Re: MD5 sum for 1.60q *.exe

2002-06-25 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

In message mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED],
Robert Golovniov [RG] wrote:

RG Yes, it was the full install. Also, I havent' updated The Bat!
RG within the past few days, so there was no reason for my firewall
RG to act like that. That's why I was wondering whether it might be a
RG virus changing its body, so that Kaspersky AV was not able to
RG detect it...

If your firewall comes up with a prompt about the checksum for the TB!
executable offering to change it to the current, say yes only if
you just installed a newer version. Otherwise say no. If the firewall
isn't the problem then TB! should continue to work and you should look
for another file carrying the TB! executables name. Likely a trojan.

If TB! stops working, then it's likely that the firewall is the
problem. Delete the checksum for TB! in the TPF configuration (I
haven't run TPF in a while but I think you can delete checksum
entries) and then let TPF ask again where you can say yes.

- --
 -=Allie C Martin=-
List Moderator | TB! v1.60q | Windows XP Pro
PGP/GPG Public Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=2B0717E2


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Bug Reports:

Re: Addressing/autocomplete wish wrapped to next line

2002-06-25 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

Thomas F [TF] wrote:

TF For me, this problem is not with autocomplete, but with the
TF one-line-only format of all address field, both for composing and
TF for viewing mail. Here is a point where I liked Netscape Mail's
TF way of display better, giving you a box - a bit like the box that
TF opens when you hit the right-most icon in the address field when
TF compsing mail. Only that you could easily change an address from
TF being in one field (TO) to another (BCC), without having to delete
TF and reinsert.

I just drag the address and drop it on the tab I wish to add it to. I
don't delete it. Have you tried that?

- --
 -=Allie C Martin=-
List Moderator | TB! v1.60q | Windows XP Pro
PGP/GPG Public Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=2B0717E2


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Bug Reports:

Re: Please release BatNews!

2002-06-25 Thread Syafril Hermansyah

On Mon, 24 Jun 2002 at 21:49 GMT -0700 (25/06/2002 11:49 where you think
I live) Nick Andriash=[NA] wrote to TBUDL :

 Vehemently disagree.  The world is not moving to unified messaging.
 The world is moving back to a Unix-like concept of small, tight
 applications doing very specific tasks --

 Not  that  I  am  in  favour of a TB Newsgroup, but I have to strongly
 disagree with your statement. The world is moving away from single use
 appliances  and  going  for  the  'unified' concept... but without the
 bloat... as the wary consumer will not stand for that anymore.

IMHO  both  of  you  are  correct (at least part of it) :-).
The  word  bloat  sometimes  hard  to implement, depending the program
design   though.   Some  s/w  using  monolithic  design (all in one) but
others  (said)  using modular, each having own benefit.

Modular  make any piece of s/w can be run in stand alone (and develop by
other  people)  or  call each others, as far as you don't care about the
GUI,  Modular  is the best choice (every developer having their taste of
GUI).  Monolithic  in  other  side  have  all  in  one  structure,  more
consistent in GUI or others (shortcut for instance).
Which one do you like ?

While  in  linux,  I can compile any features as many as I want (more or
less),  I can even adding any patch from anybody...I can do that because
most  of them are Open Source, I can change the code and recompile (even
sometimes make nice crash or running slow :-.

Maybe  plug-in is the answer for Windows world, but TB! must prepare the
Interface  for  other  program  (maybe something like SDK or API to call
other   application  and  back),  assume  TB!  using  modular  concept
otherwise Ritlabs must develop from scratch.

Best regards,

- Syafril -   mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Flying with The Bat! 1.60q
under Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

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Bug Reports:

Fwd: Newsgroups with The Bat! and MailTraq

2002-06-25 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hi all,

With so much discussion about newsgroups lately, I though some of you
may be interested in a message I posted last April.


===8==Forwarded Message===
From: Miguel A. Urech [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, April 6, 2002, 6:25:39 PM
Subject: Newsgroups with The Bat! and MailTraq

Hello all,

As I have promised to some of you, and because I think it may be of
interest to many others, here it goes!

How to set up MailTraq4Free ( to manage
newsgroups from The Bat!

Before starting, two notes:
   - The procedure explained below assumes you have just installed
   MailTraq. If you have been fiddling with it trying to configure
   it without success, it may be worth un-stalling and starting
   from scratch.
   - Because I have a network and my own mail server, my actual
   configuration may be a little different. But I have written the
   procedure below as I was actually configuring MailTraq in a
   stand alone machine.

Here we go. It is a long one:

Install MailTraq in your system and, as soon as installation is
complete, the Getting Started Wizard should automatically start. If
you have MailTraq already installed, you can start the Getting
Started Wizard from the Help menu, so do so now.

1.- Setting your Primary Domain Name

This is done in Server Properties, which you can get to by clicking
Server... in the Options menu

Enter your domain, if you have one, or your ISP's (the of
one of your accounts)

2.- click on the LAN tab  to move to Step 2.

If you are not in a network, enter 127.0.0.*

If you are, your are probably using 192.168.0.* for the IP
addresses or your machines.

3.- Skip step 3.

