Walking Through These Living Streets is a Pleasure Divine...

2020-11-29 Thread Raman K
*Beautiful Living
Streets, Surrounded by Trees...*

There are few things
more magical than finding yourself walking through a tree tunnel on a warm
spring evening. Whether naturally formed or painstakingly created, these
tree tunnels are sure to bewitch and enchant anyone lucky enough to walk
under them, whether alone or in appreciative company.

These are places
inspired by nature, learned from nature, and created to show that nature is
forever the most beautiful builder. Some of these were created by accident,
such as the tunnel of love in the Ukraine, some took years to grow into
this beautiful form.
*1.  Train Station in
Jinhae, South Korea * 

*[image: beautiful tree

*2. Street in Bonn,

*[image: beautiful tree

*3. Wisteria Flower
Tunnel in Japan * 

*[image: beautiful tree

*[image: beautiful tree

*4. Oak Alley along the
Mississippi River outside New Orleans, Louisiana*

*[image: beautiful tree
*5. Jacarandas Walk in
South Africa* 

*[image: beautiful tree

*6. Tunnel of Love in

*[image: beautiful tree

*[image: beautiful tree

*7. Maple Tunnel in St.
Louis, Oregon, U.S.A. * 

*[image: beautiful tree

*8. Ginkgo Tree Tunnel
in Japan* 

*[image: beautiful tree

*9. Blossom Path
(Location Unknown) * 

*[image: beautiful tree

*10. Bamboo Path in
Kyoto, Japan* 

*[image: beautiful tree

*11. Street in Porto
Alegre, Brazil* 

*[image: beautiful tree

*[image: beautiful tree

*12. The Dark Hedges,
Northern Ireland* 

*[image: beautiful tree

*[image: beautiful tree

*13. Sakura Tunnel,

30 Magical Starry Night Skies from Around the World...

2020-11-29 Thread Raman K
*30 Stunning Night Skies*

There is nothing quite as magical and breathtaking, as watching the stars
illuminate the beautiful clear skies at night. Wait until you see these 30
star-filled skies from various locations around the world, you're
guaranteed to be feeling starstruck after!


*1) Galactic Dream* 

[image: 30 Night Skies from Around the World]


*2) Aurora Reflecting Off the Arctic Lakes, Lofoten, Norway*

[image: 30 Night Skies from Around the World]


*3) A Swirl of Colors, Lake Dumbleyung, Western Australia*

[image: 30 Night Skies from Around the World]


*4) The Emerald Green Northern Lights of  Iceland*

[image: 30 Night Skies from Around the World]


*5) Southern Milky Way, Patagonia, Argentina*

[image: 30 Night Skies from Around the World]


*6) Aurora Over the Callanish Standing Stones, Isle of Lewis*

[image: 30 Night Skies from Around the World]


*7) Red Square Skies Sparkling at Night, Moscow, Russia*

[image: 30 Night Skies from Around the World]


*8) Sunset Over the Galaxies, Mount Cook, New Zealand*

[image: 30 Night Skies from Around the World]


*9) The Pathway to the Galaxy*

[image: 30 Night Skies from Around the World]


*10) Radio Mast Milky Way, Southern Finland*

[image: 30 Night Skies from Around the World]


*11) Perseid Meteor Shower, Denver, Colorado*

[image: 30 Night Skies from Around the World]


*12) Violet Cloud Thunderstorm, Broken Bow, Nebraska*

[image: 30 Night Skies from Around the World]


*13) Clash of the Galaxies Over the Washington Forests *

[image: 30 Night Skies from Around the World]


*14) Is There Really Life on Other Planets?*

[image: 30 Night Skies from Around the World]


*15) Starry Night Sky of Wonders *

[image: 30 Night Skies from Around the World]


*16) Milky Way Forming an Arc,  Devil's Tower, Wyoming*

[image: 30 Night Skies from Around the World]


*17) VLA and Milky Way, New Mexico*

[image: 30 Night Skies from Around the World]


*18) A Green Holographic Sky, Reykjanes, Iceland*

[image: 30 Night Skies from Around the World]


New Zealand's South Island Is So Beautiful...

2020-03-22 Thread Raman K
*New Zealand's South
Island Is So Beautiful!* 
Anthony Harrison traveled
through many places in the world, but he counts New Zealand as his
favorite. During his visit to the South Island of New Zealand, he managed
to capture a fraction of the amazing surroundings one might find there.
>From huge, sprawling vistas to majestic mountains and placid lakes - New
Zealand's south island has many types of landscapes to admire.

*Lone Tree Glenorchy*

*[image: photos of nz
south island]

*Hooker Lake*

*[image: photos of nz
south island]

*West Coast Sunset*

*[image: photos of nz
south island]

*Routeburn Sunrise*

*[image: photos of nz
south island]

*Glenorchy Pier*

*[image: photos of nz
south island]

*Wanaka Blue Light*

*[image: photos of nz
south island]

Fwd: Watch "Muslims & the Indian Grand Narrative" on YouTube

2020-03-22 Thread Raman K
Forwarded for a change - on a Hot Topic of Today in India and elsewhere!

  Of course, We are Always 'Busy', with Preoccupations of our own
 But should we Not Listen to Someone with a great Background and
Doing a Unique Task towards Greatest Mission for Future of INDIA and Rest
of the World in due course if time !?

  I am Not Biased and You Need Not be, but You are Free to Interactions
with the Concerned if Needed !!

Best Wishes Always with Sincere Prayers for the Betterment of HUMANITY at
Large !!

*https://youtu.be/yKbX0SI21lo  *

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Fwd: The green revolution is like the French Revolution…

2020-03-22 Thread Raman K
Which Les Miserables character is Greta Thunberg?

[image: Daily Reckoning]
*The Green Revolution Is Like the French Revolution: You Have to Ask ‘Which

*Excerpt:* Investing in the green bubble is a terrifying idea. Every
government policy, every intervention, every subsidy, every innovation,
every price, every protest, every ban, every tax, every emissions trading
scheme, every carbon credit, and everything else is simply too flawed. They
keep failing.

*London, UK Saturday, 21 December 2019*
[image: Nick Hubble]

Dear Reader,

It’s been another tough week for the e-believers and climate change
warriors. But my maniacal laughter has echoed far and wide with each blow.

First, I’d like to give you a rundown on what went wrong in the cause of
saving the planet. Then we’ll get to how I think you should invest in the
green bubble. (Hint: don’t.)

The first piece of nincompoopery comes from Bloomberg and the *Financial
Times*. They both reported that the ‘*World’s First Liquid Hydrogen Ship
Debuts in Green Economy Boost*’.

Kawasaki Heavy Industries launched the Suiso Frontier, meaning hydrogen
frontier in Japanese, on Wednesday last week. There was much fanfare and
the world’s environmentalists and e-believers oohed and aahed triumphantly.

The idea of the ship is simple. Although Japan lacks sufficient renewable
energy resources, it can still become carbon neutral by importing hydrogen,
which is emissions-free. The Suiso Frontier does just that.

There are a few familiar flies in the ointment. Converting water to
hydrogen is very power-intensive. But doing that conversion in a place with
plenty of renewable energy should be the solution.

Unfortunately, the hydrogen that the Suiso Frontier will be shipping from
Australia will be made using coal…

For years the Australian climate warriors have complained that, even if
they stop burning Aussie coal thanks to climate change policies,
Australia’s coal exports still contribute to emissions overseas.

Now they’ll be able to complain about the opposite. Australia’s coal will
be used at home to create hydrogen to satisfy another nation’s virtue
signalling needs.

But that’s not what made me laugh about the story. It’s the single sentence
buried at the bottom of the Bloomberg article about the Suiso Frontier’s
own propulsion. Clearly someone from compliance had a word with the editor
and they added the sentence in at the end.

You’ll never guess what powers the ‘World’s First Liquid Hydrogen Ship’.

Hint: It ain’t hydrogen.

book — The New Case for Gold — written by
best-selling author and former Wall Street lawyer,
Jim Rickards — is available for you.

It’s on hold, waiting to be posted to you.

If you want it, I need to know right away.

*Click here to claim your hardcover copy today.

One (diesel-powered) hydrogen ship doesn’t mean the green revolution is
doomed. But it seems to me that the green revolution is looking a lot like
the French Revolution. You have to ask ‘which one?’ Because they keep
crashing and burning.

The failures of the past finally caught up with climate campaigners at the
UN climate summit in Madrid. Greta Thunberg managed to attend, just in time
to see it end in failure on Sunday. No real action will be taken.

But it’s the why that’s juicy.

Did you know the purpose of the meeting was to devise a new emissions
trading scheme? I didn’t. And I don’t think Greta would approve of the
market solving climate change using supply and demand to find an
equilibrium price for pollution.

The idea of these emissions trading schemes is twofold. First to encourage
investment in carbon offsetting, which rewards offsetters by creating
carbon credits. And second, they allow rich countries to pay poor countries
to produce clean energy instead of cheap but dirty power. The rich
countries buy the credits from the poor ones, who use the money to build
solar instead of coal power plants.

It’s supposed to be more efficient that way, allowing us to minimise the
cost of saving the planet overall. As though that’s what climate change
warriors want…

There’s one big problem with the idea. The scheme proposed in Madrid has a
predecessor from back in 1997. Remember the Kyoto Protocol? Well, the
carbon credits scheme created back then has been an impressive failure.

Now you might think that a failure is why we need a new one. But not so

Unfortunately, the countries duped into participating and investing in the
old scheme want their past efforts and expenditure to be recognised in the
new scheme. They want their old and almost 

18 Pictures Showing The States’ Beautifully Wild Nature...

2019-12-02 Thread Raman K
*18 Amazing Photographs
of Nature in the U.S!* 

Some places are known
for their spectacular nature, such as Norway and New Zealand, while other
countries are forced to remain "inferior" when compared to them. One of
these countries is the United States, which is perceived by many as a
bustling, vibrant and largely urban country - but mostly because of cities
such as New York and Los Angeles, which most of us think about when we hear
about the country in the North American continent. However, you might be
surprised to learn that the United States has amazing nature, especially in
Oregon and Utah, though not only. We invite you to check out 18 pictures
that will expose you to the wild and beautiful nature of the United States,
which will undoubtedly change everything you once thought you knew about
this huge country. 

*1. The White River
passing under Mount Rainier in Washington*


2. The Grand Canyon in
Arizona from below - a part few people share in pictures


3. The Milky Way in a
perfect arc over half dome at Yosemite National Park, California


*4. Mount Rainier in
Washington looks it’s floating over the clouds at sunset*


5. Glacier Lake through
a hollow tree trunk at Eagle Cap Wilderness in Oregon


6. Monument Valley, Utah


7. Fall in Alaska


A Photographer Risked His Life for These Photos...

2019-12-02 Thread Raman K
*Photographer Takes
Up-Close Photos of a Volcano Eruption*

To be a truly great
photographer you need to put fear aside, and go all the way to get those
really amazing photos. That is what Chilean photographer Francisco Negroni
did, perfectly capturing the epic and primal fury of the mighty volcano.
Francisco spent a night camped just several hundred meters from the
eruption of one of the Puyehue-Cordon Cauelle mountain chain, central
Chile, which began erupting back in 2011, and is still active today.

[image: beautiful
volcano eruption] 

From his standpoint, he
took photo after photo of one of the most aggressive acts of nature, the
red heat of the magma contrasting with the blue and black skies.

[image: beautiful
volcano eruption] 

But even more commanding
than the magma is the dazzling light show that took place above it, with
huge amounts of ash and other particles shot by the volcano into the
atmosphere, generating enormous amounts of electricity, manifested as
mighty bolts of lightning.

[image: beautiful
volcano eruption] 

This is known as '*a
dirty storm*'.  
[image: beautiful
volcano eruption] 

[image: beautiful
volcano eruption] 

[image: beautiful
volcano eruption] 

[image: beautiful
volcano eruption] 

[image: beautiful
volcano eruption] 

[image: beautiful
volcano eruption] 

[image: beautiful
volcano eruption] 

Tamil old cine songs link for 4999 songs. and 5000 Hindi songs

2019-05-17 Thread Raman K
Dear friends,

For music lovers Tamil and Hindi cine songs old.

*Hindi cine songs..Without Ads Non Stop 5000 old songs *

*https://youtu.be/oPJ-f9BPBVw *

*Tamil old cine songs link for 4999 songs.*


*With best listening,*

*K.Raman *

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Upanyanam about Srartham / ஸ்ரார்த்தம் - link

2019-03-17 Thread Raman K
Good Morning Friends and Relatives herein .

Musiri Yagyaraman Deeshithar Google Drive Upload Details

I share below a Message received by me through WhatsApp today from Musiri
Brahmashri Yagyaraman Deeshithar about the Uploading of his Daily
Discourses / Upanyanam about Srartham / ஸ்ரார்த்தம் ( 113 days )
as a separate link in Google Drive and as per him any further on this will
also be appended herein

All are requested to kindly take note of this and get benefited

Hara Hara Sankara Jaya Jaya Sankara
Mahaperiyava Anugraham to All


பிரம்மஸ்ரீ தீக்ஷிதர் அவர்களுக்கு அடியேனின்  அனந்தகோடி
நமஸ்காரம் . 

*2018- செப்டெம்பர் 5 * ல்
தொடங்கி 17 th March 2019
வரை வந்த அனைத்து 113 ஸ்ரார்த்த உபன்யாசங்களின் தொகுப்பின் லிங்க் .


இதன் சௌகரியம் என்னவென்றால் தங்களின் மீதி பித்ரு கர்மா பற்றிய வரக்கூடிய
உபன்யாசங்களையும் நான் இந்த லிங்கில்தான் தொகுக்க போகிறேன் .

இருந்தாலும் இந்த லிங்க் டீடெயில்ஸ் மாறாது .

எனவே ஒரு முறை அனைவரிடமும் ஷேர் செய்தால் போறும் .


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2019-03-12 Thread Raman K
*Ailment REMEDIES at


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who is happy

2019-03-03 Thread Raman K
*Who is Happy?*

A crow lived in the forest and was absolutely satisfied in life.

But one day he saw a swan. "This swan is so white," he thought, "and I am
so black.

This swan must be the happiest bird in the world."

He expressed his thoughts to the swan. "Actually," the swan replied, "I was
feeling that I was the happiest bird around until I saw a parrot, which has
two colours. I now think the parrot is the happiest bird in creation."

The crow then approached the parrot. The parrot explained, "I lived a very
happy life—until I saw a peacock. I have only two colours, but the
peacock has multiple colours."

The crow then visited a peacock in the zoo and saw that hundreds of people
had gathered to see him.

After the people had left, the crow approached the peacock. "Dear peacock,"
the crow said, "you are so beautiful. Every day thousands of people come to
see you. When people see me, they immediately shoo me away. I think you are
the happiest bird on the planet."

The peacock replied, "I always thought that I was the most beautiful and
happy bird on the planet. But because of my beauty, I am entrapped in this

I have examined the zoo very carefully, and I have realized that the crow
is the only bird not kept in a cage. So for past few days I have been
thinking that if I were a crow, I could happily roam everywhere."

That's our problem too. We make unnecessary comparison with others and
become sad. We don't value what God has given us. This all leads to the
vicious cycle of unhappiness.

Have Life ahead valuing the things God has given us.

Learn the secret of being happy and discard the comparison which leads only
to unhappiness.

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Rudram Chanting at Sai Center Milton Keynes

2018-11-15 Thread Raman K
*This I participated in UK on Sunday last. Very nice to see active
participation of men and ladies.Sharing with you all.*


*Rudram chanting in mp3*

*https://goo.gl/tQcLmV  *



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Winter is Breathtakingly Beautiful in these Magical Towns...

2018-05-16 Thread Raman K
*24 Towns That Look
Incredible in the Winter!*

Winter can be a harsh
mistress, but often, the harshness is accompanied by sublime beauty. When
the weather is cold enough, snow starts to fall, slowly covering everything
with an ever-growing white blanket. When this happens, the world takes on a
magical aspect, reminiscent of the fantasy world of Narnia.

*Foreste Casentinesi,
Campigna National Park, Italy*

[image: towns covered in

*Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge, Alaska* 

[image: towns covered in

*Mt. Seymour, British
Columbia, Canada* 

[image: towns covered in

*Nagano, Japan*

[image: towns covered in

*Long Bridge,
Skaneateles, New York* 

[image: towns covered in

*Romsdal, Norway*

[image: towns covered in

*Peyton Lake, Banff
National Park, Canada* 

[image: towns covered in

*Gassho-zukuri Village
in Shirakawa-go, Japan* 

[image: towns covered in

Stunning! Have You Ever Seen a More Beautiful Bird?

2018-05-16 Thread Raman K
*20 Gorgeous Flamingo
Pictures and Facts!* 

Flamingos are the most
instantly recognizable birds in the world. But, what makes them capture the
hearts of birders and non-birders alike? Take a look at these stunning
photos and read through these intriguing facts about flamingos:

*Flamingos can be seen
all over the world. From the Caribbean and South America, to Africa, the
Middle East and Europe.* 

[image: flamingos]

[image: flamingos]

*The word 'flamingo'
comes from the Spanish or Latin word, 'flamenco' which means fire. The word
refers to its bright feathers.*

[image: flamingos]

[image: flamingos]

*They are strong
swimmers, though they rarely ever do swim, and are also powerful fliers.
Though most of the time, you'll likely see them wading.*

[image: flamingos]

[image: flamingos]

*When they fly in a
flock, a flamingo can reach a top speed of 35 miles per hour.*

[image: flamingos]

[image: flamingos]

*Chicks are actually
born gray or white. It takes them up to three years to reach their mature
pink, orange or red plumage. *

[image: flamingos]

[image: flamingos]

Dubai is One City Where Architects Go Wild...

2018-05-16 Thread Raman K
*Dubai - An
Architectural Delight* 

Dubai is a city-state in
the United Arab Emirates, located within the emirate of the same name. The
emirate of Dubai is located southeast of the Persian Gulf on the Arabian
Peninsula and is one of the seven emirates that make up the country. Today,
Dubai has emerged as a cosmopolitan metropolis that has grown steadily to
become a global city and a business and cultural hub of the Middle East and
the Persian Gulf region. 
[image: photos of dubai]

[image: photos of dubai]

Although Dubai's economy
was historically built on the oil industry, the emirate's Western-style
model of business drives its economy with the main revenues now coming from
tourism, real estate, and financial services.

[image: photos of dubai]

[image: photos of dubai]

Dubai has recently
attracted world attention through many innovative large construction
projects and sports events. The city has become symbolic for its
skyscrapers and high-rise buildings, such as the world's tallest Burj
Khalifa, in addition to ambitious development projects including man-made
islands, hotels, and some of the largest shopping malls in the region and
the world.   
[image: photos of dubai]

[image: photos of dubai]

[image: photos of dubai]

[image: photos of dubai]

[image: photos of dubai]

[image: photos of dubai]

[image: photos of dubai]

[image: photos of dubai]


2018-05-16 Thread Raman K
* Recent Developments in Health
If you
haven't been quite up to date about what's new in human health and
technology, then you're in for some surprising news. Scientists, as we
know, are constantly looking for cures, solutions and improvements to
certain health and body issues; and with technology having developed hugely
in the digital age, researchers have more ways than ever to find the golden
answer to the big questions of the day. Technology hasn't only improved our
every day lives by the use of electronic tools and devices, and the
intelligence of the web, it has also helped further refine the health field
and opened up heaps of new possibilities. The following (rather
unbelievable) developments have all been reported recently, and here they
are before your very eyes.

*1. A
new body part discovered*

10 Recent Health Developments]

as it may sound, studies have been recently expanding on the unfamiliarity
of a particular part of the knee, drawing the interest of several

French surgeon named Paul Segond first referred to a "pearly, resistant
fibrous band" found along the ligaments within the human knee, in his study
back in 1879; and other scientists picked up his work nearly 150 years
later, in 2013. Their findings confirmed *a new human body part in the knee*,
that was identified by its special tissue and well-defined structure.

same year is also known for the curious discovery of yet another human body
part - this time in the eye. This is the "Dua's Layer", a microscopic layer
of the cornea that had not previously been detected.

*2. The
much-awaited brain-computer interface*

10 Recent Health Developments]

might have heard about brain-computer interfaces, the arrival of which many
have envisaged happening in the future. Apparently this 'future' wasn't so
very far away, as new breakthroughs have ensured that the idea has now
become reality.

from the Korea University and Technological University in Germany came up
with a new interface that*allows humans to control an exoskeleton of the
lower limbs through brain signals*. These brain signals are recorded
through an electroencephalogram (EEG) cap worn on the head, and are
operated by having the user staring at one of five LEDs on the interface,
representing different movements such as sitting or standing.

it has only been tested on healthy individuals so far, the scientists'
intentions are that it will help the disabled eventually.

*3. A
device that uses thought to move paralyzed limbs*

If you
think the development of the brain-computer interface is surprising, this
discovery will blow your mind. Now, it's not only possible to move parts of
your body by using your eyes, it can also be done merely by thought.

the efforts between Ohio State University and Batelle, paralysed man Ian
Burkhart became the *first man in the world to succeed in bypassing the

68 Journalists, writers and bureaucrats given 2-5 Lakh/month to write against PM Modi through Cambridge Analytica!

2018-05-16 Thread Raman K
https://postcard.news/68- journalists-writers-and-
bureaucrats-given-2-5-lakh- month-to-write-against-pm-
modi-through-cambridge- analytica/

68 Journalists, writers and bureaucrats given 2-5 Lakh ...

Since the time the Cambridge Analytica controversy got exposed, the
Congress has been facing major embarrassment. The major expose on Congress
links with the company Cambridge Analytica which is known to steal people's
private information to influence their political choice.

68 Journalists, writers and bureaucrats given 2-5 Lakh/month to write
against PM Modi through Cambridge Analytica!
Postcard Team 

Since the time the Cambridge Analytica controversy got exposed, the
Congress has been facing major embarrassment. The major expose on Congress
links with the company Cambridge Analytica which is known to steal people’s
private information to influence their political choice. This information
was out recently after the Facebook banned the access to the company.

Later it was found that Congress had hired this same company for the
upcoming 2019 elections. This information was exposed by Republic Tv which
gathered evidence of 8 top political leaders meeting with Cambridge
Analytica Company founders in the year 2017. The documents also showed that
an NGO was opened by these political parties through which payments were
made to the Cambridge Analytica company. An estimated of Rs 800 Crore is
said to be paid by the political party to strategize for the upcoming 2019
elections. Cambridge Analytica is in the eye of a global storm over its
alleged data theft and the other means by which it influenced global

This same company was also used by Donald Trump before the American
elections to influence the psychological preference of the voters. After it
was understood that Facebook was used to breach millions of personal
information, the union law minister Ravi Shankar Prasad yesterday gave
warning to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg of stern action if the
allegation is found to be true.

But the other shocking part which has been exposed is that around 68
journalists, writers, bureaucrats and film stars have been hired by
Cambridge Analytica company which is paying Rs 2-5 Lakhs/month to write
against PM Modi. This news was discussed on Republic Tv which said that
many journalists names were listed in the disclosed Emails of Cambridge

68 Journalists, Writers, Film stars, Bureaucrats have name in #
list who were being paid ₹2-5 Lakh/month to write against PM.
— Prashant P. Umrao (@ippatel) 7:37 AM - Mar 22, 2018

But the Congress denied the charges and shifted the blame on BJP. However,
their own Congress member has submitted proof busting the Congress lies.
Shehzad Poonawalla, who has been a close associate of Rahul Gandhi and
Vadra family said *that a man called Amrish Tyagi was working with Ovleno,
and was “in touch with Rahul Gandhi and team.” “There is concrete proof
that Amrish Tyagi of Ovleno was in touch with Rahul Gandhi and team. There
was nothing till now, but today when law minister Ravi Shankar Prasad has
raised the point, some kind of white-washing is being attempted.”*

[image: Image result for Rahul gandhi cambridge analytica]

Amrish Tyagi is none other than the son of JdU leader K C Tyagi’s. And it
is found that Congress and JdU had taken the help of Cambridge Analytica
during the Bihar elections during 2015. Shehzad Ponawala also disclosed
certain Emails which reveals that Amrish Tyagi of Ovleno was in constant
touch with both Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi since 2012.

In Sept 2016 Amrish Tyagi of Ovleno was in US - met Cambridge Analytica's
PLANNED... services were to be offered through front companies..Since 2012
Amrish was in touch with "boss" of INC as per his mail to me
— Shehzad Jai Hind (@Shehzad_Ind) 9:41 PM - Mar 21, 2018

It is now clear that the Congress has hired this company called Cambridge
Analytica in order to influence the voters decision on political
affiliations. It is a matter of great concern that a National Party hired a
foreign company to breach into the private information of millions of
Indians just to win elections jeopardizing the security of people.

The government announced that it will probe the matter and if any party or


2018-04-20 Thread Raman K

*Make a checklist, check whether this medicine is in your home or whether
it has been recommended by your doctor AS A SAFE DRUG*

India has become a dumping ground for* banned drugs;* also the business for
production of banned drugs is booming. Please therefore make sure that you
buy drugs only if these are prescribed by a doctor (also, verify which
company has manufactured it, this would help to ensure that you get what is
prescribed by the doctor at the Drug Store) and that also from a reputed
medicine shop. Not many people know about these banned drugs and consume
them causing a lot of damage to themselves.

STILL AVAILABLE IN INDIA  The most common ones are action 500 &
*  !*

cold and cough. *Reason for ban :* *stroke*.
*  Brand name :* Vicks Action-500

This is a pain-killer. *Reason for ban:* *Bone marrow depression*.
*  Brand name:* ! Novalgin
Acidity, constipation. *Reason for ban :**irregular heartbeat*
*  Brand name :* Ciza, Syspride

Anti-depressant. *Reason for ban :* *Irregular heartbeat*.
*  Brand name :* Droperol
Antidiarrhoeal. *Reason for ban :* *Cancer*.
*  Brand name :* Furoxone, Lomofen
Painkiller, fever.
*Reason for ban : Liver failure..  Brand name :* Nise, Nimulid

Antibacterial cream. *Reason for ban :* *Cancer*.
*  Brand name :* Furacin

Laxative... *Reason for ban :* *Cancer*.
*  Brand name :* Agarol
! __ __

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. *Reason for ban :* *Bone marrow
*  Brand name :* Sioril
Anti-worms *Reason for ban :* *Nerve damage*.
*  Brand name :* Piperazine

Anti-diarrhoeal. *Reason for ban :* *Damage to sight*.
*  Brand name:* Enteroquino

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The Most Powerful Action Photos Of 2016!

