Rag Radio FRIDAY: NY Times Columnist Robert H. Frank, Author of The Darwin Economy

2011-12-01 Thread The Rag Blog


Cutting-edge alternative journalism, politics, and culture in the spirit of the 
Sixties underground press.



ON KOOP 91.7 FM ( 

Rag Radio is rebroadcast every Sunday at 10 a.m. (Eastern) 

on WFTE ( 
), 90.3-FM in Mt. Cobb, PA, and 105.7-FM in Scranton, PA.


Friday, Dec. 2, 2011, 2-3 PM (CST)

Economist and New York Times Columnist

Robert H. Frank

Author of 

The Darwin Economy: 

Liberty, Competition, and the Common Good

Robert H. Frank is an economics professor at Cornell's Johnson Graduate School 
of Management, a regular Economic View columnist for The New York Times, and 
a Distinguished Senior Fellow at Demos. His books, which have been translated 
into 22 languages, include The Winner-Take-All Society (with Philip Cook), The 
Economic Naturalist, Luxury Fever, What Price the Moral High Ground?, and 
Principles of Economics (with Ben Bernanke).

Robert Frank's latest book is The Darwin Economy: Liberty, Competition, and the 
Common Good in which he contends that naturalist Charles Darwin was a greater 
economist than Adam Smith. According  to author Francis Fukuyama, Frank takes 
particular aim at the notion that a  well-functioning competitive market system 
will necessarily produce  socially optimal results. In The Darwin Economy, 
Frank argues against Adam Smith's theory of the invisible hand which says 
that competition channels self-interest for the common good. The uncritical 
celebration of the invisible hand, writes Frank, has undermined regulatory 
efforts to reconcile conflicts between individual and collective interests..., 
causing considerable harm to all of us.


Listen to Thorne Dreyer's Nov. 18, 2011 Rag Radio Interview with 
Singer/Songwriter, Author  Actor Bobby Bridger ( 
Dec. 9, 2011: Nonviolent Activist Val Liveoak of Peacebuilding en las Americas.

Dec. 16, 2011: Singer/Songwriter and Activist Eliza Gilkyson.

Dec. 30, 2011: Environmentalist and Climate Change Activist Bruce Melton.

Jan. 6, 2012: New Year's Special with SDS Founder and Progressive Political 
Activist Tom Hayden.
To stream Rag Radio live, go here ( 
Find podcasts of all earlier Rag Radio shows, Below.




driving in the left lane
Thorne Dreyer. Photo by Alan Pogue. 

Host and producer: Thorne Dreyer
Co-producer and engineer: Tracey Schulz

RAG RADIO features hour-long in-depth interviews and discussion about issues of 
 progressive politics, culture, and history. Our guests include  newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and public figures  from Austin, Texas,  and around 
the world.

Host Thorne Dreyer ( 
 ) was a founding editor of Austins historic Sixties underground newspaper The 
Rag ( 
 ), a founding editor of Space City! ( 
 ) in Houston, an editor at LNS ( 
 ) in New York, and a former station manager of KPFT-FM ( 
 ) (Pacifica) in Houston. He now edits The Rag Blog ( 
 ), a nonprofit progressive internet newsmagazine based in Austin, and is on 
the board of the New Journalism Project, a Texas 501(c)(3) nonprofit 
corporation. With roots in the Sixties, RAG RADIO often features content about 
the history of Austins unique counterculture and its political and literary 

Contact us at ragra...@koop.org (mailto:ragra...@koop.org?subject=).


Rag Blog Digest: Nov. 30, 2011

2011-11-30 Thread The Rag Blog


  The Rag Blog Digest  Nov. 30, 2011

 theragblog.blogspot.com ( 

 Richard D. Jehn, founderThorne Webb Dreyer, editor


Bill  Meacham : What is Truth? (In 400 Words) ( 
 )-- By Bill Meacham  / The Rag Blog. Bill's essay on Truth (in 400 words or 
less)  was a winner in Philosophy Now's essay contest and is also a big winner  
in our humble estimation.(Truth is useful. Does that mean that what is useful  
is true? That is not a useful question.) We also post another provocative (and 
 winning)take on the subject by Bill's colleague, Robert Tables.

Allen  Young : Is 'Mic Check' Just 'Political Shouting?' ( 
 )-- By  Allen Young / The Rag Blog. The Occupy Wall Streetmovement  has 
captured the attention and imagination of the country -- and with it's  advent 
have come some stylistic innovations. One of those, known as mic check,  has 
served as a unique means of communication among demonstrators -- and has  more 
recently been usedas a technique tointerrupt speeches, including one by  Karl 
Rove. Our old friend and colleague Allen has serious reservations about  mic 
check which he shares with us -- along with an email string reflecting some 
sharply differing opinions on the subject. The post includes a video of the 
Karl Rove disruption.

Paul  Rosenberg : American Deceptionalism ( 
 )-- By Paul Rosenberg /  Progressive America Rising. In an incisive and  
thought-provoking opinion piece, Rosenbergsays that, Under the growing  
influence of the 1 per cent, American exceptionalism has become American  
deceptionalism. Paul says that the U.S.' perverse refusal to learn from 
others  who have been inspired by us in the political realm is strikingly at 
odds with  Americans' grassroots improvisatory traditions. This piece, which 
originated  with Al Jazeera, is a must read.

Robert  Jensen : Occupy Congress ( 
 )-- By Robert Jensen / The Rag  Blog. Jensen reminds us that left activists 
typically argue that  political change comes not from electing better 
politicians but building  movements strong enough to force politicians to 
accept progressive change. But  Norman Solomon has concluded that it isn't an 
either/or question. The  activist, author, and media critic, who supports a 
green New Deal,is running  for Congress and Jensenthinks he -- and his ideas 
-- deserve our  attention.

Marc  Estrin : Who Needs Tear Gas? ( 
 )-- By Marc Estrin / The  Rag Blog. New England novelist and activist Estrin 
discusses the  evolvingtactics being used by mayors and police chiefs against 
the Occupy  movement.They are turning tonovel approaches which involve a 
switch from  blameworthy military attack to invisible counterinsurgency. One 
effective  tactic, he tells us, is don't given them any place to pee. 

Bob  Feldman : Reconstruction in Texas, 1865-1876 ( 
 )-- By Bob  Feldman / The Rag Blog. In the latest installment of his  hidden 
history of Texas, Bob tells us about the Reconstruction years which  included 
the time of emancipation of African-Americans, and a period when many  black 
men held office.He also recounts the fraudulent election of 1873 in which  
manyblacks were prevented from voting by white supremacist Democrats who had  
previously supported the Confederacy.


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer ( 

Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin. 
To stream online, go here ( 


Rag  Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about  issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests  include newsmakers, 

Rag Blog Digest: Nov. 23, 2011

2011-11-23 Thread The Rag Blog


  The Rag Blog Digest  Nov. 23, 2011

 theragblog.blogspot.com ( 

 Richard D. Jehn, founderThorne Webb Dreyer, editor


Steve  Russell : Will Rogers on Occupy Wall Street ( 
 ) by Steve  Russell / The Rag Blog. Steve quotes his all time favorite  
Cherokee, Will Rogers: When a [political] party can't think of anything else 
they always  fall back on Lower Taxes. It has a magic sound to a voter, just 
like  Fairyland... Rogers wrote that in 1924,and that same year he suggested  
essentially what the Occupy folks are demanding now: quit allowing unlimited  
gambling by Wall Street with other people's money.

Paul  Krassner : Sex, Corruption, and the Kool-Aid Massacre ( 
 ) by  Paul Krassner / The Rag Blog. November 18th marked the 33rd  anniversary 
of the Jonestown massacre. Krassner recounts some of the dark  historyof Jim 
Jonesand his movement-- much of itlittle-known and some of it  involving San 
Francisco politics -- and the horrific story of thekilling of  Congressman Ryan 
andthe mass suicide that followed, including dialogue from  audio recordings of 
the event.

Mike  Davis : Protest in the Driver's Seat ( 
 ) by Mike Davis /  The Rag Blog. Davis describes the rite of passage when as 
a  young activist, you first look into a cop's eyes a few anxious inches from 
your  face and find only robotic murderous hatred staring back at 
you.Confessing  that he's not too fond of being clubbed or pummeled, Mike says 
he prefers to  lock myself safely in my car and drive to protest, perhaps 
humming drove my  Chevy to the levee... He then offers a fascinating history 
of all-American  vehicle-based demonstrations, from truck convoys to labor's 
historic use of massive auto  blockades.

Lamar  W. Hankins : Judge Ken Anderson Still Can't Tell the  Truth ( 
 ) by Lamar W. Hankins / The Rag Blog. Former Williamson County, Texas, 
District Atty. Ken Anderson, now a district  judge, wrongfully securedthe 
conviction of Michael Morton 25 years ago for  killing his wife Christine, by 
withholding evidence that could have exonerated  Morton. Hankins, a former city 
attorney in San Marcos, says the problem is  systemic and that many prosecutors 
are less interested in justice than they are  in obtaining convictions.

Nicole  Berland : Occupying Ideas in Austin ( 
 ) by Nicole Berland /  Fringe Magazine. When Nicole, who has taught literature 
in  high school and college, learned that Occupy Wall Street was starting up in 
 Austin, she thought aboutwhatshe could personallybring to the effort.The  
result wasthe Occupy Austin Reading Group which allows the demonstrators  
tostep outside of our immediate frustrations to focus on the greater  
implications of the Movement. And the group, she says, continually defies my  

Rag  Radio : Singer/Songwriter, Author, and Actor Bobby  Bridger ( 
 ) Interview by Thorne Dreyer / Rag  Radio. Bridger, whotraveled the globe 
performing his epic  trilogy, A Ballad of the West, and whose song Heal in the 
Wisdom,is  the anthem of the Kerrville Folk Festival, was Thorne Dreyer's  
guest on Rag Radio. Bridgertalked abouthis new book, Where the Tall Grass  
Grows: Becoming Indigenous and the Mythological Legacy of the American  West, 
and much more, while alsosharing a few songs with us. Go to the post  tolisten 
to the show.


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer ( 

Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin. 
To stream online, go here ( 


Rag  Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about  issues

Rag Blog Digest: Nov. 17, 2011

2011-11-17 Thread The Rag Blog


  The Rag Blog Digest  Nov. 17, 2011

 theragblog.blogspot.com ( 

 Richard D. Jehn, founderThorne Webb Dreyer, editor


FILM  / David McReynolds : Clint Eastwood's 'J.  Edgar' ( 
 ) by David McReynolds / The Rag  Blog.McReynolds, who -- as a socialist and a 
pacifist -- had  extensive dealings with J. Edgar's FBI, provides a revealing 
take on Eastwood's  new biopic.Though praising the performances of Leonardo 
DiCaprio and Judi  Dench,Davidsays the film's real power comes from Eastwood's 
humanizing Hoover  as a sad, sexually frustrated, deeply insecure man who 
tried to rearrange facts  to help insure his place in history.

Mike  Davis : Ten Immodest Commandments ( 
 ) by Mike Davis /  The Rag Blog. When asked if he had any important lessons to 
 pass on to the Occupy movement from his 45 years as an activist, Mike repeated 
 his fervent vow never to age into an old fart with lessons to pass on. In  
blatant violation of his vow, however, he shares with us a highly personal and  
very relevant Ten Immodest Commandments.

Bill  Freeland : With 'Occupy,' the People are the Point ( 
 ) by  Bill Freeland / The Rag Blog. The Occupy movement began as a  small 
gathering in a private park near Wall Street in New York City, but has  since 
swept across America and into another dozen countries around the world.  While 
the gatherings are local, their concerns are global, responding to  economic 
and social trends that have been developing for decades.

