Re: [Tagging] Disputed area

2015-07-26 Thread Eric SIBERT

Le 26/07/2015 03:20, Arch Arch a écrit :

The main server is not for testing. Please use instead


I did not do a complex thing.

I've removed Tromelin from Mauritius relation

Better practice is to ask the contributor to remove it itself.

as this causes rendering issues:

Tagging for render?


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Disputed area

2015-07-25 Thread Eric SIBERT

I did some try.

* Mont-Blanc area claimed by France and Italy but occupied by nobody.
I have split the boundary into two branches (an awful job considering 
the number of administrative relations involved).

I defined an area with:
dispute:claim:FR=yes (area claim by France)
dispute:claim:IT=yes (area claim by l'Italie)
dispute:recognized:FR=yes (dispute is recognized as such by French 
dispute:recognized:IT=yes (dispute is recognized as such by Italian 


I added the area both to relations France and Italia (admin_level=2) 
with role dispute:recognized (each government recognize that there is an 
area within his border that is subject to dispute).

* Juan de Nova island. French island. Claim by Madagascar. French 
government don't really recognize that there is a conflict (I think this 
is the most common case of disputed area).

I added to the island perimeter which is already the French boundary:

Added to Madagascar relation with dispute:claim role.
Not added to France relation because French government don't acknowledge 
the dispute.

* Tromelin Island. French island. Claimed by Mauritius. French 
government accepted to share fishing right with Mauritius that I 
consider as an acknowledgment of the dispute.

I added to the island perimeter which is already the French boundary:

Added to Mauritius relation with dispute:claim role.
Added to France relation with dispute:recognized role.

I see several drawbacks.
- looking at the disputed territories proposal 
I would say that my use of recognized is not well suited. Recognized 
would be better fits for foreign governments or international 
organizations (like UN) that recognized the 'de facto' situation. May be 
dispute:acknowledge:CC=* would be best suited to indicate that a 
government recognize that there is a dispute.

- there are several redundancies.
If country AA claims an area out of his 'de facto' boundaries, it is 
both marked as dispute:recognized:AA=yes and added to AA relation with 
dispute:claim role.
If country BB recognize that there is a disputed area within his 'de 
facto' boundaries it is both marked as dispute:recognized:BB=yes and 
added to BB relation with dispute:recognized role.

Indeed, all roles dispute:claim are supposed outside the country 
boundaries and all roles dispute:recognized are supposed inside the 
country boundaries. May be one role should be enough for both.

Or no role/inclusion in relation at all.

What are all the disputed areas within CC and recognized as such by CC 
government? Request all disputed_area=yes within CC relation and with 

Last question : how to indicate that an area want its independence?


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Disputed area

2015-07-23 Thread Eric Sibert

I think a good test case for testing if this can handle ongoing and complex
conflicts would be Kashmir, as it's currently five-ways disputed between
Pakistan, India, China, a Kashmir separatist/freedom/independence movement,
and recently displaced-from-Afghanistan irregular Islamic fundamentalist

I would be cautious about not stabilized conflicts and therefore  
exclude the last group and just focus on the first four claimers. In  
the same idea, I would not try to describe the situation in East  

First question : can you draw current de facto borders? The northern  
part of India/Pakistan border?

Second question : can you draw areas with uniform claims and de facto  
situation inside?


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Disputed area

2015-07-23 Thread Eric Sibert

Overlapping should be the first step to mapping a dispute. Then if you want
to add dispute attributes, you could create a new multipolygon with areas
in question, and add dispute specific tags, wikidata tags, and similar.

In my previous message, I proposed to create a relation for the  
disputed area but a single polygon may be enough in most cases. A  
multipolygon may be used if the same dispute deals with several areas  
(like one country claiming several islands of another country at the  
same time).


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] bridge AND embankment

2015-07-23 Thread Eric Sibert

@Eric: I looked at more examples, and I have to admit that you are right
with your statistical (0.1%) argument. Most cases I looked at, are obvious
accidental tagging errors.

I checked for Madagascar. I found one case and I'm the author :-p
I first added embankment and later cute a small part of the road to  
add a bridge.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Disputed area

2015-07-23 Thread Eric Sibert
Yes, some disputed areas are more stable and, in osm, one may focuses  
first on it.

