Re: Jasper performance/3.3 tag pooling

2001-05-31 Thread Casey Lucas

Hey Mel,

I'll use this as a chance to explain some thoughts
I've recently had on tag pooling.  Maybe you and
others have comments.

Mel Martinez wrote:
 Hi folks!
 I'm still overwhelmed with other priorities (new job,
 house-hunting, moving, etc.) to be able to help again,
 but I managed over the last day or so to get caught up
 with the list (for the most part - skipped some major
 threads along the way).

Hope things are working out well.  I know where you're
coming from.  We just moved and are now in the process
of putting in a yard.

 On tag-pooling:  I am +1 on implementing a tag-cache
 on a per-page basis and tag-pooling on an application
 basis.  If/when we move to the interfaces and toolkit
 metaphor I proposed for Jasper34, then page-based
 caching can best be done by enabling access to a
 tag-cache via the page-life-cycle handler, the
 JspPageHandler interface.

I agree.  I spent some time last week looking at possible
optimizations.  The general ideas were:

- pool tag handler objects per application. This could
still be turned on/off at runtime via module and is
already available.

- cache (re-use) handlers per page - i.e. only get the handler
from the pool once (when it is needed).  If application
wide pooling is disabled then we'll just new a handler.
To be clear: there won't be any data structures (stacks, etc.)
for caching -- it will just be done via the rendering.

- call most setters only once -- when the tag handler
is first obtained.  Attributes that are runtime expressions
will need to be called every time.

- in some situations we can pull out the tag handler
initialization code from inside do loops.  Currently,
if a Tag is inside of a BodyTag, the initialization for
the inner tag is done inside of the
do-while(BodyTag.doEndBody() == EVAL_BODY_TAG).  The
inner tag initializations only need to be done once
before the start of the do-while.  Pulling the inner
initializations/checks out of the do loop would be a nice
thing, but it won't be as important once the tags
and setter calls are re-used for the whole page.

- maybe get rid of some redundant do-while(false)
constructs and various other minor clean ups.

So, to summarize:  Each tag handler will be obtained once
per page (either from pool or via new).  Setters
will be called once per handler per page.  Both obtaining
the handler and calling the setters will be done on
an as needed basis.  Yes, that will mean a synch call
to get each handler when it's first used if application
wide pooling is enabled.

So far, I was thinking that there would still be one tag
handler object per custom tag in the jsp page.  For example,

x:iterate count=100

there would still be 3 tag handler instances obtained.

The spec says the someTag handler could be reused because
tag scope allows it.  But then we have the question of when
to reuse handlers if scope allows it.  For example, if the
above was changed to:

x:iterate count=100
   x:someTag attrib=abc/
x:someTag attrib=xyz/

We could reuse the handler instance but would have to call
the setters for attrib each time.  What's more expensive, setter
call or just using a different handler?  Of course this
depends on tag usage and what the setters are doing.

So, for now, I was planning on not implementing tag handler
reuse across multiple uses of a custom tag in the same jsp.
This can, of course, be improved in the future.

 I am very much -1 on basing any sort of caching or
 pooling relative to the request thread using
 thread-local variables because it assumes the Thread
 will be pooled and reused - this may not be true in
 all containers and Jasper should be

I agree.  After the above stuff gets done, I hope
that we won't have to do any thread local variable
stuff.  I originally thought such optimizations would
be nice, but am now hoping that they won't be needed.
I'd like to make sure that all this stuff will (eventually)
work with tomcat 4 and future tomcats as well.

 Basically, one should think in terms of what temporal
 and access scope different objects have:  request,
 page, application, etc.  The JspPageHandler persists
 between requests for a page and should be used to
 represent access to objects and services concerned
 with the life-cycle of a page beyond one request, such
 as modification checking, name mangling,
 recompilation/loading as needed and clearly,
 tag-object caching.  Thus, it seems logical that tags
 could be retrieved via either directly from  methods
 on the page handler or from a tag cache manager object
 retrieved from the page handler.
 Casey, do you see any problems following such a
 general design philosophy?  You are the lord gawd of
 the tag-pooling code, so I will defer to your

I agree with the general design philosophy.  But don't
defer to much :) (The more I learn about Tomcat the more
I realize how much I don't know.) I haven't looked though
all the new 

Re: Jasper performance/3.3 tag pooling

2001-05-31 Thread Rickard Öberg

I agree.  I spent some time last week looking at possible
optimizations.  The general ideas were:

- pool tag handler objects per application. This could
still be turned on/off at runtime via module and is
already available.

- cache (re-use) handlers per page - i.e. only get the handler
from the pool once (when it is needed).  If application
wide pooling is disabled then we'll just new a handler.
To be clear: there won't be any data structures (stacks, etc.)
for caching -- it will just be done via the rendering.

- call most setters only once -- when the tag handler
is first obtained.  Attributes that are runtime expressions
will need to be called every time.

If you can get only these three in, and only that, it would help at least
me/WebWork *immensely*. Heeding your advice regarding the examples I sent to
you I've rewritten all tags to be reusable, and allow set-methods to be
called only once, so I should see a huge improvement in performance. If it
still performs bad, it's either my fault, or the rest of Tomcat :-)


Re: Jasper performance/3.3 tag pooling

2001-05-26 Thread Rickard Oberg

 Thanks for sending the test application.  I've been using monthlist.jsp
 testing rendered then hand bashed code.  After some preliminary bashing :)
 I think it will be possible to call all setters (except runtime
 only once per run of the page.  Also, we can create / obtain tag handler
 only once per page run.

That is an excellent start!

 Anyway... after tweaking the rendered code, I was disappointed that there
 wasn't much of a change in the performance when I hit the page directly.
 The optimized version was even a bit slower :(  So, I hooked it up to a
 profiler.  It said that most of the time was being spent in
 webwork.util.ValueStack.findValue which is called from some of
 the setters and some of the do[Start|End]Tag methods.

Yeah, it's the by far most used method, and also where most of the magic
happens (name-value conversions). I've been tweaking it some, but probably
not enough.

 So, Is there any way you could send me a new webwork.jar (no need for the
 whole .war) that has tag implementations optimized for tag instance and
 setter call reuse?.  If you can move some/many of the calls to
 out of the doStart/doEnd methods, that should help.

I will start working on this after the weekend. However I am also rewriting
most of the tags for a new and simpler syntax, which is going to take some
coding time too, since all the examples need to be modified, docs, etc. I
will let you know as soon as possible though when the opts. are done.

 Yes, I know this doesn't solve the problem of why weblogic was faster
 for you, but any tag related optimizations we can make should help other
 tag users (me and my day job included).

Yup, that was the basic idea when I started this thread :-) Glad to see
things happen! :-)

 If you send a new jar, I'll test it out and let you know.

Will do.


Re: Jasper performance/3.3 tag pooling

2001-05-25 Thread Rickard Öberg

  Jasper performance is a high priority thing for us (nr 1. on our system
  performance fixing list actually), so if possible, absolutely. I can't
  say I've delved that far into Jasper yet though. It was a bit hard to
 I'm working on a refactoring of jasper, and easy to read is a big
 priority. It's moving a bit slower than I expected - now I'm back on
 planning stage after hearing so much bad things about using XSLT :-) But I
 think there are ways to make ( almost ) everyone happy.
 I hope in few weeks ( after JavaOne ) we'll have something that works for
 both 1.1 and 1.2 ( the first part of refactoring ), and we can start the
 fun part - optimizing it.

Sounds like a good plan :-) I'd be happy to help out with commenting on
the code. Code contribution is tricky right now (lots of other
OpenSource projects to manage :-).

 The main problem is to avoid one synchronized call for each tag (
 new _is_also_ a synchronized call on most VMs - it synchronizes
 the heap !!! ). 

Whoa.. I didn't know that.. that's an important factor to consider then.

 Tomcat3.3 has one synchronized call to get the worker
 thread from the pool - and that doesn't seem to show up in any
 performance tests.

As long as the synchs are few, and the block itself is short, you should
be ok.

 We could keep a pool of pools ( probably for each context ). The local
 pools can be unsynchronized - so we'll have only one sync per page. Each
 context will have a set of pools ( with the size == the largest number of
 concurent requests for that context ). And we can of course be agressive
 in shrinking the pools that were not used recently.

That could work.

 We can try to do some of this in 3.3 space - or in a branch of 3.3 (
 jasper34 is going to take a while, and I have a feeling you need results
 fast ).

The big date for me is 2002-01-01. Before that I need some kind of
assurance that it'll improve greatly 'till that time, or we need to
look at alternatives (*shiver*).

So sooner than later, sure, but preferably righter than sooner. Get this
stuff right, and I think you'll get lots of new supporters and keep old
ones ;-)

 Regarding your application - I think we know the problem. There are few
 things you can do to reduce the memory use, and you could cache and
 recycle intermediary objects in each tag instance - you could benefit a
 lot from the reuse of the tags.

I will start looking at optimizations on my side of things to, for sure.
My code isn't extremely optimized, I know that, but OTOH I've tested the
same code with WebLogic 5.0 (just to test) and it was wy faster, so
there's definitely room on the JSP side to improve things.

 The memory savings of the thread pooling are not helping your application
 yet ( since they are very small compared with the rest ), yet you pay the
 synchronization price ( a lot - since you make heavy use of tags ). With
 few changes in your app and few changes in the tag pool we could reverse
 the situation - but if you disable the pool there's little chance you
 could increase the performance above the current level.

Yup, that seems reasonable. 

You mentioned in your private email that there was a lot of
MethodDescriptor's being created. Please look into where these are
coming from. They could be associated with the tag setters. Pool/cache
these and you'll probably see some immediate results.


Rickard Öberg
Software Development Specialist
xlurc - Xpedio Linköping Ubiquitous Research Center
Author of Mastering RMI

RE: Jasper performance/3.3 tag pooling (XSLT)

2001-05-25 Thread Paulo Gaspar

Hi Costin,

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 10:20 AM


 I'm working on a refactoring of jasper, and easy to read is a big
 priority. It's moving a bit slower than I expected - now I'm back on
 planning stage after hearing so much bad things about using XSLT :-) But I
 think there are ways to make ( almost ) everyone happy.


Considering your day job, I already had to change my diagnostic from
you don't know what you are messing with to you know too much about
XSLT and then you think it is easy for everybody.

Still, I do not believe that using XSLT is a good idea. It goes a bit
against your own motivation of making Jasper more readable to make the
entry level lower for potential contributors.

Besides learning about Jasper, many will have to learn about XSLT. And
XSLT is not that easy to grasp. Worse, it is elusive - one tends to
think to have it all figured out before time, and then fall easy prey
of really big traps.

I am not going to argue with you about the CPU cost issue, since your
POV seems to be that everybody should manually compile JSPs for
production and that developers have good enough machines anyway.

We could start another holly war on this one, but I do not have the
motivation. I think that many people prefer doing it without manual
compilation, but we better just agree to disagree on that.

Anyway, for me, the main issue is the complexity of XSLT being an
obstacle for Jasper's code readability/maintenance.

In case you are wondering, I do not intend to use JSP for presentation
(I keep that Velocity is better at that) but I still think it as a lot
of potential as a server side scripting mechanism, with taglibs
providing an interesting way of defining simple dialects for common
problems and embedded Java filling the gaps. For simple logic, it looks
to have potential.

Have fun,
Paulo Gaspar

Re: Jasper performance/3.3 tag pooling

2001-05-25 Thread Casey Lucas


Thanks for sending the test application.  I've been using monthlist.jsp while
testing rendered then hand bashed code.  After some preliminary bashing :)
I think it will be possible to call all setters (except runtime expressions)
only once per run of the page.  Also, we can create / obtain tag handler instances
only once per page run.

Anyway... after tweaking the rendered code, I was disappointed that there
wasn't much of a change in the performance when I hit the page directly.
The optimized version was even a bit slower :(  So, I hooked it up to a
profiler.  It said that most of the time was being spent in
webwork.util.ValueStack.findValue which is called from some of
the setters and some of the do[Start|End]Tag methods.  So even though
the setters and tag handler news were optimized, there wasn't much
change in page evaluation time.  (A strange note: under the profiler, the
optimized version ran in about 75% of the time it took the un-optimized
version.  Not sure why the big difference, but I have seen variations
like that before when code is run under a profiler.)

So, Is there any way you could send me a new webwork.jar (no need for the
whole .war) that has tag implementations optimized for tag instance and
setter call reuse?.  If you can move some/many of the calls to ValueStack.findValue
out of the doStart/doEnd methods, that should help.

Yes, I know this doesn't solve the problem of why weblogic was faster
for you, but any tag related optimizations we can make should help other
tag users (me and my day job included).

If you send a new jar, I'll test it out and let you know.


Rickard Öberg wrote:
   Jasper performance is a high priority thing for us (nr 1. on our system
   performance fixing list actually), so if possible, absolutely. I can't
   say I've delved that far into Jasper yet though. It was a bit hard to
  I'm working on a refactoring of jasper, and easy to read is a big
  priority. It's moving a bit slower than I expected - now I'm back on
  planning stage after hearing so much bad things about using XSLT :-) But I
  think there are ways to make ( almost ) everyone happy.
  I hope in few weeks ( after JavaOne ) we'll have something that works for
  both 1.1 and 1.2 ( the first part of refactoring ), and we can start the
  fun part - optimizing it.
 Sounds like a good plan :-) I'd be happy to help out with commenting on
 the code. Code contribution is tricky right now (lots of other
 OpenSource projects to manage :-).
  The main problem is to avoid one synchronized call for each tag (
  new _is_also_ a synchronized call on most VMs - it synchronizes
  the heap !!! ).
 Whoa.. I didn't know that.. that's an important factor to consider then.
  Tomcat3.3 has one synchronized call to get the worker
  thread from the pool - and that doesn't seem to show up in any
  performance tests.
 As long as the synchs are few, and the block itself is short, you should
 be ok.
  We could keep a pool of pools ( probably for each context ). The local
  pools can be unsynchronized - so we'll have only one sync per page. Each
  context will have a set of pools ( with the size == the largest number of
  concurent requests for that context ). And we can of course be agressive
  in shrinking the pools that were not used recently.
 That could work.
  We can try to do some of this in 3.3 space - or in a branch of 3.3 (
  jasper34 is going to take a while, and I have a feeling you need results
  fast ).
 The big date for me is 2002-01-01. Before that I need some kind of
 assurance that it'll improve greatly 'till that time, or we need to
 look at alternatives (*shiver*).
 So sooner than later, sure, but preferably righter than sooner. Get this
 stuff right, and I think you'll get lots of new supporters and keep old
 ones ;-)
  Regarding your application - I think we know the problem. There are few
  things you can do to reduce the memory use, and you could cache and
  recycle intermediary objects in each tag instance - you could benefit a
  lot from the reuse of the tags.
 I will start looking at optimizations on my side of things to, for sure.
 My code isn't extremely optimized, I know that, but OTOH I've tested the
 same code with WebLogic 5.0 (just to test) and it was wy faster, so
 there's definitely room on the JSP side to improve things.
  The memory savings of the thread pooling are not helping your application
  yet ( since they are very small compared with the rest ), yet you pay the
  synchronization price ( a lot - since you make heavy use of tags ). With
  few changes in your app and few changes in the tag pool we could reverse
  the situation - but if you disable the pool there's little chance you
  could increase the performance above the current level.
 Yup, that seems reasonable.
 You mentioned in your private email that there was a lot of
 MethodDescriptor's being created. Please look into where these 

Re: Jasper performance/3.3 tag pooling

2001-05-23 Thread Rickard Öberg

   We know the pool is synchronized and that may create problems under heavy
   load, and we know how to fix this ( by using a per/thread pool without
   synchronization ).
  That is one solution, but what do you do with the pool after page
 I'm not sure I understand. Each thread has a number of associated objects
 that are recycled and reused - a Request object will stick with a
 Same can be done for the tag pools - except that this may use a lot of
 memory ( but less than allocating/freeing ). It is possible to use a
 middle ground, or tune this - but for maximum performance you can have a
 local pool in each Request.

What I was considering is this: a pool is a managed resource, since it
can shrink and grow. After a page request, you will want to reuse the
pool and its contents, but you can't stick the contents into a global
pool, because at next request how are you to know how many instances of
a tag to put in the request-associated pool. I.e., thread-associated
pools perform local optimizations per request/page, but for pools to be
of any use they need to do global optimizations, i.e. pool the tags in a
global pool. Otherwise you'll have lots of pools of tags and no way to
manage them globally.

Page request. No pools created yet.
Page uses tag foo 10 times. Pool, associated with request/thread,
created containing one foo tag instance.
Concurrent page request with the above.
Page uses tag foo 5 times. Another pool, associated with
request/thread, created containing one foo tag instance.
Both requests end: what to do with the pools?
1 Keep separate, each containing one instance
2 Merge so that there is only one pool for foo tags
If 1, then there's no way to do proper global optimizations, i.e. say
don't create more than x tag instances.
If 2, then at next request, what should the page associated foo pool
contain? 1 tag instance, 2 tag instances..? The only way to really know
is for the page to do its thing, and pull the tags from the global pool.
And then you're in synch land again.

Do you understand now? I realize the above is a bit fuzzy...

  I hope that Costin will be able to reproduce what I found.
 I hope not :-)
 Again - thanks for doing the tests and checking the code, and hope to see
 more contributions and maybe few patches :-)

Jasper performance is a high priority thing for us (nr 1. on our system
performance fixing list actually), so if possible, absolutely. I can't
say I've delved that far into Jasper yet though. It was a bit hard to

 IMHO the right answer is depends. And it depends on the actual use case,
 on how many objects are created and where the synchronization occurs. For
 tomcat, where we expect hundred of concurent requests and each would
 create almost a hundred object ( that was the case in 3.0 ) - I doubt any
 VM could make a difference.

Have you then considered the middle way I proposed, where each page
creates the tags it needs, but only once. In my experience, the
performance kills is in iterative and recursive use of tags, e.g.:
which will create one foo tag per iteration in 3.2. *That's* the
biggest problem IMHO. Creating the iterate and foo tag once for that
page is not, considering that the overhead of managing pools of these
tag instances is more resource draining, and hard to do properly on a
global scale.

I might be wrong though 8-)

Nah. :-)


Rickard Öberg
Software Development Specialist
xlurc - Xpedio Linköping Ubiquitous Research Center
Author of Mastering RMI

Re: Jasper performance/3.3 tag pooling

2001-05-23 Thread Rickard Öberg

 But in tomcat 3.3 we do a different trick - the thread pool is maintaining
 a local storage for each thread, and it's passing it to the worker.
 The only synchronization in tomcat is in getting a thread from the thread
 pool - besides that we shouldn't need anything else.
 Right now we keep the Request/Request pair - so we have a one-to-one
 relation between main request and thread ( in other words, the request
 is allways in the same thread ). Whatever attributes/notes you store in
 the request will be equivalent with thread-local data, without any sync.

That's good. But you still have the global vs local issue outlined in my
last post. Purely local, as you outline above, and proper pooling
management becomes tricky (=how to know how many tag instances to use
for the particular handled request).

  Sorry, I should have been more specific. Of course object reuse can be a
  good performance optimization. I'm just saying that you gotta balance it
  with regard to modern JVM's ability to manage memory and new objects.
  Optimize locally in code, and let the JVM do it globally. That's just
  IMHO though, so feel free to disagree :-)
 I was thinking the reverse - optimize globally, let the VM optimize
 locally, but it depends on definitions...

The problem is that global management is a tricky business. Say you keep
global pools of tag instances. Not only do you have to manage one
particular tag pool properly (not too big, not too small), you also have
to consider how many other pools are active (too many active pools with
too many tags, and you have a memory consumption problem). Then factor
in the temporal issues, i.e. that some tags are used more often than
others sometimes, and you have a situation that I dare you to find an
optimal algorithm to solve the pool management. And when/if you have
that algorithm, I can bet you quite a bunch of dolares that it won't be
more efficient than letting the JVM manage the memory and making sparse
new's per page anyway.

