[OSM-talk] We got permission to continue tracing from Strava

2019-11-15 Per discussione pangose
Good news for OSM!

Also the Strava fork of iD might still be working. See

Hooray 


Sent from: http://gis.19327.n8.nabble.com/General-Discussion-f5171242.html

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Osmose tout bleu ?

2019-11-15 Per discussione Stéphane Péneau
J'ai déjà contacté le contributeur pour le prévenir que ce n'était pas 
la bonne méthode, et que ces tags allaient être supprimés.


2 - mais ce que je ne comprends pas c'est que la ref insee, dans la pop-up, 
pointe sur la base mérimée (qui est plutôt patrimoine je crois) !

J'ai déjà créé un ticket à ce sujet :


Il faut vraiment que je m'occupe de supprimer ces ref:INSEE, on en a 
parlé il y a quelques semaines :



Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Osmose tout bleu ?

2019-11-15 Per discussione Vincent Bergeot

Le 16/11/2019 à 00:32, Yves P. a écrit :

1 - une forte concentration de cette ref sur beaucoup de place=* alors que 
cette ref est censée n’être utilisé sur sur les relations qui forment la 
commune https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Key:ref:INSEE

Si je suis Vincent, il ne faudrait pas mettre ref:INSEE sur les lieux-dits ?

c'est ce qui est écrit sur le wiki et cela semble cohérent avec cette 
référence qui est un identifiant pour les communes et pas pour les 
lieux-dits (mais je ne suis pas spécialiste)

Ou alors qu’osmose ne déclenche pas d’alerte pour les lieux-dits (ce n’est pas 
une commune, donc normal? qu’il n’ai pas le même nom que la commune).

ce n'est pas une commune donc normal qu'il n'est pas de ref:INSEE plutôt 
non ?

et dans les autres parties de france, j'ai l'impression que cela soulève 
des fautes d'orthographes et des communes "périmées" (exemple sur le 
bassin d'arcachon 
/ je trouve le terme périmée horrible !

je pense que dans ces cas il faudrait sans doute surtout proposer le 
retrait de la ref:insee

2 - mais ce que je ne comprends pas c'est que la ref insee, dans la pop-up, 
pointe sur la base mérimée (qui est plutôt patrimoine je crois) !

C’est parce qu’Osmose utilise tag2link.

Et que ref:INSEE est aussi un point d’entrée pour trouver des monuments 
inscrits ou classé dans Mérimée.

alors là je me suis  perdu, je m'attend plutôt à me retrouver par 
exemple ici 

je ne comprends pas le lien avec Mérimée, qui est plutôt ref:mhs.

Il faut donc corriger tag2link pour tenir compte du contexte.

Et au passage les liens vers Mérimée ne fonctionnent plus (mais dans wikidata, 
oui )

sur les ref:mhs que j'ai dans le coin, cela marche pour moi dans JOSM

bonne journée

Vincent Bergeot

Talk-fr mailing list

[talk-au] Aust Data Catalogue

2019-11-15 Per discussione Graeme Fitzpatrick
Hi all

With Andrew's permission & OK, I've started the process of tidying up the
Data Catalogue page

Looking at putting each State's data together, too make it easier to find.

Will take a little while, but in the meantime, your thoughts & comments are


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Osmose tout bleu ?

2019-11-15 Per discussione Yves P.

> 1 - une forte concentration de cette ref sur beaucoup de place=* alors que 
> cette ref est censée n’être utilisé sur sur les relations qui forment la 
> commune https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Key:ref:INSEE
Si je suis Vincent, il ne faudrait pas mettre ref:INSEE sur les lieux-dits ?

Ou alors qu’osmose ne déclenche pas d’alerte pour les lieux-dits (ce n’est pas 
une commune, donc normal? qu’il n’ai pas le même nom que la commune).

> 2 - mais ce que je ne comprends pas c'est que la ref insee, dans la pop-up, 
> pointe sur la base mérimée (qui est plutôt patrimoine je crois) !
C’est parce qu’Osmose utilise tag2link.

Et que ref:INSEE est aussi un point d’entrée pour trouver des monuments 
inscrits ou classé dans Mérimée.
Il faut donc corriger tag2link pour tenir compte du contexte.

Et au passage les liens vers Mérimée ne fonctionnent plus (mais dans wikidata, 
oui )

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Osmose tout bleu ?

2019-11-15 Per discussione Vincent Bergeot

Le 15/11/2019 à 22:48, Cédric Frayssinet a écrit :

Je ne sais pas si c'est normal... alors je préfère demander : 

Qu'en pensez-vous ?

1 - une forte concentration de cette ref sur beaucoup de place=* alors 
que cette ref est censée n’être utilisé sur sur les relations qui 
forment la commune https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Key:ref:INSEE

2 - mais ce que je ne comprends pas c'est que la ref insee, dans la 
pop-up, pointe sur la base mérimée (qui est plutôt patrimoine je crois) !

à plus

Vincent Bergeot

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Osmose tout bleu ?

2019-11-15 Per discussione Cédric Frayssinet
Je ne sais pas si c'est normal... alors je préfère demander :

Qu'en pensez-vous ?



Sur Mastodon : @bristow...@framapiaf.org 

Promouvoir et soutenir le logiciel libre 

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Un peu de BANO v2

2019-11-15 Per discussione deuzeffe

On 11/11/2019 16:34, Vincent de Château-Thierry wrote:



TL;DR : il y a enfin des choses à tester avec BANO v2, c'est par là : 

Superbe travail, plus rapide, plus fluide, plus complet (pas comme le 
cadastre, en somme, ou dans d'autres départements...). Des heures 
pluvieuses à occuper en perspective.

Merci à tous les neurones qui se sont activés pour améliorer le 
terrain de jeu. Ça tombe bien, mon responsable communal de l'urbanisme 
vient de m'envoyer le dernier lot de nouvelles voiesérotation à 
saisir ^^

deuzeffe. Avec du vrai internet, la vie est plus belle.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Vortragseinreichung FOSSGIS-Konferenz 2020 in Freiburg im Breisgau

2019-11-15 Per discussione Christoph Hanser
Hallo Michael,

Wir hätten Lust von Trufi zu erzählen und wie wir OSM, OTP, GTFS, etc
nutzen und mit Communities zusammenarbeiten.

Wäre das ein Thema für euch?
Welche Beitragsform wäre am besten geeignet?

Ich würde versuchen, morgen ein paper dafür einzureichen.

