2013-01-20 Thread Renee
What do you want to know about it?


-Original Message-
Has anybody here know about Ormus?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSNeed help

2012-12-26 Thread Renee
My brother and husband just nebulized pure 15-20ppm CS, 3 to 5 times a day,
for a couple days and their chest infection (and sinus as they breathed in
through their noses) went away totally.  They felt fine after the first day,
but did it the second day to make sure it was all gone.  Of course, they
started immediately as soon as they started feeling bad.  it may take longer
if your husband has waited longer.






So -- we're going to try nebulizing EIS.  Having never done this before, I
need to know -- do we use EIS full-strength?  Also -- how much, how often,
etc. -- general guidelines.  TIA.


RE: CSNeed help

2012-12-26 Thread Renee
When you have an ultrasonic nebulizer like we do (bought on ebay for about
25 bucks) it immediately starts making a mist when turned on.  as soon as
the mist stops, all the medicine in the cup-in this case CS-is used up and
you stop.  J


There are lots of sellers on ebay, most from either Taiwan or China, so it
takes more time to get delivered.  I think mine took about 2 weeks to get
here, but they are exactly the same as the US sellers, just cheaper.


The instructions with mine were all in Taiwanese or Chinese, so I searched
and found a youtube vid that showed how to fill the nebulizer.  


It's simple.  You add water to just about a millimeter or so above the white
rim-you MUST use water with an ultrasonic-and then you fill the little cup
with your medicine, then place the white gasket on top of the cup and the
top of the machine on that.  


It comes with a number of the medicine cups because they are very flimsy but
we've used the same one here for both guys and it's still fine.  it also
comes with an adult mask that goes over the nose, and a mouth breathing tube
if you just want to mouth breath-which may be better if your problem is just
in your lungs.  My guys also had the sniffles.  It also comes with a child's
face mask. 


Hope your holiday was wonderful, too!






How long do you do you breath it in each time?

This sounds great!


RE: CSNeed help

2012-12-26 Thread Renee
I have some sort of meter.  I bought it from Ode when I bought my Silver
Puppy.  Registers great.


You just need to inhale the mist however you can.  You can place your mouth
close to it, or put a towel over your head and the machine so that you
breath the mist.  The medicine is in the mist itself, so that's what you
want to get down into your lungs.  


I only have a portable ultrasonic nebulizer, so don't know about other
brands, but anything that is making a mist is putting the medicine into the
mist and this is what you want to breath deep into your lungs and/or





Thank you, Renee.   A couple more questions.  Do you use a Hanna Tester to
determine your ppm level?


Also -- we have a Medisana personal humidifier (brand-new in the box, never
used).  It does not have a hose-type attachment for inhaling -- is there any
reason why a person can't just place their mouth against the output port and
inhale from there?  Or is it not necessary to physically place the mouth on
it -- but place mouth/nose near the output port and inhale?




From: Renee
Sent: Wed, December 26, 2012 9:33:04 AM
Subject: RE: CSNeed help

My brother and husband just nebulized pure 15-20ppm CS, 3 to 5 times a day,
for a couple days and their chest in


fection (and sinus as they breathed in through their noses) went away
totally.  They felt fine after the first day, but did it the second day to
make sure it was all gone.  Of course, they started immediately as soon as
they started feeling bad.  it may take longer if your husband has waited






So -- we're going to try nebulizing EIS.  Having never done this before, I
need to know -- do we use EIS full-strength?  Also -- how much, how often,
etc. -- general guidelines.  TIA.


RE: CSNeed help

2012-12-26 Thread Renee
That's where I got mine.  Do get an ultrasonic nebulizer though-it makes a
super fine mist.  I got the portable, which is small, hand-held.  It still
needs to be plugged into an electric outlet.  One day I want to get one that
runs on batteries so that it is TRULY portable, but they are much more
expensive than the electric ones.  So for right now, my electric one is






Where could one purchase a nebulizer?



RE: CSOT - zapper burns

2012-12-26 Thread Renee
Actually, Bob (from another list) said he was told about wetting the towels
and then letting them dry, then using them.  he tried it and said it works a
lot better (he's sensitive so he can tell) than using wet towels.  Odd, huh?





Although I wrapped the copper handholds in a layer of wet paper towel I
ended up with a burn on the side on which I felt the estim most.  

RE: CSNeed help

2012-12-26 Thread Renee
Yep.  That’s exactly like mine.







something like this?



2012-12-04 Thread Renee
Anybody see the 'great new product' IV-7?  Here's a disguised sales article
for it
m-2508844.html  the guy that developed Ocean's Alive, Ian Clark, says that
it worked for him.  he drank one half ounce once a day for 2 weeks and his
cyst filled up (that's how he tells if he's detoxing) and then after 2 weeks
it was just gone.  


The article above says it is a mix of ionic silver and citric acid.  Is this
something we could make at home?  Or is it just the silver itself that is
getting people well, and it has nothing to do with a chemical mix of CS and







RE: Cayenne / Aches pain was // Re: CSProstatitis

2012-10-09 Thread Renee
My poor Dad.  He couldn't tolerate anything hot at all.  He was diabetic and
one day my Mom and I were shopping.  When we came in Dad was in his chair,
out of it, kind of slumped over and not responsive.  I thought he had a
stroke or heart attack so I got out my super hot cayenne tincture and put a
dropper full in his mouth.  Swallow response was instinctive.  Gave him a
second dropper full.  Was putting the third dropper up to his mouth and his
hand slowly came up and he waved 'no'-so I stopped.  I thought-if he can do
that, that's enough cayenne maybe.


Mom had of course called the ambulance while I was doing this and about then
they came running up to the door.  When they checked he was actually in a
diabetic 'coma' rather than a heart issue.  They rushed him to the hospital
where they straightened him out.  He came home the next day.


For about 3 days he could barely whisper and kept saying 'they must have put
something down my throat because it's so sore'.  Lol  I didn't dare tell him
I dosed him with habannero cayenne tincture.  





Well he sure tasted the cayenne before he got the pill down the face told me
that and we pulled him out of the stroke he had a month ago with zero
lasting impact.  But yes I can try him with minimal amounts to keep up the
good work 

RE: Cayenne / Aches pain was // Re: CSProstatitis

2012-10-09 Thread Renee
No, we were with him while they stabilized him.  It was low blood sugar,
they gave him something, then got him to eat, then let him sleep.  I went
and got him the next morning.


It was the cayenne.  I've never had a sore throat either, but then he NEVER
ate anything hot, complained about black pepper on his food, and I gave him
2 full droppers of hab tincture with my wild chili pequins added in.  and
those chili pequins are even hotter than habs!


I think because he was out of it the swallowing may have gone slowly, or
maybe it happened because he never took anything hot.  Whatever the reason,
it was the tinc.





I have never had my throat sore from cayenne, particularly the next day.
HOWEVER, when I had to go the hospital and they put a tube down my throat
which they could have well done with your father, it was sore for the next
few days. I still recall how that felt!


RE: Cayenne / Aches pain was // Re: CSProstatitis

2012-10-09 Thread Renee
No, he never checked his blood sugar.  The doctors were exasperated with
him, and finally just said-take 2 shots a day of x amount of insulin.  His
doc didn't like it but they knew dad would never check and it was the only
way to 'control' the diabetes.  And because he took shots Dad figured he
could eat whatever he wanted.  It was frustrating.


He'd never had his sugar drop that low before and it was the first time he
ever was out of it.  then it happened 2 more times.  The second time they
took him to the ER but the third time they said-we can take him, but now you
know what it is and you can give him such and such here at home and get him
out of it.  do you want us to take him?


I said no, and brought him out of it myself.  Mom got really sick and passed
not too long after that, and by then Dad was blind so moved in with us and I
got his diabetes under control.  Started taking his blood tests because he
couldn't tell me no like he could Mom.  J 


Yeah, Dad loved salt.  And he had chronic constipation.  But I've heard a
lot of theories about why people get type 2.  And it can always be cured
with the correct food, so-food related.


Oddly though, Peter Kulish has said that his enzyme product removes plaque
from the arteries.  To test this out he gave it to several doctors that he
knows to test on their patients.  Not only did it clear the arteries, the
diabetics who were on the circulation enzymes became un-diabetic.  They
couldn't figure out why as the enzymes didn't have a thing to do with sugar
or diabetes.  Finally they theorized that the enzymes were not just cleaning
the walls of the arteries but that they must have also been cleaning the
CELL walls of plaque too, and that once the plaque was off the cell walls of
the pancreas, it started working again normally and the symptoms of diabetes
stopped!  Very interesting, huh?





I have heard that diabetes (and appendicitis) are due to chronic


RE: CSrebounding.

2012-09-25 Thread Renee
They are not that bad for you.  it's not necessary for moving lymph to even
have your feet off the trampoline.  A gentle bounce is enough with the feet
staying on the mat.  If you are interested in actual exercising on the
trampoline then you'd be doing those high jumps, twists, turns etc which
could hurt your knees.  but if you want it just for moving lymph the cheap
ones are just fine.






Really? How come everything I can afford is crap not good for you in some
way. oh well, just some good shoes and walking.So much for my mini-tramp!

RE: CSNew to List in Pittsburgh, PA - PART 1

2012-08-14 Thread Renee
There are homeopathic drops for dogs that are suppose to work very good.
You have to google for them as I don't recall where I saw them before.





Back to dogs,
My brother has a 2yr old dobie that was spade and now leaks urine.  She
doesn't even know when it happens.  Is there anything that can
help her.  

CSnew cancer threapy

2012-06-09 Thread Renee
My brother just sent me this from the dallas paper website





Posted on June 8, 2012 at 6:46 PM

Updated today at 1:52 PM 


*   LINK: Forest Park Medical Center 

DALLAS - Walking is just fine with 58-year-old Mary Cecil, who used to be an
avid runner.

I was running and I started feeling pain in my left leg, and it was also
tender when I slept on that side, she said.

Cecil suspected a shin splint or pulled muscle. A bone scan, however,
revealed a rare and aggressive tumor called dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma.
The bone cancer is virtually unstudied. According to limited information,
only one in 10 diagnosed with it survive two years.

Very scary, recalled Cecil of how she felt upon learning of the diagnosis.
The world just turned upside down in one visit here.

Cecil had surgery to remove the cancerous part of her femur and replace it
with a metal implant, but that wasn't enough. She struggled with powerful
chemotherapy medications.

Ms. Cecil's tumor was resistant to every single drug that we were giving
her, said Dr. Jorge Casas, an orthopaedic oncologist at Forest Park Medical
Center. And it was resistant to most of the drugs that we would have given

Casas said chemo-sensitivity tests were ordered in this case because the
cancer is so difficult to treat. In other more common cancers, studied
regularly, tests have previously shown what drugs may work best.

Based on the sensitivity test, and new research, Forest Park doctors decided
to try an unconventional approach, using over-the-counter vitamin D and the
common arthritis drug, Celebrex.

Recent studies show vitamin D does more than just reinforce strong bones.

