Tomcat on Win 2003 Server

2004-03-04 Thread UmamaheswarKalluru

Win Tomcat 5.0.19 work on Windows 2003 Advanced Server?

Thank you,
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RE: JSP whitespace removal

2004-03-04 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
That is not exactly what he intends to do:

trimSpaces: Should white spaces in template text 
between actions or directives be trimmed ?, default false.

It is not trimming away whitespaces between HTML tags.

 -Original Message-
 From: Aadi Deshpande [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 11:33 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: JSP whitespace removal
 consider using the trimSpaces option of the Jasper compiler in your 
 $CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml .

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Re: Tomcat on Win 2003 Server

2004-03-04 Thread Tim Coy
I have it working in production
So that would be yes
Tim Coy

 Win Tomcat 5.0.19 work on Windows 2003 Advanced Server?
 Thank you,
 Best Regards,
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Re: Tomcat on Win 2003 Server

2004-03-04 Thread UmamaheswarKalluru

Thanks for the reply.

Thank you,
Best Regards,

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formbased login question

2004-03-04 Thread Werner van Mook
Before starting on a quest for more knowledge I thought I ask you all,

I'm building a web app.
A user should be able to login on every page available.
So every page has a form with a loginname and password field.
The form is formatted correctly for form based login.
I'm not using frames!

My web.xml contains :

I'm wondering about the form-login-page tag.
How to make it clear to tomcat that every page can be a login page.
I haven't tried it yet but I think my solution (/*) will not work.
The testingserver DB is broken and we are using JDBCRealm.
Who has experience with this and is willing to help me?
I would like to know what to fill in in the form-login-page tag or 
any other way to solve this.

Kind regards,
Werner van Mook
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ssl tomcat

2004-03-04 Thread secam secam
Hi al,l
I'm new in tomcat
I attemp to use ssl with tomcat.
Can any one explain me what are the truststore and truststorepassword properties ?

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Driver class not found

2004-03-04 Thread Bikash Paul

Iam using Tomcat5.0 and iam trying to connect oracle8i
Data base through Datasource and I have created one
Datasource using administrator tool of Tomcat using
oracle driver and I have kept my driver classes12.jar
file in common\lib folder and also in server\lib
folder but still it giving me error that
:oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.Can any one please
tell me is there any class path setting require for
that if it is require then in which file.Eagerly
waiting for reply.

Thanks  Regards

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Re: JSP whitespace removal

2004-03-04 Thread Robert Krüger
I don't think that's what he's looking for. It merely trims the 
whitespaces between jsp-directives (i.e. newlines between taglib 
directives) which is not exactly the majority of whitespaces in 
realistic scenarios. I think what he's looking for is more like the 
result of outputting html through an xslt processor with no indenting 
and I don't think that exists for jasper.

Best regards,


it trims the spaces during page compilation.
make sure you blow away your work directory or otherwise edit your pages 
so that they get recompiled.
works really well for me.


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Robert Krüger
Signal7 GmbH
Brüder Knauss Str. 79
64285 Darmstadt
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RE: problem in configuring a Datasource in Tomcat 5.0

2004-03-04 Thread Marco Mistroni
Yes I did both of them.
In mysql I created an user named marco..below is the commandline window
I did the mysql command

C:\mysql\binmysql --user marco --password
Enter password: 
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 2 to server version: 4.1.1a-alpha-max-debug

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

'boss' WITH
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)

In the common\lib I have put the file  mm.mysql-2.0.14-bin.jar

I still cannot figure out why I am getting the exception like below,
That seems to say that there is no database running...

org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot create
ory, cause:
java.sql.SQLException: Communication failure during handshake. Is there
a server
 running on localhost:3306?
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at org.apache.jsp.testdb_jsp._jspService(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(


One thing I haven't mentioned: I haven't downloaded any of the 
Files mentioned in the instruction 
Jakarta-Commons DBCP 1.0 
Jakarta-Commons Collections 2.0 
Jakarta-Commons Pool 1.0

Because I saw them already in the common\lib directory, and I thought
They were the proper version.


Re: Driver class not found

2004-03-04 Thread Bikash Paul
After adding class12.jar in setclasspath.bat file I am
getting below error. I have copied Clasess12.jar in
Common\lib directory. 

DBConnection - getConnection()namingexception caught:
Name jdbc is not bound in
this Context outer caught:
No suitable driver. SQL sta
te = 08001, error code = 0
java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver
DBConnection - getConnection()namingexception caught:
Name jdbc is not bound in
this Context outer caught:
No suitable driver. SQL sta
te = 08001, error code = 0

Can anyone pls help me to solve this problem


--- Bikash Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Iam using Tomcat5.0 and iam trying to connect
 Data base through Datasource and I have created one
 Datasource using administrator tool of Tomcat using
 oracle driver and I have kept my driver
 file in common\lib folder and also in server\lib
 folder but still it giving me error that
 :oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.Can any one please
 tell me is there any class path setting require for
 that if it is require then in which file.Eagerly
 waiting for reply.
 Thanks  Regards
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What charset is the pre-compiled java file?

2004-03-04 Thread snail

My jsp files use GB2312 character set with some Chinese words.I find that the Chinese 
words are converted as unreadable text in the pre-compiled java file?My question is 
1.what charset is the pre-compiled java file?
2.Does Tomcat use the standard character set in the pre-compiled java files?

I check the Tomcat documents and find nothing.Does someone can help me?



what charset do the pre-compiled java files use under Tomcat4.1.24?

2004-03-04 Thread snail

My jsp files use GB2312 character set with some Chinese words.I find that the Chinese 
words are converted as unreadable text in the pre-compiled java file?My question is 
1.what charset do the pre-compiled java files use?
2.Does Tomcat use the standard character set in the pre-compiled java files?

I check the Tomcat documents and find nothing.Does someone can help me?



Invalidate User Session

2004-03-04 Thread Juan de Bravo

Hi everybody,
is it possible to listen for window closing event to invalidate user



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Re: formbased login question

2004-03-04 Thread ldrobertson

The form-login-page tag is used to reference the login page, similar to
the way you have the form-error-page tag coded.  The form-login-page
should look something like form-login-page/login.jsp/form-login-page,
and the login.jsp page would have the post to j_security_check and the
j_username and j_password fields.  Not sure what you mean by ...So every
page has a form with a loginname and password field; only login.jsp
has the login post and variables, your application content pages do not
have the login parms and require nothing special for this.

Use the url-pattern tag in the security-constraint to control what
pages within your application require login.  If all pages require a login,
it would be something like url-pattern/*/url-pattern.

Understand that you do not link users directly to login.jsp.  They should
access the page they want, and tomcat will interrupt the access their first
time, transfer them to the login.jsp, and assuming they login correctly;
tomcat will then allow access to the desired page.



  Werner van Mook  

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]To:   Tomcat Users List [EMAIL 

   Subject:  formbased login question  

  03/04/2004 03:56 


  Please respond to

  Tomcat Users




Before starting on a quest for more knowledge I thought I ask you all,

I'm building a web app.
A user should be able to login on every page available.
So every page has a form with a loginname and password field.
The form is formatted correctly for form based login.

I'm not using frames!

My web.xml contains :


I'm wondering about the form-login-page tag.
How to make it clear to tomcat that every page can be a login page.
I haven't tried it yet but I think my solution (/*) will not work.
The testingserver DB is broken and we are using JDBCRealm.

Who has experience with this and is willing to help me?
I would like to know what to fill in in the form-login-page tag or
any other way to solve this.

Kind regards,
Werner van Mook

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RE: Invalidate User Session

2004-03-04 Thread Peter Guyatt
Hi There,

Not very easily, There is no onClose event for the window object in the DOM

I found some javascript code that would mimic the onClose function but if
you refreshed the page via F5 or the refresh button then it assumed it was
closing the window.

If this is not a problem I could forward you the javascript.



-Original Message-
From: Juan de Bravo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 04 March 2004 10:45
To: Lista usuarios tomcat (E-mail)
Subject: Invalidate User Session

Hi everybody,
is it possible to listen for window closing event to invalidate user



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mod_jk install for a Cygwin Apache problem

2004-03-04 Thread Florent

I installed the apache1.3.29 standard version downloaded from
with the ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache command then make then make install
then i copied the /tmp/apache_1.3.29/src/httpd.exe to /usr/local/apache/bin
and i start it successfully.
Then I added the mod_jk2-1.3.27.dll to the /usr/local/apache/libexec with the
two others windows apache dll needed and updated the httpd.conf like this at the
end :


# Load mod_jk module
# Update this path to match your modules location
LoadModule jk_module libexec/mod_jk2-1.3.27.dll 

# Declare the module for IfModule directive
AddModule mod_jk.c 

but still get an error :

$ /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start
[Thu Mar  4 11:50:29 2004] [warn] Apache does not support line-end comments.
Consider using quotes around argument: #-1
Syntax error on line 950 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Invalid command 'LoadModule', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not
included in the server configuration
/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

Have you any solution ?


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Re: Can't access session id

2004-03-04 Thread Frank Burns
Tim, that's great.
I now realise, following from your advice, the difference between JSTL
Expression Language implicit variables and the JSP implicit objects.

Thanks, also, to Justin Ruthenbeck for the JSP expression script version.

- Original Message - 
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 1:12 AM
Subject: Re: Can't access session id

 You need to use the pageContext implicit object.
 session id = c:out value=${} /


 Frank Burns wrote:

  I need to access the session id from within a JSP and pass it,
  to a Flash-based client.
  I am using the following code fragment as part of my JSP, but the value
  returned for the session id is always blank.
  Am I doing something wrong?
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] contentType=text/xml session=true %
  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  %@ taglib prefix=c uri=; %
  session id = c:out value=${} /
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Net Integrator Virus Alert

2004-03-04 Thread Virus Scanner
WARNING: a virus (probably I-Worm.Moodown.b) or suspicious attachment was detected and 
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what does it mean?

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Bug 16113 remainder - 404 when removing/hitting/replacing a JSP page

2004-03-04 Thread Q\. Bordeaux

When removing and later replacing a jsp page, Tomcat return a
404 error. This is not a new bug but a quite old one already open:
BUG 16113

This bug still exist in last tomcat distribution (4.1.30 
5.0.19) and is really problematic in some applications.

Is this bug still in progress? does anyone has a solution?

Thanks in advance.

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Client authentication and customized error pages

2004-03-04 Thread Carlos Guardiola

Hi everyone! 
I'm using SSL client authentication in a tomcat 5.0.19. Everything goes
fine, but i need some help customizing error pages. 

When a client want to use my application, the browser asks him to choose
a valid certificate, but perhaps he hasn't a valid one. If he doesn't
have a certificate, the client authentication can't be done, so my
application is never invoked. O.K. 

So, the browser shows a page not found error, wich isn't one of my
application's customized error pages (as my application have never been
invoked). How can i customize that error page, in order to show
something like you need a valid certificate? 