Lg Christoph

... von unterwegs

El mié., 23 de oct. de 2019 22:30, Michael Reichert 

> Hallo,
> bis zum 17. November 2019 kann jeder Vorträge und Workshops für die
> FOSSGIS-Konferenz 2020 in Freiburg im Breisgau (11. bis 14. März 2020)
> einreichen. Wir suchen Vorträge mit Neuigkeitswert sowie solche, die
> spannende Themen behandeln oder anregende Diskussionen auslösen. Thema
> der Konferenz sind freie Geodaten (insbesondere, aber nicht nur,
> OpenStreetMap), Open Data und freie GIS-Software.
> Folgende Veranstaltungstypen sind vorgesehen:
> - 20 Minuten lange Vorträge machen den Hauptteil aus. Diese finden am
>   Mittwochnachmittag, Donnerstag und Freitagvormittag statt. An diese
>   Vorträge schließt sich eine fünf Minuten lange Fragerunde an.
> - Parallel zu den Vorträgen finden 90 Minuten lange Workshops statt. Als
>   einziger Veranstaltungstyp sind sie kostenpflichtig, die
>   Teilnehmeranzahl ist begrenzt. Workshops mit zwei Leitern sind
>   möglich, insbesondere, wenn der Workshop stark nachgefragt ist. Diese
>   finden am Mittwochnachmittag, Donnerstag und Freitagvormittag statt.
> - 5 Minuten lange Lightning Talks geben Gelegenheit, neue Ideen und neue
>   Software in Kürze zu präsentieren.
> - 60 Minuten lange „Demo-Sessions“ sind für die intensive Vorführung
>   freier GIS-Software vorgesehen, in der Redner die Benutzung einer
>   Software zeigen. Die Teilnahme ist im Konferenzticket enthalten. Die
>   Demo-Sessions zeichnen sich durch eine höhere inhaltliche Tiefe
>   gegenüber Workshops und 20-Minuten-Vorträgen aus, weil sie in Hörsälen
>   statt in Computerpools stattfinden und die Teilnehmer die Schritte
>   nicht in Echtzeit an ihren Computern nachvollziehen können.
> - 40 Minuten lange Vorträge zu OpenStreetMap-Themen, an die sich jeweils
>   eine 20 Minuten lange Fragerunde anschließt. Sie sind für kontroverse
>   Themen der OpenStreetMap-Community vorgesehen.
> Werdet Teil der Konferenz und reicht jetzt euren Vortrag oder Workshop
> ein. Fragen zum Call for Papers beantwortet das Programmkomitee gerne
> per E-Mail an konferenz-o...@fossgis.de.
> Die Programmplanung findet beim FOSSGIS Hacking Event im Linuxhotel in
> Essen (29. November bis 1. Dezember 2019) statt. Das detaillierte
> Programm wird wenige Wochen später bekannt veröffentlicht, gleichzeitig
> wird die Anmeldung eröffnet.
> Redner dürfen ein kostenloses Communityticket als Eintrittskarte
> erwerben. Workshopleiter erhalten einen Rabatt auf den Eintritt, falls
> sie nicht anderweitig berechtigt sind (z.B. als aktive Mapper), ein
> kostenloses Communityticket zu lösen.
> Gerne könnt ihr bei der Einreichung des Vortrags ein bevorzugtes
> Zeitfenster angeben, falls ihr terminlich eingeschränkt seid.
> Zur Konferenzwebsite: https://fossgis-konferenz.de/2020/
> Zur Vortragseinreichung: https://pretalx.com/fossgis2020/
> Viele Grüße
> Michael
> vom Programmkomitee
> PS Falls ihr bei der Formulierung der Vortragsbeschreibung etwas
> Händchenhalten wünscht oder Zweifel habt, ob das Thema geeignet ist,
> könnt ihr auch mich direkt anschreiben. Es ist dann jedoch
> wahrscheinlich, dass ich mich in den Programmberatungen der Befangenheit
> wegen in der Sache enthalten muss.
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list
> Talk-de@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-de
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Neighbourhood/LSOA Names

2019-11-15 Per discussione Mark Goodge

On 15/11/2019 18:38, Owen Boswarva wrote:

Hi Steve,

Do you mean this? https://visual.parliament.uk/msoanames

Recently completed, but the House of Commons Library did request 
suggested names back in January when it was in draft.

The problem with census areas, at any level, is that they don't 
necessarily coincide with the way that people actually perceive their 
neighbourhoods. In rural areas, civil parishes tend to be a reasonable 
proxy for the answer people would give to the question "Where do you 
live?", but not always. In cities, ward names can be a guide, but often 

From a commercial perspective, this is something that is particularly 
important in the property market. For example, Zoopla, Rightmove and 
OnTheMarket have all created a database of named neighbourhoods that can 
be used in a location search. But they don't agree with each other 100%. 
And, of course, it isn't open data.

Google also returns a locality name with a reverse geocode search. But 
that, too, isn't open data (and requires a paid-for API key to query in 
bulk). In rural areas, it coincides with at least one of the property 
websites around 80% of the time, but hardly at all in major urban areas.

Royal Mail's dependent and double-dependent locality names in the PAF 
are, where populated, the most likely to correspond with perceived 
neighbourhood names (as, indeed, you would expect, as they're derived 
from historical usage themselves). But that's not open data either, and 
is also costly to access.

The obvious open data route, of using a proximity search to names 
already in OSM (or OS OpenNames), turns out not to work very well at all 
- mainly because simple distance takes no account of physical barriers 
such as rivers and roads, which often form the boundaries of perceived 
localities. You need to define your boundaries as well as assigning your 
names, and very few neighbourhoods and localities are anything near 

I'm not aware of any crowdsourced database, although I've often 
considered trying to create one. But even there, you run up against the 
problem that people may not agree among themselves as to the name of 
their locality.


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Windy Map mißachtet OSM-Lizenz?

2019-11-15 Per discussione Robert Grübler
Sehr schön, die Entwickler haben reagiert:

Das zeigt mir, dass wir – die Mitwirkenden von OpenStreetMap – etwas in Gang 
setzen können. Wir wollen, dass unsere Arbeit verwendet wird, wir wollen sie 
aber auch anerkannt sehen.
Ein herzliches Danke an felixelgato, mcmer, drhayes und Nuno Caldeira für ihre 

Liebe Grüße
Robert (robhubi)

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Martin Koppenhoefer [mailto:dieterdre...@gmail.com] 
Gesendet: Freitag, 15. November 2019 10:55
An: Openstreetmap allgemeines in Deutsch 
Betreff: Re: [Talk-de] Windy Map mißachtet OSM-Lizenz?