4.- Skip step 4 (select last option of the wizard)

5.- Create a new user as per step 5 of wizard. (File/Create new user)
A new wizard starts:

- Create a new user in MailTraq and click NEXT
- Use your account (user name) (maybe a fake one?)
- Yes, create a mailbox for [EMAIL PROTECTED] and NEXT
- Do NOT enable forwarding. NEXT.
- Do not include any aliases. NEXT.
- Finish

6.- I am assuming direct connection by DSL, cable, etc. Can't test dial up myself.

So, Finish to finish the wizard.

7.- Select Options/server Properties and Online tab
Select Direct/permanent connection (in my case, you may have
to configure Dial Up)

8.- Select Options/News
Select the News Servers tab.

  Click Add and add your news server(s) of choice. For
  example, I use News.CIS.DFN.DE.
  On the News Server Properties enter News.CIS.DFN.DE
Select Retrieve a full list of newsgroups if not
selected by default.
And maybe set up every how many minutes you do want to
collect news from this server.

  On the Connection Properties tab, enter your UserID and
  password if required by your server of choice. Most ISP's
  news servers don't, but News.CIS.DFN.DE does require a user
  and password.
  Click OK.

9.- Back on the News Properties dialog, select the News Collection tab
and select News Collection Enabled.

10.- The NNTP client will probably start by itself in a few seconds to
collect the list of newsgroups in the server. If it doesn't, Select
Actions/Collect News.

11.- Once the NNTP Clients has finished (you can see this on MailTraq
Console if you have Active Connections selected on the left pannel),
select Options/Newsgroups:
The News Groups Subscription dialog will open and, on the
Groups on server tab you will see the complete tree (list) of
newsgroups available on your server.
- Select one from the list, or use the Search for window to
for one you know about and click Find. Once the name of your
desired groups is displayed below, (I suggest that for the
first time, until your get everything working, you select a
NOT TOO ACTIVE newsgroup from the ones you are familiar with.)

 When the desired group is displayed in the Found window,
 click Go To and it will be highlighted in the tree below.
 Click and the newsgroup and the Subscribe button on the right
 will be activated.
 Click on Subscribe and then on the Properties button below to
 open the group Properties.
   The Properties tab should be filled in by default.
   Select the Download tab and (for the first trial) select
   Override Default Properties.
  Select (tick) Ignore Articles older than ... a few days.
  30, the default, may be too much.
  You may also want to set now the number of days the

Re[2]: Please release BatNews!

2002-06-25 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

BK I would REALLY like to see TB support Newsgroups and the like.

TF [..]
TF If you want to start a newsgroup, nobody is going to forbid it, I
TF would think.

He's not asking for a newsgroup about TB. He would like TB to handle
newsgroups. Oh the flexibility of the english language.. :)



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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Please release BatNews!

2002-06-25 Thread Ben Kennish

Hi Cricket,

On Tuesday, June 25, 2002, 3:21:25 AM, you [C] wrote:

RD Recently, Paul Wilson squawked:
 No thank you. I use a browser to surf, a newsreader for newsgroups and
 The Bat! for mail. Never the twain shall meet!!

RD Same configuration here. Same reasons. No NG in The Bat! please.

C Ditto
C - --
C Cheers Yall
C - -Cricket

I don't understand why some people think of email and newsgroups as such
radically different things that should be kept separate.

I mean, when I'm viewing this mailing list, it pretty much might as
well be a newsgroup - what differences are there in functionality?  I
for one cannot think of many.

Kind regards,


Ben Kennish

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Please release BatNews!

2002-06-25 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

B News readers and mail readers have 90% of the same features built-into
B them.

Exactly. There'll be very little bloat within the program, and it will
greatly help un-bloat one's system if news is integrated into the Bat. I
for one won't need 5 different instances of Agent anymore.

Moreover, the conceptual differences between e-mail and news are
small, too. Look at this very TBUDL mailing list, or the plethora of
Yahoo groups - technically they're e-mail, but they work just like
newsgroups. I'd love to have them all -mailing lists, newsgroups- in a
single package.

Anyway, the Ritlabs people say that TB2 will support newsgroups, so
this whole pro/con debate is really quite useless.



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Bug Reports:

Re: Please release BatNews!

2002-06-25 Thread Christopher Taylor-Davies

On Tuesday, June 25, 2002, 9:13:41 AM, Ben wrote:

 I mean, when I'm viewing this mailing list, it pretty much might as
 well be a newsgroup - what differences are there in functionality?  I
 for one cannot think of many.

For me email is generally addressed to me and relates to my
activities. I keep it carefully archived and cataloged. The Bat is
ideal for this. I don't subscribe to many mail lists.

newsgroups are ephemeral things, Using Agent I typically look at a
list of headers and maybe read 1 out of 100 topics. I have no interest
in retaining any of the messages, GoogleGroups or other newsgroup
archival services do that much better than I could.

For me the two tasks are quite different and I would rather The Bat
authors concentrated on perfecting their excellent email client.

Christopher  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Using The Bat! v1.60q on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 

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Bug Reports:

Re: 1.60 broke????