Or (...standard disclaimer...) what am I missing? :-)


Rickard Öberg
Software Development Specialist
xlurc - Xpedio Linköping Ubiquitous Research Center
Author of Mastering RMI

Re: Jasper performance/3.3 tag pooling

2001-05-23 Thread Glenn Nielsen

Rickard Öberg wrote:
We know the pool is synchronized and that may create problems under heavy
load, and we know how to fix this ( by using a per/thread pool without
synchronization ).
   That is one solution, but what do you do with the pool after page
  I'm not sure I understand. Each thread has a number of associated objects
  that are recycled and reused - a Request object will stick with a
  Same can be done for the tag pools - except that this may use a lot of
  memory ( but less than allocating/freeing ). It is possible to use a
  middle ground, or tune this - but for maximum performance you can have a
  local pool in each Request.
 What I was considering is this: a pool is a managed resource, since it
 can shrink and grow. After a page request, you will want to reuse the
 pool and its contents, but you can't stick the contents into a global
 pool, because at next request how are you to know how many instances of
 a tag to put in the request-associated pool. I.e., thread-associated
 pools perform local optimizations per request/page, but for pools to be
 of any use they need to do global optimizations, i.e. pool the tags in a
 global pool. Otherwise you'll have lots of pools of tags and no way to
 manage them globally.
 Page request. No pools created yet.
 Page uses tag foo 10 times. Pool, associated with request/thread,
 created containing one foo tag instance.
 Concurrent page request with the above.
 Page uses tag foo 5 times. Another pool, associated with
 request/thread, created containing one foo tag instance.
 Both requests end: what to do with the pools?
 1 Keep separate, each containing one instance
 2 Merge so that there is only one pool for foo tags
 If 1, then there's no way to do proper global optimizations, i.e. say
 don't create more than x tag instances.
 If 2, then at next request, what should the page associated foo pool
 contain? 1 tag instance, 2 tag instances..? The only way to really know
 is for the page to do its thing, and pull the tags from the global pool.
 And then you're in synch land again.
 Do you understand now? I realize the above is a bit fuzzy...
   I hope that Costin will be able to reproduce what I found.
  I hope not :-)
  Again - thanks for doing the tests and checking the code, and hope to see
  more contributions and maybe few patches :-)
 Jasper performance is a high priority thing for us (nr 1. on our system
 performance fixing list actually), so if possible, absolutely. I can't
 say I've delved that far into Jasper yet though. It was a bit hard to
  IMHO the right answer is depends. And it depends on the actual use case,
  on how many objects are created and where the synchronization occurs. For
  tomcat, where we expect hundred of concurent requests and each would
  create almost a hundred object ( that was the case in 3.0 ) - I doubt any
  VM could make a difference.
 Have you then considered the middle way I proposed, where each page
 creates the tags it needs, but only once. In my experience, the
 performance kills is in iterative and recursive use of tags, e.g.:
 which will create one foo tag per iteration in 3.2. *That's* the
 biggest problem IMHO. Creating the iterate and foo tag once for that
 page is not, considering that the overhead of managing pools of these
 tag instances is more resource draining, and hard to do properly on a
 global scale.

I just had an idea (dangerous things) regarding tag pooling optimizations.

When Jasper translates a page it should be able to generate information
about which tag handler classes it needs, and for each tag handler, the
profile of the attribute/value pairs.  At runtime Jasper could make one call
to a tag pooling synchronized method to get all available instances of the tag handlers
it needs.  Any tag handlers/attribute profiles it couldn't obtain, it would have
to create.  Then it would manage its own local tag pool during the execution
of the request.  On termination of the request, after the page has been committed
to the remote client, it would make one call to a tag pooling synchronized
method to recycle/add the tag handlers it used.  So there would only be 2
synchronized methods per page for implementing tag pooling regardless of
how many tags are used.  And you have the benifits of minimizing JVM memory
usage by sharing a global JVM tag pool.



Glenn Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] | /* Spelin donut madder|
MOREnet System Programming   |  * if iz ina coment.  |
Missouri Research and Education Network  |  */   |

Re: Jasper performance/3.3 tag pooling

2001-05-23 Thread Rickard Öberg

Glenn Nielsen wrote:
 I just had an idea (dangerous things) regarding tag pooling optimizations.
 When Jasper translates a page it should be able to generate information
 about which tag handler classes it needs, and for each tag handler, the
 profile of the attribute/value pairs.  At runtime Jasper could make one call
 to a tag pooling synchronized method to get all available instances of the tag 
 it needs.  Any tag handlers/attribute profiles it couldn't obtain, it would have
 to create.  Then it would manage its own local tag pool during the execution
 of the request.  On termination of the request, after the page has been committed
 to the remote client, it would make one call to a tag pooling synchronized
 method to recycle/add the tag handlers it used.  So there would only be 2
 synchronized methods per page for implementing tag pooling regardless of
 how many tags are used.  And you have the benifits of minimizing JVM memory
 usage by sharing a global JVM tag pool.

I would be ok with that, as long as I can set the size of the pool to be
zero, since I don't trust Java coders to outperform the optimizations
done by the JVM as outlined in earlier posts.


Rickard Öberg
Software Development Specialist
xlurc - Xpedio Linköping Ubiquitous Research Center
Author of Mastering RMI

Re: Jasper performance/3.3 tag pooling

2001-05-23 Thread Casey Lucas

Glenn Nielsen wrote:


 I just had an idea (dangerous things) regarding tag pooling optimizations.
 When Jasper translates a page it should be able to generate information
 about which tag handler classes it needs, and for each tag handler, the
 profile of the attribute/value pairs.  At runtime Jasper could make one call
 to a tag pooling synchronized method to get all available instances of the tag 
 it needs.  Any tag handlers/attribute profiles it couldn't obtain, it would have
 to create.  Then it would manage its own local tag pool during the execution
 of the request.  On termination of the request, after the page has been committed
 to the remote client, it would make one call to a tag pooling synchronized
 method to recycle/add the tag handlers it used.  So there would only be 2
 synchronized methods per page for implementing tag pooling regardless of
 how many tags are used.  And you have the benifits of minimizing JVM memory
 usage by sharing a global JVM tag pool.

that sparked something..

If we just bite the bullet and modify Jasper to correctly determine tag
handler usage within a page (i.e. not get a new (from pool or new) tag
each time) then we can probably get the best of both worlds -- local
reuse of tag handler variables (I don't like to call that a pool) plus
application wide tag pooling.  If application wide tag pooling is too expensive,
then we can chunk it.  Regardless, the per page reuse should be a big

Next step might be to determine if, in certain situations, we can not re-call
tag setters.  The spec says that attributes set should be persistent.
Rickard's test case would really benefit from setter optimization because
most time was spent in body of setter methods.

Any comments?

btw, If i start tinkering, should I work with jasper34 or the 3.3 stuff?


 Glenn Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] | /* Spelin donut madder|
 MOREnet System Programming   |  * if iz ina coment.  |
 Missouri Research and Education Network  |  */   |

Re: Jasper performance/3.3 tag pooling

2001-05-23 Thread cmanolache

On Wed, 23 May 2001, Casey Lucas wrote:

 btw, If i start tinkering, should I work with jasper34 or the 3.3 stuff?

Difficult question...

The problem with jasper34 is that it doesn't work yet ( the one in
proposals/jasper34 - I still have to move it in the new repository ). Mea
culpa - I tried to make big changes instead of the old slow evolution... 

I'll start importing the current jasper33 in the new repository and make
sure it builds, and use it as the first step for 34. Then I'll stick with
the step-by-step evolution. Merging with jasper40 and xslt can wait a bit.


  Glenn Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] | /* Spelin donut madder|
  MOREnet System Programming   |  * if iz ina coment.  |
  Missouri Research and Education Network  |  */   |

Re: Jasper performance/3.3 tag pooling

2001-05-23 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Wed, 23 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, 23 May 2001, Casey Lucas wrote:
  btw, If i start tinkering, should I work with jasper34 or the 3.3 stuff?
 Difficult question...
 The problem with jasper34 is that it doesn't work yet ( the one in
 proposals/jasper34 - I still have to move it in the new repository ). Mea
 culpa - I tried to make big changes instead of the old slow evolution... 
 I'll start importing the current jasper33 in the new repository and make
 sure it builds, and use it as the first step for 34. Then I'll stick with
 the step-by-step evolution. Merging with jasper40 and xslt can wait a bit.

I know Costin loves evolutionary change :-), and it's certainly a valid
approach to Jasper.

But there is also another approach we should consider - a green-field
recoding of at least some of the major components (conforming to an
agreed-upon overall architecture, of course).

What has struck me about the custom tags pooling question is that we're
trying to make a non-optimizing compiler into an optimizing compiler from
the ground up, rather than taking advantage of the decades of compiler
writing experience and designing one from the top down.

Just as a for instance about why we might want to consider this, let's
look at a mythical iterate tag with a nested tag inside:

  x:iterate from=0 to=999
x:foo name=bar value=%= ... an expression %/

Today, Jasper will do a new FooTag() plus all of the associated tag
setup, inside the loop, 1000 times.  Tomorrow, using tag pooling can mean
that there will only be at most one create, but you've still got the
allocate/deallocate overhead plus the redundant setXxxx calls.

However, it's perfectly legal for the pseudo-code generated by this page
to look like this (see the examples in the JSP spec):

  IterateTag iteratetag = new IterateTag(); // or allocate from a pool

  FooTag fooTag = new FooTag(); // Or allocate from a pool
  fooTag.setPageContext(...);   // Lifted out of the loop
  fooTag.setParent(iterateTag); // Lifted out of the loop
  fooTag.setName(bar);// Lifted out of the loop

  ... iterate-start implementation ... {
  } ... iterate-end implementation ...

  fooTag = null;  // or recycle to a pool

  iterateTag = null; // or recycle to a pool

In other words, you pay either *one* object creation or *one*
allocate/deallocate for the x:foo tag instance, and you don't waste your
time doing stuff inside the loop that only needs to be done once.

Optimizing compilers can be made smart enough to do things like this, as
long as you take the time to build in the appropriate knowledge of the
language (in this case, JSP syntax and semantics) that you are
translating.  If you happened to take a compiler class along a degree
path, this kind of thing will probably look familiar.

I think we owe it to ourselves to consider whether a completely new
effort, at least for the compiler, might get us to better results
(probably with less overall development effort) than an evolutionary
approach based on the current code.

NOTE:  For most of the rest of the overall problem (the PageContext
implementation, how Jasper fits in with the servlet container, and so
on) evolution is probably a very reasonable strategy.  On the compiler,
though, I'm not so sure.



Re: Jasper performance/3.3 tag pooling

2001-05-23 Thread cmanolache

On Wed, 23 May 2001, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

 I know Costin loves evolutionary change :-), and it's certainly a valid
 approach to Jasper.
 But there is also another approach we should consider - a green-field
 recoding of at least some of the major components (conforming to an
 agreed-upon overall architecture, of course).

 NOTE:  For most of the rest of the overall problem (the PageContext
 implementation, how Jasper fits in with the servlet container, and so
 on) evolution is probably a very reasonable strategy.  On the compiler,
 though, I'm not so sure.

If we are talking about the compiler ( or code generator ): I partially
agree, the current architecture will get a lot of pressure from more
complex optimizations or tricks.

But before we can even start to change the generator we need to do the
initial refactoring and get the other components in order ( runtime, etc).
We can also get some optimizations in, and use that to learn what's needed
from a new generator architecture.

I just don't think the new generator can happen in a 3.4 space - my goal
is just to enable an effort to rewrite it, and gather as much information
as possible about it's requirements. 

In any case - whatever happens in the current generator with regard to
generated code  will still be usefull for any new generator architecture.
And if certain optimizations can't be done - that's even better, because
it would help us understand what's needed. 

I had big hopes for an XSLT based generator, and I still think it may be a
good way to implement the code generator - and I hope to hear other


Re: Jasper performance/3.3 tag pooling

2001-05-23 Thread cmanolache


We hope to freeze 3.3 for a release in the next weeks. If you feel the
changes are reasonably small and will not create problems - you can still
do it. 

What about: 

1. We copy the code from 3.3 as it is in jasper34 area ( except that we
rename the package ).

2. We make sure it builds and runs in 3.3 - with a minimal set of changes:
- copy jasper34.jar in lib/container
- edit server.xml and replace JspInterceptor with JspInterceptor34 

3. You can start making the optimizations, and I can start doing the 
refactoring, making sure we keep everything functional.

4. In time we can merge the changes from 4.0, add the new interfaces
proposed by Mel, add a new generator and so on - while making sure the
tests are passing and jasper is stable. 

This is unlikely to be finished before 3.3 is released, but we can make
sure we keep passing all the test suites and we can release milestones of
jasper34 for who needs the performance enhancements. 

When the code is ready we can make a 3.3.1 release and replace the old
jasper ( and same for when ajp14 is ready ). 

What I tried in proposals/jasper34 is just wrong and against the basic
ideas of evolution - and I realize that. 

Just give me 2 days, I need to finish with xalan ( we just had the 2.1.0
release and I need to finish my work on it )


On Wed, 23 May 2001, Casey Lucas wrote:

 Costin  Craig,
 I agree with both of you.  The optimizations that Craig mentioned are
 exactly the ones that I was hoping to add.  Yes, the least fun part
 will probably be adding to the existing generator code.  But, until a
 new generating architecture is in place, I think it would be good to
 go ahead and try to add the code to the existing jasper.  
 When the next gen jasper gets a lot of momentum, we can add the
 tag related optimizations to it.
  On Wed, 23 May 2001, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
   I know Costin loves evolutionary change :-), and it's certainly a valid
   approach to Jasper.
   But there is also another approach we should consider - a green-field
   recoding of at least some of the major components (conforming to an
   agreed-upon overall architecture, of course).
   NOTE:  For most of the rest of the overall problem (the PageContext
   implementation, how Jasper fits in with the servlet container, and so
   on) evolution is probably a very reasonable strategy.  On the compiler,
   though, I'm not so sure.
  If we are talking about the compiler ( or code generator ): I partially
  agree, the current architecture will get a lot of pressure from more
  complex optimizations or tricks.
  But before we can even start to change the generator we need to do the
  initial refactoring and get the other components in order ( runtime, etc).
  We can also get some optimizations in, and use that to learn what's needed
  from a new generator architecture.
  I just don't think the new generator can happen in a 3.4 space - my goal
  is just to enable an effort to rewrite it, and gather as much information
  as possible about it's requirements.
  In any case - whatever happens in the current generator with regard to
  generated code  will still be usefull for any new generator architecture.
  And if certain optimizations can't be done - that's even better, because
  it would help us understand what's needed.
  I had big hopes for an XSLT based generator, and I still think it may be a
  good way to implement the code generator - and I hope to hear other

Re: Jasper performance/3.3 tag pooling

2001-05-23 Thread Casey Lucas

I think the changes will be too big to add before the 3.3 freeze.  I like
your alternative and will start bashing the jsp-java files to get something
optimal before changing the jasper34 generator code.  I'll let you know when
I have something that looks interesting so that it can be discussed
before taking the time to modify the generator code.


 We hope to freeze 3.3 for a release in the next weeks. If you feel the
 changes are reasonably small and will not create problems - you can still
 do it.
 What about:
 1. We copy the code from 3.3 as it is in jasper34 area ( except that we
 rename the package ).
 2. We make sure it builds and runs in 3.3 - with a minimal set of changes:
 - copy jasper34.jar in lib/container
 - edit server.xml and replace JspInterceptor with JspInterceptor34 
 3. You can start making the optimizations, and I can start doing the
 refactoring, making sure we keep everything functional.
 4. In time we can merge the changes from 4.0, add the new interfaces
 proposed by Mel, add a new generator and so on - while making sure the
 tests are passing and jasper is stable.
 This is unlikely to be finished before 3.3 is released, but we can make
 sure we keep passing all the test suites and we can release milestones of
 jasper34 for who needs the performance enhancements.
 When the code is ready we can make a 3.3.1 release and replace the old
 jasper ( and same for when ajp14 is ready ).
 What I tried in proposals/jasper34 is just wrong and against the basic
 ideas of evolution - and I realize that.
 Just give me 2 days, I need to finish with xalan ( we just had the 2.1.0
 release and I need to finish my work on it )
 On Wed, 23 May 2001, Casey Lucas wrote:
  Costin  Craig,
  I agree with both of you.  The optimizations that Craig mentioned are
  exactly the ones that I was hoping to add.  Yes, the least fun part
  will probably be adding to the existing generator code.  But, until a
  new generating architecture is in place, I think it would be good to
  go ahead and try to add the code to the existing jasper.
  When the next gen jasper gets a lot of momentum, we can add the
  tag related optimizations to it.
   On Wed, 23 May 2001, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
I know Costin loves evolutionary change :-), and it's certainly a valid
approach to Jasper.
But there is also another approach we should consider - a green-field
recoding of at least some of the major components (conforming to an
agreed-upon overall architecture, of course).
NOTE:  For most of the rest of the overall problem (the PageContext
implementation, how Jasper fits in with the servlet container, and so
on) evolution is probably a very reasonable strategy.  On the compiler,
though, I'm not so sure.
   If we are talking about the compiler ( or code generator ): I partially
   agree, the current architecture will get a lot of pressure from more
   complex optimizations or tricks.
   But before we can even start to change the generator we need to do the
   initial refactoring and get the other components in order ( runtime, etc).
   We can also get some optimizations in, and use that to learn what's needed
   from a new generator architecture.
   I just don't think the new generator can happen in a 3.4 space - my goal
   is just to enable an effort to rewrite it, and gather as much information
   as possible about it's requirements.
   In any case - whatever happens in the current generator with regard to
   generated code  will still be usefull for any new generator architecture.
   And if certain optimizations can't be done - that's even better, because
   it would help us understand what's needed.
   I had big hopes for an XSLT based generator, and I still think it may be a
   good way to implement the code generator - and I hope to hear other

Re: Jasper performance/3.3 tag pooling

2001-05-22 Thread Rickard Öberg


 Could you send a small page ( and the taglibs ) and the test conditions ?

I have sent taglib+page and test conditions to Costin.

 We know the pool is synchronized and that may create problems under heavy
 load, and we know how to fix this ( by using a per/thread pool without
 synchronization ).

That is one solution, but what do you do with the pool after page

 That was planned for later, in jasper34 space - but if you send code that
 shows a significant degradation in performance in some reasonable
 situations we can still fix it in 3.3.

I hope that Costin will be able to reproduce what I found.

 Regarding the default - I think it should be enabled, mostly because that
 will require people to make sure their taglibs are working corectly in a
 pooled environment. It should be possible to disable it on a per
 application basis, and we need to make sure we document how to do that.

I agree.

 I don't think the design is bad - just the implementation of the pool, but
 this is the first attempt with the goal of making sure the pooling work,
 optimizations will come later. The current experience with tomcat
 performance evolution from 3.1 to 3.3 shows that recycling objects has a
 huge effect ( if implemented corectly ) - and I see no reason why jasper
 would be different. 

Agree, object reuse can have nice effects. But the hash+sync overhead
must be balanced against the benefits of the actual object reuse.

 I'm looking forward to the VM where the allocation and
 GC will be free ( so far most do synchronize on object allocation ).

I had a quick chat with the JRockit guys (the server JVM dudes) last J1,
and they went Waaah! when I told them that JBoss pools EJB instances.
The JVM would do a much better job with it in their opinion. If that's
true or not I don't know, but I have seen other statements like that
from other people.


Rickard Öberg
Software Development Specialist
xlurc - Xpedio Linköping Ubiquitous Research Center
Author of Mastering RMI

Re: Jasper performance/3.3 tag pooling

2001-05-22 Thread Rickard Öberg

Casey Lucas wrote:
 Also, did you run the
 tests with and without tag pooling enabled on the same version of
 tomcat?  (By adding removing TagPoolManagerInterceptor.)

Yes. The only thing changed between the runs was the TPMI flag.

  This is a bad design. Basically, any gains you get from reusing tags are
  lost due to the overhead and general performance decrease you get by
  using hashtables+synchronized.
 Hash lookup is done once per jsp page - when the jsp page is first run.
 After that, it's basically a synchronized push / pop pair on all subsequent
 runs of the page.  In the future we can even get rid of the synch by using
 thread local storage... one step at a time though. :)

Yup, that might improve things. Although then it depends on how
ThreadLocal is implemented. I guess at some point deep down it has to do
synchronized, although I haven't checked.

  I've looked at pages generated by other more efficient JSP compilers
  (e.g. Resin), and they generally use another approach:
  Only reuse a tag within a particular page, and don't use a synchronized
  pool to do it. Just pass the instance around within the generated code.
  What is important is not primarily the global optimization gained by
  using pools, but the local optimization gained by not creating tags for
  each iteration in a iterative custom tag.
 Yes reusing a tag handler within a single page will be more efficient
 (for that particular page) but I would guess that once we change to pool
 per thread there's no way newing the tags at each use will be faster
 (at least for a busy site with lots of tags.)

