Re: [TruthTalk] Trustworthy?

2004-06-10 Thread ttxpress

whatverse/s do/es this comment 

On Wed, 9 Jun 2004 23:34:23 -0500 
"ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:In fact, Job himself shared [the belief that he had done something 
  wrong]except for the knowledge that he had done nothing 

Re: [TruthTalk] Trustworthy?

2004-06-10 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 6/9/2004 10:58:48 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

what verse/s do/es this comment interpret?
On Wed, 9 Jun 2004 23:34:23 -0500 "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
In fact, Job himself shared [the belief that he had done something wrong] except for the knowledge that he had done nothing wrong

Job chapter 4, beginning with verse one, Eliphaz is reminding Job, his friend, of the shared (obviously) belief that the innocent are not punished (esp verse 7). 

Re: [TruthTalk] (no subject)

2004-06-10 Thread Dave

Charles Perry Locke wrote:
DaveH, do you think these two verses are referring to the
same thing, or to different things? 
DAVEH: I don't know, Perry. I received it just before I had to go to
work this morning. I got home (picked up nephew Jeff at the airport
this evening) tonight at nearly 10 pm, and have 131 emails (mostly
spam! and TT traffic) to deal with. I do intend to do some studying of
the passage when I get time. I simply don't have the time to deal with
it right now.
How does this affect your understanding of 1 Peter 4:5,6?
David, the reason I did not want to take the time to search out other
references that support my understanding of the 1 Peter verses is that
doing so always proves to be a waste of time with you. You never ever
ever concede that the scriptures one presents demonstrate their
interpretation to be accurate if it contradicts your admitted "LDS

DAVEH: What do you want, Perry?!?!?! Did I not say it was a point
in your favor? I only had time to read the passage this morning before
heading off to work. I don't recall saying you were wrong on your
interpretation. I gave you a nod to the effect that you produced some
viable evidence that I intend on examining closer when I get the
chance. I now know not only what you think on this..but I have a
bit better understanding of why you think that way. As to whether or
not I agree with you on it, I can't say at this point.

Dave, I still get a very strong feeling that you are on TT for a little
more than just learning what Protestants believe.
DAVEH: Duh!!! Don't you pay attention to my posts, Perry? I've
repeatedly said I am here to learn what Protestants believe, and
WHY they believe it. Your post this morning was the first one I
can remember that offered a reason for why you believe 1Pet 4:6 is
referring to spiritually dead instead of physically dead. If you had
offered it much sooner, I wouldn't have had to drag it out of you (so
to speak).
 Sorry. I just sense it very strongly.
DAVEH: I'd say your senses are out of whack!!!  :-) 
 I am praying for you, Dave.
DAVEH: Again..thank you for that.
 And, praying that I am responding to the real reason you
are here, not your stated reason.
DAVEH: ???...Huh? What's that all about! Perry, I think you are
almost as hard headed as you think I am. If you try simply answering
my questions sometime instead of trying to withhold the answers (for
what reason I do not understand), I think you might have a bit more
enjoyable discussion with me. I can tolerate your snide comments about
my religion, and your distaste for my beliefs. But, when you try to
avoid answering what I think are simple questions, it makes me
suspicious of your beliefs.
 I don't know where this is going, but hopefully the Holy
Spirit does. This situation brings to mind John 3, when Nicodemus
cracks a little small talk with Jesus by saying that He must be from
God because of His miracles. Jesus bypasses all of the smalltalk and
goes directly to the point that Nicodemus needs to enter the
kingdom of heaven one must be born again.

DAVEH: you really want to get me asking water baptism
questions again..!  :-\ 


Charles Perry Locke wrote:

DavidH, read Ephesians 2:1. Reconcile it
with 1 Peter 4:5. Are they referring to the same thing, or to different

DAVEH: Very good, Perry. There is some evidence to support your
beliefs..Thank you for sharing it!


In Peter 4:6, I believe that the
'dead' are those who are physically alive, but spiritually dead, not
those who are physically dead.


DAVEH: What I have brought to this discussion is from the Bible.
Though we read the same passages, we come to dramatically different
conclusions. My curiosity is why you read some passages (like 4:6) so
much differently than I do. Read vs 5...

/Who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the

Do you think Peter is speaking about the /spiritually dead/,
when he mentioned the /quick and the dead/? If Peter was referring the
physically dead in vs 5, then does it not follow that the dead in vs 6
are also /physically dead/? To me, it seems that inserting
/spiritually dead/ is adding to Scripture. I am not condemning you for
that, Perry..but, I would be interested to know if other TTers
agree with you on that understanding..?



Dave Hansen
If you wish to receive
things I find interesting,
I maintain Five email lists...

Re: [TruthTalk] Mediation of Christ -- the real vs false

2004-06-10 Thread Lance Muir
DavidM:I don't hate him. I don't speak evil of him. My 'opinion' of his
brightness or, lack of same, is simply based on many (many) hours of
interviews  talks which have been televised over the last several
years.Though it's not a high compliment, I'd pick him over our last Prime
From: David Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: June 09, 2004 18:55
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Mediation of Christ -- the real vs false

 Lance gets political and says:
  From someone who is likely to re-elect a sincere
  but pretty stupid fundamentalist Christian to be
  the 'world leader' for four more years ...

 1.  Bush is not a fundamentalist.

 2.  Bush is not stupid.

 Please try to substantiate your characterizations or retract them.

 Also, why do you hate our President and speak evil of him?

 Peace be with you.
 David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

 Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

 If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Bush blundered in his preemptive move

2004-06-10 Thread Lance Muir
DavidM:I've read and, do read the book of Daniel. I do not see a connection
between it's meaning and present day events. Yes, I am aware that many do
and why. No, I wouldn't be more explicit.
- Original Message - 
From: David Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: June 09, 2004 18:58
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Bush blundered in his preemptive move

 Lance wrote:
  Your President made a decision on behalf of your
  nation to invade another country. I'd say that
  calls for commendation or blame. I choose the latter.

