[time-nuts] Clock project request from IEEE

2019-02-24 Thread Mark Sims
Lady Heather has a feature designed just for this application.  The TS keyboard 
command (and the /ts? command line options) allow setting the system clock from 
the time message sent by a GPS receiver (assuming the program has permission to 
set the clock).  This typically gets the system time set to under 50-100 msecs.

There are several issues that had to be overcome to make this work properly... 
the main one was characterizing and compensating for the delay / offset between 
when the GPS  time message arrives at the computer and the actual time encoded 
in the message.   I characterized the "time sync offset" for all the receivers 
that Heather supports and the program applies those default values.  You can 
also set the value manually (/tsx=) if your receiver / configuration / system / 
serial port does not match the default value.

The TS keyboard command sets the clock on demand.  The various /ts? command 
line options let you set the clock on a scheduled basis or whenever the system 
clock and GPS time diverge by a specified amount.  

The big disadvantage of Heather's clock setting algorithm is that the time set 
is a rather dumb "jamsync:" of the time... there is none of the smooth, 
monotonic clock adjustment that things like NTP do.   Jamming the time in can 
screw up file system time stamps, etc (hey! new file write looks like it 
occurred before an older file write, etc).  But, if you in a place without 
internet access it works quite well.  I develop Heather on a Windows XP box 
that is NEVER connected to the internet... the system clock drifts around a 
second per day.


> This does have an application that I've recently experienced, manually
setting the time on a PC that's used for amateur radio digital (FT8)
communications which require the computer's clock to be accurate
within 1 second.
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[time-nuts] Clock project request from IEEE

2019-02-24 Thread Mark Sims
I've looked at automatically determining the local time zone offset from UTC a 
few times... and always considered jumping off a cliff to be a better option.   
Huge, unreliable, always changing boundary data bases... local anomalies due to 
political reasons...  lotsa really boring testing and verification, etc.   So, 
Heather just lets the user tell it what the local time zone and daylight 
savings time rule is.  Ahhh, the sweet, sweet bliss of shuffling off a complex, 
error prone something onto the user... 
I did consider (if the user did not specify the time zone) to default it to 
assume every 15 degrees longitude was a 1 hour time zone.   Sort of like 
Heather's algorithmic guess of the current leap second count (GPS-UTC time 
offset value) if the receiver / input device does not send a UTC offset 
value... it's not always right but is better than nothing.  If it's not right 
the user can specify the correct value.  Guessed values are shown on the screen 
in red,  user specified values are shown in yellow,  device supplied values are 
shown in white.  Speaking of which,  aren't we getting close to needing a new 
leapsecond... it's been a while since the last one?

> Maybe Lady Heather could use that to find local time (if
she doesn't already do it).

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[time-nuts] Venus timing receiver PPS output

2019-02-19 Thread Mark Sims
I recently add the ability to Lady Heather to monitor a PPS output and apply 
sawtooth correction sto the measured PPS and log the results. 

The Venus timing receivers tout a PPS output with +/- 6 nsec PPS jitter and 
sawtooth corrections.  Alas, the PPS output does not appear to meet this claim.

The latest receivers that I tested were the Venus/Navspark/Sayer timing 
receivers that use the Venus GPS timing receiver chip.   I was measuring PPS 
jitter on the order of -26/+32  nsec, which a +/-6 nsec sawtooth correction 
message has little useful effect on.  Plotting a histogram of the measured PPS 
values shows several humps in the histogram that are spaced 12 nsec apart.  It 
seems that their PPS generator has some issues deciding  just which clock cycle 
to trigger on.___
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[time-nuts] Correcting measured PPS values with receiver sawtooth correction values

2019-02-16 Thread Mark Sims
The F9 has a totally new internal architecture / processor, so it's best to 
make no assumptions about how it works compared to older models.

For the LEA-6T the correction strategy is clearly "add  previous sawtooth 
value".  That does not work for the F9P.  

The two candidates for the F9P are "add current sawtooth" or "subtract previous 
sawtooth".  I had been favoring "subtract previous" but some more detailed 
analysis seems to favor "add current".  The difference between the results of 
the  two strategies is rather subtle and it is very hard to determine which is 
the correct one.

> I don't think that uBlox changed the defaults over their previous
generation, so whatever worked for the M8 series should be applicable
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[time-nuts] Correcting measured PPS values with receiver sawtooth correction values

2019-02-15 Thread Mark Sims
I am adding the ability to Lady Heather to apply receiver sawtooth correction 
values to measured PPS values... this requires having a receiver that outputs 
sawtooth values as the main input device and connecting a TICC/counter 
measuring the receiver PPS output as an auxiliary input device.

There are six different ways of calculating the corrected PPS value:  
add/subtract the previous/current/next sawtooth value from the measured PPS 
value.   The combination that works properly depends upon the receiver and 
counter.   It is easy to find the correct combination by trying each one and 
seeing which one produces the "best" results ("best" being determined by which 
one had the lowest corrected PPS span, average, sdev, variance, etc).

For all the receivers that I have tested there is only one combination that 
jumps out as being the correct one.   However, for the new Ublox F9P, there are 
two combinations that produce virtually identical measurements and statistics 
(add current sawtooth or subtract previous sawtooth).  Any ideas on how to 
determine which combination is the "correct" one?
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[time-nuts] Lucent RFTGm-II-XO / Lucent RFTGm-II-Rb / NT BW50AA

2019-02-12 Thread Mark Sims
On some GPSDOs (like those made by Trimble that speak TSIP) you can disable 
disciplining.  Doing this usually reduces phase noise on the outputs,  but in 
this mode the frequency will drift over time.  A lot of hams normally keep 
disciplining on and turn it off when they are driving a radio.   The oscillator 
in the "gold box" Thunderbolts (like those bought from TAPR) have oscillators 
that tend to have rather good phase noise characteristics.