Eric  Newhouse : Half of Returning Warriors are Wounded ( 
 ) by  Eric Newhouse / Truthout. New and as yet unpublished  statistics from 
Veterans Affairs show that more than half of America's  warriors are returning 
home with medical and mental problems that need  treatment. These are 
unprecedented numbers as more than one soldier in three  will have PTSD, major 
depression, and/or traumatic brain injury.

Thomas  McKelvey Cleaver : It's 'How You Play the Game' ( 
 ) by  Thomas McKelvey Cleaver / The Rag Blog. The legendary Vince  Lombardi 
was known for saying Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing.  Penn 
State coach Joe Paterno, however,professed thatwinning doesn't mean much  if 
the players don'tbecome better people in the process. But then, when it  came 
down to the most important decision in his life, he hadn't a moral clue  and 
his indifference and complicity will overshadow everything else in his  life.


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer ( 

Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin. 
To stream online, go here ( 


Rag  Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about  issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests  include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures 

Listen to Thorne Dreyer's Nov. 11, 2011, Rag Radio interview with Author and 
Sustainability Advocate ( 
 ) Ellen LaConte ( 
 ). ( 
Nov. 18, 2011: Singer/Songwriter, Author, Actor  Artist Bobby Bridger.
Nov. 25, 2011: University of Texas Government Professor David Edwards.

Listen to earlier shows on Rag Radio. ( 

Rag Radio is rebroadcast every Sunday at 10 a.m. (Eastern) on 

WFTE, 90.3-FM in Mt. Cobb, PA and 105.7-FM in Scranton

Rag Blog Digest: Nov. 11, 2011

2011-11-11 Thread The Rag Blog


  The Rag Blog Digest  Nov. 11, 2011

 theragblog.blogspot.com ( 

 Richard D. Jehn, founderThorne Webb Dreyer, editor


Ellen  LaConte : When Too Big to Fail is Too Big Not To ( 
 ) by  Ellen LaConte / The Rag Blog. The powers that be -- and even  the Wall 
Street protesters -- believe in the global economy's ability to  deliver them 
the goods -- the resources, jobs, wages, and services they depend  on -- if 
only the people managing it were more fair. But, even if the global  economy 
were better managed, according to LaConte,we would still be dealing  with an 
economy that's approaching a terminal condition... Ellen LaConte will be 
Thorne Dreyer's guest Friday, Nov. 11, on Rag Radio (see post).

Paul  Beckett : Naked ALEC and the Right Wing Conspiracy ( 
 ) by  Paul Beckett / The Rag Blog. Another dimension of the vast  right-wing 
conspiracy has come to light, like a horror movie monster emerging  from 
primeval slime. ALEC (the American Legislative Exchange Council) brings  
together state legislators (overwhelmingly, conservative Republicans) and  
corporate leaders in annual meetings to propose, review, and approve 
legislation  they want passed --to meld the corporations' business interests 
with the  ideological content of the right-wing politicians.

Josefina  Castillo and Judith Rosenberg : Women and Fair Trade ( 
 ) by  Josefina Castillo and Judith Rosenberg / The Rag Blog. The  Women and 
Fair Trade Festival is an annual Austin marketplace that hosts artisan  
producers from women's cooperatives from around the world. This community 
event,  sponsored byAustin TanCerca de la Frontera, celebrates cultural  
diversity and presents an alternative to corporate globalization.

Bruce  Goldberg : Carl Oglesby Occupies Heaven ( 
 ) by Bruce  Goldberg / The Rag Blog. Carl Oglesby, an influential New Left 
activist, writer, thinker -- and gifted orator -- passed away earlier this 
year.  Bruce, who was a friend and colleague, reports on a memorial service 
held in  Cambridge, Mass., last week, where family members, friends, and fellow 
activists  spoke, sang, and showed slides of the skinny man in his early 30's 
holding his  kids, the fiery bearded long-haired man giving razor-edged 
speeches, and the  beaming tender man posing proudly with his new grandchild.

Rag  Radio : Greenlandic Inuit Explorer/Actor Ole Jrgen Hammeken and Filmmaker 
Marc  Buriot ( 
 ) Interview by Thorne Dreyer / Rag  Radio. Dreyer's guests on Rag Radio last 
week were Ole Jorgen  Hammeken --an indigenous Greenlandic Inuit polar 
explorer, social worker,  andactor -- andFrench filmmaker Marc Buriot, who was 
executive producer of the  award-winning film, Inuk, in which Hammeken stars. 
Go to this post to  listen to the interview.

Robert  Jensen : Angus Wright and the 'Fire Next Time' ( 
 ) by Robert  Jensen / The Rag Blog. Professor Jensen profiles and  interviews 
environmentalist Angus Wright. According to Jensen, We're in deep  trouble, 
ecologically and culturally, as we try to face up to unprecedented  planetary 
problems in a society in denial. And Wright, who has a knack for  presenting 
complex ideas in plain languageis one of our most astute observers  of these 


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer ( 

Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin. 
To stream online, go here ( 


Rag  Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about  issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests  include newsmakers, 
artists, leading

Rag Radio FRIDAY: Author and Sustainability Advocate Ellen LaConte

2011-11-10 Thread The Rag Blog


Cutting-edge alternative journalism, politics, and culture in the spirit of the 
Sixties underground press.



ON KOOP 91.7 FM ( 

Rag Radio is rebroadcast every Sunday at 10 a.m. (Eastern) 

on WFTE ( 
), 90.3-FM in Mt. Cobb, PA, and 105.7-FM in Scranton, PA.


Friday, Nov. 11, 2011, 2-3 PM (CST)

Author and Sustainability Advocate

Ellen LaConte

A freelance journalist, contemporary issues writer, and memoirist, Ellen 
LaConte is author most recently of a controversial, 
widely-endorsedmeta-synthesis Life Rules: Why so much is going wrong everywhere 
at once and how Life teaches us to fix it. ( 
 ) LaConte is also a contributor to The Rag Blog. Information about Ellen and 
her work can be found at www.ellenlaconte.com ( 

If there were someone with authority to require all candidates for high public 
office to read certain books in preparation for the responsibilities they 
aspire to undertake, Ellen LaContes LIFE RULES should be high on the list of 
urgently required reading. -- William R. Catton, Jr.

Read When Too Big to Fail is Too Big Not To ( 
 ) by Ellen LaConte on The Rag Blog

Find more articles by Ellen LaConte ( 
 ) on The Rag Blog.


Listen to Thorne Dreyer's Nov. 4, 2011, interview with Greenlandic Inuit 
Explorer  Actor Ole Jorgen Hammeken and filmmaker Marc Buriot ( 

Nov. 18, 2011: Singer/Songwriter, Author, Actor  Artist Bobby Bridger.
Nov. 25, 2011: UT-Austin Government Professor David Edwards.

To stream Rag Radio live, go here ( 
Find podcasts of all earlier Rag Radio shows, Below.




driving in the left lane
Thorne Dreyer. Photo by Alan Pogue. 

Host and producer: Thorne Dreyer
Co-producer and engineer: Tracey Schulz

RAG RADIO features hour-long in-depth interviews and discussion about issues of 
 progressive politics, culture, and history. Our guests include  newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and public figures  from Austin, Texas,  and around 
the world.

Host Thorne Dreyer ( 
 ) was a founding editor of Austins historic Sixties underground newspaper The 
Rag ( 
 ), a founding editor of Space City! ( 
 ) in Houston, an editor at LNS ( 
 ) in New York, and a former station manager of KPFT-FM ( 
 ) (Pacifica) in Houston. He now edits The Rag Blog ( 
 ), a nonprofit progressive internet newsmagazine based in Austin, and is on 
the board of the New Journalism Project, a Texas 501(c)(3) nonprofit 
corporation. With roots in the Sixties, RAG RADIO often features content about 
the history of Austins unique counterculture and its political and literary 

Contact us at ragra...@koop.org (mailto:ragra...@koop.org?subject=).


Recent shows:

11-04-2011: Greenlandic Explorer

Rag Blog Digest: Nov. 4, 2011

2011-11-04 Thread The Rag Blog


  The Rag Blog Digest  Nov. 4, 2011

 theragblog.blogspot.com ( 

 Richard D. Jehn, founderThorne Webb Dreyer, editor


Robert  Jensen : Occupy 'Demands': Energy, Economics, Ecology ( 
 )by  Robert Jensen / The Rag Blog. Professor Jensen expands on  remarks 
delivered at an Occupy Austin teach-in: Rallying around a common  concern 
about economic injustice is a beginning; understanding the structures  and 
institutions of illegitimate authority is the next step. But first, as  
pundits and politicians keep asking the Occupy movement for demands, here's  
Jensen's suggested response: We demand that you stop demanding a list of  

Dr.  Stephen R. Keister : I Cry for my Country ( 
 )by Dr. Stephen R.  Keister / The Rag Blog. As Steve Keister turns 90 -- and 
we at  The Rag Blog wish him a hearty Happy Birthday! -- the good doctor  
assesses the state of health care in America. And his overview -- as well as 
the  revealing facts and figures he presents-- don't make for a very happy  

Judy  Gumbo Albert : Past Seeds the Present at Oakland General  Strike ( 
 ) by Judy Gumbo Albert / The Rag  Blog. Judy, who was one of the founders of 
the Sixties theatrical  radical group, the Yippies, reports from the Oakland 
strike -- andsees much to  remind her of the bestof the old days. And some 
improvements too: The  male-dominated, media-seeking leadership of my day has 
been replaced by a  genderneutral, democratic process of consensus that does 
not defer to  celebrity.

Rag  Radio : Singer/Songwriter and Community Activist Charlie  Faye ( 
 )Interview by Thorne Dreyer / Rag  Radio. Our guest on Rag Radio last Friday 
was the delightful and  talented Charlie Faye who talked about her modern 
bohemian odyssey in which  she spent a month in each of 10 cities, putting 
together a band and recording a  song in each locale, for her Travels with 
Charlie CD. She also discussed  herefforts intrying to save Austin's Wilson 
Street musicians' cottage enclave.  Go tothis postto listen to the show.

Bill  Meacham : Simone de Beauvoir: A Philosophy of Liberation ( 
 )by  Bill Meacham / The Rag Blog. Bill delves into the life of  Simone de 
Beauvoir and her existentialist philosophy. The starting point to  
understanding de Beauvoir is human freedom, he says. Freedom is a premise of  
her whole argument, not a result of any logical deduction... And the 
connection  between existentialism and politics is obvious. We are all 
inherently free;  hence the slave is always free to rebel against the master.


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer ( 

Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CDT) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin. 
To stream online, go here ( 


Rag  Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about  issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests  include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures 

Listen to Thorne Dreyer's Oct. 28, 2011, Rag Radio interview with 
Singer/Songwriter  Community Activist Charlie Faye ( 

Nov. 4, 2011: Greenlandic Inuit Actor  Explorer Ole Jrgen Hammeken  French 
Filmmaker Marc Buriot.
Nov. 11, 2011: Author and Sustainability Advocate Ellen LaConte.
Nov. 18, 2011: Singer/Songwriter, Author, Actor  Artist Bobby Bridger.

Listen to earlier shows on Rag Radio. ( 

Rag Radio is rebroadcast every Sunday at 10 a.m. (Eastern) on 

WFTE, 90.3-FM in Mt. Cobb, PA and 105.7-FM in Scranton, PA.



