Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV

2005-04-18 Thread Bruce Nichol
Goo'day, Mark,At 00:04 19/04/05 -0400, you wrote:
I got good at writing English-like Basic programs (sorting, break-on,
totals, id-supp, det-supp etc) 20 years ago with large files and very slow
systems. Basic can generate multiple simultaneous (not just consecutive,
simultaneous) reports and having gotten some good experience that way, in
addition to being very good at designing correlatives and English (i'm
showing my roots) reports, I can know when to 'turn the corner' and develop
in Basic and not English.
Turning the corner means that English cannot create the report, either by
logic, combining datafiles or combined detail/summary/recaps. Many clients
appreciate the results of these advanced reports and knowing when to turn
the corner makes me more effecient.
I think most of us have Pick-growed-up that way, and it's only just 
recently - the past 2 years or so, that I've looked at things somewhat 
differently. I've ported just about everything to  QM  now, 
and QMQuery (English, et al) has a "PAN" and "SCROLL" which allows 
screen-based reports to be panned - across the screen, beyond the 80/132, 
and scrolled - pages backward and forward or to a specified page.Also, 
we've standardised on laser printers now, and in landscape, all reports are 
up to 170 chars wide.

QM's PAN allows some columns to be "locked" and those to the right of them 
to be panned. Very useful for wiide reports...

This made me re-think my past Pick/UV years and I decided while converting 
to try to treat all of my reports to PANning and SCROLLing, so they could 
be "scren-previewed", even it it's only the first page, before printing 
.  It wasn't travelling too easy for me under BASIC, so then for those 
mongrel reports I couldn't use QMQuery to put together as I wanted, I 
resorted to converting the original BASIC process to writing the results to 
a temporary file (plus getting the requisite DICT items from a table) and 
then using QMQuery on the temporary file to produce what I wanted.

It turned out there were few reporting programs in the suite that needed to 
be dealt with in this manner, but I was/am surprised at the speed of 
production - doesn't seem to be much different to putting the report 
together under BASIC.Helps, too, when trying to export the stuff as 
.CSV (or, should that be ".TSV" for  separated???) for spreadsheets, 

Users have reported that the "preview" process is better, too, in that in 
the past some reports were only printed to "look at" and now it can be done 
at the screen..

A bit of a win/win
- Original Message -
To: ; 
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV
> > Is it simpler to change the sort sequence in basic or English ?
> Why should it make any difference? "EXECUTE SELECT" is your friend :-)
> >
> > Is it simple to add subtotals in basic or English ?
> Don't jump to conclusions. Given my data, do subtotals even make sense?
> >
> > Is it easier to export data in basic or English ?
> Is it easier to handle SUBvalues in basic or in English? (and no, we don't
all use UniData :-)
> Cheers,
> Wol
> >
> > Mark Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > How can Basic be limiting. It has everything English (sic) has and so
> > more. In fact, there are many reports that 'turn the corner' and cannot
> > done in English and must be done in Basic.
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Dave S"
> > To:
> > Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 10:35 PM
> > Subject: Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV
> >
> >
> > > That's the danger of creating reports in Basic. As you can see it's
> > limiting.
> > >
> > >
> > > Mark Johnson wrote:
> > > I have my own method of taking English (access etc) statements and
> > creating
> > > CSV's. I'm talking about not re-engineering existing report.
> > >
> > > Thanks.
> > >
> > > - Original Message -
> > > From: "Dave S"
> > > To:
> > > Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 7:57 PM
> > > Subject: Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV
> > >
> > >
> > > > If the reports where written in Uniquery it would be simpler to
> > > data from them.
> > > >
> > > > Have you looked at MVQUERY ?
> > > >
> > > > Key Ally wrote:
> > > > [AD] You can do this with Zeus as well, and Zeus has other
> > > > which Monarch does not share. ( [/AD]
> > > >
> > > > Roger Glenfield wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Monarch from Datawatch. Converts report files into data.
> > > > > Mark Johnson wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >> The whole premise was to use the existing reports that are
> > > > >> designed and not re-engineer them.
> > > > >> Like many systems, this one is full of finished reports (both
> > > > >> and
> > > > >> databasic) and the object is to send them to the hold-file and
> > > > >> convert from
> > > > >> there. I don't want to re-invent the report generation logic,
> > > > >> use the
> > > > >> hold fil

[U2] Solonde Warehouse Workbench for u2

2005-04-18 Thread Rosenberg Ben
A friend of mine is evaluating ETL tools
that might be useful for developing and
maintaining an MS-SQL-based data warehouse
where one major data source is u2-based.

My friend is probably going to use DTS
(recently renamed as SSIS in MS-SQL-2005),
and is also evaluating some well known
tools such as Altova MapForce, and some
little known tools, such as from Solonde.

The Solonde WWB looks interesting, but the
company's small size and lack of marketing
fail to inspire confidence, and may prevent
corporate HQ from approving them as a vendor.

On the other hand, they do have some notable
client sites in Germany.

Anybody care to share their Solonde experience,
either here in public, or privately, off-line?
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Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV

2005-04-18 Thread Mark Johnson
Thanks for the critique.

I have access to virtually all of the procs or basic that creates these
client's reports. It always comes down to money with my clients, not pure
technology. Thus, Re-directing their existing hold-files puts basic and
English on the same playing field.

It's a lot easier to take the existing proven report logic and convert the
hold-files than to read through each one at a time to re-generate them.

The concept of standards is IMHO water under the bridge. My opinions are
influenced by my diverse set of clients with barely the same apps running on
more than one. Even RESULTS (circa 1981) has had 24 years to deviate and
that's evident with my 3 present RESULTS clients. Factor in the other dozen
or so systems and there's no such a thing as a standard.

In either case, CSV or standards, I am not afforded the luxury of turning
simple requests into 15 month projects. I've got to get in, produce the
results in a cost-effective fashion and move to the next issue.

BTW, I'm the first one to use English for reports. That's what it's there
for. But many clients get tickled when I take 2 or more cumbersome reports
and combine them into one report either simultaneous or consecutive. They
don't care if it's english, basic or BAL. It makes their job easier.

my 2 cents.

- Original Message -
From: "Stevenson, Charles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 11:24 AM
Subject: RE: [U2] Hold-file to CSV

> > From: Mark Johnson
> >
> > How can Basic be limiting. It has everything English (sic)
> > has and so much more. In fact, there are many reports that
> > 'turn the corner' and cannot be done in English and must be
> > done in Basic.
> If you will stipulate that - generally speaking - the most important
> attribute of SOFTWARE QUALITY is MAINTAINABILITY then Retrieve /
> UniQuery / MVQuery / even English is - generally speaking - the superior
> environment for reporting.
> language, being a higher level than Basic is generally more readable.
> The self-contained MODULAR nature of dictionary items lends itself to
> allowing reports to be easily changed.   The can also be REUSED on other
> reports.
> In that sense, basic is much more limiting.
> For example (if I may expand on what I *think* Dave S means), if you
> have reports defined in the Query language, it is often very simple to
> redirect the output in a new CSV format ( e.g., UD: DELIM keyword, UV:
> SAVING EVAL "fld1:char(9):fld2").  That is usually much easier to do
> than changing a basic program.  And when you're done, you've reused
> existing code which needs to be maintained once, rather than duplicating
> a basic program whose processing is  integrated and not modular.  When a
> change needs to be made (e.g., selection criteria or add output fields,
> you have to change 1 shared phrase or I-descriptor rather than dig
> through the guts of 2 basic programs.  Often the maintenance programmer
> will forget there are 2 programs, change only one and the divergence
> begins.
> We've had this discussion before.  You can look through the archives and
> see that I respectfully disagree with Mark's theory of reporting.  If
> and when I get to set programming standards, I say all reports should be
> written in the Query language, unless you can prove your case for doing
> otherwise.
> There are also techniques involving I-descriptor subroutines, named
> common, phrases, etc. that need to be part of the programming standard.
> (The SRS.UV.HEADER subroutine mentioned in a recent thread demonstrates
> some good practices.)
> One reason for not using the query language is for pretty reports that
> go to external clients, where the Query language's output format is too
> limiting.
> Another admitted weakness is the lack of a tool built into any MV IDE to
> easily display or group all the modular components of a report logically
> for a programmer to browse through them.
> ---
> Having said all that, Mark's original question was a good one and the
> above tangential discussion does not address it.  There are tons of
> legacy reports from tons of legacy systems (not just MV!) that need to
> be deciphered and reformatted into modern spreadsheets.
> I think Mark's original question was this:
> Suppose you do not have access to whatever produces the reports, and all
> you have is the output report.  What is the best way to extract its data
> into a CSV file or spreadsheet?
> I believe a number of people suggested products to do just that.  This
> is not just a U2 or MV question & answer.
>  - Chuck Stevenson
> ---
> u2-users mailing list
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Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV

2005-04-18 Thread Mark Johnson
I got good at writing English-like Basic programs (sorting, break-on,
totals, id-supp, det-supp etc) 20 years ago with large files and very slow
systems. Basic can generate multiple simultaneous (not just consecutive,
simultaneous) reports and having gotten some good experience that way, in
addition to being very good at designing correlatives and English (i'm
showing my roots) reports, I can know when to 'turn the corner' and develop
in Basic and not English.

Turning the corner means that English cannot create the report, either by
logic, combining datafiles or combined detail/summary/recaps. Many clients
appreciate the results of these advanced reports and knowing when to turn
the corner makes me more effecient.
- Original Message -
To: ; 
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV

> > Is it simpler to change the sort sequence in basic or English ?
> Why should it make any difference? "EXECUTE SELECT" is your friend :-)
> >
> > Is it simple to add subtotals in basic or English ?
> Don't jump to conclusions. Given my data, do subtotals even make sense?
> >
> > Is it easier to export data in basic or English ?
> Is it easier to handle SUBvalues in basic or in English? (and no, we don't
all use UniData :-)
> Cheers,
> Wol
> >
> > Mark Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > How can Basic be limiting. It has everything English (sic) has and so
> > more. In fact, there are many reports that 'turn the corner' and cannot
> > done in English and must be done in Basic.
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Dave S"
> > To:
> > Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 10:35 PM
> > Subject: Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV
> >
> >
> > > That's the danger of creating reports in Basic. As you can see it's
> > limiting.
> > >
> > >
> > > Mark Johnson wrote:
> > > I have my own method of taking English (access etc) statements and
> > creating
> > > CSV's. I'm talking about not re-engineering existing report.
> > >
> > > Thanks.
> > >
> > > - Original Message -
> > > From: "Dave S"
> > > To:
> > > Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 7:57 PM
> > > Subject: Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV
> > >
> > >
> > > > If the reports where written in Uniquery it would be simpler to
> > > data from them.
> > > >
> > > > Have you looked at MVQUERY ?
> > > >
> > > > Key Ally wrote:
> > > > [AD] You can do this with Zeus as well, and Zeus has other
> > > > which Monarch does not share. ( [/AD]
> > > >
> > > > Roger Glenfield wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Monarch from Datawatch. Converts report files into data.
> > > > > Mark Johnson wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >> The whole premise was to use the existing reports that are
> > > > >> designed and not re-engineer them.
> > > > >> Like many systems, this one is full of finished reports (both
> > > > >> and
> > > > >> databasic) and the object is to send them to the hold-file and
> > > > >> convert from
> > > > >> there. I don't want to re-invent the report generation logic,
> > > > >> use the
> > > > >> hold files.
> > > > ---
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> > > > Plan great trips with Yahoo! Travel: Now over 17,000 guides!
> > > > ---
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> > >
> > > __
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Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV

2005-04-18 Thread Mark Johnson

- Original Message -
From: "Paul Trebbien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 11:22 AM
Subject: RE: [U2] Hold-file to CSV

> Hi Mark,
> I note you're from Comcast - they used to run use the DataFlo ERP
> system.  I met Comcast employees in 2002 at the Epicor Users Group
> conference in Minnesota.  I believe Comcast has switched to E by Epicor.
> Anyway, possibly if you still have wIntegrate you can use the Query
> Builder for generating a report in CSV format.  Essentially, you need the
> 'output' in a file so Query Builder can use an Info/Access statement to
> import that data to your PC.
>   For the last 20 years I've been supporting DataFlo (at DataWorks,
> then Epicor, and now here at Kore Technologies).  What I do for my
> who request that I add the ability to 'Export' the basic program report to
> an Excel Spreadsheet is to use the DataFlo Report Manager's Export option.
> The processing goes something like this:
> * Select the records.
> * Call Conversion subroutine to build records in a temporary file,
> before returning be sure to select/save the list of records from the
> temporary file.
> * Report manager sends a 'get-list' statement and the list of dict
> items to wIntegrate's Import Utility which transfers the output to the xls
> file on the user's PC.
>   In that Conversion subroutine (copy of the basic program that used
> generate the output), I create a single record for each line of output
> the data in each attribute representing what would be in the columns.
> if there is another file which has the same data configuration I can
> mine the same so can use that dictionary for the Report Manager's 'Export'
> dict items list.  DataFlo is nice that it has a temporary work file for
> user that logs on (TWFnnn) which I use as it enables multiple users to run
> the same report at the same time.
> Hopefully, this will help.  I discussed this concept in our Kore
> Newsletters using the Sales Order Backlog Report as an example.  See the
> July, August, and September of 2002 issues which everyone is welcome to
> at on our website at - under the  tab choose "News and
> Events" and go to the bottom of the page for a links to all past
> newsletters.  Look for Paul's Corner and my Q&A's.
> Have a Great Day!
> > Paul Trebbien
> > Kore Technologies, Senior Support Tech.
> > "Solutions that work. People who care."
> > V 858.678.0030 F 858.300.2600 W
> >
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Mark Johnson
> Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 6:34 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV
> How can Basic be limiting. It has everything English (sic) has and so much
> more. In fact, there are many reports that 'turn the corner' and cannot be
> done in English and must be done in Basic.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Dave S" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 10:35 PM
> Subject: Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV
> > That's the danger of creating reports in Basic. As you can see it's very
> limiting.
> >
> >
> > Mark Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have my own method of taking English (access etc) statements and
> creating
> > CSV's. I'm talking about not re-engineering existing report.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Dave S"
> > To:
> > Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 7:57 PM
> > Subject: Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV
> >
> >
> > > If the reports where written in Uniquery it would be simpler to
> > data from them.
> > >
> > > Have you looked at MVQUERY ?
> > >
> > > Key Ally wrote:
> > > [AD] You can do this with Zeus as well, and Zeus has other advantages
> > > which Monarch does not share. ( [/AD]
> > >
> > > Roger Glenfield wrote:
> > >
> > > > Monarch from Datawatch. Converts report files into data.
> > > > Mark Johnson wrote:
> > > >
> > > >> The whole premise was to use the existing reports that are
> > > >> designed and not re-engineer them.
> > > >> Like many systems, this one is full of finished reports (both
> > > >> and
> > > >> databasic) and the object is to send them to the hold-file and
> > > >> convert from
> > > >> there. I don't want to re-invent the report generation logic, just
> > > >> use the
> > > >> hold files.
> > > ---
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> > > Plan great trips with Yahoo! Travel: Now over 17,000 guides!
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> >
> > __

Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV

2005-04-18 Thread Mark Johnson
To answer your specific questions, no, no, no. Once designed, basic can do
everything that English can, albiet the afterthought changes may be more

We all strive towards getting as many reports from English (sic) as
possible. That's obvious. Surely you recognize when you 'turn the corner'
and cannot produce what you want in English and you must use basic.That's

- Original Message -
From: "Dave S" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 10:12 AM
Subject: Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV

> Is it simpler to change the sort sequence in basic or English ?
> Is it simple to add subtotals in basic or English ?
> Is it easier to export data in basic or English ?
> Mark Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How can Basic be limiting. It has everything English (sic) has and so much
> more. In fact, there are many reports that 'turn the corner' and cannot be
> done in English and must be done in Basic.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Dave S"
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 10:35 PM
> Subject: Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV
> > That's the danger of creating reports in Basic. As you can see it's very
> limiting.
> >
> >
> > Mark Johnson wrote:
> > I have my own method of taking English (access etc) statements and
> creating
> > CSV's. I'm talking about not re-engineering existing report.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Dave S"
> > To:
> > Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 7:57 PM
> > Subject: Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV
> >
> >
> > > If the reports where written in Uniquery it would be simpler to
> > data from them.
> > >
> > > Have you looked at MVQUERY ?
> > >
> > > Key Ally wrote:
> > > [AD] You can do this with Zeus as well, and Zeus has other advantages
> > > which Monarch does not share. ( [/AD]
> > >
> > > Roger Glenfield wrote:
> > >
> > > > Monarch from Datawatch. Converts report files into data.
> > > > Mark Johnson wrote:
> > > >
> > > >> The whole premise was to use the existing reports that are
> > > >> designed and not re-engineer them.
> > > >> Like many systems, this one is full of finished reports (both
> > > >> and
> > > >> databasic) and the object is to send them to the hold-file and
> > > >> convert from
> > > >> there. I don't want to re-invent the report generation logic, just
> > > >> use the
> > > >> hold files.
> > > ---
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> > >
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> > __
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Re: [U2] Decoding 64Base string

2005-04-18 Thread Craig Bennett
I am looking for information on decoding a base64 string.  We will be
receiving this back with an xml stream from a client.  The base64
string is a image which we must decode and write out.
what version of U2 are you on? What O/S?
UV 10.0 and later allows you to call
ALG = "Base64"
ACTION = 2 ;* 1 = Encode, 2 = Decode
INLOC = 1  ;* 1 = Data in string, 2 = Data in file (B64DATA should hold 
path to file)
OUTLOC = 1  ;* 1 = Data in string, 2 = Data in file (RESULT should hold 
path to file)

* 1 - Unsupported Algorithm
* 2 - Invalid Parameters
* 3 - Data cannot be read
* 4 - data cannot be encoded/decoded
You could also find a uudecode utility for your O/S. Write the data to a 
type 19 (DIR) file and execute the command to decode it.

Lastly you could read RFC3548 and roll your own converter.
As a hint, BYTEVAL(STR, POS) is much faster than SEQ(STR[POS,1]) under UV.

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RE: [U2] MvInternet

2005-04-18 Thread Ross Ferris
I wasn't aware that MvInternet & Web Wizard had an IDE ... and API
maybe, but there is no integrated design environment (IDE) allowing you
to manage the database environment, code, build screens, reports etc

There ARE products (like Visage) that provide REAL IDE's for U2, so I'd
say there are actually at least 4 categories ...

Ross Ferris
Stamina Software
Visage - an Evolution in Software Development

>-Original Message-
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-u2-
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Randall
>Sent: Friday, 15 April 2005 12:48 AM
>Subject: RE: [U2] MvInternet
>Trying my best to be impartial and simple,  I think there are 3
>of web connectivity products for U2.
>1. You have what I call the web for pick programmers products.  These
>tools that allow you to do the majority of the work in BASIC with the
>product's IDE and they generate the web stuff for you.
>Pros:  You don't need to know much about web technologies to get
>up and running.
>Cons:   Integration and functionality limitations because of code
>generation.  Scalability
>2. Connectivity products.   These make U2 accessible to web
>No IDE involved and you work in the web technology of choice.  (Redback
>PDP .net)
>Pros:  Unlimited flexibility and control.
>Cons:  Price?  Web technology expertise required
>3. Roll you own.   These are the cgi scripts using Perl/PHP etc.
>Pros: Low cost
>Cons: Limited functionality
>If anyone has any ideas they would share, please contact me at
>u2-users mailing list
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Re[2]: [U2] Decoding 64Base string

2005-04-18 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

thanks .. i didn't even realize it was there 

Monday, April 18, 2005, 2:47:12 PM, you wrote:

MD> David,
MD> We user the UniVerse base 64 Encode feature to decode pdf's from xml files.
MD> The following line is what we do.  We do use variable names in place of all
MD> the parameters in our actual code.

MD> STATUS = ENCODE("Base64",2,"filename_in",2,"filename_out,2)

MD> Mike

MD> -Original Message-
MD> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Tod Sigafoos
MD> Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 1:32 PM
MD> To:
MD> Subject: [U2] Decoding 64Base string

MD> I am looking for information on decoding a base64 string.  We will be
MD> receiving this back with an xml stream from a client.  The base64
MD> string is a image which we must decode and write out.

MD> Anyone having done this?  Would love to talk to you about it or
MD> possibly get snippets to get us on our way.

MD> I have searched the u2ug site but found nothing
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Re[2]: [U2] Decoding 64Base string {Unclassified}

2005-04-18 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

thanks .. will check that out

Monday, April 18, 2005, 2:32:11 PM, you wrote:

HMM> If you're on UniVerse and on release 10.x (UD 6.x may have the same
HMM> functionality, check the IBM reference manuals, for UV it's in the
HMM> "Basic Extensions" manual) then you should be able to use the ENCODE()
HMM> function.  Your code might look a bit like this:

HMM>   E.DLOC   = '1' ; * data passed directly
HMM>   E.RLOC   = '1' ; * result in a string
HMM>   E.ALG= 'Base64'
HMM>   E.DATA   = ''
HMM>   E.RESULT = ''

HMM>   * Note that E.DATA needs to be delimited by a CHAR(10) at the end
HMM> for some reason
HMM>   E.DATA = My.Base64.Encoded.string:CHAR(10)

HMM>   E.RESULT = ''
HMM>   E.ACTION = '2'   ; * Base64 decode
HMM>  CRT ' Plain Text ':QUOTE(E.RESULT)


HMM> Mike

>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
>> David Tod Sigafoos
>> Sent: Tuesday, 19 April 2005 05:32
>> To:
>> Subject: [U2] Decoding 64Base string
>> I am looking for information on decoding a base64 string.  We 
>> will be receiving this back with an xml stream from a client. 
>>  The base64 string is a image which we must decode and write out.
>> Anyone having done this?  Would love to talk to you about it 
>> or possibly get snippets to get us on our way.
>> I have searched the u2ug site but found nothing
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RE: [U2] MvInternet - IBM Licensing Requirement

2005-04-18 Thread David Jordan
Hi Dave

I cannot stress that the points I raise are those that are raised by an
international consortium of IBM, Microsoft, CA and others to clamp down on
piracy.  The perception is piracy is the corner market selling bootleg
copies of Office, etc.  However their focus is on licensing breaches.  They
see no difference between using 10 copies of word on 1 license of Word or
providing 10 users access to a database with 1 user licenses.  

What I am trying to do is raise peoples attention to the issue and would
strongly advise people not to assume legality of the raised methods but to
seek legal advice especially under SOX.

There is a requirement for IBM to look at licensing to handle the new
requirements and the U2UG will raise the issue with IBM.


David Jordan
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RE: [U2] Decoding 64Base string

2005-04-18 Thread Mike Dallaire
We user the UniVerse base 64 Encode feature to decode pdf's from xml files.
The following line is what we do.  We do use variable names in place of all
the parameters in our actual code.

STATUS = ENCODE("Base64",2,"filename_in",2,"filename_out,2)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Tod Sigafoos
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 1:32 PM
Subject: [U2] Decoding 64Base string

I am looking for information on decoding a base64 string.  We will be
receiving this back with an xml stream from a client.  The base64
string is a image which we must decode and write out.

Anyone having done this?  Would love to talk to you about it or
possibly get snippets to get us on our way.

I have searched the u2ug site but found nothing

thanks ..

David Tod Sigafoos
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RE: [U2] Decoding 64Base string {Unclassified}

2005-04-18 Thread HENDERSON MIKE, MR
If you're on UniVerse and on release 10.x (UD 6.x may have the same
functionality, check the IBM reference manuals, for UV it's in the
"Basic Extensions" manual) then you should be able to use the ENCODE()
function.  Your code might look a bit like this:

  E.DLOC   = '1' ; * data passed directly
  E.RLOC   = '1' ; * result in a string
  E.ALG= 'Base64'
  E.DATA   = ''
  E.RESULT = ''

  * Note that E.DATA needs to be delimited by a CHAR(10) at the end
for some reason
  E.DATA = My.Base64.Encoded.string:CHAR(10)

  E.RESULT = ''
  E.ACTION = '2'   ; * Base64 decode
 CRT ' Plain Text ':QUOTE(E.RESULT)



> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> David Tod Sigafoos
> Sent: Tuesday, 19 April 2005 05:32
> To:
> Subject: [U2] Decoding 64Base string
> I am looking for information on decoding a base64 string.  We 
> will be receiving this back with an xml stream from a client. 
>  The base64 string is a image which we must decode and write out.
> Anyone having done this?  Would love to talk to you about it 
> or possibly get snippets to get us on our way.
> I have searched the u2ug site but found nothing
> thanks ..
> --
> DSig
> David Tod Sigafoos
> ---
> u2-users mailing list
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RE: [U2][UD] JDBC connection

2005-04-18 Thread Chauhan, Savita

My url string was wrong:
String url

It shd have been
String url

It needed two slashes (/) between the server ( and
the account path (/the/acct/path )- one is separator and the other one
to signify the root directory.

It took me 3 hours to figure this out!!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ian Renfrew
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: [U2][UD] JDBC connection 

Mind sharing the solution in the event others encounter the same or
issue in the future.

As Dawn M. Wolthuis, would say 'Take and give some delight today.'

Regards,  Ian Renfrew

- Original Message - 
From: "Chauhan, Savita" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 3:23 PM
Subject: RE: [U2][UD] JDBC connection

> Hi All,
> Thanks for any help.
> Just to let you all know, I got my program working.
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chauhan,
> Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 12:43 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [U2][UD] JDBC connection
> I am not connecting thru a webserver. I am trying to directly connect
> UniData machine.
> This is my first attempt to connect thru java. So please let me know
> what settings do I have to look for and where?
> Thanks.
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin King
> Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 12:32 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [U2][UD] JDBC connection
> Check your webserver configuration.  Just because you can login w/
> telnet doesn't mean the webserver is open to that dir.
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chauhan,
> Savita
> Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 11:13 AM
> To:
> Subject: [U2][UD] JDBC connection
> I am trying to connect to UniData (on AIX) from my PC through a java
> program.
> This is how I am trying to connect:
> String url =
> "jdbc:ibm-u2://;dbmstype=UNIDATA";
> Class.forName("");
> Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "john", "johnpass");
> When I run this program it gives me following error:
> "You don't have permissions to chdir to /the/acct/path"
> But when I (say John) logon directly to unix, I can cd to
> /the/acct/path !!
> Can someone please tell me the cause of this error?
> Thanks.
> ---
> u2-users mailing list
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> --
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> -- 
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> ---
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Re: [U2] Re: Decoding Base64 String

2005-04-18 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Monday, April 18, 2005, 11:59:00 AM, you wrote:

JS> Go here:

JS> Freeware command line base64 encoder/decoder

oh man .. thanks .. i think  .. c .. uuu

JS> Quoting David Tod Sigafoos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>> I am looking for information on decoding a base64 string.  We will be
>> receiving this back with an xml stream from a client.  The base64
>> string is a image which we must decode and write out.

DSig `
David Tod Sigafoos  ( O O )
 ___oOOo__( )__oOOo___
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RE: [U2] IBM Licensing Requirement

2005-04-18 Thread Tony Gravagno
It's been very interesting to see this healthy discussion unfold.  As Dave
and Glen and others have said, it's time to review licensing for modern
usage.  The only reason I can think of as to why the DBMS vendors aren't
coming up with something is that the discussion is just too complex and no
one has any solid ideas about how to make this work in a techincal and
business sense.

Wendy, I wasn't aware of the aspect of licensing you mention below, and
there is apparent room for intentional and unintentional abuse.  If that's
the case then I'd say IBM has been too generous in their 10 to 1 device
licensing.  I tend to look at that as giving people just a little too much
rope to hang themselves.


Wendy Smoak wrote:
> With device licensing, you can get ten connections per
> license.  When all the connections are coming from one
> 'factory' that can vary the device subkey after each ten
> connections... there you go, potentially ten different 
> users on one license. 
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Re: [U2][UD] JDBC connection

2005-04-18 Thread Ian Renfrew
Mind sharing the solution in the event others encounter the same or similiar 
issue in the future.

As Dawn M. Wolthuis, would say 'Take and give some delight today.'
Regards,  Ian Renfrew
- Original Message - 
From: "Chauhan, Savita" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 3:23 PM
Subject: RE: [U2][UD] JDBC connection

Hi All,
Thanks for any help.
Just to let you all know, I got my program working.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chauhan, Savita
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 12:43 PM
Subject: RE: [U2][UD] JDBC connection
I am not connecting thru a webserver. I am trying to directly connect to
UniData machine.
This is my first attempt to connect thru java. So please let me know
what settings do I have to look for and where?
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin King
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 12:32 PM
Subject: RE: [U2][UD] JDBC connection
Check your webserver configuration.  Just because you can login w/
telnet doesn't mean the webserver is open to that dir.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chauhan,
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 11:13 AM
Subject: [U2][UD] JDBC connection
I am trying to connect to UniData (on AIX) from my PC through a java
This is how I am trying to connect:
String url =
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "john", "johnpass");
When I run this program it gives me following error:
"You don't have permissions to chdir to /the/acct/path"
But when I (say John) logon directly to unix, I can cd to
/the/acct/path !!
Can someone please tell me the cause of this error?
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RE: [U2][UD] JDBC connection

2005-04-18 Thread Chauhan, Savita
Hi All,
Thanks for any help.

Just to let you all know, I got my program working.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chauhan, Savita
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 12:43 PM
Subject: RE: [U2][UD] JDBC connection 

I am not connecting thru a webserver. I am trying to directly connect to
UniData machine.
This is my first attempt to connect thru java. So please let me know
what settings do I have to look for and where?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin King
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 12:32 PM
Subject: RE: [U2][UD] JDBC connection 

Check your webserver configuration.  Just because you can login w/
telnet doesn't mean the webserver is open to that dir. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chauhan,
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 11:13 AM
Subject: [U2][UD] JDBC connection 

I am trying to connect to UniData (on AIX) from my PC through a java

This is how I am trying to connect:

String url =
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "john", "johnpass");

When I run this program it gives me following error:
"You don't have permissions to chdir to /the/acct/path"

But when I (say John) logon directly to unix, I can cd to
/the/acct/path !!

Can someone please tell me the cause of this error?

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RE: [U2] Decoding 64Base string

2005-04-18 Thread Rex Gozar
Universe has the ENCODE function.  When I tried using it last, it seemed to
encode my data into base64 just fine, but decoding always gave me an empty
string.  Eventually, I just wrote my own encoding/decoding functions from
documentation off the www.

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[U2] Please, Be Kind & Trim

2005-04-18 Thread TPellitieri
Just a reminder to be kind and trim your replies to the relevant portions
of prior posts.  I just received the second digest for today, which
contained just 12 new messages.  Several contained the full text (including
posting footers) of three prior messages.

Some people on the list still have to worry about access time and mailbox


--Tom Pellitieri
  Century Equipment
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[U2] Re: Decoding Base64 String

2005-04-18 Thread Jeff Schasny
Go here:

Freeware command line base64 encoder/decoder

Quoting David Tod Sigafoos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I am looking for information on decoding a base64 string.  We will be
> receiving this back with an xml stream from a client.  The base64
> string is a image which we must decode and write out.

Jeff Schasny | Denver, Colorado, USA | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [U2] MvInternet - IBM Licensing Requirement

2005-04-18 Thread Marc Harbeson
The legal run around would be write a transaction interface for MV to
SQL, and float a SQL processor license solution on the web side...

At this point you think "why do I want to even use a U2 backend?"

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bill H.
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 1:44 PM
Subject: RE: [U2] MvInternet - IBM Licensing Requirement

Somehow or other this thread points out issue(s) mvDbms vendors need to
to grips with.

I got onto google and entered "SQL Server site license" and picked the
link I saw and found out I could get a single processor SQL Server
license for $3,500 (or a single processor SQL Server Enterprise license
$7,500).  To me this means I get an unlimited user SQL Server license
for a
single processor for $3,500 (or $7,500 if I'm interested in some
analysis features).  This is specifically offered for e-commerce

It's often been pointed out that the mvDbms products are waay too
expensive by comparison.  This thread has wildly speculated about
"heavy handed" action by IBM in order to continue to overcharge users
for U2
products.  At this rate there won't be any U2 users left.

I don't believe anyone is trying to "cheat" IBM here (and IBM knows it).
Developers are just trying to compete.  This is good; for developers and
IBM.  :-)


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Jordan
> Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 5:38 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [U2] MvInternet - IBM Licensing Requirement
> >I have not
> >heard of a single legal case in the IT world, not just the 
> MV market, 
> >brought by a DBMS vendor against a VAR/developer for abuse of this 
> >common communications design.  I think any company that does 
> so would 
> >be committing political suicide, if it allowed its developer 
> base to go 
> >so long without action, and then all of a sudden claimed 
> that accepted 
> >practices and established connectivity products were now in 
> violation 
> >of their legal terms.
> I am aware of Microsoft doing this.  It has done software 
> audits on even large organisations and clobbered then for 
> breaches on SQL Server license.
> Oracle and IBM have stringent components of their contracts 
> to enable them to do audits.  I have had to sign distributor 
> contract with IBM and it stated that they were entitled to 
> investigate my client's sites to ensure that they have proper 
> licenses.
> As the pressure is on the IT vendors to build revenues and IT 
> spending is down, then sooner or later vendors are going to 
> chase licensing issues to recover revenue.
> >Unless IBM publicly states their position on this topic, takes a 
> >developer to court, or just sends a polite "please rethink 
> your license consumption"
> >note to someone, we will not know how liberal they are about their 
> >licensing, regardless of what their license actually says.  
> My guess is 
> >that no DBMS company will take action unless there is blatent abuse
> It is in the licensing contract and a breach of license can 
> lead to criminal charges to Directors.  Under SOX one cannot 
> ignore this because one thinks it is unlikely to happen.  IBM 
> U2 is not ignoring this area and has already placed 
> restrictions in the use of phantoms to contain this manipulation.
> Additionally:
> The examples you give are not the main issue that causes a 
> breach.  There are a number of applications where users 
> connect and stay connected but through a 3rd party mechanism 
> that channels tasks through one license to the backend that 
> then distributes to multiple background processes.  The 
> intent of this process is not application convenience or 
> style but more an attempt to avoid license fees and many 
> advertise this.  It is this avoidance of license revenue that 
> can expose companies legally.
> I have discussed this issue with both jbase and MvOn as their 
> products talk to Oracle or SQL Server and falls into a 
> similar category where you really only have 1 process 
> accessing the RDBMS, independent of the number of users on 
> jBase or MvOn.  Both organisations have very quickly pointed 
> me to Oracle and Microsoft to discuss licensing issues and 
> neither would publicly recommend that companies run using 1 
> license of Oracle or SQL Server.  This is very much on the 
> radar of database vendors.
> Regards
> David Jordan
> ---
> u2-users mailing list
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Re: [U2] IBM Licensing Requirement

2005-04-18 Thread Dave Taylor
First, UV licensing is not user licensing,  it is client IP Address

Device licensing counts the number of lines connected to the same IP
address, and allows (legally) up to 10 connections per license from the same
IP address.

I understand that UV v10 will automatically open an additional device
license, if one is available, to meet connection demand that exceeds that
available thru the licenses already allocated to an IP address.

More importantly, this discussion (imo) highlights a far greater issue in
User/IP address/connection licensing.

In the 1970's, when minicomputer databases were first introduced, there was
no public internet to speak of.

The number of users of a system was some portion of the total number of
employees in an organization, and that number was easily ascertained.

Today, with access by people outside the organization available thru the
internet, an organization may wish to provide timely information to its
customers  regarding such things as product price and availability, product
fabrication status, order status, shipping information and even on-line
ordering, or to its vendors regarding inventory/replenishment levels, usage
rates and changes in production schedules.

Regardless of whether we use persistent or non-persistent connections (I
prefer persistent connections because they enhance the user experience thru
real-time database interaction), the fact is that there is no way to
ascertain how many people will be connecting to the database via the
internet at any moment in time.

The problem is that the concurrent-user/IP address/connection model of
licensing doesn't work for internet connections, which means it doesn't work
for those mv organizations who are trying to do a better job of supporting
their customers and their vendors via the internet.

So far as I know, Microsoft is the only provider of an operating system that
has recognized this and done something useful about it: they offer the
Windows Server 2003 Web Edition, with only 1 user license, but with
unlimited connections via the internet.

The problem is not in trying to figure out how to out-fox our database
providers.  We must support them financially, because without them we would
all (vendors and end-users) be out of business.

The problem is getting our database providers to pay attention to the needs
of our (and their) customers, and in encouraging them to  come up with a
licensing strategy that meets the emerging needs of the marketplace.

When I suggested this to one of our database providers this year in San
Diego, the response was "we'll think about it when the demand requires us

Well, if varying and unpredictable levels of connectivity via the internet
is as important to us as this discussion suggests (and I do believe that it
is important), then I suggest that we refocus our efforts on communicating
our needs to our database providers.

If they want demand, then let's hear some demand!


Dave Taylor
Sysmark Information Systems, Inc.
49 Aspen Way
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
800-SYSMARK (800-797-6275)
(O) 310-544-1974
(P) 800-339-1497
(F) 310-377-3550

- Original Message - 
From: "Wendy Smoak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 8:27 AM
Subject: RE: [U2] IBM Licensing Requirement

> Tony Gravagno wrote:
> > I'd also like to get some real numbers on the table.  Some
> > people say you
> > can get 10 users on a single license.  Anyone who has implemented a
> > multi-user environment knows this isn't the case because, as
> > stated above,
> > the first user will connect and you'll have 9 people waiting in line
> > afterward.
> With device licensing, you can get ten connections per license.  When
> all the connections are coming from one 'factory' that can vary the
> device subkey after each ten connections... there you go, potentially
> ten different  users on one license.
> -- 
> Wendy Smoak
> Applications Systems Analyst, Sr.
> Arizona State University, PA, IRM
> ---
> u2-users mailing list
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RE: [U2] [UV] Release 3.2 of the SRS_UV_HEADER program now available

2005-04-18 Thread Gyle Iverson
Hello, Tony.

The SRS.UV.HEADER program is nearly public domain. Anyone can do anything
they want with the source code. All I ask is that they distribute the source
code and keep the attributions. A license is not required where conscience
will suffice.

Best regards,

Tony Gravagno says:
>Might be good to post SRS4UV to as an offical 
>open source
>project for discussion, bug/feature tracking, and of course community
>download and maintenance.  You can select from many open 
>source licenses
>that reflects your intent and the rights/obligations of those 
>who use the
>Gyle Iverson wrote:
>> Hundreds of U2UG members downloaded prior releases of the
>> SRS_UV_HEADER program source code. We recently updated
>> the program based on feedback we received from several
>> members. Release 3.2 of the SRS_UV_HEADER program is
>> available at 
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RE: [U2][UD] JDBC connection

2005-04-18 Thread Chauhan, Savita
I am not connecting thru a webserver. I am trying to directly connect to
UniData machine.
This is my first attempt to connect thru java. So please let me know
what settings do I have to look for and where?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin King
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 12:32 PM
Subject: RE: [U2][UD] JDBC connection 

Check your webserver configuration.  Just because you can login w/
telnet doesn't mean the webserver is open to that dir. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chauhan,
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 11:13 AM
Subject: [U2][UD] JDBC connection 

I am trying to connect to UniData (on AIX) from my PC through a java

This is how I am trying to connect:

String url =
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "john", "johnpass");

When I run this program it gives me following error:
"You don't have permissions to chdir to /the/acct/path"

But when I (say John) logon directly to unix, I can cd to
/the/acct/path !!

Can someone please tell me the cause of this error?

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RE: [U2] MvInternet - IBM Licensing Requirement

2005-04-18 Thread Bill H.
Somehow or other this thread points out issue(s) mvDbms vendors need to come
to grips with.

I got onto google and entered "SQL Server site license" and picked the first
link I saw and found out I could get a single processor SQL Server Standard
license for $3,500 (or a single processor SQL Server Enterprise license for
$7,500).  To me this means I get an unlimited user SQL Server license for a
single processor for $3,500 (or $7,500 if I'm interested in some advanced
analysis features).  This is specifically offered for e-commerce

It's often been pointed out that the mvDbms products are waay too
expensive by comparison.  This thread has wildly speculated about possible
"heavy handed" action by IBM in order to continue to overcharge users for U2
products.  At this rate there won't be any U2 users left.

I don't believe anyone is trying to "cheat" IBM here (and IBM knows it).
Developers are just trying to compete.  This is good; for developers and for
IBM.  :-)


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Jordan
> Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 5:38 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [U2] MvInternet - IBM Licensing Requirement
> >I have not
> >heard of a single legal case in the IT world, not just the 
> MV market, 
> >brought by a DBMS vendor against a VAR/developer for abuse of this 
> >common communications design.  I think any company that does 
> so would 
> >be committing political suicide, if it allowed its developer 
> base to go 
> >so long without action, and then all of a sudden claimed 
> that accepted 
> >practices and established connectivity products were now in 
> violation 
> >of their legal terms.
> I am aware of Microsoft doing this.  It has done software 
> audits on even large organisations and clobbered then for 
> breaches on SQL Server license.
> Oracle and IBM have stringent components of their contracts 
> to enable them to do audits.  I have had to sign distributor 
> contract with IBM and it stated that they were entitled to 
> investigate my client's sites to ensure that they have proper 
> licenses.
> As the pressure is on the IT vendors to build revenues and IT 
> spending is down, then sooner or later vendors are going to 
> chase licensing issues to recover revenue.
> >Unless IBM publicly states their position on this topic, takes a 
> >developer to court, or just sends a polite "please rethink 
> your license consumption"
> >note to someone, we will not know how liberal they are about their 
> >licensing, regardless of what their license actually says.  
> My guess is 
> >that no DBMS company will take action unless there is blatent abuse
> It is in the licensing contract and a breach of license can 
> lead to criminal charges to Directors.  Under SOX one cannot 
> ignore this because one thinks it is unlikely to happen.  IBM 
> U2 is not ignoring this area and has already placed 
> restrictions in the use of phantoms to contain this manipulation.
> Additionally:
> The examples you give are not the main issue that causes a 
> breach.  There are a number of applications where users 
> connect and stay connected but through a 3rd party mechanism 
> that channels tasks through one license to the backend that 
> then distributes to multiple background processes.  The 
> intent of this process is not application convenience or 
> style but more an attempt to avoid license fees and many 
> advertise this.  It is this avoidance of license revenue that 
> can expose companies legally.
> I have discussed this issue with both jbase and MvOn as their 
> products talk to Oracle or SQL Server and falls into a 
> similar category where you really only have 1 process 
> accessing the RDBMS, independent of the number of users on 
> jBase or MvOn.  Both organisations have very quickly pointed 
> me to Oracle and Microsoft to discuss licensing issues and 
> neither would publicly recommend that companies run using 1 
> license of Oracle or SQL Server.  This is very much on the 
> radar of database vendors.
> Regards
> David Jordan
> ---
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RE: [U2][UD] JDBC connection

2005-04-18 Thread Kevin King
Check your webserver configuration.  Just because you can login w/
telnet doesn't mean the webserver is open to that dir. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chauhan,
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 11:13 AM
Subject: [U2][UD] JDBC connection 

I am trying to connect to UniData (on AIX) from my PC through a java

This is how I am trying to connect:

String url =
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "john", "johnpass");

When I run this program it gives me following error:
"You don't have permissions to chdir to /the/acct/path"

But when I (say John) logon directly to unix, I can cd to
/the/acct/path !!

Can someone please tell me the cause of this error?

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[U2] Decoding 64Base string

2005-04-18 Thread David Tod Sigafoos
I am looking for information on decoding a base64 string.  We will be
receiving this back with an xml stream from a client.  The base64
string is a image which we must decode and write out.

Anyone having done this?  Would love to talk to you about it or
possibly get snippets to get us on our way.

I have searched the u2ug site but found nothing

thanks ..

David Tod Sigafoos
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[U2][UD] JDBC connection

2005-04-18 Thread Chauhan, Savita
I am trying to connect to UniData (on AIX) from my PC through a java

This is how I am trying to connect:

String url =
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "john", "johnpass");

When I run this program it gives me following error:
"You don't have permissions to chdir to /the/acct/path"

But when I (say John) logon directly to unix, I can cd to /the/acct/path

Can someone please tell me the cause of this error?

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RE: [U2] Pro's/cons of keeping UV maint/support contract current (paid)

2005-04-18 Thread Maresh, Mel
I've used QM at a 6-user site for 2 years.  The site was converted from
R83.  I found few problems in converting, and these may all be gone as
it now supports A & S dictionaries and other things that I had to

It has options to make locates, wildcards & the like flavor specific.
I've been very pleased with the product.  The support is great, issues
are usually fixed in a day.  I've have no issues now, but I know I would
if I were porting another app.

Mel Maresh

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark Johnson
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 7:52 AM
Subject: Re: [U2] Pro's/cons of keeping UV maint/support contract
current (paid)

I too have QM loaded as an alternative to D3 for any single user deals.
got frustrated with it as I'm not a Pr1me descendant. But I continue to
good things about it.

Isn't there a UV-lite or personal version that may apply? Notice that
offering up lesser supported items as a possible solution. Could that
suggest that all versions of MV are pretty stable and that the higher
prices purchase a large degree of mental security. I threw that back in
face of Microdata/Novadyne back in the day as support for my request for
reduction in the $3,200 maint cost. Got it down to $1,500 per month.
that's the problem with such good hardware and OS, that it doesn't
need any support.

One comment that came to me earlier on this topic was that some (most?)
the money went into the advancement of the OS for future releases. This
fine for those who chase NET and other contemporary things. Just
try to
sell that to the room full of Wyse-50's kind of client.

I also asked RD about the concept of a version of D3 without all of the
conectivity and they said "Why should we. you're gonna need to host your
legacy apps on something and why should we give it away". Sort of a
displaced value system. You like your apps and we're going to tap into

my 2 cents.

- Original Message -
From: "Richard A. Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 6:29 AM
Subject: Re: [U2] Pro's/cons of keeping UV maint/support contract

> yes, I know of openqm, I have it loaded here someplace, just lack of
> time to play. My understanding at this point is it currently supports
> the general Prime Information syntax
> Rich
> Bruce Nichol wrote:
> > Goo'day, all.
> >
> > At 04:44 14/04/05 -0400, you wrote:
> >
> >> Mark's comments prompt me to ask.
> >>
> >> Would the re-purchasing of the licenses be covered under a general
> >> business interruption insurance policy if a catastrophe happened?
> >>
> >> Rich
> >
> >
> > Er, I don't know quite how to say this, so ..
> >
> > 
> > Have you checked QM from - the "paid" one, not
> > - for *their* annual maintenance.
> > 
> >
> > It might not have all the somewhat esoteric bells and whistles of
> > but. especially for the "smaller" user - linux or Winblows
> >
> > Please don't smack me!
> >
> >
> >> --
> >> No virus found in this incoming message.
> >> Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> >> Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 266.9.9 - Release Date: 13/04/05
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Bruce Nichol
> > Talon Computer Services
> > ALBURYNSW 2640
> > Australia
> >
> >
> >
> > Tel: +61 (0)411149636
> > Fax: +61 (0)260232119
> >
> > If it ain't broke, fix it till it is!
> >
> --
> Richard A. Wilson
> Lakeside Systems
> ---
> u2-users mailing list
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RE: [U2] IBM Licensing Requirement

2005-04-18 Thread Wendy Smoak
Tony Gravagno wrote:

> I'd also like to get some real numbers on the table.  Some 
> people say you
> can get 10 users on a single license.  Anyone who has implemented a
> multi-user environment knows this isn't the case because, as 
> stated above,
> the first user will connect and you'll have 9 people waiting in line
> afterward.

With device licensing, you can get ten connections per license.  When
all the connections are coming from one 'factory' that can vary the
device subkey after each ten connections... there you go, potentially
ten different  users on one license.

Wendy Smoak
Applications Systems Analyst, Sr.
Arizona State University, PA, IRM 
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RE: [U2] Hold-file to CSV

2005-04-18 Thread Stevenson, Charles
> From: Mark Johnson
> How can Basic be limiting. It has everything English (sic)
> has and so much more. In fact, there are many reports that
> 'turn the corner' and cannot be done in English and must be
> done in Basic.

If you will stipulate that - generally speaking - the most important
attribute of SOFTWARE QUALITY is MAINTAINABILITY then Retrieve /
UniQuery / MVQuery / even English is - generally speaking - the superior
environment for reporting.
language, being a higher level than Basic is generally more readable.
The self-contained MODULAR nature of dictionary items lends itself to
allowing reports to be easily changed.   The can also be REUSED on other

In that sense, basic is much more limiting.

For example (if I may expand on what I *think* Dave S means), if you
have reports defined in the Query language, it is often very simple to
redirect the output in a new CSV format ( e.g., UD: DELIM keyword, UV:
SAVING EVAL "fld1:char(9):fld2").  That is usually much easier to do
than changing a basic program.  And when you're done, you've reused
existing code which needs to be maintained once, rather than duplicating
a basic program whose processing is  integrated and not modular.  When a
change needs to be made (e.g., selection criteria or add output fields,
you have to change 1 shared phrase or I-descriptor rather than dig
through the guts of 2 basic programs.  Often the maintenance programmer
will forget there are 2 programs, change only one and the divergence

We've had this discussion before.  You can look through the archives and
see that I respectfully disagree with Mark's theory of reporting.  If
and when I get to set programming standards, I say all reports should be
written in the Query language, unless you can prove your case for doing
There are also techniques involving I-descriptor subroutines, named
common, phrases, etc. that need to be part of the programming standard.
(The SRS.UV.HEADER subroutine mentioned in a recent thread demonstrates
some good practices.)   
One reason for not using the query language is for pretty reports that
go to external clients, where the Query language's output format is too
Another admitted weakness is the lack of a tool built into any MV IDE to
easily display or group all the modular components of a report logically
for a programmer to browse through them.


Having said all that, Mark's original question was a good one and the
above tangential discussion does not address it.  There are tons of
legacy reports from tons of legacy systems (not just MV!) that need to
be deciphered and reformatted into modern spreadsheets.
I think Mark's original question was this: 
Suppose you do not have access to whatever produces the reports, and all
you have is the output report.  What is the best way to extract its data
into a CSV file or spreadsheet?
I believe a number of people suggested products to do just that.  This
is not just a U2 or MV question & answer.

 - Chuck Stevenson
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RE: [U2] Hold-file to CSV

2005-04-18 Thread Paul Trebbien
Hi Mark,
I note you're from Comcast - they used to run use the DataFlo ERP
system.  I met Comcast employees in 2002 at the Epicor Users Group
conference in Minnesota.  I believe Comcast has switched to E by Epicor.

Anyway, possibly if you still have wIntegrate you can use the Query
Builder for generating a report in CSV format.  Essentially, you need the
'output' in a file so Query Builder can use an Info/Access statement to
import that data to your PC.

  For the last 20 years I've been supporting DataFlo (at DataWorks,
then Epicor, and now here at Kore Technologies).  What I do for my customers
who request that I add the ability to 'Export' the basic program report to
an Excel Spreadsheet is to use the DataFlo Report Manager's Export option.
The processing goes something like this:
*   Select the records.
*   Call Conversion subroutine to build records in a temporary file,
before returning be sure to select/save the list of records from the
temporary file.
*   Report manager sends a 'get-list' statement and the list of dict
items to wIntegrate's Import Utility which transfers the output to the xls
file on the user's PC.

  In that Conversion subroutine (copy of the basic program that used to
generate the output), I create a single record for each line of output with
the data in each attribute representing what would be in the columns.  Note,
if there is another file which has the same data configuration I can format
mine the same so can use that dictionary for the Report Manager's 'Export'
dict items list.  DataFlo is nice that it has a temporary work file for each
user that logs on (TWFnnn) which I use as it enables multiple users to run
the same report at the same time.

Hopefully, this will help.  I discussed this concept in our Kore
Newsletters using the Sales Order Backlog Report as an example.  See the
July, August, and September of 2002 issues which everyone is welcome to look
at on our website at - under the  tab choose "News and
Events" and go to the bottom of the page for a links to all past
newsletters.  Look for Paul's Corner and my Q&A's.

Have a Great Day!

> Paul Trebbien
> Kore Technologies, Senior Support Tech. 
> "Solutions that work. People who care."
> V 858.678.0030 F 858.300.2600 W

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Mark Johnson
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 6:34 AM
Subject: Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV

How can Basic be limiting. It has everything English (sic) has and so much
more. In fact, there are many reports that 'turn the corner' and cannot be
done in English and must be done in Basic.

- Original Message -
From: "Dave S" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 10:35 PM
Subject: Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV

> That's the danger of creating reports in Basic. As you can see it's very
> Mark Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have my own method of taking English (access etc) statements and
> CSV's. I'm talking about not re-engineering existing report.
> Thanks.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Dave S"
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 7:57 PM
> Subject: Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV
> > If the reports where written in Uniquery it would be simpler to extract
> data from them.
> >
> > Have you looked at MVQUERY ?
> >
> > Key Ally wrote:
> > [AD] You can do this with Zeus as well, and Zeus has other advantages
> > which Monarch does not share. ( [/AD]
> >
> > Roger Glenfield wrote:
> >
> > > Monarch from Datawatch. Converts report files into data.
> > > Mark Johnson wrote:
> > >
> > >> The whole premise was to use the existing reports that are presently
> > >> designed and not re-engineer them.
> > >> Like many systems, this one is full of finished reports (both english
> > >> and
> > >> databasic) and the object is to send them to the hold-file and
> > >> convert from
> > >> there. I don't want to re-invent the report generation logic, just
> > >> use the
> > >> hold files.
> > ---
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> >
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RE: [U2] Hold-file to CSV

2005-04-18 Thread George Gallen
as well, You will need to know which column is a key, if any, and
  if there are mulitple lines for a column, is it because it's a multivalue,
  did the previous line need to wrap?

Also, do you have totals that are being broken on? and are they displayed at
  bottom of each page?


>-Original Message-
>Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2005 8:22 PM
>Subject: Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV
>In a message dated 4/16/2005 7:34:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
>> Like many systems, this one is full of finished reports
>(both english and
>> databasic) and the object is to send them to the hold-file
>and convert from
>> there. I don't want to re-invent the report generation
>logic, just use the
>> hold files.
>Yes you have to parse the headers to determine the column
>start and stop
>positions and then scan the data to extract the column/row
>cell entries.
>   I know you're the type that likes to program it yourself
>instead of buying
>it off-the-shelf :)
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RE: [U2] MvInternet - IBM Licensing Requirement

2005-04-18 Thread Dave S
Piracy would mean installing and using an unlicensed software product.
Piracy and multiplexing are not the same issue.

David Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Dean

I have gone through a number of detailed sessions with Microsoft on issues
of Piracy and Microsoft regards improper licensing of database licenses in
the same light as running one version of Word on multiple PCs. In my
estimation there are probably more companies who have run into trouble with
Microsoft over misuse of database license that misuse of Office licenses.

Please don't shoot the messenger I am only passing on what I am aware of
licensing legalities. The complexities of licensing has to be studied very
carefully and is dependent on databases, licensing agreements and methods of
use. It is not to say a situation is right or wrong it is a question if it
fits the licensing agreement. Unfortunately many people feel that if
something is technically possible, then it is legally possible which is not
the case.

Your examples if you have 500 staff requesting reports from 2 IT people who
do the processing then it is obvious 2 users license. 

Your example of Web Services is difficult. If the database has named
licensing then everyone who accesses the database requires a license or you
purchase a license per processor. With U2 the licensing is concurrent and
the licensing is according to demand. Ie if 100 users could access the
system at the same time then you would need a 100 licenses. However if you
use a 3rd party product to process the 100 users through 10 licenses then
you could fall foul of licensing issues. The other area that may expose you
to license issues if you use persistence then you may cross the line again.

This is not as simple and clear cut as many may think and it does fall under
strict copyright laws.


David Jordan
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RE: [U2] MvInternet - IBM Licensing Requirement

2005-04-18 Thread Glen B
 The gotcha there, is the fact that you *know* that 500 employees are using the 
DBMS simultaneously via 2 seats. If you said, "I
_know_ that no more than 10 employees are using the software at any given 
moment and I have 10 licenses to justify that", then there
would be no problem. Whether or not it "appears" that 500 can use it within 
realistic timing is a completely separate investigation.
The truth is, if you only have 10 seats then there can only be 10 active 
processes on the box at a time. The days of "user=process"
are gone. It's time to wake up and realize the world has changed already. MV is 
always the last to smell the coffee burning.

 This thread is really getting moldy guys. The fact is, user-seat licensing and 
pooled licensing mix together like alcohol and
mercury. There's a cost-per-unit sales problem inherent there. Either you loose 
all your single-seats to pooled muxes or you end up
fighting the single-seat mux wars. IBM can try it, but I know it won't work. 
It's time for a CPU based license model, for those who
want to configure MV for a non-persistent services model. There's no other 
realistic solution.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Dean Fox
> Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 7:54 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [U2] MvInternet - IBM Licensing Requirement
> "What people are doing is through special programs and queuing where they can
> run several users continuously with several background processes that stay
> active.  This is what IBM has frowned upon."
> -
> My brain wiring doesn't allow me to separate this scenario from real
> life either.
> None of this "falls under the rules of Piracy ie running one Microsoft
> Word on multiple PCs". That's spreading FUD and is so far off the
> point cannot be addressed directly.
> Look at it this way. I have 500 employees and I pay two full time
> people to do nothing but run reports for whoever dials their extension
> and makes a request.
> These two employees are logged in all day, they remember, manage and
> distribute the hundreds of requests they get all day. That's all they
> do. Does your scenario suggest I need 500 licenses rather than two?
> If not, how does this differ from web services running even from
> within UV? Is the difference human vs. program?  I fully understand
> the loss of revenue to IBM argument.  I'm not going to pay taxes I
> don't owe either.  If I can replace a person with a program, a
> telephone extension with a web interface, I have saved my company
> money and have cost IBM nothing I didn't owe before. I'm just more
> productive.
> I failed ethics in college. I was failing my second attempt until my
> Professor gave me a clue.  The test questions are supposed to be grey
> he said, your problem is Dean, you don't think like a criminal. And,
> I'm still confused today.  If I replace a person with a program and a
> telephone extension with a web interface, do I go to jail or get
> promoted? What I'm hearing is jail. But my brain isn't wired to
> understand why.
> -[d]-
> On 4/18/05, Tony Gravagno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Until I saw Dean's posting I was also going to just let it go.  The trigger
> > for me was the equating of multi-user license usage to running multiple
> > copies of software on different systems.  Copying software allows more than
> > one person to execute different functions at exactly the same time.  All
> > DBMS products are engineered to allow us to perform the following
> > sequential functions:
> >   Accept connection and query
> >   Read state data from cache or disk
> >   Perform operation on all data
> >   Write state data to cache or disk
> >   Respond to user and disconnect
> > This is the way web servers work and one common way of engineering a
> > disconnected client/server model.  There is no physical way that anyone
> > process can perform those functions for two users simultaneously, the way
> > two instances of pirated software does.  All users must wait for any user
> > consuming a license to disconnect before they consume the license in their
> > own turn.  The terms "connect" and "disconnect" may imply logging in or
> > simply going inactive as someone else consumes the license resource - the
> > point is that the way MV platforms are engineered, only one user can make
> > use of the resource at any given moment in time.
> >
> > This use of licenses has a long standing legal precedent, here are two
> > examples:
> > Modems which came into use in 2nd to 3rd generation systems allowed
> > one user to connect and then disconnect, followed by another user who did
> > the same.  "Per-seat" licensing, compared to "named user" licensing has
> > always acknowleged this paradigm.  Today, if we choose to allow one user to
> > consume that license for a period of 2 hours before giving it up, or 200
> > milliseconds, that is a matter of design.  There ar

Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV

2005-04-18 Thread u2
> Is it simpler to change the sort sequence in basic or English ?

Why should it make any difference? "EXECUTE SELECT" is your friend :-)
> Is it simple to add subtotals in basic or English ?

Don't jump to conclusions. Given my data, do subtotals even make sense?
> Is it easier to export data in basic or English ?

Is it easier to handle SUBvalues in basic or in English? (and no, we don't all 
use UniData :-)

> Mark Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How can Basic be limiting. It has everything English (sic) has and so much
> more. In fact, there are many reports that 'turn the corner' and cannot be
> done in English and must be done in Basic.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Dave S" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 10:35 PM
> Subject: Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV
> > That's the danger of creating reports in Basic. As you can see it's very
> limiting.
> >
> >
> > Mark Johnson wrote:
> > I have my own method of taking English (access etc) statements and
> creating
> > CSV's. I'm talking about not re-engineering existing report.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Dave S"
> > To:
> > Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 7:57 PM
> > Subject: Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV
> >
> >
> > > If the reports where written in Uniquery it would be simpler to extract
> > data from them.
> > >
> > > Have you looked at MVQUERY ?
> > >
> > > Key Ally wrote:
> > > [AD] You can do this with Zeus as well, and Zeus has other advantages
> > > which Monarch does not share. ( [/AD]
> > >
> > > Roger Glenfield wrote:
> > >
> > > > Monarch from Datawatch. Converts report files into data.
> > > > Mark Johnson wrote:
> > > >
> > > >> The whole premise was to use the existing reports that are presently
> > > >> designed and not re-engineer them.
> > > >> Like many systems, this one is full of finished reports (both english
> > > >> and
> > > >> databasic) and the object is to send them to the hold-file and
> > > >> convert from
> > > >> there. I don't want to re-invent the report generation logic, just
> > > >> use the
> > > >> hold files.
> > > ---
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RE: [U2] MvInternet - IBM Licensing Requirement

2005-04-18 Thread Dave S
Could you elaborate on this issue ?
 breaches on SQL Server license 

David Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have not
>heard of a single legal case in the IT world, not just the MV market,
>brought by a DBMS vendor against a VAR/developer for abuse of this common
>communications design. I think any company that does so would be
>committing political suicide, if it allowed its developer base to go so
>long without action, and then all of a sudden claimed that accepted
>practices and established connectivity products were now in violation of
>their legal terms.

I am aware of Microsoft doing this. It has done software audits on even
large organisations and clobbered then for breaches on SQL Server license.
Oracle and IBM have stringent components of their contracts to enable them
to do audits. I have had to sign distributor contract with IBM and it
stated that they were entitled to investigate my client's sites to ensure
that they have proper licenses.

As the pressure is on the IT vendors to build revenues and IT spending is
down, then sooner or later vendors are going to chase licensing issues to
recover revenue.

>Unless IBM publicly states their position on this topic, takes a developer
>to court, or just sends a polite "please rethink your license consumption"
>note to someone, we will not know how liberal they are about their
>licensing, regardless of what their license actually says. My guess is
>that no DBMS company will take action unless there is blatent abuse

It is in the licensing contract and a breach of license can lead to criminal
charges to Directors. Under SOX one cannot ignore this because one thinks
it is unlikely to happen. IBM U2 is not ignoring this area and has already
placed restrictions in the use of phantoms to contain this manipulation.

The examples you give are not the main issue that causes a breach. There
are a number of applications where users connect and stay connected but
through a 3rd party mechanism that channels tasks through one license to the
backend that then distributes to multiple background processes. The intent
of this process is not application convenience or style but more an attempt
to avoid license fees and many advertise this. It is this avoidance of
license revenue that can expose companies legally.

I have discussed this issue with both jbase and MvOn as their products talk
to Oracle or SQL Server and falls into a similar category where you really
only have 1 process accessing the RDBMS, independent of the number of users
on jBase or MvOn. Both organisations have very quickly pointed me to Oracle
and Microsoft to discuss licensing issues and neither would publicly
recommend that companies run using 1 license of Oracle or SQL Server. This
is very much on the radar of database vendors.

David Jordan
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Re: [U2] MvInternet - IBM Licensing Requirement

2005-04-18 Thread Dean Fox
I'm not shooting the messenger.  My apologies.  What Microsoft says
about their licensing they can take up with the EU and other criminal
charges they have and will continue to answer too.  It's is a separate
issue unrelated to my discussion about IBM and their product. As is
copyright violation, this is not a discussion of profiting from
duplicating software for distribution.

My discussion is license consumption as it pertains to IBM and their
Universe product.

"Your examples if you have 500 staff requesting reports from 2 IT
people who do the processing then it is obvious 2 user license." "Your
example of Web Service is difficult".

Why? Even though I'm not looking for you answer. I ask to raise a point.

 "With U2 the licensing is concurrent and the licensing is according
to demand. Ie if 100 users could access the system at the same time
then you would need a 100 licenses."

Users that could have access in my example, and actually do thought
the IT staff is 500. But it is obvious to you that only 2 licenses are
required.  I can't imagine a DBMS licensing based upon the number of
telephone extensions you have in your building.

It appears the separation you make is the difference between a person
performing a function and a program performing the same function.  If
it's two people, two licenses are required.  If it's two programs, 500
licenses are required.  I'm not convinced the definition of a user
license is subjective.

At some point I would like to write a Web/UV application.  When I do,
I will be as productive with my user licenses as CPU cycles allow.  In
the mean time, our speculations as to what is or is not allowed are
just that.  I don't separate the functions of a human to the functions
of a program as far as licenses are concerned. They're both performing
the same tasks, abet one is far more productive than the other. 
Increasing productivity within a connection (user license) does not
relate in my mind a legal requirement for more licenses.

It's only my opinion.  Perhaps IBM and possibly the courts will give
us a definition.

On 4/18/05, David Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Dean
> I have gone through a number of detailed sessions with Microsoft on issues
> of Piracy and Microsoft regards improper licensing of database licenses in
> the same light as running one version of Word on multiple PCs.  In my
> estimation there are probably more companies who have run into trouble with
> Microsoft over misuse of database license that misuse of Office licenses.
> Please don't shoot the messenger I am only passing on what I am aware of
> licensing legalities.  The complexities of licensing has to be studied very
> carefully and is dependent on databases, licensing agreements and methods of
> use.  It is not to say a situation is right or wrong it is a question if it
> fits the licensing agreement.   Unfortunately many people feel that if
> something is technically possible, then it is legally possible which is not
> the case.
> Your examples if you have 500 staff requesting reports from 2 IT people who
> do the processing then it is obvious 2 users license.
> Your example of Web Services is difficult.  If the database has named
> licensing then everyone who accesses the database requires a license or you
> purchase a license per processor.  With U2 the licensing is concurrent and
> the licensing is according to demand. Ie if 100 users could access the
> system at the same time then you would need a 100 licenses.  However if you
> use a 3rd party product to process the 100 users through 10 licenses then
> you could fall foul of licensing issues.  The other area that may expose you
> to license issues if you use persistence then you may cross the line again.
> This is not as simple and clear cut as many may think and it does fall under
> strict copyright laws.
> Regards
> David Jordan
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RE: [U2] Clarification on FOR...NEXT loops

2005-04-18 Thread Robert.Porter2
What version of UD is that supposed to be true? Seeing this discussion,
and an internal one about performance increased, I wrote a small program
to test this as well. Had a  friend run it on a UV box, and there the
timing between a FOR/NEXT and REMOVE loop was basically the same. Or at
least close enough to be able to tell. But on UD 6.1, box the timing
between the 2 were drastically different... For a 10,000 element dynamic
array the FOR/NEXT loop took apx. 16 seconds, while the remove took
under 1.  The same program running on a UV 9.5.x (IIRC) was under 1
second either way.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Pingilley, Ron
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 10:07 AM
Subject: RE: [U2] Clarification on FOR...NEXT loops


UV/UD do not keep track of which multi-value was last accessed.
Only the attribute.  Each iteration of the For-Next had to start
counting from the beginning of attribute 1 according to your notes
below.  If you re-run your test with FOR/NEXT/ (instead of <1,I>) you
should see a significant improvement in the For-Next time.

--Ron P. 
u2-users mailing list
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Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV

2005-04-18 Thread Dave S
Is it simpler to change the sort sequence in basic or English ?
Is it simple to add subtotals in basic or English ?
Is it easier to export data in basic or English ?

Mark Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
How can Basic be limiting. It has everything English (sic) has and so much
more. In fact, there are many reports that 'turn the corner' and cannot be
done in English and must be done in Basic.

- Original Message -
From: "Dave S" 
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 10:35 PM
Subject: Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV

> That's the danger of creating reports in Basic. As you can see it's very
> Mark Johnson wrote:
> I have my own method of taking English (access etc) statements and
> CSV's. I'm talking about not re-engineering existing report.
> Thanks.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Dave S"
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 7:57 PM
> Subject: Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV
> > If the reports where written in Uniquery it would be simpler to extract
> data from them.
> >
> > Have you looked at MVQUERY ?
> >
> > Key Ally wrote:
> > [AD] You can do this with Zeus as well, and Zeus has other advantages
> > which Monarch does not share. ( [/AD]
> >
> > Roger Glenfield wrote:
> >
> > > Monarch from Datawatch. Converts report files into data.
> > > Mark Johnson wrote:
> > >
> > >> The whole premise was to use the existing reports that are presently
> > >> designed and not re-engineer them.
> > >> Like many systems, this one is full of finished reports (both english
> > >> and
> > >> databasic) and the object is to send them to the hold-file and
> > >> convert from
> > >> there. I don't want to re-invent the report generation logic, just
> > >> use the
> > >> hold files.
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RE: [U2] Clarification on FOR...NEXT loops

2005-04-18 Thread Pingilley, Ron

UV/UD do not keep track of which multi-value was last accessed.
Only the attribute.  Each iteration of the For-Next had to start
counting from the beginning of attribute 1 according to your notes
below.  If you re-run your test with FOR/NEXT/ (instead of <1,I>) you
should see a significant improvement in the For-Next time.

--Ron P. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2005 9:53 PM
Subject: Re: [U2] Clarification on FOR...NEXT loops

Taking advice from others on this list, I wrote a small program to
compare the execution time of extracting 1 elements from an MV list
using FOR/NEXT loop with <1,I> delimiters verus using LOOP/WHILE with
REMOVE.  I should note this was done on Unidata 6.0.3.

All the previous comments are still valid - the LOOP/WHILE with REMOVE
beats a FOR/NEXT loop dramatically.  That is, on an MV list with 1
elements, FOR/NEXT took about 6500 milliseconds while LOOP/WHILE took 15
milliseconds (that's not a typo).

I ran the test 10+ times, I reversed the order of the tests and the
result was the same every time.

So if you need to loop over all elements in an MV list, the
LOOP/WHILE/REMOVE structure seems inherently more efficient than the
FOR/NEXT/<1,I> notation.

Jeff Butera, Ph.D.
Administrative Systems
Hampshire College

"...our behavior matters more than the beliefs that we profess."
Elizabeth Deutsch Earle
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Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV

2005-04-18 Thread Mark Johnson
How can Basic be limiting. It has everything English (sic) has and so much
more. In fact, there are many reports that 'turn the corner' and cannot be
done in English and must be done in Basic.