The vitamin D can inhibit growth of the cancer cells, Casas explained.
Celebrex has been shown to inhibit a process called angiogenesis, which is
the formation of new blood vessels in other unrelated cancers.

It worked. A year after diagnosis, Cecil is considered cancer-free.

Casas said the combination has shown positive results in other bone cancer
cases recently too. He also gave credit to collaborating with other doctors
willing to consider alternative cancer therapies.

The more communication there is between the different doctors, the more
out-of-the-box treatments that we're going to see.

I'm just thankful to be mobile and able to exercise, Cecil said.

And though Cecil may never run again, she is thrilled to be walking, and





Yeah, celebrex isn't that great to be on long term, but in a case like this,
for a year or so, I think it would be fine.





RE: CSmicrowave food: hard-boiled vibrations

2012-05-24 Thread Renee
Well, I've always heard that there is an antidote growing within x number of
feet of pi or po, but I've never seen anything here to antidote the po.  No
jewel weed, no wild acorn, no nothing in local accounts from natives.  Jewel
weed doesn't grow here--too hot.  We have live oak, which has acorns, but
that's it.  I wish there was something but I've never run into a native or
an herbalist that knows of anything local.

And--granted, last year was one of the worst summers in history here as we
had over 60 days of 100 plus temps and of course, no rain--so maybe that is
part of the reason or not, but the poison oak is RAMPANT this year!  I've
never seen it spread so fast, nor be so prolific in growth as this year.

Oddly, I've heard others in other parts of the country on different lists
say the same thing about po and pi in their part of the country!  That both
are just growing like crazy and spreading everywhere.  I wonder what that's
all about?


-Original Message-

Also, Jewelweed will do the same thing 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSmicrowave food: hard-boiled vibrations

2012-05-24 Thread Renee
I could see that being true.  

Euell Gibbons use to say that he ate 3 small pi leaves every day in the
spring and that it kept him from ever having a reaction.  I've just never
gotten up enough nerve to try it!  :)


-Original Message-
From: PTFerrance [] 

An old timer I knew many years ago, who just happened to raise Nubian goats
told me that her goats had a natural immunity to PI and a way to get rid of
it once you had contracted it was to drink goats milk after the goat had
been dining on the PI.  

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSour Flower Essence conversation

2012-05-24 Thread Renee
Bizarre, huh?  Although-who do I turn to for info?  Google.  Yet I thought
private lists were, well, private.  





From: Jane MacRoss [] 

Unless you specify to stop google it has access to everything  everyone

RE: CSour Flower Essence conversation

2012-05-24 Thread Renee
Well, I know about harvesting personal preferences-I see ads for things in
SA in the little sections on google because it knows where I live.  I just
didn't think it would access private groups.  I did see a way (someone wrote
about it) to stop google from looking at where I am, so I set that and now g
doesn't show these things.  Still-personal preferences are not private group
messages.  I wonder if duck accesses private groups.  


So it doesn't matter which browser we use, g is still going to access the
groups information, whether we use google or not.





From: Elizabeth Williams [] 


duckduckgo does not harvest their customers information. it is the seach
engine that I use.

RE: CSmicrowave food: hard-boiled vibrations

2012-05-23 Thread Renee
Lol--I have poison oak flower essences!  Haven't had a lot of use for it
yet, and it's for stubbornness (to relieve it) and I thought perhaps an
antidote to poison oak rash, but it's not.  That was just MY thinking--the
antidote thing, not from the plant itself.

First you have to know your plant, to know if it is poisonous or not.  You
need to get a very good wild flower book, and/or a wild plant book for your
local area.  I have 3 that I use all the time for our area, because no one
book will have them all.  If I find a plant I don't know it's usually in 2
of the books but not the third, so if I only happened to use the one book
that didn't have it, I wouldn't learn the plant.  So go through your books
at the store to see how many cross-overs they have.  My third book is a book
on local trees, bushes and flowers, which is great if I find a bush I don't

Then you still need to sit with the plant to see what it will do, essence
wise, to see if you want/need it or not.  You do not have to worry about the
essence doing what the plant would do if you touched or ate it--because the
energy of the physical plant is different than the energy of the flower

Still, if you are worried about a plant being poisonous, then simply don't
use it.  With literally hundreds of different plants at your fingertips, you
can certainly pass up a couple.  You will find that if you start making a
lot of essences, many of them will be for the same type of thing.  Like I
have probably 4 that are all grounding, though each has secondary things
that are different from each other.  

It's best to make just a few essences and try them to see if you like them.
I know what it's hard at first because you want to make them ALL!  Lol
especially if the plants start calling you.  But unless you have a client
base to use them on (we did, my partner and I, and we had a hypnotist that
used them with her clients, etc) there's not a lot of need for 100 essences.

I found the difference between Bach's essences and most other 'modern'
essences is that Bach really restricted his practitioners.  He worked with
people right after the war and they were dealing with all sorts of negative
issues, so all his essences were basically for negative things--to fix them.
Sadness, depression, grief, etc.  when he had all he felt that covered all
their problems he said--that's it, that's all you will ever need, don't make
any other essences!  That's why you'll see makers like me and others have
hundreds of essences and Bach only has his few (in comparison).  His
practitioners can't go making new essences!

But in reality, essences are far more than for relieving negative issues.
The plants want to help us grow, develop.  They work on raising vibration,
on bringing in more joy, on opening to being a channel, to helping with
getting better luck, more romance, and all sorts of things that Bach never
even considered.  He got what he NEEDED and then didn't look any further.
The plants have so much more to offer us.  

So don't be afraid of plants--be aware of touching a dangerous plant that
you might have a reaction to, but you won't get any dark or negative energy
from any essence.  I have never, ever found that in any of mine (about 200
different ones) nor have I ever heard of any maker running across this.  

Hope this helps.


-Original Message-
From: Lisa [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 8:22 AM
Subject: RE: CSmicrowave food: hard-boiled vibrations


Thank you so much for this invaluable information! You have such great
knowledge and it's wonderful that you're willing to share it.

My concern with essences (I do have all the Bach flower essences) and
although I would love to expand with mores...I'd worry about any poisonous
flowers that would cause harm. I know that we have several different things
here in the Northeast and I wouldn't trust myself to be sure that a pretty
flower would help rather than harm. What's your suggestion on this?

Thank you.


-Original Message-
From: Renee [] 
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 11:15 PM
Subject: RE: CSmicrowave food: hard-boiled vibrations

Essences are very easy to make.  There's no trick to it, and you don't have
to 'talk' to plants to make it--though it helps.  :)

The more you make essences, the more you work with plants, the more you
learn to communicate with them.  But I tell beginners to just go with
whatever flower they are drawn to.  Go outside and notice the plants, the
flowers.  See which one you are drawn to.

Then ask the plant if it wants to be an essence for you.  I've always gotten
a yes except one time--and that wasn't a no, it was a 'wait'.  I had to wait
a whole year, so there must have been something the plant wanted to do
before working as an essence.  Plants LOVE to work with people.

Anyway--ask if it is ok to take some flowers to make

RE: CSRe: Plant essences / Renee / was s

2012-05-23 Thread Renee
You are welcome.  I enjoy 'teaching'.  :)


-Original Message-
Renee I really appreciate your generosity in sharing.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

CSFlower Essences

2012-05-23 Thread Renee
lol--sit with the plants for a month and you'll know more than I do!!

I will send a list of my essences and what they 'do', but I don't think
attachments are allowed on this list?  I can send it privately to anyone who
wants it so they can see what essences do--just write me off list at   Most plants have more than one 'response', does more
than just one thing, but one will be the main thrust and the others are side
shoots, so to speak.  You can look at the list and see what energetics you
are interested in.  Then you can cross reference my local plants with your
local plants to see if they grow in your area.  Some do, some do not.  In
fact, you have WAY more flowering plants in the northeast than we have here
in south texas.  Many places do.  I went nuts when I visited Washington
state to teach an essence class.

My host took me to a huge botanical garden and we (the class) made essences
there by pouring water over the flowers, since we were not allowed to pick
flowers.  Then every time she took me somewhere I was crazed watching the
roadside flowers.  I recognized many because I'm originally from Illinois
and there are many more wildflowers there than here in south texas, but I
didn't know about essences when I lived there.  So I'd see their equivalent
on the roadways in Washington, and want to stop and couldn't.  Although I
did get to walk along the streets that bordered woods by where my host
lived, so made many there.  It was a trip trying to get them home on the
plane--finding room for all those bottles, wrapping them so they wouldn't
break. And then all the plants that I didn't know from back home.  They
literally took my breath away!

Here in south texas it is not a diverse plant area.  Not so many herbs or
wild foods as up north either.

So you may find some of my texas plants (which are about the only ones in my
catalog) where you are, but you will have a much greater opportunity to get
to learn your local plants and what their essences will do.  

It's simply a matter of being with the plants.  Get quiet and literally sit
with them.  Decide on a plant, sit down, ask the plant what it wants to do
through you.

Because--just because a goldenrod plant here does one thing through me, does
NOT automatically mean it will do the same thing through you!  You may ask
that it will do the same, and expect it to do the same, and the plant will
accommodate you and do just that.  But it may have a totally different
desire to express  when working  through YOU.

I taught my students that my rosemary is for joy, but that there is a man in
Scotland whose rosemary is for memory problems, and that there's one in
Australia whose rosemary is for repelling negative energy.  Now--if mine is
for joy, does that make theirs invalid?  Absolutely not.  Even though they
are the same plants, plants are working THROUGH the maker and want to do
different things through each maker.  Because as much as we try not to put
ourselves into the energy of the essence, we ARE a part of each essence.
And so the plant has the right to choose what it wishes to express THROUGH
each maker.

I told them that since ALL rosemary essences were valid, it was up to the
end user to decide which essence they needed/wanted, and which seemed a
better fit for them.  

Energy is an interactive process.  It is the users job to get a feel for the
essence, (meaning asking if they really need that essence at that time, and
which company's essences works best for them) and it's the essence's job to
to bring that energy into harmony with the user. 


-Original Message-
WOW! Would I just LOVE to sit with you for a month and learn as much as I
could :o)

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSFlower Essences

2012-05-23 Thread Renee
Um, the folks here are not as open as you would think.  I had a friend that
made an essence of mountain cedar, to stop mt cedar allergies, and the
center was not inclined to carry his essence.  Maybe if a person went with
strictly emotional/spiritual things instead so they wouldn't be worried
about fda type interference.  shrug

At the time I was the only tx native flower essence maker that did more than
just dabble in it.  There were a couple people that made perhaps a dozen or
so, but none that did all that I did.  But I've been 'away' from it for a
couple years now so don't know if there's another that specializes in tx

The wildflower center is a great place though!


-Original Message-

Can you get to Austin?  Just outside there is a botanical garden founded by
Lady Bird Johnson.  

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSFlower Essences--free help on line

2012-05-23 Thread Renee
You know, I totally forgot to say that it's really good to take some good
photos of the flowers you make essences from.  It's just a great extra thing
to do.

