Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Collection catalogue

2007-11-29 Thread bukharin

Take a look at this thread:

(looks like it's orphaned, but when I tried it a few months ago it
produced some nice output)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] slimserver-scanner doesn't work well

2007-11-29 Thread bukharin

I'm using the command-line scanner in 6.5.1 with essentially the same
/opt/slimserver/ --rescan --cleanup /mnt/seagate/music/

It works fine, including adding new music.

Presumably the scanner behaviour in slimserver 7 is different


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] SlimServer not scanning

2007-07-14 Thread bukharin

It's starting to sound like a permissions problem. Is the music still at
/mnt/hdb2? If so, what do you get if you try:
ls -l /mnt/hdb2

Another thing to sort out the FLAC problem - you could also try this
/path/to/ --rescan --cleanup --d_scan /mnt/hdb2/

However, you need to change /path/to/ to the actual path to where
slimserver is installed. (and the final argument has to reflect where
your music is).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How To needed - USB hdd on CC

2007-07-14 Thread bukharin

Type dmesg, and look for an entry like this after your plug in the hard


usb 1-1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 7
  usb 1-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
  scsi1 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
  usb-storage: device found at 7
  usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning
  scsi 1:0:0:0: Direct-Access WD   3200JB External  0108 PQ: 0 ANSI: 0
  SCSI device sdb: 625142448 512-byte hdwr sectors (320073 MB)
  sdb: Write Protect is off
  sdb: Mode Sense: 03 00 00 00
  sdb: assuming drive cache: write through
  SCSI device sdb: 625142448 512-byte hdwr sectors (320073 MB)
  sdb: Write Protect is off
  sdb: Mode Sense: 03 00 00 00
  sdb: assuming drive cache: write through
  sdb: sdb1
  sd 1:0:0:0: Attached scsi disk sdb
  usb-storage: device scan complete

From the above, my hard disk is /dev/sdb, and sdb1 is the partition
with all of my data.

Once you have that information, you need to mount that partition. First
create a mountpoint - eg, /mnt/music:


mkdir /mnt/music

Then mount the drive there:


mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/music

If this works, you can look into mount-time options and so on.

Good luck!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] SlimServer not scanning

2007-07-10 Thread bukharin

2 things to try:

1) Are you sure that the drive is mounted at /mnt/hdb1? Most
distributions wouldn't mount /dev/hdb1 there. Check that you can see
the music files with a file manager (or ls on the command line).

2) You could try scanning from the command line, with debugging options
set. For example:
/path/to/ --rescan --cleanup --d_scan /mnt/hdb1/


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Rubyripper much improved

2007-06-07 Thread bukharin

I'd be interested in how you're checking the md5 checksums. For example,
are you comparing WAV files, or FLACs? And how did you generate the
files to compare - by ripping successfully with rubyripper on more than
one occasion (therefore ripping the track at least 4 times), or by
looking at rubyripper's temporary files?

The reason that I'm asking is that different md5 checksums does NOT
necessarily mean any difference in the actual sound encoded...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Rubyripper much improved

2007-06-07 Thread bukharin

Mark Lanctot;207308 Wrote: 
 I'm going with what Rubyripper reports in its logs.  It lists an MD5
 checksum for each track in the log.  They didn't match rip-to-rip.

I'm not sure how rubyripper generates this md5 checksum, but depending
on header information, this has the potential to give misleading info.
A similar trap means that WAVs encoding identical sound information can
have completely different checksums. In other words, I'm not sure that
your test is actually comparing the important information (ie the
sound) between the different rips.

I'd be very interested to know whether the resultant FLAC files from
the 2 drives have the same md5 checksum as generated by metaflac
--show-md5sum filename.flac - as far as I understand, this command
just compares the sound rather than the entire files.

I'm not trying to be critical btw - I'm keenly interested in this
topic, because I'm quite anal about ripping correctly and I've been
using rubyripper in an attempt to get a perfect rip... :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] sorry, even another newbie SS install question

2007-05-20 Thread bukharin

Glad to hear it. I explained a little about umasks in an earlier

I'll cut, paste and update the relevant bits:

The way the umask works is:
- the first number refers to the owner of the file
- the second number refers to members of the file's group
- the third number refers to everyone else (world)

Normal file permissions are as follows:
- 4 = r = read
- 2 = w = write
- 1 = x = execute (file), or list contents (directory)

So to make a folder  its contents readable and browsable by everyone,
but only writable by the owner, you'd want permissions of 755 (ie 4+2+1
for the owner, and 4+1 for group and world). If you did ls -l, the 755
would show up as rwxr-xr-x.