- Original Message -
From: "Dave S" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 10:35 PM
Subject: Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV

> That's the danger of creating reports in Basic. As you can see it's very
> Mark Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have my own method of taking English (access etc) statements and
> CSV's. I'm talking about not re-engineering existing report.
> Thanks.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Dave S"
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 7:57 PM
> Subject: Re: [U2] Hold-file to CSV
> > If the reports where written in Uniquery it would be simpler to extract
> data from them.
> >
> > Have you looked at MVQUERY ?
> >
> > Key Ally wrote:
> > [AD] You can do this with Zeus as well, and Zeus has other advantages
> > which Monarch does not share. ( [/AD]
> >
> > Roger Glenfield wrote:
> >
> > > Monarch from Datawatch. Converts report files into data.
> > > Mark Johnson wrote:
> > >
> > >> The whole premise was to use the existing reports that are presently
> > >> designed and not re-engineer them.
> > >> Like many systems, this one is full of finished reports (both english
> > >> and
> > >> databasic) and the object is to send them to the hold-file and
> > >> convert from
> > >> there. I don't want to re-invent the report generation logic, just
> > >> use the
> > >> hold files.
> > ---
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RE: [U2] MvInternet - IBM Licensing Requirement

2005-04-18 Thread David Jordan
Hi Dean

I have gone through a number of detailed sessions with Microsoft on issues
of Piracy and Microsoft regards improper licensing of database licenses in
the same light as running one version of Word on multiple PCs.  In my
estimation there are probably more companies who have run into trouble with
Microsoft over misuse of database license that misuse of Office licenses.

Please don't shoot the messenger I am only passing on what I am aware of
licensing legalities.  The complexities of licensing has to be studied very
carefully and is dependent on databases, licensing agreements and methods of
use.  It is not to say a situation is right or wrong it is a question if it
fits the licensing agreement.   Unfortunately many people feel that if
something is technically possible, then it is legally possible which is not
the case.

Your examples if you have 500 staff requesting reports from 2 IT people who
do the processing then it is obvious 2 users license.  

Your example of Web Services is difficult.  If the database has named
licensing then everyone who accesses the database requires a license or you
purchase a license per processor.  With U2 the licensing is concurrent and
the licensing is according to demand. Ie if 100 users could access the
system at the same time then you would need a 100 licenses.  However if you
use a 3rd party product to process the 100 users through 10 licenses then
you could fall foul of licensing issues.  The other area that may expose you
to license issues if you use persistence then you may cross the line again.

This is not as simple and clear cut as many may think and it does fall under
strict copyright laws.


David Jordan
u2-users mailing list
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RE: [U2] MvInternet - IBM Licensing Requirement

2005-04-18 Thread Alfke, Colin
 Much dittoing

I know there have been some changes in the recent versions of U2 to try
to prevent the type of multi-plexing that IBM really had a problem with
- the use of (unlicensed) phantoms to service these requests. Current
versions require phantoms to use a license if they perform certain

Perhaps this is where the 10 to 1 figure came in. Each U2 user can start
10 phantoms. I know there is/used to be a "4GL" product that ADVERTISED
the fact they used phantoms to help eliminate the purchase of DBMS
users. I can see the vendors having a problem with that. Hence the
recent changes. However, even one of the SVP's at D3 states about the
licensing requirements of "The less persistent your connection,
the more users you can squeeze in." (note trimmed and does not have full

I doubt the IBM support staff on the list will reply to any of these.
Perhaps the user group can lobby IBM to clarify the types of
multi-plexing they would have a problem with.

Just my .02 CDN
Colin Alfke
Calgary, Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Tony Gravagno
>Until I saw Dean's posting I was also going to just let it go. 
> The trigger for me was the equating of multi-user license 
>usage to running multiple copies of software on different 
>systems.  Copying software allows more than one person to 
>execute different functions at exactly the same time.


>Unless IBM publicly states their position on this topic, takes 
>a developer to court, or just sends a polite "please rethink 
>your license consumption"
>note to someone, we will not know how liberal they are about 
>their licensing, regardless of what their license actually 
>says.  My guess is that no DBMS company will take action 
>unless there is blatent abuse.


>I'd also like to get some real numbers on the table.  Some 
>people say you can get 10 users on a single license.  Anyone 
>who has implemented a multi-user environment knows this isn't 
>the case because, as stated above, the first user will connect 
>and you'll have 9 people waiting in line afterward.  A real 
>high performance remote transaction might take about 250ms, 
>plus or minus depending on network bandwidth, which is still 
>only 4 transactions per second.  

>Nebula R&D
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RE: [U2] MvInternet - IBM Licensing Requirement

2005-04-18 Thread David Jordan
>I have not
>heard of a single legal case in the IT world, not just the MV market,
>brought by a DBMS vendor against a VAR/developer for abuse of this common
>communications design.  I think any company that does so would be
>committing political suicide, if it allowed its developer base to go so
>long without action, and then all of a sudden claimed that accepted
>practices and established connectivity products were now in violation of
>their legal terms.

I am aware of Microsoft doing this.  It has done software audits on even
large organisations and clobbered then for breaches on SQL Server license.
Oracle and IBM have stringent components of their contracts to enable them
to do audits.  I have had to sign distributor contract with IBM and it
stated that they were entitled to investigate my client's sites to ensure
that they have proper licenses.

As the pressure is on the IT vendors to build revenues and IT spending is
down, then sooner or later vendors are going to chase licensing issues to
recover revenue.

>Unless IBM publicly states their position on this topic, takes a developer
>to court, or just sends a polite "please rethink your license consumption"
>note to someone, we will not know how liberal they are about their
>licensing, regardless of what their license actually says.  My guess is
>that no DBMS company will take action unless there is blatent abuse

It is in the licensing contract and a breach of license can lead to criminal
charges to Directors.  Under SOX one cannot ignore this because one thinks
it is unlikely to happen.  IBM U2 is not ignoring this area and has already
placed restrictions in the use of phantoms to contain this manipulation.

The examples you give are not the main issue that causes a breach.  There
are a number of applications where users connect and stay connected but
through a 3rd party mechanism that channels tasks through one license to the
backend that then distributes to multiple background processes.  The intent
of this process is not application convenience or style but more an attempt
to avoid license fees and many advertise this.  It is this avoidance of
license revenue that can expose companies legally.

I have discussed this issue with both jbase and MvOn as their products talk
to Oracle or SQL Server and falls into a similar category where you really
only have 1 process accessing the RDBMS, independent of the number of users
on jBase or MvOn.  Both organisations have very quickly pointed me to Oracle
and Microsoft to discuss licensing issues and neither would publicly
recommend that companies run using 1 license of Oracle or SQL Server.  This
is very much on the radar of database vendors.

David Jordan
u2-users mailing list
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RE: [U2] Unidata dynamic file problem

2005-04-18 Thread Alfke, Colin
See the section: File Corruption in the Administering UniData on Unix
manual. They don't really get into the specifics of the errors - just
the techniques to find and correct problems.

There is also some good information on the U2 Survival CD.

Colin Alfke
Calgary, Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Steven Frost
>Hi -- has anybody seen a 'long record check error in 
>u_add_record'  before? Same again in u_add_group etc.
>The file is rather large 11GB
>We are Unidata 5.2.2 on Tru64
>Is there a document which explains this sort of error? Thanks
>Steven Frost
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Re: [U2] MvInternet - IBM Licensing Requirement

2005-04-18 Thread Dean Fox
"What people are doing is through special programs and queuing where they can
run several users continuously with several background processes that stay
active.  This is what IBM has frowned upon."
My brain wiring doesn't allow me to separate this scenario from real
life either.

None of this "falls under the rules of Piracy ie running one Microsoft
Word on multiple PCs". That's spreading FUD and is so far off the
point cannot be addressed directly.

Look at it this way. I have 500 employees and I pay two full time
people to do nothing but run reports for whoever dials their extension
and makes a request.

These two employees are logged in all day, they remember, manage and
distribute the hundreds of requests they get all day. That's all they
do. Does your scenario suggest I need 500 licenses rather than two?

If not, how does this differ from web services running even from
within UV? Is the difference human vs. program?  I fully understand
the loss of revenue to IBM argument.  I'm not going to pay taxes I
don't owe either.  If I can replace a person with a program, a
telephone extension with a web interface, I have saved my company
money and have cost IBM nothing I didn't owe before. I'm just more

I failed ethics in college. I was failing my second attempt until my
Professor gave me a clue.  The test questions are supposed to be grey
he said, your problem is Dean, you don't think like a criminal. And,
I'm still confused today.  If I replace a person with a program and a
telephone extension with a web interface, do I go to jail or get
promoted? What I'm hearing is jail. But my brain isn't wired to
understand why.


On 4/18/05, Tony Gravagno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Until I saw Dean's posting I was also going to just let it go.  The trigger
> for me was the equating of multi-user license usage to running multiple
> copies of software on different systems.  Copying software allows more than
> one person to execute different functions at exactly the same time.  All
> DBMS products are engineered to allow us to perform the following
> sequential functions:
>   Accept connection and query
>   Read state data from cache or disk
>   Perform operation on all data
>   Write state data to cache or disk
>   Respond to user and disconnect
> This is the way web servers work and one common way of engineering a
> disconnected client/server model.  There is no physical way that anyone
> process can perform those functions for two users simultaneously, the way
> two instances of pirated software does.  All users must wait for any user
> consuming a license to disconnect before they consume the license in their
> own turn.  The terms "connect" and "disconnect" may imply logging in or
> simply going inactive as someone else consumes the license resource - the
> point is that the way MV platforms are engineered, only one user can make
> use of the resource at any given moment in time.
> This use of licenses has a long standing legal precedent, here are two
> examples:
> Modems which came into use in 2nd to 3rd generation systems allowed
> one user to connect and then disconnect, followed by another user who did
> the same.  "Per-seat" licensing, compared to "named user" licensing has
> always acknowleged this paradigm.  Today, if we choose to allow one user to
> consume that license for a period of 2 hours before giving it up, or 200
> milliseconds, that is a matter of design.  There are no set standards for
> how long a user must consume a license in order to be considered legal,
> except where software vendors impose some minimum connect time.  Such
> impositions are considered bad design and virtually no company takes a
> stance on this because it's technically and politically unreasonable.
> Software like UniObjects, PDP.NET, mv.NET, ODBC and RPC, are
> specifically designed to allow software to connect, process, and disconnect
> as described above.  These products and technologies, and many others like
> them have established a precedent which allows developers to effectively
> consume licenses with as short a connect time as possible.  I have not
> heard of a single legal case in the IT world, not just the MV market,
> brought by a DBMS vendor against a VAR/developer for abuse of this common
> communications design.  I think any company that does so would be
> committing political suicide, if it allowed its developer base to go so
> long without action, and then all of a sudden claimed that accepted
> practices and established connectivity products were now in violation of
> their legal terms.
> Unless IBM publicly states their position on this topic, takes a developer
> to court, or just sends a polite "please rethink your license consumption"
> note to someone, we will not know how liberal they are about their
> licensing, regardless of what their license actually says.  My guess is
> that no DBMS company will take action unless there is blatent abuse.  Such