Re: CS>Lunar CS making

2001-12-29 Thread james barton
Consider reading "Power vs. Force" by David R. Hawkins.
- Original Message -
From: "James Osbourne, Holmes" 
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2001 8:44 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Lunar CS making

> Before thinking anything is "true", consider Kurt Godel's Incompleteness
> Theorem;  Many advanced mathematicians believe that his proof proves that
> anything that is true is not provable, and, conversely, that systems of
> axiomatic proof may be demonstrated to technically "prove" something that
> it's face is absurdly false.  They don't take enough into account.
> Apparently, the only database adequate to really prove anything is
> everything.
> James-Osbourne: Holmes
> -Original Message-
> From: []
> Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 9:02 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Lunar CS making
> There probably is, you're exemplifying the standard sceptic.
> I used to be as sure as you, but not anymore.
> I DO find the world to be more fun now, too...
> BTW, what is your age?
> Chuck
> This mind intentionally left blank.
> On Sat, 29 Dec 2001 13:59:16 +1100, "Kevin Nolan" 
> wrote:
> >Hey, is there anyone else on this list who thinks like I do - if there is
> then have some balls and add your voice please!
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lunar CS making

2001-12-29 Thread CKing001
On Sun, 30 Dec 2001 00:15:24 +1100, "Kevin Nolan" 

>Seems you can read my state of frustration pretty well, Chuck. Not sure age 
>has much to do with it, but if it helps build a better profile, all being well 
>will turn 50 come St Patrick's Day.

Hmmm, unexpected paydirt!
Maybe that's when the search for more meaning in the nature of things begins.  I
STARTED training in kung-fu at 45. The circumstances leading up to that in
retrospect, were esoteric indeed. The sea change in my philosophy from that
point was a tremendous alteration.
> You seem to be doing pretty well for someone with a blank mind, BTW! Despite 
> the impression I'm obviously giving some, I do have an open mind, but as I'm 
> sure you've quipped, not so open the brain falls out. 

I just leave room for OTHER possibilities, I NEVER bet the rent!
Of one thing I'm sure of... Only fools are positive.  <;^)
(if you think you've caught me in one, note the seldom-used emoticon)
I think it was Marshall that set up my reading list for this winter by
mentioning Sitchin. Got the rest of his books for Christmas. Mind boggling!

Do what you do, it'll work out.
"It's just over the next dune, I swear to God!" -- Moses

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Re: CS>Lunar CS making

2001-12-29 Thread M. G. Devour
Kevin pleads...
> Hey, is there anyone else on this list who thinks like I do - if there
> is then ... add your voice please!

Yup, I've seen the scientific method work. In fact, I've personally
experienced how hard it can be to get some scientists to follow it
rigorously! Then there's the politics and economics that come into play
long before you need consider anything so esoteric as "psychic" or
paranormal influence by the observer. 

That said, it still works better than mumbo-jumbo and magic in the 
hands of people without extraordinary talent.

And the crucial aspect for us to remember in this whole discussion of 
Lunar influences, etc., is that THEY REALLY DON'T MATTER MUCH! 

Just as all the other wild fluctuations in concentration and particle
size and ionic fraction in our uncontrolled processes don't render our
CS ineffective, Lunar or other esoteric influences won't either.

It's fun to contemplate all this other stuff, but don't forget that the 
simpler CS generating methods still work plenty well enough.

I also ask that folks not strain the credulity of the newcomers by 
*too* much discussion of this stuff, since it really is not essential 
to their success learning to make and/or use CS and can cause them to 
dismiss us and CS as a bunch of idiocy.

I'm a sympathetic skeptic, if there is such a thing. I *want* a lot of 
this stuff to be true, but I don't believe it until I can see proof and 
evidence of reproduceable results. 

I am, however, a lot less willing to dismiss things out of hand as I
used to be! There's just too much that can't be explained.

Be well,

Mike D.
da list owner guy

(Yeah, we should soon kill these marginal threads. Volume is pretty 
high and that drives people away, too.)

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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RE: CS>Lunar CS making

2001-12-29 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Before thinking anything is "true", consider Kurt Godel's Incompleteness
Theorem;  Many advanced mathematicians believe that his proof proves that
anything that is true is not provable, and, conversely, that systems of
axiomatic proof may be demonstrated to technically "prove" something that on
it's face is absurdly false.  They don't take enough into account.
Apparently, the only database adequate to really prove anything is

James-Osbourne: Holmes

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 9:02 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Lunar CS making

There probably is, you're exemplifying the standard sceptic.
I used to be as sure as you, but not anymore.
I DO find the world to be more fun now, too...
BTW, what is your age?
This mind intentionally left blank.

