Re: [OSM-talk] What3words

2016-05-09 Per discussione Bryce Nesbitt
> On 11/22/2015 2:39 AM, Colin Smale wrote:
>> I have heard a few times recently about what3words, a new novel
>> coordinate/addressing system for the whole world.
>> Could/should we be doing anything to support/facilitate/implement this
>> system in OSM?
I don't think it belongs in any way in tags,
but  it could be nifty in nominatum.  It is just another data source.

As for the "not open" or "can't depend on it", the company does have a FAQ
topic that's on point:

*If we, what3words ltd, are ever unable to maintain the what3words
> technology or make arrangements for it to be *

*maintained by a third-party (with that third-party being willing to make
> this same commitment), then we will release*

*our source code into the public domain. We will do this in such a way and
> with suitable licences and documentation*

*to ensure that any and all users of what3words, whether they are
> individuals, businesses, charitable organisations,*

*aid agencies, governments or anyone else can continue to rely on the
> what3words system.*
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Kreisverkehr einfach löschen?

2016-05-09 Per discussione Florian Lohoff
On Mon, May 09, 2016 at 08:30:18PM +0200, Norbert wrote:
> Wenn auf dem Luftbild ein Kreisverkehr zu sehen ist, in OSM aber
> keiner eingetragen ist, sollte man sich eigentlich vor Ort
> überzeugen was richtig ist.
> Aber die Idee den Weg zu lassen und eine note dranzuhängen ist gut.
> Dann wird sich hoffentlich ein Sesselmapper fragen was da los ist
> und die note auch beachten.

Die meisten sehen das die Geometrie da ist und gucken mal nach warum
die nicht in der Karte auftaucht und oops - da ist ja ein Note.

Irgendwann wenn die Typischen Luftbilder aktualisiert sind und
der Kreisverkehr weg ist kann man das zeugs mal entsorgen.

Mit abgerissenen Gebäuden mache ich das ebenso. Andernfalls
sind die in stark gepflegten Gebieten sofort wieder drin.

Meist setze ich auch noch einen Note drauf ... 

Florian Lohoff
 UTF-8 Test: The  ran after a , but the  ran away

Description: Digital signature
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Vykreslování - turistická mapa

2016-05-09 Per discussione Marián Kyral
problémy s vykreslováním turistické mapy je možno hlásit zde: https://

Ale asi by to chtělo dát dohromady nějakou stránku s popisem jednotlivých 
vrstev a adresami pro hlášení chyb. Nějaký dobrovolník?


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Jan Dudík 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 9. 5. 2016 22:59:01
Předmět: [Talk-cz] Vykreslování - turistická mapa


Když si na zapnu mapu "turistická", vidím zde 
velký zmatek ve vykreslování názvů relací

ulice jsou pojmenovány podle linek MHD, případně ve stylu "silnice III/
00354", naopak název ulice (Rudolfovská tř.), který je uveden pouze na 
relaci se nezobrazuje nikde. 

Vzhledem k tomu, že se to projevuje i v jiných městech, soudím že chyba 
(mimo Rudlofovskou) nebude v mých editacích těchto linek, ale spíš na straně
mapového stylu.

a opět tím narážím na téma - kam reportovat takovéto bugy? Hodil by se 
nějaký odkaz nebo univerzální návod


Ing. Jan Dudík
projekce dopravních staveb
tel. 777082195

Talk-cz mailing list;___
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Problema de Prédios em Overlapping (Importação PMPA)

2016-05-09 Per discussione Nelson A. de Oliveira
Pessoalmente eu gosto de utilizar multipolígonos para representar
objetos com caminhos compartilhados, mas prédios grudados não estão
É utilizado em muitos locais e é o que
também confirma.

Daria para utilizar o plugin merge-overlap do JOSM (mas aparentemente
não está funcionando como deveria).

Se você adicionar a tag de building=* nos seus prédios você vai ver
que o aviso de caminhos sobrepostos some.
Só vai precisar ver o problema de "prédio dentro de prédio".

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires

2016-05-09 Per discussione Heather Leson
Hello as mentioned under separate cover, Id like to connect one point of
contact who will try to heto

Thanks for being so detailed

On 10 May 2016 03:22, "James"  wrote:

> Seems the only way to contact them is via phone...and I doubt those lines
> will be mannedfor obvious reasons
> On May 9, 2016 8:14 PM, "Bernie Connors"  wrote:
> I believe the Wood Buffalo municipality has a buildings dataset. Can
> anyone get in touch with the municipal government to get the data?
> Bernie.
> Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Bell network.
> *From: *Kunce, Dale
> *Sent: *Monday, May 9, 2016 1:24 PM
> *To: *James
> *Cc: *Talk-CA OpenStreetMap
> *Subject: *Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires
> Quick question would it be possible to add that all buildings should be
> traced. This is crucial for the damage assessment.
> Thanks
> Dale
> —
> *Dale Kunce* | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International
> Services |  American Red Cross
> 2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
> Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​
> From: Dale Kunce 
> Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 at 12:19 PM
> To: James 
> Cc: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap 
> Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires
> Fantastic,
> I just joined the list today.
> Thanks
> Dale
> —
> *Dale Kunce* | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International
> Services |  American Red Cross
> 2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
> Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​
> From: James 
> Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 at 12:16 PM
> To: Dale Kunce 
> Cc: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap 
> Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires
> Hi Dale I'm not sure if you've been following this list previously, but
> there was a initiative started already within osm-canada
> I've created a HOT project here:
> But right now OSM is in read only mode as there is a scheduled maintenance
> On May 9, 2016 12:12 PM, "Kunce, Dale"  wrote:
>> The American Red Cross is potentially sending some teams to do help the
>> Canadian Canadian Red Cross with damage assessments in Ft. Mcmurtry and
>> other places affected by the recent fires.
>> As part of the assessment we are potentially going to use OpenMapKit to
>> do a building by building assessment. The OSM data looks pretty good for
>> the area except that not all buildings are in OSM. The assessment would not
>> happen for at least a week or two but we are interested in mapping all of
>> the buildings in the affected area from pre-event imagery. No damage
>> assessment from satellite imagery will occur.
>> I’ve already let HOT know but it would be great to have support of the
>> OSM-Canada community to help get the work done.
>> Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in
>> helping or leading.
>> Dale
>> —
>> *Dale Kunce* | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International
>> Services |  American Red Cross
>> 2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
>> Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​
>> ___
>> Talk-ca mailing list
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Fort McMurray forest fires

2016-05-09 Per discussione Heather Leson
Morning from Doha.

As mentioned previously there are emergency managers trying to get imagery.
This is their first time considering digital volunteers. If I can have one
Canadian volunteer as a point of contact I can hand off the discussion.

Note: they would really love it if it was someone from alberta. However, i
think someone who can work on what is needed is also great.

On 10 May 2016 03:31, "James"  wrote:

> I doubt we could use this for validating as its creating a derived work
> and unless we have permission
> On May 9, 2016 8:20 PM, "Pierre Béland"  wrote:
>> Couche Immeubles, cité de Wood Buffalo
>> josm tms[19]:
>> On ne peut tracer à partir de cette couche à moins d'obtenir
>> l'autorisation de la municipalité. Mais cela permet de comparer immeubles
>> avec carte OSM et imagerie Bing. On peut aussi valider les noms de rue dans
>> OSM.
>> Pierre
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-in] [Draft for Consultation]: National Geo-spatial Policy, 2016.

2016-05-09 Per discussione H. S. Sudhira
Dear All,

As we are looking through the draft bill, there seems to be some light here
from the Department of Science and Technology (DST). They have formulated a
draft National Geo-spatial Policy, 2016. Please see these:

National Geospatial Policy for public consultation upto 30.05.16. Your
views may be send to

The draft policy is made available here:

Talk-in mailing list

[Talk-br] Problema de Prédios em Overlapping (Importação PMPA)

2016-05-09 Per discussione Sérgio V .
Pessoal, boa noite.
Por favor, se alguém puder apontar uma luz para o seguinte problema, que está 
aparecendo enquanto estudo a importação dos prédios do arquivo .SHP cedido pela 
Prefeitura de Porto Alegre para o OSM:
-Foram examinados os "poucos" (cerca de 4000) prédios que foram importados para 
o OSM, do Centro da Cidade;
-E também examinados, por amostragem, os demais 500.000 da PMPA “ainda não 
importados” (em exame).
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
O que acontece é o seguinte:
TODOS os polígonos de prédio do .shp da PMPA, que estão na situação de 
“grudados” em outro, estão em “overlapping”: os contatos, ou divisas, estão com 
“2 ways” (um de cada polígono, exatamente sobrepostos).
Todos estes casos o validador do JOSM acusa: “warning” para “overlapping ways”.
Acontece nos casos de:
1- "Um mesmo prédio" com “Vários polígonos” (são uns 5% dos 500mil. O resto é 
polígono único). (Há havendo alguns casos que “já estão em relação de 
multipolígono”. Talvez mapeamentos em épocas distintas. Alguns estão até com “2 
relações multipolígono” para o “mesmo prédio”: para o contorno total; e para as 
2- Entre prédios "vizinhos". Este é o pior: são uns 99% em divisas de terrenos, 
dos 500mil. Mesmo os prédios de único polígono, mas grudados no vizinho.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Como neste exemplo da “Casa de Cultura Mário Quintana”, e seus vizinhos, no 
Centro Histórico:
-A casa possui vários polígonos grudados, que não estão em MPol: estão em 
-Seus vizinhos também possuem polígonos em “overlapping”.
-Ela e os prédios vizinhos estão “grudados”: também estão em “overlapping”.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Então, como teste, transformei os polígonos, de “mesmo prédio”, em 
multipolígono. E seus vizinhos também. Cada um ficou no “seu” multipolígono.
Neste print:
Mas continua dando “warning”:
agora não mais de “Overlapping ways”, mas de “Intersection between multipolygon 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(PARÊNTESE: alternativa para pesquisar os “overlapping” no “mesmo prédio”: 
Pelos campos "nome" seria possível filtrar e criar multipol. Mas a “Casa de 
Cultura” é um dos poucos casos de prédio que vem com nome no .shp da PMPA. 99% 
não tem nome.//Também seria possível filtrar o que está em “um mesmo prédio” 
pela camada dos “lotes”. Mas continua o problema de “overlapping” com vizinhos.)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
O wiki sugere “redesenhar as formas”:
Mas como fazer para 99% de 500mil objetos?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-É assim mesmo o problema?
-É possível validar os 500mil ways grudados em overlapping (sejam vizinhos, ou 
no mesmo prédio)? Como?
A) Remover todos os ways duplicados nos contatos/divisas?
B) Desgrudar e afastar todos 1cm, depois criar MPol.?
Como? Automático? Ou um por um?
-Seria possível corrigir isto automaticamente (algum script ou ferramenta de 
algum software)? No JOSM? No QGIS? Outro?
-E se "não" for possível ou viável corrigir isto deste modo como exigido a 
princípio pelo OSM? Imagino que seria melhor não importá-los.
-E se fosse “aceitável” deixá-los assim, em estado de "overlapping ways"? 
(possivelmente para sempre...).
Mas mesmo que não fosse “errado” deixar assim, causaria um problema de poluição 
dos resultados do validador: cada vez que alguém passar o validador do JOSM na 
cidade iria encontrar "milhares" de alertas de "overlapping ways". Dificultaria 
quem quisesse encontrar algum outro "overlapping way" especificamente.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Senão, torna-se inviável importar.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Desculpem a extensão.
Sugestões são muito bem-vindas!
Agradeço antecipadamente.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sérgio / user:smaprs
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires

2016-05-09 Per discussione Pierre Béland

  De : Pierre Béland 
 À : James ; Bernie Connors  
Cc : Talk-CA OpenStreetMap 
 Envoyé le : lundi 9 mai 2016 20h52
 Objet : Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires  

  De : James 
 À : Bernie Connors  
Cc : Talk-CA OpenStreetMap 
 Envoyé le : lundi 9 mai 2016 20h20
 Objet : Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires
Seems the only way to contact them is via phone...and I doubt those lines will 
be mannedfor obvious reasons May 9, 2016 
8:14 PM, "Bernie Connors"  wrote:

 I believe the Wood Buffalo municipality has a buildings dataset. Can anyone 
get in touch with the municipal government to get the data?
  Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Bell network. 
|   From: Kunce, DaleSent: Monday, May 9, 2016 1:24 PMTo: JamesCc: Talk-CA 
OpenStreetMapSubject: Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires |

Quick question would it be possible to add that all buildings should be traced. 
This is crucial for the damage assessment.
ThanksDale—Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | 
International Services |  American Red Cross2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 
20006Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​ 

From: Dale Kunce 
Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 at 12:19 PM
To: James 
Cc: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap 
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires

Fantastic,I just joined the list today.
ThanksDale—Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | 
International Services |  American Red Cross2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 
20006Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​ 

From: James 
Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 at 12:16 PM
To: Dale Kunce 
Cc: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap 
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires

Hi Dale I'm not sure if you've been following this list previously, but there 
was a initiative started already within osm-canadaI've created a HOT project 
here: right now OSM is in read only mode as 
there is a scheduled maintenanceOn May 9, 2016 12:12 PM, "Kunce, Dale" 

The American Red Cross is potentially sending some teams to do help the 
Canadian Canadian Red Cross with damage assessments in Ft. Mcmurtry and other 
places affected by the recent fires.
As part of the assessment we are potentially going to use OpenMapKit to do a 
building by building assessment. The OSM data looks pretty good for the area 
except that not all buildings are in OSM. The assessment would not happen for 
at least a week or two but we are interested in mapping all of the buildings in 
the affected area from pre-event imagery. No damage assessment from satellite 
imagery will occur.
I’ve already let HOT know but it would be great to have support of the 
OSM-Canada community to help get the work done.
Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in helping or 
—Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International 
Services |  American Red Cross2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006Tel 
202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​ 

Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires

2016-05-09 Per discussione Pierre Béland  

  De : James 
 À : Bernie Connors  
Cc : Talk-CA OpenStreetMap 
 Envoyé le : lundi 9 mai 2016 20h20
 Objet : Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires
Seems the only way to contact them is via phone...and I doubt those lines will 
be mannedfor obvious reasons May 9, 2016 
8:14 PM, "Bernie Connors"  wrote:

 I believe the Wood Buffalo municipality has a buildings dataset. Can anyone 
get in touch with the municipal government to get the data?
  Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Bell network. 
|   From: Kunce, DaleSent: Monday, May 9, 2016 1:24 PMTo: JamesCc: Talk-CA 
OpenStreetMapSubject: Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires |

Quick question would it be possible to add that all buildings should be traced. 
This is crucial for the damage assessment.
ThanksDale—Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | 
International Services |  American Red Cross2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 
20006Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​ 

From: Dale Kunce 
Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 at 12:19 PM
To: James 
Cc: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap 
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires

Fantastic,I just joined the list today.
ThanksDale—Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | 
International Services |  American Red Cross2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 
20006Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​ 

From: James 
Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 at 12:16 PM
To: Dale Kunce 
Cc: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap 
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires

Hi Dale I'm not sure if you've been following this list previously, but there 
was a initiative started already within osm-canadaI've created a HOT project 
here: right now OSM is in read only mode as 
there is a scheduled maintenanceOn May 9, 2016 12:12 PM, "Kunce, Dale" 

The American Red Cross is potentially sending some teams to do help the 
Canadian Canadian Red Cross with damage assessments in Ft. Mcmurtry and other 
places affected by the recent fires.
As part of the assessment we are potentially going to use OpenMapKit to do a 
building by building assessment. The OSM data looks pretty good for the area 
except that not all buildings are in OSM. The assessment would not happen for 
at least a week or two but we are interested in mapping all of the buildings in 
the affected area from pre-event imagery. No damage assessment from satellite 
imagery will occur.
I’ve already let HOT know but it would be great to have support of the 
OSM-Canada community to help get the work done.
Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in helping or 
—Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International 
Services |  American Red Cross2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006Tel 
202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​ 

Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Fort McMurray forest fires

2016-05-09 Per discussione James
I doubt we could use this for validating as its creating a derived work and
unless we have permission
On May 9, 2016 8:20 PM, "Pierre Béland"  wrote:

> Couche Immeubles, cité de Wood Buffalo
> josm tms[19]:
> On ne peut tracer à partir de cette couche à moins d'obtenir
> l'autorisation de la municipalité. Mais cela permet de comparer immeubles
> avec carte OSM et imagerie Bing. On peut aussi valider les noms de rue dans
> OSM.
> Pierre
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Fort McMurray forest fires

2016-05-09 Per discussione Pierre Béland
Couche Immeubles, cité de Wood Buffalojosm 
On ne peut tracer à partir de cette couche à moins d'obtenir l'autorisation de 
la municipalité. Mais cela permet de comparer immeubles avec carte OSM et 
imagerie Bing. On peut aussi valider les noms de rue dans OSM. 

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires

2016-05-09 Per discussione Bernie Connors
  I believe the Wood Buffalo municipality has a buildings dataset. Can anyone get in touch with the municipal government to get the data?Bernie. Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Bell network.From: Kunce, DaleSent: Monday, May 9, 2016 1:24 PMTo: JamesCc: Talk-CA OpenStreetMapSubject: Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires

Quick question would it be possible to add that all buildings should be traced. This is crucial for the damage assessment.



Dale Kunce | Senior
 Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International Services | 
 American Red Cross
2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006

Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​ 

From: Dale Kunce 
Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 at 12:19 PM
To: James 
Cc: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap 
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires

I just joined the list today.



Dale Kunce | Senior
 Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International Services | 
 American Red Cross
2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006

Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​ 

From: James 
Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 at 12:16 PM
To: Dale Kunce 
Cc: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap 
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires

Hi Dale I'm not sure if you've been following this list previously, but there was a initiative started already within osm-canada
I've created a HOT project here:
But right now OSM is in read only mode as there is a scheduled maintenance
On May 9, 2016 12:12 PM, "Kunce, Dale"  wrote:

The American Red Cross is potentially sending some teams to do help the Canadian Canadian Red Cross with damage assessments
 in Ft. Mcmurtry and other places affected by the recent fires.

As part of the assessment we are potentially going to use OpenMapKit to do a building by building assessment. The OSM data looks pretty good for the area except that not all buildings are in OSM. The assessment would not happen for at least a week or two but
 we are interested in mapping all of the buildings in the affected area from pre-event imagery. No damage assessment from satellite imagery will occur.

I’ve already let HOT know but it would be great to have support of the OSM-Canada community to help get the work done.

Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in helping or leading.



Dale Kunce | Senior
 Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International Services | 
 American Red Cross
2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006

202.303.4095 | Cell 
510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​ 

Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging National Forests

2016-05-09 Per discussione Russell Deffner
Hi Steve and all,


I think you are correct that we’re trying to build consensus, I think this is a 
good time to review the ‘OSM best practices/rule(s) of thumb’.  I would 
counter-argue that a ‘blanket use of landuse=forest’ does not meet the 
‘verifiable rule/guideline’ [1]; it’s not something you can easily observe when 
there is not active timber harvesting. Also, we know that not only is National 
Forest land used for timber production, but also mushroom/berry harvesting, 
hunting, recreation, etc., etc. – so we also should not ‘blanket’ national 
forest with other tags, but try to accurately/verifiably show things. If you 
look at the discussion page for the proposed landcover features [2] it is a 
good representative of many of these ‘natural’ vs. landuse vs. vegetation 
cover, etc. As I have said in previous threads on this topic – please have 
patience with Pike National Forest – I’ve been working on this and have 
verified that Pike does not allow timber harvesting except by permit in very 
small designation sub-sections of the forest, which rotate/change frequently, 
so unless we are talking about ‘importing those boundaries’ then I’m slowly 
working on tagging ‘forested’/areas with trees as natural=wood (i.e. that I 
believe meets ‘verifiability’ – i.e. you can pretty well see forest edge/tree 
line in imagery).