 I commend Bush for following God on this one.

 Lance wrote:
  His choice to enter, sort of by invitation,
  Afghanistan was an important and necessary
  one in my opinion. Terrorists are bad people.
  Squish 'em and put 'em through a blender.

 Saddam was more than a terrorist, so what is your problem with the time
 of his judgment being at hand?  Don't you realize that God controls
 these political events through spiritual warfare and not men?  Read the
 book of Daniel for details, especially chapter 10.

 Peace be with you.
 David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

 Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

 If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

[TruthTalk] Re:Text Interpretation of the text

2004-06-10 Thread Lance Muir

I am coming to use the word 'reading' when speaking 
to the meaning of the text (my reading of this..)

I've employed an equation (believer+text+Spirit=??) 
to illustrate, at the least, the absence of unanimity following =.
Some take exception to any hint of uncertainty as 
to meaning. Why???

Iknow someone who is currently meeting with 
two prophetesses. They pray and God answers. They write the answers down. Even 
they are unclear as to what some of the 'answers' mean.

In my youth I was a friend to someone, though not a 
prophet, who regularly engaged God in real two-way conversation. He spoke and 
God answered. He also was, on occasion, confused as to what God 

May we come to some sort of agreement that being 
tentative concerning Scripture's meaning is not the same thing as maligning 


RE: [TruthTalk] Mediation of Christ -- the real vs false

2004-06-10 Thread Jonathan Hughes

From: Jonathan Hughes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Judy, You seem to be having an identity crisis here. 

jt: I can't imagine why you would
think such a thing.

JH: Sure you can. You put your words
into a one to one relationship between yourself and the Bible. When Judy
speaks we should really say the Bible speaks. I myself have fallen for
this temptation more than once (I remember distinctly doing it in a post to
David Miller  it was a display of the pride in my heart).

Is the viewpoint below what the Bible says or what you perceive the
Bible says? 

jt: You and Lance just love the word
perceive, it's where we hang all our differences - right?

JH: Absolutely.
You think with a distinct modern mindset that comes straight out
of the enlightenment. You are so steeped in it you are unable to climb
the walls out.

All you can claim is that it is your interpretation of what the Bible

jt: That's all anyone who doesn't see it
as you do is able to do so far as you are concenrned isn't it?

JH: What one can claim is that they
have a proper confidence in what they teach and think. This is not
absolute certainty. It avoids such pride. It refuses to confuse Gods
word with our word. What is hoped is that our words become a faithful
interpretation of Gods words, that others may see through what we say to
what God is saying to our hearts.

You can go so far as saying that you believe the Holy Spirit revealed
this interpretation to you through scripture. However, you can never divorce what is your interpretation from what
may actually be being said. This notion seems to give you
fits. It has been illustrated to you time and time again yet you cannot
see it.

jt: The same is true for you, Lance,
TFT, Bill and whoever else is hanging onto your peculiar view of the

I have no problem with my vision and am
not in the habit of taking fits. Wrong on both points.

JH: You are correct here. Lance,
TFT, Bill, and myself can never divorce what is their interpretation from what
may actually be being said. There are no rules for you that are not rules
for us as well. When I say that this notion seems to give you fits I am
pointing out how incredibly hard it is for this truth to enter into your
heart. Your modern mindset blocks every attempt to understanding on this
important point.

At some point in time you will have to learn how to read your Old Testament through the lens of Jesus Christ.

jt: No problems with the OT Jonathan.
God does not change. He says I am the Lord, I change
not Neither does Jesus who is the same yesterday, today, and
forever Looks to me as though the problem is yours rather than

JH: The above is my opinion of your
reading of the OT. I believe you do not read it through the lens of Jesus
Christ, nor even attempt to. It leads you to misrepresenting texts all
over the place.

Deuteronomy 28 and 29 must be understood in the light of who Jesus is
and what He has done. If you read it with an Israeli mindset you will
come out all wrong. If you choose a Christian mindset (and I pray that
you do) you will finally come to understand the law and its place in our

jt: There is just one mindset with which
to read God's Wordand this is the mind of the Spirit which is
the same as the mind of ChristI don't placemyself
or anyone else under the law. You really need to understand sin and it's
ramifications in the lives of people Jonathan. Righteousness is something
you do, it is not a concept of the incarnation.

JH: Judy there
are multiple mindsets with which to read Gods Word. Do not confuse
your opinion with the mind of Christ. In the same way, I do
not confuse my opinion with it.

When you do that you will find yourself with a new Bible, one that
still speaks today to our hearts, one that illuminates salvation, one that
edifies instead of destroys. You will begin to worship the Word instead
of the word.

jt: I don't want or need a new
Bible the ones I have speak to my heart all the time. I want to
knowGod's ways and walk in them. What would make you imply thatthe
Bible does not speak to my heart? This is really a presumptuous statement.

JH: Gods
grace is such that we may have our doctrine upside down and He still blesses
and loves us. What I pray for is that your doctrines would come in line
with who God is. I did not mean to imply that the Bible does not speak to
your own heart, only that the speaking that it would do under a more faithful
mindset would be incredible.

Interestingly enough Izzy who is as mad as a hatter at me right now
actually gave a compassionate reply to my statement below. Although she
may agree with you doctrinally she is in a whole other class when it comes to
compassion. I feel that you believe your doctrine below so much that it
limits your ability to be loving; perhaps it is time for the truth.

