Re: Using a slideshow within Exhibit

2008-10-10 Thread David Karger

Here's one quick suggestion: build a hidden facet on the label or id or
some other field that is unique to each item.  Write attach a bit of js
to the next button that updates the selection in that facet to the
value corresponding to the next item in the order (in which you would
like things to appear in the show).  Then let exhibit take care of
updating the display to reflect the new selection.  

drape wrote:

 I've recently implemented my first Exhibit and it's great. I'm
 interested in using Exhibit with a slideshow. Imagine that a slideshow
 of images and text might take the place of Google Maps in the
 President's example on the SIMILE site. By clicking next, a new
 image/text screen will show up and the timeline will move to a new
 point to synch with the slide being shown.

 I'm looking for:

 - reccomendations on what kind of slideshow solution to use
 - how to integrate it with timeline/exhibit.

 josh draper

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Re: Exhibit data entry

2008-11-18 Thread David Karger

Alex, I've stumbled across this old message, and wanted to mention to
you that we have made at least one effort that seems to meet your
inquiry, to extend exhibit with a syntax for data entry lenses that
let people submit data to google spreadsheets.  You can find an example

Alexander Nakhimovsky wrote:
 Exhibit JSON is of course very readable, but as a data entry format it
 can be intimidating for some people. I wonder if anybody has attempted
 the following: given an Exhibit item, programmatically construct an
 HTML form to enter such items; and conversely (a much simpler task)
 given the submitted form data, construct another item.

 Alexander Nakhimovskyh


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Re: loading exhibits with ajax

2008-11-25 Thread David Karger

check out for an example of solving this problem.  it can
load more courses on the fly.

thaiboxer wrote:
 My 'library' exhibit is going to get a lot bigger soon  i will need
 to break it apart due to the amount of items  need for unique

 to setup the navigation i'm think something like this would work

 each link rendering a new exhibit.js  bringing in the body structure.
 I've tried various configurations  haven't met with any success.  Is
 this even possible? or is there a better way to do this?


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Re: Few Queries regarding Exhibit.

2008-11-26 Thread David Karger

ozzy wrote:
 I am just getting to grips with Exhibit, it is SO powerful !
Keep those compliments coming; it'll keep us working :)
 We currently are developing a site at

 I have a few questions, and I have read as much of the documentation
 as I can: So apologies if my questions are answered elsewhere.

 1. propogating the data via Google Spreadsheets is brilliant, and
 ultra lightweight on our server. But how do we get back the

 Example: our site labelk is Expat, and more than 1 its plurified
 using json, but with the spreadsheet version I can not see where we
 can pluralise the label tag.
If you mean how to make things plural, note that exhibit can draw from
several data sources at once.  Plural labels are specified in a
schema, like the example below from my publications page.  Since you
are unlikely to be changing it often, you can just serve it as a static
file from the same place as your are serving your html page: link
href=my-schema.js type=application/json rel=exhibit/data / in the
head will do the trick.

types: {
'Person': {
pluralLabel: 'People'
'Publication': {
pluralLabel: 'Publications'
properties: {
'powerpointURL': {
valueType: url
'author': {
label:  author,
reverseLabel:   author of,
reversePluralLabel: authors of,
groupingLabel:  their authors,
reverseGroupingLabel:   their work

 2. I am struggling to cope with dates, as most of our users are
 British/Australian our date format is different from the US system,

 10/09/2004 to us means 10th September 2004 ie dd/mm/
 as opposed to the US system of mm/dd/

 I also would like to propogate the timeline properly with date
 fields , ie day and month..

 This I am seriously struggling with, so appreciate any guidance

 Essentially: we wish to track the timeline of each member, a member
 embarks onto the timeline at a specific date say dd/mm/ 18/08/2003
 and culminates their timeline on 27/09/2005

 I am struggling to actually display this for our users, and realise I
 am messing up somewhere. Also be useful, to offer a day count to the
 timeline so users can measure the time-stretch in number of days
 ( start to finish ) of each member.
There's good information in the wiki on how to format dates.  Check here:

 3. Our members enter 2 cities ( as we are a Migrancy Expatriate site )
 they will have city A ( from ) and city B ( to )
 I wish to be able to pull the information from our file, either google
 spreadsheet file / json / or different to plot these 2 points onto
 Google Maps, and with link bubbles back to their timeline.
the only tricky part is getting latitudes and longitudes of the cities. 
if they are already in your files, you just need to add them to your
exhibit data and re-plot.  Various discussions on the mailing list about
the best way to re-render when data changes; none of them pretty. 
 Tall order I am sure, but I have seen many utilise the map feature,
 albeit I can never find it on MIT website, and its integration with
see here for an example of linking map and timeline:
 Many thanks ( 1st post so please be kind )

 Great work

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Re: Exhibit bubble URL control

2008-12-24 Thread David Karger

I don't know how to control the bubble but here are two answers.

Warf wrote:
 I have been playing with Exhibit (which is awesome BTW), and am
 curious about doing a couple different things in the bubble.

 1) I have some pages which have the element homepage : in the
 travel_map.js file, and some that don't. I currently have them
 displaying Travel Diary and linking to that url... but want that
 element not to display if it doesn't exist in the .js file.
exhibit has an ex:if-exists attribute that addresses this.  Eg. span
ex:href-content=.homepagehomepage/a/span is a span that will only
appear (with its insides) if the homepage attributes exists on the item
being rendered.
 2) Currently setting a specific bubble size using a div class and
 style, but would prefer to have it resize based on content, however
 when I let it do that it will show only half the bubble with the image
 and data running out of the bubble.

 3) Can the pop-up bubbles appear in different directions instead of
 always above, since it will reposition the map with a large grey area
 when selecting locations in the northern regions.

 4) Where do you control the menu like pop-up that appears when there
 is multiple items at the same location?

 5) Non-Bubble question: How do you not display the little scissor icon
 that has RDF/XML...Exhibit JSON?
It can be done, but I recommend against it---it offers a way to let
people copy your data, which might be very useful for someone else
trying to present some useful information or make a mashup.  Removing
the scissors doesn't make that impossible, but it does make it less
convenient.  The scissors themselves are small and unobtrusive; I don't
think they will bother anyone with their presence.  If, after this
commentary, you stil want to remove the scissors, you can try to add
ex:showToolbox=false to the view div. If that doesn't work, try adding
this CSS rule  div.exhibit-toolboxWidget-popup { display: none; }after
you include exhibit-api.js.

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Re: Presenting today Need Quick Help: console' is undefined error

2008-12-24 Thread David Karger

jameslove wrote:
 Hi David,
 Yes, I noticed the categorization. The next step will be to add that
 in, but I needed to get the core stuff in order to meet the

 It would be cool to also link the place names to a google map which
 could then auto-pan to the place indicated. Or better, add and remove
 places mentioned in the timeline as it pans. I know more about the
 Google Map API than the timeline API.
You can find exactly this functionality in the following exhibit example:
 One small thing I noticed with my bulky timeline is that the date
 indicators are along the bottom. It would be nice to be able to turn
 them on for the bottom and/or top. Or ideally if the timeline was
 quite bulky, to have them appear in the middle at specified intervals
 along the date separation lines.


 On Dec 24, 10:51 am, David Karger wrote:
 Good luck.
 By the way, I noticed that you have color coded your timeline entries,
 presumably according to some categorization.
 If you used exhibit ( to wrap your
 timeline, you would be able to offer users the ability to filter on
 which categories they actually wanted to pay attention to.  And possibly
 add other facets, like people involved or geographic area.  You can see
 an example of that 

 jameslove wrote:
 Thanks Larry, I think David did this for me in good Christmas spirit!
 It was the Oregon Treaty entry. I'll rework it and see if I can make
 it appear.
 Thanks for the tips on the presentation. I need to just turn it on
 live and let people know by email that its working and then they log
 on and check it out. The perils of distributed projects with Christmas
 deadlines. Now that it is working, people will be impressed with the
 API timeline! Thanks.
 Email me at and I'll send you a copy of the
 offending XML with the entry.
 One small thing I noticed was at 1807 Emmigration into the Flathead.
 It displays following the duration bar and overlaps into the next
 entry. I've tried to reduce the text to Flathead in thinking that it
 was an issue of my reducing the text in the timeline div and the API
 thinking that the text was longer. That did not work. It's a small
 visual error, that I was going to ask about later.
 Thanks for everyone's help and thanks for working on this API. It's
 visually well done and the synchronizing of the bands is very cool.
 Our Metis Timeline will be very educational for the sub-culture that
 we research (mixed aboriginal/european sub-culture) in mostly Canada,
 Northwestern USA.
 Merry Christmas from Canada!
 On Dec 24, 10:19 am, Larry Kluger wrote:
 Hi James,
 I believe that the problem is in your xml file: one (or more) of the 
 events after 1831 is a problem.
 Suggested fix:
 Change your xml file.
 First delete all events after 1831. Run your html file and everything 
 (hopefully) will work perfectly.
 Then start adding back in the events. Add them gack half (of the 
 remainder) at a time: add half of the events that are after 1831. If 
 everything still works then you know the problem is in the last part of 
 the xml file (the last 25% or so of the file). If the file stops working, 
 then you know that the problem is somewhere in the set of events that you 
 had just added back in.
 Use the technique to narrow down to the one or more events that are 
 causing the problem.
 I'd like to know what the actual event is that is causing the problem: I 
 may be able to make the Timeline more forgiving of the problem in the 
 (Just having it crash is a bit boring.)
 In the worst, case: some tips about the demo:
 1) YOU should control the computer
 2) Just demo the parts of the Timeline that already work. It is already 
 quite impressive compared to nothing. Tell people that it is still in 
 beta, that it isn;t ready yet for wider use.
 Good luck!
 From: jameslove
 To: SIMILE Widgets
 Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 12:48:30 PM
 Subject: Presenting today Need Quick Help: console' is undefined error
 Hi All,
 We've just got our British Columbia Metis (canadian aboriginal group)
 timeline completed with lots of data. I've got to show it today. Any
 thoughts on why suddenly getting this error in the API?  I've turned
 on only one band, since I thought that might be the issue.
 What happens is that when you slide the band towards the 1820's
 suddenly you get the error and the data disappears.  If you slide the
 band slower, it occurs further into the 1820's or 30's. If you close
 the error, the data

Re: Label has to be unique in Exhibit?

2009-01-02 Thread David Karger

Depends what you mean by works.
the label is by default the property that identifies an item, and it
is often useful to use the same label in distinct places to refer to the
same item---eg, if you have a file of locations, and you create a
separate file of their geocoded latitudes and longitudes.

If you want to give two distinct items the same label, you can do so by
giving them distinct values of the id property, which overrides label
as the unique identifier of the item.

More precisely:
items are named by their id.  items with the same id are considered the
if no id is specifically given, then the id is equal to the label.

Eric Pugh wrote:
 It appears that the label needs to be unique in Exhibit, or it doesn't  
 work properly

 I've posted a screenshot at

 If you look at in the timeline, the Treaty of  
 Paris occurs once in 1863, and a second time in 1783.  However, that  
 causes us to get two dots in 1783, and the label doesn't render.

 Is this a bug, or just a limitation works as designed?


 Eric Pugh | Principal | OpenSource Connections, LLC | 434.466.1467 |


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Re: Custom sort terms

2009-01-08 Thread David Karger

Ted, that's a really nice exhibit.  Since you volunteered :), let me put
in my 2 cents on what would be nice to have. 

Your idea, of having the order of a certain set of items specified
schematically as part of the data file, is on that I have suggested in
the past.  I think it is a good one.  I can imagine two approaches.  One
is to specifically order the items as part of the schema definition:
types: {sourceType: {order: [US Legal, Foreign, ... etc]}}
(I think it would be a useful discipline to say that you can't order any
old strings but must specifically order items of a given type).  Another
approach would be to add an annotation on the type that says it should
be ordered in the same order as it is defined in the data file, e.g.
types: {sourceType: {ordered: true}}}.

A different approach would be to pose this as a presentation problem
rather than a data problem.  Let the author specify what should go on as
part of the presentation, not the data.  There could be language for
defining a group lens that specifies how each group should look.  
Using the same approach (of assigning a  numeric order field to each
source type) one could say, e.g.
div ex:role=view ex:orders=.sourceType.order
   div ex:role=groupLens
   H3span ex:content=!order/span/H3
   span ex:content=items/span

here, the grouplens applies to each group of items, and the starting
point for expressions in the groupLens is the value on which the group
was created---ie, in this case a particular .sourceType.order value.  So
when I express !order, it takes me from that value back to the
sourceType whose order has that value, and makes that the header for the
group.  The ex:content=items span says where to put the list of
items.  It could be wrapped inside an ul or other list tag to control
how the individual items are laid out.  Or even more general, one could
put a lens for items inside the list items here span  So, for example,
if I wanted a tabular view of each group:
 div ex:role=groupLens
   span ex:content=!order/span
  tdspan ex:content=.label/span td span ex:content=.type

This is simple but powerful, as it lets the author do anything they want
with the groups---style and lay each one out however they like, and
possibly even compute and display aggregate information about the group
that way exhibit currently computes counts. 

Ted wrote:
 Thanks David.  Changing the code you pointed out allowed me to
 generate the sort order I wanted.

 Here it is:

 A nice feature would be if you could specify a sort order in an
 external file, like with plural label terms, and then read that in to
 this function for customized sorting.  I would be willing to work on
 this, but I'm not sure where to begin.

 Thanks again.

 var processNonNumericLevel = function(items, index, values, valueType)
 var keys = [];
 var compareKeys;
 var retrieveItems;
 var order = orders[index];

 if (valueType == item) {
 values.visit(function(itemID) {
 var label = database.getObject(itemID, label);
 label = label != null ? label : itemID;
 keys.push({ itemID: itemID, display: label });

 compareKeys = function(key1, key2) {
 var c = key1.display.localeCompare(key2.display);
 return c != 0 ? c : key1.itemID.localeCompare

 retrieveItems = order.forward ? function(key) {
 return database.getSubjects(key.itemID,, null, items);
 } : function(key) {
 return database.getObjects(key.itemID,,
 null, items);
 }else if ( == type  order.forward) {
 var map = {
US Legal Databases : 0,
Periodical and Treatise Indexes : 1,
  Foreign Law Databases: 2,
  International Law Databases: 3,
//... add everything here ...
 values.visit(function(typeID) {
 keys.push({ display: typeID, index: typeID in map ? map
 [typeID] : -1 });
 compareKeys = function(key1, key2) {
 var c = key1.index - key2.index;
 return c != 0 ? c : key1.display.localeCompare
 retrieveItems = function(key) {
 return database.getSubjects(key.display, type, null,
   }else { //text
 values.visit(function(value) {
 keys.push({ display: value });

 compareKeys = function(key1, key2) {
 return key1.display.localeCompare(key2.display);
 retrieveItems = order.forward ? function(key) {

Re: social bookmarks through Exhibit

2009-01-11 Thread David Karger

the problem is that exhibit can't read any old json; it needs it in a
particular form where the name items is bound to an array of items. 
You can write a little javascript converter to get the data in the right
form; exhibit will take care of fetching the data, will give it to your
converter, and deal with what you give back.  API is

link to the data this way:
link href=delicious feed type=application/jsonp rel=exhibit/data 
ex:converter=myConverter /

then write the ex:converter script in your document

function myConverter(inputJson, url, link) {
   return array of items in exhibit json format

callahan wrote:
 Has anyone had success bringing in feeds from social bookmarking sites
 into Exhibit?   I started with Delicious since they seem to have a
 JSON feed and I already had an account. (More info at

 I tried some tests with no luck.  I've only just begun with the
 Exhibit (and it's extensions) so I'm still reading through, and trying
 to understand, the articles on the For Authors documentation,

 Here is a simple case I thought would work but doesn't.  I get the
 Working... splash window..then nothing, a blank screen.  Is there
 something obvious I'm missing?

 As an aside, it looks like Delicious limits feeds to 100 entries.  I'm
 not sure that will work for me.  If anyone has experience using other
 social bookmarking sites (Digg, etc...) or even using a middle tier
 piece to convert feed formats to JSON or aggregate feeds into one
 (Feedburner, FeedBlendr, custom PHP code, etc... ), I'd be happy to
 hear your ideas.

 - John


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Re: social bookmarks through Exhibit

2009-01-12 Thread David Karger

I am sure my student peter, who is behind this site, would be happy to
get a collaborator, if you want to do that instead of repeating the work.