From: OSM Volunteer stevea [] 
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Talk-us] Tagging National Forests


Mike Thompson writes:

1) I don't know how anyone would able to tell this from simple on the ground 


Granted:  from an on-the-ground observation, a landuse=forest might look very 
much like a natural=wood.  However, if you saw that part of the area had some 
stumps, you could safely conclude it is not natural=wood (unless there was 
"illegal logging” going on, and that DOES happen) but rather that it is 
landuse=forest.  THEN, there is where you know for a fact (from facts not 
on-the-ground, but perhaps from ownership data, signage like “Welcome to Sierra 
National Forest” or other sources) that THIS IS a real, live forest, in the 
sense OSM intends to mean here (landuse=forest implies timber harvesting now or 
at some point in the future).


2) While the English word "natural" might suggest this, we use "natural" for 
other things that man has a hand in creating or modifying, e.g. natural=water 
for a man made reservoir.


Again, I’ll grant you this, but it only shows that OSM’s tagging is not always 
internally consistent.  I can live with that.  What is required (and “more 
clear" in the case of natural=water) is the understanding that consensus has 
emerged for natural=water:  this gets tagged on bodies of water which are both 
natural and man-made, and that’s OK, and we don’t lose sleep over it or look 
for more consistency.  It’s like an exception to a rule of grammar:  you just 
learn it, and say “shucks” that there are such things as grammatical exceptions.


I’m doing my very best to listen, and it seems many others are, too.  Listening 
is the heart of building consensus.  Let us not also become entrenched in minor 
exceptions or established conventions adding further confusion when identifying 
them as such actually can help us achieve more clarity.




Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Fort McMurray forest fires

2016-05-09 Per discussione Pierre Béland
Je crois aussi qu'il serait mieux d'avoir divers projets. Cependant, il faut 
planifier avant d'ajouter de nouveaux projet et de demander aux bénévoles, de 
passer des heures à contribuer à de tels projets. 

Pour motiver les contributeurs OSM à participer et maintenir la participation, 
Il est important de justifier la démarche, de déterminer ce qui sera vraiment 
utile en terme opérationnel pour supporter les équipes sur le terrain. Et de 
là, nous devons prioriser nos actions. 

En quoi sera utile ce travail, comment aidera-t-il au niveau opérationnel? 
immeubles ? adresses? etc

La carte interactive de la ville de Wood Buffalo contient les données 
cadastrales, incluant les immeubles et les limites de chaque terrain cela pour 
Fort McMurray, Anzac, Gregoire Lake, etc.!/

Espérons que système de backup est assuré pour toutes la base de données et le 
serveur de la municipalité!

Infomatinos beaucoup plus précises et à date que ce que nous pouvons réaliser à 
partir d'imagerie Bing. Et des équipes spécialisées, incluant les compagnies 
d'assurance et les municipalités vont faire des évaluations au cours de 
prochaines semaines.  

La Croix-Rouge canadienne ne pourrait-elle pas simplement obtenir des infos 
directement des municipalités et de la Sécurité civile d'Alberta puisque 
celles-ci auront à coordonner ces évaluations? 
 Les adresses sont sûrement des infos utiles pour les équipes qui se déplacent 
sur le terrain. Elles ne sont pas affichée sur la carte de Wood Buffulo. Pour 
ajouter les adresses, nous pourrions utiliser les données d'interpolation de 
Geobase. Plus simple et rapide. Mais encore là, y a-t-il des sources 
disponibles déja, et peut-être pour chaque immeuble? C'est sans doute ce que 
les équipes veulent avoir pour mieux se repérer. Les municipalités ont sans 
doute une base de donnée adresse géolocalisée et très précise.


  De : James 
 À : john whelan  
Cc : Paul Norman ; "" 

 Envoyé le : lundi 9 mai 2016 18h30
 Objet : Re: [Talk-ca] Fort McMurray forest fires
I've created two other projects as per your suggestion as blocking tiles for 
something that is so small in terms of the whole picture doesn't make sense.

For building outlines:

For addresses and residential polygons:

For validation(QA):  

On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 5:45 PM, john whelan  wrote:

I mean how do we decide a tile is mapped?  Normally in HOT its when the list of 
things in the instructions are completed.

Also trace - Routes in the region   
   - Polygons around the residential areas in areas around Fort McMurray
   - Isolated buildings outside urban places
   - Names of missing roads
   - Addresses (via geobase)
Check Addresses are valid with GeoFabrik inspector tool"That's quite a lot for 
a tile, mapping buildings is one process, adding addresses is another, checking 
the addresses is yet another.Based on HOT experience its best to keep it fairly 
simple.  So I suggest:First project tile and map buildings.  This is a fairly 
simple task that a beginner with the JOSM building tool can do fairly well.
Second project tile and add addresses. This is more complex.
Third project tile GeoFabrick inspector tool.  This is even more complex.
You can have more than one set of tiles gridding the area.
Cheerio John

On 9 May 2016 at 17:36, James  wrote:

Bing imagery is better than mapbox in that region. For addressing do you mean 
building by building or CanVec interpolation?On May 9, 2016 5:11 PM, "john 
whelan"  wrote:

Should we layer this ie one project to map the buildings, another to add 
addresses, the processes are quite different and at the moment its difficult to 
say a tile is done for buildings when the address info hasn't been added and 
that means mappers going over the same tiles multiple times.
Are we using Mapbox imagery or Bing for this one by the way?

Thanks John

On 9 May 2016 at 16:11, Kunce, Dale  wrote:

If we can get good pre-event imagery and do the building by building assessment 
I don’t think we will need post-event imagery but I can be on the lookout for 

Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International 
Services |  American Red Cross
2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006

Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​

On 5/9/16, 4:08 PM, "Paul Norman"  wrote:

>On 5/9/2016 12:43 PM, Kunce, Dale wrote:
>> Bernie,
>> I do see that the building footprints are in the esri basemap
>> unfortunately this doesn’t actually help. The esri basemap data is
>> just an tiled image and does not provide us with the vector data that
>> we need to complete our work. I’m 

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] A propos de la procédure d'import semi-automatique des adresses

2016-05-09 Per discussione Vincent de Château-Thierry

Le 09/05/2016 17:36, Nicolas Moyroud a écrit :

J'ai généré les fichiers pour 2 autres communes de la Lozère : Bédouès
et Cocurès. Les fichiers sont bien générés, mais cette
fois ils sont vides. Dans ce cas ça veut simplement dire qu'il n'a rien
réussi à extraire depuis le cadastre ? Ce serait peut-être mieux de ne
pas mettre du tout à disposition les fichiers, là on peut s'interroger...
En effet je ne vois rien sur les planches cadastrales, même pas les noms
de rues. Bon ça tombe bien je vais organiser une carto-partie là-bas, on
va relever tout ça sur le terrain ! ;-)

Bédouès est pas mal avec ses Rue A, Rue B, Rue C etc... Mais en effet, 
aucun n° d'adresse, et très peu de rues nommées :
Le cas de cadastre sans n° d'adresse arrive, soit parce que le terrain 
est sans numérotation, soit parce que le cadastre est partiellement saisi.
On n'a pas dans la génération des fichiers d'intégration cherché à gérer 
le cas particulièrement. D'où la fourniture un peu laconique que tu as 
constatée. Le wiki mériterait peut-être une mention sur ce cas limite. 
Sinon un coup d'oeil sur le cadastre (comme tu as fait) et/ou sur 
Fantoir donnent les réponses.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging National Forests

2016-05-09 Per discussione Bradley White
Just to add my two cents, I do not think that "landuse=forest" should be
tagged with national forest boundaries. That something is within a national
forest boundary does not guarantee that it is a managed forest, or even
that it has tree cover. A 'national forest' is more an administrative
boundary to me than anything - it designates an area with active federal
management and a stricter set of laws involving development, etc. Half of
Reno, NV where I reside is technically inside the Humboldt-Toiyabe National
Forest boundary, including the urban center. There is certainly nothing
that qualifies as a 'forest' here in the traditional sense. Even many
parcels just outside of urbanized areas of Reno that are both within the
national forest boundary and owned by the forest service have no tree cover
whatsoever, and couldn't possibly qualify for any definition of a forest
involving trees.

Personally I think the problem here is a poor definition of
'landuse=forest'. Does this mean land used for timber production? I see a
lot of on-the-ground verifiability issues with that sort of definition.
Should it imply a large, managed area of trees? As explained earlier, there
are many federally owned and managed 'national forest' areas with no tree
cover whatsoever. I would be partial to a definition of 'land owned
directly managed by a forestry service' - forestry land - but then mapping
something like that would require parcel-level imports since not every
piece of land owned by the forest service is clearly marked on the ground.

I personally only use 'natural=wood' anymore, since at the very least it is
easy to verify that trees exist. I don't care much for the 'original
growth' definition of 'natural=tree' either due to verifiability issues.
Much of the Lake Tahoe is second-growth forest, but without a forestry
degree I don't see the average mapper being able to tell where
second-growth starts and stops.
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Respuesta para las preguntas y dudas sobre propuesta de cambios en la normalización para las vías interurbanas

2016-05-09 Per discussione David Marín Carreño
Estoy de acuerdo en rebajar la categoría a las carreteras nacionales que
actúan como vía de servicio de la autovía correspondiente (véase N-301
entre Albacete y Murcia, por ejemplo), quizá a primary (aunque ojo, en este
caso que conozco bien es una gozada circular por la antigua nacional: firme
en buen estado y sin tráfico ninguno, sólo empañado por una rotonda de
acceso a la autovía cada X kilómetros)

Del mismo modo habrá que revisar la situación de tramos de carretera que
han pasado a ser travesías tras la circunvalación correspondiente.

Pero quizá por lo que comentas de que la N-340 entre Torredembarra y
Vallirana es la única alternativa a la AP-7 deba ser considerada como trunk
en ese tramo. Por muy insegura que sea...

Porque, pregunto desde el desconocimiento... ¿por qué es tan insegura en
ese tramo concreto? ¿por sus características (mal firme o sin arcenes) o
por la cantidad salvaje de tráfico que soporta, que excede en mucho las
características de la vía?

Un cordial saludo,

El lun., 9 may. 2016 a las 20:52, yo paseopor ()

> Por ello, mucha importancia no debe tener, no creo que nadie deje la A-7
> para circular por la N-340a.
> Además, no seré yo quien defenestre la Via Augusta (que estoy a tocar de
> Tarragona, coi)...Pero lo siento. Lee lo que pone wikipedia sobre ella...
> "La *N-340* en Cataluña  discurre
> por la costa mediterránea entre el límite con la provincia de Castellón y
> la ciudad de Barcelona , en 2007
> el 17,5% de los siniestros de la provincia de Tarragona
>  se produjeron en
> esta carretera"
> Eso me hace tenerle menos cariño.
> "En todo su tramo entre Torredembarra
>  y Vallirana
>  es la única vía alternativa a
> la autopista de peaje AP-7  y tiene
> tan solo seis tramos donde es posible adelantar. La velocidad promedio es
> de 53 km/h."
> Esto tampoco me hace quererla mucho (te podría poner la foto de la cola de
> hoy, pero creo que no es necesario)
> "
> Los vecinos denuncian a Fomento por las rotondas en la N-340"
> Esto menos...
> Vamos a fijarnos en la importancia porque como empecemos a hablar de
> quereres...Y no es importante en tooda su extensión, propongo un
> estudio de la vía en cuestión.Y lo mismo vale para las demás ,Quiero yo
> munchu el Puertu Payares...pero siempre voy po'l Huerna, ho! :P
> Salut i debats
> yopaseopor
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Pourquoi railway aurait un privilège ?

2016-05-09 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
Il y a d'autres routes "mythiques" dont on conserve la trace historique
même si elles ont bien changé ou n'ont plus le même usage.
On peut commecner par les anciennes voies romaines, on a encore des bouts
de la route 66 aux USA, ou de la route de la libération en France (dont
subsiste encore ça et là quelques bornes, bien que bon nombre ont été

Que dire des chemins de Compostelle (au pluriel car personne ne s'est mis
d'accord sur certains tracés et parce que l'ancien tracé n'est plus
utilisable mais doit passer par d'autres routes qui ont reçu indirectement
ce "label")

Ces routes ne sont pas à proprement parler des itinéraires actuels car
l'infrastructure n'y est plus. Mais elles ont laissé des empreintes très
visibles dans le paysage, facçonné les villes autour, orienté les autres
rues et routes, et laissé un passage qui est repris pour de nouveaux
aménagements. On voit très bien leur tracé même si on ne considère que les
seuls aménagements actuels, directment sur la géométrie des villes, sur le
nivellement dans le cas des voies ferrées.

Et il faudra des siècles ou des millénaires pour que ces traces
disparaissent totalement (et ne soient plus retrouvées que par les futurs
archéologues). Une voie ferrée a un impact extrêmement structurant et
durable sur tout ce qui est autour ; beaucoup plus même qu'une voie
routière (même importante). En revanche son impact dans les zones très
denses est moins durable, la pression immobilière conduit à reconquérir
l'espace et le structurer différemment, mais il y a une résistance
compréhensible à garder ces espace réservés et ne pas batir n'importe quoi
dessus (en terme de transports les villes préfèrent garder cette marge de
maneuvre, sinon il sera beaucoup plus couteux de démolir ou de faire des

Dans nombre de villes, les voies désaffectées sont plutôt transformées en
"voies vertes" (plus tard les villes pourront y loger un métro, et c'est un
axe possible pour des voies bus en site propre, même si on n'y fait pas un
grand boulevard urbain dessus)

Le 9 mai 2016 à 23:47, Christian Rogel  a
écrit :

> > Le 7 mai 2016 à 12:56, David Crochet  a écrit :
> >
> > Bonjour
> >
> > Le 07/05/2016 12:50, David Crochet a écrit :
> >> De mes yeux vues, j'ai beau être mypope, et astygmate, je ne vois rien
> >>,-0.478079,270h,-10.72p,1z
> >
> > Et pour ceux qui aurait l'opportunité quasi immédiate de dire que c'est
> interdit d'utiliser ce site, je peux vous sortir les traces de mon GPS qui
> prouvera que je roule sur cette voie et pas occasionnellement et donc que
> ce sont mes yeux qui l'ont vue, mais que seulement ce site permet de
> retranscrire informatiquement ce que je vois.
> >
> Privilège ? Oui, certainement, car, les chemins de fer disparus ont  une
> persistance sans égale  (comme les poètes) dans notre imaginaire.
> Impossible de chérir les tracés des routes et chemins qui depuis la
> Préhistoire disparaissent ou réapparaissent.
> On a pu écrire une Histoire basée sur l’hypothèse de la non-existence des
> trains : « LES EU auraient-ils pu avoir le même développement sans le train
> ? ».
> Carhaix est un exemple : entre la gare encore active et le départ de la
> voie verte, l’ncien tracé a été indiqué sur la pelouse du Centre culturel
> ou le bitume d’une rue
> Il est intellectuellement satisfaisant de relier les rails brillants au
> compactage qui accueille de nouvelles roues étincelantes.
> Il a bien « railway = abandoned », mais , pas sous Mapnik :
> Ouf, les ultra-rationalistes échappent à cette incongruité, quand ils
> consultent leurs rendus favoris. C’est une pratique win-win.
> OSM n’est pas qu’un monde de brutes. ;-)
> Christian R.
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] A propos de la procédure d'import semi-automatique des adresses

2016-05-09 Per discussione Vincent de Château-Thierry


Le 09/05/2016 16:14, Nicolas Moyroud a écrit :

Je suis un peu en train de jouer avec l'import semi-automatique des
adresses en utilisant les scripts de
J'ai généré les fichiers d'adresse sur Florac (48 - Lozère). Il y a eu
quelques erreurs qui se sont affichées dans les messages et j'obtiens un
truc bizarre : les fichiers addrstreet_sans_batiment,
associatedStreet_sans_batiment, lieux_dits et mots ont été générés, mais
pas les autres. Bug ? Voir ici :
J'aurai préféré les point_sur_batiment, mais bon c'est pas bien grave.

J'ai rejoué la génération à l'instant et j'ai tous les fichiers. Parfois 
l'outil est un peu diesel et ne produit pas tout du 1er coup...

Par contre j'aurai un autre question concernant la procédure pour
ajouter les adresses de toutes les rues d'une commune avec ces fichiers.
Étant donné qu'il y a un fichier osm par rue qui est généré, j'aurai
voulu savoir quelle était la procédure que vous employez pour tout
regrouper dans le même calque. J'ai travaillé fichier par fichier avec
téléchargement des données à chaque fois (d'ailleurs j'ai vu que JOSM
met automatiquement le linéaire de la rue dans la relation si le nom est
bien le même), puis j'ai fait des fusions de tous les calques en un seul.
Je pensais travailler avec un calque unique dans lequel je fais des
copier / coller mais le problème c'est que ça ne prend pas les
relations. J'ai essayé avec la fonction "coller les relations" du plugin
utilsplugin2, mais je sélectionne les numéros d'adresse dans mon premier
calque, je les colle Ctrl+Alt+V dans le calque global et ça ne fait
rien... Ou alors j'ai pas tout compris à son fonctionnement ! Quelqu'un
aurait déjà utilisé ça pour faire ce genre de manip ?
Et si vous avez des conseils sur un mode de fonctionnement efficace pour
l'import des adresses ça m'intéresse aussi. :-)

Je n'ai pas forcément compris ton histoire de copier-coller. Au pire tu 
me l'expliquera à Clermont ;) L'idée de la livraison des données rue par 
rue (un fichier par rue x modélisation) est d'inciter à une 
intégrationrue par rue. J'ai l'impression que c'est ce que tu 
cherches à faire, mais après avoir tout regroupé ? Si tu peux détailler 
ce sera mieux que mes spéculations


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Pourquoi railway aurait un privilège ?

2016-05-09 Per discussione Christian Rogel

> Le 7 mai 2016 à 12:56, David Crochet  a écrit :
> Bonjour
> Le 07/05/2016 12:50, David Crochet a écrit :
>> De mes yeux vues, j'ai beau être mypope, et astygmate, je ne vois rien
> Et pour ceux qui aurait l'opportunité quasi immédiate de dire que c'est 
> interdit d'utiliser ce site, je peux vous sortir les traces de mon GPS qui 
> prouvera que je roule sur cette voie et pas occasionnellement et donc que ce 
> sont mes yeux qui l'ont vue, mais que seulement ce site permet de 
> retranscrire informatiquement ce que je vois.

Privilège ? Oui, certainement, car, les chemins de fer disparus ont  une 
persistance sans égale  (comme les poètes) dans notre imaginaire.
Impossible de chérir les tracés des routes et chemins qui depuis la Préhistoire 
disparaissent ou réapparaissent.

On a pu écrire une Histoire basée sur l’hypothèse de la non-existence des 
trains : « LES EU auraient-ils pu avoir le même développement sans le train ? ».

Carhaix est un exemple : entre la gare encore active et le départ de la voie 
verte, l’ncien tracé a été indiqué sur la pelouse du Centre culturel ou le 
bitume d’une rue
Il est intellectuellement satisfaisant de relier les rails brillants au 
compactage qui accueille de nouvelles roues étincelantes.
Il a bien « railway = abandoned », mais , pas sous Mapnik :
Ouf, les ultra-rationalistes échappent à cette incongruité, quand ils 
consultent leurs rendus favoris. C’est une pratique win-win.

OSM n’est pas qu’un monde de brutes. ;-)

Christian R.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Fort McMurray forest fires

2016-05-09 Per discussione john whelan
I mean how do we decide a tile is mapped?  Normally in HOT its when the
list of things in the instructions are completed.


Also trace - Routes in the region


   Polygons around the residential areas in areas around Fort McMurray

   Isolated buildings outside urban places

   Names of missing roads

   Addresses (via geobase)

Check Addresses are valid with GeoFabrik inspector tool"

That's quite a lot for a tile, mapping buildings is one process, adding
addresses is another, checking the addresses is yet another.

Based on HOT experience its best to keep it fairly simple.  So I suggest:

First project tile and map buildings.  This is a fairly simple task that a
beginner with the JOSM building tool can do fairly well.

Second project tile and add addresses. This is more complex.

Third project tile GeoFabrick inspector tool.  This is even more complex.

You can have more than one set of tiles gridding the area.

