Re: [sqlite] New SQLite Forum established - this mailing list is deprecated

2020-03-16 Thread James K. Lowden
On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 11:22:46 -0400
Richard Hipp  wrote:

> 4.  Your email address is never displayed, even to subscribers.

While I have no illusions of altering the online trajectory of this ML,
I'd like to point out that email addresses foster community.

Studies and experience both show that the incidental availability of
email addresses invites the formation of new relationships through
off-list communication. Speaking for myself, that opportunity has
manifested several new connections and even professional

I value those relationships.  I'm sorry this forum will cease to be a
place where new ones will develop.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Fwd: inserting new data only

2020-02-26 Thread James K. Lowden
On Tue, 25 Feb 2020 12:02:24 -0500
Przemek Klosowski  wrote:

> and I want to avoid storing repetitive data, so that the database
> should contain 
> 10:32  12
> 10:35  15
> 10:39  13
> 10:46  18
> where only the earliest time with the unchanging value is stored.

Be careful what you wish for.  Usually "avoid storing" is a proxy for
some kind of intended use.  Unless it's infeasible, it's usually better
to store everything, verbatim, as it arrives.  Then you can present it
however you like, with nothing lost.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] "Standard SQL" ?

2020-02-03 Thread James K. Lowden
On Sun, 2 Feb 2020 10:05:11 +0100
Markus Winand  wrote:

> When you say ?many standards? do you mean the different releases
> those standards have?


> IMHO, there is only one SQL standard, namely ISO/IEC 9075. The
> current and technically only valid version is that of 2016 (even
> though an extension was added in 2019).

That's a defensible proposition.  And that's one way to measure an

I think of standards more as accreting.  The longer a feature has been
standardiized, the more succeeding versions of the standard include it,
the "more standard" it is.  


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Check constrain execution timing change? (Now a bug)

2020-02-03 Thread James K. Lowden
On Mon, 3 Feb 2020 10:45:50 +0100
Dominique Devienne  wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 2, 2020 at 12:50 AM Richard Hipp  wrote:
> > On 2/1/20, Thomas Kurz  wrote:
> > > Does this mean there will be no possibility to prevent inserting
> > > a string into an integer column anymore?
> > >
> > > create table x (x integer check (typeof(x) == 'integer'));
> > > insert into x values ('1');
> > >
> > > --> will pass in future versions???
> >
> > I think that is what it means.  yes.
> Wow... I haven't caught up on this thread, but that's really really
> bad IMHO 
> the fact we can no longer do that would be a real shame. I wonder
> where this is coming from... --DD

It's a good thing, really!  The rule would be that the provided value is
converted to the column's type before inserting.  If it can't be
converted, it's still an error.  If it can, great.  I think you'll find
that's the behavior of most SQL DBMS implementations. 

After all, of what significance is the type of the provided argument?
Do you want to force applications to "pre-convert" values the DBMS can
convert implicitly?  Do you want binding choices in the application to
drive the datatype in the database, or do you want the database to
enforce types?  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] importing data to a table that has generated-columns

2020-02-01 Thread James K. Lowden
On Mon, 27 Jan 2020 12:00:52 -0700
"Keith Medcalf"  wrote:

> If you mean importing into a pre-existing table as above that is
> declared with "check typeof(a) in ('integer', 'real')" then yes.  The
> check constraint is run before affinity is applied rather than after
> (unfortunately) ...

Thank you, Keith.  Yes, that's what I was referring to.  

> >I imagine it's already being considered: if pragma table_info
> >included a column with the SQL for generated columns (and NULL)
> >otherwise, the shell could use that instead of SELECT * to determine
> >the number of insertable columns.
> That data is already in the schema structures as is the assigned
> affinity:

Good to know.  I realize of course that computed columns are a new
feature.  Knowing that their "computed" property is easily ascertained,
I'm optimistic that the shell's .import will one day avail itself of
that information.  

What's old is always new again.  ISTR when Microsoft SQL Server added
computed columns, they also got in the way of bulk-loading at first.
The rule for a while was that the buik-copy utility (bcp) couldn't be
used with such tables.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] New word to replace "serverless"

2020-02-01 Thread James K. Lowden
On Mon, 27 Jan 2020 17:18:45 -0500
Richard Hipp  wrote:

> But more recently, "serverless" has become a popular buzz-word that
> means "managed by my hosting provider rather than by me."  Many
> readers have internalized this new marketing-driven meaning for
> "serverless" and are hence confused when they see my claim that
> "SQLite is serverless".

It would be a mistake to discard the useful term "serverless" in favor
of some invented term.  Any invented term would have to be defined, in
which case you're back to where you started from.  

As you know, no terminology has context-free meaning.  (My favorite
example is time: "six o'clock" can mean several different things,
depending on context.)  The fact that some users impose inappropriate
context on "serverless" doesn't make that term less useful or
descriptive or meaningful.  

It seems to me the best course of action, to dispell the confusion, is
simply to define the term in some prominent location.  You already do
that at  Maybe that page just
needs  3rd bullet point?  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] "Standard SQL" ?

2020-02-01 Thread James K. Lowden
On Thu, 30 Jan 2020 19:19:53 +
Simon Slavin  wrote:

> Have any of you been using this term for a meaning other than "Fully
> conforming to SQL:2019 (or whatever version you think current) ?  Do
> you have documentation somewhere ?  Or are my suspicions correct and
> there's no such thing ?

I often refer to "the SQL standard" as if there were only one.  For
many purposes, there might as well be just one.  

For example, some SQL DBMSs support "UPDATE FROM" to update one table
from another.  If we can agree that's nonstandard SQL, then surely it's
also "not standard SQL" and "is not defined by the SQL standard".  

Similarly, last I checked, no SQL standard supported LIMIT for SELECT.  

On the positive side, some parts of SQL haven't changed since the Late
Bronze Age.  "SELECT *" still means all columns; "FROM" still takes a
table argument, whether a tablename, view, or expression.  "WHERE"
operates on values "before" aggregation; "HAVING" on values "after"
aggregation.  Any implementation that operates any other way does not
implement standard SQL.  

SQL is hardly unique in this regard.  We also refer to "the" C standard
library, to "Posix", and to "the" C or C++ standard.  Like SQL, there
are many such and (also like SQL) some parts are unchanged since the
beginning while, just as usefully, some that weren't part of the
first standard haven't changed since they were introduced.  


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] importing data to a table that has generated-columns

2020-01-27 Thread James K. Lowden
On Sun, 26 Jan 2020 12:01:32 -0700
"Keith Medcalf"  wrote:

> Now that the table exists, use "SELECT * FROM " to determine
> the number of columns in the table (which will include computed
> always columns, if any).
> Otherwise, Richard *may* make some changes to the .import logic which
> *might* appear in the next release version.  

I imagine it's already being considered: if pragma table_info included
a column with the SQL for generated columns (and NULL) otherwise, the
shell could use that instead of SELECT * to determine the number of
insertable columns.  

I'm a little confused, though.  ISTR the shell does something clever
with .import, because constraints that enforce numeric types are
violated even when the data are numeric.  Is that simply because the
shell uses sqlite3_bind_text for every column, and the system doesn't
attempt to convert numeric text to a numeric type, regardless of the
column's declared type?  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Unexplained table bloat

2020-01-13 Thread James K. Lowden
On Sun, 12 Jan 2020 16:24:53 -0700
"Keith Medcalf"  wrote:

> while one may be tempted to claim that "consistency is the hobgoblin
> of little minds" 

You might have forgotten that the much overpraised Ralph Waldo specified
"a foolish consistency".  He only meant: don't try to hang your hat on
too small a peg.  

> Doing this does not really do much since you still have to check the
> type on retrieval of the value anyway in order to know what to do
> with it.

That depends what "much" is.  

The value of constraints used to enforce types is to reject from the
database values outside the domain.  That not only simplifies
application logic, but also the logical consistency of the queries

If "year" is always an integer -- never NULL, never a string -- then 


are always correct.  But if the database contains for "year" a string
like "it was a good one", or NULLs, they're both unreliable.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Unexplained table bloat

2020-01-13 Thread James K. Lowden
On Sun, 12 Jan 2020 15:48:05 -0700
"Keith Medcalf"  wrote:

> SQL is simply a Structured Query Language that can be overlaid on a
> variety of datastore models, one of which is the Relational model.  

I think that's misleading, Keith, for a couple of reasons. 

SQL was invented by IBM expressly and specfically for its "relational"
product.  Its wordiness is the product of its roots in "4th generation"
languages in vogue at the time, the promise of which was to permit
users to "write their own reports".  Hence the strict select-from-where
syntax, meant to be so simple that untrained users could figure it

While its true, as you say, that many pre-relational systems (and
post-relational ones, later, feh) added SQL on their shingles, those
were never coherent implementations.  They were a way to say Yes! when
the question was, "Do you support SQL?"

> Many (most in fact) datastores require that all instances of the same
> "column" in an "entity" be the same type

To the extent that SQL implements relational algebra/calculus, its
utility and consistency *requires* that each column be of a defined
type.  For example, if the query includes, 

where A between 0 and 1

and A is a *not* a numeric value, then the query is reduced from
rigorous first-order predicate logic to gibberish.  

SQLite serves a particular niche very well.  The choice not to enforce
type constraints for declared datatypes biases the system toward
ease-of-insertion.  That has advantages in the SQLite problem domain,
but the trade-off comes at a price: it makes SQLite *harder* to use in a
rigorous way.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Best way to store key,value pairs

2020-01-13 Thread James K. Lowden
On Mon, 13 Jan 2020 10:37:57 -0800
Jens Alfke  wrote:

> > On Jan 12, 2020, at 4:12 PM, James K. Lowden
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > What is the motivation behind this advice?  It's completely
> > unnecessary.  
> Thanks for your opinion, James! I disagree. 
> IMHO there are too many of them to do the usual SQL thing
> and add every header of every message to a table ? that multiples the
> number of inserts and deletes by an order of magnitude.

Hi Jens, 

I asked for your rationale; thanks for your answer.  

So, basically, a nomalized design requires too much use of INSERT?  

You're making an efficiency argument here, or maybe
ease-of-implementation assertion. For me, inserting one header row or
20 is the same coding effort (still need a loop).  I think transaction
throughput would be about the same if COMMIT is applied only to whole

The OP wanted some basic design advice; he didn't say a simple,
straightforward design was too much work or too slow.  He in fact said, 

> > > local small NNTP server

Given that, ISTM that textbook SQL 101 advice is in order.  JSON should
wait until your assumptions are tested.  

> > For all the complexity JSON adds to the design, it adds exactly no
> > power: precisely the same effects can be achieved without it.  
> Well sure, but you could say the same thing about indexes, couldn't
> you?

No.  Perhaps I should have been more explicit about what "complexity"
I was talking about. I'm saying you've added a user-visible aspect,
JSON, to the logical database design for him to cope with, but in no
way made the database capable of representing something it otherwise

Indexes are the opposite: invisible affordances that don't affect the
database's logical design.  

> Encoding headers as JSON is pretty simple if you've got a JSON
> encoder handy

Perhaps.  It's still introducing an extraneous technology to the user's
problem domain.  

> > I see no advantage to introducing JSON to a system with no external
> > use for it.  
> Hm, a number of database companies (such as my employer, Couchbase)
> and their customers would disagree with you :)

Please don't take this personally, because I don't intend insult.  For
years I worked on databases before Couchbase existed, and for which
using Couchbase even today would be considered a joke.  

DBMSs are used for all kinds of purposes by people well trained and
not, to good effect and bad.  The number who don't understand the basic
theory of what they're working with far exceeds those that do.  Half of
them are below average, and the average isn't very high.  

I'm sure you'll understand if popular opinion doesn't impress me.  

I get why you would do it your way.  In your estimation, given your
particular skills, you feel it would be easier to use the JSON API.  I
didn't want to leave unchallenged the impression "6 one, half-dozen the
other" impression that bring that into the mix is just a matter of
taste.  Simpler systems are better, I'm sure you'd agree.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Best way to store key,value pairs

2020-01-12 Thread James K. Lowden
On Tue, 7 Jan 2020 17:11:45 -1000
Jens Alfke  wrote:

> Consider encoding the headers as JSON and storing them in a single
> column. SQLite has a JSON extension that makes it easy to access
> values from JSON data in a query. 