I've created my own ErrorReportValve, used in the
errorReportValveClass directive of the Host in my tomcat's server.xml.
But it also seems not being invoked... 

Any help will be useful, thanks in advice, 


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Tomcat/JBoss problems with SNMP apps

2004-03-04 Thread Eulogio Robles
I have a very strange problem with an application  running on Apache + 
Tomcat/JBoss :

I have several classes that use AdvnetNet SNMP packages. One of them 
sends snmpSet() to several remote devices. If I run the class from a 
console Java application, it works ok (running on the save host where 
Tomcat is residing). But If I call it from a JSP page, the snmpSet() 
returns a timeout trying to communicate with IP w.x.y.z error. I tried 
a workaround : instead of using the Adventnet class, I used a 
Runtime.getRuntime().exec() call to execute a command line 
/usr/bin/snmpset command. Again, if I run the snmpset command from a 
shell prompt, it works ok. But if I run it from a JSP page, I get a 
communication timeout (cannot reach the remote IP). I wrote a small Perl 
CGI script that runs the same snmpset command, and it works just fine on 
the same host.

So, the problem is, why is Tomcat blocking or re-routing the SNMP SET calls?

Best regards,

E. Robles

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tomcat monitor plugin for JMeter

2004-03-04 Thread Peter Lin
Some people already know this, but most don't. I am working on a monitor for Tomcat 
using JMeter. The first graph will be the status. I made a mockup in photoshop. The 
actual UI hasn't been coded yet. I'd like to hear people's thoughts and comments. 
Here is how I am calculating the load. It is a combination of memory and thread.
memory load = (used memory/ max memory) * load factor
the default load factor is 33
thread load = (busy threads/ max threads) * load factor
the default load factor is 67
tomcat load = memory load + thread load
I plan to store the load factor in JMeter's properties file, so users can change the 
value. There are numerous limitation to this approach that I can think of, but I'm 
sure others can think of other limitations.
1. a small number of threads could be taking 100% of the CPU, like XML. which would 
mean both memory and thread don't tell you accurate what the load is
2. a large number of concurrent requests for static files may not place load on the 
3. memory usage could be high, but the system may be responding within acceptable 
The load calculation at this point is at a high level, but I feel it is still useful. 
Ultimately the load calculation will have to be specific to the actual webapps. Since 
JMeter and the new monitor will be extensible, users should be able to provide their 
own class to calculate load. Once I get a working version done. I can't say when it 
will get done, but I am actively working on it.
peter lin

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RE: Bug 16113 remainder - 404 when removing/hitting/replacing a JSP page

2004-03-04 Thread Shapira, Yoav


When removing and later replacing a jsp page, Tomcat return a
404 error. This is not a new bug but a quite old one already open:
BUG 16113

This bug still exist in last tomcat distribution (4.1.30 
5.0.19) and is really problematic in some applications.

Is this bug still in progress? does anyone has a solution?

If you define in progress to be someone working on it, I'd say no for
tomcat developers, and possibly yes for the people mentioned in the
above bug report (kaos, David).

Does anyone have a solution?  Sure: how about not removing the JSP but
simply copying the new version over?  Many people do this all the time
without a problem.

I amended the bugzilla item above asking for the patch so we can
evaluate (the patch was never submitted to us for reasons mentioned in
the bugzilla item).  If it's a showstopper for you, you can always patch
it yourself too ;)

Yoav Shapira

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RE: cgi-bin

2004-03-04 Thread Shapira, Yoav

What are the startup errors in your log that lead to the CHI servlet
marked as unavailable?

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

-Original Message-
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of George Hester
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: cgi-bin

OK.  servlets-cgi.jar is in \WEB-INF\lib.  This is in the web.xml and



!-- The mapping for the CGI Gateway servlet --


This is the test http://localhost/jsp_files/cgi-bin/up.cgi

This is the result:

HTTP Status 503 - Servlet cgi is currently unavailable



type Status report

message Servlet cgi is currently unavailable

description The requested service (Servlet cgi is currently
unavailable) is
not currently available.



Apache Tomcat/4.1.30
Any other suggestions?  Thanks.

George Hester
Tim Funk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 You have the servlet declaration but you are missing the servlet

 See conf/web.xml for an example/


 George Hester wrote:

  In my webapp in /WEB-INF/lib I put servlets-cgi.jar.  I then added
this to the web.xml in \WEB-INF
  Then I made a \cgi-bin folder and put a cgi file in there I know
over the web.  Call it test.cgi.  I then tried
  The reuslt was the cgi code returned as a text file.  What did I do
wrong?  Can I get this to work?  ActiveState Perl is installed in
Is there a test different than what I have done to see if what I set up
works?  Thanks.

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Net Integrator Virus Alert

2004-03-04 Thread Virus Scanner
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RE: Serialization issue

2004-03-04 Thread Shapira, Yoav


Right now I get the exception even when I try to serialize a HashMap I
just created, without any data in it.  I would guess that any request

You're saying that
Map myMap = new HashMap();
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new
throws an Exception?  Really???  If so, something is messed up with your
JDK or tomcat installation, and seriously message up at that ;)

parameters stored in the map returned by request.getParameterMap()
should be serializable right?

Define should.  The Servlet Specification does NOT mandate that this
Map be Serializable.

Yoav Shapira

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may contain information that is confidential, proprietary and/or privileged.  This 
e-mail is intended only for the individual(s) to whom it is addressed, and may not be 
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Tomcat 5, XML JSP Syntax Question

2004-03-04 Thread Lipov, Felix

I've been using the XML syntax for JSPs without much problem in Tomcat
4.1. When I try to read those same pages in Tomcat 5 I get errors. The
issue is with declared entities, like nbsp for space. Below is a sample
and the error I get. How in general can I declare something like nbsp
and have it work without the jsp compiler complaining regarding syntax?


Here is the sample:

?xml version=1.0 ?
!DOCTYPE jsp:root [
  !ENTITY nbsp #160;
  !ENTITY le #8804;
  !ENTITY ge #8805;

jsp:root xmlns:jsp=;
xmlns:fmt=; version=1.2

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /test.jsp(9,521) Element type
jsp:root must be declared.
139) org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.generateJava(

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Re: Driver class not found

2004-03-04 Thread Harry Mantheakis

 After adding class12.jar in setclasspath.bat file I am

I would undo that - that should not be necessary.

Try re-naming 'Clasess12.jar' to '' and place the 'zip'  file
in the $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib directory.

Make sure you do NOT have another copy of this 'zip' file (at the same time)
in your application's WEB-INF/lib directory.

For some strange reason I found that with the Oracle drivers I HAD to keep
them in  $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib - and NOT in my application's WEB-INF/lib

You might also want to consider downloading one of the more recent Oracle
drivers, which are now correctly named as '.jar' files. The '*14' driver (I
cannot remember the exact name) relates to Java 1.4 and is compatible with
Oracle 8i.

Good luck.

Harry Mantheakis
London, UK

 After adding class12.jar in setclasspath.bat file I am
 getting below error. I have copied Clasess12.jar in
 Common\lib directory.
 DBConnection - getConnection()namingexception caught:
 Name jdbc is not bound in
 this Context outer caught:
 No suitable driver. SQL sta
 te = 08001, error code = 0
 java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver
 DBConnection - getConnection()namingexception caught:
 Name jdbc is not bound in
 this Context outer caught:
 No suitable driver. SQL sta
 te = 08001, error code = 0
 Can anyone pls help me to solve this problem
 --- Bikash Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Iam using Tomcat5.0 and iam trying to connect
 Data base through Datasource and I have created one
 Datasource using administrator tool of Tomcat using
 oracle driver and I have kept my driver
 file in common\lib folder and also in server\lib
 folder but still it giving me error that
 :oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.Can any one please
 tell me is there any class path setting require for
 that if it is require then in which file.Eagerly
 waiting for reply.
 Thanks  Regards
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RE: dirty data and session management....

2004-03-04 Thread Shapira, Yoav


This may be more of a design question, but I'm
wondering if tomcat has anything in it's API that we
might be able to leverage to help manage dirty data in
a user's session?
When our user's login, we load, into their session a
w3c dom document that contains user-information, etc.
We use xsl transforms for display, so we overload that
session-based w3c dom w/ information necessary to show
the page to the user (any name value pair that could
have been read from the dB, say roles)
So, User-1 is editing the roles.  We read from the db,
the id/name for each role, tack it into the session
XML and transform it on the XSL to display to the
User-2 does the same thing.  User-1 edits some of the
role names and submits.
User-2 does the same thing, thus making User-1's role
information dirty.
Is there a way (using some API or tomcat) to enforce
that User-2's submit cannot take place w/o them
re-reading those roles b/c User-1 already committed?

What you would likely do is a two-pronged approach:
- Have a POJO that talks to the DB, performs updates, reads, etc.
- Have an HttpSessionListener that keeps track of your sessions and is
notified by the POJO when the DB data changes.  This session listener,
upon notification, can crawl through the sessions and
nullify/regenerate/whatever you want to with the dirty data.

The above approach is fairly generic, but not the most efficient in the

Yoav Shapira

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Tomcat 4.1.29 V Tomcat 3.3.1 performance

2004-03-04 Thread suviswan
Does any have the performance comparision for the above two tomcat
versions ?


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RE: Bug 16113 remainder - 404 when removing/hitting/replacing a JSP page

2004-03-04 Thread Q\. Bordeaux
Thanks for your quick response. Some comments :

 Does anyone have a solution?  Sure: how about not removing
the JSP but simply copying the new version over?  Many people
do this all the time without a problem.

I agree, but there's still problème when:
- jsp script is deleted because of no more used, out of date, ...
- some time later (1 hour, 1 week, ...) another jsp script
with same name is created.

 If it's a showstopper for you, you can always patch it
yourself too ;)
It isn't si simple. We upgrade Tomcat each time a security fix
is released. Patching Tomcat means we will need to maintain
our Tomcat source code branch (current stable version +
applied patch).

I send this bug remainder mainly because when reading bugzilla
item it wasn't clear for me if the proposed patch wasn't
apply because incorrect/incomplete or simply because it was
forgotten... :)

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RE: tomcat monitor plugin for JMeter

2004-03-04 Thread Shapira, Yoav

Awesome ;)  JMeter is already my fav stress testing tool, and it keeps
getting better all the time.  I wish I had more spare time to help with
its development ;)  Kudos and thanks to Senor Lin and the other JMeter

As for the load factor: pretty much anything is better than nothing.
Please retain the description of this factor somewhere in the UI so
users can know what it means (doesn't all have to be on the main page:
can be a link, a mouse-over text, etc.).