In a lot of cases, there is "de facto" one country administrating the  
area. We should use the "de facto" aspect to draw a closed  

Then we may add to the relation disputed areas with different roles  
whenever they are inside or outside the "de facto" boundaries.

The disputed area may be itself defined by a relation including the  
area, the boundaries claimed by each government and may be some tags  
to indicate if the disputed area is recognized as such by each  
government and/or attributed to one specific government by some  
international organization (for "de jure" aspect?).

For my initial case (Mont-Blanc between fr and it), there is no "de  
facto" occupying country. I would split the boundary into two branches  
corresponding to each government claim. Define a disputed_area  
relation with:

- each branch
- the area
- claimed by France
- claimed by Italy
- dispute acknowledged by France
- dispute acknowledged by Italy
- dispute acknowledged by European Union
Put each branch in the corresponding country relations. Add to each  
country relation a disputed_area_inside with the disputed relation.
The main drawback is that there is an overlap between France and Italy  
that may stress some tools.

Gibraltar : there is a "de facto" occupying country. I would not split  
the boundary into two branches. Define a disputed_area relation with:

- the UK branch surrounding Gibraltar
- the earth border between UK and Spain
- the area
- claimed by Spain
- dispute acknowledged by Spain
- dispute acknowledged by Uk
Maintain the earth border in the corresponding country relations.
Add to UK relation a disputed_area_inside with the disputed relation.
Add to Spain relation a disputed_area_outside with the disputed relation.

Area claimed by nobody between Egypt and Sudan?
Split the boundary into two branches according to each government.
Define a disputed_area relation with:
- the Sudan branch
- the Egypt branch
- the area
(no claim, no dispute acknowledgement).

Is such a schema suitable for the Indian/China case? Does is allow to  
draw a map like the one presented?


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] bridge AND embankment

2015-07-22 Thread Eric SIBERT

Although I agree that such combination is suspicious...

> 250 in France

A rough evaluation for France give me 200k ways with bridge=yes. So 
about 1 error each 1000 bridges. Not such a big issue.

My 0,02 €.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Disputed area

2015-07-21 Thread Eric Sibert

One thing that perhaps might want to be captured in other disputes is
what happens when one country actually occupies and controls the
disputed territory.  There, there's a de facto border and a claim.

Yes, I started with the easy case where not country is occupying the  
disputed area and both countries agree on the limits of the disputed  
area. There should be a similar case between USA and Canada for  
islands near Vancouver.

Although not so completely pacific is the case of Perejil/Tourah  
island between Spain and Morocco with status quo and no one occupying  

In opposite there are a lot of claims that seems mostly theoretical  
like Spain other Gibraltar, Morocco other Ceuta and Melilla,  
Madagascar other Juan de Nova and Europa islands (both inhabited but  
controlled/administrated by France)...
Tromelin island controlled by France but with fishing rights share  
with Maurice republic that is claiming the island.

So I don't know were to put the limit on which territories should be  
tagged as disputed in OSM. May be we can start with areas recognized  
as such by booth governments and not occupies by any one :-p

There is also the case of sea/water disputes like the one recently  
solved by international tribunal between Chile and Peru.


Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Disputed area

2015-07-19 Thread Eric SIBERT

Hi folks,

The are many disputed areas in the world but I want to talk about a 
specific one : the Mont-Blanc area.

- Near the Mont-Blanc submit, there is a disputed area between France 
and Italia.

- Both governments agree that there is a dispute
- Both governments also decided not to solve the issue
- none of the country is really occupying the area. There is no police 
nor military forces, no building, no weather station, no flag. Rescue 
operations are operated jointly by the two countries on an area larger 
than the disputed one.

- the idea is that both countries will share sovereignty.
- so the disputed area will remain as such for a long term, not saying 
ad vitam æternam.

We would like to put this fact in OSM, as it is the view shared by both 

But we can also try to find a solution for more general cases, with 
non-pacific disputes, with one occupying country, territories wanting 
their independence...

Any suggestion?


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Maxspeed

2015-05-11 Thread Eric Sibert

In Italy we've been using something like

maxspeed=50; source:maxspeed=IT:urban
maxspeed=90; source:maxspeed=IT:rural

+1 in France:

maxspeed=50; source:maxspeed=FR:urban
maxspeed=90; source:maxspeed=FR:rural
maxspeed=130; source:maxspeed=FR:motorway
maxspeed=30; source:maxspeed=FR:zone30
maxspeed=20; source:maxspeed=FR:living_street

Although for the last two, speed limit is included in the  
corresponding traffic sign design.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] [Bug] calculated shortest route wrong

2015-04-29 Thread Eric SIBERT


USENET and Mailing List posting netiquette:

4. Do not cross-post:

People on [tagging] may not be aware of the beginning of the discussion 
and other people on [osmand] may only receive a fraction of answers.



Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Current status of the key smoothness=*

2015-03-12 Thread Eric Sibert

(I think of the roads we drove in Kenya), so any input is welcome even if it
isn't perfect. We ran into some nasty surprises during our trip because the
road quality wasn't tagged at all.


I also widely use smoothness=* in Madagascar. Indeed, I use it to  
describe practicability of roads or tracks for 4 wheels motor  
vehicles, in somehow to answer the question: what kind of vehicle do I  
need to use this road?

Despite using it often, I still have to check the wiki time to time to  
be sure about values definition. I even more dislike tracktype=gradeN  
that is using numerical values.

Maybe, it is time to define a new key/values. We already have  
mtb:scale and sac_scale.

For instance, practicability for cars:


practicability=no (damaged road)
practicability=fourwheeldrive_only (and not 4WD_only to avoid abbreviation)
practicability=normal (default value)

Subjectivity still remains. One may consider a road as usable with a  
high clearance car because it is used by 404 taxi-brousse when another  
one may not want to use his Porche Cayenne SUV on it.

It doesn't really describe smoothness. A road usable with normal  
vehicles may be driven at 100 km/h or 20 km/h, depending on smoothness.

One may define some side scales like:


My 0,02 €.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] tagging very wide steps - highway=steps on an area?

2015-02-27 Thread Eric Sibert

I had assumed for years that the direction pointing upwards was a commonly
agreed on standard, being myself an architect I hadn't expected this to be
questionable, but as I got so much flak from people insisting on the other
way round,

Like me :-p (although not insisting).

Indeed, as a poor lonely mapper, I assumed that steps were pointing  
down like waterways.

I now am adding the tag incline=up to all steps.

+1 with incline=down but up to now, I didn't corrected my  
contributions backward.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Ethnic shops

2015-01-28 Thread Eric SIBERT

I started modifying the wiki following our recent discussion.

For cuisine=*, I added:
"May also apply to other services that deliver food, like convenience."

For shop=convenience, I added (in Tags used in combination):
"Stores selling specific type of food or with ethnic origin may use 
{{tag|cuisine}} to indicate it."

And latter go on with culture=* for nonfood services?


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] length=

2015-01-27 Thread Eric SIBERT

Le 27/01/2015 16:34, Martin Vonwald a écrit :

Ok - understood. Although I doubt, that there is real usage for that
example. But I had a quick look in overpass: besides aeroways it is
quite often used on bridges and tunnels, where the actual (official)
length can be observed. Makes sense.

Indeed, for tunnels, I just put the length indicated at the entrance in 

... and some other contributors transfered it to length=*.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Ford and other river crossing : (was : waterway=wadi problem)

2015-01-24 Thread Eric SIBERT

I wonder if there are enough of them to warrant their own bridge=*, as there 
are so many kinds of bridges. I bet we can put a ford tag on the bridge - it 
might be a simple solution.

I agree with your suggestion of using boot bridge=yes and ford=yes as it 
is usually a bridge but sometime behaves like a ford. I would avoid 
flood_prone=yes as it is made to be used when reasonably submerged. 
Adding depth=0 (or -0.5 ?) to indicate that the ford aspect is usually 
dry. (depth is not really used with bridge=* : 14 over 240).


Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Ford and other river crossing : (was : waterway=wadi problem)

2015-01-21 Thread Eric Sibert
My apologize for switching the discussion (so I change the title  
accordingly) and also for slowly answering.

First, I was not aware of depth=* use recommendation with ford=yes  
although it is in the wiki for years.

Let me back to Madagascar. We have:

- unpaved road crossing permanent river without specific equipment

- unpaved road crossing permanent river with specific equipment  
(usually made of concrete, "radier" in French, not sure on the correct  
term in English: raft???)


- unpaved road crossing intermittent river without specific equipment
May we use intermittent=yes/seasonal/flood/winter... to indicate  
period/frequency submersion?

