Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-27 Thread MAU
Hello Thomas,

> So you support the wish? ;-)

Not really. I don't mind if it is implemented for the benefit of others,
but I have personally never felt the need in my 10+ years on the
Internet. Maybe because I usually write my e-mail 2 or 3 days _after_ I
should have done so and send them immediately after writing ;-)

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-27 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Roelof,

On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 18:19:22 +0200 GMT (26/10/2004, 23:19 +0700 GMT),
Roelof Otten wrote:

MM>> Netscape Messenger is an example having such feature, and it is quite
MM>> simple, normal, and standard one.

RO> Actually, telling me that some other client has the same feature won't
RO> mean that it is something TB should do too. TB doesn't rewrap a
RO> message before sending either even though there some clients that do
RO> so.

This might be referring to the term "Best Practice" in management
terms. You look around in the industry and when you see something that
the competitor does better than you, you try to live up. If you
something that the competitor does not as good as you do, you just
smile. It doesn't mean you have to copy everything from the
competitor, that would be detrimental to be becoming the best.

MM>> It is a moment when your message lives your computer/MUA.

RO> Let's use the moment the message leaves the mua (with all those
RO> proxies scanning for viruses and I don't what else it's rather hard to
RO> say when it leaves your computer). And leaving should be defined as
RO> the time that the smtp server has acknowledged receipt, not the
RO> beginning of the transfer.

My choice would  be the time the message is moved from the Outbox to
the Sent folder.

RO> When you want a date stamp on the envelope, ask for an additional
RO> column, that would be saved in the .tbi file. I can imagine that I'd
RO> support such a wish.

I think that would do the trick. I'm thinking of the same way TB
emembers when *it* received messages, regardless of the time stamp in
the Received headers.

RO> The way of thought behind TB is that a received or sent message should
RO> not be altered without altering the message-id. You don't have to
RO> agree with that, but that's the way TB is written and it is in full
RO> accordance with the relevant RFC's that say that no two different messages
RO> should carry the same message-id.

I don't think this is related, see above.



Die Pille fuer den Mann wurde bei 2 000 Maennern getestet. Und
tatsaechlich - keiner von ihnen bekam ein Kind!

Message reply created with The Bat!
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Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-27 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello MAU,

On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 15:51:20 +0200 GMT (26/10/2004, 20:51 +0700 GMT),
MAU wrote:

>> No. An unparked message can sit in the Outbox for days due to
>> connection problems. Then it will suddenly be sent. Who is to know on
>> which day?

M> Yes, of course. That is a quite common situation, happens here several
M> times a day ;-)

Here too. So you support the wish? ;-)



Isch des it herrlich, wie frisch d' Luft huet morge isch? - Ha, ko
Wunder, si isch jo d' ganz Nacht dusse gsi.

Message reply created with The Bat!
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Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-26 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Peter,

On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 20:32:14 +0200GMT (26-10-2004, 20:32 +0200, where
I live), you wrote:

PH> Let  me  make  a  third  suggestion:  The  best  way to keep track about the
PH> date/time  a  message  has  actually  been  sent would be an addition to the
PH> database.  TB  must  only  save  the references to the sent messages and the
PH> date/time  of  sending. This information could, for example, be displayed in
PH> the headers context menu.

PH> Your opinion?

I'd be in favour of that. ;-)

Wouldn't be nice of me to say any thing else, since I stated that more
or less at the end of mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] while I
was busy arguing with Mica that an additional header wouldn't do.

Groetjes, Roelof

WinErr: 001 Windows loaded.  System in danger.

The Bat!
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
1 pop3 account, server on LAN

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-26 Thread Peter Hampf
Good evening Roelof,

on Tue, 26 Oct 2004 18:59:58 +0200 GMT your local time you wrote:

RO> As you can see in my messages in this thread, I'm not quite in favour
RO> of people doing this like you're suggesting.

well,  Roelof, I can understand your point of view - and it isn't a new one.
In  Fidonet  this discussion lasted at least 10 years :-) Of course, without
any  well accepted result.

In  general  I  agree  that  no  software shall alter a message. But isn't a
message also altered in transit by adding header lines? I really trust in TB
*because*  it saves messages exactly that way the user wrote it and does not
alter it before or after sending.

But!  If  I (the user) instruct TB to add a special header after sending the
message  then it happens on my request, with my knowledge. It is exactly the
way *I* want it to be and therefore TB should be allowed to do so. Of course
as an option which is inactive by default.

RO> But as usual it is possible to do what you want with a
RO> filter, the filter below will do what you want:

Yes, that is possible but very unhandy. A simple switch would make life much
easier ;-) and wouldn't have all the drawbacks your filter has.