You need to understand the above before you think about umasks.

Now, the trick is that the umask works in the opposite direction - it
tells the filesystem what people AREN'T allowed to do. You need to
subtract the umask from 777 to get the final permissions. So your umask
of 022 means:
777 - 022 = 755 = rwxr-xr-x = user has full permissions (7=4+2+1), but
group and world are not allowed to write/modify files. This is
generally what you'd want for a setup such as yours.

In my opinion, 022 should be the default umask for external drives in
Ubuntu. It's just too hard for new users otherwise. In any case, what
you need to do now is configure Ubuntu so that its default umask for
external drives is indeed 022. If it's anything like my Gentoo system,
this would be in the ivman configuration (ivman is what actually mounts
the devices on behalf of the user).

On my system, the relevant config file is at:

In that file, there's the following:
ivm:Option name=umask value=002 /

If it's the same on your system, try uncommenting that line (by
removing the !-- and --) and change the value to 022. You'd then need
to remount the drive, and hopefully the permissions would be correct.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] is this even possible

2007-05-20 Thread bukharin

It will work just fine. If you wanted to live dangerously (!) you could
probably just set the NAS drive as iTune's music folder. Probably
better not to though, since if iTunes screws with the tags or file
locations, Slimserver will be broken until a re-scan.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] CC - Change Root Password via WinSCP?

2007-05-20 Thread bukharin

Why re-install?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] CC - Change Root Password via WinSCP?

2007-05-20 Thread bukharin

I'd use vi, which should be available on every linux/unix system. It's a
pain to use if you haven't used it before! However, it's reliably
present, so it's worth learning.

You'll need to type:
vi /etc/shadow

Use the arrow keys to navigate to the line you want to change, then
i (this puts the editor into insert mode)
(do your typing)
[esc] (this puts the editor back into command mode)
:x (this saves the file and exits)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] SlimServer can not find SB in Ubuntu

2007-05-20 Thread bukharin

Glad to hear you got it working!

If one of you is willing to trust me, you could let me log into your
computer remotely (via ssh) and I could poke around and see where the
automount stuff is in Ubuntu. It can't be that hard (famous last


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] SlimServer can not find SB in Ubuntu

2007-05-20 Thread bukharin

Doesn't help me much :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Ogg problem, debian, SB3

2007-05-19 Thread bukharin

Have you tried running slimserver with some debugging options like

It seems odd that the server is complaining about the file, when it
should just be sending it to the SB3. What happens if you try disabling
(built-in) for ogg, in order to force the server to transcode to FLAC?
Also, are you able to listen to those files with softsqueeze or using
http://server:9000/stream.mp3 ? (The idea being to isolate whether the
problem's with the server or the SB3)

Also, obvious question but have you tried rescanning the library?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] amarok stops slimserver plugin with error code 1

2007-05-19 Thread bukharin

verbatone;202811 Wrote: 
 As well, there's the time differntial so some of the SB songs get cut
 off when Amarok finishes it's song and switches to another.  The last
 issue is that if the files are supposed to play gapless, they won't
 come close to gapless playback.  Via Amarok, I can't see a way to find
 out what the NEXT song in the playlist is to add it to the SS playlist.
 Anyone have any ideas?  Thanks,

Hmmm. The DCOP interface is documented here:

For getting the next track, you may need to use:
QString saveCurrentPlaylist()
... followed by
int getActiveIndex()

Maybe a more elegant (though substantially more difficult) solution
would be that, whenever play is pressed in amarok, the script gets
amarok's playlist (with saveCurrentPlaylist()) and sends the entire
thing to slimserver, perhaps via slimserver's command-line interface.
That's likely to break sync a little, but  would prevent songs being
cut off and would enable gapless playback on your SS client. It's hard
to imagine how you'll get gapless sync between amarok and your SS
client when it's not even possible between SS clients at present!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] sorry, even another newbie SS install question

2007-05-19 Thread bukharin

That's right, but remember to add sudo at the front (I'm not used to
sudo - I just do su and live dangerously :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] sorry, even another newbie SS install question

2007-05-18 Thread bukharin

mgh;202829 Wrote: 
 /etc/mtab:/dev/sda1 /media/SimpleDrive ntfs
 rw,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8 0 0
 You know, this could be fun if I can learn my way around.

