CSRe: Wash Post article

2005-11-09 Thread cmccauley

Oh Okay.  it was a bcc.  gotcha.  thought I was losing it or something.

CS/EIS Rules!

Christine Mc.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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CStoxic silver site

2005-10-28 Thread cmccauley

Hi.  Sorry for the flub.  I meant guy., not Dr.   I must have had Dr. on
the brain from other stuff I was reading.

I still don't like what he wrote though.  Be he Mr. or Dr.   Makes me
wonder how much of the other info on his site is accurate.

Beginners to EIS/CS could be totally turned off from reading this goop.
And that's a dern shame.

IMHO of course.

Christine Mc.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSSilver - toxic heavy metal?

2005-10-27 Thread cmccauley

Did you all see this link?


This Dr. says Silver (metallic, colloidal, salts) is a toxic heavy metal
that causes Cancer.   I don't believe it.   He pushes high dose Vitamin C
therapy though.

H.  Any comments?


Christine Mc.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSIs the ascorbic acid alkalinizing?

2005-10-25 Thread cmccauley

Hi.  I was wondering if ascorbic acid powder works like lemon juice does
for alkalinizing your system?   I have some aa powder (1000 mg. per 1/4
tsp.) and when I add it to my drinking water it has the same tartness as
when I add the fresh lemon juice to the water.  Will it do the same thing
as the lemon juice?  Will the bicarb of soda diminish this?

Also, how long before/after drinking the aa powder can I drink my CS/EIS
cut with the Gatorade so there is no interference?

Christine Mc.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: foot pads

2005-09-20 Thread cmccauley

Hi.  I think I read a very recent post on this list about using foot pads
to draw out impurities from your system and what the different impurity
colors meant.  If I read it here, I deleted the email that contained it!
Plus, there are no Archives I can check   B.

Please email the info to me if you have it.  It would be totally

Thanks a big bunch.  Oh yeah, to keep it silver related,


Christine Mc.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSEFT info, Godzilla, CS/EIS

2005-08-19 Thread cmccauley

Hi.   I would also like the EFT info please.  Is there a place online, like
with a Yahoo group, where you can get a subfolder you can put things in,
where maybe you could put the info and we could download it when we need
it?  Just wondering if Silverlist has some place like that.  If not, I have
some server space I'll donate to put it on.

Also, I made the Godzilla zapper quite a while ago, when they were first
tweaking the design, and I've used it for many things.  I found it worked
really well on my strep throat and on things like an infected tooth, etc...
I would totally saturate the electrode coverings with CS/EIS and then put
one electrode on my tongue (or swollen gumline or tooth) and the other I'd
press on one of the swollen glands on my neck.  Then I'd turn up the dial
until I could feel a slight tingle or bite.  Then I'd turn it down a bit.
I'd leave it like this for 5 or so minutes then I'd flip the switch to
change the polarity.  Then 5 minutes later, flip the polarity switch again.
After 1/2 hour of these treatments I'd stop.  I'd did this 3 or 4 times one
day (Saturday) and then again the next day.  By the second day, no more
pain or swollen glands.  A few more treatments for good measure and I was
done.   The pain and swollen glands did not return.  It seems, for me, the
Godzilla machine works really well for soft tissue infections, where the
electrons can penetrate easily.   Worked well on my crippled hen's swollen
knee joint too, caused by the staph aureas germ - like a bedsore or
pressure sore.  Taped one electrode on either side of her knee and did some
treatments.  Within two days, swelling was gone and she could walk again.
Also used CS/EIS and DMSO mixture on the pressure sore's opening and that
healed up too.

Just wanted to share this.   It is very easy to construct  -  similar to a
CS maker using the 4  9-volt batteries, but with a toggle switch (to change
the polarity back and forth) and a potentiometer (to increase/decrease the
strength of the current) added.Heck, if I can make one (or two or
three), anybody can.  I don't know squat about making electrical things.
But I figured this one out.  It was easy and the stuff you need to make one
are at Radio Shack.  In a pinch you could probably use it to make CS/EIS,
as long as your electrodes are pure silver.

Add a nebulizer and a Gozilla to your med cabinet, and use them with
CS/EIS/DMSO, and you are set.

IMHO of course.

Christine Mc.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe nebulizer

2005-07-27 Thread cmccauley

Hi.  I got my nebulizer on Ebay around a year or two ago.  Came to $50 bux
- shipping included.  It was an OMRON Portable Nebulizer CompAir Elite.
Brand new.

Works great with CS/EIS and DMSO.  Even on animals.  Fairly quiet.  Doesn't
even scare my birds when I use it on them.

IMHO of course.

Christine Mc.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSbacteria cell membrane and respiration

2005-07-22 Thread cmccauley

I just happened upon this site from a post on the Holy Vibers list.  It is
by Bruce Lipton.  Anyone heard of him?  Here's a little piece of the text:

Where is cell’s brain?  The answer is to be found in bacteria,
the most primitive organisms on Earth.  The many processes and functions
of this unicellular life form are highly integrated, consequently, it
must have a brain equivalent.  Cytologically, these organisms do not
contain any organelles (diminutive of organs) such as nuclei,
Golgi bodies, etc.  The only organized structure in these primitive life
forms is its cell membrane, also known as its plasmalemma.  The cell
membrane, once thought to be like a permeable Saran Wrap that holds the
cytoplasm together, actually provides for the bacterium’s digestive,
respiratory, excretory and integumentary (skin) systems.  It also serves as
cell’s brain.

The part about the bacteria cell membrane being the respiratory system is
very interesting because I've read that  that is one way EIS/CS kills the
bacteria cell is by interfering with the cell's respiration and such.

If you want to read the whole thing, here it is:

Just thought I'd share.

Christine Mc.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: Essay on Reality

2005-07-21 Thread cmccauley

Ode, as usual, I super enjoy reading your posts.  Very deep and really

Christine Mc.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSusing silver as electrodes and the hep c viral count

2005-07-14 Thread cmccauley

Hi.   I have had much success using my old fashioned 'godzilla' machine I
made (one of the original designs from the microelectricitygermkiller
folks) using pure silver wire for the electrodes instead of stainless steel
cotter pins.   Since you can buy the silver wire in 3 foot lengths on Ebay,
there is extra for making the electrodes.  I have cured a few toothaches
and swollen glands by putting one electrode on one side of the tooth and
the other electrode on the other side.  For the swollen gland I put one
electrode on the gland and the other on my tongue or back of my neck.  I
used either EIS/CS straight as the wetting solution or EIS/CS mixed with
the DMSO as the wetting solution.

It takes a little longer for the remedy to work than using antibiotics, but
the results are great and very handy.  And much less expensive in the long
run.  And better for your body.

I also have used this on my birds for infected feet and hocks, etc.  I
posted about it here.  The only thing I noticed that had to be watched out
for was when using only EIS/CS on a deep wound is that the EIS/CS will tend
to heal the outside of the wound faster than the inner part, which can lead
to a 'hidden' infection.  I would definitely add the DMSO next time.  But
since I use the 'godzilla' machine as part of the treatment now, I haven't
had this problem again.

Another thing, in reference to the hep c post,  I believe a higher viral
count is a good thing.  I believe a viral count mean ALL virus both alive
and dead.  A rise in the count could very well be a rise in dead virus, or
parts of dead virus.   This was posted about a while back, maybe here,
maybe on the germkiller list, I forget.
I tested positive for hep c (called non-a, non-b back in the mid 1980s)
many times and have never had a symptom from it.  I also drink the EIS and
use the godzilla machine, there at one time ALOT, because it was mentioned
to help kill the virus.Maybe it did.   I think a retest is in order, ya

Just wanted to share on these two things.  IMHO of course.

Christine Mc.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: Need help on dogs/cats

2005-06-28 Thread cmccauley

Here are a few great sites regarding changing the animal's diet to help
them eat more species-appropriate.




In a nutshell, just like us, too much processed grains and sugar will cause
insulin problems, i.e., diabetes II, insulin resistance, etc...

Read the labels of your animal's food.  How much grain is in there?  Is it
listed first?  Most likely, yes.  This site below talks about the grain

http://www.urbancarnivore.com/uc_online/pages.cfm?ID=34.  This is a
commercial site, so disregard the product references.
But the info is right-on regarding grains in a carnivore's diet.