Rag Blog Digest: Oct. 28, 2011

2011-10-28 Thread The Rag Blog


  The Rag Blog Digest  October 28, 2011

 theragblog.blogspot.com ( 

 Richard D. Jehn, founderThorne Webb Dreyer, editor


Susan  Van Haitsma : 'Viva la Vida' in Austin ( 
 )by Susan  Van Haitsma / The Rag Blog. One of Austin's most colorful  events 
of the year is the Dia de los Muertos festival organized by  the Mexic-Arte 
Museum. Called Viva la Vida, this year's festival  included a beautiful 
procession in downtown Austinand members of CodePink added  an anti-war theme 
to the traditional skeleton motif, honoring the dead women and  children of 
Afghanistan.Don't missSusan'sbeautiful gallery of photos. 

David  Van Os : 'Non-Lethal Projectiles' in Oakland ( 
 )by David Van  Os / The Rag Blog. Tuesdaypolice in riot gear opened fire on  
Occupy Oakland demonstrators, usingso-called non-lethal ordnance. Scott  
Olsen, a member of Veterans for Peace, was shot in the head with what police  
glibly called a projectile, fracturing his skull. We update the action with a 
 surprisingly conciliatory statement from Oakland Mayor Jean Quan.

William  Rogers : Austin Labor Marches in Solidarity with 'Occupy'  Movement ( 
 )by William Rogers / The Rag  Blog. 500 spirited union members, chanting, 
They got bailed out,  we got sold out, marched through downtown Austin Sunday 
during the Occupy  Austin Labor Solidarity March. The group, thatincluded iron 
and sheet metal  workers, electricians, telecom and transit workers, teachers 
and government  workers, marched to a skyscraper that houses Wells Fargo, a 
bank that received  $43.7 billion in bailout funds and has since made $24.6 
billion in  profits.

Rag  Radio : Academic/Activist Bernardine Dohrn, Former Leader of Weather  
Underground ( 
 ) Interview by Thorne Dreyer / Rag  Radio.Dreyer's guest on Rag Radio, Friday, 
Oct. 21,was  controversial Sixties activist Bernardine Dohrn, now a respected 
academic who  teaches law at Northwestern University School of Law. In the 
lively  andfar-ranging interview,shereflects onher history with SDS and 
Weatherman, discusses the criminal justice system and its effect on young 
people -- and  expresses enthusiasm about the possibilities for social change 
offered by the  mushroomingOccupy Wall Streetmovement. Listen to it at the 
above link.

Kate  Braun : Let the Spirits Dance at Samhain ( 
 )by Kate Braun /  The Rag Blog. Monday, Oct. 31, is Samhain, Halloween, All  
Hallow's Eve, ThirdHarvest. Samhain marks the end of summer on the Wheel of 
 Life calendarand falls on the eve of All Souls Day or Dia de los  
Muertos,It offersan opportunity for celebration and to honor the spirits  of 
those who have crossed over.


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer ( 

Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CDT) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin. 
To stream online, go here ( 


Rag  Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about  issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests  include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures 

Listen to Thorne Dreyer's Oct. 21, 2011, Rag Radio interview with 
Academic/Activist Bernardine Dohrn ( 
 ), former Leader of Weather Underground.

Oct. 28, 2011: Singer/Songwriter  Community Activist Charlie Faye.
Nov. 4, 2011: Greenlandic Inuit Actor  Explorer Ole Jrgen Hammeken  French 
Filmmaker Marc Buriot.
Listen to earlier shows on Rag Radio. ( 

Rag Radio is rebroadcast every Sunday at 10 a.m. (Eastern) on 

WFTE, 90.3-FM

Rag Blog Digest: Oct. 13, 2011

2011-10-20 Thread The Rag Blog


  The Rag Blog Digest  October 20, 2011

 theragblog.blogspot.com ( 

 Richard D. Jehn, founderThorne Webb Dreyer, editor


Mike  Davis : No More Bubblegum ( 
 ) by Mike Davis / The Rag  Blog. Davis sees prophesies of today's Occupy Wall 
Street movement  in John Carpenter's classic date-night terror flick, They 
Live. As  Carpenter foresaw, force enough Americans out of their homes and/or 
careers...  and something new and huge will begin to slouch toward Goldman 
Sachs. In assessing the surging movement, scholar and veteran activist Davis 
notes that, although old radicals like me are too apt to declare each new baby 
the messiah, this child has a rainbow sign.

Jonah  Raskin : A Rag Blog Interview with Bernardine  Dohrn ( 
 ) by Jonah Raskin / The Rag Blog. An exclusive Rag Blog interview with Dohrn 
--the leader of late  Sixties SDS and the Weather Underground who now teaches 
law at Northwestern and  is an advocate for children and family justice -- by 
an old colleague, Raskin.  When asked why Americans are so docile, Dohrn says, 
The trick is to avoid  cynicism. Ordinary people have the wisdom but they 
don't know they have the  power. Dohrn will also be Thorne Dreyer's guest on 
Rag Radio Friday. (See below.)

Carl  Davidson : Occupied Wall Street and the Emergence of a Popular  Front ( 
 ) by Carl Davidson / The Rag Blog. In a comprehensive report onand analysisof 
Occupy Wall Street in New York,  Carl sees the implications of the new movement 
as deep, complex, and  strategic,saying that Occupy Wall Street has 
changedthe political  conversation. He envisions the emergence of a new 
popular front against  finance capital, encompassing a progressive majority of 
the country.

Alyssa  Burgin : Cronyism, Corruption, and the Keystone XL  Pipeline ( 
 ) by Alyssa Burgin / The Rag Blog. The pipeline project has embroiled the 
State Department in a swirl of  corruption allegations due to what has been 
revealed as a cozy relationship  between pipeline contractor TransCanada and 
State Department officials. Burgin  reports on the allegedcronyism --and the 
recent public hearings about the  project--and informs us that thousands of 
environmentalists and others  opposing the projectedtar sandspipeline 
willconverge on Washington Nov.  6,and encircle the White House.

Greg  Moses : Even Weather Turns Spiritual at Occupy Austin ( 
 ) by  Greg Moses / The Rag Blog. Moses reports that, as Occupy  Austin 
entered its second week, organizers were looking more rested, wholesome,  
happy, and relaxed as they mixed themselves into the festival of people...Greg 
 looks in on how the group organizes its ongoing official occupation  
activities, and reports on a group discussion on strategies of nonviolent  


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer ( 

Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CDT) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin. 
To stream online, go here ( 


Rag  Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about  issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests  include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures 

Listen to Thorne Dreyer's Oct. 14, 2011 Rag Radio interview with Scholar, Urban 
Theorist  Social Activist Mike Davis ( 

Oct. 21, 2011: Academic, Activist  Child Advocate Bernardine Dohrn, former 
leader of Weather Underground.
Oct. 28, 2011: Singer/Songwriter  Community Activist Charlie Faye.

Listen to earlier shows on Rag Radio. ( 

Rag Blog Digest: Oct. 13, 2011

2011-10-13 Thread The Rag Blog


  The Rag Blog Digest  October 13, 2011

 theragblog.blogspot.com ( 

 Richard D. Jehn, founderThorne Webb Dreyer, editor


Ellen  LaConte : Finding Democracy in Unexpected Places ( 
 ) by  Ellen LaConte / The Rag Blog. What if nature, Ellen asks,  rather 
than our own history, provides 'the inspiration for genuine democratic  
thinking'? Since our leaders are evidently incapable of dealing  with the 
issues -- economic, environmental, political/social -- before them, she  
suggests that we reassess how we view the concept of democracy. For some of the 
 answers, we might turn to nature itself.

Steve  Russell : 'Chief' Was Born on Death Row ( 
 ) by Steve Russell  / The Rag Blog. Retired judge and Cherokee Indian Russell  
looks at capital punishment (those without the capital get the punishment) 
and  the case of American Indian Douglas Chief Stankewitz, who has spent 33 
years  on death row at San Quentin. Steve tells us that Chief has essentially 
been a  condemned man hisentire life, and that, to understand his story, we 
must also  understand the spectacular destruction of California Indians.

Rag  Radio : Activist/Journalist Jonah Raskin, Author of  'Marijuanaland' ( 
 ) Interview by Thorne Dreyer / Rag  Radio. Go here to listen to the podcast of 
Dreyer's interview with  California-based writer Jonah Raskin, author of 
Marijuanaland: Dispatches  from an American War. Raskin discusses cannabis 
culture, politics,  economics, medicine, and law -- and the unsuccessful2010 
Prop. 19 campaign to  legalize some possession of marijuana.

Robert  Creamer : Why the Occupy Wall Street Movement Frightens the  Right ( 
 )-- By Robert Creamer / Progressive America  Rising. Theminions of the Right 
aren'tafraid of the Occupy Wall  Street movement because of Eric Cantor's 
feigned fear of the mob that is occupying our cities. But they are worried 
that their electoral heads may  roll. Telling us that all elections are decided 
by persuadable voters and  mobilizable voters, Creamer says that the 
movement could affect the behavior  of those groups -- and he lays out five 
reasons why.


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer ( 

Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CDT) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin. 
To stream online, go here ( 


Rag  Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about  issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests  include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures 

Listen to Thorne Dreyer's Oct. 7, 2011 Rag Radio interview with Writer/Activist 
Jonah Raskin ( 
 ), Author of Marijuanaland: Dispatches From an American War.

Oct. 14, 2011: Scholar, Urban Theorist, Author  Social Activist Mike Davis.

Listen to earlier shows on Rag Radio. ( 

Rag Radio is rebroadcast every Sunday at 10 a.m. (Eastern) on 

WFTE, 90.3-FM in Mt. Cobb, PA and 105.7-FM in Scranton, PA.


Green democracy : Learning from nature.

Lamar  W. Hankins : Documenting Flawed Forensics and the Willingham  Execution 
 ) by Lamar W. Hankins / The Rag  Blog. The new documentary film-- Incendiary: 
The Willingham  Case -- is about the execution of Cameron Todd Willingham for 
arson in afire that killed his three children.The film focuses on what 
happens   when  supposedly expert witnesses in a criminal case get the forensic 
  science wrong,  and what happens when politicians pretend that the   
criminal justice system  works well.

Harry  Targ

Rag Blog Digest: Sept. 29, 2011

2011-09-29 Thread The Rag Blog


  The Rag Blog Digest  September 29, 2011

 theragblog.blogspot.com ( 

 Richard D. Jehn, founderThorne Webb Dreyer, editor


BOOKS  / Mariann G. Wizard : Jonah Raskin's 'Marijuanaland' ( 
 ) by  Mariann G. Wizard / The Rag Blog. The Wizard reviewsRag  Blog 
regularJonah Raskin's new book, Marijuanaland: Dispatches From an  American 
War. Jonah will be in Austin Oct. 7-8 -- for a Rag  Blog Happy Hour at Maria's 
(Friday, 5-7 p.m.) and for Saturday book signings at Oat Willies and  Brave New 
Books. Jonah will also be our guest on Rag Radio, Friday at  2. (See post for 
all the details.)

Rag  Radio : Suspense Novelist David Lindsey on the Private Intelligence  
Industry ( 
 ) Interview by Thorne Dreyer / Rag  Radio.Austin resident andNew York Times 
bestsellingnovelist David Lindsey discusses hisfascinating career and the  
booming contract espionage business that is the subject of his latest novel  
cycle.Go to the postto learn more about Lindsey and his work,andto listen to  
theRag Radio podcast.

