[Ugnet] Why do good leaders overstay their welcome?

2008-12-19 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
 The New Vision <http://www.newvision.co.ug/IM/logo_white_big.gif> 

Why do good leaders overstay their welcome?

Publication date: Thursday, 18th December, 2008

By Jerry Okungu 

IN less than a week, the presidents of Kenya and the United States have gone
through experiences of their lifetimes. These incidents will form an
integral part of their legacies, unfortunate as they might have been. 

By coincidence, both presidents are serving their last terms in office with
Bush remaining with just 35 days in office. Mwai Kibaki has however, more
than 1,000 days in office before he retires. 

Both presidents are suffering acute loss of executive power making them
incapable of effecting meaningful executive decisions. 

As Bush watches in bewilderment the Senate's scuttling of his bailout plan
for the American auto industry, Kibaki is equally stressed out with our
local MPs that are bent on chipping away his powers to appoint new Electoral
Commission of Kenya (ECK) commissioners let alone voting for his bills
despite personal pleas to them. 

While George Bush is content with the blame that his eight years of poor
performance at the White cost his party the presidency, Kibaki's other
ministers are defying his orders to stop campaigning for his succession. 

Surely, for Bush and Kibaki, the presidency has become a nightmare of sorts
during their last terms in office. 
But the most telling similarity must be credited to the incidents that
happened in Nairobi on Jamhuri Day last week and in Baghdad this week just
three days apart. 

For Kibaki, this was the first time a heckler cut short a President's speech
on the most important national day in Kenya's annual calendar. No sitting
President in Kenya's history has ever left a National Day celebration in a
huff because of some heckler. Kibaki did just that. 

Kibaki's case was even more intriguing because the heckler was sitting right
behind him as a dignitary; something the President's security detail should
have detected much earlier. They didn't! 

George's Bush's sudden trip to Baghdad to bid farewell to his troops and the
government of Iraq ended on a sour note when an irate Iraqi journalist threw
his shoes at the American president which Bush ducked twice. 

On both occasions there were no marines to shield their president. This
incident, like that of Kibaki 4000 miles away, took place in full view of
the international press. 

Again, like Kibaki, Bush will go in history as the first American President
to have been embarrassed by a shoe-throwing journalist who also called him a

As Kenyan security men bundled one Peter Odhiambo, the heckler, out of Nyayo
Stadium with his mouth closed, probably to stop him from pouring out more
profanity against the state; their Baghdad counterparts did not seem to have
descended on the Iraqi journalist with equal force. Maybe the cameras did
not provide us with more footage on the attacker's exit. 

However, what I shuddered to think was that if what happened to Bush in
Baghdad had happened to him in Kampala, Dar-es-Salaam or Nigeria; would the
culprit and others standing by have survived? I remember when Bill Clinton
visited Abuja and Arusha before he left office. 

I also remember when Bush visited Tanzania, Rwanda and Uganda a few years
ago. The advance American military and state security agents were

It is rumoured that even some heads of state were not allowed to move from
their seats during such ceremonies! I can bet that the Baghdad incident
would have resulted in the deaths of so many journalists at the hands of the
local government with others going to jail or losing their jobs. 

The embarrassment to the regime in power would have awoken the demon in all
of us! As we replay the footages of these incidents day after day, I keep
thinking why good leaders like Mugabe can rule for so long and invoke our
hatred for them so much. 

If Bush had lost his bid for a second term; he would not have come across
such lowly attack from a mere journalist. If Mugabe had called it quits when
he was still popular, he would today not be regarded as an old fool who
doesn't know when it is time to quit. 

If Mwai Kibaki had honoured the 2002 memorandum of understanding with his
ex-colleagues in Narc and gone home after five years like Nelson Mandela, he
would today be a respected African statesman basking in the glory of
Mandela's company. 

He would also have saved Kenya from the 2007 Election fiasco because there
would have been a more sensible Electoral Commission in the first place. 


This article can be found on-line at:


C Copyright 2000-2008 The New Vision. All rights reserved.


I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
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[Ugnet] Fw: did you watch this program before?

2008-12-19 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Folks, this aired on a tv program in Canada last evening. Take a peak: 
Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
C'mon in to my Blog  

- Forwarded Message ----
From: Peter-Rhaina Gwokto 
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 12:21:07 PM
Subject: Re: did you watch this program before?

I watched the whole one-hr run with madam. The story was already in the news 
some months ago when he flew in. I told madam there is this ka-thing about 
African women when they see a white man, any white man and they think he is 
manna from heaven. David Reiner was well cared for by the Muganda lady (of 
course for obvious motives) until the wealth he promised from SLF didn't come 
then she threw him out. He married a beautiful 24 yr old Kenyan girl who was 
still dying to love this 61-yr old crook even after he revealed her he was 
a wanted criminal in Canada.
We still have a long way to educate our folks that not all white people are a 
goldmine - in fact the majority aren't.
Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
C'mon in to my Blog  

Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 10:30:14 AM
Subject: did you watch this program before?

It was the headline that grabbed national attention. A fugitive returning to 
face justice. 
No one would mistake the image of the grey-haired, haggard figure that stepped 
off the plane at Toronto airport and into the waiting handcuffs of the police, 
as a hardened criminal. David Reiner, after all, was a sixty-one-year-old 
bookkeeper and by all the accounts of those who knew him, he was a 
compassionate professional who had never broken a law; a trusted friend to the 
many people who had hired him to balance their books.
But, David Reiner had gone missing two years before that scene at the airport. 
One day, he had simply vanished after stealing almost a million dollars from 
twenty-one non-profit daycare centers. Why Reiner had turned into a thief and 
then done aDisappearing Actwas a mystery. Family and friends were baffled. 
Maureen Myers, of McMurrich Sprouts daycare center had known Reiner for almost 
twenty years. "I spend a lot of time thinking about it. Why would somebody do 
this? Why would somebody rip off children?" 
For two years, Reiner was sought by family, by police, and by the media.The 
fifth estatefinally tracked him to Africa where, we discovered, whatever money 
Reiner had absconded with was long gone. He was destitute, living off whatever 
his aged mother, friends or relatives could send him from Toronto and what he 
could scrounge or con from new acquaintances in Kenya and Uganda.
He presented himself to aid workers in Uganda, like Liz Humphreys, as someone 
who had the contacts to tap for aid money. "He said he'd been working for the 
Stephen Lewis Foundation…He suggested putting in a proposal to the Stephen 
Lewis Foundation, he said I'll help you with that, so I said wonderful." But, 
Humphreys, as almost everyone does who comes into contact with David Reiner, 
realized too late that Reiner had stolen from her, too. 
Stephen Lewis did know David Reiner. Reiner had worked briefly for his 
Foundation before being fired. No money from the Lewis Foundation was ever 
taken by Reiner. In Africa, Reiner continued to abuse the notion of his 
connection to the Foundation by promising to get money for African charities 
and that outrages Lewis: "Do you know how cruel that is? I sometimes wonder if 
there isn't a touch of the sociopath here."
The longer he stayed in Africa, the more cons he perpetrated, Reiner 
increasingly feared that the net of Ugandan justice was about to snare him. 
WhenThe fifth estatemet him, he was desperate to escape Africa and return to 
Canada.The fifth estatebrought Reiner home to face the police and justice, but 
not before he sat down with Hana Gartner for a candid, at times bewildering, 
but always fascinating, interview into his motives, his character, and the real 
story behind hisDisappearing Act.
·  Synopsis
·  Timeline
·  Watch Video___
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[Ugnet] Re: Strange

2008-12-19 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto

Excellent observation. However, should Uganda (most certainly under a
different president) charge those known Rwandese like Kagame, late Rwegema,
etc who participated, actually commanded, the massacre of Ugandans in Luwero
and elsewhere after they took over government? I believe their roles whave
been well documented as well has their student days and military ranks
attained in UPDF. Kagame and all those Rwandese who entered Kampala as
heroes need to be charged as foreign terrorists. They murdered our folks
mercilesslessy because Kaguta informed them that 'look here folks, you are
Rwandese and non of these Luwero Gandas and most especially Northerners are
related to you so don't feel guilty killing them ruthlessly because you will
not be killing any of your own'. The deal Museveni made with the Rwandese
was that 'you help me get out Obote's government, I will help you get out

Museveni had to fullfil this agreement for a second reason: He had to
reduce/eliminate potential rivals who didn't know he was going to cling to
power. Had Kagame, Rwigema, etc stopped with the change in Kampala, Museveni
would have not lasted to this day because his initial fighteres were mainly
Rwandese. His own Bahima, Banyankole and the rest of Westerners never joined
him because they didn't obviously like him or trusted him let alone accept
to be ruled by a Muhima.

Folks, we must understand than the spillover to overthrowing Habyalimana was
Museveni's plan to reduce potential rivals and he did succede at this.
Imagine the current Rwandese Tutsi force who fought in the NRA still in the
UPDF? They would have lynched Museveni already and they could have by now
teamed up with another ethnic group to wipe out the Bahima - who themselves
are not of Rwandese ancestry.

As soon as he tookover government, indeed Museveni's priority was to send
out the closest fighters to him - the Rwandese - by giving them their own
country. It is the reason Museveni has also eliminated the ranks of true
Ugandans (Muwhezi, Besigye, etc.) who joined him and replaced them with
ignorant, bootlicking junior officers who will never know this was is
initial plan and it is working very well for him.

My only recommendation is that we should prevent the documents on Rwandese
fighters who murdered our kinsfolks from having their records destroyed
because we will one day charge them for fuelling genocide in Luwero and
Northern Ugandan. Most Baganda from Luwero don't actually know that they and
the Northerners suffered the same fate at the hands of the same murderes.
They rejoice in the suffering of Northerners not knowing it is the same
North-Easterlies from Luwero which carried and spread the destruction in the
North. One day - if they haven't known yet - they will slap themselves for
not recognizing and acknowledging this fact sooner.

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 

Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower

-Original Message-
From: str8talk-ug2...@googlegroups.com
[mailto:str8talk-ug2...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of jamisi kwonene
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 7:39 AM
To: str8talk-ug2...@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Bulk] [Str8talk-2011] Re: Strange

Of course there is no Ugandan of Rwandese origin.The history of how Rwandese
came to Uganda and how they initially came to Uganda is well Known to some
of us.
These people initially came to Uganda for Kyeyo.Where they would look for
odd jobs like clearing chambers,whasing clothes and later they would go back
to Rwanda with things they bought with the money from their wages.There are
even stories that some policemen on the Ugandan side would rob these people
of their property like shoes so they improvised ways to keep their property
safe.This they achieved by giving one of the pair of shoes to their
colleagues so that they would be seen as confused because they bought shoes
of the same side.Hence the security peronnel gave up robbing them.
The next group came to Uganda as a result of political turmoil In
Rwanda.These chosed to settle in uganda as some of them acquiered some
land.When their other groups sneaked away with our guns to go back  to fight
these other people with land in Uganda decided to remain in Uganda.It is
these who are now being called Ugandans of Rwandese origin.
Much as they think they are Ugandans and they are being favoured by the NRM
government,they must be careful.their identity is known,and they can lose
citizenship of Uganda any time.

On 12/17/08, Peter-Rhaina Gwokto  wrote:
> I believe they are attacking the indiscriminate attack where there are 
> children, women and many innocent abductees. If your Kaguta pieces can 
> distinguish or sort them out, well and good. Just spare the above.
> I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message.

[Ugnet] International Ugandan Bank Denies Account to Trans Activist

2008-12-09 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
g blindness by paying for cataract surgeries
at $277 a pop; drilling boreholes for rural communities at a cost of $80,000
-- some people have to walk 10-15 kilometers to get water and it may still
be contaminated; and large-scale refurbishments of high school facilities in
the capital city. 

The company is even leading an effort to end stigma among those affected by
HIV or AIDS by offering complimentary voluntary testing and providing a
supportive environment to HIV positive employees. 

But when asked about why a company that was such an outstanding corporate
citizen in many ways for Ugandans and Africans at large, was denying an
account to a lesbian, Zake appeared stunned by the question for a moment. 

And then says, "She indicated that the money was coming from a gay and
lesbian human rights organization ... it [homosexuality] is illegal here." 

When pressed on whether national statute against gay actions affected
whether gays could have bank accounts, Zake's response was that the matter
"is open to interpretation." The executive then insisted that he would get
clarity on the matter and forward a response to this reporter. 

In May, when The Advocate contacted SCB's parent company, officials in the
United Kingdom declined to speak publicly about that one case, but insiders
pointed out that the bank has a history of opening in culturally challenging

While the mammoth $50 billion bank has branches in 13 African countries, it
also operates in the Middle East, including Iraq, and in Afghanistan. In
Middle Eastern locations where it might be difficult for both sexes to
mingle openly, it has had to open banks primarily for women. 

"We have a very strong ethos of diversity and inclusion in the bank and do
not discriminate against customers on the grounds of sexual orientation, or
gender or race, for that matter," insists Tim Baxter, Standard Chartered's
London-based head of external communications. 

The problem wasn't SCB's, but local law that officials feel they must comply
with. Since IGLHRC promotes equality for sexual minorities, and activities
of such minorities are illegal in Uganda, that puts SCB in an untenable
position, insiders say. 

"We operate in more than 70 countries with many different cultures and fully
comply with all local laws and regulations," Baxter says. 

SCB officials say they have many senior gay and lesbian employees and try to
work within the restrictions of local governments to provide retail
financial services for all. 

In the meantime, Mukasa has to make do with having friends who can lend a
hand -- or a bank account. 

"IGLHRC wires my salary to a friend's account. This is not comfortable for
me. This makes me feel horrible . I am very frustrated. This place is
becoming a stranger land for me every day."  


I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 

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% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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[Ugnet] "Good witchcraft" learnt in Uganda

2008-12-09 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
 <http://www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/cesarean/images/uganda.jpg> Successful
Cesarean section performed by indigenous healers in Kahura, Uganda. As
observed by R. W. Felkin in 1879
Successful Cesarean section performed by indigenous healers in Kahura,
Uganda. As observed by R. W. Felkin in 1879.

While Barry applied Western surgical techniques, nineteenth-century
travelers in Africa reported instances of indigenous people successfully
carrying out the procedure with their own medical practices. In 1879, for
example, one British traveller, R.W. Felkin, witnessed cesarean section
performed by Ugandans. The healer used banana wine to semi-intoxicate the
woman and to cleanse his hands and her abdomen prior to surgery. He used a
midline incision and applied cautery to minimize hemorrhaging. He massaged
the uterus to make it contract but did not suture it; the abdominal wound
was pinned with iron needles and dressed with a paste prepared from roots.
The patient recovered well, and Felkin concluded that this technique was
well-developed and had clearly been employed for a long time. Similar
reports come from Rwanda, where botanical preparations were also used to
anesthetize the patient and promote wound healing.

Read more of this quote from "Cesarean Section -
<http://www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/cesarean/part2.html> A Brief History", US
National Library of Medicine

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 

Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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[Ugnet] Streamline your finances in 8 steps

2008-12-08 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
 such as Discover, will send you an e-mail reminding
you to pay. Online bill payment systems usually have a bill reminder
feature, as well. Take advantage of these so you don't have to rely on your
memory to make sure bills get paid. 

Consolidate your credit cards 

The more cards you have, the more due dates, interest rates, fees and terms
you have to keep track of -- and the more likely you are to make a mistake,
pay a bill late and get hit with a fee. 

Most people only need one or two cards. If you carry a balance from month to
month, consider consolidating all your debt onto one card if you can do so
without using more than about 50% of your credit limit. Using more could
hurt your credit score. Use a separate card for any new purchases, and don't
charge more than you can pay off each month. That way, you can minimize your
interest rate charges while still having the convenience of being able to
use a card. 

Consolidate your accounts 

The more scattered your money is, the harder it can be to track. Having a
number of IRAs, mutual funds and brokerage accounts at several different
financial institutions, for example, just creates more paperwork and
headaches. Instead, move them all to one location and combine any accounts
that you can. 
Some people are even closing down their bank accounts and keeping all their
money at brokerage firms. Brokerages offer checking and savings account
services that mimic those at banks, and you may find it's easier to move
your money around when you don't have to deal with transfers between

Set up a filing system that works 

You should have one place to put your bills as soon as they come into the
house. (If you get your bills electronically, they should be saved
immediately to a specified e-mail folder -- or better still, paid. If you
still get paper statements, the holding pen might be a basket on your desk.)

Paid bills and other financial documents should be filed away in logical
order. Generally, each bank, credit card and brokerage account should have
its own file, as should your workplace retirement accounts and your
insurance policies.

Office supply firms have ready-made filing systems that might help you, such
as  <http://www.homefile.net/> HomeFile, a system created by two financial
planners that tells you what documents to keep and for how long.

Once a year, after you've filed your tax return, go through your filing
system. Pack away the old documents you need to keep and toss the receipts
and statements you no longer need.

Implement all eight of these steps, and your days of late fees, bounced
checks and confusion will be history. Instead, you'll feel more in control
of your money -- and your life.

Liz Pulliam Weston's column appears every Monday and Thursday, exclusively
on MSN Money. She also answers reader questions in the
Your Money message board.

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 

Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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[Ugnet] Court won't review Obama's eligibility to serve

2008-12-08 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto

  <http://www.msnbc.msn.com/images/MSNBC/msnbc_ban.gif>   MSNBC.com 

Court won't review Obama's eligibility to serve 
Suit claimed Obama was British-born and not a 'natural born' U.S. citizen
The Associated Press
updated 10:12 a.m. ET, Mon., Dec. 8, 2008

WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court has turned down an emergency appeal from a
New Jersey man who says President-elect Barack Obama is ineligible to be
president because he was a British subject at birth. 

The court did not comment on its order Monday rejecting the call by Leo
Donofrio of East Brunswick, N.J., to intervene in the presidential election.

Donofrio says that since Obama had dual nationality at birth - his mother
was American and his Kenyan father at the time was a British subject - he
cannot possibly be a "natural born citizen," one of the requirements the
Constitution lists for eligibility to be president. 

Donofrio also contends that two other candidates, Republican John McCain and
Socialist Workers candidate Roger Calero, also are not natural-born citizens
and thus ineligible to be president. 

At least one other appeal over Obama's citizenship remains at the court.
Philip J. Berg of Lafayette Hill, Pa., argues that Obama was born in Kenya,
not Hawaii as Obama says and the Hawaii secretary of state has confirmed. 

Berg says Obama also may be a citizen of Indonesia, where he lived as a boy.
Federal courts in Pennsylvania have dismissed Berg's lawsuit. Federal courts
in Ohio and Washington state have rejected similar lawsuits. 

Allegations raised on the Internet say the birth certificate, showing that
Obama was born in Hawaii on Aug. 4, 1961, is a fake. 

But state officials in Hawaii say they checked health department records and
have determined there's no doubt Obama was born in Hawaii. 

The nonpartisan Web site Factcheck.org examined the original document and
said it does have a raised seal and the usual evidence of a genuine

In addition, Factcheck.org reproduced an announcement of Obama's birth,
including his parents' address in Honolulu, that was published in the
Honolulu Advertiser on Aug. 13, 1961. 

Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may
not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

URL: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28111773/


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C 2008 MSNBC.com

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 

Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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[Ugnet] Who wants to be a multi-bilionaire?

2008-12-06 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Folks, my tegars fall for Zimbabwe. This is very sad. I sopke to an old
school flame who holds a high office in Zimbabwe and she thinks the country
has ceased to be, She smirked that there is no difference beween governments
in Zimbabwe and Somalia except Somalia's millionaires are true millionaires
in the real sense of the word with US $ --- the pirates.

Hyperinflation forces Zimbabwe to print $200 million notes

*   Story Highlights 

*   Price of a loaf of bread jumps to 35 million Zimbabwean dollars

*   Government accuses bank executives of illegal currency trading

*   Zimbabwe also faces widespread cholera outbreak; food, power

*   President Robert Mugabe's policies blamed for economic collapse

 <http://lakitgum.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/1574r-018078a.jpg> Zimbabwe
central bank governor Gideon Gono shows a new $50 million note at a news
conference Thursday. 
Zimbabwe central bank governor Gideon Gono shows a new $50 million note at a
news conference Thursday 
HARARE, Zimbabwe (CNN) -- Cash-strapped Zimbabwe revealed plans Saturday to
circulate $200 million notes, just days after introducing a $100 million
bill, Finance Minister Samuel Mumbengegwi said.

After the $100 million note began circulating on Thursday, the price of a
loaf of bread soared from 2 million to 35 million Zimbabwean dollars.

Amid allegations of illegal foreign currency trading, the government also
fired top executives at four major banks Thursday, according to The Herald,
a state-owned newspaper.

Many anxious residents of the nation's capital, Harare, have been sleeping
outside banks, waiting for them to open so they can make withdrawals before
the institutions run out of cash.  Video
F06%2Fzimbabwe.cur#cnnSTCVideo> Watch how Zimbabwe's children are suffering

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe had capped maximum daily withdrawals at 500,000
Zimbabwean dollars -- about 25 U.S. cents, or about a quarter of Thursday's
price of a loaf of bread.

Last week, restrictions on cash withdrawals -- due to severe money shortages
-- triggered riots.

Sixteen soldiers now face possible court-martial due to alleged looting and
assaults on civilians and police during the unrest, police spokesman Wayne
Bvudzijena told The Herald on Saturday.

"We are still investigating the case," he said. "But we expect the soldiers
to appear before a court-martial once investigations are completed."

After spending several days waiting in bank lines, soldiers rampaged through
downtown Harare, destroying shops and attacking riot police sent to disperse
the protesters.

Cash shortages are not the only crisis plaguing
<http://topics.cnn.com/topics/Zimbabwe> Zimbabwe.

The United Nations has said more than half of Zimbabwe's population is in
dire need of food and clean water.

Acute shortages of essentials such as fuel, electricity, medicines and food
are key indicators of a failed
<http://topics.cnn.com/topics/Economic_Issues> economy, according to
economic observers.

"The (Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe) is failing to deliver the demands of market,
prices are doubling daily, and that demands more cash," Zimbabwean economist
John Robertson said. "The huge price increases are resulting from severe
shortages of most goods."

The once-prosperous African nation is facing its worst economic and
humanitarian crisis since attaining independence from Great Britain in 1980.

Zimbabwe's official rate of inflation is 231 million percent, the world's

Critics of Zimbabwean President
<http://topics.cnn.com/topics/Robert_Mugabe> Robert Mugabe link
hyperinflation to his policies on land distribution and unbudgeted payments
to war veterans.

Zimbabwe has had no Cabinet since the March presidential election.

Its political troubles have aggravated its humanitarian and economic crisis,
including a cholera outbreak that has killed close to 600 people since

A CNN journalist in Harare contributed to this report.

All About <http://topics.cnn.com/topics/Zimbabwe> Zimbabwe .
<http://topics.cnn.com/topics/Economic_Issues> Economic Issues .
<http://topics.cnn.com/topics/Robert_Mugabe> Robert Mugabe


I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 

Ugandanet mailing list

[Ugnet] Even Clinton is not immune to Nigerian 419s

2008-12-04 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
 <http://www.clintonfoundation.org/news/> News & Media

Press Release: Alert About a Fraudulent Conference Advertisement

August 08, 2008 | New York | Clinton Foundation | Press Releases

The William J. Clinton Foundation has recently discovered that individuals
(likely from a French-speaking African country) are misrepresenting
themselves as the Clinton Foundation and advertising a conference called
"International Forum Workshop of NGO/CBOs" which they say is scheduled to
take place November 1-5 in Washington DC and is being jointly conducted by
the Foundation and the US Government. They seek registration fees of $250
from interested participants and request that bank transfers for this amount
be sent to an address given in the invitation. They also attempt to lure
"participants" by suggesting that the Clinton Foundation will cover the
costs of some of the attendees. The invitation includes Clinton Foundation
logos, addresses, etc.

to address this matter.

The titles and locations of some of the past fraudulent conference
invitations have included:

*   "SYMPOSIUM of NGO/CBO" which they say is scheduled to take place
January 2009 in Chicago. 

*   "NGO/CBO International Forum Workshop" which they say is scheduled
to take place from November 1-5 in Washington D.C. 

*   "10th Symposium of NGO/CBO" which they say is scheduled to take
place from October 24-29 in Boston 

*   "10th Roundtable of NGO/CBOs on African Development" which they say
is scheduled to take place September 8-13 in Texas. 

*   "10th Roundtable of NGO/CBO" which they say is scheduled to take
place from August 24-29 in South Carolina. 

*   "15th Symposium of NGO/CBO" which they say is scheduled to take
place from August 18-23 in Boston. 

*   "9th Roundtable of NGO/CBO" which they say is scheduled to take
place July 14-19 in Boston. 

*   "3rd International NGO/CBO Workshop - Transforming Civil Society"
which they say is scheduled to take place July 7-9 in New York. 


I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 

Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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[Ugnet] RE: [Str8talk-2011] Re: Obote was tough, but with me, he was shy-Miria Kalule Obote

2008-12-03 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Brothers, History & Civics was one of favourite subjects in primary. However, 
it was also the most traumatic in that it was my aunt who taught the subject in 
my school and for me it was a nightmare because this woman almost deformed my 
hands and fingers with the back-hand ruler punishment for failing a question. I 
even went to the extent of asking my mother why the hell this woman hated me so 
much that she directed every question at me that always ended up with a 
weew...! if I got it right or a sob if I failed.
Anyway, back to the discussion: the issue for me is not whether Kiwanuka or 
Mutesa were the first PM and Prez, respectively. The issue for me is who did 
what and when for the good of the country. For me the sequence of events does 
not matter at all because I was born in the middle 60s and was able to know all 
about the country's political skirmishes during the early days. 
Does it really matter that George Washington was the first Pres of the US and 
how many people/Americans even know which political party he belonged or, at 
the minimum, how many Americans believe that his State of origin matters more 
than his contributions to the USA - a country that has had less than 6 
amendments to its constitution compared to Uganda's amendments numbering in the 
20s - abrogated, amended, nullified, revived, etc.
I do believe that Obote did more for Uganda than any other President 
irrespective of our tribal feelings. He did more during his troubled 10 or so 
years than Museveni did in 23 years and not even close. I don't only have no 
clue what Mutesa or Kiwanuka did but there is absolutely nothing to show that 
Kiwanuka was responsible for any infrastructure development at all for Uganda, 
let alone Buganda in particular.
By the way, if I may ask: If Mutesa was the first President and Kiwanuka was 
the first Prime Minister, how the hell did Obote outsmart 2 prominent Baganda 
to the extent he eliminated their powers without any material or tangible 
challenges on their part and with the capital and seat of government in their 
ethic territory? Can't that tell you more about Obote the man and Obote the 
politician that he was no tribal chief or leader, neither a bootlicker, nor a 
Obote was too smart a politician that he outsmarted both Kiwanuka and Mutesa by 
dividing their own people's allegiance to his favour. That is what you should 
be asking yourselves. To date, all politicians or military leaders who have led 
Uganda know that to succeed, one must just divide the Baganda. And they are 
very easy to divide because of greed.
But the same did not happen in Kenya. The Kikuyu have given the rest of Kenya 
perpetual heartburn by not giving too much access to power anyone ruling from 
their own land (Nairobi). The same goes as recently for Zimbabwe's Shona and 
Ndebele where the struggle is more of an Intra-Shona matter than the spectating 
If I were a Muganda (and I am not asserting out of tribalism), I would be 
slapping my own cheeks every morning querying what went wrong with us. It is 
very easy for any Uganda and a Muganda in particular, to list Uganda's past 
Presidents as barely Mutesa, then Obote, Amin, Obote, Tito and Museveni and in 
the process forget or ignore Lule and Binaisa. Two chances were blown away 
because of division within Buganda for failing to consolidate on the 
opportunity. None from Teso, Karamoja, Busoga, Toro, Bunyoro, etc have appeared 
to lead the country yet the Ganda are quick to blame "the rest of the country" 
for their internal divisions and GREED.
Personally, I am not a lover of History because I believe it is all about 
opening old wounds and revisiting past hatred. I love biographies and my 
bookshelf even has a copy of Hitler's Mein Kampf. I like to learn about people 
individually thereby get to know what made them who they were - heroes, 
statesmen, villains, godfathers, holy men, great singers, etc - I have them 
all. My wife has noticed some new trend in me that I have been collecting any 
movie with a black man or woman starring and I even have them in black'n'white. 
I have plenty of authorized and unauthorized biographies on many black 
statesmen from Kenyatta to Mandela, Harvey, Obama, Oprah, Kaguta, etc. The 
interest is in knowing how far blacks and Africans in particular, have come 
positively or negatively in their own successes and failures, and who have been 
divisive detractors (Museveni) or icons of progress (Mandela). You will be 
History is Uganda's greatest problem. There is nothing good to revisit. I wish 
we could all look forward instead of calling up on the past to change the 
current and future.

