Re: [OSM-talk] Routing Applications

2015-06-17 Thread Patrick Kilian

 In theory competition drives functionality improvements, although in
 this case it's not clear if this happened. Any map based website that
 doesn't include a permalink option isn't worth using, Unless it's been
 recently added  is very well hidden OSMR hasn't this option.

OSRM has the option to Generate Link at the top right of the box
containing the route description (i.e. quite visible in my opinion) and
has had that as long as I used their service (so not too recent). It
even offers to put the link into a QR code for you.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] 'Allowed data'

2013-12-05 Thread Patrick Kilian
As a result of some miss communication I stopped reading the email
before the wall of text ended.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Coastline updates

2013-11-22 Thread Patrick Kilian

 I think we have to face it: The approach of allowing the user to add
 anything to the map and later fix it has failed. I strongly believed in
 it for the longest time. But I don't any more. We have to have stronger
 guarantees in the data structures and more checks in editors and in
 the API. Remember, the coastline is one of the easier problems there.
 Boundaries are much more complicated. Having spent months already on this
 easy problem, I don't see how our limited ressources are going to solve
 this if we don't tackle the problem in a very different way.

A first step might be to disallow upload of certain easily detected
errors (e.g. self intersecting version=1 ways with coastline tags)
either in the editor(s) or in the API. This is certainly not going to
magically fix all coastline problems but it will lessen the workload of
the advanced mappers who try to fix coastline problems.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Making iD the default editor on

2013-08-20 Thread Patrick Kilian

  4. There are concerns that iD (and thus will
 promote Facebook and Twitter, over other social networks.

The problem I have with those big share buttons is not that they promote
Facebook or Twitter over G+ or other sites but that the (hopefully soon
default) editor promotes commercial social sites at all!

Those sites to not have you or me or the mapper sharing edits as
customers but large advertising networks. We are the product they sell.
Featuring their logo in such a prominent way suggests that a new mapper
should tweet his edit or post it to facebook to be a good member of our
community. I see that as very harmful to our undertaking of liberating
data and knowledge from the giants of the web to create a free and open
map of the world. Pushing integration with social sites directly
undermines our message of you don't have to give all your data to
google to see them on a nice map.

I guess I should really start a company that openly sells user data to
the most evil customers that I can find and demand equal placement in iD
just to prove a point.

If you really want that feature in iD because you are a stupid I have
nothing to hide post-privacy hipster who feels cool if he is a mayor of
$somewhere in foursquare, at least hide it behind a neutral share with
friends button. It don't have to be plugable or fancy, but don't give
it equal footing with view on map.

And no I wont stop bitching and complaining no matter if you call me
caustic or harmful in private discussions. When I made remarks about
the NSA doesn't have to track you, you give all your data to facebook
anyway I was considered slightly nuts. Now we learned about prism. When
I said I don't want to use google docs for HOT stuff I was considered
nuts, but now we've seen that a 5 minute google outage reduces the
internet traffic by about 40% percent. We really have to stop using the
giant of the internet. And I will continue raising that point even if it
makes me feel like Casandra.

Despite all that I find iD a very usable editor. I wont abandon JOSM for
it, but I wont hessitate to recommend iD either and I really hope that
it will be the default editor soon.

Just my 2 cents,
Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Unsubscribe

2013-05-25 Thread Patrick Kilian


It is very common for a mailing list to offer the unsubscribe link in
the footer.

Is there a reason to not adding the link to the footer ?

The list already adds a link to the listinfo page which already contains 
the option To unsubscribe from talk, get a password reminder, or change 
your subscription options ... and does set the standard 
List-Unsubscribe header.

Any further link will not help because people are too unexperienced with 
mailing lists or too lazy to use the options given to them.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] is it just me

2011-05-30 Thread Patrick Kilian

 ... or does this map look like an older Texas osmarender layer 
 screenshot plus a tilt-shift blur added?

It does. Especially the oneway arrows are quite distinct (and I remember
them well because I spent hours fiddling with them prior to r12916). But
to be honest I like the picture. Sure I would mind attribution but this
is a fine example of how good osmarender can look.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [OSM-talk] is it just me

2011-05-30 Thread Patrick Kilian

 ... or does this map look like an older Texas osmarender layer 
 screenshot plus a tilt-shift blur added?

It does. Especially the oneway arrows are quite distinct (and I remember
them well because I spent hours fiddling with them prior to r12916). But
to be honest I like the picture. Sure I would mind attribution but this
is a fine example of how good osmarender can look.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Why isn't any XAPI server available ?

2011-02-19 Thread Patrick Kilian

 Am I missing something here...?  People are complaining about how bogged
 down and slow the current service is, so its being re-written in java?
 Is there any language slower or more resource intensive than java?  If
 the service isnt designed to be portable (it only runs on one system
 currently, in the world), then who cares about java, why isnt it written
 in optimized C or some other similarly lowish level language, rather
 than java?
You miss a whole lot in that picture. First of all openstreetmap has a
really nice growth rate when it comes to mappers but we still lack
developers, especially ones that create infrastructure and not nice
webapps for the general public. So if one of the not-so-many developers
actually finds the time and starts to improve a service that is in dire
need of developer love who can dictate which tools he is to use?

The current (or some would say old) XAPI is written in mumps with a GT.M
key-value database. This language has quite a bit of history and it (as
well as the XAPI implementation in it) have been able to keep up with
openstreetmaps growth for quite a long time and have provided an
invaluable data source.

A while back the tiles@home clients switched away from XAPI to the newly
created TRAPI read only mirrors to reduce load from simple map calls
on the XAPI in the hope that this would free enough resources for the
more complicated queries to the XAPI. Never the less it is no longer
able to keep up with the increasing demand of I need all organic=yes
nodes on london and I need it now requests. Part of the problem is a
whole bunch of stupid data scraper which just use huge map calls (that
the main API disallows) to XAPI instead of using TRAPI or going straight
to the planet dump or extracts there of.

Now given that XAPI is written in a rather exotic language other
developers can not just go in and try to improve the current state of
affairs and 80n is busy doing other things and I don't blame him. I know
very well how much time can be gobbled up by developing for openstreetmap.

This is about the situation we face end of last year / start of this
year. Several developers including myself started to say if we can't
improve the current XAPI we might have to rewrite it. At first we said
that as a joke because we very well know how large such a task is. It
needs tons of manpower to get to the point where the existing XAPI is,
you need a fairly large box to handle all of the planet and you might
have moments where you have to reload the database from scratch and
can't develop for a whole week. At this point iandees stepped up to the
task and I'm immensely glad that he did.

iandees now chose java as the language of choice, a language that I
personally don't like and that I questioned when he first proposed it.
However he gave a couple of reasons that really convinced me:

* It has to be a language that I know. Now how could I argue with
that? I had been thinking about a rewrite quite some time but didn't
find the time and motivation. I know how badly I would have reacted if
somebody told be you can't use C so who am I to tell iandees you
can't use java. You want a C version? Go write it.

* It has to be a language that is spoken by a large number of
developers. Now mumps was the favorite tool of 80n and it worked very
well from him judging from the nice service he wrote in it. Be there
aren't all that many mumps developers around, at least not in the
openstreetmap ecosphere. I personally don't like java too well but at
least I can read (and write if need be) it and I know a whole bunch of
developers who use java. So if iandees doesn't have time for
openstreetmap in 5 years or gets eaten by a grue then jXAPI wont die but
others can take over and keep it running.

* The third point, and this is the point that really sold be, was: If I
don't do it completely wrong the real bottleneck wont be parsing the
result but the speed at which I can retrieve the data from hard disk.
Consequently I wont write that part myself but I will use postgis, a
well-known, well-optimized piece of software that is written in C by a
whole lot of people who can throw way more manpower at it then I ever
could. I have to applaud him for that idea and I complete agree with
his analysis that java performs sufficiently well to act as the thin
glue layer between HTTP queries and the postgis backend.