RE: [TruthTalk] the real vs false

2004-06-10 Thread ShieldsFamily

Jonathan, I think there is little point in belaboring this
discussion any further. I am extreme
about everything I believe in, and see that as a result of my extreme
commitment to God. I am not
lukewarm about anything. Lets
just agree to disagree. Youll have to malign America and President Bush to
someone else who will agree with you, like G. Izzy

Behalf Of Jonathan Hughes
I feel that your extreme pro-American stance
(with takes the religiosity of Christianity and mixes it with patriotism) is an
unchristian stance, one that works against your faith. 



Re: [TruthTalk] (no subject)

2004-06-10 Thread Charles Perry Locke
DavidH wrote:

I do intend to do some studying of the passage when I get time.  I simply 
don't have the time to deal with it right now.
Excellent. I look forward to hearing from you on this when you get the time.
I gave you a nod to the effect that you produced some viable evidence that 
I intend on examining closer when I get the chance.
Actually, you did not say in your post that you intended on examining it 
closer. Your terse Thanks for sharing seemed like the end of it. I don't 
know unless you tell me.

As far as the strong feeling I have had for over a year now that there is 
more to your being on TT than you openly state, I do not pass these things 
off lightly. I would not discount that the HS has a Mormon boy hanging out 
with a bunch of, according to the LDS, believers of creeds of abomination, 
for a more solid reason than his own curiosity. And, if the HS is involved, 
YOU might not even understand why He has you here!

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] (no subject)

2004-06-10 Thread Dave

Charles Perry Locke wrote:

  DavidH wrote:

  I do intend to do some studying of the
passage when I get time. I simply don't have the time to deal with it
right now.

Excellent. I look forward to hearing from you on this when you get the
  I gave you a nod to the effect that you
produced some viable evidence that I intend on examining closer when I
get the chance.

Actually, you did not say in your post that you intended on examining
it closer.
DAVEH: I was 20 minutes late getting to work yesterday (the traffic
was bad and I got a late start.) I should not have made any reply to
your post, but felt you might be interested to know that I thought the
passage you quoted was a good one in your favor. Last night, I was
about 45 minutes late getting to bed (due to meeting Jeff at the
airport), but again felt compelled to respond to your post. Let me
offer you some advice, Perry.relax. If I fail to answer a question
you have, repeat it a week or two later and I will try to answer it
then. (Sometimes I just forget or have too many questions to deal
 Your terse "Thanks for sharing" seemed like the end of
it. I don't know unless you tell me.

DAVEH: Once I know the reason why you believe as you do, I may stop
responding. Contrary to your thinking about my reasons for being here,
I won't continue badgering you once I understand what you believe and
why you believe it, even if it is opposite of what I believe. I'm
usually quite content to know what you believe and why and don't feel
compelled to convince you to believe as I do. You apparently feel the
need to change my thinking though..

As far as the strong feeling I have had for over a year now that there
is more to your being on TT than you openly state, I do not pass these
things off lightly. I would not discount that the HS has a Mormon boy
hanging out with a bunch of, according to the LDS, believers of creeds
of abomination, for a more solid reason than his own curiosity. And, if
the HS is involved, YOU might not even understand why He has you here!

DAVEH: Then your beef is with the HS, and not me. 

 I had not considered your theory about the HS compelling me to be
in TT for the reason of converting you lost souls from your creeds
of abomination to Mormonism.Hmm.perhaps the HS
is trying to send you a message, Perry!!!  ;-) 

Dave Hansen
If you wish to receive
things I find interesting,
I maintain Five email lists...

[TruthTalk] Polygamy in Utah

2004-06-10 Thread ShieldsFamily
Polygamy in Utah.

[TruthTalk] free speech lawsuit

2004-06-10 Thread ShieldsFamily

College GOP sues over speech code
'End Liberal Indoctrination on Campus' deemed harrassment

[TruthTalk] revisionist history

2004-06-10 Thread ShieldsFamily

Ronald Reagan: So now they
think he was charming.

[TruthTalk] Reminder from the Moderator

2004-06-10 Thread Charles Perry Locke
This is just a reminder that TT is a discussion group. It's purpose is to 
facillitate the discussion of truth (whatever that is). With this in mind, 
please limit yourself to posts that discuss the topics presented by members.

Yesterday one poster had 24 posts, another just under 20, most of which were 
one liners with little or no discussion content. Here are some types of 
posts that come across the TT forum that do not pertain to discussions, and 
that needlessly increase the traffic that one must wade through to find the 
discussion material:

1. Posts containing a link to an interesting web page you found. If a link 
helps to progress an argument, make a point, or directly relates to a topic 
of discussion, then use it. But, please avoid just sending a link that 
pertains to something you think is interesting.

2. A one-liner that does not further a discussion, or multiple one-liners 
that each address only one point of a larger discussion. Try to respond to 
an entire post with a single response of your own. Occasionally, if you 
leave out an important point you intended to make, or want to change or 
correct a previous post, then a second post is warranted.

3. One-line responses back and forth between two posters for an extended 
period. This is a discussion group, not an immediate message board. If you 
go one to two quick one-liner posts with another member, why not take it to 
an IM board, chat room, or to private email.

4. A cute joke or anecdote that you found on the internet, or that a friend 
or relative sent you. I am sure we each get enough FW: email every day 
that we do not need to wade through it on TT.

5. ANYTHING that ends with Send this to xxx friends, or If you love Jesus 
you will forward this to I would guess that Jesus could care less about 
your email, and doubt that not forwarding such will affect your state of 

6. Personal discussions between two members. Most probably don't care that 
Bobby is in graduate school at the same place the other member's brother's 
son went. If it becomes personal please use private email.

Perry the Moderator
Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Conspiracy Buffs (I mean you John)

2004-06-10 Thread Lance Muir

"Interview With The Assassin" (Dallas 1963 The 
Second Shooter). The DVD has bonus extras.2003 Spirit Award Winner.

