledge), the
 strategy employed is one that inherently poses scalability problems and
 bucks certain foundation assumptions on which IP networks and broadcast
 architectures are based.
 Could this new standard make ATT's and Microsoft's gamble on their own
 proprietary technology be the nail in the coffin for U-verse? Certainly, a
 standards-based approach will eventually result in lower costs to deploy due
 to economies of scale when multiple vendors all use the same technology.
 This could give ATT/Microsoft's competitors a cost advantage. Who would
 have thought that mega-titans ATT and Microsoft would bet on the wrong
 horse using proprietary technology? Wait a minute, ATT and Microsoft are
 the KINGS of proprietary technology, so I shouldn't be surprised. The
 difference is that 20 years ago you could get away with it - now with
 open-source and standards along with a global economy, a standards-based
 approach is the only way to go. 
 Update (I had some other thoughts and feedback from users)
 One person emailed me and wrote:
 Read with great interest your comments 

[scifinoir2] Get This Motherf*cking Samuel L Jackson App On Your Motherf*cking iPhone

2010-01-24 Thread Kelwyn

[scifinoir2] Re: Conan O'Brien: Free At Last!

2010-01-24 Thread Kelwyn
Having the Roots as his house band absolves Mr. Fallon of all sins.


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@... wrote:

 Oh don't get me started! :) Fallon is the worst waste of space on tv!
 Infomercials are more entertaining than his disjointed sap!
 On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 8:55 PM, C.W. Badie astromancer2...@...wrote:
  No, really, Mr. Worf, tell us how  you really feel...
  Such music flows on the Fringe, and no one can resist singing to Scarlet
  --- On *Fri, 1/22/10, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@...* wrote:
  From: Mr. Worf hellomahog...@...
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Conan O'Brien: Free At Last!
  To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Friday, January 22, 2010, 2:44 PM
  Kimmel is really a writer. He needs to be part of a team writing somewhere
  and not hosting a show, but ABC has been trying to compete on the late night
  for years. Fallon is just a waste of space.
  On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 7:47 AM, Keith Johnson KeithBJohnson@ 
  Agreed, that's why I'm glad this failed. We need original scripted TV, not
  more talk shows in a field already overloaded with mostly mediocre talent
  (Kimmel and Fallon especially). And I'm more irritated at Leno, the more I
  think of it. He never should have agreed to a 10 pm show that couldn't help
  but hurt Conan.
  I've said it before: if you want to bring something different to TV, how
  about an old-time variety show. Something like Carol Burnett updated, with
  skits, singing, dancing, etc. Cedric the Entertainer tried it a while back
  and didn't succeed. I believe Brady tried such a show, with little success.
  But maybe it could work as a once-a-week show. Surely Americans' tastes
  haven't fallen so far that we're satisfied with the likes of American 
  or Dancing with the Stars???
  Or maybe a new show similiar to In Living Color?
  - Original Message -
  From: Tracey de Morsella tdli...@multicultur aladvantage. 
  To: scifino...@yahoogro 
  Cc:  Lockhart, Daryle  dar...@darylelockha 
  Albert Fields cbilmarketing@ 
  CINQUE cinque3...@verizon. 
  dorothyhamm@ sbcglobal. 
  GTW gwashin...@aol. 
  Jeffrey Ballou jeffreypballou@ 
  Kai Pettaway killa...@gmail. 
  Kera imke...@gmail. 
  Leroy Hughes seriousnupe87@ 
  Logic logic1...@aol. 
  Martin Baxter Truthseeker013@ 
  Marvalous mmb1...@gmail. 
  Michael Gordon gord...@indiana. 
  michael v w gordon michael.v.w. gor...@gmail. 
  ravenadal ravena...@yahoo. 
  rs...@yahoo. comhttp://us.mc594.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=rs...@...,
  Seku Brathwaite everythingist@ 
  Valery Jean valeryjean77@ 
  Wendell Theophilus Smith wendellsmithis@ 
  Whitney J Evans sonofafieldnegro@ sbcglobal. 
  williamsfred@ speakeasy. 
  Zanfordino Anthony beta...@yahoo. 

[scifinoir2] Hughes Brothers discuss Book of Eli on NPR

2010-01-24 Thread Kelwyn

I found this interview fascinating, both from the aspect of actually hearing 
what the brothers sound like and in how different the identical twins are.  
Their take on Eli's religiosity is also worth a listen.


[scifinoir2] Re: Shiny Happy Martin

2010-01-24 Thread Kelwyn
Sure, just when I went all in on your Tarnished, Gloomy Martin signature.


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Martin Baxter truthseeker...@... wrote:

 (planning on incorporating this into his e-mail sig, when time allows)
 If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
 hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant
 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
 From: astromancer2...@...
 Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 20:33:54 -0800
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Shiny Happy Martin
   That's Martin...wouldn't have him any other way...
 Such music flows on the Fringe, and no one can resist singing to Scarlet
 --- On Fri, 1/22/10, Grayson grayson.reyesc...@... wrote:
 From: Grayson grayson.reyesc...@...
 Subject: [scifinoir2] Shiny Happy Martin
 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, January 22, 2010, 4:52 PM
 LOL - Martin you are dark. I'm pretty happy and shiny too, really, which may 
 be where the contemporary romance comes from, but I tell you six million ways 
 to die... so I choose a FEW when I'm writing everything else! :)
 --- In scifino...@yahoogro ups.com, Martin Baxter truthseeker013@ ... wrote:
  Oh, yeah. Actually had the scene written. He went down in a blaze, took a 
  few million with him, but down he went, literally drowning in someone's 
  blood, after he gutted them.
  Martin (a shiny, happy person at heart -- REM wrote the song for me)
  If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in 
  bloody hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant
  http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik
  To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com
  From: grayson.reyescole@ ...
  Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 22:34:01 +
  Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Gamer - Spoilers
  Ohhh yeah, good old FW. My eBooks definitely kicked the hindquarters of my 
  paperback sales. 
  Scarlet Rage, huh? ;)
  --- In scifino...@yahoogro ups.com, Martin Baxter truthseeker013@  wrote:
   And missed you we have!
   Had to look up the newsletter (sad state of my brian -- couldn't remember 
   it right off). It's Fictionwise. com. I tried to forward the e-mail here 
   so that I could post it, but I received it at Yahumail... 'nuff said.
   And I know what having a story fight you tooth and nail is like. A few 
   weeks ago, I was within a hair's-breadth of killing off one of my main 
   characters. I kindly put him out to pasture (in the floor of my closet) 
   until the Scarlet Rage has passed. Take care, and eep on working! :-)
   If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in 
   bloody hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant
   http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik
   To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com
   From: grayson.reyescole@
   Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 22:19:48 +
   Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Gamer - Spoilers
   Hey Martin!
   Things are going, um, swimmingly, for sure, but which report do you get? 
   I'm curious. 
   Right now I'm taking a break from contemporary romance, which I confess 
   is easier for me to finish, in order to devote myself to the hell that is 
   finishing the sequel to Bright Star. Domina
  is fighting me more than any novel ever has. To deal with this piece, I've 
 decided to not write anything unrelated to Domina through the end of the 
 month and to focus on final edits. That's nearly impossible for me to do 
 because of my super short attention span and the need to get ideas out 
 whenever they happen to come supersedes working on something I've already 
 committed to the world outside my head.
   We'll see. 
   I've been lurking, but not as talkative as normal because I've been 
   trying to get my writing house in order. :)
   Thanks for missing me!
   --- In scifino...@yahoogro ups.com, Martin Baxter truthseeker013@  wrote:

Hey, Grayson!

I don't know about anyone else in the forum, but I know what you've 
been up to... I get an E-book sales listing every week, and your name 
was prominent on it. (Congrats! )

And I didn't see Gamer at the theater, because I was once part of a 
VR experiment back in my Salad 

Re: [scifinoir2] ATT U-verse Doomed?

2010-01-24 Thread Keith Johnson
What's the upper limit in bandwidth ATT can offer, if copper's carrying the signal for as much as a mile? Per fibre running closer to the home would give the potential for much greater speeds in the long run. Is 20 MBits ATT's upper limit? I can see fibre hitting ten times that speed some day...- Original Message -From: "Tracey de Morsella" tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.comTo: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.comSent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 3:29:16 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada EasternSubject: [scifinoir2] ATT U-verse Doomed?



Many have heard of the difficulties in implementing
ATT's U-verse IPTV
service. ATT's U-verse network is actually a fiber/copper hybrid, which
pulls fibers to 3,000 to 5,000 feet from the homes they serve, where it then
connects to mini-DSLAMs called "52B" boxes and then it runs copper
the last mile to the home. This hybrid approach is a bargain when compared to
the $20
billion Verizon
is spending to build-out fiber all the way to the home. This hybrid
fiber/copper approach gives ATT a 20Mbps+ link to customers, enough to
offer high-speed Internet, VoIP, and the company's IPTV service. The problem is
getting towns to grant public right of ways for these massive 52B boxes, which
hold DSLAMS, batteries, and cooling gear in rugged, weatherproof cases. Many
towns objected or wanted ATT to sign
video franchise agreements. Lawsuits were filed, including cable companies
that want to classify U-verse service as a "cable service" to force
ATT to abide by the same build-out rules, which has drastically affected
U-verse deployment . In addition, the IPTV service uses proprietary set-top
boxes from Microsoft, which had their own share of problems - mostly
software related.

On top of all this, a new IPTV standard (DVB-IPI) is about to be
ratified (later this month) by the Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) standards
body. This standard takes a very different technical approach than the
strategy embodied in the Microsoft
solution that ATT has implemented, and addresses many of the inherent
challenges with IPTV, including quality of service, scalability and fast
channel change times. Which reminds me, I really hate the slow channel changing
times on satellite TV. I wish the set-top boxes would buffer the next channel
UP and the next channel DOWN, so at least changing up or down one channel is

In any event, The DVB-IPI standard is based largely on a hybrid of
well-established forward
error correction (FEC) technology from Digital Fountain called DF Raptor
and a public domain technology known as Pro-MPEG COP3. These technologies
are currently being evaluated by most IPTV providers in the U.S. and
elsewhere. Several new deployments using this technology are expected to
be announced later this year. According to Rose Anne Raphael, a representative
of Digital Fountain, "Whatever the actual problems in the ATT/MS
deployments (since we're not part of these deployments, we have no firsthand
knowledge), the strategy employed is one that inherently poses scalability
problems and bucks certain foundation assumptions on which IP networks and
broadcast architectures are based."

Could this new standard make ATT's and Microsoft's gamble on their own
proprietary technology be the nail in the coffin for U-verse? Certainly, a
standards-based approach will eventually result in lower costs to deploy due to
economies of scale when multiple vendors all use the same technology. This
could give ATT/Microsoft's competitors a cost advantage. Who would have
thought that mega-titans ATT and Microsoft would bet on the wrong horse
using proprietary technology? Wait a minute, ATT and Microsoft are the KINGS of proprietary technology,
so I shouldn't be surprised. The difference is that 20 years ago you could get
away with it - now with open-source and standards along with a global economy,
a standards-based approach is the only way to go. 

(I had some other thoughts and feedback from users)
One person emailed me and

Read with great interest your comments about the possible
doom of U-verse. Taking those concerns into account, would you recommend it to
a consumer like me who is considering switching from Comcast
to U-verse if and when it becomes available on the west side of Indianapolis?
The cost and channel availability seem to have cable beat by a mile, but your
technological concerns may trump other advantages.

I'd appreciate your assessment on whether consumers should proceed to
"sign up" for this new service. 

I responded:

Put to you this way. If I could get U-verse in my area, I'd do it. Yes, I
knocked ATT for not meeting their target goals, as did many media
outlets.While I think ATT  Microsoft were perhaps 1-2 years too
early with their proprietary technology, it is still a good solution.I'm just
not a fan of proprietary solutions. ATT and Microsoft have had a bumpy
road, but I think ATT  Microsoft have worked out most of the kinks.

Also, I am the 

[scifinoir2] Book of Eli ends Hughes' 9 year hiatus

2010-01-24 Thread Kelwyn
Hughes brothers are back with 'The Book of Eli'

By Rob Lowman 
Los Angeles Daily News
Posted: 01/17/2010 01:00:00 AM PST
Updated: 01/18/2010 12:58:19 PM PST


Sure, they are twins, share a wicked sense of humor and do that 
finish-each-other's-thoughts thing, but there are differences.
Ask Denzel Washington, who stars in their latest film, The Book of Eli:
Allen is more the casting people, cutting guy, and Albert is the guy with all 
that geek stuff.
See? Easy.
It's like a two-headed mutant monster, admits Albert. Sometimes we walk 
around separately like idiots, but together we can be one complete whole. Allen 
specializes in one thing. I specialize in one thing. He can do my job, and I 
can do his job.
He thinks more personality,
Religious roles fit nonreligious Paul Bettany surprisingly well
story and relationships, and I'm more like, 'I like this microphone' and 'How 
does it work?' 
But the real question is what have the 37-year-old filmmaking brothers been 
doing since their last film, From Hell, the 2001 adaptation of Alan Moore's 
graphic novel about the Jack the Ripper murders, starring Johnny Depp.
Allen offers three reasons for the delay: First, they couldn't get the scripts 
they were interested in off the ground. Second, they were pretty successful 
making commercials, and making a lot of money tends to make you less urgent to 
make things that you should be making. Lastly, they took a twin sabbatical. 
For the first time in our lives, at 30, we went and tried to find out who we 
were as individuals.

Encouraged by their mother, who gave them a video camera at age 12 while 
growing up in Pomona, the brothers began working on music videos as teens for 
rap stars such as Tone Loc and Tupac Shakur.
By 1993, they had written and directed Menace II Society, which premiered at 
the Cannes Film Festival and went on to be a big hit.
They followed that in 1996 with Dead Presidents, and then in 1999 with the 
documentary American Pimp, about the underground pimp culture and 
exploitation of women, which generated a fair amount of controversy.
The brothers expect that The Book of Eli, which involves the power of the 
Bible, may generate some discussion, too.
Allen says, When I read the line 'This is not just a book, it's a weapon,' 
that's when the hair stood up on the back of my neck. ... It's a rare occasion 
where a film can be a different movie depending on what you bring into it.
For his part, Albert gave the film an eerie look, befitting a post-apocalyptic 
As we've gotten older, the references come from anywhere, says Albert. I've 
been recently influenced by this Czech photographer, Jan Saudek. A lot of the 
way the clouds are in the movie are straight out of his photos — desaturate 
everything and add a stroke of color.
I wish you would have shared that with me, Allen chimes in.
Talking to the brothers is a bit of a trip, careening from them riffing on an 
old Alka Seltzer commercial to some wild quips — most of which are best left 
unrepeated lest someone think they were serious — to talking about their 
favorite male soul singers.
There is a key moment where Washington's character, Eli, listens to Al Green's 
version of How Can You Mend a Broken Heart. Green, Allen points out, has made 
an appearance on all their soundtracks, except for In Hell, set in London in 
Although they say they have nothing pinned down at the moment, the brothers 
promise there won't be such a long wait for their next movie. We're not 
waiting around another eight years — that's for sure, Albert says.
It's important we get back to making movies where you leave the theater and 
it's a debate about it, Allen says. Even if you don't like the movie, you've 
got to respect it, and if you go to dinner afterward, you're going to be 
talking about it.

[scifinoir2] Jonah Hex

2010-01-24 Thread jazzynupe_007
Anyone other than me waiting to see how this one with Josh Brolin and Megan Fox 
going to look?  
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: Kelwyn ravena...@yahoo.com
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 16:29:29 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [scifinoir2] Book of Eli ends Hughes' 9 year hiatus

Hughes brothers are back with 'The Book of Eli'

By Rob Lowman 
Los Angeles Daily News
Posted: 01/17/2010 01:00:00 AM PST
Updated: 01/18/2010 12:58:19 PM PST


Sure, they are twins, share a wicked sense of humor and do that 
finish-each-other's-thoughts thing, but there are differences.
Ask Denzel Washington, who stars in their latest film, The Book of Eli:
Allen is more the casting people, cutting guy, and Albert is the guy with all 
that geek stuff.
See? Easy.
It's like a two-headed mutant monster, admits Albert. Sometimes we walk 
around separately like idiots, but together we can be one complete whole. Allen 
specializes in one thing. I specialize in one thing. He can do my job, and I 
can do his job.
He thinks more personality,
Religious roles fit nonreligious Paul Bettany surprisingly well
story and relationships, and I'm more like, 'I like this microphone' and 'How 
does it work?' 
But the real question is what have the 37-year-old filmmaking brothers been 
doing since their last film, From Hell, the 2001 adaptation of Alan Moore's 
graphic novel about the Jack the Ripper murders, starring Johnny Depp.
Allen offers three reasons for the delay: First, they couldn't get the scripts 
they were interested in off the ground. Second, they were pretty successful 
making commercials, and making a lot of money tends to make you less urgent to 
make things that you should be making. Lastly, they took a twin sabbatical. 
For the first time in our lives, at 30, we went and tried to find out who we 
were as individuals.

Encouraged by their mother, who gave them a video camera at age 12 while 
growing up in Pomona, the brothers began working on music videos as teens for 
rap stars such as Tone Loc and Tupac Shakur.
By 1993, they had written and directed Menace II Society, which premiered at 
the Cannes Film Festival and went on to be a big hit.
They followed that in 1996 with Dead Presidents, and then in 1999 with the 
documentary American Pimp, about the underground pimp culture and 
exploitation of women, which generated a fair amount of controversy.
The brothers expect that The Book of Eli, which involves the power of the 
Bible, may generate some discussion, too.
Allen says, When I read the line 'This is not just a book, it's a weapon,' 
that's when the hair stood up on the back of my neck. ... It's a rare occasion 
where a film can be a different movie depending on what you bring into it.
For his part, Albert gave the film an eerie look, befitting a post-apocalyptic 
As we've gotten older, the references come from anywhere, says Albert. I've 
been recently influenced by this Czech photographer, Jan Saudek. A lot of the 
way the clouds are in the movie are straight out of his photos — desaturate 
everything and add a stroke of color.
I wish you would have shared that with me, Allen chimes in.
Talking to the brothers is a bit of a trip, careening from them riffing on an 
old Alka Seltzer commercial to some wild quips — most of which are best left 
unrepeated lest someone think they were serious — to talking about their 
favorite male soul singers.
There is a key moment where Washington's character, Eli, listens to Al Green's 
version of How Can You Mend a Broken Heart. Green, Allen points out, has made 
an appearance on all their soundtracks, except for In Hell, set in London in 
Although they say they have nothing pinned down at the moment, the brothers 
promise there won't be such a long wait for their next movie. We're not 
waiting around another eight years — that's for sure, Albert says.
It's important we get back to making movies where you leave the theater and 
it's a debate about it, Allen says. Even if you don't like the movie, you've 
got to respect it, and if you go to dinner afterward, you're going to be 
talking about it.

[scifinoir2] Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just watched 
Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was bored and 2) I keep thinking 
if I watch it again I will like it more. Neither reason was worth the effort.

I'm just curious, lots of people I know like the movie and not just because 
they got to see Halle Berry's boobies, I'm in the minority because I don't (the 
only scene I like is when Hugh Jackman is explaining how he cracked the DoD, 
Halle Berry negates all of his explanations, then he fesses up to just being au 
naturel and seeing the code in his head). 

What do you think?
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
The Builder
The Prescription Playboy


RE: [scifinoir2] Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Martin Baxter

Grayson, I've yet to make it all the way through the movie. Haven't even seen 
the aforementioned assets of Ms Berry, save in still-shot format.

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: grayson.reyesc...@yahoo.com
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 11:36:53 -0800
Subject: [scifinoir2] Swordfish




I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just watched 
Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was bored and 2) I keep thinking 
if I watch it again I will like it more. Neither reason was worth the effort.
I'm just curious, lots of people I know like the movie and not just because 
they got to see Halle Berry's boobies, I'm in the minority because I don't (the 
only scene I like is when Hugh Jackman is explaining how he cracked the DoD, 
Halle Berry negates all of his explanations, then he fesses up to just being au 
naturel and seeing the code in his head). 
What do you think?
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
The Builder
The Prescription Playboy



Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.

RE: [scifinoir2] Jonah Hex

2010-01-24 Thread Martin Baxter

I'm game, too.

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: jazzynupe_...@yahoo.com
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 18:34:02 +
Subject: [scifinoir2] Jonah Hex




Anyone other than me waiting to see how this one with Josh Brolin and Megan Fox 
going to look?  
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
From:  Kelwyn ravena...@yahoo.com
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 16:29:29 -To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.comSubject: 
[scifinoir2] Book of Eli ends Hughes' 9 year hiatus


  Hughes brothers are back with 'The Book of Eli'

By Rob Lowman 

Los Angeles Daily News

Posted: 01/17/2010 01:00:00 AM PST

Updated: 01/18/2010 12:58:19 PM PST


Sure, they are twins, share a wicked sense of humor and do that 
finish-each-other's-thoughts thing, but there are differences.