What is the motivation behind this advice?  It's completely
unnecessary.  For all the complexity JSON adds to the design, it adds
exactly no power: precisely the same effects can be achieved without

I can understand the utility of using SQLite's JSON features where
there's pre-existing JSON, especially if there's need to preserve it
and reproduce it later.  I see no advantage to introducing JSON to a
system with no external use for it.  


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SLOW execution: Simple Query Uses More than 1 min

2019-12-11 Thread James K. Lowden
On Mon, 9 Dec 2019 22:02:07 -0500
Richard Damon  wrote:

> If we assume that over-committing has been removed, then the fact
> that the fork succeeded is the promise that both processes have the
> right to access all of their address space. Any page that is writable
> needs to have swap space reserved, 

Yes, that's SOP in most systems, and not expensive.  The kernel
need not write anything to swap; it just has to book the space in its
swap account.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SLOW execution: Simple Query Uses More than 1 min

2019-12-08 Thread James K. Lowden
On Sat, 7 Dec 2019 05:23:15 +
Simon Slavin  wrote:

> (Your operating system is allowed to do this.  Checking how much
> memory is available for every malloc takes too much time.)

Not really.  Consider that many (all?) operating systems before Linux
that supported dynamic memory returned an error if the requested amount
couldn't be supplied.  Some of those machines had 0.1% of the
processing capacity, and yet managed to answer the question reasonably

The origin of oversubscribed memory rather has its origins in the
changed ratio of the speed of RAM to the speed of I/O, and the price of

As RAM prices dropped, our machines got more RAM and the bigger
applications that RAM supported.  As memory got faster, relatively, the
disk (ipso facto) has gotten slower. Virtual memory -- the hallmark of
the the VAX, 4 decades ago -- has become infeasibly slow both because
the disk is relatively slower than it was, and because more is being
demanded of it to support today's big-memory applications.  Swapping in
Firefox, at 1 GB of memory, who knows why, is a much bigger deal than
Eight Megabytes and Constantly Swapping.  

If too much paging makes the machine too slow (however measured) one
solution is less paging.  One administrative lever is to constrain how
much paging is possible by limiting the paging resource: swap space.
However, limiting swap space may leave the machine underutilized,
because many applications allocate memory they never use.  

Rather than prefer applications that use resources rationally or
administer machines to prevent thrashing, the best-effort, least-effort
answer was lazy allocation, and its infamous gap-toothed cousin, the

Nothing technical mandates oversubscribed memory.  The problem, as
ever, is not with the stars, but with ourselves.  


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Things you shouldn't assume when you store names

2019-11-24 Thread James K. Lowden
On Wed, 13 Nov 2019 15:37:15 -0600
Peter da Silva  wrote:

> My last name has a space in it. 

Don't get me started.  My phone number has dashes in it, two to be
exact.  I don't remember the last website that accepted it verbatim.  

We're pretty far from a database discussion.  It is a wonder, though,
that Postel's Law is -- on the web built on the Internet he helped
create -- observed amost entirely in the breach.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] LEFT JOIN: ON vs. WHERE

2019-10-28 Thread James K. Lowden
On Mon, 28 Oct 2019 12:10:38 -0600
"Keith Medcalf"  wrote:

> CREATE TABLE t1 (a, b);
> CREATE TABLE t2 (b, c);
> select * from t1 left join t2 on t1.b == t2.b and t1.a == 1;
> 1|2|2|3
> 2|3||
> 1|3|3|4

Thank you, Keith.  What you're saying is that when ON applies to the
outer table, it still constrains the JOIN.  The tuple

2 3 3 4

would have been produced, but for the ON restriction 

t.a = 1

> This sort of thing is useful

I don't doubt it.  I can't remember ever having written a query like
that (not knowing that's what it would do).  I would probably have
expressed the giraffe-neck problem as 

select * from t1 
left join ( select * from t2 where b <> 1 ) as t2
on t1.b = t2.b

because usually, in domains I worked with, the constraint on the inner
table wasn't a function of the join criteria, but of some type or group
or catagory column, or date.  


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Single or double quotes when defining alias?

2019-10-28 Thread James K. Lowden
On Fri, 25 Oct 2019 23:55:20 +0200
Thomas Kurz  wrote:

> SELECT column1 AS 'c'
> --or--
> SELECT column2 AS "d"
> On the one hand, the name refers to a column or table identifier. 

The SQL-92 standard refers to that kind of name as a
"correlation name", and its BNF grammar designates a correlation name
as a kind of indentifier.  Therefore, syntactically, "d" is correct
because double-quotes are used to quote identifiers.  

Which was news to me.  I've always used single-quotes for
correlation names (on creation, never reference).  Not because they need
quoting. I never choose a correlation name that needs to be quoted;
normally they're just 3 lower-case letters, at most.  I would quote
them only to make them stand out for the syntax highlighter.  And who
doesn't like pretty SQL?  


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] LEFT JOIN: ON vs. WHERE

2019-10-28 Thread James K. Lowden
On Sun, 27 Oct 2019 15:09:03 -0700
Benjamin Asher  wrote:

> My colleagues and I are trying to understand the role of ON
> constraints vs WHERE clauses in JOINs. 

ON applies before JOIN.  WHERE applies after.  

That's a loose interpretation, but IMO it's nevertheless a useful way
to think about it.  

It *mostly* doesn't matter.  It was invented for outer joins.  

In SQL-89, there was only the inner join. There was no JOIN keyword.
You listed all the tables in FROM: 

WHERE R.key = S.key

and all was good with the world.  

To support outer joins, vendors invented various syntaxes.  To unifiy
them, SQL-92 defined JOIN and ON: 

ON R.key = S.key

with that syntax, JOIN could be modifed to be LEFT or RIGHT outer, and
the inner table could be further restricted:  

ON R.key = S.key AND S.col = 'foo'

That means: all rows from R joined to rows in S for which col = 'foo'.
If no such S rows exist, every result row will be NULL for the S
columns.  Compare with 

ON R.key = S.key 
WHERE S.col = 'foo'

Here, R and S are joined, and the WHERE test is applied to the joined
result.  If no such S rows exist, there will be no result rows at all.

When wrestling with this topic, it's useful to remember that ON doesn't
constrain the outer table: 

ON R.key = S.key AND R.col = 'foo'


AND R.col = 'foo'

while valid syntax (unfortunately), has no effect.  R is the outer
table, and all rows of the outer table are always produced, no matter
what ON says about it.  Perhaps the above should mean: 

FROM (select * from R WHERE R.col = 'foo') as R 
ON R.key = S.key 

but it does not.  Perfection remains, as ever, elusive.  


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Date time input

2019-10-08 Thread James K. Lowden
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 18:17:14 +0100
Simon Slavin  wrote:

> Converting data to and from a convenient storage format is not the
> job of a DBMS.

While I have no quarrel with your specific point about date strings,
this particular statement is too broad.  Arguably, data conversion is
an inherent, central part of what the DBMS does.  Unless, that is,
you're adept at interpreting IEEE floating point as 1s and 0s.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Date time input

2019-10-08 Thread James K. Lowden
On Tue, 8 Oct 2019 09:06:24 -0700
Jens Alfke  wrote:

> I think the idea of a semi-official ?SQLite++? has been floated here
> before

OK, but it needs a better name.  What better place than here to debate
that?  ;-)  

What the opposite of "Lite"?  I don't know.  It's like asking for the
opposite of "organic" milk.  What we have is "milk" and "organic
milk".  In a just and rational world, we'd have "milk" and "industrial
milk".  Milk is, after all, organic to start with.  

Moving on...

We can't us be fat-shaming and all, calling it "SQLfat" or "SQLobese"
or somesuch. "SQLoaded" seems intoxicated.  "SQLplus" isn't accurate;
it's not more than SQL.  

IMO something fanciful is called for.  I nominate "SQLippo".  After the
hippopotamus, not lipposuction, but it's mnemonic either way.  

Mud, mud, glorious mud!  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] DBMS Normalization Query

2019-10-03 Thread James K. Lowden
On Wed, 2 Oct 2019 21:42:13 -0700 (MST)
shivambhatele  wrote:

> 1. When is the process of normalization used?
> 2. Boyce and Codd Normal Form
> 3. 1NF, 2NF, and 3NF

Good information on database theory is remarkably scarce on the web,
and difficult for the beginner to distinguish from bad information on
database theory.  And, actually, that's the case for almost any body of
knowledge.  If you want to master a discipline, books are a better

I have tried referring people to wikipedia before.  It's not
necessarily wrong; it's more a question of completeness and explication.
You just can't replace a book with a web page or pages.  

I recommend 

An Introduction to Database Systems (8th Edition), 2003, 
by C.J. Date

It's useful to understand normalization in the context of relational
algebra: by removing redundancy, you defend against anomalies that
would otherwise result from mathematically correct operations.  So,
well, more than one chapter to read.  :-)  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Programming methodology (was DEF CON (wasL A license plate of NULL))

2019-08-15 Thread James K. Lowden
On Tue, 13 Aug 2019 16:47:43 -0400
Richard Hipp  wrote:

> On 8/13/19, Jose Isaias Cabrera  wrote:
> >
> > I see all of you smart programmers using this
> > non-column matching behavior, and I ask myself why?
> Because that's the way Dennis Richie did it.  :-)

That's right.  Like many of a certain age, I learned C from K&R, and
adopted Ritchie's style.  

I'm reminded of Bjarne Stroustrup's complaint about the C++
standardization process.  He would ask those assembled to offer
suggestions for how C++ could be made easier to use and more
approachable for the novice.  That question was always met with
silence.  If you want a lively discussion, he said, ask where the curly
braces belong.  


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] DEF CON (wasL A license plate of NULL)

2019-08-13 Thread James K. Lowden
On Mon, 12 Aug 2019 14:14:08 -0600
"Keith Medcalf"  wrote:

> Perhaps I am just lazy but I see no point in engaging in extra work
> for no advantage 

is_true (bool tf) {
if (tf == true) {
return true; 
return false;

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] [EXTERNAL] SQLITE_BUSY (SQLITE_BUSY_SNAPSHOT) due to a simple SELECT query -- Documentation needed!

2019-08-12 Thread James K. Lowden
On Mon, 12 Aug 2019 12:02:33 +0200
Kira Backes  wrote:

> I would change the error description for SQLITE_BUSY_SNAPSHOT so that
> it no longer says "read transaction" but instead says "read
> transaction or ongoing select statement". 

While I agree the documentation could be clarified, that wouldn't be a
particularly good change.  A "read transaction" is, exactly, an
"ongoing select statement".  More precisely, the *execution* of a
SELECT statement is a read transaction, whether or not preceded by
BEGIN TRANSACTION. The person reading the documentation is expected to
know that.  It's defined by SQL, and has nothing to do with the SQLite

I think you actually got burned by multithreading.  Let's just say
you're not the first.  ;-)  

To the extent the documentation could be made clearer, I would suggest
it focus on the interface and not the implementation.  Knowledge of
locks, while interesting, should not be required to use transactions
correctly or to understand SQLITE_BUSY_SNAPSHOT.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] [EXTERNAL] sqlite3_exec without ubiqitous text conversions

2019-07-31 Thread James K. Lowden
On Wed, 31 Jul 2019 12:05:05 +0200
Olivier Mascia  wrote:

> Nothing stops any piece of your own programming or anyone using the
> CLI to do:
> INSERT INTO "VALUES"(value_int) VALUES('something');

Not nothing, just nothing automatic.  

value_int INTEGER not NULL 
check( typeof(value_int) = 'integer')

will do nicely.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Quirks of SQLite. Was: Version 3.29.0

2019-07-11 Thread James K. Lowden
On Thu, 11 Jul 2019 10:21:10 -0400
Richard Hipp  wrote:

> If you have personally experienced some unusual or unexpected feature
> of SQLite that you think should be added to "quirks.html", please
> follow-up to this thread

Thank you for publishing this page.  I would suggest these additions:

1.  Integer division by zero is not an error.  It results in NULL. 

2.  Update is not atomic.  Each row is written one at a time, and
"intermediate" updates that (temporarily) violate UNIQUE constraints
cause the update to fail, even if the the constraint would be satisfied
were the update carried to completion. 