Yes, it's the beginning of the addiction... ;-)

That umask=077 needs to be changed to 022. However, you can't change it
in /etc/mtab - that file just lists what's mounted, rather than
controlling how they're mounted. It might be worth trying to remount it
manually, just to confirm that this is the only problem:
umount /media/SimpleDrive
mount /dev/sda1 /media/SimpleDrive -t ntfs -o

(there shouldn't be a space in iocharset, but the forum seems to be
displaying it with a space for some buggy reason)

If that works then you can look into getting the system to mount it
properly in the 1st place.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] sorry, even another newbie SS install question

2007-05-18 Thread bukharin

Mark Lanctot;202921 Wrote: 
 Oh and BTW to mount the drive, don't use mtab as that's not permanent. 
 Use /etc/fstab as that is permanent.  Modify it using sudo gedit
 /etc/fstab.  Add:

  /dev/sda1 /media/SimpleDrive ntfs umask=222,utf8 0 0


That may work, but the problem is that the external hard drive is not
guaranteed to remain /dev/sda1. If, for example, you plug in a USB
thumb drive or a digital camera -before- plugging in the external hard
drive, then that device will become /dev/sda1 and the external drive,
when plugged in, might be /dev/sdb1. Assuming it will always be
/dev/sda1 could lead to (big) problems down the track.

That's why I suggested mounting it manually to see if that fixes the
problem, and then looking into Ubuntu's automounting system so that you
can fix the problem at its root.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] sorry, even another newbie SS install question

2007-05-17 Thread bukharin

mgh;202553 Wrote: 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls -l /media/SimpleDrive
 total 16
 dr-x-- 1 mike mike 4096 2007-05-08 18:38 back up
 dr-x-- 1 mike mike 8192 2007-05-09 17:20 music

This is the problem. The music directory is owned by the user mike,
and belongs to the group mike.

The d means directory

The r-x means that the user (mike) can read files in the directory
(r), can't write anything to the directory (- instead of w), and can
list the contents of the directory (x)

The first --- means that members of the mike group have no access to
the folder, and the second --- means that all other users also have no

Since slimserver is probably running as the user slimserver and
doesn't belong to the mike group, it fits into the category of all
other users and therefore doesn't have access to the drive.

To fix this, you need to adjust the automount system to mount that
drive with a less secure umask (it's currently set to 200; try changing
to 222). In English, that means that when the drive is mounted, the
permissions will be more relaxed (specifically, a umask of 222 gives
permissions of r-xr-xr-x) and slimserver will be able to access the
music. I'm not sure how to do this in ubuntu, but it's probably not too
hard; I think Mark did something similar recently so he may be able to

Alternatively, if the drive's permanently plugged in, you don't
actually need to automount it - you could mount it at boot time. This
could be as simple as adding this entry into /etc/fstab:
/dev/sda1  /media/SimpleDrive  vfatusers,umask=222   0 0

However, I recommend that you look at the automount permissions - it's
more hassle, but it won't break if another hot-pluggable device becomes


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Can't see new music.

2007-05-17 Thread bukharin

What are the permissions of the actual link?
ls -l /home/Raymond/multimedia/audio/multimedia2

And what are the permissions of the folder that multimedia2 actually
points to? (ie the mount point of the 2nd hard drive)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] sorry, even another newbie SS install question

2007-05-17 Thread bukharin

Mark Lanctot;202659 Wrote: 
 I don't know how to find which groups my system has and which group
 slimserver is in.

Look at /etc/group


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] sorry, even another newbie SS install question

2007-05-17 Thread bukharin

mgh;202820 Wrote: 
 So would the next step be along the lines of what bukharin is

Yes :-)

I haven't had time to look into this yet, but I'm quite sure it's a
very simple case of changing a umask=277 to umask=022 somewhere in a
config file for automounting external drives. If you're motivated,
search ubuntu forums for automount permissions, or do grep -R umask
/etc/* to see which config file/s might be relevant.

(One thing to consider, though - is the drive formatted as vfat or
ntfs? If it's ntfs, writing won't work without jumping through
additional hoops. If you haven't futzed with it, it should be vfat.)

mgh;202820 Wrote: 
 I would love to start a thread, maybe at Linuxquestions, about Linux and
 the ability of a NOOB to use it.  My VERY short experience with Ubuntu
 and PCLinuxOS is that it will be quite easy to do the easy stuff,
 emailing, WWW and so on (I'm also holding out to see what it will take
 to hot-sync palm OS with Evolution), however, I can not describe what I
 am going through here as easy.  I was extremely impressed with how easy
 it was for me to install SS using the info from slimdevices page and
 synaptic, that was really slick!