And I had remembered that years ago I found a site on line that placed very
good images of their flowers (for essences) on line and said that you could
get the same energy from looking at the photos as you did from taking the
essences.  I never tried that, but thought it was a wonderful thing for them
to do.

So I've just looked and found their site, which has been greatly updated.
Of course you can buy their essences, but they do have this whole section of
photos and explains exactly how to work with the essence energy through the
photos!  So you might want to give that a try, too. 


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSFlower Essences

2012-05-23 Thread Renee
Oh, I'm too  forgetful today!  Lol  I also forgot to say that pretty much
all the flowers at the center also grow here on my 4 acres.  If not, then I
can usually find them out in the country on the roadsides.  Most of my
essences were made from flowers here at my place though.  Only a few I got
from roadside.

Theirs is just in a prettier layout than my 'wild' yard.  :)


-Original Message-

Can you get to Austin?  Just outside there is a botanical garden founded by
Lady Bird Johnson.  

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

CSour Flower Essence conversation

2012-05-23 Thread Renee
I was just searching around and for fun thought I'd put in texas native
flower essences to see what other makers there might be out there-and
discovered that our conversation is already on google!


I had no idea google had access to the silver list archives.  





RE: CSFlower Essences

2012-05-22 Thread Renee
You are welcome, Melly.





From: Melly Bag [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 8:56 AM
Subject: CSFlower Essences




Thank you for sharing how to make the flower essence.  You are very generous
to always share what you know, and there is plenty of knowledge in that
brain of yours..


More power to you.


Take care.




RE: Plant essences / Renee / was / Re: CSmicrowave food: hard-boiled vibrations

2012-05-22 Thread Renee
Hey PT.  Yes, I've heard of plant spirit medicine.  And the one (maybe it's
the same?) where the guy hears the plants singing--actually hears them, and
he's a musician so he can duplicate their songs!  Amazing, huh?

No, I never bother to wash any of the flowers off.  Never even gave that a
thought!  They never asked and I it never occurred to me.  If you live in a
city where you have much smog and such then it would probably be a good
thing to wait for a rain, or take a sprinkling can with you and 'wash' them.
It gets very hot, dry and dusty here, but I've never really noticed anything
on the flowers.  Sometime leaves, but not flowers.  This is not to say the
flowers don't also get dirty, just that I've never noticed.  

I usually try to do my essence making in the morning, anyway, so maybe they
are cleaner from night dew.


-Original Message-

One question, do you pick things after a rain or do you somehow wash off the
part you are going to use?  Things around here can get pretty dirty!  :-)

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RE: CSmicrowave food: hard-boiled vibrations

2012-05-21 Thread Renee
Essences are very easy to make.  There's no trick to it, and you don't have
to 'talk' to plants to make it--though it helps.  :)

The more you make essences, the more you work with plants, the more you
learn to communicate with them.  But I tell beginners to just go with
whatever flower they are drawn to.  Go outside and notice the plants, the
flowers.  See which one you are drawn to.

Then ask the plant if it wants to be an essence for you.  I've always gotten
a yes except one time--and that wasn't a no, it was a 'wait'.  I had to wait
a whole year, so there must have been something the plant wanted to do
before working as an essence.  Plants LOVE to work with people.

Anyway--ask if it is ok to take some flowers to make an essence.  You will
feel a yes or no, a positive or negative feeling inside you.  If you get a
positive feeling you then ask how many flowers you will need.  The first
number that pops into your head will be how many.  Don't second guess
yourself.  Normally I usually get 3 or 4, but sometimes it has been 6 and
sometimes only 1.  

Now, you need a small jar, like a baby food jar.  You can make as much of an
essence as you want, but since you literally use drops of the mother
tincture and then drops of the stock bottle, a little goes a long way.
Making even a half cup of essence will last you and your family a lifetime.

So, small jar with good water.  Well water, spring water or distilled water.
A pair of scissors, a lid for the jar, a small strainer.  Fill the jar half
way with water (leaving room for alcohol as a preservative).  

Ask the plant how many flowers.  When you get the number take  the scissors
and clip that many flowers into the lid of the jar.  I do this so as not to
touch the flowers, trying to keep 'me' out of the essence--though of course
the energy of the maker does get in.

Once the flowers are clipped into the lid, tilt them into the jar of water.
Set the jar in the sun, lid off.  I rarely have bugs get in.  I think the
energy is too strong.  I pick a spot that is 'bare' to set the jar.  I use a
tree stump, but you can use a sidewalk, or a driveway.  If you set it on the
ground or in other plants you will pick up that energy.  

I place my hands around the jar, not touching it, and say a prayer asking
the light of the sun to place the energy of the plant into the water so that
all who partake of the essence will be healed.  You will feel the energy
stop flowing from your hands, so stop then.

Leave the jar sitting in the sun for however long you like.  I learned that
the summer south texas sun will evaporate a LOT of water in just 2 hours,
lol, so I usually try to do mine in the morning.  Sometimes it sits for an
hour, sometimes 2 or 3.   

When you feel the essence is ready, bring it in.  strain out the flowers and
put the water back into the jar.  Now add the same amount of alcohol (I use
vodka but traditional is brandy, use what you like) as you have water.  If
you have a quarter cup water add a quarter cup alcohol.  

Label this as your mother tincture, with the name of the flower.  Sit with
this and after a while you'll get what this essences is for.  Or just take
it and see what happens.

To make your dosage bottle you take your mother tincture, get another bottle
with half water, half alcohol.  Ask the mother essence how many drops you
need to make the stock bottle.  The number that pops into your head is
right.  Place that many drops of essence into the new bottle, label it as
your stock bottle and put the flower name on it.

Now from the stock bottle, you will make your dosage bottle.  Take a dropper
bottle, fill with half water, half alcohol.  Ask the stock bottle how many
drops you need to put into the dosage bottle.

Now you have your essence!  You can see that you need very little of the
mother essence because you use just drops of that to make a stock bottle and
then drops of the stock to make your dosage bottle.  

Any questions--just ask.


-Original Message-

Would you share how you make the essences?

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RE: Plant essences / Renee / was / Re: CSmicrowave food: hard-boiled vibrations

2012-05-21 Thread Renee
Yes, the dosage bottle is the bottle you take from.  I tell people to do
what feels right to them.  I get a lot of folks asking 'how many drops, how
many times a day for how many days' because they are use to doctor

It's not like that with essences.  I tell people they should get use to
trusting their bodies.  I COULD muscle test them to see how many, how long,
but instead I say 'just suck some up into the dropper and that's how much
you take.  Your body knows exactly how many drops to put into that dropper.
Put the bottle on your bathroom counter.  Every time you go into the
bathroom take some.  When you start going--'oh, I have to take some of my
essence' but then you go to the bathroom and come out and only later you
realized you DIDN'T take any, then you are pretty much through with that

Yes, you can use bark, seeds, leaves, whatever.  People make essences from
butterflies, whales, gasses, etc--they will take a photo of say, a whale,
and meditate with it and say 'put the energy of the whale into this bottle'.
Now, I stick with flower essences :) but it's possible to do anything and

When I started making them I got the hit that the seed essence of the SAME
flower plant would give a different energy than the flowers did.  I asked
and got yes.  So would leaves.  So I thought--how cool would that be, an
essence of the flower, the seed, the leaf?  But I never got around to making
anything but the flower because once you have a hundred flower essences,
then you start on a hundred seed essences and then a hundred leaf
essences--well, you run out of room, out of bottles, out of time. :)

And yes--if a plant is growing/flowering by you, and you are drawn to
it--then it has something for you.  There are a lot of plants that you may
not be drawn to, though you think the flowers smell nice, or are pretty.
It's when you pay attention you learn which ones you 'need'.  

But they SO want to help.  I hardly go anywhere where there is a flower that
isn't already an essence and I get 'me, over here, ME, pick me!'  lol  I do
mostly texas native essences but do have a few that are not wildflowers, but
houseplants, because they were so insistent.  

And you don't have to just orally take essences.  You can put some water in
a spray bottle, add the essence and spray your area, your bed, your car.
Some ladies carry their favorite bottle in their bra, though pockets work
too, to keep the essence in your aura.  Place some in your bath water.  Lots
of ways to use them.


-Original Message-
From: Jane MacRoss [] 

Is the dosage bottle the 
bottle you ingest the essence from? 

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RE: CSwater alkalizers and silver

2012-05-15 Thread Renee
Um, don't think so.  According to some articles the only way to get a high
ph (anything over neutral) is if the water has a lot of minerals in it.
That's why the expensive machines also have a setting for dropping in liquid
minerals so that as the water makes the ph it stays.  


Best CS is made when there's very little of anything in the water.  So I
have to wonder if adding minerals to water to get and stabilize the higher
ph, if that would exclude good CS.


Maybe I'll ask this on Mike's silver list.  It's a good question.






Anyhow, I suppose one could run DW through an alkalizer and then use that to
brew CS.  

RE: CSwater alkalizers and silver

2012-05-14 Thread Renee
You always have to have something in the middle to keep the flow of water
'out' of the other container.  Some use sponges, some use pure cotton wadded
up, some use chamois cloth.  Since one container is acid and one alkaline
water, if they were to flow across and mix freely you wouldn't have acid or
alkaline-it may easily be neutral.  But you do need something that allows
the current to flow across-hence the filter in between.


There's some good videos on making your own alkalizer, one place where you
can buy a nice looking set up for around $150 but all of these suggest
stainless steel or titanium.  Titanium is actually better, but according to
this site
.htm  you should really get platinum coated titanium, which can be hard to
source.  He shows a vid of 'plain' titanium being etched away by this
electric process.


The image he shows of the titanium in the vid is a long half-pipe looking
piece, yet the close up on his actually for-sale machine looks like a little
one inch piece.  I wrote him asking about this discrepancy and he said the
long pipe was to show how much the titanium got eaten away along the edges,
and that the coated small piece will NEVER wear out-because I had asked him
about replacement times.  


So it would seem to me that for the money from his site you'd actually be
getting the best device, plus I'm thinking you could use these coated
titanium pieces and the electric plug for making a foot bath device.  Yeah,
you'd have to clean the electrodes VERY good, but-since the coated
electrodes never wear out you'd be getting 2 devices for pretty much one
price.  For the foot baths all you'd need to buy would be 2 plastic shoe
boxes.  Seems like a good deal. 


 Supposedly the cost for his unit is because of the coated titanium.  I
think this may be true because as I searched around for a supply for the
coated titanium all I could find was 1 inch pieces (which is what his looks
like) at $65 each-so that's 130 just in the titanium.  So less than a
hundred for the containers, the plug in and the cotton wad filter.  You
could probably find these things for cheaper, but if someone didn't want to
mess gathering parts from all over his is the best deal out there.  The $150
one uses titanium, if I remember right, but it's not coated and eventually
you'll have to replace the electrodes.  





From: David AuBuchon [] 

Do DIY alkalizers like this really work?

