[twitter-dev] Re: Upcoming changes to the way status IDs are sequenced

2010-03-29 Thread Zaudio
We're relying on the ID being sequention for a number of purposes:

1) Counting elapsed tweets to estimate tweet rates to feed back into
count parameter to backtrack when restarting streaming API/Shadow -
how will we be able to do that without sequential IDs???

2) Indexing and sorting pages of tweets to be display by our
application - moving away from sequential IDs to break our sorting
algarithms... and require recoding to sort exclusively by date alone

3) Polling for new mentions to merge within streamed tweets - we use
the ID as a last placeholder - again chnages there would break our app
unless recoded.

Developer BullsOnWallStreet.com

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twitter-development-talk+unsubscribegooglegroups.com or reply to this email 
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[twitter-dev] Urgent: Major issues with 400 errors on social graph friends and followers

2010-01-28 Thread Zaudio

I'm getting this back and just do not understand why:

TWITTER LOG GENERATED ON 28/01/2010 3:57:57 PM

Twitter reported Error (OAuth): The remote server returned an error:
(400) Bad Request.
Request url: http://api.twitter.com/1/friends/ids.xml?user_id=35034625cursor=-1
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  errorRate limit exceeded. Clients may not make more than 0
requests per hour./error

Response Headers: X-RateLimit-Limit: 0
Status: 400 Bad Request
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 0
X-Runtime: 0.02385
X-RateLimit-Class: api_identified
X-RateLimit-Reset: 1264723053
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Connection: close
Content-Length: 507
Cache-Control: no-cache, max-age=1800
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 22:58:35 GMT
Expires: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 23:28:34 GMT
domain=.twitter.com; path=/
Server: hi

I've tested rate limits for my local testing IP ( )
where I'm getting this, and my testing account Zaudio... and the test
user Zaudio2  - all looks good

Please urgently address this. I thought it a blacklisting issue... but
maybe it's a bug?


Simon (Zaudio)
Developer www.bullsonwallstreet.com

[twitter-dev] Re: Social Graph API: Legacy data format will be eliminated 1/11/2010

2010-01-07 Thread Zaudio
Yes - Please can we have that urgently - yes or no?



On Jan 6, 8:15 pm, PJB pjbmancun...@gmail.com wrote:
 Can we please get some confirmation that the cursor-less calls won't
 be going away this coming Monday?

 On Dec 22 2009, 4:13 pm, Wilhelm Bierbaum wilh...@twitter.com wrote:

  We noticed that some clients are still calling social graph methods
  without cursor parameters. We wanted to take time to make sure that
  people were calling the updated methods which return data with cursors
  instead of the old formats that do not.

  As previously announced in September (http://bit.ly/46x1iL) and
  November (http://bit.ly/3UQ0LU), the legacy data formats returned
  as a result of calling social graph endpoints without a cursor
  parameter are deprecated and will be removed.

  These formats have been removed from the API wiki since September.

  You should always pass a cursor parameter. Starting soon, if you fail
  to pass a cursor, the data returned will be that of the first cursor
  (-1) and the next_cursor and previous_cursor elements will be included.

  If you aren't seeing next_cursor and previous_cursor in your results,
  you are getting data back in the old format. You will need to adjust
  your parser to handle the new format.

  We're going to start assuming you want data in the new format
  (users_list / users / user or id_list / ids / id) instead of the old
  format (users / user or ids / id) regardless of your passing a cursor
  parameter as of 1/11/2010.

  * The old formats will no longer be returned after 1/11/2010.
  * Start using the new formats now by passing the 'cursor' parameter.

  To recap, the old endpoints at



      users type=array
        !-- ... omitted ... --

  or JSON like [{/*user record*/ /*, .../]



  return data that looks like

        users type=array
            !-- ... omitted ... --

  or, the JSON equivalent:

      {users:[{/*user record*/} /*, ...*/], next_cursor:0,

  and the old endpoints at


  returned data that looks like




  return data that looks like


  or, the JSON equivalent:

      {ids:[1, 2, 3], next_cursor:0, previous_cursor:0}

  If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to post them
  to twitter-development-talk.


  Wilhelm Bierbaum
  Twitter Platform Team- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[twitter-dev] Re: Rate Limiting question

2010-01-02 Thread Zaudio
Hey Kyle,

Is that true re the rate limits?

I've always assumed that ANY request on an IP is xounted against that
IP's rate limit - so comes of the 20,000; and each user has their own
rate limit... normally 150 per hour.

So an authenticated request comes off both the user's and and IP's
rate limit?

In the very least, the user's limit of 150 per hour is affected first,
and then if that is maxed out, then the IP limit will come into play?

Could someone from Twitter clarify this, and Kyle's suggestion, as the
API docs are very vague in this area



On Jan 1, 5:21 pm, Kyle Mulka repalvigla...@yahoo.com wrote:
 My experience with rate limiting shows that each authenticated request
 is counted against that user's limit on your IP. So, you get 20,000
 requests per IP, per user, per hour assuming all your requests are
 authenticated. Any unauthenticated requests go towards the 20,000
 request limit per IP, per hour.

 In my case, all Twitter API calls are authenticated and cached for an
 hour. The way my app is set up, under normal usage, no user will use
 more than 20,000 Twitter API requests.

