Re: [scifinoir2] Comic Con is killing Hollywood

2010-08-01 Thread Daryle Lockhart

Actually...that's  not ENTIRELY accurate.

Remember that most of these studios are owned by corporations that  
have little to do with entertainment. As I write this,  At The  
Movies  just  showed a clip of a Roger Ebert  review from 1987 where  
he goes OFF on Leonard Part 6 because at the time,  Columbia was  
owned by Coca Cola, so  Bill Cosby is holding a can up to his face  
randomly in the picture. THIS is where it all  went  left.   
Corporations getting into the movie business. Disney's one of the  
only pure-play  entertainment  companies making  movies right  now.  
This is one of the factors that  went into selling off Miramax.

As for the audience not going anywhere...that's  not entirely   
accurate either. They're slowly leaving,  as evidenced by the rise in  
ticket prices. Check the match.  You're paying an additional 2  
dollars in some markets. 5 extra  dollars for IMAX.  That's  
somebody's seat. The audience isn't JUST leaving  for the internet.  
People are starting to watch smaller movies, even movies that LOOK  
smaller. The French new wave  of the 21st Century is made up  of  
movies from Asia.  Bollywood,  Chinese,  Korean,  and Japanese films  
take risks that  American pictures don't. And they pack houses they  
way a movie during a recession is supposed to - 300 at a time.

But on to the point of the article. Comic book movies are SUPPOSED to  
kill Hollywood. Comics are supposed to be counter culture. The movie  
business cycle is at a point  now just like is was in the early 60s.  
The pictures are too big. The stars are too boring. The money's just  
not there in some (MGM) cases. There's a collapse coming of  
Cleopatra proportions. When that happens,  it's not  gonna be about  
Superman or Green Lantern movies to  save the business.  It'll be  
pictures like Scott Pilgrim. Popular  comics with  stories you can  
tell a number of ways,  but  more importantly, cost effective  
pictures that relate to the audience.

Comic Book movies are killing contemporary Hollywood. Long Live the  
next  Hollywood.

On Aug 1, 2010, at 6:29 AM, Martin Baxter wrote:

No one puts a gun to H'Wood's head and forces them to churn out  
such crap. If they want to do movies based on comics, they can take  
their time and do it right. The audience isn't going anywhere.

On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Kelwyn wrote: 

Super hero movies might save the box office, but they fail fans of  
good movies.

That's because movies based on comic book super heroes are the  
worst of Hollywood's modern genres. These flashy passion plays that  
celebrate the redeeming powers of violence are more loathsome than  
torture porn, fratboy fart operas, or mopey boomer spawn  
tearjerkers. The brooding, misunderstood heroes are boring. The  
erotic, computer generated fisticuffs between demigods is boring.  
The secret identities, costume fetishes, and the super powers – the  
grappling-hook bazookas, and lightening sneezes and berserker  
gorilla rages – are boring. The genre is exhausted. And this is  
coming from a dude who is currently plowing through three comic  
book series (Ex Machina, The Walking Dead, and Top Ten.) 

If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the  
bloody hell wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek: The Next Generation of Fandom

2010-07-26 Thread Daryle Lockhart
Okay, the Tattoos are taking it too far. Clearly if you're gonna have  
a Star Trek tat  on your back you have to have some TOS represented! :)

I have a lot of this stuff (the waffles were lame but they were also  
on sale, which was cool.) and it's part of the fun, at least for me.  
My wife thought about the TNG inspired top shown here, of course,   
without the badge. As a fan, I have one Trek merchandise regret.  I  
was in Las Vegas, held the captain's suede jacket in my  hand, in my  
size, and put it down. A year later the Star Trek Experience closed  
down. I would totally rock that jacket this fall. EVery time I see  
the jacket on eBay it's in a size (or two) too small.

On Jul 25, 2010, at 9:30 AM, Mr. Worf wrote:

Star Trek: The Next Generation of Fandom

By Marc in Architecture  Design, Furniture  Interiors, Gadgets   
Geek Art

Star Trek has been an ongoing phenomenon since its debut in 1966.  
Star Trek consists of 2 series on the USS Enterprise, 3 spin offs,  
an animated series, and 11 feature films. A franchise this long  
lasting and successful creates a loyal following that is interested  
in anything related to the series. Whether it’s Star Trek clothing,  
home decor, or tattoos, there are a plethora of awesome examples of  
the fierceness of Star Trek fans. From the fantastic to the  
ridiculous, here are 10 of the most interesting expressions of Star  
Trek fanaticism:

(Images via voyageronline, norulesnoshame, mez love, tattoo22)

Star Trek fans explore every means of showing off their passion for  
the Star Trek universe, and this includes tattoos. A lot of fans  
pay homage to their favorite characters (or the entire cast) by  
having portraits placed prominently on themselves, though the more  
subtle Star Trek fan may simply have a communicator tattooed to  
their chest.

(Images via trekmovie, walyou)

Even with the advanced technology in Star Trek, exploring the  
boundaries of space is a dangerous business, and there have been a  
lot of deaths throughout the series. The funeral rites in the  
Federation are beautiful and explored in detail. As with all things  
Star Trek, industrious companies have even learned to capitalize on  
funeral gear. Futuristic looking urns are available, as well as  
coffins that look identical to those in the series and films.

(Images via product-reviews, techeblog, gearsandwidgets, reighn)

Everything about the USS Enterprise is graceful and epic, as it is  
the flagship of the Federation’s fleet, and the pinnacle of human  
technological achievement. The Star Trek films deserve a fitting  
viewing space, preferably Star Trek themed. The most common Star  
Trek home theater design is the bridghe, with its signature  
sweeping railing and the Captain’s chair.

(Images via neatorama, craziestgadgets, gearlive, geekalerts, geek- 
tastic, geeky-gadgets)

Life is about the little things, and for the avid Trekkie, this  
involves USS Enterprise bottle openers, iPhone cases, cakes, pillow  
cases, car decorations… the list goes on and on. There are a  
million ways to subtly reveal your loyalty to the Federation.

(Images via clothesmonaut, majorspoilers, ioffer, highsnobiety)

If you’re truly proud to be a Trekkie, you’re not afraid to wear  
clothing that reflects it. Star Trek ties are a great way to bring  
your interests to work, while a pair of Spock inspired gloves will  
keep you showing your loyalties throughout the winter. If you’re on  
your way to a convention, you can always toss on your Star Trek  
uniform corset to really catch some nerdy attention.

(Images via boingboing, geek24, makezine, walyou)

Car enthusiasts like to customize their rides, and Star Trek  
enthusiasts are no different. When you can’t find a Star Trek  
themed accessory to meet your needs, you might as well make it.  
Some fans have created iPhone cases that look like the original  
Star Trek comm units, but the ultimate modification involves  
changing your main mode of transportation to blare your preferences  
to the world and brighten up the road.

(Images via feelingstylish, geekologie, geeky-gadgets, movieties)

Formal wear isn’t exempt from Star Trek fervor, with a booming  
cufflink industry keeping geek-centric companies in business.  
Several colognes and perfumes have been made, as well as luxurious  
watches and time pieces. Star Trek inspired jewelry is quite  
common, and people are willing to pay a high price for the more  
unique goods.

(Images via product-reviews, funkybachelor, manolo)

Your house is the ultimate expression of your taste and style,  
where you go to relax, or invite friends over for social  
activities. You have to be truly fanatical to drastically alter  
your home decor to reflect the atmosphere of your favorite  
television show. From illuminated wall displays to the smooth walls  
and low lighting of the interior of the USS Enterprise, these fans  
proudly display their Star Trek inspired 

Re: [scifinoir2] Tron Legacy trailer

2010-07-25 Thread Daryle Lockhart

Uh,  it  should really  be said...SPOLERS.

I  kinda wish I hadn't seen this trailer and the footage Disney  
showed. Tron: Legacy is one of the few movies I'm looking  forward to  
this year. This trailer answers a lot of questions about the story,   
but gives away a couple of reveals that I could have waited for.


On Jul 25, 2010, at 1:30 AM, Mr. Worf wrote:

For the Scifi people out there who have been waiting for this.
Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at: 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Love your i-Phone? Somebody died to get it to you

2010-07-25 Thread Daryle Lockhart

You can fill in ANY popular product in the place of iPhone in this  
piece. The iPhone 3G, Apple's most popular unit, is $99. It no doubt  
costs around $20 to make. The $300 prices are for people who are not  
ATT customers,  Wal-Mart's corporate headquarters are in Arkansas.  
Bentonville. I've been there. They have a NEW office in China, which  
makes sense, as it's their number one market. Their profits are  
something, but nothing compared to the oil companies. Not to say one  
form of exploitation is better than another.

Every time you fill your tank with oil refined in the United States,  
you lower your standard of living.

On Jul 25, 2010, at 10:20 AM, Kelwyn wrote:

Foxcomm (Hon Hai) generates more revenue in a year than Apple, Dell  
or Microsoft. Foxcomm won Apple's order to make the iPhone after  
Foxcomm directed the business units to sell parts at zero profit.

Can you imagine 420,000 workers paid subsistence wages and jammed 8  
to 10 to a dorm room?

What I want to know is why do these phones still cost $300?

Lastly, business practices oversees are eventually imported here.  
We purchase our future subjugation.

Walmart moved their corporate headquarters to China. Walmart is the  
number one company in America and this has led to the Walmarting of  
America: collecting overtime after 40 hours instead of after 8  
hours is courtesy of Walmart.

Every time you shop at Walmart you are lowering your standard of  


--- In, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@...  

 Vanguard. They did a series of shows on Asia and China. One  
covered Malaysia
 and how so many companies have left their for China because China  
was even
 cheaper. (they tried to squeeze a few tax dollars out of the  
billions that

 was there and the manufactures left!) Then he covered Hong Kong, and
 mainland China. I think it was all together 4 or 5 shows. The  

 name is Adam Yamaguchi. He's covering India right now.

 There's a ton of other videos on the site as well. Just doing a  
search on

 China pulled up 403 pages of videos!

 You can also check it out on their website at:

 One of the things that I like about them is that they cover stuff  
 doesn't get covered in the regular news channel and may NEVER get  
covered by
 them. One reporter covered Somali pirates a year before they  
attacked the US


 On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 2:55 AM, Martin Baxter  

  Missed that one, Mr Worf. What's the name of the show it was  
on? I'll keep

  an eye out for it.
  On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 11:49 PM, Mr. Worf  

  Did anyone see the story about factory closures in China on  
Current tv?

  On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 4:47 PM, Martin Baxter  

  Why does this NOT surprise me?
  On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Kelwyn ravena...@... wrote:

  Construction workers began erecting anti-suicide nets today  
at an
  industrial plant in southern China that makes millions of  
the world's mobile
  phones and computers. Five-metre long steel poles were  
bolted into the walls
  below the roofs to support webbing that will eventually  
cover 1.5m square

  To stem an epidemic of workers leaping to their deaths, the  
  electronics company Foxconn †which works with Apple, Dell  
and Sony †has
  also pledged to raise salaries by 20% and offered  
counselling to its 420,000

  employees here.
  If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who  
the bloody

  hell wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant
  Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
  Mahogany at:
  If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the  
bloody hell

  wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at: 

Re: [scifinoir2] 10 Extremely Weird Religions

2010-07-22 Thread Daryle Lockhart
Yeah this is a pretty bad list. Any aren't these religions wacky?  
list that  starts with Scientology is, to  me,  a hater's list.

The reasons they give for saying CAW is weird are some of the EXACT  
same arguments I've heard raised against Christianity. Let a non  
believer read the Bible and it reads like epic science fiction.

On Jul 22, 2010, at 5:56 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:

I agree. CAW isn't really weird at all. You have animists in  
Africa, people who respect spirits of the land, air ,and sea in the  
UK, Natives here in the Americas who honor the ancestors. And as a  
black man, I add to your WTF with the fact that they think CAW is  
weirder than the racist Creativity movement??

- Original Message -
From: Adrianne Brennan
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 4:55:27 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] 10 Extremely Weird Religions

I'm still WTFing that they think CAW is weirder than Scientology. I  
bet this article was written by a monotheist.

-- not a monotheist.

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On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 3:38 AM, Mr. Worf  

Originally, I wasn't going to post this, but I noticed that 2 of  
the groups were African American.

10 Extremely Weird Religions

Share This- Published September 10, 2009 by JFrater - 318 Comments

We have previously published a variety of lists on strange  
religious practices, religions you never knew existed, and weird  
cults, but not a list of bizarre religions. This list is designed  
to fill the gap by discussing ten religions that most of us have  
not heard of (for good reason as you will see). Be sure to use the  
comments to tell us about any other bizarre religions and,  
especially, your own experiences of them.


Scientology has featured on a previous list, but if I didn’t  
include it here the comments would be inundated with “where’s  
scientology?” questions. The Church of Scientology is a cult  
created by L Ron Hubbard (Elron) in 1952 as an outgrowth of his  
earlier self-help system called Dianetics. The Church of  
Scientology holds that at the higher levels of initiation (OT  
levels) mystical teachings are imparted that may be harmful to  
unprepared readers. These teachings are kept secret from members  
who have not reached these levels. In the OT levels, Hubbard  
explains how to reverse the effects of past-life trauma patterns  
that supposedly extend millions of years into the past. Among these  
advanced teachings is the story of Xenu (sometimes Xemu),  
introduced as an alien ruler of the “Galactic Confederacy.”  
According to this story, 75 million years ago Xenu brought billions  
of people to Earth in spacecraft resembling Douglas DC-8 airliners,  
stacked them around volcanoes and detonated hydrogen bombs in the  
volcanoes. The thetans then clustered together, stuck to the bodies  
of the living, and continue to do this today. Scientologists at  
advanced levels place considerable emphasis on isolating body  
thetans and neutralizing their ill effects.

Creativity Movement

The Creativity Movement (formerly known as World Church Of The  
Creator), is a white separatist organization that advocates the  
whites-only religion, Creativity. It was also a descriptive phrase  
used by Ben Klassen, that included all adherents of the religion.  
The use of the term creator does not refer to a deity, but rather  
to themselves (white people). Despite the former use of the word  
Church in its name, the movement is atheistic. Creativity is a  
White Separatist religion that was founded by Ben Klassen in early  
1973 under the name Church of the Creator. After Klassen’s death  
in 1993, Creativity almost died out as a religion until the New  
Church of the Creator was established three years later by Matthew  
F. Hale as its Pontifex Maximus (high priest), until his  
incarceration in January 2003 for plotting with the movement’s  
head of security, Anthony Evola (an FBI informant), to murder a  
federal judge.

Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth

Obviously spelling is not a fundamental part of this religion! Thee  
Temple ov Psychick Youth (TOPY) was founded in 1981 by members of  
Psychic TV, Coil, Current 93, and a number of other individuals.  
The ever-evolving network is a loosely federated group of people  
operating as a unique blend of artistic collective, and  
practitioners of magic. TOPY is dedicated to the manifestation of  
magical concepts lacking mysticism or the worship of gods. The  

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: LeBron James The Decision top-ranked show on Thursday night

2010-07-11 Thread Daryle Lockhart
There's a HUGE difference between Paris Hilton showing up  at a movie  
premiere and making the event about her,  or her losing a Sidekick  
and having the addresses be made public -- and LeBron donating  2.5  
million dollars in ad revenue to the Boys  Girls Clubs of Cleveland.  

LeBron's free agency is historic - for SPORTS.  Sports on TV is not  
new. They interview coaches and players after games all the time. It  
takes sometimes 30  minutes.  Or, if it's Brett Farve's last game,   
it can take 48 minutes on NFL Network. It's part of the process.  
Nobody MAKES anybody watch sports coverage on ESPN. ESPN is barely   
even in anybody's basic cable package.

This is a situation where  the team's majority owner thought he had  
LeBron where he wanted him. He put a stack of money on the table.  
LeBron chose happiness instead. Dan GIlbert turned this into a bigger  
debacle with his letter...that he STILL hasn't taken down.

I want to address something  said earlier.  LeBron was a small   
forward playing for the Cleveland Cavaliers. He is now a member of  
the new Celtics. He's playing  for a Pat Riley team.  For every fan  
he lost, he gained 2. Starting with me. I'm a lifelong Lakers fan,   
but I respect LeBron's decision more than anything else I've seen. He  
and Maverick Carter,  his business partner,  singlehandedly  brought  
excitement  back into the NBA for THOUSANDS of people. Addiionally,   
for every fan  LeBron lost,  Cleveland lost 2 thanks to Dan's  
letter.  Think about  what that  letter  means to  someone who is a  
freshman star  player at some college somewhere.  Now you don't wanna  
go to Cleveland because the owner is a jerk.

Let's not get  to  far  adrift of the truth  here.  The Cavs weren't  
some high winning  legacy team that rescued some kid from the streets  
and taught  him to  read. They were the worst team in the NBA in 2003  
and THAT's how they were able to get LeBron out of high school.   
there was no recruiting  experience for LeBron then. They  man put 7  
years into a worthless team,  sold more tickets and jerseys for them  
than they'd seen since the 60s, and now has the audacity to  want to  
go play  for a winning  team. the owner's letter  challenged LeBron's  
desire to  LEAVE TOWN. WTF?  Has anyone here  been to Ohio in the  
winter? Then tried winter in Miami?  Hell, Drew CAREY left Cleveland!

Furthermore,  young people now have an example of what they can do to  
take control of their career. You don't have to be a Terrell Owens  
and find out on Sports Center  that you're cut  from the team. YOU  
can hold the press conference,  make a difference in the world,  and  
go where YOU  wanna go.

LeBron James didn't waste anybody's hour of time,  it was on ESPN. It  
was as big a waste of time as any  other  sports event  ever   
televised.  If you  have no interest in it, it  doesn't make sense to  
watch. I  think his event  was,  for Africans in America for whom  
sports is a part of life, the single most  important thing to see  
since the inauguration. Yes. To se a young  Black man taking   
control  of his life and not defending some criminal  accusation is  
important.  I can't think of anything MORE important,  but hey...I  
love sports. So  I watch.

On Jul 10, 2010, at 6:46 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:

Sorry, I have to disagree in relation to this particular case. I  
think this is less about white outrage at him being black, and  
simply people who need to get lives upset because a sports hero  
deserted him. If it were just about a uppity negro, blacks like  
me--who thinks he overhyped this, as did the media--wouldn't be  
irritated. Nor would all the blacks in Cleveland who idolized him  
(don't know how many there are) be as upset. The racial/racist  
angle is there as always: when blacks disappoint whites, you can be  
sure there are healthy doses of nig--r thrown around. But I can't  
blame all this on whites being pissed because a black man asserted  
himself. I see this in the same vein as the Paris Hilons, reality  
show stars, and increasing number of celebrities hot and cold who  
do anything they can to keep their names and faces in the media.  
Note that the least part of this whole thing being discussed in any  
circles other than sports nuts is the actual impact on the game of  
basketball. Rather, more discussion is on his Larry King interview,  
this, why he wasted an hour on what could have been a five-minute  
press statement, etc.

Black or not, this is to me another step up the ladder of media- 
focus and celebrity that makes people care more about famous  
people's lives sometimes than their own...

- Original Message -
From: Kelwyn
Sent: Saturday, July 10, 2010 11:55:58 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: LeBron James The Decision top-ranked  
show on Thursday night

And I still think the scariest thing in America is a free black man.


--- In 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: LeBron James The Decision top-ranked show on Thursday night

2010-07-11 Thread Daryle Lockhart

A free Black man who KNOWS it.

VERY scary.

On Jul 10, 2010, at 11:55 AM, Kelwyn wrote:

And I still think the scariest thing in America is a free black man.


--- In, Keith Johnson  
keithbjohn...@... wrote:

 And like i said, i hate it when done by corporations or  
individuals. There is too much of this self-promoting, self- 
aggrandizing, famous because you're famous culture going on  
nowadays. This was bloated and unnecessary. You hear people talking  
about it who could care less about the NBA and realize they're only  
talking about it because *others* are talking about it. They're  
focused on James because he made himself a focus, along with ESPN's  
help. Even in terms of basketball, this isn't really that big of a  
deal. By that, I mean that the Heat possibly winning a championship  
isn't as huge as, say, even if Michael Jordan had moved back in the  
day. Truth, this should have been of interest to Cleveland, Miami,  
true NBA fans, and that's it. It doesn't truly redefine the game or  
anything. And despite our talk of its economic impact on Cleveland,  
that's not really the focus of the news stories. It really is hey!  
Everyone said this is a big deal, so let's cover it.
 I find that troubling, and just because big business already does  
it, it doesn't mean the individuals need to do it do. Maybe  
everyone needs to back off a bit on this stuff...

 - Original Message -
 From: Kelwyn ravena...@...
 Sent: Saturday, July 10, 2010 7:20:04 AM
 Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: LeBron James The Decision top-ranked  
show on Thursday night

 As I've stated previously, I find it both interesting and  
disheartening that people are okay when corporations (the NBA, the  
New York Athletic Club, the Kentucky Derby) put on one of these  
bloated hour-long programs with two minutes of content but are  
aghast when an individual does it. Like the police officer in  
Malcolm X most folks seem to think, That is too much power for  
one black man to have!

 I am not displeased that Mr. James' asserted his manhood right  
to apply his trade where ever he wants to.


 --- In , Martin Baxter  
martinbaxter7@ wrote:

  The across-the-board reaction I'm hearing in this is that, in  
the public
  eye, LeBron had lost a lots of fans over this. And not because  
he left

  Cleveland. I've heard that event described, most charitably, as an
  infomercial. Doesn't bother me only because I watch so few  
NBA games (a

  grand total of six this past season, counting the playoffs).
  On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Kelwyn ravenadal@ wrote:

   Thursday night's LeBron James The Decision on ESPN drew a  
7.3 household

   rating in the preliminary overnight ratings.
   Compare that to the top rated show on broadcast last night, a  
repeat of The
   Mentalist on CBS, which drew a 6.0 household rating in the  

   Update: Here is ESPN's official press release.
   A 7.3 is twice what an average NBA game ranks.
  If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the  
bloody hell

  wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: LeBron James The Decision top-ranked show on Thursday night

2010-07-11 Thread Daryle Lockhart
Of course I understand and respect your opinion. I share it,  where  
reality programming is concerned. I  just  refuse to  allow this  
decision to  remembered as being selfish  while the Cavs owner's  
letter  is out there.

On Jul 11, 2010, at 12:23 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:

I'm going to forego my usual rant and say you make good points. But  
i still say at the end, this was similar to Paris Hilton in that  
this was self-promotion for James. There were lots of ways he could  
have raised money for charity. Let's not be naive and think this  
was some let's feed the poor orphans moment. As for teaching  
kids, I think you and others keep missing the point. At no point  
have I said he shouldn't have left Cleveland, that he owed  
Cleveland anything. I'm saying that this is an example of people  
who are about self-promotion past the point it's necessary. James  
is already a phenomenal player, he was already being courted. I ask  
again, why was this one-hour program *necessary*? It wasn't. As for  
charity, he could have raised just as much with a local event in  
Cleveland, or in Miami, for that matter. The next day, he was up on  
stage in a Heat jersey, speaking in front of a huge crowd of  
adoring fans. he could have done something like that that wasn't  
such a national thing and donated those proceeds to charity.

Let me be clear. I'm not jealous, hating, or being holier than  
thou. I celebrate black men taking care of their own. I am a huge  
fan of athletes and entertainers being able to make profit. But  
there are still in my opinion situations where it goes a bit too  
far into the look at me arena, and in this case I feel he's  
there, same as T.O., Ochocinco, and the other innumerable athletes  
and entertainers who are so focused on themselves. The lesson to  
kids about taking care of business was learned when he started  
doing commericals and business ventures, and in making this tough  
decision. The  lesson of this one-hour self love fest is that there  
can never be too much exposure, and therein lies the dangers of a  
society that's increasingly about reality shows, Twitter  
followings, and anything else to promote one's self. And in that  
way, the comparison to the *methods* of Hilton aren't too far off.

- Original Message -
From: Daryle Lockhart
Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2010 9:42:57 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: LeBron James The Decision top- 
ranked show on Thursday night

There's a HUGE difference between Paris Hilton showing up  at a  
movie premiere and making the event about her,  or her losing a  
Sidekick and having the addresses be made public -- and LeBron  
donating  2.5 million dollars in ad revenue to the Boys  Girls  
Clubs of Cleveland. HUGE.

LeBron's free agency is historic - for SPORTS.  Sports on TV is not  
new. They interview coaches and players after games all the time.  
It takes sometimes 30  minutes.  Or, if it's Brett Farve's last  
game,  it can take 48 minutes on NFL Network. It's part of the  
process. Nobody MAKES anybody watch sports coverage on ESPN. ESPN  
is barely  even in anybody's basic cable package.

This is a situation where  the team's majority owner thought he had  
LeBron where he wanted him. He put a stack of money on the table.  
LeBron chose happiness instead. Dan GIlbert turned this into a  
bigger debacle with his letter...that he STILL hasn't taken down.

I want to address something  said earlier.  LeBron was a small   
forward playing for the Cleveland Cavaliers. He is now a member of  
the new Celtics. He's playing  for a Pat Riley team.  For every fan  
he lost, he gained 2. Starting with me. I'm a lifelong Lakers  
fan,  but I respect LeBron's decision more than anything else I've  
seen. He and Maverick Carter,  his business partner,   
singlehandedly  brought excitement  back into the NBA for THOUSANDS  
of people. Addiionally,  for every fan  LeBron lost,  Cleveland  
lost 2 thanks to Dan's letter.  Think about  what that  letter   
means to  someone who is a freshman star  player at some college  
somewhere.  Now you don't wanna go to Cleveland because the owner  
is a jerk.

Let's not get  to  far  adrift of the truth  here.  The Cavs  
weren't some high winning  legacy team that rescued some kid from  
the streets and taught  him to  read. They were the worst team in  
the NBA in 2003 and THAT's how they were able to get LeBron out of  
high school.  there was no recruiting  experience for LeBron then.  
They  man put 7 years into a worthless team,  sold more tickets and  
jerseys for them than they'd seen since the 60s, and now has the  
audacity to  want to go play  for a winning  team. the owner's  
letter  challenged LeBron's desire to  LEAVE TOWN. WTF?  Has anyone  
here  been to Ohio in the winter? Then tried winter in Miami?   
Hell, Drew CAREY left Cleveland!

Furthermore,  young people now have an example of what they can do

Re: [scifinoir2] Hoopla Around James Stranger than Fiction

2010-07-10 Thread Daryle Lockhart
I'm in Charlotte. We just sent the Browns a QB named Jake Delhomme.  
If you think you all are mad NOW...

On Jul 9, 2010, at 9:27 AM, Tracy Curtis wrote:

I'm in Cleveland right now.  It's my hometown.  I can assure that  
black people are (over)reacting to this news.  The city, after all,  
is more than half black.  So local coverage shows a lot of black  
people.  They ripped up posters and tore up a few things too.  And  
because this is Cleveland, there are the veiled threats to his  
safety if he comes back.  I think that at least one person on each  
local newscast uttered the FCC-friendly equivalent of f...@$ LeBron.   
There are guards now protecting the mural as people gather to  
destroy their gear.  It's bizarre and really said.  There's a lot  
of difficulty and poverty here.  There have always been rabid  
sports fans and they have so little.

I'm not sure what the national coverage has been.  But there was a  
serious push to get him to stay that included playing back his own  
words about his home town on TV and radio outlets.  There were  
rallies.  And a lot of people put their kids up to it.  He spent  
the last few days at his basketball camp and at some boys and girls  
clubs as he typically did during summers with kids begging him.   
Just watching the desperation is sad.  In some ways, the comedians  
were right about the city.  The population is maybe 40% of what it  
was when I was a kid.  Houses are boarded up and those left  
sometimes can be had for the price of a mediocre used car or even  
for trade in some neighborhoods.  Detroit gets more coverage, but  
it's bad here too.

What most fans are saying about the press conference is that it's  
embarrassing to be dumped publicly.  I think something without the  
fanfare would have stung them less.

On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 7:47 AM, Keith Johnson wrote:

Thanks. I'm listening to comedians Gary Owens and Kevin Hart on the  
Tom Joyner Morning Show . Gary Owens--he's the white comedian  
married to a black woman who often jokes about that-says only the  
white guys in Cleveland are tripping on this level. You don't see  
no Brothers burning their jerseys, he joked, only the out-of- 
shape white guys with one beer in their hands.   Hart suggested  
now's a good time to start a business in Cleveland 'cause you can  
do it on the cheap, prices are now going to be so low.He said  
they're going to shoot Soul Plane 2 in Cleveland for only 50K!  
He's decided to start a trucking company up there. He can't drive a  
truck, but since Hart figures there'll be no traffic on the streets  
of Cleveland, he'll be just fine.

I'm still not sure which is funnier/sadder to me: the dude  
literally crying like a baby while his (drunk) friend consoles him,  
or Mr. LeBron is *dead* to me!

- Original Message -
From: Martin Baxter
Sent: Friday, July 9, 2010 6:20:31 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Hoopla Around James Stranger than Fiction

Keith, the First Laugh of the Morn Award, long unrewarded, finds a  
worthy mantle in yours.

So sad a little mess all around.

On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 1:12 AM, Keith Johnson wrote:

Who'd have thunk that King James would be able to out self- 
promote the likes of Madonna, Paris Hilton, or Spike Lee? Talk  
about overblown, overhyped, and overlong. It was just a freakin'  
decision for where a rich b-baller will go to try and win a  
championship. Did it really demand an hour long special on ESPN?  
And, growing up as I did in Fort Worth, you can't beat me for being  
a fan of stuff like all things Dallas Cowboys, but come on: there  
were dudes in Miami jumping up and down with joy (what, are they  
getting paid for this?), folks in Cleveland were burning his  
jersey, one dude was crying and saying it was the worst day of his  
life, and another disgusted fan said I hope the Heat never win  
anything. James is dead to me!