And didn't say you should either. Right now 3.2 new's tags, and it's
slow. I'm saying, do it the middle way, but new'ing it once per page,
and then reuse within that page. No global optimization problems (i.e.
when to grow/shrink the pool), no synch problems, no shared pool
considerations, no hash lookup. All the good stuff and none of the bad.

As I said, last time I checked Resin worked this way, and I think we can
all agree that it's pretty snappy.

  This is wy more efficient, and also avoids the suboptimization of
  trying to reuse objects using Java code, something which is more
  handled by modern JVMs' memory management (i.e. creating objects using
  new is
  pretty snappy compared with Java-coded pools).
 I disagree.  I've found that object reuse can be a good performance

Sorry, I should have been more specific. Of course object reuse can be a
good performance optimization. I'm just saying that you gotta balance it
with regard to modern JVM's ability to manage memory and new objects.
Optimize locally in code, and let the JVM do it globally. That's just
IMHO though, so feel free to disagree :-)

  So, please remove the tag pooling, and do it right. If you don't believe
  me, do some benchmarking or something.
 I have done benchmarking and pooling enabled always wins.  :)  Maybe you
 can send some examples so that we can try and track down the problems.

As above, I've sent code to Costin. But I'll forward it to you to, so
you check it out.

Lastly, I would be absolutely thrilled to find out that the fault was
mine, i.e. some silly coding or config error. :-)


Rickard Öberg
Software Development Specialist
xlurc - Xpedio Linköping Ubiquitous Research Center
Author of Mastering RMI

Re: Jasper performance/3.3 tag pooling

2001-05-22 Thread cmanolache

On Tue, 22 May 2001, Rickard Öberg wrote:

  Could you send a small page ( and the taglibs ) and the test conditions ?
 I have sent taglib+page and test conditions to Costin.

Thanks, I'll try to add it to the tests dir.

  We know the pool is synchronized and that may create problems under heavy
  load, and we know how to fix this ( by using a per/thread pool without
  synchronization ).
 That is one solution, but what do you do with the pool after page

I'm not sure I understand. Each thread has a number of associated objects
that are recycled and reused - a Request object will stick with a

Same can be done for the tag pools - except that this may use a lot of
memory ( but less than allocating/freeing ). It is possible to use a
middle ground, or tune this - but for maximum performance you can have a
local pool in each Request. 

 I hope that Costin will be able to reproduce what I found.

I hope not :-) 

Again - thanks for doing the tests and checking the code, and hope to see
more contributions and maybe few patches :-)

 I had a quick chat with the JRockit guys (the server JVM dudes) last J1,
 and they went Waaah! when I told them that JBoss pools EJB instances.
 The JVM would do a much better job with it in their opinion. If that's
 true or not I don't know, but I have seen other statements like that
 from other people.

IMHO the right answer is depends. And it depends on the actual use case,
on how many objects are created and where the synchronization occurs. For
tomcat, where we expect hundred of concurent requests and each would
create almost a hundred object ( that was the case in 3.0 ) - I doubt any
VM could make a difference. 


Re: Jasper performance/3.3 tag pooling

2001-05-22 Thread cmanolache

On Tue, 22 May 2001, Rickard Öberg wrote:

  Hash lookup is done once per jsp page - when the jsp page is first run.
  After that, it's basically a synchronized push / pop pair on all subsequent
  runs of the page.  In the future we can even get rid of the synch by using
  thread local storage... one step at a time though. :)
 Yup, that might improve things. Although then it depends on how
 ThreadLocal is implemented. I guess at some point deep down it has to do
 synchronized, although I haven't checked.

It does ! :-)

But in tomcat 3.3 we do a different trick - the thread pool is maintaining
a local storage for each thread, and it's passing it to the worker.

The only synchronization in tomcat is in getting a thread from the thread
pool - besides that we shouldn't need anything else. 

Right now we keep the Request/Request pair - so we have a one-to-one
relation between main request and thread ( in other words, the request
is allways in the same thread ). Whatever attributes/notes you store in
the request will be equivalent with thread-local data, without any sync.

 Sorry, I should have been more specific. Of course object reuse can be a
 good performance optimization. I'm just saying that you gotta balance it
 with regard to modern JVM's ability to manage memory and new objects.
 Optimize locally in code, and let the JVM do it globally. That's just
 IMHO though, so feel free to disagree :-)


I was thinking the reverse - optimize globally, let the VM optimize
locally, but it depends on definitions... 


Re: Jasper performance/3.3 tag pooling

2001-05-21 Thread cmanolache

Hi Rickard,

Could you send a small page ( and the taglibs ) and the test conditions ?

Most tests I run show a (significant) improvement in performance. 

We know the pool is synchronized and that may create problems under heavy
load, and we know how to fix this ( by using a per/thread pool without
synchronization ).

That was planned for later, in jasper34 space - but if you send code that
shows a significant degradation in performance in some reasonable
situations we can still fix it in 3.3.

Regarding the default - I think it should be enabled, mostly because that
will require people to make sure their taglibs are working corectly in a
pooled environment. It should be possible to disable it on a per
application basis, and we need to make sure we document how to do that.

I don't think the design is bad - just the implementation of the pool, but
this is the first attempt with the goal of making sure the pooling work,
optimizations will come later. The current experience with tomcat
performance evolution from 3.1 to 3.3 shows that recycling objects has a
huge effect ( if implemented corectly ) - and I see no reason why jasper
would be different. I'm looking forward to the VM where the allocation and
GC will be free ( so far most do synchronize on object allocation ).


On Mon, 21 May 2001, Rickard Öberg wrote:

 Ok, so now I've tested the Jasper performance with the 3.3 tag pooling
 fix. The test was performed with a medium complexity page using lots of
 iterative custom tags in a hierarchical fashion (i.e. tags within tags).
 The page ran slower, and above all the response time varied greatly
 (between 250ms and 460ms, whereas without tag pooling we got between
 230ms and 340ms).
 Looking at the generated code, I'm not particularly surprised: it uses
 (it seems) a real shared tag pool, so using tags will execute code that
 to be synchronized. 
 This is a bad design. Basically, any gains you get from reusing tags are
 lost due to the overhead and general performance decrease you get by
 using hashtables+synchronized.
 I've looked at pages generated by other more efficient JSP compilers
 (e.g. Resin), and they generally use another approach:
 Only reuse a tag within a particular page, and don't use a synchronized
 pool to do it. Just pass the instance around within the generated code.
 What is important is not primarily the global optimization gained by
 using pools, but the local optimization gained by not creating tags for
 each iteration in a iterative custom tag.
 This is wy more efficient, and also avoids the suboptimization of
 trying to reuse objects using Java code, something which is more
 handled by modern JVMs' memory management (i.e. creating objects using
 new is
 pretty snappy compared with Java-coded pools).
 So, please remove the tag pooling, and do it right. If you don't believe
 me, do some benchmarking or something.

Re: Jasper performance/3.3 tag pooling

2001-05-21 Thread Casey Lucas


Can you please send in some complete examples?  Also, did you run the
tests with and without tag pooling enabled on the same version of
tomcat?  (By adding removing TagPoolManagerInterceptor.)

My experience has been that if the jsp uses many tags, then pooling is
a big performance gain.  See comments below.

Rickard Öberg wrote:
 Ok, so now I've tested the Jasper performance with the 3.3 tag pooling
 fix. The test was performed with a medium complexity page using lots of
 iterative custom tags in a hierarchical fashion (i.e. tags within tags).
 The page ran slower, and above all the response time varied greatly
 (between 250ms and 460ms, whereas without tag pooling we got between
 230ms and 340ms).
 Looking at the generated code, I'm not particularly surprised: it uses
 (it seems) a real shared tag pool, so using tags will execute code that
 to be synchronized.

Yes, everytime you obtain a tag, there is a synch that occurs for the
pool that exists for each uniquely named tag and specific set of attributes.

There is actually a set of named pools per application context.

 This is a bad design. Basically, any gains you get from reusing tags are
 lost due to the overhead and general performance decrease you get by
 using hashtables+synchronized.

Hash lookup is done once per jsp page - when the jsp page is first run.
After that, it's basically a synchronized push / pop pair on all subsequent
runs of the page.  In the future we can even get rid of the synch by using
thread local storage... one step at a time though. :)

 I've looked at pages generated by other more efficient JSP compilers
 (e.g. Resin), and they generally use another approach:
 Only reuse a tag within a particular page, and don't use a synchronized
 pool to do it. Just pass the instance around within the generated code.
 What is important is not primarily the global optimization gained by
 using pools, but the local optimization gained by not creating tags for
 each iteration in a iterative custom tag.

Yes reusing a tag handler within a single page will be more efficient
(for that particular page) but I would guess that once we change to pool
per thread there's no way newing the tags at each use will be faster
(at least for a busy site with lots of tags.)

 This is wy more efficient, and also avoids the suboptimization of
 trying to reuse objects using Java code, something which is more
 handled by modern JVMs' memory management (i.e. creating objects using
 new is
 pretty snappy compared with Java-coded pools).

I disagree.  I've found that object reuse can be a good performance

 So, please remove the tag pooling, and do it right. If you don't believe
 me, do some benchmarking or something.

I have done benchmarking and pooling enabled always wins.  :)  Maybe you
can send some examples so that we can try and track down the problems.

Thanks for taking a look at tag pooling.  I look forward to refining the


RE: Jasper performance

2001-05-20 Thread Paulo Gaspar

 -Original Message-
 From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2001 12:01 AM
 (sorry for the response lag, unfortunatly I don't read tomcat very

 * Using XSTL for templating...
 Like Jon and some others, I think that XSTL is a bit too complicated
 (and memory expensive) to be my favorite templating mechanism.  But it
 is a widely used as a transformation mechanism.  Some thoughts on the
 role of XML, JSP  XSLT at

This follown-the-bunch atitude with XSLT and other technologies, always 
reminds me of lemmings.


Have fun,
Paulo Gaspar

RE: Jasper performance - JMX

2001-05-18 Thread Paulo Gaspar

In the case of DoS, I don't believe a bit on trusted tags and such
stuff. Why monitoring the tags at all if while(true) is so easy.

I mean, the front door is wide open, why care about that little

The only way to close everything is by monitoring the Servlets and
allow setting some limitation on time per request. And that does not
look so hard to do since Servlets are passive entities (meaning
that they do NOT call Tomcat, Tomcat calls them) and their basic
implementation (base class) belongs to Tomcat.

The standard way to do it would be by instrumenting the Servlets,
either directly or with a wrapper using JMX. JMX is not a J2EE
exclusive and it is not that complex either.

Additional advantages of implementing JMX in Tomcat:
 - Collecting other statistics;
 - Diagnostics;
 - Changing settings on the fly;
 - etc.

BTW, I am not the first person talking about JMX in this list.

Have fun,
Paulo Gaspar

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 3:02 AM

 On Thu, 17 May 2001, Glenn Nielsen wrote:

   I guess he's refering to DOS attacks ( like a while(true); in
 java code
   or allocating lots of memory ).
  You won't have much of a templating language if you don't allow some
  sort of looping.  Kind of hard to restrict that.

 True, but if you have a set of trusted tags, including looping tags, and
 no untrusted code except the one that calls the tags you could do a lot
 to control the resources.

 For example the tags ( or jasper generated code ) could check for time
 execution limits, or how many resources are allocated.

  It would be nice if self monitoring were built into Tomcat so
 sysads could
  track statistics on performance of the JVM, Tomcat in general,
 and individual
  servlets/JSP's.  Even setting thresholds when automated email
  could be done.  Lets give sysadmins the information they need, then they
  can take action against problem users.

 Yes, that would be an interesting hack..

 I was thinking about JPDA - it would be possible to check the memory use
 for each thread, associate it with the user code. Also, it is possible to
 store the time when entering/exiting user code, and have a deamon thread
 check if any thread is spending too much time.

 ( the time monitoring part can be done without jpda - but to monitor the
 memory I don't know other solution ).

 ( well, I know - I remember a certain tool that was used to manipluate
 bytecodes and add instrumentation before all allocations - but that's
 far too difficult for the time we have available ).

  I still think that using the SecurityManager implementation in
 Tomcat with a
  well tuned security polciy can provide one of the most secure
  available for running web based applications. This is just my opinion,
  feel free to try and convince me some other technology is more secure.

 I'll not even try :-)

 You're right, but there are some things that we could add to also control
 some resource usage ( memory and cpu time ).


Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-18 Thread Glenn Nielsen

Jon Stevens wrote:
 on 5/17/01 12:47 PM, Glenn Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  But now that both Tomcat 3.2 and Tomcat 4 support the Java SecurityManager
  you can control security at the container level regardless of whether someone
  is using the CFM servlet, velocity, CoCoon, JSP, etc.
 Not true.
 Hashtable strings = new Hashtable();
 int i=0;
 while (true)
 strings.put (dead+i, new StringBuffer(99));
 There is no amount of security that will prevent someone from putting that
 into their JSP page other than disabling the ability to put scriptlets into
 things. If you do that, then you are simply where you should have been in
 the first place...using Velocity.

Yes, but using velocity templates limits a great deal what customers
can do when compared to a general purpose servlet container where
web applications can be deployed.  There is a great deal more to
security than just preventing a 'trusted user' who can publish content
from doing something stupid.  No where in your YMTD document do I see
anything about security, just your reference above to a trusted user
DoS.  Heck, if one of my customers wants to use Velocity, they can do
so if it can be deployed as a web application, but it will have to
run within the security policies we set for the Tomcat Java SecurityManager. ;-)



Glenn Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] | /* Spelin donut madder|
MOREnet System Programming   |  * if iz ina coment.  |
Missouri Research and Education Network  |  */   |

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-18 Thread Dennis Doubleday

At 07:51 AM 5/18/01, Geir wrote:

Those aren't comparable, 'Velocity templates' and 'general purpose
servlet container', because Velocity is just a template tool - you still
need the servlet and servlet container.

That was exactly my point when I said Velocity doesn't really do anything 
to prevent DOS attacks, either. Any Velocity app requires a servlet 
back-end, and if I'm going to host user apps, I'm going to have to let them 
install servlets, in which case they can put in the same ever-looping code.

Dennis Doubleday  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Inc.   web:

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-18 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.

Dennis Doubleday wrote:
 At 07:51 AM 5/18/01, Geir wrote:
 Those aren't comparable, 'Velocity templates' and 'general purpose
 servlet container', because Velocity is just a template tool - you still
 need the servlet and servlet container.
 That was exactly my point when I said Velocity doesn't really do anything
 to prevent DOS attacks, either. Any Velocity app requires a servlet
 back-end, and if I'm going to host user apps, I'm going to have to let them
 install servlets, in which case they can put in the same ever-looping code.

Definitely.   Agreed.  There is no silver bullet.

I guess the point is that you remove a little of the risk, as a designer

  % while(true); %

(although as JSP compilers get better, I am sure this stuff can be found
and flagged...)

This is not intended to disparage designers : it's just a different
talent set.  My use of color has been described as dangerous, bordering
on criminal :)


Geir Magnusson Jr.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System and Software Consulting
Developing for the web?  See
still climbing up to the shoulders...

RE: Jasper performance - JMX

2001-05-18 Thread cmanolache

On Fri, 18 May 2001, Paulo Gaspar wrote:

 In the case of DoS, I don't believe a bit on trusted tags and such
 stuff. Why monitoring the tags at all if while(true) is so easy.
 I mean, the front door is wide open, why care about that little

Well, what I said was trusted tags and only pure jsps, no
user code. That means a webapplication will be allowed only if it has no
libraries, no servlets, no user tags - and only JSPs that are not using %
%, but only a limited set of tags.

All the above is equivalent with what Jon described ( except syntactic
sugar ). It'll be foreach instead of #foreach, etc - so at least you'll 
use the JSP syntax, and your app will work in normal containers as well.
It will be a valid JSP in a valid webapp - but of course the container
can't be called a servlet container ( it doesn't run even servlets :-)

I doubt too many installations of Velocity are set up to disallow user
code - it's not too much you can do. It'll be secure - probably because
nobody will care to use such a thing :-) And if you allow any user code -
all the #foreach prevention of DOS goes away.

( it's like the famous thin air firewall - it's the most secure, but
pointless ).

 The only way to close everything is by monitoring the Servlets and
 allow setting some limitation on time per request. And that does not
 look so hard to do since Servlets are passive entities (meaning
 that they do NOT call Tomcat, Tomcat calls them) and their basic
 implementation (base class) belongs to Tomcat.

I agree.

With a security manager you control almost everything - except the amount
of CPU and memory. It is possible ( and not very difficult ) to monitor
the CPU amount used by a servlet - just a trivial interceptor that will
log the moment of entry and exit in servlet code. You'll need a thread
that periodically checks if a servlet/jsp is hunged or takes too much
time, and disable the whole app if it is the case.

It is also possible to periodically check the amount of memory used by
each thread. ( it's much harder - but I think you can hack a bit with JPDA 
and do it ). ( like OptimizeIt work for example ).

Both will be far more usefull than security by removing all usefull

 BTW, I am not the first person talking about JMX in this list.

JMX is great - I like it a lot, it can be added easily by a module - but I
don't think it's a big priority for now. After 3.3 is released we can
discuss new features as add-on modules ( I have a few ).


RE: Jasper performance

2001-05-18 Thread Jef Newsom

Velocity does do a lot to minimize the risk you mention, but while we're
using stupid coding tricks, couldn't you do the following in Velocity?

#* assume strings is a Vector *#
#set ($strings = $request.getParameter(strings)))
#foreach ($string in $strings)

-Original Message-
From: Geir Magnusson Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 8:50 AM
Subject: Re: Jasper performance

Dennis Doubleday wrote:
 At 07:51 AM 5/18/01, Geir wrote:
 Those aren't comparable, 'Velocity templates' and 'general purpose
 servlet container', because Velocity is just a template tool - you
 need the servlet and servlet container.
 That was exactly my point when I said Velocity doesn't really do
 to prevent DOS attacks, either. Any Velocity app requires a servlet
 back-end, and if I'm going to host user apps, I'm going to have to let
 install servlets, in which case they can put in the same ever-looping

Definitely.   Agreed.  There is no silver bullet.

I guess the point is that you remove a little of the risk, as a designer

  % while(true); %

(although as JSP compilers get better, I am sure this stuff can be found
and flagged...)

This is not intended to disparage designers : it's just a different
talent set.  My use of color has been described as dangerous, bordering
on criminal :)


Geir Magnusson Jr.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System and Software Consulting
Developing for the web?  See
still climbing up to the shoulders...

RE: Jasper performance

2001-05-18 Thread Jef Newsom

It isn't concurrent.

-Original Message-
From: Geir Magnusson Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: Jasper performance

Jef Newsom wrote:
 Velocity does do a lot to minimize the risk you mention, but while
 using stupid coding tricks, couldn't you do the following in Velocity?
 #* assume strings is a Vector *#
 #set ($strings = $request.getParameter(strings)))
 #foreach ($string in $strings)

Good try :)

Assuming it is a Vector, I am pretty convinced that wouldn't work
because you will get a ConcurrentModificationException when you modified
the Vector.


 -Original Message-
 From: Geir Magnusson Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 8:50 AM
 Subject: Re: Jasper performance
 Dennis Doubleday wrote:
  At 07:51 AM 5/18/01, Geir wrote:
  Those aren't comparable, 'Velocity templates' and 'general purpose
  servlet container', because Velocity is just a template tool - you
  need the servlet and servlet container.
  That was exactly my point when I said Velocity doesn't really do
  to prevent DOS attacks, either. Any Velocity app requires a servlet
  back-end, and if I'm going to host user apps, I'm going to have to
  install servlets, in which case they can put in the same
 Definitely.   Agreed.  There is no silver bullet.
 I guess the point is that you remove a little of the risk, as a
   % while(true); %
 (although as JSP compilers get better, I am sure this stuff can be
 and flagged...)
 This is not intended to disparage designers : it's just a different
 talent set.  My use of color has been described as dangerous,
 on criminal :)
 Geir Magnusson Jr.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 System and Software Consulting
 Developing for the web?  See
 still climbing up to the shoulders...

Geir Magnusson Jr.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System and Software Consulting
Developing for the web?  See
still climbing up to the shoulders...

RE: Jasper performance

2001-05-18 Thread Jef Newsom

I wrote a test script, and assuming (which the docs say it does) that
Velocity uses the iterator() instead of elements() when it runs up
against a vector, then all is well. If elements() is used, it goes into
infinite loop land. My mistake. 

-Original Message-
From: Jef Newsom 
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 11:44 AM
Subject: RE: Jasper performance

It isn't concurrent.