Am Fr., 15. Nov. 2019 um 10:18 Uhr schrieb Robert Grübler <

> Am Freitag, 15. November 2019 09:33 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer [mailto:
> dieterdre...@gmail.com]
> < ich habe keine Lust mich bei denen zu registrieren,  wohl angemessener, am besten auf 
> Verstehe das, aber WIR sind die Community, nicht die OSMF

ja, aber seit wir der OSMF die Rechte gewähren können wir nur noch moralisch 
argumentieren, rechtlich müsste die OSMF handeln. Außer man verklagte die OSMF, 
dass sie sich nicht ausreichend dafür einsetzen, die Lizenz durchzusetzen, 
letzteres war nämlich die Bedingung dafür, dass man ihnen die Rechte gewährt. 
Können wir ja machen wenn es nur noch große Firmen sind, deren Vertreter im 
Board sitzen ;-) Hier scheint es jedenfalls so, dass eine relativ erfolgreiche 
kommerzielle App (unter den Top20 der iPhone apps:
https://www.appannie.com/en/apps/ios/app/1161387262/# hat zwar wohl keine 
Werbung aber inApp purchases), absichtlich keine Attribution (auf kleinen 
Bildschirmen bzw. auf großen Bildschirmen eine winzige fast transparente 
Attribution die dazu noch OSM anstatt OpenStreetMap attribuiert) hat, seit mehr 
als 3 Jahren, obwohl sie klar unsere Daten nutzt. Noch klarer kann man die 
Lizenz eigentlich kaum verletzen, vermutlich wären sie sogar 

Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Windy Map

2019-11-15 Per discussione Robert Grübler
Sehr schön, die Entwickler haben reagiert:

Das zeigt mir, dass wir – die Mitwirkenden von OpenStreetMap – etwas in Gang 
setzen können. Wir wollen, dass unsere Arbeit verwendet wird, wir wollen sie 
aber auch anerkannt sehen.
Ein herzliches Danke an felixelgato, mcmer, drhayes und Nuno Caldeira für ihre 

Liebe Grüße
Robert (robhubi)

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Cartographie de la pub... et chargement des données sur MapContrib

2019-11-15 Per discussione Paul Desgranges


Effectivement 933 entrées remontées par https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/O88 
! Pas mal ! (Avec ceci déjà on peut voir la quantité, la densité, et 
l'inventaire sert déjà à ça !)

Et les nouvelles entrées sont souvent qualifiées dans le détail, 
c'est-à-dire qu'il n'y a pas que l'attribut 'advertising' mais bien 
(presque) à chaque fois, (certains) des attributs pour qualifier:

 * *L'aspect physique extérieur *:
 o le facteur de forme : ceci est donné par l'attribut
   'advertising' lui-même
 o le support : attribut 'support'
 o la taille totale : attribut 'size'  exprimé sous la forme
 o la taille d’affichage : attribut 'display_surface'
 o la hauteur : attribut 'height'
 o le nombre de côté : attribut 'sides'
 o le fait qu’il soit éclairé et comment : attribut 'lit'
 o le fait qu'il soit animé et comment : attribut 'animated'
 o la visibilité ou portée d'affichage : attribut 'visibility'
 o l'orientation du panneau vis-a-vis du flot de passage : attribut

 * *L'aspect "réglementaire" *:
 o l'opérateur : attribut 'operator'
 o le type de terrain : 'land-property'
 o le type de message : attribut 'message'
 o si le dispositif est utilisable par tous : attribut 'access'
 o sa référence : attribut 'ref'
 o le type réglementaire : attribut 'legal_type:FR'

Évidemment certains de ces attributs ne sont pas du tout évidents à 
renseigner : les attributs 'size', 'display_surface', 'height' par 
exemple (quel travail d'aller mesurer précisément des panneaux !) et 
l'attribut 'legal_type:FR 
' a besoin d'une 
expertise que peu de personnes ont (je connais qq trucs, mais la 
réglementation est tellement complexe !) et c'est pour ceci qu'il est 
très peu renseigné
J'ai exporté toutes les entrées dans un fichier osm  C'est pas mal 
mais il y aurait quand même une passe à faire pour corriger qq trucs et 
uniformiser... Je le ferais bien volontiers, mais pas dans mon coin. Ca 
serait mieux de préparer une modif à deux ou trois personnes, voir si 
déjà on peut se mettre d'accord, avant de présenter un résumé de cette 
proposition à la liste talk-fr : pour que cela soit fait de manière 
compréhensible et consensuelle.
La spec https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Key:advertising dit pas 
mal de choses, mais pourrait encore évoluer bien sûr.
Voilà donc c'est une proposition, si certains se sentent intéressés, on 
peut échanger un peu en MP et puis revenir sur la liste après ? Pour moi 
ça serait un exercice intéressant parce que nous avons un atelier le 6 
janvier à Grenoble sur le sujet 

Bonne soirée

Le 13/11/2019 à 20:33, Cédric Frayssinet a écrit :

Bonsoir à tous,

Depuis ce premier message, de nombreux panneaux ont été cartographiés 
sur la Métropole de Lyon (on approche les 1000 entrées). C'est 
notamment grâce à beau boulot de RAP Asso sur MapContrib : 

Malheureusement, on trouve qu'il y a beaucoup de messages d'erreurs 
rouge du type 'Too Many Requests' quand on utilise MapContrib.

Du coup, question simple :)
Y a-t-il des paramétrages que l'on aurait loupé, un système de cache 
par exemple ? ou des astuces...

D'ailleurs, j'ai un peu le même soucis sur des cartes uMap avec des 
données distances et des requêtes OverPass.

Merci pour vos pistes !


Le 22/09/2019 à 17:37, Cédric Frayssinet a écrit :

Bonjour à tous,

Sur Lyon, il y a un travail en cours sur la cartographie des panneaux
publicitaires et y a du boulot ! L'état actuel :

Il y a beaucoup de panneaux présents sur les arrêts de bus et je n'ai
pas vu de tag qui pourrait compléter l'arrêt de bus avec la présence
d'un panneau publicitaire (recto-verso, allumé...)

C'est dommage car cela permettrait de gagner du temps lors des contrib.
Mais peut-être que cela existe ?