All of these sites will help you better understand the types of food our
carnivores/pets need to eat to help prevent these problems.   There are
lots more.
Search Google for BARF (bones and raw food) or SARF (species appropriate
raw food) diets.

As always, IMHO of course.

Christine Mc.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSusing a warmer plate and/or making a chimney

2005-06-22 Thread cmccauley

Hi Ode.  For making the chimney, what do you suggest?   I do have a small,
single coffee cup warmer plate which would heat only the center portion of
the bottom of the sun tea jar I'm using for making my CS.   This would
allow the sides of the jar to remain unheated by the plate itself.  Would
this do approx. the same thing as a chimney inserted in the water?  Or do
you think the glass would absorb the heat and spread it all over the jar?

Either way, what would be a good, and easy, way to make a chimney, in your

Also, I noticed the CS I made late last week is just now getting a slight
yellowish tint to it.  It's been almost a week since I made it.  No silver
residue on the bottom of the jar yet.   I use a drop or two of 35% peroxide
to clear it up per water bottle full before I drink it.   Still tastes
quite strong and metally.

I think I like the method I used the best so far, in my opinion.   It
seemed the easiest, without having a professionally made CS maker, to make
a large amount at once.  Would the chimney make it even better; have even
smaller particles?   That would be great.


Christine Mc.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSgreat results this weekend with CS

2005-06-20 Thread cmccauley

Hi.   I wanted to share some interesting results I had with colloidal
silver this past weekend.

Firstly, I noticed last midweek my neck beginning to hurt and my right
gland was swollen.  I was thinking, oh crap, strep throat.  So I got out
the CS maker and made a batch.  I usually don't take CS daily.  Only when I
feel somethings not right.  This time I knew CS was what I needed.  Also, I
brewed it a bit different than usual.  Instead of the 4 batteries, I used
two and used a 2 liter sun tea jar full of distilled water.  I also made
one electrode much longer than the other electrode.  The longer one I
hooked up to the positive part of the batteries.  The smaller electrode I
hooked up to the negative part.   I then sat it on a hot plate with a timer
so it would turn off and on occasionally to move the water around.  Then I
let it go all night, at least 10 hours.   What I got was a clear solution
with hardly any 'whiskers' on the negative hooked electrode.  But boy did
it taste strong.  Also, hardly any tyndall.

So I drank this all day long for two day.  I put it in my water bottle
straight and drank it all day.   By the weekend, no more pain, no more
swollen gland, nothing.  Infection all gone.  I kept drinking it all
weekend just to make sure it was gone.  Now it's Monday and I'm still
drinking it but I've cut it in half and only drank some this morning.

Now, one of my sweet rooster boys woke up Saturday morning looking very
sick.  His crow was soprano and his breathing was labored.  Also his face
was blue, like he was not getting enough oxygen when he breathed.   I got
out my nebulizer and put some of the CS I made into it and put a couple
drops of DMSO in it for penetration help.   I then nebbied him for 5
minutes every 1/2 hour.  I did this 6 or 8 times.He knew he was sick so
he let me do it with no fighting.   I kid you not, he looked so much
better after a couple of hours it was almost miraculous.   By the end of
the day, he was sounding like himself and chasing hens all over the place.
That morning he could hardly stand up.  And his face was blue.  Now it was
nice and red like usual.   I gave him a treament before bed last night and
he was fine this morning.  I gave him another treatment this morning  and
will for the next few days to make sure all is well.

I just wanted to share this to show that CS is awesome stuff on people and
animals.  I think intention is part of it too.  Believing/Knowing it will
work makes the healing energy even stronger.  Just because we can't see it
doesn't mean it isn't there.

CS Rules !


Christine Mc.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CS

2005-06-16 Thread cmccauley

Hi.   In the post about making the CS using the mini fan stirrer:

i noted when i made cs using  low speed stirring a cloudy solution
after 10 minute.

when i made cs using high speed stirring i could not observe the the
cloudiness or any tyndell effect at all even after 45 minutes!!!

I did not see anywhere in the text where the person used distilled water.
I would think it would make a difference in the outcome is you used regular
water or distilled water, right?   Stirring or not.  Regular water would
make a cloudy cs solution within the 10 minutes.   Distilled water brewing
would take much longer than 10 minutes for any change.   I've only made
cloudy CS using regular water.  Never with distilled unless I let it run
away overnight.   Then had mud.

i used a minifan with the fan removed and replaced by a q tip tube or a
pen ink tube (empty) with a diameter of about 2 mm with the motor spindle
inserted in it.

Also, even if the person used distilled water,  could there have been
contamination of the water by the fan stirring rod?

Just an observation.

Christine Mc.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: fleas and ticks OT

2005-06-15 Thread cmccauley

Hi.  Just wanted to pass this on, if you haven't seen it.   Might save a
kitty's life.


Christine Mc.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSIs this colloidal silver? Algaedyn

2005-06-09 Thread cmccauley

Found this on a Gold site.  It says it's for pool maintenance.



Any opinions?


Christine Mc.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: coconut oil

2005-06-08 Thread cmccauley

Hi again.  For some, I guess the virgin coconut oil is an acquired taste.
Me personally, the more coconutty, the better.  I think that using it for
cooking and using it for the health benefits may be two different things.
I really don't know how much of the 'good stuff' is lost when used for
cooking, but it sure don't lose the taste of coconut!  I just gulp a
heaping tablespoon of it straight to make up for any lost goodies.  Again,
acquired taste/mouthfeel.   I know they make a non-coconutty flavored oil
at TT.  I haven't tried it though.

I did try some other kind of non flavored coconut oil (Spectrum?) and I
didn't like it.  Tasted weird to me.

The oats at coconutoil-online.com are very very good.  I have some of those
too.  The big canisters are great.

Thanks for allowing my off topic post Mike.

Colloidal Silver Rules!

Christine Mc.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CScar wreck

2005-06-08 Thread cmccauley

Marshalee, you might want to find your receipts for your car work.  When
the ins. co. totalled my car out recently I was reimbursed for over half
the $$$ of the work I had put into the car over the last 6 months.  They
added it onto the amount they paid me off.  As long as it is more than
'maintenance' repairs, they should reimburse you.   Worth asking anyway.

Christine Mc.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CScoconut oil

2005-06-06 Thread cmccauley

I have to chime in here.  I use the Supreme Coconut Oil from
http://coconutoil-online.com - daily.  I buy it by the gallon (or two).  It
is the best tasting coconut oil I've used yet.  I've tried the Tropical
Traditions (they have a good sale on right now for gallons)  and it tastes
very good too but they do use some high heat to process it.  The Supreme
oil doesn't.  This info is just from reading the 'processing' info of both

Here's some info from the site:
http://coconutoil-online.com/index.html#Anchor-TYPE-12252about the
different types of c. oils.

Anyway, they are both fabulous oils.  Yummy right off the spoon.
Just-layed eggs fried in coconut oil is to die for, IMHO.  Oh yeah, their
dessicated coconut is also very good.   Add it to your fried chicken
coating/batter and then fry the chicken in the coconut oil.   Heavenly.

Christine Mc.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: Vitamin C

2005-05-06 Thread cmccauley

I was reading the posts on making your own Sodium Ascorbate and it says to
use baking soda.  I believe it was Mashall who said it was sodium hydroxide
that is mixed with the acid (vitamin C).

I make my own soap and I use sodium hydroxide (Lye) in that process - very
very carefully.  It is definitely not baking soda.

So,  my question is this - which is it?  I would think the end product
would be different depending on which one you use  and I don't want to
drink the wrong thing.

Christine Mc.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSUTIs and D-Mannose

2005-05-02 Thread cmccauley

Just in case this wasn't mentioned, I use D-Mannose to clear up my bladder
infections.  Works very very well.   Go to http://curezone.com and do a
search for it.

Sold at most health food stores, vitamin-type shoppes.

IMHO of course.

Christine Mc.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSNo more toothpaste

2005-03-17 Thread cmccauley

Hi again.  I've been a list member for a few years now and I just read the
great info most of the time.  But now it's posting time I guess.