-Original Message-
From: Geir Magnusson Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: Jasper performance

Jef Newsom wrote:
 Velocity does do a lot to minimize the risk you mention, but while
 using stupid coding tricks, couldn't you do the following in Velocity?
 #* assume strings is a Vector *#
 #set ($strings = $request.getParameter(strings)))
 #foreach ($string in $strings)

Good try :)

Assuming it is a Vector, I am pretty convinced that wouldn't work
because you will get a ConcurrentModificationException when you modified
the Vector.


 -Original Message-
 From: Geir Magnusson Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 8:50 AM
 Subject: Re: Jasper performance
 Dennis Doubleday wrote:
  At 07:51 AM 5/18/01, Geir wrote:
  Those aren't comparable, 'Velocity templates' and 'general purpose
  servlet container', because Velocity is just a template tool - you
  need the servlet and servlet container.
  That was exactly my point when I said Velocity doesn't really do
  to prevent DOS attacks, either. Any Velocity app requires a servlet
  back-end, and if I'm going to host user apps, I'm going to have to
  install servlets, in which case they can put in the same
 Definitely.   Agreed.  There is no silver bullet.
 I guess the point is that you remove a little of the risk, as a
   % while(true); %
 (although as JSP compilers get better, I am sure this stuff can be
 and flagged...)
 This is not intended to disparage designers : it's just a different
 talent set.  My use of color has been described as dangerous,
 on criminal :)
 Geir Magnusson Jr.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 System and Software Consulting
 Developing for the web?  See
 still climbing up to the shoulders...

Geir Magnusson Jr.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System and Software Consulting
Developing for the web?  See
still climbing up to the shoulders...

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-18 Thread Jon Stevens

on 5/18/01 1:37 AM, Paulo Gaspar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 All Velocity has is a #foreach. This is a fully functional
 looping construct
 that prevents you from screwing things up and still gets the job done.
 On the #foreach and DoS issues, I would use makes it harder instead
 of prevents in .
 But it also makes much harder to mix logic and presentation too.
 Have fun,
 Paulo Gaspar

Please try to come up with a case where it isn't prevented and then give me
a reason for makes it harder.


If you come from a Perl or PHP background, JSP is a way to take
your pain to new levels. --Anonymous

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-18 Thread Jon Stevens

on 5/18/01 6:50 AM, Geir Magnusson Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Definitely.   Agreed.  There is no silver bullet.
 I guess the point is that you remove a little of the risk, as a designer
 % while(true); %
 (although as JSP compilers get better, I am sure this stuff can be found
 and flagged...)
 This is not intended to disparage designers : it's just a different
 talent set.  My use of color has been described as dangerous, bordering
 on criminal :)

I guess the point that we are trying to make with Velocity is that the
design of the Velocity tool is far cleaner than having to rely on improved
compilers to do the work for you.


Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-18 Thread Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart

(sorry for the response lag, unfortunatly I don't read tomcat very

Hi Jon.

 The problem with taglibs is that there is no restriction on the
 ability to put Java code in the page. It is part of the JSP
 specification to be able to do that. Sure, you can disable it (as
 Costin said), but then you are breaking the JSP specification. And
 I know how important standards are to everyone...

I didn't see any follow-up clarifying this but apologies if I missed it.

JSP 1.2 has the notion of a TagLibraryValidator that is associated with
a tag library.  This can be used to portably validate different
assertions on your JSP page.  This could be used to, for example, check
that some actions are nested within others, or that some portions of
your JSP page conform in one way or another.

A TagLibraryValidator can also be used to disable scriptlets.


On some of the other points in this thread:

* Using XSTL for templating...

Like Jon and some others, I think that XSTL is a bit too complicated
(and memory expensive) to be my favorite templating mechanism.  But it
is a widely used as a transformation mechanism.  Some thoughts on the
role of XML, JSP  XSLT at

* XML in Jasper...

The JSP expert group has considered for a while adding a portable
mechanism for transformations on a JSP page.  Such a transformation
would be defined as operating on the XML reprsetnation of a JSP page.  
I expect we will discuss again this feature for JSP 1.3, although there
are no specific dates for that yet.


- eduard/o

Jon Stevens wrote:
 on 5/17/01 6:46 AM, Dennis Doubleday [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  At 08:35 PM 5/16/01, Jon wrote:
  Also, there is a reason for the #foreach...
  I agree with most of your points. I am a new Velocity user and I am very
  impressed by its combination of power and simplicity. Reading/writing XSLT
  specs is an exercise in masochism.
  However, I don't see how Velocity is really avoiding the fundamental
  problem described in the document you referenced. If you are an ISP hosting
  Velocity-based pages, you are certainly going to have to let that 14 year
  old kid install both templates and class files; templates by themselves
  won't accomplish much. So the incompetent or malicious client can easily
  make the same mistake in his Command class that he would have made in the
  JSP page, and therefore also create a DOS attack on all servlets hosted in
  that JVM. No?
 Controlling what goes into the Context is key.
 There is nothing stating that you have to give the 14 year old access to
 creating .java files. Instead, the alternative approach is to place certain
 objects within the Context which allow the 14 year old to do a limited set
 of actions. This follows along with the Pull Model:
 This is the approach that Tea uses as well as
 the general idea behind taglibs. The problem with taglibs is that there is
 no restriction on the ability to put Java code in the page. It is part of
 the JSP specification to be able to do that. Sure, you can disable it (as
 Costin said), but then you are breaking the JSP specification. And I know
 how important standards are to everyone...
 If you come from a Perl or PHP background, JSP is a way to take
 your pain to new levels. --Anonymous

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-18 Thread Jon Stevens

on 5/18/01 3:01 PM, Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart

 I didn't see any follow-up clarifying this but apologies if I missed it.
 JSP 1.2 has the notion of a TagLibraryValidator that is associated with
 a tag library.  This can be used to portably validate different
 assertions on your JSP page.  This could be used to, for example, check
 that some actions are nested within others, or that some portions of
 your JSP page conform in one way or another.
 A TagLibraryValidator can also be used to disable scriptlets.

Making it easy to disable scriptlets and breaking the specification are two
different things. It is part of the JSP specification to be able to use
scriptlets. By disabling them, you are encouraging people to break the

If people open their eyes and realize that the specification is
fundamentally flawed, then they will see that the alternative (and correct)
approach would be to remove scriptlets from the specification entirely.

If you go and do that, you are back at square one and might as well have
used another technology (which took this into consideration from the start)
in the first place.

Again, we are back to my point that simply taking an already terrible
technology (ASP) and trying to fit it into a Java model (JSP) is a really
brain damaged thing to do.

In order to fix the problems in ASP (and therefore JSP) one has two options:
1) Hack the exiting technology (JSP) until it kinda works. 2) Come up with
an alternative technology that took consideration of these points from the

Clearly Sun chooses to take the approach of #1 because Sun would look like a
bunch of boneheads if they dropped JSP at this time. So, stick with what you
have and *try* to push it on people for as long as you can until someone
wakes up and realizes that what was pushed down their throat by Sun was a
stupid decision.

 On some of the other points in this thread:
 * Using XSTL for templating...
 Like Jon and some others, I think that XSTL is a bit too complicated
 (and memory expensive) to be my favorite templating mechanism.  But it
 is a widely used as a transformation mechanism.  Some thoughts on the
 role of XML, JSP  XSLT at

The humor in that article is that it all falls down as people realize that
they want to be able to take form input from something. If you notice, all
the arrows point towards the client. There are NO arrows that point from the
client towards the server. Once again, I'm not impressed because the
document doesn't address the larger vision of what people need to do in the
real world.

 * XML in Jasper...
 The JSP expert group has considered for a while adding a portable
 mechanism for transformations on a JSP page.  Such a transformation
 would be defined as operating on the XML reprsetnation of a JSP page.
 I expect we will discuss again this feature for JSP 1.3, although there
 are no specific dates for that yet.



If you come from a Perl or PHP background, JSP is a way to take
your pain to new levels. --Anonymous

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-18 Thread Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart

Sorry, Jon, we disagree.  TagLibraryValidators *are* part of the JSP 1.2
specification.  They are quite flexible and one of the simplest uses is
to express that some tags cannot appear.  Scriptlets are exposed as
jsp:scriptlet tags.

- eduard/o

Jon Stevens wrote:
 on 5/18/01 3:01 PM, Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart
  I didn't see any follow-up clarifying this but apologies if I missed it.
  JSP 1.2 has the notion of a TagLibraryValidator that is associated with
  a tag library.  This can be used to portably validate different
  assertions on your JSP page.  This could be used to, for example, check
  that some actions are nested within others, or that some portions of
  your JSP page conform in one way or another.
  A TagLibraryValidator can also be used to disable scriptlets.
 Making it easy to disable scriptlets and breaking the specification are two
 different things. It is part of the JSP specification to be able to use
 scriptlets. By disabling them, you are encouraging people to break the

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-18 Thread Jon Stevens

on 5/18/01 4:55 PM, Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart

 Sorry, Jon, we disagree.  TagLibraryValidators *are* part of the JSP 1.2

Go back and read what I wrote again. I'm not saying that
TagLibraryValidators aren't part of the specification.

 They are quite flexible and one of the simplest uses is
 to express that some tags cannot appear.  Scriptlets are exposed as
 jsp:scriptlet tags.

Correct. And Scriptlets are also part of the specification.

See: JSP Specificaton: 2.11.2

So, making scriptlets disappear is invalidating the specification. No where
does it say in 2.11.2 that it is legal to remove those entities. In fact,
the document specifically states:

All JSP containers must support scripting elements based on the Java
programming language.

I don't see how you can disagree with me on the point of removing scriptlets
from an application will invalidate the specification.

So, in effect, you are talking about modifications of the specification. If
you are going to go to that length (which is removing something that has
been in the specification since day one and is documented all over the place
in examples), you might as well dump the entire JSP technology and start

I also find humor how you simply ignore my other points. Maybe if you shove
enough stuff under the rug, no one will figure it out.


Re: Jasper performance - JMX

2001-05-18 Thread Jon Stevens

on 5/18/01 10:48 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, 18 May 2001, Jon Stevens wrote:
 Correct, however some bright monkey decided to add % % into the JSP
 specification. So, if you disable that, you are breaking the specification.
 In other words, it is a bad design in the first place. That is the point.
 Not using % % doesn't brake the spec - it is still a valid JSP page.

Preventing people from using % % breaks the spec. It is documented, read:

 Not allowing user code ( servlets, user libs, user tags ) is indeed
 breaking the specification - and a server that is doing that shouldn't
 claim it supports server side java - but the same is true for turbine,
 isn't it ?

Nope. Turbine doesn't require the use of user modifiable server side java in
order to do its job. You can simply put tags into the context and make them
available to the end users.

 I find % % quite usefull for prototyping - but if you don't like it -
 don't use it. I wouldn't tuch a server where it's disabled, or where all I
 can do is use an obscure scripting language.

#1. Luckily you aren't developing web applications as your job.

#2. obscure?

 The developer can make the decision - not a smart monkey that thinks he
 knows better. 

We aren't trying to work with java developers. We are trying to work with
designers and template engineers.

 Please don't tell me mixing logic and presentation is the worst sin -

It is. In all of the years that I have been doing web app development (about
6-7 years now), this is the most common complain that I have heard about.

 most systems allow that ( HTML + javascript, perl, php, jsp, asp,
 XSLT, servlets, and so on ). I don't know any successful system where this
 is not allowed.


Yes Costin, it has taken many years to get to the point of what we have been
trying to get to, but it has finally happened. Eureka! Get used to it.


If you come from a Perl or PHP background, JSP is a way to take
your pain to new levels. --Anonymous

RE: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread Paulo Gaspar

 XSLT is not perfect - neither is HTTP or HTML or any other standard. But
 because Apache and many other organizations are implementing and using it
 - I think they'll be around for a while :-)


You are still missing the point (as I wrote in my previous post on this 
thread) of the big volume of jars XSLT use would add to Tomcat minimal 
distro for JSP compilation.

Also, maybe the impact of using XSLT is quite larger than you expect. 
Especially via the huge memory demands and respective side effects. I 
know that you know well about the impact of creating a zillion of 
objects in memory (as it happens in even the most minimal use of XSLT), 
so I am not going to detail on what those side effects are.

What is worse, XSLT is usualy way too much trouble because so many 
things are so counter intuitive. 

The trap is that the really simple stuff works as expected, but when 
you need something just a little bit more complicated, sudenly you bump
into something that does not work as expected, and you spend the next 
few days trying to figure out what.

Jon is a... er... politness challenged person and is a bit too obcessed 
with Velocity, but he is basically right. 

I used XSLT a lot and I can tell you that is easy for Velocity to be a 
better alternative (and it is not my favourite one!) just because XSLT 
is such a poor template mechanism.

One year ago, I was in the XSLT-LIST, bought Michael Kay book (kind of 
a very essential XSLT bible) and I was thinking about writing everything 
I could in XSLT just as any other XSLT fanatic... until I found out that:
 - I was wasting way too much time with XSLT complexities (why do you 
   think the XSLT-LIST has all that traffic? Do you know that list?);
 - The outcome was always slower and more resource intensive than I 
   found natural (and that the alternatives, as I discovered later).

I would still use XSLT for some XML transformation tasks, but never for

I use Velocity and, in terms of both functionality and resource usage, 
it would really be a much better choice than XSLT (which is not hard
to do, anyway). But it would NOT be my 1st choice for this (see my 
previous posting for further detail). It would be my 2nd choice in a 
very cut down version.

Notice that I was not born with this knowledge. I went trough a lot of
trouble to learn this. Now, you can
 - Pay attention to what I say and chek it out;
 - Think that the W3C is always right (HAHAHAHAHA!);
 - Think that your intuition is always right, which is another way of 
   saying that you were born knowing it all.

Sorry Costin for assuming that you do not have much experience with 
XSLT and its alternatives, but I just think you are too smart to keep
defending it if you had that experience.

Have fun,
Paulo Gaspar

RE: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread Carlos Gaston Alvarez

I dont know if I really understood. You (some) are thinking to compile a
jsp using xslt. I didnt know that that was possible. I mean, can a jsp be
loaded as a dom object? I think that it cannot because a nice guy can write
some code like % out.writeln(/html); % and that is, it is not more xml
compliant. (please tellme if I am wrong).
If the problem is the compilation time I can hardly believe that we can
do something faster that a java compiler. Not because we dont have the
skill, but because there are groups working in this kind of implementations.
We should be blindly proud to think out compiler would be faster than
theirs. Also, I consider that a waste of time.
Let me do some guessing. I know, I should be reading the code, but I
have been realy overloaded for the last months. Lets see if I have
understood the problem.
Saving a file for compilation is slow. So we need a faster solution.
But, why is it slow?
It sounds like we are saving the .java in file and then invoking a
javacc process. The new process needs loads the compiler classes, compiles
them (?) and then compiles our .java source.
If we could have the compiler just loaded on our own memory space, we
could invoke it saving the loading compiling (?) time. We could also send
the .java 'file' in memory and expect the .class 'file' also in memory.
Yes, may be we need some modifications in the compiler, but as part of
the apache project we are at a good position for asking it an having a good



ps: sorry for doing so much guessing but next month I will have much more

RE: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread Christopher Kirk

From my view, the problem with JSP-Java-Class isn't performance its
debugging. JSP is hard to work with when you make a mistake, very often the
error message is less than helpful. A very large step in improving this is
by making the line number given by the stack trace match the line numbers of
the JSP page. This currently is not the case because of the intermediate
step of a java file. It would be beneficial to compile JSP straight to Java,
complete with debugging information included in the class file.

- Chris.

 -Original Message-
 From: Carlos Gaston Alvarez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 17 May 2001 12:51
 Subject: RE: Jasper performance
 I dont know if I really understood. You (some) are 
 thinking to compile a
 jsp using xslt. I didnt know that that was possible. I mean, 
 can a jsp be
 loaded as a dom object? I think that it cannot because a nice 
 guy can write
 some code like % out.writeln(/html); % and that is, it 
 is not more xml
 compliant. (please tellme if I am wrong).
 If the problem is the compilation time I can hardly 
 believe that we can
 do something faster that a java compiler. Not because we dont have the
 skill, but because there are groups working in this kind of 
 We should be blindly proud to think out compiler would be faster than
 theirs. Also, I consider that a waste of time.
 Let me do some guessing. I know, I should be reading the 
 code, but I
 have been realy overloaded for the last months. Lets see if I have
 understood the problem.
 Saving a file for compilation is slow. So we need a 
 faster solution.
 But, why is it slow?
 It sounds like we are saving the .java in file and then invoking a
 javacc process. The new process needs loads the compiler 
 classes, compiles
 them (?) and then compiles our .java source.
 If we could have the compiler just loaded on our own 
 memory space, we
 could invoke it saving the loading compiling (?) time. We 
 could also send
 the .java 'file' in memory and expect the .class 'file' also 
 in memory.
 Yes, may be we need some modifications in the compiler, 
 but as part of
 the apache project we are at a good position for asking it an 
 having a good
 ps: sorry for doing so much guessing but next month I will 
 have much more

This e-mail is intended only for the addressee(s) named above. It
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Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread Dennis Doubleday

At 08:35 PM 5/16/01, Jon wrote:

Also, there is a reason for the #foreach...


I agree with most of your points. I am a new Velocity user and I am very 
impressed by its combination of power and simplicity. Reading/writing XSLT 
specs is an exercise in masochism.

However, I don't see how Velocity is really avoiding the fundamental 
problem described in the document you referenced. If you are an ISP hosting 
Velocity-based pages, you are certainly going to have to let that 14 year 
old kid install both templates and class files; templates by themselves 
won't accomplish much. So the incompetent or malicious client can easily 
make the same mistake in his Command class that he would have made in the 
JSP page, and therefore also create a DOS attack on all servlets hosted in 
that JVM. No?

Dennis Doubleday  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Inc.   web:

RE: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread Kaneda K

I agree with you, So I'll suggest you Forte IE, which has a great debugger. 
that allow you to trace exception form the stack to the class, then to the 
original source code.

  It also allow break point, which is the least.

The only regrets about this tools :
  - need a big computer (600mz and more then 256 Mo, it's great with 512)
  - not GPL

At 14:17 17/05/2001 +0100, you wrote:

 From my view, the problem with JSP-Java-Class isn't performance its
debugging. JSP is hard to work with when you make a mistake, very often the
error message is less than helpful. A very large step in improving this is
by making the line number given by the stack trace match the line numbers of
the JSP page. This currently is not the case because of the intermediate
step of a java file. It would be beneficial to compile JSP straight to Java,
complete with debugging information included in the class file.

- Chris.

  -Original Message-
  From: Carlos Gaston Alvarez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 17 May 2001 12:51
  Subject: RE: Jasper performance
  I dont know if I really understood. You (some) are
  thinking to compile a
  jsp using xslt. I didnt know that that was possible. I mean,
  can a jsp be
  loaded as a dom object? I think that it cannot because a nice
  guy can write
  some code like % out.writeln(/html); % and that is, it
  is not more xml
  compliant. (please tellme if I am wrong).
  If the problem is the compilation time I can hardly
  believe that we can
  do something faster that a java compiler. Not because we dont have the
  skill, but because there are groups working in this kind of
  We should be blindly proud to think out compiler would be faster than
  theirs. Also, I consider that a waste of time.
  Let me do some guessing. I know, I should be reading the
  code, but I
  have been realy overloaded for the last months. Lets see if I have
  understood the problem.
  Saving a file for compilation is slow. So we need a
  faster solution.
  But, why is it slow?
  It sounds like we are saving the .java in file and then invoking a
  javacc process. The new process needs loads the compiler
  classes, compiles
  them (?) and then compiles our .java source.
  If we could have the compiler just loaded on our own
  memory space, we
  could invoke it saving the loading compiling (?) time. We
  could also send
  the .java 'file' in memory and expect the .class 'file' also
  in memory.
  Yes, may be we need some modifications in the compiler,
  but as part of
  the apache project we are at a good position for asking it an
  having a good
  ps: sorry for doing so much guessing but next month I will
  have much more

This e-mail is intended only for the addressee(s) named above. It
may contain confidential or privileged information and if you are
not the intended addressee you are not  authorized  to  disclose,
copy, distribute or place any reliance on it  whatsoever  and  we
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store your name and address to facilitate communications.

RE: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread Paulo Gaspar

answer inline...

 -Original Message-
 From: Carlos Gaston Alvarez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 1:51 PM

 I don't know if I really understood. You (some) are thinking
 to compile a
 jsp using xslt. I didnt know that that was possible. I mean, can a jsp be
 loaded as a dom object? I think that it cannot because a nice guy
 can write
 some code like % out.writeln(/html); % and that is, it is
 not more xml
 compliant. (please tellme if I am wrong).