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

-Original Message-
From: Peter Lin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 8:49 AM
Subject: tomcat monitor plugin for JMeter

Some people already know this, but most don't. I am working on a
for Tomcat using JMeter. The first graph will be the status. I made a
mockup in photoshop. The actual UI hasn't been coded yet. I'd like to
people's thoughts and comments.
Here is how I am calculating the load. It is a combination of memory

memory load = (used memory/ max memory) * load factor
the default load factor is 33

thread load = (busy threads/ max threads) * load factor
the default load factor is 67

tomcat load = memory load + thread load

I plan to store the load factor in JMeter's properties file, so users
change the value. There are numerous limitation to this approach that I
think of, but I'm sure others can think of other limitations.

1. a small number of threads could be taking 100% of the CPU, like XML.
which would mean both memory and thread don't tell you accurate what
load is

2. a large number of concurrent requests for static files may not place
load on the system

3. memory usage could be high, but the system may be responding within
acceptable ranges

The load calculation at this point is at a high level, but I feel it is
still useful. Ultimately the load calculation will have to be specific
the actual webapps. Since JMeter and the new monitor will be
users should be able to provide their own class to calculate load. Once
get a working version done. I can't say when it will get done, but I am
actively working on it.

peter lin

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RE: Bug 16113 remainder - 404 when removing/hitting/replacing a JSP page

2004-03-04 Thread Shapira, Yoav


I agree, but there's still problème when:
- jsp script is deleted because of no more used, out of date, ...
- some time later (1 hour, 1 week, ...) another jsp script
with same name is created.

OK, good points.

It isn't si simple. We upgrade Tomcat each time a security fix
is released. Patching Tomcat means we will need to maintain
our Tomcat source code branch (current stable version +
applied patch).

You would develop a patch and submit it to us via bugzilla.  We would review the patch 
and commit it into the next tomcat release.  You wouldn't have to maintain your own 
tomcat branch.

The more important point made above is that if it's really important to you, don't 
wait for anyone else to do the work, as it may be a low/negligible priority for others.

I send this bug remainder mainly because when reading bugzilla
item it wasn't clear for me if the proposed patch wasn't
apply because incorrect/incomplete or simply because it was
forgotten... :)

No patch was ever submitted, so there's nothing for us to review.

Yoav Shapira

This e-mail, including any attachments, is a confidential business communication, and 
may contain information that is confidential, proprietary and/or privileged.  This 
e-mail is intended only for the individual(s) to whom it is addressed, and may not be 
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mod_jk2 connection issues

2004-03-04 Thread William Rusch

I am in the initial stages of moving our application servers to Tomcat and 
eventually our OS to linux (instead of tru64). However, I am having a lot 
of trouble compliling the mod_jk2 connector on tru64 5.1a .

I installed cygnus's gcc, gmake, autoconf, automake and libtools, and I
put /usr/local/bin ahead of usr/bin/ to give the gcc binaries precedence,
but I still get the same error. It appears to be a simple C coding issue
but Im not familiar enough with C to know what to do at this point.

These are the steps Im taking

CC=gcc ./configure --with-java-home=/usr/opt/java141 

creating cache ./config.cache
checking host system type... alphaev67-dec-osf5.1
checking target system type... alphaev67-dec-osf5.1
checking build system type... alphaev67-dec-osf5.1
checking for a BSD compatible install... scripts/build/unix/install-sh -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... yes
checking for working aclocal... found
checking for working autoconf... found
checking for working automake... found
checking for working autoheader... found
checking for working makeinfo... found
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler (gcc -Wall ) works... yes
checking whether the C compiler (gcc -Wall ) is a cross-compiler... no
checking whether we are using GNU C... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for ld used by GCC... /usr/bin/ld
checking if the linker (/usr/bin/ld) is GNU ld... no
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking for BSD-compatible nm... /usr/bin/nm
checking whether ln -s works... yes
updating cache ./config.cache
loading cache ./config.cache within ltconfig
checking for object suffix... o
checking for executable suffix... no
checking for gcc option to produce PIC... none
checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... yes
checking if gcc supports -c -o file.lo... yes
checking if gcc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions ... yes
checking if gcc static flag -static works... -static
checking if the linker (/usr/bin/ld) is GNU ld... no
checking whether the linker (/usr/bin/ld) supports shared libraries... yes
checking command to parse /usr/bin/nm output... failed
checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate
checking for /usr/bin/ld option to reload object files... -r
checking dynamic linker characteristics... osf5.1
checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build static libraries... yes
checking for objdir... .libs
checking for dlopen in -ldl... no
checking for dlopen... yes
checking for dlfcn.h... yes
checking whether a program can dlopen itself... yes
checking whether a statically linked program can dlopen itself... no
creating libtool
updating cache ./config.cache
loading cache ./config.cache
checking for test... /usr/bin/test
checking for rm... /sbin/rm
checking for grep... /sbin/grep
checking for echo... /usr/bin/echo
checking for sed... /sbin/sed
checking for cp... /sbin/cp
checking for mkdir... /sbin/mkdir
no apxs given
need to check for Perl first, apxs depends on it...
checking for perl... /usr/local/bin/perl
building connector for apache-2.0
checking checking for apache13.. not provided
checking checking for apache20.. /install/httpd-2.0.48
checking checking for iis.. not provided
./configure: !: not found
updating cache ./config.cache
creating ./config.status
creating Makefile
creating server/apache13/Makefile
creating server/apache13/Makefile.apxs
creating server/apache2/Makefile
creating server/apache2/Makefile.apxs
creating ../
creating scripts/build/unix/dummy

then i run gmake:

there is a lot before the error that Im not including at this point
but it fails here:

gcc -g -O2 -DOSF1 -I../../include -I/install/httpd-2.0.48/include 
-I/install/httpd-2.0.48/os/[EMAIL PROTECTED]@%unix%g -g -O2 
-I/install/httpd-2.0.48/srclib/apr/include -DCHUNK_SIZE=4096 
-DUSE_APACHE_MD5 -DHAS_APR -DHAS_AP_PCRE -c ../../common/jk_logger_file.c  
-DPIC -o ../../../build/jk2/apache2/.libs/jk_logger_file.lo
In file included from ../../include/jk_global.h:104,
 from ../../include/jk_logger.h:27,
 from ../../include/jk_env.h:25,
 from ../../common/jk_logger_file.c:25:
warning: `cuserid' redefined
warning: this is the location of the previous definition
../../common/jk_logger_file.c: In function `jk2_logger_file_jkVLog':
../../common/jk_logger_file.c:197: wrong type argument to unary 
exclamation mark
gmake[1]: *** [../../../build/jk2/apache2/jk_logger_file.lo] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory 
gmake: *** [jk2-build] Error 

access to apache httpd process from tomcat or jk

2004-03-04 Thread Charles N. Harvey III
A website that we are converting from embedded perl to java writes specific
data to the Apache::Notes table.  I just found out what Notes is yesterday,
so it is all pretty new for me.  Since embedded perl runs inside the httpd
process it has access to this little bit of memory that gets read with each
request.  Tomcat does not run inside the httpd process.  That much is 
But I would still like to write to this Notes table.  Is there some way to
gain access to the httpd process from Tomcat?  Could I do it through mod_jk
somehow?  Does anyone even know what I'm talking about?  This is quite 
to me so I'm taking a shot in the dark here to see if anyone else has tried
something similar.

Any tips or pointers to some books or websites is greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot.


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Re: Bug 16113 remainder - 404 when removing/hitting/replacing a JSP page

2004-03-04 Thread Remy Maucherat
Shapira, Yoav wrote:

I agree, but there's still problème when: - jsp script is deleted
because of no more used, out of date, ... - some time later (1
hour, 1 week, ...) another jsp script with same name is created.
OK, good points.
Well, not really, it's easy to do a reload of the webapp.
Besides, Jasper seems to be running in prod while in development mode.
This is terrible performance wise. Precompile the webapp !
It isn't si simple. We upgrade Tomcat each time a security fix is
released. Patching Tomcat means we will need to maintain our Tomcat
source code branch (current stable version + applied patch).
You would develop a patch and submit it to us via bugzilla.  We would
review the patch and commit it into the next tomcat release.  You
wouldn't have to maintain your own tomcat branch.
I'm not in favor of fixing this: added complexity with no gain. The 
patch would have to be trivial ;)

I send this bug remainder mainly because when reading bugzilla item
it wasn't clear for me if the proposed patch wasn't apply because
incorrect/incomplete or simply because it was forgotten... :)

No patch was ever submitted, so there's nothing for us to review.

Rémy Maucherat
Developer  Consultant
JBoss Group (Europe) SàRL
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JAAS and container managed security

2004-03-04 Thread Renato Romano
I used container managed security (I mean declaring security issues in
web.xml, and using security standard servlet API isUserInRole,
getUserPrincipal and so on) for several webapp, but I'm now facing the
following need that this approach seem not to satisfy:

I have to authenticate users based on both
1) A usual username, password mechanism;
2) A OTP (One Time Password) mechanism, something like a complex string
parameter on a URL (sent by e-mail), stored in the DB that uniquely
identifies the identity of the user.

Now, I'm doing some little tries with JAAS to achieve this, but I have
the following doubt:

If I understand well I cannot merge the two approaches, that is use
servlet declarative and programmatic security with JAAS. If I use JAAS
LoginModules, I will not have the isUserInRole and other API's
working... Is that right ??

Any help is very appreciated


Renato Romano
Sistemi e Telematica S.p.A.
Calata Grazie - Vial Al Molo Giano
16127 - GENOVA

Tel.:   010 2712603

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Re: access to apache httpd process from tomcat or jk

2004-03-04 Thread Tim Funk
No that won't work.

How about JDBC instead?


Charles N. Harvey III wrote:
A website that we are converting from embedded perl to java writes specific
data to the Apache::Notes table.  I just found out what Notes is yesterday,
so it is all pretty new for me.  Since embedded perl runs inside the httpd
process it has access to this little bit of memory that gets read with each
request.  Tomcat does not run inside the httpd process.  That much is 
But I would still like to write to this Notes table.  Is there some way to
gain access to the httpd process from Tomcat?  Could I do it through mod_jk
somehow?  Does anyone even know what I'm talking about?  This is quite 
to me so I'm taking a shot in the dark here to see if anyone else has tried
something similar.

Any tips or pointers to some books or websites is greatly appreciated.

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Re: access to apache httpd process from tomcat or jk

2004-03-04 Thread Charles N. Harvey III
Darn.  Thanks for the link, but using a database so far isn't an option.
When you write to the Apache::Notes table you can then specify additional
logging parameters for the access.log that will be read out of the little
bit of memory that Notes actually is.  The company we are doing the work
for has a very complex reporting tool that is based solely on the access.log
files on all their machines.  No databases at all.  Pretty aggravating.  I
am tasked with researching this, so my research answer might have to be 

Thanks again.


Tim Funk wrote:

No that won't work.

How about JDBC instead?


