Re: CSSoy Products, Some of the Greatest Foods in the World

2008-01-22 Thread Ronald ( Susan) Hart
One of the best collections of information I've seen on Soy.

Dee wrote:

Actually, he advocates eating a proper diet all the time and only recommends
supplements in certain circumstances i.e. If your diet is *not* good or you
are ill or something.  He always advises against eating *any* processed food
at all.  In actual fact, he says, repeatedly, what you have just said at the
end of your post!  

He has got himself into a lot of trouble with the authorities and even had
his site attacked because he is so outspoken about the food and drug
industry.  At the moment he is running a video which shows footage of a top
Merck scientist responsible for vaccines, who is admitting they put stealth
viruses into vaccines which have caused leukaemia.  I personally think him
admirable in many ways.  Dee 


---Original Message--- 


I don't much like Mercola... 

If you followed what he said, you would be eating tons of 

Processed food-like matter, vitamins and supplements. 

It would cost hundreds of dollars a day. 


Eat some real food. Eat less food... Get some exercise. 




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2007-04-19 Thread Ronald ( Susan) Hart

Vince was a biochemist
working alongside another biochemist, John Wasson, trying to improve
the bioavailablitiy of cetylmristoleate and putting it into a
convenient oral form. They were successful. The original liquid injectable
product, cetlymristoleate, was discovered by Dr. Harry Diehl about
30-35 years ago. So - both were involved. Actually, as I understand
it, in late 1998 under legal proceedings, Vince Gammel and a couple of
others were forced to give up any rights to the CMO trademark , etc.
Dr. Len Sands was reprotedly the first person to actually take the
by-mouth product called CMO(tm) Len Sands was the Director of the
San Diego Clinic ( in Mexico where Vince worked) and was a researcher
in his own right. wrote:

  I believe that Vince Gammil was the chemist that perfected it and had the patents.  He may have worked with Sands. I visited Vince in the 90'sand have corresponded with him since.  He is a genius biochemist working on cancer cures in Mexico mostly.
From: "Ronald ( Susan) Hart"
Date: 2007/04/18 Wed PM 09:08:51 EST
Subject: Re: [RE]CSCMO

We carry it at
Ron (Hart)

Brooks Bradley wrote:

  There are many sources for quality CMO. One of the more reliable ones 
(we have used many)...especially if needing enough for more than a 
single course (the standard 10 day protocol) Beyond-a-Century A 
quarter teaspoon of the loose powder is, essentially, equivalent one 
280 mg
I believe, TJ, on this list, handles CMO. If so, I believe you will 
find his product to be quite satisfactory. His original source was, I 
believe, from Vincent Gammillone of the pioneers in the 
development of commercial CMO in the U.S.
I hope you find these comments of use, however, do remember I am not
recommending that one actually purchase product...specificallyfrom 
these sourcesjust that we have determined them to be reliable, for 
our purposesin the past.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : CSCMO
Date : Mon, 16 Apr 2007 16:14:57 -0500 (CDT)
>From : Acmeair
To :

.-. Need help locating the gentleman that I bought CMO from, and I 

  believe he is located in the Tennessee area. Any help out there? 
Thanks a lot, jim

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Create and Share your own Video Clip Playlist in minutes at Lycos MIX 


"If you think health is expensive, 
wait until you try disease" Merlyn Anderberg 
Customer Service 1-866-712-2313
Local Atlanta, GA Phone: 770-998-0632 
Note: Outgoing e-mail scanned by 
Symantec's Norton AntiVirus.)

Impeachment is Patriotic!!



"If you think health is expensive, 
wait until you try disease" Merlyn Anderberg 
Customer Service 1-866-712-2313
Local Atlanta, GA Phone: 770-998-0632 
Note: Outgoing e-mail scanned by 
Symantec's Norton AntiVirus.)


2007-04-18 Thread Ronald ( Susan) Hart

We carry it at
Ron (Hart)

Brooks Bradley wrote:

There are many sources for quality CMO. One of the more reliable ones 
(we have used many)...especially if needing enough for more than a 
single course (the standard 10 day protocol) Beyond-a-Century A 
quarter teaspoon of the loose powder is, essentially, equivalent one 
280 mg

I believe, TJ, on this list, handles CMO. If so, I believe you will 
find his product to be quite satisfactory. His original source was, I 
believe, from Vincent Gammillone of the pioneers in the 
development of commercial CMO in the U.S.

I hope you find these comments of use, however, do remember I am not
recommending that one actually purchase product...specificallyfrom 
these sourcesjust that we have determined them to be reliable, for 
our purposesin the past.

Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : CSCMO
 Date : Mon, 16 Apr 2007 16:14:57 -0500 (CDT)
 From : Acmeair
 To :

.-. Need help locating the gentleman that I bought CMO from, and I 
believe he is located in the Tennessee area. Any help out there? 
Thanks a lot, jim

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Create and Share your own Video Clip Playlist in minutes at Lycos MIX 


If you think health is expensive, 
wait until you try disease Merlyn Anderberg 
Customer Service 1-866-712-2313
Local Atlanta, GA Phone: 770-998-0632 
Note: Outgoing e-mail scanned by 
Symantec's Norton AntiVirus.)