On Sat, 29 Dec 2001 13:59:16 +1100, "Kevin Nolan" 

>Hey, is there anyone else on this list who thinks like I do - if there is
then have some balls and add your voice please!

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Re: CS>Lunar CS making

2001-12-28 Thread Leo Regehr
The "scientific method" does not exist in reality, that is to say, in a
pure sense, as contemplated in your post below. All we have in the real
world are imperfect attempts at it. If it were more transparent to the
public (as is our court system) we would all acknowledge this fact.

Kevin Nolan wrote:

> "..Now if the moon phase can influence such an observeable
> phenomenom as floatation of logs, I don't think it too much of a
> stretch to consider its influence on the formation of colloids, whose
> stability is dependant on the ability of the water to support the
> particles. Regards, Mike Fuller" But it is a huge stretch of the
> imagination. A log at near neutral bouyancy need only swell by a few
> percent (or alternately, expell a few percent moisture) to
> successfully float down a river. Silver colloid particles are 10 times
> the density of water, and remain suspended by brownian motion - a
> temperature dependent thermal effect, augmented by the zeta potential
> and any actual excess charge present. The two phenomena are chalk and
> cheese. "..The canine and the feline families manifest uncanny
> abilities which have  great survival  values in their respective
> vibrational planes but are rare ocurrences amongst humans  in our 35th
> - 40th Octave world for seeing and hearingHearing is sensory
> dissociation  without concentrationThe whole human body is a
> finely tuned electomagnetic  sense organ in resonance,  It is a
> cohesive manifestation of vibrationasl states of electromagnetism :
> light, sound and geometryWith regards, Lew" Would like to know
> just what a "vibrational plane" is, what our "35th - 40th Octave
> world" actually means (for instance - just what are the frequencies,
> and what is vibrating?), and how a human body can be fully or even
> partly described as "a cohesive manifestation of vibrational states of
> electromagnetism" (for starters, about 99.97% of our mass is of
> nuclear origin, which is not electromagnetic). "I'm new to the list
> and have been reading with interest speculation regarding CS
> production. Japanese artist/photographer Masaru Emoto's book "The
> Message from Water" suggests that human vibrational energy, thoughts,
> words, and ideas affect the molecular structure of water.
> Regards, Donna" Indeed he suggests
> it, and purports to prove it with photos. But has it been consistently
> reproduced by others - thus establishing it as a principle of nature?
> Put it this way; how many list members are going to slap a sticker on
> the side of their bottle of CS, with a message like "I love you", and
> really expect that to make some positive difference? Or, following the
> gist of the recent reintroduction of Michael Theroux's article on
> lunar influence on CS production, should we be assiduously consulting
> Solunar charts before brewing CS? Hugging trees may indeed make the
> hugger feel better, but don't discount good old psychological factors
> before putting it down to " exchange of positive and negative
> energies", for instance. Many concerned scientists think we are
> entering a new dark age, where magic and mysticism are reclaiming the
> ground won so hard by scientific progress over the last three
> centuries or so. To be sure, "establishment" science doesn't have all
> the answers, and there is a tendency to ignore phenomena that doesn't
> fit the mould. However the scientific method holds a rigour completely
> unmatched by mysticism whose pseudoscientific terminology merely gives
> the impression of really knowing. The unfortunate practice of
> carelessly or craftily blending together proven fact and
> speculation/folklore with the intent of making it look like a
> consistent whole is to be avoided like the plague. Hey, is there
> anyone else on this list who thinks like I do - if there is then have
> some balls and add your voice please! regards, Kevin Nolan

Re: CS>Lunar CS making

2001-12-28 Thread CKing001
There probably is, you're exemplifying the standard sceptic.
I used to be as sure as you, but not anymore.
I DO find the world to be more fun now, too...
BTW, what is your age?
This mind intentionally left blank.

On Sat, 29 Dec 2001 13:59:16 +1100, "Kevin Nolan" 

>Hey, is there anyone else on this list who thinks like I do - if there is then 
>have some balls and add your voice please!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lunar CS making

2001-12-27 Thread Mike Fuller
I don't know if this was sent properly, so apologies if you get it twice.