So far we have no real performance numbers for the new jXAPI much less a
direct comparison to XAPI-mumps on the same hardware. If you want to
benchmark that: Go ahead! If you ask politely we can even hand you a
(anonymised!) query log to the XAPI to use as a basis for your
benchmark. If you think you can write a faster alternative then postgis
in C or another low-level language: Go ahead! We wont hold our breath

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Why isn't any XAPI server available ?

2011-02-19 Thread Patrick Kilian

 For simple map calls there is TRAPI[1]. As far as  I know, TRAPI performs
 much better on map (bbox) queries than either the main-API, XAPI or ROMA (on
 equivalent hardware). Rather than using a database, I think it used a
 pre-tiled file structure, so that it simple needs to peace together a bunch
 of tiles, rather than do a full search in a db, which massively reduced the
 disk seeks necessary.
You point out several points which are correct but not very well known.
TRAPI exists, feeds the tiles@home clients, uses a pre-tiled structure
directly in the file system and is rather fast. Not clue why it is
ignored so often.

 I don't think XAPI is all that much better suited for map requests than the
 main API and imho it was rather unfortunate that the mantra has been for
 people getting banned from the main API for scraping to use XAPI. This just
 bogged down XAPI for people who actually needed its extra capabilities.
Right and that is why the tiles@home clients talk to the TRAPI load
balancer instead of the XAPI. But to be honest most people scraping the
XAPI would be better served by using a planet dump or extract thereof
instead of arduous scraping a web service, be it XAPI or TRAPI. Actually
I have been thinking of creating a patch to jXAPI that answers every
large map call from an IP that has recently requested several other
large map calls with an empty OSM file containing a comment along the
lines of hey you. don't bog down this server but grab an extract.

Patrick Petschge Kilian.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Is there a key for any of the major renders?

2011-01-17 Thread Patrick Kilian

 Other than the one you get by clicking Map Key on the left hand side
 of the map you mean?
 Try doing that when osmarender or the cyclemap layers are displayed
 Exactly - the technology is there. It just needs somebody to provide the
Following a similar discussion in september 2009 I wrote the following
email to the tah mailing list:

| Ok, I just finished the shell script which generates the mapkey.
| If you are interested in the osmarender map key please have a look at:
| The tarball contains the shellscript, the generated osm file and the
| generated png files. The names of the pngfiles match the names from the
| mapnik map key. A few icons (like cable.png) are missing because they
| don't fit in the bounding box. I'll see what I can do there. Patches and
| improvements are welcome, especially suggestions which features to
| incorporate.

Nothing happened after that.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Explicit tagging of name language

2010-12-07 Thread Patrick Kilian

 Hmm, I didn't realize we did that.  I thought that would count as
 for the renderer' - after all wouldn't Mapnik be capable of finding both
names and printing both on the map?
Perhaps it could.
 Does the 'on the ground rule' not give guidance here?
Who says that is doesn't apply? Google finds tons of images like this:

See two names on the ground.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Enough is enough: disinfecting OSM from poisonous people

2010-08-10 Thread Patrick Kilian
Hi all,

 I know this first hand. Many (if not most or all) of the key people
 in OSM are feeling drained, distracted and upset. Some are talking of
 hiatus or resign. These are the key people who write code, build
 things, maintain things and run our working groups.
I'm not sure if I (still) qualify for key people as I have woefully
little time to maintain the osmarender stylesheets. Mobilemap and
Tagstat, two other OSM-based projects by me, also suffer from that.

But I'm certainly at a point where I'm close to stop spending time as a
mapper and as a coder on OSM, because for every minute I spend on fun
stuff I have to spend five minutes deleting stupid emails and discussing
things over and over again.

So in short: +1 from me for a code of conduct and stronger measures
against trolls eating up our time.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Enough is enough: disinfecting OSM from poisonous people

2010-08-10 Thread Patrick Kilian

 While others are afraid to contribute to the discussion because of the heat.
 I think the Australians have a good point about the contributor terms and
 loss of data, but I'm not going to get involved and risk being labeled a
 poisonous person for agreeing with them.
There is a big difference between pointing out the current form of the
contributor terms means that we will loose 80% of the data in Australia.
Do you really want to proceed? and jumping into every thread and
spreading FUD that has been dissected and disproved several times by
different people. Only one is poisonous to the project. Can you spot which?

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Enough is enough: disinfecting OSM from poisonous people

2010-08-10 Thread Patrick Kilian

 There is a big difference between pointing out the current form of the
 contributor terms means that we will loose 80% of the data in Australia.
 Do you really want to proceed? and jumping into every thread and
 spreading FUD that has been dissected and disproved several times by
 different people. Only one is poisonous to the project. Can you spot which?
 At least if you are going to start your own FUD get the details
 correct, the estimate is 1/3-1/2 no one said anything about 80%...
No matter if the claim is 10% or 100% it should be made and it should be

 Secondly no one has disproved anything, unless you count speculation as proof.
I was not referring to the statement that the current contributor terms
would lead to data loss in Australia when I said disproved FUD.

But there has been the claim CC-BY-SA works perfectly well. If it
actually works has to be tested in court. But there are enough lawyers
that have told us it might very well break that the _perfectly_ part
of the statement is definitely false. If it worked _perfectly_ well
noone would have any doubt about the current license. Yet the statement
surfaces over and over again.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Enough is enough: disinfecting OSM from poisonous people

2010-08-10 Thread Patrick Kilian

 No matter if the claim is 10% or 100% it should be made and it should be
 Without more details about contributor intent we are left to speculate...
True. But I think we both agree that it is a valid point that should be
discussed and handled (hopefully in a manner to minimize data loss) in a
civilized and ordered fashion.

 But there has been the claim CC-BY-SA works perfectly well. If it
 actually works has to be tested in court. But there are enough lawyers 
 Can we get 2 of these lawyers to waste some of their time and to sue
 each other over this, at least that would be the end of it then one
 way or the other.
In theory a very nice idea but you would have to repeat that about 200
times to cover all relevant jurisdictions. (I'm not going to think about
the problem if we need 4 cases to test all pairs of jurisdictions.)

I certainly don't want to find out in 10 years when google is on one
side of the case and OSM on the other side. That's why I favor a move to
a license with a better chance of survival in court.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] talk Digest, Vol 69, Issue 64

2010-05-23 Thread Patrick Kilian

 in looking at the maxspeed page, i see that in going from mph to
 km/h, rounding is always down. can someone speak to why that choice
 was made?

If you stick to _that_ value, you are legally save. If you go at the
limit calculated from round to the closest integer you might be going
(slightly) too fast. So basically it avoids the old but my satnav told
me so...

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Russians at it again

2010-05-06 Thread Patrick Kilian
Hi all,

judging fromВикиПроект_Россия/Голосования/Государственная_тайна
(see for english version) and (see the Russian make a second attempt to
regulate what can be mapped in Russia...

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapnik rendering of Marinas changed

2010-04-17 Thread Patrick Kilian
Hi all,

 Is there a reason why Mapnik's rendering of leisure=marina has change 
 from a blue area to a dashed border line?
IIRC there was a discussion in #osm which basically went like this:

Does leisure=marina cover the land portion or the water portion of the

hm, well don't know. wiki says it's the land part

well anyway. rendering it in the color of water is bad. if it is water
you don't see that it is a marina and if it is land it should be blue

ah well makes sense. lets change it to a border line. that isn't
confusing and opens more options when we want to start rendering tidal

ok lets make it a blue dashed line and see who complains.