Harry  Targ : Remembering the Great Society ( 
 ) by Harry Targ /  The Rag Blog. Noting that poverty is a growing problem in 
this  country, with 46.2 million people living below the poverty line, 
Professor Targ  reflects on the remarkable achievements of LBJ's Great Society 
--which  ultimately floundered, not because of errors in its visions or 
programs, but  because of a disastrous imperial war.

Robert  Jensen : Revolutionizing the Way We Grow Food ( 
 ) by Robert  Jensen / The Rag Blog. Wes Jackson of The Land Institutehas  
been pursuing the science and tweaking the strategy of a sustainable  
agriculture movement for more than three decades. His research teamis working  
to build a resilient agriculture modeled on natural ecosystems.

Tom  Hayden : An Expanding War in Pakistan ( 
 ) by Tom Hayden /  The Rag Blog. Hayden warns that the United States is 
creeping  deeper and deeper into a disastrous war in Pakistan, using drone 
technology as  a substitute for American ground troops. Tom discusses the 
complex situation in  the region, saying that the drone strategydoesn't make 
America safer becauseit  requires massive investments in nation-building and 
inevitably provokes  blowback.


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer ( 

Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CDT) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin. 
To stream online, go here ( 


Rag  Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about  issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests  include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures 

Listen to Thorne Dreyer's Sept. 23, 2011 Rag Radio interview with Suspense 
Novelist David Lindsey ( 
 ) on the booming Private Intelligence Industry.

Sept. 30, 2011: Progressive State Rep. Elliott Naishtat, D-Texas.
Oct. 7, 2011: Former Yippie Jonah Raskin, Author of Marijuanaland: Dispatches 
From an American War.
Oct. 14, 2011: Scholar, Urban Theorist, Author  Social Activist Mike Davis.

Listen to earlier shows on Rag Radio. ( 

Rag Radio is rebroadcast every Sunday at 10 a.m. (Eastern) on 

WFTE, 90.3-FM in Mt. Cobb, PA and 105.7-FM in Scranton, PA.


Pakistan : The war drones on.

SPORT  / Dave Zirin : John Carlos and the Moment That Still  Matters ( 
 ) by Dave Zirin / The Rag Blog. As Troy Davis

Rag Blog Digest: Sept. 15, 2011

2011-09-15 Thread The Rag Blog


  The Rag Blog Digest  September 15, 2011

 theragblog.blogspot.com ( 

 Richard D. Jehn, founderThorne Webb Dreyer, editor


Mike  Davis : The Eloquence of Carl Oglesby ( 
 ) by Mike Davis /  The Rag Blog. The first of two remembrances of SDS leader 
Carl  Oglesby, who died of cancer on Tuesday, by former colleagues in the New 
Left.  Davis relates Oglesby's rare oratorical skills, referring to his 
unadorned  eloquence and moral clarity, and the profound role he played in 
deepening our  commitment to the anti-war movement.

Jeff  Shero Nightbyrd : Skipping Stones With Carl Oglesby ( 
 ) by  Jeff Shero Nightbyrd / The Rag Blog.Jeff Shero served as vice president 
of SDS in 1965 when Oglesby led the  organization through a time of transition, 
shifting our focus from organizing  the poor and disenfranchised to taking on 
the war in Vietnam. Jeff callsthe  lanky, almost raw boned, South 
Carolinian... the only white organizer I heard  who could match the speaking 
power of the best civil rights leaders.

Rag  Radio : Carl Davidson on Mondragon and Workers'  Cooperatives ( 
 ). The Rag  Blog brought influential writer and political activist Davidson to 
 Austin to give a presentation on thedynamic example of theMondragon  
Corporation and itsrole in the international workers' cooperative movement. He  
joined Thorne Dreyer on Rag Radio for a lively discussion about Mondragon,  
theburgeoning cooperative movement in the U.S., and  
Carl'silluminatingvisionfor 21st century socialism. Go to the link above, or  
listen  here ( 

Don  Swift : Perry, Bachmann, and the Threat of Dominionism ( 
 ) by Don Swift / The Rag Blog. In the first of a series,  Swiftpaints an 
alarming picture of Dominionism and what he calls its threat to  American 
liberties. Both Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann have clear ties to  the 
Christian Dominionists, he warns, who do not believe in the separation of  
church and state. He tells us what dominionism is, how it works, and the  
influence it is having on today's religious right.

MUSIC  / John Wilson : Houston Folk Legend Don Sanders is 'Heavy Word  User' ( 
 ) by John Wilson / The Rag  Blog. Singer-songwriter and children's storyteller 
Sanders -- who  will be Thorne Dreyer's guest on Rag Radio Friday -- was a 
force in the Houston  music scene for decades and an influence on many Texas 
musicians, including Lyle  Lovett. Despite his many accomplishments, Don has, 
according to Wilson, failed  to receive the [wider] adulation he so richly 
deserves.Don's new CD, Heavy  Word User, is a digital remix ofhiswonderful 

Thomas  McKelvey Cleaver : Nagasaki and Responding to Calamity ( 
 ) by Thomas McKelvey Cleaver / The Rag Blog. In one of several  Rag 
Blogthought pieces on the legacy of 9/11 and its impact on  American culture 
and foreign policy, Cleaver suggests that the way we deal with  disasteris our 
most important indicator of nationalcharacter. He reflects on  the city of 
Nagasaki, Japan, devastated by an atomic bomb late in the second  World War, 
and howits people responded by dedicating their city to promoting  
international peace and brotherhood.


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer ( 

Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CDT) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin. 
To stream online, go here ( 


Rag  Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about  issues 
of progressive politics, culture

Rag Blog Digest: Sept. 8, 2011

2011-09-08 Thread The Rag Blog


  The Rag Blog Digest  September 8, 2011

 theragblog.blogspot.com ( 

 Richard D. Jehn, founderThorne Webb Dreyer, editor


Mike  Davis : The Embers of September ( 
 )by Mike Davis / The Rag  Blog. Author and noted scholar Davis suggests 
that,10 years ago,  Lower Manhattan became the Sarajevo of the War on 
Terrorism. As with the  assassination of the Archduke and his wifein 1914, a 
small network of  peripheral but well-connected conspirators, ennobled in 
their own eyes by the  bitter grievances of their region, attacked a major 
symbol of the responsible  empire. In both cases the outrages were designed to 
detonate larger,  cataclysmic conflicts, and they were successful beyond the 
all  imagining.

Jay  D. Jurie : Keystone XL is a Pipeline to Big Profits ( 
 )by Jay  D. Jurie / The Rag Blog. Former NASA scientist Jim Hansen has  argued 
that if tar sands development continues and the massive Keystone XL tar  sands 
pipeline is built, it is essentially 'game over' for climate change. Jurie 
tells of the history of the extraction of crude oil from tar sands and  its 
effects on the environment, and he reports on the proposedmassive pipeline  
from Alberta, Canada, who stands to gain from it, the dangers involved, and  
themilitant movement to stop it.

Sarito  Carol Neiman : Healthcare on the Ground II: The Angels ( 
 )by  Sarito Carol Neiman / The Rag Blog.This is thesecond  installment 
ofSarito's very personal and engagingreport onher father's West  Texas medical 
odyssey. Here she talks about health care at the high  techhospital where 
herfather just had his operation, and the nature of  hands-on care he has 
received. Shetells us aboutthe nurses, and especially the  precious few -- 
labeled angels by her brother -- who are doing more than just  their jobs.

Bob  Feldman : The Alamo and the Republic of Texas ( 
 )by Bob  Feldman / The Rag Blog. In his continuing series on the hidden  
history of Texas, Bob tells us how Santa Anna's troopsmarched on San Antonio in 
 February 1936, where they met -- and wiped out --the mostly white Anglo men  
under the command of William Travis at an abandoned Franciscan mission called  
The Alamo. Santa Anna's men were soon defeated at San Jacinto, however, and the 
 pro-slavery Republic of Texas was founded.

Nancy  Miller Saunders : Idiots and Blinders ( 
 )by Nancy Miller  Saunders / The Rag Blog. Saunders, who was involved with the 
 GI anti-war movement in the Vietnam era, asks if those who run our 
intelligence  operations are idiot savants, brilliant in some areas and 
totally  oblivious in others. She considers a frightening current military 
effort  involving forging the onscreen cyber-trademarks used by Al Qaeda 
toconfuse  and incite jihadists -- and compares them to failed  provocateur 
efforts aimed at anti-war demonstrationsscheduled forthe  national political 
conventions in 1972.


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer ( 
 ): Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin. 
To stream online, go here ( 


Rag  Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about  issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests  include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures 

Listen to Thorne Dreyer's Sept. 2, 2011 Rag Radio interview with Film Historian 
Chale Nafus ( 
 ) of the Austin Film Society
Sept. 9, 2011: Noted Writer and Political Activist Carl Davidson on the 
Mondragon Corp. and the Workers' Cooperative Movement.
Sept. 16, 2011: Singer/Songwriter and Storyteller Don Sanders.
Sept. 23, 2011: Suspense

Rag Blog Digest: Aug. 25, 2011

2011-08-25 Thread The Rag Blog


  The Rag Blog Digest  August 25, 2011

 theragblog.blogspot.com ( 

 Richard D. Jehn, founderThorne Webb Dreyer, editor


Glenn  W. Smith : Is Rick Perry a Person? ( 
 ) by Glenn W. Smith /  The Rag Blog. Smith -- who has followed Rick Perry 
since the '80s, both  as a reporter and while workingin Texas politics-- says, 
If Rick Perry can be  president, I can play center field for the New York 
Yankees. Glenn's take on  coyote-whacking Rick and his Texas Miracle is 
insightful and funny. (Scoop:  Perry reportedly shaves his legs to ramp up his 
jogging speed!) Smith will be  Thorne Dreyer's guest on Rag Radio, Friday, Aug. 
26, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on Austin's KOOP  91.7-FM, and streamed live. (See Rag Radio 
info below.)

Richard  Raznikov : Libya Falls (Or Was it Pushed?) ( 
 ) by Richard  Raznikov / The Rag Blog. Raznikov questions the mainstream  line 
on Khadafy and the apparently successful uprising in Libya -- and the  role 
of the U.S. government in the revolt. He points out the significant reforms  of 
Khadafy's secular state, including universal health care --and the fact  
thatLibya was the region's most progressive on women's rights. The U.S.  
supportfor the rebels had much to do with the privatization of the nation's  
rich oil reserves.

VIDEO  / Jeff Zavala and Thorne Dreyer : Anarchist Organizer and Author Scott 
Crow on  Rag Radio ( 
 ) Video by Jeff Zavala / Interview by Thorne  Dreyer / The Rag Blog.Austin 
documentary videographer  Zavalaproduced this lively video ofThorne Dreyer's 
Rag Radio interview with  Austin-basedanarchist Scott Crow. Crow, who helped 
organize the massive  post-Katrina Common Ground collective in New Orleans, has 
been called a domestic terrorist  by the FBI and was the subject of a front 
page New York Times article  about surveillance of political activists.

Bob  Feldman : Hidden History: Slavery in Coahuila y Tejas ( 
 ) by Bob Feldman / The Rag Blog. Our revealing series on the  hidden history 
of Texas continues with the 1827-1836 years when Texas was  under Mexican 
rule. During this time slavery flourished in Texas -- which was  part of the 
state of Coahuila y Tejas -- despite the fact that it was  officially 
prohibited by the Mexican government.