 Kyle Mulka
 Founder, Congo Labshttp://twilk.com

 On Jan 1, 5:43 pm, jojet j...@jojet.com wrote:

  Hi all,
  I was feeling a little clever after working on some Twitter API stuff
  but then thought oh! I'd better think about Twitters rate
  limiting...and then that's where my brain started to melt!

  A few bits of info: my web app needs people to authenticate (OAUTH)
  and, from then on, the app analyses their tweets and occasionally
  updates registered user's statuses.

  I've applied for the webserver IP to be white listed which I believe
  gives the app 20,000 requests per hour.

  I've not found the search API to be great when looking for a hashtag
  (sometimes tweets just don't seem to get indexed) so I've gone a stage
  further and am analysing the individual timelines of all my registered
  users via a cron job (the cron job sucks in all of a persons tweets
  greater than the last analysed tweet of the user). This call is made
  via OAUTH/authenticated so I believe such a call depletes the user's
  rate limit quota rather than the IP/authenticated account of the
  webserver quota? Is that correct?

  Thanks for any thoughts here


[twitter-dev] Re: Time zone support

2009-11-09 Thread Zaudio

I actually totally prefer time's to all be UNC / GMT as they are

it's the same erevywhere, and very easily converted to local timezones
for display - which is what I imagine most end users want to see...
they don't want to be working out timezones from around the world in
their heads!
If tweets all start having variable timezones, it is just another
thing that has to be calculated around to get times into the local
timezone for end users.

Please leave as it is.

Just my thoughts


On Nov 8, 11:33 pm, Emrah e...@ekanet.net wrote:
 Raffi Krikorian wrote:

  hi emrah.

  this sounds interesting -- how do you handle people who are traveling
  and may not be in their home timezone when they say good morning?

 :) Timezone code could be set per Tweet as a parameter. E.g.: on mobile
 phones, the time is usually updated from the network operator and on
 most computers from an NNTP.
 Obviously the user experience should not be changed and the timezone
 must be discovered and set automatically.


[twitter-dev] Re: C# + OAuth + account/update_profile_image = 500 Internal Server Error

2009-10-20 Thread Zaudio

Thanks Thomas... I did look at TwitterVB as a possible way to find the
answer to this particular function call... but the API says it doesn't
yet cover account/updateprofileimage...



On Oct 19, 3:39 pm, Thomas Hübner thueb...@gmx.de wrote:
 You can use TwitterVB which covers nearly the complete API in .NET
 (OAuth included). U find it on codeplexhttp://twittervb.codeplex.com/


 Nicholas Granado schrieb:


  You would sign the request with all of the usual oauth param
  suspects.  If I recall correctly this endpoint has no other params other
  than the 'image' param in the multi-part post body whose value would be
  the bytes of the image file.  Typically I've only seen the post params
  passed into the oauth signing rigmarole when the post body is urlencoded.

  I hope this helps, this whole OAuth thing can be very confusing at first
  glance.  If you are in C# I have my own lib for twitter basic auth/oauth
  that I've baked up, if you like I could pass you the bits.

  Nicholas Granado
  email:  ngran...@gmail.com mailto:ngran...@gmail.com
  twitter: heatxsink

  On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 6:38 AM, Zaudio si...@z-audio.co.uk
  mailto:si...@z-audio.co.uk wrote:

  That's great feedback!

  In you opinion, how do I then sign the request? Do I use all the usual
  for the signaturebase... ie postmethodurlnonceetc etc
  or just postmethodurl as David suggested?

  I trust that the image data does not come into the signing process,
  and that I still can post the data using iso-8859-1 encoding as I
  would normally do for uploading files?

  If you have these answers, then I should be able to nail this for
  our .net case.Oauth's been working great for us until this hitch...



  On Oct 18, 6:11 pm, Nicholas Granado ngran...@gmail.com
  mailto:ngran...@gmail.com wrote:

   I believe the body of your post might be incorrect. It should look

   POST /account/update_profile_image.xml HTTP/1.1
   Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
   Host: twitter.com http://twitter.com
   Content-Length: 3863(this will probably change now..)

   Content-Disposition: form-data; name=image; filename=test.jpg
   Content-Type: image/jpeg

   (there's a few K of binary data here, the contents of the file)

   The rest of the OAuth variables should be passed on the query string.

   I hope this helps.

   Nicholas Granado
   email:  ngran...@gmail.com mailto:ngran...@gmail.com
   twitter: heatxsink

   On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 2:42 PM, Zaudio si...@z-audio.co.uk
  mailto:si...@z-audio.co.uk wrote:

Hi David,

I found your excellent post hoping that it would solve the same
challenge for my app: updating profile image via Oauth... using
similar .net base to yourself...
BUT I just get the 401 all the time... despite taking your advice to
just sign with the HTTPmethod  URL My post data is laid out
like yours... though I never got that 500 error...

I've tried all sorts... dropping the  off the end different

What encoding did you use to encode your image, and then to post the

Does it still work for you... or did this get broken when Twitter
'fixed' their Oauth implementation?

Can anyone else advise if they have got this working and where I
be going wrong?


Simon (Zaudio)

On Aug 19, 11:40 pm, David Carson carson63...@gmail.com
  mailto:carson63...@gmail.com wrote:
 Got this sorted out and working, and thought I should share
  the two
 pitfalls which were causing me problems.

 First of all, unbelievably, the 500 Internal Server Error was
 caused by an extra carriage return between my last HTTP header
  and the
 first multipart boundary. Seriously. I had two blank lines in
 instead of one. Removed the extra carriage return, and my 500
 vanished, being replaced by a more reasonable (401)
  Unauthorized -
 Incorrect signature error.