De même, le top serait que Jungle Bus l'intègre dans son application
Android avec un système simple de case à cocher :)

Au plaisir de vous lire et bonne fin de week-end,


Talk-fr mailing list


Sur Mastodon : @bristow...@framapiaf.org 

Promouvoir et soutenir le logiciel libre 

Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] prev.openstreetmap.fr

2019-11-15 Per discussione Cédric Frayssinet
Le 14/11/2019 à 18:00, marc marc a écrit :
> Le 14.11.19 à 17:13, Vincent Bergeot a écrit :
>> disons que la première étape est sans doute de référencer ce qui doit 
>> être migrer de prev. à l'actuel :)
> 2 pistes :
> - utiliser un moteur de recherche pour voir ce qui est référencé
> sur prev.*, vérifier que ce contenu est bien présent sur www.*
> puis mettre une redirection de prev vers www.*
> - analyser les logs web de prev.* pour commencer par ceux consultés.
> Cette piste nécessitant quelqu'un qui veux remettre les stats en route
> puisque le tentative précédente n'a pas abouti
> ticket en question https://github.com/osm-fr/infrastructure/issues/17
> a voir avec Maël s'il a rencontré un soucis ou manque de temps

Cela me semble technique comme opération. Le plus simple, finalement,
n'est-il pas de regarder dans le backend de prev les articles et d'avoir
sous les yeux le nouveau site ? Si c'est migré ou peu intéressant, on
supprime. A moins que vous ayez un pad de suivi de la migration du contenu ?


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [talk-au] (NSW) Email Update – Changes to permanent speed limits

2019-11-15 Per discussione David Wales
I have since signed up to the service.
Clicking on the link in the email takes me to a page on the website, which is 
explicitly CC 4.0. I suspect this means it is OK to manually add a note or 
FIXME requesting resurvey.

I don't think that should cause trouble with the ODBL, because you're not 
importing the data.

(Open to correction here)

David Wales

On 14 November 2019 5:15:07 am AEDT, David Wales  wrote:
>A relevant paragraph from the terms of use:
>"The Service is intended for personal use only. You must not use it for
>business purposes or re-supply the information to others."
>This seems at odds with the CC 4.0 license which the website itself is
>I suspect you would need to either track down the original data source
>behind the emails, or you would need to contact Transport for NSW to
>get permission. 
>On 13 November 2019 10:21:58 pm AEDT, Luke Stewart
> wrote:
>>In case you were not aware, there is a bi-monthly service from the NSW
>>government advising when and where new speed limits have been
>>across the state, allowing us to keep our maxspeeds up to date.
>>I was considering adding a note to the locations that have been
>>each time the email is sent, but would this count as adding
>>data, even though it would only request a resurvey?
>>Interested to hear your thoughts,
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Neighbourhood/LSOA Names

2019-11-15 Per discussione Owen Boswarva
Hi Steve,

Do you mean this? https://visual.parliament.uk/msoanames

Recently completed, but the House of Commons Library did request suggested
names back in January when it was in draft.


On Fri, 15 Nov 2019 at 18:34, Steve Doerr  wrote:

Does anyone recognize this? A few months ago, I remember visiting a
> website that was looking to crowdsource meaningful names for
> neighbourhoods. I think it was based on Census Output Areas, probably at
> the LSOA level. It had a map showing the boundaries of the areas, and
> they had preloaded suggested names for each one (possibly based on ward
> names?). You could click on an area and suggest a better name based on
> your local knowledge.
> I'd be interested to find that website again. Or anything similar.
> Thanks,
> Steve
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
> Talk-GB@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-gb
Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-GB] Neighbourhood/LSOA Names

2019-11-15 Per discussione Steve Doerr
Does anyone recognize this? A few months ago, I remember visiting a 
website that was looking to crowdsource meaningful names for 
neighbourhoods. I think it was based on Census Output Areas, probably at 
the LSOA level. It had a map showing the boundaries of the areas, and 
they had preloaded suggested names for each one (possibly based on ward 
names?). You could click on an area and suggest a better name based on 
your local knowledge.

I'd be interested to find that website again. Or anything similar.


Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-br] Importação de dados da PBH/Prodabel

2019-11-15 Per discussione Alexandre Oliveira
Boa tarde!

Como dito anteriormente em um email que enviei para esta lista[1],
estou elaborando um plano para importar os dados de prédios e endereços
que a prefeitura de Belo Horizonte possui, no seu portal próprio, sob a
licença ODbL[2].

Algumas semanas atrás, confirmei a existência de marcos geodésicos que
a prefeitura instalou na cidade. Os marcos foram instalados em 2008 e
estão "ativos" até hoje, conforme as informações disponíveis no portal
de dados georreferenciados da prefeitura (os marcos foram visitados
neste ano).

Além das coordenadas de cada marco geodésico (que foram obtidas com um
aparelho de GPS), há também um link para a monografia de cada marco,
que contém uma foto do lugar onde foi instalado o marco, suas
coordenadas em SAD-69 e SIRGAS 2000 e uma breve descrição do local onde
foi instalado. Exemplo de monografia[3].

Eu baixei a camada e abri-a no QGIS. O portal BHMap, que utiliza o
software GeoServer, possui uma API que permite converter os dados para
a projeção que se deseja. Os dados estão na projeção EPSG 31983,
portanto, na hora de baixar a camada, solicitei a conversão para a
projeção EPSG:4326, utilizada pelo JOSM. É bem simples realizar a
conversão, basta especificar a projeção através de um parâmetro no URL
para baixar a camada[4].

No QGIS, abri a camada que baixei e usei o editor de campo para
atribuir as tags que são utilizadas pelo OSM. A monografia de cada
marco foi incluída na tag `website` e, para a "elevação" (na wiki há
uma diferença entre altitude e elevação) foi utilizada a tag
`ele:EPSG31983`. Abaixo segue um exemplo das tags do OSM que foram
utilizadas, e seus respectivos valores:

- name=M-095
- man_made=survey_point
- ele:EPSG31983=858.2
- source=Superintendência de Geoprocessamento Corporativo da Prodabel/
- description=chapa de bronze chumbada contendo o número do vértice,
  algumas vezes em uma base piramidal de concreto de
  tamanhos 12x12cm (base), 15x15cm (topo) e 50cm de altura

A exemplo do que foi realizado pelo usuário smaprs em Porto Alegre[5],
uma relação foi criada, contendo todos os 50 marcos geodésicos
instalados na cidade.

Com isso, seguindo as orientações da wiki para realizar importações,
gostaria de solicitar a aprovação desta proposta de importação dos
marcos geodésicos, que podem ser utilizados para auxiliar no
alinhamento das camadas do OSM com outras fontes de dados, já que os
marcos foram posicionados com precisão através da utilização de
aparelhos de GPS.

[1] https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-br/2019-September/012686.html


Talk-br mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Licence of Facebook's derived road datasets? ODbL?

2019-11-15 Per discussione Christoph Hormann
On Friday 15 November 2019, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> > > there isn't OSM data in their dataset.
> >
> > And neither is there is my ocean data set - the OSM data set used
> > only contains land masses, my resulting data set (D2 in Rory's
> > terms) only contains oceans.  So no OSM data in it.
> I doubt this cheap trick would pass when contested in a trial.