I've been making my own soap since around 1998 (about the same time I
started making CS) and I've been using it as toothpaste since I started
making it.  I used to have very sore, bleeding gums, gingivitis, receding
gums, etc...  My gums and teeth are perfect now.  In fact, I've been to the
dentist once since then, for a cleaning and he basically didn't have to do
much of anything.  I had barely any tartar, nothing under my gumline and no
cavities.  I don't know if I was blessed with hard teeth or what but I've
never had a cavity large enough to be filled.  Anyway, this still holds
true and I think after APPROX. 47 years I would have at least one cavity
worth filling.  But I've stayed way from toothpaste for over 20 years.  I
used baking soda or soap to brush with.  And peroxide to rinse with.  Magic

Also, I must say that the godzilla machine, or whatever they call it now
(microelectricalgermkiller?), has been an emergency toothache treatment
numerous times when I've gotten an inflamed molar or such.  I can't
recommend that machine enough.  I think they still have a yahoo group for
it.  Maybe someone can comment on it and it's use combined with CS on the

IMHO of course.
Christine Mc.

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Re: CSHorses, cats, dogs, fish and birds

2005-03-16 Thread cmccauley

Hi.  I've used my CS with DMSO numerous times on my roosters/hennies when
they've had respiratory problems, using a nebulizer.  Works very well after
a few treatments.  Also, I used the CS on one of my henny's feet which was
infected with staph. aureas (bumblefoot).  After removing the hard inner
core and scab,  I soaked a pad in CS/DMSO and wrapped it around her foot,
put a baby sock over it and kept her inside.  This healed her foot quite
well on the outside but the internal part (the infection was deeper than I
thought) was very hard to get at.  Some antibiotics to clear up the inner
infection and continued CS compresses externally totally grew back the
entire bottom of her foot.  Now you can't even tell she had an infection.
Before the CS there was a hole the size of a quarter all the way to the
bone on her foot bottom.

Plus she looked really cute in the baby socks!

I did try putting some of the CS in my fighting fish's bowl and almost
killed him.  After replacing the water he made a complete recovery and
lived for 2 more years.

IMHO of course.
Christine Mc.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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CStetrasil, etc.

2005-01-21 Thread cmccauley

At 10:05 PM 18/01/05, you wrote:

I think I'll try iontophorisis soon by wrapping silver wires around the
wetted toe and applying a little current. [Direct 'on site' silver
generation and injection through the skin...and blood electrification by


Hi.  Regarding the info above, I have some questions and I'm looking for
more info.

Would this be like using silver electrodes in my GodZiller?  I've used
silver electrodes instead of the steel cotter pins in my Ziller ever since
I made it over a year ago. I kind of had that same idea as above but didn't
know what it was called.  I noticed that it works fabulously on a tooth
ache/gum infection I get occasionally on one of my back molars.  I put one
silver electrode (wrapped in the cotton covering and soaked in CS) on one
side of the tooth and the other electrode held on the other side of the
tooth, then Zill.  There is a huge difference after just one application.
Much less sore and swelling.  After a few applications of 15 minutes each,
over the course of a day, soreness was gone and so was swelling.

I didn't know if it was the Ziller's effect or the combination of the
Ziller and the Silver/CS.  Your thoughts would be appreciated.  I want to
use this combo in a multi-pair electrode set-up for use on/around my liver
area for my Hep. C.  Do you think it would be better than the Ziller

On a different item, I have to state that I've had great success with using
CS internally against my G. herpes infections.  When I start getting the
signs, the soreness in my thigh, buttcheek, etc.. areas, I start drinking
the CS I make using the 3- 9 volt batteries/distilled water.   The sores
never appear or are only there for a day and then disappear.  If I drink
the CS everyday, I never get the breakouts.  It's when I slack off, they
come back.

Is there a way to use the Ziller against the G. herpes?  Since it's a nerve
virus, would zilling the areas where the soreness starts be helpful?
Anyone try this before?

Christine Mc.

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CSWhat is Codex? In a nutshell.

2004-12-01 Thread cmccauley

In a nutshell, Codex is:



 To assure the continuation of the billion dollar pharmaceutical market, the 
 and international pharmaceutical corporations have formed a worldwide cartel. 
 gave this cartel the Latin name Codex Alimentarius. The purpose of this 
 cartel is to bring about international legislation that bans the distribution 
 lifesaving health information in relation to vitamins. 

 Reference: http://www.drrathresearch.org/about_drrath/chemnitz06.html  



Wow. What's next?

IMHO, of course.
Christine Mc.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSA good nebulizer for CS

2004-11-30 Thread cmccauley

Thought I would share this with you all.  I use the OMROM CompAir Elite
nebulizer with my CS and it works wonderfully.  I've used it on myself and
my birds and have only good things to say about it.  It is very small,
portable, relatively quiet and easy to use.  It has adapters for the car
and can be used with both AC and DC I think.

Here's a link to show you what it looks like:


I did not get mine here.  This site was from a random websearch.  I just
picked with site because it has a decent picture and good explanation of
the nebulizer's features.

I bought mine brand new on Ebay for $50.00, shipping included.

Just thought this might help whomever was thinking about delivering CS with
a nebulizer.

In my humble opinion, of course.

Christine Mc.

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CSspider bite zapping using the Godzilla?

2004-05-13 Thread cmccauley

Would the Godzilla machine work?  Mine is 36 volts with the lowest ma at
.25  and up to and over 1.0 ma.   Could you just take the electrodes and
put one on each side of the bite and turn it on for a few minutes?  Mine is
manual so it doesn't pulse or change polarity, unless I want it to by
switching the little toggle switch.

I think this was discussed months ago on the microelectricitygermkiller
list, or maybe here.  I don't remember.  But it seems that it would work
but maybe take a little longer treatment.  DC is what works, right?

Any info on this?

Christine Mc.

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CSRe: CS testimony

2004-05-10 Thread cmccauley

I think I've shared before about how my herpes sores (the other ones -
not on your mouth!) have totally disappeared since I started using CS daily
a couple years ago.  I used to have aweful, hideous, painful, multiple
breakouts monthly but I have not had one episode since taking home-made CS.
When I slack up and don't take the CS, I start to get that feeling (usually
a line of tingle/soreness up the back of one buttcheek).  But as soon as I
start the CS again, the sores never materialize and the tingle goes away.
The meds from the Dr. never worked.  The CS does.

Also, I use it on my pet chickens whenever they show signs of a cold or
problems like wheezing, sneezing etc...  I've used the nebulizer with a
CS/DMSO mixture and they are fine after a day or so.  I also have a spray
bottle with CS/DMSO mixture in it and spray it on any cuts and scrapes my
roosters occasionally inflict on each other.  They heal up fast with a dab
of that mixture.  Any cut, sore, scrape, prolaspe, or bite gets a squirt of

Lastly, I add the plain CS to my cat's water and my parrot's water, with no
ill effects.  In fact, everyone is very healthy at my house.

Just thought I'd share the great health and blessings we've had using CS.
All IMHO of course.

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CSMan-made mycoplasmas and the Hazards of CS/DMSO

2004-04-29 Thread cmccauley

Hi.  I rarely post, mostly lurk, but I had to add this since you all are
talking about the diseases, prions, etc...


I got this link from some list, may have been here, maybe the
microelectricalgermkiller list.  This article really made me think.  CS
does work on mycoplasmas, like MS, CFS, etc..., right?

Also, to keep this CS related, I have been using CS and a tiny bit of DMSO
in a nose spray bottle to keep the nasal region clean and clear.  Well, all
I can say is do your friends a favor and Don't Use This and then go out in
a close-personal situation.  The DMSO makes your breath stink s bad
well, you get the picture.  And You don't smell it on You.  But other
surely do.  My Mother finally did me the favor and told me just how bad my
breath smelled of rancid garlic.  DMSO.

Just thought I'd share that as it is a side-effect of using the CS/DMSO
mixture. Could be highly embarrassing.

Thanks and check out the link above.  Real eye-opener.


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CSwisdom teeth

2003-12-30 Thread cmccauley

I don't post much; I lurk mostly.  But I had to add this.  Most people
don't believe this but it's true.  I never grew any wisdom teeth.  Xrays
showed none at all.  Go Figure.  After reading the recent posts I consider
myself the luckiest person alive.  I also never had a cavity, even as a
kid.  Never had one filling in my life.  My problems were with my gums.
Sometimes they would bleed from gingitivis and brushing too hard.
Occasional antibiotics to fix it (I didn't know about CS then).  Other than
that, all was good.