Carl  Davidson : Time to Get Serious About Full Employment ( 
 ) by  Carl Davidson / The Rag Blog. Carlsays we need a jobs  program that 
doesn't tinker around the edges. In a down economy, jobs are  created by 
increasing demand -- and consumer demand has taken a nose dive since  the 
credit bubble burst. Now, Carl says, the government has to become the key  
customer, making huge productive purchases for local work and local 
materials  to build infrastructure like new and improved schools and 
county-owned green  energy plants.


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer ( 
 ): Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin. 
To stream online, go here ( 


Rag  Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about  issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests  include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures 

Aug. 26, 2011: Progressive Blogger and Political Consultant Glenn W. Smith on 
Rick Perry and the Texas Miracle.
Sept. 2, 2011: Film Scholar and Critic Chale Nafus of the Austin Film Society.
Sept. 9, 2011: Noted Writer and Political Activist Carl Davidson on the 
Mondragon Corp. and the Workers' Collective Movement.
Sept. 16, 2011: Singer/Songwriter and Storyteller Don Sanders.
Listen to earlier shows on Rag Radio. ( 

Rag Radio

Rag Blog Digest: Aug. 11, 2011

2011-08-11 Thread The Rag Blog


  The Rag Blog Digest  August 11, 2011

 theragblog.blogspot.com ( 

 Richard D. Jehn, founderThorne Webb Dreyer, editor


Nancy  Miller Saunders : Jane Fonda and the 'Home of the Brave' ( 
 )by  Nancy Miller Saunders / The Rag Blog. Filmmaker and author  Saunders 
remembers Jane Fonda's historic role in support ofthe Vietnam Veterans  Against 
the War (VVAW) and the Winter Soldiers Investigation -- and the  continuing 
assault onFonda by Swiftboater typesnearly 40 years later. Cable  channel QVC 
recently canceled an appearance in which Fonda was going to talk  about her new 
book -- due to right wing pressure.

VERSE  / Felix Shafer : hey, marilyn ( 
 )by Felix Shafer / The Rag  Blog. A moving poetic tribute to Marilyn Buck on 
the anniversary  of her death.Shafer previously wrote Mourning Marilyn Buck, 
a three-part  Rag Blogseries about the acclaimed poet and long-timepolitical  
prisoner who dieda year ago of cancer.The post also includes Why We Sing, a  
poem by Uruguayan writer Mario Benedetti.

Carl  Davidson : Winter of Our Discontent? ( 
 )by Carl Davidson /  The Rag Blog. Writer and progressive organizer Davidson 
looks  at the summer rebellions in the impoverished communities in London and 
other  industrial centers of the UK -- as well as the Arab spring uprisings-- 
and,  taking into account our current situation exacerbated by the GOP-led 
Shock Doctrine  -- wonders if similar unrest could be in the cards for the 
U.S. this  winter.

Harry  Targ : Sometimes We Have to Sing ( 
 )by Harry Targ / The  Rag Blog. Professor Targ says it was music that first 
planted the  seeds of his political radicalization,from Pete Seeger andWoody 
Guthrie and  Cisco Houston. He discusses Les Rice's song The Banks are Made of 
Marble,  recorded by Pete Seeger and The Weavers (...the banks are made of 
marble / With  a guard at every door), and Woody Guthrie's Pretty Boy Floyd, 
(Some will rob  you with a six-gun / And some with a fountain pen). We 
include videos of both  songs.

Bob  Feldman : The Hidden History of Texas ( 
 )by Bob Feldman /  The Rag Blog. Feldman's new Rag Blogseries is  designed to 
supplement the standard-fare history we're fed, and will feature  little-known 
facts about Texas. He begins with the pre-1821 years, when, for  instance, only 
Catholics were allowed to worship openly bythe Spanish  authorities.As to our 
roots, long before Europeans of Christian background  arrived in the 1500s, 
Native American people had been living in what is now  Texas for over 10,000 

David  P. Hamilton : France is on Vacation ( 
 )by David P. Hamilton /  The Rag Blog. In his series of dispatches from Paris, 
David  provides us with insights on French politics and culture. This week 
hepoints  outthat it's August, so France is on vacation. Muchof France simply 
shuts  down andhundreds of thousands of Parisians leave every year at 
virtually the  same time...French workers get 37 days a year of paid vacation, 
much more than  in the U.S. -- and therein lies a tale about the differences 
between our two  cultures.


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer ( 
 ): Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin. 
To stream online, go here ( 

Rag Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures 

August 12, 2011: Bob Cheevers, TX Music Awards Singer/Songwriter of the Year.

August 19, 2011: The Nation's Christian

Rag Blog Digest: Aug. 4, 2011

2011-08-04 Thread The Rag Blog


  The Rag Blog Digest  August 4, 2011

 theragblog.blogspot.com ( 

 Richard D. Jehn, founderThorne Webb Dreyer, editor


Jim  Rigby : Scriptures You Won't Hear at Perry's Prayer  Event ( 
 )-- By Jim Rigby / The Rag Blog. Human rights advocate and Presbyterian 
ministerRigby believes that the use of  the governor's office to promote one 
religion in a country with such rich  religious diversity is obviously 
unhealthy politics -- but that, if one takes  the Christian and Jewish 
scriptures seriously, it is also unhealthy  religion.Rev. Rigbyoffers five 
verses of relevant scripture that we aren't  likely to hear at Gov. Rick 
Perry's Christian prayer event.

David  P. Hamilton : French Left Could Prevail in 2012 ( 
 )-- By David  P. Hamilton / The Rag Blog. In his latest dispatch from Paris,  
Austin activist Hamilton provides a primer on the French presidential elections 
 of 2012. David tells us that there is a very good likelihood that one of two  
candidates from the Parti Socialiste will be in a runoff with President  
Nicolas Sarkozy -- whose politics don't reflect those of the majority of 
French  voters -- and that he willvery likelylose, resulting inonly the second 
 socialist president of France since the founding of the Fifth Republic 53 
years  ago.

David  MacBryde : In Germany, Power (Grid) to the People! ( 
 )-- By  David MacBryde / The Rag Blog. MacBryde reports from Berlin  about 
Germany's decision to shut down all nuclear power plants by 2022, and the  
country's great transformation towards sustainable energy. He tells us that  
it is now broadly clear here, including within the large German Protestant and 
 Catholic churches, that 'social fairness' is not hot hair but a significant  
moral compass [and] a prerequisite for domestic economic development.

Bill  Meacham : Considering the Philosophy of Ayn Rand ( 
 )-- By Bill  Meacham / The Rag Blog. Meacham tells us that  
philosopher/novelist Ayn Rand has a promising methodology for ethical 
thinking  -- which bases ethical values on what is objectively and verifiably 
true --  but that shehas a deeply flawed vision of human nature. Rand 
praises a  rationality that entails a full mental focus in all issues, but 
she overlooks  what cognitive scientists call hot cognition, and the 
essentially social  nature of human reality.

Harry  Targ : The Two-Headed Neoliberal Monster ( 
 )-- By Harry Tarq /  The Rag Blog. In another lucid and entertaining history  
lesson, Professor Targ tells us that common threads run throughout America's  
history, and that we need to study the fundamental interconnections of class  
and race to better understand why American society is in crisis today.He  
describeshow the Tea Party movement, was created by a small fraction of the  
wealthy economic class, and how a racist ideology lurks just below the 
surface  of political discourse.


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer ( 
 ): Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin. 
To stream online, go here ( 

Rag Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures 

August 5, 2011: Anarchist Community Organizer and Writer Scott Crow.
August 12, 2011: Bob Cheevers, TX Music Awards Singer/Songwriter of the Year.

August 19, 2011: The Nation's Christian Parenti, Author of Tropic of Chaos.

Listen to Thorne Dreyer's July 29 Interview with Author and Sixties Activist 
Sarito Carol Neiman ( 

Rag Blog Digest: July 28,2011

2011-07-28 Thread The Rag Blog


  The Rag Blog Digest  July 28, 2011

 theragblog.blogspot.com ( 

 Richard D. Jehn, founderThorne Webb Dreyer, editor


Roger  Baker : The Texas Road Lobby Meets Peak Oil ( 
 ) by Roger  Baker / The Rag Blog. This is the final installment of Roger's  
series on peak oil and peak driving. Molly Ivins called the Texas Department of 
 Transportation (TxDOT)the Pentagon of Texas.The Texasroad lobbyhas  
unrivaled power, and in this state, roads are seen as a form of publicly 
funded  entitlement -- welfare to subsidize suburban sprawl development. 
But, with  road traffic having leveled due to peak oil and an increasingly 
tough economy,  things have changed -- though the politicos remain in denial.

Ed  Felien : Breivik's Norwegian 'Putsch' Has Historical  Echoes ( 
 ) by Ed Felien / The Rag Blog. How isolated were Anders Breivik's acts of 
terror in Norway? Felien sees  historical parallels in Hitler's 1923 Beer Hall 
Putsch, and in Timothy  McVeigh's Oklahoma City bombing. But he also says that 
today,there are  organizations that support the ideas of McVeigh and Breivik, 
and there is a  culture that supports murder and violence as legitimate means 
to realize those  ends.

Sarito  Carol Neiman : Shredding the Envelope ( 
 ) by Sarito Carol  Neiman / The Rag Blog. Sarito's ruminations on news, 
taboos, and space  beyond time initiate a new Rag Blogfeature. Author, editor, 
and  actressNeiman -- who will be Thorne Dreyer's guest on Rag Radio this 
Friday,  2-3 p.m. (CST)on KOOP 91-7FM (see streaming info below) -- tells us 
why she's  calling the column Shredding the Envelope.And shethrowsin 
afascinating  dash ofhistoryabout the paper shredder, which was originally 
styled after a  kitchen pasta maker!

Robert  Jensen : Will Potter and 'Green is the New Red' ( 
 ) by  Robert Jensen / The Rag Blog. Professor Jensen interviews Will  Potter, 
author of Green is the New Red: An Insider's Account of a Social  Movement 
Under Siege. Jensen and Potter tell us how corporations,  politicians, and law 
enforcement increasinglysee environmental activism as a  threat (especially to 
profits that depend on degrading the ecosphere) and have  responded with 
repressive laws and tacticsreminiscent ofthe Red  Scare that targetedleftists 
in the 20th century.

Bash  and Blowout : Please Join Us Friday in Austin! ( 
 ) Rag Blog editor and Rag Radio hostThorne Dreyer is turning  66 and we won't 
let him forget it! If you're in Austin, join usthis  Friday, July 29, 6-9 p.m., 
atMaria'son South Lamar --for a Dreyer Birthday  Bash and Rag Blog Blowout. 
(His real birthday is Aug. 1, butDreyer has  ADD and won't even notice.)It's a 
chance for friends and followers of The  Rag Blog to get to know each other and 
to have some fun (at Dreyer's  expense)!

Dr.  Stephen R. Keister : Sick of Being Spoon-Fed the News ( 
 ) by  Dr. Stephen R. Keister / The Rag Blog. Retired physician and  health 
care reform activist Keister wants to know what happened to our  independent 
press. When I consider the lack of valid, intelligent information  
available[in today's media] he tells us,it would seem that the dirt is being  
replaced in the hole much more rapidly than the honest, dedicated journalist 
can  dig it out.


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer ( 
 ): Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin. 
To stream online, go here ( 

Rag Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests include newsmakers

Rag Blog Digest: July 21, 2011

2011-07-21 Thread The Rag Blog


  The Rag Blog Digest  July 21, 2011

 theragblog.blogspot.com ( 

 Richard D. Jehn, founderThorne Webb Dreyer, editor


Mary  Tuma : When One Man Owns Too Much ( 
 )by Mary Tuma / The  Rag Blog. In her analysis of the scandal engulfing the 
media  empire of Rupert Murdoch, Tuma concentrates on the aspect of media 
consolidation  andthe special regulatory considerations that allowed Murdoch to 
build his  massive international conglomerate --and the denial andbias toward 
thescandal  exhibited by theMurdoch-controlled media.Tuma points out that six 
major firms  now dominate our media -- down from 50 in the '80s.