Ask Denzel Washington, who stars in their latest film, The Book of Eli:

Allen is more the casting people, cutting guy, and Albert is the guy with all 
that geek stuff.

See? Easy.

It's like a two-headed mutant monster, admits Albert. Sometimes we walk 
around separately like idiots, but together we can be one complete whole. Allen 
specializes in one thing. I specialize in one thing. He can do my job, and I 
can do his job.

He thinks more personality,

Religious roles fit nonreligious Paul Bettany surprisingly well

story and relationships, and I'm more like, 'I like this microphone' and 'How 
does it work?' 

But the real question is what have the 37-year-old filmmaking brothers been 
doing since their last film, From Hell, the 2001 adaptation of Alan Moore's 
graphic novel about the Jack the Ripper murders, starring Johnny Depp.

Allen offers three reasons for the delay: First, they couldn't get the scripts 
they were interested in off the ground. Second, they were pretty successful 
making commercials, and making a lot of money tends to make you less urgent to 
make things that you should be making. Lastly, they took a twin sabbatical. 
For the first time in our lives, at 30, we went and tried to find out who we 
were as individuals.

Encouraged by their mother, who gave them a video camera at age 12 while 
growing up in Pomona, the brothers began working on music videos as teens for 
rap stars such as Tone Loc and Tupac Shakur.

By 1993, they had written and directed Menace II Society, which premiered at 
the Cannes Film Festival and went on to be a big hit.

They followed that in 1996 with Dead Presidents, and then in 1999 with the 
documentary American Pimp, about the underground pimp culture and 
exploitation of women, which generated a fair amount of controversy.

The brothers expect that The Book of Eli, which involves the power of the 
Bible, may generate some discussion, too.

Allen says, When I read the line 'This is not just a book, it's a weapon,' 
that's when the hair stood up on the back of my neck. ... It's a rare occasion 
where a film can be a different movie depending on what you bring into it.

For his part, Albert gave the film an eerie look, befitting a post-apocalyptic 

As we've gotten older, the references come from anywhere, says Albert. I've 
been recently influenced by this Czech photographer, Jan Saudek. A lot of the 
way the clouds are in the movie are straight out of his photos — desaturate 
everything and add a stroke of color.

I wish you would have shared that with me, Allen chimes in.

Talking to the brothers is a bit of a trip, careening from them riffing on an 
old Alka Seltzer commercial to some wild quips — most of which are best left 
unrepeated lest someone think they were serious — to talking about their 
favorite male soul singers.

There is a key moment where Washington's character, Eli, listens to Al Green's 
version of How Can You Mend a Broken Heart. Green, Allen points out, has made 
an appearance on all their soundtracks, except for In Hell, set in London in 

Although they say they have nothing pinned down at the moment, the brothers 
promise there won't be such a long wait for their next movie. We're not 
waiting around another eight years — that's for sure, Albert says.

It's important we get back to making movies where you leave the theater and 
it's a debate about it, Allen says. Even if you don't like the movie, you've 
got to respect it, and if you go to dinner afterward, you're going to be 
talking about it.



Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.

RE: [scifinoir2] Re: Shiny Happy Martin

2010-01-24 Thread Martin Baxter

Can't help myself. I'm a chameleon. ;-)

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: ravena...@yahoo.com
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 15:29:33 +
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Shiny Happy Martin



  Sure, just when I went all in on your Tarnished, Gloomy Martin 


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Martin Baxter truthseeker...@... wrote:


 (planning on incorporating this into his e-mail sig, when time allows)


 If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
 hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant







 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

 From: astromancer2...@...

 Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 20:33:54 -0800

 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Shiny Happy Martin





























   That's Martin...wouldn't have him any other way...


 Such music flows on the Fringe, and no one can resist singing to Scarlet



 --- On Fri, 1/22/10, Grayson grayson.reyesc...@... wrote:



 From: Grayson grayson.reyesc...@...

 Subject: [scifinoir2] Shiny Happy Martin

 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

 Date: Friday, January 22, 2010, 4:52 PM





 LOL - Martin you are dark. I'm pretty happy and shiny too, really, which may 
 be where the contemporary romance comes from, but I tell you six million ways 
 to die... so I choose a FEW when I'm writing everything else! :)




 --- In scifino...@yahoogro ups.com, Martin Baxter truthseeker013@ ... wrote:



  Oh, yeah. Actually had the scene written. He went down in a blaze, took a 
  few million with him, but down he went, literally drowning in someone's 
  blood, after he gutted them.


  Martin (a shiny, happy person at heart -- REM wrote the song for me)


  If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in 
  bloody hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant


  http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik





  To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com

  From: grayson.reyescole@ ...

  Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 22:34:01 +

  Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Gamer - Spoilers





























  Ohhh yeah, good old FW. My eBooks definitely kicked the hindquarters of my 
  paperback sales. 




  Scarlet Rage, huh? ;)









  --- In scifino...@yahoogro ups.com, Martin Baxter truthseeker013@  wrote:






   And missed you we have!




   Had to look up the newsletter (sad state of my brian -- couldn't remember 
   it right off). It's Fictionwise. com. I tried to forward the e-mail here 
   so that I could post it, but I received it at Yahumail... 'nuff said.




   And I know what having a story fight you tooth and nail is like. A few 
   weeks ago, I was within a hair's-breadth of killing off one of my main 
   characters. I kindly put him out to pasture (in the floor of my closet) 
   until the Scarlet Rage has passed. Take care, and eep on working! :-)





   If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in 
   bloody hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant




   http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik










   To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com


   From: grayson.reyescole@


   Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 22:19:48 +


   Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Gamer - Spoilers



























































   Hey Martin!








   Things are going, um, swimmingly, for sure, but which report do you get? 
   I'm curious. 








   Right now I'm taking a break from contemporary romance, which I confess 
   is easier for me to finish, in order to devote myself to the hell that is 
   finishing the sequel to Bright Star. Domina

  is fighting me more than any novel ever has. To deal with this piece, I've 
 decided to not write anything unrelated to Domina through the end of the 
 month and to focus on final edits. That's nearly impossible for me to do 
 because of my super short attention span and the need to get ideas out 
 whenever they happen to come supersedes working on something I've already 
 committed to the world outside my head.








   We'll see. 








   I've been lurking, but not as 

RE: [scifinoir2] Enterprise Marathon on SyFy

2010-01-24 Thread Martin Baxter

George, that's because they finally wised up and sent the Killers B's packing.

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: brotherfromhow...@yahoo.com
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 06:46:08 -0800
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Enterprise Marathon on SyFy



Agreed the series was really hitting its stride before the suits pulled the 

From: Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.net
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Fri, January 22, 2010 10:39:45 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Enterprise Marathon on SyFy


Another Enterprise marathon on SyFy all day today. That's followed by the 
movie First Contact, and then by the premiere of Caprica.
I will say about Enterprise , it's a show that had its moments. Watching the 
Xindi storyline in big chunks, for example, I can appreciate the dramatic 
intensity of it better. There are some gems in that storyline: the Memento 
type ep (on now) where Archer's in a future where Earth's destroyed, and T'Pol 
must retell the story to him every single day...the ep where, desperate to 
continue the mission, Archer orders his reluctant crew to actually attack and 
steal supplies from a ship that had recently aided them.. A powerful study of 
morality vs. need, and rather radical for Trek...the various dealings with 
the Vulcans and Andorians--how cool to see the Andorians having had so 
significant a part in the early days of Starfleet, how cool to see Vulcan
 as a sometimes duplicitous, self-serving planet on the brink of rejecting 
Logic, how cool to see how Earth, as an outsider planet, helped broker deals 
that lead to the creation of the Federation.
There was lots of good stuff that fleshed out and revealed new stories on the 
history of Starfleet. As the show entered it's last couple of seasons it hit 
its stride and became what I expected. Of course, one has to wade through the 
bad first couple  of seasons, the juvenile attempts at titillation sprinkled 
throughout the series, and the BB obsession with time travel stories, one of 
which ruined the whole Xindi storyline by ending with that stupid Nazi/alien 
occupied NYC.   
But overall, not a bad way to spend a day.



Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.

RE: [scifinoir2] Re: Spartacus: Blood and Sand - Any good?

2010-01-24 Thread Martin Baxter

Again with you all the way, Keith. THe curse words they're using are mostly 
Anglo-Saxon, something that folks who live in Greece (If I've got the geography 
right) aren't likely to speak.

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: keithbjohn...@comcast.net
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 04:37:09 +
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Spartacus: Blood and Sand - Any good?



Looking at part of it again, the fight scenes really do border on kinda
funny, the 300-style imitation is so over the top it reminds me more
of the hilariously bloody fight scene with the Black Knight in Monty
Python and The Holy Grail. I mean, seriously, the blood is spattering
and splatering like red water from a burst balloon. One dude got
knocked in the back of the head, and blood sprayed all over it was
funny. The showrunners seem to have an almost perverse interest in
showing closeups of flesh cut and spread, bodies impaled. Silly,
gratuitous, unmoving.

Quite a bit of nudity too, including of Lucy Lawless I believe. Bit of
a shock that, seeing Xena topless, but much better than seeing the
dudes' naked bottoms.  :(

Also there seems to be quite a bit of anachronistic language. At least,
I'm not sure the term Where the fu** are the Romans? is accurate for
the times.

Two showings, and I haven't been able to sit through the whole thing yet 
without laughing or shaking my head at the whole thing.

Anyone else?

- Original Message -
From: Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.net
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 11:28:04 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Spartacus: Blood and Sand - Any good?

Anyone watch the debut of this series? It's showing on both one of the Encore 
and Starz channels. I tried to watch the show, out of curiosity, and because 
Lucy Lawless is one of the stars. But I came in in the middle of a battle scene 
that frankly made me laugh and grown. Lawless in an interview I'd seen 
mentioned the show was modeled in part on 300. But what I saw was a bad 
imitation of 300: the same not-quite-real backgrounds, the now recognizable 
fast-slow-fast movements of the soldiers in battle, blue-grey backgrounds whose 
colors are splashed liberally with the blood flowing like wine in battle. Lots 
of close ups of decapitations, swords cleaving flesh to expose nasty cuts. it 
was all a bit too frenetic and artificial looking for me. And I gotta admit 
that title--...Blood and Sand already had me a bit leery.
Granted, i didn't see anything but the battle. Maybe the actual acting is good 
and it's worth a look? Can anyone give a recommendation?


by the Romans. Forced into slavery. Reborn as a Gladiator. The classic
tale of the Republic’s most infamous rebel comes alive in the graphic
and visceral new series, Spartacus: Blood and Sand. Torn from
his homeland and the woman he loves, Spartacus is condemned to the
brutal world of the arena where blood and death are primetime
entertainment. But not all battles are fought upon the sands.
Treachery, corruption, and the allure of sensual pleasures will
constantly test Spartacus. To survive, he must become more than a man.
More than a gladiator. He must become a legend. 

Starring Australian actor, Andy Whitfield (McLeod's Daughters) as Spartacus, 
Lucy Lawless (Xena: Warrior Princess) as Lucretia, John Hannah (The Mummy, Four 
Weddings and A Funeral) as Batiatus and Peter Mensah (300, The Incredible Hulk)
as Doctore, this unique mix of live action, graphic novel effects and
brutal battle sequences is set to make Spartacus: Blood and Sand an
epic television event. 


Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.

RE: [scifinoir2] Re: [scifi noir2] NASA unveils personal fl ying suit named ‘Pu ffin’; fli es at 150 mph

2010-01-24 Thread Martin Baxter


If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: aubrey.leatherw...@hotmail.com
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2010 18:37:02 -0500
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Re: [scifi noir2] NASA unveils  personal flying suit  
named ‘Puffin’; fli es at 150 mph




Hey Now, This is a family loop!

Aubrey Leatherwood
FaceBook * MySpace 
Can Nicole resist the call of the stage or the call of her heart?
A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex.
The People You Know, The Sex They Have
ISBN: 978-0-9818905-0-0


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: jazzynupe_...@yahoo.com
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2010 22:44:19 +
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: [scifi noir2] NASA unveils personal flying suit named 
‘Puffin’; fli es at 150 mph


Hey Martin, sounds like u have just been propositioned! What u going 2 do? To 
quote Arsenio..Things that make u go h
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

From: Martin Baxter truthseeker...@hotmail.com 
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2010 16:57:50 -0500
To: SciFiNoir2scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [scifi noir2] NAS A unveils personal f lying suit named ‘Pu ffin’; 
fli es at 150 mph


Aubrey, I pretty much have to disclose my height everywhere, because of my use 
of LMNAO. Many people, including some of my closest confidants, knowing that 
I'm Black, think that I mean the n-word when I post that.

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: aubrey.leatherw...@hotmail.com
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 17:42:48 -0500
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] NASA unveils personal flying suit named ‘Puffin’; 
flies at 150 mph


Wow 6'6. You should never divulge a height like that to me Martin, I have an 
illness, I've recognized it. LOL. There's hardly anything out there made 
properly for such a tall fellow (except me, hee hee), seeing as I have only 
ever dated giant fellows in my life, I know this well.
I still say you wouldn't have to worry about fitting in it when you're doubled 
over on the ground giggling and kicking like a four year old.

Aubrey Leatherwood
FaceBook * MySpace 
Can Nicole resist the call of the stage or the call of her heart?
A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex.
The People You Know, The Sex They Have
ISBN: 978-0-9818905-0-0


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: truthseeker...@hotmail.com
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 17:39:49 -0500
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] NASA unveils personal flying suit named ‘Puffin’; 
flies at 150 mph


A valid point, Aubrey. And, thinking on it, would they even make a model I 
could get inside of, at 6'6?

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: aubrey.leatherw...@hotmail.com
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 17:22:02 -0500
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] NASA unveils personal flying suit named ‘Puffin’; 
flies at 150 mph


I know I, for one, wouldn't be able to stop laughing long enough to fly safely. 
I mean, look at it! :D

Aubrey Leatherwood
FaceBook * MySpace 
Can Nicole resist the call of the stage or the call of her heart?
A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex.
The People You Know, The Sex They Have
ISBN: 978-0-9818905-0-0


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: truthseeker...@hotmail.com
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 17:17:07 -0500
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] NASA unveils personal flying suit named ‘Puffin’; 
flies at 150 mph


I'd love to see this in reality as well, but today out on the road proved to me 
that people are dangerous enough with vehicles that stay on the ground. Add in 
flight, and all of its vector components... it would get ugly.

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: hellomahog...@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 13:32:55 -0800
Subject: [scifinoir2] NASA unveils personal flying suit named ‘Puffin’; flies 
at 150 mph


NASA unveils personal flying suit named ‘Puffin’; flies at 150 mph

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: ATT U-verse Doomed?

2010-01-24 Thread Bosco Bosco
I agree. I was a cable installer for a while and U-Verse smashes the next best 
competitor in my area to bits in all areas. They haven't failed yet. They may 
have issues but they also have incredible demand. Serious huge demand. Get on a 
waiting list to get it demand down here. I wouldn't rule them out just yet.


--- On Sun, 1/24/10, Kelwyn ravena...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: Kelwyn ravena...@yahoo.com
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: ATT U-verse Doomed?
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, January 24, 2010, 9:10 AM



  Isn't this always the way?  As a unrepentant vidiot, I have done time 
with all the services and IMHO, ATT-U-verse is superior to all when you 
consider price, service and selection (for instance, DISH is cheapest but you 
can't get most of the black channels and BET is only available in the pricier 
tiers; Warner Cable is available everywhere - here in Milwaukee - but they 
don't carry the NFL network).  Further, also IMHO, it is better to go without a 
dish instead of a dish (the ugly DISH Network dish is STILL attached to the 
front of my townhouse).

It seems the best product always fails in the marketplace.

That said, I have no sympathy for either ATT or Microsoft - although I do find 
it fascinating that they are running into problems when they finally deliver a 
better product.


--- In scifino...@yahoogro ups.com, Tracey de Morsella tdli...@...  wrote:

 Many have heard of the difficulties in implementing ATT's U-verse IPTV

 http://www.tmcnet. com/tmcnet/ snapshots/ snapshots. aspx?Company= IPTV

 service. ATT's U-verse network is actually a fiber/copper hybrid, which

 pulls fibers to 3,000 to 5,000 feet from the homes they serve, where it then

 connects to mini-DSLAMs called 52B boxes and then it runs copper the last

 mile to the home. This hybrid approach is a bargain when compared to the $20

 http://blog. tmcnet.com/ blog/tom- keating/voip/ verizon-races- to-build- 

 o-fend-off-voip- and-cable- rivals.asp  billion Verizon

 http://www.tmcnet. com/tmcnet/ snapshots/ snapshots. aspx?Company= Verizon  

 spending to build-out fiber all the way to the home. This hybrid

 fiber/copper approach gives ATT a 20Mbps+ link to customers, enough to

 offer high-speed Internet, VoIP, and the company's IPTV service. The problem

 is getting towns to grant public right of ways for these massive 52B boxes,

 which hold DSLAMS, batteries, and cooling gear in rugged, weatherproof

 cases. Many towns objected or wanted AT

 http://arstechnica. com/articles/ culture/u- verse.ars T to sign video

 franchise agreements. Lawsuits were filed, including cable companies that

 want to classify U-verse service as a cable service to force ATT to abide

 by the same build-out rules, which has drastically affected U-verse

 deployment . In addition, the IPTV service uses proprietary set-top boxes

 from Microsoft, which had their own share of problems - mostly

 http://www.dmwmedia .com/news/ 2007/01/26/ wsj-at-t- iptv-deployment- 

 -microsoft-software -problems  software related.



 On top of all this, a new IPTV standard (DVB-IPI

 http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ DVB-IPI ) is about to be ratified (later this

 month) by the Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) standards body.  This

 standard takes a very different technical approach than the strategy

 embodied in the Microsoft

 http://www.tmcnet. com/tmcnet/ snapshots/ snapshots. aspx?Company= Microsoft

 solution that ATT has implemented, and addresses many of the inherent

 challenges with IPTV, including quality of service, scalability and fast

 channel change times. Which reminds me, I really hate the slow channel

 changing times on satellite TV. I wish the set-top boxes would buffer the

 next channel UP and the next channel DOWN, so at least changing up or down

 one channel is fast. 


 In any event, The DVB-IPI standard is based largely on a hybrid of

 well-established forward error correction (FEC) technology from Digital

 Fountain http://www.digitalf ountain.com/  called DF Raptor and a public

 domain technology known as Pro-MPEG COP3.  These technologies are currently

 being evaluated by most IPTV providers in the U.S. and elsewhere.  Several

 new deployments using this technology are expected to be announced later

 this year. According to Rose Anne Raphael, a representative of Digital

 Fountain, Whatever the actual problems in the ATT/MS deployments (since

 we're not part of these deployments, we have no firsthand knowledge), the

 strategy employed is one that inherently poses scalability problems and

 bucks certain foundation assumptions on which IP networks and broadcast

 architectures are based.


 Could this new standard make ATT's and Microsoft's gamble on their own

 proprietary technology be the nail in the coffin for U-verse? Certainly, a

 standards-based approach will eventually result in lower costs to deploy due


Re: [scifinoir2] Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Bosco Bosco
I saw it once. I have almost no memory of it. I don't even remember the Halle 
without clothes on part though I am certain that's in there. I recall it being 
terrible and immediately, obviously, forgetful. I think I'll keep forgetting 
about it based on your re(view)


--- On Sun, 1/24/10, Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyesc...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyesc...@yahoo.com
Subject: [scifinoir2] Swordfish
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, January 24, 2010, 1:36 PM



I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just watched 
Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was bored and 2) I keep thinking 
if I watch it again I will like it more. Neither reason was worth the effort.
I'm just curious, lots of people I know like the movie and not just because 
they got to see Halle Berry's boobies, I'm in the minority because I don't (the 
only scene I like is when Hugh Jackman is explaining how he cracked the DoD, 
Halle Berry negates all of his explanations, then he fesses up to just being au 
naturel and seeing the code in his head). 
What do you think?
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 
Bright Star 
The Builder
The Prescription Playboy






RE: [scifinoir2] Jonah Hex

2010-01-24 Thread Bosco Bosco
I love the westerns so I am in as well.


--- On Sun, 1/24/10, Martin Baxter truthseeker...@hotmail.com wrote:

From: Martin Baxter truthseeker...@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Jonah Hex
To: SciFiNoir2 scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, January 24, 2010, 2:06 PM




I'm game, too.