I'm now in my mid-40s and haven't been to the dentist in a few years.  Ever
since I learned of CS and using it with peroxide, my gums have been perfect
and still no signs of cavities, etc... from what I can see/feel.  Since I
don't have dental ins.  I figure if all is well, so be it for now.   The CS
and peroxide keeps the calculus/tartar away nicely and my gums in tiptop

I've been super lucky so far.I really think the CS and peroxide has
kept it that way.  Hopefully for alot longer.


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CSRe: spider bites and such

2003-12-10 Thread cmccauley

I believe you can use the single 9 volt device (DC-Tens Light?) on the
microelectricitygermkiller site (yahoo groups) to relieve the pain,
swelling, etc.. of spider bites.  It's supposed to work really well and is
very easy to make.

Supposedly the tiny current does something to the proteins or whatever in
the venom making it unreactive.  Supposed to clear up the pain and
swelling, etc.  very fast.  If you go to the site and search their archives
for spider bites you can get the info.  Also their Files and Photo sections
have the info on making the device.  Supposed to work for Lyme too.

Add a couple of gulps of CS after using the device and you will be good as

IMHO of course.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: asthma update - nebulizers

2003-11-04 Thread cmccauley

Hi.  I got a nebulizer on Ebay for approx. $50.00 US (shipping was around

It was the OMRON Portable Nebulizer CompAir Elite NEW!!! - Item #178969

It is very small, fits in the palm of your hand, fairly quiet and I got it
in about 3 days after I paid for it using Paypal.  If you like Ebay, you
can find other nebulizer there too.  It's about the size of a portable
cassette player.

I use it on myself and I've used it on my Rooster when he had a chest cold.
Cleared him up and his crow sounded great after only a few sessions.
Before using it he sounded all gurgley and raspy.

It was quiet enough that it didn't bother him at all.  I used a combo of CS
and a drop or two of DMSO.  The unit holds around an ounce or two, which is
much more than enough.

As usual, IMHO.  I recommend it for people and animals.


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CSRe: Stomach-problems when using CS?

2003-10-28 Thread cmccauley

I've had problems with my stomach after not using CS for a while and then
starting using it again.  I usually get diahhrea too.  Since I've had
systemic yeast problems, I figured I was killing yeast and having a die
off.  After a few days, I'm fine.  The first time I used CS I was sick for
a week too.  But I felt great after that.  And my herpes was gone too.  So
was my gingitivis and my bad skin.

This is just me of course.  I'm not familiar with the items in your post
(simple generator that mainly consists out of 2 silver
electrodes (at least I hope it really is 99,9% silver) connected to a
24Volt net adaptor with at one side a resistor of about 820 Ohm.  I placed
the two electrodes in about 500ml Aqua Purificata).  This sounds sort of
like the way I make mine but I don't know what Aqua Purificata is. Maybe
purified water?  Is that like Distilled Water?  You should use Distilled
Water.  Also, I use the 4 9 volt batteries and no resistor.  And 2 .999
silver electrodes.   I brew til I just begin to see gray fuzz starting to
cling to the negative electrode.  Then I stop and start another batch,
using some of the newly made CS as a starter for a new batch.  I don't know
the PPM.  But there is a very slight Tyndal Effect. And it works GREAT!
That I know for sure.



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CSRe: cs and fish

2003-05-21 Thread cmccauley

I've tried putting cs in my fishtank and almost killed my fish.  He was
laying on the bottom gasping for air.  Seems that the cs does something to
the oxygen molecules and the fish can't get the oxygen from the water.

If you want to try it, just use a drop or two, not too much.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: cold sores

2003-05-21 Thread cmccauley

Using the cs rods and batteries without the water for zapping cold sores
sounds alot like a Godzilla machine.  In fact, at the Godzilla site in
their files section they have directions on making a one battery ziller
using one 9 volt, 2 electrodes, a resistor, wire and tape (I don't remember
the size of the resistor).

I'm a big Godzilla fan and used in conjunction with CS - watch out germs.


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CSRe: fish and cs

2003-05-21 Thread cmccauley

Oh yea, forgot to say that after I changed the water in the fish tank the
fish was fine and lived for another year.  CS and fish don't mix very well.


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2003-05-07 Thread cmccauley

I just had the opportunity to use a mix of DMSO and CS on two of my tame
banty roosters.  They had fought and had injured one eye on each bird.  The
eyes looked bad, were swollen shut and weeping some white gook by the next
morning.  I was afraid that infection might kick in (alot of staph germs in
a chicken coop) so I used a solution of CS and DMSO on their heads and
eyes.  Also, their entire heads and faces were covered in scabs and were
swollen, along with their eyelids.

I used an Afrin nose spray bottle, filled it half way with CS and added 3
or 4 drops of DMSO.  This was probably a 5% or less DMSO/CS mix.  I then
put a couple of drops of this mix in their eyes and misted their faces and
heads well.  They did not act like it hurt at all.  No fussing or anything.

After two days, the eyes were open and not weeping anymore and the scabs
were falling off of their faces.  The swelling was also gone.  Now, four
days later, you can barely tell they had fought and their eyes look fine.

Just thought I'd tell you the experience.  Hope it helps some.


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2003-05-02 Thread cmccauley

Hi.  Is it possible that a digital multimeter - and it is advertised as a
digital multimeter - at Radio Shack Not be able to state Mas?  The one I
purchased clearly stated it was a digital multimeter on the package but
there is no way to get an Ma reading.  Volts, yes.  Resistance, yes.   But
no current reading.  Is this a multimeter?  Also you could not tell that it
did not give Ma readings until you bought it and opened the package to see
the instructions (for a novice anyway).

Now I have to return the darn thing and get something else.

Be careful of the multimeters at Radio Shack.  They may not be what they
appear to be.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSVirus killing alternative - the Godzilla machine

2003-04-18 Thread cmccauley

Hi.  There is also another alternative that is being used for HIV and other
blood type viruses (like Hep C, herpes, etc...) that many have never heard
of and is still in private research mode and is getting great results - the
Godzilla machine.  They are still finding things to use it on.  It seems
the more dis-eases they try it on, the more it fixes.

It also does a wonderful job at clearing up sinus problems.

 It may even be effective on the acne problem.

To find out more about it, go to the

It's new, controversial and, seems to me, to be quite similar to CS, but in
it's concept only.  It uses electrons to disactivate viruses, germs,
etc   like CS does.  But it uses a different mode of getting the
electrons to the germs.  CS uses the silver (ions and/or particles?) as the
carriers of the electronic charge.  Godzilla uses your blood itself as the
medium in which the billions of electrons flow.  This is a very basic, easy
explanation of how it works.  It's actually more involved.  The website
explains it in much better detail and has instructions for making a unit,
etc Also has research references and such.

I personally built and use a Godzilla machine because of Hep C and herpes.
I have used it with both gold-plated and silver electrodes.  I have had
excellent results so far, especially with the herpes.  Not one breakout in

Just thought I'd kick this in.  Another way to try and fix our dis-eases.
IMHO of course.  I'm checking to see if it can also be used as a CS


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CSCS and plants

2003-04-16 Thread cmccauley

Hi.  I found an interesting site that pertains to using electro-energy to
help plants grow.  I thought this might be of help to some.  It doesn't
state CS in particular, but it does refer to some studies that use
electrified rain and DC electrified seeds, soil, etc  Some of the
processes sound very similar to making CS.  May be useful.

I've used 'overcooked' CS on plants many times with great results.I
also sprayed it on the black spot (a fungus?) on my roses last year and it
cured them quite well.



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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSOmron nebulizer

2003-02-26 Thread cmccauley

Yes, I have that nebulizer.  I've used it on both myself and on my pets.  I
recently had a virus in my chest.  Lots of pain breathing.  I have had this
before and it took two full weeks for it to 'run its course', using nothing
but Tylenol for pain relief.
I used some 'overcooked' CS (that had a very strong, bright TE) in the
nebulizer.  I added two or three DROPS of DMSO for penetration (to about
1/2 oz of CS).  I inhaled the mix once in the morning and once before bed.
5-10 minutes each time.

I was all better within 5 days, instead of two weeks.

I also used it on my pet chicken that had a very raspy crow.  Within a
couple days he was sounding great.