The discussion was about three week old and quoted from memory, so I
might be slightly wrong.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapnik rendering of Marinas changed

2010-04-17 Thread Patrick Kilian

 IIRC there was a discussion in #osm which basically went like this:
 Which forum do you mean by #osm?
The IRC channel #osm in the oftc network. (The one mentioned in

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapnik rendering of Marinas changed

2010-04-17 Thread Patrick Kilian
Hi all,

 Is there a reason why Mapnik's rendering of leisure=marina has change 
 from a blue area to a dashed border line?
 IIRC there was a discussion in #osm which basically went like this:
 ok lets make it a blue dashed line and see who complains.
 Count me as a complainer... I was wondering about that blue dashed line
 too - it does not fit well with the surrounding estuary and open sea.
 I'm in the process of mapping a marina and I spontaneously only tagged
 as a leisure=marina the water portion that is occupied by the harbour.
Open a trac ticket for mapnik then. Neither Steve nor the others in that
discussion had a strong opinion. Note that I didn't take part in that
discussion but merely witnessed it.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Abnormal votings on military objects in RU wiki part; PocketGIS madness

2010-04-11 Thread Patrick Kilian
Hi all,

 If there is something in the Russian DB that their government wants us
 to remove, then we should remove it. Otherwise it could escalate to
 the point where they block, or even have an edit war between
 us and hackers employed by the KGB^H^H^H Russian Intelligence. The
 entities in question are not routable, nor is there any point in
 searching for them, so clearly it is not worth it.

If we think like that, we'll have to remove all of our map data for
China tomorrow.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Administrative boundaries along roads

2010-03-21 Thread Patrick Kilian

 Many of the administrative boundaries in my area follow roads (or vice
 versa).  (E.g. )  It seems
 like the TIGER import has a separate list of nodes for the two ways
 (one administrative and one road), but the nodes are at identical
 locations.  This makes Maplint and Potlatch complain about duplicated
 nodes, making it hard to distinguish real map lint from this type.
Is the administrative boundary REALLY along the center line of the road?
That would imply that one lane of the road is in on administrative area
and the lane in the opposite direction belong to another administrative
area. If that is really the case it sounds like a legal and
administrative nightmare if the centerline ever needs to be repainted. *g*

If however all of the road and the land on one side of the road belong
to one administrative area and all the land on the other side to the
next administrative area, then the boundary should be shifted by the
width of the lane. (Which would conveniently remove the duplicate nodes).

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Freemap - OpenStreetMap for walkers (hikers) - feature ideas?

2010-03-13 Thread Patrick Kilian

 Walking isn't just about long-distance stuff.
 Being able to say: x is my starting point and I have [10|30|60mins|...]
 and I am [slow as a snail|average|running from mad mappers], please take
 me on a circular route that avoids busy roads, goes through nice parks,
 maybe goes to places people marked as good viewpoints, and accounts for
 me being slow uphill.
If you have an algorithm which does that you should be able to add: x is
my starting point and I have [10|30|60mins|...] and I am [slow as a
snail|average|a mad mapper running], please take me on a circular route
that covers some entries in OpenStreetBugs, preferably going along
streets which have buildings tagged but no house numbers.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Fwd: Re: [CrisisMappers] FW: I NEED SUPPLIES NOW/ Location of Functioning Hospital : OSM PIPELINE SUGGESTED !]

2010-01-23 Thread Patrick Kilian

 This is exactly the reason why I advocate reusing existing, proved,
 known technology :
 that has already been tried in crisis situation (see wiki/Task)
 and which just needs a new NAME
As per your request there is a dedicated OSB instance for haiti
available at

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Fwd: Haiti Field requirement: Haiti OSM maps in PDF

2010-01-17 Thread Patrick Kilian
Hi all,

 I did another try with osmarender, as the 22 MByte OSM file I
 exported in parts via josm might be inconsistent somehow.
 So I took the larger whole-Haiti (80MByte, ) file to let
 it render, but it took 2 Gigs of RAM and after 90 minutes the process
 died on my oldish machine. I use xsltproc - libxml2, no Java as XSLT
 backend (is this ok?) for osmarender.
I just ran osmarender on the haiti dump and generated a 24MB svg file
with haiti in the z17 style. Should I upload it somewhere for you? Or
should I rasterize it first? Should I use another stylefile?

 Also, if you have any ideas, to make the PDF creation process
 possible on a lowtech machine, thank you for your ideas.
On the box I used, it took less then 2 minutes. But it has 48 GB of RAM
and isn't lowtech at all.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Fwd: Haiti Field requirement: Haiti OSM maps in PDF

2010-01-17 Thread Patrick Kilian
Hi all,

 I just ran osmarender on the haiti dump and generated a 24MB svg file
 with haiti in the z17 style. Should I upload it somewhere for you? Or
 should I rasterize it first? Should I use another stylefile?
 Hey thanks, man, this is highly appreciated! 
 The stylesheet stuff could be good for public use, to facilitate 
 while zooming in.
 If you could compress that SVG with bzip2 or 7z, I would run inkscape on it, 
 if this is possible:
 inkscape --export-area-drawing  --export-pdf=quakeregion.pdf quakeregion.svg

Have a look if the content of is of any use to you.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Boundaries in Haiti

2010-01-16 Thread Patrick Kilian
Hi all,

 Based on the data here :
 of the US Census Bureau, I extracted the city and town borders for
 The tags I used are :
 is_in=name of the district
 source=US Census Bureau
 id_commune=ID given in the source file
 The file is here :
 Does it seem ok to you before uploading?
Looks good enough. One could of course reuse the ways with relations and
stuff but it is a good start.

 Is there an easy to remove these boundaries if we get better ones later ? 
Removal is easy enough. Merging with better data would be hard.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] GeoEye Haiti imagery Ok'd

2010-01-15 Thread Patrick Kilian
Hi all,
 Maybe I've missed it but is there any page that's easily accessable 
 to OSM outsiders about the Haiti mapping efforts?  This page is full of 
 info but intimidating:
 I'd really like to see something that looks more like a press release...

I created a first stab at that at

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM Tagging for Haiti: Humanitarian Data Models in support of OSM tagging for Haiti EQ

2010-01-15 Thread Patrick Kilian
Hi all,

 But I don't know yet how to perform mass edits to correct such
 typo... Can anyone do that - and tell us how it is done ?
 I think I've fixed it. Using
 and JOSM. No conflicts when uploading, 14xx objects changed.
Looks good. Only 4 collapsed_buiding left.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] icon for veterinary

2010-01-11 Thread Patrick Kilian

 I didn't expect that my previous question would make such a great
I didn't aim to hit you personally. Your email was just the straw which
broke my composure.

 Since I now volunteered for implementing an icon for
 amenity=veterinary, I couldn't get my mind off the icon itself today.
Hehe. I know that feeling.

 The approved proposal - which I now know should not have any direct
 influence on the renderers presentation since they are independent
 projects - included a paw icon that shows up at rendered-as in the
 green box at
 As user Breezer commented *after* the voting had passed, that could
 be misleadingly interpreted as a pet shop instead. I agree with that
 and would prefer a different or modified icon.
Furthermore a paw is used for leisure=dog_park. For details see

 Now I've got a few more questions: (practical, not technical)
 1. Am I free to choose any other icon at my own decision or should I
 open a draft/RFC/vote in the wiki (or elsewhere) and post a few
 alternative icons? This is not about necessity but about
 organizational stuff since there was a somehow approved icon already
 and displays tiles on its front page, so I don't
 want to interfere with previous decisions.
For osmarender it's pretty much pick anything that looks sensible to
you. In cases where variants might be necessary later on (say
barrier=*) it's good practice to pick an icon which easily and naturally
extends to similar tags.

 2. I personally would prefer a rod of Asclepius and a V (for
 veterinary). Having done some quick searches on Google and Flickr
 that seems to be commonly used almost worldwide (limited to the
 search results) as far as there are any standardized icons/signs.
That would have been my choice as well.