3.  A table of isolation in SQL terms (repeatable read, etc.).
Isolation is affected by WAL and Begin Transaction.  SQLite differs
in that way quite sharply from other DBMSs.  

Of these, #2 is the most significant, because it's an unambiguous
violation of the SQL standard.  I'm unaware of any other SQL
implementation that enforces UPDATE constraints at a level invisible
to the user.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] the sqlite3 documentation would be pretty good if it wasn't tragic...

2019-06-26 Thread James K. Lowden
On Sat, 22 Jun 2019 23:14:08 -0700
Ben Earhart  wrote:

> can't be bothered to write example sql code

While I'm sure you're irritated, that criticism is misplaced.
You might want to take a step back. Tools that work with standardized
languages don't define the language they process.  You won't find many
examples included with your C compiler or ODBC driver, either.  

It's not a matter of can't be bothered.  It's a matter of

Anyone who's done a lot of writing, especially technical writing IMO,
has the problem of deciding what to include and what to exclude.
Anyone who reads documentation appreciates the difficulty of finding
the relevant information, and of skipping over what isn't relevant in
case it (surprisingly) is relevant.  

SQL examples in SQLite documentation, except where they illustrate some
preculiar aspect of SQLite's SQL, would be only so much noise: they
would hinder the job of understanding the grammar.  Necessarily, being
examples, they would highlight only certain features of the grammar.  

You may say examples would help the beginner.  But the reference manual
is not a tutorial and not a user guide and not an introduction to SQL.
The beginner is well advised to consult those kinds of materials as a
way to learn SQL, and come back to the SQLite manual to learn how to
use SQLite.  Specifically.  

I started learning SQL before Bill Gates discovered the Internet.
"Diving in" in those days meant going down to the bookstore at lunchtime
to find out what there was to find out.  Still today, the best way to
learn about something is to read about it from someone who wants to
explain it to you.  CJ Date has sold 800,000 copies of his textbook,
which in the technical book market is a runaway best seller.  There are
dozens of others just as good but not as popular.  

Avoid, if I may suggest, anything that promises to make SQL easy or
implies that it's hard.  It's not hard.  But it may well be the only
language you ever use that is grounded in math & logic.  It has a
more-than-casual relationship to the Relational Model, itself based on
set theory and first-order predicate logic. It's worth your time to
understand that, and you might as well work with an author who wants
you to.  

BTW, SQL is more standardized than some give it credit for.  While it's
true that a given statement may be accepted by one DBMS and not
another, a great swath of the language -- all the important parts --
work just fine.  It's quite rare to find two implementations that both
accept a standard query and produce different results from the same

Have fun storming the castle.  


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Understanding the WITH clause

2019-06-18 Thread James K. Lowden
On Mon, 17 Jun 2019 20:46:41 -0400
Sam Carleton  wrote:

> It is my view that peace is not something that can be defined with
> some words, rather it is a universal experience.  

"But peace is not merely the absence of this tension, but the
presence of justice."
-- MLK, Letter from the Birmingham Jail

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Should SQLite distinguish between +0.0 and -0.0 on output?

2019-06-13 Thread James K. Lowden
On Wed, 12 Jun 2019 18:40:19 -0400
Richard Hipp  wrote:

> On 6/12/19, James K. Lowden  wrote:
> > what kind of computation
> > would lead to a value in memory representing -0,0?
>   0.0/-1.0

Fine.  I suspect the reason -0.0 has never cropped up as an issue in my
experience is that -0.0 == 0.0.  The existence of -0.0 never
mattered because it was computationally irrelevant.  

I couldn't tell from your reference to Wolfram whether or not you
considered the "negative zero is not math" to be dispositive (so to
speak). If you're still considering rendering "-0.0" in the even the
floating point unit happened to end up with "negative zero", are you
also going to provide a way for users to detect the sign bit and
"positivize" zero, such as through a SQLite function for signbit(3)?
If so, to what end?  

IMO this whole discussion is a tempest in a teapot about angels
dancing on the head of a pin.  I have yet to see anyone offer any
advantage of treating -.0.0 as anything other than 0. 

Far more important is integer division by zero.  SQLite disguises it as
NULL, making it undetectable and indistinguishable from genuinely
missing information.  


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] [SPAM?] Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Should SQLite distinguish between +0.0 and -0.0 on output?

2019-06-13 Thread James K. Lowden
On Thu, 13 Jun 2019 10:44:52 -0400
Doug Currie  wrote:

> > Except by the rules of IEEE (as I understand them)
> >
> > -0.0 < 0.0 is FALSE, so -0.0 is NOT "definitely left of true zero"
> >
> Except that 0.0 is also an approximation to zero, not "true zero."

Sure, because floating point numbers are approximations of real

> Consider that 1/-0.0 is -inf whereas 1/0.0 is +int

Consider too that both are mathematical nonsense.  Just reading over
the documentation, it seems it's also detectable nonsense: fenv(3)
describes FE_DIVBYZERO.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Should SQLite distinguish between +0.0 and -0.0 on output?

2019-06-12 Thread James K. Lowden
On Wed, 12 Jun 2019 12:57:22 -0400
Richard Hipp  wrote:

> On 6/12/19, Thomas Kurz  wrote:
> >> For an SQL engine, the next-best-thing to strict binary IEEE754 is
> >> not
> > sloppy binary IEEE754, its probably strict decimal IEEE754.
> >
> > That would be a *really great* improvement!
> It would also be a file format change, rendering about 1e12 existing
> database files obsolete.

Is that necessarily the case?  Could blob types be "overloaded" somehow,
such that existing code sees a blob and new code recognizes said blob
as decimal numeric?  

For example, if the first two bytes of the expansion area of the
database header (at offset 72) were 0x0bcd (say), then record type 44
could represent a 128-bit decimal encoding [16 bytes = (44 -12)/2].
Existing programs wouldn't examine the expansion area, and would
interpret the field as a blob.  New programs would interpret type 44 as
decimal or blob, depending on the CREATE TABLE definition.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Should SQLite distinguish between +0.0 and -0.0 on output?

2019-06-12 Thread James K. Lowden
On Wed, 12 Jun 2019 10:28:20 -0600
"Keith Medcalf"  wrote:

> Python 3.7.3 (v3.7.3:ef4ec6ed12, Mar 25 2019, 22:22:05) [MSC v.1916
> 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or
> "license" for more information.
> >>> a = -0.0
> >>> b = 0.0
> >>> print(a,b)
> -0.0 0.0
> Really difficult hoops to jump through are they not?

$ printf "%f\n" -0.0

A poor choice of words.  What I meant was, what kind of computation
would lead to a value in memory representing -0,0?  I don't remember
ever coming across one.  

Just because we can print -0.0 doesn't mean it's meaningful.  


int main() {
  if( -0.0 == 0.0 ) {
printf("all zeros are zero\n");
return 0;

  printf("minus zero is real\n");
  return 1;

make negzero && ./negzero
cc negzero.c   -o negzero
all zeros are zero

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Should SQLite distinguish between +0.0 and -0.0 on output?

2019-06-12 Thread James K. Lowden
On Wed, 12 Jun 2019 09:35:13 -0400
Richard Hipp  wrote:

> Question:  Should SQLite be enhanced to show -0.0 as "-0.0"?  


1.  Prior art.  I can't think of a single programming language that
displays -0.0 without jumping through hoops.  

2.  Math.  Negative zero is not a mathematical concept. 

3.  Utility.  There is none.  The user is only inconvenienced.  

Negative zero is an artifact of the IEEE 754, not a feature.  By
contrast, IEEE adopted 2s-complement signed integers specificially to
avoid negative zero.  That's evidently harder to do with floating
point. ;-)  

I see no advantage to exposing a technical mechanical artifact to the


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] New Information Schema Views

2019-06-07 Thread James K. Lowden
On Fri, 07 Jun 2019 01:43:18 -0600
"Keith Medcalf"  wrote:

> -- Catalog Views using sqlite_master for SysObjects (Object Names)
> -- requires that the eval() extension function be loaded and available
> -- all TEXT columns in views have "collate nocase" attachmented to
> the output
> -- columns to ensure that where conditions on retrievals are not case
> sensitive
> -- Column Names in views defined so as to not conflict with keywords
> to ensure
> -- quoting when using the views is not required
> -- table/view/index name MUST NOT contain embeded semicolons (;)

I would like to play Omniscient Narrator for a moment and mention
to our listening radio audience that this is not the first substantial
contribution by the inimitable Mr. Medcalf.  The other one that I
remember was a complete set of functions for math.h.  I'm sure there
are others.  

For users coming to SQLite and knowledgable about SQL standards,
INFORMATION_SCHEMA is the obvious place to look for schema metadata,
much easier to query and remember than a variety of functions and
pragmas and whatnot.  It's not beautiful, but then very little about
SQL is beautiful.  What's important is that is works and is
understandable and standard.  

Thanks, Keith.  You just saved a lot of people a lot of work.  


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] sqlite-users Digest, Vol 138, Issue 4

2019-06-04 Thread James K. Lowden
On Tue, 4 Jun 2019 11:26:12 -0700
"Doug"  wrote:

> select songfile_id,dancename,dancegroupname from songfiletable where
> dancename like "Waltz";

What Shawn Wagner's answer shows you is that 


is a string and 


is a column name, because in SQL double-quotes denote identifiers.
They don't denote strings, unlike as in, say, C.  

The double-quote escape syntax let's you have odd columns names with
spaces and such:

create table "The Blue Danube" (
"Waltzing Matilda" text not NULL primary key

If there's no column name "Waltz" in songfiletable, that's a bug IMO. 

As a matter of style, what is songfiletable?  A set of songs, or a
file, or a table?  Why not just "songs"?  

create table songs {
id integer not null primary key, -- probably not needed 
dance ... ,
dance_group ... , -- or just "group", but see next

If songs have names and dances, and dances have groups, then
dancegroupname belongs in another table, "dances".  



sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] round function inconsistent

2019-05-26 Thread James K. Lowden
On Fri, 24 May 2019 13:10:49 +
Jose Isaias Cabrera  wrote:

> >Consider these two queries:
> >
> >   SELECT round(3.255,2);
> >   SELECT round(3.2548,2);
> >
> >Do you expect them to give different answers?
> 3.26
> 3.25

sqlite> SELECT cast(100 * (0.005 + 3.2548) as
   ...> integer)/100.0;

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] How to set access permissions to protect a database file?

2019-05-26 Thread James K. Lowden
On Sun, 26 May 2019 19:52:29 +0800
Adrian Ho  wrote:

> Finally, create a "reading_room" script that your users will run:
> #!/usr/bin/env bash
> sudo -u reading_room /path/to/reading_room.tcl

This script is more efficient and portable:

#! /bin/sh
sudo -u reading_room /path/to/reading_room.tcl

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQL Features That SQLite Does Not Implement

2019-05-23 Thread James K. Lowden
On Wed, 22 May 2019 17:56:23 -0700
Jens Alfke  wrote:

> > On May 22, 2019, at 3:55 PM, James K. Lowden
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > I've always thought user-defined types were unnecessary except as a
> > convenience.
> User-defined types are quite important if you?re doing fancy stuff in
> user-defined functions, where data that?s stored in tables as blobs
> has an internal structure visible to those functions. (JSON is a good
> example, and the reason why SQLite added its ?subtypes? feature.)

I see.  So user-defined type here isn't some combination of extant
primitive types, but a blob that *could* be represented by extant types
but is instead represented another way.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] User Defined Types implementations ...