Rag  Blog's Dreyer : Another Year Older and... ( 
 )Rag  Blog editor and Rag Radio host Thorne Dreyer is turning 66 -- and  we're 
having a party! The Dreyer Birthday Bash and Rag Blog Blowout  takes place 
Friday, July 29, 6-9 p.m.,at Maria's Taco Xpress in Austin. It's a  chance for 
our family, friends, and followers to get to know each other -- and  to party 
down! Click on the link to see Jim Retherford's great poster art.

Brooke  Jarvis : A Tale of Carmaggedon ( 
 )by Brooke Jarvis /  CommonDreams. Over the weekend, Los Angeles -- perhaps  
America's most famously car-chocked city -- briefly became a transportation  
morality play. As 10 miles of the city's infamous 405 Freewayclosed for  
construction, manypredicted the apocalypse. But it ended up being a sweet  
respite -- a virtually car-free weekend. JetBlue, which offered a special  
limited edition flight from one end of LA to the other, was challenged to a 
race  by a group of cyclists -- and the cyclists won!

Leonardo  Boff : Man as 'Lord and Master' of Nature ( 
 )by Leonardo Boff  / The Rag Blog. Brazilian theologian Boff tells usthat the  
worldis facing muchmore thana crisis in natural resources and services. We  
also face a crisis in a form of civilization that hasestablished the human  
being, as Descartes wrote, as the lord and master of Nature. We are not 
God,  Boff tells us, and our desire to be such takes us to madness.


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer ( 
 ): Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin. 
To stream online, go here ( 

Rag Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures 

July 22, 2011: Permaculture Institute founder Scott Pittman. 

July 29, 2011: Original Rag Funnella Sarito Carol Neiman on Politics and 
August 5, 2011: Anarchist Community Organizer and Writer Scott Crow.

Listen to Thorne Dreyer's June 15  ( 
 )interview with  ( 
 )Community Organizer  ( 
 )Linda Stout ( 
 ), author of Collective Visioning.

Watch Jeff Zavala's video ( 
 ) of Robert Jensen's interview on Rag Radio.

Listen to earlier shows on Rag Radio ( 

Beginning July 24, 2011, Rag Radio will be rebroadcast every Sunday at 10 a.m. 
on WTFE, 90.3-FM in Mt. Cobb, PA and 105.7-FM in Scranton, PA.


Media octopus: When one man owns too much.

Lamar  W. Hankins : Remembering Woody Guthrie

Rag Blog Digest: July 14, 2011

2011-07-14 Thread The Rag Blog


  The Rag Blog Digest  July 14, 2011

 theragblog.blogspot.com ( 

 Richard D. Jehn, founderThorne Webb Dreyer, editor


Robert  Jensen : The Power and Limits of Social Movements ( 
 ) by  Robert Jensen / The Rag Blog. Jensen tells us that dissidents  not only 
have to be willing to tell the truth about the delusions of the  dominant 
culture, but make sure we don't fall into delusions of our own. Most  
dissident political organizing of the past half century has assumed economic  
growth and ecological stability -- and Jensen fears that many on the left are 
in  denial about the depth of the massive crises we nowface.

VIDEO  / Jeff Zavala and Thorne Dreyer : Educator and Activist Robert Jensen on 
Rag  Radio ( 
 ) Video by Jeff Zavala / Interview by Thorne  Dreyer / The Rag Blog. Watch 
Jeff Zavala's video -- taped  during Dreyer's Rag Radio interview with 
educator, author, and radical political  thinker Robert Jensen. Jensen is a 
UT-Austin journalism professor and his  writing is published widely in the 
mainstream and alternative media. Rag Radio  airs every Friday from 2-3 p.m. 
(CDT) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin and is streamed  to the world.

Party  Down : Dreyer Birthday Bash and Rag Blog Blowout ( 
 )-- If you're in  Austin, join us for Rag Blog editor/Rag Radio host Thorne 
Dreyer's  (66th) Birthday Bash and Rag Blog Blowout. It's Friday, July 29, 6-9  
p.m., at Maria's Taco Xpress in Austin. No presents, but tax-exempt donations 
to  The Rag Blog are welcome. And please, keep the bad geezer jokes to a  
minimum. See post for more details.

Rag  Bloggers : A Conversation about Life, Death, and  Washington ( 
 ) by The Rag Bloggers / The Rag  Blog. Recent budget/deficit negotiations in 
Washington inspired a  lively behind-the-scenes, coast-to-coastconversation 
among some of our regular  contributors -- by way of our email discussion group 
-- about what's really at  stake, especially in issues involving health care. 
It's the kind of discussion  that usually can't be heard above the roar of 
mainstream media talking heads.  Sarito Carol Neiman pulled it all together.

David  McReynolds : Libya, NATO, and International Law ( 
 ) by David  McReynolds / The Rag Blog.Long-time peace activist and writer  
McReynolds provides a provocative critique of the U.S./NATO action against 
Libya  in the context of a revealing history of NATO dating back to the Cold 
War. His  take on Libya, Gaddafi, and the rebels, is nuanced, but he considers 
what's  happening there to be a full-fledged civil war, and not a part of Arab 
Spring.  And he believes any resolution to the conflict must come at the 
negotiating  table.

Jordan  Flaherty : Cop Corruption on Trial in New Orleans ( 
 ) by  Jordan Flaherty / The Rag Blog. In New Orleans' federal  courthouse, 
five police officers are currently facing charges of killing unarmed  Black 
civilians -- on the Danziger Bridge post-Hurricane Katrina -- and  conspiring 
for more than four years to cover up their crime. The New Orleans  police 
department has developed a reputation as one of the most violent and  corrupt 
in the nation -- and in a sense the entire department is on trial.


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer ( 
 ): Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin. 
To stream online, go here ( 

Rag Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures 

July 15, 2011: Linda

Rag Blog Digest: July 7, 2011

2011-07-07 Thread The Rag Blog


  The Rag Blog Digest  July 7, 2011

 theragblog.blogspot.com ( 

 Richard D. Jehn, founderThorne Webb Dreyer, editor


VIDEO  / Jeff Zavala and Thorne Dreyer : 'Eco Outlaw' Diane Wilson on Rag  
Radio ( 
 )Video by Jeff Zavala / Interview by Thorne Dreyer /  The Rag Blog. Watch Jeff 
Zavala's video -- taped during  Dreyer's Rag Radiointerview with environmental 
activistDiane Wilson, who has  earned the wrath of industrial polluters 
everywhere.The remarkable Wilson,  author of Diary of an Eco-Outlaw, was a 
lively and entertaining guest  and Zavala captured it all, with flair. Rag 
Radio airs every Friday from 2-3  p.m. (CDT) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin and is 
streamed to the world.

Roger  Baker : U.S. Driving Hits the Wall ( 
 )by Roger Baker / The  Rag Blog. Baker continues his transportation series 
that centers  on the issue of peak oil and its ramifications. Baker says that 
driving in the  U.S. peaked in 2007 and here heexamines the reasons, the 
implications, and the  prospects for the future. The reduction in driving, he 
says, is not only due to  high fuel prices, but is part of a global trend that 
predates rising fuel costs.  Roger, as always,makes an impressive case, with 
substantial  documentation.

Richard  Raznikov : Bradley Manning and the Obama Grand Jury ( 
 )by  Richard Raznikov / The Rag Blog. Attorney Raznikov contrasts  the 
historical and contemporary uses of the grand jury system, originally  designed 
to protect the rights of the individual, andpoints outhow that system  is now 
being used against military whistleblower Bradley Manning. Anyone who  might 
expose inconvenient 'secrets' -- truths -- is an enemy of the state,  Raznikov 
tells us, and what is being done to Bradley Manning... is meant to  discourage 
and to intimidate.

David  P. Hamilton : Nationalization and French Socialism ( 
 )by David  P. Hamilton / The Rag Blog. In his latest dispatch from Paris,  
Austin activist and writer Hamilton discusses socialism in France, and 
contrasts  the history of nationalization in France and the U.S. It is in 
Western Europe,  David says, where we see the most successful efforts to 
protect the commons  while simultaneously nurturing a vibrant private sector in 
the context of  political democracy.

In Austin? 

Join us for Thorne Dreyer's Birthday Party 

and Rag Blog Bash

Yep, he's 'another day older and deeper in debt.' 

So let's rub it in!!!

Friday, July 29, 6-9 p.m.

Maria's Taco Xpress
 2529 South Lamar Blvd, Austin, Texas 
 Maria's full bar  menu
 Leeann Atherton performs on the patio at 7

No presents, but
 Contributions to The Rag Blog welcome

(Aug. 1 is really Dreyer's birthday, but who's counting?) 



Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer ( 
 ): Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin. 
To stream online, go here ( 

Rag Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures 

July 8, 2011: Author, Journalism Professor, and Political Activist Robert 
July 15, 2011: Linda Stout, Author of Collective Visioning: How Groups Can Work 
Together for a Just and Sustainable Future.

Listen to Thorne Dreyer's July 1 interview with  ( 
 )Underground Radio Pioneer Bob Simmons ( 
Listen to earlier shows on Rag Radio ( 


Peak driving: Hitting the wall.

TRAVEL  / Olga Bonfiglio : How the Empire

Rag Blog Digest: June 30, 2011

2011-06-30 Thread The Rag Blog


  The Rag Blog Digest  June 30, 2011

 theragblog.blogspot.com ( 

 Richard D. Jehn, founderThorne Webb Dreyer, editor


Paul  Krassner : My Lesson in Mindfulness ( 
 )by Paul Krassner /  The Rag Blog. Famed satirist Krassner reflects on a  
life-changing event when police brutally beat him after the 1979trial of Dan  
White, who was convicted of killing progressive San Francisco Mayor George 
Moscone and  Supervisor (and gay leader) Harvey Milk. The injury resulted in an 
ongoing and  life-threatening physicalcondition and finally -- after Paul 
limped the gamut of  therapists and was told he was a walking time bomb -- 
he went under the knife. All of which ultimately resulted in a new 
mindfulness for the man novelist Ken Kesey once labeled a Zen Bastard.

Jonah  Raskin : Interviewing Journalist and Gay Activist Allen  Young ( 
 )by Jonah Raskin / The Rag Blog. Jonah -- who ishimself a veteran of the 
Sixties counterculture--interviews  Young on the occasion of his 70th birthday. 
It is a refreshing and revealing  discussion, as Allen reflects on his historic 
life as a journalist  (Washington Post and Liberation News Service) and an 
activist,  providing anunflinching assessment of the Sixties New Left and the 
historic  struggles of the gay liberation movement.

Glenn  W. Smith : Conservative Lies About Human Nature ( 
 )by Glenn W.  Smith / The Rag Blog. Since World War II, America's elite  
policy makers haveinterpreted our political and economic relationships around  
an understanding of human behavior thatfeeds a dog-eat-dog individualism and a  
sense of powerless in the face of godlike market forces. But virtually every  
field in the human sciences has found that, in fact, we are hard-wired for  
empathy and aren't the selfish... and exclusively materialist creature 
invented  by conservative propagandists.