 Secondly, the OAuth documentation seems a bit shaky when it
  comes to
 multipart/form-data POSTs. But basically, you do NOT use any
  of the
 POST parameters when creating your signature. And this
  includes all of
 the OAuth-specific parameters like oauth_consumer_key,
 oauth_signature_method, etc. Bit of a security hole imho, OAuth

[twitter-dev] Re: C# + OAuth + account/update_profile_image = 500 Internal Server Error

2009-10-20 Thread Zaudio

Hi Nicholas,

Sounds like you have this particular method cracked (account/
updateprofileimage) in Oauth

Our code does use C# for all twitter layers... And thanks for your
offer.. all I'm really after is the logic to get the correctly signed
POST for this method... You seem to suggest I don't need to sign the
image data as it is not urlencoded... So I'll try from there.
If you can send me snippets that show the logic to make this work...
that might help.

Thanks again


On Oct 19, 8:32 am, Nicholas Granado ngran...@gmail.com wrote:

 You would sign the request with all of the usual oauth param suspects.  If
 I recall correctly this endpoint has no other params other than the 'image'
 param in the multi-part post body whose value would be the bytes of the
 image file.  Typically I've only seen the post params passed into the oauth
 signing rigmarole when the post body is urlencoded.

 I hope this helps, this whole OAuth thing can be very confusing at first
 glance.  If you are in C# I have my own lib for twitter basic auth/oauth
 that I've baked up, if you like I could pass you the bits.

 Nicholas Granado
 email:  ngran...@gmail.com
 twitter: heatxsink

 On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 6:38 AM, Zaudio si...@z-audio.co.uk wrote:

  That's great feedback!

  In you opinion, how do I then sign the request? Do I use all the usual
  for the signaturebase... ie postmethodurlnonceetc etc
  or just postmethodurl as David suggested?

  I trust that the image data does not come into the signing process,
  and that I still can post the data using iso-8859-1 encoding as I
  would normally do for uploading files?

  If you have these answers, then I should be able to nail this for
  our .net case.Oauth's been working great for us until this hitch...



  On Oct 18, 6:11 pm, Nicholas Granado ngran...@gmail.com wrote:

   I believe the body of your post might be incorrect. It should look like

   POST /account/update_profile_image.xml HTTP/1.1
   Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
   Host: twitter.com
   Content-Length: 3863(this will probably change now..)

   Content-Disposition: form-data; name=image; filename=test.jpg
   Content-Type: image/jpeg

   (there's a few K of binary data here, the contents of the file)

   The rest of the OAuth variables should be passed on the query string.

   I hope this helps.

   Nicholas Granado
   email:  ngran...@gmail.com
   twitter: heatxsink

   On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 2:42 PM, Zaudio si...@z-audio.co.uk wrote:

Hi David,

I found your excellent post hoping that it would solve the same
challenge for my app: updating profile image via Oauth... using
similar .net base to yourself...
BUT I just get the 401 all the time... despite taking your advice to
just sign with the HTTPmethod  URL My post data is laid out much
like yours... though I never got that 500 error...

I've tried all sorts... dropping the  off the end different

What encoding did you use to encode your image, and then to post the

Does it still work for you... or did this get broken when Twitter
'fixed' their Oauth implementation?

Can anyone else advise if they have got this working and where I might
be going wrong?


Simon (Zaudio)

On Aug 19, 11:40 pm, David Carson carson63...@gmail.com wrote:
 Got this sorted out and working, and thought I should share the two
 pitfalls which were causing me problems.

 First of all, unbelievably, the 500 Internal Server Error was being
 caused by an extra carriage return between my last HTTP header and
 first multipart boundary. Seriously. I had two blank lines in there
 instead of one. Removed the extra carriage return, and my 500
 vanished, being replaced by a more reasonable (401) Unauthorized -
 Incorrect signature error.

 Secondly, the OAuth documentation seems a bit shaky when it comes to
 multipart/form-data POSTs. But basically, you do NOT use any of the
 POST parameters when creating your signature. And this includes all
 the OAuth-specific parameters like oauth_consumer_key,
 oauth_signature_method, etc. Bit of a security hole imho, OAuth
 implements all this complexity to avoid man-in-the-middle or replay
 attacks, and as soon as you do a multipart POST it's all negated.

 So, my signature base was literally:


 Just the HTTP method and the URL. No parameters.

 Once I made that change to the signature generation, my request went
 through fine and my avatar changed.

 Hope this helps

[twitter-dev] Re: C# + OAuth + account/update_profile_image = 500 Internal Server Error

2009-10-19 Thread Zaudio

That's great feedback!

In you opinion, how do I then sign the request? Do I use all the usual
for the signaturebase... ie postmethodurlnonceetc etc
or just postmethodurl as David suggested?

I trust that the image data does not come into the signing process,
and that I still can post the data using iso-8859-1 encoding as I
would normally do for uploading files?

If you have these answers, then I should be able to nail this for
our .net case.Oauth's been working great for us until this hitch...



On Oct 18, 6:11 pm, Nicholas Granado ngran...@gmail.com wrote:

 I believe the body of your post might be incorrect. It should look like

 POST /account/update_profile_image.xml HTTP/1.1
 Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
 Host: twitter.com
 Content-Length: 3863(this will probably change now..)