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum

[Ugnet] The World's Worst Banker?

2008-12-02 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
d, "There are no plans for any inorganic capital raisings or anything of
the sort." But in June, RBS sold
>  12.3 billion pounds (about $20 billion) in shares at 200 pence per share,
which was a significant discount to the then-market price. By October, as
this chart shows <http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?s=RBS.L&t=6m> , the stock
was slumping.

And finally: Dump problems on fellow citizens by messing things up so badly
the bank has to be nationalized? Bingo. With the stock continuing to slip,
RBS staged another rights offering, giving brutalized shareholders an
opportunity to add to their sharply discounted holdings at a sharp
discount-in this case at 65.5 pence per share. But shareholders passed, and
the government last Friday had to step in as buyer of last resort, ponying
up 20 billion pounds and assuming an ownership stake of about 60 percent.
(The Guardian tells
king>  the grim tale.)

The result? RBS's stock (here's a
<http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?s=RBS.L&t=2y> two-year chart) has lost 91
percent of its value since March 2007 and retains value thanks only to
massive government intervention. A job well-done, Sir Fred!

URL: http://www.newsweek.com/id/171688
C 2008 

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 

Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
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2008-12-01 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
I have been reading this exciting events unfolding. It is the end for
Harper. I don't think there is anymore turning back. Now, this is democracy
in fair play. Very interesting indeed, but soon we will be having a new
government. It caught Harper off-guard and instantlt humbled him like a
bulldog squeezed by the b..ls.

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



Of Mulindwa Edward
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 5:43 PM
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ugandanet@kym.net

The humbling of a Prime Minister


>From Monday's Globe and Mail

December 1, 2008 at 12:11 AM EST

Elizabeth May tells a story from the televised election debates. The rules
stipulated that leaders were allowed to bring in blank paper for
note-taking. “I'm seated next to Stephen Harper,” the Green Party Leader
recalls, swearing she isn't imagining things, “and I look down on his little
table. His paper isn't blank. He's got all these notes, already prepared. It
was like to hell with the rules. I do what I want.” 

That was then. This is now.

Now, a domineering Prime Minister known for running a minority like he has
won a landslide is on bended knee, petitioning for survival. In a matter of
days Mr. Harper has recanted on his plan to withdraw public funding for
political parties, has disavowed his intent to eliminate the right of public
servants to strike, has moved up the timing of his budget and moved back the
timing of a confidence vote.

The sight of him semi-prostrate before the likes of Stéphane Dion and Jack
Layton is not something many would have believed. He hasn't done the full
revocation yet. He hasn't come forward with a plan for major stimulus in the
budget, as opposition parties demand. That could come later this week. But
whatever the outcome of the current crisis, one thing is clear: This is a
Prime Minister who is getting his comeuppance. You live by the sword, you
die by the sword. He isn't dead, but he is mightily humbled. History won't
forget these days.Many of us thought he might be changing his ways. I'd
written countless columns about his autocratic tactics, but thought that
with his election win in October we were seeing a new Stephen Harper, that
he was more relaxed and secure. He made some impressive personnel changes
and seemed to be displaying a little more bipartisanship. But his opting to
play power-monger politics in the midst of a global economic crisis last
week showed there was little change. It confirmed the worst suspicions.

Having dug himself into this chasm, the Prime Minister is now making the
right moves – especially if he signals more economic stimulus – in trying to
dig himself out. He had little choice, given the scathing media reaction, to
eat crow on his economic update. With his pullback, he now leaves the
opposition parties with less ammunition. He makes it look like they are the
ones who, with their continued coalition-plotting, are engaged in a power

The opposition will argue that the PM's intent was clear, that he doesn't
deserve a second chance, that he cannot be trusted – and that, indeed, he
did have a hidden agenda, it being total political control via his party
non-funding plan. Mr. Harper did not reveal the funding reform plan or some
of the other measures in his election campaign or in his Throne Speech. They
were inserted at the last minute in the update. He once denounced Joe Clark
for losing his 1979 minority on the basis of a gasoline tax that the Tory
leader had not campaigned on. “You can be principled without being stupid,”
Mr. Harper said of Mr. Clark. But last week Mr. Harper proceeded to do a
similar thing.

The PM also told everyone he was familiar with the mistakes leaders made in
the Great Depression of the 1930s – belt-tightening instead of stimulus.
Mysteriously he didn't heed it, at least not in his economic statement.

If defeated on a non-confidence motion, he will hope the Governor-General
allows him to fight an election. He might wish before seeing her to retract
his attempt to pressure her. He said Friday that Mr. Dion “does not have the
right to take power without an election.” This is blatantly wrong. The
Opposition leader does, in fact, have the constitutional right in a minority
government and the Governor-General has the authority to confer it.

Up until now, the Prime Minister has been able to get away with his
strong-arm tactics, his disavowing of his own election law being another
recent example. But the economic update did much to expose the essence of
him. My suspicion is that we don't know the half of what went on in his
first term and

RE: [Ugnet] Re: {UAH} Cry the Beloved Country

2008-12-01 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto

I think life and survival, for the average Muganda, have become more
difficult to adjust to than for the migrants from the rest of the country
and from as far away as Sudan, DRC, Rwanda/Burundi. It is sad that most of
these new atrocities - private and commercial slaughters and child
sacrifices - are committed by a people who claim to be the most educated,
civilized, informed and enlightened in Uganda. I do believe that it is now a
dog-eat-dog society in Buganda; it is not man against beast but beast
against beast or his own species. Certainly, the Baganda holders of this
ritual also know that they can't tamper with kidnapping a Kakwa or Muhima
because that will spell unwarranted deluge of the common-man's tribal

Has anyone asked why the sacrifices are being funded by the well-to-do and
executed by the needy poor who themselves end up in jail but the principal
gets away to UK? What is becoming of the Ganda enlightened intelligentsia
who have resorted to such lowly of primitive practices and don't they think
they have made the Baganda a laughing stock for the rest of the country and
visitors alike?

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 

Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower

-Original Message-
Of Mulindwa Edward
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 5:02 AM
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ugandanet@kym.net
Subject: [Ugnet] Re: {UAH} Cry the Beloved Country


Again I repeat that this nation is not reaching this low due to unitarism we
have a very serious problem that needs to be addressed, for can you imagine
leaving Baganda to  self govern? These kids are not only Baganda but
Ugandans and the very future of Uganda, how can you leave them under Mengo
authority, you will end up with no Muganda come 50 years ahead.

Or show me where Mengo  has taken a stand to defend  these little ones.


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni,
l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
- Original Message -
From: "Paul Ssemaluulu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 12:34 AM
Subject: {UAH} Cry the Beloved Country

> Kampala man butchers baby son
> Sunday, 30th November, 2008
> E-mail article E-mail article   Print article Print article
> By Herbert Ssempogo
> A MAN butchered his six-month-old son in Kampala on Saturday. The
> incident heightened the alarm surrounding a string of ritual murders
> involving children in the city.
> The horrific killing occurred in Nakinyuguzi, Makindye. Henry
> Sserubiri, detained at Katwe Police Station, is said to have used a
> knife to cut up his son, Elijah Kyanakyayesu.
> Witnesses say Kyanakyayesu was brutally murdered at about 6:30pm in a
> bed-sitter home he shared with his mother Liz Nabaale, father
> Sserubiri and two-year-old brother, Wycliffe Buyongo.
> Police, quoting a neighbour, said Sserubiri chopped Kyanakyayesu up
> while Nabaale, a petty trader, had gone to buy goods from Kikuubo, a
> busy business hub. When Nabaale returned, she asked her husband where
> the child was but received no response.
> It is reported that Nabaale and her neighbour Charles Lwanga searched
> the house, driven by their suspicions. They discovered a blood-stained
> polyethylene bag. In it they found Kyanakyayesu's head, torso, chopped
> limbs and two knives, which Sserubiri reportedly used kill the child.
> The sight caused Nabaale to go into shock, witnesses said.
> As enraged crowds gathered, local council officials Betty Ssejje and
> Musa Kayemba locked Sserubiri in the house, away from enraged
> residents who wanted to lynch him.
> Police, among them Katwe CID chief Sisye Kiirya and his Kabalagala
> counterpart Dennis Anywar, arrived shortly and whisked Sserubiri off
> to Katwe.
> Kyanakyayesu's remains, which the detectives examined, were taken to
> the city mortuary in Mulago.
> By press time, Nabaale remained admitted to Hope Clinic in Lukuli
> receiving treatment for shock.
> Sserubiri's motive for the murder could not be established. Detectives
> are set to interrogate him this week.
> The murder of the infant came to light as the Police searched for the
> head of 12-year-old Joseph Kasirye, who was killed in October in
> Masaka in what they suspect is a ritual murder. City businessman
> Godfrey Kato Kajubi is detained at Central Police Station in
> connection with the child's death.
> Yesterday the Police arrested a witchdoctor in connection with
> Kasirye's murder.


2008-11-29 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
This is interesting and it is not being broadcast for the first time. Why is
it Ok for developed countries to bribe developing countries yet
unfortunately, an illegal act, when Third Wolders do the same? by doing
this, isn't Britain facilitating bribery and corruption as an
'official'/legal means of stabilizing situations?
... and they have the audacity to say the Third World is full of corrupt

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



Of Mulindwa Edward
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 6:10 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ugandanet@kym.net;
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Oryema Johnson; Nyar Nyar'Onyango; Dr.
Valentine Ojo

Britain 'bribes Afghans to fight Taleban'

 A British soldier meets a local man in Helmand province Picture: Getty
A British soldier meets a local man in Helmand province Picture: Getty
  Click on thumbnail to view image
  Click on thumbnail to view image
  Click on thumbnail to view image
  Click on thumbnail to view image
Published Date: 26 November 2008 
By Jerome Starkey 
in Kabul 
BRITAIN plans to pay cash "bribes" to tribal elders in Afghanistan's
war-torn Helmand province, as part of a scheme to persuade them to take on
the Taleban.
UK officials in the capital, Kabul, are bankrolling an Afghan initiative to
pay community leaders monthly wages to get them talking to the government.

The Afghan Social Outreach Programme (ASOP) is seen as the first step
towards finding influential tribal elders, on a district level, to command
irregular forces against the Taleban insurgents.

The elders will be handpicked by Helmand's governor, Gulab Mangal, and are
expected to earn about £800 a year for attending up to two meetings, or
shuras, a month.

But critics fear the payments, which are some 30 per cent more than civil
servants earn, are the president Hamid Karzai's way of bribing tribal elders
to deliver votes ahead of elections next year.

American officials are financing a similar scheme in the east of the
country, where their troops are based. 

Meanwhile, US General David Petraeus is carrying out a strategy review that
is expected to advocate closer engagement with Afghanistan's myriad tribal
communities, after Barack Obama, the president-elect, takes office next

News of Britain's involvement in ASOP came as David Miliband, the Foreign
Secretary, met Mr Karzai on a surprise visit to Kabul yesterday. Speaking to
journalists after the meeting, Mr Miliband was asked about rumours that
2,000 more UK soldiers could be sent to Afghanistan at the request of the
US. "It is certainly invented, as far as I'm concerned. I haven't seen any
papers come to me saying we need 2,000 more troops," he said.

Western backers say the cash payments are only a way of harnessing informal
government structures, so people in remote and war-ravaged provinces can air
their grievances to the governor. But Afghan officials insist it is the
beginning of a much more ambitious plan to connect with men of fighting age
who give their loyalty to village, family and tribal elders before any
allegiance to Kabul.

Mr Karzai's spokesman said: "We don't want to create militias, but we need
to be empowering tribal arbakai (community forces] and citizen patrols;
equip them, not just with weapons but with whatever it takes, so they can
protect their territories.

"We have lost a major part of Helmand to the Taleban because we failed to
keep the population. We failed to keep the tribal elders on our side. When
we lose them, we lose the territory. We should go back to the people."

The cash programme will be piloted in two districts of Helmand in the coming
weeks and is expected to be rolled out across the province next year.

However, a western policy analyst in Kabul warned: "It's anti-democratic. If
this is perceived as more political patronage, or bribery, it runs the risk
of generating friction and resentment."

Charities and non-governmental organisations fear it could legitimise
militias and store up problems for the future, after years of international
efforts to disarm irregular forces.

Matt Waldman, Oxfam's head of policy in Afghanistan, said: "Given the
fragile security situation, ASOP is a high-risk strategy which, if
mishandled, has the potential to make matters worse."

Divided tribes make it hard to find elders who will help

THE tribes in Helmand province have been 


2008-11-29 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Unlike Obama, Kaguta's definition of "fundamental change" is no change. I
reflected on this and gave the Ugandan voter quite a laugh. During campaigns
for the Sad Term, the slogan was "No Change". Where in the world has anyone
ever heard of a country's policy and future remaining stagnant? Isn't it
strange that Kaguta stood on that premise and Ugandans actually voted for No
Change? Unfortunately and knowingly, the Ugandan voter voted for more than
'No Change" because it meant Museveni would deal No Change by maintaining
the status quo of corrupt and murderous officials. So while the Ugandan
understanding of No Change was about keeping Museveni as president,
Museveni's definition of this (mis)understanding was that he had a blanket
approval to continue human rights abuses, public office abuses and
corruption. Y'know, the interesting thing about African presidents is that
once elected or once they fight their way in, it is the people who owe them
and not vice versa; it is the people who are answerable to them, not them
answerable to the people. And the first is true because they instantly
become authoritarian dictators where they give orders to the people not
knowing they are one among millions, not millions against one. Only has that
been proven otherwise, in S.Africa when for the first time a sitting
president got ousted by his party and he left without a fight because he
knew he was just one among the millions who chose him and who had the right
to take him out.
EM, I still don't know how and why African leaders suddenly become
invincible, above the laws of the land and authoritarian dictators who
suddenly, to say the least, privatize the country running it as a personal
property/business. I bet Zimbabweans will see this in under a year should
Tsivangirai be president.
Assuming change is for the betterment of citizens and the country, do
African leaders want change or do African leaders fear change?

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



Of Mulindwa Edward
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 4:37 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ugandanet@kym.net;
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Nyar Nyar'Onyango; Oryema Johnson;

The word out there is that Obama is going to keep Gates as his defense
secretary and Gates has accepted.  If this is true, then some of us can
continue to state that it is not about stating that you will bring change
but the entire campaign should have been to list those changes.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

[Ugnet] Orombi Criticises Alur Over Witchcraft

2008-11-28 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Orombi Criticises Alur Over Witchcraft 

New Vision (Kampala)

27 November 2008 
Posted to the web 28 November 2008 

THE Anglican archbishop, Henry Luke Orombi, has told the Alur to stop
witchcraft to fight poverty. 

"People still share one grass-thatched hut with goats, children, chicken and
ducks. You Alur people should have trust in God and stop witchcraft. Stop
giving yourselves names like Kumakech (I am unlucky), Ajaruva and Masedi
(disturbance), among others associated with poverty," he said. 

"An Alur will not want to see his fellow Alur prospering; they prefer seeing
other tribes developing as they bewitch themselves. An Alur will wake up at
night and sprinkle blood on the doorway of his fellow Alur who is
developing. We must stop this backward habit." 

Orombi's wife Phoebe advised the Alur in other areas to develop their home
area. "As you work in Gulu, Kampala and other places, think of putting up
some structure at home where you body will be laid when you are dead," she

Orombi was meeting the Nebbi community living in Gulu and Amuru districts on
Tuesday in Bardege division, Gulu. 

He urged the elders to teach the children and women the Alur culture. 

Orombi is on a one-week pastoral visit to the diocese of northern Uganda. 


I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 

Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

[Ugnet] Woman arrested selling boy for sh23m

2008-11-26 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Basoboklwe, what the hell is happening out West? Are Musevenistas beginning
to feel the financial bite too?

 The New Vision <http://newvision.co.ug/IM/logo_white_big.gif> 

Woman arrested selling boy for sh23m

Publication date: Wednesday, 26th November, 2008


Scovia Mbabazi, the seller of the boy, at Kalisizo Police Station; Frank
Hagirimaana on sale for sh23m

By Ali Mambule 
in Masaka 

THE Police have arrested a Rwandan woman trying to sell a 15-year-old boy
for sh23m. 

The Police identified the suspects as Scovia Mbabazi, 28, of Rushenyi
village, Rweyare sub-county in Mbarara district. 

Mbabazi's arrest comes as the Police intensify the hunt for Kampala tycoon
Kato Kajubi over a gruesome ritual murder in Masaka district. 

She was arrested when a Police officer pretended to buy the boy, the
district Police commander, Juma Okungo, said. 

The boy identified as Frank Hagirimaana, a Hutu, said he was picked from
Bugesera Zone, Kabugakomini in Kigalingari district, Rwanda by Mbabazi who
promised to get him a job. 

Okungo said on Monday, Mbabazi approached a would-be accomplice, Fred
Kasinga, of Kyotera town in Rakai district to look for a buyer. Mbabazi
promised him a sh3m commission, the Police said. 

The woman, the Police added, lied that she lived in Sanje on the
Kyotera-Mutukula road in Rakai but they discovered that she had spent two
days in a lodge in Kyotera town and had not paid the bills. 

"She pleaded that she would pay after selling her goods," Okungo said. 

In a statement to the Police, the would-be accomplice reported the matter
because he could not understand why the woman would sell the boy. 

Okungo said a policeman, Rashid Luyinda, from Kyotera Police post, wearing a
suit, pretended to be a tycoon interested in buying the boy. 

Mbabazi initially asked for sh50m. After pleading for a discount, she
reluctantly accepted sh23m and insisted she had to pay a sh3m commission to
the broker. 

Luyinda, however, requested Mbabazi to show him the boy before paying the
money. She promised to bring him within an hour, saying he was in Sanje. 

"We wanted to first rescue the boy before arresting the woman and we
immediately arrested Mbabazi when she brought the boy who had no knowledge
of what was going on," Okungo added. 

Mbabazi, however, told the Police that although she was selling the boy, she
did not intend to sacrifice him. 

"I thought the rich man wanted to give him a job." 

Mbabazi was detained at Kalisizo Police Station. 

The Police said investigations into the matter are going on and that Mbabazi
would be charged with child trafficking. 

Okungo said he was waiting for instructions from the Masaka regional Police
to instruct them on what to do with the boy who is now under Police care. 

SEE Related story under National news 

This article can be found on-line at:


C Copyright 2000-2008 The New Vision. All rights reserved.

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
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[Ugnet] Bush fire building strength: After Miria, the deluge

2008-11-26 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
After Miria's announcement, here comes another from one willing to sacrifice
his bread'n'butter for reason. I hope the bush fire engulfs Kaguta and force
him to resign as well - for our own good, that is.

 The New Vision <http://newvision.co.ug/IM/logo_white_big.gif> 

Forest manager resigns

Publication date: Wednesday, 26th November, 2008

By Gerald Tenywa 

A SENIOR manager of the Budongo Forest Reserve in Masindi and Bulisa
districts has resigned. 

Deziderius Irumba said the objectives and core values of the National
Forestry Authority (NFA) were being violated. But the resignation is yet to
be accepted. 

He also said the staff on the ground were being ignored in favour of
"illegal operators". 

"I am not able to serve under these circumstances," said Irumba in his
resignation letter of October 31. 

Irumba was the sector manager of the NFA for about four years and had been
based in Budongo, Uganda's largest natural forest which covers about 825
square kilometres. 

Prior to his resignation, Irumba and his superiors disagreed over logging in
Budongo. He had accused a pitsawyer of operating in the forest illegally for
a year. But his bosses instead accused him of frustrating the pitsawyer. 

The resignation follows President Yoweri Museveni's directive stopping
leasing of chunks of forest reserves to private investors to plant trees. 

The individuals, Museveni said, had abused the reserves by cutting down
trees and mining sand there. 

Commenting on the resignation, Hudson Andrua, the director of natural
forests, said Irumba would face the management to prove his allegations "to
help the organisation improve". "He should build instead of destroying it." 

Andrua said investigations had been conducted following the reports of
irregularities in Budongo sector since March. 

"Irumba, as a manager, is accountable for a number of things," Andrua said.
"So he cannot run away by resigning." 

Earlier, Andrua said Irumba had been cautioned over some "mistakes". 

Before joining NFA, Irumba worked with the defunct Forest Department and
handled collaborative forestry management in Budongo and Sango Bay. 

Under the strategy, NFA involves the communities near forests, by giving
them responsibilities to take care of the forests. 

"I worked in Sango Bay and contributed to its protection and integrity at
the time when it was faced with rampant illegal activities," said Irumba. "I
worked tirelessly to protect Budongo central forest reserve and it is on
record that illegal activities have reduced." 

His post is three positions below the executive head of the largest forestry
body mandated to manage 506 reserves. He was manager of the Budongo, Masege
and Kasongoire reserves, totalling 58,000 hectares. Nyabyeya forest and
Rwesama lie in Budongo sector, but are managed by Nyabyeya Forestry College.


This article can be found on-line at:


C Copyright 2000-2008 The New Vision. All rights reserved.


I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 

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[Ugnet] China to hang four Ugandans

2008-11-26 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
e island in September 2005. 

The Indian security in April 2003 arrested a 27-year-old Uganda woman,
Ndagire S. Elizabeth, at the New Delhi airport trying to smuggle out heroin.
In September 2001, the then head of the Uganda Police Anti-narcotics unit,
Johnson Ayela, said over 30 Ugandans were being held in the US for drug

According to Ugandan security authorities, Entebbe International Airport is
also being used as a transit route for heroin and mandrax from the Far East
en route to South Africa. 

There have been increased seizures of heroin, with Nigerian connections,
bound for Uganda through Ethiopia. 

Due to the large amount of the substance seized, "one is inclined to
conclude that Uganda is in this context used as a major country of transit,"
according to the 2007 report of the UN Office for Drugs and Crime. 

Seven kilogrammes of cocaine and 1.34kg of heroin were seized in 2007 at
Entebbe Airport. 

The Police arrested five Pakistani nationals in connection with the
substance, the Police crime report of 2007 said.


This article can be found on-line at:


C Copyright 2000-2008 The New Vision. All rights reserved.


I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
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[Ugnet] When hospitals are death traps

2008-11-26 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
 are mobilisation,
education, and support for mothers and children under five at the community
level using village health teams to increase access to new born care and
their mothers at family level. 

Until such programmes are effectively implemented, however, safe delivery
will continue to elude ordinary women like Ms Mpagazi as the risks of their
own lives being taken while their giving birth to others remain high.

Warom Felix Okello, David Mafabi, Sheila Naturinda, Otushabire Tibyagye and
Jane Nafula 

C Copyright 2008 by Monitor Online 

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 

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[Ugnet] FDC to drop Latigo, Wadri

2008-11-26 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
>From Monitor Online

FDC to drop Latigo, Wadri

Posted in: News <http://www.monitor.co.ug/artman/publish/news/index.shtml>  
By Gerald Bareebe
Nov 27, 2008 - 2:49:42 AM


The National Executive Council of the opposition Forum for Democratic
yesterday resolved to review the performance of its leadership in Parliament
as a proposal was floated to replace Prof. Ogenga Latigo as leader of the
Opposition, and Mr Kassiano Wadri, as chief whip. 

The decision may bring to an end the political roles of the two MPs in these
critical positions less than three years after they took office. 

The decision was arrived at during the Nec meeting at FDC headquarters in
Najjanankumbi. Chaired by party president Kizza Besigye, the Nec resolved
that a reshuffle in the opposition leadership should take place before
Parliament breaks off for recess on December 17. 

The Nec comprises MPs, chairpersons and vice chairpersons of regions,
including all national chairpersons and their deputies of the different
party leagues.

A source that attended the six-hour closed door meeting told Daily Monitor
last evening that Aruu County MP Odonga Otto queried the performance of the
opposition MPs, telling colleagues that current leadership "is as
incompetent as our NRM counterparts who only enjoy driving expensive cars
and pocketing allowances."

According to the source who asked for anonymity because he is not authorised
to speak on behalf of the party, Mr Otto reportedly said, "Our current
leadership in Parliament has not performed to our expectations."

His statement drew stiff resistance from some quarters led by Mr Wadri and
Tororo County MP Geoffrey Ekanya, who protested the idea of the Nec choosing
new opposition leaders, and argued that was the work of the FDC
parliamentary caucus. 
The source said Mr Otto was supported by Kasilo County MP Elijah Okupa,
Bugweri MP Abdul Katuntu and Aswa MP Reagan Okumu. 

Prof. Latigo did not attend the meeting, the source said. 
Ms Salaam Musumba, the FDC Vice chairperson and Rubaga North MP Beti Kamya
were also absent.

The Nec, however, resolved to task Mr Latigo to submit performance reviews
of every opposition shadow minister, to the party's steering committee so
that a date to elect new leaders can be set. 

Mr Wadri admitted yesterday that the performance of some shadow ministers
was "wanting" but said it was healthy that his position and that of Prof.
Latigo have been put under scrutiny. 
"It's true some of their performances have been wanting," Mr Wadri said by
telephone yesterday. 

"We joined this Parliament when our multiparty democracy was young. If they
want to replace me I am ready to give way to others who can take it up, it's
healthy and normal," he added.
Prof. Latigo was unavailable for comment and did not answer repeated calls. 

The position of Leader of Opposition is constitutional, and is elected by
the opposition party with the biggest number of MPs. 
The FDC has 38 MPs out of 59 opposition seats. 

Given its numerical strength, it also has the power of determining who makes
it to the shadow cabinet. 
There are 21 ministers in the shadow cabinet, excluding the leader of
Opposition and opposition chief whip.

C Copyright 2008 by Monitor Online 


I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
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2008-11-25 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Holiiieee Cow...! 
So how come the Brits kept theirs quiet like a holy society yet were quick
to report and dwell on the Austrian as though there were no monsters in UK?

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



Of Mulindwa Edward
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 6:23 PM
To: ugandanet@kym.net; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Nyar Nyar'Onyango; Oryema Johnson; Dr. Valentine


Briton gets life for raping and impregnating his 2 daughters 


Tue Nov 25, 1:55 PM 

  By The Associated Press
LONDON - A British court has sentenced a man who repeatedly raped his two
daughters over more than 25 years to life in prison. 

The court found that the 56-year-old man subjected his daughters to years of
abuse and impregnated them 19 times. 

The daughters had a number of miscarriages and abortions but bore him nine
children, two of whom died at birth. 

Lawyer Nicholas Campbell said Tuesday that the abuse started when the two
sisters reached the age 8. 

The man plead guilty to 25 counts of rape and four counts of indecent
assault last month at Sheffield Crown Court in northern England. 

Neither he nor his daughters can be identified due to legal restrictions. 




 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
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attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

RE: [Ugnet] What a lousy response....! - Uganda health ministryresponse

2008-11-25 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
nly one week and submitted to Accountant
General's office for tax clearance en route to Uganda Revenue Authority
(URA) for the release of the equipment. 

Records show that the Ministry of Health has been clearing taxes on imports
for Dr. Clarke for years should know by now know that for the Government to
pay taxes on imported medical supplies, a formal application accompanied by
a URA tax assessment declaration and valid MoU with the ministry are
required. There are no shortcuts for anybody. 

Mary L. Nannono 
Permanent Secretary Ministry of Health

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



From: Mulindwa Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 4:45 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; The First Virtual Network for friends of
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] What a lousy response! - Uganda health

Peter Gwokto
Kindly get me the Email address of this nice lady.
Thank you
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
From: Peter-Rhaina Gwokto <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; 'The First
<mailto:ugandanet@kym.net> Virtual Network for friends of Uganda' 
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 10:11 AM
Subject: [Ugnet] What a lousy response! - Uganda health ministryresponse

Uganda health ministry response 

Mary L Nannono, permanent secretary at Uganda's ministry of health, sent the
following statement in response to claims made in Panorama: Addicted to Aid:

1. I have not been able to establish how much money has come to the Health
Sector since the 1960s. I do know however that Uganda has gone through a
very difficult patch since that time which has severely affected its social,
economic as well as political fibre. Where we are now in terms of health
service delivery should be measured against where we have come from and not
where we should ideally be. A lot of progress has been made. 

2. There is no shortage of gloves but there are problems with users
accurately predicting their needs to allow timely procurement. The
procurement and supply management process is being addressed. As for
paracetamol, Mulago is a referral hospital and the drug is not among the
indicator tracer drugs for that level and may be out of stock sometimes. 

3. Staffing levels at the referral hospitals and indeed at all the health
units are not optimal but the staff are dedicated and do a good job in spite
of the constraints they face. 