Cheerio John

On 9 May 2016 at 17:36, James  wrote:

> Bing imagery is better than mapbox in that region. For addressing do you
> mean building by building or CanVec interpolation?
> On May 9, 2016 5:11 PM, "john whelan"  wrote:
>> Should we layer this ie one project to map the buildings, another to add
>> addresses, the processes are quite different and at the moment its
>> difficult to say a tile is done for buildings when the address info hasn't
>> been added and that means mappers going over the same tiles multiple times.
>> Are we using Mapbox imagery or Bing for this one by the way?
>> Thanks John
>> On 9 May 2016 at 16:11, Kunce, Dale  wrote:
>>> If we can get good pre-event imagery and do the building by building
>>> assessment I don’t think we will need post-event imagery but I can be on
>>> the lookout for it.
>>> Dale
>>> —
>>> Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  |
>>> International Services |  American Red Cross
>>> 2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
>>> Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​
>>> On 5/9/16, 4:08 PM, "Paul Norman"  wrote:
>>> >On 5/9/2016 12:43 PM, Kunce, Dale wrote:
>>> >> Bernie,
>>> >> I do see that the building footprints are in the esri basemap
>>> >> unfortunately this doesn’t actually help. The esri basemap data is
>>> >> just an tiled image and does not provide us with the vector data that
>>> >> we need to complete our work. I’m happy to take the lead and
>>> >> coordinate the mapping. The existing Bing imagery is good enough for
>>> >> our needs for tracing.
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> >Any hope of getting post-event imagery, which will allow us to avoid
>>> >mapping buildings which no longer exist and shouldn't be in OSM?
>>> >
>>> >___
>>> >Talk-ca mailing list
>>> >
>>> >
>>> ___
>>> Talk-ca mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Fort McMurray forest fires

2016-05-09 Per discussione James
Bing imagery is better than mapbox in that region. For addressing do you
mean building by building or CanVec interpolation?
On May 9, 2016 5:11 PM, "john whelan"  wrote:

> Should we layer this ie one project to map the buildings, another to add
> addresses, the processes are quite different and at the moment its
> difficult to say a tile is done for buildings when the address info hasn't
> been added and that means mappers going over the same tiles multiple times.
> Are we using Mapbox imagery or Bing for this one by the way?
> Thanks John
> On 9 May 2016 at 16:11, Kunce, Dale  wrote:
>> If we can get good pre-event imagery and do the building by building
>> assessment I don’t think we will need post-event imagery but I can be on
>> the lookout for it.
>> Dale
>> —
>> Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  |
>> International Services |  American Red Cross
>> 2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
>> Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​
>> On 5/9/16, 4:08 PM, "Paul Norman"  wrote:
>> >On 5/9/2016 12:43 PM, Kunce, Dale wrote:
>> >> Bernie,
>> >> I do see that the building footprints are in the esri basemap
>> >> unfortunately this doesn’t actually help. The esri basemap data is
>> >> just an tiled image and does not provide us with the vector data that
>> >> we need to complete our work. I’m happy to take the lead and
>> >> coordinate the mapping. The existing Bing imagery is good enough for
>> >> our needs for tracing.
>> >>
>> >
>> >Any hope of getting post-event imagery, which will allow us to avoid
>> >mapping buildings which no longer exist and shouldn't be in OSM?
>> >
>> >___
>> >Talk-ca mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> Talk-ca mailing list
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging National Forests

2016-05-09 Per discussione OSM Volunteer stevea
Mike Thompson writes:
> 1) I don't know how anyone would able to tell this from simple on the ground 
> observation.

Granted:  from an on-the-ground observation, a landuse=forest might look very 
much like a natural=wood.  However, if you saw that part of the area had some 
stumps, you could safely conclude it is not natural=wood (unless there was 
"illegal logging” going on, and that DOES happen) but rather that it is 
landuse=forest.  THEN, there is where you know for a fact (from facts not 
on-the-ground, but perhaps from ownership data, signage like “Welcome to Sierra 
National Forest” or other sources) that THIS IS a real, live forest, in the 
sense OSM intends to mean here (landuse=forest implies timber harvesting now or 
at some point in the future).

> 2) While the English word "natural" might suggest this, we use "natural" for 
> other things that man has a hand in creating or modifying, e.g. natural=water 
> for a man made reservoir.

Again, I’ll grant you this, but it only shows that OSM’s tagging is not always 
internally consistent.  I can live with that.  What is required (and “more 
clear" in the case of natural=water) is the understanding that consensus has 
emerged for natural=water:  this gets tagged on bodies of water which are both 
natural and man-made, and that’s OK, and we don’t lose sleep over it or look 
for more consistency.  It’s like an exception to a rule of grammar:  you just 
learn it, and say “shucks” that there are such things as grammatical exceptions.

I’m doing my very best to listen, and it seems many others are, too.  Listening 
is the heart of building consensus.  Let us not also become entrenched in minor 
exceptions or established conventions adding further confusion when identifying 
them as such actually can help us achieve more clarity.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Problema di upload con JOSM

2016-05-09 Per discussione mircozorzo
Ora i dati sono accessibili in scrittura ma il download va molto a rilento.


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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Talk-us Digest, Vol 102, Issue 13

2016-05-09 Per discussione Mike Thompson
On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 2:45 PM, OSM Volunteer stevea <> wrote:

> On 8/19/2015 2:29 AM, Nathan Mixter wrote:
> I would like to see areas in OSM categorized as either land use, land
> cover (which we call natural for the most part in OSM) or administrative to
> clear the confusion. I am also in favor of eliminating the landuse=forest
> tag at least in its current incarnation and switching any official forested
> areas to boundary tags.
> I think most of us would agree that having trees across an area with few
> or no trees looks weird. Yes, I know - don't tag for the render, blah blah.
> But it seems like it would make sense if we kept wood and forest areas
> separate. Since natural=wood and landuse=forest virtually render the same
> now, they should be treated differently than they are currently.
> Thank you for chiming in, Nathan.
> Paul Norman  replies:
> As this isn't US specific, you should probably raise this on the tagging
> list.
> One of the few areas of forest tagging where there is consensus is that a
> US "National Forest" does not get a landuse=forest tag. Fortunately, we're
> getting towards having fixed up many areas in the US where this was made.
> Beyond that, there are many opinions on where to use natural=wood and where
> to use landuse=forest, none of which are universal. This is why
> OpenStreetMap Carto renders natural=wood the same as landuse=forest. It's
> also intentional that trees are present on the rendering everywhere that
> one of these is tagged.
> And this last part, I believe, is the source of at least part of the
> confusion.  My reading of the wiki for the many years I have been an OSM
> contributor (most of the history of this project) is that:
> natural=wood is used for what is sometimes called “primeval forest.”  That
> is, a natural area of largely/mostly trees which have not been cut down
> (ever, or for a very long time) and are not going to be cut down,
1) I don't know how anyone would able to tell this from simple on the
ground observation.
2) While the English word "natural" might suggest this, we use "natural"
for other things that man has a hand in creating or modifying, e.g.
natural=water for a man made reservoir.

> And Paul, I still believe it would be proper to tag those areas inside of
> US National Forests which ARE actually forested to have a tag of
> landuse=forest.  After all, the US Forest Service (who administers them for
> all Americans, their owner) is part of the US Department of Agriculture,
> and more often than not (I agree, not in wilderness areas found inside of
> USFS lands) I CAN harvest downed wood there (to make a fire when safe to do
> so, for example) and that most certainly qualifies as me harvesting timber
> in my forest lands.
By this definition almost any treed piece of land could be tagged as
landuse=forest, including many urban areas that have trees. I suggest only
if there is, or reasonably could be, a commercial use for the forestry
products being produced/harvested, should we tag landuse=forest.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Fort McMurray forest fires

2016-05-09 Per discussione john whelan
Should we layer this ie one project to map the buildings, another to add
addresses, the processes are quite different and at the moment its
difficult to say a tile is done for buildings when the address info hasn't
been added and that means mappers going over the same tiles multiple times.
Are we using Mapbox imagery or Bing for this one by the way?

Thanks John

On 9 May 2016 at 16:11, Kunce, Dale  wrote:

> If we can get good pre-event imagery and do the building by building
> assessment I don’t think we will need post-event imagery but I can be on
> the lookout for it.
> Dale
> —
> Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International
> Services |  American Red Cross
> 2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
> Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​
> On 5/9/16, 4:08 PM, "Paul Norman"  wrote:
> >On 5/9/2016 12:43 PM, Kunce, Dale wrote:
> >> Bernie,
> >> I do see that the building footprints are in the esri basemap
> >> unfortunately this doesn’t actually help. The esri basemap data is
> >> just an tiled image and does not provide us with the vector data that
> >> we need to complete our work. I’m happy to take the lead and
> >> coordinate the mapping. The existing Bing imagery is good enough for
> >> our needs for tracing.
> >>
> >
> >Any hope of getting post-event imagery, which will allow us to avoid
> >mapping buildings which no longer exist and shouldn't be in OSM?
> >
> >___
> >Talk-ca mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-cz] Vykreslování - turistická mapa

2016-05-09 Per discussione Jan Dudík
Když si na zapnu mapu "turistická", vidím zde velký zmatek ve
vykreslování názvů relací

ulice jsou pojmenovány podle linek MHD, případně ve stylu "silnice
III/00354", naopak název ulice (Rudolfovská tř.), který je uveden pouze na
relaci se nezobrazuje nikde.
Vzhledem k tomu, že se to projevuje i v jiných městech, soudím že chyba
(mimo Rudlofovskou) nebude v mých editacích těchto linek, ale spíš na
straně mapového stylu.

a opět tím narážím na téma - kam reportovat takovéto bugy? Hodil by se
nějaký odkaz nebo univerzální návod


Ing. Jan Dudík
projekce dopravních staveb
tel. 777082195
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Talk-us Digest, Vol 102, Issue 13

2016-05-09 Per discussione OSM Volunteer stevea
> On 8/19/2015 2:29 AM, Nathan Mixter wrote:
>> I would like to see areas in OSM categorized as either land use, land cover 
>> (which we call natural for the most part in OSM) or administrative to clear 
>> the confusion. I am also in favor of eliminating the landuse=forest tag at 
>> least in its current incarnation and switching any official forested areas 
>> to boundary tags.
>> I think most of us would agree that having trees across an area with few or 
>> no trees looks weird. Yes, I know - don't tag for the render, blah blah. But 
>> it seems like it would make sense if we kept wood and forest areas separate. 
>> Since natural=wood and landuse=forest virtually render the same now, they 
>> should be treated differently than they are currently.

Thank you for chiming in, Nathan.

Paul Norman > replies:
> As this isn't US specific, you should probably raise this on the tagging list.
> One of the few areas of forest tagging where there is consensus is that a US 
> "National Forest" does not get a landuse=forest tag. Fortunately, we're 
> getting towards having fixed up many areas in the US where this was made. 
> Beyond that, there are many opinions on where to use natural=wood and where 
> to use landuse=forest, none of which are universal. This is why OpenStreetMap 
> Carto renders natural=wood the same as landuse=forest. It's also intentional 
> that trees are present on the rendering everywhere that one of these is 
> tagged.

And this last part, I believe, is the source of at least part of the confusion. 
 My reading of the wiki for the many years I have been an OSM contributor (most 
of the history of this project) is that:

natural=wood is used for what is sometimes called “primeval forest.”  That is, 
a natural area of largely/mostly trees which have not been cut down (ever, or 
for a very long time) and are not going to be cut down, and

landuse=forest is used for what can be characterized as “timber, which can and 
will be harvested from the trees that grow here” (as an agricultural product, 
to make lumber, pulp, paper, wood products…).

Rendering these identically (or nearly) is problematic because these truly are 
different land uses.  The land cover which makes them up, as well as their 
appearance (in real life on the ground, via aerial or satellite images) are 
identical or close to it, but they are distinctly different land uses:  what 
might be called as different as a farm and a “vegetation sanctuary” (where no 
harvesting or “farming” is allowed).

I don’t know what the rationale was behind mapnik rendering conflating these 
two (natural=wood and landuse=forest) to be so similar with “little trees," but 
again, it is at least some of the source of the confusion.  This discussion 
goes on and on, and I believe that is a good thing, as it brings us closer to a 
more universal understanding of how to tag under what circumstances.

And Paul, I still believe it would be proper to tag those areas inside of US 
National Forests which ARE actually forested to have a tag of landuse=forest.  
After all, the US Forest Service (who administers them for all Americans, their 
owner) is part of the US Department of Agriculture, and more often than not (I 
agree, not in wilderness areas found inside of USFS lands) I CAN harvest downed 
wood there (to make a fire when safe to do so, for example) and that most 
certainly qualifies as me harvesting timber in my forest lands.  I won’t press 
this by (new, continuing) wild and aggressive tagging in the map, preferring 
instead to listen for a wider consensus.

Tagging USFS boundaries with the (newer) boundary tags seems to me to be a good 
direction for us to go:  accurate and what feels like a fresh start.  Land use 
and/or land cover still need to be better defined as to their usage in these 
areas as the consensus about their semantics remains muddy, and conflated 
rendering does not seem to be helping.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Respuesta para las preguntas y dudas sobre propuesta de cambios en la normalización para las vías interurbanas

2016-05-09 Per discussione Ricardo Sanz
A mi me parece que la N-340 en Rincon de la Victoria está cedido al 

Buscame en Telegram:

Ricardo Sanz Moreno

> El 9 may 2016, a las 20:29, Antonio Clavero  escribió:
> Buenas tardes,
> Leo vuestros email y en todos aprendo algo nuevo. Felicidades y gracias por 
> compartir.
> En referencia a la N-340 os puedo puntualizar que en Málaga, a su paso por el 
> municipio de Rincón de la Victoria, situado a este, han llamado a esta como 
> N-340a, ya que al construir la A-7 se perdió.
> Un saludo 
> Enviado desde mi iPhone
>> El 9/5/2016, a las 19:36, yo paseopor  escribió:
>> Creo que ciertamente la N-340 es un buen ejemplo de los problemas que dan 
>> los antiguos criterios.Tiene más de 1000 km... Estoy seguro que cuando salió 
>> en el Plan Peña era la vía costera mediterranea que nos unía a todos...En el 
>> 2016 ya no es así. 
>> En Catalunya tienes tramos urbanos a km., tienes tramos de muchísimo tráfico 
>> como vía costera alternativa a vía de pago AP-7, tienes tramos con tráfico 
>> sólo local desde que hay autovía gratuita en algunos de ellos. Ni los 
>> tráficos ni la importancia es la misma, aunque tenga el mismo número de 
>> referencia.
>> En la Comunitat Valenciana, por lo que sé tiene tramos que no son ni 
>> costeros, se va hacia el interior , y los tráficos no deben ser los mismos, 
>> en otros tramos está desdoblada (no existe trazado alternativo a la A-7 - 
>> hubo una época en que las autovías llevaban la referencia de la nacional, 
>> eso no generaba las dudas de ahora)...
>> Como comenta Ricardo Sanz veo muy difícil que salga TODA la 
>> nacional...porque TODA la nacional ya no existe. Ahora bien entiendo que por 
>> cada tramo de uso/importancia pueda tener una clasificación y que ese tramo 
>> supere los 5 km.
>> Realmente, creo que poca gente la usa como carretera que une Algeciras con 
>> Barcelona...porque poca gente va de Algeciras a Barcelona por carretera 
>> siguiendo el trazado exacto de la N-340. Sin embargo para mi es la carretera 
>> de Tarragona, la de Vilafranca a Molins, la de Valencia si me apuras (porque 
>> tenemos muchos trabajadores valencianos que la usan cada fin de semana para 
>> volver a su tierra)...pero en mis horizontes no veo mucho más allá, no sé si 
>> pasa por Murcia o por Cartagena, no sé si pasa por Sevilla para bajar o 
>> bordea la costa...y es que para ir de Barcelona a Tarragona por carretera 
>> lo necesito saber. Como tampoco creo que nadie de Marbella se 
>> plantee, joder , estoy en la carretera que va a Barcelona.
>> El tema flujos y zonas de uso/importancia por provincias/autonomías me 
>> parece interesante, ¿qué os parece a vosotros?
>> Salut i debat
>> yopaseopor
>> ___
>> Talk-es mailing list
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

[OSRM-talk] Released OSRM 5.1.0

2016-05-09 Per discussione Patrick Niklaus

we just released OSRM 5.1.0. This release brings a lot of bug fixes
from `5.0.2` and features that didn't make it into 5.0.0 before the
release such as three new maneuver types for better handling ramps and
roundabouts and instruction post-processing. We now utilize
destination sign information for better instructions when navigating

My special thanks goes to Michael Krasnyk who has contributed multiple
bug fixes and a great speed improvement for the coordinate snapping.
Together with some speed improvements this yields radically faster map
matching. Check it out!

Changes with regard to 5.0.0

   - API:
 - added StepManeuver type `roundabout turn`. The type indicates a
small roundabout that is treated as an intersection
(turn right at the roundabout for first exit, go straight at
the roundabout...)
 - added StepManeuver type `on ramp` and `off ramp` to distinguish
between ramps that enter and exit a highway.
 - reduced new name instructions for trivial changes
 - combined multiple turns into a single instruction at segregated roads

   - Profile Changes:
- introduced a suffix_list / get_name_suffix_list to specify name
suffices to be suppressed in name change announcements
- street names are now consistently assembled for the car, bike
and walk profile as: "Name (Ref)" as in "Berlin (A5)"
- new `car.lua` dependency `lib/destination.lua`
- register a way's .nodes() function for use in the profile's way_function.

   - Infrastructure
- BREAKING: reordered internal instruction types. This breaks the
**data format**
- BREAKING: Changed the on-disk encoding of the StaticRTree for
better performance. This breaks the **data format**

   - Fixes:
- Issue #2310: post-processing for local paths, fixes #2310
- Issue #2309: local path looping, fixes #2309
- Issue #2356: Make hint values optional
- Issue #2349: Segmentation fault in some requests
- Issue #2335: map matching was using shortest path with uturns disabled
- Issue #2193: Fix syntax error position indicators in parameters queries
- Fix search with u-turn
- PhantomNode packing in MSVC now the same on other platforms
- Summary is now not malformed when including unnamed roads
- Emit new-name on when changing from unnamed road to named road

As always this coincides with a node-osrm release of the same version:

npm install osrm@5.1.0


OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Fort McMurray forest fires

2016-05-09 Per discussione Kunce, Dale
If we can get good pre-event imagery and do the building by building assessment 
I don’t think we will need post-event imagery but I can be on the lookout for 

Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International 
Services |  American Red Cross
2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006

Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​ 

On 5/9/16, 4:08 PM, "Paul Norman"  wrote:

>On 5/9/2016 12:43 PM, Kunce, Dale wrote:
>> Bernie,
>> I do see that the building footprints are in the esri basemap 
>> unfortunately this doesn’t actually help. The esri basemap data is 
>> just an tiled image and does not provide us with the vector data that 
>> we need to complete our work. I’m happy to take the lead and 
>> coordinate the mapping. The existing Bing imagery is good enough for 
>> our needs for tracing.
>Any hope of getting post-event imagery, which will allow us to avoid 
>mapping buildings which no longer exist and shouldn't be in OSM?
>Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging National Forests

2016-05-09 Per discussione Paul Norman

On 8/19/2015 2:29 AM, Nathan Mixter wrote:
I would like to see areas in OSM categorized as either land use, land 
cover (which we call natural for the most part in OSM) or 
administrative to clear the confusion. I am also in favor of 
eliminating the landuse=forest tag at least in its current incarnation 
and switching any official forested areas to boundary tags.

I think most of us would agree that having trees across an area with 
few or no trees looks weird. Yes, I know - don't tag for the render, 
blah blah. But it seems like it would make sense if we kept wood and 
forest areas separate. Since natural=wood and landuse=forest virtually 
render the same now, they should be treated differently than they are 

As this isn't US specific, you should probably raise this on the tagging 

One of the few areas of forest tagging where there is consensus is that 
a US "National Forest" does not get a landuse=forest tag. Fortunately, 
we're getting towards having fixed up many areas in the US where this 
was made. Beyond that, there are many opinions on where to use 
natural=wood and where to use landuse=forest, none of which are 
universal. This is why OpenStreetMap Carto renders natural=wood the same 
as landuse=forest. It's also intentional that trees are present on the 
rendering everywhere that one of these is tagged.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Fort McMurray forest fires

2016-05-09 Per discussione Paul Norman

On 5/9/2016 12:43 PM, Kunce, Dale wrote:

I do see that the building footprints are in the esri basemap 
unfortunately this doesn’t actually help. The esri basemap data is 
just an tiled image and does not provide us with the vector data that 
we need to complete our work. I’m happy to take the lead and 
coordinate the mapping. The existing Bing imagery is good enough for 
our needs for tracing.