2002-06-25 Thread Marck D Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Dwight,

@25 June 2002, 21:20:21 -0500 (03:20 UK time) Dwight A Corrin wrote in

 delete the existing history list


Delete the ...\MAIL\(account)\account.his file.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v1.60q-5523848F0B1 on Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7a-nr2b1 (Windows 2000)


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Bug Reports:

Re: MD5 sum for 1.60q *.exe

2002-06-25 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

In message mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED],
Robert Golovniov [RG] wrote:

RG Any idea, Allie?

There's no pattern to suggest normal behaviour that can be

You had a crash and things went all quirky. God only knows what the
specific problem could be. :-)

- --
 -=Allie C Martin=-
List Moderator | TB! v1.60q | Windows XP Pro
PGP/GPG Public Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=2B0717E2


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Bug Reports:

Re: Mail downloading problems

2002-06-25 Thread Joyce Sala

Joyce Sala wrote in
  Do you have write priviliges to that directory?


 You don't? Isn't that a problem in itself?

Actually, i think I misunderstood Lars... If the question meant
whether I can write into the Temp directory, then the answer is
yes: all my other software does it. What I meant was, that *I*
didn't do anything to preclude access (nor would I know how

 Please do not quote signatures and footers when replying to the

 Please use quote marks on text to which you are replying.

a. If you are referring to the signatures of the people I'm
responding to, then I certainly will pay attention to that; if
however you are talking about MY signature, then I'm confused: you
seem to have some sort of signature. What am I missing here?

b. Quoting marks: my good ol' Netscape had that feature and it
Here, in this awful OE6, it is checked on the plain text format,
but though I'm writing to you in plain text (at least, I think I
am...) it doesn't show it to you.

A, I wanna outta here of this junk program a.s.a.p.!!

 All I'll say is don't do that here!
Got it: each list and their preferences...;)

To those who asked: yes, I'm using Win98se. I use NAV 2002, daily
updated, and yes *normally* it download the infected message
directly into its Quarantine directory and opens a window with the
warning. This is why I'm also baffled. One tip: I have no problem
downloading messages with OE or with Opera, so the problem really
seems to be TB! related, and not message/server/virus related.

In deference to the old PC (primitive computer: solve by re-set)
tradition, maybe it's simpler if I uninstall and reinstall TB!

What do you guys say?

Thanks for your patience and amicability.


Location: Tel Aviv - Israel
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** When the term Global Village will be a FEELING,
** The world throughout will finally really be at

Also: I went into the dispatcher and there is no mention of

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Bug Reports:

Re: Mail downloading problems

2002-06-25 Thread Marck D Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Joyce,

@25 June 2002, 13:05:27 +0200 (12:05 UK time) Joyce Sala wrote in

 What I meant was, that *I* didn't do anything to preclude access
 (nor would I know how to:(

Good - okay that's clearer.

 Please do not quote signatures and footers when replying to the

 list. Please use quote marks on text to which you are replying.

 a. If you are referring to the signatures of the people I'm
 responding to,

I am.

 then I certainly will pay attention to that;

Thank you - you have :-).

 if however you are talking about MY signature, then I'm confused:
 you seem to have some sort of signature. What am I missing here?

No problem with *your* signature - it's fine :-).

 A, I wanna outta here of this junk program a.s.a.p.!!

LOL! Let's try to get you moved then!

 To those who asked: yes, I'm using Win98se. I use NAV 2002, daily
 updated, and yes *normally* it download the infected message
 directly into its Quarantine directory and opens a window with the
 warning. This is why I'm also baffled.

Okay - this is the problem. Such behaviour badly interferes with the
way TB works and actually stops it working. It's a case of NAV pulling
the rug from under TB's feet.

 One tip: I have no problem downloading messages with OE or with
 Opera, so the problem really seems to be TB! related, and not
 message/server/virus related.

It is almost certainly virus related. You have to stop NAV
quarantining the virus infected email in temp. It's killing TB to have
the file it was working on and in the middle of using suddenly locked.

 In deference to the old PC (primitive computer: solve by re-set)
 tradition, maybe it's simpler if I uninstall and reinstall TB!

No, that won't help. Uninstall NAV and use a less violent AV solution.
That will help. TB has plug-ins available for many of the more popular

Disable NAV while you download your mail with TB. That will help.

TB will *not* let you get unwittingly infected by simply receiving a
virus. Let TB download all of your mail unimpeded by NAV *then* turn
NAV back on and you'll be perfectly safe.

 What do you guys say?

 Also: I went into the dispatcher and there is no mention of

It won't. It just shows you a list of the messages on your server. You
can then use it to manually remove (without downloading) any message
that looks like it may contain a virus infection. KLEZ is the main one
going round at the moment. A KLEZ infected message will often come
from someone you don't really know and is 120kb to 200kb in size.

Once you have removed the infected message, it will be like pulling
the cork from a bottle and the mail will then download smoothly.