2018-04-20 Thread Raman K
*The Most Powerful
Action Photos Of 2016!* 

Red Bull Illume is a
major international photography competition dedicated to action and
adventure sports. Tens of thousands of amateur and professional
photographers enter the contest each year but only a select handful get
chosen by the competition’s 53 judges. 34,624 photographs were entered this
year from 5,646 photographers across 120 countries, and the stunning
winners from the 11 different categories can be found in the list below.


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2018-04-20 Thread Raman K

Luz y color:]

Giza Pyramids, Egypt:]

South Dakota USA:]

Coffeenuts, sunset, sunrise, water, solitude, clouds, reflections, beauty
of Nature, sunbeams, stunning, tree, silhouettes, peaceful, silence:]

sunset through glass:]

jake moore photography surf sunset:]

And I think to myself... What A Wonderful World! ღ:]

Sunset at Lake Myvatn by Gernot Posselt on 500px:]


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2018-04-08 Thread Raman K
A Chinese shipbuilder accidentally revealed its major navy plansNuclear
submarines, giant aircraft carriers, robot warships.
By Jeffrey Lin and P.W. Singer

[image: China Aircraft Carrier Type 001A]


Dalian Shipyard, part of CSIC, is where China's first domestic carrier,
CV-17, was built. It will also likely be the builder for China's first,
nuclear powered supercarrier.


For a brief moment, the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC), put
online China's next big naval projects (but quickly pulled them down).. The
revelation, of which screenshots were taken before censors intervened,
provided a picture of China's ambitions for a world class navy.
[image: Type 003 Aircraft Carrier China]

TYPE 003

This new display at the Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution,
was newly installed for the PLA's 90th anniversary. While it has
speculative features like four catapults, J-20 fighters and stealthy UCAVs,
the nuclear powered Type 003 supercarrier probably won't enter service
until after 2030..

Oedo Soldier

CSIC is a major shipbuilder for the People's Liberation Army Navy,
responsible for high ticket items like aircraft carriers and nuclear
submarines. The biggest item in CSIC's not-so-secret portfolio is China's
first nuclear-powered carrier. Popularly identified as the Type 003, it
will be the largest non-American warship in the world when its launched in
the late 2020s. CSIC's Dalian Shipyard, which refurbished the aircraft
carrier Liaoning, and launched China's first domestically built carrier,
CV-17, in 2017, will presumably build China's first "Type 003" CVN.

The Type 003 will displace between 90,000-100,000 tons and have
electromagnetically assisted launch system (EMALS) catapults for getting
aircrafts off the deck. It'll likely carry a large air wing of J-15
fighters, J-31 stealth fighters, KJ-600 airborne early warning and control
aircraft, anti-submarine warfare helicopters, and stealth attack drones.
When joined with Type 055 destroyers and next-generation attack submarines,
it would provide the PLAN a highly capable task force for representing
China on global missions..
[image: China Type 095 SSN nuclear submarine]


The Type 095 SSN, seen in this speculative fanmade CGI, will likely have
VLS cells for launching a wide range of cruise missiles, pumpjet propulsion
and improved quieting technology. The first Type 095 will likely begin
production in late 2017 at the giant new BSHIC factory, with many more to
follow in the 2020s.


CSIC's website also boasted that it would build a new nuclear-powered
submarine, likely the Type 095 nuclear attack submarine (SSN). The Type 095
SSN would be built at CSIC's Bohai Shipyard, which is China's sole nuclear
submarine shipyard. Compared to the Type 093 SSN, the Type 095 SSN will
include new noise reduction measures, like an integrated electric
propulsion system and possibly a shaftless rim drive, single hull, and
electronic noise cancellation. CSIC is also working on a separate 'quiet'
submarine project, presumably to be built at its Wuhan conventional
submarine shipyard. This submarine is presumably quieter than the
air-independent propulsion (AIP) Type 039B Yuan submarine; it'll likely
have quieting measures like a single hull, a new AIP system, and
lithium-ion batteries. A new generation of Chinese submarines could help
the PLAN remedy its historic technologic disadvantage against the
submarines forces of the American and Japanese navies.
[image: China Underwater Unmanned Vehicle UUV]


This large AUV, similar to the USN's LDUUV, is used for long term
autonomous missions; its size allows for it to carry modular payloads of
sensors, mine warfare and ASW. It could be the precursor to larger Chinese
armed UUVs carrying torpedoes and missiles.


The big CSIC announcement also covers 21st century naval wish lists, like
autonomous robot submarines. This is the first official confirmation of
China pursuing armed unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs), in addition to
unmanned surface vehicles already offered for exports. Autonomous UUVs,
armed with torpedoes and missiles, could act as expendable scouts or
wingmen for manned Chinese submarines and surface warships, such as
undertaking dangerous missions like probing enemy minefields, launching
sneak attacks, and drawing away enemy forces.
[image: China Underwater Great Wall UUV]


The Underwater Great Wall may be centered around stationary sensors on the
ocean bed, but autonomous UUVs will be a critical enabler in not just
tracking enemy submarines, but finding them.


To defend Chinese home waters and expand the anti-access/area denial
umbrella underwater, CSIC is designing an underwater attack and defense
system. It could likely be an armed variant of the "Underwater Great Wall"
of UUVs, other 

Identity theft using selfies: Your fingerprint can now be stolen from your pictures

2018-04-04 Thread Raman K
Identity theft using selfies: Your fingerprint can now be stolen from your
pictures *


Delicious mail

[image: Image: Identity theft using selfies: Your fingerprint can now be
stolen from your pictures]
I*f you like to display the peace sign when **posing for pictures*
selfies, there’s a new strategy you should employ, effective immediately.
Make sure the back, or fingernail side of your hand is displayed, and not
the fingerprint side. If you are featured in any online photos where you
are exposing your fingerprint, you might want to consider deleting those as
soon as possible. Photos that are shared and stored online create an active
database of fingerprints for thieves to exploit.*

*Advancements in photo manipulation software can now lead to identity
theft; because it is now possible for identity thieves to successfully
obtain your fingerprint data from images. Japanese professor, Isao Echizen,
knows the dangers of exposing your fingerprints first hand. Echizen is
advising people to reconsider the innocent peace sign pose, after a recent
experiment was conducted by his team at the NII’s Digital Content and Media
Sciences Research Division, where they were able to successfully retrieve
peoples fingerprint data from photos that were taken from distances up to
three meters away. “Fingerprint data can be re-created if fingerprints are
in focus with strong lighting in a picture,” said Echizen.*

*The technique Echizen describes doesn’t use any special software, but
certainly requires good lighting. Low light pictures aren’t a significant
threat now, but could become more serious in the future as mobile cameras
become more sophisticated. Whenever possible, it is important not to rely
on security measures that require fingerprint data

*Biometrics are becoming an increasingly accepted form of reliable
security, replacing passwords and other safeguarding solutions in many
instances. Keeping your prints private  is
now a valid concern. You can always change your password after being
hacked, but you can’t change your fingerprints.*

*Professor Echizen believes that celebrities are most vulnerable

the new method of identity theft; due to the high number of photographs
they generally appear in. While regular individuals might downplay the
threat, this is a real situation which has already caused everyday people
to become victims of ransom scams, because they compromised the security of
their digital data.*

*An ordinary photo is all it takes for a thief to gain the ability to copy
your fingerprint. The progression of technology in high quality digital
photos has opened one side of the vulnerability, the other side being
technologies akin to Touch ID, which turn your fingerprints into digital
keys that can be used to unlock many of the devices we use today.*

*A third vulnerability exists within the technologies that use our
fingerprints for verification or validation. Touch ID and similar
fingerprint verifying security measures are likely to store your
fingerprint data so that it can be compared to the print that is trying to
gain access through the security measure. The fact that your fingerprint
data could be stored up in a cloud for comparison raises additional
security concerns
because hackers might be able to obtain that data in a security breech
similar to what we often see with major companies.*

*In Echizen’s home country of Japan, as in many parts of the world, the
peace sign is a common gesture shown in photos, however, it isn’t the sole
hand gesture that could compromise your security. Other common gestures
like waving, or giving a thumbs up, also create the same security
vulnerability. When a fingerprint is matched with a person’s face, it
creates a significantly greater threat for identity thieves to use
the biometric data

malicious intent.*

*The fingerprint sensor on your phone is the key to unlocking all the
private information that is stored 

The Mountains of Transylvania: A Reason to Be Up at 5am

2018-04-04 Thread Raman K
Mountains: A Reason to Be Up Early*

There’s nothing a
morning walk in the mountains to energize you for the day. Inspired by
nature, photographer Alex Robciuc wakes up every morning at 5am to hike in
his amazing corner of the world - Maramures, in Transylvania, Romania.
These crisp images beautifully capture the mist, due, rising sun and
stillness of the early morning.

[image: Maramures]

[image: Maramures]

[image: Maramures]

[image: Maramures]

[image: Maramures]

[image: Maramures]

[image: Maramures]

[image: Maramures]

[image: Maramures]

[image: Maramures]

[image: Maramures]


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Friends & Foes of Indian Farmers ?

2018-04-04 Thread Raman K
*Friends & Foes of Indian Farmers ?*

The spate of Farmers' Loan Waiver schemes being announced by various state
governments is likely to wipe out their Development-kitty by @ Rs 1.25 L
It is now amply clear that the Loan Waiver Scheme-2009 didn't help the
farmers in the long run.
The only entity which pocketed the benefit was the UPA-1 which retained the
power by turning a possible defeat into the victory.

What next ?

There is likelihood of a rat race among the political parties to appease
our Veto-King with 50% Vote-Share
- the farmers.
This is one off the many inbuilt perils of the democratic governance. It is
easy for any/all political outfit/s to announce grandiose schemes at the
cost of the exchequer. But the moot question remains whether different
political parties or other pillars of democracy are Friends/ Foes our
farmers ?

Let us analyze the role of related groups A) Bureaucracy, B) Political
Parties, C) Militant Organizations, D) Farmers' Unions & E) The Farmers

A) Bureaucracy - The Steel Frame of the Government is certainly not the
farmers' friend :
A.1) Our P.M. did cut a sorry figure in the Australia last year due to the
absurd data provided by the bureaucracy.
He appealed all Agri. Scientists of Australia to guide us to raise our
Agri. Productivity. This was a goof up caused by our ignorant
Agri.-Technocrats, IAS & IFS baboos who didn't know that a) We needed their
guidance for the Cotton Crop only & b) We can, in fact, offer them guidance
to boost their Productivity of Cereals by @ 40% (Source : World Bank's
Global data on Cereals Productivity).

A.2) Non-availability of Real Time Agri. Data : Our bureaucracy carries out
the routine job of compiling Agri. Productivity data as if we are still in
the Pre-Slide Rule & Pre-Calculator era.
We still take 5 years to finalize our Tri-Annual Average data whereas the
developed countries (those in Super-Computer era) finalize it in 3 years

A.3) Problem Areas which cause Farmers to commit Suicides : Every Economic
Survey Report (published every year by all states) offers massive data on
the problem areas in that particular state. Our bureaucracy doesn't take
proactive cognizance of that data.

A.4) Lack of Awareness of Global Agri. Data : Let us sincerely hope that
the awareness of the global data makes us wise from next year.

B) Political Parties : The Visionary Eyes of the Governance are also not
farmer friendly.
B.1) These supposed to be Visionary Eyes lack foresight & are not in a
position to become masters of the bureaucracy.

B.2) The Political parties are in the know of scientific progress being
made within the country. The resultant rise in Productivity could render
almost 50% of our farmers jobless. That means our politicians face an
Himalayan Task of arranging alternative source of livelihood to our @ 25%
It is vital to note here that the Developed World has very low Farmers'
Population Percentage ranging between 1.5 to 3% & that that in the Fast
Developing China is @ 26%.
None of our political parties have dared to venture any where near this
High-Risk Zone.

C) Militant Organizations :
C.1) Separatist Organizations from J  (& Pakistan included) :
The poor fellows from J are either ignorant of the very high Cereals'
Productivity achieved by many of the Arab Nations or they must be sure in
their minds that those Agri.-Reach Arab states won't support the Agri.
Productivity Enhancement drive in J (& in Pakistan).

C.2) The Naxals dominate sizable chunk of our Tribal Heartland :
Our poor Naxals are either ignorant of the dismal Agri. Productivity in our
tribal belt or they must be sure of not getting any technical support from
their mentor, whose productivity is roughly 6 times that of their tribal

D) Farmers' Unions :
The less said about these unions is better.

E) The Farmers - the Biggest Stake Holders :
A biggest stakeholder has to take bigger risks to overcome the present
Majority of our farmers try to run away from new Agri. experiments &/
trials. Otherwise, they will have to acquire new skills & switch over to
new vocations. They won't flourish unless & until they change themselves.

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Wonderful Photography!

2018-04-04 Thread Raman K
*Wonderful Photography!* 

Jet wash in the morning mist

[image: amdavadis4e...@yahoogroups.com]

Unusual cloud. Now we know how to look like angels

[image: amdavadis4e...@yahoogroups.com]

Ice cave, illuminated by a torch

[image: amdavadis4e...@yahoogroups.com]

Ladybug in the morning dew

[image: amdavadis4e...@yahoogroups.com]

Cloud: incredible picture

[image: amdavadis4e...@yahoogroups.com]

Rain over ravninoi - view from the airplane

[image: amdavadis4e...@yahoogroups.com]

One in a million 

[image: amdavadis4e...@yahoogroups.com]

The tsunami of clouds  

[image: amdavadis4e...@yahoogroups.com]

A magical place in Austria - Grer See

[image: amdavadis4e...@yahoogroups.com]

A rare and wonderful atmospheric phenomenon - "fire rainbow" This optical
effect in the atmosphere, manifested in the appearance of a horizontal
rainbow, localized on a background of light, high cirrus clouds.

[image: amdavadis4e...@yahoogroups.com]

Rainbow refraction of light in water droplets

[image: amdavadis4e...@yahoogroups.com]

Morskoi sand under a microscope with a 300-fold increase

[image: amdavadis4e...@yahoogroups.com]

Rhodochrosite - Beautiful Shii mineral, also known as the Rose of the Inca

[image: amdavadis4e...@yahoogroups.com]

The view from the height of 8000 meters

[image: amdavadis4e...@yahoogroups.com]

Splash - from the stone thrown into the water during sunset

[image: amdavadis4e...@yahoogroups.com]

In rare cases, you can see a rainbow of 360 degrees from a plane

[image: amdavadis4e...@yahoogroups.com]

The crystal clear ice of Baikal

[image: amdavadis4e...@yahoogroups.com]

Blooming lotus  

[image: amdavadis4e...@yahoogroups.com]

Lavender fields. Dawn. Imagine the aroma ...

[image: amdavadis4e...@yahoogroups.com]

Frame-fire: the reflection of the setting sun in her hair

[image: amdavadis4e...@yahoogroups.com]

Winter Fairy 

[image: amdavadis4e...@yahoogroups.com]

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2018-03-01 Thread Raman K
Republic Day 2018 | A legacy of rash decisions, writes Brahma Chellaney
[image: Jawaharlal Nehru] Jawaharlal Nehru

Madeleine Albright famously said that “The purpose of foreign policy is to
persuade other countries to do what you want or, better yet, to want what
we want.” How has Indian foreign policy done when measured against such a
standard of success?

In this century, India’s growing geopolitical weight, impressive
economic-growth rate, rising military capabilities, increasing maritime
role, abundant market opportunities, and favourable long-term demographics
have helped increase its international profile. India is widely perceived
to be a key “swing state” in the emerging international order. Yet Indian
foreign policy offers little clue as to whether India is a world power in
the making or just a sub-regional power with global-power pretensions.

India has yet to resolve an underlying tension in policy between realism
and idealism. The struggle between idealism and pragmatism has bedevilled
its diplomacy since independence, imposing serious costs. For example,
Jawaharlal Nehru, the idealist, rejected a US suggestion in the 1950s that
India take China’s vacant seat in the United Nations Security Council. The
officially blessed selected works of Nehru quote him as saying that India
could not accept the American proposal because it meant “falling out with
China and it would be very unfair for a great country like China not to be
in the [Security] Council.” The selected works also quote Nehru as telling
Soviet Premier Marshal Nikolai A. Bulganin in 1955 on the same U.S. offer
that “we should first concentrate on getting China admitted.”

Such have been the national-security costs for future Indian generations
that just in the first seven years after independence, India allowed
Pakistan to seize and retain one-third of Jammu and Kashmir; looked the
other way when the newly established People’s Republic of China gobbled up
the large historical buffer, the Tibetan Plateau; and tamely surrendered
its British-inherited extra-territorial rights in Tibet without any quid
pro quo, not even Beijing’s acceptance of the then-prevailing Indo-Tibetan
border. The 1954 surrender of extra-territorial rights in Tibet included
India shutting its military outposts at Yatung and Gyantse in Tibet and
handing over Tibet’s postal, telegraph and public telephone services that
it had been running to the Chinese government.

India thought that if it sought peace, it would get peace. In reality, a
nation gets peace only if it can defend peace. This reality did not sink in
until China humiliated India in 1962.

The 1962 invasion, however, did not change another characteristic of Indian
diplomacy — it has been driven not by integrated, institutionalized
policymaking but by largely an ad hoc, personality-driven approach. This
remains the bane of Indian foreign policy, precluding the establishment
of a strategic framework for the pursuit of goals. The reliance by
successive prime ministers on ad hoc, personal initiatives and decisions
has helped marginalize the national security establishment and compounded
India’s challenges. This needs to be corrected. The ministry of external
affairs, for example, must play its assigned role in the formulation and
execution of key aspects of foreign policy — a role that has increasingly
been usurped by the Prime Minister’s Office.

Today, India confronts a “tyranny of geography” — that is, serious external
threats from virtually all directions. To some extent, it is a
self-inflicted tyranny. India’s concerns over China, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri
Lanka, the Maldives and even Pakistan stem from the failures of its past
policies. An increasingly unstable neighbourhood also makes it more
difficult to promote regional cooperation and integration.

As its tyranny of geography puts greater pressure on its external and
internal security, India will need to develop more innovative approaches to
diplomacy. The erosion of its influence in its own backyard should serve as
a wake-up call. Only through forward thinking and a dynamic foreign
policy can India hope to ameliorate its regional-security situation,
freeing it to play a larger global role. Otherwise, it will continue to be
weighed down by its region.

While India undoubtedly is imbibing greater realism in its foreign policy,
it remains intrinsically cautious and reactive, rather than forward-looking
and proactive. And as illustrated by PM Narendra Modi’s unannounced Lahore
visit or by his government’s reluctance to impose any sanctions on a
country it has called “Terroristan,” India hasn’t fully abandoned its
quixotic traditions from the Nehruvian era.

India’s tradition of realist strategic thought is probably the oldest in
the world. The realist doctrine was propounded by the strategist
Kautilya, also known as Chanakya, who wrote the Arthashastra before Christ.
This ancient manual on great-power diplomacy and international statecraft
remains a 


2018-03-01 Thread Raman K
*Welfare laptop, washing machine shock SC*

New Delhi: The Supreme Court has directed the Union labour secretary to
appear before it after expressing shock over "astonishing" details in an
affidavit that said funds meant for the welfare of construction workers
were being spent on buying them laptops and washing machines.

The affidavit by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) also said that
less than 10 per cent of the Rs 29,000-crore fund has been spent on the
actual purpose.

A bench of Justices Madan B. Lokur and Deepak Gupta said it was "shocking"
and "extremely distressing" that the funds, collected by the government
through a cess under a law for construction workers, were being "frittered
away" and diverted.

The court then asked the labour secretary to appear before it on November
10 "to understand how the act was being implemented and why it was being
misused, if not abused".

The court, which was hearing a public interest plea filed by a
non-government organisation, had earlier asked the CAG to file a report on
how the fund meant for the welfare of construction workers was being

The NGO, National Campaign Committee for Central Legislation on
Construction Labour, had alleged that the statutory cess levied on real
estate firms for the welfare of construction workers was not being used
properly as there was no mechanism to identify the beneficiaries.

The bench said the CAG had revealed a "shocking state of affairs" regarding
the utilisation of the cess collected under the Building and Other
Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service)
Act, 1996, and ordered that such exploitation of construction workers by
states or welfare boards must stop.

"For example: we have been shown expenditure having been incurred for
payment of entry tax/value added tax; expenditure incurred for purchase of
washing machines for construction workers; expenditure incurred for
purchase of laptops for construction workers, etc. This is really
astonishing," the bench noted in its order.

"It is quite obvious from the above that the amounts are just being
frittered away, if not defalcated by the concerned welfare boards," it said.

"Apart from the above, we find that huge amounts have been spent towards
administrative expenses while the statute permits only five per cent
expenditure towards administrative expenses."

The court observed that the law was "being misused" as the money collected
for the beneficiaries was being diverted to labour welfare boards or state
governments for other purposes.

"We may note that huge amounts have been collected in the region of Rs
29,000 crore and not even 10 per cent has been spent for the benefit of
construction workers. The amounts, whatever has been spent, appear to have
been spent for the purposes other than for the benefit of construction
workers," it said.

This must be rectified at the earliest, the bench added, asking the
secretary in the Union labour ministry to appear before it on Friday.

Earlier, in 2015, the court had expressed its displeasure over
non-utilisation of Rs 26,000 crore (the amount at that time) by the Centre
and various state governments, saying "it cannot get worse than this". PTI

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For 31 years after his death, Dr. Homi Bhabha’s office room was unoccupied

2018-03-01 Thread Raman K
*The secular condolence ceremony for Homi Bhabha of which no photographs
were found has remained firmly etched in the scientists’ memory, and the
religious one was forgotten.*

On 24 January 1966, Homi Bhabha, physicist and founder of India’s nuclear
programme, died in a plane crash. The Kanchenjunga — a Boeing 707 aircraft
— had crashed into the Glacier des Bossons of Mont Blac at 4,807 metres.
Bhabha was on his way to Vienna to attend an Advisory Committee meeting of
the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Conspiracy theories about the crash being triggered by a bomb circulated
then, as they do even today. But how was the news received in the two
institutions he founded in Mumbai? With deep distress and a numbing sense
of disbelief that remains even now, decades after the event.

The institute had organised a condolence meeting almost immediately. And
those who attended it recalled that Professor Rustom Choksi spoke. He was a
member of the Tata Trust as well as the Council of the Tata Institute of
Fundamental Research (TIFR), which Bhabha had founded in 1945. The
resolution that was passed spoke of Bhabha’s patriotism, his leadership and
his efforts “to build with unremitting toil and exalted vision that nobler
India in which skilled technology in the service of man would give to the
lowliest among us the beginnings of a decent life”. These fine sentiments
perhaps served to hold in check the intense anguish that many of those
present felt.

In 2002, when I began the task of putting together the archives of TIFR,
the condolence meeting and Choksi’s speech was what most of the older
scientists and administrators of the institute remembered until I found a
set of photographs. These striking black-and-white photographs depicted a
Parsi Uthamna ceremony in progress. On closer look, the ceremony seemed to
be taking place right at the foot of the staircase of TIFR’s library with
everyone watching from the colonnade space outside.

The secular condolence ceremony of which no photographs were found had
remained firmly etched in memory and the religious one had been forgotten.

Among the scientists, there seemed to be a slight sense of embarrassment
about the religious ceremony being performed inside the hallowed portals of
a science institute. Almost as if there was a schism between the two worlds
that the two ceremonies represented. When pressed, many of the scientists
told me that the Parsee ritual was only held to honour the wishes of
Bhabha’s mother (who was also the daughter of Ruttonbai and Framji Panday),
Meherbai. She was close to many of the scientists at the institute. What
came as a surprise was that she was close to some of the workers too who
went to see her regularly and who met her even after Bhabha’s death.

As G.V. Vasudevachar, Bhabha’s laboratory assistant who had moved from IISc
Bangalore to TIFR in 1945, recalled, Meherbai had said, “Vasu, Homi told me
he would be back soon. Now he won’t come back.”

Indeed, the personal dimensions of the institution-building came through
sharply in many recollections. But institutional memory had replaced such
personal stories with official narratives about science and nationalism. In
1967, an exhibition on the life of Homi Bhabha was put together by his
institute and displayed at Royal Society London. Later, this exhibition was
put up in the auditorium foyer of TIFR. The auditorium was named the Homi
Bhabha Auditorium and inaugurated by then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi on 9
November 1968.

What lurked beneath such objective acts of institutional commemoration was
the fact that Bhabha’s death had triggered inconsolable grief that was
individual, subjective and only privately expressed.

Unnoticed by the world outside, another incident, deeply significant to the
life of the institution, was passed over in silence. Bhabha’s office at
TIFR was never occupied by the directors who succeeded him. I learnt from
Professor M.G.K. Menon, who became the director when Bhabha died, that he
had felt emotionally unprepared to occupy the space where he had worked
with Bhabha. Menon’s successors too had a similar response. The office
remained unoccupied until Professor S.S. Jha became director in 1997.

Bhabha’s office with its furniture was moved into a museum-ised space in
the auditorium foyer. Thus, 31 years after his death, Bhabha’s office on
the 4th floor of TIFR was once again occupied by the director of TIFR.
Bhabha’s desk, the bookshelves, his Eero Saarinen Tulip chair could now be
viewed through the enclosing glass wall, evoking a strong and haunting

What do the forgotten ritual and the unoccupied office tell us about
institutions and their commemorative acts? Forgotten narratives often
linger beneath official ones, that private reflections offer explanations
very different from what are visible, public actions. But they also alert
us to the inability of institutions to acknowledge and express grief and
then engage meaningfully with the legacy that they 

25 Ways You Can Prevent the Development ofAlzheimer's

2018-02-13 Thread Raman K
Ways of Preventing Alzheimer's*

strikes fear in all of us. The thought of losing your mind as you grow
older is terrifying and made worse by the fact that, before now, there
appeared to be little we could do to slow down or avoid Alzheimer’s, which
is the most common form of dementia.Today, research has found many factors
that raise or diminish the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Following these
tips, you could slash your chances of developing the disease:

*1. Check out your ankle*

blood flow in your foot is a clue to trouble in your brain and a simple
test can reveal its cognitive state and your lihood of stroke and dementia.
The theory is that the health of your blood vessels is similar throughout
the body. The degree of clogged arteries and blood flow in the feet can
suggest atherosclerosis in cerebral blood vessels. Ask your doctor for an
ankle-brachial index (ABI) test which involves an ultrasound device and a
blood pressure cuff that compares blood pressure in your ankle to that in
your arm. To remedy any impairment of blood flow your GP may advise
stepped-up exercise or a change in diet/medication.