CSThe USA and the FDA

2007-04-08 Thread Ronald ( Susan) Hart

There is a real problem.  The FDA is trying a slick
maneuver to end-run the DSHEA guidelines passed by
Congress in 1994.  Those guidelines make natural
supplements food.  They are considered safe.  Before that
law was passed, millions of Americans had to object to
the FDA's attempt then to grab control of natural 
supplements just as if they were synthetic drugs.

We can't stand by and let this happen, folks.
This is a serious challenge to our rights by a government
agency controlled by Big Pharma.  Get your dander up.

Here's a message from Dr. Rima Laibow.  She has fought
hard for your rights.  Let's help her head this off.  Use
the link below to send a message to the FDA.  We only have
until April 30th to comment on this power grab.

...And, by the way, contribute something to Dr. Laibow's
foundation.  They have traveled the world to get support
to head off this kind of nonsense.
* * * * * * * * * ** * * 
There is a crisis in health freedom.  On April 30, 2007 
the FDA will close the public comment period on a Guidance
which will classify every alternative practice as medicine 
so that only licensed physicians can carry out the procedure 
AND vitamins, minerals, herbs, etc., will suddenly become 
untested drugs which will be forbidden.

Bad?  Real Bad!  But public outcry can stop this assault on
your health and your freedom.

Spread the word!  Tell everyone in your Circle of Influence,
professionals, alternative practitioners, nutrient and herb 
companies, everyone!  Let them know how important their 
participation is to make sure the FDA backs off from this 
repressive course.

Please share this link with them and urge them to take 

Yours in health and freedom,

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSSlivers of silver for what ails you?

2007-03-27 Thread Ronald ( Susan) Hart

Seen on today

Slivers of silver for what ails you?

• Silver long known to possess antibacterial and other beneficial properties
• Scientists harness metal's potential by shrinking it down to miniscule 

• Recent boom of consumer products that utilize small amounts of silver
• Some environmentalists worried that pervasive silver could disrupt 

By Greg Botelho, CNN
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Want to get rid of germs? Mold and grime? Smelly feet?

A growing number of scientists and businessmen say such a miracle 
substance exists, and in fact has for millions of years: Silver.

Innovative technologies and approaches have fueled an explosion of 
products taking advantage of silver's antibacterial properties. 
Consumers today can buy clothes, disinfectants, laundry machines and 
other items that utilize silver as an active agent.

People have found out you can use [silver] far more effectively when 
you shrink it down, says Andrew Maynard, science adviser to the Project 
on Emerging Nanotechnologies, a joint effort of the Woodrow Wilson 
International Center for Scholars and Pew Charitable Trusts. The range 
is quite incredible. It's as if a lightbulb has suddenly gone off. 
Though silver is generally harmless to humans, environmentalists worry 
that excessive use of silver may allow it to seep into the environment, 
kill small organisms and disrupt the ecosystem.

The projected uses are just too broad, says Jennifer Sass, a senior 
scientist at the National Resources Defense Council. It is being used 
around the world in anything that you would want to kill bacteria ... 
It's reckless [and] many of the uses are frivolous. While hardly the 
only antibacterial substance, Maynard says silver's ability to use 
multiple mechanisms to target germs otherwise resistant to antibiotics 
makes it especially effective -- and also may make it persist longer in 
the environment.

There isn't a huge amount that is unknown [about silver], says 
Maynard. Is there any risk to the environment? That's a little bit 
fuzzier. There are issues out there [for which] there aren't easy answers.

Miniscule slivers of silver

In recent years, scientists have discovered cost- and time-effective 
ways to divide silver into miniscule particles, some just a few 
nanometers across. This not only lowers the price to buy and reproduce 
silver, but enhances its surface area, thus compounding its effectiveness.

We're getting incredibly small, [which] gives us unprecedented 
control, Maynard says. You can make it go a lot further.

The number of nanotechnology consumer products is surging, according to 
the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, which expects its inventory to 
surpass 500 such products this spring. And silver leads the way, 
surpassing all other elements, including carbon.

It's not going to rival photography, jewelry and coinage in terms of 
overall demand, but the demand [for nanosilver] is growing, says 
Michael DiRienzo, executive director of The Silver Institute, an 
industry trade group. We've known for centuries that silver has these 
special properties, [but] only recently have they found how it works.

One of the most well known applications is X-Static, which Noble 
Biomaterials president Bill McNally says is used in 1,000 products -- 
from sportswear and socks to hospital linens and military uniforms.

Silver [is] antibacterial, it's used in every burn care center, and 
it's naturally anti-odor because it binds with anti-odor causative 
agents, said McNally, who co-founded Noble 11 years ago and calls the 
company the pioneers of silver. My mission was to create a product 
line that allowed you to take advantage of all those attributes.