I would seriously reconsider the use of NAV though. It's not one for
the less technical because of the other problems it causes. Also, the
developers take no responsibility for the aftermath of false
positives - when, through a mistake they have made in the
identification database - their software deletes and corrupts
perfectly innocent files, damaging other software installed on your
computer. This really happened with NAV! They released an update on a
Friday night with a bad ID in the database and switched the phones off
for the weekend. My disgust knows no bounds.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v1.60q-5523848F0B1 on Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7a-nr2b1 (Windows 2000)


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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Mail downloading problems

2002-06-25 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Hi Marck,

MDP They released an update on a Friday night with a bad ID in the
MDP database and switched the phones off for the weekend. My disgust
MDP knows no bounds.

Hear, hear! That type of behavior seems typical of the major
publishers. I can't for the life of me imagine why otherwise sensible
IT people continue to think so highly of products like Outlook and NAV
when they cause so many problems that could so easily be avoided.
There would have been an uprising in any other industry if the major
suppliers treated its customers with such contempt. If it wasn't for
MS' criminal neglect, I wouldn't have to cleansweep my inbox from
Outlook-propagated worms everyday and that's just one of many gripes.

To get back on topic, what do we know of The Bat's security? Assuming
a new installation with default settings, is there any way at all that
an incoming message could have its attachment executed, or trigger a
macro? Could The Bat's functionality be abused by a third party
program to spread worms (that is: is the Outbox etc protected from
outside meddling)? I'm not worrying, but if there's any vulnerability,
it would be good to be aware of it.



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Bug Reports:

Re: Mail downloading problems

2002-06-25 Thread Marck D Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Daniel,

@25 June 2002, 13:04:59 +0200 (12:04 UK time) Daniel van Rooijen
[CopyCats] wrote in [EMAIL PROTECTED]">mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 is there any way at all that an incoming message could have its
 attachment executed, or trigger a macro?

Not without the user double-clicking the attachment, ignoring the huge
warning box that comes up, clicking on a Go on - hurt me bad button
and generally submitting to a death-wish. IOW No. Not without doing so
longhand. Nothing automatic.

 Could The Bat's functionality be abused by a third party program to
 spread worms (that is: is the Outbox etc protected from outside
 meddling)? I'm not worrying, but if there's any vulnerability, it
 would be good to be aware of it.

There was a vulnerability at one point where a specially constructed
header could exploit a loophole and maybe save a file on the hard
disk. Nothing would have made it execute that file automatically and
the hole has long since (18 months?) been plugged. It was fixed within
24 hours IIRC.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v1.60q-5523848F0B1 on Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7a-nr2b1 (Windows 2000)


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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Mail downloading problems

2002-06-25 Thread alists

Hello buds,

MDP It is almost certainly virus related. You have to stop NAV
MDP quarantining the virus infected email in temp. It's killing
TB to have  the file it was working on and in the middle of using
suddenly locked.

 In deference to the old PC (primitive computer: solve by re-set)
 tradition, maybe it's simpler if I uninstall and reinstall TB!

MDP No, that won't help. Uninstall NAV and use a less violent AV solution.
MDP That will help. TB has plug-ins available for many of the more popular
MDP brands.

FYI.. I'm running Win XP Pro, TB 1.60q, and NAV most current
release and have never had a problem with it hanging up TB. There
is a temp file issue (residual email being left in temp
directory).. which I do consider an issue.. NAV has found several
viruses which were virus containing files.


Best regards,
 alistsmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Bug Reports:

Re: 1.60 broke????

2002-06-25 Thread Dwight A Corrin

On Monday, June 24, 2002, 9:57:16 PM, Paul Cartwright wrote:

 I forgot to turn back OFF the history part, and it crashed again on
 me... I already sent a file, so I won't do it again!

I renamed the file (would have deleted but might be of further use)
and the problem went away when created new .his file.

Dwight A. Corrin
P O Box 47828
Wichita KS 67201-7828
316.263.9706  fax 316.263.6385
Using The Bat! 1.60i on Windows XP version 5,1

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Bug Reports:

Re: Please release BatNews!

2002-06-25 Thread MikeM

On 6/24/02 at 8:15 PM Jonathan E. Brickman wrote:

 Hi all,

 I would REALLY like to see TB support Newsgroups and the like.

 Anyone else?

Me too!

TB! is already having trouble keeping the bugs out of its current
feature set.  Let's not make it even more complex.

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Bug Reports:

Large messages transformed into attachments

2002-06-25 Thread Maurice Snellen


Has anyone else noticed that if the message text itself gets kind of
large (my estimate is that this happens when messages are larger
than half a MiB) TB! no longer displays the messagetext in the
messagepane but instead shows an empty messagepane and treats the
messagetext as an attachment?

The attachment shows as a text-file named message.txt.

I'm using TB! to handle the postmaster mailbox at work, and regularly
receive return messages from bounced mail where the original is
inserted in the messagetext by the MTA and that sometimes results in
mails that easily exceed 15MiB.

Besides being annoying because I have to open these text files in
order to see what was the cause of the bounce; it also seems to
interfere with the filtering system because filters on the message
text are apparently not applied.

Does anyone know of a way to turn this behaviour (turning the message
into a message.txt attachment) off?

With kind regards,
Maurice Snellen

Using The Bat! v1.60q on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

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Bug Reports:

Re: Please release BatNews!

