Re: [Talk-de] Offene Daten vom LGLN (und weiteren Behörden?)

2019-07-08 Per discussione Martin Trautmann via Talk-de
On 19-07-08 23:54, Hauke Stieler wrote:
> Der Bund hat, wie geschrieben, in
> den Verhandlungen zur Erhöhung der Zuweisung an die Länder im neu
> geregelten Bund-Länder-Finanzausgleich zumindest in Pressemitteilungen
> deutlich die Erwartung geäußert, dass alle Bundesländer nach Vorbild des
> Bundes (das wäre also in diesem Fall vergleichbar zum GeoZG) ihre
> amtlichen Daten frei verfügbar machen. 

Lieber Hauke,

vielen Dank für deine Bemühungen.

Kennt jemand die angedeuteten Pressemitteilungen? Oder magst du nach
denen nochmal konkret nachfragen? Denn für andere Bundesländer können
die als Unterstützung taugen - ich könnte solche Argumentationshilfe
gerade gegenüber Berlin brauchen.

Schönen Gruß

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Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Flame su old_name

2019-07-08 Per discussione solitone via Talk-it

> On 8 Jul 2019, at 08:46, Martin Koppenhoefer  wrote:
> sent from a phone
>> On 8. Jul 2019, at 06:49, solitone via Talk-it  
>> wrote:
>> In che senso dice il contrario?
>>> This tag can be used when a street, river or any other feature has another 
>>> official (or locally preferred name) but locals frequently refer to it by 
>>> its abbreviated name […]
>> La prima frase mi sembra uguale, ma è il significato di quel “but” che non 
>> capisco.
> il significato è: pur avendo un altro nome ufficiale o localmente preferito, 
> la cosa spesso viene riferita con un nome abbreviato (e quest’ultimo andrebbe 
> in alt_name).

Ok, grazie. Rileggendo la frase, continuo a ritenere che “Salice d’Ulzio” non 
possa andare in alt_name, ma debba essere il valore di old_name. Infatti, non è 
né un nome abbreviato, né un nome dialettale, né un’ortografia alternativa del 
nome che gli abitanti del posto utilizzano:

> *locals* frequently refer to it by its abbreviated name, or by other names in 
> local dialects (for which a language code is not enough selective), or the 
> name has several alternative orthographies (possibly in other scripts) and 
> even the orthography of the preferred name is uncertain.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Local Chapter

2019-07-08 Per discussione Andrew Harvey
On Sat, 15 Jun 2019 at 22:51, Andrew Harvey 

> I did send a message to a few from New Caledonia, so I'll see if I heard
> back.

I got a few people reply with feedback that they thought it would be good
to include New Caledonia.
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Ïle d'Orléan

2019-07-08 Per discussione Martin Chalifoux via Talk-ca
That’s fine. Better would be to have a cycle route relation of type Local and 
identify the four official loops advertised locally with they given name. That 
would be four relations to create. I might get to do it one day. But they are 
just documented routes with no infrastructure to speak of 

Martin Chalifoux
C 514-233-9701

> On Jul 8, 2019, at 20:27, Jarek Piórkowski  wrote:
> The routes that are blue on Cycle Map on ïle d'Orléans are not mapped as bike 
> paths, but rather highway=secondary + bicycle=designated e.g. 
> and a route=bicycle "lcn" or 
> local cycle network
>> On Mon, 8 Jul 2019 at 10:48, Martin Chalifoux  
>> wrote:
>> Je viens juste de faire le tour de l’île. Il y a zéro piste cyclable. On 
>> peut y créer une route mais svp pas mettre de lane ou track. Il y en a pas 
>> du tout. 
>> Martin Chalifoux
>> E
>> C 514-233-9701
>>> On Jul 8, 2019, at 09:25, Jarek Piórkowski  wrote:
>>> I don't know if that is the case here, but I've also seen objects 
>>> straight-up missing from the cycle map layer. I think its import of new and 
>>> changed ways is sometimes buggy. 
>>> is an 
>>> example I'm familiar with, 
>>> another 
>>> around the corner. In the latter case it's been 4 months since the missing 
>>> paths were edited.
 On Mon, 8 Jul 2019 at 09:12, Pierre Boucher  wrote:
 Bonjour à tous,
 Comment ce fait-il que l'ïle d'Orléans n'apparaît pas lorsqu'on affiche 
 les pistes cyclables?
 Pierre Boucher
 Ste-Thérèse (Québec) Canada
 ...Pensez à l'environnement avant d'imprimer ce courriel !.
 Talk-ca mailing list
>>> ___
>>> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Ïle d'Orléan

2019-07-08 Per discussione Jarek Piórkowski
The routes that are blue on Cycle Map on ïle d'Orléans are not mapped as
bike paths, but rather highway=secondary + bicycle=designated e.g. and a route=bicycle "lcn" or
local cycle network

On Mon, 8 Jul 2019 at 10:48, Martin Chalifoux 

> Je viens juste de faire le tour de l’île. Il y a zéro piste cyclable. On
> peut y créer une route mais svp pas mettre de lane ou track. Il y en a pas
> du tout.
> Martin Chalifoux
> *E*
> *C* 514-233-9701
> On Jul 8, 2019, at 09:25, Jarek Piórkowski  wrote:
> I don't know if that is the case here, but I've also seen objects
> straight-up missing from the cycle map layer. I think its import of new and
> changed ways is sometimes buggy.
> is an
> example I'm familiar with,
> another
> around the corner. In the latter case it's been 4 months since the missing
> paths were edited.
> On Mon, 8 Jul 2019 at 09:12, Pierre Boucher  wrote:
>> Bonjour à tous,
>> Comment ce fait-il que l'ïle d'Orléans n'apparaît pas lorsqu'on affiche
>> les pistes cyclables?
>> --
>> *Pierre Boucher*
>> Ste-Thérèse (Québec) Canada
>> --
>> *...Pensez à l'environnement avant d'imprimer ce courriel !.*
>> ___
>> Talk-ca mailing list
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-de] Offene Daten vom LGLN (und weiteren Behörden?)

2019-07-08 Per discussione Hauke Stieler

ich musste vor einige Zeit feststellen, dass viele Daten der Behörden
(noch) nicht frei verfügbar sind.

Da ich ein wenig unsicher war und gerade in Niedersachsen am mappen war,
habe ich dem "Landesamt für Geoinformation und Landesvermessung
Niedersachsen" (LGLN) eine E-Mail geschrieben und gefragt ob man die
Daten verwenden darf. Einige Wochen später habe ich eine Antwort
erhalten, die beschrieb warum es nicht geht gefolgt von einer
Beschreibung, was politisch gerade los ist:

=== Antwort vom LGLN (26.6.) ===

"Die im Viewer angebotenen Geodaten sind leider nicht für eine
weitergehende Nutzung entsprechend Ihrem Anliegen freigegeben. Ziffer
4.2 der AGNB bezieht sich hierbei auf eine Ergänzung (externe Nutzung)
zu einer bereits bestehenden Lizenzierung, die eine interne Nutzung
inkludiert. Gerade wegen der Überführung der Geobasisdaten in die
OSM-Datenbank und damit die Lizenzierung unter ODC-ODbL ist es uns
gegenwärtig nicht möglich, eine Erlaubnis hierfür zu erteilen.
Aktuell wird entgegen der momentanen politischen "Großwetterlage" in
Niedersachsen seitens unserer Verwaltung versucht, auch die
Geobasisdaten als Open Data zur Verfügung stellen. Hier sind wir von
einer Gegenfinanzierung durch das Finanzministerium abhängig, da
insbesondere wir als Landesbetrieb nicht zu 100% durch Steuermittel
finanziert sind und entsprechende Einnahmen auch aus der Bereitstellung
der Geobasisdaten erzielen müssen. Mit der Verabschiedung des Haushalts
2020 (vor dem Hintergrund der Mittelerhöhung seitens des Bundes im
Bund-Länder-Finanzausgleich) werden wir Klarheit haben, ob unser
Anliegen politisch mitgetragen wird. Über unseren Internetauftritt
werden wir informieren, ob wir in 2020 (oder 2021) den Schritt in
Richtung Open Data gehen können, womit m. E. auch die Übernahme der
Geobasisdaten nach OSM möglich sein sollte (wobei natürlich das
Lizenzthema auch nicht abschließend diskutiert ist, ich mir persönlich
aber möglichst keine Nutzungshürden wünsche, wenn man schon den Schritt
in die freie Datennutzung geht)."