Let  me  make  a  third  suggestion:  The  best  way to keep track about the
date/time  a  message  has  actually  been  sent would be an addition to the
database.  TB  must  only  save  the references to the sent messages and the
date/time  of  sending. This information could, for example, be displayed in
the headers context menu.

Your opinion?


  Using Ritlabs SecureBat! 2.12.4 (OS: Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2)

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Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-26 Thread Mica Mijatovic
Hash: SHA1

   ***^\ ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Tue, 26 Oct 2004,
   @  @  at 18:19:22 +0200, when Roelof Otten wrote:

MM>> Netscape Messenger is an example having such feature, and it is quite
MM>> simple, normal, and standard one.

> Actually, telling me that some other client has the same feature won't
> mean that it is something TB should do too.

Although I didn't mention NM in that sense, you should perhaps re-think
about added notepad (in a *mailer*!), then "scheduler"... to mention
just the two. (:

> TB doesn't rewrap a message before sending either even though there
> some clients that do so.

NM is mentioned just as an example, and strictly related to the topic,
to illustrate that it's nothing that special, nor a de-luxe feature.

> When I save a message, that's the one that gets sent and the
> message that gets sent is the message that is stored in 'Sent mail'
> (or whatever folder you're filtering it too), that's a feature of TB
> and a major one too.

That is simply a mess. The message you have *saved* is NOT the message
you have *sent*. It's only that TB is not able to distinct these two.
And it cannot do that because of lack of information (the lack of the
feature which will record the time of *sending*). So, you in your Sent
folder actually have a message you have sent, but you have no a slight
idea *when* you have sent it. You know only when this message is last
time *saved* on your machine. So, you are not able to administrate your
correspondence correctly. The elementary thing.

Much, much, much more elementary than a notepad built-in in a mailer.

MM>> It is a moment when your message lives your computer/MUA.

> Let's use the moment the message leaves the mua (with all those
> proxies scanning for viruses and I don't what else it's rather hard to
> say when it leaves your computer). And leaving should be defined as
> the time that the smtp server has acknowledged receipt, not the
> beginning of the transfer.

Scanners, proxies, midgets and gadgets... What about *servers* then the
message has to undergo and survive? Please focus.

It is very simple: you write a message and you have sent it. "Sent", in
the simple meaning "it is gone", "the message has left the mailer", "the
message is/has(been) sent". What will your message experience passing
through the cruel world is not anymore your concern - you have *sent*
it, and you have the record when you did it. Where is the problem with
this definition?

But, because such reasoning which try to complicate very simple things,
one have to use external helpers, as Xray eg., because an elementary
feature is not present in the mailer itself. (-:

MM>> What duplicated messages? When the message is sent, the "stamp" is
MM>> written in headers, and the copy with the identical headers is
MM>> delivered to your sent folder as well, so that you have evidence
MM>> where it is sent, without complicating things by sending to
MM>> yourself the copies.

> Not sure whether I follow you completely. Do you want two copies of
> the message, one as it was sent and one with a time stamp?

The very same as now is the noble case, with the only difference that
the message will have sending time in headers. (: This one which is
sent, has the sending time stamp, and its copy is in Sent folder. (:
It's nothing new in the mailers' world.

MM>> *If* adding such a simple feature to TB would be "a departure from
MM>> current way of thought behind TB", then it is simply badly considered
MM>> way. There is nothing more normal and logical than putting a stamp on a
MM>> letter's cover. The date of creating is in the letter itself, and date
MM>> of sending is on its cover.

> Yeah, but what you're suggesting isn't quite the same.

Of course is not same - this is just a *comparison*, for making things
easier for understanding. (-:

> You send a message and keep a copy and now you're talking about adding
> a date to that copy in a way that it's indistinguishably what has been
> added to your copy and what was their originally.

No, it is definitely silly. I do not talk about something like that.

> When you want a date stamp on the envelope, ask for an additional
> column, that would be saved in the .tbi file. I can imagine that I'd
> support such a wish.

The envelope and the letter were just comparison to "created time" and
"sent time". Like this:

envelope - sent time
letter   - created time

TB lacks sent time. So, you could send a message using a pigeon (or a
condor) as well, since pigeons (nor condors) do not stamp envelopes, and
the result, for administration, is identical: You have no idea when the
message is sent.

MM>> "Way of thought" should be in accordance with factual processes of
MM>> mailing. Well, if we are dealing with mailing.

> The way of thought behind TB is that a received or sent message should
> not be altered without altering the message-id.