Antioxidant-rich foods*

foods infuse your brain with antioxidants that can slow memory decline and
help prevent Alzheimer’s. All fruit and vegetables are good but at the top
of the list are black raspberries, elderberries, raisins and blueberries.

Beware of bad fats*

type of fat you eat changes your brain’s functioning for better or worse.
Stay away from saturated fats which strangle brain cells causing them to
become inefficient. Buy low fat or fat-free dairy products including milk,
cheese and ice cream. Cut down on deep-fried foods.


the main ingredient in chocolate, has sky-high concentrations of
antioxidants called flavanols, which possess strong heart and
brain-protecting properties. Drinking cocoa increases blood flow to the
brain. Cocoa powder has twice as many flavanols as dark chocolate, which
has twice a many as milk chocolate. White chocolate has zero.

a bigger brain*

brain starts to shrink when you reach 30 or 40 so it takes longer to learn.
However scientists now believe you can increase the size of your brain
through learning. Try studying, learning new things or broadening your
circle of friends for stimulation.

The Estrogen Evidence*


per cent of Alzheimer’s patients are women, possibly because midway through
life, they lose the protection that is provided by estrogen, which boosts
memory. Unless your GP says otherwise, start taking estrogen immediately at
the time of menopause – starting any later opens you up to the risk
of dementia and 


2018-02-13 Thread Raman K
*Rs. 152 cr. unearthed in 3 days; two Karnataka officials suspended*


Bengaluru: December 03, 2016 07:40 IST
Updated: December 03, 2016 11:07 IST


Searches started in Bengaluru, and Erode and Chennai in Tamil Nadu on
Wednesday and concluded on Friday night.

*Demonetisation *
*Anti-Corruption Bureau will seek details from Income Tax Department on the
disproportionate assets found in the possession of the two PWD chief
*A whopping Rs. 152 crore unaccounted income, including a huge stash of new
notes, bullion, jewellery, and documents pertaining to property ownership,
have been seized on the premises of two chief engineers of the PWD and
contractors, by the I-T officials over the last three days.*
*Home Minister G. Parameshwara announced, on the Floor of the Council,
suspension of the two chief engineers S.C. Jayachandra, Chief Project
Officer of the State Highway Development Project, and T.N. Chikkarayappa,
Managing Director of Cauvery Neeravari Nigam Ltd. Prime Minister Narendra
Modi called I-T sleuths in Bengaluru and congratulated them for the
successful seizure operation.*
Searches concluded on Friday night
*Searches started in Bengaluru, and Erode and Chennai in Tamil Nadu on
Wednesday and concluded on Friday night. A total of 18 locations in
Bengaluru are under the I-T scanner. “The unaccounted income is expected to
go up further. We will get a rough estimate on the extent of income and
properties by Monday,” sources said.*


*ACB to seek details of disproportionate assets*
*The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) will seek details from Income Tax
Department on the disproportionate assets found in the possession of Public
Works Department chief engineers S.C. Jayachandra and T.N. Chikkarayappa.*
*ACB Inspector General of Police M.A. Saleem told The Hindu that they are
keen to pursue cases against the two officials on the basis of information
about unaccounted income coming from I-Tax department since the money
recovered from their premises could be more than their known sources of
*Incidentally, Mr. Jayachandra had run into trouble when Lokayukta sleuths
had searched his premises in 2008 on the charge of disproportionate income.
The government is yet to give permission for prosecution.*
*Gold and cash seizures go up*
*Meanwhile, the search of premises of the two officials, contractor
Ramalingam, Sibi Chakravarthy of Kannan Borewells and banker Umashankar
continued for the third day on Friday. The amount of unaccounted cash and
gold has gone up. The I-T search, which officials say was in the offing for
some time, comes when the State government has finalised tenders for
execution of road works worth about Rs. 3,500 crore under the State Highway
Development Project (SHDP).*
*Of the over Rs. 6 crore currency seized, the department said that nearly
Rs. 5.7 crore was in new Rs. 2,000 currency. About Rs. 90 lakh is in the
demonetised Rs. 500 and Rs. 1,000 currency. Sleuths have seized about seven
kilos of bullion, suspected to have been purchased after demonetisation of
Rs. 500 and Rs. 1,000 currency, nearly nine kilos of gold jewellery –
together worth about Rs. 5 crore, an I-T department note said. Several
high-end cars too have been seized.*
Cash seized
*In two separate incidents, new Rs. 2,000 notes, being carried without
documents, were seized. Three persons were caught with Rs. 71 lakh in
Bailoor village, while three others were caught in Chikkamagaluru with Rs.
46 lakh.*
*New notes seized in Chikkamagaluru*
*Meanwhile, Chikkamagaluru Police on Friday seized Rs. 46 lakh in currency
notes of Rs.2,000 denomination from two people in Jayanagar town. The
police have taken the duo Kiran and Kumar into custody.*
*The duo were transporting the cash in a car. They had no explanation for
the cash. The police have seized the car. It is said that the car belongs
to a businessman in Hassan - Staff Reporter*
*Mangaluru I-T officials seize Rs. 71 lakh in new currency*
*Three persons were caught carrying new Rs. 2,000 notes amounting to Rs. 71
lakh at Bailoor village near Karkala on Thursday evening. The police handed
them over to Income Tax officials in Mangaluru.*
*Karkala Circle Inspector Joy Anthony told The Hindu on Friday that the
police were checking vehicles at Bailoor on Thursday evening. Around 7
p.m., they stopped a car going from Mangaluru towards Kudremukh. Inside,
they found currency of Rs. 2,000 denomination totaling 

A Village in Maharashtra, shop without a shopkeeper , all houses have toilets and totally addiction free

2018-02-13 Thread Raman K
*Sangeeta Anand visits Kathewadi village in Maharashtra's Nanded district
to see an amazing transformation. *

*We are finally in view of Kathewadi, a tiny village in the back of the
beyond in Nanded district in Maharashtra. It's been a six-hour journey from
Hyderabad across two states to satisfy our curiosity about this village and
its people having turned their lives around. I wonder if things can change.*

*Is it possible in today's times to run a shop unmanned by a shop keeper?
To believe that goods bought would be paid for, without supervision ?*

*When we reach Kathewadi, I pass a woman sitting in the tiny portico of her
gaily painted hut and as I make eye contact she smiles and motions me to
come in. Smiling, she offers me water and shows me around her home. With
gestures I convey that we are here to visit their village and take
pictures. She offers to accompany us and we head off through the main
street. We walk through a surprisingly clean village with clusters of homes
neatly painted in a uniform shade of soft pink, soothing our eyes under the
hot glare of the sun.*

*The Art of Living Foundation has adopted this village and converted it
into a model of village life. It founder, Sri Sri Ravishankar's teachings
are painted on the walls of every home in the village. Says writer Babu
Patil Biradar, who has now joined us. "We live by Guruji's teachings." *

*Radha Bai my guide tells me in Marathi, "All our homes have a toilet. We
have all collected money and built one outside each house." The pride is
evident in her face.*
*We come to the main temple of the village alongside which is the famous
shop. Men and women have come out of their homes to gather for the satsang
that they all participate in every evening.*

*I am introduced to the village elders and after a series of greetings, I
ask them about the inspiration behind the shop, unmanned by a shopkeeper,
where all the goods are labelled and left for the people to pick up and pay
for, unsupervised. I am invited to see for myself.*

*The linoleum lined floor and the neatly stacked shelves impress me with
their quiet dignity. Each product is labelled and marked with the prices.
There is a large box in which the villagers put in the money for the items
they pick up and another little one marked Daan Peti (donation box) in
which they collect money for development work in the village.*

*Sangeeta Suryavanshi is another surprise. She is the 25-year-old is the
sarpanch of this village. She says, "One member of every family in this
village has done an Art of Living course: The Nav Chetna shivirs, youth
leadership training programme and the basic course." "It has brought such a
change in our society that we have become totally addiction free. There is
amity and harmony amongst all of us, which did not exist before. We have
learnt about hygiene and cleanliness and all the money that was spent on
vices like alcohol and tobacco is now used constructively. This has
happened due to Guruji's inspiration," she says proudly.*

*"Now we have self help groups of ten people each and these groups solve
any issues and implement solutions." An old man is being helped across the
street to our side and I rise to wish him. Allauddin Sheikh heads the only
Muslim family in this village of 700 people.*

*"My family has lived here for generations. My son has done the Art of
Living Course and he is very happy with all that he has learnt. In all my
80 years I have never seen such a transformation in our village. We live in
complete harmony and help each other in times of need."*

*The music has risen to a crescendo and men and women are dancing in
devotion, each face alight with joy, as I take my leave, children reach out
to wish me as I wave to them from the bus. Babu Patil's shared confidence
echoes through my head all through the journey back to Hyderabad.*

*I had dreamt of a village like this, after reading about it in a book. It
has actually happened. Cleanliness, harmony, trust, human values, bonding,
this village with a vision surely belongs to another time.*
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Your Skin Can Tell You an Awful Lot About Your Health!

2018-01-28 Thread Raman K
Things Your Skin Is Telling You About Your Health!*

largest organ in the human body (or around it), skin protects us from
bacteria, keeps our body temperature stable, and picks up endless
information through contact, pain, heat, and cold receptors. It's also
connected to your entire body and may be the first to indicate an internal
problem, sending you a red flag that something more serious is wrong.
Diabetes, for example, is a hard disease to detect early, but in its
earlier stages it may affect the skin, so in some cases it may be the first
indication that the person is becoming a diabetic.

be aware of these symptoms that appear on the skin. Here are 10
dermatological issues that are worth looking out for:


Yellowish skin, orange color on palms and soles*

skin hues of carotenemia are the result of an underactive thyroid gland
(otherwise known as hypothyroidism), which results in increased amounts of
beta-carotene in the blood. Beta-Carotene is an antioxidant found in fruits
and vegetables, and is normally processed by the thyroid. If you have a
thyroid problem, then the vitamins aren't metabolized as fast, and so the
beta-carotene accumulates. A diet rich in carrots or carrot juice, sweet
potatoes, and squash can also result in colored skin.

signs: *Your skin will become dry and cold. Sometimes it will seem more
pale than yellowish. You may start feeling tired or weak, or experience
aches throughout the body. Along with a sudden weight gain, these are the
main symptoms to look out for. Women over 50 are especially at risk.

*Treatment:* Carotenemia is caused by bad nutrition and can be solved when
a wider variety of food is consumed. However, an underactive thyroid gland
is a much more serious medical condition that may lead to complications,
and so we advise seeking a consultation with a physician.

out in hives when exposed to the sun*

worry, you've probably not become allergic to the sun, which is quite a
rare condition. The most likely explanation of getting a rash like hives or
eczema after being exposed to the sun is that you probably took a
photosensitizing drug beforehand. There is a chemical in certain
medications that increases our sensitivity to light.

signs:* The rash will be limited to the sun exposed areas of your skin -
forearms, neck and the face. It can feel worse and last longer than a
regular sunburn. Having darker skin won't protect you from this reaction to
the medication.

the most common drugs to do this is thiazide diuretics like Hydrodiuril or
Dyazide, which are given as treatment for hypertension. Other drugs may
include antihistamines, tetracycline, tretinoin (anti-aging), and certain
antidepressants (tricyclic). Some people don't react to the drug this way,
while others do get the rash.

The Legacy Of The Golden Year!

2018-01-28 Thread Raman K
*The Legacy Of The
Golden Year!* 

In the cold winds of a
village in North India, living out the golden years of life is a pleasure.
The pure water that flows through the mountains and the crisp air keep
worry and sickness at bay. Though their skin may be wrinkled and arms thin,
the elderly of Himachal Pradesh look after themselves with agility that can
put anyone in their youth to shame. Their sparkling eyes tell stories of
many seasons gone and many that are yet to come.

This series follows the
lives of ‘Bulandi Devi’ of 103 years old, a man ‘Laxman Das’ of 98 years
old, ‘Revtu Ram’ of 110 Years old, ‘Bahadur singh’ of 101 years old,
‘Bhagat ram’ of 76 years old, ‘Lata devi’ of 86 years old and ‘Sarla devi’
of 72 years old. They stand witness to the fact that old age doesn’t have
to be a burden, lived off the comfort of someone else’s shoulders. Their
days are just like anyone’s – filled with energy and activity. Their zest
for life and will power belies the fact that they are all aged between 95
to 110 years of age. In a world where the elderly are plagued by sickness
and misery, do they know something that we do not?

The secret is simple.
They live in a pure, untainted habitat in mountains of Himachal Pradesh.
Their whole lives have been spent away from the grime, dust and worry of
city life. Their nurture has always come from the earth, never from a
factory-made packet. The serene villages and mountains of Himachal Pradesh
offer more than beautiful landscapes and holiday getaways. These places
hold the key to a fulfilled life, one that we city dwellers all desire but
that always seems out of reach. We can learn truly to switch off the
machines and connect with the very earth that we are made of. Pure, simple,
and elemental. That is key to living a long, healthy and peaceful existence.

Revtu Ram (120 years)

Bulandi Devi (103 years)

Bulandi Devi, true to
her name, lives out her old age with full energy and zest for life

Her spectacular shoes
amazed me. The shoes are crafted of sheep wool. This helps keep warm in the
extreme winters of Himachal and even walk in 7 to 8 feet of snow

Laxman Das (98 years)

As he Chatted with me,
this elderly man recounted his glorious 97 years of life and told me that
he is now awaiting, with contentment, the final few years

Laxman Das was gaunt
with deep wrinkles in his neck. Yet, he is still hardy enough to walk for
miles on the hard, cold roads

Bahadur Singh (101 years)

Sarla Devi (72 

The Best of Mark Twain Quotes!

2018-01-28 Thread Raman K
*Mark Twain* was many things: A great american novelist, a lecturer, a
philosopher.  He was fascinated with technology and science, and loved
talking about philosophy and the world around us. Maybe that is what makes
his quotes so darn good. He is definitely one of the people we most like to
read quotes from. 
[image: mark twain quotes]

[image: mark twain quotes]

[image: mark twain quotes]

[image: mark twain quotes]

[image: mark twain quotes]

[image: mark twain quotes]

[image: mark twain quotes]

[image: mark twain quotes]

[image: mark twain quotes]

[image: mark twain quotes]

[image: mark twain quotes]

[image: mark twain quotes]

[image: mark twain quotes]

[image: mark twain quotes]

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2018-01-20 Thread Raman K
You Can Learn over 83 Languages Through This New PortalThe portal aims to
document India’s languages, encouraging people to learn and speak in their
mother tongues and gives endangered languages much-needed online visibility.

by Anakha Arikara
13, 2017, 12:14 pm
Love reading positive news? Help The Better India grow
Support our endeavor to become every Indian's source of daily inspiring
positive news. Learn more.

In a country which boasts of an estimated 1,500 languages, the Bharatavani
portal comes as a blessing in disguise, allowing people around to world to
access several monolingual and multilingual dictionaries along with other
language resources for over 83 Indian languages, and is currently expanding
to include more!

The Bharatavani  portal, which was launched by the
Ministry of Human Resource Development in 2016 became India’s biggest
online repository of dictionaries. Conceptualised and managed by the
Central Institute for Indian Languages, Mysuru, the website’s languages
range from the lesser known Zeme, which is one amongst 191 Indian languages
to be “endangered” according to UNESCO, to the more common Urdu.
The portal aims to document India’s languages, encouraging people to learn
and speak in their mother tongues, and gives endangered languages
much-needed online visibility.

[image: alt]

As part of this effort, it has included several rare languages that are
spoken by only a small percentage of the Indian population, including
Khasi, Garo, Ho, and Yimchungre. Experts across various languages have also
been roped in to ensure the accuracy of the content, and the website
includes several multimedia resources such as instructional videos,
historical facts based on each language, and even in-depth research papers.
The team has also developed a free Android app where users can search for
languages and dictionaries, without the hassle of having to go through
heavy PDF documents, and is soon set to cross over 100 languages.

[image: alt]

“Bharatavani is not publishing new works, but we are for the first time
digitising available dictionaries in smaller languages, to bring it to a
wider audience”, Beluru Sudharshana, a consultant for CIIL, says to The

What makes Bharatavani

revelation for linguists and researchers alike is the possibilities it has
opened for India. In a conversation with The Hindu,

Devy, who headed the People’s Linguistic Survey of India highlighted the
potential of the portal in sociolinguistic research and development.

“One serious challenge is that children from communities speaking
non-scheduled languages are pushed out of schools leading to development
deprivation. For an imaginative user, content on Bharatvani may help in
designing a curriculum in these languages”, he explains.

In the future, the Bharatavani portal hopes to expand to online classes,
where both rare and common languages can be taught by expert speakers and
is undergoing research and development for a virtual keyboard where users
can type in any language of their choice to search for content.
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You Can Learn over 83 Languages Through This New PortalThe portal aims to
document India’s languages, encouraging people to learn and speak in their
mother tongues and gives endangered languages much-needed online visibility.

by Anakha Arikara
13, 2017, 12:14 pm
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₹ 499 
₹ 999 

In a country which boasts of an estimated 1,500 languages, the Bharatavani
portal comes as a blessing in disguise, allowing people around to world to
access several monolingual and multilingual dictionaries along with other
language resources for over 83 Indian languages, and is currently expanding
to include more!

The Bharatavani  portal, which was 


2018-01-20 Thread Raman K
NASA-inspired technique boosts wheat production threefold
Jan 02, 2018,

[image: Speed breeding technique]
Speed breeding technique

Inspired by NASA's experiments to grow wheat in space, Australian
scientists have developed the world's first 'speed breeding' technique that
can boost the production of the crop by up to three times.

[image: What is the experiment?]
What is the experiment?

The NASA experiments involved using continuous light on wheat which
triggered early reproduction in the plants.

"We thought we could use the NASA idea to grow plants quickly back on
Earth, and in turn, accelerate the genetic gain in our plant breeding
programmes," said Lee Hickey, Senior Research Fellow at University of
Queensland (UQ) in Australia.

[image: Six generations of wheat in a year]
Six generations of wheat in a year

By using speed breeding techniques in specially modified glasshouses six
generations of wheat, chickpea and barley plants, and four generations of
canola plants can be grown in a single year - as opposed to two or three
generations in a regular glasshouse, or a single generation in the field.

"Our experiments showed that the quality and yield of the plants grown
under controlled climate and extended daylight conditions was as good, or
sometimes better, than those grown in regular glasshouses," he said.

[image: To feed nine billion people]
To feed nine billion people

There has been a lot of interest globally in this technique due to the fact
that the world has to produce 60-80 per cent more food by 2050 to feed its
nine billion people, researchers said.

The speed breeding technique has largely been used for research purposes
but is now being adopted by industry.

[image: 40-year-old problem solved]
40-year-old problem solved

In partnership with Dow AgroSciences, the scientists have used the
technique to develop the new 'DS Faraday' wheat variety due for release to
industry this year.
"DS Faraday is a high protein, milling wheat with tolerance to pre-harvest
sprouting," Hickey said.

"We introduced genes for grain dormancy so it can better handle wet weather
at harvest time - which has been a problem wheat scientists in Australia
have been trying to solve for 40 years," Hickey said.

"We have finally had a breakthrough in grain dormancy, and speed breeding
really helped us to do it," he said.

[image: Tech to help in vertical farming]
Tech to help in vertical farming

UQ PhD student Amy Watson, a co-first author of the paper published in the
journal Nature Plants, conducted some of the key experiments that
documented the rapid plant growth and flexibility of the system for
multiple crop species.

The new technology "could also have some great applications in future
vertical farming systems, and some horticultural crops," Hickey added.

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2018-01-20 Thread Raman K
*​Thought provoking!!  ​*


*  by  PG Kamath*

* It was a decade of decadence under the UPA Govt.  People with no
national conscience ruled the nation. National interest got blurred with
personal interest and sons and sons-in-law became power brokers in the
government. The all-pervasive venality in the government unleashed a myriad
of scams; coal, 2G, chopper, Adarsh, Commonwealth Games and ‘cash for vote’
to save the UPA Government after Left Parties withdrew support.  A
democracy to start with; soon became an oligarchy under the ‘signora’ and
those in power became wealthy and the oligarchy transformed in to a
plutocracy.  The executive powers of the Prime Minister were usurped and
the files of the highest constitutional executive authority of the country
were moved to 1 Janpath for final approval.  The extra-constitutional
authority with no education to speak of and her equally accomplished
progeny took decisions for a nation of 1.25 billion people. Such travesty
in democracy is a stark example of its failure; probably a case study in
Chinese text books on political science, bringing to the fore ‘the horrors
of a democracy’? *

*The stinging electoral decimation of the UPA regime is a tribute to our
democracy.  True to the aspirations of the people, the new NDA government
was quick on delivery and earned the trust of the nation.  In the polls
conducted in states NDA fared well.  Save for Punjab, Delhi, West Bengal,
Kerala, Tamilnadu, Puducherry and Bihar; there were resounding victories in
Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Uttarakhand, Haryana and Jharkhand and split verdict
in Jammu & Kashmir, Manipur and Goa, where the majority was cobbled to form
a coalition.  The decision on demonetisation on 8 Nov last year was a
decision that could not have been taken by anyone with lesser credentials.
Whether the exercise achieved the desired result is still in debate but the
very boldness of the step silences the stinging critics. The conviction,
passion, sagacity and the sheer power of the decision makes the Prime
Minister an all-time great!  The economic dividends of the decision
notwithstanding; it has certainly given a blow to those, who were keeping
gunny bags of notes in their cellars and those political parties who had
amassed ill gotten money in godowns to do horse-trading and buying votes.
Quiet revealing; how political parties of all hue reacted trying to drum up
a national rebellion but in vain. *

*The grand failure of Modi Government is in its J policy; if at all there
was one? The BJP manifesto of 2014 on J was pedestrian and recounted the
usual stuff; integral part of the country, committed to abrogation of Art
370, return of Pundits, development of all regions, good governance,
 education, health care, infrastructure, job opportunities and leading to
better quality of life.  Doesn’t it all sound comical?  In three years, the
situation is characterised by the changed narrative in the valley? Pakistan
is driving the agenda through the Hurriyat, who are giving the ideological
purpose for public resentment.  They also act as financial conduits to
sustain the agitators and arsonists.  The J police have become
ineffective:  The CRPF that has been deployed in the population centres are
at their wits end; they neither can fire and cause civilian casualties nor
they can bear being kicked, hit and pelted with stones by populace.  Every
encounter between the security forces and terrorists, there is popular
upsurge of youths, who come in hoards to pelt stones and act as their
shields, enabling their escape and delay and disrupt evacuation of wounded
security forces, causing their deaths.   Schools and colleges have become
charged with anti-national and communal narrative.  College girls have also
joined in pelting of stones against the security forces.  Agitations are
being spearheaded spontaneously by local leaders with communal hatred that
has turned anti-national.  Weekly Friday prayers ensure the communal hatred
is energised, spurred and sustained.  The agitators, who pelt stones are
paid money that is coming in from ISI Pakistan. Hawala transactions are
also bringing large sums of money.  APHC has become a Pakistani ISI’s base
of operations driving Pakistani agenda. The illegal cable TVs blare
programs from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan fanning fundamentalism, Wahhabism,
communal hatred with anti-national agenda.  The Lokha Sabha bye elections
that were held were a farce!  The same people, who enthusiastically voted
with 65% attendance in April/May 2014, voted for Srinagar Parliamentary
constituency with 7 % attendance in April 2017.  How has this
transformation for the worse taken place? Mr Prime Minister; no one but you
has to take the blame for this sordid affairs.  Your NSA and your advisers
have proved beyond doubt that they are 

Biggest ever Indian Corporate distress sale

2018-01-20 Thread Raman K
Biggest ever Sale of Indian Corporate Assets in Indian History.. The so
called Suited Booted Sarkar has really booted the rear of the Corporates
who borrowed easy Public Money during Congress rule to buy Assets for

Jindal Steels is selling 49% of its Rail business, 5% of its Energy
exchange and its 3,500 MW Power plant..

Essar is selling a huge stake in its Steel business and 49% of its Oil to a
Russian Oil business..

GVK sold 33% of its Bangalore Airport stake as well as its controlling
stake in Bombay Airport and its complete Road assets..

DLF is selling its Saket Mall and 40% of all its Rental Assets and Land

GMR Highway Projects, South African Coal Mine, Istanbul Airport, 70% in a
Singapore Power Project, 2 Coal Mines in Indonesia..

JP Group sold all its Cement Assets to Ultra Tech Cements..
Yamuna Expressway stake, Power to JSW Energy..

Tata is selling its Corus Steel in UK.. Dhamra Port, Communications Arm
Neotel in South Africa.. Land in Bombay..

Lanco Assets in Power Generation on sale in Andhra and Udupi..

Videocon selling Telcom Spectrum in 6 circles.. Oil assets in Mozambique..

Renuka Sugars is selling its Brazil Power, Sugar and Bio-fuel business..

Sahara groups 86 Real Estate Assets are on sale.. 42% stake in Formula 1,
Mumbai's Sahara Hotel, Grosvernor House Hotel London, New York Plaza Hotel,
The Dream New York Hotel and 4 Airplanes..

Nearly all of Vijay Mallya's Assets are on Sale..

Reliance Infrastructure is selling 49% in Electricity Generation,
Transmission in Mumbai..
Cement business to Birla Corp.. Also it's entire Portfolio of Road
Projects, 100% of it..

Have you heard in 60 years any Indian Promoter selling their Company to
repay Bank Loans.!?

Now you know who is cracking the Whip .