Nops. The XSLT would just be the way to implement code templates for
the java code generation step of compiling a JSP.

(And the nice guy thing would not be a problem it was the other
way since that text could be encoded to become valid XML.)

 If the problem is the compilation time I can hardly believe
 that we can
 do something faster that a java compiler. Not because we dont have the
 skill, but because there are groups working in this kind of
 We should be blindly proud to think out compiler would be faster than
 theirs. Also, I consider that a waste of time.

Nothing like that. But Java Bytecode generation would probably be faster,
not because we would be able to make the most performant compiler in the
world, but because a lot of I/O operations would be saved (writing the java
code, calling/loading the compiler, the compiler producing the output
class file, loading the class file from disk).

 Let me do some guessing. I know, I should be reading the code, but I
 have been realy overloaded for the last months. Lets see if I have
 understood the problem.

Welcome to the club. But it helps if you follow the list.

 Saving a file for compilation is slow. So we need a faster solution.
 But, why is it slow?
 It sounds like we are saving the .java in file and then invoking a
 javacc process. The new process needs loads the compiler classes, compiles
 them (?) and then compiles our .java source.

About right.

 If we could have the compiler just loaded on our own memory space, we
 could invoke it saving the loading compiling (?) time. We could also send
 the .java 'file' in memory and expect the .class 'file' also in memory.

That is not a new idea. Just not possible - there is no such functionality
on the Java compiler.

 Yes, may be we need some modifications in the compiler, but as part of
 the apache project we are at a good position for asking it an
 having a good

Costin complained about that in this list not long ago.



 ps: sorry for doing so much guessing but next month I will have much more

I also hope for that and it never happens.

Have fun,
Paulo Gaspar

RE: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread cmanolache

On Thu, 17 May 2001, Christopher Kirk wrote:

 From my view, the problem with JSP-Java-Class isn't performance its
 debugging. JSP is hard to work with when you make a mistake, very often the
 error message is less than helpful. A very large step in improving this is
 by making the line number given by the stack trace match the line numbers of
 the JSP page. This currently is not the case because of the intermediate
 step of a java file. It would be beneficial to compile JSP straight to Java,
 complete with debugging information included in the class file.

Yes, debugging is a problem in the current jasper implementation. One
solution, as you mentioned, is to hack the class to include line numbers
that match the JSP file ( the line number is an annotation in the class ).

There is another solution - to generate the map ( java line number -
JSP source line number). This is exactly how the .class annotation works,
mapping bytecode to java source number. And will allow you to see both
informations, and it's quite clean.

I'm not an expert in debugging, but that sound like a reasonable solution.
You'll have to wait a bit for the implementation - I'm still fighting
with cleaning and merging the runtime. 


 - Chris.
  -Original Message-
  From: Carlos Gaston Alvarez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 17 May 2001 12:51
  Subject: RE: Jasper performance
  I dont know if I really understood. You (some) are 
  thinking to compile a
  jsp using xslt. I didnt know that that was possible. I mean, 
  can a jsp be
  loaded as a dom object? I think that it cannot because a nice 
  guy can write
  some code like % out.writeln(/html); % and that is, it 
  is not more xml
  compliant. (please tellme if I am wrong).
  If the problem is the compilation time I can hardly 
  believe that we can
  do something faster that a java compiler. Not because we dont have the
  skill, but because there are groups working in this kind of 
  We should be blindly proud to think out compiler would be faster than
  theirs. Also, I consider that a waste of time.
  Let me do some guessing. I know, I should be reading the 
  code, but I
  have been realy overloaded for the last months. Lets see if I have
  understood the problem.
  Saving a file for compilation is slow. So we need a 
  faster solution.
  But, why is it slow?
  It sounds like we are saving the .java in file and then invoking a
  javacc process. The new process needs loads the compiler 
  classes, compiles
  them (?) and then compiles our .java source.
  If we could have the compiler just loaded on our own 
  memory space, we
  could invoke it saving the loading compiling (?) time. We 
  could also send
  the .java 'file' in memory and expect the .class 'file' also 
  in memory.
  Yes, may be we need some modifications in the compiler, 
  but as part of
  the apache project we are at a good position for asking it an 
  having a good
  ps: sorry for doing so much guessing but next month I will 
  have much more
 This e-mail is intended only for the addressee(s) named above. It
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RE: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread Paulo Gaspar

Answer inline:

 -Original Message-
 From: Christopher Kirk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 3:17 PM

 From my view, the problem with JSP-Java-Class isn't performance its
 debugging. JSP is hard to work with when you make a mistake, very
 often the
 error message is less than helpful. A very large step in improving this is
 by making the line number given by the stack trace match the line
 numbers of
 the JSP page. This currently is not the case because of the intermediate
 step of a java file.

You still can take a look at the intermediate java file to understand what
is going on. It is not trivial, but at least it makes clear if the bug is in
your code or on Jasper's.

Anyway, Jasper sure could probably be improved to give good enough
about JSP location of the source of an exception... and you could help
implementing that.

 It would be beneficial to compile JSP
 straight to Java,
 complete with debugging information included in the class file.

There are two problems with that approach:
 1) The technical complexity of such project (even using tools like BCEL);
 2) Then it would be harder for you to find out if an exception would be
caused by some bug in your code or in Jasper's code.

Anyway, you can also contribute to such thing. Some pointers that can
help you starting:

 - You can find the above referred BCEL at

 - You can check Rhino Javascript's compiler on how do they directly
   compile something (javascript in this case) into Java Bytecode:

 - Maybe Go's Tea template compiler would be a closer match for JSP:

Have fun,
Paulo Gaspar

 - Chris.


RE: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread Paulo Gaspar

Even less GPL (commercial) but still for free, not so clumsy and with a
better GUI and Debugger... Borland's JBuilder 4 Foundation.

Have fun,
Paulo Gaspar

 -Original Message-
 From: Kaneda K [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 3:55 PM
 Subject: RE: Jasper performance

 I agree with you, So I'll suggest you Forte IE, which has a great
 that allow you to trace exception form the stack to the class,
 then to the
 original source code.

   It also allow break point, which is the least.

 The only regrets about this tools :
   - need a big computer (600mz and more then 256 Mo, it's great with 512)
   - not GPL

 At 14:17 17/05/2001 +0100, you wrote:

  From my view, the problem with JSP-Java-Class isn't performance its
 debugging. JSP is hard to work with when you make a mistake,
 very often the
 error message is less than helpful. A very large step in
 improving this is
 by making the line number given by the stack trace match the
 line numbers of
 the JSP page. This currently is not the case because of the intermediate
 step of a java file. It would be beneficial to compile JSP
 straight to Java,
 complete with debugging information included in the class file.
 - Chris.
   -Original Message-
   From: Carlos Gaston Alvarez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: 17 May 2001 12:51
   Subject: RE: Jasper performance
   I dont know if I really understood. You (some) are
   thinking to compile a
   jsp using xslt. I didnt know that that was possible. I mean,
   can a jsp be
   loaded as a dom object? I think that it cannot because a nice
   guy can write
   some code like % out.writeln(/html); % and that is, it
   is not more xml
   compliant. (please tellme if I am wrong).
   If the problem is the compilation time I can hardly
   believe that we can
   do something faster that a java compiler. Not because we dont have the
   skill, but because there are groups working in this kind of
   We should be blindly proud to think out compiler would be faster than
   theirs. Also, I consider that a waste of time.
   Let me do some guessing. I know, I should be reading the
   code, but I
   have been realy overloaded for the last months. Lets see if I have
   understood the problem.
   Saving a file for compilation is slow. So we need a
   faster solution.
   But, why is it slow?
   It sounds like we are saving the .java in file and then invoking a
   javacc process. The new process needs loads the compiler
   classes, compiles
   them (?) and then compiles our .java source.
   If we could have the compiler just loaded on our own
   memory space, we
   could invoke it saving the loading compiling (?) time. We
   could also send
   the .java 'file' in memory and expect the .class 'file' also
   in memory.
   Yes, may be we need some modifications in the compiler,
   but as part of
   the apache project we are at a good position for asking it an
   having a good
   ps: sorry for doing so much guessing but next month I will
   have much more
 This e-mail is intended only for the addressee(s) named above. It
 may contain confidential or privileged information and if you are
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 store your name and address to facilitate communications.

RE: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread gastush

Ok Chris. Now I undertand.
Working with JSP when I found that type of mistakes I went to see the .java 
generated. There I matched the line number so I could see which was the bad 
code. Then I had to go to the jsp to fix it.
It is not the best of the world, but is that that bad?
On the other hand we can trick the compiler to make it fit the line numbers, 
just generating really hugly java code.

package jklfe.fel.ef; import java.util.*;    // line 1 // line 2

Just an idea.



 From my view, the problem with JSP-Java-Class isn't performance its
 debugging. JSP is hard to work with when you make a mistake, very often the
 error message is less than helpful. A very large step in improving this is
 by making the line number given by the stack trace match the line numbers 
 the JSP page. This currently is not the case because of the intermediate
 step of a java file. It would be beneficial to compile JSP straight to 
 complete with debugging information included in the class file.
 - Chris.
  -Original Message-
  From: Carlos Gaston Alvarez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 17 May 2001 12:51
  Subject: RE: Jasper performance
  I dont know if I really understood. You (some) are 
  thinking to compile a
  jsp using xslt. I didnt know that that was possible. I mean, 
  can a jsp be
  loaded as a dom object? I think that it cannot because a nice 
  guy can write
  some code like % out.writeln(/html); % and that is, it 
  is not more xml
  compliant. (please tellme if I am wrong).
  If the problem is the compilation time I can hardly 
  believe that we can
  do something faster that a java compiler. Not because we dont have the
  skill, but because there are groups working in this kind of 
  We should be blindly proud to think out compiler would be faster than
  theirs. Also, I consider that a waste of time.
  Let me do some guessing. I know, I should be reading the 
  code, but I
  have been realy overloaded for the last months. Lets see if I have
  understood the problem.
  Saving a file for compilation is slow. So we need a 
  faster solution.
  But, why is it slow?
  It sounds like we are saving the .java in file and then invoking a
  javacc process. The new process needs loads the compiler 
  classes, compiles
  them (?) and then compiles our .java source.
  If we could have the compiler just loaded on our own 
  memory space, we
  could invoke it saving the loading compiling (?) time. We 
  could also send
  the .java 'file' in memory and expect the .class 'file' also 
  in memory.
  Yes, may be we need some modifications in the compiler, 
  but as part of
  the apache project we are at a good position for asking it an 
  having a good
  ps: sorry for doing so much guessing but next month I will 
  have much more
 This e-mail is intended only for the addressee(s) named above. It
 may contain confidential or privileged information and if you are
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 store your name and address to facilitate communications.

Este mensaje ha sido enviado desde el servidor de Webmail de Tournet S.A.

RE: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread cmanolache

Hi Carlos,

On Thu, 17 May 2001, Carlos Gaston Alvarez wrote:

 I dont know if I really understood. You (some) are thinking to compile a
 jsp using xslt. I didnt know that that was possible. I mean, can a jsp be
 loaded as a dom object? I think that it cannot because a nice guy can write
 some code like % out.writeln(/html); % and that is, it is not more xml
 compliant. (please tellme if I am wrong).

The JspParser object knows how to deal with that. And it's easy to convert
it into a SAX event generator. The script will be equivalent with a CDATA 
section ( and you can have tag in a CDATA ).

In 1.2 you also have the XML representation ( and we can use it to
generate exactly the same type of sax events from a non-xml jsp file )

 If the problem is the compilation time I can hardly believe that we can
 do something faster that a java compiler. Not because we dont have the
 skill, but because there are groups working in this kind of implementations.
 We should be blindly proud to think out compiler would be faster than
 theirs. Also, I consider that a waste of time.

Not quite - look at XSLTC ( part of xml-xalan project ). This is intended
only for pure JSP pages, with no java fragments.

We are in a very similar situation with XSLTC - the page-generated code  
itself it's not very complex ( in fact it's much simpler in our case ), so
we don't benefit a lot from javac optimizations. And no, this is not going
to be a compilator ( but some cutpaste from another apache project :-)

One important thing to keep in mind: sometimes there is a tradeof between
compilation time and runtime performance. The more optimizations you do at
compile time - the slower it is to compile, faster to run. That mean that
would be more of an option for development time, I would still use the
real compiler before deployment.

This is a long term project - it's definitely something cool, but I
think we should hold that until we solve more important issues. 

( and compilation time can be improved few times by just using jikes ).

 Let me do some guessing. I know, I should be reading the code, but I
 have been realy overloaded for the last months. Lets see if I have
 understood the problem.

I like guessing, but it would help if you'ld also read the code, and maybe
write some patches :-)

 Saving a file for compilation is slow. So we need a faster solution.
 But, why is it slow?
 It sounds like we are saving the .java in file and then invoking a
 javacc process. The new process needs loads the compiler classes, compiles
 them (?) and then compiles our .java source.

Not quite. Almost all of the time is spent doing javac compilation. 
The jsp-java translation is insignifiant.

What we care about is getting the response time for the first request
below a second ( so developer will not feel the delay and get fast
feedback ). On my computer, using jikes - this is exactly the case, and I
have a 300MHz laptop. I run a lot of XSLTs ( that's part of my job ) and I
never felt a delay ( and benchmarks for most transforms I do are well
bellow a second ).

 If we could have the compiler just loaded on our own memory space, we
 could invoke it saving the loading compiling (?) time. We could also send
 the .java 'file' in memory and expect the .class 'file' also in memory.

Unfortunately we can't compile from and to memory with the current javac,
and even if it would be possible - the compiler is a complex application, 
doing optimizations, verifications, etc: I don't think the time
for read/write source/class is predominant. 


RE: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread Paulo Gaspar

 There is another solution - to generate the map ( java line number -
 JSP source line number). This is exactly how the .class annotation works,
 mapping bytecode to java source number. And will allow you to see both
 informations, and it's quite clean.

That sounds very nice. How does it work?
Where/how do you feed the map file?

(Just some documentation pointers to whatever feature you use would do.)

Paulo Gaspar

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 9:24 AM

 On Thu, 17 May 2001, Christopher Kirk wrote:

  From my view, the problem with JSP-Java-Class isn't performance its
  debugging. JSP is hard to work with when you make a mistake,
 very often the
  error message is less than helpful. A very large step in
 improving this is
  by making the line number given by the stack trace match the
 line numbers of
  the JSP page. This currently is not the case because of the intermediate
  step of a java file. It would be beneficial to compile JSP
 straight to Java,
  complete with debugging information included in the class file.

 Yes, debugging is a problem in the current jasper implementation. One
 solution, as you mentioned, is to hack the class to include line numbers
 that match the JSP file ( the line number is an annotation in the class ).

 There is another solution - to generate the map ( java line number -
 JSP source line number). This is exactly how the .class annotation works,
 mapping bytecode to java source number. And will allow you to see both
 informations, and it's quite clean.

 I'm not an expert in debugging, but that sound like a reasonable solution.
 You'll have to wait a bit for the implementation - I'm still fighting
 with cleaning and merging the runtime.


  - Chris.
   -Original Message-
   From: Carlos Gaston Alvarez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: 17 May 2001 12:51
   Subject: RE: Jasper performance
   I dont know if I really understood. You (some) are
   thinking to compile a
   jsp using xslt. I didnt know that that was possible. I mean,
   can a jsp be
   loaded as a dom object? I think that it cannot because a nice
   guy can write
   some code like % out.writeln(/html); % and that is, it
   is not more xml
   compliant. (please tellme if I am wrong).
   If the problem is the compilation time I can hardly
   believe that we can
   do something faster that a java compiler. Not because we dont have the
   skill, but because there are groups working in this kind of
   We should be blindly proud to think out compiler would be faster than
   theirs. Also, I consider that a waste of time.
   Let me do some guessing. I know, I should be reading the
   code, but I
   have been realy overloaded for the last months. Lets see if I have
   understood the problem.
   Saving a file for compilation is slow. So we need a
   faster solution.
   But, why is it slow?
   It sounds like we are saving the .java in file and then invoking a
   javacc process. The new process needs loads the compiler
   classes, compiles
   them (?) and then compiles our .java source.
   If we could have the compiler just loaded on our own
   memory space, we
   could invoke it saving the loading compiling (?) time. We
   could also send
   the .java 'file' in memory and expect the .class 'file' also
   in memory.
   Yes, may be we need some modifications in the compiler,
   but as part of
   the apache project we are at a good position for asking it an
   having a good
   ps: sorry for doing so much guessing but next month I will
   have much more
  This e-mail is intended only for the addressee(s) named above. It
  may contain confidential or privileged information and if you are
  not the intended addressee you are not  authorized  to  disclose,
  copy, distribute or place any reliance on it  whatsoever  and  we
  request that you inform our  postmaster ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) that
  you have received this e-mail. Any attachment(s) to this  message
  has been checked for viruses, but please rely on your  own  virus
  checker and procedures. If you contact  us  by  e-mail,  we  will
  store your name and address to facilitate communications.

RE: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Thu, 17 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There is another solution - to generate the map ( java line number -
 JSP source line number). This is exactly how the .class annotation works,
 mapping bytecode to java source number. And will allow you to see both
 informations, and it's quite clean.

There is a current JSR (#45) with a goal of producing a standard mapping
format like this for non-Java languages that are translated into Java, and
JSP is a pretty classic use case of this.  I haven't heard much lately
about this (will check more), but conceptually this approach seems like a
good direction to go.



Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread Jon Stevens

on 5/17/01 8:01 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ok Chris. Now I undertand.
 Working with JSP when I found that type of mistakes I went to see the .java
 generated. There I matched the line number so I could see which was the bad
 code. Then I had to go to the jsp to fix it.
 It is not the best of the world, but is that that bad?

If you think about *who* the target JSP audience is, Yes.

Do you expect page designers to figure out problems with line numbers by
going to look at the generated page in some temp directory somewhere? Gee, I
hope not.

More humor for you JSP believers:

You may also wish to read a complete pile of bullshit here:

My favorite:

ASP TechnologyJSP Technology

Reusable, Cross-Platform ComponentsNoJavaBeans, Enterprise
JavaBeans, custom JSP tags

Security Against System CrashesNoYes

Memory Leak ProtectionNoYes

Scripting LanguageVBScript, JScriptJava

Customizable TagsNoYes

Yea, JSP protects you from memory leaks and System Crashes. Yea Right.
Oh yea, and ASP is lacking customizable if customizable tags is
a good thing?

JSP sucks.


If you come from a Perl or PHP background, JSP is a way to take
your pain to new levels. --Anonymous

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread Jon Stevens

on 5/17/01 6:46 AM, Dennis Doubleday [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At 08:35 PM 5/16/01, Jon wrote:
 Also, there is a reason for the #foreach...
 I agree with most of your points. I am a new Velocity user and I am very
 impressed by its combination of power and simplicity. Reading/writing XSLT
 specs is an exercise in masochism.
 However, I don't see how Velocity is really avoiding the fundamental
 problem described in the document you referenced. If you are an ISP hosting
 Velocity-based pages, you are certainly going to have to let that 14 year
 old kid install both templates and class files; templates by themselves
 won't accomplish much. So the incompetent or malicious client can easily
 make the same mistake in his Command class that he would have made in the
 JSP page, and therefore also create a DOS attack on all servlets hosted in
 that JVM. No?

Controlling what goes into the Context is key.

There is nothing stating that you have to give the 14 year old access to
creating .java files. Instead, the alternative approach is to place certain
objects within the Context which allow the 14 year old to do a limited set
of actions. This follows along with the Pull Model:

This is the approach that Tea uses as well as
the general idea behind taglibs. The problem with taglibs is that there is
no restriction on the ability to put Java code in the page. It is part of
the JSP specification to be able to do that. Sure, you can disable it (as
Costin said), but then you are breaking the JSP specification. And I know
how important standards are to everyone...


If you come from a Perl or PHP background, JSP is a way to take
your pain to new levels. --Anonymous

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.

Christopher Kirk wrote:
 From my view, the problem with JSP-Java-Class isn't performance its
 debugging. JSP is hard to work with when you make a mistake, very often the
 error message is less than helpful. A very large step in improving this is
 by making the line number given by the stack trace match the line numbers of
 the JSP page. This currently is not the case because of the intermediate
 step of a java file. It would be beneficial to compile JSP straight to Java,
 complete with debugging information included in the class file.