 Man, I find myself wondering again what aliens would think of us,  
watching from on high:
They have multiple armed conflicts raging...they are  
systematically destroying their own biosphere, with no way to reach  
or terraform other planets...they still fight conflicts based on  
skin coloring and belief systems--yet millions of them are watching  
in concert the decision of one of their own concerning a spheroid  
object involved in one of their ritualized sports?

No wonder we haven't been invited to join the Federation yet...

Still, given how the hometown crowd was acting, it would have been  
fun if James had made the announcement *in Cleveland*!

If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the  
bloody hell wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

Re: [scifinoir2] Hoopla Around James Stranger than Fiction

2010-07-09 Thread Daryle Lockhart
It was real. It was on the Cavs website. As of right  now,  I'm not  
only  glad LeBron left, but I wouldn't encourage any  young player in  
college to go there. I've had similar things  said to my  face from  
previous employers.  They  feel like they own you.

This press conference was weird,  but Gilbert's letter  made it  
worse.  Promising a championship? Man,  listen. You  own the CAVS.  
Siddown somewhere with that promise. You had Shaq and LeBron on  
your  squad.  No rings. Now because of the letter,  everybody is  
gonna think the owner is gonna try and bribe a ref.

If I were 25 with a son and had the natural  ability to  go wherever  
I wanted...AND bring my moms?  Miami all day.

On Jul 9, 2010, at 8:49 AM, Keith Johnson wrote:

Someone published a scathing letter on another e-mail list I'm on  
supposedly from Gilbert. Was that real? It was pretty nasty...

- Original Message -
From: George Arterberry
Sent: Friday, July 9, 2010 8:37:51 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Hoopla Around James Stranger than Fiction

Dan Gilbert the owner of the Cavs threw LBJ totally under the bus.

The Federation Council vetoed down an emergency measure to admit us  

From: Keith Johnson
Sent: Fri, July 9, 2010 8:12:35 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Hoopla Around James Stranger than Fiction

Who'd have thunk that King James would be able to out self- 
promote the likes of Madonna, Paris Hilton, or Spike Lee? Talk  
about overblown, overhyped, and overlong. It was just a freakin'  
decision for where a rich b-baller will go to try and win a  
championship. Did it really demand an hour long special on ESPN?  
And, growing up as I did in Fort Worth, you can't beat me for being  
a fan of stuff like all things Dallas Cowboys, but come on: there  
were dudes in Miami jumping up and down with joy (what, are they  
getting paid for this?), folks in Cleveland were burning his  
jersey, one dude was crying and saying it was the worst day of his  
life, and another disgusted fan said I hope the Heat never win  
anything. James is dead to me!

 Man, I find myself wondering again what aliens would think of us,  
watching from on high:
They have multiple armed conflicts raging...they are  
systematically destroying their own biosphere, with no way to reach  
or terraform other planets...they still fight conflicts based on  
skin coloring and belief systems--yet millions of them are watching  
in concert the decision of one of their own concerning a spheroid  
object involved in one of their ritualized sports?

No wonder we haven't been invited to join the Federation yet...

Still, given how the hometown crowd was acting, it would have been  
fun if James had made the announcement *in Cleveland*!

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: James Bond Movie Canceled Owing to Production Issues

2010-07-08 Thread Daryle Lockhart
It's not canceled. Sam Mendes (Bond 23's director) and Daniel Craig  
aren't going anywhere.  BUT...I actually  wouldn't be surprised if  
this doesn't take 2 years to sort out.  Craig's what, 42? We could   
be dealing with another Roger Moore  situation  by the time this  
movie gets  going.  We may have seen the last of James Bond beating  
people to death. At  least for a while.

One good thing as a result  of all this is that  it's a good time to   
catch up  and read the books.  I  bought the latest  and never  read  
past the beginning.  This summer's a good time to  change that.

On Jul 8, 2010, at 2:12 PM, B Smith wrote:

Insane. I wonder if they can hold onto Daniel Craig long enough to  
get a third film done.

--- In, Martin Baxter  
martinbaxt...@... wrote:

 A dark day, indeed...


 James Bond Movie Cancelled Owing To Production Issues Wednesday,  
July 07,

 2010 8:39:42 AM by GD ( 102

 By Meena Kar
 [image: bond1]July 7, (THAINDIAN NEWS) The next James Bond movie  
has been
 canceled as a result of the financial woes of MGM. The fans of  
agent ‘007′
 will find the news extremely disappointing as the Daniel Craig  
starrer has
 been canceled and the next project could take years to finalize.  
 Wilson and Barbara Broccoli said in a joint statement that due to  
 uncertainty surrounding the future of MGM and the failure to  
close a sale of
 the studio the development of BOND 23 had to be canceled  

 More at: 

 If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the  
bloody hell

 wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

Re: [scifinoir2] Japanese Eating Champion Crashes NYC Contest

2010-07-05 Thread Daryle Lockhart
AP  is having  a little fun with this story. Major League Eating is a  
scam. Kobi is right  not to  sign,  but he definitely shouldn't have  
rushed the stage. He's in much  better  shape than the cops on the  
scene,  so  when it looked liek he wasn't gonna go politely, the cops  
probably  figured better safe than sorry,  and cuffed him.

I'm waiting to read the  first  draft of the script  before Will  
Ferrell and Ben Stiller get it. This is a movie that BOTH of them need.

On Jul 4, 2010, at 9:51 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:

Okay, you can't write fiction any stranger than that. The whole  
concept of gorging food like this makes me ill for physical and  
social consciousness reasons. We all have too much food in the main  
in this country compared to much of the world, and many of us  
overindulge, but come on.

And there's an eating league that's the counterpart of the NFL???

[AP News]

NEW YORK — A Japanese eating champion who sat out this year's Coney  
Island Fourth of July hot dog contest apparently couldn't resist  
the temptation to hotdog afterward — and got arrested.

Six-time champion Takeru Kobayashi was sitting in a jail cell  
Sunday after the annual Nathan's Famous International Hot Dog  
Eating Contest.

Earlier in the day, Joey Jaws Chestnut gobbled his way to a  
fourth consecutive championship. But he was suddenly upstaged by  
the surprise appearance of his biggest rival, Kobayashi, who  
crashed the eating platform after Chestnut's win and wrestled with  

Let him eat! Let him eat! the crowd chanted as officers  
handcuffed the world's No. 3 professional eater, dubbed The Tsunami.

The 32-year-old Kobayashi did not compete this year because he  
refused to sign a contract with Major League Eating — the fast food  
equivalent of the NFL. On his Japanese-language blog, he said he  
wanted to be free to enter contests sanctioned by other groups.

But a few days ago, he told Japan's Kyodo News: I really want to  
compete in the (Coney Island) event.

Wearing a black T-shirt that said Free Kobi, Kobayashi mingled  
with the crowd, standing inside a police-barricaded pen just under  
the stage. When the eating ended, he slipped up the stage stairs.

Then, several security officers appeared and tried to usher him  
off. He grabbed a metal police barricade with both hands, clutching  
it tightly as the officers pulled at him. Finally, they dragged him  
down the stairs, with Kobayashi resisting vehemently.

He was expected to spend the night in jail awaiting an appearance  
in Brooklyn Criminal Court on charges of resisting arrest,  
trespassing and obstructing governmental administration.

There's a contract dispute, so they weren't giving him his  
freedom, said Kobayashi's interpreter and publicist, Maggie James.

She said he had hoped the Coney Island crowd would recognize him  
and he could offer them an eating demonstration for free. But  
nobody knew he'd jump onstage.

Minutes earlier, Chestnut downed 54 hot dogs in 10 minutes to win  
the contest televised live on ESPN.

The runner-up was Tim Eater X Janus, with a total of 45. Patrick  
Deep Dish Bertoletti came in third with 37 dogs.

Chestnut was disappointed with his performance, despite claiming  
the bejeweled, mustard-yellow belt plus a $20,000 purse. The 26- 
year-old from San Jose, Calif., was aiming for a record 70 dogs in  
10 minutes.

I was dehydrated going in, he told The Associated Press,  
explaining that he did not drink enough liquids the day before  
because he was striving for an emptier stomach.

After witnessing the drama involving Kobayashi, Chestnut said, I  
feel bad for him.

Still, the Fourth on Coney Island paid tribute to two of America's  
biggest loves: hot dogs and competition.

The two pastimes merged by the Brooklyn boardwalk, with a crowd of  
thousands squeezed elbow-to-elbow on a sweltering afternoon, with  
temperatures around 90 degrees.

Eight-year-old Stephen Pearce found his own way of keeping cool:  
with ice cubes melting atop his head. It feels good.

He said something else was cool as he watched Chestnut: I could  
never eat that many hot dogs! It's gross, said the boy from  
Chappaqua, N.Y.

Americans enjoy 150 million hot dogs each July 4 — enough to  
stretch from D.C. to L.A. more than five times, said Janet Queen  
of Wien Riley, president of the National Hot Dog  Sausage Council.

Last year, Chestnut ate 68 dogs against Kobayashi's 64. That's  
about as many as the average American eats in a year — 60,  
according to the council.

Coney Island is said to be the birthplace of fast food.

The first hot dog was sold here around 1870 by German butcher  
Charles Feltman. His competitive, Polish-born employee, Nathan  
Handwerker, opened his own business in 1916 — Nathan's Famous,  
still the backdrop to the contest started here that year.

According to local lore, immigrants arguing about who was most  

Re: [scifinoir2] New Film website

2010-07-03 Thread Daryle Lockhart
This site was previously  called I've been a member  
for 7 months. It is ESSENTIAL. It's like film school for a lot less.  
The best social  community for film enthusiasts ever.

On Jul 3, 2010, at 8:02 AM, Mr. Worf wrote:

I discovered a new film website that focuses on Indie and foreign  
films. There are also some short films that you can watch on the  
site. You can also discuss the films on the site.

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at: 

Re: [scifinoir2] Last Airbender Widely Panned

2010-07-03 Thread Daryle Lockhart
So I've been trying to  write a review for this film for 3 days now.   

But one thing I wanna say straight  away: It's not the race of the  
actors that  ruins this film. It's a horribly written, horribly  
directed picture. And it didn't need to be. I can see this working   
with the cast he chose, honestly, but the actors are horribly  
directed. The MAIN problem seems to be the dialogue. I'm AMAZED that  
the same person who did Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, and Signs did this  
film. It's like M.Night is really  two people. If you get the good  
one, you  get a great  film with  great attention to  detail  and  
solid dialogue...even some humor. But if you get the OTHER   
guy...sheesh. The Last Airbender's poster should  say from the  
director of The Happening and The Lady In The Water.  Not the  
good films.

Let  me be clear. This film makes the live-action Dragonball look  
like a classic. It  makes Street Fighter: The Legend Of Chun-Li  look  
like THAT  should have been in 3-D. The Last Airbender should be  
the best  action movie of the decade,  and instead it's an over-the- 
top mess.

On Jul 3, 2010, at 7:39 AM, Martin Baxter wrote:

From a couple of the trailers I've managed to sit through, it looks  
close to the source material, but the dialogue felt rushed, as  
thought they knew they were packing a three-year storyline into 90  
minutes. And, if he or his bosses thought that, then that  
racism that J Anthony Brown speaks of  
so often may not be as hidden as he thinks. Just stupid. Typical  

On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 7:31 AM, Mr. Worf  

Maybe he or his bosses thought that it would have more appeal if it  
were a white cast? I dunno. I wonder how close it was to the  
storyline or even the anime? Sometimes it is kind of hard to take a  
story like that and boil it down to 90 minutes.

On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 4:12 AM, Martin Baxter wrote:

I'm really doubting that he looked. Seeing the source material the  
first time through would drive me to cast other than Caucasian  
actors. Common sense.

On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 7:05 AM, Mr. Worf  

In one of his interviews about the movie he talked about mixed  
racial casting that he did. He seem proud of the fact that he did  
that, but I doubt he actually looked at the big picture. Nor did  
he look at race relations and Hollywood's history of portrayal race  
on screen.

On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 3:52 AM, Martin Baxter wrote:

Keith, I wish I could even guess what M Night had on his mind.

On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 2:10 AM, Keith Johnson wrote:

Well, this saves me from a difficult choice. Really irritated at  
how Asian and Inuit characters were being played by white actors  
(with the odd exception of the Japanese Prince Zuko being played by  
an Indian?!) I was seriously debating whether to support The Last  
Airbender. I wanted to blow off my anger and just see a good  
movie, but when I saw trailers, and how Ang and his friends are in  
Asian/Inuit garb, but are oh-so-painfully Caucasian, I started the  
hand wringing all over again. I was way along the way to not going  
to see it, but partially worried I'd be missing something special  
in terms of a good fantasy flick.

Not to worry, it seems. Almost without exception, from old and  
young, white and Asian and black, fans of the series and newbies  
alike, I'm hearing this thing is terrible. Dull, plodding, grim,  
boring---looks like the hoped-for trilogy of films will never  
become a reality. Some have even compared it to Battlefield Earth!

 I guess that's too bad?
I think a lot of Asians and Inuits are not-so-secretly looking at  
this with grim satisfaction, and can't say I blame them.  And  
despite my anger at M. Knight for whitewashing so many leads in the  
movie, I almost feel sorry for the guy: what in the hell is wrong  
with him after the handful of gems he created to burst onto the  
movie scene?!

I dropped a spattering of movie reviews I found below. The last is  
the closest thing to a good review I could find...


[Rotten Tomatoes]

Consensus: Despite flashy special effects, The Last Airbender  
squanders the potential of its popular source material on an  
incomprehensible plot, laughable dialogue, and a joyless sense of  



Read more: The Last Airbender Review: The Last Straw for This  
Shyamalan Fan | /Film 

With the release of The Last Airbender, M. Night Shyamalan’s  
gradual metamorphosis into George Lucas is 

Re: [scifinoir2] Last Airbender Widely Panned

2010-07-03 Thread Daryle Lockhart

The 3-D is another thing. I  have to say that  of all the summer  
popcorn movies,  the one I most  enjoyed was Iron Man 2 -  mainly   
because it wasn't in 3-D.

Hollywood has it's next  Harry Potter - they're just  getting 3  
movies instead of 6 (or, is it 7?) Twilight is  a perfectly  fine  
franchise that  sells tickets AND merchandise. If a studio  wants to   
outdo  Harry Potter, that  studio  should buy Scholastic BOoks.  
Because the next  big thing will probably  come from around there.

On Jul 3, 2010, at 3:22 PM, Mike Street wrote:

The movie wasn't that bad. It makes me never want to see another 3D  
movie with no 3D in it ever again however. I think Hollywood is  
really searching for the next big franchise to take the place of  
Harry Potter and they can't find it.

Re: [scifinoir2] Last Airbender Widely Panned

2010-07-03 Thread Daryle Lockhart
The Curious George feature with the voices of Will Ferrell and Drew  
Barrymore was better than The Last Airbender.

On Jul 3, 2010, at 3:40 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

I can see that happening now. Curious George in 3d. Clifford the dog!

On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 12:31 PM, Daryle Lockhart wrote:

The 3-D is another thing. I  have to say that  of all the summer  
popcorn movies,  the one I most  enjoyed was Iron Man 2 -  mainly   
because it wasn't in 3-D.

Hollywood has it's next  Harry Potter - they're just  getting 3  
movies instead of 6 (or, is it 7?) Twilight is  a perfectly  fine  
franchise that  sells tickets AND merchandise. If a studio  wants  
to  outdo  Harry Potter, that  studio  should buy Scholastic BOoks.  
Because the next  big thing will probably  come from around there.

On Jul 3, 2010, at 3:22 PM, Mike Street wrote:

The movie wasn't that bad. It makes me never want to see another  
3D movie with no 3D in it ever again however. I think Hollywood is  
really searching for the next big franchise to take the place of  
Harry Potter and they can't find it.

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at: 

Re: [scifinoir2] Last Airbender Widely Panned

2010-07-03 Thread Daryle Lockhart
HAH! Good point.  They  could,  of course, turn this whole ship  
around by giving  the next  movie to another director.

On Jul 3, 2010, at 3:47 PM, Mike Street wrote:

As an fYI this is movie only deals with season 1 of Airbender. They  
are hoping to make it a franchise. But just asked The Golden  
Compass cast how that turned out.

Re: [scifinoir2] Okay, Who's Gonna Play the Russian Spy in the Movie?

2010-07-03 Thread Daryle Lockhart

Now that it looks like Bond's done,  this could be a bigger movie  
than we realize. I'd  actually  roll  with Scarlett Johannsen. If she  
can pull off the accent...I'm good.

Make this movie about  all 11 of the spies and it could be fun!

On Jul 3, 2010, at 6:40 PM, Martin Baxter wrote:

Didn't know that Chapman was petite, having only seen her from the  
waist up a couple of times. And I saw Hendricks over Staite because  
Chapman comes across to me as more forward in projecting her  
sexuality. Staite's really crept up on me. I really didn't notice  
her charms until late in her run on Stargate: Atlantis.

On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 1:19 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:

Hendricks is a bit more--ah--substantial than Chapman, who seems to  
be fairly petite. Besides, with Staite you have more of a chance to  
build a spy character who, like Chapman, is probably disarming and  
charming at first, sexy but subtle--a smoldering temptress. With  
Hendricks, it's more like a bonfire coming at you!

- Original Message -
From: Martin Baxter
Sent: Saturday, July 3, 2010 7:02:26 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Okay, Who's Gonna Play the Russian Spy in  
the Movie?

Keith, my first thought at casting CHapman went to another  
Firefly alum, Christina Hendricks. Extra cred in this, because  
she just topped one of those innumerable Beautiful People Lists.

On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 2:38 AM, Keith Johnson wrote:

Despite the large number of people being charged, the focus of the  
whole affair in the media is undoubtedly mostly on this lady. I've  
seen her described as the Sexy spy, the sultry spy, etc.  
They're all but leering over some kind of Mahta Hari aspect to this  
thing, as evidenced by the NY Daily News article below. And the  
fact that her dad was KGB, her ex-husband says he was scary?  
Well, this has book and movie written all over it. I guarantee  
you H'wood is already tossing around ideas as to who'll play a sexy  
young red haired ingenue who is in reality a cold, manipulative  
Russian agent. In terms of looks, I could see Firefly and  
Stargate Atlantis star Jewel Staite:




The red apple didn't fall far from the tree.

Anna Chapman - the sexy star of this summer's spy saga - is the  
daughter of a former KGB agent, reports from Moscow and London say.

As nine of the 11 accused spies appeared in court Thursday - and  
prosecutors revealed that at least one has confessed his loyalty to  
Russia - more details emerged about the slinky Manhattan spook who  
has caught the world's fancy.

Anna Chapman is really Anya Kushchenko, the daughter of Vasily  
Kushchenko, a diplomat who worked in Russian embassies in Africa.

Her British ex-husband, Alex Chapman, told the Daily Telegraph in  
London she said her father - still a top official in Russia's  
Foreign Affairs Ministry - had been high up in the ranks of the KGB.

He was scary, Chapman said of his former father-in-law, whom he  
met on his honeymoon in Zimbabwe. He always seemed to have a lot  
more security than the other diplomats. He had a Land Rover with  
blacked-out windows and there was always one car in front of it and  
one car behind.

Father and daughter were close, he said.

I felt she would have done anything for her dad, Chapman told the  
newspaper. When I saw that she had been arrested on suspicion of  
spying, it didn't come as much of a surprise to be honest.

The couple married in 2002, five months after they met in a London  
nightclub. She moved from Moscow to London and worked for Barclay's  
Bank, said Chapman, who is training to be a shrink.

Toward the end of our marriage she became very secretive, going  
for meetings on her own with 'Russian friends.'... She was  
transformed into someone with access to a lot of money, boasting  
about all the influential people she was meeting.

They were divorced in 2006.

He said that though she had always disliked Americans, complaining  
about their accents, she suddenly decided in 2007 she wanted to  
exploit business opportunities in the U.S. She moved to New York  
that year.

They kept in touch. Chapman said his ex-wife sounded distant when  
they last spoke four weeks ago.

One of New York's other accused spies, Yonkers college Prof. Juan  
Lazaro, declared his total loyalty to Moscow after his arrest, the  
government said.

In his lengthy postarrest statement, Lazaro also admitted that  
his wife, Peruvian El Diario columnist Vicky Pelaez, traveled to  
Peru to deliver Lazaro's invisible ink letters to the Service -  
the Russian SVR, which used to be 

Re: [scifinoir2] Firefox issues

2010-06-28 Thread Daryle Lockhart
Firefox crashed on me once a day for 10 days. I gave up last week.  I  
only use it now to  check  graphics and images after I upload them,   
but until  they  sort  out whatever they're doing,  I'm on Safari all  

On Jun 28, 2010, at 4:33 AM, Mr. Worf wrote:

Looks like Mozilla is having some issues with Firefox. Just this  
week they have pumped out 3 software updates. I don't think all of  
the issues have been resolved yet. (They went from 3.62 to 3.66)

Anyone out there having issues?

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at: 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Is Tyler Perry Firing His Entire Staff Over The Boondocks Episode?

2010-06-28 Thread Daryle Lockhart
I agree. The Is Tyler Perry gay thing is  just a HUGE distraction  
and a waste of time. If a bunch  of people are fired at TPS,  it  
sounds like  TPS is finally  becoming a real  studio. While regimes  
get  fired all the time,  and depending on where you  are on the food  
chain,  it  would appear  for some really  trivial  reasons.

Gossip should  be something you do when you're all done with the  
regular work you have in front of you. Black film, as a community and  
as a fledgeling industry,  has a LONG  way to go before we have time  
for nonsense like this.

On Jun 28, 2010, at 10:34 AM, B Smith wrote:

I call bs on this one. This story hasn't been reported anywhere else.

I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. The episode was funny  
but mean spirited. Tyler Perry insn't making movies for me and I've  
learned not to rain on the parade of the folks that do enjoy them.  
Not a fan but I can't knock his hustle.

As far as his sexuality, I couldn't care less. So unless he's  
making untoward advances, harming someone else or sexually  
harrassing his staff that's his business.

--- In, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@...  

 He needs to just come out of the closet and get over with. While  
he's coming
 out he also needs to tell Queen Latifah, whoever else is still in  
there to

 come out too.
 Is Tyler Perry Firing His Entire Staff Over The Boondocks Episode?
 By Bill Johnson  
June 25, 2010

 12:09 pm

 [image: Tyler Perry]

 Did last Sunday’s episode of “The Boondocks”  
hit too close to home for Tyler


 According to gossip blogger Carlton
 the episode was so true to life, that Tyler Perry is convinced  
that someone
 on his staff leaked information to the writing staff of “The  

 So he fired them all.


 *Click here to watch the episode in

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at: 

Re: [scifinoir2] Hard Day for Knight

2010-06-25 Thread Daryle Lockhart
It wasn't Oprah's couch that  started the decline,  it was his  
appearance on BET's 106 and Park.  Tom Cruise has been diluting his  
brand for years now. He buys into a studio -- that studio then fails.  
He becomes the most  recognizable face of Scientology -- then  
scientology comes under attack. He marries Katie -- his ex wife's  
career takes off.  Tom's just  in the wrong  place at the wrong time  
--  most of the time these days. It's a shame because Knight And  
Day is one of the best Tom Cruise movies in years.  but because he  
exposed himself to stuff that was beneath him,  he's gotta fight  his  
way out.

Here's what's crazy, and you guys tell me what you think about this:  
I think his brand needs Will Smith's help. Isn't that crazy? But I  
believe a Will Smith/Tom Cruise movie would put Tom RIGHT back up  
top. That is, so long as he doesn't start doing guest  spots on  
Judge Joe Brown. Tom has to become a movie star again.


On Jun 25, 2010, at 10:39 AM, Kelwyn wrote: 

A Rough Start for 'Knight and Day'
by Mike Krumboltz · June 23, 2010

Not so long ago, Tom Cruise was the biggest movie star on the  
planet. During the '80s and '90s, the guy could not miss. But then,  
one fateful day, the excitable star decided to jump on Oprah's  
couch. It's been a rough go ever since.

Many feel that the infamous moment, combined with a bizarre  
interview with Matt Lauer, caused his star power to tumble. His  
movies, which used to be sure money-makers, began to look a little  
risky. Does Cruise's newest film, Knight and Day, put him back at  
the top of the box office? To quote our Magic 8 Ball, outlook not  
so good.

According to the Los Angeles Times, the film, which opened on  
Wednesday, earned $3.8 million on its opening day. That may not  
sound too shabby for a Wednesday, but keep in mind that Toy Story  
3 took in $13 million during the same time period. Box Office Mojo  
lists the top Wednesday grosses of all time, and Knight and Day  
doesn't even come close to cracking the top 50, despite rising  
ticket prices. Ruh-roh.

Re: [scifinoir2] Drew Barrymore in One-Liners

2010-06-22 Thread Daryle Lockhart

Sci-Fi  Noir has changed the world. I tell you, as well as I know my   
name, I knew that I disliked Drew Barrymore. But now I'm sitting here  
reading these quotes,  many of these things are things I have said  
myself in other  contexts. I did not give her room to  change and  
grow. Shame on me for that.  I'm still  not going to  run out and  
rent  films she's been in,  but I now respect her a LOT more than I  
did before.

On Jun 22, 2010, at 2:55 PM, Martin Baxter wrote:

Have I ever said how much I 327.gif this woman? She went through  
fire, and came out wearing a shell even more glorious than the one  
she had before.

On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 2:52 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:

Here are some quotes from Barrymore, from the esteemed source of  
IMDB, that give insight into her character. One correction: I said  
she likes to make good movies, but I must amend it per her quote  
where she does like to make movies for the audience to enjoy, not  
just artistic projects for her as an actress.  I guess that makes  
sense, given that she seems to have actually been very sad and  
unhappy in your younger days...

Gotta love the Night of the Living Dead quote!

Personal Quotes

I know certain actors are totally screwed up on drugs, yet it gets  
covered up. Why wasn't I excused for 'exhaustion' or 'the flu'?

There's something liberating about not pretending. Dare to  
embarrass yourself. Risk.

If I ever start talking to you about my 'craft', my 'instrument',  
you have permission to shoot me.

I believe in fate. I believe that everything happens for a reason,  
but I think it's important to seek out that reason - that's how you  

I believe you can be the person that you dream of being.

[On her favorite movies to make]: I try to make movies that I would  
want to go see rather than ones I would just want to do as an  
actor. I want people to have movies full of romance and hope and  
empowerment, something they can escape into and feel good about. I  
love happy endings.

[On her morning routine]: Every morning I stay in bed for ten  
minutes to ponder my place in the universe. Then I wash my face and  
check my karma.

Life is very interesting. In the end, some of your greatest pains  
become your greatest strengths.

I love levity. As crazy as I am, I just love to laugh!

I'm getting older so those dark circles are really starting to  
show. Now, I'm starting to look like Night of the Living Dead.

When I lay my head on the pillow at night, I can say I was a  
decent person today. That's when I feel beautiful.

There's nothing like the power of a smile.

[As quoted in Woman's World (5-24-05 issue]: I'd rather be a few  
pounds heavier and enjoy life than be worried all the time.

I don't want to sit around and hope good things happen. I want to  
make them happen.

[Quoted in Woman's Day, 11-1-05]: My whole life, I've wanted to  
feel comfortable in my skin. It's the most liberating thing in the  

My parents are not bad people. It was just a case of them not  
wanting a child.

You have to fight unhappiness like a dragon with fire and breathe.

As much light as I have inside me, there's just as much darkness,  
I'm afraid. There's a polarity, and I still have demons to work out.

I love women who have fought to the change the world and made a  
difference. I want to be one of them myself.

I did karaoke once - a Pat Benatar song - and my friends looked at  
me with disgust. (In Style/Sept/2006)

I just think happiness is what makes you pretty. Period. Happy  
people are beautiful. They become like a mirror and they reflect  
that happiness. If somebody walks in the room and they're drop-dead  
gorgeous and sexy, it's really fun to look at. But if someone is  
giving of their spirit and they make you laugh and feel good,  
that's a whole other level of beauty.

[on her attraction to Christian Bale] He's so cute! And I knew him  
when he was a kid. He was in Empire of the Sun (1987). If he walked  
into the room now, I would totally clam up. Or I might go overboard  
and embarrass myself.

On California's Proposition 8 (the ballot banning same-sex  
marriage): We can't take a step backwards when we've already made  
so many strides forward. I was raised by gay men and's  
who I am, you cannot define a family. There are children out there  
who need these loving homes. These are rights that are fundamental  
and must be had. And I will fight for however long it takes; I  
don't want to live in a world where prop 8 exists!

[On gay marriage]: You can't define love and you can't define a  
family. It comes in so many radical colors. And children need  
loving homes and people want to adopt who are gay! Why would we  
ever try to stand in their way? It's unfathomable.

If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the  

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Jaden Smith's Karate Kid Defies Hollywood wisdom

2010-06-21 Thread Daryle Lockhart

...just ask the Eastwoods.

Another thing to factor in is that  Will's son's LAST picture was a  
remake, and was horrible. This film succeeded, as much  as nobody   
wants to admit it, BECAUSE of Jaden Smith. And I love me some Jackie  
Chan.  But Jaden made this character work!

On Jun 21, 2010, at 11:36 AM, Kelwyn wrote:

Nothing in Hollywood is a slam dunk. Before hand everybody was  
picking The A-team, another remake, as the slam dunk. Further,  
conventional wisdom is that a major movie must be helmed by a white  
person. Lastly, what does Will Smith's track record have to do with  
his son? Hollywood dominance is not hereditary.


