[Talk-cz] Stáří budov

2017-01-02 Per discussione Mikoláš Štrajt

na facebooku jsem viděl odkaz na mapu budov v Nizozemsku obarvených dle 
stáří[1] a v diskuzi padla dobrá otázka, zda by něco podobného šlo zpracovat
i pro ČR (nebo alespoň Prahu). Původně jsem myslel, že je rok stavby v 
RUIAN, ale zdá se že se pletu. Nebo se pletu?

Existuje takový dataset budovy podle stáří? Nemá to třeba IPR Praha?

[1]: http://code.waag.org/buildings/


-- Mikoláš Štrajt / Severák / http://severak.svita.cz/

Talk-cz mailing list

[talk-ph] OSMPH data stats update for 2017

2017-01-02 Per discussione Eugene Alvin Villar
Hi all,

I'm crunching the 2017-01-01 OSMPH stats and there has been a significant
increase in the data compared to 2016-10-01:

OSM raw XML file size: +19% (from 4537MB to 5419MB)
Nodes: +18% (from 21,845,536 to 25,756,789)
Ways: +26% (from 3,435,740 to 4,335,107) *(!!!)*
Relations: +6% (from 9,076 to 9,611)
Buildings: +33% (from 2,718,146 to 3,602,057) *(!!!)*

I don't have to confirm that this big increase is definitely due to
ProjectNOAH's OSM mapping activities. Great work! (But help in validating
the HOT tasking manager tiles used by Project NOAH is greatly appreciated!)

I will most probably release the updated node density maps by tomorrow.

talk-ph mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Wichtige Frage - Haben Drachenaugen-Plätze einen Platz auf OSM?

2017-01-02 Per discussione gppes_osm
Ich moechte mich bei allen, vor allem auch bei Volki, fuer die aufgebrachte 
Geduld und die Beitraege bedanken.

Diesmal hat es eine ueberraschende Wendung gegeben, das Problem hat sich 
"ausserhalb der Diskussion" aufgeloest.

Weil ich im Laufe der Diskussion Begriffe wie Sieger und Verlierer vernommen 
habe: Im Rahmen einer solchen Diskussion gibt es nur Verlierer.

Ich habe diese Diskussion (wie alle meine Taetigkeiten auf OSM) anonym 
gefuehrt, moechte aber anmerken, dass es nicht meine Absicht war, im Schutze 
der Anonymitaet untergriffig oder boshaft zu sein.

Beste Gruesse! 

> Gesendet: Montag, 02. Januar 2017 um 18:30 Uhr
> Von: "Rudolf Mayer" 
> An: talk-at@openstreetmap.org
> Betreff: Re: [Talk-at] Wichtige Frage - Haben Drachenaugen-Plätze einen Platz 
> auf OSM?
> Hi!
> Ich glaube die Diskussion ist viel zu lange, und in der Tat könnte man 
> mit Popcron in der Hand mitlesen, so lustig ist es aber auch wieder 
> nicht. Hier ein paar cents:
> - Ob das Projekt nun (optional!) kommerziell ist oder nicht sollte egal 
> sein, weil wenn man nichts kommerzielles auf OSM eintragen dürfte, dann 
> gäbe es viele POIs nicht, und man könnte auch streiten, ob katholische 
> Kirchen gemappt werden dürfen, schließlich gibt es dort ja auch 
> (optionale) Beiträge, und bei manchen Kirchen auch Eintrittesgelder..
> - ich finde es durchaus legitim, dass man einen user für einen Beleg für 
> ein mapping fragen darf. Das hat gar nichts mit dem von fkv 
> aufgebrachten "meine Zeit ist wichtiger als Deine zu tun".
> Meistens ist der mapper ja eh in der Gegend und hat vielleicht sogar 
> Fotos gemacht, dann ist das alles kein Problem. Und es verlangt ja auch 
> keiner, dass in der nächsten Stunde auf den Schafberg gepilgert wird; 
> wenn der Platz aber so intensiv genutzt und erkennbar ist, wird es ja 
> ein leichtes sein, in absehbarer Zukunft für den mapper ein Foto zu machen.
> Wenn das dann verweigert wird (oder ignoriert wird) dann hat das 
> meistens ja auch eine Begründung..
> Dennoch, danke an fkv dass du die Fotos gemacht hast, das ist sicher der 
> wichtigste Beitrag zur Diskussion hier!
> - Anhand der Fotos kann ich wirklich nicht erkenne, was daran eine 
> Kunstinstallation sein soll..
> > On 2017-01-01 13:56, grubernd wrote:
> >> amentiy=bench
> >> backrest=no
> >> seats=1
> >> name=Zeit
> Auch das finde ich sehr weit hergeholt, aber in der Tat, evtl der 
> Minimalkonses..
> - Allgemein, was ich nicht ganz verstehe ist das verbissene Festhalten 
> an der Wichtigkeit dieser Nodes. Die ursprünglichen Proponenten der Tags 
> haben gesagt sie wollen das nicht (mehr) auf OSM. Ich glaube unter den 
> meisten anderen Usern hier gibt es kaum eine Mehrheit, die die 
> Drachenaugen Plätze für wichtig hält; wieso also der ganze Wirbel?
> Man kann von mir aus den Node beibehalten wenn das so wichtig ist, aber 
> bitte kein place of worship, und bitte kein Kunstwerk taggen, da würde 
> auch ich mich sehr verarscht vorkommen, wenn ich das dann vor Ort sehe..
> Am ehesten würde ich das aber einfach ganz löschen und ruhen lasen..
> ___
> Talk-at mailing list
> Talk-at@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-at

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Proper tagging of wine or champagne bars

2017-01-02 Per discussione Marc Gemis
On Mon, Jan 2, 2017 at 10:27 PM, Yves bxl-forever
> Perhaps one day someone will want an app to search where they serve one 
> particular kind of beverage—let alone a rare beer—and that will come in handy.

O, you mean something like OpenBeerMap ?



Talk-be mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Local Government Areas without Councils

2017-01-02 Per discussione Andrew Davidson

On 3/1/17 13:24, Warin wrote:

Near as I can figure .. your joking.

No I'm being serious. Your proposal is to use level 6 to map the entity 
"that performs the function of a 'local government authority'". In the 
case of the western part of NSW this is the New South Wales Government.

That said , and example would be the name used for nsw western bit
name = Unincorporated Area of Western NSW could be appropriate

No, that would be a description. There is no entity called 
"Unincorporated Area of Western NSW".

... run
by the Western Lands Commission - part of the NSW Dept of Environment ?

That's still a description and also not correct.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Local Government Areas without Councils

2017-01-02 Per discussione Warin

On 02-Jan-17 08:12 AM, Andrew Davidson wrote:

On 30/12/16 10:44, Warin wrote:

It does have an administration that performs the function of a 'local
government authority'.

There is an administration that performs the function of a 'local
administration' .

The authority exercised is, in OSM terms, a level 6 authority.

The 'best fit' is level 6 - that is the authority that is exercised.

So under this definition there will be two quite large level 6 
boundaries called "New South Wales Government" and "South Australian 
Government". Not sure that will make anyone happy.

Near as I can figure .. your joking.

The state of NSW carries the name=New South Wales ... no Government here 
...  in fact I'd think very few things could carry the name * Government ?

That said , and example would be the name used for nsw western bit
name = Unincorporated Area of Western NSW could be appropriate ... run 
by the Western Lands Commission - part of the NSW Dept of Environment ?

Similar things will probably exist for other areas.

Talk-au mailing list

[Talk-pe] Acta de Asamblea realizada el 19 de diciembre

2017-01-02 Per discussione Runa Yachaq

Siendo las 16:00 horas del día 19 de diciembre da comienzo la reunión con
la participación de Alfonso *yacharuna*, Andrej, Johnattan *johnarupire*,
el equipo de MapBox desde Huamanga: Luís, Rubén, Edith, y varias otras
personas del equipo, Marino, entre otros; para tratar los siguientes puntos
de la agenda:

1. Evaluación de las actividades de la comunidad en el 2016.

2. Inscripción de la asociación.

3. Realización del SOTM Perú 2017.

4. Propuesta para ser sede del SOTM Latam 2017.

1. Evaluación de las actividades de la comunidad en el 2016.

Al respecto se realizaron varios informes sobre el trabajo que se ha venido
haciendo y el balance ha resultado positivo; a pesar de se ha dejado de
realizar algunas actividades que ya se habían programado con el fin de
dedicarle más tiempo exclusivamente a buscar la inscripción de una
personaría jurídica para la comunidad. Se observa que esto va a resultar
beneficioso para lo que se propone hacer el 2017.

2. Inscripción de la asociación.

Después de debatir sobre la necesidad de contar con una asociación civil
sin fines de lucro que represente los intereses de la comunidad de
Openstreetmap Perú, se aprobó por unanimidad que se continúen con todos los
procedimientos a fin de culminar la inscripción de la asociación ante los
Registros Públicos. Quedan como responsables para continuar con esta tarea:
Alfonso Torres, Omar Vega y Johnattan Rupire.

3. Realización del SOTM Perú 2017

Se aprueba lanzar para este año, con fecha todavía por determinar, la
convocatoria y realización del primer SOTM – Perú. Tras las intervenciones
habidas y las propuestas recogidas, se aprueba por unanimidad organizar el
SOTM Perú 2017 y su organización estará a cargo de un equipo motor al que
estamos todos invitados a participar. Los interesados en participar en la
organización de esta actividad, por favor, enviar un correo a la lista

4. Propuesta para ser sede del SOTM Latam 2017

Después de un intercambio de información sobre la participación de los
compas de Mapbox en el SOTM Latam y el interés que se manifiesta en la
comunidad por participar de este evento organizándolo para este año, se
decide realizar formalmente la propuesta a la comunidad latinoamericana de
OpenStreetMap a fin de ser considerados como sede para este año 2017. Del
mismo modo, como en el punto anterior, los interesados en participar en la
organización de esta actividad, por favor, enviar un correo a la lista

No habiendo más asuntos que tratar, se levantó la sesión siendo las 17:15
horas del día citado.
Talk-pe mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Novità sulle piazze

2017-01-02 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 3 Jan 2017, at 01:10, Samuele Battarra  wrote:
> Nella mia zona "Piazzale" di solito è un parcheggio, può aver senso escludere 
> amenity=parking?

io non escluderei niente, tanto qualcuno della zona deve guardarsi la 
situazione e disegnare (in tanti casi) un nuovo oggetto osm (credo che lo scopo 
è quello di identificare possibili piazze per inserirle poi nel caso positivo, 
non di convertire automaticamente oggetti già mappati, vero?). Per questo 
possono essere utili anche fermate dell'autobus, parcheggi, ecc.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Novità sulle piazze

2017-01-02 Per discussione Samuele Battarra
In data lunedì 2 gennaio 2017 10:48:29 CET, mbranco ha scritto:

> Che tag hanno le bici a nolo? Per ora il mio script esclude come falsi
> positivi i tag:
> "bus_stop","railway","hamlet","public_transport","emergency","isolated_dwell
> ing" naturalmente posso allungare la lista.

Nella mia zona "Piazzale" di solito è un parcheggio, può aver senso escludere 

Samuele Battarra

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] RUIAN posun - konečné řešení?

2017-01-02 Per discussione Jan Macura

2017-01-01 13:16 GMT+01:00 Petr Vejsada :

> Grid stažený z
> http://web.archive.org/web/20091003020944/http://git.zcu.cz/grid/czech.lla
> .
> (...) s úplně stejným (blbým) výsledkem, jako byly pokusy před dvěma lety.

Ha Noj ti sem nehodil odkaz, což se divím. Zkus to podle jeho návodu s
GRIDem Seidl16 a třeba to ten váš 30 cm megaproblém vyřeší:

Honza Mac.
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mappa dei ripetitori radioamatoriali (su openstreetmap)

2017-01-02 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 2 Jan 2017, at 23:54, Damjan Gerl  wrote:
> Credo qualcosa che cominci per communication:amateur_radio:repeater [1]
> [1] 
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:communication:amateur_radio:repeater

il tag non è usato un granché (circa 100 occorrenze). Quel che mi sembra strano 
(e forse è la ragione per cui non piace molto il tag): richiede per forza 
('mandatory') un tag principale man_made=tower oppure communications_tower
Questi non mi sembrano buoni tags per un ripetitore di un radio amatore. Io 
proporrei man_made=amateur_radio_repeater o qualcosa di simile...

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mappa dei ripetitori radioamatoriali (su openstreetmap)

2017-01-02 Per discussione Damjan Gerl


Credo che se volessimo fare qualcosa, come primo bisognerebbe 
trovare/capire che tag associare a tutti i dati disponibili sulla mappa 
segnalata. Credo qualcosa che cominci per 
communication:amateur_radio:repeater [1]

Poi, se la licenza/l'autore lo permette, importare il tutto in osm ed 
infine sensibilizzare i mappers che verifichino/correggano le locazioni ecc.



02.01.2017 - 15:13 - Giuliano:

Il 02/01/2017 09:50, Dario Zontini ha scritto:

Si potrebbe chiedere collaborazione ai radiamatori che usano APRS (via
radio vengono stramesse le coodinate) per avere indicazioni precise
sulla posizione dei ripetitori

Questo è un esempio di visualizzazione online  dei loro dati



Dario Zontini

Sono al corrente della cosa, ma non sempre i nodi aprs sono ubicati
presso un ripetitore.
In taluni casi si, per la replicazione dei messaggi di localizzazione e
l'inoltro al gateway.
Purtroppo sono i radioamatori stessi a non essere al corrente del dato
loro relativo, se non in relazione con il locator Maidenhead che li
Di questa limitazione si lamentava anche il collega che ha realizzato il
Ma l'idea rimane comunque. Un modo si troverà. Grazie.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] January meeting

2017-01-02 Per discussione Rob Nickerson
Yes, should be there too :-)


On 2 January 2017 at 22:25, Andy Robinson  wrote:

> Should make it this time. See you Thurs.
> Cheers
> Andy
> *From:* Brian Prangle [mailto:bpran...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* 02 January 2017 12:26
> *To:* talk-gb-westmidlands
> *Subject:* [Talk-gb-westmidlands] January meeting
> Hi everyone
> It's this Thursday Jan 5th, usual time and place
> Regards
> Brian
> ___
> Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list
> Talk-gb-westmidlands@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-gb-westmidlands
Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] January meeting

2017-01-02 Per discussione Andy Robinson
Should make it this time. See you Thurs.





From: Brian Prangle [mailto:bpran...@gmail.com] 
Sent: 02 January 2017 12:26
To: talk-gb-westmidlands
Subject: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] January meeting


Hi everyone

It's this Thursday Jan 5th, usual time and place



Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Décès de Jean-Christophe Victor

2017-01-02 Per discussione Vincent de Château-Thierry


Le 29/12/2016 à 13:46, Guillaume Rischard a écrit :

Je partage ta tristesse. Jean-Christophe Victor savait expliquer
clairement et de façon détaillée les sujets intéressants en quelques
minutes, et communiquait si bien son amour des cartes.

Le Monde a un

Il avait parlé de nous il y a quelques années:


On 29 Dec 2016, at 11:12, Christian Quest > wrote:

Notre communauté de cartographes, géographes, topographes perd une
grande figure.

Ses émissions ont été sûrement une source d'inspiration pour bon
nombre d'entre nous tant ces cartes nous permettent de comprendre
notre monde en prenant de la hauteur.

A voir et revoir, à lire et relire (de nombreux livres ont été publiés).