John Callahan wrote:
 This is very close to what I was trying to do.  Yes, I believe it will
 help, ...or it may actually hurt.  Now, after seeing the Facette
 Delicious Browser, I have to decide if I still want to build something
 myself or just use this site!  I may need to write something myself if
 I want to bring in multiple feeds, say from multiple delicious users. 

 Thanks for this link!  Very cool.
 - John
 John Callahan
 Geospatial Application Developer
 Delaware Geological Survey, University of Delaware
 227 Academy St, Newark DE 19716-7501
 Tel: (302) 831-3584  

 David Huynh wrote:

 This might be relevant:


 callahan wrote:
 Has anyone had success bringing in feeds from social bookmarking sites
 into Exhibit?   I started with Delicious since they seem to have a
 JSON feed and I already had an account. (More info at

 I tried some tests with no luck.  I've only just begun with the
 Exhibit (and it's extensions) so I'm still reading through, and trying
 to understand, the articles on the For Authors documentation,

 Here is a simple case I thought would work but doesn't.  I get the
 Working... splash window..then nothing, a blank screen.  Is there
 something obvious I'm missing?

 As an aside, it looks like Delicious limits feeds to 100 entries.  I'm
 not sure that will work for me.  If anyone has experience using other
 social bookmarking sites (Digg, etc...) or even using a middle tier
 piece to convert feed formats to JSON or aggregate feeds into one
 (Feedburner, FeedBlendr, custom PHP code, etc... ), I'd be happy to
 hear your ideas.

 - John




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Re: Feature request: custom event properties

2009-01-14 Thread David Karger

If you want to filter your events easily you might want to luck at
exhibit which supports filtering natively.

jqueryui-vienna wrote:
 the event object should be enhanced to store custom properties (e.g.
 editor/submitter of the event, event category etc). Currently, I'm
 doing some ugly event decription hacking to assign/filter this
 properties (e.g. filtering by the email-adress of the editor).

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Re: Wibbit Help?

2009-01-15 Thread David Karger

Ruby, you are welcome to use this list as the wibiters do read it. 

Ruby Q wrote:
 I'm simply trying to find the right place to ask questions about the
 Wibbit Exhibit extension for Mediawiki.  With the migration from MIT
 to Google Code, things seem to be scattered about.  My thanks to
 anybody who can direct me to the right place.


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Re: Error message: Item entry has no label and no id: {(nameofcat:[]}

2009-01-23 Thread David Karger

that's because every item in an exhibit _must_ have a label.  Make one
of your column headings label and things should work.

Marko wrote:

 I keep running into this message:

 Item entry has no label and no id: {(beschrijving:[]}

 I get it with all script-libraries and also with old pages that used
 to work before. I've removed strange signs like  and  from the
 Google Docs.

 Any ideas?


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Re: Support for Editable Exhibits (beta feature)

2009-02-03 Thread David Karger

Eric, it's still being worked on.  Scott Ostler ( can
mail you a working link.

David Huynh wrote:
 neyric wrote:

 I'd like to try the books example but the link is broken. Is it
 available on the svn ?

 I'm also very interested in the following upcoming feature: storing
 submissions in JSON files; you could use this to store your
 submissions on your own server . Any update on this ?

 I don't think there's any update. It's the usual problem of graduate 
 students graduating and moving on...



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Re: Facette - Exhibit for Delicious

2009-02-12 Thread David Karger

quick suggestion: your exhibit is showing the tags in raw form a(b). 
Why not reformat them to look nice?  e.g. type: tool; contains: books;

Peter wrote:
 Hi Simile,

 I've just completed a service that displays Delicious bookmarks within
 an Exhibit. I do so by crowd-sourcing the classification of tags.
 Here is an example Delicious Exhibit:
 With Facette, I can offer faceted information for any set of bookmarks
 on delicious. Also, I'm quickly building up information about tag
 sets. For example, after about 500 bookmarks, my system has created a
 tag set for programming languages (flash, java, javascript). With
 this sort of information, exhibit designers could plausibly create
 domain specific exhibits for delicious users with targeted interests.
 If you're interested in using data from Facette, feel free to shoot me
 an email. Also, please try the service! I'm looking for feedback.

 Peter - (MIT MEng, Haystack Group)

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Re: Timeline styling and event positioning

2009-02-12 Thread David Karger

I don't think a guide exists.  It would be great if you could add the
classes you find to a table in the documentation wiki to help the next

Micky Hulse wrote:

 Is there any sort of guide on how to style all the elements?

 Currently, I am using Firebug to get class names and then override
 said class names with local styles... But I just wanted to see if
 there was a better way of doing things.

 Also, how do I spread my events out across (vertically) the timeline?
 Currently, it seems like all my events gather at the vertical top of
 the timeline... Is there an option for making events more spread out?


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Re: Date Format issue from Google Spreadsheet

2009-02-13 Thread David Karger

 I copied your exhibit and fixed the problem by swapping the order of
the included data files, on the theory that the schema file should get
the last chance to set the state of the system.  I am guessing the
google spreadsheet reader is clearing something it shouldn't from the
schema.  There is a way to embed your schema in the spreadsheet; if I
remember correctly, you should say date_de_publication:date in the
header line of your spreadsheet.  But the way you are currently doing it
should work too.

Hg/od6/public/basic?alt=json-in-script type=application/jsonp
ata ex:converter=googleSpreadsheets /
link href=schema.js type=application/json rel=exhibit/data /

Frederic_L wrote:

 I'm experiencing some issues with the date format in my exhibit data
 imported from Google spreadsheet. I formatted my spreadsheet as plain
 text, my column date_de_publication which contains date is written
 with the date property {date_de_publication:date}, in each cell I
 formatted the date as following =-MM-DD (as indicated here :
 ). I also added the ex:formats in the Tile View div (ex:formats=date
 { mode: medium; show: date }) and the field date_de_publication is
 in the schema.js file .

 But when I load my exhibit, the field date_de_publication is loaded
 as text, the date is written exactly as in the google spreadsheet
 (-MM-DD), and the filtering is a-z, z-a, instead of most
 recent, most old.

 And strange thing, if I extract the data from this exhibit in the JSON
 format and copy-paste in a *.js file, and then load it, dates are
 correctly detected.

 here are my files :

 Google spreadsheet :

 Exhibit with data from google spreadsheet (date as text) :

 Same exhibit but with data from a .js file (extracted from the exhibit
 above), dates are correctly detected :

 schema.js :

 js data file (extracted from the google spreadsheet exhibit) :

 could you give me some guidance ?

 Many thanks in advance ;-) !


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Re: exhibit, many to many without multiple entries in one field

2009-02-19 Thread David Karger

It's ok; you can use author and article as ID even if they appear
multiple times.  First do the obvious thing, creating items for the
exhibit corresponding to the authors and articles (using author name as
id for the authors, and article title as id for the articles):
{type: Author, id: name of author, affiliation: affiliation of
{type: Article, id: title of article, year: year of publication, }

Finally, take your relationship table.  Suppose it has a row (authorX,
add another fragment of json to the collection of items:
{id: articleY, author: authorX} 
Do this for every row.  This will accomplish what you want.

To understand what is going on, note how exhibit will interpret these
final fragments from the relationship table.  It will say ok, this
person is specifying an item whose id is articleY and has an author
property with value authorX. But I already know about an item whose id
is articleY---namely, the one that was defined at the beginning of type
Article.  So, I'm not going to create a new item with id articleY. 
Instead, I will _merge_ the attributes of the new item (in particular,
the author relationship to authorX) into the already existing item.  And
if that item already has a value of the author property, because I
already saw an author of that article, then I will _add_ authorX as an
additional value for the now-multivalued author property on articleX.

mowi wrote:
 I have some data with many to many relationships just like the
 articles and authors in the example  website about ISWC 2007 + ASWC

 there it is solved by putting multiple persons in the author field.

 I have a problem getting multiple values in one  field because the
 data is from acces 2003. I have got one table with articles, one with
 authors and one with relationships. The relationship list has three
 columns:id (which I do not really use), author and article. Can i also
 do it like that in exhibit? how can I do that?
 In the example you use .author.affiliation to get a value from the
 author list in the article overview. Author is an id there. In my
 relationship list both author and article cannot be id because they
 appear multiple times.


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Re: Exhibit - Adapting facets to choose from ON THE FLY

2009-02-22 Thread David Karger

Matthias, your description is pretty abstract.  Can you give a more
concrete example of how this would be used?  That might help us
understand if there is a way to accomplish what you want with the
current exhibit framework.  For example, it is already possible to make
facets collapsible and have them start collapsed if you don't want
them cluttering the screen. 

Matthias wrote:
 Hi everybody,

 first of all, big compliment. Exhibit is a very nice tool and provides
 nearly everything I need.

 There's only one thing missing.
 I would like to create a simple facet view supporting a width range of
 data entries. My idea was to specify a set of facets every entry has
 to name a value to. Lets say something like: label, type and domain.
 The domain facet then would specify which other facets should be used
 to search deeper for data entries. That means clicking on a given
 domain would trigger the page to show NEW domain specific facets.

 Is there a way to do this with Exhibit?
 Would be very nice to have this feature running!
 Thanks in advance.


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Re: Keeping php query string in link from bubble

2009-03-05 Thread David Karger

Rasmus, I'm afraid there really isn't enough info in your email to make
a diagnosis.  Putting up the source html would make it a lot easier.  No
worries if it isn't deployable yet---it's just to let us see what you
are trying to do, not to evaluate how well you are doing it.

rasmack wrote:
 Hi there

 I am making a visualization of the log book of the ATLAS experiment at
 CERN. In this connection I am finding that Exhibit+Timeline make a
 good team. I *do* have a few problems, though. The links from the
 bubbles on the timeline do not contain the full php query string. I am
 on a page with a URL like:

 but when I click on a link from an info bubble on the time line it
 directs me to

 where it should instead have appended '#22868' to the full URL above.
 How do I change this behaviour?

 The IP above is not publicly accessible. I am not nearly ready to
 deploy this. ;-)

 (Incidentally, if anyone could feed me an example on exactly how to
 override Exhibit.TimelineView.prototype._fillInfoBubble to only show
 some fields in the bubble, it would be nice but please don't kill me
 for having that same question out in another thread.)

 Rasmus Mackeprang

 Research fellow
 CERN PH-ADT, CH-1211, Geneve 23, Switzerland
 Phone:  +41 22 767 07 49
 Mobile: +41 76 242 54 47
 The most dangerous part of a gecko is its mind.

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Re: Timeline on IE 6 upper band becomes days and lower band months when loading many (62) events

2009-03-12 Thread David Karger

One suggestion is to switch to exhibit, and add some facets that would
let you filter your events down to a more manageable number!

Tony wrote:
 I have 62 events in a Google spreadsheet. Each event is 3 months long
 and the entire span 12 months. The events stack up too high vertically
 to fit in the upper band and certain items are hidden from view. I'm
 okay with that because I can manually resize the timeline or filter to
 get fewer events. However, on IE 6 increasing; has no effect.  Also, with the large amount
 of data (62 items) the bottom band becomes months and the upper band
 becomes days. If I reduce the number of events to less than 25 the
 bottom band is correctly years and the upper band is correctly months.
 Also, it works fine on FF with 62 events.

 Any ideas?

 Here is the HTML code:

titleThe NHIN 2009 Timeline/title

script src=
 api.js type=text/javascript/script
script src=

 ex:converter=googleSpreadsheets /


 var timelineConfig = {
 timelineConstructor: function (div, eventSource) {;
 var theme = Timeline.ClassicTheme.create();
 theme.event.label.width = 200; // px
 theme.event.bubble.width = 250;
 theme.event.bubble.height = 200;

 var bandInfos = [
 width:  85%,
 intervalUnit: Timeline.DateTime.MONTH,
 intervalPixels: 200,
 theme:  theme
 width:  15%,
 intervalUnit: Timeline.DateTime.YEAR,
 intervalPixels: 200,
 theme:  theme,

 bandInfos[0].highlight = true;
   bandInfos[1].syncWith = 0;
 bandInfos[1].highlight = true;

 tl = Timeline.create(div, bandInfos, Timeline.HORIZONTAL);
 return tl;


 h1CONNECT 2009 Product Plan/h1
 pUpdate Timeline a href=
table width=100% cellspacing=20
   tr valign=top
 div ex:role=view

  td width=20%
 div ex:role=facet ex:facetClass=TextSearch
 div ex:role=facet ex:expression=.eventType
 ex:facetLabel=Event Type ex:scroll=true/div
 div ex:role=facet ex:expression=.priority
 ex:facetLabel=Priority ex:scroll=true/div
 div ex:role=coder ex:coderClass=Color
   span ex:color=redLimited Production/span
   span ex:color=greenAgency Support/span
   span ex:color=blueSecurity 
 span ex:color=orangeEvent/span
   span ex:color=#8B4513Content/span
   span ex:color=#00Int Activities/span
   span ex:color=greyKeyMilestone/span
   span ex:color=#556B2FKeyMilestoneSum/span
   span ex:color=brownPreAward Lab 
   span ex:color=blackProd Env/span
   span ex:color=blueArchitecture/span
   span ex:color=#87CEFASW Cfg-Imp/span

div ex:role=lens
 trtd font color=redb ex:content=.label/b/font/
 trtdb ex:content=.description/b/td
 trtdStart Date:b ex:content=.start/b/td
 trtdEnd Date:b ex:content=.end/b/td
 trtdDuration:b ex:content=.duration/b/td
 trtdPriority:b ex:content=.priority/b/td
 trtdResources:b ex:content=.resourceNames/b/td


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Re: create a menu of timeline events next to timeline

2009-03-13 Thread David Karger

I'm not sure exactly how to do it, but I think it should be possible to
create a lens showing those items which contains a fragment of
javascript code telling the map/timeline to center on that item, e.g.
div ex:role=lens
   a ex:onclick-content=javascript:myScrollTo({{.label}}) span
then render a list view invoking that lens.

SiteStories wrote:
 I'm creating an Exhibit that includes:

 - facet search boxes (to sort items by label, date, etc...)
 - a timeline
 - a map

 The problem I'm trying to solve:

 Let's say I select a couple search terms in the facet boxes,  and it
 narrows my returned data items from 50 down to 4.  On the timeline, if
 those items are far enough apart in time, the user can only see the
 nearest items that timeline decides to scroll to.  Others remain out
 of sight, so the user can't know what they are.  The map will now show
 only 4 markers, but again, the user has to guess what they might be.

 The solution I'm hoping for:

 Is there a way to list out the timeline items/events in a simple
 vertical menu that would appear next to the timeline?  Not listing the
 items here instead of on the timeline, but in addition to.  This way
 the user has a clear list of returned items, and can select from them
 in this new menu to then see the final desired item in the timeline
 and map.

 I've attempted this by creating a second timeline on the page, and
 scrunching up the date intervals so much that all items essentially
 appeared in a vertical line.  It worked in that I could select items
 on this hacked timeline, and it was coordinated with the clean
 timeline and map.  But, the scrunched map was an ugly interface, and
 the extra work it was doing seemed to really slow down all the
 elements on the page.

 Coordinating somehow with the tabular view would show the list I want,
 but would lack the clickable interactivity between the new list, the
 timeline, and the map.

 Does this make sense to anyone?  Any ideas for a clean solution?

 The closest I can get, or think to get, is some version of the
 following, where the script calls the timeline events, and places them
 in the new div (menuDiv)...

 function onLoad() {
var eventSource = new Timeline.DefaultEventSource();
  document.getElementById('menuDiv').innerHTML = eventSource;

 div id=menuDiv

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Re: create a menu of timeline events next to timeline

2009-03-13 Thread David Karger

no, i just meant the default list-of-things view.  This should make that
lens active in it:

div ex:role=view
  div ex:role=lensthe lens i defined before/div

SiteStories wrote:
 Thanks David:  A question:

 Is the list view you mentioned something different from tabular view
 or the default tiles view?  If so, any hints as to render it and
 invoke than lens?

 On Mar 13, 12:04 pm, David Karger wrote:
 I'm not sure exactly how to do it, but I think it should be possible to
 create a lens showing those items which contains a fragment of
 javascript code telling the map/timeline to center on that item, e.g.
 div ex:role=lens
a ex:onclick-content=javascript:myScrollTo({{.label}}) span
 then render a list view invoking that lens.

