[scifinoir2] Re: Iron Man Bad Guy Has Role in Star Trek

2009-04-11 Thread drcsaid
the Kelvin looks like it was an alien war ship in the original War of the 

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@... wrote:

 This is the bad guy from Iron Man, now playing a starship captain in the Star 
 Trek flick. Despite the subject, the writers seem to forget there was an 
 Indian starship captain in The Voyage Home. He was only on screen for a few 
 moments, I believe he was looking all dour as that whale-space probe-thing 
 shut down his ship's power... 
 Faran Tahir breaks barriers as a new starship captain in Star Trek 
 Faran Tahir breaks barriers as a new starship captain in \i\Star Trek\\/i\
 Faran Tahir, a Pakistani-American actor, has the distinction of playing 
 Captain Robau, the first Federation starship captain of Middle Eastern (well, 
 South Asian) ethnicity to play a major role, in J.J. Abrams' upcoming Star 
 Trek , and he told SCI FI Wire the honor isn't lost on him. 
 In this, Tahir is the latest in a long line of ethnic actors who have taken 
 on color-blind roles in Trek , which has had a tradition going back to the 
 original series and creator Gene Roddenberry of imagining a future where 
 every person lives up to his or her fullest potential, regardless of race or 
 ethnicity. (Possible spoilers ahead!) 
 Faran Tahir breaks barriers as a new starship captain in \i\Star Trek\\/i\
 The Kelvin 
 [It's] a great thing, Tahir said in an exclusive interview. I have had 
 conversations with J.J. about this, ... because I knew the other people who 
 were being considered for this role, and they were not [cast]. So one day 
 over dinner I was, 'So what was it, why?' You know, just to get a window into 
 it. And I think heâ€and I have to commend him on thisâ€what he was trying 
 to do was find a certain quality in the actor and just to set up the story, 
 you know? And to me, that is refreshing, and it's great to hear. ... The 
 biggest compliment is that he was looking for a certain quality. He could 
 have found that in me, he could have found that in [anyone else]. And it just 
 happened to be me, and ... the added ... layer to that is that, yeah, I 
 happen to be of a certain descent, and ... the casting was [in] the spirit of 
 what Star Trek is about. 
 Robau is the captain of the Kelvin , the starship on which James T. Kirk's 
 father, George Kirk (Chris Hemsworth), is first officer and is serving with 
 his wife, Winona Kirk (Jennifer Morrison), who is pregnant with James, as the 
 ship comes under attack by the villainous Romulan Nero (Eric Bana). 
 I am on the ship, Tahir said. That's how the story goes. And then, of 
 course I have to go deal with Nero. So that's the premise of it. ... It sets 
 up this entire saga of [ Star Trek ]. People who understand Star Trek , it 
 kind of takes us back to a time when ... the story began. 
 Tahir ( Iron Man ) spoke in a phone interview on Thursday from San Francisco, 
 where he was wrapping production on another film. Following is an edited 
 version of the rest of our interview. Star Trek opens May 8. 
 It must be very exciting to be in this first installment of what is 
 envisioned to be a long series of films. 
 Tahir : It is as exciting as it can be. I mean, I have been a Star Trek fan 
 for ... a very long time. So just on the basis of that, it was awesome. You 
 feel like you're 10 years old again. ... You go out there, and the first time 
 I walked on the set, onto the set of the ship, ... after a moment I was like, 
 Wow. I am captain of a Federation ship. 
 It does kind of transport you to ... your younger days. ... And they you go, 
 OK, well, wait a minute, I have a job to do here, and let's do that now. 
 [But,] yeah, it was very thrilling. 
 What kind of uniform do you wear? 
 Tahir : A very tight one. So eating was out of the question, basically. ... I 
 think it follows the same look as other Star Trek movies have had. I think, 
 very close to what Next Generation and all that had. So it is that kind of a 
 look, very clean, very form-fitting. ... 
 J.J. Abrams is a very, very smart man. I think he realizes that there is a 
 generation that has not grown up with Star Trek . ... There haven't been any 
 movies out for a while. The TV franchise is done. So he is smart enough to 
 respect that and find the bridges which will keep the spirit of the original 
 and yet freshen it up enough so that this new generation, who hasn't grown up 
 with it, can own it. A piece of it. And not have to deal with it as if it 
 were their father's or their brother's or their uncle's passion. ... 
 And part of it is, look, part of it is how the story goes. Part of it is the 
 acting style. I think it's grittier. It's real, yeah. I think it's done well. 
 I think it puts all of those things into play, and I think it succeeds in 
 pretty much all of those tasks. 

[scifinoir2] Biggest Film Flops and Fiascoes

2009-04-11 Thread drcsaid
Biggest Film Flops and Fiascoes

[scifinoir2] Morris Chestnut Lands ABC Pilot

2009-03-05 Thread drcsaid
Morris Chestnut Lands ABC Pilot

[scifinoir2] Re: Ironman: Why They Say Terrance Howard was Fired

2008-11-04 Thread drcsaid
I like Cheadle but I can't see him in the role of James Rhodes...


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Tracey de Morsella [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 'Iron Man 2': How Terrence Howard Lost His Metal 
 Marvel's decision to recast the role of Col. Jim Rhodes said to be a
 combination of salary issues and concern about the performance

 ;  Nicole Sperling 
 Nicole Sperling
 Nicole Sperling 
 When a summer blockbuster grosses more than $300 million, putting
together a
 sequel is typically as simple as throwing buckets of money at your
stars and
 signing a few pieces of paper. That hasn't been the case with
 http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,20197922,00.html Iron Man 2. It took
 months for Marvel http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,276445,00.html 
 to lock in director Jon Favreau
 http://www.ew.com/ew/allabout/0,,20001160,00.html  for the sequel. And
 reports that Don

 l  Cheadle will replace Terrence Howard as Col. Jim Rhodes - a
 character who seemed poised for a big role in the follow-up after he
 muttered ''Next time, baby'' to Iron Man's steel suit - hint that
IM2 isn't
 quite as infallible as the superhero at its center.
 Hollywood insiders believe the exit stems from Terrence Howard
 http://www.ew.com/ew/allabout/0,,2750,00.html 's difficult
behavior on
 the set of Iron Man. But those with intimate knowledge of the situation
 suggest a far more dramatic backstory: Howard was the first actor
signed to
 the film and, on top of that, was the highest-paid. That's right:
more than
 Gwyneth Paltrow http://www.ew.com/ew/allabout/0,,2024,00.html
. More
 than Jeff http://www.ew.com/ew/allabout/0,,20001002,00.html 
Bridges. More
 than Robert Downey Jr.
 And once the project fully came together, it was too late to
renegotiate his
 deal. It didn't help that, according to one source, Favreau and his
 producers were ultimately unhappy with Howard's performance, and
spent a lot
 of time cutting and reshooting his scenes. (Favreau could not be
reached for
 comment, while Howard's publicist says: ''Terrence had a tremendous
 experience working on Iron Man.'')
 As such, when Favreau and screenwriter Justin Theroux
 http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,645687,00.html  went to map out
the sequel
 they found themselves minimizing Howard's story line. Once Marvel
 that Favreau was thinking of curtailing the role, the studio went to the
 actor's agents with a new and drastically reduced offer - a number
 similar to what supporting cast members were paid for the first
movie. The
 agents, according to sources, were so taken aback by this new figure -
 estimated at somewhere between a 50 and 80 percent pay cut - that they
 questioned it. Why did they blanch? Multiple sources say that Marvel
 never told Howard's reps that they had issues with the star's on-set
 conduct. (Marvel would not comment for this story.)
 It's unclear whether Howard's team walked away first, or if Marvel
ended the
 discussion at that point. Either way, the studio moved quickly to secure
 Cheadle and the story leaked out the next morning, Oct. 14. And alas for
 Howard, there will be no next time.
 More from the EW archive: 
  http://popwatch.ew.com/popwatch/2008/10/iron-man-cheadl.html Iron
Man 2:
 Don Cheadle's in 
 Terrence http://popwatch.ew.com/popwatch/2008/10/iron-man-2-terr.html
 Howard Breaks Silence on Iron Man

[scifinoir2] Re: Short film: Anneo's Song (completed)

2008-11-04 Thread drcsaid
Here you go Grayson, try this link...


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Grayson Reyes-Cole

 The link didn't work for me :(
 Grayson Reyes-Cole 
 Bright Star 
 When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
 Lyrical Press October 2008
 --- On Sun, 11/2/08, Said Kakese Dibinga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: Said Kakese Dibinga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [scifinoir2] Short film: Anneo's Song (completed)
 Date: Sunday, November 2, 2008, 4:57 AM
 Hello folks, I hope that all is well...Heres the link to the
completed horror short Anneo's Song that I wrote and produced a few
months back.enjoy. ...
 link: http://myspacetv. com/index. cfm?fuseaction=
 Said Yenga Kakese Dibinga
 Director General
 The Bayindo Group SA
 POB 1782
 Los Angeles, CA 90078
 O: 1.323.603.8380
 F: 1.323.389.0667
 M: 1.323.822.8764
 Personal Website: www.saiddibinga. com
 Yahoo IM:skdibinga

[scifinoir2] Hello from Said, I've been underground for awhile...

2008-02-29 Thread drcsaid
Sorry for the long absence from the scene, I've been working on my
Congo movie, my horror movie, plus I've been in development on my
Roman empire movie and the Haitian revolution short film...all while
dealing with a knee injury...

If you want to see a myspace clip from the Congo short film, send me
an email offline: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'll be back above ground in a week or two...but I see I've been
missing some good conversations but thats okay, I have my EarthSea DVD
to keep me company...


[scifinoir2] (Image) Joker in Dark Knight: Returns

2007-12-12 Thread drcsaid

[scifinoir2] First look: 'Speed Racer' wheels into live action - USATODAY.com

2007-12-06 Thread drcsaid

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[scifinoir2] The 12 Cylon reminds me of Apokalypse's The Twelve

2007-07-14 Thread drcsaid
Is it me or does the 12 Cyclon mystique remind me of The Twelve 
most powerful mutants listed by Apocalypse in Marvel Comics? I don't 
watch Battlestar Galactica so I don't know if there is a similarity in 

[scifinoir2] I saw 28 days later.

2007-05-21 Thread drcsaid
I feel cheated. 


The ending was beyond pathetic. 

Ragers kill non-Ragers but they don't kill ragers, so why did the 
husband kill the wife since she had the virus also? Unless he was 
pissed that she turned him...

Now that leads me to the wifes death. Last we saw here was being 
dragged from the window with some kid. She was finished. Or so it 
seemed. But when they exam her in the hospital she has a bite mark.

Also, the virus is in Frace? Is that where the helicopter was going? 
Did little Tintin bite somebody in Cannes?

Also, the night vision scenes was confusing. I couldn't tell if the 
rager was getting beat down or if the lady soldier was getting beat 

When buffy and jody fell down the escalator, how did buffy and jody 
end up on differant parts of the platform so far apart?

Much cool how the pilot mowed down the ragers.

Uncool how they killed off the soldier (Doyle) pushing the van.

The firebombing was cool, the vx gas was cool, the sniping of the 
ragers was good but was the rager father mentaly linked to his 
son like Jaws and Michale Myers? Why was he following him?

I felt cheated.


[scifinoir2] Villains

2007-05-17 Thread drcsaid
Y'know, Tracy's idea for a spin-off or concurrent series 
entitled Villains has had me thinking since she posted it... How 
would you folks see this program?

[scifinoir2] Video: Vet beaten as onlookers watch

2007-05-14 Thread drcsaid

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I can't even watch it... Said


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[scifinoir2] I watched Pain Killer Jane yesterday...

2007-04-20 Thread drcsaid
What the EARTHSEA?!?!?!?!?!

I felt like that guy in Clockwork Orange who's eyes were pinned open 
at the end of the movie. (I see Nick Cage is doing that in Next).

I couldn't watch Pain Killer Jane longer than 10 minutes. My lady 
friend sitting next to me asked me why I was watching PKJ and I said 
answered her that I wanted to see if its as bad as people say it is. 
She then ask me, How can you tell how bad it is if your your face is 
in your hands and your looking at the floor shaking your head?

Because I can hear it., I answered.

[scifinoir2] Re: I watched Pain Killer Jane yesterday...

2007-04-20 Thread drcsaid
Okay, I'll try to get throu what I'm about to write... I can feel my
chest tighten already... Getting dark, must stay conscious...

1) When PKJ staggers down the alley in the rain, why did the rain
follow her as she staggered up the alley but not rain anymore where
she was a step ago? It was like a rain cloud hovering over Snoopys dog

2) Tech geek dressed like a nerd...so original

3) Everyone is wearing black. 

4) She's wearing matrix gear in public like she's supposed to stand out?

5) If they have such high-tech equipment, I assume its expensive. So
they can only afford to be in a warehouse?

6) If they have so much money, they can't afford a scanner that
automatically scans for bugs with inside the building? They don't know
Gen Hackmans Brill from Will Smiths Enemy of The State?

7) Expensive equipment and the tech guy sits on a chair from a
clearance sale?

8) They wonder how she found the warehouse. They show the flashback of
how she put the bug on the guy along with her saying something, then
they cut back to the present and she repeats the line she said in the
flashback. It reminds me of that stupid middle and ending in Halle
Berry's Perfect Instinct. They show Halle typing the instant message
text bar I left my panties at Keith Johnson's house, please don't
tell anyone at scifinoir and they show her saying the line at the
same time as she types it? I don't anyone that says out loud what they
type in a text message… And because the plot is so convoluted that
even that even the writer couldn't make sense so they had Rabisi's
character tell Halle everything that he knows and it basically covers
everything from the movie? Then Rabisi asks Halle what he's going to
do for him? Didn't they see how it's done in the film To Live and Die
in LA with Willem Dafoe? I'm sorry, I regress….

9) Exactly how high was the building that Jane and the black man were
falling down the side of? King Kong hit the ground faster than they
did in last years King Kong. Did they hit the ground? I changed the

10) Jane's crew is cookie cutter. So diverse, so original. It reminds
me of Mutant X…. 

11) Now I see why they didn't give the lead actress more lines in
Terminator 3. 

11A) I can't get over the rain following her down the alley like a
dark cloud over Snoopys dog house.

12) Did you notice that all these romantic comedy movies and the Joan
of Arcadias play that same ATT commercial like music All around the
world like they have exclusive rights to grunge music? Who picks the
music for this show, Courtney Love?  The music on PKJ reminds me of
that pathetic intro music in the later years of Enterprise with
Captain Archer.

12A) I can't get over the rain following her down the alley like a
dark cloud over Snoopys dog house.

13) Do you notice on the CSI shows and shows like The Closer that
the Anglo lead actor/actress stands in front with everyone else
standing behind him or her? Every time they showed the lead Anglo man
in PKJ, the rest of the team is standing behind him like they're
afraid of PKJ might shoot someone and they use the Anglo leader like a
human shield?

I can't write anymore, I'm done….

12A) I can't get over the rain following her down the alley like a
dark cloud over Snoopys dog house.


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Tracey de Morsella (formerly
Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there a Pain Kill Jane support group that you guys can join?
 Said Kakese Dibinga wrote:
  I don't know know where to begin, I really don't. I mean. I
  am at a loss of words about how bad it was...
  Ahhh...imagining that irresistible new car smell?
  Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[scifinoir2] Re: I watched Pain Killer Jane yesterday...

2007-04-20 Thread drcsaid
And another thing...

13) Halle Berrys Kenyan accent in X-Men 3 was stronger than the
writing for the Pain Killer Jane episode I, uhm, watched


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, drcsaid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Okay, I'll try to get throu what I'm about to write... I can feel my
 chest tighten already... Getting dark, must stay conscious...
 1) When PKJ staggers down the alley in the rain, why did the rain
 follow her as she staggered up the alley but not rain anymore where
 she was a step ago? It was like a rain cloud hovering over Snoopys dog
 2) Tech geek dressed like a nerd...so original
 3) Everyone is wearing black. 
 4) She's wearing matrix gear in public like she's supposed to stand out?
 5) If they have such high-tech equipment, I assume its expensive. So
 they can only afford to be in a warehouse?
 6) If they have so much money, they can't afford a scanner that
 automatically scans for bugs with inside the building? They don't know
 Gen Hackmans Brill from Will Smiths Enemy of The State?
 7) Expensive equipment and the tech guy sits on a chair from a
 clearance sale?
 8) They wonder how she found the warehouse. They show the flashback of
 how she put the bug on the guy along with her saying something, then
 they cut back to the present and she repeats the line she said in the
 flashback. It reminds me of that stupid middle and ending in Halle
 Berry's Perfect Instinct. They show Halle typing the instant message
 text bar I left my panties at Keith Johnson's house, please don't
 tell anyone at scifinoir and they show her saying the line at the
 same time as she types it? I don't anyone that says out loud what they
 type in a text message… And because the plot is so convoluted that
 even that even the writer couldn't make sense so they had Rabisi's
 character tell Halle everything that he knows and it basically covers
 everything from the movie? Then Rabisi asks Halle what he's going to
 do for him? Didn't they see how it's done in the film To Live and Die
 in LA with Willem Dafoe? I'm sorry, I regress….
 9) Exactly how high was the building that Jane and the black man were
 falling down the side of? King Kong hit the ground faster than they
 did in last years King Kong. Did they hit the ground? I changed the
 10) Jane's crew is cookie cutter. So diverse, so original. It reminds
 me of Mutant X…. 
 11) Now I see why they didn't give the lead actress more lines in
 Terminator 3. 
 11A) I can't get over the rain following her down the alley like a
 dark cloud over Snoopys dog house.
 12) Did you notice that all these romantic comedy movies and the Joan
 of Arcadias play that same ATT commercial like music All around the
 world like they have exclusive rights to grunge music? Who picks the
 music for this show, Courtney Love?  The music on PKJ reminds me of
 that pathetic intro music in the later years of Enterprise with
 Captain Archer.
 12A) I can't get over the rain following her down the alley like a
 dark cloud over Snoopys dog house.
 13) Do you notice on the CSI shows and shows like The Closer that
 the Anglo lead actor/actress stands in front with everyone else
 standing behind him or her? Every time they showed the lead Anglo man
 in PKJ, the rest of the team is standing behind him like they're
 afraid of PKJ might shoot someone and they use the Anglo leader like a
 human shield?
 I can't write anymore, I'm done….
 12A) I can't get over the rain following her down the alley like a
 dark cloud over Snoopys dog house.
 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Tracey de Morsella (formerly
 Tracey L. Minor) tdlists@ wrote:
  Is there a Pain Kill Jane support group that you guys can join?
  Said Kakese Dibinga wrote:
   I don't know know where to begin, I really don't. I mean. I
   am at a loss of words about how bad it was...
   Ahhh...imagining that irresistible new car smell?
   Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.
   [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[scifinoir2] Re: More Info from Garrielle Union on Football Wives

2007-03-22 Thread drcsaid
The little girls were nice, but beyond that this movie was beyond lame
and stupid. If this movie made money, we'd see more movies just as
bad. So may plots holes that even Reed Richards couldn't make scence
of it... 