Il y a juste un an, c'est à lui que nous avions pensé en premier pour 
passionner en séance plénière l'auditoire du SOTM-FR à Clermont-Ferrand. 
Contact avait été pris, via son labo (le LEPAC) mais fort occupé 
("écrasé de boulot") par la sortie de 2 atlas, il n'avait pu se libérer.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Rendu FR 2017 en ligne...

2017-01-02 Per discussione Christian Quest
Rien de nouveau, ces symboles existent au zoom 20 dans le rendu FR depuis
au moins 2 ans.

Il s'agit des:
- escaliers
- ascenseurs
- escalators
- plans inclinés...

Tout cela pour la mise en valeur des données sur l'accessibilité.

Le 2 janvier 2017 à 21:53,  a écrit :

> Maintenant je vois des choses que je ne vois pas sus OSM.org et que je
> n'identifie pas dans la base :
> http://tile.openstreetmap.fr/?zoom=20=48.38902=-4.
> 50033=B000FF
> Précisément ici :
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/4525912648
> Ça semble une représentation ponctuelle d'un escalier au niveau 20 (voir à
> côté : ouest-sud-ouest et surtout au nord de la rue du Carpon).
> Le concept peut avoir un intérêt quand l'escalier est très petit (donc
> plutôt à des niveau de zoom plus faibles) afin de mettre en évidence la
> difficulté pour les fauteuils, poussettes et autres vélos mais au moins
> dans ce cas ça ressemble plus à une porte obturant potentiellement le
> passage qu'à un escalier.
> N. B. : en fait je suis sûr que c'est bien l'icône placé au milieu du
> chemin ;-).
> À mon avis le tracé est assez clair (trait long perpendiculaire au chemin
> comme des marches) pour ce passer de cette icône qui pourrait avoir un
> intérêt si moins de 3 marches sont visibles.
> Sachant qu'au niveau 15 ou mois ce serait sans intérêt.
> Le 01/01/2017 à 23:41, osm.sanspourr...@spamgourmet.com a écrit :
> Toujours plus ! ;-)
> Suite à une correction de note je me suis aperçu que les historic=ruins
> n'apparaissent pas sur la carte et que les building=ruins apparaissent
> comme des building=yes.
> Un 25% d'opacité et un 50 % peut-être ?
> http://tile.openstreetmap.fr/?zoom=20=48.38902=-4.
> 50033=B000FF
> (les 3, 5, 9 et 11 sont des building=ruins, le 13 est un historic=ruins,
> le 1 a un end_date et n'est donc logiquement pas rendu).
> Le 01/01/2017 à 23:25, Tony EMERY - tem...@gmail.com a écrit :
> Bonjour Christian,
> Tout d'abord, bonne année 2017 et bravo pour ce rendu.
> As-tu pu intégrer les rendus des terrains de motoball dans ta version 2017
> ?
> Le 1 janv. 2017 23:18, "Christian Quest"  a
> écrit :
>> J'ai résumé les nouveautés dans un billet sur mon blog:
>> https://cquest.hackpad.com/Rendu-OpenStreetMap-FR-v2017-PYR3VV1ZrSe
>> Bonne lecture et bonne année !
>> Le 1 janvier 2017 à 20:30, Christian Quest  a
>> écrit :
>>> Voilà, j'ai fait la bascule cet après-midi.
>>> Le serveur est bien chargé, mais ça devrait se stabiliser dans les
>>> heures à venir.
>>> Merci pour les différents retours et suggestions (il reste encore
>>> quelques bricoles à rectifier).
>>> --
>>> Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
>> --
>> Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
>> Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing 
> listTalk-fr@openstreetmap.orghttps://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing 
> listTalk-fr@openstreetmap.orghttps://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
> Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Proper tagging of wine or champagne bars

2017-01-02 Per discussione Yves bxl-forever
Thanks to both of you for helping.

Indeed, despite the awkward grammar to the "drink" key—and the current lack of 
consensus about its use—it might be the way to go.
Perhaps one day someone will want an app to search where they serve one 
particular kind of beverage—let alone a rare beer—and that will come in handy.


On Mon, 2 Jan 2017 16:32:19 +0100
joost schouppe  wrote:

> While that allows to tag the availability of drinks, it doesn't allow to
> map the focus on wine. The values used in the fair trade or diet tag (
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:diet ) seem more useful, though
> drink:wine=only would be rather strange. Maybe an extra value like
> drink:*=specialty would do?
> 2016-12-31 13:54 GMT+01:00 Guy Vanvuchelen :
> >
> > http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:drink
> >
> > Guy Vanvuchelen
> >
> > -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> > Van: Yves bxl-forever [mailto:bxl-fore...@linuxmail.org]
> > Verzonden: zaterdag 31 december 2016 13:34
> > Aan: OpenStreetMap Belgium
> > Onderwerp: [OSM-talk-be] Proper tagging of wine or champagne bars
> >
> > Hello folks,
> >
> > This case has been puzzling me for a while.
> > A few establishments in Brussels specialize in serving only one type of
> > drinks: champagne, wine, beer…
> >
> > amenity=bar seems appropriate but does anyone know what tags one could use
> > to inform about the kind of beverages being served?
> > There are a few taginfo entries with cuisine=wine or cuisine=wine_bar but
> > I wouldn’t advise this.
> > As a last resort, the description key can contain the information, but
> > perhaps there are more useful ways to convey it.
> > Any suggestion or hint?
> >
> > A few selected nodes here:
> > http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/4573612074
> > http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/4582561453
> >
> >
> > Cheers.
> > Yves

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mappa dei ripetitori radioamatoriali (su openstreetmap)

2017-01-02 Per discussione Fabrizio Carrai
Affrontai il problema con un utente tedesco durante l'estate scorsa e mi fu
consigliato l'elenco mantenuto da DL3EL ma non sono riuscito a trovare le
informazioni di copyright. I radioamatori usano infatti il QTH locator [1]
che sebbene abbia una risoluzione di diversi chilometri, è spesso
sufficiente per lo scopo.

Vi ricordo che i tag per un ripetitore sono descritti in


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maidenhead_Locator_System

Il giorno 2 gennaio 2017 15:13, Giuliano  ha scritto:

> Il 02/01/2017 09:50, Dario Zontini ha scritto:
> > Si potrebbe chiedere collaborazione ai radiamatori che usano APRS (via
> > radio vengono stramesse le coodinate) per avere indicazioni precise
> > sulla posizione dei ripetitori
> >
> > Questo è un esempio di visualizzazione online  dei loro dati
> >
> > http://it.aprs.fi
> >
> > ciao
> >
> > Dario Zontini
> >
> Sono al corrente della cosa, ma non sempre i nodi aprs sono ubicati
> presso un ripetitore.
> In taluni casi si, per la replicazione dei messaggi di localizzazione e
> l'inoltro al gateway.
> Purtroppo sono i radioamatori stessi a non essere al corrente del dato
> loro relativo, se non in relazione con il locator Maidenhead che li
> contraddistingue.
> Di questa limitazione si lamentava anche il collega che ha realizzato il
> sito.
> Ma l'idea rimane comunque. Un modo si troverà. Grazie.
> --
> Giuliano Bordonaro i1BPF
> http://www.webalice.it/italia1bpf
> http://i1bpf.altervista.org
> http://italia1bpf.blogspot.it/
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Création suppression d'intercommunalité

2017-01-02 Per discussione Stéphane Péneau

Je pense m'occuper du reste des Pays de la Loire.

Le 02/01/2017 à 20:27, Francescu GAROBY a écrit :

@David : déjà faite ! ;-)

(et j'en ai fait d'autres, dans le Calvados, en me basant sur 


Le 2 janvier 2017 à 12:56, David Crochet > a écrit :


Le 01/01/2017 à 20:13, Stéphane Péneau a écrit :

Il n'y a pas que les communes qui fusionnent, mais aussi des

Si cela peut aider pour Caen-la-Mer


David Crochet

Talk-fr mailing list


Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] [Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2017] Helfer und Vortragende gesucht

2017-01-02 Per discussione André Riedel
Hallo nochmal,

der Anmeldeschluss für die Chemnitzer Linuxtage ist am Sonntag
(8.1.17). Mit den jetzigen Zusagen zur Standbetreuung können wir die
Betreuung nicht durchgehend garantieren. Ich bitte daher noch einmal,
sich bei mir zu melden und/oder sich im Wiki einzutragen. Der ideale
Standbetreuer, mapt bereits seid mehr als einem Jahr und kennt sich
aus mit verschiedensten Tagging-Möglichkeiten aus. Es ist nicht
notwendig, dass ihr alle Tiefen von OSM kennt oder Programmierer seid.


Beste Grüße

Am 14. November 2016 um 15:08 schrieb André Riedel :
> Hallo OSM-Gemeinde,
> am 11. und 12. März finden wieder die Chemnitzer Linxutage statt. Dies
> ist eine größeren Linux- und OpenSource-Veranstaltungen Deutschlands.
> Das diesjährige Thema ist "Barrieren einreißen". Also perfekt für das
> OSM-Umfeld.
> Ich suche Mitstreiter, welche am OSM-Stand mithelfen wollen oder einen
> Interessanten Vortrag zum Thema einreichen wollen.
> Mehr Informationen:
> https://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2017/de/presse/mitteilungen/pressemitteilung01
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Chemnitzer_Linux-Tage_2017
> Beste Grüße
> André

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Rendu FR 2017 en ligne...

2017-01-02 Per discussione osm . sanspourriel
Maintenant je vois des choses que je ne vois pas sus OSM.org et que je 
n'identifie pas dans la base :


Précisément ici :


Ça semble une représentation ponctuelle d'un escalier au niveau 20 (voir 
à côté : ouest-sud-ouest et surtout au nord de la rue du Carpon).

Le concept peut avoir un intérêt quand l'escalier est très petit (donc 
plutôt à des niveau de zoom plus faibles) afin de mettre en évidence la 
difficulté pour les fauteuils, poussettes et autres vélos mais au moins 
dans ce cas ça ressemble plus à une porte obturant potentiellement le 
passage qu'à un escalier.

N. B. : en fait je suis sûr que c'est bien l'icône placé au milieu du 
chemin ;-).

À mon avis le tracé est assez clair (trait long perpendiculaire au 
chemin comme des marches) pour ce passer de cette icône qui pourrait 
avoir un intérêt si moins de 3 marches sont visibles.

Sachant qu'au niveau 15 ou mois ce serait sans intérêt.

Le 01/01/2017 à 23:41, osm.sanspourr...@spamgourmet.com a écrit :

Toujours plus ! ;-)

Suite à une correction de note je me suis aperçu que les 
historic=ruins n'apparaissent pas sur la carte et que les 
building=ruins apparaissent comme des building=yes.

Un 25% d'opacité et un 50 % peut-être ?
(les 3, 5, 9 et 11 sont des building=ruins, le 13 est un 
historic=ruins, le 1 a un end_date et n'est donc logiquement pas rendu).

Le 01/01/2017 à 23:25, Tony EMERY - tem...@gmail.com a écrit :

Bonjour Christian,

Tout d'abord, bonne année 2017 et bravo pour ce rendu.

As-tu pu intégrer les rendus des terrains de motoball dans ta version 
2017 ?

Le 1 janv. 2017 23:18, "Christian Quest" > a écrit :

J'ai résumé les nouveautés dans un billet sur mon blog:

Bonne lecture et bonne année !

Le 1 janvier 2017 à 20:30, Christian Quest
> a écrit :

Voilà, j'ai fait la bascule cet après-midi.

Le serveur est bien chargé, mais ça devrait se stabiliser
dans les heures à venir.

Merci pour les différents retours et suggestions (il reste
encore quelques bricoles à rectifier).

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Novità sulle piazze

2017-01-02 Per discussione Federico Cortese
2017-01-02 21:29 GMT+01:00 Martin Koppenhoefer :
>> On 2 Jan 2017, at 19:20, Davide Sandona'  wrote:
>> Riformulo il mio dubbio: da quel che ho visto finora, gli addr:street dei 
>> numeri civici vengono associati ai nomi delle "highway". Vengono 
>> correttamente associati anche sugli oggetti place=square?
> dove intendi l'associazione di highway e addr:street? Conosco soltanto josm 
> che avverte nel caso di possibili errori di digitazione. In generale oltre a 
> place=square ad ogni piazza ci sarà per forza anche al meno un highway=*

Concordo, infatti i name=Piazza* rimarranno comunque per le highway
che le attraversano, quindi si conserverà la relazione logica tra
highway e addr (visibile ad esempio su OSM Inspector).


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Mapeamento adequado de Estações de Trem

2017-01-02 Per discussione Arlindo Pereira
A wiki sugere disused:railway=station para estações ainda de pé, mas sem
serviço de passageiros (por exemplo, estações usada apenas por empresas de
cargas, como a MRS, sem serviço de passageiros), e railway:historic=station
e/ou historic:railway=station para estações ainda de pé, mas desativadas /
com outros serviços (sendo, por exemplo, terminais de ônibus).


Arlindo Pereira

Em 2 de janeiro de 2017 18:20, Lucas Pereira 

> Complementando...
> Algumas vezes a estação deixa de ser uma estação de passageiros e passa a
> ser uma estação de serviço. Outras vezes é simplesmente abandonada.
> Acredito que a diferença entre disused e abandoned seria semelhante a já
> aplicada nas ferrovias. Estações sem uso, ainda de pé: disused; demolidas:
> abandoned.
> Por fim, o prédio onde abriga (ou abrigava a estação) pode receber também
> a etiqueta building=train_station, identificando a tipologia construtiva da
> edificação.
> Att.
> LucFreitas
> Em 2 de janeiro de 2017 18:15, Lucas Pereira 
> escreveu:
>> Olá santamariense demais usuários. Boa tarde.
>> Segue o link da página que eu estava traduzindo (mas atualmente a
>> tradução está parada) sobre os elementos ferroviários como é descrito no
>> OpenRailwayMap, especialmente para as estações:
>> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Pt:OpenRailwayMap/Taggin
>> g#.C3.81reas_de_Opera.C3.A7.C3.B5es_Ferrovi.C3.A1rias
>> Basicamente, você tem as estações e paradas ferroviárias ativas, para
>> passageiros, estações de pátios de triagem, cargas e fretes, e estações de
>> serviço usadas pela operadora da linha. O esquema de tag recomenda utilizar
>> o disused:railway=* e abandoned:railway=* para onde não há mais uso.
>> Att,
>> LucFreitas
>> Em 2 de janeiro de 2017 17:56, santamariense 
>> escreveu:
>>> Eu (usuário santamariense), e os usuários Geogast e portalaventura,
>>> discutimos a questão do mapeamento de Estações de Trem em uma nota
>>> aberta em Santa Maria RS.
>>> A discussão gira em torno do fato de que a maioria das
>>> (railway=station)'s do Brasil não seriam mais ao pé da letra r=s
>>> porque não funcionam mais como "transporte de passageiros / Transporte
>>> público".
>>> Chegou-se ao consenso que o correto é mudar da tag (railway=station)
>>> para (historic:railway=station).
>>> Abro aqui esta discussão para que possamos corrigir isto em todo o
>>> território nacional.
>>> A discussão original encontra-se em
>>> https://www.openstreetmap.org/note/792826 e deve continuar aqui na
>>> lista.
>>> Atual cenário do mapeamento no Brasil:
>>> r=s no BR: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/kYN
>>> h:r=s no BR: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/kYO
>>> ___
>>> Talk-br mailing list
>>> Talk-br@openstreetmap.org
>>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-br
> ___
> Talk-br mailing list
> Talk-br@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-br
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Novità sulle piazze