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant

http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com
From: jazzynupe_007@ yahoo.com
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 18:34:02 +
Subject: [scifinoir2] Jonah Hex




Anyone other than me waiting to see how this one with Josh Brolin and Megan Fox 
going to look?  
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
From:  Kelwyn ravena...@yahoo. com
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 16:29:29 -To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.comSubject: 
[scifinoir2] Book of Eli ends Hughes' 9 year hiatus


  Hughes brothers are back with 'The Book of Eli'

By Rob Lowman 

Los Angeles Daily News

Posted: 01/17/2010 01:00:00 AM PST

Updated: 01/18/2010 12:58:19 PM PST


Sure, they are twins, share a wicked sense of humor and do that finish-each- 
other's-thoughts thing, but there are differences.

Ask Denzel Washington, who stars in their latest film, The Book of Eli:

Allen is more the casting people, cutting guy, and Albert is the guy with all 
that geek stuff.

See? Easy.

It's like a two-headed mutant monster, admits Albert. Sometimes we walk 
around separately like idiots, but together we can be one complete whole. Allen 
specializes in one thing. I specialize in one thing. He can do my job, and I 
can do his job.

He thinks more personality,

Religious roles fit nonreligious Paul Bettany surprisingly well

story and relationships, and I'm more like, 'I like this microphone' and 'How 
does it work?' 

But the real question is what have the 37-year-old filmmaking brothers been 
doing since their last film, From Hell, the 2001 adaptation of Alan Moore's 
graphic novel about the Jack the Ripper murders, starring Johnny Depp.

Allen offers three reasons for the delay: First, they couldn't get the scripts 
they were interested in off the ground. Second, they were pretty successful 
making commercials, and making a lot of money tends to make you less urgent to 
make things that you should be making. Lastly, they took a twin sabbatical. 
For the first time in our lives, at 30, we went and tried to find out who we 
were as individuals. 

Encouraged by their mother, who gave them a video camera at age 12 while 
growing up in Pomona, the brothers began working on music videos as teens for 
rap stars such as Tone Loc and Tupac Shakur.

By 1993, they had written and directed Menace II Society, which premiered at 
the Cannes Film Festival and went on to be a big hit.

They followed that in 1996 with Dead Presidents, and then in 1999 with the 
documentary American Pimp, about the underground pimp culture and 
exploitation of women, which generated a fair amount of controversy.

The brothers expect that The Book of Eli, which involves the power of the 
Bible, may generate some discussion, too.

Allen says, When I read the line 'This is not just a book, it's a weapon,' 
that's when the hair stood up on the back of my neck. ... It's a rare occasion 
where a film can be a different movie depending on what you bring into it.

For his part, Albert gave the film an eerie look, befitting a post-apocalyptic 

As we've gotten older, the references come from anywhere, says Albert. I've 
been recently influenced by this Czech photographer, Jan Saudek. A lot of the 
way the clouds are in the movie are straight out of his photos — desaturate 
everything and add a stroke of color.

I wish you would have shared that with me, Allen chimes in.

Talking to the brothers is a bit of a trip, careening from them riffing on an 
old Alka Seltzer commercial to some wild quips — most of which are best left 
unrepeated lest someone think they were serious — to talking about their 
favorite male soul singers.

There is a key moment where Washington's character, Eli, listens to Al Green's 
version of How Can You Mend a Broken Heart. Green, Allen points out, has made 
an appearance on all their soundtracks, except for In Hell, set in London in 

Although they say they have nothing pinned down at the moment, the brothers 
promise there won't be such a long wait for their next movie. We're not 
waiting around another eight years — that's for sure, Albert says.

It's important we get back to making movies where you leave the theater and 
it's a debate about it, Allen says. Even if you don't like the movie, you've 
got to respect it, and if you go to dinner afterward, you're going to be 
talking about it.



RE: [scifinoir2] Re: ATT U-verse Doomed?

2010-01-24 Thread Tracey de Morsella
At the bottom of  the article the writer answers a reader question about 
whether he should get it.  The Guy says he still wishes they had it where he 
lives and that he would get it in a heartbeat.  Then he says he wishes he could 
also get Verizon FiOS.


What is event more frustrating is that ATT U-Verse and Microsoft have major 
operations for this venture two miles from my house and on a list of the 22 
states they are in, Washington is not on the list, but Oklahoma is.  !?!?!?!


From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Bosco Bosco
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 8:30 AM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: ATT U-verse Doomed?


I agree. I was a cable installer for a while and U-Verse smashes the next best 
competitor in my area to bits in all areas. They haven't failed yet. They may 
have issues but they also have incredible demand. Serious huge demand. Get on a 
waiting list to get it demand down here. I wouldn't rule them out just yet.


--- On Sun, 1/24/10, Kelwyn ravena...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: Kelwyn ravena...@yahoo.com
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: ATT U-verse Doomed?
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, January 24, 2010, 9:10 AM


Isn't this always the way? As a unrepentant vidiot, I have done time with all 
the services and IMHO, ATT-U-verse is superior to all when you consider price, 
service and selection (for instance, DISH is cheapest but you can't get most of 
the black channels and BET is only available in the pricier tiers; Warner Cable 
is available everywhere - here in Milwaukee - but they don't carry the NFL 
network). Further, also IMHO, it is better to go without a dish instead of a 
dish (the ugly DISH Network dish is STILL attached to the front of my 

It seems the best product always fails in the marketplace.

That said, I have no sympathy for either ATT or Microsoft - although I do find 
it fascinating that they are running into problems when they finally deliver a 
better product.


--- In scifino...@yahoogro ups.com, Tracey de Morsella tdli...@...  wrote:

 Many have heard of the difficulties in implementing ATT's U-verse IPTV
 http://www.tmcnet. com/tmcnet/ snapshots/ snapshots. 
 aspx?Company= IPTV
 service. ATT's U-verse network is actually a fiber/copper hybrid, which
 pulls fibers to 3,000 to 5,000 feet from the homes they serve, where it then
 connects to mini-DSLAMs called 52B boxes and then it runs copper the last
 mile to the home. This hybrid approach is a bargain when compared to the $20
 http://blog. tmcnet.com/ blog/tom- keating/voip/ 
  verizon-races- to-build- fiber-t
 o-fend-off-voip- and-cable- rivals.asp billion Verizon
 http://www.tmcnet. com/tmcnet/ snapshots/ snapshots. 
 aspx?Company= Verizon is
 spending to build-out fiber all the way to the home. This hybrid
 fiber/copper approach gives ATT a 20Mbps+ link to customers, enough to
 offer high-speed Internet, VoIP, and the company's IPTV service. The problem
 is getting towns to grant public right of ways for these massive 52B boxes,
 which hold DSLAMS, batteries, and cooling gear in rugged, weatherproof
 cases. Many towns objected or wanted AT
 http://arstechnica. com/articles/ culture/u- verse.ars 
 http://arstechnica.com/articles/culture/u-verse.ars  T to sign video
 franchise agreements. Lawsuits were filed, including cable companies that
 want to classify U-verse service as a cable service to force ATT to abide
 by the same build-out rules, which has drastically affected U-verse
 deployment . In addition, the IPTV service uses proprietary set-top boxes
 from Microsoft, which had their own share of problems - mostly
 http://www.dmwmedia .com/news/ 2007/01/26/ wsj-at-t- iptv-deployment- 
 -microsoft-software -problems software related.
 On top of all this, a new IPTV standard (DVB-IPI
 http://en.wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DVB-IPI  .org/wiki/ 
 DVB-IPI ) is about to be ratified (later this
 month) by the Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) standards body. This
 standard takes a very different technical approach than the strategy
 embodied in the Microsoft
 http://www.tmcnet. com/tmcnet/ snapshots/ snapshots. 
 aspx?Company= Microsoft
 solution that ATT has implemented, and addresses many of the inherent
 challenges with IPTV, including quality of service, scalability and fast
 channel change times. Which reminds me, I really hate the slow channel
 changing times on satellite TV. I wish the set-top boxes would buffer the
 next channel UP and the next channel DOWN, so at least changing up or down

[scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Kelwyn
I've seen Swordfish many times.  It is not good but it has charms.  For me, 
Halle's short red dress scene in Hugh Jackman's trailer is better than either 
her lingerie scene or her topless scene (if you wanna see Halle's assets, 
Monster's Ball is a better bet). I like Don Cheadle's dogged detective, I 
like the business at the bank, the business with the bus and, IMHO, John 
Travolta is always fun to watch. 


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyesc...@... 

 I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just watched 
 Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was bored and 2) I keep 
 thinking if I watch it again I will like it more. Neither reason was worth 
 the effort.
 I'm just curious, lots of people I know like the movie and not just because 
 they got to see Halle Berry's boobies, I'm in the minority because I don't 
 (the only scene I like is when Hugh Jackman is explaining how he cracked the 
 DoD, Halle Berry negates all of his explanations, then he fesses up to just 
 being au naturel and seeing the code in his head). 
 What do you think?
 Grayson Reyes-Cole 
 Bright Star 
 The Builder
 The Prescription Playboy

RE: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Tracey de Morsella
I didn't love it, but enjoyed it.  I don't even remember the Halle Berry tit
scene. But Rave really captures my feelings about the movies in his last two
lines.  Travolta is always fun to watch- even in bad movies.  The action is
good.  I enjoyed Cheadle, Jackson and Berry in their roles.  

-Original Message-
From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On
Behalf Of Kelwyn
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 1:04 PM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

I've seen Swordfish many times.  It is not good but it has charms.  For me,
Halle's short red dress scene in Hugh Jackman's trailer is better than
either her lingerie scene or her topless scene (if you wanna see Halle's
assets, Monster's Ball is a better bet). I like Don Cheadle's dogged
detective, I like the business at the bank, the business with the bus and,
IMHO, John Travolta is always fun to watch. 


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Grayson Reyes-Cole
grayson.reyesc...@... wrote:

 I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just
watched Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was bored and 2) I
keep thinking if I watch it again I will like it more. Neither reason was
worth the effort.
 I'm just curious, lots of people I know like the movie and not just
because they got to see Halle Berry's boobies, I'm in the minority because I
don't (the only scene I like is when Hugh Jackman is explaining how he
cracked the DoD, Halle Berry negates all of his explanations, then he fesses
up to just being au naturel and seeing the code in his head). 
 What do you think?
 Grayson Reyes-Cole 
 Bright Star 
 The Builder
 The Prescription Playboy

Post your SciFiNoir Profile at
hoo! Groups Links

RE: [scifinoir2] Re: ATT U-verse Doomed?

2010-01-24 Thread Martin Baxter

Whom the heck's in Oklahoma, aside from college kids, and why do they (everyone 
there who isn't in college) need such bandwidth?

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 12:52:14 -0800
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Re: ATT U-verse Doomed?




At the bottom of  the article the writer answers a reader
question about whether he should get it.  The Guy says he still wishes they had
it where he lives and that he would get it in a heartbeat.  Then he says he
wishes he could also get Verizon FiOS.


What is event more frustrating is that ATT U-Verse and
Microsoft have major operations for this venture two miles from my house and on
a list of the 22 states they are in, Washington is not on the list, but
Oklahoma is.  !?!?!?!


From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Bosco Bosco

Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 8:30 AM

To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: ATT U-verse Doomed?


  I agree. I was a cable installer for a while and U-Verse
  smashes the next best competitor in my area to bits in all areas. They
  haven't failed yet. They may have issues but they also have incredible
  demand. Serious huge demand. Get on a waiting list to get it demand down
  here. I wouldn't rule them out just yet.




  --- On Sun, 1/24/10, Kelwyn ravena...@yahoo.com wrote:

  From: Kelwyn ravena...@yahoo.com

  Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: ATT U-verse Doomed?

  To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

  Date: Sunday, January 24, 2010, 9:10 AM

  Isn't this always the way? As a unrepentant
  vidiot, I have done time with all the services and IMHO, ATT-U-verse is
  superior to all when you consider price, service and selection (for instance,
  DISH is cheapest but you can't get most of the black channels and BET is only
  available in the pricier tiers; Warner Cable is available everywhere - here
  in Milwaukee - but they don't carry the NFL network). Further, also IMHO, it
  is better to go without a dish instead of a dish (the ugly DISH Network dish
  is STILL attached to the front of my townhouse).


  It seems the best product always fails in the marketplace.


  That said, I have no sympathy for either ATT or Microsoft - although I
  do find it fascinating that they are running into problems when they finally
  deliver a better product.




  --- In scifino...@yahoogro
  ups.com, Tracey de Morsella tdli...@...  wrote:


   Many have heard of the difficulties in implementing ATT's U-verse

   http://www.tmcnet. com/tmcnet/ snapshots/ snapshots.
  aspx?Company= IPTV

   service. ATT's U-verse network is actually a fiber/copper hybrid,

   pulls fibers to 3,000 to 5,000 feet from the homes they serve, where it

   connects to mini-DSLAMs called 52B boxes and then it runs
  copper the last

   mile to the home. This hybrid approach is a bargain when compared to the

   http://blog. tmcnet.com/ blog/tom- keating/voip/
  verizon-races- to-build- fiber-t

   o-fend-off-voip- and-cable- rivals.asp billion Verizon

   http://www.tmcnet. com/tmcnet/ snapshots/ snapshots.
  aspx?Company= Verizon is

   spending to build-out fiber all the way to the home. This hybrid

   fiber/copper approach gives ATT a 20Mbps+ link to customers, enough

   offer high-speed Internet, VoIP, and the company's IPTV service. The

   is getting towns to grant public right of ways for these massive 52B

   which hold DSLAMS, batteries, and cooling gear in rugged, weatherproof

   cases. Many towns objected or wanted AT

   http://arstechnica. com/articles/ culture/u- verse.ars
  T to sign video

   franchise agreements. Lawsuits were filed, including cable companies

   want to classify U-verse service as a cable service to force
  ATT to abide

   by the same build-out rules, which has drastically affected U-verse

   deployment . In addition, the IPTV service uses proprietary set-top

   from Microsoft, which had their own share of problems - mostly

   http://www.dmwmedia .com/news/ 2007/01/26/ wsj-at-t- iptv-deployment-

   -microsoft-software -problems software related.



   On top of all this, a new IPTV standard (DVB-IPI

  .org/wiki/ DVB-IPI ) is about to be ratified (later this

   month) by the Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) standards body. This

   standard takes a very different technical approach than the strategy

   embodied in the Microsoft

   http://www.tmcnet. com/tmcnet/ snapshots/ snapshots.
  aspx?Company= Microsoft

   solution that ATT has implemented, and addresses many of the

   challenges with IPTV, 

[scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Grayson
The thing is... I like everybody in this movie. Berry, Cheadle, Jackman, and 
Travolta who I am loving more and more lately (absolutely loved him in The 
Taking of Pelham 123 even though the the plot of that movie--remake or not--was 
as thin as Nick Cage's hairline) plus the very tiny roll for Vinnie Jones who I 
always like in a fight. But the movie is just... bad.

Also is it bad that I haven't seen Monster's Ball and have absolutely no desire 
to do so. It's on my list of movies to never see. Titanic is also on this list 
as well as a few other Best Picture nominees/winners.


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Kelwyn ravena...@... wrote:

 I've seen Swordfish many times.  It is not good but it has charms.  For me, 
 Halle's short red dress scene in Hugh Jackman's trailer is better than either 
 her lingerie scene or her topless scene (if you wanna see Halle's assets, 
 Monster's Ball is a better bet). I like Don Cheadle's dogged detective, I 
 like the business at the bank, the business with the bus and, IMHO, John 
 Travolta is always fun to watch. 
 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ 
  I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just watched 
  Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was bored and 2) I keep 
  thinking if I watch it again I will like it more. Neither reason was worth 
  the effort.
  I'm just curious, lots of people I know like the movie and not just because 
  they got to see Halle Berry's boobies, I'm in the minority because I don't 
  (the only scene I like is when Hugh Jackman is explaining how he cracked 
  the DoD, Halle Berry negates all of his explanations, then he fesses up to 
  just being au naturel and seeing the code in his head). 
  What do you think?
  Grayson Reyes-Cole 
  Bright Star 
  The Builder
  The Prescription Playboy

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: ATT U-verse Doomed?

2010-01-24 Thread Mr. Worf
The upper limit for fiber optic is over 1000 mbs. There are techniques where
the could push it even higher than that. 1000mbs is just a standard and it
has been around for 10 years. The last speed record was well over 2500.

It all comes down to spending the money to update the signal boosters. ATT
may not want to spend the money without help from the feds. Verizon's FIOS
system runs at 50mbs down and 5mbs up. Which is better than anything else on
the market right now.

Oklahoma is an internet hub that links the west coast to the rest of the
country. Most of the universities are redundant pieces of the web that
automatically fills in if a hub goes down.

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Martin Baxter

 Whom the heck's in Oklahoma, aside from college kids, and why do they
 (everyone there who isn't in college) need such bandwidth?

 If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in
 bloody hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant


 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
 From: tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com
 Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 12:52:14 -0800
 Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Re: ATT U-verse Doomed?

 At the bottom of  the article the writer answers a reader question about
 whether he should get it.  The Guy says he still wishes they had it where he
 lives and that he would get it in a heartbeat.  Then he says he wishes he
 could also get Verizon FiOS.

 What is event more frustrating is that ATT U-Verse and Microsoft have major
 operations for this venture two miles from my house and on a list of the 22
 states they are in, Washington is not on the list, but Oklahoma is.  !?!?!?!

 *From:* scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Bosco Bosco
 *Sent:* Sunday, January 24, 2010 8:30 AM
 *To:* scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
 *Subject:* Re: [scifinoir2] Re: ATT U-verse Doomed?

   I agree. I was a cable installer for a while and U-Verse smashes the
 next best competitor in my area to bits in all areas. They haven't failed
 yet. They may have issues but they also have incredible demand. Serious huge
 demand. Get on a waiting list to get it demand down here. I wouldn't rule
 them out just yet.


 --- On *Sun, 1/24/10, Kelwyn ravena...@yahoo.com* wrote:

 From: Kelwyn ravena...@yahoo.com
 Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: ATT U-verse Doomed?
 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Sunday, January 24, 2010, 9:10 AM

  Isn't this always the way? As a unrepentant vidiot, I have done time with
 all the services and IMHO, ATT-U-verse is superior to all when you consider
 price, service and selection (for instance, DISH is cheapest but you can't
 get most of the black channels and BET is only available in the pricier
 tiers; Warner Cable is available everywhere - here in Milwaukee - but they
 don't carry the NFL network). Further, also IMHO, it is better to go without
 a dish instead of a dish (the ugly DISH Network dish is STILL attached to
 the front of my townhouse).

 It seems the best product always fails in the marketplace.

 That said, I have no sympathy for either ATT or Microsoft - although I do
 find it fascinating that they are running into problems when they finally
 deliver a better product.


 --- In scifino...@yahoogro 
 Tracey de Morsella tdli...@...  wrote:
  Many have heard of the difficulties in implementing ATT's U-verse IPTV
  http://www.tmcnet. com/tmcnet/ snapshots/ snapshots. aspx?Company= 
  service. ATT's U-verse network is actually a fiber/copper hybrid, which
  pulls fibers to 3,000 to 5,000 feet from the homes they serve, where it
  connects to mini-DSLAMs called 52B boxes and then it runs copper the
  mile to the home. This hybrid approach is a bargain when compared to the
  http://blog. tmcnet.com/ blog/tom- keating/voip/ verizon-races-
  o-fend-off-voip- and-cable- rivals.asp billion Verizon
  http://www.tmcnet. com/tmcnet/ snapshots/ snapshots. aspx?Company=
  spending to build-out fiber all the way to the home. This hybrid
  fiber/copper approach gives ATT a 20Mbps+ link to customers, enough to
  offer high-speed Internet, VoIP, and the company's IPTV service. The
  is getting towns to grant public right of ways for these massive 52B
  which hold DSLAMS, batteries, and cooling gear in rugged, weatherproof
  cases. Many towns objected or wanted AT
  http://arstechnica. com/articles/ culture/u- 
 T to sign video
  franchise agreements. Lawsuits were filed, including cable companies that
  want to classify 

[scifinoir2] 40 Gbps - Fastest Internet Connection to a Single Home

2010-01-24 Thread Mr. Worf
40 Gbps - Fastest Internet Connection to a Single Home
Jul 13, 2007
75-year old Swede has recently got a 40 Gbps internet connection directly to
her home computer. She is a mum of the internet legend Peter Löthberg and
they have got money and technology to make a connection like this. She
decided to persuade internet operators to invest in faster internet

We used to see those optical fiber links and their speed used to be enough.
Now when I heard about this I want such a connection. I would feel like I
can download all the internet data in just seconds. Well, I am just joking
but it is really fast. Imagine she can download a full HD
DVDhttp://www.gadgets-reviews.com/index.php?page=postid=317in just
2 seconds.