2002-06-25 Thread Nick Andriash

Hello Christopher Taylor-Davies,

In Reference to your Posting on Tuesday, June 25 2002 at 01:40 AM PDT,

 newsgroups are ephemeral things, 

Hardly. Some of the Newsgroups I subscribe to have been around for years. 

 Using Agent I typically look at a list of headers and maybe read 1 out
 of 100 topics. I have no interest in retaining any of the messages

In your case, I would say you've subscribed to a Newsgroup that holds
little interest for you. OTOH, there is a Newsgroup for Eudora for instance
that keeps strictly to the subject, is frequented by some very
knowledgable people, and has an extremely high volume. It is very similar
to Eudora's Mailing List... only with a much higher call volume. A
properly configured Newsreader will allow you to handle those higher
volumes and archive important messages.

Nick Andriash
Courtenay, B.C. Canada

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Bug Reports:


2002-06-25 Thread Joseph N.

There was a thread (or multiple threads) recently on the Beta list
about the current version's problems with threading.  I don't recall
any resolution to it, though.  Is there a sense here about what has
caused the problem, and whether it is on the way to being


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Bug Reports:

Re: Please release BatNews!

2002-06-25 Thread Nick Andriash

Hello Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats],

In Reference to your Posting on Tuesday, June 25 2002 at 01:25 AM PDT,

 I'd love to have them all -mailing lists, newsgroups- in a single

Exactly one of the reasons I use Becky's inherent Newsreader; Keeping News
and Mail together on one application. I think RITLabs would do well to
design a nice Newsreader that can take advantage of TB's inherent
qualities such as filtering and her very robust Editor.

Nick Andriash
Courtenay, B.C. Canada

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Bug Reports:

Re: Please release BatNews!

2002-06-25 Thread Thomas F

Hello Daniel,

On Tue, 25 Jun 2002 10:08:28 +0200 GMT (25/06/02, 15:08 +0700 GMT),
Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats] wrote:

DvRC He's not asking for a newsgroup about TB. He would like TB to handle
DvRC newsgroups. Oh the flexibility of the english language.. :)

Yeah, I got that wrong. But as has been said already, Stefan announced
a few months ago that he is working on a newsreader functionality for
TB, and as Marck has confirmed, this discussion is therefore useless.



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

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Bug Reports:

Re: Mail downloading problems

2002-06-25 Thread Thomas F

Hello Daniel,

On Tue, 25 Jun 2002 13:04:59 +0200 GMT (25/06/02, 18:04 +0700 GMT),
Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats] wrote:

MDP They released an update on a Friday night with a bad ID in the
MDP database and switched the phones off for the weekend. My disgust
MDP knows no bounds.

DvRC Hear, hear! That type of behavior seems typical of the major
DvRC publishers.

I cannot confirm this for Trend Microsystems, whose PC-Cillin I use.



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

I don't have a drinking problem. I drink, I get drunk, I fall down, No

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Bug Reports:

ROT13 support

2002-06-25 Thread Gary

Hello tbudl,

Ok, I know very few people use ROT13 these days, but I do find it
usefull occassionaly to 'encrypt' flame bait so as to keep it from
bothering people on a list yet still feel like I had my say.

I can't find this function in The Bat.  Am I just overlooking it, or
is it wisely not supported since its old old old and hardly used?

If its not supported, anyone know of a nice plug in that I could use?
And heck, if I'm using a plug in, is there one that will do ROT(N) so
I can be even a little more off the wall?

Best regards,
 Gary  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Bug Reports:

Re: ROT13 support

2002-06-25 Thread Markus Gloede


Gary wrote in msgid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] :

 Ok, I know very few people use ROT13 these days, but I do find it
 usefull occassionaly to 'encrypt' flame bait so as to keep it from
 bothering people on a list yet still feel like I had my say.

 [...] If its not supported, anyone know of a nice plug in that I could
 use? And heck, if I'm using a plug in, is there one that will do ROT(N)
 so I can be even a little more off the wall?

There used to be an XLAT table for just that purpose.


Ah yes, there it is:


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Bug Reports:

Re[3]: Please release BatNews!

2002-06-25 Thread Lynn Turriff

Tuesday, June 25, 2002, 1:25:51 AM, you wrote:


DvRC Anyway, the Ritlabs people say that TB2 will support newsgroups, so
DvRC this whole pro/con debate is really quite useless.

DvRC Regards,

DvRC -Daan-

I've been reading this thread with interest and some
puzzlement .. seems to me that if it's there, no law says
you have to use it. For those who want it, great!

Reading Miquel's handy instructions (thanks Miguel) for
NewsTraq, I think it was .. reminded me why I don't use
UseNet any more .. but like everything else, there are
good and bad groups there. It's just that plowing through
them to find the gems is a bit daunting ...


mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

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Bug Reports:

Re: ROT13 support

2002-06-25 Thread Thomas F

Hello Gary,

On Tue, 25 Jun 2002 10:35:15 -0400 GMT (25/06/02, 21:35 +0700 GMT),
Gary wrote:

G I can't find this function in The Bat.  Am I just overlooking it, or
G is it wisely not supported since its old old old and hardly used?