Daraufhin habe ich zurückgefragt, ob wir als Community helfen können
(z.B. Mails an das Finanzministerium ""
schreiben). Habe auch darauf erneut eine ausführliche Antwort erhalten:

=== Antwort vom LGLN (5.7.) ===

"eine Anlaufstelle beim niedersächsischen Finanzministerium ist mir
diesbezüglich leider nicht bekannt. Der Bund hat, wie geschrieben, in
den Verhandlungen zur Erhöhung der Zuweisung an die Länder im neu
geregelten Bund-Länder-Finanzausgleich zumindest in Pressemitteilungen
deutlich die Erwartung geäußert, dass alle Bundesländer nach Vorbild des
Bundes (das wäre also in diesem Fall vergleichbar zum GeoZG) ihre
amtlichen Daten frei verfügbar machen. Meines Wissens wurde diese
Forderung in den abschließenden Regelungen nicht schriftlich fixiert.
Auch wenn der Bund also "seine Hausaufgaben" gemacht hat und nun die
Länder am Zug sind schadet es sicherlich nicht, hier aus Sicht der
OSM-Community nochmals entsprechende Hinweise an das BMF zu geben.
Bereits 2013 hatte der DDGI ein entsprechendes Positionspapier (noch zu
finden unter erstellt, in
der ebenfalls auf einen finanziellen Ausgleich seitens der
Finanzministerien hingewiesen wurde. Ich hatte seinerzeit in der
Expertengruppe die Vermessungsverwaltungen vertreten, die Mitglied im
DDGI sind. Die Gedanken sind also weder neu, noch stoßen sie innerhalb
der Verwaltungen (zumindest an vielen Stellen) auf großen Widerstand.
Vielmehr möchten wir auch unter Open Data die in der Fläche homogene
Qualität und Bandbreite der Rohdaten beibehalten und hier nicht zu
Abstrichen in der Qualität gezwungen sein. Innerhalb unseres
Fachbereichs sehen wir darüber hinaus Potenziale, zumindest Teile
unserer Geobasisdaten bei einer Öffnung über Crowdsourcing-Ansätze zu
führen. Vielleicht bietet sich auf der Ebene in der Zukunft ein weiterer
Ansatzpunkt für eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen OSM und amtlicher Seite,
über das bloße Abdigitalisieren o. ä. der heutigen amtlichen
Geobasisdaten hinaus."

Sehr spannend finde ich den Punkt "... schadet es sicherlich nicht, hier
aus Sicht der OSM-Community nochmals entsprechende Hinweise an das BMF
zu geben".

So wie ich das verstanden habe betrifft die Finanzierung nicht nur
Niedersachsen (oder?). Daher:

Was können/wollen wir tun?

Viele Grüße

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Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Way to delete buildings added by specific user, or help reverting?

2019-07-08 Per discussione Andreas Vilén
However, it's not approximately correct, it's just one geometry copied onto
every building. It's like if you would copy a rectangle tagged
landuse=farmland onto every field you see disregarding its actual shape. I
would say better no data than false data. The suggestion to change them
into nodes is the best option here imo.

Regards Andreas

On Mon, Jul 8, 2019 at 11:09 PM John Whelan  wrote:

> Different people have different standards.  Normally in OpenStreetMap we
> don't consider data consumers but they do exist.
> In Canada for example there are different levels of government and
> government agencies who would like to see buildings in Canada.  They are
> available in different formats from a number of sources in Open Data format
> with the correct licensing.  However combining them with other sources
> means it is more convenient for many to use OSM.
> We have had people complain that buildings have been mapped with too much
> detail.  I'm probably guilty of using the JOSM buildings_tool to simplify
> buildings and not include the bumps for garages when mapping in Canada.
> Talking to the government agencies and most would be delighted with the
> level of detail and accuracy you've identified rather than have nothing.
> In Africa where I also map these would be considered to be more than
> acceptable compared to many buildings that are mapped there.
> If you zap them what's left and is it better to have nothing than building
> outline that is approximately correct?
> Cheerio John
> hbogner wrote on 2019-07-08 3:53 PM:
> My comment was not nice because I snapped after seeing what he/she did.
> As a schooled surveyor that kind of neglect and false data is hurting me
> and I have the right to be angry. Maybe to harsh language but that data is
> false data.
> Only one building on this map is not the same as the others:
> They are copy/pasted all over the map.
> This is not the first complaint I got about him/her from Croatian
> community.
> Croatian community does not like false data being entered just to fill the
> map.
> On 08. 07. 2019. 21:36, Bryan Housel wrote:
> hbonger, your comment here is not very nice.
> Reviewing their edits on OSMCha, most of their edits don’t look too bad
> Maybe you should try being nicer to them and they might care about the map
> more.  Comments like yours ripple outwards and affect the rest of the OSM
> project negatively.. Calling some’s edit “bullshit” is not going to get
> them to draw better buildings.
> Just saying - be nicer, thanks.
> Bryan
> On Jul 8, 2019, at 2:57 PM, hbogner   > wrote:
> Hi all
> Is there a way to delete buildings created by specific user?
> Some users already complained about
> to me for inaccurate mapping and
> imaginary mapping. They wrote to him, but he didn't reply or stop.
> Here is an example on which I just stumbled:
> He copy/pasted one building all over the place.
> I tried to revert the changeset, but there are too many conflicts.
> Any suggestions how to fix this mess?
> regards, Hrvoje
> ___
> talk mailing list
> ___
> talk mailing list
> ___
> talk mailing list
> --
> Sent from Postbox 
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Way to delete buildings added by specific user, or help reverting?

2019-07-08 Per discussione hbogner
It's better not to have them than to have them the wrong way, and that 
is the state of active Croatian community regarding the mapping in the 
Some of us are surveyors and/or GIS "users" and like to uphold to at 
least some criteria for accuracy and precision.
This kind of mapping is generating problems down the line as we got 
access to countrywide official state administration aerial imagery, and 
plan to create countrywide efforts to map all the buildings.

Creating new buildings is much more easy than fixing someones mess.

Regards, Hrvoje

On 08. 07. 2019. 23:04, John Whelan wrote:
Different people have different standards.  Normally in OpenStreetMap we 
don't consider data consumers but they do exist.

In Canada for example there are different levels of government and 
government agencies who would like to see buildings in Canada.  They are 
available in different formats from a number of sources in Open Data 
format with the correct licensing.  However combining them with other 
sources means it is more convenient for many to use OSM.

We have had people complain that buildings have been mapped with too 
much detail.  I'm probably guilty of using the JOSM buildings_tool to 
simplify buildings and not include the bumps for garages when mapping in 
Canada.  Talking to the government agencies and most would be delighted 
with the level of detail and accuracy you've identified rather than have 

In Africa where I also map these would be considered to be more than 
acceptable compared to many buildings that are mapped there.

If you zap them what's left and is it better to have nothing than 
building outline that is approximately correct?

Cheerio John

hbogner wrote on 2019-07-08 3:53 PM:

My comment was not nice because I snapped after seeing what he/she did.

As a schooled surveyor that kind of neglect and false data is hurting 
me and I have the right to be angry. Maybe to harsh language but that 
data is false data.

Only one building on this map is not the same as the others:
They are copy/pasted all over the map.