My SATA II hard drive speed is just 3 Gbps I can't imagine how a home
internet speed can be faster than my hard drive. It is a good thing that RAM
is still a bit faster though.

The secret that stands behind this speed is in new modulation technique.
This technique allows data to be transferred to de distances up to 2,000
kilometers directly between only two routers. This does not involve any
intermediary transponders which makes the connection even faster.

Of course now you've got to get a high quality fiber optic cable to be able
to get such speed. Moreover it will surely cost a fortune to get 40 Gbps
internet connection.


Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Mr. Worf
The only reason I watched the movie was for Halle's breasts.

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 1:57 PM, Grayson grayson.reyesc...@yahoo.comwrote:

 The thing is... I like everybody in this movie. Berry, Cheadle, Jackman,
 and Travolta who I am loving more and more lately (absolutely loved him in
 The Taking of Pelham 123 even though the the plot of that movie--remake or
 not--was as thin as Nick Cage's hairline) plus the very tiny roll for Vinnie
 Jones who I always like in a fight. But the movie is just... bad.

 Also is it bad that I haven't seen Monster's Ball and have absolutely no
 desire to do so. It's on my list of movies to never see. Titanic is also on
 this list as well as a few other Best Picture nominees/winners.


 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Kelwyn ravena...@... wrote:
  I've seen Swordfish many times.  It is not good but it has charms.  For
 me, Halle's short red dress scene in Hugh Jackman's trailer is better than
 either her lingerie scene or her topless scene (if you wanna see Halle's
 assets, Monster's Ball is a better bet). I like Don Cheadle's dogged
 detective, I like the business at the bank, the business with the bus and,
 IMHO, John Travolta is always fun to watch.
  --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Grayson Reyes-Cole
 grayson.reyescole@ wrote:
   I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just
 watched Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was bored and 2) I
 keep thinking if I watch it again I will like it more. Neither reason was
 worth the effort.
   I'm just curious, lots of people I know like the movie and not just
 because they got to see Halle Berry's boobies, I'm in the minority because I
 don't (the only scene I like is when Hugh Jackman is explaining how he
 cracked the DoD, Halle Berry negates all of his explanations, then he fesses
 up to just being au naturel and seeing the code in his head).
   What do you think?
   Grayson Reyes-Cole
   Bright Star
   The Builder
   The Prescription Playboy


 Post your SciFiNoir Profile at

 Groups Links

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/

RE: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Martin Baxter

Grayson, I'll say this.

You are BLESSED to have missed that. Unless you're a fan of bad porn, because 
that was its only attraction. Paid five bucks to rent the video, and slept 
through everything except that (only because the noise woke me). 

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: grayson.reyesc...@yahoo.com
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 21:57:37 +
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish



  The thing is... I like everybody in this movie. Berry, Cheadle, Jackman, 
and Travolta who I am loving more and more lately (absolutely loved him in The 
Taking of Pelham 123 even though the the plot of that movie--remake or not--was 
as thin as Nick Cage's hairline) plus the very tiny roll for Vinnie Jones who I 
always like in a fight. But the movie is just... bad.

Also is it bad that I haven't seen Monster's Ball and have absolutely no desire 
to do so. It's on my list of movies to never see. Titanic is also on this list 
as well as a few other Best Picture nominees/winners.


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Kelwyn ravena...@... wrote:

 I've seen Swordfish many times.  It is not good but it has charms.  For me, 
 Halle's short red dress scene in Hugh Jackman's trailer is better than either 
 her lingerie scene or her topless scene (if you wanna see Halle's assets, 
 Monster's Ball is a better bet). I like Don Cheadle's dogged detective, I 
 like the business at the bank, the business with the bus and, IMHO, John 
 Travolta is always fun to watch. 




 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ 


  I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just watched 
  Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was bored and 2) I keep 
  thinking if I watch it again I will like it more. Neither reason was worth 
  the effort.


  I'm just curious, lots of people I know like the movie and not just because 
  they got to see Halle Berry's boobies, I'm in the minority because I don't 
  (the only scene I like is when Hugh Jackman is explaining how he cracked 
  the DoD, Halle Berry negates all of his explanations, then he fesses up to 
  just being au naturel and seeing the code in his head). 


  What do you think?


  Grayson Reyes-Cole 



  Bright Star 

  The Builder

  The Prescription Playboy



Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service.

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Conan O'Brien: Free At Last!

2010-01-24 Thread Mr. Worf
No it doesn't. That was just a marketing plot to show how hip he is. He's
so unfunny that he could possibly be defined as ANTI-COMEDY.

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 7:13 AM, Kelwyn ravena...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Having the Roots as his house band absolves Mr. Fallon of all sins.


 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@... wrote:
  Oh don't get me started! :) Fallon is the worst waste of space on tv!
  Infomercials are more entertaining than his disjointed sap!
  On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 8:55 PM, C.W. Badie astromancer2...@...wrote:
   No, really, Mr. Worf, tell us how  you really feel...
   Such music flows on the Fringe, and no one can resist singing to
   --- On *Fri, 1/22/10, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@...* wrote:
   From: Mr. Worf hellomahog...@...
   Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Conan O'Brien: Free At Last!
   To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
   Date: Friday, January 22, 2010, 2:44 PM
   Kimmel is really a writer. He needs to be part of a team writing
   and not hosting a show, but ABC has been trying to compete on the late
   for years. Fallon is just a waste of space.
   On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 7:47 AM, Keith Johnson KeithBJohnson@
   Agreed, that's why I'm glad this failed. We need original scripted TV,
   more talk shows in a field already overloaded with mostly mediocre
   (Kimmel and Fallon especially). And I'm more irritated at Leno, the
 more I
   think of it. He never should have agreed to a 10 pm show that couldn't
   but hurt Conan.
   I've said it before: if you want to bring something different to TV,
   about an old-time variety show. Something like Carol Burnett updated,
   skits, singing, dancing, etc. Cedric the Entertainer tried it a while
   and didn't succeed. I believe Brady tried such a show, with little
   But maybe it could work as a once-a-week show. Surely Americans'
   haven't fallen so far that we're satisfied with the likes of American
   or Dancing with the Stars???
   Or maybe a new show similiar to In Living Color?
   - Original Message -
   From: Tracey de Morsella tdli...@multicultur aladvantage. com
   To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com
   Cc:  Lockhart, Daryle  dar...@darylelockha rt.com
   afrikanmind@ hotmail.com
   Albert Fields cbilmarketing@ yahoo.com
   bettil...@msn. com
   CINQUE cinque3...@verizon. net
   dorothyhamm@ sbcglobal. net
   duva...@hotmail. com
   fis...@bellsouth. net
   GTW gwashin...@aol. com
   Jeffrey Ballou jeffreypballou@ gmail.com
   Kai Pettaway killa...@gmail. com
   kalpub...@aol. com
   keithbjohnson@ comcast.net
   Kera imke...@gmail. com
   Leroy Hughes seriousnupe87@ yahoo.com
   Logic logic1...@aol. com
   Martin Baxter Truthseeker013@ icqmail.com
   Marvalous mmb1...@gmail. com
   Michael Gordon gord...@indiana. edu
   michael v w gordon michael.v.w. gor...@gmail. com
   ravenadal ravena...@yahoo. com
   rs...@yahoo. com
   Seku Brathwaite everythingist@ nyc.rr.com
   Valery Jean valeryjean77@ yahoo.com
   Wendell Theophilus Smith wendellsmithis@ gmail.com
   Whitney J Evans 

Re: [scifinoir2] Get This Motherf*cking Samuel L Jackson App On Your Motherf*cking iPhone

2010-01-24 Thread Mr. Worf
That's funny!

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 7:17 AM, Kelwyn ravena...@yahoo.com wrote:



 Post your SciFiNoir Profile at

 Groups Links

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/

Re: [scifinoir2] Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Keith Johnson
I really disliked it. I thought it was stupid. I'm all for good camp, but 
Travolta's over-the-top villain was laughable--in a bad way. As one of the few 
men in America not hypnotized by Berry, her exposed top didn't do anything for 
me (and I'm still a bit sad that a woman exposing her top is sometimes 
considered a necessary career move to get better roles anyway). Things such as 
Jackman having to do a major hack in sixty seconds while a lady pleasures him 
were just unnecessary stuff added, like something done by leering teen boys. 
I'm only seen it once--that was enough for me. 

- Original Message - 
From: Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyesc...@yahoo.com 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 2:36:53 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Swordfish 

I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just watched 
Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was bored and 2) I keep thinking 
if I watch it again I will like it more. Neither reason was worth the effort. 

I'm just curious, lots of people I know like the movie and not just because 
they got to see Halle Berry's boobies, I'm in the minority because I don't (the 
only scene I like is when Hugh Jackman is explaining how he cracked the DoD, 
Halle Berry negates all of his explanations, then he fesses up to just being au 
naturel and seeing the code in his head). 

What do you think? 

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
The Builder 
The Prescription Playboy 

Re: [scifinoir2] Enterprise Marathon on SyFy

2010-01-24 Thread Keith Johnson
Other than that horrible fuc* you series ender BB crafted, one of the worst 
single shows in all of Trek, up (or down) there with the clip show that ended 
season two of TNG. 

- Original Message - 
From: Martin Baxter truthseeker...@hotmail.com 
To: SciFiNoir2 scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 3:13:28 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Enterprise Marathon on SyFy 

George, that's because they finally wised up and sent the Killers B's packing. 

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant 


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
From: brotherfromhow...@yahoo.com 
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 06:46:08 -0800 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Enterprise Marathon on SyFy 

Agreed the series was really hitting its stride before the suits pulled the 

From: Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.net 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Fri, January 22, 2010 10:39:45 AM 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Enterprise Marathon on SyFy 

Another Enterprise marathon on SyFy all day today. That's followed by the 
movie First Contact, and then by the premiere of Caprica. 
I will say about Enterprise , it's a show that had its moments. Watching the 
Xindi storyline in big chunks, for example, I can appreciate the dramatic 
intensity of it better. There are some gems in that storyline: the Memento 
type ep (on now) where Archer's in a future where Earth's destroyed, and T'Pol 
must retell the story to him every single day...the ep where, desperate to 
continue the mission, Archer orders his reluctant crew to actually attack and 
steal supplies from a ship that had recently aided them.. A powerful study of 
morality vs. need, and rather radical for Trek...the various dealings with 
the Vulcans and Andorians--how cool to see the Andorians having had so 
significant a part in the early days of Starfleet, how cool to see Vulcan as a 
sometimes duplicitous, self-serving planet on the brink of rejecting Logic, how 
cool to see how Earth, as an outsider planet, helped broker deals that lead to 
the creation of the Federation. 
There was lots of good stuff that fleshed out and revealed new stories on the 
history of Starfleet. As the show entered it's last couple of seasons it hit 
its stride and became what I expected. Of course, one has to wade through the 
bad first couple of seasons, the juvenile attempts at titillation sprinkled 
throughout the series, and the BB obsession with time travel stories, one of 
which ruined the whole Xindi storyline by ending with that stupid Nazi/alien 
occupied NYC. 
But overall, not a bad way to spend a day. 

Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. Get it now. 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Spartacus: Blood and Sand - Any good?

2010-01-24 Thread Keith Johnson
Was the f-word even being used by the Britons during the time of Spartacus? 

- Original Message - 
From: Martin Baxter truthseeker...@hotmail.com 
To: SciFiNoir2 scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 3:17:28 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Re: Spartacus: Blood and Sand - Any good? 

Again with you all the way, Keith. THe curse words they're using are mostly 
Anglo-Saxon, something that folks who live in Greece (If I've got the geography 
right) aren't likely to speak. 

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant 


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
From: keithbjohn...@comcast.net 
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 04:37:09 + 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Spartacus: Blood and Sand - Any good? 

Looking at part of it again, the fight scenes really do border on kinda funny, 
the 300-style imitation is so over the top it reminds me more of the 
hilariously bloody fight scene with the Black Knight in Monty Python and The 
Holy Grail. I mean, seriously, the blood is spattering and splatering like red 
water from a burst balloon. One dude got knocked in the back of the head, and 
blood sprayed all over it was funny. The showrunners seem to have an almost 
perverse interest in showing closeups of flesh cut and spread, bodies impaled. 
Silly, gratuitous, unmoving. 
Quite a bit of nudity too, including of Lucy Lawless I believe. Bit of a shock 
that, seeing Xena topless, but much better than seeing the dudes' naked 
bottoms. :( 
Also there seems to be quite a bit of anachronistic language. At least, I'm not 
sure the term Where the fu** are the Romans? is accurate for the times. 
Two showings, and I haven't been able to sit through the whole thing yet 
without laughing or shaking my head at the whole thing. 
Anyone else? 

- Original Message - 
From: Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.net 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 11:28:04 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Spartacus: Blood and Sand - Any good? 

Anyone watch the debut of this series? It's showing on both one of the Encore 
and Starz channels. I tried to watch the show, out of curiosity, and because 
Lucy Lawless is one of the stars. But I came in in the middle of a battle scene 
that frankly made me laugh and grown. Lawless in an interview I'd seen 
mentioned the show was modeled in part on 300. But what I saw was a bad 
imitation of 300: the same not-quite-real backgrounds, the now recognizable 
fast-slow-fast movements of the soldiers in battle, blue-grey backgrounds whose 
colors are splashed liberally with the blood flowing like wine in battle. Lots 
of close ups of decapitations, swords cleaving flesh to expose nasty cuts. it 
was all a bit too frenetic and artificial looking for me. And I gotta admit 
that title--...Blood and Sand already had me a bit leery. 
Granted, i didn't see anything but the battle. Maybe the actual acting is good 
and it's worth a look? Can anyone give a recommendation? 


Betrayed by the Romans. Forced into slavery. Reborn as a Gladiator. The classic 
tale of the Republic’s most infamous rebel comes alive in the graphic and 
visceral new series, Spartacus: Blood and Sand . Torn from his homeland and the 
woman he loves, Spartacus is condemned to the brutal world of the arena where 
blood and death are primetime entertainment. But not all battles are fought 
upon the sands. Treachery, corruption, and the allure of sensual pleasures will 
constantly test Spartacus. To survive, he must become more than a man. More 
than a gladiator. He must become a legend. 

Starring Australian actor, Andy Whitfield ( McLeod's Daughters) as Spartacus, 
Lucy Lawless (Xena: Warrior Princess) as Lucretia, John Hannah ( The Mummy, 
Four Weddings and A Funeral) as Batiatus and Peter Mensah (300, The Incredible 
Hulk) as Doctore, this unique mix of live action, graphic novel effects and 
brutal battle sequences is set to make Spartacus: Blood and Sand an epic 
television event. 

Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. Get it now. 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Keith Johnson
Dude, it ain't worth it for that. 

- Original Message - 
From: Martin Baxter truthseeker...@hotmail.com 
To: SciFiNoir2 scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 4:41:39 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish 

Halle's short red dress scene in Hugh Jackman's trailer... 

Okay, okay... I'll watch it. Didn't have to twist my arm. 

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant 


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
From: ravena...@yahoo.com 
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 21:04:14 + 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish 

I've seen Swordfish many times. It is not good but it has charms. For me, 
Halle's short red dress scene in Hugh Jackman's trailer is better than either 
her lingerie scene or her topless scene (if you wanna see Halle's assets, 
Monster's Ball is a better bet). I like Don Cheadle's dogged detective, I 
like the business at the bank, the business with the bus and, IMHO, John 
Travolta is always fun to watch. 


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyesc...@... 
 I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just watched 
 Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was bored and 2) I keep 
 thinking if I watch it again I will like it more. Neither reason was worth 
 the effort. 
 I'm just curious, lots of people I know like the movie and not just because 
 they got to see Halle Berry's boobies, I'm in the minority because I don't 
 (the only scene I like is when Hugh Jackman is explaining how he cracked the 
 DoD, Halle Berry negates all of his explanations, then he fesses up to just 
 being au naturel and seeing the code in his head). 
 What do you think? 
 Grayson Reyes-Cole 
 Bright Star 
 The Builder 
 The Prescription Playboy 

Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. Get it now. 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Keith Johnson
I didn't like Monster's Ball for lots of reasons. As a black man, i had no 
desire to see a movie in which one black man is on death row, a young black boy 
is verbally abused and encounters major horrors, and white bigots get to have 
sex with black women. I felt the sex scene with Berry and Thornton--which she 
found her courage to do by exposing her top in Swordfish--was unnecessarily 
graphic, and disturbed me in profound ways: massah getting it on with the slave 
I frankly felt it was a movie only a white guy could have written. Yeah, i know 
Lee Daniels was part of the crew, but he's got his own issues, such as his skin 
color prejudice. I felt Monster's Ball was an update on white male fantasies 
that have dogged us since slavery: white man eliminates black man, abuses black 
woman, but somehow there's something good to be found in their relationship. 
Right: give me more movies with black men and black women making it *together* 
in the world. 

- Original Message - 
From: Grayson grayson.reyesc...@yahoo.com 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 4:57:37 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish 

The thing is... I like everybody in this movie. Berry, Cheadle, Jackman, and 
Travolta who I am loving more and more lately (absolutely loved him in The 
Taking of Pelham 123 even though the the plot of that movie--remake or not--was 
as thin as Nick Cage's hairline) plus the very tiny roll for Vinnie Jones who I 
always like in a fight. But the movie is just... bad. 

Also is it bad that I haven't seen Monster's Ball and have absolutely no desire 
to do so. It's on my list of movies to never see. Titanic is also on this list 
as well as a few other Best Picture nominees/winners. 


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Kelwyn ravena...@... wrote: 
 I've seen Swordfish many times. It is not good but it has charms. For me, 
 Halle's short red dress scene in Hugh Jackman's trailer is better than either 
 her lingerie scene or her topless scene (if you wanna see Halle's assets, 
 Monster's Ball is a better bet). I like Don Cheadle's dogged detective, I 
 like the business at the bank, the business with the bus and, IMHO, John 
 Travolta is always fun to watch. 
 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ 
  I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just watched 
  Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was bored and 2) I keep 
  thinking if I watch it again I will like it more. Neither reason was worth 
  the effort. 
  I'm just curious, lots of people I know like the movie and not just because 
  they got to see Halle Berry's boobies, I'm in the minority because I don't 
  (the only scene I like is when Hugh Jackman is explaining how he cracked 
  the DoD, Halle Berry negates all of his explanations, then he fesses up to 
  just being au naturel and seeing the code in his head). 
  What do you think? 
  Grayson Reyes-Cole 
  Bright Star 
  The Builder 
  The Prescription Playboy 

[scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Grayson
Keith, couldn't agree with you more. You hit on the one thing I dislike most 
about this movie. I have frequently described that scene as some pubescent 
fantasy that never should have been unleashed on adult folks.


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@... wrote:

 I really disliked it. I thought it was stupid. I'm all for good camp, but 
 Travolta's over-the-top villain was laughable--in a bad way. As one of the 
 few men in America not hypnotized by Berry, her exposed top didn't do 
 anything for me (and I'm still a bit sad that a woman exposing her top is 
 sometimes considered a necessary career move to get better roles anyway). 
 Things such as Jackman having to do a major hack in sixty seconds while a 
 lady pleasures him were just unnecessary stuff added, like something done by 
 leering teen boys. 
 I'm only seen it once--that was enough for me. 
 - Original Message - 
 From: Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyesc...@... 
 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 2:36:53 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
 Subject: [scifinoir2] Swordfish 
 I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just watched 
 Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was bored and 2) I keep 
 thinking if I watch it again I will like it more. Neither reason was worth 
 the effort. 
 I'm just curious, lots of people I know like the movie and not just because 
 they got to see Halle Berry's boobies, I'm in the minority because I don't 
 (the only scene I like is when Hugh Jackman is explaining how he cracked the 
 DoD, Halle Berry negates all of his explanations, then he fesses up to just 
 being au naturel and seeing the code in his head). 
 What do you think? 
 Grayson Reyes-Cole 
 Bright Star 
 The Builder 
 The Prescription Playboy

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Conan O'Brien: Free At Last!

2010-01-24 Thread Keith Johnson
Amen! The only thing about his show that makes me laugh is when you see him 
running in the opening credits, as if he's late for the show. 
And frankly, Conan's version of that was way funnier. When he took over The 
Tonight Show and moved to LA, he opened with a hilarious bit that made it seem 
as if he ran all the way from East to West coast-in his suit and tie! 