The manager of the video store turns out to be a 
mega conspiracy guy. He's going to supply me with more video info which I'll 
pass along

Let me know if you find  watch 


Re: [TruthTalk] Reminder from the Moderator

2004-06-10 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 6/10/2004 11:13:22 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I agree with most of what you said but I do think we should include prayer requests. I am sometimes overwhelmed with the number of posts but if someone thinks it is urgent or something that might get a thread going then I think you should allow it. Maybe we should send these things to you and you can decide if it benefits the whole group. Just my opinion. Laura

1. Posts containing a link to an interesting web page you found. If a link helps to progress an argument, make a point, or directly relates to a topic of discussion, then use it. But, please avoid just sending a link that pertains to something you think is interesting.2. A one-liner that does not further a discussion, or multiple one-liners that each address only one point of a larger discussion. Try to respond to an entire post with a single response of your own. Occasionally, if you leave out an important point you intended to make, or want to change or correct a previous post, then a second post is warranted.3. One-line responses back and forth between two posters for an extended period. This is a discussion group, not an immediate message board. If you go one to two quick one-liner posts with another member, why not take it to an IM board, chat room, or to private email.4. A cute joke or anecdote that you found on the internet, or that a friend or relative sent you. I am sure we each get enough "FW:" email every day that we do not need to wade through it on TT.5. ANYTHING that ends with "Send this to xxx friends", or "If you love Jesus you will forward this to...". I would guess that Jesus could care less about your email, and doubt that not forwarding such will affect your state of redemption.6. Personal discussions between two members. Most probably don't care that Bobby is in graduate school at the same place the other member's brother's son went. If it becomes personal please use private email.Thanks,Perry the Moderator

Re: [TruthTalk] Reminder from the Moderator

2004-06-10 Thread Charles Perry Locke
  I am glad you brought that up. In the post I was listing specific things 
that should be excluded from posts, sort of a 'negative' list. I added 
prayer requests as item 7 as something that are okay to post because, after 
all, we are Christians (for the most part) and that is something we do. But, 
I removed it when I realized that the entire list was negatives, and felt 
that by NOT mentioning, it would imply that it was not excluded.

Personally, I do not want to have to approve anything to be posted and hope 
that by reminding members of the purpose of TT it will help it to be 


Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Reminder from the Moderator
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 12:26:37 EDT
In a message dated 6/10/2004 11:13:22 AM Central Daylight Time,
I agree with most of what you said but I do think we should include prayer
requests.  I am sometimes overwhelmed with the number of posts but if 
thinks it is urgent or something that might get a thread going then I think 
should allow it.  Maybe we should send these things to you and you can 
if it benefits the whole group.  Just my opinion.  Laura

1. Posts containing a link to an interesting web page you found. If a link
helps to progress an argument, make a point, or directly relates to a topic
of discussion, then use it. But, please avoid just sending a link that
pertains to something you think is interesting.
2. A one-liner that does not further a discussion, or multiple one-liners
that each address only one point of a larger discussion. Try to respond to
an entire post with a single response of your own. Occasionally, if you
leave out an important point you intended to make, or want to change or
correct a previous post, then a second post is warranted.
3. One-line responses back and forth between two posters for an extended
period. This is a discussion group, not an immediate message board. If you
go one to two quick one-liner posts with another member, why not take it to
an IM board, chat room, or to private email.
4. A cute joke or anecdote that you found on the internet, or that a friend
or relative sent you. I am sure we each get enough FW: email every day
that we do not need to wade through it on TT.
5. ANYTHING that ends with Send this to xxx friends, or If you love 
you will forward this to I would guess that Jesus could care less 
your email, and doubt that not forwarding such will affect your state of

6. Personal discussions between two members. Most probably don't care that
Bobby is in graduate school at the same place the other member's brother's
son went. If it becomes personal please use private email.
Perry the Moderator

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

[TruthTalk] Been very busy ...

2004-06-10 Thread Chris Barr

\o/ !HALALU Yah! 
Greetings in the Matchless Name of YahShua !!

Haven't been able to keep up with TT ...

All that glitters is not gold

Chromium glitters, too. If it is true that good health is worth 
more than great wealth then chromium is more valuable 
Within the dark recesses of the womb, egg and sperm unite, and the 
conception of new life occurs. The subsequent process of mitosis accelerates, 
and this cell division progresses to a differentiation of cells which results in 
a fetus and culminates at the entrance into the world of a healthy, beautiful, 
human infant.

At birth, this infant has a 
brain that is still in a state of rapid development. The brain will reach most 
of its adult size in only a few years.

The child grows, full of 
energy and life, and journeys through adolescence to adulthood.

Energies may decrease 
throughout the twenties and thirties as one settles into a sedentary or 
comfortable lifestyle around the age of forty. Weight gain may creep up on or 
even overwhelm one through this period of time.

One may now find that 
eyesight is not what it once was, and eyeglasses become necessary.

One slowly comes to the 
realization of going over the proverbial hill.

As one proceeds down the 
hill it becomes apparent that various body mechanisms are becoming inefficient. 
Diabetes, and/or heart disease sneak up on you. One hopes to avoid the scourge 
of the Big C - cancer.

One finds it necessary to 
slow down the pace of living even further.

All of the above are 
considered normal parts of growing up and subsequent ravages of the process of 
aging. Is this accurate?

One element is a key to 
this voyage, from the initiation of life in the womb, until the conclusion of 
life at death. This most valuable element is the mineral chromium that is the 
subject of this writing.

The pages that follow will 
take you through a journey from genesis through revelation. You may just 
discover that chromium is the most important nutrient discovered to 
Copyright 2004 from the 
introduction of my new book, 'CHROMIUM: Sparkling health for your 
life and living! ' Stores in both Arkansas and Missouri have 
ordered it by the dozen.

[TruthTalk] CORRECTED Been very busy ...