Any hope of getting post-event imagery, which will allow us to avoid 
mapping buildings which no longer exist and shouldn't be in OSM?

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging National Forests

2016-05-09 Per discussione Mike Thompson
On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 1:36 PM, Wolfgang Zenker 

> * OSM Volunteer stevea  [160509 20:23]:
> > This might sound glib, but I believe that setting landuse=forest on a
> (multi)polygon which is land use forest is correct. [..]
> I guess everyone would agree with that. The problem is that we (as in
> "the mappers of OpenStreetMap") don't agree on what landuse=forest
> actually means. As far as I remember we have one group that thinks
> its an area set aside for growing and harvesting timber, so it can
> be recognized by the presence of (planted) trees or the remains of
> trees that have been recently harvested and will be replaced by newly
> planted trees soon(-ish); and another group defining it as an area
> where timber or small wood can be legally harvested or collected,
> regardless of trees being actually or at least possibly present.
> For forests using the second definition you would have to follow
> official boundaries, which might be difficult to verify on the ground.
I think there is a group (with whom I do not agree) that thinks that
anything administered by the US Forest Service or similar agencies in other
governments, should be tagged as landuse=forest. Just because a piece of
land is administered by an agency with "forest" in its name does not mean
that the land in question is used for "forestry" (growing and harvesting of
trees). For example, there are areas administered by the US National Forest
Service where timber harvesting is forbidden, such as in wilderness

> My personal preference would be to take up mapping areas covered by
> trees as landcover=trees and rendering these areas the way that
> landuse=forest is currently rendered, to map National Forests with
> an administrative boundary and just rendering the boundary line and
> deprecate landuse=forest altogether.
+1, although "natural=wood" is well entrenched.


[1] e.g.
[2] "In general, the law prohibits logging,mining, mechanized vehicles
(including bicycles), road-building, and other forms of development in
wilderness areas, though pre-existing mining claims and grazing ranges are
permitted through grandfather clauses in the Wilderness Act.[9] Wilderness
areas fall into IUCN protected area management category Ia (Strict Nature
Preserves) or Ib (Wilderness areas)." -
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Fort McMurray forest fires

2016-05-09 Per discussione Kunce, Dale
I do see that the building footprints are in the esri basemap unfortunately 
this doesn’t actually help. The esri basemap data is just an tiled image and 
does not provide us with the vector data that we need to complete our work. I’m 
happy to take the lead and coordinate the mapping. The existing Bing imagery is 
good enough for our needs for tracing.

Thanks again for your help.

Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International 
Services |  American Red Cross
2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​

From: john whelan >
Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 at 2:58 PM
To: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap 
Cc: Dale Kunce >
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Fort McMurray forest fires

Given that the US Red Cross are getting involved and have a need for buildings 
to be mapped so they can use their tool set is there any data sets we might be 
able to get hold of.  I'm thinking of using the Treasury Broad gateway which 
means its licensed for OSM but TB are also working with the provinces and some 
cites on Open Data data sets.

Thanks John

On 6 May 2016 at 20:20, Bernie Connors 
> wrote:

  Looking at Esri's world topo basemap in Fort McMurray you can see that 
the building footprints are very complete. It could be a redundant use of our 
resources to obtain pre- fire imagery to digitize buildings. Almost anyone 
could create an app with ArcGIS Online to do Assessment of building damage.


Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Bell network.
From: Kevin Farrugia
Sent: Friday, May 6, 2016 9:00 PM
To: Darren Ewaniuk
Cc: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Fort McMurray forest fires

There's been at least 20 captures of the area by satellites in the past 3 days, 
but what use are they going to be at this stage of the fire?

Also, what are we going to try to achieve once the fires are done? The roads 
are already there and Canada/Alberta have advanced spatial capabilities and 
detailed data for official purposes, so the work would basically entail 
deleting burned down buildings.

I'm willing to help out, just not clear what the goal with regards to data is 
going to be. :)

On May 6, 2016 7:42 PM, "Darren Ewaniuk" 
> wrote:

Global has some satellite images images after the fire attributed to Google / 
Terra Bella (ex-Skybox).  I believe they have in the past allowed imaging for 
open use before (Skybox For Good program) so may be able to do so here.

The slides near the bottom have some aerial imaging of relevance:

14 - Wood Buffalo Estates / Martin Ridge Estates (Thickwood)
15 - Waterways

16 - Waterways (North)

17 - Beacon Hill (North)

18 - Abasands

19 - Aspen Gardens / Hilltop Estates / Downtown

From: Heather Leson >
Sent: May 5, 2016 10:39:31 PM
To: Simon Wood
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Fort McMurray forest fires


Let me know if you want me to connect you to the emergency managers in the 
area. I will give them a heads up that you are talking about it

Two of them are big fans of osm so they might help. But i leave this decision 
with you.


On 6 May 2016 04:59, "Simon Wood" 
> wrote:
On Thu, May 5, 2016 9:28 am, Andrew MacKinnon wrote:
> As you are probably aware by now, a large portion of Fort McMurray,
> Alberta has been destroyed by forest fires.
> Is any freely licensed aerial imagery of the affected area available
> yet? Will the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap team be creating a project for
> Fort McMurray?

You might get some help from UrtheCast, as a Canadian company they might
be willing to donate access to footage.

Not sure that they can provide geo-referenced shots, but any info might be
of use. Their cameras are fixed on ISS, so any orbital software/website
will tell you if/when they have near passes.

They also have a live feed:


Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging National Forests

2016-05-09 Per discussione Wolfgang Zenker
* OSM Volunteer stevea  [160509 20:23]:
> This might sound glib, but I believe that setting landuse=forest on a 
> (multi)polygon which is land use forest is correct. [..]

I guess everyone would agree with that. The problem is that we (as in
"the mappers of OpenStreetMap") don't agree on what landuse=forest
actually means. As far as I remember we have one group that thinks
its an area set aside for growing and harvesting timber, so it can
be recognized by the presence of (planted) trees or the remains of
trees that have been recently harvested and will be replaced by newly
planted trees soon(-ish); and another group defining it as an area
where timber or small wood can be legally harvested or collected,
regardless of trees being actually or at least possibly present.
For forests using the second definition you would have to follow
official boundaries, which might be difficult to verify on the ground.

My personal preference would be to take up mapping areas covered by
trees as landcover=trees and rendering these areas the way that
landuse=forest is currently rendered, to map National Forests with
an administrative boundary and just rendering the boundary line and
deprecate landuse=forest altogether.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Navmii notes

2016-05-09 Per discussione Nicolás Alvarez
Duplication would be a problem even if the map was updated in real time.

I have seen users adding POIs that already exist for a long time, but 
aren't rendered by the style. Or adding name= to a gas station when the 
info is already in brand=, which isn't rendered by either or

> El 9 may 2016, a las 13:21, Eric Grosso  escribió:
> Hi all,
> Talking about notes and edits from applications, what is the best option 
> between creating a new object in OSM or adding a note for this kind of app?
> I'm here thinking about the objects added recently by some users. As 
> the offline maps provided by are only updated "with almost every new 
> release" (, there is a possible problem of 
> duplication. A question has been asked here about it: 
> The answer from addresses 
> only the problem of accuracy (which is another one) not the problem of 
> duplication. I already encountered both problems (one including the 
> modification of a POI name to replace it with something wrong).
> A lot of people started using -- BTW a great app which allows to 
> promote nicely OSM --- or similar applications, and probably more people will 
> use it in a near future. This could lead to the need of a quite heavy 
> maintenance (mostly for the POIs) for (local) OSM contributors as these edits 
> are quite difficult to track (1 modification = 1 changeset). Is there a way 
> to link all these communities of users/contributors together in order to 
> benefit to the map?
> I would be glad to have your opinion on this.
> Thanks.
> Eric
>> On 6 May 2016 at 07:54, Paul Johnson  wrote:
>>> On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 5:16 PM, Deanna Earley  wrote:
>>> I'm also in discussion with Navmii themselves to try and get them to
>>> stop adding these, or at least curbing/moderating what they are adding.
>> Another suggestion would be to have some system in place that replies to 
>> notes can get back to the original submitter from the OSM community.  I 
>> don't recall encountering these notes myself, but the inability to close the 
>> communications loop is a big factor in what made Mapdust a nearly 
>> unmitigated failure (the biggest mitigating factor is that you can see a 
>> snippet to see what the routing engine was thinking, where the user was 
>> traveling and a category, so there was the possibility of getting some high 
>> quality feedback for surprisingly minimal effort from real people using it 
>> instead of map nerds).
>> ___
>> talk mailing list
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Respuesta para las preguntas y dudas sobre propuesta de cambios en la normalización para las vías interurbanas

2016-05-09 Per discussione yo paseopor
Por ello, mucha importancia no debe tener, no creo que nadie deje la A-7
para circular por la N-340a.
Además, no seré yo quien defenestre la Via Augusta (que estoy a tocar de
Tarragona, coi)...Pero lo siento. Lee lo que pone wikipedia sobre ella...

"La *N-340* en Cataluña  discurre
por la costa mediterránea entre el límite con la provincia de Castellón y
la ciudad de Barcelona , en 2007
el 17,5% de los siniestros de la provincia de Tarragona
 se produjeron en
esta carretera"
Eso me hace tenerle menos cariño.

"En todo su tramo entre Torredembarra
 y Vallirana
 es la única vía alternativa a la
autopista de peaje AP-7  y tiene tan
solo seis tramos donde es posible adelantar. La velocidad promedio es de 53
Esto tampoco me hace quererla mucho (te podría poner la foto de la cola de
hoy, pero creo que no es necesario)

Los vecinos denuncian a Fomento por las rotondas en la N-340"
Esto menos...

Vamos a fijarnos en la importancia porque como empecemos a hablar de
quereres...Y no es importante en tooda su extensión, propongo un
estudio de la vía en cuestión.Y lo mismo vale para las demás ,Quiero yo
munchu el Puertu Payares...pero siempre voy po'l Huerna, ho! :P

Salut i debats
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Fort McMurray forest fires

2016-05-09 Per discussione john whelan
Given that the US Red Cross are getting involved and have a need for
buildings to be mapped so they can use their tool set is there any data
sets we might be able to get hold of.  I'm thinking of using the Treasury
Broad gateway which means its licensed for OSM but TB are also working with
the provinces and some cites on Open Data data sets.

Thanks John

On 6 May 2016 at 20:20, Bernie Connors  wrote:

> Hello,
>   Looking at Esri's world topo basemap in Fort McMurray you can see
> that the building footprints are very complete. It could be a redundant use
> of our resources to obtain pre- fire imagery to digitize buildings. Almost
> anyone could create an app with ArcGIS Online to do Assessment of building
> damage.
> Bernie.
> Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Bell network.
> *From: *Kevin Farrugia
> *Sent: *Friday, May 6, 2016 9:00 PM
> *To: *Darren Ewaniuk
> *Cc: *Talk-CA OpenStreetMap
> *Subject: *Re: [Talk-ca] Fort McMurray forest fires
> There's been at least 20 captures of the area by satellites in the past 3
> days, but what use are they going to be at this stage of the fire?
> Also, what are we going to try to achieve once the fires are done? The
> roads are already there and Canada/Alberta have advanced spatial
> capabilities and detailed data for official purposes, so the work would
> basically entail deleting burned down buildings.
> I'm willing to help out, just not clear what the goal with regards to data
> is going to be. :)
> On May 6, 2016 7:42 PM, "Darren Ewaniuk" 
> wrote:
>> Global has some satellite images images after the fire attributed
>> to Google / Terra Bella (ex-Skybox).  I believe they have in the past
>> allowed imaging for open use before (Skybox For Good program) so may be
>> able to do so here.
>> The slides near the bottom have some aerial imaging of relevance:
>> 14 - Wood Buffalo Estates / Martin Ridge Estates (Thickwood)
>> 15 - Waterways
>> 16 - Waterways (North)
>> 17 - Beacon Hill (North)
>> 18 - Abasands
>> 19 - Aspen Gardens / Hilltop Estates / Downtown
>> --
>> *From:* Heather Leson 
>> *Sent:* May 5, 2016 10:39:31 PM
>> *To:* Simon Wood
>> *Cc:*
>> *Subject:* Re: [Talk-ca] Fort McMurray forest fires
>> Hello
>> Let me know if you want me to connect you to the emergency managers in
>> the area. I will give them a heads up that you are talking about it
>> Two of them are big fans of osm so they might help. But i leave this
>> decision with you.
>> Heather
>> On 6 May 2016 04:59, "Simon Wood"  wrote:
>>> On Thu, May 5, 2016 9:28 am, Andrew MacKinnon wrote:
>>> > As you are probably aware by now, a large portion of Fort McMurray,
>>> > Alberta has been destroyed by forest fires.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Is any freely licensed aerial imagery of the affected area available
>>> > yet? Will the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap team be creating a project for
>>> > Fort McMurray?
>>> You might get some help from UrtheCast, as a Canadian company they might
>>> be willing to donate access to footage.
>>> Not sure that they can provide geo-referenced shots, but any info might
>>> be
>>> of use. Their cameras are fixed on ISS, so any orbital software/website
>>> will tell you if/when they have near passes.
>>> They also have a live feed:
>>> Cheers,
>>> Simon.
>>> ___
>>> Talk-ca mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-ca mailing list
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project (Health): Pharmacies and Defibrillators

2016-05-09 Per discussione Rob Nickerson
Nice work Robert.

Out of interest how does that data compare to the healthcare data is all
available at:

For example, do the reference numbers match?

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-GB] Wikidata map

2016-05-09 Per discussione Rob Nickerson
We've discussed wikidat on this list before. Mapbox now include it in their
geocoder results (probably direct from Wikidata rather than the tag in OSM).

They've developed a simple map to show what is possible:

Hopefully with time we can get something similar based on the wikidata tags
in OSM.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Kreisverkehr einfach löschen?

2016-05-09 Per discussione Norbert

Am 09.05.2016 um 17:13 schrieb Florian Lohoff:

On Mon, May 09, 2016 at 04:57:04PM +0200, Kevin Hemker wrote:

Hallo allerseits,

die Bing-Bilder im Anhang zeigen einen "Baustellen-Kreisverkehr",
der vor 4/5 Jahren für ca 2 Wochen bestanden hat. (Wenn mans weiss
sieht man rechts unten sogar eine Absperrbake).

Nun existiert der natürlich garnicht - und bei Erstellung oder im
Laufe der Zeit wurden etliche Busrouten zerschossen, die da
durchlaufen (sollten) aber wo dieses Teilstück fehlt.

Würdet ihr den Kreisverkehr einfach löschen, die ways miteinander
verbinden und die Relationen wieder alle zusammenfriemeln? Kann man
die Stelle dann irgendwie markieren, dass die Bing-Bilder hier
veraltet sind? (dazu habe ich noch nicht wirklich viel gefunden)

Wenn du die Objekte löscht wird der nächste sie wieder eintragen. Ich
mache das meist dann so das ich die Objekte (Ways) da lasse - alle tags
entferne und einen note auf den ways hinterlasse was das ist und
warum... Dann ist die chance das jemand das liest und das neueintragen
Wenn auf dem Luftbild ein Kreisverkehr zu sehen ist, in OSM aber keiner 
eingetragen ist, sollte man sich eigentlich vor Ort überzeugen was 
richtig ist.

Aber die Idee den Weg zu lassen und eine note dranzuhängen ist gut.
Dann wird sich hoffentlich ein Sesselmapper fragen was da los ist und 
die note auch beachten.



Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Respuesta para las preguntas y dudas sobre propuesta de cambios en la normalización para las vías interurbanas

2016-05-09 Per discussione Antonio Clavero
Buenas tardes,
Leo vuestros email y en todos aprendo algo nuevo. Felicidades y gracias por 
En referencia a la N-340 os puedo puntualizar que en Málaga, a su paso por el 
municipio de Rincón de la Victoria, situado a este, han llamado a esta como 
N-340a, ya que al construir la A-7 se perdió.
Un saludo 

Enviado desde mi iPhone

> El 9/5/2016, a las 19:36, yo paseopor  escribió:
> Creo que ciertamente la N-340 es un buen ejemplo de los problemas que dan los 
> antiguos criterios.Tiene más de 1000 km... Estoy seguro que cuando salió en 
> el Plan Peña era la vía costera mediterranea que nos unía a todos...En el 
> 2016 ya no es así. 
> En Catalunya tienes tramos urbanos a km., tienes tramos de muchísimo tráfico 
> como vía costera alternativa a vía de pago AP-7, tienes tramos con tráfico 
> sólo local desde que hay autovía gratuita en algunos de ellos. Ni los 
> tráficos ni la importancia es la misma, aunque tenga el mismo número de 
> referencia.
> En la Comunitat Valenciana, por lo que sé tiene tramos que no son ni 
> costeros, se va hacia el interior , y los tráficos no deben ser los mismos, 
> en otros tramos está desdoblada (no existe trazado alternativo a la A-7 - 
> hubo una época en que las autovías llevaban la referencia de la nacional, eso 
> no generaba las dudas de ahora)...
> Como comenta Ricardo Sanz veo muy difícil que salga TODA la nacional...porque 
> TODA la nacional ya no existe. Ahora bien entiendo que por cada tramo de 
> uso/importancia pueda tener una clasificación y que ese tramo supere los 5 km.
> Realmente, creo que poca gente la usa como carretera que une Algeciras con 
> Barcelona...porque poca gente va de Algeciras a Barcelona por carretera 
> siguiendo el trazado exacto de la N-340. Sin embargo para mi es la carretera 
> de Tarragona, la de Vilafranca a Molins, la de Valencia si me apuras (porque 
> tenemos muchos trabajadores valencianos que la usan cada fin de semana para 
> volver a su tierra)...pero en mis horizontes no veo mucho más allá, no sé si 
> pasa por Murcia o por Cartagena, no sé si pasa por Sevilla para bajar o 
> bordea la costa...y es que para ir de Barcelona a Tarragona por carretera 
> lo necesito saber. Como tampoco creo que nadie de Marbella se 
> plantee, joder , estoy en la carretera que va a Barcelona.
> El tema flujos y zonas de uso/importancia por provincias/autonomías me parece 
> interesante, ¿qué os parece a vosotros?
> Salut i debat
> yopaseopor
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

[Talk-es] GeoPaella en Valencia

2016-05-09 Per discussione Jorge Sanz

En Geoinquietos Valencia venimos organizando ya por quinto año una
paellita para cerrar el curso. Ciertamente siempre viene alguien de
fuera así que me permito este cross-posting de listas para invitaros a
aquellos que os apetezca pasar un sábado en la huerta valenciana
hablando de cosas geo en general, todo el mundo es bienvenido :-)

- Fecha: Sábado 2 de julio
- Lugar: Descubre L'Horta, Borbotó:
- Para apuntarse:

¡Os esperamos!
Jorge Sanz

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging National Forests

2016-05-09 Per discussione OSM Volunteer stevea
Russ, Elliott, Kenny and all:

This might sound glib, but I believe that setting landuse=forest on a 
(multi)polygon which is land use forest is correct.  Yes, I have notice that 
mapnik rendering has changed over the years so that other 2-D objects which 
occupy the same space may yield unexpected results.  I believe this is because 
of the ordering of the rendering of these multiple objects, acting as “layers” 
in the final visual representation.  Whatever changes have been make to mapnik 
in how it orders lands rendering (or, specifically, landuse=forest) seems to be 
the culprit here.  While I might have gotten used to an older rendering, the 
newer rendering is simply a different way of seeing what is hopefully 
accurately tagged areas.

In short, tag correctly.  If the renderer renders in an unpleasing way, see if 
it is because there are multiple objects on top of one another, and examine 
whether that is the right approach — it likely is not, but it may be, too.  
THEN we might discuss if the mapnik renderer has problems. 