>None of the GPSDO’s out there are great for multiplying direct to microwaves. 
>It’s not so much
the phase noise as all the spurs (though phase noise does vary a bit). 
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[time-nuts] F9T, was Re: Ublox F9P PPS output

2019-02-12 Thread Mark Sims
Hopefully if Sparkfun does a F9T, they will bring out a pad for TIMEPULSE 2.   
On the F9P, I have been unable to change the settings for TIMEPULSE2...  maybe 
the F9P does not actually support it even though is is mentioned in the docs.   
Sparkfun has their SPARKX division that does short runs of boards that are 
experimental or not mass-market devices... they might do an F9T that way.  
Maybe some time-nut suggestions will influence them to do a F9T.
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[time-nuts] Ublox F9P PPS output

2019-02-11 Thread Mark Sims
I got in a Ublox F9P multi-band receiver from Sparkfun.   Lately I've been 
testing the 1PPS output.   This data is from the F9P tracking GPS and GLONASS 
L1 and L2.  The PPS was measured by a TAPR TICC clocked by an HP-5071A.   BTW, 
processing the raw F9P measurement data with CSRS-PPP produces  lat/lon/alt 
location error ellipses in the 5/10/20mm range with my horrible antenna 
location.  Bob got 3/6/12 mm.

 The GREEN plot is the PPS output from the F9P.  The ORANGE plot is that value 
adjusted by the sawtooth correction.   The BLUE line is the PPS ADEV plot.  It 
is interesting that the reported F9P sawtooth values don't average to 0.000 

#   Device: Ublox F9P receiver
#   Unit type: TAPR TICC
#   Serial number: 
#   Firmware ver:  
#   Board ver: 
#   EEPROM ver:0
#   Mode:  Timestamp
#   Ref clock: HP-5071A
#   Unit type: Ublox F9 receiver
#   SW:EXT CORE 1.00 (eba0dc
#   HW:0019
#   ROM 1: ROM BASE 0x118B2060
#   ROM 2: FWVER=HPG 1.10
#   ROM 3: PROTVER=27.10
#   ROM 4: MOD=ZED-F9P
#   ROM 6: QZSS
#  PPS ADEV for 84955 points - sample period=1.000 secs  - bin count:14
#  1.000 tau  3.4621e-009 (n=43197)
#  2.000 tau  1.7355e-009 (n=43195)
#  5.000 tau  6.8783e-010 (n=43189)
# 10.000 tau  3.4520e-010 (n=43179)
# 20.000 tau  1.7183e-010 (n=43159)
# 50.000 tau  7.0574e-011 (n=43099)
#100.000 tau  3.6007e-011 (n=42999)
#200.000 tau  1.8072e-011 (n=42799)
#500.000 tau  7.2585e-012 (n=42199)
#   1000.000 tau  3.6834e-012 (n=41199)
#   2000.000 tau  1.8453e-012 (n=39199)
#   5000.000 tau  7.4818e-013 (n=33199)
#  1.000 tau  3.5851e-013 (n=23199)
#  2.000 tau  1.6814e-013 (n=3199)
#  PPS HDEV for 84955 points - sample period=1.000 secs  - bin count:13
#  1.000 tau  3.6499e-009 (n=43196)
#  2.000 tau  1.8313e-009 (n=43193)
#  5.000 tau  7.2455e-010 (n=43184)
# 10.000 tau  3.6413e-010 (n=43169)
# 20.000 tau  1.8064e-010 (n=43139)
# 50.000 tau  7.4202e-011 (n=43049)
#100.000 tau  3.7939e-011 (n=42899)
#200.000 tau  1.9034e-011 (n=42599)
#500.000 tau  7.6306e-012 (n=41699)
#   1000.000 tau  3.8724e-012 (n=40199)
#   2000.000 tau  1.9281e-012 (n=37199)
#   5000.000 tau  7.8140e-013 (n=28199)
#  1.000 tau  3.5864e-013 (n=13199)
#  PPS MDEV for 84955 points - sample period=1.000 secs  - bin count:13
#  1.000 tau  3.4621e-009 (n=43197)
#  2.000 tau  1.2295e-009 (n=43194)
#  5.000 tau  3.0416e-010 (n=43185)
# 10.000 tau  1.0540e-010 (n=43170)
# 20.000 tau  3.8724e-011 (n=43140)
# 50.000 tau  1.5815e-011 (n=43050)
#100.000 tau  7.9180e-012 (n=42900)
#200.000 tau  3.5732e-012 (n=42600)
#500.000 tau  1.1746e-012 (n=41700)
#   1000.000 tau  5.9070e-013 (n=40200)
#   2000.000 tau  3.3584e-013 (n=37200)
#   5000.000 tau  1.4796e-013 (n=28200)
#  1.000 tau  5.1583e-014 (n=13200)
#  PPS TDEV for 84955 points - sample period=1.000 secs  - bin count:13
#  1.000 tau  1.9989e-009 (n=43197)
#  2.000 tau  1.4197e-009 (n=43194)
#  5.000 tau  8.7803e-010 (n=43185)
# 10.000 tau  6.0855e-010 (n=43170)
# 20.000 tau  4.4715e-010 (n=43140)
# 50.000 tau  4.5654e-010 (n=43050)
#100.000 tau  4.5714e-010 (n=42900)
#200.000 tau  4.1260e-010 (n=42600)
#500.000 tau  3.3908e-010 (n=41700)
#   1000.000 tau  3.4104e-010 (n=40200)
#   2000.000 tau  3.8780e-010 (n=37200)
#   5000.000 tau  4.2712e-010 (n=28200)
#  1.000 tau  2.9781e-010 (n=13200)
#  PPS MTIE for 32768 points - sample period=1.000 secs  - bin count:16
#  1.000 tau  6.5166e+000 (n=32768)   (nanoseconds max time interval error)
#  2.000 tau  6.5166e+000 (n=32766)
#  4.000 tau  6.5166e+000 (n=32764)
#  8.000 tau  6.5166e+000 (n=32760)
# 16.000 tau  6.5166e+000 (n=32752)
# 32.000 tau  6.5166e+000 (n=32736)
# 64.000 tau  6.5166e+000 (n=32704)
#128.000 tau  6.5166e+000 (n=32640)
#256.000 tau  6.5166e+000 (n=32512)
#512.000 tau  6.5166e+000 (n=32256)
#   1024.000 tau  6.5166e+000 (n=31744)
#   2048.000 tau  6.5166e+000 (n=30720)
#   4096.000 tau  6.5166e+000 (n=28672)
#   8192.000 tau  6.5166e+000 (n=24576)
#  16384.000 tau  6.5166e+000 (n=16384)
#  32768.000 tau  6.5166e+000 (n=1)
#  Plot statistics:
# Sawtooth:
#   rms: 2.257634439 ns
#   avg: -0.109084539 ns
#   sdv: 2.254997522 ns
#   var: 5.085013825 ns
#   min: -4.04700 ns
#   max: 3.80800 ns
#   span: 7.85500 ns
# Tpps: (measured PPS deviation form 1. seconds)
#   rms: 3.255180518 ns
#   avg: 0.000165522 ns
#   sdv: 3.255180514 ns
#   var: 10.596200180 ns
#   min: -8.712959243 ns
#   max: 8.774804883 ns
#   span: 17.487764126 ns
# Tadj: (PPS measurement adjusted for sawtooth error)
#   rms: 2.305958761 ns
#   avg: -0.108871574 ns
#   sdv: 2.303387242 ns
#   var: 