Mary  Tuma : Rick Perry (Selectively) Touts Texas Economy With Glenn  Beck ( 
 )by Mary Tuma / The Texas  Independent. While schmoozing with Glenn Beck on 
Fox News, Texas  Gov. Perry again hit on his prime talking points, touting the 
Texas economy and  job creation numbers. But he failed to add that Texas leads 
the nation in people  making minimum wage or less and avoided mentioning the 
state's structural budget  deficit and sweeping cuts to health services and 
public education -- as well as  what Time Magazine has called hisjob poaching 
from states like  California and New York.

Dr.  Stephen R. Keister : Poverty and Public Health in  America ( 
 )by Dr Stephen R. Keister / The Rag  Blog. In his latest commentary on the 
state of health care, the  good doctor reports on an academic study that found 
that poverty, low levels of  education, poor social support, and other social 
factors contribute about as many  deaths in the U.S. as do heart attacks, 
strokes, lung cancer, and other  familiar health issues. Yet our 
representatives continue their attempts to cut  an already inadequateMedicaid 
program and to revise Medicare  benefits.


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer ( 
 ): Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin. 
To stream online, go here ( 

Rag Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures 

July 1, 2011: Media Producer and Counterculture Veteran Bob Simmons.
July 8, 2011: Author, Journalism Professor, and Political Activist Robert 
Listen to Thorne Dreyer's June 24 interview with  ( 

Rag Blog Digest: June 23, 2011

2011-06-23 Thread The Rag Blog


  The Rag Blog Digest  June 23, 2011

 theragblog.blogspot.com ( 

 Richard D. Jehn, founderThorne Webb Dreyer, editor


Roger  Baker : Have We Turned the Corner on Peak Driving? ( 
 ) by  Roger Baker / The Rag Blog. In his latest analysis ofour  transportation 
mess, Roger tells us that total driving in the USA might have  already peaked 
forever. There is much evidence of a shift in driving behavior  caused by 
factors like unemployment, traffic congestion, and the growing age of  the 
populace. And, since many experts believe we are near or past peak global  oil 
production, driving will increasingly be less affordable.

David  P. Hamilton : How Social Security Works in the U.S. and  France ( 
 ) by David P. Hamilton / The Rag  Blog. Reporting from Paris, David compares 
and contrasts the  Social Security systems in the U.S. and France -- 
anddiscusses the growing  problems faced in both countries. In France, David 
tells us, the system is  more costly, more complicated, and provides more 
benefits, but employers and the  wealthy pay a higher percentage of the costs.

Joshua  Holland : Governor 'Goodhair' and the 'Texas Miracle' ( 
 ) by  Joshua Holland / AlterNet. Conservative mythology now holds up  Texas as 
a shining example of right-wing governance in action -- a model for the  nation 
-- but it's actually a blueprint for winning the race to the bottom,  
destroying an already threadbare social safety net in the process.Under Gov.  
Rick Goodhair Perry, Texas has, in fact, become a basket-case, and would be 
 faring even worse today without the help of policies enacted by Democrats at 
the  national level.

Lamar  W. Hankins : When Religion Restricts Our Freedom ( 
 ) by  Lamar W. Hankins / The Rag Blog. The U.S. Conference of  Catholic 
Bishops recently revised its policiesregarding aid in dyingfor the  terminally 
ill. Although their views traditionally only apply to Catholic health  
institutions,the bishopsnow want to contribute to a fundamental public  
debate about the strong resurgenceof the assisted-suicide movement,and are  
attempting to press upon non-Catholics... behaviors and ethical standards  
based on Catholic theology.


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer ( 
 ): Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7 Austin. 
To stream online, go here ( 

Rag Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures 

June 24, 2011: Environmental Activist Diane Wilson, author of Eco-Outlaw.
July 1, 2011: Media Producer and Counterculture Veteran, Bob Simmons. 
Listen to Thorne Dreyer's June17 interview with  ( 
 )Vietnam Vet and Peace Activist  ( 
 )Terry DuBose ( 
Listen to earlier shows on Rag Radio ( 


Peak driving: Have we turned the corner?

Robert  S. Becker : The Environmental Rabble-Rousing of Diane  Wilson ( 
 ) by Robert S. Becker / OpEd  News. Environmental activist Diane Wilson -- who 
will be Thorne  Dreyer's guest on Rag Radio this Friday, June 24 (go to article 
for details) --  has become a champion who takes risks, gets bloodied and 
arrested, and endures  jail -- then turns

Rag Blog Digest: June 16, 2011

2011-06-16 Thread The Rag Blog


  The Rag Blog Digest  June 16, 2011

 theragblog.blogspot.com ( 

 Richard D. Jehn, founderThorne Webb Dreyer, editor


Chellis  Glendinning : Decepcin in Bolivia ( 
 ) by Chellis  Glendinning / The Rag Blog. In an insightful and colorful  
dispatch from Cochabamba, Chellis reports that things are not going well' for  
the government of Evo Morales -- Bolivia's first indigenous leader in 500 
years.  Morales' 2005 election unleashed an aura of hope among activists,  
environmentalists, and traditional native peoples, but his two-faced  
administration has fallen well short of its promise, and the country has been  
wracked by massive protests from his former supporters.

Dr.  Stephen R. Keister : Saving Granny from Vouchercare ( 
 ) by  Dr. Stephen R. Keister / The Rag Blog. In his latest report  from the 
health care front, the good doctor reflects on the culture of  fragmentation 
in the mainstream media that results in obsession with issues of  little 
importance. He also expresses concern about the conservative think tanks,  with 
their lack of transparency, and fears that they can help the Republicans  
define the debate about Medicare.

Kate  Braun : Summer Solstice is Festival of Light and Energy ( 
 ) by Kate Braun / The Rag Blog. June 21 marks the Summer  Solstice when Lord 
Sun enters Cancer and Lady Moonis in her third quarter.  Balance is shifting, 
Kate tells us, as once again the Oak and Holly Kings  execute their ritual 
dance or battle. (The Holly King emerges triumphant.) The  Summer Solstice is 
a festival of light and energy, fertility and abundance,  creativity and 

BOOKS  / Christine Shearer : How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the  Truth ( 
 ) by Christine Shearer / Truthout. In their book, Merchants of Doubt, science 
historians Naomi Oreskes and  Erik Conway uncover the history of a small group 
of Cold War scientists and  advisers who battled anything, including scientific 
research, that might  threaten their vision of American free enterprise -- even 
if that meant the  science on acid rain or the hole in the ozone layer. This 
small group, Shearer  tells us, has had an outsized role in shaping public 
opinion and policy.

Margarita  Alarcn : Five Reasons to Remember the Pentagon Papers ( 
 ) by Margarita Alarcn / The Rag  Blog. This week the Pentagon Papers were 
released in full, four  decades after Daniel Ellsberg, a Pentagon defense 
analyst, leaked them to the  press in an act of defiance that helped speed up 
the end of the Vietnam War.  Maggie Alarcn provides a uniquely Cuban  
perspective on that event and its ramifications.


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer ( 
 ): Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7 Austin. 
To stream online, go here ( 

Rag Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures 

June 17, 2011: Vietnam Vet (VVAW) and Peace Activist Terry DuBose. 

June 24, 2011: Environmental Activist Diane Wilson, author of Eco-Outlaw.

Listen to Thorne Dreyer's June10 interview with Texas members of Iraq Veterans 
Against the War ( 
 ) (IVAW) Aaron Hughes, Malachi Muncy, Scott Kimball,  Sergio K.
Listen to earlier shows on Rag Radio ( 


Militant ambivalance?: Evo on the rocks.

Lamar  W. Hankins : Jack Kevorkian and the Right to Die ( 

Rag Blog Digest: June 9, 2011

2011-06-09 Thread The Rag Blog


  The Rag Blog Digest  June 9, 2011

 theragblog.blogspot.com ( 

 Richard D. Jehn, founderThorne Webb Dreyer, editor


Roger  Baker : Playing 'Peak-a-Boo' With the Earth ( 
 ) by Roger  Baker / The Rag Blog. With rising fuel prices a constant  
reminder, it is getting harder for the public to deny thatwe're in big energy  
trouble. This is the first of three essays by Roger Baker on Peak oil, peak  
driving, peak cars. In the first installment, Roger tells us that the USA has, 
 in effect, squandered the decades since the energy crisis of the 1970s in 
denial  of its growing dependence on cheap imported oil, which is now in global 

Michael  Meeropol : 'L'Affaire Kushner' at New York's City  University ( 
 ) by Michael Meeropol / The Rag  Blog. The City University of New York has 
been the scene of what  The New York Times called a firestorm over its 
handling of an  honorary doctorate awarded to -- and temporarily withdrawn from 
-- celebrated  playwright Tony Kushner.The tempest involvedsome 
controversialKushner  comments on Israel.The Rag Blog's Meeropol, who teaches 
at CUNY's John  Jay College of Criminal Justice, was one of those who nominated 
Kushner, and he  gives us the inside story.

Jay  D. Jurie : Orlando Cops in 'Feeding Frenzy' ( 
 ) by Jay D.  Jurie / The Rag Blog. In Orlando, Florida, local police have  
busted members of the anti-militarist and anti-poverty organization Food Not  
Bombs for thecrime offeeding the homeless at the City's downtown Lake Eola  
Park. Jurie provides context for the incident and background onthe group, whose 
 mission is to graphically illustrate poverty in the face of bloated military  
spending, and to provide a direct service to those in need.

Amanda  Marcotte : Does Weinergate Mark an End to Sexual  Privacy? ( 
 ) by Amanda Marcotte /  AlterNet. Marcotte addresses the Anthony Weiner 
scandalfrom  the perspectiveofsexual privacy issues involving public 
figures.Prior to  this scandal, she asserts, the media and political 
operatives had to at least  pretend that a politician's sex life had some 
bearing on the public interest  before they picked up the pitchforks.


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer ( 
 ): Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7 Austin. 
To stream online, go here ( 

Rag Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures 

June 10, 2011: Aaron Hughes, Kyle Wesolowski, and Malachi Muncy of Iraq 
Veterans Against the War (IVAW). 

June 24, 2011: Eco-Outlaw Diane Wilson.

Listen to Thorne Dreyer's June 3, 2011  ( 
 )interview with psychologist and populist author Bruce E. Levine ( 
Listen to earlier shows on Rag Radio ( 


Peak-a-Boo: Now you see it, now you don't.

Lamar  W. Hankins : Medicare and the Corporatist Agenda ( 
 ) by  Lamar W. Hankins / The Rag Blog. Ever since LBJ succeeded in  getting 
Medicare enacted in 1965, corporatist politicians have done their best  to 
makethe programbenefit America's health insurance and pharmaceutical  
corporations, at the expense of the people. This has been especially true of  
the Congressional Republicans, but no one anticipated that their political  
calculations would backfire as they have

Rag Blog Digest: June 2, 2011

2011-06-02 Thread The Rag Blog


  The Rag Blog Digest  June 2, 2011

 theragblog.blogspot.com ( 

 Richard D. Jehn, founderThorne Webb Dreyer, editor


David  P. Hamilton : French Healthcare is the World's Best ( 
 ) by  David P. Hamilton / The Rag Blog. In his third  communiqu from Paris, 
The Rag Blog's Hamilton contrasts the  French and U.S. healthcare systems and 
it turns out there's simply no contest.  The World Health Organization has 
France at number one, and the U.S. lags at  37th. On the other hand, our health 
care is the most expensive and  we're way up there in number of uninsured. 
David tells us how the French system  works and why it's so successful.