Since this nebulizer is small, you may have to use it more often.  But it
works for me.

Just my opinion, of course.



  @eskimo.com   To:  

  02/26/2003 01:50 PM   Subject: silver-digest 
Digest V103 #116 
  Please respond to 


- Message from Unknown on Unknown -

silver-digest Digest   Volume
103 : Issue 116

Today's Topics:

- Message from marjie mar...@tds.net on Wed, 26 Feb 2003 12:38:25
-0500 -
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
 Subject: CSNebulizer?

Anyone ever use CS in an Omron CompAir Elite nebulizer?  Does it work or
should I look for a different nebulizer, if so which one?  Thanks, Marjie

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: nebulizer

2003-02-26 Thread cmccauley

Mine came with the plugin wall adapter.  The battery was extra.



  @eskimo.com   To:  

  02/26/2003 03:04 PM   Subject: silver-digest 
Digest V103 #118 
  Please respond to 


- Message from Unknown on Unknown -

silver-digest Digest   Volume
103 : Issue 118

Today's Topics:

- Message from marjie mar...@tds.net on Wed, 26 Feb 2003 14:36:08
-0500 -
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
 Subject: CSNebulizer?

Another question - do you guys know if you have to get the battery pack in
order to use the nebulizer or can you use it without.  Thanks again for
your responses.  Marjie

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: nebulizer

2002-12-30 Thread cmccauley

I use my Omron nebulizer on my pet chickens and myself.  Since the weather
change, some of them have gotten raspy and sneezy, especially the ones
treated more like housepets (meaning they are going inside and out and
experiencing more of a change in temp than the all-outside ones).  Anyway,
I just hold them on my lap and get them calmed down by petting and talking
to them.  Then I put the Omron neb to their faces and let the mist, which
is invisible unless you really look for it, blow on their faces.  They
sometimes take more in thru their mouths.  Sometimes they are breathing
thru their noses.  If they move their heads, I just move the neb to try and
keep a steady stream on them for a minute or two.  Then stop and do it
again in a few minutes.   I do this a few times a day.

I noticed a big difference in one of my roosters.  He was very raspy and
his crow was not his usual cock a doodle do.  He also had mucus in his eyes
and was acting lethargic.  After a day or two of treatment, he sounded much
much better and his eyes were clearer.  I've had hens react the same way.

The hardest part of the whole thing was getting them to settle down in the
beginning.  After that, no problem.  If you have trouble holding, petting
and nebbing, maybe a friend could hold/direct the neb while you hold,
stroke and talk to your pet.

Hope this helps some.



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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: nebulizers

2002-12-30 Thread cmccauley

I found the little Omron I have to be pretty quiet, considering it is a
compressor type.  But it is only the size of a large human palm, so it
shouldn't sound like an industrial sized one (thank goodness).  After a
minute, it doesn't bother my little featherdusters at all (I have banty
cochins and such).

Pretty good nebulizer for the price (approx. $50.00 on Ebay), IMHO.



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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSMore Wonders of CS

2002-12-26 Thread cmccauley

I've found an interesting quality to CS (for me anyway).   I notice there
are times when I eat at Micky Dee's (or other fast food joints) that my
stomach gets very upset after eating the hamburger meat.  I don't know if
it's the meat, the kid's hands touching the meat, or the germs from the
whole factory-farming biz, BUT I do notice that if I take a big swig of my
CS after my stomach starts hurting, the pain ceases immediately.

I figured it was E-Coli or some other germ getting killed by the CS.
Whatever it is, the CS stops the pain and the sickly, queasy feeling within
a minute or two.   The first time it worked, I figured it was a
coincidence.  But after a few times, it seemed quite amazing.

I know, don't eat the hamburgers and you won't have the problem.  But
that's sort of besides the point here.  The fact that the CS, I believe, is
killing the E-Coli or whatever it is, is the important point.   So I make
sure I have some with me whenever I opt to take my chances at a fast food

Just thought I'd share my experience with CS.  It's great stuff.

Oh yea, in relation to a cold, I've been using my CS mixed with approx. 10%
DMSO in a nebulizer.  I've used it on both myself and my pets when they
start sounding raspy or are sneezing alot.   The mixture seems to be
working quite well for all of us.  With no side effects either.  That's the
best part.  I also put some into a squirt bottle, like for nose drops, and
use that on myself daily too.  A couple of squirts in the morning and a
couple at night.  It works.

Happy Holidays too.



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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: More Wonders of CS - Nebulizer

2002-12-26 Thread cmccauley

Hi Paula.

I got my nebulizer off of good ole' Ebay.  It's an OMRON Portable Nebulizer
CompAir Elite

Cost $50.00 plus $8.00 shipping.

After doing some searching online - price comparisons and model efficiency
- this was a good deal.

Take a look at it here:


If the link doesn't work, just go to ebay and look up item #178969

I'm really happy with it.  It is very small and quiet.  Fits in the palm of
your hand.

I've heard that nebulizing is a really good way to use up your 'over
cooked' CS.  The silver particles are actually coating the inner surface of
the lung tissues and the direct contact is killing germs.  I've read that
getting the CS to the point of infection (into the lungs) is very
important.  That is also why I use the CS cut with the DMSO.  It helps with
penetration into the lung tissues to kill those germs.  It supposedly helps
the inflamed lung tissues heal too.  This is just what I've read and
experienced on myself.

I just use it a couple times a day for around 5 to 10 minutes each time.  I
notice a difference after only a day, especially in the animals.  With the
animals, I put the nebulizer right near their face and blow the CS at their
nose/mouth while they are breathing (since you can't actually put it in
their mouth).

Hope this helps.



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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: silver-digest Digests V102 #899 and #900

2002-12-10 Thread cmccauley

Does anyone know why I'm only receiving parts of the digest?  I've gotten
the first 2 or 3 entries of the last two digests and not the ends of them.
The top contains the titles of all the entries in the digest, but the
actual entries aren't there.

Does this happen to others?  Is there a way to fix this?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: nebulizers

2002-12-03 Thread cmccauley

Hi, I got the Omron Compair Elite Nebulizer (a mini compressor type) on
Ebay for around $50.00.  With shipping it came to $55.00.  Brand new in
box.  I got it to use with my CS only for when I had colds, etc

I was starting to feel a heaviness and some pain in my chest when I
breathed (it's cold around here - around 40 in the daytime) and felt like I
was catching something, a cold or virus or something, in my chest.  So I
started using my new nebby with CS in the meds cup and after a few 10
minutes sessions I could definitely feel a difference in my chest.  Much
easier to breath and no pain.  I did this for a few more times and I did
not catch any cold or have any pain in my chest since.  It seems to work
well at getting the CS to the lung 'innerds'.

On a different, but the same, note - one of my pet roosters had a very
gargly, gravely-sounding crow recently (around the same time my chest was
feeling heavy) so I gave him some 'breathing treatments' too.  Just held
the nebby up to his face and let him breath in the CS mist that came out of
the tube, both in his mouth and his nose.  After 3 or 4, 10 minute
treatments his crow was just like normal, no scratchyness or gargling
noises.   Sounded very clear and nice (for a rooster).

Seems to work on animals too.  It's the getting the mist into there lungs
that's the hard part.

It looks just like this one:


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: .9999 silver

2002-11-04 Thread cmccauley

I got the . fine silver 12 g. wire from ccsilver.com



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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: where we are from

2002-10-16 Thread cmccauley


Leonardtown, Maryland USA

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: CS and protozoa

2002-10-15 Thread cmccauley

I have now used CS on a few different things on my pets and myself.  I have
noticed that it seems to work quite well at healing topically, as long as
there is NO infection deep inside the wound.  I say this because I had used
CS on my Pretty's bumblefoot as a soak (CS/dmso) and CS straight as a
solution to wet the gauze wrap.   The CS worked wonderfully at healing the
outer skin of her foot.  In fact, it healed it very very quickly, in days
instead of weeks as is expected for this type of staph infection.  BUT
there must have been some underlying infection and that was untouched, or
so it seemed because it grew totally out of control within 2 or 3 days to
the point of a nasty, pus-filled abcess.   But the outer part of her foot
looked fine and was almost totally healed.

I stopped using the CS with or without the dmso until I healed the inner
infection (with penicillin IM and injected straight into her foot plus
lancing/draining of the wound).  THEN I will start on the CS again to heal
the outer part of her foot, if it still needs it.   So far this is working
very well and she is healing slowly.