Charles N. Harvey III wrote:

A website that we are converting from embedded perl to java writes 
data to the Apache::Notes table.  I just found out what Notes is 
so it is all pretty new for me.  Since embedded perl runs inside the 
process it has access to this little bit of memory that gets read 
with each
request.  Tomcat does not run inside the httpd process.  That much is 
But I would still like to write to this Notes table.  Is there some 
way to
gain access to the httpd process from Tomcat?  Could I do it through 
somehow?  Does anyone even know what I'm talking about?  This is 
quite confusing
to me so I'm taking a shot in the dark here to see if anyone else has 
something similar.

Any tips or pointers to some books or websites is greatly appreciated.

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Deploy a Web service with system properties

2004-03-04 Thread Quinn Cao
Could someone give me some help on this?

I have a service which is started up with the system
properties as following:

java -DLogFileDir=c:\test\logs -DDataSource=MyDataSource com.bambi.MyService

Now I need to convert the above service into a web service by using soap
under Tomcat. My question is: How do I specify the system properties when
I deploy the service in soap?



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Re: reclaiming memory problem PS

2004-03-04 Thread Christopher Schultz
Jerald (or is it Gerald -- your email address and 'name' don't match),

Now sessionStatus is getting caught  fine, but when I try and
redirect to a JSP after that, nothing happens. I originally tried
mapping.findForward (Struts), response.sendRedirect and forwarding
using RequestDispatcher. I have tried getSession(true) and false.
What implications (if any) does session timeout have in terms of
forwarding after the session is invalidated?
Session state should have nothing to do with your ability to forward, etc.

Can you post thesnippet of code where you try to redirect the user?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

RE: Deploy a Web service with system properties

2004-03-04 Thread Shapira, Yoav

You can at any point in any of your classes use
System.setProperty(LogFileDir, c:\test\logs)...

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

-Original Message-
From: Quinn Cao [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 10:10 AM
Subject: Deploy a Web service with system properties

Could someone give me some help on this?

I have a service which is started up with the system
properties as following:

java -DLogFileDir=c:\test\logs -DDataSource=MyDataSource

Now I need to convert the above service into a web service by using
under Tomcat. My question is: How do I specify the system properties
I deploy the service in soap?



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Re: Serialization issue

2004-03-04 Thread Christopher Schultz

I'm trying to grab the current session ID and the request parameter map  
from the current request and serialize them into a base64 string to  
pass to a PHP application.  Problem is, I keep running into the  
following exception everytime I try to serialize anything imlementing  
the Map interface: org.apache.coyote.tomcat5.CoyoteWriter
If you're passing this to PHP, I'm guessing that you don't want to use 
serialization. (Unless PHP can de-serialize Java objects and I didn't 

I think you want to do your own type of 'serialization', something like 

Map parameters = ...;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for(Iterator i=parameters.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
// send sb (or sb.toString()) to PHP

Hope that helps,

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

RE: Deploy a Web service with system properties

2004-03-04 Thread Quinn Cao

-Original Message-
From: Shapira, Yoav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 9:15 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Deploy a Web service with system properties

You can at any point in any of your classes use
System.setProperty(LogFileDir, c:\test\logs)...

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

-Original Message-
From: Quinn Cao [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 10:10 AM
Subject: Deploy a Web service with system properties

Could someone give me some help on this?

I have a service which is started up with the system
properties as following:

java -DLogFileDir=c:\test\logs -DDataSource=MyDataSource

Now I need to convert the above service into a web service by using
under Tomcat. My question is: How do I specify the system properties
I deploy the service in soap?



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Tomcat 4.1 JSPC not recongnizing change in compile time included file

2004-03-04 Thread Nathan Christiansen
I am running Tomcat 4.1.24.

In nearly all JSP files in my webapp I have the following compile time

%@ include file=main.jsp%

However, changes to main.jsp are not caught by JSPC. And only the source is changed. If I delete all the * files
and recompile all of the JSP files, it works perfectly.

Anyone have any suggestions?

I am using ant 1.5.3 with the following task segment in my build file:

jspc destdir=${jspc.src.jsp.dir} 
fileset dir=${publish.common.lib.dir}
  include name=ant.jar/
  include name=jasper-compiler.jar/
  include name=jasper-runtime.jar/
  include name=servlet.jar/
pathelement path=${build.dir}/
  webapp basedir=${deploy.dir}/

I even tried calling JSPC directly using the task fragment described in
the Tomcat 4.1 documentation:

  taskdef classname=org.apache.jasper.JspC name=jasper2  
classpath id=jspc.classpath 
  pathelement location=${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar/ 
  fileset dir=${tomcat.server.lib.dir} 
include name=*.jar/ 
  fileset dir=${publish.common.lib.dir} 
include name=*.jar/ 

   outputDir=${jspc.src.jsp.dir} /

-- Nathan Christiansen
   Software Engineer
   Tahitian Noni International

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customized error page

2004-03-04 Thread Mathew

I have following code in my web.xml to redirect when ever I get 404 error.
But I don't know where I have to create error folder (relative path) and
put 404.html. Is it under /WEB-INF of application ?


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RE: customized error page

2004-03-04 Thread Shapira, Yoav


I have following code in my web.xml to redirect when ever I get 404
But I don't know where I have to create error folder (relative path)
put 404.html. Is it under /WEB-INF of application ?


This location, like url-pattern for servlets, is relative to the
docBase.  So it's not under WEB-INF.  With the above, error is a
directory on the same level as WEB-INF.

Yoav Shapira

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RE: customized error page

2004-03-04 Thread shyam
It should he under your  root directory of the application or the
directory in which your web-inf is present. Say c:\app\root\error

Software Engineer
Adamshand Inc

-Original Message-
From: Mathew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 10:31 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: customized error page

I have following code in my web.xml to redirect when ever I get 404
But I don't know where I have to create error folder (relative path) and
put 404.html. Is it under /WEB-INF of application ?


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RE: access to apache httpd process from tomcat or jk

2004-03-04 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
I think that is a missunderstanding.

Apache::Notes doesn't have to do anything with Lotus Notes.

Apache::Notes is a core feature of apache that is used internally
by apache and can be used to exchange information between modules.

For PHP and Perl there are library functions that let you set and 
query these information. I'm not aware of a solution for java.

 -Original Message-
 From: Charles N. Harvey III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 4:07 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: access to apache httpd process from tomcat or jk
 Darn.  Thanks for the link, but using a database so far isn't 
 an option.
 When you write to the Apache::Notes table you can then 
 specify additional
 logging parameters for the access.log that will be read out 
 of the little bit of memory that Notes actually is.  The company we are 
 doing the workfor has a very complex reporting tool that is based solely on 
 the access.log files on all their machines.  No databases at all.  Pretty 
 aggravating.  I am tasked with researching this, so my research answer might 
 have to be no.

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RE: Tomcat 4.1.29 V Tomcat 3.3.1 performance

2004-03-04 Thread Sullivan, Patrick
Since your asking how about adding 5.0.19 in the mix too!

Thank you,

Patrick Sullivan
Centura Health

-Original Message-
From: suviswan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 7:07 AM
Subject: Tomcat 4.1.29 V Tomcat 3.3.1 performance

Does any have the performance comparision for the above two
tomcat versions ?


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Re[2]: site slow problems

2004-03-04 Thread shantanu

Wednesday, March 3, 2004, 2:31:17 PM, Adam Buglass wrote:

 Well, I would guess that it loads quickly when you're not connected if
 it's cached on your disk.

I don't have any caching proxy/engine on that machine.

 I've had intermittent problems with tomcat running slow before and
 usually re-deploying does the trick. If that fails I restart tomcat. If
 that still doesn't work I suggest checking that any connections you open
 (eg. for SQL Database or for file-writing) are closed.

There are no issues with that too. I reboot my server daily. My
guess is that it is doing a dns check for hostname of the machine
when connected. But I am on pseudo domain and therefore when it
finds none it gives up. Is there any way to disable this?


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Re: tomcat monitor plugin for JMeter

2004-03-04 Thread Peter Lin
Here is a bit more information on how I am implementing the monitor. to calculate the 
health I am using max, busy and spare threads.
healthy = ( max - busy)  spare
active = (max - busy)  spare
warning = (max == busy)
Do people think that is reasonable?
peter lin

Peter Lin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Some people already know this, but most don't. I am working on a monitor for Tomcat 
using JMeter. The first graph will be the status. I made a mockup in photoshop. The 
actual UI hasn't been coded yet. I'd like to hear people's thoughts and comments. 
Here is how I am calculating the load. It is a combination of memory and thread.

memory load = (used memory/ max memory) * load factor
the default load factor is 33

thread load = (busy threads/ max threads) * load factor
the default load factor is 67

tomcat load = memory load + thread load

I plan to store the load factor in JMeter's properties file, so users can change the 
value. There are numerous limitation to this approach that I can think of, but I'm 
sure others can think of other limitations.

1. a small number of threads could be taking 100% of the CPU, like XML. which would 
mean both memory and thread don't tell you accurate what the load is

2. a large number of concurrent requests for static files may not place load on the 

3. memory usage could be high, but the system may be responding within acceptable 

The load calculation at this point is at a high level, but I feel it is still useful. 
Ultimately the load calculation will have to be specific to the actual webapps. Since 
JMeter and the new monitor will be extensible, users should be able to provide their 
own class to calculate load. Once I get a working version done. I can't say when it 
will get done, but I am actively working on it.

peter lin

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RE: Bug 16113 remainder - 404 when removing/hitting/replacing a JSP page

2004-03-04 Thread John Trollinger

I know you might not see this use case for not precompiling the webapp,
but that does not mean those use cases don’t exist.  For some of us a
precompile is not an option (like when dynamically generating jsp pages
for a running app.)

-Original Message-
From: Remy Maucherat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 9:58 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Bug 16113 remainder - 404 when removing/hitting/replacing a
JSP page

Shapira, Yoav wrote:
 I agree, but there's still problème when: - jsp script is deleted 
 because of no more used, out of date, ... - some time later (1 hour, 
 1 week, ...) another jsp script with same name is created.
 OK, good points.

Well, not really, it's easy to do a reload of the webapp. Besides,
Jasper seems to be running in prod while in development mode. This is
terrible performance wise. Precompile the webapp !

 It isn't si simple. We upgrade Tomcat each time a security fix is 
 released. Patching Tomcat means we will need to maintain our Tomcat 
 source code branch (current stable version + applied patch).
 You would develop a patch and submit it to us via bugzilla.  We would 
 review the patch and commit it into the next tomcat release.  You 
 wouldn't have to maintain your own tomcat branch.

I'm not in favor of fixing this: added complexity with no gain. The 
patch would have to be trivial ;)

 I send this bug remainder mainly because when reading bugzilla item 
 it wasn't clear for me if the proposed patch wasn't apply because 
 incorrect/incomplete or simply because it was forgotten... :)
 No patch was ever submitted, so there's nothing for us to review.


Rémy Maucherat
Developer  Consultant
JBoss Group (Europe) SàRL

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permission on tomcat-users.xml file

2004-03-04 Thread Jason Keltz

If I set the permissions on the tomcat-users.xml file so that only the
tomcat user can read the file, I notice that after starting the server,
the permissions change from mode 600 to 644!  Why would this happen, and
how can I prevent this from happening?