Message is not altered at all. MID belongs to heade

Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-26 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo WilWilWil,

On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 00:11:22 +0200GMT (25-10-2004, 0:11 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

W> In the source of a message, I can see the date I've wrote it
W> and saved. But if I don't send the message immediately, just save
W> it, I can't find a way to know the date and time I've sent it

W> Is there an automatically way to add this date and time somewhere in the mail 
itself ?

As you can see in my messages in this thread, I'm not quite in favour
of people doing this like you're suggesting. (See

But as usual it is possible to do what you want with a
filter, the filter below will do what you want:

 TB! Message Filter 
UID: [0AFCB4A2.01C4BB70.61D3587B.0AA4EC6E]
Name: date\20stamp\20for\20sent\20messages
ExportMessage OverwriteExist FmtText filename c:\5Csentmsg.msg template 
RunExternal CmdLine 

Note that you'll need to change the path in the external command,
because not everybody will have TB installed on drive I: (actually my
XP is installed on I: too)
Also you've got to change the account you're importing your message
in, my account is (for reasons only known to me) called 'roelof' and
somehow I figure that's unlikely for you. ;-)

As TB is a very smart program, it'll realize that the imported message
is a new message even though it's almost identical and the message-id
is the same (changing the sequence of the delete and import commands
won't help). So when you're already using outgoing filters, you've got
to alter them, unless they're about messages that don't need the
X-Sent header (or whatever you're gonna call it)
So when you've currently got a filter that moves sent messages to a
folder 'Friends' in the account 'WilWilWil', you need to replace the
move action for an import action to \\WilWilWil\Friends and you need
the export and delete actions inserted to your existing filter too.

To be honest, you don't need the export action in every filter. You
can create one catch all filter that exports the message to file using
the template I defined. And give that filter the option 'Continue
processing with other filters'. Set that filter at the top of the
outgoing messages.
The delete action should be included in every filter.

You won't be able to flag, park, print the imported messages via an
outgoing filter.

Groetjes, Roelof

Windows 95 not found! (D)ance (C)heer (P)arty?

The Bat!
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
1 pop3 account, server on LAN

Description: PGP signature

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Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-26 Thread Mike Dillinger
Message from "Roelof Otten" on 10/25/04 05:21 PM PT quoted:
I'd be very surprised if such a wish would be fulfilled.
It would be a departure from the current way of thought behind TB.
It would mean TB would change messages after/on sending them.
TB's strongest feature until now is that it doesn't do that.
Apart from that, you'd need an option to add the time/date of sending,
would this kludge be inserted before sending (when you don't know yet,
whether sending is gonna work) or after sending, so you'll save
another message than you'll actually have sent.
No, the best way to keep track of when you sent your message is to BCC
it to yourself. It'll have a Received: header from your ISP and it's
the same as what you sent. 
There's also some variables that being overlooked with this potential new 

The big one that stands out to me is the fact that the client PC sending 
the mail is most likely not time sync'ed to an NTP server.  I get way more 
emails than I should that are many minutes off, and in some instances, days 
off, months off, and years off.  You can't rely on the client PC to have an 
accurate date - unlike most SMTP servers that are sync'ed with an accurate 
time of day.

Two more variables that stick out to me are time zone differences and 
network glitches.

I'm not an e-mail header expert, and I don't play one on television. 
However, I think you'd have some success with looking at the "Received" 
headers in the e-mail message.  There is a time/date stamp for each server 
that sees the mail, and I'm thinking that you can trace it back to the 
originator's SMTP server.  Perhaps someone on the list could confirm/deny 
this as a possible solution.

On paper, I think this is a cool feature.  My personal opinion is that a 
lot more thought needs to go into it before implementing it.


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-26 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Mica,

On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 13:40:02 +0200GMT (26-10-2004, 13:40 +0200, where
I live), you wrote:

>> I'd be very surprised if such a wish would be fulfilled.
>> It would be a departure from the current way of thought behind TB.
>> It would mean TB would change messages after/on sending them.
>> TB's strongest feature until now is that it doesn't do that.

MM> Netscape Messenger is an example having such feature, and it is quite
MM> simple, normal, and standard one.

Actually, telling me that some other client has the same feature won't
mean that it is something TB should do too. TB doesn't rewrap a
message before sending either even though there some clients that do
so. When I save a message, that's the one that gets sent and the
message that gets sent is the message that is stored in 'Sent mail'
(or whatever folder you're filtering it too), that's a feature of TB
and a major one too.

MM> It is a moment when your message lives your computer/MUA.

Let's use the moment the message leaves the mua (with all those
proxies scanning for viruses and I don't what else it's rather hard to
say when it leaves your computer). And leaving should be defined as
the time that the smtp server has acknowledged receipt, not the
beginning of the transfer.

