Re: CSarthritis CMO mussels with green lips

2012-04-17 Thread
The man who made the CMO did stop making it.  I tried getting some and

---Original Message---
N also ask DB where he got his stuff - tho they also may have stopped selling 

Re: CSarthritis CMO mussels with green lips

2012-04-17 Thread
The son.  I actually got the father, the maker of the CMO that Bob bought. 
He said he had retired from doing it.  

---Original Message---
Yes, I think I rang his son but it was summer and a bit impractical . or do 
you mean Harry Dheil?happy.gif

CSMiracle prayer recording

2012-04-17 Thread
Here's an article about a miracle prayer from ancient times that has been
recorded and has sold thousands of copies.  As a 10th anniversary of it's
introduction to modern times they are giving away 10,000 copies.  These will
be in download form, not cds sent through the mail.  

You can read about it here and at the bottom there is a link to the download



Re: CSMRSA infection

2012-04-15 Thread
And when they didn't have these, they had wild garlic.

---Original Message---
And they also had Gunpowder - that's a pretty powerful item for infection.

Sulpha Powder was all the troops had back in WWI to treat wounds.

Re: CSRe: [Crock_Lakhovsky] This may be the THING!

2012-04-11 Thread
Nice 'advertisement' for your new capacity as consultant and of course for
your company's testing labs.  Funny, no mention of cost.

---Original Message---
 I am currently available for consultations in both Lyme and Morgellon.
 I am able to conduct screening tests for Lyme including cytokines that
 indicate current infection. 

 Please feel free to forward this email to any lists of individuals.

Re: CSRe: [Crock_Lakhovsky] This may be the THING!

2012-04-11 Thread
No he involved--outside of Janet's slap at Daddybob.  My retort was to Janet
s advertisement.  

---Original Message---
Wow, after all he has freely given to this list, this statement is sure
snarky and uncalled for Sara



Re: CSTreating toes, today's nursing job

2012-04-06 Thread
Too funny Jane!  Yep--it's a guy thing.  I'm dying!!  then it's I'm
perfectly fine, what on earth is the matter with YOU?.  Lol  

---Original Message---
Thought you might like to read today's application of DMSO  CS which I keep
in the cupboard but don't often need to use.

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2012 #117

2012-04-01 Thread
Yeah--'you can check out any time you like but you may never leave'.

From Hotel California 
---Original Message---
 No one is allowed to leave.

Re: CSHelicobacter infection

2012-03-29 Thread
I can't help you unsub from here, but if your email client has a tools
section, under that you should find 'message rules'.  There you can set it
up so that anything coming from silver-list goes right into your trash bin
and you won't even see the messages.  Your client will send the messages
there instead of your inbox.

---Original Message---
I have been trying to unsubscribe and can't seem to do so.. Is there anyone
that can help me on this.
Thank you

Re: CS Tape Worm Cure

2012-03-06 Thread
Well, this is good news, because I'm sure when she wrote this the more
expensive form of CoQ10 was not yet available, and now that it is, 'regular'
CoQ10 is much cheaper.

Good to know that it can kill the tape worm anywhere in the body.  I wonder
if it has the ability to kill those, if it also kills all the other
parasites, or if you still need the regular herbs for them?  

---Original Message---
Dr. Clark has been using CoQ10 since about 1996. Besides its
antioxidant power and its miraculous effects on cell respiration in
the body, Dr. Clark has found it to be antiparasitic in high doses.

Re: CS Tape Worm Cure

2012-03-05 Thread
Tel, what would be in coQ10 that would kill a tape worm?  And does it matter
which type--the ubiquitone or ubiquinol?  And does it kill other types of
parasites?  I've just never heard this before.

---Original Message---
Tape worm in People  in pets  is very common in most parts of the country, 
(A real easy cure is for all tape worm infestations)  It
is C 0 Q 10,   can be bought in food stores even wallmart.

Re: CSSource of Silver Strips

2012-03-01 Thread
Try putting the strips in the oven.  Silver won't melt at oven temps and it
should burn off whatever he put on it.  I can't imagine what he put
on--there was no need to add anything if he was thinning out a piece of
silver, unless he has some sort of hydraulic press or roller that deposited
lubricant to the silver.  Odd, though.  I've never seen anyone do that
---Original Message---
I did try my local jeweller / smelter but he contaminated it with i assume 
is lubricating fluid, (i provided some Canadian maples for this purpose), no
amount of keeping it in vinegar Or Cola for its phosphoric acid could rid it
of the crap that would effuse out in the brew!...even though they came out
super shiny!.

Re: CSSource of Silver Strips

2012-03-01 Thread
His last annealing should have burnt it off then, unless he lubricated it
and made one more pass through a press and then he didn't heat it to soften
it.  The heating is to soften the metal, then he'd put it through a roller
or press, which would have work hardened it.  He could have left it hard or
resoftened it for you, but in any case he should have burnt it off for you
when he was finally done.

There's nothing he could have added that should have 'melded' INTO the metal
  What is it, exactly, that you are experiencing, that proves to you the
lubricant is still there?

Hard to say exactly how long you need to leave it in the oven, because as I
said (from me being a silversmith) there shouldn't be anything on there to
get rid of.  But however long you leave it--and hour?--it won't hurt the
silver.  Try 350 degrees, unless he made the metal VERY thin for you.

How thick is the strip?  If you have a small torch, or one of those kitchen
torches, you could quickly pass the silver through the flame--IF it's not
too thin, the flame will not hurt the silver and should burn off anything
exterior that is on the silver.

But anything he could have put on the silver should be able to be removed by
simple cleaning.

Are you sure you are not seeing a smooth, flat, non-silvery look and
thinking that is the lubricant?  Sometimes when you manipulate silver a lot
it takes on a different color than that of a shiny new coin.  It's a flatter
 duller silver--unless you polish it back to bright.  But I wouldn't think
your jeweler would have polished it for you.  No need to do that for your
use.  Did he perhaps polish it up so it was shiny again when he gave it back
to you?  Sometimes stainless steel pads are used to shine silver to bright. 
Maybe somehow you are seeing that?  Though that, again, like any lubricant,
should have come off with the cleaning you did.

---Original Message---
I have boiled it in vinegar and even cola for half a hour!
And then scrubbed them again to remove any silver compounds formed by
contact with the acids.

I will try the oven.

Any what about time? How long?

Re: CSSource of Silver Strips

2012-03-01 Thread
Ah.  Well then if you are getting those results there must be, as Marshall
said, an oil based residue.  Heat or a good oil degreaser should do the
trick.  Heat will burn it off, the degreaser will wash it off.  

I've manipulated silver via many means and never ever put a lubricant on,
but then I'm more into 'hand work'.  Your jeweler may have done it the
fastest way, which was probably by a machine that by oiling, made the
process easier for him.  

But none of the lubricant should have embedded itself into the silver, so
once cleaned you should be good to go.  Please let us know how it turns out.

---Original Message---
The reason for suspecting lubricant is that I dont expect anything other
than silver to be present. Since we know lubrication was involved that's the
As for the brewing, I get almost wax type stuff coming off the wire and
makes the water opaque and dirty
I am aware of the ion cloud but this is not that , after swapping the
electrodes for the commercially bought silver electrode everything was as
This really irked me since I was very new to brewing cs and assumed it was 
something I was doing wrong!

Re: CSDMSO cures sensitive teeth roots

2012-02-12 Thread
  Well, it's like I tell people--It's MEDICINE, it's not suppose to taste
good.  Lol  I was just wondering that if somehow it was right on the gums
that it didn't get to the tastebuds much.  Guess I can't be that lucky.  

I'll give it a try and let you know.