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2017-12-11 Thread Raman K

The Great 78 Project is a community project for the preservation
, research
, and discovery
 of 78rpm records. From about 1898 to
the 1950s, an estimated 3 million sides (~3 minute recordings) have been
made on 78rpm discs. While the commercially viable recordings will have
been restored or remastered onto LP's or CD, there is still research value
in the artifacts and usage evidence in the often rare 78rpm discs and

Thanks now to the Internet Archive, that stalwart of digital cataloging and
curation, we can play twenty five thousand 78s
 and immerse ourselves in the
early 20th century, whether for research purposes or pure enjoyment.

Peep the archive* here

YR Raghavan


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2017-12-11 Thread Raman K
China usurps Northeastern tribe to corner India, prove Arunachal Pradesh as
part of Tibet
Articles in magazines and websites backed by China have attempted to link
the Lhoba Apatanis tribe to Tibetan culture in an attempt to further
Beijing's claims over Arunachal Pradesh.
Geeta Mohan  | Posted
by Dev Goswami
New Delhi, August 17, 2017 |
Chinese magazine describes Lhoba Apatanis as the most beautiful of all
Tibetan tribes.

   - 1
   Chinese-backed magazines and websites writing about 'rich culture of
   - 2
   The articles link a Northeastern tribe to Tibetan culture.
   - 3
   Articles aimed at projecting claim that Arunachal Pradesh is a part of

China's unrelenting efforts to prove Arunachal Pradesh as part of Tibet
have continued for years. In its latest efforts, the Chinese government has
employed a two-pronged approach: psychological (spreading rumours to
intimidate the enemy and break down will); and cultural (assimilating
different cultural trends) and media warfare (manipulating what people see
and hear).

Mail Today has accessed magazines and websites funded by China to further
its claims over Arunachal Pradesh being an 'integral' part of Tibet (i.e.

Even as the border crisis in Doklam continues, an article published last
month in 'China Travel Guide' magazine ferociously promotes tourism in
'southern Tibet' and 'Ziro' as a tourist destination. Interestingly, Ziro
lies very much within Arunachal Pradesh.

To further Beijing's argument, the magazine describes the composition and
demography of the place and speaks at length of the inhabitants, the Lhoba
Apatanis, a 'Chinese' tribe.

Renowned writer and columnist Claude Arpi has argued as to why the Indian
government is not countering the Chinese move by 'documenting the rich
culture of Arunachal (and Northeast in general) and invite Indian and
foreign visitors to come and see for themselves the beauty of the people,
their culture, their villages and their wiser sustainable way of life'.

He also translated some parts of the article in 'China Travel Guide' which,
according to him, explains Apatanis as "the most beautiful ethnic people"
of China.

The article says, "In the Tibetan area of southern Tibet, there is a tribe
named Apatani. The women of this tribe are known to be the most beautiful
of all Tibetan tribes. But their beautiful appearance can also become a
burden. In order to protect themselves from other tribal intruders' attack,
they make themselves less attractive, by plugging a big cork into the
nose... but for the Apatanis in southern Tibet, this is considered as a
protection to live a longer life."

But Gen (Retd.) J.J. Singh, former army chief, who served in Arunachal,
rubbished the claims. He said, "No Arunachali tribe has any links with
Tibetans except bartering of forest produce in exchange for salt. Apatanis
were not even Buddhist and were Animalistic. This is a story being cooked
up by the China because they are calling Arunachal as South Tibet, a term
that was never part of our lexicon even 50 years ago."

The videos the Chinese have put out celebrate Lhobas and try to take
ownership of their origins as well as their place of habitation. Jabin
Jacob, Fellow at the Institute of Chinese Studies, puts things in

He says, "This has been going on for a while as one would expect. Along
with Chinese patrols along LAC, they also leave behind stuff - cigarette
butts, noodle wraps - as litter on our side showing presence and claim.
These methods help China build an international case for its claims."

"India should do the same with PoK. On Arunachal, we need to increase
international attention by opening up more to tourism through better
infrastructure. That would set India apart from Chinese methods in Tibet
that are culturally problematic and environmentally ruinous," he added.


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2017-12-11 Thread Raman K
China's making major progress with its aircraft carrier tech

Say hello to China's first catapult-equipped carrier.
By Jeffrey Lin and P.W. Singer

[image: China Type 002 Aircraft Carrier]


This fan-made computer-generated image of the Type 002 by artist
Nishikasaizoukan shows the craft's key features like catapults, J-15B
fighters, and fixed-wing airborne early warning and control (AEW)


Though China launched its much-ballyhooed Type 001A aircraft carrier just a
few months ago, the People's Liberation Army Navy is hardly resting on its
laurels, instead making steady progress on technology for its second
home-built carrier, the Type 002.

The Type 002 carrier, development for which is slated to wrap in 2020 or
2021, will be a 70,000-ton aircraft carrier with catapults designed to
launch heavier aircraft.
[image: CGT-60F Gas Turbine China]


The CGT-60F, seen here as a subscale model, is a class F turbine that can
be used on warships like the Type 002 aircraft carrier.


And giant catapults aren't the only new tech in development. Pictured
above, the CGT-60F is a heavy duty, F-class gas turbine (which typically
have a power output of 170-230 megawatts) designed by Tsinghua University's
Gas Turbine Research Center with the Dongfang Electric Group and Shanghai
Electric Group. It's completely domestic design that exceeded expectations
for cooling and temperature distribution—vital factors for large turbines.
As such, the state-run *China Daily* suggested that the CGT-60F would be a
suitable candidate to power a large warship, such as an aircraft carrier.
[image: China Type 002 Aircraft Carrier Wuhan]


The carrier mockup at Wuhan, used for testing shipboard electronic systems
like radars and comms, has been modified with multiple AESA radars.

Da Feng Cao

Additionally, the aircraft carrier mockup at Wuhan (which also hosted the
electromagnetic test rig for the Type 055 destroyer) is modifying its
island to include new electronic systems.

Previously modeled after the Liaoning's older island, the changes include
the installation of an additional bridge deck, and new, flat paneled Type
346x series AESA radars—just like the Type 001A carrier, but with smaller
AESA radars above the Type 346s.

The Type 002's island would likely have a similar multi-paneled radar
system found on the Type 055 DDG's integrated mast.  Those smaller AESA
radars could be used for targeting and fire control, allowing the Type 002
to datalink with missiles launched from aircraft and other ships, extending
their range.
[image: China Catapult Carrier J-15B]


The J-15B, seen on a catapult prior to launch at the Huangdicun naval air
base in Liaoning. The Huangdicun base is testing both steam and EMALS
catapults for installation on the Type 002 aircraft carrier.

Chinese Internet

China has also continued catapult testing at the Huangdicun. Obsessives may
recall that earlier this summer, China launched the catapult-capable J-15T
from the land-based electromagnetic aircraft launch system (EMALS), as well
as debuted new steam catapults.

By putting both the J-15T and catapult through extensive testing, the
pilots and aircrew of the Type 002 carrier will be able to move quickly
toward complex operations when launched. What's more, a J-15 (serial number
"111") was spotted in early July 2017 with a inflight refueling pod, slung
under the fuselage centerline, between the engine nacelles. This kind of
refueling would expand the range and flight times of current fighters.
[image: J-31 Fighter Stealth Carrier China]


The Shenyang "Gyrfalcon" J-31 stealth fighter, China's second stealth
fighter program, is reported to have a possible carrier capable
configuration, with folding wings and reinforced landing gear.


Additionally, the second prototype J-31 stealth fighter has made additional
flights this summer, the most recent on July 25. This burst of activity
gives credence to reports that Shenyang Aircraft Corporation, the J-31's
builders, is planning to create a third J-31 prototype with the capability
to operate on catapult-equipped aircraft carriers.

The J-31, while smaller than the J-20 stealth fighter, has improved stealth
and avionics capability on its second prototype. Plus, production versions
are planned to be equipped with faster WS-17 engines, which could allow for
supersonic flight without fuel-thirsty afterburners. Those putative J-31
fighters could prove to be stiff competitors in air combat with F-35C
fighters of the U.S. Navy.
[image: Type 003 Aircraft Carrier China]

TYPE 003

This display at the Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution
looks even further into the future. Here you can spot speculative features
like catapults, J-20 fighters, and stealthy unmanned combat aerial vehicles
(UCAVs). The nuclear-powered Type 003 supercarrier likely won't enter
service until after 


2017-12-11 Thread Raman K
10 skills you need to thrive tomorrow – and the universities that will help
you get them
[image: Bryan Molina a 8th grader works on his robot in the bilingual,
project lead the way class at Escuela Vieau Middle School in Milwaukee,
Wisconsin January 26, 2012 . With manufacturing companies complaining about
a skills gap with today's students some schools are offering classes that
prepare students for real world trade skills. After years of cutting
workforces, manufacturing executives complain they cannot find enough
people with skills needed to thrive in modern factories. Some 600,000
skilled manufacturing positions are currently unfilled in the United
States, according to a survey by Deloitte and The Manufacturing Institute]
Image: REUTERS/Darren Hauck
19 Aug 2016  Paul Kruchoski

   1. Policy adviser, US Department of Stat

We are awash today with visions for the university of tomorrow. Everyone
will have a cloud-based robotic tutor on a tablet, which will curate
everything we need to know. Six-week short courses or coding academies are
all we will require. The world of education will be all digital and
individualized, allowing you to learn from your laptop from anywhere

There is just one problem with these visions: they miss the mark on what
students need to learn to succeed.
New jobs require new skills

In the Fourth Industrial Revolution
universities and companies face numerous shifts, from emerging technologies
like autonomous transportation to broader social changes like the growing
global middle class. The World Economic Forum’s *Future of Jobs* report
 highlights how these
trends are transforming the workforce. The top trend in the report, though,
is the changing nature of work. Work today is increasingly collaborative
and focused on solving complex problems in creative ways. Work is also more
trans-disciplinary than before: just look at how Google hired psychologists
to help coders design fonts, and anthropologists to better understand how
their users think and behave.
[image: alt]

The problem is that none of these skills are easy to learn alone, online,
or without effort. They take practice, and they demand rich, human
interactions. We learn to be complex thinkers, to manage relationships, and
to be emotionally intelligent by practicing those skills, with others, on
problems big and small.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is also bringing us a new meta-trend: a
faster pace of change. There is no doubt that technological trends and the
list of skills above will continue to shift over the next five years.
Adaptation will be the order of the day. Workers at all levels will need to
continue learning new knowledge and gaining new skills throughout their

So what does the university of the future look like, and what does it do?
A university fit for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

First, the university of tomorrow will focus on imparting cognitive and
cross-functional skills, like critical thinking, creativity, collaboration,
and complex problem solving. Students will learn by combining studies with
practical application, such as internships, applied “laboratories” for both
STEM and non-STEM courses.

Models such as cooperative education, with alternating semesters of study
and work experience, will spread further from those countries – including
Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany and the United States – where it is
already a common educational practice.

New models, like design workshops, will also continue to grow and flourish.
Stanford’s cross-disciplinary design workshops
 on topics such as how to improve the
healthcare system are one model. The Institute for Design and Public Policy
created by the Rhode Island School of Design and the US Department of
State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, is another.
[image: A participant at the Institute for Design and Public Policy at the
Rhode Island School of Design]

The university of tomorrow will also focus on “learning to learn”. Learning
is a lifelong process, and with today’s pace of change, everyone will need
the tools to learn throughout life. “Grit” or persistence lies at the heart
of the lifelong learning process, so university educators will push
students to develop the resilience to master challenging material outside
the classroom.

Universities may push for more guided research, require students to
complete a capstone or thesis (as many already do), or develop new options
entirely. Regardless of discipline, universities will try to instil
foundational skills, such as how to find new sources of information, seek
out experts and formulate effective questions. Two current examples are the


2017-12-10 Thread Raman K
*1. The Tirupati Balaji temple and the Kashi Vishwanath Temple both,
receive more visitors than the Vatican City and Mecca combined.*

*2. Every 12 years, a religious gathering called the Kumbh Mela occurs in
India. It is the world’s largest gathering of people. The gathering is so
large thatthe Kumbh Mela is visible from the space.*

*3. India has more mosques (300,000 mosques) than any other nation in the

*4. Today, India has the world’s largest school in terms of students, the
City Montessori School in Lucknow. It has more than 45 thousand students!*

*5. Number of births in India every year is more than the total population
of Australia, and many other nations.*

*6. India has the largest English speaking population in the world.*

*7. Lonar Lake, a saltwater lake in Maharashtra, was created by a meteor
hitting the Earth and is one of its kind in India.*

*8. Buttons were invented in India. Yes, your shirt’s buttons.*

*9. And shampoo.*

*10. And cataract surgery.*

*11. And plastic surgery.*

*12. And discovered water on the moon.*

*13. India’s tech capital, Bangalore, has increased its office supply by
six times since 2006, and now has more Grade-A offices than Singapore.*

*14. India is the largest milk producer in the world.*

*15. India leads the world with the most murders (32,719) per year, with
Russia taking second at 28,904 murders per year.*

*16. India is one of the only three countries that makes supercomputers
(the US and Japan are the other two).*

*17. Chai (tea**) **is India’s national drink.*

*18. Martial Arts was first created in India.*

*19. India gave the world Yoga, that has existed for more than 5,000 years.*

*20. "We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without
which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made". - Albert

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2017-11-04 Thread Raman K
*1. The Tirupati Balaji temple and the Kashi Vishwanath Temple both,
receive more visitors than the Vatican City and Mecca combined.*

*2. Every 12 years, a religious gathering called the Kumbh Mela occurs in
India. It is the world’s largest gathering of people. The gathering is so
large thatthe Kumbh Mela is visible from the space.*

*3. India has more mosques (300,000 mosques) than any other nation in the

*4. Today, India has the world’s largest school in terms of students, the
City Montessori School in Lucknow. It has more than 45 thousand students!*

*5. Number of births in India every year is more than the total population
of Australia, and many other nations.*

*6. India has the largest English speaking population in the world.*

*7. Lonar Lake, a saltwater lake in Maharashtra, was created by a meteor
hitting the Earth and is one of its kind in India.*

*8. Buttons were invented in India. Yes, your shirt’s buttons.*

*9. And shampoo.*

*10. And cataract surgery.*

*11. And plastic surgery.*

*12. And discovered water on the moon.*

*13. India’s tech capital, Bangalore, has increased its office supply by
six times since 2006, and now has more Grade-A offices than Singapore.*

*14. India is the largest milk producer in the world.*

*15. India leads the world with the most murders (32,719) per year, with
Russia taking second at 28,904 murders per year.*

*16. India is one of the only three countries that makes supercomputers
(the US and Japan are the other two).*

*17. Chai (tea**) **is India’s national drink.*

*18. Martial Arts was first created in India.*

*19. India gave the world Yoga, that has existed for more than 5,000 years.*

*20. "We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without
which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made". - Albert

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Why Hindusthan is in "Trouble"?

2017-11-04 Thread Raman K
*Why Hindusthan  is in trouble?**

Population -+*125 crores something

*20 Crore* retired and mostly wasting time in Mandirs, Gurudwaras, churches

*35 Crore* state govt employees gossiping inside AC offices

*25 Crore* central Govt employees searching whom to rope in for extra money

(Both don't work!) except armed force personnel.

*7 crore* IT professionals

 (they are not working for India)

*7 crore* under 5 years of age

*25 crore* unemployed running around searching for one

*5 Crore* you can find them any time in hospitals or traveling in trains

Statistics says that you find *99,99,997* in jails at any given time

A good number of people who may be in a position and ALSO MAY BE having
CAPABILITY to do something
are busy in abusing Hindu "ancestors" except other than the founders of the
Mughal Empire.

Balance only three,

*Modi, me and you*

Modi is busy with after shocks  of Demonetizing,

GST, World Tour,  etc.

You are busy *"checking Whats App & Fb"*

How can *I* handle the country alone..?

Please advise

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"Queen" of Delhi

2017-11-04 Thread Raman K
*She is the Queen of the massive palace in the hearts of Rajdhani! *

*She is the privileged resident of 10 Janpath for more than 25
yrs.Originally from a poor family background in Italy, she prospered in
India to become world’s fourth richest politician.She made herself worth $2
billion by being an Indian Politician.She is none other than Antonia Edvige
Albina Maino aka Sonia Gandhi.Sonia Gandhi, a woman richer than Elizabeth,
the Queen of England, has established herself at the residence of 10
Janpath which is bigger than the Prime Minister’s official residence, 7 Lok
Kalyan Marg (Previously Race Course Road).As per an RTI reply, the Congress
President Sonia Gandhi’s home is spread over 15,181 square meters.It is
bigger than the Prime Minister’s residence, 7 RCR, which is spread over
14,101 square meters.The question arises about the justification of this
discrepancy.The president of a crumbling political party occupies a
residence bigger than the Prime Minister of India.There was a poll
conducted in this regard by ‘My Vote Today’, India’s leading e-pollster.The
poll asked a question to the public. “With 44 MPs in Lok Sabha, should
Congress President Sonia Gandhi have an official bungalow larger than that
of the PM?”In a democratic country like India, if the opinion of the people
matters, then the verdict is clear.73% voted for ‘No’, 26% said, ‘Yes’ and
1% voted for ‘May be’.Is this ‘writing on the wall’ enough indication that
Sonia should pack her bags and respect the voice of democracy?In 2013-14,
the expenses for the maintenance of electrical fittings at 10, Janpath
incurred were 7 times more than the previous year and amounted to Rs
51,43,318.In 2012-13, it was Rs 7,82,968 and in 2011-12 it was Rs
2,65,681.The maintenance was done by the same agency for all these three
years.These dubious figures have been revealed by CPWD in an answer to
RTI.These expenses are paid by the Government.In other words, the expenses
for the lavish stay of the Italian Queen are paid by us, the tax-payers!The
bachelor son of Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi doesn’t stay with his mother at
10, Janpath.I wonder if it is too small for two family members!He has a
separate bungalow allotted to him at 12, Tughlak Lane
, which
is 5,022.58 square meters in size.Being the Member of Parliament, it is his
right.But, on moral grounds, can’t Gandhi's help to save the tax-payers’
money by some cost.Funny part is, Sonia Gandhi’s married daughter Priyanka
Vadra has also been allotted a bungalow at 35, Lodhi Estate
 which is
2,765.18 square meters.Priyanka Vadra is not a MP. But she is a family
member of the privileged Gandhis. If we add the cost of 'security' by SPG
they must have cost the country over Rs 200 Crores over the last decade
alone.Whether in power or out of power, nobody has dared to destabilize
Sonia Gandhi from 10, Janpath from last two and half decades.It’s time we
raise our voice against the privileges provided to these fake Gandhi's.It’s
our hard-earned money after all, that is going down the gutter!Let us make
everyone aware of this huge wastage of public money.It looks atrocious in a
country where MILLIONS live in penury and PUBLIC MONEY IS SQUANDERED LIKE
THIS.When WE object to MALLYA siphoning public money , this daylight
robbery should not go unchallenged. In fact it must be stopped forthwith.*

*Please forward to all your contacts so this loot of India is made to stop
at once and this family gets only what they are entitled to, no more - no

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An overhaul at seventy [2 Attachments]

2017-11-04 Thread Raman K
We must choose national security as our overriding priority to sustain our
position in a troubled world

After 70 years, how capable have we made ourselves to handle our nation’s
challenges? One needs an apparatus for arousing awareness of what requires
attention, for deciding what ought to be done, and the instruments for
doing it. We have run down dangerously in all these respects. A handful of
people at the top, elected or professional, are keeping our country going
somehow, but the machinery for attending to our affairs is simply

Governments everywhere nowadays find existing institutions and processes
unable to cope with people’s needs, much less their expectations or the
complexity of modern problems. Democracies face the greater difficulty that
their very essence, the concepts, ideas and practices that engendered and
developed democracy, are shaken and endangered. Looking at the world’s
oldest today is enough to justify worries about all, not least our own.
Old civilisation, new battles

India is an exceptional state, inevitably with exceptional problems. Never
in history have so many diversities — and in such huge numbers —
constituted that self-governing system called a democracy. For nearly seven
decades, the theory of a plural society obtained obeisance, not always
practised or believed in, but somehow bowed to, howsoever perfunctorily. It
is no longer being attempted, with consequences yet unknown.

One statistical fact reflects our greatest change: in our first elections
(1951-52), our electorate was 173 million, the turnout was 110 million;
last time (2014) 815 million could vote, 540 million did. Numbers apart,
today’s Indians are not the same in what or how they think, in what matters
to them. Howsoever everlasting Eternal India’s culture, its putative heirs
behave very differently now than at Independence. Two current
manifestations hardly fit our traditions: violence and intolerance. Perhaps
we are more prone to violence than supposed: Gandhiji called off his civil
disobedience movement because we erupted. But we used to live far more on
the basis of Reason: rigorous, methodical, sedulous argumentation used to
shape our thought, without our being dogmatic about it — ours is perhaps
the only country with a religion believing there are other ways to God.
Such a cast of mind leads to a live-and-let-live acceptance of diversity
essential to our unique nationhood. Is it operative now?

When his first atomic explosion succeeded, Robert Oppenheimer famously
quoted the Vedas. When I asked what made him interested in them, he
answered; “Your ancestors asked the right questions, which we scientists
are still struggling with.” That intellectual curiosity, that search for
knowledge, for meanings, for all the other truths leading to the Ultimate,
drove us to our initial heights. To imagine we are still on those heights,
to ignore the expansion and modification of knowledge, to ignore
experience, is dangerous folly. We are emerging from a long period of
backwardness, when we lost the qualities that had first made us great, and
had succumbed to newer, more efficient forces. We will get nowhere by
fighting yesterday’s battles all over again — and that too in yesterday’s
ways. As the Victorian novelist-poet George Meredith wrote, “In tragic
life, no villain need be… We are betrayed by what is false within.”

Using changes in knowledge to change beliefs and practices is what enables
people, societies, nations to improve their conditions and circumstances.
Leaving aside the endless debate on modernity-versus-tradition, modernity
here means simply this readiness to benefit from additions and corrections
to existing knowledge rather than suffer from the outdated. Where would we
all be if orthodoxy insisted the world is flat? Consider our own history:
we keep blaming colonialism for various deficiencies, without asking why we
fell.* No great forces invaded us, we were outplayed by a few adventurers
because we wallowed in careless obsolescence, whereas they used discipline,
training, organisation, new weapons and methods — i.e., modernity. What
have we learned?*
Focussing on national priorities

Till the 1980s, China and India hardly differed in various economic
parameters or the pace of progress. In our present tensions, comparisons
are particularly unwelcome, but we must understand the crucial importance
of the lesson they learned and we reject: ‘Never Again.’ India actually
suffered foreign humiliation far more extensively, and directly, but the
determination ‘Never Again’ galvanised China into modernity. They adamantly
aim to outdo others in all fields. We Indians blame the distractions of
democracy but there is a deeper fault: there is no thinking-out of vital
priorities, no acceptance of modern ways. Yes, winning State elections,
consolidating central power, democratic politics inescapably consume
energies at the cost of national priorities, but what distinguishes serious
states from Third 

Amritha Vahini - All Issues of Amritha Varshini E-Magazine

2017-10-31 Thread Raman K

All issues of Amritha Varshini E-Magazine can be downloaded from the
following link.


One can download all the 44 Issues released so far from the above link.

Many thanks to Sri Harirama Subbu for helping us in compiling at one

Humble Pranams

Anand Vasudevan
Editor - Amritha Varshini

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2017-10-26 Thread Raman K
Delhi Budget 2017: Why the tiny state is an economic giant
By TNN | Updated: Mar 09, 2017, 12.04 PM IST
a Comment

Metro train runs from Qutub Minar station
Assembly Elections 2017:
Modi, Akhilesh or Rahul? Just 4 days to go for the big verdict

But 2.1 crore Indians live in the national capital territory which is
nearly twice the population
 of Uttarakhand and
three times of Himachal Pradesh.

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2017-10-26 Thread Raman K
*My best teacher is Bombay...*

*Bombay Taught Me : Whether you are a millionaire or a ragpicker you must
love Pav Bhaji / Samosa pav / Sandwich / Vadapav Bombay Taught Me : nothing
is more important in your life than Money.! Whether you’re alive or
dead.!Bombay Taught Me: It makes a lot of difference to catch a 8.55am
local than to catch 9.05am localBombay Taught Me : How to behave, how to
tackle problems, how to make friends in just 10mins, how to behave at
Global Stage.Bombay Taught Me : distance is measured in time and not
KMBombay Taught Me :There will always be someone to share the first drop of
Monsoon or a pipping hot bhutta with at Marine DriveBombay Taught Me : that
if you can survive this city you can survive the worldBombay Taught Me :
that there is a vast difference between people traveling in Western,
Central and Harbour lineBombay Taught Me : that you can own half of Pune or
Bangalore, or buy a 2 BHK in Juhu for the same price.Bombay Taught Me :
there is something called 0.5 BHK, and you may not afford it.Bombay Taught
Me: how to talk to strangers without feeling awkwardBombay Taught Me : that
problems can’t be solved easily but can be kept away for a while by
contemplatively sitting near seaBombay Taught Me :we can have bus friend,
train friend, office friend, mohalla friend not only just school or college
friendBombay Taught Me : to fight n never give up in lifeLove You Bombay...*
*To understand this one really need to be a Bombaywala.*

*Copy it, paste it or forward it but do it with my name else you will be
facing a real Mumbaikar... [image: *:D big grin]*

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Cashless for merchants without card swipingmachines

2017-10-24 Thread Raman K
> [image: IDFC Aadhar Pay App]
> http://www.aadharpaymentapp.in/
> How Aadhar Payment App will Work?
> Merchants would be required to download the Aadhar Pay payment app on
> their android smartphone connected to a biometric reader. The biometric
> reader is currently available for just Rs. 2000. If a customer wants to
> make payment, then he/she just need to enter his Aadhar Number in the app
> and select the bank from which the payment is to be made and use the
> biometric scan as the password for the transaction.
> Upon entering the Aadhar Number, the app would automatically fetch the
> bank accounts linked with your Aadhar number, then the customer can make
> the selection of bank for payment as per his/her choice.