[time-nuts] HP Stories: Battery Chargers, and a fading idolization of HP

2019-02-10 Thread Mark Sims
Back in the late 70's I  worked for a mini-computer company.   They were a 
horrendous paper-work factory... spec after needless/useless/virtually 
identical documentation requirements.   I wrote one document where I put all 
the timings in units of "ffn"...  femto-fortnights.   It was over three years 
later that somebody asked me what a "ffn" is.  After 5 years, he and I were the 
only people to ever request a copy of that document.


>“Hey, no one will notice that the stamping on the transistor doesn’t match the 
>parts list.   I’ll bet no one will look at this schematic carefully anyway. 
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[time-nuts] Rooftop antenna and splitter

2019-01-31 Thread Mark Sims
You will need RINEX v3.x format to take advantage of the F9 multi-GNSS data.   
CSRS-PPP seems to be the only online service that takes v3 data.  Also they 
seem to only handle GPS and GLONASS at the moment.

I have an F9P on order, but Fedex seems to be taking their sweet time (says 2 
weeks to go from Colorado to Texas).   When it gets here it should not take too 
long to get Heather working with it.

> Off to figure out how to get the F9P data into RINEX ….

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[time-nuts] Rooftop antenna and splitter

2019-01-30 Thread Mark Sims
I don't know if that Chinese multi-band antenna needs a ground plane/pizza pan. 
 My antenna mount tripod has one handy, so I am using it.My first tests 
were without the pan and I didn't notice any before/after differences but did 
not do any extensive testing.  The CSRS-PPP position error ellipse results were 
pretty much the same.
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[time-nuts] Rooftop antenna and splitter

2019-01-29 Thread Mark Sims
This is the antenna that I am now using.   I do have it mounted over an 18" 
pizza pan... I don't know if that does any good,  it seemed to work fine 
without it.

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[time-nuts] Connector help?

2019-01-27 Thread Mark Sims
Before I got my multi-band splitter/amp I was using a HP-58517A 8 channel unit. 
  It worked reasonably well with GLONASS and BEIDOU L1.  GLONASS signal was a 
bit degraded and you would lose a few satellites.   I could even track GPS L2 
with an Ashtech Z12, but the L2 carrier phase / pseudorange data was rather 
iffy and getting a good L1/L2 position solution was rather difficult.


>Since the HP splitter will knock out everything that is not right on top of 
>GPS, are you
sure you want to go that route? 
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[time-nuts] Rooftop antenna and splitter

2019-01-27 Thread Mark Sims
I'm currently using one of those sub-$100 Chinese multi-band antennas.  It 
works quite well.   With a L1/L2 survey grade receiver I get position error 
ellipses in the 6-10 mm range (amazing considering my horrible 
antenna/multipath environment).

Antenna feed is 50 feet of RG6 coax.  It feeds a multiband S18-NF 8 channel 
amplified splitter that I bought off of Ebay for $300. 

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[time-nuts] Frequency standard

2019-01-26 Thread Mark Sims
Most of the UCCM devices don't store the position.  They do a survey every time 
they power on.  The Samsung devices also seem to do a survey after extended 
periods of holdover.  Some of the Trimble (or is it Symmetricom) units will 
save the survey position in EEPROM.

I recently did a comparison of 17 different models of GPSDOs.  The Samsung UCCM 
device performed quite well...  it's currently my favorite "set it and forget 
it" GPSDO.  

Note that my antenna position is rather horrible (antenna 1 m above ground, 
lots of trees, 2 story house 20 feet west of the antenna) so these comparisons 
provide a good idea of what is possible in sub-optimal conditions.


TVB did some more processing of the raw data through Timelab and came up with 
some very nice plots of the results:


>  I recommend the UCCM boxes for you because they 
are pretty well automated; when first connected they do a self survey, 
store the position they find and then start to output very accurate 10 
MHz and 1 pps signals, all with no outside intervention.
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[time-nuts] Ublox F9P multi-band GPS receiver

2019-01-26 Thread Mark Sims
Here is a list of the signals that the M9P can process:

Galileo E1 C
Galileo E1 B
Galileo E5 bI
Galileo E5 bQ
BeiDou B1I D1
BeiDou B1I D2
BeiDou B2I D1
BeiDou B2I D2

With 2 L2 GPS signals available, the lack of GPS L5 is probably not a big 
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[time-nuts] Ublox F9P multi-band GPS receiver

2019-01-25 Thread Mark Sims
All the Ublox timing receivers output carrier phase and pseudorange data, so I 
suspect the F9T will also.   Heather can directly write a RINEX file that can 
be submitted to CSRS-PPP for a precise (say 100 mm)  position using L1 only 
data.   For L1/L2 data you have more online processing options available and 
should get maybe 10mm precision.