Some try to utilize silver's properties in supplements and liquid forms, 
known as colloidal silver. Keith Moeller is the managing director of 
American Biotech Labs, which sells a supplement that uses a relatively 
sparse 10 parts of silver per million. He cites studies that claim the 
company's products can boost immune systems and fight malaria, 
salmonella, E. coli, bird flu and other ailments. Company president Bill 
Moeller testified to Congress in 2005 about the products' medical 

But the Food and Drug Administration has not found evidence that 
products containing colloidal silver are safe and effective. The agency 
targets companies that tout the medical efficacy of silver products.

With concerns, recognition of potential

Over-the-top advertising of silver irks Sass. If silver claims to kill 
microbes, she contends, it should be regulated like a pesticide -- with 
steps made to prevent its infusion into the environment.

But DiRienzo says, To single out silver is unfair, given that it is 
viewed as less dangerous than most other metals and is being used in 
microscopic quantities.
We're encouraging the federal government not to rush headfirst into 
regulations, he says, adding the silver industry has worked with the 

CSRE: Vit C- Lymes - Vit D - Calcium

2007-03-21 Thread Ronald Susan Hart
An excellent site for Vit. C is  
They have collected and debunked many, if not most, of the myths and bad 
science about Vitamin C.
The arterial plaque is generally caused by the body sending cholesterol to weak 
arteries and veins to shore them up - ion other words to strengthen them. A 
temporary measure by the body if one isn't getting enough Vit C from diet or 
supplements. If the weakness continues then the body keeps sending its own 
band-aid to patch it and will eventually plug the artery. 

As far as calcium deposits - I've read that is caused by not just TOO much 
calcium in the body but more likely not enough absorbable or useable calcium.  
The body will rob the calcium it needs from the bones and teeth (can you say 
osteoporosis?)  to keep the blood stream at the proper pH.  If the body doesn't 
have enough Vit. D and/or magnesium, for instance, then the body cannot absorb 
the calcium very well, if at all, and the body still thinks it needs more. So 
it removes more and more from bones and teeth.  With so much unusable calcium 
in the blood stream it will deposit in all sorts of places throughout the body.

As far as CS for Lymes' disease - we've read that it does, in fact, knock out 
the  spirochete bacteria which is what causes Lyme's. 

And a word to anyone taking antibiotics - always - always take plenty of 
probiotics to replenish the good bacteria in the gut that the antibiotics 
destroy.   You can feed the body's own good bacteria by taking INULIN - a 
soluble fiber ( NOW makes a good product)  Most bacteria in the body will feed 
off of carbohydrates but only the good bacteria in the bowell seems to like 
the inulin.  (Typically CS is well absorbed long before it reaches ares where 
the good bacteria grow.) 

Here is a site that explains much more about Inulin.

I believe that the info above is correct.- I don't have URLs for all the info...

If you think health is expensive, wait until you try disease -Merlyn Anderberg

From: Clayton Family
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 6:08 AM
Subject: Re: CSvitamin c- Lymes 

There have been people on this list who have said they cured lyme with 
some ounces of cs and are fine now.

with the amounts involved, most people buy a machine like the silver 
puppy and make it at home- it shuts off automatically, so it does not 
need babysitting. Then you just have to get good distilled water.

I am impressed that a dr is actually considering using it as a remedy!

On Mar 20, 2007, at 10:50 PM, zeb caffe wrote:

 I just read yet  another article stating that taking vitamin C 
 supplements can and do cause plaque build up in the necks of people 
 who injest it. I think it is called arterial plaque which can lead to 
 heart disease and stroke. I wonder if the type of vitamin C used makes 
 a difference? I take ester C.I think that the study was done on 
 ascorbic acid. I always thought that vitamin C was heart protective 
 actually strengthening the arteries. Me, I will continue to take it no 
 matter what. I personally am sick and tired of the negative studies 
 done on vitamins. Speaking of plaque desposits, does anyone know what 
 it means if you have calcium deposits scattered throughout the body? I 
 have them in lungs, renal pelvis,tonsils and lymph glands. The docs 
 say that it doesnt mean anything other than past trauma, scars, 
 illness  etc. They also say it is common on many xrays.
 Last question, I have a friend who has very bad lyme and is interested 
 in using silver to treat himself. There have been many discussions on 
 this but I was wondering if anyone could give me some good quality web 
 sites specifically about the usage of lyme and silver usage? There are 
 so many sites that sell silver. I dont think he is able to make his 
 own as he is very ill. He has been approached by a doctor about using 
 silver due to the fact that the antibiotics are not working any more. 
 The only advice i could give was to make sure that the doctor didnt 
 want to use silver protien as two other friends of mine have doctors 
 who use it in the IV form which worries me.

CSRe: EIS, etc.

2007-03-18 Thread Ronald ( Susan) Hart

All seriousness aside 
The dangers of using acronyms (letters to represent longer words/terms, 
Follow some of the other links too !!!

If anyone misses it and needs assistance --
try this link  and look up what DHMO means.



If you think health is expensive, 
wait until you try disease Merlyn Anderberg 
Customer Service 1-866-712-2313
Local Atlanta, GA Phone: 770-998-0632 
Note: Outgoing e-mail scanned by 
Symantec's Norton AntiVirus.)