MM> What duplicated messages? When the message is sent, the "stamp" is
MM> written in headers, and the copy with the identical headers is
MM> delivered to your sent folder as well, so that you have evidence
MM> where it is sent, without complicating things by sending to
MM> yourself the copies.

Not sure whether I follow you completely. Do you want two copies of
the message, one as it was sent and one with a time stamp?

MM> *If* adding such a simple feature to TB would be "a departure from
MM> current way of thought behind TB", then it is simply badly considered
MM> way. There is nothing more normal and logical than putting a stamp on a
MM> letter's cover. The date of creating is in the letter itself, and date
MM> of sending is on its cover.

Yeah, but what you're suggesting isn't quite the same. You send a
message and keep a copy and now you're talking about adding a date to
that copy in a way that it's indistinguishably what has been added to
your copy and what was their originally.
When you want a date stamp on the envelope, ask for an additional
column, that would be saved in the .tbi file. I can imagine that I'd
support such a wish.

MM> "Way of thought" should be in accordance with factual processes of
MM> mailing. Well, if we are dealing with mailing.

The way of thought behind TB is that a received or sent message should
not be altered without altering the message-id. You don't have to
agree with that, but that's the way TB is written and it is in full
accordance with the relevant RFC's that say that no two different messages
should carry the same message-id.

Groetjes, Roelof

Say it with flowers.  Give her a Triffid

The Bat!
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
1 pop3 account, server on LAN

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-26 Thread MAU
Hello Thomas,

> No. An unparked message can sit in the Outbox for days due to
> connection problems. Then it will suddenly be sent. Who is to know on
> which day?

Yes, of course. That is a quite common situation, happens here several
times a day ;-)

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-26 Thread Mica Mijatovic
Hash: SHA1

   ***^\ ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Tue, 26 Oct 2004,
   @  @  at 02:21:28 +0200, when Roelof Otten wrote:

> Hallo Eric,

> On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 23:10:13 +0100GMT (26-10-2004, 0:10 +0200, where I
> live), you wrote:

6MB>>> A Wish could be placed at Bug Track for this extra
MB>>> "kludge" if enough people here thought that it would be
MB>>> useful.
E>> I'd support it.

> I'd be very surprised if such a wish would be fulfilled.
> It would be a departure from the current way of thought behind TB.
> It would mean TB would change messages after/on sending them.
> TB's strongest feature until now is that it doesn't do that.

> Apart from that, you'd need an option to add the time/date of sending,
> would this kludge be inserted before sending (when you don't know yet,
> whether sending is gonna work) or after sending, so you'll save
> another message than you'll actually have sent.

> No, the best way to keep track of when you sent your message is to BCC
> it to yourself. It'll have a Received: header from your ISP and it's
> the same as what you sent.

Netscape Messenger is an example having such feature, and it is quite
simple, normal, and standard one. It is a moment when your message lives
your computer/MUA. What duplicated messages? When the message is sent,
the "stamp" is written in headers, and the copy with the identical
headers is delivered to your sent folder as well, so that you have
evidence where it is sent, without complicating things by sending to
yourself the copies.

*If* adding such a simple feature to TB would be "a departure from
current way of thought behind TB", then it is simply badly considered
way. There is nothing more normal and logical than putting a stamp on a
letter's cover. The date of creating is in the letter itself, and date
of sending is on its cover.

"Way of thought" should be in accordance with factual processes of
mailing. Well, if we are dealing with mailing. If we are dealing with
something else, than we may think and muse of something else. (-:

- --
PGP key uploaded at:  once just before breakfast
[Earth LOG: 55 day(s) since v3.0 unleashing]
OS: Windows 98 SE Micro Lite Professional IVa Enterprise Millennium
with nestled ZipSlack(tm) 9.1 UMSDOS Linux;
and, for TB sometimes Libranet (Linux) 2.8.1, via Cross Over Office


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-26 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello MAU,

On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 11:04:09 +0200 GMT (26/10/2004, 16:04 +0700 GMT),
MAU wrote:

M> If instead of unparking the message in the Outbox by clicking on the
M> parked flag you double click on on the message it will open in the
M> editor. Then, if you do send it from the editor the message's time stamp
M> (created) will be changed to the specific time you have sent it.

No. An unparked message can sit in the Outbox for days due to
connection problems. Then it will suddenly be sent. Who is to know on
which day?



ROBOTRON: Unsere Mikroelektronik ist die Groesste!