This is not the first complaint I got about him/her from Croatian 

Croatian community does not like false data being entered just to fill 
the map.

On 08. 07. 2019. 21:36, Bryan Housel wrote:

hbonger, your comment here is not very nice.

Reviewing their edits on OSMCha, most of their edits don’t look too bad 

Maybe you should try being nicer to them and they might care about 
the map more.  Comments like yours ripple outwards and affect the 
rest of the OSM project negatively.. Calling some’s edit “bullshit” 
is not going to get them to draw better buildings.

Just saying - be nicer, thanks.

On Jul 8, 2019, at 2:57 PM, hbogner > wrote:

Hi all

Is there a way to delete buildings created by specific user?

Some users already complained about to me for inaccurate 
mapping and imaginary mapping. They wrote to him, but he didn't 
reply or stop.

Here is an example on which I just stumbled:

He copy/pasted one building all over the place.

I tried to revert the changeset, but there are too many conflicts.

Any suggestions how to fix this mess?

regards, Hrvoje

talk mailing list

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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Way to delete buildings added by specific user, or help reverting?

2019-07-08 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 8. Jul 2019, at 22:24, Andreas Vilén  wrote:
> I looked at the picture provided and it’s really not acceptable mapping imo. 
> If the user can’t be arsed to draw the proper outlines, it’s better to just 
> copy and paste a building node. I would be pretty pissed if someone did this 
> were I map as the cleanup takes longer than mapping it from scratch

I agree, this isn’t acceptable mapping. For some usecases it may still be 
sufficient, but it is clearly substandard and casts a bad light on the overall 
image. There is no doubt, Joe Mapper will not find it sufficient or appealing. 
IMHO we should try to explain that we prefer fewer data but entered with more 

Cheers, Martin 
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Way to delete buildings added by specific user, or help reverting?

2019-07-08 Per discussione John Whelan
Different people have different standards.  Normally in OpenStreetMap we 
don't consider data consumers but they do exist.

In Canada for example there are different levels of government and 
government agencies who would like to see buildings in Canada.  They are 
available in different formats from a number of sources in Open Data 
format with the correct licensing.  However combining them with other 
sources means it is more convenient for many to use OSM.

We have had people complain that buildings have been mapped with too 
much detail.  I'm probably guilty of using the JOSM buildings_tool to 
simplify buildings and not include the bumps for garages when mapping in 
Canada.  Talking to the government agencies and most would be delighted 
with the level of detail and accuracy you've identified rather than have 

In Africa where I also map these would be considered to be more than 
acceptable compared to many buildings that are mapped there.

If you zap them what's left and is it better to have nothing than 
building outline that is approximately correct?

Cheerio John

hbogner wrote on 2019-07-08 3:53 PM:

My comment was not nice because I snapped after seeing what he/she did.

As a schooled surveyor that kind of neglect and false data is hurting 
me and I have the right to be angry. Maybe to harsh language but that 
data is false data.

Only one building on this map is not the same as the others:
They are copy/pasted all over the map.

This is not the first complaint I got about him/her from Croatian 

Croatian community does not like false data being entered just to fill 
the map.

On 08. 07. 2019. 21:36, Bryan Housel wrote:

hbonger, your comment here is not very nice.

Reviewing their edits on OSMCha, most of their edits don’t look too bad 

Maybe you should try being nicer to them and they might care about 
the map more.  Comments like yours ripple outwards and affect the 
rest of the OSM project negatively.. Calling some’s edit “bullshit” 
is not going to get them to draw better buildings.

Just saying - be nicer, thanks.

On Jul 8, 2019, at 2:57 PM, hbogner > wrote:

Hi all

Is there a way to delete buildings created by specific user?

Some users already complained about to me for inaccurate 
mapping and imaginary mapping. They wrote to him, but he didn't 
reply or stop.

Here is an example on which I just stumbled:

He copy/pasted one building all over the place.

I tried to revert the changeset, but there are too many conflicts.

Any suggestions how to fix this mess?

regards, Hrvoje

talk mailing list

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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Way to delete buildings added by specific user, or help reverting?

2019-07-08 Per discussione Pierre Béland via talk
This link let extract object edited by this user in the area the day of this 

This shows that builidngs position correspond to presence of buildings but that 
geometry do not correspond to what we observe on the imagery,.  We see that 
buildings are aligned in parallel with no correspondance to the geometry 


Le lundi 8 juillet 2019 15 h 57 min 47 s UTC−4, hbogner 
 a écrit :  
 My comment was not nice because I snapped after seeing what he/she did.

As a schooled surveyor that kind of neglect and false data is hurting me 
and I have the right to be angry. Maybe to harsh language but that data 
is false data.

Only one building on this map is not the same as the others:
They are copy/pasted all over the map.

This is not the first complaint I got about him/her from Croatian community.

Croatian community does not like false data being entered just to fill 
the map.

On 08. 07. 2019. 21:36, Bryan Housel wrote:
> hbonger, your comment here is not very nice.
> Reviewing their edits on OSMCha, most of their edits don’t look too bad
> Maybe you should try being nicer to them and they might care about the 
> map more.  Comments like yours ripple outwards and affect the rest of 
> the OSM project negatively.. Calling some’s edit “bullshit” is not going 
> to get them to draw better buildings.
> Just saying - be nicer, thanks.
> Bryan
>> On Jul 8, 2019, at 2:57 PM, hbogner > > wrote:
>> Hi all
>> Is there a way to delete buildings created by specific user?
>> Some users already complained about 
>> to me for inaccurate mapping 
>> and imaginary mapping. They wrote to him, but he didn't reply or stop.
>> Here is an example on which I just stumbled:
>> He copy/pasted one building all over the place.
>> I tried to revert the changeset, but there are too many conflicts.
>> Any suggestions how to fix this mess?
>> regards, Hrvoje
>> ___
>> talk mailing list
> ___
> talk mailing list

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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Way to delete buildings added by specific user, or help reverting?

2019-07-08 Per discussione stevea
Excellent suggestions, Blake!

> On Jul 8, 2019, at 1:25 PM, Blake Girardot  wrote:
> You could convert them all to centroids, points are a valid and
> correct building mapping object type as well.
> That would retain the key information, the location of the building,
> not destroy his work and you end up with a correct map. (at least as
> correct as satellite imagery and/or hand held gps points can generate)
> I would try replace geometry as well to retain the history.
> Cheers,
> Blake

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Way to delete buildings added by specific user, or help reverting?

2019-07-08 Per discussione Blake Girardot
You could convert them all to centroids, points are a valid and
correct building mapping object type as well.

That would retain the key information, the location of the building,
not destroy his work and you end up with a correct map. (at least as
correct as satellite imagery and/or hand held gps points can generate)

I would try replace geometry as well to retain the history.


On Mon, Jul 8, 2019 at 4:06 PM hbogner  wrote:
> Are you sure? Right size as the buildings? Take another look.
> Orientation of all buildings is the same.
> Size of all buildings is the same.
> They are all teh same building copy/pasted all over the place.
> Yes I'm local from Croatia, and as I stated on another rely this is not
> the first complaint I got from Croatian community about this user doing
> weird mapping.
> On 08. 07. 2019. 21:28, john whelan wrote:
> > Your concern is?  If I look in JOSM at the link you supplied the
> > buildings are approximately the right size and where buildings are in
> > the imagery.
> >
> > Their orientation could be better.
> >
> > However they aren't duplicates, and compared to many buildings mapped
> > they're almost reasonable and the mapper isn't that inexperienced.
> >
> > If you're local fine raise the issue but otherwise I'm not seeing a
> > major problem, still having said that I do understand some people do
> > have concerns about mapping buildings and importing them.
> >
> > You can use JOSM to pick them out and correct them by the way.  If you
> > download the country off line then split it up into chunks JOSM works
> > quite well.  Cleaning up buildings is quite a chunk of work by the way.
> >
> > Cheerio John
> >
> >
> >
> > On Mon, 8 Jul 2019 at 15:07, hbogner  > > wrote:
> >
> > Hi all
> >
> > Is there a way to delete buildings created by specific user?
> >
> > Some users already complained about
> > to me for inaccurate mapping
> > and imaginary mapping. They wrote to him, but he didn't reply or stop.
> >
> > Here is an example on which I just stumbled:
> >
> >
> > He copy/pasted one building all over the place.
> >
> > I tried to revert the changeset, but there are too many conflicts.
> >
> > Any suggestions how to fix this mess?
> >
> > regards, Hrvoje
> >
> >
> > ___
> > talk mailing list
> > 
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > talk mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Way to delete buildings added by specific user, or help reverting?