2017-01-02 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 2 Jan 2017, at 19:20, Davide Sandona'  wrote:
> Riformulo il mio dubbio: da quel che ho visto finora, gli addr:street dei 
> numeri civici vengono associati ai nomi delle "highway". Vengono 
> correttamente associati anche sugli oggetti place=square?

dove intendi l'associazione di highway e addr:street? Conosco soltanto josm che 
avverte nel caso di possibili errori di digitazione. In generale oltre a 
place=square ad ogni piazza ci sarà per forza anche al meno un highway=*

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Mapeamento adequado de Estações de Trem

2017-01-02 Per discussione Lucas Pereira

Algumas vezes a estação deixa de ser uma estação de passageiros e passa a
ser uma estação de serviço. Outras vezes é simplesmente abandonada.
Acredito que a diferença entre disused e abandoned seria semelhante a já
aplicada nas ferrovias. Estações sem uso, ainda de pé: disused; demolidas:

Por fim, o prédio onde abriga (ou abrigava a estação) pode receber também a
etiqueta building=train_station, identificando a tipologia construtiva da


Em 2 de janeiro de 2017 18:15, Lucas Pereira 

> Olá santamariense demais usuários. Boa tarde.
> Segue o link da página que eu estava traduzindo (mas atualmente a tradução
> está parada) sobre os elementos ferroviários como é descrito no
> OpenRailwayMap, especialmente para as estações:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Pt:OpenRailwayMap/
> Tagging#.C3.81reas_de_Opera.C3.A7.C3.B5es_Ferrovi.C3.A1rias
> Basicamente, você tem as estações e paradas ferroviárias ativas, para
> passageiros, estações de pátios de triagem, cargas e fretes, e estações de
> serviço usadas pela operadora da linha. O esquema de tag recomenda utilizar
> o disused:railway=* e abandoned:railway=* para onde não há mais uso.
> Att,
> LucFreitas
> Em 2 de janeiro de 2017 17:56, santamariense 
> escreveu:
>> Eu (usuário santamariense), e os usuários Geogast e portalaventura,
>> discutimos a questão do mapeamento de Estações de Trem em uma nota
>> aberta em Santa Maria RS.
>> A discussão gira em torno do fato de que a maioria das
>> (railway=station)'s do Brasil não seriam mais ao pé da letra r=s
>> porque não funcionam mais como "transporte de passageiros / Transporte
>> público".
>> Chegou-se ao consenso que o correto é mudar da tag (railway=station)
>> para (historic:railway=station).
>> Abro aqui esta discussão para que possamos corrigir isto em todo o
>> território nacional.
>> A discussão original encontra-se em
>> https://www.openstreetmap.org/note/792826 e deve continuar aqui na
>> lista.
>> Atual cenário do mapeamento no Brasil:
>> r=s no BR: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/kYN
>> h:r=s no BR: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/kYO
>> ___
>> Talk-br mailing list
>> Talk-br@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-br
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Mapeamento adequado de Estações de Trem

2017-01-02 Per discussione Nelson A. de Oliveira
2017-01-02 17:56 GMT-02:00 santamariense :
> Chegou-se ao consenso que o correto é mudar da tag (railway=station)
> para (historic:railway=station).

Não sei se historic:* é a melhor tag aqui.
historic é no sentido que o local possui um valor histórico; por
exemplo, a estação recebeu o primeiro trem de passageiros do Brasil.

Mais correto seria disused:railway ou, talvez, railway:historic

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Mapeamento adequado de Estações de Trem

2017-01-02 Per discussione Lucas Pereira
Olá santamariense demais usuários. Boa tarde.

Segue o link da página que eu estava traduzindo (mas atualmente a tradução
está parada) sobre os elementos ferroviários como é descrito no
OpenRailwayMap, especialmente para as estações:

Basicamente, você tem as estações e paradas ferroviárias ativas, para
passageiros, estações de pátios de triagem, cargas e fretes, e estações de
serviço usadas pela operadora da linha. O esquema de tag recomenda utilizar
o disused:railway=* e abandoned:railway=* para onde não há mais uso.


Em 2 de janeiro de 2017 17:56, santamariense 

> Eu (usuário santamariense), e os usuários Geogast e portalaventura,
> discutimos a questão do mapeamento de Estações de Trem em uma nota
> aberta em Santa Maria RS.
> A discussão gira em torno do fato de que a maioria das
> (railway=station)'s do Brasil não seriam mais ao pé da letra r=s
> porque não funcionam mais como "transporte de passageiros / Transporte
> público".
> Chegou-se ao consenso que o correto é mudar da tag (railway=station)
> para (historic:railway=station).
> Abro aqui esta discussão para que possamos corrigir isto em todo o
> território nacional.
> A discussão original encontra-se em
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/note/792826 e deve continuar aqui na
> lista.
> Atual cenário do mapeamento no Brasil:
> r=s no BR: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/kYN
> h:r=s no BR: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/kYO
> ___
> Talk-br mailing list
> Talk-br@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-br
Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-br] Mapeamento adequado de Estações de Trem

2017-01-02 Per discussione santamariense
Eu (usuário santamariense), e os usuários Geogast e portalaventura,
discutimos a questão do mapeamento de Estações de Trem em uma nota
aberta em Santa Maria RS.

A discussão gira em torno do fato de que a maioria das
(railway=station)'s do Brasil não seriam mais ao pé da letra r=s
porque não funcionam mais como "transporte de passageiros / Transporte

Chegou-se ao consenso que o correto é mudar da tag (railway=station)
para (historic:railway=station).

Abro aqui esta discussão para que possamos corrigir isto em todo o
território nacional.

A discussão original encontra-se em
https://www.openstreetmap.org/note/792826 e deve continuar aqui na

Atual cenário do mapeamento no Brasil:
r=s no BR: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/kYN
h:r=s no BR: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/kYO

Talk-br mailing list

[talk-ph] Let's use place=square tag for town plazas?

2017-01-02 Per discussione Eugene Alvin Villar
Hello all,

There's a discussion on the talk mailing list about rendering the
relatively new tag place=square[1] on the default OSM base map. This tag is
used for town squares (also known as plaza in Spain, place in France, Platz
in Germany, and piazza in Italy).

I suggest that we retag many of our town plazas as place=square. Currently
we tag these as either leisure=park, such as Plaza Pershing[2] in Zamboanga
City, or highway=pedestrian + area=yes, such as Plaza Miranda[3] in Quiapo,

While I think plazas that look or feel like parks (has lawns and many
plants) can still remain as leisure=park, I think plazas that are mostly
pedestrian in structure should be retagged as place=square and only tag the
actual pedestrian areas inside the plaza as highway=pedestrian + area=yes.

For example, I think Plaza Santa Cruz[4] in Manila is not currently mapped
correctly because the map contains a solid pedestrian area but this is not
correct because Carriedo Fountain is in the middle and pedestrians cannot
really walk over the fountain. I think the whole area, including the roads,
should be tagged place=square + name=Plaza Santa Ana, and only the small
portion that is pedestrian, excluding the Carriedo Fountain, should be
tagged highway=pedestrian + area=yes.

What do you all think?

[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:place%3Dsquare
[2] https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/235474192
[3] https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/28788630
[4] https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/34317040
talk-ph mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Création suppression d'intercommunalité

2017-01-02 Per discussione Francescu GAROBY
@David : déjà faite ! ;-)

(et j'en ai fait d'autres, dans le Calvados, en me basant sur


Le 2 janvier 2017 à 12:56, David Crochet  a écrit :

> Bonjour
> Le 01/01/2017 à 20:13, Stéphane Péneau a écrit :
>> Il n'y a pas que les communes qui fusionnent, mais aussi des
>> intercommunalités.
> Si cela peut aider pour Caen-la-Mer
> https://twitter.com/Caenlamer/status/815844758203600896
> Cordialement
> --
> David Crochet
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
> Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Novità sulle piazze

2017-01-02 Per discussione mbranco
Ok, ho tolto anche bicycle_rental (ma ce n'erano solo 22 in tutto...)

sono d'accordo, la wiki è da sistemare.
Io a suo tempo avevo raccolto in questa pagina [1] le mie considerazioni
sulle piazze, in fondo sono riportati degli esempi che penso siano corretti.

[1] http://osmele.elilan.com/piazze/Osm_Piazze.htm

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Square (Place, Platz,Piazza, Plaza, …)

2017-01-02 Per discussione mbranco
Hi Joost,
happy to hear that also in nothern Europe there is the same issue :-)

As I answered to Daniel in the same thread you read, I'm testing with guys
of Osmose to manage the issue "square without proper tag" : it will be an
useful support to fix this issue.



2017-01-02 17:34 GMT+01:00 mbranco [via GIS] <

> Thank you Daniel, quite good news! (I  didn't know your github link)
> I'm sure in very few time we'll have thousands of squares (only in Italy
> there are 30.000 of them).
> We are already discussing this issue in the Italian mailing list [1], and
> as soon as I'll report your answer mappers will start to do the job.
> Also, to speed up the process I'd like to inform all interested people
> that I've done some tests with guys of Osmose to report in their excellent
> site all the (likely) Italian squares: to do this my script look for all
> osm objects tagged with "name=piazza* ; in Italian language "piazza" is a
> very specific word, so false positives are very few.
> We'll be happy to do the same for other languages/countries, so that
> Osmose will be able to assist more communities in the job.
> Cheers,
>   Marco
> [1] http://gis.19327.n8.nabble.com/Le-piazze-tp5887345.html
> --
> If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion
> below:
> http://gis.19327.n8.nabble.com/Square-Place-Platz-Piazza-
> Plaza-tp5888469p5888482.html
> This email was sent by mbranco
> (via Nabble)
> To receive all replies by email, subscribe to this discussion

View this message in context: 
Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.___
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Novità sulle piazze

2017-01-02 Per discussione Federico Cortese
2017-01-02 19:08 GMT+01:00 Davide Sandona' :
> Sempre riferito a questo esempio, per i
> numeri civici che ad esso fanno riferimento come ci si comporta? Si aggiunge
> il tag "addr:street" all'oggetto place=square?

Il tag addr:street va sempre e solo aggiunto agli elementi a cui si
riferisce (nodo del civico, attività commerciale, etc.) e non alla


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Square (Place, Platz,Piazza, Plaza, …)

2017-01-02 Per discussione Daniel Koć

W dniu 02.01.2017 17:34, mbranco napisał(a):

Also, to speed up the process I'd like to inform all interested people 
I've done some tests with guys of Osmose to report in their excellent 

all the (likely) Italian squares: to do this my script look for all osm
objects tagged with "name=piazza* ; in Italian language "piazza" is a 

specific word, so false positives are very few.
We'll be happy to do the same for other languages/countries, so that 

will be able to assist more communities in the job.


In Polish it's "plac", so "name=plac *" (probably with a space to avoid 
some other names that can start like this).

"A dragon lives forever but not so little boys" [L. Lipton]

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Novità sulle piazze

2017-01-02 Per discussione Federico Cortese
2017-01-02 18:48 GMT+01:00 mbranco :
> Che tag hanno le bici a nolo? Per ora il mio script esclude come falsi
> positivi i tag:
> "bus_stop","railway","hamlet","public_transport","emergency","isolated_dwelling"
> naturalmente posso allungare la lista.

Grazie per le informazioni e i link sull'argomento.
Confermo che anche su Lecce c'è lo stesso problema per i punti noleggio bici.
Il tag è amenity=bicycle_rental.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Novità sulle piazze

2017-01-02 Per discussione mbranco
La pagina non visualizza subito tutte e 30.000 le piazze, inizialmente solo
quelle rappresentate da un solo nodo.
Cliccando il pulsante in alto a destra si possono scegliere altri tipi di
mappatura (relazioni, una sola way, ecc.) : le ho suddivise in 10 categorie,
i colori diversi scarseggiavano...

Che tag hanno le bici a nolo? Per ora il mio script esclude come falsi
positivi i tag:
naturalmente posso allungare la lista.



View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Novità sulle piazze

2017-01-02 Per discussione Cascafico Giovanni
> - ho contattato i ragazzi di Osmose e siamo riusciti a visualizzare come
> anomalia sul loro utilissimo sito le piazze italiane che non hanno il tag
> place=square. Per ora ce l'hanno sul loro sito di test, spero che a breve
> lo
> mettano online. Aspettando Osmose, ho messo su una pagina html [3] che
> visualizza la situazione (ne abbiamo 30.000 da sistemare...)
> [3] http://osmele.elilan.com/piazze/


la mappa che hai linkato mi pare ne abbia al massimo 2-300. Poi una volta
ingrandito sul problema, il pallino marron chiaro non è molto visibile su
mapnik. Ho visto che a Gorizia ci sono 2 nodi con name=Piazza* ma
riguardano dei punti di interscambio bici a nolo.. questo mi fa pensare che
anche molte fermate dell'autobus abbiano un name=Piazza*
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Novità sulle piazze

2017-01-02 Per discussione mbranco
Volevo aggiornarvi sull'argomento [1] :

- mi sono deciso a segnalare la cosa sulla mailing list generale [2] e mi
hanno risposto che la renderizzazione default (osm-carto) di place=square è
schedulata, e aspettano che ci siano almeno 2.000 piazze taggate così per
metterla in produzione (oggi ce ne sono 1.200) . *Dobbiamo solo incrementare
l'uso di questo tag e presto vedremo finalmente le piazze*.

- ho contattato i ragazzi di Osmose e siamo riusciti a visualizzare come
anomalia sul loro utilissimo sito le piazze italiane che non hanno il tag
place=square. Per ora ce l'hanno sul loro sito di test, spero che a breve lo
mettano online. Aspettando Osmose, ho messo su una pagina html [3] che
visualizza la situazione (ne abbiamo 30.000 da sistemare...)

Buon anno a tutti!


P.S. Il mio è un piccolo server, se ci arrivano più utenti
contemporaneamente mi sa che c'è da aspettare un po'...

[1] http://gis.19327.n8.nabble.com/Le-piazze-tp5887345.html
[3] http://osmele.elilan.com/piazze/

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Digest Talk-br, volume 100, assunto 1

2017-01-02 Per discussione santamariense
ctrlV(ctrlC+"source=Sérgio V.");

Em 02/01/2017, 
> Enviar submissões para a lista de discussão Talk-br para
>   talk-br@openstreetmap.org
> Para se cadastrar ou descadastrar via WWW, visite o endereço
>   https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-br
> ou, via email, envie uma mensagem com a palavra 'help' no assunto ou
> corpo da mensagem para
>   talk-br-requ...@openstreetmap.org
> Você poderá entrar em contato com a pessoa que gerencia a lista pelo
> endereço
>   talk-br-ow...@openstreetmap.org
> Quando responder, por favor edite sua linha Assunto assim ela será
> mais específica que "Re: Contents of Talk-br digest..."
> Tópicos de Hoje:
>1. Bom Ano Novo (Sérgio V.)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 1 Jan 2017 13:09:23 +
> From: Sérgio V. 
> To: "talk-br@openstreetmap.org" 
> Subject: [Talk-br] Bom Ano Novo
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Votos de bom ano para a comunidade OpenStreetMap no Brasil, para todos e
> para cada um,
> de consolidação, popularização e prosperidade do projeto OSM,
> ao qual cada um de nós estima e dedica muito de seu tempo de atividade
> física e mental,
> união e crescimento da comunidade como um projeto comum,
> crescimento pessoal e prosperidade de cada um,
> implementação e aprimoramento das boas ideias e possibilidades já
> levantadas,
> surgimento de novas boas ideias,
> difusão do OSM e de suas utilidades para a população em geral,
> e tudo o mais que for bom.
> Um abraço,
> Sérgio - http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/smaprs
> -- Próxima Parte --
> Um anexo em HTML foi limpo...
> URL:
> --
> Subject: Legenda do Digest
> ___
> Talk-br mailing list
> Talk-br@openstreetmap.org
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> --
> Fim da Digest Talk-br, volume 100, assunto 1

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Square (Place, Platz,Piazza, Plaza, …)

2017-01-02 Per discussione mbranco
Thank you Daniel, quite good news! (I  didn't know your github link)
I'm sure in very few time we'll have thousands of squares (only in Italy
there are 30.000 of them).
We are already discussing this issue in the Italian mailing list [1], and as
soon as I'll report your answer mappers will start to do the job.