2019-05-23 Thread James K. Lowden
On Wed, 22 May 2019 21:16:04 -0600
"Keith Medcalf"  wrote:

> Basically, when you declared something as a UDT you were giving a
> "blob" a type-domain.  Whenever you tried to do something with a UDT
> a "mangled function name" was generated that took that blob as the
> first argument and you merely implemented a bunch of functions with
> the appropriate names that DB2 would use whenever you referred to
> that UDT type, rather than using the builtin functions (this is
> similar to the way languages like Python implement classes).

I see.  First, declare a type U.  Then define a function, say, 

U max( U, U ) .

Now, if we have a table 

T( U u )

we can 

SELECT max(u) from T

to invoke our function instead of the built-in max().  

What about operators, then, as long as we're talking C++?  

U operator<(U u) ?

If you could define equivalence and less-than, you can join on, sort
by, or get the maximium.  In fact (speaking of Python), you get those
for free if there's an implicit conversion to string.  


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQL Features That SQLite Does Not Implement

2019-05-22 Thread James K. Lowden
On Wed, 22 May 2019 14:20:11 -0600
"Keith Medcalf"  wrote:

>  (such as was added to DB2 back in the late 80's early 90's, and
> which I do not think anyone else has implemented as nicely anywhere
> else)

That's an interesting aside.  It would make an interesting OT thread,
if you're inclined to start it.  ;-)  

I've always thought user-defined types were unnecessary except as a
convenience.  There are few new primitive types; most user-defined
types I can think of are "structures" -- sets of columns -- that one
might like to name and constrain as a new type that may appear in many
tables.  About the only primitive type I can imagine are mathematical:
complex numbers or exact numeric representations.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQLite with single writer on Windows network share

2019-05-09 Thread James K. Lowden
On Wed, 8 May 2019 21:36:43 +0200
Clemens Ladisch  wrote:

> Andrew Moss wrote:
> > ... an SQLite database hosted on a windows network share (using
> > server 2012 R2 or later). We are well aware this is not advisable
> There are three possible sources of network filesystem data
> corruption:
> 1) Bad locking implementations.  Some Unix-y network filesystems
>products allow to disable locking (in a misguided attempt to
> increase performance), or do not implement locking at all.

Although it doesn't solve anything, it's useful to understand that
"bad" locking is not the whole story.  File operations under NFS -- by
design --  do not agree with the semantics on a local filesystem.  

The basic problem is that file I/O operations act on the kernel's
filebuffer, not what's on the disk.  Since all processes on one machine
share the same kernel, they share the same filebuffer, and that
filebuffer is the very definition an accurate representation of the
state of the filesystem.   

With NFS, that's not true.  There are as many filebuffers as there are
nodes using the fileserver, plus the fileserver's own.  If machine X
updates the file, nothing informs machine Y.  If the second machine
acts on stale information in its filebuffer -- boom! -- welcome to a
corrupted file.  

As a matter of fact, when machine X updates the file, nothing
guarantees *any* data reach the server.  Data are not necessarily
written until the file is closed.  Under SQLite, that could be a long
time indeed!  

Even if locks were honored with perfect fidelity, inconsistent
filebuffers in different clients sharing the same file provide lots of
opportunity for inconsistency.  A low-traffic system with a single
writer and not much contention might not bump into it very often (or
notice when it does!) but on NFS none of the ACID promises SQLite makes
are actually in force.  

You may read that NFSv4 solves locking problems and others.  It does not
alter the basic consistency guarantee, though, that nothing is
assuredly on the disk until the file is closed.  It does not inform
other clients' kernels of changes to files they're sharing.  

NFSv4 provides new functions to commit data to the disk and ascertain
whether the current in-kernel image is up to date.  SQLite does not use
those functions and, even if it did, the mishmash of implementations
would make any guaratees tenuous at best.  

If this sounds like an indictment of NFS, it's really not.  Ironically,
back when NFS was being invented, the cognoscenti already knew that
what the filesystem couldn't provide, database servers could, and
would, and soon did.  Any problems with consistency, concurrency,
locking, etc., were evidence that the process required a DBMS, not that
the filesystem was insufficient to the purpose.  They were right: the
inconsistent-information problem is better solved not by disseminating
the information across N filebuffers, but by routing the
information through a single one, on a shared DBMS server.   

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Custom collation of blobs

2019-04-27 Thread James K. Lowden
On Fri, 26 Apr 2019 10:36:34 -0700
Jens Alfke  wrote:

> The only workaround I can think of is to define a custom function
> that converts a blob to a string and collate using those strings ?
> e.g. `? ORDER BY collatable_blob(b)`. But this requires expensive
> string conversions, 

Your UDF need not convert to a string.  It could return an integer or,
if that's not enough, couldn't it return a different blob whose bit
order yields the correct ordering?  

> and it doesn?t work well with indexes.

If indexing is important, that's a clue that the blob is not your
friend to start with.  It might be worthwhile to store the searchable
components in "redundant" columns that can be readily indexed.  By
analogy, if your blob is a PDF, it might be convenient to store the
author and title in columns for search & display purposes.  

If you write UDFs to pull out the pieces, you could invoke them in a
trigger to keep the "redundant" columns consistent.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Regarding sqlite3 reliability in using in service oriented architecture

2019-04-26 Thread James K. Lowden
On Fri, 26 Apr 2019 02:09:33 +0100
Lullaby Dayal  wrote:

> We use sqlite3 in an embedded automotive system based on QNX
> hypervisor running multiple virtual machines. 

Am I the only one who reads a sentence like that and thinks, "I don't
want to drive that car"? 

I hope the embedded automotive system is in the garage, and not under
the hood.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Multiple Independent Database Instances

2019-04-22 Thread James K. Lowden
On Mon, 22 Apr 2019 21:25:31 +
"Lee, Jason"  wrote:

> I have a set of several million database files sitting on my
> filesystem. Each thread will open a previously unprocessed database
> file, do some queries, close the database, and move on to the next
> unprocessed database file.

Fascinating.  One wonders what Feynman would have said.  

Even with gobs of RAM and solid-state storage, I/O will quickly
bottleneck because the processor is 3 orders of magnitude faster than
RAM and 6 orders faster than the disk.  Once you exhaust the I/O bus,
it's exhausted.  

I would build a pipeline, and let processes do the work. Write a program
to process a single database: open, query, output, close.  Then define
a make(1) rule to convert one database into one output file.  Then run
"make -j dd" where "dd" is the number of simultaneous processes (or
"jobs").  I think you'll find ~10 processes is all you can sustain.  

You could use the sqlite3 utility as your "program", but it's not very
good at detecting errors and returning a nonzero return status to the
OS. Hence a bespoke program.  Also, you can get the data into binary
form, suitable for concatenation into one big file for input into your
numerical process.  That will go a lot faster.  

Although there's some overhead to invoking a million processes, it's
dwarfed by the I/O time.  

The advantage of doing the work under make is that it's reusable and
restartable.  if you bury the machine, you can kill make and restart it
with a lower number of jobs.  If you find some databases are corrupt or
incomplete, you can replace them, and make will reprocess only the new
ones.  If you add other databases at a later time, make will process
only those.  You can add subsequent steps, too; make won't start from
square 1 unless it has to.  

With millions of inputs, the odds are you will find problems.
Perfectly good input over a dataset that size probably occured before
in recorded history, but not frequently.  

I assume your millions of databases are not in a single directory; I'd
guess you have 1000s of directories.  They offer convenient work
partitions, which you might need; I have no idea how make will respond
to a dependency tree with millions of nodes.  


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] compressed sqlite3 database file?

2019-04-13 Thread James K. Lowden
On Thu, 11 Apr 2019 18:45:01 -0600
Warren Young  wrote:

> Sure, but what *is* on the disk after a crash is always consistent
> with ZFS, so any decent database engine can recover.

It's been some years, but I saw a presentation about running Postgres
on ZFS.  Every "victory" was a way to compensate for a feature of ZFS.
None of the problems surmounted are presented by normal filesystems.  

The simple fact is that ZFS does nothing for the DBMS.  As you
acknowledge, it does complicate matters.  And the features ZFS supplies
slow down the DBMS by stealing I/O cycles that the DBMS could otherwise
use productively.  

> > It's really not the ideal substrate for a system that takes its
> > fsyncs seriously.
> You know, I?ve just realized that it?s been a really long time since
> I?ve heard anyone seriously talk about running databases on raw
> storage.  

I don't know what you mean by "raw" storage.  A storage substrate that
really syncs when it's told to and did do when it says it did doesn't
have to be a locally attached SATA drive.  It could be a SAN.  It just
has to be a yankee at the end of a dirt road: simple and honest.  ;-)  

> I?ve even heard of people successfully using ZFS snapshots to make
> live, continuous DB replications from one site to another for fast
> failover.

No doubt.  But absence of proof is not proof of absence: just because
it seems to work doesn't mean it can be depended on.  If the DBMS
developer can't vouch for it, it's a sure bet it's depending on at
least one fortuitous coincidence.  

> It calls into question how important, relatively speaking,
> lack of mediation is in system storage design.

We mustn't place much faith in common (a/k/a "best") practices, viz: 

> Of course raw storage isn?t the main alternative to ZFS.  It?s LVM+md
> +XFS and similar lash-ups, which are even worse in this regard.

Exactly.  The simple understanding that a DBMS has many of the
attributes of an operating system, and therefore needs direct access to
the hardware, is lost on many (I would say most) system administrators
and not a few database administrators.  

Now if you'll excuse me I have some kids to chase off my lawn.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Problem with SELECT by rowid after INSERT

2019-04-13 Thread James K. Lowden
On Fri, 12 Apr 2019 11:40:13 -0400
Jim Dossey  wrote:

> CREATE TABLE "sessiond" (
> "journal" VARCHAR(4) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
> "session" VARCHAR(16) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
> );

Although it has nothing to do with the problem you posed, at some
point you might want to reconsider this design.  

A row in this table is allowed to exist even if contains no
information.  The journal and session can be empty strings, and the pid
0 (invalid).  That, in fact, is the default.  

I assume the rowid is meaningless, just a way to refer to the row from
another table.  

The table has the hallmark of an application design that inserts "empty
records" and updates them.  That's a whole other ball of wax, and I
don't want to critique an assumption.  But it's easy to see how that
kind of design is inefficient and defeats features provided by the

The DEFAULT '' NOT NULL construct is particularly pernicious, because
NULL is useful in ways a zero-length string is not.  NULL can always
be converted to something else with coalesce, and is usually obvious
when interrogating the database interactively.  The same cannot be said
of zero-length strings.  

Instead of allowing any number of meaningless duplicate rows, why not
let the DBMS do a little work for you?  For example: 

CREATE TABLE sessiond (
journal VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL,
session VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,
pid INTEGER NOT NULL check (pid > 0), 
primary key( pid, journal, session )

If the rowid actually helps, sure use it.  If it's  better as the
primary key, that's fine; it's an arbitrary choice, logically
speaking.  But the {pid, journal, session} tuple should be unique
regardless.  If not, what to 2 identical rows represent, and how are
they different?  (I don't need to know, but you do.)  

When you need to track two indistigushable events, the solution isn't
to allow two undifferentiated rows with an arbitrary discriminator.
The solution is to add a "quantity" column, and count them.  It's easy
to delete the row when quantity reaches zero, or cull zero-quantity
rows on selection.  

For extra credit, add CHECK constraints to enforce the lengths of
journal and session.  

With a table like that, you can prevent applications from inserting
nonsense into the database.  I've used that strategy to good effect.
Once the developers have agreed they don't want garbage in the
database, it's pretty rare, when an insert fails, for the programmer to
say, "yeah, I meant to do that".  Nearly always, it's a bug.  


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Option to control implicit casting

2019-04-11 Thread James K. Lowden
On Thu, 11 Apr 2019 11:35:04 +1000
John McMahon  wrote:

> > SELECT x * y & ~1 AS even_numbered_area FROM squares;
> Suggestion: "Don't Do That", use database purely as a storage medium.

You yourself don't really believe that!  

A disk is a storage medium.  A file is an undifferntiated stream of
bytes.  A SQLite database is much more than that, as I'm sure you'll
agree. Not least, it includes a query language with a passing
resemblance to first order predicate logic and set theory.  

