The "scientific method" does not exist in reality, that is to say, in a
pure sense, as contemplated in your post below. All we have in the real
world are imperfect attempts at it. If it were more transparent to the
public (as is our court system) we would all acknowledge this fact.

Kevin Nolan wrote:

> "..........Now if the moon phase can influence such an observeable
> phenomenom as floatation of logs, I don't think it too much of a
> stretch to consider its influence on the formation of colloids, whose
> stability is dependant on the ability of the water to support the
> particles. Regards, Mike Fuller" But it is a huge stretch of the
> imagination. A log at near neutral bouyancy need only swell by a few
> percent (or alternately, expell a few percent moisture) to
> successfully float down a river. Silver colloid particles are 10 times
> the density of water, and remain suspended by brownian motion - a
> temperature dependent thermal effect, augmented by the zeta potential
> and any actual excess charge present. The two phenomena are chalk and
> cheese. "..........The canine and the feline families manifest uncanny
> abilities which have  great survival  values in their respective
> vibrational planes but are rare ocurrences amongst humans  in our 35th
> - 40th Octave world for seeing and hearing........Hearing is sensory
> dissociation  without concentration........The whole human body is a
> finely tuned electomagnetic  sense organ in resonance,  It is a
> cohesive manifestation of vibrationasl states of electromagnetism :
> light, sound and geometry........With regards, Lew" Would like to know
> just what a "vibrational plane" is, what our "35th - 40th Octave
> world" actually means (for instance - just what are the frequencies,
> and what is vibrating?), and how a human body can be fully or even
> partly described as "a cohesive manifestation of vibrational states of
> electromagnetism" (for starters, about 99.97% of our mass is of
> nuclear origin, which is not electromagnetic). "I'm new to the list
> and have been reading with interest speculation regarding CS
> production. Japanese artist/photographer Masaru Emoto's book "The
> Message from Water" suggests that human vibrational energy, thoughts,
> words, and ideas affect the molecular structure of water.
> Regards, Donna" Indeed he suggests
> it, and purports to prove it with photos. But has it been consistently
> reproduced by others - thus establishing it as a principle of nature?
> Put it this way; how many list members are going to slap a sticker on
> the side of their bottle of CS, with a message like "I love you", and
> really expect that to make some positive difference? Or, following the
> gist of the recent reintroduction of Michael Theroux's article on
> lunar influence on CS production, should we be assiduously consulting
> Solunar charts before brewing CS? Hugging trees may indeed make the
> hugger feel better, but don't discount good old psychological factors
> before putting it down to " exchange of positive and negative
> energies", for instance. Many concerned scientists think we are
> entering a new dark age, where magic and mysticism are reclaiming the
> ground won so hard by scientific progress over the last three
> centuries or so. To be sure, "establishment" science doesn't have all
> the answers, and there is a tendency to ignore phenomena that doesn't
> fit the mould. However the scientific method holds a rigour completely
> unmatched by mysticism whose pseudoscientific terminology merely gives
> the impression of really knowing. The unfortunate practice of
> carelessly or craftily blending together proven fact and
> speculation/folklore with the intent of making it look like a
> consistent whole is to be avoided like the plague. Hey, is there
> anyone else on this list who thinks like I do - if there is then have
> some balls and add your voice please! regards, Kevin Nolan