- Original Message - 
From: Mr. Worf hellomahog...@gmail.com 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 6:09:23 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Conan O'Brien: Free At Last! 

No it doesn't. That was just a marketing plot to show how hip he is. He's so 
unfunny that he could possibly be defined as ANTI-COMEDY. 

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 7:13 AM, Kelwyn  ravena...@yahoo.com  wrote: 

Having the Roots as his house band absolves Mr. Fallon of all sins. 


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Mr. Worf hellomahog...@... wrote: 
 Oh don't get me started! :) Fallon is the worst waste of space on tv! 
 Infomercials are more entertaining than his disjointed sap! 
 On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 8:55 PM, C.W. Badie astromancer2...@...wrote: 
  No, really, Mr. Worf, tell us how you really feel... 
  Such music flows on the Fringe, and no one can resist singing to Scarlet 
  --- On *Fri, 1/22/10, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@...* wrote: 
  From: Mr. Worf hellomahog...@... 
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Conan O'Brien: Free At Last! 
  To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
  Date: Friday, January 22, 2010, 2:44 PM 
  Kimmel is really a writer. He needs to be part of a team writing somewhere 
  and not hosting a show, but ABC has been trying to compete on the late 
  for years. Fallon is just a waste of space. 
  On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 7:47 AM, Keith Johnson KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net 
   http://us.mc594.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=keithbjohn...@.. . 
  Agreed, that's why I'm glad this failed. We need original scripted TV, not 
  more talk shows in a field already overloaded with mostly mediocre talent 
  (Kimmel and Fallon especially). And I'm more irritated at Leno, the more I 
  think of it. He never should have agreed to a 10 pm show that couldn't 
  but hurt Conan. 
  I've said it before: if you want to bring something different to TV, how 
  about an old-time variety show. Something like Carol Burnett updated, with 
  skits, singing, dancing, etc. Cedric the Entertainer tried it a while back 
  and didn't succeed. I believe Brady tried such a show, with little 
  But maybe it could work as a once-a-week show. Surely Americans' tastes 
  haven't fallen so far that we're satisfied with the likes of American 
  or Dancing with the Stars??? 
  Or maybe a new show similiar to In Living Color? 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Tracey de Morsella tdli...@multicultur aladvantage. com 
  http://us.mc594.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=tdli...@.. . 
  To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com  
  Cc:  Lockhart, Daryle  dar...@darylelockha rt.com  
  http://us.mc594.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=dar...@.. ., 
  afrikanmind@ hotmail.com  
  http://us.mc594.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=afrikanm...@.. ., 
  Albert Fields cbilmarketing@ yahoo.com  
  http://us.mc594.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=cbilmarket...@.. ., 
  bettil...@msn. com 
  http://us.mc594.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=bettil...@.. ., 
  CINQUE cinque3...@verizon. net 
  http://us.mc594.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=cinque3...@.. ., 
  dorothyhamm@ sbcglobal. net 
  http://us.mc594.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=dorothyh...@.. ., 
  duva...@hotmail. com 
  http://us.mc594.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=duva...@.. ., 
  fis...@bellsouth. net 
  http://us.mc594.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=fis...@.. ., 
  GTW gwashin...@aol. com 
  http://us.mc594.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=gwashin...@.. ., 
  Jeffrey Ballou jeffreypballou@ gmail.com  
  http://us.mc594.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=jeffreypbal...@.. ., 
  Kai Pettaway killa...@gmail. com 
  http://us.mc594.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=killa...@.. ., 
  kalpub...@aol. com 
  http://us.mc594.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=kalpub...@.. ., 
  keithbjohnson@ comcast.net  
  http://us.mc594.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=keithbjohn...@.. ., 
  Kera imke...@gmail. com 
  http://us.mc594.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=imke...@.. ., 
  Leroy Hughes seriousnupe87@ yahoo.com  
  http://us.mc594.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=seriousnup...@.. ., 
  Logic logic1...@aol. com 
  http://us.mc594.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=logic1...@.. ., 
  Martin Baxter Truthseeker013@ icqmail.com  
  http://us.mc594.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=truthseeker...@.. ., 
  Marvalous mmb1...@gmail. com 
  http://us.mc594.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=mmb1...@.. ., 
  Michael Gordon gord...@indiana. edu 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Spartacus: Blood and Sand - Any good?

2010-01-24 Thread Mr. Worf
Nope... they say that it was invented around the 1100s. But there had to be
a similar word back then.

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 3:26 PM, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.netwrote:

 Was the f-word even being used by the Britons during the time of Spartacus?

 - Original Message -
 From: Martin Baxter truthseeker...@hotmail.com
 To: SciFiNoir2 scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 3:17:28 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
 Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Re: Spartacus: Blood and Sand - Any good?

 Again with you all the way, Keith. THe curse words they're using are mostly
 Anglo-Saxon, something that folks who live in Greece (If I've got the
 geography right) aren't likely to speak.

 If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in
 bloody hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant


 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
 From: keithbjohn...@comcast.net
 Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 04:37:09 +
 Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Spartacus: Blood and Sand - Any good?

 Looking at part of it again, the fight scenes really do border on kinda
 funny, the 300-style imitation is so over the top it reminds me more of
 the hilariously bloody fight scene with the Black Knight in Monty Python
 and The Holy Grail. I mean, seriously, the blood is spattering and
 splatering like red water from a burst balloon. One dude got knocked in the
 back of the head, and blood sprayed all over it was funny. The showrunners
 seem to have an almost perverse interest in showing closeups of flesh cut
 and spread, bodies impaled. Silly, gratuitous, unmoving.
 Quite a bit of nudity too, including of Lucy Lawless I believe. Bit of a
 shock that, seeing Xena topless, but much better than seeing the dudes'
 naked bottoms.  :(
 Also there seems to be quite a bit of anachronistic language. At least, I'm
 not sure the term Where the fu** are the Romans? is accurate for the
 Two showings, and I haven't been able to sit through the whole thing yet
 without laughing or shaking my head at the whole thing.
 Anyone else?

 - Original Message -
 From: Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.net
 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 11:28:04 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
 Subject: Spartacus: Blood and Sand - Any good?

 Anyone watch the debut of this series? It's showing on both one of the
 Encore and Starz channels. I tried to watch the show, out of curiosity, and
 because Lucy Lawless is one of the stars. But I came in in the middle of a
 battle scene that frankly made me laugh and grown. Lawless in an interview
 I'd seen mentioned the show was modeled in part on 300. But what I saw was
 a bad imitation of 300: the same not-quite-real backgrounds, the now
 recognizable fast-slow-fast movements of the soldiers in battle, blue-grey
 backgrounds whose colors are splashed liberally with the blood flowing like
 wine in battle. Lots of close ups of decapitations, swords cleaving flesh to
 expose nasty cuts. it was all a bit too frenetic and artificial looking for
 me. And I gotta admit that title--...Blood and Sand already had me a bit
 Granted, i didn't see anything but the battle. Maybe the actual acting is
 good and it's worth a look? Can anyone give a recommendation?


 Betrayed by the Romans. Forced into slavery. Reborn as a Gladiator. The
 classic tale of the Republic’s most infamous rebel comes alive in the
 graphic and visceral new series, *Spartacus: Blood and Sand*. Torn from
 his homeland and the woman he loves, Spartacus is condemned to the brutal
 world of the arena where blood and death are primetime entertainment. But
 not all battles are fought upon the sands. Treachery, corruption, and the
 allure of sensual pleasures will constantly test Spartacus. To survive, he
 must become more than a man. More than a gladiator. He must become a legend.

 Starring Australian actor, Andy Whitfield (*McLeod's Daughters)* as
 Spartacus, Lucy Lawless *(Xena: Warrior Princess)* as Lucretia, John
 Hannah (*The Mummy, Four Weddings and A Funeral)* as Batiatus and Peter
 Mensah *(300, The Incredible Hulk)* as Doctore, this unique mix of live
 action, graphic novel effects and brutal battle sequences is set to make
 Spartacus: Blood and Sand an epic television event.

 Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. Get it 


Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Spartacus: Blood and Sand - Any good?

2010-01-24 Thread Keith Johnson
Absolutely, I just have an issue with lazy writing on that level unless it's 
intentional. In Hercules and Xena, for example, the anachronistic language 
was intentional and sometimes funny. The god Apollo, for example, was portrayed 
as a magical surfer type, who even said Dude. But Spartacus, from what i 
can tell, is trying to be serious drama, so I just can't get past such gaffes. 
I've noticed more and more in recent years that problem in historical dramas. I 
see a lot of them where the characters are speaking idiomatically as if they're 
from modern American. Even if they use the time-appropriate words, the way 
those words are structured into phrases is just off. That always irritates me. 
For example, don't tell me you're giving me a well-written drama that takes 
place in, say, a Puritan village in the 1700s, then have a young person ask 
another How's it going? 

- Original Message - 
From: Mr. Worf hellomahog...@gmail.com 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:01:06 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Spartacus: Blood and Sand - Any good? 

Nope... they say that it was invented around the 1100s. But there had to be a 
similar word back then. 

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 3:26 PM, Keith Johnson  keithbjohn...@comcast.net  

Was the f-word even being used by the Britons during the time of Spartacus? 

- Original Message - 
From: Martin Baxter  truthseeker...@hotmail.com  

To: SciFiNoir2  scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com  
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 3:17:28 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Re: Spartacus: Blood and Sand - Any good? 

Again with you all the way, Keith. THe curse words they're using are mostly 
Anglo-Saxon, something that folks who live in Greece (If I've got the geography 
right) aren't likely to speak. 

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant 


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
From: keithbjohn...@comcast.net 
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 04:37:09 + 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Spartacus: Blood and Sand - Any good? 

Looking at part of it again, the fight scenes really do border on kinda funny, 
the 300-style imitation is so over the top it reminds me more of the 
hilariously bloody fight scene with the Black Knight in Monty Python and The 
Holy Grail. I mean, seriously, the blood is spattering and splatering like red 
water from a burst balloon. One dude got knocked in the back of the head, and 
blood sprayed all over it was funny. The showrunners seem to have an almost 
perverse interest in showing closeups of flesh cut and spread, bodies impaled. 
Silly, gratuitous, unmoving. 
Quite a bit of nudity too, including of Lucy Lawless I believe. Bit of a shock 
that, seeing Xena topless, but much better than seeing the dudes' naked 
bottoms. :( 
Also there seems to be quite a bit of anachronistic language. At least, I'm not 
sure the term Where the fu** are the Romans? is accurate for the times. 
Two showings, and I haven't been able to sit through the whole thing yet 
without laughing or shaking my head at the whole thing. 
Anyone else? 

- Original Message - 
From: Keith Johnson  keithbjohn...@comcast.net  
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 11:28:04 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Spartacus: Blood and Sand - Any good? 

Anyone watch the debut of this series? It's showing on both one of the Encore 
and Starz channels. I tried to watch the show, out of curiosity, and because 
Lucy Lawless is one of the stars. But I came in in the middle of a battle scene 
that frankly made me laugh and grown. Lawless in an interview I'd seen 
mentioned the show was modeled in part on 300. But what I saw was a bad 
imitation of 300: the same not-quite-real backgrounds, the now recognizable 
fast-slow-fast movements of the soldiers in battle, blue-grey backgrounds whose 
colors are splashed liberally with the blood flowing like wine in battle. Lots 
of close ups of decapitations, swords cleaving flesh to expose nasty cuts. it 
was all a bit too frenetic and artificial looking for me. And I gotta admit 
that title--...Blood and Sand already had me a bit leery. 
Granted, i didn't see anything but the battle. Maybe the actual acting is good 
and it's worth a look? Can anyone give a recommendation? 


Betrayed by the Romans. Forced into slavery. Reborn as a Gladiator. The classic 
tale of the Republic’s most infamous rebel comes alive in the graphic and 
visceral new series, Spartacus: Blood and Sand . Torn from his homeland and the 
woman he loves, Spartacus is condemned to the brutal world of the arena where 
blood and death are primetime entertainment. But not all battles are fought 

[scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Kelwyn
I think Monster's Ball should be seen as part of Lee Daniels' oeuvre, this 
would include the heavily lauded Precious and the little appreciated 
Shadowboxer.  In fact, Precious actually deepens my appreciation of Halle's 
Academy Award performance. Daniels is an emerging master of both ensemble 
casting and performance 

Likewise, I think Titantic should be seen as part of James Cameron's oeuvre.  
I recently re-saw The Abyss and it confirmed my opinion that even when 
Cameron is bad, he is good. I don't believe there is anybody better at 
well-crafted populist cinema that Cameron.


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Grayson grayson.reyesc...@... wrote:

 The thing is... I like everybody in this movie. Berry, Cheadle, Jackman, and 
 Travolta who I am loving more and more lately (absolutely loved him in The 
 Taking of Pelham 123 even though the the plot of that movie--remake or 
 not--was as thin as Nick Cage's hairline) plus the very tiny roll for Vinnie 
 Jones who I always like in a fight. But the movie is just... bad.
 Also is it bad that I haven't seen Monster's Ball and have absolutely no 
 desire to do so. It's on my list of movies to never see. Titanic is also on 
 this list as well as a few other Best Picture nominees/winners.
 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Kelwyn ravenadal@ wrote:
  I've seen Swordfish many times.  It is not good but it has charms.  For me, 
  Halle's short red dress scene in Hugh Jackman's trailer is better than 
  either her lingerie scene or her topless scene (if you wanna see Halle's 
  assets, Monster's Ball is a better bet). I like Don Cheadle's dogged 
  detective, I like the business at the bank, the business with the bus and, 
  IMHO, John Travolta is always fun to watch. 
  --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ 
   I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just 
   watched Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was bored and 2) I 
   keep thinking if I watch it again I will like it more. Neither reason was 
   worth the effort.
   I'm just curious, lots of people I know like the movie and not just 
   because they got to see Halle Berry's boobies, I'm in the minority 
   because I don't (the only scene I like is when Hugh Jackman is explaining 
   how he cracked the DoD, Halle Berry negates all of his explanations, then 
   he fesses up to just being au naturel and seeing the code in his head). 
   What do you think?
   Grayson Reyes-Cole 
   Bright Star 
   The Builder
   The Prescription Playboy

[scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Kelwyn
And, while there wasn't much there, what there was... was choice!


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@... wrote:

 The only reason I watched the movie was for Halle's breasts.
 On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 1:57 PM, Grayson grayson.reyesc...@...wrote:
  The thing is... I like everybody in this movie. Berry, Cheadle, Jackman,
  and Travolta who I am loving more and more lately (absolutely loved him in
  The Taking of Pelham 123 even though the the plot of that movie--remake or
  not--was as thin as Nick Cage's hairline) plus the very tiny roll for Vinnie
  Jones who I always like in a fight. But the movie is just... bad.
  Also is it bad that I haven't seen Monster's Ball and have absolutely no
  desire to do so. It's on my list of movies to never see. Titanic is also on
  this list as well as a few other Best Picture nominees/winners.
  --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Kelwyn ravenadal@ wrote:
   I've seen Swordfish many times.  It is not good but it has charms.  For
  me, Halle's short red dress scene in Hugh Jackman's trailer is better than
  either her lingerie scene or her topless scene (if you wanna see Halle's
  assets, Monster's Ball is a better bet). I like Don Cheadle's dogged
  detective, I like the business at the bank, the business with the bus and,
  IMHO, John Travolta is always fun to watch.
   --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Grayson Reyes-Cole
  grayson.reyescole@ wrote:
I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just
  watched Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was bored and 2) I
  keep thinking if I watch it again I will like it more. Neither reason was
  worth the effort.
I'm just curious, lots of people I know like the movie and not just
  because they got to see Halle Berry's boobies, I'm in the minority because I
  don't (the only scene I like is when Hugh Jackman is explaining how he
  cracked the DoD, Halle Berry negates all of his explanations, then he fesses
  up to just being au naturel and seeing the code in his head).
What do you think?
Grayson Reyes-Cole
Bright Star
The Builder
The Prescription Playboy
  Post your SciFiNoir Profile at
  Groups Links
 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/

[scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Kelwyn
And, while there wasn't much there, what there was... was choice!


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@... wrote:

 The only reason I watched the movie was for Halle's breasts.
 On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 1:57 PM, Grayson grayson.reyesc...@...wrote:
  The thing is... I like everybody in this movie. Berry, Cheadle, Jackman,
  and Travolta who I am loving more and more lately (absolutely loved him in
  The Taking of Pelham 123 even though the the plot of that movie--remake or
  not--was as thin as Nick Cage's hairline) plus the very tiny roll for Vinnie
  Jones who I always like in a fight. But the movie is just... bad.
  Also is it bad that I haven't seen Monster's Ball and have absolutely no
  desire to do so. It's on my list of movies to never see. Titanic is also on
  this list as well as a few other Best Picture nominees/winners.
  --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Kelwyn ravenadal@ wrote:
   I've seen Swordfish many times.  It is not good but it has charms.  For
  me, Halle's short red dress scene in Hugh Jackman's trailer is better than
  either her lingerie scene or her topless scene (if you wanna see Halle's
  assets, Monster's Ball is a better bet). I like Don Cheadle's dogged
  detective, I like the business at the bank, the business with the bus and,
  IMHO, John Travolta is always fun to watch.
   --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Grayson Reyes-Cole
  grayson.reyescole@ wrote:
I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just
  watched Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was bored and 2) I
  keep thinking if I watch it again I will like it more. Neither reason was
  worth the effort.
I'm just curious, lots of people I know like the movie and not just
  because they got to see Halle Berry's boobies, I'm in the minority because I
  don't (the only scene I like is when Hugh Jackman is explaining how he
  cracked the DoD, Halle Berry negates all of his explanations, then he fesses
  up to just being au naturel and seeing the code in his head).
What do you think?
Grayson Reyes-Cole
Bright Star
The Builder
The Prescription Playboy
  Post your SciFiNoir Profile at
  Groups Links
 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Keith Johnson
I hear you, I just had issues with Monster's Ball as stated below. Seen enough 
of that stuff from movies my whole life without needing to revisit it again. 
And unlike Precious--which while rough, at least reflects a bitter reality of 
black American life--the unique story of Monster's Ball isn't one that's as 
universal to me. At least, I can't remember the last time I saw black women 
hooking up with racists white guys since all those slave-era movies where that 
very thing happened. 

I'd have told a movie like that with a black man helping Berry navigate the 
tragedy of her life. We need to see more of the stories--and they are out 
there--of black men and women working *together*.But that's just me. Like i 
said: that was a movie written by a white man with a white man's sensibilities. 

- Original Message - 
From: Kelwyn ravena...@yahoo.com 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:10:42 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish 

I think Monster's Ball should be seen as part of Lee Daniels' oeuvre, this 
would include the heavily lauded Precious and the little appreciated 
Shadowboxer. In fact, Precious actually deepens my appreciation of Halle's 
Academy Award performance. Daniels is an emerging master of both ensemble 
casting and performance 

Likewise, I think Titantic should be seen as part of James Cameron's oeuvre. 
I recently re-saw The Abyss and it confirmed my opinion that even when 
Cameron is bad, he is good. I don't believe there is anybody better at 
well-crafted populist cinema that Cameron. 


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Grayson grayson.reyesc...@... wrote: 
 The thing is... I like everybody in this movie. Berry, Cheadle, Jackman, and 
 Travolta who I am loving more and more lately (absolutely loved him in The 
 Taking of Pelham 123 even though the the plot of that movie--remake or 
 not--was as thin as Nick Cage's hairline) plus the very tiny roll for Vinnie 
 Jones who I always like in a fight. But the movie is just... bad. 
 Also is it bad that I haven't seen Monster's Ball and have absolutely no 
 desire to do so. It's on my list of movies to never see. Titanic is also on 
 this list as well as a few other Best Picture nominees/winners. 
 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Kelwyn ravenadal@ wrote: 
  I've seen Swordfish many times. It is not good but it has charms. For me, 
  Halle's short red dress scene in Hugh Jackman's trailer is better than 
  either her lingerie scene or her topless scene (if you wanna see Halle's 
  assets, Monster's Ball is a better bet). I like Don Cheadle's dogged 
  detective, I like the business at the bank, the business with the bus and, 
  IMHO, John Travolta is always fun to watch. 
  --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ 
   I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just 
   watched Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was bored and 2) I 
   keep thinking if I watch it again I will like it more. Neither reason was 
   worth the effort. 
   I'm just curious, lots of people I know like the movie and not just 
   because they got to see Halle Berry's boobies, I'm in the minority 
   because I don't (the only scene I like is when Hugh Jackman is explaining 
   how he cracked the DoD, Halle Berry negates all of his explanations, then 
   he fesses up to just being au naturel and seeing the code in his head). 
   What do you think? 
   Grayson Reyes-Cole 
   Bright Star 
   The Builder 
   The Prescription Playboy 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Mr. Worf
I have to agree with you on that. He is the king of hyped movies.