Sounds like a big money saver over commerical products.  Assuming they have
value to begin with.  

RE: CSwater alkalizers and silver

2012-05-14 Thread Renee
I think if that were the case then someone would already be doing it.  Once
the material is saturated the water shouldn't flow across at all, so it's
actually a block, I would think.  Whereas any size opening, without a block,
would admit water through as a flow, even if it was very narrow.  





From: David AuBuchon [] 


Perhaps if you omitted the sponge, but made the connecting tube rally
narrow, that the electrolysis would outpace the mixing of the water, and
some distinct product could be produced with silver electrodes?

RE: CSmicrowave food: hard-boiled vibrations

2012-05-13 Thread Renee
And me. :)  I've made just over 100 different essences from the native texas
flowers.  I just love essences.  They are indeed very powerful, yet gentle.

There are actually makers from all over the world now.  A very good one is
in Australia.  The Alaska maker is very good.  Perelandra has excellent
ones.  Well, in fact--all essences are wonderful.  And simple to make your
own.  If you are drawn to certain flowers, then those flowers have something
for you.  An essence from them could be exactly what a person needs.  


-Original Message-
Yup, tose flower remedys ertainly do work.
Did anyone know that there are several other flower essences out there
besides just the Bach?

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RE: CSmicrowave food: hard-boiled vibrations

2012-05-13 Thread Renee
When I would do shows I’d place a big bowl on the table and fill it with
bottles of essences.  People would come over and want me to tell them what
essence they needed, or they’d want to read my catalog to see what they


I’d tell them—‘don’t tell me your problem.  Just spend a moment thinking of
your problem you want to work on, then reach into the bowl and pull out an
essence’.  They’d do that, and tell me the essence.  We’d look into the
catalog to see what the essence was for (since I had so many it was hard for
me to remember what each one did, lol) and they’d get such a shocked look on
their face and would exclaim ‘this is EXACTLY for what I was thinking
about”.  Lol  I told them yes, the body knows.  The subconscious knows.


They’d buy it and then want a ‘prescription’ for how to use it—how many
drops, how many times per day and for how many days.  I’d tell them—your
body just showed you it knows.  Now, I can muscle test you  and tell you,
but you need to learn to listen to your body.  Put the dropper in and
whatever it sucks up is exactly the amount you need.  Put the bottle on your
bathroom counter.  Take some every time you go in there.  When you start
thinking “I’ve got to take my essence while I’m in the bathroom” BUT you
forget to take it, then you will know you’ve had enough.  


I found that when I was filling bottles that say would need 6 drops of the
mother tincture, I’d suck up exactly 6 drops!  The body knows.  The
subconscious knows.  We just have forgotten to listen.





From: Guyot Léna [] 

I've noticed when practicing hypnotherapy, that when clients visualized
going through a door into a garden, they'd often find a particular flower of
extra radiance and appeal. When we'd look it up, it would often be the exact
medical or homeopathic plant needed. The subconscious knows so much!


RE: CSWas: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-11 Thread Renee
I hope you get that machine soon so you can get rid of your headaches.  So
sorry you have to suffer so much, but yet you still think of others. 


-Original Message-

The silver has arrived from HM. I'm too sick to do anything with it. I'll
clean it and stick it in the Anchor Hocking Stainless cannister.

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RE: CSWas: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-11 Thread Renee
Well, unless the forums are full of negativity I find that any forum or
group will die when there's no moderator.  And sometimes the moderators just
step away for whatever reason--health, personal issues, etc.  

Don't give up on the machine.  If other people got success with it you will
too.  Remember, with all healing modalities--ALL OF THEM--belief and intent
is the biggest part of it.  Frequencies work--we know that much.  So if the
machine actually does send out frequencies of any sort, and you believe it
will work, it will work.  I've seen it happen all the time.  People will
say--that's not possible, but of course it is when someone believes.  

Get some rest.


-Original Message-

Things are not looking so good as before. 

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RE: Cooking was // Re: CSRemoving Silver Tarnish

2012-05-11 Thread Renee


-Original Message-

Note to self: do not discuss sex, politics, religion, or microwave on

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RE: CSWas: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-10 Thread Renee
Tip of the iceberg.  Lol

Got to run this morning but yeah, I'll post links when I get home this
afternoon, late.  Here's one to get you started.  Simple, but I think it
will be powerful.

if you google there's also a tapping extravaganza going on now or just
starting very soon.  A whole bunch of tapping (EFT) experts give 1 hour
talks for free.  Of course they will sell their products in the end but it's
never a big push.  They mention it and the host always has 'deals', which
are great.  It's usually around 100 bucks for something worth 300 on up,
depending on the speaker.  But you don't need any of it if you do some
research on eft.  Everything you need to know is on line for free.

DMT is dyna-mind technique by Serge King.  Google Serge King DMT and the
page will pop up.  It's just one page long and all you need to know--the how
and the why.  It's a retrofit of EFT into a simpler method based on Huna,
which is what Serge teaches (he was my Huna teacher).


-Original Message-

WOW! That's a lot of different things -- and I for one would LOVE to learn
more about them.

Are there groups and/or web links that you could provide for us to learn
more about these different methods?

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RE: CSWas: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Renee
I wish I could afford one.  Reading about it--hardly anyone has a Polaroid
camera anymore and they've stopped making the film, though a secondary
company still makes small batches of the necessary film.  So since almost no
one will be able to take a Polaroid photo of themselves or their clients,
how will this machine work?  Most black boxes will accept spit or blood.
Some say digital images, though others say a digital does not contain the
necessary frequencies for the machine to 'attach' to.

And--if the machine does all that it says it does, why would anyone need to
attach a frequency device to run frequencies through it?  It sounds like it
does enough work on its own to not need external frequencies.


-Original Message-

I looked at some of the other machines, but the ABPA A2 appears to be the
closest to the SE-5. 

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RE: CSWas: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Renee
Hmmm, that's exactly what my cousin, who worked in computers for the
government (when they took up whole rooms, he was sent to fix them), told me
25 years ago when I asked him what he thought of the Comodor 64.  He told
me-outside of maybe keeping track of recipes, there's nothing in a computer
anyone needs.  They say it does word processing.  You can still write
letters on a typewriter so who needs word processing.  Save your money and
in a short while you'll see these sitting at garage sales for $10.







From: Tel Tofflemire [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 9:02 AM
Subject: Re: CSWas: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous:
Open-mindedness to healing modalities


This junk has come and gone over the years, but people still pay $1,000's of
dollars to try it.  We can see it all in a yard sale in a few years, so save
your money  Wait for the garage sale.

Tel, Herbalist

RE: CSWas: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Renee
Hey Lena.  So you run both most of the time.  Is the Fscan hooked up to the
ABPA 2 or do you run them separate?  Just curious.  I’m glad you found
something that works since I’ve read how bad lyme is for most people.  A
terrible thing.





After 45+ years of Lyme, I'm unwilling to lose any ground at the moment.  Be


RE: CSWas: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Renee
Whew--that digital explanation sounds like a bunch of nonsense.  A digital
image is a digital image, whether it's in a flash drive, on a computer or in
his device.  The idea that his device is the only one that makes a loop just
sounds phony.  The way they make it sound would be like you'd have to do the
photo taking to have that in the device, because otherwise, if someone
across the country took their own photo and sent you the digital image then
you stored that digital image into their device--how would it still 'track'
the person, since it wasn't taken with the device itself?  They are saying
their device will take any digital image and then track it--but how is that
possible if it's a still digital image taken days, weeks, months ago?

So basically what they have is something that you input a digital image
into, then it 'transfers' that image to that flat green (probably metal)
sheet that fits into the photo well on the machine.  Then supposedly it will
track the person.  Maybe because it's on the plate  which fits?

If that's the case then buying one of those little keychain things that hold
x number of digital photos should work too, because they'd fit in the slot
and would contain the digital image.  

Because the Awhatever machine did the tracking for the Polaroid, which means
if a digital is input into the slot/well, then it should be able to track it
too.  And a cheap way of fitting an actual digital image into that slot, and
not a printed out copy of the digital image (which probably wouldn't work as
it wouldn't have the digital signal) then a small digital image holder
should do the same thing as it will have the image actually showing while a
flash drive simply contains the image but doesn't show it.  I think all they
are doing is showing the image inside the slot so the machine can 'see' it
like it 'saw' the Polaroid. 

At least that's my theory.  :)


-Original Message-

There is a digital interface so you can input photos. I think the purpose
for the photo is a bit different than simply running  frequencies through
it. They claim it works as good as the Polaroid, but it is very expensive:

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RE: CSbacteria

2012-05-09 Thread Renee
If you go to a jewelry store you should be able to buy non-tarnish paper.  It's 
a paper impregnated with something that will stop tarnish.  You can put it into 
a box with silver and the silver will stay nice for a long time.

Things that you want to set out to look at and occasionally use you put car wax 
on.  Polish the silver so it shines, then put a thin coating of a good car way. 
 Rub that (buff) and there you are--sealed from the air so no tarnish.  Jewelry 
stores (who don't like to tell you this little secret) will wax their big 
pieces and set them out.  Then all they have to do is dust them.

You can't, naturally, do this for inside something like a pitcher or tea pot 
that you will be drinking out of, but you can on the outside of it, or vases or 
plates or whatever.  So long as your food isn't coming into direct contact with 
the car wax you will be fine for the occasional use of a waxed item.


-Original Message-
I put mine in a plastic zip lock bag...Debbie

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RE: CSWas: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Renee
I DO hope it works for you.  What a blessing huh?  Do let us know.  If it's
that good it may be worth saving up for.  It's hard to distinguish which
device is worth the money because there are so many, and a number of people
on various lists have different machines and most all love the ones they
have.  So it's hard to say which one to spend money on.


-Original Message-

This would be so nice if it works and gets rid of these headaches. I sure
would like to be able to sleep longer than 3 or 4 hours, and not wake  up
clogged full of spores with a splitting headache and all the other crap
from the toxins.


Mike Monett

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List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSWas: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Renee
Yes, I was just thinking about the cost of their ‘special digital’ thing—and
how it would work.  You can put just one image on a flash drive, but their
info made it sound like because it wasn’t being ‘seen’ by the machine, it
wouldn’t send rebound messages.  Of course, their green sheet doesn’t show
an actual image, but they were making it sound as if it contained  the
digital image.


But like you—I think the hair sample is fine.  That’s how all the black
boxes I’ve ever seen worked—on spit, blood, hair, a Polaroid even a
signature written in ink by the person.  So I don’t really see a need for
that expensive piece of equipment.