2004-06-10 Thread Chris Barr

\o/ !HALALU Yah! 
Greetings in the Matchless Name of YahShua !!

Haven't been able to keep up with TT ...

All that glitters is not gold

Chromium glitters, too. If it is true that good health is worth 
more than great wealth then chromium is more valuable than gold.
Within the dark recesses of the womb, egg and sperm unite, and the 
conception of new life occurs. The subsequent process of mitosis accelerates, 
and this cell division progresses to a differentiation of cells which results in 
a fetus and culminates at the entrance into the world of a healthy, beautiful, 
human infant.

At birth, this infant has a 
brain that is still in a state of rapid development. The brain will reach most 
of its adult size in only a few years.

The child grows, full of 
energy and life, and journeys through adolescence to adulthood.

Energies may decrease 
throughout the twenties and thirties as one settles into a sedentary or 
comfortable lifestyle around the age of forty. Weight gain may creep up on or 
even overwhelm one through this period of time.

One may now find that 
eyesight is not what it once was, and eyeglasses become necessary.

One slowly comes to the 
realization of going over the proverbial hill.

As one proceeds down the 
hill it becomes apparent that various body mechanisms are becoming inefficient. 
Diabetes, and/or heart disease sneak up on you. One hopes to avoid the scourge 
of the Big C - cancer.

One finds it necessary to 
slow down the pace of living even further.

All of the above are 
considered normal parts of growing up and subsequent ravages of the process of 
aging. Is this accurate?

One element is a key to 
this voyage, from the initiation of life in the womb, until the conclusion of 
life at death. This most valuable element is the mineral chromium that is the 
subject of this writing.

The pages that follow will 
take you through a journey from genesis through revelation. You may just 
discover that chromium is the most important nutrient discovered to 
Copyright 2004 from the 
introduction of my new book, 'CHROMIUM: Sparkling health for your 
life and living! ' Stores in both Arkansas and Missouri have 
ordered it by the dozen.
YHVH is so 

RE: [TruthTalk] Reminder from the Moderator

2004-06-10 Thread ShieldsFamily
Perry, I realize I sent 3 website articles, but I think each one is very
pertinent to our discussions of the past couple of days. Thanks. Izzy

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles Perry Locke
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 10:13 AM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Reminder from the Moderator

This is just a reminder that TT is a discussion group. It's purpose is to 
facillitate the discussion of truth (whatever that is). With this in mind, 
please limit yourself to posts that discuss the topics presented by members.

Yesterday one poster had 24 posts, another just under 20, most of which were

one liners with little or no discussion content. Here are some types of 
posts that come across the TT forum that do not pertain to discussions, and 
that needlessly increase the traffic that one must wade through to find the 
discussion material:

1. Posts containing a link to an interesting web page you found. If a link 
helps to progress an argument, make a point, or directly relates to a topic 
of discussion, then use it. But, please avoid just sending a link that 
pertains to something you think is interesting.

2. A one-liner that does not further a discussion, or multiple one-liners 
that each address only one point of a larger discussion. Try to respond to 
an entire post with a single response of your own. Occasionally, if you 
leave out an important point you intended to make, or want to change or 
correct a previous post, then a second post is warranted.

3. One-line responses back and forth between two posters for an extended 
period. This is a discussion group, not an immediate message board. If you 
go one to two quick one-liner posts with another member, why not take it to 
an IM board, chat room, or to private email.

4. A cute joke or anecdote that you found on the internet, or that a friend 
or relative sent you. I am sure we each get enough FW: email every day 
that we do not need to wade through it on TT.

5. ANYTHING that ends with Send this to xxx friends, or If you love Jesus

you will forward this to I would guess that Jesus could care less about

your email, and doubt that not forwarding such will affect your state of 

6. Personal discussions between two members. Most probably don't care that 
Bobby is in graduate school at the same place the other member's brother's 
son went. If it becomes personal please use private email.

Perry the Moderator

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know
how you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

RE: [TruthTalk] the real vs false

2004-06-10 Thread Jonathan Hughes

Good day Izzy,

I shall call off the dogs. I may
even climb down from my high horse demanding apologies from anyone that moves.
My attempts at convicting others of sin have always been failures; perhaps the
Holy Spirit really is better at it. Sigh, unemployed again!

After saying lets agree to disagree you
make one final poke; enjoy it. If I was a big man I would not poke back.




To reconciliation from our Lord Jesus


Behalf Of ShieldsFamily
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 9:20
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] the real
vs false

Jonathan, I
think there is little point in belaboring this discussion any further. I
am extreme about everything I believe in, and see that as a
result of my extreme commitment to God. I am not lukewarm
about anything. Lets just agree to disagree. Youll have to
malign America and President Bush to someone else who will agree with you, like
G. Izzy

Behalf Of Jonathan Hughes
I feel that your extreme pro-American stance
(with takes the religiosity of Christianity and mixes it with patriotism) is an
unchristian stance, one that works against your faith. 



RE: [TruthTalk] the real vs false

2004-06-10 Thread ShieldsFamily

The dogs were never a match for the Cat. J 

Behalf Of Jonathan Hughes
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 3:46
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] the real
vs false

Good day Izzy,

I shall call off the dogs. I may
even climb down from my high horse demanding apologies from anyone that
moves. My attempts at convicting others of sin have always been failures;
perhaps the Holy Spirit really is better at it. Sigh, unemployed again!

After saying lets agree to disagree you
make one final poke; enjoy it. If I was a big man I would not poke back.




To reconciliation from our Lord Jesus


Behalf Of ShieldsFamily
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 9:20
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] the real
vs false

Jonathan, I
think there is little point in belaboring this discussion any further. I
am extreme about everything I believe in, and see that as a
result of my extreme commitment to God. I am not lukewarm
about anything. Lets just agree to disagree. Youll have to
malign America
and President Bush to someone else who will agree with you, like G. Izzy

Behalf Of Jonathan Hughes
I feel that your extreme pro-American stance
(with takes the religiosity of Christianity and mixes it with patriotism) is an
unchristian stance, one that works against your faith. 