Jason Keltz

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RE: permission on tomcat-users.xml file

2004-03-04 Thread Shapira, Yoav

The tomcat server needs to be able to write this file, because the admin
webapp allows for modifications which must be persisted to this file.
If you're not using a Realm based on this file, don't declare one in

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

-Original Message-
From: Jason Keltz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 11:06 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: permission on tomcat-users.xml file


If I set the permissions on the tomcat-users.xml file so that only the
tomcat user can read the file, I notice that after starting the server,
the permissions change from mode 600 to 644!  Why would this happen,
how can I prevent this from happening?


Jason Keltz

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RE: permission on tomcat-users.xml file

2004-03-04 Thread Jason Keltz
Hi Yoav,

I have the server running as user tomcat and the tomcat-users.xml file
is owned by user tomcat.  If the file is made readable by everyone on
the system, it seems to defeat the purpose of the security in the first
place. :)


On Thu, 4 Mar 2004, Shapira, Yoav wrote:

 The tomcat server needs to be able to write this file, because the admin
 webapp allows for modifications which must be persisted to this file.
 If you're not using a Realm based on this file, don't declare one in

 Yoav Shapira
 Millennium ChemInformatics

 -Original Message-
 From: Jason Keltz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 11:06 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: permission on tomcat-users.xml file
 If I set the permissions on the tomcat-users.xml file so that only the
 tomcat user can read the file, I notice that after starting the server,
 the permissions change from mode 600 to 644!  Why would this happen,
 how can I prevent this from happening?
 Jason Keltz
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RE: Tomcat 4.1 JSPC not recongnizing change in compile time included file

2004-03-04 Thread Filip Hanik \(lists\)
that is expected behavior.
%@ include file=main.jsp%
is a static include, meaning, just copy and paste the file before
if you had jsp:include then it should recognize the changes


-Original Message-
From: Nathan Christiansen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 7:26 AM
Subject: Tomcat 4.1 JSPC not recongnizing change in compile time
included file

I am running Tomcat 4.1.24.

In nearly all JSP files in my webapp I have the following compile time

%@ include file=main.jsp%

However, changes to main.jsp are not caught by JSPC. And only the source is changed. If I delete all the * files
and recompile all of the JSP files, it works perfectly.

Anyone have any suggestions?

I am using ant 1.5.3 with the following task segment in my build file:

jspc destdir=${jspc.src.jsp.dir}
fileset dir=${publish.common.lib.dir}
  include name=ant.jar/
  include name=jasper-compiler.jar/
  include name=jasper-runtime.jar/
  include name=servlet.jar/
pathelement path=${build.dir}/
  webapp basedir=${deploy.dir}/

I even tried calling JSPC directly using the task fragment described in
the Tomcat 4.1 documentation:

  taskdef classname=org.apache.jasper.JspC name=jasper2 
classpath id=jspc.classpath
  pathelement location=${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar/
  fileset dir=${tomcat.server.lib.dir}
include name=*.jar/
  fileset dir=${publish.common.lib.dir}
include name=*.jar/

   outputDir=${jspc.src.jsp.dir} /

-- Nathan Christiansen
   Software Engineer
   Tahitian Noni International

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Re: permission on tomcat-users.xml file

2004-03-04 Thread Tim Funk
You can always make the directory read/write only for tomcat. (600)


Jason Keltz wrote:

Hi Yoav,

I have the server running as user tomcat and the tomcat-users.xml file
is owned by user tomcat.  If the file is made readable by everyone on
the system, it seems to defeat the purpose of the security in the first
place. :)

On Thu, 4 Mar 2004, Shapira, Yoav wrote:

The tomcat server needs to be able to write this file, because the admin
webapp allows for modifications which must be persisted to this file.
If you're not using a Realm based on this file, don't declare one in
Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

-Original Message-
From: Jason Keltz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 11:06 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: permission on tomcat-users.xml file

If I set the permissions on the tomcat-users.xml file so that only the
tomcat user can read the file, I notice that after starting the server,
the permissions change from mode 600 to 644!  Why would this happen,

how can I prevent this from happening?

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RE: Tomcat 4.1 JSPC not recongnizing change in compile time included file

2004-03-04 Thread Nathan Christiansen
Unfortunately I need to use the static include. (It defines methods and
objects that most of my JSP pages use.)

If Jasper 2 can handle detection of static includes at run-time, why
can't JSPC?

From the Tomcat 4.1 documentation:

Recompile JSP when included page changes - Jasper 2 can now detect when
a page included at compile time from a JSP has changed and then
recompile the parent JSP.

-- Nathan Christiansen

 -Original Message-
 From: Filip Hanik (lists) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 9:19 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: RE: Tomcat 4.1 JSPC not recongnizing change in compile time
 included file
 that is expected behavior.
 %@ include file=main.jsp%
 is a static include, meaning, just copy and paste the file before
 if you had jsp:include then it should recognize the changes
 -Original Message-
 From: Nathan Christiansen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 7:26 AM
 Subject: Tomcat 4.1 JSPC not recongnizing change in compile time
 included file
 I am running Tomcat 4.1.24.
 In nearly all JSP files in my webapp I have the following compile time
 %@ include file=main.jsp%
 However, changes to main.jsp are not caught by JSPC. And only the source is changed. If I delete all the * files
 and recompile all of the JSP files, it works perfectly.
 Anyone have any suggestions?
 I am using ant 1.5.3 with the following task segment in my build file:
 jspc destdir=${jspc.src.jsp.dir}
 fileset dir=${publish.common.lib.dir}
   include name=ant.jar/
   include name=jasper-compiler.jar/
   include name=jasper-runtime.jar/
   include name=servlet.jar/
 pathelement path=${build.dir}/
   webapp basedir=${deploy.dir}/
 I even tried calling JSPC directly using the task fragment described
 the Tomcat 4.1 documentation:
   taskdef classname=org.apache.jasper.JspC name=jasper2 
 classpath id=jspc.classpath
   pathelement location=${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar/
   fileset dir=${tomcat.server.lib.dir}
 include name=*.jar/
   fileset dir=${publish.common.lib.dir}
 include name=*.jar/
outputDir=${jspc.src.jsp.dir} /
 -- Nathan Christiansen
Software Engineer
Tahitian Noni International
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permission on tomcat-users.xml file SOLVED

2004-03-04 Thread Jason Keltz
When the server starts, it re-writes the tomcat-users.xml file, and when
it does this, it uses the umask of the underlying process for creating the
file.  Since my umask is 022, the file is recreated with full read
permission even though this permission has been removed from the original
file.  I tried setting the umask in the startup script to 066, and it's
fine.  I don't know if this is a bug or not.  I personally believe that
the server should maintain the permissions on the file when recreating it.


On Thu, 4 Mar 2004, Shapira, Yoav wrote:

 The tomcat server needs to be able to write this file, because the admin
 webapp allows for modifications which must be persisted to this file.
 If you're not using a Realm based on this file, don't declare one in

 Yoav Shapira
 Millennium ChemInformatics

 -Original Message-
 From: Jason Keltz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 11:06 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: permission on tomcat-users.xml file
 If I set the permissions on the tomcat-users.xml file so that only the
 tomcat user can read the file, I notice that after starting the server,
 the permissions change from mode 600 to 644!  Why would this happen,
 how can I prevent this from happening?
 Jason Keltz
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RE: access to apache httpd process from tomcat or jk

2004-03-04 Thread shyam
Hi All,
I have  a apache server in front of my tomcat . Currently I have my
tomcat serving the static files. But now I want apache to do this not my
tomcat. It would be grateful if someone can help me in this.

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Tomcat 4.1.30 and Apache 2.0.48

2004-03-04 Thread Swen Schillig
Hi *

I'm new to tomcat but I'm still trying to get this running under Apache.

Ok, tomcat standalone is running perfect with http://localhost:8080
without having me changing any file anywhere.

After that I tried to get it running from within Apache.
For that I learned, I need which I compiled and installed 
(I used --with-apxs2 / --with-tomcat41 / --with-jni to configure)

- the modules (mod_jk2, are copied into 
- the httpd.conf is modified accordingly
LoadModule jk2_module modules/
JkSet config.file /usr/local/apache2/conf/

So far so good, I can see from the web-server logs and the web-server 
that everything was successful.
But for some reason I can't get anything running from here (jsp, servlet).
Of course I read almost everything from the page but 
each description is missing something. 
I couldn't find any straight forward HOWTO which works for the standard 
installation !
All the examples will lead to an error !!!

Does someone have a set of the following files
which I can just copy to my system to get at least some output !!
Anything but an error would be highly appreciated !!
If there's any change needed to httpd.conf please post this as well !!

Thanks in advance !

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards
Swen Schillig
IBM Germany, Mainz - AIS Storage Subsystems - 0A156
  Internal : *122-2805
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RE : RE : how to get or build a mod_jk module for Cygwin Apache ?

2004-03-04 Thread Flo

I installed the apache1.3.29 standard version downloaded from with the ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache command
then make then make install then i copied the
/tmp/apache_1.3.29/src/httpd.exe to /usr/local/apache/bin and i start it
successfully. Then I added the mod_jk2-1.3.27.dll to the
/usr/local/apache/libexec with the two others windows apache dll needed
and updated the httpd.conf like this at the end :


# Load mod_jk module
# Update this path to match your modules location
LoadModule jk_module libexec/mod_jk2-1.3.27.dll 

# Declare the module for IfModule directive
AddModule mod_jk.c 

but still get an error :

$ /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start
[Thu Mar  4 11:50:29 2004] [warn] Apache does not support line-end
comments. Consider using quotes around argument: #-1 Syntax error on
line 950 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Invalid command 'LoadModule', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module
not included in the server configuration /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl
start: httpd could not be started

Have you any solution ?


-Message d'origine-
De : Christopher Schultz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Envoyé : mercredi 3 mars 2004 21:25
À : Tomcat Users List
Objet : Re: RE : how to get or build a mod_jk module for Cygwin Apache ?


 I thought FreeBSD works like cygwin but it seems wrong.

FreeBSD is a 'real' UNIX flavor, while cygwin provider UNIX-like 
services and libraries on win32.

 I tried the mod_jk_1_2_5_2_0_47.dll I got errors launching httpd :
 Win32 error 126 (The specified module could not be found)
 I needed to add ApacheCore.dll Win9xConHook.dll to the PATH
 Then i got another error message : Win32 error 127 (The specified
 procedure could not be found).

You shouldn't have used mod_sk_1_2_5__2_0_47.dll -- that's for Apache 
2.0, not Apache 1.3.

 Then I tried mod_jk2-1.3.27.dll but I get this error :
 Syntax error on line 1020 of /etc/apache/httpd.conf:
 Can't locate API module structure `jk_module' in file
 3.27.dll: dlsym: Win32 error 127

You probably have the dll in the wrong place. The standard location for 
Apache modules is in the 'modules' directory in the Apache installation.