Really?  I was told that it was a complete myth - that *no one* has to
debug the Java code - they just debug the JSP code.  My JSP experience
occurred a few years agoe, and I remember bewildering error messages -
however, I just assumed that was straightened out.

I am not trying to toss gasoline on what could be another conflagration
- I am just generally interested in the subject.



Geir Magnusson Jr.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System and Software Consulting
Developing for the web?  See
still climbing up to the shoulders...

RE: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread cmanolache

On Thu, 17 May 2001, Paulo Gaspar wrote:

  XSLT is not perfect - neither is HTTP or HTML or any other standard. But
  because Apache and many other organizations are implementing and using it
  - I think they'll be around for a while :-)
 You are still missing the point (as I wrote in my previous post on this 
 thread) of the big volume of jars XSLT use would add to Tomcat minimal 
 distro for JSP compilation.

AFAIK tomcat4 already includes a xslt engine ( part of JAXP1.1 ), and I
thing 3.3 will have to update to JAXP1.1 also ( we're still using the old
JAXP1.0.1 ). 

But there is a point I'm not missing - I do understand the concern
regarding the size of the code.

I would point again to XSLTC - I think there are many similarities. The
XSLT compiler itself is quite big ( i.e. the piece that converts a XSTL
sheet into a .class file - same as Jasper is converting JSPs ). But the
transformation itself ( the generated code ), including all the runtime,
is small enough to run on a palm pilot.

And that doesn't matter too much anyway - for a small-memory deployment 
( like an appliance or a CD runner ) you shouldn't even include the JSP 
generator, XSLT or javac. That's why we have JSPC - to pre-process the WAR
file and precompile it.

There is even more - for this case you'll probably want to use
EmbededTomcat instead of server.xml-based runner, and we can pre-process
web.xml too - so it may be possible to eliminate even the parser from the
runtime-only version of tomcat.

( many embedded devices are pre-processing the .class files before
deployment, some are even generating binary code - so generating .class
files wouldn't work anyway ).

 Also, maybe the impact of using XSLT is quite larger than you expect. 
 Especially via the huge memory demands and respective side effects. I 
 know that you know well about the impact of creating a zillion of 
 objects in memory (as it happens in even the most minimal use of XSLT), 
 so I am not going to detail on what those side effects are.

Did I mentioned XSTL is a standard - with quite a few implementations, a
lot of competition and smart people, etc ?

If you look at Tomcat3.0 you may conclude servlets are quite bad - zillion
of objects in memory, big overhead, etc. There is a huge difference
between a xslt implementation one year ago and one today.

The same way as tomcat3.3 ( or 4.0 ) will generate only few dozen objects
at run time ( ok, fewer in 3.3 :-), most XSTL engines are starting to
recycle most objects. Take a look at DTM work in xalan ( and xsltc ).

 What is worse, XSLT is usualy way too much trouble because so many 
 things are so counter intuitive. 

Well, HTML is counter intutive too ( H1 instead of bigger font ? ) :-)

But many of the counter intuitive things ( like no side efects, or the
way they treat variables ) do have a good reason behind it. And I suppose
many will find things that are counter intuitive in java ( you can't
change a String ?).  

 The trap is that the really simple stuff works as expected, but when 
 you need something just a little bit more complicated, sudenly you bump
 into something that does not work as expected, and you spend the next 
 few days trying to figure out what.

Yes, I know the feeling. But it's not something specific to XSLT, it
happens to most programmers in most languages. 

 Jon is a... er... politness challenged person and is a bit too obcessed 

Too bad for him. That's why filters were invented ( or the delete key ).

 I used XSLT a lot and I can tell you that is easy for Velocity to be a 
 better alternative (and it is not my favourite one!) just because XSLT 
 is such a poor template mechanism.

Sorry, but I doubt it. 

 One year ago, I was in the XSLT-LIST, bought Michael Kay book (kind of 
 a very essential XSLT bible) and I was thinking about writing everything 
 I could in XSLT just as any other XSLT fanatic... until I found out that:
  - I was wasting way too much time with XSLT complexities (why do you 
think the XSLT-LIST has all that traffic? Do you know that list?);
  - The outcome was always slower and more resource intensive than I 
found natural (and that the alternatives, as I discovered later).

One year ago tomcat couldn't handle 50 requests per second. 

Try again today.

 Notice that I was not born with this knowledge. I went trough a lot of
 trouble to learn this. Now, you can
  - Pay attention to what I say and chek it out;
  - Think that the W3C is always right (HAHAHAHAHA!);
  - Think that your intuition is always right, which is another way of 
saying that you were born knowing it all.

Well, I do pay attention to what you say - and my day job involves working
on xslt. I don't think W3C is always right ( XML Schema ? Soap ? ), but it
wasn't that right with HTML or HTTP either ( one request per connection ?)

And I wasn't born knowing it - I spent a lot of time looking around and
reading, and I have my own doubts. 


RE: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread Robert Nicholson

You should rarely have to worry about mistakes in JSP if you are using tag
libraries and beans to factor out all business logic.

 -Original Message-
 From: Kaneda K [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 6:55 AM
 Subject: RE: Jasper performance

 I agree with you, So I'll suggest you Forte IE, which has a great
 that allow you to trace exception form the stack to the class,
 then to the
 original source code.

   It also allow break point, which is the least.

 The only regrets about this tools :
   - need a big computer (600mz and more then 256 Mo, it's great with 512)
   - not GPL

 At 14:17 17/05/2001 +0100, you wrote:

  From my view, the problem with JSP-Java-Class isn't performance its
 debugging. JSP is hard to work with when you make a mistake,
 very often the
 error message is less than helpful. A very large step in
 improving this is
 by making the line number given by the stack trace match the
 line numbers of
 the JSP page. This currently is not the case because of the intermediate
 step of a java file. It would be beneficial to compile JSP
 straight to Java,
 complete with debugging information included in the class file.
 - Chris.
   -Original Message-
   From: Carlos Gaston Alvarez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: 17 May 2001 12:51
   Subject: RE: Jasper performance
   I dont know if I really understood. You (some) are
   thinking to compile a
   jsp using xslt. I didnt know that that was possible. I mean,
   can a jsp be
   loaded as a dom object? I think that it cannot because a nice
   guy can write
   some code like % out.writeln(/html); % and that is, it
   is not more xml
   compliant. (please tellme if I am wrong).
   If the problem is the compilation time I can hardly
   believe that we can
   do something faster that a java compiler. Not because we dont have the
   skill, but because there are groups working in this kind of
   We should be blindly proud to think out compiler would be faster than
   theirs. Also, I consider that a waste of time.
   Let me do some guessing. I know, I should be reading the
   code, but I
   have been realy overloaded for the last months. Lets see if I have
   understood the problem.
   Saving a file for compilation is slow. So we need a
   faster solution.
   But, why is it slow?
   It sounds like we are saving the .java in file and then invoking a
   javacc process. The new process needs loads the compiler
   classes, compiles
   them (?) and then compiles our .java source.
   If we could have the compiler just loaded on our own
   memory space, we
   could invoke it saving the loading compiling (?) time. We
   could also send
   the .java 'file' in memory and expect the .class 'file' also
   in memory.
   Yes, may be we need some modifications in the compiler,
   but as part of
   the apache project we are at a good position for asking it an
   having a good
   ps: sorry for doing so much guessing but next month I will
   have much more
 This e-mail is intended only for the addressee(s) named above. It
 may contain confidential or privileged information and if you are
 not the intended addressee you are not  authorized  to  disclose,
 copy, distribute or place any reliance on it  whatsoever  and  we
 request that you inform our  postmaster ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) that
 you have received this e-mail. Any attachment(s) to this  message
 has been checked for viruses, but please rely on your  own  virus
 checker and procedures. If you contact  us  by  e-mail,  we  will
 store your name and address to facilitate communications.

RE: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread cmanolache

On Thu, 17 May 2001, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

 On Thu, 17 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  There is another solution - to generate the map ( java line number -
  JSP source line number). This is exactly how the .class annotation works,
  mapping bytecode to java source number. And will allow you to see both
  informations, and it's quite clean.
 There is a current JSR (#45) with a goal of producing a standard mapping
 format like this for non-Java languages that are translated into Java, and
 JSP is a pretty classic use case of this.  I haven't heard much lately
 about this (will check more), but conceptually this approach seems like a
 good direction to go.

Well, there is a very interesting discussion going on xalan-dev, regarding
an XSLT debugger. I saw a demo - and you can execute a XSLT step-by-step, 
see the line in the source xml that is processed, etc.

Yes, mapping the line numbers is a missing feature in our code, but there
are already people who made this work ( while using jasper with a
debugger ). I hope someone will contribute some code back.


RE: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread cmanolache

On Thu, 17 May 2001, Paulo Gaspar wrote:

  There is another solution - to generate the map ( java line number -
  JSP source line number). This is exactly how the .class annotation works,
  mapping bytecode to java source number. And will allow you to see both
  informations, and it's quite clean.
 That sounds very nice. How does it work?
 Where/how do you feed the map file?
 (Just some documentation pointers to whatever feature you use would do.)

Jasper already generates the line number as comments. What you would need
to do is generate them as code ( like a static Hashtable or [] ),
and then change the catch() code a bit.

You'll need to parse the stack trace and extract the line number/file, 
and identify the first time the generated JSP class name is found.

Then use the line number there to get the source line number.

Let me know if you need help - the first part is not very difficult, the
second may be a bit tricky.


 Paulo Gaspar
  -Original Message-
  Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 9:24 AM
  On Thu, 17 May 2001, Christopher Kirk wrote:
   From my view, the problem with JSP-Java-Class isn't performance its
   debugging. JSP is hard to work with when you make a mistake,
  very often the
   error message is less than helpful. A very large step in
  improving this is
   by making the line number given by the stack trace match the
  line numbers of
   the JSP page. This currently is not the case because of the intermediate
   step of a java file. It would be beneficial to compile JSP
  straight to Java,
   complete with debugging information included in the class file.
  Yes, debugging is a problem in the current jasper implementation. One
  solution, as you mentioned, is to hack the class to include line numbers
  that match the JSP file ( the line number is an annotation in the class ).
  There is another solution - to generate the map ( java line number -
  JSP source line number). This is exactly how the .class annotation works,
  mapping bytecode to java source number. And will allow you to see both
  informations, and it's quite clean.
  I'm not an expert in debugging, but that sound like a reasonable solution.
  You'll have to wait a bit for the implementation - I'm still fighting
  with cleaning and merging the runtime.
   - Chris.
-Original Message-
From: Carlos Gaston Alvarez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 17 May 2001 12:51
Subject: RE: Jasper performance
I dont know if I really understood. You (some) are
thinking to compile a
jsp using xslt. I didnt know that that was possible. I mean,
can a jsp be
loaded as a dom object? I think that it cannot because a nice
guy can write
some code like % out.writeln(/html); % and that is, it
is not more xml
compliant. (please tellme if I am wrong).
If the problem is the compilation time I can hardly
believe that we can
do something faster that a java compiler. Not because we dont have the
skill, but because there are groups working in this kind of
We should be blindly proud to think out compiler would be faster than
theirs. Also, I consider that a waste of time.
Let me do some guessing. I know, I should be reading the
code, but I
have been realy overloaded for the last months. Lets see if I have
understood the problem.
Saving a file for compilation is slow. So we need a
faster solution.
But, why is it slow?
It sounds like we are saving the .java in file and then invoking a
javacc process. The new process needs loads the compiler
classes, compiles
them (?) and then compiles our .java source.
If we could have the compiler just loaded on our own
memory space, we
could invoke it saving the loading compiling (?) time. We
could also send
the .java 'file' in memory and expect the .class 'file' also
in memory.
Yes, may be we need some modifications in the compiler,
but as part of
the apache project we are at a good position for asking it an
having a good
ps: sorry for doing so much guessing but next month I will
have much more
   This e-mail is intended only for the addressee(s) named above. It
   may contain confidential or privileged information and if you are
   not the intended addressee you are not  authorized  to  disclose,
   copy, distribute or place any reliance on it  whatsoever  and  we
   request that you inform our  postmaster ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) that
   you have received this e-mail. Any attachment(s) to this  message
   has been checked for viruses, but please rely on your  own  virus
   checker and procedures. If you

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread cmanolache

On Thu, 17 May 2001, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

 Really?  I was told that it was a complete myth - that *no one* has to
 debug the Java code - they just debug the JSP code.  My JSP experience
 occurred a few years agoe, and I remember bewildering error messages -
 however, I just assumed that was straightened out.
 I am not trying to toss gasoline on what could be another conflagration
 - I am just generally interested in the subject.

It has been resolved in debuggers ( I know Forte supports that, I'm sure
other IDEs do too ), but so far nobody contributed code back to jasper.

The problem is not difficult, as I said in a previous mail there are good
solutions for more complex cases ( like XSTL debuggers - I just found out
that there are quite a few already ). 

( I'm hoping whoever does this to include some support for emacs too, I
want it to jump to the bad line ! :-)

Ovidiu, are you subscribed to this list ?? 


Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread Glenn Nielsen

I totally agree with this. Improving performance of JSP page translation
or compilation are very low priorities.  Runtime performance is important,
and as Christopher mentioned, good error reporting is very important.


Christopher Kirk wrote:
 From my view, the problem with JSP-Java-Class isn't performance its
 debugging. JSP is hard to work with when you make a mistake, very often the
 error message is less than helpful. A very large step in improving this is
 by making the line number given by the stack trace match the line numbers of
 the JSP page. This currently is not the case because of the intermediate
 step of a java file. It would be beneficial to compile JSP straight to Java,
 complete with debugging information included in the class file.
 - Chris.
  -Original Message-
  From: Carlos Gaston Alvarez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 17 May 2001 12:51
  Subject: RE: Jasper performance
  I dont know if I really understood. You (some) are
  thinking to compile a
  jsp using xslt. I didnt know that that was possible. I mean,
  can a jsp be
  loaded as a dom object? I think that it cannot because a nice
  guy can write
  some code like % out.writeln(/html); % and that is, it
  is not more xml
  compliant. (please tellme if I am wrong).
  If the problem is the compilation time I can hardly
  believe that we can
  do something faster that a java compiler. Not because we dont have the
  skill, but because there are groups working in this kind of
  We should be blindly proud to think out compiler would be faster than
  theirs. Also, I consider that a waste of time.
  Let me do some guessing. I know, I should be reading the
  code, but I
  have been realy overloaded for the last months. Lets see if I have
  understood the problem.
  Saving a file for compilation is slow. So we need a
  faster solution.
  But, why is it slow?
  It sounds like we are saving the .java in file and then invoking a
  javacc process. The new process needs loads the compiler
  classes, compiles
  them (?) and then compiles our .java source.
  If we could have the compiler just loaded on our own
  memory space, we
  could invoke it saving the loading compiling (?) time. We
  could also send
  the .java 'file' in memory and expect the .class 'file' also
  in memory.
  Yes, may be we need some modifications in the compiler,
  but as part of
  the apache project we are at a good position for asking it an
  having a good
  ps: sorry for doing so much guessing but next month I will
  have much more
 This e-mail is intended only for the addressee(s) named above. It
 may contain confidential or privileged information and if you are
 not the intended addressee you are not  authorized  to  disclose,
 copy, distribute or place any reliance on it  whatsoever  and  we
 request that you inform our  postmaster ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) that
 you have received this e-mail. Any attachment(s) to this  message
 has been checked for viruses, but please rely on your  own  virus
 checker and procedures. If you contact  us  by  e-mail,  we  will
 store your name and address to facilitate communications.

Glenn Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] | /* Spelin donut madder|
MOREnet System Programming   |  * if iz ina coment.  |
Missouri Research and Education Network  |  */   |

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread Glenn Nielsen

Jon Stevens wrote:
 on 5/17/01 6:46 AM, Dennis Doubleday [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  At 08:35 PM 5/16/01, Jon wrote:
  Also, there is a reason for the #foreach...
  I agree with most of your points. I am a new Velocity user and I am very
  impressed by its combination of power and simplicity. Reading/writing XSLT
  specs is an exercise in masochism.
  However, I don't see how Velocity is really avoiding the fundamental
  problem described in the document you referenced. If you are an ISP hosting
  Velocity-based pages, you are certainly going to have to let that 14 year
  old kid install both templates and class files; templates by themselves
  won't accomplish much. So the incompetent or malicious client can easily
  make the same mistake in his Command class that he would have made in the
  JSP page, and therefore also create a DOS attack on all servlets hosted in
  that JVM. No?
 Controlling what goes into the Context is key.
 There is nothing stating that you have to give the 14 year old access to
 creating .java files. Instead, the alternative approach is to place certain
 objects within the Context which allow the 14 year old to do a limited set
 of actions. This follows along with the Pull Model:
 This is the approach that Tea uses as well as
 the general idea behind taglibs. The problem with taglibs is that there is
 no restriction on the ability to put Java code in the page. It is part of
 the JSP specification to be able to do that. Sure, you can disable it (as
 Costin said), but then you are breaking the JSP specification. And I know
 how important standards are to everyone...

But now that both Tomcat 3.2 and Tomcat 4 support the Java SecurityManager
you can control security at the container level regardless of whether someone
is using the CFM servlet, velocity, CoCoon, JSP, etc.

 If you come from a Perl or PHP background, JSP is a way to take
 your pain to new levels. --Anonymous

Glenn Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] | /* Spelin donut madder|
MOREnet System Programming   |  * if iz ina coment.  |
Missouri Research and Education Network  |  */   |

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.

Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
 Christopher Kirk wrote:
  From my view, the problem with JSP-Java-Class isn't performance its
  debugging. JSP is hard to work with when you make a mistake, very often the
  error message is less than helpful. A very large step in improving this is
  by making the line number given by the stack trace match the line numbers of
  the JSP page. This currently is not the case because of the intermediate
  step of a java file. It would be beneficial to compile JSP straight to Java,
  complete with debugging information included in the class file.
 Really?  I was told that it was a complete myth - that *no one* has to
 debug the Java code - they just debug the JSP code.  My JSP experience
 occurred a few years agoe, and I remember bewildering error messages -
 however, I just assumed that was straightened out.
 I am not trying to toss gasoline on what could be another conflagration
 - I am just generally interested in the subject.

In the interest of preemptive self defense, I really meant that.  I have
had a few, er, discussions on this topic with people, and have had
people claim it never happens.

It sounds a little disingenuous given the traffic - however, the
majority of the thread messages hadn't yet been delivered when I sent it
this morning...

Ah well. shields up



Geir Magnusson Jr.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System and Software Consulting
Developing for the web?  See
still climbing up to the shoulders...

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread Nick Bauman

 Yea, JSP protects you from memory leaks and System Crashes. Yea
 Right. Oh yea, and ASP is lacking customizable if
 customizable tags is a good thing


If we're going to open that debate, then why use Java at all? After all, the
computer scientist will tell you with C/C++, you are coding to an unsafe
low-level substrate (machine code). With Java, you are coding to a safe
high-level substrate (JVM bytecode). Isn't Java therefore just better? But
then I could write perfect Java code yet if I have a problem with the JVM, I
will crash my safe substrate. I admire the quixotic crusader in you Jon,
really I do: The world needs more grail seekers. But you can cease insisting
on magic programming bullets for the time being.  

And I think most people on this list will tell you ASP stands for A Slow Page.

 JSP sucks.

Nick Bauman
Software Developer
3023 Lynn #22
Minneapolis, MN
Mobile Phone: (612) 810-7406

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread cmanolache

On Thu, 17 May 2001, Glenn Nielsen wrote:

  This is the approach that Tea uses as well as
  the general idea behind taglibs. The problem with taglibs is that there is
  no restriction on the ability to put Java code in the page. It is part of
  the JSP specification to be able to do that. Sure, you can disable it (as
  Costin said), but then you are breaking the JSP specification. And I know
  how important standards are to everyone...
 But now that both Tomcat 3.2 and Tomcat 4 support the Java SecurityManager
 you can control security at the container level regardless of whether someone
 is using the CFM servlet, velocity, CoCoon, JSP, etc.

I guess he's refering to DOS attacks ( like a while(true); in java code
or allocating lots of memory ). 

This can be slightly controlled by restricting access to % %, not
allowing any servlet nor user code - but only a set of
instrumented taglibs.

I'm not sure how many users will host their webapps on sites that do not
support servlets or any user code but only a very restricted templating
system - and certainly that doesn't fit into the standard ( since servlets
will have to be disabled, and only pure JSPs and no custom taglib can be
allowed ). 