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Frank Keys

2007-02-06 Thread Ronald ( Susan)

Who is Frank Keys?

Sam L. wrote:

Hi Ode.
Im not bashing ABL, I believe what they are doing is a good thing, 
just trying to understand their process. Their patents just don't add 
up. If I was in their position I would want patents on what I was 
doing. They wont hold up in court dollar for dollar but they have more 
dollars than me. The bubbler their using might be a CO2 bubbler, tried 
that also and it worked. Killed two birds with one stone. I know the 
history behind them and how they have come to this point. My main beef 
with them is they claim of their product being 97% metallic silver 
when Frank Keys states it 96% ionic. I don't know if they have changed 
their process or not. I can make a gallon of CS without the CO2 
blanket in less than one hour, it might very well be a good 
disinfectant but I wouldn't want to drink it.

Sam L.

On 2/6/07, Ode Coyote wrote:

  It also appears they are using an air bubbler for stirring vs the
previous patented paddle.
  Well now, how many people have been doing that for a decade?
[And how
many decided it wasn't the best of ideas?]

  It's pretty obvious that ABL has patents because they have
lawyers on
payroll who can't spend ALL their time twisting phrases.
  It's highly unlikely that any of those patents will ever see a
court room
as every other paragraph is just not true and the ones that are true,
aren't unique.

  Patents aren't proof of anything.

  ABL?Bullshitters..that make good, essentially the same as
home made, EIS.

  [or has that changed? ]

Check this out:
If you run an EIS generator in dilute H2O2, you DO get metallic
and virtually no ionic content. [3 uS max]
  The problem is, the particles join together to make great big shiny
mirror like crystal snow flakes suitable for a metal flake paint job.
  Very pretty:
  Then months later, the peroxide turns them into a silver oxide
of some
sort, the water goes deep yellow/brown, black balls of oxides form
on the
bottom and conductivity still doesn't go past 13.

  That process could possibly be tweeked to do something
what and why?  Gee, I dunno.
  I only did it once and that was enough.


At 08:33 PM 2/5/2007 -0200, you wrote:

Hi Ode.
I also found this in their patent.

 6. The composition according to claim 1 further comprising hydrogen

Hydrogen peroxide, a know disinfecting agent, has been found to
have a
synergistic interaction with the inventive silver composition.
peroxide is available in concentration of 30% wght/v (% weight
per volume
or weight percent) or higher. Although the higher concentrations are
usable, the preferred concentrations are in the range of 1 to 5%

A preferred embodiment of the present invention is directed to
compositions comprising 5 to 40 ppm silver, said silver being
elemental silver, 1 to 3 wght % hydrogen peroxide, and water. A
embodiment of the present invention is the use, and method of
use, of
compositions comprising 10 to 40 ppm silver and 1 to 3 wght %
peroxide in water as antimicrobial agents. 

Hm, i wonder where they came up with that idea. Although I
have in the
past added hydrogen peroxide to my CS I dont do it anymore. To many
different reactions that I dont understand. If the CS is clear
thats good
enough for me.
I was impressed with using HVAC to produce CS using a CO2 blanket
but it
took as long or longer to produce than LVDC CS. It would take about 2
hours per pint using 2 electrodes and I would have to watch it
like a hawk.
  Makes me wonder if they arent using some sort of blanket and
adding the
 hydrogen peroxide later. Might have to try that process out to
see what

Sam L.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Frank Keys

2007-02-06 Thread Ronald ( Susan)
Thanks- I found several of of Frank's sites.
The sites are biased towards the meso silver as they should be I'm sure. 
Although I can't understand why some of the tests would show bias.
It is interesting in the list at
That ASAP 22ppm has the largest particle surface size and I also notice 
a stark difference in two ABL products which are identical in 
composition but have different lablels for marketing purposes.
The ASAP 10 ppm and the Silver Biotics (10ppm) are identical products 
but seem to have tested with an extreme difference in results.  I wonder 
why or what happened during the testing.

I was out on ABL's website looking for their remarks and it seems the 
two sites directly speak against each other - (without naming each other 
of course).

Just a lot to take in  We all keep learning and I'm grateful for all 

Thanks again

Sam L. wrote:

Frank Keys has two websites and is also a member here.
He also sells a CS thats mostly silver particles, brown in color. His 
website has allot of info but he does seem to be bias to selling his 
own product. He also test different CS products for free I believe. 
See link

Sam L.

On 2/6/07, Ronald ( Susan) wrote:

Who is Frank Keys?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRE: Americans Lack Adequate Vitamin D.