If you are using Win98, unpack the attachment and double-click on it.
It will give you ROT13 as one of the encoding/decoding options. :-)



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

I got into the gene pool while the lifeguard wasn't watching.

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Description: Zip compressed data


2002-06-25 Thread Pete Milne

When I double click an html link in the bat...Opera opens up but sometimes
I get a BSOD with this error.  Would this have anything to do with TB!??
(This is W2K)

The only reason I ask regarding TB! is it mentions the word mail in the
error.  ;o)

Event Type: Error
Event Source:   Service Control Manager
Event Category: None
Event ID:   7000
Date:   6/25/2002
Time:   9:31:19 AM
User:   N/A
Computer:   ATHLON2
The dwatch monitor for dmail servers service failed to start due to the following 
The system cannot find the path specified.  



 9:34:00 AM

 Ask about eScan Content-Security 
 and Anti-Virus Software.

We will meet ALL of your anti-virus needs.

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Bug Reports:

Retaining Display View

2002-06-25 Thread Chris Montgomery

Howdy TheBatUsers,

  My preferred mode for viewing messages lists is to display only
  unread messages. I've found that I need to manually set this under
  View | Display every time I start TB.

  Is it possible to somehow retain this setting so that this is the
  default view when TB starts?


Chris Montgomery

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Bug Reports:

Re: Please release BatNews!

2002-06-25 Thread Jan-Arild Løkstad

  [Nick Andriash]

 I think RITLabs would do well to design a nice Newsreader that can
 take advantage of TB's inherent qualities such as filtering and her
 very robust Editor.

  TB's editor is the current state of the art. There is simply nothing
  better out there, and I think I've tried everything under the sun.
  Whatever RITLabs do, I really hope they don't mess up the editor.

  And, are you saying that TB! is a 'she'? If so, that explains why
  I'm head over ears in love with this baby.

Best regards,

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Bug Reports:


2002-06-25 Thread Markus Gloede


Pete Milne wrote in msgid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] :

 When I double click an html link in the bat...Opera opens up but
 sometimes I get a BSOD with this error. Would this have anything to do
 with TB!?? (This is W2K)

 The only reason I ask regarding TB! is it mentions the word mail in
 the error. ;o)

 The dwatch monitor for dmail servers service failed to start due to the following 
 The system cannot find the path specified.  
Check your system. You seem to be running additional software called dmail
(dwatch is part of this). This should be unrelated to The Bat!


Using The Bat! 1.60n under Windows NT 4.0 Build
1381 Service Pack 6 

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Bug Reports:

Re: ROT13 support

2002-06-25 Thread Thomas F

Hello Gary,

On Tue, 25 Jun 2002 10:35:15 -0400 GMT (25/06/02, 21:35 +0700 GMT),
Gary wrote:

G I can't find this function in The Bat.  Am I just overlooking it, or
G is it wisely not supported since its old old old and hardly used?

I have tried to attach the registry key that you need to import in
order to enable TB to use ROT13, but I seem to be unalbe to send

Therefore, in plain text: If you use Win98, cp the following into
Notepad (or your favourite plaintext editor), name it rot13.reg and
double-click on it while TB is closed. It will install ROT13
capability into TB upon next startup. Look under character set when
you right-click on an incoming message, or Options / Message Encoding
when compsing a message.


Reverse table=hex:00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,0a,0b,0c,0d,0e,0f,10,11,12,\

Cyrnfr pbasvez lbh pna ernq guvf. ;-)



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

Wanted: $10,000 reward. Schroedinger's Cat. Dead or Alive.

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: ROT13 support

2002-06-25 Thread Gary

Hello Thomas,

Tuesday, June 25, 2002, 12:09:58 PM, you wrote:

TF Hello Gary,

TF On Tue, 25 Jun 2002 10:35:15 -0400 GMT (25/06/02, 21:35 +0700 GMT),
TF Gary wrote:

G I can't find this function in The Bat.  Am I just overlooking it, or
G is it wisely not supported since its old old old and hardly used?

TF I have tried to attach the registry key that you need to import in
TF order to enable TB to use ROT13, but I seem to be unalbe to send
TF attachments.

Hmm, the file attachment came through just fine on my message.

Ran it, seems to work, but doesn't seem to provide what I want.

I can use it to translate an entire message, including headers, into
ROT13 format.  But then, with the headers in ROT13 format, the message
is than unsendable.

Ideally, I'd like to just select some text and have it ROT13'd.
Alternatively, if just the body of the message was encoded that would

Worst case, I can modify a perl script and create an outgoing email
filter.  Something like if ---EncodeROT--- is present, than run the
perl script with the message as a parm, and ROT13 everything between
the ---encode--- and -stopencode-- flags.

Or I can just continue to use CGI web sites and cut and paste.  IE the
lazy route.

Best regards,

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Bug Reports:

Re: ROT13 support

2002-06-25 Thread Jernej Simoni

Hello Gary,
25. junij 2002, 18:25:42, you wrote:

G Ran it, seems to work, but doesn't seem to provide what I want.

These two QT's were published on TBtech once:



Copy these two QT's to your quick templates, the 1st can be called
whatever you wish, but the second must be r13_r (without quotes).
Then to use, copy the text you wish rot-13'ed to clipboard, type the
name of first template and press Ctrl+Space...