[TruthTalk] the real vs false

2004-06-10 Thread Judy Taylor

From: "Jonathan Hughes" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Good evening 
Judy,Do not be too dismayed by being judgmental. You are in good 
company; I myself am quite critical. J 

jt: Your criticisms areon a personal/national 
level. I don't practice that and this is why I would like a list of what I have 
said that you consider to be judgmental. 

I am being very honest when I say that I could easily whip up a post 
containing many references to you being judgmental, towards myself and 
others. You may think I am being double minded or hypocritical when I now 
state that I will not do this. 

jt: Why not? If you are going to continueto 
accuse you should be able to producethe grounds for your 

If you go back a few months you will see where I have tried this with you 
before (not just me but others tried as well [there is that ambiguous others 
againI have no desire to out what others have communicated to me in 

jt: Others like Ellsman, Chris Barr, Lance? 
I'm not surprised to learn thatwe have some 
private gossiping going on as well; so much for the divine dance and all 
inclusive incarnation.Bad 

A quick look back through your emails in the last 4 months will make it 
very clear that the tone and judgmental attitudeexpressed in your posts have 
been called into question a number of times.]). It was unsuccessful. 
Note that to your credit this time you have actually invited critique.

jt: The reason I am asking you for evidence this time 
Jonathan is because I am weary of your constantly alluding to these things. You 
neverdialogue in an up front way and neither does Lance. Both of you 
use obscuretheological wordsand lots of one liners.You appear 
to have some favorite authors and theologians in commonbut there is no 
fellowship around God's Word. At this point I don't believe you know the Word of 
God or the God of the Word. Now I am not being mean or judgmental - as you 
have repeatedly claimed "I am just stating how I see it"

The comment below was a contrast between Izzys graceful response to my 
illness and yours. You may think it double minded of me to praise Izzy in 
one post and in another give a rather severe critique. Never confuse a critique on something specific (such as a 
behaviour, action, or words) with a critique on who the 
person is as a whole. 

jt: What??? You don't know 
either of us as a whole Jonathan. Izzy is a nurse by profession so you 
apparently relate to her professional approach which is fine but all you have is 
an opinion based on an internet persona with little or no actual 

Anyways, conscious of the fact that I have a chronic illness and struggle 
mightily with your viewpoint on a connection between sin and illness you made a 
few responses that I felt contained little if any compassion. I thought 
that you should have been softer. I feel that you should be much softer in 
almost all of your posts. I would love to see a spirit of gentleness and 
caring from you.

jt: Jonathan if you've been struggling with CFS for 
16yrs I would think you would want to be free of it. I know it feels good 
to be stroked butuntil you deal with the underlying spiritual issues you 
will die with CFS so I try to encourage in a different way. During his 
earthly ministry Jesus told people he healedto "go and sin no more lest a 
worse thing come on you" Do you think he was being judgmental and hard on 

What I usually see is a number of biblical passages thrown together to make 
a hard edged argument. What I find disconcerting about your theology is 
that it does not seem to be good news at all. 

jt: They are not just "thrown together" - Have you 
bothered to go to the Lord about these things? To me the Good News is the 
proof of the pudding - which is actual freedom rather than all this high 
sounding doctrinal talk.

It doesnt lead me to Gods feet in worship. You may be surprised to 
learn that I used to think much like you do (actually I was probably even more 
conservative). I used to argue with passages in the same way, driving my 
point home as if I could speak for God. 

jt: God has already spoken, and I accept it. I'm not 
driving anything home. It's your choice where you want to walk.

God had to wear me down quite a bit to allow the grace of Jesus Christ to 
seep into my heart (and He continues to do so). I am sure you think that I 
have fallen into deception. I think I have never been more in love with 
Him, nor had theability to love others like I do now. 

jt: Apparently these others don't include the 
leadership of the USA. I hope you don't mind if I am brutally honest 
(rather than judgmental) but it has been my observation that those of you who 
hold to this incarnational perichoresis are very easily offended and seem to 
consider that you live on a higher plane. 


On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 2:50 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
[TruthTalk] the real vs 

Re: [TruthTalk] revisionist history

2004-06-10 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 6/10/2004 8:07:22 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ronald Reagan: So now they think he was charming.

Exactly. They spent years saying exactly the same things about Reagan as they are now doing with Bush. What is so very good is the building confidence some of us have in the conservative revolution. It has changed over the years. The radical right has not the same influence (soem of that is good, some not). When Americans are asked how they identify there political tendency, 17 % say liberal and 37% say conservative. That numbers are up for conservatives and down for liberals. 

Recently, C BS took a poll and found that 12% of probable voting Democrates will not vote for Kerry in this election. We shall see. 


Re: [TruthTalk] Conspiracy Buffs (I mean you John)

2004-06-10 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 6/10/2004 9:16:52 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

"Interview With The Assassin" (Dallas 1963 The Second Shooter). The DVD has bonus extras.2003 Spirit Award Winner.
The manager of the video store turns out to be a mega conspiracy guy. He's going to supply me with more video info which I'll pass along
Let me know if you find watch it.

Perry has admonished against one word posts, among other things. So allow me the digression of making it abundantly clear as to the prognosis of my waning regret regarding the disposition of something we longingly might call gratitude. That it exists on my part for all the help that you and countless others have offered over the months and especially over the past several days, you may be certain. 

In short, 



Re: [TruthTalk] the real vs false

2004-06-10 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 6/10/2004 2:52:33 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Good day Izzy,


I shall call off the dogs. I may even climb down from my high horse demanding apologies from anyone that moves. My attempts at convicting others of sin have always been failures; perhaps the Holy Spirit really is better at it. Sigh, unemployed again!