Tyler should give new writers a chance

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I agree, it was the worst of the three films, very predictable and
cliched. Too bad, because the two leads had lots of potential. But, I
still supported it--and will support his subsequent films--because
Black people have too few films for us by us at the theatre. How often
do you see dark-skinned Black men and women on the big screen who are
professional, intelligent, decent, Christian, and loving--and *not*
running after a white or Latin lover instead (think Hitch).  
 -- Original message -- 
 From: ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Gabrielle Union is the only good thing in Daddy's Little Girls 
 which is a train wreck even by Tyler Perry standards. I did not, for 
 a minute, believe she was a high-powered attorney (loved her fitted 
 power suits, though).
 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, KeithBJohnson@ wrote:
  Gabrielle Union shooting `Football Wives' pilot
  By RICHARD L. ELDREDGE | Friday, March 16, 2007, 01:31 AM 
  The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
  Before Dallas Austin Foundation gala attendee Gabrielle Union blew 
 out of town this week, we managed to get some scoop from the actress 
 on the pressing commitments back in Hollywood that cut her Atlanta 
 visit short. Union disclosed that she's been cast in the currently 
 shooting pilot of Football Wives, the U.S. version of Footballers 
 Wives, the hit U.K. soap. And in terms of casting, the upcoming ABC 
 prime-time soap has a chance to be the network's next Brothers and 
  In addition to Union, the cast includes Idlewild actor Ving 
 Rhames, Dawson's Creek grad James Van Der Beek, Xena actress Lucy 
 Lawless, Invasion actor Eddie Cibrian, Love, Inc. actress Holly 
 Robinson Peete and Union's Daddy's Little Girls co-star Brian J. 
  My character's name is Chardonnay Lane, and she's not the nicest 
 girl around, Union told us, flashing a big smile. She's a pop star 
 on her way up, and for a girl from Nebraska, she's really fun to 
 play! I've joked on set that I also go by Pinot Grigio.
  Union also has fond memories of shooting Atlanta director-writer 
 Tyler Perry's Daddy's Little Girls here last year. Of the recently 
 released flick that underperformed at the box office, Union cracked 
 to the assembled media, And I'm sure everyone saw that movie, right?
  While in town, Union said her haunts included Justin's, the Atlanta 
 Fish Market, Two Urban Licks and Atlantic Station. I pretty much 
 blew my per diem at all those boutiques at Atlantic Station, too! 
 she disclosed.
  And her favorite Atlanta eatery? Any place that serves biscuits, 
 basically! she replied.
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[scifinoir2] Re: My Take - Amazing Grace

2007-03-22 Thread drcsaid
Sorry if this was alredy asked, but did this movie make mention of how
the song Amazing Grace is a song that came from the captured
Africans who were humming it on a ship?


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Quick Take:  
 This is a well made, intelligent (I can hear some groaning that
means 'boring!') film, but it's not for adrenalin junkies. The only
real action takes place in the form of spirited debate in the
British Parliament.  If you find procedural battles and witty repartee
and double entedres boring--especially when told with dry British
humour--you might find the film a bit slow. But then in a way that's
the point: some of the most monumental changes in history came about
not due to revolution, but through the simple device of boring,
uncharismatic, and frankly unintelligent men arguing ad infinitum
about their self-interest. (Heck, some such men get elected
President). Ioan Gruffudd is likeable and serves as the emotional
heart of the film, and the cast is roundly competent. The movie can be
a bit over-sentimental at times, especially in the spare uses of the
song Amazing Grace,  but overall it's a good picture. I still find
myself chafing, however, at any films dealing with slavery
  that marginalize the Black characters...
 Full Take:
 Confession time:  I'm skeptical of films that focus on white
protagonists saving black folk. While I freely acknowledge that
well-intentioned whites have been crucial to black struggles, I always
feel the blacks in such films are relegated to secondary roles, often
appearing as bystanders in their own fight.  I always wonder about the
untold stories and how they might make a good movie into a great one.
Such is the case here. 
 And Amazing Grace is a good movie, if a bit slow in pacing.   It
follows the decades-long battle of William Wilberforce (Ioan Gruffudd)
to end slavery in the British Empire.   As the movie starts,
Wilberforce has returned home from years in Parliament, where he's
fought unsuccessfully to get an anti-slavery bill passed. The fight
has taken a huge toll on him: although a relatively young man, he's
sickly, subject to coughing fits, abdominal pains, and nightmares. But
the most obvious toll is to his soul, as evidenced by the haunted look
in his eyes, his unsure speech, the hesitance in his very bearing. 
This is a man defeated. 
 Through flashbacks we see the details of his early life. They show a
young firebrand dueling verbally with members of the House of Commons,
cutting them with his rapier wit.  An idealistic and religious man,
Wilberforce struggled with the decision of devoting his life to
politics or to God.  It is this dual nature of piety and fiery
idealism that brings him to the attention of the anti-slavery forces
and gives them hope.  But they are going against a centuries old
institution that generates untold wealth for the Empire. Many in
Parliament agree that slavery's wrong, but they also fear the loss of
wealth its loss would mean—not to mention potential social upheaval. 
We watch as the struggle causes Wilberforce to lose his way, only to
find it again later.
 The word earnest comes to mind when I see Gruffudd, whether it's
the tortured and sympathetic Lancelot in King Arthur, or the
brilliant-but-self-doubting Reed Richards of Fantastic Four. His
Wilberforce is a likeable character, a man bursting with decency,
idealism, and a good bit of naiveté. You can't help but empathize with
him in the long struggle. 
  The supporting cast is solid, especially Romola Garai as his love 
interest,  and Benedict Cumberbatch as William Pitt, who must tread
carefully the path between supporting William's cause and his duties
as Prime Minister. Especially noteworthy is Albert Finney in a
small-but-memorable role as John Newton, the slave ship captain who
actually wrote Amazing Grace as a type of penitence. Knowing his
history, one can't help but view Newton with contempt, but seeing the
broken, sorrowful man he's become, one can't help but realize the hold
slavery held over the entire Western world, like an addictive drug
that slowly destroys those too weak to give it up.
 Things can drag a bit despite the fine cast. The flashbacks last for
the bulk of the movie, and can be confusing at times. The film's a
talkie in many ways, with little in the way of action to change the
pace. That's not necessarily bad. Not every revolution comes at the
point of a gun. Indeed, the endless debates underscore the difficult
battles many freedom fighters face: sometimes it might actually be
easier to gather a bunch of men with guns and force a change. Changing
peoples' actions can be done quickly; changing their attitudes is more
difficult and less flashy. 
 Curiously, the song Amazing Grace itself isn't as central as one
might expect. It's heard a few times, such as when Wilberforce sings
it later in the film as a sign of his spiritual healing and renewed
sense of hope. But it's less the 

[scifinoir2] (waaaaay out of the scifinoir2 realm) Man gets probation for dead deer sex

2007-03-22 Thread drcsaid

Wed Mar 21, 6:15 PM ET

A 20-year-old man received probation after he was convicted of having
sexual contact with a dead deer. The sentence also requires Bryan
James Hathaway to be evaluated as a sex offender and treated at the
Institute for Psychological and Sexual Health in Duluth, Minn.

The state believes that particular place is the best to provide
treatment for the individual, Assistant District Attorney Jim
Boughner said.

Hathaway's probation will be served at the same time as a nine-month
jail sentence he received in February for violating his extended

He was found guilty in April 2005 of felony mistreatment of an animal
after he killed a horse with the intention of having sex with it. He
was sentenced to 18 months in jail and two years of extended
supervision on that charge as well as six years of probation for
taking and driving a vehicle without the owner's consent.

Hathaway pleaded no contest earlier this month to misdemeanor
mistreatment of an animal for the incident involving the deer. He was
sentenced Tuesday in Douglas County Circuit Court.

The type of behavior is disturbing, Judge Michael Lucci said. It's
disturbing to the public. It's disturbing to the court.


Information from: The Daily Telegram, http://www.superiorwi.com

[scifinoir2] Re: Where is everybody??

2007-02-13 Thread drcsaid
Glad that you're still riding with us!


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Reece Jennings 

 Man, you nailed something that I meant to mention, but forgot.  The 
 Since I began researching blood type, I found that type 'A' people 
are much
 more susceptible
 to certain cancers because the cancer cells mimic type A cells.  In 
 words, A immune
 systems tend to allow certain cancers and don't fight them off 
because they
 think they are 'good'
 cells.  Breast cancer is one type.
 For a while whenever I saw a woman without hair, or who appeared to 
 been through something,
 I asked about cancer.  The funny thing is that most were type A, 
and quite a
 few were on the blood
 type diet AFTER they had the cancer, and have been in remission.
 Not very scientific, but VERY eye-opening.  Being type A, I had a 
 tumor under my left ear along
 my jawline.  I had it removed, and I've been pretty much on the 
diet since.
 I haven't had any growths
 to speak of since...
 Oh...I had PORK RIBS, PEACH COBBLER, Black-eyed Peas, and Collard 
Greens for
 dinner yesterday!
 I'm paying for it today, but psyllium husks have been a life-saver 
for me
 since 1984!
 The A-Z Reference Guide for the Blood Type Connection to Symptoms, 
 Conditions, Medications, Vitamins, Supplements, Herbs and Food. 
Over 400
 entries on treating symptoms and illness according to blood type.
 Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo has established himself as the world's most 
popular and
 respected authority on the connection between blood type and 
eating, cooking
 and living. Eat Right 4 (For) Your Type, Cook Right 4 (For) Your 
Type, and
 Live Right 4 (For) Your Type have created an international 
phenomenon. Now
 comes the essential desk reference to answer all your questions. 
This is the
 ultimate encyclopedic blood type guide to conditions, herbs, 
 medication and food. Look up everything from asthma to sore throat, 
 cancer to thrombosis to find out which blood type has the most
 susceptibility, how to attempt to heal the condition through blood 
 recommendations, and which medications are best for which blood 
type. Each
 condition entry will also cite rigorous studies showing frequency 
 severity in each blood type.
 In addition, entries on the most widely used medications, such as 
 penicillin, anti-depressants, cough syrup, antihistamines, allergy
 medication, arthritis medication, pain-killers, chemotherapy, among 
 will help readers find out what is helpful or harmful to their 
blood type.
 Food, herb and supplement entries give specific information by 
blood type on
 efficacy for different conditions as well as overall health.
 A comprehensive introduction lays out the history of blood type 
science as
 well as confirmation of D'Adamo's theories yielded by the new maps 
of the
 human gene. The Eat Right 4 (For) Your Type Ultimate A-to-Z Blood 
 Encyclopedia will give you keys to unlocking the secrets to the 
health and
 well-being of yourself and your family. 
 * The first comprehensive blood type reference by the only 
 alive capable of producing it 
 * Contains prescriptive advice as well as resources 
 * Includes a first-ever comprehensive introduction to the 
 biology and genetics behind blood type 
 * Charts, maps, photos and a glossary. 
 From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 9:28 PM
 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Re: Where is everybody??
 Type O is of course the universal donor, and much in demand. A good 
 about me being type AB is that I can take A, B, AB,and of course, 
O, meaning
 I'm a universal acceptor. That's good for me if I ever needed a 
 (Heaven forbid). But the articles I read also mentioned that type 
AB's being
 a universal acceptor can be bad in terms of fighting off certain 
problems in
 the body. It's as if certain early problems that the body should 
reject can
 be accepted by AB. Not sure if that's true, but I have developed at 
 three or four cysts in several parts of my body recently. Just have 
to be
 -- Original message -- 
 From: Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:cwbadie%40yahoo.com com 
 I'm type O, so I never had issues with dairy products other than 
 lactose intolerance...I'm going to look into this thing about blood 
type and
 KeithBJohnson@ mailto:KeithBJohnson%40comcast.net comcast.net 
 Actually, I did some research into blood type a year or so ago when 
 first mentioned it. I never bought the books of the one doctor you
 referenced, but did some web surfing. I'm type AB, and the 
literature said I
 should basically stay away from almost all meat and dairy. There 

[scifinoir2] Re: Survivor to Divide Teams by Race

2006-08-23 Thread drcsaid
Why? Why? Why? Oh yeah, I forgot: ratings...

What a joke of an idea..

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Tracey de Morsella (formerly 
Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The United States is one of the most ethnically diverse countries 
in the
 world.  Despite the fact the numerous studies have proven that 
 enhances the productivity of teams. Survivor has opted to embrace 
 country's weaknesses by setting up ethnically segregated teams
 Survivor: Cook Islands castaways Photo by: Monty Brinton / 
 to Divide Teams by Race
 Fueled by critics who slammed its lack of diversity, CBS's Survivor 
 unveiled a new twist for its upcoming season: Contestants will be
 divided by ethnicity.
 When it premieres Sept. 14, Survivor: Cook Islands will feature 20
 castaways divided into four tribes: black, white, Asian and Latino.
 We're going to take some heat for it, says creator and executive
 producer Mark Burnett of the twist, which was announced Wednesday
 morning. But it's a great cast.
 For a show entering its 13th season with steady ratings but ebbing 
 the decision could be a shot in the arm if it once again generates
 Survivor water-cooler chatter.
 Some people will think this is controversial. Others will think,
 'What's the big deal?'  host Jeff Probst tells PEOPLE. Either way,
 it's going to be very interesting.
 Along with the usual real-estate agents and struggling actors, the 
 of characters competing for the $1 million purse includes a heavy-
 guitarist, a female police officer who has been shot in the line of
 duty, a Vietnam War refugee who manages a nail salon and a gay 
 director for a denim company.
 The segregated Survivor grew from an effort to diversify a show 
that has
 featured primarily white contestants (and winners – only two 
of the 12
 winners have been minorities). We've taken a lot of flack, says 
 But Probst says the main reason for the Emmy-winning show's largely
 white complexion was a dearth of minority applicants. Most of the
 people who apply are white, he says. That's just a fact.
 In response, the Survivor casting team scouted for a more diverse 
 of players everywhere from the Internet to audition tapes for 
 CBS show, The Amazing Race.
 Until the tribes merge later in the season, the four teams will 
 each other and, perhaps, racial stereotypes. There are going to be
 people looking for stereotypes: Will this tribe be smarter than this
 tribe, or will this tribe be faster than this tribe? says Probst.
 That's why I think it's fun. But five people on a tribe do not
 represent an entire ethnic group.
 Set in New Zealand's Cook Islands, the location of the famous 
mutiny on
 the HMS Bounty, this season features a pirate theme, including 
 Councils held on an elaborate shipwreck set built into the rocky
 coastline of a local island.
 Whether one ethnicity ends up plundering – or walking the 
plank –This
 is a game that starts very even, says Probst. Everybody starts the
 same way with the same materials and the same chance: a 1-in-20 
shot at
 a million bucks.
 Tracey de Morsella
 The Multicultural Advantage
 Phone: 305-407-3803
 Email: tdemorsella AT multiculturaladvantage.com
 Publisher of The Diversity Recruitment Advertising Toolkit
 Diversity Staffing Center
 View The Diversity Advantage Blog at:

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[scifinoir2] Re: Black hero has race changed in 911 movie]

2006-08-23 Thread drcsaid
This woould be a good time to make a film on one of the black 
firefighters that lost his life...