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2017-10-24 Thread Raman K
For the cost of an iPhone, you can now buy a wind turbine that can power an
entire house for lifetime
Indian startup Avant Garde Innovations has developed a low-cost wind
turbine that can generate 3-5 kW hours of electricity daily By Sainul
Abudheen K 
[image: 01indian]
Soon after assuming office, Kerala (southern state of India) Chief Minister
Pinarayi Vijayan kicked up a storm by publicly supporting the Athirappilly
hydro electric project, which environmentalists said, if implemented, would
create ecologic imbalance in the area and destroy the Athirappilly
waterfalls, the largest natural waterfalls in the state.
It is not that the government is oblivious to the impact that the project
could make, but it says it has no option but to leverage existing means to
check the growing power crisis in Kerala, which partially depends on the
private sector for electricity.
Things are no different in other states either. While Kerala has attained
almost 100 per cent electrical coverage, many parts of India still remain
in the dark. For a large portion of the Indian population, electricity to
this day remains a distant dream.
Enter two siblings who want to make India’s energy crisis a thing of the
past. The duo has developed a new solution they say will not even slightly
impact the ecological balance.
Avant Garde Innovations,  the
startup founded by siblings Arun and Anoop George from Kerala, has come up
with a low-cost wind turbine that can generate enough electricity to power
an entire house for a lifetime. The size of a ceiling fan, this wind
turbine can generate 5 kWh/kW per day — with just a one-time cost of US$750.
“Our goal is to eliminate energy poverty, reduce dependence on struggling
state power grids and create energy self sufficiency for all the needy ones
through distributed, localised and affordable renewable energy. In doing
so, we believe we can collectively usher in our world a cleaner
environment, new economic prosperity and social change,” reads the company
‘What We Do’ statement.
“Our first offering is a highly affordable small wind turbine suitable for
residential, commercial, agricultural, village electrification and other
uses, which is aimed for a market launch during 2016.”
Incorporated in 2015, Avant Garde claims to be a startup with a ‘green’
heart and soul.
For the startup, opportunity is massive. India is the world’s sixth largest
energy consumer, accounting for 3.4 per cent of global energy
consumption. Federal governments in India, and the central government for
that matter, are unable to bear the huge infrastructural cost required to
bring electricity to remote villages.
Erecting electric posts and electric lines require huge investments that
could cost millions of dollars.
This is where Avant Garde comes into picture. “When small wind turbine
generating 1kW energy costs INR 3-7 lakh (US$4,000-10,000), our company
plans to sell it at less than NR 50,000 (about US$750). Costs will decrease
further through mass production,” Arun said in an interview to *The Times
of India*.
The company launched its pilot project at a church in the capital city of
Thiruvananthapuram in January this year. The small wind turbine prototype
that it has developed is highly scalable for power capacities of 300 kW or
even higher, Arun told *e27*.
“Our passionate aim is to introduce innovative, affordable and sustainable
solutions that take renewable energy self sufficiency and energy
empowerment to the next level through a distributed and decentralised
approach using pioneering strategies the world has not witnessed yet,” the
company says.
This revolutionary product has also won them a spot in the Top 20 Cleantech
Innovations in India. The company has also made it to the list of 10 clean
energy companies from India for the “UN Sustainable Energy For All”
initiative under the one billion dollar clean energy investment opportunity
According to the Global Wind Energy Council, the country ranks 4th in terms
of global installed wind power capacity, after China, the US, and Germany.
Maybe, if Avant Garde Innovations takes off, Kerala can keep
the Athirappilly waterfalls untouched.
Source : e27.co

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2017-10-24 Thread Raman K
This ONE Plant Prevents Mood Swings and Balances Hormones
*If you’ve been searching for a way to have a better balance of vitamins
and minerals for your brain and body, look no further than this special
If you’ve never heard of it before, moringa contains so many vital
nutrients for the body, and has been used for thousands of years because of
its healing benefits. Today, millions of people use it in tea, take moringa
supplements or powder to enjoy the incredible benefits of this plant. To
give you more of an idea of how powerful this plant truly is, in 2008, the
National Institute of Health called moringa (*moringa oleifera) *the* “*plant
of the year
that “perhaps like no other single species, this plant has the potential to
help reverse multiple major environmental problems and provide for many
unmet human needs.”
Because moringa contains many antioxidants and nutrients, past research has
largely focused on how it can help to treat disease and malnutrition in
many parts of the world. Just about every part of the plant can be used, as
moringa is a very versatile plant. Throughout the world, moringa is used
for treating serious conditions


   - inflammation-related diseases
   - cancer
   - diabetes
   - anemia
   - arthritis and other joint pain, such as rheumatism
   - allergies and asthma
   - constipation, stomach pains and and diarrhea
   - epilepsy
   - stomach and intestinal ulcers or spasms
   - chronic headaches
   - heart problems, including high blood pressure
   - kidney stones
   - fluid retention
   - thyroid disorders
   - low sex drive
   - bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitic infections

So, to give you an idea of just how nutrient-packed moringa plant
 is, here are some interesting facts
about the vitamins and minerals in this amazing plant.

   - two times the amount of protein of yogurt
   - four times the amount of vitamin A as carrots
   - three times the amount of *potassium* as bananas
   - four times the amount of *calcium* as cows’ milk
   - seven times the amount of vitamin C as oranges

Moringa grows in tropical locations around the world, from the Himalayas to
parts of India and Africa and contains over 90 protective compounds
 to help combat disease and
boost the immune system.  Many people call moringa “the miracle plant” due
to its potency as a natural remedy for fighting inflammation and
So, we’ll give you a few important reasons to start adding moringa to your

Moringa continues to gain traction as a powerful natural remedy and
replacement to conventional pharmaceuticals because it contains some of the
same compounds as the drugs do, without the nasty side effects. According
to a report published in the* Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer
Prevention,* moringa
containsessential amino acids
, carotenoid
phytonutrients, as found in carrots and tomatoes, and antibacterial
compounds that work identically to those found in medicines.
Inflammation can cause many problems within the body, but moringa can fight
inflammation due to the strong anti-aging compounds present in the plant,
including Vitamin C, beta-carotene, quercetin, and polyphenols. These
compounds help to reduce risks for certain types of cancers, high blood
pressure, and other chronic diseases.
In a 2014 study published in the *Journal of Food Science and Technology, *
researchers selected ninety postmenopausal women between the ages of 45–60
years to test how different levels of moringa would effect their
hormones. Results showed that supplementing with moringa and
amaranth caused marked increases in antioxidants in the body along
with impressive decreases in oxidative stress.
Also researchers found better fasting blood glucose levels and increases in
hemoglobin, leading them to draw the conclusion that moringa can prevent
hormonal changes and age-related diseases.
Moringa contains a significant amount of protein, and is packed with
tryptophan, which helps the body to produce the relaxation hormone called
serotonin. Moringa  can also
help reduce fatigue, depression, mood swings, and insomnia, according to
some studies.
*Dried moringa leaves or powder:* The leaves of the moringa plant have the
most antioxidants and healing benefits, so you can either take capsules,
powders, or teas with mealtimes to utilize 

Charging of iphone.

2017-10-24 Thread Raman K

There is a general thinking about charging of mobile phone. If the phone is
put on charging overnight, it may get over charged / battery life
deteriorates due to over charging etc.

I got this feed back from my Apple Watch Study group Co-ordineter.

For your information and better understanding about Apple products!!


*Hi Raman,*

*Good question! The great thing about Apple products is that they are
designed to not be damaged by extended charging times. Once your device is
done charging, it stops the current from coming in to prevent it from
overcharging. *

*I hope you have a great rest of your week as well!*

* Kimberly Nguyen *

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2017-10-18 Thread Raman K
*A Great Collection of Solutions to Daily Problems*

As I go through life I often realize that it is made of large and small
discoveries. There are the big things that improve life, and there are the
little things, and if you want to have an easy time of it - you better
learn as many as you can of both! Here are a few little tips that will help
you with your daily life, hope you find them useful!
[image: tips diy holiday photos]

[image: tips diy holiday photos]

[image: tips diy holiday photos]

[image: tips diy holiday photos]

[image: tips diy holiday photos]

[image: tips diy holiday photos]

[image: tips diy holiday photos]

[image: tips diy holiday photos]

[image: tips diy holiday photos]

[image: tips diy holiday photos]

[image: tips diy holiday photos]

[image: tips diy holiday photos]

[image: tips diy holiday photos]

[image: tips diy holiday photos]

[image: tips diy holiday photos]

[image: tips diy holiday photos]

[image: tips diy holiday photos]

[image: tips diy holiday photos]

[image: tips diy holiday photos]

[image: tips diy holiday photos]

[image: tips diy holiday photos]

[image: tips diy holiday photos]

[image: tips diy holiday photos]



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ICELAND as you never imagined!

2017-10-16 Thread Raman K
*I had seen amazing
pictures of Iceland before but none so beautiful and dramatic.*

*48 Pictures That Prove
Iceland Is Actually Another Planet*

1. This is what the
sunset looks like in Iceland .

[image: his is what the
sunset looks like in Iceland.]

2. Seriously, this is an actual thing you can see on this planet.
[image: eriously, this is an actual thing you can see on this planet.]

3. So the question is…
[image: o the question is...]

4. Why do we all not live here already?
[image: hy do we all not live here already?]

5. Iceland has some of the most incredible views in the world.
[image: celand has some of the most incredible views in the world.]

6. Like this.
[image: ike this.]

7. And obviously this.
[image: nd obviously this.]

8. It has insanely colourful geothermal hot springs .
[image: t has insanely colourful geothermal hot springs.]

9. And so many waterfalls.
[image: nd so many waterfalls.]

10. They are ALL beautiful.
[image: hey are ALL beautiful.]

11. Like, whoa.
[image: ike, whoa.]

12. There are also the geysers.
[image: here are also the geysers.]

13. Which look even cooler *before* they erupt, tbh,
[image: hich look even cooler before they erupt, tbh,]

14. This is a real thing you can actually see.
[image: his is a real thing you can actually see.]

15. When Iceland isn’t busy being a winter wonderland…
[image: hen Iceland isn't busy being a winter wonderland...]

16. It could probably pass for a tropical island.
[image: t could probably pass for a tropical island.]

17. There are some wicked volcanoes.
[image: here are some wicked volcanoes.]

18. Don’t be fooled, this is not Mordor:
[image: on't be fooled, this is not Mordor:]

19. It is an actual place on this earth.
[image: t is an actual place on this earth.]

20. Even the non-volcanic peaks are completely out of this world.
[image: ven the non-volcanic peaks are completely out of this world.]

21. And that SYMMETRY.
[image: nd that SYMMETRY.]

22. Honestly.
[image: onestly.]

23. This country is pretty much perfect.
[image: his country is pretty much perfect.]

24. Not to mention it has ice caves.
[image: ot to mention it has ice caves.]

[image: CE CAVES.]

26. Perfect frozen hideaways just waiting to be explored.
[image: erfect frozen hideaways just waiting to be explored.]

27. So unreal, so goddamn beautiful.
[image: o unreal, so goddamn beautiful.]

28. Reykjavik, the capital, is basically the cutest.
[image: eykjavik, the capital, is basically the cutest.]

29. And has the *best* view.
[image: nd has the best view.]

30. But the countryside is even more picturesque.
[image: ut the countryside is even more picturesque.]

31. I mean, so perfect.
[image: mean, so perfect.]

32. Iceland also has the Blue Lagoon.
[image: celand also has the Blue Lagoon.]

33. Which is basically like swimming in a warm cloud.
[image: hich is basically like swimming in a warm cloud.]

34. The Jokulsarlon lagoon isn’t too shabby either.
[image: he Jokulsarlon lagoon isn't too shabby either.]

35. There are completely amazing natural landforms all over the country.
[image: here are completely amazing natural landforms all over the country.]

36. Like these smoking fields in Kerlingafjoll.
[image: ike these smoking fields in Kerlingafjoll.]

37. Or this basalt column beach.
[image: r this basalt column beach.]

38. Or steaming fumaroles, which are incredible, no matter how bad they
[image: r steaming fumaroles, which are incredible, no matter how bad they

39. You can visit a lake inside a volcanic crater.
[image: ou can visit a lake inside a volcanic crater.]

40. Or bathe in a thermal cave.
[image: r bathe in a thermal cave.]

41. Icelandic glacier formations are some of the strangest and most
beautiful things you’ll ever see.
[image: celandic glacier formations are some of the strangest and most

42. Frozen perfection.
[image: rozen perfection.]

43. How can some dirty ice be so completely stunning?
[image: ow can some dirty ice be so completely stunning?]

44. And let’s not forget that puffins are the squirrels of Iceland .
[image: nd let's not forget that puffins are the squirrels of Iceland.]

45. And that black sand beaches > white sand.
[image: nd that black sand beaches> white sand.]

46. And that everything about the whole country is just completely unreal
and gorgeous.
[image: nd that everything about the whole country is just completely unr]

47. Stop showing off, Iceland .
[image: top showing off, Iceland.]

48. (JK, let’s all move there.)

14 Sites of Natural Beauty in India

2017-10-14 Thread Raman K
14 Sites of Natural Beauty in India

India is a land of surprises that evokes thoughts of fantastic food,
colorful people, bustling cities and ancient heritage. As the 7th largest
country (by land mass) in the world, you can also be sure that it offers a
wealth of varying landscapes and places of natural beauty that are sure to
appeal to people who want to get away from it all. From the skyscraping
mountains of the north to the beautiful beaches of the coast, India really
does offer breathtaking views for any nature lover. Here are 14 of the most
spectacular sights you can find in this wonderful country.

*1. The Nubra Valley, Ladakh*

The Nubra Valley is a high altitude desert that is found on the Tibetan
Plateau in the far north of India. Little precipitation falls there and
vegetation is only found along river beds. The vast valley is famous for
its sand dunes and unique, otherworldly landscape.
*2. Nohkalikai Falls, Cherrapunji*

The Nohkalikai Falls are the tallest waterfalls in India, plunging some
1115 feet (350 meters) over a well vegetated cliff side near the town of
Cherrapunji in Eastern India. The falls take their name from the Khasi for
"Jump of Ka Likai" and makes reference to a local legend about a girl
called Ka Likai who jumped from the cliff next to the falls after her
Mother was killed by her Stepfather.
*3. Mizoram State, Eastern India*

The state of Mizoram in the far east of India is a land of lush hills,
hidden valleys rushing rivers and pristine lakes. It boasts a pleasant
climate with warm summers and comparatively mild winters, while heavy
rainfalls feed local crops and maintain the attractive greenery that
characterize this beautiful region.
*4. Jog Falls, Sagara Tuluk*

The Jog Falls - also known as the Gerosoppa Falls or the Jogada Gundi - are
a major tourist attraction found in the western state of Karnataka. The
attractive cascade plunges 830 feet (230m) and is a feature of the
Sharavathi River, while the amount of water flowing changes dramatically
between the seasons.
*5. Matheran, Maharashtra*

Matheran is a tiny hill station located just 90km from Mumbai, and it's
renowned for its incredible sunsets. It sits at an elevation of around
2,625 feet (800m) and offers dramatic, panoramic views of the surrounding
scenery. The town itself features beautifully preserved, British-style
*6. Lonar Lake, Maharashta *

The Lonar lake is a stunning. saline-soda lake formed by a meteor impact,
and is the only hypervelocity impact crater found in ballistic rock
anywhere on the planet. There are numerous temples surrounding the lake -
suggesting it was once considered an important spiritual place - although
most of them sit in ruins today.
*7. The Andaman Islands*

The Andamans are a series of 325 islands found in the Andaman sea to the
east of mainland India, towards the coast of Myanmar. The islands are a
true slice of paradise, featuring world class diving and numerous pristine,
tropical beaches.
*8. Chitkul, Kinnaur District*

Chitkul is a small village found in the Kinnaur District of the state of

COMING SOON - Do mind your Ts and Rs, guys!

2017-10-12 Thread Raman K
>> [image: simplezoom-img]
>>- The buses with alternate fuels are all produced in India
>>- The fuel cell produces electricity to power the electric motor
>>- The Hybrid buses will soon be seen in Mumbai
>> Tata Motors launched the future of mass public transportation at its Pune
>> facility and took another step in the direction of green technology and
>> mobility solutions. The company launched the Starbus Electric 9m, Starbus
>> Electric 12m and the Starbus Hybrid 12m range of buses which are designed,
>> developed, powered by alternate fuels and made in India. The company says
>> will be a good for smart cities. The company also showcased the country's
>> first Fuel Cell bus (12m), LNG Powered bus (12m), and an 18m Articulated
>> bus.
>> The Hydrogen Powered Starbus Fuel Cell bus is a zero-emission mass
>> transport solution, for inter-city commute and has been developed in
>> partnership with ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation). Combining
>> hydrogen gas and oxygen, the fuel cell produces electricity to power the
>> electric motor, with water and heat as a byproduct. This is the first time
>> an Indian manufacturer has ventured in this direction. As far as Electric
>> buses are concerned, Tata Motors finds a rival in the form of Ashok Leyland
>> who recently revealed the Circuit series of all-electric buses
>>  which
>> was in fact India's first of its kind.
>> [image: tata motors bus]
>> Starbus Articulated Bus
>> The company has already extensively tested the CNG hybrid buses across
>> the country in cities like Mumbai, Ahmedabad and Surat and we first saw
>> them in New Delhi during the 2010 Commonwealth games.
>> It was just last year that the company signed a contract for the single
>> largest order for Hybrid Electric vehicle technology, with the Mumbai
>> Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA), to supply 25 units of
>> the Starbus Diesel Hybrid electric bus with Full Low floor configuration.
>> These buses will be delivered in the first quarter of FY2017-18 and will
>> connect Sion, Bandra & Kurla to Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC).
>> [image: tata motors bus]
>> Starbus Hybrid Bus
>> Ravindra Pisharody, Executive Director - Commercial Vehicles, Tata Motors
>> said, "We have consistently been developing and manufacturing products that
>> can contribute to CO2 reductions across all road transport segments and
>> with early investments in new technologies, we are geared up to further
>> strengthen our market leadership. With our new range of Future ready buses,
>> we will continue to play an active role in mass public transportation, with
>> a commitment towards striking the right balance between sustainable growth
>> and profitability."


*"To fight the darkness do not draw your sword, light a candle"   *
*"You can't climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets"*

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Video [1 Attachment]

2017-10-11 Thread Raman K
Nice to see this video

1 of 1 File(s)

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Climb Aboard a Gondola For An Enchanting Venetian Ride...

2017-10-08 Thread Raman K
*Venice - the World's
Most Beautiful City?* 

Is there a city more
legendary, more representative of artists' and engineers' dreams than
Venice? It's a city replete with endless canals, singing gondoliers,
elegant bridges, buildings, churches and cathedrals, built with incredible
patience and skill. Each painstakingly-built part of this city is a work of
art unto itself. 

[image: venice]

[image: venice]

The name Venice is
derived from the ancient Adriatic Veneti people, who first moved to the
region in the 10th Century BC. The city was the historic capital of the
Republic of Venice. Throughout the ages, Venice has been known as "La
Dominante", "Serenissima", "Queen of the Adriatic", "City of Water", "City
of Masks", "City of Bridges", "The Floating City", and "City of Canals".
Luigi Barzini described it in The New York Times as "undoubtedly the most
beautiful city built by man".

[image: venice]

[image: venice]

The Republic of Venice
was a major maritime power during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and a
staging area for the Crusades, as well as a very important center of
commerce (especially silk, grain, and spice) and art from the 13th Century
until the end of the 17th Century.

[image: venice]

[image: venice]

This made Venice a
wealthy city throughout most of its history. It is also known for its
several important artistic movements, especially the Renaissance period.
Venice has played an important role in the history of symphonic and
operatic music, and it is the birthplace of Antonio Vivaldi.

[image: venice]

[image: venice]

Is P Chidambaram the biggest corrupt man India ever saw, you will be shocked to know the amount looted!

2017-10-08 Thread Raman K
*Subject: Is P Chidambaram the biggest corrupt man India ever saw, you will
be shocked to know the amount looted!*



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ICELAND as you never imagined!

2017-10-08 Thread Raman K
*I had seen amazing
pictures of Iceland before but none so beautiful and dramatic.*

*48 Pictures That Prove
Iceland Is Actually Another Planet*

1. This is what the
sunset looks like in Iceland .

[image: his is what the
sunset looks like in Iceland.]

2. Seriously, this is an actual thing you can see on this planet.
[image: eriously, this is an actual thing you can see on this planet.]

3. So the question is…
[image: o the question is...]

4. Why do we all not live here already?
[image: hy do we all not live here already?]

5. Iceland has some of the most incredible views in the world.
[image: celand has some of the most incredible views in the world.]

6. Like this.
[image: ike this.]

7. And obviously this.
[image: nd obviously this.]

8. It has insanely colourful geothermal hot springs .
[image: t has insanely colourful geothermal hot springs.]

9. And so many waterfalls.
[image: nd so many waterfalls.]

10. They are ALL beautiful.
[image: hey are ALL beautiful.]

11. Like, whoa.
[image: ike, whoa.]

12. There are also the geysers.
[image: here are also the geysers.]

13. Which look even cooler *before* they erupt, tbh,
[image: hich look even cooler before they erupt, tbh,]

14. This is a real thing you can actually see.
[image: his is a real thing you can actually see.]

15. When Iceland isn’t busy being a winter wonderland…
[image: hen Iceland isn't busy being a winter wonderland...]

16. It could probably pass for a tropical island.
[image: t could probably pass for a tropical island.]

17. There are some wicked volcanoes.
[image: here are some wicked volcanoes.]

18. Don’t be fooled, this is not Mordor:
[image: on't be fooled, this is not Mordor:]

19. It is an actual place on this earth.
[image: t is an actual place on this earth.]

20. Even the non-volcanic peaks are completely out of this world.
[image: ven the non-volcanic peaks are completely out of this world.]

21. And that SYMMETRY.
[image: nd that SYMMETRY.]

22. Honestly.
[image: onestly.]

23. This country is pretty much perfect.
[image: his country is pretty much perfect.]

24. Not to mention it has ice caves.
[image: ot to mention it has ice caves.]

[image: CE CAVES.]

26. Perfect frozen hideaways just waiting to be explored.
[image: erfect frozen hideaways just waiting to be explored.]

27. So unreal, so goddamn beautiful.
[image: o unreal, so goddamn beautiful.]

28. Reykjavik, the capital, is basically the cutest.
[image: eykjavik, the capital, is basically the cutest.]

29. And has the *best* view.
[image: nd has the best view.]

30. But the countryside is even more picturesque.
[image: ut the countryside is even more picturesque.]

31. I mean, so perfect.
[image: mean, so perfect.]

32. Iceland also has the Blue Lagoon.
[image: celand also has the Blue Lagoon.]

33. Which is basically like swimming in a warm cloud.
[image: hich is basically like swimming in a warm cloud.]

34. The Jokulsarlon lagoon isn’t too shabby either.
[image: he Jokulsarlon lagoon isn't too shabby either.]

35. There are completely amazing natural landforms all over the country.
[image: here are completely amazing natural landforms all over the country.]

36. Like these smoking fields in Kerlingafjoll.
[image: ike these smoking fields in Kerlingafjoll.]

37. Or this basalt column beach.
[image: r this basalt column beach.]

38. Or steaming fumaroles, which are incredible, no matter how bad they
[image: r steaming fumaroles, which are incredible, no matter how bad they

39. You can visit a lake inside a volcanic crater.
[image: ou can visit a lake inside a volcanic crater.]

40. Or bathe in a thermal cave.
[image: r bathe in a thermal cave.]

41. Icelandic glacier formations are some of the strangest and most
beautiful things you’ll ever see.
[image: celandic glacier formations are some of the strangest and most

42. Frozen perfection.
[image: rozen perfection.]

43. How can some dirty ice be so completely stunning?
[image: ow can some dirty ice be so completely stunning?]

44. And let’s not forget that puffins are the squirrels of Iceland .
[image: nd let's not forget that puffins are the squirrels of Iceland.]

45. And that black sand beaches > white sand.
[image: nd that black sand beaches> white sand.]

46. And that everything about the whole country is just completely unreal
and gorgeous.
[image: nd that everything about the whole country is just completely unr]

47. Stop showing off, Iceland .
[image: top showing off, Iceland.]

48. (JK, let’s all move there.)