 Is there a place (maybe this mailinglist should be sufficient) to ask
 whether that's really easy to understand for everyone? It should be
 for Europe and according to my searches also in the USA and
 Australia; but what about other countries or is that irrelevant?
 There are existing nodes all over the world (currently only a
 minority outside Europe, USA and Australia), so the same icon would
 show up globally as soon as the tiles are being rerendered.
If an icon is understood across Europe, the USA and several other
countries it is pretty much irrelevant what the other 180 countries use,
EXCEPT if the tag is heavily used there. So if 2/3 of animal=rhino is
used in africa it makes sense to check what icons are in use in afrika.

For checking which icons are understood in different countries I mostly
bug the nice people in the IRC channel.

 3. My personal favorite is still the rod and the V enclosed by a red
 circle as used in JOSM and suggested by Ulfl. I'm unsure if that may
 be protected by law or registered as a trademark since it's the sign
 used throughout Germany at almost all vet surgeries. I would ask my
 government as well as the veterinary association about it by email.
 If it's protected we couldn't use it. If it isn't (according to these
 two emails) I would like to choose it as the rendering icon.
Sounds good.

 What's the official policy of OSM, Osmarender and Mapnik concerning
 the use of such icons? I know that Wikipedia has the policy to either
 don't use them at all or the email communication has to be archived
 at the foundation for later legal reference.
I store such email, just to cover my own ass, but never stored it centrally.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] no rendering of amenity=veterinary

2010-01-10 Thread Patrick Kilian

please not that I speak only for osmarender as other renderers are
maintained by other people.

The following is basically a rant. So don't get mad at me or take
the following personally.


You mapped something? great
You checked the wiki for tags to model the reality with? ok
You whine about the tag not beeing rendered? Not so good.

To be very explicit about it: I don't like the wiki or the concept of
approved tags. If I find a flying rhinoceros I'll map it as
animal=rhinoceros flying=yes and won't give a damn what the wikifiddlers

If enough flying rhinoceros' are mapped I'll add it to osmarender. The
interesting part here is the enough.

If I have to design an icon, write complex rules and to lots of stuff to
make i render it is going to take quite a few rhinoceros' before I
invest the time to make it render.

If somebody designs an icon for me and all I have to do is add three
lines to the stylesheet for z17, it takes way less rhinos' to make me do
the work.

If somebody sends me a complete patch it will take me about five
odd-toed ungulates to accept that patch. (Assuming the patch doesn't try
to use tomatoes=green for tagging rhinos.)

As you can see the wiki doesn't play a role in this decision. Usage does
but, your 835 rhinos are not yet enough to me invest my rare spare time.
I currently have 106 features with more then 1000 uses which are not
rendered by osmarender, 38 open trac tickets and two other projects
(tagstat and mobilemap) to take care of. Oh, and don't forget my diploma
thesis which is due in February.

So all that is preventing the new rhino to be rendered is lack of spare
time and lack of people helping.


Yes amenity=veterinary sounds good. Existing icons sound good too. About
1000 are even better. But don't hold your breath for this to appear on
osmarender. If you really want or need it to render please do as much as
possible of the following:

1.) open a trac ticket with component=osmarender
2.) include one or two link to places where it is used
3.) link to the icon file
4.) determine which zoom levels need to render this
5.) attach the icon as an SVG file 16x16 pixel in size
6.) create a patch adding the rules to all the zoomlevels from step #4

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New Highways view in OSM Inspector

2010-01-09 Thread Patrick Kilian
Hi all,

 And, thinking about it a bit, I guess the proper rule is that (10, 
 10) - (30, 30) passes through (20, 20), since it's completely 
 unrealistic to assume that the basic renderers will do otherwise.
And this is where you are wrong. On zoomlevel 0 (one tile for the whole
earth) (10,10) ends up on (135.11, 135.15) and (30,30) ends up on
(149.33, 150.38).

One thing that should be stand out is the fact that x!=y even for points
which have lat==long.

The halfway point between the two is (142.22, 142.77) while (20,20) is
projected to (142.22, 142.52) or about a quarter of a pixels off. Other
zoom levels or other triplets of points could expose much bigger
deviations but I wanted to prove you wrong using your very own example.

 My understanding is that this is equivalent to say saying that the 
 line is straight in the Mercator projection, as my understanding is
 that the Mercator projection represents each pixel as a fixed length
 and width in degrees.
Nope it does not. Each pixel represents the same width in degrees, but
the height in degress increases as you go away from the equator.

 And what that also means is that a straight line on earth which is 
 more than a certain length is not properly represented by a way with 
 two points.
THAT depends on your definition of straight line.

 One thing I can't quite get my mind wrapped around is whether or not 
 a geodesic is what we'd call a straight line on the earth.  If we put
  a few million (?) rulers end-to-end as best we could, would that
 form a geodesic, and if not, what would it form?  I'm fairly certain
 it wouldn't pass (10, 10) - (30, 30) through (20, 20), since 20
 degrees of longitude does not (generally) equal 20 degrees of
 latitude in length. But I'm not sure if it'd be a geodesic or not.
 I'd love for someone to answer that question and provide a link or
 source to back up their answer.
Well. There isn't one single definition of straight line here. We are
used to the fact that straight lines are the shortest line between two
points. Geodesics are the more general form of that. They connect two
points in with the shortest way possible and are straight in that sense.
One a flat surface geodesics are just straight lines. One a sphere the
are segments of great circles. If your metric gets more complicated
geodesics get more complicated too.

On the other hand we are used to the fact that a straight line always
intersects lines which are parallel to the y-axis at a constant angle.
This is not (necessarily) true for geodesics. The compass heading along
the great circle route from (10,10) to (30,30) is NOT going to be NE all
the time! So in that sense geodesics are NOT straight. A line which
follow a constant heading is called a loxodrome.

As you can see now geodesics and loxodromes are two different lines
which both might be considered straight by some definition. There are
other definitions of straightness and straight lines which are defined
by them. In a flat plane they all coincide, but for a sphere or our
not-quite-spherical earth the don't. So don't stop assuming that is a
simple topic, everybody was just a lazy bum or that you know it all (tm).

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New Highways view in OSM Inspector

2010-01-09 Thread Patrick Kilian

 THAT depends on your definition of straight line.
 I suppose, but it'd have to be a pretty contrived definition of 
 straight line to be equivalent to Spherical Mercator, would it not?
I think that line that are straight in mercator projections are
loxodroms. But I'm not 100% sure about that.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM rewriting history : France is now part of Germany !

2010-01-02 Thread Patrick Kilian

 I think that there was someone on IRC a while ago pointing out the name
 of a natural reserve on the South African mainland which was rendered
 way out west on the water. 
 This happens with postcode boundaries too, due to the irregular shape
 the name renders outside of them some times.

Does anybody here know a reasonably fast algorithm which finds the
center of the (largest) incircle of a polygon? And would you find that a
suitable stop for the label of the polygon?
I tried to play around with that idea but couldn't come up with an
algorithm to find that point efficiently in the general case.
Furthermore I'm not totally sure if it really is the optimal place for
the label as the label itself is not circular but much wider then the
vertical extend.
It might trigger a smart idea for automatic label placement in somebody,
so I decided to share the idea.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Ticket on trac fixed properly ???

2009-12-08 Thread Patrick Kilian

 Someone fixed my request to render leisure=dog_park on osmarender,
 but neither the node nor the areas are visible on the map.
The someone was me. It most likly doesn't appear yet because most
clients haven't updated yet.

 My suggested icon attached with the ticket, was for the nodes (POI)
 and for an area i suggested a pattern with a green park like, and dog
 icons inside.
You should get something like your icon (in one quarter the file size)
for the POI and at the center of the area plus a green area.