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 4:10 PM, Kelwyn ravena...@yahoo.com wrote:

 I think Monster's Ball should be seen as part of Lee Daniels' oeuvre,
 this would include the heavily lauded Precious and the little appreciated
 Shadowboxer.  In fact, Precious actually deepens my appreciation of
 Halle's Academy Award performance. Daniels is an emerging master of both
 ensemble casting and performance

 Likewise, I think Titantic should be seen as part of James Cameron's
 oeuvre.  I recently re-saw The Abyss and it confirmed my opinion that even
 when Cameron is bad, he is good. I don't believe there is anybody better
 at well-crafted populist cinema that Cameron.


 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Grayson grayson.reyesc...@...
  The thing is... I like everybody in this movie. Berry, Cheadle, Jackman,
 and Travolta who I am loving more and more lately (absolutely loved him in
 The Taking of Pelham 123 even though the the plot of that movie--remake or
 not--was as thin as Nick Cage's hairline) plus the very tiny roll for Vinnie
 Jones who I always like in a fight. But the movie is just... bad.
  Also is it bad that I haven't seen Monster's Ball and have absolutely no
 desire to do so. It's on my list of movies to never see. Titanic is also on
 this list as well as a few other Best Picture nominees/winners.
  --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Kelwyn ravenadal@ wrote:
   I've seen Swordfish many times.  It is not good but it has charms.  For
 me, Halle's short red dress scene in Hugh Jackman's trailer is better than
 either her lingerie scene or her topless scene (if you wanna see Halle's
 assets, Monster's Ball is a better bet). I like Don Cheadle's dogged
 detective, I like the business at the bank, the business with the bus and,
 IMHO, John Travolta is always fun to watch.
   --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Grayson Reyes-Cole
 grayson.reyescole@ wrote:
I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just
 watched Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was bored and 2) I
 keep thinking if I watch it again I will like it more. Neither reason was
 worth the effort.
I'm just curious, lots of people I know like the movie and not just
 because they got to see Halle Berry's boobies, I'm in the minority because I
 don't (the only scene I like is when Hugh Jackman is explaining how he
 cracked the DoD, Halle Berry negates all of his explanations, then he fesses
 up to just being au naturel and seeing the code in his head).
What do you think?
Grayson Reyes-Cole
Bright Star
The Builder
The Prescription Playboy


 Post your SciFiNoir Profile at

 Groups Links

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Mr. Worf
Actually, black women hooking up with rednecks happens a lot more than you
might think. There are various reasons for it that I am still analyzing.

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 4:26 PM, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.netwrote:

 I hear you, I just had issues with Monster's Ball as stated below. Seen
 enough of that stuff from movies my whole life without needing to revisit it
 again. And unlike Precious--which while rough, at least reflects a bitter
 reality of black American life--the unique story of Monster's Ball isn't one
 that's as universal to me. At least, I can't remember the last time I saw
 black women hooking up with racists white guys since all those slave-era
 movies where that very thing happened.

 I'd have told a movie like that with a black man helping Berry navigate the
 tragedy of her life. We need to see more of the stories--and they are out
 there--of black men and women working *together*.But that's just me. Like i
 said: that was a movie written by a white man with a white man's

 - Original Message -
 From: Kelwyn ravena...@yahoo.com
 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:10:42 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
 Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

 I think Monster's Ball should be seen as part of Lee Daniels' oeuvre,
 this would include the heavily lauded Precious and the little appreciated
 Shadowboxer. In fact, Precious actually deepens my appreciation of
 Halle's Academy Award performance. Daniels is an emerging master of both
 ensemble casting and performance

 Likewise, I think Titantic should be seen as part of James Cameron's
 oeuvre. I recently re-saw The Abyss and it confirmed my opinion that even
 when Cameron is bad, he is good. I don't believe there is anybody better
 at well-crafted populist cinema that Cameron.


 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com scifinoir2%40yahoogroups.com,
 Grayson grayson.reyesc...@... wrote:
  The thing is... I like everybody in this movie. Berry, Cheadle, Jackman,
 and Travolta who I am loving more and more lately (absolutely loved him in
 The Taking of Pelham 123 even though the the plot of that movie--remake or
 not--was as thin as Nick Cage's hairline) plus the very tiny roll for Vinnie
 Jones who I always like in a fight. But the movie is just... bad.
  Also is it bad that I haven't seen Monster's Ball and have absolutely no
 desire to do so. It's on my list of movies to never see. Titanic is also on
 this list as well as a few other Best Picture nominees/winners.
  --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com scifinoir2%40yahoogroups.com,
 Kelwyn ravenadal@ wrote:
   I've seen Swordfish many times. It is not good but it has charms. For
 me, Halle's short red dress scene in Hugh Jackman's trailer is better than
 either her lingerie scene or her topless scene (if you wanna see Halle's
 assets, Monster's Ball is a better bet). I like Don Cheadle's dogged
 detective, I like the business at the bank, the business with the bus and,
 IMHO, John Travolta is always fun to watch.
   --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com scifinoir2%40yahoogroups.com,
 Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ wrote:
I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just
 watched Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was bored and 2) I
 keep thinking if I watch it again I will like it more. Neither reason was
 worth the effort.
I'm just curious, lots of people I know like the movie and not just
 because they got to see Halle Berry's boobies, I'm in the minority because I
 don't (the only scene I like is when Hugh Jackman is explaining how he
 cracked the DoD, Halle Berry negates all of his explanations, then he fesses
 up to just being au naturel and seeing the code in his head).
What do you think?
Grayson Reyes-Cole
Bright Star
The Builder
The Prescription Playboy


Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/

[scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Kelwyn
The merits of Monster's Ball have been argued ad nauseum in this space.  It 
is a movie that pushes buttons. I am of the minority that believes it is high 
brow exploration of race and class (Berry, Thornton, Heath Ledger and Mos Def 
do good work in this film).  The majority dismisses it as trash.  The debate, 
like the beat, goes on.


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@... wrote:

 I hear you, I just had issues with Monster's Ball as stated below. Seen 
 enough of that stuff from movies my whole life without needing to revisit it 
 again. And unlike Precious--which while rough, at least reflects a bitter 
 reality of black American life--the unique story of Monster's Ball isn't one 
 that's as universal to me. At least, I can't remember the last time I saw 
 black women hooking up with racists white guys since all those slave-era 
 movies where that very thing happened. 
 I'd have told a movie like that with a black man helping Berry navigate the 
 tragedy of her life. We need to see more of the stories--and they are out 
 there--of black men and women working *together*.But that's just me. Like i 
 said: that was a movie written by a white man with a white man's 
 - Original Message - 
 From: Kelwyn ravena...@... 
 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:10:42 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
 Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish 
 I think Monster's Ball should be seen as part of Lee Daniels' oeuvre, this 
 would include the heavily lauded Precious and the little appreciated 
 Shadowboxer. In fact, Precious actually deepens my appreciation of 
 Halle's Academy Award performance. Daniels is an emerging master of both 
 ensemble casting and performance 
 Likewise, I think Titantic should be seen as part of James Cameron's 
 oeuvre. I recently re-saw The Abyss and it confirmed my opinion that even 
 when Cameron is bad, he is good. I don't believe there is anybody better at 
 well-crafted populist cinema that Cameron. 
 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Grayson grayson.reyescole@ wrote: 
  The thing is... I like everybody in this movie. Berry, Cheadle, Jackman, 
  and Travolta who I am loving more and more lately (absolutely loved him in 
  The Taking of Pelham 123 even though the the plot of that movie--remake or 
  not--was as thin as Nick Cage's hairline) plus the very tiny roll for 
  Vinnie Jones who I always like in a fight. But the movie is just... bad. 
  Also is it bad that I haven't seen Monster's Ball and have absolutely no 
  desire to do so. It's on my list of movies to never see. Titanic is also on 
  this list as well as a few other Best Picture nominees/winners. 
  --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Kelwyn ravenadal@ wrote: 
   I've seen Swordfish many times. It is not good but it has charms. For me, 
   Halle's short red dress scene in Hugh Jackman's trailer is better than 
   either her lingerie scene or her topless scene (if you wanna see Halle's 
   assets, Monster's Ball is a better bet). I like Don Cheadle's dogged 
   detective, I like the business at the bank, the business with the bus 
   and, IMHO, John Travolta is always fun to watch. 
   --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Grayson Reyes-Cole 
   grayson.reyescole@ wrote: 

I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just 
watched Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was bored and 2) 
I keep thinking if I watch it again I will like it more. Neither reason 
was worth the effort. 

I'm just curious, lots of people I know like the movie and not just 
because they got to see Halle Berry's boobies, I'm in the minority 
because I don't (the only scene I like is when Hugh Jackman is 
explaining how he cracked the DoD, Halle Berry negates all of his 
explanations, then he fesses up to just being au naturel and seeing the 
code in his head). 

What do you think? 

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
The Builder 
The Prescription Playboy 


[scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Grayson
Yeah, I'm sorry Rave, but I can't do it. No Titanic and no Monster's Ball 
regardless of who's oevre it is. I don't typically watch movies that don't 
speak to me regardless of their importance or high regard. It's possible I miss 
out on some things, but I'm comfortable with that. I remind myself that the 
world of known art is so large I cannot possibly consume everything and there 
is something in the world right at this very moment I would love if I were 
exposed to it, but I will never know about. OK, random tangent over.

On another note, I am a James Cameron fan even if he's vicious to fans in 
airports. The Abyss is one of my all time favorite movies despite the very, 
very end which for me was a let down.


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Kelwyn ravena...@... wrote:

 I think Monster's Ball should be seen as part of Lee Daniels' oeuvre, this 
 would include the heavily lauded Precious and the little appreciated 
 Shadowboxer.  In fact, Precious actually deepens my appreciation of 
 Halle's Academy Award performance. Daniels is an emerging master of both 
 ensemble casting and performance 
 Likewise, I think Titantic should be seen as part of James Cameron's 
 oeuvre.  I recently re-saw The Abyss and it confirmed my opinion that even 
 when Cameron is bad, he is good. I don't believe there is anybody better at 
 well-crafted populist cinema that Cameron.
 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Grayson grayson.reyescole@ wrote:
  The thing is... I like everybody in this movie. Berry, Cheadle, Jackman, 
  and Travolta who I am loving more and more lately (absolutely loved him in 
  The Taking of Pelham 123 even though the the plot of that movie--remake or 
  not--was as thin as Nick Cage's hairline) plus the very tiny roll for 
  Vinnie Jones who I always like in a fight. But the movie is just... bad.
  Also is it bad that I haven't seen Monster's Ball and have absolutely no 
  desire to do so. It's on my list of movies to never see. Titanic is also on 
  this list as well as a few other Best Picture nominees/winners.
  --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Kelwyn ravenadal@ wrote:
   I've seen Swordfish many times.  It is not good but it has charms.  For 
   me, Halle's short red dress scene in Hugh Jackman's trailer is better 
   than either her lingerie scene or her topless scene (if you wanna see 
   Halle's assets, Monster's Ball is a better bet). I like Don Cheadle's 
   dogged detective, I like the business at the bank, the business with the 
   bus and, IMHO, John Travolta is always fun to watch. 
   --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Grayson Reyes-Cole 
   grayson.reyescole@ wrote:
I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just 
watched Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was bored and 2) 
I keep thinking if I watch it again I will like it more. Neither reason 
was worth the effort.

I'm just curious, lots of people I know like the movie and not just 
because they got to see Halle Berry's boobies, I'm in the minority 
because I don't (the only scene I like is when Hugh Jackman is 
explaining how he cracked the DoD, Halle Berry negates all of his 
explanations, then he fesses up to just being au naturel and seeing the 
code in his head). 

What do you think?
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
The Builder
The Prescription Playboy

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Keith Johnson
Trust me, I'm from Texas and live in Georgia. I know it's a reality of life. 
What I'm saying, though, is it's not the greatest reality of black life. And, 
Hollywood is still in 2010 criminally negligent when it goes to showing healthy 
black male/female couples. It's not that the story is fiction, per se, it's 
just something I've see way too many times from a movie industry that loves 
putting white men with black women, but feels as if two black people onscreen 
is something to be avoided. 

- Original Message - 
From: Mr. Worf hellomahog...@gmail.com 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:39:21 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish 

Actually, black women hooking up with rednecks happens a lot more than you 
might think. There are various reasons for it that I am still analyzing. 

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 4:26 PM, Keith Johnson  keithbjohn...@comcast.net  

I hear you, I just had issues with Monster's Ball as stated below. Seen enough 
of that stuff from movies my whole life without needing to revisit it again. 
And unlike Precious--which while rough, at least reflects a bitter reality of 
black American life--the unique story of Monster's Ball isn't one that's as 
universal to me. At least, I can't remember the last time I saw black women 
hooking up with racists white guys since all those slave-era movies where that 
very thing happened. 

I'd have told a movie like that with a black man helping Berry navigate the 
tragedy of her life. We need to see more of the stories--and they are out 
there--of black men and women working *together*.But that's just me. Like i 
said: that was a movie written by a white man with a white man's sensibilities. 

- Original Message - 
From: Kelwyn  ravena...@yahoo.com  
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:10:42 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish 

I think Monster's Ball should be seen as part of Lee Daniels' oeuvre, this 
would include the heavily lauded Precious and the little appreciated 
Shadowboxer. In fact, Precious actually deepens my appreciation of Halle's 
Academy Award performance. Daniels is an emerging master of both ensemble 
casting and performance 

Likewise, I think Titantic should be seen as part of James Cameron's oeuvre. 
I recently re-saw The Abyss and it confirmed my opinion that even when 
Cameron is bad, he is good. I don't believe there is anybody better at 
well-crafted populist cinema that Cameron. 


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Grayson grayson.reyesc...@... wrote: 
 The thing is... I like everybody in this movie. Berry, Cheadle, Jackman, and 
 Travolta who I am loving more and more lately (absolutely loved him in The 
 Taking of Pelham 123 even though the the plot of that movie--remake or 
 not--was as thin as Nick Cage's hairline) plus the very tiny roll for Vinnie 
 Jones who I always like in a fight. But the movie is just... bad. 
 Also is it bad that I haven't seen Monster's Ball and have absolutely no 
 desire to do so. It's on my list of movies to never see. Titanic is also on 
 this list as well as a few other Best Picture nominees/winners. 
 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Kelwyn ravenadal@ wrote: 
  I've seen Swordfish many times. It is not good but it has charms. For me, 
  Halle's short red dress scene in Hugh Jackman's trailer is better than 
  either her lingerie scene or her topless scene (if you wanna see Halle's 
  assets, Monster's Ball is a better bet). I like Don Cheadle's dogged 
  detective, I like the business at the bank, the business with the bus and, 
  IMHO, John Travolta is always fun to watch. 
  --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ 
   I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just 
   watched Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was bored and 2) I 
   keep thinking if I watch it again I will like it more. Neither reason was 
   worth the effort. 
   I'm just curious, lots of people I know like the movie and not just 
   because they got to see Halle Berry's boobies, I'm in the minority 
   because I don't (the only scene I like is when Hugh Jackman is explaining 
   how he cracked the DoD, Halle Berry negates all of his explanations, then 
   he fesses up to just being au naturel and seeing the code in his head). 
   What do you think? 
   Grayson Reyes-Cole 
   Bright Star 
   The Builder 
   The Prescription Playboy 

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity! 
Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/ 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Keith Johnson
'Tis true, my man. And if we lived in a world where we got more positive big 
screen releases showing black men and women helping each other, it'd not 
irritate me as much. Even in 2010 with all the crossing of ethnic lines for 
marriage, with more people than ever marrying people of other colors, the 
average black person in America still marries another black person--even with 
NBA players' predilections :) 
We have a real problem in America with image and perception when it comes to 
the black family. That's why so many people were so insanely happy to see the 
Obama's ascend to the White House. I'm not accusing the movie of being 
unrealistic, just of focusing on something that, while real, isn't as important 
as black men and women helping each other--IMHO. 

I couldn't recall any discussion on this film in this group back when it came 
out. Then I realized, I never saw it in theatres because I didn't want to 
support it. More importantly, it came out less than two month's after my father 
died, and I was barely checking e-mail for a long time, let alone contributing 
any. Sorry to beat that deceased equine again! 

- Original Message - 
From: Kelwyn ravena...@yahoo.com 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:39:19 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish 

The merits of Monster's Ball have been argued ad nauseum in this space. It is 
a movie that pushes buttons. I am of the minority that believes it is high brow 
exploration of race and class (Berry, Thornton, Heath Ledger and Mos Def do 
good work in this film). The majority dismisses it as trash. The debate, like 
the beat, goes on. 


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@... wrote: 
 I hear you, I just had issues with Monster's Ball as stated below. Seen 
 enough of that stuff from movies my whole life without needing to revisit it 
 again. And unlike Precious--which while rough, at least reflects a bitter 
 reality of black American life--the unique story of Monster's Ball isn't one 
 that's as universal to me. At least, I can't remember the last time I saw 
 black women hooking up with racists white guys since all those slave-era 
 movies where that very thing happened. 
 I'd have told a movie like that with a black man helping Berry navigate the 
 tragedy of her life. We need to see more of the stories--and they are out 
 there--of black men and women working *together*.But that's just me. Like i 
 said: that was a movie written by a white man with a white man's 
 - Original Message - 
 From: Kelwyn ravena...@... 
 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:10:42 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
 Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish 
 I think Monster's Ball should be seen as part of Lee Daniels' oeuvre, this 
 would include the heavily lauded Precious and the little appreciated 
 Shadowboxer. In fact, Precious actually deepens my appreciation of 
 Halle's Academy Award performance. Daniels is an emerging master of both 
 ensemble casting and performance 
 Likewise, I think Titantic should be seen as part of James Cameron's 
 oeuvre. I recently re-saw The Abyss and it confirmed my opinion that even 
 when Cameron is bad, he is good. I don't believe there is anybody better at 
 well-crafted populist cinema that Cameron. 
 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Grayson grayson.reyescole@ wrote: 
  The thing is... I like everybody in this movie. Berry, Cheadle, Jackman, 
  and Travolta who I am loving more and more lately (absolutely loved him in 
  The Taking of Pelham 123 even though the the plot of that movie--remake or 
  not--was as thin as Nick Cage's hairline) plus the very tiny roll for 
  Vinnie Jones who I always like in a fight. But the movie is just... bad. 
  Also is it bad that I haven't seen Monster's Ball and have absolutely no 
  desire to do so. It's on my list of movies to never see. Titanic is also on 
  this list as well as a few other Best Picture nominees/winners. 
  --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Kelwyn ravenadal@ wrote: 
   I've seen Swordfish many times. It is not good but it has charms. For me, 
   Halle's short red dress scene in Hugh Jackman's trailer is better than 
   either her lingerie scene or her topless scene (if you wanna see Halle's 
   assets, Monster's Ball is a better bet). I like Don Cheadle's dogged 
   detective, I like the business at the bank, the business with the bus 
   and, IMHO, John Travolta is always fun to watch. 
   --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Grayson Reyes-Cole 
   grayson.reyescole@ wrote: 

I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just 
watched Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was bored and 2) 
I keep thinking if I watch it again I will like it more. Neither reason 
was worth the effort. 


RE: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Aubrey Leatherwood

Just weighing in on Mr Worf's to say that sure black women hook up with 
rednecks, but why does it take that much analyzing? The disrespect many black 
men show women is no different in my opinion than some racist redneck, if 
you've accepted that men are going to treat you like trash... what's the 
difference? I'm not saying this is always the reason, but I've lived in the 
South my whole life and it's one reality I see.

Aubrey Leatherwood
FaceBook * MySpace 
Can Nicole resist the call of the stage or the call of her heart?
A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex.
The People You Know, The Sex They Have
ISBN: 978-0-9818905-0-0

Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service.

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Keith Johnson
Okay, I'll bite: Why do you avoid Titanic? 
What other popular films have you actively avoided (rather than, just not 
having gotten around to seeing?) 
And what's this about Cameron treating fans badly? 

- Original Message - 
From: Grayson grayson.reyesc...@yahoo.com 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:45:18 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish 

Yeah, I'm sorry Rave, but I can't do it. No Titanic and no Monster's Ball 
regardless of who's oevre it is. I don't typically watch movies that don't 
speak to me regardless of their importance or high regard. It's possible I miss 
out on some things, but I'm comfortable with that. I remind myself that the 
world of known art is so large I cannot possibly consume everything and there 
is something in the world right at this very moment I would love if I were 
exposed to it, but I will never know about. OK, random tangent over. 