Message reply created with The Bat!
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Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-26 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Gerard,

On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 08:21:24 +0200 GMT (26/10/2004, 13:21 +0700 GMT),
Gerard wrote:

G> If you select to display the sent date, which you can in the outbox view,
G> it will show the create date (which is the saved date) as the send date.
G> Maybe a small bug :-)

Over here, the Created and the Saved date are the same, it's a
duplication I don't need. What I need is to know when the message was
sent (defined as: leaving TB and being moved from Outbox to Sent or
other destination folder). For some reason, there can be days between
them. I don't care about minutes so much.

TB now displays a Received date for incoming messages. This is the
date when TB received it, not when the last MTA received it. So there
is a way for TB to know without altering the message.



Ohnosecond: That minuscule fraction of time in which you realize
you've just made a big mistake.

Message reply created with The Bat!
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 

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Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-26 Thread MAU
Hello WilWilWil,

> In the source of a message, I can see the date I've wrote it and saved. But if I 
> don't
> send the message immediately, just save it, I can't find a way to know the date and 
> time
> I've sent it (sometimes 3 days after wrote it).

If you keep a message in the Outbox for let's say several days without
sending it you must have saved it a s draft, correct? And the the
message is "parked" so it will not be sent until you decide to do so,
right? And it will not be sent in your next connection(s) until you do
"unpark" it, right?

If instead of unparking the message in the Outbox by clicking on the
parked flag you double click on on the message it will open in the
editor. Then, if you do send it from the editor the message's time stamp
(created) will be changed to the specific time you have sent it.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-26 Thread MAU
Hello Roelof,

> No, the best way to keep track of when you sent your message is to BCC
> it to yourself. It'll have a Received: header from your ISP and it's
> the same as what you sent. 

Fully agree with all you say.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-25 Thread Gerard

ON Monday, October 25, 2004, 7:12:48 PM, you wrote:
TF> No, for sent messages, TB will not tell you when it was actually sent.
TF> I am missing that as well.

Hi Thomas,

If you select to display the sent date, which you can in the outbox view,
it will show the create date (which is the saved date) as the send date.
Maybe a small bug :-)

Best regards,
Deuce - A score of two for any hole. Too many of these on your scorecard
means you're probably only counting your tee shots.

Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

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Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-25 Thread David Pascoe

On Tuesday, 26 October 2004, at 00:12:48 [GMT +0700] you wrote:

TF> No, for sent messages, TB will not tell you when it was actually sent.
TF> I am missing that as well.

that sounds like a job for the MTA, not the MUA. even on incoming
messages, it will be the MTA that will fill all the Received: lines.

having said that TB! has a lot of features and I'd be surprised if there
wasn't some way to do it.

other things are lost when you save as draft also - such as turning
encryption on.

David Pascoe, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], Western Australia

Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33  on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-25 Thread Chris

Roelof Otten @ 2004-Oct-25 8:21:28 PM
"Date of a sent message ?" <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hallo Eric,

> On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 23:10:13 +0100GMT (26-10-2004, 0:10 +0200, where I
> live), you wrote:

6MB>>> A Wish could be placed at Bug Track for this extra
MB>>> "kludge" if enough people here thought that it would be
MB>>> useful.
E>> I'd support it.

> I'd be very surprised if such a wish would be fulfilled.
> It would be a departure from the current way of thought behind TB.
> It would mean TB would change messages after/on sending them.
> TB's strongest feature until now is that it doesn't do that.

That's a very good point. Perhaps the send date could be stored in the
TBB file separately from the message itself...

Quoting when replying to this message is good for your karma.

Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Notice in health food shop window: CLOSED DUE TO ILLNESS

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-25 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Mica!

On Monday, October 25, 2004, 7:08 PM, you wrote:

W How to make this kludge automatically ?

PH>>> by asking Max or 9Val or another developer to add support for it
PH>>> :)

MB>> I'm ready to put a BT Wish, if someone will help me word it clearly.

MM> Perhaps like this:

MM> Dear gentlemen,

:) Politely address them, of course.

MM> Please add a feature for a kludge "Sent", which would define the
MM> time/date when a message is *sent*, so that we, and our
MM> correspondents, could administrate our mail even better. It is
MM> perhaps a small step for a programmer, but is a huge one for
MM> users.

The style is elegant. I shall take some of your words and revise them
to fit the formula of the fields I must fill in at Bug Tracker.

Thank you so much, Mica. Then I will need everyone who is not already
registered at BT to go there and set up an account, so they can put
supporting notes to the form I have filled out.

However, I have just read Roelof's comment, and so I am going to wait
for further knowledgeable opinions. Roelof knows a great deal about
The Bat! and how it works, and I do not.