 Do you think the changeset was done properly?
Looks fine to me. What exactly do you consider broken?

 ps: tried to render, on my pc with xmlstarlet and the new rules, a
 map area with a dog_park area; but nothing appeared. i searched for a
 guide on the wiki, but there is a lack of informations about symbols
 as patterns in areas
Short version: pattern are damned hard to get right. Most likly it's not
worth the effort.

Oh and by the way: You could have reopened the tiket instead of annoying
everybody on the talk list. You behaviour makes me question my decision
to implement your feature request.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Announce] OSMF license change vote has started

2009-12-06 Thread Patrick Kilian
Hi all,

 I live in the United States.  I can do whatever the heck I want with the
 OSM database.  Now you want me to agree to a contract limiting those
 rights.  So I'll ask again:  What's in it for me?
My data. The streets I mapped. The trails I mapped. The POIs I mapped.
The Indonesian islands I traced from aerial imagery. All that and all
the data I'm going to add. For free and in my spare time and with the
assumptions that I would get credit for it. Not personally but in the
form of this dataset was collected by the collaborators of the OSM
project. If the copyright law in you're place allows you to take my
data and use it with out attributing me and my fellow mappers I consider
it broken. And if the copyright law was that broken in the whole world I
would never have invested as much time as I have.

Nearly all of my data doesn't concern the US and is totally
uninteresting to you. Which I consider a good thing. Because I sure as
hell don't want to help somebody who has the attitude I can use the
data no matter who collected it and how much effort is was. It's just

Oh and by the way: I'm not totally convinced that ODbL is great or the
right move. I want a open (as in go and do incredible cool stuff with
the data I collected), free (as in collecting the data was fun, no
need to pay me) license with a attribution clause (forcing you to say
btw, the base data was collected by the diligent contributors of OSM).

When I joined up, I though that CC-BY-SA did that. Talking to people
knowledgeable in matters of law and copyright I learn that this is not
the case _in_ _countries_ _like_ _yours_. And as I don't want to hand my
data to people with your attitude I see a clear need to relicense, not
matter how difficult and painful.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Announce] OSMF license change vote has started

2009-12-06 Thread Patrick Kilian

 I live in the United States.  I can do whatever the heck I want 
 with the OSM database.  Now you want me to agree to a contract 
 limiting those rights.  So I'll ask again:  What's in it for me?
 My data. The streets I mapped. The trails I mapped. The POIs I 
 mapped. The Indonesian islands I traced from aerial imagery. All
 that and all the data I'm going to add. For free and in my spare
 time and with the assumptions that I would get credit for it. Not
 personally but in the form of this dataset was collected by the
 collaborators of the OSM project.
 Well, first of all, that's not your data.  That's data, which you 
 happened to discover. Just because you discovered something doesn't 
 mean you own it.
Sure it is. If I learn something, I own my knowledge and my description
of it. I don't own the street or might not be able to distribute my
knowledge if my source is there are restrictions on my source.
And sure enough somebody else could have come up with his or her own
valid description of the real world which they would own. But they
didn't. So it's MY DATA. (And I don't take it kindly if somebody tries
to take it away from me.)

 Nearly all of my data doesn't concern the US and is totally 
 uninteresting to you.
 So I ask again, what's in it for me?
The mappers in the US who feel like me but haven't spoken up (yet).

 If the copyright law in you're place allows you to take my data and
  use it with out attributing me and my fellow mappers I consider it
  broken. And if the copyright law was that broken in the whole 
 world I would never have invested as much time as I have.
 And I say the opposite.  If the copyright law was so broken that one
  had to keep a chain of attribution every time one learned of a fact,
  I would have never been interested in OSM in the first place.
So we map for different reason, fine. But that doesn't give you the
right to circumvent the license terms on MY DATA. And to stop you from
doing that I want to switch away from the broken CC-BY-SA license.

 One big problem, and the biggest change I can find from CC-BY-SA, is 
 4.6 Access to Derivative Databases.  Sure, some will claim that 
 it's a feature that I can't print out maps which mix OSM data and 
 non-OSM data without offer[ing] to recipients of the [...] Produced
 Work a copy in a machine readable form of [...] A file containing
 all of the alterations made to the Database or the method of making
 the alterations to the Database (such as an algorithm), including any
 additional Contents, that make up all the differences between the 
 Database and the Derivative Database.

 Actually, I was planning on doing exactly this with a map of my 
 office on the back of my business card.  I'm not about to start 
 handing out CDs along with my business cards.
You don't have to. But if I ask how you created your nice business cards
I would really appreciate a short answer in the form of I used software
$foo and elevation data from source $bar to generate the hillshading.

 The other big problem is that I just don't have the time or money to 
 figure out *exactly* what the ODbL means.  And Open Data Commons is 
 just not anyone I've ever heard of (and Creative Commons, who *is* 
 someone I've heard of, and respect the legal opinion of, has torn 
 apart the ODbL).
For somebody without time or knowledge you sure are very loud

And Creative Commons didn't tear OBbL but said CC-BY-SA doesn't apply
to data just use CC0 and you are fine.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mountain Passes - Display Issue

2009-11-02 Thread Patrick Kilian
Hi all,

 Just to bring to the group's notice. I added a few mountain passes a 
 couple of days ago along with the hiking trails and waypoints

 When I now check on OSM, while the trails are there along with the 
 waypoints, the passes are missing. However, when I download data from 
 OSM using JOSM, I can see the passes along with the elevations.

 Any clue whats the reason for not displaying on the renderer?
 Except for JOSM, I currently don't know any renderer that displays 
 mountain_pass=yes at all (if there's any, please let us know :-)

As of revision 18423 osmarender (the renderer used by ti...@home) does
too. It even renders name and ele(vation) if available.

 Problem here: JOSM simply displays a bridge like icon, but doesn't care 
 about the direction (north, south, ...).
Osmarender does the same for single nodes...

 A correct renderer should display a mountain pass somehow like a 
 bridge usually is displayed, following the direction of the way.
... but aligns the icon along the way if the way is tagged with a track
or highway tag. This is implemented with a wayMarker rule as mentioned
by Dodi and uses a symbol very similar to the one mentioned by Ulfl.

 As the mountain_pass is tagged as a node, it's unfortunately not that 
 easy to get that direction, so renderers simply tend to ignore this tag 
 completely :-(
Once a significant amount of the nodes without a way attached have a tag
indicating direction I can add that to osmarender as well.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Instead of voting

2009-10-11 Thread Patrick Kilian

 What exactly, in your opinion, should the talk list be used for
 exactly, now that everything has been branched off to it's own list?
 From a quick scan through the last couple of months, perhaps stuff 
 like: feeds, Software Freedom Day, GPS in planes, 35 servers from 
 Wikimedia Foundation, persistence of ids, mugs, a campaign about Google 
 imagery, the Economist, Monopoly, the evolution of a map through time, a 
 countryside mapping tool, cartography, relations vs superways, what to 
 map first, OpenStreetView, getting field data, Poland, our own 
 satellite, translations, definitive maps, iPhones, coastline quality, 
 the amount of water on the planet, adjoining geometries, EGNOS, funny 
 posters, what blocks mean, maps for the blind, WMS, national 
 boundaries, the site title bar, national websites, expanding the API, 
 Bing, spam, Panogate, automatic simplification, GPS accuracy, search 
 engines indexing OSM, Local Chapters update, RC helicopters, 
 multipolygon rendering, meeting minutes, video surveying, historic 
 mapping, duplicate ways, and Twitter.
In short everything that is interesting to the general OSM community but
not long-winded enough to warrant a separate list.

Is that so hard to grasp, John?