2017-10-05 Thread Raman K
*Arthritis technically means progressive worsening of the functioning of a
joint. Commonly seen in people above the age of 50, many people encounter
manifestations of arthritis in some form or the other (due degeneration or
age related wear and tear). As a person ages, the cartilage present in
between bones start to thin, and its load bearing capacity decreases. This
causes the entire load of the body to get transferred onto the bone
surface, just below the cartilage, leading to the formation of osteophytes
(also known as bone spurs).*
*The most common symptoms of this condition is pain and swelling or
stiffness of the knee. Joint inflammations may occur because of poor shock
absorption capacity and routine activities that cause minor injuries to the
knee joint. The pain could be dull, severe, only in front, all around the
knees, at the back of the knee, at the side of the knee or along the thigh
or calf. The pain could also be varying in intensity with different
activities – climbing up and down the stairs, sitting, getting up, sitting
cross legged, walking etc.*

*What makes a person more susceptible to this condition?Excess weight: This
leads to an earlier wear and tear and degeneration of the joint, due to the
excessive load the knees often have to bear.Heredity: People with a strong
family history of osteo-arthritis face a greater chance of developing it
earlier in life. Also, this factor is seen to be a very common cause for
the onset of arthritis on women.*

*Injury: Previous or intervening injury to the bones, cartilages, or the
ligaments of the knee predisposes a person to an earlier or graver forms of
osteo-arthritis.Poor muscle tone: Existing osteo-arthritis can get worse
when the muscles around the knee are not strong enough.*
*How you can tackle the disease: There are few factors that can make the
symptoms of the condition worse and therefore, getting these things under
control can go a long way in minimising the progression of the disease.
Here are a few things you can do.*

*Lose weight: While this is far simpler said than done, you must understand
that excessive weight puts a great load on the joints leading to it’s
further degradation.Exercise regularly: The surrounding muscles should be
strengthened by means of adequate exercises. This way there will be better
shock absorption, which means lesser chance of joint injury, inflammation
and minimal or no symptoms.*

*People with arthritic knee pain often suffer from severe bouts of pain,
here are few handy tips on tiding through these phases:The knee should be
rested. An elastic knee cap should be used whenever there is swelling in
the joint.*

*Medication should be strictly followed to relieve pain, swelling or
spasms.Short wave diathermy (heat therapy), ultrasonics, local heat, local
ice application etc. Should be used whenever needed.Once the pain settles,
gentle movements and exercises should be done.*

*Strictly avoid massaging the joint.Asanas that help during these stages*
*Yogendra Nishpanda Bhav: Also known as the no-movement pose is a great way
to relax, and beat stress. It also helps beat pain and keep your joints
away from any kind of strain.*
*Steps to do this pose:*

*Lean against a wall, touching your head to the wall and sit in a relaxed
manner with your legs stretched in front of youKeep a distance of 2-3 feet
between your legsPlace your hands gently on your upper thighs with palms
facing upwardsListen to the sound of any vehicle passing by at a
distanceSit in this posture for 5 mins and focus on any distant
soundSavasana: Another relaxing pose, this asana helps to clam the body. It
also helps in the recuperation of the muscles and joints after a lot of
swelling and pain. Here is how you can do savasana or yog nidra the right
way.Sukhasana: Also known as the easy pose, sukhasana is meant to help your
knee regain flexibility and to beat pain. If you cannot bend your knee, you
can try doing this asana while sitting on a chair. Read more about the
steps to perform sukhasana.Hastapadangushtasana: Also known as the extended
hand to big toe pose, this asana helps strengthen the muscles around the
knees, therefore beating knee pain. It also helps increase flexibility
thereby reducing the chances of injury. For people with arthritic knee
pain, this asana should be performed as they lie down. Here is how to do
the hastapadangushtasana. In supine poseYastikasana: Yastikasana or the
stick pose is a great asana that facilitates maximum stretching of the
body. It helps negate the ill effects of sitting in a bad posture for long
periods of time, relaxes tense abdominal and pelvic muscles, and offers
rest and relaxation, helping you beat fatigue and stress. For people with
arthritis this pose should be done with their ankle stretched upwards. Here
is how you can do this asana.Asanas to be done during phases when the pain
and swelling is minimalAt such times you can try to do simple asanas like

14 Sites of Natural Beauty in India

2017-10-03 Thread Raman K
14 Sites of Natural Beauty in India

India is a land of surprises that evokes thoughts of fantastic food,
colorful people, bustling cities and ancient heritage. As the 7th largest
country (by land mass) in the world, you can also be sure that it offers a
wealth of varying landscapes and places of natural beauty that are sure to
appeal to people who want to get away from it all. From the skyscraping
mountains of the north to the beautiful beaches of the coast, India really
does offer breathtaking views for any nature lover. Here are 14 of the most
spectacular sights you can find in this wonderful country.

*1. The Nubra Valley, Ladakh*

The Nubra Valley is a high altitude desert that is found on the Tibetan
Plateau in the far north of India. Little precipitation falls there and
vegetation is only found along river beds. The vast valley is famous for
its sand dunes and unique, otherworldly landscape.
*2. Nohkalikai Falls, Cherrapunji*

The Nohkalikai Falls are the tallest waterfalls in India, plunging some
1115 feet (350 meters) over a well vegetated cliff side near the town of
Cherrapunji in Eastern India. The falls take their name from the Khasi for
"Jump of Ka Likai" and makes reference to a local legend about a girl
called Ka Likai who jumped from the cliff next to the falls after her
Mother was killed by her Stepfather.
*3. Mizoram State, Eastern India*

The state of Mizoram in the far east of India is a land of lush hills,
hidden valleys rushing rivers and pristine lakes. It boasts a pleasant
climate with warm summers and comparatively mild winters, while heavy
rainfalls feed local crops and maintain the attractive greenery that
characterize this beautiful region.
*4. Jog Falls, Sagara Tuluk*

The Jog Falls - also known as the Gerosoppa Falls or the Jogada Gundi - are
a major tourist attraction found in the western state of Karnataka. The
attractive cascade plunges 830 feet (230m) and is a feature of the
Sharavathi River, while the amount of water flowing changes dramatically
between the seasons.
*5. Matheran, Maharashtra*

Matheran is a tiny hill station located just 90km from Mumbai, and it's
renowned for its incredible sunsets. It sits at an elevation of around
2,625 feet (800m) and offers dramatic, panoramic views of the surrounding
scenery. The town itself features beautifully preserved, British-style
*6. Lonar Lake, Maharashta *

The Lonar lake is a stunning. saline-soda lake formed by a meteor impact,
and is the only hypervelocity impact crater found in ballistic rock
anywhere on the planet. There are numerous temples surrounding the lake -
suggesting it was once considered an important spiritual place - although
most of them sit in ruins today.
*7. The Andaman Islands*

The Andamans are a series of 325 islands found in the Andaman sea to the
east of mainland India, towards the coast of Myanmar. The islands are a
true slice of paradise, featuring world class diving and numerous pristine,
tropical beaches.
*8. Chitkul, Kinnaur District*

Chitkul is a small village found in the Kinnaur District of the state of


2017-10-03 Thread Raman K
*What happens after death ?*

*Most of these Sadhus and Monks, say and describe things beyond our
comprehension, but Sri Sri in this description has been a good guide.Yes-we
all get scared of unknown - but once you have a guide such as Sri Sri, it
becomes easy to understand. Yes-we mortals still fear the unknown, but with
much lesser effect.What happens after death?*

*Q: What happens after death?Sri Sri :You will just see the body out there.
Once you come out of the body, you will see your whole life flashing like a
movie in a few minutes.*

*These will be the two questions that will stand.1. How much love you gave?
Not how much love you received, and2. How much knowledge you gained?*

*This question will come and you will say, ‘I will do better next time’,
and that is it. Then there is peace.What happens after death is the mind
gets freed from the body, the spirit. The mind has memory and intelligence,
so these two things become like a balloon. The karma, the deepest
impressions form a balloon.It is like in sleep .Death is nothing but a long
sleep. Before going to sleep, you review what all work you have to do the
next day,see the last thought that you get, You say, ‘This all as to be
done tomorrow. Okay, I will do it’, and then you go to bed, And as soon as
you wake up, see what is the first thought that comes. Have you noticed? It
will variably be the same though.Isn’t it! Same thing happens after death.*
*Then that intention of what you will do in the next life will bring the
next body and the next birth to us. Then we choose our parents, the place,
and everything else and then we come to this world!*

*So the physical body decays and the pranic body with all the impressions
forms a balloon and leaves the body and hangs around.Don’t imagine a
balloon hanging around! It is a light; an energy.*
*I will give you the best example. In a television station, they conduct a
program and then they transmit it through the dish and the program remains
in the atmosphere – it is the same way.*
*When you send an email from the computer, you type all the letters and
then you press the send button. What happens? It goes into the space. Does
your email remain in the space till it is downloaded? Even after several
days you can download your email. Even one year later or ten years later
you can download an email. There is no expiry date, isn’t that so. It is
not like those greeting cards which sometimes people send you that expire
in 24 hours.*

*The messages or letters you send don’t hang as letters in the space, it
remains in the space as energy.Like that every soul is a particular
frequency and every thumb is different because a thumb is like a particular
cell phone chip.So after death, every individual energy stays, and the
impressions it has taken, accordingly to that it experiences those stages
there. But then after sometime that soul comes back.*

*The soul enters the body at three times – this is all a secret. It is
called the birth secret and death secret.So the soul enters at the moment
of conception, or it enters in the fifth month, or at the time of birth. So
the three sections are there, but there is no way to determine when it
enters. The soul also chooses where to be born, the place to come.
According to its wish it will just come there.*

*So if at conception time it comes then what one should do to care for
that?Keep yourself happy. Usually pregnant women are kept very happy in
India. Whatever she wants is provided to her.I would say, don’t watch all
these violent movies, and scary songs, and scary things. Generally light
flute music would be good because it is soothing. It is good to listen to
music, knowledge and wisdom. All these things would be preferable.Knowledge
of death makes you immortal. It’s wrong to even say, “makes you immortal.”
The knowledge makes you aware that you are immortal.*

*Do you see there is a difference? You are already immortal. So nothing to
be worried about death!Have you noticed that something in you is not
changing or not ageing? Something in you never dies. We fail to notice it.
We are so busy that we take no time to notice or observe the truth that we

*You might have noticed that when you look at people you feel they have all
gottenolder, but you don’t feel you have aged, does anyone feel they have
become old? If you are in the normal state of mind, even though you may be
eighty-years old, you never feel that you have become old. To others, you
may look very old, but deep inside you, you never feel that you are old,
because there is something in you that never ages.*
*"In one minute, death will rob all of what you have. Before death robs
you, let go. Wake up and see nothing is yours. It is such freedom, I tell
you! Such freedom!"*
*- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar*
*[image: Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, beard]*



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Ladies pls be careful.

2017-10-03 Thread Raman K
*Ladies pls be careful.*

*A woman was taken *
*by 5 men, *
*who according to *
*hospital and police report was raped by a *
*gang before *
*being dumped at a *

*Though she was unable *
*to remember *
*the events of the previous evening, *
*tests conducted *
*revealed that she had *
*been raped repeatedly.*

*There was a *
*trace of *
**Rohypnol* in her blood.*

**Rohypnol*, *
*is presently being *
*used as a rape drug.*

*It is actually*
* a small sterilization *
*pill which is now being *
*used by *
*rapists to drug their *
*targets at *

*The drug makes the *
*mind of the*
*target (would be victim)*
*go blank *
*so that she does not remember *
*anything that transpired and worse still, *
*the drug sterilizes the victim so that *
*she doesn't conceive *
*from the rape *
*and the rapist need not worry about *
*having his identity *
*revealed *
*later by a paternity *

*The real bad news is *
*that the drug's *
*side effects *


*they are*

*Any female that *
*takes it *


*The drug is*
*administered by *
*dropping it into the *
*target's drink.*

*The girl wouldn't *
*remember a thing the *
*next morning, *
*nothing at all that had *
*taken place the *
*night before *
*will she remember.*

*Rohypnol, dissolves *
*rapidly and *
*easily in drinks, leaving *
*no taste and *
*no change in color *
*which makes it *
*impossible to detect.*

*These weasels can *
*get this drug *
*from anyone who is in *
*the vet school or *
*any medical  university.*

*It's that easy and *
*Rohypnol is about to *
*break out big *
*on campuses everywhere.*

*Believe it or not, *
*there are *
*even sites on the *
*internet telling *
*people *
*how to use it.*

*Girls, *
*please be careful when you're out, *
*especially in a party, *
*don't leave your *
*drink unattended.*

*(Buy your own drinks, ensure bottles *
*or cans received are unopened or sealed; *
*don't even taste *
*someone else's drink).*

*For guys - *
*Please inform all your female family members, relatives and friends. *

*Remember you also *
*have sisters or *
*might one day have *
*a daughter(s).*

*Important News are *
*meant to be *
*passed on, *
*please don't keep or *

*Please share to *
*protect and save lives.*

*Visit the website

*[image: ��]PLEASE Share If you really care for your daughter/ sister /
mother / wife / girlfriend [image: ❤] [image: ��]*

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Hindus of Bali

2017-10-03 Thread Raman K
Bali is a province of Indonesia, a country with the biggest Muslim
population in the world. But the majority in the state of Bali, over 93 %,
are Hindus. Bali is home to 4.22 million Hindus whose ancestors had to flee
from other islands of Indonesia, after the great Indonesian Hindu Empire
Majapahit was defeated and most of Indonesia was converted to Islam. Here
are some interesting facts about Bali that every Indian Hindu must know.

1. Nyepi day, a day of total silence (mauna) once a year, when even the
Ngurah Rai International Airport of Denpasar is closed from 6 am to 6 am.
No cars, no traffic, no entertainment, no TV. Sit in the house, do
contemplation, do prayers. Can we introduce that Nyepi Day in our noisy

2. The culture of Bali was begun by the Rishis of India, whose names are no
longer taught in the schools of India but which are common in the schools
of Bali—Markandeya, Bharadwaja, Agastya - the names we hear in the Puranas
but they are part of the way the history of Bali is taught in the schools
of Bali. How many Rishis can you name? Do you remember any one of the 402
names of the Rishis and Rishikas (female Rishis) from the Rig Veda (the
most ancient and most sacred text of Hinduism), which are our ancestors and
the forming fathers of our religion – Vaidika Sanatana Dharma?

3. The national Balinese dress for both, men and women, girls and boys, is
Dhoti. No one can enter a temple without wearing a Dhoti. Except in some
parts of South India, Dhoti is laughed at in India today. Why are we so
ashamed of our heritage? Even most Indian priests change their dress after
they are finished with the worship because they feel ashamed to be seen in
a Dhoti??

4. The social, economic and political system of Bali is based on the
principle of tri-hita-karana…three benevolent, beneficent principles— that
every human being has three aspects …the duty, the relationship that we
have with God [Parahyangan]; the relationship that we have with human
beings [Pawongan]; and the relationship that we have with nature
[Palemahan] and these are the three principles on which the entire culture
of Bali is built. This was all established by the Rishis whose names are
just about forgotten in India which are taught in the schools of Bali.

5. Trikala Sandhya (Sun worship three times a day) is practiced in every
Balinese school. The Gayatri Mantra is recited by every Balinese school
child three times a day. Many of the local radio stations also relay
Trikala Sandhya three times a day. Can we even think of introducing
something like this to our schools in India? How many Indian Hindus are
aware of their duty of Trikala Sandhya? It is as central to our religion as
the 5 times Namaz is to Islam, yet?

6. In the year 1011 AD, at a place which is now known as Purasamantiga…
there was the first interreligious conference of three religions: Shaiva
Agama, Bauddha Agama and Baliyaga, the traditional pre-Buddhist, pre-Hindu,
Balinese religion. The scholars and the leaders sat down and worked out a
system by which the three religions should work together and exchange forms
with each other and that is the religion of Bali today.

7. In Bali every priest is paid by the government. Despite the fact that
Indonesia is a secular country with the biggest Muslim population in the
world, the priest of every religion is paid by the government. Every
religion is supported by the government. That is the Indonesian form of

8. The national motto of Indonesia “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. One is many, many
is one.” is inspired by an Indonesian Hindu scripture Sutasoma Kakavin. The
complete quotation is as follows - “It is said that the well known Buddha
and Shiva are two different substances; they are indeed different, yet how
is it possible to recognize their difference in a glance, since the truth
of Buddha and the truth of Shiva are one? They may be different, but they
are of the same kind, as there is no duality in truth.” Why can’t we have
“Ekam Sad Vipra Bahudha Vadanti” (The truth is one, but the wise express it
in various ways – Rig Veda) as our national motto?

9. Bali is one of the world’s most prominent rice growers. Every farm has a
temple dedicated to Shri Devi and Bhu Devi (Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth
and Mother Earth - the two divinities that stand on the either of side of
Tirupati Bala ji in India).

No farmer will perform his agricultural duties without first making
offerings to Shri Devi and Bhu Devi. That is called culture, that

The agricultural and water irrigation plan for the entire country was
charted in the 9th Century. The priests of a particular water temple still
control this irrigation plan. And some World Bank or United Nations
scientist did a computer model that would be ideal for Bali. And when they
brought the model the Balinese said ‘we have been practicing this since the
9th century. What are you bringing here?’ And I don’t know how many million
dollars these WTO, these World Bank 

Lego Backpacker In Dubai!

2017-10-03 Thread Raman K
*I Show The Beauty Of
Dubai Through The Eyes Of A Lego Backpacker*


The lego backpacker was
mentioned on Bored Panda 10 months ago and is still traveling!

After spending a few
days in Dubai, he shares some of the most amazing things you could dream of
doing in the city. 

Trying not to fall!

The Lego Backpacker
checking out the Burj Al Arab

Early morning for a
balloon ride 

Riding a hot air balloon
over the Arabian Desert (Lego style)

Canoeing to his hotel
room at the Madinat Jumeirah

Checking out the worlds
tallest building 

Enjoying the view on top
of the world 

Going up in a seaplane
over Dubai 

Air view over the city

Aaargh! They have ghosts
in Dubai as well! 

Checking out Palm Island

Enjoying a camel ride in
the Arabian Desert 

Driving with vintage
Land Rovers through the desert

Enjoying a camel ride in
the Arabian Desert 

After an amazing safari
ride with and a flight over Dubai with it’s time to relax a little.


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Drinking Water is the First Step to Good Health

2017-10-03 Thread Raman K
   Drinking Water is the First Step to Good Health
*While we cannot survive a full day without water, so few of us actively
drink water each day. Well shying away from what you may classify as a
'bland' beverage could be costing you in a number of other areas. Here are
some common ailments that usually result from dehydration and a reminder on
just how important drinking water is to our health.*

*[image: Fun & Info @ Keralites.net]*

*1. FatigueIf you wake up tired after a full night's sleep or find yourself
wanting a nap at mid-day, you may not be drinking enough water to keep you
going. Water is a vital source of energy in the body, which keeps our
enzymatic activity and bodily processes up to speed. If you are not
drinking enough water, your body is taking the remaining water in your
system to conduct its various actions, such as digestion. Before bed and
after waking, try drinking at least 2 cups of water so that you are squared
away with hydration at the end and the beginning of the day.2. Asthma and
AllergiesIf you or someone you know has suddenly begun to suffer from
allergies, it is possible that it's not the pollen's fault, but rather
their own for not drinking enough water. When you are dehydrated, your body
restricts airways in order to conserve water and keep it from exiting the
body. In addition, as the body loses water, its histamine production
increases, and allergy symptoms worsen.*

*[image: Fun & Info @ Keralites.net]*

*3. High Blood PressureAlthough blood pressure fluctuates in response to a
number of factors, and it is possible that one of them is dehydration. The
blood is made up of 92 percent water when the body is fully hydrated. But
when we are dehydrated, the blood becomes thicker, causing a certain
resistance to the blood flow and thus resulting in elevated blood pressure
and even a higher risk of clotting.*

*4. High CholesterolLike blood pressure, high cholesterol could be the
result of a number of factors, but it is certain that being dehydrated
doesn't help. When the body is dehydrated, it produces more cholesterol to
prevent water loss in the cells. As your body is in defence mode as a
result of not drinking enough water, your cholesterol spikes to make up for
the change.5. Skin DisordersIf you suffer from dry skin, eczema or are
prone to rashes and dandruff, it is possible that your skin is not
receiving the moisture it needs. When you are dehydrated, the body's
ability to eliminate toxins through the skin is impaired, making it more
vulnerable to all kinds of skin disorders and dryness. Not drinking enough
water could even cause pre-mature wrinkling and discolouration in the skin,
that we end up spending big bucks on to find a miracle cream that works.
Instead, make sure to drink your 8-10 cups of water daily and you may be
able to save your skin and your wallet a lot of the effort.*

[image: Fun & Info @ Keralites.net]
6. Bladder and Kidney Problems

*Dehydration triggers the accumulation of toxins and acid waste that
creates an environment for bacteria to thrive. These bacteria-ridden areas
can result in bladder and kidney problems, and increase the chances for
infection, inflammation and pain in these areas.*

7. Digestive Disorders

*It's no secret that the key to a good digestive system is drinking enough
water, especially lukewarm (room temperature) water. The shortage of water
in your body also means a shortage of alkaline minerals like calcium and
magnesium. These minerals are essential for your digestive system to work
effectively, and when you have a short, you become more prone to painful
and uncomfortable conditions like ulcers, gastritis and acid reflux.*

8. Constipation

*Possibly the most stressful of all digestive disorders, constipation is
one of the earliest and clearest signs that your body is not getting the
water it needs. Your colon (where the final stages of digestion take place)
is one of the primary sources for water in the body. When you are
dehydrated, the water continues to draw water from the colon, but this
means that waste moves through the large intestine much slower or not at
all. This results in painful cramps in your lower abdomen as well as
frustrating constipation and discomfort.*

*9. Joint Pain and Stiffness*

*One of the most important parts of the joint, its cartilage padding, is
composed mostly of water, so when you are dehydrated, this cartilage is
weakened. This makes it difficult to move and use your joins freely, and
repair to the joints is much slower and more painful.*

[image: Fun & Info @ Keralites.net]
10. Weight Gain

*Probably one of the least obvious results of dehydration, weight gain can
occur easily when an individual is not properly hydrated. Cells are
depleted of energy and seem to cry out for more nutrients. The problem is
that most individuals confuse the cells' cry for help as a reason to eat a
sandwich, when what they really need is a glass or two of water.*

*11. Premature Aging*

Debate on food safety in India and how it is related to cancer.

2017-10-02 Thread Raman K
Dr. Vishal Rao, an oncologist and head and neck surgeon at the
Bangalore-based HealthCare Global (HCG) Cancer Center, writes about the
debate on food safety in India and how it is related to cancer.

A 45-year-old man presented himself to an oncologist with the typical
symptoms of stomach cancer. His worst fears came true, the biopsy reports
showed positive results.

He led an extremely healthy lifestyle; exercised regularly, maintained a
balanced diet and did not have any addictions. Yet, cancer had managed to
conquer his system. The distraught man asked the doctor, “Why me?” The
visibly uncomfortable doctor was speechless.
Many oncologists go through a similar ordeal almost every day.

[image: doc]
Picture for representation only. Source: Flickr

A lot of their patients may have maintained a healthy lifestyle and yet,
end up succumbing to cancer. It may not be just tobacco; we have tons of
other carcinogens, which have unfortunately entered our diet chart.

Some of the reports on food exports from India show we rank among the top
in agri-food rejects to USA & EU as per the UNIDO reports. The key reasons
for rejects implicated in the reports were – mycotoxins, microbial
contamination, veterinary drug residues, heavy metals, unauthorised food
additives, product composition and pesticide residues.

Ever wondered if this was the quality for exports, what could be the
standards of internal consumption for us Indians? The *Maggi* trial that
India witnessed recently opened the much-needed debate on food safety,
exposing just the tip of the iceberg.

Let’s reflect on a few aspects of such safety issues. Why do we stand where
we stand today?
Current status of food quality

“Diet and nutrition are two different aspects of food.” Is the current
state of food quality in India a matter of implausible conjecture or a
reality yet to dawn in the Indian mindset? Pesticides, preservatives and
wasted calories seem to be the trends of the new Indian recipes.

[image: food]
Source: Flickr 

Recently a patient of mine walked into my outpatient clinic for a follow up
visit. He brought with him a basket of fresh fruits as a token of his
gratitude. While he handed it to me, he exclaimed, “Doc, these are not the
regular ones which I keep for sale, these are ones grow for my own

The larger question – is our farmer well educated about balancing the
quantity of pesticides to be used for safe and optimal yield; or does he
believe that more is better! (Dilution and mixing of pesticides in
regulated quantity is key.)

A growing concern among consumers is the question – do we have too much
pesticides in our food? Are these really harmful? Is there a way to prevent

I have heard that often export rejects from various countries look at India
as a potential market — be it tyres, automobiles or food products. Thanks
to poor consumer awareness and implicit trust of the consumer in the
manufacturer to abide by ethical practices. This is further compounded by
extremely poor vigilance and enforcement by government agencies.

The Endosulfan Tragedy in Kerala has killed over 4,000 people and many have
been affected since the 1970’s. Endosulfan is an internationally banned
insecticide that was earlier used in cashew plantations to increase the
product yield.

The progeny of many of the survivors still suffer from conditions like
macrocephaly, intellectual disabilities and cancer. Despite the ban made by
UN, Endosulfan is still being used in India. Recent reports in media
highlighted traces of endosulfan found in several vegetables. Personal
interactions with farmers confirm their use of these banned pesticides
owing to a quick, sustained and stable yield.

Yes, pesticide residues in food are a growing concern. It is, however,
vital to consume healthy and nutritious food after washing them thoroughly.
Avoiding fruits and vegetables in fear of residue pesticides would be more
harmful that the consumption of minimal residues themselves in causing
cancer. Organic foods from reported and accredited farms may be the way
forward and needs encouragement from the agriculture department.
Educational programmes for farmers from NGO’s and departments would pave
the way in foundation of food safety in farms.

Insecticide act of India 1968 is awaiting amendments. The amended act
awaits clearance in Rajya Sabha.

[image: food3]
Source: Flickr 

Traditionally, preservatives were 

The Wonders of Modern Architecture Are A Joy to Behold

2017-09-30 Thread Raman K
*15 Wondrous Examples of
Modern Architecture!* 

Oh, the wonders of
modern architecture! The geniuses of architecture today continue to create
and design masterpieces that could make one proud of being a citizen of the
21st Century! *Enjoy the beauty of these modern architectural masterpieces!*

*The Elephant Building,
Bangkok, Thailand* 


*Brasilia Cathedral,
Brasilia, Brazil* 


*National Theater,
Beijing, China* 


*Fuji Television
Building, Tokyo, Japan* 


*The Gherkin, London,
United Kingdom* 


*The Bullring,
Birmingham, United Kingdom*


*Tenerife Concert Hall,
Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain*


- Advertisement -

*Lotus Temple, Delhi,

National Blunders still haunting our country

2017-09-30 Thread Raman K
*National Blunders still haunting our country*
*1. Partition of India:* This was the biggest blunder. Gandhi should have
not accepted the partition of the country. He failed to sense the over
ambition of Nehru to become prime minister and to visualise the after
effects of partition on the basis of religion.
*The result:* A permanent enemy in the neighbourhood fomenting trouble
persistently to India.

*2. Referring Kashmir issue to UN:* In 1948 Kabailis attacked Kashmir.
Maharaja Hari Singh requested India to defend and signed instrument of
accession of J & K to India. On getting reference UN asked India for
ceasefire and Pakistan to call back its forces to Pakistani territory.
Before Pakistan back tracked India declared ceasefire despite the strong
objection by Patel and defence forces.
*The result:* Untimely declaration of ceasefire without understanding the
strategic repercussions made Pakistan to permanently occupy the sizable
portion of Kashmir, Gilgit, Baltistan and Aksai Chin. Pakistan recently
ceded Aksal Chin to China for CPEC. Our sovereignty on Aksai Chin is now
gone. A door now has been opened by Pakistan for China to get easy access
to POK and Indian border. Pakistan is now fomenting trouble persistently to
India through POK.

*3. Article 370:* This gives practically full autonomy to J & K except
defence, foreign affairs and currency. Their Constitution and National Flag
are separate. No Indian can buy property and become citizen of J & K.
*The result:* Practically total alienation of Indian citizens in J & k and
encouragement of Kashmiris to demand Azadi from India.