 Content-Disposition: form-data; name=image; filename=test.jpg
 Content-Type: image/jpeg

 (there's a few K of binary data here, the contents of the file)

 The rest of the OAuth variables should be passed on the query string.

 I hope this helps.

 Nicholas Granado
 email:  ngran...@gmail.com
 twitter: heatxsink

 On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 2:42 PM, Zaudio si...@z-audio.co.uk wrote:

  Hi David,

  I found your excellent post hoping that it would solve the same
  challenge for my app: updating profile image via Oauth... using
  similar .net base to yourself...
  BUT I just get the 401 all the time... despite taking your advice to
  just sign with the HTTPmethod  URL My post data is laid out much
  like yours... though I never got that 500 error...

  I've tried all sorts... dropping the  off the end different

  What encoding did you use to encode your image, and then to post the

  Does it still work for you... or did this get broken when Twitter
  'fixed' their Oauth implementation?

  Can anyone else advise if they have got this working and where I might
  be going wrong?


  Simon (Zaudio)

  On Aug 19, 11:40 pm, David Carson carson63...@gmail.com wrote:
   Got this sorted out and working, and thought I should share the two
   pitfalls which were causing me problems.

   First of all, unbelievably, the 500 Internal Server Error was being
   caused by an extra carriage return between my last HTTP header and the
   first multipart boundary. Seriously. I had two blank lines in there
   instead of one. Removed the extra carriage return, and my 500
   vanished, being replaced by a more reasonable (401) Unauthorized -
   Incorrect signature error.

   Secondly, the OAuth documentation seems a bit shaky when it comes to
   multipart/form-data POSTs. But basically, you do NOT use any of the
   POST parameters when creating your signature. And this includes all of
   the OAuth-specific parameters like oauth_consumer_key,
   oauth_signature_method, etc. Bit of a security hole imho, OAuth
   implements all this complexity to avoid man-in-the-middle or replay
   attacks, and as soon as you do a multipart POST it's all negated.

   So, my signature base was literally:


   Just the HTTP method and the URL. No parameters.

   Once I made that change to the signature generation, my request went
   through fine and my avatar changed.

   Hope this helps someone!


[twitter-dev] Re: Updates to the retweet API payload

2009-10-07 Thread Zaudio

Sure, I'll justify this mroe...

One of our apps receives updates via the Streaming API and the various
REST api methods (mentions, user timelines, friends/home timelines).
We collect data as JSON as it's to date been faster and mor compact
than alternatives... we can also then go on to use this directly
client side in Jscript if we wish...
We are caching all updates of interest in a db... thus parse them for
the required data fields before storing them there. Currently the
parser has to pull out the user node, and is then left with the root
status node it is then simple to parse the separated nodes for all
fields pertinant to the current operation.
We make quick checks initially to determine the relevance of the
message to the app's cached stream we want to check things like
JUST created_at for the status (and not user) and then check the text
property for certain markers.
It is easy to find these efficiently in a JSON string without parsing
the entire thing to objects as things stand... so we save a lot of
server cpu cycles. It's fastest to this from the inner node
outwards... this is where the 'wasted' cpu cycles are coming in here
with the change for retweeted_status
Status's of interest only have the further fields parsed that we want
for out db copy...

for example.. say you want to quickly check the id of the status to
confirm if you have it in you db already or not... currently we just
excluded the user node, and thent he id is in the remainder without

Now add retweeted_status with it's user subnode

To now get the id of the root status without parsing the entire string
to objects... we pull it apart again from the inner node outwards...
we now need to exclude the retweeted_status user subnode... this no
longer has a unique start tag/definition... as there are TWO identical
start tags in the string so we do a lot more work to ensure we get
the retweeted_status and it's user node that we would if it had an
alternative start tag.
If it were instead retweeted_user, then we could extract that directly
and easily, exclude it, then exclude the surrounding retweeted_status
tag... and we've got the retweeted_status node separated... then we
can procede as we do now with the rest... and if necessary use the
retweeted_status as well.

Hope that makes sense
I agree that keeping it as user also makes good object sense... but
then the retweeted_status is not 'status' anymore... and it is a
status I'm suggesting soemthing similar for it's inner node..

Simon (Zaudio)

On Oct 6, 12:01 pm, Marco Kaiser kaiser.ma...@gmail.com wrote:
 No, please don't change that to retweeted_user ... the data structure
 included as the retweeted status is a status, and that data structure has a
 user property. That's a very clear object model, and should map very well to
 JSON, as it's nested, not at the same level as the main user the retweet is
 received from. So by doing that change, you'd break the data model for a
 status, in that there are two version that need to be taken care of.

 Or can you explain in more depth why this would cause problems with
 reasonable JSON parsers that map strings to objects?

 2009/10/6 Zaudio si...@z-audio.co.uk

  Another significant thought... could you 'please' consider changing
  the name of the user node INSIDE the retweeted_status node to say
  retweeted_user ?

  Thius will make JSON parsing way simpler... especially if the goal is
  to extract the retweeted_status when present; or do things like
  quickly find the date of the tweet... I alreayd have to contend with a
  created_at field in the user and status nodes... now that could double
  up... so owuld appreciate an easier to find retweeted user node for
  JSON parsability


  Simon (Zaudio)

  On Oct 4, 8:16 am, John Kalucki jkalu...@gmail.com wrote:
   Retweetis an invasive feature with many deep dependency paths. Firm
   dates would be useful, but they aren't possible in this particular
   situation. This makes planning for downstream folks difficult.

