[Talk-at] Eingang für Fußgänger aber nicht für Autos

2016-11-08 Thread Christian Aigner

Ich bin gestern beim Franz-Josef-Spital vorbei gekommen. Da gibt es
jetzt einen Eingang/eine Einfahrt bei der Triesterstraße 46.

Der Eingang ist für Fußgänger offen, aber für KFZ verschlossen. Ist
offensichtlich nur für die Feuerwehr gedacht.

Wie tagge ich das richtig?


Wie würdet ihr das taggen?


Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 328

2016-11-08 Thread Vladimír Slávik


Dne 9.11.2016 v 8:06 Marián Kyral napsal(a):
/Operations Working Group by ráda 
zátěž na dlaždicových serverech pod správou Nadace OSM 

Jsem zvědav, jak moc se to dotkne osmap.cz. Zatím snad nijak.

Zatím snad ne, ale jednou určitě - komu se nechce číst celá ta diskuse 
na githubu https://github.com/openstreetmap/operations/issues/113 :

"Malé stránky" a použití dělají 60% zátěže - to jsme i my.

Návrh je požadovat Referer a unikátní User-Agent. Stejně se ovšem něco 
(někdo?) bude muset hodit přes palubu aby si renderoval dlaždice sám. V 
tomhle kontextu je možné upozornit i na to že se na provoz zatím vybralo 
44 ze 70 tisíc euro... https://donate.openstreetmap.org/

Je tam i odkaz na diskusi pro tentýž problém pro Wikimedia - teď když 
mají mapy - jestli bude možné "přehodit" tento problém na ně a jak se 
staví k takové situaci. https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T141815


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly project - taginfo tracker

2016-11-08 Thread Greg
Hi all,

I’ve now implemented Steve’s request for more clickable links in the overview 
map for each district at . In 
addition to opening the web page for each FHRS establishment, you can now open 
the OSM page for each relevant node/way or load the node/way in JOSM. I decided 
to go with a JOSM link rather than a general one so that the ‘overview’ map 
links match the ‘suggested matches’ map links, which automatically add tags to 
the OSM node/way. Anyone not using JOSM can easily follow the OSM link and then 
click the Edit button.

I’ve also modified most links so that they open in a new tab/window by default 
as it seems more useful to be able to keep the map view open in the original 


> On 16 Oct 2016, at 22:22, Steve Doerr  wrote:
> Thanks for providing this tool, Greg. I've found it very useful so far for 
> adding address information based on the possible matches identified on the 
> second map, where most of the dots have a link both to OSM and to the FHRS 
> entry.
> However, I've now reached the stage where I need to look more at the upper 
> map, where there seem to be fewer clickable links. If you could provide links 
> to OSM for every dot on the map, that would be helpful. (If you're showing 
> them on your map, you must have derived a long/lat which you could link to.)
> Hoping that this is not an unreasonable request - and apologies if it is.
> Regards,
> Steve

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 328

2016-11-08 Thread Marián Kyral
Zaujaly mne tři věci:

Sven Geggus(http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:Giggls), správce 
německého OSM stylu
, začal diskuzi
o renderování jmen zemí. Navrhuje opravu všech názvů zemí do jejich 
oficiálního jazyka místo anglických jmen.

Už aby se rozšířily vektorové dlaždice. Tam lze jazyk dynamicky změnit. Já 
bych raději viděl "Čína" než "中國". Ale zase každý Číňan raději uvidí ten 
svůj rozsypaný čaj ;-)

Operations Working Group by ráda
(https://github.com/openstreetmap/operations/issues/113) redukovala zátěž na
dlaždicových serverech pod správou Nadace OSM (tile.openstreetmap.org) 

Jsem zvědav, jak moc se to dotkne osmap.cz. Zatím snad nijak.

DB Cargo, společnost z rodiny Deutsche Bahn pro nákladní dopravu, zve
(automatický překlad
) mappery na mapping party na seřaďovací nádraží v Mainz-Bischofsheimu 
(poblíž Frankfurt). 

A co na to SDŽC, ČD, ČD Cargo?


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Tom Ka 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic , 
Openstreetmap Slovakia 
Datum: 9. 11. 2016 7:31:22
Předmět: [Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 328

"Ahoj, je dostupné vydání 328 týdeníku weeklyOSM:


* Duplicitní adresy POI.
* Dary pro Nadaci OSM.
* Složité opening_hours.
* Pravidla dlaždicových serverů.
* 16.11. - Den GIS.
* 4. narozeniny Wikidata.
* OSM trička na Kickstarteru.
* Odpady v New Yorku.

Pěkné počtení...

Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] FOSSGIS als deutsches OSMF-Chapter

2016-11-08 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 11/09/2016 06:07 AM, Tobias wrote:
> Werden aufnahmen in mumble erlaubt sein?
> Wird es die Sitzung als eine Art podcast geben?‎

Müsste man mal drüber nachdenken. Ich bin gegen "eine Art Podcast", dann
hätte ich als Teilnehmer einer Vorstandssitzung immer das Gefühl, ich
müsste allen, die das vielleicht später mal hören, den Kontext erklären.
Wenn einfach Gäste anwesend sind, ist es nicht so schlimm, die können ja
fragen, wenn was unklar ist.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] sttimecoef?

2016-11-08 Thread Petr Vozdecký
to vypada jako vysledek nejakeho pokusu o automaticke zavadeni aktualnich 
patral bych smerem k HELP SERVICE - REMOTE SENSING spol. s r.o. http://www.

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Marián Kyral 
Komu: talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
Datum: 9. 11. 2016 7:14:27
Předmět: [Talk-cz] sttimecoef?

objevil se dotaz na fóru: https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?id=

Tuší někdo k čemu je tag sttimecoef=*? A kdo je Kristýna Kohoutová
Vypadá to jako nějaký penalizační tag pro navigaci. Ale kterou?


Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 328

2016-11-08 Thread Tom Ka
Ahoj, je dostupné vydání 328 týdeníku weeklyOSM:


* Duplicitní adresy POI.
* Dary pro Nadaci OSM.
* Složité opening_hours.
* Pravidla dlaždicových serverů.
* 16.11. - Den GIS.
* 4. narozeniny Wikidata.
* OSM trička na Kickstarteru.
* Odpady v New Yorku.

Pěkné počtení...

Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-cz] sttimecoef?

2016-11-08 Thread Marián Kyral
objevil se dotaz na fóru: https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?id=

Tuší někdo k čemu je tag sttimecoef=*? A kdo je Kristýna Kohoutová
Vypadá to jako nějaký penalizační tag pro navigaci. Ale kterou?


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Pic4Carto : visionneuse efficace de photos de rues

2016-11-08 Thread Otourly Wiki
Génial ! Et ça peut être utile aussi à d'autres communautés !
Par contre, et je pense que tu y a pensé, l'outil n'utilise que les photos sous 
licence libre de Flickr c'est bien ça ? Florian

Le Mardi 8 novembre 2016 20h14, PanierAvide  a 
écrit :

 Bonjour à tous,

Les sources de photos de rues libres sont de plus en plus nombreuses 
(Mapillary, Wikimedia Commons, Flickr, et OpenStreetView qui démarre). 
Ces photos sont une mine d'informations précieuses pour OpenStreetMap, 
et pourtant pas encore pleinement exploitées. Probablement car il faut 
visiter chaque portail, pas toujours simple d'utilisation ou rapide 

Pour tirer le meilleur parti de ces photos, j'ai créé un outil d'aide à 
la cartographie nommé Pic4Carto. Il permet de visualiser les photos 
récentes de Mapillary, Flickr et Commons, sur une zone donnée, les unes 
à la suite des autres. L'objectif est de balayer rapidement la zone, 
pour découvrir les objets que l'on souhaite ajouter à OpenStreetMap (on 
peut penser aux bancs, poteaux incendie, panneaux publicitaires, 
panneaux biches, limitations de vitesse...). L'outil est disponible à 
cette adresse :


Bien évidemment il s'agit d'un outil libre (licence AGPL), le code 
source est disponible sur Framagit :


N'hésitez pas à me faire part de vos suggestions, des bugs que vous 
pourriez trouver, ou de toute autre idée :-)


Géomaticien & développeur

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

[talk-ph] New Traffic Flow

2016-11-08 Thread Jim Morgan

Tried to update the roads around the junction of Kamagong, Metropolitan and 
Ayala Ave with 4 sets of new traffic lights, new one-way system. 


I think functionally it describes the new situation, but it could probably be 
done better. Does it make sense to some of the more experienced traffic flow 
experts here? Feel free to make it prettier, or ask me questions on- or 
off-list if you need clarification. 



talk-ph mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] FOSSGIS als deutsches OSMF-Chapter

2016-11-08 Thread Tobias
Werden aufnahmen in mumble erlaubt sein?
Wird es die Sitzung als eine Art podcast geben?‎

Von: Frederik Ramm
Gesendet: Dienstag, 8. November 2016 23:46
An: talk-de@openstreetmap.org
Antwort an: Openstreetmap allgemeines in Deutsch
Betreff: Re: [Talk-de] FOSSGIS als deutsches OSMF-Chapter


On 10/22/2016 01:53 PM, Christoph Hormann wrote:
> - ein weiterer Punkt ist, dass im FOSSGIS viele Prozesse vereinsintern 
> sind. Daran ist im Grunde nichts auszusetzen und es schafft einen 
> Anreiz zu Mitgliedschaft. Traditionell wird aber in der OSM-Community 
> viel Wert auf Öffentlichkeit der Prozesse gelegt. 

Zu diesem Punkt eine kleine Entwicklung: Die Protokolle der
FOSSGIS-Vorstandssitzungen kommen ab sofort ins Wiki
(https://www.fossgis.de/wiki/Protokoll_Vorstandssitzung/2016-11-08) und
die Vorstandssitzungen auf Mumble sind (ab nächstem Mal) öffentlich.


Frederik Ramm ## eMail frede...@remote.org ## N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

[OSM-talk-ie] http://taginfo.openstreetmap.ie/ down

2016-11-08 Thread Colm Moore

This is down for a second time in about a week. Is this a resource issue?

Error message below.


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the 
world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead

Web application could not be started
Permission denied - /home/roles/taginfo/app/log/taginfo-2016-11-09.log 
  config.ru:20:in `initialize'
  config.ru:20:in `new'
  config.ru:20:in `block in '
  /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/rack/builder.rb:55:in `instance_eval'
  /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/rack/builder.rb:55:in `initialize'
  config.ru:1:in `new'
  config.ru:1:in `'
  /usr/share/passenger/helper-scripts/rack-preloader.rb:112:in `eval'
  /usr/share/passenger/helper-scripts/rack-preloader.rb:112:in `preload_app'
  /usr/share/passenger/helper-scripts/rack-preloader.rb:158:in `'
  /usr/share/passenger/helper-scripts/rack-preloader.rb:28:in `'
Application root
Environment (value of RAILS_ENV, RACK_ENV, WSGI_ENV and PASSENGER_ENV)
Ruby interpreter command
User and groups
uid=65534(nobody) gid=65534(nogroup) groups=65534(nogroup)
Environment variables
APACHE_RUN_DIR = /var/run/apache2
APACHE_PID_FILE = /var/run/apache2/apache2.pid
PATH = /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
APACHE_LOCK_DIR = /var/lock/apache2
APACHE_RUN_USER = www-data
APACHE_LOG_DIR = /var/log/apache2
PWD = /home/roles/taginfo/app/taginfo/web
PASSENGER_DEBUG_DIR = /tmp/passenger.spawn-debug.U3E7p6
USER = nobody
LOGNAME = nobody
SHELL = /usr/sbin/nologin
HOME = /nonexistent
NODE_PATH = /usr/share/passenger/node
RAILS_ENV = production
RACK_ENV = production
WSGI_ENV = production
NODE_ENV = production
PASSENGER_APP_ENV = production
DOCUMENT_ROOT = /home/roles/taginfo/app/taginfo/web/public
SERVER_ADMIN = [no address given]
SERVER_NAME = taginfo.openstreetmap.ie
REQUEST_URI = /taginfo/projects/osmaxx/error_log
System memory usage
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:  3953   2528   1425541 36   2069
-/+ buffers/cache:421   3531
Swap: 4093154   3939
General Ruby interpreter information
RUBY_PLATFORM = x86_64-linux
RubyGems version = 1.8.23
Ruby configuration (RbConfig::CONFIG)
INSTALL = /usr/bin/install -c
prefix = /usr
ruby_install_name = ruby1.9.1
RUBY_SO_NAME = ruby-1.9.1
exec = exec
ruby_pc = ruby-1.9.pc
PACKAGE = ruby
NROFF = /usr/bin/nroff
vendorhdrdir = /usr/include/ruby-1.9.1/vendor_ruby
sitehdrdir = /usr/include/ruby-1.9.1/site_ruby
rubyhdrdir = /usr/include/ruby-1.9.1
configure_args =  '--build=x86_64-linux-gnu' '--prefix=/usr' 
'--includedir=/usr/include' '--mandir=/usr/share/man' 
'--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--sysconfdir=/etc' '--localstatedir=/var' 
'--libexecdir=/usr/lib/ruby1.9.1' '--srcdir=.' '--disable-maintainer-mode' 
'--disable-dependency-tracking' '--disable-silent-rules' '--enable-pthread' 
'--enable-shared' '--disable-rpath' '--disable-install-doc' 
'--with-sitedir=/usr/local/lib/site_ruby' '--program-suffix=1.9.1' 
'--with-soname=ruby-1.9.1' '--enable-ipv6' '--with-dbm-type=gdbm_compat' 
'--with-tklib=tk8.5' '--with-tcllib=tcl8.5' 
'--with-tk-lib=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' '--with-bundled-sha1' 
'--with-bundled-md5' '--with-bundled-rmd160' 'build_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu' 
'CFLAGS=-g -O2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat 
-Werror=format-security -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing' 
'LDFLAGS=-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro 
-L/build/buildd/ruby1.9.1-' 'CPPFLAGS=-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' 
'CXXFLAGS=-g -O2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat 
-Werror=format-security -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing'
vendordir = /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby
sitedir = /usr/local/lib/site_ruby
ruby_version = 1.9.1
sitearch = x86_64-linux
arch = x86_64-linux
ridir = /usr/share/ri
rubylibprefix = /usr/lib/ruby
MAKEFILES = Makefile
THREAD_MODEL = pthread

[OSRM-talk] OSRM 5.4.3 released

2016-11-08 Thread Daniel Patterson
Hi folks,

  OSRM 5.4.3 has been tagged and released.  This is a bug fix build only.  From 

  - #3254 Fixed a bug that could end up hiding roundabout instructions
  - #3260 fixed a bug that provided the wrong location in the arrival 

  Node modules are building as I write this, and I've also published a Docker 
image at osrm/osrm-backend:v5.4.3.
  See https://hub.docker.com/r/osrm/osrm-backend/ 
 for usage instructions.

Happy routing!

OSRM-talk mailing list

[Talk-de] Bastler/Admins gesucht für eine OSM-Sandbox

2016-11-08 Thread Frederik Ramm

   viele kennen sicher die Test-APIs unter *.dev.openstreetmap.org -
hier werden manchmal neue Releases der OSM-Webseite zum Testen
freigeschaltet, bevor Änderungen in die zentrale Instanz übernommen werden.

Das sind allerdings sehr eingeschränkte Instanzen. Sie erfüllen den
Zweck, API-Features auszuprobieren, aber sie haben eben wirklich nur
eine API und eine - weitgehend leere - Datenbank dahinter. Diesen
Test-Instanzen fehlen zum Beispiel:

* Verarbeitung von GPS-Traces
* "planetfiles" und inkrementelle diffs
* Tile-Rendering (auf der Seite sieht man immer die "echte" OSM-Karte,
nicht die mit den Testdaten)
* Küstenlinienverarbeitung
* Nominatim, Overpass, Routing, Taginfo...

Nicht alles davon ist wirklich wichtig. Aber es gibt immer mal wieder
Anfragen zum Beispiel von Programmierern, die irgendwas mit den
minütlichen Diffs testen wollen, oder von Mappern, die gern mal ein
komplexes Kreuzungslayout designen möchten und ausprobieren, wie das
gerendert wird oder vielleicht sogar, wie es beim Routing aussieht.

Es wäre bestimmt für viele Nutzer hilfreich, so eine komplette
OSM-Sandbox zu haben.

Der FOSSGIS e.V. könnte - vorbehaltlich eines von den
FOSSGIS-Mitgliedern abzustimmenden Förderantrags, den ich gerne schreibe
und bewerbe, wenn es soweit ist - den/die dafür benötigten Server
anmieten. Aber es braucht mehr als nur die Server - es braucht

1. Ein Konzept: Was wollen wir alles betreiben, wie soll das
zusammenspielen, reicht eine Instanz oder brauchen wir mehrere, was für
Daten sollen da standardmäßig drin sein - und daraus dann abgeleitet:
Was für Server brauchen wir und wie viele?