Note that the template is quite slow...

,- [ Sample ]
| Guvf vf n fnzcyr ebg-13 rapbqrq 

Re: ROT13 support

2002-06-25 Thread Thomas F

Hello Gary,

On Tue, 25 Jun 2002 12:25:42 -0400 GMT (25/06/02, 23:25 +0700 GMT),
Gary wrote:

G Hmm, the file attachment came through just fine on my message.

Not here, at least not yet.

G I can use it to translate an entire message, including headers, into
G ROT13 format.  But then, with the headers in ROT13 format, the message
G is than unsendable.

That is true. :-(

I use the following work-around: I create a message (like the one you
replied to), and create anotehr one, this one encoded in ROT13, save
it as draft, and then cp the encoded fragment into the message I am
composing. (The saved message gets moved into trash.)

G Ideally, I'd like to just select some text and have it ROT13'd.
G Alternatively, if just the body of the message was encoded that would
G work.

Yes, I'd like that too.

G Worst case, I can modify a perl script and create an outgoing email
G filter.  Something like if ---EncodeROT--- is present, than run the
G perl script with the message as a parm, and ROT13 everything between
G the ---encode--- and -stopencode-- flags.

Yes you could. It seems a bit more work than my method, though.

G Or I can just continue to use CGI web sites and cut and paste.  IE the
G lazy route.

That's the lazy route? I must be over-lazy. g

Pna lbh ernq guvf be abg?



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

Bruno Labbadia (Karlsruher SC): Das wird alles von den Medien

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Bug Reports:

Re: Please release BatNews!

2002-06-25 Thread MikeM

On 6/25/02 at 5:50 PM Jan-Arild Løkstad wrote:

  TB's editor is the current state of the art. There is simply
  better out there, and I think I've tried everything under the sun.
  Whatever RITLabs do, I really hope they don't mess up the editor.

I certainly hope you are not talking about the plain-text editor. ;-)

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Bug Reports:

Re: Mail downloading problems

2002-06-25 Thread Dwight A Corrin

On Tuesday, June 25, 2002, 5:38:29 AM, Marck D Pearlstone wrote:

 To those who asked: yes, I'm using Win98se. I use NAV 2002, daily
 updated, and yes *normally* it download the infected message
 directly into its Quarantine directory and opens a window with the
 warning. This is why I'm also baffled.

 Okay - this is the problem. Such behaviour badly interferes with the
 way TB works and actually stops it working. It's a case of NAV pulling
 the rug from under TB's feet.

 One tip: I have no problem downloading messages with OE or with
 Opera, so the problem really seems to be TB! related, and not
 message/server/virus related.

 It is almost certainly virus related. You have to stop NAV
 quarantining the virus infected email in temp. It's killing TB to have
 the file it was working on and in the middle of using suddenly locked.

Sorry, but you are wrong on this one. The business about false
positives is pretty outrageous, but NAV does not stop TB! when it
finds a virus. It puts up a dialog window asking what you want done
with the virus, and goes on and processes mail. This weekend my
computer ran for several hours unattended, and NAV detected three
viruses, at various times during mail checks, left me with three
different windows asking what to do with each virus, and downloaded
mail as it came in. (I haven't had a temp file problem for months

Dwight A. Corrin
P O Box 47828
Wichita KS 67201-7828
316.263.9706  fax 316.263.6385
Using The Bat! 1.60i on Windows XP version 5,1

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Bug Reports:

Re: Mail downloading problems

2002-06-25 Thread Marck D Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Dwight,

@25 June 2002, 09:19:34 -0500 (15:19 UK time) Dwight A Corrin wrote in

 It is almost certainly virus related. You have to stop NAV
 quarantining the virus infected email in temp. It's killing TB to have
 the file it was working on and in the middle of using suddenly locked.

 Sorry, but you are wrong on this one. The business about false
 positives is pretty outrageous,

Isn't it though! :-).

 but NAV does not stop TB! when it finds a virus. It puts up a dialog
 window asking what you want done with the virus, and goes on and
 processes mail.

Okay, but this is reported behaviour. I'm only repeating previous
advice and commentary. I think it may be a matter of configuration and
response. There is something you can do at the point of notification
that *does* stop TB in its tracks. It doesn't happen to everyone but
it seems that it *does* happen. I believe it is happening to Joyce.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v1.60q-5523848F0B1 on Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7a-nr2b1 (Windows 2000)


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Bug Reports:

Re: Please release BatNews!

2002-06-25 Thread Marck D Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi MikeM,

@25 June 2002, 12:58:13 -0400 (17:58 UK time) MikeM wrote in

  Whatever RITLabs do, I really hope they don't mess up the editor.

 I certainly hope you are not talking about the plain-text editor. ;-)

_Thin ice alert!_

There may be a number of people who don't get the TB text editor.
There are more who will defend its excellence to the death.

Let's not get into that one again, eh?

Suffice to say that opinions differ. Don't make me DH the thread.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v1.60q-5523848F0B1 on Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7a-nr2b1 (Windows 2000)


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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Please release BatNews!