Yes, that's generally true of Linux vs Windows. Linux is harder to get
working, but works better once you've got it working. The default in
Windows is to value ease of use over security; the default in Linux is
the opposite. Windows automatically gives everyone write access to the
external drive; this is very insecure and could lead to data loss,
installation of viruses etc. Linux prevents this, but sometimes goes
too fat the other way.

In my opinion the default settings in Ubuntu are too restrictive - it's
primarily a desktop distro for new users, so it's probably unnecessary
to make the default permissions on external drives so restrictive.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Permissions for external hard drive

2007-05-17 Thread bukharin

See this:

I haven't tried it yet (might try tonight), but it looks very


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] sorry, even another newbie SS install question

2007-05-15 Thread bukharin

mgh;202046 Wrote: 
 Also, I followed the instructions to get the file path for my music
 folder (thanks for those instructions, I did not know how to do that
 with Ubuntu), copied and pasted, tried to scan, and get the message
 opps, media/simpledrive/music does not appear to be a valid
 directory.  The simpledrive is a USB external HHD. I can play music
 off the external drive with Totem.

Mark Lanctot;202060 Wrote: 
 You will get this message when the path is valid but the permissions
 aren't right.  Try sudo chmod -R 777 /media/simpledrive/music.

Hold on...

If you can play the music with Totem then permissions may not be the
problem. More likely the problem is that you haven't set the correct
directory in SlimServer. For example, is it really set as
media/simpledrive/music? If so, try changing it to
/media/simpledrive/music (note the extra /)

To sort out the permissions issue, try this command: ls -l
/media/simpledrive and see what the permissions actually are on


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Ripping audio off video DVD: flac encodes to 16-bit?

2007-05-15 Thread bukharin

OK, stupid question - are you sure the original files are actually 24
bit? All of the ones I've ripped are 16 bit, I'm pretty sure...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] A little help with Grip

2007-05-13 Thread bukharin

Even when you have it working, when you've ripped a CD, it's probably a
good idea to check the tags (eg with easytag) to ensure they're correct
before adding the tracks to your slimserver library.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Permissions for external hard drive

2007-05-12 Thread bukharin

AFAIK, the Mac should be able to write to ext3 without any problems.

(In my setup I have a linux server which is connected to the USB drive.
The Mac writes to the drive over nfs using rsync. It works really well.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Permissions for external hard drive

2007-05-11 Thread bukharin

An alternative approach, which I've done and recommend, is to reformat
the drive as ext3. This would require backing up the data first
(obviously), and would prevent it being read by Windows (without
installing additional drivers), but it's nice to have proper
permissions, journalling, lack of fragmentation issues etc. vfat is a
badly outdated filesystem, and external drives only really use it as a
lowest common denominator since every OS can read it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Hardware advice for running slimserver from linux notebook

2007-05-01 Thread bukharin

rmariger;198578 Wrote: 
 Thanks.   A couple more questions:
 1.  What case did you buy?  Does it include the power supply?  How did
 you determine your case options and narrow those options to this one?

It took me a while to track this down! I eventually found the details
in my emails from the online retailer. This is Australian dollars in
February 2004:

Via EPIA Mini-ITX M/B ME6000, C3 633MHz, Fanless   $255.00
ProCase Mini-ITX 2677 black case 54w Ext PSU,   $127.00

Note that the PSU is included with the case, and is external (which
means it's fanless, and also reduces the heat inside the case, which
reduces the likelihood of needing a fan inside).

In addition I had to buy a stick of RAM (which cost, from memory, about
$65 - but I recently replaced it with a 1 gig stick which cost just over

rmariger;198578 Wrote: 
 2.  I’ve never considered the possibility of a CPU and no hard drive. 
 This may be a dumb question, but would it be possible without hacking
 my linkstation to install linux, slimserver, and browser on a partition
 of my linkstation and have the Via Epia system treat that partition as
 if it were its own?  I know some run slimserver directly off their
 linkstations through hacks, but I don’t feel up to that. (All my music
 is on the linkstation.)