I'll probably have to improve the RINEX v3.xx writer in order to better handle 
L2C and L5 data...  also may need some code changes to handle the L2 data from 
the Ublox messages.


> I think an important question is if the T version still outputs
carrier phase on all the signals.
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[time-nuts] TICC question

2019-01-25 Thread Mark Sims
Heather can run on Windows, macOS, Linux (including the RasPi) and FreeBSD.

Check the first post of this thread.  There is a link to the X11 version source 
code (also download the attached heather.txt file that contains the 
documentation).   That .zip file also has a pre-compiled binary for macOS.   
Check the readme.txt file for installation instructions (you need to set some 
permissions).  You will need to install the XQUARTZ package to run it on a mac.


> Ah, but I have a Mac, and Heather apparently isn't fond of that 
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[time-nuts] TICC question

2019-01-25 Thread Mark Sims
You can send it a '#' to get back to the config menu.  

Or use Lady Heather to control it and log data captures.  The 'P' keyboard menu 
has most of the config commands.  Heather (and the '#' command won't work with 
the original firmware release... you may need to upgrade the firmware.

Are you sure you selected PERIOD mode...  it works fine here?   
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[time-nuts] Ublox F9P multi-band GPS receiver

2019-01-22 Thread Mark Sims
That looks like the antenna that I am currently using.   The were mentioned on 
the list last year, but the cheap ones quickly disappeared and the price went 
to $250-$300.  The seem to work very well.   I get 6-10 mm error ellipses using 
L1/L2 GPS on a Trimble NetRS.   They have no problem with 
Glonass/Galileo/Beidou on a M8T.


> My first though was that something like this:

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[time-nuts] GPS satellite orbits (was: Calculating sidereal time)

2019-01-21 Thread Mark Sims
I also expected that, but when I added the ability of Lady Heather to plot the 
SNR/az/el/carrier phase/pseudorange of a given satellite, I found that they 
repeat every 24-ish hours.  At 12-ish hours the SNR and time the receiver had 
usable signal was greatly reduced.

>The main reason is the GPS satellites come close to following the same ground 
So I'd expect the elevation and azimuth to a given SVN to be the same on a 12 
sidereal hour basis.___
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[time-nuts] Ublox F9P multi-band GPS receiver

2019-01-21 Thread Mark Sims
>  It is clearly multi-band for GPS. It is unclear from a quick read if it is 
> multi-band for the other systems.

Here's what they say it supports:

184-channel u-blox F9 engine 
GAL E1B/C E5b, 

Here's the link to the Sparkfun device.  I think it uses a u.FL antenna 
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[time-nuts] Ublox F9P multi-band GPS receiver

2019-01-20 Thread Mark Sims
Sparkfun is now selling the Ublox F9P L1/L2 GPS receiver module on a board 
($219).  The F9P supports GPS/Galileo/Glonass/Beidou and tracks L1/L2 data.  It 
outputs carrier phase data and has survey-in and fixed position support along 
with RTK support (10 mm accuracy).   Looks like the F9P has 1 time pulse output.
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[time-nuts] Ublox Neo M8T no output on TP2 question, please?

2019-01-20 Thread Mark Sims
The official RPi touchscreen mounted in a Smartipi case (with the extended back 
cover) works very well.  That's how I have my alarm clock configured.  The GPS 
and a backup battery are mounted in the back cover.  I once hacked up a version 
of Heather that does the singing clock during the day but silences that when 
the alarm is enabled...  I need to resurrect that.

I'm thinking about putting a TAPR TICC in one.  I tried putting a Samsung UCCM 
GPSDO in one, but it wouldn't quite fit...  looking at 3D printing for that.

Also, the latest version of Heather supports Winchester chimes (if you supply 
your own sound files).   For the nautically inclined there is the ship's bell 
clock.  My office clock (and probably 3 or 4 other Heathers running at the same 
time) does the snippets from the Tallis Scholars Missa Assumpta.  


> have plans for an RPi / uBlox / audio amplifier / speaker installation for 
> the office with the 
cuckoo clock enabled.  :)
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[time-nuts] Tuning a Thunderbolt

2019-01-19 Thread Mark Sims
Oooh, very nice,  the full monty of tuning goodness!After doing all that 
you can spend countless hours tweaking things in search of maximum 

I'm not sure  that a 96 hour precision survey is measurably better than 48 
hours, but what the heck, might as well go for it.


>After that week, I believe the correct procedure is:

- Set the elevation mask angle to 0.0 (fe, 0.0) & signal level mask to
1.0 (fl, 1.0)
- Clear and let run for a 6-12 hours (cm)
- Run a site precision survey (/sp=96)
- Autotune the DAC ()
- Save to EEPROM (ee)
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[time-nuts] Calculating sidereal time

2019-01-19 Thread Mark Sims
When I was playing with the sidereal time code I found lots of buggy/bogus 
implementations and also lots of web calculators that were either totally wrong 
or off by some amount.Same for sunrise/sunset code and equation-of-time 
code.   It's hard to know what code / sites you can trust.  Heather could be 

A lot of the web based ones seemed to have their system clocks not all that 
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[time-nuts] Calculating sidereal time

2019-01-18 Thread Mark Sims
Check out the sidereal code in Lady Heather (it's in heathmsc.cpp) and see if 
anything looks usable.  Heather uses double precision floating point for all 
the time functions.  To display sidereal times set the time zone to GMST, GMAT, 

Also, if you are doing integer arithmetic, check very carefully for overflows, 
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[time-nuts] New Lady Heather Beta release

2019-01-18 Thread Mark Sims
I have updated first post on the thread on EEVBLOG.COM to version 6.14 Beta.   
It has the Windows .exe file attached and also a link to download the source 
code and Linux/MacOS/FreBSD build package.