Extending jasper to allow the admin to control what tag extensions are
allowed is possible - and of course tomcat can be hacked to not allow
servlets, libs, webapps  - except that it will no longer be tomcat, but a
something that runs only pure JSPs and nothing else.

There are few things to try - like using jpda or special VMs - but this is
very experimental. 


Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread Glenn Nielsen

 On Thu, 17 May 2001, Glenn Nielsen wrote:
   This is the approach that Tea uses as well as
   the general idea behind taglibs. The problem with taglibs is that there is
   no restriction on the ability to put Java code in the page. It is part of
   the JSP specification to be able to do that. Sure, you can disable it (as
   Costin said), but then you are breaking the JSP specification. And I know
   how important standards are to everyone...
  But now that both Tomcat 3.2 and Tomcat 4 support the Java SecurityManager
  you can control security at the container level regardless of whether someone
  is using the CFM servlet, velocity, CoCoon, JSP, etc.
 I guess he's refering to DOS attacks ( like a while(true); in java code
 or allocating lots of memory ).

You won't have much of a templating language if you don't allow some
sort of looping.  Kind of hard to restrict that.

To handle both of the above cases it requires monitoring the performance of 
the JVM Tomcat is running in, monitoring Tomcat, and individual servlets/jsp's.  
Then a sysadmin can revoke priviliges for anyone who does something like the 
above intentionally or from ignorance.

It would be nice if self monitoring were built into Tomcat so sysads could
track statistics on performance of the JVM, Tomcat in general, and individual
servlets/JSP's.  Even setting thresholds when automated email notifications
could be done.  Lets give sysadmins the information they need, then they
can take action against problem users.

I still think that using the SecurityManager implementation in Tomcat with a 
well tuned security polciy can provide one of the most secure environments 
available for running web based applications. This is just my opinion,
feel free to try and convince me some other technology is more secure.



Glenn Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] | /* Spelin donut madder|
MOREnet System Programming   |  * if iz ina coment.  |
Missouri Research and Education Network  |  */   |

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread Jon Stevens

on 5/17/01 12:47 PM, Glenn Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 But now that both Tomcat 3.2 and Tomcat 4 support the Java SecurityManager
 you can control security at the container level regardless of whether someone
 is using the CFM servlet, velocity, CoCoon, JSP, etc.

Not true.

Hashtable strings = new Hashtable();
int i=0;
while (true)
strings.put (dead+i, new StringBuffer(99));

There is no amount of security that will prevent someone from putting that
into their JSP page other than disabling the ability to put scriptlets into
things. If you do that, then you are simply where you should have been in
the first place...using Velocity.


If you come from a Perl or PHP background, JSP is a way to take
your pain to new levels. --Anonymous

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread Jon Stevens

on 5/17/01 5:21 PM, Glenn Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You won't have much of a templating language if you don't allow some
 sort of looping.  Kind of hard to restrict that.

All Velocity has is a #foreach. This is a fully functional looping construct
that prevents you from screwing things up and still gets the job done.


If you come from a Perl or PHP background, JSP is a way to take
your pain to new levels. --Anonymous

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread Jon Stevens

on 5/17/01 2:41 PM, Nick Bauman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yea, JSP protects you from memory leaks and System Crashes. Yea
 Right. Oh yea, and ASP is lacking customizable if
 customizable tags is a good thing
 If we're going to open that debate, then why use Java at all?

Yes, I agree, designers shouldn't have to learn or use Java. All they should
have to learn is how to stick a simple $variable or #directive into a
webpage and have it generate the correct results.


If you come from a Perl or PHP background, JSP is a way to take
your pain to new levels. --Anonymous

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread cmanolache

On Thu, 17 May 2001, Glenn Nielsen wrote:

  I guess he's refering to DOS attacks ( like a while(true); in java code
  or allocating lots of memory ).
 You won't have much of a templating language if you don't allow some
 sort of looping.  Kind of hard to restrict that.

True, but if you have a set of trusted tags, including looping tags, and
no untrusted code except the one that calls the tags you could do a lot
to control the resources.

For example the tags ( or jasper generated code ) could check for time
execution limits, or how many resources are allocated.

 It would be nice if self monitoring were built into Tomcat so sysads could
 track statistics on performance of the JVM, Tomcat in general, and individual
 servlets/JSP's.  Even setting thresholds when automated email notifications
 could be done.  Lets give sysadmins the information they need, then they
 can take action against problem users.

Yes, that would be an interesting hack..

I was thinking about JPDA - it would be possible to check the memory use
for each thread, associate it with the user code. Also, it is possible to
store the time when entering/exiting user code, and have a deamon thread
check if any thread is spending too much time.

( the time monitoring part can be done without jpda - but to monitor the
memory I don't know other solution ).

( well, I know - I remember a certain tool that was used to manipluate
bytecodes and add instrumentation before all allocations - but that's
far too difficult for the time we have available ).

 I still think that using the SecurityManager implementation in Tomcat with a 
 well tuned security polciy can provide one of the most secure environments 
 available for running web based applications. This is just my opinion,
 feel free to try and convince me some other technology is more secure.

I'll not even try :-) 

You're right, but there are some things that we could add to also control
some resource usage ( memory and cpu time ).


RE: Jasper performance

2001-05-17 Thread Carlos Gaston Alvarez

Ok, I missed the end users.



- Original Message -
From: Jon Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: tomcat-dev [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: Jasper performance


  Ok Chris. Now I undertand.
  Working with JSP when I found that type of mistakes I went to see the
  generated. There I matched the line number so I could see which was the
  code. Then I had to go to the jsp to fix it.
  It is not the best of the world, but is that that bad?

 If you think about *who* the target JSP audience is, Yes.

 Do you expect page designers to figure out problems with line numbers by
 going to look at the generated page in some temp directory somewhere? Gee,
 hope not.

 More humor for you JSP believers:

 You may also wish to read a complete pile of bullshit here:

 My favorite:

 ASP TechnologyJSP Technology
 Reusable, Cross-Platform ComponentsNoJavaBeans, Enterprise
 JavaBeans, custom JSP tags
 Security Against System CrashesNoYes
 Memory Leak ProtectionNoYes
 Scripting LanguageVBScript, JScriptJava
 Customizable TagsNoYes

 Yea, JSP protects you from memory leaks and System Crashes. Yea Right.
 Oh yea, and ASP is lacking customizable if customizable tags i
 a good thing?

 JSP sucks.


 If you come from a Perl or PHP background, JSP is a way to take
 your pain to new levels. --Anonymous

RE: Jasper performance

2001-05-16 Thread Carlos Gaston Alvarez

Have you said a Meg of html !!!
Those are the test cases I need.



- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: Jasper performance

We use Jasper (from a 3.1 build!) in another container. How big is the
change if we wanted to move to the 3.3 version to get the tag pooling. I'm
about to start performance testing our app, and currently the pages are
taking ages to render (we build up to 1Meg of html.. :o), so we'll be
looking at this area soon.

In terms of a quick hit, anybody got opinions / experience of changing the
generation to use an unsynchronized version of StringBuffer, I think this
may show up as a possible easy enhancement.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 15/05/2001 15:22:17

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: Ken X Horn)
Subject:  Re: Jasper performance

 Jasper performance has already been identified as an area needing

 Discussions and work on this has already started in the main tomcat
 branch in CVS jakarta-tomcat/proposals/jasper34, but this may be
 moving to the CVS repository jakarta-tomcat-jasper.

 This work just started recently, I don't know when it will be ready.

It will take few months - it's not that easy.

We already added tag pooling in tomcat3.3, and that have a significant
effect on performance if you are using tags - but that's just the

The first step is to reorganize the code. Then we'll try to make the code
generator more customizable ( probably by using XSLT for some of the
operations ). The real performance enhancement will come when we start
tunning the generated code - there are many ideas around, but we need the
refactoring first.

BTW, jasper will share most of the code for the 1.1 and 1.2 APIs, so all
enhancements will be available in both 3.x and 4.x ( and other containers
as well ).

If you have ideas, code or opinions - please get involved, we need you :-)


 Rickard Öberg wrote:
  We are using Tomcat/JBoss and are pleased with the actual
  What is killing us right now is the performance of the code generated
  Jasper, especially when using taglibs in complex ways. The generated
  code is way too unoptimized.
  So, if this has not been asked before (in which case a RTFA is ok,
  although I've looked already), my question is:
  When will Jasper be rewritten?
  Are there any such projects underway now?
  Have there been any discussions about this yet?
  Am I the only one seeing this problem, or are more people concernced
  about it?
  Rickard Öberg
  Software Development Specialist
  xlurc - Xpedio Linköping Ubiquitous Research Center
  Author of Mastering RMI

RE: Jasper performance

2001-05-16 Thread Carlos Gaston Alvarez

I have some ideas to improbe performance. But it sounds like a should enter
them at the CVS. Is that true? How can I do it?
The JspCompacter is almost finished. (I also have to document it in
english). When finished, that should I do. Should I send it to the list for



ps: I am adding also usage options.

- Original Message -
From: Glenn Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 6:49 AM
Subject: Re: Jasper performance

 Jasper performance has already been identified as an area needing

 Discussions and work on this has already started in the main tomcat
 branch in CVS jakarta-tomcat/proposals/jasper34, but this may be
 moving to the CVS repository jakarta-tomcat-jasper.

 This work just started recently, I don't know when it will be ready.



 Rickard Öberg wrote:
  We are using Tomcat/JBoss and are pleased with the actual functionality.
  What is killing us right now is the performance of the code generated by
  Jasper, especially when using taglibs in complex ways. The generated
  code is way too unoptimized.
  So, if this has not been asked before (in which case a RTFA is ok,
  although I've looked already), my question is:
  When will Jasper be rewritten?
  Are there any such projects underway now?
  Have there been any discussions about this yet?
  Am I the only one seeing this problem, or are more people concernced
  about it?
  Rickard Öberg
  Software Development Specialist
  xlurc - Xpedio Linköping Ubiquitous Research Center
  Author of Mastering RMI

 Glenn Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] | /* Spelin donut madder|
 MOREnet System Programming   |  * if iz ina coment.  |
 Missouri Research and Education Network  |  */   |

RE: Jasper performance

2001-05-16 Thread Steve Downey

Given any reasonably timeframe for delivery on a new Jasper to production,
jdk 1.1 is likely to be three cycles behind. Supporting legacy systems can
only go so far. 

 -Original Message-
 From: Glenn Nielsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 5:30 PM
 Subject: Re: Jasper performance
 I would like to propose that the new Jasper require jdk 1.2.
 The current version of jasper can be used by those who have jdk 1.1.x.
 Then we don't have to worry about jumping through hoops trying to
 get the new jasper to run both in 1.1 and 1.2, plus we can optimize
 for 1.2.  In addition JSP 1.2 will require jdk 1.2 or greater.
   Jasper performance has already been identified as an area needing
   Discussions and work on this has already started in the 
 main tomcat
   branch in CVS jakarta-tomcat/proposals/jasper34, but this may be
   moving to the CVS repository jakarta-tomcat-jasper.
   This work just started recently, I don't know when it 
 will be ready.
  It will take few months - it's not that easy.
  We already added tag pooling in tomcat3.3, and that have a 
  effect on performance if you are using tags - but that's just the
  The first step is to reorganize the code. Then we'll try to 
 make the code
  generator more customizable ( probably by using XSLT for some of the
  operations ). The real performance enhancement will come 
 when we start
  tunning the generated code - there are many ideas around, 
 but we need the
  refactoring first.
  BTW, jasper will share most of the code for the 1.1 and 1.2 
 APIs, so all
  enhancements will be available in both 3.x and 4.x ( and 
 other containers
  as well ).
  If you have ideas, code or opinions - please get involved, 
 we need you :-)
   Rickard Öberg wrote:
We are using Tomcat/JBoss and are pleased with the 
 actual functionality.
What is killing us right now is the performance of the 
 code generated by
Jasper, especially when using taglibs in complex ways. 
 The generated
code is way too unoptimized.
So, if this has not been asked before (in which case a 
 RTFA is ok,
although I've looked already), my question is:
When will Jasper be rewritten?
Are there any such projects underway now?
Have there been any discussions about this yet?
Am I the only one seeing this problem, or are more 
 people concernced
about it?
Rickard Öberg
Software Development Specialist
xlurc - Xpedio Linköping Ubiquitous Research Center
Author of Mastering RMI
 Glenn Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] | /* Spelin donut madder|
 MOREnet System Programming   |  * if iz ina coment.  |
 Missouri Research and Education Network  |  */   |
This electronic mail transmission
may contain confidential information and is intended only for the person(s)
named.  Any use, copying or disclosure by any other person is strictly
prohibited.  If you have received this transmission in error, please notify
the sender via e-mail. 

RE: Jasper performance

2001-05-16 Thread Paulo Gaspar

 Now, people are suggesting using something like XSLT to transform the .jsp
 XML/XHTML file into a .java file. Because you are introducing the
 XSLT layer
 into things, that will have a negative impact on the transformation
 performance (I'm not certain how much, but I am pretty much
 certain it will
 be more than the current system.). Given that this only happens
 when you are
 in development mode, I think that people developing JSP pages
 might not like
 the performance hit.

I used XSLT in the past as a template mechanism and I think that Jon is
right. XSLT is quite demanding on CPU and memory.

(Yes, I am the TemplateMan: I already used XSLT, Freemarker, WebMacro
and Velocity)

MOREOVER, XSLT always adds a lot of baggage to the equation since the
engines are usually quite big and demand for something more than a basic
XML parser.

And do not forget that, bad practice or not, a lot of people like to
have compile-on-change JSPs even in production. So, what ever weight you
add, it will be there all the time for a lot of people.

And then, XSLT syntax is a pain in the ass, which pays even less when
you are not trying to generate well formed XML. It is just too much
trouble. I have been changing stuff from using XSLT to using Velocity
and it is always a big relief.

I do not believe that the code generation for JSPs will demand a very
feature full template mechanism. OTOH, sometimes I often come across java
products that have their own minimal template mechanism... which means
it probably is not hard.

So, I believe that Jasper needs a minimal template mechanism, and not a
maximal one like XSLT.

IF I was messing with Jasper, I would try to find out exactly what is
the absolute minimum of templating features that Jasper would need to
make the code generation easier. I would try to paths:
  1) A very simple XML based template mechanism (with IFs, LOOPSs,
 VALUEs and so around/controlling-the-flow of the java templated
 text. No namespaces and no other complex XSLT sh*t;
  2) A cut down version of the Webmacro/Velocity syntax.

Since an XML parser is already used, 1) would not need much extra weight.

If I would not be happy after playing with the 1) concept, I would go
for a (very) cut down version of Velocity. My wild guess is that such
cut down version could have less than 150 kB, which is much less that
what you would have with a XSLT parser and it would be less memory and
CPU intensive too. (Yes, Velocity as a load of baggage that can be thrown
away for such simple mechanism, like resource management, app tools, part
of the syntax features and so on.)

For prototyping purposes...
  for 1) It might be possible to find some XML based mechanism in some
 OpenSource project somewhere. I bet that something like that
  for 2) You have Velocity, of course.

Well, it is just a suggestion. At the moment that is not my itch.

Have fun,
Paulo Gaspar

 -Original Message-
 From: Jon Stevens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 7:19 AM

 on 5/15/01 8:32 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  +1 for the generator.
  Considerations on the generator:
  This will slow development down even further doing the
 transformation step.
  What ? Using JDK1.2 instead of JDK1.1 ?
  I doubt it, but thanks for worrying about this :-)

 Sorry, let me quote the emails a bit better so that you can
 understand what
 I am trying to suggest. See above.

 Currently Jasper output's Java code from within Java code. This
 is about as
 fast as you are going to get because there is no intermediate
 step going on, just conditional output of String data entirely
 within Java.
 While this is very fast, it also means that modifications to
 Jasper are damn
 near impossible without reading the source code in a fair amount of detail
 and doing quite a lot of testing.

 Now, people are suggesting using something like XSLT to transform the .jsp
 XML/XHTML file into a .java file. Because you are introducing the
 XSLT layer
 into things, that will have a negative impact on the transformation
 performance (I'm not certain how much, but I am pretty much
 certain it will
 be more than the current system.). Given that this only happens
 when you are
 in development mode, I think that people developing JSP pages
 might not like
 the performance hit.

 Just a word of consideration.


 If you come from a Perl or PHP background, JSP is a way to take
 your pain to new levels. --Anonymous

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-16 Thread cmanolache

On Tue, 15 May 2001, Jon Stevens wrote:

 Currently Jasper output's Java code from within Java code. This is about as
 fast as you are going to get because there is no intermediate transformation
 step going on, just conditional output of String data entirely within Java.
 While this is very fast, it also means that modifications to Jasper are damn
 near impossible without reading the source code in a fair amount of detail
 and doing quite a lot of testing.

We do need to read source code and do testing in order to make
modification in a code generator ???  :-)...

XLST will not change that.

 Now, people are suggesting using something like XSLT to transform the .jsp
 XML/XHTML file into a .java file. Because you are introducing the XSLT layer
 into things, that will have a negative impact on the transformation
 performance (I'm not certain how much, but I am pretty much certain it will
 be more than the current system.). Given that this only happens when you are
 in development mode, I think that people developing JSP pages might not like
 the performance hit.

The code generation stage is not significant - compared with the javac
compilation. Some people are even using XSLT at runtime ( not that this is
a good idea ) - so I doubt it'll have such a significant impact on
development mode ( if it's ok for a runtime page, it should be ok for a
developer ).

In addition, for pure jsp ( if no java fragment is used ) it would be
possible to use the same technique as XSLTC ( now part of xalan ) - and
generate the bytecode directly ( since most of the generated code is
glue ) - and avoid the javac. 

Of course, the big goal is to allow some taglib optimzations ( create
alternate implementations for common-used tags, with same behavior but
generating code directly ) - and that's why XSLT is need.

The good news about JSP is that it is a specification. People can use
a different implementation if they are not happy with one, or use one for
development and one for deployment. 

( I have a feeling Cocoon2 and Resin are both using XSLT in developing the
pages - so I guess we will be safe, both are doing OK )


Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-16 Thread Jon Stevens

on 5/16/01 1:11 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The code generation stage is not significant - compared with the javac
 compilation. Some people are even using XSLT at runtime ( not that this is
 a good idea ) - so I doubt it'll have such a significant impact on
 development mode ( if it's ok for a runtime page, it should be ok for a
 developer ).
 In addition, for pure jsp ( if no java fragment is used ) it would be
 possible to use the same technique as XSLTC ( now part of xalan ) - and
 generate the bytecode directly ( since most of the generated code is
 glue ) - and avoid the javac.
 Of course, the big goal is to allow some taglib optimzations ( create
 alternate implementations for common-used tags, with same behavior but
 generating code directly ) - and that's why XSLT is need.
 The good news about JSP is that it is a specification. People can use
 a different implementation if they are not happy with one, or use one for
 development and one for deployment.
 ( I have a feeling Cocoon2 and Resin are both using XSLT in developing the
 pages - so I guess we will be safe, both are doing OK )


Once again, you impress me with your inability to understand a word of what
I'm talking about. So, let me close this discussion with this:

If the speed of generating a .java file (or directly to a .class file) from
JSP ends up taking more resources (ie: memory) and more time after the
conversion to using XSLT as the transformation step, I will forward your
comments above to you again and tell you I told you so. I welcome the same
response from you.

As for your comments about Cocoon2, well, if you actually look at it, it is
dog slow and *extremely* resource intensive. The only reason why there is
*any* performance out of it is because there is a shit load of caching and
compiled XSLT that goes on. This is something that I fear the development of
JSP pages will not be able to take advantage of in the same way and as a
result, development performance will suffer compared with what it is at

I find it funny that I seem to be the only one who cares about this issue.


p.s. Over in Turbine land, we have a lot of experience with the dynamic
generation of Java code and have found that using Texen has been a most
favorable experience. It would be most humorous to me to see Velocity used
to generate .java files from .jsp input. :-)


If you come from a Perl or PHP background, JSP is a way to take
your pain to new levels. --Anonymous

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-16 Thread cmanolache

On Wed, 16 May 2001, Jon Stevens wrote:

 Once again, you impress me with your inability to understand a word of what
 I'm talking about. So, let me close this discussion with this:

No problem, I'm not that good at explaining either. 

 If the speed of generating a .java file (or directly to a .class file) from
 JSP ends up taking more resources (ie: memory) and more time after the
 conversion to using XSLT as the transformation step, I will forward your
 comments above to you again and tell you I told you so. I welcome the same
 response from you.