Um... I'm not quite sure what that would achieve, to be honest. If you
had slimserver running on the linkstation, you wouldn't need the Epia
at all. If you wanted the Epia to use the linkstation as its only hard
drive, you'd need to configure the linkstation to provide that as a
specific service, which would probably require some fairly involved
hacking. It's probably not worth it, to be honest.

A really nice solution might be to use a small laptop hard drive in the
Epia as a boot drive, which then tells linux to mount a partition on
the linkstation as its root (main) partition. The laptop drive would
then spin down after booting, and you'd have a completely silent Epia
system with as much hard disk space as you like. The caveat - unless
the linkstation supports a decent file system (ext3, NOT fat), this
wouldn't work. Also, you'd need a very robust network to avoid major
problems with server stability. (an external firewire drive would be
better - and the Epia could then completely replace the linkstation)

rmariger;198578 Wrote: 
 Have you tried using your wife’s pocket PC to control slimserver?  If
 so, is it necessary to use the Nokia skin?  Is the screen big enough?

I've tried it with the default skin. I've also tried SlimRemote on it.
They both work fine, but the screen is too small and it's too slow (she
has an O2 Atom, which is tiny and slow). Having said that, I really,
really like the way the Squeezebox display + remote works. I have a
universal remote (Harmony), and the fact that I only need ONE remote
for ALL of my devices is absolutely fantastic.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Hardware advice for running slimserver from linux notebook

2007-04-30 Thread bukharin

Regarding Via Epia system:
 This sounds interesting.  Did a quick web search.  Did you build your
 own system starting with this motherboard, or did you buy the system. 
 In either case, may I ask what is included in the box?  In lieu of a
 monitor and keyboard, could it be controlled with the Nokia N800
 Internet Tablet PC or something similar?  How do you control yours?

Yes, I built my own system. It's hardly any work though - all you need
is the motherboard, a stick of RAM, a HD and a case. Everything else
(eg CPU, network adaptor) is built into the motherboard. In fact, when
I first built it, I didn't use a HD either (I booted over the network).
Just plug it into your network and you're good to go.

I used a spare keyboard and monitor to set mine up. I control
slimserver from my desktop PC using the web interface (very easy, and
can be used from any browser eg my wife's PocketPC's Internet Explorer
over wifi). This would work just fine with a Nokia N800 or equivalent.

I control pretty much every other aspect of my server via ssh (using
the command line). The command line's not too friendly to linux newbies
though, so a better way of doing it when you're starting out would be to
use vnc to log into an X session. Don't worry, it's pretty easy. As an
alternative, you could get a kvm switch (which are getting pretty cheap
these days).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] amarok stops slimserver plugin with error code 1

2007-04-28 Thread bukharin

He's talking about this script, which uses the http interface:
I downloaded it ages ago (before I got a squeezebox), but inspired by
the OP, just now tried it out. Works! Kinda cool, I guess.

The error message says 'Connection timed out'. Can you still access
your slimserver via your browser at http://slimserverip:9000 ? Have you
tried re-configuring the script?

The script uses dcop to see what amarok is playing. What happens if you
type these commands?
dcop amarok player isPlaying
dcop amarok player path

I had to hack my setup a little because I run amarok on a different
computer from slimserver; this meant that path returned a local path
instead of a network one. A little hacking fixed this...

Good luck!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] External USB HD and network storage adapter?

2007-04-28 Thread bukharin

Make sure that the NAS is compatible with the filesystem you're using on
your USB HD. (most can only use FAT)

Pretty much all the consumer NAS boxes use SMB (ie the standard Windows
networking protocol) to communicate with clients, so any linux machine
will be able to access the files using samba. You can also generally
control the device via http (this is definitely true for the d-link
device), so there's no need for Windows at all.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] amarok stops slimserver plugin with error code 1

2007-04-28 Thread bukharin

Right... in that case, I think the problem is that python isn't
configured properly, and the script can't access the http server even
though the server is running properly. This probably needs to be fixed
by fixing python, which is a bit beyond my ability in an unfamiliar
distribution. I'd suggest at least updating to the latest version of
python, especially whichever package provides


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Plugins in Linux that have to write to folder

2007-04-23 Thread bukharin

Welcome to linux! :-) The great thing about it is that even though these
irritating problems do pop up now and again, they're fixable through
research and experimentation, without resorting to brute force
approaches like rebooting or reinstallation. Now that you have it
working, you can expect it to work indefinitely!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Another newbie to Linux

2007-04-23 Thread bukharin

See here:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Plugins in Linux that have to write to folder

2007-04-22 Thread bukharin

Are you sure it's that directory that the plugin wants to write to?
Because I agree that if slimserver is running as slimserver, and the
directory is chmod 777 with user slimserver, then it should definitely
be able to write to that directory...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Migration from Windows - Ubuntu full-time, SlimServer-oriented programs?