I will think more on this project tomorrow. I've just come in from
dinner with a lot of my relatives and I need to brush my teeth and go
to bed now.

So, good night, everyone. :)

Best regards,
The Bat! on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-25 Thread Bill McQuillan
On Mon, 2004-10-25, Peter Hampf wrote:
> Good evening MFPA,

> on Mon, 25 Oct 2004 21:41:48 +0100 GMT your local time you wrote:

>>> What about another kludge "X-Deliverydate: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 00:11:22 +0200"

M>> Or perhaps "x-sentdate:" as TB probably has no way of knowing when
M>> it will be delivered.

> that's a case of definition. When TB "sents" the message to the host defined
> in the account settings, it has *delivered* the mail.

> But that's splitting hairs. Any kludge would be useful ...

If it is a *kludge* you want, do what I do... add:


to your message templates and you will receive a copy of all of your sent
messages in your inbox on the next poll. Save these instead of (or in addition
to, if you are especially paranoid :-) ) the automatic Sent Mail copies. To
check the actual sent date and time, open the saved message and hit either
Shft+Ctl+K or F9 to see the actual message header and look for the date field of
the earliest (bottom-most) Received header field. This will be the time stamp
that was added when The Bat! sent the message on its first hop.

Bill McQuillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Using The Bat! 2.11 on Windows XP 5.1 build 2600-Service Pack 1

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-25 Thread MFPA


On Monday, 25 October, 2004, at 10:23:15 PM, Peter Hampf wrote:

> that's a case of definition. When TB "sents" the message to the host defined
> in the account settings, it has *delivered* the mail.

The SMTP host defined in my account settings is "localhost".

I would say a message is not delivered until it is available to
the recipient. (eg on his POP3 server)

> But that's splitting hairs.

Indeed it is.

> Any kludge would be useful ...

Yes. Has anybody put it on the wish-list?

Best regards,

Using The Bat! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-25 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Eric,

On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 23:10:13 +0100GMT (26-10-2004, 0:10 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

6MB>> A Wish could be placed at Bug Track for this extra
MB>> "kludge" if enough people here thought that it would be
MB>> useful.
E> I'd support it.

I'd be very surprised if such a wish would be fulfilled.
It would be a departure from the current way of thought behind TB.
It would mean TB would change messages after/on sending them.
TB's strongest feature until now is that it doesn't do that.

Apart from that, you'd need an option to add the time/date of sending,
would this kludge be inserted before sending (when you don't know yet,
whether sending is gonna work) or after sending, so you'll save
another message than you'll actually have sent.

No, the best way to keep track of when you sent your message is to BCC
it to yourself. It'll have a Received: header from your ISP and it's
the same as what you sent. 

Groetjes, Roelof

As I feared, you have no sense of humor.

The Bat!
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
1 pop3 account, server on LAN

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-25 Thread Mica Mijatovic
Hash: SHA1

   ***^\ ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Mon, 25 Oct 2004,
   @  @  at 17:54:03 -0500, when Mary Bull wrote:

> Hello Peter!

> On Monday, October 25, 2004, 4:23 PM, you wrote:

W>>> How to make this kludge automatically ?

PH>> by asking Max or 9Val or another developer to add support for it
PH>> :)

> I'm ready to put a BT Wish, if someone will help me word it clearly.

Perhaps like this:

Dear gentlemen,

Please add a feature for a kludge "Sent", which would define the
time/date when a message is *sent*, so that we, and our correspondents,
could administrate our mail even better. It is perhaps a small step for
a programmer, but is a huge one for users.

- --
PGP key uploaded at:  once just before breakfast
[Earth LOG: 55 day(s) since v3.0 unleashing]
OS: Windows 98 SE Micro Lite Professional IVa Enterprise Millennium
with nestled ZipSlack(tm) 9.1 UMSDOS Linux;
and, for TB sometimes Libranet (Linux) 2.8.1, via Cross Over Office


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-25 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Peter!

On Monday, October 25, 2004, 4:23 PM, you wrote:

W>> How to make this kludge automatically ?

PH> by asking Max or 9Val or another developer to add support for it
PH> :)

I'm ready to put a BT Wish, if someone will help me word it clearly.

Best regards,
The Bat! on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-25 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Eric!

On Monday, October 25, 2004, 5:10 PM, you wrote:

6MB>> A Wish could be placed at Bug Track for this extra
MB>> "kludge" if enough people here thought that it would be
MB>> useful.

E> I'd support it.