Loggers in Europe used to transport their logs to the mills in flumes. Some
of the logs were too heavy (dense?) to float sufficiently well for this
method, but the old-timers would wait for a particular phase of the moon
(can't recall which one at the moment) and the logs would then float high
enough in the water for this to work. (ref: Living Energies by Callum Coats)

Now if the moon phase can influence such an observeable phenomenom as
floatation of logs, I don't think it too much of a stretch to consider its
influence on the formation of colloids, whose stability is dependant on the
ability of the water to support the particles.


Mike Fuller

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Re: CS>Lunar CS making

2001-12-27 Thread Mike Fuller
Loggers in Europe used to transport their logs to the mills in flumes. Some
of the logs were too heavy (dense?) to float sufficiently well for this
method, but the old-timers would wait for a particular phase of the moon
(can't recall which one at the moment) and the logs would then float high
enough in the water for this to work. (ref: Living Energies by Callum Coats)

Now if the moon phase can influence such an observeable phenomenom as
floatation of logs, I don't think it too much of a stretch to consider its
influence on the formation of colloids, whose stability is dependant on the
ability of the water to support the particles.


Mike Fuller

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Re: CS>Lunar CS making

2001-12-27 Thread Marshall Dudley
I would love to continue with this discussion, but I think we best move it over
to the off topic list before the moderator comes back from the holidays and
puts a stop to it.


Ode Coyote wrote:

> Possibly the individual concerned has some special gift or a familiar
> spirit or whatever - I have heard several "friend of a friend" accounts
> where street lamps would die when a certain individual walked near them,
> only to revive again later when out of range. This kind of thing however
> belongs not in the chemistry, phsics, or even metaphysics of CS production,
> but in the supernatural realm, IMHO.

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Re: CS>Lunar CS making

2001-12-27 Thread Ode Coyote
Possibly the individual concerned has some special gift or a familiar
spirit or whatever - I have heard several "friend of a friend" accounts
where street lamps would die when a certain individual walked near them,
only to revive again later when out of range. This kind of thing however
belongs not in the chemistry, phsics, or even metaphysics of CS production,
but in the supernatural realm, IMHO.
This happens to me a lot, sometimes whole strings of street lights in
sequence with my passing ...but it doesn't happen more times than it does
and never when there's an intent.
 Murphys law cannot be tested?

 Perhaps there's a link between sychronicity and manifestation that is
coupled with NOT being attached to a particular idea or outcome where the
very focus on that event prevents it from happening by locking up the
energy that it takes for it to manifest. [..and there does exist some sub
atomic phenomenon that suggests some sort of communication with the past
and future and physical time travel of small particles]
 Why not ideas?..but if you hold ideas in the present or project them into
the future, they can't change the past in ways to run into in the future?
Ya gotta let em go where they can do something.
 But, how could one prove that the past had been changed, especially if not
aware of that particular past until a future event, as related to a present
idea... forgotten about until reminded of it by the future event, brought
it up?
 Now, THERE'S a can of worms for a lab!

 The wierdest most unlikly and improbable stuff happens soon after it's
completely forgotten about, often enough to be really quizzical. [ I have a
long personal list of the extremely improbable]
 Perhaps NOT telling an event how and when to happen increases the
likelyhood that it can find a way to manifest [happen] in ways and by means
unthought of, but with recognizable results.[along with its history and
logical justification]

 Sorta like, if I think of a ride, forget about it and start walking, I'm
likely to find a ride. But if I think Blue Mercedes as I walkit's
likely that I'll be walking for a while.
 If I don't move and keep thinking Blue Mercedes, I might as well forget
about going anywhere. [too many limitations decreases the probabilities]
 But if I really do forget about going anywhere, I'm [magically] already

Humm, what IS that I'm not thinking about? [Tell ya tomorrow when hind
sight clears it up]

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Re: CS>Lunar CS making

2001-12-27 Thread Ode Coyote
  It's pretty obvious that making colloidal silver is by no means a simple
process as evidenced by the volume of messages on this list.
 Our only saving grace is that a really wide range of results "does the job".