2019-07-08 Per discussione Andreas Vilén
I looked at the picture provided and it’s really not acceptable mapping imo. If 
the user can’t be arsed to draw the proper outlines, it’s better to just copy 
and paste a building node. I would be pretty pissed if someone did this were I 
map as the cleanup takes longer than mapping it from scratch.

It wouldn’t be acceptable with random rectangle parks or farmlands all over the 
place either.

/avid buiding mapper Grillo

Skickat från min iPhone

> 8 juli 2019 kl. 22:02 skrev hbogner :
> Are you sure? Right size as the buildings? Take another look.
> Orientation of all buildings is the same.
> Size of all buildings is the same.
> They are all teh same building copy/pasted all over the place.
> Yes I'm local from Croatia, and as I stated on another rely this is not the 
> first complaint I got from Croatian community about this user doing weird 
> mapping.
>> On 08. 07. 2019. 21:28, john whelan wrote:
>> Your concern is?  If I look in JOSM at the link you supplied the buildings 
>> are approximately the right size and where buildings are in the imagery.
>> Their orientation could be better.
>> However they aren't duplicates, and compared to many buildings mapped 
>> they're almost reasonable and the mapper isn't that inexperienced.
>> If you're local fine raise the issue but otherwise I'm not seeing a major 
>> problem, still having said that I do understand some people do have concerns 
>> about mapping buildings and importing them.
>> You can use JOSM to pick them out and correct them by the way.  If you 
>> download the country off line then split it up into chunks JOSM works quite 
>> well.  Cleaning up buildings is quite a chunk of work by the way.
>> Cheerio John
>> On Mon, 8 Jul 2019 at 15:07, hbogner > > wrote:
>>Hi all
>>Is there a way to delete buildings created by specific user?
>>Some users already complained about
>> to me for inaccurate mapping
>>and imaginary mapping. They wrote to him, but he didn't reply or stop.
>>Here is an example on which I just stumbled:
>>He copy/pasted one building all over the place.
>>I tried to revert the changeset, but there are too many conflicts.
>>Any suggestions how to fix this mess?
>>regards, Hrvoje
>>talk mailing list
>> ___
>> talk mailing list
> ___
> talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Way to delete buildings added by specific user, or help reverting?

2019-07-08 Per discussione hbogner

Are you sure? Right size as the buildings? Take another look.

Orientation of all buildings is the same.
Size of all buildings is the same.
They are all teh same building copy/pasted all over the place.

Yes I'm local from Croatia, and as I stated on another rely this is not 
the first complaint I got from Croatian community about this user doing 
weird mapping.

On 08. 07. 2019. 21:28, john whelan wrote:
Your concern is?  If I look in JOSM at the link you supplied the 
buildings are approximately the right size and where buildings are in 
the imagery.

Their orientation could be better.

However they aren't duplicates, and compared to many buildings mapped 
they're almost reasonable and the mapper isn't that inexperienced.

If you're local fine raise the issue but otherwise I'm not seeing a 
major problem, still having said that I do understand some people do 
have concerns about mapping buildings and importing them.

You can use JOSM to pick them out and correct them by the way.  If you 
download the country off line then split it up into chunks JOSM works 
quite well.  Cleaning up buildings is quite a chunk of work by the way.

Cheerio John

On Mon, 8 Jul 2019 at 15:07, hbogner > wrote:

Hi all

Is there a way to delete buildings created by specific user?

Some users already complained about to me for inaccurate mapping
and imaginary mapping. They wrote to him, but he didn't reply or stop.

Here is an example on which I just stumbled:

He copy/pasted one building all over the place.

I tried to revert the changeset, but there are too many conflicts.

Any suggestions how to fix this mess?

regards, Hrvoje

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Downloading OSM slippy map tiles

2019-07-08 Per discussione Iain Simpson

Thanks Andy

I found that the solution was (as Tom Hughes put it)

" Set a proper user agent as required by the usage policy
and you should find it works again - generic python user
agents are blocked "

added  my Firefox User-Agent   now works fine

as Andy suggested.
Iain Simpson

Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Way to delete buildings added by specific user, or help reverting?

2019-07-08 Per discussione hbogner

My comment was not nice because I snapped after seeing what he/she did.

As a schooled surveyor that kind of neglect and false data is hurting me 
and I have the right to be angry. Maybe to harsh language but that data 
is false data.

Only one building on this map is not the same as the others:
They are copy/pasted all over the map.

This is not the first complaint I got about him/her from Croatian community.

Croatian community does not like false data being entered just to fill 
the map.

On 08. 07. 2019. 21:36, Bryan Housel wrote:

hbonger, your comment here is not very nice.

Reviewing their edits on OSMCha, most of their edits don’t look too bad 

Maybe you should try being nicer to them and they might care about the 
map more.  Comments like yours ripple outwards and affect the rest of 
the OSM project negatively.. Calling some’s edit “bullshit” is not going 
to get them to draw better buildings.

Just saying - be nicer, thanks.

On Jul 8, 2019, at 2:57 PM, hbogner > wrote:

Hi all

Is there a way to delete buildings created by specific user?

Some users already complained about to me for inaccurate mapping 
and imaginary mapping. They wrote to him, but he didn't reply or stop.

Here is an example on which I just stumbled:

He copy/pasted one building all over the place.

I tried to revert the changeset, but there are too many conflicts.

Any suggestions how to fix this mess?

regards, Hrvoje

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Way to delete buildings added by specific user, or help reverting?

2019-07-08 Per discussione Bryan Housel
hbonger, your comment here is not very nice. 

Reviewing their edits on OSMCha, most of their edits don’t look too bad

Maybe you should try being nicer to them and they might care about the map 
more.  Comments like yours ripple outwards and affect the rest of the OSM 
project negatively.. Calling some’s edit “bullshit” is not going to get them to 
draw better buildings.

Just saying - be nicer, thanks.

> On Jul 8, 2019, at 2:57 PM, hbogner  wrote:
> Hi all
> Is there a way to delete buildings created by specific user?
> Some users already complained about 
> to me for inaccurate mapping and imaginary mapping. They wrote to him, but he 
> didn't reply or stop.
> Here is an example on which I just stumbled:
> He copy/pasted one building all over the place.
> I tried to revert the changeset, but there are too many conflicts.
> Any suggestions how to fix this mess?
> regards, Hrvoje
> ___
> talk mailing list

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] API pour utilisation des cartes OSM ?

2019-07-08 Per discussione pepilepioux

Je voudrais faire une carte avec des POI cliquables, dans le style
maproulette [1] ou keepright [2] : 

* dans une page web en PHP (Oui, je sais, mais j'ai un site PHP à ma
disposition et si ça marche la cible sera un site spip), ou en Python
(j'ai des serveurs de tests avec Django et Bottle)
* dans un programme autonome écrit en Python (pour une utilisation
purement locale)

Comment puis-je faire ça ? 

Où puis-je trouver de la doc, des tutos, idéalement quelques exemples
simples ? Si ça existe je suis aussi ouvert à une formation. 