I'd need some knowledgeable people to help me word it. I'm such a novice
at these things. But I do know how to Report bugs and wishes at BT

Best regards,
The Bat! on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[3]: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-25 Thread Peter Hampf
Good evening WilWilWil,

on Mon, 25 Oct 2004 17:35:20 +0200 GMT your local time you wrote:

W> How to make this kludge automatically ?

by asking Max or 9Val or another developer to add support for it :)


  Using Ritlabs SecureBat! 2.12.4 (OS: Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2)

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-25 Thread Eric
On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 17:03:16 -0500 GMT(25/10/2004, 23:03 + GMT), Mary Bull wrote:

6MB> A Wish could be placed at Bug Track for this extra
MB> "kludge" if enough people here thought that it would be
MB> useful.

I'd support it.


Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 on Windows XP
5.1 Build 2600
Service Pack 2

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-25 Thread Mary Bull
Hello WilWilWil!

On Monday, October 25, 2004, 4:57 PM, you wrote:

W> ;-) I think you're wright and I mean it's not the worst virus I
W> could catch with IT !

W> Let's go and try X-Ray !

Good for you, WilWilWil!

In the meantime, the RitLabs development team is in the process of
making improvements to The Bat! for the Christmas Edition full

A Wish could be placed at Bug Track for this extra "kludge" if enough
people here thought that it would be useful.

Best regards,
The Bat! on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-25 Thread WilWilWil
==Original message text===
From: Mica Mijatovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, October 25, 2004, 7:19:59 PM
Subject: Date of a sent message ?
MM> You are already infected and partially assimilated. There is no help
MM> with it. You may go only deeper, and deeper, and deeper...

===End of original message text===
;-)  I think you're wright and I mean it's not the worst virus I could catch with IT !

Let's go and try X-Ray !

BayesIt! 0.7.3
Windows XP
Service Pack 1

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-25 Thread Peter Hampf
Good evening MFPA,

on Mon, 25 Oct 2004 21:41:48 +0100 GMT your local time you wrote:

>> What about another kludge "X-Deliverydate: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 00:11:22 +0200"

M> Or perhaps "x-sentdate:" as TB probably has no way of knowing when
M> it will be delivered.

that's a case of definition. When TB "sents" the message to the host defined
in the account settings, it has *delivered* the mail.

But that's splitting hairs. Any kludge would be useful ...


  Using Ritlabs SecureBat! 2.12.4 (OS: Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2)

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-25 Thread MFPA


On Monday, 25 October, 2004, at 1:02:12 PM, Peter Hampf wrote:

> What about another kludge "X-Deliverydate: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 00:11:22 +0200"

Or perhaps "x-sentdate:" as TB probably has no way of knowing when
it will be delivered.

Best regards,

Using The Bat! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-25 Thread Mica Mijatovic
Hash: SHA1

   ***^\ ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Mon, 25 Oct 2004,
   @  @  at 17:36:41 +0200, when WilWilWil wrote:

> Nice. But I'm a little afraid with a such technical solution for a
> poor rookie IT user like me...

The aspiration of yours is not of a poor rookie IT user, so you probably
have the seed of ability to overcome this anxiety. When this happen,
X-Ray will still be here around.

You may like it or not, but using TB you already entered an area of
mangling and tweaking, and X-Ray is only an extension of TB, as a
medusa's limb.

You are already infected and partially assimilated. There is no help
with it. You may go only deeper, and deeper, and deeper...

Your eyelids are heavy... you feel sleepy... you're downloading X-Ray...

- --
PGP key uploaded at:  once just before breakfast
[Earth LOG: 54 day(s) since v3.0 unleashing]
OS: Windows 98 SE Micro Lite Professional IVa Enterprise Millennium
with nestled ZipSlack(tm) 9.1 UMSDOS Linux;
and, for TB sometimes Libranet (Linux) 2.8.1, via Cross Over Office


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-25 Thread Peter Hampf
Good evening Gerard,

on Mon, 25 Oct 2004 16:38:36 +0200 GMT your local time you wrote:

G> If you want to see the date, created or received/send, you can select to
G> display that. Just right-click in the part above the email text in the
G> pre-view window and select headers.

G> Or am I misinterpreting all this.

there  is no such field as "date/time sent". You can just see the "received"
or  "created"  date  or - in case of the sent folder - the "date saved", but
not the date the message had actually been delivered.


  Using Ritlabs SecureBat! 2.12.4 (OS: Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2)

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-25 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Gerard,

On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 16:38:36 +0200 GMT (25/10/2004, 21:38 +0700 GMT),
Gerard wrote:

G> If you want to see the date, created or received/send, you can select to
G> display that. Just right-click in the part above the email text in the
G> pre-view window and select headers.

No, for sent messages, TB will not tell you when it was actually sent.
I am missing that as well.