Hammers, regardless of size , shape or style of swinging it... drive nails.
{If it won't, maybe it's not a hammer}

At 10:38 AM 12/26/01 -0700, you wrote:
>Marshall said it well, and is what I had in mind but didn't communicate it
>very well.  The Borderlands article is interesting, but is only one data
>point.  What is needed are more carefully conducted experiments, as Marshall
>indicates, to determine that the phenomena is repeatable, and isolating the
>variation to just one cause such as lunar position.  Until that is done, the
>one experiment is statistically insignificant.
>Has anyone generated say 100 batches of CS all at once (same starting and
>ending time), with as close to the same conditions as possible in a
>laboratory, and determined the statistical variance of the batches with each
>other?  If we can't generate nearly identical batches given the nearly
>identical conditions (same H2O, volume, electrode purity and wetted area,
>current, temperature, ambient atmosphere, brew time, electromagnetic and
>accoustic environment, (same mental attitude about each batch being
>brewed???), etc.), then we must first understand why there is so
>much variation before we can start introducing other variables such as moon
>gravity or whatever.  One would hope and expect that such an uncomplicated
>procedure (e.g. simple electrolysis) could produce highly repeatable
>results.  Then one could feel confident in doing experiments to determine
>what outside influences may affect properties of the "brew".
>Sadly, the large scale laboratory tests with CS likely will never be done
>because those who could invest the substantial funds required would not be
>able to get a return from their expenditure.  We may not now know how to
>make the "best" CS or ionic silver or mix of both yet, and we may never know
>this, but at least we can feel confident that what we do make from pure
>water and silver only has a high probability of improving our quality of
>life.  It is reassuring to see the anecdotal evidence of benefits keep
>piling up from more and more people, and none of us are turning blue-gray!
>- Original Message - >
>> See
>> However although there does seem to be evidence that the moon does have an
>> effect if we can believe that these experiments were really run, and
>> in these reported results, additional testing needs to be done to confirm
>> First it needs to be duplicated by others, and it needs to be done with
>> blind testing.  It really needs to be done again by someone who doesn't
>> in the phenomena, since it is just as likely that the expectations of the
>> experimenter caused the difference as the planets.
>> Marshall
>> --
>> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>>  -or-
>> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
>> To post, address your message to:
>> Silver-list archive:
>> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lunar CS making

2001-12-26 Thread S & J Young
Marshall said it well, and is what I had in mind but didn't communicate it
very well.  The Borderlands article is interesting, but is only one data
point.  What is needed are more carefully conducted experiments, as Marshall
indicates, to determine that the phenomena is repeatable, and isolating the
variation to just one cause such as lunar position.  Until that is done, the
one experiment is statistically insignificant.

Has anyone generated say 100 batches of CS all at once (same starting and
ending time), with as close to the same conditions as possible in a
laboratory, and determined the statistical variance of the batches with each
other?  If we can't generate nearly identical batches given the nearly
identical conditions (same H2O, volume, electrode purity and wetted area,
current, temperature, ambient atmosphere, brew time, electromagnetic and
accoustic environment, (same mental attitude about each batch being
brewed???), etc.), then we must first understand why there is so
much variation before we can start introducing other variables such as moon
gravity or whatever.  One would hope and expect that such an uncomplicated
procedure (e.g. simple electrolysis) could produce highly repeatable
results.  Then one could feel confident in doing experiments to determine
what outside influences may affect properties of the "brew".

Sadly, the large scale laboratory tests with CS likely will never be done
because those who could invest the substantial funds required would not be
able to get a return from their expenditure.  We may not now know how to
make the "best" CS or ionic silver or mix of both yet, and we may never know
this, but at least we can feel confident that what we do make from pure
water and silver only has a high probability of improving our quality of
life.  It is reassuring to see the anecdotal evidence of benefits keep
piling up from more and more people, and none of us are turning blue-gray!

- Original Message - >
> See
> However although there does seem to be evidence that the moon does have an
> effect if we can believe that these experiments were really run, and
> in these reported results, additional testing needs to be done to confirm
> First it needs to be duplicated by others, and it needs to be done with
> blind testing.  It really needs to be done again by someone who doesn't
> in the phenomena, since it is just as likely that the expectations of the
> experimenter caused the difference as the planets.
> Marshall
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Lunar CS making

2001-12-26 Thread Robb Allen

Hello All...CS brews differently for me at different times..whether 
it is the lunar phase causing itI have no idea..and probably in 
truth one else knows eitherRobb

From: Ed Kasper 
Subject: RE: CS>Lunar CS making
Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2001 16:02:46 -0800

A good doctor cures 30% of his patients simply by wearing a white coat and
telling the patient that they will be better.
In every severe trauma the best way to help someone is to tell them they 

all right. Re-assure them, never tell them the truth, never show the truth
on your face. Their injuries are such that they may die - but shock and
despair will kill even when the injuries are not life-threatening.
Rituals - and Beliefs - are what all people live and die by.