2. Leute, die das alles installieren

3. Leute, die das alles instandhalten

Ich habe die Idee kurz mit der OSMF-OWG besprochen ("wäre sicher
nützlich, wir selber haben im Moment keine konkreten Pläne in die
Richtung, wenn dabei Sachen rauskommen, die wir selber für unser Setup
auch gebrauchen können, umso besser") und auch mit dem FOSSGIS-Vorstand
("klingt gut, wenn dabei etwas entsteht, dass Dritten das Aufsetzen so
einer Sandbox erleichtert, umso besser"). Es sagt also zumindest
schonmal keiner, dass es eine bescheuerte Idee ist.

Ich suche jetzt nach einem kleinen Team von Leuten, die zusammen Lust
haben, eine solche Sandbox zu planen und aufzusetzen. Ihr müsstet
zusammen ein Konzept machen, mit dem ich dann zwecks Serverbestellung an
den FOSSGIS herantreten kann, und dann würdet ihr die Maschinen bekommen
und könntet loslegen.

Ich werde diese Mail auch auf der englischen dev-Liste publizieren. Ich
hoffe natürlich, dass sich die Interessierten untereinander abstimmen
und nicht nachher drei konkurrierende Proposals aufgestellt werden ;)

Ich hab mal eine Wikiseite angelegt, aber natürlich könnt ihr das auch
alles ganz wo anders diskutieren, wenn das besser ist:



Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Programação SotM Latam 2016

2016-11-08 Thread Paulo Vianna

Eu quero ver isso.

Em 8 de novembro de 2016 20:07, Vitor George 

> Infelizmente não, mas as palestras serão gravadas e estarão disponíveis
> online depois do evento.
> *Vitor George*
> about.me/vgeorge
> 2016-11-08 20:01 GMT-02:00 Alexandre Magno Brito de Medeiros <
> alexandre@gmail.com>:
>> Vai ter transmissão por stream?
>> Em 7 de novembro de 2016 13:47, Wille  escreveu:
>>> Olá!
>>> Informamos que a programação do *State of the Map Latam 2016* já está
>>> disponível no site, confira: http://state.osmlatam.org.
>>> Recomendo àqueles que pretendem ir, realizar logo sua inscrição no site.
>>> abraços,
>>> --
>>> Wille Marcelhttp://wille.blog.br/http://maption.com.br/
>> ___
>> Talk-br mailing list
>> Talk-br@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-br
> ___
> Talk-br mailing list
> Talk-br@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-br
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Progetto Montagne Sicure

2016-11-08 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 08 nov 2016, alle ore 23:19, Massimiliano Guidi 
>  ha scritto:
> di mandare i soccorsi alla palina 111 del CNSAS invece che al numero 111 
> della Croce Bianca

accidenti. Forse sarebbe una buona idea da parte dei gestori di usare dei 
codici diversi a questo punto (tipo CB123  invece di semplici numeri). 

Anche se non esiste un sistema nazionale, non sarà mica vietato coordinarsi ;-)

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] FOSSGIS als deutsches OSMF-Chapter

2016-11-08 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 10/22/2016 01:53 PM, Christoph Hormann wrote:
> - ein weiterer Punkt ist, dass im FOSSGIS viele Prozesse vereinsintern 
> sind. Daran ist im Grunde nichts auszusetzen und es schafft einen 
> Anreiz zu Mitgliedschaft.  Traditionell wird aber in der OSM-Community 
> viel Wert auf Öffentlichkeit der Prozesse gelegt. 

Zu diesem Punkt eine kleine Entwicklung: Die Protokolle der
FOSSGIS-Vorstandssitzungen kommen ab sofort ins Wiki
(https://www.fossgis.de/wiki/Protokoll_Vorstandssitzung/2016-11-08) und
die Vorstandssitzungen auf Mumble sind (ab nächstem Mal) öffentlich.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Progetto Montagne Sicure

2016-11-08 Thread Massimiliano Guidi
Il giorno mar 8 nov 2016 alle ore 22:07 Martin Koppenhoefer <
dieterdre...@gmail.com> ha scritto:

> se posso permettermi, avere più sistemi di riferimento in uso nella stessa
> zona, o piu associazioni in parallelo nella stessa zona che gestiscono
> indipendentemente i soccorsi già mi sembra una cattivissima idea per se.
> Nella realtà non è che si affida una zona ad un operatore per un periodo,
> e poi nel caso ci devono operare più organizzazioni c'è comunque una sola
> (associazione /istituzione ) che coordina gli altri?

Ma è quello il punto. Siccome non esiste un sistema nazionale per questa
cosa rischi a causa di una cattiva mappatura (o un cattivo rendering, o una
cattiva lettura) di mandare i soccorsi alla palina 111 del CNSAS invece che
al numero 111 della Croce Bianca che opera nella stessa zona o al numero
111 della Croce Rossa della zona accanto. Finché si tratta di iniziative
locali non puoi escludere a priori questi problemi; da un certo punto di
vista, finché non esiste un sistema unico, perfino se ognuno usasse un tag
proprietario non sarebbe nemmeno male. Almeno non ci si intralcia. E il
giorno in cui ci sarà il sistema unico potrai tenere senza ambiguità anche
i vecchi ref locali per retrocompatibilità.

Il giorno mar 8 nov 2016 alle ore 21:28 Alfredo Gattai <
alfredo.gat...@gmail.com> ha scritto:

> in realta' la presenza del tag emergency=access_point definisce gia'
> l'oggetto come tale e quindi il ref univoco lo e' di conseguenza.

Certo, se c'è solo quello. Quel tag è nato per le colonnine di soccorso
autostradali, difficilmente coesiste sullo stesso nodo con altre cose. Ma
se coincide con il nodo di una palina turistica o altro secondo me è facile
arrivare a confusioni. Anche se tu adesso fai un lavoro perfetto, basta un
editing maldestro in seguito a creare il caos.

In ogni caso per me che creo mappe dover scrivere un algoritmo che tiene
conto di diverse situazioni è una complicazione in più, che aumenta la
probabilità di fare errori. Se prevedi comunque la situazione in cui si usa
ref:emergency tanto vale usarlo sempre, almeno hai un criterio unico e
semplice. Non vedo il vantaggio di stare a distinguere se c'è già un ref o

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Programação SotM Latam 2016

2016-11-08 Thread Vitor George
Infelizmente não, mas as palestras serão gravadas e estarão disponíveis
online depois do evento.

*Vitor George*

2016-11-08 20:01 GMT-02:00 Alexandre Magno Brito de Medeiros <

> Vai ter transmissão por stream?
> Em 7 de novembro de 2016 13:47, Wille  escreveu:
>> Olá!
>> Informamos que a programação do *State of the Map Latam 2016* já está
>> disponível no site, confira: http://state.osmlatam.org.
>> Recomendo àqueles que pretendem ir, realizar logo sua inscrição no site.
>> abraços,
>> --
>> Wille Marcelhttp://wille.blog.br/http://maption.com.br/
> ___
> Talk-br mailing list
> Talk-br@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-br
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Programação SotM Latam 2016

2016-11-08 Thread Alexandre Magno Brito de Medeiros
Vai ter transmissão por stream?

Em 7 de novembro de 2016 13:47, Wille  escreveu:

> Olá!
> Informamos que a programação do *State of the Map Latam 2016* já está
> disponível no site, confira: http://state.osmlatam.org.
> Recomendo àqueles que pretendem ir, realizar logo sua inscrição no site.
> abraços,
> --
> Wille Marcelhttp://wille.blog.br/http://maption.com.br/
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetView name change

2016-11-08 Thread Simon Poole

Am 08.11.2016 um 19:51 schrieb Glenn Plas:
> ..
> View is quite a common word. Imagine apple claiming the rights on
> anything that starts with I- : I-crap, I-whatever, I-rail, I-eat (there
> are thousands of those). They wouldn't exist either without Apple.
Apple is naturally the text book example that you can use a commonly
used word as a trademark, it just needs to be not descriptive. So it is
completely OK to use Apple as a mark for computers, but not for fruit.

> They seem to have no problem with OpenStreetMap vs. Google StreetMap
> right?  Because they know they would loose this in court.  It's just FUD
> tactics.
Google doesn't have a product called "Google StreetMap" that I know of,
the rest is just speculation.

> I've went against Google in 2008 on a map dispute and won , didn't have
> to pay 50K per year for 3 years because of it(prob. peanuts for them but
> they went after us anyway).   Didn't cost me nothing btw. well worth it.
> They thought they could force American rules on a Belgian company, they
> might have plenty of lawyers, doesn't really help as only 1 can talk at
> the same time and when they are ignorant they loose.
A reference would be nice to see if it had anything to do with the
incident at hand. But on one hand TeleNav is located in the states and
on the other hand winning something in Belgium is really only relevant
if Belgium is your only market.
> in our EU law system you cannot claim ownership over common words like
> that.  It's not because you're big and bold that you can get away with
> bullying.
As explained above naturally you can, and if you can show that your mark
is well established (see notorious, and similar concepts, trademarks)
you might even get around some of the normal restrictions (a good
example is the OpenStreetMap trademark).
> So, why not use OpenStreetMapView ? It's just an extra word behind an
> existing brand, almost as old as Giggle maps.
> .
See my previous mail on that.


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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetView name change

2016-11-08 Thread Pierre Béland
LibreView ?

  De : Martin Koppenhoefer 
 À : Glenn Plas  
Cc : talk@openstreetmap.org
 Envoyé le : mardi 8 novembre 2016 15h52
 Objet : Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetView name change

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 08 nov 2016, alle ore 19:51, Glenn Plas  ha 
> scritto:
> in our EU law system you cannot claim ownership over common words like
> that.  It's not because you're big and bold that you can get away with
> bullying.

well, a German telco has successfully claimed ownership of a common color.

What about OpenFreeView ;-)

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Progetto Montagne Sicure

2016-11-08 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 08 nov 2016, alle ore 20:57, Massimiliano Guidi 
>  ha scritto:
> Per cui se il soccorso alpino mette i numeri alle paline si usa 
> ref:emergency:cnsas=111, se lo fa la croce rossa si usa 
> ref:emergency:cri=111. In questo modo anche se ho due numeri uguali da parte 
> di diverse associazioni nella stessa zona sono sicuro che non ci sono 
> equivoci, so sempre a chi mi rivolgo e non devo inventarmi algoritmi nuovi.

se posso permettermi, avere più sistemi di riferimento in uso nella stessa 
zona, o piu associazioni in parallelo nella stessa zona che gestiscono 
indipendentemente i soccorsi già mi sembra una cattivissima idea per se.
Nella realtà non è che si affida una zona ad un operatore per un periodo, e poi 
nel caso ci devono operare più organizzazioni c'è comunque una sola 
(associazione /istituzione ) che coordina gli altri?

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetView name change

2016-11-08 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 08 nov 2016, alle ore 19:51, Glenn Plas  ha 
> scritto:
> in our EU law system you cannot claim ownership over common words like
> that.  It's not because you're big and bold that you can get away with
> bullying.

well, a German telco has successfully claimed ownership of a common color.

What about OpenFreeView ;-)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Missing Maps in Belgium - invisible track (without images)

2016-11-08 Thread Weg Spotter
Merci voor de verduidelijkingen! Ik bevestig: er is geen pad, noch bordje
te zien. Maar ik ben wel volgens de ligging van de ABW door het pad
gewandeld... enfin, langs de duiker dus. Niets of niemand verhinderde me
dat. Een beetje zoals Wouter in zijn post vertelde. En die bordjes, die
worden geplaatst door de gemeente, dikwijls vrij arbitrair.

Groetjes - leuke foto's!

Op 8 november 2016 21:17 schreef Marc Gemis :

> Hallo Wegspotter,
> De connectie die jij had gemaakt klopte niet met wat je op de
> luchtfoto's kon zien. Ik heb nu de connectie iets meer naar het westen
> gelegd. De reeks foto's die ik gemaakt heb vind je hier:
> https://xian.smugmug.com/OSM/OSM-2016/2016-10-09-Gijzenzele/i-PBmpzWQ
> Niet het minste spoor van een pad.
> Verder, in tegenstelling tot de andere trage wegen in Oosterzele,
> stond hier geen bordje. Dit vind ik dus wel vreemd. Waarom niet bij
> deze weg ?
> Ik zet ook tracktype op paden, ik zie niet in waarom je dat enkel op
> tracks zou mogen doen.
> Er is ook wel wat discussie over surface=earth vs ground. Het ene jaar
> willen ze het ene, het jaar daarop neigt men dan weer naar het andere.
> en bedankt voor je bijdrages
> mvg
> m
> 2016-11-08 20:45 GMT+01:00 Weg Spotter :
> > (Sorry for the dutch version only - I am willing to translate this post)
> >
> > Hallo allen,
> >
> > hier dus de Wegspotter. Ik volgde de Talk-be site op de Archives, maar nu
> > toch even reageren op de inmiddels erg interessante discussie.
> >
> > Het pad dat ik mapte, is een officiële voetweg, die volgens aanwijzingen
> op
> > de wiki "karteerbaar"
> > is.(http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Belgium/
> Conventions/Slowroads#Deciding_what_to_map.)
> > De weg is niet versperd: de doorgang is mogelijk. Op de plek van de
> gracht
> > ligt een duiker (zie foto).
> >
> > Je kan er zo het veld op wandelen. Toch vrij overbrugbaar, eigenlijk.
> > Misschien is het wegje door mij net niet accuraat genoeg ingetekend
> > (excuses!) - dan ligt dat aan de basis van het misverstand. (Zou die
> duiker
> > dan onlangs zijn weggehaald als jij er passeerde, Marc?)
> >
> > Maar goed, ik dacht het pad dus te klasseren onder: "invisible and
> > year-round accessible: in OSM, in accordance to the English and Welsh
> system
> > of "public rights of way" - UK access provisions#Public Rights of Way".
> >
> > En dan de tags:
> > 1) highway=footway
> >
> > Ook hier volgens de wiki. Het gaat om een voetweg, een officiële weg uit
> de
> > atlas der buurtwegen. Misschien is de boer niet blij als ik daar zou gaan
> > wandelen, maar je hebt er wel het recht toe. Het systeem lijkt erg veel
> op
> > dat van de Engelse Public Rights of Way (en die staan ook allemaal op
> OSM).
> > Het gaat dus niet zomaar om boertje pesten. In de UK is landbouwvoering
> > perfect mogelijk als er eens iemand door je graan- of maïsveld wandelt,
> ik
> > zie niet in waarom dat hier niet zou kunnen.
> >
> > Het wegje is volgens die atlas officieel 1 m (zie rood getalletje) breed.
> > Nogal smal voor wat men op OSM als 'track' beschouwt.
> >
> > When to use path?
> > => For narrow roads (in general, narrower than 1,75 m, no car can pass).
> > When there is evidence that it is a public footpath (Atlas of vicinal
> roads
> > of signposted), preferably highway=footway should be used in in
> accordance
> > to the English and Welsh system of "public rights of way", classic
> > scheme.United Kingdom Tagging Guidelines#Classic
> >
> > When to use track?
> > => For wider roads (in general, wider than 1,75 m, so a car can pass).
> >
> > 2) name = Kortewegel
> >
> > Ik heb wél een andere fout gemaakt, merk ik. De naam en het atlasnummer
> van
> > het wegje kloppen niet. (rgh!) Dat zal ik aanpassen.
> >
> > => moet dus zijn name = Hulstwegel
> >
> > 3) vicinal_ref = 97 moet dus zijn vicinal_ref = 102
> > 4) vicinal_type = path omdat het een sentier betreft
> >
> > 5) trail_visibility = no
> > Omdat je de weg niet ziet liggen, plaatste ik trail_visibility op 'no'
> >
> > 6) tracktype = grade5
> > Dit is misschien geen goede tag-keuze. Ik had misschien iets moeten
> > gebruiken als surface = earth, omdat het dus strikt gezien geen
> > 'highway=track' is, maar een 'highway=footway" is. De wiki kan wat dat
> > betreft nog wat bijgewerkt worden.
> >
> > Ik vind de guidelines dus goed: er is een praktijk van het bewandelen en
> > gebruiken van voetwegen door open veld in ons land, die bovendien wordt
> > ondersteund door ons rechtssysteem. Het zou jammer zijn dat dergelijke
> > wegjes dus niet meer in OSM zouden kunnen staan.
> >
> > Groetjes en bovenal - schitterend werk dat jullie leveren in de
> > OSM-community! 'k Ben echt fan.
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-be mailing list
> > Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
> >
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org

Re: [Talk-it] Progetto Montagne Sicure

2016-11-08 Thread Alfredo Gattai

> Se posso permettermi una cosa del genere è complicata da gestire e si
> presta troppo facilmente a fallimenti in caso di mapping imperfetto.
> Siccome si parla di soccorsi i fallimenti non sono ammessi.

Dare al ref semplice un significato diverso in funzione della presenza o
> assenza di altri tag è pericoloso. Un riferimento di emergenza deve essere
> associato senza possibilità di errore all'associazione che lo gestisce.

in realta' la presenza del tag emergency=access_point definisce gia'
l'oggetto come tale e quindi il ref univoco lo e' di conseguenza.