Merci, bonne soirée, bonnes vacances 


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Way to delete buildings added by specific user, or help reverting?

2019-07-08 Per discussione stevea
I agree with John that what looks "mostly" (largely? — the dataset is large and 
I certainly didn't examine every building in a few minutes) wrong here is that 
there ARE buildings where satellite imagery shows that there ARE buildings, 
however they are "skewed" improperly with improper rotation orientation.

That's not a terrible error, and yes, correcting those would be a great deal of 
effort with relatively small benefit in correctness for the map (in my 
opinion).  However, "better is better," so spend your time accordingly.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Way to delete buildings added by specific user, or help reverting?

2019-07-08 Per discussione john whelan
Your concern is?  If I look in JOSM at the link you supplied the buildings
are approximately the right size and where buildings are in the imagery.

Their orientation could be better.

However they aren't duplicates, and compared to many buildings mapped
they're almost reasonable and the mapper isn't that inexperienced.

If you're local fine raise the issue but otherwise I'm not seeing a major
problem, still having said that I do understand some people do have
concerns about mapping buildings and importing them.

You can use JOSM to pick them out and correct them by the way.  If you
download the country off line then split it up into chunks JOSM works quite
well.  Cleaning up buildings is quite a chunk of work by the way.

Cheerio John

On Mon, 8 Jul 2019 at 15:07, hbogner  wrote:

> Hi all
> Is there a way to delete buildings created by specific user?
> Some users already complained about
> to me for inaccurate mapping
> and imaginary mapping. They wrote to him, but he didn't reply or stop.
> Here is an example on which I just stumbled:
> He copy/pasted one building all over the place.
> I tried to revert the changeset, but there are too many conflicts.
> Any suggestions how to fix this mess?
> regards, Hrvoje
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Way to delete buildings added by specific user, or help reverting?

2019-07-08 Per discussione stevea
Hello Hrvoje:

You might try an Overpass Turbo query (using its QL) with a geographic 
restriction plus a specific user.

Try this:

and click the Run button (upper left).

This will return about 30 megabytes of data (LARGE!) so click the "Continue 
anyway" button.  Once complete, export the data (Export button), saving as "raw 
OSM" and then open that (export.osm in your Download folder) with JOSM.  You 
might further search for "building:yes" in JOSM or you might tweak the OT QL a 

The query will likely need tweaking (for example, you can use a bbox derived 
from "the zoomed extent of the map now" instead of the geocodeArea directive), 
but that should get you started.  OT QL isn't hard, but it can take a few 
stumbles of getting it wrong before you get the query which is finally right.  
It's OK to experiment a bit.

It looks like it's a pretty large (ahem) mess to clean up; good luck.  Please 
be careful not to delete data which might actually be real (good data).  For 
example, you might add a satellite imagery layer to your JOSM session, so you 
can see what's "really" there (compared to OSM data).


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Way to delete buildings added by specific user, or help reverting?

2019-07-08 Per discussione hbogner

Hi all

Is there a way to delete buildings created by specific user?

Some users already complained about to me for inaccurate mapping 
and imaginary mapping. They wrote to him, but he didn't reply or stop.

Here is an example on which I just stumbled:

He copy/pasted one building all over the place.

I tried to revert the changeset, but there are too many conflicts.

Any suggestions how to fix this mess?

regards, Hrvoje

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Accès aux présentations de SOTM 2019

2019-07-08 Per discussione Benoit Fournier
Si vous souhaitez accéder aux documents et supports de présentation de
la conférence State of the Map France, ils sont disponibles en liens,
directement dans le programme.

Mais aussi toujours accessibles, pour les documents à télécharger
avec, avec le lien d'accès pour tout le dossier :

2019 :
2018 :

Des immenses mercis à tous les personnes qui préparent, présentent et
partagent, ainsi qu'à celles et ceux qui gèrent les arrières-boutiques
des serveurs, des sites web et des vidéos !


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Flame su old_name

2019-07-08 Per discussione Andreas Lattmann
Tipo name:de=Sankt Moritz e alt_name=St. Moritz 

Il 8 luglio 2019 08:46:56 CEST, Martin Koppenhoefer  ha 
>sent from a phone
>> On 8. Jul 2019, at 06:49, solitone via Talk-it
> wrote:
>> In che senso dice il contrario?
>>> This tag can be used when a street, river or any other feature has
>another official (or locally preferred name) but locals frequently
>refer to it by its abbreviated name […]
>> La prima frase mi sembra uguale, ma è il significato di quel “but”
>che non capisco.
>il significato è: pur avendo un altro nome ufficiale o localmente
>preferito, la cosa spesso viene riferita con un nome abbreviato (e
>quest’ultimo andrebbe in alt_name).
>Ciao, Martin 
>Talk-it mailing list

I❤️ Software Libero.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Données routières ouvertes en France

2019-07-08 Per discussione Christian Quest

Je travaille à en Belgique où nous développons des
applications avec les données OSM.

Pour un de nos projets, on cherche des données de réseaux routiers en
Belgique et en France. Par données de réseau routier, j'entends:

   - tout type de route carrossables, de la "residential/unclassified" à la
   - la géométrie des routes
   - des attributs comme le nom, et si possible le "ref", "lanes", "width",
   voire d'autres infos.

Bien sûr OSM est une bonne option que nous espérons proposer au client,
mais j'aimerai prospecter les sources officielles de données existantes en
France (et éventuellement comparer les 2). Après quelques recherches, je
vois que les données de l'IGN (BD Carto et BD Topo) ne sont pas libres mais
disponibles après paiement. Il y a bien Route 500
 dispo gratuitement mais
cela ne concerne que les "grandes" routes.

Or il se trouve que sur certaines routes en France dans OSM, j'ai trouvé
plusieurs fois cette source : "cadastre-dgi-fr source : Direction Générale
des Impôts - Cadastre. Mise à jour : 20XX".

Je me suis donc renseigné sur l'import du cadastre en lisant les pages du
mais je n'ai pas trouvé qu'elle était la source originelle qui a servi à
cet import. D'où ma question: est-ce que les données cadastrales des
voiries en France sont disponibles *en vectoriel*? Ou bien est-ce que ces
données ont été digitalisées à partir d'un WMS?

Plus largement, connaissez-vous des données ouvertes de voiries en France

La version vectorielle du cadastre contient des objets "voies de
communication", qui sont des géométries qui correspondent aux routes et

C'est pas parfait car:
- ce sont des objets de décoration des plans cadastraux qui servent à
porter le nom de la voie
- parfois les mots composant le nom sont dans le désordre, parfois, un même
objet sert à porter plusieurs noms
- les voies non nommées sur le cadastre n'ont sûrement pas d'objet de ce
type présent dans les données vecteur
- il n'y a aucun attribut pour savoir si c'est carrossable ou pas

Un gros boulot de rapprochement avec OSM est envisageable pour détecter ce
qui manque dans OSM... mais comme beaucoup de choses j'y pense depuis
longtemps, mais toujours pas fait :(

Il n'y a pas eu d'import du cadastre, à part l'intégration des bâtiments et
une partie des limites de communes.

Route500... ça permet d'être sûr d'avoir tout jusqu'à un certain niveau
dans le réseau. Il y a les ref et il me semble le nombre de voies, mais pas
beaucoup plus de détails.

A quoi doivent servir ces données ? Du plan ? Du calcul d'itinéraire ?
Autre chose ?

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Ïle d'Orléan

2019-07-08 Per discussione Martin Chalifoux via Talk-ca
Je viens juste de faire le tour de l’île. Il y a zéro piste cyclable. On peut y 
créer une route mais svp pas mettre de lane ou track. Il y en a pas du tout. 