Also, to speed up the process I'd like to inform all interested people that
I've done some tests with guys of Osmose to report in their excellent site
all the (likely) Italian squares: to do this my script look for all osm
objects tagged with "name=piazza* ; in Italian language "piazza" is a very
specific word, so false positives are very few.
We'll be happy to do the same for other languages/countries, so that Osmose
will be able to assist more communities in the job.



[1] http://gis.19327.n8.nabble.com/Le-piazze-tp5887345.html

View this message in context: 
Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Proper tagging of wine or champagne bars

2017-01-02 Per discussione joost schouppe
While that allows to tag the availability of drinks, it doesn't allow to
map the focus on wine. The values used in the fair trade or diet tag (
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:diet ) seem more useful, though
drink:wine=only would be rather strange. Maybe an extra value like
drink:*=specialty would do?

2016-12-31 13:54 GMT+01:00 Guy Vanvuchelen :

> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:drink
> Guy Vanvuchelen
> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van: Yves bxl-forever [mailto:bxl-fore...@linuxmail.org]
> Verzonden: zaterdag 31 december 2016 13:34
> Aan: OpenStreetMap Belgium
> Onderwerp: [OSM-talk-be] Proper tagging of wine or champagne bars
> Hello folks,
> This case has been puzzling me for a while.
> A few establishments in Brussels specialize in serving only one type of
> drinks: champagne, wine, beer…
> amenity=bar seems appropriate but does anyone know what tags one could use
> to inform about the kind of beverages being served?
> There are a few taginfo entries with cuisine=wine or cuisine=wine_bar but
> I wouldn’t advise this.
> As a last resort, the description key can contain the information, but
> perhaps there are more useful ways to convey it.
> Any suggestion or hint?
> A few selected nodes here:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/4573612074
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/4582561453
> Cheers.
> Yves
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be

Joost Schouppe
OpenStreetMap  |
Twitter  | LinkedIn
 | Meetup

Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Fwd: [OSM-talk] Square (Place, Platz,Piazza, Plaza, …)

2017-01-02 Per discussione joost schouppe

I never knew this existed, but apparently you can use place=square to mark
squares (NL: plein, FR: place). As explained below, current mapping
practice make for some ambiguous situations, which can be avoided using
this tag. Use is rising very quickly since mid 2015.
Any reason for not using this in Belgium? (only a few are mapped, in

-- Forwarded message --
From: mbranco 
Date: 2017-01-02 13:16 GMT+01:00
Subject: [OSM-talk] Square (Place, Platz,Piazza, Plaza, …)
To: t...@openstreetmap.org

Following are personal thoughts, I'd like to discuss them and discover if it
could be a general issue (not only for my country, Italy).


 -  Squares are urban areas, whose perimeter is drawable with a single
closed way.
 -  These areas have an official name.
 -  The old and very basic paper maps show always at least two elements, for
towns/cities: streets and squares (and related names, if they are big enough
to show them too).
 -  Inside square areas there could be a lot of different things: highways,
monuments, buildings, flowerbeds, … : attributes of the square must refer to
all the area, not only a part (relevant or not) of it.
 -  I prefer think that practicability could be one of the (optional)
attribute of a square, not the opposite: square is not an (optional)
attribute of the practicability --> i.e. highway=pedestrian + area=yes .
 -  highway=pedestrian + area=yes could not mean “square”: there are a lot
of pedestrian areas, for example in parks, that are not squares.
 -  Practicability inside a square is fully described by all the highways
inside it, the two kind of information (for square and for practicability)
can be fully disjointed (for the square with nothing inside and fully
pedestrian,  the square area and the pedestrian area coincide).


Please render the place=square tag (or a new tag, whatever you prefer).
“Place” is already widely used (and rendered) for urban areas: borough ,
suburb, quarter, neighbourhood, city_block, ... ; it’s not widely used for
squares because it’s not rendered!/


 - Maybe rendering could use a semi-transparent color and square name could
be evidenced, as it’s already done e.g. for landuse=military [1] (a common
landuse in urban areas).
 -  Names of the highways inside the square which are identical to the name
of the square could be omitted [2] (just only in the rendering, of course).
 -  Another example of possible rendering is here [3] .


 -  Mappers could avoid to put highway=pedestrian + area=yes in squares like
this one [4] .
 -  Mappers which don’t like the previous solution but nevertheless think
that it’s useful to read the square name in the rendering, could stop to
assign arbitrarily the square name to the marketplace, or to the parking
area, or to the flowerbed, or to any other item inside the square [5].
 - Extraction tools as Osmfilter or Overpass could do selections related to
squares, street-guide tools as MapOSMatic could produce better outputs.

Thank you for your attention, cheers and Happy New Year!


[1] http://osmele.elilan.com/squares/landuse_military.jpg
[2] http://osmele.elilan.com/squares/PiazzaRebubblicaNEW2.jpg
[3] http://osmele.elilan.com/squares/torino_zoom16NEW2.jpg
[4] http://osmele.elilan.com/squares/PiazzaRepubblica_night.jpg
[5] http://osmele.elilan.com/squares/wrongSquares.jpg

View this message in context: http://gis.19327.n8.nabble.
Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

talk mailing list

Joost Schouppe
OpenStreetMap  |
Twitter  | LinkedIn
 | Meetup

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-it-trentino] Sentieri "ciclabili"

2017-01-02 Per discussione Dario Zontini
La normativa per  MTB sui sentieri SAT è stata aggiornata nel 2015 ed 
ora i sentieri non sono classificati in base alla pendenza e larghezza, 
ma il divieto per le MTB va proposto per ogni singolo percorso. Non so a 
che punto sia l'iter per identificare i sentieri con i divieti, ma se 
non ci sono divieti approvati i sentieri sono TUTTI percorribili in MTB


Direi che nei tag dei sentieri andrebbe indicato solo quando c'è un 

Dario Zontini

-- Messaggio originale --
Da: "AGH" 
A: "OpenStreetMap ML-TRENTINO" 
Inviato: 02/01/2017 10:56:00
Oggetto: [Talk-it-trentino] Sentieri "ciclabili"

Ciao tutti, ho scoperto per caso che il sentiero E318 ha il tag 
"permissive" riguardo all'uso di biciclette, come altri nelle 
vicinanze, es. il 317. A mio giudizio tali sentieri non sono affatto 
indicati per uso bici o mtb, sono sentieri incompatibili per 
escursionismo e bici insieme. Comunque credevo che con le MTB si 
usassero, più logicamente, le strade forestali... Credo che la SAT, che 
gestisce i sentieri, avrebbe parecchio da ridire a questo proposito.
La domanda quindi è: l'attribuzione del tag permissive viene deciso in 
base a cosa? Dalla valutazione dell'utente o ci sono sentieri specifici 
per Mtb? Decisi da chi?

Grazie :)

Alessandro Ghezzer
Escursionismo in montagna in Trentino
Talk-it-trentino mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly task

2017-01-02 Per discussione Jez Nicholson
+1 for 'water' as a general subject for Q1 activities, leaving it open for
individuals to interpret as they wish.

Q2 can be more data-driven, like the schools and fhrs:ids were.


On Mon, 2 Jan 2017 at 12:37 Brian Prangle  wrote:

> Hi everyone
> Well we seem to be no nearer reaching agreement on the plethora of
> suggestions with more people suggesting what they don't want to do rather
> than what they do want to do.
> The only drift I think was there was  that it shouldn't be too labour
> intensive and given the season it sould be more aimed at remote mapping.
> So can I suggest something completely different which might fit the bill?
> How about  "water"?  There are loads of ways traced from NPE which are way
> off, there are loads of missing waterways, and loads of waterways crossing
> roads/railways incorrectly, also the coastline could be improved,as could
> the shape of many bodies of water etc.
> Regards
> Brian
> On 31 December 2016 at 23:10, Paul  wrote:
> On Saturday, 31 December 2016 19:31:06 BST, Jez Nicholson wrote:
> I would welcome a less labour intensive task this quarter. Am still
> forging ahead with fhrs:ids but with 2700 establishments in Brighton & Hove
> and only me mapping it is hard (but useful) work.
> On Fri, 30 Dec 2016 23:50 Rob Nickerson, 
> wrote:
> It's not just Notes but the fixme tag too. And yes, this will be skewed to
> areas with fewer active mappers. This is partly the point of the project -
> to help improve lesser mapped areas and to encourage us to spread the word
> about OSM! The aim for me has always been "at least one mapper in every
> town".
> We need to pick something for the Q1 Winter months and in my view it's
> this quarter where remote mapping best fits. Many fixme tags can be
> improved using all the new remote resources we now have access to.
> Rob
> P.s. sorry for new thread - I only read the messages via the archive.
> Ditto here, for Medway (and when I've got that down to a reasonable
> state/weather warmed up, I've got Swale, Maidstone and parts of
> Tonbridge/Malling to keep me busy.
> On the plus side, fhrs does give a fair coverage of:
> Pubs
> Social clubs
> Fast Food
> restaurants/cafes
> pre-schools
> social care establishments
> Though I rather think with social care ones those run by social services
> directly have their addresses obfuscated or handled centrally, for possibly
> good reasons.
> I'll dip in and out of quarterly projects, as the projects suit my
> survey-only methods (checking against the tools) as surveying gives me a
> reason to get on the bike or out walking.
> Paul
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
> Talk-GB@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-gb
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
> Talk-GB@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-gb
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mappa dei ripetitori radioamatoriali (su openstreetmap)

2017-01-02 Per discussione Giuliano
Il 02/01/2017 09:50, Dario Zontini ha scritto:
> Si potrebbe chiedere collaborazione ai radiamatori che usano APRS (via
> radio vengono stramesse le coodinate) per avere indicazioni precise
> sulla posizione dei ripetitori
> Questo è un esempio di visualizzazione online  dei loro dati
> http://it.aprs.fi
> ciao
> Dario Zontini
Sono al corrente della cosa, ma non sempre i nodi aprs sono ubicati
presso un ripetitore.
In taluni casi si, per la replicazione dei messaggi di localizzazione e
l'inoltro al gateway.
Purtroppo sono i radioamatori stessi a non essere al corrente del dato
loro relativo, se non in relazione con il locator Maidenhead che li
Di questa limitazione si lamentava anche il collega che ha realizzato il
Ma l'idea rimane comunque. Un modo si troverà. Grazie.

Giuliano Bordonaro i1BPF

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Wichtige Frage - Haben Drachenaugen-Plätze einen Platz auf OSM?

2017-01-02 Per discussione Friedrich Volkmann

On 02.01.2017 14:35, Manfred Brandl wrote:

Ich habe jetzt schon zu viele emails zu den Drachenaugen gelesen und stimme 
grubernd zu und ich will das tagging genau so haben wie er vorschlägt,
bis es einen gemeinsamen Vorschlag von fvk und gppes_osm gibt.

Mit Astrids Messer im Rücken bin ich nicht mehr in der Lage, Vorschläge zu 
machen. Wer die Baumstümpfe als Sitzplätze mappen will, nur zu, aber ich hab 
sie vor Ort nicht als solche wahrgenommen.

Friedrich K. Volkmann   http://www.volki.at/
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mappa dei ripetitori radioamatoriali (su openstreetmap)

2017-01-02 Per discussione Giuliano
Il 01/01/2017 22:53, Cascafico Giovanni ha scritto:
> Ciao!
> La mappa che hai linkato non mi pare che abbia interazione diretta  con gli
> editor di osm  (almeno per il mio smartphone)

Infatti, si tratta di un livello sovrapposto alla mappa.
Il collega che ha realizzato quel servizio lamenta la relativa
accuratezza della localizzazione dei punti di interesse.

> Per questo genere di lavoro "crowd" ti consiglierei di usare umap [1] che
> ha embedded i bottoni che lanciano l'editor ID o il remote control di josm,
> oltreché permettere di ingrandire di più ed impostare facilmente popup e
> sfondi (secondo lo schermo TMS)
> Però guardando i dati delle zone che conosco, la vedo dura derivare dati
> utili, a meno che uno non sappia già dov'è ubicata la struttura.
> [1] https://umap.openstreetmap.fr/en/map/biblioteche-fvg_67749

Per quello pensavo a chi avesse una diretta conoscenza del territorio in
cui vive.
Ma si trattava di una semplice ipotesi da verificare sul campo.
Forse i dati esisteranno già, si tratterebbe soltanto di riuscire a
trovare dove.
Grazie per la tua attenzione.

Giuliano Bordonaro i1BPF

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Wichtige Frage - Haben Drachenaugen-Plätze einen Platz auf OSM?

2017-01-02 Per discussione Friedrich Volkmann

On 02.01.2017 13:05, gppes_...@web.de wrote:

Du verwickelst Dich in Widersprueche, schweifst permanent vom Thema ab, willst 
Fakten nicht anerkennen und machst bei Bedarf Rueckzieher. Da kommt man nicht 

Dass ich mit dir nicht weiterkomme, weiß ich schon lange, und deinen Beitrag 
als letzten stehen zu lassen wär ein passender Abschluss dieses Threads.

Nachdem die Userin, die den POI angelegt hat, nun aber aber selber den Node 
gelöscht hat mit der Begründung, "unser Projekt gehört nicht auf diese 
Plattform", hat sich die Sache sowieso erledigt. Alle sind glücklich und 

Friedrich K. Volkmann   http://www.volki.at/
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Wichtige Frage - Haben Drachenaugen-Plätze einen Platz auf OSM?

2017-01-02 Per discussione Manfred Brandl
Ich habe jetzt schon zu viele emails zu den Drachenaugen gelesen und stimme 
grubernd zu und ich will das tagging genau so haben wie er vorschlägt,
bis es einen gemeinsamen Vorschlag von fvk und gppes_osm gibt.
Und ich will hier dazu keine Beiträge von den beiden genannten mehr lesen bis 
es diesen gemeinsamen Vorschlag gibt.

Liebe Grüße
Manfred Brandl

Sent mobile.

Am 02.01.2017 um 13:26 schrieb grubernd :

On 2017-01-01 13:56, grubernd wrote:
> amentiy=bench
> backrest=no
> seats=1
> name=Zeit

nach der Peter-Paul Diskussion letzte Woche wäre mein halb ernst gemeinter 
Taggingvorschlag eigentlich der einzig richtige. weil von Löwenherzen und 
Drachenaugen ist auf den Bildern von fkv wirklich nichts zu erkennen. woher 
wissen wir also, dass es diesen Namen gibt?

aber die Drachen-Diskussion, die eigentlich privat bei ein paar Bier 
ausgetragen werden sollte, ist eh schon viel zu heiss, also fange ich jetzt 
nicht mit dem Umtaggen an ;-)


Talk-at mailing list

Talk-at mailing list

[OSM-talk] Beware Unreal users :)

2017-01-02 Per discussione Hakuch

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly task

2017-01-02 Per discussione Brian Prangle
Hi everyone

Well we seem to be no nearer reaching agreement on the plethora of
suggestions with more people suggesting what they don't want to do rather
than what they do want to do.