> Sarebbe anche bello pensarci a monte da parte dell'ente che fa questa
> cosa, mettendo un prefisso o suffisso al numero per evitare doppioni con
> altre entità

L'introduzione di ref:emergency e' solo per ovviare ad una anomalia
organizzativa degli enti che si spera di superare quanto prima. Ovviamente
non posso che concordare sul fatto che un po' di coordinamento non
guasterebbe ma ci stiamo lavorando.

> . A livello di mappatura secondo me è indispensabile avere un riferimento
> chiaro all'ente che gestisce la cosa e usare un solo tag che sia sempre
> quello. Per cui se il soccorso alpino mette i numeri alle paline si usa
> ref:emergency:cnsas=111, se lo fa la croce rossa si usa
> ref:emergency:cri=111. In questo modo anche se ho due numeri uguali da
> parte di diverse associazioni nella stessa zona sono sicuro che non ci sono
> equivoci, so sempre a chi mi rivolgo e non devo inventarmi algoritmi nuovi.

In merito a specificare l'ente, capisco il concetto ma questo si che
sarebbe una complicazione e sarebbe anche in controtendenza rispetto
all'immininte introduzione del numero unico di emergenza (112) da dove la
centrale operativa smista le chiamata all'ente giusto a seconda della
richiesta. Quello che succede con 911 negli Stati Uniti.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Missing Maps in Belgium - invisible track (without images)

2016-11-08 Thread Marc Gemis
Hallo Wegspotter,

De connectie die jij had gemaakt klopte niet met wat je op de
luchtfoto's kon zien. Ik heb nu de connectie iets meer naar het westen
gelegd. De reeks foto's die ik gemaakt heb vind je hier:
Niet het minste spoor van een pad.

Verder, in tegenstelling tot de andere trage wegen in Oosterzele,
stond hier geen bordje. Dit vind ik dus wel vreemd. Waarom niet bij
deze weg ?

Ik zet ook tracktype op paden, ik zie niet in waarom je dat enkel op
tracks zou mogen doen.
Er is ook wel wat discussie over surface=earth vs ground. Het ene jaar
willen ze het ene, het jaar daarop neigt men dan weer naar het andere.

en bedankt voor je bijdrages



2016-11-08 20:45 GMT+01:00 Weg Spotter :
> (Sorry for the dutch version only - I am willing to translate this post)
> Hallo allen,
> hier dus de Wegspotter. Ik volgde de Talk-be site op de Archives, maar nu
> toch even reageren op de inmiddels erg interessante discussie.
> Het pad dat ik mapte, is een officiële voetweg, die volgens aanwijzingen op
> de wiki "karteerbaar"
> is.(http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Belgium/Conventions/Slowroads#Deciding_what_to_map.)
> De weg is niet versperd: de doorgang is mogelijk. Op de plek van de gracht
> ligt een duiker (zie foto).
> Je kan er zo het veld op wandelen. Toch vrij overbrugbaar, eigenlijk.
> Misschien is het wegje door mij net niet accuraat genoeg ingetekend
> (excuses!) - dan ligt dat aan de basis van het misverstand. (Zou die duiker
> dan onlangs zijn weggehaald als jij er passeerde, Marc?)
> Maar goed, ik dacht het pad dus te klasseren onder: "invisible and
> year-round accessible: in OSM, in accordance to the English and Welsh system
> of "public rights of way" - UK access provisions#Public Rights of Way".
> En dan de tags:
> 1) highway=footway
> Ook hier volgens de wiki. Het gaat om een voetweg, een officiële weg uit de
> atlas der buurtwegen. Misschien is de boer niet blij als ik daar zou gaan
> wandelen, maar je hebt er wel het recht toe. Het systeem lijkt erg veel op
> dat van de Engelse Public Rights of Way (en die staan ook allemaal op OSM).
> Het gaat dus niet zomaar om boertje pesten. In de UK is landbouwvoering
> perfect mogelijk als er eens iemand door je graan- of maïsveld wandelt, ik
> zie niet in waarom dat hier niet zou kunnen.
> Het wegje is volgens die atlas officieel 1 m (zie rood getalletje) breed.
> Nogal smal voor wat men op OSM als 'track' beschouwt.
> When to use path?
> => For narrow roads (in general, narrower than 1,75 m, no car can pass).
> When there is evidence that it is a public footpath (Atlas of vicinal roads
> of signposted), preferably highway=footway should be used in in accordance
> to the English and Welsh system of "public rights of way", classic
> scheme.United Kingdom Tagging Guidelines#Classic
> When to use track?
> => For wider roads (in general, wider than 1,75 m, so a car can pass).
> 2) name = Kortewegel
> Ik heb wél een andere fout gemaakt, merk ik. De naam en het atlasnummer van
> het wegje kloppen niet. (rgh!) Dat zal ik aanpassen.
> => moet dus zijn name = Hulstwegel
> 3) vicinal_ref = 97 moet dus zijn vicinal_ref = 102
> 4) vicinal_type = path omdat het een sentier betreft
> 5) trail_visibility = no
> Omdat je de weg niet ziet liggen, plaatste ik trail_visibility op 'no'
> 6) tracktype = grade5
> Dit is misschien geen goede tag-keuze. Ik had misschien iets moeten
> gebruiken als surface = earth, omdat het dus strikt gezien geen
> 'highway=track' is, maar een 'highway=footway" is. De wiki kan wat dat
> betreft nog wat bijgewerkt worden.
> Ik vind de guidelines dus goed: er is een praktijk van het bewandelen en
> gebruiken van voetwegen door open veld in ons land, die bovendien wordt
> ondersteund door ons rechtssysteem. Het zou jammer zijn dat dergelijke
> wegjes dus niet meer in OSM zouden kunnen staan.
> Groetjes en bovenal - schitterend werk dat jullie leveren in de
> OSM-community! 'k Ben echt fan.
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Progetto Montagne Sicure

2016-11-08 Thread Alfredo Gattai
> per me questa foto è un bel esempio che si ottiene più ordine e chiarezza
> quando si usano più oggetti, uno per targa. Come abbiamo mappato questo
> palo al momento/come lo mapperesti?
> Ciao,
> Martin
> Ps: ref:emergency comunque come tag non è cattivo, in quanto è "parlante",
> se c'è consenso direi di aggiungerlo al wiki.

ancora non ho cominciato a mapparli ma l'idea che sembra prendere corpo e'
la seguente:

se c'e' solo la targhetta senza altre indicazioni


se e' un paletto informativo con un numero univoco


se e' un paletto informativo con due numeri


Ovviamente sperando di riuscire quanto prima a eliminare questi doppioni

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetView name change

2016-11-08 Thread Simon Poole

Trademarks are not patents, there is no concept similar to  prior art
(there is in the US some thing which comes quite close, but that is just
1 (one) country). If you are a trademark owner you need to monitor
applications that are close to your mark and if the examiners don't
throw them out because of them being too similar with existing
registrations, submit an opposition to the resp. IP office.

In any case the complaint by They-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was not only not
unexpected, it was entirely expected.

TeleNav does not have a licence to use OpenStreet-anything from the
OSMF, and as all projects that use a name that plays on OpenStreetMap
the only thing it does is weaken the status of the OpenStreetMap mark,
impacting our position if we ever have to defend seriously against
misuse (you could argue that we, not They-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named should
have asked TeleNav to not use the name for the above reasons).

Tacking "Open" on front of anything is very unoriginal and in the
meantime completely meaningless, at best it might imply "slightly less
closed", but even that is not a given.


Am 08.11.2016 um 19:54 schrieb Richard Fairhurst:
> Andy Mabbett wrote:
>> This is hardly surprising, and not unreasonable (there's no 
>> "Ford Beetle" or "Volkswagen Mini", nor a "BurgerKing 
>> Happy Meal". for example).
> Though there is Ordnance Survey Street View, which pre-dates Google Street
> View by several years. (It's soon to be replaced by OS Open Map Local.)
> FWIW, I like the "-scape" suffix, e.g. OpenStreetscape:
>  https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/streetscape
> Richard
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://gis.19327.n8.nabble.com/OpenStreetView-name-change-tp5885558p5885580.html
> Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

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talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Autostrade e, più in generale, le relazioni

2016-11-08 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 08 nov 2016, alle ore 16:57, girarsi_liste 
>  ha scritto:
> Io sono per tre relazioni, il ref accomuna già il fatto di essere la
> stessa autostrada.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Autostrade e, più in generale, le relazioni

2016-11-08 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 08 nov 2016, alle ore 14:22, mbranco  ha 
> scritto:
> 3) il punto precedente mi ha causato un ulteriore dubbio, più generale:
> quando tutti i membri di una 
> relazione hanno una caratteristica in comune, è più giusto toglierla da ogni
> membro per citarla solo a 
> livello di relazione, o lasciarla a livello di singolo membro?

Per me dipende dal tipo di informazione. Io lascerei highway=motorway , 
surface, maxspeed, lanes etc. al singolo way, ma metterei wikipedia, wikidata, 
website, forse anche operator soltanto nella relazione.

Devi pensare che tanti consumatori dei dati non valutano le relazioni, e 
sarebbe carino lasciare la funzionalità di base anche a loro;-)

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Progetto Montagne Sicure

2016-11-08 Thread Massimiliano Guidi
Ciao a tutti, primo post da queste parti. Scrivo da InBox, spero esca un
quoting decente.

In sintesi, mappare come emergency=access_point + ref=* se il codice è
> unico; mappare come emergency=access_point + tourism=information +
> information=guidepost + ref:emergency=* + ref=* se c'è un codice per le
> emergenze e un altro per le indicazioni turistiche.
> Se c'è un certo consenso potrebbe essere una buona idea integrare il
> wiki con queste indicazioni.
> In ottica di utilizzazione dei dati potrebbe essere indicato un
> algoritmo tipo questo:
> 1) ricerca del tag ref:emergency=* → se presente usare questo, altrimenti
> 2) ricerca del tag ref=* → se presente usare questo

Se posso permettermi una cosa del genere è complicata da gestire e si
presta troppo facilmente a fallimenti in caso di mapping imperfetto.
Siccome si parla di soccorsi i fallimenti non sono ammessi.

Dare al ref semplice un significato diverso in funzione della presenza o
assenza di altri tag è pericoloso. Un riferimento di emergenza deve essere
associato senza possibilità di errore all'associazione che lo gestisce.
Sarebbe anche bello pensarci a monte da parte dell'ente che fa questa cosa,
mettendo un prefisso o suffisso al numero per evitare doppioni con altre
entità. A livello di mappatura secondo me è indispensabile avere un
riferimento chiaro all'ente che gestisce la cosa e usare un solo tag che
sia sempre quello. Per cui se il soccorso alpino mette i numeri alle paline
si usa ref:emergency:cnsas=111, se lo fa la croce rossa si usa
ref:emergency:cri=111. In questo modo anche se ho due numeri uguali da
parte di diverse associazioni nella stessa zona sono sicuro che non ci sono
equivoci, so sempre a chi mi rivolgo e non devo inventarmi algoritmi nuovi.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetView name change

2016-11-08 Thread Lester Caine
On 08/11/16 18:54, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
> FWIW, I like the "-scape" suffix, e.g. OpenStreetscape:

Get's my vote  Capital 'S' though OpenStreetScape

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact - http://lsces.co.uk/wiki/?page=contact
L.S.Caine Electronic Services - http://lsces.co.uk
EnquirySolve - http://enquirysolve.com/
Model Engineers Digital Workshop - http://medw.co.uk
Rainbow Digital Media - http://rainbowdigitalmedia.co.uk

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-ht] [Hot-francophone] Map4Haiti Un mois plus tard - Une crise majeure mais oubliée

2016-11-08 Thread Pierre Béland
bonjour Martin

Les polygones landuse=residential ont pour objectif de montrer les 
concentrations de maisons. Cette information permet de rapidement identifier 
les concentrations de population. Je pense personnellement qu'il faut éviter de 
les multiplier a outrance. A mon avis, il faudrait idéalement un minimum de 6-8 
maisons. Sinon, simplement tracer les maisons individuelles.
Qualité des données + exhaustivité - projets pré-désastreDiviser les projets en 
tâches plus simples est une approche que nous avons souvent utilisé et qui est 
sûrement une partie de la solution. Mais non suffisante.  Au début de 2016, 
Plusieurs projets ont été créés sur le gestionnaire de tâches de HOT pour des 
Mapathons dans le but de couvrir la péninsule sud-ouest de Haiti.  J'ai 
identifié les 4 projets ci-dessous. Ils couvrent une superficie asez 
importante, soit 546 km2.  Ces projets ont été complétés et validés à 100%. 
Effort très louable, mais pour répondre efficacement et promptement en 
situation de crise, il faut préalablement s'assurer la donnée produite est 
exhaustive et de qualité.

#1398 - Missing Maps: Anse-d'Hainault
#1399 - Missing Maps: Dame Marie
#1400 - Missing Maps: Chambellan#1401 - Missing Maps: Moron
Examinons ces données. La requête Overpass ci-dessous extrait les données de la 
base OSM du 1er octobre 2016 pour les objets créés depuis janvier 2016. De 
cette façon, nous pouvons voir le résultat obtenu notamment pour les 4 Projets 
Note: Fichier OSM volumineux. Pour examiner, cliquer sur Exporter vers JOSM ou 
selectionner une plus petite zone.

Un examen rapide nous montre la qualité des données. Voir par exemple dans la 
zone suivante :http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/18.41302/-74.26396

Ou encore cette zone-ci. Un contributeur a créé début octobre des doublons de 
routes alors que ces routes étaient tracées depuis 

La qualité n'est pas là. Et malheureusement, le gestionnaire de tâches ne 
permet pas encore de contrôler qui peut valider. Ce processus de validation est 
donc à revoir et les organisateurs de Mapathons doivent être davantage 
responsables et ne pas déléguer ces problèmes à des novices ou d'éventuels 
contributeurs qui pourraient par hasard passer par là. Is doivent innover et 
trouver des façons de controler la qualité. 

Voir par exemple cette requête qui extrait les données pour un contributeur 
OSM. Il serait possible de voir rapidement l'ensemble des données produites par 
un novice et corriger le tir rapidement. L'exemple ci-dessous est pour un 
contributeur des tâches pré-désastre au début 

Nous nous trouvons actuellement à répondre à une crise majeure. Et en plus, 
nous avons à régler tous les problèmes créés par des projets pré-désastre qui 
ont multiplié des erreurs partout dans la zone du désastre. Sans compter ce qui 
s'est fait aussi les deux premières semaines d'octobre oû beaucoup de novices 
ont contribué.
Et comme je disais dans le titre de cette note, cette crise est majeure mais 
déja oubliée. Nous nous retrouvons maintenant en petit nombre à supporter cette 
crise et corriger les problèmes de qualité de données.

Au lieu de 4 projets, ont pourrait diviser et avoir des tailles plus réalistes 
et allouer de plus petits projets à un Mapathon particulier. La consigne 
devrait etre de bien couvrir oui toute la zone et de valider. Si non complété 
avec un premier mapathon, un second mapathon devrait compléter. 

Et s'il y a un problème criant de validateurs, il vaut mieux à mon avis 
produire moins que produire de la mauvaise qualité. Sinon, OSM va perdre en 
crédibilité et les acteurs humanitaires se désintéresser de cette source de 

Données collectées sur le terrain
Comme tu le sais, nous avons beaucoup travaillé à convaincre les acteurs sur le 
terrain à nous communiquer les données essentielles sur les villages et 
infrastructures telles que routes, écoles et services de santé. Mais 
malheureusement, peu de données remontent vers OSM. Ce bien sûr pour toutes 
sortes de raisons. Les équipes terrain sont surchargées. Cependant ces données 
sont collectées par les différentes organisations et devraient être davantage 
partagées. C'est collectivement, que nous pouvons construire un système 
efficace offrant la capacité de répondre promptement. 

Voici un exemple de l'impact du manque de données. En octobre, des soeurs du 
village de Counoubois ont appellé à l'aide ne pouvant plus nourrir les enfants 
dont elles avaiient la responsabilité. L'hélico qui devait livrer l'aide a 
tourné en rond pendant trois jours.  Pourtant il y a toutes ces applications 
qui fonctionnent via téléphones tablettes et que beaucoup d'humanitaires 
utilisent sur le terrain. Espérons que l'on pourra continuer à progresser sur 
ce terrain. Et à la fin la solution a été toute bête. On a demandé aux soeurs 
d'envoyer un SMS geocodé. 

Re: [Talk-GB] Chesterfield Pay Scale Area (former NaPTAN Plusbus zone)

2016-11-08 Thread Dave F
I discussed the ones local to me a few years ago on here, proposing they 
be removed as they were inaccurate (they passed through houses!) The 
data really should be on the bus stop nodes. Even the person who first 
added them thought they were redundant.


On 08/11/2016 18:46, Andy Townsend wrote:
I've just noticed that Chesterfield Pay Scale Area matches neither the 
current Plusbus zone, nor the "Day Rider" zone, nor the "Day Rider 
Plus" zone.  It matches what used to be the "Day Rider" zone, which 
predates Plusbus and was reorganised some time ago.

I'm proposing to delete it, but am mentioning it here first in case 
(a) anyone really doesn't want me to and (b) it prompts anyone else to 
look at the validity of OSM Plusbus data where they are.