2007-04-22 Thread bukharin

Mark, does that mean you've now solved the drive access problem?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Another newbie to Linux

2007-04-22 Thread bukharin

SlimChances;196866 Wrote: 
 Also below is the fstab file:
 # /dev/sda5
 UUID=566C0AE26C0ABD2D /media/sda5 ntfs   
 defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0   1

Try changing the umask to 222 (this will allow all users to read the
files and list directory contents, but deny write access to everyone,
which you should do with ntfs)

The way the umask works is:
- the first number refers to the owner of the file
- the second number refers to members of the file's group
- the third number refers to everyone else (world)

Normal file permissions are as follows:
- 4 = read
- 2 = write
- 1 = execute (file), or list contents (directory)

So to make a folder  its contents readable and browsable by everyone,
but not writable by anyone, you'd want permissions of 555 (ie 4+1 for

Now, the trick is that the umask works in the opposite direction - it
tells the filesystem what people AREN'T allowed to do. You need to
subtract the umask from 777 to get the final permissions. So your umask
of 007 means:
- 777 - 007 = 770 = user and group have full permissions (7=4+2+1), but
world has no access

Slimserver is probably running as the user slimserver, and is thus
considered to be world by the filesystem. Therefore I suggest
changing the umask to 222, which would give final permissions of
777-222=555, which enables everyone to have access, but denies write
access to everyone.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Migration from Windows - Ubuntu full-time, SlimServer-oriented programs?

2007-04-21 Thread bukharin

Well, a simple thing to check is whether or not ide-scsi is enabled for
the dvd-rom vs the other drive you're ripping with. On most systems
this will need to be enabled in order for cdparanoia to use the drive.
This is set in the bootloader options (ie in either lilo or grub,
depending on what ubuntu uses as its bootloader). Look for either grub
or lilo config files in /boot ...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Migration from Windows - Ubuntu full-time, SlimServer-oriented programs?

2007-04-21 Thread bukharin

The link you sent reminded me - if you're only using rubyripper to rip,
you may have hit a known bug with rubyripper whereby it doesn't respect
your choice of cdrom, and will only rip from the first drive in the
system. That's why I suggested testing with cdparanoia directly from
the command-line.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Migration from Windows - Ubuntu full-time, SlimServer-oriented programs?

2007-04-20 Thread bukharin

fstab is important for mounting discs, but they don't need to be mounted
in order to rip audio. So there may be a different problem (eg kernel is
misconfigured). It's probably worth trying to rip with cdparanoia (as a
command-line tool) to trouble-shoot.

Given that this is a totally new problem it's probably worth posting it
as a new thread, to maximise the number of eyes viewing it...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Spreading a Slimserver library across two drives?

2007-04-19 Thread bukharin

Linking is probably the simplest and easiest; LVM is probably the
hardest but most elegant.

Another approach is to set the mountpoint for the bigger device as a
folder within the smaller device (eg have music folder set as
/var/music, with subfolders like /var/music/rock and
/var/music/classical; the external HD could then be mounted at


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ogg problem - debian

2007-04-19 Thread bukharin

It sounds like a problem with the server not correctly transcoding ogg
files. What are the transcoding settings  (from the web interface go to
server settings - file types)? Mine uses sox, so if yours is the same,
make sure that sox on your server can play oggs.

Do the log files have anything interesting to say about being unable to
play the oggs?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Spreading a Slimserver library across two drives?

2007-04-19 Thread bukharin

Yes, subdirectories are fine. It's pretty flexible actually - here's an
example of an outrageous file name that I'm using (my music folder is
set to /mnt/seagate/music):

/mnt/seagate/music/Lossless/Classical/Bach, Johann Sebastian/Vocal/St.
Matthew Passion, BWV 244/50 Recitative (Evangelist)- Sie schrieen aber
noch mehr - Chorus- Laß ihn kreuzigen - Recitative (Evangelist,
Pilate)- Da aber Pilatus sahe - Chorus- Sein Blut komme über uns -
Recitative (Evangelist)- Da gab er ihnen Barrabam los.flac


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Migration from Windows - Ubuntu full-time, SlimServer-oriented programs?