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There are now only 312 Black firefighters in the New York City Fire
 Department out of a total force of 11,350. They make up 2.7% of the
 fire department, in a city where 24.5% of the population is Black 
 nearly 50% is minority. The fire department is the city's least
 diverse municipal work force. Twelve Black firefighters gave their
 lives along with 332 other emergency personnel in the World Trade
 Center tragedy. 
 Anyway, here's the link you asked for:
 The horrible events of 9/11 brought people together. But now there 
 an effort to destroy that unity. The statue planned to commemorate
 firefighters lost at the World Trade Center has generated much
 controversy and some thoughtful discussion.
 Should the monument depict a team, made up of an African American, a
 Latino, and a white firefighter raising the U.S. flag, as proposed 
 the artists? Or should it show three white firefighters, as in the
 news photograph of the World Trade Center flag-raising which 
suggested it?
 -- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, KeithBJohnson@ wrote:
  Are you trying to tell me that the NYC firefighters actually 
 that *none* of the hundreds of firefighters on the scenes were
 Black??? That can't be possible.  What about all the cops, Port
 Authority, transportation cops pressed into service, medics, 
 etc? Got any links to this particular bit of info?
  -- Original message -- 
  From: ravenadal ravenadal@ 
  I find this interesting in light of all the flack the city of NYC 
  from NY firefighters when the city proposed erecting a 911 
  with one of the memorialized firefighters being black. The
  firefighters were adamant that since none of the 911 heros were 
  this would be the worse form of politcial correctness.
  --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Tracey de Morsella (formerly
  Tracey L. Minor) tdlists@ wrote:
    Original Message 
   Subject: [AFAMHED] Black hero has race changed in 911 movie
   Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 13:16:34 -0400
   From: Boyce Watkins - Syracuse Finance bwatkins@
   Reply-To: Boyce Watkins - Syracuse Finance bwatkins@
   'WTC' casting error draws flak from African-Americans
   Wednesday, August 16, 2006
   By L.A. Johnson, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
   A hero of another color in Oliver Stone's World Trade Center 
   people again balking at the whitewashing of a black character 
in a 
   Hollywood film.
   Bebeto Matthews/The Associated Press
   *Jason Thomas of Columbus, Ohio, helped rescue Port Authority 
   officers John McLoughlin and Will Jimeno on 9/11. In Oliver 
   movie, World Trade Center, a white actor was cast to portray
  Thomas. **
   Click photo for larger image.*
   This time it's the character of Marine Sgt. Thomas, one of two 
   Marines who help rescue New York Port Authority Officers Will 
   John McLoughlin from beneath 20 feet of twisted metal, broken
   and sparking debris in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks.
   In the film, white actor William Mapother -- who's Tom Cruise's
   and who played Ethan Rom in the first season of Lost and 
   miner John Flathead Phillippi in ABC's The Pennsylvania 
   Story -- plays Sgt. Thomas.
   Last week, the real Sgt. Thomas -- a black, former Marine named 
   Thomas of Columbus, Ohio -- came forward and told his story.
   Someone needed help. It didn't matter who, Thomas told the
   Press. I didn't even have a plan. But I have all this training 
as a 
   Marine, and all I could think was, 'My city is in need.' 
   So, instead of heading to class at the John Jay College of 
   Justice at City University of New York that fateful morning, he
   toward the devastation. At ground zero, he ran into another ex-
   and Connecticut accountant, Staff Sgt. David Karnes, and the two
   to search for survivors. Eventually they found Jimeno and 
   Karnes, who couldn't reach Manhattan's 911 from his cell phone 
   zero, called his sister in Munhall, Joy Karnes. She helped 
   information to New York emergency services that helped them 
   trapped men's location.
   Film producer Michael Shamberg apologized to Thomas for the 
   inaccuracy in the film, saying they realized the mistake only 
   production had already begun, the Associated Press reported.
   That apology comes a 

[scifinoir2] Yahoo! News Story - Mystery 9/11 rescuer reveals himself - Yahoo! News

2006-08-15 Thread drcsaid

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[scifinoir2] NYTimes.com: The Scandal at the Zoo

2006-08-06 Thread drcsaid
This page was sent to you by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

NEW YORK REGION / THE CITY | August 6, 2006
The Scandal at the Zoo
One hundred years ago, the Bronx Zoo unveiled what it considered a savvy new 
exhibit. It was popular then, but today it would be unthinkable.

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[scifinoir2] Re: Gibson Allegedly Spouts Anti-Semitic Remarks during DUI Arrest

2006-08-03 Thread drcsaid
yeah, yeah, yeah. ;-)

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Martin Pratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 We'll build a dam when you go wrong.
 Said Kakese Dibinga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  I see your point, 
I see your point. To me its racist because QT knows the painful 
history behind it. 
 If George W. Bush said at the recent NAACP convention, I don't 
understand why the niggers in the community do wrong to good people. 
 Can you imagine the media reaction? 
 All President Bush has to say is People in the black community say 
it. Quentin Tarentino has black actors saying it. I don't understand 
what's all the controversy about me saying that word, I wasn't 
talking about the good blacks, I was talking about the niggers in the 
community that Chris Rock talked about.
 I don't know what the Jews and the Latins call each other behind 
closed doors but like I said to my lady recently, I haven't heard in 
public a Jew say to another, Whats up my kike? or a 
Latino/Hispanic/Chicano say to another Latino/Hispanic/Chicano Whats 
up my spic? or That's my wetback right there.
 Quentin, in my opinion, because he has Sam Jackson, Ving and other 
black folks backing him up, he sees no drama with it. Well let me see 
QT do a movie where kike or chink is kicked around every 3rd scene 
and lets see what happens. The day someone bitch slaps Quentin for 
greeting him with the nigger word will be a rude awakening for him. 
He couldn't sue the guy since saying nigger makes it a hate crime. I 
side with spike on this one.
 As for the rappers, I feel that too many of them still possess 
the if its black it has no value mentality. I always point to when 
not to long ago when the Asian community thought that Sean Combs said 
derogatory things about them in his music and he held a press 
conference New York, yes he held a press conference to apologize to 
the Asian community if he offended them and to say he has a lot of 
love for the Asian community...
 Yet Sean Combs hasn't seen a reason to to apologize to the 
blackcommunity for the niggers, bitch's, and ho's labels that he 
hurls at them...That says it all for me.
 Just my opinion...just my flow
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[scifinoir2] Re: Who Wants to be a Superhero? Who Cares?!

2006-08-03 Thread drcsaid
I'd rather watch Spike TV's Blade and Teresa Graves Vampira back 
to back

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Martin Pratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 When I forced myself to watch that, I felt absolutely nothing. Now 
I know where all of my anger went. The sole reason i can fathom for 
the world being subjected to this is the massive contract that Stan 
the Man almost certainly had SciFi sign for this. I anticipate more 
crap on the horizon. 
 Keith Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Okay, I thought 
it couldn't get any worse. I didn't think any reality show
 could be dumber than the is he gay dating show, the midget dating 
 the are you my daddy? show. Wife Swap. How wrong I was! While 
 take care of some financial business, I turned on the TV for 
 noise. (That'll teach me to use the boob tube instead of listening 
to a
 music CD!) Waiting for Tavis Smiley, I idly surfed by Sci Fi 
Channel, and
 watched a few minutes of Stan Lee's Who Wants to Be a Superhero. 
 Man what junk! I can't tell if the participants are really somewhat
 delusional geeks who take this crap seriously, wannabe actors and 
 people looking for an in into Hollywood, or people who really want 
to get
 into the comics industry. It's so dumb: Monkey Woman? Feedback? 
Nitro G?!
 Fat Mama??? (And ain't it just perfect that the lone Black person 
 is a heavyset Black woman who sings Fat mama?! Well, I guess it's 
 than if she had on a head rag and started singing Black Mammy or
 something!) I couldn't decide whether to laugh or gag as a curiously
 subdued and ham-handed Stan Lee appeared on a TV screen handing out
 assignments to his would-be heroes, admonishing them about the 
 of what they're doing. Hell, if Lee hadn't cried Excelsior! at 
the end of
 his session, I' barely know it was him! After that it was all 
downhill, as
 the contestants had to change from their secret identities into 
 uniforms, on the street, but out of sight of passersby. Then they 
ran some
 stupid-a course while some dopey kid pretended to be lost, 
screaming help
 me! all the while. The dweebs who ignored the girl--choosing their
 assignment over saving a civilian--were the ones chosen to possibly 
 kicked off. Poor Nitro G! He looked so sad when Lee told him he had 
to go
 home! Sniff!
 Somebody please tell me I missed it, that this is a cleverly
 self-deprecating piece of pop cultural deconstruction, and that it's
 actually funny and witty. Tell me I didn't waste twenty minutes of 
my life
 on this junk! And tell me one of you will watch it and give us 
 updates so I don't have to waste anymore brain cells.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 Excuse me while I whip this out.
 Cleavon Little , Blazing Saddles
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[scifinoir2] Re: [Non-Scifi] Slave trader's descendant begs forgiveness in Africa

2006-06-23 Thread drcsaid
judging by your answer of agreement to the 1st statement, it's the 
Henry Louis Gates Jr., line of thinking: blame everyone else except 
the person in the mirror...maybe the decendents of the freed black 
slaves in America who owned black slaves themselves should apologize.

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Judging from your response...yes...Read again and try once more...
 drcsaid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Am I missing something here?
 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Astromancer cwbadie@ wrote:
  Here, here!
  Martin Pratt martin_pratt18@ wrote: And now, the 
 descendants of the natives who sold him slaves should beg 
  Said Kakese Dibinga drcsaid@ wrote: Slave trader's descendant 
 begs forgiveness in Africa 
  By Terry Kirby, Chief Reporter 
  Published: 22 June 2006 
  Sir John Hawkins was a buccaneering Elizabethan seaman and 
 adventurer, who helped his cousin Sir Francis Drake beat the Spanish 
 Armada. And he was also one of the pioneers of the slave trade, 
 becoming the first person to buy slaves in west Africa and sell them 
 to Spanish landowners in the Caribbean. 
  Now his descendent, Andrew Hawkins, a youth worker from Cornwall, 
 has delivered an extraordinary personal but public apology for his 
 ancestors' involvement in the trade, kneeling in chains in front of 
 25,000 Africans in a stadium in Banjul, the capital of the Gambia.
  Mr Hawkins's apology took place during a trip this month to west 
 Africa organised by the Lifeline Expedition, a charity project aimed 
 at achieving reconciliation over the slave trade.
  Mr Hawkins, 37, from Liskeard, said yesterday: I apologised on 
 behalf of my family. I apologised for the adults and children taken. 
 recognise that it's a small, simple act to say sorry - but it was a 
 handful of people who started the slave trade and the ripples of 
 actions caused evil throughout the continent of Africa.
  It was one of the most memorable things I've ever done. It was a 
 learning experience. You see just how deep the wounds left by the 
 slave trade are. As someone with family links to the slave traders, 
 was a very difficult thing to see the consequences of their actions. 
 Hopefully a handful of people can now be the beginning of something 
  After he had spoken, the Vice-President of Gambia, Isatou Njie 
 Saidy, came forward to accept the apology and symbolically remove 
  The event was part of the Roots Festival, linked to the Alex Haley 
 bestseller, Roots, which tells the story of the origins of black 
 Americans in the slave trade. The Lifeline Expedition group also 
 chains and shackles during a reconciliation walk in the village of 
 Juffureh, from which Kunta Kinte, the slave whose story is the basis 
 for Roots, is believed to have come from.
  Mr Hawkins was among 20 Europeans on the Gambia trip, which is 
 of a seven-year reconciliation project which started in 2000. It 
 to bring people from Africa, the Americas and Europe together to 
 promote fair trade and foster education about issues of slavery, 
 racism and reconciliation.
  David Potts, the founder of the Lifeline Expedition said: We do 
 think there has been a really sincere apology from Europeans to 
 and we want to do our part in trying to redress that.'' Next year, 
 group plans a walk between London, Liverpool, Bristol and Plymouth 
 mark the 200 years since the abolition of the slave trade in 1807. 
  Yahoo! Groups gets better. Check out the new email design. Plus 
 there's much more to come. 
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  Cleavon Little , Blazing Saddles
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[scifinoir2] Re: [Non-Scifi] Slave trader's descendant begs forgiveness in Africa

2006-06-22 Thread drcsaid
And why is that? And beg forgiveness from who? 

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Martin Pratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 And now, the descendants of the natives who sold him slaves should 
beg forgiveness.
 Said Kakese Dibinga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Slave trader's 
descendant begs forgiveness in Africa 
 By Terry Kirby, Chief Reporter 
 Published: 22 June 2006 
 Sir John Hawkins was a buccaneering Elizabethan seaman and 
adventurer, who helped his cousin Sir Francis Drake beat the Spanish 
Armada. And he was also one of the pioneers of the slave trade, 
becoming the first person to buy slaves in west Africa and sell them 
to Spanish landowners in the Caribbean. 
 Now his descendent, Andrew Hawkins, a youth worker from Cornwall, 
has delivered an extraordinary personal but public apology for his 
ancestors' involvement in the trade, kneeling in chains in front of 
25,000 Africans in a stadium in Banjul, the capital of the Gambia.
 Mr Hawkins's apology took place during a trip this month to west 
Africa organised by the Lifeline Expedition, a charity project aimed 
at achieving reconciliation over the slave trade.
 Mr Hawkins, 37, from Liskeard, said yesterday: I apologised on 
behalf of my family. I apologised for the adults and children taken. I 
recognise that it's a small, simple act to say sorry - but it was a 
handful of people who started the slave trade and the ripples of their 
actions caused evil throughout the continent of Africa.
 It was one of the most memorable things I've ever done. It was a 
learning experience. You see just how deep the wounds left by the 
slave trade are. As someone with family links to the slave traders, it 
was a very difficult thing to see the consequences of their actions. 
Hopefully a handful of people can now be the beginning of something 
 After he had spoken, the Vice-President of Gambia, Isatou Njie 
Saidy, came forward to accept the apology and symbolically remove the 
 The event was part of the Roots Festival, linked to the Alex Haley 
bestseller, Roots, which tells the story of the origins of black 
Americans in the slave trade. The Lifeline Expedition group also wore 
chains and shackles during a reconciliation walk in the village of 
Juffureh, from which Kunta Kinte, the slave whose story is the basis 
for Roots, is believed to have come from.
 Mr Hawkins was among 20 Europeans on the Gambia trip, which is part 
of a seven-year reconciliation project which started in 2000. It aims 
to bring people from Africa, the Americas and Europe together to 
promote fair trade and foster education about issues of slavery, 
racism and reconciliation.
 David Potts, the founder of the Lifeline Expedition said: We do not 
think there has been a really sincere apology from Europeans to Africa 
and we want to do our part in trying to redress that.'' Next year, the 
group plans a walk between London, Liverpool, Bristol and Plymouth to 
mark the 200 years since the abolition of the slave trade in 1807. 
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[scifinoir2] Re: Lost--WTF??

2006-05-28 Thread drcsaid

I recently saw a free screening of MI:3 at Paramount and after the Q 
 A with the ah, writers, of this travesty of justice, I came tot 
he conclusion that these guys basically get work because J.J Abrams 
hires them being that they are old-friends. The movie had more holes 
then the guy Dick Cheney shot. MI:3 was lame, and the ending was as 
convincing as when Bush was on the aircraft carrier 
proclaiming, Major combat activities in Iraq are over. I called the 
plot revelation 10 minutes after the film began. 

I finally gave in a watched the LOST finale, and I'm sorry but its 
obvious that the shows creators are making up plots as they go along. 

This show is stupid. They talked to two of the shows producers on 
that nights newscast and they said, Michael final gets his son back 
and they head off to civilization. Or does he? Stupid.

And Michael reverting to the traitorous black man so often portrayed 
in film...and how did the other guy know what Michael was doing? 
LOST sucks.


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Daryle Lockhart [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I have now seen MI:3 and I have seen the season finale of Lost. 
 have NOT seen the series finale of Alias. But I have come to the 
 following conclusion: J J Abrams starts a strong story and 
 it out as he goes along. Star Trek 11 will be a lot of fun because 
 will flow like the guys who did Free Enterprise did it. Lost 
 started off like there was a point..and ending...but there IS 
 We all had theories...ideas...but he didn't. He literally started 
 show about a plane crash and just started running in all 
 directions. that finale had MAD open endings.
 The sad thing is, it's the best science fiction show on TV right 
 On May 26, 2006, at 9:34 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, I'm not to that point, but I can see why you are. There's a 
 really fine line between skilled suspenseful plot development, and 
 dragging out a plot for profit.I don't think Lost is there yet, 
 I do think one more season is all it needs to go. After that it's 
 just too much to keep asking fans to be on the edge of our seats, 
 guessing, wondering, as the mysteries slowly unfold. Now I love 
 Lost. And Prison Break is another show with the same issue, 
 though a different focus. Each slowly lets out clues over a long 
 period of time. Prison Break now has the guys on the run. Okay, 
 then let's make season three the concluding series. I think shows 
 like these, that tax your intelligence and patience, are great, 
 shouldn't drag on aritificially. They should be considered like 
 in three acts: intro season, main season, and concluding season. 
 Producers behind both Lost and Prison Break have said their 
 cou! ld go on past three seasons, which bothers me. Three is quit
 e enough.
 I wonder: given the public's refound love for these suspense-type 
 shows, coupled with comments like yours showing some don't like 
 stuff to drag on forever, might Americans be ready for the TV 
 novella? You know, instead of several seasons of plot development, 
 even one day-long season like 24, create mini-series that are self- 
 contained in less than one season. The shows could begin and end 
 say, half a season, to be replaced by the next novella. They could 
 action, suspense, high drama, etc. It works in Mexico for their 
 opera type novellas. Maybe it'd work here. Surely it can't be 
 worse than all the damn reality shows. And given that most TV 
 show way less than the old standard of 28 eps per season, maybe 
 shortened TV novella wouldn't be all that jarring a change.
 -- Original message --
 From: g123curious [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 This is why I stopped watching Lost over a season ago. It's
 storylines/plots are not about resolving anything, but they are more
 about even more ludicrous plot twists and turns to keep you hooked 
 reel in the ad dollars). You might as well watch Guiding 
Light, As
 the World Turns, General Hospital, or any of the other daytime
 soaps. No difference in quality... and IMHO, Lost is terrible sci-
 - - - - - -
  Someone *please* explain to me what's going on with Lost? The
  season finale raised more questions than it answered. Where is
  this island? What's the deal? Who and what are the Others?
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[scifinoir2] Re: United 93 No. 2 at box office

2006-05-03 Thread drcsaid

I only wrote that because I saw an interview with Jasmine Guy where 
Octavia said that her grips tight on her work and that she's leary of 
anyone optioning it...maybe that interview took place before the 
studios were able to option her work..