 So I thought to build any mod_jk but how?

You'll have the same problems if you build it yourself. You still need 
to put it in the right place.

 I would like to find a better and easier solution.

Are you using Apache as a package that was installed via Cygwin? You 
might have better luck with the 'standard' distribution, which comes 
with a very simple installer, from


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RE: permission on tomcat-users.xml file SOLVED

2004-03-04 Thread Shapira, Yoav


fine.  I don't know if this is a bug or not.  I personally believe that
the server should maintain the permissions on the file when recreating

Do you have a particular JDK API we can use for this?  If so, please
feel free to submit an enhancement patch to go along with your belief
above, and I'll be glad to review it ;)

Yoav Shapira

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Re: formbased login question

2004-03-04 Thread Jeff Tulley
If you truly want a box with a username and password login on every page
(as some portals have), then you do NOT want to use the
container-provided security and the form-login-config  Instead, you
will have to create your own security / login mechanism in your own
servlet / taglib / whatever.

As David pointed out, doing what you specified below will mean that you
need a completely separate login page that will pop up the first time
somebody tries to access a secured page.  That may not be what you want.
(I'd try it and see if it is acceptable though, since it is the easiest

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3/4/04 1:56:05 AM 
Before starting on a quest for more knowledge I thought I ask you all,

I'm building a web app.
A user should be able to login on every page available.
So every page has a form with a loginname and password field.
The form is formatted correctly for form based login.

I'm not using frames!

My web.xml contains :


I'm wondering about the form-login-page tag.
How to make it clear to tomcat that every page can be a login page.
I haven't tried it yet but I think my solution (/*) will not work.
The testingserver DB is broken and we are using JDBCRealm.

Who has experience with this and is willing to help me?
I would like to know what to fill in in the form-login-page tag or 
any other way to solve this.

Kind regards,
Werner van Mook

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Jeff Tulley  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Novell, Inc., The Leading Provider of Net Business Solutions

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mod_deflate with mod_jk2

2004-03-04 Thread Bryan Field-Elliot
On my site, I have Apache 2.0 fronting Tomcat 4.1 using the mod_jk2

I'm trying to enable mod_deflate to automatically compress output from
Tomcat, using this line in my apache config:

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html

But the DEFLATE filter is ignoring output from Tomcat, while static html
content (served by apache) is correctly being deflated.

Am I missing something, or is it impossible for mod_jk2 and mod_deflate
to play nice together? Maybe I need to add a compression filter at the
Tomcat level instead? (This seems silly).

Thank you,


RE: tomcat monitor plugin for JMeter

2004-03-04 Thread Shapira, Yoav


Here is a bit more information on how I am implementing the monitor. to
calculate the health I am using max, busy and spare threads.

healthy = ( max - busy)  spare
active = (max - busy)  spare
warning = (max == busy)

Seems reasonable.  Maybe memory usage (heap %free) could be factored in?
But that will start going down a very slippery slope of coming up with a
formula for server healthiness.  There'll never be general consensus
on that.  So the above is fine, I want a stable JMeter release with it!

Yoav Shapira

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RE: Internationalization problem

2004-03-04 Thread Keith Hyland

I'm testing some japanese characters in my app and I'm getting some 
strange behaviour.

japanese characters that are in the jsp page get displayed correctly.

However characters that get displayed through the fmt:message tag get 

I have set the -Dfileencoding=UTF-8 in my catalina.bat 
(CATALINA_OPTS), and set the

meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8

at the op of my jsp page.

Is there something I have to do to my resource properties file?

Any help appreciated.


Is there something el

Ralph Einfeldt wrote on 02/03/2004, 14:06:

  %@ page contentType=text/html;charset=UTF-8
pageEncoding=UTF-8  %

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Re: Tomcat 4.1.30 and Apache 2.0.48

2004-03-04 Thread Charles N. Harvey III

LoadModule jk_module modules/
JkWorkersFile /usr/tomcat/conf/jk/
JkLogFile /usr/apache/log/mod_jk.log
JkLogLevel Warn
VirtualHost *
   ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   DocumentRoot /usr/tomcat/webapps
   CustomLog |/code/utils/cronolog/cronolog 
/home/apache/log/%Y_%m_%d_default_access_log combined
   JkMount /*.do tomcat
   JkMount /*.jsp tomcat
   JkMount /servlet/* tomcat


# Definition for Ajp13 worker


   Service name=Tomcat-Apache
   Connector className=org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector
   Engine className=org.apache.catalina.connector.warp.WarpEngine
   Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger
   Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm /
   Host name=localhost
   DefaultContext path=

Can't get much easier to follow than that I think.  Place the mod_jk lines
anywhere in the httpd.conf file.  Add the file to the
jk directory under tomcat-home/conf/.  And use this connector in Tomcat
Connector className=org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector.
The httpd.conf properties sends requests for .jsp, .do, and /servlet/ to
tomcat but everything else is run by Apache.  And, since you point the
DocumentRoot to /usr/tomcat/webapps, Apache uses the Tomcat webapps
directory as its home.  So any .html, .gif, etc. get served right out
of Tomcat.
Hope this all makes sense.


Swen Schillig wrote:

Hi *

I'm new to tomcat but I'm still trying to get this running under Apache.

Ok, tomcat standalone is running perfect with http://localhost:8080
without having me changing any file anywhere.
After that I tried to get it running from within Apache.
For that I learned, I need which I compiled and installed 
   (I used --with-apxs2 / --with-tomcat41 / --with-jni to configure)

- the modules (mod_jk2, are copied into 
- the httpd.conf is modified accordingly
   LoadModule jk2_module modules/
   JkSet config.file /usr/local/apache2/conf/

So far so good, I can see from the web-server logs and the web-server 
that everything was successful.
But for some reason I can't get anything running from here (jsp, servlet).
Of course I read almost everything from the page but 
each description is missing something. 
I couldn't find any straight forward HOWTO which works for the standard 
installation !
All the examples will lead to an error !!!

Does someone have a set of the following files
which I can just copy to my system to get at least some output !!
Anything but an error would be highly appreciated !!
If there's any change needed to httpd.conf please post this as well !!
Thanks in advance !

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards
Swen Schillig
IBM Germany, Mainz - AIS Storage Subsystems - 0A156
 Internal : *122-2805
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RE: Internationalization problem

2004-03-04 Thread Kumar Abhay-CAK203C

What is there in  fmt:message tag ?

Best Regards
Abhay Kumar

-Original Message-
From: Keith Hyland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 11:03 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Internationalization problem


I'm testing some japanese characters in my app and I'm getting some 
strange behaviour.

japanese characters that are in the jsp page get displayed correctly.

However characters that get displayed through the fmt:message tag get 

I have set the -Dfileencoding=UTF-8 in my catalina.bat 
(CATALINA_OPTS), and set the

meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 /head

at the op of my jsp page.

Is there something I have to do to my resource properties file?

Any help appreciated.


Is there something el

Ralph Einfeldt wrote on 02/03/2004, 14:06:

  %@ page contentType=text/html;charset=UTF-8
pageEncoding=UTF-8  %

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Re: tomcat-user Digest 4 Mar 2004 15:10:03 -0000 Issue 4116

2004-03-04 Thread Roy Smith
On Mar 4, 2004, at 10:10 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I have several classes that use AdvnetNet SNMP packages. One of them 
sends snmpSet() to several remote devices. If I run the class from a 
console Java application, it works ok (running on the save host where 
Tomcat is residing). But If I call it from a JSP page, the snmpSet() 
returns a timeout trying to communicate with IP w.x.y.z error. I 
tried a workaround : instead of using the Adventnet class, I used a 
Runtime.getRuntime().exec() call to execute a command line 
/usr/bin/snmpset command. Again, if I run the snmpset command from a 
shell prompt, it works ok. But if I run it from a JSP page, I get a 
communication timeout (cannot reach the remote IP). I wrote a small 
Perl CGI script that runs the same snmpset command, and it works just 
fine on the same host.
I'm not familiar with AdvnetNet in particular, so this is just a guess, 
but is it possible there's something missing in the environment when 
run under tomcat that the library needs?  Maybe an environment variable 
that points to a MIB directory or something?  Maybe it gets the 
community string from the environment?  An incorrect community string 
would result in a timeout.

Do you have an ethernet sniffer (tcpdump, etherial, snoop, etc)?  Watch 
port 161.  Do you see any request packets go out?

What happens when you try doing a get instead of a set?

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RE: Internationalization problem

2004-03-04 Thread John Sidney-Woollett
Keith Hyland said:
 I'm testing some japanese characters in my app and I'm getting some
 strange behaviour.

 japanese characters that are in the jsp page get displayed correctly.

 However characters that get displayed through the fmt:message tag get

 I have set the -Dfileencoding=UTF-8 in my catalina.bat
 (CATALINA_OPTS), and set the

 meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8

 at the op of my jsp page.

 Is there something I have to do to my resource properties file?

I think that resource properties ONLY support ISO-8859-1. They do allow
UTF characters to be defined provided the high order byte is zero. It is a
weakness in property files (which is yet to be addressed).

Consider populating the properties file without using the default load
mechanism to allow/preserve the UTF-8 encoding.

John Sidney-Woollett
 Any help appreciated.


 Is there something el

 Ralph Einfeldt wrote on 02/03/2004, 14:06:

   %@ page contentType=text/html;charset=UTF-8
 pageEncoding=UTF-8  %

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unknown jar file in Tomcat, redux

2004-03-04 Thread Mark J. Miller
I currently have Tomcat 4.1 running on a Win2k box. I'm installing an 
additional webapp to my existing Tomcat.

When I downloaded the webapp and it's files, it expanded to include 
version 4.0.2 of Tomcat. Well, I thought that's not a problem, I'll 
just move the appropriate files to my current Tomcat webapps folder 
and modify it's install.bat file to point to the correct folders. 
But, in the jakarta/server/lib folder are two additional files called 
tools.1.3.1.jar and tools.1.4.1.jar. The install.bat file for this 
webapp creates a global variable pointing to the tools.1.4.1.jar file.

The Tomacat 4.1 server/lib folder doesn't contain either of these jar files.

A search of the Tomcat user archive doesn't find either file. A 
search of the knowledge base for the software doesn't come up with 
anything either. A search on google turned up a download from the java repository of avalon-meta- tools -1.3 .1.jar. 
A search on google for tools.1.4.1.jar turned up a reference to 
jdk-tools-1.4.1.jar on But that neither helped me 
figure out what I should do.