The only drift I think was there was  that it shouldn't be too labour
intensive and given the season it sould be more aimed at remote mapping.
So can I suggest something completely different which might fit the bill?

How about  "water"?  There are loads of ways traced from NPE which are way
off, there are loads of missing waterways, and loads of waterways crossing
roads/railways incorrectly, also the coastline could be improved,as could
the shape of many bodies of water etc.



On 31 December 2016 at 23:10, Paul  wrote:

> On Saturday, 31 December 2016 19:31:06 BST, Jez Nicholson wrote:
>> I would welcome a less labour intensive task this quarter. Am still
>> forging ahead with fhrs:ids but with 2700 establishments in Brighton & Hove
>> and only me mapping it is hard (but useful) work.
>> On Fri, 30 Dec 2016 23:50 Rob Nickerson, 
>> wrote:
>> It's not just Notes but the fixme tag too. And yes, this will be skewed
>> to areas with fewer active mappers. This is partly the point of the project
>> - to help improve lesser mapped areas and to encourage us to spread the
>> word about OSM! The aim for me has always been "at least one mapper in
>> every town".
>> We need to pick something for the Q1 Winter months and in my view it's
>> this quarter where remote mapping best fits. Many fixme tags can be
>> improved using all the new remote resources we now have access to.
>> Rob
>> P.s. sorry for new thread - I only read the messages via the archive.
> Ditto here, for Medway (and when I've got that down to a reasonable
> state/weather warmed up, I've got Swale, Maidstone and parts of
> Tonbridge/Malling to keep me busy.
> On the plus side, fhrs does give a fair coverage of:
> Pubs
> Social clubs
> Fast Food
> restaurants/cafes
> pre-schools
> social care establishments
> Though I rather think with social care ones those run by social services
> directly have their addresses obfuscated or handled centrally, for possibly
> good reasons.
> I'll dip in and out of quarterly projects, as the projects suit my
> survey-only methods (checking against the tools) as surveying gives me a
> reason to get on the bike or out walking.
> Paul
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
> Talk-GB@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-gb
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Square (Place, Platz,Piazza, Plaza, …)

2017-01-02 Per discussione Daniel Koć

W dniu 02.01.2017 13:16, mbranco napisał(a):


Please render the place=square tag (or a new tag, whatever you 

If you mean default style (osm-carto), it's already appointed for 
rendering =} :


I support the idea to do it, but we have currently 1281 uses:


which is quite close to 2k limit we use for most of the elements and 
it's raising fast, so I just wait for it to avoid another useless 
discussion about limits and special cases.

So - please tag more places like this, if you want it to be rendered 
rather sooner than later!

"A dragon lives forever but not so little boys" [L. Lipton]

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Wichtige Frage - Haben Drachenaugen-Plätze einen Platz auf OSM?

2017-01-02 Per discussione grubernd

On 2017-01-01 13:56, grubernd wrote:
> amentiy=bench
> backrest=no
> seats=1
> name=Zeit

nach der Peter-Paul Diskussion letzte Woche wäre mein halb ernst 
gemeinter Taggingvorschlag eigentlich der einzig richtige. weil von 
Löwenherzen und Drachenaugen ist auf den Bildern von fkv wirklich nichts 
zu erkennen. woher wissen wir also, dass es diesen Namen gibt?

aber die Drachen-Diskussion, die eigentlich privat bei ein paar Bier 
ausgetragen werden sollte, ist eh schon viel zu heiss, also fange ich 
jetzt nicht mit dem Umtaggen an ;-)


Talk-at mailing list

[Talk-gb-westmidlands] January meeting

2017-01-02 Per discussione Brian Prangle
Hi everyone

It's this Thursday Jan 5th, usual time and place


Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

[OSM-talk] Square (Place, Platz,Piazza, Plaza, …)

2017-01-02 Per discussione mbranco
Following are personal thoughts, I'd like to discuss them and discover if it
could be a general issue (not only for my country, Italy).


 -  Squares are urban areas, whose perimeter is drawable with a single
closed way.
 -  These areas have an official name.
 -  The old and very basic paper maps show always at least two elements, for
towns/cities: streets and squares (and related names, if they are big enough
to show them too).
 -  Inside square areas there could be a lot of different things: highways,
monuments, buildings, flowerbeds, … : attributes of the square must refer to
all the area, not only a part (relevant or not) of it.
 -  I prefer think that practicability could be one of the (optional)
attribute of a square, not the opposite: square is not an (optional)
attribute of the practicability --> i.e. highway=pedestrian + area=yes .
 -  highway=pedestrian + area=yes could not mean “square”: there are a lot
of pedestrian areas, for example in parks, that are not squares.
 -  Practicability inside a square is fully described by all the highways
inside it, the two kind of information (for square and for practicability)
can be fully disjointed (for the square with nothing inside and fully
pedestrian,  the square area and the pedestrian area coincide).


Please render the place=square tag (or a new tag, whatever you prefer).
“Place” is already widely used (and rendered) for urban areas: borough ,
suburb, quarter, neighbourhood, city_block, ... ; it’s not widely used for
squares because it’s not rendered!/


 - Maybe rendering could use a semi-transparent color and square name could
be evidenced, as it’s already done e.g. for landuse=military [1] (a common
landuse in urban areas).
 -  Names of the highways inside the square which are identical to the name
of the square could be omitted [2] (just only in the rendering, of course).
 -  Another example of possible rendering is here [3] .


 -  Mappers could avoid to put highway=pedestrian + area=yes in squares like
this one [4] .
 -  Mappers which don’t like the previous solution but nevertheless think
that it’s useful to read the square name in the rendering, could stop to
assign arbitrarily the square name to the marketplace, or to the parking
area, or to the flowerbed, or to any other item inside the square [5].
 - Extraction tools as Osmfilter or Overpass could do selections related to
squares, street-guide tools as MapOSMatic could produce better outputs.

Thank you for your attention, cheers and Happy New Year!  


[1] http://osmele.elilan.com/squares/landuse_military.jpg
[2] http://osmele.elilan.com/squares/PiazzaRebubblicaNEW2.jpg
[3] http://osmele.elilan.com/squares/torino_zoom16NEW2.jpg
[4] http://osmele.elilan.com/squares/PiazzaRepubblica_night.jpg
[5] http://osmele.elilan.com/squares/wrongSquares.jpg

View this message in context: 
Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Data Quality

2017-01-02 Per discussione Jean-Marc Liotier
On Fri, 30 Dec 2016 18:30:06 -0500
john whelan  wrote:
> In HOT in theory new users work is validated.
> In practise its only when a tile is completed
> and even then most tiles aren't checked.

Thank you... I'm sincerly glad you recognize this issue in HOT
contributions: from my window (mostly Senegal and a bit of Mali) I have
a rather dim view of data quality in changesets with a HOT hashtag. I
don't take that upon novice contributors, in part because I don't want
to kill their enthusiasm and in part because they don't know what they
are doing - so I feel that increased emphasis on data quality would be
a most responsible course of action for HOT.

From what I have witnessed, there seems to be a quantitative emphasis
in reporting about HOT projects (kilometers of roads, number of
buildings). While that makes for impressive presentations, it may be a
misleading metric: the usefulness of data may have more to do with its
quality rather than its quantity. Coming from an enterprise background,
I know the difficulty of weaning oneself from the addictiveness of
spectacular metrics, but I also know how much they hurt the bottom line.

I have made quality assurance and the use of quality assurance tools
such as http://osmose.openstreetmap.fr or the JOSM validator a core part
of my message to budding advanced contributors - but of course such
intimidating tools cannot be pushed to novice contributors.
Nevertheless, there is no reason to restrict quality assurance from
those who need it most, though it might require changes in both tools
and processes.

For example, might the validation status of a Tasking Manager tile be
tied to the number of errors in it ? That would require integration of
something like Osmose to the Tasking Manager, with a short validation
delay unlike the daily batch basis of typical Osmose operation... But
that is the sort of change that would make quality assurance a
first-class citizen of HOT contributions.

Also I wonder if, sometimes, it would be wiser to refrain from
collecting data that will certainly have very low quality and
questionable usefulness - buildings come to mind and I feel that using
polygons with landuse tags would often be more cost-effective than them.

In any case, and not just about HOT, I welcome a debate on how to embed
quality assurance in the contribution process of the most novice

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 335

2017-01-02 Per discussione Tom Ka
Ahoj, CZ a EN jsem upravil, ostatnim jazkum poslu echo. Diky za
pozorne cteni :-)

Dne 2. ledna 2017 12:31 Marián Kyral  napsal(a):
> -- Původní zpráva --
> Od: Mikoláš Štrajt 
> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
> Datum: 2. 1. 2017 12:03:58
> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 335
> Ahoj,
> našel jsem v textu týdeníku chybu:
>> Thomas Park uvolnil svůj open source editor vektorových stylů pro
>> interaktivní mapy. MVT Styler využívá Mapbox GL Style specifikaci.
> Na stránce toho editoru (https://sputnik-maps.github.io/mvt-styler/) je
> jméno Thomas Park zmíněno jen jako "theme by", takže bych spíš tipoval, že
> je autorem CSS stránky. Autoři jsou vypsaní spíš zde:
> https://github.com/sputnik-maps/mvt-styler/graphs/contributors
> Nebo ještě lépe tady:
> https://github.com/sputnik-maps/mvt-styler/blob/master/AUTHORS
> Chyba je i v původním Weekly.
> Asi by bylo ideální napsat to do komentářů přímo pod anglické weekly..
> Marián
> Zdraví
> -- Mikoláš Štrajt / Severák / http://severak.svita.cz/
> -- Původní zpráva --
> Od: Tom Ka 
> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic ,
> Openstreetmap Slovakia 
> Datum: 2. 1. 2017 10:21:07
> Předmět: [Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 335
> Ahoj, je dostupné vydání 335 týdeníku WeeklyOSM:
> http://www.weeklyosm.eu/cz/archives/8494
> Téma: -
> * Start systému Galileo.
> * Zákon o KČT.
> * Mapbox podporuje sbírku pro HOT.
> * OSMBorder pro administrativní hranice.
> * OSM plugin pro Blender.
> * Katalog geo služeb QuickMapServices.
> * Předchůdci Google Street View
> Pěkné počtení a vše nejlepší do nového roku ...
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Wichtige Frage - Haben Drachenaugen-Plätze einen Platz auf OSM?

2017-01-02 Per discussione gppes_osm
Du verwickelst Dich in Widersprueche, schweifst permanent vom Thema ab, willst 
Fakten nicht anerkennen und machst bei Bedarf Rueckzieher. Da kommt man nicht 

> Gesendet: Montag, 02. Januar 2017 um 12:32 Uhr
> Von: "Friedrich Volkmann" 
> An: talk-at@openstreetmap.org
> Betreff: Re: [Talk-at] Wichtige Frage - Haben Drachenaugen-Plätze einen Platz 
> auf OSM?
> On 02.01.2017 12:06, gppes_...@web.de wrote:
> > Wenn Personen einer Diskussion fern bleiben und wortwoertlich ihr 
> > Desinteresse bekunden, dann hat das nichts mit "zustehen" zu tun. Das ist 
> > dann Fakt.
> Einmal seine Meinung sagen reicht, man muss sie nicht jeden Tag wiederholen. 
> Keiner der genannten Personen ist von seiner Meinung abgegangen.
> > Abgesehen davon, dass deren Informationen veraltet sind.
> Der Platz sieht genau so aus, wie er vor einem halben Jahr beschrieben wurde.
> > Das heisst aber auch, dass man sich dem Konsens anderer fuegen muss; Hier 
> > handelt es sich um ein Community-Projekt!
> Genau, und den Konsens gibt es seit einem halben Jahr. Jetzt versuchst du 
> alle, die an dem Konsens beteiligt waren, madig zu machen. Das ändert aber 
> nichts an dem Konsens.
> -- 
> Friedrich K. Volkmann   http://www.volki.at/
> Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria
> ___
> Talk-at mailing list
> Talk-at@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-at

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Création suppression d'intercommunalité

2017-01-02 Per discussione David Crochet


Le 01/01/2017 à 20:13, Stéphane Péneau a écrit :
Il n'y a pas que les communes qui fusionnent, mais aussi des 

Si cela peut aider pour Caen-la-Mer


David Crochet

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] GIS baliky pro CentOS7

2017-01-02 Per discussione Marián Kyral

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Jáchym Čepický 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 2. 1. 2017 12:05:12
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] GIS baliky pro CentOS7


pro info: TopGIS je jeden z pohrobků firmy Geodis a převzali po nich asi 
to nejvíce určující, tedy lítání a tvorbu ortofot nejenom pro ČR. Snímky 
na Seznamu a na ČUZK jsou právě od TopGIS.

Poznámka o Cypyrightu je obecně na místě (často se na to zapomíná), ale 
v TopGISu má podíl Seznam a spoly vyvíjeli řešení zejména pro obce 
(gisonline.cz) většina dat je od Seznamu.

Seznam není jediný zákazník: http://www.topgis.cz/cs/reference/

Ale moje pozorování v daném projektu se shodují s Mariánovými - čáry, 
které jsem já dával do OSM a nikde jinde nejsou a vlastně být nemohou 
jsou v projektu použity.

Tak jsem nakonec našel. Oni se tím netají, dokonce nabádají uživatele k 
opravám přímo v OSM:


(jen nějaké info přimo na mapovém portálu chybí).

Poskytnutí ortofota pro mapování: jsem trochu skeptický, ale je to 
vlastně nejlepší zdroj. ČUZK, Seznam a další se budou vždycky kroutit, 
že vlastně nejsou původci dat a licenční smlouva jim to nedovoluje. 
TopGIS je na druhou stranu původcem dat, není přímějšího místa, kde se 

Čistě teoreticky by mohli mít zájem, abychom tu mapu dále vylepšovali a k 
tomu je kvalitní podklad nutnost.

Ono stačí, když budeme mít povolení k odvozování dat a nějaké TMS url. 
Klidně tam může být vodoznak, to nám vůbec nevadí. Podstatné je to povolení 
k odvozování dat.

Považují to ale (považovali před cca rokem určitě) za svůj core business 
a IMHO na to nepřistoupí. Ale to je můj soukromý, žádným přímým dotazem 
nepodložený pocit, stojí za to pingnout."