This update includes support for Trimble receivers that speak RT17 (such as the 
NetRS),  the Samsung "UCCM" GPSDOs,  an RPN calculator function,  support for 
small (480x320) screens, and a few bug fixes and cosmetic improvements.

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[time-nuts] Misuse of word "decimate" (was Re: Short term 10MHz source)

2019-01-10 Thread Mark Sims
Yes, my use of "decimate" was not a good one.   I was going to use "round", but 
the previous discussion sort of implied to me that the least significant data 
values were just going to be chopped off and not rounded.  "Truncate" would 
have been better, but the word eluded me at the time.  Since it was mentioned 
to get the data to 10 ps resolution, the word "decimate" sprang from my addled 
mind to my finger tips.

Anyway,  I am a great fan of reporting sensor data to the full 
resolution/values that the device/calculations generate and not massaging it 
further.  You never know if anything useful might be hiding in the "grass".   
Report the data as collected and let the users 
process/filter/truncate/modify/smash/bash it as they see fit.
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[time-nuts] Short term 10MHz source

2019-01-09 Thread Mark Sims
Lady Heather has a TICC tuning feature ( keyboard command) that sets the 
channel offset, etc values.   You connect a 1PPS input to both channels via 
matched cables and a "T" adapter.  Heather calculates and sets various 

And as far as decimating the TICC output values in firmware... please don't.   
Let the user decimate the values if they want to.   
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[time-nuts] Short term 10MHz source

2019-01-08 Thread Mark Sims
Lady Heather also supports the TICC.   The TICC can be the main input 
"receiver" device and/or an auxiliary input device.  With two TICCs connected 
you can process four channels of data.

Heather lets you configure the main input device TICC parameters and also has 
the ability to "tune" the TICC channel offsets, etc.


>The TICC talks to a host computer using ASCII on USB. 
John Miles' TimeLab software can read data directly from it, or you can 
just save the data as a text file with a terminal program
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[time-nuts] Lars Walineus

2019-01-06 Thread Mark Sims
It is with great sadness that I announce the passing of my friend and fellow 
time-nut Lars Walenius.   Lars was a wonderful person that was always willing 
to share his knowledge and offer help to anybody that asked.  

He is probably most famous here for his "Lars GPSDO", a very simple and low 
cost TIC (with 1 ns resoulution) and GPSDO.  He was also famous for his work in 
temperature compensating voltage references.  He will be greatly missed...

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[time-nuts] Atomic Clocks: It is important that they keep good time, Part 1

2019-01-05 Thread Mark Sims
Lady Heather does have an audible "tick" clock mode.   It ticks on the second 
and beeps on the minute.   The ticks and beeps are fairly well synchronized to 
true time.

You can also set the clock name displayed on the analog clock display...  Mine 
is usually set to Patek-Philippe.
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[time-nuts] FCC OTA pre-emption and restrictions on GPS antennas [was: Short term 10MHz source]

2019-01-04 Thread Mark Sims
A friend of mine has his GPS antenna disguised as a bird feeder...  ground 
plane is a pizza pan.  Antenna mounted at the top of a clear tube filled with 
bird food... alas, no holes for the birds to get to the food.
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[time-nuts] More ES100 WWVB Measurements

2019-01-04 Thread Mark Sims

Lady Heather has DST code.  It has rules for USA, Europe, and Australia or the 
user can specify a local rule.  The code is not very complicated, but getting 
it right (and testing) can be tricky.

>Has anybody looked into how much code it takes to implement DST? 
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[time-nuts] Trimble NetRS PPS output

2018-12-20 Thread Mark Sims
I recently got in a Trimble NetRS L1/L2/L2C survey grade receiver (Evil Uncle 
Bob made me do it ;-)  ).   It consistently gives position error ellipses in 
the 6mm range after post-processing 24 hours of data.

I had high hopes it would have a decent 1PPS output...  nope.  The PPS output 
usually has a 40 nsec span (looks like a 25 MHz clock is in the device), with 
some occasional 80 nsec or so spans.  The internal oscillator looks to be an 
OCXO... the PPS does not show your typical wobbly PPS sawtooth error plots.  It 
is more like a pulse train with a slowly drifting duty cycle.

But the killer is the occasional (2-3 times per hour) "zingers" in the PPS 
output.  These show up as a large negative error spike followed immediately by 
an equal positive errors.   These "zingers" are typically in the 1-100 
millisecond range.   I can't imagine how/why the circuitry would do this...

Lady Heather can now monitor the NetRS (and probably other receivers that can 
output RT17 and Trimcomm data.   The NetRS does not respond to requests for 
status and configuration commands over the RT17 ports, so a lot of 
useful/informative stuff is not available.  It can write RINEX files.___
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[time-nuts] Comparing the performance of 17 different GPSDOs

2018-12-08 Thread Mark Sims
I recently completed some comparison tests of the PPS and 10 MHz outputs of 17 
different GPSDOs.

The tests were done with a TAPR TICC time interval counter running in timestamp 
mode and the data was acquired and processed with Lady Heather.   The TICC was 
clocked by a HP-5071A cesium beam oscillator with the high-performance tube.   
The TICC has a resolution of around 60 picoseconds.

The PPS signal from the GPSDO was connected to channel A of the TICC (for those 
GPSDOs that have an easily accessible PPS signal).  For receivers without a PPS 
signal available, Heather shows ADEV, HDEV, MDEV, and TDEV data for the 10 MHz 
signal.   For receivers with a PPS,  ADEV is shown for the 1PPS and 10 MHz 

The GPSDO output frequency (10 MHZ) was connected to channel B of the TICC 
through a TAPR TADD-2 Mini divider to get a 1 Hz output.

Note that PPS and 10 MHz plots have a display averaging filter applied.   
Without this filter the plots mostly show noisy "grass" and not any interesting 
details.  A side effect of the display filter is to reduce the "span" 
(difference between the max and min values seen) of the plot data.  Typically 
the unfiltered spans are around twice the value shown in the plot header, but 
for a couple of receivers it is up to a 10x reduction of the raw span.