---Original Message---
I just put some DMSO in the bottle cap and dipped my finger in and then
rubbed it on the gun/tooth root area.  I did this several times.

Re: CSDMSO cures sensitive teeth roots

2012-02-11 Thread
How did you apply the DMSO?  Didn't it taste awful?

---Original Message---
I believe that DMSO cures sensitive teeth roots.  At first I thought
it was due to CS when used with DMSO for penetration, but I have used
DMSO by itself on the teeth roots and the sensitivity has completely
disappeared.  In one application!  I can eat acidic things like sour
apples etc without pain and without etching off the protection.  I
used full strength DMSO from the bottle and applied it directly to the
area of the gums and teeth roots.

Re: CSStrawberry Birthmark Query

2012-02-10 Thread
I don't know how to help, but I will say that when I was a child there was a
girl in town that had a huge strawberry mark on her face.  It covered all
one side of her face, from under her eye to her chin.  And there must have
been something inside the face too, as that side was more puffy looking than
her other side.

She had this all her life, until she became an adult.  One day I ran into
her on the street and didn't recognize her because she'd had the mark
removed.  It also made that side go back to normal so they must have taken
the inside growth out too.

Perhaps surgery is the best way.  I know that lady, as a child, went through
a lot of teasing from other kids.


Re: CSBeck Zapper for Renal Support

2012-02-08 Thread
Joy you may want to try taking zeolite, if you are not already.  Zeolite has
a great affinity for the kidneys.  I did a lot of research into it a few
years back and though some people have only gotten results when taking the
expensive MLM product NCD (natural cellular defense) liquid zeolite, I know
many who have been greatly helped by just taking the powdered zeolite.

In fact, a 65 year old friend of mine told me that her doctor had done some
tests on her and told her that her kidney function was down to only one
third capacity.  He said they would not put her on any medicine but that if
it dropped any lower she'd have to go on dialysis!  She was very worried.  I
told her about my research into zeolite and she decided to try the powder.

She bought it on line.  She did not like the taste of mixing it into any
liquid so she wound up filling capsules with it.  She took 6 capsules, twice
a day, which worked out to one tablespoon twice a day. 

In one month's time she went back for more kidney tests and her doctor was
astounded because her kidney function had gone up to 95%!!  She continued to
take the capsules for one more month and then she quit.  This was 2 years
ago and she's still fine.

I will say that the zeolite has gone up in cost a great deal since she
purchased hers over 2 years ago now, but still you get a lot for the
money--able to take it for a long time before you run out, if you get a
couple pounds.

Don't let all the hype fool you as to 'my brand is better than any other
brand'.  Zeolite is zeolite.  The only difference is in the fineness of the
powder.  Some grind very fine and others not as fine.  That really doesn't
make a lot of difference in effectiveness either, so get the cheapest you
can get without buying chunks.  Although--I knew one guy that lived in an
area that sold pure zeolite cat litter in 20 pound bags.  He would buy that
and grind it himself in his blender and took that zeolite.It's all the

You can put it into capsules as my friend did, or you can just stir some
into liquid and drink it.  Some people buy the super fine grade and just put
a spoonful in their mouth and let it melt that way.

You can buy liquid zeolite, which is zeolite dissolved in water.  I have to
say that I have known a couple people that said they tried the powdered
zeolite and didn't get any results but bought any liquid zeo and saved their
kidneys.  Then I met a couple people that said they tried the powder without
results, and regular liquid zeo without results, but when they tried the
expensive NCD they saved their kidneys.  So--it may be that you'd have to
try a few brands, but I would start with the powdered.  It works in, I'd say
at least 90% of the cases.

---Original Message---
Does anyone know if there's a protocol that would be beneficial for
renal regeneration? happy.gif

RE: CSBeck Zapper for Renal Support

2012-02-08 Thread
Beats the heck out of me.  When it's 'home made' it is more like clay in the
water--it mixes but there's residue on the bottom of the glass.  I have not
seen any other commercial liquid zeo but I have seen the liquid NCD zeo and
it is perfectly clear.  They claim a proprietary method of getting the zeo
and water to meld.  shrug 

The lady my friend and I bought from (who is no longer in the powdered
business, having switched over to becoming an NCD distributor) said that she
brushed her teeth with zeo and also would take a spoonfull in her mouth and
let it just melt there.  She had a great, super fine powder.  That's the one
we bought, though I mix mine in water.  My friend didn't like the taste of
it in water and didn't like the feel of it in her mouth just taking some off
a spoon, so put it into caps.

As I said--I know of 2 people that said they tried powder, then commercial
liquid and neither worked, but when they took NCD it worked and saved their
kidneys.  My father was diabetic and though he did not have kidney problems
(he had vision problems) I thought I'd put him on NCD based on their
recommendations.  But I never gave him anything without taking it myself
first to see what it did.  Since I am not ill I thought I'd be best off to
take their 'jump start' protocol, which is one bottle--normally a month's
supply--in just ten days.  They said that everyone would see some type of
result from this.  I took the bottle in the 10 days and felt/saw absolutely
nothing.  So I never bothered giving it to my Dad.  But each person is
different and perhaps NCD just wasn't a fit for me.  Thinking about it now I
should have went ahead and tried it on Dad, but it was very expensive--too
expensive for something I felt didn't work (for me).

---Original Message---
Hi Renee,  Is the zeolite dissolved in water or suspended in it?  It would make 
a difference to me.

Re: CSCS Old horseman's cure for boils

2012-02-04 Thread
Cork?  Sorry, never had a horse so I can't imagine what this relates
to--cutting cork off a horse's leg!

---Original Message---
--go out  cut some cork off the horse's leg  boil it in the vinegar for 5 or 
so minuets.   When it cools put it in her ears two times a day

Re: CSQuestions

2012-01-29 Thread
Thanks for posting your biotin message pj.  I'm going to try some!

---Original Message---
 Hurrah!!  This will make lots of people very, very happy today.  Hope so
anyway.  :)   pj


Re: CSKidney Failure

2012-01-11 Thread
I would use zeolite.  I know a lady that was on the kidney transplant list
to have one of hers replaced, but when she took Natural Cellular Defense
(NCD) from Wayora the kidney started working again.

Because my father had diabetes I decided to try the NCD on myself before
giving it to him.  They have a 10 day 'jump start' where you take one bottle
that normally lasts a month in just 10 days.  I did this, expecting to
feel/see something even though I don't have kidney problems.  I could not
tell any difference at all, so did not give it to my Dad.  He did not have
kidney issues, but being diabetic I wanted to keep it that way.  But the NCD
was just too expensive.

But I do believe that zeolites have some affinity for kidneys--it's just
that I thought the NCD was way over priced and felt that a good effect could
be had by taking powdered zeolite.  In all my research at the time it seemed
that the powdered worked as well as liquid, or that you could make your own
liquid by simply adding to water.  NCD has a big story about how it is
specially handled, but basically all zeolite is the same, just different
mesh (size grains).  

Then my Dad passed away and I didn't experiment anymore with zeolites.  

Later a friend of mine told me that she'd been to her doctor.  She was then
65 and they told her her kidneys were down to 1/3rd capacity.  She was told
this was 'normal' for someone her age and that they wouldn't give her
medicine but would keep a watch on it because if it got worse she'd have to
go on dialysis!

So I told her about the NCD, but that I also thought the much cheaper
powdered zeolite would work too.  She ordered some.  When she got it she
didn't like the feel of it in her mouth by taking it dry, and she didn't
like taking it in water (to me it has no taste, just a bit like clay) so she
wound up putting it in capsules.

She took 6 capsules twice a day.  In one month she went back for more tests
and the doctors were so surprised because her kidneys were now working at
90% capacity!  But they know she is 'into' natural things and told her they
didn't want to know what she did.  Lol

I will say though that there are people on other lists who have said that
they have used the powdered zeolite which did not work for them, then went
to other companies liquid zeolites which also didn't work, but that when
they tried NCD it stopped their kidney problems.

So--you may want to experiment with the cheaper powder.  If that doesn't
work you can go to a liquid zeolite that is cheaper than NCD or skip over to
NCD.  NCD is a MLM product, which is why it is so expensive.  There are
those that swear by it, while others get the same benefits by taking just
the powder.

If you go for powder you want the finest mesh you can get.  This stiff will
basically melt in your mouth.  I had found the cheapest place to buy it at
only $3 a pound.  That lady told me she used it to brush her teeth with and
just ate it off a spoon, but that if you didn't like doing that you just
stir some into a glass of water and drink it.  

That lady no longer has the cheapest price--she went up in price the same as
everyone else.  It seems that mostly it is around $10 a pound for zeolite,
but a pound lasts a long time.  In fact, that lady dropped a lot of her
different sizes of zeolite and now carries NCD.  I guess the profit may be

---Original Message---
Yes me too - I have a loved one with the same

RE: CSKidney Failure

2012-01-11 Thread
I would share if I could--I don't have it anymore.  I got rid of it when I
saw how she had changed her site and dropped a lot of her zeo products and
even her zeo information!  She'd really become an NCD distributor and so
that was basically all she had on there after her change.

When her prices went up so much I wrote asking why and she wrote back saying
that her cost of buying bulk zeo had gone up.  Originally she had told me
she was looking into making her own liquid zeo for sale, but apparently gave
that up in favor of just going with NCD.

So I would simply Google for powdered zeolite. Check several places for the
best price.  Some give a lot of BS marketing hype and charge up to $25 a
pound!  But the basic price range that I found (about 2 years ago) was $10 a

And basically all zeo is the same chemical make-up.  The only difference is
how finely they grind it, so watch out for the scams that go on about how
much better theirs is.

Wow--I just did a quick search and it seems that most of the powdered zeo is
going for FIFTY bucks a pound now!  Guess you'll have to do some digging to
see if you can get it cheaper.  I knew a guy that lived where he could get
pure zeolite cat litter.  He ground it himself and took that.  Don't be
snowed by the ones that say 'it's not food grade'.  It's all the same, just
different grinds/mesh.

I the site I had used was but that site is gone now! 

---Original Message---
Would you share the contact information for the lady that sells the zeolite?

RE: CSAccidental Discovery Provides Relief From Morgellons Victims

2012-01-02 Thread
And $3.50 a day is his idea of affordable for everyone?

The thing sounds pretty far fetched to me.  And of course there's the whole
idea of NuSilver not being any different than home made silver, which would
be MUCH cheaper.  

Oddly, he says that if she doesn't take the silver for a few days she feels
like her symptoms are coming back.  But if the silver made them all flee her
body--how would she get reinfected so quickly?   And why did he have to
throw in the 'I'm disabled part.  What--to make us think that has something
to do with why we should trust him?  

As I said--a lot doesn't add up.  To me, anyway.

---Original Message---
Isn’t this the guy that was on the list a few months back and managed to 
alienate lot of people?

Re: CStest - DELETE

2011-12-30 Thread
I see it 
---Original Message---
From: Nenah Sylver
Date: 12/30/2011 10:56:06 AM
Subject: CStest - DELETE
I sent two emails that were never posted, so I’m testing to see that this
goes through.
Nenah Sylver, PhD
author, the NEW Rife Handbook (2011)
Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy (2004)
VoiceBio and Biomodulator certification; 

Re: CSPassing of Jim Meissner at age 70

2011-12-28 Thread
I'm saddened to hear this.  Jim was always very helpful to everyone, and
very knowledgeable.  He will be missed.


CSTitanium question

2011-12-26 Thread
I'm thinking of making both a foot detox device and an alkalizing water
machine.  Both call for either titanium or stainless steel as electrodes.
I originally figured I'd need sheets--as some people put the sheets down in
the foot detox pan to put their feet on instead of hanging the sheet at the
side of the pan, but I know that others have just hung the electrode.
I THINK surface area might be part of the consideration with both the detox
and the water device.  But I'm not sure.
I found this grade 2 titanium rod on ebay.  It seems to fit the bill--except
I'm not sure about how a rod would work vs a flat sheet as far as surface
area is concerned.
I believe I even remember one of the water companies saying they used
perforated titanium sheet because that allowed for even greater surface area
  But maybe that was just marketing hype.
Any thoughts?

Re: CSMagnets

2011-12-21 Thread
Thanks Melly.  Maybe that's what Peter said, too.  I just can't remember,
but I do remember that he thought continual use of plain magnets the best.

---Original Message---
Thank you Renee and PT for your advice.
Again, i will repeat what i have read about pulsers.  If the Hz is not high
enough, it can even make the cancer grow.  From what i understand the good
Hz is 30,000+.  Very expensive though.


RE: CSMagnets-No Ceramics?

2011-12-21 Thread
---Original Message---
Ceramic magnets work just fine.  I have used them for many years.  The downside 
is if you drop them you have lots of little magnets and magnetic dust! :-)

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2011 #387

2011-12-21 Thread
Interesting David, about the strength for skin or internal cancers.  I know
with the big magnets in Peter's kit that you can place on on the side of
your body, and on the opposite side it will move a compass needle, so the
pull on good strong magnets is much greater than you'd think.   Enough to 
reach' into the middle of the body at least.  

Everything else is right.  But now I'm interested in your idea about
internal and skin cancers, and so shall ask Peter about this.

I just did ask him about magnets and cancer as that's not something that has
been addressed in our group, and he said that most people report immediate
(cancer) pain relief and stoppage of nausea from chemo and such.  But this
is interesting about whether or not they help with different cancers.

As far as the other questions--placement is very important.  Say you have a
bruise on the arm.  You may just need a magnet placed directly on the bruise
  But say you broke a bone in the arm--then you would want the correct pole
placement on one magnet above the break one one side of the arm and a
different pole placement below the break on the other side of the arm.  This
stimulates the flow of energy through the break.

But for length of time this is not so important.  You will know if you take
it off too soon because pain comes back.  If you leave it on longer than
necessary there's no damage done.

Strength is good--the stronger the better, but as PT stated, it's not always
necessary to have super strong mags.  Weak ones will work too.  Use what you

---Original Message---
What are the general parameters that can be decided in the use of magnets? 
I can think of:

1.  Placement of magnets (i.e. near an injury, tumor...I gather also
important to consider location of energy meridians)
2.  Length of use
3.  Which pole to use
4.  Strength profile of the magnet.  

Re: CSAnother way to heal

2011-12-20 Thread
Peter Kulish at for all his magnets kits.  You just
put 50% in the code on the order page.  He carries 3 supplements that are
great and you can get 25% off the supplements by using 25%S in the code box.

See my previous pasts the last 2 days about how wonderful the magnets work
for health.

---Original Message---
I must have missed something -- who is having a 50% off sale?

RE: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2011 #387

2011-12-20 Thread
Yes, there are several people that were masters at magnets--Peter studied
under most of them.  There are some good books out there.  I have them.  I
even photo copied a book by an old man that went around teaching magnetic
healing and selling super strong magnets.  He had a lot of the same info
Peter has, only not so much about the placements.  My friend took a class
from him many years ago.  I have searched and searched on line but that
gentleman has passed away and no one now seems to have his material, so I
copied my friend's.  My friend bought a set of his large super magnets and I
can barely get them apart!  My friend says when he puts them on pain just

Anyway--there are basic ways to use magnets for healing, but of all the
books I have, Peter's is the most explicit and has the most information
about placement for certain problems.  His book is inexpensive--only $15
full price and I believe it can be purchased on sale now at the 50% off.  

The thing with Peter's information is that he's had thousands of people
using and reporting on the magnets for health.  There are lots of
testimonials on his site, and he works closely with many doctors.  Few other
magnetic authors have that experience.  Many of the books found in book
stores are simply from people that gathered information about magnets and
put it in a book, without them actually having the experience of clinical

---Original Message---
I know some people on the list like Kulish but Davis  Rawls predated him by 
many, many years.  Their stuff is still available and will help guide you.

RE: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2011 #387

2011-12-20 Thread
Yes, they are very good, too.

---Original Message---
Davis  Rawls were some of the original researchers on magnets and have 
specific information about magnet placement also.

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2011 #387

2011-12-20 Thread
Hey Doug. I think you must be referring to the one I copied?  I've already
listed Peter's book which is Conquering Pain The Art of Healing with
Biomagnetism by Peter Kulish.  The one I copied is -- well shoot, I'm going
to have to look for it.  I thought it was with my magnet set but we've
remodeled and I still have a couple hundred books that have not been put on
shelves.  It has to be in a box someplace here.  But when I find it, if that
s the one you are interested in, I'll let you know.

But it's self published so I don't think you'd be able to find it anywhere,
unless someone that he sold to decided to get rid of theirs.  The old guy
started a church out in CA, I think it was.  The book (there are actually 2)
mentions the name of the church, the organization he started and that he was
also going to do some videos on the magnets and other methods of healing.  I
searched and search, couldn't find him anywhere.  I wrote to a couple places
in the town where the church was suppose to be--the better biz bureau and
the group of churches, and no one knew anything about him or his group.  Too
bad.  He actually had a lot of good material.  My friend met him about 10
years ago and said he was in his 80's then.

---Original Message---
What's the title and author of that magnet book you speak?

Re: magnetic pulser, was Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2011 #387

2011-12-20 Thread
I'm not sure exactly the difference.  I did ask Peter once about a device
that I THINK was a mag pulser, if I remember correctly.  He told me that
they were good, but that the constant use of a regular magnet was better. 
You can tape it on your body and wear it 24/7.  But I could ask him again if
you want more specifics.

---Original Message---
Where does a magnetic pulser fit into magnetic therapy? Or is magnetic
pulser therapy too different?

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2011 #387

2011-12-20 Thread
Yes, but some people may already have magnets, or want to go to other places
on line to get magnets at a better price, so that's why I suggest at least
getting the book.  If you have the book and ANY brand strong magnets, you
are set.  But for those without magnets then the kits are a great way to go.
 They are assured of getting good strong magnets, coated so they don't chip,
and marked so it's very simple to see which side to use.  There's even
raised letters on them so that you can tell which side you have facing your
skin when you are putting them on your back and can't see the colors.

---Original Message---
Renee -- isn't his book included in the Wellness Kit?

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2011 #387

2011-12-20 Thread
I don't think I could scan it.  There are a LOT of pages, all 8x10.  I 
forget how much it cost me to have the 2 books copied.  When I find them I
ll let you know as I can go down and have it priced out, but really, though
he has a lot of other good info in there, most of what he says is in Peter's
book, only Peter's is more detailed on the placements.

Also, just so you know, it's very religious slanted.

---Original Message---
If you find it do you think it could be scanned into a PDF?  Either that or
photcopied and I could paypal you to cover copying and mailing??

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2011 #387

2011-12-20 Thread
Huh--that's a great idea.  Thanks!  After the holidays I can give it a try.

---Original Message---
Use a digital camera to photograph each page, and upload the resulting *.jpgs. 
The job will be done in no time at all and you can reuse your SDcard again. 
There is atleast one free program (for WIN_XP  newer WINs)to convert those 
*.jpgs to *.pdf Certainly faster than scanning and cheaper than photocopying.

Re: CSAnother way to heal

2011-12-20 Thread
Hi Kathy.  I have zero idea about the chat room.  I own the group but we
have never used it.  I think yahoo just offers it to every group but it's
not something most groups use.  At least I've never been in a group where it
has been used.

People just write their questions for Peter to the whole list--though you
can certainly write him privately via his web site.  He will always answer,
though it may take a day or so because he is very busy.

Otherwise, any comments or general questions are just posted to the group.

---Original Message---
Thank you Renee and hello Pat,...I just now joined also.   I see they
have a chat thing on that group, does that work and do people talk. I
clicked on it and it showed me in the chat room.

Re: CSAnother way to heal

2011-12-20 Thread
Yes, sometimes you just want the pain to stop.  Once it stops then you can
redo the magnets for better healing.

And that's exactly why I purchased 2 wellness kits when they were on sale
last year--I'm always loaning them out.  Sometimes it's hard to get them
back!!  This way I have my own full kit that we don't loan out so that if we
need it--it's here.

---Original Message---
Thank you Renee, just joined. Had looked  for it but couldn't find it. When I 
tried checking  in the book, I chose the pain protocol, which was negative 
side down, even tho for the foot  with the problem was positive. This morning I 
just loaned the rest of my discs and book to someone in worse pain than me 
after a fall. I like the discount and may have to order some more pronto.

Re: CSMagnets

2011-12-20 Thread
Hey Melly.  I'm sure there must be other magnets with the same gauss as
Peter's, but I can't say if they are the same size.  His size (except for
the largest ones) are very convienent to use and 'hide'.  Some magnets with
the same gauss are larger.  Each size of Peter's magnets are a different

It's hard to say though about other magnet's strength/gauss, because I've
read where many dealers will post the gauss that is in the middle of the
magnet (where both poles meet) and while this is the strongest, by the time
the magnetic energy reaches the surface of the magnet, the gauss drops.  So
they should really be posting the surface gauss--which is what Peter does. 
But since they don't it makes it hard to compare.

But just remember--any strong neodymium will work, if you already have some
on hand.  Don't bother with ceramic magnets--you want the neos, also called
rare earth.



---Original Message---
While magnets are available elsewhere,  is the gauss the same as those
sold by Peter?
How many gauss does the biomagscience magnets have? 


Re: CSAnother way to heal

2011-12-20 Thread
Jaxi--have you used the organ enhancing placement?  That's on the paper, not
in the book, because it was discovered after the book was published. 
Because we are energetic beings, and magnetic energy is in our cells, if we
are 'low' on this energy in the organs, nothing we do will be a permanent

So there is a placement over the liver, spleen, and kidneys that will return
and balance this energy in these organs, which then allow our supplements,
energy devices, etc to be more effective.  I didn't notice a lot from the
placement when I used it, but boy my DH sure did.  You are suppose to wear
them 24 hrs a day for 3 days.  My DH felt so good he wanted to wear them
longer so I asked Peter and he said yes, it was ok.  My DH wore them for
about a week and felt much better.  Peter says he has one doctor that wears
them over the organs for 5 days every month just to 'stay healthy'.  

Since none of this is about CS I think people should either join the magnet
list or ask me privately about magnets.  I don't want to highjack the list. 
People that are here for CS may not be interested in magnets.  I originally
just wanted to let everyone on all the lists I'm on know what a great extra
protocol magnets are and that the super sale was going on now.  I didn't
mean take over the list. 

---Original Message---
If it goes like it did for me you'll decide you need more magnets.  LOL I took 
advantage of the 50% off deal to stock up on mags.  I have 12 on me right now.  

Re: CSAnother way to heal

2011-12-19 Thread
You will not regret it.  I wouldn't be without our magnets.  Members of the
magnetic group have reported some remarkable healings while using the
magnets.  Some I never even thought of--like putting magnets on both sides
of the nose to clear a sinus infection!  That would work better for me than
using a netti pot with CS because I can't stand to run liquid into my nose. 

---Original Message---
Thank you for your post regarding the magnets.I have always wanted to
work with magnets but there is so much out there it is difficult to know
what to get and where to put them..and if they really do work.  I am
pleased to read of your personal experiences and the fact that the book is
such a great help and guides the exact placement.I have purchased the
wellness kit  this morning and look forward to learning about the world of
magnets and the body.   Put that together with the wonderful use of CS and
there we go

Re: CSAnother way to heal

2011-12-19 Thread
If you use the stronger ones you could put it outside your shoe--though you
must wrap it good enough that it doesn't fall off.  You could get the book
out and look up the method that is recommended for toes.  It will depend on
which foot it is on as to whether you use the positive or negative side of
the magnets.

The group is here:
Peter belongs to the group and will answer any questions you have about
magnets and healing with them.  

This 50% off sale is great, though members of the group get 25% off all the
time with a special code.  So if someone missed the holiday sales there's
still a way to save some money.

---Original Message---
What is the link to the magnet  group please? 

CSAnother way to heal

2011-12-18 Thread
Although I love CS and have two CS machines and always keep a gallon on hand
for emergencies--I also rely on a few other tried and true healing
modalities.  Magnets are something I always reach for when something happens

I will rinse out a wound with CS, patch it up and place magnets either on or
near it so that 1) there's no pain and 2) it heals a lot faster.  If I get
something like a sprain or a break, I'd be using magnets.  In fact, I
recently sliced my finger open with a box cutter.  Rinsed with CS and
cayenne Tincture (because it kept bleeding), bandaged it up.  But it hurt so
I placed a magnet on top and--no more pain.

And a year ago this month I stepped off a rock and sprained my ankle very
badly--tore all the ligaments right down to my toes.  It hurt so bad I
couldn't stand up and so crawled into the house and into a chair. I had my
DH get the magnets which we immediately wrapped onto the ankle.  It took the
pain away in literally minutes.  

For the next 2 days I limped and was sore, but not in pain.  The next 2 days
even the soreness stopped and the limping stopped.  I wound up wearing the
magnets 24/7 for 7 weeks.  If I took the magnets off the pain would return
but less so I knew it was healing.  At the end of the 7 weeks my ankle was
good as new. 

I met other people that had also sprained their ankles and had gone to the
ER.  They either had to wear a boot for 6 to 8 weeks or walk with crutches
for that time.  I did neither.  I was able to wear my regular shoes and
continue on with my holiday celebrations.  

So I think everyone should have a set of good strong neo magnets in their
homes.  I did a lot of research a few years ago and decided that single pole
magnets were my choice rather than products like Nikken that use both poles
at the same time.  Single pole has a long history of tests and usage.  In my
research I came across Peter Kulish's site at   after reading a lot of that site I decided that I
wanted his magnets and book.

The Japanese have used magnets for healing for centuries, yet they chose HIS
book to teach their doctors about using magnets for health!  I own numerous
books on magnets and health but I consider (along with the Japanese!) his to
be the best.

He has many small kits, but I would suggest that anyone interested in having
magnets get his  full wellness kit.  It has the whole series of magnets
(enough for healing several spots on the body at the same time), 2 water
magnets (my cats and dogs doubled their intake of water when I started using
magnetized water for them) his book, a bottle of oxygen drops and a reusable
self-stick bandage for holding the magnets on.  If you already have good
magnets, at least get his book because it will tell you placement, duration
and which pole to use where--and it's very inexpensive.

I actually have purchased TWO of his full wellness kits so that I have a set
here to use plus a set to loan out. 

Right now Peter is offering a 50% off sale on all kits and a 25% off on the
3 supplements that he carries.  I have no financial interest in this at
all--it's just something I believe in as strongly as I believe in CS.

If you go to his site and decide to purchase, all you have to do is put 50%
in the code area on the order page for the kits and put 25%S in the code for
any supplements.  This sale is good till Dec 31st.

He also has a 50% off sale on magnetic kits for fuel savings for both cars
and for home heating systems that use either propane or natural gas.  There
s nothing for savings if you have electricity like I do, otherwise I'd have
one of those kits too.  In fact, I do have a kit for my car which is being
put on this weekend.

If you wish for the code and link to the fuel savings email me at gaiacita @ and I'll send it to you.  Since it's not about healing I didn't
want to put it on this list, whereas the wellness kits ARE for healing.

Hope this helps someone.  


RE: CSAnother way to heal

2011-12-18 Thread
Oh, the garments are really cool PT!  I have never seen them before.  I
think I will write and ask Peter how these would work WITH magnets.  Seems
like it would be a good combo.

---Original Message---
 I would add to these, infratonic devices ( and far 
infrared treatments in the form of FIR garments etc. ( and 


2011-12-18 Thread
Um, I have the Emotion Code and though HE uses those Nikken roller magnets,
his system dose not require them.  He says even a refrigerator magnet will
work.  In fact, he now says that your finger will do the same thing, and now
he is using an Amega type wand.  They system is incredible, I think.  

---Original Message---
Thanks, I'll look into it.
-Original Message-
No that is another guy that wrote The Emotion Code  The Healing Code doesn
t require you to buy anything else.
-Original Message-
Isn't he the one that requires you to buy expensive Nikkon magnet rollers to 
use on the back?

RE: CSAnother way to heal

2011-12-18 Thread
Oh, well that's good to know.  Thanks!

Do you put the magnets on top of the garments?  That's what I was thinking. 

---Original Message---
One shouldn’t have anything to do with the other.  I have used magnets for near 
30 years and the FIR garments work on different kinds of emanations… and they 
do work very well for me.

RE: CSAnother way to heal

2011-12-18 Thread
Yeah, I tape too.  But I was thinking that combining the fir and magnets
(magnets on top of the fir material) that the 2 together may increase each
other.  Maybe--maybe not.

---Original Message---
I always tape magnets to the body.

Re: CSNeed expert advice ASAP

2011-12-09 Thread
Thus is true.  My kitten got burnt with hot grease and had long, wide 3rd
degree burns down the outside of each back leg.  Aloe wasn't doing anything
much and it hurt him everytime I had to touch him to apply it.

Got CS un a spray bottle and you could almost see the skin heal.  In just 2
weeks the burns were healed. The skin pink and smooth instead of all
wrinkled like burned skin does.

---Original Message---
According to Bob Becker's book The Body Electric EIS, or silver ions
are great for promoting healing without scarring. Personally I would
keep it wet with EIS as much as possible, and give it time to heal. That
will of course also prevent infection.

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2011 #359

2011-11-18 Thread
I have no means of putting in the frequencies.  I don't know how the guy did
it.  He said he had a machine--probably something like a frex machine?  Or
some sort of frequency generator.  

And whether he put them into the glass before 'baking' the glass, while
baking or after?  I doubt he could put them in WHILE baking--which is called
fusing, unless he ran the frequency machine close to the kiln perhaps..

It's a simple process to fuse the dichro glass, but I no longer have a kiln
to do it in.  All a person does is buy different colors of dichro glass
sheets, cut 2 pieces out of 2 different colors, lay them on top of each
other and put them in a kiln.  At a certain temperature the glass will melt
together and form a solid piece.  Depending on the original sheets of color
you can get some pretty spectacular looking pieces.

But you can do this with ANY glass.  The reason people use dichroic glass is
because of the color variations WITHIN each color.  Meaning that if you buy
a piece of red glass (like glass you'd make a stained glass window with) you
will just get a solid red.  But if you buy a sheet of red dichroic glass,
you will get many shades of red, and gold in that one sheet, depending on
how the light strikes the glass.  

But you still would have to know how or when to run the frequencies 'through
 the glass.  According to the sites I read dichro, from the way it is made,
seems to hold frequencies.  But again--how these frequencies are added to
the glass I can't be positive. 

I did ask the guy how he did it, and of course he didn't want to tell me.   
Only said that he had a machine, so I'm sure he had some sort of frequency
machine.  I would THINK that the glass pieces are made, then placed on the
plate on the machine and then you'd let it run through all the frequencies
for a while.

It would seem that it would be best to run the frequencies WHILE the glass
was melting in the kiln, as that would seem to place the frequencies INTO
the glass itself, but how this would be possible I'm not sure.  It would
take experimentation--like perhaps set the Frex up to run next to the kiln
the whole time the glass was melting and then cooling as this can take 12 to
24 hours.  That may just do the trick and would seem the best way to me.

But it might also work just as good if a person put a finished dichroic
piece on the output plate of a frequency machine and ran it for 12 hours or

So doing it the second way--placing the dichro piece on the machine plate
would mean that you could buy ANY piece of dichro necklace you liked and put
your own frequencies in!  You can buy beautiful dichroic jewelry in lots of
places, especially craft shows, for 20 bucks or so, then run your own

You'd test if it worked or not by muscle testing.  If anyone has a frequency
machine and tries this I would be very interested in knowing if it works or
not.  If it worked the way I think it would--by placing the dichro pieces on
the frequency machine, then someone could really make some money selling
these.  Buying dichro sheets is not very expensive at all, especially when
you are cutting just 1 inch or so pieces for a necklace.  Buying a very
small kiln is around $100 or so--at least it use to be, not sure now.  Or
you could find some craft person that's already making dichro jewelry and
make a wholesale deal with them, then run them with your own frequency

I wish now I had a kiln and a machine--I'd be experimenting with this!  Or
even just a frequency machine because I can get some pre-made dichro pieces
easily around here at the craft shows.

---Original Message---
Ok. Renee, i got what you mean.  Since you know how to make those glass
thingy, can you not put in the emf repeller?I'll buy one from you if you
decide to make them.
Take care.

--- On Fri, 11/18/11, wrote:

Subject: silver-digest Digest V2011 #359
Date: Friday, November 18, 2011, 11:22 AM


Re: CSRenee's EMF protecting necklace

2011-11-15 Thread
Oh rats!!!  So sorry!

---Original Message---
I spoke with the people at the website Renee sent us to and was told that the 
webpage was an old one and the jewelry was no longer available… so enjoy your 
necklace Renee.  It is irreplaceable! :-)

RE: CSRenee's EMF protecting necklace

2011-11-15 Thread
What are the filters like? 
---Original Message---
That’s OK.  They were very nice and recommended Stetzer Electric who makes 
filters.  They said they have used his filters for years and they really help.  
I spoke with Dave Stetzer and he was a lovely man who was very helpful.

RE: CSRenee's EMF protecting necklace

2011-11-15 Thread
Oh, ok.  Thanks.

---Original Message---
They plug into outlets.  That's all I know.  Sorry.

--- On Tue, 11/15/11, wrote:

Subject: RE: CSRenee's EMF protecting necklace
Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2011, 8:54 PM

What are the filters like? 
---Original Message---
That’s OK.  They were very nice and recommended Stetzer Electric who makes
filters.  They said they have used his filters for years and they really
help.  I spoke with Dave Stetzer and he was a lovely man who was very


Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2011 #358

2011-11-15 Thread
Yes, dichro glass necklaces of all sorts are available in many, many places
Melly, but they don't have the frequencies infused into them.  That's a
separate process from the dichro.

I can make dichro glass jewelry here--have made a lot of it.  You just buy
dichroic sheets, cut them and fuse them in a kiln, or melt them in a special
torch for bead making.  

But these are not embedded with frequencies.  That's what makes the one I
bought special.

---Original Message---

Renee's glass necklace are available from jewelry making suppliers.  I've
seen them around from suppliers around the austing and san antonio, texas

--- On Tue, 11/15/11, wrote:

Subject: silver-digest Digest V2011 #358
Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2011, 9:05 PM


Re: CStest

2011-11-10 Thread
It's here--I see you.  Guess it's just quiet 
---Original Message---
From: PTFerrance
Date: 11/10/2011 9:40:24 AM
Subject: CStest
Wondering if the list is down…

Re: CSwatering plants with CS

2011-11-03 Thread
Are you sure it's mold or fungus and not spider mites?  They can cause a
very heavy white 'mold' looking infestation.  I doubt the CS will do
anything to them.  The peroxide might.  Usually you just take the plant
outside and hit all the underside leaves with a heavy spray of water from a
hose.  Or you can wash each leaf off by hand in the house.  They do have
spider mite spray, but that's toxic.  Maybe now they have a natural one as
it's been years since I've had to deal with spider mites.  

---Original Message---
There is a newly planted tree in my home, about 5 feet high, with white 
mold/fungus growing on the bottom side of most of the leaves.  I have been 
spraying it with CS and peroxide, and it has improved, but I want to know if 
dumping jars of CS in the dirt actually helps it internally?

Re: CSwatering plants with CS

2011-11-03 Thread
No, you won't see the critters.  What you can do is smash some of the white
stuff between your fingers.  If it winds up sticky--it's spider mites.  You
don't see them because they are so tiny--mites! 

You can get a magnifying glass and watch them move, sometimes.  The white
fuzzy stuff is a waxy coating so they are impervious to a lot of
things--that's why it takes a heavy stream of water to 'blow' them off or a
physical wipe with a wet cloth.  

It could be something else, like powdery mildew, but if only on the
underside of the leaves it's usually spider mites.  If even on plant had
them where you got the tree they spread from plant to plant.  When they get
really badly infested they'll start showing up at leaf junctions too.  

---Original Message---
I can't see any critters with the naked eye.  Just white stuff.  It is mostly 
on the bottom sides of the leaves though.  I suppose I could hose the tree.

Re: CSElectromedicine

2011-10-24 Thread
Hi David.  Does the ReBulider only work on nerves, do you know?  It sounds
much like the SCIO machine a friend of mine has, only hers works on just
about everything--in real time, sending back a balancing signal to what it
has detected as being unbalanced in the body.  But that machine is SUPER

---Original Message---
Oh, actually it is like this according to them:

“The ReBuilder is different from other common TENS devices in that it analyzes 
in real time, the waveform that the nerves are responding with, and then 
creates a specific waveform to gently nudge the dysfunctional nerves back to 
full function. 

Re: CSElectromedicine

2011-10-24 Thread
Lots of good info there, David.  Thanks.  I'll be reading it all.

Yes, it gets very frustrating when people complain about something, yet won
t make the effort to DO something about it.  Even when it's family, it's
frustrating.  Well, it's probably more frustrating when it's family because
you care more than you do when it's a stranger. 

---Original Message---
Here is the article I wrote on nerve damage and spinal cord injury treatment 
options.  It contains everything I know (or don't know) about the ReBuilder, 
and a lot more:

CSNeti pot

2011-10-23 Thread
My brother had extreme sinus condition.  He hadn't been able to smell
anything for at least 5 years, he was on 2 different prescription sinus
medications daily, plus, when allergy season would happen he'd still get a
sinus infection and have to go to the doctor to get shots for it.

He was visiting and sounded so stuffy i told him about the neti pot.  He
went right downtown and bought one.

Over a period of a few months he was able to get rid of one of his
medications and make it through that allergy season without getting an

Over the next 6 month period he was able to stop the other medication and he
got his sense of smell back.

He's been on a neti pot for 2 years now and has not gotten one sinus
infection, he can smell everything, no longer sounds stuffy all the time,
and just is so happy about his non-existing sinus problem. 

He uses sea salt and baking soda in the neti.  His neti holds a cup, so he
makes 2 cups of warm water, a half teaspoon of sea salt and a half teaspoon
of baking soda, stirs together and then fills the pot and does one nostril
with the whole cup, then fills the pot and does the other nostril with the
second cup.  He uses it daily, first thing in the morning.  In allergy
season he uses it twice a day.  He takes his pot with him  when he travels. 
Once he came here for a weekend visit and had forgotten to bring his neti
with him, so he went right downtown and bought another one.  He will never
be without one again.



Re: CSGreen Walnut Hull

2011-10-21 Thread
I don't know where you are, but Osage Orange grew in northern Illinois, and
we also have a tree here in south Texas.  So it covers quite a range and
withstands all sorts of temperature ranges. 

But I never would have mistaken osage orange for walnut!!

---Original Message---
Thanks for this link, Polo! You've made me want to get a sapling next spring 
and see if it could survive up here. We got a red-bud which is thriving, so 

RE: CSGreen Walnut Hull

2011-10-21 Thread
I tried it in the basement, but it didn't work.  Just as many spiders as

---Original Message---
A very interesting read.  We had Osage Orange where I grew up and although I 
was told not to eat the fruit I was told it was good to dry and then put in 
drawers to keep bugs away.  Never did it but that was the local folklore.happy.gif

RE: CSGreen Walnut Hull

2011-10-21 Thread
Yes, insects (sometimes) listen and will do as you ask.  I suppose it all
depends on how clear your intention is, and how clear your thought form is. 
But it's a very good thing to try first.

---Original Message---
In one of her books, Karen Kingston talks about how to keep insects out of a 


2011-10-20 Thread
Yep, there are many people that successfully use MMS.  It's great for them
as it really can do a good job of killing internal pathogens.  It's just
that it's not for everyone, contrary to what Humble says.  We don't use it
often here, but I would never be without it.

---Original Message---
  I felt an immediate sense of relief after the first dose of MMS... 


2011-10-19 Thread
I would stay away from it too.  I do not know what all your health issues
are, but if 1 drop does that, then it's pretty poisonous for you.

My Dad had leukemia and was also diabetic and he could take one drop, though
2 made him FEEL nauseous.  He didn't throw up or have diarrhea, but he didn
t like the feeling of being nauseous, naturally.  He was a big guy too--240
plus pounds, 6 foot 2 inches.  

I know Humble says that it's the die off, but if it affects you that bad
either you are extremely ill, or it's simply not for you.  I would think it
wasn't for you and would not push it.  There are other ways of using a more
dilute MMS, at only 5%, that can be very helpful around the house as a
cleaner and such, though, so that your bottle isn't wasted.

And--it makes a great descaler.   We have very hard water here and get
terrible lime build up on everything.  I mix up a big squirt of MMS and a
big squirt of white vinegar, let it sit about 10 minutes, and put that into
my dishwasher.  I run a cycle and boy, does that dishwasher come out
sparkling clean!  Lol  my  friend uses her MMS to descale her coffee pots.

---Original Message---
I was on one drop a day with the projectile vomiting, along with wonderful
It was too much for me and I won't take it again.  I tried 3 times and each
time was so ill.  It just isn't for me.


2011-10-18 Thread
Hey PT. 

 I've been making and using it for 5 years now.  Any vinegar will do.  As
will lemon or lime juice, fresh or bottled.  Fresh is better naturally, but
many people have used bottled Real Lemon Juice (which isn't ) and activated
it.  I've used both white vinegar and acv.  

Chlorine dioxide, which is what activated MMS is, only stays in the body for
15 minutes or so.  Humble use to say it lasted 12 hours, but the chemists
proved him wrong.  They say it only lasts about 10 to 15 minutes, but you
could give it a half hour to be sure.  That's actually why he switched from
his twice a day 15 drop protocol, to every 2 hours with less drops--not
because it is stronger this way, but because it actually is more effective
because you are getting it into the body more often due to it not lasting
very long.  He just doesn't like to say that as he doesn't like to be proved
wrong.  He prefers to say he 'invented a new protocol'.  

What I tell people is to take their C just before bedtime, if they are
dosing with MMS throughout the day.  Take your last dose of MMS, wait a half
hour, then load up on C.  That gives the C plenty of time in the body.

Every so often--once a week or so--stop the MMS and take C all day long.

---Original Message---
I have a couple of questions about MMS for those who use it, if you don’t
mind answering.


2011-10-18 Thread
A person absolutely has to know how to use MMS, and for some people it is
never any good.  Humbel's continued insistence that it's perfectly safe for
everyone is WRONG.

---Original Message---

Additionally, I still have big circles under my eyes, that were not there 
before.  I don't recommend it for anyone.  That is just me though.


2011-10-18 Thread

Even that can have a bad effect on certain people.  These people are in the
minority, but--simply pay attention to your body.  If it's really reacting
to MMS then don't take it--or go VERY slow, like one drop, and see what

There are those people that push through.  Some get better--some don't.  No
one can say for sure how anyone is going to react. 

We DO know that chlorine dioxide is poisonous.  And too much will make
anyone throw up and have diarrhea.  Humble claims this is from pathogen
die-off, but the chemists say it's from chlorine poisoning.  Personally, I
think it is poisoning.  Would I still use MMS?  Yes, and I do.  I'm just
very careful.

Any medicine, whether home made or allopathic, can be bad if taken in too
large a dose.  Actually, this can be said of anything.

So--you just have to take it and know your body.  If you are in doubt about
whether your reaction is too extreme or normal, then stop taking it.  Give
your body a rest, then try again.

I asked the chemist that uses sodium chlorite (MMS) every day.  I asked him
why, if it wasn't killing small amounts of pathogens and the body getting
better and better--why was a person able to take more and more drops every
day?  His answer was pretty insightful--he said how many people hack and
cough the first couple times they smoke a cigarette, but then eventually
their bodies get use to it and they don't cough anymore.  A body can adjust,
even if something is very bad for it.  We are remarkable that way.

I guess the best litmus is how do you feel afterwards.  Something that helps
should make you feel better, and I'm not one of those that think horrid
detoxes are good for the body.  I think a detox should be slow and
comfortable, as much as possible.  So if I took MMS and it made me feel
terrible, I wouldn't take it again.  If I took it, and it made me feel bad,
but later I felt a little better, then I'd continue taking it.

It's different for each person.  I've known list members that have felt like
MMS was killing them, but they pushed through and said that all their
illnesses fell by the wayside in a few months.  I've seen others say they
took it and it made them feel great immediately.

The reactions spam both sides of health--it has made some people hungry, cut
the appetite of others.  Made some sleepy and kept some awake.  Made some
skin sag and others their skin cleared up and looked young.  

That's why I can't give one simple answer.  Sorry.

---Original Message---
So how does one know, Renee?  Just stick to the 3 drop every 2 hour method?

CSSoldering vs crimping

2011-09-19 Thread
I will pop in to say that soldering will FEEL beyond a housewife's ability. 
First they will have to buy the tool--as many will not know someone with the
tool--then they will have to get beyond the fear of 'what if I burn my house
down' , they will be terribly unsure of making a good solder, whereas with
the correct crimping tool (I've only used the larger ones for coax wire so
don't know about smaller ones) and a gentle tug they will know if they got
it correct or not.

There IS, however, a small solder pen that I've seen advertised on TV. 
Burnless solder pen--meaning you can touch the tip to your finger and not
get burnt yet when you touch the tip to the metal wire it will solder. 
Single moms will also be worried about their small children getting burnt on
the solder gun when their backs are turned.

Just something to consider.