After saying lets agree to disagree you make one final poke; enjoy it. If I was a big man I would not poke back.









To reconciliation from our Lord Jesus Christ,



OK I had to laugh at this -- John

[TruthTalk] the real vs false

2004-06-10 Thread Judy Taylor

From: "Jonathan Hughes" [EMAIL PROTECTED]From the sound of 
things you may not care much for what I have to say inresponse. You have 
not offended me, but you have deeply hurt me. 

jt: Then your answer is No! You probably don't 
want to take the time which tells me you are insincere and not interested in 
genuine dialogue. I don't want to see any more accusations from you. 
 BTW I understand what you are saying - and 
choose not to take it to heart because I believe you are in error. Your 
beliefs arerooted in Calvinism.


From: "Jonathan Hughes" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Good evening 
Judy,Do not be too dismayed by being judgmental. You are in good 
company; Imyself am quite critical. J 

jt: Your criticisms are on a personal/national level. I don't 
practicethat and this is why I would like a list of what I have said that 
youconsider to be judgmental. 

I am being very honest when I say that I could easily whip up a 
postcontaining many references to you being judgmental, towards myself 
andothers. You may think I am being double minded or hypocritical when 
Inow state that I will not do this. 

jt: Why not? If you are going to continue to accuse you should be 
ableto produce the grounds for your accusation.

If you go back a few months you will see where I have tried this with 
youbefore (not just me but others tried as well [there is that 
ambiguousothers again I have no desire to out what others have communicated 
to mein private. 

jt: Others like Ellsman, Chris Barr, Lance? I'm not surprised 
to learnthat we have some private gossiping going on as well; so much for 
thedivine dance and all inclusive incarnation. Bad fruit.

A quick look back through your emails in the last 4 months will make 
itvery clear that the tone and judgmental attitudeexpressed in your 
posts have been called into question a number oftimes.]). It was 
unsuccessful. Note that to your credit this time youhave actually 
invited critique.

jt: The reason I am asking you for evidence this time Jonathan is 
becauseI am weary of your constantly alluding to these things. You 
neverdialogue in an up front way and neither does Lance. Both of you 
useobscure theological words and lots of one liners. You appear to have 
somefavorite authors and theologians in common but there is no 
fellowshiparound God's Word. At this point I don't believe you know the Word 
of Godor the God of the Word. Now I am not being mean or judgmental - 
as youhave repeatedly claimed "I am just stating how I see it"

The comment below was a contrast between Izzys graceful response to 
myillness and yours. You may think it double minded of me to praise 
Izzyin one post and in another give a rather severe critique. Never 
confusea critique on something specific (such as a behaviour, action, or 
words)with a critique on who the person is as a whole. 

jt: What??? You don't know either of us as a whole Jonathan. Izzy is 
anurse by profession so you apparently relate to her professional 
approachwhich is fine but all you have is an opinion based on an internet 
personawith little or no actual knowledge. 

Anyways, conscious of the fact that I have a chronic illness and 
strugglemightily with your viewpoint on a connection between sin and illness 
youmade a few responses that I felt contained little if any 
compassion. Ithought that you should have been softer. I feel 
that you should be muchsofter in almost all of your posts. I would 
love to see a spirit ofgentleness and caring from you. 

jt: Jonathan if you've been struggling with CFS for 16yrs I would 
thinkyou would want to be free of it. I know it feels good to be 
stroked butuntil you deal with the underlying spiritual issues you will die 
with CFSso I try to encourage in a different way. During his earthly 
ministryJesus told people he healed to "go and sin no more lest a worse 
thingcome on you" Do you think he was being judgmental and hard on 

What I usually see is a number of biblical passages thrown together 
tomake a hard edged argument. What I find disconcerting about 
yourtheology is that it does not seem to be good news at all. 

jt: They are not just "thrown together" - Have you bothered to go to 
theLord about these things? To me the Good News is the proof of the 
pudding- which is actual freedom rather than all this high sounding 

It doesnt lead me to Gods feet in worship. You may be surprised to 
learnthat I used to think much like you do (actually I was probably even 
moreconservative). I used to argue with passages in the same way, 
driving mypoint home as if I could speak for God. 

jt: God has already spoken, and I accept it. I'm not driving 
anythinghome. It's your choice where you want to walk.

God had to wear me down quite a bit to allow the grace of Jesus Christ 
toseep into my heart (and He continues to do so). I am sure you think 
thatI have fallen into deception. I think I have never been more in 
lovewith Him, nor had theability to love others like I do now. 

Re: [TruthTalk] Reminder from the Moderator

2004-06-10 Thread Dave

Charles Perry Locke wrote:

Yesterday one poster had 24 posts, another just under 20, most of which
were one liners with little or no discussion content. Here are some
types of posts that come across the TT forum that do not pertain to
discussions, and that needlessly increase the traffic that one must
wade through to find the discussion material:
1. Posts containing a link to an interesting web page you found. If a
link helps to progress an argument, make a point, or directly relates
to a topic of discussion, then use it. But, please avoid just sending a
link that pertains to something you think is interesting.

DAVEH: FWIW..The advantage of posting a link it that it does not
conflict with copyrights, which is a common trespass of many folks who
mistakenly believe it is OK to copy and post material wherever/whenever
it is found on the net or is emailed to them by others.

4. A cute joke or anecdote that you found on the internet, or that a
friend or relative sent you. I am sure we each get enough "FW:" email
every day that we do not need to wade through it on TT.

DAVEH: I assume that means you prefer I do not further post things
like this...

secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending;
and have the two as close together as possible. ~George Burns

I have been the chief offender, and will refrain from doing so
in the future.