For info see:





Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Missing Maps in Belgium - invisible track (without images)

2016-11-08 Thread Weg Spotter
(Sorry for the dutch version only - I am willing to translate this post)

Hallo allen,

hier dus de Wegspotter. Ik volgde de Talk-be site op de Archives, maar nu
toch even reageren op de inmiddels erg interessante discussie.

Het pad dat ik mapte, is een officiële voetweg, die volgens aanwijzingen op
de wiki "karteerbaar" is.(http://wiki.openstreetmap.
De weg is niet versperd: de doorgang is mogelijk. Op de plek van de gracht
ligt een duiker (zie foto).

Je kan er zo het veld op wandelen. Toch vrij overbrugbaar, eigenlijk.
Misschien is het wegje door mij net niet accuraat genoeg ingetekend
(excuses!) - dan ligt dat aan de basis van het misverstand. (Zou die duiker
dan onlangs zijn weggehaald als jij er passeerde, Marc?)

Maar goed, ik dacht het pad dus te klasseren onder: "invisible and
year-round accessible: in OSM, in accordance to the English and Welsh
system of "public rights of way" - UK access provisions#Public Rights of

En dan de tags:
1) highway =

Ook hier volgens de wiki. Het gaat om een voetweg, een officiële weg uit de
atlas der buurtwegen. Misschien is de boer niet blij als ik daar zou gaan
wandelen, maar je hebt er wel het recht toe. Het systeem lijkt erg veel op
dat van de Engelse Public Rights of Way (en die staan ook allemaal op OSM).
Het gaat dus niet zomaar om boertje pesten. In de UK is landbouwvoering
perfect mogelijk als er eens iemand door je graan- of maïsveld wandelt, ik
zie niet in waarom dat hier niet zou kunnen.

Het wegje is volgens die atlas officieel 1 m (zie rood getalletje) breed.
Nogal smal voor wat men op OSM als 'track' beschouwt.

*When to use path?*
=> For narrow roads (in general, *narrower than 1,75 m*, no car can pass).
When there is evidence that it is a public footpath (Atlas of vicinal roads
of signposted), preferably highway
 should be used
in in accordance to the English and Welsh system of "public rights of way",
classic scheme.United Kingdom Tagging Guidelines#Classic

*When to use track?*
=> For wider roads (in general, *wider than 1,75 m*, so a car can pass).

2) name  =

Ik heb wél een andere fout gemaakt, merk ik. De naam en het atlasnummer van
het wegje kloppen niet. (rgh!) Dat zal ik aanpassen.

=> moet dus zijn name = Hulstwegel

3) *vicinal_ref *= 97 moet dus zijn vicinal_ref = 102
4) *vicinal_type *= path omdat het een sentier betreft

5) trail_visibility
 = no
Omdat je de weg niet ziet liggen, plaatste ik trail_visibility op 'no'

6) tracktype 
= grade5
Dit is misschien geen goede tag-keuze. Ik had misschien iets moeten
gebruiken als *surface* = earth, omdat het dus strikt gezien geen
'highway=track' is, maar een 'highway=footway" is. De wiki kan wat dat
betreft nog wat bijgewerkt worden.

Ik vind de guidelines dus goed: er is een praktijk van het bewandelen en
gebruiken van voetwegen door open veld in ons land, die bovendien wordt
ondersteund door ons rechtssysteem. Het zou jammer zijn dat dergelijke
wegjes dus niet meer in OSM zouden kunnen staan.

Groetjes en bovenal - schitterend werk dat jullie leveren in de
OSM-community! 'k Ben echt fan.
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Nom des arrêts de bus

2016-11-08 Thread Noémie Lehuby


Personnellement, j'utilise le nom présent sur l'arrêt, corrigé de  ses 
abbréviations et capitalisations (typiquement les corrections proposées 
par Osmose).

Je ne pense pas que l'ajout d'un tag name: apporte beaucoup si 
la variante contient juste des modifications de capitalisation, 
abbréviations, précision sur la commune, etc
Le seul cas où ça me semble vraiment légitime est quand il y a une 
divergence (de type "Piscine" vs "Centre Aquatique", ou une variante 
orthographique sans qu'on sache laquelle est la bonne).
Si c'est pour conserver le lien avec l'opendata, je pense qu'il vaut 
mieux essayer de se trouver un identifiant pérenne plutôt que d'utiliser 
un nom complémentaire.


Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2016 23:34:44 -0700 (MST)
From: mga_geo 
To: talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
Subject: [OSM-talk-fr] Nom des arrêts de bus
Message-ID: <1477377284161-5884903.p...@n8.nabble.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Bonjour à tous,

J'utilise les données publiques des réseaux de transport type Star, 

en Ille-et-Vilaine pour mapper.
Pour le tag "name" d'un highway/bus_stop, j'ai souvent des divergences, 

exemple :
Lycée Saint-Exupéry # Lycée St-Exupéry
Saint-Jacques Mairie # St-Jacques Mairie
Bruz (Gare) # Bruz Gare
Le Rheu (Lycée Monod) # Lycée Monod

Les deux premières proviennent d'une correction suggérée par Osmose, 

autres d'un utilisateur.
Ces divergences sont dans le cas d'un arrêt utilisé par un seul réseau.

Si un arrêt est utilisé par plusieurs réseaux, sa dénomination n'est 
rarement identique, ajout fréquemment en préfixe du nom de la commune 

les réseaux inter-urbains.
J'ajoute dans ce cas un tag "name:network".

Je pense utiliser le même principe pour les divergences : tag 

avec la graphie opendata.
J'attends vos remarques ...


View this message in context:
Sent from the France mailing list archive at Nabble.com.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Progetto Montagne Sicure

2016-11-08 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 08 nov 2016, alle ore 15:02, Alfredo Gattai 
>  ha scritto:
> Magari con la foto :-)

per me questa foto è un bel esempio che si ottiene più ordine e chiarezza 
quando si usano più oggetti, uno per targa. Come abbiamo mappato questo palo al 
momento/come lo mapperesti?


Ps: ref:emergency comunque come tag non è cattivo, in quanto è "parlante", se 
c'è consenso direi di aggiungerlo al wiki.
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Caricare/scaricare relazione esterna dataset con Josm.

2016-11-08 Thread girarsi_liste
Il 08/11/2016 20:09, Alfredo Gattai ha scritto:
> Non sono un esperto di josm ma se usi download object puoi specificare ID
> della relazione e te la scarica con tutti i membri. Io lo uso per
> correggere/aggiungere tag delle relazioni. Per aggiungere membri però
> utilizzo quasi sempre Potlach o ID


Si imposta la scelta "relazione" nel menu a discesa, e poi ti scarica
solo la relazione, basta non flaggare anche l'aggiunta dei membri per
non creare conflitti.


Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetView name change

2016-11-08 Thread Joseph Reeves
How about just StreetScape?

I think the open- prefix is unnecessary unless OpenStreetView is officially
part of the OSM project? We should be expecting all good projects to be
open by default, so branding as Open may be unnecessary. In addition,
projects should be aiming to compete on features and completeness (as
helped by the openness) as opposed to relying on being open as a USP.

Just my 2 pennies worth,


On 8 Nov 2016 6:57 pm, "Richard Fairhurst"  wrote:
> Andy Mabbett wrote:
> > This is hardly surprising, and not unreasonable (there's no
> > "Ford Beetle" or "Volkswagen Mini", nor a "BurgerKing
> > Happy Meal". for example).
> Though there is Ordnance Survey Street View, which pre-dates Google Street
> View by several years. (It's soon to be replaced by OS Open Map Local.)
> FWIW, I like the "-scape" suffix, e.g. OpenStreetscape:
>  https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/streetscape
> Richard
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Caricare/scaricare relazione esterna dataset con Josm.

2016-11-08 Thread Alfredo Gattai
Non sono un esperto di josm ma se usi download object puoi specificare ID
della relazione e te la scarica con tutti i membri. Io lo uso per
correggere/aggiungere tag delle relazioni. Per aggiungere membri però
utilizzo quasi sempre Potlach o ID

Il 08 Nov 2016 20:03, "girarsi_liste"  ha scritto:

Se io ho una way da inserire in una relazione esterna al dataset che sto
modificando, con Josm, che voi sappiate, c'è modo di richiamare l'ID
della relazione per inserire questa way nella maschera/finestra apposita?

Nel caso specifico dovrei aggiungere un pò di tratti di sentieri alla
relazione "Sentiero della pace", presente in Trentino con questo ID:


PS: Il sito web è da correggere, è questo:


Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Caricare/scaricare relazione esterna dataset con Josm.

2016-11-08 Thread girarsi_liste
Se io ho una way da inserire in una relazione esterna al dataset che sto
modificando, con Josm, che voi sappiate, c'è modo di richiamare l'ID
della relazione per inserire questa way nella maschera/finestra apposita?

Nel caso specifico dovrei aggiungere un pò di tratti di sentieri alla
relazione "Sentiero della pace", presente in Trentino con questo ID:


PS: Il sito web è da correggere, è questo:


Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk] (no subject)

2016-11-08 Thread Janell Riggs
I do love you so much please do not talk dirty stuff and I always love.

 Janell Riggs
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetView name change

2016-11-08 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Andy Mabbett wrote:
> This is hardly surprising, and not unreasonable (there's no 
> "Ford Beetle" or "Volkswagen Mini", nor a "BurgerKing 
> Happy Meal". for example).

Though there is Ordnance Survey Street View, which pre-dates Google Street
View by several years. (It's soon to be replaced by OS Open Map Local.)

FWIW, I like the "-scape" suffix, e.g. OpenStreetscape:



View this message in context: 
Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetView name change

2016-11-08 Thread Glenn Plas
On 08-11-16 19:16, Hakuch wrote:
> On 08.11.2016 18:34, Glenn Plas wrote:
>> I think it's definitely totally unreasonable by Giegle.
> To be honest, no one would have chosen "View" if there not has been that
> other tool, do you?

View is quite a common word. Imagine apple claiming the rights on
anything that starts with I- : I-crap, I-whatever, I-rail, I-eat (there
are thousands of those). They wouldn't exist either without Apple.

They seem to have no problem with OpenStreetMap vs. Google StreetMap
right?  Because they know they would loose this in court.  It's just FUD

I've went against Google in 2008 on a map dispute and won , didn't have
to pay 50K per year for 3 years because of it(prob. peanuts for them but
they went after us anyway).   Didn't cost me nothing btw. well worth it.

They thought they could force American rules on a Belgian company, they
might have plenty of lawyers, doesn't really help as only 1 can talk at
the same time and when they are ignorant they loose.

in our EU law system you cannot claim ownership over common words like
that.  It's not because you're big and bold that you can get away with

So, why not use OpenStreetMapView ? It's just an extra word behind an
existing brand, almost as old as Giggle maps.

> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

talk mailing list

[Talk-GB] Chesterfield Pay Scale Area (former NaPTAN Plusbus zone)

2016-11-08 Thread Andy Townsend
I've just noticed that Chesterfield Pay Scale Area matches neither the 
current Plusbus zone, nor the "Day Rider" zone, nor the "Day Rider Plus" 
zone.  It matches what used to be the "Day Rider" zone, which predates 
Plusbus and was reorganised some time ago.

I'm proposing to delete it, but am mentioning it here first in case (a) 
anyone really doesn't want me to and (b) it prompts anyone else to look 
at the validity of OSM Plusbus data where they are.

For info see:





Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetView name change

2016-11-08 Thread Toby Murray
I'm guessing they are claiming trademark rights on the term "Street
View" which is not entirely unreasonable. (IANAL, etc)


On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 9:42 AM, Glenn Plas  wrote:
> Does well-know-bully-company own the word 'view' ?  I don't understand
> why you consider yielding on this.  They can ask all they want right ?
> Glenn
> On 08-11-16 16:34, Martijn van Exel wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> A few months ago, we started with OpenStreetView, the free and open
>> street level imagery project made 100% for OSM with apps for Android and
>> iOS. Since then, we not only have collected almost 30 kilometers of
>> coverage, but also received a lot of attention from both you and the
>> press. This has also led to a friendly (for now) request by a well-known
>> company with a similarly-named product :) to not use the OpenStreetView
>> name. So we are looking for a new name. We have some ideas already but I
>> wanted to ask if you had any suggestions for a new name for OSV?
>> Thanks for your support and happy capturing / mapping,
>> Martijn + the OpenStreetView team
>> ___
>> talk mailing list
>> talk@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetView name change

2016-11-08 Thread Hakuch
--> OSP

On 08.11.2016 18:05, Andy Mabbett wrote:
> OpenStreets
> OpenVista

guess, another big player will complain then ;)

> OpenPanorama

Description: application/pgp-keys
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetView name change

2016-11-08 Thread Hakuch
On 08.11.2016 18:34, Glenn Plas wrote:
> I think it's definitely totally unreasonable by Giegle.

To be honest, no one would have chosen "View" if there not has been that
other tool, do you?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetView name change

2016-11-08 Thread Glenn Plas
Knock yourselves out by not being able to choose:


But I still think it's bullshit to claim this as it's clearly a part of
the openstreet-brand if you just put the word 'view' behind it.

I think it's definitely totally unreasonable by Giegle.


On 08-11-16 16:34, Martijn van Exel wrote:
> Hi all, 
> A few months ago, we started with OpenStreetView, the free and open
> street level imagery project made 100% for OSM with apps for Android and
> iOS. Since then, we not only have collected almost 30 kilometers of
> coverage, but also received a lot of attention from both you and the
> press. This has also led to a friendly (for now) request by a well-known
> company with a similarly-named product :) to not use the OpenStreetView
> name. So we are looking for a new name. We have some ideas already but I
> wanted to ask if you had any suggestions for a new name for OSV?
> Thanks for your support and happy capturing / mapping, 
> Martijn + the OpenStreetView team
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Foto rozcestníku

2016-11-08 Thread Marián Kyral
snad to teď bude alespoň chvíli fungovat bez problémů.


Dne 8.11.2016 v 14:14 Michal Grézl napsal(a):
> hotovo
> 2016-11-08 14:09 GMT+01:00 Michal Grézl :
>> ups ja to nestihl obnovit:((
>> este dneska to udelam
>> mi nefunguje to automaticky obnovovani, tak to musim udelat rucne.
>> 2016-11-08 12:24 GMT+01:00 Marián Kyral :
>>> chjo, to https je jen k zlosti. Wallymu vypršela platnost ssl certifikátu:
>>> api.openstreetmap.cz uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate
>>> expired on 7.11.2016 14:08. The current time is 8.11.2016 12:21. Error code:
>>> Michale, hééélp
>>> Marián
>>> -- Původní zpráva --
>>> Od: Zdeněk Pražák 
>>> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
>>> Datum: 8. 11. 2016 10:01:20
>>> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Foto rozcestníku
>>> potvrzuji, že na https://openstreetmap.cz/#map=15/49.0010/13.7995=kGB
>>> fotky nahrávat nejdou.
>>> Mves72 - Doporučuji než se to vyřeší nahrát fotografie přes
>>> old.openstreetmap.cz
>>> Dne 7. listopadu 2016 21:59 mves72  napsal(a):
>>> Zdravím všechny,
>>> Po včerejší přednášce Miroslava Suchého na konferenci Openalt jsem se chtěl
>>> připojit k editaci turistických tras ve svém okolí. Odpoledne jsem vyfotil
>>> nejbližší rozcestník a pokusil se ho nahrát na openstreetmap.cz
>>> účet mám, přihlášení proběhlo, ale když dám vyberte fotografii, objeví se
>>> dialog - tam nahraju fotku, ta se v dialogu zobrazí, ale po kliknutí na
>>> Nahrát fotografii, skončí to dlouhým čekáním a kolečko dole se pořád točí a
>>> točí...
>>> Je nějaké omezení třeba na velikost fotky?
>>> může to být tím, že nemám zadáno nic v poli licence? - ale tam mi to nic
>>> nenabízí...
>>> Prosím o radu
>>> Miloš
>>> __ _
>>> Talk-cz mailing list
>>> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
>>> https://lists.openstreetmap. org/listinfo/talk-cz
>>> ___
>>> Talk-cz mailing list
>>> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
>>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
>> --
>> Michal Grézl
>> http://openstreetmap.cz

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Missing Maps in Belgium - invisible track

2016-11-08 Thread Glenn Plas
On 08-11-16 17:58, Marc Gemis wrote:
> dus je kan over een willekeurige weide zonderafsluiting een pad
> tekenen ? Zal die landbouwer blij mee zijn.