2007-04-18 Thread bukharin

Mark Lanctot;195942 Wrote: 
 Whew, I must have a different version.  Everything's fine until step 6. 
 I couldn't find the option to create WAV at first but it's now in the
 Title menu.
 Works perfectly.  24-bit, 48 kHz WAVs.

Oops, I just looked and you're right - my version of dvdrip is ancient!
I might try upgrading it just to see what's changed. I hadn't upgraded
before now because it works, and I rarely use it anyway. In any case,
glad to hear it works perfectly for you!

In terms of clearing tags, what version of easytag are you using? I'm
using 2.0 and it has an option to wipe all tags (file - remove tags);
I'm not sure if that removes tags that easytag doesn't normally show.
It also supports tags such as Composer. Another option would be to run
a simple command-line app to wipe all the tags, and then use easytag to
add back in whatever tags you desire.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Slimserver not reading Music Library

2007-04-17 Thread bukharin

Regarding scanning, it sounds as though there's a permissions problem,
eg slimserver can't write to its database. I had a similar problem in
Gentoo; the problem was that the file /var/log/slimserver was not
writable by slimserver. Took me a while to track that one down!

One thing that helped me solve the problem was scanning manually with
the command:
/opt/slimserver/ --rescan --cleanup --progress --d_scan

To that command you can also add various other debugging switches - see --help

Regarding starting slimserver automatically, try this:
chkconfig --levels 235 slimserver on

Also, for manual starting and stopping, I think you can save time by
just doing service slimserver start and stop.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Migration from Windows - Ubuntu full-time, SlimServer-oriented programs?

2007-04-17 Thread bukharin

haunyack;195695 Wrote: 
 I've installed dvd::rip on my Suse 10.2 machine according to the
 I have absolutely no idea how to invoke it.

Type dvdrip at a console

If that works, you can invoke it from kde by (1) using K menu - run
command, or (2) using alt-f2, or (3) adding a menu item to your K menu
(this probably would have been done automagically if you'd found a
dedicated Suse RPM).

Once you have dvdrip running, the steps below are what I do on the rare
occasion that I rip audio from a DVD (I'm currently doing this with my
new La Bohème DVD). An alternative way may be more efficient, but this
process works for me:
(1) set up a project for your DVD (file - new project); if I'm just
ripping audio, I'm usually lazy and use the default settings (eg leave
the project called unnamed)
(2) (optional) in that same tab (Storage), click on Encode DVD on
the fly
(2) click on the Rip Title tab
(3) click on Read DVD table of contents
(4) make sure the correct title is selected in the main window (usually
the longest one)
(5) click on Specify chapter mode All to the right of the screen (you
could use Selection if you didn't want to rip every track)
(6) click on Operate - Create WAV from selected audio track

You'll find all of your WAVs in the AVI directory that you specified
in step 1.

Now you can convert them to whatever format you like. flac * followed
by easytag comes to mind.

Good luck!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Migration from Windows - Ubuntu full-time, SlimServer-oriented programs?

2007-04-17 Thread bukharin

mrfantasy;195712 Wrote: 
 I have had stability problems with easytag over Samba.  Desktop is SLED
 10, server is a Kuro Box running Gentoo.  MP3tag is much better in my

I haven't tried MP3tag so I can't comment on that. However, your setup
really begs the question of why you don't use NFS to communicate
between the 2 linux boxes. In my experience it's faster and more
reliable, and I've been using easytag over an NFS connection for about
4 years... I think it crashed once, and that wasn't while it was
writing to the NFS drive...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Migration from Windows - Ubuntu full-time, SlimServer-oriented programs?

2007-04-16 Thread bukharin

Mark Lanctot;195274 Wrote: 
 2.  MAREO.  I'm currently encoding to FLAC, then encoding to MP3, then
 doing MP3Gain analysis and adjustment with this.  Is there a Linux
 equivalent or will I have to divide this into a series of steps?

You can encode to FLAC and mp3 easily in one step using abcde. Or, once
you've ripped with grip, you could use something like pacpl to easily
convert the FLACs to mp3s. It's very easy to add replay gain to FLAC
and mp3 files with the command-line encoders (and this step can be
incoporated into the ripping stage). I'm not sure about using a custom
volume level...

Mark Lanctot;195274 Wrote: 
 3.  Mp3tag.  I installed EasyTag but haven't played with it much.  It
 seems OK, but is there anything better?