An ABPA A2 can only send to one subject at a time, so a thumb-drive with
other photos would be counter-productive. Again, my ABPA A2 gets the frx to
me using my DNA from hair sample in the input well. That's the way quantum
entanglement works. I still have some Polaroid film for my camera, but
prefer samples. They're more convenient and work just as well. Léna 

RE: CSWas: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Renee
Oh, the only 'electric' lists I'm on is Dr. Loyds, Frex and
microelectricgermkiller.  I'm sure there are other good ones but since I
don't have any machines (other than the Godzilla I put together and the FREX
which I just recently got) and don't understand electronics enough to build
one, these are the only ones I'm on.  Godzilla is a simple 6 volt battery
that works wonders for wounds, teeth, etc.  FREX is a frequency device that
does amazing things.  You can download the whole frex software for free and
run everything--the only thing is it is set to run for x amount of time and
then you have to start it back up again, whereas if you buy the program you
can set it to continous loop or however long you want it and it will run.
It contains about all the different frequencies that are well known.

Maybe someone else will tell us some good lists to join.  If you are
interested in FREX I can send the link.  Going to be leaving the house for a
few hours in just a moment so don't have time to--well, wait--here it is:  
here's dr loyd's list

neither is specific for the frex or Dr. Loyd's devices, but Dr. Loyd works
long distance with people and has remedies and tincture to buy.  Frex's list
owner, Ken, is a chiropractor in Australia and very well informed about
alternative health protocols.  Lots of good information there.


-Original Message-
From: Mike Monett [] 

Thanks, Renee. If it works, I'll let you know. I tried to join two Yahoo
groups but have not heard from the moderators. Can you tell me what other
lists to look for?

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List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSWas: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Renee
It's in the message.  Read where I started to say I'd do it when I got back,
but then I found it and put it in.


-Original Message-
From: Lisa [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 3:47 PM
Subject: RE: CSWas: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous:
Open-mindedness to healing modalities

Yes, please send a link for the frex device...

-Original Message-
From: Renee [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 2:02 PM
Subject: RE: CSWas: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous:
Open-mindedness to healing modalities

Oh, the only 'electric' lists I'm on is Dr. Loyds, Frex and
microelectricgermkiller.  I'm sure there are other good ones but since I
don't have any machines (other than the Godzilla I put together and the FREX
which I just recently got) and don't understand electronics enough to build
one, these are the only ones I'm on.  Godzilla is a simple 6 volt battery
that works wonders for wounds, teeth, etc.  FREX is a frequency device that
does amazing things.  You can download the whole frex software for free and
run everything--the only thing is it is set to run for x amount of time and
then you have to start it back up again, whereas if you buy the program you
can set it to continous loop or however long you want it and it will run.
It contains about all the different frequencies that are well known.

Maybe someone else will tell us some good lists to join.  If you are
interested in FREX I can send the link.  Going to be leaving the house for a
few hours in just a moment so don't have time to--well, wait--here it is:  
here's dr loyd's list

neither is specific for the frex or Dr. Loyd's devices, but Dr. Loyd works
long distance with people and has remedies and tincture to buy.  Frex's list
owner, Ken, is a chiropractor in Australia and very well informed about
alternative health protocols.  Lots of good information there.


-Original Message-
From: Mike Monett [] 

Thanks, Renee. If it works, I'll let you know. I tried to join two Yahoo
groups but have not heard from the moderators. Can you tell me what other
lists to look for?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSNenah Sylver

2012-05-09 Thread Renee
Do you mean Spectro-Chrome colored light therapy?  I LOVE S-C.  Use it
whenever we've had a need to and it always works great.





From: Shirley Reed [] 

When I requested that some of the 'brighter lights' on this list check out
colored light therapy, Nenah was the only one who did so

RE: CSWas: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Renee
-Original Message-
From: Mike Monett [] 

You sure have collected a lot of different healing methods! I wonder how
many others there are you haven't mentioned yet:)

Oh, lots and lots.  :)  Been at this alternative stuff for over 25 years
now, ever since I had cancer.  Just love to 'collect' information on
healing.  Never sick here so don't have a lot to experiment with, but I
usually try things out when I can, just to see.

I think some of the BEST methods are the easiest and are free to do.  My
favorite is The Emotion Code, then EFT, then DMT, then MIR.  The Emotion
Code is remarkable and uses muscle testing to release trapped emotions.  EFT
is a more complicated tapping procedure but once you learn it it's
invaluable.  DMT is a simplified tapping procedure that works wonders for
physical problems.  MIR is a new method I've just learned that I think will
be very powerful, and is super simple to do.

These emotional things SEEM to be 1) too simple to work 2) most people don't
understand the emotional part of illness

Because they are simple and free people often overlook them and don't
understand their power.  And then most people do not understand the
underlying reason for illness, which is almost always buried in emotions.
Even if you cure the physical problem if you don't deal with the emotions
the problem simply comes back, usually in the same form but a different
area, but sometimes even in the same area.  That's why it's so common for a
person to get cancer again--the doctor's famous '5 year' thing (if you make
it 5 years cancer free you could possibly stay cancer free) because most
people get it back in under 5 years.  Just because you have it cut out,
burnt out, etc, but you have NOT addressed the emotional aspects, the
thought processes and looked for some spiritual answers, it just comes back.
Address those 3 and you are almost sure never to be bothered by cancer

It is said--and I believe it, that everything starts on the spiritual level
and if corrected there we'd never get sick.  But we are almost totally
unaware of the spirit level.

From there it goes to the mental level.  Again, if we were aware and fixed
the mental issue we would never get sick.

Then it goes emotional level.  If we stopped it there we'd never get sick.
But we simply don't understand our emotions, let alone deal with them.  So
because we don't, then the body takes on physical symptoms of illness.  We
can't ignore that like we can emotions, thoughts and spirit.  

So though we may fix the physical symptoms, if we haven't dealt with the
emotions especially, but also the thoughts and spirit, then illness simply
comes back.  And usually dealing with the emotions kind of also takes care
of the thoughts that go along since thoughts and emotions are very closely
linked.  The spirit--well, any truly healthy person has a healthy spiritual
side.  You cannot live in darkness and be healthy.  But it does help to
address the spiritual side when ill, because that allows the physical 'cure'
to happen faster.

We are such wondrous beings!

Oh shoot--how can I forget the SEM water cards and the SSS cards?  They are
also free and very powerful.  :)  and they work through the frequency


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSWas: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Renee
Forgot to say--no I didn't build the frex.  It's software you download.
Then you can run it through just the computer (which is all I have right
now) or you can hook up plasma balls.  Ken is working on a write up to teach
people how to do this themselves.  He use to sell plasma balls with the
wiring already installed, but people would hook them to the computer wrong
and would burn out the plasma.  He's such a great and honest guy that he'd
replace the balls for them so it became just too expensive so he quit.  But
he's going to tell us how to build our own.  And there is another type of
thing you can hook up to FreX but I can't think of it right now.

It does everything any other frequency device does--runs frequencies!  It
has all the different frequencies built into it--the ones by different
people.  And it has the problems/diseases.  So you pick the problem then
show the frequencies and then you tell the software to send out the
frequencies.  Easy!  But the least working method is just running the freqs
through the computer speakers--yet some people get good results.

There's a guy that Ken knows that is building something to add to FreX (like
you would the plasma balls) that's suppose to be excellent.  I'm waiting for
that.  Don't know what it will cost though.


-Original Message-
From: Mike Monett [] 

Did you build the FREX or get it from someone? I looked at the site earlier:

What kinds of things does it do?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSOT - solar energy

2011-06-29 Thread Renee
You can buy solar lights that have AA and triple A batteries that are
rechargeable, for a couple bucks.   Then you can not only use the lights as
night lights in the house or yard, but you can recharge the batteries.

I also bought a solar battery recharge at a co-op food store here.  This
will charge even C and D batteries.  I paid about $20 for it.  

---Original Message---
I live in Florida and am interested in possibly purchasing a small solar system 
for charging rechargeable batteries.  

Re: CSCS: Why people won't listen

2011-06-27 Thread Renee
Lol--great line Marshall.

---Original Message---
I find that percentage wise more people listen to me then used to.  That is
primarily because many of those who did not are now dead.


Re: CSCipro

2011-06-10 Thread Renee
Yes, continue with the vibration as it increases blood circulation.  And--do
hot and cold treatments.  Twice a day would be best, but at least once a day
if that's all you can do.  Dr. Christopher saved many toes and feet from
being amputated this way.

Get 2 buckets.  Fill one with as hot water as the person can stand, and keep
a kettle of hot water close by to add as the water cools.  Fill the other
with ice water, and leave ice cubes floating in it.  

They put a foot in the hot water for as long as they can stand it, then
immediately into the cold water for as long as they can stand it.  Then back
to the hot, then cold, and so on, for as long as they want or are able. 
Usually a person only has the foot in each water bucket for 30 seconds to a

This alone has saved feet.  The hot/cold forces the blood in and out of the
area.  The gangrene is due to lack of blood circulation.

Also, cayenne tincture rubbed in will bring circulation.  You should be able
to buy a tincture in a health food store.  Cayenne will bring blood to an
area and though it may sting to rub it in, it will not damage skin--and if
there is damaged skin it will help repair the skin.

---Original Message---
 BTW  he started using a vibration platform ten minutes three times a day
and it seems to be helping with the circulation to his feet.  We shall see.

Re: CSCipro hydro therapy

2011-06-10 Thread Renee
Hey Edith.  Yes, they use to cure everything with different forms of
hydrotherapy!  They had special spas set up where nothing but various water
therapies was used, including big hoses  where water was sprayed on the body
areas with huge force.

Dr. Schulze said that he went to a hydroclinic.  When he got there, there
were all these old people sitting in wheelchairs on the front deck, all
wrapped up in blankets.  They were kind of blank faced and drooling.  He
felt bad for them and hoped the clinic would be able to help them.

He then went through the full hydrotherapy program the clinic had.  He said
they wheeled him out, all wrapped up in a blanket, to the front deck, where
he sat and drooled.  It was all he could do--the hydrotherapy had been so
strong and powerful, that as healthy as he was, he was just wasted from the
procedures!  Lol

---Original Message---
 Three days, he was good to go.  Amazing, this hydro therapy stuff.

Re: CSwhat is in ACS 200?

2011-06-08 Thread Renee
There are certain things you can add to water to make it 'wetter'.  In
leather carving they do it all the time--it allows the water to not dry
out/evaporate so fast so that you can carve longer without rewetting the
leather.  They use gum tragacanth for this.

---Original Message---
And what is the gimmick behind what they call wetter water?:

Re: CSEarlier Post on Domestic Magnetic Fields

2011-05-01 Thread Renee
Absolutely!  I have a Brooks folder where I save ALL your information!

---Original Message---
Ditto that!


2011-03-20 Thread Renee
I make and sell it for $10 a bottle, plus a free empty bottle for your
citric acid, and $5 shipping.  You can contact me off list at gaiacita @

---Original Message---
I've been reading the posts about MMS, and get Jim Humbles updates.  
Where is the best place to purchase MMS?   Thankis,   Kathy


2011-03-20 Thread Renee
Thanks, people!  

---Original Message---
Buy it from Renee - she's on the list!

RE: CSVetericyn and Microcyn

2011-02-07 Thread Renee
Ah, thanks Tom.  You know me--always getting those two mixed up. 

---Original Message---
MMS when  mixed up makes chlorous acid.  To get hypochlorous acid you have to 
use MMS2.happy.gif

Re: CSVetericyn and Microcyn

2011-02-06 Thread Renee
The base problem is figuring out WHY the dog is licking the foot?  Pain? 
Arthritis?  Something embedded under the skin?  Allergy?  Then address that.

MMS does make hypochlorous acid, but there's no way to determine how much is
being made.  There are many good external things you can apply to kill
pathogens--like aloe vera, sugar or honey, diluted MMS, tea tree oil, etc. 
Clearing the infection is going to be the easiest part--figuring out why the
dog keeps licking the foot will be the hard part.  It may be that they'll
have to keep that part of the foot covered.  Some dogs eventually get into a
habit of foot licking which is hard to break.

I had a dog that did it in the spring.  There was something growing that he
was allergic to.  Oddly though, he only licked one foot!  But the pads of
the foot, and between the toes, was always red and raw from licking.  I kept
aloe on it, along with Vit. E, and would keep it wrapped.  Then when summer
came, I could undo the wrapping and he'd leave the foot alone.  Next spring,
same thing.  My dog had long hair so I had to always trim all that hair
between the toes to get the cream down to the skin.

---Original Message---
let him out with no cover on it, he licked it raw again.  They tried
silver, but they probably didn't spray it on often enough.  Or, dab it,
rather.he hates spray.  This has been going on for months.

Re: CSWhere to buy MMS

2011-02-04 Thread Renee
Ummm, please what?  You can write me at if you are saying
you want some MMS.  I will need an address.  

If it's not an interest in MMS, I'm not sure what this is referring to?

---Original Message---

CSNew nasal sprayer

2011-02-03 Thread Renee
I don't know if others have seen this or not, but it's a first for me, as I
almost never look in the OTC med section of any store.  But I've been having
some serious sinus issues this past week and finally decided it just wasn't
going away on its own like it normally does.  So I went to Walgreens to see
about buying a nasal mister that I could pry the cap off of and fill with CS

To my surprise I found the BEST sprayer.  It's called SinuCleanse Kids Mist.
 It was developed by a children's doctor.  It is extremely sturdy, the fill
part being solid clear blue plastic.  It has a pump on top with a long tube
mister attached.  The tube snugs down into a small clamp like device to keep
it from moving around if you are carrying it in your purse.  You unclamp the
tube so that you can unscrew the top to refill it.  The tube can actually be
bent upwards at the end to angle it better into the nose.

It came with 3 containers of 'non-drug' liquid which is, of course, saline
solution.  The main part of the container holds 100 measured sprays, so
enough to last a long time before needing to refill.

It can be thrown into a purse or pocket and it won't leak.  The spray comes
out as a very fine mist.  The spray end is small so that it will fit into a
child's nostril, but that just makes it easy to put inside an adult nose
without feeling like it's filled your whole nose like you do with an adult
spray bottle.

I've filled it with CS and sprayed my nose and my throat and inhaled into my
lungs.  Very nice, very handy.

It cost $10 and I think it will prove to be worth it, as it's going to last
a very long time before a part wears out.  The Afrin I was looking at,
walgreens own brand, was $5 for a bottle that I would have had to force the
top off of, and it's large to carry around, plus (because I did buy it too)
it does not mist anywhere near as good as the Child's Mist.  


Re: CSNew nasal sprayer

2011-02-03 Thread Renee
Hey Saralou.  That first link says $11.99 and a 2 buck off coupon.  Thing is
 in my walgreens, it was $9.99 regular price.

---Original Message---

Here's a picture

Re: CSWhere to buy MMS

2011-02-03 Thread Renee
I sell MMS.  Mine is made to Jim Humble's specification.  You get a 4 ounce
bottle of MMS, and an empty bottle of the same size (with the same type
dropper top) to put your acid in.  This way you can get the same size drops
of both MMS and your favorite acid (lemon juice, ACV, citric acid)

The cost is $10 plus $5 shipping (actual price for a priority box).  I have
a paypal address.  You can write me off list at  if you
are interested.

---Original Message---

Is there a good quality site to buy MMS?
Thanks Deb


Re: CSMy protocal for Cats Tumor

2011-01-16 Thread Renee
Ok, thanks.  Makes sense.

---Original Message---
The morning MMS has anywhere from 3 to 5 drops with citric acid at about 15
drops... after setting for 3 minutes I add approx  1/8 c. prill water with 2
drop DMSO... from this mixture I use the  1 teaspoon for feeding...  so the
drops are definitely deluted down and given over the course of the entire
day; and there would still be a small amount left in the bottle that I throw

Re: CSMy protocal for Cats Tumor

2011-01-15 Thread Renee
How much MMS are you giving the cat?  Recommended dose for a cat is only one
drop MMS to (old method) 5 drops 10% citric acid.  New method is one drop
MMS to 1 drop citric. 

---Original Message---
  In the morning I prepared the daily MMS batch (with 3 drops DMSO added
after preparing),  Then I placed the contents of a Serrepeptase pill in a
Tbls of DMSO (with CS)  mixture.

Re: Mercola was // Re: CSDistilled Water....MORE Toxic than Municipal Tap Water?!

2010-12-19 Thread Renee
I have a PC and have never gotten spammed from his site.  And I've been
going there for years.  Have even bought a few things.  Yep, his style has
changed, but he noted a few years ago, that he was trying to market more to
raise more money to spread education about alternative health.  He even
named the marketer he was using.  This is that marketer's style--as 'fear'
mongering actually entices more people to read articles than a calm headline
  Sad, but true.  

If you've been on alternative health sites and lists for very long, you can
almost tell by the headline whether it's worth reading or not--as Mercola
isn't actually saying anything strikingly new--most of this info is out
there, being reported--though different headlines--at the same time and
sometimes even earlier.

---Original Message---
I have a Mac and this doesn't seem to happen.  dee
On 18 Dec 2010, at 22:51, PT Ferrance wrote:


2010-12-14 Thread Renee
Oh--I thought you meant it interfered with the CMO.  Anything from the
potato family, which includes tomatoes, can be bad for arthritis.  It
depends on what kind of arthritis you have.

---Original Message---
Coffee is terrible for most arthritis. Even decaf. I know one cup of decaf will 
make my joints hurt as if they were full of ground glass for 2 weeks.

Re: CSDr. Simeon's HCG Diet

2010-12-13 Thread Renee
Thanks so much Craig.  You've been very clear with your explanation.  It may
be that this is a very good way to get a person started on a weight loss
program.  It's gratifying to see it come off so fast, and makes sticking
with something easier to do when you see 'instant' results.  And if you
throw in the exercise later, and a good change in eating habits, it seems
like a winning combination.  

---Original Message---
Because this is a very low calorie diet, the exercise is begun after the
VLCD phase ends.  There isn't enough protein to support that, unless you
have been an exercise person before you started. She uses a treadmill
and I like the rebounder.

RE: CSArthritis vitamin B5

2010-12-13 Thread Renee
It's good to know there is another that is animal based.  When I was looking
only Jarrow said animal based, the rest of the web sites that I found said
plant based.  Don't know if it said that on the label, but it said it on the
sites selling the CMO.

---Original Message---
The one I use, bestcmo is animal based. It is the original formula made by
Harry Diehl and is highly recommended by Len Sands, an expert in the field.
It is more expensive than most because it also contains a proprietary blend
of enzymes to make it more bio-available. CMO can be hard to digest.

Re: CSArthritis vitamin B5

2010-12-13 Thread Renee
Since what I bought was 'home made' by a guy, it simply came in big chunks
that my brother would scrape off (it kind of crumbles) a quarter teaspoon,
twice a day.  He ate it with his meals.  It's not bad tasting, particularly,
but very greasy, so best taken with some other fatty type food to make it go
down.  What this dose would translate to in capsules, I have no idea.  Sorry

---Original Message---
Would you share the dosage used?

RE: CSArthritis vitamin B5

2010-12-13 Thread Renee
I'd love to give it to you, but he's retired and not making it anymore.  I
feel bad because I've told a couple people but they can't get it.  

---Original Message---
Indeed, I’d care for this information myself!sad.gif

Re: CSArthritis vitamin B5

2010-12-13 Thread Renee
Um, I don't know.  I don't know him, just bought from him once--just
recently when I told someone about him and they contacted him, is when he
said he'd quit making it.  I would imagine it could be a lot of smelly work,
as it comes from cows.  So boiling?  Baking?  I have no idea.  The stuff
doesn't smell pleasant to begin with--can't imagine what the house would
smell like when making it.  Lol  

He doesn't have an email address--I just have a regular address.  If someone
is interested enough write me and I'll send his address to you and you could
write and ask him if he'd care to share his process.   I don't want to post
it here, publicly.  

---Original Message---
If he's retired and not making it anymore, maybe he would be willing to tell
you how to make it yourself...

CSMaking CMO

2010-12-13 Thread Renee
Ok--I'm saying 'home made' here.  But I have no idea if he has a lab or what
his background is.  Chemist?  shrug  All I know is that I was told about
him a few years ago (the stuff keeps forever in the freezer) and that he was
a Mom and Pop type biz.  Not a big company.  Just him making it.  That's not
to say making it is/was easy!  It certainly doesn't sound like it from your
posts Lisa.



2010-12-13 Thread Renee
Well, I don't think I've ever heard anyone say they had to stop coffee
before!  I know coffee drinkers that took CMO and never said they quit.  

But--although this seems like a super healer for everyone, remember--it's
just like everything else.  Nothing works for everyone and anything will
work for someone.

Which just means that I've run across a very small number of people who've
said they've used the correct CMO and didn't get any results, and another
small group of people that said they used it and got a tiny bit of results
that weren't much better than any other arthritis supplement they've taken.

The ones it seems to work for, it works miracles.

Most people only have to take it the one 'round', usually consisting of
between 21 to 40 days.  30 days seems to be the most common amount.  They
say even if, like my brother, you get relief in 10 days (which is common)
not to stop, but to continue taking it for 30 days.

There have been a couple people that have done the first round, and it
worked, but then in 6 months to 2 years later the pain came back.  Another
round of it seemed then to 'finish' the job.  

So all I can say is try it, just making sure you get bovine produced CMO. 
The added supplements don't seem to be necessary for some people.  I know
one lady that needs the enzymes with it to be able to digest it properly. 
She's one of the ones that it helps, but not much better than other
arthritis supplements.

For the ones that it truly works on, their bodies seem to take it without
need for enzymes or other supplements.  It does seem to work best if taken
with other fatty foods, as it is a fat.  

It also works on dog's arthritis.  I don't believe I've ever heard anyone
mention cat arthritis though.

---Original Message---
Myristin CMO is animal based, too.  They say:
We're the family company of the discoverer of cetyl myristoleate (CMO), 
W. Diehl.  EHP Products has been marketing CMO since 1996, and is  the only
company in the world to offer a 40% CMO softgel.

Re: CSWas: Dr. Simeon's hCG Diet; Is: homeopathic HCG link

2010-12-12 Thread Renee
Wondering about how the diet turned out.  Did the weight stay off once you
went off the diet?  Or are you still on it?  

---Original Message---
Just caught this threadHow timely, Tomorrow I will have just finished my
1st round of the HcG diet.It lasts for 23 days by taking .36 cc
homeopathically for 1 bottle 23 days. I lost 20 lbs in the 23 days. It was
amazing as I do not lose easily. I was not hungry nor hyper on it. The
instructions say to go on a maintenance diet for the next 3 weeks then you
wait  some time before starting another round if you need to. Facebook has a
good supportive group. It is very strict and restrictive but you are just
not hungry. I did a lot of reading and psyching myself up to start it and am
glad I did. I feel great. The only days I did not lose was days when I had
cheated while out socially with friends, that is your downfall the social
aspect of eating.  

--- On Sun, 8/1/10, sol wrote:

From: sol
Subject: Re: CSWas: Dr. Simeon's hCG Diet; Is: homeopathic HCG link
Date: Sunday, August 1, 2010, 4:12 PM

I assume it is like everything else--nothing works for everyone, but
everything works for someone.

Renee wrote:
 If someone tries this, let us know.  I had read where the homeopathic
method did not work.  You never know who to believe!
 Renee  /---Original Message---/
  [Lisa] Nenah, do you have a link for the homeopathic recipe for the HCG?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour


Re: CSArthritis vitamin B5

2010-12-12 Thread Renee
I often wonder, when people say CMO doesn't work for them,  if they have
used the plant based version of it.  That isn't what the body needs/uses to
restore the ligaments, etc.  It needs animal based CMO.  From what I've seen
 just about all CMO except Jarrow, is now plant based.  

So if anyone is going to try CMO, do get Jarrow animal derived CMO.  I got
some of the last true beef CMO from a man that made it himself, and it
worked in 10 days for my brothers years long hip pain (in both hips
actually).  He continued taking it for 30 days as I had suggested, but the
pain stopped in 10 days and has not come back.  It's been a year now.  

I have also heard good things about borax.

---Original Message---
I have tried CMO, which works for some people.  It is not a cure for
me, but it may have reduced the symptoms in general, but I can't
really tell for sure.

Re: CSDr. Simeon's HCG Diet

2010-12-12 Thread Renee
Hey Craig.

I'm not really thinking of it for myself--just curious as to whether it was
like most 'diets' in that a person looses the weight while on the diet, but
then once the diet is over, they pretty much go back to eating like they
always did--because it's NOT a life style change, simply a diet for a short
period of time--and then they gain all the weight back.  I was on another
list and people were raving about dropping so much weight and fat, but no
one had been off the routine long enough to say if it stays off or not.

Thanks, I'll take a look at your scan.  It's encouraging to know that there
is a fast way to jumpstart weight loss, but it would be best if exercise
were incorporated along with a new, permanent way of eating rather than
simply changing what you eat for a few weeks.

---Original Message---
My wife and I did one round with HCG, she lost 25lbs, I lost 29lbs in 60 days.  
We have been through the three weeks of stabilization and are now two weeks 
into the after phase.   Our weight hasn't varied more than +/- 2lbs during 
this entire five week period and mostly has been an average variation of 1.7lbs 
for her (hers is higher because she caught some kind of nasty cold and dropped 
an additional 3lbs) and 0.8lbs for me.

Re: CSPine Tree Pollen

2010-12-07 Thread Renee
If you Google 'buy Russian pine tree pollen' you will find some Chinese
sources.   You'll get a few different hits if you make pinetree one word in
the search phrase.  But the company that is really 'pushing' pine tree
pollen is from Russia, and I couldn't find it on a quick search.  If no one
here comes up with that site, I will dig around in my files later and find

---Original Message---
I have spent about 5 hours since yesterday trying to find a source for Pine 
Tree Pollen.  No luckanyone ?

Re: CSblack salve, value, Values

2010-12-05 Thread Renee
Dee, from what I remember of alpha/omega labs video on making black salve,
it's not so much that it's cost of ingredients--or even time to make--but
that you can't just buy some of the ingredients (in their BS anyway) in
small amounts.  You have to buy one or two in large amounts.  Because it
keeps they made big batches.  It pretty much sounded like you'd also have to
do that at home--so that you'd have a LOT of BS around, and would therefore
need to sell it because you'd never in your life use it up.

In fact, that's why the containers are so small--you need so little.  With
their BS (don't know about Ted's) you only put it on twice, to any cancer
spot.  Therefore, how much would a person ever need?  

If you are trying to justify the pricing, look at it as a one time purchase.
 Buy it once and you never have to buy it again.  Of course you can look
around and find cheaper companies--but you have to buy from someone you
trust, because anyone can slap together a salve and call it black salve
cancer killer.  Doesn't mean it IS that.  In fact, there was a company that
started selling BS as though they were alpha/omega lab salve, and their
salve didn't work.  Who knows how many people may have died of skin and
other cancers because they purchased this 'fake' BS?  

Buy from someone you trust, or make your own.  Making your own might be
cheaper--but once you have to buy x number of ingredients to make yours, it
may wind up being cheaper in the end to just buy from a trusted supplier. 
Only you can decide after a search on the cost of the ingredients for making
your own.

---Original Message---
So you don't think that $69 is expensive for a tub of around an ounce or so?
 I was just asking the very thing that you have mentioned i.e. is there any
really special process it has to go through to justify such an expense--that
s all.

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2010 #900

2010-12-05 Thread Renee
That's amazing Melly.  I wonder if the core of the banana leaves you find in
the store would work?  They are certainly cheap enough.  You did mean the
leaves and not the 'stem' of the plant, right?

---Original Message---
From: Melly Bag
Date: 12/4/2010 10:35:25 PM
Subject: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2010 #900
They beat up the core and wrap the remaining  finger. I think they change it
every other day (not sure). This is done in rural areas where there is no
medical help.  But the thing is, it works -- the fingertip would regenerate
and grow a bit of nails too.
--- On Fri, 12/3/10, wrote:

Subject: silver-digest Digest V2010 #900
Date: Friday, December 3, 2010, 4:14 PM


Re: CSBlack Salve skin cancer cure

2010-12-05 Thread Renee
Yes, I remember that now.  Someone on another list in Australia could get to
altcancer site.  We here couldn't figure out why we couldn't.  Finally
someone found the herbhealers one.  I had typed in the alphaomega labs and
got that basically empty page and forgot there was this other site for the

---Original Message--- 

works from outside the USA.

works in the USA, or so I am told. 

RE: CSBlack Salve skin cancer cure

2010-12-04 Thread Renee
I think that site is gone now.  When you put in alphaomega labs all you get
is a crummy, empty page, with a search box.  They are hardly selling
anything here in the US now.  I had bought dragon's blood from them, and was
going to send someone else there to buy some--but thought I'd better check. 

It's a shame what the FDA has done to them.  If you didn't get that info
while you had the chance, it's too late now.

---Original Message---
The site in ecuador that sells cansema also gives the recipe, or used to.
they also sell lugol's iodine, at the same time give the recipe for making
your own from elemental iodine and potassium iodide which are both cheap on

RE: CSBlack Salve skin cancer cure

2010-12-04 Thread Renee
Yes!!  Great find.  That's them.  Shame now that most of the info is gone
from the site.  Use to be there was all the long explanations of each
product, how to make their black salve, all about the discovery and use of
H3o, etc, as was mentioned here in another post.  But at least now I know we
can still buy most of their products.  

---Original Message---
Is this the site?

Re: CSRe: Banana for healing

2010-12-03 Thread Renee
Hey Melly--how do they use the core for fingertips?  Just wrap the core over
the sliced off part?  Change daily?  

---Original Message---
The banana leaf's core is used for cut off fingertips to regenerate even
without reconnecting the tips.  The trunk is used as a flower frog and helps
keep the flowers last longer.  Many many uses indeed.

--- On Fri, 12/3/10, wrote:

Subject: silver-digest Digest V2010 #899
Date: Friday, December 3, 2010, 9:01 AM


Re: CSBlack Salve skin cancer cure--round the spine.

2010-12-02 Thread Renee
Rowena, your doctor is wrong.  Surgery is not 100% successful.  My father,
at 80, was diabetic and had leukemia, which had been kept under control for
6 years with Gleevec.  Then there came a small spot on his neck that would
not heal.  Went to the dermatologist who said--cancer.  But it was small
enough that he cut it out in his office, under local.  

Sent the cancer away to the lab, put about 4 stitches in Dad's neck and home
we went.  There was much pain at the site for Dad, and the doctor had taken
such a large chunk out-to be sure to 'get everything'--that Dad couldn't
bend his neck.  Finally in 10 days Dad went to get the stitches out, and
everything looked fine.  

But the pain stayed and within just 3 or 4 weeks, another spot, in the same
spot, returned.  Went back and the doctor kept saying--but, but, I got it
all.  The margins were perfectly clear.  He even went and got out the lab
report, and showed it to me.  I never doubted his word, he was a good man
and doctor.  Still--nothing is 100%.  There is no guarantee of anything, lab
tests or no.

Yep, the cancer spread and Dad passed away, in much pain, only 2 months
later.   I often wondered if I should have tried BS, but then, Dad wanted
his doctor to take care of it.  


RE: CSCODEX The first shot has been fired

2010-11-12 Thread Renee
I cannot talk about making our own vitamins, but stumbled on this site
yesterday.  Sounds like an incredible way to get lots of powerful 
supplements' at home.  He sells the powder, but if you watch the video on
the main page you will see that he mixed them together and took 2 teaspoons
in a glass of water every day.  There is also a free book to download,
without having to buy the hard copy (for $15) on Amazon.  You have to sign
up for the newsletter to get it, but I think his newsletter will have some
good info--though I haven't received my first copy yet.

---Original Message---
One thing we could do that would be very powerful is to make our own
vitamins.  It's time for those who know how to make these things to share
their knowledge and their recipes.

CSA reason to drink beer

2010-11-12 Thread Renee
My DH and I were just sitting here talking about thanksgiving and I can't
even remember how we got to talking about alcohol--but he said that he'd
just seen where some company (he couldn't remember which) said that they
were making a grooved beer bottle and he didn't understand why.  I told him
about the little white dingy thing inside that expensive Guinness beer.
When I bought it for the heart worm prevention, the first bottle I picked up
rattled.  I thought there must have been broken glass inside, so set it
aside and picked up another bottle, which also rattled!  I opened it and
poured it out and this little white thing was in the bottle.
So I googled and came up with the fact that they put those white things in
there to 'aerate and mix' the beer for 'better flavor' when you drink it.  I
told him I would imagine that whatever company it was would just put
straight grooves inside the bottle, and I wished it would be spiral groves
as that would give a vortex.  Those bottles would be great to have.
Suddenly I thought I'd Google for grooves in glass beer bottles and this
came up! I'm looking for some to buy when I go downtown!