> You would seem to be working in an edge case environment, in which
> case it is your responsibility to make the adjustments.

Actually, the OP was illustrating how implicit conversion to double
yields incorrect results instead of a domain error.  I somehow doubt he
has much use for 10^80 on a regular basis.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] compressed sqlite3 database file?

2019-04-11 Thread James K. Lowden
On Wed, 10 Apr 2019 15:14:59 -0600
Warren Young  wrote:

> On Apr 10, 2019, at 2:12 PM, Keith Medcalf 
> wrote:
> > 
> > It is far cheaper and much more reliable to just buy some file
> > storage space.  
> If you?re going to buy some more storage, you should put ZFS on it
> then, too. :)

That's interesting advice for a DBMS mailing list.  

ZFS has built-in transactions, of a sort.  There's enough mediation in
the filesystem to frustrate the efforts of the DBMS to make sure that
what's committed in the transaction is, in fact, committed to the
disk.  It's really not the ideal substrate for a system that takes its
fsyncs seriously.  


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] compressed sqlite3 database file?

2019-04-10 Thread James K. Lowden
On Wed, 10 Apr 2019 15:20:32 -0500
Peter da Silva  wrote:

> > Why would anyone fart about with added complication and the
> > concomittant increased unreliability when storage is so damn cheap?
> Embedded systems and mobile devices.
> But of course those probably don't apply here. :)

Are you saying my MB Pro isn't portable?  If not, I have an Osborne
Executive to sell you.  

I was going to tell the OP that the 1990s called, and they want their
STAC floppies back.  


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Option to control implicit casting

2019-04-09 Thread James K. Lowden
On Mon, 8 Apr 2019 23:08:18 -0400
Joshua Thomas Wise  wrote:

> I propose there should be a compile-time option to disable all
> implicit casting done within the SQL virtual machine. 

You can use SQLite in a "strict" way: write a CHECK constraint for
every numerical column.  

Just don't do that for tables that are loaded by the .import comand.
As I reported here not long ago, .import rejects numeric literals.
Apparently, the value is inserted as a string and rejected, instead of
being converted to a number first.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Returning NULL or empty values when the SELECT does not satisfy all of the query

2019-04-06 Thread James K. Lowden
On Fri, 5 Apr 2019 18:54:18 +
Jose Isaias Cabrera  wrote:

> Why does this work

I don't know what "work" means, but I can explain the difference.  With
an outer join, JOIN and WHERE are not the same.  In analyzing the
query, we consider JOIN before WHERE.  

> select
>  a.*, b.* from t as a LEFT JOIN z as b on a.a = b.f
>   a.idate = (select max(idate) from t where a = a.a)
>   b.idate = (select max(idate) from z where f = a.a)
> where a.a = 'p006'

In an outer join, the outer table -- think "outer" as Venn diagram --
is the "preserved" table.  All rows match, join criteria
notwithstanding. This component has no effect: 

>   a.idate = (select max(idate) from t where a = a.a)

because "a" is the outer table, and so all rows match, join criteria

The inner table is a little different, and also different from WHERE in
an inner join.  On the inner table, JOIN restrictions can cause a row
not to match that otherwise would.  In your query: 

>   b.idate = (select max(idate) from z where f = a.a)

"b" rows that don't pass that test are rejected from the join.  The "a"
columns will appear (because all "a" rows do) and the "b" columns will
be NULL.  

Only once the join is completed do we consider WHERE: 

> where a.a = 'p006'

This restricts rows in the outer table.  

Now let's look at your other query.  

> select
>  a.*, b.* from t as a LEFT JOIN z as b on a.a = b.f

The *only* join criterion is a.a = b.f.  All rows passing that test are
subjected to WHERE: all "a" rows (because outer table) and "b"
rows with a matching "f".  

> where a.a = 'p006'

OK, same as #1.  

>   a.idate = (select max(idate) from t where a = a.a)

This further restricts the "a" table rows, unlike #1. 

>   b.idate = (select max(idate) from z where f = a.a)

This restricts produced rows to those passing the test.  Different from
#1, no row passes this test for which b.idate is NULL.  

Whenever you disallow NULL on the inner table of an outer join, you
effectively convert the join from outer to inner.  You're asking for:

1.  all rows in "a", whether or not they match a "b" row, provided
2.  they do match a "b" row (because b.idate cannot be NULL)

You can vote for anyone in either party from this list of Democrats.  

Because both AND clauses restrict the output, we can expect the 2nd
query to produce fewer rows.  If it doesn't, there's no need for an
outer query for the data in their current state.  

By the way, the distinction of JOIN and WHERE is not a relational
concept.  It was added to SQL-92 in part to provide exactly the
separation your question illustrates: how to express an outer join.  

Relationally, that's not needed.  An outer join is nothing but an inner
join + a union with the outer table.  That's cumbersome to express
in SQL, and anything cumbersome to express is hard to optimize, and
query optimization was and is the unsolved technical challenge of SQL.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Remove row to insert new one on a full database

2019-04-05 Thread James K. Lowden
On Fri, 5 Apr 2019 15:45:10 +0300
Arthur Blondel  wrote:

> The data is always the same. That's why removing one row should be
> enough to insert a new one.
> My problem is that some times I need to remove many rows to add one
> new one.

SQLite *could* avoid that problem by pre-allocating space in the
journal sufficient to permit a single row to be deleted.  But it's not
obvious to me that the complexity is worth it, given the size of disks
these days and consequent rarity of the problem.  

If I were in your shoes, I'd consider maintaining a "dummy" file that's
expendable in the event of a SQLITE_FULL error.  

Compute how much space SQLite needs to delete a row.  Maybe double that
for safety's sake. Create a file that size, and fill it with deadbeef
just to be sure.  Write functions to create and delete that file,
because you'll want to do it consistently.  

When you encounter SQLITE_FULL, delete the file, do the deed, and
re-create the file.  If you can't recreate the file, you have an
unrecoverable error, but an intact database.  

It's not a perfect solution.  To guard against other processes seizing
the space while you're trying to use it, you'd have to wall off the
space, maybe with a loopback filesystem.  But it'd get you further down
the road than you are now.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Returning NULL or empty values when the SELECT does not satisfy all of the query

2019-04-05 Thread James K. Lowden
On Fri, 5 Apr 2019 14:01:20 +
Jose Isaias Cabrera  wrote:

> The owners of the business said that "there will never be...", 

The perfect opportunity for a CHECK constraint or to enforce a foreign

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] ANN: SQLite3 Decimal Extension

2019-04-04 Thread James K. Lowden
On Thu, 4 Apr 2019 11:21:41 -0400
Joshua Wise  wrote:

> > On the other hand, what table has a floating point number in its
> > key?  
> > 
> > How do you even express the value of such a key for an exact
> > match?  
> Well I imagine it can be very useful for range queries. Imagine
> Julian dates, coordinate points, rankings, etc.

Julian dates are integers.  The tm structure is all integers, too.  

I suppose you could store lat/lon as floating point.  It's exactly the
kind of data that calls out of a tm-like structure, though, because
officially there are 60 minutes in a degree, and 60 seconds in a minute.
Just as with time, the governing authorities use a non-decimal
notation; decimal fractions of a degree are mere computational
convienience.  And, again, it's not part of the key.  

In financial analysis, range queries over large datasets are common.  If
it's not a range of dates, it's a range of
returns/price/earning/capitalization over time.  Yet Microsoft SQL
Server never suggested we use anything other than IEEE to store the
data.  Perhaps that's because, more often than not, floating point data
are manipulated as part of the query.  

If you're joining the table to itself to select price change over time
to compute, say, variance, the absolute magnitude of the data are
uninteresting.  You find the stocks by date, subtract the prices and
compute the variance, in IEEE format, of course, because that's what
the CPU supports.  Then you sort and filter the top quintile, or
whatever.  In such a case, the overhead of floating-point conversion
will be significant: twice for every row, overhead that is nonexistent

I'm skeptical of the claimed advantage.  The downside is clear.  If the
advantage can be shown, its use would be specialized.  OTOH, a
compiete BCD implementation would be ... interesting.  


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] ANN: SQLite3 Decimal Extension

2019-04-04 Thread James K. Lowden
On Thu, 4 Apr 2019 17:30:29 +0200
Lifepillar  wrote:

> On 4 Apr 2019, at 17:15, James K. Lowden 
> wrote:
> > On Wed, 3 Apr 2019 14:30:52 +0200
> > Lifepillar  wrote:
> >> SQLite3 Decimal is an extension implementing exact decimal
> >> arithmetic for SQLite3. 
> > 
> > What does divide-by-zero yield?  
> By default:
> sqlite> select decDiv(1,0);
> Error: Division by zero
> You have the option to ignore the error, though, in which case you
> get +Inf:
> sqlite> delete from decTraps where flag = 'Division by zero';
> sqlite> select decStr(decDiv(1,0));
> Infinity
> decTraps is a virtual table containing a list of flags which, when
> set by some function, raise an error. The flags are from IEEE 754.

Nice.  Division by zero can be a problem in other DBMSs because, if it
occurs, the query aborts, and you then have to search for the cases and
decide what to do. By flagging and marking them, you make that task
easier.  Especially when the query runs for a long time.

> NULLs are avoided where other results make sense. For instance:
> sqlite> create table T (n blob);
> sqlite> select decStr(decSum(n)) from T; -- Sum of an empty set of
> sqlite> values
> 0
> sqlite> select decStr(decAvg(n)) from T; -- Avg. of empty set of
> sqlite> values
> NaN

Here, as you may know, you're in close touch with SQL's ambivalent
ambiguity with NULL.  Should the sum of nulls be 0?  Should the count
be 0?  Just one example of how SQL is a fossil from the 1980s.  


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] ANN: SQLite3 Decimal Extension

2019-04-04 Thread James K. Lowden
On Wed, 3 Apr 2019 14:30:52 +0200
Lifepillar  wrote:

> SQLite3 Decimal is an extension implementing exact decimal arithmetic
> for SQLite3. It is currently unfinished and under development.  
> I welcome any feedback, from the super-technical to the
> end-user oriented. There is no manual so far, but the code is mostly
> documented. 

What does divide-by-zero yield?  

If NULL, no amount of exactitude will matter.  If the library is based
on math, on the other hand, that would be a boon to SQLite users.  


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] ANN: SQLite3 Decimal Extension

2019-04-04 Thread James K. Lowden
On Wed, 3 Apr 2019 11:37:47 -0600
Warren Young  wrote:

> Put another way, your defaults are already so large that no
> conceivable physical entity could build a computer big enough to
> simultaneously contain every distinct state your data type represents.

Exactly (as it were).  

Physical entities cannot be measured to more than 6 orders of
magnitude.  Finer than that, error takes over.  

What is the distance from New York to Los Angeles?  

We know it's 3,944 km.  Do we know it's 3,944,000 meters?  3,944,000,000
mm? We do not.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] ANN: SQLite3 Decimal Extension

2019-04-04 Thread James K. Lowden
On Wed, 3 Apr 2019 17:29:47 -0400
Richard Hipp  wrote:

> On 4/3/19, Joshua Wise  wrote:
> > From my naive understanding, memcmp() is used to efficiently
> > compare long strings of bytes. But where in SQLite3 is it necessary
> > to compare long strings of floating point numbers? I, of course,
> > can imagine SQL queries plucking single floating point values from
> > rows or indexes, but I can?t imagine where the long strings would
> > be. Could you enlighten me?
> Comparing keys in a btree search uses a lot of CPU cycles.  If the
> comparison can be done using memcmp() rather than some custom
> function, the comparison goes much faster, which makes searching
> btrees faster.

On the other hand, what table has a floating point number in its key?  

How do you even express the value of such a key for an exact match?  