- unpaved road crossing intermittent river with specific equipment

- paved road crossing permanent river (of course with specific equipment)

- paved road crossing intermittent river

Do we have also to use flood_prone=yes or (ford=yes / depth=0) already  
imply that it is subject to flooding?

I don't like the wiki page on flood_prone. It is telling that the main  
difference between ford and flood_prone is the danger aspect. Indeed,  
looking at illustrations, especially at the third one, I just see a  
regular ford with depth scale and so on.

I have one last case: some low profile bridge (without parapet) may be  
submerged after heavy rain but may be still usable if water depth  
above the bridge in not too high. How to tag this?


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Ethnic shops

2015-01-19 Thread Eric SIBERT

Le 19/01/2015 18:42, althio althio a écrit :

John Willis>> wrote:
 > I think there should be ethnic=*, Nationality=* , or culture=*tag
that can be used [...]

I find culture=* the best so far.

I find it specialised enough (compared to _type=*, origin=*, category=*,
group=* ...)
I find it accurate enough.
I find it generic enough (compared to more restrictive nationality=* and
even ethnicity=*) so that it enables tagging for ethnic group but also
other types of social group and subcultures.


but culture=* is already used. 84 uses:


ethnic=* is mostly used in Colombia (x1000) from an OCHA import (that I 
didn't know was compatible with OSM license) associated with 
place=hamlet, ethnic=yes and ethnic_group=*.

ethnicity=* is used with values

Some uses are strange like restaurants in USA with cuisine=national, 

Based on the current uses and the fact that culture may have several 
meanings, ethnicity=* seams to me the best choice with values as similar 
as possible to cuisine=*.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] waterway=wadi problem

2015-01-19 Thread Eric Sibert

althio althio  a ?crit :

On 19 January 2015 at 13:42, Eric SIBERT  wrote:

One may also not that road are also subject to intermittent (un)usability.
Some unpaved one are closed during rainy season.

something with conditional?
access:conditional  = no @ (Jan-Apr)

This is what I'm using up to now with approximative or average  
closing/opening dates. I also use it for mountain roads that are  
closed in winter due to snow. I also add seasonal=yes to indicate that  
it is weather dependent.

Some part of road have
concrete parts that are flood_prone during cyclone.

How can we (or not) extend it to roads?

access:conditional  = no @ flood

I'm using flood_prone=yes. With surface=concrete.

But I was looking for some method to unify intermittent aspects of  
rivers and roads that are related when roads are crossing river or  
vice versa.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] waterway=wadi problem

2015-01-19 Thread Eric SIBERT
I'm following this thread since the beginning. I'm interested in 
intermittent river for Madagascar 
(  There is mostly a dry 
season and a wet/rainy season from December to April. There is also 
around 3 cyclones a year.

Some rivers (or part of river) or lakes are permanent.

Some rivers are seasonal and only filled during rainy.

Some rivers, especially in the semi-arid South, are only active after 
cyclone or heavy storm.

One may also not that road are also subject to intermittent 
(un)usability. Some unpaved one are closed during rainy season. Some 
part of road have concrete parts that are flood_prone during cyclone.

> Less work if intermittent is simply used without the frequency extension

.. thus:

intermittent=yes/no/winter/spring/summer/autum/seasonal/ephemeral (default assumption of 

I like this proposal. One may extend it to lakes. How can we (or not) 
extend it to roads?

Indeed, winter/spring/summer/autum/ does not apply to Madagascar. One 
may define cold/fresh season (May-August), hot season (September, 
December) and wet/rainy season (January-April). Or on the East Cost, 
only two seasons: the wet one and the rainy one ;-)


Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Ethnic shops

2015-01-15 Thread Eric Sibert

Hi all,

I'm wandering on how to tag shops that are offering services with  
specific ethnic orientation. For instance:

- convenience specialized for Italian, Portuguese, Chinese products...
- clothes typical from one country/area
- hairdresser for African people although non African may also want to  
find it for braids


cuisine=* is used for restaurant and may be suitable for convenience  
but not really for clothes or hairdresser.

Any suggestion is welcome.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] pk vs kp on *=milestone and default unit?

2013-05-17 Thread Eric Sibert

Did yo had a look at the discussion of the proposed feature?

I agree that for pk, by default, unit should me considered as metric,  
as for height, maxweight, maxwidth, maxheight, maxlength...