Hilfe, mein Keyboard ist kaputt, es schreibt statt Passworten nur

Message reply created with The Bat!
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-25 Thread WilWilWil
==Original message text===
From: Mica Mijatovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, October 25, 2004, 2:30:24 PM
Subject: Date of a sent message ?
>> Is there an automatically way to add this date and time somewhere in
>> the mail itself ?

MM> There is. Your quest is finished. But not using TB features. I do that
MM> with X-Ray , and you can see the result in my headers,
MM> under "Sent".

===End of original message text===
Nice. But I'm a little afraid with a such technical solution for a poor rookie IT user 
like me...

BayesIt! 0.7.3
Windows XP
Service Pack 1

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-25 Thread WilWilWil
==Original message text===
From: Peter Hampf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, October 25, 2004, 2:02:12 PM
Subject: Date of a sent message ?
PH> What about another kludge "X-Deliverydate: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 00:11:22 +0200"
PH> (or so...)?

===End of original message text===
How to make this kludge automatically ?

BayesIt! 0.7.3
Windows XP
Service Pack 1

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-25 Thread Gerard

ON Monday, October 25, 2004, 4:02:28 PM, you wrote:
KA> I've had the same problem myself. Here in the U.S. many companies are
KA> required to retain copies of e-mails for a number of years with
KA> accurate header information. This is one (and not the only one) reason
KA> that has precluded us from using TB on a department or corporate
KA> level.

Hi Kevin,

I do not see the problem apart from creating it first then saving it and
sending later.

If you want to see the date, created or received/send, you can select to
display that. Just right-click in the part above the email text in the
pre-view window and select headers.

Or am I misinterpreting all this.

Best regards,
Universal Laws of Golf: Brand new golf balls are water-magnetic.

Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-25 Thread Kevin Amazon
Hi WilWilWil

On Mon, 25 Oct 2004, at 00:11:22 [GMT +0200] (which was 3:11 PM where
I live) you wrote:
> Io,

> In the source of a message, I can see the date I've wrote it and
> saved. But if I don't send the message immediately, just save it, I
> can't find a way to know the date and time I've sent it (sometimes 3
> days after wrote it).


> Is there an automatically way to add this date and time somewhere in the mail itself 
> ?

I've had the same problem myself. Here in the U.S. many companies are
required to retain copies of e-mails for a number of years with
accurate header information. This is one (and not the only one) reason
that has precluded us from using TB on a department or corporate

Best Regards,

PGP Keys: idap://

Using The Bat! v3.0.2.1 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-25 Thread Mica Mijatovic
Hash: SHA1

   ***^\ ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Mon, 25 Oct 2004,
   @  @  at 00:11:22 +0200, when WilWilWil wrote:

> Io,


> In the source of a message, I can see the date I've wrote it and
> saved. But if I don't send the message immediately, just save it, I
> can't find a way to know the date and time I've sent it (sometimes 3
> days after wrote it).


> Is there an automatically way to add this date and time somewhere in
> the mail itself ?

There is. Your quest is finished. But not using TB features. I do that
with X-Ray , and you can see the result in my headers,
under "Sent".

- --
PGP key uploaded at:  once just before breakfast
--- __@
   -- _-\<,_
 --- (_)/ (_)
[Earth LOG: 54 day(s) since v3.0 unleashing]
OS: Windows 98 SE Micro Lite Professional IVa Enterprise Millennium
with nestled ZipSlack(tm) 9.1 UMSDOS Linux;
and, for TB sometimes Libranet (Linux) 2.8.1, via Cross Over Office


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-25 Thread Peter Hampf
Hello WilWilWil, (nice name :-) )

on Mon, 25 Oct 2004 00:11:22 +0200 GMT your local time you wrote:

W> Is there an automatically way to add this date and time somewhere in the mail 
itself ?

AFAIK there is no such method, but it is a nice and *useful* idea! I second

What about another kludge "X-Deliverydate: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 00:11:22 +0200"
(or so...)?


  Using Ritlabs SecureBat! 2.12.4 (OS: Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2)

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Date of a sent message ?

2004-10-24 Thread WilWilWil

In the source of a message, I can see the date I've wrote it and saved. But if I don't 
send the message immediately, just save it, I can't find a way to know the date and 
time I've sent it (sometimes 3 days after wrote it).

The first way I had found is to look at the log of account. It's ok for a recent mail. 
But if I want to know that for a mail of last month, I can't find it anymore in the 
log because  the mail is too old. And I don't want to keep log for a such long time.

Is there an automatically way to add this date and time somewhere in the mail itself ?


BayesIt! 0.7.3
Windows XP
Service Pack 1

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information: