I will pop in to say that soldering will FEEL beyond a housewife's ability. 
First they will have to buy the tool--as many will not know someone with the
tool--then they will have to get beyond the fear of 'what if I burn my house
down' , they will be terribly unsure of making a good solder, whereas with
the correct crimping tool (I've only used the larger ones for coax wire so
don't know about smaller ones) and a gentle tug they will know if they got
it correct or not.

There IS, however, a small solder pen that I've seen advertised on TV. 
Burnless solder pen--meaning you can touch the tip to your finger and not
get burnt yet when you touch the tip to the metal wire it will solder. 
Single moms will also be worried about their small children getting burnt on
the solder gun when their backs are turned.

Just something to consider.