2006-12-21 Thread Ronald ( Susan)

I'm not sure that is still
considered factual (that one can easily overdose by the sun) based on
other writings,
"... Physician ignorance about vitamin D toxicity is
widespread. A case
report of four patients appeared in the 1997 Annals of Internal
Medicine, accompanied by and editorial warning about vitamin D
toxicity.  Adams JS, Lee G.Gains
in bone mineral density with resolution of vitamin D intoxication.Ann
Intern Med. 1997 Aug 1;127(3):203-6  Marriott BM.Vitamin
D supplementation: a word of caution.Ann Intern Med. 1997 Aug
However, careful examination of the patients reveals that both papers
are a testimony to the fact that incompetence about vitamin D toxicity
can reach the highest levels of academia"
and ...
"In fact, living in America today while worrying about vitamin D
toxicity is like dying of thirst in the desert while worrying about

Marshall Dudley wrote:
one can also get vitamin D poisoning from too much sun:
Symptoms of vitamin D toxicity can easily occur when vitamin D is taken
in large amounts or with excessive sun exposure. (It is possible that
part of sun poisoning symptoms are due to vitamin D toxicity.)
As with everything, moderation is in order.
Paula Perry wrote:

That is true, but there is the sun for vitamin D.


- Original Message - From: "Marshall Dudley"


Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2006 10:43 AM

Subject: Re: CSDr. James Howenstine -- 70 % Of Americans Lack

Vitamin D.

Paula Perry wrote:

  The article is about how most Americans
don't get enough vitamin D,

and how it relates to cancer, skin cancer, and other diseases. He also

talks some about the effects of the oils we have been talking about.

There is a lot in this article. He has a lot of different articles

that are worth reading as well.

Having the proper amount of vitamin D is important. But I do want to
remind everyone that both vitamin A and D are fat soluble vitamins, and
are not eliminated from the body if an excess is taken like most other
vitamins. They can cause severe toxic reactions if taken in excess of
what the body can handle.
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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
List maintainer: Mike Devour
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"If you think health is expensive, 
wait until you try disease" Merlyn Anderberg 
Customer Service 1-866-712-2313
Local Atlanta, GA Phone: 770-998-0632 
Note: Outgoing e-mail scanned by 
Symantec's Norton AntiVirus.)

CSRE: List traffic report

2006-12-10 Thread Ronald ( Susan)

This is the only post I've received since late Thursday night...Dec 7
(not including two others from you Mike.) 
I've checked our filters and also re-subscribed yesterday.


 Original Message 
Subject:CSList traffic report...
Resent-Date:Sun, 10 Dec 2006 13:52:18 -0800
Date:   Sun, 10 Dec 2006 16:52:21 -5
From:   M. G. Devour

Okay, for those who are saying you haven't received anything from the 
list, here's my report on list traffic for you to compare with:

Dec 10 ... at least 6 so far, including this
Dec 9 ... 9 posts
Dec 8 ... 14 posts
Dec 7 ... 24 posts
.. and so on.


One way or another we'll work this stuff out. sigh
Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]
- - 

If you think health is expensive, 
wait until you try disease Merlyn Anderberg 
Customer Service 1-866-712-2313
Local Atlanta, GA Phone: 770-998-0632 
Note: Outgoing e-mail scanned by 
Symantec's Norton AntiVirus.)

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSOne more time...

2006-12-10 Thread Ronald ( Susan)

Okee dokee - first "noise"
I've been able to "hear" from the list sice Thursday night,,
Maybe all is okay once again,,,

Hannah wrote:

At 10:52 AM 11/12/2006, you wrote:
   Hi gang,

It the evidence I have is right, then the list is fixed. 

As I posted in a message from another address, the information I 
gathered from all of you who responded to my questions let Eskimo 
support zero in on the flaw in the server configuration that was 
stopping mail from going out to most people outside of the Eskimo 

Now, what I need y'all to do is prove us right. Let's start talking 
again and see if it works. If not, I need to hear about it. If that 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSRe: testing

2006-12-09 Thread Ronald ( Susan)

The list appears to be silent and that is unusual.
This is simply to test to see if my post makes it.
If it does Mike- would you send a reply to us personally just to verify?
As we are getting your personal emails but no list emails.


If you think health is expensive, 
wait until you try disease Merlyn Anderberg 
Customer Service 1-866-712-2313
Local Atlanta, GA Phone: 770-998-0632 
Note: Outgoing e-mail scanned by 
Symantec's Norton AntiVirus.)

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRe: Sandy: Newbie Since you asked

2006-12-07 Thread Ronald ( Susan)

Dear Sandy -
An important follow up to the my post below is that you should always do 
your homework - so-to-speak. 
Below I blatantly offered the product my wife and I settled on from when 
we did our homework ... but there are others
on the market that may serve your needs. Since we only market the one 
brand - of course I would suggest that brand. 

Just as on this list there can be differing opinions on what size or 
strength is the best  the same can be said for a commercially 
prepared product.
Some companies say parts per million is the best indicator - others say 
size of the particles (not always the same thing but are, of course, 
related). Some say both are the most important.  All of that should be 
considered.  However, particle size is only important if the product 
actually works, and the only way to know if a product actually works is 
to have reliable, independent test data that proves it.

When my wife and I were doing research we felt efficacy (effectiveness) 
results were more important than the similarities of the claims of the 
different products we looked at.  Any good company which has reliable, 
independent test data should be able to show it to you.

Please write to us off line should you have any questions that we might 
be able to address.  It isn't fair to other list members for me to go on 
and on about a commercially prepared product.