--- In, Omari Confer clockwork...@...  

 Its also a remake...with Will Smith's kidand the most  
prolific action

 star on the planetslam dunk.

 On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 9:43 AM, Kelwyn ravena...@... wrote:

  Jaden Smith's The Karate Kid wasn't supposed to score a huge  

  million opening (and $112 million in two weeks).
  It is done so by defying conventional Hollywood wisdom.  
Amazingly, it has
  an almost entirely nonwhite cast. This something The Prince of  
Persia and

  The Last Airbender were too timid to try.


Re: [scifinoir2] Why the hatred for Jaden Smith?

2010-06-21 Thread Daryle Lockhart
It's not Jaden.  It's his parents. The world hates his parents  but  
worship money  too much to say it to their faces.

Generation X and early Y are under-achievers.  We coin phrases like  
underwhelm. Will and Jada  do what they  say they're gonna do.  
Collectively,  we don't like that. And so yeah, they're gonna be  
hatred towards BOTH kids. Wait till Willow's album drops.

What has amazed me is the amount  of BLACK hatred towards Jaden. We  
keep hating on young  people who are doing  good work, and we wonder  
why  the majority of young people wanna stay under-achievers.

On Jun 21, 2010, at 10:26 AM, ravenadal wrote:

What is Jaden Smith's crime? Last weekend, the up-and-coming young  
actor, who will turn 12 this July 8, starred in a remake of The  
Karate Kid that audiences flocked to beyond expectation and, from  
all available evidence, loved. Given that Smith is front and center  
in more or less every frame of the 2 hour and 20 minute movie (and  
given that his performance, as a kid who hides his sadness behind a  
mask of surliness, is — to this critic, at least — a magnetic and  
affecting piece of acting), I hope we can all agree that Jaden  
Smith's presence on screen had a little something to do with the  
movie's success. Yet Smith's rise has been greeted, in far too many  
quarters (including a number of comment boards on, like the  
one on my review), with bitter, gnashing resentment. This 11-year- 
old really has the haters foaming.

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Why the hatred for Jaden Smith?

2010-06-21 Thread Daryle Lockhart
Additionally, the reason they  switched back to Karate Kid title in  
the US was because of the story.  He originally knew Karate and had  
no hope of winning  with that  style. Jackie's character trains him  
in Kung Fu.

On Jun 21, 2010, at 4:11 PM, Kelwyn wrote:

In this instance the filmmakers have crossed their ts and dotted  
their is. The film is known as The Kung Fu Kid internationally  
and Best Kid in Japan.


--- In, Amy Harlib ahar...@... wrote:

 I'm really looking forward to seeing this film. I liked the  
trailers and I love Jackie Chan. I hate the title. The story has  
nothing to do with Karate which is a Japanese thing.
 It is about kung-fu and China! This film's title insults billions  
of Chinese people all over the world that Hollywood is so greedy to  
sell tickets by exploiting the Karate Kid franchise that they think  
folks are too stupid to tell the difference between Karate and Kung- 
 All those slanty-eyed Asians are all alike, eh? Typical Hollywood  
willful ignorance. They could have correctly and accurately called  
this film Kung-Fu Kid and with Jackie Chan's name on it, sold just  
as many tickets I bet!

 I'll still go for Jackie Chan, if nothing else.


 It's not Jaden. It's his parents. The world hates his parents but  
worship money too much to say it to their faces.

 Generation X and early Y are under-achievers. We coin phrases  
like underwhelm. Will and Jada do what they say they're gonna do.  
Collectively, we don't like that. And so yeah, they're gonna be  
hatred towards BOTH kids. Wait till Willow's album drops.

 What has amazed me is the amount of BLACK hatred towards Jaden.  
We keep hating on young people who are doing good work, and we  
wonder why the majority of young people wanna stay under-achievers.

 On Jun 21, 2010, at 10:26 AM, ravenadal wrote: 

 What is Jaden Smith's crime? Last weekend, the up-and-coming  
young actor, who will turn 12 this July 8, starred in a remake of  
The Karate Kid that audiences flocked to beyond expectation and,  
from all available evidence, loved. Given that Smith is front and  
center in more or less every frame of the 2 hour and 20 minute  
movie (and given that his performance, as a kid who hides his  
sadness behind a mask of surliness, is — to this critic, at least —  
a magnetic and affecting piece of acting), I hope we can all agree  
that Jaden Smith's presence on screen had a little something to do  
with the movie's success. Yet Smith's rise has been greeted, in far  
too many quarters (including a number of comment boards on,  
like the one on my review), with bitter, gnashing resentment. This  
11-year-old really has the haters foaming.

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Jaden Smith's Karate Kid Defies Hollywood wisdom

2010-06-21 Thread Daryle Lockhart
The SON of Clint is in Invictus and is a pretty weak  
far. So far the most  successful Coppola besides Francis doesn't use  
the name (he uses Nick Cage). Robert Downey Jr is  WAY more  
successful than his dad ever was, pre-and post rehab.

As has been mentioned already, Michael Douglas is really one of the  
best actor's kid example.

On Jun 21, 2010, at 1:20 PM, Omari Confer wrote:

The daughter of Clint went out of her way to not use her dads  
repand has gotten her nowhere. The foundation of hollywood is  
in the genes man. Ask the Baldwins...the Barrymores, The Arquettes,  
the Copalas...etc

On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 11:44 AM, Daryle Lockhart wrote:

...just ask the Eastwoods.

Another thing to factor in is that  Will's son's LAST picture was a  
remake, and was horrible. This film succeeded, as much  as nobody   
wants to admit it, BECAUSE of Jaden Smith. And I love me some  
Jackie Chan.  But Jaden made this character work!

On Jun 21, 2010, at 11:36 AM, Kelwyn wrote:

Nothing in Hollywood is a slam dunk. Before hand everybody was  
picking The A-team, another remake, as the slam dunk. Further,  
conventional wisdom is that a major movie must be helmed by a  
white person. Lastly, what does Will Smith's track record have to  
do with his son? Hollywood dominance is not hereditary.


--- In, Omari Confer clockwork...@...  

 Its also a remake...with Will Smith's kidand the most  
prolific action

 star on the planetslam dunk.

 On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 9:43 AM, Kelwyn ravena...@... wrote:

  Jaden Smith's The Karate Kid wasn't supposed to score a huge  

  million opening (and $112 million in two weeks).
  It is done so by defying conventional Hollywood wisdom.  
Amazingly, it has
  an almost entirely nonwhite cast. This something The Prince  
of Persia and

  The Last Airbender were too timid to try.



Re: [scifinoir2] In California, license plates might go electronic

2010-06-21 Thread Daryle Lockhart
KID? This is hackable at the concept level. Display  ads on an LED  
screen? Great fun. Finding  color combinations that traffic cameras  
can't read...pulling  people over because their fuse blew out...oh  
this is just  a MESS waiting to happen.

On Jun 21, 2010, at 6:42 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

You know it. They could do one big hack and cause everyone on the  
freeway to stop and then a choreographed dance song will flash on  
the license plates and inside the cars.

On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 10:22 AM, Martin Baxter wrote:

And, Mr Worf, I can alreadys ee to downside to this.

Within a year, some smart kid will have figured out how to hack e- 
plates. And, for a small fee (certainly less than the cost of an  
actual e-plate), it'll be for sale on darkboards everywhere, just  
like the new ATM e-hack kit I heard about on the news this weekend..

On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 1:31 AM, Mr. Worf  

This has the makings of a bad scifi movie backdrop.

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at: 

If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the  
bloody hell wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at: 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Asking for Movie Suggestions

2010-06-21 Thread Daryle Lockhart
I've been really immersed in Bollywood and Asian films on DVD/online  
lately.  Raaavan was the best  Indian film I've seen in a couple of  
years.  Kites  was the most  accessible,  as it's in English. It's  
playing  near you  as Kites: The Remix, which  was re-edited by  
Brett Ratner.

I'm down for Last Airbender and Inception,  but I gotta  say...I'm  
really  not personally  looking  forward to  any  big  budget films  
except Tron Legacy. I'm way more excited to see Scott Pilgrim than  
anything  else this summer.


On Jun 21, 2010, at 9:54 PM, angelababycat wrote:

Saw your original post and felt sad I had nothing interesting to  
offer. But the new Predators movie opens July 9th and I will be  
there for the 11:00 am Friday showing of course. Also on my see at  
the theater for the special effects vs waiting for PPV list:

June 30th - Twilight Saga: Eclipse
July 2nd - The Last Airbender
July 16th - Inception
August 27th - Resident Evil: Afterlife

Other than Predators maybe, not a very exciting summer movie list  
for me I'm affraid.


--- In, Keith Johnson  
keithbjohn...@... wrote:

 Not a suggestion? Anyone watching any movies at the theatre?  
Recently I've seen Kings of the Evening, which was nice, and plan  
to see a little-known-but-well-praised foreign flick, The Secret  
in Their Eyes. It's way off the summer-blockbuster path...

 - Original Message -
 From: Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@...
 Sent: Friday, June 11, 2010 6:35:19 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
 Subject: Asking for Movie Suggestions

 Any recommendations on which of the big summer movies are worth  

 Have any of you seen Prince of Persia, Robin Hood, A-Team, Karate  
Kid, Splice, Killers, Shrek, Get Him to the Greek

 With the summer blockbuster season here, we're inundated with  
all the next-big-things at the box office: all the CGI- and action- 
heavy movies. Typically I start to burn out after a while, as so  
many of them nowadays seem to be mediocre films based mostly on  
explosions, fights, and FX. Iron Man 2 was okay, but a bit of a  
disappointment. I need to watch the money I spend at the cinema, so  
don't want to plop down my six bucks for something that I can wait  
for on DVD. And there are some indie films like Mother and Child  
and Kings of the Evening that I'd rather see, since they actually  
rely on plots and good acting.

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Jaden Smith's Karate Kid Defies Hollywood wisdom

2010-06-21 Thread Daryle Lockhart
Wow,  I'm gonna search  for that  interview,  because until you   
typed this,  I had Drew written off as very Madonna ish, in that   
if 'being  smart' is what's up, then she's all  in.  Until being   
dumb is what's up. Then she's at that party.

You may have singlehandedly  changed my view of her.


On Jun 21, 2010, at 9:24 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:

One of the most successful acting families in history is the  
Barrymore family, with actors going back to the early 20th  
century.  Drew has been very successful in her own right since her  
days as the cute kid actor. While one may argue about the types of  
movies she does, or debate her acting ability, she's undeniably  
able to get and create work, having been a producer as well as an  
actress. Besides, she really is a student of film history, and  
after i heard her on NPR's Fresh Air saying how honored she was  
to speak to host Terry Gross, I upped her assessment in my book.  
Any actress who regularly listens to NPR and counts being on it an  
honor is okay in my book.

- Original Message -
From: Daryle Lockhart
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 8:41:14 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Jaden Smith's Karate Kid Defies  
Hollywood wisdom

The SON of Clint is in Invictus and is a pretty weak  
far. So far the most  successful Coppola besides Francis doesn't  
use the name (he uses Nick Cage). Robert Downey Jr is  WAY more  
successful than his dad ever was, pre-and post rehab.

As has been mentioned already, Michael Douglas is really one of the  
best actor's kid example.

On Jun 21, 2010, at 1:20 PM, Omari Confer wrote:

The daughter of Clint went out of her way to not use her dads  
repand has gotten her nowhere. The foundation of hollywood is  
in the genes man. Ask the Baldwins...the Barrymores, The Arquettes,  
the Copalas...etc

On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 11:44 AM, Daryle Lockhart wrote:

...just ask the Eastwoods.

Another thing to factor in is that  Will's son's LAST picture was a  
remake, and was horrible. This film succeeded, as much  as nobody   
wants to admit it, BECAUSE of Jaden Smith. And I love me some  
Jackie Chan.  But Jaden made this character work!

On Jun 21, 2010, at 11:36 AM, Kelwyn wrote:

Nothing in Hollywood is a slam dunk. Before hand everybody was  
picking The A-team, another remake, as the slam dunk. Further,  
conventional wisdom is that a major movie must be helmed by a white  
person. Lastly, what does Will Smith's track record have to do with  
his son? Hollywood dominance is not hereditary.


--- In, Omari Confer clockwork...@...  

 Its also a remake...with Will Smith's kidand the most  
prolific action

 star on the planetslam dunk.

 On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 9:43 AM, Kelwyn ravena...@... wrote:

  Jaden Smith's The Karate Kid wasn't supposed to score a huge  

  million opening (and $112 million in two weeks).
  It is done so by defying conventional Hollywood wisdom.  
Amazingly, it has
  an almost entirely nonwhite cast. This something The Prince of  
Persia and

  The Last Airbender were too timid to try.



Re: [scifinoir2] Torchwood Marathon Today

2010-06-14 Thread Daryle Lockhart

If it weren't for World Cup and E3, they'd totally have me!

This reminds me: As it turns out,  STARZ network is getting the new  
season. I have the channel, but I don't know two other  people who  
do. Anybody  here? Would the fact that  Torchwood is on make you get  
the channel,  or would you  just  wait  for the DVD/iTunes download  

On Jun 14, 2010, at 1:06 PM, Sammie A wrote:



Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Mortal Kombat Returns

2010-06-11 Thread Daryle Lockhart
You know, I've seen all of these films, and I have to say...I want   
Michael back in action movies. I understand the financial  and  
marketing  reasons behind doing  these dramatic a comedic roles,  but  
I would appreciate  him using his martial arts skills  on screen a  
little more.

On Jun 10, 2010, at 7:45 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:

You must not have seen Why Did I Get Married Too? or Black  
Dynamite, both of which starred White, in the last year. The  
former was typical Tyler Perry fare, with a lot of time devoted to  
White's comedic role as a husband with a (justifiably) suspicious  
wife. The later was pitch-perfect in the first half, a great spoof  
of Blaxploitation films, though it unfortunately got sillier and  
even less believable in the second half. Still, it coud be the  
template for a great run of movies if done right, kinda like a  
black, '70's version of the Police Squad flicks.

- Original Message -
From: Michelle Lauren
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 8:53:02 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Mortal Kombat Returns

One word: AWESOME. I would definitely pay to watch this in the
theater. I haven't seen Michael Jai White in a while. Great to see him
again; he is perfect in action movies.

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Re: [scifinoir2] I don't normally post this sort of thing to this list, but...

2010-06-10 Thread Daryle Lockhart

I  LOVE hearing  news like this. Congratulations, Adrianne!

We need more feisty and sexy women of color being  written about!

The Romulan Ale is on Adrianne in Spring 2011,  guys!


On Jun 10, 2010, at 9:35 AM, Adrianne Brennan wrote:'s very topical. Honest.

I am very pleased to announce at last that I have accepted the  
offer of a contract for my short story, Love Under Will, a  
paranormal/interracial erotic romance, for the Mammoth Book of Hot  
Romance anthology.

It will be released in Spring '11 and yes, it's a print work.  
Google for Mammoth Book of and you'll find a lot of  
them. This will be the latest one to come out. Needless to say, I  
am extremely honored, delighted, and excited and any new news and  
information I can pass along about it as time goes on, I most  
certainly will.

I am especially sharing with this list because the main character  
is an angel in addition to being a very feisty and sexy woman of  
color. I sincerely hope that when it comes out, people on this list  
will enjoy the tale. I thought of you all when I wrote it. :)

Love  Magic,

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Re: [scifinoir2] Fwd: Introducing iPhone 4.

2010-06-08 Thread Daryle Lockhart
The rich play with Android. iPhone's success on the surface LOOKS  
like a lot of money  is being  spent on hardware,  but there are   
more 3G units out there (which  run around $99) than 3GS units. ATT  
is making their money in the data plans. Acer just  announced their  
Ferrari endorsed and themed smartphones last week.  Android OS.

iPhone 4 is a divorce lawyer's  dream come true. Video calls have to  
go through a hub somewhere.  And gee, I wonder if said hub will be  
able to keep a record of  video  phone sex between two  ATT  

This is cool and all,  but part of my love for the Apple brand is the  
idea that as users, we're a small band of rebels.  that's not the  
case with the iPhones. Everybody's gonna have one of these, and not  
use most of the improvements. Also, I  don't like what  Apple's  
doing  in relationship to the iPad.  If you  can do  all this for the  
phone,  why  not just  wait  until  you  can scale it for the iPad  
and have a fully functioning tablet computer? It's like the old  
Toyota scam, where they make their best improvements in the Avalon,   
put it out on the low, then charge $20,000 more for the same car with  
a Lexus logo on it.

And finally,  I'm tired of not being  able to  personalize my  
hardware the way I want. I don't want better iPhone skins,  I want  
to  be able to  design ad install steampunk-inspired boxes with   
brass and glass without  voiding  my  AppleCare. I want m-flo or  
D'Banj ringtones without  buying  entire songs through the iTunes store.

What I  really want from Apple is a better iPad. I want all of this  
functionality and attention to  detail  put into  something I'm  
really  going to use. I don't want a mini-Tricorder...I want a bloody  
Tricorder.  Give me a lightmeter and two  cameras on a touchscreen  
computer.  I'll install Skype and everything will  be fine.

On Jun 8, 2010, at 6:57 AM, Martin Baxter wrote:

Frankly, Mr Worf, color me UNDERwhelmed. Another toy for the rich  
to play with.

On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 1:18 AM, Mr. Worf  

iPhone 4. This changes everything. Again. Arriving June 24. Learn  
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Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at: 

If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the  
bloody hell wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: [milliways-L] New series of Torchwood!

2010-06-07 Thread Daryle Lockhart

Yes, that's exactly what this deal means.

It's a really  smart deal,  actually.  It will probably generate  
quite a few subscriptions for Starz,  and BBC gets the licensing  
money  anyway,  so  it's all good.


On Jun 7, 2010, at 5:15 PM, Martin Baxter wrote:

Starz... PLEASE let that mean that Starz will get first US airing  
rights. 360.gif360.gif360.gif360.gif

On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 2:41 PM, Thomas N. Beck  


BBC Press Release:

BBC Cymru Wales, BBC Worldwide and US premium entertainment network  
Starz Entertainment have today announced a three-way co-production  
partnership that will develop a new series of the hit BBC sci-fi  
drama Torchwood. BBC Worldwide will also distribute the series to  
broadcasters globally.

The 10-episode instalment will be written by a team led by  
Torchwood creator Russell T Davies and produced by BBC Worldwide  
Davies and BBC Worldwide Productions' SVP Scripted, Julie Gardner,  
return as executive producers with BBC Worldwide Productions EVP  
Jane Tranter. The series has been commissioned by Controller BBC  
One, Jay Hunt, Controller BBC Drama, Ben Stephenson and Starz  
President and CEO, Chris Albrecht.

While previous series were based on location in Cardiff, Wales,  
this new instalment will see storylines widen to include locations  
in the US and around the world.

John Barrowman and Eve Myles will return in their roles as Captain  
Jack and Gwen respectively, along with new faces.

Announcing the commission, Ben Stephenson, Controller, BBC Drama  
Commissioning, said: We have a long history of working with many  
US networks, but it is incredibly exciting to be working with Starz  
for the first time, as well as to be reunited with the best of  
British in Russell, Jane and Julie.

Torchwood will burst back onto the screen with a shocking and  
moving story with global stakes and locations that will make it  
feel bigger and bolder than ever.

Jane Tranter, EVP, BBC Worldwide Productions, added: Torchwood has  
attracted remarkable attention and loyalty in both the UK and US,  
and in this new partnership with Starz, the next chapter will not  
only reward our current fans, but also introduce new viewers to the  
most impressive instalment yet.
We're committed to programming exceptional television that is  
entertaining, imaginative and provides a premium TV experience, and  
by any measure the new concept for Torchwood fits that mandate.

Starz, LLC, President and CEO Chris Albrecht, said: I've been part  
of successful partnerships with Jane Tranter and the BBC  
previously, and I'm very much looking forward to working with them  

Torchwood is a drama that puts extraterrestrial threats into a very  
real world, and asks how humanity deals with the danger – while  
fighting mankind's darkest instincts. The series was originally  
commissioned and produced in 2006 by BBC Cymru Wales, with the  
latest high octane series capturing UK audiences of more than  

BBC Worldwide has distributed previous Torchwood series around the  
world to territories such as Korea, Japan, Italy, Spain, Israel,  
Russia and across Latin America.

About BBC Worldwide

BBC Worldwide Limited is the main commercial arm and a wholly owned  
subsidiary of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). The  
company exists to maximise the value of the BBC's assets for the  
benefit of the licence fee payer and invest in public service  
programming in return for rights.
The company has six core businesses: Channels, Content   
Production, Sales  Distribution, Magazines, Home Entertainment and  
Global Brands.
In 2008/09, BBC Worldwide generated profits of £102.6 million  
(before exceptionals) on sales of over £1 billion.

About Starz Entertainment

Starz Entertainment, LLC, is a premium movie and original  
programming entertainment service provider operating in the United  
States. The company offers 16 premium channels including the  
flagship Starz® and Encore® brands with approximately 17.1 million  
and 31.1 million subscribers respectively.
Starz Entertainment airs in total more than 1,000 movies and  
original series every month across its pay TV channels and offers  
advanced services including Starz HD, Encore HD, Starz On Demand,  
Encore On Demand, MoviePlex On Demand, Starz HD On Demand, Encore  
HD On Demand, MoviePlex HD On Demand, and Starz Play.
Starz Entertainment ( is an operating unit of Starz,  
LLC, which is a controlled subsidiary of Liberty Media Corporation,  
and is attributed to Liberty Starz (NASDAQ: LSTZA), a tracking  
stock group of Liberty Media Corporation.


Tom Beck

Dudley Moore: Do you feel you've learnt by your mistakes here?

Peter Cook: I think I have, yes, and I think I can probably repeat  
them almost perfectly.

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If all the world's 

Re: [scifinoir2] Strange Discovery on Titan Leads to Speculation of Alien Life

2010-06-07 Thread Daryle Lockhart
Hmmm...strange discovery on Titan one day,  iPhone4 design revealed a  
few days later.

I'm not SAYING  there's a relationship...

On Jun 7, 2010, at 8:27 PM, brent wodehouse wrote: 

Strange Discovery on Titan Leads to Speculation of Alien Life

By Charles Q. Choi Contributor

posted: 07 June 2010

New findings have roused a great deal of hoopla over the  
possibility of
life on Saturn's moon Titan, which some news reports have further  
hyped up

as hints of extraterrestrials.

However, scientists also caution that aliens might have nothing to  
do with

these findings.

All this excitement is rooted in analyses of chemical data returned by
NASA's Cassini spacecraft. One study suggested that hydrogen was  

down through Titan's atmosphere and disappearing at the surface.
Astrobiologist Chris McKay at NASA Ames Research Center speculated  

could be a tantalizing hint that hydrogen is getting consumed by life.

It's the obvious gas for life to consume on Titan

similar to the way we consume oxygen on Earth, McKay said.

Another study investigating hydrocarbons on Titan's surface found a  

of acetylene, a compound that could be consumed as food by life that
relies on liquid methane instead of liquid water to live.

If these signs do turn out to be a sign of life
070806_GM_life_universe.html], it
would be doubly exciting because it would represent a second form  
of life

independent from water-based life on Earth, McKay said.

However, NASA scientists caution that aliens might not be involved  
at all.

Scientific conservatism suggests that a biological explanation  
should be
the last choice after all non-biological explanations are  
addressed, said
Mark Allen, principal investigator with the NASA Astrobiology  

Titan team. We have a lot of work to do to rule out possible
non-biological explanations. It is more likely that a chemical  

without biology, can explain these results.

Both results are still preliminary, McKay told

To date, methane-based life forms
chemistry.html] are
only speculative, with McKay proposing a set of conditions  
necessary for

these kinds of organisms on Titan in 2005. Scientists have not yet
detected this form of life anywhere, although there are liquid- 
microbes on Earth that thrive on methane or produce it as a waste  

On Titan, where temperatures are around minus 290 degrees Fahrenheit
(minus 179 degrees Celsius), any organisms would have to use a  
that is liquid as its medium for living processes. Water itself  
cannot do,

because it is frozen solid on Titan's surface. The list of liquid
candidates is very short -- liquid methane and related molecules  
such as
ethane. Previous studies have found Titan to have lakes of liquid  


Missing hydrogen?

The dearth of hydrogen Cassini detected is consistent with  
conditions that

could produce methane-based life, but do not conclusively prove its
existence, cautioned researcher Darrell Strobel, a Cassini
interdisciplinary scientist based at Johns Hopkins University in
Baltimore, Md., who authored the paper on hydrogen appearing online  
in the

journal Icarus.

Strobel looked at densities of hydrogen in different parts of the
atmosphere and the surface. Previous models from scientists had  

that hydrogen molecules, a byproduct of ultraviolet sunlight breaking
apart acetylene and methane molecules in the upper atmosphere,  
should be

distributed fairly evenly throughout the atmospheric layers.

Strobel's computer simulations suggest a hydrogen flow down to the  

at a rate of about 10,000 trillion trillion molecules per second.

It's as if you have a hose and you're squirting hydrogen onto the  

but it's disappearing, Strobel said. I didn't expect this result,
because molecular hydrogen is extremely chemically inert in the
atmosphere, very light and buoyant. It should 'float' to the top of  

atmosphere and escape.

Strobel said it is not likely that hydrogen is being stored in a  
cave or

underground space on Titan. An unknown mineral could be acting as a
catalyst on Titan's surface to help convert hydrogen molecules and
acetylene back to methane.

Although Allen commended Strobel, he noted a more sophisticated model
might be needed to look into what the flow of hydrogen is.

Consumed acetylene?

Scientists had expected the sun's interactions with chemicals in the
atmosphere to produce acetylene that falls down to coat the Titan  

But Cassini mapped hydrocarbons on Titan's surface, it detected no
acetylene on the surface, findings appearing online 

Re: [scifinoir2] Donald Glover for Spider-Man: The evolution of a meme

2010-06-01 Thread Daryle Lockhart

I'm actually with this.

I wonder if there's an Indian or East  Asian actress that  would be  
right to audition for Mary Jane. The story takes place in Queens, and  
that  would really  reflect the contemporary  look  of the borough.

If you  play the chess match all the way through...this is a nice  
setup for Donald at Marvel.


On Jun 1, 2010, at 6:29 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

I would go see it if they cast him in it.

One of the replies brought up an interesting thing. Uncle Ben. Just  
the name alone would bring up a bunch of unusual topics. ;)

Would Mary Jane still be white?

On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 1:51 PM, Martin Baxter wrote:

This ought to wake up anyone who's been asleep at the keyboard...


Late last week, we wrote about the idea of Sony casting a non-white  
Peter Parker for their Spider-Man reboot. Then...a thing happened.  
And suddenly, Community actor Donald Glover has rallied the  
internet to his cause: getting him an audition.

More at: 

If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the  
bloody hell wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at: 

Re: [scifinoir2] Problem with Joss Whedon

2010-05-29 Thread Daryle Lockhart
Without Joss or a comic writer with a similar following, the Marvel  
movies are going to fall off really quickly. There aren't a lot of  
directors that  can pull off a Warren Ellis (or the like)  script),  
so it's either Joss or Kevin Smith.  Which would you prefer?

Having Joss rewrite Captain America is a really good idea. The folks  
at Warner Bros would wanna remember Dwayne McDuffie's number and put  
him on one of the DC movies.


On May 29, 2010, at 4:54 PM, Martin Baxter wrote:

rave, my love of Joss comes from the characters he brings to vivid  
life, something that, IMO, only Joe Strazcynski has managed  
previously. On his shows, there are fan clubs for almost all of the  
characters he cooks p. Must be doing something right.

On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 3:31 PM, Kelwyn wrote:

Joss Whedon is apparently all but cofirmed as the director of the  
upcoming Avengers movie and is also going to do a rewrite of the  
Captain America and The Avengers scripts. I recognize the  
importance of having a unified cohesive story, but Joss Whedon? So  
he's a great script doctor: Speed, Twister, X-Men, Alien:  
Resurrection. Those were some great movies……Did you sense my sarcasm?

If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the  
bloody hell wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: The End Of Lost

2010-05-25 Thread Daryle Lockhart

*touches nose* WINNER!

It's not that  it's intentional,  its a result  of the last strike. I  
have a few real life friends and so-show media friends who write  
for a living. One left writing on a soap  to  work camera on porn and  
made more in 6 weeks than he had in the past year. Writers feel like  
this(at least, the ones who talk to me): They gave their best  work  
and got screwed.  No equity. No respect. No money. You can't even  
get  women with the I'm a writer on so-and-so show line anymore. So  
eff this. We're going to make web series and try to raise our own  
money  for our own projects. And they  are.  It;s a slow process,   
but it's closer to  the dream that  many  writers went to  Hollywood  
FOR.  On many TV shows, you have the line-crossers. Those who will  
play ball. Not calling them scabs,  because some ARE really   
talented,  but they  don't trust the networks. Good work is being   
jacked and the wrong people are getting paid REALLY well.

On May 24, 2010, at 5:42 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

Has anyone noticed that shows have gotten worse since the last  
writers strike? Do you think that it is intentional?

On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 1:57 PM, Omari Confer wrote:
Tis bad my fine fellows but it is hardly battlestar bad. Lost only  
partly betrayed what it was. I had an xfiles aftertaste when it was  
done. Witness the death of serial sci fi.

C w m

Sent on the go from my Peek
Mr. wrote:

Wow I'm glad that I didn't watch it.

On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 1:18 PM, Martin Baxter  

 Just found this synopsis, courtesy of Yahu. Spoiler-ific, and  
supportive of

 any available argument for NOT watching. EVER.

 On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 4:03 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 I didn't watch for the same reasons Rave wrote.

 On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Martin Baxter  

 rave, if even ONE of those characters had bitten it, the  
Teabaggers would

 be marching on H'Wood.

 Call that another H'Wood failure, then.

 On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 2:50 PM, Kelwyn  

 Didn't watch. I don't hate this show, but I dislike it a lot.  
 Because there was wholesale carnage on the characters of  
color. I was pissed
 off enough when they killed off great characters like Mr. Eko  
and Ana Lucia

 but then I read that they finally killed Sayid, Jin and Sun while
 lilly-white Jack, Sawyer and Kate make it to the end. F-them!  


 That said. I would LOVE to hear ya'll discuss how it ended.


 --- In scifinoir2%, Bosco

 Bosco ironpi...@... wrote:
  Did anyone watch? Did anyone care? I'm still gathering my  

 I'm holding off on discussion of specifics for fear of spoilage.
  I'm torn, really torn. There are somethings I liked and  
somethings I
 didnt. I think they may be the same as the things I've liked  
and disliked

 about the show the whole time.
  I rewatched the pilot episode and while I am not thoroghly  
 that they had the whole thing planned out, I think there was  
some definitive
 planning from the beginning. I think Locke teaching Walt to  
play backgammon

 was indicative of such.
  I'm walking away from six seasons not feeling Galactica'd  
but not

 necessarily satisfied either.
  Anyone else?

 If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the  

 hell wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at:

 If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the  
bloody hell

 wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at: 

Post your SciFiNoir Profile at 
fmvn=mapYahoo! Groups Links

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at: 

Re: [scifinoir2] Series That Ended Badly

2010-05-24 Thread Daryle Lockhart

Voyager. What a complete waste of time.

If you'll remember, I recently decided towatch the show from the  
beginning at the suggestion of Garrett Wang. I have now watched every  
episode of Voyager.  Year Of Hell and Unimatrix Zero are worth  
the price of admission (episodes that  remind me remarkably  of where  
the Lost finale went left, but I digress) . But Endgame was the  
worst ending of any Star Trek show in history --  INCLUDING   

On May 24, 2010, at 2:06 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:

The talk of Lost and the less-than-spectacular ending (no  
Spoilers!) made me think of The Sopranos, whose ending angered  
many fans. And that made me think of BSG, whose ending angered many  
fans. BSG made me think of Enterprise, whose ending angered many-- 
get the drift?

So I was thinking of shows that we loved or at least were attached  
to, which ended in less than satisfactory methods.
Enterprise ticked me off by using another time-travel type  
device, by killing Trip, and by inserting Riker and Troi  

What other series can you think of whose endings you anticipated,  
but which disappointed you? I'm talking about shows that actually  
got an ending, not those that were canceled and simply stopped  
airing new eps. This can be scifi, animation, or any real life drama.

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: The End Of Lost

2010-05-24 Thread Daryle Lockhart
I need to get a headcount of all  who haven't seen and don't want  
spoilers,  because The Lost finale was,  in my  opinion,  a copout,  
and we are  one of the ONLY  groups that can decode this. A good  
hypothesis is not a good paper until you  can prove the math. Lost  
has had the potential  to  rock the world and become the greatest   
science fiction show of all time. It's failed. Three times.

I watched the Final Transmissions  show and noticed JJ Abrams  
wasn't on it.

On May 24, 2010, at 2:50 PM, Kelwyn wrote:

Didn't watch. I don't hate this show, but I dislike it a lot. Why?  
Because there was wholesale carnage on the characters of color. I  
was pissed off enough when they killed off great characters like  
Mr. Eko and Ana Lucia but then I read that they finally killed  
Sayid, Jin and Sun while lilly-white Jack, Sawyer and Kate make it  
to the end. F-them! F-them! F-them!

That said. I would LOVE to hear ya'll discuss how it ended.


--- In, Bosco Bosco ironpi...@... wrote:

 Did anyone watch? Did anyone care? I'm still gathering my  
thoughts. I'm holding off on discussion of specifics for fear of  

 I'm torn, really torn. There are somethings I liked and  
somethings I didnt. I think they may be the same as the things I've  
liked and disliked about the show the whole time.

 I rewatched the pilot episode and while I am not thoroghly  
convinced that they had the whole thing planned out, I think there  
was some definitive planning from the beginning. I think Locke  
teaching Walt to play backgammon was indicative of such.

 I'm walking away from six seasons not feeling Galactica'd but not  
necessarily satisfied either.

 Anyone else?


Re: [scifinoir2] Science-Fictional Music

2010-05-22 Thread Daryle Lockhart

I've been a fan since the EP 2 years ago.  Check out this short  film  
she did to promote it:

As you  can see, she knows full well what she's doing.

I would say that this is the best album of the year,  but I just   
heard part of Sandra St. Victor's latest. Talk about Science Fiction.  
She's got a progressive record with some keyboard-heavy producers and  
songwriters behind her. But ArchAndroid is already onm my  top 10 list.

About the James Brown thing. She says the spirit of James Brown  
visits her performances. So she lets him out a little.

There is one mystery to this whole thing.  How did DIDDY,  of all  
people,  find her?  She's officially a Bad Boy artist.

On May 22, 2010, at 7:29 AM, Mr. Worf wrote:

I think I remember seeing some of her older stuff on VH1 Soul (may  
it rest in peace!) We really don't get to hear anything new in this  
country without filtering through the monopoly filter. There's a  
ton of American and UK RB artists that are making good original  
stuff. :(

I don't want to nitpick but the dance moves are James Brown. She's ok.

On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 3:46 AM, Martin Baxter wrote:

I'm convinced.

Thanks, Brent!

On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 11:05 PM, brent wodehouse wrote: 

Janelle Monáe: The ArchAndroid

By Quentin B. Huff 21 May 2010

Lady Stardust

There’s a perfectly good reason why I never thought of Michael  
Jackson as
the “King of Pop”. It’s not because I’m a hater. It’s not that I  

he was undeserving of the title. It’s that I always thought of Michael
Jackson as an entire category unto himself. How, I wondered, could  
he be
“of” anything? He was his own genre. Same thing with the Beatles.  

Brown. Ella Fitzgerald. Aretha.

I’m not saying Janelle Monáe Robinson has reached the status of  
Jackson. Nor am I suggesting that she can lay claim to an entire  
genre -

at least not yet. If, however, you’re looking for the “total package”,
this little lady from the state of Kansas comes awfully close. Perhaps
more importantly, she’s got all the makings of a genuine ‘70s and ‘80s
rock star, and they sure don’t make a lot of those anymore. These  
it’s about the everyman and everywoman singing relatable tunes, not  
rock god or goddess belting out larger-than-life stadium anthems.  
This is

the age of the familiar, not the foreign.

Janelle Monáe’s rock star bona fides are all intact. She’s got  
vocals for
days, wielding a voice that can be as gentle as a ballad in a  
Disney movie
or so big and thunderous her five foot (1.524 meter) frame hardly  

fit to contain it. A rock star needs an iconic look, and her outfit of
choice is timeless and appropriate: a tuxedo, black and perfectly  
Her hairstyle includes a gravity-defying pompadour. She makes songs  
“Neon Gumbo”, composed with backwards lyrics and a reversed sample  
of her
older tune “Many Moons”, like the stuff Prince added to the end of  

Nikki. Like any self-respecting rock star, she’s fabulous and glam and
entertainingly weird, traits you could easily pick up from her  

When it comes to music, though, she’s focused, message-oriented, and
dedicated to uplifting her listeners.

Better still, she absolutely brings the hotness to her live show.
Hyperactive, to the point of appearing possessed, Janelle Monáe is a
firecracker, a combination of James Brown and David Bowie, among  
She’s undulating, twisting, gyrating, the embodiment of constant  
There’s no lip synching here, folks, and did I mention that she  

like nobody’s business? The sista can dance.

Musically, she’s a live wire, a genre-hopper who touches RB and  
prog rock
with as much verve as she handles jazz, cabaret, rap, doo-wop, and  
She’s chic with a rockabilly lean, smart yet fun, and a gleeful  
student of
Pink Floyd, Prince, Stevie Wonder, Charlie Chaplin, Alfred  
Hitchcock, and
Grace Jones. She ought to be a member of OutKast, but instead of  

it “like a Polaroid picture”, she shakes it “like a schizo”. She’s the
daughter of George Clinton and Parliament’s “Star Child” who  
borrows the “mothership” and takes it out for a spin. She’s  

but she wears James Brown’s dress shoes (without socks!) in lieu of
slippers. She’s Lady Stardust.

She is, quite honestly, the best signee to Sean “Diddy” Combs’s Bad  
label since the Notorious B.I.G., and signing her was certainly  
most interesting choice since he made those kids on Making the Band  

all the way from Manhattan to Brooklyn, New York to secure him some

Still not convinced? Nothing gives you rock star cred like having the
necessary self-indulgence to craft a concept album or rock opera. Pink
Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon, Willie 

Re: [scifinoir2] Robo-Geisha

2010-05-17 Thread Daryle Lockhart

That  kind of wackiness keeps me sane.

You should review it, Amy.  I'd love to get your take on it!


On May 17, 2010, at 7:24 AM, Amy Harlib wrote:
There is a screening here in NYC Tues. May 18th at Japan Society  
and it's sold out.  I already have my ticket and can't wait!   I  
just love this kind of wackiness!


Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Robo-Geisha

I'd attend just to see that.

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 2:48 AM, Mr. Worf  

They are showing the movie RoboGeisha at the Seattle International  
film festival!

Here is some info on the film fest and the trailer:

If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the  
bloody hell wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

Re: [scifinoir2] LaBeouf Says Third Transformers Movie Will Be Better

2010-05-15 Thread Daryle Lockhart
Yes,  sorry  about that. Dreamworks is actually the studio behind  
this franchise. Spielberg is Exec producer. Though,  I've reviewed my  
notes,  and it  looks like Spielberg may have lost Transformers in  
the divorce from Paramount. Not totally sure.  I DO know the new  
Dreamworks is going to  be a very tightly run ship.  Disney is FAMOUS  
for micromanaging a project, and this is Reliance's big foray into   
American movie making. So  this is going to  be an interesting  ride.  
If Paramount keeps Transformers...I dunno.  Seems like  they're gonna  
just  let  the wheels come off, take the writeoff (and tax credits)   
and then pull the plug after 3 movies.

As an aside...we haven't had our poll here in a while,  but I,  for  
one,  am tired of Megan Fox,  and after seeing Jennifer's Body...I  
vote no confidence in Megan's looks to carry a movie. Or even a  
scene. It is time to  give Olivia Munn of G4 more to do. As eye candy's time for more diversity for real.

On May 14, 2010, at 7:42 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:

I just can't raise the excitement to watch the second one. Like I  
said, the over-the-top camera work--and you *know* how much I rail  
against hyperactive cameras in movies--turned me off. I watched a  
good twenty minutes in the Sony store at Lenox Mall here in  
Atlanta, and I developed a headache, as if I'd eaten too much sugar  
and fat-laden food in a hurry. it was noise, explosions, and quick- 
cut scenes.
Meagan Fox is gorgeous, truly one of the prettiest actresses  
around. I always applaud H'Wood when it remembers that raven-haired  
beauties deserve as much of a chance as the blondes who too often  
dominate. But i've never sat through a scifi movie only because an  
actress in it was pretty.

Can you explain the studio reference you mentioned? Is Dreamworks  
behind Transformers?

- Original Message -
From: Daryle Lockhart
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2010 8:19:32 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] LaBeouf Says Third Transformers Movie  
Will Be  Better

Let's just say...he's in Oliver Stone's Wall Street 2: Money Never  

Transformers 2 was sloppy. they  were editing that  movie up until  
1 month before it hit screens.  It  was trying to  do  too much.   
That,  and everybody  was drinking the Megan Fox Kool-Aid.

I  believe T3 will be better if the studio tightens its grip  on  
Michael Bay. Dreamworks isn't at Paramount anymore. This is Disney  
and Reliance.  They WILL get this right  or we'll  be reading about  
a ROM movie coming out in 2012.

On May 14, 2010, at 6:50 AM, Martin Baxter wrote:

Keith, I haven't seen the first one. This isn't much in the way of  
inspiration to invest. LaBoeuf is a good actor. He's gotta be  
getting better offers than this. I HOPE.

On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 1:04 AM, Keith Johnson wrote:

Interesting. I still haven't seen the second one. The bloated  
action trailers, the long snippets I've seen on TVs at  electronic  
stores, those stereotyped ghetto robots--all kept me away from the  
sequel. Didn't help I wasn't too impressed with the first flick  
past the FX. The way the Transformers were minimized in favor of  
the stupid humans didn't appeal to me, nor did the change to lore  
(the Lifespark? Megatron the source for most of our tech? Blah!)  
If LeBeouf himself is saying the second one was worse? I may never  
see it...

LaBeouf promises better 'Transformers' next time

The Associated Press

CANNES, France — Shia LaBeouf says the second Transformers movie  
got too big for its own good — but the third one brings the heart  
back to the franchise.

LaBeouf, who starts work on the next Transformers sequel Tuesday,  
said the third installment will be the best one yet. The new script  
restores a human element that got lost in the second movie, LaBeouf  

When I saw the second movie, I wasn't impressed with what we did,  
LaBeouf said in an interview Thursday at the Cannes Film Festival,  
where his finance drama Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps is  
premiering. There were some really wild stunts in it, but the  
heart was gone.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was a runaway commercial  
success but was drubbed by critics.

Michael Bay returns for the third time as director of the science- 
fiction franchise, which centers on dueling races of giant robots  
that bring their war to Earth. The next movie will have what the  
last one lacked — a sense of human consequences, LaBeouf said.

On the second movie, we got lost. We tried to get bigger. It's  
what happens to sequels. It's like, how do you top the first one?  
You've got to go bigger, LaBeouf said. Mike went so big that it  
became too big, and I think you lost the anchor of the movie. ...  
You lost a bit of the relationships. Unless you have those  

Re: [scifinoir2] LaBeouf Says Third Transformers Movie Will Be Better

2010-05-14 Thread Daryle Lockhart
Let's just say...he's in Oliver Stone's Wall Street 2: Money Never  

Transformers 2 was sloppy. they  were editing that  movie up until 1  
month before it hit screens.  It  was trying to  do  too much.   
That,  and everybody  was drinking the Megan Fox Kool-Aid.

I  believe T3 will be better if the studio tightens its grip  on  
Michael Bay. Dreamworks isn't at Paramount anymore. This is Disney  
and Reliance.  They WILL get this right  or we'll  be reading about a  
ROM movie coming out in 2012.

On May 14, 2010, at 6:50 AM, Martin Baxter wrote:

Keith, I haven't seen the first one. This isn't much in the way of  
inspiration to invest. LaBoeuf is a good actor. He's gotta be  
getting better offers than this. I HOPE.

On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 1:04 AM, Keith Johnson wrote:

Interesting. I still haven't seen the second one. The bloated  
action trailers, the long snippets I've seen on TVs at  electronic  
stores, those stereotyped ghetto robots--all kept me away from the  
sequel. Didn't help I wasn't too impressed with the first flick  
past the FX. The way the Transformers were minimized in favor of  
the stupid humans didn't appeal to me, nor did the change to lore  
(the Lifespark? Megatron the source for most of our tech? Blah!)  
If LeBeouf himself is saying the second one was worse? I may never  
see it...

LaBeouf promises better 'Transformers' next time

The Associated Press

CANNES, France — Shia LaBeouf says the second Transformers movie  
got too big for its own good — but the third one brings the heart  
back to the franchise.

LaBeouf, who starts work on the next Transformers sequel Tuesday,  
said the third installment will be the best one yet. The new script  
restores a human element that got lost in the second movie, LaBeouf  

When I saw the second movie, I wasn't impressed with what we did,  
LaBeouf said in an interview Thursday at the Cannes Film Festival,  
where his finance drama Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps is  
premiering. There were some really wild stunts in it, but the  
heart was gone.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was a runaway commercial  
success but was drubbed by critics.

Michael Bay returns for the third time as director of the science- 
fiction franchise, which centers on dueling races of giant robots  
that bring their war to Earth. The next movie will have what the  
last one lacked — a sense of human consequences, LaBeouf said.

On the second movie, we got lost. We tried to get bigger. It's  
what happens to sequels. It's like, how do you top the first one?  
You've got to go bigger, LaBeouf said. Mike went so big that it  
became too big, and I think you lost the anchor of the movie. ...  
You lost a bit of the relationships. Unless you have those  
relationships, then the movie doesn't matter. Then it's just a  
bunch of robots fighting each other.

With Transformers 3, the toll of the robot war will be grave for  
our planet, LaBeouf said.

There's going to be a lot of death, human death. This time,  
they're targeting humans, LaBeouf said. It's going to be the  
craziest action movie ever made, or we failed.

If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the  
bloody hell wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Iron Man 2 - short review (no spoilers)

2010-05-10 Thread Daryle Lockhart

Yeah count me in the loved it  column too.

I thought Mickey Roarke was absolutely  amazing, and  considering how  
Whiplash is in the  comics...WOW what an improvement.

Terence Howard in the War Machine suit would have bored me to tears.  
Cheadle rocked it. I never  believed that Tony  and Rhodey were   
best  friends in the first film. This time, I did.  Also,  I think  
the fact that Cheadle and RDJ are close in height  really helped one  
particular scene out.

Sam Rockwell is a genius. How do you  steal a scene where you're  
playing a sucker? Scarlett as Black Widow. I gotta say...I bought it.  
I would have bought a whole CASE with Nona Gaye in the role,  but  
otherwise...not bad.

I loved  that the  suits get  damaged. I loved the silly science. I  
loved the massive Avengers setup  all throughout the movie. They   
have uncrowned Spider-Man as the center  of the Marvel Movie universe.

And, Ladies  Gentlemen...this is the  first  movie I  have liked  
Gwyneth Paltrow in since Shakespeare in Love!! She really is a warm  
blooded human (who apparently does not walk in heels much)!

I think there are two major problems with Iron Man 2, and one is Jon  
Favreau...the actor.  He needed to pull back a bit. Happy had too  
much screen time and lines. Also...I'm over Sam Jackson as Nick Fury.  
I think I'm over Sam Jackson, actually.  He's become the same guy in  
every role. This is the same guy from XXX,  and Shaft, and at this  
point, he could say get these m-f'in snakes off my  m-f'in carrier  
and I wouldn' t blink. I'm just over it. As the Nick Fury scenes  
dragged on,  I found myself wishing Avery Brooks or Dennis Haybert  
or, for that  matter,  Bruce Willis were in Jackson's place. That's  
how done I am.

On a personal note: my son and I  had a moment during the message to  
Tony scene that was awesome.

Iron Man 2 does not stand alone. You must  see #1 to get  how good  
this is.  For that  reason,  it  stays out of my top 5 comic  
adaptation movies list. Otherwise, unless Scott Pilgrim is better  
than Kick-Ass,  Iron Man 2 is the best  comic adaptation of the year.  
Sony has a BIG problem. If they don't make Spider Man 4 work...they  
're gonna have to  give the property to Disney.

On May 10, 2010, at 10:52 AM, Kelwyn wrote:

I have been reading a lot of Iron Man 2 reviews. I gave it a rave!
( primarily  
because I am comparing it to other Part 2s. I think it is  
infinitely more entertaining than both Batman Returns and Spider- 
Man 2. In fact, the only superhero sequel that may be better is  
Superman 2.

It can be argued that The Dark Knight is the greatest sequel  
since The Godfather 2 but The Dark Knight is actually Batman VI.

I also grade on a curve because of the speed with which this film  
was brought to the screen. As I state in my review, it could have  
easily been a train wreck of Batman and Robin proportions.

And, against all odds, it isn't.

By the by, I concur, big screen IMAX is the way to see this movie.


--- In, Said Kakese Dibinga s...@...  

 I kept it as vague as possible for those that haven't seen the  
movie as yet.

 I give the movie a grade of 'C+'. The movie doesn't know what  
kind of movie it wants to be, a sure sign of too many studio notes  
on the script. It wasted a good villain in Whiplash and the sub- 
storyline involving Whiplash and Stark. I feel that if Christopehr  
Nolan post Dark-Knight had directed it he would have taken this  
movie to the conclusion/staring everyone in the face in regards to  
one of the main characters. 'Black Widow', nothing special about  
her or her fight scenes. The directors fears of the movie being  
rushed to production to soon in my opinion were justified and  
clearly evident.

 'Justin Hammer' was more like 'Justin Timberlake', is he a bad  
guy or comic-relief?

 The classic storyline of how War Machine is introduced int he  
book is made a mockery in the film, and barley acknowledge. Another  
wasted opportunity.

 Guest appearance by another superhero in the movie, and I don't  
mean War Machine (Terrence Howard is missed) nor Nick Fury.

 Barely worthy of bootleg.


 Said Yenga Kakese Dibinga
 Director General, Bayindo Group SA
 POB 1782
 Los Angeles, CA 90078-1782
 em: s...@...
 skype: saiddibinga

Re: [scifinoir2] British Boy Legally Changes Name to Captain Fantastic Faster...

2010-05-10 Thread Daryle Lockhart

Isn't the Jedi religion officially recognized in England?  I think  
they  may be onto  something. Or,  is it ON something?

On May 10, 2010, at 3:12 PM, Kelwyn wrote:

British Boy Legally Changes Name To 'Captain Fantastic Faster Than  
Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine The Hulk And The Flash Combined'

but you can call him CFFTSSBWTHATFC for short.


Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Iron Man 2 - short review (no spoilers)

2010-05-10 Thread Daryle Lockhart Nick Fury?

On May 10, 2010, at 3:26 PM, Adrianne Brennan wrote:

Ding! Thank you.

~ Where love and magic meet ~
Experience the magic of the Dark Moon series: http://
Dare to take The Oath in this erotic fantasy series: http://
The future of psychic sex - Dawn of the Seraphs (m/m): http://

On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 3:10 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:

You mean Lawrence Fishburne?

- Original Message -
From: Adrianne Brennan
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2010 2:50:58 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Iron Man 2 - short review (no spoilers)

Blanking on who played Morpheus in The Matrix but he would've been  
a better casting IMHO.

~ Where love and magic meet ~
Experience the magic of the Dark Moon series: http://
Dare to take The Oath in this erotic fantasy series: http://
The future of psychic sex - Dawn of the Seraphs (m/m): http://

On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 2:42 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:

Great review. I'm indifferent about Sam Jackson as Nick Fury, but  
it's obvious the Ultimate Universe guys wanted him from the start,  
as the character's facial features were modeled on Sam's face from  
the get-go. I'd love to see Avery Brooks as Fury. Now, if they went  
back to the Caucasian fury of the mainstream Marvel world, I'd love  
to see Fury played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan, recently of The  
Losers, also The Comedian from Watchmen.

By  the way, as an odd aside dealing with characters modeled on  
real life people, have you read any of Marvel's recent series,  
Secret Invasion/Dark Reign/Seige? Wonder why Norman Osborn is so  
obviously modeled on Tommy Lee Jones?

- Original Message -
From: Daryle Lockhart
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2010 2:18:28 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Iron Man 2 - short review (no spoilers)

Yeah count me in the loved it  column too.

I thought Mickey Roarke was absolutely  amazing, and  considering  
how Whiplash is in the  comics...WOW what an improvement.

Terence Howard in the War Machine suit would have bored me to  
tears. Cheadle rocked it. I never  believed that Tony  and Rhodey  
were  best  friends in the first film. This time, I did.  Also,  I  
think the fact that Cheadle and RDJ are close in height  really  
helped one particular scene out.

Sam Rockwell is a genius. How do you  steal a scene where you're  
playing a sucker? Scarlett as Black Widow. I gotta say...I bought  
it. I would have bought a whole CASE with Nona Gaye in the role,   
but otherwise...not bad.

I loved  that the  suits get  damaged. I loved the silly science. I  
loved the massive Avengers setup  all throughout the movie. They   
have uncrowned Spider-Man as the center  of the Marvel Movie universe.

And, Ladies  Gentlemen...this is the  first  movie I  have liked  
Gwyneth Paltrow in since Shakespeare in Love!! She really is a warm  
blooded human (who apparently does not walk in heels much)!

I think there are two major problems with Iron Man 2, and one is  
Jon Favreau...the actor.  He needed to pull back a bit. Happy had  
too much screen time and lines. Also...I'm over Sam Jackson as Nick  
Fury. I think I'm over Sam Jackson, actually.  He's become the same  
guy in every role. This is the same guy from XXX,  and Shaft, and  
at this point, he could say get these m-f'in snakes off my  m-f'in  
carrier and I wouldn' t blink. I'm just over it. As the Nick Fury  
scenes dragged on,  I found myself wishing Avery Brooks or Dennis  
Haybert or, for that  matter,  Bruce Willis were in Jackson's  
place. That's how done I am.

On a personal note: my son and I  had a moment during the message  
to Tony scene that was awesome.

Iron Man 2 does not stand alone. You must  see #1 to get  how good  
this is.  For that  reason,  it  stays out of my top 5 comic  
adaptation movies list. Otherwise, unless Scott Pilgrim is better  
than Kick-Ass,  Iron Man 2 is the best  comic adaptation of the  
year. Sony has a BIG problem. If they don't make Spider Man 4  
work...they 're gonna have to  give the property to Disney.

On May 10, 2010, at 10:52 AM, Kelwyn wrote:

I have been reading a lot of Iron Man 2 reviews. I gave it a rave!
( primarily  
because I am comparing it to other Part 2s. I think it is  
infinitely more entertaining than both Batman Returns and Spider- 
Man 2. In fact, the only superhero sequel that may be better is  
Superman 2.

It can be argued

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Iron Man 2 - short review (no spoilers)

2010-05-10 Thread Daryle Lockhart
Jeffrey Morgan would be great  with the eyepatch, I give you that!  
But Avery Brooks would be the cool  that Marvel is looking  for.  And  
his age would really  give the scenes with Tony the dimension they want.

I have Siege issues and have not read yet.

I am so behind on graphic novels and indies I had to  put all major  
pubs down after  Brightest Day #1.

On May 10, 2010, at 2:42 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:

Great review. I'm indifferent about Sam Jackson as Nick Fury, but  
it's obvious the Ultimate Universe guys wanted him from the start,  
as the character's facial features were modeled on Sam's face from  
the get-go. I'd love to see Avery Brooks as Fury. Now, if they went  
back to the Caucasian fury of the mainstream Marvel world, I'd love  
to see Fury played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan, recently of The  
Losers, also The Comedian from Watchmen.

By  the way, as an odd aside dealing with characters modeled on  
real life people, have you read any of Marvel's recent series,  
Secret Invasion/Dark Reign/Seige? Wonder why Norman Osborn is so  
obviously modeled on Tommy Lee Jones?

- Original Message -
From: Daryle Lockhart
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2010 2:18:28 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Iron Man 2 - short review (no spoilers)

Yeah count me in the loved it  column too.

I thought Mickey Roarke was absolutely  amazing, and  considering  
how Whiplash is in the  comics...WOW what an improvement.

Terence Howard in the War Machine suit would have bored me to  
tears. Cheadle rocked it. I never  believed that Tony  and Rhodey  
were  best  friends in the first film. This time, I did.  Also,  I  
think the fact that Cheadle and RDJ are close in height  really  
helped one particular scene out.

Sam Rockwell is a genius. How do you  steal a scene where you're  
playing a sucker? Scarlett as Black Widow. I gotta say...I bought  
it. I would have bought a whole CASE with Nona Gaye in the role,   
but otherwise...not bad.

I loved  that the  suits get  damaged. I loved the silly science. I  
loved the massive Avengers setup  all throughout the movie. They   
have uncrowned Spider-Man as the center  of the Marvel Movie universe.

And, Ladies  Gentlemen...this is the  first  movie I  have liked  
Gwyneth Paltrow in since Shakespeare in Love!! She really is a warm  
blooded human (who apparently does not walk in heels much)!

I think there are two major problems with Iron Man 2, and one is  
Jon Favreau...the actor.  He needed to pull back a bit. Happy had  
too much screen time and lines. Also...I'm over Sam Jackson as Nick  
Fury. I think I'm over Sam Jackson, actually.  He's become the same  
guy in every role. This is the same guy from XXX,  and Shaft, and  
at this point, he could say get these m-f'in snakes off my  m-f'in  
carrier and I wouldn' t blink. I'm just over it. As the Nick Fury  
scenes dragged on,  I found myself wishing Avery Brooks or Dennis  
Haybert or, for that  matter,  Bruce Willis were in Jackson's  
place. That's how done I am.

On a personal note: my son and I  had a moment during the message  
to Tony scene that was awesome.

Iron Man 2 does not stand alone. You must  see #1 to get  how good  
this is.  For that  reason,  it  stays out of my top 5 comic  
adaptation movies list. Otherwise, unless Scott Pilgrim is better  
than Kick-Ass,  Iron Man 2 is the best  comic adaptation of the  
year. Sony has a BIG problem. If they don't make Spider Man 4  
work...they 're gonna have to  give the property to Disney.

On May 10, 2010, at 10:52 AM, Kelwyn wrote:

I have been reading a lot of Iron Man 2 reviews. I gave it a rave!
( primarily  
because I am comparing it to other Part 2s. I think it is  
infinitely more entertaining than both Batman Returns and Spider- 
Man 2. In fact, the only superhero sequel that may be better is  
Superman 2.

It can be argued that The Dark Knight is the greatest sequel  
since The Godfather 2 but The Dark Knight is actually Batman VI.

I also grade on a curve because of the speed with which this film  
was brought to the screen. As I state in my review, it could have  
easily been a train wreck of Batman and Robin proportions.

And, against all odds, it isn't.

By the by, I concur, big screen IMAX is the way to see this movie.


--- In, Said Kakese Dibinga s...@...  

 I kept it as vague as possible for those that haven't seen the  
movie as yet.

 I give the movie a grade of 'C+'. The movie doesn't know what  
kind of movie it wants to be, a sure sign of too many studio notes  
on the script. It wasted a good villain in Whiplash and the sub- 
storyline involving Whiplash and Stark. I feel that if Christopehr  
Nolan post Dark-Knight had directed it he would have taken this  
movie to the conclusion/staring everyone in the face in regards

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Iron Marvel

2010-05-07 Thread Daryle Lockhart
Wow. I never  heard an ABBA song until  I was 19.  that  was 1989,  I  
worked in a record store and one of those ABBA Gold/Bronze/Silver/ 
Platinum collections came out. It didn't go well.

I think Mira Sorvino's right. there  should be a Romy  Michelle  
sequel. The most romantic nostalgic movie I've ever seen is Grosse  
Pointe Blank. How sad is it that  my only complaint  about the film  
is that there  are no people of color in their graduating  class?

a musical for Generation X is a hard  thing to do. Our music is so  
random. That,  and I will  never get  kill da wabbit out of my  
head, is probably why I can't do musicals. What's weird is that I   
LOVE Bollywood. LOVE it.  Can watch  it  all day.  And I do.  But   
put  on Grease?  and I'm out.

On May 7, 2010, at 12:11 PM, Martin Baxter wrote:

That much about the phenomenon I can understand, B. The Winner  
Takes It All is, for me, an intensely personal song, and was so  
even before I lost someone I loved dearly in HS, who also loved the  
song (it's how we met).

On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 10:11 AM, B Smith wrote:

One of the main reasons Mamma Mia(play and movie) did so well is  
the love for ABBA. It's the same reason concert promoters put  
together a billion dollars to try and lure them out of retirement  
for a handful of reunion concerts.

It boggles the mind but ABBA was huge and their breakup at the  
height of their worldwide popularity only made them bigger.

--- In, Keith Johnson  
keithbjohn...@... wrote:

 Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan for the ladies... Amanda Seifreid  
(sp?) for the teen girls...corny music that's nonetheless fun and  
nostalgic, for the older (over 40 crowd)...over-the-top dancing and  
singing to that corny music for some of the gay men (no joke and no  
offense meant)...something harmless in tough times for those who  
just want to laugh for two hours.

 Even critics who weren't crazy about the movie said it was a  
harmless bit of fluff. As summer approaches, some women, older  
couples, and others who aren't in line for the superhero or  
animated blockbusters want something fun. Usually that's a breezy  
rom-com, and this fit the bill. it's why smart H'wood studios often  
make sure to place a movie like this in theatres at the same time  
all the summer blockbusters start making their appearances: they  
always find the audience that feels left out.

 The same formula appealed to the same audiences when Sex in the  
City was released. It did pretty decent bank, and i remember  
seeing all the demographics listed above in the theatre (yes, I  
went to see it with my wife)

 - Original Message -
 From: Kelwyn ravena...@...
 Sent: Thursday, May 6, 2010 1:50:29 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
 Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Iron Marvel

 Okay, Professor Johnson. Now, explain Mama Mia to me.


 --- In , Keith Johnson  
KeithBJohnson@ wrote:

  That's not surprising at all. it's still a comic-based movie,  
and outside of comic lovers and those who follow Downey, it didn't  
initially have huge wide appeal. There was skepticism that yet  
another comic movie--based on a character not widely known/loved by  
the masses--would be mediocre, light Daredevil. The fact that was  
an obvious effects-type movie (due to the need for armor that  
flies) made some laugh or roll their eyes. There was the feeling in  
some circles that Downey--a widely acknowledged great actor--was  
basically slumming and taking a role for a paycheck. Such beliefs  
felt that it'd be more of a sad embarrassment, a silly thing were a  
failed actor is just trying to get paid. I know lots of people like  
my brother, who is a comics/scifi fan, who just stayed home because  
it wasn't Spider-Man, X-Men, or Trek. Parents who'd take their kids  
to Spider-Man or X-men weren't too sure it'd be either good or  
suitable for their kids, so elected for stuff like Kung Fu Panda,  
which was awesome, by the way.

  Once word-of-mouth got around, it did very well, but given how  
H'Wood is so focused on opening weekend numbers, it didn't do the  
high blockbuster numbers of the other movies you mentioned. It now  
has the benefit of all the word-of-mouth, the critics' raves, the  
people who saw it on DVD, more marketing this time around, some  
high-profile actors to generate buzz, and thus the second film will  
do much more bank.

  The same thing happened to Batman Begins, which did very  
well, but not shattering numbers. By the time Dark Knight came  
around, the first movie was so loved that the second flick did  
crazy numbers.

  - Original Message -
  From: Kelwyn ravenadal@
  Sent: Thursday, May 6, 2010 11:54:07 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada  

  Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Iron Marvel
  What I found interesting about Iron Man 1 is that it was 

Re: [scifinoir2] Can America get any dumber?

2010-05-07 Thread Daryle Lockhart
Well,  that  show should be shot in South Carolina,  where they have  
properly spelled (and pronounced) TARNADAH  warnings.

To answer the question in the The fact that there is a  
debate over ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION means that the US should be barred  
from all  intellectual  conversations forever.

On May 7, 2010, at 12:16 PM, Martin Baxter wrote:


So much stupidity in the species, so little time to account for it  
all (owing to too many sources to identify).

On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 11:09 AM, Kelwyn wrote:

When I first heard about the misspelling of Julia Louis-Dreyfus'  
name on her Hollywood walk of fame star, I just assumed they had  
misspelled Dreyfus but they misspelled Louis as Luis.

This reminds me of a recent episode of The United States of Tara  
where Tara's son became incensed because a local television station  
kept warning viewers of an impending tornado by repeatedly flashing  
a misspelled TONARDO warning.


If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the  
bloody hell wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Iron Marvel

2010-05-06 Thread Daryle Lockhart

If I may, professor?

James Bond +  Meryl Streep  +  Musical  =  none of US may care, but  
this pretty much means most of the country is gonna go see it. I  
didn't see it until  2 months ago (and kept thinking  of Goldeneye to  
stay awake) but my wife saw it opening  week! She loves musicals and  
the cast was MADE for her to see it.

People love musicals.  People love Meryl Streep.  People love a  
smooth dark haired man (Alec Baldwin,  Pierce Brosnan,  whatever) and  
people love weddings.  Mamma Mia is movie magic made in a lab.  
Tested on Broadway!

On May 6, 2010, at 1:50 PM, Kelwyn wrote:

Okay, Professor Johnson. Now, explain Mama Mia to me.


--- In, Keith Johnson  
keithbjohn...@... wrote:

 That's not surprising at all. it's still a comic-based movie, and  
outside of comic lovers and those who follow Downey, it didn't  
initially have huge wide appeal. There was skepticism that yet  
another comic movie--based on a character not widely known/loved by  
the masses--would be mediocre, light Daredevil. The fact that was  
an obvious effects-type movie (due to the need for armor that  
flies) made some laugh or roll their eyes. There was the feeling in  
some circles that Downey--a widely acknowledged great actor--was  
basically slumming and taking a role for a paycheck. Such beliefs  
felt that it'd be more of a sad embarrassment, a silly thing were a  
failed actor is just trying to get paid. I know lots of people like  
my brother, who is a comics/scifi fan, who just stayed home because  
it wasn't Spider-Man, X-Men, or Trek. Parents who'd take their kids  
to Spider-Man or X-men weren't too sure it'd be either good or  
suitable for their kids, so elected for stuff like Kung Fu Panda,  
which was awesome, by the way.

 Once word-of-mouth got around, it did very well, but given how  
H'Wood is so focused on opening weekend numbers, it didn't do the  
high blockbuster numbers of the other movies you mentioned. It now  
has the benefit of all the word-of-mouth, the critics' raves, the  
people who saw it on DVD, more marketing this time around, some  
high-profile actors to generate buzz, and thus the second film will  
do much more bank.

 The same thing happened to Batman Begins, which did very well,  
but not shattering numbers. By the time Dark Knight came around,  
the first movie was so loved that the second flick did crazy numbers.

 - Original Message -
 From: Kelwyn ravena...@...
 Sent: Thursday, May 6, 2010 11:54:07 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
 Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Iron Marvel

 What I found interesting about Iron Man 1 is that it was only the  
EIGHTH highest grossing movie of 2008 (worldwide). It wasn't even  
the second best SUPERHERO movie. That honor goes to Hancock (number  
4 on the list).

 Iron Man 1 was beat out by Indiana Jones, Kung Fu Panda, James  
Bond Momma Mia and Marty the Zebra.


 --- In , Martin Baxter  
martinbaxter7@ wrote:

  I'm gauging my money right now, because IM2 is on for a  
midnight showing at
  a theater just up the road from me. I don't doubt for a minute  
that it'll
  set the center-ring pole easily, but I'm still worried about  
what has to

  follow. I'm not from Missouri, but they're gonna have to show me.
  On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 12:23 PM, Kelwyn ravenadal@ wrote:
   If Iron Man 2 is the first tent pole of the summer of 2010,  

   should sigh a huge sigh of relief.
   Iron Man 2 may be the best movie sequel since James Cameron's  
Aliens. I
   would invoke The Godfather 2 - possibly the greatest movie  
sequel ever -
   but, like Aliens, Iron Man 2 is still fun, retaining all the  
chills, spills
   and thrills of the original while spiffing up the whole  
enterprise with some

   honest-to-goodness grown-up angst, and taking it up a notch.
  If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the  
bloody hell

  wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

Re: [scifinoir2] National Anthem? Give 'em the Soul Finger!

2010-04-27 Thread Daryle Lockhart

The motion to adopt  Soul Finger as national anthem is seconded.

(Full disclosure: I grew up with the record playing at cookouts and  
such, but never actually owned it until it was included on Jarmusch's  
Mystery Train soundtrack.)

that  being said, nationalism at sporting events DOES have a place.  
It's just that Americans have messed it all up. Very soon, World Cup  
will begin. Witness a collection of the greatest athletes in the  
world on one stage.  They play for different teams around the world,   
but come together to play for their flags. It is with a sense of  
pride that folks in the US, UK, and Asia applaud Mickael Essien and  
the rest of the Ghana Black Stars. We start  talking  smack about The  
Ivory Coast  team,  Japan's team,  Korea, Germany...there will be  
flag waving. There will  be songs sung. Because this is an  
international  game, and World Cup is all  about who  the best  in  
the World is.

Unlike American sports. Where the World Series of Baseball is between  
the East coast and West  coast  of the United States.

Unlike American sports, where you throw a ball with your hands and  
call it football. You put the New Orleans Saints against the New  
Zealand All Blacks and you have a massacre.

Football, Cricket, Rugby, and Chess are games worthy of national  
pride and all of the nonsense (yes, that  includes the violence  
sometimes) that  comes with it.

You wear a Chelsea shirt  to a Manchester United match, or even a pub  
PLAYING the match in Manchester, and you may have to fight your way  
to the door.

You wear a Mets  shirt  to a Yankees game and you get  greeted with  
smiles. WTF? This is a country that  teaches its children it's not  
whether you  win or lose. YES, it IS. It's a COMPETITION. But I  
guess when you're also teaching same kids to cheat,  it's all good.

The US has sports backwards,  in many many  ways. The way nationalism  
is incorporated is just  one.

On Apr 27, 2010, at 10:23 AM, Kelwyn wrote:

I listen to a local sports radio station religiously. This morning  
one of the co-hosts of the morning show were outraged that six  
young men in their rooting section did not remove their hats during  
the national anthem.

The National Exaggeration was first played during the 1918 World  
Series - and it was played by mistake. To put this in perspective,  
the National League was founded in 1876 - forty-two years before  
the Star Spangled Banner was ever played at a sporting event.

The Star Spangled Banner wasn't even officially declared the  
official national anthem until 1931 - fifty-five years after the  
first National League game was played.

By 1941, the practice of playing the anthem before sporting events  
had achieved nearly universal status - sixty-five years after the  
first National League game was played.

It related news, it may surprise you that the words In God We  
Trust didn't appear on American paper money until 1957.

Religion has no place on our currency and mindless displays of  
patriotism have no place at sporting events.

And, Wicket, I have the same disdain for you as I have for people  
who are supposed to have their heads bowed and their eyes closed  
during prayer: if their heads were down and their eyes were closed,  
they wouldn't be able to see my head wasn't bowed and my eyes were  

Ditto for you...if your hat was off and you were fully engaged in  
your shared expression of National pride, you would not have been  
able to see who was or was not wearing a hat.

By the by, my national anthem is Soul Finger by the Bar-Kays.

Re: [scifinoir2] Soccer Player Flubs Goal From Inches Away

2010-04-27 Thread Daryle Lockhart

This was hilarious. Folks will be talking about this for YEARS!

Gets my  vote for miss of the decade. The century is too  early  to  

On Apr 27, 2010, at 12:11 AM, Keith Johnson wrote:

Funny, looks like a young kid trying to learn to kick a ball. Even  
world class athletes make silly mistakes... 

Shocking misses can happen to anyone at any time, but the latest  
footballer to suffer international embarrassment by not scoring a  
goal he really, really should have is Kansas City Wizards striker  
Kei Kamara.

In Saturday's MLS match against the Los Angeles Galaxy, Kamara  
found himself right in front of an open net with the ball mere  
inches from the goal. He was a little too eager to tap it in,  
though, and ended up falling on his rear end as he stretched to  
kick the ball in for the easy goal before knocking it in with his  
hand. He was quickly called for a handball and the game went on to  
end in a 0-0 draw.

After the match, Galaxy defender Gregg Berhalter still couldn't  
believe it:

It was one of the most unbelievable things I've seen in soccer.

It was unfortunate for Kamara but it was a handball and credit the  
linesman for seeing it.

Video of the miss has already spread far and wide. The Sun is  
calling it a contender for miss of the century, but there are  
quite a few in the mix for that crown. Back in January, we featured  
another open net shocker from a bit farther out, then there was the  
now famous Rocky Baptiste's from December, but I think this miss  
from Dinamo Zagreb's Ilija Sivonjic last October might be even  
worse than Kamara's...

Re: [scifinoir2] Interesting blog post

2010-04-26 Thread Daryle Lockhart

Your friend needs a late pass.

He is.

Brave man, he is.

On Apr 26, 2010, at 3:32 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

A friend of mine says that Tim Wise should be an honorary black man.

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 9:58 AM, Adrianne Brennan wrote:

No idea if it's been posted here or not, but thought people may be  
interested in reading it: 

~ Where love and magic meet ~
Experience the magic of the Dark Moon series: http://
Dare to take The Oath in this erotic fantasy series: http://
The future of psychic sex - Dawn of the Seraphs (m/m): http://

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at: 

Re: [scifinoir2] Facebook Sci-Fi Groups

2010-04-22 Thread Daryle Lockhart
I'm in 12 groups across social media and this is the best sci-fi  
discussion group  I've ever been a part of.

We could create social media presences for this group. That would  
grow the membership, and I'm not entirely sure that's a good thing.

I like the energy Tracey started with,  and with very few  
exceptions,  it's remained that way all these years. Which is fantastic.

What do you all think? Is it time for Sci-Fi Noir to  take over the  

On Apr 22, 2010, at 6:50 AM, Martin Baxter wrote:

Angela, I'm technically in a couple, but I haven't been in either  
for... I don't know *how* long. I have issues with that site.

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 10:21 PM, angelababycat wrote:

I decided to enter the 21st century and finally set up a facebook  
page. Well, that's a week worth of work

Anyway, I was searching sci-fi groups to see if any interested me  
and there's one called Fans of crappy sci-fi channel original  
movies. LMAO!

But, seriously, anyone a fan of any sci-fi groups on facebook?


If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the  
bloody hell wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Leonard Nimoy set to retire

2010-04-22 Thread Daryle Lockhart
Well, Nimoy  is one of the few who needs to announce his  
retirement. Otherwise,  as he himself implies, nobody will ever   
let  Zachary fill the role.

That  being  said,  I believe him as much as I did Michael Jordan or  
Jay Z.  Leonard Nimoy will die during the production of  some Star  
Trek or sci-fi related project. He will  not stop working. ESPECIALLY  
if Abrams calls.

For all the back and forth...Nimoy is Spock.  And Spock goes away for  
years  to  think or paint (or take pictures, in this case), then  
comes back when the Federation needs him.

On Apr 22, 2010, at 8:15 AM, Kelwyn wrote:

I am always surprised when actors, writers or artists retire.  
Retire from what? In any of these professions, you always have the  
option not to work. In fact, for me, the most attractive thing  
about being a writer is not having to write.

I recently saw The Back-Up Plan featuring 83 year-old Tom Bosley  
and 73 year-old Linda Lavin (not to mention 63 year-old Robert  
Klein). None of these people, who haven't been on film in - forever  
- have announced their retirements. Because there is no reason to.

IMHO people retire either when they hate what they are doing for a  
living or when they are forced to (or when they are 90 year-old  
Supreme Court Justices who can't handle the workload any more).


--- In, brent wodehouse  
brent_wodeho...@... wrote:

 Entertainment TV

 Leonard Nimoy set to retire


 Last Updated: April 19, 2010

 Just when he thinks he's out, they beam him back in.

 How else to describe Leonard Nimoy's enduring, at times conflicted
 relationship with Star Trek, the franchise that's defined his  
career for
 more than four decades - regardless of how many times he swore it  
off or

 believed it was finished?

 Countless times, I thought it was done, he admits on the phone  
from Los


 But this time, says the 79-year-old actor-director-photographer,  
there are
 no more possibilities. Spock, his pointy-eared alter-ego, will  
live long

 and prosper. But it will be without Nimoy.

 I want to get off the stage. Also, I don't think it would be  
fair to
 Zachary Quinto, he says, referring to the actor who portrayed a  
 Spock in last summer's smash Star Trek relaunch. He's a terrific  
 he looks the part, and it's time to give him some space. And I'm  

 flattered the character will continue.

 In other words, don't expect to see Nimoy in the next Trek sequel,
 scheduled for 2012. And don't expect to see him anywhere else,  
 Having just shot what will be his final appearance as enigmatic  
genius Dr.
 William Bell in TV's Fringe, he says he's retiring from acting  

 I've been doing this professionally for 60 years, he says with  
a laugh.
 I love the idea of going out on a positive note. I've had a  
great, great


 After all, his involvement with Fringe was never intended to be  
 Rather, he'd only agreed to appear in a few episodes as a favour  
to J.J.

 Abrams, who produces Fringe and, of course, directed Star Trek.

 I was away from acting for 12 years, so I guess I was  
seducable, Nimoy
 says. But since J.J. Abrams revived the Star Trek franchise, I  
felt I
 owed him something. And I'm glad I did it because he promised me  
a good

 story, and it was.

 Also in question? How many more science-fiction conventions he  
has in his
 future. He'll be at this weekend's Calgary Comic and  
Entertainment Expo
 which could be the last go-round for that too, he says, noting  
he only

 has a few more public appearances planned.

 Not that he doesn't enjoy them. He describes each one as a love  
fest. I'm
 so grateful to the fans. I call these kind of experiences a  
victory lap

 ... It's like having a family meeting - a family reunion.

 That goodwill mirrors how his own emotions about Trek have mellowed.
 Famously, his 1975 autobiography was entitled I Am Not Spock. By  
 when he published his second autobiography, the title had been  
modified to

 I Am Spock.

 He explains he made peace with the iconic series during the 1980s  
 particularly with Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, which he  
directed. I

 felt like Star Trek IV was my personal statement on Star Trek.

 Now, typecasting be damned, he feels no regrets about donning the  
 that made him famous. Since Star Trek began in 1966, I've never  
had to

 worry about where the next job was.

 Rather, with his acting and filmmaking career behind him, he  
wants to

 concentrate on photography, citing an exhibition he has coming up in
 Massachusetts. He acknowledges he was met with skepticism  
initially about
 this latest creative venture, but I've built credibility now in  
the art


 And among the general population, too. He recalls an incident in  
which he
 and Tom Hanks were approached 

Re: [scifinoir2] She shoots! She swears! She's 11!

2010-04-16 Thread Daryle Lockhart

Any parent who allows their kid to go see this film deserves what  
they get. There have been NO ads on any of the kids networks. The  
name of the movie is Kick Ass. And it's not like American parents  
are,  oh I dunno,  watching  what their kids are READING ,  so  this  
could have been dealt  with over a YEAR ago.

I have first  prints of each issue of this book. #2 is even signed by  
Mark. Hit  Girl is awesome. If I gotta sit through Transformers,   
then kids can stay home while I  watch  Kick Ass.

By the way,  Kick Ass now replaces Spider Man on my  list of comic  
book movie adaptations. Because of this film, I will be checking for  
Scott Pilgrim.


On Apr 16, 2010, at 11:05 AM, Keith Johnson wrote:

If this were Japan, or S. Korea or France or Germany, no one would  
bat an eye at this violent, vulgar little girl.
Still, I understand why some parents wouldn't want their kids to  
see the film. And that doesn't make one some kind of nutty ultra- 
conservative for not wanting, say, a ten year old to see this flick.
But, gee, if only there were a way to shield children from R  
rated movies with problematic themes. If only there were some kind  
of way to protect children from TV programs and movies that are too  
adult for them. If only parents had the ability to--I don't know-- 
simply prevent their kids from seeing these movies by saying no...

- Original Message -
From: Kelwyn
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 10:10:30 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [scifinoir2] She shoots!  She swears!  She's 11!

Profanity-slinging kid does damage in Kick-Ass'


A pistols-wielding girl massacres a suite's worth of thugs,  
exchanges brutal blows with the kingpin and uses language that  
might make David Mamet blush - if only because it's coming out of  
the mouth of an 11-year-old girl.

The movie may be called Kick-Ass, a title that already has some  
parents shielding their young'uns from the marketing campaign, but  
the pre-release publicity has focused less on the high school-age  
male title character than the diminutive Hit Girl, played by now-13- 
year-old Chloe Grace Moretz. One of the film's explicit trailers  
plays like Hit Girl's greatest hits, complete with her dropping f  
and c bombs and shooting a doorman through the cheek while  
dressed in a schoolgirl outfit.

This is all played for kicks, of course. Director Matthew Vaughn's  
R-rated Kick-Ass, which opens Friday, is a comic book movie based  
on the work of Mark Millar and John S. Romita Jr., so everything is  
delivered inside giant, nothing-reallycounts quotation marks.

Still, you can't forget that you are watching an 11-year-old girl  
causing violent mayhem and taking punches in the face from an  
adult, all while out-cussing Tony Soprano. Sure, you can't take  
your eyes off Hit Girl, but is this a good thing?

I don't know that it means anything other than the destruction of  
civilization as we know it, joked film critic-historian Leonard  

There's always that question of whether movies lead social change  
or reflect it. I always think the answer is somewhere in the  
middle, but there's no question that movies and TV shows have  
broken down or dissolved a lot of barriers of what is considered  
acceptable for men and women and boys and girls.

Hit Girl certainly marks the extreme end of a progression that can  
be traced back a few decades. Audiences were shocked when Linda  
Blair spewed profanities and vomit as the12-year-old possessed girl  
of The Exorcist (1973), though they could console themselves that  
it was the devil's doing.

Also in1973, Tatum O'Neal played the sassy-mouthed (PG-rated),  
cigarettesmoking, 9-year-old con artist of Peter Bogdanovich's  
Paper Moon; she became the youngest Oscar winner, for best  
supporting actress, the next year.

Jodie Foster became another troubledgirl icon with her Oscar- 
nominated performance as the 12-year-old prostitute of Martin  
Scorsese's Taxi Driver (1976).

No cheap thrills were meant to be derived from her mean-streets  
situation; here was a girl who needed protection - and got it from  
Robert De Niro's unhinged title character. Yet the director's  
seriousminded intentions couldn't keep John Hinckley Jr. from being  
so smitten with Foster that he tried to impress her by shooting  
President Ronald Reagan in 1981.

Thematically, the closest movie precedent to Hit Girl may be  
Natalie Portman's 12-year-old Mathilda, who learns hit man Jean  
Reno's tricks so she can avenge her murdered family in Luc Besson's  
The Professional (aka Leon, 1994). But Besson is ultimately a  
sentimentalist who spares Portman's character from doing the lethal  
work, whereas Vaughn isn't exactly concerned about Hit Girl getting  
blood on her hands.

Or, as the Kick-Ass press notes state: Hit Girl is a sparky,  
spunky force of nature, likely to be an instant 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: She shoots! She swears! She's 11!

2010-04-16 Thread Daryle Lockhart
Yeah, so it's funny, my daughter's a five foot one inch girlie girl  
who I have seen snatch somebody up when they  were trying to get  in  
the way of her money. (She didn't know I was watching. She was about  
to  punch a 250 pound dude in the throat).

We go to the movies together like twice every year, and it HAS to be  
an action movie. This is a tradition we started when we went to see  
Kill Bill together opening day. She saw 300 before me. Now,  this  
is a woman who has the complete Sex and the City series on DVD,   
and has a fancy shoe collection. This ain't Peppermint Patty. She's  
in touch  with her complete self, and walks in that  balance.

She's seen more Bond movies than her boyfriend. Watching the Bond  
girls did something different  for her. She takes the fashion cues  
from the women and drives like 007. (My insurance premiums are  
evidence of this)

She's also a DJ and in law school. I think girls need (and like) to  
see empowering images just like we dudes do. It  helps balance their  

On Apr 16, 2010, at 11:41 AM, Kelwyn wrote:

I was more intrigued by the feminist aspect of the article:

Yet don't assume that the reactions to Hit Girl will be anything  
close to universal. Melissa Silverstein, who writes the feminist  
blog Women and Hollywood(, saw an advance  
screening of Kick-Ass and said she was surprised by how torn she  

It was disturbing, but I was also empowered in the same moment,  
and that doesn't happen very often, Silverstein said. It just  
kind of flew into the face of all expectations of how girls act on  
screen, and that's what was so exciting and breathtaking. I  
couldn't help but feel some semblance of excitement as a person  
who's watched male comic book characters save the day time and time  

At the same time, though, she was ambivalent about someone who  
just kills people for the sake of killing, and the casual use of a  
certain very vulgar anti-female epithet bothered her. I saw all  
the boys sitting around me loving that, and they loved it a little  
too much.

Reminds me of one of the most enjoyable movie experiences I have  
shared with my daughter (who was then 13 or 14). We watched Karyn  
Kusama's Girlfight starring my personal fave, Michelle Rodrigues  
(don't get me started on how pissed-off I was when I got the Fast  
and Furious DVD and found out that even though she was fourth  
billed, she was out of the movie almost before the opening  
credits!) and afterwards watching my five foot ten-inch tall  
daughter stand up straight and strong and form her hands into  
fists, then turning them and jabbing the air in replication of  
Rodriques' heavy bag technique.


Re: [scifinoir2] Fwd: TN Man Enraged By Obama Sticker Slams SUV Into Car With 10 Year Old Child Inside

2010-03-28 Thread Daryle Lockhart
It's only been a few years since you wouldn't get this kind of  
treatment for supporting the wrong football team in the UK. There's  
no real escape from idiots.  Every nation has them.

The tea party is an interesting experiment.  When it was Black and  
brown people defending themselves in Los Angeles, they were called  
terrorists and put on very serious government watch lists. Interesting.

Here's what makes this discussion NOT OT: Isn't this kind of action  
the beginnings of what makes a storyline like Equilibrium a reality?

What  this segment of so-called conservatives are saying is  that  
either  we do things their way or they throw tantrums the likes of  
which  destroy  property and endanger life. Their latest tantrum is  
over a law signed by the President of the United States. Some are  
threatening to sue. The Federal Government. Here's a 10  year old  
girl who was in danger.  Everyone is saying  it's getting out of hand  
and someone's going to get  hurt or killed.

Maybe I read too many comic books, but something like this happened  
in a comic book recently. A law was passed. A segment of  society  
went overboard trying to uphold the law. Everyone warned that  
something  crazy was going to  happen if it  didn't calm down.  
Something blew up and kids were killed. These events started  
something called...Civil War. It  ends with Captain America being  
killed. Maybe I read too many  comic books,  but uhm...this all feels  

On Mar 28, 2010, at 12:34 PM, Adrianne Brennan wrote:

I'm starting to think a move to the UK wouldn't be so bad...

~ Where love and magic meet ~
Experience the magic of the Dark Moon series: http://
Dare to take The Oath in this erotic fantasy series: http://
The future of psychic sex - Dawn of the Seraphs (m/m): http://

On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 6:08 PM, Mr. Worf  

Did anyone here read or see the story about the republican  
congressman that started getting death threats because of the  
health bill? They shot up his office and have been calling his phone.

Here it is:

On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 2:24 PM, Adrianne Brennan wrote:

One word: batshit.

~ Where love and magic meet ~
Experience the magic of the Dark Moon series: http://
Dare to take The Oath in this erotic fantasy series: http://
The future of psychic sex - Dawn of the Seraphs (m/m): http://

-- Forwarded message --
From: Loretta Kemsley
Date: Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 1:45 PM 

He said Harry Weisiger gave him the bird and rammed into his vehicle,
after noticing an Obama-Biden sticker on his car bumper.

Duren had just picked up his 10-year-old daughter from school and had
her in the car with him.

He pointed at the back of my car, Duren said, the bumper,  
flipped me

off, one finger salute.

Once he started driving again, down Blair Boulevard, towards his home,
he said, I looked in the rear view mirror again, and this same SUV  

speeding, flying up behind me, bumped me.

Duren said he applied his brake and the SUV smashed into the back  
of his


He then put his car in park to take care of the accident, but Weisiger
started pushing the car using his SUV.

Duren said, He pushed my car up towards the sidewalk, almost onto the

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at: 

Re: [scifinoir2] Fwd: TN Man Enraged By Obama Sticker Slams SUV Into Car With 10 Year Old Child Inside

2010-03-28 Thread Daryle Lockhart
Had you said this a week ago, I'd agree.  But it's only going to take  
one kid being  killed for this to not be the media anymore. There   
weren't that many Klan members in the beginning, either.  But  
economic conditions were bad,  people needed jobs,  and the y were  
able to convince unemployed,  undereducated people that  the reason  
they  didn't have any  money  was because colored people were taking  
the jobs.

Reading  all  2 thousand some odd pages of the law,  there's a LOT to  
be disturbed about,  but running  somebody  down on the street?   
That's programmed behaviour.  Someone thinks they're going to  get on  
TV. And it worked. Now, they  also  believe that they're going to   
get  MONEY  by being on TV. Look at Joe The Plumber.

This is a problem that  is DIRECTLY centered around Palin and  
Limbaugh and those aspiring to be with/around around them. This is  
fanning  flames because the President is Black. Make no mistake.  If  
this were President  Kerry doing this,  there'd be no violence.   
Just  a bunch  of money raised and 2012 posters up. The stories of VP  
Edwards' love child would have destroyed the party enough.

This is A Face In The Crowd,  a film starring Andy Griffith. The  
media is overblowing  it because there  is a direct line to the  
media FROM these people and their supporters.  Now how did THAT happen?

There  is a very clear  way to  defuse these people. Unplugging their  
mics.  For some reason ( and that  reason is, by the way,   
advertising revenue and ratings) nobody is choosing to  ignore  
these people. Now what  kind of ignore do I mean. You can do   
wonderful front  page stories in the New York Times and Wall Street   
Journal about how irrelevant these people are,  show their pictures,  
and within 60 days, they  go away.

Think not?

When's the last time you  saw the Klan on a TV talk  show?

The media  did their campaign in the 80s and that was it.

On Mar 28, 2010, at 1:29 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

I think that the antics by the tea baggers have been overblown by  
the media. There aren't that many of them, and when they do  
something stupid, which is almost daily, the republicans distance  

Very similar to the brown shirts in nazi germany.

On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 10:15 AM, Daryle Lockhart wrote:

It's only been a few years since you wouldn't get this kind of  
treatment for supporting the wrong football team in the UK. There's  
no real escape from idiots.  Every nation has them.

The tea party is an interesting experiment.  When it was Black  
and brown people defending themselves in Los Angeles, they were  
called terrorists and put on very serious government watch lists.  

Here's what makes this discussion NOT OT: Isn't this kind of action  
the beginnings of what makes a storyline like Equilibrium a reality?

What  this segment of so-called conservatives are saying is  that  
either  we do things their way or they throw tantrums the likes of  
which  destroy  property and endanger life. Their latest tantrum is  
over a law signed by the President of the United States. Some are  
threatening to sue. The Federal Government. Here's a 10  year old  
girl who was in danger.  Everyone is saying  it's getting out of  
hand and someone's going to get  hurt or killed.

Maybe I read too many comic books, but something like this happened  
in a comic book recently. A law was passed. A segment of  society  
went overboard trying to uphold the law. Everyone warned that  
something  crazy was going to  happen if it  didn't calm down.  
Something blew up and kids were killed. These events started  
something called...Civil War. It  ends with Captain America being  
killed. Maybe I read too many  comic books,  but uhm...this all  
feels familiar.

On Mar 28, 2010, at 12:34 PM, Adrianne Brennan wrote:

I'm starting to think a move to the UK wouldn't be so bad...

~ Where love and magic meet ~
Experience the magic of the Dark Moon series: http://
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On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 6:08 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

Did anyone here read or see the story about the republican  
congressman that started getting death threats because of the  
health bill? They shot up his office and have been calling his phone.

Here it is:

On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 2:24 PM, Adrianne Brennan wrote:

One word: batshit.

~ Where love and magic meet ~
Experience the magic of the Dark Moon series: http://
Dare to take The Oath in this erotic

Re: [scifinoir2] This is not a Test

2010-03-18 Thread Daryle Lockhart

Good call, rave.

This, and Premium,  where he co-stars with Zoe Saldana,  are his  
best roles to date, in my opinion. I had to  watch this movie twice  
to really get it, but the second time I totally got what Hill was doing.

On Mar 18, 2010, at 10:49 AM, Kelwyn wrote:

I caught This is not a Test starring Hill Harper and Robinne Lee  
on the Movie Channel last night. It is a tight, taut little  
psychological thriller about 9/11 conspiracy theorists that gives  
new meaning to the old adage that even paranoiacs have enemies.

Hill Harper, who is given absolutely NOTHING to do on CSI:NY gives  
a riveting performance as a good man brought low by his rapid  
descent into apparent dementia.


Re: [scifinoir2] Warner wants Wizard of Oz to be next Harry Potter

2010-03-12 Thread Daryle Lockhart

That horse is dead and dust. There's nothing to beat.

Remaking the Wizard of Oz is a waste of time. It's  only  been done  
successfully once,  so if you're gonna remake anything...remix The Wiz.

On Mar 12, 2010, at 11:55 AM, Kelwyn wrote:

With the Harry Potter franchise winding down, Warner Brothers has  
set their sights on building another franchise geared toward young  
adults based on one of the most popular films of all time, The  
Wizard of Oz.

Re: [scifinoir2] '80s Movie Gadgets You Know You Wanted

2010-03-11 Thread Daryle Lockhart

This list lacks. No Tron discs? No speech synthesizer from War Games?

Best 80s gadgets were on TV anyway.

- Flying motorcycles (with cloaking field) from Galactica 1980.
- Teleport bracelets from Blake's 7
- PADD from TNG
- Automan.  Just...the whole show. I needed everything  from that show.

anybody  else?

On Mar 11, 2010, at 5:14 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

How could they not mention the James Bond car? Underwater driving.

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 1:00 PM, brent wodehouse wrote:

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fmvn=mapYahoo! Groups Links

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at: 

Re: [scifinoir2] Archie in love with black Pussycat

2010-02-26 Thread Daryle Lockhart

indeed. this will  be a pretty  good seller,  methinks.

Gotta share this story.

On Feb 26, 2010, at 3:11 PM, Martin Baxter wrote:

Is that Stevie's Jungle Fever I'm hearing in the background? Time  
to pick up a few Archie comics...

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who  
in bloody hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant

Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 15:13:29 +
Subject: [scifinoir2] Archie in love with black Pussycat 

Fresh from jilting two wives, Archie Playa Andrews is moving on  
to the Pussycats, according to this morning's press release. We're  
not experts in Archie continuity — whether it be comic or strip —  
so we're not certain if these two have, er, fraternized before.  
Will Archie move on to Melody and Josie in a universe spanning x- 
ver? It's a Brand New Day for Archie for sure!

Two of the greatest bands in comic book history hook up like never  
before when Josie and the Pussycats come to town to tour with The  
Archies. However, more than music is made on one starry night  
outside Archie's home, when there's a kiss that could change  
Riverdale forever. Is it possible that the pure-hearted, red-haired  
lead of The Archies is really falling in love with Valerie, the  
beautiful bassist/songwriter of Josie and the Pussycats? What will  
happen to Betty and Veronica? It Starts with a Kiss is the  
beginning of a tale to be continued. Don't miss out while the world  
watches to see if Archie and Valerie have what it takes to make  
their love survive. Look for part one in Archie #608, hitting  
stores this April!

Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free. Sign  
up now.

Re: [scifinoir2] Archie in love with black Pussycat

2010-02-26 Thread Daryle Lockhart
She was using ARCHIE to get  her kid to  read more? Wow. How old's  
the kid?

On Feb 26, 2010, at 3:26 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

Just another cheap attempt to revive a comic that no one reads. I  
only know one person that still reads Archie and she was buying it  
to get her daughter to read more.

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 7:13 AM, Kelwyn wrote: 

Fresh from jilting two wives, Archie Playa Andrews is moving on  
to the Pussycats, according to this morning's press release. We're  
not experts in Archie continuity — whether it be comic or strip —  
so we're not certain if these two have, er, fraternized before.  
Will Archie move on to Melody and Josie in a universe spanning x- 
ver? It's a Brand New Day for Archie for sure!

Two of the greatest bands in comic book history hook up like never  
before when Josie and the Pussycats come to town to tour with The  
Archies. However, more than music is made on one starry night  
outside Archie's home, when there's a kiss that could change  
Riverdale forever. Is it possible that the pure-hearted, red-haired  
lead of The Archies is really falling in love with Valerie, the  
beautiful bassist/songwriter of Josie and the Pussycats? What will  
happen to Betty and Veronica? It Starts with a Kiss is the  
beginning of a tale to be continued. Don't miss out while the world  
watches to see if Archie and Valerie have what it takes to make  
their love survive. Look for part one in Archie #608, hitting  
stores this April!

Post your SciFiNoir Profile at 
fmvn=mapYahoo! Groups Links

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at: 

Re: [scifinoir2] The Complete List Of Sources Avatar's Accused Of Ripping Off -

2010-02-17 Thread Daryle Lockhart

It's the old hip-hop isn't original  because the sound sources are  
sampled argument.  Paint and photography ain't original either.  
Avatar  was well done.  At  least Cameron sampled from an original  
crate. Hollywood's other ideas are so  dry -- they remade The A-Team.

On Feb 12, 2010, at 2:10 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

That's an impressive list. I am wondering at what point is it ok to  
have stories that are very similar? Floating cities, or islands in  
the sky have been around for a long time. There was one in  
Starblazers back in the 80s.

On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 9:19 AM, Tracey de Morsella wrote:

The Complete List Of Sources Avatar's Accused Of Ripping Off – 

Avatar finally ended its stretch as America's #1 movie, but people  
are continuing to point out sources that James Cameron borrowed  
from. It's become a national pastime, our version of Banshee- 
catching. We've rounded up 16 sources that Cameron allegedly nabbed.

image001.jpgDances With Wolves
The similarities: A military man goes native and takes the side  
of the natives against his own army.
Is there a case? James Cameron came out and admitted it, last  
summer. Other similar stories he looked at: At Play In The Fields  
Of The Lord and The Emerald Forest. Said Cameron, I just gathered  
all this stuff in and then you look at it through the lens of  
science fiction and it comes out looking very different but is  
still recognizable in a universal story way.

The similarities: Fail Blog has a rundown of the overlaps — mostly  
they have to do with a guy going native and falling for a native  
woman, while his comrades want to run the natives out. Oh, and the  
native woman is betrothed to a native warrior guy, but she's not  
into him.

Is there a case? At a very general thematic level, sure.

image003.jpgCall Me Joe
The similarities: As we wrote back in October, this 1957 novella by  
Poul Anderson has a lot of common ground with Cameron's movie:

Like Avatar, Call Me Joe centers on a paraplegic - Ed Anglesey -  
who telepathically connects with an artificially created life form  
in order to explore a harsh planet (in this case, Jupiter).  
Anglesey, like Avatar's Jake Sully, revels in the freedom and  
strength of his artificial created body, battles predators on the  
surface of Jupiter, and gradually goes native as he spends more  
time connected to his artificial body.

Is there a case? The website Litigation And Trial considered the  
merits of Anderson's claim, and noted that you can't copyright an  
idea — only your expression of the idea. (As the publishers of the  
source material for Rear Window found when they tried to sue Steven  
Spielberg over Disturbia.) Anderson's heirs would have to prove  
that Anderson originated the idea of someone controlling a hybrid  
alien body with his/her mind.

image004.jpgRoger Dean's paintings
The similarities: We ran a gallery of Dean paintings that look  
awfully similar to Cameron's vision a while back, and it is  
definitely striking how much correspondence there is — the floating  
mountains, the dragons, the weird fauna, the arch-shaped rock  
formations, etc. Dean posted a wry comment about it on his site,  
but has since deleted that blog post. (It was literally just a link  
to a google search for Roger Dean avatar.)
Is there a case? A lot of people seem to think so. Entertainment  
Weekly asked Cameron about it, and he laughed it off, saying he  
might have been influenced by Dean back in my pot-smoking days.

The similarities: This was a big meme before Avatar came out, and  
then people seemed to realize the two animated films didn't have  
that much in common. Mostly, they share a certain visual style, and  
they both have an emotional but strong female lead.

Is there a case? No, not really.


Battle For Terra
The similarities: This one's a bit stronger than Delgo, actually.  
In both Avatar and Terra, humans arrive to exploit an alien planet  
full of cute natives. One human decides to take the side of the  
natives, and help them fight against the evil humans. Both movies  
have a tree of life and similiar structure, although there's no  
human-piloting-an-alien-body thing in Terra.
Is there a case? Maybe a bit of one. But as one person points out  
here, Cameron was working on Avatar long before Terra was even in  
the pipeline.

image007.jpgThe Winds Of Altair by Ben Bova
The similarities: Bova's novel involves a planet that is  
uninhabitable to humans, due to its hostile environment. The humans  
adapt some of the local animals to do work for them, controlling  
them remotely via electronic brain implants, so the humans can stay  
safely on their orbiting ship. Eventually, they realize that making  
the planet habitable to humans will require wiping out all the  
native life 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Hollywood Extinction: Old Dinosaurs die at Box Office

2010-02-17 Thread Daryle Lockhart
Well, it's based on a BBC series that's about as old as China  
Syndrome. Which made it sort of hard for me to watch. There are so  
many great  old BBC shows to remake, why that one?

Just  seemed like a bad idea that  will probably explain itself in  
somebody's book one day. Unless Universal is gonna remake EastEnders,  
I say just leave it all alone. BBC stories seem to  be doing okay  
without any help or translation.

On Feb 17, 2010, at 9:48 AM, Kelwyn wrote:

I saw Extraordinary Measures (big sneak preview crowd) but Mel  
looks old and small and the brutal story just pummels you. Add to  
that a disturbing strain of misogyny - two young women (including  
the one playing Mel's daughter) are taken out with extreme prejudice.
Further, Measures feels dated (like it should be on a twin bill  
with The China Syndrome).


--- In, Daryle Lockhart dar...@... wrote:

 This is a good point I think, especially where From Paris is
 concerned. Put that same movie out between some summer pictures and
 it plays just fine. February was a horrible time for it, plus,
 let's be honest, until Travolta is totally OK, NONE of these
 pictures are going to do well. He's not promoting them, and folks
 want to hear from John.

 You could add The Spy Next Door to this list, but then you have
 The Shinjuku Incident, Jackie Chan's first dramatic role, a movie
 that just came out, which was in hella limited release. It's
 clear to me that Jackie is doing the family movies because he keeps
 getting hired. his passion seems to be elsewhere. Maybe it's the
 same with these other actors.

 Extraordinary Measures could star Will Smith, it would still be a
 movie made for TV, and as such, would not have done as well.

 Edge Of Darkness was a bad idea, and I'm afraid it's going to be
 the first of many bad ideas to come out in 2010 that will fail. NO
 argument that it died - it should have.

 Also, it's not that these actors are old, because remember
 Jennifer's Body? That was supposed to be a slam dunk. Who was
 more popular than Megan Fox? But the movie was horrible and was
 mismarketed. A good poster does not a marketing campaign make!

 Give the old guys a break.

 On Feb 16, 2010, at 8:56 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

  I think the timing was wrong for all three films. In the case of
  Ford's film they should have waited for the interviews about the
  movie to happen before the movie was released. Better still timed
  it with another medical movie. It doesn't help if the movie is
  mediocre as well.
  On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 12:54 PM, Kelwyn ravena...@... wrote:
  Harrison Ford's Extraordinary Measures grosses $12 million
  (budget:$31 million)
  John Travolta's From Paris with Love grosses $17.9 million
  (budget:$52 million)
  Mel Gibson's Edge of Darkness grosses $37 million (budget: $80
  Post your SciFiNoir Profile at
  fmvn=mapYahoo! Groups Links
  Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
  Mahogany at:

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Hollywood Extinction: Old Dinosaurs die at Box Office

2010-02-17 Thread Daryle Lockhart
I disagree.  We're talking Lionsgate here - they  hit a homerun with  
Tyler Perry ( who is his own marketing engine)  but they keep  
stumbling around with stuff like Crank and Spy Next Door.  I   
don't think they've found their stride in action movies yet.

But WOW are you  ever right about Eli coming out  at Christmas.  It   
never would have survived.

On Feb 17, 2010, at 9:51 AM, Kelwyn wrote:

I disagree with Paris being a summer movie. If it was a summer  
movie, it would have played in the summer. It was dumped in  
February for a reason - a good reason as it turns out. Case in  
point, The Book of Eli with its religious theme, should have been  
a Christmas movie. But it would have gotten crushed on Christmas  
Day. It's studio strategically placed it in the perfect window to  
be successful.


--- In, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@...  

 I agree about From Paris being a summer time movie. The Jackie  
Chan movie


 Ford's movie is just a loose rip off of Lorenzo's oil which from  
what I'm
 hearing is a better film. It does however bring to light the  
serious issue

 of research not being done of rare diseases because it isn't good

 Edge of darkness seems more like a rip off of Taken (Liam Neeson).

 On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 6:13 PM, Daryle Lockhart

  This is a good point I think, especially where From Paris is  
  Put that same movie out between some summer pictures and it  
plays just fine.

  February was a horrible time for it, plus, let's be honest, until
  Travolta is totally OK, NONE of these pictures are going to do  

  He's not promoting them, and folks want to hear from John.
  You could add The Spy Next Door to this list, but then you  
have The
  Shinjuku Incident, Jackie Chan's first dramatic role, a movie  
that just
  came out, which was in hella limited release. It's clear to me  
  Jackie is doing the family movies because he keeps getting  
hired. his
  passion seems to be elsewhere. Maybe it's the same with these  

  Extraordinary Measures could star Will Smith, it would still be  
a movie

  made for TV, and as such, would not have done as well.
  Edge Of Darkness was a bad idea, and I'm afraid it's going to  
be the
  first of many bad ideas to come out in 2010 that will fail. NO  

  that it died - it should have.
  Also, it's not that these actors are old, because remember  
  Body? That was supposed to be a slam dunk. Who was more  
popular than
  Megan Fox? But the movie was horrible and was mismarketed. A  
good poster

  does not a marketing campaign make!
  Give the old guys a break.
  On Feb 16, 2010, at 8:56 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:
  I think the timing was wrong for all three films. In the case  
of Ford's
  film they should have waited for the interviews about the movie  
to happen
  before the movie was released. Better still timed it with  
another medical

  movie. It doesn't help if the movie is mediocre as well.
  On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 12:54 PM, Kelwyn ravena...@... wrote:
  Harrison Ford's Extraordinary Measures grosses $12 million  

  John Travolta's From Paris with Love grosses $17.9 million  

  Mel Gibson's Edge of Darkness grosses $37 million (budget:  
$80 million)

  Post your SciFiNoir Profile at 

  Groups Links
  Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
  Mahogany at: 


 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at: 

Re: [scifinoir2] Hollywood Extinction: Old Dinosaurs die at Box Office

2010-02-16 Thread Daryle Lockhart
This is a good point I think, especially where From Paris is  
concerned. Put that same movie out between some summer pictures and  
it plays just fine. February was a horrible time for it,  plus,   
let's be honest,  until Travolta is totally  OK,  NONE of these  
pictures are going to  do  well. He's not promoting them, and folks  
want to hear from John.

You  could add The Spy Next Door to this list,  but then you have  
The Shinjuku Incident, Jackie Chan's first dramatic role, a movie  
that  just came out, which  was in hella limited release.  It's  
clear  to me that Jackie is doing the family movies because he keeps  
getting hired. his passion seems to  be elsewhere. Maybe it's the  
same with these other actors.

Extraordinary Measures could star Will Smith, it would still be a  
movie made for TV, and as such, would not have done as well.

Edge Of Darkness was a bad idea, and I'm afraid it's going to be  
the first  of many  bad ideas to  come out in 2010 that will fail. NO  
argument that  it  died -  it should have.

Also, it's not that these actors are old, because remember  
Jennifer's Body? That was supposed to  be a slam dunk.  Who was  
more popular than Megan Fox?  But the movie was horrible and was  
mismarketed. A good poster does not a marketing campaign make!

Give the old guys a break.

On Feb 16, 2010, at 8:56 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

I think the timing was wrong for all three films. In the case of  
Ford's film they should have waited for the interviews about the  
movie to happen before the movie was released. Better still timed  
it with another medical movie. It doesn't help if the movie is  
mediocre as well.

On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 12:54 PM, Kelwyn wrote:
Harrison Ford's Extraordinary Measures grosses $12 million  
(budget:$31 million)

John Travolta's From Paris with Love grosses $17.9 million  
(budget:$52 million)

Mel Gibson's Edge of Darkness grosses $37 million (budget: $80  

Post your SciFiNoir Profile at 
fmvn=mapYahoo! Groups Links

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at: 

Re: [scifinoir2] Riddick 3 Is On Its Way

2010-02-13 Thread Daryle Lockhart
I like the Riddick  story and all,  but if Thandie ain't in #3 (and  
she pretty much shouldn't) I'll catch it at the redbox.

On Feb 13, 2010, at 6:23 AM, Aubrey Leatherwood wrote:

Just sayin' Tracey, no resemblance in that area :) I am really  
excited that the movie is greenlit, although I'm conflicted about  
the return to Pitch Black atmosphere. I love that movie and it's  
small quarters grit, but I love Chronicles for its bigness and  
hubris. Hmmm, whatever it turns out to be, I'm sure I will see it.

Aubrey Leatherwood
FaceBook * MySpace
Can Nicole resist the call of the stage or the call of her heart?
A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex.
The People You Know, The Sex They Have
ISBN: 978-0-9818905-0-0

Date: Sat, 13 Feb 2010 03:17:45 -0800
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Riddick 3 Is On Its Way

Oh my……

[] On Behalf Of Aubrey Leatherwood

Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2010 3:00 AM
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Riddick 3 Is On Its Way

I get the similarity. The nose, the mouth, but I've never naturally  
made that connection. Maybe I'm distracted by the regions below the  

Aubrey Leatherwood
FaceBook * MySpace
Can Nicole resist the call of the stage or the call of her heart?
A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex.
The People You Know, The Sex They Have
ISBN: 978-0-9818905-0-0

Date: Sat, 13 Feb 2010 01:56:17 -0800
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Riddick 3 Is On Its Way

This is a question that I've been dying to ask...Does Vin Diesel  
remind any of you of Jose Ferrer?

Such music flows on the Fringe, and no one can resist singing to  


--- On Sat, 2/13/10, Tracey de Morsella wrote:

From: Tracey de Morsella
Subject: [scifinoir2] Riddick 3 Is On Its Way

Date: Saturday, February 13, 2010, 1:22 AM

Riddick 3 Is On Its Way - 5470466/riddick- 3-is-on-its- way

Fans of gravelly-voiced bald scifi heroes rejoice: Universal has  
announced that it will be releasing a third Chronicles of Riddick  
movie in the US, with international rights being auctioned off at  
the Berlin Film Festival.

The third movie, to be titled Riddick, will be written and directed  
by the man behind the first two movies in the series, David Twohy,  
and co-produced by Twohy and star Vin Diesel. Although plot details  
are unreleased, Variety suggests that the movie will be closer in  
tone to Pitch Black than Chronicles. 5470466/riddick- 3-is-on-its- way

E-mail message checked by Spyware Doctor (
Database version: 6.14350
http://www.pctools. com/spyware- doctor-antivirus /

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Database version: 6.14350

E-mail message checked by Spyware Doctor (
Database version: 6.14350

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up now.

Re: [scifinoir2] Riddick 3 Is On Its Way

2010-02-13 Thread Daryle Lockhart
Oh I'm all for alternate nubile beauties. I just  prefere them to  be  
Gen X. Who'd you have in mind?

On Feb 13, 2010, at 7:52 AM, Aubrey Leatherwood wrote:

What if it's not Thandie but some other nubile beauty?

Aubrey Leatherwood
FaceBook * MySpace
Can Nicole resist the call of the stage or the call of her heart?
A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex.
The People You Know, The Sex They Have
ISBN: 978-0-9818905-0-0

Date: Sat, 13 Feb 2010 07:48:46 -0500
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Riddick 3 Is On Its Way

I like the Riddick  story and all,  but if Thandie ain't in #3 (and  
she pretty much shouldn't) I'll catch it at the redbox.

On Feb 13, 2010, at 6:23 AM, Aubrey Leatherwood wrote:

Just sayin' Tracey, no resemblance in that area :) I am really  
excited that the movie is greenlit, although I'm conflicted about  
the return to Pitch Black atmosphere. I love that movie and it's  
small quarters grit, but I love Chronicles for its bigness and  
hubris. Hmmm, whatever it turns out to be, I'm sure I will see it.

Aubrey Leatherwood
FaceBook * MySpace
Can Nicole resist the call of the stage or the call of her heart?
A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex.
The People You Know, The Sex They Have
ISBN: 978-0-9818905-0-0

Date: Sat, 13 Feb 2010 03:17:45 -0800
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Riddick 3 Is On Its Way

Oh my……

[] On Behalf Of Aubrey Leatherwood

Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2010 3:00 AM
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Riddick 3 Is On Its Way

I get the similarity. The nose, the mouth, but I've never naturally  
made that connection. Maybe I'm distracted by the regions below the  

Aubrey Leatherwood
FaceBook * MySpace
Can Nicole resist the call of the stage or the call of her heart?
A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex.
The People You Know, The Sex They Have
ISBN: 978-0-9818905-0-0

Date: Sat, 13 Feb 2010 01:56:17 -0800
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Riddick 3 Is On Its Way

This is a question that I've been dying to ask...Does Vin Diesel  
remind any of you of Jose Ferrer?

Such music flows on the Fringe, and no one can resist singing to  


--- On Sat, 2/13/10, Tracey de Morsella wrote:

From: Tracey de Morsella
Subject: [scifinoir2] Riddick 3 Is On Its Way

Date: Saturday, February 13, 2010, 1:22 AM

Riddick 3 Is On Its Way - 5470466/riddick- 3-is-on-its- way

Fans of gravelly-voiced bald scifi heroes rejoice: Universal has  
announced that it will be releasing a third Chronicles of Riddick  
movie in the US, with international rights being auctioned off at  
the Berlin Film Festival.

The third movie, to be titled Riddick, will be written and directed  
by the man behind the first two movies in the series, David Twohy,  
and co-produced by Twohy and star Vin Diesel. Although plot details  
are unreleased, Variety suggests that the movie will be closer in  
tone to Pitch Black than Chronicles. 5470466/riddick- 3-is-on-its- way

E-mail message checked by Spyware Doctor (
Database version: 6.14350
http://www.pctools. com/spyware- doctor-antivirus /

Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection.  
Sign up now.

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Database version: 6.14350

E-mail message checked by Spyware Doctor (
Database version: 6.14350

Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free. Sign  
up now.

Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. Get it now.

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: movie review: A bittersweet life

2010-02-10 Thread Daryle Lockhart
Bollywood Sundays were a limited run,  a series that was originally  
started to support the Bollywood Hero mini-series they made.

All of the movies actually ran twice ( Jab We Met is one of my all  
time favorites) --  IFC is aware that  people want them to come back,  
but somebody has to pay for the licensing. Esurance was the original   
sponsor for Sunday Bollywood.  No official  word on when the films  
will  return, but if anybody  knows any  sponsors who  should  be  
interested, hit 'em up!

I've noticed that since the Sunday Bollywood showings caught on,  
every major Bollywood release has been in theaters in the US. I'm in  
Charlotte (a market that  doesn't get ANYTHING) and have seen  
everything opening weekend since last year this time.


On Feb 10, 2010, at 5:42 PM, Martin Baxter wrote:

They really love their viewers... :P

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who  
in bloody hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant

Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 12:50:10 -0800
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: movie review: A bittersweet life

I checked IFC and there's no reply to the comments on the website.  
A lot of people are disappointed.

On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Martin Baxter wrote:

I wonder why they've been pulling them, and stopped showing those  
Sundays on IFC. I used to set my clock by them.

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who  
in bloody hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant

Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 12:28:44 -0800

Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: movie review: A bittersweet life

I saw Snoop Dogg in one movie recently. Unfortunately, IFC stopped  
showing the Bollywood movies on Sunday mornings. :( I have yet to  
see one that was at least a 4 out of 5 so far.

Netflix has been removing some of the movies that I picked from my  
list due to various reasons.

On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 12:18 PM, Martin Baxter wrote:

Yes, Mr Worf, they do make watching a hit-or-miss proposition. I  
saw The Don on IFC once. I think.

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who  
in bloody hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant

Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 11:30:36 -0800
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: movie review: A bittersweet life

Yea. The same for Bollywood as well. They use the older method and  
it is effective. There is a guy in some of the Bollywood movies  
that borrows from Jackie Chan (jumps, shimming down pipes etc.) but  
they rarely go overboard or do the quake cam. His name is Shah Rukh  
Khan. (Check out the Don)

The problem with Bollywood is that they use too many of the bad  
styles that make their movies look like they were shot by Hype  

On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Keith Johnson wrote:

Compare the fight scenes of this and other Asian films you watch  
with American fight scenes. As discussed ad nauseum, I'm really  
despairing of so much American action fare, which is horribly  
choreographed.  If you list Transformers, Crank, G.I. Joe, and  
other stuff, it's beyond ridiculous. I honestly couldn't see or  
register one clear punch or kick in Joe, the camera moved so much.
It's been my experience that Asian cinema is much better at fast  
action that one can still follow, due to better usage of the  
camera, more long shots that let you see the total scene and the  
fighters whole bodies, and less frenetic scene shifts. Is that the  
case in the stuff you're watching?

- Original Message -
From: Kelwyn
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:02:00 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada  

Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: movie review: A bittersweet life

Added to my list. I am on somewhat of a South Korean cinema binge.  
Watched A Dirty Carnaval (Biyeolhan geor) last night. Overall, I  
didn't care much for it but the fight scenes were brutal and  
realistically choreographed.


--- In, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@...  

 Movie Review: Dalkomhan Insaeng aka A Bittersweet Life, directed  
by Kim


 Made in South Korea, this is a mob story about a very sharp mob  
 named Kim. Kim’s boss runs a large hotel downtown. One evening  
he is asked
 to take care of a situation in one of the private rooms in the  
 that is being held by three members of a rival gang. Kim goes  
into the room
 and counts to three for them to leave. On the count of three he  
leaps on top
 of the table kicking one thug in the face, while punching  
another. The 

Re: [scifinoir2] Precious Among Big Oscar Nominees

2010-02-03 Thread Daryle Lockhart

I think District 9 and Avatar have no business on this list. For  
the criteria they're using for  Avatar, Star Trek may as well  
have been nominated,  and I also think that if there was no Avatar  
this year,  there's a good chance Star Trek WOULD have been on that  
list.  Until Avatar came out,  we were clearly talking about  
Precious  and the Hurt Locker  for Best Picture.

The ten nominee list is for ratings,  but then again, the whole  
reason the show is on TV is to sell ads. The Academy could care less  
what regular  people think.

That  being said, I  completely agree that Up should be nominated  
for Best Picture.  It was one of the best  MADE pictures all year.

To Keith's point, having ten nominees lets everything in, and thus,  
The Blind Side.  This is the best marketed B-movie of the year.  
It's not that  I  hated this film, I just think  it belonged on  
television. It's not excellent in any way,  whereas with Precious,  
you can find moments (scattered, yes) of absolute brilliance.  
Mo'Nique  deserves this award and I  think everyone else nominated   
for Best Supporting Actress knows it.

The Princess And The Frog  nominated for Best  Animated Feature is  
a great, great call,  I  think,  because the animation work on it was  
really good. It's good to see a classic animated feature get   

All  in all, this award show will probably  be as boring as last  
year's, with the exception of some upsets  and Mo'Nique's speech.

On Feb 2, 2010, at 6:23 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

None of those movies should have been nominated for picture of the  

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 8:19 AM, Mike Street wrote:

I agree..they just giving out awards so they can get ratings. The  
Oscars super BORING like watching paint dry. I think Precious would  
be winning all the awards if Avatar wasn't in the mix. I'd be  
shocked if Avatar lost at this point. Grossing some 2bn worldwise  
does that make Avatar to big to fail?

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Keith Johnson wrote:

Props to Lee Daniels, Monique, and Gabourey Sadibe for their Oscar  
nominations for Precious.  But, ten movies nominated for Best  
Picture? Wow, that just let everything in. I mean, I know Avatar  
is a great *looking* film, but is it a great film in toto: acting,  
writing, plotting? I guess this dovetails with the conversation  
about crowd-fav Taylor Swift getting all those awards. The Academy  
is desperate to get more viewers for its show, so they've opened up  
the Best Picture category in hopes that it will generate more buzz.  
Hell, if they're going to let this many in, maybe I need to grab a  
vid cam and slap something together for next year.

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Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Alba Making Effort to Embrace Latina Heritage

2010-02-02 Thread Daryle Lockhart
It's not hard to find anymore. It's on Amazon and on demand. I met the  
filmmaker at Sundance and helped get him more aggressively online. He  
owns online distribution to his film but IMage Entertainment owns the  

Daryle Lockhart

On Feb 1, 2010, at 10:23 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

Its hard to find but pretty good. It doesn't get played much because  
it is a little harsh towards white folks.

On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 7:01 PM, Keith Johnson 

No, never seen it. Was it any good?

- Original Message -
From: Mr. Worf
Sent: Monday, February 1, 2010 8:48:36 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Alba Making Effort to Embrace Latina  

Ever see the movie Chameleon Street? It was about a black man that  
impersonated different people to make more money. I think that it  
was mostly out of a misguided sense of black rage. Very interesting  

here is more info:

On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 4:32 PM, Keith Johnson 

yeah, it's a complicated thing, alright. I sometimes thank God that  
I can in no way, no how, pass as anything but black, and have  
therefore never faced the fear/temptation  of doing so.

- Original Message -
From: Mr. Worf
Sent: Monday, February 1, 2010 5:30:17 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Alba Making Effort to Embrace Latina  

In California it is quite common to meet people of Mexican and or  
Central and South American heritage that do not know how to speak  
Spanish. It always bothered me that they would deny that part of  
themselves in order to pass as white. They see all of the benefits  
that passing brings and quickly push down that part of themselves if  
they have anglo features. One friend of mine calls it the banana  
effect. Brown on the outside, white on the inside.

Its one of those topics that doesn't get discussed very often  
especially on a large scale.

On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 10:03 AM, Keith Johnson 

I guess that's the blessing and curse of living in a heterogeneous  
society: it's easy, perhaps even expected, to succeed without having  
to hold on to all aspects of one's cultural heritage. I went to  
school with a lot of Mexicans back in Texas, and many of them  
couldn't speak Spanish. (Typically at that time it was those who  
tried very hard to assimilate, only dating white people,  
mispronouncing their Spanish names with Anglicized  
pronounciations).  Some even denied they were Mexican when asked.  I  
can recall friends of both genders dealing with parents who insisted  
they not speak Spanish, and who pushed them toward marrying whites-- 
or at the least, light-skinned Mexicans who also had left that part  
of their heritage behind. There was a clear schism between those  
Mexicans who embraced their heritage, and those who didn't, whom  
their fellows derided as trying to be white.

Whether they were or not, it's always made me a little sad at people  
who can no longer speak the language of their ancestors, or who know  
little about their non-white, non-American heritage when those  
things are there for the taking. I guess as a black man whose link  
to much of my history is severed, I've always had a feeling of How  
could you *not* embrace your heritage?  I can recall many times in  
high school and college when whites would have long discussions  
about their ancestry, tracing their family lines back to England,  
Scotland, Ireland, etc. I used to hate when they'd turn to me for my  
genealogy. Far as I could get was Louisiana, and mutter some  
vagueness about the general part of West Africa that was my likely  
origin. How, i've always wondered, can people who have such wealth  
of knowledge right in front of them *not* pursue it?

I guess some cynics will say Alba's only doing this for monetary  
gain: so she can access a new stream of movies and stuff, the same  
way some feel Jennifer Lopez started embracing her Latina heritage  
fully once Latin music became popular and lucrative in the States.  
(Some said the same about Racque Welch exploring her Latin roots in  
recent years). Hopefully she just genuinely wants to explore a part  
of her makeup that's heretofore been neglected.

Maybe she can give Tiger Woods a call. :)


JESSICA ALBA is taking Spanish lessons, so she can sign up for Latin  
movies and feel more confident when talking about her Mexican  

The actress admits she confused a lot of journalists when she first  
became a star - because she looked Latino but couldn’t speak the lan 

Her lack of Spanish led to criticism

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Sexy Blue Women

2009-12-22 Thread Daryle Lockhart
Nah, I'm gonna go with Zhaan. The idea of Farscape was okay to me  
before the premiere, but  it's the image of Virginia in the blue  
makeup that sold me on the first episode. So  if I had to  choose,   
I'd go with  Zhaan as my  #1 and Lyssa ( gotta represent  for the  
Corps) as #2.

While we're on the subject of the Na'Vi,  though,  I'd have to  go  
with Grace(Sigourney Weaver)'s Avatar over Neytiri. Neytiri was  
pretty much a brat for the whole first half of the story,  and it  
looked (to me) like Grace got her Avatar engineered to be a little  
more, shall we say, top heavy than the rest of the Na'Vi women.

On Dec 22, 2009, at 11:21 AM, Kelwyn wrote:

This is funny. This thread should be titled Not only is Zoe  
Saldana's Neytiri NOT the sexiest woman we have ever seen, she is  
not even the sexiest BLUE woman we've ever seen!

First of all, if you are creating the sexiest woman, you don't  
start with a Zoe Saldana template (see Rebecca Romijn).

For my money, the sexiest blue woman was the pregnant Sue Storm  
as essayed by the Jack Kirby in Fantastic Four #70.

In 1968, Mr. Kirby couldn't realistically portray Sue Storm's  
pregnancy (they never showed a baby bump) he blew up Sue's breasts  
and gave her a stupid hip to waist ratio.

Zing! went the strings of my 12 year-old heart! Alas, the powers  
that be had Kirby tone down Sue's bodaciousness in the next issue  
and for the rest of his reign.


--- In, Tracey de Morsella  
tdli...@... wrote:

 Sexy Blue Women

 James Cameron has talked a great deal about how he designed Neytiri,
 Avatar's main female character, to be incredibly sexy. But is she  
really the
 sexiest blue woman you've ever seen? We take a look at the  
 Neytiri (Avatar): She's tough as carbon-reinforced nails, a crack  
 and could crush you with her bare hands. Plus, she's been  

 engineered by James Cameron to make you want to sleep with her. 
 (X-Men): She's a shapeshifting spy and powerful leader against  
the world's
 anti-mutant forces, though her ethics are questionable. And let's  
not forget
 her statuesque appearance, one that demanded Rebecca Romijn play  
her in the

 .jpgNocturne (Marvel): Mystique's granddaughter by an alternate  
 Nightcrawler and Scarlet Witch, Nocturne has inherited her  
father's strange

 physiology (right down to the tail). On top of that, she shares
 Nightcrawler's acrobatic abilities and is a master contortionist. 
 murfette_01.jpgSmurfette (The Smurfs): She's cute, and despite  
being created
 as an evil creature by Gargamel, manages to overcome her nature  
and become a
 happy Smurfing Smurf. Plus, the entire Smurf village is in love  
with her -
 although that may have more to do with her status as the sole  
female Smurf

 than her inherent appeal. 

 r-star-trek-enterprise-7090911-800-600_01.jpgTalas (Enterprise):  
If you
 prefer a woman who's handy with a phaser, Talas might be your  
blue gal. The
 Andorian lieutenant isn't above using her feminine wiles to get  
the job

 done, but failing that, she's more than ready to fight. 

 yla_secura_aayla.jpgAayla Secura (Star Wars): Twi'lek's are  
 especially beautiful by the various peoples of the galaxy far,  
far away -
 something that has left them both tragically vulnerable to  
slavery and
 powerful in the art of seduction. Aayla Secura pairs her  
appearance with
 great strength in the Force, rising to Jedi Master and fighting  
in the Clone

 (Farscape): Yes, she belongs to a species of sentient plants, but  
Zhaan is

 as hot-blooded as any being on the far side of the universe. She's a
 priestess and a revolutionary, as skilled with meditation as she  
is with
 making bombs. Just don't get on her bad side; Zhaan murdered the  
man she saw

 as a traitor to her people, even though he was her own lover. 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Sexy Blue Women

2009-12-22 Thread Daryle Lockhart
Yeah I feel you. I had Nichelle Nichols and Persis Khambatta in Star  
Trek TMP =  I was never the same again.

On Dec 22, 2009, at 11:50 AM, Kelwyn wrote:

Now, imagine if you had seen Zhaan when you were twelve!


--- In, Daryle Lockhart dar...@... wrote:

 Nah, I'm gonna go with Zhaan. The idea of Farscape was okay to me
 before the premiere, but it's the image of Virginia in the blue
 makeup that sold me on the first episode. So if I had to choose,
 I'd go with Zhaan as my #1 and Lyssa ( gotta represent for the
 Corps) as #2.

 While we're on the subject of the Na'Vi, though, I'd have to go
 with Grace(Sigourney Weaver)'s Avatar over Neytiri. Neytiri was
 pretty much a brat for the whole first half of the story, and it
 looked (to me) like Grace got her Avatar engineered to be a little
 more, shall we say, top heavy than the rest of the Na'Vi women.

 On Dec 22, 2009, at 11:21 AM, Kelwyn wrote:

  This is funny. This thread should be titled Not only is Zoe
  Saldana's Neytiri NOT the sexiest woman we have ever seen, she is
  not even the sexiest BLUE woman we've ever seen!
  First of all, if you are creating the sexiest woman, you don't
  start with a Zoe Saldana template (see Rebecca Romijn).
  For my money, the sexiest blue woman was the pregnant Sue Storm
  as essayed by the Jack Kirby in Fantastic Four #70. 

  In 1968, Mr. Kirby couldn't realistically portray Sue Storm's
  pregnancy (they never showed a baby bump) he blew up Sue's breasts
  and gave her a stupid hip to waist ratio.
  Zing! went the strings of my 12 year-old heart! Alas, the powers
  that be had Kirby tone down Sue's bodaciousness in the next issue
  and for the rest of his reign.
  --- In, Tracey de Morsella
  tdlists@ wrote:
   Sexy Blue Women
   James Cameron has talked a great deal about how he designed  
   Avatar's main female character, to be incredibly sexy. But is  

  really the
   sexiest blue woman you've ever seen? We take a look at the

   Neytiri (Avatar): She's tough as carbon-reinforced nails, a  

   and could crush you with her bare hands. Plus, she's been
   engineered by James Cameron to make you want to sleep with her.
   (X-Men): She's a shapeshifting spy and powerful leader against
  the world's
   anti-mutant forces, though her ethics are questionable. And  

  not forget
   her statuesque appearance, one that demanded Rebecca Romijn play
  her in the
   .jpgNocturne (Marvel): Mystique's granddaughter by an alternate
   Nightcrawler and Scarlet Witch, Nocturne has inherited her
  father's strange
   physiology (right down to the tail). On top of that, she shares
   Nightcrawler's acrobatic abilities and is a master  

   murfette_01.jpgSmurfette (The Smurfs): She's cute, and despite
  being created
   as an evil creature by Gargamel, manages to overcome her nature
  and become a
   happy Smurfing Smurf. Plus, the entire Smurf village is in love
  with her -
   although that may have more to do with her status as the sole
  female Smurf
   than her inherent appeal.
   r-star-trek-enterprise-7090911-800-600_01.jpgTalas (Enterprise):
  If you
   prefer a woman who's handy with a phaser, Talas might be your
  blue gal. The
   Andorian lieutenant isn't above using her feminine wiles to get
  the job
   done, but failing that, she's more than ready to fight.
   yla_secura_aayla.jpgAayla Secura (Star Wars): Twi'lek's are
   especially beautiful by the various peoples of the galaxy far,
  far away -
   something that has left them both tragically vulnerable to
  slavery and
   powerful in the art of seduction. Aayla Secura pairs her
  appearance with
   great strength in the Force, rising to Jedi Master and fighting
  in the Clone

Re: [scifinoir2] District 9 on DvD

2009-12-22 Thread Daryle Lockhart
Yeah I  just watched it. This was the worst editing job of the year.   
This would have been a 900%  greater movie had they  let  someone  
else cut  it. There are scenes left out that are REALLY  important,   
at  least I thought.

That  being  said, if you hated this movie when it was out...keep it  
moving. this won't help.

I loved it  in the theater but now I'm mad at the cut I had to watch.


On Dec 22, 2009, at 8:08 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

I just saw a review on G4. They said that there were a lot of  
deleted scenes and extras on the dvd. It was a different movie  
before it got cut down for the theater.

On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 3:48 PM, Tracey de Morsella wrote:

On the top of my Netflix Que

[] On Behalf Of George Arterberry

Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 2:01 PM
Subject: [scifinoir2] District 9 on DvD

Is it in your Netflix or Best Buy list?

Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years!
Mahogany at: 

Re: [scifinoir2] Sin City's Brittany Murphy Dead at 32

2009-12-21 Thread Daryle Lockhart
Working in a high stress environment where your livelihood depends on  
your look (which you  maintain by working out 5 times a week) and  
ability to memorize lines. Not everybody is built for it.

I met her a while ago. She was really  funny. Really nice girl.  
Always seemed surprised all this success was happening to her.

I'm gonna go with natural causes.

On Dec 21, 2009, at 7:17 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

What is your definition of natural causes?

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 4:16 PM, Omari Confer wrote:

Me work at emergency 32..

even at 20...

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 6:07 PM, Mr. Worf  

Not at 32. Its not natural causes at 32. Maybe 2000 years ago, but  
not now.

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 4:03 PM, Omari Confer wrote:

Sometimes people just conspiracy...

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 4:44 PM, Martin Baxter wrote:

Sad indeed, Mr Worf. Every time I saw her, I was drawn to her  
thinness and dark-circled eyes, and thought back to a late friend  
of mine who had a bad heart. He looked that way every day of his life.

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who  
in bloody hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant

Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 19:42:29 -0800
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Sin City's Brittany Murphy Dead at 32

That is sad. I think it was probably prescription drugs.

On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 3:01 PM, Kelwyn wrote:

LOS ANGELES — Brittany Murphy, the actress who got her start in the  
sleeper hit Clueless and rose to stardom in 8 Mile, has died in  
Los Angeles. She was 32.

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Spokeswoman Sally Stewart said Murphy  
died at 10:04 a.m. Sunday. She would not provide a cause of death,  
or any other information.

The Los Angeles Fire Department responded to a call at 8 a.m.  
Sunday from a home that is listed as belonging to British  
screenwriter Simon Monjack, who is married to Murphy, spokesman  
Devon Gale said. Gale said one person was transported to a hospital.

Los Angeles police have opened an investigation into Murphy's  
death, Officer Norma Eisenman said Sunday afternoon. Investigators  
have been dispatched to Murphy's home in the hills of West Hollywood.

Messages left for Murphy's manager, agent and publicist by The  
Associated Press weren't immediately returned.

Born Nov. 10, 1977 in Atlanta, Murphy grew up in New Jersey and  
later moved with her mother to Los Angeles to pursue acting.

Her career started in the early 1990s with small roles in  
television series, commercials and movies. She is best known for  
parts in Girl, Interrupted, Clueless and 8 Mile.

Her on-screen roles declined in recent years, but Murphy's voice  
gave life to numerous animated characters, including Luanne Platter  
on more than 200 episodes of Fox's King of the Hill and Gloria  
the penguin in the 2006 feature Happy Feet.

She is due to appear in Sylvester Stallone's upcoming film, The  
Expendables, set for release next year.

Her role in 8 Mile led to more recognition, Murphy said told AP  
in 2003. That changed a lot, she said. That was the difference  
between people knowing my first and last name as opposed to not.

Murphy credited her mother, Sharon, with being a key to her success.

When I asked my mom to move to California, she sold everything and  
moved out here for me, Murphy said. I was really grateful to have  
grown up in an environment that was conducive to creating and  
didn't stifle any of that. She always believed in me.

She dated Ashton Kutcher, who costarred with Murphy in 2003's  
romantic comedy Just Married.

Kutcher sent a message on Twitter Sunday morning about Murphy's  
death: 2day the world lost a little piece of sunshine, Kutcher  
wrote. My deepest condolences go out 2 Brittany's family, her  
husband,  her amazing mother Sharon.


AP Entertainment Writer Anthony McCartney contributed to this report.

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Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years!
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Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years!

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Doctor Who

2009-12-20 Thread Daryle Lockhart
I missed that  Inside the TARDIS special, as my daughter graduated  

How was that? Also, was the Graham Norton special a rerun?


On Dec 19, 2009, at 6:44 PM, Kelwyn wrote:

Thanks for the heads-up! I will be watching football (you gotta  
have priorities!) but I will be DVRing this episode and Inside the  


Who's your friend? Who's your buddy? (Stripes)

--- In, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@...  

 There's a new episode tonight called Waters of Mars.

Re: [scifinoir2] Inglourious Basterds

2009-12-17 Thread Daryle Lockhart

I have read and heard many a negative review of QT's films, and each  
time I have to ask you  DO know where this guy is coming from,  
right? To which the  answer is invariably no, and it doesn't matter  
because blah blah blah -- but it DOES matter.  Tarantino  makes  
derivative films based on things that inspired him.  We all  know the  
story  of him in the video  store. There are an awful  lot of movie  
goers with the same experience.  Watching Shaw Brothers  martial arts  
films to the point of becoming  experts.  Watching  grindhouse films  
and actually studying the detail.

Tarantino  is a cult  filmmaker with swagger. He's Corman 3.0. Troma  

Inglorious Basterds is a remake. You can find the original  in a  
random dollar VHS bin.  It's called GI Bro (tagline:  If you're  
kraut, he'll take you out) So this was a bad film to BEGIN with.   
Tarantino  actually  made it watchable.

On Dec 17, 2009, at 9:42 PM, Justin Mohareb wrote:

 Oh, Rave. It's you.


 On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 8:44 PM, Kelwyn wrote:

 I have just seen Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds and I  
 am powerfully underwhelmed. The movie it most reminds me of is  
 Spike Lee's The Miracle at St. Anna. Both movies are bloated and  
 too long and show a remarkable lack of narrative restraint. But  
 where Anna has made $9 million, Basterds has made $312 million  

 Thinking maybe it's me, I googled other reviews:

 I don't know if I've ever seen a revenge fantasy so willfully  
 messed up, sometimes offensively so. - Michael Phillips, Chicago  

 Clocking in at 2 hours and 32 minutes, it is unforgivably  
 - Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times.

 Tonally schizoid and rife with anachronisms (a David Bowie song  
 on the sound track, out-of-era vernacular), Tarantino's Third  
 Reich folly is utterly exasperating. - Stephen Rea, Philadelphia  

 All of these things are true and all of them can be said of  
 Anna (with the exception of the Bowie song).

 Both movies are visually impressive (some of the images in  
 Basterds are stunning), almost painterly but, in both cases, the  
 heightened cinematography distracts from the narrative. Both  
 directors have made better movies with lesser palattes.


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Re: [scifinoir2] Teen Racks Up $21K Cell Phone Bill

2009-12-13 Thread Daryle Lockhart
This is why data plans should be a part of mobile bills on certain  
phones. Folks should know the costs upfront.

On Dec 12, 2009, at 4:56 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

If you watch youtube on your phone that could start to add up really  
fast. The amount that they are talking about is about 2 movies worth  
of downloading.

On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 12:58 PM, Martin Baxter 

Sound slike this kid did the same kind of hack that my niece did on  
her cell when my sister put her on her account. My sister's bill,  
normally $68 a month, ballooned to almost $700 in one month. (My  
niece loves to download and text. LVS to download and  

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who  
in bloody hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant

Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2009 03:13:43 -0800
Subject: [scifinoir2] Teen Racks Up $21K Cell Phone Bill


Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. Get it now.

Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years!
Mahogany at:

Re: [scifinoir2] Level 26

2009-12-04 Thread Daryle Lockhart
Saw this on AOTS and decided to give it a shot.  Dunno about  any   
facebook registration. there's a Google connect  option for the site,  
but I'm not sure what  registration gets  me so  unless I need to  
sign up to  unlock the  cyber-bridges,  I probably  won't register.

I hope this works,  as it could really  help  some books be better.  
Picture a Warren Ellis Digi-novel.

On Dec 4, 2009, at 8:20 PM, Martin Baxter wrote:

I was hooked until the Facebook registration bit. Not anymore.

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who  
in bloody hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant

Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2009 15:37:39 -0800
Subject: [scifinoir2] Level 26

Anthony Zuicker has created a graphic novel / mutlimedia online  
novel called Level 26. Check it here:

Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years!
Mahogany at: 

Windows Live Hotmail gives you a free,exclusive gift. Click here to  

Re: [scifinoir2] GE makes it final

2009-12-03 Thread Daryle Lockhart
The even larger issue is that no one can explain what the value is on  
this deal.

All i see is that there's no more Fancast vs. battle.

On Dec 3, 2009, at 8:59 PM, Keith Johnson  

it'll take a year for all the final hurdles to be cleared, but this  
is horrible, horrible news. I'm in the midst of a battle with  
Comcast now, over a cable box they gave me three years ago. It was  
given as a two-for-one deal, in which i'd never pay for that box.  
But, even though the box was hand delivered and turned on, they  
never recorded it.So, every single time it has a problem, they deny  
its existence, then give me some answer that's either start paying  
for it and you can keep it, or, just give it up to us and we won't  
charge you.

The incompetence, dishonesty, and disregard of Comcast makes me sick  
all the time. These are the people who were blocking bit torrent  
traffic, the ones who were threatening to cut off users' Internet  
access for downloading too much data, but not telling them what the  
download limit was. Them gaining this much power is a bad thing.

- Original Message -
From: Mr. Worf
Sent: Thursday, December 3, 2009 7:33:07 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada  

Subject: [scifinoir2] GE makes it final

Comcast now owns NBC. You may commence to screaming aloud...

Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years!
Mahogany at:

Re: [scifinoir2] topic: movie reboots

2009-11-27 Thread Daryle Lockhart
And that's my Internet learned me something moment for the week!  
Today's mission is to fond that film. Thank you!

Daryle Lockhart

On Nov 26, 2009, at 7:31 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

The Island was an unofficial remake of another movie called the  
Clonus Horror (1979) that was a low budget film. I rented it about  
a year or two ago. They are very similar. So similar that the  
director of the film sued and won. Dreamworks settled out of court.

A good remake idea that is similar to this plot would be the movie  
Coma. It is a movie about a hospital that turns their patients into  
a body part harvesting venture.

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 4:04 PM, Daryle Lockhart 

Logan's Run has already been remade. It's called The Island.

I'm actually all for a remake of Forbidden Planet. It could be a  
really good movie with current technology.

On Nov 26, 2009, at 6:15 PM, Mr. Worf  

Hollywood is busy digging through the movie pile and blowing dust  
off of movies. On the burner:

The Crow
Forbidden Planet
The Shadow
Evil dead
Logan's Run
The Warriors
Fantastic voyage

Basically every good movie between 1956 and 1990
Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years!
Mahogany at:

Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years!
Mahogany at:

[scifinoir2] Karen Gillan’s cousin lands Doctor Who role @ Unreality Primetime

2009-11-26 Thread Daryle Lockhart

Nepotism is alive and well at the BBC! Hope the girl can act

Re: [scifinoir2] topic: movie reboots

2009-11-26 Thread Daryle Lockhart

Logan's Run has already been remade. It's called The Island.

I'm actually all for a remake of Forbidden Planet. It could be a  
really good movie with current technology.

On Nov 26, 2009, at 6:15 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

Hollywood is busy digging through the movie pile and blowing dust  
off of movies. On the burner:

The Crow
Forbidden Planet
The Shadow
Evil dead
Logan's Run
The Warriors
Fantastic voyage

Basically every good movie between 1956 and 1990
Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years!
Mahogany at:

Re: [scifinoir2] Skin Color Prejudice in Precious Casting?

2009-11-23 Thread Daryle Lockhart
Sadly, his casting of lighter actors works because of the time the  
film is set in. I remember New York in the 80s very well. We don't  
like to discuss this, but we were a pretty color struck society then.  
The popular actors and singers at the time were light. It's one of the  
reasons Spike Lee's School Daze worked.

I have problems with the film but they are technical. I didn't like  
the way it was edited, for example.

Also, some of the symbolism was a little heavy handed. But overall  
this movie's success is what indie film needed.

Daryle Lockhart

On Nov 23, 2009, at 2:41 AM, Mr. Worf wrote:

I'm bothered that the director didn't change his or her perception  
of fat people until he made the film. He's no spring chicken.

I think that the light skinned vs dark skinned thing is still going  
on but it is a lot more subtle. Hollywood still prefers the light  
skinned blacks as the good guy character.

On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 5:02 PM, Keith Johnson 

I'm prejudiced against people who are darker than me...When I was  
young, I went to a church where the lighter-skinned you were, the  
closer you sat to the altar.  --Lee Daniels, director of Precious.


I will drop a review of Precious in the next couple of days. Short  
answer: I loved the film, though it's difficult to watch at times  
( i will say, due to all the hype, it's not as bad as I'd expected,  
since I was prepared for a lot more graphic abuse depicted).  One  
thing that does bother me about the film, now that I've heard it  
mentioned, is that the good people in it are all light-skinned.  
Indeed, Paula Patton, Lenny Kravitz, and Mariah Carey are all  
biracial. The bad people are all dark skinned.

It's interesting that director Lee Daniels admits he's had some  
issues on the color  line, as noted in the article below.  
Interesting discussion on skin colour, that's unfortunately still  
relevant today, and interesting that in a film meant to explore the  
issues we all have, some of the creative work behind it reveals some  
of the same problems.


What Precious Means for Race Relations

Sunday November 8, 2009
The film Precious premiered in select cities Nov. 6, and reviews  
are pouring in about the movie with a Harlem teen whose life  
transforms through education. To say that the circumstances of  
Precious Jones' life are bleak would be an understatement. Precious  
is illiterate, living with HIV and has been victimized by her  
parents in numerous ways, including sexually. Her father has twice  
impregnated her, and one child she's borne by him suffers from Down  

Precious tackles an array of issues. Because the protagonist is  
black, however, both the media and the public have raised questions  
about its effect on race relations. I've summed up two major  
questions about the film below:

Why do white audiences eat up black films and novels that depict  
dysfunction, poverty and abuse?

Why are the villains in Precious dark-skinned and the heroes light- 

Precious is based on the novel Push by Sapphire. Both the film and  
the book have been compared to Alice Walker's The Color Purple and  
Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye in that they, too, garnered praise  
from white critics and featured emotional and sexual abuse of black  
youth by family members. The fact that these works feature abuse  
isn't in and of itself a problem. The problem is how the mainstream  
receives these works. I have no problem if viewers and critics  
regard Precious et al. as representations of particular black  
families. On the other hand, I do object to viewers and critics who  
regard a film like Precious as the only authentic black experience  
and a television program such as The Cosby Show as inauthentic.  
The fact is both of these slices of black life are authentic.

I do understand, though, why some members of the black community  
have criticized Precious. Positive images of blacks in the media  
remain few and far between. In comedies, blacks are portrayed as  
buffoonish, cartoonish and uncouth. Films such as Norbit, Doctor  
Dolittle and Big Momma's House, not to mention any Tyler Perry  
flick, mock black womanhood. And on the dramatic end, we've had  
stories of gang warfare, virulent racism and abusive or absentee  

There's no doubt in my mind that media portrayals of people of color  
can lead to racial stereotyping. I'm reminded of a former classmate  
from a Mexican-American family from East L.A. Her roommate freshman  
year was a Midwesterner who, upon seeing the gang film Mi Vida  
Loca, said that she didn't realize my classmate had lived such a  
hard life. My friend laughed and told her

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Skin Color Prejudice in Precious Casting?

2009-11-23 Thread Daryle Lockhart
That, my  friend, is a book. Illustrate these hooker inventions in  
a setting that's in the not too distant  future  and it's a GREAT  

On Nov 23, 2009, at 8:24 AM, Kelwyn wrote:

Lipstick is a subject that amuses me mightily since lipstick was  
first worn by prostitutes to advertise both their expertise and  
their willingness to perform oral sex. Add lipstick to the long  
line of hooker accouterments adopted by women at large.


--- In, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@...  

 I think that some areas were a little more skin sensitive than  
others but
 I do remember some of the controversy back then. Especially when  
Prince, the

 Debarges were big.

 On a side topic, there was a post that I read a few months ago  
that asked
 the question should black women wear lipstick. The author of the  
 believed that dark skinned black women should never wear  
lipstick. There

 were some other weirdness mixed into it that sounded a lot like
 pseudo-religious mess, but I thought that it was interesting.

 On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 3:12 AM, Daryle Lockhart

  Sadly, his casting of lighter actors works because of the time  
the film is
  set in. I remember New York in the 80s very well. We don't like  
to discuss
  this, but we were a pretty color struck society then. The  
popular actors and
  singers at the time were light. It's one of the reasons Spike  
Lee's School

  Daze worked.
  I have problems with the film but they are technical. I didn't  
like the way

  it was edited, for example.
  Also, some of the symbolism was a little heavy handed. But  
overall this

  movie's success is what indie film needed.
  Daryle Lockhart
  On Nov 23, 2009, at 2:41 AM, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@... wrote:
  I'm bothered that the director didn't change his or her  
perception of fat

  people until he made the film. He's no spring chicken.
  I think that the light skinned vs dark skinned thing is still  
going on but
  it is a lot more subtle. Hollywood still prefers the light  
skinned blacks as

  the good guy character.
  On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 5:02 PM, Keith Johnson  
KeithBJohnson@keithbjohn...@... wrote:
  *I'm prejudiced against people who are darker than me...When  
I was
  young, I went to a church where the lighter-skinned you were,  
the closer you

  sat to the altar. --Lee Daniels, director of Precious.*
  I will drop a review of Precious in the next couple of days.  
  answer: I loved the film, though it's difficult to watch at  
times ( i will
  say, due to all the hype, it's not as bad as I'd expected,  
since I was
  prepared for a lot more graphic abuse depicted). One thing  
that does bother
  me about the film, now that I've heard it mentioned, is that  
the good people
  in it are all light-skinned. Indeed, Paula Patton, Lenny  
Kravitz, and Mariah

  Carey are all biracial. The bad people are all dark skinned.
  It's interesting that director Lee Daniels admits he's had  
some issues on
  the color line, as noted in the article below. Interesting  
discussion on
  skin colour, that's unfortunately still relevant today, and  
interesting that
  in a film meant to explore the issues we all have, some of the  
creative work

  behind it reveals some of the same problems.

relations.htm What

  Precious Means for Race Relations
  Sunday November 8, 2009
  The film Precious  
premiered in
  select cities Nov. 6, and reviews are pouring in about the  
movie with a
  Harlem teen whose life transforms through education. To say  
that the
  circumstances of Precious Jones' life are bleak would be an  
  Precious is illiterate, living with HIV and has been  
victimized by her
  parents in numerous ways, including sexually. Her father has  
  impregnated her, and one child she's borne by him suffers from  

  Precious tackles an array of issues. Because the protagonist  
is black,
  however, both the media and the public have raised questions  
about its
  effect on race relations. I've summed up two major questions  
about the film

  Why do white audiences eat up black films and novels that depict
  dysfunction, poverty and abuse?
  Why are the villains in Precious dark-skinned and the heroes
  Precious is based on the novel *Push* 
Sapphire. Both the film and the book have been compared

Re: [scifinoir2] The Cleavland show

2009-11-23 Thread Daryle Lockhart
That show is like the MILF island skit from 30 Rock. Sounds hilarious  
- for two episodes. Then you're back to the original show for ideas/ 

Daryle Lockhart

On Nov 23, 2009, at 5:15 AM, Mr. Worf wrote:

Since no one has written about this show yet. This show isn't as  
funny as the Family guy but it is the first adult animated show with  
a mostly black cast. It has a feeling of being a bit forced, but  
some of the jokes are edgy.

Has anyone watched this show yet? What are your thoughts on it?

Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years!
Mahogany at:

Re: [scifinoir2] Batman and Secret Saturdays on Cartoon Network Now

2009-11-22 Thread Daryle Lockhart
I like the work being done on Ben 10. Looking forward to the live  
action special this week.

This season of Clone Wars is really not for kids. I'm enjoying it, but  
my son and I have had to find other stuff to watch together.

Daryle Lockhart

On Nov 22, 2009, at 12:30 AM, Keith Johnson wrote:

Give Ben 10 a try. It's not on the level of Avatar at its best, but  
very enjoyable. Also, turn over to NickToons and check out Danny  
Phantom. That is a very fun toon, about a kid who has ghostlike  
powers and must send bad spirits back to their realm, all the while  
keeping his secret from his clueless ghost-hunter-wannabe dad, whose  
like a comedic Reed Richards.   There's also a very funny 'toon on  
Cartoon Network that's a spoof of shows like Survivor. I forget  
the name, but it's a hilarious parody of those shows.

As for the first Star Wars animated, if you mean the animated Clone  
Wars shorts produced by Gendy Tartokovsky (the man behind Samurai  
Jack) I agree. Those were kick a$$!!! I *loved* one that featured  
Mace Windu taking on an army of droids by himself. My biggest  
complaint about all the Star Wars flicks is that they talk about how  
all-powerful the Force is, but they actually never really showed it  
being all that awesome in usage. Oh sure: Yoda lifted a spaceship  
and some random metal. Luke used it to jump good (a Samurai Jack  
reference). But it actually seemed weaker than what I expected. But  
Windu in that cartoon! Oh my gosh he was amazing. He literally moved  
faster than humanly possible, and was punching the metallic robots  
with his bare (Force-enhanced) fists. When surrounded, he put forth  
a Force Wave that literally swept the battlefield of opponents.  
And then, he leapt what looked like dozen of yards in a single  
bound, to take a swig of water from a young boy's flask, only to  
take another prodigious leap back into the fray.

Now *that* is Force power!  That's what I wanted to see more of from  
good and bad alike in the movies. It's also why I felt Windu was  
punked with that wimpy demise in the movie.

- Original Message -
From: Mr. Worf
Sent: Saturday, November 21, 2009 9:55:53 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada  
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Batman and Secret Saturdays on Cartoon  
Network Now

I watch Batman, Star wars, Chowder, and Flapjack. Also Secret  
Saturdays when they are on.

I liked the first animated Star Wars. It was a lot edgier and  
darker. There was a lot more action in it. The newer series has its  
moments though.

On Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 5:39 PM, Keith Johnson 

There's a new block of 'toons on Cartoon Network on right now.   
First up is a new ep of Batman: The Brave and the Bold. In it,  
Mongul is forcing several heroes and villains race for ultimate rule  
of Earth. That's followed by a new ep of Secret Saturdays.

Speaking of Cartoon Network, anyone else watch Ben 10: Alien Force  
and The Clone Wars? Those are both very good shows. I was already  
a Ben 10 fan, but the Clone Wars series is better than i expected.  
Some eps are way better than Eps 1 and 2 in the movie franchise.

Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years!
Mahogany at:

Re: [scifinoir2] Precious moment

2009-11-17 Thread Daryle Lockhart

Short answer is this:

Opening week, in 18 theaters, the film made 1.9 million dollars. That  
means if you owned a theater? You made 100 thousand dollars. In one  
weekend. The film cost 10 million to make. It's made close to 9  
million already and it's not even in 200 theaters.

Daryle Lockhart

On Nov 17, 2009, at 3:26 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

What I don't understand is why they spent so much money on the  
advertising but only have it at a limited number of theaters.

On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 7:34 AM, Kelwyn wrote:
Saw sneak peak of Precious last night. I have never seen anything  
so soul crushing and life affirming. An amazing achievement.


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 Groups Links

Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years!
Mahogany at:

Re: [scifinoir2] Copyright Time Bomb Set to Disrupt Music, Publishing Industries

2009-11-15 Thread Daryle Lockhart
This is actually more of a challenge to social media than it is a  
problem for the music industry.

This isn't the death of record labels, it's the death of  
distributors. but really, distribution's been dead for 10  years now.  
It's also probably the death of mega conglomerates.  So expect  
Universal, for example, to break out and re-brand its individual  
labels, like they do in the UK. Expect to hear about this great new  
band on Mercury.

This has been the best year for new music in a long time. I bought 12  
great records that came out this year. The difference is that  most  
of the great  records that  came out this year were independents. And  
so social media played a big role in promoting new bands and singers,  
while Radio is still pushing priorities. We have to remember that  
Warner Brothers didn't invent Prince. They signed him while he was  
young and on the rise. It will probably be EASIER to  discover the  
next  Prince without major labels getting in the way.

Right now, who's going to artist websites?

I consider, for example, to be one of my favorite  
labels. I like all the associated artists, and so if an artist   
comes out that's OkayPlayer approved, I'll buy. Same with Sonar  
Kollektiv, Foreign Exchange, or Ninja Tune. I trust these sites/ 
brands and am happy to use them as a starting point  for discovering  
new music. I NEVER go to Sony's website looking for new artists.

Giving artists (and let's be real - managers and agents as well)  
control of their copyrights turns it all around, and gives people a  
reason to go to websites again. This is good because the artists/ 
indie labels can make their money in two  ways - from the downloads  
and, once they've gained sufficient audience, concert tickets and  

In addition, artists can capitalize on this by building destination  
web radio stations or branded environments on iTunes. There are also  
mobile applications that  can be developed that a music industry of  
the 21st Century SHOULD have.

Most importantly, it stops artists from getting 10 cents out of a 99  
cent download!

The challenge, then, is this - how does Facebook maintain its  
ridiculously  high traffic when people rediscover that they can do  
other things on the web?!

On Nov 15, 2009, at 8:47 AM, Bosco Bosco wrote:

I would disagree. I think great albums continue to be made on a  
regular basis. We could take a trip down to Waterloo Records in  
Austin and I could pull literally thousands of full albums made in  
the last few years that were awesome. The quality issue is less  
about single vs album and more about the tidal wave of people  
recording music who simply shouldn't be doing it. We've got about  
the same number of great albums and singles coming every year but  
we've got an exponentially higher number of hacks watering down the  
pool with their drivel. That's been the issue since the start of  
digital revolution.

Assuming, however that you are correct and the major players all  
bail to self released and self financed business models. What does  
that leave for the new guys? With the enormous pool of artists  
recording and releasing the songs, how do they get noticed without  
a well honed marketing machine to help create awareness? With the  
ease and virtual non cost of home recording and digital  
distribution the pool of people making music is going to continue  
to increase. The quality releases by unknowns and lesser knowns  
will simply disappear into the miasma of plain and pointless that's  
already drowning the industry.

The music industry is a bloated demon but without it, lots of  
things are going to be lost. I'm not sure missing the next Prince  
or Dylan or whoever is the intended goal but it seems a likely one  
to occur.


--- On Sun, 11/15/09, Mr. Worf wrote:

From: Mr. Worf
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Copyright Time Bomb Set to Disrupt Music,  
Publishing Industries

Date: Sunday, November 15, 2009, 4:31 AM

If every major act out there starts doing like what the Eagles are  
planning, and what Prince, Nine inch nails, George Michael,  
Radiohead and others have done the business will be pretty much  
dead in a couple of years. Unless they learn how to adapt and work  
with a different business model.

Back in the 1940s though early 1960s they worked on singles (45s)  
model but that went out the window when they started focusing on  
album sales. I think they need to go back to that. It is very rare  
that an artist will produce something that is so good for an entire  

On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 5:28 PM, Bosco Bosco ironpi...@yahoo. com  

This will be an interesting time for the music business. Other  
copyright issues have already begun with acts like the Beatles and  
the Stones. The interesting part will be if artists, as in the  
aforementioned Nicholas Cage bankruptcy 

Re: [scifinoir2] Copyright Time Bomb Set to Disrupt Music, Publishing Industries

2009-11-15 Thread Daryle Lockhart
I would ask if your niece and nephew are listening to bands and DJ's  
or radio  programming.

This has been a HORRIBLE year for radio music,  which  is one reason  
people went so  crazy when Jay-Z's album hit. It was actually  
sequenced with some thought.  But 2009 a GREAT  year for independent   
music,  in multiple genres.

On Nov 15, 2009, at 4:29 PM, Martin Baxter wrote:

This has been the best year for new music in a long time. I bought  
12 great records that came out this year.

On that, Daryle, let us disagree. I do hear a lot of the new music  
(fifteen-year-old niece and an almost-nine-year-old nephew), and it  
all sounds the same to me. And I am a guitarist, so my ear's not  
exactly tin.

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who  
in bloody hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant

Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 10:11:13 -0500
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Copyright Time Bomb Set to Disrupt Music,  
Publishing Industries

This is actually more of a challenge to social media than it is a  
problem for the music industry.

This isn't the death of record labels, it's the death of  
distributors. but really, distribution's been dead for 10  years  
now. It's also probably the death of mega conglomerates.  So expect  
Universal, for example, to break out and re-brand its individual  
labels, like they do in the UK. Expect to hear about this great  
new band on Mercury.

This has been the best year for new music in a long time. I bought  
12 great records that came out this year. The difference is that   
most of the great  records that  came out this year were  
independents. And so social media played a big role in promoting  
new bands and singers, while Radio is still pushing priorities.  
We have to remember that Warner Brothers didn't invent Prince. They  
signed him while he was young and on the rise. It will probably be  
EASIER to  discover the next  Prince without major labels getting  
in the way.

Right now, who's going to artist websites?

I consider, for example, to be one of my favorite  
labels. I like all the associated artists, and so if an artist   
comes out that's OkayPlayer approved, I'll buy. Same with Sonar  
Kollektiv, Foreign Exchange, or Ninja Tune. I trust these sites/ 
brands and am happy to use them as a starting point  for  
discovering new music. I NEVER go to Sony's website looking for new  

Giving artists (and let's be real - managers and agents as well)  
control of their copyrights turns it all around, and gives people a  
reason to go to websites again. This is good because the artists/ 
indie labels can make their money in two  ways - from the downloads  
and, once they've gained sufficient audience, concert tickets and  

In addition, artists can capitalize on this by building destination  
web radio stations or branded environments on iTunes. There are  
also mobile applications that  can be developed that a music  
industry of the 21st Century SHOULD have.

Most importantly, it stops artists from getting 10 cents out of a  
99 cent download!

The challenge, then, is this - how does Facebook maintain its  
ridiculously  high traffic when people rediscover that they can do  
other things on the web?!

On Nov 15, 2009, at 8:47 AM, Bosco Bosco wrote:

I would disagree. I think great albums continue to be made on a  
regular basis. We could take a trip down to Waterloo Records in  
Austin and I could pull literally thousands of full albums made in  
the last few years that were awesome. The quality issue is less  
about single vs album and more about the tidal wave of people  
recording music who simply shouldn't be doing it. We've got about  
the same number of great albums and singles coming every year but  
we've got an exponentially higher number of hacks watering down the  
pool with their drivel. That's been the issue since the start of  
digital revolution.

Assuming, however that you are correct and the major players all  
bail to self released and self financed business models. What does  
that leave for the new guys? With the enormous pool of artists  
recording and releasing the songs, how do they get noticed without  
a well honed marketing machine to help create awareness? With the  
ease and virtual non cost of home recording and digital  
distribution the pool of people making music is going to continue  
to increase. The quality releases by unknowns and lesser knowns  
will simply disappear into the miasma of plain and pointless that's  
already drowning the industry.

The music industry is a bloated demon but without it, lots of  
things are going to be lost. I'm not sure missing the next Prince  
or Dylan or whoever is the intended goal but it seems a likely one  
to occur.


--- On Sun, 11/15/09, Mr. Worf wrote:

From: Mr. Worf 

Re: [scifinoir2] Roland Emmerich confirms plans for a 2012 TV show

2009-11-09 Thread Daryle Lockhart
This show may as well  be called Epic Fail unless Roland makes one  
phone call: To Manny Coto.

On Nov 9, 2009, at 4:12 AM, Tracey de Morsella wrote:


Roland Emmerich's already controversial world-destroying movie 2012  
isn't even in theaters yet, but there are reports he's mulling a  
follow-up TV show called 2013.

How can there be a follow-up show to a movie about the end of the  
world, you ask? (Spoilers ahead!)

Well, according to CinemaBlend, there are some survivors, and the  
show would pick up their story:

As speculated, the new series will be called 2013 and will focus on  
the aftermath of the cataclysmic events of the film. With the world  
in disarray, it's time to rebuild. Emmerich says it's not the  
bright happy future everyone was imagining when the film ends.  
Instead, things look bleak. But this is humanity, so of course we  
can rise up from this.

Emmerich will reportedly model the proposed show on Lost and the  
sci-fi action movie District 9: big casts, complex storytelling and  
a gritty, realistic style.

Keep in mind this is all pie in the sky, since the movie's not out  
yet and could tank. Also, name a TV show based on a sci-fi movie  
that managed to be a big hit, besides the Stargates. Anyone?

2012 opens Nov. 13.

Re: [scifinoir2] Finnaly Switching from Comcast - Please advise

2009-11-09 Thread Daryle Lockhart

When I joined this list  I was with Comcast.  Hated it,  but they  
were the Empire where I lived and there was nothing I  could do.   
When I moved 5 years ago, I  had Time Warner Cable for around 4.  
Constant problems. Poor customer service. Cost  too much  for the  
channels I cared about. Then there wqas that  whole we may/may not  
have Viacom Channels thing. I took off.  For the past year or so,  
I've had DirectTV, and my only problem is a tree in my  neighbor's  
yard that  grows leaves in Spring and summer that  DIRECTLY blocks HD  
signal at times. They  gave me a credit  for the months that the   
leaves grow. You read right. I pay LESS for service in Spring and  
Summer because of a TREE.

the packages are expensive,  but depending on your interest, they are  
worth it. plus, they are ALWAYS running some kind of promotion where  
you get free channels.

On Nov 9, 2009, at 1:15 PM, Tracey de Morsella wrote:

About a year ago, I was planning on switching from Comcast and some  
of you gave some great advice regarding Direct TV and ATT, etc.   
Comcast lowered my price, so I put it off, but the price is about  
to go back up so I want out.  Can you guys make any recommendations.

Also if I do not take a package, won’t it cost more?


Re: [scifinoir2] Finnaly Switching from Comcast - Please advise

2009-11-09 Thread Daryle Lockhart
I have actually found that Time Warner is a better cable internet  
provider than a cable TV provider! They're still  too  high, but I  
need high speed for my  work.  I use TW for internet and Vonage for  
phone. The Vonage is wonderful and really inexpensive!

On Nov 9, 2009, at 2:47 PM, Tracey de Morsella wrote:

Sorry about the spelling errors.  I’m always rushing.  Sorry about  
that.  Thanks Daryle.  What are you doing about Internet and  
phone.  I have a bundle, but I have been told to avoid them.   
Doesn’t that cost even more?

[] On Behalf Of Daryle Lockhart

Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Finnaly Switching from Comcast - Please  

When I joined this list  I was with Comcast.  Hated it,  but they  
were the Empire where I lived and there was nothing I  could do.   
When I moved 5 years ago, I  had Time Warner Cable for around 4.  
Constant problems. Poor customer service. Cost  too much  for the  
channels I cared about. Then there wqas that  whole we may/may not  
have Viacom Channels thing. I took off.  For the past year or so,  
I've had DirectTV, and my only problem is a tree in my  neighbor's  
yard that  grows leaves in Spring and summer that  DIRECTLY blocks  
HD signal at times. They  gave me a credit  for the months that  
the  leaves grow. You read right. I pay LESS for service in Spring  
and Summer because of a TREE.

the packages are expensive,  but depending on your interest, they  
are worth it. plus, they are ALWAYS running some kind of promotion  
where you get free channels.

On Nov 9, 2009, at 1:15 PM, Tracey de Morsella wrote:

About a year ago, I was planning on switching from Comcast and some  
of you gave some great advice regarding Direct TV and ATT, etc.   
Comcast lowered my price, so I put it off, but the price is about  
to go back up so I want out.  Can you guys make any recommendations.

Also if I do not take a package, won’t it cost more?


Re: [scifinoir2] O/T From Burger King in Japan, the Windows 7 Whopper

2009-10-28 Thread Daryle Lockhart

LOL...THAT is why you weren't invited.

On Oct 28, 2009, at 3:57 PM, Martin Baxter wrote:

Why was I not told of this in advance? Yes, despite my loathing of  
all things M$, I would've showed up, eaten as much as I could of  
the burger...

... then sank back in my chair, unbuttoning my jacket to reveal a  
Firefox t-shirt. :-)

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who  
in bloody hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant

Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 12:50:10 -0700
Subject: [scifinoir2] O/T From Burger King in Japan, the Windows 7  

From Burger King in Japan, the Windows 7 Whopper

To promote Windows 7 and reach a non-techie audience, Microsoft and  
Burger King teamed up to sell a burger as big as a dinner plate

By Kenji Hall


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McDonald's (MCD) took plenty of flak years ago for its super-size  
meals. But Microsoft's (MSFT) strategy for building buzz in Japan  
gives new meaning to the term. Beginning on Oct. 22, to mark the  
launch of its Windows 7 in Japan, Microsoft has teamed up with  
Burger King (BKC) on a limited-offer burger: the Windows 7 Whopper.
The seven-patty burger weighs more than 791 grams (1.4 lb.) and  
stands about 12.7 centimeters (5 inches) tall. At 2,120 calories,  
it's more than just a quick snack, easily exceeding the 2,000- 
calorie daily diet recommended by the U.S. Food  Drug  
Administration. The promotion was originally supposed to last seven  
days, but it's been such a hit that the fast-food chain has  
extended it for nine more days. We were surprised that it's been  
so popular, says Burger King's spokeswoman Nozomi Nagumo.
Microsoft, based in Redmond, Wash., approached Burger King's Japan  
unit to explore a tie-in that would coincide with the Windows 7  
release. The idea was to reach out to a non-techie audience that  
might not be aware that Microsoft had revamped its operating  
software, Microsoft spokesman Masaki Iida says. For Burger King,  
which reopened in Japan in mid-2007 after a temporary pullout, this  
was a chance to piggyback on Microsoft's brand. The fast-food chain  
says the special Whopper is the biggest burger it has ever  
marketed. Neither company would reveal the cost of the campaign.

Selling Like Hot Cakes?

Sales have been strong. Burger King sells the first 30 burgers at  
every store in Japan for 777 yen ($8.45); after that, the price  
jumps to 1,450 yen ($15.75). In just the first two days of the  
promotion, the company's stores sold 1,700 burgers. Two days later,  
the count reached 6,000. (The majority of customers were paying the  
higher price.) For several days at a Tokyo shop, the Windows 7  
Whopper accounted for one in every three orders.
The success of the campaign is evident in the blogosphere and on  
YouTube, where videos show people grabbing the burger with both  
hands and trying to bite through all seven patties. In one video, a  
man repeatedly draws attention to a pool of grease forming on the  
wrapper he eats over. Burger King's Nagumo says staff members were  
told to ask customers if they needed a fork.
The crush of publicity is a welcome change for Miami-based Burger  
King, which has struggled for visibility since reentering the  
Japanese market in June 2007. The company withdrew in 2001 after  
losing a price war with McDonald's. Its return was part of a global  
expansion to new markets such as Egypt, Hong Kong, and Poland. By  
next March, Burger King plans to add five new stores in the Tokyo  
metropolitan area, raising its store count to 20, says spokeswoman  
Nagumo. That's nowhere near the 3,754 stores in Japan of rival  

Larger Than Life

Meals in Japan are usually pint-size, which explains why big  
burgers tend to attract a lot of attention. McDonald's introduced  
its limited-offer MegaMac, featuring four beef patties, in 2007.  
Last November, McDonald's launched a stealth-marketing campaign for  
the Quarter Pounder, which has been on the menu in U.S. stores for  
decades but had never been offered in Japan. That campaign centered  
around two restaurants in Tokyo's hip Shibuya and Omotesando  
shopping areas that were marked only by a Quarter Pounder sign  
outside. During the pre-launch, customers could only order a single  
or double Quarter Pounder meal; now it's a staple on all McDonald's  
Burger King's collaboration with Microsoft wasn't the biggest  
burger the chain had ever sold in Japan. One group ordered a 20- 
patty Whopper for a friend's 20th birthday, says 

Re: [scifinoir2] Go See Astro Boy

2009-10-26 Thread Daryle Lockhart


I DO have a problem with the Americanized script, but overall, what a  
great re-working of the story! My son and I really  enjoyed it!

On Oct 25, 2009, at 6:36 AM, Tracey de Morsella wrote:

Took Kira my daughter to see Astroboy this afternoon.  When I was  
five, my two favorite cartoons were Astroboy and Prince Planet, so  
I guess I was predisposed to like the movie.Despite that,  
before all the great buzz, I was not expecting much.  But it really  

I was checking out user reviews on IMDB, and some of the users do  
not seem to be loving it and only half of the critics on Rotten  
Tomatoes loved it, but I’m adding this to my list of top non- 
Japanese animated movies, along with Wall-E, The Incredibles and  
Monsters Inc. I think adult fans of anime will love this. 
Those critics that loved it, really loved it.  Expect those that  
have social commentary in their movies or scifi will hate it.I  
think they stayed true to  Osamu Tezuka's( the creator) vision

As anyone else seen it?  Anyone planning on going?

Re: [scifinoir2] Pee-wee Herman's Excellent Ensemble

2009-10-26 Thread Daryle Lockhart

It's a shame there's no show like that  on now for actors to work on.

On Oct 25, 2009, at 3:15 PM, Kelwyn wrote:

The Benicio Del Toro interview in this month's issue of PLAYBOY  
magazine has once again reminded me of the excellent cast of actors  
who earned their daily bread working for Pee-wee:

The late great William (Blacula) Marshall as the Cartoon King

Lawrence Fishburne as Cowboy Curtis

S. Epatha Merkerson as Reba the Mail Lady

Benicio Del Toro as Duke, the dog-faced boy

The late great Phil Hartman as Captain Carl

Kris Kristofferson as Ring Leader Mace Montana (Big Top Pee-wee)


Benicio Del Toro as Duke, the dog-faced boy (Big Top Pee-wee)

Of course, there was also Gregory (did not play second fiddle on
Trapper John, M.D) Harrison, whose only IMDB credit is as
Conky the Robot.


Re: [scifinoir2] Who Saw What this Weekend?

2009-10-19 Thread Daryle Lockhart

I saw Law Abiding Citizen and loved it. Saw Black Dynamite and loved it.

I really wanted to see Janky Promoters starring Ice Cube, Mike Epps  
and Taraji Henson, but The Weinstein Company is now out of the Black  
movie business.


On Oct 19, 2009, at 9:08 AM, Keith Johnson  

It was okay. I thought it lacked some needed character development.  
Foxx almost appeared to be a bad actor, his character was so stiff.  
His family was there, but not used effectively enough to add a more  
human touch, although that was obviously the intent. Although  
Butler's motivation was obviously there, I still felt his behavior  
wasnt' quite justified--at least, on that level. It felt more like a  
comic book villain's genesis. When his character was really sad and  
crying, I felt more of a connection, but when he went all arch  
villain, I felt a distance.  Ad the last twenty minutes of so  
stretched credulity so much I was really jarred out of the movie. I  
give it a C, and think with a bit more rounding out of the  
characters and some tighter plotting it could have been an excellent  

- Original Message -
From: Augustus Augustus
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 9:03:06 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Who Saw What this Weekend?


I saw Fox and Butler - i thought it was pretty kool.  true, the  
premise was way out there, but it was good 2 me despite that.  the  
scene that made everyone in the theatre jump was the judge answering  
the phone (u know the scene)!  2 me, it was kool how he planned his  
moves for 10 years.  shows patience, and a commitment!  have 2 love  
the attention 2 detail that he put into his plan.  a fun, good 2  
hours of popcorn and coke.


--- On Sun, 10/18/09, Keith Johnson wrote:

From: Keith Johnson
Subject: [scifinoir2] Who Saw What this Weekend?
Date: Sunday, October 18, 2009, 11:53 PM

Comments, thoughts, critiques from any of y'all who saw movies this  
weekend. Who saw the following:

Black Dynamite - was it good?

Law Abiding Citizenn - saw it, it was okay, I had problems with  
scripting, acting, plot, ending

Where the Wild Things Are - did it live up to the hopes?

The Stepfather - is what to me an unnecessary remake worth the price  
of a ticket?

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