   I'd be ready for the slight possibility of low-volume retweets mid-to-
   late week, with a high chance the following week, and perhaps a near-
   unity chance of low-volume retweets the week after that. So, for
   critical code, any time now. As for full-roll-out, that would be even
   more of a guessing game.

   -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
   Services, Twitter Inc.

   On Oct 4, 6:43 am, Zaudio si...@z-audio.co.uk wrote:

Hey John,

Thanks for that... can you put an earliest date on 'very soon' please
- just so I know how long we've got?


Simon (Zaudio)

On Oct 3, 8:15 pm, John Kalucki jkalu...@gmail.com wrote:

 There are plans to filter retweets from various resource, see the
 documentation. However, it would be most prudent to assume that
 retweets will eventually show up everywhere, and handle them
 appropriately, or at least tolerate them wherever they are found

[twitter-dev] Re: Updates to the retweet API payload

2009-10-07 Thread Zaudio

We use JSON thoughout... as JSON and also parsing to db fields... I
love that JSON converts directly to OO but then again what works
for one app, may hinder others... no ideal solution.

I suspect that things will stay as they are anyway... so your our app
lose on this one and will just have to do more during our to db
parsing operations ...


On Oct 7, 7:52 am, Marco Kaiser kaiser.ma...@gmail.com wrote:
 Well, you're not making use of JSON as JSON, and instead use brute-force
 methods to extract parts of it... I think it's a bit unfair to request that
 change to be made, as it would complicate things for everyone doing real
 JSON-to-OO mapping. Just my 2c.

 And no, retweet_status is perfectly valid - it's the property name in a
 status model, and it is assigned a status data model. Just a nested object.
 You don't have to name a member status just because it is a Status data


 2009/10/7 Zaudio si...@z-audio.co.uk

  Sure, I'll justify this mroe...

  One of our apps receives updates via the Streaming API and the various
  REST api methods (mentions, user timelines, friends/home timelines).
  We collect data as JSON as it's to date been faster and mor compact
  than alternatives... we can also then go on to use this directly
  client side in Jscript if we wish...
  We are caching all updates of interest in a db... thus parse them for
  the required data fields before storing them there. Currently the
  parser has to pull out the user node, and is then left with the root
  status node it is then simple to parse the separated nodes for all
  fields pertinant to the current operation.
  We make quick checks initially to determine the relevance of the
  message to the app's cached stream we want to check things like
  JUST created_at for the status (and not user) and then check the text
  property for certain markers.
  It is easy to find these efficiently in a JSON string without parsing
  the entire thing to objects as things stand... so we save a lot of
  server cpu cycles. It's fastest to this from the inner node
  outwards... this is where the 'wasted' cpu cycles are coming in here
  with the change for retweeted_status
  Status's of interest only have the further fields parsed that we want
  for out db copy...

  for example.. say you want to quickly check the id of the status to
  confirm if you have it in you db already or not... currently we just
  excluded the user node, and thent he id is in the remainder without

  Now add retweeted_status with it's user subnode

  To now get the id of the root status without parsing the entire string
  to objects... we pull it apart again from the inner node outwards...
  we now need to exclude the retweeted_status user subnode... this no
  longer has a unique start tag/definition... as there are TWO identical
  start tags in the string so we do a lot more work to ensure we get
  the retweeted_status and it's user node that we would if it had an
  alternative start tag.
  If it were instead retweeted_user, then we could extract that directly
  and easily, exclude it, then exclude the surrounding retweeted_status
  tag... and we've got the retweeted_status node separated... then we
  can procede as we do now with the rest... and if necessary use the
  retweeted_status as well.

  Hope that makes sense
  I agree that keeping it as user also makes good object sense... but
  then the retweeted_status is not 'status' anymore... and it is a
  status I'm suggesting soemthing similar for it's inner node..

  Simon (Zaudio)

  On Oct 6, 12:01 pm, Marco Kaiser kaiser.ma...@gmail.com wrote:
   No, please don't change that to retweeted_user ... the data structure
   included as the retweeted status is a status, and that data structure has
   user property. That's a very clear object model, and should map very well
   JSON, as it's nested, not at the same level as the main user the retweet
   received from. So by doing that change, you'd break the data model for a
   status, in that there are two version that need to be taken care of.

   Or can you explain in more depth why this would cause problems with
   reasonable JSON parsers that map strings to objects?

   2009/10/6 Zaudio si...@z-audio.co.uk

Another significant thought... could you 'please' consider changing
the name of the user node INSIDE the retweeted_status node to say
retweeted_user ?

Thius will make JSON parsing way simpler... especially if the goal is
to extract the retweeted_status when present; or do things like
quickly find the date of the tweet... I alreayd have to contend with a
created_at field in the user and status nodes... now that could double
up... so owuld appreciate an easier to find retweeted user node for
JSON parsability


Simon (Zaudio)

On Oct 4, 8:16 am, John Kalucki jkalu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Retweetis an invasive feature with many deep dependency paths

[twitter-dev] Re: Updates to the retweet API payload

2009-10-06 Thread Zaudio

Another significant thought... could you 'please' consider changing
the name of the user node INSIDE the retweeted_status node to say
retweeted_user ?