Ronald ( Susan) wrote:

Since you posted you strictly want to purchase... this is the one we 
trusted so much we started our own business internet website and have 
added other products since.
We have a fair amount of info posted and more can be obtained from here :  although their shopping cart is 
not functional.

PS: One purely sales-related note:  Once one is a customer with 
HartAmerica there are email only prices that we cannot advertise over 
the internet due to contractual reasons.

Sandy Files wrote:

Well, this is my 4th attempt to post a message.. I know the list was 
down - and I also made an error on the address...
I have used CS for quite so time, but have no desire to make my own.  
I would like some guidance on purchasing more...  I have ordered the 
CS from Utopia Silver - which was the 20 ppm.  Now I see they just 
carry the 50 ppm..  Another website advised 50 ppm is the strongest 
to put into your eyes, but for serious illnesses a Much higher ppm is 
  I use to spray in eyes occasionally, nose, throat, and also for my 
dogs (chihuahuas) and puppies.
Can you give advice of a good source and also a ppm?  When you make 
yours - are you able to tell the strength?  (ppm)?

Any questions? Get answers on any topic at Yahoo! Answers;_ylc=X3oDMTFvbGNhMGE3BF9TAzM5NjU0NTEwOARfcwMzOTY1NDUxMDMEc2VjA21haWxfdGFnbGluZQRzbGsDbWFpbF90YWcx. 
Try it now.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSto Sandy: Newbie Since you asked

2006-12-06 Thread Ronald ( Susan)

Since you posted you strictly
want to purchase... this is the one we trusted so much we started our
own business internet website and have added other products since.
We have a fair amount of info posted and more can be obtained from here
: although their shopping cart is
not functional.
PS: One purely sales-related note: Once one is a customer with
HartAmerica there are email only prices that we cannot advertise over
the internet due to contractual reasons.

Sandy Files wrote:

  Well, this is my 4th attempt to post a message.. I know the list
was down - and I also made an error on the address...
  I have used CS for quite so time, but have no desire to make my
own. I would like some guidance on purchasing more... I have ordered
the CS from Utopia Silver - which was the 20 ppm. Now I see they just
carry the 50 ppm.. Another website advised 50 ppm is the strongest to
put into your eyes, but for serious illnesses a Much higher ppm is
   I use to spray in eyes occasionally, nose, throat, and also
for my dogs (chihuahuas) and puppies.
  Can you give advice of a good source and also a ppm? When you
make yours - are you able to tell the strength? (ppm)?
  Thanks, Sandy
Any questions? Get answers on any topic at Yahoo!
Answers. Try it now.
"If you think health is expensive, 
wait until you try disease" Merlyn Anderberg 
Customer Service 1-866-712-2313
Local Atlanta, GA Phone: 770-998-0632 
Note: Outgoing e-mail scanned by 
Symantec's Norton AntiVirus.)

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSOutage should be over...

2006-12-01 Thread Ronald ( Susan)

It is working - [grin]


If you think health is expensive, 
wait until you try disease Merlyn Anderberg 

M. G. Devour wrote:

Okay, this is strange. Can anybody hear me? Can you respond?

If the list server's not responding, try direct to me.

It being so quiet, I wonder if there's still a problem for the  
server receiving mail.

Thank you.

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRE: CS patent

2006-11-23 Thread Ronald ( Susan)

Terry - Of course you are

Guess my statement would have been more correct if I had said "CS
product" or "CS commercial product." 

Another point which wasn't said was that I don't think any other
"commercial CS product" has obtained patents as well as EPA approvals
for some applications including water purification.

I just thought it was very interesting to see a company working through
all the US Government red tape in order to be allowed to show the world
what this list's members already know. First step would be to patent
the process - wouldn't you think?

Have a great day. We're celebrating Thanksgiving here in the Atlanta
Georgia metropolitan area.
No matter what country one is in - in my opinion, any day is a good day
to be thankful for one's family. 


Terry Chamberlin wrote:

  Ron said,
Read about the only US patent of CS that we're aware


This is not a patent of CS, it is a patent of a
specific process of making CS, using 10,000 VAC and 8

You cannot patent silver, God already has the patent
on silver.

You cannot patent a colloid, whether a silver colloid
or a colloid of any other metal or substance, because
these occur naturally.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSMedical, biocide research may open new markets for silver

2006-11-22 Thread Ronald ( Susan)

Medical, biocide research may open new markets for silver:

Mineweb Wed, 22 Nov 2006 1:47 AM PST
RENO, NV ( --New research into silver’s medical and antibacterial 
properties may mean good news for silver miners, who are hoping for yet another 
consumer application for their product. 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSpups Blood-Brain barrier

2006-11-22 Thread Ronald ( Susan)
From what you read- is there a particle size limitation to the blood 
brain barrier that blocks the CS?


Marshall Dudley wrote:


Doesn't CS kill rabies?  I've used it in animal rescue for years and 
have seen it kill distemper and more/  I use it straight no water 
added in their water dishes when I know they've come from the pound, 
are looking ill or are illI use it in my water and my dogs water 
dishes too.. as an additive. 