Well - it is not my cheap trick, it is facebook's cheap trick.  I am 
just following the lead here.  There is no principal difference between 
what facebook does and what my scenario describes.

> > If the question is not "addition or subtraction" consider the
> > following scenario.  You create a data set using some AI and big
> > data process of 'potential restaurants' world wide and create a set
> > intersection between those and the restuarants in OSM would the
> > results be a derivative of OSM data?
> yes, if you look at the intersection (data in both sets), it would
> be. If you took only what is not in OSM, I guess it wouldn't (no data
> from OSM contained).

So the set operation chosen (difference or intersection or any other) 
decides on the legal status of the resulting data set?

You are aware that a difference is the same as an intersection with the 
complement, i.e. A \setminus B = A \cap B^c - see:


Christoph Hormann

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Licence of Facebook's derived road datasets? ODbL?

2019-11-15 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Am Fr., 15. Nov. 2019 um 14:21 Uhr schrieb Christoph Hormann :

> On Friday 15 November 2019, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> > there isn't OSM data in their dataset.
> And neither is there is my ocean data set - the OSM data set used only
> contains land masses, my resulting data set (D2 in Rory's terms) only
> contains oceans.  So no OSM data in it.

I doubt this cheap trick would pass when contested in a trial. If you look
at "features" you could argue like this, but everybody knows that a map of
landmass and a map of ocean areas is just the same. It has the same
geometry (or almost), it contains, directly or indirectly, the same
coastline. Your dataset is constructed by transforming the OSM data.

> > The question is not "addition or subtraction", but whether there
> > is data from OSM in the data.
> No the question is if when based on the same D1 facebook generates a new
> D2_a using *changed* OSM data the results are *different*.  If that is
> the case D2/D2_a is a derivative of OSM data.

we seem to be running in circles, IMHO copyright doesn't protect the
absence of certain data.

> If the question is not "addition or subtraction" consider the following
> scenario.  You create a data set using some AI and big data process
> of 'potential restaurants' world wide and create a set intersection
> between those and the restuarants in OSM would the results be a
> derivative of OSM data?

yes, if you look at the intersection (data in both sets), it would be. If
you took only what is not in OSM, I guess it wouldn't (no data from OSM

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Licence of Facebook's derived road datasets? ODbL?

2019-11-15 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Am Fr., 15. Nov. 2019 um 13:44 Uhr schrieb Joseph Eisenberg <

> I understand that training their algorithim ("AI") on Openstreetmap
> data is fine.

actually this is something I do not understand. What is called "artificial
intelligence" in this context is actually just a statistical method, so the
"intelligence" that results from this can hardly be seen as something
different than a derived database. You transform OSM data into another

> How would anyone use the dataset without also combining it with
> Openstreetmap data?

this is a different question and not one we have to think about ("how
useful is this data if you don't combine it with OSM?").

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Licence of Facebook's derived road datasets? ODbL?

2019-11-15 Per discussione Christoph Hormann
On Friday 15 November 2019, Martin Trautmann wrote:
> No. Elementary logic does not apply for legal advice.

Thanks for putting it so bluntly - that is indeed an impression i often 
get from discussions on legal matters in the OSM community.  But as 
said that makes this kind of discussion uninteresting for the pursuit 
of gaining better knowledge and understanding of the objective reality.

I don't want to prevent anyone of having discussions under different 
premises and as said from a sociological point of view this is not 
uninteresting.  But my reply to Rory was made with the intention to 
look at the matter with scientific methods.

Christoph Hormann

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Licence of Facebook's derived road datasets? ODbL?

2019-11-15 Per discussione Wayne Emerson, Jr. via talk
/>"I don't understand why it is being claimed that facebook ... is not 
using Openstreetmap data."/
 The original claim was not about facebook "using" OSM data, it was 
that a specific dataset was "derived" from OSM data. To use the cooking 
analogy, a cake is derived from flour, oil, sugar, etc. It is not 
derived from spoons, bowls, pans or flour-sifters. In this case, OSM 
data was used as a sifter to decide which of their data to subtract from 
their data.

/>"I can create a polygon data set of the Earth surface (a simple 
rectangle in EPSG:4326) and subtract an OSM derived data set of the 
Earth land masses from that to get a data set of the oceans."/
 This might make sense in autocad which has cutting operations, but 
makes no sense in OSM. The operation described would require *adding* 
all lines tagged in OSM as "natural=coastline" to your dataset. Facebook 
is not inferring the shape of their streets based on OSM data.

As far as the licensing, it appears to me to only apply to the software 
(RapiD) not the data. But it should be more explicit.

The license summary says that it only requires preservation of copyright 
and license notices.


The real question should be: When the RapiD software is used to add 
their street data to OSM does it tag the street with copyright and 
license notices?

For the record, I do not like facebook. I have never had a facebook 
account and never will.

On 11/15/2019 8:03 AM, Nuno Caldeira wrote:
Well it's quite obvious to me that for adding or subtracting you need 
OSM data, so I have no doubts. it's like a cook recipe, if you don't 
have use it, you won't get the end result without it, adding or 

On Fri, 15 Nov 2019, 11:41 Christoph Hormann, > wrote:

This realization (of there being no fundamental difference between
subtracting and adding) is - as Rory already explained - not
on specific details of the ODbL or the law but derives from

Christoph Hormann


talk mailing list

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Licence of Facebook's derived road datasets? ODbL?

2019-11-15 Per discussione Mikel Maron
I suggest that those that want to continue this discussion do so on the 
legal-talk mailing list. It’s especially for discussing this level of detail of 
license questions.https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/legal-talk/ 

You all are free to ignore my suggestion, it’s not made with any moderation 


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Licence of Facebook's derived road datasets? ODbL?

2019-11-15 Per discussione Martin Trautmann
On 19-11-15 12:38, Christoph Hormann wrote:

> Because the basis of most comments made does not seem to be the desire 
> to neutrally assess the situation Rory presents here and its 
> implications.  This would usually go by considering what if Rory is 
> right and data productions like this would be subject to the ODbL as 
> well as the other way round by considering what if Rory is wrong and 
> you could distribute data sets like this under any license you want.

That's probably because it's a legal question.

Everyone has the right for his right opinion. But whether that's right -
in legal terms! -  that can be very difficult to answer.

You can argue from the point of "common sense" or from the engineering
view of logical arguing. But both of it can be irrelevant and just the
opposite of what the letter of the law will be.

And jurists don't have the need to read and reply on this list.

When you ask them whether they want coffee or tea, they will charge you
three digits numbers before giving you an answer.