There is also a significant cost of converting to and from IEEE
format.  In my experience bulk-loading quantitative databases, I
encountered many occasions in which parsing the input accounted for 50%
of the computation.  The limit wasn't network bandwidth or server
speed, it was data conversion.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] UPSERT with multiple constraints

2019-03-29 Thread James K. Lowden
On Wed, 27 Mar 2019 23:59:47 +0100
Thomas Kurz  wrote:

> Sure. I have a table of items. Each item has a type, a name, and
> properties A, B, C (and some more, but they're not relevant here).
> I want to enforce ...  UNIQUE (type, name). 
> Furthermore, items of a certain type that have identical properties
> A, B, C are also considered equal, regardless of their name: UNIQUE
> (type, A, B, C).
> Now when inserting an item that already exists (according to the
> uniqueness definition above), the existing item should be updated
> with the new name and A, B, C properties.

IIUC, by "upsert" you mean that for a new row matching an existing row
on {type, A, B, C}, instead of inserting the new row, you want to update
the existing row with the new row's name.  Unless, that is, the new row
would then conflict with (i.e., match) a different row on {type, name},
in which case the update fails.  If no row matches either criteria, you
want to insert the row.  

So why not use SQL to do that as designed, instead of relying on the
strange upsert?  

insert into T values ( 'type', 'name', 'a', 'b', 'c' )
where not exists ( select 1 from T
where type = 'type' and name = 'name' 
or   A = 'a' and B = 'b' and C = 'c'

update T set name = 'name'
where A = 'a' and B = 'b' and C = 'c';

For efficiency you can check that the first insert affected zero rows
before updating, but that's not strictly necessary.  

If there's a possibility of other processes updating the database
between the two statements, wrap them in a transaction.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] .import fails CHECK constraint on valid data

2019-03-19 Thread James K. Lowden
On Sun, 10 Mar 2019 17:04:46 -0400
"James K. Lowden"  wrote:

> Why does the .import command cause the CHECK constraint to fail, when
> an ordinary INSERT does not?  

On Sun, 10 Mar 2019 14:12:33 -0700
Shawn Wagner  wrote:

> The check constraint is probably being evaluated (with t as a string)
> before any type conversion to match the column affinity is done.

Does anyone have a better answer?  Isn't .import supposed to work like
INSERT?  If it doesn't, CHECK constraints for type safety are useless
for tables that are loaded from files.  


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] printf() - Local decilmal separator

2019-03-12 Thread James K. Lowden
On Tue, 12 Mar 2019 16:08:24 +
Alexandre Billon  wrote:

> 1st question : Is there a way to tell printf() to display the decimal
> separator set in the OS ?
> For example, the decimal separator in my OS is set to comma (,), I
> would like printf() to display the comma as the decimal separator.

You may want to return the value in native form and use your C library
to format it.  Posix defines the single-quote character as a modifier
that does just what you want:

 ''' (apostrophe)
Decimal conversions (d, u, or i) or the integral portion of a
floating point conversion (f or F) should be grouped and
separated by thousands using the non-monetary separator
returned by localeconv(3).

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Recursive CTE on tree with doubly linked items

2019-03-12 Thread James K. Lowden
On Mon, 11 Mar 2019 10:39:06 +0100
Jean-Luc Hainaut  wrote:

> Your implementation of trees is that of network databases at the 
> pointer-based physical level but definitely not relational. Try this:
> create table TREE(
>ID integer not null primary key,
>Parent  integer references TREE on delete ... on update cascade);
> -- Notice the absence of "not null"
> create index XTREE on TREE(Parent); -- Only useful for large sets of
> nodes
> That's all.


To the OP: this is the answer you want, whether you want it or not.  

> > I've a tree with doubly linked items. 

That's the root of your problem, as it were.  It's hard to solve in SQL
because you're trying to use SQL in a nonrelational way.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Apparent power fail data loss in embedded use - SQLite newbie

2019-03-12 Thread James K. Lowden
On Tue, 12 Mar 2019 10:36:37 -0400 wrote:

> The problem is basically that as part of a test, the customer wants
> to power fail the device, and then to be able to recover (after the
> device restarts) data that was generated/stored as close to the power
> failure as possible.  
> Unfortunately, when doing this, it appears that significant amounts
> of data that should be in the database are missing and/or corrupted,
> and this doesn?t appear particularly dependent on when the failure
> occurs.  

Only 3 possibilities exist: 

1.  SQLite finished its transaction before the power cut, and the data
were committed and do appear in the database later.  

2.  SQLite did not finish its transaction, and the transaction was
rolled back as part of database initialization after power was

3.  The hardware or driver reported the data were written when they
were not.  

We can dismiss as statistically insignificant possibility #4, a bug in
SQLite, because of SQLite's excellent testing regimen and gigantic user

If you can confirm that SQLite finished the transaction whose data the
database does not reflect on restart, you really must suspect the
driver or device.  I don't know much about USB drives, but consumer
grade hard drives *normally* lie about committed data for performance
reasons.  "It's easy to make it fast if it doesn't have to be right."
USB devices face at least as much temptation to misrepresent their

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] .import fails CHECK constraint on valid data

2019-03-10 Thread James K. Lowden
$ sqlite3 db "create table T (t integer not null);"
$ sqlite3 db "create table Tc (t integer not null 
check(typeof(t) = 'integer'));" 
$ echo 1 > dat
$ sqlite3 db ".import 'dat' T"
$ sqlite3 db ".import 'dat' Tc"
dat:1: INSERT failed: CHECK constraint failed: Tc
$ sqlite3 db "insert into Tc select * from T;"
$ sqlite3 db "select * from Tc"
$ sqlite3 db "select typeof(t) from T"
$ sqlite3 db "select typeof(t) from Tc"

Why does the .import command cause the CHECK constraint to fail, when
an ordinary INSERT does not?  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Equiv stmts, different explain plans

2019-03-06 Thread James K. Lowden
On Tue, 05 Mar 2019 13:58:06 -0700
"Keith Medcalf"  wrote:

> >The query requests no such thing.  SQL makes no request or
> >suggestion for how to execute a query.  It simply describes a result.
> >It's up to the implementation to determine how to produce that
> >result.
> You are, of course, correct.  However for the two queries given I do
> not believe that any query planner currently in existence will
> recognize that t1.c == 1 and t2.c == 1 implies that t1.c == t2.c.  

Thank you for the clarification, Keith.  You may well be right about
the state of the art.  I fault SQL itself; if it implemented relational
algebra correctly, there would be no duplicates from SELECT, and no need
of DISTINCT.  Perhaps then the transformation of FORALL to JOIN would
be easier to infer.  

There is sometimes a tendency in this forum to use shorthand, to
describe what SQLite does as what SQL does.  It's useful for the users'
sake to distinguish between the two, so as not to confuse the
attainable with the attained.   :-) 

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Equiv stmts, different explain plans

2019-03-05 Thread James K. Lowden
On Mon, 04 Mar 2019 20:20:08 -0700
"Keith Medcalf"  wrote:

> In the first query the subselect that creates the list is independent.
> In the second query the subselect that creates the list is correlated.

Yes, and if it can be shown that the two queries are logically
equivalent under relational algebra, then it's theoretically possible
for the query planner to have arrived at the same plan in both cases.
That is the only test that could support/deny the assertion that they
could be rendered according to the same execution plan.  

> In the first query you have requested that the subquery be executed
> to create the list for use by the IN operator.  

No.  The query requests no such thing.  SQL makes no request or
suggestion for how to execute a query.  It simply describes a result.
It's up to the implementation to determine how to produce that result.  


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] [EXTERNAL] Equiv stmts, different explain plans

2019-03-05 Thread James K. Lowden
On Tue, 5 Mar 2019 08:13:32 +
Hick Gunter  wrote:

> The second statement uses a *correlated* subquery as the RHS of an IN
> expression. The QP needs to actually run this query for every record
> of t1 that matches the condition t1.c == 1.

I'm not sure what you mean be "needs", above.  If you're describing the
way the SQLite QP works, OK.  If you're asserting that the QP or any QP
must work that way, no, that's common fallacy.  The person writing the
query may think of a correlated subquery that way; it's *logically*
true.  But the planner is free to execute the query however it
chooses.  In fact, SQLite explains in great detail when the optimizer
will "flatten" a subquery into a join.  

>  select * from t1
>where c=1 and d in (select d from t2 where c=1);
>  select * from t1
>where c=1 and d in (select d from t2 where t2.c=t1.c);


select distinct t1.* 
from t1 join t2
on t1.c = t2.c and t1.d = t2.d
where t1.c = 1

Every existential quantification can be recast as a join.  


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Is there a tool to convert `where`s to equivalent `join`s?

2019-03-04 Thread James K. Lowden
On Fri, 1 Mar 2019 13:44:57 +0530
Rocky Ji  wrote:

> So for learning sake, is there a tool that converts a query using
> `WHERE` to a query (that yields identical results) using JOINs? Like
> a English ->  side-by-side translator.

SQL-92 was introduced a long time ago.  At that time, I don't remember
any vendor offering any kind of automatic conversion tool.  Nor do I
know of one now.  

It's not that it couldn't be done.  It's that it wouldn't help.  

Given a database schema and a query, it's no problem to separate join
criteria from (relational) select criteria.  But equivalent
translations could be expressed several ways, and no machine-generated
conversion would necessarily communicate the intention of the query any
better.  Put another way: how likely is a machine to better pose a
query than the human being did in first place?  

If automatic translation adds functionality, that's different.  For
example, Oracle had a tool to convert T-SQL to PL/SQL.  While the
output was no one's concept of beauty, it did have the property of
running on Oracle. 

The most important contribution of SQL-92 to the SELECT statement, as I
think Keith mentioned, wasn't separating JOIN from WHERE, but a clear,
standardized outer-join syntax.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Checking differences in tables

2019-02-12 Thread James K. Lowden
On Tue, 12 Feb 2019 15:05:29 +
Jose Isaias Cabrera  wrote:

> >SELECT * From t WHERE datestamp = "20190208"
> Ok, Simon, I'll bite; :-) Imagine this table:
> t (n INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, a, b, c, d, e, idate)

That's better.  
> how would I find the differences in the fields based on the different
> idate?

select ...
from t as now join t as then
on now.idate = '20190208' 
and then.idate = '20190207' -- note single quotes 
and ... -- other things that match
where ... --- things that don't match

Can't be more specific than that when the question is "find the

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Min/Max and skip-scan optimizations

2019-02-04 Thread James K. Lowden
On Mon, 4 Feb 2019 18:55:33 +0100
Gerlando Falauto  wrote:

> I remember reading ORDER BY is only allowed in
> the outer query

As Keith said, SQLite allows ORDER BY in subqueries.  The SQL standard
does not.  

Logically, ORDER BY makes sense only for the outer query.  An SQL
SELECT statement decribes a set of results, possibly presented in a
particular order. An "internal ORDER BY" describes neither selection
criteria nor presentation order.  

Technically, ORDER BY takes a tabular result as input and produces a
cursor as output.  It need not sort the results; all that's required is
that the cursor return successive rows in the prescribed order.  

SQLite extends ORDER BY with LIMIT.  Because the combination affects
more than just the order, it can be useful to use ORDER BY in a
subquery.  Now that window functions provide a (more convenient)
standard way to produce row numbers, LIMIT is a bit of anachronism but, 
for reasons of backwards compatibility, is unlikely to be removed.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQLite slow when lots of tables

2019-01-29 Thread James K. Lowden
On Tue, 29 Jan 2019 12:00:49 +0100 (CET) wrote:

> what happens if I put all data in a single table and this table
> become very huge (for example millions of rows)?

Big tables are your friend, actually.  

A binary search on  1 million rows requires at most 20 operations.  

A binary search on  2 million rows requires at most 21 operations.  

A binary search on 10 million rows requires at most 24 operations.  

Provided there are appropriate indexes, the power of O(log n) means
that as the data grow, they are incrementally easier to search.  

I had a friend who told me once that he was working on his 2nd million
dollars.   He gave up on the first milliion because it was too hard.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQLite slow when lots of tables

2019-01-28 Thread James K. Lowden
On Mon, 28 Jan 2019 16:28:41 +
Simon Slavin  wrote:

> SQL is not designed to have a variable number of tables in a
> database.  All the optimization is done assuming that you will have a
> low number of tables, and rarely create or drop tables.