Each GPSDO was allowed to warm up for at least 24 hours,  or longer... until 
the DAC output voltage slope leveled off.

The GPSDO antenna was a L1/L2/GPS/GLONASS/BEIDOU antenna from China.  With a 
L1/L2 survey receiver this antenna produces location error ellipse in the 
5-10mm range.  It is mounted on a 1 meter tripod and fed into an 8-way 
amplified L1/L2/Glonass/Beidou splitter.  The antenna is in a rather horrible 
location for multi-path and sky view.   Lots of tall trees and a 2 story 
stucco-over-wire mesh house.

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[time-nuts] Project GREAT - Galloping Galileo version

2018-12-07 Thread Mark Sims
Looks like somebody (sort of) duplicated Tom's experiment (and stole the name):

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[time-nuts] Trueposition Antenna Location

2018-11-30 Thread Mark Sims
Not all the "holdovers" on the Trueposition are due to signal issues.   Many 
seem to be related to it tuning itself up after a power cycle and they improve 
or go away after a couple of days of running.   

But your antenna signal level map is rather awful... lots of red.  It could be 
antenna, cable, or location of the antenna.   My antenna is in a horrible 
location, but still works well.
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[time-nuts] PRS10 case temperature

2018-11-16 Thread Mark Sims
The case temperature derived from the ADC reading does not match actual 
measured values.   The PRS10 data sheet says it is roughly the temperature 
midway between the baseplate and lamp temps.
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[time-nuts] PRS10 case temperature

2018-11-16 Thread Mark Sims
My case temp runs around 70C with the SRS heatsink installed.   If you don't 
have a heatsink (a rather bad idea) it might run 80C.  The latest SRS heatsinks 
don't seem to be as good as the earlier units which had a lot more metal to 
them...  my heatsink is the later model.
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[time-nuts] Lady heather on a Raspberry pi

2018-11-08 Thread Mark Sims
Lady Heather uses the DTR and RTS modem control signals to control the fan.  If 
you are using a USB-Serial converter the code should work as-is.  Heather does 
not have any code specific to a particular type of hardware (such as the PI).

If you are using the PI GPIO serial port, you would need to modify the program 
to manipulate some GPIO pins.   This is probably best done in the functions 
SetDtrLine() and SetRtsLIne() in the heather.cpp file... there are Windows and 
Linux versions of these routines.

The functions apply_heat() and apply_cool() and hold_temp() in heathmsc.cpp 
could also be modified.  There is also some code to use a parallel port to 
control the fan, but that is rather Windows/DOS specific.  It could be modified 
for Linux.
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[time-nuts] HP 58503B PSU replacement

2018-11-08 Thread Mark Sims
I put a $25 50 watt (?) Meanwell in mine and in mine and it works well.   The 
original power supply was made by PowerOne.  They are still made...$300-$400 on 
Digikey and Mouser.

My 58503B had a shorted ceramic cap across the input of one of the 15V 
regulators.  The cap was glowing orange with the new supply.  Maybe that killed 
the original supply.

I think the OCXO oven heater is powered across across +/- 15V.
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[time-nuts] Helium and MEMS oscillators don;t mix well

2018-10-31 Thread Mark Sims
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[time-nuts] OCXO Board

2018-10-26 Thread Mark Sims
A SMA connector for EFC input would be nice.   Also a footprint for the 
Oscilloquartz 8663 DOCXO... these are rather nice oscillators.  They do have a 
ref voltage output.
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[time-nuts] TAPR TICC (Cable run time delay)

2018-10-12 Thread Mark Sims
The fudge value is generally used to compensate for the channel A vs B internal 

Lady Heather works with the TICC and has an "autotune" function () that can 
calculate and set the FUDGE and TIME2 parameters.   You feed a 1PPS signal into 
a "T" adapter and feed the T outputs to the TICC via matched cables.  It 
calculates  the difference between the chA and chB readings and sets the the 
FUDGE1 to the difference (on mine -315 ps)
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[time-nuts] Troubleshooting an HP 58503A

2018-10-07 Thread Mark Sims
The 58503A needs a null-modem pinout serial cable to connect to a PC. The baud 
rate defaults to 9600:8:N:1
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[time-nuts] One of my Thunderbolts is drifting

2018-10-02 Thread Mark Sims
Try the !h keyboard command to hard reset it back to factory defaults...
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[time-nuts] Samsung GPSDO : Chinese surplus

2018-09-20 Thread Mark Sims
All the UCCM receivers have a EXT option...  but most refer to it as LINK.   
Heather sets it to GPS on startup.  I believe LINK/EXT selects an external 
PPS/PP2S provided by the base station.  I think  they normally operate it in 
GPS mode and switch to EXT if the GPS goes down.


> I'm still intrigued though by the very existence of that EXT/GPS software 
> switch as a configuration option for the GPSDO itself, and wondering just 
> what EXT might actually imply in this instance. 

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[time-nuts] Samsung GPSDO : Chinese surplus

2018-09-20 Thread Mark Sims
I had to make several changes to Lady Heather to work with these...  you may 
have an earlier version.

How are you connecting the serial port?   In the photo, I did not see the row 
of four holes that is on the Trimble / Symmetricom versions.
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[time-nuts] Lars GPSDO on EEVblog

2018-09-08 Thread Mark Sims
Lady Heather now has some partial support for the Lars GPSDO.   It does not 
directly send any commands to the device (I don't have one yet to implement 
that), but you can use the !u or !t keyboard commands to do that,

Heather treats the Lars GPSDO as a time interval counter.  You need to start 
Heather with /rxi (time interval counter as input device) and /itl (interval 
counter device is a Lars GPSDO).

You can also use the Lars GPSDO as an "extra" input device with the GPS 
receiver as the main input device (/ei=port /itl).  This mode lets Heather 
calculate true ADEV values while monitoring the GPS receiver.