> I am not really interested in participating in this kind of interest 
> negotiation - because (a) the results do not depend on who has the best 
> arguments but on who can invest the most time and manpower into the 
> discussion and (b) the results would not actually be an objectively 
> better or more accurate understanding of the situation.

So then you should avoid reading topics like this on the list.
You won't be able to prevent that someone will ask questions like this -
although it will require people with legal skills to handle them properly.

However, discussing topics like this outside court room, you may learn
and gain expertise which may help for further discussions.

> From an engineering perspective the idea that adding OSM data can create 
> a derivative database but subtracting OSM data cannot does not hold up 
> of course.  I can create a polygon data set of the Earth surface (a 
> simple rectangle in EPSG:4326) and subtract an OSM derived data set of 
> the Earth land masses from that to get a data set of the oceans.  
> According to the hypothesis this would not be subject to the ODbL.

From the engineering perspective it is obvious, because the exlusive
amount of data obviously ist just a NOT of the given data.

For a legal person it's not the opposite - in fact for him it is the
absolute proof that it is not derived, because exactly nothing of it is
within the data.

Giving you the example from above, from the view of a programming
engineer or mathematician: when you ask them whether they want coffee OR
tea, they might answer YES - because they want either coffee or tea or
they don't mind whether it's coffee or tea or both. So how does this
answer help your question?

So although you and we and they do use the same words, they do not have
the same meaning.

> This realization (of there being no fundamental difference between 
> subtracting and adding) is - as Rory already explained - not dependent 
> on specific details of the ODbL or the law but derives from elementary 
> logic.

No. Elementary logic does not apply for legal advice. You must first
convert the question to proper legal terminology - and then translate
back the answer to terms that we can understand.

Schönen Gruß

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Licence of Facebook's derived road datasets? ODbL?

2019-11-15 Per discussione Christoph Hormann
On Friday 15 November 2019, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> > From an engineering perspective the idea that adding OSM data can
> > create a derivative database but subtracting OSM data cannot does
> > not hold up of course.  I can create a polygon data set of the
> > Earth surface (a simple rectangle in EPSG:4326) and subtract an OSM
> > derived data set of the Earth land masses from that to get a data
> > set of the oceans. According to the hypothesis this would not be
> > subject to the ODbL.
> You are generalizing in a way that is not suitable.

No, i am not, i am falsifying the hypothesis given by providing an 
example that contradicts the hypothesis.

> [...] IMHO
> there isn't OSM data in their dataset.

And neither is there is my ocean data set - the OSM data set used only 
contains land masses, my resulting data set (D2 in Rory's terms) only 
contains oceans.  So no OSM data in it.

> The question is not "addition or subtraction", but whether there
> is data from OSM in the data.

No the question is if when based on the same D1 facebook generates a new 
D2_a using *changed* OSM data the results are *different*.  If that is 
the case D2/D2_a is a derivative of OSM data.

If the question is not "addition or subtraction" consider the following 
scenario.  You create a data set using some AI and big data process 
of 'potential restaurants' world wide and create a set intersection 
between those and the restuarants in OSM would the results be a 
derivative of OSM data?  This would only differ from facebooks road 
data in calculating an intersection rather than a difference as 
facebook does for the roads.

Needless to say i think that if your answer is that this is not an OSM 
derivative that would be a recipe to de-ODBL-ify any subset of OSM 

Christoph Hormann

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Licence of Facebook's derived road datasets? ODbL?

2019-11-15 Per discussione Nuno Caldeira
Well it's quite obvious to me that for adding or subtracting you need OSM
data, so I have no doubts. it's like a cook recipe, if you don't have use
it, you won't get the end result without it, adding or subtracting.

On Fri, 15 Nov 2019, 11:41 Christoph Hormann,  wrote:

> This realization (of there being no fundamental difference between
> subtracting and adding) is - as Rory already explained - not dependent
> on specific details of the ODbL or the law but derives from elementary
> logic.
> --
> Christoph Hormann
> http://www.imagico.de/
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Licence of Facebook's derived road datasets? ODbL?

2019-11-15 Per discussione Joseph Eisenberg
I don't know anything about the legal aspects, but logically I don't
understand why it is being claimed that facebook releasing a list of
possible roads, which specifically excludes all roads in
Openstreetmap, is not using Openstreetmap data.

I understand that training their algorithim ("AI") on Openstreetmap
data is fine.

But the data that they have released is specifically a list of
features which look like roads on aerial imagery, excluding those
which are already included in the Openstreetmap database, right?

How would anyone use the dataset without also combining it with
Openstreetmap data?

Now if facebook wants to release a dataset of "all things that look
like roads in aerial imagery according to our algorithm (which BTW was
trained on OSM), that's fine.

But they have already gone one step further and then added all
`highway=` features in Openstreetmap to the dataset - in this case by
subtracting those features which are already a very closely aligned to
a `highway` way.

- Joseph Eisenberg

On 11/15/19, Martin Koppenhoefer  wrote:
> Am Fr., 15. Nov. 2019 um 12:41 Uhr schrieb Christoph Hormann
> >:
>> Because the basis of most comments made does not seem to be the desire
>> to neutrally assess the situation Rory presents here and its
>> implications.
>> What it seems instead happens here is that people look at the situation
>> and develop a spontaneous reaction in terms of "should this be possible
>> or not" and then specifically search for ways to argue in support of
>> this opinion.
> I am exempting myself from this, because I would not like Facebook to be
> able to use OSM data and not follow the license, but I believe they can in
> this case. ;-)
>> From an engineering perspective the idea that adding OSM data can create
>> a derivative database but subtracting OSM data cannot does not hold up
>> of course.  I can create a polygon data set of the Earth surface (a
>> simple rectangle in EPSG:4326) and subtract an OSM derived data set of
>> the Earth land masses from that to get a data set of the oceans.
>> According to the hypothesis this would not be subject to the ODbL.
> You are generalizing in a way that is not suitable. What was stated was
> that there must be OSM data (in original or derived form) in the data to
> make the license kick in. In the case presented by Rory, IMHO there isn't
> OSM data in their dataset. It will not be possible to deduct any kind of
> OSM data from their dataset. In your example, you clearly have derived OSM
> data in your new dataset, otherwise it wouldn't be possible to get back to
> the original data (or part of it). The question is not "addition or
> subtraction", but whether there is data from OSM in the data.
> Cheers
> Martin

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Licence of Facebook's derived road datasets? ODbL?

2019-11-15 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Am Fr., 15. Nov. 2019 um 12:41 Uhr schrieb Christoph Hormann :

> Because the basis of most comments made does not seem to be the desire
> to neutrally assess the situation Rory presents here and its
> implications.
> What it seems instead happens here is that people look at the situation
> and develop a spontaneous reaction in terms of "should this be possible
> or not" and then specifically search for ways to argue in support of
> this opinion.