Thius will make JSON parsing way simpler... especially if the goal is
to extract the retweeted_status when present; or do things like
quickly find the date of the tweet... I alreayd have to contend with a
created_at field in the user and status nodes... now that could double
up... so owuld appreciate an easier to find retweeted user node for
JSON parsability


Simon (Zaudio)

On Oct 4, 8:16 am, John Kalucki jkalu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Retweetis an invasive feature with many deep dependency paths. Firm
 dates would be useful, but they aren't possible in this particular
 situation. This makes planning for downstream folks difficult.

 I'd be ready for the slight possibility of low-volume retweets mid-to-
 late week, with a high chance the following week, and perhaps a near-
 unity chance of low-volume retweets the week after that. So, for
 critical code, any time now. As for full-roll-out, that would be even
 more of a guessing game.

 -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
 Services, Twitter Inc.

 On Oct 4, 6:43 am, Zaudio si...@z-audio.co.uk wrote:

  Hey John,

  Thanks for that... can you put an earliest date on 'very soon' please
  - just so I know how long we've got?


  Simon (Zaudio)

  On Oct 3, 8:15 pm, John Kalucki jkalu...@gmail.com wrote:

   There are plans to filter retweets from various resource, see the
   documentation. However, it would be most prudent to assume that
   retweets will eventually show up everywhere, and handle them
   appropriately, or at least tolerate them wherever they are found.

   They should start appearing in low volumes in all /1/statuses/*
   resources on the Streaming API very soon.

   -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
   Services, Twitter Inc.

   On Oct 3, 10:33 am, Zaudio si...@z-audio.co.uk wrote:

This sounds a lot more sensible...

Importantly, where can we expect this newpayloadto be returned...
any of the following methods as well?


Streaming API/Shadow

I need to know in advance of such an addition to any of these, as
otherwise the parser on one of our apps gets broken until it's recoded
to handle theretweetpayload...

or is the ONLY was to get these vie theretweetmethods and the new
home_timeline ? If so, what about apps that mainly make use of the
Streaming API for tweets?


Simon (Zaudio)- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[twitter-dev] Re: Updates to the retweet API payload

2009-10-04 Thread Zaudio

Hey John,

Thanks for that... can you put an earliest date on 'very soon' please
- just so I know how long we've got?


Simon (Zaudio)

On Oct 3, 8:15 pm, John Kalucki jkalu...@gmail.com wrote:
 There are plans to filter retweets from various resource, see the
 documentation. However, it would be most prudent to assume that
 retweets will eventually show up everywhere, and handle them
 appropriately, or at least tolerate them wherever they are found.

 They should start appearing in low volumes in all /1/statuses/*
 resources on the Streaming API very soon.

 -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
 Services, Twitter Inc.

 On Oct 3, 10:33 am, Zaudio si...@z-audio.co.uk wrote:

  This sounds a lot more sensible...

  Importantly, where can we expect this newpayloadto be returned...
  any of the following methods as well?


  Streaming API/Shadow

  I need to know in advance of such an addition to any of these, as
  otherwise the parser on one of our apps gets broken until it's recoded
  to handle theretweetpayload...

  or is the ONLY was to get these vie theretweetmethods and the new
  home_timeline ? If so, what about apps that mainly make use of the
  Streaming API for tweets?


  Simon (Zaudio)

[twitter-dev] Re: Updates to the retweet API payload

2009-10-03 Thread Zaudio

This sounds a lot more sensible...

Importantly, where can we expect this new payload to be returned...
any of the following methods as well?


Streaming API/Shadow

I need to know in advance of such an addition to any of these, as
otherwise the parser on one of our apps gets broken until it's recoded
to handle the retweet payload...

or is the ONLY was to get these vie the retweet methods and the new
home_timeline ? If so, what about apps that mainly make use of the
Streaming API for tweets?


Simon (Zaudio)

[twitter-dev] Re: Invalid / used nonce

2009-08-12 Thread Zaudio

My trial has worked so far today... not a single invalid nonce
error but it's only been 12 hours


On Aug 12, 12:59 pm, Rob O'Brien r...@zepoid.com wrote:
 The interesting thing with my situation is that I'm still in development, so
 there's only a single person (me) hitting the app. Further, I'm only
 attempting a single call to Twitter.

 Also, I get a 401 on everything that requires authentication, but not on
 something like a rateLimitStatus check.

 Further, a call to /followers/ids.xml *works* on my local dev box, but not
 on the production server. The only difference I can think of would be IP

 I've been able to trace 3 separate requests being generated by Twitter4J and
 here are the values:

 [Wed Aug 12 10:19:56 PDT 2009]

 [Wed Aug 12 10:20:20 PDT 2009]

 [Wed Aug 12 10:24:39 PDT 2009]

 Each timestamp is larger than the last and eachnonceis unique.

 Knowing that my values are legit makes me think there's another problem, but
 Twitter hasn't responded to my api@ email.

 Rob O'Brien
 Web Application Developer  Consultant

 -Original Message-
 From: twitter-development-talk@googlegroups.com

 [mailto:twitter-development-t...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Zaudio
 Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 12:04 PM
 To: Twitter Development Talk
 Subject: [twitter-dev] Re: Invalid /usednonce

 We're having the same issue in our app, occurs sporadically in our
 logs - but I believe the cause with us is that:

 We're generatingnoncevalues as a timestamp seeded sequence of random
 We're creating an instance of the Oauth class that does this for each
 logged in user for the app

 Thus, for a single timestamp, it IS possible that the time seedednoncevalues 
 are the same

 So - corrrective action being trialled: I'm prefixing the 'random'noncevalue 
 with the userID stripped from the start of the token,
 padded to a fixed length of chars... this should guarantee then that
 thenonce/timestamp combo is indeed unique for every request made from
 our app 


 On Aug 11, 6:45 am, Dan Borthwick dan.borthw...@playfish.com wrote:
  For our app, we successfully call request_token from our server. When
  we then call statuses/update from the client, we get a 401 'Invalid /
  usednonce' response. If the request_token call comes directly from
  the client, the update call succeeds.

  The nonces have been sanity checked and are definitely different for
  each call. GET requests to users/show succeed regardless of whether
  the request_token comes from the proxy server or client. Code is based
  on MGTwitterEngine-1.0.8-OAuth.

  The same code was working ok prior to the recent DoS downtime. Perhaps
  something has been changed on Twitter's side that might result in the
  401 response?

  On Aug 11, 8:38 am, graceawalker grace_blo...@hotmail.com wrote:

   No, mynonceis definately new every time. Surely if there was
   something wrong with the way it was being generated it would error
   during requestToken/accessToken/VerifyCredentials too?? All the code
   ive looked through is doing it exactly the same way. Is the 'status'
   parameter beingusedjust like all the oauth parameters? is an
   'invalidnonce' error, definately an invalidnonceor could it be to
   do with the timestamp and timezones. Clutching at straws here...

   On Aug 11, 3:12 am, Chris Babcock cbabc...@asciiking.com wrote:

On Mon, 10 Aug 2009 04:14:43 -0700 (PDT)

graceawalker grace_blo...@hotmail.com wrote:
 I am calling and getting the whole way up to getting the access
 just fine in my app (one im writing myself in c#), but when i try
 call the update status URL im getting an 'Invalid/usednonce' error
 my response data. Im not sure why this is, im calling the update
 method in the exact same way that i called request token apart from
 the new 'status' parameter in the query string. I call 'verify
 credentials' with my access token to ensure that it is working and
 sends me back all of the correct data, but it is erroring when
 to update my status. Is there any obvious solution to this, or am i
 not supposed to be signing and organising the parameters in the same
 way that i did before? Im really stuck here guys and need help!

Right, thenonceis a numberusedonce. Its purpose is to prevent
replay attacks. If you use the samenoncefor more than one call to the
API then you *should* be getting an error.

Chris- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[twitter-dev] Re: Rate Limit Change?

2009-08-12 Thread Zaudio

I get the same with my apps; an authenticated and unauthenticated call
to get rate limits returns the same hits available out of the 20K...
never managed to get an answer why I'm guessing the authentication
is being ignored, and I just get IP limits all the time?

Just go to www.bullsonwallstreet.com?rate_limits=1   and look just
above the footer... after the call completes, you see the two rate
limits display and refresh every 10 sec or so... weird


On Aug 12, 1:51 pm, shiplu shiplu@gmail.com wrote:
 If its called from a whitelisted IP, It will be charged to IP. Not account.

 A K M Mokaddimhttp://talk.cmyweb.nethttp://twitter.com/shiplu
 Stop Top Posting !!
 বাংলিশ লেখার চাইতে বাংলা লেখা অনেক ভাল
 Sent from Dhaka, Bangladesh

[twitter-dev] Re: Invalid / used nonce

2009-08-11 Thread Zaudio

We're having the same issue in our app, occurs sporadically in our
logs - but I believe the cause with us is that:

We're generating nonce values as a timestamp seeded sequence of random
We're creating an instance of the Oauth class that does this for each
logged in user for the app

Thus, for a single timestamp, it IS possible that the time seeded
nonce values are the same

So - corrrective action being trialled: I'm prefixing the 'random'
nonce value with the userID stripped from the start of the token,
padded to a fixed length of chars... this should guarantee then that
the nonce/timestamp combo is indeed unique for every request made from
our app 


On Aug 11, 6:45 am, Dan Borthwick dan.borthw...@playfish.com wrote:
 For our app, we successfully call request_token from our server. When
 we then call statuses/update from the client, we get a 401 'Invalid /
 usednonce' response. If the request_token call comes directly from
 the client, the update call succeeds.

 The nonces have been sanity checked and are definitely different for
 each call. GET requests to users/show succeed regardless of whether
 the request_token comes from the proxy server or client. Code is based
 on MGTwitterEngine-1.0.8-OAuth.

 The same code was working ok prior to the recent DoS downtime. Perhaps
 something has been changed on Twitter's side that might result in the
 401 response?

 On Aug 11, 8:38 am, graceawalker grace_blo...@hotmail.com wrote:

  No, mynonceis definately new every time. Surely if there was
  something wrong with the way it was being generated it would error
  during requestToken/accessToken/VerifyCredentials too?? All the code
  ive looked through is doing it exactly the same way. Is the 'status'
  parameter being used just like all the oauth parameters? is an
  'invalidnonce' error, definately an invalidnonceor could it be to
  do with the timestamp and timezones. Clutching at straws here...

  On Aug 11, 3:12 am, Chris Babcock cbabc...@asciiking.com wrote:

   On Mon, 10 Aug 2009 04:14:43 -0700 (PDT)

   graceawalker grace_blo...@hotmail.com wrote:
I am calling and getting the whole way up to getting the access token
just fine in my app (one im writing myself in c#), but when i try and
call the update status URL im getting an 'Invalid/usednonce' error in
my response data. Im not sure why this is, im calling the update
method in the exact same way that i called request token apart from
the new 'status' parameter in the query string. I call 'verify
credentials' with my access token to ensure that it is working and it
sends me back all of the correct data, but it is erroring when trying
to update my status. Is there any obvious solution to this, or am i
not supposed to be signing and organising the parameters in the same
way that i did before? Im really stuck here guys and need help!

   Right, thenonceis a number used once. Its purpose is to prevent
   replay attacks. If you use the samenoncefor more than one call to the
   API then you *should* be getting an error.

   Chris- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[twitter-dev] Re: API Calls During DoS Attack

2009-08-07 Thread Zaudio

I'm getting the ame problem with bullsonwallstreet.com - previous
whitelisted rates of 2 now down to 150... not recovered yet.

And I throttle all requests to a pretty low level for the REST API...
but still down at 150!

Let's hope that this attack ends soon, and honest users can have the
performance needed back again soon!


On Aug 7, 7:48 am, Hedley Robertson hedley.robert...@gmail.com
 Yes seems like this is some sort of IP based blocking that they introduced,
 since one of my production servers started failing yesterday, then the other
 server, on a different IP, which was consistantly working, started failing
 later in the evening.

 Any suggestions on who can I contact directly to get this resolved?  I
 filled out the 'whitelisting form' just now, but never had to worry about it
 in the past as my application is not abusive with rate limits, and not sure
 if this is the best channel anyway, since its more of an incorrect /
 misapplied blacklisting issue, it would seem?


 On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 3:42 AM, Dewald Pretorius dpr...@gmail.com wrote:

  They are definitely still actively blocking all volume requests.

  I noticed this morning that my website was working. Checked, and my
  rate limit was back to 20,000.

  So, I switched on one of my cron jobs, and within less than 5 minutes
  all requests from my IP were being completely blocked again.

  Wonder just how big are these woods that Twitter has to come out of.

  Dewald- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[twitter-dev] Re: twitter api server seems to be down (getting invalid signature) since 5.15 pm pst

2009-07-28 Thread Zaudio

Mine were all to do with urlencoding, and ensuring all post data is
sent as post data, and none on the querystring for the URL; and thus
ensuring I use the modified URLencoding method required for Oauth -
which was previously being used, but not on the post data!

Once I did that, that test updates with all sorts of characters now
succeed every time... including spacesetc etc

Seems good now... hope it stays that way!

Good luck to you guys!

On Jul 27, 10:46 pm, Duane Roelands duane.roela...@gmail.com wrote:
 From my experimenting, it appears that posting a tweet is successful
 if the text contains no spaces.  Once you have a space in the tweet,
 it fails.  Researching...

 On Jul 28, 12:29 am, winrich winric...@gmail.com wrote:

  ok guys.

  so my calls were failing on the verify_credentials call and not on the
  update or timeline calls. the only difference i saw was the the
  verify_credential call wasn't secured. i changed it to https and it
  worked. ??? lol

  On Jul 27, 9:19 pm, Chad Etzel jazzyc...@gmail.com wrote:

   On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 11:55 PM, Duane

   Roelandsduane.roela...@gmail.com wrote:
RTFM is not a helpful answer, especially when many developers are
relying on libraries that they did not write.

   That's a risk you run when using code you didn't write.

   I'm not saying that this situation doesn't suck for those affected.
   I'm sure that it does. But, for a technology so new as OAuth, the
   libraries may not be mature yet.

   Officially, Twitter OAuth is still in Public Beta and has never been
   officially recommended to integrate into production code. That being
   said, there could still be a problem on Twitter's end with their
   signature verification mechanism and the libraries could all be valid.
   I don't have a way of knowing.

   I do agree that at least a note that a security change was pushed
   today would be nice, though.


[twitter-dev] Re: twitter api server seems to be down (getting invalid signature) since 5.15 pm pst

2009-07-28 Thread Zaudio

I don't myself think that twitter are doing anything more than
enforcing the standard. I spent 3 hours 'fixing' my code for our
application (uses Shannon Whitley's c# library as a base); I only
found two bugs in thelibrary that caused any problem... the use of
httputility.urlencode in place of the modified urlencode already
implemented for use with Oauth, as required by the spec... the library
just wasn't using it in two places.
Following that, I found I was passing some bad strings to the
library... so the methods in it were not urldecoding and re-
urlencoding the postdata as required to get it to meet the spec. Once
I fixed that also, all seems good.

So if our app now posts all data fine over Oauth, it suggests that
twitter's interface is OK?


On Jul 28, 8:16 am, BlueSkies scarter28m-goo...@yahoo.com wrote:
 I'm the developer who reported this problem to Twitter offline.  I had
 been preparing a test case for them when I noticed this 

 I then skipped the preparation of the test case and sent e-mail
 directly to Twitter since this was what I considered to be a high risk

 Since the fix from Twitter went in for this last night, I have also
 seen some strange behaviour with OAuth.  I'm getting a lot of 401
 responses for users who were already logged in.   I'm also getting
 sporadic bad responses for accesses that ask for a request token (BTW
 - I'm using https if that makes any difference).

 I think that there is still a problem.  I've switched my application
 back to using Basic Auth for now.

 - Scott