Greetings, all:

One man's nonsense is another man's religion. One man's science is another man's superstition. Luckily, it is not up to any one individual what may or may not be posted regarding colloidal silver on such a list as this!

In fact, the phenominon of various electromagnetic "anomalies" has been deeply studied in relation to many topics. I've been to places where you could literally walk up the side of a wall due to unexplained differences in gravity and the Earth's electromagnetic field. Watching a ball roll up hill is an interesting experience to get the mind working "out of the box", though being in such an area can disturb the body to the point of developing an upset stomach similiar to being sea sick!

To keep on topic, though, scientific research has been conducted regarding colloidal silver production and lunar events. Laboratory analysis shows that lunar events may in fact influence colloidal silver production.

Although not all of the pertinent details are given, the borderlands article that describes the experiments can be viewed here:

Contempt prior to investigation is seldom an indication of wisdom.


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