I am exempting myself from this, because I would not like Facebook to be
able to use OSM data and not follow the license, but I believe they can in
this case. ;-)

> From an engineering perspective the idea that adding OSM data can create
> a derivative database but subtracting OSM data cannot does not hold up
> of course.  I can create a polygon data set of the Earth surface (a
> simple rectangle in EPSG:4326) and subtract an OSM derived data set of
> the Earth land masses from that to get a data set of the oceans.
> According to the hypothesis this would not be subject to the ODbL.

You are generalizing in a way that is not suitable. What was stated was
that there must be OSM data (in original or derived form) in the data to
make the license kick in. In the case presented by Rory, IMHO there isn't
OSM data in their dataset. It will not be possible to deduct any kind of
OSM data from their dataset. In your example, you clearly have derived OSM
data in your new dataset, otherwise it wouldn't be possible to get back to
the original data (or part of it). The question is not "addition or
subtraction", but whether there is data from OSM in the data.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [OverpassTurbo] Manquent terminus dans ligne de métro

2019-11-15 Per discussione Shohreh
Shohreh wrote
> Quelle est alors la bonne façon de faire pour récupérer correctement toute
> une ligne de train, et lister les éventuelles ways qui dépassent les
> terminus (pour l'esthétique) ?

Il manque encore la solution pour lister et masquer les éventuels ways qui
dépassent des terminus, mais la requête est plus simple :



  way(r.a:"") ;
  node(r.a) ;

out body;
out skel qt;

Sent from: http://gis.19327.n8.nabble.com/France-f5380434.html

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Licence of Facebook's derived road datasets? ODbL?

2019-11-15 Per discussione Christoph Hormann

(Deliberately replying to myself since this is not meant as a reply to 
anyone specifically)

If i try for a moment to ignore the fact that this matter has 
significant meaning for the OSM community and its social cohesion (the 
social contract between mappers and data users etc.) this is actually a 
quite interesting sociological experiment.

Because the basis of most comments made does not seem to be the desire 
to neutrally assess the situation Rory presents here and its 
implications.  This would usually go by considering what if Rory is 
right and data productions like this would be subject to the ODbL as 
well as the other way round by considering what if Rory is wrong and 
you could distribute data sets like this under any license you want.

What it seems instead happens here is that people look at the situation 
and develop a spontaneous reaction in terms of "should this be possible 
or not" and then specifically search for ways to argue in support of 
this opinion.  This in my experience is how at least 2/3 of all 
discussions in OSM on legal questions happen meanwhile.  This is very 
non-productive and annoying because it results in what is essentially a 
negotiation between different interests presented in the discussion 
instead of actual knowledge and insight into the matter (Erkenntniss in 
German) as it would result from the scientific approach (i.e. making a 
hypothesis and scrutinizing it with scepticism).

I am not really interested in participating in this kind of interest 
negotiation - because (a) the results do not depend on who has the best 
arguments but on who can invest the most time and manpower into the 
discussion and (b) the results would not actually be an objectively 
better or more accurate understanding of the situation.

From an engineering perspective the idea that adding OSM data can create 
a derivative database but subtracting OSM data cannot does not hold up 
of course.  I can create a polygon data set of the Earth surface (a 
simple rectangle in EPSG:4326) and subtract an OSM derived data set of 
the Earth land masses from that to get a data set of the oceans.  
According to the hypothesis this would not be subject to the ODbL.

This realization (of there being no fundamental difference between 
subtracting and adding) is - as Rory already explained - not dependent 
on specific details of the ODbL or the law but derives from elementary 

Christoph Hormann

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [OverpassTurbo] Manquent terminus dans ligne de métro

2019-11-15 Per discussione Shohreh
marc marc wrote
> ha... cela fonctionne. mais c'est assez embrouillant de sauver une
> relation dans une variable habituellement utilisé pour sauver une zone
> géographique.
> du coup si tu n'as pas filtré sur une zone géographique, tu vas avoir des
> résultats surprenant le jour un autre pays/région a un RER A :)
> en passant vire donc la () qui ne sert a rien ((la parenthèse groupe
> plusieurs choses, hors ici tu en a qu'une)
> relation["network"="RER"]["ref"="A"] -> .searchArea; (tu ne spéficies pas
> que tu veux des routes, le jour oü qlq chose  d'autre existe en
> network=RER + ref=A, tu vas l'avoir aussi

Quelle est alors la bonne façon de faire pour récupérer correctement toute
une ligne de train, et lister les éventuelles ways qui dépassent les
terminus (pour l'esthétique) ?


//Marche pas
//map_to_area -> .searchArea;

//Pas casher mais fonctionne
(relation["network"="RER"]["ref"="A"];) -> .searchArea;

  way(r.searchArea:"") ;
  node(r.searchArea) ;
); - way(121702955);

out body;
out skel qt;

Sent from: http://gis.19327.n8.nabble.com/France-f5380434.html

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Windy Map mißachtet OSM-Lizenz?

2019-11-15 Per discussione Martin Trautmann
On 19-11-14 18:49, Robert Grübler wrote:

> Basiert die Karte in eurer Gegend auch auf OSM?
> Jedenfalls, die Urheberrechte so verschwindend zu würdigen, empfinde ich als
> respektlos. 

Windy gesteht ganz offen, dass sie die Daten der OSM benutzen:

> Ich meine, wir sollten das nicht so einfach hinnehmen.
> Ob die OSMF was tut weiß ich nicht, aber wir können und sollten etwas tun:
> *** Deponiert eure Meinung im Windy Forum!
> *** https://community.windy.com/topic/3353/map-correction/11 

Das Problem ist denen schon seit mindestens 2016 bekannt, sucht im Forum
einfach mal nach openstreetmap. Sie tun aber schlicht zu wenig, um das
Problem zu beheben.

Schönen Gruß

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Violazione Licenza - FoodChain-Lab

2019-11-15 Per discussione Fra Mauro
Grazie mille Martin!

Il 15 Novembre 2019 11:05:30 CET, Martin Koppenhoefer  
ha scritto:
>dopo che erano zitti avevo richiesto e mi hanno poi risposto subito che
>risolveranno con priorità. Pare che hanno 2 app, di cui una già aveva
>l'attribuzione e l'altra appunto seguirà. Speriamo.

Inviato dal mio dispositivo Android con K-9 Mail. Perdonate la brevità.___
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Violazione Licenza - FoodChain-Lab

2019-11-15 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
dopo che erano zitti avevo richiesto e mi hanno poi risposto subito che
risolveranno con priorità. Pare che hanno 2 app, di cui una già aveva
l'attribuzione e l'altra appunto seguirà. Speriamo.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Windy Map mißachtet OSM-Lizenz?