Again, if her foot hadn't blown up like a balloon and started oozing pus I
would never had known anything was still wrong.  The outer part of her foot
looked great, like brand new skin.

Just wanted to bring this up because I really like CS and I drink it daily
and feel great (while others around me are catching colds, flu, etc) .
I just think it has it's place in our arsenalt of remedies we can use to
keep well.  Not just the silver bullet.

Like many things in life: do reasonable research, make an informed decision
and most of all, believe in the remedy and in yourself.   We carry/contain
great power to heal if we just believe and trust in ourselves and our
decisions and not beat ourselves up when things don't work out the way we
want them to.   Our whole trip from beginning to end is a big, wonderful
learning experience.  (Just my opinion of course.)


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: CS and protozoa

2002-10-07 Thread cmccauley

Thank you Nancy.  I got some Corid powder from the feed/farm store (it's
specifically for coccidiosis) and dosed at 1 teaspoon per quart.   This is
working very well.  No more bloody poos - they look a healthy
greenish/brown with white caps now.  No more bloody streaks or tan color.
Plus the little sweeties are more active and alert.

It is too bad that CS doesn't work on this.  Maybe it does, but only if
used alot longer.  This type of disease/protozoa grows very fast and it
seems that you don't have much time to experiement on the treatment type.
After the bloody poo starts, you only have a few days to kill the prot. or
you'll lose the patient.

Thanks again,

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: CS and protozoa

2002-10-03 Thread cmccauley

You all are so helpful.  After looking at the sicker baby's poo this
morning, I noticed that it is not all bloody anymore.  Yesterday morning it
was all bloody, inside and out.  This morning it appears to only be
streaked with red.

Birds (chickens) have two kinds of poo.  One comes from a cecal pouch (very
stinky) and this dropping is the one that was bloody.  The other type of
dropping was just off-color - tannish.  After looking thru the Chicken
Health Book by G. Damerow and concluding that their symptoms are the same
as a birdy with cecal coccidiosis (sp?), I have the choice of using a
coccidiostat like amprolium (Corid) or going a more natural route.  I
wanted to try the CS first (since I had no Corid).  It appears to be doing
something.  The chicks are also much more active today.  Yesterday they
didn't want to move around much at all.

I will wait another day and see if there is any more change in their cecal
droppings.  Also, I agree that their intestinal track is different from
ours, more straighter.  But the CS still needs to get into the cecal pouch
to do it's magic.  I would assume that a very strong batch (whether it has
a high particle content or not) would be higher in the ionic silver.  Is it
the higher ionic (more positive charged silver) content that is doing the
magic?  OR is it the actual silver particles that do the job?  I know, some
think one, some think the other.  But whichever it is, something is


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: the blue senator

2002-10-03 Thread cmccauley

Here is a pic of him from his website:

Here is one from a news article:

You be the judge.  The news article looks tampered with, IMHO.  Unless he's
dyed his hair too.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: CS and protazoas

2002-10-02 Thread cmccauley

Can Colloidal Silver kill protazoas?  I used CS on my chicken's feet to
cure her bumblefoot with great results (mixed it with dmso for
penetration).   I just rescued some baby chicks and I think they have
cocci, a protazoa that infects their intestines/cecal pouch and caused
bleeding and sometimes death.  The bloody stools started yesterday.

I've started giving them CS in their water and also mixed in their food.
Does anyone know if this will help them?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: cs and protozoa

2002-10-02 Thread cmccauley

Thanks much for the reply on the protazoa problem.

I've been using a batch that I normally use for external use (an overcooked
batch - very dark yellow) but I've been diluting it in their water.  Maybe
I should give it to them 'straight' and strong.   It was 'overcooked' the
same as the CS I used on my Pretty's bumblefoot.  You know, not paying
attention and it just ran away - far away - on me in the last hour of
'cooking'.  But that CS worked better than Neosporin, peroxide, etc...
combined on her sores.

I'll just have to wait a few days and see.

If it works I can give them yogurt and/or acidophilus to help grow the good
germs again in their intestines.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSDistilled Water Purity

2002-09-23 Thread cmccauley

Regarding the 'beard' or 'roots' on my one electrode, I notice when I make
CS (my own set-up with the 9volt batteries) that  depending on whether I
use a bubbler or not AND whether the bubbler is moving slowly or gung ho
makes a difference as to whether I get a 'beard' or 'roots'.

I get roots when I don't use a bubbler or have the bubbler set to bubble
very slowly (two or three bubbles per second).  This is also when I get a
yellowish CS with a stronger TE.

I tend to get a beardy-like, waving grass-like growth when I use my bubbler
set to bubble stronger and have more water movement.  I also get a totally
clear CS with very little TE when I brew like this.

I would assume the bubbler is adding air (oxygen,etc...) into the water,
both dissolved and not dissolved.   Does this have anything to do with the
roots or beardiness of the electrode?  Or could it be the carbon dioxide in
the 'air'?

Also, I don't have either of the Hanna meters to check my distilled water
but when I check the conductivity of the water before I start brewing a
batch AND before I spike it with some of a previous batch, using a plain
old digital multimeter (using the mA function), my Food Lion distilled
water, which is ozonated and steam distilled, always reads below .05 mA.
Is this good?  Does it even matter?  I would think that I would want the
water the least conductive to start with (until I spike it with CS to raise
the conductivity).  Am I correct?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: phone line generator

2002-09-16 Thread cmccauley

Wayne, I am very interested in the phone line generator you spoke of.

Nowhere did I see any mention or instructions on the phone line
generator.  I have built about 20 units for friends and family and everyone

is happy.

I make 52 oz per batch and run the process for 45 minutes to one hour.

Can you please tell us how to make one?  I'm in the US and have a regular
phone line.  Any info is more than appreciated.  I really want to get away
from the 3 battery thing (even though it works great) because the batteries
get expensive after a while (I make and drink alot of CS for my Hep C).  I
have a spare phone jack just waiting to become part of a CS generator.

Thanks much.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSBig flashing banners in the sig line

2002-09-13 Thread cmccauley

I know this is OT but I think it kind of relates to the post by James.  I
personally think that the big flashing banner the sig line is a bit much,
especially since it is OT and MLM related.

Maybe if the sig line was toned down some by deleting the banner, all would
be okay.  Just my opinion of course.

I accidentally forgot to delete an extremely OT sales-related sig line from
one of my posts and even though I didn't get any replies about it, I knew
as soon as I sent the post that I had done a booboo.  My next post was an
apology for my oversite (and a CS question to make it on topic!)

Anyway, like I said, this is just my opinion but I think a more on-topic
sig line would be better.  Or at least no flashing banner.

Now to make this post CS related, my question.  When you are doing the LVDC
method and are using an AC/DC converter, is there a special way to hook it
up?  Do you just apply the alligator clips to the ends of the wires and
clip them to the silver wires or is there another step involved?  I usually
use 3 nine volt batteries but I want to try the other way, using an AC/DC
converter thing, like the one for MY dead scanner.  But I don't know if I
can just split the one wire into two and hook them up like I do for the
batteries or not.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSvery profound

2002-09-04 Thread cmccauley


Each of us has things to learn from each life. My current take an all
suffering is that the greater being wants the experiences to create the
foundation for experiences of a different order and magnitude.

This is the most profound thing I've heard in a long, long time.
Thank you for sharing it with me.

Sorry for the OT subject.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSTJ Garland and mycoplasma infections

2002-08-30 Thread cmccauley

I have a question or two about making the 3% H202/CS mixture.  About 15
minutes after making a batch of CS using my LVDC method (3 batteries, heat
stirred, 16 oz. distilled water, 12 g. . silver wires (my own brewing
setup) - brewed for approx. 1 hour after the bubbles started coming off of
the anode - was a very light yellow and had good Tyndall), I put a few
drops of the 3% H202 into the CS and shook it and it immediately turned the
most aweful shade of dark brown/grey I've ever seen.  It also had many tiny
bubbles like the H202 was reacting.  I let it sit for a while hoping it
would change into something a little more 'friendly' looking, but it
didn't.  So I added a little more H202 and it turned very light, almost
clear, with alot more of the tiny bubbles in it.  Finally after a few more
minutes, it became totally clear with no bubbles at all.