Re: CS44 PPM [GishPuppy]

2011-09-19 Thread
Nope, sorry.  Not a ham.  I was crimping coax because I had to make a
certain length of cable for a TV situation.

---Original Message---
Sandee George wrote:

Hi There Mike - maybe Renee is a HAM like I am so, we both know about
coax and more happy.gif

Re: CSOT - lymphatics

2011-09-17 Thread
For just moving lymph you don't even need to have the feet lift off the
rebounder.  Just keep the feet on and a little gentle bounce and the lymph
will pump.  Going higher than that is called exercise. 

---Original Message---
  a rebounder is great in that situation.  For actual exercise, jumping,
lifting feet off the rebounder kind of movement you need an expensive
rebounder, not the cheapie kinds, or you can damage your feet and
knees.  happy.gif

CSBob Banever

2011-09-17 Thread
Bob--was it you that sent me the phone number of Ol' Bob's wife for me to
ask her for permission to use his info?  If so, could you send it to me
again?  3 to 4 weeks ago I had a major OS crash and though I was able to
save my files/folders, I lost all my email and contacts.  It wiped my
incredimail.  Sigh


Re: CSOT - lymphatics

2011-09-16 Thread
Depends on what you are looking for.  If they can move up and down (as in
the knees work) the easiest way, through Brooks Bradley's instructions, are
to stand in a doorway, holding the sides of the door frame, stand on tip
toes and then drop down suddenly, bending the knees slightly.  Do this a
number of times.  This is as good as using a mini-trampoline.

If the person cannot do this at all, they can get a mini trampoline and sit
on it and gently bounce up and down, as this too will move lymph.

There is a method of lymph brushing with the hands.  Dr. West has videos on
it that you can purchase.  I don't know if there are any demos of it on

---Original Message---
I know the best way to move lymphatics is to exercise but for someone who 
cannot do that very well does anyone have any alternative suggestions.  I know 
someone in this situation and would like to be able to offer some suggestions.

Re: CSOT - lymphatics

2011-09-16 Thread
Oh, I should have added skin brushing, starting from the feet and working
upwards towards the heart, then at the fingertips and brushing towards the
heart.  Always towards the heart. 

Re: CSspectrographs of CS [GishPuppy]

2011-09-13 Thread
Jason wrote:
Even small concentrations of silver ions contain the electromagetic
Information of silver.  I'm not sure anyone understands from a practical
Level how oligodynamics work biologically.  As far as anyone really knows,
The effect could simply be a catylst.

Jason, does this mean if a person could get the figures for the frequency of
the silver that this would be as good as the electromagnetic information
from the silver--or do you think it's still necessary to have actual,
physical ions present?


Re: CSMiniCell Design Considerations [GishPuppy]

2011-09-13 Thread
Mike, you do amaze me.  

You are right--it's a shame the store owners can't see beyond their ledger. 
There are so many appliances thrown out that have simple fixes.  For a
person with a wage it's almost the same price to buy a new one as to get a
repair man to fix it, so that's why there's such great waste in this country

I had read where many restaurants in the larger cities would allow the
homeless to take food out from the back of their ktichens.  This was food
that would be wasted as people in the restaurant didn't finish it. 
Otherwise it was perfectly good food.  But--the law said oh no, you can't
do that, someone might get sick.  You MUST throw that food away   So the
restaurant owners got together to figure out a way around this.  What they
came up with was a great idea--they'd put the food into take out containers,
and then carefully set these sealed containers ON TOP of the trash in the
bins.  Then, they weren't redistributing 'used food', simply throwing out
their trash!  

But the waste is incredible.  Years ago my Mother took a short stint in the
grade school cafeteria, just to have something to do.  She said she felt
really bad one day as this little boy came up and asked if there were any
extra hot dogs he could have, as that's what was served that day, because he
was still hungry.  The 'fresh' dogs were all gone, but there were some
untouched ones on a couple plates so she gave him those.

She was pulled aside later and told never to do that again, that it broke
the law.  She said--but he was hungry!  They said--too bad.  Nothing gets
taken off one plate to be put on another plate!

And I had 3 dogs so one day Mom asked them if she could bring me home all
that wasted scrap food that was scraped from hundreds of luncheon plates. 
The in charge person said she could have it that one time, but never again
because 'it's the law--no food is to leave this unless it's as garbage, in
the garbage can, and can't even be eaten as pet food!!   

Simply unbelievable.

But it's heart warming to hear of folks like yourself, who go out of their
way to help others in need, without expecting any reward.

Thank you.



Re: CSspectrographs of CS [GishPuppy]

2011-09-13 Thread
Hey Jason.  Well, it seems that on another list they've been having good
results using a red pointing laser shown through a glass tube containing the
substance, onto the body.  This imparts the information of the substance
INTO the body.  

All very impressive.  If we could get a true grasp on frequencies we'd all
be able to do without having to ingest substances, but as you say--it's very
tricky.  Now it depends on the practitioner--how good he/she is.  Still, it
s a fascinating subject.

---Original Message---
In theory, yes.  In practice, maintaining the purity of any signal is
problematic.  It's easy to both measure and maintain any energy signal from
a device through a chamber and into a test tube.  It's way beyond my
technical expertise to try and figure out how this could be done.

Re: CSMiniCell Design Considerations

2011-09-10 Thread
Wow Mike.  What a wonderful plan you have.  I'm so impressed.  It seems you
ve thought of everything for our single, hurried mom.  I know so many women
in that same situation, and when you start saying 'here's this electric
device you can build--or, here's a $150 device you can buy they just go oh
 I don't have the money and I have zero idea how to build anything.  

So if you make it simple and easy enough we can get them into the hands of
all these families.

Great, great idea.  You have a big heart with a lot of compassion.

---Original Message---
  Here are some of the design considerations for the  MiniCell version
  of the SilverCell process:
  My main  concern  is  a single mom with hungry  kids  to  feed. They
  probably go to DayCare or Kindergarten, where cold and flu pathogens
  rapidly spread,  and the kids bring these germs home. So  the mother
  is constantly bathed in a sea of germs at home.

Re: CSMelly and Renee OT

2011-09-07 Thread
Hey thanks Sandy.  Nope, perfectly safe--though bone dry--here in New
Braunfels.  It's odd to see the yellow streak in the sky though, from the

---Original Message---

I'm wondering if the fires here in Tex are affecting you? So far none of the
fires are near me. I hope you are both safe and out of harms way. 

Best regards,


Re: CSMelly and Renee OT

2011-09-07 Thread
Oh shoot!  That close.  That's not good, but I guess the lack of gusty winds
is in your favor now.  If they can get the edges under control you should be
safe and we'll all just intend that no more windy days come around till this
is all over with.

And while we are at it--we can all intend for rain for Texas and OK.  We all
need it so badly.

Glad you are safe.

---Original Message---
You're very welcome, Renee. After I made my post I went outside and smoke
was everywhere. As you might guess it scared me quite a bit so I called the
sheriff's department and was told it's the smoke from the big fires all
around us but none locally, thank goodness. Yes, the sky does have that
strange yellow streak. So scary.

The fire in Bastrop is about 30 miles west of me and the one in Leon county
is 60 miles to the north. After I typed this I realize those fires are
closer to me than I at first thought. :( Hopefully without the winds of the
last several days they'll get them under control.

Stay safe!

--- On Wed, 9/7/11, wrote:

Subject: Re: CSMelly and Renee OT
Date: Wednesday, September 7, 2011, 10:18 AM

Hey thanks Sandy.  Nope, perfectly safe--though bone dry--here in New
Braunfels.  It's odd to see the yellow streak in the sky though, from the
---Original Message---
I'm wondering if the fires here in Tex are affecting you? So far none of the
fires are near me. I hope you are both safe and out of harms way. 

Best regards,