*4. Article 53:* People of J & K marrying outside the state lose their
right of citizenship and property. Even their children are deprived of
these rights.
*The result:* Complete alienation of J& K people, once they marry outside
the state. This article was added much later by the Presidential Ordinance.

*5. Accession of Tibet to China:* India was the first country to declare
Tibet as the Chinese Territory. This was a most stupid decision and made
without understanding its strategic repercussions.
*The result:* Now China is your enemy in the neighbourhood. It is making
Claim on Arunachal Pradesh, parts of Laddakh and Uttarakhand. We invited
problems because of our folly. It has now become a perennial problem. Apart
from bitterness on border issues, China is making huge dams on Brahmputra
river. This may starve India of water and China may use these dams to
create flood havoc in the north eastern states in the event of war
*6. Self proclaimed apostle of peace:* Nehru, a self proclaimed apostle of
peace, failed to sense the Chinese psyche behind its mask of peace. Because
of this illusion, he made no effort to strengthen the defence forces
despite the caution given by the defence forces, defence experts and
politicians alike.
*The result:* Humiliating defeat in the 1962 war and massacre of large
number of Indian soldiers due to unpreparedness.

*7. Return of Hajipeer to Pakistan in 1965:* India defeated Pakistan in
1965 war and several Pakistani areas were captured by Indian forces. In
Tashkand Declaration Lal Bahadur Shastri returned these captured areas to
Pakistan including Hajipeer. This was done without understanding the
strategic value.
*The result:* The distance between Uri and Poonchh is about 20 Km only. Now
after returning Hajipeer, one has to detour a distance of about 200 Km to
reach Uri from Poonchh. It is very difficult to understand this type of
benevolence. Benevolence! At what cost?

*8. Non-implementation of Uniform Civil Code as provided in the
Constitution:* During last 70 years, no government did it -One party for
appeasing the minorities and the other for lack of majority in the Lok
sabha and the Rajya Sabha. This emboldened the clerics of the minorities to
constitute their Personal Law Boards who interpreted Holy Quran and Shariat
Law as per their convenience to keep the community in their control. This
also gave rise to religious fundamentalism.
*The result:* The Minority women are forced to live in miserable condition
due to inhuman treatment meted out to them in a cleric dominated society.

*9. Operation Blue Star:* Initially congress encouraged Bhindrawale to get
his help to suppress the Khalistani terrorists. But later when his
activities turned cancerous and uncontrollable, she launched Blue Star.
This alienated the whole Sikh community and the Khalistani movement got the
*The result:* The Sikh community got alienated and the movement grew more
violently. She was assassinated on account of her action like Blue Star.

*10. Declaration of Emergency in 1975:* This was the blackest period in the
democratic history of the independent India.
*The result: *The opposition leaders and social activists were tortured and
imprisoned. Democratic institutions were damaged. The most popular leader
Jai Prakash Narayan was tortured and imprisoned. Indian democracy got a big
jolt. Ultimately when 

Drinking Water is the First Step to Good Health

2017-09-18 Thread Raman K
   Drinking Water is the First Step to Good Health
*While we cannot survive a full day without water, so few of us actively
drink water each day. Well shying away from what you may classify as a
'bland' beverage could be costing you in a number of other areas. Here are
some common ailments that usually result from dehydration and a reminder on
just how important drinking water is to our health.*

*[image: Fun & Info @ Keralites.net]*

*1. FatigueIf you wake up tired after a full night's sleep or find yourself
wanting a nap at mid-day, you may not be drinking enough water to keep you
going. Water is a vital source of energy in the body, which keeps our
enzymatic activity and bodily processes up to speed. If you are not
drinking enough water, your body is taking the remaining water in your
system to conduct its various actions, such as digestion. Before bed and
after waking, try drinking at least 2 cups of water so that you are squared
away with hydration at the end and the beginning of the day.2. Asthma and
AllergiesIf you or someone you know has suddenly begun to suffer from
allergies, it is possible that it's not the pollen's fault, but rather
their own for not drinking enough water. When you are dehydrated, your body
restricts airways in order to conserve water and keep it from exiting the
body. In addition, as the body loses water, its histamine production
increases, and allergy symptoms worsen.*

*[image: Fun & Info @ Keralites.net]*

*3. High Blood PressureAlthough blood pressure fluctuates in response to a
number of factors, and it is possible that one of them is dehydration. The
blood is made up of 92 percent water when the body is fully hydrated. But
when we are dehydrated, the blood becomes thicker, causing a certain
resistance to the blood flow and thus resulting in elevated blood pressure
and even a higher risk of clotting.*

*4. High CholesterolLike blood pressure, high cholesterol could be the
result of a number of factors, but it is certain that being dehydrated
doesn't help. When the body is dehydrated, it produces more cholesterol to
prevent water loss in the cells. As your body is in defence mode as a
result of not drinking enough water, your cholesterol spikes to make up for
the change.5. Skin DisordersIf you suffer from dry skin, eczema or are
prone to rashes and dandruff, it is possible that your skin is not
receiving the moisture it needs. When you are dehydrated, the body's
ability to eliminate toxins through the skin is impaired, making it more
vulnerable to all kinds of skin disorders and dryness. Not drinking enough
water could even cause pre-mature wrinkling and discolouration in the skin,
that we end up spending big bucks on to find a miracle cream that works.
Instead, make sure to drink your 8-10 cups of water daily and you may be
able to save your skin and your wallet a lot of the effort.*

[image: Fun & Info @ Keralites.net]
6. Bladder and Kidney Problems

*Dehydration triggers the accumulation of toxins and acid waste that
creates an environment for bacteria to thrive. These bacteria-ridden areas
can result in bladder and kidney problems, and increase the chances for
infection, inflammation and pain in these areas.*

7. Digestive Disorders

*It's no secret that the key to a good digestive system is drinking enough
water, especially lukewarm (room temperature) water. The shortage of water
in your body also means a shortage of alkaline minerals like calcium and
magnesium. These minerals are essential for your digestive system to work
effectively, and when you have a short, you become more prone to painful
and uncomfortable conditions like ulcers, gastritis and acid reflux.*

8. Constipation

*Possibly the most stressful of all digestive disorders, constipation is
one of the earliest and clearest signs that your body is not getting the
water it needs. Your colon (where the final stages of digestion take place)
is one of the primary sources for water in the body. When you are
dehydrated, the water continues to draw water from the colon, but this
means that waste moves through the large intestine much slower or not at
all. This results in painful cramps in your lower abdomen as well as
frustrating constipation and discomfort.*

*9. Joint Pain and Stiffness*

*One of the most important parts of the joint, its cartilage padding, is
composed mostly of water, so when you are dehydrated, this cartilage is
weakened. This makes it difficult to move and use your joins freely, and
repair to the joints is much slower and more painful.*

[image: Fun & Info @ Keralites.net]
10. Weight Gain

*Probably one of the least obvious results of dehydration, weight gain can
occur easily when an individual is not properly hydrated. Cells are
depleted of energy and seem to cry out for more nutrients. The problem is
that most individuals confuse the cells' cry for help as a reason to eat a
sandwich, when what they really need is a glass or two of water.*

*11. Premature Aging*

The Wonders of Modern Architecture Are A Joy to Behold

2017-09-18 Thread Raman K
*15 Wondrous Examples of
Modern Architecture!* 

Oh, the wonders of
modern architecture! The geniuses of architecture today continue to create
and design masterpieces that could make one proud of being a citizen of the
21st Century! *Enjoy the beauty of these modern architectural masterpieces!*

*The Elephant Building,
Bangkok, Thailand* 


*Brasilia Cathedral,
Brasilia, Brazil* 


*National Theater,
Beijing, China* 


*Fuji Television
Building, Tokyo, Japan* 


*The Gherkin, London,
United Kingdom* 


*The Bullring,
Birmingham, United Kingdom*


*Tenerife Concert Hall,
Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain*


- Advertisement -

*Lotus Temple, Delhi,


2017-09-18 Thread Raman K

Years are passing by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing
salt and any unwanted bacteria entering our body.

With time salt accumulates in our kidney and it needs to undergo cleaning
treatment. How are we going to do this?

Here is an easy, cheap and simple way to do it.Take a bunch of coriander
(KOTTHUMALLI Leaves) and wash it clean. Cut it in small pieces and put it
in a pot. Pour clean water and boil it for ten minutes and let it cool
down. Next filter it and pour it in a clean bottle and keep it in
refrigerator to cool.
Drink one glass everyday and you will notice all salt and other accumulated
impurities coming out of your kidney while urination. You will be able to
notice the difference yourself!

KOTTHUMALLI /CORIANDER is known as a best cleaning treatment for kidneys
and the best part is it is naturally available and will cost you just
couple of rupees.

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Modern Culture -- you are in it -

2017-09-17 Thread Raman K
  *[image: 97f45f2e7150exor3TDB.jpg]*

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*[image: 8440c35f57846TAiumPG.jpg]*

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*[image: 97f45f2e7812uOzswOCS.jpg]*


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This Young Lady Handles Beautiful Birds of Prey Every Day!

2017-09-16 Thread Raman K
*Young Lady Handles Massive Birds of Prey

* This young lady works
as a handler in the Gauntlet Birds of Prey Eagle and Vulture Park in
Cheshire, England. After many requests from her friends, she decided to
bring a camera to work and start recording her day with spectacular
results: *

*Marvin the Martial

Martial Eagles are
native to central and southern African. They have a wingspan of up to 2.6m
(8'9") and live for about 14 years and are known to prey on animals as big
as baboons and smaller warthogs, and dangerous ones cobras and even Black

[image: Birds of Prey]

*He's very mysterious...*

[image: Birds of Prey]

*Little Owl*

As the name suggests,
these guys are pretty small, reaching a size of about 22cm (8.6 inches).
They're very common throughout Europe, the Middle East, and South-East Asia.

[image: Birds of Prey]

*Ellie-May, an African
Griffin Vulture* 

Griffin Vultures are
very large, with a wingspan of 2.6m (8'9"). They are also the
highest-flying birds, climbing to heights of 11,300m (37,000ft) above sea

[image: Birds of Prey]

*Fran, a Peregrine

Peregrine Falcons are
one of the most common birds of prey in the world. These medium-sized
raptors are the fastest animals in nature, reaching speeds of 389Km/h

[image: Birds of Prey]

*Lumpy, the Great Grey

Great Greys are
distributed along the northern hemisphere, and are the largest species of
owl. Their wingspan can exceed 152cm (60in) in length and can weigh as much
as 2kg (4.2lb). Interesting fact about these owls is that they don't build
nests and prefer to use nests built by other large birds.

[image: Birds of Prey]

[image: Birds of Prey]

*Vega, a Bald Eagle*

The official bird of the
United States of America, the Bald Eagle is native to North America. In the
early 20th-century, Bald Eagles were on the brink of extinction in most of
the continent, but thanks to the efforts of the U.S. Federal Government,
the population recovered and the Bald Eagle is now common again throughout
the continent. 


2017-09-12 Thread Raman K
(File Photo | AP)

BHOPAL: Prohibitory orders under Section 144 of CrPc have been clamped in
Narsinghpur town of Madhya Pradesh after a flag resembling that of Pakistan
was found hoisted atop a Hanuman Temple.

The flag was found hoisted atop the Panchmukhi Hanuman Temple in Jarjora
Road area of Narsinghpur town (around 200 km from state capital Bhopal).

The temple priest spotted the flag atop the temple on Thursday. Local
police were informed and the temple staff immediately removed the flag that
had a white star and a crescent on a dark green field, with a vertical
white stripe at the hoist. But unlike on the Pakistan’s national flag, the
crescent of the flag on the temple’s top was facing downward with a star
below it.

A message was also found scribbled on the temple wall, threatening to wipe
out a particular community.

According to DIG Chhindwara Range, Dr GK Pathak, a case has been lodged
against unidentified persons for hurting religious sentiments and CCTV
footage retrieved from near the temple is being scanned to find the

Members of saffron outfits immediately got into the act and carried out a
procession in the town over the incident, which prompted the local
administration to impose Section 144 of CrPc, prohibiting the gathering of
more than four persons in the town.
The local police have also warned of action if anyone is found sharing
communally sensitive content on social media platforms.

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COMING SOON - Do mind your Ts and Rs, guys!

2017-09-12 Thread Raman K
>> [image: simplezoom-img]
>>- The buses with alternate fuels are all produced in India
>>- The fuel cell produces electricity to power the electric motor
>>- The Hybrid buses will soon be seen in Mumbai
>> Tata Motors launched the future of mass public transportation at its Pune
>> facility and took another step in the direction of green technology and
>> mobility solutions. The company launched the Starbus Electric 9m, Starbus
>> Electric 12m and the Starbus Hybrid 12m range of buses which are designed,
>> developed, powered by alternate fuels and made in India. The company says
>> will be a good for smart cities. The company also showcased the country's
>> first Fuel Cell bus (12m), LNG Powered bus (12m), and an 18m Articulated
>> bus.
>> The Hydrogen Powered Starbus Fuel Cell bus is a zero-emission mass
>> transport solution, for inter-city commute and has been developed in
>> partnership with ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation). Combining
>> hydrogen gas and oxygen, the fuel cell produces electricity to power the
>> electric motor, with water and heat as a byproduct. This is the first time
>> an Indian manufacturer has ventured in this direction. As far as Electric
>> buses are concerned, Tata Motors finds a rival in the form of Ashok Leyland
>> who recently revealed the Circuit series of all-electric buses
>>  which
>> was in fact India's first of its kind.
>> [image: tata motors bus]
>> Starbus Articulated Bus
>> The company has already extensively tested the CNG hybrid buses across
>> the country in cities like Mumbai, Ahmedabad and Surat and we first saw
>> them in New Delhi during the 2010 Commonwealth games.
>> It was just last year that the company signed a contract for the single
>> largest order for Hybrid Electric vehicle technology, with the Mumbai
>> Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA), to supply 25 units of
>> the Starbus Diesel Hybrid electric bus with Full Low floor configuration.
>> These buses will be delivered in the first quarter of FY2017-18 and will
>> connect Sion, Bandra & Kurla to Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC).
>> [image: tata motors bus]
>> Starbus Hybrid Bus
>> Ravindra Pisharody, Executive Director - Commercial Vehicles, Tata Motors
>> said, "We have consistently been developing and manufacturing products that
>> can contribute to CO2 reductions across all road transport segments and
>> with early investments in new technologies, we are geared up to further
>> strengthen our market leadership. With our new range of Future ready buses,
>> we will continue to play an active role in mass public transportation, with
>> a commitment towards striking the right balance between sustainable growth
>> and profitability."


*"To fight the darkness do not draw your sword, light a candle"   *
*"You can't climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets"*

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Debate on food safety in India and how it is related to cancer.

2017-09-12 Thread Raman K
Dr. Vishal Rao, an oncologist and head and neck surgeon at the
Bangalore-based HealthCare Global (HCG) Cancer Center, writes about the
debate on food safety in India and how it is related to cancer.

A 45-year-old man presented himself to an oncologist with the typical
symptoms of stomach cancer. His worst fears came true, the biopsy reports
showed positive results.

He led an extremely healthy lifestyle; exercised regularly, maintained a
balanced diet and did not have any addictions. Yet, cancer had managed to
conquer his system. The distraught man asked the doctor, “Why me?” The
visibly uncomfortable doctor was speechless.
Many oncologists go through a similar ordeal almost every day.

[image: doc]
Picture for representation only. Source: Flickr

A lot of their patients may have maintained a healthy lifestyle and yet,
end up succumbing to cancer. It may not be just tobacco; we have tons of
other carcinogens, which have unfortunately entered our diet chart.

Some of the reports on food exports from India show we rank among the top
in agri-food rejects to USA & EU as per the UNIDO reports. The key reasons
for rejects implicated in the reports were – mycotoxins, microbial
contamination, veterinary drug residues, heavy metals, unauthorised food
additives, product composition and pesticide residues.

Ever wondered if this was the quality for exports, what could be the
standards of internal consumption for us Indians? The *Maggi* trial that
India witnessed recently opened the much-needed debate on food safety,
exposing just the tip of the iceberg.

Let’s reflect on a few aspects of such safety issues. Why do we stand where
we stand today?
Current status of food quality

“Diet and nutrition are two different aspects of food.” Is the current
state of food quality in India a matter of implausible conjecture or a
reality yet to dawn in the Indian mindset? Pesticides, preservatives and
wasted calories seem to be the trends of the new Indian recipes.

[image: food]
Source: Flickr 

Recently a patient of mine walked into my outpatient clinic for a follow up
visit. He brought with him a basket of fresh fruits as a token of his
gratitude. While he handed it to me, he exclaimed, “Doc, these are not the
regular ones which I keep for sale, these are ones grow for my own

The larger question – is our farmer well educated about balancing the
quantity of pesticides to be used for safe and optimal yield; or does he
believe that more is better! (Dilution and mixing of pesticides in
regulated quantity is key.)

A growing concern among consumers is the question – do we have too much
pesticides in our food? Are these really harmful? Is there a way to prevent

I have heard that often export rejects from various countries look at India
as a potential market — be it tyres, automobiles or food products. Thanks
to poor consumer awareness and implicit trust of the consumer in the
manufacturer to abide by ethical practices. This is further compounded by
extremely poor vigilance and enforcement by government agencies.

The Endosulfan Tragedy in Kerala has killed over 4,000 people and many have
been affected since the 1970’s. Endosulfan is an internationally banned
insecticide that was earlier used in cashew plantations to increase the
product yield.

The progeny of many of the survivors still suffer from conditions like
macrocephaly, intellectual disabilities and cancer. Despite the ban made by
UN, Endosulfan is still being used in India. Recent reports in media
highlighted traces of endosulfan found in several vegetables. Personal
interactions with farmers confirm their use of these banned pesticides
owing to a quick, sustained and stable yield.

Yes, pesticide residues in food are a growing concern. It is, however,
vital to consume healthy and nutritious food after washing them thoroughly.
Avoiding fruits and vegetables in fear of residue pesticides would be more
harmful that the consumption of minimal residues themselves in causing
cancer. Organic foods from reported and accredited farms may be the way
forward and needs encouragement from the agriculture department.
Educational programmes for farmers from NGO’s and departments would pave
the way in foundation of food safety in farms.

Insecticide act of India 1968 is awaiting amendments. The amended act
awaits clearance in Rajya Sabha.

[image: food3]
Source: Flickr 

Traditionally, preservatives were 

The Best of Nature in the U.S. is Depicted in these Photos

2017-09-12 Thread Raman K
*Stunning Natural Beauty
of the U.S.* 

The United States is
blessed with diverse geographical beauty, with some places that stand out
among the rest, as true works of natural art. People have different ideas
of who the artist is, but these 16 locations are true masterworks of
topography, drama, and unforgettable vision.

*1. Lake Tahoe,
[image: natural spots in
the u.s,]This picturesque lake holds several titles, including the largest
alpine lake, second-deepest, and sixth largest volume of fresh water in the
United States. It is located in the Sierra Nevada range, at an elevation of
6,225ft (1,897m). Experts believe that it formed around 2 million years
ago, and nowadays it is a popular tourist attraction.

*2. Maroon
Bells-Snowmass Wilderness, Colorado*

[image: natural spots in
the u.s,] 
Colorado's untamed
nature can be experienced here at its finest, in an area that spreads
across 181,500 acres, with 100 miles (160km) of paths, meandering between
snow-covered peaks, lakes, and woodlands. The area is named after the two
peaks known as "Maroon Bells" and Snowmass mountain.

*3. Watkins Glen State
Park, New York* 
[image: natural spots in
the u.s,] 
An enchanted place,
filled with dozens of shaded areas, covered by creepers and vines, with the
constant babble of water flow and the roars of waterfalls. This
beauty-filled forest spreads across nearly 1,000 acres, and is an ideal
spot for camping and hiking.

*4. Horseshoe Bend,
[image: natural spots in
the u.s,] 
Named for obvious
reasons, Horseshoe Bend is also the most photographed place in Glenn Canyon
National Park. Both the bend, as well as the surrounding area offer a
contrasting combination of ancient desert land and the powerful Colorado
*5. Grand Prismatic
Spring, Wyoming* 
[image: natural spots in
the u.s,] 
Yellowstone National
Park is packed with spectacular views, but one of it's most unique natural
attractions is this gorgeous spring, with its rainbow-colored rims, thanks
to a specialized bacteria that lives in it. It is the United States'
largest hot spring and the third largest in the world. If you were thinking
of taking a dip, think again - the average temperature is 158°F (70°C).

*6. Thor’s Well, Oregon*

[image: natural spots in
the u.s,] 
Thor, the Norse god of
thunder, is the namesake of this unique natural phenomenon that can be
described as a natural water fountain. Thor's Well is located in an area
called Cape Perpetua, and the powerful currents from the Pacific Ocean turn
it into a spectacle, particularly an hour before and after the high tide.

*7. Yosemite Valley,
[image: natural spots in
the u.s,] 
All of Yosemite Park

Modern Culture -- you are in it -

2017-09-12 Thread Raman K
  *[image: 97f45f2e7150exor3TDB.jpg]*

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Behold - the Terracotta Army

2017-09-11 Thread Raman K
Behold - the Terracotta Army

Most people would be
shocked and disgusted to see a head suddenly popping out of the earth of
their private garden and giving them a stare, but in the case of one
Chinese farmer, this was the beginning of a huge discovery for all human

The site of the
terracotta soldiers - which was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site -
is a subterranean cave containing no less than 7,000 clay, life-sized
statues of soldiers, meant to serve the first emperor of China in the

[image: terracotta-army]

The cave is located
about half an hour's drive from the city of Xi'an, and was discovered
completely by accident when a local farmer was digging into his land with
the goal of building a well, found, to his amazement, a life-sized head
made of terracotta (a type of clay) buried in it. It took him 10 years to
report his finding, which began a frenzy of digging in the area that took
70,000 workers and 36 years to complete. During that time, thousands of
clay soldiers were discovered, completing an entire hand-made army.

[image: terracotta-army]

After studying the cave
and clay soldiers for many years, researchers found that the cave was
created by Ching Shaw Huang Di, the first emperor of Xi'an, as a bid for

[image: terracotta-army]

The emperor, who started
his reign in 246 BC, when he was but 13 years old, developed the kingdom
and set a unified language and writing style. Some, however, maintain that
he was a hated tyrant. 

[image: terracotta-army]

After many assassination
attempts, the emperor developed a fear of death and wanted to ensure that
even after his death, he'd have enough soldiers to protect him from his
enemies. This led the emperor to spend 11 years building an entire
underground city, within stand thousands of clay statues of soldiers and
servants who await his command.

[image: terracotta-army]

The cave is spread over
an area of 16,300 square meters and split into three main areas. It
contains over 7,000 statues of warriors, with each of the statues having a
defined role. 

Because you make them "Famous" - Govt pays them handsomely

2017-09-11 Thread Raman K
*Because you make them "Famous" - your Govt pays them handsomely*

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2017-09-10 Thread Raman K
*Ekadasi upavasam and
this year Nobel prize!*
*What is the connection.. Please read on...*

This year's Nobel prize
for medicine has gone to a  Japanese scientist Dr. Yoshinori Ohsumi for his
research on autophagy. Autophagy means to "self-eat". In other words,  the
process by which the human body eats its own damaged cells and unused
proteins. Autophagy is a matural process and one which occurs in cases of

The failure of autophagy
is one of the main reasons for accumulation of damaged cells which
eventually leads to various diseases in the body. Autophagy is important to
prevent/fight cancer and plays a vital role in degrading and 'consuming'
cells infected by bacteria and viruses.

We must observe here
that ancient India had recommended a practice of fasting (Ekadasi) one day
in a fortnight. Many of us religiously follow this practice to this day as
a penance for spiritual progress without any idea of the biological and
therapeutic benefits of this practice. Through this process of fasting
induced autophagy, our body repaired its damaged and degenerated cells or
used up the proteins of the damaged cells for its survival.

Whenever modern science
conquers a frontier in any field, it somehow relates back to a quaint
spiritual practice followed in India for generations.

A day in a fortnight
spent in prayer and divine contemplation was a tonic for the mind and soul
while the practice of fasting ensured that the body would heal and
rejuvenate itself. 

Clearly, our ancients
believed in a process of holistic healing of both the body and the mind.
They could, quite remarkably, connect the yearning for spiritual progress
in a human being with the biological necessity of the human body. One
cannot but marvel, and bow our heads with admiration and reverence, at
their wisdom and deep scientific understanding of the body and the mind.

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2017-09-10 Thread Raman K

Kyaw Kyaw Winn (K.K.) is
a 3-time Myanmar Photographer of the Year and his nation’s most awarded
image maker. He is a brand ambassador for Nikon and Fujifilm, executive
editor of Digital Photography (Burmese Edition), chief photographer for
UNICEF Myanmar, and lead instructor for Luminous Journeys photo tour

*The Herdsman – Bagan,

*Jungle Falls – Myanmar*

*Window Light – Northern

*Yellow Rice – Myanmar
Golden Triangle* 

*Fisherman’s Cave – Hpa
An, Myanmar* 

*Sule Pagoda – Downtown
Yangon, Myanmar* 

*Let There Be Light –
Hpa An, Myanmar* 

*Novice Monks Washing –

*Chin Tribal Women –
near Mindat, Myanmar* 

*Monsoon Station –
Yangon, Myanmar* 

*GoldenBeach in the
Golden Land* 

*Reclining Buddha –
Smithsonian Grand Prize Winner – Bagan, Myanmar*

*Buffalo Shower –

*Eye of the Needle –
Yangon Circle Train* 

*Gratitude – Novice Nuns
in Yangon, Myanmar* 

*At the Feet of the
Master – Monywa, Myanmar*


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An Eco-Friendly, DNA-Shaped Building Is Going Up In Taiwan

2017-09-09 Thread Raman K
*Taiwan's Tao Zhu Yin

A skyscraper like no
other is being constructed in the capital of Taiwan, Taipei – it’s shaped
like the double helix pattern of human DNA, and will purify the bustling
city’s air once it’s completed.

The Tao Zhu Yin Yuan was
designed by Vincent Callebaut Architectures of Paris, and is scheduled for
completion in September 2017. The ambitious vision entailed creating an
energy-saving carbon absorbing structure that would play its own part in
fighting global warming. 