4. It is not true that critically injured patients are left to bleed to
death. No health unit would do something like that. Owing to staffing gaps
however, there may be delays in attending to some patients. Uganda continues
to have a high number of road traffic accidents. We have developed
client/patient charters to sensitize the patients on their rights. We have
strong partnerships with private-not-for-profit health units as well as
representatives of civil society organisations in our governance structures.

5. Mulago hospital receives a lot more patients than it should get because
patients do not go to lower health units. The matter is being addressed
through rehabilitation of peripheral health units and the planned
construction of four divisional hospitals in Greater Kampala. 

6. Levels of sanitation are generally poor, even outside the hospitals. The
hospital clients belong to the same population. There is no evidence to
prove that hospital clients and staff are being infected through poor
hospital procedures. 

7. It is true that there is a space problem in the labour suite. It was
constructed to accommodate 18 mothers but receives up to 80 per day. A new
labour suite is being constructed to address this problem. 

8. For the reason mentioned in 7 above, mothers who deliver normally are
observed for 24 hours and discharged with instructions to return in case
anything unusual develops. 

9. Mulago hospital has four operating ambulances, will procure one more this
financial year and two next financial year. 

10. The Ministry of Health has 217 vehicles of different sizes and
capacities and not all of them are 4x4. Only 10 of these were purchased
using the Ministry budget. The rest came in through project support. 

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/11/21 15:57:46 GMT



I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim High

[Ugnet] email Nannono

2008-11-25 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Try this one too:
The Head Procurement and Disposal Unit, Ministry of Health 
Plot 6, Lourdel Road, P.0 Box 7272 Kampala. 
Telephone: 256-414-256945, 256 (0)712-861319 
Mary L. Nannono 


I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 

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% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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RE: [Ugnet] What a lousy response....! - Uganda health ministryresponse

2008-11-25 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Ms. Mary L. Nannono - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mary L. Nannono

The email is as above. I went looking for her but was even more surprised to
find the Min. of Health website for Uganda giving me this messahe: 

Bandwidth Limit Exceeded

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site
owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later. 

Apache/2.0.61 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.0.61 OpenSSL/0.9.8b mod_auth_passthrough/2.1
mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/ PHP/5.2.5 Server at www.health.go.ug
Port 80
Can anyone imagine it the Ministry of HEALTH unable to secure enuff
bandwidth to ensure the public is informed?
God Help Us.!

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



From: Mulindwa Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 4:45 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; The First Virtual Network for friends of
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] What a lousy response! - Uganda health

Peter Gwokto
Kindly get me the Email address of this nice lady.
Thank you
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

----- Original Message - 
From: Peter-Rhaina Gwokto <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; 'The First
<mailto:ugandanet@kym.net> Virtual Network for friends of Uganda' 
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 10:11 AM
Subject: [Ugnet] What a lousy response! - Uganda health ministryresponse

Uganda health ministry response 

Mary L Nannono, permanent secretary at Uganda's ministry of health, sent the
following statement in response to claims made in Panorama: Addicted to Aid:

1. I have not been able to establish how much money has come to the Health
Sector since the 1960s. I do know however that Uganda has gone through a
very difficult patch since that time which has severely affected its social,
economic as well as political fibre. Where we are now in terms of health
service delivery should be measured against where we have come from and not
where we should ideally be. A lot of progress has been made. 

2. There is no shortage of gloves but there are problems with users
accurately predicting their needs to allow timely procurement. The
procurement and supply management process is being addressed. As for
paracetamol, Mulago is a referral hospital and the drug is not among the
indicator tracer drugs for that level and may be out of stock sometimes. 

3. Staffing levels at the referral hospitals and indeed at all the health
units are not optimal but the staff are dedicated and do a good job in spite
of the constraints they face. 

4. It is not true that critically injured patients are left to bleed to
death. No health unit would do something like that. Owing to staffing gaps
however, there may be delays in attending to some patients. Uganda continues
to have a high number of road traffic accidents. We have developed
client/patient charters to sensitize the patients on their rights. We have
strong partnerships with private-not-for-profit health units as well as
representatives of civil society organisations in our governance structures.

5. Mulago hospital receives a lot more patients than it should get because
patients do not go to lower health units. The matter is being addressed
through rehabilitation of peripheral health units and the planned
construction of four divisional hospitals in Greater Kampala. 

6. Levels of sanitation are generally poor, even outside the hospitals. The
hospital clients belong to the same population. There is no evidence to
prove that hospital clients and staff are being infected through poor
hospital procedures. 

7. It is true that there is a space problem in the labour suite. It was
constructed to accommodate 18 mothers but receives up to 80 per day. A new
labour suite is being constructed to address this problem. 

8. For the reason mentioned in 7 above, mothers who deliver normally are
observed for 24 hours and discharged with instructions to return in case
anything unusual develops. 

9. Mulago hospital has four operating ambulances, will procure one more this
financial year and two next financial year. 

10. The Ministry of Health has 217 vehicles of different sizes and
capacities and not all of them are 4x4. Only 10 of these were purchased
using the Ministry budget. The rest came in through project support. 

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/11/21 15:57:46 GMT



I am Peter-Rha

[Ugnet] What a lousy response....! - Uganda health ministry response

2008-11-25 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Uganda health ministry response 

Mary L Nannono, permanent secretary at Uganda's ministry of health, sent the
following statement in response to claims made in Panorama: Addicted to Aid:

1. I have not been able to establish how much money has come to the Health
Sector since the 1960s. I do know however that Uganda has gone through a
very difficult patch since that time which has severely affected its social,
economic as well as political fibre. Where we are now in terms of health
service delivery should be measured against where we have come from and not
where we should ideally be. A lot of progress has been made. 

2. There is no shortage of gloves but there are problems with users
accurately predicting their needs to allow timely procurement. The
procurement and supply management process is being addressed. As for
paracetamol, Mulago is a referral hospital and the drug is not among the
indicator tracer drugs for that level and may be out of stock sometimes. 

3. Staffing levels at the referral hospitals and indeed at all the health
units are not optimal but the staff are dedicated and do a good job in spite
of the constraints they face. 

4. It is not true that critically injured patients are left to bleed to
death. No health unit would do something like that. Owing to staffing gaps
however, there may be delays in attending to some patients. Uganda continues
to have a high number of road traffic accidents. We have developed
client/patient charters to sensitize the patients on their rights. We have
strong partnerships with private-not-for-profit health units as well as
representatives of civil society organisations in our governance structures.

5. Mulago hospital receives a lot more patients than it should get because
patients do not go to lower health units. The matter is being addressed
through rehabilitation of peripheral health units and the planned
construction of four divisional hospitals in Greater Kampala. 

6. Levels of sanitation are generally poor, even outside the hospitals. The
hospital clients belong to the same population. There is no evidence to
prove that hospital clients and staff are being infected through poor
hospital procedures. 

7. It is true that there is a space problem in the labour suite. It was
constructed to accommodate 18 mothers but receives up to 80 per day. A new
labour suite is being constructed to address this problem. 

8. For the reason mentioned in 7 above, mothers who deliver normally are
observed for 24 hours and discharged with instructions to return in case
anything unusual develops. 

9. Mulago hospital has four operating ambulances, will procure one more this
financial year and two next financial year. 

10. The Ministry of Health has 217 vehicles of different sizes and
capacities and not all of them are 4x4. Only 10 of these were purchased
using the Ministry budget. The rest came in through project support. 

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/11/21 15:57:46 GMT



I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 

Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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[Ugnet] The Hard Stuff: "He Said Another Woman's Name in Bed!"

2008-11-24 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
The Hard Stuff: "He Said Another Woman's Name in Bed!"
By Karen Karbo

Her husband called her by another woman's name when they were intimate and
she's having a tough time brushing it off. Is she being too sensitive?

Q: I've been married for 27 years. I love my husband very much, but I can't
seem to get past something that happened. The other night while we were in
the middle of making love, he called me by another name. Needless to say,
that ended the lovemaking for the night. He has apologized over and over for
doing it. He seems to be sincere, but I still can't get it out of my head. I
don't think he's having an affair, but one never knows. Am I being too
sensitive? What can I do to get over this? - J.S., 48, Detroit

A: You're not being too sensitive. Your man stuck his foot in his mouth at
the worst possible moment and has shaken your trust, which is the basic
foundation of the marriage. Way to go, hubster! Your shrugging this off with
no thought to what it might mean would actually display a worrisome
insensitivity on your part.

That said, I'd like to suggest that maybe it really was just an innocent
slip of the tongue. And even if he was thinking of someone else, that
doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't love you or that he loves you less. Be
honest: Have you never thought of someone or something else during sex? 

You ask how to get over this. If you can't shrug it off, then don't kiss and
make up until you can say, "I forgive you" and mean it. You must respect the
degree to which this incident upset you, which is also a way of respecting

We sometimes forget that we can live with someone and be miffed at them at
the same time. You can coexist and be civil and say, "You know, I'm still
upset about that night. I'll get over it, but I haven't yet. Stay tuned."
Over time, the event will recede into the past and your husband's overall
good, loving, dish-drying-without-being-asked behavior will reassert itself
- and this bad moment will become a blip on the big screen of your long,
happy marriage. 

And, yes, your attitude toward a possible affair is exactly right. Your
instincts tell you he's not being unfaithful, but one really never knows.
Give him the benefit of the doubt unless something else happens that fuels
your concern. Otherwise, you'll make yourself crazy.

Award-winning writer Karen Karbo is the author of How to Hepburn: Lessons on
Living From Kate the Great. She's also a mom, a writing teacher, and a horse
owner. Send your questions to her at: The Hard Stuff, REDBOOK, 300 W. 57th
St., New York, NY 10019 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] Letters may be edited
for clarity and length, and must include your initials, age, city, and
state. For more advice from Karen, go to redbookmag.com/karenkarbo.


Discuss: What are you thankful for this season?

Reprinted with permission of Hearst Communications, Inc.

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 

Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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RE: [Ugnet] Origins of Gun politics in a free Uganda

2008-11-23 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
I just found out last evening from the horse's mouth himself that "Masaka"
means nothing in Luganda because it was a name given by Rwandese immigrants.
The Rwandese were very surpised at what they saw after traversing the
terrain only to see - guess what - sorghum in the area now called Masaka.
Masaka in Rwandese for sorghum. I don't know from which Rwandese group.
Apparently, it is also the same group that named Kibuye which also has no
meaning in Luganda. But kibuye is a an admin district/region of Rwanda.
So next time you hear a surburb of Ottawa named Kitgum City, you definitely
know it is not a Mohawk name.

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
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Of ocii
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 8:55 PM
To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda
Cc: VoU VoiceofUganda
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Origins of Gun politics in a free Uganda

I am being curious here since it appears massacre occured in"Masaka" then,
before the dawn of our independent. My question to Bwana Mitayo is, was the
name "Masaka" granted the place after the "masacre", or the word "massacre"
as we know in English dictionary rose as a result of the massacre in
"Masaka", thereby giving an adulterated word of massacre the name Masaka, of
a place in Buganda?

--- On Thu, 10/30/08, Mitayo Potosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Mitayo Potosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Ugnet] Origins of Gun politics in a free Uganda
To: "The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda" 
Received: Thursday, October 30, 2008, 2:15 PM

Comrade Yoga Adhola,

Thank you for the document: Patriotism and neo-traditionalism in Buganda:
the KabakaYekka (The King Alone) Movement, 1961-1962. Journal of African

I was disappointed that the focus of this text is on the structure and
office holders of KY then.

My interest was/is to assert the truth that it is Kabaka Yekka that
introduced violence into Uganda's body politic, (!961-1962).

This document hardly even refers to this aspect. For that matter I have no
time to go off in some wild-goose-chase discussing it.

It is interesting though that the White man, the British,  I.R. Hancock,
mentions his interaction with KY Secretary General Masembe-Kabali.

May he have been an MI6 like William Pike was in the Luweero triangle?

Surely I would not go, for example, to William Pike for a redemptive account
of the Luweero
Neither to Musevini's cheerleader, Ms Els De Temmerman, of the New Vision,
the author of "Aboke Girls", about the sodomy extermination etc of our
people in Acholi. 

They are all mercenaries thriving on our decay, like maggots.

You have to note however that throughout, these KY fellows question the
'royalty' to Mengo/(Kabaka) of us in Masaka (Buddu, Mawogola, Kooki, Kabula
and Ssese).

Note also that at no time did KY conflict with British interests or

Note also the explicit understanding between KY and UPC to destroy/eliminate
DP (page 427).

The core leadership of KY was King's College Budo Old Boys. (Your Alma
mater). The ecxeption being Francis Walugembe.

Note also the oblique reference to the stealing of the 1962 elections in
Buganda. ( Hon Eriya Kategaya has also asserted that Uganda's Independence
election was stollen for UPC by the British. You have seen this claim I am
very positive)

It is on page 432 that in a William Pike like fashion this Hanock fellow
refers to the wanton arson and murder in Masaka as "crude intimidation and
clever electioneering"

Ronald Muwenda Mutebi, the present Kabaka of Buganda has referred to the
late AbuMayanja as a patriot or was it nationalist. A sick joke !!

It is interesting that on page 432 Mayanja's main pre-occupation was "to
impress Europeans and Asians"

So you see Brother Adhola, there is nothing in this document, on the blood
and tears of our dear ones in Masaka District in that dark pre-independence

One revelation I was not aware of was that the financing of KY was by some
Indian merchants. That is new to me.(page 428)

Thanks all the same.

Mitayo Potosi

Comrade Ochieno,

You want to limit issues to a "free" Uganda?
I guess that is, after 9th October 1962.

By that yardstick the self rule period under Ben Kiwanuka has no bearing on
what has transpired since then.

But that is the period of my focus.  
You are free to  give an analysis of another period of your choice. 

Let us also zero in on specifics and individuals.

Donkey years have been wasted on meaningless generalities like:

Baganda are bad/conceited/insular or whatever.
Acholi are brutal.
Batooro are lazy.

RE: [Ugnet] Uganda and the Byanyimas mourn for a beloved Mother.

2008-11-22 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Balton Uganda Ltd (BUL), is run by Ze'ev Shiff. This dude was the only one
who survived the Congo crash with $1.2 million. He is not to be confused
with Ze'ev Shiff, a famous Israeli war correspondant who died in 2007.

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



Of Mitayo Potosi
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2008 11:58 AM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Uganda and the Byanyimas mourn for a beloved Mother.

Give me time. I will find you the name of the Israeli fellow who,
effectively, is the real commander for PGB.  
His name has been popping around of late. 

The fellow is doing a couple of businesses around Kampala. 
He even has a publicly registered and operating company around. 

I will definetely fish it up for you. Meanwhile try

Can somebody out there help with this name? Help fellow Ugandans who seem to
have missed this detail about our country !! 

On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 8:47 PM, ocii <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"Now another Israeli is in complete command of Museveni's PGB. Stupid and
naive as we seem to always be, Mayombo befriended this guy may be in the
hope that it was the easiest way to remove Museveni. "
Mitayo Potosi,
So, based on your argument above, the late Mayombo was Mayomboed because of
a plan (his), to remove Mu7 - but of which he confided to the wrong man -
the Israelis? What is the name of that Israelis commander now commanding

--- On Thu, 11/20/08, Mitayo Potosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Mitayo Potosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Uganda and the Byanyimas mourn for a beloved Mother.
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], "The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda"

Received: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 5:39 PM 

Brother Odiya,

I have just read on your website some request to Obama to reign in the goons
that masquerade around as Africa's leaders.

I would be pleasantly surprised or even shocked if he did this.

It may appear like conspiracy theory but I am sincerely convinced that Obama
is just a mask for corporate neoliberals.

The only power blocks of the Western world seem to be only corporate
neoliberals and/or militaristic neoconservatives. 

Both of them are locked in a scramble for plunder and our strangulation. One
is no better than the other.

DP is busy running to Britain to offer to prostitute our country to British
Not to be left out of the mad rush, Ruzindana of FDC has never been so busy
dragging around Dr Besigye, introducing and hawking him to the same forces
of supremacy and doom.

Comrade Odiya, while at Makerere, just before the coup that brought Amin to
power, I will never forget the trepidation by the most powerful man after
Obote then, one Basil Bataringaya - Minister of Internal Affairs- when he
was publicly crying out to Obote about the grave danger of  allowing Col Bar
Lev, the Israel military attache then, to assume virtually the command of
all Uganda's military. 

It is this same Bar Lev, with Defence Minister Sharon, that later went on to
overran and massacre Palestinian refugees in now the infamous Shatilla

On the day after the coup a few of us students went to the grounds of
Parliament to see what was going on.

Bataringaya's head had been cut off. 
His head had been hoisted on a long metal spike and was being paraded around
the streets of Kampala. It is a shock of a lifetime, and not easy to  forget
or recover from.

Is it Idi Amin who did it or Bar Lev?  Who knows. 

Now another Israeli is in complete command of Museveni's PGB. Stupid and
naive as we seem to always be, Mayombo befriended this guy may be in the
hope that it was the easiest way to remove Museveni. 

But Israeli interests are focused on maintaining into power a beastly brute
like Museveni because that is the easiest way and cover to loot Uganda,
Congo etc  I only cry for the other two fellows Mayombo put in danger
i.e. Military engineers Ssendegeya and Egesa.

But as an addition to the piece which I recently wrote/posted here, about
Masaka, when the British were removing Ben Kiwanuka to replace him by Obote
they compromised him in rigging him into power. ( Eriya Kategaya himself has
sworn this to Ugandans). That is the likely explanation why Obote trusted
our military command to foreigners, the constituency that put him in power,
rather than Ugandans, who he knew had not voted for him.

Now don't get me wrong. There are many things that were progressive about

Even with my such preamble, instead of debating these issues to see where
our country went astray the likes of Yoga Adola would 

[Ugnet] Cheeky! 'Butt bandit' suspect nabbed

2008-11-22 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
  <http://www.msnbc.msn.com/images/MSNBC/msnbc_ban.gif>   MSNBC.com 

Cheeky! 'Butt bandit' suspect nabbed 
Man arrested after allegedly leaving greasy imprints on windows
The Associated Press
updated 8:26 p.m. ET, Fri., Nov. 21, 2008

OMAHA, Neb. - Police have arrested a man suspected of leaving greasy,
graphic imprints on the windows of stores, churches and schools in a small
Nebraska town. 

A 35-year-old man was caught in the act by police early Wednesday morning,
Cherry County Attorney Eric Scott said Friday. The man hasn't been charged
yet, but authorities believe he is the vandal some townsfolk have dubbed the
"Butt Bandit."

Beginning in spring of 2007, a mystery vandal visited businesses at night,
pressing his naked behind - sometimes his groin, sometimes both - on
windows. The marks were made with lotion or petroleum jelly, and while
police had earlier worried copycat criminals were getting involved, Scott
said they now believe it's "the act of a lone deviant."

"This isn't normal behavior for Valentine, Neb.," Scott said. "It's an
embarrassment for the hardworking people who live here."

The man was spotted by police about 3:30 a.m. Wednesday and arrested without
incident, Scott said. The suspect appears to be the same man caught on a
surveillance camera at the middle school last year, he said.

Valentine, a town of about 2,650 in remote north-central Nebraska, lies near
the scenic Niobrara River. The city was named one of the top "wilderness"
towns in the country last year by National Geographic Adventure magazine.

People from around the country send Valentine's Day cards to the city's post
office so they can be mailed out with the word "Valentine" stamped on them.

The past two summers, the bandit struck business after business, window
after window.

He stopped over the fall and winter.

During one particularly brazen session, virtually all the windows at a local
hotel were imprinted.

Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may
not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

URL: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27848361/?gt1=43001


MSN Privacy <http://mobile.msn.com/device/en-us/privacy.aspx>  . Legal
C 2008 MSNBC.com

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 

Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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[Ugnet] RE: [Str8talk-2011] Suicide and the law

2008-11-22 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Thanks Philip. I thought so.

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Philip Okelo
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2008 12:31 AM
Subject: [Str8talk-2011] Suicide and the law

Hello there,
Please find the answers to your question below: The first two answers
involve Canada. And the third and last one involves England and the US with
exception of certain states in the US.
Suppose some one wants to die and she goes stands on a bridge and falls
down. Suppose she fails to die, but simply breaks some borns, the  Police
brings in an ambulance and takes her to hospital and she survives.
Can she be charged and if so what is the charge?
1. Any person who, with intent to take his own life, commits upon himself
any act dangerous to human life, or which if committed upon or toward
another person and followed by death as a consequence would render the
perpetrator chargeable with homicide, is guilty of attempting suicide.
2. At common law, the person who knowingly aided the suicide victim would be
considered a principal in the homicide offense if he was present when the
suicide occurred; he would be considered an accessory before the fact if he
provided aid but was not at the scene at the time of the death. 
3. Modern American attitudes toward punishing both suicide and attempted
suicides are similar to those expressed in England. The English Suicide Act,
1961, 9 & 10 Eliz. 2, c. 60, s. 1, provides that suicide should no longer be
deemed criminal.


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An unmoderated Ugandan discussion group. Write intelligently, and write
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yourself by posting nonsensical hateful remarks is your own shame and
confirms utter stupidity. Kindly focus on initiating and/or contributing to
intelligent and constructive discussions on Uganda's social, political,
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% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

[Ugnet] Did you know Gadhafi is half-French...?

2008-11-21 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
add.html> Did you know Col. Gaddafi a Frenchman?

ized/2008/02/17/gaddafi.jpg> Gaddafi 

If Colonel Gaddafi was so eager to linger in Paris when he came last
December, it was perhaps because the Libyan leader is half French. His
father was an air force pilot from Corsica. That's him in the picture on the

This extraordinary claim has surfaced over the past few days after a report
by Bakchich <http://www.bakchich.info/> , a French investigative news site.
They looked into a legend which has long circulated in Vezzani,
<http://www.corsica.net/corsica/fr/regaler/costas/vezzani.htm>  a village of
600 people in eastern Corsica. According to this, a Vezzani gendarme's son
called Albert Preziosi was stationed in the Libyan desert with the Free
French air force in 1941-42. He is said to have had an affair with a local
woman at about the time that young Muammar would have been conceived. 

Preziosi was killed when his aeroplane was shot down over Russia in 1943. As
a member of the famous Normandy-Niemen
l>  squadron, he has been celebrated as a hero in his home village ever
since. An air force base near the town of Solenzara, is named after him. Not
a shred of evidence exists to stand up the Gaddafi legend but the physical
resemblance is so strong that it has persisted. 


I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 

Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.


2008-11-21 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Definitely. Even here in Canada you will be arrested for a failed suicide
because you are already considered a danger to society. I believe it is the
same in Uganda as I remember but Uganda's laws are a whole load of garbage
these days just targeting individuals - terrorists, they claim.

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



From: Mulindwa Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 8:06 PM
Cc: ugandanet@kym.net

Robert Ssenkindu
Suppose some one wants to die and she goes stands on a bridge and falls
down. Suppose she fails to die, but simply breaks some borns, the  Police
brings in an ambulance and takes her to hospital and she survives.
Can she be charged and if so what is the charge?
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
From: Robert Ssenkindu <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Cc: ugandanet@kym.net 
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 8:00 PM

Mr Mulindwa Edward,
In most common law countries, a person who aids,a bets, counsels or
procuress another to kill himself is guilty of murder as an accomplice,
which in this case is reduced to manslaughter(voluntary). However, it is
again, in common law no offence  for an omission, that is a failure to act(
which in this case is a failure to prevent the victim from committing
suicide) where no statutory obligation is imposed.  So those who gives
instructions on how to do it(suicide in the case) would probably be found
liable whereas those who merely  watched him and didn't aid him in anyway
whatsoever would walk free without being questioned, merey because  it is no
statutory obligation for them  stop no one from committing suicide.

" I prefer liberty with danger than peace with slavery"Jean Jaqueas
" Apolitician thinks on the next election - a statesman of the next
generation"  James Freeman Clarke
" The State calls its own violence, law;but that of the individual crime" -
Max Stirner "The Ego and His Own (1845)"
"The people of Asia were slaves because they had not learned how to pronouce
the word 'no' -Winston Churchill.
"The more corrupt the state,the numerous the laws- Cornelius Tacitus
SR. Sveritanien.


CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ugandanet@kym.net
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 19:11:50 -0500

This kid did every thing on camera, they saw him having the medications and
they cheered on him as he was taking it, for all we know they even advised
him on how to mix it. Forums are a source of great information, there is
some one that knows some thing and how it can be done better. Look at the
guy in UK that blew up him self on camera in a forum, they knew he was going
to blow up him self, they asked him to cock the gun and how shooting on a
chick blows up the dam brains. And I am telling you at age 19 this is great
it is actually hilarious if you can blow up your self on camera for all to
So I ask should we charge them? And what is the offence?
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
        Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
From: Peter-Rhaina Gwokto <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
To: 'Mulindwa Edward' <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  ;
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; ugandanet@kym.net 
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 7:01 PM

Problem, EM, is that he was said to have pulled it before but never carried
it thru. However, 1500 watching means something else. They wanted to witness
it and, as stated, some encouraged him to go ahead. I could make my
breakdown of the 1500 this way:
1-Those who encouraged him to do it
2-Those who doubted he would do it 
3-Those who doubted the potency of his concoctions
4-Those who tried to stop him (this must me first timers who took him
5-Those who were just eager to see someone die - live on camera. Some people
get a kick out of sadistic behaviours. I hear some (excuse me for the


2008-11-21 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Yes they could be tries as accomplices to suicide but how can you determine
a spectator was in one of the 8 categories I listed? Only those who
encouraged him to do himself in need to be charged if they can be
identified. And this will require obtaining their verbal and/or written blog

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



From: Mulindwa Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 7:12 PM
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ugandanet@kym.net

This kid did every thing on camera, they saw him having the medications and
they cheered on him as he was taking it, for all we know they even advised
him on how to mix it. Forums are a source of great information, there is
some one that knows some thing and how it can be done better. Look at the
guy in UK that blew up him self on camera in a forum, they knew he was going
to blow up him self, they asked him to cock the gun and how shooting on a
chick blows up the dam brains. And I am telling you at age 19 this is great
it is actually hilarious if you can blow up your self on camera for all to
So I ask should we charge them? And what is the offence?
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

----- Original Message - 
From: Peter-Rhaina Gwokto <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
To: 'Mulindwa Edward' <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  ;
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; ugandanet@kym.net 
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 7:01 PM

Problem, EM, is that he was said to have pulled it before but never carried
it thru. However, 1500 watching means something else. They wanted to witness
it and, as stated, some encouraged him to go ahead. I could make my
breakdown of the 1500 this way:
1-Those who encouraged him to do it
2-Those who doubted he would do it 
3-Those who doubted the potency of his concoctions
4-Those who tried to stop him (this must me first timers who took him
5-Those who were just eager to see someone die - live on camera. Some people
get a kick out of sadistic behaviours. I hear some (excuse me for the
expression) even ejaculate with the excitement.
6-Those who were just there to witness the spectacle
7-Those who thought he was simply an attention-seeker
8-Some spectators were actually contemplating suicide and wanted to see the
young man's painless procedures.
Whichever way you look at it, he set the ball rolling for his own demise. If
it is true that he pulled the hat trick before and many doubted him this
time, then the fact he failed to carry out the first episode must have
driven him to be real this time because he worried folks would say he was a
wimp. So he pulled it finally.
My dilemma though is, why would anyone of the 1500 who thought he joked
about the scheme in the past, decide to be on the spectators seat without
alerting the authorities. These folks are all sick - they are all members of
a cyber cult who knew the boy. I bet a few of them will soon do themselves
in the same way.

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



From: Mulindwa Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 6:40 PM
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ugandanet@kym.net

Muzeeyi Gwokto
Let us think about this issue from another angle, 1500 people were in this
chat room and they you this kid was committing suicide. Should they be
arrested? If so what should they be charged with? If I know that some one in
a forum wants to end her life is it my responsibility to stop it?
Just on record, in Canadian law it is not a crime to commit suicide.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
From: Peter-Rhaina Gwokto <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
To: 'Mulindwa Edward' <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  ; 'The First Virtual
<mailto:ugandanet@kym.net> Network for friends of Uganda' ;
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 6:22 PM


2008-11-21 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
I want to believe it is a new trend of entertainment akin to the movies.
Folks will now snoop the forums and YouTube looking for who will carry out
the next live action. Disciples will even try to shield the action hero from
being detected or identified by the authorities and their parents or
families. They will simply inform each other without alerting any stranger
because they enjoy the spectacle or will alert others and the authorities
when the event is too late to stop. I an sure there are folks already
hunting online for the next release/episode of dare devil suicides.