Martin Chalifoux
C 514-233-9701

> On Jul 8, 2019, at 09:25, Jarek Piórkowski  wrote:
> I don't know if that is the case here, but I've also seen objects straight-up 
> missing from the cycle map layer. I think its import of new and changed ways 
> is sometimes buggy. 
> is an 
> example I'm familiar with, 
> another 
> around the corner. In the latter case it's been 4 months since the missing 
> paths were edited.
>> On Mon, 8 Jul 2019 at 09:12, Pierre Boucher  wrote:
>> Bonjour à tous,
>> Comment ce fait-il que l'ïle d'Orléans n'apparaît pas lorsqu'on affiche les 
>> pistes cyclables? 
>> -- 
>> Pierre Boucher
>> Ste-Thérèse (Québec) Canada
>> ...Pensez à l'environnement avant d'imprimer ce courriel !.
>> ___
>> Talk-ca mailing list
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Atelier, publication des données vélo

2019-07-08 Per discussione Benoit Fournier - OpenStreetMap France
Suite à l'atelier sur la publication des données de pistes cyclables
et stationnements vélos.

Transfert du compte rendu préparé par l'équipe de
Le fichier est mis à disposition sur

Sujet: Compte Rendu - Rencontre Publique sur l'ouverture des données cyclables


L'equipe de vous remercie pour votre participation
lors de la rencontre publique sur l'ouverture des données cyclables du
27 Juin.
On vous prie de trouver ci-joint le compte rendu de cette réunion,
dans lequel nous avons ajouté quelques éléments supplémentaires dont
le lien vers la présentation power point, un guide sur notre site et
la documentation juridique sur la licence ODBL.

Comme expliqué lors de notre rencontre, nous passons actuellement dans
une phase de construction d'un schéma de publication et d'un standard
pour les données avec le groupe de travail établit. Nous reviendront
vers vous le plus rapidement possible avec les résultats de ce

Nous restons à votre disposition et nous reviendrons très vite vers
vous avec la suite de ce travail.

Chargé de déploiement de
Incubateur de Services Numériques – DINSIC (Services du Premier Ministre)

On Thu, 20 Jun 2019 at 22:04, Benoit Fournier - OpenStreetMap France
> "Le Point d'Accès National aux données de transport" [] 
> organise un atelier sur la publication des données de pistes cyclables et 
> stationnements vélos.
> L'objectif est de réunir toutes les personnes et organisations concernées 
> (agglos, associations, applications et entreprises...) pour définir ensemble 
> les modalités de l'ouverture de ces données (notamment formats, comment on 
> rassemble les données, freins éventuels etc.).
> L'équipe de souhaite ensuite accompagner les agglos 
> dans le rassemblement et publication de ces données selon les modalités 
> définies.
> Publier ces données sur OSM par défaut est une des options (la meilleure !) 
> et il faut donc aller l'expliquer pendant les discussions et débats de cet 
> atelier.
> La présence de membres d'OSM France et d'associations d'usagers cyclistes est 
> vivement souhaitée.
> Le prochain atelier OpenLab du Point d'Accès National aux données de 
> transport aura pour thème l'ouverture des données de pistes et stationnements 
> cyclables en open data. L'événement est ouvert à toute personne qui travaille 
> sur ou avec ces données, ou qui pourrait y être amenée.
> Les objectifs de cette rencontre sont :
> Identifier les freins et les opportunités à l'ouverture de ces données,
> Elaborer conjointement des propositions de solutions, et définir des 
> problématiques à dépasser,
> Identifier des producteurs et réutilisateurs de données "pilotes"
> L'équipe
(DINSIC & Ministère des Transports)
> + Etalab
> Pour coordonner le tout :
> Si vous souhaitez vous rendre à cet atelier :
> à Paris, jeudi 27 juin 2019, de 10h à 12h30.
> Inscription préalable obligatoire, se munir d'une pièce d'identité
> Pour coordination, signalez votre intention de participer à 
> Si vous ne pouvez vous rendre à cet atelier, mais que vous souhaitez 
> contribuer aux réflexions :
> Envoyez vos contributions à
> Pour coordination et relai sur place, envoyez vos contributions à 

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-ee] Laagna Tee

2019-07-08 Per discussione Jaak Laineste

Võid küsida OsmAnd-i käest, kas see app saab kuidagi aru kuupäevalistest 
piirangutest, aga minuteada ei ole sellise info jaoks standardviisi OSM-ist. 
Tõenäoliselt pole see võimalik. 

Standardlahendus on, et ajutine liiklusinfo võtavad appid muudest allikatest / 
teenustest, näiteks globaalselt TMC, või otse appide kogutud info (nt Waze), 
lokaalselt on Tark Tee jne. Paremates nendest on tõenäoliselt Laagna tee 
sulgemine olemas. 


> On 7 Jul 2019, at 15:18, SviMik  wrote:
> The difference with Laagna Tee is how important this road is. Literally any 
> route from/to Lasnamäe lies through it, and if we don't tag it as closed, 
> then OsmAnd will become useless on these days (it doesn't have any other 
> source for traffic or temporary changes). Needless to say that navigators 
> will be really demanded on these days, and it's quite okay to update the map 
> for such a big occasion.
> For OsmAnd I provide daily updates:
> And app which makes updating easier:
>> ja pärast seda neid pikka aega mitte uuendada.
> Tha't why I'm asking if it is possible to add some kind of restriction with 
> date condition, so it would invalidate itself automatically without updating 
> the map again.
> Воскресенье,  7 июля 2019, 10:22 +03:00 от "Jaak Laineste" :
>> Iga päev suletakse Eestis ajutiselt kümneid teid, eriti suvel teetööde tõttu,
>> vt nt Seda ei ole võimalik OSM-i kaardile
>> reaalselt panna. Kui ka panna, siis kasutajad oma offline kaarte OSMand-is jt
>> rakendustes iga päev ei uuenda, et selleks kasu oleks. Sellepärast on ka
>> üldine poliitika ajutisi sulgemisi mitte kaardistada. Kui kogu tänava
>> sulgemine on vähemalt 1 kuu järjest, siis on mingi mõte märkida tee
>> läbimatuks. Kuigi ka see võib tekitada segadust - kasutajad võivad laadida
>> andmed sel ajal ja pärast seda neid pikka aega mitte uuendada.
>> Navigatsioonisüsteemid peavad elus andmed (ajutised muutused, traffic jms)
>> saama mujalt, OSM-i see ei kuulu.
>> Laagna tee ainus erilisus on, et sellest on ajakirjanduses palju kirjutatud.
>> Muidu on see ajutine sulgemine nagu iga teine.
>> Jaak
>>> On 7 Jul 2019, at 02:00, SviMik via Talk-ee 
>> wrote:
>>> Laagna Tee will be closed on the following dates:
>>> 10 - 12 and 17 - 19: until 10:00 only to the center, 10:00 - 15:30 closed
>> completely, from 15:30 only to Lasnamäe
>>> 13, 14, 20, 21: closed completely
>>> Source:
>>> 1. How to tag these restrictions? I couldn't find any example of exact date
>> condition.
>>> 2. If exact date condition is possible, will OsmAnd understand it? If not,
>> what's the best way to tag it so most of the software would understand?
>>> ___
>>> Talk-ee mailing list

Talk-ee mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Map of Population Density vs. OpenStreetMap density

2019-07-08 Per discussione Komяpa
Thank you!
Will keep publishing :)

On Mon, Jul 8, 2019 at 2:56 PM Sérgio V.  wrote:

> Excelent and inteligent initiative Darafei.
> Measuring "density of OSM data" per "Population density" is a powerful
> metric to analyse where is it lacking more mapping in OSM.
> It's a nice effort to minimize "inequality" in OSM map.
> (for more info, see "World Inequality Database" at
> )
> I've did that metric for Brazil in 2017, "Demography in Brazil to help
> mapping in OSM", at:
> It helped me much to find places lacking mapping.
> Everytime I just take a fast look at the highlighted places int that map,
> I've actualy found undermapped places, lacking roads mostly.
> These metrics lead to view two aspects:
> a) By one hand, the world is in a fast urbanizing process. People more and
> more migrate to bigger cities, looking for better jobs, services, better
> life.
> According to United Nations report, "68% (2/3) of the world population
> projected to live in urban areas by 2050" (UN 2018-05-16 -
> ).
> So, it's generally expected to have a lot of irregular setlements to map
> in broader urban areas. Even benig irregular, millions of people live in
> such places.
> b) By the other hand, people remaining in country sides become more alone
> (many times old people), living far away from good public services and
> enough incomes, broadly unassisted. So also important to map their
> accessibility.
> Don't matter with objections for too much fine precision on demography.
> That metric anyway gives much more reasonable focus than usual
> over mapping done in OSM.
> Nice, keep going, publish it.
> Regards
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Sérgio -
> ___
> talk mailing list

Darafei Praliaskouski
Support me:
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Funzioni di verifica indirizzo da stradario

2019-07-08 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Potreste creare la vostra installazione di Nominatim e fare quante richieste 
volete, è quello che si consiglia agli utenti più grandi. OpenStreetMap 
fornisce in prima linea i dati e un ecosistema per mantenerli e utilizzarli, 
invece i servizi come mappa e ricerca sono per uso occasionale e come 

Ciao, Martin 

sent from a phone

> On 8. Jul 2019, at 15:04, antonella eugeni  wrote:
> Molte grazie Andrea.
> Cerco di capire se il vincolo di 1 richiesta al secondo è fattibile, che da 
> quello che vedo è quello più delicato
> grazie ancora
> antonella
>> Il giorno lun 8 lug 2019 alle ore 12:09 Andrea Albani  ha 
>> scritto:
>> Buongiorno,
>> puoi usare il servizio Nominatim [1] rispettando le relative policy [2]. Se 
>> i limiti imposti non fossero adeguati per l'applicazione web che hai in 
>> mente è possibile optare anche per servizi di terze parti come ad esempio 
>> Mapquest che prevede anche un free tier [3]
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>>> Il giorno lun 8 lug 2019 alle ore 11:31 antonella eugeni 
>>>  ha scritto:
>>> Buongiorno,
>>> avrei bisogno di sapere se è possibile utilizzare i database di 
>>> openstreetmap per verificare indirizzi 
>>> e strade sul territorio italiano e utilizzarli in un'applicazione web.
>>> In caso dove potrei trovare la documentazione.
>>> Grazie
>>> antonella
>>> ___
>>> Talk-it mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Ïle d'Orléan

2019-07-08 Per discussione James
Il se peut il y a eu une correction dans le dernier mois? Le cycle map est
une tierce partie qui le maintiens et est mise à jour ~au 30 jours.

On Mon., Jul. 8, 2019, 9:14 a.m. Pierre Boucher, 

> Bonjour à tous,
> Comment ce fait-il que l'ïle d'Orléans n'apparaît pas lorsqu'on affiche
> les pistes cyclables?
> --
> *Pierre Boucher*
> Ste-Thérèse (Québec) Canada
> --
> *...Pensez à l'environnement avant d'imprimer ce courriel !.*
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Ïle d'Orléan

2019-07-08 Per discussione Pierre Boucher

Bonjour à tous,

Comment ce fait-il que l'ïle d'Orléans n'apparaît pas lorsqu'on affiche 
les pistes cyclables?

*/Pierre Boucher/*
Ste-Thérèse (Québec) Canada

*...Pensez à l'environnement avant d'imprimer ce courriel !.*

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Funzioni di verifica indirizzo da stradario

2019-07-08 Per discussione antonella eugeni
Molte grazie Andrea.
Cerco di capire se il vincolo di 1 richiesta al secondo è fattibile, che da
quello che vedo è quello più delicato
grazie ancora

Il giorno lun 8 lug 2019 alle ore 12:09 Andrea Albani  ha

> Buongiorno,
> puoi usare il servizio Nominatim [1] rispettando le relative policy [2].
> Se i limiti imposti non fossero adeguati per l'applicazione web che hai in
> mente è possibile optare anche per servizi di terze parti come ad esempio
> Mapquest che prevede anche un free tier [3]
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> Il giorno lun 8 lug 2019 alle ore 11:31 antonella eugeni <
>> ha scritto:
>> Buongiorno,
>> avrei bisogno di sapere se è possibile utilizzare i database di
>> openstreetmap per verificare indirizzi
>> e strade sul territorio italiano e utilizzarli in un'applicazione web.
>> In caso dove potrei trovare la documentazione.
>> Grazie
>> antonella
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-ca] hebdoOSM Nº 467 2019-06-25-2019-07-01

2019-07-08 Per discussione theweekly . osm

Le résumé hebdomadaire n° 467 de l'actualité OpenStreetMap vient de paraître 
*en français*. Un condensé à retrouver sur :

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[OSM-talk-fr] hebdoOSM Nº 467 2019-06-25-2019-07-01

2019-07-08 Per discussione theweekly . osm

Le résumé hebdomadaire n° 467 de l'actualité OpenStreetMap vient de paraître 
*en français*. Un condensé à retrouver sur :

Bonne lecture !

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hebdomadaire sans être membre ? Il vous suffit de vous connecter sur avec votre compte OSM. Pour en savoir plus 
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[Talk-africa] hebdoOSM Nº 467 2019-06-25-2019-07-01

2019-07-08 Per discussione theweekly . osm

Le résumé hebdomadaire n° 467 de l'actualité OpenStreetMap vient de paraître 
*en français*. Un condensé à retrouver sur :

Bonne lecture !

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hebdomadaire sans être membre ? Il vous suffit de vous connecter sur avec votre compte OSM. Pour en savoir plus 
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[Talk-ht] hebdoOSM Nº 467 2019-06-25-2019-07-01

2019-07-08 Per discussione theweekly . osm

Le résumé hebdomadaire n° 467 de l'actualité OpenStreetMap vient de paraître 
*en français*. Un condensé à retrouver sur :

Bonne lecture !

Saviez-vous que vous pouvez vous aussi soumettre des messages pour la note 
hebdomadaire sans être membre ? Il vous suffit de vous connecter sur avec votre compte OSM. Pour en savoir plus 
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Re: [OSM-talk] Map of Population Density vs. OpenStreetMap density

2019-07-08 Per discussione Sérgio V .
Excelent and inteligent initiative Darafei.
Measuring "density of OSM data" per "Population density" is a powerful metric 
to analyse where is it lacking more mapping in OSM.
It's a nice effort to minimize "inequality" in OSM map.
(for more info, see "World Inequality Database" at

I've did that metric for Brazil in 2017, "Demography in Brazil to help mapping 
in OSM", at:
It helped me much to find places lacking mapping.
Everytime I just take a fast look at the highlighted places int that map, I've 
actualy found undermapped places, lacking roads mostly.

These metrics lead to view two aspects:
a) By one hand, the world is in a fast urbanizing process. People more and more 
migrate to bigger cities, looking for better jobs, services, better life.
According to United Nations report, "68% (2/3) of the world population 
projected to live in urban areas by 2050" (UN 2018-05-16 -
So, it's generally expected to have a lot of irregular setlements to map in 
broader urban areas. Even benig irregular, millions of people live in such 
b) By the other hand, people remaining in country sides become more alone (many 
times old people), living far away from good public services and enough 
incomes, broadly unassisted. So also important to map their accessibility.