Dat zou eerder een track zijn imho en geen pad (als we letterlijk
vertalen hier)

paths en tracks zijn zo dubieus eigenlijk


> 2016-11-08 17:55 GMT+01:00 Wouter Hamelinck :
>> Ik vind ook dat je dergelijke wegen in OSM moet houden. Mijn criterium is
>> heel eenvoudig:
>> * pad zichtbaar: in OSM
>> * geen pad zichtbaar en echt ontoegankelijk (bvb door afsluiting of muur):
>> niet in OSM
>> * geen pad zichtbaar, maar toegankelijk zelfs al is het maar een deel van
>> het jaar en met wat moeite: een paar keer over en weer lopen en je zit in
>> mijn eerste geval. In OSM dus.
>> wouter
>> 2016-11-08 17:15 GMT+01:00 Glenn Plas :
>>> Er zijn wel wat in de wiki te vinden over temporary features maar of
>>> deze widely accepted zijn is een ander verhaal.
>>> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/temporary_(conditional)
>>> Klopt trouwens dat Trage wegen wel probeert alles in OSM te krijgen,
>>> maar persoonlijk vind ik teveel beter dan te weinig.  Het kost geen
>>> moeite iets te wissen dat er niet bijhoord, iets mappen dat er nog niet
>>> is meer werk.
>>> Daarom hou ik van thema-mappers, die zijn detailistisch , je kan daarop
>>> rekenen.  Dus dat er hier en daar een path staat dat min of meer dubieus
>>> is lig ik niet van wakker vanaf iemand ontdekt dat die niet te
>>> bewandelen zijn gaan ze weg.
>>> Zelf heb ik eentje al 2 keer moeten wissen hier beetje verderop, ik heb
>>> echt hard geprobeerd erover te geraken, maar het is er gewoon niet maar
>>> staat wel in Trage Wegen.  Dus iedere keer iemand deze opnieuw intekent
>>> weet ik dat het armchair copy/paste is.
>>> Glenn
>>> On 08-11-16 17:03, joost schouppe wrote:
 Hier in Halle ken ik ook zo'n situatie:


 Niets te zien, maar wel een officieel tragewegenbordje en occasioneel

 In dit geval zou ik (zoals Glenn al zei) eens vragen aan Wegspotter wat
 hij er zelf over denkt. Als het een historisch wegje is dat enkel nog
 wettelijk gezien bestaat, dan denk ik dat hij wel akkoord zou zijn om
 het te wissen. En dat was toch de consensus binnen OSM dacht ik. Als het
 nog effectief af en toe gebruikt zou worden, kan je het eerder wel laten

 Alleszins zijn dit soort gevallen wel een mooie illustratie van hoe
 moeilijk het is de grens te trekken. Eigenlijk zou je alle "legaal
 bestaande en niet fysiek ontoegankelijke wegjes" (geen omheining, geen
 diepe beek) kunnen mappen. Als iemand er zich door worstelt, dan kan in
 principe niemand daar iets tegen beginnen. En als er véél mensen dat
 doen, dan ontstaat er terug een "echt" pad. Maar ik zou zeker niet
 argumenteren om zomaar alle Atlaswegen in te tekenen.

 Datzelfde is uiteindelijk wat er in het voorbeeld van Philip elk jaar na
 het zaaien gebeurt. Bij Trage Wegen vzw organiseren ze op dat soort
 plaatsen soms wandelingen specifiek om dat soort padjes in stand te
 houden, eenvoudig door er een keer met honderd man over te lopen :)

 Nog een mooie:


 Die is helemaal niet zichtbaar op het terrein, maar wel deel van een
 officiële wandeling. Op het "echte" pad (aan het noordelijke eind) staat
 er gewoon een bordje "hier naar rechts naar volgende knooppunt" en daar
 loop je zo het grasveld in. Dat zou je hier natuurlijk als een "virtueel
 pad" kunnen mappen.

 Talk-be mailing list

>>> ___
>>> Talk-be mailing list
>>> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
>>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
>> --
>> "Den som ikke tror på seg selv kommer ingen vei."
>>- Thor Heyerdahl
>> ___
>> Talk-be mailing list
>> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetView name change

2016-11-08 Thread Aun Johnsen
Since all-evil-you-know-who have lawyers that can sue the ass off everything, 
let us look at what strictly mean the same but sounds completely different, my 
idea is FSLI, the Free Street Level Images.

Aun Johnsen

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetView name change

2016-11-08 Thread Milo van der Linden
'Photos for openstreetmap" abbreviated as photosm like with hotosm?

Op 8 nov. 2016 6:08 p.m. schreef "Andy Mabbett" :

> On 8 November 2016 at 15:34, Martijn van Exel  wrote:#
> > a friendly (for now) request by a well-known company with a
> similarly-named
> > product :) to not use the OpenStreetView name.
> This is hardly surprising, and not unreasonable (there's no "Ford
> Beetle" or "Volkswagen Mini", nor a "BurgerKing Happy Meal". for
> example).
> > So we are looking for a new name. We have some ideas already but I
> wanted to ask
> > if you had any suggestions for a new name for OSV?
> OpenStreets
> OpenVista
> OpenPanorama
> --
> Andy Mabbett
> @pigsonthewing
> http://pigsonthewing.org.uk
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetView name change

2016-11-08 Thread Andy Mabbett
On 8 November 2016 at 15:34, Martijn van Exel  wrote:#

> a friendly (for now) request by a well-known company with a similarly-named
> product :) to not use the OpenStreetView name.

This is hardly surprising, and not unreasonable (there's no "Ford
Beetle" or "Volkswagen Mini", nor a "BurgerKing Happy Meal". for

> So we are looking for a new name. We have some ideas already but I wanted to 
> ask
> if you had any suggestions for a new name for OSV?




Andy Mabbett

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Open Data Provincia di Biella

2016-11-08 Thread marco.baietto

Ciao, Marco

Il 08/11/2016 16.57, talk-it-requ...@openstreetmap.org ha scritto:

Secondo me eliminare i civici esistenti non ha senso, perché non sono
più i dati di partenza forniti dal Comune di Biella, ma sono già stati
modificati. Alcuni numeri civici non avevano indicata la strada
corretta, altri non erano stati posizionati correttamente, altri sono
stati aggiunti.

Provo a vedere se ci sono dei tool per estrarre solo i civici mancanti.




Dr. Marco Baietto

Area Tecnica ambientale
Servizio Sistema Informativo Territoriale Ambientale (SITA)
Provincia di Biella
Via Q. Sella, 12 - 13900 - Biella (BI)
Tel. 0158480753

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Missing Maps in Belgium - invisible track

2016-11-08 Thread Marc Gemis
dus je kan over een willekeurige weide zonderafsluiting een pad
tekenen ? Zal die landbouwer blij mee zijn.

2016-11-08 17:55 GMT+01:00 Wouter Hamelinck :
> Ik vind ook dat je dergelijke wegen in OSM moet houden. Mijn criterium is
> heel eenvoudig:
> * pad zichtbaar: in OSM
> * geen pad zichtbaar en echt ontoegankelijk (bvb door afsluiting of muur):
> niet in OSM
> * geen pad zichtbaar, maar toegankelijk zelfs al is het maar een deel van
> het jaar en met wat moeite: een paar keer over en weer lopen en je zit in
> mijn eerste geval. In OSM dus.
> wouter
> 2016-11-08 17:15 GMT+01:00 Glenn Plas :
>> Er zijn wel wat in de wiki te vinden over temporary features maar of
>> deze widely accepted zijn is een ander verhaal.
>> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/temporary_(conditional)
>> Klopt trouwens dat Trage wegen wel probeert alles in OSM te krijgen,
>> maar persoonlijk vind ik teveel beter dan te weinig.  Het kost geen
>> moeite iets te wissen dat er niet bijhoord, iets mappen dat er nog niet
>> is meer werk.
>> Daarom hou ik van thema-mappers, die zijn detailistisch , je kan daarop
>> rekenen.  Dus dat er hier en daar een path staat dat min of meer dubieus
>> is lig ik niet van wakker vanaf iemand ontdekt dat die niet te
>> bewandelen zijn gaan ze weg.
>> Zelf heb ik eentje al 2 keer moeten wissen hier beetje verderop, ik heb
>> echt hard geprobeerd erover te geraken, maar het is er gewoon niet maar
>> staat wel in Trage Wegen.  Dus iedere keer iemand deze opnieuw intekent
>> weet ik dat het armchair copy/paste is.
>> Glenn
>> On 08-11-16 17:03, joost schouppe wrote:
>> > Hier in Halle ken ik ook zo'n situatie:
>> >
>> > http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/256780484
>> >
>> > Niets te zien, maar wel een officieel tragewegenbordje en occasioneel
>> > gebruik.
>> >
>> > In dit geval zou ik (zoals Glenn al zei) eens vragen aan Wegspotter wat
>> > hij er zelf over denkt. Als het een historisch wegje is dat enkel nog
>> > wettelijk gezien bestaat, dan denk ik dat hij wel akkoord zou zijn om
>> > het te wissen. En dat was toch de consensus binnen OSM dacht ik. Als het
>> > nog effectief af en toe gebruikt zou worden, kan je het eerder wel laten
>> > staan.
>> >
>> > Alleszins zijn dit soort gevallen wel een mooie illustratie van hoe
>> > moeilijk het is de grens te trekken. Eigenlijk zou je alle "legaal
>> > bestaande en niet fysiek ontoegankelijke wegjes" (geen omheining, geen
>> > diepe beek) kunnen mappen. Als iemand er zich door worstelt, dan kan in
>> > principe niemand daar iets tegen beginnen. En als er véél mensen dat
>> > doen, dan ontstaat er terug een "echt" pad. Maar ik zou zeker niet
>> > argumenteren om zomaar alle Atlaswegen in te tekenen.
>> >
>> > Datzelfde is uiteindelijk wat er in het voorbeeld van Philip elk jaar na
>> > het zaaien gebeurt. Bij Trage Wegen vzw organiseren ze op dat soort
>> > plaatsen soms wandelingen specifiek om dat soort padjes in stand te
>> > houden, eenvoudig door er een keer met honderd man over te lopen :)
>> >
>> > Nog een mooie:
>> >
>> > http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/169851483#map=19/50.72151/4.08480
>> >
>> > Die is helemaal niet zichtbaar op het terrein, maar wel deel van een
>> > officiële wandeling. Op het "echte" pad (aan het noordelijke eind) staat
>> > er gewoon een bordje "hier naar rechts naar volgende knooppunt" en daar
>> > loop je zo het grasveld in. Dat zou je hier natuurlijk als een "virtueel
>> > pad" kunnen mappen.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > ___
>> > Talk-be mailing list
>> > Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
>> > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
>> >
>> ___
>> Talk-be mailing list
>> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
> --
> "Den som ikke tror på seg selv kommer ingen vei."
>- Thor Heyerdahl
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-transit] Public transport time information in OSM

2016-11-08 Thread Florian LAINEZ

2016-10-31 10:54 GMT+01:00 Felix Delattre :

> We could be a lot more flexible in a project dedicated to store time
> information based on OSM stops

There is a French project that does exactly that:
Does it sounds like an appropriate solution to you guys?


*Florian Lainez*
Talk-transit mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Missing Maps in Belgium - invisible track

2016-11-08 Thread Philippe Casteleyn
Ik heb nog geprobeerd een "time travel" vergelijking te maken tussen de twee 
seizoenen met een photo vanuit  hetzelfde standpunt, maar die zijn er niet of 
zijn niet goed genoeg.


Iedereen heeft intussen gezien waarom dat padje in Zemst daar ligt ?

Het is gewoon richting kapel aan de overzijde van de Zenne.

Ik heb zelfs de indruk dat de boer zijn voren daar meer uiteen liggen.

Time Travel by 
A couple of weeks ago I went to the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles 
to do some research on time travel. After a couple of weeks of work on design 
and ...

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Missing Maps in Belgium - invisible track

2016-11-08 Thread Wouter Hamelinck
Ik vind ook dat je dergelijke wegen in OSM moet houden. Mijn criterium is
heel eenvoudig:
* pad zichtbaar: in OSM
* geen pad zichtbaar en echt ontoegankelijk (bvb door afsluiting of muur):
niet in OSM
* geen pad zichtbaar, maar toegankelijk zelfs al is het maar een deel van
het jaar en met wat moeite: een paar keer over en weer lopen en je zit in
mijn eerste geval. In OSM dus.


2016-11-08 17:15 GMT+01:00 Glenn Plas :

> Er zijn wel wat in de wiki te vinden over temporary features maar of
> deze widely accepted zijn is een ander verhaal.
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/
> temporary_(conditional)
> Klopt trouwens dat Trage wegen wel probeert alles in OSM te krijgen,
> maar persoonlijk vind ik teveel beter dan te weinig.  Het kost geen
> moeite iets te wissen dat er niet bijhoord, iets mappen dat er nog niet
> is meer werk.
> Daarom hou ik van thema-mappers, die zijn detailistisch , je kan daarop
> rekenen.  Dus dat er hier en daar een path staat dat min of meer dubieus
> is lig ik niet van wakker vanaf iemand ontdekt dat die niet te
> bewandelen zijn gaan ze weg.
> Zelf heb ik eentje al 2 keer moeten wissen hier beetje verderop, ik heb
> echt hard geprobeerd erover te geraken, maar het is er gewoon niet maar
> staat wel in Trage Wegen.  Dus iedere keer iemand deze opnieuw intekent
> weet ik dat het armchair copy/paste is.
> Glenn
> On 08-11-16 17:03, joost schouppe wrote:
> > Hier in Halle ken ik ook zo'n situatie:
> >
> > http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/256780484
> >
> > Niets te zien, maar wel een officieel tragewegenbordje en occasioneel
> > gebruik.
> >
> > In dit geval zou ik (zoals Glenn al zei) eens vragen aan Wegspotter wat
> > hij er zelf over denkt. Als het een historisch wegje is dat enkel nog
> > wettelijk gezien bestaat, dan denk ik dat hij wel akkoord zou zijn om
> > het te wissen. En dat was toch de consensus binnen OSM dacht ik. Als het
> > nog effectief af en toe gebruikt zou worden, kan je het eerder wel laten
> > staan.
> >
> > Alleszins zijn dit soort gevallen wel een mooie illustratie van hoe
> > moeilijk het is de grens te trekken. Eigenlijk zou je alle "legaal
> > bestaande en niet fysiek ontoegankelijke wegjes" (geen omheining, geen
> > diepe beek) kunnen mappen. Als iemand er zich door worstelt, dan kan in
> > principe niemand daar iets tegen beginnen. En als er véél mensen dat
> > doen, dan ontstaat er terug een "echt" pad. Maar ik zou zeker niet
> > argumenteren om zomaar alle Atlaswegen in te tekenen.
> >
> > Datzelfde is uiteindelijk wat er in het voorbeeld van Philip elk jaar na
> > het zaaien gebeurt. Bij Trage Wegen vzw organiseren ze op dat soort
> > plaatsen soms wandelingen specifiek om dat soort padjes in stand te
> > houden, eenvoudig door er een keer met honderd man over te lopen :)
> >
> > Nog een mooie:
> >
> > http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/169851483#map=19/50.72151/4.08480
> >
> > Die is helemaal niet zichtbaar op het terrein, maar wel deel van een
> > officiële wandeling. Op het "echte" pad (aan het noordelijke eind) staat
> > er gewoon een bordje "hier naar rechts naar volgende knooppunt" en daar
> > loop je zo het grasveld in. Dat zou je hier natuurlijk als een "virtueel
> > pad" kunnen mappen.
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-be mailing list
> > Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
> >
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be

"Den som ikke tror på seg selv kommer ingen vei."
   - Thor Heyerdahl
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk] Android survey app: osmagent

2016-11-08 Thread Tobias Zwick

I would like to advocate an Android app I have been working on more or
less for a year. I posted this in the forum already but it has been
suggested to me that I also post this here on this mailing list to reach
the right audience, so here it goes:

Osmagent is a tool for surveyors that doesn't require any knowledge
about the tagging schemes in OpenStreetMap and also doesn't require the
surveyor to return home after the survey, launch JOSM and spend an equal
amount of time inputting the data into the database:

The app searches for incomplete or extendable data in the user's
vicinity and presents the user with a map of "quests" (like i.e. in
Mapdust) that each are solvable by answering a simple question while
surveying it. Basically, take the concept of Mapdust and Maproulette,
add the ability to solve them on-site and you got osmagent.
The data input by the user is then directly added to the OSM database,
making it available for others immediately and also eliminating the need
for editing tools to insert the info later when back from the survey.

Some examples of what the app might ask:

* What is the name of this road / shop / place / bus stop / etc. ?
* What are the opening hours of this shop / place / etc.?
* How many lanes does this road have?
* What is the surface / smoothness of this road? (User selects photo)
* Does this road have a sidewalk?
* How many storeys does this building have?
* etc. ... many more

The Idea
The idea for the project came to me when I realized how inefficient and
time-consuming a GPS survey is:

* regardless of which mapping technique I used, it always boiled down
  having to spend several hours to "process" the GPS trace in front of
  the PC

* During a survey, I had no clue how well-surveyed the area already was
  because many details like road surfaces, building heights, etc. are
  not shown on the default (offline) map I use during a GPS survey.
  Also, house numbers might generally be defined, but missing for only
  one street or a few houses. So, often I noted down information that
  was already there. Also recording any possible information that
  might be missing takes a lot of time and a survey starts to feel
  tedious. Wouldn't it be nice if someone already collected everything
  that is missing for me?

* I like to contribute to the OSM, but I realized that many others also
  like to contribute while only few have the leisure to acquaint
  themselves with how to survey and even less are able to program tools
  and apps that help. So I can better contribute to the OSM in helping
  others to contribute.