Personally I use easytag; once you get used to it it's very easy and
powerful. Another popular one is Audio Tag Tool:

Mark Lanctot;195274 Wrote: 
 5.  Ripping of audio from DVD video.  I've done this a few times and I
 will want to do it again.  It requires a ripper than can demux to AC3
 files, then a program that converts AC3 to WAV.  Is this possible in

I use dvdrip, which is reasonably easy to use and quite powerful. I'm
pretty sure it can rip the audio directly into AC3 (it lists Audio AC3
and PCM passthrough as one of its features), and I know for sure it can
rip it directly into WAV (on-the-fly).

Good luck!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Migration from Windows - Ubuntu full-time, SlimServer-oriented programs?

2007-04-16 Thread bukharin

Another ripper you might want to check out is Rubyripper:

It's a bit rough around the edges, but has better error correction and
logging facilities than grip.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Linux dummy

2007-04-12 Thread bukharin

So does that mean that it's all working now?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Automated CD Ripping

2007-04-10 Thread bukharin

I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to do the ripping. You'd need to:
(1) Set up something to register that an audio CD has been inserted,
and run a command. This is usually done by something like hald+ivman
(2) Use abcde (a better cd encoder) as the command run when a CD is
inserted, followed by a re-scan to integrate the new files

For bonus points you could try to make it only rip CDs it hadn't seen
before. That would be a little bit harder.

In terms of burning a CD, I guess it would be possible to write a
plugin that gets a playlist and sends those files to a console CD
burning app. You could start with one of those now playing plugins
and hack it. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard for people familiar with SS's
plugin interface.

So - yes, definitely possible, but you might need to dig around a bit
to work out the nuts and bolts. Good luck!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Linux dummy

2007-04-09 Thread bukharin

No, the slashes should be forward the way you've typed them.

Is the drive definitely actively mounted at /media/DRV4_VOL2? If it is,
you should be able to browse the music folder in your favourite file
manager. If you're unable to do that, then that needs fixing before
slimserver can be expected to work.

If slimserver is allowed to browse /media/DRV4_VOL2, then it should
recursively browse into My Music anyway. Therefore, it might be worth
trying to set slimserver's music folder to /media/DRV4_VOL2 if you
haven't done that already. That would also avoid potential problems
with the space in My Music.

If the above steps don't resolve the problem, then the most likely
problem is that slimserver doesn't have permission to read the files
(or browse the directories) on the external drive. How are the
permissions set?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Linux dummy

2007-04-09 Thread bukharin

It may be worth trying to specify the music folder as:
/media/DRV4_VOL2/My Music
as opposed to
/media/DRV4_VOL2/My Music

Or you could try:
/media/DRV4_VOL2/My\ Music

(these suggestions are in case slimserver has a problem with a space in
the name of its main folder)

I'm not sure that you really answered the permissions question. What
happens when you type ls -l /media/DRV4_VOL2/ and ls -l
/media/DRV4_VOL2/My\ Music? Could you please post the output of these


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Linux dummy

2007-04-09 Thread bukharin

Yes, this helps, because the permissions are set incorrectly.

See this line:
drwx-- 171 test test 65536 2006-06-23 20:04 My Music

The d means it's a directory (ie a folder).
The rwx means it's readable, writable and browsable by the owner of the
folder - in this case, the user called test
The -- means that all other users are denied any access to My

So, you need either to change the permissions on that folder, or change
the owner to the same user as slimserver is running as.

I'm guessing that your drive is formatted as FAT32. AFAIK this means
that the mount options for the drive dictate the permissions of every
file and folder on the drive. (That is, you can't control permissions
for each file/folder separately). Thus, the best way to fix your
permissions would be to mount the drive with the mount option
umask=222; this would enable all users to browse and read all files on
the drive, but would deny write access. If you want to write files as
well, you could set the umask to 000.

I don't know how you set the mount options in Ubuntu. In most linux
distributions it's set in /etc/fstab. However, if you're using a
hotplug style mounting system then it may be set elsewhere. Somebody
else may need to help you there...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Folder Name With Spaces

2007-03-25 Thread bukharin

Glad to hear it's working! And glad to hear you're learning... :)

For what it's worth, I'm getting away with file names like this:
/mnt/seagate/music/Lossy/Classical/Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus/Operas/Le
Nozze di Figaro/208 Duetto 'Crudel! perchè finora farmi languir


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