 SiteStories wrote:
 I'm creating an Exhibit that includes:
 - facet search boxes (to sort items by label, date, etc...)
 - a timeline
 - a map
 The problem I'm trying to solve:
 Let's say I select a couple search terms in the facet boxes,  and it
 narrows my returned data items from 50 down to 4.  On the timeline, if
 those items are far enough apart in time, the user can only see the
 nearest items that timeline decides to scroll to.  Others remain out
 of sight, so the user can't know what they are.  The map will now show
 only 4 markers, but again, the user has to guess what they might be.
 The solution I'm hoping for:
 Is there a way to list out the timeline items/events in a simple
 vertical menu that would appear next to the timeline?  Not listing the
 items here instead of on the timeline, but in addition to.  This way
 the user has a clear list of returned items, and can select from them
 in this new menu to then see the final desired item in the timeline
 and map.
 I've attempted this by creating a second timeline on the page, and
 scrunching up the date intervals so much that all items essentially
 appeared in a vertical line.  It worked in that I could select items
 on this hacked timeline, and it was coordinated with the clean
 timeline and map.  But, the scrunched map was an ugly interface, and
 the extra work it was doing seemed to really slow down all the
 elements on the page.
 Coordinating somehow with the tabular view would show the list I want,
 but would lack the clickable interactivity between the new list, the
 timeline, and the map.
 Does this make sense to anyone?  Any ideas for a clean solution?
 The closest I can get, or think to get, is some version of the
 following, where the script calls the timeline events, and places them
 in the new div (menuDiv)...
 function onLoad() {
var eventSource = new Timeline.DefaultEventSource();
  document.getElementById('menuDiv').innerHTML = eventSource;
 div id=menuDiv

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Re: create a menu of timeline events next to timeline

2009-03-13 Thread David Karger

My mistake, it should be ex:onclick-subcontent rather than
Note you still need to implement the myScrollTo function---that's not
something I know how to do off the bat.

SiteStories wrote:
 When I use that:

 div ex:role=view
  div ex:role=lens
a ex:onclick-content=javascript:myScrollTo({{.label}}) span

 I'm getting an error as follows:

 Caught exception: undefined
 Details: Error: No such variable called {{

 Is there something missing to let the myScollTo know what .label is?

 FYI... the following creates the list of labels nicely, just without
 the link functionality that I'm hoping for

 div ex:role=view
  div ex:role=lens
span ex:content=.label/span

 On Mar 13, 12:41 pm, David Karger wrote:
 no, i just meant the default list-of-things view.  This should make that
 lens active in it:

 div ex:role=view
   div ex:role=lensthe lens i defined before/div

 SiteStories wrote:
 Thanks David:  A question:
 Is the list view you mentioned something different from tabular view
 or the default tiles view?  If so, any hints as to render it and
 invoke than lens?
 On Mar 13, 12:04 pm, David Karger wrote:
 I'm not sure exactly how to do it, but I think it should be possible to
 create a lens showing those items which contains a fragment of
 javascript code telling the map/timeline to center on that item, e.g.
 div ex:role=lens
a ex:onclick-content=javascript:myScrollTo({{.label}}) span
 then render a list view invoking that lens.
 SiteStories wrote:
 I'm creating an Exhibit that includes:
 - facet search boxes (to sort items by label, date, etc...)
 - a timeline
 - a map
 The problem I'm trying to solve:
 Let's say I select a couple search terms in the facet boxes,  and it
 narrows my returned data items from 50 down to 4.  On the timeline, if
 those items are far enough apart in time, the user can only see the
 nearest items that timeline decides to scroll to.  Others remain out
 of sight, so the user can't know what they are.  The map will now show
 only 4 markers, but again, the user has to guess what they might be.
 The solution I'm hoping for:
 Is there a way to list out the timeline items/events in a simple
 vertical menu that would appear next to the timeline?  Not listing the
 items here instead of on the timeline, but in addition to.  This way
 the user has a clear list of returned items, and can select from them
 in this new menu to then see the final desired item in the timeline
 and map.
 I've attempted this by creating a second timeline on the page, and
 scrunching up the date intervals so much that all items essentially
 appeared in a vertical line.  It worked in that I could select items
 on this hacked timeline, and it was coordinated with the clean
 timeline and map.  But, the scrunched map was an ugly interface, and
 the extra work it was doing seemed to really slow down all the
 elements on the page.
 Coordinating somehow with the tabular view would show the list I want,
 but would lack the clickable interactivity between the new list, the
 timeline, and the map.
 Does this make sense to anyone?  Any ideas for a clean solution?
 The closest I can get, or think to get, is some version of the
 following, where the script calls the timeline events, and places them
 in the new div (menuDiv)...
 function onLoad() {
var eventSource = new Timeline.DefaultEventSource();
  document.getElementById('menuDiv').innerHTML = eventSource;
 div id=menuDiv

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Re: AND between facet values

2009-03-16 Thread David Karger

It's a hack, but you can do it by making two facets on the same
property.  Exhibit will and between the selections on the two facets.

Luigi Spagnolo wrote:
 Hello, I am new to Exhibit.
 I ask you if there is a way to obtain an AND between values
 belonging to the same facet.

 Suppose that my items have a property that admits multiple values,
 e.g. see the propery artists here:
  {   type :  Museum,
 label : Louvre,
 artists:[Leonardo Da Vinci , Jacques-
 Louis David]
  {   type :  Museum,
 label : Uffizi,
 artists:[Leonardo Da Vinci , Raffaello
 {   type :  Museum,
 label : Prado,
 artists:[Francisco Goya , Diego

 If I create a facet for filtering museums by artists shown

div ex:role=facet ex:expression=.artists

 How I can search for museums that show artworks by  Leonardo Da
 Vinci AND Jacques-Louis David?

 If I select both Leonardo Da Vinci and Jacques-Louis David in
 Exhibit, I actually obtain a list of museums that show artworks by
 Leonardo Da Vinci OR Jacques-Louis David. In my example I would
 get both Louvre and Uffizi, while my desired result would be
 Louvre only.

 How I can obtain this in Exhibit? Is there a parameter I can set, or
 do I have to modify the code?

 Thank you in advance

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Re: Dealing with missing data

2009-03-17 Thread David Karger

Another approach would be to explicitly describe gaps in the data file
as e.g. invisible points.  This would push the problem of detecting gaps
back to the source app.

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
 Vipul Gupta wrote:
 I'm interested in using Simile timeplot for plotting data values
 collected from a wireless environmental sensor (that measures light,
 temperature etc) at periodic intervals. On some occasions, sample data
 is lost (e.g. due to the unreliable nature of the wireless link) and
 I'd like to indicate this as a gap in my plot. For example, see these
 plots drawn using Gnuplot:

 The same plots drawn using the Simile timeplot widget are at:

 Very cool!

 While I can highlight missing samples by using the events feature,
 it seems more intuitive to represent missing data as gaps. Is there an
 easy way to accomplish this? I tried inserting a blank line in the
 datasource whenever a sample was missing. While this works for
 Gnuplot, it doesn't seem to work for  timeplot. I'm new to the SIMILE
 Widget set so it's possible I've overlooked an FAQ that answers this

 thanks for your time,

 Unfortunately, this feature is not there... but it's something several 
 people have asked.

 It's a tough one, though, counter-intuitively: on one hand, I always 
 wanted Timeplot to just cope with whatever data you throw at it. This 
 'whatever data' includes both gaps in sampling *and* non-uniform sampling.

 Unfortunately, implementing a way to plot that can deal with both at the 
 same time is not trivial... mostly because we need to establish a way to 
 differentiate between gaps and non-uniform sampling periods.

 The simplest way is something crude like if the sampling period is 
 greater than x, consider it a gap, where x is a variable that you can 
 define when you import the data (and you can tune based on your own data 
 sampling process).

 A more complicated one would be to have timeplot 're-sample' the data at 
 uniform intervals... but I'm afraid of the aliasing artifacts that this 
 would generate.



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Re: dragging vertically in timelines

2009-03-21 Thread David Karger

Why not go whole hog and make a vertical summary band like the second
current horizontal band that would allow for rapid scrolling
vertically?  Or perhaps when you want to scroll in two dimensions the
right approach is something like google maps' little 2d summary view
that is collapsible in the bottom right corner of their map

David Huynh wrote:
 Being able to drag vertically in (horizontal) timelines when so many 
 events overflow a band has been one of the most frequently requested 
 features. I'm starting to experiment with how to support that feature 
 natively. Here's a first take--the top band can be dragged vertically:

 The dragging interaction is similar to that in the iPhone's Safari.

 Please let me know what you think.



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Re: dragging vertically in timelines

2009-03-23 Thread David Karger

you mean use a native vertical scrollbar?  That would seem to create a
mixed metaphor ui; i am guessing you can come up with a better
consistent metaphor. It took me quite a while to notice the vertical
scrollbar, and I'm puzzled why it is read only.

farfetched, but what if you made the timeline into a barrel that
rolled away at the top and bottom (images shrinking) to indicate there
is more present?

David Huynh wrote:
 Jon Crump wrote:
 On Sat, 21 Mar 2009, David Huynh wrote:

 Because I'm counting on most timelines having one severely dominant

 Love the new dragging functionality! I take your point about timelines in 
 general privileging the linear dimension: and this is as it should be. The 
 exploration of that linear dimension _is_ the utility of a timeline. 
 Having said that, however, It might be helpful to subvert the linear view 
 just a little, and a two dimensional summary might be a way to do it as 
 David Karger has suggested.

 At the very least, I think there ought to be some sort of indication that 
 there is more above or below the line. Making your existing indicator, the 
 'scroll' bar on the right, permanently visible wouldn't take up much room 
 and would provide the necessary prompt.

 Thanks for the further innovations.

 I've made the highlight of the lower band reflect the vertical visible 
 portion of the upper band, and I've made the vertical scroll bar visible 
 all the time (if scrolling is possible).

 I personally don't think the highlight of the lower band does a good job 
 of looking like an overview, at least in its current implementation. 
 Unlike a world map, which immediately looks like an overview unless 
 you're from another planet, any rectangle in the lower band with a few 
 pixels shaved here and there doesn't immediately suggest that it 
 reflects the vertical scrolling state of the upper band.

 Larry also suggested to just use a native scrollbar. Would you prefer that?



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Re: dragging vertically in timelines

2009-03-24 Thread David Karger

yes, barrel is what I meant---to show stuff around the sides.  Not
sure it is a good idea, but thought I'd toss it out.

David Huynh wrote:
 David Karger wrote:
 you mean use a native vertical scrollbar?  That would seem to create a
 mixed metaphor ui; 
 That was one of the reasons I didn't want to use a native vertical 

 i am guessing you can come up with a better
 consistent metaphor. It took me quite a while to notice the vertical
 scrollbar, and I'm puzzled why it is read only.
 The intention is that it's only an indicator, and the body of the band 
 is the interactor.

 I think people ain't used to scrolling horizontally as much, so if 
 vertical scrolling were any more emphasized than it is, then that might 
 totally inhibit any hint that horizontal scrolling is possible. (A 
 native vertical scrollbar would really emphasize vertical scrolling.) 
 But I could be wrong.

 farfetched, but what if you made the timeline into a barrel that
 rolled away at the top and bottom (images shrinking) to indicate there
 is more present?
 Barrel like this?
 I can add some gradients.



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Re: Timeline User Control with C# and Masterpage

2009-03-26 Thread David Karger

Larry Kluger wrote:

 Thanks EC,

 Any public Timeline pages that we can add to the In-the-wild section 
 of the wiki?



 *From:* EC
 *To:* SIMILE Widgets
 *Sent:* Thursday, March 26, 2009 10:11:47 AM
 *Subject:* Timeline User Control with C# and Masterpage

 Not a question, but after a few weeks of implementing simile timeline
 I've got a few tricks for any C# ASP.NET users out there.

 First, if you're using masterpages you absolutely have to link to the
 timeline-api.js in the server side head tag in the Masterpage.  I
 tried putting it in the aspx page, the user control, no luck, has to
 be in the masterpage.  All other javascript can be in the page/

 Second, I needed to create a user control that could be dropped onto
 several pages that loads data dynamically, as in I couldn't just point
 to an XML file like all the examples show.  Here is some code for
 dynamically generating Events in the code behind and passing them to
 the javascript on the client.

 In the onLoad function:

 function onLoad() {
   var eventSource = new Timeline.DefaultEventSource();

   // this will be populated by code behind, it is the list of events
   %= DCEvents %

 . all the other code for creating the zones, timeline, etc .


 In the code behind, have a property called DCEvents:

 private string _DCEvents;
 public string DCEvents
 return _DCEvents;
 _DCEvents = value;

 Then on page load fill DCEvents, for my purposes I'm getting an array
 of streams that have an attribute of createDate, but you can loop
 through a dataset or generic list or anything you want:

 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

 // get the streams, here just do whatever you need to get
 your data
 streams = mgmt.getDatastreamHistory(pid, dsid);

 // loop through your data creating an Event for each row,
 again your data object will be different
 foreach (FedoraManagement.Datastream stream in streams)
 string Date = DateTime.Parse
 (stream.createDate).ToString(MMM dd  00:00:00 EST);

 sb.AppendLine(var dateEvent = new Date(\ + Date +
 sb.AppendLine(var evt = new
 sb.AppendLine(dateEvent, //start);
 sb.AppendLine(dateEvent, //end);
 sb.AppendLine(dateEvent, //latestStart);
 sb.AppendLine(dateEvent, //earliestEnd);
 sb.AppendLine(true, //instant);
 sb.AppendLine(\My Title\,);
 sb.AppendLine(\a href=javascript:__doPostBack(' +
 stream.createDate + ')This is a Postback/a\););
 sb.AppendLine( );

 // finally fill your property with this string
 this.DCEvents = sb.ToString();

 For every event this will now show up in your onLoad function as seen
 in Firebug (the postback line is simply the text of the popup, I
 needed a postback link):

 var dateEvent = new Date(Mar 02 2009 00:00:00 EST);
 var evt = new Timeline.DefaultEventSource.Event(
 dateEvent, //start
 dateEvent, //end
 dateEvent, //latestStart
 dateEvent, //earliestEnd
 true, //instant
 My Title,
 a href=javascript:__doPostBack('2009-03-02T19:28:59.365Z')This is a

 Lastly here is the postback function, because it took a long stinkin
 time to get a postback working:

 function __doPostBack(eventArgument) {
   var theform = document.aspnetForm
   theform.__EVENTTARGET.value = theform
   theform.__EVENTARGUMENT.value = eventArgument

 Its now working and I gotta say its pretty sweet, let me know if
 you've got any questions.


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Re: how to make a table view display only entries of a certain type

2009-03-27 Thread David Karger

Rahul wrote:
 How can I restrict a TableView so that it only displays data of a
 certain type? I suspect I ought to use lenses but the tutorial is very
 short on how to use them.

 I've one .js file with persons:

items :  [
label : Jsse Aafgnds,
type : person,
id : Jsse Aafgnds,
countries : [Germany,Switzerland]
properties :  {
countries : {
valueType : item

 and a second .js file with country info:


 If I use a view:

  div ex:role=view
  ex:label=Voulenteer List
  ex:columnLabels=Member,List of Countries

 then it insists on listing all the countries too. How can I only list
 the persons and associated countries. There are a lot more countries
 in the secon .js than there are persons. But I don't want all
 countries to be listed. Only those for which there is a person.

 Basically list entries of type person only.

 Any ideas?

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Re: Datapress Released

2009-04-02 Thread David Karger

what's the point about comments?  since the exhibit is in an article,
can't you just comment on the article?

Adam Marcus wrote:
 Thanks for the comments, John!  We're excited to hear you're working
 on a Drupal version of this.  In working on a centrally hosted
 version, Ted and I hope to make the configurator a stand-alone
 component (all-javascript to the extent that it can be) so that it
 will be easier to plug it into any other blogging or CMS tool.

 Respondses to your suggestions are inlined:

 On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 8:08 PM, John Callahan wrote:
 Very cool.   Great idea. I've been trying to get people using Exhibit
 through Drupal CMS because of it's ease of use.  Of course, that
 plugin/module doesn't help much with the javascript/html coding, most
 the data part.   I think both the plugin and your distribution site
 sounds like great ideas.   Just earlier today I was browsing the web
 looking for SIMILE projects *in the wild.*  It's a fun exercise looking
 how others use the same tools.
 ( for a limited start)

 A few thoughts on Datapress, well, mostly it's future plans...  Feel
 free to ignore everything I say!  (I'm just getting started with SIMILE
 projects and semantic web concepts.)

 - I'm not sure I would have each exhibit actually load the data while
 browsing.  I would just use screenshots with basic metadata about each,
 such as number of entries, type of features, organization, etc...   I'd
 love to see which entries use a timeline, ve mapview, use timeplot, ve
 different types of data streams, etc...