The Name
I had the idea for the name when I overheard someone saying something
along the lines of that "google has their agents [who survey these
things]" when I was impressed on seeing the Google indoor maps of
certain shopping centres. Well, with this app, anyone can be an agent
for OpenStreetMap!
I realize that "agent" might carry a negative undertone for some people,
so I am not set on this name yet. I thought of osmscout, but this name
is already taken. Another name that recently crossed my mind is
mapcomplete (leaned towards "achievement complete"). Let me know what
you think.

* decentralized: The app only communicates with OSM and Overpass, no
 third server involved. Consequently, you do not need
 any other account than your OSM account.

* data economic: The app downloads sparse data from Overpass and only
 that which it needs to display the quests

* offline-usage: Sync-only-on-Wifi option. You can solve the quests
 offline, when you return to some online-place, the OSM
 changes are automatically uploaded, conflicts are
 resolved automatically. You can download the quests
 for an area beforehand.

* oauth: The answers you give are created as atomic commits with
 reasonable comments and source tags in your name

* Mu: For each quest, you have the possibility to leave a public note
  instead of answering the question, i.e. if app asks for the
  opening hours of the shop but in reality the shop does not exist
  anymore. A note at a location blocks any other quests, so other
  users are not bothered about an unanswerable question at that
  position as long as it is not solved. Alternatively, they can
  just hide the quest for themselves.

* answering notes: The other way round, users may also answer on other
   people's notes

* 3D Map rendering: I am using Tangram-ES to render the map, which is
capable of rendering the buildings in 3D and also
apply all kinds of shaders to the map. Other than
that the map may look 

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Missing Maps in Belgium - invisible track

2016-11-08 Thread Marc Gemis
2016-11-08 17:15 GMT+01:00 Glenn Plas :
> Klopt trouwens dat Trage wegen wel probeert alles in OSM te krijgen,
> maar persoonlijk vind ik teveel beter dan te weinig.  Het kost geen
> moeite iets te wissen dat er niet bijhoord, iets mappen dat er nog niet
> is meer werk.

behalve als je daar staat en dacht een shortcut te kunnen nemen, en nu
een paar honderd meter (of kilometer) mag rondwandelen :-) Dan denk je
dat minder beter is dan meer :-)


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] GRB import case + wiki page need help

2016-11-08 Thread Ben Abelshausen
I remember translating the license... :-)

The attribution requirement is ok already, perhaps a link to the new Import
page can be added there:


Met vriendelijke groeten,
Best regards,

Ben Abelshausen

On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 4:37 PM, Glenn Plas  wrote:

> Hey,
> On 08-11-16 15:29, joost schouppe wrote:
> > Eh, I would think the legal stuff can just be copied from here:
> >
> > https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/AGIV_CRAB_Import#Legal
> mmm, translated license info in English... how did that escape me ?
> >
> > CRAB and GRB are under the same licence
> > (check https://www.agiv.be/news/2015/december/vlaamse-overheid-
> stelt-grb-data-gratis-open
> > ), and CRAB has been accepted as something we can import.
> awesome, we need ammunition like that.  That means they can't argue with
> us about the license.  That will save a thread or 2 in the import
> mailing list.
> > And yes, discussing is much more fun than editing wiki pages of course :)
> Let's move forward on this,  we gotta get content in there. I'm quite
> motivated to fix the final steps, especially make a production ready
> interface.
> tx Joost.
> Glenn
> >
> > 2016-11-08 13:37 GMT+01:00 Glenn Plas  > >:
> >
> > On 08-11-16 13:30, joost schouppe wrote:
> > > I'm a little surprised by how little space there is for explaining
> the
> > > what and why of the import in this template. Things like "current
> use in
> > > OSM", "quality of the data", "data model of the original data", etc
> > > "integration methodology" etc. I would expect this to be the most
> > > important in evaluating the import. Seems like this is all kept to
> the
> > > imports talk list then? Or is this supposed to be in the
> explanation of
> > > the source itself?
> >
> > I just kinda anchored the page and removed some dutch text, I think
> it
> > should be in English too, but I can't find GRB licensing in English
> atm.
> >
> > Feel free to blow it away actually, only the top part is mine.  it's
> a
> > rush job and I was planning on improving it today if only I wasn't
> > fighting a evil tile server like a jedi master
> >
> > > I would like to work on that part of the page if that is useful.
> And we
> > > could probably get someone from the AIV to review the technical
> details
> > > too.
> >
> > Thanks Joost, I noticed the response on actually helping me with
> these
> > is very low atm.  But the "GRB pressure" to get it done seems a lot
> > higher (not judging) But I can't do it all by myself.
> >
> > If I can make a suggestion, I really want the legal part in order.
> For
> > technical stuff I have a lot more inspiration.
> >
> > Glenn
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-be mailing list
> > Talk-be@openstreetmap.org 
> > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
> > 
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Joost @
> > Openstreetmap
> >  | Twitter
> >  | LinkedIn
> >  | Meetup
> > 
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-be mailing list
> > Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
> >
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetView name change

2016-11-08 Thread Mike Thompson
Libre Via Picturae  (Open Street View in Latin... as best I can tell
usingahem... Google translate)


On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 8:45 AM, Hans De Kryger 

> Guessing that company's name rimes with frugal
> Regards,
> Hans
> On Nov 8, 2016 8:35 AM, "Martijn van Exel"  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> A few months ago, we started with OpenStreetView, the free and open
>> street level imagery project made 100% for OSM with apps for Android and
>> iOS. Since then, we not only have collected almost 30 kilometers of
>> coverage, but also received a lot of attention from both you and the press.
>> This has also led to a friendly (for now) request by a well-known company
>> with a similarly-named product :) to not use the OpenStreetView name. So we
>> are looking for a new name. We have some ideas already but I wanted to ask
>> if you had any suggestions for a new name for OSV?
>> Thanks for your support and happy capturing / mapping,
>> Martijn + the OpenStreetView team
>> ___
>> talk mailing list
>> talk@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Open Data Provincia di Biella

2016-11-08 Thread Alessandro Palmas

> Provo a vedere se ci sono dei tool per estrarre solo i civici mancanti.
> Ciao,
> Andrea

Il plugin di Josm Conflation potrebbe fare al caso tuo?

Alessandro Ale_Zena_IT

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Missing Maps in Belgium - invisible track

2016-11-08 Thread Glenn Plas
Er zijn wel wat in de wiki te vinden over temporary features maar of
deze widely accepted zijn is een ander verhaal.


Klopt trouwens dat Trage wegen wel probeert alles in OSM te krijgen,
maar persoonlijk vind ik teveel beter dan te weinig.  Het kost geen
moeite iets te wissen dat er niet bijhoord, iets mappen dat er nog niet
is meer werk.

Daarom hou ik van thema-mappers, die zijn detailistisch , je kan daarop
rekenen.  Dus dat er hier en daar een path staat dat min of meer dubieus
is lig ik niet van wakker vanaf iemand ontdekt dat die niet te
bewandelen zijn gaan ze weg.

Zelf heb ik eentje al 2 keer moeten wissen hier beetje verderop, ik heb
echt hard geprobeerd erover te geraken, maar het is er gewoon niet maar
staat wel in Trage Wegen.  Dus iedere keer iemand deze opnieuw intekent
weet ik dat het armchair copy/paste is.


On 08-11-16 17:03, joost schouppe wrote:
> Hier in Halle ken ik ook zo'n situatie: 
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/256780484
> Niets te zien, maar wel een officieel tragewegenbordje en occasioneel
> gebruik.
> In dit geval zou ik (zoals Glenn al zei) eens vragen aan Wegspotter wat
> hij er zelf over denkt. Als het een historisch wegje is dat enkel nog
> wettelijk gezien bestaat, dan denk ik dat hij wel akkoord zou zijn om
> het te wissen. En dat was toch de consensus binnen OSM dacht ik. Als het
> nog effectief af en toe gebruikt zou worden, kan je het eerder wel laten
> staan.
> Alleszins zijn dit soort gevallen wel een mooie illustratie van hoe
> moeilijk het is de grens te trekken. Eigenlijk zou je alle "legaal
> bestaande en niet fysiek ontoegankelijke wegjes" (geen omheining, geen
> diepe beek) kunnen mappen. Als iemand er zich door worstelt, dan kan in
> principe niemand daar iets tegen beginnen. En als er véél mensen dat
> doen, dan ontstaat er terug een "echt" pad. Maar ik zou zeker niet
> argumenteren om zomaar alle Atlaswegen in te tekenen.
> Datzelfde is uiteindelijk wat er in het voorbeeld van Philip elk jaar na
> het zaaien gebeurt. Bij Trage Wegen vzw organiseren ze op dat soort
> plaatsen soms wandelingen specifiek om dat soort padjes in stand te
> houden, eenvoudig door er een keer met honderd man over te lopen :)
> Nog een mooie:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/169851483#map=19/50.72151/4.08480
> Die is helemaal niet zichtbaar op het terrein, maar wel deel van een
> officiële wandeling. Op het "echte" pad (aan het noordelijke eind) staat
> er gewoon een bordje "hier naar rechts naar volgende knooppunt" en daar
> loop je zo het grasveld in. Dat zou je hier natuurlijk als een "virtueel
> pad" kunnen mappen.
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Missing Maps, in Belgium

2016-11-08 Thread Glenn Plas

> That is normal if you open the site in https mode, JOSM remote control
> will try to use that method and it's not implemented in JOSM, actually
> it is but the SSL certificate does not validate so you get denied.

The site will try use the same method (http vs https) to open JOSM is
more correct.

> You can verify this with openstreetmap.org site , it works in both modes.

I does NOT work in both modes.

Time to stop reading mailing lists today :)


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Missing Maps in Belgium - invisible track

2016-11-08 Thread joost schouppe
Hier in Halle ken ik ook zo'n situatie:


Niets te zien, maar wel een officieel tragewegenbordje en occasioneel

In dit geval zou ik (zoals Glenn al zei) eens vragen aan Wegspotter wat hij
er zelf over denkt. Als het een historisch wegje is dat enkel nog wettelijk
gezien bestaat, dan denk ik dat hij wel akkoord zou zijn om het te wissen.
En dat was toch de consensus binnen OSM dacht ik. Als het nog effectief af
en toe gebruikt zou worden, kan je het eerder wel laten staan.

Alleszins zijn dit soort gevallen wel een mooie illustratie van hoe
moeilijk het is de grens te trekken. Eigenlijk zou je alle "legaal
bestaande en niet fysiek ontoegankelijke wegjes" (geen omheining, geen
diepe beek) kunnen mappen. Als iemand er zich door worstelt, dan kan in
principe niemand daar iets tegen beginnen. En als er véél mensen dat doen,
dan ontstaat er terug een "echt" pad. Maar ik zou zeker niet argumenteren
om zomaar alle Atlaswegen in te tekenen.

Datzelfde is uiteindelijk wat er in het voorbeeld van Philip elk jaar na
het zaaien gebeurt. Bij Trage Wegen vzw organiseren ze op dat soort
plaatsen soms wandelingen specifiek om dat soort padjes in stand te houden,
eenvoudig door er een keer met honderd man over te lopen :)

Nog een mooie:


Die is helemaal niet zichtbaar op het terrein, maar wel deel van een
officiële wandeling. Op het "echte" pad (aan het noordelijke eind) staat er
gewoon een bordje "hier naar rechts naar volgende knooppunt" en daar loop
je zo het grasveld in. Dat zou je hier natuurlijk als een "virtueel pad"
kunnen mappen.
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Autostrade e, più in generale, le relazioni

2016-11-08 Thread girarsi_liste
Il 08/11/2016 14:22, mbranco ha scritto:
> Controllando come è mappata l'autostrada A5 (Torino - Traforo M.Bianco) mi
> sono venuti dei dubbi:
> 1) I suoi 140km sono suddivisi in tre tronconi, gestiti da tre operatori
> diversi : ora come ora l'operatore non è specificato, mi chiedo se è
> sufficiente metterlo ai caselli (barrier=toolboth).
> Un'alternativa sarebbe suddividere in tre relazioni (una per operatore)
> l'attuale unica relazione che definisce tutto l'itinerario, e poi fare una
> super-relazione che le unisca tutte e tre, ma mi pare che le super-relazioni
> - finchè si può - è meglio evitarle.
> 2) Un'informazione direi significativa dipendente dall'operatore è il tag
> website: attualmente è erroneamente riportato lo stesso sito web di uno dei
> tre operatori su tutte le highways che costituiscono la relazione dell'A5. 
> Penso sia meglio evitare (mantenendo un'unica relazione) di indicarli tutti
> e tre a livello di relazione, separandoli da ";"
> 3) il punto precedente mi ha causato un ulteriore dubbio, più generale:
> quando tutti i membri di una 
> relazione hanno una caratteristica in comune, è più giusto toglierla da ogni
> membro per citarla solo a 
> livello di relazione, o lasciarla a livello di singolo membro?
> Nel caso specifico delle autostrade, si possono associare alla relazione
> (type=route) gli attributi che sono tipici dei suoi membri
> (highway=motorway) ?
> Ad es. maxspeed lo dovrò comunque avere a livello delle singole highways,
> potendo esserci dei tratti con limiti di velocità diversi; ma name, ref,
> toll, surface  non potrebbe essere sufficiente definirlo solo nella
> relazione? 
> Tra l'altro, vedo che ad ora solo 38 delle 462 highways hanno specificato
> l'attributo surface...
> Saluti!
> Marco

Io sono per tre relazioni, il ref accomuna già il fatto di essere la
stessa autostrada.

Per l'attributo surface, và sulle way, ma una volta create le relazioni,
è facile, scaricando i membri e selezionandoli, poi impostare per tutti
i tratti di way il tag surface=* (mi sto riferendo con l'uso di Josm).

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Open Data Provincia di Biella

2016-11-08 Thread Andrea Musuruane

2016-11-08 15:13 GMT+01:00 marco.baietto :
> Mi sembra vada bene. Appena riesco aggiorno i dati dello stradario sul sito
> della Provincia e ve lo comunico.
> Ho solo un dubbio sui dati dei civici del Comune di Biella:
> - hanno l'indubbio vantaggio di essere più in linea con OSM rispetto a
> quelli della Provincia di Biella perché presi sull'accesso e non
> sull'edificio;
> - però dal sito del Comune non è chiaro che aggiornamento hanno: viene
> indicato un generico "annuale" con l'ultimo nel 2014, da un giro rapido però
> vedo che mancano dei grossi gruppi di civici aggiunti ormai da qualche anno
> (tipo ex CDA e Orsi);
> - per Biella lo stradario provinciale era stato fatto nel 2007-2008,
> partendo dagli stessi dati del comune, ma li avevamo comunque controllati
> strada per strada correggendo gli errori e riportandoli sugli edifici per
> renderli omogenei a tutti i civici della Provincia. L'anagrafe del Comune
> poi ci passa tutti i nuovi dati e noi lo aggiorniamo periodicamente (mentre
> per il Comune di Biella non so se qualcuno fa la stessa cosa ma non mi
> sembra.).
> Mi chiedo quindi se procedere come hai indicato, non importando i civici di
> Biella e poi al limite aggiornarli manualmente (ma trovare tutti i civici
> mancanti è un casino...) o fare che importare anche Biella eliminando
> l'esistente
> Francamente non saprei, tenuto anche conto del lavoro che avevate fatto a
> suo tempo

Secondo me eliminare i civici esistenti non ha senso, perché non sono
più i dati di partenza forniti dal Comune di Biella, ma sono già stati
modificati. Alcuni numeri civici non avevano indicata la strada
corretta, altri non erano stati posizionati correttamente, altri sono
stati aggiunti.

Provo a vedere se ci sono dei tool per estrarre solo i civici mancanti.



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Missing Maps, in Belgium

2016-11-08 Thread Ben Abelshausen
I did some tests and remote control doesn't work in JOSM, probably because
we use HTTPS. I tried with tasks.hotosm.org but no HTTPS there.

There is an HTTPS option in JOSM but that also doesn't work. Can we update
our taskingmanager to trigger JOSM's remote control using HTTPS?