Yes it does. But it also usually does not pass through the blood brain 
barrier from what I can read, and if that is the case, once rabies 
gets to the brain, the CS will not get to it.



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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSLED therapy CANCER

2006-11-22 Thread Ronald ( Susan)

Another respected site for natural  approach to handling CANCER
His archives are full of valuable information.


Peter M. Stellas wrote:

I am not V, but have spent considerable time on another site which follows
the Johanna Budwig Protocol. Dr. Budwig was a 7 times Nobel Prize nominee
and cured hundreds of patients with a 95% success rate. There are
testimonies in books, written by established clinics and doctors who agreed
that her formula did, in fact, cure the patients. If you are interested go
to: and you can follow that
thread as far as you want to.


-Original Message-
From: G  K Murray [] 
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2006 2:52 PM

Subject: Re: CSLED therapy

Hi V,

I hear you are the person to talk with about LED lights.  My cousin has 
an LED belt which che used for a couple of years over her abdomen-liver 
area.  She found out in June that she has pancreatic cancer. 


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSUnidentified subject!

2006-11-22 Thread Ronald ( Susan) However,  their 
shopping cart is not operational.

This site has it though
[ ]

Ode Coyote wrote:

At 12:13 AM 11/21/2006 -0800, you wrote:

Hi nathan,

  I would include this one due to the important piece of information
  it has about silver.


 Hi everyone,

 can anyone suggest their top 5 cs sites
 i want to introduce a friend of mine to cs
 as he is leaving to go to india for six weeks in a week and a halfs 

 i want to point him to sites that are informative, that cover all the
 aspects of cs and cs use, that have correct information, and are 

 in the cs community.

 i realise that there are a million sites out there but i want him 
to get a
 clear picture without being confused by all the finer details that 

 cs use,
 any suggestions would be appreciated

 thanks alot

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: blood/brain barrier, parietal lobe tumor was Re: CSRe: Re: CSpups

2006-11-22 Thread Ronald ( Susan)

I agree with MA - 
The CS is so small it has tremendous impact on one-celled "type"
organisms [bacterium and virii] as the CS can slip into cells and "be"
toxic to virii or bacteria that has invaded the cell. But I'm not
aware of any impact good or bad on multi-celled organisms large masses,
[tumours]etc. that are growing due to some other defect of, or in, the
I don't know that all tumors are encapsulated based on what I've
learned through experiences with our dogs and the treatment of their
cancers. Encapsulation is preferred or even ideal though as this means
the body is attempting to prevent it's spread.
Someone more knowledgeable may have to respond to that point.
Ron wrote:

From: sol

So EIS might actually be  helpful for a parietal lobe brain tumor in a 
human? A very good friend of mine has just been diagnosed, don't know 
yet if the tumor is malignant or not.

## Hi Sol.  See -- this is what's confusing to me.  I don't see how Colloidal Silver can affect a tumor.  First of all, most tumors are encapsulated -- so how would the CS even reach what it needs to?  Second, silver is effective against viral, bacterial and protozoal cells.  Are tumors any of these?  Are the cells of a tumor actually comprised of these?  I don't think they are -- I think the cells are abnormally growing *normal* cells.  It's the abnormal growth that makes a tumor a tumor.  So what's there to be killed?  I dunno.  There are smarter people than me here on the list -- maybe someone else will know better.  I hope your friends tumor is not malignant.  MA


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSRe: blood/brain barrier, parietal lobe tumor was Re: CSRe: Re: CSpups

2006-11-22 Thread Ronald ( Susan)
I've never heard of CS causing a injured or misbehaving cell to revert 
back to a stem cell.

Can you direct me to sites, articles, studies, etc. that  support that?

Marshall Dudley wrote: wrote: 

silver causes cells that are injured or misbehaving to revert back to 
stem cells, and then redifferentiate back to the proper cell types.  
This I believe is what when CS gets rid of cancer often the tumor does 
not die, it simply changes back to what it suppose to be (just like 
warts do).

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSUnidentified subject!

2006-11-22 Thread Ronald ( Susan)

Read about the only US patent of CS that we're aware of.


Ode Coyote wrote:

At 12:13 AM 11/21/2006 -0800, you wrote:

Hi nathan,

  I would include this one due to the important piece of information
  it has about silver.


 Hi everyone,

 can anyone suggest their top 5 cs sites
 i want to introduce a friend of mine to cs
 as he is leaving to go to india for six weeks in a week and a 
halfs time

 i want to point him to sites that are informative, that cover all the
 aspects of cs and cs use, that have correct information, and are 

 in the cs community.

 i realise that there are a million sites out there but i want him 
to get a
 clear picture without being confused by all the finer details that 

 cs use,
 any suggestions would be appreciated

 thanks alot

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour


If you think health is expensive, 
wait until you try disease Merlyn Anderberg 
Customer Service 1-866-712-2313
Local Atlanta, GA Phone: 770-998-0632 
Note: Outgoing e-mail scanned by 
Symantec's Norton AntiVirus.)