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] fine line style for osmarender

2009-10-07 Thread Patrick Kilian

 I need any style file for osmarender (osmarender.xsl) by print style or fine-line style from cloudmade.
I suspect that both use mapnik and not osmarender for rendering the map.
The stylefiles are not compatible between the two renderers. Therefore I
fear you have to either use mapnik or write your own stylesheet for

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Announcement] Support added for route waypoints in YOURS

2009-08-25 Thread Patrick Kilian
Hi all,

 Hereby I would like to announce that YOURS now has the capability to use
 the long awaited via points (waypoints) in a route. The code for this
 feature has been contributed by Philip Homburg. Web design is still rather
 crude, but that will hopefully improve over time. 
Very cool feature. But I do have a small nitpick: it looks like you
can't drop a waypoint...

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-us] NHD Dataset

2009-02-17 Thread Patrick Kilian
Hi all,

 Mapnik already support this,see:
 But production osmarender not yet:
 What's the problem with osmarender patch?
The problem is that neither bobkare nor I really can review the patch.
It is attached to If Frederik
or someone else with enough time and knowledge of perl and osmarender
tells me looks good to me I'll apply it. If somebody else with svn
access wants to apply it without review fine with me too. I just don't
want to break everthing by applying a patch I don't understand.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] [OSM-talk] Curling icons for OSM

2009-02-17 Thread Patrick Kilian

 The sport of curling has been ignored by OSM for too long.  I've made a
 set of icons for curling rinks.  k:sport; v:curling can now have the
 dignity it deserves.
 Would somebody please commit these to svn?  
Commited to osmarender as r13685.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [OSM-talk] NHD Dataset

2009-02-17 Thread Patrick Kilian
Hi all,

 Mapnik already support this,see:
 But production osmarender not yet:
 What's the problem with osmarender patch?
The problem is that neither bobkare nor I really can review the patch.
It is attached to If Frederik
or someone else with enough time and knowledge of perl and osmarender
tells me looks good to me I'll apply it. If somebody else with svn
access wants to apply it without review fine with me too. I just don't
want to break everthing by applying a patch I don't understand.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Curling icons for OSM

2009-02-13 Thread Patrick Kilian

 The sport of curling has been ignored by OSM for too long.  I've made a
 set of icons for curling rinks.  k:sport; v:curling can now have the
 dignity it deserves.
 Would somebody please commit these to svn?  
Commited to osmarender as r13685.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Boundaries broken on t...@h?

2009-01-08 Thread Patrick Kilian

 The last days the administrative boundaries have been disappearing and 
 re-appearing on the t...@h tiles on new renderings, and now it seems like 
 they're not re-appearing anymore. Can this be looked into?
This in an intentional change in the stylesheets for some zoom levels.
Please have a look at either
or the message titled New border rendering based on admin_level on the
 tilesathome mailing list.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetBugs - open or not?

2009-01-07 Thread Patrick Kilian

 I think its worth beeing included on the main page - Probably it would
 be a good idea to make it more open, put the code into svn, make the
 database schemas visible so that we do not depend on a single person.
 Has there been any development on this or is OSB still just as closed?
AFAIK it is still as closed as before, but my mobile map at interfaces with it. I just
looked at the javascript code and some packet dump of traffic between
browser and OSb server. Turned out that the format of the requests if
pretty much straight forward.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Proposal for a map-bug tracker (Openstreetbugs)

2008-11-28 Thread Patrick Kilian

 It would be nice if we could decide on one solution instead of
 implementing two competing ones. So, it would be good to have a look at
 the advantages and disadvantages of a bugzilla and a rails-port
 solution and decide then which one fits best. Perhaps which should also
 ask the software developers how they feel about moving from trac to
 bugzilla. This seemed to be one of your main points for using bugzilla.
I'm not a big developer, but I do try to improve the OSM software stack
(mostly [EMAIL PROTECTED] client and maplint) and I get to own all the 
osmarender bugs
in trac. From that perspective I have to say that I really dislike
bugzilla and that I was really glad when I found out that OSM uses trac
for its bugtracking. Unless we find a REALLY compelling reason to switch
I'd stay with trac.

I'd rather have a seperated bugzilla for tracking bugs in the data and a
trac for tracking bugs in the software. At that point I should probably
add that it would be a good thing if we could migrate all the user
databases to one single location and do authentication against that.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Edit war on the wiki map features

2008-11-25 Thread Patrick Kilian

 We should stop the game now. All the people who like the Map
 Features page should say something about this edit war even if they
 don't care about smoothness. I really feel disappointed.

 Agreed. It needs to stop, people need to discuss the issue here instead.
 Is the feature used? Then, let it stand until discussed. Can the people
 who enable it and revert it *please* speak up here instead?
It totally agree that it has to stop. I don't even care about the tag.
But the way ChristCF changes the page breaks the rebuilt of maplint. And
since I'm working on maplint that is a very bad thing.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] TIGER - new maplint test

2008-11-25 Thread Patrick Kilian
Hi all,

I just implemented a new maplint test to check for tiger:reviewed=no
tags. Currently it would generate notices (shown in yellow) because lots
of objects are going to be highlighted by this test and I don't want to
obscure other warnings. The new test can be seen at and is not in the
svn yet. Are there any good reasons not to commit that test?

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

[Talk-us] TIGER - new maplint test

2008-11-25 Thread Patrick Kilian
Hi all,

I just implemented a new maplint test to check for tiger:reviewed=no
tags. Currently it would generate notices (shown in yellow) because lots
of objects are going to be highlighted by this test and I don't want to
obscure other warnings. The new test can be seen at and is not in the
svn yet. Are there any good reasons not to commit that test?

Patrick Petschge Kilian

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Validator tags

2008-11-24 Thread Patrick Kilian
Hi all,

As of revison 12060 maplint supports

noname=yes for residential roads and POIs as well as


to disable specific tests. If other variants (like unnamed=yes) or other
namespaces for annotations (like the internal namespace) show up
prominently enough I'll update maplint again to support those tags too.

Please not that maplint does _not_ support a validate=ignore tag to
disable all tests, as this would probably be used way too much...

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Validator tags

2008-11-24 Thread Patrick Kilian

 to disable specific tests. If other variants (like unnamed=yes) or
 other namespaces for annotations (like the internal namespace) show
 up prominently enough I'll update maplint again to support those
 tags too.
 I think, we, as validation tools developpers/maintainer, have a
 risponsability on the usage of users that we should handle with care.
 The fact that maplint, or even my validator tool, makes use of
 several different tags for the same purpose will inevitably lead to
 confusion into the DB (and users mind) : Having different tags for
 the same meaning is IMHO a very bad idea
I agree, but...

 For instance, the fact that maplint supports noname=yes and the
 validation: namespace and maybe one day the internal: namespace I've
 proposed is bad.
noname and validate are not really the same thing. noname say that
something does not have a name. The validate namespace is a lot more
universal in its goal. It aims to create a namespace for the selective
disabling of all possible valiation tests.

 The more is not the best.
Of course not. I certainly don't want to support every possible tag for
this does not have a name. But only the most common one(s).

 And I would prefere that they drop out of discussion instead of being
  created in the wild and then show their bad aspects too late after
 many have used them.
At least for the noname case the discussion has been going on for quite
some time and now consensus was reached. And so I went with the age old
pardigm of crowd sourcing Just do it.

 are there anywhere I didn't found where validation: is documented ?
It's documented on in the commit message and the announcement on this
list. It has not been documented in the wiki yet a) because I had other
things to do and b) because I expect that it would get deleted
immediately by some wiki gardener anyway because I didn't wait for votes

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Validator tags

2008-11-24 Thread Patrick Kilian

 noname and validate are not really the same thing. noname say that
 something does not have a name. The validate namespace is a lot more
 universal in its goal. 
 Exact, but I was making a comparisson between 
 * higwhay=residential
 * noname=yes
 * higwhay=residential
 * validate:residential-without-name
 * higwhay=residential
 * internal=noname
 what are the difference between those three ?
From my point of view internal=noname and noname=yes both tell me that
the street has no name. validate:residential-without-name=ignore tell's
the validator not to highlight the fact that there is no name.

 That's what I don't like in the validate: namespace
 An object having no name is a bit more than just disabling all validation 
 tests it's also an information in it's own, and I prefere proposition key 
 that carry this information and validation tools taking action based on this 
Where it is possible I prefer keys that carry information too. So in
this case I'd tag stuff with noname=yes (or possibly internal=noname).
But I want a _consistent_ way to do that for _all_ of the different
checks. Therefore there is a validate:residential-without-name=ignore
too, analogous to validate:bridge-or-tunnel-without-layer=ignore.

 ( Maybe those discussions might better fit on the wiki's validate proposal, 
 you don't mind using the wiki for that )
Actually I'd prefer the mailing list.

 At least for the noname case the discussion has been going on for quite
 some time and now consensus was reached. 
 did you said now ?? Well, the w might be wrong there, no, I don't see a 
 consensus here, neither a complete proposal, neither a vote on it, so maybe 
 it's time to say ok we now need to agree, but the noname page is a global 
 page with many schema of wich I don't know wich to use
Sorry. That w was a very bad typo.
I'm not believing that there is ever going to be something like
consensus, so I just went and implemented one sensible solution. If
another tag emerges as consensus it's easy to replace noname=yes with
that. (Way easier that to find out about maplint by yourself.)

 And so I went with the age old 
 pardigm of crowd sourcing Just do it.
 So, let's break with this paradigm and make it :
 propose it - do it - re-talk about it - change it - put it on the map 
 feature - re-do it
With that attidute we'd still have blank map and would be discussing if
it should be highway, way or street.

 because the first do it has at least been done by you and me, but not based 
 on the same keys, and that's bad
Yeah. It didn't work out this time.

 It's documented on in the commit message and the announcement on this
 Could you please point me to the commit message ? are there anyway I can 
 comment against it ? will that be deleted by commit gardeners ?
 On that list I just saw your message saying It is working like this but 
 not why is it working like this
The commit message is in svn or at

 because I expect that it would get deleted
 immediately by some wiki gardener anyway because I didn't wait for votes
 Then I would immediatly undo any deletation of that kind, it has to be 
 explicit, it has to be thought of, I would raise comment on it, we would 
 probably agree on some things, and then we would both implement the same keys 
 and save anyone pain.
That would end in an edit war, I neither want nor have time for.

 Looks you are an against wiki guy, while I'am a for discussion guy, and 
 because the wiki is the only thing I know of public enough, I'm using it. 
 This talk list is too hard to be usable by newcommers.
The problem is that the wiki is not dokumenting reality but what some
people would want to be reality. As a dinosaur I find mailing list much
more comfortable than wikis. Wikis I have to poll an search through.
Mailing list tell me when something new happens. And the tools for
handling many changes (say 100-200 mails per day) are so much better
than the stuff a wiki has to offer.

 But If you'r still against the wiki, I'have no problem continuing this 
 discussion just right here, but fear we are bothering others.
We could id either discuss offlist, or hope that grown up people use
grown up software and can tell their mail client to silently ignore this

 Let's start talking about :
 why restrict that to residential ?, what about :
 validate:noname ?
Because it is a single test in maplint. For the case of unnamed POIs
there is validate:poi-without-name=ignore. (Which is also shut up by

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Validator tags

2008-11-24 Thread Patrick Kilian

 Patrick Kilian wrote:
 This one's really common - can we please have a shorter name? E.g.
 validate:no-name? After all, there's no need for it to be just used on
 residential roads. That's a property of the test, not the tag.
We could. And I was really hoping for good suggestions for better names.
But I didn't want to sit for hours meditation about better names...

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Validator tags

2008-11-24 Thread Patrick Kilian

 From my point of view internal=noname and noname=yes both tell me that
 the street has no name. validate:residential-without-name=ignore tell's
 the validator not to highlight the fact that there is no name.
 Then we have the same definition.

 But I want a _consistent_ way to do that for _all_ of the different
 100 percent with you there, that's probably why we came both of us to :
 validate: and internal:
Yeah. Seems like that idea was somehow in the air.

 Therefore there is a validate:residential-without-name=ignore 
 too, analogous to validate:bridge-or-tunnel-without-layer=ignore.
 Mmmm ? I see a bit of your point but unclear. Do you mean that you want a 
 general tag system that would, for any tag that you still don't know, trigger 
 an alert  or stop an alert ?
 is your -without-layer -without-name a key word in your programming that 
 is re-used in many place ? 
 Does if I tag validate:peak-without-name=ignore will stop an alert in maplint 
 without you doing anything ?
No. I just implemented one switch per test in maplint. The test which
are currenty defined can be seen at

 I'm not believing that there is ever going to be something like
 consensus, so I just went and implemented one sensible solution. 
 What if your solution is not that good ?, isn't it worth trying to reach a 
 consensus ? don't you think in the end the tool makes the use ? especialy for 
 such type of tags ?
If my solution isn't good it's not going to be used...

 I fear we just have here what I would call the attribution fear what would 
 you say about :
 - I create a proposition in your name
 - I use the validate: namespace
 - I correct some well... hem most? of it's values to cover your/my needs
 - I do all the blabla and voting stuff
 - I show you the result so you don't need to spend time on the wiki
 - we both correct our tools to use it
 - we stop covering other tags usage (yes it sounds like un-democratic, but if 
 we don't, many tags will still be used for the same thing if they are usable 
 in a validation tool)
 - we got our consensus
If you can spend the time to find good names for the individual option
(and merge say residential-without-name and poi-without-name to noname)
and do all the stuff in the wiki, I'm certainly not opposed to change
the naming in maplint. If we can reach consensus in this way and have
tags which are not only valid for maplint but for your renderer too,
that be really good.

 If another tag emerges as consensus it's easy to replace noname=yes with
 Even if we have thousand noname=yes, thousand of internal=noname, thousand of 
 validation=noname in the DB ? not so sure...
If it is that scatter? No. But if we had a couple hundreds noname=yes
and tenthousands of $whatever?

 With that attidute we'd still have blank map and would be discussing if
 it should be highway, way or street.
 Come on ;-) I didn't say that attitude is need for the whole programming 
 world, I say we have a chance, right now, in 1 day, to reach a trade-off, not 
 so bad consensus by spotting problems and make it work.
Sure. If we can find a quick an down-to-earth consensus within the next
couple of days, I'm all for the necessary changes. I just don't want to
get caught in months of discussion, voting and board meetings.

 As a dinosaur I find mailing list much 
 more comfortable than wikis. 
 no problems ! I'll copy my end page on the validate: namespace in the talk 
 list if you allow me to. 
Sure. Go ahead.

 why restrict that to residential ?, what about :
 validate:noname ?
 Because it is a single test in maplint. For the case of unnamed POIs
 there is validate:poi-without-name=ignore. (Which is also shut up by
 What do you think of 
 * validate:noname=yes and * validate:no_sign_name=yes
 * validate:name=noname and * validate:name=no_sign_name 
 (looks familiar eh ?)
 I prefer the second because it makes a street having no name and having no 
 sign with a name impossible. 
 ( If find them exclusives, since if there is no name, there can't be a name 
 sign, or else there is an error) 
 But if some people thing it should be possible, then I'll propose the first
I'd go for validate:noname as a key and yes, ignore, nosign as valid

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Validator tags

2008-11-24 Thread Patrick Kilian

 If you can spend the time to find good names for the individual option
 (and merge say residential-without-name and poi-without-name to noname)
 and do all the stuff in the wiki, I'm certainly not opposed to change
 the naming in maplint. If we can reach consensus in this way and have
 tags which are not only valid for maplint but for your renderer too,
 that be really good.
 Then I am on my way, even if we don't reach the consensus voting number 
 if we, as validators maintainers, reach a consensus, I'll say we have 50% 
I agree. It would be even better if other validator maintainers speak up
now so that we can account for their needs too.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Validator tags

2008-11-24 Thread Patrick Kilian

 I prefer the second because it makes a street having no name and having no 
 sign with a name impossible. 
 ( If find them exclusives, since if there is no name, there can't be a name 
 sign, or else there is an error) 
 But if some people thing it should be possible, then I'll propose the first
 I'd go for validate:noname as a key and yes, ignore, nosign as valid
And nosign would not suppress the error but downgrade it to warning /
another color (or possibly a dashed orange line). That way people know
that there is an unnamed street but that a detour to looks for street
signs is pointless.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Validator tags

2008-11-21 Thread Patrick Kilian
Hi all,

I want to propose a technically clean way to deal with unnamed streets
and other false positives of the maplint checks.

The patch at
modifies the maplint checks to suppress the warning / error if a tag
with validate:$testname=ignore is present on the object.

For a street which does not have a name (for whatever reason) one would
you k=validate:residential-without-name v=ignore.

The following new tags are recognized by maplint using this patch:


A tag of k=validate v=ignore would disable ALL checks in maplint for
this object. This should only be used if no other more specific tag work.

Please note that the patch file is large than strictly necessary because
it contains the changes to tests.xml and tests.xsl which are
auto-generated from the individual (changed) test files.

Please also note that the mapfeatures page in the wiki would have to be
extended with an validator key category containing the keys listed
above. Otherwise maplint is going to complain about the fact that those
keys are not in mapfeatures.

Technical feedback from the developers of other validation tools is welcome.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] POI layer for [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2008-11-21 Thread Patrick Kilian

Hi all,

 in the last couple if days the discussion of a POI layer appeared again.
 With the new server we should have enough disk space to store such a
 layer and I'm willing to resurrect the old stylesheets / create new
 stylesheets for that layer. But since I'm not scratching my own itch
 here I have a problem:
 What do we want that layer to be?
It looks to me that most people want more flexibility than a single POI
layer can reasonably provide. So I guess the idea of a fixed POI layer
should be buried. I'll make myself useful in other ways.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Validator tags

2008-11-21 Thread Patrick Kilian

 Whoops, looks like we are working on the same thing, with same goal and 
 the same method
Looks like you want to formalize the note=* thing a bit. Which is a good

I guess the patch could be expanded to not expect a name for
internal:noname=yes. Alternativly you could exclude the noname issue
from the internal:-namespace and say ok, we don't need a note there, we
have a specialized tag for that. Obviously I would prefer the later...

If your validator would respect the tags in the validate:-namespace that
would be very cool.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Validator tags

2008-11-21 Thread Patrick Kilian
Hi all,

see for a dead
simple non-extensible alternative which only supports noname=yes.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk]

2008-11-02 Thread Patrick Kilian

 Can data from GPS base camp ( be used in OSM?
It might be technically possible, but it is most likely illegal.

 The site has state and national park data formatted in GPX XML.
Would be nice to have those, but the people who uploaded their files to only made them available only to that site and for
personal use. They did't grant anybody the right to make maps from their

 Does that mean that it can be opened in GPSBabel or directly in JOSM.
Both can handle data in GPX format.

 So far I haven't been able to get them to work in either.
Which is a good thing in that case...

Perhaps you could identity the top contributors of and
ask them to make their traces available to OSM too.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Many roads missing

2008-10-28 Thread Patrick Kilian

 What would cause these roads not to render?
That one looks a lot like the missing stripes bug. That bug should
have been fixed by Dirk Stöcker on 21.10. Either the bug is not totally
gone, or the person who rendered that tile has not updated yet.

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Spam in OSM diary :-(

2008-10-08 Thread Patrick Kilian
 Hope this isn't the start of something messy :-(
Unfortunately there is more:

Patrick Petschge Kilian

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [patch] correct icons for graveyards

2008-08-30 Thread Patrick Kilian


I decided to give the correct display of religious symbols a shot. As a 
first step I created icons for the graveyards of the different religions 
and to extend the osm.xml file.

The png icons were generated from higher resolutions bitmap files (sorry 
no svg (at least not yet)) which I can provide.

Also attached is the osm file which I use for testing. The bounding box 
to render the file is ll = (9.833, 49.780, 9.846, 49.790). The resulting 
png is too big for this list and can be seen at

Patrick Petschge Kilian

Description: application/compressed-tar
--- osm-template.xml	2008-08-26 11:46:25.0 +0200
+++ osm-template-extended.xml	2008-08-28 09:51:43.0 +0200
@@ -363,10 +363,57 @@
- Rule
+!-- still a christian symbol. is that generic enough? --
   Filter[landuse] = 'cemetery'/Filter
-  PolygonPatternSymbolizer file=%SYMBOLS_DIR%/grave_yard.png type=png width=16 height=16/
+  PolygonPatternSymbolizer file=%SYMBOLS_DIR%/graveyard_generic.png type=png width=16 height=16/
+!-- for those we have correct symbols --
+  MaxScaleDenominator5/MaxScaleDenominator
+  Filter[landuse] = 'cemetery' and [religion] = 'bahai'/Filter
+  PolygonPatternSymbolizer file=%SYMBOLS_DIR%/graveyard_bahai.png type=png width=16 height=16/
+  MaxScaleDenominator5/MaxScaleDenominator
+  Filter[landuse] = 'cemetery' and [religion] = 'buddhist'/Filter
+  PolygonPatternSymbolizer file=%SYMBOLS_DIR%/graveyard_buddhist.png type=png width=16 height=16/
+  MaxScaleDenominator5/MaxScaleDenominator
+  Filter[landuse] = 'cemetery' and [religion] = 'christian'/Filter
+  PolygonPatternSymbolizer file=%SYMBOLS_DIR%/graveyard_christian.png type=png width=16 height=16/
+  MaxScaleDenominator5/MaxScaleDenominator
+  Filter[landuse] = 'cemetery' and [religion] = 'hindu'/Filter
+  PolygonPatternSymbolizer file=%SYMBOLS_DIR%/graveyard_hindu.png type=png width=16 height=16/
+  MaxScaleDenominator5/MaxScaleDenominator
+  Filter[landuse] = 'cemetery' and [religion] = 'jewish'/Filter
+  PolygonPatternSymbolizer file=%SYMBOLS_DIR%/graveyard_jewish.png type=png width=16 height=16/
+  MaxScaleDenominator5/MaxScaleDenominator
+  Filter[landuse] = 'cemetery' and [religion] = 'muslim'/Filter
+  PolygonPatternSymbolizer file=%SYMBOLS_DIR%/graveyard_muslim.png type=png width=16 height=16/
+  MaxScaleDenominator5/MaxScaleDenominator
+  Filter[landuse] = 'cemetery' and [religion] = 'pastafarian'/Filter
+  PolygonPatternSymbolizer file=%SYMBOLS_DIR%/graveyard_pastafarian.png type=png width=16 height=16/
+  MaxScaleDenominator5/MaxScaleDenominator
+  Filter[landuse] = 'cemetery' and [religion] = 'sikh'/Filter
+  PolygonPatternSymbolizer file=%SYMBOLS_DIR%/graveyard_sikh.png type=png width=16 height=16/
+  MaxScaleDenominator5/MaxScaleDenominator
+  Filter[landuse] = 'cemetery' and [religion] = 'taoist'/Filter
+  PolygonPatternSymbolizer file=%SYMBOLS_DIR%/graveyard_taoist.png type=png width=16 height=16/
?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?
osm version=0.5 generator=Osmosis 0.24.1-java5
!-- Zeile 1 --
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