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Best regards,

Ben Abelshausen

On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 1:27 PM, Glenn Plas  wrote:

> I do agree, for more widespread things like missing streets, it's
> probably quite useful.  En per 'theme' like shops, it's excellent.  I
> didn't know you could not-use the squares, but like I said, my R was
> on task manager 1, and I understand it's at major version 2 now.
> But for GRB (and that is the kicker of my solution)  You don't need a
> task manager as the diff's between GRB to-be-imported data and the
> existing data is solved in the browser itself.  So that's a seamless
> situation.  You can do it per building(s) (when I'm done adding that
> small functionality). It's now using the view bounding box to limit the
> data.
> Since JOSM is the catalyst in this solution, we benefit from all things
> JOSM brings (validation/mapcss etc.) to the table.
> The missing roads is probably on the top of the list of (want)todo's.
> @marc : I've seen some of 'his/her' work too and there are indeed some
> small issues from time to time.  But this person is willing to change
> his habits too, I've had some comments in the past (slow roads/trage
> wegen) and he made hist tagging more consistent so (s)he's open for
> suggestions.
> Glenn
> On 08-11-16 12:59, joost schouppe wrote:
> > Honestly I wasn't thinking about organizing your work with this tasking
> > manager :)
> > If you enjoy your heavy surveying or your efficient imports, I
> > absolutely agree there is no extra value in a tasking manager.
> > I'm more interested in tools that help finding new mappers, help them on
> > their first steps and hopefully turn a few of them into mappers as crazy
> > as you guys.
> >
> > Here's how I'm using it myself in the example task:
> > - map those roads that are present in Wegenregister and clearly missing
> > in OSM
> > - make fixme notes for cases where it isn't quite clear
> > - When this is done, I mark the task as "ready". Then I load the data to
> > my Osmand, and go for a walk where I check some fixme's in the field
> > (there's a layer for that in Osmand).
> > - When the findings are incorporated into the data, I can finally
> > "validate" the tile.
> >
> > This is useful to me because it allows me to keep focused on the task at
> > hand (I've been known to wander), make sure I cover the entire territory
> > and go out surveying efficiently (I don't really go out surveying, I
> > walk the dog in areas where I haven't been yet). And Wegspotter mapped a
> > few squares yesterday, so now I can skip straight to the dog-walking
> > part in that area.
> >
> > In other tasks, this flow could be entirely different. For the "shops
> > with mapillary in Brussels" example, you could easily have a flow where
> > beginners do the labour of translating mapillary images into shops. The
> > validation would then be to check the tagging and mark spots where the
> > imagery wasn't complete enough. A last surveying phase would be to grab
> > a mobile editor and add those last shops. But that would then be
> > possible on a quick walk - you wouldn't have to be using the clumsy
> > mobile editor or walking paper all the time. A lot of people are turned
> > off by surveying because you're collecting so much data that the mapping
> > afterwards takes way too long. In this little idea, you could map in the
> > field without freezing to death.
> >
> > On a technical note: you don't have to use squares. You can also upload
> > a custom task division. For city mapping, neighborhoods would be
> > perfect. For Missing Maps Wallonia, it could be "residential areas
> > without buildings". For a GRB import, it could be tiny tiny squares, or
> > a custom division of Flanders into areas with similar numbers of
> buildings.
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Joost @
> > Openstreetmap
> >  | Twitter
> >  | LinkedIn
> >  | Meetup
> > 
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-be mailing list
> > Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
> >
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetView name change

2016-11-08 Thread Hans De Kryger
Guessing that company's name rimes with frugal


On Nov 8, 2016 8:35 AM, "Martijn van Exel"  wrote:

> Hi all,
> A few months ago, we started with OpenStreetView, the free and open street
> level imagery project made 100% for OSM with apps for Android and iOS.
> Since then, we not only have collected almost 30 kilometers of
> coverage, but also received a lot of attention from both you and the press.
> This has also led to a friendly (for now) request by a well-known company
> with a similarly-named product :) to not use the OpenStreetView name. So we
> are looking for a new name. We have some ideas already but I wanted to ask
> if you had any suggestions for a new name for OSV?
> Thanks for your support and happy capturing / mapping,
> Martijn + the OpenStreetView team
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Progetto Montagne Sicure

2016-11-08 Thread demon.box
Carlo Stemberger-3 wrote
> In sintesi, mappare come emergency=access_point + ref=* se il codice è 
> unico; mappare come emergency=access_point + tourism=information + 
> information=guidepost + ref:emergency=* + ref=* se c'è un codice per le 
> emergenze e un altro per le indicazioni turistiche.
> Se c'è un certo consenso potrebbe essere una buona idea integrare il 
> wiki con queste indicazioni.
> In ottica di utilizzazione dei dati potrebbe essere indicato un 
> algoritmo tipo questo:
> 1) ricerca del tag ref:emergency=* → se presente usare questo, altrimenti
> 2) ricerca del tag ref=* → se presente usare questo


la accendiamo?

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetView name change

2016-11-08 Thread Glenn Plas
Does well-know-bully-company own the word 'view' ?  I don't understand
why you consider yielding on this.  They can ask all they want right ?


On 08-11-16 16:34, Martijn van Exel wrote:
> Hi all, 
> A few months ago, we started with OpenStreetView, the free and open
> street level imagery project made 100% for OSM with apps for Android and
> iOS. Since then, we not only have collected almost 30 kilometers of
> coverage, but also received a lot of attention from both you and the
> press. This has also led to a friendly (for now) request by a well-known
> company with a similarly-named product :) to not use the OpenStreetView
> name. So we are looking for a new name. We have some ideas already but I
> wanted to ask if you had any suggestions for a new name for OSV?
> Thanks for your support and happy capturing / mapping, 
> Martijn + the OpenStreetView team
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Missing Maps in Belgium - invisible track

2016-11-08 Thread Guy Vanvuchelen
Inderdaad het is moeilijk. Zelfs verkennen geeft niet altijd de oplossing. Zelf 
heb ik meegemaakt dat in april een weg niet zichtbaar was (helemaal overwoekerd 
met struiken en onkruid) terwijl hij in juni wel goed begaanbaar was.
In maart zou ik dus mappen 'invisible track' maar in juni klopt dat niet meer!!!

Guy Vanvuchelen

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Marc Gemis [mailto:marc.ge...@gmail.com] 
Verzonden: dinsdag 8 november 2016 16:32
Aan: OpenStreetMap Belgium
Onderwerp: Re: [OSM-talk-be] Missing Maps in Belgium - invisible track

inderdaad, maar daar is een trapje, en dat  pad is altijd zichtbaar, zelfs 
tussen de mais.

en mijn hond heeft daar eerder Philippe omver gelopen, want het zijn zijn 
foto's :-)

maar juist daarom vind ik het moeilijk om te beslissen of de weg van Wegspotter 
weg kan. Wanneer is iets een pad en wanneer niet ?


2016-11-08 15:20 GMT+01:00 Glenn Plas :
> On 08-11-16 15:08, Philippe Casteleyn wrote:
>> Ik heb zo een mooi trackje door het veld met een zekere reden.
>> https://www.mapillary.com/app/user/filipc?lat=50.9922544=4.466032
>> 1=17=photo=false=qe_eMF-Tb5o60SiZ8eh9Zg
>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/223824278#map=16/50.9911/4.4662
>> rs=D
>> Door een zekere Escada.
> lol..  recht door mijn gemeente via onze vriend Marc Gemis ;-)
> Hier was hij wss een hond kwijt ;-)
> https://www.mapillary.com/app/user/filipc?lat=50.991533=4.4673352;
> z=17=photo=false=xaZHh73JXcqqy_DJJm41UA
> Ik kan bevestigen dat in dit gebied zwaar gewandeld wordt
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be

Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] GRB import case + wiki page need help

2016-11-08 Thread Glenn Plas

On 08-11-16 15:29, joost schouppe wrote:
> Eh, I would think the legal stuff can just be copied from here:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/AGIV_CRAB_Import#Legal

mmm, translated license info in English... how did that escape me ?

> CRAB and GRB are under the same licence
> (check 
> https://www.agiv.be/news/2015/december/vlaamse-overheid-stelt-grb-data-gratis-open
> ), and CRAB has been accepted as something we can import.

awesome, we need ammunition like that.  That means they can't argue with
us about the license.  That will save a thread or 2 in the import
mailing list.

> And yes, discussing is much more fun than editing wiki pages of course :)

Let's move forward on this,  we gotta get content in there. I'm quite
motivated to fix the final steps, especially make a production ready

tx Joost.


> 2016-11-08 13:37 GMT+01:00 Glenn Plas  >:
> On 08-11-16 13:30, joost schouppe wrote:
> > I'm a little surprised by how little space there is for explaining the
> > what and why of the import in this template. Things like "current use in
> > OSM", "quality of the data", "data model of the original data", etc
> > "integration methodology" etc. I would expect this to be the most
> > important in evaluating the import. Seems like this is all kept to the
> > imports talk list then? Or is this supposed to be in the explanation of
> > the source itself?
> I just kinda anchored the page and removed some dutch text, I think it
> should be in English too, but I can't find GRB licensing in English atm.
> Feel free to blow it away actually, only the top part is mine.  it's a
> rush job and I was planning on improving it today if only I wasn't
> fighting a evil tile server like a jedi master
> > I would like to work on that part of the page if that is useful. And we
> > could probably get someone from the AIV to review the technical details
> > too.
> Thanks Joost, I noticed the response on actually helping me with these
> is very low atm.  But the "GRB pressure" to get it done seems a lot
> higher (not judging) But I can't do it all by myself.
> If I can make a suggestion, I really want the legal part in order.  For
> technical stuff I have a lot more inspiration.
> Glenn
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org 
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
> -- 
> Joost @
> Openstreetmap
>  | Twitter
>  | LinkedIn
>  | Meetup
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be

Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk] OpenStreetView name change

2016-11-08 Thread Martijn van Exel
Hi all,

A few months ago, we started with OpenStreetView, the free and open street
level imagery project made 100% for OSM with apps for Android and iOS.
Since then, we not only have collected almost 30 kilometers of
coverage, but also received a lot of attention from both you and the press.
This has also led to a friendly (for now) request by a well-known company
with a similarly-named product :) to not use the OpenStreetView name. So we
are looking for a new name. We have some ideas already but I wanted to ask
if you had any suggestions for a new name for OSV?

Thanks for your support and happy capturing / mapping,

Martijn + the OpenStreetView team
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Utente burlone

2016-11-08 Thread Cascafico Giovanni
Si, avevo già impostato gmail per consentire applicazione meno sicure
quando avevo installato mutt.

Dopo alcune modifiche rss2email ha funzionato, ma non so quale sia stata

SMTP_SERVER = "smtp.gmail.com:465"

poi l'URL del feed tra doppi apici (") ...credo che in linux  il carattere
"&" del link di zverik dia fastidio

Il 06/nov/2016 20:55, "Martin Koppenhoefer"  ha

> sent from a phone
> > Il giorno 06 nov 2016, alle ore 16:15, Cascafico Giovanni <
> cascaf...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
> >
> > Qualcuno sa come configurare SMTP di google?
> prova a entrare in gmail dal browser, impostazioni, account/sicurezza, e
> consenti "applicazioni meno sicure" o simile. Stai tentando di mandare mail
> tramite la riga di comando, vero?
> ciao,
> Martin
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Missing Maps in Belgium - invisible track

2016-11-08 Thread Marc Gemis
inderdaad, maar daar is een trapje, en dat  pad is altijd zichtbaar,
zelfs tussen de mais.

en mijn hond heeft daar eerder Philippe omver gelopen, want het zijn
zijn foto's :-)

maar juist daarom vind ik het moeilijk om te beslissen of de weg van
Wegspotter weg kan. Wanneer is iets een pad en wanneer niet ?


2016-11-08 15:20 GMT+01:00 Glenn Plas :
> On 08-11-16 15:08, Philippe Casteleyn wrote:
>> Ik heb zo een mooi trackje door het veld met een zekere reden.
>> https://www.mapillary.com/app/user/filipc?lat=50.9922544=4.4660321=17=photo=false=qe_eMF-Tb5o60SiZ8eh9Zg
>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/223824278#map=16/50.9911/4.4662=D
>> Door een zekere Escada.
> lol..  recht door mijn gemeente via onze vriend Marc Gemis ;-)
> Hier was hij wss een hond kwijt ;-)
> https://www.mapillary.com/app/user/filipc?lat=50.991533=4.4673352=17=photo=false=xaZHh73JXcqqy_DJJm41UA
> Ik kan bevestigen dat in dit gebied zwaar gewandeld wordt
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Nodi con solo name

2016-11-08 Thread girarsi_liste
Il 07/11/2016 23:06, Federico Cortese ha scritto:
> Segnalo che nel comune di Tricarico in Basilicata l'utente angryrag ha
> inserito ieri un centinaio di nodi con solo name: alcune saranno
> località, ma non conosco la zona e non ho il tempo di approfondire.
> Se qualcuno volesse contattare l'utente o commentare i changeset,
> questo è un esempio che contiene un po' degli elementi segnalati, ma
> la maggior parte dei nodi sono stati inseriti con changeset singoli
> (uno per ogni nodo).
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/43447855
> Ciao
> Federico

Strano è utente dal dicembre 2015, dovrebbe essere un utente, non dico
esperto, ma almeno preparato.

A vedere i vari changeset, mi sembra quasi un BOT.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Attribuzione su SciHub e font minimo

2016-11-08 Thread Marco Ciampa
On Fri, Nov 04, 2016 at 03:14:46PM +0100, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> 2016-11-04 15:05 GMT+01:00 Alessandro Sarretta <
> alessandro.sarre...@gmail.com>:
> > Secondo voi c'è un font minimo richiesto perché sia considerata rispettata
> > l'attribuzione?
> si :)
> Penso deve essere leggibile.

A loro discolpa bisogna dire che è un link cliccabile...


Marco Ciampa

I know a joke about UDP, but you might not get it.

 GNU/Linux User #78271
 FSFE fellow #364

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] GRB import case + wiki page need help

2016-11-08 Thread joost schouppe
Eh, I would think the legal stuff can just be copied from here:


CRAB and GRB are under the same licence (check
), and CRAB has been accepted as something we can import.

And yes, discussing is much more fun than editing wiki pages of course :)

2016-11-08 13:37 GMT+01:00 Glenn Plas :

> On 08-11-16 13:30, joost schouppe wrote:
> > I'm a little surprised by how little space there is for explaining the
> > what and why of the import in this template. Things like "current use in
> > OSM", "quality of the data", "data model of the original data", etc
> > "integration methodology" etc. I would expect this to be the most
> > important in evaluating the import. Seems like this is all kept to the
> > imports talk list then? Or is this supposed to be in the explanation of
> > the source itself?
> I just kinda anchored the page and removed some dutch text, I think it
> should be in English too, but I can't find GRB licensing in English atm.
> Feel free to blow it away actually, only the top part is mine.  it's a
> rush job and I was planning on improving it today if only I wasn't
> fighting a evil tile server like a jedi master
> > I would like to work on that part of the page if that is useful. And we
> > could probably get someone from the AIV to review the technical details
> > too.
> Thanks Joost, I noticed the response on actually helping me with these
> is very low atm.  But the "GRB pressure" to get it done seems a lot
> higher (not judging) But I can't do it all by myself.
> If I can make a suggestion, I really want the legal part in order.  For
> technical stuff I have a lot more inspiration.
> Glenn
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be

Joost @
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Re: [Talk-it] Open Data Provincia di Biella

2016-11-08 Thread marco.baietto
Mi sembra vada bene. Appena riesco aggiorno i dati dello stradario sul 
sito della Provincia e ve lo comunico.

Ho solo un dubbio sui dati dei civici del Comune di Biella:
- hanno l'indubbio vantaggio di essere più in linea con OSM rispetto a 
quelli della Provincia di Biella perché presi sull'accesso e non 
- però dal sito del Comune non è chiaro che aggiornamento hanno: viene 
indicato un generico "annuale" con l'ultimo nel 2014, da un giro rapido 
però vedo che mancano dei grossi gruppi di civici aggiunti ormai da 
qualche anno (tipo ex CDA e Orsi);
- per Biella lo stradario provinciale era stato fatto nel 2007-2008, 
partendo dagli stessi dati del comune, ma li avevamo comunque 
controllati strada per strada correggendo gli errori e riportandoli 
sugli edifici per renderli omogenei a tutti i civici della Provincia. 
L'anagrafe del Comune poi ci passa tutti i nuovi dati e noi lo 
aggiorniamo periodicamente (mentre per il Comune di Biella non so se 
qualcuno fa la stessa cosa ma non mi sembra.).

Mi chiedo quindi se procedere come hai indicato, non importando i civici 
di  Biella e poi al limite aggiornarli manualmente (ma trovare tutti i 
civici mancanti è un casino...) o fare che importare anche Biella 
eliminando l'esistente
Francamente non saprei, tenuto anche conto del lavoro che avevate fatto 
a suo tempo

Ciao, Marco

Il 07/11/2016 17.59, talk-it-requ...@openstreetmap.org ha scritto:

Non mi piace quotarmi da solo, ma volevo riprendere questo thread.

Ho aggiunto la documentazione (in inglese) che riguarda il processo di
import degli open data della Provincia di Biella a partire da questa

I vostri commenti sono ovviamente graditi.




Dr. Marco Baietto

Area Tecnica ambientale
Servizio Sistema Informativo Territoriale Ambientale (SITA)
Provincia di Biella
Via Q. Sella, 12 - 13900 - Biella (BI)
Tel. 0158480753

Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Missing Maps in Belgium - invisible track

2016-11-08 Thread Philippe Casteleyn
Ik heb zo een mooi trackje door het veld met een zekere reden.



Door een zekere Escada.

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Progetto Montagne Sicure

2016-11-08 Thread Alfredo Gattai
> In sintesi, mappare come emergency=access_point + ref=* se il codice è
> unico; mappare come emergency=access_point + tourism=information +
> information=guidepost + ref:emergency=* + ref=* se c'è un codice per le
> emergenze e un altro per le indicazioni turistiche.
> Se c'è un certo consenso potrebbe essere una buona idea integrare il wiki
> con queste indicazioni.
> In ottica di utilizzazione dei dati potrebbe essere indicato un algoritmo
> tipo questo:
> 1) ricerca del tag ref:emergency=* → se presente usare questo, altrimenti
> 2) ricerca del tag ref=* → se presente usare questo
concordo, risolve perfettamente il caso in questione. La foto e' ritoccata
perche' non ne avevo uno vicino ma questo e' l'esempio di alcuni casi dalle
mie parti dove c'e' l'ID del palo e l'ID dello sterro palo identificatato
da Soccorso Alpino.
Per fortuna sono casi rari e speriamo di eliminarli quando a Gennaio 2017
dovrebbe entrare in uso il nuovo numero europeo per le emergenze (112),
dovendo rifare le targhette cercheremo di far coordinare meglio
Comuni/Parchi/Soccorso. In altre zone protrebbe non essere cosi' facile
farli accordare percio' il caso va previsto in quanto esistente.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] zmizela možnost zobrazení fotek rozcestníků na old.openstreetmap.cz

2016-11-08 Thread Marián Kyral

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Michal Grézl 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 8. 11. 2016 14:18:06
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] zmizela možnost zobrazení fotek rozcestníků na old.

"s tim se uz strasne dlouho nic nedelo, a ja to tam porad mam, pouzival
bych to ale na normalni mape, je to tam mnohel lepe funkcni.

Tak abych pravdu řekl, z tohle souvětí jsem nějak nepochopil co, kde a jak. 


2016-11-08 8:59 GMT+01:00 Zdeněk Pražák :
> všiml jsem si, že na old.openstreetmap.cz
> (http://map.openstreetmap.cz/osmcz/#map=14/49.5106/13.8468=mKG)
> zmizela ve volbě vrstev možnost zobrazení fotografií rozcestníků
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz

Michal Grézl

Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-it] Autostrade e, più in generale, le relazioni

2016-11-08 Thread mbranco
Controllando come è mappata l'autostrada A5 (Torino - Traforo M.Bianco) mi
sono venuti dei dubbi:

1) I suoi 140km sono suddivisi in tre tronconi, gestiti da tre operatori
diversi : ora come ora l'operatore non è specificato, mi chiedo se è
sufficiente metterlo ai caselli (barrier=toolboth).
Un'alternativa sarebbe suddividere in tre relazioni (una per operatore)
l'attuale unica relazione che definisce tutto l'itinerario, e poi fare una
super-relazione che le unisca tutte e tre, ma mi pare che le super-relazioni
- finchè si può - è meglio evitarle.

2) Un'informazione direi significativa dipendente dall'operatore è il tag
website: attualmente è erroneamente riportato lo stesso sito web di uno dei
tre operatori su tutte le highways che costituiscono la relazione dell'A5. 
Penso sia meglio evitare (mantenendo un'unica relazione) di indicarli tutti
e tre a livello di relazione, separandoli da ";"

3) il punto precedente mi ha causato un ulteriore dubbio, più generale:
quando tutti i membri di una 
relazione hanno una caratteristica in comune, è più giusto toglierla da ogni
membro per citarla solo a 
livello di relazione, o lasciarla a livello di singolo membro?
Nel caso specifico delle autostrade, si possono associare alla relazione
(type=route) gli attributi che sono tipici dei suoi membri
(highway=motorway) ?
Ad es. maxspeed lo dovrò comunque avere a livello delle singole highways,
potendo esserci dei tratti con limiti di velocità diversi; ma name, ref,
toll, surface  non potrebbe essere sufficiente definirlo solo nella
Tra l'altro, vedo che ad ora solo 38 delle 462 highways hanno specificato
l'attributo surface...


View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] zmizela možnost zobrazení fotek rozcestníků na old.openstreetmap.cz

2016-11-08 Thread Michal Grézl
s tim se uz strasne dlouho nic nedelo, a ja to tam porad mam, pouzival
bych to ale na normalni mape, je to tam mnohel lepe funkcni.

2016-11-08 8:59 GMT+01:00 Zdeněk Pražák :
> všiml jsem si, že na old.openstreetmap.cz
> (http://map.openstreetmap.cz/osmcz/#map=14/49.5106/13.8468=mKG)
> zmizela ve volbě vrstev možnost zobrazení fotografií rozcestníků
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz

Michal Grézl

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Foto rozcestníku

2016-11-08 Thread Marián Kyral
Huh. 5GB na fotku? :-D

Momentálně tam je nastaveno 1000 Bajtů, což je nějakých 9,53 MiB.
input name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1000"Marián

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Miroslav Suchy 
Komu: talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
Datum: 8. 11. 2016 13:14:44
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Foto rozcestníku

"Dne 8.11.2016 v 09:26 Zdeněk Pražák napsal(a):
> Je nějaké omezení třeba na velikost fotky?
> může to být tím, že nemám zadáno nic v poli licence? - ale tam mi to nic 

Ano velikost je problem. Tusim je tam limit 5GB. Takze treba ja vsechny 
fotky co nafotim musim resizovat.


Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Progetto Montagne Sicure

2016-11-08 Thread Carlo Stemberger

Il 08/11/2016 10:57, demon.box ha scritto:

Luca Delucchi wrote

io userei ref:emergency perchè alt_ref è un più generale e non chiarisce a
quale dei due fa riferimento


è quello che intendo anch'io con ref:emergency abbiamo il massimo della
univocità su un dato tra l'altro, scusate il gioco di parole, di importanza
vitale ;-)


In sintesi, mappare come emergency=access_point + ref=* se il codice è 
unico; mappare come emergency=access_point + tourism=information + 
information=guidepost + ref:emergency=* + ref=* se c'è un codice per le 
emergenze e un altro per le indicazioni turistiche.

Se c'è un certo consenso potrebbe essere una buona idea integrare il 
wiki con queste indicazioni.

In ottica di utilizzazione dei dati potrebbe essere indicato un 
algoritmo tipo questo:

1) ricerca del tag ref:emergency=* → se presente usare questo, altrimenti
2) ricerca del tag ref=* → se presente usare questo



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 \_/ /   (\_;/)\__,_|___/\___|_|

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Missing Maps, in Belgium

2016-11-08 Thread joost schouppe
Honestly I wasn't thinking about organizing your work with this tasking
manager :)
If you enjoy your heavy surveying or your efficient imports, I absolutely
agree there is no extra value in a tasking manager.
I'm more interested in tools that help finding new mappers, help them on
their first steps and hopefully turn a few of them into mappers as crazy as
you guys.

Here's how I'm using it myself in the example task:
- map those roads that are present in Wegenregister and clearly missing in
- make fixme notes for cases where it isn't quite clear
- When this is done, I mark the task as "ready". Then I load the data to my
Osmand, and go for a walk where I check some fixme's in the field (there's
a layer for that in Osmand).
- When the findings are incorporated into the data, I can finally
"validate" the tile.

This is useful to me because it allows me to keep focused on the task at
hand (I've been known to wander), make sure I cover the entire territory
and go out surveying efficiently (I don't really go out surveying, I walk
the dog in areas where I haven't been yet). And Wegspotter mapped a few
squares yesterday, so now I can skip straight to the dog-walking part in
that area.

In other tasks, this flow could be entirely different. For the "shops with
mapillary in Brussels" example, you could easily have a flow where
beginners do the labour of translating mapillary images into shops. The
validation would then be to check the tagging and mark spots where the
imagery wasn't complete enough. A last surveying phase would be to grab a
mobile editor and add those last shops. But that would then be possible on
a quick walk - you wouldn't have to be using the clumsy mobile editor or
walking paper all the time. A lot of people are turned off by surveying
because you're collecting so much data that the mapping afterwards takes
way too long. In this little idea, you could map in the field without
freezing to death.

On a technical note: you don't have to use squares. You can also upload a
custom task division. For city mapping, neighborhoods would be perfect. For
Missing Maps Wallonia, it could be "residential areas without buildings".
For a GRB import, it could be tiny tiny squares, or a custom division of
Flanders into areas with similar numbers of buildings.

Joost @
Openstreetmap  |
Twitter  | LinkedIn
 | Meetup

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Foto rozcestníku

2016-11-08 Thread Miroslav Suchy
Dne 8.11.2016 v 09:26 Zdeněk Pražák napsal(a):
> Je nějaké omezení třeba na velikost fotky?
> může to být tím, že nemám zadáno nic v poli licence? - ale tam mi to nic 
> nenabízí...

Ano velikost je problem. Tusim je tam limit 5GB. Takze treba ja vsechny fotky 
co nafotim musim resizovat.


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Foto rozcestníku

2016-11-08 Thread Marián Kyral
chjo, to https je jen k zlosti. Wallymu vypršela platnost ssl certifikátu:

api.openstreetmap.cz uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate 
expired on 7.11.2016 14:08. The current time is 8.11.2016 12:21. Error code:

Michale, hééélp


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Zdeněk Pražák 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 8. 11. 2016 10:01:20
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Foto rozcestníku


potvrzuji, že na https://openstreetmap.cz/#map=15/49.0010/13.7995=kGB
(https://openstreetmap.cz/#map=15/49.0010/13.7995=kGB) fotky nahrávat

Mves72 - Doporučuji než se to vyřeší nahrát fotografie přes old.

Dne 7. listopadu 2016 21:59 mves72  napsal(a):
Zdravím všechny,
Po včerejší přednášce Miroslava Suchého na konferenci Openalt jsem se chtěl 
připojit k editaci turistických tras ve svém okolí. Odpoledne jsem vyfotil 
nejbližší rozcestník a pokusil se ho nahrát na openstreetmap.cz

účet mám, přihlášení proběhlo, ale když dám vyberte fotografii, objeví se 
dialog - tam nahraju fotku, ta se v dialogu zobrazí, ale po kliknutí na 
Nahrát fotografii, skončí to dlouhým čekáním a kolečko dole se pořád točí a 

Je nějaké omezení třeba na velikost fotky?

může to být tím, že nemám zadáno nic v poli licence? - ale tam mi to nic 

Prosím o radu


__ _
Talk-cz mailing list
https://lists.openstreetmap. org/listinfo/talk-cz


Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Progetto Montagne Sicure

2016-11-08 Thread Alberto Nogaro
>-Original Message-
>From: demon.box [mailto:e.rossin...@alice.it]
>Sent: martedì 8 novembre 2016 08:18
>To: talk-it@openstreetmap.org
>Subject: Re: [Talk-it] Progetto Montagne Sicure

>certo altrimenti bisognerebbe disgiungere le 2 informazioni con 2 nodi distinti
>ma ciò non corrisponderebbe più alla realtà.

Perché dici che non corrisponderebbe più alla realtà? In OSM sono due oggetti 
distinti anche se molto vicini. Se proprio ci tieni a dire che sono proprio 
sulla stessa verticale, puoi sempre fare due nodi sovrapposti. Con due nodi 
distinti puoi usare i tag standard, senza bisogno di inventare nulla.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Missing Maps, in Belgium

2016-11-08 Thread Glenn Plas
There is the KBO, which you can consult for free but I strongly doubt
the license is OSM compatible.  they used to sell this data for an
insane amount of money.


you could probably deduct some of the shops data when their registered
office has the same address as the place of exploitation.

It's a real mess imho:

"KBO stelt zijn publieke gegevens beschikbaar aan iedereen, en dit op
verschillende manieren om zoveel mogelijk tegemoet te komen aan de
verschillende noden en technische capaciteiten van allen.Sommige van
deze diensten, zoals de toepassingen Public search, de mobile toepassing
en open data, zijn gratis. Andere diensten zoals de web services Public
search en het volledige publieke gegevensbestand dat ter beschikking
gesteld wordt voor hergebruik, zijn betalend."

So, only a few select services are 'open data'.  But it's all about the
same data.  There is the confusing statement: how can the data be open
when you close half of the access to it?  Also, the last part like
downloading the full database for a fee isn't true anymore, you can
download it for free.  So the site content isn't actualised on this subject.

I tried downloading it and next to the fact I had to 'state' what I was
going to use the data for, that answer limits my use.  So I entered
:"for creating a web application".  Turned out to be good enough...

It's truly speckeled with legal mumbo that makes it unusable for OSM,
but it's useful to double check with shop data manually.



On 08-11-16 08:04, joost schouppe wrote:
> As for Joost's suggestion for mapping shops in a town. Depending on
> the data source, it might add too much out-of-date data. I fear that
> armchair mappers will blindly copy the data without cross referencing
> other sources that indicate that the shop was closed/moved. Using up
> to date photo's from OpenStreetView or Mapillary could overcome this
> problem, when the mapper is willing to spend enough time and does want
> to be the mapper that finishes most tiles in the shortest period.
> There is no open data source for shops that I'm aware of, so this would
> in fact be a collect data + map task. There is of course the option of
> taking an area that is already densely mapped in Mapillary (say, central
> Brussels) and define a task there. Then the "validation" step would be
> to go into the field and collect the last bits of info.
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Missing Maps, in Belgium

2016-11-08 Thread Marc Gemis
On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 11:41 AM, Jo  wrote:
> If validation requires going into the field and cannot be performed the
> armchair way, I'm not very confident it will be done. Unless we have some
> sort of mobile way to do that validation.

Indeed, why adding an additional verification step in another tool
after survey work ?

The mobile verification step is similar to adding a
last_checked/last_surveyed or whatever the latest tag for that is, to
an object. No need to mark a square in the task manager.

The actual work in the verification is not different from "validating"
anything that is mapped now. Who is "validating"  a store that I
mapped 3 years ago ? Is it still there ? Same name ? Same opening
hours ?

The task manager is IMHO only useful when there is a rather large
group of people working in a small area on the same topic at more or
less the same time for some pure armchair mapping. I do not see how it
helps in regular day to day surveyed based mapping. Therefore it lacks
the change-in-time aspect. A tile that is considered correct and
marked as such does not have to be correct at any point in the future.

Maproulette incorporates this time aspect as the source for the tasks
can be updated, even based on OSM-data. Defining a task in the hot
manager is always a manual task.



Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Missing Maps, in Belgium

2016-11-08 Thread Jo
If validation requires going into the field and cannot be performed the
armchair way, I'm not very confident it will be done. Unless we have some
sort of mobile way to do that validation.


2016-11-08 8:04 GMT+01:00 joost schouppe :

> As for Joost's suggestion for mapping shops in a town. Depending on
>> the data source, it might add too much out-of-date data. I fear that
>> armchair mappers will blindly copy the data without cross referencing
>> other sources that indicate that the shop was closed/moved. Using up
>> to date photo's from OpenStreetView or Mapillary could overcome this
>> problem, when the mapper is willing to spend enough time and does want
>> to be the mapper that finishes most tiles in the shortest period.
> There is no open data source for shops that I'm aware of, so this would in
> fact be a collect data + map task. There is of course the option of taking
> an area that is already densely mapped in Mapillary (say, central Brussels)
> and define a task there. Then the "validation" step would be to go into the
> field and collect the last bits of info.
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Progetto Montagne Sicure

2016-11-08 Thread demon.box
Luca Delucchi wrote
> io userei ref:emergency perchè alt_ref è un più generale e non chiarisce a
> quale dei due fa riferimento


è quello che intendo anch'io con ref:emergency abbiamo il massimo della
univocità su un dato tra l'altro, scusate il gioco di parole, di importanza
vitale ;-)

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Foto rozcestníku

2016-11-08 Thread Zdeněk Pražák
potvrzuji, že na https://openstreetmap.cz/#map=15/49.0010/13.7995=kGB
fotky nahrávat nejdou.
Mves72 - Doporučuji než se to vyřeší nahrát fotografie přes

Dne 7. listopadu 2016 21:59 mves72  napsal(a):

> Zdravím všechny,
> Po včerejší přednášce Miroslava Suchého na konferenci Openalt jsem se
> chtěl připojit k editaci turistických tras ve svém okolí. Odpoledne jsem
> vyfotil nejbližší rozcestník a pokusil se ho nahrát na openstreetmap.cz
> účet mám, přihlášení proběhlo, ale když dám vyberte fotografii, objeví se
> dialog - tam nahraju fotku, ta se v dialogu zobrazí, ale po kliknutí na
> Nahrát fotografii, skončí to dlouhým čekáním a kolečko dole se pořád točí a
> točí...
> Je nějaké omezení třeba na velikost fotky?
> může to být tím, že nemám zadáno nic v poli licence? - ale tam mi to nic
> nenabízí...
> Prosím o radu
> Miloš
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
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Re: [OSM-ja] 歩道のバリアフリー対応のマッピング

2016-11-08 Thread Yasushi Ish





 また以前 pgRouting(http://pgrouting.org/)を試した時は、重みを設定すれば


On Mon, 7 Nov 2016 22:11:15 +0900
tomoya muramoto  wrote:

> muramotoです。
> あまり詳しくないのですが、車いす向けのルート検索が可能なサービスは
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Routing/online_routers
> の"wheelchair"にまとめられているようです。
> ただ、
> OpenRouteService(http://www.openrouteservice.org/)はドイツのみ、
> Routino(http://www.routino.org/uk-leaflet/router.html)はイギリスのみ
> の対応のようで、日本で使えるサービスは見つかりませんでした。
> また、Wheelchair routing(
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:Wheelchair_routing)
> というwikiページには、有用なタグ等がまとめられています。
> ご参考まで

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