Právě proto jsem o tom začal. Mirek by to třeba mohl nenápadně ověřit ;-)




Dne 2.1.2017 v 11:24 Marián Kyral napsal(a):
> Ahoj,
> používám Gentoo takže asi moc nepomůžu.
> CentOS jsem akorát zkušebně nainstaloval dcerkám na desktop - jsou tam 
> knihovny, které vyžaduje nějaká aplikace, co přitáhly ze školy a na Gentoo
> už tak staré verze nejsou v portage :-D
> Ale když jsem se koukal na to, co ta firma dělá, zaujalo mne, že mají
> vlastní ortofoto a zároveň na http://www.gisonline.cz/110 vidím, že vrstva
> "Základní mapa TopGis" je evidentně OSM, ale jako obvykle, copyright 
> Teda alespoň jsme jej nikde nanašel.
> Kromě toho, že daj do pořádku copyright, nedalo by se domluvit, že by nám
> poskytli ortofoto pro mapování? My bychom měli konečně kvalitní zdroj pro
> mapování a oni časem ještě lepší podkladovou mapu.
> Možná bych se pak i začal učit GIS a balíčkování pro CentOS :-D
> Marián
> -- Původní zpráva --
> Od: Miroslav Suchy 
> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
> Datum: 2. 1. 2017 10:58:15
> Předmět: [Talk-cz] GIS baliky pro CentOS7
> "Ahoj,
> už nějakou dobu se starám o
> https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/msuchy/gis/
> kde jsou vybrané GIS balíky pro CentOS7 vybuilděné v novější verzi než má
> EPEL/CentOS.
> Teď tam napříkal přibyl nejnovější gdal. Používat to můžete dle libosti.
> To balíčkovaní podporuje www.topgis.cz. Pokud by se náhodou našel někdo, 
> by mi s tím chtěl pomoci, tak se mi
> soukromě ozvěte a dostanete od Topgisu i nějaké peníze.
> Mirek Suchý
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> "
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz

Jachym Cepicky
e-mail: jachym.cepi...@gmail.com
twitter: @jachymc

Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Data Quality

2017-01-02 Per discussione althio
Hi John,

You can try one of the several tools proposed by Pascal Neis, that
could fulfill part of your ideas.

In particular see:

and other tools of interest at:


-- althio

On 31 December 2016 at 00:30, john whelan  wrote:
> There has been some recent traffic about new users and the occasional
> problems they cause.  The recent traffic was about Pokemon.  In HOT in
> theory new users work is validated.  In practise its only when a tile is
> completed and even then most tiles aren't checked.
> Somewhere the number of edits and how long a mapper has been mapping are
> stored.  If we define inexperienced mappers as those who have made less than
> 20 changesets and been registered for less than a month, the exact figures
> optimum numbers need to be determined.
> Than is there a method whereby I can say within this boundary show me any
> edits made by "inexperienced" mappers?
> It reduces the need to check every changeset for an area.  I assume that
> most vandalisation is done by accounts that would be considered
> inexperienced mappers and we could gently guide the others towards the map
> features page etc.  If a mapper has a thousand changesets to their name and
> been mapping more than three months I think we can assume their mapping will
> contain fewer errors than an inexperienced mapper so there is less need to
> double check them.
> On the HOT side it would help catch those new mappers who don't mark a tile
> done.
> Thoughts?
> Thanks
> Cheerio John
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Wichtige Frage - Haben Drachenaugen-Plätze einen Platz auf OSM?

2017-01-02 Per discussione Friedrich Volkmann

On 02.01.2017 12:06, gppes_...@web.de wrote:

Wenn Personen einer Diskussion fern bleiben und wortwoertlich ihr Desinteresse bekunden, 
dann hat das nichts mit "zustehen" zu tun. Das ist dann Fakt.

Einmal seine Meinung sagen reicht, man muss sie nicht jeden Tag wiederholen. 
Keiner der genannten Personen ist von seiner Meinung abgegangen.

Abgesehen davon, dass deren Informationen veraltet sind.

Der Platz sieht genau so aus, wie er vor einem halben Jahr beschrieben wurde.

Das heisst aber auch, dass man sich dem Konsens anderer fuegen muss; Hier 
handelt es sich um ein Community-Projekt!

Genau, und den Konsens gibt es seit einem halben Jahr. Jetzt versuchst du 
alle, die an dem Konsens beteiligt waren, madig zu machen. Das ändert aber 
nichts an dem Konsens.

Friedrich K. Volkmann   http://www.volki.at/
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] WeeklyOSM numero 336

2017-01-02 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2017-01-01 17:56 GMT+01:00 Aury88 :

> 3) non ho considerato la difficoltà degli strumenti...ancora, e forse a
> causa della mia scarsa partecipazione, non ho a pieno compreso l'utilizzo
> del sito per le traduzioni così come della chat che ho aperto solo una
> volta
> ma non ho più usato...e di cui non mi ricordo neanche il nome

anch'io avevo dato disponibilità e non ho poi contribuito. Confermo che lo
è stato proprio per questo stesso motivo citato la sopra: pratticamente ci
sono 2 sistemi in uso, uno per la communicazione, dove mi sono arrivati
letteralmente centinaia e migliaia di notifiche, in tedesco, italiano ed
inglese (slash, forse o probabilmente per le impostazioni mie scelte male),
ed uno per gestire traduzioni ed articoli, e per fare il proof read e
confermare gli articoli (OSMBC). Avevo cominciato più volte a cercare di
impararmi quest'ultimo, ma mi è sempre sembrato molto complesso, e poco
trasparente, nonostante le spiegazioni qui:
https://gist.github.com/jinalfoflia/da9c33edde4876a52e794eb18417fb4b ed
infine non ho trovato nemmeno il tempo di studiare questo sistema fino ad
un livello che potevo contribuire (non ho mai capito dove dovevo inserire
le traduzioni).

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 335

2017-01-02 Per discussione Marián Kyral
-- Původní zpráva --

Od: Mikoláš Štrajt 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 2. 1. 2017 12:03:58
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 335


našel jsem v textu týdeníku chybu:

> Thomas Park uvolnil svůj open source editor vektorových stylů pro 
interaktivní mapy. MVT Styler(https://sputnik-maps.github.io/mvt-styler/) 
využívá Mapbox GL Style specifikaci.

Na stránce toho editoru (https://sputnik-maps.github.io/mvt-styler/) je 
jméno Thomas Park zmíněno jen jako "theme by", takže bych spíš tipoval, že 
je autorem CSS stránky. Autoři jsou vypsaní spíš zde: https://github.com/


Nebo ještě lépe tady: https://github.com/sputnik-maps/mvt-styler/blob/


Chyba je i v původním Weekly.


Asi by bylo ideální napsat to do komentářů přímo pod anglické weekly..




-- Mikoláš Štrajt / Severák / http://severak.svita.cz/

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Tom Ka 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic , 
Openstreetmap Slovakia 
Datum: 2. 1. 2017 10:21:07
Předmět: [Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 335

"Ahoj, je dostupné vydání 335 týdeníku WeeklyOSM:


Téma: -

* Start systému Galileo.
* Zákon o KČT.
* Mapbox podporuje sbírku pro HOT.
* OSMBorder pro administrativní hranice.
* OSM plugin pro Blender.
* Katalog geo služeb QuickMapServices.
* Předchůdci Google Street View

Pěkné počtení a vše nejlepší do nového roku ...

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Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-se] Baskarta öppen data helsingborg 2017

2017-01-02 Per discussione Jürisoo Anders - SBF
Kul att det går att använda i delar! Mer dokumentation finns nu här: 
God fortsättning!

Från: Karl Wettin [mailto:karl.wet...@kodapan.se]
Skickat: den 20 december 2016 16:22
Till: OpenStreetMap Sverige mailinglista
Ämne: Re: [Talk-se] Baskarta öppen data helsingborg 2017

Hej Anders,

det är jättefin data! Det är inga problem med GeoJSON, men jag tror det är 
många power-karterare som föredrar Shape-filer.

Otroligt kul att ni vill släppa denna! Ni blir först i landet vad jag vet, och 
det kommer bli mycket enklare att få fler kommuner att haka på med detta. Även 
extremt glädjande att ni väljer CC0!

Har ännu bara hunnit slänga ett getöga på det, men det ser bland annat ut att 
vara vart enda husnummer i Helsingborg. Dessa är något man skulle kunna välja 
att importera på liknande sätt som Danmark gör, dvs helt och hållet lita på de 
offentliga husnummerna genom att radera allt som finns i OSM. Byggnader, vägar 
etc är lite klurigare och kommer nog kräva att karterare manuellt jämför er 
data med den som finns i OSM.

Det finns troligen en hel del projekt utöver OSM som kan tänka sig att 
importera er data rakt upp och ner, exempelvis kan postnummer stoppas in i 

Jag skall kika mer på filerna i mellandagarna.

God jul!


On 16 Dec 2016, at 13:38, Jürisoo Anders - SBF 
> wrote:

Vi släpper baskartan, också kallad primärkartan 
(https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prim%C3%A4rkarta) som öppna data januari 2017. 
Ett smakprov som är under utveckling kan hittas här: 
Från och med 1 jan är det CC0 på detta. Just nu får det inte används 
kommersiellt eller spridas vidare.

Dokumentation kommer inom kort. I princip är det ett obehandlat utdrag från 
våran databas. Vi valde formatet geojson istället för tex dwg/shp för att inte 
gynna enskilda properitära GIS/CAD-leverantörer. Hoppas det går bra att använda 
vid mappning med OSM?

Vi hoppas på att kunna börja bidra på något sätt och även använda mer OSM i 
egna tillämpningar kring stadsbyggnad.
Återkom gärna med frågor eller förslag på förbättringar!

Vänliga hälsningar
Anders Jürisoo
Helsingborgs Stad
Talk-se mailing list

Talk-se mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Wichtige Frage - Haben Drachenaugen-Plätze einen Platz auf OSM?

2017-01-02 Per discussione gppes_osm
Wenn Personen einer Diskussion fern bleiben und wortwoertlich ihr Desinteresse 
bekunden, dann hat das nichts mit "zustehen" zu tun. Das ist dann Fakt. 
Abgesehen davon, dass deren Informationen veraltet sind.

Du hast absolut alles dafuer getan, um die Diskussion hier wieder zu entfachen, 
inklusive der Anwendung von Zitaten und Statements zu einem alten Post und 
jetzt willst Du mir weiss machen, dass Du hier einen neuen Edit kommentiert 
hast, ohne die alte Diskussion fortzusetzen?

Du verwickelst Dich in Widersprueche, das macht eine Diskussion schwierig.

Auch bei "disused" machst Du einen Rueckzieher: Dein Tagging Schema wird 
vermutlich so bleiben, die Diskussion ist fuer mich keinesfalls beendet, auch 
was die Map-Note betrifft. "Disused" heisst keinesfalls, dass etwas weg ist, es 
heisst nur, dass es nicht mehr benutzt wird oder gepflegt wird. Siehe 
Sportplatz im Wiki.

Zur "disused"-Diskussion: Jedem von uns geht es gleich, die Zeit ist nicht 
unendlich. Das heisst aber auch, dass man sich dem Konsens anderer fuegen muss; 
Hier handelt es sich um ein Community-Projekt!

Beste Gruesse!

> Gesendet: Montag, 02. Januar 2017 um 11:47 Uhr
> Von: "Friedrich Volkmann" 
> An: talk-at@openstreetmap.org
> Betreff: Re: [Talk-at] Wichtige Frage - Haben Drachenaugen-Plätze einen Platz 
> auf OSM?
> On 02.01.2017 10:24, gppes_...@web.de wrote:
> > Ich relativiere die Aussagen der von Dir genannten Personen
> Das steht dir nicht zu, das können die nur selber tun.
> > Den Fehler in der Wikiseite "disused" und "abandoned" muesstest Du bitte 
> > dort diskutieren.
> Ich kann mich nicht um alles gleichzeitig kümmern. Die Taginfo-Statistik ist 
> jedenfalls eindeutig.
> > Die Diskussion ist endlos und wurde nie beendet.
> Einen Knopf, mit dem sich eine Mailinglistendiskussion beenden ließe, wirst 
> du vergeblich suchen. Vor 20 Jahren machte man gerne den Scherz, "EOD" oder 
> "EOT" zu schreiben, aber funktioniert hat es nie.
> > Einem weiteren Revert der Daten stimme ich nicht zu und sie wuerden auch 
> > Deiner Aussage aus dem ersten Resurrect-Post am 1.1.2017 widersprechen.
> >
> > Du stimmst also prinzipiell zu, dass der Platz verlassen ist, und ein 
> > "disused" tag ein gueltiges Tagging ist?
> Nein. Die Installation ist immer noch dort, wie die Fotos belegen. In meinem 
> Beitrag von gestern 11:20 schrieb ich, dass ich keine Spur von einer Nutzung 
> vorfand, aber das heißt nicht, dass es diese Nutzung nicht mehr gibt. Auch 
> Kapellen taggt man als place_of_worship, obwohl man dort selten Betende 
> vorfindet.
> Darum bin ich sowohl für tourism=artwork als auch für 
> amenity=place_of_worship offen, evtl. auch eine Kombination von beidem. Das 
> jetzige Tagging ist eine Minimalversion (physischer Zustand).
> -- 
> Friedrich K. Volkmann   http://www.volki.at/
> Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria
> ___
> Talk-at mailing list
> Talk-at@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-at

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap carto "FR" v2017 online...

2017-01-02 Per discussione Christian Quest

Le 02/01/2017 à 11:25, Christoph Hormann a écrit :

On Monday 02 January 2017, Christian Quest wrote:

I'm pleased to announce a new version for the "french style" tiles...
running on a brand new server donated by OVH.com

Very nice.


Main new things compared to the international style:
- tidal=* rendering

I am somewhat confused about the tagging scheme you render here - is
that documented somewhere?  Your water areas query:

(SELECT ST_Snaptogrid(way,!pixel_width!/4) as way,
   coalesce(tags->'name:fr',tags->'int_name',name) as name,
   tags->'basin' as basin, water, surface
FROM planet_osm_polygon
   waterway in ('dock','mill_pond','riverbank','canal') or
   landuse in ('reservoir','water','basin','salt_pond') or
   \"natural\" in ('lake','water','land','glacier','mud','bayx') or
   amenity='fountain' or water='tidal')
   and building is null and way_area > !pixel_width!*!pixel_height!*10
and way && !bbox!  ORDER BY z_order,way_area desc) as water_areas

indicates you render any water area as well as any area tagged
water=tidal no matter what the primary tag is that has surface=rocky
with the rock pattern overlay.  IMO this is not such a good idea
because it does not really encourage correct tagging - mappers can use
invalid primary tags (like natural=foo + water=tidal + surface=rocky)
or use nonsense combinations (like natural=mud + surface=rocky) without
the map indicating the mistake.  Also the most common tag for
indicating tidal features is tidal=yes and not water=tidal.

You do not seem to render natural=shoal and wetland=tidalflat which are
the dominant ways of mapping tidal areas at the moment (though
admittingly wetland=tidalflat does not really make much sense for rocky
tidal areas which are usually not flat).

I've based my queries and css on the wiki.

tidal=yes + surface=* is documented
natural=shoal is not... in 
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:natural so I could not find 
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:natural%3Dshoal (used only a few 
hunderd times BTW).

I've also added rendering for wetland=* in another layer

I'm sure I can improve all this and separate/merge these overlays in a 
more logic way ;)

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 335

2017-01-02 Per discussione Mikoláš Štrajt


našel jsem v textu týdeníku chybu:

> Thomas Park uvolnil svůj open source editor vektorových stylů pro 
interaktivní mapy. MVT Styler(https://sputnik-maps.github.io/mvt-styler/) 
využívá Mapbox GL Style specifikaci.

Na stránce toho editoru (https://sputnik-maps.github.io/mvt-styler/) je 
jméno Thomas Park zmíněno jen jako "theme by", takže bych spíš tipoval, že 
je autorem CSS stránky. Autoři jsou vypsaní spíš zde: https://github.com/

Chyba je i v původním Weekly.