 We kept going back and forth on this one.  When we had a
 representative static version of the exhibit, we couldn't design one
 that was representative enough.  We settled for the actual exhibit
 since we didn't have the designers touch, but any suggestion as to how
 to speed this up while still making it look good would be appreciated.

 - A nice ajax-like search would go well here.  Either a exhibit of
 exhibits or probably better would be a server-based faceted search
 engine like apache solr.

 Neat idea.  So each blog would have a listing/exhibit of all exhibits
 on the site?  That shouldn't be too hard to make!

 - When playing an exhibit, how about just showing the exhibit on it's
 own page?  I use lightbox/thickbox for several items myself and not sure
 if it really works here.  If you're sticking with Wordpress for the
 Youtube-like implementation, I would think of each exhibit as a
 page/post.Just a thought.

 It should probably be a user option.  The reason we lightboxed is that
 some exhibits are two wide for typically narrow-width blog themes, so
 we decided to give people the ability to have the exhibit on the
 page without it interfering with the theme.

 - How about offering comments on each exhibit?  Maybe ratings as well?
 This could work with a hot topics area, or most viewed, or highest
 rated, etc...

 A bit harder, but definitely possible!

 - It be nice to offer various skins, layout plus color schemes.  Based
 on what features they add (facet side bars, timeline, etc..) you could
 suggest a layout style.  Maybe build this around Wordpress themes.  I
 wonder in Wordpress is you can display separate pages with it's own
 theme?  (I have some experience in Wordpress but not much.)


 Also cool---probably useful in a second pass, once we've gotten
 everything else working well:)

 Again, very cool, just like most things coming out of the SIMILE projects!

 - John


 Thanks for your comments and suggestions!


 John Callahan
 Geospatial Application Developer
 Delaware Geological Survey, University of Delaware
 227 Academy St, Newark DE 19716-7501
 Tel: (302) 831-3584

 Adam Marcus wrote:
 Hello Simile Widgets friends!

 A few of us from Haystack have been working on a way to allow the
 average person with a web presence to configure an Exhibit by way of a
 graphical user interface.  We've started with a WordPress plugin that
 introduces Exhibit to the blogging world.  Our plugin is called
 DataPress, and is available here:

 If you have a wordpress installation and want to include exhibits in
 your posts or pages without doing a lot of html and javascript
 hacking, take a look at this plugin.  If you want to play around with
 DataPress before installing it, we've set up a demo site at:  (username/password =

 Our next steps will be to offer DataPress as a centrally hosted option
 (think YouTube or ManyEyes) so that it can be embedded in any web page
 while still being configured through a more convenient web interface.
 Since this is an early release, 

Re: Manipulating dates in Exhibit

2009-04-11 Thread David Karger

Anthony; your way might work.  It looks like you are getting undefined
because getFullYear is returning values like 2001 while your array only
has 5 entries.  You might try replacing set.add(yearNames[y]) with

If you want to try what I suggested, which is along the lines of this

you would specify

link rel=exhibit/data href=your data url ex:converter=myConverter

and then place a script in the body that adds a year to every item
based on its data field:

function myConverter( json ) {
  var items = json.items;
  for (var i = 0; item = items[i]; i++) {
items[i].year =  
  return json;

and would then be able to access a year property in your data.

C Anthony Lewis wrote:



 Many thanks for the speedy response.


 If I understand correctly, you’re suggesting that a “year” property
 can be added on the fly from the original property as the data loads.
 I fear this is a little beyond my current skills so I’m wondering if
 you can suggest an existing Exhibit that I can look at.


 Does this mean that it’s not possible to do it the way I was attempting?


 All the best and thanks for any further assistance,




 [] *On Behalf Of *David Karger
 *Sent:* 08 April 2009 13:44
 *Subject:* Re: Manipulating dates in Exhibit


 an alternative approach would be to use exhibit's
 callback-on-data-load to explicitly add a year property to every
 item.  Then you could use a plain year facet. 

 Sent from my iPhone

 On Apr 8, 2009, at 8:39 AM, C Anthony Lewis wrote:



 As ever, thanks for a great set of tools and helpful list.


 I’m (again) having difficulty manipulating dates in Exhibit. I
 followed the code at
 and got a facet (I hope that’s the correct term) working that
 displays months of the year, so I thought I’d be clever and do the
 same for years… of course I don’t really know what I’m doing so it
 didn’t work!


 To extract the year from a date I used:

 *var* *yearNames* = [ /2007/, /2008/, /2009/,
 /2010/, /2011/ ];
 *Exhibit*.*Functions*[/year/] = {
 *f*: *function*(*args*) {
 *var* *set* = *new* *Exhibit*.*Set*();
 *args*[0].*forEachValue*(*function*(*v*) {
 *var* *d* =
 *var* *y* = *d*.*getFullYear*();
 *return* *new*
 *Exhibit*.*Expression*.*_Collection*(*set*, /number/);

 and then had the following:

*div* ex:role=*facet* ex:expression=*year(.startdate)*

 But to no avail… all I’m getting is “undefined” for all the items
 in my Exhibit.


 I’m wondering if this is totally the wrong way to go about it as
 maybe I would need to have an infinite list of years for this to work?


 Thanks for any assistance,





 C. Anthony Lewis

 Petroleum  Environmental Geochemistry Group,

 School of Earth, Ocean and Environmental Sciences,

 University of Plymouth,

 Plymouth, Devon PL4 8AA, U.K.


 tel: +44 (0)1752 584554




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Re: app: browse/listen to 60+ National Public Radio Podcasts in Pre2.4 Simile Timeline

2009-04-21 Thread David Karger

Niels, this looks interesting.  I have a question: given that you've
implemented a bunch of buttons to offer filtering on different types of
podcast, why didn't you start with exhibit which has that functionality
(and timelines) built in?

Niels Mayer wrote:

 xwiki (html+wikitext+velocity+javascript) code:
 see also


 PS: I'd love to get feedback if this app doesn't work for you; or if
 it fails to load or display... and if so, what platform/browser/etc.
 Also, if you don't have Flash to play podcast audio (or its not
 available on your iphone) do you have java applets available, or ?


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Re: Facebook Simile Exhibit

2009-05-01 Thread David Karger

Steve, this is really cool.  I tried to get a graduate student to put
something like this together, but it never happened.  One quick
suggestion: in my exhibit, it looks like you'd get a bit more term
convergence in facets if you regularized capitalization; eg liberal =
Liberal in political views.

Steve wrote:
 I've created a Facebook application using Exhibit that allows you to
 explore your social network. For more details look here:

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Re: EXHIBIT crashes with huge data

2009-05-07 Thread David Karger

that's too big.  exhibit won't be able to deal with that much stuff.

harsh wrote:
 Hello Guys,
  I have an RDF file with 100 million triples. I am
 trying to display this data using Exhibit. However whenever i load my
 exhibit html page it crashes and gives an Javascript load error
 which says

 Can exhibit handle such large data or there is some change required to
 the HTML page.


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Re: Chunked JSON and Programmatic Data Loading

2009-05-19 Thread David Karger

Take a look at, which does some of this programmatic json
loading (you pick some departments initially, then while browsing
there's a dropdown at top left that lets you add more courses.

fractile81 wrote:
 I'm helping out matt in
 to try and get the app to run a bit smoother (the browser lag in FF is
 terrible!).  I've been playing with the idea of loading JSON in chunks
 using a service that takes an offset, then adding the data to
 Exhibit.  This works, but is still really slow to load.

 What I would like to do is programmatically load each JSON chunk once
 a successful request has been made.  Here's what I think should work:

  *  Exhibit.ExhibitJSONChunkImporter

 Exhibit.ExhibitJSONChunkImporter = {
 Exhibit.importers[application/json-chunk] =

 Exhibit.ExhibitJSONChunkImporter.load = function(link, database, cont)
 var url = typeof link == string ? link : link.href;
 var last_chunk = -1;
 var items = [];
 url = Exhibit.Persistence.resolveURL(url);

 var fChunk = function(xmlhttp) {
   try {
   var o = null;
   try {
   o = eval(( + xmlhttp.responseText + ));
   } catch (e) {
 e), url);

   if (o != null) {
   if (o.status == 'ok') {
   last_chunk = o.chunk;


   if (last_chunk + 1  o.chunks) {
   return true;
   } else {

   } catch (e) {
   SimileAjax.Debug.exception(e, Error loading Exhibit 
 JSON chunk
 data from  + url);

   return false;

 var fError = function(statusText, status, xmlhttp) {
 if (cont) cont();

 var fDone = function(xmlhttp) {
   try {
   if (fChunk(xmlhttp)) {
   SimileAjax.XmlHttp.get(url + '?chunk=' + 
 fError, fDone);
   } else {
   // Alternate database.loadItems(); can go here
   } finally {
   if (cont) cont();

 SimileAjax.XmlHttp.get(url, fError, fDone);

 In there I try to call database.loadData(); for each chunk of JSON I
 receive.  This works for the first couple of chunks (I have a lot of
 chunks), but I eventually get the following errors:

 TypeError: this._dom is undefined Error firing event of name
 onItemsChanged - debug.js (line 53)
 Error firing event of name onItemsChanged Error firing event of name
 onAfterLoadingItems - debug.js (line 53)
 Database.loadItems failed Error firing event of name
 onAfterLoadingItems - debug.js (line 53)
 Error loading Exhibit JSON chunk data from http://pathtoservice/chunk.php
 Error firing event of name onAfterLoadingItems - debug.js (line 53)
 Error firing event of name onAfterLoadingItems XmlHttp: Error
 handling onReadyStateChange - debug.js (line 53)

 So I have two questions: 1) is database.loadItems(); capable of adding
 data over multiple calls like I was hoping, or is there another
 function/process I should try using?  2) I'm assuming the errors I'm
 getting are related to my using the database.loadItems(); function the
 way that I am -- is this assumption correct, or is there another place
 I should be looking (apologies, I don't know this code very well yet)?

 Thanks for any input!

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Re: google's rich snippets in exhibit

2009-05-26 Thread David Karger

Maybe instead of physical separation we can settle for logical separation.

Suppose we enable link rel=exhibit/data href=#local to specify
that the data can be found in the element with name or id #local in the
html doc?  that data can be cdata encoded and meets the goal of being
machine readable.  It does require xml parsing but that's a relatively
small cost.

David Huynh wrote:
 Search engines are only interested in crawling (probably) visible HTML 
 content, so anything to be crawled must be in HTML, and that spoils the 
 whole point of separating data from presentation. I think the only way 
 to have both separation of data and presentation as well as 
 crawl-ability is to store the data in JSON files or whatever, and have a 
 cached rendering of *some* of the data in HTML. Maybe you can specify 
 some ordering of the items as well as a cut-off limit, and that 
 determines which items--potentially the most interesting ones--get 
 rendered into HTML. That way you won't duplicate the data 100%.

 So your PHP file will look something like this


 link rel=exhibit/data href=data1.json 
 type=application/json /
 link rel=exhibit/data href=data2.rdf 
 type=application/rdf+xml /


 div ex:role=lens id=template-1 ../div



 The trouble is how to pass data1.json, data2.rdf, and the lens template 
 to the web service exhibit-render. We could potentially make a php 
 library file that when you include it into another php file, it parses 
 the containing php file, extracts out the data links and lens templates, 
 and calls the web service exhibit-render automatically.

renderExhibit(template-1, .age, true, 10); #id of lens 
 template to use, sort by expression, sort ascending, limit

 I don't know enough php to know if that's possible / easy.


 John Clarke Mills wrote:

 Although the idea of detecting user agent is a sound one, this can
 also be construed as cloaking, which if caught, you will be penalized
 by Google.  I often flip a coin my head on a subject like this because
 what you are saying makes perfect sense; however, we dont always know
 how Googlebot is going to react.

 Just some food for thought.  There's a good chance I will be
 attempting to combat this problem in the near future and I will report


 On May 26, 1:02 am, Vincent Borghi wrote:

 On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 2:36 AM, David Huynh wrote:

 Hi all,
 Google recently introduced rich snippets, which are basically
 microformats and RDFa:
 The idea is that if your web page is marked up with certain attributes
 then search results from your web page will look better on Google.
 So far exhibits' contents are not crawl-able at all by search engines,
 because they are contained inside JSON files rather than in HTML, and
 they are then rendered dynamically in the browser.
 Since Google is starting to pay attention to structured data within web
 pages, I think it might be a really good time to start thinking about
 how to make exhibits crawl-able *and* compatible with Google's support
 for microformats and RDFa at the same time. Two birds with one stone.
 One possible solution is that if you use Exhibit within a php file, then
 you could make the php file get some service like Babel to take your
 JSON file and generate HTML with microformats or RDFa, and inject that
 into a noscript block.
 Please let me know if you have any thought on that!
 AFAI understand, in the possible solution you mention, you finally
 always double the volume of the served data: you serve the original json
 plus a specially tagged version in a noscript.

 This works and is surely appropriate in many cases,

 I just add as a remark that, since it may cost bandwidth just to serve
 additional data (data specially tagged for Google) that in the general case
 (a human visitor using a browser) is not used, an alternative solution
 may be preferable in certain cases, and when this is possible:

 For those of us who can customize their httpd.conf configuration
 of their apache server, we may prefer to implement the solution
 which is to serve appropriately, on the same URL, two different versions:
  - one version being the normal exhibit, for normal human visitors,
  - and the other, for (google)bots, being an ad-hoc html (either static or

Re: migrating examples to the new wiki [Was: Re: Classifier Ideas for new MIT Food Exhibit]

2009-06-02 Thread David Karger

John, this is a really nice piece of work.  But I think a potentially
better way to host this data (because it makes it easy for anyone to
edit) is in a fully exhibit-enabled wiki.  We've got one here:
It's actually a semantic mediawiki, which adds some interesting
capabilities. In particular, as you suggest below, you can create a page
for each resource with useful text and metadata (and create a form for
editing the data on such pages), which would then be aggregated into the
exhibit, but could also be emitted as json for someone else to use in
another setting.

We've wanted to do a bit more tweaking before suggesting this be used as
a repository of exhibit resources, but since you've already taken the
leap, would you like to take a look and think about whether it would be
an effective repository?  I can help you figure out how to use it if you


John Callahan wrote:
 I had started to migrate the examples from the old wiki and elsewhere
 on the web over to the new wiki.  While doing so, it made sense to me
 to include other resources, like blog posts or third-party apps that
 make use of SIMILE widgets.  It also made sense to include information
 from all SIMILE projects.  So, I created an Exhibit (powered by a
 Google Spreadsheet) of all the resources I found and linked them from
 the new wiki home:   (up to 153 resources!)

 A few thoughts...

 1. It would be nice if this Exhibit was not on my server (
 but rather directly on  (and styled a bit nicer as
 well!)I've tried a few things to add the necessary javascript
 components to the wiki but I do not believe I have permission to do
 so.  Is this something worthwhile to add to the main site?

 2. Using a Google spreadsheet is the best way I know for community
 maintenance of this data.  It's easy to turn into a JSON feed as input
 to Exhibit.  My first thought was to create a new wiki page for each
 resource, tag it sufficiently, then somehow generate a JSON feed with
 all the appropriate tags as attributes.  I can do this in Drupal but
 couldn't figure it out with Mediawiki.  (that method is probably
 overkill anyway.)   If necessary, does anyone have another idea
 besides a Google spreadsheet?   (of course, a custom PHP/MySQL app
 would work if anyone wants to code it up.) 

 3. The attributes in the spreadsheet are very limited: title,
 description, SIMILE project, type of resource, In The Wild or
 homegrown, does it include a map, does it include a graph, and URL. 
 Of course, it'd be nice to have things like a screenshot image, the
 software version, features used, date published, person/org, etc...  
 However, IMO, this information would be difficult to maintain.  As
 well, I don't know how to find that information easily for many of the
 entries.  Although some info *may* be better than none.Any
 thoughts here?

 (Wouldn't it be nice to have a script that went through the URLs of
 each resource, tested the URL to make sure it's alive, and parsed the
 HTML/javascript code to determine which SIMILE product it's using and
 what features are enabled?  :-))

 - John
 John Callahan
 Geospatial Application Developer
 Delaware Geological Survey, University of Delaware
 227 Academy St, Newark DE 19716-7501
 Tel: (302) 831-3584  


 David Karger wrote:
 David Huynh wrote:
 Rob wrote:

 I am in the process of creating an exhibit which highlights all the
 eateries on the MIT campus. Right now, I'm trying to think of
 classifier values that will allow users to filter through these

 This is what I have so far:

 American, Breakfast, Bakery, Cafe, Catering, Deli, Desert, Dinner,
 Ethnic, Grocery, Healthy, Lunch, Made on Order, Mexican, On the Go,
 Pizza, Prepared, Pub, Soup, Sit Down, Sushi, Vegetarian
 That sounds like cuisine.
 Actually I would break it down further, into e.g. cuisine (american,
 mexican, sushi), meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner), preparation (made to
 order, on the go, prepared...)