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Daryle Lockhart [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 It's very important that we know the truth about this. She has 
 me herself when I interviewed her in 2000 that Kindred, for 
 example, has been optioned many times, and it's the studios or 
 producers that sit on the stories. For some reason, and it wasn't 
 Ms. Butler's grip, the movies can't get made.
 On May 1, 2006, at 7:26 AM, drcsaid wrote:
 Many of folks have tried to bring Octavia Butlers stories to screen
 (including I think either Jasmine Guy or Jada Pinkett) but Octavia
 never would release her grip on her stories so none came to
 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Daryle Lockhart melaninjitsu@
  What's interesting about this is that RV was #1. This tells me
  that families across the country went to the movies, took their
  and their single friends went to see United 93. What kind of
  lead-in movie is the flight that fought back?
  I have heard nothing but BAD things about this movie, and I have
  agree. This is a story that isn't even 10 years old and it's a
  studio picture? Meanwhile Octavia Butler stories are still 
  around. The highest grossing theater for United 93 was at the
  Empire in New York. Maybe I've been married too long, but this
  doesn't strike me as a date movie. So you've got an 11.6 
  dollar opening, 10 percent of which is gone because Universal
  promised to donate it to the families, whatever that means. 
  went? What was the audience for this movie? Was there just no
  horror flick out so this became #2? What happened? I don't know
  that we'll ever really know. This movie just seems like a bad
  idea that got started and had to finish because, well, it
  I'm happy it's out so it can fall off and go away.
  On Apr 30, 2006, at 10:58 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:
  I've heard nothing but good things about United 93, a powerful,
  poignant portrayal of the 9-11 flight that fought back. Think I
  to check this out, tough as it'll probably be. I was a little
  to hear people say it wasn't time for this movie. What, you have 
  until people start to forget a tragedy, then make a movie about 
  that they can view it with detachment? I think we need to see 
  *now*, to remember what the war on terror was supposed to be
 about, to
  remember how the simplest people can be heroes, and to try and
  with each other in sadness and memory, rather than yell and fight
  political differences.
  United 93 No. 2 at box office
  By Dean GoodmanSun Apr 30, 2:21 PM ET
  United 93, the first Hollywood movie to deal with the events of
  September 11, was No. 2 at the weekend box office in North 
  respectable ticket sales of $11.6 million, according to studio
  issued on Sunday. The new Robin Williams comedy RV drove off 
  top prize, selling about $16.4 million worth of tickets for the
  days beginning Friday, while the teen gymnast drama Stick It
 opened at
  No. 3 with $11.3 million.
  United 93 is a dramatization of the events surrounding the 
  crashed in a Pennsylvania field after passengers fought back
 against the
  Budgeted at just $15 million, and filmed with a cast of relative
  unknowns away from the U.S. media spotlight in Britain, the
  Pictures release was directed by English filmmaker Paul 
  shot the 2004 Matt Damon hit The Bourne Supremacy. It 
premiered on
  Tuesday at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York, and has drawn 
  reviews from critics.
  But its tough subject matter made it difficult to forecast how 
  would open and there were reports that pre-release surveys 
  that female filmgoers had little interest in it. As it turned 
  slightly outdrew men, 52 percent to 48 percent, according to exit
  I think Americans have spoken loud and clear, that they were 
  a film like this, said Nikki Rocco, president of domestic
  distribution at Universal, a unit of General Electric Co.'s NBC
  Universal Inc.
  Rocco said the studio had had no expectations for the film's box
  performance. It wasn't the first and foremost aspect of 
  film, she said.
  The film did skew old, though, with exit surveys showing that 71
  of viewers were aged 30 and above. The film received a grade
 of very
  good or excellent from 95 percent of respondents (the norm is 
  percent), while 76 percent would definitely recommend it (the 
 is 55

[scifinoir2] Re: A NEW Justice League--WTF???

2006-05-03 Thread drcsaid

They canceled JL? As for the younger audience, that's odd since I 
just saw the promotional posters for Legion of Superheroes...

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, B. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It wasn't ratings. Cost of production and the other usual suspects 
 they've used to cancel the other projects by Bruce Timm, Dwayne 
 McDuffie and Co. This was the final season.
 They seem to be slanting their non-Adult Swim audience to a younger 
 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, KeithBJohnson@ wrote:
  what?? Why'd they cancel it?
  -- Original message -- 
  From: B. Smith daikaiju66@ 
  The TiVo saves me because I forgot it too. BTW I hope you enjoy 
  final episodes because they will be the last. Cartoon Network has 
  pulled the plug on the show. It will be missed.
  --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Keith Johnson 
   How did heck did I miss this? A new Justice League on TV 
 tonight? Did
   Cartoon Network run any freaking ads?? I'm watching it now--
   show, dealing with an ancient connection between Hawkman, 
   Green Lantern??? And the ending credits show scenes from 
   I think are new, upcoming ones. Did anyone else catch 
  show? I
   think there are possibly two or three new ones following, 
   nights at 10:30 pm EST
   [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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[scifinoir2] Re: United 93 No. 2 at box office

2006-05-03 Thread drcsaid

Good point..

But Keith, you had the audacity to use profanity in the form of the 
word EarthSea...it wasn't whitewashed...it was bleached like Clorax 
on black Jordaches ...

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Also, i think these are two different conversations. Discussing 
Butler in the same thread as United 93 is a little non sequitor. I 
agree, Hollywood is for crap when it comes to putting Black faces or 
Black work on the screen. But this film is about a shared tragedy for 
the nation, and as such, i think it's important to be shown, and I'd 
hate to try to pit the circumstances of its release against the 
failure of good films to be made about Butler's work.
 I think there you need to focus on stuff like Sci Fi Channel, who 
produced a completely whitewashed Earthsea, or all their crappy 
less-than-videogame-quality original monster flicks. Or bemoan why 
Stephen King's works continually keep getting made into really awful 
movies. That's the venue for discussing whatever reasons are behind 
Butler's work not making the big screen. 
 -- Original message -- 
 From: drcsaid [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Many of folks have tried to bring Octavia Butlers stories to screen 
 (including I think either Jasmine Guy or Jada Pinkett) but Octavia 
 never would release her grip on her stories so none came to 
 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Daryle Lockhart melaninjitsu@ 
  What's interesting about this is that RV was #1. This tells 
  that families across the country went to the movies, took their 
  and their single friends went to see United 93. What kind of 
  lead-in movie is the flight that fought back?
  I have heard nothing but BAD things about this movie, and I have 
  agree. This is a story that isn't even 10 years old and it's a 
  studio picture? Meanwhile Octavia Butler stories are still 
  around. The highest grossing theater for United 93 was at the 
  Empire in New York. Maybe I've been married too long, but this 
  doesn't strike me as a date movie. So you've got an 11.6 
  dollar opening, 10 percent of which is gone because Universal 
  promised to donate it to the families, whatever that means. 
  went? What was the audience for this movie? Was there just no 
  horror flick out so this became #2? What happened? I don't 
  that we'll ever really know. This movie just seems like a 
  idea that got started and had to finish because, well, it 
  I'm happy it's out so it can fall off and go away.
  On Apr 30, 2006, at 10:58 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:
  I've heard nothing but good things about United 93, a powerful,
  poignant portrayal of the 9-11 flight that fought back. Think I 
  to check this out, tough as it'll probably be. I was a little 
  to hear people say it wasn't time for this movie. What, you have 
  until people start to forget a tragedy, then make a movie about 
  that they can view it with detachment? I think we need to see this
  *now*, to remember what the war on terror was supposed to be 
 about, to
  remember how the simplest people can be heroes, and to try and 
  with each other in sadness and memory, rather than yell and fight 
  political differences.
  United 93 No. 2 at box office
  By Dean GoodmanSun Apr 30, 2:21 PM ET
  United 93, the first Hollywood movie to deal with the events of
  September 11, was No. 2 at the weekend box office in North 
  respectable ticket sales of $11.6 million, according to studio 
  issued on Sunday. The new Robin Williams comedy RV drove off 
  top prize, selling about $16.4 million worth of tickets for the 
  days beginning Friday, while the teen gymnast drama Stick It 
 opened at
  No. 3 with $11.3 million.
  United 93 is a dramatization of the events surrounding the 
  crashed in a Pennsylvania field after passengers fought back 
 against the
  Budgeted at just $15 million, and filmed with a cast of relative
  unknowns away from the U.S. media spotlight in Britain, the 
  Pictures release was directed by English filmmaker Paul 
  shot the 2004 Matt Damon hit The Bourne Supremacy. It premiered 
  Tuesday at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York, and has drawn 
  reviews from critics.
  But its tough subject matter made it difficult to forecast how 
  would open and there were reports that pre-release surveys 
  that female filmgoers had little interest in it. As it turned 
  slightly outdrew men, 52 percent to 48 percent, according to exit
  I think Americans have spoken loud and clear, that they were 
  a film like this, said Nikki Rocco, president of domestic 
  distribution at Universal

[scifinoir2] Re: United 93 No. 2 at box office

2006-05-01 Thread drcsaid

Many of folks have tried to bring Octavia Butlers stories to screen 
(including I think either Jasmine Guy or Jada Pinkett) but Octavia 
never would release her grip on her stories so none came to 

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Daryle Lockhart [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 What's interesting about this is that RV was #1. This tells me 
 that families across the country went to the movies, took their 
 and their single friends went to see United 93. What kind of 
 lead-in movie is the flight that fought back?
 I have heard nothing but BAD things about this movie, and I have 
 agree. This is a story that isn't even 10 years old and it's a 
 studio picture? Meanwhile Octavia Butler stories are still sitting 
 around. The highest grossing theater for United 93 was at the 
 Empire in New York. Maybe I've been married too long, but this 
 doesn't strike me as a date movie. So you've got an 11.6 million 
 dollar opening, 10 percent of which is gone because Universal 
 promised to donate it to the families, whatever that means. Who 
 went? What was the audience for this movie? Was there just no 
 horror flick out so this became #2? What happened? I don't know 
 that we'll ever really know. This movie just seems like a bad 
 idea that got started and had to finish because, well, it 
 I'm happy it's out so it can fall off and go away.
 On Apr 30, 2006, at 10:58 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:
 I've heard nothing but good things about United 93, a powerful,
 poignant portrayal of the 9-11 flight that fought back. Think I 
 to check this out, tough as it'll probably be. I was a little 
 to hear people say it wasn't time for this movie. What, you have to 
 until people start to forget a tragedy, then make a movie about it 
 that they can view it with detachment? I think we need to see this
 *now*, to remember what the war on terror was supposed to be 
about, to
 remember how the simplest people can be heroes, and to try and 
 with each other in sadness and memory, rather than yell and fight 
 political differences.
 United 93 No. 2 at box office
 By Dean GoodmanSun Apr 30, 2:21 PM ET
 United 93, the first Hollywood movie to deal with the events of
 September 11, was No. 2 at the weekend box office in North America 
 respectable ticket sales of $11.6 million, according to studio 
 issued on Sunday. The new Robin Williams comedy RV drove off with 
 top prize, selling about $16.4 million worth of tickets for the 
 days beginning Friday, while the teen gymnast drama Stick It 
opened at
 No. 3 with $11.3 million.
 United 93 is a dramatization of the events surrounding the flight 
 crashed in a Pennsylvania field after passengers fought back 
against the
 Budgeted at just $15 million, and filmed with a cast of relative
 unknowns away from the U.S. media spotlight in Britain, the 
 Pictures release was directed by English filmmaker Paul Greengrass, 
 shot the 2004 Matt Damon hit The Bourne Supremacy. It premiered on
 Tuesday at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York, and has drawn rave
 reviews from critics.
 But its tough subject matter made it difficult to forecast how the 
 would open and there were reports that pre-release surveys indicated
 that female filmgoers had little interest in it. As it turned out, 
 slightly outdrew men, 52 percent to 48 percent, according to exit
 I think Americans have spoken loud and clear, that they were ready 
 a film like this, said Nikki Rocco, president of domestic 
 distribution at Universal, a unit of General Electric Co.'s NBC
 Universal Inc.
 Rocco said the studio had had no expectations for the film's box 
 performance. It wasn't the first and foremost aspect of producing 
 film, she said.
 The film did skew old, though, with exit surveys showing that 71 
 of viewers were aged 30 and above. The film received a grade 
of very
 good or excellent from 95 percent of respondents (the norm is 80
 percent), while 76 percent would definitely recommend it (the norm 
is 55
 percent), the studio said.
 About 51 percent of people showed up with their spouse while 11 
 of viewers showed up on a date.
 RV, released by Sony Corp (NYSE:SNE - news).'s Columbia Pictures,
 marks an increasingly rare foray into family comedy for Williams, 
 has focused in recent years on modestly budgeted dramas such as
 Insomnia and One Hour Photo. He plays the beleaguered head of a
 family on a cross-country trip in a recreational vehicle with 
 The $16.4 million opening was as good as we'd hoped it would be, 
 Rory Bruer, Columbia's president of domestic theatrical 
 Walt Disney Co.'s Stick It handily exceeded expectations, which 
 been in the $6 million-$9 million range. Teen girls turned out en 

[scifinoir2] American Dreamz

2006-04-21 Thread drcsaid

I saw the sneak preview to this movie last week, and what you don't
see in all the promos of all the white folk like Mandy Moore, Dennis
Quaid, and Willem Dafoe is the Middle-Eastern (Southeast Asian) actor
portraying a man named Omar who is central to one of the plots of the
movie, at one point staying undercover with his cousins family in
southern California. Its beyond pathetic that he's not even mentioned
in any promo..guess the producers feared protest from the
Middle-Eastern community? Don't know, and yeah, I can see some of the
stereotypes, but its pathetic...



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[scifinoir2] Re: Peter Segal Says Shazam

2006-04-16 Thread drcsaid
I loved the second Blade much better then part one. The villian he
fought in part to (the son) was just nasty (no vampire pun
intended)..Frost in part one was just too weak for me. 

Blade: Trinity isn't worth what I'm paying in electricity to type this.

I always dug Shazam, moreso when Superman was becoming wy to
unbelievable as far as the comic-book world is concerned...


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Keith Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I hear you. The first blade was awesome, the second, pretty good.
 Personally I thought Trinity was a joke. Snipes seemed bored the whole
 flick, the villain was silly, an Jessica Biel's I'm hot and tough
 schtick started getting on my nerves after a while.
 Hey, since you're a Marvel fan, can you tell me what his Power of Zeus
 attribute conveys? Zeus threw lightning bolts, but I could never figure
 what power Marvel gets from him. The strength, speed, stamina, and
 invulnerability come from Hercules, Mercury, Atlas, and Achilles, but
 what does he get from Zeus? 
 -Original Message-
 From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Daryle Lockhart
 Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 02:45
 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Peter Segal Says Shazam
 All I'll say is...Blade was a New Line series of movies. So then  
 studio has the ability to  do something on the level of the FIRST  
 one...or Trinity. If Captain Marvel is a one time thing and it's  
 the quality of the first Blade movie? ROck on. But if it turns into  
 We took everybody who was unemploed from the WB/UPN merger and put  
 them in here..well, I just hope the costume is nice.
 On the low, I'm a Captain Marvel person, so this would either really   
 make me happy  or piss me off completely.
 On Apr 15, 2006, at 3:52 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:
 Wow, that's cool. I never followed Captain Marvel, and never associated
 the word edge with its stories.  I can't wait to see how they redesign
 the costume to make it more suitable for a mainstream audience.
 -Original Message-
 From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Martin Pratt
 Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2006 15:18
 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Peter Segal Says Shazam
 Am I right in thinking that new Line is owned by TimeWarner? If so,
 let's hope that they have the common sense to go into the DC archives
 and pull out some old Shazam stories to base this on. I have the entire
 run of the- third run that DC did, in which Billy batson was still
 eleven years old, and his fortune had been stolen and Mary had been sent
 off to live in a girls' orphanage, and Billy wa sbasically living on the
 streets. It had an edge of reality to go with the unreality of the
 situation. Bliiy sometimes had to use his powers as Captain Marvel and
 put on street clothes to do day labor to make money. That I wouldn't
 mind seeing. Excuse me. I'm going to dig those suckers up...
 Keith Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Will it be adolescent
 in tone like the '70s TV series, or more serious?
 What angle will they take? Will Billy be a nerdy kid with teen problems,
 or will the movie focus on Captain Marvel? This could be really tricky.
 Most importantly, will Billy speak the immortal words to confer with the
 Elders:  Oh Elders, fleet and strong and wise, appear before my seeking
 -Original Message-
 From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Martin Pratt
 Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 19:21
 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Peter Segal Says Shazam
 (holding breath...)
 Said Kakese Dibinga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Peter
 Segal Says Shazam
Posted:   Thursday April 13th, 2006 11:50pm
Source:   The Hollywood Reporter
Author:   Garth Franklin
Peter Segal has come aboard to direct Shazam! -- an adaptation of a
 DC Comics' comic book series featuring Captain Marvel -- for New Line
 Cinema. The comic series focused on young Billy Batson, who becomes the
 superhero known as Captain Marvel when he utters the magic word
 Shazam! says The Hollywood Reporter.
 The name is an acronym for six gods and heroes of the ancient world as
 well as their attributes: the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of
 Hercules, the stamina of Aries, the power of Zeus, the courage of
 Achilles and the speed of Mercury.
 Writers on the long-gestating project include William Goldman and Bryan
 Goluboff. Segal also will produce along with Michael Ewing via their
 Callahan Filmworks banner.
 If you could make a difference, what would you do?...Said Kakese
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[scifinoir2] Re: Most Black Leaders Silent on Immigration

2006-04-11 Thread drcsaid
Where was those groups when it comes to Haitian immigration? The 
Asian immigrants, the immigrant from Continetal Africa? Who cares 
what the other communites don't forget. The Mexicans protestors about 
immigration reform treat the Central Americans like slaves and 
brutalize them when they try to reach the USA through Mexico, theres 
a film on that coming out that won a prizeon the festival circuit 
and when you ask the Latinos leadership on televison about that, they 
hem and haw from giving an answer...