The table name should not be meaningful to your application; nothing in
your application should conjure up a table name.  It's an external
factor your application is configured to use.  

If you're generating table names based on application data, you're
insinuating data in the metadata.  When Simon says "SQL is not
designed" for that, he's referring to the fact that the schema is
expected to be relatively stable because it *describes* the data.  The
system is designed to search for data in the tables, not among their

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Is this rewrite of a query OK

2019-01-25 Thread James K. Lowden
On Fri, 25 Jan 2019 23:35:51 +0100
Cecil Westerhof  wrote:

> SELECT MIN(totalUsed)  AS minimum
> ,  MAX(totalUsed)  AS maximum
> ,  MAX(totalUsed) - MIN(totalUsed) AS range
> FROM   quotes
> But I did not like it because I repeated the MIN and MAX. 

There's no problem with either version.  For what it's worth, I like
your first one, above.  It's shorter, and the meaning is not obscured
by calling min & max twice.  Computationally they should be the same;
the DBMS will traverse "quotes" just once.  

If the repeated calcuations were more complicated, to the point that
burying them in a subquery made the whole thing shorter, then I would
probably opt for something like the 2nd version,  to avoid the
possibility of errors in the repeated code. 

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Database locking problems

2019-01-21 Thread James K. Lowden
On Mon, 21 Jan 2019 18:12:25 -0500
Richard Damon  wrote:

> Some operations can be order of microseconds if the data resides in
> cache, 

Thank you, I hadn't considered that.  I was thinking that seek times on
"spinning rust" -- which is the only economically feasible technology
for large databases, which would be typical of a database with many
concurrent users -- is still measured in milliseconds.  And the larger
the database, the lower the cache hit ratio.  

> SQLite is NOT intended to be used over a network

No emphasis required.  I didn't imply network access.  I posited
multple clients, of which there could be many on a large shared-logic

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Database locking problems

2019-01-21 Thread James K. Lowden
On Sun, 20 Jan 2019 21:51:19 +

> > insert into t
> > select :pid, nrows, N
> > from (select 1 as N union select 2 union select 3) as cardinals
> > cross join (select :pid, count(*) as nrows from t) as how_many;
> >
> > By using a single SQL statement, you avoid a user-defined
> > transaction and any proprietary transaction qualifiers.
> There's too much back-and-forth between the database and my logic to
> put it all into a single statement.  Thus, transactions are
> necessary.  Transactions exist to allow multiple statements to become
> an atomic unit, so eschewing them is basically the same thing as
> admitting they don't work.  

I don't suggest you eschew user-defined transactions, and I don't admit
they don't work.  I suggest not relying on proprietary features.  BEGIN
IMMEDIATE may do what you want, but at the cost of not learning
how to accomplish the same thing using standard SQL.  

In general, the formulation

select ...
do stuff
insert ...

will get you in trouble in most SQL setups, because selected data are
subject to change, whether or not the logic is in a user-defined
transaction.  If the DBMS is set up with serialized isolation,
concurrency will be compromised because you're holding a transaction
open across application logic.  That's especially true when it would be
most convenient: when "do stuff" involves user interaction, and said
user might choose that moment for a coffee break.  

The most common solution is to check your assumptions at the door,
otherwise known as "optimistic concurrency". At time of insert,
make sure the previously obtained data still obtain, i.e., that nothing
has changed meanwhile. If it has, the precondition for the update has
been violated, and you start over.  If it hasn't -- and, in practice,
usually it hasn't -- you're good to go.  

In your case, you might be able to do something like 

select count(*) as nrows from t
do stuff
begin transaction
insert into t select ... where nrows = (select count(*) from t)
verify rows affected == 1
insert into t select ... where nrows = (select count(*) from t)
verify rows affected == 1
insert into t select ... where nrows = (select count(*) from t)
verify rows affected == 1

putting whatever the relevant test is in the WHERE clause.  The test
can be simplified in SQLite to just the first insert, because with
SQLite's single-writer design, they're redundant once the transaction
has begun to take effect (ie, once other writers really are blocked).  

User-defined transactions weren't invented to deal with
read-write-write errors.  They were invented to enforce referential
integrity.  SQL has no syntax to update several related tables at the
same time.  If updates to different tables would leave the database in
an inconsistent state, some mechanism is needed to convert those
several SQL statements into a single all-or-nothing update.  Thus were
born user-defined transactions.  


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Database locking problems

2019-01-21 Thread James K. Lowden
On Sun, 20 Jan 2019 17:01:25 -0700
"Keith Medcalf"  wrote:

> SQLite3 however has latencies on the order of microseconds 

Is that really true?  Are there machines for which SQLite's throughput
can be measured in transactions per millisecond?  

I think you're referring to the latency of the function-call overhead,
as opposed to using a network interface.  But since DBMSs are basically
I/O machines, and the most interesting operations involve I/O, it's not
clear to me why function-call overhead is a relevant measure.  

> [SQLite] does not have the same opportunity for opportunistic
> behaviour as does a client/server database which may be serving
> thousands of concurrent (but different) applications.

That I think is the relevant measure.  It's the number of clients, not
latency, that makes SQLite's lock-the-whole database feasible.  On a
large machine supporting thousands of clients, the latency advantage
would be overwhelmed by the concurrency disadvantage, depending of
course on the rate of updates.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Variable Declaration

2019-01-20 Thread James K. Lowden
On Sat, 19 Jan 2019 12:01:34 -0700
"Keith Medcalf"  wrote:

> Microsoft took the OS/2 3.0 Beta 2 code and generated their OS/2 New
> Technology.  The "New Technology" part was considered to be a bit to
> long, so Microsoft shortened it to NT, replaced the Presentation
> Manager with with Windows layer, added the "Windows Subsystem" and
> released it as Windows NT.  

The whole message was fun to read; I just wanted to correct this part.
You'll remember Microsoft hired David Cutler from DEC to create Windows
NT.  AFAIK there was no OS/2 technology per se in NT.  Some of the
Windows API was shared across all three -- DOS/Windows, OS/2, and NT --
but the underlying OS functionality -- scheduling, memory model, I/O --
was utterly different.  Of the 3, NT was the only one with demand-paged
virtual memory and isolated per-process virtual addressing on the i386

Notably, early versions of NT put the video driver in userspace, not in
the kernel.  That made processing more reliable and games slower.
History has since shown that Microsoft, when faced with a choice
between correct and fast, always chose fast.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Database locking problems

2019-01-20 Thread James K. Lowden
On Sat, 19 Jan 2019 08:07:42 -0500
Richard Hipp  wrote:

> The busy timeout is not working because you start out your transaction
> using a read operation - the first SELECT statement - which gets a
> read lock.  Later when you go to COMMIT, this has to elevate to a
> write lock.  But SQLite sees that some other process has already
> updated the database since you started your read.  

Another solution is to rely on atomicity in SQL: 

insert into t
select :pid, nrows, N
from (select 1 as N union select 2 union select 3) as cardinals
cross join (select :pid, count(*) as nrows from t) as how_many;

By using a single SQL statement, you avoid a user-defined transaction
and any proprietary transaction qualifiers.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQLite 3.21.0 for z/OS UNIX - installation issues

2019-01-04 Thread James K. Lowden
On Fri, 4 Jan 2019 16:14:22 +0100
Mario Bezzi  wrote:

> awk '($0  ~ /^CC = /) { $0 = "CC = xlc" }
> ($0  ~ /^CFLAGS = /) { $0 = "CFLAGS = -O2 -q32 -qfloat=ieee
> -qnolist" } ($0  ~ /^LDFLAGS = /) { $0 = "LDFLAGS = -q32" }
> ($0  ~ /^DEFS = /) { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) \
> { if ($i == "-DHAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE=1") $i =
> (1) { print $0 }' Makefile
> echo "Makefile patched, original version saved as Makefile.original"

That might be more conventionally written, and easier to understand,

awk '
/^CC = / { $0 = "CC = xlc" }
/^CFLAGS = / { $0 = "CFLAGS = -O2 -q32 -qfloat=ieee -qnolist" }
/^LDFLAGS = / { $0 = "LDFLAGS = -q32" }
/^DEFS = / { gsub(/-DHAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE=1/, \
{ print }
' Makefile
echo "Makefile patched, original version saved as Makefile.original"


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Using sqlite3_interrupt with a timeout

2019-01-02 Thread James K. Lowden
On Mon, 31 Dec 2018 14:25:41 -0700
"Keith Medcalf"  wrote:

> def run_query_with_timeout(db, query, timeout, whizround)
>   stmt = prepare(db, query)
>   create_thread A interrupt_function(db, stmt, timeout,
> whizround) while sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW
>   ... process the row ...
>   cancel_thread A
>   join_thread A /* make sure the thread is ended */
>   sqlite3_finalize(stmt)

If I don't want to use threads, can I call sqlite3_interrupt from a
signal handler?  


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Sample Employee database ported to SQLite from MySQL

2018-12-21 Thread James K. Lowden
On Thu, 20 Dec 2018 15:42:27 +
Chris Locke  wrote:

> and a model number is a numeric number

My phone's model number is VVX 500.  

> set the column affinity to the type of data

Yes, and not everything that looks like a number is a number.  Some
things that start out looking like numbers change over time in ways
that make them non-numeric.  

If the assigning body didn't intend the "number" as a quantity, it's
not.  Treating it as such will often come to tears.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Sample Employee database ported to SQLite from MySQL

2018-12-20 Thread James K. Lowden
On Wed, 19 Dec 2018 10:55:11 +
Chris Locke  wrote:

> Fields with '_no' are read as 'number' and so should be a number.
> OK, that doesn't always work for 'telephone_no' (they usually start
> with a 0

Lots of numbers are labels that aren't meant to be calculated on.  Item
number, part number, model number, serial number, order number.
Anything that needs to be distinguished and isn't worth naming.  

It's never a good idea to store such numbers as numerical types.
There's always  a potential loss of information, be it the leading zero
or embedded '-' or multiple '.' characters.  Unless the "number" is a
quantity, for compuational purposes it's text.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Question about floating point

2018-12-19 Thread James K. Lowden
On Tue, 18 Dec 2018 17:34:29 -0500
Dennis Clarke  wrote:

> some serious reading and experiments are needed to get a good
> handle on why numerical computation is as much art as it is science.
> If we wander into the problem without sufficient study and VERY
> careful consideration then we are doomed to repeat the errors of the
> past. 

I think perhaps you left out "Numerical Methods for Scientists and
Engineers", by Richard Hamming.  :-)  

But when you boil it down, the answer is there is no answer, is there?
The best advice is to understand where things can go wrong, and stay
away from them.  

The truth is that any system for representing numbers is forced to
represent some numbers approximately.  

We think "pen and paper" and the good old decimal system is the gold
standard, but what of ? ?  Even bankers, ever counting pennies,
approximate to compute interest and averages.  Little known fact:
sometimes they compute interest on the basis of a 360-day year.  


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Question about floating point

2018-12-17 Thread James K. Lowden
On Mon, 17 Dec 2018 17:35:54 +
Simon Slavin  wrote:

> On 17 Dec 2018, at 5:16pm, James K. Lowden 
> wrote:
> > IEEE
> > double-precision floating point is accurate to within 15 decimal
> > digits.
> First, the problem is not storage it's calculation.
> Second, the thread was started because a floating point calculation
> in SQLite, exactly as it is run today, led to the following value:
> 211496.252
> which is typical of such problems. 

What problem?  Rounded to the number of significant digits -- 2 decimal
places in the input -- the number is correct.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] add constant to INTEGER PRIMARY KEY

2018-12-17 Thread James K. Lowden
On Thu, 13 Dec 2018 16:06:04 -0700
"Keith Medcalf"  wrote:

> You cannot do that.  The PRIMARY KEY is required to be unique at each
> "step" along the way, 

For the OP's benefit, this is  longstanding, er, idiosyncrasy of
SQLite.  It does not conform to the SQL standard.  