-- Mikoláš Štrajt / Severák / http://severak.svita.cz/

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Tom Ka 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic , 
Openstreetmap Slovakia 
Datum: 2. 1. 2017 10:21:07
Předmět: [Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 335

"Ahoj, je dostupné vydání 335 týdeníku WeeklyOSM:


Téma: -

* Start systému Galileo.
* Zákon o KČT.
* Mapbox podporuje sbírku pro HOT.
* OSMBorder pro administrativní hranice.
* OSM plugin pro Blender.
* Katalog geo služeb QuickMapServices.
* Předchůdci Google Street View

Pěkné počtení a vše nejlepší do nového roku ...

Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM point of interest counts in each district as a proportion of FHRS

2017-01-02 Per discussione Dave F

Could you expand & clarify please?

What is an OSM candidate?
For Tendring, are you saying there's more entities in OSM with an FHRS 
tag than there are in the FHRS government data?

Why are the results arbitrary?


On 31/12/2016 10:39, Andrew Hain wrote:
As an exercise in measuring OSM’s coverage I have crunched the numbers 
in GregRS’s CSV output to calculate the number of OSM candidates in 
each district as a proportion of the number of FHRS entries that the 
program reports. The figures are a bit arbitrary and values over 100% 
are not necessarily wrong. The tool doesn’t cover Northern Ireland.

The list is:

1 Tendring 135.07%
2 Gravesham 117.93%
3 Isles of Scilly 117.81%
4 Rushcliffe 117.58%
5 Blackpool 108.66%
6 East Northamptonshire 108.17%
7 Wellingborough 107.94%
8 Guildford 107.82%
9 Erewash 106.40%
10 Broxtowe 106.14%
11 Argyll and Bute 105.49%
12 Islington 104.16%
13 Gedling 98.48%
14 South Cambridgeshire 97.83%
15 Edinburgh 97.60%
16 Nottingham 97.45%
17 Derbyshire Dales 97.07%
18 Cambridge 96.83%
19 Allerdale 94.78%
20 Wychavon 94.78%
21 West Devon 94.47%
22 Bath and North East Somerset 93.83%
23 Oxford 93.09%
24 Aberdeenshire 92.90%
25 Ryedale 90.70%
26 Mid Devon 89.31%
27 Central Bedfordshire 88.97%
28 Westminster 87.99%
29 South Norfolk 87.13%
30 South Lakeland 86.94%
31 Amber Valley 86.34%
32 Birmingham 85.27%
33 Poole 84.66%
34 Melton 83.60%
35 Lancaster 82.43%
36 Southampton 82.31%
37 South Ribble 81.76%
38 Basingstoke and Deane 81.49%
39 Sevenoaks 81.44%
40 Staffordshire Moorlands 81.22%
41 Camden 81.09%
42 South Hams 80.09%
43 Copeland 79.87%
44 Carlisle 79.84%
45 Gateshead 79.72%
46 Hart 79.69%
47 New Forest 79.65%
48 Winchester 79.49%
49 High Peak 79.23%
50 Eden 78.69%
51 South Tyneside 78.59%
52 Rutland 78.34%
53 Perth and Kinross 77.14%
54 Derby 77.05%
55 East Cambridgeshire 76.82%
56 Shetland Islands 76.34%
57 Breckland 76.18%
58 North East Derbyshire 76.15%
59 Bristol 75.91%
60 Huntingdonshire 75.45%
61 Rother 75.34%
62 Sir Ynys Mon - Isle of Anglesey 75.00%
63 Malvern Hills 74.92%
64 Chelmsford 74.79%
65 Hambleton 74.79%
66 St. Albans 74.31%
67 Sutton 73.25% (corrected)
68 Shropshire 72.57%
69 Ashfield 72.34%
70 Richmondshire 71.91%
71 Lambeth 71.70%
72 Sir Ddinbych - Denbighshire 71.52%
73 Tewkesbury 71.37%
74 Runnymede 71.23%
75 Chesterfield 70.80%
76 Stratford-on-Avon 70.73%
77 Fenland 70.50%
78 South Oxfordshire 70.38%
79 Uttlesford 70.05%
80 York 69.92%
81 Exeter 69.82%
82 West Berkshire 69.75%
83 South Gloucestershire 69.64%
84 Cornwall 69.64%
85 Bromsgrove 69.37%
86 Waverley 69.29%
87 Medway 69.28%
88 Wokingham 69.19%
89 North Dorset 68.99%
90 Wyre Forest 68.86%
91 Cherwell 68.73%
92 Highland 68.55%
93 Taunton Deane 68.41%
94 Cotswold 68.40%
95 Mole Valley 68.32%
96 Eastleigh 67.89%
97 Selby 67.86%
98 West Oxfordshire 67.85%
99 St. Edmundsbury 67.69%
100 East Hampshire 67.66%
101 Test Valley 67.52%
102 Chiltern 67.02%
103 Weymouth and Portland 66.84%
104 Wiltshire 66.35%
105 Midlothian 66.10%
106 Rugby 66.00%
107 Maldon 65.99%
108 Na h-Eileanan an Iar 65.84%
109 Bedford 65.69%
110 East Staffordshire 65.37%
111 Leeds 65.30%
112 Waltham Forest 65.24%
113 City of London 65.10%
114 Wakefield 65.03%
115 East Hertfordshire 64.90%
116 Christchurch 64.74%
117 Three Rivers 64.61%
118 Northumberland 64.60%
119 Darlington 64.55%
120 Abertawe - Swansea 64.31%
121 Gwynedd - Gwynedd 64.16%
122 Reading 64.13%
123 Stroud 63.85%
124 Suffolk Coastal 63.84%
125 East Riding of Yorkshire 63.76%
126 North Hertfordshire 63.68%
127 Cheshire East 63.65%
128 Orkney Islands 63.60%
129 Craven 63.60%
130 Mid Suffolk 63.25%
131 Sheffield 63.22%
132 Tamworth 63.13%
133 Norwich 62.95%
134 Solihull 62.82%
135 Warwick 62.75%
136 North West Leicestershire 62.67%
137 West Dorset 62.61%
138 Kensington and Chelsea 62.53%
139 Surrey Heath 62.34%
140 Vale of White Horse 62.33%
141 North 

Re: [Talk-us] highway=trunk for NHS routes?

2017-01-02 Per discussione Paul Johnson
On Sun, Jan 1, 2017 at 3:40 PM, Mark Wagner  wrote:

> On Sat, 31 Dec 2016 12:22:04 -0500
> Bill Ricker  wrote:
> > On Sat, Dec 31, 2016 at 4:21 AM, Volker Schmidt 
> > wrote:
> >
> > > You can find detailed PDF maps of all NHS Routes, state-by-state at
> > > a web page of the Federal Highway Administration
> > > ​[...]. On these maps you will find plenty of NHS roads that are
> > > definitively not trunk roads.
> > > Just two examples in Arizona:
> > >
> >
> > I will agree isn't what could handle 'trunk' volume in a densely
> > settled area in EU or NY.
> > If we follow the physical description checklist rigidly, we'd conclude
> > there are few trunk roads outside of metropolises.
> >
> > Both appear to be well maintained in the photos; the width of paving
> > greatly exceeds the two marked lanes. Out where "50 Miles to Next Gas"
> > signs still live, this is a major road.
> >
> > US160 is the most significant road for literally miles. ​
> > US180 is the tourist main feeder to the Grand Canyon . .
> >
> WA-127 is on the NHS map.  You could call it "important" or
> "significant" in the sense that it's part of the shortest route from
> Walla Walla to Spokane, and the only bridge across the Snake River for
> 50 miles in either direction, but that doesn't make it important in any
> absolute sense.  The state DOT estimates that it sees maybe 800
> vehicles a day, and if it doesn't have a "Next gas: 65 miles" sign,
> it's only because nobody bothered to put one up.

Reminds me of US 26 between Cairo and John Day in the Oregon outback.  As
soon as you pass the town of Cairo at the OR 103 split, there's a "No Gas
Next 120 miles" sign.   I'm glad the sign was there, though, or I would
have been stranded in a remote and unfamiliar part of the Oregon outback
instead of turning back to Nyssa for more gas.  And it's nothing but a
two-lane highway winding along wash beds across open high-altitude outback
in early summer.  It's certainly the primary route through the area,
serving a more southerly region than US 30 (which almost meets crossing the
Snake River and again much farther west in Portland, and actually meets end
to end with US 30 in Warrenton at the terminus of both routes, IIRC).  In
120 miles, I encountered one other vehicle.  Learned from a State Trooper
in John Day that it was a good thing I did top up a little as nobody even
bothers to patrol that strip more than once every other week.  So...really
don't think that's a trunk at all.
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Wichtige Frage - Haben Drachenaugen-Plätze einen Platz auf OSM?

2017-01-02 Per discussione Friedrich Volkmann

On 02.01.2017 10:24, gppes_...@web.de wrote:

Ich relativiere die Aussagen der von Dir genannten Personen

Das steht dir nicht zu, das können die nur selber tun.

Den Fehler in der Wikiseite "disused" und "abandoned" muesstest Du bitte dort 

Ich kann mich nicht um alles gleichzeitig kümmern. Die Taginfo-Statistik ist 
jedenfalls eindeutig.

Die Diskussion ist endlos und wurde nie beendet.

Einen Knopf, mit dem sich eine Mailinglistendiskussion beenden ließe, wirst 
du vergeblich suchen. Vor 20 Jahren machte man gerne den Scherz, "EOD" oder 
"EOT" zu schreiben, aber funktioniert hat es nie.

Einem weiteren Revert der Daten stimme ich nicht zu und sie wuerden auch Deiner 
Aussage aus dem ersten Resurrect-Post am 1.1.2017 widersprechen.

Du stimmst also prinzipiell zu, dass der Platz verlassen ist, und ein "disused" 
tag ein gueltiges Tagging ist?

Nein. Die Installation ist immer noch dort, wie die Fotos belegen. In meinem 
Beitrag von gestern 11:20 schrieb ich, dass ich keine Spur von einer Nutzung 
vorfand, aber das heißt nicht, dass es diese Nutzung nicht mehr gibt. Auch 
Kapellen taggt man als place_of_worship, obwohl man dort selten Betende 

Darum bin ich sowohl für tourism=artwork als auch für 
amenity=place_of_worship offen, evtl. auch eine Kombination von beidem. Das 
jetzige Tagging ist eine Minimalversion (physischer Zustand).

Friedrich K. Volkmann   http://www.volki.at/
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] ter info Voor de mappers in regio Antwerpen lage emissiezone LEZ

2017-01-02 Per discussione joost schouppe
Ik heb in die wikipagina een tabel aangemaakt voor Antwerpen:


Download links ook toegevoegd. De licentie van Antwerpse open data is
volgens mij compatibel met OSM, dus kan overgenomen worden in OSM (en dat
is ook wat de stad graag zou hebben) Het is wel een multipolygoon geworden,
om gemakkelijk om te kunnen gaan met uitgezonderde wegen (vooral de Ring)

Ik heb overigens zelf wat finetuning aan die polygoon gedaan, dus als je
rare dingen zou spotten, laat het mij zeker weten!

Joost Schouppe
OpenStreetMap  |
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 | Meetup

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] GIS baliky pro CentOS7

2017-01-02 Per discussione Jan Macura

existuje důvod, proč nepožívat GIS nástroje distribuované s QGISem?

S pozdravem
Honza Mac.

On Monday, 2 January 2017, Miroslav Suchy  wrote:
> Ahoj,
> už nějakou dobu se starám o
>   https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/msuchy/gis/
> kde jsou vybrané GIS balíky pro CentOS7 vybuilděné v novější verzi než má
> Teď tam napříkal přibyl nejnovější gdal. Používat to můžete dle libosti.
> To balíčkovaní podporuje www.topgis.cz. Pokud by se náhodou našel někdo,
kdo by mi s tím chtěl pomoci, tak se mi
> soukromě ozvěte a dostanete od Topgisu i nějaké peníze.
> Mirek Suchý
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz

Sent from phone
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap carto "FR" v2017 online...

2017-01-02 Per discussione Christoph Hormann
On Monday 02 January 2017, Christian Quest wrote:
> I'm pleased to announce a new version for the "french style" tiles...
> running on a brand new server donated by OVH.com

Very nice.

> Main new things compared to the international style:
> - tidal=* rendering

I am somewhat confused about the tagging scheme you render here - is 
that documented somewhere?  Your water areas query:

(SELECT ST_Snaptogrid(way,!pixel_width!/4) as way,
  coalesce(tags->'name:fr',tags->'int_name',name) as name, 
  tags->'basin' as basin, water, surface 
FROM planet_osm_polygon 
  waterway in ('dock','mill_pond','riverbank','canal') or 
  landuse in ('reservoir','water','basin','salt_pond') or 
  \"natural\" in ('lake','water','land','glacier','mud','bayx') or 
  amenity='fountain' or water='tidal') 
  and building is null and way_area > !pixel_width!*!pixel_height!*10 
and way && !bbox!  ORDER BY z_order,way_area desc) as water_areas

indicates you render any water area as well as any area tagged 
water=tidal no matter what the primary tag is that has surface=rocky 
with the rock pattern overlay.  IMO this is not such a good idea 
because it does not really encourage correct tagging - mappers can use 
invalid primary tags (like natural=foo + water=tidal + surface=rocky) 
or use nonsense combinations (like natural=mud + surface=rocky) without 
the map indicating the mistake.  Also the most common tag for 
indicating tidal features is tidal=yes and not water=tidal.

You do not seem to render natural=shoal and wetland=tidalflat which are 
the dominant ways of mapping tidal areas at the moment (though 
admittingly wetland=tidalflat does not really make much sense for rocky 
tidal areas which are usually not flat).

Christoph Hormann

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] highway=trunk for NHS routes?

2017-01-02 Per discussione Paul Johnson
On Sun, Jan 1, 2017 at 12:40 PM, Richard Welty 

> On 12/31/16 4:19 PM, Kerry Irons wrote:
> >
> > Not to cloud this discussion, but be aware that at least some states
> > refer to “county trunk” roads at the county level.  Near as I can tell
> > that simply means “major” vs. “minor” roads at the county level
> > without rigid criteria to define them.  Looking at the US NHS roads
> > for my area, it seems that the choices to include a given highway in
> > the NHS is fairly arbitrary.  There may have been traffic counts
> > included in the decision but that would have been only part of the
> > criteria – highways in low-population areas are part of the NHS while
> > much heavier traffic highways in more densely populated areas are not.
> >
> highway=trunk is problematic in the US in many ways. it has been used
> rather
> inconsistently over the years, but right now, it doesn't seem too bad.
> changing the sense of highway=trunk to represent the NHS classification is
> likely to fail miserably. not everyone will get the message. some of those
> folks will get involved in edit wars. it will likely just make a hash of
> things.

Not to mention that someone not that long ago unilaterally retagged the
entire NHS as trunk and we're *still* undoing the damage that caused years
later, particularly in the flyover states that don't get much attention.
For the sanity of literally everyone involved, I'll not revisit that in
depth, but safe to say at least five OSM mailing lists and the DWG were
extensively involved.
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] highway=trunk for NHS routes?

2017-01-02 Per discussione Paul Johnson
On Sun, Jan 1, 2017 at 8:26 AM, Bill Ricker  wrote:

> But we do need to seriously examine if our US definition of trunk/primary
> in lieu of UK M/A/B system is fit for purpose outside the compact urban
> zones, and then what to do that can serve both the  feeder of a cluster of
> mountain parks and the boulevards of Los Angeles.