 You might also look at this exhibit for some ideas:

 (which is on the examples page at , which should really get
 migrated to the new wiki).
 I'd appreciate any suggestions you have that would help filter the
 eateries even more.
 How about...
 - price range: $, $$, $$$,... or, $10 - 15, $15 - 20, ...
 - delivery?
 - open hours
 - accept credit cards?
 - geolocation
 - health rating
 - free wi-fi?
 - has vegetarian dishes?
 - has student discount?
 - ambiance
 - how many T stops away, distance to closest T stop


Re: migrating examples to the new wiki [Was: Re: Classifier Ideas for new MIT Food Exhibit]

2009-06-03 Thread David Karger

John, I'm CCing Fabian, who did this SMW-exhibit integration work while
he was visiting me last year.  Hopefully he can contribute some
additional answers and assistance.

John Callahan wrote:
 Perfect. Thanks for the link and the project.   I actually ran into SMW 
 while looking for better ways to tag the SIMILE examples in Mediawiki 
 when I first started moving them over.  Yes, I think it's an excellent 
 idea and could be extremely useful if it's flexible enough.  (One of the 
 primary reasons I use Drupal is the amount of control I have over the 
 format/tags of user input as well as customizable query/feed/display 

Well, the level of customization is exactly what I was referring to when
I said we were trying to polish a few more things before
announcing/pushing wibit.  Right now, there are some limitations on
layout to keep the syntax for specifying the exhibit simple. 
  From a quick look, the first thing that comes to mind is to use Wibit 
 for all of the SIMILE wiki documentation.   Pages from old MIT wiki and 
 the new Mediawiki wiki could move to a new instance of Wibit.  (I still 
 need to read more closely on the differences between the Exhibit Result 
 Printer and JSON Exporter.) 
I think this could be a great idea.  However, it may be risky---we
haven't seen a lot of use of Wibit yet, and there could be horrible
problems lurking inside.  It would be great to have people give it a
workout for a while with some specific collections, to reveal such
issues before we consider a wholesale migration.  In particular, the
metaexhibit seems a great starting point since it is so clearly structured.

 How easy are the page edit forms to create?
this actually isn't exhibit, it's the semantic forms extension for SMW. 
Documentation is here:
with specific syntax here:

I think it's about as easy as using other complex mediawiki markup
(translation: mediawiki users are happy with it, but the rest of us
probably find it rather arcane)
You would likely need 
 several forms for different types of content each with their own 
Yes, there's a one-form  one data type pairing
  Can you use controlled vocabs as well as free tagging?  
Yes, the form can contain dropdown menus for selecting from a controlled
list. Go to the Wibit beer exhibit at ,
click on a beer
, then click the edit with form tab to go to
.  You'll see a drop down menu for selecting Beer type and brewing month
from a controlled list.
 And multiple vocabs per form/template?
not sure what you mean by this.  Each form reflects the vocabulary
you've chosen for that data type.

 Also, once pages are created and tagged, are there ways other than 
 Exhibit to search/browse through the data? 
well, one can emit the data as jsonp for use in other tools
   For example, such as 
 creating dynamic menus based on a single (or multiple) vocabularies?  Or 
 an auto generated sitemap?  Or something like a table of contents or 
 glossary index?  
These I'm not sure about and will defer to Fabian.  They are certainly
neat ideas for addition if not already there.

 Are the pages in SMW actually marked up with RDFa as defined in the edit 
Not that I know of (SMW preceded rdfa).  Again, a nice idea.  I wonder
if the lens framework, or the infobox template for each item type, could
be used to create that rdfa on the fly as part of the page.
  Google's new Rich Snippets (and other semantic search engines) 
 could take advantage of it.

 - John

 David Karger wrote:
 John, this is a really nice piece of work.  But I think a potentially
 better way to host this data (because it makes it easy for anyone to
 edit) is in a fully exhibit-enabled wiki.  We've got one here:
 It's actually a semantic mediawiki, which adds some interesting
 capabilities. In particular, as you suggest below, you can create a page
 for each resource with useful text and metadata (and create a form for
 editing the data on such pages), which would then be aggregated into the
 exhibit, but could also be emitted as json for someone else to use in
 another setting.

 We've wanted to do a bit more tweaking before suggesting this be used as
 a repository of exhibit resources, but since you've already taken the
 leap, would you like to take a look and think about whether it would be
 an effective repository?  I can help you figure out how to use it if you


 John Callahan wrote:
 I had started to migrate

Re: SIMILE documentation strategy

2009-06-04 Thread David Karger

John, I'm reasonably certain we've defaulted to (1) because both (2) and
(3) require more substantial coordination and management, which we
haven't been able to offer from within the simile team (too little
manpower).  I doubt (2) could work since it requires all contributors to
code a certain way.  I'd love to see (3) but that requires some people
to step forward to join the doc team.

John Callahan wrote:
 Before I went ahead and started making suggestions about if SIMILE needs 
 a CMS vs a wiki site, I should have stepped back and asked what the 
 overall documentation strategy is.  I should have probably also asked if 
 there were previous discussions about community building plans and how 
 things have gone the past few years.  Sorry about that.  So, I started 
 this new thread.  :-)

 What is the overall documentation strategy?

 1) complete community contributed documentation in a wiki/CMS, including 
 api references, examples, and HowTo articles.  This seems to be where we 
 are now.

 2) dynamically derived documentation from the code itself (could use 
 Natural Docs, or similar, e.g.,
 This would require the authors to add much more info the code.  
 Community would contribute examples and general articles.

 3) select a documentation team to create api reference and other 
 FAQs/important info.  (could use Sphinx, or 
 similar, from restructured text, e.g.,  Community would again 
 contribute examples and general articles but under the guidelines of the 
 doc team.

 And I'm sure there are many others.   Has this been previously discussed 
 or decided upon?  Any thoughts on best approaches?  

 - John


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Re: exhibit: pagination

2009-06-21 Thread David Karger

David Huynh wrote:
 John Callahan wrote:
 I also just noticed in the Tile view, the item numbers do not continue 
 for each page but instead reset to one.  For example, page 1 lists 
 items numbered 1 - 10.  Page 2 also lists items numbered 1 - 10, and 
 so on.
 Thanks for spotting that. So far I've been using ol to render the tile 
 view, but there's no way to set the starting number for an ol (in 
 Javascript or CSS). I might have to switch to using a table with the 
 first column showing the numbers.
you could ol starting from 1 (but with blank contents) until you get
to the ones you want to render, then use css to hide all the blank
ones.  that avoids needing to figure out how to get a table to render
and flow exactly like an ol
 By the way, for the *thumbnail* view, I've been using float:left to make 
 the thumbnail lenses arrange themselves horizontally and wrap when they 
 run out of space. But this causes weird gaps if the lenses are not of 
 the same height. I've been thinking of switching to a table, and 
 support a setting such as ex:thumbnailColumns=3. That helps with 
 pagination, too, since we can automatically round the page size to a 
 multiple of the number of columns, so that the last row is always 
 complete (except on the last page). What do you think?
how about rendering a table _only_ if ex:thumbnailcolumns is set, and
otherwise using the current float:left?  the downside of a table is that
it is hard to pick a column count that'll work in all browser sizes.
another option: how about letting someone specify a itemSize, and
wrapping each rendering item in a one-cell table of exactly that size,
which will then look nice in float-left mode?
or, if you want to get _really_ fancy, how about computing the number of
columns that'll fit in the current window, and modifying the column
count as needed if the page gets resized?


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Re: Jump in a map

2009-06-24 Thread David Karger

the presidents map uses a coordinator such that when you click on a
president in a timeline the map jumps to their place in the map.

Marko wrote:

 Recently i've seen an exhibit map with links underneath where you
 could jump to a point in the map. Unfortunately, I have forgotten to
 bookmark the page. Does anyone how to include the jumps?


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google maps exhibit with directions from here

2009-07-13 Thread David Karger

Someone just wished for something that I think would be a pretty useful 
addition to the Google maps view in exhibit.  Namely, to let you enter 
your current location (or have it sensed on your mobile) and enable the 
gmaps sorted-by-distance list-of-results sidebar on the standard Google 
map and the driving directions from your current location 
functionalities that come in google maps' native bubbles.  I don't know 
enough about gmaps to know if this is possible, so I'm just throwing it 
out for consideration.


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Re: Exhibit: Adding Hyperlinks and Embedded Flv video

2009-07-21 Thread David Karger

I suggest using google's method for filling in attributes, instead of
trying to shove a whole blob of html into a field.  So if you had a data
item with {..., resource:;, ...}
you could arrange for that to appear by crafting a lens that contains
a ex:href-content=.resourceyour anchor text here/a

Blueharmony wrote:
 I'm new to Exhibit, but by following the getting started, I was able
 to create functional and very cool applications. However, I must be
 missing something because I can't figure out how to add hyperlinks or
 the html code of embedded FLV files into the exhibits.

 For example, for an item, I want to have a field called Resources
 that shows the name of the resource as a hyperlink to a URL by using
 simple HTML like this:a href=;HomeStar
 Runner/a. When I add this code to the json data file for the item's
 field, the babel inspector tells me it's not going to work, and
 opening the application in a browser just brings back nothing, The
 whole thing errors out.

 the same kind of thing happens when I try to include the more complex
 HTML code for embedding a flv file.

 I'm sure what I want to do is possible, I just can't figure it out.

 Thank you for the help in advance.


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Re: Exhibit which ran on IE 7 not now working, ? related IE 8 update

2009-07-27 Thread David Karger

Hi Carol.  The exhibit codebase was updated to work with ie8, but you
have to use the newer version of exhibit (version 2.2 instead of
2.0).Change this line in your file:

script src= 

To the following:

script src= 

or, if you want to always be running the latest version of exhibit,

script src= 

Carol Robinson wrote:

  I created a project using the exhibit program for a student
 project website (a year ago, April 2008) which I now keep in a
 portfolio file.  At the time that I inserted it into the file (April
 2009), it ran on IE 7, FF, Opera, and Safari.  I updated to IE 8 in
 May.   Recently I checked the webpage and found that it no longer
 works with IE 8, although it continues to operate with FF, Opera, and
 Safari.  Is there a way to get the program working in IE 8?The
 html page should be:
 Carol Robinson  


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Re: Changing SIMILE Exhibit link with IE 7 to IE 8 update - f/u to July 27th

2009-08-03 Thread David Karger

That's right; the two bad replacements refer to exhibit 2.0, which
doesn't work with ie8. the working link points at the current version
(right now 2.2) which does.

Carol wrote:

  Just to thank everyone for the info on upgrading the exhibit link
 to resolve differences between IE7 and IE8 from my July 27th request.

 I found that replacing my script src statement with the following
 code for the latest version of exhibit seems to work, at least in IE8,
 FF, Safari, and Opera:

  script src=
 api.js type=text/javascript/script

  as seen from view source at:

 When I replaced the script code with following suggested statement
 of :
  script src=



 I did not get a map view in any browser.

 I did not have to modify my map key src statement.



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Re: Exhibit: map view and collapsable spry asset don't work when loaded collapsed

2009-08-11 Thread David Karger

modifying your script links to point at the newest version of exhibit
(at will probably fix your
IE8 problems, and possibly some others.

steff wrote:
 Hi Mark,

 thanks for your answer.

 1. I didn't even know that IE 8 caused an error, thanks for letting me
 know (I'm a Mac user)
 2. As far as I know script-elements do not have to be surrounded by
 the html-tags. Nevertheless, I pulled it inside but it didn't change
 a thing. By the way: I think that's the way Dreamweaver generates

 Thanks anyway.

 On 11 Aug., 17:18, mleden wrote:
 Hi Steff,

 Not sure I know exactly the solution, but I see two things that may be
 1. On IE 8, both versions of the page fail with the JSON data
 file...contains errors... message.
 2. Your declaration of var CollapsibleMap... is outside the html
 tags of the page.  I would think that this would need to go somewhere
 towards the bottom of the head tag.


 On Aug 11, 7:39 am, steff wrote:

 Hi everyone,
 I am having a hard time on putting the map view into a (Dreamweaver-
 generated) spry asset which enables to expand/collapse a div via js/
 All works fine when the page is loaded with an expanded map view. No
 problems at all.
 But when I set the map to start collapsed it is not displayed properly
 on expansion. I don't have a clue on this issue. Please feel free to
 have a look yourself:
 Map expanded:
 Map collapsed:
 I'm sure you'll immediatly see what I am trying to explain so
 pathetically. Sorry for that.
 To cut to the chase: does anyone have a hint on this?
 Thanks in advance,

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Re: Question about identifiers

2009-08-12 Thread David Karger

I've edited the wiki page to remove the id warning---it is fine, and in
fact often very useful, to include an id field in your item, most
obviously to disambiguate two different items with the same label (which
may be what that wiki author meant about phantom items---sometimes you
_want_ two items with the same label.

mleden wrote:
 Hi Eric,

 Just FYI, I use attributes named id in my JSON files without any
 (perceived) problem.  That pitfall entry in the documentation is old
 (maybe outdated?) or perhaps someone can shed more light on the
 specifics of why NOT to include id in JSON.


 On Aug 12, 4:31 am, Eric wrote:
 I have a question on identifiers... here:

 It mentions that each item has a unique identifier and a label, and
 that the label will be automatically assigned as the item's ID if an
 ID is not explicitly provided.  My question is, how should I
 explicitly specify the item's ID?  Is that done just by specifying a
 property named id?  Under the pitfalls documentation (http:// it mentions not to include an
 attribute entitled id as it may create phantom elements in the DOM.


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Re: Status of Backstage

2009-08-13 Thread David Karger

Backstage has was prototyped but has since been languishing due to lack
of manpower.

David wrote:
 I wanted to inquire as to the status of Backstage in terms of where it
 stands in the development process.  Thank you.

 David L. Cohen, AICP

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Re: now broken in Chrome/Safari/IE8 (FireFox 3/3.5 ok)

2009-08-13 Thread David Karger

I've had some summer students adding a few useful pieces of
functionality to exhibit (expecially new import formats---csv, tsv,
general (non-exhibit) json, and xml).  I'd like to let them finish up,
announce the changes, and give them a chance to be tried out before we
roll them up into a new release.  I also have a student working on
incorporating the new timeline, but that will take longer and might miss
the next release.  Of course, these are just my preferences; the actual
decision is up to dfhuynh.

Niels Mayer wrote:
 David Karger wrote:
  Neils, thanks for this warning; we have been doing some checkins and
  seem to have broken something inadvertently.  Can you check if the
  unbundled version is also broken?  We've been having some trouble with
  jsmin, the package used to create the minified/bundled version of the
  code.  That would be my first suspect.

 Indeed, something in the minified or bundled javascript seems to be
 the culprit.

 Turning off the bundle loading in my Exhibit xwiki macro document
 fixes the problems I was having
 and   .

 (1) This works and is not the source of the problem:
 (2) The fix was to force it to load the individual files:
 SimileAjax.prefixURLs(scriptURLs, Exhibit.urlPrefix + scripts/,
 javascriptFiles); SimileAjax.prefixURLs(cssURLs, Exhibit.urlPrefix +
 styles/, cssFiles);
 Instead of the bundle:
 scriptURLs.push(Exhibit.urlPrefix + exhibit-bundle.js);
 cssURLs.push(Exhibit.urlPrefix + exhibit-bundle.css);


 PS: When is the current trunk release going to be promoted to a real
 numbered release? Also, when will the current trunk timeline widget
 containing the scrollable-view feature become part of Exhibit?

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Re: Help for a non-developer

2009-08-29 Thread David Karger

I will interject that you might find things a little easier if you
crafted your timeline using the exhibit framework
(, which allows you to read the data
in many formats (such as a spreadsheet) and not do any programming to
set up the timeline.

mleden wrote:
 Hi Bill,

 My suggestion is jump right in!  I came to the group pretty green,
 too.  The SIMILE developers have done a great job of abstracting the
 layers of complexity.  The biggest initial challenges for me, were:
 1. The terminology (usual with any new tool)
 2. The format of the data (xml, json, etc)

 Bottomline, you will have to invest some time, but it is worth it.  If
 you haven't already, review the example Timelines and identify the one
 that most closely approximates your vision.  Then make a copy and make
 the changes to run it locally on your web server.  This process alone
 will greatly improve your comfort level.  You will not need to do any
 programming to get to this point.  You will have a working Timeline
 over which you have full control.  The next step would be to
 substitute your data for the example's.