The SQL rule is there are no "steps".  Each statement is atomic; it is
either executed entirely or not at all.  The contraints on the table
apply to the *user-visible* view of the data: before the update begins,
and after it finishes. They do not apply during the time the DBMS is
updating the data, however it chooses to do so.  

> Letting alone why anyone would want to do such a thing

The following is legal in SQL for a unique column, 

update T set a = a +1

*regardless* of the values in "a".  SQLite is the only DBMS I'm aware
of that prevents the update if "a" is unique and holds consecutive

That kind of update is neither absurd nor unusual.  An obvious example
is updating all records by 1 day (perhaps because originally

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Question about floating point

2018-12-17 Thread James K. Lowden
On Sat, 15 Dec 2018 01:24:18 -0800
Darren Duncan  wrote:

> If yours is a financial application then you should be using exact
> numeric types only

Color me skeptical.  That very much depends on the application.  IEEE
double-precision floating point is accurate to within 15 decimal
digits.  The example given, 

> 211496.26

gives, safely, a margin of 6 order of magnitude.  If the application is
taking sums of 100's of thousands of dollars, it will stay accurate to
within a penny using floating point until there are millions of

10^15 ÷ 10^8 = 10^7

I doubt the financial application exists that sums milliions of entries
AND cares about the last penny.   

I've seen advice about using integer arithmetic and implied decimal
points in textbooks.  It's convenient in languages like Cobol, that
support it.  In languages like C, floating point is too convenient --
and accurate -- to ignore.  

I'm sure banks have regulations and approved rounding algorithms.  
In decades of programming on Wall Street, though, we used floating
point for everything.  The only problems I remember involved matching
results between systems when porting: the differences were
insignificant, but because they were visible they had to be explained.
That always took some work.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Question about floating point

2018-12-17 Thread James K. Lowden
On Sat, 15 Dec 2018 10:35:01 -0700
"Keith Medcalf"  wrote:

> And the propensity to apply intermediate rounding still exists.

Yes.  The only significant errors I've ever seen using floating point
were not due to the computer, but to the programmer.  


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Corrupted database: On tree page 76852 cell 303: Rowid 18741471 out of order

2018-12-05 Thread James K. Lowden
On Wed, 5 Dec 2018 05:21:30 +
Simon Slavin  wrote:

> On 5 Dec 2018, at 5:16am, Ryan Schmidt  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > "VMware ESX acknowledges a write or read to a guest operating
> > system only after that write or read is acknowledged by the
> > hardware controller to ESX. Applications running inside virtual
> > machines on ESX are afforded the same crash consistency guarantees
> > as applications running on physical machines or physical disk
> > controllers."
> Interesting.  That paragraph is a well-written piece of text
> explaining the opposite of what I thought.  Maybe things have changed
> in the past decade.

VMware may well be doing the best it can on unreliable hardware.  I
believe it's common knowledge that consumer-grade hard drives lie when
acknowledging writes: the acknowlegement is sent when the data are
received into the device's write buffer, not after being written to
disk.  It's good for benchmarks.  No one benchmarks data corruptions.  

'Twas ever thus: If you want a reliable database, use a reliable disk.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] sqlite3_bind_text() and WHERE x IN (?)

2018-12-05 Thread James K. Lowden
On Fri, 30 Nov 2018 23:25:48 +0900
Simon Walter  wrote:

> > SELECT id, data FROM val WHERE id IN ("1, 893, 121212");
> I have no idea yet if MySQL and/or PostgreSQL can handle this
> scenario and how they do it. 

The important thing to understand about parameterized queries is that
they are not a generalized macro system. Only data -- not metadata, not
arbitrary strings -- can be parameterized.  That's why your IN list
can't be parameterized (except as individual elements) and why can't say

SELECT id, data FROM ?
SELECT id, ? FROM val

as would occasionally be convenient.  

Other than string-slinging, the only generalized standard solution for
your parameterized IN list, where the number of elements is variable,
is to first insert the list into a table, then use IN or EXISTS against

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Suitability for Macintosh OS 9.2?

2018-11-19 Thread James K. Lowden
On Mon, 19 Nov 2018 17:16:37 +0100
Dominique Devienne  wrote:

> Most of the SQLite code is platform agnostic, but at some point, it
> must interface with the local filesystem on the local platform.

While your first challenge will probably be to get a sufficiently
modern C compiler for OS 9, Dominique's point will probably turn out to
matter more.  SQLite is very adaptable; it makes almost no assumptions
about OS services.  But on a non-Posix, non-Windows OS like yours,
you'll have the work of supplying the missing pieces to allow SQLite to
open a file, flush writes to disk, and so on.  

As they say, just a small matter of programming.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] forming sqlite3_statements using stored sql

2018-11-03 Thread James K. Lowden
On Fri, 2 Nov 2018 15:24:51 -0700
Jens Alfke  wrote:

> > On Nov 2, 2018, at 12:50 AM, Thomas Kurz 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > My opinion is that the logic for database queries should be held
> > together with the data.
> Why? The logic has to be in the application itself (where else would
> it come from?) to copy into the database in the first place. So why
> create a duplicate of it in the db file?

The usual answer is that the query can be modified to produce the same
logical result without recompiling the application.  An unmodified
application could use a newer database with a different schema, and
still obtain the same results by calling the (new) procedure by the
same name.  

In object-oriented terms, that's information hiding: the "internal"
structure can change, while the access method continues to present the
same interface.  

To a limited extent, views have the same effect.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] forming sqlite3_statements using stored sql

2018-11-01 Thread James K. Lowden
On Thu, 1 Nov 2018 08:41:51 +0100
Clemens Ladisch  wrote:

> > It  strikes me that this would be nicer if sqlite offered this as
> > an intrinsic capability.
> How would SQLite know what the table and column names are?  

When the SQL is loaded, it can be parsed and analyzed.  SQLite could,
if it chose, prevent dropping a table references by the stored SQL, or
at least report on missing/obsolete pieces.  But it need not do any
more than it currently does with views.  

> How would that API be different from exec("SELECT SQL From StmtSQL
> WHERE StmtName = ?")+prepare?

Perhaps the least intrusive change would be to support special syntax
in the prepare function.  If the first word of the SQL is EXEC instead
of insert/update/delete/select, look up the name in the procedure
table, subsitute the retrieved text, and proceed per usual.  

Rather than inserting the SQL into a user-visible table, it might be
preferable to support CREATE PROCEDURE.   


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Bug: float granularity breaking unique contraint?

2018-11-01 Thread James K. Lowden
On Thu, 1 Nov 2018 01:18:26 +0100
szmate1618  wrote:

> But there seems to be an unintended
> workaround
> UNIQUE);INSERT INTO TestReal values (9223372036854775807);INSERT INTO
> TestReal values (9223372036854775807 - 1);INSERT INTO TestReal values
> (9223372036854775807 - 2);INSERT INTO TestReal values
> (9223372036854775807 - 3);
> runs without any problems. 

On Wed, 31 Oct 2018 23:05:19 -0300
Bernardo Sulzbach  wrote:

> So if you are inserting integers
> into a real column, you are going to store integers. However, when you
> select from it they are presented as reals and mix up (looking as if
> there were duplicates [...]

I don't think that explanation holds water.  

UNIQUE);INSERT INTO TestReal values (9223372036854775807);INSERT INTO
TestReal values (9223372036854775807 - 1);INSERT INTO TestReal values
(9223372036854775807 - 2);INSERT INTO TestReal values
(9223372036854775807 - 3);sqlite>...>...>...>...> 

sqlite> select cast(A as integer) from TestReal;

sqlite> select hex(A) from TestReal;

sqlite> select count(*), hex(A) from TestReal group by hex(A);

sqlite> .schema TestReal

Curiouser and curiouser.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Question about a query

2018-10-09 Thread James K. Lowden
On Tue, 9 Oct 2018 10:22:12 -0700
Jens Alfke  wrote:

> You could implement a custom query function to do this (custom
> functions are quite simple, and there are examples online).

Been there, done that.  :-)


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQLite Windows GUI alternative to Excel?

2018-10-09 Thread James K. Lowden
On Sat, 6 Oct 2018 21:21:38 +0100
Simon Slavin  wrote:

>  There is never any point in this process when a manager looks at
> what's being done with Excel and says "Okay we need to hire a
> programmer to turn this into a proper App.".

Hmm, there is such a point.  I used to do work like that, and there
were others in the firm who did, too.  Still are. afaik.  

Modeling and prototyping get done by analysts with numerical and
statistical tools: Excel, sure, but also SAS, Matlab, R, etc.  Not
infrequently, some sinister stew cooked up with a database or two
added (or taken from).  If the model/prototype proves useful, it will
be reimplemented as a production application in a "real language"
to keep better control of the computational result.  The more users,
the more control is needed,  because fools^Wusers are so inventive.  

It's actually a gargantuan, industry-wide, systemic waste of time.  If
the core of the model could be be extracted from its GUI and inserted
as a module in a production program, millions of man-hours could be
saved every year.  

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Persistent snapshots and rollbacks

2018-10-05 Thread James K. Lowden
On Fri, 5 Oct 2018 17:39:57 +0200
Daniel Kraft  wrote:

> I need the ability to make multiple changes / commits to my SQLite
> database but keep snapshots of previous states and potentially roll
> back to those states later on.  All of that needs to be persistent,
> i.e. survive closing the database and restarting the process.  After
> some time, I can get rid of old snapshots (my process determines by
> itself when and which snapshots can get discarded, it is not based on
> some fixed TTL or something like that).

"The totality of data in a data bank may be viewed 
as a collection of time-varying relations."
-- E.F. Codd in
"A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks"

You're not the first.  Data change over time.  SQL doesn't support data
versions as a language feature, but you can implement it yourself
in your database design.  

Add a "version" column to your table.  Create views that (using a
self-join) show only the latest version. Periodically purge old
versions.  Roll back by deleting new versions.  

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] using a custom memory allocator in TH3

2018-09-29 Thread James K. Lowden
After stumbling on SQLite's description of its memory allocators, I
decided to write a one for testing that might be slow but is certainly
robust.[1]  I thought it might be interesting to hook it up to TH3, but
I don't understand how to do that.  

The instructions say: 

1.  Generate the code
2.  Link to your favorite SQLite library
3.  Run

Where do I call 

sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_MALLOC, ... ) 

as explained in ?


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Please remove multiple warnings from compiler about optimisation, variable conversion, signed overflow and many more potential errors.

2017-10-05 Thread James K. Lowden
On Fri, 29 Sep 2017 16:55:05 -0400
Igor Korot  wrote:

> But then why not give it some default value ("0" maybe") and default
> it to "1" only if needed during configure?

Because complexity.  It takes effort --- unnecessary effort -- to set
up that default.  That effort could introduce an error, whereas no
effort *cannot* introduce an error.  Less is more.  

The assumption on the part of the guideline authors seems to be that if
something is undefined, it might have been overlooked, and the best way
to make sure it's not overlooked is by ensuring there's always an
explicit definition.  That's a debatable proposition.  The mere fact
something is defined in no wise ensures it is defined correctly.  

In this case, the tools themselves provide the definition.  For those
that do, the code compiles one way.  For those that do not, another
way.  It's entirely automatic.  How could supplying those definitions
manually be an improvement?  


sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] SqLite Metadata information

2017-09-20 Thread K, Rajasekar
Hi All,

I am currently working on a project where I am using "SqLite" database to store 
some data. And I need to get some information about the database I have created.
Information like

1.   Charset - character set used in the database

2.   Collation - Collation method used in the database

3.   Encryption - Encryption method used in the database

4.   Casesensitve - Case sensitive details

Can I get all of these details ablout the database? If not can I get little 

I am not sure how to get all these details and I have checked the sqlite_master 
table this doesn't give any info.

Is there any build in functions that will give me these details?

I have used C# to create database.

With best regards,
Rajasekar K

Siemens Technology and Services Private Limited
84, Hosur Road
Bengaluru 560100, India
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Please remove me from the mailing list

2017-09-13 Thread Dan K McCormick
Thanking you in advance Dan
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