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Juice "restaurants"

2013-05-09 Thread Eric Sibert
I'd not choose amenity=cafe if they don't sell besides the juice  
also coffee. Look how quite specific the other tags are for places  
where you can drink, eg biergarten, pub, cafe, bar, kiosk, nightclub  

I'm wondering if the way we are coding different places where we can  
drink or eat is not too specific. May be, we should think about a more  
general model like:

So renderer can easily handle a lot of cases. We can then add a tag to  
specify local cultural items:

drink_place:type=biergarten, pub, cafe, bar, kiosk...
but renderer can work without this last tag.

My 0,02 €


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] piste:type=nordic but without underlying track

2012-11-22 Thread Eric Sibert


I'm also using piste:type=nordic alone not only in field but also on  
track/road because a lot of things are different between piste and  
road. Physically, the piste is over the road but don't use his  
surface. Road is open in summer, piste in winter. Piste could be  
oneway and not the road...

You can see what I did there :


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Money transfer agents

2012-11-19 Thread Eric SIBERT

Le 19/11/2012 15:58, Janko Mihelić a écrit :

Maybe something even wider like:

service:money:exchange=yes (because you can exchange currencies in some
banks too, not only exchange bureaus)

I like it.

So service:money:transfer:operator="Western Union" ?

Quite long...


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Money transfer agents

2012-11-19 Thread Eric SIBERT

There's a proposal in the  wiki that money transfer agents such as
Western Union should be tagged as amenity=money_transfer.
I don't like this tag because of the over use of amenity key.


Many of the money transfer agents are banks or bureau de change, which
are amenities.

Yes, in France, they are always part of an other shop/bank...

In Madagascar, they are not only part of some banks put they also have 
stand alone offices.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Obstacle

2012-10-24 Thread Eric SIBERT

About the values existing
[...] For example, in my proposal there are a
comment about obstacle=bridge (69,57% values of obstacle now), that can
see here

I'm surprise by the large use of obstacle=bridge. Do we have any idea on 
how it is used now?


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] designation=* is a mess in Germany

2012-10-23 Thread Eric Sibert


In France, we have a strong misuse of this tag. Some people are using  
it instead of name=*. Maybe due to a lack of translation in Potlatch  
because "désignation" in French is a synonym of name. It is also used  
instead of note=*.

For instance :

building = school
name = Maison de la Petite Enfance
designation = Crèche

indeed, amenity=kindergarten.

osmose [1] show a warning for designation use.


[1] :

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] How to tag: road in Luxembourgish park with unclear status

2012-10-21 Thread Eric SIBERT

Road classification... such a difficult subject in many countries.

For the part that inhabitants can use, highway=residential and 

After, for me, the road is large enough for a car but motor vehicles are 
prohibited -> highway = pedestrian. Don't care about park maintenance.

until picture 9.

At this point, a car can't use it.

highway=footway : a intentionally organized way for pedestrians. 
(opposite to highway=path for way that appears after repeated use by 
pedestrians but not intentionally made for).

In booth cases (pedestrian and footway), bicycle status is not clear by 
default. Clear indication is welcome : bicycle = yes (assuming that the 
way is mostly designed for pedestrian).

Photo11 : I never now if it is mostly designed for bicycle 
(highway=cycleway) or for pedestrians (highway=footway).

segregated=no to indicate mixing of both type of users.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Emergency lane used by PSV at rush time

2012-10-17 Thread Eric Sibert

"Other lanes such as Wikipedia spitsstrooken in the Netherlands or
Wikipedia temporäre Standstreifen in Austria, Germany and Switzerland
which are available to GENERAL traffic (I.E. NOT LIMITED TO A SPECIFIC
KIND OF VEHICLES) at certain restricted times, for example during the
rush hour. "

To prevent contradicting statements I want to add at the end of the
aforementioned text the following: "This also applies to lanes which
are usually excluded, e.g. emergency shoulder lanes."

I don't find the last sentence very clear. "This" refers to what?


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Emergency lane used by PSV at rush time

2012-10-16 Thread Eric SIBERT
Sorry for late answer. There is so much traffic related to lanes on this 
mailing list.

I suggest the following rewording which should reflect the initial intention:
"Other lanes such as Wikipedia spitsstrooken in the Netherlands or
Wikipedia temporäre Standstreifen in Austria, Germany and Switzerland
which are available to GENERAL traffic (I.E. NOT LIMITED TO A SPECIFIC
KIND OF VEHICLES) at certain restricted times, for example during the
rush hour. "



Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Emergency lane used by PSV at rush time

2012-10-14 Thread Eric SIBERT

For practical tagging I think it is too theoretical for most mappers to
understand the difference.