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Respuesta para las preguntas y dudas sobre propuesta de cambios en la normalización para las vías interurbanas

2016-05-09 Per discussione Santiago Higuera
Creo que es interesante lo que pone en la Wikipedia acerca de la N-340,
la carretera más larga de España. Una joya histórica, y la historia
también hace a las cosas importantes


Santiago Higuera

El lun, 09-05-2016 a las 19:36 +0200, yo paseopor escribió:
> Creo que ciertamente la N-340 es un buen ejemplo de los problemas que
> dan los antiguos criterios.Tiene más de 1000 km... Estoy seguro que
> cuando salió en el Plan Peña era la vía costera mediterranea que nos
> unía a todos...En el 2016 ya no es así. 
> En Catalunya tienes tramos urbanos a km., tienes tramos de muchísimo
> tráfico como vía costera alternativa a vía de pago AP-7, tienes
> tramos con tráfico sólo local desde que hay autovía gratuita en
> algunos de ellos. Ni los tráficos ni la importancia es la misma,
> aunque tenga el mismo número de referencia.
> En la Comunitat Valenciana, por lo que sé tiene tramos que no son ni
> costeros, se va hacia el interior , y los tráficos no deben ser los
> mismos, en otros tramos está desdoblada (no existe trazado
> alternativo a la A-7 - hubo una época en que las autovías llevaban la
> referencia de la nacional, eso no generaba las dudas de ahora)...
> Como comenta Ricardo Sanz veo muy difícil que salga TODA la
> nacional...porque TODA la nacional ya no existe. Ahora bien entiendo
> que por cada tramo de uso/importancia pueda tener una clasificación y
> que ese tramo supere los 5 km.
> Realmente, creo que poca gente la usa como carretera que une
> Algeciras con Barcelona...porque poca gente va de Algeciras a
> Barcelona por carretera siguiendo el trazado exacto de la N-340. Sin
> embargo para mi es la carretera de Tarragona, la de Vilafranca a
> Molins, la de Valencia si me apuras (porque tenemos muchos
> trabajadores valencianos que la usan cada fin de semana para volver a
> su tierra)...pero en mis horizontes no veo mucho más allá, no sé si
> pasa por Murcia o por Cartagena, no sé si pasa por Sevilla para bajar
> o bordea la costa...y es que para ir de Barcelona a Tarragona por
> carretera lo necesito saber. Como tampoco creo que
> nadie de Marbella se plantee, joder , estoy en la carretera que va a
> Barcelona.
> El tema flujos y zonas de uso/importancia por provincias/autonomías
> me parece interesante, ¿qué os parece a vosotros?
> Salut i debat
> yopaseopor
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Respuesta para las preguntas y dudas sobre propuesta de cambios en la normalización para las vías interurbanas

2016-05-09 Per discussione yo paseopor
Creo que ciertamente la N-340 es un buen ejemplo de los problemas que dan
los antiguos criterios.Tiene más de 1000 km... Estoy seguro que cuando
salió en el Plan Peña era la vía costera mediterranea que nos unía a
todos...En el 2016 ya no es así.
En Catalunya tienes tramos urbanos a km., tienes tramos de muchísimo
tráfico como vía costera alternativa a vía de pago AP-7, tienes tramos con
tráfico sólo local desde que hay autovía gratuita en algunos de ellos. Ni
los tráficos ni la importancia es la misma, aunque tenga el mismo número de
En la Comunitat Valenciana, por lo que sé tiene tramos que no son ni
costeros, se va hacia el interior , y los tráficos no deben ser los mismos,
en otros tramos está desdoblada (no existe trazado alternativo a la A-7 -
hubo una época en que las autovías llevaban la referencia de la nacional,
eso no generaba las dudas de ahora)...
Como comenta Ricardo Sanz veo muy difícil que salga TODA la
nacional...porque TODA la nacional ya no existe. Ahora bien entiendo que
por cada tramo de uso/importancia pueda tener una clasificación y que ese
tramo supere los 5 km.
Realmente, creo que poca gente la usa como carretera que une Algeciras con
Barcelona...porque poca gente va de Algeciras a Barcelona por carretera
siguiendo el trazado exacto de la N-340. Sin embargo para mi es la
carretera de Tarragona, la de Vilafranca a Molins, la de Valencia si me
apuras (porque tenemos muchos trabajadores valencianos que la usan cada fin
de semana para volver a su tierra)...pero en mis horizontes no veo mucho
más allá, no sé si pasa por Murcia o por Cartagena, no sé si pasa por
Sevilla para bajar o bordea la costa...y es que para ir de Barcelona a
Tarragona por carretera lo necesito saber. Como tampoco creo
que nadie de Marbella se plantee, joder , estoy en la carretera que va a
El tema flujos y zonas de uso/importancia por provincias/autonomías me
parece interesante, ¿qué os parece a vosotros?

Salut i debat
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project (Health): Pharmacies and Defibrillators

2016-05-09 Per discussione Eric Grosso
Fantastic tool! Thanks so much Robert.

2. If it's a big supermarket or shopping centre, it's generally a polygon.
So it's possible to add a POI which is the amenity. In case the supermarket
is already a POI, your option, as written as well in the OSM wiki
discussion, i.e. pharmacy=yes could work but isn't a common OSM
specification. So why not using shop=supermarket and amenity=pharmacy
together. I don't see any incompatibility in using both tags.

3. I checked few pharmacies in Edinburgh and indeed, some of the red
circles in link with Boots are wrongly tagged as amenity=pharmacy. The
Boots website indicates if there are pharmacy services or in-store services
+ pharmacy services. The ones in red have no pharmacy services. It seems
that some of them aren't even chemists. So the tag will have probably to be
decided for each case.

4. (same remark than above) Why not using both amenity=pharmacy and

Best wishes,

On 9 May 2016 at 18:02, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) <> wrote:

> This quarter's Healthcare project doesn't seem to have got as much
> traction as the Schools one. Possibly due to the fact that there's
> isn't a single obvious data-source to employ, and there's little scope
> for arm-chair mapping.
> I posted previously about a comparison tool I built for defibrillators
> at similar to the one I
> made previously for schools [1]. The data comes from the Easter
> Ambulance Service, and theirs is the only dataset I could find in a
> useful format. I've made FOI requests to a couple of other Ambulance
> trusts [2],[3], but they haven't got back to me yet.
> I've recently noticed that the General Pharmaceutical Council publish
> a list of registered pharmacies. I think this list should be complete
> (i.e. any dispensing pharmacy in Great Britain must be registered) so
> I've built a similar tool at
> . (There's a similar
> Register for Northern Ireland, but the complete list isn't published.)
> I've asked for permission to re-use the information in the list to
> help improve OSM [4], but haven't had a response yet. I don't think
> any permission is needed to run the comparison, but it would be needed
> to use the information directly in OSM. (e.g. adding registration
> numbers, and using the address information). However, the tool can
> still be used at the moment to indicated possible places to survey.
> A few initial observations and tagging questions:
> 1/ I think it's interesting how relatively uniform our coverage of
> pharmacies is.
> 2/ There are a lot of pharmacies within supermarkets that aren't
> currently tagged in any way. Currently the tool will pick up
> pharamacy=yes, but I'm open to other options is there's a better way
> of adding this information to e.g. a shop=supermarket.
> 3/ There seem to be a number shops (particularly Superdrug stores)
> tagged as amenity=pharmacy that aren't on the register. I presume
> these are chemist / drug-store type outlets that do not have
> dispensing pharmacies. Do we want to agree on whether these should be
> tagged as shop=chemist or amenity=pharmacy + dispensing=no ?
> 4/ Should stores like larger Boots (which have a lot more besides the
> pharmacy counter and off-the-shelf medicines) be tagged as
> amenity=pharamcy or shop=chemist + pharmacy=yes, or something else, or
> should it depend on the individual store?
> Best wishes,
> Robert.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> --
> Robert Whittaker
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging National Forests

2016-05-09 Per discussione Russell Deffner
Hey Elliot and all,


Thanks for this notice, I think it is two separate issues. One is the use of 
the landuse=forest tag which has been discussed many times on many lists. The 
other is the rendering, I think this is ‘just’ a rendering issue as you can see 
where ‘meadow/grass/scrub’ coloring is ‘overlaid on-top’ of the forest/green, 
but the tree icon stays.  Of course this can be ‘mitigated’ with relations, but 
that’s part of why I haven’t made progress in ‘my neck of the woods’.  There’s 
actually some great momentum in several directions with our local meetup[1] so 
I might try to bring this up/make an effort to ‘clean-up’ forests here.




[1] OSM-Colorado: 


From: Elliott Plack [] 
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 11:03 AM
To: stevea;
Subject: Re: [Talk-us] Tagging National Forests


Looping back to this. I was looking at the town of Breckenridge, Colorado, and 
the whole things is covered by trees. On some renders, it is just a big green 
blob over the town. Here it is:


This is not right. "landuse" implies that the *land* has a *use*, which is 
whatever follows the = sign. I am fine if we want to say that landuse = timber 
production (or whatever) in general, but to render the tag landuse=forest with 
little trees or a bold green color does not give the right impression to the 
viewer. I think we should be encouraging users to trace the forests more 
precisely, rather than with big blocks.


Also I've noticed these Colorado imports are not being done by a user with an 
_import account, so it makes me wonder if these folks importing forest cover 
are following the import rules. These forests also have a national park tag, 
which they are not.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it-trentino] Fwd: Castello Tesino, biblioteca comunale, chi ha tenuto talk?

2016-05-09 Per discussione girarsi_liste
Il 05/05/2016 09:13, Maurizio Napolitano ha scritto:
> Ciao
> ho sentito l'assessore di Castel Tesino, ed ho fatto presente la questione.
> Il 10 mi aveva chiesto un intervento ad un gruppo di persone su un progetto
> che sta portando avanti con un mio collega sulla questione dei meli antichi.
> A questo punto ho proposto un tutorial a OSM.

È posibile sapere se è aperto al pubblico e in che orario si svolge

Sarei intenzionato a venire se non ho problemi dell'ultima ora.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it-trentino mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Governo indiano quer barrar mapas crowdsourcing

2016-05-09 Per discussione Cassio Eskelsen
A Lei proposta não atinge só o OSM. Atinge qualquer provedor de mapas,
incluindo Google Maps, Bing, ESRI, etc.

Tem um componente de segurança nacional nisso (considerando o conflito com
o Paquistão) mas nunca dá para desconsiderar que certas empresas americanas
de Geo podem encontrar em um país com uma classe política corrupta como na
índia um terreno fértil para  o seu lobby$.

É bom ficar de olho. Do jeito que as coisas estão correndo, leis até então
esdrúxulas para nós podem ser impostas aqui também. Um exemplo (fugindo um
pouco) são as leis turcas que proibem ofender/satirizar o presidente e que
já levaram muitos para a prisão. Agora temos aqui um projeto de lei que
pretende criminalizar falar mal de político na internet.

Cássio Rogério Eskelsen

2016-05-07 7:27 GMT-03:00 santamariense :

> Eu sei que está fora do nosso contexto local, mas achei interessante
> repassar aqui. O governo indiano quer multar e até prender pessoas que
> compartilham dados geoespaciais daquele país.
> No OpenStreetMap, a Índia está despontando atualmente como o país com
> o maior número de nós criados
> ( por dia. O Brasil está
> em nono.
> Segue o link da notícia (em inglês), publicado pela India Times:
> ___
> Talk-br mailing list
Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-GB] Quarterly Project (Health): Pharmacies and Defibrillators

2016-05-09 Per discussione Robert Whittaker (OSM lists)
This quarter's Healthcare project doesn't seem to have got as much
traction as the Schools one. Possibly due to the fact that there's
isn't a single obvious data-source to employ, and there's little scope
for arm-chair mapping.

I posted previously about a comparison tool I built for defibrillators
at similar to the one I
made previously for schools [1]. The data comes from the Easter
Ambulance Service, and theirs is the only dataset I could find in a
useful format. I've made FOI requests to a couple of other Ambulance
trusts [2],[3], but they haven't got back to me yet.

I've recently noticed that the General Pharmaceutical Council publish
a list of registered pharmacies. I think this list should be complete
(i.e. any dispensing pharmacy in Great Britain must be registered) so
I've built a similar tool at . (There's a similar
Register for Northern Ireland, but the complete list isn't published.)

I've asked for permission to re-use the information in the list to
help improve OSM [4], but haven't had a response yet. I don't think
any permission is needed to run the comparison, but it would be needed
to use the information directly in OSM. (e.g. adding registration
numbers, and using the address information). However, the tool can
still be used at the moment to indicated possible places to survey.

A few initial observations and tagging questions:

1/ I think it's interesting how relatively uniform our coverage of
pharmacies is.

2/ There are a lot of pharmacies within supermarkets that aren't
currently tagged in any way. Currently the tool will pick up
pharamacy=yes, but I'm open to other options is there's a better way
of adding this information to e.g. a shop=supermarket.

3/ There seem to be a number shops (particularly Superdrug stores)
tagged as amenity=pharmacy that aren't on the register. I presume
these are chemist / drug-store type outlets that do not have
dispensing pharmacies. Do we want to agree on whether these should be
tagged as shop=chemist or amenity=pharmacy + dispensing=no ?

4/ Should stores like larger Boots (which have a lot more besides the
pharmacy counter and off-the-shelf medicines) be tagged as
amenity=pharamcy or shop=chemist + pharmacy=yes, or something else, or
should it depend on the individual store?

Best wishes,



Robert Whittaker

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Respuesta para las preguntas y dudas sobre propuesta de cambios en la normalización para las vías interurbanas

2016-05-09 Per discussione yo paseopor
Poco a poco parece que nos vamos entendiendo.

Sobre el punto 1 opino que las carreteras que son importantes para el
gobierno de España o para un autonomía acostumbran a estar bien
acondicionadas, así que sería un criterio acertado a mi modo de ver el
revisar la Red Básica de cada comunidad autónoma.Creo que es interesante el
ir revisando vías y añadiendo las diversas etiquetas que propuse en la
propuesta de cambio de normalización, más allá de highway.

Sobre el punto 2 también estoy de acuerdo, probablemente los tramos no sean
de 5 km sino por estado de vía (cuando hacen de alternativa a vía de pago,
cuando lo hacen a una de vía gratis - y tienen menos tráfico), cuando son
la vía principal...

Sobre el punto 3 pase lo que pase con la etiqueta highway me reafirmo en
que es importante ir marcando todas esas propiedades del etiquetaje de
nueva generación, velocidad, dirección , destino...

Y sobre el 4 creo que lo mejor es plantearnos la revisión de todas las
vías. ¿Es un trabajo ingente? sí, pero estoy seguro que irán surgiendo
acuerdos sobre muchas de ellas y estoy seguro que siendo uno de la zona las
conocerá lo sufuciente como para guiar a los otros en su etiquetaje y

Me gusta el cáliz que va tomando esto :)
Salut i debat
Talk-es mailing list

[Talk-GB] UK Chapter

2016-05-09 Per discussione Brian Prangle
Hi everyone

We're making steady progress on producing a "clean" set of Articles. Next
concall will be scheduled when these are ready- might not be for a week or
so, we're fitting this in around busy schedules


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires

2016-05-09 Per discussione James
Shouldn't be too long, operations team says the master DB is back up as of
2 hours ago

On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 12:25 PM, Kunce, Dale 

> Ugh forgot about the Read Only.
> —
> *Dale Kunce* | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International
> Services |  American Red Cross
> 2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
> Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​
> From: James 
> Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 at 12:24 PM
> To: Dale Kunce 
> Cc: John Marshall , Talk-CA OpenStreetMap <
> Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires
> It would definitely be possible, it's just as I've stated previously
> nothing can be done until OpenStreetMap maintenance has been completed
> (scheduled until tomorrow (GMT))
> On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 12:23 PM, Kunce, Dale 
> wrote:
>> Don’t worry about the Red Cross coordination for now. I know them and can
>> work with them directly them.
>> Thanks again.
>> —
>> Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  |
>> International Services |  American Red Cross
>> 2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
>> Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​
>> On 5/9/16, 12:21 PM, "John Marshall"  wrote:
>> >Dale,
>> >
>> >I have ask the CDN Red Cross in Ottawa several times if they would
>> >like the CDN OSM community to help. Happy to help.
>> >
>> >Cheers
>> >
>> >John
>> >
>> >On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 12:16 PM, James  wrote:
>> >> Hi Dale I'm not sure if you've been following this list previously, but
>> >> there was a initiative started already within osm-canada
>> >>
>> >> I've created a HOT project here:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> But right now OSM is in read only mode as there is a scheduled
>> maintenance
>> >>
>> >> On May 9, 2016 12:12 PM, "Kunce, Dale" 
>> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> The American Red Cross is potentially sending some teams to do help
>> the
>> >>> Canadian Canadian Red Cross with damage assessments in Ft. Mcmurtry
>> and
>> >>> other places affected by the recent fires.
>> >>>
>> >>> As part of the assessment we are potentially going to use OpenMapKit
>> to do
>> >>> a building by building assessment. The OSM data looks pretty good for
>> the
>> >>> area except that not all buildings are in OSM. The assessment would
>> not
>> >>> happen for at least a week or two but we are interested in mapping
>> all of
>> >>> the buildings in the affected area from pre-event imagery. No damage
>> >>> assessment from satellite imagery will occur.
>> >>>
>> >>> I’ve already let HOT know but it would be great to have support of the
>> >>> OSM-Canada community to help get the work done.
>> >>>
>> >>> Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in
>> helping
>> >>> or leading.
>> >>>
>> >>> Dale
>> >>>
>> >>> —
>> >>> Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  |
>> International
>> >>> Services |  American Red Cross
>> >>> 2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
>> >>> Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> ___
>> >>> Talk-ca mailing list
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >> ___
>> >> Talk-ca mailing list
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
> --
> 外に遊びに行こう!

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT 2016

2016-05-09 Per discussione Alessandro Palmas

   Ops, avevo scritto solo a Marco Minghini anzichè alla lista

Ho aggiornato il programma anche sulla Wiki.

Notizia interessante: sabato, in occasione del Mapping Party presso il
Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica, i partecipanti al raduno OSMIT
avranno accesso gratuito al Museo Leonardo da Vinci, previa iscrizione
all'evento via Eventbrite (a breve pubblicheremo il link per l'iscrizione).

P.S.: sulla wiki ieri l'utente "Francesco -rasmata onlus" (o forse solo
Francesco?) ha inserito la richiesta per un intervento sul progetto
"vorrei proporre la seguente sessione mi sembra libero sabato mattina,
orario e giorno modificabili in base al programma - H2OpenMap
, portiamo l'acqua sulle mappe e dove serve.
presentazione di un progetto di mappatura diretta del territorio
finalizzato alla raccolta di dati relativi alla distribuzione e
consistenza delle risorse idriche primarie. I dati raccolti vengono
principalmente utilizzati per organizzare e guidare le successive
campagne di trivellazione di nuovi pozzi e/o manutenzione di quelli
Vediamo d'inserirlo tra quello di Volker e la successiva tavola rotonda.

Alessandro Ale_Zena_IT

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires

2016-05-09 Per discussione Kunce, Dale
Ugh forgot about the Read Only.

Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International 
Services |  American Red Cross
2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​

From: James >
Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 at 12:24 PM
To: Dale Kunce >
Cc: John Marshall >, Talk-CA 
OpenStreetMap >
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires

It would definitely be possible, it's just as I've stated previously nothing 
can be done until OpenStreetMap maintenance has been completed (scheduled until 
tomorrow (GMT))

On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 12:23 PM, Kunce, Dale 
> wrote:
Don’t worry about the Red Cross coordination for now. I know them and can work 
with them directly them.

Thanks again.

Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International 
Services |  American Red Cross
2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006

Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | 
Skype dkunce​

On 5/9/16, 12:21 PM, "John Marshall" 
> wrote:

>I have ask the CDN Red Cross in Ottawa several times if they would
>like the CDN OSM community to help. Happy to help.
>On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 12:16 PM, James 
>> wrote:
>> Hi Dale I'm not sure if you've been following this list previously, but
>> there was a initiative started already within osm-canada
>> I've created a HOT project here:
>> But right now OSM is in read only mode as there is a scheduled maintenance
>> On May 9, 2016 12:12 PM, "Kunce, Dale" 
>> > wrote:
>>> The American Red Cross is potentially sending some teams to do help the
>>> Canadian Canadian Red Cross with damage assessments in Ft. Mcmurtry and
>>> other places affected by the recent fires.
>>> As part of the assessment we are potentially going to use OpenMapKit to do
>>> a building by building assessment. The OSM data looks pretty good for the
>>> area except that not all buildings are in OSM. The assessment would not
>>> happen for at least a week or two but we are interested in mapping all of
>>> the buildings in the affected area from pre-event imagery. No damage
>>> assessment from satellite imagery will occur.
>>> I’ve already let HOT know but it would be great to have support of the
>>> OSM-Canada community to help get the work done.
>>> Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in helping
>>> or leading.
>>> Dale
>>> —
>>> Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International
>>> Services |  American Red Cross
>>> 2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
>>> Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | 
>>> Skype dkunce
>>> ___
>>> Talk-ca mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires

2016-05-09 Per discussione James
It would definitely be possible, it's just as I've stated previously
nothing can be done until OpenStreetMap maintenance has been completed
(scheduled until tomorrow (GMT))

On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 12:23 PM, Kunce, Dale 

> Don’t worry about the Red Cross coordination for now. I know them and can
> work with them directly them.
> Thanks again.
> —
> Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International
> Services |  American Red Cross
> 2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
> Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​
> On 5/9/16, 12:21 PM, "John Marshall"  wrote:
> >Dale,
> >
> >I have ask the CDN Red Cross in Ottawa several times if they would
> >like the CDN OSM community to help. Happy to help.
> >
> >Cheers
> >
> >John
> >
> >On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 12:16 PM, James  wrote:
> >> Hi Dale I'm not sure if you've been following this list previously, but
> >> there was a initiative started already within osm-canada
> >>
> >> I've created a HOT project here:
> >>
> >>
> >> But right now OSM is in read only mode as there is a scheduled
> maintenance
> >>
> >> On May 9, 2016 12:12 PM, "Kunce, Dale"  wrote:
> >>>
> >>> The American Red Cross is potentially sending some teams to do help the
> >>> Canadian Canadian Red Cross with damage assessments in Ft. Mcmurtry and
> >>> other places affected by the recent fires.
> >>>
> >>> As part of the assessment we are potentially going to use OpenMapKit
> to do
> >>> a building by building assessment. The OSM data looks pretty good for
> the
> >>> area except that not all buildings are in OSM. The assessment would not
> >>> happen for at least a week or two but we are interested in mapping all
> of
> >>> the buildings in the affected area from pre-event imagery. No damage
> >>> assessment from satellite imagery will occur.
> >>>
> >>> I’ve already let HOT know but it would be great to have support of the
> >>> OSM-Canada community to help get the work done.
> >>>
> >>> Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in
> helping
> >>> or leading.
> >>>
> >>> Dale
> >>>
> >>> —
> >>> Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  |
> International
> >>> Services |  American Red Cross
> >>> 2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
> >>> Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> ___
> >>> Talk-ca mailing list
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> ___
> >> Talk-ca mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Navmii notes

2016-05-09 Per discussione Eric Grosso
Hi all,

Talking about notes and edits from applications, what is the best option
between creating a new object in OSM or adding a note for this kind of app?

I'm here thinking about the objects added recently by some users.
As the offline maps provided by are only updated "with almost every
new release" (, there is a possible problem of
duplication. A question has been asked here about it: The answer from
addresses only the problem of accuracy (which is another one) not the
problem of duplication. I already encountered both problems (one including
the modification of a POI name to replace it with something wrong).

A lot of people started using -- BTW a great app which allows to
promote nicely OSM --- or similar applications, and probably more people
will use it in a near future. This could lead to the need of a quite heavy
maintenance (mostly for the POIs) for (local) OSM contributors as these
edits are quite difficult to track (1 modification = 1 changeset). Is there
a way to link all these communities of users/contributors together in order
to benefit to the map?

I would be glad to have your opinion on this.


On 6 May 2016 at 07:54, Paul Johnson  wrote:

> On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 5:16 PM, Deanna Earley  wrote:
>> I'm also in discussion with Navmii themselves to try and get them to
>> stop adding these, or at least curbing/moderating what they are adding.
> Another suggestion would be to have some system in place that replies to
> notes can get back to the original submitter from the OSM community.  I
> don't recall encountering these notes myself, but the inability to close
> the communications loop is a big factor in what made Mapdust
>  a nearly unmitigated failure
> (the biggest mitigating factor is that you can see a snippet to see what
> the routing engine was thinking, where the user was traveling and a
> category, so there was the possibility of getting some high quality
> feedback for surprisingly minimal effort from real people using it instead
> of map nerds).
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires

2016-05-09 Per discussione Kunce, Dale
Don’t worry about the Red Cross coordination for now. I know them and can work 
with them directly them.

Thanks again.

Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International 
Services |  American Red Cross
2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006

Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​ 

On 5/9/16, 12:21 PM, "John Marshall"  wrote:

>I have ask the CDN Red Cross in Ottawa several times if they would
>like the CDN OSM community to help. Happy to help.
>On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 12:16 PM, James  wrote:
>> Hi Dale I'm not sure if you've been following this list previously, but
>> there was a initiative started already within osm-canada
>> I've created a HOT project here:
>> But right now OSM is in read only mode as there is a scheduled maintenance
>> On May 9, 2016 12:12 PM, "Kunce, Dale"  wrote:
>>> The American Red Cross is potentially sending some teams to do help the
>>> Canadian Canadian Red Cross with damage assessments in Ft. Mcmurtry and
>>> other places affected by the recent fires.
>>> As part of the assessment we are potentially going to use OpenMapKit to do
>>> a building by building assessment. The OSM data looks pretty good for the
>>> area except that not all buildings are in OSM. The assessment would not
>>> happen for at least a week or two but we are interested in mapping all of
>>> the buildings in the affected area from pre-event imagery. No damage
>>> assessment from satellite imagery will occur.
>>> I’ve already let HOT know but it would be great to have support of the
>>> OSM-Canada community to help get the work done.
>>> Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in helping
>>> or leading.
>>> Dale
>>> —
>>> Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International
>>> Services |  American Red Cross
>>> 2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
>>> Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce
>>> ___
>>> Talk-ca mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires

2016-05-09 Per discussione Kunce, Dale
Quick question would it be possible to add that all buildings should be traced. 
This is crucial for the damage assessment.

Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International 
Services |  American Red Cross
2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​

From: Dale Kunce >
Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 at 12:19 PM
To: James >
Cc: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap 
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires

I just joined the list today.

Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International 
Services |  American Red Cross
2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​

From: James >
Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 at 12:16 PM
To: Dale Kunce >
Cc: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap 
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires

Hi Dale I'm not sure if you've been following this list previously, but there 
was a initiative started already within osm-canada

I've created a HOT project here:

But right now OSM is in read only mode as there is a scheduled maintenance

On May 9, 2016 12:12 PM, "Kunce, Dale" 
> wrote:
The American Red Cross is potentially sending some teams to do help the 
Canadian Canadian Red Cross with damage assessments in Ft. Mcmurtry and other 
places affected by the recent fires.

As part of the assessment we are potentially going to use OpenMapKit to do a 
building by building assessment. The OSM data looks pretty good for the area 
except that not all buildings are in OSM. The assessment would not happen for 
at least a week or two but we are interested in mapping all of the buildings in 
the affected area from pre-event imagery. No damage assessment from satellite 
imagery will occur.

I’ve already let HOT know but it would be great to have support of the 
OSM-Canada community to help get the work done.

Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in helping or 


Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International 
Services |  American Red Cross
2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | 
Skype dkunce​

Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires

2016-05-09 Per discussione John Marshall

I have ask the CDN Red Cross in Ottawa several times if they would
like the CDN OSM community to help. Happy to help.



On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 12:16 PM, James  wrote:
> Hi Dale I'm not sure if you've been following this list previously, but
> there was a initiative started already within osm-canada
> I've created a HOT project here:
> But right now OSM is in read only mode as there is a scheduled maintenance
> On May 9, 2016 12:12 PM, "Kunce, Dale"  wrote:
>> The American Red Cross is potentially sending some teams to do help the
>> Canadian Canadian Red Cross with damage assessments in Ft. Mcmurtry and
>> other places affected by the recent fires.
>> As part of the assessment we are potentially going to use OpenMapKit to do
>> a building by building assessment. The OSM data looks pretty good for the
>> area except that not all buildings are in OSM. The assessment would not
>> happen for at least a week or two but we are interested in mapping all of
>> the buildings in the affected area from pre-event imagery. No damage
>> assessment from satellite imagery will occur.
>> I’ve already let HOT know but it would be great to have support of the
>> OSM-Canada community to help get the work done.
>> Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in helping
>> or leading.
>> Dale
>> —
>> Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International
>> Services |  American Red Cross
>> 2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
>> Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce
>> ___
>> Talk-ca mailing list
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires

2016-05-09 Per discussione Kunce, Dale
I just joined the list today.

Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International 
Services |  American Red Cross
2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​

From: James >
Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 at 12:16 PM
To: Dale Kunce >
Cc: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap 
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires

Hi Dale I'm not sure if you've been following this list previously, but there 
was a initiative started already within osm-canada

I've created a HOT project here:

But right now OSM is in read only mode as there is a scheduled maintenance

On May 9, 2016 12:12 PM, "Kunce, Dale" 
> wrote:
The American Red Cross is potentially sending some teams to do help the 
Canadian Canadian Red Cross with damage assessments in Ft. Mcmurtry and other 
places affected by the recent fires.

As part of the assessment we are potentially going to use OpenMapKit to do a 
building by building assessment. The OSM data looks pretty good for the area 
except that not all buildings are in OSM. The assessment would not happen for 
at least a week or two but we are interested in mapping all of the buildings in 
the affected area from pre-event imagery. No damage assessment from satellite 
imagery will occur.

I’ve already let HOT know but it would be great to have support of the 
OSM-Canada community to help get the work done.

Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in helping or 


Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International 
Services |  American Red Cross
2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | 
Skype dkunce​

Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires

2016-05-09 Per discussione Kunce, Dale
The American Red Cross is potentially sending some teams to do help the 
Canadian Canadian Red Cross with damage assessments in Ft. Mcmurtry and other 
places affected by the recent fires.

As part of the assessment we are potentially going to use OpenMapKit to do a 
building by building assessment. The OSM data looks pretty good for the area 
except that not all buildings are in OSM. The assessment would not happen for 
at least a week or two but we are interested in mapping all of the buildings in 
the affected area from pre-event imagery. No damage assessment from satellite 
imagery will occur.

I’ve already let HOT know but it would be great to have support of the 
OSM-Canada community to help get the work done.

Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in helping or 


Dale Kunce | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International 
Services |  American Red Cross
2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Ft. McMurry Fires

2016-05-09 Per discussione James
Hi Dale I'm not sure if you've been following this list previously, but
there was a initiative started already within osm-canada

I've created a HOT project here:

But right now OSM is in read only mode as there is a scheduled maintenance
On May 9, 2016 12:12 PM, "Kunce, Dale"  wrote:

> The American Red Cross is potentially sending some teams to do help the
> Canadian Canadian Red Cross with damage assessments in Ft. Mcmurtry and
> other places affected by the recent fires.
> As part of the assessment we are potentially going to use OpenMapKit to do
> a building by building assessment. The OSM data looks pretty good for the
> area except that not all buildings are in OSM. The assessment would not
> happen for at least a week or two but we are interested in mapping all of
> the buildings in the affected area from pre-event imagery. No damage
> assessment from satellite imagery will occur.
> I’ve already let HOT know but it would be great to have support of the
> OSM-Canada community to help get the work done.
> Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in helping
> or leading.
> Dale
> —
> *Dale Kunce* | Senior Geospatial Engineer and GIS Team Lead  | International
> Services |  American Red Cross
> 2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
> Tel 202.303.4095 | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] SotM in Brussels: Call for session proposals and Scholarship fund

2016-05-09 Per discussione Mikel Maron
Sure Kathleen. We haven't discussed it yet in detail, but imagine we'll 
organize it similar to SotM US. Members of the program committee will each 
individually evaluate all submissions according to criteria like relevance, 
quality, newness to SotM, etc. Based on average and distribution of scores, 
we'll generate a cut off for a short list -- though this will be flexible. 
These get grouped into themes, and committee members discuss what gets added to 
the final schedule. 
That's the rough idea anyway. Any input on the process welcome. And if you or 
anyone is interested in helping out in the SotM Working Group, let us know! * 
Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron 

On Monday, May 9, 2016 8:13 AM, Kathleen Danielson 

 Hi Mikel--

Can you tell us about the program selection process? How will talk proposals be 
evaluated and selected?


On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 8:24 PM, Mikel Maron  wrote:

Hi all,

I'm delighted to report that the planning for State of the Map 2016 is going 
well. We have now opened the call for session proposals. You have until 
Saturday 21st May to submit your idea.

Please see:

We have also opened the scholarship programme. This has the same deadline so 
don't hesitate. The option is there if you need it so don’t let the cost of 
travel stand in your way!

Hope to see many of you in Brussels! :-)

Best regards,

p.s. There are still sponsorship opportunities should your ourganization want 
to support OSM via this route. If interested drop us a note. * Mikel Maron * 
+14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron
Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] A propos de la procédure d'import semi-automatique des adresses

2016-05-09 Per discussione Nicolas Moyroud
J'ai généré les fichiers pour 2 autres communes de la Lozère : Bédouès 
et Cocurès. Les fichiers sont bien générés, mais cette 
fois ils sont vides. Dans ce cas ça veut simplement dire qu'il n'a rien 
réussi à extraire depuis le cadastre ? Ce serait peut-être mieux de ne 
pas mettre du tout à disposition les fichiers, là on peut s'interroger...
En effet je ne vois rien sur les planches cadastrales, même pas les noms 
de rues. Bon ça tombe bien je vais organiser une carto-partie là-bas, on 
va relever tout ça sur le terrain ! ;-)


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Kreisverkehr einfach löschen?

2016-05-09 Per discussione Florian Lohoff
On Mon, May 09, 2016 at 04:57:04PM +0200, Kevin Hemker wrote:
> Hallo allerseits,
> die Bing-Bilder im Anhang zeigen einen "Baustellen-Kreisverkehr",
> der vor 4/5 Jahren für ca 2 Wochen bestanden hat. (Wenn mans weiss
> sieht man rechts unten sogar eine Absperrbake).
> Nun existiert der natürlich garnicht - und bei Erstellung oder im
> Laufe der Zeit wurden etliche Busrouten zerschossen, die da
> durchlaufen (sollten) aber wo dieses Teilstück fehlt.
> Würdet ihr den Kreisverkehr einfach löschen, die ways miteinander
> verbinden und die Relationen wieder alle zusammenfriemeln? Kann man
> die Stelle dann irgendwie markieren, dass die Bing-Bilder hier
> veraltet sind? (dazu habe ich noch nicht wirklich viel gefunden)

Wenn du die Objekte löscht wird der nächste sie wieder eintragen. Ich
mache das meist dann so das ich die Objekte (Ways) da lasse - alle tags
entferne und einen note auf den ways hinterlasse was das ist und
warum... Dann ist die chance das jemand das liest und das neueintragen

Florian Lohoff
 UTF-8 Test: The  ran after a , but the  ran away

Description: Digital signature
Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Kreisverkehr einfach löschen?

2016-05-09 Per discussione Kevin Hemker

Hallo allerseits,

die Bing-Bilder im Anhang zeigen einen "Baustellen-Kreisverkehr", der 
vor 4/5 Jahren für ca 2 Wochen bestanden hat. (Wenn mans weiss sieht man 
rechts unten sogar eine Absperrbake).

Nun existiert der natürlich garnicht - und bei Erstellung oder im Laufe 
der Zeit wurden etliche Busrouten zerschossen, die da durchlaufen 
(sollten) aber wo dieses Teilstück fehlt.

Würdet ihr den Kreisverkehr einfach löschen, die ways miteinander 
verbinden und die Relationen wieder alle zusammenfriemeln? Kann man die 
Stelle dann irgendwie markieren, dass die Bing-Bilder hier veraltet 
sind? (dazu habe ich noch nicht wirklich viel gefunden)

Mich wundert halt dass das noch keiner gemacht hat - weil da gibts ja 
doch schon einige Bearbeitungen (auch in fehlerhaften Relationen neueren 
Datums) - oder ist das in 2 Jahren tatsächlich noch niemandem 
aufgefallen?? =-O (Generell kommen mir tausende Warnungen von JOSM 
entgegen wenn ich in der Gegend/Ortschaft zB maxSpeeds tagge :-( - ist 
das normal?).

Ach ja - die Stelle ist hier:

Vielen Dank für eure Geduld mit einem Newbie :)
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] 京都世界遺産マッピングパーティ第13回 特別編 延暦寺(西塔、横川)(再)

2016-05-09 Per discussione yasunari

京都世界遺産マッピングパーティ第13回 特別編 延暦寺(西塔、横川)は
今週末の 5/14(土) 開催です。



In message <> writes

 > 京都の山下です。
 > 皆さんこんにちわ。
 > 毎月1つ、世界遺産のコンプリートをたくらむ京都世界遺産マッピングパーティ、
 > 前回急遽中止とした第13回 特別編 延暦寺(西塔、横川)
 > あらためて 5/14 に開催します。
 > みなさん、どうぞお越しください!!
 > --
 > 山下康成@京都府向日市

Talk-ja mailing list

[Talk-cz] Odstávka

2016-05-09 Per discussione Marián Kyral
pokud někdo nezaregistroval, v současné době probíhá odstávka databáze
na, která běží v režimu jen pro čtení a až do zítřka
nebude možné nahrávat změny. Přesný termín ukončení odstávka zatím není

Více na:

Ostatní služby, jako hlavní stránka, wiki i dlaždice běží normálně.


Talk-cz mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] A propos de la procédure d'import semi-automatique des adresses

2016-05-09 Per discussione Nicolas Moyroud

Bonjour à tous,

Je suis un peu en train de jouer avec l'import semi-automatique des 
adresses en utilisant les scripts de
J'ai généré les fichiers d'adresse sur Florac (48 - Lozère). Il y a eu 
quelques erreurs qui se sont affichées dans les messages et j'obtiens un 
truc bizarre : les fichiers addrstreet_sans_batiment, 
associatedStreet_sans_batiment, lieux_dits et mots ont été générés, mais 
pas les autres. Bug ? Voir ici :
J'aurai préféré les point_sur_batiment, mais bon c'est pas bien grave.
Par contre j'aurai un autre question concernant la procédure pour 
ajouter les adresses de toutes les rues d'une commune avec ces fichiers. 
Étant donné qu'il y a un fichier osm par rue qui est généré, j'aurai 
voulu savoir quelle était la procédure que vous employez pour tout 
regrouper dans le même calque. J'ai travaillé fichier par fichier avec 
téléchargement des données à chaque fois (d'ailleurs j'ai vu que JOSM 
met automatiquement le linéaire de la rue dans la relation si le nom est 
bien le même), puis j'ai fait des fusions de tous les calques en un seul.
Je pensais travailler avec un calque unique dans lequel je fais des 
copier / coller mais le problème c'est que ça ne prend pas les 
relations. J'ai essayé avec la fonction "coller les relations" du plugin 
utilsplugin2, mais je sélectionne les numéros d'adresse dans mon premier 
calque, je les colle Ctrl+Alt+V dans le calque global et ça ne fait 
rien... Ou alors j'ai pas tout compris à son fonctionnement ! Quelqu'un 
aurait déjà utilisé ça pour faire ce genre de manip ?
Et si vous avez des conseils sur un mode de fonctionnement efficace pour 
l'import des adresses ça m'intéresse aussi. :-)


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca]

2016-05-09 Per discussione James
Seems to be back up for now:

On Sun, May 8, 2016 at 9:43 PM, Stewart C. Russell  wrote:

> Looks like with all the shuffling of products, we've finally lost our
> /OSM/pub folder. Oh well.
> I guess that, since all the CanVEC data is now available under OGL-CA, the
> old agreement has been superseded. It would be lovely if everything on
> were OGL-CA, 'cos there's some infrastructure data
> on there that would make me and my chums in the energy biz very happy to
> have on the map.
> cheers,
>  Stewart
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Wann geht eine Bahnstrecke in Betrieb?