And  I tried to explain: the xslt transformation is not significant
compared with the javac compilation ( it may add 5-10% extra ), and may 
end up saving the javac in some cases - which would be a significant speed

And I also tried to explain: JSP doens't take more resources, a particular
implementation ( generator ) may take more resources. The current
java-only generator will still be available, there are many ways to
compile the JSP page - and xslt has some benefits you can't get otherwise.

 As for your comments about Cocoon2, well, if you actually look at it, it is
 dog slow and *extremely* resource intensive. The only reason why there is
 *any* performance out of it is because there is a shit load of caching and
 compiled XSLT that goes on. This is something that I fear the development of
 JSP pages will not be able to take advantage of in the same way and as a
 result, development performance will suffer compared with what it is at

Caching is good and will be done anyway ( at least for runtime
).  Generating code is supposed to be resource intensive if you expect
reasonable runtime performance - and I haven't heared too many people
complaining Resin is too slow. 

 I find it funny that I seem to be the only one who cares about this issue.

Yes, I find it funny too.


Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-16 Thread Jon Stevens

on 5/16/01 4:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yet another template generation language ??? #foreach ???

Costin, what rock have you been sleeping under for the last 5 years?
Velocity is simply a cleaner implementation of WebMacro. It isn't YATGL.

Also, there is a reason for the #foreach...

Explain how you are going to fix that little problem Mr. Smart Ass.

 Yes, that's really humorous... but I guess I'll stick with W3C's
 templating language for a while :-)

Oh yea, I forgot! The W3C knows everything and everything that comes from
the W3C is *perfect*. XSLT is oh so great and perfect. Yea. Right. Open your
eyes dude.


If you come from a Perl or PHP background, JSP is a way to take
your pain to new levels. --Anonymous

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-16 Thread cmanolache

On Wed, 16 May 2001, Jon Stevens wrote:

 on 5/16/01 4:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yet another template generation language ??? #foreach ???
 Costin, what rock have you been sleeping under for the last 5 years?
 Velocity is simply a cleaner implementation of WebMacro. It isn't YATGL.

Sorry, from that example I didn't realized it's a webmacro ( there are not
too many languages to use # this way ) - and to be honest it's not on
the list of languages I use.

 Also, there is a reason for the #foreach...
 Explain how you are going to fix that little problem Mr. Smart Ass.

Well, ignoring the Ass part - if you are talking about allowing only a
restricted set of tags and not allowing java code in the page - that can
be done ( and it's not even difficult ). 

  Yes, that's really humorous... but I guess I'll stick with W3C's
  templating language for a while :-)
 Oh yea, I forgot! The W3C knows everything and everything that comes from
 the W3C is *perfect*. XSLT is oh so great and perfect. Yea. Right. Open your
 eyes dude.

Oh, yea, I forgot - you are smarter than W3C and everyone else :-)

XSLT is not perfect - neither is HTTP or HTML or any other standard. But
because Apache and many other organizations are implementing and using it
- I think they'll be around for a while :-)


Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-16 Thread cmanolache

On Wed, 16 May 2001, Jon Stevens wrote:

 may? Do you have empirical evidence of that or did you pull that out of
 your ass?

I guess that concludes our discussion. 


 , and may 
  end up saving the javac in some cases - which would be a significant speed
 Ah. Something else you pulled out of your ass.
  And I also tried to explain: JSP doens't take more resources, a particular
  implementation ( generator ) may take more resources.
 Once again, you don't listen very well. I'm not talking about JSP taking
 more resources, I'm talking about Jasper taking more resources. In case you
 missed it, Xalan is not a lightweight piece of Java code.
  The current
  java-only generator will still be available, there are many ways to
  compile the JSP page - and xslt has some benefits you can't get otherwise.
 Oh, so now you are going to support both generators? You are so amazing!
  Generating code is supposed to be resource intensive if you expect
  reasonable runtime performance
 Is it supposed to be more intensive than it currently is? You are talking
 about slowing things down at least another 5-10%...I'm sure your users will
 really love that.

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-16 Thread Jon Stevens

on 5/16/01 7:06 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, 16 May 2001, Jon Stevens wrote:
 on 5/16/01 4:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yet another template generation language ??? #foreach ???
 Costin, what rock have you been sleeping under for the last 5 years?
 Velocity is simply a cleaner implementation of WebMacro. It isn't YATGL.
 Sorry, from that example I didn't realized it's a webmacro ( there are not
 too many languages to use # this way ) - and to be honest it's not on
 the list of languages I use.

Once again...sleeping under a rock.

 if you are talking about allowing only a
 restricted set of tags and not allowing java code in the page - that can
 be done ( and it's not even difficult ).

Right now? Today? Show me how you are going to implement that and not break
the specification or all of the examples.

 Oh, yea, I forgot - you are smarter than W3C and everyone else :-)

Did I say that? I don't think so. However, I am going to state that XSLT in
its current form is lacking in many ways.

 XSLT is not perfect - neither is HTTP or HTML or any other standard. But
 because Apache and many other organizations are implementing and using it
 - I think they'll be around for a while :-)

Luckily Velocity also comes from the Apache Software Foundation so it will
be around for a while as well.


If you come from a Perl or PHP background, JSP is a way to take
your pain to new levels. --Anonymous

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-15 Thread cmanolache

 Jasper performance has already been identified as an area needing
 Discussions and work on this has already started in the main tomcat
 branch in CVS jakarta-tomcat/proposals/jasper34, but this may be
 moving to the CVS repository jakarta-tomcat-jasper.
 This work just started recently, I don't know when it will be ready.

It will take few months - it's not that easy. 

We already added tag pooling in tomcat3.3, and that have a significant
effect on performance if you are using tags - but that's just the

The first step is to reorganize the code. Then we'll try to make the code
generator more customizable ( probably by using XSLT for some of the
operations ). The real performance enhancement will come when we start
tunning the generated code - there are many ideas around, but we need the
refactoring first.

BTW, jasper will share most of the code for the 1.1 and 1.2 APIs, so all
enhancements will be available in both 3.x and 4.x ( and other containers
as well ).

If you have ideas, code or opinions - please get involved, we need you :-)


 Rickard Öberg wrote:
  We are using Tomcat/JBoss and are pleased with the actual functionality.
  What is killing us right now is the performance of the code generated by
  Jasper, especially when using taglibs in complex ways. The generated
  code is way too unoptimized.
  So, if this has not been asked before (in which case a RTFA is ok,
  although I've looked already), my question is:
  When will Jasper be rewritten?
  Are there any such projects underway now?
  Have there been any discussions about this yet?
  Am I the only one seeing this problem, or are more people concernced
  about it?
  Rickard Öberg
  Software Development Specialist
  xlurc - Xpedio Linköping Ubiquitous Research Center
  Author of Mastering RMI

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-15 Thread Casey Lucas


As Glenn mentioned, Jasper is in the process of getting a rework.  But in the
mean time and since you mentioned taglibs, you may want to look at the tag
pooling module that was added to tc 3.3.  If your jsps use a lot of tags,
you should see a big performance gain.  Let me know if you have questions
about tag pooling.

I was hoping to add tag pooling to tc 4, but have been very busy.  So unless
I gain some spare time, you'll probably need to wait until the new Jasper
is available (at least for tag pooling).


Rickard Öberg wrote:
 We are using Tomcat/JBoss and are pleased with the actual functionality.
 What is killing us right now is the performance of the code generated by
 Jasper, especially when using taglibs in complex ways. The generated
 code is way too unoptimized.
 So, if this has not been asked before (in which case a RTFA is ok,
 although I've looked already), my question is:
 When will Jasper be rewritten?
 Are there any such projects underway now?
 Have there been any discussions about this yet?
 Am I the only one seeing this problem, or are more people concernced
 about it?
 Rickard Öberg
 Software Development Specialist
 xlurc - Xpedio Linköping Ubiquitous Research Center
 Author of Mastering RMI

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-15 Thread Nick Bauman

I, for one, would be very interested in making it easy/possible to uncouple
Jasper from the servlet container itself. The question I have is How much of
a scaffolding is required to use Jasper purely as a template engine without
the baggage of the servlet container per se (or at worst, by being able to
call the _jspservice method with a parameters of (HttpServletRequest,
HttpServletResponse) from within an application instead of over the wire
with http).

Is there anyone who has done this already?

 Jasper performance has already been identified as an area needing
 Discussions and work on this has already started in the main tomcat
 branch in CVS jakarta-tomcat/proposals/jasper34, but this may be
 moving to the CVS repository jakarta-tomcat-jasper.
 This work just started recently, I don't know when it will be ready.
 It will take few months - it's not that easy. 
 We already added tag pooling in tomcat3.3, and that have a significant
 effect on performance if you are using tags - but that's just the
 The first step is to reorganize the code. Then we'll try to make the
 code generator more customizable ( probably by using XSLT for some of
 the operations ). The real performance enhancement will come when we
 start tunning the generated code - there are many ideas around, but we
 need the refactoring first.
 BTW, jasper will share most of the code for the 1.1 and 1.2 APIs, so
 all enhancements will be available in both 3.x and 4.x ( and other
 containers as well ).
 If you have ideas, code or opinions - please get involved, we need you
 Rickard Öberg wrote:
  We are using Tomcat/JBoss and are pleased with the actual
  functionality. What is killing us right now is the performance of
  the code generated by Jasper, especially when using taglibs in
  complex ways. The generated code is way too unoptimized.
  So, if this has not been asked before (in which case a RTFA is ok,
  although I've looked already), my question is:
  When will Jasper be rewritten?
  Are there any such projects underway now?
  Have there been any discussions about this yet?
  Am I the only one seeing this problem, or are more people concernced
  about it?
  Rickard Öberg
  Software Development Specialist
  xlurc - Xpedio Linköping Ubiquitous Research Center
  Author of Mastering RMI

Nick Bauman
Software Developer
3023 Lynn #22
Minneapolis, MN
Mobile Phone: (612) 810-7406

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-15 Thread ken . horn

We use Jasper (from a 3.1 build!) in another container. How big is the
change if we wanted to move to the 3.3 version to get the tag pooling. I'm
about to start performance testing our app, and currently the pages are
taking ages to render (we build up to 1Meg of html.. :o), so we'll be
looking at this area soon.

In terms of a quick hit, anybody got opinions / experience of changing the
generation to use an unsynchronized version of StringBuffer, I think this
may show up as a possible easy enhancement.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 15/05/2001 15:22:17

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: Ken X Horn)
Subject:  Re: Jasper performance

 Jasper performance has already been identified as an area needing

 Discussions and work on this has already started in the main tomcat
 branch in CVS jakarta-tomcat/proposals/jasper34, but this may be
 moving to the CVS repository jakarta-tomcat-jasper.

 This work just started recently, I don't know when it will be ready.

It will take few months - it's not that easy.

We already added tag pooling in tomcat3.3, and that have a significant
effect on performance if you are using tags - but that's just the

The first step is to reorganize the code. Then we'll try to make the code
generator more customizable ( probably by using XSLT for some of the
operations ). The real performance enhancement will come when we start
tunning the generated code - there are many ideas around, but we need the
refactoring first.

BTW, jasper will share most of the code for the 1.1 and 1.2 APIs, so all
enhancements will be available in both 3.x and 4.x ( and other containers
as well ).

If you have ideas, code or opinions - please get involved, we need you :-)


 Rickard Öberg wrote:
  We are using Tomcat/JBoss and are pleased with the actual
  What is killing us right now is the performance of the code generated
  Jasper, especially when using taglibs in complex ways. The generated
  code is way too unoptimized.
  So, if this has not been asked before (in which case a RTFA is ok,
  although I've looked already), my question is:
  When will Jasper be rewritten?
  Are there any such projects underway now?
  Have there been any discussions about this yet?
  Am I the only one seeing this problem, or are more people concernced
  about it?
  Rickard Öberg
  Software Development Specialist
  xlurc - Xpedio Linköping Ubiquitous Research Center
  Author of Mastering RMI

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-15 Thread Rickard Öberg

 We already added tag pooling in tomcat3.3, and that have a significant
 effect on performance if you are using tags - but that's just the

This is great news! Our other options was to use another engine (like
Orion or Resin), write our own JSP compiler, or not use JSP at all. Tag
pooling will be a good start, and I'll try it out first thing tomorrow.

 The first step is to reorganize the code. Then we'll try to make the code
 generator more customizable ( probably by using XSLT for some of the
 operations ). The real performance enhancement will come when we start
 tunning the generated code - there are many ideas around, but we need the
 refactoring first.

After having looked at the Jasper code, that seems like a good strategy

 If you have ideas, code or opinions - please get involved, we need you :-)

I will try, as time permits, as this is the single most
performance-heavy part of our system right now. Any improvements would
be incredibly useful.


Rickard Öberg
Software Development Specialist
xlurc - Xpedio Linköping Ubiquitous Research Center
Author of Mastering RMI

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-15 Thread Rickard Öberg

Jon Stevens wrote:
 Or you could use another tool that doesn't require you to generate .java
 files first, doesn't require a boat load of caching to get decent
 performance (imagine that using JSP the  right way   causes it to
 actually run slower???), doesn't need a complete re-write to fix it's
 problems, ...etc...

Somehow I'm not surprised by this comment ;-)

And yes, we have considered it, but we really really would like to use
the taglibs provided by WebWork ( One
crucial feature I couldn't immediately find in Velocity is the ability
to jsp:include output from other servlets. Using JSP also gives us a
well-defined way to extend the possible tags, which is a must.


Rickard Öberg
Software Development Specialist
xlurc - Xpedio Linköping Ubiquitous Research Center
Author of Mastering RMI

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-15 Thread Glenn Nielsen

I would like to propose that the new Jasper require jdk 1.2.
The current version of jasper can be used by those who have jdk 1.1.x.
Then we don't have to worry about jumping through hoops trying to
get the new jasper to run both in 1.1 and 1.2, plus we can optimize
for 1.2.  In addition JSP 1.2 will require jdk 1.2 or greater.



  Jasper performance has already been identified as an area needing
  Discussions and work on this has already started in the main tomcat
  branch in CVS jakarta-tomcat/proposals/jasper34, but this may be
  moving to the CVS repository jakarta-tomcat-jasper.
  This work just started recently, I don't know when it will be ready.
 It will take few months - it's not that easy.
 We already added tag pooling in tomcat3.3, and that have a significant
 effect on performance if you are using tags - but that's just the
 The first step is to reorganize the code. Then we'll try to make the code
 generator more customizable ( probably by using XSLT for some of the
 operations ). The real performance enhancement will come when we start
 tunning the generated code - there are many ideas around, but we need the
 refactoring first.
 BTW, jasper will share most of the code for the 1.1 and 1.2 APIs, so all
 enhancements will be available in both 3.x and 4.x ( and other containers
 as well ).
 If you have ideas, code or opinions - please get involved, we need you :-)
  Rickard Öberg wrote:
   We are using Tomcat/JBoss and are pleased with the actual functionality.
   What is killing us right now is the performance of the code generated by
   Jasper, especially when using taglibs in complex ways. The generated
   code is way too unoptimized.
   So, if this has not been asked before (in which case a RTFA is ok,
   although I've looked already), my question is:
   When will Jasper be rewritten?
   Are there any such projects underway now?
   Have there been any discussions about this yet?
   Am I the only one seeing this problem, or are more people concernced
   about it?
   Rickard Öberg
   Software Development Specialist
   xlurc - Xpedio Linköping Ubiquitous Research Center
   Author of Mastering RMI

Glenn Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] | /* Spelin donut madder|
MOREnet System Programming   |  * if iz ina coment.  |
Missouri Research and Education Network  |  */   |

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-15 Thread cmanolache

On Tue, 15 May 2001, Glenn Nielsen wrote:

 I would like to propose that the new Jasper require jdk 1.2.
 The current version of jasper can be used by those who have jdk 1.1.x.
 Then we don't have to worry about jumping through hoops trying to
 get the new jasper to run both in 1.1 and 1.2, plus we can optimize
 for 1.2.  In addition JSP 1.2 will require jdk 1.2 or greater.

+1 for the generator. 

+1 for the runtime implementation

My only -1 is for the method signatures in the runtime - but that
should be a tiny problem, and I'll watch and fix in case something slips

The idea is that I want to have an alternate implementation that uses only
JDK1.1 ( or J2ME ) - this is not a big priority, but it can't hurt anyone
to keep a door open.

I don't care too much about JDK1.1 - but it's very important for me to
have a way to use a runtime that works in more restricted environments
( but that will not be the default - I can make such a think somewhere
outside  - as long as we don't add something in the signatures that would 
prevent that )

I already ordered the tini board - and it supports only JDK1.1 so far, so
please don't try to make me change the vote :-)


   Jasper performance has already been identified as an area needing
   Discussions and work on this has already started in the main tomcat
   branch in CVS jakarta-tomcat/proposals/jasper34, but this may be
   moving to the CVS repository jakarta-tomcat-jasper.
   This work just started recently, I don't know when it will be ready.
  It will take few months - it's not that easy.
  We already added tag pooling in tomcat3.3, and that have a significant
  effect on performance if you are using tags - but that's just the
  The first step is to reorganize the code. Then we'll try to make the code
  generator more customizable ( probably by using XSLT for some of the
  operations ). The real performance enhancement will come when we start
  tunning the generated code - there are many ideas around, but we need the
  refactoring first.
  BTW, jasper will share most of the code for the 1.1 and 1.2 APIs, so all
  enhancements will be available in both 3.x and 4.x ( and other containers
  as well ).
  If you have ideas, code or opinions - please get involved, we need you :-)
   Rickard Öberg wrote:
We are using Tomcat/JBoss and are pleased with the actual functionality.
What is killing us right now is the performance of the code generated by
Jasper, especially when using taglibs in complex ways. The generated
code is way too unoptimized.
So, if this has not been asked before (in which case a RTFA is ok,
although I've looked already), my question is:
When will Jasper be rewritten?
Are there any such projects underway now?
Have there been any discussions about this yet?
Am I the only one seeing this problem, or are more people concernced
about it?
Rickard Öberg
Software Development Specialist
xlurc - Xpedio Linköping Ubiquitous Research Center
Author of Mastering RMI

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-15 Thread Jon Stevens

on 5/15/01 7:05 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, 15 May 2001, Glenn Nielsen wrote:
 I would like to propose that the new Jasper require jdk 1.2.
 The current version of jasper can be used by those who have jdk 1.1.x.
 Then we don't have to worry about jumping through hoops trying to
 get the new jasper to run both in 1.1 and 1.2, plus we can optimize
 for 1.2.  In addition JSP 1.2 will require jdk 1.2 or greater.
 +1 for the generator.

Considerations on the generator:

This will slow development down even further doing the transformation step.


If you come from a Perl or PHP background, JSP is a way to take
your pain to new levels. --Anonymous

Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-15 Thread cmanolache

On Tue, 15 May 2001, Jon Stevens wrote:

 on 5/15/01 7:05 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tue, 15 May 2001, Glenn Nielsen wrote:
  I would like to propose that the new Jasper require jdk 1.2.
  The current version of jasper can be used by those who have jdk 1.1.x.
  Then we don't have to worry about jumping through hoops trying to
  get the new jasper to run both in 1.1 and 1.2, plus we can optimize
  for 1.2.  In addition JSP 1.2 will require jdk 1.2 or greater.
  +1 for the generator.
 Considerations on the generator:
 This will slow development down even further doing the transformation step.

What ? Using JDK1.2 instead of JDK1.1 ? 

I doubt it, but thanks for worrying about this :-)


Re: Jasper performance

2001-05-15 Thread Jon Stevens

on 5/15/01 8:32 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 +1 for the generator.
 Considerations on the generator:
 This will slow development down even further doing the transformation step.
 What ? Using JDK1.2 instead of JDK1.1 ?
 I doubt it, but thanks for worrying about this :-)

Sorry, let me quote the emails a bit better so that you can understand what
I am trying to suggest. See above.

Currently Jasper output's Java code from within Java code. This is about as
fast as you are going to get because there is no intermediate transformation
step going on, just conditional output of String data entirely within Java.
While this is very fast, it also means that modifications to Jasper are damn
near impossible without reading the source code in a fair amount of detail
and doing quite a lot of testing.

Now, people are suggesting using something like XSLT to transform the .jsp
XML/XHTML file into a .java file. Because you are introducing the XSLT layer
into things, that will have a negative impact on the transformation
performance (I'm not certain how much, but I am pretty much certain it will
be more than the current system.). Given that this only happens when you are
in development mode, I think that people developing JSP pages might not like
the performance hit.

Just a word of consideration.


If you come from a Perl or PHP background, JSP is a way to take
your pain to new levels. --Anonymous