Was this a stage it went thru?  What is actually going on when you add the
H202?  I read that it is dissolving the 'particles' of silver and turning
the entire mixture into an ionic solution.  If this is so, can you use too
little or too much H202?  It seemed like I used too little at first and by
adding more it finished it's business.  I just don't know.  Anyone have the
answer?  Also, if you dissolve all the 'particles', does it still carry a
positive charge?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com


2002-08-28 Thread cmccauley

I really love this list!  The more I read, the more I learn.

Question:  I noticed that they sold whole Kelp leaves in the Asian Market
in my town (I guess for putting in soups, etc...).  It is just dried, maybe
freeze-dried, and has no other ingredients on the label, just Kelp.  I've
been powdering it in my herb grinder thingee and making my own capsules
using gelatin caps.  The taste is quite strong uncapsulated.  Would this be
as good as the other Kelp products you are talking about?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSCS testimonial

2002-08-28 Thread cmccauley

I have a testimonial of sorts.  I received a hen with awful bumblefeet
(large, abcessed sores covering her entire foot pads  and covered by big
black scabs - caused by a Staph germ I think). Anyway, she was having much
trouble walking and even had scabs on her 'knees' (hocks) from sitting down
all the time.   I soaked her feet in warm, soapy water and slowly and
carefully worked the scabs off until I got to the inner infected part of
her feet.  Then I cleaned it well with Peroxide and rinsed with distilled
water.  I then had her soak her feet in CS that I made quite strong (too
strong to drink - it was a runaway batch I accidentally made and am using
for external purposes).  After about  10 minutes of soaking, I wrapped each
foot with a long gauze bandage soaked with a 50/50 mixture of CS and DMSO.
Then I put a little socky on each foot and loosely tied it around her ankle
(to keep the dirt out of the bandage).

Well, I tried this exact same procedure a while back using only Neosporin
and the sores never healed.  They just rescabbed and evenually got infected
again.  But when I did the above procedure using the CS and the CS/DMSO
mixture, not only did the sores not rescab, but they are almost completely
healed!  And in less than one week, the entire bottoms of her feet are
almost completely closed with skin.  No scabs and no infection at all.  Her
'knees' healed with just the application of CS in about 3 days.  Also the
swelling that was in her ankles has also disappeared, as did the
swelling/bruises on her toes.

Plus, she was quite a trooper during the 'ordeal.'  Not one cry or flap.
Just sat there in my hubby's arms.   I think animals know when you are
trying to help them.

She is now running around like her yardmates and is quite happy.

Just thought I'd share this with you.  CS is wonderful stuff.  Don't ever
throw out a bad batch.  If you can't drink it, you can use it externally.
I may try mixing some of my next 'bad' batch with the xanthin (sp?) gum or
agar-agar (or some other water-soluble thickener) to make a wound dressing.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com


2002-08-23 Thread cmccauley

Thank you s much Ken.  You have answered my questions and offered
advise that I feel was well worth reading every word.  I truly appreciate
the time you took to reply to my post, seeing that I DID ask quite a few
questions in that one post.

I definitely feel I have a much better grasp of the whole CS brewing thing.
What I see when I look at the different stages of concoction I am brewing
actually makes some sense to me now.  I like being able to put names to the
things I'm seeing (or not seeing - in the way of ions!) when I'm making CS.
It helps me when I ask questions so they don't sound quite so dumb.  And I
will ALWAYS be asking more questions, you can MMW!  (haha)

Thanks again,

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CStoo much general conversation on cs site

2002-08-22 Thread cmccauley

I totally agree with Mars Larz.  I am also new to this list and am truly
interested in CS, it's curative properties, the correct way to make it,
etc...  as a way to help me with my chronic health problems.  That's why
I'm here and reading most of the wonderful posts, which have helped me alot
already with things I did not know about CS.  Please post more great
personal experiences and info about CS.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com


2002-08-21 Thread cmccauley

Thank you Ken for your input on my post.  I guess the hot plate is too
much, considering I'm also using a bubbler and spiking the solution.  You
suggest running the procedure longer to get more of a TE.  Is this
dissolving more silver into the solution or adding more particles?

I noticed that when I spike the solution using one of my clear
(bubbler-made) solutions AND don't turn on the bubbler, it takes much
longer to get to the point of the 'wisps' than if I use one of my
non-bubbler (yellow) solutions to start the new batch.When I use a
yellow solution, it only takes a fraction of the time for the 'wisps' to

I've read that the dissolved silver doesn't carry the positive charge like
the silver particles do.  And that something like 80% of the CS are silver
ions, and the particle silver is only 20%.  Would longer brewing using the
bubbler raise this percentage to over 80% of dissolved silver?  Is this
good or bad?

Lastly, I've heard the words 'silver ions' used to describe two different
things.  1. as the dissolved silver in a solution and 2. as the
positively-charged particles of silver in a solution.  Which is correct?  I
see the words 'silver ions' used on this List but I'm not sure exactly what
state the silver is in.  Dissolved or particles?

Thanks again,

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com


2002-08-20 Thread cmccauley

I have been brewing different ways to see which way makes the 'best' CS
solution (for me).  I would like some input from the 'experts' here who
have made CS themselves.

I am using 16 oz. distilled water, 3 nine-volts (which I change to 2
nine-volts half way thru to lower the current), 2 - . silver wires, a
coffee pot heat plate, and a fish bubbler (plus alligator clips, etc).
I'm spiking the solution with premade CS (approx. 1/4 of the batch) to
raise initial conductivity of the water.  I'm brewing without the bubbler
until I see the yellow wisps start, then I start the bubbler and brew for
another hour, stopping 1/2 way thru to clean the silver wires and
disconnect one of the batteries (to lower the current flow).

My main question is:

I notice that when I make CS using the above method the solution is clear.
Is the CS solution I'm making more dissolved silver than colloidal silver?
Does the bubbler make the silver dissolve?  I hardly have any Tyndall
effect at all; very very light.  And the taste is also light, but still

I checked to make sure there was current flowing.  I don't have a fancy
multimeter, just a little cheepy one.  But it does show that there is
current flowing to the silver wires.

When I do the same as above but DO NOT use the bubbler, the solution is
yellow and the silver wires must be wiped off during the brewing (I wipe
them off when I'm disconnecting one of the batteries - about 30 minutes
into the brew).  The solution is much different/stronger in Tyndall, taste,
color, etc.   than the bubbler version.

Which way is the best?



Christina McCauley
Kaye Scholer LLP
901 15th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC  20005

Telephone:  202-682-3556
Fax:  202-682-3593

This message may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information
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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSre: footer in my brewing post

2002-08-20 Thread cmccauley

Ooops, sorry for not deleting my footer on my last post.  I'm at work and I
forgot.  Please disregard it.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSchange in stool color while taking CS

2002-08-15 Thread cmccauley

I also have had a change in my stool color and also consistency.  It has
turned a very dark, almost black or very dark dark green, color.  The
consistency is also quite hard.  I figured it was caused by the die-off,
since I felt I had a systemic yeast thing going on.

I take about 6 to 8 ounces total daily of my own LVDC CS.  This may be alot
but I also have other problems I'm trying to fix, like the Hep C, etc
Then again, for those problems, it may not be enough.  Any thoughts would
be appreciated regarding the amount I should take for those type of


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSchange in stool color while taking CS

2002-08-15 Thread cmccauley


Thanks for the reply.  I looked at the Carol Bond site and it looks very
similar like most MLM-type supplement site.  I use some of ForMor's
products and they carry much of the same type of stuff and say much of the
same thing.

I believe good nutrition and using good supplements will help keep our body
in tip-top shape and help ward-off, or fight off, the nasties that attack
us.  Lord knows it's not in what we EAT anymore.  I think CS is definitely
part of a responsible supplement program.  Especially if you have any kind
of immune system problem.  IMHO


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSre: mycoplasma

2002-08-15 Thread cmccauley

Very  interesting about the mycoplasma.  But the bottom line is - can CS
fix it?  Is there any info online regarding how CS can be used to help kill
this stuff and/or reverse the damages caused by this mycoplasma?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CShepatitis C, herpes virus, TB

2002-08-14 Thread cmccauley

Hi mars larz,

Regarding your post:

Dear Christine: you mentioned in your post that you
know of customers who report that their viral loads
dropped dramatically using CS could you please give me
a link to your customer(i'd love to chat with them and
get some encouragement)  Which brand of CS did they
take? (I'm personally taking a new brand of CS called
Advanced CS  that is Mesoprocced) Did they drink a
pint a day for two weeks? I only take 3 tablespoons a
day, i'm a newbie only on CS for a week. also please
let me know if they were geno type 1 . Genotype 1 is
the most difficult strain of hep-c to get rid of.