Dr.  Stephen R. Keister : Democrats, Medicare, and the 'Jaws of  Victory ( 
 ) by Dr. Stephen R. Keister / The Rag  Blog. With the Dems'upset victory in 
New York's 26th District,  the pundits tell us that the Democrats have a 
winningmessage on Medicare. But  be warned:In recent years the Democrats 
have shown an aptitude for grabbing  defeat from the jaws of victory. The good 
doctor discusses the very real  economic and political threats to Medicare and 
to our healthcare system.

FILM  / William Michael Hanks : Turk Pipkin's 'Building Hope' ( 
 ) by William Michael Hanks / The Rag Blog. Building  Hope is the third in a 
trilogy of films by Austin-based filmmaker Turk  Pipkin exploring the 
challenges facing the youth of the world today, and it's  the most compelling 
of the three. Set in the mountains of Kenya, among some of  the most dramatic 
scenery on Earth, Pipkin tells the story of Mahiga Hope High  School -- from 
concept to completion -- and a remarkable story it is.

Martha  Kempner : The Patronizing Lectures of 'Private Practice' and Texas  Law 
 ) by Martha Kempner / truthout. As  Texas Gov. Rick Perry signs a law 
requiring women seeking abortions to go  through waiting periods, lectures, and 
ultrasound images,a story  line on the television show Private Practice 
dramatizes the issue in an  especially telling way.

BOOKS  / Paul Buhle : 'Climbin' Jacob's Ladder' ( 
 ) by Paul Buhle /  The Rag Blog. Historian and publisher Buhle tells us that  
Climbin' Jacob's Ladder: The Freedom Movement Writings of Jack O'Dell,  is an 
important document in the political and cultural history of the left.  O'Dell, 
who was active in the Communist Party during the 1950's and later  becamea 
close advisor to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was an editor at the  preeminent 
African-American progressive quarterly journal,  Freedomways.


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer ( 
 ): Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7 Austin. 
To stream online, go here ( 

Rag Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures 

June 3, 2011: Populist author, clinical psychologist, and social critic Bruce 
E. Levine.

Listen to Thorne Dreyer's May 27, 2011 interview with developmental 
psychologist Hirokazu Yoshikawa ( 
 ), author of Immigrants Raising Citizens.
Listen to earlier shows on Rag Radio ( 


Ranking health care: We're (Not) Number One!

[Go to article and click on image to enlarge]

Lamar  W. Hankins : Austin-Area Funeral Homes Mislead the  Public ( 

Rag Blog Digest: May 26, 2011

2011-05-26 Thread The Rag Blog


  The Rag Blog Digest  May 26, 2011

 theragblog.blogspot.com ( 

 Richard D. Jehn, founderThorne Webb Dreyer, editor


Chellis  Glendinning : The Way We Were ( 
 )by Chellis Glendinning /  The Rag Blog. A colorful, evocative (and  
action-filled)reminiscenceof Sixties activist Berkeley. Glendinning, now an  
award-winning writer living in Bolivia, was in the thick of things --  
runningfromteargas, facing down bayonet-wielding National Guardsmen, and, in a  
pre-feminist moment, sharing a jail cell with 100 women rounded up in a mass 
 bust. Later, she and husband Bill hightailed it to Europe and then retreated 
to  a maple-sugar farm in Vermont.

VERSE  / Mariann G. Wizard : Fire in the Hole ( 
 )by Mariann G. Wizard  / The Rag Blog. Wizard, The Rag's resident bard, tells 
us  that Daily before our eyes / spoiled executives flaunt / staggering 
profits  while / staggering veterans beg for alms... The powder keg is full, 
she  opines, and the fuse is lit.

Lamar  W. Hankins : The Latest Plan for Perpetual War ( 
 )by Lamar W.  Hankins / The Rag Blog. Have the wise men and women of  Congress 
found a way to institutionalize the perpetual war desired by  
Eisenhower'smilitary-industrial-Congressional complex? Just check out a  
defense authorization bill recently passed by the House Armed Services 
Committee  that would provide the president with war powers against terrorist 
forces  until the termination of hostilities. Like, whenever that is...

Marc  Estrin : Up, Up, and Away ( 
 )by Marc Estrin / The Rag  Blog. Novelist Estrin, who lives in Burlington, 
Vermont, discusses  that town'slove/hate relationship withan air showcalled 
Wings Over Vermont  that features, in part, high-performance military jets. 
And the extreme  reactionignited by thetree-hugging wing nuts who oppose it. 
Warns one show  supporter: If you don't stand behind our troops, PLEASE feel 
free to stand in  front of them.

Kate  Braun : Lady Moon in Gemini for Fourth Phase ( 
 )by Kate Braun  / The Rag Blog. For the moon's fourth quarter, Lady Moon is in 
 Gemini. This is a good moon phase for dealing with the public, and -- with 
Pluto  in retrograde --for takingcare of unfinished business.


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer ( 
 ): Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7 Austin. 
To stream online, go here ( 

Rag Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures 

May 27, 2011: Psychologist Hirokazu Yoshikawa, author of Immigrants Raising 
June 3, 2011: Populist author Bruce E. Levine.

Listen to Thorne Dreyer's May 20, 2011  ( 
 )interview with cultural historian Richard Pells ( 
Listen to earlier shows on Rag Radio ( 


The way we were: Flower power at People's Park.

SPORT  / Dave Zirin : Why Lance Armstrong Will Survive ( 
 )by Dave  Zirin / The Rag Blog. Sportswriter/activist Zirin has a fresh  take 
on Austin's champion cyclist, now enmeshed in controversy involving  
accusations of performance-enhancing drug use. Zirin sees the problems with  
drugs as institutional, andfinds the federal

Rag Blog Digest: May 19, 2011

2011-05-19 Thread The Rag Blog


The Rag Blog Digest  May 19, 2011

theragblog.blogspot.com ( 

   Richard D. Jehn, founder 
  Thorne Webb Dreyer, editor

David  P. Hamilton : France's Gift to America Was Our  Independence ( 
 ) by David P. Hamilton / The Rag  Blog. In the first of a series of dispatches 
from France, David  tells us how those who love to bash France are ignorant of 
our common history.  The Founding Fathers were a bunch of Francophiles and 
without France, the  American Revolution would have failed and the U.S. would 
have continued as a  British colony for at least several decades. On the other 
hand, France didn't,  in fact, give us French fries, which came from Belgium.


Ted  McLaughlin : The Passivhaus is a Smarter Way to  Build ( 
 ) by Ted McLaughlin / The Rag  Blog. Using the Passivhaus building standard -- 
which is  based on enhanced insulation and ventilation -- results in buildings 
that will  use 70-90% less energy, and cost only minimally more than those 
constructed  under normal standards. Along with more efficient cars, this 
approach to  building, which is becoming increasingly popular in Europe, could 
go a long  way towards solving our energy problems.


Don  Swift : The Republicans' Debt Default Threat ( 
 ) by Don  Swift / The Rag Blog. The Republicans have been threatening to shut 
down the government if they  don't get what they want in return for voting to 
raise the debt ceiling. As a  down payment to meeting the GOP's demands, the 
Democrats already gave them $38.5  billion in cuts, mostly from the departments 
of education, labor, and health --  cuts that will come out of the hide of the 
sick and poor and will also cost  hundreds of thousands of jobs.


Peter  Montgomery : Newt Gingrich Wants to Make America More Like  Texas! ( 
 ) by Peter Montgomery / AlterNet. Newt Gingrich, in his presidential campaign 
announcement on Fox News, told Sean  Hannity that he's been talking with Texas 
Gov. Rick Perry about how to get the  whole country to resemble Texas. 
Meanwhile, Texas lawmakers have been  struggling with a massive budget deficit 
(according to the AP, among the worst  in the nation). So Texas, which places 
near the bottom in most state rankings  in health and education categories, is 
slashing basic human services.


Dr.  Stephen R. Keister : Fighting Money-Driven Medicine ( 
 ) by  Dr. Stephen R. Keister / The Rag Blog. The good doctor says we  are 
fighting an uphill battle when it comes to good and affordable health care  in 
this country. The doctor-patient relationship, he tells us, has been  destroyed 
in the financial interest of the health insurance industry, the  pharmaceutical 
industry, the hospital associations -- and all those collateral  institutions 
that bleed away the health care resources from the American  people.


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer ( 
 ):  Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7 Austin. 
To stream online, go here ( 

Rag Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures 

May 20, 2011: Cultural historian Richard Pells, author of Modernist America: 
Art, Music, Movies,  the Globalization of American Culture.

May 27, 2011: Psychologist Hirokazu Yoshikawa, author of Immigrants Raising 

Listen to Thorne Dreyer's May 13, 2011  ( 

Rag Blog Digest: May 12, 2011

2011-05-12 Thread The Rag Blog


The Rag Blog Digest  May 12, 2011

theragblog.blogspot.com ( 

   Richard D. Jehn, founder 
  Thorne Webb Dreyer, editor

Ken  Martin : 'The Austin Bulldog': Growling at the Powers That  Be ( 
 ) by Ken Martin / The Rag Blog. An Austin investigative website has caused 
quite a stir in Central Texas. The Austin Bulldog, a Texas 501(c)(3) nonprofit 
corporation, broke a major story involving private meetings among the Austin 
mayor and city council members, and, through open records requests, gained the 
release of hundreds of controversial city council emails. As Bulldog founder 
and editor Martin says, this kind of journalism can make a big difference in 
exposing corruption, incompetence, and violations of open and honest 

Tom  Miller : Stoney Burns Was Dallas' Underground Iconoclast ( 
 ) by Tom Miller / The Rag Blog. Miller, now a best-selling  author, wrote for 
a number of underground publications in the '60s and '70s --  including Stoney 
Burns' iconoclastic Dallas papers that served as rallying  points for the 
Dallas counterculture and were objects of serious harassment from  local law 
enforcement. Tom tells us that his erstwhile colleague -- whose recent  passing 
was covered by The Rag Blog last week -- lived up to his  image: longish 
brillo hair, loads of dope, young cuties by his side, and a great  appetite for 


Harvey  Wasserman : Let's Join Japan in Junking New Nukes ( 
 ) by  Harvey Wasserman / The Rag Blog. Japan's decision to build no  new 
nuclear reactors strikes a body blow to the global industry, and could mark  a 
major turning point in the future of energy. As Japanese Prime Minister Naoto  
Kan said, We need to start from scratch... and do more to promote renewables. 
 But first we must stop the Obama-backed loan guarantee package and shut down 
the  dying nukes like Vermont Yankee and Indian Point.


David  McReynolds : The View From Over the Hill ( 
 ) by David  McReynolds / The Rag Blog. In this remarkable and  inspiring work, 
the openly gay McReynolds, a legendary figure in the pacifist  and Democratic 
Socialist movements in this country, reflects on his rich and  storied life in 
politics. David, who was recently honored in a double biography  by noted 
historian Martin Duberman, offers up some thoughtful -- and decidedly  hopeful 
-- political philosophy. McReynolds incorporates a strong spiritual  element 
into his outlook on the continuing struggle for radical social  change. 


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer ( 
 ):  Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7 Austin. 
To stream online, go here ( 

Rag Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures 

May 13, 2011: Artist, musician, actor, and comic Kerry (Awn) Fitzgerald.
May 20, 2011: Cultural historian Richard Pells, author of Modernist America.
Listen to Thorne Dreyer's May 6, 2011 interview with Texas civil rights pioneer 
Dr. Leon McNealy. ( 
Listen to earlier shows on Rag Radio ( 


Austin Bulldog: Growling at power.

Sue  ( 
 )Katz : May Day in Vermont ( 