Ed Kasper, Santa Cruz, CA.
- but that's the way it is in this part of California !

Happy Holidays, Joy and Peace to ALL.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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RE: CS>Lunar CS making

2001-12-26 Thread Ed Kasper
A good doctor cures 30% of his patients simply by wearing a white coat and
telling the patient that they will be better.
In every severe trauma the best way to help someone is to tell them they are
all right. Re-assure them, never tell them the truth, never show the truth
on your face. Their injuries are such that they may die - but shock and
despair will kill even when the injuries are not life-threatening.
Rituals - and Beliefs - are what all people live and die by.

Ed Kasper, Santa Cruz, CA.
- but that's the way it is in this part of California !

Happy Holidays, Joy and Peace to ALL.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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To post, address your message to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lunar CS making

2001-12-26 Thread Marshall Dudley
S & J Young wrote:

> I can't let this go by without commenting.  In my view, the best time to
> make CS is anytime you need some more.  I challange anyone to demonstrate
> how the position of the moon in relation to the Earth can possibly make any
> difference to the production of CS.  It would be helpful if those posting
> such stuff do a little research to determine if there is any scientific
> basis for what is claimed, or if it is just some sort of wierd marketing
> scheme or someone with an uncontrolled imagination adding a bit of mystery
> and awe for some reason.


The hypothesis was tested with the scientific method and found to be
supported.  So there is a basis for the claim.  I am not sure what you mean by
"demonstrate how", since the above site demonstrates how to test it, but not
how it is supported in theory.  Most scientists seem to have lost the
realization that experiment trumps theory, since now I see endless arguments
that something cannot be true even though experimentally proven, simply because
theory can not explain it.  That is backwards, first the hypothesis
experiments, then the confirmation experiments, then the theory..

However although there does seem to be evidence that the moon does have an
effect if we can believe that these experiments were really run, and resulted
in these reported results, additional testing needs to be done to confirm it.

First it needs to be duplicated by others, and it needs to be done with double
blind testing.  It really needs to be done again by someone who doesn't believe
in the phenomena, since it is just as likely that the expectations of the
experimenter caused the difference as the planets.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lunar CS making

2001-12-26 Thread John A. Stanley
In article ,
"Jason / AVRA"  wrote:

>To keep on topic, though, scientific research has been conducted regarding 
>colloidal silver production and lunar events.  Laboratory analysis shows 
>that lunar events may in fact influence colloidal silver production.

I've never paid any attention to time of day or phase of the moon when
making CS. I use a Colloid Master with a bubbler for mixing, and I
always get clear CS with TE and that comforting metallic aftertaste
that tells me there's silver in it. If I've been getting variation
from batch to batch it's never been noticeable.

John A. Stanley

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lunar CS making

2001-12-26 Thread Nina Silver

- Original Message -
From: S & J Young 
Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2001 10:35 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Lunar CS making

> I challange anyone to demonstrate
> how the position of the moon in relation to the Earth can possibly make
> difference to the production of CS.  It would be helpful if those posting
> such stuff do a little research to determine if there is any scientific
> basis for what is claimed...

Actually, various studies have shown that the moon's cycles strongly
influence the behavior of humans, animals and plants. This is not strange
when you consider that the moon's gravitational pull on the earth affects
the tides. Our bodies are a little over two-thirds water. Why should we be
immune from the moon's effects?

There is a whole system of farming called BioDynamic, begun by the scientist
Rudolf Steiner. This system utilizes the principles of the interaction
between the heavenly bodies, including the earth, and the effects these
interactions have on plant life here. Farming is very hard work. Farmers
would not invest so much time and money in BioDynamic methods if it didn't
have some validity.

The effects of the moon can be so strong that some Rife researchers have
even reported that sometimes frequencies do not seem to work as well, or
even at all, during the full moon. Though the researchers speculate that
this may be due to an electromagnetic anomoly, they really don't know why.
However, just because they don't know why doesn't mean that their
observations are untrue. We don't know the "why" of lots of phenomena. But
part of being a good scientist is remaining open to accepting that things
may happen that are beyond what you've been taught to believe are possible.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lunar CS making

2001-12-25 Thread Jason / AVRA

Greetings, all:

One man's nonsense is another man's religion.  One man's science is another 
man's superstition.  Luckily, it is not up to any one individual what may or 
may not be posted regarding colloidal silver on such a list as this!