On another note, I am a James Cameron fan even if he's vicious to fans in 
airports. The Abyss is one of my all time favorite movies despite the very, 
very end which for me was a let down. 


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Kelwyn ravena...@... wrote: 
 I think Monster's Ball should be seen as part of Lee Daniels' oeuvre, this 
 would include the heavily lauded Precious and the little appreciated 
 Shadowboxer. In fact, Precious actually deepens my appreciation of 
 Halle's Academy Award performance. Daniels is an emerging master of both 
 ensemble casting and performance 
 Likewise, I think Titantic should be seen as part of James Cameron's 
 oeuvre. I recently re-saw The Abyss and it confirmed my opinion that even 
 when Cameron is bad, he is good. I don't believe there is anybody better at 
 well-crafted populist cinema that Cameron. 
 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Grayson grayson.reyescole@ wrote: 
  The thing is... I like everybody in this movie. Berry, Cheadle, Jackman, 
  and Travolta who I am loving more and more lately (absolutely loved him in 
  The Taking of Pelham 123 even though the the plot of that movie--remake or 
  not--was as thin as Nick Cage's hairline) plus the very tiny roll for 
  Vinnie Jones who I always like in a fight. But the movie is just... bad. 
  Also is it bad that I haven't seen Monster's Ball and have absolutely no 
  desire to do so. It's on my list of movies to never see. Titanic is also on 
  this list as well as a few other Best Picture nominees/winners. 
  --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Kelwyn ravenadal@ wrote: 
   I've seen Swordfish many times. It is not good but it has charms. For me, 
   Halle's short red dress scene in Hugh Jackman's trailer is better than 
   either her lingerie scene or her topless scene (if you wanna see Halle's 
   assets, Monster's Ball is a better bet). I like Don Cheadle's dogged 
   detective, I like the business at the bank, the business with the bus 
   and, IMHO, John Travolta is always fun to watch. 
   --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Grayson Reyes-Cole 
   grayson.reyescole@ wrote: 

I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just 
watched Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was bored and 2) 
I keep thinking if I watch it again I will like it more. Neither reason 
was worth the effort. 

I'm just curious, lots of people I know like the movie and not just 
because they got to see Halle Berry's boobies, I'm in the minority 
because I don't (the only scene I like is when Hugh Jackman is 
explaining how he cracked the DoD, Halle Berry negates all of his 
explanations, then he fesses up to just being au naturel and seeing the 
code in his head). 

What do you think? 

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
The Builder 
The Prescription Playboy 


[scifinoir2] James Cameron Gets Nasty to A Fan in an Airpot

2010-01-24 Thread Grayson

Answer to one request:



--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@... wrote:

 Okay, I'll bite: Why do you avoid Titanic? 
 What other popular films have you actively avoided (rather than, just not 
 having gotten around to seeing?) 
 And what's this about Cameron treating fans badly? 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Keith Johnson
Good question, but I live in the South too, and I can't honestly say I've seen 
such a huge number of black women hook up with dudes who might as well be in 
the Klan. I think the level of racism in Thornton and his dad in the movie is 
one of my problems: most black women would have bolted. Do I know some who 
wouldn't? Sure, but like I said, that particular segment of society--black 
women who date virulently racist white men--isn't the largest part of black 
culture. I'm more concerned about showing the struggles of black men and women 
trying to make it together, as that's still the greater part of black society. 

As for whether it's worse for a black woman to hook up with a racist or a 
disrespectful brother? Hmmm...can't say I've ever done a comparison of that. 
Speaking as a black man, whatever other problems I might have with the opposite 
sex, i wouldn't want to be bringing racism into the mix. I'd *never* hook up 
with a white woman who thought my people were inferior even in the smallest 
part. It's pretty darn hard to purge one's psyche of deep-seated racism. I've 
known many black men and women who've gotten with whites who are prejudiced, 
and it turns my stomach. Even when they love the black people, they feel that 
have a free pass to make little racist jokes, call their loved one the n-word 
(happened in front of me once, I almost lost it). And often, their families can 
be even worse. I have a friend right now who's dating someone from the Deep 
South, and that person feels comfortable making all kinds of negative comments 
about black people. That person's family is straight-out bigoted, and don't get 
the mixing. All other things being equal, whatever other problems you might 
have with a significant other or their family, it'd be nice to take racism off 
the list. 

- Original Message - 
From: Aubrey Leatherwood aubrey.leatherw...@hotmail.com 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 8:15:15 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish 

Just weighing in on Mr Worf's to say that sure black women hook up with 
rednecks, but why does it take that much analyzing? The disrespect many black 
men show women is no different in my opinion than some racist redneck, if 
you've accepted that men are going to treat you like trash... what's the 
difference? I'm not saying this is always the reason, but I've lived in the 
South my whole life and it's one reality I see. 

Aubrey Leatherwood 
FaceBook * MySpace 
Can Nicole resist the call of the stage or the call of her heart? 
A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex. 
The People You Know, The Sex They Have 
ISBN: 978-0-9818905-0-0 

Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. Get it now. 

Re: [scifinoir2] James Cameron Gets Nasty to A Fan in an Airpot

2010-01-24 Thread Keith Johnson
wow, guess it's no surprise. I've heard for years he's a jerk. I remember back 
when he was married to Linda Hamilton, they were attending the Academy Awards, 
and got into an argument on the Red Carpet. I saw Cameron angrily grab Hamilton 
by the arm and say something to her, which struck me as way out of line. 
On a completely different note, the article says he used to call Kate Winslet 
Kate Weighs-a-lot That goes back to the point I made the other week about 
mainstream American perceptions of womens' bodies. I thought Winslet's curves 
were looking pretty damn fine in Titanic, and was actually upset when she got 
really thin a couple of years back. 

- Original Message - 
From: Grayson grayson.reyesc...@yahoo.com 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 8:24:09 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: [scifinoir2] James Cameron Gets Nasty to A Fan in an Airpot 


Answer to one request: 



--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@... wrote: 
 Okay, I'll bite: Why do you avoid Titanic? 
 What other popular films have you actively avoided (rather than, just not 
 having gotten around to seeing?) 
 And what's this about Cameron treating fans badly? 

RE: [scifinoir2] 40 Gbps - Fastest Internet Connection to a Single Home

2010-01-24 Thread Martin Baxter

I may not be posting for awhile, as I'll be busy packing.

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: hellomahog...@gmail.com
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 14:31:49 -0800
Subject: [scifinoir2] 40 Gbps - Fastest Internet Connection to a Single Home



40 Gbps - Fastest Internet Connection to a Single HomeJul 13, 2007

old Swede has recently got a 40 Gbps internet connection directly to
her home computer. She is a mum of the internet legend Peter Löthberg
and they have got money and technology to make a connection like this.
She decided to persuade internet operators to invest in faster internet

 We used to see those optical fiber links and their speed used to
be enough. Now when I heard about this I want such a connection. I
would feel like I can download all the internet data in just seconds.
Well, I am just joking but it is really fast. Imagine she can download
a full HD DVD in just 2 seconds. 

 My SATA II hard drive speed is just 3 Gbps I can't imagine how a
home internet speed can be faster than my hard drive. It is a good
thing that RAM is still a bit faster though.

 The secret that stands behind this speed is in new modulation
technique. This technique allows data to be transferred to de distances
up to 2,000 kilometers directly between only two routers. This does not
involve any intermediary transponders which makes the connection even

 Of course now you've got to get a high quality fiber optic cable
to be able to get such speed. Moreover it will surely cost a fortune to
get 40 Gbps internet connection.

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity! 

Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/


Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection.

RE: [scifinoir2] Re: ATT U-verse Doomed?

2010-01-24 Thread Tracey de Morsella
I feel a teeny tiny bit better hearing this, but meanwhile this is an 
operations location, so it still sucks 


From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Mr. Worf
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 2:18 PM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: ATT U-verse Doomed?


The upper limit for fiber optic is over 1000 mbs. There are techniques where 
the could push it even higher than that. 1000mbs is just a standard and it has 
been around for 10 years. The last speed record was well over 2500. 

It all comes down to spending the money to update the signal boosters. ATT may 
not want to spend the money without help from the feds. Verizon's FIOS system 
runs at 50mbs down and 5mbs up. Which is better than anything else on the 
market right now. 

Oklahoma is an internet hub that links the west coast to the rest of the 
country. Most of the universities are redundant pieces of the web that 
automatically fills in if a hub goes down. 

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Martin Baxter truthseeker...@hotmail.com 

Whom the heck's in Oklahoma, aside from college kids, and why do they (everyone 
there who isn't in college) need such bandwidth?

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant



To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

From: tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 12:52:14 -0800
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Re: ATT U-verse Doomed?



At the bottom of  the article the writer answers a reader question about 
whether he should get it.  The Guy says he still wishes they had it where he 
lives and that he would get it in a heartbeat.  Then he says he wishes he could 
also get Verizon FiOS.


What is event more frustrating is that ATT U-Verse and Microsoft have major 
operations for this venture two miles from my house and on a list of the 22 
states they are in, Washington is not on the list, but Oklahoma is.  !?!?!?!


From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Bosco Bosco
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 8:30 AM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: ATT U-verse Doomed?


I agree. I was a cable installer for a while and U-Verse smashes the next best 
competitor in my area to bits in all areas. They haven't failed yet. They may 
have issues but they also have incredible demand. Serious huge demand. Get on a 
waiting list to get it demand down here. I wouldn't rule them out just yet.


--- On Sun, 1/24/10, Kelwyn ravena...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: Kelwyn ravena...@yahoo.com
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: ATT U-verse Doomed?
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, January 24, 2010, 9:10 AM


Isn't this always the way? As a unrepentant vidiot, I have done time with all 
the services and IMHO, ATT-U-verse is superior to all when you consider price, 
service and selection (for instance, DISH is cheapest but you can't get most of 
the black channels and BET is only available in the pricier tiers; Warner Cable 
is available everywhere - here in Milwaukee - but they don't carry the NFL 
network). Further, also IMHO, it is better to go without a dish instead of a 
dish (the ugly DISH Network dish is STILL attached to the front of my 

It seems the best product always fails in the marketplace.

That said, I have no sympathy for either ATT or Microsoft - although I do find 
it fascinating that they are running into problems when they finally deliver a 
better product.


--- In scifino...@yahoogro ups.com 
http://mc/compose?to=scifino...@yahoogroups.com , Tracey de Morsella 
tdli...@...  wrote:

 Many have heard of the difficulties in implementing ATT's U-verse IPTV
 http://www.tmcnet. com/tmcnet/ snapshots/ snapshots. 
 aspx?Company= IPTV
 service. ATT's U-verse network is actually a fiber/copper hybrid, which
 pulls fibers to 3,000 to 5,000 feet from the homes they serve, where it then
 connects to mini-DSLAMs called 52B boxes and then it runs copper the last
 mile to the home. This hybrid approach is a bargain when compared to the $20
 http://blog. tmcnet.com/ blog/tom- keating/voip/ 
  verizon-races- to-build- fiber-t
 o-fend-off-voip- and-cable- rivals.asp billion Verizon
 http://www.tmcnet. com/tmcnet/ snapshots/ snapshots. 
 aspx?Company= Verizon is
 spending to build-out fiber all the way to the home. This hybrid
 fiber/copper approach gives ATT a 20Mbps+ link to customers, enough to
 offer high-speed Internet, VoIP, and the company's IPTV service. The problem
 is getting towns to grant public right of ways for these massive 52B boxes,
 which hold DSLAMS, batteries, and cooling gear in 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Mr. Worf
Its more like white men with any woman of any race. Even aliens! It is a
luxury of being in power. They allow themselves too many liberties without
much basis rooted in reality.

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 5:07 PM, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.netwrote:

 Trust me, I'm from Texas and live in Georgia. I know it's a reality of
 life. What I'm saying, though, is it's not the greatest reality of black
 life. And, Hollywood is still in 2010 criminally negligent when it goes to
 showing healthy black male/female couples. It's not that the story is
 fiction, per se, it's just something I've see way too many times from a
 movie industry that loves putting white men with black women, but feels as
 if two black people onscreen is something to be avoided.

 - Original Message -
 From: Mr. Worf hellomahog...@gmail.com
 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:39:21 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

 Actually, black women hooking up with rednecks happens a lot more than you
 might think. There are various reasons for it that I am still analyzing.

 On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 4:26 PM, Keith Johnson 

 I hear you, I just had issues with Monster's Ball as stated below. Seen
 enough of that stuff from movies my whole life without needing to revisit it
 again. And unlike Precious--which while rough, at least reflects a bitter
 reality of black American life--the unique story of Monster's Ball isn't one
 that's as universal to me. At least, I can't remember the last time I saw
 black women hooking up with racists white guys since all those slave-era
 movies where that very thing happened.

 I'd have told a movie like that with a black man helping Berry navigate
 the tragedy of her life. We need to see more of the stories--and they are
 out there--of black men and women working *together*.But that's just me.
 Like i said: that was a movie written by a white man with a white man's

 - Original Message -
 From: Kelwyn ravena...@yahoo.com
 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:10:42 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
 Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

 I think Monster's Ball should be seen as part of Lee Daniels' oeuvre,
 this would include the heavily lauded Precious and the little appreciated
 Shadowboxer. In fact, Precious actually deepens my appreciation of
 Halle's Academy Award performance. Daniels is an emerging master of both
 ensemble casting and performance

 Likewise, I think Titantic should be seen as part of James Cameron's
 oeuvre. I recently re-saw The Abyss and it confirmed my opinion that even
 when Cameron is bad, he is good. I don't believe there is anybody better
 at well-crafted populist cinema that Cameron.


 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com scifinoir2%40yahoogroups.com,
 Grayson grayson.reyesc...@... wrote:
  The thing is... I like everybody in this movie. Berry, Cheadle, Jackman,
 and Travolta who I am loving more and more lately (absolutely loved him in
 The Taking of Pelham 123 even though the the plot of that movie--remake or
 not--was as thin as Nick Cage's hairline) plus the very tiny roll for Vinnie
 Jones who I always like in a fight. But the movie is just... bad.
  Also is it bad that I haven't seen Monster's Ball and have absolutely no
 desire to do so. It's on my list of movies to never see. Titanic is also on
 this list as well as a few other Best Picture nominees/winners.
  --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com scifinoir2%40yahoogroups.com,
 Kelwyn ravenadal@ wrote:
   I've seen Swordfish many times. It is not good but it has charms. For
 me, Halle's short red dress scene in Hugh Jackman's trailer is better than
 either her lingerie scene or her topless scene (if you wanna see Halle's
 assets, Monster's Ball is a better bet). I like Don Cheadle's dogged
 detective, I like the business at the bank, the business with the bus and,
 IMHO, John Travolta is always fun to watch.
   --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com scifinoir2%40yahoogroups.com,
 Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ wrote:
I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just
 watched Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was bored and 2) I
 keep thinking if I watch it again I will like it more. Neither reason was
 worth the effort.
I'm just curious, lots of people I know like the movie and not just
 because they got to see Halle Berry's boobies, I'm in the minority because I
 don't (the only scene I like is when Hugh Jackman is explaining how he
 cracked the DoD, Halle Berry negates all of his explanations, then he fesses
 up to just being au naturel and seeing the code in his head).
What do you think?
Grayson Reyes-Cole
Bright Star
The Builder
The Prescription Playboy

 Celebrating 10 years of 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Keith Johnson
Agreed. I think that's why the whole Avatar angle of not just a human man, but 
a white human man, getting with an alien woman bothers some people. I have to 
see the movie to see if it bothers me. But that goes back to the FUBU concept 
for movies: i can't expect a white guy like Cameron to always think hey, I've 
got to put a black man in the lead role, when he already feels he's sending 
forth some positive messages about the environment, exploitation of indigenous 
species, etc. 

- Original Message - 
From: Mr. Worf hellomahog...@gmail.com 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 9:06:18 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish 

Its more like white men with any woman of any race. Even aliens! It is a luxury 
of being in power. They allow themselves too many liberties without much basis 
rooted in reality. 

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 5:07 PM, Keith Johnson  keithbjohn...@comcast.net  

Trust me, I'm from Texas and live in Georgia. I know it's a reality of life. 
What I'm saying, though, is it's not the greatest reality of black life. And, 
Hollywood is still in 2010 criminally negligent when it goes to showing healthy 
black male/female couples. It's not that the story is fiction, per se, it's 
just something I've see way too many times from a movie industry that loves 
putting white men with black women, but feels as if two black people onscreen 
is something to be avoided. 

- Original Message - 
From: Mr. Worf  hellomahog...@gmail.com  
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 

Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:39:21 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish 

Actually, black women hooking up with rednecks happens a lot more than you 
might think. There are various reasons for it that I am still analyzing. 

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 4:26 PM, Keith Johnson  keithbjohn...@comcast.net  

I hear you, I just had issues with Monster's Ball as stated below. Seen enough 
of that stuff from movies my whole life without needing to revisit it again. 
And unlike Precious--which while rough, at least reflects a bitter reality of 
black American life--the unique story of Monster's Ball isn't one that's as 
universal to me. At least, I can't remember the last time I saw black women 
hooking up with racists white guys since all those slave-era movies where that 
very thing happened. 

I'd have told a movie like that with a black man helping Berry navigate the 
tragedy of her life. We need to see more of the stories--and they are out 
there--of black men and women working *together*.But that's just me. Like i 
said: that was a movie written by a white man with a white man's sensibilities. 

- Original Message - 
From: Kelwyn  ravena...@yahoo.com  
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:10:42 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish 

I think Monster's Ball should be seen as part of Lee Daniels' oeuvre, this 
would include the heavily lauded Precious and the little appreciated 
Shadowboxer. In fact, Precious actually deepens my appreciation of Halle's 
Academy Award performance. Daniels is an emerging master of both ensemble 
casting and performance 

Likewise, I think Titantic should be seen as part of James Cameron's oeuvre. 
I recently re-saw The Abyss and it confirmed my opinion that even when 
Cameron is bad, he is good. I don't believe there is anybody better at 
well-crafted populist cinema that Cameron. 


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Grayson grayson.reyesc...@... wrote: 
 The thing is... I like everybody in this movie. Berry, Cheadle, Jackman, and 
 Travolta who I am loving more and more lately (absolutely loved him in The 
 Taking of Pelham 123 even though the the plot of that movie--remake or 
 not--was as thin as Nick Cage's hairline) plus the very tiny roll for Vinnie 
 Jones who I always like in a fight. But the movie is just... bad. 
 Also is it bad that I haven't seen Monster's Ball and have absolutely no 
 desire to do so. It's on my list of movies to never see. Titanic is also on 
 this list as well as a few other Best Picture nominees/winners. 
 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Kelwyn ravenadal@ wrote: 
  I've seen Swordfish many times. It is not good but it has charms. For me, 
  Halle's short red dress scene in Hugh Jackman's trailer is better than 
  either her lingerie scene or her topless scene (if you wanna see Halle's 
  assets, Monster's Ball is a better bet). I like Don Cheadle's dogged 
  detective, I like the business at the bank, the business with the bus and, 
  IMHO, John Travolta is always fun to watch. 
  --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ 
   I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just 
   watched Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Mr. Worf
I'm analyzing it for the deeper psycho/sexual reasons behind it. What is the
attraction there? For example, why are some women turned on by the idea of
having a relationship with someone that despises their race? There are yahoo
groups that are focused on role play of this type that amplifies the racism
aspect and black women join the group at the rate of 1 or 2 a week.

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 5:15 PM, Aubrey Leatherwood 
aubrey.leatherw...@hotmail.com wrote:

 Just weighing in on Mr Worf's to say that sure black women hook up with
 rednecks, but why does it take that much analyzing? The disrespect many
 black men show women is no different in my opinion than some racist redneck,
 if you've accepted that men are going to treat you like trash... what's the
 difference? I'm not saying this is always the reason, but I've lived in the
 South my whole life and it's one reality I see.

 *Aubrey Leatherwood
 FaceBook http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1400087918 * 
 Dime http://www.king-cart.com/Phaze/product=Dime/exact_match=exact
 Can Nicole resist the call of the stage or the call of her heart?
 *Imperfection* http://www.lyricalpress.com/imperfection.html
 A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex.
 *The People You Know, The Sex They 
 ISBN: 978-0-9818905-0-0

 Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. Get it 


Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/

RE: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Tracey de Morsella
You guys have not read some of the cut out scenes.  In one, the native guy that 
was originally the heroes adversary, has is tail cut off by the big bad marine 
villain guy.  That means he cannot longer connect to the world or have real sex 
– so in essence--- his dick was cut off.  He asks the hero to become leader of 
the tribe and also to kill him


From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Keith Johnson
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 6:12 PM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish


Agreed. I think that's why the whole Avatar angle of not just a human man, but 
a white human man, getting with an alien woman bothers some people. I have to 
see the movie to see if it bothers me. But that goes back to the FUBU concept 
for movies: i can't expect a white guy like Cameron to always think hey, I've 
got to put a black man in the lead role, when he already feels he's sending 
forth some positive messages about the environment, exploitation of indigenous 
species, etc.