Perry the Moderator

Dave Hansen
If you wish to receive
things I find interesting,
I maintain Five email lists...

Re: [TruthTalk] the real vs false

2004-06-10 Thread ttxpress

so Calvin is goin' to hell, 

On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 21:00:20 -0400 Judy 
Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  ..Your beliefs arerooted in 
  Calvinism...I don't believe you know the Word of 

Re: [TruthTalk] Reminder from the Moderator

2004-06-10 Thread ttxpress


On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 18:27:52 -0700 Dave [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  The secret of a good sermon 
  is to have a good beginning and a good ending; and have the two as close 
  together as possible. ~George 

Re: [TruthTalk] the real vs false

2004-06-10 Thread ttxpress

how do you think he and Luther and Billy 
Graham'llget along with JS, Hitler, the Pope, and Bill 

On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 19:38:14 -0600 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  so Calvin is goin' to hell, 
  On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 21:00:20 -0400 Judy 
  Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
..Your beliefs arerooted in 
Calvinism...I don't believe you know the Word of 

Re: [TruthTalk] the real vs false

2004-06-10 Thread ttxpress

better whileCorrie Ten 
Boom'shelpin' Mother Teresa serve breath mints to the 

On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 20:16:39 -0600 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  how do you think he and Luther and 
  Billy Graham'llget along with JS, Hitler, the Pope, and Bill 
  On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 19:38:14 -0600 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
so Calvin is goin' to hell, 

On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 21:00:20 -0400 Judy 
Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  ..Your beliefs arerooted 
  in Calvinism...I don't believe you know the Word of 


[TruthTalk] the real vs false

2004-06-10 Thread Judy Taylor

so Calvin is goin' to hell, 

jt: Thankfully I'm not the one who makes 
that determination Gary; but I would hope
that he repented for his responsibility 
not only for the death of Servetus but also
for hisdoctrinal error and for the 
original Calvinistic merging of Church and State.
Would you also happen to be a 

On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 21:00:20 -0400 Judy 
Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  ..Your beliefs arerooted in 
  Calvinism...I don't believe you know the Word of 

Re: [TruthTalk] the real vs false

2004-06-10 Thread ttxpress

hey DaveH--ever heard a Mormon sermon 
like this one(?:)

On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 20:47:49 -0600 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  better whileCorrie Ten 
  Boom'shelpin' Mother Teresa serve breath mints to the 
  On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 20:16:39 -0600 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
how do you think he and Luther and 
Billy Graham'llget along with JS, Hitler, the Pope, and Bill 

On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 19:38:14 -0600 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  so Calvin is goin' to hell, 
  On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 21:00:20 -0400 
  Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
..Your beliefs 
arerooted in Calvinism...I don't believe you know the Word of 

Re: [TruthTalk] the real vs false

2004-06-10 Thread ttxpress

when did you hope 

On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 22:50:09 -0400 Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  so Calvin is goin' to hell, 
  jt: ..I would hope that he repented..
  On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 21:00:20 -0400 Judy 
  Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
..Your beliefs arerooted in 
Calvinism...I don't believe you know the Word of 

RE: [TruthTalk] Reminder from the Moderator

2004-06-10 Thread Charles Perry Locke
No problem, Izzy, but at least a little introducory note and perhaps your 
comments on the article, or your impression of why the article applies to 
the topic would be helpful rather than just a raw link by itself.

Perry the Moderator

From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Reminder from the Moderator
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 16:03:38 -0500
Perry, I realize I sent 3 website articles, but I think each one is very
pertinent to our discussions of the past couple of days. Thanks. Izzy
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles Perry Locke
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 10:13 AM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Reminder from the Moderator
This is just a reminder that TT is a discussion group. It's purpose is to
facillitate the discussion of truth (whatever that is). With this in mind,
please limit yourself to posts that discuss the topics presented by 

Yesterday one poster had 24 posts, another just under 20, most of which 

one liners with little or no discussion content. Here are some types of
posts that come across the TT forum that do not pertain to discussions, and
that needlessly increase the traffic that one must wade through to find the
discussion material:
1. Posts containing a link to an interesting web page you found. If a link
helps to progress an argument, make a point, or directly relates to a topic
of discussion, then use it. But, please avoid just sending a link that
pertains to something you think is interesting.
2. A one-liner that does not further a discussion, or multiple one-liners
that each address only one point of a larger discussion. Try to respond to
an entire post with a single response of your own. Occasionally, if you
leave out an important point you intended to make, or want to change or
correct a previous post, then a second post is warranted.
3. One-line responses back and forth between two posters for an extended
period. This is a discussion group, not an immediate message board. If you
go one to two quick one-liner posts with another member, why not take it to
an IM board, chat room, or to private email.
4. A cute joke or anecdote that you found on the internet, or that a friend
or relative sent you. I am sure we each get enough FW: email every day
that we do not need to wade through it on TT.
5. ANYTHING that ends with Send this to xxx friends, or If you love 

you will forward this to I would guess that Jesus could care less 

your email, and doubt that not forwarding such will affect your state of
6. Personal discussions between two members. Most probably don't care that
Bobby is in graduate school at the same place the other member's brother's
son went. If it becomes personal please use private email.
Perry the Moderator
Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may 
how you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may 
know how you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a 
friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

[TruthTalk] Got a quarter?

2004-06-10 Thread Chris Barr

\o/ !HALALU Yah! 
Greetings in the Matchless Name of YahShua !!

Got a quarter?
How 'bout two?
One that is old
One that is new

The left behind craze has overwhelmed America. Now look what America 
has left behind.

The old American quarters have a profile of George Washington facing the 
words, "IN GOD WE TRUST".

The new American quarters placed those words behind George 

Ahava b' YahShua

(Love in The 

(Bless The 
Bro. Chris Barr -- BORN IN THE 

a servant of