In fact, the phenominon of various electromagnetic "anomalies" has been 
deeply studied in relation to many topics.  I've been to places where you 
could literally walk up the side of a wall due to unexplained differences in 
gravity and the Earth's electromagnetic field.  Watching a ball roll up hill 
is an interesting experience to get the mind working "out of the box", 
though being in such an area can disturb the body to the point of developing 
an upset stomach similiar to being sea sick!

To keep on topic, though, scientific research has been conducted regarding 
colloidal silver production and lunar events.  Laboratory analysis shows 
that lunar events may in fact influence colloidal silver production.

Although not all of the pertinent details are given, the borderlands article 
that describes the experiments can be viewed here:

Contempt prior to investigation is seldom an indication of wisdom.


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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-

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To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lunar CS making

2001-12-25 Thread Theodore Corbett
Hi Terry,
  Theres an article on the web by Michael Theroux
Titled "Lunar influence on The Production of Colloidal
Silver". The URL is;
--- Terry Chamberlin  wrote:
> Jaguar Enterprises said (from his website):
> "The best time to make colloidal silver is during
> what
> is called 'the solunar period.' There are two
> solunar
> periods each day. They begin approximately 6 hours
> after either moon-rise or moon-set, and last for
> about
> 90 minutes."
> Has anyone actually made CS at different Lunar
> periods
> and then tested and measured it? Ole Bob?
> Send your holiday cheer with
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion
> of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an
> e-mail message to: 
>  -or- 
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the
> SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Re: CS>Lunar CS making

2001-12-25 Thread Bill
I can't let your comment go by without commenting either. Nonsense?? Proove
it yourself.
Farmers have aways planted by the sign of the moon and they swear by it.
FDA doesn't have proof CS doesn't work either, they just make a statement
such as "nonsense" and expect everybody to accept that too.

---Original Message---

Date: Tuesday, December 25, 2001 09:37:26 PM
Subject: Re:CS>Lunar CS making

I can't let this go by without commenting. In my view, the best time to
make CS is anytime you need some more. I challange anyone to demonstrate
how the position of the moon in relation to the Earth can possibly make any
difference to the production of CS. It would be helpful if those posting
such stuff do a little research to determine if there is any scientific
basis for what is claimed, or if it is just some sort of wierd marketing
scheme or someone with an uncontrolled imagination adding a bit of mystery
and awe for some reason. We should try to keep the nonsense off the list,
or at least state that an idea is pure conjecture or opinion and not
- Original Message -
From: "Terry Chamberlin" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2001 7:56 PM
Subject: CS>Lunar CS making

> Jaguar Enterprises said (from his website):
> "The best time to make colloidal silver is during what
> is called 'the solunar period.' There are two solunar
> periods each day. They begin approximately 6 hours
> after either moon-rise or moon-set, and last for about
> 90 minutes."
> Has anyone actually made CS at different Lunar periods
> and then tested and measured it? Ole Bob?
> __
> Send your holiday cheer with
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 


Re: CS>Lunar CS making

2001-12-25 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Evening Terry,

"The best time to make colloidal silver is during what

is called 'the solunar period.' There are two solunar
periods each day. They begin approximately 6 hours
after either moon-rise or moon-set, and last for about
90 minutes."

   That is also the best time to go hunting and fishing.   Some people I 
know do everything by these solunar


This is a new idea for me.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-

with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lunar CS making

2001-12-25 Thread S & J Young
I can't let this go by without commenting.  In my view, the best time to
make CS is anytime you need some more.  I challange anyone to demonstrate
how the position of the moon in relation to the Earth can possibly make any
difference to the production of CS.  It would be helpful if those posting
such stuff do a little research to determine if there is any scientific
basis for what is claimed, or if it is just some sort of wierd marketing
scheme or someone with an uncontrolled imagination adding a bit of mystery
and awe for some reason.  We should try to keep the nonsense off the list,
or at least state that an idea is pure conjecture or opinion and not
- Original Message -
From: "Terry Chamberlin" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2001 7:56 PM
Subject: CS>Lunar CS making

> Jaguar Enterprises said (from his website):
> "The best time to make colloidal silver is during what
> is called 'the solunar period.' There are two solunar
> periods each day. They begin approximately 6 hours
> after either moon-rise or moon-set, and last for about
> 90 minutes."
> Has anyone actually made CS at different Lunar periods
> and then tested and measured it? Ole Bob?
> __
> Send your holiday cheer with
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 