In somehow, having a not to complicated model or at least a two levels 
model a first simple model could be better.

Back to my initial problem


lanes:condtional = 3 @ traffic_jam
lanes:psv:conditional = 1 @ traffic_jam

Basic data users just need to understand the first key. More advanced 
one may use the two last.

lanes=* wiki would need to be modified to not count temporary lanes. It 
would be more consistent as most of the time only two lanes are available.


Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Emergency lane used by PSV at rush time

2012-10-14 Thread Eric SIBERT


I'm translating the lanes=* wiki page into French. And some cases are 
coming into my mind :-p

On a motorway, the emergency lane can be used by psv (bus and taxi) when 
there is traffic jam on the usual lanes. There is no predefined hours. 
Just, when traffic jam is detected, light signal are switched to 
indicate it.

So, how would you tag this considering lanes=* definition and new 
"Conditional restrictions"?

Default is

but considering that lanes=* should include lanes that are available to 
traffic at certain restricted times, it should be lanes=3

lanes:psv:conditional= 1 @ rush_time

but this will suggest that all 3 lanes are available for all vehicles 
out of rush time.

Some other suggestions?


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Narrow Bridge

2012-10-14 Thread Eric SIBERT

The standard English term for a bridge that is only wide enough for one vehicle to pass through at 
a time is a "one-lane bridge".  In the same way, a roadway only wide enough for one 
vehicle at a time is a "one-lane road".  The bridge or road is visibly only one lane 
wide; painting lane markings on it to point out its narrowness would be redundant.

Back to my initial case in Madagascar. I'm first talking about major 
roads where two vehicles (incl. trucks) can cross without lowering there 
speeds. Although there is not central line (except in curves), there is 
virtually two lanes.

I understand that there is some redundancy between lanes=* and width=*, 
especially for for roads without painted lanes. But I like lanes=* for a 
rough description of the gauge.

About the bridge, there is usually a road sign announcing the narrowing:,fr,4,4728.cfm
It may be completed with a stop a each end of the narrow passage and 
sometime with a bump. Without bump, you may cross the bridge at full 
speed if no other vehicle is arriving in front. Otherwise, first 
engaged, first served ;-) So lanes=1 corresponds to the bridge, although 
width=* would be better but hard to determine.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Reconstructing «Dificult passability» proposal to «Obstacle»

2012-10-12 Thread Eric SIBERT

you could use lanes=1 on the narrow parts.


- a bridge or a raft with a bad link to the road/track i.e. a step at each
end of the bridge/raft. obstacle=unevenness ? or obstacle=step? For me
unevenness is to soft for what you describe.

split the way and put a short highway=steps, step_count=1

No. It would indicate that it can't be used by vehicles.

- a road on a dam or a bridge have been damaged : a bailey bridge
( have been temporary (for ten
years ;-) ) added on it.

is this an obstacle, or is it simply another type of bridge
construction? If it is an obstacle the tagging should line out in what
the obstacle consists (smoothness, width, maxweight, ...)

It's first a lanes=1 and second short connecting slopes at each end. 
Something no so far from the steps I mentioned earlier i.e. you have to 
slow down at entrance and exit of the bridge.


Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Narrow Bridge (was: Reconstructing «Dificult passability» proposal to «Obstacle»)

2012-10-12 Thread Eric SIBERT

- a narrow bridge i.e. you can't cross a vehicle in opposite
direction. We may use width=* but it is difficult to get it
precisely. obstacle=narrowness

It's slightly offtopic, but wouldn't it be logical to use "car" as a non
accurate unit of length? So you can have a tag like "width=1car" or

I like it :-)

In Europe, I found :
"1 car" used 2 times
"wide enough for a car" used 1 time

Not wildly used.

Indeed, as pointed out by Martin, I have to use lanes=1. I had a 
misunderstanding with the lanes=* key. I thought lanes=* indicated the 
number of lanes in each direction, not the total number in both 
directions. The French wiki lanes=* page need a strong update, compared 
to the English one (todo list...).