Don't matter with objections for too much fine precision on demography.
That metric anyway gives much more reasonable focus than usual 
over mapping done in OSM.
Nice, keep going, publish it.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sérgio -
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Funzioni di verifica indirizzo da stradario

2019-07-08 Per discussione Andrea Albani

puoi usare il servizio Nominatim [1] rispettando le relative policy [2]. Se
i limiti imposti non fossero adeguati per l'applicazione web che hai in
mente è possibile optare anche per servizi di terze parti come ad esempio
Mapquest che prevede anche un free tier [3]


Il giorno lun 8 lug 2019 alle ore 11:31 antonella eugeni <> ha scritto:

> Buongiorno,
> avrei bisogno di sapere se è possibile utilizzare i database di
> openstreetmap per verificare indirizzi
> e strade sul territorio italiano e utilizzarli in un'applicazione web.
> In caso dove potrei trovare la documentazione.
> Grazie
> antonella
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-at] AGIT 2019 - Nachbericht

2019-07-08 Per discussione ScubbX

Hallo, liebe Mitmapper und Mitmapperinnen!

Der OpenStreetMap Austria Förderverein (=/= OSM Foundation) war seiner 
Kerntätigkeit entsprechend als aktiver Aussteller für die OpenStreetMap 
auch dieses Jahr als Teil des OSGeo/FOSSGIS Ausstellungsbereiches auf 
der AGIT 2019 ( ) und hat sich auch um den 
OSGeo/FOSSGIS Teil selber gekümmert. Leider blieb das Werbematerial der 
von OSGeo/FOSSGIS in der Post hängen, so mussten wir etwas improvisieren 
(danke Jakob Miksch für das Ausdrucken der OSGeo/FOSSGIS Logos auf A3! 
;-) ).

Dazu gab es noch den OSGeo-Day - drei Vortragsblöcke waren explizit für 
OpenSource Vorträge reserviert:

Jakob Miksch hat die Vorträge auf Video aufgezeichnet und hat diese 
voraussichtlich in 1-2 Monaten fertig bearbeitet. :-D

Geologist und ich (ScubbX) waren als Aussteller und Session Chairs vor 
Ort, ich durfte sogar einen Vortrag halten und zusammen mit Jakob Miksch 
über das Maptime Salzburg, die Vienna Geo Meetups und die OSM 
Stammtische berichten.
Jürgen Hahn hat einen Vortrag über den kommerziellen Einsatz von OSM 
Daten gehalten.

Nikolai Janakiev hat über OSM & WikiData referiert.

Geologist hat ein paar Eindrücke auf festgehalten:

Jakob Miksch hat zwei Workshops zur Gründung eines YouthMappers 
Netzwerkes gehalten:

Es war spannend zu beobachten, dass immer mehr konkrete Fragestellungen, 
deren Beantwortung einiges an Zeit in Anspruch nimmt, gestellt werden. 
Die Zeiten, in denen "Was ist OpenStreetMap" die häufigst gehörte Frage 
war, sind vorbei.

Es waren spannende drei Tage!

Beste Grüße,
Markus (ScubbX)

Talk-at mailing list

[Talk-it] Funzioni di verifica indirizzo da stradario

2019-07-08 Per discussione antonella eugeni
avrei bisogno di sapere se è possibile utilizzare i database di
openstreetmap per verificare indirizzi
e strade sul territorio italiano e utilizzarli in un'applicazione web.
In caso dove potrei trovare la documentazione.
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] Building Resilient Communities in Bohol Through the Use of OpenStreetMap (OSM) -- Project Announcement

2019-07-08 Per discussione Erwin Olario
Thank you sending the mailing list an update, Feye. We wish you success in
this effort!

We're looking forward to see the details and updates about your project on
its OSM Wiki page, as can be expected under the OSMF Organized Editing
Guidelines [0]


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
» email: erwin@ *n**gnu**it**y**.xyz*
» mobile:
» OpenPGP key: 3A93D56B | 5D42 7CCB 8827 9046 1ACB 0B94 63A4 81CE 3A93 D56B

On Mon, Jul 8, 2019 at 3:27 PM Feye Andal  wrote:

> Good day, OSM Philippines community!
> The UP Resilience Institute (UPRI)  was
> established in 2016 with a mission statement to empower local communities
> through multidisciplinary research and actions toward resilience. Last
> year, the UP Resilience Institute Youth Mappers
>  was formally launched under
> the UPRI with the aim of mapping the communities using volunteered
> geographic information (VGI) and building the capacities of the local
> communities in order to fight real world problems such as poverty, disease,
> hunger, and disasters.
> With our new project, *“Building Resilient Communities in Bohol Through
> the Use of OpenStreetMap (OSM)” *funded by the TELUS International
> Community Board
> ,
> we seek to improve the structures dataset including building footprints and
> road network and to produce municipal-level risk maps in the province of
> Bohol through the use of open-source tools such as OSM, QGIS, and WebSAFE
> that can be used for disaster risk planning and mitigation. OSM and its
> associated mapping tools are effective at providing rapid support to local
> government unit efforts in disaster risk reduction and management,
> including strengthening of contingency plans and risk-sensitive land use
> plans.
> Having embraced public participation and open data, we collaborate with
> like-minded organizations to help us improve emergency response and
> disaster mitigation throughout the country. Part of this effort is to
> conduct a 2-day OSM training in Bohol and finish the mapping task on HOT
> Tasking Manager ( The mapping
> activities will run for 4 months (June-September). We hope to use the OSM
> data in creating municipal-level disaster risk assessment that can be used
> by the communities, LGUs, and NGOs.
> We will be glad if you could join us in mapping the province of Bohol
> through our mapping task. If you have question/s and concern/s regarding
> the project, please do not hesitate to contact us.
> Thank you so much!
> Best,
> Feye
> --
> Dinnah Feye H. Andal
> MS Geography
> University of the Philippines Diliman
> ___
> talk-ph mailing list
talk-ph mailing list

[talk-ph] Building Resilient Communities in Bohol Through the Use of OpenStreetMap (OSM) -- Project Announcement

2019-07-08 Per discussione Feye Andal
Good day, OSM Philippines community!

The UP Resilience Institute (UPRI)  was
established in 2016 with a mission statement to empower local communities
through multidisciplinary research and actions toward resilience. Last
year, the UP Resilience Institute Youth Mappers
 was formally launched under
the UPRI with the aim of mapping the communities using volunteered
geographic information (VGI) and building the capacities of the local
communities in order to fight real world problems such as poverty, disease,
hunger, and disasters.

With our new project, *“Building Resilient Communities in Bohol Through the
Use of OpenStreetMap (OSM)” *funded by the TELUS International Community
we seek to improve the structures dataset including building footprints and
road network and to produce municipal-level risk maps in the province of
Bohol through the use of open-source tools such as OSM, QGIS, and WebSAFE
that can be used for disaster risk planning and mitigation. OSM and its
associated mapping tools are effective at providing rapid support to local
government unit efforts in disaster risk reduction and management,
including strengthening of contingency plans and risk-sensitive land use

Having embraced public participation and open data, we collaborate with
like-minded organizations to help us improve emergency response and
disaster mitigation throughout the country. Part of this effort is to
conduct a 2-day OSM training in Bohol and finish the mapping task on HOT
Tasking Manager ( The mapping
activities will run for 4 months (June-September). We hope to use the OSM
data in creating municipal-level disaster risk assessment that can be used
by the communities, LGUs, and NGOs.

We will be glad if you could join us in mapping the province of Bohol
through our mapping task. If you have question/s and concern/s regarding
the project, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you so much!

Dinnah Feye H. Andal
MS Geography
University of the Philippines Diliman
talk-ph mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Flame su old_name

2019-07-08 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 8. Jul 2019, at 06:49, solitone via Talk-it  
> wrote:
> In che senso dice il contrario?
>> This tag can be used when a street, river or any other feature has another 
>> official (or locally preferred name) but locals frequently refer to it by 
>> its abbreviated name […]
> La prima frase mi sembra uguale, ma è il significato di quel “but” che non 
> capisco.

il significato è: pur avendo un altro nome ufficiale o localmente preferito, la 
cosa spesso viene riferita con un nome abbreviato (e quest’ultimo andrebbe in 

Ciao, Martin 
Talk-it mailing list