P.S. is zinc safe to take with CS ? what mg and
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I wish I was the one who knew these people, but I don't know anyone YET who
has gotten 'cured' of Hep C by CS usage.   The reply below :

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
We have reports from customers that have their Hep C viral counts drop
precipitously when fairly large amounts of CS were ingested orally.
Typically a pint a day or more.  One case went from 1,500,000 viral
particles per CC of blood to less than 500 per cc in two weeks.  The doctor
was astounded and pronounced him cured. Or at least that's what he told me.
We have many outstanding stories such as this.  This particular person was
to have been put on interferon for a 1 year period at a cost of about
$25,000 for the year but of course that was scrubbed.

I don't have any reports of TB and CS usage but if it's viral, the bug
should be vulnerable.

We have many reports of total relief from both herpes simplex and genital

Hope this helps.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It was from Trem of Silvergen, I'm pretty sure.  I believe he sells a CS
generator too.  His email is t...@silvergen.com -  he can give you much
more info than I can.

I'm taking at least a pint a day orally and holding some of it under my
tongue to get some of the sublingual effects.  I Pray that it does the same
for me as it did for his customers.   I have quite a few friends too who
could benefit from CS.  The hardest problem is convincing them that it is
Okay to drink.   Especially the ones who have done the interferon (and
other poisons).  The doctors have brainwashed them into thinking that the
poisons are the only way to affect the virus.  Such a shame.

Email Trem.   He'll be more help than I will.   Let me know any good info
you find out - I'm still new at this too!

Oh, by the way, I make my own CS using the battery method -  for now.  I
feel the CS I make is working good for me.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: hepatitis C, herpes virus, TB

2002-08-13 Thread cmccauley

Brooks (and others) -


 Our experimental research involving Hepatitis-C  and Type II
Herpes (also Type I) indicated that all were susceptible to Colloidal
protocols.  In the case of the Herpes insults, the ancillary use of Lysine
proved to increase both the speed of response and the degree of effective
response.by an order of magnitude.  The speed of response, especially,
seemed to be dosage-sensitive;  in that introducing larger oral dosages of
Lysine ( 1000 to 2000 mg daily)  particularly at inititation stages of
experimental protocolssometimes, gave spectacular results.
Somewhere in the archives you should find a posting I made
months ago-which elaborates somewhat on this topic.  Additionally,  it
long-ago been demonstrated that lysine-containing salves are quite
effective in
ameliorating many of the adverse effects of the presenting lesions
 Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
p.s.  In Vitro experiments have demonstrated (to our satisfaction)  a very
powerful control response  on all Herpes type viruses..as well
mycoplasma-based pathogens--whenever actual exposure within a common
environment occurs.

Thanks s much for your great reply and info.

Can you (or anyone on the List with first-hand knowledge - or on a CS
regime themselves) give any info using CS relating to these 'problems'?
Since I have the Hep C virus but don't show symptoms yet That I Know Of
(I've tested positive since 1984), how much would you recommend I take of
the CS daily to possibly kill the virus outright?  I've had the virus a
long time and back in the '80 and early '90 I led a very high risk
lifestyle.  I've also tested positive for TB as a chronic carrier, but not
contagious.   Can I take CS orally, sublingually, in large or extended
doses, and actually kill these viruses - along with all the other nasties
I've picked up living that lifestyle?  I really don't want to do the
intravenous/needle thing.  Not a good thing when you're in recovery.  But I
want to get a large enough dose for an extended period of time to kill the
viruses.  Besides the constipation thing, would there be other side-effects
to worry about?

I have quite a few friends in the same boat as me.  Your input would help


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CShepatitis-c geno type 1 non responder to peg and herpes questions

2002-08-12 Thread cmccauley

is there anybody out there who has tried peg or any
other interferon combo treatments and did not respond?
if so please e-mail me I a am new to cs i'm just
trying CS I have purchased the new advanced CS made
through a mesoprocess When i was on peg i did
partially respond my viral load was over a million and
my final load dropped down to the low thousands. I
would not even dare try to make CS on my own as i am
still unsure of what could happen down the road. thank

p.s. any advice on getting rid of cold sores would be
helpful also  thank you


I personally have not tried peg-entron (sp?) but since I am Hep C positive
and have many friends who are also, I have been asked to.  Also, a very
good friend of mine just stopped  taking it and it did nothing but make her
very, very ill.  She said that her viral load went down while she was on
it, but it rose again after she stopped and is now back at the same place
it was before she started.  She is not the only friend I have that has
gotten very sick while taking that 'poison'.

I personally will NOT put that stuff in my body.  Not after seeing what my
friends went through.  And I won't even begin to mention the costs
involved, especially if you have no insurance or Medicaid.

If you would like to talk with her, I can have her email you.  Let me know.

Regarding the cold sore/herpes virus, I also have been cursed with that
(not the mouth cold sore type either!) and I usually get those sores at
least once a month.  Sometimes more often.  Since I started taking the CS
I've been making, I only had one sore start to form.  I started to get the
tingle in the back of my leg but it never developed past that.  Usually
when I get that tingle, I get a sore two days later.  But this time it
didn't happen.  Was it the CS?  It's the only thing I've done differently
this month so I tend to think it is.  Just my opinion though.   Any time
without one of those sores is a blessing and if the CS can keep them away,
I'll take it.   If the CS can do all the other wonderful things it seems to
be able to do, I'll take it forever.  Again, just my opinion.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSNewbie with questions

2002-08-09 Thread cmccauley

Hi, my name is Christine and I've just joined the list recently.

I have become so weary of the allopathic health-care biz that I am doing
just about everything I can to stay away from it.   One thing in particular
is using CS.  I'm still new to using it and new to making it - just started
making my own batches about 2-3 weeks ago.  BUT I do notice that my intense
sugar cravings have disappeared.  I figured I had that Candida yeast thing
anyway because of that and other symptoms.  After taking the CS I made for
a few days, I felt like I had a mild flu and a foggy head.  But it's gone
now and I have much more energy.  Possibly a die-off of the Candida?  After
reading much of your archives, I think so.

Anyway, my main question is I have tried making batches two ways, both
using the 9 volt battery system.  (Can't afford to buy a ready-made machine
yet.)   Both used:

one glass coffee pot (10 cup) filled almost to the top;
4 - 9 volt batteries, alligator clips, etc..;
steam - ozonated - distilled water;
.999 one ounce fine silver certificate/ingot - cut in half (used as the
anode and cathode) set approx. 1 inch apart

Both batches were 'cooked' the same amount of time - approx. 2 hours after
the gold wisps started

The differences are one batch I did not heat and I used a fish tank bubbler
to 'stir'.

The other I used the the coffee pot's heater plate to 'stir' the CS.

The batch with the bubbler turned out totally clear with no residue on the
silver pieces.  It did have a faint Tyndall effect and taste.  Even the
next day it was still clear and had a little stronger Tyndall but the taste
was still faint metallic.

The other batch which used the heat turned a nice light shade of yellow.
By the next day the yellow was much deeper and it had a very strong Tyndall
effect.  Taste was stronger metallic than the clear batch.

So, my question is which batch is better?  Or has the smaller particles,
etc.?  Does the clear batch contain mostly dissolved silver instead of
mega-small particles of silver?  This is not good, from what I've read.  We
need the particles to hold the positive charge, right?  Or am I way off?

I can't afford to have it tested so I'm hoping someone here can help me by
using my descriptions above.

I used both batches intermittently, taking a few ounces of each per day to
kill the Candida.  So I don't really know which one did the job.  The clear
batch tasted better, less metallic.

I also swished it around in my mouth (and held it there for a few minutes)
before swallowing and my gums don't bother me  anymore.

Any comments or corrections to my 'system' would be most appreciated.  You
all seem like you know what you're talking about.  Teach me!



The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com