Yoav Shapira felt that the webapp distributor might be  trying to 
get around tomcat's JDK requirement by including the JDK's tools.jar 
file with his/her webapp distribution.  If my guess is right, the 
1.3.1 and 1.4.1 version numbers correspond to JDK version numbers. 
(At the time I first posted this question, I didn't know what version 
of Tomcat had been included with the webapp)

But I'm wondering if the tools.1.3.1.jar and tools.1.4.1.jar files 
were included with the 4.0.2 install of Tomcat? Anyone know? As far 
as I can tell, it's not available for download anymore for me to 

I'm hesitant to just ignore the files, but I don't know if copying 
them to my Tomcat 4.1 lib folder will screw up my current 

Yoav, if you already knew that the files weren't part of the 4.0.2 
install, my apologies for not taking your word.
Mark :-)

Mark J. Miller, Sr. Instructional Systems Analyst   
Saginaw Valley State University USA
7400 Bay Rd, University Center, Mi 48710 
Wickes 265, 989-964-7102   
- The man who fights for his ideals is the man who is
- alive! - Miguel de Cervantes, author of Don Quixote

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RE: Bug 16113 remainder - 404 when removing/hitting/replacing a JSP page

2004-03-04 Thread Q\. Bordeaux
I haven't mentionned it in my first post bug indeed jsp pages
are dynamically generated. It's a CMS application we need to
host and this CMS app. generate JSP page on the fly.
I understand Remy reason why not precompiling on the fly on
production mode in general but as said previously by John it
is not a option here.

As I'am not a tomcat developer I obviously don't know all
implication of a simple patch in tomcat code. I don't know
well how to use CVS too, so I haven't time to search how to do
to post a patch via CVS. BUT, as I really like (if possible)
this bug been fixed I looked into Tomcat code and I've found
some lines that may cause this bug, if it can help someone:
- impacted classes are mainly JspServletWrapper,
JspRuntimeContext and JspCompilationContext.
- when a jsp is removed, a 404 error is send (normal) and a
remove counter is increased BUT reference to  jsp URI is
kept in a collection.
- with this remove counter increased and reference kept, all
request to this jsp URI will send a 404 even if this jsp is
recreated after.
= it is OK if webapp is reloader because previous collection
is cleaned.

So, may be a solution, quickly tested on my tomcat-5.0.19 :
In JspServletWrapper, line 343, remove reference to this jsp
URI in collection when sending 404. To do this, add this line
before sending reponse:



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RE: unknown jar file in Tomcat, redux

2004-03-04 Thread Shapira, Yoav

Sigh ;)

Yoav Shapira felt that the webapp distributor might be  trying to
get around tomcat's JDK requirement by including the JDK's tools.jar
file with his/her webapp distribution.  If my guess is right, the
1.3.1 and 1.4.1 version numbers correspond to JDK version numbers.
(At the time I first posted this question, I didn't know what version
of Tomcat had been included with the webapp)

But I'm wondering if the tools.1.3.1.jar and tools.1.4.1.jar files
were included with the 4.0.2 install of Tomcat? Anyone know? As far
as I can tell, it's not available for download anymore for me to

No, they weren't included.  Check:

Yoav, if you already knew that the files weren't part of the 4.0.2
install, my apologies for not taking your word.

That's OK, no need to apologize, it's good to doubt.

Not only were those files never part of a tomcat release, but it would
be illegal if they were (copyright violation of the JDK's distribution

Yoav Shapira

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RE: Internationalization problem

2004-03-04 Thread Yansheng Lin
native2ascii your properties file.  works for me:).

-Original Message-
From: Keith Hyland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 10:03 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Internationalization problem


I'm testing some japanese characters in my app and I'm getting some 
strange behaviour.

japanese characters that are in the jsp page get displayed correctly.

However characters that get displayed through the fmt:message tag get 

I have set the -Dfileencoding=UTF-8 in my catalina.bat 
(CATALINA_OPTS), and set the

meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8

at the op of my jsp page.

Is there something I have to do to my resource properties file?

Any help appreciated.


Is there something el

Ralph Einfeldt wrote on 02/03/2004, 14:06:

  %@ page contentType=text/html;charset=UTF-8
pageEncoding=UTF-8  %

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RE: Driver class not found

2004-03-04 Thread Mike Curwen
If you name it *.zip, it will definitely NOT be found in common/lib,
shared/lib, or anywhere else. Tomcat only loads *.jar files.  
 For some strange reason

It's not strange if you're trying to make a container configured

 -Original Message-
 From: Harry Mantheakis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 8:05 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Driver class not found
  After adding class12.jar in setclasspath.bat file I am
 I would undo that - that should not be necessary.
 Try re-naming 'Clasess12.jar' to '' and place 
 the 'zip'  file in the $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib directory.
 Make sure you do NOT have another copy of this 'zip' file (at 
 the same time) in your application's WEB-INF/lib directory.
 For some strange reason I found that with the Oracle drivers 
 I HAD to keep them in  $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib - and NOT in 
 my application's WEB-INF/lib directory.
 You might also want to consider downloading one of the more 
 recent Oracle drivers, which are now correctly named as 
 '.jar' files. The '*14' driver (I cannot remember the exact 
 name) relates to Java 1.4 and is compatible with Oracle 8i.
 Good luck.
 Harry Mantheakis
 London, UK
  After adding class12.jar in setclasspath.bat file I am 
 getting below 
  error. I have copied Clasess12.jar in Common\lib directory.
  DBConnection - getConnection()namingexception caught:
  Name jdbc is not bound in
  this Context outer caught:
  No suitable driver. SQL sta
  te = 08001, error code = 0
  java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver
  DBConnection - getConnection()namingexception caught:
  Name jdbc is not bound in
  this Context outer caught:
  No suitable driver. SQL sta
  te = 08001, error code = 0
  Can anyone pls help me to solve this problem
  --- Bikash Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Iam using Tomcat5.0 and iam trying to connect
  Data base through Datasource and I have created one 
 Datasource using 
  administrator tool of Tomcat using oracle driver and I 
 have kept my 
  driver classes12.jar
  file in common\lib folder and also in server\lib
  folder but still it giving me error that
  :oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.Can any one please
  tell me is there any class path setting require for
  that if it is require then in which file.Eagerly
  waiting for reply.
  Thanks  Regards
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RE: Loosing sessions when poping a window

2004-03-04 Thread Mike Curwen
Is it like this?:

 -Original Message-
 From: Derek Clarkson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 11:48 PM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: Loosing sessions when poping a window
 Hello everyone,
   I've been tracking this for days. I'm using a Tomcat 
 4.1.29/IE6 setup. I've inherited an application written in a 
 mix of JSP, struts and servlets (A mess). The application 
 stores a user object in the session when it logs on. This 
 works fine until it pops a window to talk to a secure server. 
 When you close this window and return to the main window, the 
 next jsp creates a new session instead of reusing the one 
 initially create. Hence it cannot find the user object and 
 assumes they have logged of. 
 The only solution I've found is to create a JSESSIONID cookie 
 and set the domain to my domain and path = /. I would 
 prefer to let Tomcat do the session tracking so that it can 
 handle browsers with cookies turned of. 
 Has anyone encountered this problem and can give me a better 
 idea of what is going on ? At the moment I think that tomcat 
 is creating new sessions if the JSPs are in different paths. 
 I.e. and would have 
 different sessions. At leasts that appears to be part of the problem.
 Any ideas ?

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RE: problem in configuring a Datasource in Tomcat 5.0

2004-03-04 Thread Mike Curwen
how about downloading a version of the mysql driver that's current? The
current driver version is far removed from the one you're using. Maybe
the error message will change slightly to give you a better hint?
(stranger things have happened).
I'd recommend two changes then, to your server.xml

Have you also tried replacing 'localhost' with  ?

 -Original Message-
 From: Marco Mistroni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 3:47 AM
 Subject: RE: problem in configuring a Datasource in Tomcat 5.0
   Yes I did both of them.
 In mysql I created an user named marco..below is the 
 commandline window when I did the mysql command
 C:\mysql\binmysql --user marco --password
 Enter password: 
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 2 to server version: 
 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
 'boss' WITH
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
 In the common\lib I have put the file  mm.mysql-2.0.14-bin.jar
 I still cannot figure out why I am getting the exception like 
 below, That seems to say that there is no database running...
 org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot create 
 PoolableConnectionFact ory, cause:
 java.sql.SQLException: Communication failure during 
 handshake. Is there a server  running on localhost:3306?
 at Source)
 at Source)
 at Source)
 at org.apache.jsp.testdb_jsp._jspService(

MemoryRealm - multiple per user realms possible?

2004-03-04 Thread Jason Keltz

Is it possible for users to define a MemoryRealm (or other associated user
authentication realm) in their own web.xml file with an associated
users.xml file? Or must realms be configured in the server.xml file?



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DataSource not found

2004-03-04 Thread daniel
background info

tomcat 5.0.19
mysql 4.0.15 a
on slackware 9.0 i think(not totally sure about this)
jndi datasource not found is what i am getting 
Resource name=UserDatabase auth=Container
description=User database that can be updated and saved
ResourceParams name=UserDatabase
ResourceParams name=jdbc/TSRDATA
web.xml has


descriptionDB connection /description





its autodeployed thru war file.

the context file has

ResourceLink name=jdbc/TSRDATA global=jdbc/TSRDATA type=javax.sql.DataSource/

and the jar file is mysql-connector-java-3.0.10-stable-bin.jar

and is located in the common/lib dir

did i miss something or did i do to much?


Daniel Schulken

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Re: JAAS and container managed security

2004-03-04 Thread Adam Hardy
On 03/04/2004 04:12 PM Renato Romano wrote:
I used container managed security (I mean declaring security issues in
web.xml, and using security standard servlet API isUserInRole,
getUserPrincipal and so on) for several webapp, but I'm now facing the
following need that this approach seem not to satisfy:
I have to authenticate users based on both
1) A usual username, password mechanism;
2) A OTP (One Time Password) mechanism, something like a complex string
parameter on a URL (sent by e-mail), stored in the DB that uniquely
identifies the identity of the user.
Now, I'm doing some little tries with JAAS to achieve this, but I have
the following doubt:
If I understand well I cannot merge the two approaches, that is use
servlet declarative and programmatic security with JAAS. If I use JAAS
LoginModules, I will not have the isUserInRole and other API's
working... Is that right ??

JAAS will integrate with container-managed security in tomcat. You can 
use your login modules. The principal that you fill out in the login 
module must contain the role objects. Those methods will work.


struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.16 + java 1.4.2
Linux 2.4.20 Debian
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Re: ssl tomcat

2004-03-04 Thread Antonio Fiol Bonnín
The place to store the CA certificate(s?) with which you will validate 
your client certificates.

Does not make sense without client certificate validation.

Antonio Fiol

secam secam wrote:

Hi al,l

I'm new in tomcat
I attemp to use ssl with tomcat.
Can any one explain me what are the truststore and truststorepassword properties ?

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Re: ssl tomcat

2004-03-04 Thread Dwayne Ghant
Hope this helps.
Antonio Fiol Bonnín wrote:

The place to store the CA certificate(s?) with which you will validate 
your client certificates.

Does not make sense without client certificate validation.