When using the Lars GPSDO, you do want to manually set the DAC gain setting 
() so that the frequency calculations based on the DAC setting are  accurate.
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[time-nuts] Observations on how "Atomic" WWVB clocks set time

2018-09-07 Thread Mark Sims
The Arcron Zeit clock does.   It also has an RS-232 port.  Lady Heather 
supports it (but calls it an  Acron Zeit due to some  typos in the original 
docs that I found and since there are maybe two people in the universe that 
still use them, I haven't had much motivation to fix that).

At one time it was one of the most popular / capable WWVB clocks out there... 
I'd love to have one.


> BTW, has anyone ever seen a WWVB-based clock that displays the year?
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[time-nuts] Lost GPS lock or 1PPS recently?

2018-09-06 Thread Mark Sims
I read that the latest GPS sats don't even have the ability to implement 
selective availability...  seems a dubious claim to me, though.


> Indeed it might get turned back on again.
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[time-nuts] Samsung GPSDO : Chinese surplus

2018-09-06 Thread Mark Sims
These are Samsung's version of the "UCCM" series of GPSDOs.   Lady Heather now 
works with them.   I had to tweak the code to handle their funky/erratic 
end-of-line sequences... various versions of CR/LF, LF, LF/CR.   Their STATUS 
screen and some message responses are also a bit different.  They do tell you 
the antenna current.
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[time-nuts] FTDI UT232R-200 USB to Serial Converter (BARGAIN ALERT)

2018-09-05 Thread Mark Sims
I just bought a couple of Advantech AIMB-214E mini-ITX 1.86 GHz motherboards 
from a local surplus store for $25 ea (NIB).   They have 6 genuine RS-232 ports 
(two can be configured for RS-422/485).   Alas, the store don't do mail order 
and are currently out of stock (but the boards are around $50 on Ebay).  And 
suitable cases/power supples look like at least $50.  They can be run off of 
12V@2A from an on-board barrel connector.
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[time-nuts] WWVB Signal Generator

2018-09-05 Thread Mark Sims
If your receiver has it the $GPZDA  can be a better message to use.   They 
usually have better seconds resolution and some receivers give them some 
special love as to when they come out.  But, depending upon your code, this may 
not matter.  Also check to see if your chosen time message comes out before or 
after the 1PPS.

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[time-nuts] PLL/GPSDO/etc learning resources for mere mortals

2018-09-04 Thread Mark Sims
Besides temperature compensation for holdover conditions you should also 
include drift compensation for OCXO aging.   The Trimble GPSDOs,   HP 38xx and 
53xxx GPSDOs, and Oscilloquartz Star-4 do this.  Oscilliquartz calls it ATDC 
(Automatic Temperature and Drift Compensation).   For many OCXOs the magnitude 
of the temperature and drift values are of similar importance in predicting 
holdover compensation corrections.

Teasing out and modeling the independent effects of temperature and drift can 
be quite a challenge in operational systems.
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[time-nuts] Lots of Off Topic discussion

2018-09-01 Thread Mark Sims
Me too...  that's why Lady Heather can calculate and plot solid earth tide 
displacements.   Also the vertical offset in gravity due to solar/lunar tidal 


>I'd rather read about Earth tides affecting time measurements. ___
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[time-nuts] NIST

2018-09-01 Thread Mark Sims
I recently added a feature to Lady Heather that can output the sun and moon 
positions to a port.  This was for use by solar trackers and moon bounce 
antennas.   It would be easy to modify that code to output the position of a 
satellite (or all satellites) if you wanted to keep an antenna pointed at a 
specific satellite.  
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[time-nuts] NIST

2018-08-31 Thread Mark Sims
A GPS receiver that supports SBAS, etc will tell you where the sats are.   Some 
only report to 1 degree,  others 0.1 to 0.01 degrees resolution.  The beam with 
of a small dish at GPS freqs is not all that narrow.

Using orbital elements or processing the GNSS ephemeris message will give you a 
result with quite a bit better resolution.

>  There is another problem in that area.  How accurately is the location of 
> the 
satellite known?  published?
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[time-nuts] Effects of Simple GPS jamming on GPSDO's ?

2018-08-31 Thread Mark Sims
Several GPS receivers have a setting for enabling jamming detection and/or 
mitigation.   The datasheets don't tend to talk about what it does.  But, if 
the receiver supports it (Trimble and Venus devices), Lady Heather can 
configure it.
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[time-nuts] NIST

2018-08-30 Thread Mark Sims
I once bought a pair of low power 315 MHz TX/RX modules and was going to try 
them in a model rocket + GPS.   I tested them with a serial port and they had a 
range of a couple thousand feet at 1200 BPS.   But when the transmitter was 
connected to the GPS, the GPS lost lock... turns out 315 MHz * 5 is the GPS 
carrier frequency.   They would totally jam GPS over around a mile diameter.  
Also the maker of the modules stopped selling them and actually disavowed that 
they ever existed!
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[time-nuts] WWVB Chronverter update progress

2018-08-29 Thread Mark Sims
The Ublox 7 has two programmable "timepulse" outputs.  The default freqs are (I 
think) 1 PPS and 10 MHz.I don't remember if the Ublox 6 has one or two 
outputs...  also some of the earlier Ublox receivers have limits on the range 
you can set the output(s) to (like 1 kHz).   Lady Heather can program the 
outputs (start up with /rxu to force Ublox binary mode).  The pulse output 
control commands are in the "P" menu.

You may have to bodge a wire onto the Ublox module to get access to timepulse2 
on those cheap Ublox7 boards.  I bought a couple that brought TP2 out to a pad.


> Mark I looked at the 7 and the pulse out wasn't obvious
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[time-nuts] WWVB Chronverter update progress

2018-08-28 Thread Mark Sims

Like I mentioned before,  get a $10-ish Ublox Neo7 board/antenna off of Ebay,  
program one of the Ublox pulse output pins for 60 kHz.  Add your favorite 
microprocessor to talk to the Ublox and drive the modulator.   The Ublox 60kHz 
output should be more than accurate and stable enough to do the job. 