 Best of luck,

 On Aug 26, 9:00 pm, Bill wrote:
 I have a very great need to produce an interactive time line. I have
 researched every kind of time line software I could find on the web
 and nothing compares with what I can see your SIMILE Timeline can do.
 The problem is, I'm not a programmer. Other than work in Basic and
 some machine code years ago, I have little other exposure or

 Is there a package of some kind that will allow this beautiful tool
 to be used by someone like me. I need this so badly that I am willing
 to invest the effort to learn how to use it at the coding level if
 necesary, but I need to focus on using the tool rather than developing
 it if at all possible.

 I know I am probably way out of the league of the group I am
 addressing, but the tool you have is awsome and I really need to learn
 how to use it.

 Any advice will be appreciated.


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[Simile-Widgets] Re: This from Google Maps Mania Blog

2009-09-01 Thread David Karger

Interesting.  It looks like they wanted exhibit-type functionality
(maps, faceted browsing) but went to the work of implementing it on the
server side.  I'm curious why they chose that approach instead of using
our preexisting ready-made solution.

Mark Lybrand wrote:


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[Simile-Widgets] Re: SIMILE Exhibit and jQuery

2009-09-24 Thread David Karger

Things basically work.  One thing to watch out for is that the Exhibit
creators did not like jquery's capture of $ so they unbind that. 
instead you access jquery through SimileExhibit.jQuery or something similar.

mleden wrote:
 I think that I've seen a thread about the use of both Exhibit and
 jQuery, but I couldn't find it in the discussion group archives (looks
 like they're getting purged at a pretty good clip).
 Anyway, as I understand it, Exhibit is built on top of jQuery which,
 I assume, means that it includes some/all of the jQuery library.  I'd
 like to use Exhibit and jQuery functionality on the same site.  Does
 that mean:
 1. By including just Exhibit, I have access to some/all of the jQuery
 functionality?  If so, how do I go about identifying what I can do and
 how I can do it?
 2. By including both Exhibit and jQuery libraries, will there be
 collisions?  Is there significant redundancy in the amount of code
 pulled over the net?

 If anyone has thoughts or experience, I would really appreciate it.


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[Simile-Widgets] Re: Dynamically updating Exhibit.

2009-09-24 Thread David Karger

here's a nice example of a dynamically updated exhibit:

nunb wrote:

 I wonder if it's possible to update Exhibit in real-time, with fresh
 data. Is there any way of getting data into Exhibit, other than this
 sequence in the html head?

 link href=../../json/policies-explorer type=application/json
 rel=exhibit/data /

 Searching for any mention of exhibit/data in the source has so far
 yielded no clues, and these lines (248 onwards in exhibit.js) seem to
 be the closest I can find:

  var uiContext = this._uiContext;
 for (var i = 0; i  collectionElmts.length; i++) {
 var elmt = collectionElmts[i];
 var id =;
 if (id==null || id.length == 0) {
 id = default;
 this.setCollection(id, Exhibit.Collection.createFromDOM2(id,
 elmt, uiContext));

 Lastly, in case anyone else is looking for it, to get the current set
 of label or id elements of items that have currently been selected
 (via filtering) one should be able to use this javascript snippet
 (using, Firebug's console, for example):



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[Simile-Widgets] Re: bib sorting by author

2009-09-29 Thread David Karger

exhibit has no notion of first author.  I suspect it is sorting based
on whichever author has the lexicographically first name.  If you want
to be able to sort on a specific (eg first) author, you need to stick
that author into a different property and sort on that property.

drdaniel wrote:
 when using exhibit to display a bibliography, sorting by author does
 not behave as i had hoped.  it should sort by last name of the first
 author, and not look at the other authors.  how can i achieve this?

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[Simile-Widgets] Re: if-not-exists? (how to provide alternate content in a lens)

2009-10-08 Thread David Karger

I suspect you can use ex:if (which also has an else) together with the
exists() function in the test of the ex:if .  you might hunt for
documentation on that in the wiki.

Dave Mee wrote:
 Hi everyone!

 So I can make a mailto: link with a name laid over it this way:

   div class=contact

 What I want to do is show just .contact-name inside div#contact if
 there's no .contact-email.

 I really want a ex:if-not-exists feature, so I can do this:
   div class=contact

 Trying not() operators on if-exists doesn't work, and the hoped for
 ex:if-not-exists doesn't exists.

 Can anyone explain the right way to handle this? I can't find any
 clues in the posted examples or documentation.

 TIA - Dave


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[Simile-Widgets] Re: accessibility

2009-10-23 Thread David Karger

You are correct.   Exhibit has the _potential_ to be much _better_ for
screen readers than typical static pages, because the exhibit markup
indicates more about the roles of various elements (think how a screen
reader could present a facet as a list of selectable values, or of an
audio lens written to explain how to read-aloud the description of a
single item).  However, we've never had the manpower to pursue this route.

amped wrote:
 I am curious about how screen readers work/don't work with simile

 I think the consensus is,  to be accessible (to both visually impaired
 and search engines), you pretty much have to have a static rendering
 or traditional search/results version of your exhibit data.

 Could someone confirm that that is that correct?


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[Simile-Widgets] Re: exhibit: local vs remote json source

2009-11-04 Thread David Karger

James Cummings wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 05:24, David R. Karger wrote:
 Note that the examples use relative links to point to the data,
 which obviously won't work if you download the file.  I presume you mean
 you are updating them to absolute links.

 Note also that modern browsers' cross-site-scripting protections
 _forbid_ accessing data on a different server than the one containing
 the root page.  So the data fetch fails, which leads exhibit to throw a
 syntax error---clearly not the most informative possible.  To get around
 that, you can use exhibit's jsonp framework (a standard mechanism for
 circumventing the XSS protections).  But this does require modifying the
 link specification (you need application/jsonp instead of
 application/json) and you need to be talking to a server that knows how
 to service jsonp requests.  I don't know if does.  If you aren't
 so lucky, you can use our babel server as a proxy---you can point it to
 a json file, and it will give you a url that will serve up that file
 encapsulated as jsonp.

 Hiya.  I thought it might be the cross-server scripting problem. Is
 there something you can point me to that explains the differences
 between json and jsonp?  Putting both files on the same server and
 using a relative link /foo.json worked perfectly, but it would be
 good to know about jsonp.




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[Simile-Widgets] Re: facet question

2009-11-07 Thread David Karger

Kimee, the quick hack fix is to change the one line of javascript that
modifies the font size based on scale.  You will find it in the file
cloud_facet.js, the line is = Math.ceil(100 + 100 * Math.log(1 + 1.5 *
(entry.count - min) / range)) + %;
if you replace this with = 100%
you will get what you want.

long term will should scalefactor as an option for the cloud facet

kimeee wrote:
 i currently have a cloud facet that holds values for the first letter
 of a last name for a sort function...

 problem is that my boss doesn't like different font sizes...

 i told him that the sizing depends on value count based on a formula
 in the js but he doesn't care...

 so i have two options...

 1.  somehow making the cloud facet value font sizes the same
 2.  creating a list facet but having each value on the same line
 rather than a break after each value

 if anyone has any help or advice that would be great


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[Simile-Widgets] Re: Exhibit: Is it possible to select an exclusionary filter?

2009-11-14 Thread David Karger

If you select all values other than red, you'll get what you want.
If you like, you can preconfigure the exhibit to start with all values
other than red selected.

lbjvg wrote:
 Hi all - Suppose I have a database of cars and among other things I
 have a facet for color selection.  Suppose I hate the color red and
 want to exclude all red cars from consideration.  Is there an easy way
 to do this in Exhibit?  Is there a hard way? Can it be done at all? -
 Just curious. - Jim

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[Simile-Widgets] Re: Exhibit: Is it possible to select an exclusionary filter?

2009-11-15 Thread David Karger

I can't really follow your second paragraph as I don't see the logic of
including something red when not-red is selected.  But, in regard to
your first paragraph, I think you get what you want by just preselecting
all facet values, and allowing the user to _uncheck_ red if they want to
exclude that one.  In your facet tag, just add
ex:selection=red;blue;green;yellow and it'll start off with those

(note the following inconsistency-for-good-reason in exhibit: if _no_
value is selected for a facet, then in fact it is as if _every_ value is
selected.  For facets with selections, only items that match one of the
selections will be shown.  But if we applied this without exception,
then a facet without selections would make everything vanish---not a
good default.  So, we have an exception for an empty facet.  However,
this does force a dramatic change when you take an empty facet and
select one value; suddenly it switches from as if all values are
selected to just the single selected value.  If instead you start with
all values selected, then unselected one will do what you want)

lbjvg wrote:
 Thanks David (H  K) - I haven't worked with collections before -
 thanks for bringing them to my attention.  My big idea was to - on the
 fly - have the user be able to exclude any color listed - as if red
 in the div's above were replaced with a variable that could change
 on the user's whim.  So, it seems like a hard nut to crack and I can
 live without that feature.

 I can think of a weaker solution involving a massively enlarged json
 database. - so instead of being totally exclusionary, not_red would
 be a feature like any other - that is the universe of colors includes
 red, not_red, green, not_green, blue, not_blue and so on.  So the
 not_color choices would be listed right along with the usual color
 names of red, green, blue and so on.  This involves analyzing and
 addending the json database to include the 'not_color' tags as

 So if 'not_red' is selected then of course those items would be
 included in the view.  But this is not exclusionary -  things with red
 in them will still be present in the view list if green is selected
 and red also just also happened to be one of the Color tags for that
 item. (However, If the json database were completely filled out in
 this way it should not be possible to select red and not_red
 together).  In general, I suppose then the user could sort the view by
 Color and at least all of the not_reds would be grouped

 Two problems with this approach  - the larger database size and
 confusing the hell out of the user who (rightly) expects not_red to
 be exclusionary.

 Thanks for helping to clarify the issue. - Jim

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[Simile-Widgets] Re: Exhibit: Is it possible to select an exclusionary filter?

2009-11-15 Thread David Karger

perhaps we could introduce an ex:negate=true attribute to the facet 
tag, if only we could figure out which negation semantics we wanted.  
One is for the checked values to denote the ones you are _not_ asking 
for---essentially, to invert the role of checked/not checked in the 
facet.  Alternatively we could use David's exclude semantics below: 
since multiple facets get anded together, a negated facet would denote 
things that match the other facets AND NOT the selections in this facet.

David Huynh wrote:
 lbjvg wrote:
 David - Thank you for further clarifying the issue.  I suppose that
 including the ability to add a NOT operation adds SQL levels of
 complexity that sort of defeat  the whole point of Exhibit.

 Thanks for the interesting discussion. - Jim
 You could also create a new kind of facet that excludes rather than 
 includes. Make a copy of the ListFacet, and then in the restrict function

 subtract set from items:

   return items;



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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Re: Exhibit - How to selectively supress display of content based on value?

2009-11-19 Thread David Karger

yes, the if selects the first thing that follows; if the if-test fails,
the second things is selected.

lbjvg wrote:

  David - Both versions work.  Thank you very much.

The only caveat is that the scope seems to be whatever immediatly
follows div ex:if="not(contains(.facet1, 'default value'))" So, I
had 2 things that followed: bfacet50: /b  and  span
ex:content=".facet50"/span/div ; and one would be suppressed but
not the other.  So I wrapped both in a span and that solved it:
div ex:if="not(contains(.facet1, 'default value'))"span
bfacet50: /bspan  ex:content=".facet50"/span/span/div

Thanks for your help! - Jim

On Nov 19, 2:00pm, David Huynh wrote:
lbjvg wrote:

  Hi - I have a database with a lot of default entries. When I display
a lens view, all of the default values clutter and obscure the
pertinent values.

  div ex:role="viewPanel" style="padding: 1em 0.5in;" id="view_panel"
div ex:role="lens" style="display: none;" id="lens_view" align="left"

  div ex:if-exists=".facet1" class="facet1"bfacet1: /bspan
div ex:if-exists=".facet50" class="facet50"bfacet50: /bspan

  So, suppose that most of the items contain a large number of default
entries. I would like to suppress the display of the content if it
equals the default value. As if there were a statement of the form
ex:if-notEqual="default value" content=".facet1

  Is there such a statement?

If the property is unique (each item has exactly one value of that
property), then you can try

div ex:if="not(contains(.facet1, 'default value'))" ... /div

Otherwise, try

div ex:if="exists(remove(.facet1, 'default value'))" ... /div



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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Export generated HTML?

2009-12-03 Thread David Karger
if you click on the orange export scissors that exhibit generates, one
of the options is generated html of this exhibit.  if you want more
interaction, you can use the firebug plugin for firefox.

rodric wrote:
 Is there an easy way to take a look at the dynamically generated
 exhibits HTML?



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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Export generated HTML?

2009-12-03 Thread David Karger
no, that will show you the original code, prior to dynamic modification
by the Exhibit framework.

David Radovanovic wrote:
 Use your browser's source code function; View Source Code via right
 click on browser window (in Windows).

 On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 7:54 PM, rodric wrote:

 Is there an easy way to take a look at the dynamically generated
 exhibits HTML?



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 David Radovanovic, Inc.
 -- Web Design and Graphic Design Services
 100 Dock Street
 Saugerties, NY 12477
 (845) 247-0909


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Re: [Simile-Widgets] after loading datamanipulation

2010-01-28 Thread David Karger
There is an ondataload event and an ex:ondataload attribute you can
put in the body tag to insert some js at that time.  I can't put my
hands on the documentation right now but if you are inclined to browse
the source code you should be able to find it.

On 1/28/2010 6:39 AM, Sebastian Dietzold wrote:
 Hi List,

 I wanna manipulate a jsonp loaded datamodel after loading and before
 executing exhibit.

 Is there a specific callback function called or a docupage how to do

 currently I am loading exhibit with these header additions:

 script src=
 api.js type=text/javascript/script
 link href=
 items=1000callback=cb type=application/jsonp rel=exhibit/data
 ex:jsonp-callback=cb /

 btw: Until now, I could not manage to load exhibit without
 manipulating the header. the example in the wiki unfortunatly  doesnt
 work ... is there a working example out there?




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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Re: Exhibit: pre-filtered facets / pseudo-collections?

2010-02-05 Thread David Karger
right now you have many items with no label or id, which is making
firefox complain a lot and preventing looking at your exhibit.

On 2/5/2010 5:57 AM, Gracmon wrote:
 Hi all again,

 I'm having trouble with setting up hierarchical facets for my Exhibit

 The problem is that, as long as many items from my data have the same
 label, they appear grouped in the timeline. But they represent
 separate events and should be shown separately, each on it
 corresponding year.

 I tried to fix this by assigning an {id} with a different number for
 each item in the data. Then the events appear correctly in the
 timeline, but hierarchical facets won't work.

 Hope it's just is a basic newbie question and easy to solve. Thanks a

 On 12 ene, 12:34, Gracmon wrote:
 Thank you Jonno! Having a look I found it was easier than I thought.
 I'll post the result here when ready.


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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Re: Timeline Not Working in IE

2010-02-07 Thread David Karger
have you tried giving the json to our babel validator?  that can catch
many problems.

On 2/7/2010 11:51 PM, Praveen wrote:
 Hey Mark,

 Thanks for the reply. Your insight is mostly correct given the
 discrepancy between the two browsers. I still cannot find the problem
 in my JSON script. I am posting it below in case someone else can spot
 it. Perhaps it has to do with the link entry? Or maybe the slashes?
 Here are two sample entries: Isn't this being passed through exhibit
 though? I feel like if it is working in firefox the syntax must be
 proper. Perhaps the error is in my actual timeline coding on the file
 pulling up the timeline?

 {'items' :[{type:ERAS,label:ERAS Token and Application
 2009,duration:range,description:Your medical school should
 register you for an ERAS token and send it to you. Once you have this
 token, you can register for your ERAS application account and begin
 working on your common application.,uid:all},
 {type:ERAS,label:ERAS Opens to Submit Apps, Programs Begin
 1, 2009,duration:range,description:ERAS opens their
 application submission process. Students can finalize and submit their
 applications. Programs begin downloading application. ,uid:all}]}


 On Feb 6, 5:04 pm, mleden wrote:

 I see the problem in IE (I'm running 8.0 on Win XP).  I assume that
 the Timeline used to render in both your IE  FF clients.  If that's
 the case, and you've not changed the HTML/JS code, the problem must be
 in the data.  I see that you're using a PHP script 
 ( to generate the JSON.
 Probably the best way to debug is to call the PHP script directly in a
 browser and then eyeball the generated JSON.  If you can't easily
 identify the generated data that is causing a problem, go to the
 database and identify the latest records added or updated.  Amongst
 these will be the culprit.