Antonio Fiol

secam secam wrote:

Hi al,l

I'm new in tomcat
I attemp to use ssl with tomcat.
Can any one explain me what are the truststore and truststorepassword 
properties ?

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Dwayne A. Ghant
Application Developer
Temple University

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RE: mod_deflate with mod_jk2

2004-03-04 Thread Subir Sengupta
Here's what I have in my httpd.conf file and it works fine with Tomcat.

IfModule mod_deflate.c
#Compress everything except images
Location /
# Insert filter
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
 # Netscape 4.x has some problems...
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html

# Netscape 4.06-4.08 have some more problems
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-gzip

# Don't compress images
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.(?:gif|jpe?g|png|swf|wav|doc|pdf)$
no-gzip dont-vary

SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.* dont-vary 


DeflateFilterNote Input instream
DeflateFilterNote Output outstream
DeflateFilterNote Ratio ratio

Hope that helps,

-Original Message-
From: Bryan Field-Elliot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 8:56 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: mod_deflate with mod_jk2

On my site, I have Apache 2.0 fronting Tomcat 4.1 using the mod_jk2

I'm trying to enable mod_deflate to automatically compress output from
Tomcat, using this line in my apache config:

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html

But the DEFLATE filter is ignoring output from Tomcat, while static html
content (served by apache) is correctly being deflated.

Am I missing something, or is it impossible for mod_jk2 and mod_deflate
to play nice together? Maybe I need to add a compression filter at the
Tomcat level instead? (This seems silly).

Thank you,


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RE: MemoryRealm - multiple per user realms possible?

2004-03-04 Thread Shapira, Yoav


Is it possible for users to define a MemoryRealm (or other associated
authentication realm) in their own web.xml file with an associated
users.xml file? Or must realms be configured in the server.xml file?

Not in web.xml (because Realms are tomcat-specific and not a portable
feature), but close: in the context xml file for the webapp.  See the
Configuring a Realm section here:

Yoav Shapira

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q: reload security policy without Tomcat restart?

2004-03-04 Thread David Boyer
I want to be able to make changes to my catalina.policy and to apply
those changes without restarting Tomcat. Is this possible, and how would
I go about it?

Specify user class for PageContext

2004-03-04 Thread Anton Komarevtsev

I wish to specify in tomcat's config files my own class, that implements 
PageContext (namely, I wish my class to extend PageContextImpl). Can I 
do this without recompiling server? And how can I specify is?


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q: use regexp in 'path' and 'docbase' of context?

2004-03-04 Thread David Boyer
I want to tomcat-enable our 1,800 student web sites without creating the
individual $CATALINA_HOME/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/ config files.
Is there anyway of doing this with regular expressions?
If I do have to define each context, how would I configure them for
lazy initialization to they're not actually loaded until the first

RE: reload security policy without Tomcat restart?

2004-03-04 Thread Shapira, Yoav


I want to be able to make changes to my catalina.policy and to apply
those changes without restarting Tomcat. Is this possible, and how
I go about it?

This is not a tomcat issue, but rather a general java one.  The
SecurityManager reads the policy file once, upon its construction.  So
you can't reset it or anything.  However, you can construct a new one
and call System.setSecurityManager with your new one.  So the overall
answer to your question is yes, but you need to write a bit of code,
e.g. a servlet, to do it.

The above is only AFAIK, I haven't played around with this in a very
long time (a couple of major java releases), so it could be wrong, out
of date, or both ;)

Yoav Shapira

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problem with tomcat shutdown on solaris

2004-03-04 Thread Edward Shnekendorf

I'm having a problem with a Tomcat 4.1.27 install on a SunOS 5.8
platform.  When I run the script, the script executes
without throwing any errors.  It looks like Tomcat does shutdown,
however, the process  does not die (which I can see by doing a ps -ef
|grep tomcat).  Does anyone have any ideas as to why this may occur and
what some steps to resolve it may be?


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RE: use regexp in 'path' and 'docbase' of context?

2004-03-04 Thread Shapira, Yoav


I want to tomcat-enable our 1,800 student web sites without creating
individual $CATALINA_HOME/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/ config files.
Is there anyway of doing this with regular expressions?

Consider the UserConfig listener, as detailed in the Host configuration
reference page.  I'm not aware of a regular expression option for
configuring any tomcat containers.

If I do have to define each context, how would I configure them for
lazy initialization to they're not actually loaded until the first

You can't.  Tomcat will load and initialize all available contexts on
startup, per the Servlet Specification.  Of course, if these contexts
don't have any load-on-startup activity, this is a cheap, fast, and low
(but nonzero) memory consumption activity.

Yoav Shapira

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RE: problem with tomcat shutdown on solaris

2004-03-04 Thread Shapira, Yoav


I'm having a problem with a Tomcat 4.1.27 install on a SunOS 5.8
platform.  When I run the script, the script executes
without throwing any errors.  It looks like Tomcat does shutdown,
however, the process  does not die (which I can see by doing a ps -ef
|grep tomcat).  Does anyone have any ideas as to why this may occur and
what some steps to resolve it may be?

You most likely have non-daemon threads that aren't terminating
properly.  Search the archives.

Yoav Shapira

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Re: DataSource not found

2004-03-04 Thread daniel
i goofed
i forgot to put 2 lines in my server.xml file.
inside the global naming resources
Resource auth=Container description=User database that can be updated
and saved name=UserDatabase type=org.apache.catalina.UserDatabase/
Resource auth=Container name=jdbc/TSRDATA type=javax.sql.DataSource/




- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 2:57 PM
Subject: DataSource not found

background info

tomcat 5.0.19
mysql 4.0.15 a
on slackware 9.0 i think(not totally sure about this)
jndi datasource not found is what i am getting
Resource name=UserDatabase auth=Container
description=User database that can be updated and saved
ResourceParams name=UserDatabase
ResourceParams name=jdbc/TSRDATA
web.xml has


descriptionDB connection /description





its autodeployed thru war file.

the context file has

ResourceLink name=jdbc/TSRDATA global=jdbc/TSRDATA

and the jar file is mysql-connector-java-3.0.10-stable-bin.jar

and is located in the common/lib dir

did i miss something or did i do to much?


Daniel Schulken

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RE: Loosing sessions when poping a window

2004-03-04 Thread Derek Clarkson
Yes, here is my reply to the postings you linked to:

Hello everyone, I just found this posting. I have had the same problem.
Opening a window causes the session to change. BIG NOTE: I have reproduced
this in FireFox - therefore it is NOT IE specific.

I solved it by writing a cookie for JSESSIONID explicitly setting the domain
to our domain and the path to the root path /. It seems these two
parameters are required to solve this.

Interestingly enough, when I monitored the cookies being used through out
the program, I would regularly see two cookies called JSESSIONID. One my
custom built cookie and the other being Tomcats session tracking one. What
interesting is that despite setting the domain and path, both cookies
returned nulls in these fields. 

I'm still trying to figure out how Tomcat sees a new window as a new
session, although within my app, we are also loading a jsp from a different
path. This may be part of the problem as my research indicates that tomcat
regard path changes as being context changes and therefore issues a new

Hope this helps.

Call to webservice always fails on first try

2004-03-04 Thread tom ly
I've got AXIS as a webapp inside Tomcat.  When I use JRockit1.4.1SP2, for some reason 
it always fails on the first invoke to the webservice upon startup of Tomcat, but then 
runs fine after that.  I don't get the problem with Sun JDK1.4.2.  The error from the 
client is:
(500)Internal Server Error
at org.apache.axis.transport.http.HTTPSender.invoke(
at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.doVisiting(
at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.invoke(
at org.apache.axis.client.AxisClient.invoke(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invokeEngine(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(

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RE: Call to webservice always fails on first try

2004-03-04 Thread Filip Hanik \(lists\)
take this to the BEA newsgroups, it is probably a VM problem if you are fine
with Sun JDK.


-Original Message-
From: tom ly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 4:02 PM
Subject: Call to webservice always fails on first try

I've got AXIS as a webapp inside Tomcat.  When I use JRockit1.4.1SP2, for
some reason it always fails on the first invoke to the webservice upon
startup of Tomcat, but then runs fine after that.  I don't get the problem
with Sun JDK1.4.2.  The error from the client is:
(500)Internal Server Error
at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.doVisiting(
at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.invoke(
at org.apache.axis.client.AxisClient.invoke(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invokeEngine(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(

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invoker servlet question

2004-03-04 Thread John MccLain
I don't understand the invoker servlet. I understand that you have to
uncomment it from the default web.xml file (did that). BUT, If I create a
servlet and put it web_app_context/WEB-INF/classes, then
call http://localhost:8080/web_app_context/servlet/servlet_name WHY does
that not work?? I simply want to test a servlet - I do not wish to change
the web apps WEB.XML file just for testing. Is there a simple way to test a
servlet, where I can create a servlet, put it someplace and call it via a
standard URL??

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Re: invoker servlet question

2004-03-04 Thread Ben Souther
Your servlets need to be in a package.
Then you can call it like...

On Thursday 04 March 2004 07:13 pm, you wrote:
 I don't understand the invoker servlet. I understand that you have to
 uncomment it from the default web.xml file (did that). BUT, If I create a
 servlet and put it web_app_context/WEB-INF/classes, then
 call http://localhost:8080/web_app_context/servlet/servlet_name WHY does
 that not work?? I simply want to test a servlet - I do not wish to change
 the web apps WEB.XML file just for testing. Is there a simple way to test a
 servlet, where I can create a servlet, put it someplace and call it via a
 standard URL??

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Re: cgi-bin

2004-03-04 Thread George Hester
Yes Jean trouble is I cannot do that.  See I have a cgi-bin that is off the root of my 
Microsoft Internet Information Server.  So I cannot allow Tomcat to grab 
http://localhost/cgi-bin which is what will happen if I use the cgi-bin under Apache 
Group.  Tomcat doesn't have the cgi-bin in its  If it did it 
would grab the cgi-bin I use with IIS.

So I tried setting up a cgi-bin off a webapp I had made and is shown in the link I 
gave.  Can it be done in this fashion?  Thanks.

George Hester
Jean-Luc Duval [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 remove the jsp_file from the URL, it`s not in your cgi config
 url-pattern/cgi-bin/*/url-pattern then it seems it must look like
 - Original Message -
 To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 8:05 PM
 Subject: Re: cgi-bin
  Hmm. I am out of ideas (i don't use the cgi mod), hopefully catalina.out
  the other logs have something insightful.
  George Hester wrote:
   OK.  servlets-cgi.jar is in \WEB-INF\lib.  This is in the web.xml and
 only this:
   !-- The mapping for the CGI Gateway servlet --
   This is the test http://localhost/jsp_files/cgi-bin/up.cgi
   This is the result:
   HTTP Status 503 - Servlet cgi is currently unavailable
   type Status report
   message Servlet cgi is currently unavailable
   description The requested service (Servlet cgi is currently unavailable)
 is not currently available.
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