[image: Twisty]

The 21-story-high
residential complex will feature more than 23,000 trees and shrubs, and is
projected to absorb some 130 tons of carbon dioxide annually. Although that
seems like a miniscule amount when considering that the island nation of
Taiwan emits more than 250 million tons of CO2 each year, the skyscraper is
believed to be a significant step forward in eco-friendly architectural

[image: Twisty]

Furthermore, the
skyscraper maximizes the use of natural light and ventilation. It also
includes rainwater recycling and rooftop solar panels. The lead architect
behind the project, Vincent Callebaut, is the man behind several noteworthy
eco-concepts of the past few years.

[image: Twisty]

These include a floating
garden designed to clean European waterways, and an underwater skyscraper
made of ocean garbage. Other ideas he’s proposed are a 132-story urban farm
for New York City, and turning the whole of Paris into a green, smart city
by 2050. 

[image: Twisty]

Callebaut, who calls
himself an “archiobiotect”, says that it is our collective duty to adopt
more eco-responsible lifestyles and incorporate nature into the fabric of
our cities. The global population is set to balloon to 9 billion people by
2050, and some 80% of those inhabitants are predicted to live in megacities.

[image: Twisty]

He added that although
the primary reason for architecture has always been to protect man from
nature, its contemporary form seeks to reconcile human beings and their
natural ecosystems. For instance, gardens are increasingly becoming part of
buildings, rather than being placed to the side of them.

[image: Twisty]

Let’s hope that this
building turns out to be a success!


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13 Natural Home Remedies That Fight and Prevent Arthritis

2017-09-08 Thread Raman K
13 Home Remedies Are Effective Against Arthritis!*

is a type of disorder that involves inflammation of one or more joints in
the body. The condition affects approximately 350 million people worldwide,
with osteoarthritis being the most common type. Arthritis is the leading
cause of disability in the United States, with over 20 million people
affected by it.

can be triggered by severe bouts of inflammation, which occur when
chemicals are released from the body into the bloodstream, or damaged
tissue areas. This chemical release eventually aggravates the nerves, which
results in a great deal of pain. Rheumatoid arthritis can even cause
disfigurement of the hands.

Arthritis - Fight - Prevent]

going to discuss 13 tips for taking preventative measures against the
disease, as well as how to alleviate its symptoms if it's already present.
When discussing arthritis, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with the
different types of classes and associated symptoms.

Note:* The remedies listed here are NOT a substitute for medical treatment.
Please consult with your doctor if you're experiencing symptoms.

of Arthritis*

   idiopathic arthritis
   and pseudo-gout

of Arthritis*

   of joint function

20 Jaw-Dropping Natural Landscapes That Grip Your Soul

2017-09-08 Thread Raman K
*20 Jaw-Dropping Natural
Landscapes That Grip Your Soul!*

Before you are places
that not only draw the eye, but also the soul. Our planet is filled with
magical spots, some of them, created by man. Never forget that this is an
incredible world. So, whenever you are feeling low, a vacation to one of
these places will surely pick you up!

*1. Iguazu Falls, Brazil*

[image: beautiful,

*2. Horseshoe Bend,
United States* 

[image: beautiful,

*3. Tegalalang Rice
Terrace, Bali* 

[image: beautiful,

*4. Spirit Island,

[image: beautiful,

*5. Shotover River, New
Zealand * 

[image: beautiful,

*6. Swiss Alps,

[image: beautiful,

*7. Stone Forest, China*

[image: beautiful,

*8. Gullfoss, Iceland*

[image: beautiful,

*9. European Beech Trees
of Mariemont, Belgium* 

Amritha Vahini - Voice Of Jagadguru E-Magazine

2017-09-02 Thread Raman K
Voice of JagadGuru - Aug 2017 Edition

Sri Gurubhyoh Namaha!

With the blessings of our Jagadguru  Mahasannidanam Sri Sri Sri Bharathi
Teertha Mahaswamigal and Sannidanam Sri Sri Sri Vidhushekara Bharathi
Mahaswamigal, we are publishing the Aug' 2017 edition of the e-magazine,
VoiceOfJagadGuru. Please use the below links to access the magazine

For E-Magazine - *Aug'17 E Magazine

For Slokas -  *Aug'17 Slokas*

Kindly let us know your *Feedback & Comments* 

With Pranams,

Team - VoiceOfJagadGuru

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2017-09-02 Thread Raman K
*The Significance of Ganapati and 'Makkhan-chor' Gopalnanda*

(an interpretation)

In Sanskrit language, there are more than one meaning attached to a word.
For example, the word GO means cow as well as sense organs. Gopal means
cowherd. Gopal also means a yogi whose sense organs are completely under
his control. This dual meaning enables poets to bring out their best on the
physical plane as well as on the spiritual plane.

We have Krishna the cowherd boy in Vraj and Vrindavan, and we have
Gopalnanda Krishna, the yogeshwar, milking the Upanishads, and the milk is
the great nectar of the Bhagavad Gita.(Gita Dhyanam, verse 4, usually found
at the beginning of Bhagavad Gita books). The maakhan (cream) or the gist
or essence of the Upanishads is presented in the Bhagavad Gita. This is
what the `makkhan chor' took from the Upanishads and distributed for the
benefit of mankind.

Similarly, a common Sanskrit word to denote elephant is *GAJA.* Here
Gajanan means elephant faced - a name for Ganapati. But the word Gaja has a
much deeper connotation. GA indicates gati, the final goal towards which
the entire creation is moving, whether knowingly or unknowingly. JA stands
for janma, birth or origin. Hence *GAJA *signifies GOD from whom worlds
have come out and towards whom they are progressing, to be ultimately
dissolved in Him. The elephant head is thus purely symbolical.

We observe creation in its two fold manifestation as the microcosm
(sukshmanda) and the macrocosm (brahmanda). Each is a replica of the other.
They are one in two and two in one. The elephant head stands for the
macrocosm (representing vastness or bigness), and the human body for the
microcosm. The two form one unit. Since the macrocosm is the goal of the
microcosm, the elephant part has been given greater prominence by making it
a head.

The Chandogya Upanishad has pronounced a philisophical truth as *TAT-TVAM-ASI,
THAT- THOU -ART*. It simply means "You, the apparently limited individual,
are in essence, the cosmic Truth, the Absolute". The elephant-human form of
Ganapati is the iconographical representation of this great Vedantic
dictum. the elephant stands for the cosmic whereas the human stands for the
individual. The single image reflects their identity.

Vedanta is the synthesis of the `within' and the `without'; the macrocosm
and the microcosm. The study of this `within' of nature through an inquiry
into the `within' of man, who is the unique product of nature`s evolution,
is religion according to Indian thought. The synthesis of the knowledge of
the `without' , which the physical sciences give, and the `within' which
religion gives, is what India achieved in her Vedanta. This she calls *BRAHMA
- VIDYA* or philosophy; God or Brahman(*`BRAHMAN'* is the Upanishdic term
for the Supreme Reality, God) standing for the totality of reality,
physical and non-physical. Brahma - vidya is Sarva - vidya- pratishtha
(philosophy is the basis and support of all knowledge) says the Mundaka
Upanishad (i.i.i.).

The Ganapati Upanishad identifies Lord Ganesh with the Supreme Self. Lord
Ganesh represents the Pranava (AUM) which is the symbol of the Supreme
Self. Taitiriya Upanishad (1.8.1.) states: *"AUM ITI BRAHMAN -AUM is
Brahman(GOD)*. AUM is all this . Nothing can be done without uttering it.
This explains the practice of invokong Lord Ganesh before beginning any
rite or undertaking any project.

Lord Ganesh removes all obstacles on the path of the spiritual aspirant,
and bestows upon him worldly as well as spiritual success. So he is
called *VIGNA


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2017-09-01 Thread Raman K

That Will Make Your Life Easier

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2017-08-24 Thread Raman K
How To Train Your Brain To Stop Worrying
*Worrying is an unnecessary evil when it comes to your mental health.* Some
consider it simply a bad habit that can be unlearned with practice. Some
think that worrying may serve a purpose for the brain by helping us to
learn from past experiences and prepare for new ones. Whether good or bad,
worrying occupies our brain by focusing on an uncertain future that we
can’t control.
It is said that depression is focusing on past events that you wish you
could change, and that worrying is focusing on future events that you have
no control over. It could also be said about worrying that you only think
you have no control over the future when you can actually choose to take
action to help prepare for whatever it is you are worried about. In this
article, we will look at active ways that you can help train your brain to
stop worrying.

When you are training your brain to stop worrying, this one technique is
said to be the most valuable. If your brain is keeping you up at night by
thinking about something, put it down on paper or electronic format. Doing
so lets your brain breathe a mental sigh of relief by no longer having to
spend energy trying to remember these details. If you’re worrying about
what to serve for a gathering of friends, write down ‘What to serve?’
Writing it down also is a way for you to put your brain on notice and tell
your brain ‘This is important enough to write down.’ *Your brain has now
been alerted to put resources toward solving this problem rather than being
worried or having to remember the important thing to worry about.*
Why write it down? Researchers now have evidence that chronic worriers may
be chronic problem avoiders too. Scientists in the journal Anxiety, Stress
& Coping gave worriers an opportunity to write down three possible outcomes
for the situation they were worried about, then they analyzed their answers
for practical solutions. The scientists say ‘When participants’ problem
elaborations were rated for concreteness, both studies showed an inverse
relationship between degree of worry and concreteness: The more
participants worried about a given topic, the less concrete was the content
of their elaboration. The results challenge the view that worry may promote
better problem analyses. *Instead, they conform to the view that worry is a
cognitive avoidance response.*‘

*Meditation can help train your brain to stop worrying.* Researchers in the
journal Psychosomatic Medicine studied the effects of meditation and found
that meditation is particularly good for reducing cognitive anxiety, or
worrying. Although some people believe that they do not have time to
meditate, meditation is as easy as choosing to close your eyes right now
for 30 seconds or longer. The act of choosing to tune out other sources of
stress is an active step to train your brain to stop worrying.
A few moments where you consciously choose to avoid any non-natural noise
in your life will allow you to get centered around what is most important
to you, now and in the future. Worrisome thoughts may come to you while you
meditate, and this is normal. *Those who have mastered the art of brain
training to stop worrying recommend observing worrisome thoughts as they
enter the mind and simply watching them pass like clouds on a breezy day.*
Worry is how your brain learns to survive by deciding to activate the fight
or flight system. If a cougar jumps out at you, you instantly feel a rush
of adrenaline, and this fear response is the same thing that is happening
to your body when you worry, just at a much lower level over a longer
period of time.
The same study in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine found that exercise,
on the other hand, is good for when your body feels the symptoms of
anxiety, like jitteriness. *If your body feels less of the physical
symptoms of stress, your mind will interpret that there must be less to
worry about because the body is not in a state of heightened arousal.*
Exercise seems to give the body a secondary reason for the rapid heart rate
and perspiration that we may feel on a small level when we worry. Exercise
can help lower blood pressure, which is another physical symptom of stress
in the body. If you can identify that you are worrying, go for a 5-10
minute walk, outside if possible. Appreciate the sights and sounds of
nature while focusing on the motion of your limbs and the breaths that you

source and courtesy: How To Train Your Brain To Stop Worrying

How To Train Your Brain To Stop Worrying
Worrying is something we tend to do on a daily basis, but can we learn to

Five Lessons for Management Type Managers

2017-08-24 Thread Raman K
*5 minute management course*

*:** Lessons 1 through 6*

 *Lesson 1:*

*A man is getting into the shower just as his wife is finishing up her
shower, when the doorbell rings.*

*The wife quickly wraps herself in a towel and runs downstairs.*

*When she opens the door, there stands Bob, the next-door neighbor. *

* Before she says a word, Bob says, 'I'll give you $800 to drop that
towel.' *

*After thinking for a moment, the woman drops her towel and stands naked in
front of Bob, after a few *

*seconds, Bob hands her $800 and leaves.*

*The woman wraps back up in the towel and goes back upstairs. *

* When she gets to the bathroom, her husband asks, 'Who was that?' *

* 'It was Bob the next door neighbor,' she replies.*

* 'Great,' the husband says, 'did he say anything about the $800 he owes
me?' *

*Moral of the story:*

* If you share critical information pertaining to credit and risk with your
shareholders in time,*

*you may be in a position to prevent avoidable exposure.*

*Lesson 2:*

*A priest offered a Nun a lift.. *

* She got in and crossed her legs, forcing her gown to reveal a leg. *

* The priest nearly had an accident. *

* After controlling the car, he stealthily slid his hand up her leg. *

* The nun said, 'Father, remember Psalm 129?' *

* The priest removed his hand. But, changing gears, he let his hand slide
up her leg again.*

*The nun once again said, 'Father, remember Psalm 129?' *

* The priest apologized 'Sorry sister but the flesh is weak.' *

* Arriving at the convent, the nun sighed heavily *

*and went on her way.*

* On his arrival at the church, the priest rushed to look up Psalm 129. It
said, 'Go forth and seek, *

*further up, you will find glory.'*

* Moral of the story:*
*  If you are not well informed in your job, you might miss a great

*Lesson 3:*

*A sales rep, an administration clerk, and the manager are walking to lunch
when they find an antique oil lamp.*

* They rub it and a Genie comes out. *

*The Genie says, 'I'll give each of you just one wish.' *

*'Me first! Me first!' says the admin clerk. 'I want to be in the Bahamas ,
driving a speedboat, without a care in the world.'*

*Puff! She's gone. *

* 'Me next! Me next!' says the sales rep. 'I want to be in Hawaii ,
relaxing on the beach with my personal masseuse,*

*an endless supply of Pina Coladas and the love of my life.'*

* Puff! He's gone. *

* 'OK, you're up,' the Genie says to the manager. *

*The manager says, 'I want those two back in the office after *

*lunch.' *

*Moral of the story:*
* Always let your boss have the first say..*

*Lesson 4*

*An eagle was sitting on a tree resting, doing nothing. *

* A small rabbit saw the eagle and asked him, 'Can I also sit like you and
do nothing?'*

*The eagle answered: 'Sure, why not.'*

* So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the eagle and rested. All of a
sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it.*

* Moral of the story:*
*  To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up.*

*Lesson 5*

* A turkey was chatting with a bull. *

* 'I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree' sighed the
turkey, 'but I haven't got the energy.'*

*'Well, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings?' replied the bull.
They're packed with nutrients.'*

* The turkey pecked at a lump of dung, and found it actually gave him
enough strength to reach the lowest branch of the tree.*

* The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second branch. *

* Finally after a fourth night, the turkey was proudly perched at the top
of the tree.*

* He was promptly spotted by a farmer, who shot him out of the tree. *

*Moral of the story:*

*Bull Shit might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there..*

*Lesson 6*

*A little bird was flying south for the winter. It was so cold the bird
froze and fell to the ground into a large field.*

* While he was lying there, a cow came by and dropped some dung on him. *

* As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of cow dung, he began to realize
how warm he was.*

* The dung was actually thawing him out! *

* He lay there all warm and happy, and soon began to sing for joy. *

*A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate*

*Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow
dung, and promptly dug *

*him out and ate him.*

*Morals of the story:*

*(1) Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy. *

*(2) Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your *
* friend.*

*(3) And when you're in deep shit, it's best to keep *
* your mouth shut!*


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When Water Is Still, Beautiful Images Can Be Captured...

2017-08-21 Thread Raman K
*20 Photos of Incredibly
Still Water Reflections!*

We can all agree that
water has many beneficial properties, but we often forget to stop and
admire its clear and unique beauty, which provides the world’s most
beautiful places with a kind of mirror. Sunsets, trees, flowers, animals,
and blue skies – each one of these breathtaking views reflects in the
water, painting them in millions of shades.

These 20 photos from
around the world are the best examples of how divine this phenomenon is.
This is an excellent opportunity to lean back and enjoy the music and
wonderful photos that can bestow upon you a sense of tranquility, and
admire the beauty of Mother Nature’s art.

*1. Groningen, The


*2. Vestrahorn, Iceland*


*3. Dolomites, Italy*


*4. Flåm, Norway*


*5. Pernica Lake,


*6. Amsterdam, The


*7. Lake Bled, Slovenia*


*8. Taiwan*

Many Benefits of Pomegranates

2017-08-19 Thread Raman K
*The Many Health Benefits of Pomegranates*

The pomegranate has been part of human history since biblical times, and is
mentioned in Exodus, as well as in ancient Babylonian texts. The
pomegranate is actually a berry, and each fruit contains between 200 and
1400 seeds. The pulp that covers the seeds is what we generally eat and
drink, and it is very healthy!

[image: Pomegranate - Healthy - Tips - Benefits]
*Nutritional Value of Pomegranate:*
Pomegranates are rich in ellagic acid, an antioxidant, and punicic acid, an
Omega 5 polyunsaturated fatty acid that is beneficial for cell
regeneration. The juice is a great source of vitamins A, C and E, and
contains minerals like calcium, phosphorous, potassium and more.
*Health Benefits of Pomegranate Juice:*
Pomegranates have been used for their medicinal benefits throughout the
Middle East and the Far East for thousands of years. The fruit contains
many nutrients, such as quercetin, which helps protect the body from
diabetes, cancer and heart diseases.
*1. Cardiovascular Benefits*
Pomegranate juice helps keep your heart healthy by assisting arterial
elasticity and reducing blood-vessel inflammation. It also reduces
atherosclerosis – a leading cause in heart diseases. Additionally, the
juice helps in lowering the risk of arterial blockage, reducing LDL levels
and increasing HDL levels.
*2. Maintains Blood Sugar Levels:*
Despite containing fructose, pomegranate juice doesn’t elevate sugar levels
in the blood. Research showed that diabetics who drank pomegranate juice
for 2 weeks did not experience an increase in blood sugar levels.
*3. Maintains Blood Pressure:*
Pomegranate juice reduces lesions and inflammation in blood vessels,
reducing high blood pressure. It also works as a natural aspirin, thinning
the blood, improving blood flow in the body.
*4. Protection from Cancer:*
The antioxidants in the juice eliminate free radicals, thus inhibiting
cancerous cell growth. Pomegranate juice is believed to induce apoptosis –
a state where cancer cells destroy themselves. It’s considered highly
beneficial in preventing prostate cancer, as well as blocking the hormone
believed to be one of the main causes of breast cancer – aromatase.
*5. Soothes the Stomach:*
Pomegranate juice has been used to treat diarrhea and dysentery since
ancient times. It increases the production of enzymes that assist in
digestion. You can add a teaspoon of honey to a glass of pomegranate juice
to treat indigestion.
*6. Prevents Anemia:*
Anemia is caused when your body is low on red blood cells. The high levels
of iron in the juice help the body produce more red blood cells. It is also
considered a great remedy for red and sore eyes – simply put a few drops of
the juice in your eyes.
*7. Boosts Immunity:*
The antioxidants in the juice stimulate white blood cells, boosting their
efficiency. The juice has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties,
helping to reduce mouth bacteria that causes cavities and staph infections
(a group of bacteria that can cause a multitude of diseases).
*8. Improves Digestion:*
When it comes to the digestive system, pomegranates work wonders in aiding
the stomach and liver. It also helps soothe urinary tract infections and
eases the flow of urine. Rich in dietary fiber, pomegranates help regulate
bowel movements.
*9. Helps in Cartilage Regeneration:*
Pomegranate juice is known to inhibit the enzymes that cause damage to
cartilage, reducing future damage to the region. Unsweetened juice can
relieve arthritis, and bone inflammation. A regular intake of juice is
believed to curb the onset of Alzheimer’s and other neurological issues. It
is also believed to help dissolve kidney stones and even help erectile

*10. Anti-Aging Benefits:*
A diet rich in pomegranate juice helps slow down aging by reducing wrinkles
and fine lines caused by exposure to the sun. It also helps to sustain the
regeneration of the skin, preventing hyper-pigmentation and dark spots.
*11. Helps to Heal Scars*
Pomegranate juice improves cell regeneration of the skin and can hasten the
healing of wounds. The seeds themselves are also full of skin-beneficial
nutrients, protecting against sunburns and healing sun-damage.
*12. Good for Parental Care*
Pomegranate juice contains many vitamins and minerals, as well as folic
acid, all of which are essential in a prenatal diet. The anti-inflammatory
properties help improve blood flow for both the mother and the fetus. The
potassium in the juice prevents muscle cramps associated with pregnancy and
is even believed to prevent premature childbirth.
*13. Suited for All Skin Types:*
The juice works wonders on dry skin, effectively penetrating the skin and
moisturizing it. Punicic acid, an Omega 5 fatty acid in the juice, keeps
the skin hydrated by locking in the moisture. The juice also helps reduce
the production of sebum (an oily secretion of the seaceous glands),
preventing outbreaks of pimples.
*14. Improves skin texture:*

Before-And-After Photos Of Winter’s Beautiful Transformations!

2017-08-19 Thread Raman K
Before-And-After Photos
Of Winter’s Beautiful Transformations!

Winter is here, at least
for those of us in the northern hemisphere, and with it comes a whole bunch
of seasonal changes. The leaves are gone and the trees are naked, the grass
is hidden beneath the snow, and the ducks in the ponds are ice-skating
instead of swimming. The landscape is barely recognisable when compared to
the summer months, and as you can see from these pictures, many places look
incredibly different when juxtaposed against pictures of the opposite
season. The collection of photographs below contains some of the world’s
most beautiful places before and after the arrival of winter. From New York
and Norway to Iceland and Japan, you’ll be amazed how much  the seasons can
affect the overall personality of the landscapes they touch.


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Video from Ramesh Waghmare [1 Attachment]

2017-08-19 Thread Raman K
Nice to see this video

1 of 1 File(s)

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13 Natural Home Remedies That Fight and Prevent Arthritis

2017-08-19 Thread Raman K
13 Home Remedies Are Effective Against Arthritis!*

is a type of disorder that involves inflammation of one or more joints in
the body. The condition affects approximately 350 million people worldwide,
with osteoarthritis being the most common type. Arthritis is the leading
cause of disability in the United States, with over 20 million people
affected by it.

can be triggered by severe bouts of inflammation, which occur when
chemicals are released from the body into the bloodstream, or damaged
tissue areas. This chemical release eventually aggravates the nerves, which
results in a great deal of pain. Rheumatoid arthritis can even cause
disfigurement of the hands.

Arthritis - Fight - Prevent]

going to discuss 13 tips for taking preventative measures against the
disease, as well as how to alleviate its symptoms if it's already present.
When discussing arthritis, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with the
different types of classes and associated symptoms.

Note:* The remedies listed here are NOT a substitute for medical treatment.
Please consult with your doctor if you're experiencing symptoms.

of Arthritis*

   idiopathic arthritis
   and pseudo-gout

of Arthritis*

   of joint function


2017-08-14 Thread Raman K
How To Train Your Brain To Stop Worrying
*Worrying is an unnecessary evil when it comes to your mental health.* Some
consider it simply a bad habit that can be unlearned with practice. Some
think that worrying may serve a purpose for the brain by helping us to
learn from past experiences and prepare for new ones. Whether good or bad,
worrying occupies our brain by focusing on an uncertain future that we
can’t control.
It is said that depression is focusing on past events that you wish you
could change, and that worrying is focusing on future events that you have
no control over. It could also be said about worrying that you only think
you have no control over the future when you can actually choose to take
action to help prepare for whatever it is you are worried about. In this
article, we will look at active ways that you can help train your brain to
stop worrying.

When you are training your brain to stop worrying, this one technique is
said to be the most valuable. If your brain is keeping you up at night by
thinking about something, put it down on paper or electronic format. Doing
so lets your brain breathe a mental sigh of relief by no longer having to
spend energy trying to remember these details. If you’re worrying about
what to serve for a gathering of friends, write down ‘What to serve?’
Writing it down also is a way for you to put your brain on notice and tell
your brain ‘This is important enough to write down.’ *Your brain has now
been alerted to put resources toward solving this problem rather than being
worried or having to remember the important thing to worry about.*
Why write it down? Researchers now have evidence that chronic worriers may
be chronic problem avoiders too. Scientists in the journal Anxiety, Stress
& Coping gave worriers an opportunity to write down three possible outcomes
for the situation they were worried about, then they analyzed their answers
for practical solutions. The scientists say ‘When participants’ problem
elaborations were rated for concreteness, both studies showed an inverse
relationship between degree of worry and concreteness: The more
participants worried about a given topic, the less concrete was the content
of their elaboration. The results challenge the view that worry may promote
better problem analyses. *Instead, they conform to the view that worry is a
cognitive avoidance response.*‘

*Meditation can help train your brain to stop worrying.* Researchers in the
journal Psychosomatic Medicine studied the effects of meditation and found
that meditation is particularly good for reducing cognitive anxiety, or
worrying. Although some people believe that they do not have time to
meditate, meditation is as easy as choosing to close your eyes right now
for 30 seconds or longer. The act of choosing to tune out other sources of
stress is an active step to train your brain to stop worrying.
A few moments where you consciously choose to avoid any non-natural noise
in your life will allow you to get centered around what is most important
to you, now and in the future. Worrisome thoughts may come to you while you
meditate, and this is normal. *Those who have mastered the art of brain
training to stop worrying recommend observing worrisome thoughts as they
enter the mind and simply watching them pass like clouds on a breezy day.*
Worry is how your brain learns to survive by deciding to activate the fight
or flight system. If a cougar jumps out at you, you instantly feel a rush
of adrenaline, and this fear response is the same thing that is happening
to your body when you worry, just at a much lower level over a longer
period of time.
The same study in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine found that exercise,
on the other hand, is good for when your body feels the symptoms of
anxiety, like jitteriness. *If your body feels less of the physical
symptoms of stress, your mind will interpret that there must be less to
worry about because the body is not in a state of heightened arousal.*
Exercise seems to give the body a secondary reason for the rapid heart rate
and perspiration that we may feel on a small level when we worry. Exercise
can help lower blood pressure, which is another physical symptom of stress
in the body. If you can identify that you are worrying, go for a 5-10
minute walk, outside if possible. Appreciate the sights and sounds of
nature while focusing on the motion of your limbs and the breaths that you

source and courtesy: How To Train Your Brain To Stop Worrying

How To Train Your Brain To Stop Worrying
Worrying is something we tend to do on a daily basis, but can we learn to

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