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



From: Mulindwa Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 7:12 PM
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ugandanet@kym.net

This kid did every thing on camera, they saw him having the medications and
they cheered on him as he was taking it, for all we know they even advised
him on how to mix it. Forums are a source of great information, there is
some one that knows some thing and how it can be done better. Look at the
guy in UK that blew up him self on camera in a forum, they knew he was going
to blow up him self, they asked him to cock the gun and how shooting on a
chick blows up the dam brains. And I am telling you at age 19 this is great
it is actually hilarious if you can blow up your self on camera for all to
So I ask should we charge them? And what is the offence?
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

----- Original Message - 
From: Peter-Rhaina Gwokto <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
To: 'Mulindwa Edward' <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  ;
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; ugandanet@kym.net 
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 7:01 PM

Problem, EM, is that he was said to have pulled it before but never carried
it thru. However, 1500 watching means something else. They wanted to witness
it and, as stated, some encouraged him to go ahead. I could make my
breakdown of the 1500 this way:
1-Those who encouraged him to do it
2-Those who doubted he would do it 
3-Those who doubted the potency of his concoctions
4-Those who tried to stop him (this must me first timers who took him
5-Those who were just eager to see someone die - live on camera. Some people
get a kick out of sadistic behaviours. I hear some (excuse me for the
expression) even ejaculate with the excitement.
6-Those who were just there to witness the spectacle
7-Those who thought he was simply an attention-seeker
8-Some spectators were actually contemplating suicide and wanted to see the
young man's painless procedures.
Whichever way you look at it, he set the ball rolling for his own demise. If
it is true that he pulled the hat trick before and many doubted him this
time, then the fact he failed to carry out the first episode must have
driven him to be real this time because he worried folks would say he was a
wimp. So he pulled it finally.
My dilemma though is, why would anyone of the 1500 who thought he joked
about the scheme in the past, decide to be on the spectators seat without
alerting the authorities. These folks are all sick - they are all members of
a cyber cult who knew the boy. I bet a few of them will soon do themselves
in the same way.

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



From: Mulindwa Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 6:40 PM
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ugandanet@kym.net

Muzeeyi Gwokto
Let us think about this issue from another angle, 1500 people were in this
chat room and they you this kid was committing suicide. Should they be
arrested? If so what should they be charged with? If I know that some one in
a forum wants to end her life is it my responsibility to stop it?
Just on record, in Canadian law it is not a crime to commit suicide.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
From: Peter-Rhaina Gwokto <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
To: 'Mu


2008-11-21 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Problem, EM, is that he was said to have pulled it before but never carried
it thru. However, 1500 watching means something else. They wanted to witness
it and, as stated, some encouraged him to go ahead. I could make my
breakdown of the 1500 this way:
1-Those who encouraged him to do it
2-Those who doubted he would do it 
3-Those who doubted the potency of his concoctions
4-Those who tried to stop him (this must me first timers who took him
5-Those who were just eager to see someone die - live on camera. Some people
get a kick out of sadistic behaviours. I hear some (excuse me for the
expression) even ejaculate with the excitement.
6-Those who were just there to witness the spectacle
7-Those who thought he was simply an attention-seeker
8-Some spectators were actually contemplating suicide and wanted to see the
young man's painless procedures.
Whichever way you look at it, he set the ball rolling for his own demise. If
it is true that he pulled the hat trick before and many doubted him this
time, then the fact he failed to carry out the first episode must have
driven him to be real this time because he worried folks would say he was a
wimp. So he pulled it finally.
My dilemma though is, why would anyone of the 1500 who thought he joked
about the scheme in the past, decide to be on the spectators seat without
alerting the authorities. These folks are all sick - they are all members of
a cyber cult who knew the boy. I bet a few of them will soon do themselves
in the same way.

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



From: Mulindwa Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 6:40 PM
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ugandanet@kym.net

Muzeeyi Gwokto
Let us think about this issue from another angle, 1500 people were in this
chat room and they you this kid was committing suicide. Should they be
arrested? If so what should they be charged with? If I know that some one in
a forum wants to end her life is it my responsibility to stop it?
Just on record, in Canadian law it is not a crime to commit suicide.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
From: Peter-Rhaina Gwokto <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
To: 'Mulindwa Edward' <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  ; 'The First Virtual
<mailto:ugandanet@kym.net> Network for friends of Uganda' ;
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 6:22 PM

Holi cow...! Dyiumnnn! He must be deeply mental to do this.
Catholics believe suicide is sacrilegious and a definite ticket to Hell.
Isn't losing one's life as well as a seat in Heaven double jeopardy? Ya
right...! like we know...!

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower



Of Mulindwa Edward
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 6:08 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ugandanet@kym.net;

Florida teenager commits suicide in front of live online audience 

By Rasha Madkour, The Associated Press 

MIAMI, Fla. - A South Florida teen died of a lethal drug overdose in front
of a live online webcam audience 12 hours after he started blogging about
his plan to commit suicide, an investigator said Friday. 

Abraham Biggs, 19, died Wednesday from a toxic combination of opiates and
benzodiazepine, a drug used to treat insomnia and depression, said Wendy
Crane, an investigator with the Broward County medical examiner's office. At
least one of the drugs was prescribed to him and it's unclear how he got the
others, Crane said. 

Some of those watching encouraged Biggs, others tried to talk him out of it,
and a few were debating whether the dose he took was lethal, Crane said.
It's unclear how many people were watching. 

Biggs stated his intentions on a forum at bodybuilding.com, where some users
said they did not take him seriously because he had made previous statements
about killing himself, Crane said. Biggs posted a link from there to
Justin.tv, a site that allows users to broadcast live videos from their

Someone finally notified the moderator of the body building site's forum,
who traced the teen's location to Pembrok


2008-11-21 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Holi cow...! Dyiumnnn! He must be deeply mental to do this.
Catholics believe suicide is sacrilegious and a definite ticket to Hell.
Isn't losing one's life as well as a seat in Heaven double jeopardy? Ya
right...! like we know...!

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



Of Mulindwa Edward
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 6:08 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ugandanet@kym.net;

Florida teenager commits suicide in front of live online audience 

By Rasha Madkour, The Associated Press 

MIAMI, Fla. - A South Florida teen died of a lethal drug overdose in front
of a live online webcam audience 12 hours after he started blogging about
his plan to commit suicide, an investigator said Friday. 

Abraham Biggs, 19, died Wednesday from a toxic combination of opiates and
benzodiazepine, a drug used to treat insomnia and depression, said Wendy
Crane, an investigator with the Broward County medical examiner's office. At
least one of the drugs was prescribed to him and it's unclear how he got the
others, Crane said. 

Some of those watching encouraged Biggs, others tried to talk him out of it,
and a few were debating whether the dose he took was lethal, Crane said.
It's unclear how many people were watching. 

Biggs stated his intentions on a forum at bodybuilding.com, where some users
said they did not take him seriously because he had made previous statements
about killing himself, Crane said. Biggs posted a link from there to
Justin.tv, a site that allows users to broadcast live videos from their

Someone finally notified the moderator of the body building site's forum,
who traced the teen's location to Pembroke Pines and called police, Crane
said. Biggs was dead by the time they got to his house around 3:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Crane said. He had started blogging at 3 a.m. 

"He was just seen laying on the bed at that point," she said. 

Condolences poured into his MySpace page, where the mostly unsmiling teen is
seen posing in a series of pictures with various young women. 

A woman who answered the phone at Biggs' home and identified herself as his
sister said the family was still dealing with his death and declined
immediate comment. 

Biggs' father, Abraham Biggs Sr., told ABCNews.com that he was not home when
his son died. He said his son struggled with depression and had been
prescribed benzodiazepine to treat bipolar disorder. Biggs had been "doing
better," his father said. "He was a good kid." 

The elder Biggs said he was upset that Justin.tv streamed his son's suicide

"There seems to be a lack of control as to what people put out on the
Internet," the elder Biggs said. "There's a lot of garbage out there that
should not be, and unfortunately this was allowed to happen." 

In a statement, Justin.tv CEO Michael Seibel said: "We regret that this has
occurred and want to respect the privacy of the broadcaster and his family
during this time." 

Messages left with the body-building website were not immediately returned
Friday. A spokesman said Pembroke Pines police are investigating but
declined further comment. 

Crane said she knows of at least one other case in which a South Florida man
shot himself in the head in front of an online audience, although she didn't
know how much viewers saw. 

In Britain last year, a man hung himself while chatting online. 

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

[Ugnet] Dealing with hangovers

2008-11-21 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto

The claim: Sweating helps leach alcohol out of your system more quickly.

Our test: "I feel like I'm actually sweating out alcohol. It might just be
in my head, but I feel better by doing it."

The verdict: The perfect placebo: "You're just doing something to get your
mind off the hangover," says Erickson. But you're getting a good workout,


I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 

Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

RE: [Ugnet] Rose Kabuye granted bail in Paris

2008-11-21 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
"Her detention led o many protests across Rwanda and in other parts of the
world, claiming that she is innocent and that the downing of a plane is not
the cause of the genocide."
Is Kabuye being charged for causing genocide or for the 3 French crew? ...
or both?

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



Of Mulindwa Edward
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 8:21 AM
To: ugandanet@kym.net; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Ugnet] Rose Kabuye granted bail in Paris


Friday, 21st November 2008   

Rose Kabuye wins first round

Rose Kabuye.

PARIS - Rose Kabuye Thursday morning overcame the first hurdle in her battle
with the French judiciary when she was given a conditional release at her
first appearance before the Palais de Justice in Paris.
Kabuye was released after more than ten hours waiting for a judge’s decision
after being extradited from Germany.
The chief of State Protocol was arrested in the German city of Frankfurt
where she had gone to prepare President Paul Kagame’s visit.
Her arrest raised global condemnation, including the African Union and the
Pan African Parliament among many, who termed it an abuse of Universal
Jurisdiction by both Germany and France.
After facing a French investigative judge, the Rwandan diplomat was freed on
condition that she will not leave France without a judge’s permission and
that she will be reporting to police every fifteen days.
Many Rwandans resident in the French city braved the cold as they awaited
Kabuye’s fate and jumped with joy when news came that she would not spend
the night in jail.
“I’m not so scared because I am very innocent,” Kabuye was quoted on the
France24 television, as she was mobbed and hugged by well wishers some of
whom could not hold back their tears of joy.
“I know that when I get a chance to explain what happened everything will be
okay, so I am not scared,” she added.
“I think she is really happy. Freedom is something important for everybody,”
her lawyer, Bernard Maingain, told BBC.
Rose Kabuye and eight top Rwandan officials were  indicted in 2006 by French
investigative judge, Jean-Louis Bruguière  for the alleged shooting down of
a plane carrying former president Juvenal Habyarimana in April 1994. 
“It is such a shame that someone who stopped the genocide should be charged
with genocide,” said Rwanda’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation,
Rosemary Museminali, reacting to the news of Kabuye conditional release.
She demanded that Kabuye be released immediately because the report on which
the arrest was based was ‘politically motivated’. 
Her detention led o many protests across Rwanda and in other parts of the
world, claiming that she is innocent and that the downing of a plane is not
the cause of the genocide. 
Kabuye’s case in Paris is being examined by French judges Marc Trévidic and
Philippe Coirre. 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the forum "Ugandans
at Heart" group with the motto:'Justice is when U get exactly what you
To post to this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 
NO abusive language accepted on this forum.

Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

RE: [Ugnet] Rose Kabuye granted bail in Paris

2008-11-21 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
“It is such a shame that someone who stopped the genocide should be charged
with genocide,”
This is a very shameful statement. Just like in Luwero, the perpetuators
truly know how to shift responsibilities. Why can't they man-up and say we
ignited the genocide?

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



Of Mulindwa Edward
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 8:21 AM
To: ugandanet@kym.net; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Ugnet] Rose Kabuye granted bail in Paris


Friday, 21st November 2008   

Rose Kabuye wins first round

Rose Kabuye.

PARIS - Rose Kabuye Thursday morning overcame the first hurdle in her battle
with the French judiciary when she was given a conditional release at her
first appearance before the Palais de Justice in Paris.
Kabuye was released after more than ten hours waiting for a judge’s decision
after being extradited from Germany.
The chief of State Protocol was arrested in the German city of Frankfurt
where she had gone to prepare President Paul Kagame’s visit.
Her arrest raised global condemnation, including the African Union and the
Pan African Parliament among many, who termed it an abuse of Universal
Jurisdiction by both Germany and France.
After facing a French investigative judge, the Rwandan diplomat was freed on
condition that she will not leave France without a judge’s permission and
that she will be reporting to police every fifteen days.
Many Rwandans resident in the French city braved the cold as they awaited
Kabuye’s fate and jumped with joy when news came that she would not spend
the night in jail.
“I’m not so scared because I am very innocent,” Kabuye was quoted on the
France24 television, as she was mobbed and hugged by well wishers some of
whom could not hold back their tears of joy.
“I know that when I get a chance to explain what happened everything will be
okay, so I am not scared,” she added.
“I think she is really happy. Freedom is something important for everybody,”
her lawyer, Bernard Maingain, told BBC.
Rose Kabuye and eight top Rwandan officials were  indicted in 2006 by French
investigative judge, Jean-Louis Bruguière  for the alleged shooting down of
a plane carrying former president Juvenal Habyarimana in April 1994. 
“It is such a shame that someone who stopped the genocide should be charged
with genocide,” said Rwanda’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation,
Rosemary Museminali, reacting to the news of Kabuye conditional release.
She demanded that Kabuye be released immediately because the report on which
the arrest was based was ‘politically motivated’. 
Her detention led o many protests across Rwanda and in other parts of the
world, claiming that she is innocent and that the downing of a plane is not
the cause of the genocide. 
Kabuye’s case in Paris is being examined by French judges Marc Trévidic and
Philippe Coirre. 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the forum "Ugandans
at Heart" group with the motto:'Justice is when U get exactly what you
To post to this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 
NO abusive language accepted on this forum.

Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

[Ugnet] RE: [Str8talk-2011] Interesting Observation

2008-11-21 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Interesting...! but who has been giving the Kibakis the perpetual reigns of
power? It i the same people who complain against them on a daily basis. Is
the ballot - which they have perfected the art of rigging - the only way to
rid them off the political stage? I don't think so. They needed to be
assassinated, overthrown or mayomboed. These smarties have lived the 45
years because the people allow them to. The people didn't make them to but
they allowed them to. 
It is all the more interesting that after they allow them to continue, the
same people cry out immediately they are sworn in. If I am surrounded by
fools who allow me to manipulate them successfully, why should I refuse the

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mayiko Makula
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 2:21 AM
Subject: [Str8talk-2011] Interesting Observation

45 years ago, Kibaki and Michuki were in Cabinet and J. F. Kennedy was
running for US Presidency. 
Obama was 1 year old. 
45 years later, Kibaki and Michuki are still in cabinet, and Obama is
PRESIDENT-ELECT for the same seat Kennedy was running for. 
In 45 years, there has been - Johnson, Carter, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Clinton,
Bush 1 and Bush 2 in between as presidents of USA. 
In Kenya the same guys in their 70's and 80's are still trying to tell
Kenyans they can make development models that work? 
Makes u think?? 
Something is seriously wrong with Kenyan Politcs! 
Something is wrong with us  too in Uganda after 22 years of bananas! 


An unmoderated Ugandan discussion group. Write intelligently, and write
responsibly. While contributions to this forum are unmoderated, belittling
yourself by posting nonsensical hateful remarks is your own shame and
confirms utter stupidity. Kindly focus on initiating and/or contributing to
intelligent and constructive discussions on Uganda's social, political,
cultural and economic issues. 

To post to this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

RE: [Ugnet] Origins of Gun politics in a free Uganda

2008-11-20 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Interesting! There you go folks.
However, I think Masaka is just what it is - Masaka, name of a locality in
Uganda - and nothing else. The Jews also have a problem with Masaba which
they think is a twisted version of Masada - a place where every Israeli goes
to swear to die by Masada for Israel.


Of ocii
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 8:55 PM
To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda
Cc: VoU VoiceofUganda
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Origins of Gun politics in a free Uganda

I am being curious here since it appears massacre occured in"Masaka" then,
before the dawn of our independent. My question to Bwana Mitayo is, was the
name "Masaka" granted the place after the "masacre", or the word "massacre"
as we know in English dictionary rose as a result of the massacre in
"Masaka", thereby giving an adulterated word of massacre the name Masaka, of
a place in Buganda?

--- On Thu, 10/30/08, Mitayo Potosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Mitayo Potosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Ugnet] Origins of Gun politics in a free Uganda
To: "The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda" 
Received: Thursday, October 30, 2008, 2:15 PM

Comrade Yoga Adhola,

Thank you for the document: Patriotism and neo-traditionalism in Buganda:
the KabakaYekka (The King Alone) Movement, 1961-1962. Journal of African

I was disappointed that the focus of this text is on the structure and
office holders of KY then.

My interest was/is to assert the truth that it is Kabaka Yekka that
introduced violence into Uganda's body politic, (!961-1962).

This document hardly even refers to this aspect. For that matter I have no
time to go off in some wild-goose-chase discussing it.

It is interesting though that the White man, the British,  I.R. Hancock,
mentions his interaction with KY Secretary General Masembe-Kabali.

May he have been an MI6 like William Pike was in the Luweero triangle?

Surely I would not go, for example, to William Pike for a redemptive account
of the Luweero
Neither to Musevini's cheerleader, Ms Els De Temmerman, of the New Vision,
the author of "Aboke Girls", about the sodomy extermination etc of our
people in Acholi. 

They are all mercenaries thriving on our decay, like maggots.

You have to note however that throughout, these KY fellows question the
'royalty' to Mengo/(Kabaka) of us in Masaka (Buddu, Mawogola, Kooki, Kabula
and Ssese).

Note also that at no time did KY conflict with British interests or

Note also the explicit understanding between KY and UPC to destroy/eliminate
DP (page 427).

The core leadership of KY was King's College Budo Old Boys. (Your Alma
mater). The ecxeption being Francis Walugembe.

Note also the oblique reference to the stealing of the 1962 elections in
Buganda. ( Hon Eriya Kategaya has also asserted that Uganda's Independence
election was stollen for UPC by the British. You have seen this claim I am
very positive)

It is on page 432 that in a William Pike like fashion this Hanock fellow
refers to the wanton arson and murder in Masaka as "crude intimidation and
clever electioneering"

Ronald Muwenda Mutebi, the present Kabaka of Buganda has referred to the
late AbuMayanja as a patriot or was it nationalist. A sick joke !!

It is interesting that on page 432 Mayanja's main pre-occupation was "to
impress Europeans and Asians"

So you see Brother Adhola, there is nothing in this document, on the blood
and tears of our dear ones in Masaka District in that dark pre-independence

One revelation I was not aware of was that the financing of KY was by some
Indian merchants. That is new to me.(page 428)

Thanks all the same.

Mitayo Potosi

Comrade Ochieno,

You want to limit issues to a "free" Uganda?
I guess that is, after 9th October 1962.

By that yardstick the self rule period under Ben Kiwanuka has no bearing on
what has transpired since then.

But that is the period of my focus.  
You are free to  give an analysis of another period of your choice. 

Let us also zero in on specifics and individuals.

Donkey years have been wasted on meaningless generalities like:

Baganda are bad/conceited/insular or whatever.
Acholi are brutal.
Batooro are lazy.
Banyankole are thieves.
Bakiga are the most hardworking and most intelligent people in the world!!

As Museveni has always correctly told us: "A stupid people deserve nothing
but slavery" !!

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 6:07 PM, Hello! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Facts and truths are usually massaged when there are undercurrents of
emotions involved. While we advance our interests we also have to see facts
and truths squarely in the eye. Only then can we negotiate the future with
honor and respect from the other side and, hopefully lead to a peaceful and
prosperous co-existence. 
So, where and how did the gun politics in a "free" Uganda originate?
Read the rest at:
 Origins of Gun Politic

[Ugnet] Basobokwe - Pilot has mid-flight mental breakdown

2008-11-20 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Basobokwe, your comments please! 

  <http://www.msnbc.msn.com/images/MSNBC/msnbc_ban.gif>   MSNBC.com 

Pilot has mid-flight mental breakdown 
Air Canada co-pilot's 'belligerent, uncooperative' behavior forces landing
The Associated Press
updated 4:11 p.m. ET, Wed., Nov. 19, 2008

DUBLIN, Ireland - An Air Canada co-pilot having a mental breakdown had to be
forcibly removed from the cockpit, restrained and sedated, and a stewardess
with flying experience helped the pilot safely make an emergency landing, an
Irish investigation concluded Wednesday. 

The report by the Irish Air Accident Investigation Unit into an incident in
January applauded the decision-making of the pilot and the cockpit skills of
the flight attendant, who stepped into the co-pilot's seat for the emergency
diversion to Shannon Airport in western Ireland.

None of the 146 passengers or other nine crew members on board the Boeing
767 bound from Toronto to London was injured after the 58-year-old co-pilot
had to be removed by attendants and sedated by two doctors on board.

The report did not identify any of the Air Canada crew by name. Nor did it
specify the psychiatric diagnosis for the co-pilot, who was hospitalized for
11 days in Irish mental wards before being flown by air ambulance back to

It said the co-pilot was a licensed veteran with more than 6,500 hours'
flying time, about half on board Boeing 767s, and had recently passed a
medical examination.

But it said the pilot noticed immediately that his co-pilot was not in good
professional shape on the day of the flight, arriving late to the cockpit
after all the safety checks and paperwork had been completed. He reported
that the co-pilot's behavior worsened once they were airborne, and the
co-pilot advised him to take a lengthy break for naps and a meal.

As the aircraft reached the middle of the Atlantic, the report said, the
co-pilot began talking in a "rambling and disjointed" manner, took another
nap, and then refused to buckle his seat belt or observe other safety
procedures when he returned to the cockpit.

The pilot concluded that his colleague was now so "belligerent and
uncooperative" that he couldn't do his job.

The report said the pilot summoned several flight attendants to remove the
co-pilot from the cockpit, and one flight attendant suffered an injured
wrist in the struggle. Doctors from Britain and Canada on board determined
that the co-pilot was confused and disoriented.

The report did not mention how the co-pilot was restrained. Departing
passengers at the time said his arms and legs had been tied up to keep him
under control.

The pilot then asked flight attendants to find out if any passenger was a
qualified pilot. When none was found, one stewardess admitted she held a
current commercial pilot's license but said her license for reading cockpit
instruments had expired.

"The flight attendant provided useful assistance to the commander, who
remarked in a statement to the investigation that she was `not out of place'
while occupying the right-hand seat," the report said.

Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may
not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

URL: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27808624/?gt1=43001


MSN Privacy <http://mobile.msn.com/device/en-us/privacy.aspx>  . Legal
C 2008 MSNBC.com

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 

Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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RE: [Ugnet] Rwandan presidential aide awaits trial in Paris

2008-11-19 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Kagame may call this double standards but it is time someone did this to
send some cold chill on those dictators and cohots. The problem is that it
makes the dictators dig into the grips of power even deeper because, as
sitting presidents, it is the only way they can fend off any arrests and
travel freely in the EU. Now Rwandese taxpayers will have a very serious
bill for her lawyers - millions down the drain.
I think the French are doing the right thing and I trust their justice
system will acquit her if found innocent. But the process needed to be

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



Of Mulindwa Edward
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 5:02 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ugandanet@kym.net;
Cc: Oryema Johnson; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Nyar Nyar'Onyango
Subject: [Ugnet] Rwandan presidential aide awaits trial in Paris

Rwandan presidential aide awaits trial in Paris

Wednesday 19 November 2008 

The arrest of Rwandan presidential aide Rose Kabuye on an international
warrant issued by France has triggered bitter protests from Kigali. She was
extradited from Germany to Paris, where she is awaiting trial. 

French officials took custody Wednesday of an old comrade-in-arms of
Rwanda's president charged over an assassination in the run-up to the 1994
genocide, amid mass anti-European protests in Kigali.
Germany extradited Rose Kabuye, a former guerrilla leader who now serves as
chief of protocol to President Paul Kagame, ten days after police acting on
a French warrant arrested her as she arrived at Frankfurt airport.
French officials took charge of her in Frankfurt, and she was flown to
Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris aboard an Air France jet.
French investigators suspect Kabuye, 47, of involvement in the downing of a
plane that killed presidents Juvenal Habyarimana of Rwanda and Cyprien
Ntaryamira of Burundi and two French pilots on April 6, 1994.
Habyarimana's ethnic Hutu supporters went on the rampage following the
attack, slaughtering 800,000 ethnic Tutsi and moderate Hutu men, women and
children in an horrific 100-day orgy of bloodletting.
French investigators accuse Kagame's Tutsi rebels of attacking the jet,
although other observers have speculated that Hutu hardliners killed their
own president to serve as a pretext for the subsequent killings.
Kabuye was a senior military leader during Kagame's successful war to drive
out the genocidal Hutu militias, and the arrest of his trusted lieutenant
has cast a fresh chill on already frosty ties with France.
Rwanda severed diplomatic relations with Paris in 2006 after a French
anti-terrorism judge issued their first arrest warrants over the case. 
Kagame accuses France of having actively supported the Hutu militias, and
the legal dispute has stymied attempts by both governments to re-establish
friendly ties 14 years after the massacre.
He has accused Europe of persecuting the genocide's survivors instead of
hunting its perpetrators, some of whom are said to be living in Europe. 
Large numbers are also believed to be involved in unrest currently shaking
neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo.
"It is not only Rose who is in the dock, it is Rwanda that is in the dock,"
Kagame said on Monday.
Her arrest led to three days of demonstrations in Rwanda and on Wednesday
tens of thousands of people again took to the streets of Kigali to again
vent their anger.
Large numbers converged on the German embassy -- Rwanda expelled the German
ambassador after Kabuye's arrest -- and the local offices of German
broadcaster Deutsche Welle, an AFP correspondent said.
"Mrs Kabuye is calm. She's a real fighter. You must know she faced other
battles. She spent years in the bush after her family was expelled from
Rwanda in the 1950s," Kabuye's lawyer Bernard Maingain told AFP Tuesday.
Kigali, however, may soon turn the tables on Paris.
Judicial sources there say Rwandan prosecutors could soon issue warrants and
indictments against some of the 33 political and military French officials
named in a Rwandan report on France's alleged role in the events of 1994.
These who could find themselves accused include former prime ministers Alain
Juppe and Dominique de Villepin and former foreign minister Hubert Vedrine.
Some European investigators fear that Kabuye deliberately delivered herself
to German authorities so her lawyers could gain access to the case files
prepared against her and other Kagame allies.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"


2008-11-17 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Correct me if I am wrong. Did you say the human sacrifices are to
ensure/insure the survival of the kingdom? Thi is getting out of hand but I
was equally disturbed b y your assertion that the NRM government is in the
know of this heinous act but prefers to shove it under for fear of
embrrasment. If I may ask, what does the NRM gain from not getting this out
except being accomplice to murder?

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



Of Mulindwa Edward
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 7:26 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ugandanet@kym.net;
Subject: [Ugnet] HERE IS ANOTEHR ONE

Here is another article of yet another child sacrificed. You be the judge.
Okusaddaakibwa kwa Muguluma kwayabuluza mu maka gaffe   


Muguluma eyasaddaakibwa.

Bya Robert Mutebi 

GIWEZE emyaka ebiri bukya Edwin Muguluma eyali ow'emyaka etaano
asaddaakibwa. Nnyina, Madiina Nabakooza agamba nti n'okutuusa leero
akyamujjira mu birooto so ng'abaamusaddaaka, omusango gwatubira tewali
kigenda mu maaso. 

Omuvubuka Kintu Mapeera yamuwamba mu maka ga bazadde be e Lugala so nga gwe
yalumiriza nti ye yamumutuma ye alya butaala. 

Nnyina (wa Muguluma) agamba nti : Yassaddaakibwa alina emyaka etaano gyokka
nga ye mwana wange omukulu gwe nasooka okuzaala era ng'atandise n'okusoma ku
Step by Step Nursery & P/s e Lugala. 

Kati emyaka ebiri naye annemye okuggya ku mwoyo. 

Eyamusaddaaka simanyi gyali kyokka mpulira nti Dr.Emmanuel Nadomi gwe
yalumirizanga okumutuma omwana ye baamwejjeereza dda alya butaala. Kintu
Mapeera eyamusaddaaka Poliisi oba kkooti teddangamu kututegeeza bimukwatako
wadde ebigenda mu maaso. 

Muguluma mmuloota buli kiseera, anzijira nnyo nga mmulaba azannya ne
banne,oluusi ng'ayoza ebintu oba okumpita nga bwe yakolanga.ekifaananyi
ky'omulambo gwe nakyo kiggya mu bwongo bwange buli we mbeera naddala nga

Omwezi gwa July n'omwaka gwa 2006 sirigwerabira mu bulamu bwange. 