Re: CS Sinus Infections or sinusitis

2006-11-13 Thread Ronald ( Susan)
I've always heard that sinus infections are the hardest to treat as the 
primary benefit is obtained from prolonged contact with CS.
In fact, it is almost easier to treat nasty skin infections, or internal 
stomach virsuses, etc.  as the CS can be  kept in contact longer even in 
those places.

The ability to keep the CS in contact with the affected areas is not 
easy (at best) if not very hard.

Some have resorted to some physical contortions to spray the CS into the 
nostrils and then turn upside down (like on a bed) and force the CS to 
stay in the nasal passages.   Also misting with silver in the water cvan 

I'm on my second week of a common virus (cold or possibly the flu) and 
wouldn't be without silver --  but treatment results can be very slow on 
common viruses or sinus infefctions (at least for some people).  
Reminder: if the sinusitis is caused by mold or possibly allergic 
reactions then the silver is not likely to have much effect.

Good luck to you. 

Karen Coonen wrote:

   I am   looking for information on using colloidal
silver specifically for treating sinus infections.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Sinus Infections or sinusitis

2006-11-13 Thread Ronald ( Susan)

Sorry- it didn't read well after I hit send


Should have read:The ability to keep the CS in contact with the 
affected areas [for a sinusitis or sinus infection] is not easy (at 
best) if not very hard.

Good luck to you. Ron

--- Note: Outgoing e-mail 
scanned by Symantec's Norton AntiVirus.)

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List maintainer: Mike Devour


2006-11-12 Thread Ronald ( Susan)
If one is going to buy pre-made CS then I would reccomend the product we 
fonud so good over time that we becam e distributors of it.

Colorless- no taste and the only silver product patented in the last 
about 80 years.
Several strengths and nano-particle sized. Even on contract with the US 
Fedral government.

We get it directly from the company at:

Peter M. Stellas wrote:

I just received a bottle of CS from Meso silver (Colloids for life 
LLC), which is supposed to be 20 PPM, and 80% particles versus 20% ions.

It has a light yellow-green hue, resembling the water that you get 
after boiling mustard greens. When tested with a Hanna PWT meter and a 
laser pen, it gave the following results:

1. PPM = 8.1
2. Tyndal effect = Very strong
The CS that I have been producing measures up to 15 PPM, is clear, and 
has virtually no Tyndall effect.

I have read that a good batch is supposed to be clear, but Meso’s is 
colored, but without visible particles.

Meso was rated as the top quality CS in a table which gave detailed 
comparison of the products of several vendors who sent it their 
samples for evaluation.

Can anyone help me understand what is going on? How can I be measuring 
15 PPM for my product and 8.1 PPM for Meso’s. How can I have clear 
water at 15 PPM and Meso a colored water at 8.1 PPM? I must be missing 
something here.


P.S. In previous correspondence I mentioned using a PPM meter, when I 
really meant the Hannah PWT meter that I got from Silver-Gen.

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CSMMR Vaccine

2006-11-05 Thread Ronald ( Susan)

Good privately organized site about the hazards of vaccines

And the word is titer  . But I don't know if it can be done for MMR.


Deborah Gerard wrote:

Is anyone knowledgeable about the MMR vaccine that we got when we were 
kids?  How long does the antibodies to these shots last? Work is 
making allot of the drivers that have direct patient contact redo 
these shots which I do not want to doisn't there a 
teeter(spelling) that can be done to see if the anti-bodies are still 
in a person?

thanks in advance.debbie

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSColloidal Silver Antibacterial Liquid Sprayed on Hong Kong Subways

2006-11-03 Thread Ronald ( Susan)

If only the FDA would take notice...
Colloidal Silver Antibacterial Liquid Sprayed on Hong Kong Subways


If you think health is expensive, 
wait until you try disease Merlyn Anderberg 
Note: Outgoing e-mail scanned by 
Symantec's Norton AntiVirus.)

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CSsad morning and a question

2006-11-03 Thread Ronald ( Susan)

Sometimes the CS - when put into another medium - only helps the medium.
In other words - the CS in the milk may have only purified the milk and 
the little kitten didn't get the full benefit  (or maybe none at all)

If the situation were to arise again - straight CS into the mouth say by 
a dropper, would have had a better chance of helping.

Sorry about your loss of the fur-babies. wrote:

Respiratory infection, as in coughing badly?

No -- no coughing.  Just a kind of snuffling noise that sounded like a stuffy nose.  My husband picked up antibiotics for me from the vet yesterday, but they sent big tablets.  I needed liquid.  So I used the CS instead and intended to go into town and exchange the tablets this morning.  


They probably had roundworms. 

Would that kill a kitten that appeared to be healthy at 6 PM last night?  Only one of them appeared to be unwell.  Thanks for your thoughts Heidrun.  MA   


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Re: CScs for heartworm

2006-10-28 Thread Ronald ( Susan)
As prevention, for our two beagles, we are using the Parasite Doctor)tm) 

Also a search for K-9 Immunity(tm)

Deborah Gerard wrote:

Can I get someone to respond  a.s.a.p. to this question...can you use 
cs successfully for heartworm in a dog? If yes how much how often? 
thanks so much...debbie

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