2019-11-15 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Am Fr., 15. Nov. 2019 um 10:18 Uhr schrieb Robert Grübler <

> Am Freitag, 15. November 2019 09:33 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer [mailto:
> dieterdre...@gmail.com]
> < ich habe keine Lust mich bei denen zu registrieren,
> Verstehe das, aber WIR sind die Community, nicht die OSMF

ja, aber seit wir der OSMF die Rechte gewähren können wir nur noch
moralisch argumentieren, rechtlich müsste die OSMF handeln. Außer man
verklagte die OSMF, dass sie sich nicht ausreichend dafür einsetzen, die
Lizenz durchzusetzen, letzteres war nämlich die Bedingung dafür, dass man
ihnen die Rechte gewährt. Können wir ja machen wenn es nur noch große
Firmen sind, deren Vertreter im Board sitzen ;-)
Hier scheint es jedenfalls so, dass eine relativ erfolgreiche kommerzielle
App (unter den Top20 der iPhone apps:
https://www.appannie.com/en/apps/ios/app/1161387262/# hat zwar wohl keine
Werbung aber inApp purchases), absichtlich keine Attribution (auf kleinen
Bildschirmen bzw. auf großen Bildschirmen eine winzige fast transparente
Attribution die dazu noch OSM anstatt OpenStreetMap attribuiert) hat, seit
mehr als 3 Jahren, obwohl sie klar unsere Daten nutzt. Noch klarer kann man
die Lizenz eigentlich kaum verletzen, vermutlich wären sie sogar

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Windy Map mißachtet OSM-Lizenz?

2019-11-15 Per discussione Robert Grübler
Am Freitag, 15. November 2019 09:33 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer 

< ich habe keine Lust mich bei denen zu registrieren, 
Gesendet: Freitag, 15. November 2019 09:33
An: Openstreetmap allgemeines in Deutsch 
Betreff: Re: [Talk-de] Windy Map mißachtet OSM-Lizenz?

sent from a phone

> On 15. Nov 2019, at 00:52, Robert Grübler  wrote:
> Magst du das den Entwicklern 
> https://community.windy.com/topic/3353/map-correction/11 
> mitteilen?

ich habe keine Lust mich bei denen zu registrieren, ein Fax wäre wohl 
angemessener, am besten auf OpenStreetMap-Foundation Briefpapier 

Gruß Martin 
Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Validateur JOSM : "Valeur de la propriété inconnue"

2019-11-15 Per discussione lenny.libre

Le 15/11/2019 à 08:56, Yves P. a écrit :


Je n’arrive pas à trouver le validateur de JOSM pour faire un ticket approprié.
(vivement Github ou Gitlab )

Dans le menu de JOSM : Aide ou Maj+F1 > Signaler une erreur > dans la 
création d'un nouveau ticket : Composant = Core validator ?

cordialement Leni

Il trouve des tags "man_made=grave" et suggère que la valeur serait « crane »

D’après le wiki, c’est "cemetery=grave ».

Il y en a 418  d’après 

On corrige la règle ou on nettoie ça à la main ?


Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] iD editor

2019-11-15 Per discussione liste DOT girarsi AT posteo DOT eu
Il 13/11/19 18:23, Francesco Ansanelli ha scritto:
> Grazie per la segnalazione, Martin!!
> Condivido ogni parola e sono convitto che Frédéric, che ho avuto la fortuna
> di conoscere, sia un ottimo candidato per cambiare le sorti di iD.
> Francesco

Concordo sulla lettera, anche se un anno mi sembra troppo, proporrei 6
mesi, considerati gli errori indotti dalla taggatura ID in alcuni
contesti resa coatta da questi membri sviluppatori di ID, errori che in
6 mesi se ne fanno a bizzeffe considerando l'uso massivo di questo
editor, errori che poi bisognerà correggere.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Mapeo de espacios protegidos

2019-11-15 Per discussione Jordi MF
Hola agustin,

Respecto a la licencia CreativeCommons 3.0, se necesita un permiso explícito
para poder usar dichos datos. Por eso tampoco podemos usar los del ICV. A
ver si la semana que viene, en unas jornadas de datos abiertos que organiza
el Ayuntamiento de València, hay algún responsable del ICV y se lo comento.

Respecto a la importación de los espacios naturales, el ICV tiene los de
datos de los LIC a escala 1:50.000 [1], igual que los del Ministerio. Sin
embargo, los datos de las ZEPA, por ejemplo, están a escala 1:10.000 [2].
Por tanto, puestos a realizar una importación, estoy con Miguel que
convendría hacerla con los datos que tengan mayor precisión. En este caso,
la única solución que veo es conseguir dichos permisos de cada comunidad
autónoma (otra tarea tediosa más). De todas formas, ¿alguien sabe si la
escala 1:50.000 es de poca calidad para OSM? Lo que ha hecho el Ministerio
es unificar todos los datos que recibe de las comunidades autónomas a una
escala 1:50.000. 

No consigo saber qué atribución tienen los datos de la Agencia Europea del
Medio Ambiente sobre la red Natura 2000 [3]. Abajo se indica que la licencia
es CreativeCommons 2.5, pero no sé si hace referencia a los datos o la
página web en general. De todas formas, tengo entendido que también habría
que pedirles permiso.

Respecto al proceso de importación, desconozco cómo se hace. No sé si se
usarían los archivos SHP que ofrecen las administraciones para subirlos al
gestor de tareas.

Yo creo que sería mejor tratar los diferentes espacios naturales de forma
separada porque son muchos datos: Parques Naturales, Reservas Marinas,
Reservas de la Biosfera, LICs (o ZECs) y ZEPAs. Pero no sé si la forma en
que la administración ofrece estos datos lo permite. Por ejemplo, el ICV
ofrece los datos por separado.

Por ahora, yo he usado los Decretos de la Generalitat Valenciana para
delimitar los Parques Naturales que faltaban y los de las Reservas Marinas
del Ministerio en las costas valencianas. Pero es una tarea muy costosa y



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Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Windy Map mißachtet OSM-Lizenz?

2019-11-15 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 15. Nov 2019, at 00:52, Robert Grübler  wrote:
> Magst du das den Entwicklern 
> https://community.windy.com/topic/3353/map-correction/11 
> mitteilen?

ich habe keine Lust mich bei denen zu registrieren, ein Fax wäre wohl 
angemessener, am besten auf OpenStreetMap-Foundation Briefpapier 

Gruß Martin 
Talk-de mailing list