Okubula n'okufa kw'omwana waffe kwayabuluza mu maka gaffe . 

Baze omulimu gwaggwaawo n'agenda n'ensi, nze ebyokukola byambula okuggyako
okukolaakola ne Ssenga mu Kiyembe.Bizinensi zaafa olwa ssente ennyingi ennyo
ze twasaasaanya ku musango guno olwo ne tuddira ddala ku zeero. 

Gye twali tubeera e Lugala twavaayo ng' abantu be tutategeera batutiisatiisa
era eno y'emu ku nsonga eyapaaza baze n'agenda mu nsi okuyiiya. 

Nazaalayo omwana omulala era kati nnina babiri,omuwala eyali amuddako
n'omulenzi omuto. 
Mu kiseera kino njagala kumanya omusango we gwakoma", Nabakooza bw'agamba. 

Kyokka okusinziira ku kunoonyereza omusasi ono kwe yakoze, Mapeera yakoma
okulabikako mu kkooti ya Mwanga II ku ntandikwa y'omwaka guno era
yasindikibwa e Luzira ku limanda gy'agambibwa okuba nga gy'akyali. 

Published on: Saturday, 15th November, 2008

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
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% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

RE: [Ugnet] Re: {UAH} Is there any way Uganda house can be nationalisedagain? (katerega)

2008-11-16 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
What an idiot...!!. 
Did this guy finish P7 - let alone pass it...?

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 

- Original Message - 
From: Abbey Semuwemba <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2008 1:00 PM
Subject: {UAH} Is there any way Uganda house can be nationalised again?

Brother Ahmed,

Is there any way Uganda house can be nationalised again? It is really
hurting that tax payers' money was used to build it but it is not
benefitting the tax payer but a small section of people. By the way, is
there a concrete plan to protect NSSF money after this Temangalo issue?




God bless you! 


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ahmed kateregga
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2008 9:01 AM
Subject: {UAH} Re: {UAH}Kamya/Baganda must know,"Change has come"


Mr.Kamugisha, it is true UPC used NSSF money to build Uganda House. Sam
Odaka is in a better position to explain. Even Idi Amin used NSSF money to
complete Uganda House. But by then government had nationalised it. Muwanga
denationalized it in a proclamation if not a decree in 1980 before general
elections. We know these things.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the forum "Ugandans
at Heart" group with the motto:'Justice is when U get exactly what you
To post to this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 
NO abusive language accepted on this forum.

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% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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RE: [Ugnet] 'Constitutional crisis' looming over Obama's birthlocation

2008-11-16 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Thanks Bwana Charles. It's a real low. Pathetic...

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



Of Charles Xavier
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2008 12:40 PM
To: Mulindwa Edward; The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] 'Constitutional crisis' looming over Obama's

Bwana Mulindwa,

Stop posting these kinds of underground media garbage!

On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 10:37 AM, Mulindwa Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

'Constitutional crisis' looming over Obama's birth location
Alan Keyes lawsuit warns America may see 'usurper' in Oval Office


Posted: November 14, 2008
8:40 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
C 2008 WorldNetDaily 

 Alan Keyes <http://worldnetdaily.com/images/headshots/Alan_Keyes3.jpg>

Alan Keyes  

The  <http://worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=80931#>
California secretary of state should refuse to allow the state's 55
Electoral College votes to be cast in the 2008
<http://worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=80931#> presidential
election until President-elect Barack Obama verifies his eligibility to hold
the office, alleges a California court petition filed on behalf of former
presidential candidate
<http://worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=80931#> Alan Keyes
and others.

The legal action today is just the latest is a series of challenges, some of
which have gone as high as the U.S. Supreme Court, over the issue of Obama's
status as a "natural-born citizen," a requirement set by the U.S.

WND senior reporter Jerome Corsi even traveled to Kenya and
<http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=79900> Hawaii prior to the
election to investigate issues surrounding Obama's birth. But his research
and discoveries only raised more questions.

The biggest question is why Obama, if a Hawaii birth certificate exists,
simply hasn't ordered it made available to settle the rumors.

(Story continues below)

The governor's office in Hawaii said there is a valid certificate but
rejected requests for access and left ambiguous its origin: Does the
certificate on file with the Department of Health indicate a Hawaii birth or
was it generated after the Obama family registered a Kenyan birth in Hawaii?

Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro, has named two different Hawaii hospitals
where Obama could have been born, while a video posted on YouTube features
Obama's Kenyan grandmother
us/2008/11/01/barack-nate-dhalani.aspx?ref=rss> Sarah claiming to have
witnessed  Obama's birth in Kenya.

The California action was filed by Gary Kreep of the United States Justice
Foundation <http://www.usjf.net/>  on behalf of Alan Keyes, the presidential
candidate of the American Independent Party, along with Wiley S. Drake and
Markham Robinson, both California electors.

"Should Senator Obama be discovered, after he takes office, to be ineligible
for the Office of President of the United States of America and, thereby,
his election declared void, Petitioners, as well as other Americans, will
suffer irreparable harm in that (a) usurper will be sitting as the President
of the United States, and none of the treaties, laws, or executive orders
signed by him will be valid or legal," the action challenges.

California Secretary of State Debra Bowen   

The petition is a request for the Superior Court of California in Sacramento
County to issue a peremptory writ barring Secretary of State Debra Bowen
"from both certifying to the governor the names of the California Electors,
and from transmitting to each
<http://worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=80931#> presidential
Elector a Certificate of Election, until such documentary proof is produced
and verified showing that Senator Obama is a 'natural born' citizen of the
United States and does not hold
<http://worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=80931#> citizenship
of Indonesia, Kenya or Great Britain."

It continues with a request for a writ barring California's electors from
signing the Certificate of Vote until  documentary proof is produced.

An Obama spokesperson interviewed by WND described such lawsuits
<http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=80928> as "garbage."

The popular vote Nov. 4 favored Obama over Sen. John McCain by several
percentage points. But because of the distribution of the votes, Ob

[Ugnet] RE: [Str8talk-2011] RE: "Mombasa Imam who confirmed Obama's birth place arrives in the UK

2008-11-15 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Why bother OJ,
These are people who aren't even satisfied or convinced by their own
conscience, continuously disgruntled irrespective of any government. party
or leader. Simply stated: they hate themselves for not realizing their
utopian wants. Problem is that they don't seem to find truth even where
truth visibly exists to an infants eyes - however foggy. You have to dislike
yourself to dislike everyone and everything anyone, someone believes in.
When one's presentations are one-dimensional, the twisted fact holds firm in
his/her mind and they become self-enslaved to that Buggs Bunny 1-D and view
of the world around - wrongly believing they are always correct;
pathetically seeking attention thru. frozen opinion and always winning in
their opinion but delivering nothing, zip, nada - even when facts show they
are losers seeking self-consolation from the value of zero because they seek
to make the number zero on its own, extant. In doing so, such people place
themselves in the zero position but still want people to believe they exist
or matter or have the ability to effect change yet in actual fact they do
not exist because they have become significantly unquantifiable, ineffective
and do not matter at all. Anything unquantifiable has no value; anything
unquantifiable has no effect - they are nonentities in all forms and below
the status of being dormant or inactive. In fact they are the living dead
who believe they matter and yet they have ceased to be matter in both form
and content.
If anyone, someone still thinks a unfounded opinion of Obama can effect
immediate change to eject him from achieving the obvious, I advise the
person to contact me on how to tie a noose better that Sadam's. It will kill
them twice just to convince them they are truly gone and, henceforth,
I gotta go... 

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Oryema Johnson
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2008 4:21 PM
Subject: [Str8talk-2011] RE: "Mombasa Imam who confirmed Obama's birth place
arrives in the UK

EM, what beef does the Mulindwa Communication have with Obama? Secondly,
what is the communications objective? It rather puzzles me sometime, because
most of the time it comes out as anti-establishment or to be specific
anti-progress/change..It backed Kibaki during the Kenyan turmoil to the very
end, it backed Mugabe during the Zimbabwe election disaster to the very
end..it opposed Obama from the very beginning to the very end...I did come
across as if I was opposing Obama, but mine was more along the line of
doubting whether White America was ready to accept a Black person as its
President..I had given Obama 70% Chance of winning the Primary and roughly
65% Chance of winning the Presidency, but I remained a Republican and still
I am and will be so tomorrow...but I am not going to join the Imam kind of
folks who sound more like mad people than anything else in questioning
Obama's birth place..I do not really care whether the man was born under a
tree in Kisumu or on a snowmobile in Hawaii, he beat the "Shit" out of his
opponents, won the election clean and sqaure and will be occupying the White
House in January 2009 as the President of the United States...If you recall,
this is the only election whose outcome was never questioned and did not
take weeks for results to be announced as the one of 2000..Even the last one
between Bush and Kerry was announced in the morning of the following day,
while this one, by Midnight of november 4th 2008, Obama was declared the
winner.Wait and judge the man on his performance once he is in
change of the United states next year..

And this Imam, who is kissing butts in the UK on the claim that he has
Obama's birth certificate under the name of Hussain, which birth
certificates did the british show Kenyans as proof that they were born in
the country and had the right to colonize and rule it for decades...What
birth certificates did Americans show native Indians in America that they
were born in the country before they began terrorizing and chasing them off
their lands at the beginning of their occupation of the continent??



Subject: Fw: "Mombasa Imam who confirmed Obama's birth place arrives in the
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2008 21:25:58 -0500


 "Mombasa Imam who confirmed Obama's birth place arrives in the UK
 AfricanPress International
 November 9, 2008


[Ugnet] Done...

2008-11-13 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Always, in-laws first. It's the winning way for a potential wifey...



I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 

Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
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[Ugnet] It pays to avoid a speeding ticket -- or fight one

2008-11-12 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
y or your make of car, you may to get your
ticket dismissed, says Skrum. It's often best to keep mum about the gaffe
until you go to court, however, and reveal the mistake after the officer has
recounted the wrong information.

*   An 'A' for effort. If you do get all the way to a magistrate or
traffic commissioner, any reasonable objection you have to the ticket is
likely to at least reduce the amount of the fine, and perhaps change it to
an infraction that won't hurt your rates. "You've got to fight every ticket,
because the only thing anyone will ever know is what you reduced it to. The
accusation will be lost in the courthouse," says Raskob.

The above, "soft" approach often works, but some people prefer to
aggressively contest the ticket, which they usually do with at least some
success. When Michael Pelletier, a 32-year-old computer systems engineer in
the Bay Area, got a ticket a few years ago, he rented the nine-pound (!)
legal defense kit from the National Motorists Association. (The rental cost
of the packet, which is tailored to the requester's state, is $50 per month,
with a discount for NMA members.)

"The only thing I did was crank the legal crank," says Pelletier. That meant
asking for continuances and requesting records -- proof of when the
officer's radar gun was last calibrated and when the officer was trained in
its use -- in hopes of finding a flaw in the authorities' case, or simply
wearing them down until they offered a deal. 

A pre-emptive strike 

Battling in court can be time-consuming and complicated. Pelletier estimates
he invested nearly 50 hours in the year 2000 to fight his ticket, which he
received driving his motorcycle 47 miles an hour in a 25 mph zone. He got it
dismissed seven months later based on an esoteric legal definition of a
"local street or road." 

In Pelletier's eyes, the struggles are worthwhile despite the time
commitment. He has also helped his wife and brother keep three citations
from their records, and his insurance company recently upgraded him to a
"superior" driver, which means he will pay $70 less in the next six months
than he had been paying. And by keeping his driving record clean he's
ensured that his next ticket -- if it sticks -- won't hurt him so much as it
might have.

If you don't have the time to do all of this research, consider hiring an
attorney who frequently deals with speeding tickets. Such an attorney will
know how to get the best deal for you and can often appear in court for you,
so you don't have to take a day off to do so. Fees can vary from $75 to
$750, in part depending on whether they're already frequently in the
courthouse dealing with such matters.

The free piece of advice they give, however, is the same: Confront your
speeding ticket, even if it's your first, and do your darnedest to make it
disappear. After all, they add, you never know when you'll get your next
one, with higher premiums close behind.

Christopher Solomon is a free-lance writer in Seattle. A former reporter for
the Seattle Times, he writes regularly for the New York Times, and has
written for Outside magazine, Ski and Skiing magazines and Men's Journal.
His work will appear in 2006 Best American Travel Writing.


I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 

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% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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RE: [Ugnet] Re: Right on the Money, from Radio Katwe

2008-11-08 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Acholi died en masse in the last DRC invasion. They comprised the bulk of
Uganda's occupation force and was why they were airlifted back to Gulu and
no other base where undoudtedly the obviously expected Ebola exploded to
finsih the unfinished in DRC.  The same happened in Obote 2's war in Luwero
and we all know it was the reason Bazilio querried why more bodies were
ferried to Acholi from Luwero than to Lango. The rest, as we know what
followed, is history.
This time, Acholi must refuse to fight the next DRC invasion on moral
grounds or Acholi must rebel openly/officially/formally. NRM recruitment
grounds for expendable souls is Acholi.
En pud wu-kweko ngwinywu ata ni yaka calo tee koga-ni, kong wu-kur
lakaba-kaba me yoro Acholi ka-lweny me dil-lo lonyo Congo i-peke pa opii ma
olony ki mon Acholi. Yang ki-wero i slow match ni "Opii ma awilo awial lony
ki mon?" Opii ma awilo awila balo gang wa". en kitte weng dong enu.
Alokko enu. "Ajwaka opoto ki pyen!"

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



Of ocii
Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2008 8:49 PM
To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda
Cc: VoU VoiceofUganda
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: Right on the Money, from Radio Katwe

"Dear readers, if it true that our people are clandestinely being recruited
to back up Nkunda then there are more tears and blood to be shed. But
Ugandans why is it the poor man's sons to fight the rich man's war; why is
the poor man to protect the rich man and his wealth? Ugandan, why is it the
innocent to guard the criminals? Why is it the hungry to guard the

Enough is enough! May be we need anarchy so that everyone is for himself
like in Somalia where no one is above others for exploitative purpose."
No quoting me on this one but it appears there are assassins among those
recruits to eliminate Nkunda.
That is why the guy is hold up on top of the mountain. But once these
assassins took out his officers one by one, he will have no option but to
climb down.
This could just be mere rumours.

--- On Thu, 11/6/08, Mitayo Potosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Mitayo Potosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Ugnet] Re: Right on the Money, from Radio Katwe
To: "The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda" 
Received: Thursday, November 6, 2008, 5:56 PM

My take is that there are two groupings.

One: The Bill Clinton's group with a faction of the British establishment -
the Lynda Chalker, Executive Outcomes etc... who, I fear are morphing into
the Obama camp (with local allies Kagame, Museveni, Nkunda) They have their
eyes on the oil/minerals in Darfur. The Holocaust museum has  affiliats
funding  'rebels' in Darfur.  (What Jewry are David Axelrod, David Plouffe
?.  We shall soon learn learn)

Two: The neocons who have grabbed the Iraq oilfields, had their eyes on the
Georgia Oil corridor. Never wanted to deliver Darfur to camp number One. GW
Bush derisively talks of 'Darfur activists' .

My feelings are that what you saw in Kinshahas is camp number Two.

At the end of the day we find that Africa was better off under Bush. i.e.
camp Two (more occupied with far places)

The fellows who are coming with Obama are hungry. They missed the looting of
Iraq. And they intend to gouge themselves on Africa. Museveni's position has
never been better. Some Ugandans are hoping that he will have a hard time
under Obama. I predict the opposite.

This is how I see the situation. 
Could be wrong.  

On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 1:35 PM, Mitayo Potosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Right on the Money.
>From Radio Katwe.

Imperialism, Multi National Corporations, and the UN are all Behind Nkunda
In fact Nkunda is just a mask.
It is American drones that are killing Congo's soldiers whose bodies you see
littering all the roads.

RK Readers, 
The war in DRC is the continuation of the 1998-2002 conflict. It is being
tactifully done in phases. The Americans and Britain are hell bent to snatch
DRC from the Francophone and make it an Anglo American colony. As soon as
the hell broke loose last week, the British and American Diplomats were
already in the vicinity; and ceasefire was declared in order to enter direct
talk with Kinsasha. 
Joseph Kabila and all Congolese, for your information, DRC is gone unless
you fight to the last man. It is high time you abondon the stupidity of just
dancing ndobolo when your country is going to the dogs. Unless you drive the
Banyarwanda (Banyamulenga) back to where they come from (Rwanda) you will
become slaves in your own country after losing everything under the g

[Ugnet] FW: [Str8talk-2011] Women are surely weapons of mass destruction

2008-11-07 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
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I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



An unmoderated Ugandan discussion group. Write intelligently, and write
responsibly. While contributions to this forum are unmoderated, belittling
yourself by posting nonsensical hateful remarks is your own shame and
confirms utter stupidity. Kindly focus on initiating and/or contributing to
intelligent and constructive discussions on Uganda's social, political,
cultural and economic issues. 

To post to this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To unsubscribe, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.


2008-11-05 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
"It is finished" said Jesus.
Whatever the dark-hearted wanted, the presidency has been declared by the
majority, irreversible. My hang-over is killing me and it was a rawdy night
in my basement. I want to believe that there are a few known anti-Obamians
hanging on the noose in their houses now or on the maple tree at the public
park. To them I say "good ridance". 
Obama, son of Labongo, nephew of Gipir, great grandson of Olum has done it
for all of us because "The style is the man himself" Le style est l'homme
même said George-Louis Leclerc de Buffon.
To all yee Luos from Shilluk in the heart of Sudan to Joluo in Tanzania,
ials/207852.html> think that God's delays are God's denials. Hold on; hold
fast; hold out. Patience is genius.” said Count de Buffon. As for me, I say
even a small dog can piss on the Queen's feet.
Diyummmnn...! 8 years - and just beginning - Luo will be
pissing on the world. Folks, don't look up.
I hope Kaguta was first to send in his congratulatory message as he did to

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



Of Mulindwa Edward
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 12:27 AM
Cc: ugandanet@kym.net; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Dr. Valentine Ojo;
Subject: [Ugnet] Re: [Mwananchi] Re: KENYANS PREDICT - FUN GAME AS WE WAIT

Chifu Wa MAlindi
This is not a time to celebrate it is a time to look very carefully at  what
investor pulls his company out of here, because no investor is going to wait
with his money to be redistributed. We have just created millions and
million of jobs to the Chinese, the Mexicans, and all nations with a senile
economical plan. So as you drink that champagne and eat the last pork chop
wonder what will happen after that investor moves on.
Just a brotherly caution.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
From: Chifu <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 12:12 AM

Ndugu Robert

They were just showing a clip of Kogelo, Kenya. It is time to 


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ps.com,
"Robert Alai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Chifu
> We are moving to Kisumu to celebrate
> Robert
> On 11/5/08, Chifu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Ndugu Robert
> >
> > It is coming down to 338 for Obama and 155 McCain according to the
> > CNN poll I am watching right now and some states still have to
> > report. I am waiting for his speech (I even not going to work
> > tomorrow).
> >
> > Chifu
> >
> > --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:Mwananchi%40yahoogroups.com> ps.com
, "Robert
> > Alai" 
> > wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > On 11/4/08, Ben R. Sendeyo  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Just a little game during the voting process:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > *Name Electoral
> > College Votes*
> > > >
> > > > 1. Ben Sendeiyo --330 Obama
> > > >
> > > > 2.Robert Alai ---298 Obama
> > > >
> > > > 3.
> > > >
> > > > 4.
> > > >
> > > > 5.
> > > > 6.
> > > > 7.
> > > > 8.
> > > > 9.
> > > > 10.
> > > > 11.
> > > > 12.
> > > > 13.
> > > > 14.
> > > > 15.
> > > > 16.
> > > > 17.
> > > > 18.
> > > > 19.
> > > > 20.
> > > > 21.
> > > > 22.
> > > > 23.
> > > > 24.
> > > > 25.
> > > > etc
> > > >
> > > > etc
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > --
> > > > "Anyone can be a genius, if they pick just one specific 
> > and study
> > > > it diligently j


2008-11-05 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
"It is finished" said Jesus.
Whatever the dark-hearted wanted, the presidency has been declared by the
majority, irreversible. My hang-over is killing me and it was a rawdy night
in my basement. I want to believe that there are a few known anti-Obamians
hanging on the noose in their houses now or on the maple tree at the public
park. To them I say "good ridance". 
Obama, son of Labongo, nephew of Gipir, great grandson of Olum has done it
for all of us because "The style is the man himself" Le style est l'homme
même said George-Louis Leclerc de Buffon.
To all yee Luos from Shilluk in the heart of Sudan to Joluo in Tanzania,
ials/207852.html> think that God's delays are God's denials. Hold on; hold
fast; hold out. Patience is genius.” said Count de Buffon. As for me, I say
even a small dog can piss on the Queen's feet.
Diyummmnn...! 8 years - and just beginning - Luo will be
pissing on the world. Folks, don't look up.
I hope Kaguta was first to send in his congratulatory message as he did to

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



Of Mulindwa Edward
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 12:27 AM
Cc: ugandanet@kym.net; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Dr. Valentine Ojo;
Subject: [Ugnet] Re: [Mwananchi] Re: KENYANS PREDICT - FUN GAME AS WE WAIT

Chifu Wa MAlindi
This is not a time to celebrate it is a time to look very carefully at  what
investor pulls his company out of here, because no investor is going to wait
with his money to be redistributed. We have just created millions and
million of jobs to the Chinese, the Mexicans, and all nations with a senile
economical plan. So as you drink that champagne and eat the last pork chop
wonder what will happen after that investor moves on.
Just a brotherly caution.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
From: Chifu <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 12:12 AM

Ndugu Robert

They were just showing a clip of Kogelo, Kenya. It is time to 


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ps.com,
"Robert Alai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Chifu
> We are moving to Kisumu to celebrate
> Robert
> On 11/5/08, Chifu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Ndugu Robert
> >
> > It is coming down to 338 for Obama and 155 McCain according to the
> > CNN poll I am watching right now and some states still have to
> > report. I am waiting for his speech (I even not going to work
> > tomorrow).
> >
> > Chifu
> >
> > --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:Mwananchi%40yahoogroups.com> ps.com
, "Robert
> > Alai" 
> > wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > On 11/4/08, Ben R. Sendeyo  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Just a little game during the voting process:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > *Name Electoral
> > College Votes*
> > > >
> > > > 1. Ben Sendeiyo --330 Obama
> > > >
> > > > 2.Robert Alai ---298 Obama
> > > >
> > > > 3.
> > > >
> > > > 4.
> > > >
> > > > 5.
> > > > 6.
> > > > 7.
> > > > 8.
> > > > 9.
> > > > 10.
> > > > 11.
> > > > 12.
> > > > 13.
> > > > 14.
> > > > 15.
> > > > 16.
> > > > 17.
> > > > 18.
> > > > 19.
> > > > 20.
> > > > 21.
> > > > 22.
> > > > 23.
> > > > 24.
> > > > 25.
> > > > etc
> > > >
> > > > etc
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > --
> > > > "Anyone can be a genius, if they pick just one specific 
> > and study
> > > > it diligently j


2008-11-04 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steely
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 1:42 AM
To: Str8talk-UG2011

Daily KOS
by Bill in Maine

A great list of all the lies, slander and nonsense they said about
Barackit hasn't worked this time! Folks, dont listen to no more
predictions about how an Obama presidency will not be good for the US/ the
World/Africa! It's all hogwash, not worth the ink it is written

They said his name's too foreign and exotic. It isn't.
They said he's too young. He isn't.
They said he's a scary Muslim terrorist. He isn't.
They said he was sworn in on the Koran. He wasn't.
They said he's not a Christian. He is.
They said he's too distant and aloof. He isn't.
They said his birth certificate's fake. It isn't.
They said his "present" votes in the Illinois Senate prove he was a waffler.
They don't.
They said he didn't sponsor any meaningful legislation in the U.S.
Senate. He did.
They said his wife's a liability to the campaign. She isn't.
They said Reverend Wright would destroy his campaign. He didn't.
They said Tony Rezko would destroy his campaign. He didn't.
They said not wearing a flag pin 24/7 would destroy his campaign. It didn't.
They said he couldn't "close the deal" and win the Democratic nomination. He
They said that if he won the nomination the Democratic convention would be a
repeat of the violent 1968 convention. It wasn't.
They said he'd never get angry Clinton voters to enthusiastically support
him. He did.
They said his overseas trip would prove he was inexperienced and un-
presidential. It didn't.
They said he was losing Latino and Jewish voters. He wasn't.
They said he didn't have specific plans for the economy, health care, Iraq
and terrorism. He does.
They said funding his campaign through mostly small-dollar donors was a
mistake. It wasn't.
They said he wasn't being truthful about his past. He was.
They said the nomination of Sarah Palin would knock his campaign off its
stride. It didn't.
They said he wouldn't win the first debate because it was on foreign policy.
He did.
They said he wouldn't win the second debate because it was a town hall
format. He did.
They said he wouldn't win the third debate because McCain was going on the
attack. He did.
They said he doesn't understand the concerns of average Americans. He does.
They said all the negative campaign ads being thrown at him would work. They
They said he didn't have the guts to fight back against the smears. He did.
They said the election results would be tight as a tickLETS WAIT AND SEE

Vote Barack Obama!

An unmoderated Ugandan discussion group. Write intelligently, and write
responsibly. While contributions to this forum are unmoderated, belittling
yourself by posting nonsensical hateful remarks is your own shame and
confirms utter stupidity. Kindly focus on initiating and/or contributing to
intelligent and constructive discussions on Uganda's social, political,
cultural and economic issues.

To post to this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] To
unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For more options, visit this group at

Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

[Ugnet] an Elephantine election

2008-11-03 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Isn't the Elephant the symbol of the Republican party and the Ass (aka
Donkey) for the Democrtas? Look who has crossed the line...



I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 

Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.


2008-11-03 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
I like responding to materials whose sources are referenced. Since you
withheld the source to this article and let it appear as though a
publication of The Mulindwas Communication Group, kindly forward my comments
to the author: "A whole load of steamy BS."
I gotta stock my supplies for a one-week's celebrations with nephew of
Gipir, son of Labongo, great son of Olum.

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



Of Mulindwa Edward
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 4:06 PM
To: ugandanet@kym.net; [EMAIL PROTECTED];

A President Who Won't Uphold the Constitution? Never. 
Laura Hollis 
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 
Well, now we know why Barack Obama's been so reluctant to have symbols 
of this country associated with his campaign.  No flags on his 
airplane.  Nix to pins on his lapel.  Not inclined to put his hand 
over his heart during the national anthem. 
After all, it turns out he has a problem with that other slightly more 
significant representation of our nation, the United States 
Just as he tried to prove to everyone that his patriotism was 
demonstrated by the lack of symbols of the United States, so he is now 
arguing that his passion for the Constitution is demonstrated by his 
commitment to shredding it. 
The Drudge Report and other legitimate investigative sources like the 
National Review, have exposed the most damning evidence yet of Barack 
Obama's utter disregard for the core principles of the United States 
government.  In a radio interview given in 2001, Obama reveals yet 
again about what he means by 'equality,' when he says, ".the Supreme 
Court never entered into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and 
sort of more basic issues of political and economic justice in this 
Bad?  Sure.  Because now it's not just "spread the wealth" a little 
bit (antithetical as that already is to American notions of hard work 
and prosperity).  It's that "redistribution of wealth" is part and 
parcel of Obama's vision of what is "political and economic justice" 
in this society. 
But it is much worse.  Because this Harvard-educated lawyer then 
announces that the United States Supreme Court when headed by Chief 
Justice Earl Warren, was "not radical enough," in its pursuit of civil 
liberties, because "[i]t didn't break free from the essential 
constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the 
If this has not stopped you dead in your tracks, either you don't 
understand, or you're already dead.  What Obama is doing here is 
expressing his opinion that the Court would have better effectuated 
his definition of "political and economic justice" if it had been 
willing to ignore the limits placed upon it by the Constitution. 
I have written elsewhere of Obama's potential designs on the country, 
and his inclinations should he obtain the power he seeks.  Many of the 
hypotheticals I posited then were pooh-poohed by readers, who said, in 
essence, "He'd never do that; the Constitution prevents it." 
At this point, any belief in Obama's respect for constitutional limits 
is delusional.  If he is so cavalier about the Constitution's limits 
upon the power of the judiciary, why on earth would he respect the 
limits on the power of the Presidency?  Or on Congress?  Clamor for 
the reinstatement of the insidiously named "Fairness Doctrine" has 
already put the First Amendment in Obama's sights.  What would be 
sacrosanct about the Second?  Or the Fourth?  Or Fifth?  Or Eighth? 
Why would Obama let any constitutional limit stand in the way of what 
he views as "political and economic justice"? 
These views are why Obama's acquaintances, associates and allies 
matter.  Why his Alinskyite "by any means necessary" philosophy 
matters.  Why we should care that he funds and takes money from people 
who say they hate or wish to undermine America.  Why we should be 
concerned when he took spiritual sustenance from a man who spends much 
of his time condemning white people.  This is what drives Barack 
Obama.  And this is why he wants the Presidency. 
The rest of Obama's observations during this interview are just as 
asinine, and just as threatening.  He says, "generally the 
Constitution is a charter of negative liberties: [It] says what the 
states can't do to you, says what the fede


2008-11-03 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
It's even more absurd that a presumably 'informed' person would knowingly
re-post the obvious lies for the consumption of, unfortunately, higly
informed and learned Ugandans.

I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 



Of Charles Xavier
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 9:38 AM
To: Mulindwa Edward; The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda

I think anyone with a little IQ should stop reading after point 9. Senator
Obama was born in Hawaii. Does anyone dispute that fact?

On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 9:19 AM, Mulindwa Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

An Open Letter to 
Barack Obama
By John Wallace
New York Campaign for Liberty


I know you are busy running for President of the greatest country in the
world, but there are a couple of things about your background and
qualifications for the office that concern me and many of my fellow
Americans. Never before has a Presidential candidate failed to fully
disclose routine information about their background that might help the
voters make an informed choice in an election. It seems that many records
concerning your background have either be been sealed or are temporarily
unavailable for review. I know that any honest person like yourself, who is
running for the highest office in the land, would never overtly want to keep
such information from public review. 

Here's a partial list: 

1. Occidental College records -- Not released 

2. Columbia College records -- Not released 

3. Columbia Thesis paper -- Not available, locked down by faculty 

4. Harvard College records -- Not released, locked down by faculty 

5. Selective Service Registration -- Not released 

6. Medical records -- Not released 

7. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate -- Not released (sealed?) 

8. Certified Copy of Certification of Live Birth -- Not released (sealed?) 

9. Birth records from Kenya -- (Sealed by the government of Kenya until
after Election Day) 

10. Your record of Christian Baptism -- Not released or unavailable 

11. Illinois State Senate schedule - 'Not available' 

12. Illinois State Senate records - Destroyed 

I believe items #7,8 and 9 are the most critical and concern two issues that
are very important to the American people: 

1. Are Are you a Natural Born Citizen of the U.S.? and 

2. Are you legally qualified to hold the Office of President? 

In a recent federal court case in Pennsylvania, an American citizen, Philip
Berg, filed a lawsuit claiming you were not a natural born citizen of the
United States and therefore not qualified to be President. During that case,
you never denied Mr. Berg's claims, but neither did you provid a valid birth
certificate or other proof that you are a natural born citizen of the United
States and therefore qualified under the Constitution to be President.
Rather, you hid behind technicalities in the law to avoid the issue and the
federal judge hearing the case dismissed Mr. Berg's lawsuit stating that Mr.
Berg, acting as a "citizen," did not have legal standing to make such a
challenge. This is a prime example of another outrageous decision by a
federal judge to deny the American people their rights clearly outlined in
the constitution. 

There have been lawsuits filed, or currently being filed, in 7 or 8 states
with various state Boards of Elections, claiming you are ineligible to be on
their ballots because you have not produced proof that you are a natural
born citizen of the United States. Mr. Obama, if you are truly and honorable
man and a "Natural Born Citizen of the United States" you can clear up this
issue very quickly. Just produce a certified copy of your birth certificate
in any one of the names you have been know by (Barack Obama, Barry Soetoro,
Barry Obama, Barack Dunham and Barry Dunham). 

Your avoidance of the issue and your subsequent failure to prove you are a
"Natural Born Citizen of the United States" is very suspicious and raises a
very important constitutional issue that must be addressed before the
November 4th election. Stop using legal technicalities, record sealing and
courtroom maneuvers to avoid the issue. The American people have every
constitutional right to know and they will eventually find out. 

Try using honesty and truthfulness for a change and put this issue to rest.
Either prove that you are a "Natural Born Citizen of the U.S." and are
legally qualified to hold the Office of President, or withdraw the race. 

If you do not do one of the other, the American people, regardless of party
affiliation, will surely stand up and kick you out. 

John W

[Ugnet] About That Prank Call...

2008-11-03 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto

About That Prank Call... 

Sunday, November 02, 2008 12:03 PM 
By Holly Bailey 

You've probably heard by now that Sarah Palin this week was unwittingly
duped into taking a phone call from a guy claiming to be French
ank_call_from_fake_french_president/> President Nicolas Sarkozy when in fact
it was really a Canadian comedian well known for pulling pranks on
celebrities and other well-known politicos.

So how exactly did that happen? According to a senior McCain aide, the
caller made initial contact with Palin's advisers by first calling the
governor's office in Alaska. The call had been routed through France, and
the comedian used the name of one of Sarkozy's top aides, which suggested
the phone call was legitimate. "He did all the right things," this aide
insists. The message was passed on by Palin's aides back in Alaska to the
McCain campaign and was ultimately routed up the food chain, ending up in
the hands of Steve Biegun, a former National Security adviser to President
Bush, who is now one of Palin's top aides. Seeing no warning signs, Biegun
and other top McCain aides signed-off on the call, and the rest is history.

Privately, McCain aides see the phone call as more of an embarrassment for
the staff than for Palin-after all, it's up to the staff who gets to talk to
the candidates and who doesn't. But that may be lost on voters who already
have doubts about Palin's experience and readiness for the office.



A second senior McCain aide clarifies what exactly the campaign knew about
the call. According to this aide, none of McCain's top staffers were aware
of the call between Palin and the fake Sarkozy until after the fact. The
call was routed from Palin's Alaska office directly to the advisers working
directly with the GOP VP hopeful, and they made the decision to initiate
contact without notifying other members of McCain's senior staff. Upon word
of the fake-out, the campaign's upper echelon organized a conference call
yesterday afternoon with both McCain and Palin senior aides to discuss how
to handle. According to one participant, who declined to be named, aides
went back and forth venting their frustration. "Does anyone not think it's
strange that the French president would want to talk to a candidate in the
final 72 hours of the campaign," one senior McCain aide demanded, noting
that the White House and the National Security Council would likely be
involved in any such phone calls. "It's appalling." Bigger picture, the
episode provides a glimpse at what have been increased tensions between the
McCain plane and the Palin plane in the final weeks of the campaign. Aides
have pushed back in recent days against stories that all is not well between
the two camps, but it appears that may not be exactly true.


I am Peter-Rhaina Gwokto and I approve this message. 


Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
http://lakitgum.wordpress.com <http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/> 

Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

[Ugnet] Re: first prove if mutebi is not an acholi before questioning museveni's citizenship(Tom Jabwe)

2008-02-08 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Which reminds me: during the Capt. Dan Byakutagga paymaster scandal, a good 
Ganda buddy made fun at calling me Gwokutaga. Not until recently did I remember 
that Bantu schoolmates in Mwiri could not pronounce Gwokto without inserting 
'u' between k and t such that it became Gwokuto. Dayimnnn...! that sounded 
grouse. However, I still have trouble understanding or accepting the 
significance of Ganda names beginning with 'Ss' like Ssemogere. I have listened 
carefully over the years and believe me, there is no silent 's' in these names 
as to warrant the abuse and misplacement of a secondary 's'. If there is a 
Ugandan language that warrants the use of silent letters like in French, it's 
got to be Lugisu and, to some extent, Runyakitoro.

Which remainds me again: once when my two Ganda nephews went to visit their 
grandmother up north, they discovered plenty stuff they never saw in the city. 
Each time one of the two recognized something new, he would exclaimed to the 
other 'laba yo..!" - which I understood later to mean 'look at that...! or look 
at this..! It took my caring mother by surprise. First, the old woman thought 
these city kids had pronunciation problems with the Acholi word 'lebba' 
meaning' my tongue. Then another time, it just hit her that the boys could be 
allergic to something that was hurting their tongues and crying 'lebba yo..!' 
meaning, 'oh..! my tongue..!'.

The moral of the story is that words in Acholi or Bantu are reegineered from 
one another - wonder why anthropologists haven't looked deep into this fact.

Whish reminds me once more: Did you know that the names Luwero and Namugona (a 
river in the Buganda) are not only Acholi names but were named by Acholis? 
Kololo is not the only gandanized Acholi expression. Listen to this recent 
confirmation: When Emin Pasha employed the service of Nubian fighters, most of 
the commanders were Acholis who new the Buganda/Bunyoro region. During the 
disciplinary war on Buganda, the Acholi commanders instructed the marcenaries 
to 'slash' down everything living thing in their paths. Now, if you know 
Acholi, the word for slashing down is 'lwero' (scorch 'n burn). You can only 
imagine these commanders telling excited Nubian fighters to 'lwero' everything.

Anyway, during the operation the soldiers marched up to a river they couldn't 
cross. The operation commander reported 'mission accomplished' to Lugard then 
added that he could have gone on with the special ops were it not for a large 
body of water that prevented him from marching further. In Acholi he said, 'nam 
ungona' meaning, the lake barred me'. Nam is a lake or large river in Acholi. 
Ungona or ongona is to seclude, bar, prevent or inhibit. Oh bwoy..! this also 
means, the early 80's witnessed not the first but second visit by Acholis to 
Luwero. Actually, the academic vocab is 'Revisited', a slang for 'just checking 

The surviving Baganda screwed up these two names. First, as in Gwokuto above, 
they inserted a 'u' in Luwero thus distorting the original Acholi word 'lwero'. 
Second, they unceremoniusly glued Nam and Ungona to Namungona. Here is the 
proof: Ask any Muganda elder the origin and meaning of the words Kololo, Luwero 
and Namungona and you will be surprised they know and have nothing to the 

Ah rah rah rah... I love Uganda and all Ugandans. I couldn't trade any of my 
countrymen and women for any precious metal or black gold. I love you all guys. 
We have a common history and shared language. Just dig deeper. Lot's on 
interesting stuff in our roots.

Uhm...! Human behaviour.
Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
C'mon in to my Blog 

- Original Message 
From: kyasa Kyasak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 8, 2008 5:33:08 PM
Subject: Re: first prove if mutebi is not an acholi before questioning 
museveni's citizenship(Tom Jabwe)

1. Whjat is the meaning of the name " Akandanwaho", the name of Salim Saleh? 
Isnt it named to a first son? Akandanwaho is the first son of Kaguta and he is 
younger to Mu7. What does that imply?
2. Who else are the brothers and sister + off sprinds of of Kaguta and his 
wife? Give us 2 or 3 generations back. 
I bet you will find them in Rwanda, Burundi and Northen TZ. They were given 
lots of money to keep silent. Schools were built for them in northern TZ using 
State house funds as reported in recent news\paliament questioings. Yet, kids 
in the north and very many other rural areas in Buganda, Eastern are studying 
under the tree shades! Sahme on you.

[Ugnet] Re: Information Kateregga - NOC, Kateregga, et al.

2008-02-07 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
You failed to notice - or maybe simply don't know - that in Acholi the first 
letter of the word *ubanga identifies which christian denomination one follows. 
Acholi Catholics called God Rubanga while Protestants call him Lubanga even in 
their hymns. This is a fact anyone can prove. For the Langi Catholics or 
Protestants, Obanga applies to all. Lubanga or Rubanga is not an Acholi word.
Secondly, my grandfather's friend once told us that Lubanga/Rubanga, while 
frequently applied to the heavenly father has two connotations in Acholi but 
with one shared feature - mystery.  The mystery surrounds both the feared 
unknown and the ugly unknown. Before Christianity overpowered the traditional 
beliefs of the land, Jok (spirit) was used to identify both the bad and good 
supernatural being with both living in the same shared Body. Crossing its path 
depended on which side an unfolding event fell. In fact it was the true 
Ying-Yang as the Chinese refer to spirits.
Here is the twist: I was also informed by the old man that when Christianity 
appeared, it coincided whith the first case of the Huncback in Acholi. This was 
a new mystery. To date, the name for the hunchback deformity in Acholi is 
Lubanga. And for some reason it is not referred to as Rubanga but Lubanga. In 
Acholi, all physical deformities wereand are still considered the undoings of 
the spirits because there werent any obvious or known causes of deformities. A 
true Acholi elder will call any deformity Lubanga - which has essentially 
changed the prior reference to unexplained occurances from Jok to Lubanga. The 
emergence of the God known as Rubanga/Lubanga added a third but lessor body to 
the traditional Jok who used to be good or bad but the same in body. Jok in 
Acholi today still refers to the all-powerful spirita with the good jok living 
in one full half while the other half is now shared unproportionally by the bad 
spirit and the mysterious Lubanga
 wherein the dad spirit lives in more than two-thirds of that half.
It simply means that, inside Acholi Jok, goodness prevails. It also means that 
the Acholi Jok has the same embodiment of the Holy Trinity with Jok in three 
Persons (the Good spirit, the Bad spirit and Lubanga like Christianity's God 
the Father, God the Son and the Holy Ghost). However, while Christianity three 
God's live in harmony and agreement, the Acholi Jok can't even see eye to eye 
and they all serve completely different pruposes even though they exist in the 
same person (Jok): good things from the Jok Maber (Good spirit), bad things 
from Jok Marac (Bad spirit) and punishment from Lubanga (the lessor unknown) 
mainly through deformities like huncback, polio, blindness, deafness, etc. 
Lubanga does not cause sickness/illness except painless irreversible 
Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
C'mon in to my Blog 

- Original Message 
Sent: Thursday, February 7, 2008 4:31:10 PM
Subject: RE: Information Kateregga

Sure Gook,. I will do that. 
Hopefully it won’t be so difficult since some of the first Acholi CMS Chritians 
were my family line.
The first white men might have come from the North. Gordon. But he did not 
bring Christianity. Gordon himself later converted to Islam and became Ibn 
Pasha (Imil Pashsa?).
The CMS came from the South. That is what the Clergy thought us. 
Otherwise what is the Sudanese word for God?
The administration on the other hand was from the North. Also there, I am in 
the line of the first colonial clerks and messengers. Thus my name Laduma. 
(LADUMWA=our spokesman). The name my great grand father got because he was the 
first to learn the language and became a translator.
But I will do as you say and forward it to some elders.
My hypotes(regarding foreign domination) is that Acholi's (Lamogi rebellion) 
resistance to the colonisers, which might actually have been a mistake, 
impacted the distrust. The Kingdom of Payira was relegated to Chieftaincy. The 
adminstration that eventually settled at Gulu were firt based  at Nimule. They 
followed along. But I doubt if the CMS was among. They were Nubians.
Why I say it was a mistake is, as the saying goes, Acholi had just driven out 
the Arab slave raiders Northwards when the British came hurtling in from the 
At the time, the light Arab complex was hazardous. The warriors thought the 
same bloody Arabs that they had just driven out Northward, turned around and 
now attacked from the south. In a flash, they poured fire!! Kumbe the new 
arrivals from the south had not come to attack. So the rebellion could have 
been a mistake.
Mot paco

> Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 20:56:57 +0100
> Subject: Re: Information Kat

[Ugnet] the controversy

2008-02-06 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto

Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
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[Ugnet] Happy chimp - sorry, champ

2008-02-06 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
4.NEVER sleep with your ex.
These are my golden rules. They don’t guarantee happiness, but they are a good 
way to avoid misery, in my experience.
1.  Decide what your value system is and stick to it. 
2.  Don’t waste your time on people who bring you down.  
3.  Choose your battles, and fight to the death  
5.  Be your own best friend. 
Details click: 
Uhm ..! Human Behavior
Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
C'mon in to my Blog___
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[Ugnet] Hit Man: A Technical Manual for Independent Contractors

2008-02-03 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
To Those Who Think,
To Those Who Dare,
To Those Who Do,
To Those Who Succeed.
Success is nothing more than taking advantage of an opportunity.

Hit Man: A Technical Manual for Independent Contractors is a book written under 
the pseudonym Rex Feral (King of the Beasts) and published by Paladin Press in 
1983. The book portrays itself as a how-to manual on starting a career as a hit 
man, fulfilling contracts. Existing copies at Paladin Press were destroyed 
after the book was found to be used as a guide during a triple murder in 1993.
Click to read more..___
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[Ugnet] Singe (in Kiswahilli)

2008-02-03 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Recommend this video to all Ugandan soldiers. The message is strong. It's also 
in their first language, Kiswahilli that is:



Uh...! Human behavior.
Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
C'mon in to my Blog___
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[Ugnet] stretching really is important

2008-02-02 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Eulace Peacock
Faster Than Jesse Owens
This track star beat Jesse Owens a majority of the times he raced him in the 
100-yard-dash and also at the long jump for good measure. So why don’t you know 
his name? He pulled a thigh muscle right before the 1936 Olympics, denying him 
the chance to smack down the master race (or even compete in an Olympic event, 
since they weren’t held again until 1948, by which point he had retired), 
proving stretching really is as important as your gym teacher claimed.


Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
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[Ugnet] one-hundred-fifty-questions-to-a-guerrilla & about-counterintelligence

2008-02-01 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
He trained and adviced Fidel Castro. Read what his strategies:

Uhmmm...! Human behaviour.
Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
C'mon in to my Blog___
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[Ugnet] Re: KENYA - The Fall Out

2008-02-01 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Irrespective of other views, fact is that this blood is spilling and lives are 
ending because of Kibaki's greed. Take or leave it, Kibaki lost the election 
and the honorable thing to do is he must step down if he cares about Kenyans at 
all. As it stands, all he cares about is power - and he wants to keep it at 
whatever human cost and slapping global opinion. Had he acknowledged the 
defeat, Kenya would be above all else. 

Museveni didn't want to be seen as the only power-hungry African president so 
he lured Kibaki into doing the same. Now, who else can single Museveni out? In 
a way, this is also to prepare Ugandans for 2011 - that Museveni will be there 
and Kibaki will be first to congratulate him. By the time Kenyans say enuff is 
enuff let Kibaki die in office, Uganda will be waking up to the usual nightmare 
in 2011.

Probably we should just let these 2 old stooges fade away naturally instead of 
rattling them to murder us. There are just a few days on each head as I see and 
right now they are thinking real - what to do with all the wealth they are 
about to leave after killing so many people for the same. This thought and 
reality will kill them with more pain, heartache and fear than taking them 
down. Sure, the statutes and monuments will be destroyed with out a trace 
because there are no worthy reasons to keep them in public view. 
Uhmmm...! Human behaviour.
Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
C'mon in to my Blog 

- Original Message 
From: AnneMugisha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Forum For Democratic Change <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 1, 2008 1:08:09 PM
Subject: Re: KENYA - The Fall Out

From: AnneMugisha 

10 killed in fresh western Kenya clashes: police
6 hours ago
NAIROBI (AFP) — Fresh fighting and rioting left at least 10 people, including a 
policeman, dead and dozens of houses torched in western Kenya Friday, police 
In one incident, thousands of armed villagers killed a police officer, razed a 
government office, stole four guns and 200 rounds of ammunition in Kericho 
district, a flashpoint of the latest violence sparked by the killing of an MP.
"People from the whole village attacked the policeman and killed him," said 
Walter Aliwa, a police commander for Anaimoi trading post.___
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[Ugnet] The Black Man’s Place

2008-01-31 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
The Black Man’s Place in South Africa
Peter Nielsen

The reader has a right to ask what qualification the writer may have for 
dealing with the subject upon which he offers his opinions. The author of this 
book claims the qualifications of an observer who, during many years, has 
studied the ways and thoughts of the Natives of South Africa on the spot, not 
through interpreters, but at first hand, through the medium of their own 
speech, which he professes to know as well as the Natives themselves.

Read more: http://lakitgum.wordpress.com/2008/01/19/the-black-mans-place___
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[Ugnet] Re: Is Museveni a Ugandan?(BETI KAMYA) Is Kamya inciting tribal conflict?

2008-01-30 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
I mentioned the same in an earlier email. I stated that Nubians were in Uganda 
centuries before the late Mzee Kaguta, the presidents father, fled to Uganda 
from Ruwanda in the 1900s. Who then in more Ugandan? Museveni is like most of 
our children in the diaporas. There are many Ugandans to the core in Canada but 
their children are Canadian because they were born here. They are first 
generation Canadians and proud of it. The difference between us (kyeyo hunters) 
and them is that they are Canadians first while we are Ugandans first. They are 
Canadians by birth and we are naturalized Canadians. But this is simply 
something that Museveni does not want us to know. He doesn't want Ugandans to 
know that he was born of Rwandese immigrant refugees - he was born in Uganda by 
default or by coincidence or by accident. The point is, why doesn'e he want 
Ugandans to know his roots? What is the fear is acknowleging this fact?
The fact, too, is that Museveni is neither a Ugandan Muhima or any group from 
Ankole. We know he is neither a Hutu by his efforts to overthrow Habyalimana 
and causing the death of hundred of thousands of Rwandese. He is a Tutsi 110%. 
Museveni's fear of sounding off his Tutsi origin is because there are 
historically no Tutsis in Uganda so that would make him a Rwandese by default. 
he does not even mention this fact in his Mustared Seeds. He jumps right into 
his new life without stating where/how it begun.
It is an obvious tendency that most non-Ugandans who hold big offices in the 
country do not want to be known they are foreigners - worst still, that their 
immediate parents or themselves are either non-Ugandans or first generation 
Ugandans. A case in point is the Presidesnts spokesman who has not produced any 
documentary proof to show when he became a naturalized Ugandan. Instead he 
behaves and makes decisions with pride as a Ugandan with embeded roots in one 
of the country's ethnic groups. This, against the fact that even Wikipedia 
states clearly that Nagenda is a Rwandese (Ref: "John Nagenda (born 25 April 
1938, Gahim, Ruanda-Urundi(Rwanda and Burundi) was an East African cricketer. 
He played one One Day International in the 1975 World Cup".) Unfortunately, 
Nagenda does not want Ugandans to know or even think about this truth.
My problem is that it is these foreigners who have no sympathy for human rights 
in Uganda. I am sure a true Muganda will have a moment to rethink his decision 
to exterminate an Acholi than a fake Rwandese-cum-Ugandan. That is why Uganda 
is experiencing this level or brutality and human rights violations inflicted 
by people who have no ethnic roots in the country. We saw the same in the 1970s 
when Sudanic elements committed attrocities that left Ugandans blaming the 
Ugandan Nubians who were resettled in the country by Lord Lugard centuries 
before the Hutus dismantled Tutsi Kings in Rwanda resulting in the immigration 
of the Kaguta family. It is the reason Museveni is leaving the dislocation of 
Nubians in Bombo to take its natural course. He himself can not lay absolute 
claim ethnically to any region of the country so he can use any amount of 
lethal force with no regards for local lives.
Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
C'mon in to my Blog 

- Original Message 
From: Michael Senyonjo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 8:18:51 PM
Subject: RE: Is Museveni a Ugandan?(BETI KAMYA) Is Kamya inciting tribal 

Sorry Ugandans in Sussex, UK

There was nothing wrong with what Beti wrote.  All that the President has to do 
is show us his ancentral graves and I assure you Beti will apologise if any 
offence has been caused.  If you don't want your origins to be talked about you 
don't get involved in public life.  Talking about a politicians origins 
therefore is not inciting violence.

You know very well that Ntungamo and the sorounding areas were refugee centres 
for Tutsi's running away from the first civil war of Rwanda in the 1950's.  
Many Tutsui's have since integrated in Ugandan society and no one has a problem 
with that.

But when you have someone building schools in Tanzania, building presidential 
palaces and ordering new jets at a time when 77% of Ugandans cannot afford 
basic necessities, then Beti, and many other Ugandans have a right to question 
the patriotism of that person.

I was in Kampala recently and 'YES' Uganda is being dominated by the Bahima 
clan.   This is visible everywhere and is causing animosity among other peoples 
of Uganda.  As a Muganda, I now see the Bahima, Balaalo and migrant Tutsi's 
conspiring to take over our land.  Museveni might be your president, but 
everyday I get a reason to believe that he's not my president and that i am 
indeed his captive. 

[Ugnet] Re: Kenya Battle Goes to AU

2008-01-30 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
It's the right time for Ugandans, too, to rise against Museveni. Leaving his 
corrupt government as Kenya falls sends the wrong message to donor/funding 
nations that Uganda is more democratic and that the last elections were fairer 
than Kenya's. Now is the right time to tell the world that the whole region is 
being run by power-hungry and blood-thirsty dictators - with some doing past 22 
years and still letting. Now is aslo the right time to rise and show the next 
Ugandan leaders that the days of life-presidency, tribalism/nepotism, and 
dictatorship are all gone. Right now, we know eMu7 has already laid out the 
rigging plans for 2011. Let no one live with the hope he is going to step down 
- he wants to die president whatever the costs to peace, human lives, and 
international opinion. Five more years for eMu7 urgently calls for his 
assassination because the privatized military just won't do it.

Kenyanns and Ugandans must together let these blood-sucking tribalistic oldies 
go. I have sopken.
Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
C'mon in to my Blog 

- Original Message 
From: AnneMugisha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Forum For Democratic Change <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 9:35:29 AM
Subject: Re: Kenya Battle Goes to AU___
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[Ugnet] Re: {acholinet:4177} Uganda extends rebel peace deadline

2008-01-30 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
For once, you are 110% CORRECT...!

Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
C'mon in to my Blog 

- Original Message 
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 11:08:52 AM
Subject: Re: {acholinet:4177} Uganda extends rebel peace deadline

LRA is fake orgainsation. Kony and LRM are antagonistic bodies. Matsanga told 
me that the last time Martin Ojul went to meet Kony before the death of Vincent 
Otti, he(Kony) humiliated the negotiating team so much. He stripped them naked 
before Riek Machar , Riek was buffled. Kony frog matched Ojul and company while 
they were naked.
He accused them of eating all the financial aid that Sudan was giving to LRM. 
Ojul tried to explain the expenditures but Kony couldn't listen. Kony is bitter 
that Ojul, Obitta and company used to get cash while he(kony) was only getting 
bullets and guns in the bush.
Dr Obita refused to meet Kony right from the start. While Kony was slapping 
Ojul, he was demanding why Obitta had no turned up. Kony has been looking for 
Obitta's head for the last eight years.
Now OJ, do you see Ojul, Obitta, Matsanga and the rest fighting for the ten 
commandments?. They are smarter than that Sir.
This is a money making thing . They get paid by the Sudans government for the 
job Kony is doing for it while Kony is in bush masterbating and rapping people.
Matsanga is a con man. He is another nutter with little education from Croydon 
College. He can do anything for money.
So who is Rugunda talking peace with?
Somebody must be fooling us. Let them release the children. We careless about 
the nonsense that they are talking about.

Matek Matek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So you man what is your point???
Oryema you have a dangerous political ambition..to say the least...Just keep 
talking ..and see if that will take you anywhere.


On Jan 30, 2008 9:22 AM, oryema johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


We have  an LRA rep Matek right on this forum. Let him gives the option left. 
He opposes the return of refugees back to their villages, he swears Kony will 
never be arrested and tried by ICC and mocks people like us  who are firmly 
committed to having Kony arrested and tried for crimes against humanity

I have said it before, however deep one goes back into history, there is no 
where they will find where it is stated that war-lords borrow by standers to 
negotiate on their behalf..Martin got employed by whoever is funding the 
peace negotiations for a year, earned enough and has now left...It is now 
Masanga's turn to get the check...The money being wasted on these looters is 
enough to resettle a few families back home as well as sending their children 
to school.

Statistically, there are more people dying in those camps than being killed by 
UPDF and Kony combined...Considering that most of the children born in the 
camps do not celebrate their 5th birthdays, the longer they stay in the camps 
the fewer people there will be in the entire Acoli sub-regions for generations 
to come...

If this peace process in Juba has turned into an employment centre for pro-Kony 
supporters, it is better it is ended...If Kony cannot participate in it and is 
not wiling to sign the deal, what is the point...why give Museveni another 
excuse to keep people interned when he already has enough of those...

They are just eating. As the saying goes, "Lu-camo, lu-camo; Lu lwenyo, 
My conviction is that the LRA in its present form is not worth negotiating 
with. It needs time to organise a more solidly convincing structure. Why should 
the government negotiate with a team that is basically detached from the real 
boss?! Was it not said last week that Matsanga himself has never met Kony? Or 
was that another distortion to elude the ICC? 
The Ugandan government should place demand on the LRA delegation. It should be 
clearly established whom the LRA negotiators are. Equally so, their current 
contact with the LRA High command. It should be represented by people who 
directly report to Kony and who stand up for his ideal. Otherwise the same 
situation will recurr.
Dr. Matsanga & co has been recurringly in and out of the set-up so many times. 
They also stand a risk of being included in the ICC indictment if it is 
established that they had a role during the peak of LRA atrocity.
We have just experienced the hard core reality when the LRA's own team of 
negotiators was death scared of going to report to Kony. 
The negotiators demystified one major aspect: they have been LRA all along!!! 
We said it all along that they were LRA. Martin Ojul swore like never before 
that he was not LRA, but, only jumped in to roll the peace initiative. Now the 

[Ugnet] Return to Uganda: A Chinga-chinga's perspective

2008-01-29 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Oh Brother.! 
Indians now agree there are 2 Indians in Uganda each with a different way of 
treating or relating to Africans. Open video:

Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
C'mon in to my Blog___
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Re: [Ugnet] JUST IN

2008-01-28 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Ugandan or Kenyan?

Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
C'mon in to my Blog 

- Original Message 
From: Mulindwa Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ugandanet@kym.net
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 11:22:17 PM
Subject: [Ugnet] JUST IN

Un reliable sources report that MP Mugambi Were has been shot and killed.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

-Inline Attachment Follows-

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[Ugnet] this day today

2008-01-28 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Amin weds Sarah. There is a familiar Muganda muko (with a large flat nose) 
shaking hands with Sarah - but muko appears more nervous than shy. Even arap 
Moi was present. AND you folks still have the audacity to say Amin was a 
no-gooder after the loaf fell off your mouths?



Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
C'mon in to my Blog___
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[Ugnet] Between 2 Fires

2008-01-25 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
"Between 2 Fires" is precise and outrageous. Watch it here: 
Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
C'mon in to my Blog___
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[Ugnet] Why can' we say the same of a Ugandan..?

2008-01-23 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto

An Australian Definition of a Canadian
Written by an Australian Dentist ...



You probably missed it in the local news, but there was a report that someone in Pakistan had advertised in a newspaper an offer of a reward to anyone who killed a Canadian - any Canadian. An Australian dentist wrote the following editorial to help define what a Canadian is, so they would know one when they found one.   A Canadian can be English, or French, or Italian, Irish, German, Spanish, Polish, Russian or Greek.
A Canadian can be Mexican, African, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Australian, Iranian, Asian, Arab, Pakistani or Afghan.   A Canadian may also be a Cree, Metis, Mohawk, Blackfoot, Sioux, or one of the many other tribes known as native Canadian First Nations.
A Canadian's religious beliefs range from Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu or none. In fact, there are more Muslims in Canada than in Afghanistan. 
The key difference is that in Canada they are free to worship as each of them chooses.  Whether they have a religion or no religion, each Canadian ultimately answers only to God, not to the government, or to armed thugs claiming to speak for the government and for God.   A Canadian lives in one of the most prosperous lands in the history of the world. The root of that prosperity is reflected in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.   A Canadian is generous and Canadians have helped out just about every other nation in the world in their time of need, never asking a thing in return.
Canadians welcome the best of everything, the best products, the best books, the best music, the best food, the best services and the best minds  But they also welcome the least - the oppressed, the outcast and the rejected.  These are the people who built Canada. You can try to kill a Canadian if you must as other blood-thirsty tyrants in the world have tried, but in doing so you could just be killing a relative or a neighbour.
This is because Canadians are not a particular people from a particular place. They are the embodiment of the human spirit of freedom.  Everyone who holds to that spirit, everywhere, can be a Canadian.   Please keep this going! Pass this around the World. Then pass it around again.
It says it all, for all of us.

'Keep your stick on the ice' 

Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
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[Ugnet] Maasai African Prayer video

2008-01-19 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Ehi Folks, I happen to pickup a word or two in Maasai and plenty in Pokot and 
Turkana where my late old man 

used to work before and after independence. Kindly appreciate the Maasai 
African Prayer video and many more on my blog: C'mon-in to my Blog.

Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
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[Ugnet] stop the practice

2008-01-19 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
If it ain't cut, it will grow out of your head and you will die. How brutal...!

Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
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[Ugnet] an e-bookshelf

2008-01-14 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
It is growing with interesting readings. Pay a it a visit:


Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
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[Ugnet] Re: KENYA - Pictorial

2008-01-07 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
The difference between tribalism and racism among living homosapiens and 
extinct neanderthals is that one is rudimentary in comport while the other is 
chronically uncivilized. They both exude lethal amounts of force with one 
verbally vitriol and the other of the matchette rapid justice. One inflicts 
exogenous damages that satisfies its wants by literally bleeding the opponent 
to death while the other produces vials of endogenous substances so stupefying 
and retrogressively shocking that it often results into the heart attack type. 
One is debilitatingly progressive while the other has stayed still and remained 
oblivious to the history of time. One is stealthly coward while the other is a 
face-to-face action-packed thriller. One is slow but sure while the other is 
speedy and regretably irreversible. One is for Africans and the other for 
Westerners - I mean white Westerners and their revamped slave cohorts aka 
Kyeyolanders, not the stilleto pinhead herdsmen
 of western Uganda who can momentarily morp from questionable spurts of 
peaceful coexhistance to something indescribably worrying. Oh, for Christ's 
shake, I hate to see African judges in white imperial wigs -they look 
ridiculous. Canadian and American jusdges threw them a long time ago but CHOGM 
membership dictates we be as Anglo as possible for there is evidence of 
civilization - To The Queen!
Actually, one is Kenyan and the other is American - I mean racism and tribal 
tendencies. Fortunately for my personal conscience emotional imbibement, the 
O-factor stands out prominently in both as the opposite sides of the same coin. 
Whatever the consequences, one or both will make do - for a long time.

Go Obama. go Odinga!!!
Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
C'mon in to my Blog 

- Original Message 
From: AnneMugisha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Forum For Democratic Change <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 7, 2008 10:04:11 AM
Subject: KENYA - Pictorial___
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[Ugnet] Daily reading keeps you wise and sane

2008-01-05 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Read at least one Chapter of a Book - any book - everyday.
Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
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[Ugnet] Zulfikar hanged, daughter Bhutto assassinated bu sicide bomber

2007-12-27 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
My loquacious nephew asked a few weeks ago - actually he said he was 
challenging me to a riddle which turned out not to be.

He said in Palestine and Iraq, there have been both male and female suicide 
bombers and he could understand the brainwashing logic behind the tough 
decision by a man to die a martyr for Islam and being rewarded with 400 
beautiful, voluptuous, lip-smacking virgins. Accordingly, that made sense to 
him. But what he couldn't understand was whether a female suicide bomber would 
also be rewarded with 400 handsome, silver-back, horny kanyamas. This reward 
alone should instead turn off female suicide bombers from the mayhem of being 
harangued and man-handled 400:1. So he asked me to solve the riddle. 

I replied him that there is an unsung human quality called resilience and he 
would be surprised knowing what materials some humans are made of - vulcanized 
beyond Michelin tires against heat. The young man has been laughing for over a 
Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
C'mon in to my Blog 

- Original Message 
From: Mulindwa Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ugandanet@kym.net
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 7:28:35 PM
Subject: [Ugnet] Re: [Ugandacom] Zulfikar Ali Bhutto hanged by the Military, 
daughter Bhutto assassinated - background

Eddie Kironde
The woman was a gangster and a thief. She was forced to return by United States 
for they wanted to use her to press the Pakistan government to kill more of 
Pakistanis and loot more money. This is a whole pile of thieves that are 
starting to fall out.
Get to understand who she was.
   The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is under anarchy"
  Groupe de Communication Mulindwas
"Avec Yoweri Museveni, L'Ouganda East Dans L'anarchie"
- Original Message - 
From: Ed Kironde 
To: unaanet 
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 6:28 PM
Subject: [Ugandacom] Zulfikar Ali Bhutto hanged by the Military, daughter 
Bhutto assassinated - background

Benazir Bhutto  assassinated in a suicide attack today 27 december 
Benazir Bhutto Date of birth: June 21, 1953
Date of death: December 27, 2007
Benazir Bhutto was born in Karachi, Pakistan to a prominent political family. 
At age 16 she left her homeland to study at Harvard's Radcliffe College. 
After completing her undergraduate degree at Radcliffe she studied at England's 
Oxford University, 
where she was awarded a second degree in 1977. 
Later that year she returned to Pakistan where her father, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, 
had been elected prime minister, but days after her arrival, 
the military seized power and her father was imprisoned. 
In 1979 he was hanged by the military government of General Zia Ul Haq. 
Bhutto herself was also arrested many times over the following years, 
and was detained for three years before being permitted to leave the country in 
She settled in London, but along with her two brothers, 
she founded an underground organization to resist the military dictatorship. 
When her brother died in 1985, she returned to Pakistan for his burial, 
and was again arrested for participating in anti-government rallies. 
She returned to London after her release, and martial law was lifted in 
Pakistan at the end of the year. 
Anti-Zia demonstrations resumed and Benazir Bhutto returned to Pakistan in 
April 1986. 
The public response to her return was tumultuous, 
and she publicly called for the resignation of Zia Ul Haq, whose government had 
executed her father. 
She was elected co-chairwoman of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) along with 
her mother, 
and when free elections were finally held in 1988, 
she herself became Prime Minister. At 35, she was one of the youngest chief 
executives in the world, 
and the first woman to serve as prime minister in an Islamic country. 
Only two years into her first term, President Ghulam Ishaq Khan dismissed 
Bhutto from office. 
She initiated an anti-corruption campaign, and in 1993 was re-elected as Prime 
While in office, she brought electricity to the countryside and built schools 
all over the country. 
She made hunger, housing and health care her top priorities, 
and looked forward to continuing to modernize Pakistan. 
At the same time Bhutto faced constant opposition from the Islamic 
fundamentalist movement. 
Her brother Mir Murtaza, who had been estranged from Benazir since their 
father's death, 
returned from abroad and leveled charges of corruption at Benazir's husband, 
Asif Ali Zardari. 
Mir Murtaza died when his bodyguard became involved in a gunfight with police 
in Karachi. 
The Pakistani public was shocked by this turn of events and PPP supporters 
were divided over the charges against Zardari. 
In 1996 President Leghari of Pakistan d

[Ugnet] Woman Married To 10 Men At Same Time

2007-12-14 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Related To Story

Eunice Lopez is accused of being married to 10 different men at the same time.


Woman Married To 10 Men At Same Time
26-Year-Old Accused Of Being Bigamist
POSTED: 7:48 am EST December 14, 2007
UPDATED: 11:00 am EST December 14, 2007
MIAMI -- A 26-year-old Miami woman was married to 10 men at the same time, 
prosecutors allege, in a marriage-for-pay scheme to enable the men to remain in 
the United States. 
Eunice Lopez was charged with nine counts of bigamy Wednesday. 
The charges say she married the men between 2002 and 2006 without divorcing any 
of them. In one case, she married two men in the same month. 
On June 22, 2002 Lopez married Mauricio Carlo Matos as evidenced by a 
Certificate of Marriage filed with the Miami-Dade County Clerk of the Court on 
June 27, 2002. 
On Aug. 11, 2003, while still married to Natos, Lopez married Jose L. Ramos. A 
Certificate of Marriage was filed with the clerk of the court on Aug. 19, 2003. 
On March 5, 2005, while still married to Natos and Ramos, Lopez married Antonio 
Roberto Cordeiro. A certificate of marriage was filed with the clerk of the 
court on March 15, 2005. 
On Nov. 5, 2005, Lopez married Humberto Navarro Suarez. A certificate of 
marriage was filed on Nov. 8, 2005. Lopez was still married to Natos, Ramos and 
Just 12 days after her marriage to Suarez, Lopez married Leandro Abelha on Nov. 
17, 2005. The same day a marriage certificate was filed with the clerk of the 
On Jan. 6, 2006, Lopez married Euclides Yepes Ceballos. There were still no 
divorce proceedings on file for Lopez with the clerk of the court, but a 
marriage certificate was issued on Jan. 9, 2006. 
On May 11, 2006, Lopez married Martin Errazola Alvarez. The same day a marriage 
certificate was filed with the clerk of the court. 
On June 2, 2006, Marco Antonio Serrano and Lopez were married. Again, on the 
same day, a certificate of marriage was filed with the clerk of the court. 
On July 24, 2006, Diego M. Hernandez-Figueroa and Lopez were married and the 
same day a certificate of marriage was filed with the clerk of the court. 
On Nov. 21, 2006, Lopez married Fernando Jose Urroz Leguisamo. A certificate of 
marriage was filed with the clerk of the court the same day. 
She was held at the Women's Detention Center on $75,000 bond, but posted bond 
Friday morning, according to the state attorney's office. 
The investigation is continuing. 
Copyright 2007 by Local10.com. All rights reserved. This material may not be 
published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
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[Ugnet] Blind Man Test

2007-12-10 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
A blind Jamaican man walks into a little restaurant and sits down. 

The owner walks up to him and hands him a menu. 

"Mi blind, sah, an caan se fe read de menu".

Jus bring mi one fork dat one ah yu customah use arreddy, an mi will smell it 
an order fram it" 

A little confused, the owner walks over to the dirty dish pile and picks up a 
greasy fork. He returns to the man's table and hands it to him.

The blind man puts the fork to his nose and takes in a deep breath. "Ah, yes, 
dat's what mi will 'ave - rice nd peas wid jerk fish!" 

Unbelievable, and after the blind man leaves, the owner walks towards the 
kitchen and tells his Wife Dawn, the cook, what just happened.

Several days later, the blind man returns, and the owner mistakenly brings him 
a menu again.

"Sir, remembah mi? Mi ah de blind man." 

"I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you. I'll go get you a fork." 

The owner gets a dirty fork for the blind man.

After another deep breath, the blind man says, "Dat smells great! Mi will take 
de jerk chicken an rice wid broccoli."

The owner thinks the blind man is screwing around with him and figures that the 
next time the man comes in, he's going to test him.

He returns the following week, but this time the owner sees him coming and runs 
to the kitchen. He tells his wife, "Dawn, rub this fork on your panties." Dawn 
does it and hands the fork to her husband.

As the blind man walks in and sits down, the owner is ready and waiting. 

"Good afternoon, sir, this time I remembered you, and I have your fork ready 
for you."

The blind man puts the fork to his nose, sniffs, and says, "Rass mon, mi neva 
know say Dawn wuk yah!"  

Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
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[Ugnet] Breed Her Again

2007-12-10 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
A 17 year-old Jamaican girl tells her Mom that she has missed her period for 
the last two months. Very worried, the mother goes to the pharmacy and buys a 
pregnancy test. 

Confirming her worst fears, the test result is positive. Shouting, swearing and 
crying, the Mother says, "Which rass man do dis to you? Mi need fi know now!" 

The girl picks up the phone and makes a call. Half an hour later, a BMW X5 
pulls up in front of their house; a dapper looking man dressed in an Armani 
suit steps out and walks to the house. 

He sits in the living room with the father, the mother, & the girl and tells 
them: "Good morning, your daughter has informed me of the situation. I can't 
marry her because of my personal family situation, but I'll take charge. I will 
pay all costs & provide for your daughter for the rest of her life. 

Additionally, if a girl is born I will bequeath her 2 retail stores, a 
townhouse, a beachfront villa and a $2,000,000 bank account. He continues: "If 
a boy is born, my legacy will be a factory and a $4,000,000 bank account. If 
twins, they will receive a factory and $2,000,000 each. However, if there is a 
miscarriage, what do you suggest I do?" 

At this point, the father, who had remained silent, places a hand firmly on the 
man's shoulder and very decisively tells him, "You can breed her again ..." 

Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
C'mon in to my Blog___
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% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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[Ugnet] Anglican Archbishop angrily cuts up his clerical collar on tv.

2007-12-10 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
“As far as I am concerned, from now on I am not going to wear a dog collar 
until Mugabe has gone.” Sentamu.

I wonder why Sentamu didn't cut up his real neck instead if he hated Mugabe 
that much. What is he trying to prove? that Mugabe is worse than Museveni? How 
many deaths have each of them sanctioned? talk about an idiot (borrowing from 
Ocii) misplacing his emotions...!
Publication date: Sunday, 9th December, 2007
Archbishop Sentamu
By Steven Candia 
And Agencies 

THE Anglican Archbishop of York, Ugandan-born John Sentamu angrily cut up his 
clerical collar live on British television yesterday in protest of Zimbabwean 
President Robert Mugabe’s continued stay in power. 

His dramatic gesture came amidst controversy over Mugabe’s participation at a 
European Union-Africa summit in Lisbon. The summit was boycotted by British 
premier Gordon Brown over allegations of human rights abuses. 

“As an Anglican, this is what I wear to identify myself,” Sentamu, a former 
judge in Uganda who fled to exile during Idi Amin’s regime, said as he pulled 
off his white collar during an interview on BBC Tv. 

“You know what Mugabe has done. He has taken people’s identity and literally 
cut it into pieces,” he said as he cut up the collar. 

“As far as I am concerned, from now on I am not going to wear a dog collar 
until Mugabe has gone.” 

Mugabe, in power since the former Rhodesia won independence in 1980, has 
presided over the collapse of his country’s once thriving agrarian economy. 
Inflation is now officially the highest in the world, having hit an annual rate 
in September of 7,982%, while unemployment is around 80%. 

There are widespread shortages of basic foodstuffs in a country that used to be 
known as Africa’s breadbasket, and people are now dying from hunger. 
Mugabe, 83, accuses foreign powers - in particular Britain - of undermining his 
country’s economy in an attempt to oust him. He claims his nationalisation of 
former white-owned farms is simply righting the wrongs of the past. 

Sentamu, who has been a consistent critic of Mugabe, said the international 
community, especially South Africa, had to act to help Zimbabwe. Power, he 
said, had gone to Mugabe’s head, and the leader did not seem to “realise the 
suffering of his people.” 

At the Lisbon conference, German chancellor Angela Merkel said Mugabe’s 
policies had “damaged Africa”. 

Ahead of the Lisbon summit, former Portuguese colonies in Africa, including the 
oil-rich Angola, made it clear that they wanted Mugabe to attend. 

Some African leaders see Mugabe as a historically important colleague and they 
object to the idea of former colonial powers, such as the UK, intervening in 
African politics. But that view has drawn the ire of Sentamu. 

“It is African leaders who seem to say ‘we are backing a revolutionary’. I’m 
sorry, that is a lot of nonsense. They ought to realise what he has actually 
done. It has become a scourge on the conscience of the whole world.” 
And he wondered: “Why aren’t we as a world community, uniting against Mugabe?” 

Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
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[Ugnet] CNN Uganda's Hero

2007-12-07 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Watch a repeat of last night's CNN Heroes at 8:00 ETto see Sister Rosemary of 
St Monica School in Gulu receive an award. 

Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
C'mon in to my Blog___
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% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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[Ugnet] EBOLA - what goes around, comes around

2007-12-07 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
When Ebola hit Gulu a couple of yrs ago, the Acholis were shunned in Kampala - 
let alone being run away from. When said the disease was brought by soldiers 
repartriated from DRC, the government vehemently disagreed and exclusively 
blamed the Acholi for 'causing' the disease - as if Acholi ate chimps, gorillas 
and their cousin baboons and monkeys. To date, the government never accepted 
that government soldiers knowingly infected in DRC and deliberating airlifted 
to Gulu to facilitate the extermination of Acholis in addition to Kony's 
scorched earth murder spree were the carriers of Ebola to the town. While 
Lukwiya was mourned and eulogized by foreign governments the government of 
Uganda simply let his memories fade away - as though nobody like Lukwiya ever 
lived to care for patients. His wife, completely neglected as promises rot and 
stunk in the mouths of those who promised eternal support to the family.
Now, the disease as ably hit "home" - I mean NRM country. Someone reading this 
posting comes from this area. Yo, how does it feel to be an Acholi, now?The 
same individuals who blamed Acholi for "causing" Ebola are dumbfounded, 
disorganized and of all things, I repeat, of all things, are calling doctors to 
desert their very own patients. For many years I have repeatedly heard the oath 
taken by medical graduates leaving MUK. That oath is very solemn indeed yet it 
now typifies just how a government sworn to protect the interest of Ugandans is 
letting the country self-distruct while a few swell their purses at the expense 
of healthcare and emergency aid for natural disasters.
For once, I now know it is the long-suffering and alienated Acholis who are the 
most politically informed people in Uganda. They have learnt and accepted to to 
live without government aid or empty promises and truelly dont give a fck to 
Museveni and empty promises. That's why amidst troubled times with the LRA 
murderes, they overwehlmingly voted against the NRM instead of voting on bended 
knees - there was nothing to loose and indeed today they are not any different 
from the rest of the country that voted for son of Kaguta. Acholi's curent 
problems are the direct results of the war enhanced by a planned government 
negligence and superficial policies.
Now Ebola is hitting folks equally whether one voted for Museveni or not. The 
fact is that, like Ebola in Gulu, there weren't any emergency kits either set 
aside for NRM country. Folks are shocked. Instead of government rushing, it is 
instead ordering the few smokes-screens strategically sent to instill fear and 
enforce obedience to run away as fast as they can from their supportes. The 
response to the outbreak in NRM country should serve as a leasson - a lesson 
which should have long been learnt from the Acholi voters who didn't vote for 
Museveni yet have equally lost nothing compared to those who voted for 
Museveni. Who then, is better politically infomed? Those who lived in camps and 
never attended schools in 20 years or those on whose land Museveni constantly 
crisscossed as they danced in highly flamable dry banana leaves chanting 
eternal rule and going to school all along.
Agree to this: Only fools voted for Museveni. Scratch your head or bite yoir 
nails, but think of how dumb you were and continue to be. 

Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building". Jim Hightower
C'mon in to my Blog 

- Original Message 
From: Paul Ssemaluulu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 7, 2007 1:05:36 AM
Subject: EBOLA

This is a letter from the “Monitor”
Have emergency fund for Ebola epidemic
At last it happened. Last week a team of health officials were dispatched from 
the Ministry of Health in Kampala, and 10 other international health experts to 
reinforce the rapid response capability in the Ebola-hit district of 
Bundibugyo. Thank you.

But the first case of Ebola outbreak was reported on November 10 in that very 
district. What was the government of Uganda waiting for? It is painful to have 
a government which will lose no sleep even upon the news of Ebola outbreak.

The helpless taxpayers of this government had to wait for nearly two months as 
the disease spread to over 14 villages and 16 lives perished, before experts 
could leave their comfortable offices in Kampala.

In October 2000, a total of 173 people died and 426 others were diagnosed with 
Ebola in northern Uganda. That was our very first encounter with Ebola. Today, 
Ugandans expected to see a better and well coordinated response from the 

Ugandans rightly expected the Ministry of Health this time to exude confidence 
and a sign of preparedness in dealing with this epidemic. But what do we see 
now? Confus

[Ugnet] Re: OTIIS FATE casts doubt over Martin Ojul's credibility

2007-11-14 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Only a fool would mourn the death of Otii ... or Ojul's, if it happens.

Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "LRA leader Joseph Kony is named in 12 counts for crimes against 
humanity and 21 counts for war crimes. His deputy, Otti, is named in 11 counts 
for crimes against humanity and 21 counts for war crimes. Alleged crimes 
include rape, murder, enslavement, sexual enslavement and forced enlisting of 
children". ICC must not withdraw its indictments.

- Original Message 
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 2:16:19 PM
Subject: RE: OTIIS FATE casts doubt over Martin Ojul's credibility

Now they are crawling with their tail between the legs…Their Satanic 
Vampires!!! But, what to do, this is Africa: you can anything and get away with 
it straight-faced. It don’t matter none!! You can butcher at will and stand on 
wiibyer to enjoy the morning sun and they will ghost tickle.
Acoli Okankodi aye oneko Otti. Or at least they are the ones who have had him 
tortured (TREASON is a very serious allegation and in vampire circles, it is 
fate bound. Okankodi gire en aye guneko Otii. 
If this were in our culture, the members of the so-called negotiation team 
(esp. that of the LRA) would be “clinically” screened and their affiliation 
established and made public for accountability. If this were in our culture, it 
would not be possible for any Okankodi to come hurtling in from nowhere, only 
to join the LRA bunch of negotiators yet simultaneously claiming that he is not 
LRA. No one would buy that crap!! People would ask the right questions because 
people would be very keen to know who / who the masked actors behind the LRA 
are. They would be very persistent to demystify the bloodsucker motherfuckers 
who have been confusing Uganda, the LRA and Acoli. They are the very ones who 
are the reason why the ordeal has lasted more than two decades.
They are the ones who have been running to Kony. Giving Kony false hopes and 
getting him to hold on to the barrels. For in Kony, the see a bargaining 
Even when they knew damn well that the ICC indictment would not be dropped, 
they still deceived Kony. They are the ones who have been running to Kony, 
tailoring all sorts of malicious scenarios to fit their wicked vendetta. But to 
no avail. Did we not hear Ojul & co declare on arrival in Uganda that they 
would sign the peace pack regardless of the ICC indictment?! 
I do not think that was Kony dictating
Now the same tormentors, the same deceptive impudence turn around to be 
embraced as emancipators and revelatory manshit!! WEK KIWAC NI GIN AYE GIKELO 
All they care about is YWEKA (Fame). These burgers do anything for fame.
After lying to Ugandan all these decades, concealing their true colours, 
suddenly the truth came dazzling on their faces:
1) The war has suddenly come to an end. The environment is no longer 
conducive to war. The LRA has failed to fight; they are no longer attractive in 
the Arab/ African crisis and above all, IN UGANDA THE PEOPLE HAVE SEEN THE 
which most of the LRM (LRA’s political wing) belonged, if only as “UPC 
abac-abac”, no longer sees armed resistance as an option. Some of these 
Okankodi vampires had jumped off the UPC after Dr. Obote (RIP) dissolved the 
then PPC. Now the renegades found temporary solace with the FDC before the cold 
reception at the FDC forced them to seek the LRA wilderness.
2) Some FDC insiders I talked to confirmed that a couple of years back or 
so, these individuals told the FDC that they had direct access to Kony and the 
LRA. Not only that, THEY CLAIMED “THEY HAD PEOPLE (meaning fighters) But when 
handed the satellite cell phone to communicate with Kony, they just perspired.
These same individuals had for a long time been working the Acoli community. 
For a long time they had been rallying understanding for a need for the LRA to 
be represented by other well versed Acoli “WHO WERE NOT ” LRA. 
As it turned out, as the JUBA PEACE TALKS materialised, these were the very 
same category that suddenly were on the LRA delegation. Even before the summon 
in Juba they had flow in from Sweden, Gr. Britain. Suddenly, they were Acoli / 
But, WERE THEY NOT? What happened to the direct contact with the LRA that they 
always boasted of? What happened to “I have people”?
So, now suddenly they did not want to be associated with the LRA anymore. But 
since the ICC indictment won’t be reversed, their fear is that KONY MIGHT 
REFUSE TO GO DOWN THE ICC DRAINS ALONE. They fear Kony will talk and they too 
might become haunted. Thus the MATO OFUT campaign and on goi

[Ugnet] Vanishing husbands trouble India

2007-10-29 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Vanishing husbands trouble India 

When Archana Sharma got married in 1999, she saw it as a chance to keep her 
family out of poverty after her father's untimely death. A strikingly beautiful 
folk dancer from the north Indian state of Haryana, the then 25-year-old had 
turned down several offers to act in regional-language films because she came 
from a conservative family, consenting instead to wed a Toronto-based 
astrologer she knew through her maternal uncle. "I agreed to marry a man I had 
never met, thinking he would take me to a better life in Canada," she says. 
"Once settled there, I would take my two younger sisters and our mother, too." 
After a six-week visit for the wedding, her husband returned to Toronto 
promising to complete the legal formalities for her to join him. But her 
tickets never came. After six years of waiting, Sharma received documents 
informing her that she had been divorced. 
Stories like Sharma's are growing increasingly common across India, as changing 
values remove some of the social stigma surrounding failed marriages and 
concern from activists and officials encourages more women to talk about it. As 
many as 30,000 women have been abandoned by their émigré husbands, according to 
one Indian government estimate; activists say the real figures are probably 
much higher as most cases still go unreported. The Ministry of Overseas Indian 
Affairs (MOIA), established in 2004 to look after the welfare of an estimated 
20 million Non-Resident Indians (NRIS), launched a scheme earlier this year to 
provide counseling and legal and financial aid for Indian wives abandoned 
abroad. Closer to home, it has published a booklet for women planning to marry 
émigrés, to help them verify the credentials of their prospective spouses and 
their families, take proper legal precautions and seek help if things go wrong. 
"More such cases are being
 reported since we started disseminating information about the scheme," says 
Sandhya Shukla, director of social services at MOIA. 
Despite impressive economic growth over the past decade, some 450,000 Indians 
emigrate to other countries to find work every year, while thousands more go 
illegally. "For some, going abroad is about seeking better opportunities and 
social mobility," says Rainuka Dagar, senior research fellow at the 
Chandigarh-based Institute for Development and Communication, "But for many, it 
is about status. It is a symbol of pride to have a member of the family living 
and earning abroad." In many communities, "marriage to an NRI is considered a 
status symbol as it gets the entire family a chance to go abroad," says Santosh 
Singh, chairperson of the government-affiliated Family Counseling Centre in 
Most of these unions, without doubt, are successful ones. But some overseas 
marriages can be problematic. At a MOIA conference on the issue in February, 
Girija Vyas, chairperson of India's National Commission for Women, noted that 
brides going abroad can suffer from culture shock if they have had no prior 
exposure to the West. Their overseas-raised spouses, meanwhile, can find 
themselves pressured into a traditional marriage by émigré parents. The 
combination can result in loveless, incompatible relationships and eventually, 
divorce. The worst cases, however, are those "where NRI men come to India 
seeking either huge dowries or 'holiday wives,'" says Singh. "If they abandon 
their brides and return to their adoptive countries, the brides and their 
families, living in a culture of patriarchy and keen to preserve their honor, 
often do not approach the authorities. And even if they do, there are limited 
legal options before them." 
Government agencies and NGOs are working to change that. The National 
Commission for Women has demanded that the government make it compulsory to 
register all marriages, which will provide women a more solid legal standing. 
Meanwhile, activist groups are lobbying for changes in the law to criminalize 
the suppression of information about previous marriages, and urging the 
government to sign agreements with other countries to make marital fraud an 
extraditable offense. In Punjab, where many families have at least one member 
working abroad, the left-leaning Lok Bhalai Party has made the plight of 
abandoned spouses a campaign issue. 
But for Sharma, these efforts are still too little, too late. "One odd change 
of law will not make a difference," she says. "Cases like mine will keep 
happening until women's status in society improves. And that will be a slow and 
long process." 

Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "LRA leader Joseph Kony is named in 12 counts for crimes against 
humanity and 21 counts for war crimes. His deputy, Otti, is named in 11 counts 
for crimes against humanity and 

Re: [Ugnet] Re: Proposed membership fees at Uganda at Heart

2007-10-18 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
EM & Ocii,
It's even more scary that the organizers (experts) themselves are not 
responding to this humble request.

Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "LRA leader Joseph Kony is named in 12 counts for crimes against 
humanity and 21 counts for war crimes. His deputy, Otti, is named in 11 counts 
for crimes against humanity and 21 counts for war crimes. Alleged crimes 
include rape, murder, enslavement, sexual enslavement and forced enlisting of 
children". ICC must not withdraw its indictments.

- Original Message 
From: ocii <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Ugandanet@kym.net
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 9:30:29 PM
Subject: [Ugnet] Re: Proposed membership fees at Uganda at Heart

Hehehee Amina!
People pay money to go and see Osama Bin Laden. That I believe is money well 
Now you want us to pay 25 dollars to know and see the faces of Oryema Johnson 
and Abbey Semwambba?
Come on now Amina. Don't tell me this is a joke!!


It is very simple. Just become a member of the foundation if you want
to know more about Abbey and Oryema.Just pay your $25 dollars when
this foundation is launched, then you will know more.Right now, you
are only carrying a negative campaign which is utter nonsense.I would
like to know when Abbey and Oryema are lauching this thing as i have
got my $25 dollars here already.

On 19 Oct, 01:29, Peter-Rhaina Gwokto wrote:
> Who are you, guys ? - I mean, individually identify yourselves. Didn't 
> someone ask for resumes a while ago? Not a single Ugandan in Kyeyoland has 
> not been ripped - and some of the rippers are themselves fellow Kyeyolanders. 
> How do we start giving ideas and monies to people whose backgrounds and faces 
> we don't know? Brief us about yoursleves/backgrounds. I say this because even 
> crooks can reform and I know one or two crooks already in this forum in whose 
> traps I have personally fallen.
> In this digital age, we - I know I do - wnat to see your images. Haven't you 
> heard that pictures speak louder than words? Personally, I can read 
> characters through their eyes.
> So, open up or, forget it - at least, on my part.
> ___
> Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
> Remember: "LRA leader Joseph Kony is named in 12 counts for crimes against 
> humanity and 21 counts for war crimes. His deputy, Otti, is named in 11 
> counts for crimes against humanity and 21 counts for war crimes. Alleged 
> crimes include rape, murder, enslavement, sexual enslavement and forced 
> enlisting of children". ICC must not withdraw its indictments.
> - Original Message 
> From: Abbey Semuwemba 
> Cc: emilly Kemigisha ; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]; Hakim Ssemuwemba ; Abdallah Balugambire ; Sewankambo Abubaker ; 
> Charles Kibuka ; charles kiwanuka ; Sarah muyingo ; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
> Michael Senyonjo ; David Basobokwe ; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]; NASSIMBWA BARBARA ; M. Kibuka ; Muwonge Nasur Lubega 
> Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 7:57:32 PM
> Subject: Proposed membership fees at Uganda at Heart
> Dear members,
> As part of the initial process of transparency and accountability in the 
> Uganda-at-heart Foundation, the above attached documents is what I have come 
> up with as a way of raising the funds for the organisation.I have included 
> other affiliates apart from individuals as a way of supplementing income.We 
> can draft letters to invite these affiliates to become members. A draft 
> proposal is being written on how we can entice them to join the organisation 
> and how it can be of use to them.
> We do welcome any ideas from members on how we can improve on this proposal 
> before it is made official. People whose emails I have included as a cc but 
> they are not members of Uganda-at-heart forum, should send their ideas or 
> proposals/ opinions either to me or [EMAIL PROTECTED] You have received this 
> email because we believe you could be a useful member or contributor to this 
> young foundation. We are also looking for volunteers who are committed and 
> willing to help us make this idea a reality. Please do not hesitate to 
> contact us in case of any other information needed.
> Thank you.
> Abbey Semuwemba

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Ugandans at Heart" group.
To post to this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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For more options, visit this group at 

Re: [Ugnet] Re: Besigye meets Ogole

2007-10-11 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
What is it that Obote did wrong (in moderation) which Museveni has not done (in 

Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "LRA leader Joseph Kony is named in 12 counts for crimes against 
humanity and 21 counts for war crimes. His deputy, Otti, is named in 11 counts 
for crimes against humanity and 21 counts for war crimes. Alleged crimes 
include rape, murder, enslavement, sexual enslavement and forced enlisting of 
children". ICC must not withdraw its indictments.

- Original Message 
From: ocii <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Ugandanet@kym.net
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 8:49:51 AM
Subject: [Ugnet] Re: Besigye meets Ogole

Was Col. Ogole the one who picked up the gun to go to the bush because the 
1980's general election was rigged?? If not then don't waste Ugandans' time 
uttering nonsense. 
It was Mu7 who picked up the gun to go to the bush because to him the 1980's 
election was rigged!! They did not go to the bush to drink malwa and have a 
good time; they went to the bush to fight a supposedly fraud government, and 
thereby caused the deaths of many Ugandans! And if he faught for rigged 
election, why did he end up rigging elections?? Are you or is Mu7 telling us 
that if he rigged election in the country, it is okay??
Kateregga don't insult our intelligence!! Col. Ogole cannot apologise for a 
wrong and political crimes he did not commit! Mu7 and his cahorts who started 
the war, yet rigged elections themselves must! 
As simple as that!

Ahmed Kateregga Musaazi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Col.John Ogole was the butcher of Luwero. Ask Wafula Ogutu he wll tell you. He 
must apologise for the atrocities he committed and he must seek amnesty.
- Original Message - 
From: Jean Paul Mivumba 
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 11:03 PM
Subject: Besigye meets Ogole

'I am sure he is free to return. We would welcome him. (Col) Ogole is a 
Ugandan. But who was Dr Besigye representing. He is not government," Lt. Gen. 
Tumwine, also member of the UPDF High Command said in a telephone interview 

I think this is "Nugu" that  Besigye upstaged them. Does  Besigye need to be 
representing anybody to meet Ogole or anybody else? Is it only government that 
can meet exiles? 
Army, MPs welcome Ogole- Besigye meeting
THE London reconciliatory meeting between Colonels Kizza Besigye and John Ogole 
has received a nod of approval from a section of Ugandans. 
Col. Ogole and Dr Besigye met in London last Sunday. 

Former bush war commander Lt Gen Elly Tumwine said Col Ogole is welcome to 
Uganda, although he wondered in whose capacity opposition leader Dr Besigye met 
Col Ogole. 
"I am sure he is free to return. We would welcome him. (Col) Ogole is a 
Ugandan. But who was Dr Besigye representing. He is not government," Lt. Gen. 
Tumwine, also member of the UPDF High Command said in a telephone interview 

The UPDF spokesman, Maj Felix Kulayigye said reconciliation was not a new 
"We have passed out 77 former LRA rebels. Nobody has been harassed. It is an 
old concept to absorb our adversaries," he said. 

"When we capture you, you either join us or you go home. There is the example 
of Maj. Gen. Julius Oketa who was a Lieutenant when he joined us. We don't need 
lessons. It has been our modus operandi on a non-combat avenue." 

At Parliament, Chwa MP, Livingstone Okello-Okello commended the move saying it 
was a new gesture that Uganda needs to embrace. 

Oyam South MP, Ishaa Otto said Col Ogole and Dr Besigye's meeting is welcome in 
the interest of peace and reconciliation. "This is what Ugandans need to hear. 
How long are we going to hate each other? President Yoweri Museveni should 
learn from this," the legislator said. 

Kawempe South MP and DP member Ssebuliba Mutumba was amazed to see the man who 
inflicted most casualties on the NRA in the Luweero bush war happily reconciled 
with Dr Besigye. 

"It is a sign of optimism towards a united nation. We need to teach our leaders 
that detestation cannot take us forward," he said.
Bunyaruguru MP Gaudioso Tindamanyire said the NRM had not prevented anybody 
from coming back to Uganda. 

"We welcome everybody because it is the cornerstone of the government that 
cherishes tolerance," he said. 

Peter Claver Mutuluuza (Mawokota MP) however dismissed Col. Ogole as "expired 
and therefore cannot be a threat to the established NRM government."
His views were echoed by Robert Byabashaija (Youth Western) who said Dr Besigye 
and Ogole's reconciliation cannot take the NRM by surprise.

The opposition shadow minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Reagan Okumu (Aswa 
County) added a twist to the meeting, saying there was not


2007-10-08 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Fact is, it is your President who created this butcher - if at all.

Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "LRA leader Joseph Kony is named in 12 counts for crimes against 
humanity and 21 counts for war crimes. His deputy, Otti, is named in 11 counts 
for crimes against humanity and 21 counts for war crimes. Alleged crimes 
include rape, murder, enslavement, sexual enslavement and forced enlisting of 
children". ICC must not withdraw its indictments.

- Original Message 
From: Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: ugandanet@kym.net
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Abbey Semuwemba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; rwanda <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>; Ekissodde Ekissodde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Pan-Africanist Forum 
Sent: Monday, October 8, 2007 11:07:34 AM

Rwandan President Paul Kagame, responsible for crimes against humanity in 
Rwanda his own country and in the Democratic Republic of Congo, paradoxically 
was invited on 4.10.2007 by the London School of Economics’Centre for the Study 
of Human Rights to give a public lecture on “The Challenges of Development and 
Environmental Sustainability in Africa: The case of Rwanda”. 
Kagame of course repeated the same mantra of the “1994 genocide” in Rwanda, 14 
years after which he had strived to rebuild a “prosperous and reconciled Rwanda 
after bad leadership (under a Hutu government) and a genocide during which one 
million Tutsi were killed; building democratic institutions, boosting the 
private sector, so that Rwanda can play an effective role in the regional, 
African and global level. 
Kagame also said that his government has enacted environmental and conservation 
laws to protect Rwanda’s biodiversity and natural resources and will host an 
international conference on this subject in Kigali next year. 
Let us note first of all that Rwandan President Paul Kagame is a manipulator 
who is using the 1994 genocide as a trump card! 
1. Kagame goes to the Western powers and tell them: where were you when the 
Hutu nearly exterminated us, and they feel guilty, apologise and keep quiet, 
give him all the means possible (money and arms) to loot the mineral wealth of 
2. Kagame goes to the Tutsi survivors of the genocide and tell them that they 
owe their lives and survival to him because he saved them from the Interahamwe, 
the Hutu genocidaires. And they keep quiet, vote for him, no opposition. But we 
know that Kagame was only interested in taking power, not saving the Tutsi, as 
General Dalaire revealed. Under President Kagame’s “Imidugu” policy or the 
“Politics of villagisation”, most of the villagers have been forced to built 
their huts along the main roads so that the notorious Local Defense Forces will 
keep a vigilant eye on them and to wield off infiltrators. The countryside is 
therefore deserted and Catholic missions there forced to close. Survivors of 
the genocide feel abandoned to themselves. Ordinary Rwandans say their leaders 
all returned from exile do not identify with them. In fact the new regime keeps 
a grudge against Tutsi who stayed behind and never went into exile, accusing 
them of having
 collaborated with the former Hutu regime. 
3. Kagame goes to the Hutu in Rwanda and say, it was me who restrained my men 
from exterminating all of you in a gush of revenge, and they keep quiet and 
dare not oppose him. Yet we know that when accompanying Laurent Kabila to 
power, Kagame ordered his men to exterminate all the Hutu in refugee camps in 
eastern Congo, which they did. Nick Gordon, a BBC reporter investigated and 
reported that the Kigali regime has built crematorium at Bugasira, Ruhengeri, 
Byumba, Kibungo, Inyungwe and other locations where thousands of Hutus and 
Congolese deportees (80 Congolese youth were deported from Uvira, South Kivu 
into Rwanda in January 2001 and are unaccounted for today, according to the 
Missionary News Agency MISNA), were killed daily and their bodies are 
incinerated under the program called "MANPOWER DUTIES" while US officials are 
looking the other way. The Tutsi regime is conducting genocide in Rwanda to 
reduce the Hutu population to a “manageable level”.
 Any Tutsi minister or politician who disagreed with the policy is either in 
exile or has been assassinated. 
4. Kagame goes to the Tutsi living in Congo and say, if you do not do anything 
for yourself, the Congolese will exterminate you. You know what happened in 
1994 in Rwanda. It is not a surprise that The Economist in London called the 
Tutsi, the Jews of Africa. Bolstered by western support, Kagame branded the 
Congolese “the Ibicucu” in his native Kinyarwanda language – which means, the 
“nobodies, good for nothing, therefore kill them as many as you like”. Hence 
the a war of invasion (1998-2003) carried out by troops fr

Re: [Ugnet] Re: ...scary flood

2007-09-29 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
I totally agree with you Ocii. I don't think the Minister's plea paints a 
picture of good governance Its embarassing that a whole Disaster 
"Preparedness" ministry was craeted with the main purpose of "goyo oduru" 
(sounding the alarm) to the interational community while the country itself has 
not stocked it with a single emergency tent, boat, bandage, or food. Worse 
still, the NRM seems to place itself in a position to predict disaster then 
"prepare" to confront. I wonder how many disasters the country has ever managed 
without "international" help.  
Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "LRA leader Joseph Kony is named in 12 counts for crimes against 
humanity and 21 counts for war crimes. His deputy, Otti, is named in 11 counts 
for crimes against humanity and 21 counts for war crimes. Alleged crimes 
include rape, murder, enslavement, sexual enslavement and forced enlisting of 
children". ICC must not withdraw its indictments.

- Original Message 
From: ocii <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Ugandanet@kym.net
Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2007 8:57:40 PM
Subject: [Ugnet] Re: ...scary flood

They have been looting for all these years. Now they don't even know where to 
begin to help people, but to call on international communty to come to the 
rescue! Over 20 years in power these idiots have nothing to show the country, 
and in case of disaster of this magnitude, they have themselves to samelessly 
expose!! So idiotic, and believe that the international community will get 
embarassed! Africans are so ignorant!!
Why do we keep dreaming the rest of the world cares about us?? Lack of knowing 
is very very dangerous! These people don't know shit, that is why Mu7 sells 
nurses to europe, telling them that go to europe and make money then send it 
back home!! Isn't Mu7 looking for permanent inclomes on the back of Ugandans 
sold to go perform kyeyo while the buffoons eat, shit and sleep?? Now there is 
a flood disasater and they are all furting around unable to do a thing!! Only 
calling on the international community!!
S idiotic!!

Peter-Rhaina Gwokto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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2007-09-27 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
I viewed his complete presentation and, as always, no African HoS did or will 
ever beat this guy on eloquence, clarity and intelligence - let alone the 
unique native accent. Mugabe was created for this type of political pulpit. 
eMu7 always walks away leaving the Gen Ass. members asking what he really said. 
he may be a good leader but folks, his accent is killing the nation because 
nobody understands what he says - at least the real Ugandan can; not the 
western folks and their media.
Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "LRA leader Joseph Kony is named in 12 counts for crimes against 
humanity and 21 counts for war crimes. His deputy, Otti, is named in 11 counts 
for crimes against humanity and 21 counts for war crimes. Alleged crimes 
include rape, murder, enslavement, sexual enslavement and forced enlisting of 
children". ICC must not withdraw its indictments.

- Original Message 
From: Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: ugandanet@kym.net; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 5:41:13 PM

Text of President Robert Mugabe's speech at 62nd Session of UN General Assembly

Statement by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Comrade 
R. G. Mugabe, on the occasion of the 62nd Session of the United Nations General 
Assembly, New York, 26 September, 2007

Last updated: 09/27/2007 05:30:13 
Your Excellency, President of the 62ndSession of the United Nations General 
Mr. Srgjan Kerim, 
Your Majesties,
Your Excellencies, Heads of State and Government,
Your Excellency the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-Moon,
Distinguished Delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen. 
Mr. President,
Allow me to congratulate you on your election to preside over this august 
assembly. We are confident that through your stewardship, issues on this 62nd 
Session agenda be dealt with in a balanced manner and to the satisfaction of 
Let me also pay tribute to your predecessor, Madame Sheikha Haya Rashed Al 
Khalifa, who steered the work of the 61st Session in a very competent and 
impartial manner.
Her ability to identify the crucial issues facing the world today will be 
remembered as the hallmark of her presidency.
Mr. President,
We extend our hearty welcome to the new Secretary-General, Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, who 
has taken up this challenging job requiting dynamism in confronting the global 
challenges of the 21st Century. Balancing global interests and steering the 
United Nations in a direction that gives hope to the multitudes of the poor, 
the sick, the hungry and the marginalized, is indeed a mammoth task. We would 
like to assure him that Zimbabwe will continue to support an open, transparent 
and all-inclusive multilateral approach in dealing with these global challenges.
Mr. President,
Climate change is one of the most pressing global issues of our time. Its 
negative impact is greatest in developing countries, particularly those on the 
African continent. We believe that if the international community is going to 
seriously address the challenges of climate change, then we need to get our 
priorities right. In Zimbabwe, the effects of climate change have become more 
evident in the past decade as we have witnessed increased and recurrent 
droughts as well as occasional floods, leading to enormous humanitarian 
Mr. President,
We are for a United Nations that recognises the equality of sovereign nations 
and peoples whether big or small. We are averse to a body in which the 
economically and militarily powerful behave like bullies, trampling on the 
rights of weak and smaller states as sadly happened in Iraq. In the light of 
these inauspicious developments, this Organisation must surely examine the 
essence of its authority and the extent of its power when challenged in this 
Such challenges to the authority of the UN and its Charter underpin our 
repeated call for the revitalisation of the United Nations General Assembly, 
itself the most representative organ of the UN. The General Assembly should be 
more active in all areas including those of peace and security. The 
encroachment of some U.N. organs upon the work of the General Assembly is of 
great concern to us. Thus any process of revitalizing or strengthening of the 
General Assembly should necessarily avoid eroding the principle of the 
accountability of all principal and subsidiary organs to the General Assembly.
Mr. President,
Once again we reiterate our position that the Security Council as presently 
constituted is not democratic. In its present configuration, the Council has 
shown that it is not in a position to protect the weaker states who find 
themselves at loggerheads with a marauding super-power. Most 

[Ugnet] Belgium wants LRA chief Kony arrested

2007-09-26 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
This is the best assurance I have ever heard from Europe. Kony must and I know 
will, be arrested. Kaguta will do a Taylor on him, too - no doubt.
Belgium wants LRA chief Kony arrested
Publication date: Wednesday, 26th September, 2007
Premier Verhofstadt
By Felix Osike 
and Henry Mukasa 

BELGIUM has called for the arrest and prosecution of the leaders of the Lord’s 
Resistance Army (LRA). Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt told the UN 
Security Council on Tuesday that Kony should be arrested and made “an example 
to all criminals that the exploitation of children in armed conflicts will not 
be tolerated”. 

He said Kony was responsible for 70,000 of the 300,000 child soldiers in 
“The offenders themselves must be put on trial. An international warrant has 
been issued for his (Kony’s) arrest and his whereabouts are known. He has 
spread terror in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda and Southern 
Sudan,” he stated. 

The leaders of the 15 member states also heard from Verhofstadt that each of 
the child soldiers, including a former LRA abductee whom he had adopted, had a 
personal horror story to tell. 

“The 14-year-old girl was forced to kill her own uncle and was then given as a 
present to a commander who raped her. In escaping, she had to shoot one of the 
guards and was shot herself. In the hospital, it was discovered that she was 
pregnant. That story is just one of many, and each is a stain on the soul of 
humanity,” he said. 

The current “naming and shaming” policy was not enough, the Belgian Prime 
Minister noted. He proposed that an arms embargo be imposed on all countries 
that use child soldiers, and that all humanitarian assistance should be 

The summit on Peace and Security in Africa was chaired by French President 
Nicolas Sarkozy. Echoing Verhofstadt’s remarks, Sarkozy said African countries 
must be categorical about respecting human rights, the rule of law and the need 
to bring criminals to justice. “In Africa, as elsewhere, murderers should be 
caught and punished,” he said. 

Darfur was a prime focus of the discussion, with most speakers stressing the 
importance of a timely deployment of the AU-UN peacekeeping force. 

Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "LRA leader Joseph Kony is named in 12 counts for crimes against 
humanity and 21 counts for war crimes. His deputy, Otti, is named in 11 counts 
for crimes against humanity and 21 counts for war crimes. Alleged crimes 
include rape, murder, enslavement, sexual enslavement and forced enlisting of 
children". ICC must not withdraw its indictments.___
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[Ugnet] .. roots

2007-09-05 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
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Re: [Ugnet] Mobile library delivers books to remote Venezuela

2007-08-14 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Ladit Zake,
What are you refering to as appropriate "technology"? The mule/ox or the wagon? 
Was/is slavery a technology? Is the animal or the use of an animal to carry 
weights be termed "technology".

Remember: "LRA leader Joseph Kony is named in 12 counts for crimes against 
humanity and 21 counts for war crimes. His deputy, Otti, is named in 11 counts 
for crimes against humanity and 21 counts for war crimes. Alleged crimes 
include rape, murder, enslavement, sexual enslavement and forced enlisting of 
children" (NewVision). ICC must not withdraw its indictments.

- Original Message 
From: musamize <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 2:32:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Mobile library delivers books to remote Venezuela

Mr. Zake,
Thank you for this article. I think Africans need to look at approriate 
technology that suit and serves their needs. 
It is not that difficult to train cows & goats to do this. Cows & oxen have 
been known to pull all sorts of wagons, and even plow fields, in Africa before. 
And, the cost is just right.

Semei Zake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Quite an interesting article - Semei


Venezuela's four-legged mobile libraries 
A university in Venezuela is using a novel method to take books into remote 
communities and encourage people to read. As James Ingham reports, the scheme 
is proving a great success. 

The village children love reading the books that the mules bring

Enlarge Image

Chiquito and Cenizo greet me with a bit of a snort and a flick of the tail. 
Mules are too tough to bother being sweet. They do a hard job which no other 
animal or human invention can do as well. 
But these mules are rather special. 
They are known as bibliomulas (book mules) and they are helping to spread the 
benefits of reading to people who are isolated from much of the world around 
My trek started from the Valley of Momboy in Trujillo, one of Venezuela's three 
Andean states. 
These are the foothills of the Andes but they are high enough, especially when 
you are walking. 
Slow but steady 
The idea of loading mules with books and taking them into the mountain villages 
was started by the University of Momboy, a small institution that prides itself 
on its community-based initiatives and on doing far more than universities in 
Venezuela are required to do by law. 
 Spreading the joy of reading is our main aim 

Christina Vieras, project leader
Accompanying us was local guide Ruan who knows a thing or two about mules. 
He was their boss, cajoling them carefully as they started up the hill at a 
slow-but-steady, no-nonsense plod. 
The deeply rutted, dry and dusty path snaked its way up. The sun beat on the 
back of my neck. 
We were all breathless, apart from Ruan. 
Diving for books 
A break came when it was my turn to ride a mule. I enjoyed a great view of the 
valley but held on tight as Chiquito veered close to the edge. 
Hot and slightly bothered after two hours, we reached Calembe, the first 
village on this path. 
Anyone who was not out working the fields - tending the celery that is the main 
crop here - was waiting for our arrival. The 23 children at the little school 
were very excited. 
"Bibilomu-u-u-u-las," they shouted as the bags of books were unstrapped. They 
dived in eagerly, keen to grab the best titles and within minutes were being 
read to by Christina and Juana, two of the project leaders. 
"Spreading the joy of reading is our main aim," Christina Vieras told me. 
"But it's more than that. We're helping educate people about other important 
things like the environment. All the children are planting trees. Anything to 
improve the quality of life and connect these communities." 
Internet plans 
As the project grows, it is using the latest technology. 
 I love reading books and we get told some really nice stories 

Jose Castillo
12 years old
Somehow there is already a limited mobile phone signal here, so the organisers 
are taking advantage of that and equipping the mules with laptops and 
The book mules are becoming cyber mules and cine mules. 
"We want to install wireless modems under the banana plants so the villagers 
can use the internet," says Robert Ramirez, the co-ordinator of the 
university's Network of Enterprising Rural Schools. 
"Imagine if people in the poor towns in the valley can e-mail saying how many 
tomatoes they'll need next week, or how much celery. 
"The farmers can reply telling them how much they can produce. It's blending 
localisation and globalisation." 
Local enthusiasm
The book mule team played noisy games with the children, listened to them read 
and lunched with the adults, discussing over a hearty soup and corn bread how 
the community can develop the scheme. 
 This four-legged mobile library is not just keeping this place alive but 

[Ugnet] Moses Ali, Fungaroo Clash At Funeral

2007-08-10 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Moses Ali, Fungaroo Clash At Funeral 

New Vision (Kampala) 
8 August 2007 
Posted to the web 9 August 2007 

By Dradenya Amazia

LT. Gen. Moses Ali, the vice-chairman of the National Resistant Movement in the 
north and Forum for Democratic Change's Hassan Kaps Fungaroo, clashed at a 
funeral service in Moyo district over political pledges. 
Ali and Fungaroo (MP Obongi county) disagreed at the funeral of the former LC5 
chairman, Gray Cherubin Onama at his home in Celecelea East in Moyo town 
Onama was also the district NRM chairman. Fungaroo said Onama would not have 
died if the Government had equipped Moyo Hospital with X-ray machines and 
He said Onama's medical report showed that some of the investigations into his 
health needed electric power which the hospital lacked. 
"If we had electricity, according to the medical report, our brother would not 
have died. Unfulfiled promises must stop," he said. 
Fungaroo said FDC hoped that NRM leaders would live long enough to see the 
changes his party would initiate when they take over power. 
This annoyed Gen. Ali who answered: "I don't know how many years it will take 
FDC to take over power. I also pray that my son Fungaroo will not die soon so 
that he can see the years the NRM will rule." 
"Lack of power cannot cause death. Even if there's power, if you are to die, 
you will die," Ali said. 
He said President Yoweri Museveni contributed sh2.5m towards the burial 
In his condolence message, Museveni described Onama as "a champion of the 
decentralisation policy." 
Born on August 24, 1952, in Pamoyi, Metu sub-county, Onama is survived by four 
wives and 16 children. 

Peter-Rhaina Gwokto
Remember: "LRA leader Joseph Kony is named in 12 counts for crimes against 
humanity and 21 counts for war crimes. His deputy, Otti, is named in 11 counts 
for crimes against humanity and 21 counts for war crimes. Alleged crimes 
include rape, murder, enslavement, sexual enslavement and forced enlisting of 
children". ICC must not withdraw its indictments.___
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