- Original Message -
From: Mr. Worf hellomahog...@gmail.com
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 9:06:18 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish


Its more like white men with any woman of any race. Even aliens! It is a luxury 
of being in power. They allow themselves too many liberties without much basis 
rooted in reality. 

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 5:07 PM, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.net 


Trust me, I'm from Texas and live in Georgia. I know it's a reality of life. 
What I'm saying, though, is it's not the greatest reality of black life. And, 
Hollywood is still in 2010 criminally negligent when it goes to showing healthy 
black male/female couples. It's not that the story is fiction, per se, it's 
just something I've see way too many times from a movie industry that loves 
putting white men with black women, but feels as if two black people onscreen 
is something to be avoided.

- Original Message -
From: Mr. Worf hellomahog...@gmail.com
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:39:21 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish


Actually, black women hooking up with rednecks happens a lot more than you 
might think. There are various reasons for it that I am still analyzing. 

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 4:26 PM, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.net 


I hear you, I just had issues with Monster's Ball as stated below. Seen enough 
of that stuff from movies my whole life without needing to revisit it again. 
And unlike Precious--which while rough, at least reflects a bitter reality of 
black American life--the unique story of Monster's Ball isn't one that's as 
universal to me. At least, I can't remember the last time I saw black women 
hooking up with racists white guys since all those slave-era movies where that 
very thing happened.

I'd have told a movie like that with a black man helping Berry navigate the 
tragedy of her life. We need to see more of the stories--and they are out 
there--of black men and women working *together*.But that's just me. Like i 
said: that was a movie written by a white man with a white man's sensibilities.

- Original Message -
From: Kelwyn ravena...@yahoo.com
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:10:42 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish


I think Monster's Ball should be seen as part of Lee Daniels' oeuvre, this 
would include the heavily lauded Precious and the little appreciated 
Shadowboxer. In fact, Precious actually deepens my appreciation of Halle's 
Academy Award performance. Daniels is an emerging master of both ensemble 
casting and performance 

Likewise, I think Titantic should be seen as part of James Cameron's oeuvre. 
I recently re-saw The Abyss and it confirmed my opinion that even when 
Cameron is bad, he is good. I don't believe there is anybody better at 
well-crafted populist cinema that Cameron.


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com mailto:scifinoir2%40yahoogroups.com , 
Grayson grayson.reyesc...@... wrote:

 The thing is... I like everybody in this movie. Berry, Cheadle, Jackman, and 
 Travolta who I am loving more and more lately (absolutely loved him in The 
 Taking of Pelham 123 even though the the plot of that movie--remake or 
 not--was as thin as Nick Cage's hairline) plus the very tiny roll for Vinnie 
 Jones who I always like in a fight. But the movie is just... bad.
 Also is it bad that I haven't seen Monster's Ball and have absolutely no 
 desire to do so. It's on my list of movies to never see. Titanic is also on 
 this list as well as a few other Best Picture nominees/winners.
 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com mailto:scifinoir2%40yahoogroups.com , 
 Kelwyn ravenadal@ wrote:
  I've seen Swordfish many times. It is not good but it has charms. 

[scifinoir2] Perfectly Fine (Probably) Movies Grayson Hasn't Seen

2010-01-24 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Keith you asked, so here are a just a couple movies beyond Titanic and 
Monster's Ball on the list of award nominees/winners that are probably great 
and all but I haven't seen the, and don't plan to see them. What I will say is 
that for every popular movie on this list, I have seen a fringe movie that 
expanded my horizons.

American Beauty

The Reader 


Forest Gump

Mamma Mia (If this movie was about a black lady who slept with three guys and 
didn't know who her baby daddy was, with a Brothers Johnson soundtrack, I'm not 
so sure it would have had the same reception or be a huge production on the 
Vegas strip)

Slumdog Millionaire - I have no idea why this movie is on my list. I listened 
all about it on NPR. Got the concept, was excited about it. Listened to the 
soundtrack. Rented it. Had it for two months before Netflix asked me if there 
was a problem at which point I returned it. Now it's on HBO on Demand and I 
*still* haven't watched it. So maybe it's not me rejecting the movie, it's just 
on the list by default. I'll figure it out later.

Atonement - Pretty much anything featuring Keira Knightley that is not Pirates 
of the Caribbean makes my list, although my mother seems to think I would like 
The Duchess. 

Bright Star 
The Builder
The Prescription Playboy


[scifinoir2] Movie - Geisha Assassin

2010-01-24 Thread Mr. Worf
First off this movie is definitely Saturday matinee faire. Very little plot
and mostly all action. It took over half of the movie before I learned what
the main character's name is, but she is apparently out to get revenge for
her dead father. This required her to attack her father's killer while
dressed as a geisha. Anyone that has studied geisha would know that being a
geisha is a martial art within itself.

She takes on many different fighters from ninja to a monk. Many of the fight
scenes are run of the mill wire fu scenes, but there are some exceptions.
One scene in particular drops the wire fu and goes for realism in a hand to
hand combat scene. Very nice job.

But alas it is mostly martial art eye candy. :)

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Keith Johnson
Dang. Well, just reinforces my belief that people of color need to be producing 
more of our own stories, and those actors of color who do well need to fight 
the fight as much as possible too. And people of color need to *support* those 
efforts when they are done. 

- Original Message - 
From: Tracey de Morsella tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 9:17:09 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish 

You guys have not read some of the cut out scenes. In one, the native guy that 
was originally the heroes adversary, has is tail cut off by the big bad marine 
villain guy. That means he cannot longer connect to the world or have real sex 
– so in essence--- his dick was cut off. He asks the hero to become leader of 
the tribe and also to kill him 

From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Keith Johnson 
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 6:12 PM 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish 

Agreed. I think that's why the whole Avatar angle of not just a human man, but 
a white human man, getting with an alien woman bothers some people. I have to 
see the movie to see if it bothers me. But that goes back to the FUBU concept 
for movies: i can't expect a white guy like Cameron to always think hey, I've 
got to put a black man in the lead role, when he already feels he's sending 
forth some positive messages about the environment, exploitation of indigenous 
species, etc. 

- Original Message - 
From: Mr. Worf hellomahog...@gmail.com 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 9:06:18 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish 

Its more like white men with any woman of any race. Even aliens! It is a luxury 
of being in power. They allow themselves too many liberties without much basis 
rooted in reality. 

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 5:07 PM, Keith Johnson  keithbjohn...@comcast.net  

Trust me, I'm from Texas and live in Georgia. I know it's a reality of life. 
What I'm saying, though, is it's not the greatest reality of black life. And, 
Hollywood is still in 2010 criminally negligent when it goes to showing healthy 
black male/female couples. It's not that the story is fiction, per se, it's 
just something I've see way too many times from a movie industry that loves 
putting white men with black women, but feels as if two black people onscreen 
is something to be avoided. 

- Original Message - 
From: Mr. Worf  hellomahog...@gmail.com  
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 

Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:39:21 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish 

Actually, black women hooking up with rednecks happens a lot more than you 
might think. There are various reasons for it that I am still analyzing. 

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 4:26 PM, Keith Johnson  keithbjohn...@comcast.net  

I hear you, I just had issues with Monster's Ball as stated below. Seen enough 
of that stuff from movies my whole life without needing to revisit it again. 
And unlike Precious--which while rough, at least reflects a bitter reality of 
black American life--the unique story of Monster's Ball isn't one that's as 
universal to me. At least, I can't remember the last time I saw black women 
hooking up with racists white guys since all those slave-era movies where that 
very thing happened. 

I'd have told a movie like that with a black man helping Berry navigate the 
tragedy of her life. We need to see more of the stories--and they are out 
there--of black men and women working *together*.But that's just me. Like i 
said: that was a movie written by a white man with a white man's sensibilities. 

- Original Message - 
From: Kelwyn  ravena...@yahoo.com  
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:10:42 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish 

I think Monster's Ball should be seen as part of Lee Daniels' oeuvre, this 
would include the heavily lauded Precious and the little appreciated 
Shadowboxer. In fact, Precious actually deepens my appreciation of Halle's 
Academy Award performance. Daniels is an emerging master of both ensemble 
casting and performance 

Likewise, I think Titantic should be seen as part of James Cameron's oeuvre. 
I recently re-saw The Abyss and it confirmed my opinion that even when 
Cameron is bad, he is good. I don't believe there is anybody better at 
well-crafted populist cinema that Cameron. 


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Grayson grayson.reyesc...@... wrote: 
 The thing is... I like everybody in this movie. Berry, Cheadle, Jackman, and 
 Travolta who I am loving more and more lately (absolutely loved him in The 
 Taking of Pelham 123 even though the the plot of that movie--remake or 
 not--was as thin as 

Re: [scifinoir2] Perfectly Fine (Probably) Movies Grayson Hasn't Seen

2010-01-24 Thread Keith Johnson
Ha-ha! I never saw American Beauty either. No real reason, just didn't make 
my list. Same for The Reader. 
I saw Closer and really didn't like it. A bunch of screwed up people playing 
odd games, a lot of really foul explicit language that didn't belong to me (as 
if they said let's make this an adult film and shock some people) 
Forest Gump, same thing. 

I did like Slumdog quite a bit. I think you'd like it. Sometimes really good 
films become victims of so much hype that we may sub-consciously avoid them, 
not wanting to be part of the in crowd, not wanting to support some 
flavor-of-the-moment. (At least, I feel that way sometimes). With some movies 
that's quite true: they're overhyped. Slumdog, however, is really good, 
especially the first two thirds. 

- Original Message - 
From: Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyesc...@yahoo.com 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 9:23:31 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Perfectly Fine (Probably) Movies Grayson Hasn't Seen 

Keith you asked, so here are a just a couple movies beyond Titanic and 
Monster's Ball on the list of award nominees/winners that are probably great 
and all but I haven't seen the, and don't plan to see them. What I will say is 
that for every popular movie on this list, I have seen a fringe movie that 
expanded my horizons. 

American Beauty 

The Reader 


Forest Gump 

Mamma Mia (If this movie was about a black lady who slept with three guys and 
didn't know who her baby daddy was, with a Brothers Johnson soundtrack, I'm not 
so sure it would have had the same reception or be a huge production on the 
Vegas strip) 

Slumdog Millionaire - I have no idea why this movie is on my list. I listened 
all about it on NPR. Got the concept, was excited about it. Listened to the 
soundtrack. Rented it. Had it for two months before Netflix asked me if there 
was a problem at which point I returned it. Now it's on HBO on Demand and I 
*still* haven't watched it. So maybe it's not me rejecting the movie, it's just 
on the list by default. I'll figure it out later. 

Atonement - Pretty much anything featuring Keira Knightley that is not Pirates 
of the Caribbean makes my list, although my mother seems to think I would like 
The Duchess. 

Bright Star 
The Builder 
The Prescription Playboy 

[scifinoir2] Avatar Keeps Rolling on Worldwide

2010-01-24 Thread Keith Johnson

In terms of pure dollars, Avatar will soon become the biggest of all time. 
(In terms of dollars adjusted for time, sadly, I think Gone With the Wind is 
still the champ).  The country-by-country breakdown is pretty interesting. 
Australia over thirty mill, France, Algeria and Tunisia, over a hundred, and 
ninety mill in Russia?  Wow, truly an international hit.  Even Turkey with 
eight million. But what's up with Syria: only eighty-seven thousand? 


[scifinoir2] OT: Scorned Lover of Obama Adviser Uses Billboards to Vent

2010-01-24 Thread Keith Johnson

This is so bizarre. We passed one of this lady's billboards here in Atlanta 
last weekend, and I couldn't figure out who this couple was, nor why I should 
care about them. I find it hard to believe this lady was with this dude for 
eight years and didn't know he was still married. But whether she knew he was 
married, or whether he just chumped her by going back to his wife, this is a 
classless tacky move. I know she's hurting, but why do people outside of their 
inner circle need to know their private issues? That's the price of love: 
sometimes you get taken, sometimes you let yourself get taken by going into 
situations you know aren't right. Whatever, bottom line is she should just move 
on and keep their private affairs...private. 

Since this Brother runs Oracle and is a high level member of the Obama gang, I 
wonder if this will hit the major airwaves like Fox in the next couple of 


Revenge by billboard: Scorned lover pays £150,000 for street posters to reveal 
affair with Obama aide 

By David Gardner 
Last updated at 9:57 PM on 23rd January 2010 

• Comments ( 164 ) 
• Add to My Stories 

The spurned mistress of one of Barack Obama's top economic advisers has exacted 
revenge by plastering details of their affair on giant billboard posters across 
the U.S. 

YaVaughnie Wilkins is said to have paid £150,000 to reveal her relationship 
with Charles Phillips to the world after he went back to his wife. 

The posters, which are three storeys high, show Miss Williams and the senior 
member of the president's hand-picked Economic Recovery Advisory Board below 
his initials and a quote saying: 'You are my soulmate forever.' 


Shamed: YaVaughnie Wilkins poses with former lover Charles E. Phillips in a 
poster she placed in New York 

There is also a link to a website that is a shrine to his eight-year affair 
with Miss Wilkins, 41. 

It includes pictures chronicling their travels around the world as well as 
intimate notes and ticket stubs from concerts, films, sports games and Mr 
Obama' s inauguration a year ago. 

One of the giant signs is posted on Broadway near Times Square in New York - 
one of the world's most prominent advertising hoardings. 

A further two have appeared elsewhere in New York as well as one in Atlanta and 
one in San Francisco, where Miss Wilkins lives and her married ex-lover owns a 
family home. Each are said to have cost £30,000 to display. 

The billboards baffled Americans when they first appeared – with speculation 
mounting over whether it was a marketing ploy or an apology. 

Her extraordinary actions had the desired effect. The chief executive has been 
forced into an embarrassing public statement in which he admitted their affair. 

YaVaughnie Wilkins.jpg

Adventures: Wilkins set up a website of photos of the couple's world travels, 
including Sydney, right 


Powerful: Phillips, circled, is an adviser to U.S. President Barack Obama 

Yesterday Mr Phillips, 50, who is also president of internet giant Oracle, 
issued a brief three-sentence statement saying: 'I had an eight-and-a-half year 
serious relationship with YaVaughnie Wilkins. 

'My divorce proceedings began in 2008. The relationship with Ms Wilkins has 
since ended and we both wish each other well.' 

There has been speculation that YaVaughnie deliberately timed her campaign to 
coincide with a major Oracle event next week. Website Gawker noted that the 
company was due to host an all-day live event on January 27. 

Mr Phillips was paid £12million last year and has made around £30million since 

He has recently reconciled with his wife, Karen, according to reports in the 

The couple were seen at an awards ceremony in New York and pictured together at 
a gala held by the American Museum of Natural History in the city in November. 
They have a ten-year-old son, Chas. 

Miss Wilkins, a California-based actress and writer, was not available for 
comment yesterday. 


Reconciliation: Phillips is back living with his wife Karen (centre) and their 
10-year-old son in New York 


Pressure: Phillips said he wished Wilkins well after intimate photos posted 
online forced him to admit the affair 


'Soulmates': The website, paid for by Wilkins, shows photos of the pair 
enjoying holidays abroad 


Pressure: Phillips was forced to admit the affair after the billboard posters 
and website went live 


High-profile campaign: Wilkins paid £30,000 for each poster - including this 
one in New York 


Promises: Wilkins put the love notes sent from Phillips during their affair 

Her website shows Mr Phillips and her standing arm-in-arm on the Great Wall of 
China and posing in Sydney wearing matching 'Australia' jackets. 

One of the photo albums from 2001 is set to a karaoke 

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Scorned Lover of Obama Adviser Uses Billboards to Vent

2010-01-24 Thread Mr. Worf
Probably by tomorrow. I just heard about this story last night at a small
gathering of friends. We were all flabbergasted by this. Why do some people
insist on drawing attention to themselves in this way?

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 9:16 PM, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.netwrote:

 This is so bizarre. We passed one of this lady's billboards here in Atlanta
 last weekend, and I couldn't figure out who this couple was, nor why I
 should care about them. I find it hard to believe this lady was with this
 dude for eight years and didn't know he was still married. But whether she
 knew he was married, or whether he just chumped her by going back to his
 wife, this is a classless tacky move. I know she's hurting, but why do
 people outside of their inner circle need to know their private issues?
 That's the price of love: sometimes you get taken, sometimes you let
 yourself get taken by going into situations you know aren't right. Whatever,
 bottom line is she should just move on and keep their private

 Since this Brother runs Oracle and is a high level member of the Obama
 gang, I wonder if this will hit the major airwaves like Fox in the next
 couple of days...?


 Revenge by billboard: Scorned lover pays £150,000 for street posters to
 reveal affair with Obama aide

 By David 
 Last updated at 9:57 PM on 23rd January 2010

- Comments (164)

- Add to My Stories


 The spurned mistress of one of Barack Obama's top economic advisers has
 exacted revenge by plastering details of their affair on giant billboard
 posters across the U.S.

 YaVaughnie Wilkins is said to have paid £150,000 to reveal her relationship
 with Charles Phillips to the world after he went back to his wife.

 The posters, which are three storeys high, show Miss Williams and the
 senior member of the president's hand-picked Economic Recovery Advisory
 Board below his initials and a quote saying: 'You are my soulmate forever.'

 [image: Wilkins]

 Shamed: YaVaughnie Wilkins poses with former lover Charles E. Phillips in a
 poster she placed in New York

  There is also a link to a website that is a shrine to his eight-year
 affair with Miss Wilkins, 41.

 It includes pictures chronicling their travels around the world as well as
 intimate notes and ticket stubs from concerts, films, sports games and Mr
 Obama' s inauguration a year ago.

 One of the giant signs is posted on Broadway near Times Square in New York
 - one of the world's most prominent advertising hoardings.

 A further two have appeared elsewhere in New York as well as one in Atlanta
 and one in San Francisco, where Miss Wilkins lives and her married ex-lover
 owns a family home. Each are said to have cost £30,000 to display.

 The billboards baffled Americans when they first appeared – with
 speculation mounting over whether it was a marketing ploy or an apology.

 Her extraordinary actions had the desired effect. The chief executive has
 been forced into an embarrassing public statement in which he admitted their
  [image: YaVaughnie Wilkins.jpg]
 [image: YaVaughnie]

 Adventures: Wilkins set up a website of photos of the couple's world
 travels, including Sydney, right

 [image: President]

 Powerful: Phillips, circled, is an adviser to U.S. President Barack Obama

 Yesterday Mr Phillips, 50, who is also president of internet giant Oracle,
 issued a brief three-sentence statement saying: 'I had an eight-and-a-half
 year serious relationship with YaVaughnie Wilkins.

 'My divorce proceedings began in 2008. The relationship with Ms Wilkins has
 since ended and we both wish each other well.'

 There has been speculation that YaVaughnie deliberately timed her campaign
 to coincide with a major Oracle event next week. Website Gawker noted that
 the company was due to host an all-day live event on January 27.

 Mr Phillips was paid £12million last year and has made around £30million
 since 2007.

 He has recently reconciled with his wife, Karen, according to reports in
 the U.S.

 The couple were seen at an awards ceremony in New York and pictured
 together at a gala held by the American Museum of Natural History in the
 city in November. They have a ten-year-old son, Chas.

 Miss Wilkins, a California-based actress and writer, was not available for
 comment yesterday.

 [image: Karen]

 Reconciliation: Phillips is back living with his wife Karen (centre) and
 their 10-year-old son in New York

 [image: YaVaughnie]

 Pressure: Phillips said 

Re: [scifinoir2] Avatar Keeps Rolling on Worldwide

2010-01-24 Thread Mr. Worf
Syria is anti-american somewhat.They were afraid that they were next on the
list for invasion for a while when we entered Iraq.

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 9:03 PM, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.netwrote:

 In terms of pure dollars, Avatar will soon become the biggest of all
 time. (In terms of dollars adjusted for time, sadly, I think Gone With the
 Wind is still the champ).  The country-by-country breakdown is pretty
 interesting. Australia over thirty mill, France, Algeria and Tunisia, over a
 hundred, and ninety mill in Russia?  Wow, truly an international hit.  Even
 Turkey with eight million. But what's up with Syria: only eighty-seven



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