 You're probably looking for a stray quote, comma, slash or other such
 special character that is causing the more syntactically picky IE to
 trip up.


 On Feb 5, 1:47 pm, Praveen wrote:

 Hello all,
 My timeline had been working well for the last couple of months, but
 recently has stopped working in IE. I don't get any error messages or
 anything. It just doesn't load. Works fine in firefox. When I do some
 simple debugging i get something that says c is undefined...not sure
 if that has anything to do with it. You can check out the actual
 Please help! I am a teacher, and this is a website my students
 use...but it won't work in IE!

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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Exhibit in IE 8

2010-03-01 Thread David Karger
exhibit 2.2.0, which is available at, does work for ie8

On 3/1/2010 5:28 PM, Praveen wrote:
 Does Exhibit work in IE 8? I can't seem to get it to show anything. I
 am using Exhibit to display json data from a mysql database that is
 then displayed on the timeline. Sometimes I see the working animation,
 but the timeline never displays. I think I read that there is a new
 version of exhibit for IE 8, but I can't seem to find where this is.
 can anyone point me in the right direction?



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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Updating Exhibit data

2010-03-02 Thread David Karger
funny, i just posted an announcement yesterday of a new tool for a
WYSIWYG editable exhibit:

It supports dynamic update of simile exhibits.  You can edit the data
right in the page exhibit view, then save the file to persist the
changes.   Right now, the data is stored in the file with the exhibit,
which may or may not fit your purposes.  Managing a separate data file
is definitely on the todo list.

Another approach some people have taken is to keep their data in a
google spreadsheet.  Exhibit can read those directly, and you can edit
the spreadsheet to change your data (and add items using a google form).

On 3/2/2010 8:56 AM, kumarachi wrote:

 we have been using Simile Exhibit and Timeline internally at my
 company for a year now, and everyone's pleased with these.  However, i
 may be the only one not so pleased with things because I maintain the
 tools, and the data -- and as the tools have become more widely used,
 i am having to update the data more and more frequently - which leads
 me to wonder if there has ever been built a tool or online form to
 either dynamically or otherwise update the JSON or XML data?

 My current workflow is a little painful:  i enter data into an excel
 sheet, then send that manually to Babel (tried the Babel service
 version, but it makes the first display quite slow), and then ftp my
 result JSON file over to the host machine.

 SO -- I would like to develop an interface to directly add to the JSON
 or XML data file from an online form.
 Has anyone done this or can share some thoughts and ideas about how



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[Simile-Widgets] Fwd: Announcing Dido, a WYSIWYG-editable exhibit

2010-03-03 Thread David Karger
On Monday I announced a new in-place editable exhibit.  The version I
posted tickled a bug in jquery that broke it on IE; I've worked around
and posted a new version that works on both IE and Firefox.

 Original Message 
Subject:Announcing Dido, a WYSIWYG-editable exhibit
Date:   Mon, 01 Mar 2010 14:46:25 -0500
From:   David R. Karger

I'm happy to announce a preliminary (alpha) release of Dido, a 
WYSIWYG-editable version of Exhibit.  With Dido you can edit the data 
you are looking at, as well as the Exhibit visualization, right inside 
the page.  Then you can save the page to persist your changes.  All the 
functionality---exhibit, data, and editor---is in the document itself, 
so you don't even need a web connection to use it.  You can find Dido at

As I said, alpha.  You're sure to find plenty of bugs.  But I'd love 
your feedback.

-David Karger

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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Re: Exhibit in IE 8

2010-03-04 Thread David Karger
It looks like you are running a local copy of exhibit.  If so, then a
missing border suggests you might be missing a css file that describes
the border---perhaps you didn't include all the css files when you made
a local copy.
these things are easier to debug when you give a link to an example of
what's broken.

On 3/2/2010 4:12 PM, Praveen wrote:
 Great I appreciate the response. I have been able to get it up and
 running now in IE8. However, the bubbles no longer pop up after
 clicking on them in IE. They show up in Firefox but with the top and
 left border missing. Any ideas of what is wrong? Here is the error
 message that shows in the bottom left of iE

 Webpage error details
 Message: Unexpected call to method or property access.
 Line: 5913
 Char: 156
 Code: 0

 Message: Unexpected call to method or property access.
 Line: 5913
 Char: 156
 Code: 0

 On Mar 1, 5:06 pm, David Karger wrote:
 exhibit 2.2.0, which is available at, does work for ie8

 On 3/1/2010 5:28 PM, Praveen wrote:

 Does Exhibit work in IE 8? I can't seem to get it to show anything. I
 am using Exhibit to display json data from a mysql database that is
 then displayed on the timeline. Sometimes I see the working animation,
 but the timeline never displays. I think I read that there is a new
 version of exhibit for IE 8, but I can't seem to find where this is.
 can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Fwd: Announcing Dido, a WYSIWYG-editable exhibit

2010-03-04 Thread David Karger
Ho Josef.  There is limited undo/redo available through the wysiwyg
editor interface; i can't guarantee it works right with the exhibit
elements but it should work with everything else.  Adding undo/redo to
data edits makes a lot of sense but will take serious work; i'll keep it
on the todo list.

right now persistence is through file saving---since the data is in the
document, changing it and saving the document persists the changes.

there's been some discussion of other backends (google spreadsheets, sql
db) but nothing implemented yet.

On 3/3/2010 11:16 AM, Josef Dabernig wrote:
 congratulations! i really like the idea and the interface works nicely!

 as a feature suggestion, i think users would appreciate undo/redo

 how are your plans on persistence? do you plan something like save
 to/sync with google-spreadsheet?

 regards, josef

 On 03.03.2010 16:45, David Karger wrote:
 On Monday I announced a new in-place editable exhibit.  The version I
 posted tickled a bug in jquery that broke it on IE; I've worked
 around and posted a new version that works on both IE and Firefox.

  Original Message 
 Subject: Announcing Dido, a WYSIWYG-editable exhibit
 Date: Mon, 01 Mar 2010 14:46:25 -0500
 From: David R. Karger

 I'm happy to announce a preliminary (alpha) release of Dido, a
 WYSIWYG-editable version of Exhibit.  With Dido you can edit the data
 you are looking at, as well as the Exhibit visualization, right inside
 the page.  Then you can save the page to persist your changes.  All the
 functionality---exhibit, data, and editor---is in the document itself,
 so you don't even need a web connection to use it.  You can find Dido at

 As I said, alpha.  You're sure to find plenty of bugs.  But I'd love
 your feedback.

 -David Karger

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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Re: Updating Exhibit data

2010-03-05 Thread David Karger
right now, it does persist to a json file as you want---it's just hidden
inside the html document, as you can see if you look at the dido.html
source.  SMOP to make it load/save a _separate_ json file.

On 3/4/2010 10:21 AM, kumarachi wrote:
 hi David,

 indeed!  i saw this announcement just after posting my question and
 thought that was awful weird as well...
 your editable exhibit looks great, and i will try something similar
 for now.

 Thank you all for the ideas about a DB backend, though i would prefer
 to keep it lightweight and persist to JSON file instead if i can (the
 updates are from a single person, no concurrency for now).  DB would
 be handy though if we were to expand to allow data updates from all
 our admin users, to handle locking and concurrency issues...


 On Mar 2, 2:09 pm, David Karger wrote:
 funny, i just posted an announcement yesterday of a new tool for a
 WYSIWYG editable exhibit:

 It supports dynamic update of simile exhibits.  You can edit the data
 right in the page exhibit view, then save the file to persist the
 changes.   Right now, the data is stored in the file with the exhibit,
 which may or may not fit your purposes.  Managing a separate data file
 is definitely on the todo list.

 Another approach some people have taken is to keep their data in a
 google spreadsheet.  Exhibit can read those directly, and you can edit
 the spreadsheet to change your data (and add items using a google form).

 On 3/2/2010 8:56 AM, kumarachi wrote:

 we have been using Simile Exhibit and Timeline internally at my
 company for a year now, and everyone's pleased with these.  However, i
 may be the only one not so pleased with things because I maintain the
 tools, and the data -- and as the tools have become more widely used,
 i am having to update the data more and more frequently - which leads
 me to wonder if there has ever been built a tool or online form to
 either dynamically or otherwise update the JSON or XML data?
 My current workflow is a little painful:  i enter data into an excel
 sheet, then send that manually to Babel (tried the Babel service
 version, but it makes the first display quite slow), and then ftp my
 result JSON file over to the host machine.
 SO -- I would like to develop an interface to directly add to the JSON
 or XML data file from an online form.
 Has anyone done this or can share some thoughts and ideas about how

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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Re: Problem with loading xml-like file php script

2010-03-11 Thread David Karger
If you are manually editing a data file,  Dido
( would let you do the
editing in a less painful way:

On 3/11/2010 4:13 PM, Frederic_L wrote:
 Me too ! I started to fill my datas in a json file. But as the data
 volume grows, it becomes difficult painfull to update them (excel file
 then converted in json by babel), and the direct loads from Google
 docs slows down a little bit more the exhibit load (which is quite
 long to load the first visit). So I would like to set up my datas in a
 conventional mysql database, update them from a typical backoffice in
 php (like a CMS) and keep the exhibit front which is very user
 friendly for data presentation and manipulation.


 On Mar 11, 2:47 am, Hendrik wrote:
 Hi Mark,

 Could you give example code what you've done in php code? I interested
 with your approach, because I need to  use Exhibit with the original
 data source come from the result of SPARQL query which in an array.

 Thanks and regards,

 On Mar 11, 12:53 am, mleden wrote:

 Hi Angelia,
 I do something similar (PHP transforming raw MySQL data).  The only
 differences are that I am using Exhibit plus Timeline extension  JSON
 while it sounds like you're using Timeline standalone  XML.
 Bottomline, it was surprisingly easy to feed the data straight in via
 the PHP script.
 The key entry in the markup is as follows:
 link href=../php/your_php_script.php type=application/json
 rel=exhibit/data /
 You can see an example
 On Mar 10, 6:05 am, - Angelia - wrote:
 I am currently trying on SIMILE timeline. In the original
 example, I can load an XML file (example1.xml) as the content of the
 But now, I am retrieving data from mySql by using PHP. And
 the I display like exactly the same format as the XML file. How can I
 call the XML look PHP script (http://localhost/connect.php;) to load on
  the timeline?
 Please advice.
 Thank you.
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Re: [Simile-Widgets] css for particular exhibit-facet-value?

2010-03-17 Thread David Karger
I'm not immediately sure how to support such styling but maybe you can
use or learn from the following example that uses images for facet values:

On 3/17/2010 10:37 AM, Matt Gilbert wrote:
 is there a way to add classes to exhibit-facet-value divs based on the
 particular value? So, for example, something now renders as:
 div class=exhibit-facet-value title=Dead ... /div

 renders as
 div class=exhibit-facet-value exhibit-facet-value-dead
 title=Dead ... /div

 div class=exhibit-facet-value exhibit-facet-value-1
 title=Dead ... /div

 with the number being always the same for that title? This would allow
 for facet values to be color-coded, etc.


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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Re: textarea issue in FF

2010-04-06 Thread David Karger

If you are willing to settle for a textfield instead of a textarea, try

input type=textfield ex:value-content=.textfield_content/textfield

But as the comment says, you may also want to try Dido.

Michiel wrote:

Hi Ravi,

I don't really understand why you want to use a textarea. Are you
using an edit-lens?

The reason why it fails in Fx is that the formatter.js adds the text
in a span element as child to your textarea element. This is in
violation with the html-standard, textarea elements should only
contain plain text, no other elements.

If you really must use a textarea element, a hack may be to extend the
formatter where you add an extra option to text-formats and add
something like this:
to Exhibit.Formatter._TextFormatter.prototype.format, where you see
the creation of the span element that is causing trouble for you. Not
a nice solution, it would be better to avoid textareas.

Perhaps Dido, the newest incarnation of Exhibit from MIT is more your


On Apr 5, 3:45 pm, chandu wrote:


I am using textarea ex:content=.textarea_content/textarea as per
the conversation in the below thread.

but the above fails to show the value in the textarea for FireFox
(3.6.3) though it works well in IE8.

Thanks for the help in advance.



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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Re: timplot running in real time

2010-04-15 Thread David Karger

there's another one at

Michiel wrote:


You are not the only one doing these kind of things, see for example: for an automatically
updated exhibit.

Can't help you any further I am afraid.


On Apr 13, 11:48 pm, David Draper wrote:

I use Timeplot along with Json for the data sets and Python for pulling data
out of the database.

I would like to run Timeplot where it updates the screen every x minutes and
trying to find the best
way to do so.

Any thoughts, ideas?



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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Exhibit doesn't work in IE8

2010-04-27 Thread David Karger
you're example has a bunch of file:// urls for scripts; these will only 
load on your development machine.  You need to put them on the web and 
switch to http: urls.

On 4/27/2010 11:48 PM, John Callahan wrote:

Take a look at how the scripts are loading in the page header.

- John

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 10:25 PM, cbclibrary wrote:

I've created a database page, it works fine in IE7 but I have got
students complaining that it does not work in IE8...

I have no idea what caused the problem. I really appreciate your time
and any help you may provide.

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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Simile Server Down?

2010-05-12 Thread David Karger
In any case much of is up only to support legacy sites; you 
should be migrating all your dependencies to (which is running on much more robust hardware).

On 5/12/2010 12:31 PM, Axel Hecht wrote:

Seems to be back up.


2010/5/12 Alejo BS

Hi everybody!

Today my exhibits stopped working and, after investigating a
little bit, I found that the web server where SIMILE web page and
code was running is down:

Does anyone know if there is any problem?

Thank you.
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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Exhibit tabularView sort

2010-05-25 Thread David Karger

I don't think we've touched tabular view for a while.
It has had small bugs for quite some time---in the sample presidents 
exhibit, try sorting by days in office

On 5/25/2010 10:49 AM, johncallahan wrote:

Has anyone experienced trouble sorting in the Exhibit TabularView on
fields with multiple items?  I know sometimes this doesn't make too
much sense (e.g., sorting alphabetically on keywords) however, in my
case, I think it does.

My example is an exhibit of publications, with a tabular view of pub
title, author(s), and date.  I would like to sort on the author field
(first author) but am getting the error  TypeError: T._sortState[W]
is undefined.

live draft version:

I'm using  I haven't seen this problem
before today and I've been using trunk for many months.  Did this
error just start or have I missed it all this time?  Thanks.

- John


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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Wiki server down?

2010-06-01 Thread David Karger
ok, wiki is back up---after suffering collateral damage from a machine 

On 6/1/2010 3:27 AM, mwra wrote:

I can't access any of the documentation pages at
They seem to have been offline since at least last Friday, 28 May
2010. Or has the URL for the current documentation been altered?




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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Re: Timeline not showing in IE - error: 'start' is null or not an object

2010-06-15 Thread David Karger
your page links to http://webdev/ which doesn't resolve in most 

On 6/15/2010 7:28 AM, mwra wrote:

The timeline doesn't show in either Firefox, Safari or Chrome. From
Firefox is see the timeline object in /_js/timeline.js isn't
initialising. Why, is probably hinted at by Safari Activity window
that reports that
api/timeline-api.js deon't exist. You proably need to put the latter
file/url in place before looking further.



On Jun 14, 8:14 pm,  wrote:

I have a timeline that displays well in Firefox without errors on the
page.  In IE, all I'm getting is the border around the timeline, but
no data or bands.  The IE error references line 100 character 9
'start' is null or not an object.

Timeline is here:

To solve the problem, I started by searching for 'start' in the js
files at that position, and was unable to find any file that had start
at that position in a file. (I just searched in every file I could see
being called in firebug).

Just based on the error I thought it might be a json parse problem, so
I tried to eliminate problems with my json data by switching to an xml
data format - still same error, so it doesn't appear to be a json
problem (although I could be missing something).

I had changed my event bubble to just show the year of the event
(change to labellers.js), so I thought that could be a problem, so I
went back to the default- still same error.  Other than that, the code
is unchanged; it is on my webserver.

If anyone has some advice on how to proceed in tracking down this
issue please let me know.

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Re: [Simile-Widgets] bib tex importer not working?