I don't know how well 77.5 kHz for DCF would work, but I suspect it might work. 

>If you're going to reference it from a GPSDO anyway, why worry about a 
TCXO reference (and power too, for that matter). You can easily make the 
60 kHz from the 10 MHz.

For example, with two 74HC390s and a 74HC86 you can make 50 kHz and 10 
kHz and mix them with one EXOR section of the '86 to have 60 kHz 
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[time-nuts] WWVB Signal Generator

2018-08-25 Thread Mark Sims
If I was going to do it I would take a cheap Ublox 7M board (around $10 with 
antenna),  program one of the time pulse outputs for 60 kHz (it divides evenly 
into 48 Mhz so no jitter),  feed  the Ublox serial data / 1PPS to an AVR chip 
(or $2 Arduino Nano  clone), and use that to modulate the 60 KHz output.   
Total cost less than $20 and should get to to the microsecond level range.  
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[time-nuts] TNS-BUF update

2018-08-19 Thread Mark Sims
Also check your red LEDs.  I have some that have a Vf of over 3V.   They could 
be a blue LED/phosphor (not likely, blue -> red conversion is rather 
inefficient) or two red LEDs in series.
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[time-nuts] Stable32 Input (Multiplier)

2018-08-11 Thread Mark Sims
Also note that Heather can only get/update the FC value (usually( every two 
seconds.   Occasionally, due to vagaries in the PRS-10 response timing,  you 
can see two consecutive values in the log that are not the same.

> 2) Have any of you ever logged the FC values while at the same time taken 
> precision measurements of PRS10 output phase? 

I think that Heather can do that if you use a TICC or counter as an auxiliary 
input device (/ei command).  In that mode Heather gets the "PPS" and/or "OSC" 
values from the counter.  Since the FC value is treated as the Heather "OSC" 
value,  the PPS value would come from the counter (chA on a TICC).   I'll try 
to do that next week... my TICC and 5370 are doing something else right now.
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[time-nuts] More Galileo satellites available.

2018-08-04 Thread Mark Sims
Three of the four Galileo satellites launched last December have been activated 
(passive hydrpren maser clocks) bringing the total number of usable sats to 17. 
 The fourth one is still "under comiisioning" .Four more sats were launched 
last month... hopefully it won't take them 8 months to commission...
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[time-nuts] Spectrum Instruments TM4 GPSDO

2018-07-27 Thread Mark Sims
I have a TM4 manual, but don't have a TM4.   Heather now has some hooks in it 
for the TM4.   I'd need a TM4 (at least for a couple of weeks) to properly 
implement the TM4 support (one is on Ebay for $4000+ ... no thanks).

Or if somebody with a TM4 can capture around 5 minutes of data from the device, 
I can use that as a starting point.


>  If so, they can do either their custum binary protocoll or NMEA. I
have been meaning to suggest for Mark Sims that it would be a
apreciated addition to Lady Heather to add the binary protocoll.
I should have a manual around, if the TM-4 manual can't be found on
the internet.

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[time-nuts] Alternatives for Thunderbolts

2018-07-23 Thread Mark Sims
I've been happy with these:


They are not nearly as tweakable as the Thunderbolt, but the GPSDO inside is 
made by a company that seems to know what they are doing.   The 8663 DOCXO used 
in the ATDC version is thei highest spec'd version.
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[time-nuts] Better leapseconds and PTP support for Windows 10

2018-07-19 Thread Mark Sims
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[time-nuts] Improved CSRS-PPP service coming

2018-07-13 Thread Mark Sims
I just got an email from CSRS-PPP outlining their upgraded service coming 14 
Aug 2018.


The new software supports all GNSS systems and will handle carrier phase 
observations for L1 only receivers.   Currently CSRS-PPP only supports GPS and 
GLONASS pseduorange data.   It will be interesting to see how the new software 
improves (or breaks) the antenna position results.
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[time-nuts] Pseudorange and carrier phase data in L1 only RINEX

2018-07-04 Thread Mark Sims
The main reason is to reduce the file size.  RINEX files can be rather long...  
depending upon what the receiver reports and the satellite systems in use, a 24 
hour long 1 Hz file can be over 40 MB.   BTW,  you can .zip the file for 

CSRS-PPP is the only online service that I have found that does L1 only data.

For the Trimble receivers, I generate pseudorange data from their code phase 
data message (quite a pain to calculate... you have to calculate the range from 
the ephemeris data).   Trimble does not output any carrier phase data.  For the 
other receivers I output whatever they output...

>  Could another service be of assistance?
> Why do you reduce report-rate?
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[time-nuts] Lady Heather V6.0 and RINEX files...

2018-07-03 Thread Mark Sims
Yes,  the altitude error estimates are generally around twice the lat/lon 

I'm currently playing with taking the same 16 hour/1 sec interval data set 
(from a Trimble Acutime GG receiver) and decimating it to 5/10/30 second 
intervals and also to 2/4/8/16 hour lengths and seeing how the results change.
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[time-nuts] Lady Heather V6.0 and RINEX files...

2018-07-03 Thread Mark Sims

Actually it is that simple.   The relevant RINEX commands are in the new "M" 
(mesurement) keyboard menu.  The MW command is used to write the file.  MR is 
used to set the measurement rate (defaiult 1 second).   The other commands 
mostly provide various info that can be added to the RINEX file (marker name, 
number, antenna type, number, etc).

The Trimble and Furuno GT87xx receivers are not the best ones for precise 
positioning since they only have pseudorange data to work with.  The Ublox, 
NVS,  and Venus RTK receivers also output carrier phase data.  The Ashtech Z12 
is the best since it is L1/L2 with carrier phase data..

As far as "a few minutes"... you need at least a couple of hours of data.  
12-24 hours can improve the results by 50+%.  I am getting reported error 
ellipses in the 150mm range (< 10mm for the Z12)


>I presume this may not be a simple as
setting up my Trimble Thunderbolt and Lady Heather V6.0 in the
field and gathering RINEX files for a few minutes??
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