I'm still in favor of the method we have now...which as I'm understanding
it would be as follows...

motorway = Fully controlled access, 2+ carriageway environments, automatic
for interstates on the mainland and Hawaii.
trunk = Limited access dual carriageway (ie, has surface junctions, maybe a
few driveways, but way fewer than a primary would have), essentially a
motorway where not all the junctions are ramps.  Also fully controlled
single carriageway highways ("super two" type routes like the Chickasaw
Turnpike for example).
primary =  Major boulevards generally; automatic minimum for US highways.
secondary = More minor boulevards; automatic minimum for paved state
tertiary = Feeder roads that get enough traffic to warrant permanent lane
channelization (ie, there's paint on the ground, but that's about it);
automatic minimum for paved county routes.
residential = Residential ex/sub/urban streets.
unclassified = Equivalent to residential when abutting landuse is generally
rural or nonresidential.
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Dalnice - poplatky

2017-01-02 Per discussione Jan Dudík
Vyjádření místního:
>Tak pravda je tak napůl. Přes benzinku na km 22 se ve směru na Brno dá
sjet z D 46, sice to není značené, ale užívá se to. Ale obráceně nejde na
dálnici najet ve směru na Olomouc. Prostě rampa >tu není a nikdy nemůže
být, protože NĚKDO zde povolil solární elektrárnu.(podobně jako v perfektně
zasíťované a zavlečkované průmyslové zóně po bývalém cukrovaru v
Kojetíně). Takže ve směru >na Brno je možno úsek km 27-22 jako bezplatný
používat, ale obráceně jen úsek 24-27.


Dne 1. ledna 2017 14:14 Petr Vozdecký  napsal(a):

> z dalnice r46 lze na Exitu21 (OSM ho zna jako Exit22 Prostejov-jih, coz by
> bylo take fajn synchronizovat s oficialnimi udaji) LZE ve smeru na Brno
> regulerne sjet na II/433 (Prostejov, ul. Brnenska) a to pres benzinku OMV.
> Je to regulerne (rozumej "nikoliv v rozporu s predpisy) pouzivany sjezd, i
> kdyz na dalnici znaceny jako Exit neni (jsou tam jen navesti na benzinku a
> parkoviste).
> tedy technicky ten "usek bez poplatku" existuje
> vop
> -- Původní zpráva --
> Od: jzvc
> Datum: 30. 12. 2016 v 11:33:12
> Předmět: [Talk-cz] Dalnice - poplatky
> Zdravim vespolek, jelikoz nam od noveho roku rusi dalnicni znamky na par
> km dalnic, tak jsem je pretagoval. Ovsem jediny s cim si nevim rady je D46.
> Vypada to, ze soudruzi opet myseli az vymysleli ... nebot bez poplatku ma
> byt usek mezi Exit 21 - 26. Coz je principielni nesmysl, protoze na tom
> exitu (22) se neda smerem na Prostejov najet a smerem od Prostejova sjet =>
> usek "zadarmo" se vubec neda vyuzit. Pokud tedy mapa rika pravdu. Defakto
> se da technicky vyuzit mezi 25 a 27. O jinem cislovani nemluve.
> https://cdn.i0.cz/public-data/25/07/a15a7bdc31e78011722e468eb95f_
> w1260_h832_g821ee5767f1e11e69966002590604f2e.jpg
> ___ Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-it-trentino] Sentieri "ciclabili"

2017-01-02 Per discussione AGH
Ciao tutti, ho scoperto per caso che il sentiero E318 ha il tag
"permissive" riguardo all'uso di biciclette, come altri nelle vicinanze,
es. il 317. A mio giudizio tali sentieri non sono affatto indicati per uso
bici o mtb, sono sentieri incompatibili per escursionismo e bici insieme.
Comunque credevo che con le MTB si usassero, più logicamente, le strade
forestali... Credo che la SAT, che gestisce i sentieri, avrebbe parecchio
da ridire a questo proposito.
La domanda quindi è: l'attribuzione del tag permissive viene deciso in base
a cosa? Dalla valutazione dell'utente o ci sono sentieri specifici per Mtb?
Decisi da chi?
Grazie :)

Alessandro Ghezzer
Escursionismo in montagna in Trentino

Talk-it-trentino mailing list

[Talk-cz] GIS baliky pro CentOS7

2017-01-02 Per discussione Miroslav Suchy
už nějakou dobu se starám o
kde jsou vybrané GIS balíky pro CentOS7 vybuilděné v novější verzi než má 

Teď tam napříkal přibyl nejnovější gdal. Používat to můžete dle libosti.

To balíčkovaní podporuje www.topgis.cz. Pokud by se náhodou našel někdo, kdo by 
mi s tím chtěl pomoci, tak se mi
soukromě ozvěte a dostanete od Topgisu i nějaké peníze.

Mirek Suchý

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Wichtige Frage - Haben Drachenaugen-Plätze einen Platz auf OSM?

2017-01-02 Per discussione gppes_osm
Du hast aktuelle Daten eingeholt, die sind relevanter als die Informationen von 
damals. Ich relativiere die Aussagen der von Dir genannten Personen, weil 
einige oder alle dieser Personen auf vielfaeltige Art und Weise ihr 
Desinteresse am Eintrag in OSM bekundet haben: Konsequente Nicht-Teilnahme an 
der Diskussion, Aussagen im Worlaut "Macht was ihr wollt; interessiert mich 

Den Fehler in der Wikiseite "disused" und "abandoned" muesstest Du bitte dort 
diskutieren. Es ist auch auf der englischen Seite so. Wenn Du dort einen 
Konsens erreicht hast, stimme auch ich dem entsprechenden Tagging-Schema zu.

Die Diskussion ist endlos und wurde nie beendet. Auch Du hast die Map Note 
nicht geschlossen, ich auch nicht. Ich habe sie absichtlich nicht geschlossen, 
weil ich den Konsens nicht gesehen habe. Ich habe schon absichtlich Map Notes 
geschlossen, wenn ich einen Konsens gesehen habe, es war von meiner Seite weder 
Nachlaessigkeit oder mangelndes Wissen, wie man eine Note schliesst.

Du haettest die Map Note schliessen koennnen. Du haettest nicht auf allen 
Verfuegbaren Kanaelen: Changeset-Kommentar, Map-Note und hier die Diskussion 
fortsetzen brauchen, wenn Du der Meinung bist, dass Dein Edit ein Neuer, 
unabhaengiger Edit ist.

Die Fotos exisitieren nun jetzt mal und Du hast sie zum Download zur Verfuegung 
gestellt. Durch die Diskussion auf den genannten Kanaelen bin ich als aktiver 
Mapper der AT-Community nach wie vor im Boot.

Einem weiteren Revert der Daten stimme ich nicht zu und sie wuerden auch Deiner 
Aussage aus dem ersten Resurrect-Post am 1.1.2017 widersprechen.

Du stimmst also prinzipiell zu, dass der Platz verlassen ist, und ein "disused" 
tag ein gueltiges Tagging ist? Keine Angst ich werde vorerst keine Edits 
vornehmen, um einen Edit-War zu vermeiden.

Beste Gruesse

> Gesendet: Montag, 02. Januar 2017 um 09:28 Uhr
> Von: "Friedrich Volkmann" 
> An: talk-at@openstreetmap.org
> Betreff: Re: [Talk-at] Wichtige Frage - Haben Drachenaugen-Plätze einen Platz 
> auf OSM?
> On 02.01.2017 07:44, gppes_...@web.de wrote:
> > Den Ort den Du surveyd hast, ist aus meiner Sicht bestenfalls disused:
> > http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Key:disused:
> Du bist bisher der einzige, der diese Sicht geäußert hat. Astrid 
> Steinbrecher, Barbara+Barbara, Rainer Tiefenbacher und ich haben eine andere 
> Beurteilung abgegeben, und das hat eine Aussagekraft, da wir diejenigen 
> waren, die dort waren.
> Die Wikiseite ist übrigens fehlerhaft, denn disused=yes ist nicht veraltet, 
> sondern mit 57365 Verwendungen ein Standardtag. Von mir aus kannst du 
> disused=yes auf den Node setzen, das beschädigt die anderen Tags und somit 
> das Rendering nicht.
> > Du hast uebrigens auch in einer laufenden Diskussion editiert.
> Nein, seit einem halben Jahr gab es keine Diskussion mehr. Und es war gar 
> kein Node mehr da zum Editieren. Dass ich den alten Node wiederhergestellt 
> habe, war eine Fleißaufgabe. Als lokaler Mapper muss ich nicht analysieren, 
> was da früher mal gemappt war, sondern es reicht, wenn ich das mappe, was 
> ich dort vorfinde.
> Genauso waren auch meine Fotos eine Fleißaufgabe. Wenn verschiedene Mapper 
> unabhängig voneinander ein Objekt vor Ort verifizieren, muss man das nicht 
> mehr durch Fotos beweisen.
> > Die Map Note wurde nie als "resolved" markiert, auch hier im Thread war nie 
> > ein eindeutiger Konsens zu erkennen. Du hast sogar im gleichen Thread Deine 
> > Edits bekannt gegeben, nachdem Du sie durchgefuehrt hast.
> Wir können die Tags auf den Zustand vor unseren Änderungen zurücksetzen, 
> also amenity=place_of_worship + religion=spiritualist + 
> name=Lionheart Das wurde immerhin von Stefan Tauner, 
> Astrid Steinbrecher, Christian Aigner und mir gutgeheißen, und das war somit 
> der maximale Konsens bisher.
> -- 
> Friedrich K. Volkmann   http://www.volki.at/
> Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria
> ___
> Talk-at mailing list
> Talk-at@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-at

Talk-at mailing list

[Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 335

2017-01-02 Per discussione Tom Ka
Ahoj, je dostupné vydání 335 týdeníku WeeklyOSM:


Téma: -

* Start systému Galileo.
* Zákon o KČT.
* Mapbox podporuje sbírku pro HOT.
* OSMBorder pro administrativní hranice.
* OSM plugin pro Blender.
* Katalog geo služeb QuickMapServices.
* Předchůdci Google Street View

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Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Větrný rukáv (was: Teploměr?)

2017-01-02 Per discussione Marián Kyral

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Jan Martinec 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 1. 1. 2017 23:23:38
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Větrný rukáv (was: Teploměr?)




Díky. Hledal jsem hledal, ale evidentně nedůsledně. Mohlo mně napadnout, že 
to bude patřit pod letiště.



Dne 1. 1. 2017 22:57 napsal uživatel "Marián Kyral" :

Dne 1.1.2017 v 22:42 Jan Dudík napsal(a):

Už na minimálně dvou místech jsem narazil na klasický teploměr namontovaný 
na rozcestníku. 

Jak jej tagovat? narazil jsem jen na 



ale to mi připadá spíš pro klasickou meteostanici, ne pro veřejný teploměr 

Našel jsem ještě 


ale to není tento případ. 

bude OK 



Myslím, že poslední případ je OK.

Já bych ještě přihodil, nevíte, jestli a jak se tagují takové ty rukávy, co 
bývají nejen na letišti? https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/V%C4%9Btrn%C3%BD_ruk%


Talk-cz mailing list


Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mappa dei ripetitori radioamatoriali (su openstreetmap)

2017-01-02 Per discussione Dario Zontini
Si potrebbe chiedere collaborazione ai radiamatori che usano APRS (via 
radio vengono stramesse le coodinate) per avere indicazioni precise 
sulla posizione dei ripetitori

Questo è un esempio di visualizzazione online  dei loro dati



Dario Zontini

-- Messaggio originale --
Da: "Cascafico Giovanni" 
A: "openstreetmap list - italiano" 
Inviato: 01/01/2017 22:53:10
Oggetto: Re: [Talk-it] Mappa dei ripetitori radioamatoriali (su 


La mappa che hai linkato non mi pare che abbia interazione diretta  con 
gli editor di osm  (almeno per il mio smartphone)
Per questo genere di lavoro "crowd" ti consiglierei di usare umap [1] 
che ha embedded i bottoni che lanciano l'editor ID o il remote control 
di josm, oltreché permettere di ingrandire di più ed impostare 
facilmente popup e sfondi (secondo lo schermo TMS)

Però guardando i dati delle zone che conosco, la vedo dura derivare 
dati utili, a meno che uno non sappia già dov'è ubicata la struttura.

[1] https://umap.openstreetmap.fr/en/map/biblioteche-fvg_67749
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Wichtige Frage - Haben Drachenaugen-Plätze einen Platz auf OSM?

2017-01-02 Per discussione Friedrich Volkmann

On 02.01.2017 07:44, gppes_...@web.de wrote:

Den Ort den Du surveyd hast, ist aus meiner Sicht bestenfalls disused:

Du bist bisher der einzige, der diese Sicht geäußert hat. Astrid 
Steinbrecher, Barbara+Barbara, Rainer Tiefenbacher und ich haben eine andere 
Beurteilung abgegeben, und das hat eine Aussagekraft, da wir diejenigen 
waren, die dort waren.

Die Wikiseite ist übrigens fehlerhaft, denn disused=yes ist nicht veraltet, 
sondern mit 57365 Verwendungen ein Standardtag. Von mir aus kannst du 
disused=yes auf den Node setzen, das beschädigt die anderen Tags und somit 
das Rendering nicht.

Du hast uebrigens auch in einer laufenden Diskussion editiert.

Nein, seit einem halben Jahr gab es keine Diskussion mehr. Und es war gar 
kein Node mehr da zum Editieren. Dass ich den alten Node wiederhergestellt 
habe, war eine Fleißaufgabe. Als lokaler Mapper muss ich nicht analysieren, 
was da früher mal gemappt war, sondern es reicht, wenn ich das mappe, was 
ich dort vorfinde.

Genauso waren auch meine Fotos eine Fleißaufgabe. Wenn verschiedene Mapper 
unabhängig voneinander ein Objekt vor Ort verifizieren, muss man das nicht 
mehr durch Fotos beweisen.

Die Map Note wurde nie als "resolved" markiert, auch hier im Thread war nie ein 
eindeutiger Konsens zu erkennen. Du hast sogar im gleichen Thread Deine Edits bekannt 
gegeben, nachdem Du sie durchgefuehrt hast.

Wir können die Tags auf den Zustand vor unseren Änderungen zurücksetzen, 
also amenity=place_of_worship + religion=spiritualist + 
name=Lionheart Das wurde immerhin von Stefan Tauner, 
Astrid Steinbrecher, Christian Aigner und mir gutgeheißen, und das war somit 
der maximale Konsens bisher.

Friedrich K. Volkmann   http://www.volki.at/
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Teploměr?

2017-01-02 Per discussione <0174
s thermometer=yes též souhlasím.

Rukáv: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:aeroway%3Dwindsock


Dne 1. ledna 2017 22:55 Marián Kyral  napsal(a):

> Dne 1.1.2017 v 22:42 Jan Dudík napsal(a):
> Už na minimálně dvou místech jsem narazil na klasický teploměr namontovaný
> na rozcestníku.
> Jak jej tagovat? narazil jsem jen na
> man_made =
> monitoring_station
> weather:thermometer
> =yes
> ale to mi připadá spíš pro klasickou meteostanici, ne pro veřejný teploměr
> Našel jsem ještě
> amenity=clock
> thermometer=yes
> ale to není tento případ.
> bude OK
> information=guidepost
> thermometer=yes
> ?
> Myslím, že poslední případ je OK.
> Já bych ještě přihodil, nevíte, jestli a jak se tagují takové ty rukávy,
> co bývají nejen na letišti? https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/
> V%C4%9Btrn%C3%BD_ruk%C3%A1v
> Marián
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
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