2016-05-09 Per discussione Jan Engelhardt

On Monday 2016-05-09 15:34, Michael Reichert wrote:
>> Und dafür gibt es  railway=abandoned bzw. abandoned:highway=xyz (oder so).
>> *duck und weg*
>railway=abandoned heißt, dass die Gleise abgebaut sind (Schotter ist
>noch vorhanden). Wenn auch dieser fehlt und nur noch die Erdbauwerke
>(Dämme, Einschnitte) vorhanden sind, wird es als railway=razed getaggt.
>Die reine Einstellung des Betriebs bei Vorhandensein der Infrastruktur
>(Gleise usw.) taggt man als railway=disused.

Hier gibt es einen Fall, wo eine Industriegleisstrecke vor Dekaden
abgebaut wurde. Wo sie in Asphalt/Cobblestone eingebettet sind,
hat man sie einfach bis heute liegen gelassen, falls an der Stelle
der Asphalt bisher nicht erneuert werden musste, das beschränkt
sich aber auf wenige Dekameter z.B. auf Firmengeländen.
"disused" bringt es absolut nicht, da zum effektiven Wiederanschluß
mehr als 3x soviel rail gelegt werden müsste wie noch liegt.

Des weiteren ein Fall, wo eine Straße erst geschlossen und dann
einfach mit 30cm Kies zugekippt wurde. Auch hier kann's disused nicht
mehr richten, da die Infrastruktur erstens nicht sichtbar ist
(obgleich mit geringen Kosten wiederherstellbar), und wer weiß, wie
stark mittlerweile Pflanzen dem Asphalt unterm Kies zugesetzt haben
(vielleicht also auch nicht ohne Neubau lösbar).

Deswegen: was "lange verschüttet" ist, kann IMHO nicht mehr als
disused gelten.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Problema di upload con JOSM

2016-05-09 Per discussione Max1234Ita
Capito. Grazie a tutti! :-)

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Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Wann geht eine Bahnstrecke in Betrieb?

2016-05-09 Per discussione Michael Reichert
Hallo Jan,

Am 08.05.2016 um 19:57 schrieb Jan Engelhardt:
> On Sunday 2016-05-08 19:17, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>> es gibt auch den Fall, dass die Straße nicht mehr befahren werden _kann_ oder
>> _darf_ wegen Gefahr oder tatsächlicher Unbenutzbarkeit, z.B. wegen Erdrutsch
>> oder Bergrutsch/Geröllabgang. Je nach Gegend kann so ein Zustand auch
>> jahrelang anhalten, auch ohne jegliche Bautätigkeit.
> Und dafür gibt es  railway=abandoned bzw. abandoned:highway=xyz (oder so).
> *duck und weg*

railway=abandoned heißt, dass die Gleise abgebaut sind (Schotter ist
noch vorhanden). Wenn auch dieser fehlt und nur noch die Erdbauwerke
(Dämme, Einschnitte) vorhanden sind, wird es als railway=razed getaggt.

Die reine Einstellung des Betriebs bei Vorhandensein der Infrastruktur
(Gleise usw.) taggt man als railway=disused.

Viele Grüße


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Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Problema di upload con JOSM

2016-05-09 Per discussione Andrea Albani
È un disservizio programmato per l'intera giornata di oggi notificato la
scorsa settimana nella lista inglese Announce.
Maggiori dettagli qui [0]
In sintesi puoi solo scaricare dati perchè l'upload è disabilitato.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Problema di upload con JOSM

2016-05-09 Per discussione mircozorzo


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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Problema di upload con JOSM

2016-05-09 Per discussione Alessandro Palmas

Il 09/05/2016 14:17, Marco_T ha scritto:

Su ora leggo:

"Il database di OpenStreetMap è al momento in modalità sola-lettura per
pemettere lo svolgimento di alcuni lavori essenziali su di esso."


Oggi è una giornata da "prendi il gps ed esci a mappare" :-)

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Problema di upload con JOSM

2016-05-09 Per discussione Marco_T
Su ora leggo:

"Il database di OpenStreetMap è al momento in modalità sola-lettura per
pemettere lo svolgimento di alcuni lavori essenziali su di esso."



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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Problema di upload con JOSM

2016-05-09 Per discussione Volker Schmidt
"The OpenStreetMap database is currently in read-only mode while essential
database maintenance work is carried out"
(vedi messagio su lsito OSM)

2016-05-09 14:10 GMT+02:00 Max1234Ita :

> Ciao a tutti,
> al momento di caricare un changeset con Josm mi compare questo messaggio:
> (Failed to upload data to or download data 'from
>' due to a problem with transferring
> data.
> Pensavo fosse un problema coi proxy della rete aziendale ed ho provato a
> connettermi usando il mio smartphone come hotspot: stesso risultato, riesco
> a nevigare ma non a caricare i dati).
> Qualcuno riscontra la medesima situazione?
> Grazie in anticipo,
> MAx
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] SotM in Brussels: Call for session proposals and Scholarship fund

2016-05-09 Per discussione Kathleen Danielson
Hi Mikel--

Can you tell us about the program selection process? How will talk
proposals be evaluated and selected?


On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 8:24 PM, Mikel Maron  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm delighted to report that the planning for State of the Map 2016 is
> going well. We have now opened the call for session proposals. You have
> until Saturday 21st May to submit your idea.
> Please see:
> We have also opened the scholarship programme. This has the same deadline
> so don't hesitate. The option is there if you need it so don’t let the cost
> of travel stand in your way!
> Hope to see many of you in Brussels! :-)
> Best regards,
> Mikel
> p.s. There are still sponsorship opportunities should your ourganization
> want to support OSM via this route. If interested drop us a note.
> * Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-it] Problema di upload con JOSM

2016-05-09 Per discussione Max1234Ita
Ciao a tutti,
al momento di caricare un changeset con Josm mi compare questo messaggio:
(Failed to upload data to or download data 'from' due to a problem with transferring

Pensavo fosse un problema coi proxy della rete aziendale ed ho provato a
connettermi usando il mio smartphone come hotspot: stesso risultato, riesco
a nevigare ma non a caricare i dati).

Qualcuno riscontra la medesima situazione?

Grazie in anticipo,

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Wann geht eine Bahnstrecke in Betrieb?

2016-05-09 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Am 9. Mai 2016 um 08:55 schrieb Jan Engelhardt :

> >je nachdem, abandoned heißt klar aufgegeben, es könnte aber auch sein,
> dass
> >man im Prinzip die Strecke nicht aufgegeben hat, aber derzeit kein Geld
> da ist
> >um sofort mit der Wiederherstellung loszulegen.
> Das aber widerrum kann der OSM-Nutzer nicht unbedingt durch alleinige
> Beobachtung der Strecke erkennen.

OSM hat als Kriterium auch nicht, dass man nur durch Beobachtung der
Strecke erkennen können muss, was Sache ist. Beobachtung der Zeitungen ist
durchaus auch ein Kriterium, gerade wenn es um rechtlichen Status (so was
wie "abandoned" ist ja neben der physischen Erscheinung auch klar ein
rechtlicher Status) geht.

> Außerdem steht ja nirgends geschrieben,
> dass abandoned zwangsläufig razed folgen muss. Man kann ja von abandoned
> wieder zurück auf construction gehen, falls und sobald die Bauarbeiten
> dann (endlich) einsetzen.

Abandoned hat nach meinem Verständnis aber als Kriterium, dass die Strecke
aufgegeben worden ist. In meinem Beispiel geht es darum, dass zwar nicht
gebaut / wiederhergestellt wird, die Strecke aber trotzdem nicht aufgegeben
ist (im Gegenteil wird sogar erklärt, sie solle wiederhergestellt werden).
Das Beispiel ist die Bahnlinie Rom-Fossanova-Terracina, die seit Bergrutsch
("Monte Cucca") 2012 nicht mehr befahren werden kann, also immerhin schon 4

Ein paar (italienische) Quellen dazu:
(5/2013: Lösung noch nicht in Sicht)
(2014: Demo für schnelle Wiederinstandsetzung der Strecke)
(2015: Bahnstrecke immer noch nicht befahrbar)

Nur ein Beispiel von sicherlich sehr vielen, wo es neben "geplant", "in
Bau/Reparatur (Arbeiten erkennbar)", "in Betrieb" noch weitere Zustände

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] osm maps on wikipedia - discussion

2016-05-09 Per discussione Chris Koerner
I work at the Wikimedia Foundation as a Community Liaison
 for the Discovery
department . Along with
Yuri Astrakhan and Max Semenik, I've been helping to work with Wikipedians
interested in interactive maps. As you can tell, we're early in the
conversation and appreciate any feedback or ideas from your community (some
of you have already joined us on the talk page - thank you and welcome!

I saw the wiki page Richard created welcoming Wikipedians to OpenStreetMaps
and wanted to say thank you! I've included it on our conversation page

the bottom, but feel free to include a link to it elsewhere in the page if
you think it makes sense.

I hope that our projects can work well together. If anyone has questions
about how we're using OSM or want to know more, please feel free to drop a
note on the talk page or reach out directly.

Chris Koerner
Community Liaison - Discovery
Wikimedia Foundation
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Tip na vhodny smartphone pro aktivity souvisejici s OSM - zejmena co se tyce kvality/presnosti GPS prijmu

2016-05-09 Per discussione Matěj Cepl
On 2016-05-05, 22:59 GMT, Pavel Bokr wrote:
> mel bych dotaz na pripadne zkusenosti s chytrymi telefony pro 
> aktivity souvisejici s OSM (OsmTracker, Mapillary, 
> prilezitostne foto rozcestniku s GPS v exifu apod.). Mohu si 
> vybrat telefon z nabidky Vodafonu v hodnote cca necelych 
> 7000,- (subsidy k ramcovce) a uvital bych pripadny tip na 
> nejaky vhodny telefon (pripadne i tip jaky vhodny neni pokud 
> ma nekdo zkusenost).

Já se musím přiznat, že mám pocit, že ve vývoji smartphonů jsme 
se dostali do stadia, kdy poměr cena / výkon radikálně posunuje 
optimální telefon někam k levnějším modelům. Ano, iPhone za 
dvacet litrů nebo nejnovější Samsung za patnáct mají určitě 
nějaké výhody, ale nejsem si skutečně že rozdíl ceny 
ospravedlňuje jejich koupi oproti třeba Nexusu 5, který je 
kdykoli k doptání (nový) na za nějakých čtyři pět 
tisíc.  Koupil jsem v průběhu posledního půl roku tři a musím 
říci, že jsem dosti spokojen (s posledním stabilním 

Co se týče navigace, tak obsahuje GPS i GLONASS a funguje 
s OSMAndem jako velice slušný navigátor. Nějak se nemůžu 
přesvědčit, že cokoli co nabízejí modernější a lepší (a dražší) 
telefony ospravedlňuje vydání dalších peněz.

Hezký den,


--, Jabber:
GPG Finger: 3C76 A027 CA45 AD70 98B5  BC1D 7920 5802 880B C9D8
I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying
I approved of it.
  -- Mark Twain

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Respuesta para las preguntas y dudas sobre propuesta de cambios en la normalización para las vías interurbanas

2016-05-09 Per discussione Ricardo Sanz
Imposible. Ni la N-340 ni muchas estan enteras ya. Hay tramos q ya no existen. 
Asi que nunca podras ver la carretera entera de Algeciras a Barcelona

Buscame en Telegram:

Ricardo Sanz Moreno

> El 9 may 2016, a las 12:10, Santiago Higuera  escribió:
> Hola:
> Yo creo que la N-340 es un buen ejemplo para tomar decisiones. Se trata
> de una carretera que va desde Cádiz, desde Algeciras en realidad, hasta
> Barcelona. Tiene tramos con diferente calidad. Ahora bien, si la
> etiquetamos de diferente manera en distintos tramos sucederá que en
> algunos niveles de zoom hay tramos que desaparecerán. Yo creo que
> cuando veo el mapa de la península, la carretera debe salir completa,
> pues es una vía que atraviesa media España. Para ello debe tener una
> categoría alta y la misma categoría en todo el recorrido.
> Independientemente de que algunos tramos tengan peor calidad que otros.
> Lo contrario, una carretera que tiene tramos invisibles en determinados
> niveles de zoom me parecería más confuso. Sería paradójico que en
> algunos niveles de zoom no aparezca la N-340 y sí lo haga la carretera
> que une Móstoles con Fuenlabrada, por poner un ejemplo. 
> Es la función que cumple la carretera, 'unir Cádiz y Barcelona', la que
> le otorga su importancia, no la cantidad de carriles que tenga en cada
> tramo.
> Más madera
> Santiago Higuera
> El lun, 09-05-2016 a las 10:36 +0200, Benjamín Valero Espinosa
> escribió:
>> Hola, veo muchísimos puntos en común. Y lógicamente puntos difíciles
>> de consensuar. Voy a intentar dar mi humilde opinión (al final del
>> todo) de lo que estoy leyendo estos días. El término que para mí
>> prima es el de "importancia", que al final es el más subjetivo de
>> todos :-)
>> 1. Etiqueta highway en autonomías
>> Actualmente la Normalización recomienda reflejar en esta etiqueta la
>> "importancia" de la vía, normalmente basada en su referencia. Quiero
>> pensar que la mayoría de las referencias se asignaron con criterios
>> técnicos y no políticos. En cualquier caso, mi percepción local es
>> que en la gran mayoría de los casos esta jerarquización por
>> importancia es acertada a nivel autonómico y se puede aprovechar.
>> Propongo: Respetar como criterio de partida la clasificación
>> administrativa autonómica (de "trunk" hacia abajo). Y si hay algún
>> caso excepcional (por ejemplo una carretera que en los últimos años
>> ha adquirido nueva importancia), pues se debate y se reclasifica.
>> Añadir a la Normalización las autonomías faltantes, y revisar las ya
>> existentes.
>> 2. Las nacionales
>> Hace 50 años las carreteras nacionales eran muy "importantes". Ahora
>> muchas ya no lo son, por que hay autovías o autonómicas que las
>> suplen durante bastante recorrido. En estos casos, la carretera se
>> definió con cierta importancia, pero los años se la están quitando. 
>> Propongo: Mantener de partida las nacionales como "trunk", y
>> reclasificarlas si han perdido importancia. En caso de duda, a la
>> lista y se debate :-) En nacionales muy largas, como la N-340, puede
>> que haya que hacer tramos, no de 5 km, pero sí a lo mejor cortando
>> por provincias o autonomías, ya que la importancia puede variar
>> dentro de tan largo recorrido.
>> 3. Las características físicas
>> Hagamos lo que hagamos con la etiqueta "highway" es evidente que,
>> cuanta más información lleve una vía, mejor. No me importa que en
>> algún caso sea redundante, más vale que sobre... El ancho, la calidad
>> del asfalto y sobre todo la velocidad máxima. No soy experto, pero
>> apostaría que para un GPS el criterio más importante, si no el único,
>> es la velocidad, y no tanto el nivel jerárquico de la carretera.
>> Aprovecho para preguntar, ¿un GPS tiene en cuenta los semáforos?
>> Porque de poco me sirve un "maxspeed=80" si cada dos por tres me
>> tengo que parar porque está en rojo.
>> Propongo: Añadir características físicas a punta pala. No dejar ni un
>> tramo sin "maxspeed" o cualquier otra característica que sepamos que
>> es crucial para una buena navegación por GPS.
>> 4. Conclusiones
>> Clasificación administrativa de partida, pero pudiendo haber
>> excepciones. Y mucho etiquetado físico:
>> - Si una carretera es importante por su referencia, la consideramos
>> así de partida. Si está hecha un desastre y por ahí no pasa ni el
>> tato, pues no será tan importante, y la reclasificamos. Si está hecha
>> un desastre pero aún así no hay más cojones que ir por ella porque no
>> hay alternativa, pues sigue siendo importante pero dejamos bien claro
>> en sus etiquetas que la vía es una desastre.
>> - Si una carretera no es importante por su referencia, la
>> consideramos así de partida. Si tiene una calidad excepcional pero la
>> usan 4 gatos porque une dos pueblos y ya, pues se rellenan sus
>> características físicas pero eso no la convierte en importante. Si en
>> cambio se usa mucho en los últimos 

Re: [Talk-pt] Peça jornalística que utiliza o OSM

2016-05-09 Per discussione Nuno Pedrosa
Uma boa peça!
Obrigado pelo link.

Nuno Pedrosa
Sent with Airmail

On 2 May 2016 at 19:39:11, Alexandre Neto ( wrote:

:-) adoro quando os grandes começam a usar open source e openstreetmap.

Obrigado pela partilha.

A seg, 2/05/2016, 14:51, Rui Oliveira  escreveu:

Deixo aqui o link para uma peça jornalística do público  que na minha opinião 
está muito bem interessante, sobretudo pela integração bastante bem conseguida 
do OSM (através do uso da Leaflet) no tópico em questão :)
Talk-pt mailing list
Alexandre Neto
Talk-pt mailing list
Talk-pt mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Respuesta para las preguntas y dudas sobre propuesta de cambios en la normalización para las vías interurbanas

2016-05-09 Per discussione Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses
Como apunte.

En Navtech (después Nokia HERE y después HERE) la clasificación por
importancia no se hacía atendiendo solo a características físicas de
las carreteras, tampoco se hacía por un Map for the render, se hacía
según criterio del operador local siguiendo la premisa de «flujo del

Por decirlo de algún modo, había que imaginarse que uno iba a cruzarse
la zona de lado a lado y cuales eran las calles/carreteras principales
para hacerlo.

Era más una cuestión de «arte» que de «técnica», aunque obviamente las
características físicas de calles y carreteras influían mucho en la
elección de cómo categorizar algo.

Al final de la partida, se trata de imaginarse la red viaria como un
gestor de flujo, lo cual quiere decir que solo se puede analizar
localmente o más bien «a escalas comparables» (parecido a lo que ha
hecho Santiago con el ejemplo de la N-340), porque los flujos solo
tienen sentido a escala local (i.e. no pasa lo mismo en una carretera
en Lugo que en Cartagena teniendo las dos las mismas características,
en una puede ser tertiary y en otra primary)

Un saludo,

Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses
Valencia (España)

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Respuesta para las preguntas y dudas sobre propuesta de cambios en la normalización para las vías interurbanas

2016-05-09 Per discussione Santiago Higuera
Yo creo que la N-340 es un buen ejemplo para tomar decisiones. Se trata
de una carretera que va desde Cádiz, desde Algeciras en realidad, hasta
Barcelona. Tiene tramos con diferente calidad. Ahora bien, si la
etiquetamos de diferente manera en distintos tramos sucederá que en
algunos niveles de zoom hay tramos que desaparecerán. Yo creo que
cuando veo el mapa de la península, la carretera debe salir completa,
pues es una vía que atraviesa media España. Para ello debe tener una
categoría alta y la misma categoría en todo el recorrido.
Independientemente de que algunos tramos tengan peor calidad que otros.
Lo contrario, una carretera que tiene tramos invisibles en determinados
niveles de zoom me parecería más confuso. Sería paradójico que en
algunos niveles de zoom no aparezca la N-340 y sí lo haga la carretera
que une Móstoles con Fuenlabrada, por poner un ejemplo. 