2002-06-25 Thread Ben Kennish

Hi Marck,

On Tuesday, June 25, 2002, 10:18:40 AM, you [MDP] wrote:

 Anyway, the Ritlabs people say that TB2 will support newsgroups, so
 this whole pro/con debate is really quite useless.

MDP moderator
MDP Precisely!
MDP /moderator

Well that's fine then - roll on TB2!  :D


Ben Kennish

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Bug Reports:

Re: Please release BatNews!

2002-06-25 Thread Peter Meyns

Hi Jan-Arild,

on Tue, 25 Jun 2002 17:50:24 +0200GMT (25.06.02, 17:50 +0200GMT here),

JAL   And, are you saying that TB! is a 'she'? If so, that explains why
JAL   I'm head over ears in love with this baby.

You're not the only one! :o) Of course The Bat! is a she - don't you
notice the beautiful eye makeup? ;-))



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Bug Reports:

Re: Please release BatNews!

2002-06-25 Thread MikeM

On 6/25/02 at 6:18 PM Marck D Pearlstone wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Hi MikeM,

@25 June 2002, 12:58:13 -0400 (17:58 UK time) MikeM wrote in

  Whatever RITLabs do, I really hope they don't mess up the

 I certainly hope you are not talking about the plain-text editor.

_Thin ice alert!_

I'm skating back towards the shore.  :-)

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Bug Reports:

Re: Please release BatNews!

2002-06-25 Thread George M. Menegakis

Tuesday, June 25, 2002, 11:13:41 AM, Ben Kennish wrote:

 I don't understand why some people think of email and newsgroups as such
 radically different things that should be kept separate.

Because it is radically different things that should be kept seperate.

 I mean, when I'm viewing this mailing list, it pretty much might as
 well be a newsgroup - what differences are there in functionality?  I
 for one cannot think of many.

Well,  if  I  put a kde theme on my Win 2000 then my Win should like
like linux with kde but it won't be linux with kde
Just  because  mailing  lists  and newsgroups look alike does not mean
that they are alike.

I think that is the n_th (n-+oo) that we have that argue in the list.

|| George M. Menegakis - System Administrator ||
|| Centre of Communications and Networking||
|| Iraklion Campus - University Of Crete  ||
|| mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], icq: 4557532 ||
|| phone: +30 81 393 306, fax:+30 81 39 3318  ||

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Bug Reports:


2002-06-25 Thread Daniel Grunberg

Mon, 24 Jun 2002 15:15:03[GMT -0500]   (4:15 PM EDST) Allie C Martin
 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED]">mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED], Daniel
 Grunberg [DG] wrote:

DG 1. I used my browser to go to, a
DG Web-based site for accessing an existing pop-based e-mail account
DG that I had read about.

 You do realize don't you, that you could have used TB!'s own message
 dispatcher to do the same thing.

I do now, although I didn't then.

Using The Bat! v1.60q 
on Windows 95 4.0 Build  B


Daniel A. Grunberg   Kensington, Maryland, USA

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Auto-reply by filter no longer working :-(

2002-06-25 Thread Chris Weaven

MO On Thursday, June 20, 2002, 23:22, Chris Weaven wrote:

 The only things that have changed is I've added in the filter to
 sort The Bat! using the guidelines attached to the 'welcome' mail
 and I've added a few quick templates, but that's it.

 My guess is it's got something to do with the filter added for any
 'tbudl' messages.

MO The filters are interpreted from top to bottom and TB! stops when it
MO first hits a filter that matches. If you want to keep processing with
MO other filters, tic Continue processing with other filters on the
MO Options tab.

MO Does this information help?

I'm posting this again, as I've no responses yets and it's quite
urgent that I get it working again as I plan to close an e-mail

It's stopped again :-(

Why does it work sometimes and then it doesn't on others?

He's another thought about it. My name is 1 of many in the 'to' list,
whereas the ones that are sent to just me get the auto reply.

Is there still something wrong in the filter?



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Bug Reports:

Re: Please release BatNews!

2002-06-25 Thread Paul Wilson

Tuesday, 6/25/02, 1:31 PM

Hi PFord,
On Tue, 25 Jun 2002, at 00:02:50 [GMT -0400] (which was 9:02 PM where I live) 
you wrote about: 'Please release BatNews!'

P Why? The world is moving to unified messaging - not just email,
P newsgroups, instant messaging and other text-based communication - but
P voice and even video messaging.

We will have to disagree on this one. I see just the opposite
happening. Yes there are the people who want everything available
through their cell phone or PCS. Those are the ones you see reading
E-mail at a bus stop. They could not tell you what color the roses are
on a bush across the street or whether the girl waiting for the bus is
wearing silk stockings or what color her hair is.

I don't see that in my circle of friends or co-workers. More people
are looking to simple modular concepts to handle individual tasks.

P  People get weary of having to track communications in a plethora of
P different applications and mediums.

There is always AOL for them.

P It seems to me the least TB! needs to keep up is NNTP support.

Miguel provides a perfect solution for that in 

 Your communication is greatly appreciated,
INCAM: INCrement Arbitrary Memory
Powered by The Bat! v1.60q under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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