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, George [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As an African-American, this is most embarrassing.
 These groups won't forget our community's silence.
 BTW, Deval Patrick's web site (gubernatorial candidate
 in Massachusetts) is silent on this issue, too.
 - - - - - - - - -
 As Millions of Latinos Protest, Most Black Leaders
 Silent on Immigration
 By Peter Ortiz
 (c) 2006 DiversityInc.com
 April 10, 2006
 As many politicians push a harsh immigration agenda,
 black leaders face a difficult challenge in convincing
 constituents why they need to support immigrants. So
 far, only the NAACP and one black Congresswoman have
 been outspoken in their advocacy
 of immigrant rights while other black leaders appear
 to be silent.
 Never has an issue so galvanized Latinos nationwide.
 Millions of people have been protesting in record
 numbers while many Congressional Republicans clamor
 for the expulsion of undocumented immigrants and
 jailing of anyone, including citizens, who assist
 On Sunday, hundreds of thousands protested on behalf
 of immigrant rights, including an estimated 350,000 to
 500,000 in Dallas, according to The Associated Press
 (AP). Other protests took place in at least nine
 states -- New Mexico, Minnesota, Michigan,
 Iowa, Alabama, Utah, Oregon, Idaho and California, AP
 Today, one millon protestors nationwide are expected
 to join in The National
 Day of Action for Immigrant Justice, well aware of
 the Senate's failure to advance an immigration measure
 viewed as favorable by many advocates. But the
 conservative politicians blaming these immigrants for
 depressing low-wage jobs are helping fuel anger among
 many blacks toward immigrant Latinos and placing black
 politicians in a difficult position.
 The silence of black political leadership is most
 noticeable among the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC).
 With the exception of Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee,
 (D-Texas), there aren't any within this group speaking
 out loudly on immigration, according to her
 spokesperson, Stoney Cooks.
 I don't think there are many politicians comfortable
 with this issue, Cooks says. They find their
 constituencies' opinions not that different from
 conservative, white America.
 Jackson Lee did meet with members of the CBC last
 Wednesday, but the group has yet to take a position on
 the matter. For black leadership, immigration is a
 question of 'Are we going to lead or follow?' Cooks
 says. Lee has offered her own progressive
 bill, which would include legal permanent residency
 for undocumented immigrants who have lived in the
 United States for five to six years. She blames
 Republican leaders for preventing her and others'
 proposals from becoming part of the house debate.
 When asked why he feels other black leaders are not
 taking a strong stance on the immigration issue, the
 best Cook could offer was to ask the same question.
 I'm asking the same questions you are -- Why isn't
 there more aggressive leadership stepping up on this
 issue? Cooks asks. My boss has been working on
 [immigration reform] and she finds herself pretty much
 out there alone.
 An Internet and Web site search for the National Urban
 League, the Congressional
 Black Caucus and the Southern Christian Leadership
 Conference turned up nothing in regards to the current
 immigration debate. And where Jackson Lee considers
 immigration a civil-rights issue, the Southern
 Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) makes 
 no mention of it on its Web site. The Rev. Martin
 Luther King Jr. once served as president of the SCLC,
 where he led the civil-rights struggle.
 The National Association for the Advancement of
 Colored People (NAACP) is one of the few black
 civil-rights organizations to actively engage in the
 immigration debate. Hilary Shelton, director of the
 NAACP's Washington, D.C., bureau, wants black
 Americans to understand that the universal
 consequences of anti-immigrant reform reach beyond
 Latinos. He says his organization has advocated for
 the rights of African and Haitian immigrants for
 Latinos do make up the overwhelming number of
 immigrants, both legal and undocumented, but any one
 ethnic or racial group should not become the poster
 child for immigration reform. Relegating this as a
 Latino issue ignores the shared struggle that blacks
 and Latinos face and provides an opportunity 

[scifinoir2] The Ten Commandments, just my opinion...

2006-04-11 Thread drcsaid
I don't know about anyone else, but I was surprised by how lame the 
Ten Commandments is. I mean, I felt that it was going to be lame, but 
not this lame..

Pharoh can kill the guy who says, we should let Moses go., but he 
can't kill Moses? He orders that Moses be killed on sight the next 
time he comes to the Pharaoh, but he's standing there telling the 
King what he wants after he asked the God to kill the first born? 
And there's the military guy on his knees, holding his child, looking 
up to Moses, would you have God kill me too? 

Knowing that Moses facilitated the murder of my first born son (and 
you saw the weak emotional set up when Moses was introduced to his 
friends son. This is Moses, he's a great man...)..I'd have killed 
Mosess myself..I'm sure that only Pharoh can order the killing, but 
this is on principle...It would have solved the Pharohs problem.. 

At least Moses boys kept it real when some of them kept calling him 

I like the History Channel (I think it was the History Channel) that 
debunked the seven plagues and the parting of the Sea of Reeds)…. 

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[scifinoir2] Re: The Ten Commandments, just my opinion...

2006-04-11 Thread drcsaid
Y'know, I've never seen the Charles Heston version

I'm with you on some points, but the story of Moses, like so much of
the bible, is so much heresay its hard to find fact and fiction.

For example, The goliath that David killed was killed in the earleir
books. But when you show the proof tot eh clergy, the first thing they
say, that was Goliaths brother..

I see your point, God had to Proffesor Xavier Pharoh to get Pharoh
to release the slaves... 

I heard the same things Keith that you heard when you asked the
questions you did, I basically concluded that people give that lame
answer when they don't know it themselves. They had to be smitten
Because some guy wrote that in a book?...Its like Saddam Hussien
shooting a promotional video about the Kurds...

Moses was basically a killer, hding being the Law  Order defence of
God gave me the power to do this...How does anyone know that Moses
didn't write the tablets himself while he was up on Kilimonjaro (pun
intenede)? He was up there for awhile, who else saw the burning bush...

I know what you mean...But if the Israeli's went to town and killed
everyone that were whoremongers and whatnot, they can't say anything
about when the Romans came to town and laid the wood to the Israeli's

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How did this version compare with the Charleton Heston classic that
most people watch? It seemed weak to me, so I decided to forego it and
watched Two and a Half Men instead. Sad, I know, but it was good
background noise as I did my taxes!  Not having seen it, I'm not quite
clear on some of your comments. But it seems you're asking basically
why Moses was allowed to live after doing all this stuff? In the
Biblical story a big part of this had to do with God hardening
Pharaoh's heart. Basically, everytime Moses showed the power of the
True God, a sane man would have let him and his people go, but in
order to prove His power, God kept manipulating Pharaoh's mind so that
he refused to give in. This allowed Moses to continue demonstrating
the power of God, and helped debunk the power of the false gods.  As
for the guy on his knees to Moses, well, if you'd just seen that kind
of power, and your supposed living god seems to be helpless to protect
you, you'd probably prostrate yourself to save a child.  Also, look at
this in the context of the times, when deities and mystical powers
filled the lives of the people. Not as easy to take an aggressive
stand back then if you believe in many gods, for fear of pissing them
and their messengers off.
 As for the whole event, like much of the Old Testament it's thorny.
 As a child I struggled mightily with the actions of the Hebrews,
including the plagues, and later, how they went into Canaan
slaughtering the people there.  Yes, the Bible says the natives were
idolaters and whore mongers who did all kinds of unseemly
sacrifices and pagan rituals to their false gods. The Bible speaks of
the very land itself being tainted by their corruption. And that is
why the Israelites often went into these lands and slaughtered
everyone. In some cases they even killed the animals and salted the
Earth. And don't forget that the Hebrew warriors often collected
trophy sacks filled with the foreskins of their vanguished foes.  Like
I said: I had a major problem with the barbarism of those times. I
asked everyone in my church about it--including my parents--but the
response was always something like They were evil and had to be
smitten from the face of the Earth. And oh yeah: don't you dare
question God's reasons again! I was also told that I couldn't
judge, as God was operating under the Old Covenant that was more
brutal and surface, and the coming of Jesus and the New Covenant made
such behaviour forbidden.  Still, it was confusing. And I must admit,
though still a Christian as an adult, I often puzzle on the true
morality of some of the things alledgedly done back then...
 -- Original message -- 
 From: drcsaid [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 I don't know about anyone else, but I was surprised by how lame the 
 Ten Commandments is. I mean, I felt that it was going to be lame, but 
 not this lame..
 Pharoh can kill the guy who says, we should let Moses go., but he 
 can't kill Moses? He orders that Moses be killed on sight the next 
 time he comes to the Pharaoh, but he's standing there telling the 
 King what he wants after he asked the God to kill the first born? 
 And there's the military guy on his knees, holding his child, looking 
 up to Moses, would you have God kill me too? 
 Knowing that Moses facilitated the murder of my first born son (and 
 you saw the weak emotional set up when Moses was introduced to his 
 friends son. This is Moses, he's a great man...)..I'd have killed 
 Mosess myself..I'm sure that only Pharoh can order the killing, but 
 this is on principle...It would have solved the Pharohs problem.. 
 At least Moses boys kept it real when some

[scifinoir2] [OT] James Brown with Prince and Michael Jackson

2006-04-11 Thread drcsaid
Hello folks, 

I have clip of James Brown is in concert, where he invites Michael
Jackson to the stage, Michael comes to the stage and performs, then
Michael tells James that Prince is in the audience, and James invites
him up and Prince performs...

this clip was shot in the 80's when Michael and Prince were running
things...and Michael was still dark  lovely

...if you want me to send the you the clip, send me an email offline
since i don't know how to attach it to the listserve my email is

I'm out...

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[scifinoir2] Re: The Ten Commandments, just my opinion...

2006-04-11 Thread drcsaid
LOL!!! Everyone tells me about that line!!! I'll pick up that version
this weekend and let you know whats up

This Dougray Scott Moses is starting to remind me of LOST

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Keith Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I guess it all boils down to faith and each person's need to believe or
 not. I'll be the first to admit that all religions have inherent
 contradictions and unanswerable questions. I don't believe that
 everything in every religious tome is true, but I am still a believer.
 It gives me comfort.
 You really should sit through the Charleton Heston version. While you're
 watching it, look up the word melodrama and see if Heston is pictured
 in the dictionary. Great over-the-top fun. And no one should go through
 life without hearing Yul Brenner's So let it be written. So let it be
 done once!
 -Original Message-
 From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of drcsaid
 Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 21:12
 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: The Ten Commandments, just my opinion...
 Y'know, I've never seen the Charles Heston version
 I'm with you on some points, but the story of Moses, like so much of
 the bible, is so much heresay its hard to find fact and fiction.
 For example, The goliath that David killed was killed in the earleir
 books. But when you show the proof tot eh clergy, the first thing they
 say, that was Goliaths brother..
 I see your point, God had to Proffesor Xavier Pharoh to get Pharoh
 to release the slaves... 
 I heard the same things Keith that you heard when you asked the
 questions you did, I basically concluded that people give that lame
 answer when they don't know it themselves. They had to be smitten
 Because some guy wrote that in a book?...Its like Saddam Hussien
 shooting a promotional video about the Kurds...
 Moses was basically a killer, hding being the Law  Order defence of
 God gave me the power to do this...How does anyone know that Moses
 didn't write the tablets himself while he was up on Kilimonjaro (pun
 intenede)? He was up there for awhile, who else saw the burning bush...
 I know what you mean...But if the Israeli's went to town and killed
 everyone that were whoremongers and whatnot, they can't say anything
 about when the Romans came to town and laid the wood to the
 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, KeithBJohnson@ wrote:
  How did this version compare with the Charleton Heston classic that
 most people watch? It seemed weak to me, so I decided to forego it and
 watched Two and a Half Men instead. Sad, I know, but it was good
 background noise as I did my taxes!  Not having seen it, I'm not quite
 clear on some of your comments. But it seems you're asking basically
 why Moses was allowed to live after doing all this stuff? In the
 Biblical story a big part of this had to do with God hardening
 Pharaoh's heart. Basically, everytime Moses showed the power of the
 True God, a sane man would have let him and his people go, but in
 order to prove His power, God kept manipulating Pharaoh's mind so that
 he refused to give in. This allowed Moses to continue demonstrating
 the power of God, and helped debunk the power of the false gods.  As
 for the guy on his knees to Moses, well, if you'd just seen that kind
 of power, and your supposed living god seems to be helpless to protect
 you, you'd probably prostrate yourself to save a child.  Also, look at
 this in the context of the times, when deities and mystical powers
 filled the lives of the people. Not as easy to take an aggressive
 stand back then if you believe in many gods, for fear of pissing them
 and their messengers off.
  As for the whole event, like much of the Old Testament it's thorny.
 As a child I struggled mightily with the actions of the Hebrews,
 including the plagues, and later, how they went into Canaan
 slaughtering the people there.  Yes, the Bible says the natives were
 idolaters and whore mongers who did all kinds of unseemly
 sacrifices and pagan rituals to their false gods. The Bible speaks of
 the very land itself being tainted by their corruption. And that is
 why the Israelites often went into these lands and slaughtered
 everyone. In some cases they even killed the animals and salted the
 Earth. And don't forget that the Hebrew warriors often collected
 trophy sacks filled with the foreskins of their vanguished foes.  Like
 I said: I had a major problem with the barbarism of those times. I
 asked everyone in my church about it--including my parents--but the
 response was always something like They were evil and had to be
 smitten from the face of the Earth. And oh yeah: don't you dare
 question God's reasons again! I was also told that I couldn't
 judge, as God was operating under the Old Covenant that was more
 brutal and surface, and the coming of Jesus and the New Covenant made
 such behaviour forbidden.  Still, it was confusing

[scifinoir2] Re: The Ten Commandments, just my opinion...

2006-04-11 Thread drcsaid
Just saw an ad that Hestons/Brenner's Ten Commandments comes on this
Sunday...Cool, cool...

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Keith Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I guess it all boils down to faith and each person's need to believe or
 not. I'll be the first to admit that all religions have inherent
 contradictions and unanswerable questions. I don't believe that
 everything in every religious tome is true, but I am still a believer.
 It gives me comfort.
 You really should sit through the Charleton Heston version. While you're
 watching it, look up the word melodrama and see if Heston is pictured
 in the dictionary. Great over-the-top fun. And no one should go through
 life without hearing Yul Brenner's So let it be written. So let it be
 done once!
 -Original Message-
 From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of drcsaid
 Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 21:12
 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: The Ten Commandments, just my opinion...
 Y'know, I've never seen the Charles Heston version
 I'm with you on some points, but the story of Moses, like so much of
 the bible, is so much heresay its hard to find fact and fiction.
 For example, The goliath that David killed was killed in the earleir
 books. But when you show the proof tot eh clergy, the first thing they
 say, that was Goliaths brother..
 I see your point, God had to Proffesor Xavier Pharoh to get Pharoh
 to release the slaves... 
 I heard the same things Keith that you heard when you asked the
 questions you did, I basically concluded that people give that lame
 answer when they don't know it themselves. They had to be smitten
 Because some guy wrote that in a book?...Its like Saddam Hussien
 shooting a promotional video about the Kurds...
 Moses was basically a killer, hding being the Law  Order defence of
 God gave me the power to do this...How does anyone know that Moses
 didn't write the tablets himself while he was up on Kilimonjaro (pun
 intenede)? He was up there for awhile, who else saw the burning bush...
 I know what you mean...But if the Israeli's went to town and killed
 everyone that were whoremongers and whatnot, they can't say anything
 about when the Romans came to town and laid the wood to the
 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, KeithBJohnson@ wrote:
  How did this version compare with the Charleton Heston classic that
 most people watch? It seemed weak to me, so I decided to forego it and
 watched Two and a Half Men instead. Sad, I know, but it was good
 background noise as I did my taxes!  Not having seen it, I'm not quite
 clear on some of your comments. But it seems you're asking basically
 why Moses was allowed to live after doing all this stuff? In the
 Biblical story a big part of this had to do with God hardening
 Pharaoh's heart. Basically, everytime Moses showed the power of the
 True God, a sane man would have let him and his people go, but in
 order to prove His power, God kept manipulating Pharaoh's mind so that
 he refused to give in. This allowed Moses to continue demonstrating
 the power of God, and helped debunk the power of the false gods.  As
 for the guy on his knees to Moses, well, if you'd just seen that kind
 of power, and your supposed living god seems to be helpless to protect
 you, you'd probably prostrate yourself to save a child.  Also, look at
 this in the context of the times, when deities and mystical powers
 filled the lives of the people. Not as easy to take an aggressive
 stand back then if you believe in many gods, for fear of pissing them
 and their messengers off.
  As for the whole event, like much of the Old Testament it's thorny.
 As a child I struggled mightily with the actions of the Hebrews,
 including the plagues, and later, how they went into Canaan
 slaughtering the people there.  Yes, the Bible says the natives were
 idolaters and whore mongers who did all kinds of unseemly
 sacrifices and pagan rituals to their false gods. The Bible speaks of
 the very land itself being tainted by their corruption. And that is
 why the Israelites often went into these lands and slaughtered
 everyone. In some cases they even killed the animals and salted the
 Earth. And don't forget that the Hebrew warriors often collected
 trophy sacks filled with the foreskins of their vanguished foes.  Like
 I said: I had a major problem with the barbarism of those times. I
 asked everyone in my church about it--including my parents--but the
 response was always something like They were evil and had to be
 smitten from the face of the Earth. And oh yeah: don't you dare
 question God's reasons again! I was also told that I couldn't
 judge, as God was operating under the Old Covenant that was more
 brutal and surface, and the coming of Jesus and the New Covenant made
 such behaviour forbidden.  Still, it was confusing. And I must admit,
 though still a Christian as an adult, I often puzzle on the true

[scifinoir2] Re: Trailer: Hannibal vs Rome movie (Alexander Siddiq of Deep Space 9)

2006-04-09 Thread drcsaid
Yeah, Dougray Scott is playing Moses in this groove.


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Amanda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 But you know I've always wondered about Dougray Scott especially 
 after watching Arabian Nights.  He might be white, but he ain't that 
 Same goes for Troy if the Trojans are supposed to the be Turkish 
 then the turks I saw in those docus they were showing when Troy was 
 being released and the Greeks as well should be who we saw in the 
 movies not Brad Pit. 
 A co-worker and I were talking about this very thing when we were 
 talking about how all the Romans, Greeks, even the French in movies 
 are always some British guy or chick.  We were like yes they 
 mysteriously have british accents in Rome.lol Oh and let's not 
 forget Vikings.  How the hell is a Viking going to have a british 
 accent pre them going to Britian.  I can see a movie made with 
 people with british accents portraying native Americans.  I wouldn't 
 put it past them.  Another note.  What did mess me up on Arabian 
 Nights was all the british accents going on as well, but you know 
 some of the actors after I saw that mini series I have sense 
 wondered about their ethnicity.  
 Well Aladin being Chinese wasn't a big thing for me, because I read 
 the tale of Aladin in a book of the Arabin Nights and he was a young 
 Chinese prince.  
 Big case in Point the Thief of Baghdad.  I can barely watch this 
 movie.  Yes it's beautiful, but when you grow up and learn about 
 actual Indians and what they really look like it's hard to watch 
 this movie and take it seriously that these people are 
 arabian/indian etc.  When you watch Bollywood movies and other 
 movies of Indian cinema and then watch Thief of Baghdad you are like 
 what the hell is this.lol
 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Keith Johnson 
 KeithBJohnson@ wrote:
  Not only that, but they've remade The Ten Commandments as a 
 flick with
  Daniel James Bond Craig as Moses. I think it airs tonight. 
  I mean, heck, sure the commercials show the background actors to at
  least *look* darker skinned in this one. (Never could get over all 
  lily-white Hebrews, and especially, the Caucasian Egyptians).  But
  they're still putting Europeans in the leads. So, if you're gonna 
 do it
  wrong, then I say stick with Heston/Brenner classic. Nothing beats 
  melodramatic fun, especially Heston's constant posing and posturing
  Thus sayeth the Lord of Hosts!, and Brenner's fabulous So let 
 it be
  written. So let it be done!
  -Original Message-
  From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
  Behalf Of Said Kakese Dibinga
  Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2006 02:25
  To: Said
  Subject: [scifinoir2] Trailer: Hannibal vs Rome movie (Alexander 
  of Deep Space 9)
  What I've seen so far doesn't work for me. .
  Its going to be broadcasted on BBC in May...you can cut and paste 
  link in your browser...
  If you could make a difference, what would you do?...Said Kakese
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  2¢/min with Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.
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[scifinoir2] Re: Yahoo! Movies - X-Men: The Last Stand clip

2006-03-17 Thread drcsaid
I got a chip on the table that the Sinead O'Connor look-a-like mutant
in the movie that's the source of the cure is LEECH. I know he's
green in the comic-book but this is Hollywood.

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Said Dibinga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Said Dibinga ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent you a movie trailer link
 Personal message:
 X-Men: The Last Stand clip

 Yahoo! Movies http://movies.yahoo.com/

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[scifinoir2] Re: [OT] Samuel L. Jackson in 'Snakes on a Plane' Trailer

2006-03-17 Thread drcsaid
and uh,...how low was the special-effects budget?

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, brent wodehouse


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[scifinoir2] Suspect’s aliases found in comics

2006-03-07 Thread drcsaid
Suspect’s aliases found in comics

By Laurel J. Sweet
Tuesday, March 7, 2006

The Big Apple bouncer who has surfaced as a suspect in the despicable
killing of Imette St. Guillen answers to several aliases, at least
three of which have ties to the fantasy world of comic books.

The comic book link is bizarre to say the least, and, in the words
of one comic-book industry insider, “truly disturbing.”

Littlejohn, 41, a 5-foot-7-inch, 210-pound career convict from
Queens, provided muscle for the Soho saloon The Falls, where St.
Guillen, 24, a 1999 Boston Latin School honors graduate, was last seen
alive on Feb. 25. According to New York City police sources, he was
asked to escort her from the bar around the 4 a.m. closing time.

His alter ego “Jonathan Blaze” - the name Littlejohn was
imprisoned under until two years ago for helping knock over a Long
Island bank at gunpoint - is the true name of the Marvel Comics
character “Ghost Rider,” soon to be a film starring Nicholas Cage.

In the “Ghost Rider” series, Blaze is a motorcycle stuntman for
the circus who sells his soul to the devil to save his girlfriend’s
father from death. But when the devil doesn’t honor his end of the
bargain, a tormented Blaze is doomed to straddle a chopper made of
flames as hell-fire shoots from his skull.Marvel Comics declined to
comment for this story.

Littlejohn did time in the 1990s for drug possession as John
Handsome. “Handsome John” was the name of a head-turning police
detective who gets offered a movie contract in the “Green Lantern”
series, circa 1943.

A third alias, “Darryl Banks,” was a famed illustrator for the
Green Lantern comic in the 1990s.

A fourth alias Littlejohn has been known to use, “Damon Wells,”
was also the name of a California man who ritualistically raped and
murdered a 21-year-old female hitchhiker in 1989 as a sacrifice to the

“Who knows why he’s picking these names,” Matt Lehman, owner of
Comicopia, a comic-book shop in Boston’s Kenmore Square, said
yesterday of Littlejohn. “But remember, the word fan does come from

Lehman said most comic-book characters “tend to be male.”

“It’s easy to menace the damsel in distress,” he said.

But unlike St. Guillen’s twisted rape and murder, during which she
was tied, gagged and her head wrapped in packing tape, “in all this
kind of literature, the heroes are reactive,” Lehman said. “They’re
fighting something that’s already happened.”

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[scifinoir2] Re: Anybody Remember This Scifi Series

2006-03-05 Thread drcsaid
Max Headroom.

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Amanda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I remember My Life and Times.  That was a pretty cool concept.  Guy 
 in future reflects on early 21th century.  Another show Space 
 Rangers was hokey yes.  I mean the sets were like WTF, but when I 
 see it again it wasn't that bad, they just really needed to work on 
 the show.  With series like Babylon 5 and DS9 coming out at the same 
 time you knew that show was going down.
 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Astromancer cwbadie@ wrote:
  Um...I NEVER watched Buck Rogers for the plot...when they tried to 
 give it one, I stopped watching it...LOL

  Amanda cool_splash1@ wrote:
I remember The Fantastic Journey, but after I got older I got 
 eps from 
  that show, Buck Rogers, Battlestar Galactica mixed up.  I mean a 
  of them resembled each other so much.lol  It's funny to see how 
  the networks have changed in copying each other.  
  Science fiction and fantasy   Genre magazine 
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[scifinoir2] never before seen photos civil rights struggles in Alabama

2006-02-28 Thread drcsaid
never before seen photos civil rights struggles in Alabama


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[scifinoir2] Re: RIP, Octavia Butler, genius science fiction writer

2006-02-26 Thread drcsaid
I was never a big fan of her work, but I had much respect for her as a
writer that went where others haven't gone before...A great loss...I
really wish her collaboration with Jasmine Guy (or was it Jada?)
produced a movie. Tired of hearing about Anne Rice this, Anne Rice that...

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Keith Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 And I just said last night that I hoped there'd not be a third death of
 a famous person, in keeping with that old wives' tale.  A great loss for
 scifi, and literature in general. I wonder how many people, though, know
  -Original Message-
 From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of brent wodehouse
 Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2006 18:17
 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [scifinoir2] RIP, Octavia Butler, genius science fiction
 Octavia Butler, the brilliant science fiction writer, reportedly died on
 Saturday following a fall that gave her a fatal concussion. Butler was
 incredible writer who was the first genre author to win the MacArthur
 Foundation's Genius grant. She was the first prominent
 woman in the field, and her novels and short stories were an inspiration
 to a generation of writers of all backgrounds and both sexes (I was
 to give up writing after a five-year bout of writers' block in my
 mid-twenties when I read the introduction to her short story collection
 which she recounted her own block and decided to keep trying). I
 reviewed her wonderful novel Fledgling here, a vampire book that, like
 of Butler's work, was a disturbing, light-touch allegory about race and
 sex politics skinned with a fast-moving, heart-wrenching storyline. 
 Butler was only 58 when she died on Saturday. Her oeuvre is too modest,
 but will never be forgotten. She had many amazing books left in her. I
 only met her once, very briefly, and I was tongue-tied in her presence,
 but she was gracious and friendly. The field and the world has lost
 someone wonderful this weekend. 
 Several people have confirmed this now, though nothing authoritative has
 been published. I'll update this post if something firmer emerges.
 wHGybg fiction and fantasy   Genre
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[scifinoir2] Re: UAE Gave $100 Million for Katrina Relief

2006-02-25 Thread drcsaid
Hey Martin sorry for the direct reply, I forgot to hit the reply all..

Don't get me started on the Neocons. I see your point, and its a point
spoken often of these days. I feel, and right or wrong this ids my
opinion that is its not buying brownie points. Its business. Most of
the terrorist came from Saudi Arabia. No one protests the Saudi
Monarchy. The shoe bomber was British. No one protest the UK -- and
England is the ones selling the ports. The main terrorist cell that
supported 9/11 was based in Germany. No one protest Berlin. The
funding came through Saudi Arabia via UAE. If people have a problem
with UAE then they should ask Bush to give back the money like
Gulianni did when the Saudi made a donation to New York right after
911...I agree with you though, that's a lot of money, and no ones
talking about it? I haven't heard anything on NPR or public radio

I look at it this way, people are getting what they voted
for...President Bush didn't know about this until AFTER  his own
administration approved the deal? Amazingthen again, President
Bush didn't know that Cheney shot somebody until 2 days after it

I'm gone...

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Martin Pratt [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm sure that some neocon will be trumpeting this for all and sundry
to hear. A great humanitarian gesture, yes, far surpassing any that
our own government made in the sitch. But does it buy the UAE brownie
points in the port issue? I don't think so. Let us not forget that two
of the 9/11 terrorists came from the UAE, that a lot of funding for
9/11 came from there.
 Said Kakese Dibinga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:UAE Gave $100
Million for Katrina Relief   
By TED BRIDIS, Associated Press Writer 56 minutes ago 

 Weeks before one of its companies sought U.S. approval for its ports
deal, the United Arab Emirates contributed $100 million to help
victims of Hurricane Katrina, officials confirmed Thursday.
 The Bush administration said the money it received from the United
Arab Emirates was nearly four times as much as it received from all
other countries combined. Other countries, including some in the
Middle East, also pledged large contributions but have not yet sent
the money.
 The White House said the $100 million for storm victims demonstrates
the close relationship between the two governments now caught in a
firestorm over the potential security risks of state-owned Dubai Ports
World running operations at six major U.S. ports.
 The money from the United Arab Emirates was previously described by
the State Department only as a very large contribution. The White
House said so far it has received $126 million in international
donations, including the UAE money.
 The administration said there was no connection between the request
for U.S. approval of the $6.8 billion ports deal and the UAE
contribution. It disclosed details about the donation to support
President Bush's description of the nations as important allies.
 There was no connection between the two events, said Adam Ereli,
the deputy State Department spokesman.
 Robert Kimmitt, deputy secretary at the Treasury Department, told
senators Thursday that Dubai Ports World first approached U.S.
officials Oct. 17 to discuss a proposed purchase of London-based
Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., which runs significant
operations at six large U.S. ports.
 Kimmitt said the company informally approached Treasury officials to
discuss preliminary stages of the purchase. A formal review of the
proposed sale started on Dec. 16, Kimmitt told the Senate Armed
Services Committee.
 The United Arab Emirates sent its $100 million Katrina donation on
Sept. 21 using an electronic transfer to an account at the State
Department, the White House said. Two-thirds of the money was given to
the Federal Emergency Management Agency to help coordinate aid to
100,000 families. The rest was sent to the Education Department to
help rebuild schools and universities near New Orleans that were
damaged by the storm.
 The United Arab Emirates has long-standing ties to the Bush family.
Records show the UAE and one of its sheikhs contributed at least $1
million before 1995 to the Bush Library Foundation, which established
the George Bush Presidential Library in College Station, Texas. The
executive chairman of Dubai Ports World, Ahmed bin Sulayem, is not
listed among donors.
Copyright © 2006 The Associated
 If you could make a difference, what would you do?...Said Kakese
 What are the most popular cars? Find out at Yahoo! Autos 
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 Science fiction and fantasy   Genre magazine 

[scifinoir2] Re: State of Black America on C-Span

2006-02-25 Thread drcsaid
Thanks for the link, I'm listening to the first link as I type this
,and will check out the next link right after. Some of the call in
questions are really something…two of the first three callers, were so
much in denial, I had to replay it twice…


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Keith Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Another rainy, cold Saturday in Atlanta (Geez, how many times have I
 said that?) Today, rather than bad Sci Fi Channel marathons, I'm
 watching The State of Black America on C-Span. It's Tavis Smiley's
 annual gathering of Black leaders, philosophers, and activists that
 discusses the problems and issues of Black America. This year they're
 discussing the Covenant with Black America, a book that compiles facts
 and thoughts and a plan for Black Americans to make this country a
 better place.  It's been pretty interesting, especially the speeches by
 Harry Belafonte and Louis Farakhan.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[scifinoir2] Re: Wired News: Actor Tries to Trademark 'N' Word

2006-02-25 Thread drcsaid
That's probably what the trademark office said...

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You have got to be kidding me
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[scifinoir2] Sex Services in Prostitution Probes Banned

2006-02-18 Thread drcsaid
(did i read this right?) 

Sex Services in Prostitution Probes Banned

Sat Feb 18, 4:46 AM ET

The sheriff said Friday he will no longer allow detectives to receive
sexual services while investigating suspected prostitution after they
spent $1,200 at massage parlors last month and sparked a public outcry.

Spotsylvania County Sheriff Howard Smith defended the practice as
necessary to obtain a conviction but told his department he was
suspending it.

As sheriff, I understand the feelings and concerns the citizens of
this county have expressed, Smith said in a statement sent to The
Associated Press on Friday. And I empathize with those feelings.
Because of the public's express response, I have suspended this practice.

Court documents show that four times last month, county detectives
allowed women at Moon Spa to perform sex acts on them — once leaving a
$350 tip. A total of $1,200 was spent during the visits, Smith said.
He said multiple visits were necessary so detectives could build trust
with the operators.

Detectives shut down Moon Spa last month. The two suspected operators
and three women accused of working there face several charges,
including prostitution and sodomy, Smith said.

Smith maintained the sexual contact was necessary to obtain a
conviction. But law enforcement officials say undercover officers only
need to get an offer of sex for money to move the case forward.

The practice has been used in Spotsylvania since at least 2003.

Earlier this week, Smith told The Washington Post that sexual contact
is needed during the investigations because most professionals know
not to say anything incriminating. And conversation is difficult, he
said, because masseuses at the Asian-run parlors in the northern
Virginia county speak little English.

But several members of Spotsylvania's Board of Supervisors have spoken
out against the methods used in the investigation.

All of us ... have been worried about this episode tarnishing the
county and making us a laughingstock of the nation, board chairman
Henry Hap Connors told the AP Friday. That's why I came out early
on and asked the sheriff to cease using these tactics.

Spotsylvania Commonwealth's Attorney William Neely said he respects
Smith's decision to end the practice, but refused to apologize for the
officers' tactics.

Copyright © 2006 The Associated Press. 

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[scifinoir2] Re: Map of SciFinoir Member Locations

2006-02-18 Thread drcsaid
Tracey you're south of me, I live in the Mexican suburbs called Los

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Bosco Bosco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey Tracey
 I think we're only 15 or 16 hours apart now ;)
 Texas is just Mexico with a clown mask on,
 --- tdemorsella [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi SciFiNoir Family.  I just signed us up for a service that
  a map of what cities in which scifinoir members live.  While I no
  longer live near anyone anymore,(moved to Mexico in October) most
  you probably live really close to other memers and do not even know
  it.  This map will hopefully correct that.  Please click through to
  add your point on the map. Takes less than a minute.
  Tracey de Morsella, your moderator
 I got friends who are in prison and Friends who are dead.
 I'm gonna tell ya something that I've often said.
 You know these things that happen,
 That's just the way it's supposed to be.
 And I can't help but wonder,
 Don't ya know it coulda been me.
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[scifinoir2] [Non-Sci-Fi] Super Bowl MVP becoming major star in South Korea, too

2006-02-10 Thread drcsaid
Super Bowl MVP becoming major star in South Korea, too

Feb. 9, 2006CBS SportsLine.com wire reportsSEOUL, South Korea -- In a
country where most people have no idea what a touchdown is, Hines Ward
is suddenly a star -- his name buzzing across the Internet, his
picture splashed on front pages.The Super Bowl MVP for the Pittsburgh
Steelers, is half-Korean. On Thursday, he was featured in nearly every
South Korean newspaper, waving to fans during a victory parade in

Ward's 43-yard touchdown catch was the key play in the 21-10 victory
over Seattle.Born to a black American father and Korean mother, Ward's
story is also drawing renewed attention to discrimination faced by
children of mixed parentage in South Korea, where the conservative
culture places a strong emphasis on pure blood ties.Ward said before
the game he planned an April trip with his mother to his native South
Korea -- the 29-year-old receiver's first visit as an adult.

The country's two main airlines are jockeying for the privilege of
ferrying them to Seoul, where they can expect the trappings of a state
visit.Ward has been mentioned as a possible candidate for a state
award, and some have called on Internet message boards for him to be
granted honorary citizenship. South Korea's main KBS television
channel plans to broadcast a documentary on Ward this weekend. 
Local media have dubbed the phenomenon the Ward syndrome.

American football has virtually no following in South Korea, where
soccer became the national obsession following the country's
surprising run to the semifinals when it co-hosted the 2002 World
Cup.Ward's Korean roots gained some notice just before the Super Bowl,
but his fame skyrocketed with his performance in the Steelers'
victory. Ward's name was the most-searched keyword this week on the
sports section of popular website Naver -- eclipsing soccer idol Park
Ji-sung, who plays for England's Manchester United.

Ward's mother Kim Young-hee has been the subject of numerous
interviews, recounting how she worked three jobs to support her son
after she divorced her ex-soldier husband soon after following him to
the U.S. Kim initially was ruled unfit to keep Ward and he lived with
his father and stepmother, but he ran away to join her while in the
second grade.Ward has credited his mother's work ethic for teaching
him what it takes to succeed, and his name in Korean is tattooed on
his upper right forearm. 

The attention on Ward has also sparked introspection in South Korea
about the treatment of children of mixed-race backgrounds.The South
Korean military bans men who clearly appear of mixed racial background
from serving compulsory duty out of concern they might be unable to
fit in, noted Song Kil-weon, head of HIfamily Institute, a group
working for rights of those with mixed heritage.

Children, particularly those with a black American parent, routinely
suffer harsh discrimination by fellow students, said Yi Kyung-kyune,
director of Pearl S. Buck International Korea, a group that supports
mixed-heritage youth. Because of the pressure, the middle school
dropout rate for Amerasians -- children with American and Korean
heritage -- is more than 17 percent, Yi said.The group says about
2,000 Amerasians in this country suffer severe discrimination along
with another estimated 1,000 children of mixed Korean and Asian
descent, or Kosians. 

Many also have challenges at home, with 83 percent being raised by
single mothers, who are often jobless or only work part time.One such
child is Jang Yae-eun, 18, a rookie forward on the Woori Bank women's
basketball team. She lives with her Korean mother who divorced her
soldier father -- a black American -- while Jang was in elementary
school. Jang graduated from high school Wednesday, noting it was a
rarity for people who shared her background.

Especially black-Korean people suffer a lot from discrimination,
Jang said in Korean. I even once wished that no more black-Koreans
would be born at all. She said she was proud of Ward and hoped his
story would help her and others of similar background.

Song said rather than applauding Ward as a hero, Korean society should
pay more attention to discrimination. He thinks the football player
can help the cause.

I'm expecting Ward to play a role as a human rights activist for
mixed-heritage people in Korea, he said.AP NEWSThe Associated Press
News ServiceCopyright 2005-2006, 

The Associated Press, All Rights Reserved

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[scifinoir2] Said has sent you an article from npr.org

2006-02-10 Thread drcsaid
Said thought you would be interested in this story: NPR : Not Coming to a 
Theater Near You: Satire Trailers


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[scifinoir2] Is King Kong racist?

2005-12-22 Thread drcsaid
In its darkness, 'Kong' shows the human heart 

James P. Pinkerton

December 15, 2005

Is King Kong racist? 

Lots of people say it is. And, if it is, why does the film keep 
getting remade? What does it say about us if the new Kong is a 
huge hit? 

Any movie that features white people sailing off to the Third World 
to capture a giant ape and carry it back to the West for 
exploitation is going to be seen as a metaphor for colonialism and 
racism. That was true for the original in 1933 and for the two 
remakes: the campy one in 1976, and the latest, directed by Peter 
Jackson. (In addition, a Kong wannabe, Mighty Joe Young, has 
been made twice.) 

Movie reviewer David Edelstein, writing in Slate.com, notes the 
implicit racism of 'King Kong' - the implication that Kong stands 
for the black man brought in chains from a dark island (full of 
murderous primitive pagans) and with a penchant for skinny white 
blondes. Indeed, a Google search using the words King Kong racism 
yielded 490,000 hits. 

Comparing the new film with the original, The Washington Post's 
Stephen Hunter observed, It remains a parable of exploitation, 
cultural self-importance, the arrogance of the West, all issues that 
were obvious in the original but unexamined; they remain unexamined 
here, if more vivid.

And by more vivid, Hunter might be referring to the natives of 
mythical Skull Island, where Kong is discovered. Director Jackson 
took people of Melanesian stock - the dark-skinned peoples who are 
indigenous to much of the South Pacific, including Jackson's own 
country of New Zealand - and made them up to look and act like 
monsters, more zombie-ish than human. Indeed, one is moved to 
compare these human devils to the ogre-ish Orcs from Jackson's mega-
Oscar Lord of the Rings films. The bad guys are dark, hideous and 
undifferentiatedly evil. 

One might note that the original source material for both films 
dates from the same period: Kong in '33, J.R.R. Tolkien's The 
Hobbit four years later. Both works are ultimately meditations on 
the West and Western uniqueness. Which is to say, what's the role 
for white Europe - and for its ethnic offshoot, North America - in a 
world that is mostly non-white? 

Some would label such sentiments as racist, but others would note 
that every ethnicity naturally feels a special affection for its own 

Yet, in the West, outright invocations of white nationalism, such as 
the 1915 film Birth of a Nation, were politically unacceptable, 
even in the '30s, and so the same race-conscious sentiments were 
encrypted into allegory - in print or on celluloid. 

The new Kong drills home its race consciousness by making repeated 
references to Joseph Conrad's 1899 novel, Heart of Darkness, which 
denigrates both the colonizing whites and colonized blacks. In the 
novel's climax, the once-idealistic character Kurtz writes of 
Africans, Exterminate all the brutes! Conrad presents Kurtz as 
crazy, but Africa is presented as a crazy-making place. 

The new Kong is, as always, a noble beast with a tender side. But, 
at the same time, his killing is presented as a cruel necessity. And 
at the end of the film, the white people - love interests Naomi 
Watts and Adrien Brody - are brought closer together, thanks to 
their brush with the big ape. 

But if the movie is so loaded with race-charged imagery, why isn't 
it being protested? Why aren't we seeing pickets and boycotts? 
Perhaps it's because today, as people look around the world, they 
see that most political strife is, in fact, ethnic strife. Folks 
like to say that diversity is our strength, and they resolve to 
fight racism, but every day's news reminds us that ethnic conflict 
lurks in the human heart. 

That's a gloomy reality that Kong captures, in its crypto fashion, 
and so there's no point in getting worked up over it. Indeed, since 
the film is entertaining - like the similarly themed, much honored 
and extremely popular Rings movies of a few years back - one might 
as well go see this one, too. 

Copyright (c) 2005, Newsday, Inc. 

This article originally appeared at:

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[scifinoir2] 'Halloween' Producer Killed in Jordan Terrorist Bombing

2005-11-12 Thread drcsaid
'Halloween' Producer Killed in Jordan Terrorist Bombing

Producer-director Moustapha Akkad, who produced all of the Halloween
horror films, has died from injuries sustained during the terrorist
attacks in Jordan earlier this week, al-Jazeera reported today. Akkad
also directed the 1976 film The Message, starring Anthony Quinn, about
the prophet Muhammad, and the 1981 film Lion of the Desert, also
starring Quinn, about Omar Mukhtar, who led the resistance to
Mussolini's occupation of Libya. 

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[scifinoir2] First picture of a Spider-Man 3 enemy

2005-11-07 Thread drcsaid
Church Of Spider-Villainy
First picture of a Spider-Man 3 enemy


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[scifinoir2] Rick McCallum: The prequels producer on the Sith DVD

2005-11-07 Thread drcsaid
Rick McCallum
The prequels producer on the Sith DVD

He may not be as familiar a name as George Lucas, but Rick McCallum,
Lucas' producer, has been an important part of bringing Star Wars back
to the screen. We caught up with him at the Star Wars DVD launch
recently, and he told us a little about the Star Wars TV series, those
rumours about a further three episodes and the state of Hollywood today…

-You've said that you like DVDs because you could show how these
scenes were built up, but some directors say that's exactly why they
don't like DVDs, that it spoils the magic.

They're full of shit. They have so little respect what it's like for a
normal person. I came from a very small town in Missouri and the
prospect of getting out was the most driving force for me. Then it
seems so impossible to get into, and it has such a huge impact. Why
limit it to just that process when there's the opportunity for those
who want to explore? There's the person who just wants to hit play and
that's it, but for anybody else who wants to understand the process
and learn about the process, it's there.

-Why is it that you don't put in the movie exactly what you want in
the movie? Why the cut scenes and director's cuts?

It's very hard…American audiences sitting through a movie for three
hours or three hours and thirty minutes; it's unthinkable. George's
problem was that he truly believed the scenes needed to come out. He
released the movie the way he wanted it, and then after three or four
months he thought, `God, I think there's another thing here or I
wanna put in this stuff I didn't have confidence in. The one thing I
really wish is that Yoda [arriving on Dagoba] was in there. I totally
disagree with George. I think that you're following all the
characters, not just the kids. But that's why film is a director's
medium. Television's a producer's one. If it had have been a TV series
he would have been in there! 

-Is that why you're making a TV series?

Exactly! (laughs)

-George Lucas has changed the way films are made; so what can he do
for television?

What we said is why don't we try and restructure the process of how
television is made; let's set up our own studio, with the same
players, they're not going to be out of work, they'll make a decent
living, there's no stars, the actors get what the crew gets, the crew
gets what the actors get. We try and set up a different system to make
a television series that had all the basic look and feel of a feature
film. We had to make Episode III for $100 million, but if you're
looking at what's being made now, Harry Potter's like $280 million,
Batman is $200 million, Superman's $250 million. Films are completely
out of control. So now what we want to do is take everything we've
learned from feature films and this new digital pipeline and put it
back into television and set a standard for how in four or five years
time we can start making feature films for five or ten million dollars
instead of the $80, $90, $100 million it takes now.

-A lot of people think that the US box office's poor performance marks
the beginning of the end for the current cinema.

I think there's a fundamental shift in the way people are watching
movies now and it's only going to get worse. It's just too expensive,
you know. Five years ago, a normal kid could steal enough money while
his parents were taking a shower, but now it's £50 to see five movies,
and nobody can afford that anymore. Plus, you know you only have to
wait 12 weeks and you can own the movie, and you've got the added
issue that with much younger audiences they prefer the quality of the
image on their television set. The equipment is so 19th century, 20th
century, it's ludicrous; for the technology that's out there we should
be looking at films completely differently. 

-When the film came out, in May, George was talking a lot about piracy
and he was saying that he saw the future where blockbusters, big films
like Star Wars wouldn't be able to be made.

Yeah, I'll give you an example. Our film cost $113 million dollars
because we financed it so, if there's a moment where George is out on
a crane and is waiting for the perfect sun shot, you know, he won't
wait for it. Most directors will. And that'll add another $150,000 or
$200,000 to whatever the cost of the day is. We have to shoot the
films in 53 days; that's the maximum we can do because we cannot spend
over that money. Because we don't know if we're going to get it back
in box office and because we only make one film every three years, and
we have a huge company to feed, if we don't make money we're dead
meat, we're over, it's finished. 

Our film cost $113 million. You got $40 million in prints, because
you've got 20,000 prints that have to be delivered to the theatre,
delivered back to the lab, then they all have to be destroyed because
it's an environmental hazard, and then you've got $100 million to
advertise, worldwide. So that little hundred million dollar movie is
now closer 

[scifinoir2] [Non-Scifi] WNBA star Sheryl Swoopes comes out: 'I'm tired of having to pretend'

2005-10-26 Thread drcsaid
WNBA star Sheryl Swoopes comes out: 'I'm tired of having to pretend' 
October 26, 2005
NEW YORK (AP) -- Houston Comets forward Sheryl Swoopes is opening up 
about being a lesbian, telling a magazine that she's ``tired of 
having to hide my feelings about the person I care about.'' 

Swoopes, honored last month as the WNBA's Most Valuable Player, told 
ESPN The Magazine for a story on newsstands Wednesday that she didn't 
always know she was gay and fears that coming out could jeopardize 
her status as a role model. 

``Do I think I was born this way? No,'' Swoopes said. ``And that's 
probably confusing to some, because I know a lot of people believe 
that you are.'' 
Swoopes, who was married and has an 8-year-old son, said her 1999 
divorce ``wasn't because I'm gay.'' 

She said her reason for coming out now is merely because she wants to 
be honest. 

``It's not something that I want to throw in people's faces. I'm just 
at a point in my life where I'm tired of having to pretend to be 
somebody I'm not,'' the 34-year-old Swoopes said. ``I'm tired of 
having to hide my feelings about the person I care about. About the 
person I love.'' 

A release from ESPN The Magazine about the story did not disclose the 
identity of Swoopes' partner. 

A five-time All-Star and three-time Olympic gold medalist, Swoopes is 
the WNBA's only three-time MVP. She played for the Comets during 
their run of four championships from 1997-2000, but missed the 2001 
season with a knee injury. 

She said her biggest worry about her revelation is that people will 
be afraid to look up to her. 

``I don't want that to happen,'' she said. ``Being gay has nothing to 
do with the three gold medals or the three MVPs or the four 
championships I've won. I'm still the same person. I'm Sheryl.'' 

Swoopes led the WNBA in scoring last year, averaging 18.6 points. She 
also averaged 4.3 assists and 2.65 steals while making 85 percent of 
her free throws and playing a league-high 37.1 minutes a game. 

She said it ``irritates'' her that no one talks about gays playing in 
men's sports, but that it's become an issue in the WNBA. 

``Sexuality and gender don't change anyone's performance on the 
court,'' she said. ``Women play just as hard as guys do. We're just 
as competitive.'' 

On the Net: 

http://www.wnba.com/playerfile/sheryl-- swoopes/

Updated on Wednesday, Oct 26, 2005 7:25 am EDT

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[scifinoir2] Car Ticketed With Dead Body at the Wheel

2005-10-21 Thread drcsaid
Car Ticketed With Dead Body at the Wheel

SYDNEY, Australia (AP) - A traffic warden slapped a parking ticket on 
a car which had its dead driver slumped at the wheel outside an 
Australian shopping mall, an official said Friday. 

The body of the 71-year-old man, whose identity was not immediately 
released, was discovered Thursday in a parking lot in the southern 
city of Melbourne, The Age newspaper reported Friday. 

The man had been reported missing nine days earlier and was known to 
be seriously ill, the newspaper said. 

Nevertheless, a parking officer who inspected the vehicle failed to 
notice the man inside and issued the parking fine two days before his 
body was discovered. 

Paul Denham, the mayor of Maroondah council, where the man was found, 
said the parking officer was ``distressed'' to learn that the dead 
man had been inside the car. 

``Our local laws officer checked and wrote out the ticket at the rear 
of the vehicle and placed the ticket from the passenger side on the 
windscreen,'' Denham said in a statement. ``The local laws officer 
did not notice anything unusual regarding the vehicle, and is 
extremely distressed to have learned of the situation.'' 

10/21/05 06:26 

© Copyright The Associated Press. 

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[scifinoir2] Re: What does Sci-Fi have against Black people?

2005-10-20 Thread drcsaid

Not that I know of…if you email me off line we can work out the 
logistics...my email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Meta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Are any of them on sale anywhere. I could use a Hawk dose.
 I was telling my children about these shows and they really want to
 see them.
 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, drcsaid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm glad that I taped those Hawk episodes on Spencer and A Man 
  Called Hawk series...Wesley, Wendall Pirece, Angela Basset, 
  Jackson, Eric LaSalle etc were i the cut on those series...
  I'm going to burn them to DVD...hey an I write that here? I don't 
  want this site shut down too!
  --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   LMAO...I wasn't goiong to say that...but you have a point...On 
  of that, if anyone can get my mom to say Boy is he good 
lookin', He 
  has got to be impressive...Mom has never uttered that about 
anyone on 
  TV except Avery Brooks...
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I agree with that. He'd lost the fire 
  after his wife's death.  I'm just saying I wish he'd started out 
  Captain Sisko of whatever that starship was he was on. But hey, 
  you say, he grew like hell in what is probably my favorite Trek 
   Oh course, ol' boy didn't really shine until he shaved that 
  and grew that beard, and became Hawk in the 24th Century!
   -- Original message -- 
   Also remember that Sisko was Highly Pissed off at the world 
when he 
  lost his wife...Realistically, I think that was the reason that, 
  he was passed over for the promotion, was...From what I gather, 
  seemed as if Sisko was on his way out of Starfleet as I read 
  it...Hence, his posting at DS9...Very plausible...And I thought 
  did a helluva job turning himself around in one episode...
   Keith Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Actually I was going back to the premiere, where Sisko was 
   of his ship. I felt his character should have been a captain of 
   starship, not the XO.
   -Original Message-
   From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
   Behalf Of Astromancer
   Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 19:20
   To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
   Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: What does Sci-Fi have against 
   On one point, I have to say militarily was incorrect...Sisko 
was a
   commander, but of an outpost, not a ship, which I am assuming 
   captain's rank was reserved for ship's commanders...But I do 
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Your point is dead-on, which is what I
   meant. Star Trek was the beacon, starting slowly (a Black 
woman, no
   Black men in major roles), then grew with Geordi (whose 
   definitely raised eyebrows among Blacks) and Worf, and reaching 
   in Sisko. The series matured in its treatment of people of 
   why Sisko was the only lead character in all the shows that 
   as a commander instead of a captain was puzzling).  That's what 
   about Enterprise going backwards. They literally regressed 
   decades and relegated the Black and Asian characters to the 
   of background noise that unfortunately mostly defined Uhura and 
   And speaking of Sulu, MAJOR crime to my mind that George Takei, 
   great screen presence, was never able to shine in Trek as he 
   I'd have loved to have seen a movie based on his Excelsior.
   And you are so correct in saying that you hate the treatment of 
   of color on Galactica more now that you like it. I'm the same 
way. I
   hated the show when it started, wrote a scathing review in our 
   then grew to love it. But then I look up and see the Asian girl 
   the love interest for two different white dudes, and ditto for 
   girl (Moore hints to a developing love triangle between the 
   Billy, and Apollo). I see no Brothers playing anything but 
   muscle, as you say. And i just have to wonder, is it 
   just more of the same white ignorance? Moore is a white man, 
   bringing women of color on to be love interests for white men is
   diversity to him. Maybe he hasn't noticed that on several 
   he's used BBM (Big Black Men) as prisoners, and that they're 
   stereotypically dark-skinned and bald.  Maybe he just doesn't 
   but I know it bothers me a great deal. Like I said, when the 
   Pegasus command structure
   turns out white, and two bald brothers show up as the Admiral's 
   guard, I was stunned.
   I'm hoping season three will somehow address this problem.
   tetsuwanatom1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
   Well, you know, we hold up Trek

[scifinoir2] Re: What does Sci-Fi have against Black people?

2005-10-20 Thread drcsaid
Yeah, that was the episode was on A MAN CALLED HAWK, where the lead 
guy from the movie STRICKLY BUSINESS and had played the Navy husband 
on The Cosby Show, was Bailey (Angela) jealous boyfriend with a nasty 
temper.  Her car broke down and Hawk came to help her out. The doctor 
rolls up in his car and seeing Hawk, the Doctor asks Bailey something 
along the line of Who's that? (Not the regular who's that?, but 
the `boyfriend sees another man near his woman' WHO'S THAT?)

Bailey says that Hawks a friend of the family, but Hawk can tell that 
boyfriend is jealous, says a few words and bounces.

Later in the club, Bailey is dancing with a guy, and the boyfriend 
walks over and punches him in the mouth and drags Angels out of the 

Later at the house; Baileys mother (ORACLE from the Matrix) TELLS her 
that you can't make excuses for her boyfriend. Bailey tells her that 
she's taking a job in DC. The boyfriend comes to the house pleading 
to talk to Bailey. Mom says, If I don't let you see her, are you 
going to hit me to?

So Bailey comes down the stairs, the boyfriend pleads for 
forgiveness, Bailey says its to late, blah-blah-blah.

The subplot is that Baileys boyfriend has a gangsta younger brother 
(played by Wendell Pierce) who is involved criminal business of which 
durng one crime job he gets shot by Hawks .357. The younger brother 
convinces his Doctor brother to give him medical care for the gunshot 

In true comic-book form, they had the cross over of Bailey and Hawk 
on SPENCER FOR HIRE (where she was introduced first)

Bailey Webster (Angela Bassett) gets out of a cab in front of the 
hospital and bumps into Hawk who's just left his her ailing father

Hawk, is he?

They hug each other


Thank God.

They look in each others eyes

Do you have a place to stay?

No, I just got here.

Keys where it's always been.

Bailey remembers the old days.

(fighting back a grin) 
No, that ah..won't be a good idea right now.

Hawk signals the taxi in the driveway. It drives over and stops in 
front of them. Hawk opens the door, puts her Louis Vutton in to the 
back seat.

Take her to the Four Seasons Hotel, ask for Jimmy. Tell him Hawk sent 

Bailey looks at Hawk with temptation in her eyes. She walks to the 
cab door.

Thank you Hawk.

Anytime babe.

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Keith Johnson 

 I remember the series. I remember the show with Basset on it too. 
 lectured her family at the end about staying together or 
something.  It
 was good, but a little heavy on the mysticism thing for my tastes. I
 think Hawk was such a good guest character they had  a hard time 
 a fully developed show around him.
 -Original Message-
 From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
 Behalf Of drcsaid
 Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 17:24
 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: What does Sci-Fi have against Black 
 I'm glad that I taped those Hawk episodes on Spencer and A Man 
 Called Hawk series...Wesley, Wendall Pirece, Angela Basset, Samuel 
 Jackson, Eric LaSalle etc were i the cut on those series...
 I'm going to burn them to DVD...hey an I write that here? I don't 
 want this site shut down too!
 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  LMAO...I wasn't goiong to say that...but you have a point...On 
 of that, if anyone can get my mom to say Boy is he good lookin', 
 has got to be impressive...Mom has never uttered that about anyone 
 TV except Avery Brooks...
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I agree with that. He'd lost the fire 
 after his wife's death.  I'm just saying I wish he'd started out as 
 Captain Sisko of whatever that starship was he was on. But hey, 
 you say, he grew like hell in what is probably my favorite Trek 
  Oh course, ol' boy didn't really shine until he shaved that head 
 and grew that beard, and became Hawk in the 24th Century!
  -- Original message -- 
  Also remember that Sisko was Highly Pissed off at the world when 
 lost his wife...Realistically, I think that was the reason that, if 
 he was passed over for the promotion, was...From what I gather, It 
 seemed as if Sisko was on his way out of Starfleet as I read 
 it...Hence, his posting at DS9...Very plausible...And I thought he 
 did a helluva job turning himself around in one episode...
  Keith Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Actually I was going back to the premiere, where Sisko was First 
  of his ship. I felt his character should have been a captain of 
  starship, not the XO.
  -Original Message-
  From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
  Behalf Of Astromancer
  Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 19:20
  To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re

[scifinoir2] Re: What does Sci-Fi have against Black people?

2005-10-19 Thread drcsaid
I'm glad that I taped those Hawk episodes on Spencer and A Man 
Called Hawk series...Wesley, Wendall Pirece, Angela Basset, Samuel 
Jackson, Eric LaSalle etc were i the cut on those series...

I'm going to burn them to DVD...hey an I write that here? I don't 
want this site shut down too!

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 LMAO...I wasn't goiong to say that...but you have a point...On top 
of that, if anyone can get my mom to say Boy is he good lookin', He 
has got to be impressive...Mom has never uttered that about anyone on 
TV except Avery Brooks...
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I agree with that. He'd lost the fire 
after his wife's death.  I'm just saying I wish he'd started out as 
Captain Sisko of whatever that starship was he was on. But hey, like 
you say, he grew like hell in what is probably my favorite Trek 
 Oh course, ol' boy didn't really shine until he shaved that head 
and grew that beard, and became Hawk in the 24th Century!
 -- Original message -- 
 Also remember that Sisko was Highly Pissed off at the world when he 
lost his wife...Realistically, I think that was the reason that, if 
he was passed over for the promotion, was...From what I gather, It 
seemed as if Sisko was on his way out of Starfleet as I read 
it...Hence, his posting at DS9...Very plausible...And I thought he 
did a helluva job turning himself around in one episode...
 Keith Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Actually I was going back to the premiere, where Sisko was First 
 of his ship. I felt his character should have been a captain of that
 starship, not the XO.
 -Original Message-
 From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
 Behalf Of Astromancer
 Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 19:20
 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: What does Sci-Fi have against Black
 On one point, I have to say militarily was incorrect...Sisko was a
 commander, but of an outpost, not a ship, which I am assuming the
 captain's rank was reserved for ship's commanders...But I do see 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Your point is dead-on, which is what I
 meant. Star Trek was the beacon, starting slowly (a Black woman, no
 Black men in major roles), then grew with Geordi (whose disability
 definitely raised eyebrows among Blacks) and Worf, and reaching 
 in Sisko. The series matured in its treatment of people of color 
 why Sisko was the only lead character in all the shows that started 
 as a commander instead of a captain was puzzling).  That's what I 
 about Enterprise going backwards. They literally regressed over 
 decades and relegated the Black and Asian characters to the same 
 of background noise that unfortunately mostly defined Uhura and 
 And speaking of Sulu, MAJOR crime to my mind that George Takei, who 
 great screen presence, was never able to shine in Trek as he 
 I'd have loved to have seen a movie based on his Excelsior.
 And you are so correct in saying that you hate the treatment of 
 of color on Galactica more now that you like it. I'm the same way. I
 hated the show when it started, wrote a scathing review in our 
 then grew to love it. But then I look up and see the Asian girl 
 the love interest for two different white dudes, and ditto for the 
 girl (Moore hints to a developing love triangle between the Sister,
 Billy, and Apollo). I see no Brothers playing anything but guards 
 muscle, as you say. And i just have to wonder, is it intentional 
 just more of the same white ignorance? Moore is a white man, and 
 bringing women of color on to be love interests for white men is
 diversity to him. Maybe he hasn't noticed that on several 
 he's used BBM (Big Black Men) as prisoners, and that they're even
 stereotypically dark-skinned and bald.  Maybe he just doesn't get 
 but I know it bothers me a great deal. Like I said, when the entire
 Pegasus command structure
 turns out white, and two bald brothers show up as the Admiral's 
 guard, I was stunned.
 I'm hoping season three will somehow address this problem.
 tetsuwanatom1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
 Well, you know, we hold up Trek as the beacon, but it was really 
 the first. I don't think they really got it until TNG was deep into 
 its run. Uhura was a hot swingin babe in a miniskirt. TOS did have 
 black cast members playing doctors (!) and scientists (!!!) though. 
 But really, a black dude with space shades? Burton really worked 
 that character into something. And what abt other minorities in 
 Had the Japanese nurse . . ..  Worf, he's Klingon, just the actor 
 black. Casting Dorn as Worf though did lead to primarily casting 
 black (men) as Klingons most often. Same could be said for Tuvok, 
 though Vulcans are a little more human looking so his color is 

[scifinoir2] Re: Outtakes From Star Trek and Mork and Mindy...

2005-10-19 Thread drcsaid
Yep, that was a brother shoveling coal into the Warp engine..it was 
Benjamin Sisco before he joined Star Fleet Academy...

Kirk: Scotty, if the Dylithian crystal runs out, find that temp 
Benjamin Sisco and give him a shovel.

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Martin Pratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Puh-LEEZE tell me that wasn't a brother shoveling coal into the 
warp core in one of those outtakes.
 Wayne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:This is extremely funny stuff!   Much of 
it is from Star Trek.  Sorry 
 might have to squint to see it.
 Science fiction and fantasy Genre magazine 
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[scifinoir2] Nona Gaye as Storm?

2005-10-11 Thread drcsaid
Came across this on IMDB when they were talking about Halle leaving
the role of Storm and Nona stepping in, this was put together by one
of the posterslooks good to me...


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[scifinoir2] Re: What does Sci-Fi have against Black people?

2005-10-11 Thread drcsaid
Here's something to reminence about given the subjec matter..if I
remember correctly, on Babylon 5 there was the episode with the black
guy who was a mutant that was hyper-evolving. He was on the run with
white girl, and when he was trapped, I belive he changed one of the
security guards to atomized molecules and then [he] the black guy
evolved to the point where he bacame one with the univese...correct e

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Keith Johnson

 And to repost yet again, I'm still wondering. On the season-ending show
 where the Battlestar Pegasus is found, Admiral Caine travels to
 Galactica. As her Raptor doors open, we see that she's accompanied by an
 impressive group of officers and security. The first to disembark are
 two snarling, armed guards, who scan the crowd with suspicion. I was
 struck that both of these bookends were Black--and bald!  Again, maybe
 in modern times diversity for whites is no longer just about including
 Blacks as well. After all, Edward Olmos is Mexican, I think the dude who
 plays Mr. Gata is Latino, and Grace Park (who plays Sharon) is Asian.
 And the lady who plays the communications officer is Black. So maybe
 that seems diverse enough for Moore and company. There was one Black man
 with some screentime, the guard who ultimately helped President Rosalyn
 and Apollo escape, but Moore says he just wasn't a good enough fit to
 make a permanent character.
 Maybe as a 40-ish Black man I'm holding on to old ideas, and finding
 insult where there is none. But still, I'm honest enough to admit that
 it bothers me that they can find Black men to play guards and prisoners
 in the background, but none for some of the more glamorous roles. And i
 don't like that all the non-white women are put with white dudes. Too
 reminiscent of all the years when that was the norm on TV.
 -Original Message-
 From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 15:24
 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: What does Sci-Fi have against Black
 i posted about this during Season one of Galactica and did a count of
 Blacks. I counted about three or four, incuding the comm officer and
 some nameless pilots (I assume) used in the background. I then found a
 lot of Blacks existed afterall: on the prison barge!  When Apollo was
 sent over there to quell the riots, the place was lousy with Big Black
 Man, most of them dark-skinned as hell and bald...
 -- Original message -- 
 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, DJ VIBE [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Battlestar Galactica: (New Series)  Well, there's a COMMUNICATIONS
  officer. . . . Apparently all of the other Black people, with the 
  exception of the religious leader, were killed in the bombing of 
  Caprica.  Same with Buck Rogers - I don't recall ever seeing a dark 
  face on there, with the exception of the singers with three mouths -
  guess all the Black folks were killed off in the cataclysm while
  Buck was traveling through time.
 It seems that all the Black people live on Gemina (not Jemima, but 
 too damn close) and are zealatous worshipers of the Kobol lords. 
 Besides the communications officer, we've got the security guard who 
 slips the president her meds, a priestess, and the leader from Gemina 
 who was the first to bow before the Pres last episode. Wow, a race of 
 magical negroes.
 You know Ron means well, but come on.
 Perhaps we'll have some strong characters when the Pegasus shows up.
  I think its that sci-fi in general doesn't have very many Black
  folks in it at all levels - writers, producers, directors, etc. I 
  think that when none of the people who create something look like 
  Wesley Snipes, chances are they will have issues, or at least some 
  difficulty, seeing a Black face in that role - especially when that 
  role has real power and possibilities for sexual attraction. In the 
  new BSG, there's NO real reason why Adama couldn't have been Black, 
  for example, unless the racial politics on Caprica also echo our 
  civilization. In fact, the very concept of the series should lead 
  more color-blind casting as the Roman Empire, which this
  civilization is based on (or which perhaps was influenced by *this* 
  civilization?) didn't do ethnic-based slavery. 
  A good example of what the lack of Black folks behind the scenes
  does is the movie Pleasantville. This was an entire movie about 
  people who lived in a Black and White world. The movie makes the 
  point that the people there weren't alive until COLOR was 
  introduced - yet there were NO Black people in the movie and only a 
  few people of color in the beginning high school sequence in our 
  To me, being Black and all, it seems obvious that the most shocking
  and obvious thing in this movie would have been the introduction 

[scifinoir2] [Waay off topic]Cosmetics from executed Chinese, paper says

2005-09-14 Thread drcsaid
Cosmetics from executed Chinese, paper says 
Tue Sep 13, 5:03 AM ET 

A British newspaper said that a Chinese cosmetics company was using
skin harvested from the corpses of executed convicts to develop beauty
products for sale in Europe.

Agents for the firm, which could not be named for legal reasons, have
told would-be customers that skin taken from prisoners after they have
been shot is being used to develop collagen for lip and wrinkle
treatments, the Guardian newspaper said following an undercover

The agents say some of the company's products have been exported to
the UK, and that the use of skin from condemned convicts is
'traditional' and nothing to 'make such a big fuss about', the daily

It said doctors and politicians were worried about the dangers
associated with people wanting to look better in such ways, because
European regulations to control cosmetic treatments such as collagen
are not expected for several years.

Apart from the ethical concerns, there is also the potential risk of
infection, the newspaper said.

Collagen is the fibrous protein constituent of skin, cartilage, bone,
and other connective tissue.

The Guardian said it was unclear whether the anonymous company's
treatments were already available in Britain or over the Internet.
It was also unable to say whether collagen made from prisoners' skin
was in the research stage or was in production.

However, the Guardian has learned that the company has exported
collagen products to the UK in the past. An agent told customers it
had also exported to the US and European countries, and that it was
trying to develop fillers using tissue from aborted foetuses.

The newspaper said that when formally approached the agent denied the
company was using skin harvested from executed prisoners.

At the same time, it said the same person had already admitted this to
an undercover researcher.

It quoted that agent as saying: A lot of the research is still
carried out in the traditional manner using skin from the executed
prisoner and aborted foetus. This material, he said, was being bought
from bio tech companies based in the northern province of
Heilongjiang, and was being developed elsewhere in China.

China executes more prisoners than the rest of the world combined,
although the precise number put to death is not known.

One recent tally by a European anti-capital punishment group said that
at least 5,000 of the near 5,500 known executions worldwide in 2004
took place in China.

Copyright © 2005 Agence France Presse. All rights reserved. The
information contained in the AFP News report may not be published,
broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the prior written
authority of Agence France Presse. 
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