2010-06-21 Thread David Karger
Please note that you should be migrating all references from to   In particular, will be more reliable than the babel.

On 6/21/2010 7:57 AM, Antoine Blanchard wrote:

Dear Dario,

this happened to me for weeks (see my email to this group on May, 11). I see 
that the problem is fixed now for you, as it was for me. Something definitely 
got messed up with the Babel translator…


Le 20 mai 2010 à 23:48, Dario Izzo a écrit :



I have been unable to get my exhibit page using the bibtex importer
working in the last weeks (
index.htm). It seems like it tries to load babel javascripts from but fails as the server seems
to be down. I use the lines from the wiki:

script src=
api.js type=text/javascript/script
   link rel=exhibit/data
  href=...put your bibtex URL here...
  type=application/x-bibtex /

they always worked and I did not modify my web pages thus it seems
the problem is not on my side can it be?


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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Changing the values of facet on the fly

2010-06-21 Thread David Karger

Sorry, missed that.

Add to your js (in a different file)

{items: [
   {type: translation,
label: inproceedings,
frenchName: en conference},
   {type: translation,
label: thesis,
frenchName: these},


Then set your facets to
div ex:role=facet 
and so on.  You'll also need to be sure your view only displays items of 
type publication so these translations don't show up in the list: div 
ex:role=view ex:itemTypes=Publication

On 6/21/2010 9:48 AM, Antoine Blanchard wrote:

Thank you David but as mentioned, I am interested in the values taken by the 
facet themselves (not the label of the facet)…


Le 21 juin 2010 à 14:36, David Karger a écrit :


Most facets have an ex:facetLabel parameter that you can set to whatever value 
you like.  e.g.
div ex:role=facet ex:expression=.Author ex:facetLabel=Auteur/div

On 6/21/2010 9:30 AM, Antoine Blanchard wrote:

Dear all,

I am using Exhibit to display a BibTex file (à la Citeline) : . 
Therefore, the facet labels are BibTeX standards, and their values as well. I can change the labels 
(ex:facetLabel) but I am stuck with the values as they stand in the source file. Now, I would like 
to translate those into French (e.g. change techreport to rapport)? Is 
there a way to change these values on the fly, between the processing of the date and their 
display? Perhaps by customizing the Babel translator that I use?

Many thanks in advance,



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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Changing the values of facet on the fly

2010-06-21 Thread David Karger
For the future, it would be fun to think about how to extend exhibit 
localization (which currently covers exhibits built-in terms regarding 
sorting and filtering) to allow localization of property and item 
labels.  This would allow end users to experience the whole exhibit in 
their chosen language (as opposed to experiencing it in the language of 
the author).

On 6/21/2010 1:19 PM, Antoine Blanchard wrote:

Many thanks, it works great!

For future reference, may I just add that the .js file is called usinglink href=translation.js 
type=application/json rel=exhibit/data /


Le 21 juin 2010 à 15:09, David Karger a écrit :


Sorry, missed that.

Add to your js (in a different file)

{items: [
   {type: translation,
label: inproceedings,
frenchName: en conference},
   {type: translation,
label: thesis,
frenchName: these},


Then set your facets to
div ex:role=facet 
and so on.  You'll also need to be sure your view only displays items of type publication so these 
translations don't show up in the list:div ex:role=view ex:itemTypes=Publication

On 6/21/2010 9:48 AM, Antoine Blanchard wrote:

Thank you David but as mentioned, I am interested in the values taken by the 
facet themselves (not the label of the facet)…


Le 21 juin 2010 à 14:36, David Karger a écrit :


Most facets have an ex:facetLabel parameter that you can set to whatever value 
you like.  e.g.
div ex:role=facet ex:expression=.Author ex:facetLabel=Auteur/div

On 6/21/2010 9:30 AM, Antoine Blanchard wrote:


Dear all,

I am using Exhibit to display a BibTex file (à la Citeline) : . 
Therefore, the facet labels are BibTeX standards, and their values as well. I can change the labels 
(ex:facetLabel) but I am stuck with the values as they stand in the source file. Now, I would like 
to translate those into French (e.g. change techreport to rapport)? Is 
there a way to change these values on the fly, between the processing of the date and their 
display? Perhaps by customizing the Babel translator that I use?

Many thanks in advance,



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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Need an audio player in the bubble.

2010-06-29 Thread David Karger

you are welcome to use the code from the millionaire's exhibit.
you can probably find what you want in this exhibit:

On 6/24/2010 7:53 AM, Manuel Portillo wrote:

Hi there,

I have two questions and I will very much appreciate your help on 
this.  I need to develop a simple but nice looking exhibit that will 
display information about 25 very young producers of audio stories and 
be able to display an audio player inside the bubble. I would like my 
exhibit to be fed by a Google Spreadsheet rather than a Json file.  
Also, for this exhibit I would like to use the Millionaires Exhibit as 
a template.  So my questions are the following:

Do any of you know if I can use the code from the Millionaires Exhibit 
freely, without infringing of any intellectual rights?

How can I insert an audio player inside the bubble?

Thank you.

Manuel Portillo
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Re: [Simile-Widgets] down ?

2010-07-05 Thread David Karger
I'll look into it but it may take some time given the holiday.  I'm also 
going to start investigating an idea we've had for a way to run a second 
server to provide failover.  In the meantime, as an emergency measure 
you may hotlink you script to the subversion repository (not recommend 
permanently as it is likely to be a bit slow to fetch); for example 
.  Alternatively, I have made a copy of the apis for exhibit and 
timeline available at and 
(apologies for the slightly odd urls).

On 7/5/2010 4:15 PM, Q S Doctor wrote:

I am unable to connect to

Both my development and productions sites rely on remote connections
to to load the javascript libraries.

Based on google analytics, I think access ended sometime early this
morning (PST) of Jul 5th.

I also tried the and got no response. Ping to
the same gets reasonable response times ( 90ms.



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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Re: Exhibit Map: passing global variables

2010-07-07 Thread David Karger

but you shouldn't need to find it; just invoke it.

On 7/7/2010 7:07 PM, martin wrote:

Thanks for the info David,
where do I find database.js ?
it does not appear to live in:
which is where I am currently loading my exhibit from...


On Jul 7, 3:22 pm, David R.  wrote:

In database.js

Exhibit.Database._Impl.prototype.getObject = function(s, p)

returns the value of property p of subject (id) s.

the database is stored in window.database

so window.database.getObject(id,streetviewLat) should do what you want.

martin wrote:

How would I go about getting the value of:span ex:content=.label  /
span; for instance and passing that value to a javascript ?

for example I am trying to grab latitude and logitude from a Exhibit
script type=text/javascript
  var lat =span ex:content=.streetviewLat  /span;
  var lon =span ex:content=.streetviewLon  /span;
  var myPano;

   function initialize() {
   var myPano = new
   fenwayPark = new GLatLng(lat,lon);
   myPOV = {yaw:147.19,pitch:-0.23};
   myPano.setLocationAndPOV(fenwayPark, myPOV);
   GEvent.addListener(myPano, error, handleNoFlash);
so that I can open a streetview window from the map...
I must be missing something, why is this so difficult?- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

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[Simile-Widgets] Re: Embedding data as script tag instead of attachment.js

2010-07-08 Thread David Karger
Michael, I'm cleaning up old email and just found this.  I'd like to 
direct your attention to Dido,
which is a version of exhibit I built that incorporates the data into 
the same document.  It also incorporates editing of the data and of the 

On 7/30/2009 10:51 AM, Michael wrote:


I'm trying to figure out how to exhibit/timeline data directly into
the html file within ascript  tag instead of as a linked script.
I'm linking to the static MIT scripts for all exhibit packages. My
goal is to be able to send exhibit documents as a single file as I
have users who cannot figure out how to unzip a folder to their hard
drive to view an exhibit.

I've got a fully functional exhibit, with the .html and .js files
separate, just can't figure out how to embed them into one.  All CSS
is embedded in the .html file already.

I've tried a number of different ways of putting the data in, however
none work.. the exhibit displays the html file fine but doesn't
generate tile, map, or timeline views.

I'm not much of a programmer, so I'm probably missing something
simple.   Help?


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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Re: Embedding data as script tag instead of attachment.js

2010-07-08 Thread David Karger

were you using ie?  there are some compatibility problems we are working on.
if you found bugs using firefox, let me know---tool is still in active 
the tabular view dialog is primitive---you cannot use the menu to select 
expressions, and must instead enter them (comma separated) in the 
columns text box.

On 7/8/2010 10:01 PM, Bruce Robertson wrote:

Does it work completely?
I briefly tried to add a tabular view but could not find a way to get
it to accept column names, among other problems.

Bruce Robertson

On Jul 8, 4:43 am, David  wrote:

Michael, I'm cleaning up old email and just found this.  I'd like to
direct your attention to Dido,
which is a version of exhibit I built that incorporates the data into
the same document.  It also incorporates editing of the data and of the

On 7/30/2009 10:51 AM, Michael wrote:



I'm trying to figure out how to exhibit/timeline data directly into
the html file within ascripttag instead of as a linked script.
I'm linking to the static MIT scripts for all exhibit packages. My
goal is to be able to send exhibit documents as a single file as I
have users who cannot figure out how to unzip a folder to their hard
drive to view an exhibit.

I've got a fully functional exhibit, with the .html and .js files
separate, just can't figure out how to embed them into one.  All CSS
is embedded in the .html file already.

I've tried a number of different ways of putting the data in, however
none work.. the exhibit displays the html file fine but doesn't
generate tile, map, or timeline views.

I'm not much of a programmer, so I'm probably missing something
simple.   Help?


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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Using SUM of INT field as item count in Exhibit

2010-07-26 Thread David Karger
I don't completely follow what you need; that would be easier if we 
could see the whole example exhibit instead of the json fragment. Are 
you trying to keep the json small or keep the exhibit output small?

On 7/26/2010 5:02 AM, Harald Groven wrote:

In an Exhibit, I have a JSON data source where 90% of the items have
nearly identical attributes. To save space, remove redundancy and make
it easier maintainable, the items are group together with a COUNT

JSON-fragment example. Instead of...

{label : foobar},
{label : foobar},
{label : foobar},
{label : foobar},
{label : bar},
{label : bar}

...the items are grouped together as...

{label : foobar,numberOfItems: 4 },
{label : bar,   numberOfItems: 2 }

But this creates a problem for the facet count, which will display

foobar 1
bar 1

Is it possible to use the SUM of the numberOfItems-field as facet
count instead of counting the number of JSON objects? So that the
facet count will look like

foobar 4
bar 2

Harald Groven
Web developer
Norwegian Center for ICT in Education


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[Simile-Widgets] Re: Announcing Dido, a WYSIWYG-editable exhibit

2010-07-26 Thread David Karger
You can already do so.  Edit the lens and use the add lens content 
icon () .  You'll get a dropdown you can use to add fields for existing 
properties, but you can also click use advanced expression and, in the 
resulting textfield, fill in a new attribute (including the leading 
period).  When you go back to the display view that field will be 
editable and you can assign values to it.  Once you have done so you 
will be able to create a facet to filter on the values you created.

On 7/26/2010 7:17 PM, lostexpectation wrote:

is it going to be possible to add new categories of an item, sometimes
its not about adding new items but adding new categories/facets to
existing set of items and that would be very useful to allow general
users to do...?

On Mar 1, 8:46 pm, David R.  wrote:

I'm happy to announce a preliminary (alpha) release of Dido, a
WYSIWYG-editable version of Exhibit.  With Dido you can edit the data
you are looking at, as well as the Exhibit visualization, right inside
the page.  Then you can save the page to persist your changes.  All the
functionality---exhibit, data, and editor---is in the document itself,
so you don't even need a web connection to use it.  You can find Dido 

As I said, alpha.  You're sure to find plenty of bugs.  But I'd love
your feedback.

-David Karger

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attachment: moz-screenshot-1.png

Re: [Simile-Widgets] Semantic Media Wiki Exhibit

2010-07-29 Thread David Karger
You are correct.  An early version of wibit read its data from a table 
in the wiki page.  But as we evolved the tool we switched to a version 
that gets its data via semantic mediawiki ask queries.  These are not 
remote; they go to the same wiki.  See for example

On 7/29/2010 12:06 PM, lostexpectation wrote:

is there an example of smw exhibit result printer that reads from a
table within the page rather then remotely

im trying to use the

the old wibbit version most of the examples were on .edu which is
gone it seems to be different syntax

I installed and reinstalled smw and extensions 5 times trying to get
this to work and just end up fiddling with till i get  white screens,
i tried the tech presentations example and just get a exihibit with no
data loading


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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Semantic Media Wiki Exhibit

2010-07-30 Thread David Karger

On 7/30/2010 1:23 PM, l e wrote:
oh right so i have to make all the pages firsts, or can I ask a page: 
or table: ?
semantic mediawiki assumes all data is in individual pages.  so that's 
the only place you can put data to query.

i see you make the pages and then can add to them via a form its a 
good system, it'll take me some work, if i could use table for 
starters or instead?
it would be nice and natural.  It would also be inconsistent with SMW 
practice.  But I would still be in favor of it.  In fact, the SMW 
exhibit framework _does_ read its data from a table---the table 
containing the results of the query is rendered into the result page, 
and that table is where our extension finds and reads the data it should 
render.  Conceivably, you could hack a page to contain that table 
without executing a query, and our extension would happily read it.

I did install the old wibit  version fiddled with it till I got it 
working and them broke it again. can i run both?

no fundamental barrier, though I suspect in practice something would break.

I could download and import a category of pages from wikipedia to 
jumpstart but then i want to add my own data I have google spreadsheet 
aswell :/

i'll have to find a way to add a lot of wikipedia pages by template 
via spreadsheet,I haven't found one yet.

On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 6:50 PM, David Karger wrote:

You are correct.  An early version of wibit read its data from a
table in the wiki page.  But as we evolved the tool we switched to
a version that gets its data via semantic mediawiki ask queries.
 These are not remote; they go to the same wiki.  See for example

On 7/29/2010 12:06 PM, lostexpectation wrote:

is there an example of smw exhibit result printer that reads
from a
table within the page rather then remotely

im trying to use the

the old wibbit version most of the examples were on .edu which is
gone it seems to be different

I installed and reinstalled smw and extensions 5 times trying
to get
this to work and just end up fiddling with till i get  white
i tried the tech presentations example and just get a exihibit
with no
data loading

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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Documentation wiki not working on .edu

2010-08-12 Thread David Karger

Documentation should go to the new wiki at
Most documentation has been migrated.
I must sheepishly mention that the _new_ wiki seems to be having 
technical difficulties at the moment, but that should get fixed quickly.

On 8/12/2010 11:18 AM, lostexpectation wrote: documentation wiki

hasn't been working for a week, could some rescue this stuff and put
it somewhere more reliable?

the wiki info from
was redirected to

how about reversing that/putting copy of



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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Documentation wiki not working on .edu

2010-08-12 Thread David Karger
ok, the wiki at should now be working and available 
for further contributed documentation.

On 8/12/2010 11:18 AM, lostexpectation wrote: documentation wiki

hasn't been working for a week, could some rescue this stuff and put
it somewhere more reliable?

the wiki info from
was redirected to

how about reversing that/putting copy of



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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Pagination Not Working

2010-08-26 Thread David Karger
 Apologies; the automatic trunk update process had been broken for some 
time.  We got it working again which broke the trunk.  I will spend 
today figuring out what wrong and fixing it.

On 8/26/2010 9:24 AM, John Callahan wrote:
I can also confirm that an error is being thrown when using Exhibit 
trunk.  It could be a spelling mistake or a language issue as the 
error is

Failed to create view Tabell

- John

John Callahan, Geographic Information Scientist
Delaware Geological Survey, University of Delaware

On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 6:19 AM, TIN wrote:

Did someone overwrite the API from trunk???

Check this example page
Its not working, and also language is not en anymore.

If you guys got back-up please upload again.


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Re: [Simile-Widgets] Pagination Not Working

2010-08-26 Thread David Karger
 ok, we have a partial fix by rollback; now it'll just complain about 
the api key but will otherwise work.

On 8/26/2010 9:24 AM, John Callahan wrote:
I can also confirm that an error is being thrown when using Exhibit 
trunk.  It could be a spelling mistake or a language issue as the 
error is

Failed to create view Tabell

- John

John Callahan, Geographic Information Scientist
Delaware Geological Survey, University of Delaware

On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 6:19 AM, TIN wrote:

Did someone overwrite the API from trunk???

Check this example page
Its not working, and also language is not en anymore.

If you guys got back-up please upload again.


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