Es la función que cumple la carretera, 'unir Cádiz y Barcelona', la que
le otorga su importancia, no la cantidad de carriles que tenga en cada

Más madera

Santiago Higuera

El lun, 09-05-2016 a las 10:36 +0200, Benjamín Valero Espinosa
> Hola, veo muchísimos puntos en común. Y lógicamente puntos difíciles
> de consensuar. Voy a intentar dar mi humilde opinión (al final del
> todo) de lo que estoy leyendo estos días. El término que para mí
> prima es el de "importancia", que al final es el más subjetivo de
> todos :-)
> 1. Etiqueta highway en autonomías
> Actualmente la Normalización recomienda reflejar en esta etiqueta la
> "importancia" de la vía, normalmente basada en su referencia. Quiero
> pensar que la mayoría de las referencias se asignaron con criterios
> técnicos y no políticos. En cualquier caso, mi percepción local es
> que en la gran mayoría de los casos esta jerarquización por
> importancia es acertada a nivel autonómico y se puede aprovechar.
> Propongo: Respetar como criterio de partida la clasificación
> administrativa autonómica (de "trunk" hacia abajo). Y si hay algún
> caso excepcional (por ejemplo una carretera que en los últimos años
> ha adquirido nueva importancia), pues se debate y se reclasifica.
> Añadir a la Normalización las autonomías faltantes, y revisar las ya
> existentes.
> 2. Las nacionales
> Hace 50 años las carreteras nacionales eran muy "importantes". Ahora
> muchas ya no lo son, por que hay autovías o autonómicas que las
> suplen durante bastante recorrido. En estos casos, la carretera se
> definió con cierta importancia, pero los años se la están quitando. 
> Propongo: Mantener de partida las nacionales como "trunk", y
> reclasificarlas si han perdido importancia. En caso de duda, a la
> lista y se debate :-) En nacionales muy largas, como la N-340, puede
> que haya que hacer tramos, no de 5 km, pero sí a lo mejor cortando
> por provincias o autonomías, ya que la importancia puede variar
> dentro de tan largo recorrido.
> 3. Las características físicas
> Hagamos lo que hagamos con la etiqueta "highway" es evidente que,
> cuanta más información lleve una vía, mejor. No me importa que en
> algún caso sea redundante, más vale que sobre... El ancho, la calidad
> del asfalto y sobre todo la velocidad máxima. No soy experto, pero
> apostaría que para un GPS el criterio más importante, si no el único,
> es la velocidad, y no tanto el nivel jerárquico de la carretera.
> Aprovecho para preguntar, ¿un GPS tiene en cuenta los semáforos?
> Porque de poco me sirve un "maxspeed=80" si cada dos por tres me
> tengo que parar porque está en rojo.
> Propongo: Añadir características físicas a punta pala. No dejar ni un
> tramo sin "maxspeed" o cualquier otra característica que sepamos que
> es crucial para una buena navegación por GPS.
> 4. Conclusiones
> Clasificación administrativa de partida, pero pudiendo haber
> excepciones. Y mucho etiquetado físico:
> - Si una carretera es importante por su referencia, la consideramos
> así de partida. Si está hecha un desastre y por ahí no pasa ni el
> tato, pues no será tan importante, y la reclasificamos. Si está hecha
> un desastre pero aún así no hay más cojones que ir por ella porque no
> hay alternativa, pues sigue siendo importante pero dejamos bien claro
> en sus etiquetas que la vía es una desastre.
> - Si una carretera no es importante por su referencia, la
> consideramos así de partida. Si tiene una calidad excepcional pero la
> usan 4 gatos porque une dos pueblos y ya, pues se rellenan sus
> características físicas pero eso no la convierte en importante. Si en
> cambio se usa mucho en los últimos años porque une zonas que han
> adquirido importancia reciente (por el turismo, por ejemplo), pues la
> podemos promocionar.
> Un saludo.
> Benja
> El 8 de mayo de 2016, 22:44, yo paseopor 
> escribió:
> > Saludos David
> > En toda su extensión:
> > N-629
> > N-340 
> > N-610
> > N-120 
> > N-536
> > N-122
> > N-332
> > N-260
> > N-240
> > N-420
> > 
> > Carreteras de centenares sino de 

Re: [Talk-GB] Schools Project

2016-05-09 Per discussione Christian Ledermann
I updated the
branch with your comments

On 6 May 2016 at 21:16, Eric Grosso  wrote:
> Thanks a lot.
> Some feedback about your code:
> - "import urllib" is missing in
> - the code fails to create the schools.osm file:
> * the data/osm repository is missing and needs to be created
> * in this line: schools_file =  open(os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, 'data',
> 'osm', 'schools.osm'), 'r') --> 'r' should be replaced by 'w'
> - the last part of your message (in link with seeddata2015.csv) should be
> added is added to the documentation as it helps a lot.
> I encountered another problem during the import. I'm going to look at it
> later.
> Thanks again.
> Eric
> On 6 May 2016 at 13:25, Christian Ledermann 
> wrote:
>> from
>> you have to download the
>> `OS Open Map - Local` (all squares) and `Code-Point® Open` Products
>> has a
>> sligtly improved documentation
>> you will also need the csv files from EduBase and seed for the schooldata
>> `All EduBase data.csv` from
>> and
>> `School contact details` from
>> the latter is in excel format and has to be converted into csv before
>> using it. The headers must be:
>> 'LA Name',
>> 'Centre Type',
>> 'School Name',
>> 'Address 1',
>> 'Address 2',
>> 'Address 3',
>> 'Post code',
>> 'E-mail',
>> 'Phone',
>> 'Primary_school',
>> 'Secondary',
>> 'Special',
>> 'Primary roll',
>> 'Secondary roll',
>> 'Special roll',
>> 'Primary1',
>> 'Secondary1',
>> 'Special1',
>> 'Denomination'
>> so rename them accordingly and remove the columns not included here.
>> On 6 May 2016 at 12:51, Eric Grosso  wrote:
>> > Hi Christian,
>> >
>> > Thanks for this app.
>> >
>> > I'm trying to install it but it requires this file:
>> > Could you please tell me where this file comes from (as it isn't
>> > mentionned
>> > in the documentation). Thanks.
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> > Eric
>> >
>> > On 6 May 2016 at 09:36, Christian Ledermann
>> > 
>> > wrote:
>> >>
>> >> On 6 May 2016 at 08:42, Brian Prangle  wrote:
>> >> > Hi Christian
>> >> >
>> >> > Would love to test your app but too much technical ability required
>> >> > for
>> >> > the
>> >> > preconditions to run the app. Can't we just have a browser-based app
>> >> > that
>> >> > ordinary folk can use?
>> >>
>> >> Yes this is the plan :-) I have to secure some hosting and deploy it.
>> >>
>> >> Right now the product is still unfinished and I was looking for some
>> >> early feedback
>> >> so I would not be barking up the wrong tree
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> >
>> >> > Regards
>> >> >
>> >> > Brian
>> >> >
>> >> > On 5 May 2016 at 18:53, Christian Ledermann
>> >> > 
>> >> > wrote:
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Hi,
>> >> >>
>> >> >> I developed an application that enables to compare OSM,
>> >> >> Ordonancesurvey, Edubase and SEED data.
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Please have a look and let me know what you think.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> --
>> >> >> Best Regards,
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Christian Ledermann
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Newark-on-Trent - UK
>> >> >> Mobile : +44 7474997517
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> <*)))>{
>> >> >>
>> >> >> If you save the living environment, the biodiversity that we have
>> >> >> left,
>> >> >> you will also automatically save the physical environment, too. But
>> >> >> If
>> >> >> you only save the physical environment, you will ultimately lose
>> >> >> both.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> 1) Don’t drive species to extinction
>> >> >>
>> >> >> 2) Don’t destroy a habitat that species rely on.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> 3) Don’t change the climate in ways that will result in the above.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> }<(((*>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> ___
>> >> >> Talk-GB mailing list
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Best Regards,
>> >>
>> >> Christian Ledermann
>> >>
>> >> Newark-on-Trent - UK
>> >> Mobile : +44 7474997517
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>

Re: [Talk-ca]

2016-05-09 Per discussione James
If you remember what François Paquette sent on this list you wouldnt have
to send the email you just sent:

The CanVec data in OSM format will not be available from Thursday May 5,
1:00 p.m. to Tuesday May 10, 9:00 a.m. (Eastern Time). The maintenance
period may be modified, please refer to the GeoGratis


On May 8, 2016 9:44 PM, "Stewart C. Russell"  wrote:

> Looks like with all the shuffling of products, we've finally lost our
> /OSM/pub folder. Oh well.
> I guess that, since all the CanVEC data is now available under OGL-CA, the
> old agreement has been superseded. It would be lovely if everything on
> were OGL-CA, 'cos there's some infrastructure data
> on there that would make me and my chums in the energy biz very happy to
> have on the map.
> cheers,
>  Stewart
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Havneringen - ny cykelrute i København

2016-05-09 Per discussione Jakob Barfod
Hej Emil –


Det er jo lige præcis den slags, OSM er perfekt til!


Jeg er startet på indtastningen, men løber hurtigt ind i, at din vedhæftede
.png er lidt for udetaljeret; eksempler;


1.På din .png slår ruten et slag væk fra Islands Brygge ud langs
Sydhavnen (bag Islands Brygge 54), men der er ikke nogen stier i OSM, der
passer med ruten

2.Det ser ud til, at ruten gå lige gennem Gemini Residence på østsiden
af Byggebroen

3.Det er svært at se, om ruten går på selve Islands Brygge eller på
grusstien langs havnepromenaden

… så det ville være være alle tiders, hvis den detaljerede pdf var
tilgængelig. Benyt gerne et link til download, så vi ikke fylder
mailingslisten op.

Og for at udvise rettidig omhu: Hvem kan jeg evt. kontakte i tvivlstilfælde?
In situ undersøgelser er altid bedst, men jeg kan desværre ikke lige komme
til København for at cykle ruten rundt…





From: Emil Tin [] 
Sent: 9. maj 2016 10:14
To: 'OpenStreetMap Denmark'
Subject: [Talk-dk] Havneringen - ny cykelrute i København




Den 29. Maj invies en ny cykelrute i København kaldet havneringen, der løber
langs med Islands Brygge, Kalvebods Brygge og Christianshavn I København  -
se vedlagte kort. Vi har en mere detaljere PDF med forløbet.


Er der nogen der har lyst til at hjælpe med at tegne den ind i OSM? Vi vil
gerne vise ruten på og i en ny udgave af vores I Bike CPH
cykelapp, der er baseret på OSM data. Det bedste ville derfor være at kunne
trække data ud fra OSM, så ruten ligger korrekt placeret på de stier/veje
der er i OSM.




Med venlig hilsen 

Emil Tin
IT- og Processpecialist
Teknik- og Miljøforvaltningen 
Byens Anvendelse 

Njalsgade 13, 1035 
Postboks 380 
2300 København S 


2369 5986


2369 5986





Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Tip na vhodny smartphone pro aktivity souvisejici s OSM - zejmena co se tyce kvality/presnosti GPS prijmu

2016-05-09 Per discussione Ha Noj
> Diky vsem za odpovedi, hledam tedy neco s A-GPS + GLONASS + kompas (+ pamet
> idelane 16 GB, idealne podpora alespon 64 GB SD). BDS v teto cenove relaci
> moc neni, jen snad starsi Samgung galaxy A3. Ale pritomnost toho GLONASSu
> dela rozhodne velky skok v presnosti a rychlosti.
*** Doporucuji vyzkouset. Mám tu Sony Xperia M, která má výše uvedené
vlastnosti interní GPS a je téměř nepoužitelná (nízká přesnost, ztrácí
signál, zamrzá, dlouhý náběh). A tak si musím si připojovat starý GPS
modul SiRF III přes BT.


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Tip na vhodny smartphone pro aktivity souvisejici s OSM - zejmena co se tyce kvality/presnosti GPS prijmu

2016-05-09 Per discussione Pavel Bokr
Diky vsem za odpovedi, hledam tedy neco s A-GPS + GLONASS + kompas (+ pamet 
idelane 16 GB, idealne podpora alespon 64 GB SD). BDS v teto cenove relaci 
moc neni, jen snad starsi Samgung galaxy A3. Ale pritomnost toho GLONASSu 
dela rozhodne velky skok v presnosti a rychlosti.

Asi se rozhodnu mezi Vodafone Smart ultra 6 a Samsung Galaxy A3.


From: Martin Ždila
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 9:41 AM
To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic
Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Tip na vhodny smartphone pro aktivity souvisejici s 
OSM - zejmena co se tyce kvality/presnosti GPS prijmu

Manzelka si pred cca mesiacom kupila Sony Xperia Z3 compact. Ma aj Glonass a 
celkom presne trackuje.

-Původní zpráva- 
From: Miroslav Suchy

Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 9:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Tip na vhodny smartphone pro aktivity souvisejici s 
OSM - zejmena co se tyce kvality/presnosti GPS prijmu

Dne 6.5.2016 v 08:22 Pavel Machek napsal(a):

No, kamarad doporucoval nejakyho Samsunga s podporou Glonass -- prave
kvuli GPSce. Zda se ze vic druzic je vyhoda...

+1 Aby to melo A-GPS, Wifi, GPG a Glonass a mel by to byt dobre. Kdyz to 
bude mit BDS tak super [1].
Z dob kdy jsem mel Samsunga (a to uz je davno) tak jeho GPSka byla fakt 

Ted mam LG G4 (coz je mimo rozsah) a jde to. Zadna velka vyhra to neni. Ale 
spatne taky ne.

Internet rika ze se mas podivat na tento zebricek:



Talk-cz mailing list 

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Respuesta para las preguntas y dudas sobre propuesta de cambios en la normalización para las vías interurbanas

2016-05-09 Per discussione Benjamín Valero Espinosa
Hola, veo muchísimos puntos en común. Y lógicamente puntos difíciles de
consensuar. Voy a intentar dar mi humilde opinión (al final del todo) de lo
que estoy leyendo estos días. El término que para mí prima es el de
"importancia", que al final es el más subjetivo de todos :-)

1. Etiqueta highway en autonomías

Actualmente la Normalización recomienda reflejar en esta etiqueta la
"importancia" de la vía, normalmente basada en su referencia. Quiero pensar
que la mayoría de las referencias se asignaron con criterios técnicos y no
políticos. En cualquier caso, mi percepción local es que en la gran mayoría
de los casos esta jerarquización por importancia es acertada a nivel
autonómico y se puede aprovechar.

Propongo: Respetar como criterio de partida la clasificación administrativa
autonómica (de "trunk" hacia abajo). Y si hay algún caso excepcional (por
ejemplo una carretera que en los últimos años ha adquirido nueva
importancia), pues se debate y se reclasifica. Añadir a la Normalización
las autonomías faltantes, y revisar las ya existentes.

2. Las nacionales

Hace 50 años las carreteras nacionales eran muy "importantes". Ahora muchas
ya no lo son, por que hay autovías o autonómicas que las suplen durante
bastante recorrido. En estos casos, la carretera se definió con cierta
importancia, pero los años se la están quitando.

Propongo: Mantener de partida las nacionales como "trunk", y
reclasificarlas si han perdido importancia. En caso de duda, a la lista y
se debate :-) En nacionales muy largas, como la N-340, puede que haya que
hacer tramos, no de 5 km, pero sí a lo mejor cortando por provincias o
autonomías, ya que la importancia puede variar dentro de tan largo

3. Las características físicas

Hagamos lo que hagamos con la etiqueta "highway" es evidente que, cuanta
más información lleve una vía, mejor. No me importa que en algún caso sea
redundante, más vale que sobre... El ancho, la calidad del asfalto y sobre
todo la velocidad máxima. No soy experto, pero apostaría que para un GPS el
criterio más importante, si no el único, es la velocidad, y no tanto el
nivel jerárquico de la carretera. Aprovecho para preguntar, ¿un GPS tiene
en cuenta los semáforos? Porque de poco me sirve un "maxspeed=80" si cada
dos por tres me tengo que parar porque está en rojo.

Propongo: Añadir características físicas a punta pala. No dejar ni un tramo
sin "maxspeed" o cualquier otra característica que sepamos que es crucial
para una buena navegación por GPS.

4. Conclusiones

Clasificación administrativa de partida, pero pudiendo haber excepciones. Y
mucho etiquetado físico:
- Si una carretera es importante por su referencia, la consideramos así de
partida. Si está hecha un desastre y por ahí no pasa ni el tato, pues no
será tan importante, y la reclasificamos. Si está hecha un desastre pero
aún así no hay más cojones que ir por ella porque no hay alternativa, pues
sigue siendo importante pero dejamos bien claro en sus etiquetas que la vía
es una desastre.
- Si una carretera no es importante por su referencia, la consideramos así
de partida. Si tiene una calidad excepcional pero la usan 4 gatos porque
une dos pueblos y ya, pues se rellenan sus características físicas pero eso
no la convierte en importante. Si en cambio se usa mucho en los últimos
años porque une zonas que han adquirido importancia reciente (por el
turismo, por ejemplo), pues la podemos promocionar.

Un saludo.


El 8 de mayo de 2016, 22:44, yo paseopor  escribió:

> Saludos David
> En toda su extensión:
> N-629
> N-340
> N-610
> N-120
> N-536
> N-122
> N-332
> N-260
> N-240
> N-420
> Carreteras de centenares sino de algún millar de kilómetros...¿son iguales
> en todos sus tramos? Son iguales en importancia? ¿Son iguales en aforos?
> ¿Son iguales en alternativas? ¿Son iguales en características física o
> técnicas?
> Entonces si la respuesta probablemente sea NO ¿por qué el mapa,nuestro
> mapa las debe mostrar iguales?
> Y no, la respuesta a la segunda pregunda no la recoge Normalización.
> Es una opinión.
> Salut i debat
> yopaseopor
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] OsmHiCheck chybejici rozcestniky do

2016-05-09 Per discussione Michal Grézl
2016-05-09 8:22 GMT+02:00 Marián Kyral :

> -- Původní zpráva --
> Od: Petr Vozdecký 
> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
> Datum: 9. 5. 2016 8:07:18
> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] OsmHiCheck chybejici rozcestniky do
> ...a kdyz uz umime cist ten EXIF, tak by se hodilo do databaze zanaset
> rovnou i datum porizeni, coz je ale predpokladam otazka na databazi (na
> Wallyho), ktera to IMHO dnes jeste neumi...
> exif v db duplikovat nechceme, exif z uploadnute fotky zjistit jde:
asi tam pridam datum vlozeni zaznamu (sem ted zjistil jak se to dela

> Tak určitě. Wally teď pracuje na novém nahrávání, tak je šance, že se to
> tam objeví.
> ...stejne jako automaticke vytvoreni nahledu ke kazde fotce, takze se
> pokazde (i kdyz se zobrazuje jen mala "znamka") taha ze serveru original...
> To je, pokud vím, taky v plánu.
> Marián
vyrobil sem v githubu issues.

> vop
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand

2016-05-09 Per discussione Nerijus Baliūnas

Be abejo, juk taip ir parašiau.

2016-05-09 09:19, Darius Žitkevičius rašė:

GPL licencijos prirašyti neužtenka, turi būti prieinamas kodas.

2016 m. gegužės 9 d. 00:21, Nerijus Baliūnas  

On Sun, 8 May 2016 22:18:05 +0300 Darius Žitkevičius  

Tomai, pirmas protingas postas šioje diskusijoje.

Netiesa, ne pirmas.

GPL licencija akivaizdžiai pažeista, bet mūsų tonas kaip mokesčių
inspekcijos 1996 metais.

Nematau didelių problemų NaviJazz kodą duoti GPL licencija. Tikimybė, kad 
kodą panaudos kitam komerciniam produktui, arba kompiliuos ir leis 
versijas, pakankamai maža. Pilna pavyzdžių, kai kodas GPL, bet produktas 

pardavinėjamas. Todėl rekomenduočiau kodą pateikti GPL licencija ir toliau
pardavinėti programą.


Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Nejde nahrávat rozcestníky

2016-05-09 Per discussione Michal Grézl
poslete mi ty fotky, web i androidi udelator mi normalne funguji.

2016-05-08 22:05 GMT+02:00 Jan Dudík :
> Já se setkal před pár dny s jiným problémem - fotka nelze nahrát, protože
> "není ve formátu jpeg"
> JAnD
> ---
> Dne 8. května 2016 21:28 Miroslav Suchý  napsal(a):
>> Ahoj.
>> Nejde nahrávat rozcestníky z Androidí aplikace.
>> Aplikace se tváří že fotku nahraje (má jenom 1.3MB). Žádná chyba, ale na
>> webu není vidět (ani na výpisu api).
>> Mirek
>> ___
>> Talk-cz mailing list
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Michal Grézl

Talk-cz mailing list

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