So, I will go on with lanes=1.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Reconstructing «Dificult passability» proposal to «Obstacle»

2012-10-12 Thread Eric Sibert


During my last travel in Africa, I was thinking on how to map  
obstacles on road. So I support your proposal but in a generalized  
way, not only for pedestrian or bicycle. And I take the opportunity to  
review what I observed:
- a narrow bridge i.e. you can't cross a vehicle in opposite  
direction. We may use width=* but it is difficult to get it precisely.  
- a bridge or a raft with a bad link to the road/track i.e. a step at  
each end of the bridge/raft. obstacle=unevenness ? or obstacle=step?  
For me unevenness is to soft for what you describe.

- a hole in the road.
  * A small hole you can drive other at full speed but that may  
surprise you when driving during night.
  * A medium hole where you have to use the other side of the road at  
full speed if nobody is arriving in front

  * A big hole where you have to slow down and drive inside.
(For full uneven sections, I use smoothness=*).
- a road on a dam or a bridge have been damaged : a bailey bridge  
( have been temporary (for  
ten years ;-) ) added on it.

I would no use obstacle for thinks that are deliberate and/or in their  
initial state.

For river and water. If there is water year around (or large fraction  
of the year) : ford=yes. Only flooded few days a year (after heavy  
rain), flood_prone=yes. Use surface=* to indicate whenever you are  
just driving in the river or if there is some raft build. Seasonal?  
Use seasonal=yes in conjunction with access:conditional=* to indicate  
approximative closing period (discussed recently on this mailing list.  
I will update the wiki according soon...).

Same with traffic_calming, check points...

HOT is also dealing with obstacle :


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Seasonnal roads

2012-10-10 Thread Eric Sibert

I'm looking how to tag a road with seasonal opening or closing. ...

Have you tried:

May I improve the wiki on seasonal=* to indicate that it would be nice  
to use it in conjunction with Conditional_restrictions?



Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Seasonnal roads

2012-10-10 Thread Eric Sibert

For mountain pass in Alps, this could be just

access:conditional = no @ Nov-Apr

That seems logical to me. One word on using "access:conditional" though -
this would indicate no access, including on foot.

In somehow, we may consider that the road does not exist in winter due  
to the large amount of snow over it. I mostly use it during ski touring.

For more details see [1]
and [2]. Essentially there is a hierarchy of subcategories for
transportation modes.

This scheme should be more wildly used. It seems to be use only in the  
German wiki.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Seasonnal roads

2012-10-09 Thread Eric SIBERT

One of the main mountain highways here is closed to licensed vehicles
during the winter months, but snowmobiles are permitted.  Would
vehicle:conditional apply to snowmobiles?

I also have a similar problem with road that are use in winter for 
nordic (or not) ski. Up to now, I added a second way for winter 
activities on top the way for the summer road.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Seasonnal roads

2012-10-09 Thread Eric SIBERT

 >I'm looking how to tag a road with seasonal opening or closing. ...
 >Up to now, I was using "opening_hours=*" with "Nov-Apr off".

Have you tried:

I had a look some time ago but without thinking at seasonal roads.

> Work is under way to help make the page clearer,


[...] but essentially your tag would be:

* vehicle:conditional = no @ Nov-Apr

For mountain pass in Alps, this could be just

access:conditional = no @ Nov-Apr

For African tracks, something like

smoothness:conditional = horrible @ May-Oct
smoothness:conditional = very_horrible @ Nov-Apr


smoothness = horrible
smoothness:conditional = very_horrible @ Nov-Apr

All with seasonal=yes to indicate the random aspect of the time condition.

Do you agree?


Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Seasonnal roads

2012-10-06 Thread Eric SIBERT


I'm looking how to tag a road with seasonal opening or closing. Typical, 
mountain pass are closed in winter due to snow. Usual opening and 
closing dates are published (like open from week 24 to 41). In opposite, 
some roads on ice are only opened in winter. In Africa, some unpaved 
roads are usually closed during rainy season. Up to now, I was using 
"opening_hours=*" with "Nov-Apr off". But I was looking for something 
more generic that can indicate the random aspect.

I saw the proposal seasonal=* :

Use in Europe : yes (497), no (19), winter (12), summer (9), * (2), 
Spring, Summer, Fall (1), Yes (1)

Use in Africa : year_round (171), yes (75), wet_season (32), 
cannot_determine (27), another_pattern (16), dry_season (7), na_dn (1), 
dry_weather (1)

seasonal=* does not indicate typical opening period.

Any suggestion?


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