RE: CSMercury Filling vit C

2010-11-04 Thread Renee
Hey PT.  I've heard of Bowen.  How does a massage get rid of mercury?

---Original Message---
One good way to get rid of mercury is by Bowen treatments if you can find a
practitioner near you.  Just get a basic Bowen treatment and you will
eliminate mercury.  I've seen it tested and it works.

--- On Wed, 11/3/10, M. G. Devour wrote:

From: M. G. Devour
Subject: RE: CSMercury Filling  vit C
Date: Wednesday, November 3, 2010, 5:40 PM

A couple of cautions: 

Don't take oral vitamin C before the procedure, as it will make the 
novocaine less effective. That's why IV C during or immediately after 
the procedure is preferred.

I don't remember how long before the procedure you'd want to stop 
taking any oral C, but if I had to guess on the basis of my vague 
recollection, it would probably be at least 12 hours. Maybe somebody 
else knows this?

Lacking the IV option, hopefully liposomal encapsulated C will serve.

The other caution is this: If this is your last or only mercury 
containing filling, once it is removed be prepared for your body to 
begin to mobilize the mercury you've absorbed over the years in an 
attempt to get rid of it now that you're not under the daily assault of 
ongoing exposure.

Once the new exposure stops, your body will change gears and start 
trying to get rid of it. The problem is the eliminative pathways are so 
inefficient that blood levels of mercury will climb and you'll be at 
risk of toxic effects as bad or worse than if you left the filling in 

To combat this, you'll want to actively pursue therapies to help your 
body eliminate mercury faster, such as daily FIR sauna or other means 
of sweating copiously, oral chelation therapies, etc...


Mike D.

 What about regular vit C in large doses or powdered acerola? Jess
   -Original Message-
   From: Jon []
   Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 3:20 PM
   To: silver list
   Cc: Pat
   Subject: CSMercury Filling
   Hi Pat,
   Some doctors will give vitamin C by IV after mercury-filling removal
 chelate the mercury that is freed by the dental procedure. You could
 make your own liposomal Vitamin C for this purpose, instead of IV.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour


RE: CSMercury Filling vit C

2010-11-04 Thread Renee
Ah, thanks PT.  Years ago I talked to a lady (the only certified Bowen
practitioner around here then) about my Mom's rotator cuff problem.  She
said that she use to be a sports massage therapist, but gave it up in favor
of Bowen.  Also, that Bowen took care of all her clients with the rotator
cuff problem, so that they didn't need surgery.  But Mom didn't trust anyone
but her doctors, so she had the surgery.  She'd had many surgeries in the
past, but said that the cuff one was the worse she'd ever experienced!

So I guess I was just assuming Bowen was another form of massage. 

---Original Message---
Hi Renee,
Bowen is not massage.  It is an adjustment of the autonomic nervous system
by subtle movements across muscles at specific points.  

--- On Thu, 11/4/10, Renee wrote:

From: Renee
Subject: RE: CSMercury Filling  vit C
Date: Thursday, November 4, 2010, 5:43 PM

Hey PT.  I've heard of Bowen.  How does a massage get rid of mercury?
---Original Message---
One good way to get rid of mercury is by Bowen treatments if you can find a
practitioner near you.  Just get a basic Bowen treatment and you will
eliminate mercury.  I've seen it tested and it works.

--- On Wed, 11/3/10, M. G. Devour wrote:

From: M. G. Devour
Subject: RE: CSMercury Filling  vit C
Date: Wednesday, November 3, 2010, 5:40 PM

A couple of cautions: 

Don't take oral vitamin C before the procedure, as it will make the 
novocaine less effective. That's why IV C during or immediately after 
the procedure is preferred.

I don't remember how long before the procedure you'd want to stop 
taking any oral C, but if I had to guess on the basis of my vague 
recollection, it would probably be at least 12 hours. Maybe somebody 
else knows this?

Lacking the IV option, hopefully liposomal encapsulated C will serve.

The other caution is this: If this is your last or only mercury 
containing filling, once it is removed be prepared for your body to 
begin to mobilize the mercury you've absorbed over the years in an 
attempt to get rid of it now that you're not under the daily assault of 
ongoing exposure.

Once the new exposure stops, your body will change gears and start 
trying to get rid of it. The problem is the eliminative pathways are so 
inefficient that blood levels of mercury will climb and you'll be at 
risk of toxic effects as bad or worse than if you left the filling in 

To combat this, you'll want to actively pursue therapies to help your 
body eliminate mercury faster, such as daily FIR sauna or other means 
of sweating copiously, oral chelation therapies, etc...


Mike D.

 What about regular vit C in large doses or powdered acerola? Jess
   -Original Message-
   From: Jon []
   Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 3:20 PM
   To: silver list
   Cc: Pat
   Subject: CSMercury Filling
   Hi Pat,
   Some doctors will give vitamin C by IV after mercury-filling removal
 chelate the mercury that is freed by the dental procedure. You could
 make your own liposomal Vitamin C for this purpose, instead of IV.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour



RE: CSThe difference between Egoscue editions?

2010-10-22 Thread Renee
Yes, this is the correct link.  It's the book that has exactly what you need
  He then came out with Pain Free for Women, Pain Free at the Computer, etc,
which are all good for specific things.  But the general book on everything
that I've talked about is the original, nothing but Pain Free, A
Revolutionary Method for Stopping Chronic Pain.  Better known as Pain Free. 

---Original Message---
I think this is the most popular one.  This is the one I have.

Re: CSThe difference between Egoscue editions?

2010-10-22 Thread Renee
Just now reading this message--all the Pain Free editions are the same.  One
is a small size paperback, one is an over size paperback, and then the hard
cover.  But everything inside is the same in all editions, afaik.  I have
both the large and small paperbacks.  So, get the cheapest of whichever size
you prefer.  Year doesn't matter.

---Original Message---
Choices are:
Which title is the one that has been discussed on this list?

Re: CSThe difference between Egoscue editions?

2010-10-22 Thread Renee
Now, I do feel it necessary to give this one warning.  I've never heard
anyone else ever say this--but since I 'know' the lady and know she is
telling the truth, I want to make sure people know this.  I only recently
found this out, so have to remember to start telling people.

She was very crippled.  Just about having to crawl on the floor as she
couldn't stand.  She got the Egoscue book and tried it without anyone there
to 'spot' her.  She got down and was in so much pain she had to get up--and
couldn't!  She was in one of the positions and just froze, and had to lay
there in terrible pain for 20 minutes.  Knowing no one was coming to her
rescue she forced herself to turn over and crawl on hands and knees to a
chair that she could hold to get up.  

So her advice was to never do these unless you have someone there to help
you 'just in case'.  Personally I think for 99.9% of the people doing these
stretches alone would be fine.  BUT--now you are aware of this problem and
it's probably just a good idea to not try them until you have someone around
 just to be safe.  


Re: CSSpeaking of gels

2010-10-16 Thread Renee
It doesn't touch the gums.  This works from passing through the cheeks.  The
device is used only on the outside of the skin.  So--that's why I don't know
if I actually need something that will conduct electricity, or if just
keeping the skin moist will conduct it.  

When I use my Godzilla, all you need to do is keep the electrodes wet.  This
wets the skin and allows passage of the electricity--but then I am also
using 2 separate electrodes, passing electricity back and forth between them

This is an ultrasonic device, simply put against the skin--no 'separate'
electrodes.  So I don't know if it still ONLY needs something to keep the
skin moist, or if there is actually something in a conductive gel that 
intensifies' the current.  Hence my question about the gel.  I'm thinking it
may be like what I've heard people that use TENS units use--a conductive gel

Perhaps I'll go ask on the electric list--someone there may know as there
may be more people there using such devices as I'm talking about.

---Original Message---
What is the purpose of the gel?
I persume it is to provide a medium to conduct the ultrasonic waves into the
gums, much like the gel they use for baby ultrasounds.  I doubt there is any
reason to have it actually conduct electricity. 
My recomendation would be to try your own gel.

Re: CSSpeaking of gels

2010-10-16 Thread Renee
Ah!  I never thought of that.  Thanks Dan.  

---Original Message---
They use a gel to bridge the gap from the ultrasonic device to the skin.  To
conduct the ultrasonic vibrations.
There is no electrical conduction...

CSSpeaking of gels

2010-10-15 Thread Renee
My question is about the electrode conducting gels.  I bought an ultrasonic
handdeld device for working on my teeth (via outside the cheek) and haven't
used it yet because it says to use a conducting gel with it.

So I'm wondering if there's anything special about a conducting gel?  I have
Ode's gel making kit that I have not used yet.  Will any gel work or do I
need to buy gel made specifically for conduction?  Will plain water do, or
does it need the gel to keep the skin 'wet' because with water only it could
dry out during a 10 to 20 minute use?


Re: CSSpeaking of gels

2010-10-15 Thread Renee
I don't know if there's anything special about electrode conducting gel. 
That's why I asked. The device said use an electrode conducting gel.  I was
thinking perhaps it had something 'special' in it--salt or something, to
make it more conducive to electricity.  If it's just a plain gel to keep the
skin moist while using the electrode device for 20 minutes, then I could
make my own with Ode's gel kit, that I have here at home.   So I was
wondering if there was some reason to buy a special conductive gel, or can I
stick with what I can make here.


---Original Message---
What is a electrode conducting gel please ?


2010-10-09 Thread Renee
Hey Bob.  I see you've been taking the DMSO orally again.  Is there any
problem with the smell factor now?  

---Original Message---
Something else- try dissolving the B12 (and other B's) in a little DMSO, then 
add that to grape juice, then take that on an empty stomach. Works MUCH better 
than transdermal. Same works for Vitamin C too. I've done it by mixing 
L-Ascorbic Acid with sodium bicarbonate to make sodium ascorbate and mixing it 
with potassium bicarbonate to make potassium ascorbate, then taking either of 
those with DMSO and grape juice. It all works. 

RE: CShelp re cholesterol

2010-10-04 Thread Renee
Be careful of taking the serrapeptase and don't try to push it.  Follow the
dosage no the bottle.  Taking too much too fast can 'chunk' off bits of
plaque which can travel and cause strokes.  Happened to 2 people on 2
different lists I'm on, trying to get rid of their plaque too fast.  

It's safe is used as directed.

---Original Message---
I'm taking serrapeptase...but at the dosage on the bottle (I've read that
others increase it substanstially). Marshall, can you give an approximate
dosage amount in which this would happen in about a month?


2010-10-01 Thread Renee
According to Peter Kulish, magnet expert at magnetized
water will stay magnetized for 12 hours, as it slowly reverts back to the
natural magnetic spin of the earth.  

I have no idea if the vortex changes this.  We (Peter and I) talked of this
12 hour period when discussing water run past a magnet on a faucet or my
Berkey filter.

---Original Message---
Oh, I remember what I wanted to ask the group. After structuring the water,
or wine, with the blender or vortex, how long does it stay magnetized? Can I
keep it for days, or weeks, or should it be used the same day?

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